Issues and Debates in Learning Theories Topic

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Issues and debates in learning theories topic

Theories Studies Methods

Ethical Issues (animal and human) - Pavlov went against the Three R`s in his Study on - There are Ethical issues involved with Covert
classical conditioning. For example, Pavlov used at least Observations as they involve observing participants
 Can Do, Can’t Do With 35 different dogs in his experiment, this goes against without their informed consent and without them even
Participants (human)
the Reduction rule, which states to limit the number of being aware. This is a breach of their privacy.
 The 3 R’s (animal)
animals used in the experiment. Additionally, Pavlov - Overt observations are more ethical than Covert
failed to refine his study to reduce stress and anxiety operations as the participants are aware of the
for the dogs. observation taking place and can therefore give
- Watson and Rayner breached many Human ethical informed consent. However, this type of observation
issues in their `Little Albert`` study. For example, they can lead to Demand characteristics.
failed to protect their participant from any harm
especially mental harm as they repeatedly made Albert
cry and gave him a fear of furry objects for the rest of
his life.
Practical issues in the design and - In classical conditioning the research mainly used lab - Pavlov's study used a sample of 35 dogs and no - Conducting a participant observation makes it harder
implementation of research experiments. These are controlled environments and is humans, which means it lacks generalisability as the to make notes as being part of the group means that
not natural to observe behavior. This contrived and results gathered from the dogs cannot be fully applied you can not fully observe everyone else which will
 Validity
artificial nature decreases the ecological validity of the to humans as we have different brain structures and cause the accuracy of the data to decrease.
 Reliability
 Generalisability
findings and the extent to which the theory can be therefore may respond to conditioning differently. - Conducting a Naturalistic observation also has practical
applied to real-life settings. - Watson and Rayner only used a sample of 1 human issues as the researcher cannot control any of the
boy which is not at all representative of the whole variables in the setting, so there could be extraneous
population. This means we cannot generalize the variables that interfere with the observation and
findings of this study to other people. distort the data collected.
Reductionism - Pavlov's experiments primarily focused on observable - Observations only focus on the observable behaviors of
- Operant conditioning can be considered reductionist as behaviors and reflex responses. This is reductionist as it participants. This narrow focus can lead to an
 Focuses on smaller components it only takes nurture into account it fails to take into neglects the cognitive aspects of learning, such as oversimplification of complex processes that underlie
in detail the cognitive processes that are involved in thoughts and feelings, which play a crucial role in behavior, such as thoughts and emotions.
conditioning. understanding human behavior.
- Social learning theory is also reductionist as it reduces - Bandura's theory and experiments neglect the role of
learning down to only observation and imitation as in cognitive factors, such as thoughts and mental
reality there are many more complex cognitive processes, in influencing behavior.
processes going on.

Comparisons of ways of - Classical conditioning explains learning through -

explaining behavior Association. Whereas Operant conditioning explains
learning through Consequences. Social learning theory
 How different approaches can explains Learning through Observations and imitations.
explain behavior
Psychology as a science - Operant conditioning can be considered scientific as - Bandura had many controls in his studies which - Thematic analysis and content analysis can both be
 Replicability, reliability, validity, empirical data is collected via the BF Skinner increases the validity of the experiments. For example, very subjective, this causes both research methods to
reductionism, falsification, experiment. (Skinners box). he lab experiments so he could control the setting of be susceptible to researcher bias and therefore lack
empiricism, hypothesis testing,
- Social learning theory is very scientific as it Is the experiments so it was the same for all participants. both validity (as the data may be inaccurate) and
use of controls, credibility
supported by Bandura's 3 experiments in which - Also, Bandura used standardized procedures allowing reliability (as the study will be hard to replicate).
empirical data was collected. Additionally, Bandura the study to be replicated more easily, this makes the - Structured observations are highly reliable as all
made control groups which allowed him to create a study more reliable. extraneous variables are controlled for to make the
baseline and therefore further test his hypothesis. observations easily replicated.

Cultural and gender issues in - Social learning theory can be applied to males and - Watson and Rayner only used 1 boy for their study.
research females as Bandura had both male and female This means the experiment cannot be generalized to
participants during all 3 of his experiments, this makes females as the data collected is not representative of
it more representative. that proportion of the population.

The role of both nature and - Operant conditioning only takes nurture into account it - Pavlov`s study only explained nurture as he shows that
nurture fails to take into the complex cognitive processes that the environment and certain stimuli shape our
are involved in conditioning. behaviour

An understanding of how
psychological understanding has
developed over time
 Both how and what has changed
– lead to both positive and
negative outcomes…

The use of psychology in social - Both operant and classical conditioning have potential - Both flooding and systematic desensitization can be in
control to be used in a negative way in society, for example to a positive way in society, for example, to help cure
 How psychological control other people and condition them to do what phobias.
understanding has helped
you want.
people or how it has been used
in a bad way…

The use of psychological - The knowledge gained from classical and operant - Both flooding and systematic desensitization can be
knowledge in society conditioning can be used in both positive and negative used to help people with phobias overcome the phobic
 Application! ways. For example, a positive way would be to help dog stimuli and no longer be scared.
owners train there dogs. A negative example would be
someone trying to manipulate someone else via

Issues related to socially sensitive - The research obtained from operant and classical The research obtained from Pavlov, Watson and Rayner, - Flooding has the potential to not cure a phobia but to
research conditioning can be used as a form of social control to and Bandura can be used as a form of social control to make it worse and deepen someones phobia.
 “Studies in which there are manipulate other people. manipulate other people.
potential consequences or
implications, either directly for
the participants in the research
or for the class of individuals
represented by the research”

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