Analyzing The Adoption of Nationalism, Secularism, Democracy, and Socialism in Bangladesh's Constitution

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ID: 22208032

Name: Fathia Maesha

Section: 04


Submitted to: Nasrin Miss


● Analyzing the Adoption of Nationalism, Secularism, Democracy, and Socialism in

Bangladesh's Constitution

The adoption of Nationalism, Secularism, Democracy, and Socialism as fundamental principles

in the Constitution of Bangladesh is rooted in historical, socio-political, and ideological factors.

Each principle addresses key aspects of our identity, governance, and socio-economic structure.

Through this analysis I would like to explore the reasons behind our incorporation of these

principles and their significance in constructing our nation's constitutional framework.

Adoption of Nationalism:

According to Hossain and Khan, "National space may be constituted of "competing dispositions

of human association" (Bhabha, 1994:4) where communities uphold differing values and seek to

attain diverse ideological goals." In creating and gradually building this sense of nationalism, our

struggle for independence from Pakistan in 1971 played an impactful role . The horrendous

experience of linguistic, cultural, and economic marginalization under Pakistani rule led to a

strong urge for independence. The adoption of nationalism as a fundamental principle reflects the
nation's commitment to preserving its distinct identity, promoting unity among diverse ethnic

and religious groups, and safeguarding against any potential attempts at domination by external


Adoption of Secularism:

The principle of secularism was imprinted to ensure the source of religious freedom, tolerance,

and equal treatment for all citizens, irrespective of their faith and beliefs. According to an article

by Ahmad, after independence, optimism and clarity marked the outset in our country. The 1972

constitution unequivocally accepted secularism as a foundational pillar, mirroring the triumph of

linguistic/cultural nationalism over Pakistan's religious agenda after the defeat of the Pakistani

military. The acceptance of secularism was perceived as a resolved matter, in contrast to the

ongoing deliberations and challenges related to democracy and socialism as additional pillars

(Ahmad, 2020). Our population is predominantly Muslim, but it is also home to various

religious minorities. The traumatic events during the Liberation War, where in the name of

religion, atrocities were committed, paved the way for a secular state that separates religion from

politics. So, the secularism in our constitution upholds the values of inclusivity, human rights,

and social harmony.

Adoption of Democracy:

The adoption of democracy is a response to the authoritarian rule and suppression experienced

under Pakistani governance. Bangladesh's journey towards democracy was heavily influenced by

the sacrifices made during the Liberation War. Mr. Hoque stated in an article of The Daily Star,

"After the physical liberation of Bangladesh from Pakistan on 16 December 1971 but before the
founding Constitution was adopted, the country embraced the parliamentary form of democracy

– 'the manifest aspiration of the people' "(Hoque, 2018). The aspiration for democratic

governance as it is rooted in the principles of our consitution, participation, and accountability

was a cornerstone of the nation's struggle for independence. Therefore, semocracy in the

constitution reflects the people's opinion regarding a government that is responsive to their needs

and ensures their active participation in decision-making processes.

Adoption of Socialism:

By including socialism as a fundamental principle, our commitment to address the socio-

economic disparities and ensuring equitable distribution of resources is reflected. The issues that

contributed to the emphasis on socialism are the experience of economic exploitation, inequality

during the pre-independence era and the subsequent challenges of post-war reconstruction.

According to the article of Amey, "The 3rd paragraph of our preamble suggests that the aim was

to create a synthesis between democracy and socialism, a conjugation where people can have

parliamentary democracy along with a socialist economy.

"Further pledging that it shall be a fundamental aim of the State to realise through the democratic

process a socialist society, free from exploitation—a society in which the rule of law,

fundamental human rights and freedom, equality and justice, political, economic and social, will

be secured for all citizens" – the preamble of the Constitution." Therefore, the principle aims to

reduce poverty, promote social justice, and provide essential services to all citizens, particularly

the marginalized and economically disadvantaged.

Significance of the above principle adoptions :

The adoption of these fundamental principles in Bangladesh's constitution has vital implications

for the nation's governance and development. Nationalism unifies diverse groups and instills a

sense of pride and ownership in the country's progress. And, secularism ensures religious

harmony and protects minority rights. Additionally, democracy empowers citizens and promotes

political stability. Finally, socialism seeks to address socio-economic disparities and create a

more just society. Collectively, these principles form the pillars of our identity, guiding our path

towards progressive and sustainable development.


1. Hossain, I., & Khan, M. H. (2006). The Rift Within An Imagined Community: Understanding

Nationalism(s) in Bangladesh. Asian Journal of Social Science, 34(2), 324–339.

2. Ahmad, A. (2020, December 16). Secularism in Bangladesh: The troubled biography of a

constitutional pillar. The Daily Star.


3. Hoque, R. (2018, November 6). Founding constitution and our state of democracy. The Daily



4. Amey, A. A. (2021, February 1). A tale of democratic socialism and our constitution. The

Business Standard.


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