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For Session Behavior there are several sections that need to be completed/selected.

The information that goes in

each section may vary for each campaign, but the following section should all be completed.

1. Caller treatment in queue: this is is what will be set up for the caller to hear while they are waiting for
the call to be answered by an agent. There may several messages that need to be play and therefore there
are several caller treatments (1,2,3, etc).

 Something important to keep in mind, is that is any specific messages need to repeat a ¨>¨ needs to be
placed before the number of the caller treatment so anything after that repeats. For example, if there are
2 caller treatments and #2 need to keep playing on and on then it would be as the following ¨1, >, 2¨ or
as shown in the example bellow.
2. Caller treatment while on hold: This is what the caller will hear whenever they are placed on hold by the
agent. Which for most campaigns it will be the hold music and it will be placed on loop.

3. Connecting caller to agent: This is what will happen when the call is already assigned to the agent and
waiting for them to answer it.

 Something important to keep in mind is to always make sure that we add the queue of the campaign at
the end, so that if the agent does not answer the call, it can go back to queue for someone else to take the
4. Agent treatment after caller disconnect: This is where the wrap up time will be selected depending on the
campaign. The seconds set may be different for each campaign.

5. Agent desktop web browser: this is where the Zingtree link will be placed for the campaign tree created.

6. Caller transfer setting & Cold transfer connection: This is used when campaigns need to transfer/consult
calls. If a campaign needs to use the IVR (Secure exchange) then the third option (conference+ consult + cold
transfers) must be select in order to allow the agent to transfer the customer when obtaining card information.
Note: this is not where the IVR is set up.
7. Caller private consult: This section activates permission for the agent to connect the caller to the IVR
(secure exchange). This must be selected on any campaign that needs to capture card information via the IVR.
Note: this is not where the IVR is set up.

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