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You are to take on the role of a newspaper columnist, and reply to the person who is writing

by informing him/her what he/she is experiencing and explain at least two (2) ways of how to
deal with it.

I am 14 years old and am doing well at school. I have lots of friends,

but even though we do things together, it does not stop me from

getting through my work. Recently I saw someone at school that I

never noticed before. We smiled at each other one day and my heart

Just flipped. Both of us seemed nervous, but we talked one day and

exchanged telephone numbers. ALL of a sudden, everything seemed to

change. I can't focus on my work and have been avoiding my

friends. One of my friends said I should "give it up" for the person to

be interested in me.

Can you tell me what's going on with me? Please help me.

Hi my name is Jonathan and I’m 14 too so what your experiencing is very normal. So basically
you like the person every sec your thinking about the person that’s why you cant focus on
your work and the reason why you avoiding your friends because you want to spend time
with this person

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