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Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

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A quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the sustainability of

industrialised building systems: A bibliographic review and analysis of
case studies
Rafael E. López-Guerrero a, Sergio Vera a, b, c, Manuel Carpio a, b, d, *
Department of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Avenida Vicuña Mackenna, 4860, Santiago,
UC Energy Research Center, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Avenida Vicuña Mackenna, 4860, Santiago, Chile
Center for Sustainable Urban Development, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
Centro Nacional de Excelencia para la Industria de la Madera (CENAMAD), Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile


Keywords: The building construction has a significant impact on sustainability worldwide. However, industrialised building
Benchmarking systems (IBS) might reduce these impacts compared to traditional building systems (TBS). Previous literature
Building reviews have analysed IBS’s sustainability, based primarily on environmental aspects and through qualitative
Industrialised building system
indicators, disregarding a detailed quantitative comparison between both technologies and nor considering
Traditional building system
economic and social sustainability indicators. To fill this gap, this paper aims to evaluate vis-à-vis IBS’s sus­
Life cycle assessment
Sustainability tainability in relation to TBS, based on the quantitative and qualitative indicators studied in the literature. Thus,
an exhaustive bibliographic review of IBS and TBS case studies was conducted. In total, 67 scientific papers were
selected (papers, book chapters and reports), containing 86 case studies. Major findings indicated that IBS are
more sustainable in almost all studied values – except construction costs. Nevertheless, this advantage depends
on material design, prefabrication levels, transportation, work management and each author’s methodological
approaches. These factors are discussed to explain the reasons for IBS′ sustainability. Furthermore, main con­
clusions indicate that sustainability assessments have been unbalanced in literature, with few analyses of eco­
nomic and social performance, and some indicators have been poorly studied (e.g., water and acidification
potential), so their results are not yet representative. Similarly, reusability, prefabrication levels and the social
indicators of IBS were insufficiently analysed in the reviewed case studies. Finally, the current review highlights
IBS sustainability indicators that have been less studied in order to motivate new investigations in the broader
field, exposing the IBS sustainability outlook and other research gaps.

this sector faces essential opportunities to reduce such impacts [6],

transforming current models of buildings’ design, management, con­
1. Introduction
struction, and operation from a whole-life-cycle perspective and
following global and local sustainable development objectives in each
The construction industry consumes 40% of material resources, 60%
region [7].
of minerals extracted from the lithosphere, 25% of water, 35% of en­
Several investigations have been conducted to maintain or increase
ergy, and 12% of soil worldwide. In addition, it generates over 25% of
industry productivity and efficiency while simultaneously increasing
solid wastes and 38% of greenhouse gases (GHG) worldwide [1–3]. In
sustainability [8,9]. These studies have considered industrialised
2016, Europe generated 374 million tonnes of construction and demo­
building systems (IBS) an important strategy, recognising their contri­
lition waste [4]. These construction industry effects may increase sub­
butions to sustainability in three areas – social, economic, and envi­
stantially due to population growth pushes the need for new
ronmental [10–12]. IBS have been defined as systems in which –
infrastructure. For example, demand for new buildings is expected to
contrary to traditional building systems (TBS) – standardised
double to more than 415 billion m2 by 2050 [5]. Despite this context,

* Corresponding author. Department of Construction Engineering and Management, School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Avenida
Vicuña Mackenna, 4860, Santiago, Chile.
E-mail address: (M. Carpio).
Received 10 July 2021; Received in revised form 2 December 2021; Accepted 21 December 2021
Available online 13 January 2022
1364-0321/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Abbreviations MCDM Multi-criteria decision-making

nOE Non-operational energy
AP Acidification potential nOC Non-operational carbon
BIM Building information modelling nOP Non-operational performance
CE Circular economy OC Operational carbon
EC Embodied carbon ODP Ozone depletion potential
EEI Embedded environmental impacts OEI Other environmental indicators
EF Eco-toxicity effect OSI Other social indicators
EP Eutrophication potential P–B Process-based
GHG Greenhouse gases POFP Photochemical oxidant formation
GPS Global Position system PR Prefabrication rate
GPW Global warming potential RD Resource depletion
IBS Industrialised building system RFID Radio Frequency Identification
IoT Internet of thigs SP Smog potential
IO Input-output TBS Traditional building system
ISO International Organization for Standardization W Water
LC Lean construction WbT Waterborne toxicity
LCA Life cycle assessment WSS Waterborne suspended substance
LCC Life cycle cost

components are manufactured in a controlled environment (on- or residential uses [39] or modular IBS advances and challenges in
off-site), transported and assembled with minimal additional site work multi-floor buildings [40]. Similarly, Jin et al. conducted a qualitative
[13,14]. review of IBS environmental performance, especially in
IBS’ sustainability-related benefits include the reduction of: waste post-construction stages, carbon emissions and energy consumption
[15,16]; energy consumption and carbon emissions [17–20]; air and soil [41]. They also discussed future trends and knowledge gaps in such
pollution [21–24]; noise and dust emissions [25,26]; water consumption areas but focused on environmental sustainability. Finally, in terms of
[27,28]; construction time [29,30]; and accident rates [31]. Further­ IBS sustainability – specifically in operational performance – other au­
more, IBS enhance productivity [32,33]. These benefits have been thors’ literature reviews have emphasised that IBS’ benefits in opera­
demonstrated or discussed in quantitative research analyses such as tional energy/carbon are more visible in buildings retrofitting [42].
partial or total life cycle analysis (LCA) and life cycle cost analysis (LCC), Previous literature reviews have reported IBS′ benefits and advan­
and qualitative evaluations (e.g., literature reviews and surveys). tages over TBS, based predominantly on qualitative analyses, but little
Literature reviews related to IBS and sustainability have explored research has discussed specific case studies from the evaluated literature
their relationship qualitatively. Furthermore, a very limited group of versus TBS. Moreover, different indicators of environmental, economic
studies have discussed IBS sustainability based on quantitative in­ and social sustainability have not been evaluated simultaneously [22].
dicators. For instance, Teng et al. analysed IBS performance versus TBS Thus, the state-of-the-art lacks of a comprehensive evaluation of all
based on operational carbon (OC) and embedded carbon (EC), con­ sustainability aspects across all IBS types, including quantitative case
trasting different case studies in the literature, based on LCA [19]. The studies. Accordingly, despite the preponderance of research reporting
authors highlighted relative mean reductions of 15.6% and 3.2% for EC IBS′ sustainability benefits, the extent of these benefits in relation to TBS
and OC, respectively [19]. On the other hand, Jaillon and Poon quali­ – and the factors they depend upon – remains unclear. Therefore, the
tatively investigated the benefits and barriers of IBS disassembly design, current study paper aims to identify the relationship between IBS and
examining case studies in China [34]. They have underscored the need sustainability, based on a direct comparison of case studies in IBS and
to simultaneously evaluate other environmental indicators under LCA referencing TBS. This research sought to answer two questions: How
perspective, including economic cost analysis [34]. However, such study sustainable are IBS compared to TBS? and, if IBS are more sustainable
has been limited to IBS made of concrete. Kamali and Hewage conducted than TBS, what factors determine this advantage? An exhaustive
a bibliographic review of modular IBS sustainability’s performance bibliographic literature review was conducted to answer these ques­
versus TBS, highlighting a lack of studies in the LCA context that have tions, focused on a comparison of case studies involving both IBS and
also evaluated social and economic elements [22]. However, they TBS, regarding building construction’s main sustainability indicators.
limited their discussion to modular IBS. Similarly, Boafo et al. conducted This review’s specific objectives are to:
state-of-the-art research on modular IBS, based on a specific case study
analysis [35]. They discussed IBS types according to their taxonomy and • analyse and discuss the relative environmental sustainability per­
described the results of thermal, seismic, acoustic, energy and emissions formance of IBS and TBS based on non-operational carbon, non-
performance, but they did not compare detailed case studies from the operational energy, material consumption, waste and several socio-
literature [35]. environmental indicators (e.g. water, acidification potential and
Other IBS reviews not focused on sustainability have found that eutrophication potential);
sustainability is the most mentioned keyword in studies between 2008 • analyse and discuss the relative economic sustainability performance
and 2018 [36]. In contrast, according to their bibliometric analysis, of IBS and TBS focused on costs, construction times and productivity;
Hosseini et al. reported that this relationship received little attention • analyse and discuss the social sustainability performance of IBS
between 1975 and 2017 [37]. Meanwhile, a recent review by Wuni and considering human health indicators (e.g., carcinogenic elements,
Shen concluded that sustainability is one of the main drivers of IBS, as non-carcinogenic elements and particulate matter), accident rates
well as one of the most independent drivers of successful implementa­ and noise disturbances;
tion, underlining that such drivers should be prioritised in IBS-related • discuss the review’s results, answer the study’s research questions
public policies [38]. Other reviews have recently been developed with and describe research gaps to address future studies.
specific scopes, such as IBS sustainability incidence factors for

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

1.1. Prefabrication levels 2. Materials and methods

IBS can be classified according to the prefabrication level or pre­ 2.1. General methodology
fabrication rate (PR) at which they are manufactured. This bibliography
presents two basic ways of characterising an IBS: (i) using percentages of A systematised bibliographic review was conducted mainly through
precast elements versus non-prefabricated elements [19,43] or (ii) using scientific publication databases in engineering and building construc­
taxonomic descriptions [22,44,45]. Under the second characterisation, tion. Based on the work of Jin et al., successive steps were developed
the proposed taxonomy by Gibb [46] has been the most commonly [41]. Fig. 1 summarises these phases, which are described in detail
accepted in the literature due to its clear qualitative definition, pro­ below.
posing four levels [44]:
2.2. Databases and keywords
• Level 1: components and sub-assembly
• Level 2: non-volumetric or panelised assembly The scientific databases used in this review were Web of Science,
• Level 3: volumetric assembly Scopus, Engineering Village, Emerald Insight, and Google Scholar. These
• Level 4: modular building databases were used in accordance with civil engineering research
purposes since no single database contains all publications in a specific
However, in addition to this taxonomy, other similar proposals research area. Google Scholar was used to include technical reports, as
classify IBS [45,47,48]. Some of these alternatives include a ‘hybrid well as to validate and track cited works [54]. Keywords were selected
level’ as another category [49]. A recent discussion [50] merged this from two categories related to the two proposed study scopes: (A) IBS;
level with Level 3 by Gibb [46], given that volumetric assembly can and (B) sustainability. Keywords within each category were related
accompany or be finished by independent prefabricated panels (e.g. through the “OR” relationship, and categories were related through the
volumetric baths finished with panels), giving rise to the following four “AND” relationship. Category A comprised terms that usually describe
levels, with different subcategories and from the lowest to the highest PR IBS within the literature [28]. The following search formula was used:
[50]: “off-site construction” OR “offsite construction” OR “prefabricated
construction” OR “industrialised building system” OR “panelised con­
• Level 1: components and sub-assembly struction” OR “modular construction” OR “precast”. Category B
• Level 2: panelised systems comprised terms commonly used in the literature to characterise sus­
• Level 3: semi-volumetric construction tainability performance. The following search formula was: “sustain­
• Level 4: fully volumetric construction ability” OR “sustainable” OR “green” OR “carbon emissions” OR
“greenhouse gas” OR “building performance” OR “social” OR “cost” OR
Meanwhile, to simplify the analysis of the relationships between PR “productivity".
and IBS sustainability, and because of its numerical approach, the cat­
egorisation adopted by Teng et al. [19] according to prefabrication 2.3. Bibliographic scope
volumes was used in the current investigation as follows (Appendix 1):
The shortlisted documents comprised journal or proceedings papers,
• low PR: ≤ 25% book chapters and official reports. Since the field of IBS sustainability
• average PR: 26–50% studies is relatively novel, a temporary research cut-off was set to 2008
• high PR (including modular IBS): ≥51% onwards, based on a finding that a greater number of relevant docu­
ments were published beginning in this year [36]. Moreover, the
1.2. Research scope and boundaries ‘snowball’ technique was also used to find additional publications from
the reference lists of already-selected publications [55]. Thus, publica­
The scope of this study was analysing and comparing non- tions before 2008 that were cited in other documents, or works not
operational performance indicators (nOP), including aspects such as included in the searched document types, and were considered impor­
maintenance stages (e.g., raw material extraction, manufacturing, tant references were also preselected.
transportation, replacement, maintenance and renovation) and final
disposal. These widespread impacts are increasingly relevant, in abso­ 2.4. Screening
lute and relative terms, regarding operational phases’ increasing effi­
ciency [51,52]. However, although operational performance has been As Fig. 1 summarised, the results in each database were organised by
little explored in IBS [41], recent reviews have already begun to analyse relevance. This step was followed by a review of titles and abstracts to
this scope [19,42]. identify and download relevant documents. Documents that met any of
Moreover, the current review screened only scientific documents the following five eligibility criteria were preselected: (i) a comparative
that aimed to analyse IBS and reference TBS within the same analysis. study of IBS with TBS in any sustainability indicator; (ii) a comparative
This decision aimed to reduce probable errors when comparing IBS study between different IBS; (iii) an IBS sustainability performance
performance with TBS in other studies. The indicators evaluated were discussion study; (iv) an analysis of a sustainability indicator based on a
those available in the selected literature. case study; and (v) IBS literature reviews. These procedures were
It is worthy to mention that comparative case study selection be­ applied in February 2021.
tween IBS and TBS included buildings’ prefabrication, such that pre­
fabricated structural systems studies were also included. When an 2.5. Analysis techniques
investigation compared one IBS with different TBS, the results from the
most conservative case were selected. Only the same building uses were A content analysis technique was used to analyse the selected doc­
analysed (e.g. residential versus residential) since such comparisons uments. This approach allows for an objective, systematic, qualitative
were more representative and impartial [53]. and quantitative analysis of bibliographic information with a large
volume of data, based on their categorisation using explicit coding rules
[56,57]. This technique has been widely used in other literature reviews
[58–60]. For this purpose, coding and grouping categories were created
using several Excel sheets. Firstly, the basic information of every

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Fig. 1. Proposed methodological scheme, adapted from Jin et al. [41].

document was organised (research content, objectives, methodology review. These cases were distributed across 19 countries, with more than
etc.). Then, the information was classified under common qualitative one-third (35.8%) in China, followed by Malaysia with 11 publications
categories of analysis, based on the ‘sustainability causes’ of the assessed and the United States with five publications, while most of included
technologies, and common quantitative information was collected (e.g. countries contributed only with one publication each (Fig. 2a). This
energy consumption). Further, the Excel sheets were divided into sus­ research covers publications from 2006 to February 2021, with an
tainability categories and indicators (e.g., water and energy). Then, increasing trend in publication dates over time (Fig. 2b). In 2019 was
quantitative values were calculated from the documents for quantitative registered the highest number of documents that corresponded to 14.9%
and qualitative cross-checking. of the total documents.
Fig. 3 describes case studies’ distribution across sustainability as­
3. Results pects, showing the volume of environmental and economic evaluations,
and finding very few evaluations on economic-social relationships.
This section presents general qualitative and quantitative results
from the current study’s literature review. General bibliometric results
3.2. Environmental performance
were synthesised, and then the results were related to environmental,
economic and social sustainability. The latter categorised results are
The environmental performance of civil construction is a require­
provided as relations in percentages, with positive percentages
ment that has gained strength in recent decades [11], similarly to IBS.
describing better performance for IBS in reference to TBS and vice versa
The present analysis focused on a case study comparison using pre­
for negative percentages.
dominant quantitative indicators in the literature, as described below.

3.1. General bibliometric results 3.2.1. Non-operational carbon

Since the current international goals to mitigate the effects of global
Once the second pre-selection of relevant documents was completed, warming, carbon emission has been the most-studied indicator in the
260 documents were obtained. After applying the final selection and building sector, including IBS. nOC refers to carbon embedded in all life
‘snowball’ technique, a total of 67 documents were finally selected for cycle phases except B1 (Appendix 3). Among the 86 case studies
comparative analysis. Other pertinent studies (due to their descriptions reviewed, 54 (62.8%) analysed this indicator. Of these nOC-focused
in their titles or abstracts) were not included in the current study’s cases, 37% analysed nOC in absolute carbon (kg or tonne of CO2) and
analysis due to access or language limitations or due to a lack of relevant 63% analysed carbon equivalents (kg or tonne of CO2eq) (Appendix 1)
information in their presented outcomes. since other GHGs were considered [62,63] and, therefore, represented
The 67 selected documents provided 86 case studies for this final global warming potential (GWP) indicators.

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Fig. 2. (a) Case studies by country and (b) case studies by year.

53 [68]). Generally, most of case studies reviewed often suggested better

IBS performance in nOC emissions, with a positive percentage average of
14.85% (Fig. 4). A similar result was reported by Teng et al. [19], with
15.6% in 21 case studies (of which 19 were included in the present
Three methods were normally used in embedded energy (EE) and EC
quantifications, although they were used to estimate other impacts in
LCA [69], namely: process-based (P–B), input-output (IO) and hybrid
methods. The P–B method is a robust methodology based on standards
series ISO 14040 and 14044 (2006). It is a bottom-up method developed
to assess the environmental impact of goods and services, according to
their production processes [70]. The IO method is calculated based on
materials’ flow in an economic structure in order to determine the pri­
mary energy required to produce a specific product or service [71]. The
hybrid method attempts to combine the advantages of the P–B method’s
precision and the IO method’s extended system boundary [69]. The
results suggested a higher concentration of the P–B method because
among the 53 case studies, 87%, 3.7% and 9.3% used P–B, IO and a
hybrid method, respectively. Meanwhile, different approaches, software
or databases were used to quantify impacts. Among the software used
were SimaPro (cases 4, 9–12, 26, 38, 49 and 51), Athena (cases 6, 7, 27
and 53), and Gabi (case 37) (Appendix 1). Some publications used the
Ecoinvent database, the Inventory of Carbon and Energy (ICE) [72] or
Fig. 3. Case studies’ percentage distribution according to sustainability aspects. multiple databases in one study (e.g. cases 9 and 10).
Note: The total sum is not 100% since some authors analysed more than one sus­ Considering life cycle phases according to European Standard EN
tainability aspect. Adapted from Carvajal-Arango et al. [61].
15978 [73] (Appendix 3), the results showed a significant partial ana­
Most case studies focused on IBS for envelopes or modular IBS lyses concentration. Regarding the 53 case studies, 71.4% (38 cases)
(88.8%). Of these IBS-focused cases, 40.7% evaluated modular IBS, and corresponded with initial phases or cradle-to-site evaluations (phases A1
the remainder compared different IBS modalities with various PRs to A5). Of these 38 cases, six did not address all these phases, omitting
(Appendix 1). The remaining cases (11.2%) analysed prefabricated phases A1 and A2 (cases 1, 3 and 8), phases A3 (case 8), and phases A4
structural systems (cases 38 [64], 41 [65], 42 [65], 43 [66], 44 [67] and and A5 (cases 21, 22 and 45) (Appendix 1). Considering all cases, 29.6%

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Fig. 4. Comparative carbon performance ratio between an IBS and its benchmark TBS. Note: The y-axis depicts CO2 and CO2eq.

covered at least one phase after building construction. The most com­ CO2eq values of the analysed cases were 285.79 kgCO2-Eq/m2 for IBS
plete cases were 5, 32, 50 and 86 [74,75] and cases 18, 24 and 48 [76] – and 343.05 kgCO2-Eq/m2 for TBS. In EC cases, the averages were 371.99
all with EC quantification in maintenance and demolition (B2 and C1). kgCO2/m2 for IBS and 444.85 kgCO2/m2 for TBS. These values are
The case studies materially focused on wood (42.6%), concrete within the range reported by other authors [18,79], describing the great
(46.3%) and steel (11.1%). A trend was observed towards less dispersion variability in results, depending on methodologies and scopes across
of results on concrete IBS (Fig. 4), and in these cases, IBS obtained studies.
unfavourable results (cases 42 and 43) due to greater steel structure use,
similarly to case 33 (Fig. 4). 3.2.2. Non-operational energy
Regarding PR, of 54 case studies, 47 could be classified on the In addition to EC, nOE is one of the most evaluated indicators in
adopted scale, all structural element cases were unclassified and one construction. Of 86 case studies, 25.6% included nOE in their analyses.
case study was not classified either because of a lack of sufficient in­ Of these nOE-focused studies, only 4.5% corresponded to structural IBS
formation (case 2). Of these cases, 17% had low PR, 21.3% had medium (case 43), and 95.5% corresponded to envelope systems. However, the
PR and 61.7% had high PR. Differences in nOCs between IBS and TBS, at overall analysis showed there is a predominance in cases with IBS with
each PR level, stood at 2.1% for the low level, 11.9% for the medium better nOE emissions performance, averaging 12.6% (Fig. 5).
level and 17.4% for the high level – probably demonstrating that a Among the methods used, 77.3% of case studies used the P–B
higher PR yielded greater benefits. method, 9.1% used the IO method and 13.6% used the hybrid method
Among the case studies with the greatest comparative differences, (Appendix 1). Like carbon quantification, method and database use
case 2 – at 156% – excelled mainly in wood use because it considered varied by study. Likewise, some authors combined national databases
emissions absorbed before resource extraction [23]. In contrast, case 42 with imported databases, as in case 57 [80], which used ICE [72] along
presents an nOC of − 72.2% due to a greater quantity of galvanised and with databases from India.
reinforced steel sheets in precast column [65]. Similarly, case 49 ob­ In their life cycle phases, 68.2% of cases analysed initial phases or
tained a performance of − 49.4% for steel IBS. However, the authors cradle-to-site evaluations, and the remaining cases considered a post-
analysed steel reusability, highlighting that up to 81.3% of EE could be construction phase (Appendix 1). Materially, 45.5% of cases focused
saved if such a strategy were adopted at the end of life cycle [17], in on wood IBS, 27.3% on concrete IBS and 22.7% on steel IBS. One case
agreement with case 51, which also studied steel recyclability and other (case 57) focused on gypsum panels reinforced with fibreglass (GFRG)
inert materials [77]. IBS, compared to masonry in India [80].
In absolute terms, Appendix 2 presents the normalised results of the Of the cases focusing on PR, 90.9% could be classified on the adopted
53 reviewed cases – both for CO2 and CO2eq. CO2 values varied from scale. Of these cases, 25% had a medium PR and 75% had a high PR
26.74 kgCO2/m2 (case 1) [78] in a low-rise residential wood IBS eval­ (Appendix 1). Averaging the difference between IBS and TBS in each PR,
uated only in stages A3–A5 (without evaluating extraction or raw ma­ savings of 8.6% were obtained for IBS with a medium PR and 10.1% for
terials’ manufacture) to 852 kgCO2/m2 (case 48) for a steel IBS IBS with a high PR.
evaluated across its whole life cycle or cradle-to-grave [76]. GWP values Mostly, results varied between − 49.4% for steel modular IBS
ranged from − 253.11 kgCO2-Eq/m2 (case 2) [23] for a low-rise resi­ compared to in-situ concrete TBS (case 49) [17] and 56.6% (case 54) for
dential wood IBS whose calculations estimated wood’s CO2 absorption a steel modular IBS compared to a masonry TBS [81]. Interestingly, the
prior to extraction to 864 kgCO2-Eq/m2 (case 49) [17] for a modular cases that differed most in their results analysed the same material in the
steel IBS with a medium-sized residence [17]. However, note that case same country but used different methods; furthermore, this significant
46 – with 25,360.47 kgCO2-Eq/m2 for a concrete IBS used in a low-rise difference was due to an omitted phase A1 in case 54 (a raw material
administrative building – was outside the ranges reported by other au­ EE); A1 in the phase with the most embedded impacts [18]. Again, these
thors [18]. Therefore, if this case is not considered, on average, the mean results highlighted differences between each methodological approach.

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Fig. 5. The comparative non-operational energy (nOE) performance ratio between IBS and their reference TBS.

In absolute terms, Appendix 2 presents the normalised results of 20 numbers of whole building materials for their IBS and TBS base, aver­
IBS cases and their TBS base cases. These results varied between 14.4 Gj/ aging savings of 42.01%.
m2 for case 49 and 0.086 Gj/m2 for case 54. These results were also The greatest savings were found in the following cases: (i) case 26,
within the ranges reported by other authors [18,79,82]. with 100% for formwork, as expected, due to its non-use in IBS after
leaving a plant ready for on-site assembly [85]; (ii) case 31, where sig­
3.2.3. Material consumption nificant savings were obtained through concrete (94.67%) because this
One possible advantage of manufacturing construction elements in percentile represents in-situ concrete (discarding precast concrete); and
factory environments – and, therefore, of IBS – is material optimisation, (iii) case 37, with an important reduction in wood (96.98%) by avoiding
reducing the building material consumption [12,83,84]. Of 86 studies, formworks in IBS with high PRs (90%).
30.2% quantitatively analysed materials. These results trended towards Conversely, the worst IBS performances corresponded with the
savings in various materials (Fig. 6), totalling an average of 21.45% following cases: (i) case 14, since a modular wooden IBS was compared
savings with 43 materials or components offering better performance with a TBS using a concrete structure; and (ii) case 51, which found an
and 22 materials with worse performance than their reference TBS. Such important negative difference in thermal insulation since its IBS
averages varied, depending on material or component types – for required a higher quantity of insulation. Another important difference
example, concrete averaged savings of 15.23%, steel 19.35% and occurred in case 11, with a − 100% difference in the use of double walls
formwork 68.47%. By contrast, seven cases presented accumulated in a modular wooden IBS; these walls were internal joints between two

Fig. 6. The comparative material consumption performance ratio between IBS and their reference TBS.
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prefabricated modules, generating a greater amount of material than the hybrid methods. Qualitative methods were based on surveys with the
TBS reference [27]. This modular IBS characteristic also affected case 4, builders responsible for projects, coupled with field observations and
since a larger wooden structure was required to provide rigidity during bibliography analyses. Mixed methods were based on all the qualitative
transport and installation [86]. approaches mentioned, plus quantitative analyses of recordings. The
For PRs, 21 cases were classified into the adopted scale, six cases had reduction averages stood at 61.5%, 72.06% and 40.5% for quantitative,
low PRs, six had medium PRs (28.5% each) and nine had high PRs qualitative and mixed approaches, respectively.
(42.8%). Of these cases, average savings stood at 6.75%, 31.75% and Regarding their PRs, 17 of 26 analysed studies could be classified. Of
22.46% for low, medium, and high PRs, respectively. these classified studies, 74.2% had high PRs and 25.8% had medium
PRs. The average reduction was 46.3% and 64.9% for medium and high
3.2.4. Waste PRs, respectively.
Waste reduction throughout buildings’ life cycle was one of the In absolute terms, an important variation was observed in wastes
greatest comparative advantages of IBS over TBS. Fig. 7 depicts a gen­ generated per unit area (kg/m2), from 0.03 kg/m2 for the mortar used in
eral average reduction of 60.9%. According to Jaillon et al. (case 69), a high-rise residential building in a concrete IBS in China (case 27) [28]
waste reduction of up to 52% is possible with the use of precasting in a to 2490 kg/m2 for a whole school building in Spain (case 24) [76]
TBS, mainly due to a reduction of formwork, packaging, finishing work, (Appendix 2).
masonry work, scaffolding and concrete work [87]. Of 86 case studies,
30.2% quantitatively and qualitatively analysed waste reduction, with 3.2.5. Water
savings ranging between 11.2% (case 11) and 100% (cases 60a, 63a and Buildings are responsible for consuming 12% of worldwide fresh­
68c). For case 11, the aforementioned characteristic of double walls water [90]. Moreover, water embedded in materials and processes’
influenced waste performance [27]. For cases 60a, 63a and 68c, no construction increases the water consumption [91]. Water reduction has
concrete IBS finishes were needed [88,89]. Notably, in these cases, re­ been among IBS’ advantages reported in the literature [25,92]. However,
searchers considered IBS’ avoidance of plastering as waste reduction; according to Moradibistouni et al. and Burgués et al., the relationship
thus, 100% waste reduction was reported. between industrialisation and such savings remains unclear due to the
However, note that evaluation methods varied from case to case lack of sufficiently detailed data [92,93]. Thus, despite its importance,
(Appendix 1), including quantitative (54.3%), qualitative (28.3%) and this indicator has received little quantitative evaluation (Fig. 8a). Of 86
hybrid approaches (17.4%). Quantitative methods comprised P–B and cases, 10.5% quantified water consumption at some life cycle stage. The

Fig. 7. The comparative waste performance ratio between IBS and their reference TBS. Note: Case numbers with letters represent different types of waste analysed in
the same study.

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Fig. 8. Comparative performance ratios with (a) water, (b) human health indicators and (c) other environmental indicators between IBS and their reference TBS.

average comparative reduction in consumption was 11.19%. Relative nine environmental indicators were evaluated, comprising: acidification
values varied from − 18.71% (case 11) to 44.26% (case 5). potential (AP; kgSO2eq or Kmol H+), eutrophication potential (EP;
Case 11 included a negative result due to increased electricity use in kgNeq), ozone depletion potential (ODP; kgCFC11eq), smog potential
a modular wooden IBS (more water required in generating plant) in the (SP; kgO3eq or NOx-eq), ecotoxicity effect (EF; mg or kg 2.4-D-eq),
United States that was evaluated cradle-to-site [27]. In contrast, a photochemical smog (POFP; kgC2H4-eq), waterborne toxicities (WbT;
favourable result in case 5 also involved a wooden IBS, though located in kgPb-eq), waterborne suspended (WSS; kg) and resource depletion (RD;
Spain and analysed cradle-to-grave [74]. Cao et al. obtained a concrete endpoint characterisation). To better understand some of these in­
IBS reduction of 22.48%, mainly due to curing concrete with water dicators, see the work of Kamali et al. [24]. Some indicators were
vapour in precast elements [28]. However, consumption can also evaluated in different units, depending on the method used.
depend on life cycle stages or analysed elements. For example, according Few studies evaluated these impacts (Fig. 8c), and even fewer dis­
to the comparative results of case 25, savings of 7.95% were achieved in cussed the differences between IBS and TBS for each indicator; there­
the construction stage – specifically in the use of machinery and fore, drawing solid conclusions from impact reduction averages across
equipment in a concrete IBS [70]. Water consumption has been gener­ several of these indicators was impossible (since some were evaluated by
ally used in construction in preparing and curing concrete. Therefore, a single author). However, of nine indicators, eight had positive aver­
these activities’ management is fundamental to progress in this regard ages and only one had a negative average of − 58.43% (POFP), mainly
[91]. Although more efficiency is expected from industrial plants, such due to case 36 involving greater transport distances, increasing hydro­
improvements are not always possible [93]. carbon, CO and SO2 emissions from fuel [94]. However, the authors
indicated these elements were less important on a global scale and had a
3.2.6. Other environmental indicators greater impact on a local or regional scale [94]. The indicators most
When whole LCAs are performed, based on ISO 14040/14044 stan­ evaluated were AP and EP, with nine and six case studies, respectively
dards series, some other socio-environmental impact parameters are and savings averaging 17.66% and 6.27%. For EPs, despite a savings
usually evaluated and compared, as mentioned above. In 86 studies, positive trend, some authors reported greater impacts in IBS due to the

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

greater use of electricity [27]. However, these authors reported that the transportation-related issues – which can be reduced by up to 70% in
indicator with the greatest positive difference was ODP, at 69.1%, modular IBS [33,102,103].
mainly due to the production and crude refining oil necessary for ve­ In assessing different IBS types, a comparative study of social per­
hicles that transport workers and materials to a workplace in a TBS [27]. formance between proposed on-site industrialisation and an IBS with an
off-site factory (a conventional IBS), the former yielded better results for
3.3. Social performance noise reduction in carpentry works, steel and concrete finishing, not
exceeding the threshold 85 dBA recommended in China [26]. Similarly,
Unlike the environmental aspects of sustainability during life cycle a comparison between a modular IBS and a semi-prefabricated IBS in
building construction, the economic and especially social factors lacked Singapore revealed that the former obtained better performance when
robust methods or indicators for their quantification in IBS [22,95]. social criteria – such as health and safety or technology development –
These two recent references are among the few proposals that have were taken accounted for; however, it obtained lower overall perfor­
developed methodologies for evaluating social aspects. Thus, few mance than semi-prefabricated alternatives (yet better than its TBS
comparative studies have evaluated social aspects, although these as­ counterpart) due to local job sources, requiring foreign specialised la­
pects have been perceived as preponderant to IBS′ sustainability benefits bour [95]. Meanwhile, some studies have proven IBS’ benefits for sus­
[59]. However, these aspects have been constantly discussed in the tainable social housing [104]. However, these benefits align with the
literature qualitatively comparing IBS and TBS. The most emphasised findings of [95] about the possible difficulties in finding a local speci­
social indicator was workers’ health and safety during construction [36, alised workforce, which can generate social problems when imple­
96,97], principally as a consequence of cleaner and safer work envi­ menting IBS.
ronments. For example, accident rates were reduced due to less or no use Some authors reported difficulties regarding the social acceptance of
of scaffolding, as well as fewer activities, less work at heights and fewer an IBS based, on longstanding problems of quality, safety issues, tech­
workers on-site [38,98]. For example, Jaillon and Poon, in their nical levels, high prices, simplistic designs and resultant unemployment
comparative analysis with a TBS, showed a decreased accident rate of [105–107]. However, IBS have gradually gained recognition as a more
63% with an average of 22 accidents per 1000 workers [29]. Similarly, eco-efficient methodology, alongside the other benefits discussed in this
cases 54 and 55 were quantitatively evaluated with risk reductions of study [108]. For example, interest in IBS has been slowly growing
25% and 40% compared to their TBS [81]. among Chinese consumers [107].
Other social indicators – specifically risks to human health – have
been quantified within some comparative LCAs, as Fig. 8b shows. 3.4. Economic performance
Among these indicators are emissions of carcinogens (Car), non-
carcinogenic matter (Ncar), particulate matter (PM; PM2.5eq), health Economic factors remain the most important aspects of decision-
damage (HD) and human toxicity potential (HTP) [27,28,64,94]. Case making when adopting a new construction technology [109]. The cur­
11 and case 38, for example, achieved 26.67% and 17.55% savings in rent research focused on comparisons between three indicators con­
Car and Ncar emissions, respectively [27], and 10.47% and 42.09% trasted in the IBS and TBS literature: cost, time and workforce
savings were achieved for the same indicators in case 38 [64]. These productivity – the first two of which are the most important indicators in
savings were related to materials reductions, fuels and electricity used in economic buildings’ performance and, in turn, are directly related to
construction processes [99]. Similarly, Cao et al. [28] reported a 6.61% productivity performance [110].
reduction in HD when using concrete IBS in China. In contrast, case 36
reported a negative performance of an HTP in an IBS (− 24.42%), mainly 3.4.1. Cost performance
due to higher uses of fuel in transportation [94]. One of the greatest reported barriers to IBS implementation is its
Separately, PM2.5eq emissions have been recognised as an important higher initial cost [16,29,33,108,109,111–115]. This aspect has been
issue associated with the construction industry [100]. Some authors widely discussed in countries such as China [109,112,114,115] and
reported that 32.1% of air pollutants in cities came from construction (as Malaysia [14,113] since the balance of costs and benefits is rather unclear
cited in Ref. [25]). This problem has been associated with respiratory in the literature, considering other aspects of economic sustainability,
diseases among both exposed workers and surrounding communities. such as productivity and labour costs, construction time and indirect
Due to work in controlled environments or construction time savings, costs. This uncertainty is somewhat evident in Fig. 9a, which depicts
IBS generated advantages in PM2.5eq emissions for cases 38 [64] and 51 important differences between IBS and TBS economic studies. However,
[77], which reported reductions of 35.4% and 3.95%, respectively. these differences cannot be subjected to an objective comparison since
Similarly, case 37 [28] reported a lower reduction in dust emissions each country, region or economy is dissimilar and, moreover, studies’
(2.37%), probably due to a higher quantity of concrete in its IBS despite comparisons use different system boundaries (since not all studies
a significant decrease in other materials. Contrary to these results, cases contrast total costs). The studies in Fig. 9a showed a slight tendency to­
6 and 7 showed increased PM2.5eq emissions, both of 28.93% [24] for a wards economic cost overruns when using an IBS (an average of − 0.3%).
modular, wooden IBS versus a TBS of the same material. Differences ranged between 63.5% savings for IBS (case 55) and − 72.1%
Noise reduction has also been qualitatively discussed as IBS advan­ savings for TBS (case 76b). Generally, of the 25 cases analysed, 72%
tage [68]. Noise is a relevant construction-generated problem, affecting predominantly focused on structures or concrete envelopes, 12% on steel,
workers and surrounding neighbourhoods. Some authors confirmed that 12% on wood and one case on GFRG and concrete structures (4%).
35% of construction workers experience significant noise levels for half In cases 54 and 55, savings of 40.6% and 63.5% were achieved in total
of their workday [101]. However, according to the qualitative analysis construction costs (including materials, equipment, labour and design
of IBS and TBS [25], IBS can obtain average decreases of 33.89% and associated with each construction method) for a modular house and
20.47% for dust and noise pollution, respectively, coinciding with pos­ school (IBS) in Australia [81]. This difference resulted from the high cost
itive qualitative results for IBS reported by Jaillon and Poon [29]. A of the concrete used in TBS. In contrast, for case 76 in China, an increased
quantitative noise measurement study found that a modular IBS emits range of 26.3%–72.1% for eight high-rise residential buidings’ versus
68–72 dB on average versus 70–78 dB for a TBS in case 55, involving a their respective TBS cases corresponded mainly to prefabricated manu­
school; moreover, case 54 noted an average 59–70 dB for an IBS versus facture elements and on-site assembly, with negligible IBS design costs
69–73 dB for its baseline TBS in a single-family home [81]. The reasons [109]. According to these authors, the increase in PRs positively corre­
for this decrease were again less IBS work on-site. In general, time lated with costs [109], contrary to Shahzad et al., who showed that PRs
construction savings (see Section 3.4.2) also reduced nuisances, such as increased in commercial buildings, turning into economic savings [116].
noise and dust, as well as vehicular congestion and Notably, when comparing studies such as the works of Hammad et al.

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Fig. 9. (A) The comparative cost ratio, (b) construction time and (c) labour productivity between IBS and TBS. Note: Case numbers with letters represent different
IBS analysed in the same study.

[81] and Hong et al. [109], even when costs were normalised per m2 and increase to the still immature market for modular IBS in the country and
the boundary systems were the same, the differences between the out­ due to higher expenses for assembly and vertical transport on-site [117].
comes of both were notable due to the specific methodology, region, In case 84, 17.3% savings were achieved in panelised versus traditional
technology, and economy in each study, as well as building use and façades, due to fewer scaffoldings and cranes used for vertical transport
materiality. [118]. In case 57, with GFRG – a building system recognised for its
By contrast, cases 78 and 79 represent a modular and a semi-precast environmental qualities − 25% of construction costs were saved in an
IBS, respectively (both steel and concrete), and both compare with a Indian social housing project [80]. This reduction was achieved due to a
reinforced concrete and masonry TBS in Singapore [117]. In these cases, lower structure weight and a need for fewer finishes. In cases 82 and 83,
the modular IBS was 15.9% more expensive and the semi-prefabricated both quantitative studies on housing in Chile, a wood IBS achieved
IBS was 2.5% cheaper, aligning with the findings of Hong et al. [109] savings of 13.5% while a concrete IBS led to a 13.4% cost overrun when
regarding increased costs when PRs increase. The authors attributed this thermal insulation was considered, though both cases only considered

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rough work costs [98]. Thus, despite the scarcity of IBS analysis using environmental indicators, 13 were positive (92.8%) and only POFP
steel, concrete and wood, as Fig. 9a shows, concrete involves less certain obtained a negative result. However, this result was the product of only
economic performance, although some researchers have agreed that two case studies. Of the three economic indicators analysed, two were
precast concrete leads to economic construction savings (e.g. Ref. [10]). positive, and direct cost was the only indicator that achieved lower
comparative performance in analysed cases. Of the five social indicators
3.4.2. Construction time included in LCA, three were negative – PM in five case studies and HPT
Construction time is one of the main recognised advantages of IBS in only one case study (Fig. 10).
[29]. This advantage can financially translate into lower overhead costs
and lower interest on loan payments [14,97]. Moreover, this benefit can 4. Discussion
be verified through almost unanimous savings in 16 of 17 comparative
case studies in the current review (Fig. 9b). Of these case, 41.2% used The present study collected qualitative and quantitative information
predominantly concrete structures, 41.2% used wood, 11.7% used steel from case studies that compared different types of IBS versus TBS ref­
and one case study analysed various materials (case 67 [53]). Compar­ erences across various sustainability indicators. Accordingly, the envi­
ative savings ranged from 15% in case 85 to 76% in case 67, averaging ronmental, economic and social aspects that yielded comparative data in
45.2% (Fig. 9b). the literature were studied. This review attempted to answer two
Among the main causes of construction time reduction was the questions: does IBSs are more sustainable than TBS in non-operational
weather because it does not affect the operation of the manufacturing stages? And, if indeed they are more sustainable in this regard, what
plant [119], and simultaneously facilitates a concentration in work and factors determine this advantage?
skills-based projects [93]. Likewise, short construction times resulted In response to the first question, within the boundaries of the current
from automated procedures to produce IBS elements [81] or simulta­ research, IBS can be said to offer better sustainability in most of the
neous works on foundations, modules and prefabricated elements in studied indicators. However, some indicators were evaluated by one or
modular IBS [120]. Nevertheless, construction time did not necessarily very few studies (Fig. 10) and, therefore, they might not be represen­
decrease with a higher PR, as shown by the IBS analysed in case 15, in tative. Further studies that consider these indicators are needed.
which a panelised IBS (15b), a hybrid IBS (15a) and a modular IBS (15c) Generally, the higher initial costs of an IBS could be among the main
with respective PRs of 60%, 80% and 95% achieved construction time barriers to IBS′ widespread implementation because, for example, con­
savings of 50%, 64% and 28.5% [93]. However, Shahzad et al. obtained struction companies must invest in equipment and production plants, as
contrasting results, demonstrating greater construction time reductions well as specialised labour [40,109,125]. However, payback time of such
through higher PRs [116]. investements is obtained in few years. Some studies indicated that in five
Exceptionally, case 58 obtained a construction time difference of zero to seven years, a modular IBS can offset such expenses as long as at least
because precast concrete was adopted taken after a contract was awar­ 1500 modules are produced per year [33]. Thus, other barriers – such as
ded, and the preparation of the project’s IBS components was, therefore, social acceptance – require parallel mitigation strategies to drive the
delayed [10]. Nonetheless, the work was completed within the contract’s production chain and encourage such investments, providing feedback
stipulated timeframe, which also suggested time-saving [10]. on IBS′ competitive social and economic performance. As highlighted
above, this acceptance is increasing in some regions (e.g. China) and will
3.4.3. Labour performance productivity continue to grow as IBS benefits are promoted to consumers and all
The construction industry has been recognised as one of the world’s stakeholders in production chains and marketing. In this sense, policies
least productive and least efficient industries [38]. World construction providing subsidies or economic incentives to adopt an IBS in Malaysia
productivity has only achieved a marginal increase of 1% per year over [126] and China [107] have improved IBS’ implementation in the
the last two decades [121] despite the technological and management industry.
advances in the last decades. Thus, increasing productivity is a priority Comparative IBS studies must include more detail on direct and in­
for the sector. However, like time savings, IBS have been consistently direct costs, such as monetary benefits due to shorter deadlines and
recognised for their superior productivity [122,123]. This variable was higher productivity, since the extent to which projects are completed
understood in the current analysis according to work hours per con­ within the scope of their initial budgets illustrates better economic
struction unit or the number of workers required per task. It represents performance, and TBS do not usually meet this requirement [38]. The
an economic benefit for all IBS stakeholders since less work is required scarcity of studies that have related economic and social aspects, dis­
to reach the same construction quality standards (or higher) with higher cussing feedback between their advantages, is also worth to be high­
labour productivity [33,98]. This benefit was unanimously achieved lighted because the distribution of economic costs and benefits in
across nine case studies analysed (Figs. 9c), 66.6% of which used con­ sustainable construction must be equitable for all parties without
crete while 23% used various materials, averaging productivity of harming local economies [127]. Additionally, some important social
54.2% compared to TBS base cases. aspects have been insufficiently or not at all discussed or quantified in
In case 73, 70.1% fewer workers were needed to make concrete comparative evaluations, including traffic and community disturbances,
formwork in an IBS [124], and in case 58, an IBS used less labour due to local employment sources, discrimination, forced or child labour and
the elimination of large elements, such as columns and beams, while TBS public commitments to sustainability aspects [68,95]. Further research
were labour-intensive for superstructure work [10]. Meanwhile, in case in these regards is important to establish IBS’ sustainability.
85, fewer workers were needed onsite, since most of the project’s According to this review’s analysed documents, regarding variables
components were produced in an IBS factory [29]. Similarly, a modular that instil IBS with a sustainability advantage, different factors could
IBS also obtained an important yield of up to 40% for case 71 [120]. In influence whether an IBS is more advantageous than a TBS. These
cases 82 and 83, savings were high because only rough work perfor­ various factors can be grouped into six categories: (a) materiality design,
mance was compared [98]. However, despite these benefits, produc­ (b) prefabrication rates, (c) transportation, (d) techniques and machin­
tivity could depend on precast elements’ size [31]. IBS productivity was ery, (e) work management and (f) evaluation methodology.
found to perform better only when installed panels exceeded 90 ft2, and
TBS were found to be more productive with smaller sizes [31]. 4.1. Materiality design

3.5. Overall performance The materiality design category refers to how building systems’
material composition is designed, by type and quantity, as well as this
In general, 22 indicators were compared between IBS and TBS. Of 14 design’s impact, mainly related to life cycle phases A1 and A3 (Appendix

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Fig. 10. Average savings achieved for all evaluated indicators (OEI indicates other environmental indicators and/N indicates the number of studies analysed by indicator).

3). This feature affects IBS and the TBS with which they are compared, essential to improve IBS sustainability since the possibilities of each,
and it is greatly relevant since LCA studies showed that building mate­ coupled with the heterogeneity of a whole building’s composition (in an
rials determine 80–97% of structures’ total embedded environmental IBS or a TBS) can determine the sustainability of such a choice. Likewise,
impacts (EEI) [70,71,85,128,129]. Note that comparisons between IBS note that the particularities of each analysed system – including the
and TBS using a certain material do not indicate the total building amount of materials demanded in different climates, structural design
composition of a material; however, in this paper, construction systems and use and building size – also influenced this analysis, and such
were generalised based on the three main materials used in the reviewed conditions depend on each project and location, such that always
literature: wood, steel and concrete. Nonetheless, IBS cannot be inferred ensuring IBS materials’ superior sustainability to a TBS difficult.
to necessarily contain less material in their design than TBS since the
results varied and, in some studies, these quantities were not explicit. 4.2. Prefabrication rates
This review’s analysed cases showed that EEI amounts depend on
relationships with other materials in a system and not necessarily on a PRs can influence an IBS’s final sustainability performance. How­
material’s predominance. For example, the results indicated that wood ever, few studies have examined PRs despite prefabrication’s inherence
IBS have fewer impacts compared to masonry TBS (e.g. cases 9 and 10) to IBS and PR’s efficiency in classifying IBS types [44].
or other steel or concrete IBS, although this advantage was not always Uncertainty persists in the literature regarding PRs’ relationship with
achieved [17,130]. Aye et al. found that the impacts of a wood IBS case sustainability, and some authors have reported higher EEIs with higher
(envelopes) increased due to a steel structure [17]. By contrast, Iddon PRs [20,43,134] while others have claimed otherwise [63,70,76,85].
and Firth found that a wood IBS generated greater impacts due to dif­ The former group of authors quantitatively analysed case studies with
ferences in insulation materials and gypsum [130]. With concrete, different percentages of precast concrete IBS, while the second group
excluding some structural IBS, positive EEI results almost unanimously conducted mostly a qualitative analysis of IBS or simulated higher PRs
achieved better performance. This improvement could have resulted through sensitivity analysis, excepting Dong et al., whose work was
from the use efficiency of concrete and steel commonly reported for IBS based on a specific quantitative analysis of concrete IBS [85]. Note,
[20,85]. However, significant variability was observed in economic importantly, that these studies analyse such a relationship with GHG
performance among concrete IBS. Moreover, for steel IBS, few studies emissions in IBS for different PRs; however, such relationships could
were available, and EEI performance was similar or lower than TBS – differ for various environmental indicators, such as the case studied by
although this disadvantage could be mitigated with steel reusability Wang et al. [135] – in which, despite higher GHG emissions, higher PRs
[17]. Still, few studies evaluated reusability in-depth with wood, steel or entailed considerably less water use during the process. However, some
other materials. In this regard, importantly, reuse presents an excellent authors have argued that higher PRs are not necessarily positive for
opportunity to mitigate such impacts on buildings, aligning circular different performance aspects [44]. Other studies indicated that PRs
economy (CE) proposals as a viable mitigation option [84]. Other rele­ increased economic costs [109,136], contrary to authors who found a
vant aspects that have been little explored in the literature are wood positive correlation between high PRs and better performance in costs
carbon sequestration and cement carbonation [23,129], as well as the and construction time [116]. However, studies that simultaneously
use of alternative materials in IBS – such as in case 57 [80] – recycled evaluate several indicators are scarce in the literature, and although the
materials [131] or biomaterials [132,133]. results showed that average higher savings in IBS normally corre­
Understanding materials’ performance throughout the life cycle is sponded with high PRs, more complete studies are still necessary to

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provide more robust and reliable results. 4.5. Construction management

Finally, and important, comparative evaluations between a modular
IBS (high PR) and other types of IBS with lower PRs (low or medium Although the relationship between management strategies and sus­
PRs) are scarce, with very few studies having adopted this focus [117, tainability performance was not evaluated, some authors pointed out its
137]. Likewise, PR analyses on materials other than concrete are very relevance during design and construction phases of buildings with an
scarce. Thus, several knowledge gaps persist, and further research ad­ IBS [28,76]. Work management, through strategic planning, can be
vances remain necessary to relate PRs to IBS’ sustainability essential to improve waste reduction, unnecessary transport or machi­
performance. nery’s inactivity [27,89]. Likewise, other authors highlighted manage­
ment’s importance to improve industrial processes’ standardisation
[20], while still other authors emphasised that quality control can
4.3. Techniques and machinery reduce energy use between 4% and 14% throughout an IBS life cycle
[134]. In the analysed studies, some authors mentioned the importance
The techniques and machinery category refers to how construction of lean construction (LC) methodology to reduce IBS waste and material
elements are manufactured in a factory or on-site, and its impacts are consumption [62,70]. Other authors proved LC’s effectiveness in opti­
related to life cycle stages A3 and A5. These stages typically entail low mising productivity [32,143] or even reducing energy consumption and
representativeness of EEI performance [76]. However, they constitute CO2 emissions [61,144]. Accordingly, some studies evaluated specific
one of the main distinctions between IBS and TBS, so their character­ LC management techniques to improve sustainability performance in
istics ultimately differentiate between both methodologies [62,85,138]. IBS, reporting time reductions of up to 10.7% in assembling pre­
Thus, positive IBS performance may results from less electricity use by fabricated modules and consequent energy savings [145]. However,
controlled works in an industrial plant [20,62,70], more efficient use of quantitative and qualitative analyses have seldom evaluated LC’s rela­
formwork, generating greater safety for workers [28,85], more efficient tionship simultaneously with other sustainability aspects. Still, LC ap­
concrete curing (with steam) [28], more efficient cranes used on-site plications could be fundamental to IBS′ sustainability performance –
[139] or more efficient fuels (e.g. diesel) and machinery use [43,76, especially in developing countries, which are characterised by old work
77,94]. However, such results are not always positive for IBS, and dis­ habits and low quality standards [146].
advantages may result from increased electricity use [27], higher energy
consumption in concrete manufacturing [20] or modular construction 4.6. Evaluation methodologies
Each construction system, as well as its available technologies, fuel Although the evaluation methodologies category is not inherent to
types or even energy type matrix used in the region of analysis [140] IBS, the methods and databases used could be decisive in reported
entails particularities that influence the performance of these con­ outcomes, as was verified by Teng et al. [147]. For example, the use of
struction stages so that affirming that IBS are always more efficient and the hybrid method, compared to P–B, was shown to produce more
sustainable in their use of techniques and machinery is impossible. complete results because it quantified upstream consumption in the
However, the reviewed evidence reflected overall benefits compared to production chain [134,148,149]. However, this method was used very
TBS. Additionally, and importantly, this category is also affected by little in the analysed case studies, which reflected a preference for the
construction management [63]. P–B method. Meanwhile, each author established their own boundary
system, as well as their own assumptions, based on the available data
and resources or a specific location and objectives set, which makes an
4.4. Transportation objective comparison between different studies’ outcomes difficult.
Some studies, especially those not conducted under LCA and that
The impacts in the transportation category are associated with life focused on economic and social aspects (Appendix 1), were based on
cycle phases A2, A4 and C2. IBS transport types and distances must be analyses of interviews with specialists or individuals responsible for
highlighted since, in different investigations, their impacts were ulti­ construction projects. This aspect also meant that their subjectivity
mately greater in relation to TBS [70,82,109,141,142] due to distances possibly influenced their data interpretation, either quantitatively or
between factories and worksites, the transportation of large and heavy qualitatively.
elements or industrial plants’ relative locations. However, such results Finally, quantitative methodological frameworks are scarce – espe­
also depended on each case study. For Mao et al., the lack of waste cially those that include social and economic aspects simultaneously –
transport from a production plant generated better results (after most of despite their relevance [59,95]. For example, according to Rahman
the factory materials had been recycled without waste) [70]. Mean­ et al., social work costs represent up to 400% of certain projects’ total
while, for Cao et al., a decrease in concrete trucks improved IBS per­ costs and are not quantified since they cannot be estimated using con­
formance [28]. For Kawecki (case 3), because manufacturing materials ventional methods [150]. Finally, note that local aspects are always
were not weighed, transport was the key differentiating factor between a decisive in sustainability evaluations, and many advances are still
modular IBS and a TBS, given a more convenient distance for TBS use lacking in the development of methodologies that allow comparisons of
[142]. The sensitivity analysis of transport distances showed that this performance results between IBS.
factor decisively determines IBS or TBS sustainability and is, therefore,
fundamental to decision-making [129]. By contrast, for Quale et al., 5. Conclusions
worker transport resulted in an IBS’s negative performance [27],
aligning with the findings of Kamali et al. on the use of private loco­ This paper presented a compared the sustainability performance of
motion systems [24]. However, few authors have considered worker IBSs to TBSs vis-à-vis based on different qualitative and quantitative
transport. For modular IBS versus IBS with lower PRs, studies reported a indicators through a systematised bibliographic review of case studies’
greater advantage and transport savings for IBS with lower PRs since analyses. Previous literature reviews have studied IBS′ sustainability
they occupied transportation spaces more efficiently [137]. advantages, but usually without compare vis-à-vis IBS’s sustainability
The literature has shown a direct relationship between transport indicators in relation to TBS, or by focusing on specific indicators (e.g.
distances, raw materials’ availability and the effectiveness of reducing environmental). Thus, the presentation, discussion and analysis of
IBS EEI. Therefore, the distances managed between the different life quantitative indicators metrics were lacking in the literature. Moreover,
cycle phases and technology modalities used for transportation must be this paper set out to simultaneously gather, discuss and compare aspects
considered. of IBS′ social, economic and environmental sustainability. The review’s

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main research conclusions are the followings: implementations in local economies, social vulnerabilities and envi­
ronmental priorities for each location’s specific features.
• According to the case studies analysed, IBS tend to be more sus­ Regarding the impacts associated with life cycle phases, complete
tainable than TBS due to most indicators obtained positive results. LCAs (cradle-to-grave or cradle-to-cradle) have been studied very little.
However, more studies are needed to provide representative results However, whole-impact evaluations would better expose the advantages
for some indicators. The main indicator that contradicts this of each constructive method, similarly promoting a CE perspective in the
conclusion is higher costs. Nonetheless, insufficient evidence is building sector. The same research gap also highlights a lack of evalu­
available to conclude that IBS are always more expensive. Mean­ ation of socio-environmental indicators (such as water, AP, EP, ODP and
while, new technologies can be expected to be more cost-effective as PM). Moreover, these gaps in the literature also highlight the scarce
their implementation becomes widespread and their other social or analyses of social indicators referred to impacts in human health
environmental benefits become known or consolidated. (Fig. 8b), which are normally under-evaluated in building LCA studies.
• Comparative evaluations of IBS cases versus TBS cases vis-à-vis Therefore, more comparative investigations between TBS and IBS are
environmental, economic and social aspects are unbalanced. An recommended in this regard.
important number of investigations have examined environmental Different methods, tools and technologies to quantify impacts have
sustainability, representing 86% of the reviewed studies, followed by seldom been explored in comparative case studies. Among these ap­
economic factors at 33.7% and, finally, social parameters at 16.3% proaches are IO and hybrid methods, tools such as building information
(Fig. 3). Likewise, within these environmental aspects, evaluations of modelling (BIM), and other technologies – such as the internet of things
GHG emissions stand out (Fig. 10). This trend has resulted from (IoT), virtual reality, RFID, GPS and 3D printing. Although these tech­
current world concerns about reducing global warming, a priority nologies have already been implemented in IBS studies [150–155], they
shared by most countries; however, other equally relevant impact are still seldom used in comparative evaluations between IBS and TBS.
indicators should not be neglected. IBS has captured more and more interest in recent years, and un­
• IBS′ balance between economic and social performance has not been derstanding its advantages and challenges is crucial to improve world­
properly studied. Cost-benefit analyses adapted to the socio- wide implementation – especially when compared directly with TBS in
economic realities of each region and different types of building terms of sustainability, which is one of the building sector’s main goals
uses are necessary to strengthen the literature’s existing discussion of to face climate change, resource depletion, waste generation, social
such sustainability aspects. Special emphasis should be placed on disturbances, etc. The results of the current review will contribute to a
several social performance parameters whose importance is not yet better understanding of the extent to which IBS can help dimishing these
reflected in the literature – such as traffic and community distur­ and other building-sector impacts.
bances, local employment sources, discrimination, forced or child The geographic, political, social, economic and cultural context of
labour and public commitments to sustainability aspects. each country or region could affect the spread and magnitude of indus­
• Finally, the absolute values of some environmental indicators merit trialisation. Therefore, the social, economic, and environmental benefits
attention. nOC values vary from 26.74 to 852 kgCO2/m2; meanwhile, of IBS would depend on these contextual factors. Moreover, the quanti­
GWP values range from − 253.11 to 864 kgCO2Eq/m2. nOE results tative and comparative outcomes of TBS and IBS are valuable for public
vary between 0.086 and 14.4 Gj/m2. Waste values vary from 0.03 to policy and stakeholders interested in visualising and discussing indus­
2490 kg/m2. This significant variability is due to the different trialised construction benefits. Similarly, findings from this review can
boundary systems evaluated by each case study, the materiality of encourage new researchers who seek to deepen the knowledge of any
each IBS and TBS, the work management of each case study, tech­ less-analysed indicator or pursue future studies on the gaps highlighted.
niques and machinery, transport distances, methods, building use
and prefabrication levels. Thus, comparisons among these results Credit author statement
and other studies should carefully limit such variables, seeking a
more objective discussion. Rafael E. López-Guerrero: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investi­
gation, Writing – original draft, Visualization, Formal analysis. Sergio
Vera: Conceptualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing – review
5.1. Outlook & editing, Visualization, Funding acquisition. Manuel Carpio: Concep­
tualization, Methodology, Investigation, Writing – review & editing,
This paper has highlighted some research gaps. Among these gaps Visualization, Project administration, Funding acquisition
are reusability analyses of both constructive elements and complete
modules (modular IBSs) and their influence throughout the life cycle.
Such analysis could significantly extend IBS materials’ EEI. Reusability Declaration of competing interest
is a key factor in diminishing the building sector’s environmental im­
pacts, and it has been suggested as the best way to avoid raw material The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
consumption [17]. Future research should focus on measuring IBS′ interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
reusability benefits. Additionally, this focus would align with currently the work reported in this paper.
proposed CE strategies. Likewise, an analysis of IBS design for disas­
sembly studies would complement reuse possibilities. Acknowledgements
Another research opportunity lies in a comparative evaluation of
sustainability performance between IBS with different PRs – especially This work was funded by the National Agency for Research and
using materials other than concrete, such as steel. Steel has been eval­ Development (ANID)/Scholarship Program/DOCTORADO BECAS
uated less than other materials and still offers high reusability rates CHILE/2020–21201032 (Rafael E. López-Guerrero), ANID BASAL
compared to other materials. In order to promote efficient IBS imple­ FB210015 CENAMAD, ANID FONDECYT 1201052 (Manuel Carpio),
mentation while fitting with regional technology and local capabilities is ANID FONDECYT 1181610 and Center for Sustainable Urban Develop­
crucial to understanding the benefits of different PRs and IBS types. ment (CEDEUS) through the project CONICYT/FONDAP/15110020
Future research should study and compare such scope, assessing IBS (Sergio Vera).

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Appendix 1. All case studies analysed. Reported indicators: GPW (global warming potential) or CO2 -eq, Wt (water), Ws (waste), Cs (costs), T
(construction time) and P (productivity). Legend: W – wood, C – concrete, S – steel, GFRG – fibreglass-reinforced gypsum, N – no, Y – yes, NA –
assessed by the author(s) but not analysed in this review. Note that when case number or LCA codes appear, they indicate that a case study
analysed only this stage or case [156–173]

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

. (continued).

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Appendix 2. All normalised results for non-operational carbon, non-operational energy and waste. Note: Red numbers indicate that a unit has

R.E. López-Guerrero et al. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 157 (2022) 112034

Appendix 3. Life cycle phases, according to European standard EN 15978 [73]

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