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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Lesson One Words

 To identify common school things
 To understand a short story
 Language focus: reading, speaking
 Vocabulary: table, computer, coat hook, pencil case, board
 Extra vocabulary: wow
 Pronunciation tip: Practice the pronunciation of /ər/ at the end of computer.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 14
 Workbook p. 14
 Audio Tracks 16–18
 Flashcards 1620
 Story poster 2
 Worksheet 1: Classroom objects (one copy per child or per pair)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Write the word CLASSROOM in large letters across the top of the board.
 Ask the children to shout out English word that begin with each letter and write them vertically down the board, e.g.,
C could be cat, L could be long, A could be apple, and so on.
 When you have thought of a word for each letter, ask the children to repeat the activity in small groups. You can use a
different word, for example ENGLISH, and see if the children can think of a word for every letter.
 Use Flashcards 1620 to elicit the vocabulary for this lesson. Hold them up one at a time and ask What’s this? Model
any words that children don’t know. Ask children to point to real objects in the classroom if possible.
 Hold the flashcards up in a different order and repeat.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures of the different school things.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 16) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording, pausing after each word for children to repeat.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to listen and point and then repeat the words.
 Hold up the flashcards in a random order and ask the class to say the words.
Transcript (Track 16)
Listen and point.
table, computer, coat hook, pencil case, board
computer, board, table, coat hook, pencil case
Listen and repeat.
table, computer, coat hook, pencil case, board
Pointing Game
 Put Flashcards in different places around the room.
 Call out one word.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

 Ask children to listen to the teacher and point to the correct flashcard as fast as possible. Have them repeat the word
when they point.
Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 17) for children to listen to the chant.
 Play the chant a second time for children to point to the correct picture in their books when they hear it. Play the
chant again for them to say the words. Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Transcript (Track 17)
table, table, table
computer, computer, computer
coat hook, coat hook, coat hook
pencil case, pencil case, pencil case
board, board, board

Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to close their books.
 Use Story poster 2 to present the story.
 Point to each frame one at a time for the class to talk about them. Encourage predictions about the story from
different members of the class.
 Ask children to look at the story in their Student Books. Play the recording (Track 18) for them to listen and point to
the different speech bubbles as they hear the words.
 Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What’s in the room? Do the children like their new things? Does Rosy
have a new teddy bear?
Memory game
 Ask children to close their books and try to remember the classroom items in the story.
 Write the words on the board as the children name them.
 Allow children to look at the story again and see if they remembered everything.

Conversation lines
 Have the students stand in parallel lines facing each other so that each child has a partner in the opposite line.
 Partners practice the dialogue.
 Then the two lines move one space (left or right) in opposite directions.
 The student without a partner at the end of the line comes to the front of the line so that each student has a new
 Listen to the children and help where appropriate.
Worksheet 1: Classroom objects
 Give each child (or pair) a copy of Worksheet 1 face down on the table.
 Hold up one of the new vocabulary flashcards and ask children to turn over their word search and find the word,
highlight it with a pen, and hold the worksheet up over their heads.
 When they have found the word, they turn the word search face down and repeat the activity with the other new
words in the unit.
Exercises: Workbook p. 14
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Lesson Two Grammar

 To say and write sentences with This is, That is, These are, and Those are
 To act out a story
 Language focus: speaking, writing
 Structures: This / That is the new computer. These / Those are new tables.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 15
 Workbook p. 15
 Audio Tracks 18–19
 Story poster 2
 Flashcards 1620
 Worksheet 2: What are these? (one copy per child)
 Dice (enough for one per group)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: Word chain
 Place the flashcards from the last lesson on the board in the sequence board, coat hook, computer, table, pencil case.
 Ask the children in chorus to repeat the sequence (pay attention to pronunciation here).
 When students are chanting nicely, remove the flashcards one at a time until they are chanting from memory.
 Point to individual students to repeat the chant in order.
 Hold up Story poster 2 again and ask children what happened in the story. Prompt if necessary with questions.
 Cover the poster and ask children which school things appeared in the story.

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to turn to the story on p. 14 of their Student Books and check how many things they remembered from
the lead-in activity.
 Play the recording (Track 18), pausing for children to repeat each line.
 Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on the actions for the
story (see suggestions below).
 Divide the class into groups of three to play the parts of Rosy, Tim, and Miss Jones.
 Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.
 If you wish, ask children to practice acting out the story in their groups. Monitor the activity, checking for correct
 Ask some of the groups to come to the front of the class to act out the story.
Story actions
Picture 1: Rosy and Tim walk into the classroom. Miss Jones points to the tables and chairs.
Picture 2: Miss Jones points to coat hooks. Tim hangs up his coat.
Picture 3: Miss Jones points to the new board and computer.
Picture 4: The children clap and put their hands in the air to show that they like the classroom.
Picture 5: Miss Jones picks up Rosy’s pencil case. Rosy shakes her head.
Picture 6: Rosy unzips her pencil case.
Listen and say. (Exercise 2)

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

 Ask children to look at the pictures in the Let’s learn! box. Ask What can you see?
 Play the recording (Track 19), pausing after each one for children to point to the picture and repeat.
 Write the sentences on the board. Play the recording again, if possible pointing to real items in your classroom to
reinforce meaning. Indicate some tables that are close to you to demonstrate the meaning of these, and some further
away to demonstrate those, and then do the same with this and that.
 Erase the school words in each sentence and replace them with flashcards to elicit sentences with the same pattern,
e.g., This is a new board. That is a new pencil case. These are new coat hooks. Those are new computers.
 Children repeat the new sentences.
 Invite different children to come to the front of the room and change the school words to make new sentences.
 Ask children to look back at the story on p. 14 and find examples of the structures from Exercise 2.
Roll the dice.
 Divide the class into groups of three to six students and give each group a six-sided dice.
 Write on the board 1. Coat hooks 2. Computer 3. Pencil case 4. Board 5. Tables 6. Choose your own!
 Children take turns rolling the dice and making a sentence, e.g., if they roll a number 3 they will say This is a pencil
 If anyone rolls a number 6, they must make a sentence from something they can see in their classroom.
 Repeat until all children have had a few dice rolls!

Look at your classroom. Point and say. (Exercise 3)
 Read the words in the word box for the children to repeat.
 Focus attention on the complete sentence in the word bubble. Read it for the class to repeat, checking pronunciation
and intonation.
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns making sentences, using the structures in the box. Encourage them to
point to those items in their classroom while they say them.
 Go over the activity. Ask children to say sentences about different things in their classroom, pointing to them.
Write. (Exercise 4)
 Ask the class to look at the pictures and identify the school things in each one.
 Focus attention on the first sentence and ask which word is missing. Elicit the full sentence and write it on the board.
 Ask children to look at the rest of the sentences and write the missing words. Monitor the activity and help where
 Go over the answers with the class. Point to the pictures for children to say the sentences in chorus.
 (optional) Ask the children to write four more sentences in their notebooks that are about their own classrooms.
1 Those are bags.
2 This is a pen.
3 These are pencils.
4 That is a computer.
Worksheet 2: What are these?
 Give out the worksheets and ask children to work individually. Tell them to close their Student Books.
 Children should read the sentence then draw a picture that shows the meaning of the sentence. The first one has
been done as an example.
 When children have finished, ask them to compare their pictures with a partner and see if they are the same or

Let’s practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble. Say This is a new pencil case.
 Have a student read the sentence.
 Have students work in pairs and take turns saying the sentence. Tell them to use other vocabulary words on the page.
One word stories

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

 Divide the class into groups of four to six students.

 Students should be in a circle (if this is not possible make sure they know who will follow them).
 The teacher begins by saying the first word and each student adds the next word, without repeating what has come
 Example:
Teacher: This
Child 1: is
Child 2: a
Child 3: new
Child 4: big
Child 5: white
Child 6: board
Teacher: Period, new sentence.
Child 1: These
Continue like this with the other children. They can then break into smaller groups to continue.
Exercises: Workbook p. 15
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015 5

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Lesson Three Song

 To identify more school objects and use words in the context of a song
 To help children develop their listening and singing skills
 Language focus: listening, speaking
 Vocabulary: poster, picture, drawers, cupboard
 Extra vocabulary: what, to look, work (n)
 Pronunciation tip: Help children to pronounce the /z/ at the end of drawers.
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 16
 Workbook p. 16
 Audio Tracks 17, 20–21
 Flashcards 2123
 Blank paper (one piece per group of 5)
 Worksheet 3: Karaoke song lines
 Classroom word cards
Culture note: Classrooms in the U.S.A.
In the United States, children usually attend elementary school at the age of 5, middle school (or junior high) at age 11,
and high school at 14 years old. Many classrooms in the United States have a whiteboard, which the teacher writes on
with special markers.

In elementary school, children usually stay in the same classroom with the same teacher for all of their classes. They each
have a drawer or a desk to keep their work in and there is usually a row of coat hooks in the classroom or hallway for them
to hang their bags and coats on.

In middle school and high school, children go to a different classroom with a different teacher for each subject. They
usually have a locker to put their books in at the beginning of the day; they can then take out the books they need before
each class and take them to the classroom.

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: What’s the picture?
 Do the chant from p. 14 (Track 17) to warm up and energize the class.
 Invite a child to come to the front of the class and draw one of the objects from the chant.
 The child draws the picture on the board for the rest of the class to guess what it is.
 The first child to guess the object correctly comes to the front to draw a second picture.
 Divide the class into groups of five and tell them to repeat the activity, using a piece of blank paper.
 Use Flashcards to introduce the new vocabulary. Hold up the cards one at a time and say the words for children to
repeat. Point to real items in the classroom if possible.
 Hold the cards up or point to the items in a different order for children to repeat again.

Listen, point, and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Play the first part of the recording (Track 20) for children to

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

point to the words.

 Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the words.
 Play the recording all the way through again for children to listen and point and then repeat.
 Hold up Flashcards one at a time for individual children to say the words.
Transcript (Track 20)
Listen and point.
poster, picture, drawers
drawers, poster, picture
Listen and repeat.
poster, picture, drawers
Listen and sing. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the picture. Point to the different things and ask What’s this? Ask children to predict what the
song is about (a classroom).
 Play the song all the way through once for children to listen; then play it again as they follow the words in their books.
 Play it again, stopping after each line for children to repeat.
 Play the recording for children to sing along.
Stand up game
 Give each student a word card for posters, pictures, drawers, book, window. There should be one card for each child.
 Play the song (Track 21). Each time children hear their word, they quickly stand up and sit down.
Sing and do. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together what the actions should be for this song.
 Practice the actions with the class.
 Play the recording (Track 21) for children to sing the song and do the actions.
Song actions
What’s in the classroom? – raise hands as if asking a question
Verse 1 – point to posters and pictures on the wall and mime opening a book
Verse 2 – mime opening a drawer, and then point to the board
Verse 3 – point to door and a window, and then a table and chair
Worksheet 3: Karaoke song lines
 Make sure children have their books closed.
 Cut out the song words (below) and give out to groups of three to four children in a jumbled order.
 Ask the groups to try to remember the song and put the words in the correct order.
 Play Track 21 again while children check their sentence order and make changes if necessary. Play it more than once if

A long sentence
 Students should stay in their small groups.
 Say a sentence that ends with a word from the vocabulary set that you want to practice, e.g., In this room, there’s a
 Ask a child to continue the sentence, adding a new word to the end, e.g., In this room, there’s a table, and coat hooks.
This child then chooses another child, who says the sentence, adding another word to the end of it.
 Continue the game until someone forgets the words in the chain.
 Ask children to play in their groups. The game can be repeated if one group finishes ahead of the others.
I am a musician.
 Children work in their groups to create an original verse by inserting different classroom words.
 Each group performs their new verse to make a new song.
Exercises: Workbook p. 16
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015 7

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Lesson Four Phonics

 To pronounce sounds made by the letter combinations dr, tr, and cr
 To differentiate between the sounds /dr/, /tr/, and /kr/
 Language focus: listening, pronunciation
 Vocabulary: drum, dress, truck, tree, crayon, crab
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 17
 Workbook p. 17
 Audio Tracks 13, 22–24
 Phonics Card 79
 Worksheet 4: My alphabet (One per child)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Ask children which sounds they looked at in the previous phonics lesson (/ɑ/ and /ʌ/).
 Say the chant from p. 11 (Track 13) to energize the class and review the sounds that o and u make in the middle of
 Teach the new sounds and letters for this lesson using the Phonics cards.
 Hold up the first card and say Letters d and r make the sound /dr/. Say the sound for children to repeat several times.
Repeat the procedure with the phonics cards for tr and cr.
 Hold up each card one at a time and say the words for children to repeat.

Listen, point and repeat. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the pictures in their Student Books. Tell them they are going to hear a recording of the
different sounds.
 Play the first part of the recording (Track 22) for children to listen and point to the pictures.
 Play the second part of the recording for children to repeat the sounds and words.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to point and then repeat.
Transcript (Track 22)
Listen and point.
/dr/ drum /dr/ dress /tr/ truck /tr/ tree /kr/ crayon /kr/ crab
/tr/ truck /dr/ drum /kr/ crayon /dr/ dress /kr/ crab /tr/ tree
Listen and repeat.
/dr/ drum /dr/ dress /tr/ truck /tr/ tree /kr/ crayon /kr/ crab
Simon says
 Ask the children to stand at their desks.
 Explain that you are going to give instructions. If the instruction begins with the words Simon says…, the children
must do as you say. If not, they should stand still and wait for the next instruction. Any child who gets this wrong is
out of the game and has to sit down.
 Give an instruction from the chant e.g., Simon says… play your drum, wear your dress, drive your truck, be a tree,
draw with your crayon, or be a crab.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

 Intermittently insert an instruction that is not preceded by Simon says… to see which children are really paying
 Continue the game until there is one winner left or a group of winners if you prefer.

Listen and chant. (Exercise 2)
 Play the recording (Track 23) for children to listen and follow the chant in their books.
 Play the chant line by line for children to repeat each line one at a time.
 Play the recording for children to join in.
 Play the recording once more. This time, children point at each item in the picture as they chant. Repeat.
Read the chant again. Circle the sounds dr, tr, and cr. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the chant again.
 Ask children what’s the first word that starts with tr? Elicit the word train. Have children circle the tr in train.
 Repeat with the letters cr and dr (crab and drum).
 Explain to children that they should work with a partner and continue circling the letter dr, tr, and cr in the chant.
 Help as needed and go over the answers with the class.
A train and a truck,
A crab and a drum.
I draw with my crayons,
And I have fun.
A girl in a dress,
A bird in a tree.
Get your crayons,
And draw with me.

Listen to the sounds and connect the letters. (Exercise 4)
 Elicit the four pictures in the exercise (a boy, a truck, a drum, and a crayon). Explain that you are going to play a
recording of different sounds and words from the lesson. Children have to follow the sounds and words in the maze
to find out what the boy has – a truck, a drum, or a crayon.
 Play the beginning of the recording (Track 24) and follow the blue line that links the boy to the letters tr to
 Play the rest of recording for children to link the remaining letters.
 Go over the answers. Ask children to look at their mazes and call out the letters they heard one at a time as you write
them on the board. Ask What does the boy have?
Transcript (Track 24)
/tr/ truck /dr/ drum /kr/ crayon /tr/ truck /dr/ drum /kr/ crayon /tr/ truck
The boy has a truck.
Let’s practice!
 Ask students to look at the picture and speech bubble.
 Have a student demonstrate the sentence for the class I draw with my crayons.
 Have students work in pairs to take turns saying the sentence and miming the action. Tell them to use other
vocabulary words on the page.
Worksheet 4: My alphabet
 Give out copies of the worksheet and draw attention to the letters and picture for Aa.
 Tell children they are going to make their own worksheet.
 They should look at the capital and lower-case for each letter in the left box and illustrate with a picture of their
 Monitor and help children with any letters they cannot think of pictures for.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

 Children can compare their pictures with a partner. Did they choose the same things or different things?
Back tracing
 Put the children into pairs and ask one child to stand with their back towards their partner.
 Their partner slowly traces the shape of a letter on their back with their finger.
 The child must identify which letter is being traced and say it aloud.
 Children take turns doing each role until the teacher says stop.
Exercises: Workbook p. 17
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Lesson Five Skills Time!

 To read a text describing pictures
 To read for specific words
 Language focus: reading
 Vocabulary: Review
 Extra vocabulary: wall, sit with
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 18
 Workbook p. 18
 Audio Tracks 21, 25
 Large pieces of blank paper and colored pens (per group)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Sing What’s in the classroom from p. 16 (Track 21) to energize the class.
 Ask different children to tell you something about their classroom. Encourage as many comments as possible, e.g.,
There are posters. There’s a computer. There are lots of books.
 Point to the picture of the boy at the top of the text and explain that his name is Phong.
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask what they think the text is about (Phong is describing his school).
 Encourage children to make predictions about Phong’s school, e.g., There are pictures in the classroom. There are
boys and girls in the class.

Point to things you can see in a school. Say the words. (Exercise 1)
 Ask the children to look at the pictures again. They point to the different classroom objects and say the words.
 Ask children to work in pairs, taking turns pointing to the classroom objects and saying the words.
tables, chairs, board, pictures, posters, drawers, windows, book, students
Listen and read. (Exercise 2)
 Tell children that they are going to hear a recording. Explain that it doesn’t matter if they don’t understand every
word, but they should look for words they do know.
 Play the recording (Track 25) for children to listen and follow silently in their books.
 Play the recording a second time. Answer any questions they have.
 Ask questions to check comprehension, e.g., What school does Phong go to? What’s in the classroom? What else is in
the school?
Read again. Circle the correct word. (Exercise 3)
 Explain to children that they are going to do an exercise where they choose the right answer out of two options.
 Write the first question on the board with the two possible answers. Ask a child to read it aloud to the class. Ask Is it
upstairs or downstairs?
 Ask children to find the part of the text that gives them the answer (upstairs). Draw a circle around upstairs on the
board. Show children the example answer and the circle in their books.
 Read the rest of the questions with the class and check understanding.
 Allow time for children to re-read the text and find the answer to each question.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

 Go over the answers with the class.

1. upstairs
2. 3C
3. 14
4. Miss Loan
5. pictures
6. yes

What can you remember?
 Ask children to close their books.
 Ask them to call out some things they can remember from the story, e.g., Phong’s classroom is upstairs.
 Tell them you are going to read some statements about the story. If they think they are true they should stand up, but
if they think they are false they should stay sitting.
 Read these sentences: Phong’s classroom is small. (F) His teacher is a man. (F) There are lots of pictures and posters
on the wall. (T) Phong sits next to the teacher. (F)
The same or different
 Ask children to look at the text again. Point to the sentence The classroom is upstairs and ask the children Is this the
same or different in our school? Elicit the answer.
 In small groups ask children to look at the text again and find things that are the same and different to their own
 Draw two columns on the board for feedback, one called Same and one called Different.
 Invite different children to come to the front and write a sentence from the text into the correct column. For example
the column Same might have The classroom is big. Different might have The classroom is upstairs.
 Put the children into groups of five or six and give each group a large piece of paper and some colored pens.
 Ask them to make a poster that contains some facts about their class. The can write the class name, the teacher’s
name, the number of children and so on. Children can use sentences from the reading text or their own ideas.
 Encourage the children to decorate the poster with pictures and colors as well as writing facts.
 Set a time limit of ten minutes. When the time is up the children can show their pictures to the rest of the class.
 The pictures can be displayed around the classroom for future lessons.

School things bingo
 Ask children to draw a 9x9 grid in their notebooks.
 In each box they should write a school word from the last unit.
 The teacher calls out school words. If children have that word on their grid they should cross it out.
 The first student to cross out three squares across, down, or diagonally wins the game.
Exercises: Workbook p. 18
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Lesson Six Skills Time!

 To listen and identify people and objects from their descriptions
 To ask and answer questions about a picture
 To write about your own classroom
 Integrated skills
 Vocabulary: Review
 Extra vocabulary: long
 Structures: Review
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 18–19
 Workbook p. 19
 Audio Track 26
 Blank paper and some music

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: Chain drawings
 Give each child a blank piece of paper.
 Play some music and tell them to draw an imaginary classroom. As the music is playing the children start to draw.
 After 20 or 30 seconds, stop the music and tell the children to stop drawing and pass their piece of paper to the
person to their left.
 Play the music again and tell children to continue with the drawing the person next to them had started.
 Stop the music again and tell children to pass on their pictures again. This continues until the end of the song.
 Each child will now have a picture that several different people have contributed to. Play the music again and tell
them to label everything they know in the picture.
 In pairs or small groups, look at the pictures together and describe them.
 Put up the pictures around the room and create an art gallery!

 Ask children what they can remember about Phong’s school from the previous lesson. Say Where’s Phong’s
classroom? What’s in Phong’s school? Encourage children to describe Phong’s school in as much detail as they can.
 Allow children to check the pictures and text on p. 18 to see how accurate their descriptions were.
Listen and number. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the picture in Exercise 1 on p. 19 and tell you what they can about it.
 Tell them that they are going to hear a recording of a girl describing the people and things in her classroom. Explain
that they don’t have to understand every word, but they should concentrate on the words they do know and see if
they can guess the meanings of other words.
 Play the recording (Track 26) for children to listen and point to the people and things as they hear them mentioned.
 Play the recording a second time, stopping after item 1. Ask children to tell you which person is described (the girl
with long, black hair) and point out the example answer in the box. Explain that they must number the pictures in the
order they hear them described.
 Continue the recording, stopping after each item for children to number the people and things.
 Play the recording all the way through for children to complete or check their answers.
 Go over the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 26)

© Oxford University Press 2015 13

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Hello. My name is Thu. I go to Doan Thi Diem Primary School.

1. Can you see me? I have long hair. It’s black.
2. Our teacher is Miss Loan. She has long hair, too!
3. My friend is Duy. He has short, black hair.
4. We have a big board in our classroom.
5. There are two windows in the classroom.
6. There is one door. On the door is a poster.
(left to right) 5, 3, 1, 4, 2, 6

Point, ask, and answer. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the picture again. Ask How many children / chairs / boards are there?
 Ask different children to read the words in the word box.
 Read the questions and answers in the speech bubbles together for the class to repeat in chorus. Encourage children
to make their words flow together, avoiding unnecessary pauses.
 Ask children to work in pairs. They practice asking and answering questions using the words in the word box.
 Monitor the activity and model the words where necessary.
 Ask some pairs to ask and answer questions for the class.
Rock, paper, scissors
 Put children into pairs.
 Encourage the children to play rock, paper, scissors. The loser makes a question about their own classroom using the
words in the word box of Exercise 2, e.g. How many boys are there? etc.
Write about your school. (Exercise 3)
 Write the first sentence on the board and ask children to look at it together.
 Elicit the answer that is true for your class.
 Ask the children to complete the sentences in a way that is true for them.
 Go through the answers together and see if the children have the same answers.
 Figure out together the correct answer if there is any disagreement.

Underline the capital letters at the start of the sentences in 3.
Circle the capital letters at the start of the names in 3. (Exercise 4)
 Have children look at the sentences in Exercise 3 again. Point out the W in What in the first sentence. Ask children if
this is a capital letter or a lower-case letter (capital). Ask children why there is a capital letter in What. (All sentences
start with a capital letter.)
 Have children underline all the capital letters at the beginning of the sentences.
 Have children find a person’s name (Miss Loan). Ask children why there is a capital letter in Miss and Loan. (All names
start with a capital letter.)
 Children should put their books away and form groups of three to four students.
 They should take turns interviewing the other students about their school.
 Make sure all the children have a chance to ask and answer the questions.
 After the groups finish their survey, they should take turns presenting it to the rest of the class.
 Example questions:
What’s the name of your school?
How many classrooms are there?
How many students are there in your class?
Is there a playground in your school?
What is on the wall in your classroom?
What other things are there in your classroom?

© Oxford University Press 2015 14

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Exercises: Workbook p. 19
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015 15

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Worksheet 1: Classroom objects

table computer coat hook pencil case board

© Oxford University Press 2015 16

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Worksheet 2: What are these?

1 Draw a picture that shows the meaning of the sentence. Then compare with your partner.

Those are computers. That is a board.

This is a pencil case. These are bags.

© Oxford University Press 2015 17

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Worksheet 3: Karaoke song lines

What's in the classroom?

Let’s have a look!

Posters and pictures,

And work in a book.

What’s in the classroom?

What can you see?

Drawers and a board

For you and for me.

What’s in the classroom?

What’s over there?

A door and a window,

A table and chair.

© Oxford University Press 2015 18

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Stand up game: Classroom word cards

posters posters posters

pictures pictures pictures

book book book

drawers drawers drawers

window window window

© Oxford University Press 2015 19

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Unit 2: Our new things

Worksheet 4: My alphabet

Aa Nn

Bb Oo

Cc Pp

Dd Qq

Ee Rr

Ff Ss

Gg Tt

Hh Uu

Ii Vv

Jj Ww

Kk Xx

Ll Yy

Mm Zz

© Oxford University Press 2015 20

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