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by Natalia Ilina August 16, 2023

It’s ok to ask for help!

Have there been times in your life when you felt
overwhelmed? Like this routine will never get done?
Do you just want to read a book or take a walk to
What do you think about asking for help? Perhaps
your friend or sister could look after your children or
If you find it difficult to
help you with your elderly parents. Even a little help
ask for help, answer the
can give you a break.
question, how would
Why is it so hard for us to ask for help? What keeps
you feel about someone
stopping us?
asking for help? Most
There are various barriers that prevent us from
likely, you would
seeking help.
willingly help if you had
It may be the fear of rejection. Or people will
such an opportunity.
consider the person who asked for help to be weak.
Has your attitude
Perhaps we think that other people are very busy
towards the person who
with their own affairs.
turned to you for help
But seeking help can improve our mental health and
strengthen our friendships and family relationships.
Asking for help is not a
sign of weakness.
People from time to
time find themselves in
a difficult situation and
we do not cease to
respect them if we
come to their aid.

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