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Distinct Approaches to High Performance Working (HPW) and

Recommendations for Improvement

Performance management is the methodology through which the individuals are getting
managed to accomplish the optimum level of organizational performance. Under such
system, the management assures that the personal goals and aspirations are being compatible
with the corporate objectives. Positive performance management systems drive the
organizations towards high performance working, where both employees and the
management work as a collaborative team to override market competition (Spiff, 2020).

Distinct Approaches
Training and Development Requirements
Hayleys PLC considers the improvement of employee skills is an important consideration for
business growth. Being a large conglomerate with a high brand reputation, the organization
supposes to hire the best professionals as it sees the workforce as the backbone of operational
success. To hire such professionals, Hayleys maintains competitive salary scales over
industrial norms. Hayleys invest high time and resources to improve the labour skills to
inspire them to be innovative. Hayleys address the employees with strong communication
skills and inspire knowledge sharing. All new recruiters are undergoing through induction
programs both internal and external industry oriented and they are being trained to have
effective communication and listening skills (Hayleys PLC, 2021/22).

Employee Commitment and Rewards

Each individual employee at Hayleys is subject to performance assessment on periodic basis.
A performance driven culture is established in the organizational setting. The company has an
annual compensation system under which employees are entitled to a discretionary profit
share scheme. Under that scheme, the contributions are financially getting appraised. The
Hayleys culture always stresses that the employees are not being paid for a job but being
rewarded for their contribution (Hayleys PLC, 2021/22).

High Worker Commitment

Hayleys has implemented solid strategies to promote employee involvement. The company is
passionate about building a business that the workforce feel comfortable to work in it. To
increase involvement, company immediately resolve individual concerns, offer a challenging
and dynamic work exposure and promote a fair and open workplace where everyone would
achieve success (Hayleys PLC, 2021/22).

Handling Team Performance

Hayleys is having a visionary leadership that inspire the followers to obey them and carry out
their advices. Separate work teams have been established and the management has assured
that each team is composed of members that posses necessary skills and competencies to
have high performance records. As the company make use of top flight teams, team
performances are highly effective (Hayleys PLC, 2021/22).

Recommendations for Improvement

It is apparent that Hayleys is having high performance work systems and practices to attain
corporate success. Further, the company can foster a culture of continuous improvement and
learning. Transparent, internal communication systems have to be established between
departments. All management hierarchies, structures and operations have to be undergone
through quality control processes. Alternative working practices should be brough up to
increase business productivity such as flexible holidays, compressed work weeks and job
sharing. To mitigate status barriers, regular meetings between bottom line employees and the
senior management have to be held. The business language also to be altered to remove
labels. Leaders should bear the accountability of following best practices rather merely
formulating them. Through these means, high performance management is further getting
upgraded at Hayleys PLC.

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