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100 Shops, Stores and

Businesses to Find in
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Cover Image: David Lewis Johnson

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In Plain Sight man’s cape to create the impression of broader,
more imposing shoulders. He lowered his head,
bowing over his cane without taking his eyes off
The place was a collection of the forgotten, the of Marlon and Susan.
unwanted, the macabre and the bizarre. Heavy
glass jars were suspended above lamps that “Is that so?” the tall man said. “Well, my name
cast their light onto malformed grotesques that is Aaron Creedy, and I am the owner of this
floated in formaldehyde, their blind eyes and fine collection. Did your friend tell you what, in
tumorous lips like something out of a half-re- particular, had so captured his interest?”
membered nightmare. Monstrous creatures
leered from pedestals, glaring down at those “He didn’t recall the name, but he said it was
who walked past. Many bore two heads, six an obsidian dagger, polished smooth, with the
legs or some other repulsive collection of mal- hilt wrapped in cord,” Marlon said. “There were
formed features, made all the more horrible other engravings along the stone. He said I
by the rotting fur that peeled away to show the would definitely know it when I saw it.”
taxidermist’s work. Vicious-looking stone ar-
rowheads hung by creaking cords, stained dark “Ah,” Creedy said, nodding his head slowly.
along their chipped edges, and tinkling like “The Koragi dagger. Come, I’ll take you to it.”
wind chimes in the errant breeze.
The tall man turned with a dramatic sweep of
“Are you sure this is where we’ll find it?” Susan his cape, tapping his cane as he made his way
whispered. down one of the narrow walkways of the small
museum. Marlon caught Susan’s eye. She gave
“This is where Jack said he saw it,” Marlon him a humorless grin, and he heard the ham-
said. “There’s no need to whisper, Suse. The mer of the revolver in his dress pocket ease
beasties aren’t going to hurt you.” down. She didn’t take her hand off of it, though.
Turning, they both followed the proprietor of
“Can I be of some assistance?” a booming voice The Museum of Wonders and Oddities.
asked from behind them. Susan gasped, her
hand sliding into the pocket of her dress as Creedy gestured as he walked, giving his two
she whirled. Marlon put his hand on her arm. guests the guided tour of his assembled col-
Standing before them was a tall man in a dark lection. Here was the New Jersey devil calf,
suit, a cape draped theatrically over his shoul- transported to Arkham at great expense. There,
ders. He leaned his weight onto a silver headed a clay tablet detailing the human sacrificial
cane, and grinned at the two of them. practices of the Nashanti peoples from across
the ocean. Overhead, a tattered sail from a lit-
“I hope so,” Marlon said, sliding a friendly tle-known pirate ship that had crashed off the
smile onto his face as he stepped in front of Su- coast over a hundred years ago, a final remnant
san. “My name is Brian Whitlock, I’m working of one of the last of the great blackguards of the
on my graduate thesis on native religious prac- gilded age of adventure. Marlon didn’t know if
tices at the university. A friend of mine was out the man was lying on purpose, or if he genu-
here a couple days ago and he told me he saw inely believed anything he was saying, nor did
something that would fit right into my studies.” he much care. Still, it was difficult to keep his
mouth shut listening to the stream of hogwash
The man’s smile, if possible, grew wider. Up and falsehoods.
close Marlon could see a dusting of stage make-
up on his cheeks, and around his eyes. He also “And here we are,” Creedy said, tapping the
spied the tell-tale signs of pads sewn into the floorboards twice with the iron ferule of his

walking stick and favoring Marlon and Susan and offering it to Creedy. “I trust you to know
with another of his wide, rictus smiles. “The the value of your property, Mr. Creedy.”
legendary Koragi dagger, itself.”
Creedy took the pen, and scrawled a figure in
Marlon leaned forward, hands on his knees the blank. Marlon nodded, and signed his false
to peer into the glass case. Inside, held up by name under the student box. The department
two carefully-carved wooden pegs, was a long chair’s signature was already present... forged,
piece of obsidian polished to an almost mirror of course, but present. Creedy hesitated for a
shine. The hilt was wrapped in what looked moment, but only one. He signed on the dotted
like severed braids of human hair, the dangling line.
ends sporting glass beads. Along the side of
the blade, though, were bizarre characters and “One copy for you, and one for me,” Marlon
pictograms that resembled nothing so much as said, nodding once the ink was dry. “Do you
the tendrils of some strange, deep-sea creature. have a carrying case for the object?”
Marlon nodded, pursing his lips.
“I do, as it happens,” Creedy said. “Wait here,
“Would you allow me to study this object for and I’ll fetch it from the back room.”
research purposes?” Marlon asked, fishing into
his jacket and holding out a sheaf of paper. They watched the tall man vanish through a
“This is the standard Miskatonic release form, side door concealed behind a hanging tapestry.
along with insurance to cover any loss or dam- Susan glanced down at the papers.
ages while the object is in my care.”
“Man thinks highly of his property,” she said
“I am a great supporter of scholarly pursuits,” quietly.
Creedy said, his eyes flashing with greed at the
word ‘insurance’. Taking the papers, Creedy “If he had any idea what that dagger actually
read with a theatrical frown on his face. His was, he’d have demanded triple the price just
frown deepened, and became more real, as he to let me look at it,” Marlon said. “Or he’d be
reached the end of the third page. “The amount begging me to take it back to Devil’s Reef where
of coverage here has been left blank.” it came from. Doesn’t matter, it’s not like he’ll
ever see the thing again once this is all over.”
“I didn’t want to put in an insulting price,”
Marlon said, taking his pen from his pocket

Just Business as In-Game Use: George’s may not be the largest sporting
goods shop in Arkham, but because of the competition they’re

Usual willing to go the extra mile to get customers what they want.
From hard-to-find firearms to discretion in terms of who has
purchased what from them, George’s isn’t overly picky about its
Arkham, Massachusetts is one of the most identifiable places in customer base... which has made it rather friendly with several
Miskatonic Country. The home of Miskatonic University, it is underworld figures in Arkham.
the quintessential New England city found in H.P, Lovecraft’s 3. Verne’s Rare Volumes: Rare books are something of a
body of work. It’s big enough to be more than just a small town, niche market in Arkham, but between the Miskatonic library
but not so large as to be teeming with huge masses like New and a handful of collectors who reside in the region this shop
York City. It has a distinguished history of which its residents still receives a fair amount of traffic. Emily Verne is the third
are proud, and while there are new additions, there’s something generation of her family to manage this store, and her knowledge
to be said here for tradition and community bonds. It’s a place of rare volumes and their histories is matched only by the sweet
where people pursue education, and where the mysteries of tooth that drives her to practically turn her coffee to mud with
the human mind can be studied (often with dire consequences sugar, cinnamon and other spices.
for doctors and patients alike). Featured in stories as varied as
Herbert West: Reanimator, The Shadow Over Innsmouth and In-Game Use: Though often dismissed as, “that girl’s
The Dunwich Horror, if the setting had a beating, pulsing heart, bookstore,” Emily has made quite a reputation for herself as
it would likely be Arkham. an antiquarian. A vicious negotiator, her store boasts many
volumes that are one-of-a-kind survivors of older printings. This
Whether your game is set entirely in this city on the coast of shop is a great place to locate Mythos texts, or at least to find
the Atlantic, or whether your investigators are merely stopping out about them from Emily (who has a more-than-professional
by on a single leg of their investigation, it’s important to make interest in Mythos-related books).
the city feel as real and lived-in as possible. Though the setting 4. Linamann’s Drugs: A relatively small drugstore,
guide for Arkham is full of resources you can use, the following Linamann’s is north of the Miskatonic campus, but still close
list of 100 businesses can be used to fill in gaps, act as places enough that it’s convenient for both staff and students alike.
to find clues and even as jumping off points for fresh mysteries Beyond basic necessities, though, Linamann’s also offers ice
should you desire! cream and soda to its customers. Even if the gleaming metal
and glass seems at odds with the old wood, dim lights and
Though rough locations are given for these businesses, either occasionally dusty shelves, that doesn’t stop many students
on certain streets or within certain neighborhoods, specific from congregating round its counter of an evening.
addresses are rarely assigned. This is so that you can shuffle
them around as need be, depending on what other resources In-Game Use: Linamann’s is an ideal place to acquire
your table is also using to breathe life into Arkham. medicines one might need to patch themselves up. Being this
close to a school with a noted medical program has skewed the
clerks’ ideas of what is considered normal, as well, so it would
100 Businesses to Find in Arkham take a particularly strange order to make them suspicious. Many
gangsters keep supplies on-hand from this shop as a result.
1. Third-Hand Treasures: A second-hand shop tucked into 5. Marsh Boarding House: An old, brooding manor house
an alley on the edge of French Hill, Third-Hand Treasures is a in East Town, the old Marsh Place was split up into a dozen or
popular place for Miskatonic students looking for unexpected more rooms generations ago. Used primarily by students on a
finds on a budget. From school sweaters, to textbooks, to strange budget, itinerant workers, and sailors who need a short-term
paintings, bizarre sculptures and the various necessities of life place to stay while their vessel is in port, it has something of
like furniture, lamps and more, there’s all sorts of oddities just a seedy reputation. The owner, Delia Marsh, is a short woman
waiting to be discovered here. with heavy shoulders and wide hips. While her large glasses
often obscure her eyes, locals who know her say she’s got that
In-Game Use: Third-hand treasures is an ideal place for Innsmouth look... same as her parents, and their parents before
unexpected Mythos items, or clues to an investigation, to wind them.
up. From journals donated after someone was found dead, to
paintings made while in the grip of a fugue, to furniture with In-Game Use: The Marsh House has old connections to
hidden panels, this store can be used to introduce a variety of Innsmouth, and it’s possible those who spend time there may
complications to a case. find themselves caught up in dangerous situations. Relics
2. George’s Sporting Goods: One of the larger stores in belonging to the Deep Ones may be hidden in the walls or
Arkham for those who enjoy the outdoors, George’s is north beneath the floor boards, or residents may be kidnapped in the
of the Downtown sprawl set up in a building that was once a night, taken away to be used by those in Innsmouth as sacrifice
barn. Boasting everything from line and lures, to bait, tackle and to Dagon... or to help give birth to a new generation of hybrids.
waders, the entire upstairs of the shop is dedicated to firearms.
From rifles and shotguns to target shooting weapons, George’s
can even handle special order items like suppressors should one
desire. There’s even a gun range in the back should one wish to
try a weapon before purchase.

6. The Drowned Man: An old tavern on the southern wharf In-Game Use: Mr. Puffin can be a unique source of information
near the Eastern part of Arkham, the Drowned Man is built from on marks left by unusual creatures, whether that be unusual
aged ships’ timbers and locally quarried stone. Frequented by claw marks left behind on trees, or bizarre incidents of serpent
longshoremen, sailors and fishermen, the place has always had poison. His specialty is fish, though, and he can provide insight
something of a rough reputation. Thick with pipe smoke, it’s into most things of an aquatic or amphibious nature. While
said that if you spend enough time in this place listening to the he may not believe in Mythos creatures like the Deep Ones,
customers talk that you’ll hear a story or two that will make curly he is aware of their myths and can share some of them with
hair go straight. investigators.
10. Beautiful Bouquets: While it’s really more of a sidewalk
In-Game Use: The old tavern has a wealth of sea stories one stall than an actual store, this flower stand does booming
might hear, and if you listen close it’s possible to hear legends business during formal season. With cotillions, dances and
that tie in with tales of many Old Ones that have become other large events happening all around Arkham, along with
seafarer’s stories over the centuries. Additionally, despite weddings, funerals and fighting couples who need a peace
attempts to make Arkham a dry city, the Drowned Man has a offering, there are always fresh flowers to be found in this shop
speakeasy in it... those who go snooping around who aren’t part at the southern end of the Merchant District.
of the sea trade, though, are likely to get tossed into the river for
their trouble. In-Game Use: This stall, run by Rosalind “Rose” Thatcher, is
7. Red Palms: A store that specializes in the strange and occult, a good place for investigators to pick up rumors off the street.
the front door is marked by a red hand. Located in French Hill, Rose herself is a treasure trove of herb lore, someone who
Red Palms is run by Madame Solaris, a dark-haired woman fluently speaks the language of flowers, and a gossip who loves
with dusky skin and a knowing stare. Offering fortune telling nothing better than pouring her best whispers into an eager ear
services, star charts and herbal remedies, this is a place few before she bursts.
admit to going, even if they’re some of the shop’s most frequent 11. The Masters: Smelling of sweat and iron, this gym located
customers. While much of the persona of Madame Solaris is in River Town caters to those looking to learn the “sweet”
just a performance, Sarah Goodman learned much of her lore sciences, as some call them. Frequented by boxers, wrestlers,
being raised among the old families in the hill country outside of weight lifters and even the occasional sword fighter, the Masters
Arkham. Including, as some have whispered, the curling half of is a place that shapes one, carving away ignorance and softness
the Whateley family. in equal measure.

In-Game Use: Sarah Goodman knows more than how to In-Game Use: Investigators who spend at least a month
read a palm or shuffle a deck of tarot cards. She knows several training here can increase associated skills by 1d6%.
disjointed pieces of the Mythos, and she can be an ideal Investigation involving scenes of violence may even find some of
contact for investigators who need a little help finding the right the fighters can offer insight as to what sort of training (or lack
information about a topic. This is particularly true when it thereof) the people involved may have had.
comes to tomes like the Necronomicon, and knowledge of the 12. East Medical Supply Company: Beginning as just another
several Mythos cults found in this part of New England. druggist, this store found that Miskatonic’s medical school (and
8. The Jasmine Room: A tea house that feels equal parts the students attending it) made for far better clientele than the
British and Indian, this place has been quite popular among average Arkham citizen. Through carefully cultivated contacts,
certain parts of the Miskatonic student body, as well as the more and some early investments in warehouse space, the River Town
sophisticated parts of Uptown. With an expansive collection of storefront has become the leading name for everything one
beverages served in a number of different ways, this tea house needs in the medical field. From the latest in tools, to textbooks,
also serves a number of cookies, biscuits, scones and other tea to medical cadavers and skeletons, if a doctor (or doctor-to-be)
accessories. Most noted, perhaps, are the curtains that allow one has a need, this store can fill it. While some think of the place as
privacy while they enjoy their brews of choice. cold and ghoulish, others find the professionalism and candor
In-Game Use: The Jasmine Room is an ideal meeting place
for those who want to keep their conversations private, or who In-Game Use: The tall, rawboned Mr. East is always happy
don’t want to be seen together. It is, however, something of an to procure tools, drugs and even subjects for his customers
upscale place, which means those who don’t belong will stick without asking any questions about what they need them for.
out. The store can also be used as a front for cults bringing in Additionally, East’s contacts within the medical and scientific
relics, or attempting to poison wealthy individuals, should a community could put investigators in touch with plot-important
mystery require such elements. NPCs they have no other way to reach. Lastly, for a plot hook,
9. Puffin’s Pets: Run by R.J. Puffin, this shop carries all the Keepers could use the place as a distribution center for cadavers
things one needs for birds, dogs, cats, and dozens of other obtained by less-than-legal means... either from local gangsters,
household creatures. Located on the main drag of the Merchant or even from local cults who want the remains of their sacrifice
District, this store has been known to acquire occasionally exotic to disappear.
animals. Those who know him claim that Mr. Puffin is quite a
collector of uncommon sea creatures, and that he has several
large tanks in his home above the shop.

13. Silver Herald: Most people claim Arkham has only two In-Game Use: Dr. Laroche’s office is a good place for those
newspapers, but there is a fringe minority of the population that who need to undergo therapy to rebuild their Sanity scores.
counts the Silver Herald as the third. A tiny backroom operation Due to his methods, those who undergo therapy there gain
run by a handful of people in French Hill, this rag is printed and additional 1d6 restored Sanity over and above what they
on the lowest-quality pulp paper the market will provide, and would normally restore if they undergo at least a month of
contains sensational stories that range from local gossip and treatment. This cannot raise one’s Sanity above their total
hearsay, to unsubstantiated claims and urban legends. The score. Additionally, the doctor may be able to offer his insight
paper still sells copies, though, even if most upstanding citizens on unusual investigations... particularly those involving cult
consider it a farce, at best. activities, or multiple murders.
17. Smoker’s Delight: Run by the
In-Game Use: The owner, Philas J. Farnes, tobacconist Harlan Reeds, this shop carries a
is a man who believes a number of bizarre variety of local blends in addition to slightly
things. While it might be difficult to separate more exotic choices. Reeds sells pipes, cigars
the wheat from the chaff when it comes to and cigarettes, as well, making this Downtown
information he provides, there are clues to the shop a place that’s quite popular among the
Mythos in the articles of the Silver Herald (and sophisticated and the working class alike.
in Farnes’s mind) if one has some idea what to
look for. In-Game Use: Reeds is well-versed in
14. The Magician’s Friend: A little store pharmacology, and he has the ability to provide
tucked between a sandwich shop and a psychoactive compounds should one need
hairdresser in the Merchant District, the them for either personal or ritual use. Reeds
Magician’s Friend sells everything the could also provide insight on any entheogens
fledgling stage illusionist could ask for. From (drugs used for religious purposes) mentioned
carefully marked decks of cards, to smoke in occult books, or found at ritual sites during
pellets, to manuals on sleight of hand, there’s the course of an investigation.
also toys and games for children who aren’t quite ready for more 18. Ratcher’s Radios: Run by Nadine “Ratchet” Ratcher,
advanced “magic” just yet. this store stocks a variety of spare parts as well as used radios.
With her head full of frizzy hair, along with her prominent front
In-Game Use: Those who frequent this store can often provide teeth, Nadine can fix nearly any problem one might have with a
explanations as to how something seemingly impossible could set. Though wealthier members of the city might call on official
be done through proper preparation and careful diversion. technicians, those with shallower pockets often come to this
Additionally, rumors of rituals, cults and genuine grimoires Easttown store.
(along with people who may be able to identify them) could be
found here, as the community of illusionists and the community In-Game Use: Nadine can provide feedback on unusual
of occultists often has at least some overlap. phenomena affecting technology, as well as helping repair
15. Cafe Marlowe: Named for the famous playwright, Cafe damaged recording devices. Interested in capturing evidence of
Marlowe was opened by Miskatonic graduate Leonard Wright. A ghosts, alien entities and other creatures, she may also make for
coffee house with pastries, sandwiches and other light fare that’s an enthusiastic (if occasionally scatter-brained) ally.
not too far east of the college’s campus, it’s noted for putting on 19. Cosmopolitan Theater: Originally a small theater with
unusual renditions of classic plays. balcony seating in River Town, the Cosmopolitan has been
converted (at least partially) into a movie house. Showing films
In-Game Use: Cafe Marlowe is a good place for investigators to for pocket change, the place has grown popular among students
get insight from local artists and actors who have been touched and professors, as well as the general populous of River Town
by the dreams of the Old Ones. The cafe’s walls are hung with art and even French Hill. Traditional theater (especially productions
inspired by the bizarre and the macabre, and it can sometimes by university students) often take place at night.
provide clues to a mystery. For those dealing with the lost
Marlowe play The King in Yellow, Leonard could even act as an In-Game Use: The theater may end up with experimental
antagonist if he intends to perform the work. films, or unusual pieces of theater, which could act as plot points
16. Dr. Anton Laroche: An independent psychiatrist, Dr. for an investigation. There are also regular attendees and critics
Laroche has a private office in the Downtown district where he one might meet who could provide insight about particular
sees his clients. A graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, productions... especially certain rites and rituals disguised as
the tall, soft-spoken man with his shaven head and large glasses simple plays.
chose Arkham to settle in. Though his client list is relatively 20. Croaker’s: A pool hall with a bit of a bad reputation, this
small so far, he is quickly becoming a noted member of the city’s place has attracted the same clientele since Prohibition went
medical community. into effect. While they don’t serve alcohol anymore (not openly,
at least), there is a laundry list of other perfectly legal substances
once can imbibe there. So, while the drinks may have changed,
nothing else really has.

In-Game Use: There are street chemists at Croaker’s who
may be able to identify unusual substances, particularly mind- In-Game Use: Lucerne’s school, such as it is, sees all kinds of
altering drugs used in many eldritch rituals. The rougher element people. From hopeful young authors who need to learn their
may also make for an ideal source of information, should one way around a typewriter, to teachers who simply need an extra
suspect any of Arkham’s numerous gangs to be involved in the paycheck, to those looking to make their way in a limited job
current mystery. market, it takes all sorts. This makes it a useful place to find
21. Jack’s Garage: A former industrial building on High Lane, people (and contacts) from all walks of life. In terms of plot
this building was all but abandoned before John Garland and hooks, it’s possible that strange screeds may be found near
his son set up shop here. A pair of mechanics who claim they can the machines, written by unknown authors and just waiting
fix nearly anything, their garage may look a little hodgepodge, for someone to stumble across them. Of course, it’s possible
but the results they can get are enough to have very pleased that these missives were not written by human hands, thus
customers. While some rumors claim they’re a little closer than deepening the mystery even further.
is healthy with the city’s rum runners, most keep those whispers 25. Farrier Brothers: Located so far down River Street that
to themselves. Especially if they have a vehicle that needs any it’s barely considered a part of Arkham proper any longer, the
kind of regular maintenance. Farrier Brothers are one part boat storage and one part boat
repair facility. While they don’t have the capabilities to handle
In-Game Use: The garage is an ideal place to acquire unique larger working craft like a commercial trawler, they can make
tools, should one need them. Additionally, those looking to repairs and provide end-of-season storage for smaller pleasure
reach out to the underworld community in Arkham might find craft and fishing boats.
John and John Jr. to be of some assistance, if they can persuade
them to put in a good word for them. In-Game Use: The mechanics at the Farrier Brothers hear
22. Potter’s Funeral Services: Named after Potter’s Field all kinds of things. From snatches of old riverfront legends, to
rather than for any of the individuals involved in the business which boats are moving hot cargoes (anything ranging from
itself, this funeral home is located on Garrison Street. Small, liquor and drugs to relics dredged up from the depths), they can
and more than a little cramped, it provides funeral services act as quite a source of information for investigators. And, of
for poorer individuals as well as those who fall under the city’s course, if one needs to rent a boat there may be some available
responsibility. Currently staffed by Rebecca Moore and Dr. Felix here for the proper price.
Larimer, there’s rarely a time when this place isn’t busy. 26. Ashford Detective Agency: Found above a pungent-
smelling market on Fish Street, this agency only employs a
In-Game Use: Dr. Larimer, as a person of color, is often the single detective; Mark Ashford. A man with a lean build that’s
man poorer communities as well as communities of ethnic just starting to go soft around the edges, Mark keeps his war
minorities reach out to in Arkham for their funeral needs... medals in a box on the wall, and a bottle of unidentified spirits
whether they wish to, or are forced to by circumstance. This for medicinal purposes locked up in his lower desk drawer. More
makes him an ideal contact for cases being ignored because dogged and determined than he is insightful, Mark doesn’t have
they primarily deal with those on the lower rungs of society. His a whole lot of scruples once he’s been put on retainer.
expertise in anatomy and physiology may also be of use to those
whose ideas and questions are dismissed by other institutions In-Game Use: Ashford can be both a useful source of
who won’t entertain “fanciful” notions of how victims met their information, and a helpful ally for investigators. Once hired (at
ends. a fee that’s only ¾ of the more reputable detectives in Arkham)
23. Greener Pastures Investments: Located in the Tower he follows his clients’ case. Though he’s more used to cheating
Professional Building, this small office focuses on investments spouses and lying business partners, he saw his share of strange
for seniors, and those who have smaller amounts of money and inexplicable things while overseas that have allowed him to
than traditional banks will work with. While Simon Carter, a keep an open mind when it comes to the facts of a case.
transplant from New Jersey, does offer legitimate investment 27. Chambers Plumbing: Located just off of Independence
options, this location is primarily a book-making operation with Square, this small-time operation is run by Carlos Hernandez
a focus on sports and off-track betting. and Salvatore Dimaggio. No one knows who Chambers is, or
if there’s ever been such a person, but the two handymen have
In-Game Use: Those seeking to track down the origins of found over the years that Mr. Chambers can act as a useful
unexplained wealth might find Simon a useful ally in digging fiction for clients who like to imagine someone with old New
through financial records (for a fee, of course). Additionally, England blood sitting behind a desk while Sal and Carlos are
Simon keeps off-the-books strong boxes in a reinforced back sent out to do the heavy lifting.
room, which could be a useful place for storing occult objects
or other necessities one doesn’t want to carry on their person In-Game Use: All sorts of strange things wind up in the sewers
all the time. of Arkham, and both Sal and Carlos have tales to tell about
24. Lucerne’s Typing School: A small business that’s little some of the bizarre experiences they’ve had. Not only that, but
more than a single room on High Lane, Lucerne’s Typing a surprising number of people will just ignore you if you have a
School instructs secretaries, stenographers, court reporters tool belt and work boots on, which has allowed these two men
and others who need to be able to type quickly and accurately. access to places in town that most would never dream of being
Offering courses that are much less expensive (and which can be able to enter... something investigators could find useful, should
completed more quickly) than competing programs, there are they need a cover story.
plenty of young people using this school’s methods to swell their

28. Stitches: While not officially a business, Stitches is run out In-Game Use: The consignment store, owned by Jewish
of Amelia Armstrong’s family home near Hoyes Street. A young immigrant Hiram Gelder, is a place where unusual items have
black woman, Amelia has been sewing since before she could a way of turning up. From rare books, to cursed gems, to the
walk according to her relatives. While she primarily adjusts occasional Mythos artifact easily mistaken for a work of art or
clothes for those in the neighborhood, she’s hoping to eventually historical curiosity, the store is a good place for investigators to
open up a real store. Whether Arkham is the kind of city that look for leads. Especially since Gelder knows his treasure, even
would let her do so... that’s a different discussion altogether. if he doesn’t put a lot of stock in the legends around particular
items. The store is also a good place for a Keeper to begin an
In-Game Use: While Amelia’s clients usually come to her, she adventure, as a break-in or mysterious theft of a certain item
has been known to go to clients who are willing to pay an extra would certainly get the ball rolling.
fee for her to fit them in the comfort of their own home. Perhaps 32. Grisham Hardware: Just south of the true border of the
she’s seen strange robes kept hidden in the closets of a wealthy Merchant District, this store is run by Maria Grisham. Inheriting
client, or accidentally found a secret exit from a wealthy home, the store from her father when he passed several years ago, she
which could act as a clue for investigators. Alternatively, she manages the place with her close friend Geraldine Hannah and
might be able to provide insight on what a swatch of fabric found local carpenter David White. The store is meticulously organized,
in the course of an investigation might mean, or where it could and while they don’t carry a lot of industrial tools or materials,
have come from... especially if the fabric is unique to a particular Maria is always happy to put in custom orders for people.
person, or neighborhood.
29. Treasures of the Orient: Found on River Street, this In-Game Use: Grisham’s sells a variety of useful items, but
small shop boasts imports from India, China, Russia, Japan and more than that they supply several larger projects in the city.
other faraway destinations. Managed by Mr. Raj Singh, the store Whether someone is buying unusual amounts of lye, uncommon
has figurines, carpets, wall hangings, incense and more. Largely tools or even something like a suspicious amount of mortar, the
a curiosity shop that’s most commonly frequented by university hardware store could be a good location for picking up rumors
students, it’s a strange little place hidden in one of Arkham’s about individuals who went missing, those suspected of crimes
seedier folds. and other details pertinent to an investigation.
33. Argyle’s Deli: Sitting on the river north of the Merchant
In-Game Use: This store carries a variety of mundane items District’s best shopping, Argyle’s Deli is where many locals grab
that could be of-use to investigators who intend to conduct their fresh cuts. Whether it’s for the ice box at home, or to eat
rituals. The owner also deals in opium, albeit in small, controlled right at the counter, the deli sees dozens of people every hour
doses. Singh is also familiar with some elements of the Mythos, from the time it opens until it closes its doors. Especially since
particularly those that have crossed paths with the Thuggee cult, the place is as delicious as it is cheap, ensuring a steady stream
which drove him from his home in India. of return business.
30. All That Glimmers: Located not far east of Garrison
Street, this small jewelry store is one of several fronts in a block In-Game Use: A place to gather information and to listen to
of mostly-converted homes. While this store boasts its share of the locals, one of the things that makes Argyle’s unique is that it
simple gold bands and tasteful stones, there are occasionally isn’t segregated. The owner, navy veteran Daniel Argyle, expects
more... unusual pieces for sale here. his customers to show respect to him, his workers and each
other. Folks who’ve thrown a fuss have found rather quickly that
In-Game Use: The unusual jewelry found in this store could Daniel will huck them out onto the street, and make sure they
merely be strange pieces of artistry, but they might also be ritual know they aren’t welcome back. Though he doesn’t talk about it
items connected to the Mythos that have yet to be recognized. much, Daniel has seen some of what lurks out in the deep oceans
Ceremonial pieces found in and around Innsmouth, as an of the world. While he may not know what the Mythos is, he’s
example, may have come through this location. This kind of inadvertently skirted around parts of it during his service.
history could make the store a useful place to gather information, 34. The Crossing: A shop for hobbyists, the Crossing sells lead
or even a place to start an investigation in the event a robbery figurines and molds, paints, scenery, materials, model trains,
occurred with the goal of acquiring one of these items. strong glue and more. While there are toys, books and games for
31. Gelder Consignments: Found in Main Street in the children, most of their expensive merchandise is clearly aimed
Merchant District, Gelder Consignments is a store filled with at older individuals with the time and finances to really dedicate
vintage merchandise and gently used luxuries. While some have to their leisure activities.
said the store is little better than a high-end pawn shop, it’s also
the place where a lot of Arkham’s cash poor old money goes to In-Game Use: The Crossing seems innocuous on the surface.
discreetly trade away its treasures, and where the cash rich new Wholesome, even. But the store has a large back room with a
money goes to acquire those status symbols. scale model of Arkham that’s always being updated to reflect
changes in the city. This model could be used for planning
purposes, or it’s possible that strange signs and symbols can be
found hidden on certain locations, corresponding with what’s
happening in the current investigation.

35. Scaramuchi Dentistry: Found on the lower floor of In-Game Use: Arthur Spinelli, an American army veteran
what looks like a tenement building on the lower south side of himself, is someone who knows his history. He doesn’t put
Arkham, just off South Peabody Avenue, Scaramuchi Dentistry anything in his shop for display purposes, either; everything he
appears to be just what it says on the door. Run by Donald carries is meant to function just as well now as it did when it was
Scaramuchi, the place feels a little rough around its edges, but first produced. He has been known, however, to earmark some
it’s clean and offers affordable services to those in need. unique acquisitions for the Italian gangs in the city. In return
Arthur usually has alcohol cached in his basement, along with
In-Game Use: In addition to being a legitimate dentist, some off-market drugs he could trade, should money not be
Donnie also operates off the books as a gang doctor for a lot of sufficient.
the criminal element in Arkham. This can be quite useful for 40. Presedony Farmer’s Market: Held west of Boundary
those injured in pursuit of a mystery who can’t go to a doctor, Street off the dirt road, the market has the usual array of fresh
or the hospital, without having to answer some uncomfortable fruits and vegetables one would expect to find, along with
questions about how they came by their injuries. preserves, baked goods and more. There are often out-of-
36. Krazinski Barber Shop: Located on South Parsonage towners in attendance too, bringing tools, trunks of aged books
Street, there are only two chairs in this barber shop. Run by and other items for sale or trade. Something of a treasure hunt,
Fyodor “Fred” Krazinski, the shop is a regular hang out for the market moves inside during the colder months, housed in
several members of the community. It offers hot shaves, haircuts, the few remaining barns in the area.
scalp massages, shoe shines and even some more “traditional”
services like boil lancing, stitching and bone setting should they In-Game Use: This market is an ideal way to introduce rumors,
be needed. along with the occasional Mythos text, item or clue. Individuals
in attendance may have stories to tell about old New England
In-Game Use: The barber shop is a hub for news and gossip for families, or strange tales about other towns in Miskatonic
what’s going on across the city’s south side. It’s also a good place Country (like Innsmouth), should investigators need clues.
to find those who have a functional knowledge of old European 41. Bartleby’s Chemistry Supply: Found down a side
folklore, which just might brush up against parts of the Mythos, street off Pickman Avenue, this storefront offers most things
should the investigators need a clue. a scientifically-minded student would need. While the labs on
37. Garland Society: Residing in a nondescript stone building campus tend to provide tools for student use, there is still a steady
on the east end of Miskatonic Avenue, the Garland Society is stream of individuals doing business with this store to ensure
something of a social club for the city’s Polish immigrants. With they have what they need to conduct at-home experiments and
old men smoking cigarettes and playing checkers, and younger research.
men sharing plates of stew before heading off to jobs, it’s a place
of refuge for those who can only rely on their community. In-Game Use: While the store offers legitimate chemistry
supplies, it also supplies necessary equipment to various
In-Game Use: The Garland Society is a good place for bootleggers throughout Arkham. Hidden in the basement of
characters of Polish descent to find family, alibis, friends the chemistry supplier one may even find a secret still used to
and necessities in Arkham. It can also be a good place to find provide high-grain alcohol on the sly. With a close connection to
information those outside the community may not know, as both the campus and the criminal, Bartleby’s is an ideal location
long as one is persuasive enough to get people to open up. for those who need to make contact with a variety of NPCs.
38. Stinson’s Stationery: A small, cramped store tucked into 42. Sweetman’s: A place that’s somewhere between a diner
a side alley in the Merchant District, Stinson’s is actually run and a cafe, Sweetman’s is a brief walk away from the Miskatonic
by a man named Boris Kemidoff. Affable and soft-spoken, with campus on West Church Street. With coffee, confections, a soda
barely a trace of his native accent, the balding, bespectacled man fountain and a small menu of meal options, the place is a hotbed
has the air of a scholar rather than a shopkeeper. From custom of debate. Sometimes the debate is over alternative theories of
paper and pens, to unique calligraphy tools, he offers all sorts of archaeological time, and sometimes it’s about which cream goes
supplies to give one’s writing that personal touch. best with which coffee, but it seems there’s always someone here
willing to pick a hill to die on.
In-Game Use: Kemidoff has a great knowledge of penmanship,
and he’s experienced with a variety of codes and cyphers. Not In-Game Use: Sweetman’s is a popular hangout place for
only that, but he’s been known to forge documents on behalf of students and staff alike, which makes it a good place to meet
the town’s criminal element; marriage certificates, work papers, with learned individuals away from the halls of academia.
identification and even deeds have all been falsified at his special And with such a large number of people constantly coming
desk locked in a hidden back room. and going, it’s also an ideal location for picking up gossip and
39. Spinelli’s Army/Navy Surplus: A store that opened not gathering information about what’s going on at the university...
long after the end of the Civil War, Spinelli’s has done fairly brisk particularly if one is not, themselves, a student.
business over the years. With swords, bayonets, uniform pieces 43. Hovel’s House of Games: Quartered in an old house on
and riding gear all purchased at a discount from government Pickman Street, the House of Games specializes in books, decks
store houses, it isn’t uncommon to find items from foreign and board games that cover a variety of tastes. Many of the
militaries here as well. games this store sells are designed by locals, and more than a
few of them boast symbols and ideas that were made popular by
the spiritualism craze of yesteryear that never quite went away.

In-Game Use: Hovel’s can be a fun way to locate mistaken 48. Final Testament: A squat, wide building on South French
Mythos items ranging from medallions, to “spirit boards,” to Hill Street, Final Testament is a place that carves monuments
tomes that were thought to be some kind of mystery or game for its customers. While a majority of their business now circles
to be deciphered by the players. The owners, Leland and Maeve around dedication bricks, cornerstones and similar decorations,
Hovel, have a number of friends among the Miskatonic student the business was built on the funeral trade, and it still provides
body (as well as the staff) and they can make for interesting headstones, cenotaphs, and other memorial items for those who
connections, as well as sources of information. need them.
44. The Smokehouse: A dimly lit restaurant built from
hardwood and dark leather, the Smokehouse can be found on In-Game Use: The stone masons Hubert Farnes and Brendan
River Street. Serving a variety of fish cuts, crabs, lobster, beef, McClaugherty have kept this business running for years after
chicken and more, everything is grilled, smoked and seasoned in they took it over from the previous owners. With knowledge
this place. While it is a little rich for many citizens’ pocket books, of prominent deaths, the funeral arrangements made by many
this place is frequented by union laborers and government families in Arkham, and rumors heard in the death trade, these
workers alike. two may prove quite a useful source of information.
49. Miller’s Grill: Found on South Powder Mill Street, this
In-Game Use: The Smokehouse is where a lot of dirty deals get “workman’s kitchen” serves meals through a window. Though
made in Arkham. Whether it’s a county inspector getting a bribe there are some outdoor places to sit during good weather, there’s
along with his salmon, or an arranged meeting between two no dining room. Customers are given their hamburgers or
gangs hashing out a turf dispute with words instead of weapons, sandwiches wrapped in low-quality butcher’s paper, and bottles
there is more corruption than there is steak sauce here. More of soda can be purchased to go with it should one desire. Hot,
importantly, though, it’s a location the police take great pains greasy and cheap, the Grill is a favorite spot for night walkers,
to ignore. late workers and those with very little pocket money.
45. The Parisian: Originally a derogatory term used to refer to
a small second story cafe in French Hill, Pierre Devereaux has In-Game Use: Open later than many other businesses in
since embraced the name. Set up in a house, the place feels more Arkham, the staff at the Grill sees all sorts of folks through the
like a boudoir than a place one comes to drink espresso or have windows. Whether it’s watching shambling shapes out in the
a sandwich. Filled with couches, floor cushions and intimate fog, seeing fleeting figure running through the night or hearing
nooks, the cafe is usually filled with whispers and blue cigarette gunshots, there’s all sorts of information they could provide
smoke. along with a toasted cheese sandwich should investigators ask
the right questions.
In-Game Use: The casual atmosphere of this lounging cafe 50. The Alvarez Place: A collection of properties on the
draws all kinds of people. From campus scholars, to poets and Outskirts, these old, crumbling farmhouses have been converted
painters, to drug dealers and bootleggers, it’s an ideal place to to sturdy living quarters by the Alvarez family. A large clan of
make inquiries, as well as finding information and contacts. folk who came north after the end of the hostilities with Mexico,
46. River Town Museum: As one of the oldest parts of they maintain gardens on their property in addition to working
Arkham, River Town takes a lot of pride in its history. This as groundskeepers, carpenters, delivery persons, and a dozen
unofficial museum, set up on the ground floor of a house on other jobs throughout Arkham.
Main Street, boasts collections of photographs documenting
the Arkham of the past, along with maps, relics and dioramas In-Game Use: No one ever notices the help, as the old
depicting Arkham in general, and River Town in particular. saying goes, which makes the Alvarez family a useful source of
information about many of the goings on in town. A missing
In-Game Use: Run by a thin, bespectacled man named member of the family could also act as a plot point, since the
Horace Ledoux, the museum can be a useful place to come clan will come for blood if one of their own is hurt... a fact that
across mentions of old family bloodlines, strange happenings worries the police even more than the gangs who learned the
and noteworthy events. Horace himself is a great believer in hard way to stay away from the family unless their intentions
conspiracy, and he has his share of theories about Arkham’s are good.
secrets. While most of his theories are bunk, one or two of them 51. Rider’s Life: Found on the western end of the Merchant
are closer than most people would believe. District between Main and Church Street, this saddle shop
47. Madame McGowan’s: Marked by a hanging whirligig of has been in business for decades now. While horses are a less
woven sticks and corn husks on the edge of River Town, Emily frequent sight on the streets of Arkham now than they used to
McGowan came over the ocean with her family just after the be, Rider’s Life provides everything from fresh tack and riding
Civil War. Her shop, which is the front room of her home, is apparel to quirts, polish and repair work.
filled with staves and drying herbs, carved wooden tokens and
bottles filled with unusual oils and potions. In-Game Use: A place frequented by the upper crust of
Arkham (and those who wish to appear to be part of the upper
In-Game Use: A handsome woman in her late middle age, crust), there are all kinds of tidbits one could hear about the
much of Emily’s practice is just a show for those who seek some wealthier families of the city if they listened. Also, since the shop
everyday magic in their lives. She is mostly a herbalist who makes handles custom orders, it’s possible they may have unknowingly
poultices for those who can’t afford doctors’ prices, she’s learned provided ritual implements to a Mythos cult.
in methods of poppet magic. She may, however, recognize some
rituals used by cults devoted to the Mythos, making her a source
of insight on certain investigations.

52. Fredo’s Pizza: A new business in Arkham, Fredo’s is over 56. Captured Moments: A portrait studio on West Derby,
on East Main Street where it runs into Peabody Avenue. The Captured Moments offers photography and traditional painted
former bakery whose brick-fired ovens have been put to a new portraits. In business for a dozen years, Milo Dantonio and his
use is run by Fredo Gnucci, and the restaurant seeks to emulate sister Francesca weren’t fully accepted at first. All this time
many of the New York City parlors that serve this unusual food. later, most important families have sat for one type of portrait
It’s uncertain how Arkham will react to this restaurant, but there or another.
has been more than a little curiosity surrounding it thus far.
In-Game Use: The portraits from this business could provide
In-Game Use: A gathering spot that draws its share of the an interesting look into the history of some of Arkham’s most
adventurous, Fredo’s makes for a good location for investigators prominent people. This business could also be involved in cult
who need a meeting spot. It could also, if a Keeper wished, be activity, whether that means providing images to be used in
used as an operation to launder money for any of the crime rituals meant to target individuals, or stealing vital essences
syndicates in town, explaining how it keeps its doors open as a from those who sit to be painted or photographed... perhaps to
new, niche business in a time of economic uncertainty. maintain the youth and vitality of the Dantonio siblings.
53. Salvages: A strange building on Easter Water Street, 57. Farnam and Flair: A haberdasher that’s been in operation
Salvages is run by the bespectacled Arnold Drumpf. A man for three generations, this hat shop can be found in Curwen
with thinning hair and a crooked shoulder, he’s a tinkerer by Street. Boasting locally made hats in a variety of styles and sizes,
trade, and a magpie by inclination. Repairing machines, fixing this store caters to those who need fine hats, as well as those who
broken tools and seeing what oddities he can find washed up need serviceable, reliable ones.
on the beaches, the man seems to have a real nose for finding
overlooked treasures. In-Game Use: Currently run by Alistair Farnam, the grandson
of founder Barnabus Farnum, the store has been slowly changing
In-Game Use: Salvages is an ideal location for investigators to cater to more customers. This store’s hats are turning up in
to find strange, lost items connected to the Mythos. Whether far more places than before, and there are rumors that Farnam
it’s a half-repaired version of the resonator, bleached bones of and Flair has been bought out in all but name by one of the city’s
Deep Ones, or something else entirely, Arnold always seems to gangs. Of course, there could be other forces behind Alistair’s
stumble across such things. It’s possible that he may even be sunken eyes, and his increasingly brittle smile. Drug addiction?
sensitive to the psychic emanations of the Old Ones, which guide Strange dreams? Or perhaps the “social club” he joined was far
him as an unknowing pawn in their schemes. more than advertised?
54. Baker Brown’s: A small place off of Whately Street, this 58. Willoughby’s: A jeweler on West Curwen Street,
bakery specializes in donuts and coffee, though scones, cookies Willoughby’s is known for creating unique pieces that will
and cakes are far from uncommon there. Run by Jacob Brown, stand the test of time. From gem cutting, to silver polishing,
a man of mixed descent, the bakery employs many individuals to engraving, this store offers a variety of services to those who
deemed “unwanted” or untouchable by some of the stodgier come through its doors.
parts of Arkham.
In-Game Use: The jewelers at this store can provide their
In-Game Use: The workers and customers of this bakery tend expertise on unusual relics of silver or gold, should investigators
to be part of the community the police don’t help or listen to. need such insight. Not only that, but the jewelers could also be
As such, there may be dozens of issues investigators can help responsible for creating pendants, rings or other ritual items
with, from bizarre sounds and unexplained disappearances, to used by Mythos cults through the region... even if the jewelers
rumors of people paying with ancient-looking gold, it can make themselves aren’t members of the cult, and have no real
a solid jumping off point for a mystery. conception of what it is they made.
55. Needs of The Many: Found in a 59. Minutes and Cogs: Located on Gedney
refurbished factory on the Northside, this Street, this clock maker’s shop is filled with
charity office takes in a variety of donations the regular rhythms of ticks and tocks. From
from businesses and individuals for those in imposing grandfather clocks to slender pocket
need. From furniture and clothing for babies, watches, this store sells, services and repairs
to bulk bags of groceries, the Needs does a a wide variety of time pieces both in the store
great deal of work for the poor... many of itself, as well as in the homes of several of its
whom live right here in Arkham. clients.

In-Game Use: This charity could be a place In-Game Use: Familiar with all sorts of
to collect information on families that are fine, mechanical work, the watchmakers and
disappearing from the city. It could also be clock cleaners of this shop may be able to
used as a location for laundering money for the provide insight on bizarre devices or unusual
city’s gangs, or it might have a sinister purpose mechanisms that investigators come across
all its own if a cult is behind its supposedly charitable actions during their case. Additionally, the tiny tool sets used in
rather than a group genuinely interested in helping others. repairing such fine mechanisms can also double as lock picks,
should one need to acquire a set while avoiding suspicion.

60. Sawyer’s Candies: Found in the middle of the Market In-Game Use: Baker’s Dozen can be used as a location
District, this shop carries all sorts of sweet treats to tempt any where suspects in investigations are (or have been) staying.
palate. From molasses sweetener, to butterscotch, to taffies, Alternatively, Em could have an unusual source for her
peppermint and more, this store is just as popular among ingredients that allows her to keep her prices so low. Perhaps
children as it is adults looking for ways to make their coffee or she’s stealing it so she can keep turning a profit... or in an
tea just a little less bitter in the mornings. extreme case, it might be a gift bestowed by Shub Niggurath. A
gift that is having rather dramatic effects on those who consume
In-Game Use: Sawyer’s may seem like a place for keeping one’s too many of Em’s sweets.
sweet tooth satisfied (and it is), but the shop is also a supplier for 64. Kaine Arborists: A business set up along Water Street,
many of the moonshiners and rum runners who need to acquire this location is one part nursery and one part landscape design.
sugar and other sweeteners in large quantities in order to brew Those who really want to make their yards stand out from their
their batches. In fact, more than one speakeasy has some rather neighbors’ often come here to find unique shrubbery, trees,
unique batches that have been made using older, unsold candies bushes and flowers, as well as getting expert help from the
from the store as stock for their process, and the drinks have business’s natural designers.
proven surprisingly popular.
61. Bannerman Office Supply: Located within sight of In-Game Use: Ryan Kaine was once a student as Miskatonic,
Curwen Street, this shop carries all the necessities one would but he left education early in order to pursue his business
need in an office setting. Calendars, ledgers, pens, furniture interests. Mundane plot hooks could use the nursery as a place
and various models of typewriters fill the shelves, and if there is for growing dangerous herbs, mushrooms and other plants
something the shop doesn’t have available it can put in custom which can be sold illegally as part of the drug trade. Alternatively,
orders for its customers... often at a significant discount. for something more Mythos oriented, the business could be
planting parts and pieces of the Black Goat’s thousand young
In-Game Use: Bannerman’s supplies a great deal of the paper all across Arkham, making offerings to Shub Niggurath, or
goods throughout Arkham’s business community, and it’s a creating perfectly-aligned ritual spaces using just the right trees
regular contact for several nearby towns as well. Technicians in preparation for a seasonal rite.
from this store often service or make deliveries to offices in 65. Silver’s Fine Perfumes & Scents: Found on High Street
the Northside, as well as on the Miskatonic campus. Those in Uptown, this boutique imports fine perfumes from halfway
seeking information, or who might be looking for ways to sneak across the world in addition to making many of their own,
into client offices, may find this business a useful ally in their unique, blends that are only available in Arkham. From subtle
endeavors. floral scents to more unique, ephemeral accents, Silver’s is a
62. Albanese Tax Associates: Taking up office space in the byword among many members of the city’s upper crust.
Northside, this office has several tax preparers who work with
the city’s more notable families. As the years have gone on, In-Game Use: A place frequented by those with money, Silver’s
though, it’s been rumored that this firm has taken on less... would be an ideal location for making contact with NPCs that
reputable clients in order to ensure that their profit margins stay would normally be unapproachable to investigators who aren’t
in the black. from the same social class. The perfumist may also be used as a
source of plot, as they could be using unique plants from other
In-Game Use: Associates and tax preparers at Albanese work worlds, or the scent glands from creatures like the Mi-go as
with several of Arkham’s wealthy families, as well as with some ingredients in their latest batch of perfumes, which could lead to
of the larger crime syndicates that have taken root in Arkham. addictive, mutagenic or otherwise disastrous results.
Whichever type of individual that’s the focus of the current 66. Jacoby’s: An establishment on Pickman Street, this
investigation, though, the files kept in this office may be full business offers the finest in pens and journals. An extremely
of damning details that could provide a paper trail as to where niche market, perhaps, but every modern gentleman and lady
payments have come from, along with mysterious expenses that must practice their penmanship, and many of them may wish
could offer clues (trips to particular locations, hush money paid to carry a personalized pen as a status symbol. Relatively few
to particular officials etc.). people come into Jacoby’s to browse, though; if you’re there,
63. Baker’s Dozen: Run out of a house on the northern then you know what it is you need.
end or Hoyes Street, Em Grady lost her husband in the Great
War several years ago. She took in boarders to try to keep the In-Game Use: With its custom implements, it’s very possible
mortgage paid, but ultimately she needed to do more to keep that pens, ritual notebooks or even high-quality paper that
the creditors off her back. Since she was often baking pies and threatening letters are written on may be traced back to
cakes for charities and her church, her kitchen has become Jacoby’s. If upper-class individuals are involved in an ongoing
her salvation. Producing dozens of delicious treats a day for case then this business may prove to be a useful link in the chain
a fraction of what one might spend at a more upscale bakery, as investigators try to trace clues back to their sources.
Baker’s Dozen is one of those smaller, unofficial businesses that 67. Saville’s: Located in the heart of Uptown, Saville’s is a
litter Arkham. tailor’s shop that focuses on bespoke suits of clothing for the
city’s wealthy men about town, as well as for young boys who
are growing into public life. While this shop has extended some
of its services to women over the years as well, their primary
clientele remains men.

In-Game Use: Catering to the wealthier clients of the city, In-Game Use: An expert on blades of all sorts, Jack might
Saville’s tailors know more secrets than anyone except perhaps have some insight about the damage done to a person’s body by
their clients’ valets. If a Keeper wishes to use the place as a a particular kind of blade if investigators are looking for a clue.
center for a plot, however, then charms or secrets could be sewn Additionally, those who find unusual knives may receive some
into the lining of particular suits of clothing to attract dangerous insight about them if they come to Jack and ask for his opinion.
eldritch entities toward the wearer, resulting in a string of Lastly, the old timer is just full of stories, and those who sit on
untimely deaths. his porch for any length of time will hear tales of sea monsters,
68. Walker’s: Walking sticks are very much a mark of someone murders, cults and more that may hold clues about their current
cultured and distinguished, and they’re used by a variety of investigation.
individuals of varying levels of society. Walker’s, located on 72. Dredger & Company: Located at the eastern end of Water
West Street near where it meets High Street, creates custom Street, D&C as some call it is a small, hardworking organization
walking sticks to suit every individual’s needs. A favorite of the that specializes in moving earth. While the company has a single
city’s elite, many members of the Freemasons, as well as several ship that’s used for water-based jobs, most of their digging takes
other noted social clubs, acquire their sticks from this shop. place on land (basements, ditches, drainage paths etc.) and it’s
Promising quality, there are some families who have handed still done largely by hand.
down the walking sticks made here for two generations or more!
In-Game Use: For Keepers looking for plot hooks, this
In-Game Use: Sticks produced by Walker’s always have a business provides a lot of opportunities. Dredger & Company
unique maker’s mark that makes them quickly identifiable. If may have been on a job where they dug up something that should
one is found as evidence (or one is glimpsed in the hand of a have stayed buried. Whether it’s a diary from a cult leader, a
mysterious suspect during the course of an investigation) then mysterious Mythos relic or the bound form of a dangerous
information about the bearer could be found at this shop. One entity, this company’s activities can be the source of the current
of these sticks could also make for a one-of-a-kind reward, mystery. A more “pedestrian” use of this business might be to
particularly if it contained a weapon like a dagger or a rifle, dispose of bodies and other unwanted evidence for one or more
which is a far from uncommon practice. of the city’s criminal enterprises.
69. Halston Message Service: A small office near High 73. Coin and Stamp: A small shop on Armitage Street, Coin
Street contains the operators of this combination telegraph and and Stamp is a niche business for those few collectors in the city.
telephone answering service. Staffed 24 hours a day, they ensure Unique and exotic coins can be found here, along with out-of-
confidentiality for their clients, and they’re trusted by some print stamps, and even some early generation baseball cards.
of the most prestigious citizens (as well as several successful The owner Carl Thomas walks with a heavy cane, and he is a
businesses) in Arkham. repository of knowledge on collectibles. He also ensures that
he reaches out not just to people his own age, but to the young
In-Game Use: This service, despite its location in Uptown, folk who wander in out of curiosity. Someone needs to take the
can be useful for investigators who need a reliable, discrete torch of history, as he often says, which is why he ensures there’s
messaging service... especially if the Keeper is looking for ways never dust on the subjects of his passions.
for mysterious callers to drop clues into their laps. Of course,
said clues could turn out to be a trap from the individuals behind In-Game Use: Items found in the course of an investigation,
a current mystery, as well. particularly ancient or foreign coins that may be left as a calling
70. Museum of Wonders and Oddities: Found just south card, might be identified here and their prominence explained.
of Whateley Street in East Town, this place is marked by a Thomas himself was a drummer boy during the Civil War, and
fantastical sign bearing skulls and moons. Inside this converted though his limp from a Confederate musket ball has only grown
house are supposed relics left by Native American tribes, medical more pronounced, his mind is as sharp as it ever was. He’s
curiosities floating in vats of chemicals and taxidermy creatures collected a lot of odd bits of trivia and pieces of tales in his years,
boasting bizarre mutations and strange defects. many of which may be of use to investigators.
74. Stanford’s Salvage: Found on the curve of Armitage Street
In-Game Use: While much of the contents of this so-called near the train tracks, John Stanford runs this salvage yard with
museum are nothing but fraud and hokum (aborted cow fetuses his two nephews. One of the more successful businesses run by
labeled as human and animal hybrids, or two-headed coyotes a black man in Arkham, many of the town’s old blood turn their
that were cleverly stitched together from multiple bodies) there noses up at what they simply refer to as the dump. Until they
could be genuine Mythos treasures lurking amidst the clutter. need something hauled away off their property, that is.
Not only that but the owner, a man in a sweeping cape and
dark suit by the name of Aaron Creedy, may have some genuine In-Game Use: Constantly on the lookout for old scrap, the
knowledge of the Mythos despite his theatrical posing. salvagers could come across pieces of the Mythos in their
71. Wheelman’s: An unmarked business on Water Street, old searches. Whether it’s strange objects hidden away in a buried
Jack Wheelman is a tinker who makes small repairs to pots, safe that was hauled away as little more than scrap iron, or
kettles, pans and other kitchen necessities. He also has a skill finding bizarre ingots washed up on the beach after a storm,
for putting a perfect edge onto a blade, and he’ll sit in his rocking the Stanfords could act as a significant point of contact for
chair for hours with a stack of knives, a whetstone and a strop investigators.
just honing steel until the sun goes down.

75. Hanson Handymen: Working out of a small storefront on In-Game Use: If investigators get themselves arrested,
Marsh Street, this business works primarily for the city’s various this business can be an ideal way to get out of jail relatively
landlords and poorer homeowners. As the name implies, they quickly. Grafton Bondsmen agents may also moonlight as gang
handle any kind of odd job one might require. From painting a enforcers, private muscle or take on jobs looking for missing
house, to repairing leaks in the plumbing, to helping clean out persons throughout Arkham. This could make them potential
old rooms after a boarder has died and left a mess behind them, antagonists or allies, depending on a Keeper’s needs. Also of
Hanson never says no to a job if the price is right. note, this company tends to undercut the Federal Bond Agency,
offering a 1/4 discount on costs for their services, and even
In-Game Use: Workers from Hanson’s might have information sabotaging their competitors’ business if they can get away with
about modifications made to local homes, or they might have it.
noticed something unusual about a crime scene they were hired 79. Common Dogs: Typically found around the Common
to clean up once the police had departed. They might even be (though the cart does move pretty regularly), Common Dogs
responsible (albeit accidentally) for unleashing elements of the does a brisk business for much of the year. Selling hot dogs with
Mythos when hired to clean up after the death of an old recluse, all the trimmings, the cart usually has bottles of soda, as well
breaking bindings laid down to keep out eldritch horrors that as seasonal items like hot cider in the fall, or lemonade in the
can now freely roam the darker corners of Arkham. spring and early summer.
76. Durham’s Penny Arcade: With sawdust on the floor and
regularly spaced spittoons, this place has the worn-out air of a In-Game Use: This cart is almost constantly on the move
second-hand fun house. Filled with hand-cranked movies and seeking out the latest hot spots for crowds throughout Arkham.
tired skill tester games, the cabinets’ raucous paint and saucy As such, it comes into contact with all sorts of people at a variety
names can’t hide their scraped sides and sprung springs. Since a of events. A handy witness to happenings all around the city,
number of Downtown residents don’t have the time or money to Common Dogs is a great source of rumors should investigators
cross the river looking for entertainment, though, the place has need to gather information.
become something of a dedicated hang out for older adolescents, 80. Jan’s Jams: A quaint little shop on Main Street in the
along with many of Arkham’s rougher customers. Merchant’s District, this shop deals in jams, jellies and all
manner of preserves. While some are made by the shop’s
In-Game Use: The penny arcade is a seedy place, and a owners, others are bought from families and homesteads in the
great location to pick up gossip from all corners of Downtown. Outskirts and brought into the city. Everything sold in the shop
Additionally, it’s likely there are illicit card and dice games is locally produced, though, which is something of a point of
set up in the backroom which are using the arcade as a smoke pride for the shop.
screen. Such games would cater to Arkham’s criminal element,
allowing investigators a chance to at least try to ask a few In-Game Use: A contact point for many folk who don’t live in
questions around the table, should they secure a spot in one of Arkham proper, Jan’s Jams can be a good spot to pick up rumors
these games. about what’s going on outside of town without actually needing
77. Caruso’s: A tiny store that’s roughly the size of a big city to leave town. Additionally, the preserves themselves could act
bodega, Caruso’s is located a stone’s throw from Independence as plot hooks, should a Keeper wish. Some of the preserves could
Square. While it sells cigarettes, snacks and be made in such a way that if one leaves
newspapers, there’s also a robust lending them in a cool, dark room for a month or
library along the back wall. Filled with old so that they will turn into something akin
dime novels, dog-eared magazines and to wine, for example. More Mythos-related
bizarre pulp fiction, it seems there’s always plots might involve people getting sick or
someone coming or going from that end of changing from eating out-of-town preserves,
the store. potentially due to influence from Shub-
Niggurath, or a force like the Color Out of
In-Game Use: Caruso’s is a hub of local Space which tainted the initial fruits.
activity, and there’s always people and 81. Mason Seams: A small shop on the
gossip coming in and out of it. Additionally, southern edge of the Merchant District
the library operates under a, “take a book, leave a book,” policy. with a surprisingly large back room, Mason Seams specializes
As such, it’s possible that occult diaries or Mythos tomes that in sewing machine repairs and tune-ups. While Mason himself
are mistaken for pieces of fiction could wind up there, left out usually makes house calls for his clients, he also sells refurbished
in public for anyone curious enough to take these books home machines should someone be in the market for something
with them. functional that lacks the glossy finish of a device straight out of
78. Grafton Bondsmen: Located near the courthouse on the Sears catalog.
Peabody Avenue, this business helps those who can’t post bail
on their own. Though providing bonds for those who wish to In-Game Use: Entering the homes of many Arkham residents,
get out of jail is their main service, the business has been known as well as several businesses, Mason Wick can act as a source of
to pursue bounties on noted criminals as well. With that said, information and rumors for investigators. His shop could also
though, these manhunters tend to stick to less-dangerous work deal in other kinds of precise machinery, such as firearms for
unless there’s a large payday attached to it. those who can’t just walk into a hunting goods store to make a
purchase, such as many members of Arkham’s underworld.

82. Pickwick Credit Union: Opened as a competitor to the 86. Ivor’s Furnishings: Found in the more heavily Polish
banks and lenders up in the Downtown district, the Pickwick parts of French Hill, Ivor Kominski runs this small business
Credit Union operates by creating a safer option for loans and with the aid of his brother, his niece and his nephew. A talented
accounts for smaller businesses, and the less wealthy individuals carpenter with a noted skill when it comes to reupholstering
in Arkham. Located in an older building in River Town, the everything from easy chairs to old-fashioned fainting couches,
credit union has rejected offers from many larger banks to be Ivor usually has some kind of salvage project going on at any
bought out, preferring to keep providing its services to those given time in addition to his contract work.
who would have no other option without them.
In-Game Use: Old secrets left hidden inside pieces of furniture
In-Game Use: The Pickwick Credit Union may be allied with could be found at Ivor’s during a repair and refurbishing. Old
criminal enterprises, laundering their whiskey earnings in order letters hidden inside cushions, secret compartments containing
to help its fight against the city’s larger financial institutions. strange items and more might be lurking inside an innocuous
The credit union might also have safe deposit boxes that hold chair leg or found within a secret drawer. If these finds are
documents or relics relevant to the Mythos which can be used to related to the Mythos they could lead to madness, violence and
provide investigators with clues as the case goes on. worse unless they’re contained quickly by investigators.
83. Horowitz Cycles: Taking up a prominent spot-on Main 87. The Green Fairy: A small operation that calls itself a
Street, this shop sells bicycles, and the occasional unicycle or publishing house, the Green Fairy operates out of a small office
tricycle. While most of the vehicles the shop sells (along with on South French Hill Street. Run by William Williamson, a
pumps, patches and other maintenance equipment) are aimed terminally over-caffeinated former Miskatonic student, the
at children, they do have bikes intended for adults. Though most “company’s” main product is a monthly pulp magazine featuring
commonly ridden by college students from the university, one the work of local writers and artists. While largely regarded as a
or two make their way to the Outskirts from time to time. cheap, disposable rag, it is nonetheless popular in certain parts
of Arkham.
In-Game Use: Useful for investigators who want a subtler way
to get around the city, the shop could also be used to identify In-Game Use: The stories submitted to this magazine are
tire tracks, or to help place certain models of bicycle seen by often bizarre and unsettling, but they might offer clues as well.
investigators. Though more common that horses, there are still Often showcasing myth and local legend, grains of truth about
few enough bicycles that someone in the market might be able to the Mythos sometimes slip through into the publication under
tell one from the other enough to narrow down a search. the guise of merely being imaginative works of fiction.
84. Fullman Vacuums: A smaller shop just off Main Street, 88. The Toolbox: A lending library of skills, this place is run
this store is primarily frequented by the wealthy, and by by Seamus McGinty. In his life the old man has been a farmer,
businesses who need to keep their buildings clean. Sporting the a carpenter, a roofer and more, and now that he’s in his 60s he
latest in powered vacuum cleaners, as well as manual models, runs this little shop mostly as a way to keep himself busy. Found
the store also contracts to provide cleaning services to those who down on Sentinel Hell Avenue, the walls of this place are hung
would rather pay a small fee more regularly to have someone with tools of all shapes and sizes, and sturdy benches boast a
else vacuum their premises. dozen different projects in various stages of completion.

In-Game Use: It’s possible that the vacuum service Fullman In-Game Use: A gathering place for several communities in
provides (or repairs being conducted on a damaged model) are French Hill, the Toolbox is a relaxed place one can go to ask
connected to a clue in the investigators’ current case. Missing questions about local happenings. Not only that, but one can
shell casings, a unique herbal powder found on a carpet, or learn (or improve) trade skills in this place. It typically takes a
some other small clue could grant some insight as to what kind month or so of regular lessons to increase a skill 1d6 percentage
of mess someone has been trying to clean up. points (up to 60%), and while this education is free, those who
85. McCrory’s Kitchen: South of East College Street, this come are asked to contribute in some way. This might be giving
building feels like little more than a large shed with a handful money to help keep the place in repair, but it could also be
of tables inside. A place where food is always available to those volunteering to teach skills of their own to others.
in need, stew and bread are served several times a day here. 89. Rook’s Place: A former tavern tucked down a side alley,
Donations are accepted to help keep the kitchen running, and the place appears to just be a restaurant these days. With a
most in the neighborhood give what they can. Many of them chessboard by the fireplace, and cozy booths tucked beneath
have needed McCrory’s services from time to time themselves, hardwood support arches, it’s a relatively unremarkable place.
and they want to pay some of their own good fortune forward to It is something of an open secret, though, that this is one of the
help others. only places in French Hill one can go to get safe liquor.

In-Game Use: The kitchen is a perfect location for gathering In-Game Use: A short, hidden stairway that leads under the bar
information from those who struggle at the lowest rung of the through the coat closet lets one into the basement. A speakeasy
city’s economic ladder. It could also be used as a plot point if lit by hooded lanterns of the kind seen on ships, there’s two
individuals started vanishing, yet the stew pot was constantly tunnels that lead out to storm drains in the Hill should one
full. Whether one includes mention of the Tcho-Tcho people, or need to leave suddenly without being seen. Additionally, if one
other references to cannibalism found throughout Lovecraft’s can talk their way into the basement, tongues tend to wag as
work, this could easily be its own, self-contained plot. the liquor starts flowing. Lastly, Rook’s Place is considered safe
for locals on good terms, as there’s several hard-eyed men who
make it a point not to let in the cops, or other hardcases.

90. The Land’s End: A small place on the east end of River In-Game Use: Pieces carved by Whalen could offer
Street, this building was a house only a generation back. Most of investigators some clues to the Mythos, since many of them
the walls have been knocked out, though, with tables and chairs depict roiling seas and bizarre beasts. He may even have carved
spread around the main floor surrounding the central fireplace. some of these scenes on fragments of Deep One bones without
This is where many local poets, playwrights and more gather even being aware of the canvas’s nature. Alternatively, his shop
to perform their work for peers and guests. Criticism, though may boast carvings made by mad artists, or which were originally
often not asked for, tends to be given quite freely as well. As to made in underwater cities which could act as macguffins for the
The Land’s End itself, the place keeps its doors open by selling investigators to chase (especially if the store is burglarized, but
tea, coffee, snacks and copies of work created by noted members only specific pieces or sets are taken by the thieves).
both past and present. 94. Wind Through the Willows: A woman named Abigail
Proctor lives on River Street, her home barely a stone’s throw
In-Game Use: Land’s End tends to host experimental artists from the rushing waters that cut through the middle of the
of all varieties, and the touch of the Mythos may be reflected in city. With her brown hair done up in a long braid, and her
any of this art. Several of the creators who frequent this place eyes magnified by her spectacles, she’s a chipper, soft-spoken
may have some knowledge of the Mythos as well, seeing it in music teacher for many of the children in her neighborhood.
their dreams, or finding themselves inspired by the Old Ones. The front room of her home acts as a store, filled with hand
Dangerous works, such as fragments of The King in Yellow carved woodwind instruments that produce a uniquely haunting
might turn up here as well. melody.
91. Hob’s Alley: A home near the curve of North East Street,
this relatively small house converted its front room into a In-Game Use: The association of pipes and woodwind music
workshop. Run by a man named Nicholas Pike, who always with certain Mythos creatures and Old Ones (most notably
seems to have his pipe clenched between his teeth, the Alley Azathoth) could lead investigators to seek this place out.
is where working men come to get their boots repaired. From Whether they’re seeking old songs to calm or bind eldritch
mending deep gouges in the leather, to replacing hobnails in the entities, or attempting to find unique pipes to use for a ritual,
sole, it’s often cheaper to take care of what they have than it is this shop will likely have just what they require.
to buy a new pair. 95. Dane House: An old house on College Street, it was
converted into apartments several years ago. Run by Lydia
In-Game Use: Located so close to the river, and working Dane, a pretty young woman who takes care of her aging, ailing
largely with dock hands and fishermen, Pike hears his share of grandmother, she is at least one reason so many upperclassmen
what goes on in the lower parts of the city. Not only that, but from the university seek rooms in this place.
he’s heard his share of Mythos-adjacent legends and myths
which could be of-use to investigators. Lastly, those who find In-Game Use: A young woman on her own handling a property
themselves trying to understand the significance of footprints faces a lot of adversity, but there is more going on in the Dane
found during the course of their case may find Pike has some House than meets the eye. Perhaps Lydia’s grandmother bore
insight as to what sort of boots made those tracks, and where the witness to the Mythos, and thus the old woman is a potentially
owner might be found. useful source of information if she can be roused from her near
92. Smelter’s: A smoking forge tucked behind a house on catatonic state? Or maybe the old woman swapped bodies with
Sentinel Street, Smelter’s is the workshop of Evelyn Chambers. her granddaughter, keeping her old body locked in the back
The niece of Samuel Smelter, who took over his property and room and heavily medicated so that no one learned the truth
business when he died, Evelyn has carried on his business of about the “young” landlady?
practical forging. Taking unwanted items like railroad spikes 96. Merkel Transcription Services: Started by Gretchen
and turning them into knives, or recycling busted iron pots into Merkel, this small business located on South Garrison Street now
toe caps to protect a workman’s feet, are the sorts of things that employs half a dozen young women. Used primarily by students
Evelyn spends her days doing. who want neat, typed pages to submit to their professors, there
are a handful of faculty members willing to pay the fees to have
In-Game Use: If investigators require a unique weapon to their handwritten notes and papers typed up as well.
be made in order to deal with a threat (a blade made of iron or
bullets made of silver, perhaps) then Evelyn will be able to make In-Game Use: There are no promises of secrecy among the
it for a price. She may also be able to provide insight on ritual transcribers, and while many of the pages that cross their desks
tools or weapons that investigators take from cultists, but whose are boring or highly technical, sometimes bizarre projects and
properties they may not fully understand. proposals will stand out. Whether they’re hand-copied pages
93. Whalen Carving: Run out of a small workshop on Peabody from a Mythos tome, treatises on notable cults or other unique
Avenue, this shop’s owner and proprietor is Jason Whalen. essays, little details the investigators need might stick in a typist’s
Though he went to sea when he was a young man, Whalen has mind. Or, even worse, the typist could be driven to obsession
kept his feet firmly on the land for most of his life. A carver and madness, resulting in another kink in the investigation.
of some skill, his fine decorative work appears in a number of 97. Richards House: While officially a boarding house, this
places throughout Arkham. His shop, however, is devoted to old structure still has much of the polish and respectability one
scrimshaw, a talent he learned aboard a ship. While many of the would expect from an old Georgian within sight of the Miskatonic
pieces on the shelves were made with Whalen’s own two hands, campus. Hosting regular “socials,” it’s a popular place for local
there are some that have taken a much longer journey to reach get togethers... for those who can keep their lips buttoned, and
this little corner of Arkham. who pay a membership fee, that is.

In-Game Use: An independent business, the Richards House
might come into conflict with some of the larger organized In-Game Use: A shave and a haircut can make anyone
crime outfits in the city who want to move in on their niche. presentable, granting a bonus on social checks when the Keeper
Alternatively, investigators might be able to use someone’s deems appropriate. Additionally, this barbershop has all the
membership in the brothel’s books as a way to blackmail them gossip fresh from the campus, making it a good source of rumors
into giving up information they’d rather not part with. and clues about the goings on at Miskatonic.
98. The Orchid Room: A fashionable salon on West 100. Eddie’s Shoe Shine: A mobile business, Eddie Collins is
Pickman Street, this place is filled with hot house flowers and a young, enterprising boy who’s a regular sight all over Arkham.
boasts a winding, interior garden path through an expansive Doing regular business on the busier streets, he and his shoe
conservatory. A place frequented by the children of wealth, as shine box are in quite a lot of demand on campus during formal
well as students of the sciences, lectures are frequently held here season. He’s not afraid to walk into the seedier districts of the
for the public. During the evening hours, though, the Orchid city either, especially since a lot of gangsters like a shoe shine as
Room is more often populated by couples, and by those who’d much as the next guy.
like to become part of a couple.
In-Game Use: Eddie fades into the background for a lot of his
In-Game Use: A place to hear lectures on botany, astronomy customers, and often they say things in front of him that they
and more, clues about the unique aspects of a case (or NPCs really shouldn’t. Not only that, but Eddie’s box could easily boast
who could answer questions about unusual evidence) could be a secret compartment for moving contraband ranging from
found here. Additionally, those who come to the Orchid Room counterfeit bills to small Mythos relics, collections of letters, or
in the evening might find individuals selling drugs, or who could other important pieces of evidence investigators might need.
facilitate contact with some or Arkham’s underworld operators.
99. Two Bits: A small barbershop near the Miskatonic campus
on College Street, this place is run by Reginald Head and his
son Anthony. Offering simple haircuts, straight razor shaves
and no-nonsense styling, this place is considered a low budget
solution for those who need to look their most professional and
put together.

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