Final Project Draft1

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Final project (draft 1)


1)A clear message, a theme, or a concept. Research on the topic you are
interested in.

Concept: Adventurous

Message: Friendship is precious, cherish and count our blessings.

2) A suggested approach for your design

I am doing stop motion animation inspired by ‘Sam and Mickey’.

3) A project timeline

July 8, 2022 July 9, 2022 July 10, July 11, 2022 July 15, July 17,2022
2022 2022

Draft 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Plot ✓
Decide ✓

Sketches ✓
Testing shot ✓


4) Ideation process

Plot 1 (Exposition) : Barbie woke up and didn’t know where she was.

Plot2 (Rising action): She saw a dangerous monkey that was double of her size.

Climax: The monkey attack her

Plot 3 (falling action): Barbie try to stop the monkey and be friend with it.

Resolution: They become friends.

-Conflict type: Character vs Character

-Character type: Static(barbie), Dynamic(monkey)

Testing photos
-Medium shot and close-up shot

-Pov shot of monkey: low angel to show its authority and power

-Pov shot of barbie: high angel to show her weakness

Can possibly make the background like a forest? Add some leaves behind to
play with textures.

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