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01211323 Automation System and Components

Electrical Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (EMME)

• Starting and setting CX-Programmer

Click [start] on task bar and then select [program] → [OMRON]→ [CX-One]→
[CX-Programmer] → [CX-Programmer]

When CX-programmer is open. You will create new project, choose device type and
CPU of program
1. In the CX-Programmer select [File] - [New]. After, main menu will occur
dialog box.
01211323 Automation System and Components

Electrical Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (EMME)

2. In the Device Type select CP1H and then select Settings. In the CPU Type
set XA (It is PLC series that has Analog I/O). After, click OK

3. Click OK

รูปที่ 3.24 วิธีการสร้างโปรเจคใหม่

01211323 Automation System and Components

Electrical Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (EMME)

4. After the project is created successfully, a project management

area will appear at left the side of the main screen.

Write a ladder

• Loading program to PLC

1. Connect USB between PLC and Computer. Turn on switch on PLC and then
open program and select Work Online. After click YES

01211323 Automation System and Components

Electrical Mechanical Manufacturing Engineering (EMME)

2. Select Transfer to PLC and select Transfer All

3. In the massage Click Yes all. Program is loaded into PLC


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