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PO 101


For your news article review, you are required to submit a brief essay, which discusses current
news articles that relate to American National Government. The purpose of this assignment is to
encourage you to evaluate current public policy and political issues; thus, the news articles that
you will review will address a situation in which aspects of American National Government are
present and highlighted by the media. Your essays should be critical reviews of the articles,
meaning that you should discuss your own opinion regarding the articles, rather than simply
summarize them. You also need to include a Biblical perspective in your response.

Review the News Article Review Grading Rubric to improve the quality of your essays and be
sure to adhere to all of the specific guidelines described below.

News Article Selection Guidelines

Your professor will select the article for the week and make the article available to you through
the online classroom or via email. You are to summarize and review the article provided by the
professor. Any deviation from this will result in a failing grade.

Essay Guidelines

Your essay should be brief—minimum 1 page to a maximum of 2-pages, double-spaced. In the

essay, you must summarize the article in order to demonstrate your comprehension of the
content. Additionally, you should identify key elements discussed in the article and relate those
elements back to concepts discussed in the course. Discuss whether the situation described in the
article implements any of the concepts discussed in the course or if there are possible ways that
concepts from the course could be applied. You must also include a Biblical perspective in your

At the end of the essay, provide the complete citation for the article (including the publication
date) in APA 6th Ed. format.

Your essay should be written in Times New Roman, 12-point font with one inch margins.

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