Module 1 Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality

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“An Internationally recognized university that provides relevant and

innovative education and research for lifelong learning and sustainable


“The Palawan State University is committed to upgrade the people’s

quality of life by providing education opportunities through excellent
instruction, research and innovation, extension, production services and
transnational collaboration

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 1


E – Excellence in Service;
Q – Quality Assurance;

U – Unity in Diversity;

A – Advocacy for Sustainable Development

L – Leadership;

I – Innovation;

T– Transparency;

Y- Youth Development


This course is designed to give a clear and whole overview of tourism and hospitality as an
ecosystem and goes beyond the usual closed concept of tourism. It introduces the concepts
and terms that are common throughout the different sectors. It also intends to develop,
update and maintain local knowledge as well as tourism industry knowledge. It shows the
structure and scope of tourism as well as the impact of tourism as an industry in relation to
the world economy and society.

It also illustrates the effects of the convergence of tourism with the other local industries and
let students appreciate its multiplier effect in various fronts. It discusses the major factors
that influence history and future of tourism in the world and in the Philippines. It also
introduces the sustainable goals of tourism and discusses, among others, how to develop
protective environments for children in tourism destinations: to observed and perform risk
mitigation activities; etc. the students will also learn to appreciate the key global
organizations and the roles they play in influencing and monitoring tourism trends.


Due to the wide availability of jobs and the positive economic impact it has on local
communities, tourism and hospitality are two important industries in both the local and
international scene. It’s also hugely varied; whether you choose to work in hotels, catering,
beverages, cruises, events, or nightlife, there are hundreds of roles on offer, with many
choosing to stay in the sector long term and work their way up the ladder.

To be successful, though, a core set of skills is needed to possess. After all, hospitality is all
about providing outstanding service and leaving customers with a smile on their face, which
is a role that isn’t necessarily suited to everybody.

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 2

This subject helps you understand the prerequisites, develop skills and knowledge and a
broader comprehension of this business as an aid to this very promising industry.


UNITS: 3 Units



1. All students who will be taking the course shall be officially enrolled in PSU Quezon
Campus. ( Registration Form shall be sent to the GC as proof)

2. Computation of grades shall be composed of work output 40 % and Performance

Task 60 %. All written activities shall be part of work output and other activities will be
in the performance task.

3. Modules will be uploaded through Google classroom and messenger whenever


4. Submission of the activities (written) and Performance tasks (video/ etc.) Shall be
made through GC, EMAIL, or PM to the subject instructor.

5. All concerns shall be raised directly to the subject instructor. Consultation with your
instructor should be at least twice a week observing the class hours using these

Gmail –

Phone no: 09064667174

Facebook: Salome burlas-lampon

FB messenger account - (Class GC)


This will be our Grading System.: 40% for midterm; and 60% for finals

Written Output 40 %

Performance Based 60 %

Total 100%

Graded Outputs for Assessment

1. All Activities (given in the Module)

2. Final Output for the Module

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 3

3. Final Output for the Course


2ND SEMESTER SY: 2020-2021

MODULE 1: Unit 1:The Meaning and Importance of Tourism and Hospitality Industry,
The Relationship of Tourism and Hospitality, Characteristics of Tourism and Hospitality and
Importance of Tourism and Hospitality


The Tourism and Hospitality Industry: a powerful driver of the economic engine of
nations. The important roles of tourism and hospitality as the main instrument in
socioeconomic development of any nation cannot be overstated.

Tourism and hospitality has become one of the world’s largest and fastest growing
industries and it is because of the several factors, such as rising levels of income,
improvements in transportation and the low cost airline services, easier access to
destinations by tourists and the diversification of the industry with new market
Learning Outcomes:

After completing the study of this module, you should be able to:

1. Define Tourism and hospitality in different perspective.

2. Differentiate the tourism to hospitality
3. Understand the relationship of tourism and hospitality
4. Understand the various components and its elements of travel tourism
5. Explain the historical changes which have affected the growth and
development of the tourism and hospitality industry
6. Explain the characteristics of Tourism and Hospitality
7. Appreciate the importance of Tourism and Hospitality

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 4

TOPIC 1: The word Tourism is derived from
the Hebrew word “Torah” which means
studying, learning and searching.

Tourism is the act and process of spending time away from home in pursuit of
recreation, relaxation, and pleasure, while making use of the commercial
provision of services. As such, tourism is a product of modern social
arrangements, beginning in Western Europe in the 17th century, although it
has antecedents in classical antiquity.

According to Goeldner and Ritchie: Tourism is the processes, activities,

outcomes arising from relationships and interaction among tourists, tourism
suppliers, and surrounding environment that are involve in attracting and
hosting of visitors.

The term is derived from the Latin word “hospitare” which means “to receive a

Hospitality it implies whereby a guest who is away from home is welcomed

by a host where basic necessities are provided such as food, beverages, and

An industry comprises business entity of food, beverages, lodging or a
combination of these businesses to travelers during stay in a destination.

The relationship between Tourism and Hospitality

 Tourism affect hospitality
 Hospitality affect tourism

Hospitality Tourism

Promote each other and interact with each other

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 5

Making contribution to the national economy and promoting the development of the society

For further reference, kindly read on the suggested material as stated below. This will give
you a clear picture of the relationship between Hospitality and Tourism, as well as the other
factors that contribute to its distinct value.

Chan, B., Mackenzie, M. (2013).Tourism and hospitality studies. Pages 20-22. y%20Industry.pdf


 Accommodation

 Food and Beverage Services

 Time share

 Events/Entertainment


 Attractions

 Transportation services

 Tour Operators

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 6

 Tourism Information Centers

(Hospitality and Tourism cannot be separated)

An area where has good hotel and restaurant resources can attract more tourists.
People are search for better accommodation and dining location so the hospitality
should be regarded seriously. Tourism developed area have higher demand for the
hotel, more tourists’ needs, more place to live and relax.

These two industries not only can bring income to promote the national economy,
but also solve the problem of employment and with the development of the society,
human’s activities promote the development of many new industries. Hospitality and
tourism are two of these industries.
Scenario: Relationship of Hospitality and Tourism

HI! IM Lira

Meet Lalisa!

Lalisa loves to travel. She has been to many different countries and has had many different
experiences that she loves to talk about. One day while out to lunch with a close friend, she began
to tell her friend about her latest trip to Paris.

She talked about the food, the hotels, and all of the wonderful sightseeing she did. Not long into the
conversation, it dawned on her that all of her touristic travels are closely tied to the hospitality
industry. You see, every time Lalisa travels, she partakes in some sort of hospitality service. In this
lesson, we'll look more closely at how these two areas are connected.

Before we look at the connection between hospitality and tourism, let's review exactly what the
hospitality industry is. Well, the hospitality industry is an industry that offers services to us that go
beyond our basic needs and generally require extra income to purchase. These services include
things like accommodations and restaurants. So, every time Lalisa stays in a hotel and grabs dinner
at a nice restaurant, she is supporting the hospitality industry.

Meaning of Tourists

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 7

In 1937, the League of Nations defined “tourist” as follows: “A tourist is a person who
visits a country other than that in which he or she usually resides for a period of at
least 24 hours.”

This was held to include persons travelling for pleasure, domestic reasons or health,
persons travelling to meetings or on business, and persons visiting a country o a
cruise vessel even if for less than 24 hours.

In 1963, a United Nations Conference on International Travel and Tourism

recommended a new definition of a “visitor” as “any person visiting a country other
than that of earning money.” This definition covers two classes of visitors:

 Tourists:

Temporary visitors staying at least

24 hours, whose purpose could be
classified as:
a) Leisure, such as recreation, holiday,
health, study, religion, or sport;
b) Business;
c) Family;
d) Mission; and
e) Meeting;

 Excursionists:

Temporary visitors staying less than

24 hours in the destination visited
and not making an overnight stay.

Visitors are further classified into:

1. International visitor: Refers to any person who travels to a country outside

his/her usual environment.
2. Domestic visitor: Refers to any person who travels to a place other than that
of his/her usual environment but still within the country.
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 8
Elements of Travel

Four Basic elements have been used as criteria for defining travelers and/or tourists.
These are: Distance, length of stay at the destination, residence of the traveler, and
purpose of travel.

1. Distance
What must be considered under distance is the difference between local travel or
travelling within a person’s home community and non-local travel or travelling away
from home. It excludes commuting to and from work and change in residence.
A measure that has been used to distinguish travel away from home is the distance
travelled on a trip.
2. Length of Stay at Destination
The second basic element of travel used as a criterion for defining travelers is the
length of stay at a destination. The definition of tourist and excursionist are proposed
by the WTO (World Tourism Organization) is largely teased on length of stay.
Tourists are temporary visitors who make at least one overnight stay while
excursionists are temporary visitors who do not stay overnight in the destination that
they visit.

3. Residence of the Traveler

The residence or origin of the traveler is the third basic element of travel. For
business and research purposes, it is important to know where people live.

4. Purpose of Travel
The fourth basic element is the purpose of travel. It can be divided into seven:

a) Visiting friends and relatives;

b) Conventions, Seminars and Meetings;
c) Business;
d) Outdoor Recreation- Fishing, hiking and camping;
e) Entertainment-theatre and sports;
f) Personal-Family, medical and wedding
g) Others

The Nature of a Tour:

To analyze the nature of a tour

systematically, it will be helpful
to understand the difference
between domestic and
international tourism, as well
as independent and package

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 9

Domestic Tourism:

Travel taken exclusively within the

national boundaries of the
traveler’s country. People find it
easy to do so because there are no
languages, currency, nor
documentation barriers.

International Tourism:

Involves the movement of people

across international boundaries. It is
more difficult to travel outside one’s
country because the country visited
has a different language, currency,
and documentation requirements,
such as passports, visas, and other
conditions of entry to be met by

A package tour, sometimes called

inclusive tour, is an arrangement
in which transport and
accommodation is bought by the
tourist at an all-inclusive price and
the price of the individual elements
cannot be determined by the tourist.

The tour operator who organizes the package tour purchases transport and hotel
accommodation in advance, usually obtaining these at a lower price because he or
she is buying them in bulk. He or she then sells the tours individually to tourists direct
or through travel agents.

On the other hand, an independent tour is an arrangement in which the tourist buys
these facilities separately, either making reservations in advance through a travel
agent or en route during his or her tour. Tourists purchasing package tours may do
so on the basis of either individual or group travel.

An independent inclusive tour is one in which the tourist travels to his or her
destination individually, while in the group inclusive tour, he or she travels in the
company of other tourists. The abbreviations IIT and GIT are used for individual
inclusive tour and group inclusive tour respectively.

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 10

I. Direction: Site/Share a scenario that showcases the relationship of Hospitality
and Tourism.

( Use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a photo of
your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message. )







Did the topic of this unit help you to widen your knowledge about hospitality and
tourism industry?
(Direction: use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a
photo of your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message.)


Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 11



Topic 2: Characteristics of Tourism

and Hospitality

Components of Tourism

Accessibility (Transportation)
Accessibility means reachability to the place
of destination through various means of
transportation. Transportation should be
regular, comfortable, economical and safe.
Today there are various means of
transportation like airlines, railways, surface
(road transportation) and water
transportation. The transportation should be
there for all kinds of tourists and

It is a place where tourists can find
food and shelter provided he/she
is in a fit position to pay for it.
There are various types of
accommodation from a seven star
deluxe hotel to a normal budget
class hotel.

Attraction (Locale)
It is considered as the most
important basic component of
tourism. Attraction means
anything that creates a desire in
any person to travel in a specific
Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 12
tourist destination or attraction. Locale is another basic component of tourism.
The locale may be used to include the holiday destination and what it offers to
the tourist. The holiday destination may offer natural attractions. It is
considered as the most important basic component of tourism.
Fashion is an important factor in the demand for various tourist attractions and
amenities. The tourist who visits a particular place for its natural beauty may decide
to visit some other attractions due to a change in fashion.

Elements of Tourism: - There are certain elements or ingredients of tourism. They

are the fundamental attractions of tourism

1. Pleasing weather
2. Scenic attractions
3. Historical and cultural factors
4. Accessibility
5. Amenities
6. Accommodation
7. Safety and security
8. Other factors
a) Guide/ escort facilities
b) Basic medical facilities.
c) Electricity
d) Water
e) Communication system
1. Pleasing weather

Fine weather with warm sun shine is one of

the most important attractions of any tourist
place. Particularly good weather plays an
important role in making a holiday pleasant
or an unpleasant experience. Tourist from
countries with extremes of weather Visit Sea
beaches in search of fine weather and
sunshine. Due to this many spas and resorts
along the sea coasts come into existence.

In Europe, countries like Italy, Spain and Greece have developed beautiful beach
resorts. There are many such resorts along the coasts of Mediterranean sea like
India , Philippines, Thailand Indonesia, Australia, Sri Lanka and some other
countries have beautiful sea beaches with fine weather are best examples where
weather has played a prominent in attracting tourists.

2. Scenic attractions

No doubt scenic attractions are very

important factors in tourism. Scenery
consisting of mountains, lakes, waterfalls,
glaciers, forests, deserts, is strong forces
attracting people to visit them. Thousands

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 13

and thousands of tourists are attracted by the northern slopes of the Alps in
Switzerland and Austria and the southern slopes at Italy and also Himalayan.

3. Historical and cultural factors

Historical and cultural interest
exercised tremendous influence over
travellers. Large numbers of tourists
are attracted every year by the great
drawing power of Stratford on Avon in
England because of its association with
Shakespeare, or the city of Agra in
India because of its famous leaning
tower. Large number of Americans and
Canadians visit London because of its
historical and cultural attractions. So
also the world famous caves of Ajanta
and Ellora in India are visited by
tourists because of its architecture and

4. Accessibility
Accessibility is another important factor
of tourism. There should be accessibility
for each and every location of tourist
attractions. If their locations are
inaccessible by the normal means of
transport, it would be of little
importance. All kinds of transport
facilities are to be made available for
such locations. The distance factor also
plays an important role in determining a
tourist’s choice of a destination. Longer
distance cost much than to short

5. Amenities
Facilities are very essential for any tourist
centre. They are considered necessary
aid to the tourist centre. For a seaside
resort facilities like swimming, boating,
yachting surf riding and such other
facilities like deeming recreations and
amusements are very important feature.
There are two types of amenities; natural
and manmade. Beaches, sea-bathing,
fishing, climbing, trekking, viewing etc.
are come under the former category.
Various types of entertainments and

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 14

facilities which cater for the special needs of the tourists come under the latter

6. Accommodation

The need and necessity of accommodation

cannot be ignored in tourist destination.
Accommodation plays a vital role in this field.
Many changes have taken place in
accommodation recently. New types of
accommodation, particularly, holiday villages,
apartment houses camping and caravan sites
and tourist cottage have become very
popular. Usually a large number of tourists
visit a particular spot simply because there is
a first class hotel with excellent facilities.

7. Safety and Security

Safety and security are vital to providing

quality in tourism. More than any other
economic activity, the success or failure of a
tourism destination depends on being able
to provide a safe and secure environment
for visitors.

Characteristics of Tourism and Hospitality

Tourism and Hospitality has special characteristics which make it different from other
1. In tourism and hospitality, the product is not brought to the consumer; rather, the
consumer has to travel and go to the product to purchase it. In other industries,
an item manufactured in a factory is brought to the wholesaler and retailer and
ultimately to the consumer.
2. The products of tourism and hospitality are not used up; thus, they do not
exhaust the country’s natural resources. The products of other industries have a
limited life and at the end of it are either junked or replaced with new ones.
3. Tourism and hospitality is a labor-intensive industry. It requires more manpower
than other industries.

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 15

4. Tourism and hospitality is People oriented. It is primarily concerned with people.
One of the most important motivations of tourists is to meet other people and see
how other people live.
5. Tourism and hospitality is a multidimensional phenomenon. It is dependent on
many and varied activities which are separate but interdependent.
6. The tourism and hospitality industry is seasonal. During vacation seasons,
millions of tourists travel, which result in increased revenues for several tourism
agencies; but when vacations are over, these companies experience a big
decline in dollars earned.
7. The industry is dynamic. It is characterized by the changing ideas and attitudes of
its customers and therefore must be always prepared and willing to adjust to
these things.

Tourism and Hospitality Services

What is a service? Services are a special form of product which consists of a
activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for a sale that are intangible and do not
result in the ownership of anything. In the following, we will go into the most relevant
characteristics of services.

The most important characteristics of services are:

Services cannot be seen, tasted, felt, heard or Smelled before

Services cannot be separated from their providers

Quality of services depends on who provides them and when, where and how

Services cannot be stored for later sale or use

 Tourist products cannot be touched as they include flight experience on an
airplane, cruise on an ocean liner, a night’s rest in a hotel, a nice meal in a
luxurious restaurant , view of mountains, a visit to a museum, a good time in a
night club and much more.
These products are experiences. Once they have taken place they can only
be recalled and relished.
(For example: A person who pays for massage will not see the effects of massage
until the massage is done to his/her body.)

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 16

 In tourism and hospitality services, both the service provider and the customer
must be present for the transaction to occur.
If a service employee provides the service, then the employee is part of the service For
example: The food in the restaurant may be outstanding, but if the service staff is rude,
customers will down rate the overall service of the restaurant.
Another implication is that customers and employees must understand the service
delivery system because they are coproducing the service.

 It means that the quality of services depends on who provides them and
when, where and how they are provided.
For example: Within a given hotel chain, one reception desk agent may be cheerful and
efficient one day but would be unpleasant and slow the other day.
(Service providers’ service quality depends on his energy and his frame of mind at the time
of each customer encounter. Variability or lack of consistency is the major cause of customer
disappointment in the industry.)

 The service provided by the industry is highly perishable. If the service is
unused, it is wasted.

For example: A 70 room hotel that sells only 40 rooms on a particular night cannot inventory
the 30 unused rooms and then sell 100 rooms the next night because revenue lost from not
selling the 30 rooms is gone forever.

I. Direction: Share a scenario that best describe the following:

(use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a photo of
your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message.)

1. Intangibility:___________________________________________________________
2. Inseparability:__________________________________________________________
3. Variability:_____________________________________________________________

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 17

4. Perishability:___________________________________________________________

I. Direction: This section gauges the perception of how tourism and hospitality fits in the
state and regional economy and assesses the level of tourism and hospitality activity
and the transportation resources available.
(use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a photo
of your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message.)

1. Is there a need for more investment in the transportation resources to support the
current mix and level of tourism recreation travel? [ ] Yes [ ] No





1. What new things did you learn?

(use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a
photo of your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message.)





Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 18

Topic 3: Importance of Tourism and

Importance of Tourism and Hospitality Tourism and Hospitality has become one of the
world’s major industries. Both developing and highly developed nations are now taking a
closer look at the following potential benefits from tourism and hospitality.

1. Contribution to the balance of payments. Tourism and hospitality can help correct
the balance of payments and deficits of many countries by earning the much-needed
foreign currency in international trade. Examples of countries in which the tourism
and hospitality industry has helped reduce the deficits are: Spain, Mexico,
Philippines, Thailand, Hong Kong, and Singapore.
2. Dispersion of development. International tourism and hospitality is the best means
to spread wealth among countries; thus, bridging the economic gap between the rich
and the poor nations.

3. Effect on general economic development. Expenditures by tourists can have

beneficial effects on all economic sectors and can lead to the development of
different industries and other economic activities.

4. Employment opportunities. Tourism and hospitality is a source of employment. It is

a service industry, which could have s significant effect on those countries with
surplus labor such as the Philippines. For countries where there is a high rate of
unemployment and underemployment, tourism and hospitality can provide a ready

5. Social benefits. Social exchange takes place when tourists come in contact with the
inhabitants of the places they visit. Their social background and their presence affect
the social structure and way of life of the local residents. In the same way, tourists
are also affected by the experience so that they often carry with them new habits and
a new outlook on life when they return home.

6. Cultural enrichment. Tourism and hospitality emphasizes a sharing and

appreciation of cultures rather than the lack of trust brought about by isolation.
Through tourism and hospitality, we can appreciate the rich human and cultural
diversity that the world offers and evolve a mutual trust and respect for one another
and the dignity of life on earth.
Likewise, tourism and hospitality contributes to the preservation and development of
the world’s cultural heritage. It encourage governments to preserve historical sites

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 19

and monuments and motivates indigenous groups to preserve their heritage in the
form of dance, music, and artifacts.
7. Educational significance. Tourism and hospitality enhances one’s education.
International conferences, seminars, and study trips held each year enable people of
all nations to exchange ideas, propose solution to problems, and share their
concerns. They provide up to date information for enhancing the knowledge and
skills required for the development of the tourism and hospitality industry.

8. A vital force for peace. A properly designed and developed tourism and hospitality
can help bridge the psychological and cultural distances that separate people of
different races, colors, religions, and stages of social and economic development.

In facilitating more genuine social relationships among individuals, tourism and

hospitality can help overcome prejudices and foster international brotherhood and
world understanding. Thus, tourism and hospitality can become a real force for world

Tourism’s need and importance in 2020 (during pandemic)

The importance of tourism and its industry is now much more visible. In 2020 and all the
countries are trying their best to contain the coronavirus pandemic and its effects and are
struggling to come out of it. They are also now looking at their economies and how to bring
these back to growth.

The First most badly affected industry as it is seen as highly risky activity. Still, many
countries have now began or are planning to restart tourism. This is because they know how
important tourism is to economies and how tourism can help bring back growth and also
create plenty of job opportunities.

1. What can you say about the current status of tourism and the remedy recommended
to adapt in the new normal?

(use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a
photo of your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message.)




Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 20

2. What is the role of tourism and hospitality in the growth of cultural experience in the



1. How might you use what you learned in the future in your life or profession?
(use separate sheet for answering. You can send your answer through messenger by taking a
photo of your answer sheet and send it to me on a private message.)





Rubric: for Reflection essay

Performance Element No Evidence Unsatisfactory Satisfactory

(4) (8) (10)

Cohesiveness of Essay The essay is linear in The essay attempts to tie The reflection provides
presentation. All artifacts are artifacts together. The the ‘big picture’ of the
listed and described student provides some student’s experiences.
separately and at length. personal insight into how The student
Personal insight into how artifacts were beneficial. interweaves
these artifacts benefited the The student has created information regarding
student is not provided. The a general picture of their specific artifacts and
‘big picture’ of the student’s experiences. The how these artifacts
experiences is not evident. reviewer understands that were beneficial. The
The reviewer understands the student gained clinical reviewer is left with
what each artifact is but not and academic knowledge several details which
how they tie together. and skills. make the student’s
experience unique.

Experiences & Accomplishments Insight into the reflection The reflection leaves a The reflection leaves
process is not evident as the weak impression on the an impression on the

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 21

writer did not articulate what reader about what the reader about what the
was learned and what needs writer learned. Insight into student learned.
to be developed in the future the reflection process is Insight into the
not evident as the writer reflection process is
did not clearly articulate somewhat evident as
what needs to be the writer articulated
developed in the future. what needs to be
developed in the

Reflection & Examples Does not reflect on own work Reflects on own work and Demonstrates an
at all and no examples are improvement on occasion ability to reflect on own
provided. but does not provide work and adequate
many examples at all. number of examples
are provided.

Effort and Personal No effort was made to write Little effort was made to Reflection
Reponse essay. No evidence of a write essay. Little demonstrates that
personal perspective within evidence of a personal some effort was made
reflection. perspective within to write essay.
reflection. Evidence of a personal
perspective within

Reflection does not reveal Reflection reveals some Reflection reveals

Goals and Levels of insight


3 2 1

(5pts) (3pts) (2pts)

Explanation A complete response with Good solid response with Explanation is unclear
detailed explanation clear explanation.

Writing Well written and organized, Adequately written and Poorly written and
clear, easy to follow. organized, clear, organized, unclear,
reasonably easy to follow. hard to follow.

Grammar and spelling No grammar or spelling errors. One grammar or spelling Many grammar and
errors spelling errors

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 22


Chan, B., Mackenzie, M. (2013). Tourism and hospitality studies. Pages 20-22. y%20Industry.pdf

List of Open Educational Resources:

Chan, B., Mackenzie, M. (2013). Tourism and Hospitality Studies

Csapo, J., and Kasimoglu, M. (2012). Strategies for Tourism Industry-Micro and
Macro Perspectives The_role_and_importance_of_cultural_touris

Timur, S. (2012) Best Education Network: Networking for Sustainable Tourism; Sustainable
Tourism Networks

Walker, J. (2009). Introduction to Hospitality Industry (Fifth Edition).

Walden, A. (2006). Tourism Studies and the Social Sciences
0 and%20the%20Social%20Sciences.pdf

Macro Perspective of Tourism and Hospitality 23

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