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Colegio Jaime Molina Mota

8th period English review

Class: 1st secondary

Teacher: Susan de la Cruz
Name __Aalyah Rodriguez Jimenez__ Date ___25/05/22______

I. Read the article and choose the right option if is true, false or DS.

Shopping Then and Now: Three Ways Shopping Has Changed

People nowadays don’t see a distinction between online and offline shopping. Whether it’s
searching on a
laptop or smartphone, browsing street shops, or hanging out at the mall, it’s all shopping. To
adapt to the
competitive new reality, store owners are relying more and more on digital technology.
1. Shoppers know as much as salespeople.
Then: People came into stores with little to no knowledge and depended on a salesperson to give
advice on what to buy.
Now: Shoppers today are used to doing their own research online to get the maximum value out
of every
dollar they spend. This way they feel secure about what they are buying.
2. Mobile devices and apps make shopping easier.
Then: Finding the right store and the products a shopper needed depended on expertise and luck.
Now: Retailers are using apps nowadays to let the customers know they exist. The app can be a
map, a
shopping list, a salesperson, and a product finder all in one.
3. Opinions are more important than ever.
Then: Back in the day, word of mouth was a way of transforming new products into must-haves
and small
shops into big department stores.
Now: With social networks like Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus, people are now sharing
their opinions on
products not just with a group of friends, but with millions of people.
These are just three of the many ways shopping has changed today. When these things are used
customers can rely on them to get just what they are looking for.

1. People didn’t use to know much about the products they were buying. True False DS

2. Shoppers research their items to know where they can buy them wholesale. True False DS
3. People feel more secure about what they’re buying after research. True False DS

4. Shopping apps have always existed. True False DS

5. An app can serve as a map, a salesperson, or a shopping list. True False DS

6. Window-shopping is a habit that hasn’t changed over the years. True False DS

7. Word of mouth used to be a good way to advertise products. True False DS

8. People can now share their opinions about retailers through social media. True False DS

9. Technology hasn’t changed the way people shop. True False DS

10. The article was written by an expert in online shopping. True False DS

II. Write sentences with the following words.

1. Charge ________ You can charge this lamp by any device with USB

2. Online _______Celeste is online on roblox_________________________

3. electronic transfer ______my mom pay the school by electronic transfer.__________

4. send back _____Im going to send back the student’s to their house’s___

5. pay ______I pay for a pencil.________________

6. download ___You can downlad the current version of your software here__

III. Complete the following instructions for purchasing something online with the
missing adverbs of sequence ( ex: next, finally, after that ). Use the sentences
provided in the box below.

1. First, go to the website where you want to purchase the items of your choice.
2. _____________________________________________________________________
3. Then click on the “Add to cart” button to add the item to your cart.
4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

Finally, click on the “Proceed to check out” button to complete your purchase.
Next, browse through the page to look for your items.
After that, check your shopping cart to see what items you have picked.

IV. Write sentences using the given indefinite pronouns.

1. Someone Someone is watching me.

2. Everything _______Everything is alright.________

3. Anybody _____Hey, anibody can be happy with a lot of money _______

4. Something ____Something is wrong here._____

5. Nobody ________Nobody want to be your friend________________

V. Read the text and answer the questions.

You can ski really well and you can climb a mountain easily. But, can you
survive an avalanche? Avalanches are when snow suddenly falls down a
mountain. Hundreds of people die in avalanches each year. People usually
start them by accident when they are skiing or climbing mountains.
There are some things you can do to survive an avalanche. First, always check
the weather carefully before you go to the mountains and take rescue signals
or transmitters. They help people to know where you are. Also, always let
someone know exactly where you’re going to go and when you plan to return.
Plan your route carefully and avoid dangerous areas.

When the avalanche comes, you can’t talk about what to do. There’s no time. When the
avalanche begins,
the first thing to do is to leave all your things as fast as you can. Skis or a big, heavy bag can pull
you down under the snow. Next, move your hands, arms, and legs and start
“swimming”. You do this to stay above the snow. If possible jump to one side
to escape the avalanche. And when the avalanche comes, close your mouth.
Snow can get quickly in your mouth and stop you from getting air.
If the snow covers you, make a space in front of your mouth immediately so
you can breathe. If you can, put your arms up above the snow to show people
where you are. If you can’t, wait calmly and patiently. Don’t shout and don’t
panic. Remember, people can’t hear you when you’re under the snow.

- Answer the questions.

1. What is an avalanche?
Avalanches are when snow suddenly falls down a mountain
2. What is the usual cause of an avalanche?
People usually start them by accident when they are skiing or climbing mountains.

3. Why is it important to make decisions before an avalanche starts?

To you can survive

4. What is a good idea when an avalanche starts?

the first thing to do is to leave all your things as fast as you can

5. What do you have to do when you’re under the snow?

move your hands, arms, and legs and start “swimming”.

VI. Write sentences using the future with “going to” follow the given sentence types.

1. Affirmative __I will going to the cinema________

2. Negative ___ I am not going to study medicine in that university

3. Interrogative _________What are you going to do?__

VII. Decide whether the verbs in bold are transitive or intransitive. Write your
answer on the lines.

1. She gave a cookie to her little brother. _______transitive______

2. They slept until late this morning. _________intransitive______________

2. The doctor advised me to exercise regularly. ___transitive_____

3. He laughed at the comedian’s jokes. ___________intransitive________

VII. Choose an interesting experiment. What materials will you need? What will you need
to do? Write the instructions for the experiment below.


cornstarch, water, coloring (only if you want)




First mix the cornstarch and water until there is a homogeneous mass, then make the dye and

mix, and ready you have your Newtonian liquid


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