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helps/ help) keep students free from school- Practice 2


related stress.
Good morning to the principal,
Name : __________________________ Secondly, students should (plans/ teachers and fellow friends. Today, I (need/

Class : __________________________ plan) a time-table. They can also work in can/ want) to talk about how to improve
groups (for/ to) solve some of their academic (students/ students’/ student’s) ability in
underline the correct answer (problems/ problem). Besides making English Language. There are many effective

PART A friends and (discussed/ discussing) certain ways to improve our English Language
issues, group discussions can help improve proficiencies.
study skills.
First of all, we must be familiar (of/ in/
Practice 1 Students should also have balanced with) the English grammar rules as grammar

How to Get Rid of Stress meals (or/ and/ but) enough sleep. These (was/ are/ is/ were) the fundamental aspect
are said (for/ to) be basic to healthy lives. of a language. So, we have to know every
The phenomenon of students (under/ Students, especially (these/ those/ this) in aspect of English Grammar such as
over/ in) pressure is evident from the examination classes, must sleep (or/ and/ vocabulary, pronunciation, (or/ and/ but)
behaviour of those (student/ students) but) eat (good/ well/ best) because a healthy tenses, as well as using them (corrected/
affected. There (is/ are/ was/ were) many
body creates a healthy mind. (Furthermore/ correct/ correctly) in our speaking and
ways one can get rid (on/ from/ of) stress. However/ So), the process of going to sleep writing.

First of all, exercise is also said to can sometimes be difficult.

Then, to improve ourselves in English
(relaxed/ relaxes/ relax) the body muscles In conclusion, there (is/ are) many language, we also (has/ have/ had) to make
and keep you calm. Students must have ways to get rid of stress and I hope that this sure (which/ that/ when) we learn English in
(hobby/ hobbies) such as reading, collecting
article will (be/ been/ being) useful for us to fun ways. Thus, there are various ways to
stamps, fishing or listening to music of your
get rid of (your/ we/ our/ their) stress. make the (learned/ learns/ learning) fun and
choice. These leisure activities (helping/ we should not only (think/ thinking/ thinks)
that learning English can only (happened/
happens/ happen) during English lessons in in/ on) competitions related to English Practice 4
the classroom because it can happen Language.
(On/ In/ At) May this year, a
(elsewhere/ everywhere/ anywhere).
This event had drawn very good Malaysian who had left his family and
In conclusion, I (want/ hope/ think) response from all (students/ student) of this country for the United States (US) to
that all of you can follow all the guidance school, as at about 300 students had taken continue his (study/ studying/ studies) finally
given by me in improving (our/ your/ my) part in all of the competitions. The returned, ending his family’s 35-year
English Language ability. Please act now preliminary rounds for Scrabble, Spelling (waiting/ waits/ wait). Upon (him/ his) arrival
before it is too late for you to regret as Competition, (but/ or/ and) Debate at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport
(where/ when) the time comes, it is useless Competition (is/ was/ are/ were) held on the (KLIA), Zaidi Mohd Zaid, 54, of Kubang
for you to cry over spilt milk. Thank you for first and second day of the event at various Rawa, Salor, Kota Bharu, Kelantan was
(listened/ listening) to my speech. venues (among/ along/ around) the school. (greeted/ greeting) by more than a dozen
family (members/ member) and relatives. “I
(In/ On/ At) the final day of the event,
cried. We all cried, holding one another. My
the closing ceremony of English Week was
Practice 3 youngest brother who (were/ was/ is/ are)
held (at/ on) the school hall and the winners
only two years old when I (leave/ leaving/
School English Week for each competition (is/ are/ was/ were)
left), now (had/ have/ has) five kids,” he said
given prizes by the school principal. During
Our school English Week was held in a voice heavy (with/ on) emotion.
(his/ my/ their) closing speech, the principal
(since/ for/ from) 25th April 2018 to 29th April
(congratulating/ congratulated) the English He (meets/ meeting/ met) his 79-
2022. The event was organized by (my/ our)
Language Society for (successfully/ year-old mother for the first time upon
school English Language Society. The main
success/ successful) organizing the event. returning to his village (at/ in) Kelantan. Zaidi
(objective/ objectives) of this event was to
said he had sought her forgiveness as she
improve the proficiency of English Language I hope that (this/ these/ those) event
(welcomed/ welcomes) him back
(between/ along/ among) students of this will be organized again next year.
wholeheartedly. However, what was it that
school, as well as to search for potential
(keep/ keeps/ kept) Zaidi apart from his
candidates to represent our school (with/ at/
family all these years? In (a/ an) exclusive crushed their dreams,” he said, adding that van (for/ to/ with) start his own business.
interview with Bernama, Zaidi said it all (her/ him/ his) family had high (hopes/ “Reno is a world-famous entertainment city.
(started/ starting/ starts) when he (makes/ wishes/ dreams) of seeing him graduate with Tourists (came/ come) all year round. I saw
made) the decision to drop (on/ out/ over) of flying colours and eventually having a an opportunity to start a tour service,” he
university. The guilt (to/ for/ in) having let (successfully/ successful) career. Zaidi, said. Zaidi started a service (calling/ called)
down his parents was too much to bear and (whose/ which/ who) was 21 then, decided the "High Desert Tour" where he covered
prompted him to stop communicating (on/ he could not (goes/ go/ went/ going) home tourist hotspots (along/ around/ between)
with/ for) them. He was determined to only empty-handed. He was determined to make the city. (Her/ His) business expanded
(returns/ return/ returning) after making it big his fortune before even thinking of returning through referrals from tourist agencies and
in the US. (from/ to/ in) Malaysia. recommendations (with/ from/ for) his
A quest to (earn/ earning) extra In time he realized that things were
money (when/ since/ during) his not (gone/ went/ going) as expected. He was (At/ In/ On) 2018, Zaidi received a text
undergraduate years led Zaidi to take up a homesick, but the shame (or/ and/ but) (messages/ message) from his cousin, who
part-time job as a waiter in a pizza restaurant frustration caused him to further alienate his informed (her/ him/ his) of the shocking news
in Sacramento. By the third year of his family. (On/ In/ At) the summer of 1991, of his father’s passing (at/ in/ on) 2015 (or/
studies, he made the decision to drop (on/ (him/ his/ he) decided to try his luck but/ and) persuaded him to return as his
out/ over) of university to work full-time (by/ (somewhere/ elsewhere). Zaidi ended up in ageing mother desperately (want/ wants/
without) telling his family. Reno City with the hope of making a fresh wanted) to see him again. The text message
start. However, six months on, he was still was the wake-up call Zaidi needed. Zaidi
Two years (before/ later/ sooner), he
unable to land a proper job. then realized it was time (for/ to/ at) go
decided that it was time to tell his parents
about his situation and wrote home. The In Reno, it (takes/ took) almost seven
news shocked them. “My mom wrote back years to land a job that (provides/ provided)
(said/ says/ saying) that I had really (broken/ him with a stable income. Eventually he
break) my parents’ heart and that I had (were/ was) able to earn enough to buy a
Practice 5 looked at Sarah’s marks for English. spaces that I left on the answer sheet and
Although (she/ he) was not good at other my essay was too short. At that time, I was
My name is Khairul and I am 27 years
subjects, (she/ he/ her) was really good at really scared that I was going to (gets/ get/
old. I work as an engineer for one of the
English. For (his/ her/ him), to learn English got) really (worse/ bad) result in this
biggest (company/ companies) in Kuala
is just like a piece of cake. I then became examination. When the result was out, all my
Lumpur. I really love my life right now. I have
lazy (but/ and/ or) gave up on this subject. I friends scored A for their English and I was
a proper job, many friends, and I can take
was always sleeping and not paying any the only (students/ student) in my class who
care of the people that I really love the most.
attention (since/ during/ along) the lesson. did not get A. To make it worst, I only
As the saying said, Rome was not built in a
My English teacher, Mr. Mark always got managed to get D. I (am/ was/ were) really
day. There is (no/ none) easy way (with/ for/
mad at me because of (his/ your/ my) ashamed. I was the school top student, (and/
to) me to be as (successfully/ successful) as
attitude. He always told me to study hard or/ but) I scored badly in this subject
I (was/ am) today. I need to work really
because (she/ he/ her/ his) believed that I compared to my (others/ other) friends. Mr.
(hardly/ hard/ harder) to be what I am today.
could get flying colours in my SPM Mark was really mad at me. He told me that
There was a story about me and the person
examination. He also told me that (with/ if I did not (changed/ change/ changing) my
who had (changing/ change/ changed) my
without/ within) good English skills, I could attitude, I would do badly in my SPM
(live/ life) forever.
not excel in my life (but/ or/ and) I would not examination.
I was one of the (good/ better/ best) be able to achieve my ambition to be an
Later that night as I was alone on my
students in my school. Teachers always told engineer if my English is poor. (Whenever/
bed, I was thinking of (where/ which/ what)
me that I could (gets/ get/ got) straight As in Wherever) he started nagging at me, I
Mr. Mark had told (I/ me/ you). I (realized/
SPM examination. However, there was a switched (on/ off) my mind, and acted like
realize) that everything he said was true and
subject that I still could not (got/ get) A. The nobody was there in front of me.
I need to change (his/ my) attitude. I need to
subject was English. I was nervous as I only
A week later, I was having my trial work (hardest/ harder) and I need to ask Mr.
had another 2 months (to/ for) my SPM
examination. As usual, I felt nervous when Mark to help (I/ me) in my English. The next
examination. For me, the subject was really
(answering/ answered/ answers) English day, I went to (see/ saw/ sees) Mr. Mark and
difficult. I felt envy (where/ which/ when) I
paper. There were (more/ many) blank told him that I did regret of my actions. Then,
he told me that he (were/ was) so glad upon English teacher, who had been (worked/ 9 shy
hearing that. (Started/ Starting/ Starts) from working) so hard to teach me. If it is not
that moment, I was his favourite (student/ because of (he/ him/ his/ her), my (live/ life) 10 angry
students) and he always (asking/ asked) me is not as good as what I have today.
to see him after school to (taught/ teach/ 11 fierce
teaches) me privately. I was so happy to
Write sentences using the given words.
have such a nice teacher like (his/ him/ her). 12 jealous

Days past by so fast, and it was the WORD SENTENCE

13 lazy
day (when/ where) the SPM examination 1 adorable
result was announced. I could not (believe/
14 nervous
believed) myself when my class teacher was 2 clean
telling me that I got straight As for my
15 scary
examination. Much to my surprise, I scored 3 attractive
A+ for my English. Suddenly, I heard
16 worried
someone (called/ calls/ was calling) my 4 ugly
name. It was my English teacher, Mr. Mark.
He (congratulated/ congratulations) me for 17 brave
5 careful
my excellent SPM result. I hugged him
(tighter/ tightly) while saying my gratitude 18 calm
6 clever
towards him for everything he had done to
teach me and to educate me to be a good 19 happy
7 helpful
20 kind
8 powerful
It has been a (decades/ decade)
since then and I am still grateful to my
21 proud 33 bitter 45 selfish

22 empty 34 fresh 46 wise

23 colossal 35 salty 47 admire

24 tiny 36 sweet 48 stunning

25 soft 37 broken 49 cute

26 loud 38 curly 50 terrible

27 quiet 39 dirty 51 upset

28 early 40 dusty 52 sharp

29 fast 41 generous 53 common

30 modern 42 innocent 54 excited

31 young 43 polite 55 foolish

32 delicious 44 powerful 56 optimistic

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