Email To Court Cover Sheet With Petition

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Petitioner: Quaesha Scott; Email:

Court address Court telephone no.
Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 (313) 224-5261
Petitioner’s name Age Respondent’s name, address, and telephone no. Age
A Quaesha Scott 29 50 est.
Kenneth Cargill
Address and telephone no. where court can reach petitioner
v 15410 Hazelridge
15511 Spring Garden
Detroit , MI 48205 (313) 808-8057 Detroit , MI 48205

1. The petitioner and respondent have never been married, resided in the same household together, had a child in
common, or had a dating relationship with one another.
B 2. The respondent is required to carry a firearm in the course of his/her employment.   X Unknown.
C 3. a. There   are   X are not   other pending actions in this or any other court regarding the parties.
Case number Name of court, county, and state or province Name of judge

b. There   are   X are not   orders/judgments entered by this or any other court regarding the parties.
Case number Name of court, county, and state or province Name of judge

D 4. I need a personal protection order because: Explain what has happened (attach separate sheets).
Please see attached "Statement of Facts"

E 5. I make this petition under the authority of MCL 600.2950a(1) and ask the court to grant a personal protection order
prohibiting the respondent from
X a. stalking me as defined by MCL 750.411h and MCL 750.411i, which includes but is not limited to
X following me or appearing within my sight.
X appearing at my workplace or residence.
X approaching or confronting me in a public place or on private property.
X entering onto or remaining on property owned, leased, or occupied by me.
X sending mail or other communications to me.
X contacting me by telephone.
X placing an object on or delivering an object to property owned, leased, or occupied by me.
X b. threatening to kill or physically injure me.
c. purchasing or possessing a firearm.
d. posting a message through the use of any medium of communication, including the Internet or a computer or any
electronic medium, pursuant to MCL 750.411s.
X e. other:

Approved, SCAO Distribute form to:

Form CC 377, Rev. 3/23 Court
MCL 600.2950a, MCR 3.703 Judge/Assignment clerk
Page 1 of 2 Respondent
SRL Petitioner
Petition for Personal Protection Order (Nondomestic) (3/23) Case No.
Page 2 of 2

F X 6. I request an ex parte order because immediate and irreparable injury, loss, or damage will occur between now and a
hearing or because notice itself will cause irreparable injury, loss, or damage before the order can be entered.

G 7. I have a next friend petitioning for me. I certify that the next friend is not disqualified by statute and is an adult.

H August 21, 2023 /s/ Quaesha Scott (e-signed pursuant to MCR 1.109)
Date Petitioner’s/Next friend’s signature

Quaesha Scott
Name (type or print)
Petition for Personal Protection Order

Case No.

4. (Continued)
The parties' relationship is as follows: The respondent was the previous owner of the property that I am in
possession of.

— — — Incidents — — —

a. One incident of stalking or other threatening behavior by Kenneth Cargill occurred on or about August 14,
2023 at the following location: 15511 Spring Garden Detroit, Michigan 48205.
At that time, Kenneth Cargill said or did the following: I was sitting in my car in the driveway when a female
officer came knocking on the door very loudly. I then asked the Officer what was going and informed her that I
was the owner of the property. She asked me if I had called the police stating that someone broke into the
property and that my father owned it. I informed her that it was not me, it had to be the previous owner and she
asked me to show my ownership paperwork. I retrieved my paperwork and informed her that the previous owner
was no longer in possession of the property. She told me to keep my paperwork near me at all times because the
previous owners daughter may still be in the area but did not come to the scene. .
I know the Respondent was responsible for the behavior because: the female officer stated that someone had
broken into the property and that her father owns the property. The previous owner and family were told not to
come back to the property and if they did I was informed to call the police immediately.
As a result of this incident I felt Frightened, intimidated and scared for my life. Mr. Cargill has been known in the
past for feeding people to alligators. The false report filed for breaking and entering can damage my reputation as
an individual and as a community partner. His family previously surrounded my property after a false report was
made by him. After talking with NPO Young and meeting with NPO Johnson I was giving the okay to continue
abating the nuisances on the property.
The police were called and did the following: They told me to keep my ownership paperwork nearby in case the
daughter called the police again.

b. Another incident of stalking or other threatening behavior by Kenneth Cargill occurred on or about 07/20/2023
at the following location: 15511 Spring Garden Detroit, Michigan 48205.
At that time, Kenneth Cargill said or did the following: I was at my ex boyfriend house and I received a phone
call from my brother that someone had broken into the property. I came to the property and immediately called the
police. I informed the previous owner that he knows that the officers told him that he was not supposed to come
on the property. He went back to his white pickup truck and sat there and waited but pulled off before the police
came. The police never showed up.
I know the Respondent was responsible for the behavior because: I recognized his face and white pickup truck.
As a result of this incident I felt I felt frightened, intimidated and scared for my life. .
There were witnesses to the incident.
The police were called and did the following: The police never came.

c. Another incident of stalking or other threatening behavior by Kenneth Cargill occurred on or about 07/01/2023
at the following location: 15511 Spring Garden Detroit, Michigan 48205.
At that time, Kenneth Cargill said or did the following: I was alerted by my neighbor who walks her dog that
someone had been stealing the fence located around the property. After examining the fence, I (continued on next

Statement of Facts
Page 1
Petition for Personal Protection Order

Case No.

4. (Continued)
started to preserve the rest of the fence in order to prevent the person that was stealing the fence from continuing
to do so. A white pickup truck drove by with the white fence pieces hanging out of the back of the truck. Then he
came back 15 minutes later in his truck along with a gray Chevy Impala possible a 2000 or 2001 style. A big
burgundy van and a black Cadillac truck then pulled up as well. Kenneth had called the police and told them that I
was stealing the fence. I informed the officer that I was not stealing the fence but it was indeed Kenneth Cargill
who had been stealing the fence because I saw the pieces on the back of his truck. I informed the officers that I
was the owner of the property and provided my ownership paperwork. The officer then told us both not to go on
the property until further notice. On July 6, 2021 a business card was left at my door from the Detroit Police
Department that contained NPO Young’s number. I reached out to him and was asked what my plans for the
property was. I informed of the details of the property and he stated that he would send another officer out to
inspect the property. On July 7, 2021 NPO Johnson came to the property and inspected the property and then
gave me the confirmation to continue to remove blight and work on the property.
I know the Respondent was responsible for the behavior because: I was able to recognize him and his white
pickup truck.
As a result of this incident I felt I felt frightened, intimidated and scared for my life. .
The police were called and did the following: We were both ordered to not go onto the property until further
notice. On July 7, 2021 I received confirmation from NPO Johnson to remove the blight and continue to work on
the property. Report # 210701-0288.

d. I would also like the court to know: Kenneth Cargill has been known throughout Detroit for feeding people to
alligators and I am frightened, intimidated and scared for me and my sons life.

Statement of Facts
Page 2

Court address Coleman A. Young Municipal Center, 2 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, MI 48226 Court telephone no.
ORI (313) 224-5261
Petitioner’s name Respondent’s name, address, telephone no., and driver’s license no.
Quaesha Scott Kenneth Cargill
Address and telephone no. where court can reach petitioner 15410 Hazelridge
15511 Spring Garden Detroit , MI 48205
Detroit , MI 48205 (313) 808-8057

Height Weight Race* African Sex* Date of birth or age* Hair color Eye color Other identifying information
5 ft, 3 in 130 lbs. American M 50 est. UNK Unknown
*These items must be filled in for the police/sheriff to enter on LEIN; the other items are not required but are helpful. **Needed for NCIC entry

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