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Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,

Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat

Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,
Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat

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To Leave or Not to Leave?

When exactly does a person become an adult? 27) _____. Turning 18 does not provide you with
adult life skills or make responsibilities any easier to handle. It means you can vote, marry, open
a bank account, drive a car, and sign a contract regardless of whether you are mature enough to
do so. The truth is that you can become an adult before or after that age. Being an adult has less
to do with your age and more to do with what you do with your life.

Most teenagers are eager to be on their own when they reach the age of 18. Some students

begin their university studies in locations far from home. Others find work and live alone or with

friends. 28) _____. These include learning to budget your money, paying bills, grocery shopping,

cooking dishes other than eggs and toast, cleaning, washing, and ironing. But what about those

who would prefer to remain at home?

Consider the case of a 41-year-old Italian man from Venice whose elderly parents were forced to
seek legal assistance in order to force him to leave the nest. 29) _____. After hearing about
another couple's son being legally forced to leave home, the parents turned to a lawyer. His
parents changed the locks on the doors as soon as he left. Hundreds of families in Italy are
struggling to get their adult children to leave the house.

Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,
Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat

Although the Italian cases are extreme, it is not uncommon in many parts of Europe for children
to remain in the family home into their adult years, or even after marriage. What is surprising is
that it is now happening in Britain as well. 30) _____. They are known as the boomerang
generation or boomerangers because, like a boomerang, this generation has returned to the
family nest.

Why is this happening? 31) _____. Others simply prefer life in the family home because of the
obvious advantages. Molly, 30, explains that she moved out of home in her mid-20s and shared
a house with other young people. The common areas were filthy, and the house was perpetually
cold. She also disliked some of her housemates and despised paying £600 a month to live there.
Her solution was to return home. There's no reason to leave now that she’s in the comfort of a
warm and cosy family home. Her parents are delighted to have her back, and it will cost her

However, not everyone agrees that such circumstances are ideal. 32) _____. Perhaps she is
spoiled and shielded from the harsh realities of life. However, times have changed, and this may
soon become the norm, with people becoming "adults" much later in life.

PS: Previous Sentence
Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,
NS: Next Sentence Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat

A According to a recent magazine survey, nearly three million 20 to 34-year-olds in Britain

live with their parents.
A figure from the survey

B Not everyone is content to live at home with their parents until they reach their thirties
or forties.
Living with parents

C Some people are unable to live independently because they are unemployed or do not
earn enough money.
Reasons for not living independently

D Whatever you decide, living away from your parents' protection forces you to learn new
New skills? NS: will The
Whatever..? PS: will mention the options outcome
mention the skills?
E Despite having a good job, the man refused to leave and insisted on having his clothes
washed and ironed, as well as his meals prepared for him.
The man? PS: will tell Refused to leave WHAT PLACE? Lazy man - refused
us who exactly he is PS: will mention the place to leave
F Molly is surely missing out on the freedom that comes with being young and single.
Molly’s loss?

G Legally, that age is reached at 18, but in reality, it is just a number.

Legal age for
That age? PS: will tell us what age is it referring to something?
H Families are dealing with young children who refuse to leave the house.
A problem with young children?

STEPS (Gapped Text):

1) DISSECT (bedah) the options - Underline the pronouns, linkers & label the sentences.

2) Read the whole text

3) Fill in the gaps:
i) Clues? In the previous and/or next sentence
ii) No clues? Trial & Error method -4-
Vivid Verbs
Can be used in Narrative Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,
Essays (Stories) Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat

1. "Erm... Thank you," he ______ as I dropped a sweet onto his outstretched palm.

(A) hollered Jerit

(B) bellowed Memekik (tapi suara garau) - macam buffaloes
(C) grumbled Merungut
(D) mumbled Mengomel (cakap slow, tak berapa clear)
2. I smiled at her in a bid to ______ the tension.

(A) ease
Melegakan (keadaan yg tegang)
(B) release Melepaskan
(C) unleash Membebaskan
(D) appease Memuaskan hati/Menenangkan

3. "Where are you heading to?" I ______ curiously as I approached him.

(A) hailed Memanggil (suara kuat)

(B) queried Bertanya
(C) spluttered Bercakap dalam keadaan marah (menyembur )
(D) interrogated Menyiasat

4. When he turned around and saw me, the look of uneasiness on his face ______.

(A) dissolved Terlarut

(B) dissipated Hilang/Berkurang (perasaan)
(C) disintegrated Terurai
(D) disseminated Menyebarkan (info)

5. "Don't worry. Help is on the way," Dad ______ me as Mum whipped out her phone and
called 911.

(A) reassured Meyakinkan

(B) reminded Mengingatkan
(C) reprimanded Menegur
(D) interrogated Menyiasat

Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,
Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat

6. Their hearts ______ until they heard the wailing of the sirens.

(A) took to our heels Melarikan diri

(B) palpitated with anxiety Berdegup laju sebab keresahan
(C) conveyed our gratitude Mengucapkan rasa terima kasih
(D) cowered in fear Rasa gerun
7. While she was queueing, a man was hanging around the area, ______ for unsuspecting

(A) on the prowl Mencari-cari

(B) into prompt action Tindakan segera
(C) in a commanding voice Dalam nada memerintah/tegas
(D) with a grateful smile Dengan senyuman (rasa bersyukur)

8. Seeing that ______, the thief picked up the laptop and mobile phone with seasoned

(A) he had ill intent Ada niat jahat

B) Keadaan selamat utk buat sesuatu (takda org
(B) the coast was clear
(C) it was a rude awakening Sesuatu yg mengejutkan/menyedarkan
(D) the casualty was in clear view Kesan/Mangsa yg jelas

9. Leaping to their feet, they chased the thief on behalf of the ______.

(A) relentless blows Pukulan bertubi-tubi

(B) man's gaunt face Muka cengkung
(C) damsel in distress Wanita dalam masalah
(D) aggressive youths Orang muda yg agresif

10. "Thank ... thank you!" Sharmini managed to ______ as she bent over to catch her breath.

(A) recover herself Menenangkan diri

(B) convey her gratitude Mengucapkan rasa terima kasih
(C) rain kicks and punches Sepakan dan tumbukan bertubi-tubi
(D) cry at the top of her voice Menangis/Menjerit kuat kuat

Ikhlas Kan Hati Bila Belajar,
NOTES : Baru Lah Ilmu Sudi Nak Lekat


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