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- Write the numbers:

30: 84:
50: 38:
24: 45:
71: 13:
60: 45:
92: 56:
29: 11:
73: 67:
100: 22:
2.- Choose the correct answer:

3.- Escribe el pronombre personal que corresponda en cada caso.

-A dog _________ -Me and my family _________
-Me and my cousin _________ -Me and only me ___________
-Some pupils __________ -A girl __________
-Mr Carbreaker ____________ -Miss Underground ____________
-A father with his son __________ -A tree ___________________
4.- Completa las oraciones con el pronombre personal que corresponda.
1. The people are reading. = are reading.
2. My father and I love this team. = love this team.
3. The car is missing a tire. = is missing a tire.
4. The dog looks sick. = looks sick.
5. The police came here yesterday. = came here yesterday.
6. My sisters and I always laugh when we're together. = always laugh when we're together.
7. My aunt is 80 years old. = is 80 years old.
8. My friend's uncle likes to travel. = likes to travel.
9. Holly's boots are dirty. = are dirty.
10. The (male) singer is very handsome. = is very handsome.
5.- Completa las frases con am, is o are.
1 The weather __________ nice today. 2 I ____________ not rich.
3 This bag ___________ heavy. 4 These bags __________ heavy.
5 Look! There ___________ Helen. 6 My brother and I _________ good players.
7 Emily _________ at home. 8 Her children ___________ at school.
9 I ___________ a taxi driver. 10 My sister ___________ a nurse.
6.- Complete the blanks with have got or has got:
1. Sue ____________ two sisters and one brother.
2. Mr and Mrs West ____________ three sons.
3. Tony and I are drummers. We ____________ drums at home.
4. Jonathan ____________ a skateboard. It’s red and blue.
5. The dogs ____________ a little house.
6. The baby ____________ two teeth.
7. Moira and Mac ____________ a helicopter.
8. Jim is ill. He ____________ a temperature.
9. My brother ____________ a new T-shirt.
10. I ____________ a computer in my room.

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