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Dear Ethan,

How are you? How's everything going? I hope you are well.

I've got a problem and I need your advice. I've already told you that every
summer holidays I fly to another country with my family. This time we were
planning to go to Canada, but offered me to go to England with my classmates.
On the one hand I've already been in England once and seen a lot of things
there, but it will be my first time in Canada, but on the other hand I think
it would be more fun to go to England with my classmates, I have a good
relationship with them, I would even say on friendly terms, so I am confused,
what shall I do? :(( I would chose England if there aren't be the
disadvantages that hide behind the fun with classmates. First of all, the
place of residence. The school chose almost a hostel, and living with seven of us
in one small room wouldn't be much fun. Secondly, the entertainment programme
that the school has composed. Going to parks and subways is
unbridled fun for the school administration. Maybe they think like that
because we're in high school and we have to party like grandparents?
Ha ha ha, in addition we'll have a babysitter with us, they're kidding...

Hope to hear from you soon your advice. In conclusion, I want to say for the
umpteenth time how much I care about you and thank you for communicating
with me, every second I feel you near me even when I'm on another continent.

Yours, Agata

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