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Stephanie Nicole Gurion KARTILYAS



ESSAY. In 5-7 sentences, answer the following questions briefly but substantially. (15 points)

1. As a student, how will you exemplify Kartilyas main teachings and guiding principles?
Consolidate your response and cite specific passages from the document. (5 points)

- My major obligation as a student is to guarantee that the historical facts and teachings gathered by
our historians serve as a wake-up call to respect and comprehend the sacrifices made for the better
life we enjoy today. From the 8th principle simple tells us to fight for what is right and fight with the
person who is at the right side.” The katipunero must protect the weak and fight for those who
oppress the weak”. This principle reminds me that in every situation that other people needs my
help, we need to fight for our right. I will exemplify Kartilyas main teaching and guiding principles by
applying it on real life. By spreading those principles to the other will have a knowledge about the

2. In your own opinion, why is Kartilya still deemed as timeless and relevant in today’s globalizing
world? (5 points)

- Kartilya is the moral and intellectual foundation that guides the actions of Katipuneros. After
joining Katipunan, members must read Kartilya and follow its code of conduct. In my opinion kartilya
stiil deemed because it reminds us to be always kind in every situation. By learning this code of
conduct will remind us about the society, the kindness and good value of katipunero back then and
the importance of purpose. In addition, its timeless and relevant today because most of the Filipinos
used this Kartilya, to spread kindness to everyone. It's nice to think that even though the code of
conduct has been established for a long time, there are still people who value and apply it on real
life. As our society evolves, we must never forget our katipunan, which began with how Filipinos
fought for humanity and continues to this day

3. Cite one principle from the Code of Conduct of the Katipunan or the Kartilya that you believe is
the most beneficial for you and other millennials to consider and ponder with. Justify your
answer. (15 points)

- The ninth principle “ A katipunero is careful with what he says and keeps the things that must be
kept secret” I think this principle is the most beneficial for me and other teenagers now a days
because in today’s generation because most of situation people losses their trust to someone else
because they told their secret to someone else. That person thinks that she can trust that friend s
but sadly that friend didn’t keep it or her secret. As I observe my surroundings, many friendships are
ruined by telling a secret to other people. yes, it is bad to lie but it is also not right to tell the secret
of the person who trusts you. We must learn that when someone tells us a secret, we should keep
quiet and not spread his/him secret.

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