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105131 - DL


30TH MARCH, 2023

7TH APRIL, 2023.OUT:



Analyse the major roles of mass communication in society.

This assignment is an intrinsic analysis of the major roles of Mass communication in Society.
Note that in this context, role signifies the function assumed or part played by Mass
communication in the setting of Society particularly.

Though not limited to one specific definition, Mass Communication can be defined as the
dissemination of information or message to large, anonymous, and scattered heterogeneous
masses through use of sophisticated and technological devises (Sannoh, 2003). The literal
meaning encompassing this is simply the sharing of information at large scale to a vast and
unknown population through different channels of communication: Television, Radio, Internet,
books, magazines, newspaper, etc., among many.

According to E-course-on line website (311, 2011), the nature of Mass Communication is
actually based on three elements , they are; the nature of audience, nature of communication
experience, and nature of communicators. Firstly, the audience in mass communication is
relatively large, heterogeneous and anonymous. In essence, the audience makes it impossible for
the mass communicator and members to interact face to face, and also the audience is unknown
from the source. Secondly, the experience is public rather than private because the messages are
not addressed to particular individuals and are intended for rapid consumption by large number
of groups (seemingly temporary in nature). Thirdly, the source of communication is not working
in isolation but rather within a complex organization. The message represents collective efforts
of individuals, and it’s quiet expensive to do that.

Albeit without ethical concerns, Mass Communication is an important aspect in the development
of Society. The following are some of the benefits of Mass Communication according to Sannoh
(Sannoh, 2003);

 It creates social awareness in the building of the nation, by educating the masses through
disseminating information.
 It improves literacy in most of the countries, and causes masses to be aware of the world
within their environment and at large.
 It causes stability among citizens, by preaching peace and nationalism in the society.
 It is camera and spectator between the masses and the public, by giving information for
what the society is suspicious about.


There are many functions or part played by Mass Communication in Society, but this
embodiment will encapsulate four major roles according to National Open University of Nigeria
(NOUN, 2008, p. 60).


According to Woener (Woener, 2022), Surveillance is the “monitoring of individuals or

observing something in order to gain information. It can be done to investigate a suspicious
person or monitor an area for unwanted activity.”

In this context, the role of surveillance means scouting the environment to bring the proof
essential for information [news] about major happenings in the society. Journalists seek to dig
out information beyond constraints and bring about the hidden truths for safety of Society.

Through the watchdog metaphor, the press becomes the forum for discussion, investigation of
impropriety, an adversary to monopoly over power and knowledge and the defenders of truth,
freedom and democracy (Anon., 2022). The whole idea behind surveillance is to protect things
or someone under watch from falling below public expectation or going astray.

Well, by making use of fact-checking, interviews, and research to bring greater transparency to
issues or events, Journalists protect and secure Society from anti-social vices such as corruption,
theft, inequality, defilement, etc., and keep public office horders, various institutions and
organisations accountable and in alignment with the rules of practice they are assigned to.

The importance of this role is not just on exposing politians, improper policies, or performance,
but it’s also on the fact that the information provided helps citizens make proper and well
informed decisions. For example, to be able to make informed choices at the polls (at elections),
citizens must have an accurate understanding of what is happening in their country. Are
politicians playing by the rules, are public works free from embezzlement, are lobbying interests
having unfair influence on the legislative process (LibertiesEU, 2022) – all these are eseential
aspects of the role of surveillance.

By the role of surveillance, Journalism protects democracy on a day-to-day basis, calling out bad
behavior when it happens. And by informing citizens, it also helps to protect the integrity of

elections and the health of democracy in Society. They are also able to inform Society on the
outbreaks of diseases, their origin and immunity – that’s the role of surveillance.


Now, correlation literally means the process of establishing a relationship or connection between
two or more things. In Mass Communication, this role deals in editing content, interpretating it
and prescibing ways through which the masses will be able to understand the information
(Anon., 2021). It is also called the opinion or editorial function of the press.

In this role, the mass media determines what the audiences get as news. It frames certain news
stories in specific ways they want the public to view them. It connects or ‘correlates’ news
stories to the life of audiences, by interpreting them sometimes in ways that the audiences might
feel sentimental about them. Through mass communication, people’s attitudes towards political
issues, events, public policy and other government activities, happenings across the world, etc.,
are influenced to an extent, based on how the media frames and presents the issue in their
discussions and presentations (Anon., 2023).

By the role of correlation, the media provides the background social context and critical analyses
necessary for understanding the issues in circulation. The media further helps to monitor public
opinion, for example, by incorporating phone calls on radio and television programmes.


The education referred to here is both formal and informal. The formal educational role involves
radio and television programmes that teach topics and subjects from the school curricula, that is,
things learnt in formal educational schools, and the informal educational programmes teach
audiences new skills, behaviour, and ways of doing things; topics outside the formal school
curricula (Anon., 2023).

On the other hand, the seemingly most popular part of Mass Communication is entertainment.
There is observably a huge numer of people interested in entertainment than information. People
use media to watch sports, go to the movies, play video games, watch YouTube videos, and
listen to iPods on a daily basis; they often turn to media during their leisure time to provide an
escape from boredom and relief from the predictability of our everyday lives. They rely on
media to take them places they could not afford to go or imagine, acquaints them with bits of

culture, and make them laugh, think or cry (Lwasaki, 2022). With an extension of entertainment
through the introduction of Social media, people frequently login for momental gists on
celebrities, and their variety Tv show/movie updates.


In this role, media acts as an agent of Socialization. According to Samksha (Samksha, 2023),
“Socialisation is the process through which individuals learn the norms and values of society,
leading to social cohesion and a functional society.” It is a process through which the younger
generation learns the adult role which it has to play subsequently, and it is a continuous process
in the life of an individual and it continues from generation to generation.

According to Wallace (Wallace, 2022), “Mass Communication is a vehicle which transmits

culture by the way the programmes transmitted reflect the behavioural norms and standards of
practice in the society.” Television programmes by and large reflects the society in which they
are broadcast and promote the understanding of a society’s cultural heritage. Children’s
television programmes are designed to showcase good behaviors and moral standards which
children can learn by watching. For example, Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation
(ZNBC) airs traditional ceremomies, weekly cultural programmes and casts news in all the seven
major languages of Zambia – thus the media promotes cultural values and norms through such

Apart from that, Mass communication also helps to make people aware of the changing Culture.
Culture is dynamic, and it’s never static (Wallace, 2022). What this means is that culture changes
all the time, every day, in subtle and tangible ways. What is a taboo today might not be so
tomorrow; and so media helps communicate and transmit relevant and real time cultural values.

In conclusion, Mass Communication is vital in ensuring normal existence of people in every

society. Through these four main roles (Survellaince, Correlation, Entertainment and Cultural
Transmission), Mass Communication sanitizes the society, makes the world inhabitable for man
and provides platform for interactional coexistence of people of diverse cultures across the
world. With the emergence of technology which has taken the world to a global village level,
Mass Communication is even more crucial in serving as the live wire of society.


311, H., 2011. ecoursesonline. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Anon., 2021. Libretexts_Social sciences.. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Anon., 2022. Media as Government watchdog. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Anon., 2023. MassMediaNG. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

LibertiesEU, 2022. LIBERTIES. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Lwasaki, I., 2022. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Samksha, S., 2023. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Sannoh, F. V., 2003. LOFA COUNTY SEARCH ENGIN. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Wallace, H. Q., 2022. HQnotes. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

Woener, J., 2022. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 1 April 2023].

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