Disability Awareness, Grace .

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Grace Assembly
31 August 2010

Participants’ Evaluation & Feedback

1 = Bad 2 = Acceptable 3 = Good 4 = Very Good 5 = Excellent

1 2 3 4 5 Mean
1) Presenters
- - 7 12 7 4.00
2) Content of the presentation
- 1 5 12 8 4.04
3) Slide presentation
- 1 10 7 8 3.85

Overall Rating 3.96

(N = 26)

4. Please write ONE thing that you have learnt today.

 To view these people with a different perception

 Learnt information about people with disabilities
 Changing my own perspective towards disabilities
 Early stage in learning about the disorders in learning difficulties
 Understand that the society could change their attitude to accept them
 To care more for people with disabilities
 To know how to interact more easily with people with disabilities
 No such thing as abnormal, instead it is how the society is. (A normal person so-called
can become abnormal when in the midst of the abnormal)
 To understand and help them
 Protecting people with disabilities, learning to accept them, mutual respect
 Do not discriminate people with disabilities
 How to view people with disabilities and the ministry
 Learning how to treat people with disabilities
 Saw how to balance the needs of a typical and child with special needs
 Saw the different abilities and strength of people with disabilities
 How to help children with disabilities
 Understand the needs of these children/people with disabilities
 Types/categories of special needs/disabilities
 A need for BIG change in the perspective/view towards people with disabilities

5. Are you willing to participate in ministry for people with disabilities/learning difficulties?

Willing = 5
Never thought of = 1
Consider & pray = 13
Wish to know more = 7
6. I can help in the following aspects:

To volunteer in training the children/young adults with learning difficulties = 8

To pray for them = 18
To volunteer in special events = 5
To help in organising gospel camps = 3

Prepared by,

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