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The Goal of prospecting

 Each client is worth 10-100k a year they are going to be hard to find.

What makes a good prospect?

 Have to have money

o Broke people don’t pay money
o Have potential to pay money from 1-3 days
 They want to improve their marketing.
o If not they won’t want your skills
 They have to sell their products online- digital products, with high margins.
o Higher their profit, bigger chunk you get yourself.
 Have an audience of some kind
o Someone to sell to, an audience to write to.

The buying window

o 5-10% are in need of or searching for the solution you provide (20 people 1-2 people)
o Only focus time and energy on people who want this problem solved
o Waste of time persuading those to jump into the buying window
o Companies go in and out the buying window
o Problem could solve itself
o However, if one leaves one always jumps in.
o Focus time and energy for those who are already in the buying window.

Niches and Finding prospects

o You will have to reach out to 100s of clients before landing one
o Niche: a problem that is being solved by a business
o 3 niches- umbrella niches
o Health Niche
o Relationship Niche
o Wealth Niche
o How to narrow down niches
o Health examples sub niches
 Fitness Niche
 Weightlifting
 Fat loss
 Bodybuilding
 Gymnastics
 Yoga
 Football
o First step- identify the favourite large niche
o Second step- begin to break down niche into smaller and smaller sub niches

Good Local Business Clients

o Examples
o Gyms
o Barbers
o Accountants
o Search businesses on google maps for local businesses.

Mission- Brainstorm and list out as many sub niches or types of business you can reach out to
1. Personal trainers
2. Dog groomers
3. Dentists
4. Mountain climbing
5. Bike riding
6. Weight loss
7. Weightlifting
8. Bodybuilding
9. Triathlon
10. Couch to 5k
11. Dirt biking
12. Therapist
13. Counsellor
14. Concentration gummies
15. Fitness gummies in general
16. Yoga
17. Swimming instructor
18. Coach
19. Golf club
20. Tutor

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