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by Neil H. Mermelstein

Preventing Juice Spoilage

gas, turbidity, or sediment. Rather, The primary challenge, he said, is
it produces off-flavors from com- that ACB produces heat-resistant
pounds formed during growth, spores that can survive pasteuri-
primarily guaiacol, which is a zation and can germinate and
chemical with an unpleasant grow under acidified or high-acid
smoky and medicinal odor or taste conditions. It’s a novel challenge
that is detectable by humans at for the juice industry. The typical
leves as low as 1 ppb. strategy for the juice industry is to
Because of ACB ’s heat-resis- provide a kill step with a thermal
tant nature, the typical process process because the acidity of the
temperatures used during pas- product can guarantee extended
teurization of juice products shelf life. But ACB and other ther-
increases the likelihood of its sur- moaciduric bacteria spores
vival in the finished product. Of survive and grow in an acidified
several ACB species, environment, resulting in a greatly
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris is reduced shelf life. The saving
most closely associated with spo- grace is that it can’t grow under
radic spoilage of shelf-stable juice refrigerated conditions.
products. Susceptible products include
heat-stable juice products, iso-

Testing for Alicyclobacillus, helf-stable juices, juice bever- Handling the Problem tonic sports drinks, and
a quality control technician ages, and certain other Sean Leighton, Director of Quality vitamin-enhanced waters.
draws a sample of a juice
beverages and concentrates & Food Safety, Contract Manu- Randy McNeal, Technical
beverage. Photo courtesy of
Cott Beverages Inc. are susceptible to spoilage by facturing at The Coca-Cola Director at Cott Beverages Inc.
Alicyclobacillus (ACB), a non- Company (the no. 1 global buyer of (the largest private-label beverage
pathogenic, aerobic, spore- fruit for juice consumption), said company in the United States),
forming, thermoaciduric bacterium that the rate and extent of product said that spoilage of juice products
typically found in soil and on har- spoilage depend on a number of by ACB is not as serious or wide-
vested fruit. The spoilage occurs factors such as product storage spread a problem as it was five to
only in shelf-stable products temperature, package type, char- ten years ago because a lot of

[Alicyclobacillus] produces heat-resistant spores that can survive pasteurization

and can germinate and grow under acidified or high-acid conditions.

because the spores do not germi- acteristics of the growth matrix work has been done by a lot of
nate and grow in chilled and frozen (product or ingredient), and the people. Juice processors have put
juices and concentrates. It does specific microorganism present. a lot of pressure on their ingredi-
not pose a public health risk but He added that multiple overlapping ent suppliers, and they have
can cause economic damage to strategies should be used by com- responded by making changes in
the juice products industry. panies to reduce the impact of their process. The result is fewer
Unlike other spoilage these organisms on their business. positive samples on incoming
microbes, the heat- and acid-lov- ACB, he said, is still a very rel- ingredients. The incidence of
ing bacterium doesn’t produce evant challenge for the beverage spoilage has gone down over the
visible signs of spoilage, such as and food manufacturing industry. years but hasn’t gone away.

pg 62 11.12 •
A challenge now, he said, is juice, he said. Packaging is also
to prevent spoilage of newer an important factor. ACB won’t
products that combine fruit juices grow in cans because they con-
with vegetable juices. Vegetable tain very little air and the air
root crops such as carrots and reacts with the lining of the can.
beets are naturally contaminated It can grow in glass bottles that
with soil-based ACB spores and have a large headspace and in
are therefore more problematic, PET bottles, which are not per-
but as the industry matures, sup- fect oxygen barriers.
pliers will learn how to clean Cott requires its ingredient
them up. Juices that are clear, suppliers to provide a certificate week. If guaiacol is present at a Alicyclobacillus colonies are growing on YSG
such as apple juice, can be fil- of analysis that includes the low level, people are more likely media after three days of incubation. Photo
courtesy of The Coca-Cola Company.
tered to eliminate ACB spores, he results of ACB testing. The com- to taste it than smell it. At a rela-
said. Ultrafiltration will remove pany does some spot-checking tively high level, people can smell
all spores, but then the trick is not and sends the samples to third- it right away, and if tasted, the
to re-contaminate the filtered party laboratories for analysis. flavor may linger and cause sen-
juice. Juices containing pulp, The company also conducts taste sory fatigue.
such as citrus juices, can’t be tests as part of its normal quality
filtered, so sanitation of the control program. The off-flavor is Analytical Methodology
incoming fruit is very important. quite difficult to detect in a nor- ACB was identified as the cause
The very slow-growing mal quality control program, of juice spoilage (initially apple
microorganism needs heat and McNeal said, since it takes a juice) in 1984, and methods for
oxygen for sporulation and week or two to develop. Even in detecting it and preventing it
growth. It takes about two to four inoculated trials with 10–20 bot- from causing spoilage have been
weeks at 100°F before the unde- tles, only 20% of the samples worked on over the years by
sirable flavor develops in apple may show spoilage after one numerous researchers,

11.12 • 63 pg

Preventing Juice Spoilage continued...

Relevant Organizations
The International Society of causing ACB species. Fruit Juices,” in 2007. working on juice research; rec-
Beverage Technologists (ISBT) ommend and acquire funding
( is dedi- The International Federation The Technical Committee for for development of new analyt-
cated to the scientific and of Fruit Juice Producers (IFU) Juice and Juice Products ical methods; and work with
technical aspects of the nonal- ( is an ( is an interna- the AOAC to publish a compen-
coholic beverage industry. Its association of fruit juice pro- tional nonprofit organization dium of official juice and juice
members are engaged in the ducers’ organizations in more with members from govern- product analytical methods.
science, technology, or pro- than 30 countries. It serves as ment, industry, and academia.
duction of soft drinks or a nongovernmental organiza- Among its objectives are to The Juice Products
beverages, including suppliers tion, acts as an information develop and adopt accurate Association (www.juiceprod-
engaged in scientific or techni- and communication facilitator, methods for the analysis of is an international
cal positions. Its next annual harmonizes standards and juices and juice products; facil- trade association of major
conference, BevTech ® 2013, practices for juice products itate collaborative testing of packers and distributors of
will be held April 29 – May 1, manufacturers, and coordi- new analytical methods; facili- fruit and vegetable juices, juice
2013, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. In nates scientific activities to tate acceptance of methods as beverages, and other fruit
2008, ISBT’s Alicyclo- benefit the fruit juice industry. official AOAC International products. Its members include
bacillus Subcommittee worked It issued its revision of its IFU methods; improve communica- a majority of the juice and juice
to identify and validate rapid Method No. 12, “Method on tion among government, beverage processors and sup-
test methods for the detection the Detection of Taint academic, industrial, and pri- pliers. The organization
and enumeration of spoilage- Producing Alicyclobacillus in vate laboratory scientists promotes high safety and

pg 64 11.12 •
quality standards and good manufactur-
ing and inspection practices in the
production and distribution of juice prod-
ucts; provides input regarding technology,
trade, legislative, and regulatory propos-
als; and sponsors research.

The European Fruit Juice Association

(AIJN) ( is an organization
whose purpose is to work for the best
possible political, regulatory, and eco-
nomic framework at the European Union
level to add value and promote the growth
of the fruit juice industry. In 2008, AIJN
issued its “Alicyclobacillus (ACB) Best
Practice Guideline” for the reduction and
control of ACB in the production, packing,
and distribution of fruit juices, juice con-
centrates, purees, and nectars. The
guideline also references AIJN’s “Guide
of Good Hygiene Practice for the Fruit
Juice Industry,” which encourages estab-
lishment of good manufacturing practice
standards. The guideline recommends
use of IFU Method No. 12 for juice con-
centrates and other raw materials, or
alternative methods such as Japan Fruit
Juice Association’s “Unified Test Method
for Thermo-Acidophilic Bacilli.”

companies, and associations. Since a wide

variety of methods were being used for
detection of ACB in fruit juices, the
International Federation of Fruit Juice
Producers (IFU) took the initiative to develop
an internationally accepted method. The
result, IFU Method No. 12 (IFUMB12),
“Method on the Detection of Taint Producing
Alicyclobacillus in Fruit Juices,” was issued in
2004. Revised in 2007, it provides procedures
for testing (1) raw materials such as fruit con-
centrates, syrups, etc. where ACB is likely to
be present as spores; (2) final products such
as juices, drinks, sauces, and other ready-to-
consume products sampled directly after
heat processing; (3) final products taken from
the market; and (4) process water.
Various media have been developed for
the detection of ACB species. Because con-
ventional culture methods can take up to 12
days to detect ACB and another 24 hr to con-
firm guaiacol production, a number of rapid

11.12 • 65 pg

Preventing Juice Spoilage continued...

The foodproof ® Alicyclobacillus Detection Kit detects Alicyclobacillus species and

A. acidoterrestris in the same reaction. Photo courtesy of Merck Millipore.

methods have been developed. spoilage from ACB. Among them

Flow cytometry requires a pre- are use of Good Agricultural
incubation or enrichment step Practices during harvesting,
but cuts the culturing time to Good Hygiene Practices during
about 10 hr. Real-time PCR also raw-fruit washing and process-
requires a pre-incubation or ing, modified sanitation practices
enrichment step but cuts the across process steps, supply-
culturing time to 48 hr. The food- chain and distribution
proof ® Alicyclobacillus Detection improvements, extensive shelf-
Kit detects ACB species and A. life testing to minimize potential
acidoterrestris in the same reac- impacts, and implementation of
tion; it is available from Merck testing programs. These hurdle
Millipore (www.merckmillipore. approaches have been effective
com) and Biotecon Diagnos- in reducing or limiting the impact
tics ( of ACB in juice products.
and will soon be launched in the The industry routinely tests
United States under the EMD for ACB across the supply chain
Millipore brand (www.emdmilli- using various methods to validate Gene probe and verify the efficacy of their
technology uses a 48-hr pre- programs—such as IFU’s
incubation without the need for Method No. 12 and “Isolation of
DNA extraction and provides Alicyclobacillus from Fruit Juice
results within 3 hr, and the VIT- Concentrates, Fruit Juices and
Alicyclobacillus Detection Test Other Acid Products,” which is pub-
using VIT ® gene probe technol- lished in the American Public
ogy is available from Vermicon Health Association’s Compendium
( of Methods for the Microbiological
Examination of Foods. The indus-
Industry Approach try continues to search for novel
Patricia Faison, Technical risk-mitigation strategies as well
Director at the Juice Products as rapid detection techniques for
Association, said that although ACB, she added. The Juice
work to overcome the economic Product Association’s Technical
spoilage risk of ACB in juice prod- Affairs Committee evaluates
ucts continues to be done, two methods to detect ACB to ensure
decades of research has given that the industry is kept abreast
industry a better understanding of current technology. FT
of the ecology of this microorgan-
ism. Using the knowledge gained, Neil H. Mermelstein, a Fellow of
IFT, is Editor Emeritus of
the industry has implemented Food Technology
multiple processes across the •
supply chain to minimize risk of

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