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Gen 4 -11 IZiggurat-religions tower(Pagan)

- murder
- flood
- tower of Babel & L
9-4-19 Creation
Crisis- Gen3
coverant- Gen12 - Abram:livedin Ur(modern Iraq)~ 2000BCE
1. Great Nations Faithfulness
2 . Great Namev left home
3 .Protection tair &geferous
4 . Landa prepared tosacrifice
5 .Bless alltheworld trustin God
6.Blessings worship & albarbuilding
Humanity pleads
liesaboutSarah2x =distrust
* Isaacy-Gen 187
Buisitors-clearly sent from God
Gen22 - Sucrifice youronly son "
hebelieved God would revive hisson
A America ofthe 60's +70's
•Mid 1960'
-black community
"Wonen &divorce
- adultery

- financial dereliction
America of the SG's
• Return tonorms
•Cohabitation 18 %
" Divorce34%
•IllegitimacyWhite 18% Black52%
A America ofthe90's- Present
- Marriage 49%
- Cohabitation32%
- Divorce50%
-White 24% Black82%
"Less HalfiMarried
Genx Women
A Problems linked to manage Decline
Welfare B "Antidepressants
•Meniunemployment Crime
Alcohol Drugs vislerce againstwomen
•Pecidest rates
Suicide Rates
Isaas marries Rebekah

Birthright -cornerstone of apatriarchal society

name, power,possessions

Esau hairy,nedlish,brutish ,favors Isaac

Jaub -homebody,faucas Robekah,cook
Short-sighted deceptive
irresponsible cunning/smart

Rebekah makes head for Isaac

puts goat hair on Jacob
gives Jacob Esausclothes
Esan isjoing to kill Jacob
Rebekah sends Jacob offto findawife fromhistreleLaban
Jaub works 7years for Laban to marry Rachel
hewas tricked tharried Leah sybeginning of Israd
- works 7 more years for Rachers bear12 sons
Labangives Jacobs,speckled,striped sheepogcats
mirade: Jacob puts stripedsticksin water and makes more
Saubwrestleswith angell God?) thishipisput out becches Israel
guestomeethis brother with abunch ofgifts

283 :4 6:5
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( Jacobs(Israel ) favorite
2 dreams placing him high up
Sheaths of grain
heavenly bodies
sold toslave tradersbyhisbrothers
Lifeis like awave
favorite important Pharoah's


Slave for Potipharmade headof household

wife accuseshim of assulty guesto prison
heinterpretsdreams in prison
Pharoah has adreamshe one caninterpret
Askinm cans eat7 Satcous
7shriveled corrs eat7 fatcorns
7years of prosperity,7 years of famine
Joseph's brothers come to Egypt toask for food,not recognizing Joseph
Joseph saysbring Benjamin then reveals himself they moveto

Moser O God moses

Ulyn palace humorous fearful

Wyrs desert- Jethro loving * reluctant

bush - I Am "powerful • excuses


"Speech issue

National AmericanWongen's Suffrage Association
19th Amendment
A1stWave Detrations -Implications
"Interests not opposed
roting not prominent
"Genber gup
Single women & proverty
Marriage &Society
- promiscuity
- careof children
AamWave 1960-1990
Marxism & Existentialism
secular & Anti- religion
Radical Autonomy
- Attack on patriarchy
Critical ofmarriage
oppressive institution
Sexual harallation
"Carreensmchildren restrictive
"Women's liberation Front
- moderate,conservative
~ Exodus52 ~ "Who is YHWH that Ishould,obey Him? '
Pagues - Esgupt,not Jews Gosten
Nile toblood - lifesource of Egypt Igodof Nile
Gnats Miracle

Flies supernatural
Livestock - godoflivestock God

Boils fulfills areed in Histime

Hail Exi16-manna
Locusts yather enough for1dayexcepthedaybefore
Darkness- sun god Sabbath

Passover - urter
lamb - Quail
fuit puree - Ex17 - Oasis
bitterherbs Amalekites- Joshua
"unleatened bread
Red dea- Yam Suph - Reed Sea
pillardfire night, pillarofcloud day

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