Night Economy Proposals Summary Sep 2023

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Night Economy Review:

Proposals Summary
Proposed Amendments to the Licensing and Zoning By-laws
Municipal Licensing and Standards (MLS) and City Planning (CP)
September 2023
Land African Ancestral
Acknowledgement Acknowledgement
The City of Toronto acknowledges that The City of Toronto acknowledges all
the land we are meeting on is the Treaty peoples – including those who
traditional territory of many nations came here as settlers – as migrants
including the Mississaugas of the either in this generation or in
Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, generations past – and those of us who
the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat came here involuntarily, particularly
peoples and is now home to many those brought to these lands as a result
diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and
peoples. Slavery.
We also acknowledge that Toronto is We pay tribute to those ancestors of
covered by Treaty 13 with the African origin and descent.
Mississaugas of the Credit.

Why are we holding this session?
• Purpose of this session is to:
• Share proposed changes and solicit feedback on how bars, restaurants, and
other entertainment venues – including nightclubs – can be defined, licensed,
and regulated by the City of Toronto; and where they can be located
• Answer any questions and discuss next steps
• Note: Proposals are in draft form, are subject to approval by City Council, and
are for discussion purposes only
• Staff reports on licensing and zoning amendments are scheduled to be discussed
at respective Committees this fall

Current State
Zoning Regulations
• The Zoning By-law controls where and how entertainment related uses are
permitted in Toronto. It does not control hours of operation or the provision of
alcohol service.
• Entertainment uses are permitted in commercial zones with conditions
• Entertainment inside restaurants and bars is limited to 6% of the establishment
• Nightclubs are generally only permitted downtown
• "Family-friendly" activities like mini-golf and bowling are permitted in commercial
zones and some industrial zones across with conditions

Current State
Business Licensing Categories in scope:
• Through the Licensing Bylaw, the Municipal Licensing
and Standards Division (MLS) licenses businesses • Eating and Drinking
where there is a municipal purpose to do so, such Establishments (for example,
as consumer protection or public safety bars or restaurants)
• A municipal licence is required for places that sell or • Retail Food Stores
serve food and drinks, nightclubs, places of
amusement, etc. • Nightclub/Entertainment
• Specific licensing requirements are applied to different
licence categories • Places of Amusement
• For example – a restaurant must submit a licence • Public Halls
application and have their food safety reports
available for review; a nightclub must have • Billiard Hall/Pool Hall
security personnel and submit a noise control plan

Identified Issues
Zoning Licensing
• The limitation on entertainment in eating • Inconsistent and unclear
establishments (like restaurants and bars) definitions in the Licensing by-
limits opportunities for live music and other law and zoning by-law
entertainment and is difficult to implement and
enforce • Evolving businesses do not fit
within existing licensing
• Restricting nightclubs to the downtown categories
is part of the reason operators are not
getting the correct nightclub licence • Regulatory uncertainty resulting
in some eating establishments
• Amusement arcade restrictions are outdated operating as unlicensed
• Zoning entertainment-related definitions nightclubs (noted in a 2017
are inconsistent with licensing Auditor General report)

Public Engagement Process
The following were conducted
An information session summarizing
in Spring 2023:
consultation results was conducted in
• An online survey June 2023 – a recording of the session
• Seven targeted focus group and the presentation are available on
meetings the City’s review webpage

• Three city-wide public

consultations, plus an additional A detailed engagement summary will
meeting for Residents be appended to staff reports

Draft Proposals

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only

Zoning Summary of Proposed Changes
• Expand live music and other entertainment use permissions inside eating and
drinking establishments
• Permit nightclubs outside the downtown area
• Reduce amusement arcade restrictions
• Clarify special events in parks
• Modernize entertainment definitions to better align with the Licensing By-law

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 8

Licensing Summary of Proposed Changes
• Implement activity-based licensing to assess business activities (liquor service, hours of
operation, capacity) and inform additional licensing requirements
• Enable multi-use licensing by permitting food and drink service in multiple business categories
and strengthening endorsements process
• Require nightclubs secure a separate licence

• Update definitions and requirements for Eating or Drinking Establishments and Nightclubs

• Streamline amusement businesses into an Amusement Establishment category

• Redefine Public Halls as Entertainment Places of Assembly and broaden definition to capture
live music venues and other performing arts spaces
• Require noise control plans for additional establishments and have two categorizations –
Level 1 (Basic) and Level 2 (Comprehensive)

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 9

Regulations for
Eating or

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only

Overview- Eating and Drinking Establishments

Expanded Entertainment Space

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 12

Licensing Definition for Eating or
Drinking Establishments
Current Proposed Rationale
• Every place for lodging, Premises where food or • Provides clearer
reception, refreshment or beverages are prepared parameters for what is
entertainment and offered to patrons for typically defined as a bar or
immediate consumption on- restaurant
• Place where foodstuffs are site, and which may include
sold • Aligns closely with the
an incidental take-out
zoning definition
• Victualling house service or ancillary/limited
entertainment or • Removes terms like
• Any other place where food is amusement “foodstuffs” and “victualling”
served that are outdated and
difficult to interpret

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 13

Activity-based Licensing for Eating and
Drinking Establishments
Category Requirements Class-specific Requirements
Retain existing requirements
• Licence application (to MLS and
Toronto Public Health [TPH])
• Food safety reports available for
• Notify MLS of any change in
In addition:
• Cleanliness and litter control
• Discretion for MLS to dispense of
class-specific requirements if

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 14

*New* Licensing Category for Take Out or
Retail Food Establishments
Definition Proposed Definition Rationale
Same as Premises, or section of a premises, • Introduces licensing definition and
Eating or where food or beverage(s) are prepared category to capture food and drink
consumption off-site (establishments
Drinking ​ and offered to patrons exclusively for that are exclusively take-out or those
Establishment consumption off-site or;​ primarily selling pre-packaged food or
drink items)​
Premises that offer pre-packaged food
or drink items to patrons for • Removes outdated terms like
“foodstuffs” and “victualling” ​
consumption off-site, except where such
a service is insignificant to the primary • Reduces administrative burden by
purposes of the business focusing on service of pre-packaged
food or drink provisions that are
significant to the business

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 15

Licensing Requirements for Take Out
or Retail Food Establishments
Category Requirements
• General requirements, no Classes
• Consider multi-year licences given establishments are low impact

Retain existing requirements: In addition:

• Licence application (to MLS and TPH) • Cleanliness and litter control
• Food safety reports available for review • If preparing food or beverage, meet general
• Notify MLS of any change in management category-wide requirements for Eating or
Drinking Establishment

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 16


NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only

Overview- Nightclubs

Zoning Definition of Nightclub

Current Proposed Rationale

• means premises used to • means premises used to • Survey respondents identified
provide dance facilities for provide amplified music for a large dance area and
patrons and where food or patron entertainment and amplified music as nightclub
beverages may be offered for dancing, such as a dance identifiers
sale, such as a dance hall or hall, dance club or disco. • Nightclubs are not just places
disco. A cabaret, an Food of beverages may be to dance, but to be
entertainment place of offered for sale. A cabaret, entertained as well
assembly, an eating an entertainment place of • "Dance club" is an additional
establishment, or an adult assembly, a place of descriptor of nightclub
entertainment use is not a assembly, an eating
• Changes align with licensing
nightclub. establishment, or definition for nightclub
an adult entertainment use is
not a nightclub. • Distinguish from place of
assembly, like a banquet hall

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 19

Permit Nightclubs Outside the Downtown
Current Proposed Rationale
• In the Zoning Bylaw, • Permit nightclubs in all • May reduce the clustering of
nightclubs are mixed-use zones nightclubs by allowing more
generally permitted in (commercial zones) in opportunities throughout the city
the downtown area non-residential buildings
only only • Permits a full range of entertainment
in commercial zones, with conditions
to address noise and nuisance
• Reduces the barrier to business
operators getting the correct
nightclub businesses license

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 20

Update Zoning Conditions (1 of 2)

Current Proposed Rationale

• Must be on the first • Must be on the first • Continuing to restrict nightclubs to the first
storey storey storey can reduce the effects of noise to
• Must be on a lot that • If located on a lot nearby buildings.
does not abut a lot in in close proximity
• If the condition to prohibit nightclubs on a lot
the residential zone to a residential
zone, the nightclub abutting a residential zone continued, then
is limited to 400 nightclubs would not be able to expand to
square metres any new areas, as most lots outside of the
(4,300 square feet) downtown area always abut a lot in a
residential zone. The size restriction is
common amongst other entertainment

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 21

Update Zoning Conditions (2 of 2)

Current Proposed Rationale

• It must be the only nightclub • It must be the only nightclub • Avoid over-concentration of
in a building in the building nightclubs in a single
• A minimum of 5 percent building.
• No requirement for an
indoor entry or lineup area of the interior floor area of • Reflects consultations
a nightclub must be for feedback regarding nuisanc
the entry of patrons e issues (e.g. lineups
and crowds on sidewalks)

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 22

Licensing Definition of Nightclub
Current Proposed Rationale
Premises, including • Premises used to provide • Removes language on seating which
but not limited to a amplified music for patron has caused enforcement issues,
dance hall or disco, entertainment and dancing
used to provide dance requiring officers to count seats and
and where food and patrons to determine “majority”
facilities for patrons,
where seating is not beverages may be offered
provided for the • Reflects consultation and survey
• If the establishment provides
majority of the feedback on what defines a nightclub
patrons and where bottle service or is referred to
food or beverage may or advertised as a club, • Aligns with zoning definition and
be offered for sale as nightclub, disco, or dance
provides enforcement flexibility with a
an ancillary use hall, it shall be considered a
list of additional factors that describe a
nightclub under this Chapter
nightclub, like the provision of bottle

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 23

Licensing for Nightclubs
Current Proposed
• Provision of security guards – one per Only one class in this category
100 patrons
Retain existing requirements, with the following
• Each entrance equipped with a metal refinements:
• Ensure security guards are provincially licensed
• Provide a list of ‘persons of authority’ for
• Require use of metal detectors to permit entry
the establishment
• Require comprehensive Level 2 noise control plan
• Noise control plan
In addition:
• Crowd control plan
• If preparing food or beverage, meet general category-wide
• Litter must be controlled near the
requirements for Eating or Drinking Establishment
• Provide liquor licence
• Insurance policy submitted to MLS (2M)
• Discretion for MLS to dispense of requirements if desired

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 24

Regulations for
Places of
NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only
Overview- Entertainment Places of Assembly

Zoning Definition of Entertainment Places
of Assembly
Current Proposed Rationale
• means premises used to • means premises used to • Addition of "performing arts" is
provide entertainment, such provide entertainment and an additional descriptor of
performing arts, such as a entertainment and aligns with
as a theatre, cinema, opera, licensing definition
concert hall or ballet. An adult theatre, cinema, opera,
entertainment use, an eating concert hall, live music • City Council direction to clarify
venue, or ballet. Food and "live music" regulations
establishment, a cabaret, or a
nightclub is not an beverages may be offered for • Clarify these places can offer
entertainment place of sale. An adult entertainment food and beverages
assembly. use, an eating establishment, • Clarify that a "place of
a cabaret, a place of assembly" which is like a
assembly, or a nightclub is banquet hall is not an
not an entertainment place of "entertainment place of
assembly" which is like a live
assembly. music venue.

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 27

Zoning Conditions for Entertainment
Places of Assembly
Current Proposed Rationale
• When located in a • No change • These conditions are
commercial zone and near considered appropriate as an
a residential zone, the "as-of-right" permission, which
premises is limited to 400 means no special approval is
square metres (4,300 required to establish them
square feet) within these parameters.
• A maximum of 12 • There are many areas of
"amusement devices" (like the City where these uses are
arcade games) are permitted as-of-right. The
permitted Zoning By-law has not been
demonstrated as preventing
live music venues.

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 28

Licensing Definition for Entertainment
Places of Assembly
Current Proposed Rationale
Places of Premises that primarily offers or allows any type of • Creating a clear definition
Amusement: Are not amusement activity, including establishments that require and associated
defined in the payment to access activities or any business that rents requirements for these
Licensing Bylaw​ out space for use by other entities who provide types of activities​
amusement activities that are open to the public. Food or
However, the
Licensing Bylaw beverages may be offered. • Permitting food and drink
applies to “owners or to provide flexibility and
keepers of Amusement activity includes but is not limited to any of regulatory clarity to
exhibitions…places the following – bowling alleys, video arcades, archery owners/operators
of amusement, roller- range, axe throwing range, carnivals, escape rooms,
skating rinks, merry- internet cafes, miniature golf and golf driving courses, go-
go-rounds…etc.” kart businesses, roller-skating rinks, billiards or pool halls,
trampoline centres, rebound tumbling centres, and other
like activities

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 29

Activity-based Licensing for
Entertainment Places of Assembly
Category Requirements Class-specific Requirements
Retain existing requirements
• Good order to be maintained; sufficient
• Security to be provided when queues
are formed to gain admittance
In addition:
• Cleanliness and litter control
• If preparing food or beverage, meet
general category-wide requirements
for Eating and/or Drinking
• Discretion for MLS to dispense of
class-specific requirements

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 30

for Places of
NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only
Overview – Place of Amusement

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 32

Zoning Definition of Amusement Arcades

Current Proposed Rationale

• means premises where • means premises • The existing definition may
more than 2 amusement for amusement devices, create confusion with the
devices are provided for such as a games arcade. proposed max 25 %
patron use on the An eating establishment, of entertainment uses within
premises. an entertainment place of eating and drinking
assembly, or a recreation establishments.
use is not an amusement
• The existing definition
classifies a premises as an
amusement arcade if it has
more than two amusement
devices, which may not
support emerging hybrid
business models.

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 33

Zoning Amusement Arcade Conditions

Current Proposed Rationale

• Building must be at • Remove the minimum • minimum 20,000 m2 building
least 20,000 m2 and building size requirement and only interior access
have no residential uses and internal access effectively prohibits arcades
• Only permitted to requirement city-wide.
be accessed from inside • Keep max 36 devises • Max 36 devices is
the building and minimum space appropriate scale and
around them minimum space ensures
• Maximum of 36
adequate clearway
machines and minimum • Remove the distance
6 m2 space around them requirement between • Minimum separation is best
• Minimum distance other arcades and from suited to address specific
between other arcades schools land use impacts, such as
or schools industrial operations

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 34

Activity-based Licensing for Amusement
Category Requirements Class-specific Requirements
Retain existing requirements:
• Good order to be maintained; sufficient staff
• Insurance requirements
• Regulations for trampoline and rebound
tumbling centres
In addition:
• Cleanliness and litter control
• If preparing food or beverage, meet general
category requirements for Eating or Drinking
• Provide technical certification for devices, if
• Discretion for MLS to dispense of class-specific
requirements if desired

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 35

Licensing Definition of Amusement
Current Proposed Rationale
Places of Premises that primarily produces, presents, or conducts • Creating a clear definition
Amusement: Are not any type of amusement activity, including establishments and associated
defined in the that require payment to access activities or any business requirements for these
Licensing Bylaw that rents out space for use by other entities who provide types of activities
However, the amusement activities that are open to the public. Food or
Licensing Bylaw beverages may be offered. • Permitting food and drink
applies to “owners or to provide flexibility and
Amusement activity includes but is not limited to any of regulatory clarity to
keepers of
exhibitions…places the following – bowling alleys, video arcades, archery owners/operators
of amusement, roller- range, axe throwing range, carnivals, escape rooms,
skating rinks, merry- internet cafes, miniature golf and golf driving courses, go-
go-rounds…etc.” kart businesses, roller-skating rinks, billiards or pool halls,
trampoline centres, rebound tumbling centres, and other
like activities

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 36

Additional considerations
Licensing fees and plans
Licence application and renewal fees Noise control plans
• Licensing and administration fees will be • Currently only required for Nightclubs, two
reviewed as part of MLS’ staff report and categorizations are proposed – Level 1
will be based on full cost recovery and (Basic) and Level 2 (Comprehensive)
activity-based licensing approach
• Level 1 will apply to venues depending on
operating hours and business activities,
Crowd control plans and will focus on best practices to mitigate
noise and mediate noise issues
• Currently only required for Nightclubs, this
plan will be expanded to additional • Level 2 will apply to nightclubs and venues
entertainment venues with significant noise impacts and require
identification of maximum volume levels,
wattage of equipment, and sound
insultation methods

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only

• If approved, businesses may have to secure a different licence and meet new or updated
requirements (depending on the activities of the business) because of the proposed
• Any changes would have an extended and appropriate timeline for implementation
• By-law changes, particularly for licensing, would have 9+ months timeline for
• Changes to the Zoning By-law will match the effective date of changes to the
Licensing By-law
• Changes would not be immediate and appropriate grace periods will be proposed for
licensing compliance to permit the City to implement process changes and coordinate
associated work

NOTE – Draft Proposals – For Discussion Purposes Only 39

Next Steps
Staff reports
Separate but related zoning and licensing recommendations will be submitted for Committee
and Council consideration in fall 2023
Licensing Bylaw
• MLS is tentatively proceeding to the Economic and Community Development Committee with
recommendations October 24, 2023
• MLS’ report will also speak to enforcement strategies for problematic establishments
Zoning Bylaw
• CP is tentatively proceeding to the Planning and Housing Committee with recommendations
October 26, 2023

Stay in the know
In addition to engaging with us at our session today, there are other ways to provide
feedback and be informed of future work:
Email Feedback
• Please email any questions you may have to and send any
feedback by September 15
Subscribe to updates
• Sign up for our mailing list at the bottom of the City's Night Economy Review webpage to
receive updates and information. Visit
Reports to Committee
• You can submit written feedback or depute during Committee meetings, visit the City’s
webpage here to learn more

Please add in your questions to the “Q&A” section
Public Survey Results
• Most people find cost, transportation, access to activities
near them, and safe activities as barriers to participating in
• Business operators found an average of 34% of the interior
floor area of eating establishments should be permitted for
Entertainment uses
• Just over half (52%) of survey respondents reported never
or rarely having a safety or nuisance concern while
visiting a venue, while 48% reported frequent or
occasional concerns
• Most survey respondents (80%) agreed that
nightclubs should be permitted outside the downtown core

Consultation Meeting Feedback
• Operators stressed their top priorities for licensing,
zoning, and other regulatory reforms: preserving as
much flexibility, hybridity, adaptability and autonomy as
• Eating establishment operators would like the ability to
use their space for entertainment, as it allows them
flexibility in the face of change
• Managing conflict related to sound and noise was one
of the topics most frequently discussed in consultations
• Some residents believed that venues could violate
noise bylaws without regard for the surrounding
neighbourhood, while many participating operators
described proactive efforts to be good neighbours

Current State – Licence Categories

Current State – Licence Requirements

Zoning- Existing Permitted Nightclub

NOTE – In addition to permitted locations, nightclubs must also comply with other conditions 49
Zoning- Proposed Nightclub
Permitted Areas

NOTE – Draft
Proposal – For
Purposes Only

NOTE – In addition to permitted locations, nightclubs must also comply with other conditions 50

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