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Question 1,

the major minerals and mining areas.

Question 2,

Find out areas where sand, clay, rocks and limestone are obtained from.

Question 3,

Trace the map showing the minerals, indicate all the minerals shown. Identify the provinces
where each mineral is found.


The major minerals in Rwanda include manganese, tin, wolfram, gold, colmbite.

The mining areas in Rwanda include: RWINKAVU KAYONZA DISTRICT, RUTONGO

RULINDO DISTRICT. Nyakabingo mine in Kigali city.

Question 2,

Limestone : mainly in the Western (Karongi and Rusizi districts) and the Northern
(Musanze district) provinces and other small deposits in Gakenke and Rulindo

Rocks: are formed and found in valleys and lowland areas of the Eastern Province and
along the foot hills of the Northern Province more especially in Gicumbi district.

Clay: The Nyirambagasa valley in Kacyiru is well-known for one thing; its abundance of a
sticky clay soil .



The minerals shown include GOLD, WOLFRAM, MANGANESE, COLOMBITE, AND



TIN IS FOUND IN THE northern province

WOLFRAM IS FOUND IN THE eastern province

COLOMBITE IS FOUND IN THE eastern province

Question 4,

In pairs, use geographical documents, Internet and photographs of mines

to observe and describe the methods of mining used in Rwanda.
open-cast mining

In this method, the mineral ore lying near the surface is blasted to loosen
the ore. Thereafter, the waste rocks are removed by use of power shovels.
The mineral is then removed in successive layers.

Placer mining method

Placer mining is a method used to extract minerals found in alluvial

deposits such as tin, tungsten and gold. Placer mining takes place in two
a) Panning
b) Dredging
a) Panning involves putting the sand or gravel dug from the river bed on a
circular shallow pan. The pan is tilted and swirled round in such a way that
lighter materials are washed leaving heavier mineral particles at the bottom
of the pan. The minerals are then hand-picked.
b) Dredging is mostly used in mining tin and gold. In this method, a
dredger floats on the river or lake bed. It is used to dig up and scoop the
alluvium containing the mineral. The alluvium mixed with water is put in
large containers.

Placer mining method

Placer mining is a method used to extract minerals found in alluvial

deposits such as tin, tungsten and gold. Placer mining takes place in two
a) Panning
b) Dredging
a) Panning involves putting the sand or gravel dug from the river bed on a
circular shallow pan. The pan is tilted and swirled round in such a way that
lighter materials are washed leaving heavier mineral particles at the bottom
of the pan. The minerals are then hand-picked.
b) Dredging is mostly used in mining tin and gold. In this method, a
dredger floats on the river or lake bed. It is used to dig up and scoop the
alluvium containing the mineral. The alluvium mixed with water is put in
large containers.

Underground mining

This method is used where minerals are found deep in the earth’s crust. In
this method, the overburden is first removed by blasting the overlying
rocks. Vertical shafts are sunk. From the shaft, horizontal tunnels are dug
to reach the mineral which is later lifted on to the surface.

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