M2 - L4 - Inheritance Patterns of Animals

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8/26/23, 8:55 AM M2 - L4: Inheritance Patterns of Animals: General Zoology-IRROMERO 8/26/23, 8:55 AM M2 - L4: Inheritance Patterns of Animals: General

M2 - L4: Inheritance Patterns of Animals: General Zoology-IRROMERO

3 Mendelian Laws of Inheritance:

M2 - L4: Inheritance Patterns of Animals 1. Law of Segregation

Says that everyone has two versions ( called alleles) for each trait, that
randomly segregate during meiosis. This means that in fertilization, when
an egg is joined by a sperm, one new organism is produced, with genotype
consisting of the alleles contained in the gametes.

Have you ever wonder why your sibling looks awesome and you’re not? . . .
From whom do you think your green eyes are? . . . Why do you think you have
both traits from your mom and dad? . . . These questions are answered by
understanding the laws or principles of inheritance.

The characteristics of organisms are influenced by genes, which are pieces of DNA
that are in the chromosomes. These genes are responsible in carrying the
characteristics of organisms from the parents to their offspring. This is stated in the
Laws of Inheritance.

There are 3 Mendelian Laws of Inheritance, these are: (1) Law of Segregation, (2)
Law of Independent Assortment, and (3) Law of Dominance. Whereas, the 3 Non-
Mendelian Laws of Inheritance are: (1) Law of Incomplete Dominance, (2) Law of
Co-dominance, and (3) Multiple Alleles. 2. Law of Independent Assortment

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This says that the alleles of two or more different genes are categorized
into gametes independently of one another. This means that the allele of a
gamete for one gene does not influence the allele of another gene.

This law was introduced by Gregor Mendel after doing dihybrid crosses.
Where he noticed that new combinations of traits emerged from the cross of
two parents with different combinations of two traits.

3. Law of Dominance

Dominant alleles always hide recessive alleles.

It states that each individual has two copies of gene, these are the dominant
3 Non-Mendelian Laws of Inheritance
traits and the recessive traits. Where dominant traits are inherited
characteristics that are phenotypically expressed in heterozygous organisms, 1. Law of Incomplete Dominance
while recessive traits are present at the gene level, but are masked and
This occurs when the dominant allele does not completely mask the
recessive allele, so an intermediate phenotype is observed and this results
to the blending of the two alleles.

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2. Law of Co-Dominance

The genetic traits of different alleles of the same gene-locus are both
expressed phenotypically. This means that both alleles are seen in the To understand these Inheritance Patterns in Animals, both the Mendelian and Non-
phenotype at the same time. Mendelian Laws of Inheritance, watch the following LINKS:

An Introduction to Mendelian Genetics:

introduction-to-mendelian-genetics (https://www.khanacademy.org/science/in-
Dominance & Segregation Laws: https://www.khanacademy.org/science/in-in-
academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/science/in-in-class-10-biology/in-in-
Independent Assortment (dihybrid cross):
3. Law of Multiple Alleles
This means that genes exist in several different forms. An individual has and-evolution/in-in-heredity-mendels-experiment/v/independent-assortment-
only two copies of each gene, but many different alleles are within a dihybrid-cross-heredity-evolution-khan-academy
population. (https://www.khanacademy.org/science/in-in-class-10-biology/in-in-heredity-and-

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Non-Mendelian Inheritance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqmrQQ4b7Kg
Multiple Alleles (ABO Blood Types): https://www.youtube.com/watch?
v=9O5JQqlngFY (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9O5JQqlngFY)


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