Summarize What You Have Seen

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1. Summarize what you have seen?

A person wanted to change his kids from school to another school,but whenever he went to the
public complex didn’t found the the employee who is responsible for this job. Moreover the the
other employees weren’t willing to do the job of absent employee. The delayed works causes
problem for the person with the other employees in the office, that ended with a big problem.

What is the management problem

indicated in the scene?

I think the main management problem is Poor Attendance (absenteeism). As i noticed there is
no supervisor to manage the work process ,there is no commitment of attendance .

There are many valid reasons for your employees to be absent from work. Sick days, maternity
leave, and vacations are typical valid absences.
But unplanned absences or frequently missing workers can cause a lot of trouble for business
and employees.

I think employee's poor attendance problem can affect areas of the business as i saw the
scene .These area

-Reduced Productivity for Co-Workers.

It affects co-workers. An unplanned absence adds more task to co-workers, who must cover
duties. They may need to put their own job responsibilities on hold, resulting in decreased
productivity. Also can decrease performance efficiency. Same what happened in the scene, co-
workers couldn’t manage the duties of absent worker and the work will be delayed until the
absent worker back .

-Reduced Morale
The effect of absenteeism on employee performance reaches beyond tasks to impact the
behavior of workers who must repeatedly deal with the consequences of a co-worker's poor
work attendance. With shifting or increased work responsibilities, employees may experience
increased levels of stress in the workplace, resulting in lower morale within the company and
customers as it happened in the scene. Employees don't want to be overworked, especially if
they are picking up someone else's work.

3-What is the research problem that

of that management problem?
Since the problem is happened in public sector, the aim of the research will be in governance

research problem
-What are the causes of employee absenteeism?

-What are the strategies of controlling employee absenteeism In government sector ?

-What are the effects of employee

absenteeism on the organisational performance?

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