G3 Selective LessonPlan Starter

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Lesson One
 To recall the main characters of Family and Friends
 To understand a short story
 Language focus: speaking, listening, reading
 Vocabulary: review
 Extra vocabulary: Welcome back, learning, end (v)
 Structure: review
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 4
 Workbook p. 4
 Audio Tracks 1–2
 Starter story poster
 Worksheet 1: Classroom objects

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 As children come into the class, smile and say Hello.
 Encourage children to say Hello back to you. Say It’s a new school year. Welcome back!
 Begin the class with some common greetings. Ask and answer the questions How are you? and What’s your name?
with individual students. Children then ask and answer the questions in groups of three to four students.
Course book introduction
 Ask students to look at their new books and tell you what there is. (Student Book and Workbook). Ask some questions
to familiarize the students with the material. Who is in the picture on the cover? How many people are there? Who
are they? Can you remember their names?
 Do a course book race. Ask students to find certain things in their books and hold them up for you to see. For
example: a bus, some school children, an elephant. This will raise interest in the material and familiarize them with
the books.
 Ask children to open their Student Books to p. 4 and look at the three children at the top of the page. Point to each
one for children to tell you their names. (If it is the first time the class has seen these characters, point to them and
say their names – Rosy, Billy and Tim. Children repeat their names after you.) Explain that they will see these
characters all the way through the course book.
 Tell students that they are going to begin the lesson with a song. If the children have studied Family and Friends
before, talk about the songs with the class. Ask Can you remember any songs from Family and Friends?
 Encourage students to tell you (or sing) any lines they can remember from the songs. If they remember one of the
songs well, sing it with the class. If they want to sing, but they can’t remember any of the songs, write the words to
Hello, Hello! on the board and sing (or chant) it with the class.

Listen and sing. (Exercise 1)
 Explain that they are going to listen to a “Welcome back” song and then sing it. Play the recording once for children to
listen and follow the song in their books (Track 01).
 Focus attention on the words. Read each line for children to repeat after you.

© Oxford University Press 2015 1

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

 Play the recording again for children to sing along.

Sing and do. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to think of some actions for the song (see suggestions below).
 Play the song again for children to sing and do their actions.
 Repeat (more than once if necessary).
Song actions
Welcome back to all our friends – wave
Fun and learning never end! – punch the air
Welcome back, it’s a happy day – wave and smile
A day for learning – mime opening a book
A day for play! – jump in the air

Listen and read. (Exercise 3)
 Use the Starter story poster to present the story. Point to different characters for children to say the names. Ask them
what words they know in the pictures.
 Ask What’s happening in the story? Point to each frame one at a time for the class to talk about them. Encourage
predictions from different members of the class.
 Ask children to look at the poster while you play the recording for them to listen (Track 02). Point to the different
speech bubbles as they hear the words.
 Ask the following questions to check comprehension: What is Rosy’s video about? What’s on Billy’s bed? Is Billy in his
 Play the recording again for children to listen and read the story in their Student Books.
Describe a character.
 Describe a character from the story for children to guess who it is, e.g., He’s two. He’s got curly hair.(Billy)
 Ask children to describe the characters to each other in pairs.

Worksheet 1: Classroom objects
 Have children look around the classroom and call out the English name for any objects they can see that they know
the word for.
 Correct pronunciation and drill with the class as you go.
 Give out Worksheet 1 and ask children to match the pictures and the items.
 Discuss the worksheet as a class and drill pronunciation of the words.
 Ask children to work in pairs and describe what they have in school today, e.g., I have a school bag. I have two pencils.
I have an eraser.
 Have children change partners again and describe what their first partner has, e.g., He/She has a school bag, He/She
has two pencils.
Stand up and wave.
 Assign a character’s name to each member of the class, so that there are several Rosies, Tims, and Billies.
 Play the recording again (Track 2). When children hear their “names,” they stand up and wave.
Exercises: Workbook p. 4
Story time: A reader of your choice
[Insert worksheet 1 – The worksheet should have 8 pictures of classroom items on one side and 8 words on the other side
in jumbled order. Students should draw lines to connect the words with the items. Words to be used: pencil, pen,
notebook, school bag, eraser, markers, ruler, board.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Lesson Two
 To review family words
 To identify people from their descriptions
 To describe people’s appearance
 To act out a story
 Language focus: listening, speaking
 Vocabulary: family words, appearance words (recycled)
 Extra vocabulary: uncle, aunt
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 5
 Workbook p. 5
 Audio Tracks 1, 2–3
 Starter story poster
 Worksheet 2: Family puzzle (one copy per each pair)
 Pages from a magazine or newspaper

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
 Sing the “Welcome” song (Track 01) from p. 4 and do the actions to energize the class.
 Ask the children if they can remember what happened in the story in the previous lesson. Hold up the Starter story
poster to encourage ideas.
 Ask questions about people in the story, e.g., Who has green eyes? Who has brown hair? Who is two? Who is Rosy’s
cousin? Who is Billy’s sister?

Listen to the story and repeat. Act. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to turn to the story on p. 4 of their Student Books.
 Play the recording (Track 02), pausing for children to repeat each line.
 Divide the class into groups of three to play Rosy, Tim, and Billy.
 Ask children to look at the different actions that the people do in the story. As a class, decide on actions for the story
(see suggestions below). Play the recording a second time for children to mime the actions as they listen.
 Children practice acting out the story in their groups. You might like the class to use some creative “props,” e.g., a
pencil case for a video camera, a piece of paper for a photograph, and a chair for a bed.
 Monitor the activity checking for correct pronunciation.
 Ask a few of the groups to act out the story for the class.
Story actions
Picture 1: Rosy waves to her video camera.
Picture 2: Rosy holds the camera up to film Tim. Tim waves.
Picture 3: Rosy holds the video low to film Billy’s photograph.
Picture 4: Rosy and Tim walk into Billy’s bedroom, filming.
Picture 5: Tim bends down to look under the bed. Rosy looks around for Billy, while Billy “hides” on the bed.
Picture 6: Billy jumps up with a big smile. Rosy and Tim are happy and surprised.
Circle T (true) or F (false). (Exercise 2)

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

 Ask children to look at the sentences in the book. Ask Does Rosy have brown hair? to establish that the first sentence
is true. Explain that the letter T means the sentence is true, and the letter F means it is false. Show children the circle
around the letter T indicating that the sentence is true.
 Read the rest of the sentences with the class to check understanding but tell them not to say the answers out loud.
 Children work in pairs. Allow time for them to read the sentences again and decide if they are true or false.
 Go over the answers with the class.
1 T
2 F
3 F
4 T
5 F
6 F
Listen and number. (Exercise 3)
 Tell children you are going to play a recording of someone describing people in Rosy’s family. Explain they don’t have
to understand every word they hear, but they should listen for words they do know.
 Ask children to read the words in the word box and then drill pronunciation chorally and individually.
 Play the recording (Track 03) all the way through for children to listen and point to people as they are mentioned.
 Play the recording again, stopping after the first item for children to point to Rosy’s mom. Show them the example
answer 1 in their books.
 Play the recording through to the end, pausing after each item for the children to write the numbers.
 Play the recording once more for children to check their answers. Go through the answers with the class.
Transcript (Track 03)
1 This is Rosy’s mom. She has curly hair. It’s brown.
2 This is Rosy’s dad. He has short, black hair.
3 This is Rosy’s brother. His name’s Billy. He has short, curly hair and brown eyes.
4 This is Rosy. She’s Billy’s sister. She has brown hair. It’s straight.
5 This is Rosy’s grandma. She has white hair.
6 This is Rosy’s grandpa. He has short, white hair.
7 This is Rosy’s aunt. She has brown hair and green eyes.
8 This is Rosy’s uncle. He has black hair and brown eyes.
9 And this is Rosy and Billy’s cousin. His name’s Tim. He has short, brown hair and green eyes.
(clockwise from left) 2, 1, 6, 5, 7, 8, 9, 3, 4

Point and say. (Exercise 4)
 Show children the speech bubbles in Exercise 4.
 Read them out loud and finish the second bubble in your own way. Ask the class to repeat each sentence in chorus.
 Children work in pairs. They take turns pointing to the people in Rosy’s family and describing them.
 Monitor the activity and help with pronunciation and modeling words where necessary.
 Go over the activity with the class. Ask individual children to tell you about different members of the family.
Describe the people.
 Bring in to class a few pages from magazines or newspapers that include pictures of people.
 Give them to children in groups of three to four students and ask them to take turns describing and pointing to the
Worksheet 2: Family puzzle
 Ask children to close their books. Give out the family puzzle to children in pairs and ask them to work together to
write the family words next to the pictures.
 When they have finished, compare with a partner next to them.
 Read the answers as a class and drill the pronunciation of the family words.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

About my family
 Draw a simple version of your family tree on the board. Include names and relationships, e.g., mom – Nga, dad – Bao,
aunt – Vy.
 Tell the class about your family. This is Nga. She’s my mom. She has long, black hair. This is Bao. He’s my dad. He has
short, black hair and brown eyes.
 Encourage the class to draw their simple family tree and talk to their partner about it.
 Monitor the activity and help where needed.
Introducing circle
 Ask students to stand in circles in groups of three to four children.
 Children take turns introducing the other children to the group, for example, This is Quang. He has brown eyes and
short, black hair.
 Monitor and help with pronunciation.
Exercises: Workbook p. 5
Story time: A reader of your choice

© Oxford University Press 2015 5

Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Lesson Three
 To greet people and ask questions about them
 To introduce someone to a friend
 To say the days of the week
 Language focus: speaking, listening
 Vocabulary: days of the week
 Extra vocabulary: bump, down, week
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 6
 Workbook p. 6
 Audio Track 4
 Blank paper and pens (for each student)
 Worksheet 3: Word search (one copy per each pair)
 Worksheet 4: Bingo (one copy per each group)
Culture note: Days of the week
In the United States, Monday to Friday are days of business, with a large proportion of the workforce working from
around nine o’clock until five o’clock, usually with a half hour, 45-minute, or hour break for lunch. Apart from major
cities, shops usually stay open only until around six o’clock in the evening. In big cities, they often stay open until
9:00 p.m. The biggest shopping day is Saturday.

On Saturdays, many children attend clubs or classes of different kinds, such as music or sports, and a large number of
adults also use Saturday as a day for outdoor activities. Sunday is considered a day for relaxation. Many people meet
up with their extended family and have a special meal together on Sundays.

Sunday and Monday are named after the days of the sun and moon respectively; Tuesday to Saturday are named
after various Norse and Roman gods.

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: Do it!
 Assign each student a word from the vocabulary set ”family,” e.g., mom, dad, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin.
 Give instructions, e.g., moms, jump! Uncles, stamp your feet! Brothers, clap! Continue with more instructions, calling
out groups at random.
 Any child who does the action when it is not their word is out of the game.
Worksheet 3: Word search
 Give out the word search to children in pairs.
 Ask them to work together to find the words they studied in the previous lesson.
 When they have found all the words, check with the pair next to them to see if there are any other words they have
 Ask children what they can remember about Rosy’s family. Ask Who is Billy/Tim? to elicit He’s Rosy’s brother/cousin.
Ask How old is Billy?

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Ask and answer. (Exercise 1)
 Ask one of the stronger children to come to the front of the class. Read the dialogue on the page together while the
class listens.
 Say the dialogue again, pausing after each line for the class to repeat. Encourage children to make the words flow
together, avoiding any unnecessary pauses.
 Ask children to work in pairs and say the dialogue with their partner. Monitor the activity, modeling words and
phrases where necessary.
 If you wish, ask a few pairs to say their dialogue to the class.
Look and say. Introduce a friend. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see? Elicit or explain that the children in the pictures are
introducing a friend to someone else.
 Read the sentences in the speech bubble to the class, pausing after each line so that they can repeat what they hear.
 Divide the class into groups of three. Children take turns “introducing” their friends to each other.
 Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary.
Funny friends
 Give each child a blank piece of paper and some pens.
 Ask them to draw a picture of a funny friend. Encourage them to be creative. They can draw a monster or a cartoon
or a funny person.
 Tell them to choose a name and age for their friend.
 Ask children to mingle as much as space allows and introduce their friends to each other.

Listen and sing. (Exercise 3)
 Ask children to look at the pictures. Ask What can you see? Elicit the actions the children are doing (jumping, waving).
 Play the recording (Track 04) once for children to listen.
 Read each line of the song aloud for the children to repeat after you.
 Play the recording again for children to sing along.
 Repeat (more than once if you wish).
Sing and do. (Exercise 4)
 Ask children to look at the pictures and decide together what the actions should be. (See below for suggestions).
 Play the recording for children to listen, sing, and do the actions.
Song actions
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, jump! – jump in the air
Thursday, Friday, down with a bump! – sit down on chairs
Saturday, Sunday, let’s say “Hi!” – wave hello
Days of the week. Let’s say “Goodbye!” – turn around and wave
Song writing
 Tell children they are going to make their own song. Write the words to the song on the board with the actions
 Invite the children to call out different actions that could be used. Touch your toes, jump on the spot, bend your knees,
clap! etc.
 Divide children into groups of three to four students to write their own version of the song.
 Invite groups to perform their song for the rest of the class.
 Groups can also write their song onto poster paper to display in the classroom.

Worksheet 4: Bingo
 Give each group of five or six students a copy of the Bingo sheet. Call out a word in any order.
 The children cross off the words in their grid as they hear them.

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

 The first group to complete a line of five shouts Bingo!

Exercises: Workbook p. 6
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Lesson Four
 To ask and answer questions about toys
 To ask and answer questions about colors
 To write numbers 1–10 in digit form
 Language focus: listening, speaking
 Vocabulary: toys, colors, numbers one–ten
Resources and materials
 Student Book p. 7
 Workbook p. 7
 Audio Tracks 4, 5
 Worksheet 5: Numbers (one copy per pair)

Weather report: Ask the class about today's weather.
Song: Play a warm-up song.
Warmer: Song
 Sing Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Jump! (Track 04) from the previous lesson to energize the class and review the
days of the week.
 Write the numbers 1–10 on the board in random order.
 Point to the numbers for the children to say the words in chorus. Pay particular attention to pronunciation, especially
/ks/ in six and /θ/ in three.
 Ask questions to practice using the expressions, e.g., Do you like teddy bears? Do you like cars?
 Encourage the children to think of questions to ask a partner.

Look. Ask and answer. (Exercise 1)
 Ask children to look at the picture and name the different toys they can see (without counting them). Ask What does
the girl like? What does the boy like?
 Read the words for the toys in the word box, pausing after each one for the children to point to the toy in the picture.
 Choose a child to read the example dialogue with you while the class listens. Pause between each question and
answer for the class to repeat.
 Practice more examples with the class, e.g., How many dolls / teddy bears / bikes are there? Pause between each
question and answer for the class to repeat.
 Ask the children to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering about the numbers and toys.
 Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words and phrases where necessary.
Note: You may need to remind the class that when they talk about more of something, they need to add an s to the
end of the word. Model bike and bikes for children to repeat before doing the exercise. Practice using the sounds /s/
and /z/ at the end of the words.

 Talk more about toys with the class. Ask What’s your favorite toy? What color is it? What other toys do you like?
 Encourage the children to ask and answer questions about toys in pairs or small groups.
Listen and point. Ask and answer. (Exercise 2)
 Ask children to look at the picture and say what they can see (cars). Tell them they are going to listen to a recording of

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

someone saying different numbers. They must listen and point to the cars that have the numbers they hear.
 Play the recording (Track 05) for children to listen and point. Repeat.
 Ask children to read the color words in the word box aloud. Then read them again, pausing after each word for them
to point to a car that is that color and say the number.
 Ask children to look at the speech bubbles. Chose a child to read the dialogue with you. He / She must finish the
answer by looking at the picture to see what color number 8 is.
 Ask the children to repeat the question and answer in chorus.
 Practice more examples with the class. Ask What color is number 6 / 3 / 10?
 Ask children to work in pairs. They take turns asking and answering questions about the color of the cars.
 Monitor the activity. Help with pronunciation and model words or phrases where necessary.
Transcript (Track 05)
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten

Write the numbers. (Exercise 3)
 Ask the children to look at the words for numbers in their books. Read the list together.
 Focus attention on the example. Ask children to write the number ten in the air with their fingers. Call out the other
numbers for the children to write in the air.
 Ask the children to look at the digit form next to each word.
 Go over the answers. Read the numbers aloud for children to write the digits in the air once more.
ten 10, three 3, seven 7, five 5, four 4, one 1, two 2, six 6, eight 8, nine 9

Worksheet 5: Numbers
 Give children a copy of the numbers crossword in pairs.
 Ask them to try to complete the crossword without looking in their books.
Exercises: Workbook p. 7
Story time: A reader of your choice

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Worksheet 1: Classroom objects

1. Match the pictures with the words. Then check with a partner.



school bag



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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Worksheet 2: Family puzzle

1. 2. 3.
add omm Ryso

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. 5. 6.
Bylil radpang ramdang

___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

7. 8. 9.
tanu Tmi neulc

____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Worksheet 3: Word search

mom grandma cousin straight

dad grandpa long brown

sister aunt short black

brother uncle curly gray

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Worksheet 4: Bingo

hat coat cat shoe school

dog apple green Vietnam English

T-shirt movie FREE boy sandwich

talk girl red banana bike

mom ten teddy bear dad black

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Family and Friends Special Edition Grade 3– Starter Unit: Welcome back!

Worksheet 5: Numbers


Down ↓ Across →
Box number Box number
1 9 2 2
2 10 5 7
3 1 6 8
4 3 7 5
5 6
7 4

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