Stupnovani Test

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Write comperative and superlative form of the adjectives and write the translation in
brackets. (překlad do závorky + 2. a 3. tvar)

Comparative Superlative
Bad (____________) ____________________ ___________________
Fast (____________) ____________________ ___________________
Important (______________) ____________________ ___________________
Wide (______________) ____________________ ___________________
Difficult (_______________) ____________________ ___________________
Easy (____________) ____________________ ___________________
Old (____________) ____________________ ___________________
Good (_______________) ____________________ ___________________

Complete with a comperative adjective. (2. tvary)

1. I think this shop is _________________ that one. (good)

2. The restaurant is _________________ the café. (expensive)
3. Simon's _________________ Mark. (old)
4. I think Scotland is _________________ England. (beautiful)
5. My brother's _________________ I am. (young)

Complete with a superlative adjective and all the necessary words. (3. tvary)

1.London is ...................................... (large) city in England.

2.Cheetahs are ................................ (fast) animals in the world.
3.Whales are..................................... (big) animals.
4.San Francisco is ......................................... (beautiful) city in the United States.
5.Summer is .......................................(good) season of the year.

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