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Name_____________________ Class 9

Assessment criteria Put the missing sentences into the text. In questions 4-6 learners identify meaning of the
words or phrases according to the context.
Demonstrate the ability to write grammatically correct sentences on familiar topics

Duration - 20 minutes.
Total marks –10.

Task 1. Read the text carefully. Three sentences are missing in the text. Choose from the sentences A-D
the one which fits each gap 1-3. There is one extra sentence that you do not need.
The magic crocodile
There was a big cave in Southern Africa. The top part of the cave was dry and there was water in the bottom
part of it. 1_____________________and a crocodile lived in the bottom part of it. He liked to lie in the water.
Sometimes he came out of the cave for a short time. One day a hunter with his bow and arrow came near the
cave. 2___________and decided to kill him. He aimed at the crocodile but he became blind at once! The hunter
dropped his arrow and he began to see again. He saw the smiling crocodile. The hunter aimed at the crocodile a
second time and again he became blind.
3.____________________and told the people about the crocodile and what happened to him. The people of the
village didn’t believe him. Many of them took their bows and arrows and went off to the cave. They saw the
crocodile. They aimed at him and – became blind!
A. He saw the crocodile
B. The hunter ate the crocodile
C. Many animals lived in the dry part
D. The hunter ran back to the village

Find words in the text which have a similar meaning to these definitions.
4. a big reptile with a long mouth and sharp teeth, that lives in lakes and rivers ____________
5. a person who hunts wild animals _________________
6. the clear liquid that falls from the sky as rain and that is in seas, lakes, and rivers ________

Task 2. Write a short article My dream job. These questions will help you to write it.
What is your dream job?
What is the most important for you in a job?
How many hours a day do you want to work?
Have you thought about starting your own business? What sort of business would you prefer?
If you had to choose between an interesting job and well-paid one, which would you choose? Why?

Total marks

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