Financial and Factors Demand Analysis of Solar Powered Irrigation System in Boro Rice Production A Case Study in Meherpur District of Bangladesh

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Renewable Energy 167 (2021) 433e439

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Financial and factors demand analysis of solar powered irrigation

system in Boro rice production: A case study in Meherpur district of
Jaber Rana a, *, M. Kamruzzaman a, Moinul Hosain Oliver b, Kaynath Akhi a
Department of Agricultural Economics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, 1706, Bangladesh
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur, 1706, Bangladesh

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Solar powered irrigation system (SPIS) has emerged as a promising technology in Bangladesh. The aim of
Received 24 April 2020 this study to find the financial and environment importance of SPIS. This study also analyzes the factor
Received in revised form demand and elasticity of substitute for SPIS irrigation in Boro rice production. The financial analysis
26 October 2020
indicate that SPIS user had significantly higher gross return, net return and benefit cost ratio (BCR) than
Accepted 18 November 2020
Available online 20 November 2020
diesel powered irrigation system (DPIS) user. The value of BCR for SPIS user was found 1.313 and 1.029 for
DPIS user. Replacing half of diesel powered irrigation system can reduce more than one million carbon
emission in environment from agricultural source. The result also revealed that irrigation system is
Solar powered irrigation system
highly inelastic and the result showed that an increase and decrease in price of irrigation wouldn’t have
Boro rice significant impact on demand of irrigation. The result indicates that for Boro rice production farmer had
Financial impact to use required amount of irrigation in field. Complementary relationship was found between seed and
Carbon dioxide emission human labour, irrigation and human labour. Substitute relationship was found between machinery and
Translog cost function seed, machinery and irrigation, machinery and human labour, machinery and fertilizer, seed and irri-
gation, seed and fertilizer, irrigation and fertilizer, human labour and fertilizer.
© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Char lands, coastal areas and hilly areas do not have access to grid
electricity. In Bangladesh, during the rainy season, demand for
Over the last few decades, Bangladesh has made considerable electricity increase by almost a quarter and It is regarded as peak
progress in increasing agricultural production despite extreme season of electricity. Over 25% of total electricity used in irrigation
population pressures, limited land resources, and frequent natural purpose in Bangladesh [4].
disasters. Significant improvement has been made in food security All the countries of the world are looking for new source of
by increasing annual rice production from 151 kg per capita in 1995, energy such as renewable (Solar, wind, geo thermal and wave en-
to 217 kg per capita in 2010 [1]. This increase in production can be ergies) and nuclear due to the scarcity of conventional energy.
credited to greater utilization of irrigation to ensure water avail- Whereas developed countries working on nuclear energy, but a
ability and increased cropping intensity rather than increase in developing country like Bangladesh have not enough resource to
cultivated land [2]. Field irrigation systems are energy intensive, work on expensive source of energy. So, the developing country like
depending upon the system selected, cropping calendar, and agri- Bangladesh are working mainly on renewable resource as a new
cultural land. ln Bangladesh, diesel is used to power about 90% of means of energy source [5]. In Bangladesh, Government introduced
irrigation pumps and irrigates 70% of the area. This amounts to 1 solar powered irrigation system in some specific area. According to
million tons of diesel costing more than 900 million [3]. A large a study, panel cost was major cost (45%) followed by installation
amount of agricultural areas which require irrigation especially (18%), motor (16%), pump (10%) and pipe and fittings (4%) cost [6].
According to Infrastructure Development Company Limited,
installing 50 000 solar irrigation pumps in Bangladesh could save
the country 450 million liters of diesel, and reduce emissions by a
* Corresponding author. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural
University, Gazipur, 1706, Bangladesh. million tons of CO2 per annum [7]. Another advantage of solar
E-mail address: (J. Rana). powered system is that it uses rechargeable battery in system. Thus,
0960-1481/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Rana, M. Kamruzzaman, M. Hosain Oliver et al. Renewable Energy 167 (2021) 433e439

the solar photovoltaic (PV) water pumping system is one of the Null Hypothesis: Total cost, total return, BCR, gross margin and
reliable, efficient and cost-effective irrigation systems that meet net margin do not significantly differ between solar powered irri-
energy demands and contribute to the socio-economic develop- gation system and diesel powered irrigation system.
ment of Bangladesh [8]. But, main advantages of solar pumping To test the null hypothesis, an independent t-test was conducted
systems for a farmer include unattended operation, low operating between solar powered irrigation user and diesel powered irriga-
cost, easy installation, low maintenance, and long life. On the other tion system user.
hand, high fuel and maintenance cost have been long-standing
problems with diesel engine [9]. In case of looking beyond the 2.2.2. Calculation of carbon dioxide emission
installation price, solar powered irrigation cost 22e56% lower than To study the impact of diesel powered irrigation system in
diesel powered irrigation system. At remote places, solar pump can environment, carbon dioxide emission was calculated from diesel
provide a clever solution for low cost irrigation system. While the powered irrigation pump during 2009-10 to 2018-19. Carbon di-
initial capital cost of solar pump may be far greater than a generator oxide (CO2) emission for diesel powered irrigation system were
but because of low maintenance and zero fuel costs, solar power calculated from total diesel consumed by diesel irrigation pump in
system can be cheaper option at a long run [10]. On the other hand, a year. In Bangladesh three type of diesel powered irrigation pump
solar power irrigation system can greatly reduce the water wastage are used viz. Deep tube well, Shallow tube well and low lift pump.
and human intervention in irrigation system [11]. For the first 5 Information about total number of these three type of pump in each
years, the life cycle cost was lower for diesel powered pump. But year were collected from Bangladesh Agriculture Development
after five years, the life cycle cost of solar powered cost was lower Corporation. Quantity of diesel required by each type of diesel
than diesel powered pump. Net present value benefit cost ratio, and operated irrigation pump was calculated by using operation data in
internal rate of return of solar pump were found higher than diesel- Table 1 [6,15].
operated pump [6]. A study in Bangladesh found that Upfront cost Total diesel requirement and total carbon dioxide emission were
of the solar pumping systems potentially hinders to popularize the calculated using following formula. This following formula used by
systems in rural areas but private companies, bank and government different author [6,16] in estimating carbon dioxide emission.
can come forward for a solution that can fit to rural people of So, Total diesel used for different type of irrigation pump, DU
Bangladesh [8]. Though solar powered irrigation is a prominent (DTW, STW and LLP) ¼ TP  DS  HD  DR.
technology in Bangladesh, there was little study on the farmers’ Here, DU ¼ Diesel used in irrigation Pump (liter), TP ¼ Total
aspect, who will purchase water from the solar powered irrigation pump, DS ¼ Pump used total days per season, HD ¼ Total operated
system vendors. Therefore, it was crucial to do more specific hour, DR ¼ Diesel required in each hour (liter).
research on this field for understanding of the use of solar powered Now, total diesel used for irrigation purpose in a year, TDU ¼
irrigation on the small scale farmers. This paper highlight the DUDTW þ DUSTW þ DULLP.
financial impact of solar powered irrigation system on Boro rice Here, TDU ¼ Total diesel used for irrigation purpose (liter);
production as well as comparative analysis between solar powered DUDTW ¼ Diesel used in operating deep tube well pump,
and diesel powered irrigation system in Carbon dioxide emission. DUSTW ¼ Diesel used in operating shallow tube well pump and
This study also finds out farmers’ production behavior doing factors DULLP ¼ Diesel used in operating low lift pump.
demand elasticity analysis. Total quantity of carbon dioxide emission was estimated
The reminder of this paper is arranged as follow. Details multiplying 2.6 kg with the total amount of diesel (liter) used for
research material and method are discussed in section 2. Section 3 irrigation purpose by diesel powered irrigation pump. As one liter
present the result of this study and section 4 cover the conclusion of diesel fuel produce 2.6 kg CO2. [16,17].
and discussion of this study.

2. Materials and method 2.2.3. Factor demand analysis

In order to investigate, the effect of solar powered irrigation
2.1. Selection of sample area and samples system in the cost of production, translog cost function analysis was
used. Duality in production economics, linking production and cost
The paper is based on survey data where the study was con- relationships, has permitted researchers to estimate parameters of
ducted during 2019 in Meherpur sadar upazila of Bangladesh. To a cost function and relay the information to the underlying pro-
collect data, a well-designed questionnaire was used about Boro duction function. Cost-function estimation has generally been
rice production using solar powered irrigation system. The study limited to the computation of input demand elasticities and elas-
area was selected based on existence of solar powered irrigation ticities of substitution [18e23]. The translog cost function
practices. In addition, the study area is rural and basically agrarian
communities. This also facilitated easy access to farmers for data Table 1
collection. Simple random sampling was used in the selection of Average operation, fuel and capacity of different type diesel operated irrigation
respondent who participated in the study. Total 70 farmers of solar pump.
powered irrigation system user and 60 diesel powered irrigation Pump Type Parameter Average
system user (DPIS) were interviewed for conducting this study. In
Low lift pump Capacity 7.5 hp
addition, no secondary data were used in this study. Operation time per day 8h
Operation per Season 80 days
2.2. Analytical tool Fuel Used 1.00 L/h
Shallow tube well Capacity 12.50 hp
Operation time per day 12 h
2.2.1. Financial analysis
Operation per Season 80 days
Net margin and benefit cost ration are used in many compara- Fuel Used 1.25 L/h
tive financial analysis [12e14]. Here, in the study, net margin and Deep tube well Capacity 55 hp
BCR were considered to conduct financial analysis. Net margin was Operation time per day 15 h
calculated by deducting total cost (TC) from total revenue (TR). Operation per Season 80 days
Fuel Used 4.5 L/h
Benefit cost ratio was calculated following way: BCR ¼ TR/TC.
J. Rana, M. Kamruzzaman, M. Hosain Oliver et al. Renewable Energy 167 (2021) 433e439

approximates the true minimum cost function with a second order Ss ¼ as þ bsm lnPmþ bss lnPsþ bsi lnPi þ bsw lnPwþ bsf lnPfþ dsy lnY …
logarithmic Taylor series expansion around variable levels of ……… (V)
output, Y, and input cost, Pi, (i ¼ 1 …. . n). Expressed mathemati-
cally, a cost function, C, in logarithms is of the form: Si ¼ ai þ bim lnPmþ bis lnPsþ bii lnPi þ bwi lnPwþ bfi lnPfþ dyi lnY …
InC ¼ f (ln Pi, …,lnPn,; InY) where C is cost of production, Y is ………… (VI)
output (tons/hectare), Pi are input prices, and In is the natural log.
Here, Pm ¼ price of machinery (power tiller þ bullock cost) (tk/ Sw ¼ aw þ bmw lnPmþ bsw lnPsþ biw lnPi þ bww lnPwþ bfw lnPfþ dwy
hectare), Ps ¼ price of seed (tk/hectare), Pw ¼ price of human labour lnY … …. (VII)
(tk/hectare), Pi ¼ price of irrigation (tk/hectare), Pf ¼ price of fer-
tilizer (tk/hectare), Po ¼ price of others (tk/hectare). Sf ¼ af þ bmf lnPmþ bsf lnPsþ bif lnPi þ bwf lnPwþ bff lnPfþ dfy lnY …
An explicit translog cost function for Boro rice production … … ….. (VIII)
imposing homogeneity (deflating by the cost of insecticide) and
symmetry condition is given below: where Si ¼ Share of the i-th input in total cost.
Several parameters appeared more than once in the cost share
lnC ¼ a0 þ am lnPmþ as lnPsþ ai lnPi þ aw lnPwþ af lnPfþ aolnPo þ ay equation and again of all the parameter of the cost share equation
lnYþ ½ bmm lnP2mþ ½ bss ln Ps 2þ ½ bii ln P2i þ ½ bww ln Pw 2þ ½ bff ln appeared in the translog cost function. The equality of these
P2f þ ½ boo ln P20 þ½ byy lnY2þ bms ln Pm * lnPs þ bmi ln Pm * ln parameter is a necessary condition for the system of the equation to
Pi þ bmw ln Pm * ln Pwþ bmf ln Pm * ln Pf þ bmo ln Pm * ln Po þ dmy ln be consistent with the cost minimizing behavior. All the costs
Pm * lnYþ bsi ln Ps * ln Pi þ bsw ln Ps * ln Pw þ bsf ln Ps * ln Pf þ bsfoln function of rice production was normalized by the other cost that’s
Ps * ln Po þ dsy ln Ps * lnYþ biw ln Pi * ln Pw þ bif ln Pi * ln Pf þ bio ln Pi why the six cost shares reduced at five cost shares and all the terms
* ln Po þ diy ln Pi * lnY þ bwf ln Pw * ln Pf þ bwo ln Pw * ln Po þ dwy ln with other cost were vanished.
Pw * lnYþ bfo ln Pf * ln Po þ dfy ln Pf * lnY þ doy ln Po * lnY. …. .(III) The share function was estimated with an iterative seemingly
unrelated regression (ISUR) method, which adjusts for cross
In this study, the translog cost equations are estimated with the equation contemporaneous correlation. This procedure ensures
following restrictions imposed: that estimates are invariant to the excluded equation and that they
also converge asymptotically to maximum likelihood estimates
(1) Adding up criteria implying that sum of the cost-shares must [25].
equal unity.
P 2.2.4. Monotonicity conditions
Symbolically, ai ¼ 1 Production theory requires a cost function to be monotonic in
input price [26]. The monotonicity condition requires cost to be non
bij ¼ 0 decreasing in input price. Monotonicity in input price refers that
i input cost share function should be greater than zero (Si ¼ a > 0) at
P the point of approximation. To check monotonicity condition, we
dij$ ¼ $0 need co-efficient of all input variable. The coefficient of others
variable can be found by using equation (1) restriction. Mono-
(2) Zero-degree homogeneity in cost implying that proportional tonicity condition are checked using share function equation.
changes in all input cost leave the factor shares unaltered.
2.2.5. Factors demand elasticity and elasticity of substitution
Symbolically, bij ¼ 0. In the cost shares equations, the estimated coefficients do not
j have any clear economic meaning, but these form the basis for
deriving the estimate of elasticities of substitution and demand
(3) Symmetry implying that typical properties of neoclassical [27]. has demonstrated that the AES between two inputs i and j can
production theory are satisfied be expressed as.
Вij ¼ bji
sij ¼ (IX)
Considering the above-stated restrictions which are placed on CiCj
share equation different production structures can be reflected.
where Ci ¼ dC=dPi
(4) Concavity in input price: This implies that the partial elas- 
and sij ¼ d2 C dPidPjwhere sij denotes AES between inputs i and
ticity of own price must be negative.
j. It is seen from the definition that the elasticities of substitution
between any two inputs are symmetric. Above equation has been
given in general terms. Now, for the translog function, the AES and
2.2.3. The cost-share equations own price elasticity are given by,
According to Ref. [24]; the share of an input in total cost can be
viewed as its share in the total product. This is called Shephard’s bii þ SiðSi  1Þ
sii ¼ for all i
Lemma. Following the Shephard’s Lemma, the cost-minimizing Si2
share equations for the various inputs can be obtained by loga-
rithmically differentiating equation (1II) with respect to input cost. bij þ SiSj
Now the derived demand equations and the cost share equations
sij ¼ for all Isj
can be presented as.
where i, j ¼ M, B, S, F, I, O.
Sm ¼ am þ bmm lnPm þ bms lnPsþ bmi lnPi þ bmw lnPwþ bmf lnPfþ Positive APES between i and j implies that the factors i and j are
dmy lnY …. . (IV) substitutes while that of the negative APES implies that factors i
J. Rana, M. Kamruzzaman, M. Hosain Oliver et al. Renewable Energy 167 (2021) 433e439

and j are complements. powered irrigation system, Bangladesh can mitigate huge amount
Factors demand elasticity of CO2 from the agricultural sector. Therefore, solar powered irri-
gation system can be used for sustainable green agriculture in
d ln Xi bii þ SiðSi  1Þ Bangladesh.
Eii ¼ ¼ ¼ Si sii
d ln Pi Si

dlnXi bij þ SiSj 3.3. Cost function estimate

Eij ¼ ¼ ¼ Sj sij
dlnPj Si
The model suggested for the estimation of the effect of different
where Eii and Eij are the own price elasticity and cross price elas- cost item in production structure was a logarithmic total cost
ticity respectively. translog function which was estimated using SURE. The results of
APES between factor i and j measures the normalized response the estimation of total cost function were presented in Table 3.
of a change in the price of the jth factor on the amount demanded of These coefficients include the normalized price of machinery,
the ith factor when output held constant but when quantities of all normalized price of the labor, normalized price of seed, normalized
others factors permitted to vary. Positive APES between input i and j price of irrigation, normalized price of fertilizer and output. The
implies that the factors i and j are substitute. If the value of APES is coefficient also includes the multiplication of all input with each
negative than it can be interpreted that the factors i and j are other and the square of each input. From the Table 3, the model
complement. The sign of the partial elasticity of derived demand shows that price of machinery, price of irrigation, price of fertilizer,
also depends on the value of the price elasticity for output demand. price of seed and price of human labour had positive and significant
dlnXi=dlnPj and sij take the same sign only if sij > Eij (where Eij > 0 by impact on total cost. That’s means if the price of machinery, irri-
gation, fertilizer, seed and human labour increase, then the total
a decreasing demand law).
cost of rice production will significantly rise. The result wass
comparable with the authors [28e30]. They all found that input
3. Result cost variable have normally had a positive relationship with the
total cost. The square of machinery, seed, irrigation, human labour,
3.1. Financial impact of solar powered irrigation system fertilizer and human labour price were positive and significant and
also interaction of machinery and irrigation price, machinery and
Financial comparison between solar powered irrigation system human labour price, machinery and fertilizer price, seed and irri-
user and diesel powered irrigation system user is given in Table 2. gation price, seed and fertilizer price, irrigation and human labour
The result show that BCR of the solar powered system user (1.313) is price, irrigation price and fertilizer price, human labour price and
higher than diesel power system user (1.096). As well as net margin fertilizer price have significant and negative impact on the total
of is also higher for solar powered irrigation system user. An in- cost. The negative sign of interaction co-efficient can be compare
dependent sample t-test proved that there have a significant with the [31]; and [28]. They also conducted his research using
different exist between solar powered irrigation system user and ISURE method and found most of the interaction co-efficient
diesel powered system irrigation user in BCR, NM, GM analysis. negative sign.
Homotheticity condition were satisfied using effectively with
3.2. Carbon dioxide emission cross equation symmetry and homogeneity condition. The nega-
tivity condition was also satisfied as the own price allen partial
Carbon dioxide emission during 2009-10 to 2018-19 from diesel elasticities were negative. Furthermore, Monotonicity condition
powered irrigation system are presented in Fig. 1. It is observed were tested and found satisfied result. The findings of monotonicity
from the figure that highest amount carbon emission from diesel condition result were presented in Table 4.
powered irrigation system was during 2011-12 (4.39 million tons) From the Table 5, tabulated value indicated that there was a
and lowest amount emission was during 2017-18 (3.64 million substitute relationship between machinery and seed, machinery
tons). Total number of operational diesel powered irrigation pump and irrigation, machinery and human labour, machinery and fer-
(DTW, STW and LLP) were 1467 thousands during 2011-12 and tilizer, seed and irrigation, seed and fertilizer, irrigation and fertil-
1238 thousand during 2017-18. It can be concluded from the Fig. 1 izer, human labour and fertilizer but there was a complementary
that the effect of diesel pump irrigation on CO2 emission is very relationship between seed and human labour, irrigation and hu-
prominent (average 3.65 million tons CO2 added into the Atmo- man labour. Complementary means if the price of irrigation
sphere of Bangladesh from diesel powered irrigation pump during increased than the demand of human labour decrease, in the same
2018-19). One of the effective solution for this problem can be solar way if the price of seed the demand of human labour decrease.
powered irrigation pump. Solar powered irrigation system is Substitute relationship means if the machinery price increases the
pollution free and can be used to mitigate this CO2 emission. If demand of irrigation increase. In the same way if the price of fer-
these diesels powered irrigation system may be replaced with solar tilizer increases the demand of human labour increase. In case of

Table 2
Financial comparison between solar powered user and diesel powered user. (tk/hectare).

Component Solar Powered Irrigation system Diesel powered Irrigation System

Variable Cost 84 352 95 435

Fixed Cost 28 707 30 115
Total Cost 113 059 (6.40***) 125 550
Total Return 148 553 (1.95*) 137 626
BCR 1.313 (4.263***) 1.096
Gross Margin (GM) 51 145 (3.363***) 35 028
Net margin (NM) 35 494 (3.88***) 12 076

(*, ** & *** indicate 10%, 5% and 1% level of significance respectively).

J. Rana, M. Kamruzzaman, M. Hosain Oliver et al. Renewable Energy 167 (2021) 433e439

Fig. 1. Carbon dioxide emission from diesel powered irrigation pump in Bangladesh in different year.

Table 3
Translog cost function using seemingly unrelated regression estimate.

Variable Estimate Standard Error Variable Estimate Standard Error

Price of Machinery .161*** .024 Price of Machinery  Price of Human Labour -.023* .009
Price of Seed .092*** .012 Price of Machinery  Price of Fertilizer -.013*** .003
Price of Irrigation .200*** .006 Price of Machinery  Output -.009* .005
Price of Human Labour .166*** .014 Price of Seed  Price of Irrigation -.015*** .002
Price of Fertilizer .193*** .004 Price of Seed  Price of Human Labour -.008 .006
Output -.028* .010 Price of Seed  Price of Fertilizer -.005* .002
½ Price of Machinery  Price of Machinery .063*** .010 Price of Seed  Output -.001 .002
½ Price of Seed  Price of Seed .035*** .005 Price of Irrigation  Price of Human Labour -.085*** .002
½ Price of Irrigation  Price of Irrigation .177*** .001 Price of Irrigation  fertilizer cost -.036*** .001
½ Price of Human Labour  Price of Human Labour .216*** .009 Price of Irrigation  output -.001 .001
½ Price of Fertilizer  Price of Fertilizer .109*** .001 Price of Human Labour  Price of Fertilizer -.036*** .002
½ Output  Output .005*** .002 Price of Human Labour  Output .002 .003
Price of Machinery  Price of Seed -.012* .007 Price of Fertilizer  Output -.004*** .001
Price of Machinery  Price of Irrigation -.016** .004 Constant 1.79 .023

(*, ** & *** indicate 10%, 5% and 1% level of significance respectively).

Table 4
Checking the monotonicity conditions.

Variable Observation Mean Standard deviation Minimum Maximum

Machinery 120 0.126 0.007 0.108 0.141

Seed 120 0.040 0.004 0.030 0.047
Irrigation 120 0.243 0.037 0.161 0.313
Human labour 120 0.336 0.019 0.293 0.382
Fertilizer 120 0.150 0.022 0.058 0.189
Others 120 0.183 0.008 0.163 0.207

Table 5 complementary relationship, relatively strong complementary

Allen Partial Own Price Elasticities and Allen Partial Elasticities of substitution at relationship exists between irrigation and human labour (0.041)
mean level.
than Seed and human labour (0.005). In case of substitute rela-
Machinery Seed Irrigation Human labour fertilizer tionship, relatively strong substittory relationship exists between
Machinery e e e e seeds and machinery (0.220) than other substittory relationship
Seed 0.220 e e e that, machinery and irrigation (0.006), machinery and human la-
Irrigation 0.006 0.005 e e e bour (0.046), machinery and fertilizer (0.108), seed and irrigation
Human labour 0.046 0.005 0.014 e e
(0.005), seed and fertilizer (0.084), irrigation and fertilizer (0.053),
Fertilizer 0.108 0.084 0.053 0.097 e
human labour and fertilizer (0.097). In modern agriculture

J. Rana, M. Kamruzzaman, M. Hosain Oliver et al. Renewable Energy 167 (2021) 433e439

production process seed, fertilizer, irrigation is important for any environment is very much prominent as it added average 3.65
modern agricultural technology. In Boro seasons, irrigation is million tons CO2 to the environment during 2018-19. Replacing
important because Boro rice crop is irrigation based and farmers these diesels powered irrigation system with solar powered irri-
would save crops from drought by applying irrigation. From the gation system, Bangladesh can mitigate the CO2 emission from
study, it was found that irrigation had substitute relationship with agriculture source. This paper was also conducted the analysis to
machinery, seed and fertilizer. The substitute relationship between understand the factor demand elasticity of solar power irrigation
irrigation and fertilizer implies that if the price of fertilizer increase, system. From factor demand elasticity and elasticity of substitution
fertilizer demand would fall, where the demand of irrigation would analysis, it was found that machinery power, seed, fertilizer, irri-
increase. As now farmers also would use irrigation after applying gation and human labour have expected negative signs. Irrigation
fertilizer for efficient use of fertilizer. This situation describes that was found highly inelastic that is 0.0001. Complementary rela-
farmers of that region were efficient. Most of the farmers were tionship was found between seed and human labour, irrigation and
involved in different training program on fertilizer use. This result human labour. Substitute relationship was found between ma-
can be related to findings of [32]. They also found substitute rela- chinery and seed, machinery and irrigation, machinery and human
tionship between irrigation and fertilizer. Similarly, if the price of labour, machinery and fertilizer, seed and irrigation, seed and fer-
irrigation increase, then the demand of machinery would increase, tilizer, irrigation and fertilizer, human labour and fertilizer. The
and demand of irrigation would reduce. As now, farmer would like relationship between input was found to be inelastic which means
to use the quality of tillage in the field. The positive relationship that increase of price of any input did not have significant impact on
between irrigation and seed indicate that if the price of irrigation the other input demand. But highly inelastic nature of irrigation
increase then the demand of irrigation use reduced the use of seeds highlight that farmers used sufficient amount of irrigation water
increase. Complementary relationship between irrigation and hu- irresponsiveness of price of irrigation water. The result also
man labour indicate that if the price of irrigation increase then the revealed that farmers of the study area become efficient in using
demand of irrigation would reduce thus the need of labour for fertilizer after introducing the project of the study area.
irrigation purpose also reduced. As now farmer would reduce the Solar powered irrigation system in Bangladesh are producing
use of irrigation, thus the need of labour will reduced. positive result in agriculture. Specially, financial outcome in Boro
The selected inputs had significant influence on the cost of rice production will encourage farmer to adopt this system. On the
modem rice production. The price elasticities for the five rice pro- other hand, farmers using solar powered irrigation system using
ducing factor demands elasticity for Boro rice are presented in less fertilizer comparatively than diesel powered irrigation system
Table 6. Own price elasticities of all factors have the correct signs in user. Also the inelasticity behavior of irrigation variable, clearly
the Boro rice production. Own price elasticities of machinery po- indicate that farmers need to use sufficient amount of irrigation
wer, seed, fertilizer, irrigation, and labour are negative and inelastic water in Boro rice production irrespective of the irrigation cost. Low
as expected in prior economic theory and irrigation is highly in- cost solar powered irrigation system can promote farmer to culti-
elastic compared to other input. Their elasticities show that for 1% vate Boro rice regularly. Government of Bangladesh should
rise in own prices, the demand for machinery power, seed, fertil- continuously invest in solar powered irrigation system for its long
izer, irrigation, and human labour would fall by 0.139, 0.045, 0.0001, run and environment friendly economic gain. It is important for the
0.003, and 0.076%, respectively. The high price irresponsiveness on government to provide highly subsidy to the solar powered irri-
the demand for irrigation may have serious implication for the gation system as well as to encourage farmer to adopt this system.
profitability. It was clearly indicated that farmer needed to use the Further study should be taken on solar powered irrigation sys-
irrigation at sufficient amount to keep the production level high tem to understand the commercial feasibility of solar powered
irrespective of price. So if the cost of irrigation rise, then the cost of irrigation system. As well as to understand the farmers’ preference
production increase which ultimately affect in farm profitability. level about the solar powered irrigation system.
Thus it can ultimately lead unwillingness of farmer in rice pro-
duction for its poor profitability. The cross price of elasticities of CRediT authorship contribution statement
demand had the same sign and explains the same as allen price
elasticity of substitute but magnitude was different. Jaber Rana: Writing - original draft, Investigation, Data collec-
tion, Formal analysis, Software. M. Kamruzzaman: Conceptuali-
4. Conclusion and discussion zation, Methodology, Funding acquisition, Resources, Supervision,
Writing - review & editing. Moinul Hosain Oliver: Conceptuali-
Ensuring access to irrigation in a reliable and affordable manner zation, Resources, critically revision, Writing - review & editing.
to be most important policy in the developing country. In doing so, Kaynath Akhi: Visualization, Methodology, Writing - review &
Bangladesh introduced solar powered irrigation system in some editing.
specific district. The financial analysis showed that solar powered
irrigation had higher gross margin and net margin than diesel Declaration of competing interest
powered system user. It also showed that BCR value is higher for
Solar powered irrigation system user than diesel powered irriga- The authors declare that they have no known competing
tion system user. The effect of diesel powered irrigation system on financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.

Table 6
Own price elasticity and cross price elasticity of derived demand at mean level.

Machinery Seed Irrigation Human labour fertilizer The authors like to acknowledge the department of extension
Machinery 0.139 e e e e for their continuous support during study.
Seed 0.008 0.045 e e e
Irrigation 0.001 0.001 0.0001 e e
Human labour 0.015 0.002 0.004 0.03 e
Fertilizer 0.016 0.012 0.007 0.0146 0.076
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