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Ching Yu Lai Cherry

Final exam

Part 1-Short answer

1. Firstly, the book doesn’t mention the murderer of Taylor. In ‘The Big Sleep’ by Raymond
Chandler, Taylor was drowned into a bay and he is founded in his car. One of the most possible
murderers is Agnes Lozelle. Agnes is Geiger’s store assistant, who helps to deal with illegal
pornography. When she finds out Taylor kills Geiger to help Carmen from involving in illegal
activities, she may probably get mad and try to kill Taylor. Agnes’s motivation to kill Taylor is out
of revenge for her story manager Geiger. More than that, the next possible murderer is Joe Brody.
Joe Brody is a criminal who get money from blackmailing and doing illegal trades. When he finds
out that Taylor steals the camera and kills Geiger, he may then push Taylor into the bay and drown
him. Brody’s motivation to commit crime is revenge and greed.

3. “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe marks how mental illness affect character negatively.
The narrator has schizophrenia, which he can hear and see things abnormally. For example, he
mentions that he can hear his own heartbeat, which is very odd and atypical. His mental illness
makes him to kill the old man, whom he loves so much, due to the vulture blue eye. Also, the
narrator dismembered the old man’s body and head, which is very cruel. This explains that mental
illness has leading him to become an evil killer. Besides, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte
Perkins Gilman indicates mental problem can make you act in an unexpected way. The narrator is
suffering from postpartum depression, which causes her to have hallucination. The narrator mention
she sees a women behind the yellow wallpaper and is always watching her. Thus, the character’s
mental illness is driving her insane that she is making up thing with her imagination.

4. “Jealous Husband Returns in Form of Parrot” by Robert Olen Butler showcase death and rebirth.
When the narrator is still alive as a husband, he is always jealous that his wife is cheating on him.
With the lack of trust and communication, the relation becomes very toxic. After the husband dies
and returns as a parrot, he realises that he love his wife more than he was a human. He regrets that
he should have trust his wife more when he is alive instead of just being envious. The redemption
for the husband to feel better after the rebirth is that he finally accept the fact that his wife moves on
and has a new lover. In addition, he realises it is all his fault to make the relationship become

Part 2- Close reading

Option one

POV: 1st

Narrative tone: sentimental

Summary: The parrot(husband) realises how beautiful and how much he loves his wife and he
finally accept the fact that she has a new lover, therefore, he is trying to fly away from the cage to
be free to forgive himself.

Figures of speech:

-Repetition (pattern)

"Hello," I say, meaning, You are still connected to me, I still want only you. "Hello," I say again.
Please listen to this tiny heart that beats fast at all times for you.

“Pretty bird," I say and I am saying, You are beautiful, my wife, and your beauty cries out for
protection. "Pretty." I want to cover you with my own nakedness. "Bad bird," I say. If there are
others in your life, even in your mind, then there is nothing I can do. "Bad." Your nakedness is
touched from inside by the others. "Open," I say. How can we be whole together if you are not
empty in the place that I am to ll?

"Poor baby," I say. You have yearned for wholeness too and somehow I failed you. I was not
enough. "Bad bird," I say. I'm sorry

The story uses repetition to show what the parrot is saying and what it actually means. The words
that parrots can speak is very limited. The parrot, also known as the husband is trying hard to let his
wife understand that he still loves her so much. The repetition in here indicated how much affection
the parrot has on his beloved wife


And then the cracker comes around the corner

“Cracker” is word with two meanings. Firstly, cracker can means biscuit, a kind of snacks that you
can eat. On the other hand, it can be an offensive term towards white people, especially Southern
part of the States.

The parrot calls the wife’s new lover as cracker to show that he disliked the lover. Furthermore, it
shows that the husband is still jealous of the new lover. Parrot wants to make fun of the lover in
front of it’s wife to show that the wife loves the parrot more.


“I look at the sky the color of the brow of a blue-front Amazon

“Amazon” here is exaggerating the life and freedom that the parrots wants. At the end, the parrot
understand its wife moves on and has a new lover. The parrot then realises that it is time for it to
move on and has a new life as well. Therefore, it ies away from the cage at last to set himself free
with forgiveness

- Symbo



“She was naked in the bedroom, clothed in the den.But now she appears from the hallway and I
look at her and she is still slim and she is beautiful.

“Naked” is a symbol to show how much the husband loves his wife. Human nudity is a form of
beauty. Without any clothes on top, it is the truest, the most authentic and sincere form of physical
beauty. When the parrot sees his wife naked, he mention that the wife is still slim and beautiful.
This indicates the husband still loves his wife genuinely and love her in all form of body


“I take one look at his miserable, featherless body and shake my head

The parrot is jealous of the wife’s new lover. It always say something mean about the cracker to
show it is jealousy.

-Irony and lov

“I love her more in that moment, seeing her terrible nakedness, than I ever have before.

The husband is realising that after he returns as a parrot, he loves his wife more than he ever have.
This indicates how ironic is the husband. When he is alive, he doesn’t have the chance to express
his gratitude. After he rebirth as a parrot, which it can not talk as much as it wants. It then realises it
loves its wife. This jumps to a conclusion that the parrot regrets for not loving its wife more as a


“Even though I know there is something between me and that place where I can be free of all these
feelings, I will y.

The parrot moves on at the end. It understands that the relationship with its wife becomes toxic
because of jealousy. Therefore, it decides to not stay in the cage with its wife anymore. It is trying
to let go and y away to move on and feel better.

Self vs self: “I can never say what is in my heart to her. Never.” The narrator has so much to say to
his wife. However, after he return as a parrot, the word that he can speak is limited. Thus, the
narrator is struggling with the words that he wants to say to his wife, which he has a hard time
trying to speak the way he wants.

Character vs character: We keep our sexual parts hidden, we parrots, and this man is a pitiful sight.
“Peanut," The husband is jealous that his wife gets a new lover. As a result, the narrator keeps
calling the new lover as some racist and offensive terms like ‘cracker’ and ‘peanut’ to show his

Part 3- Short essay



A male dominant society

Patriarchy, is a system in society that men are take over the authority and control. At the same
time, this explains that women has no power to make the rules and decision. This is so unfair for all
the women who have no freedom and rights to choice for their lives. “The Adventure of he speckled
Band” by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman and “The
War of the World” by H.G. Wells are three of the examples showing that patriarchy impact the
female characters in the story negatively.

To begin, “The Adventure of the Speckled Band” indicates how patriarchy leads to greed and loss.
In this story, Dr. Roylott has two daughters- Helen and Julia. However, the family relationship is
harmful for the three of them. Dr. Roylott killed his daughter Julia due to his jealousy. He believes
that the death of his daughter can give him the heritage from his dead wife, also known as the
sister’s mother. According from the story, Helen mentions that “The money which my mother had
left was enough for all our wants, and there seemed to be no obstacle to our happiness.” This shows
that Dr. Roylott is selfish when it comes to money. He wants all the money to proof that he is
powerful and dominant. The patriarchy here also shows that violence take place. Dr. Roylotte killed
Julia with a venomous snake through the ventilator, which is very cruel and bloody. The death of
Julian breaks Helen’s heart. She has to live sorrowfully with the rest of her life for losing her
beloved sister. As a result, male dominance makes Helen’s life become miserable and she has to live
alone for the rest of her life. This affects Helen’s sentiment badly.

In addition, “The Yellow Wallpaper” is a story that indicates patriarchy can cause unreliability and
worsen the family relationship. The narrator is a women who is suffering from postpartum
depression after giving birth. Her husband, who is a physician, suggests to lock her in a room full
with yellow wallpaper as a treatment for her mental illness. Nevertheless, not only does this proofs
that the husband’s solution is not effective at all, but it also makes the narrator goes completely
insane. In the story, the husband explains "My darling," said he, "I beg of you, for my sake and for
our child's sake, as well as for your own, that you will never for one instant let that idea enter your
mind! There is nothing so dangerous, so fascinating, to a temperament like yours. It is a false and
foolish fancy. Can you not trust me as a physician when I tell you so?” The husband is threatening
the narrator to listen to him and follow everything he told so as he has the most authority in the
family. This cause the relationship become toxic with no trust and communication. To sum up, the
patriarchy in the story makes the female character goes mentally sick.

Last but least, “The War of the world” explains how patriarchy can put the family in danger. In the
beginning of the story, when the narrator suggests the family can go to Leatherhead to hide. His
wife asks that but where were they to go in terror. His wife clearly doesn’t want to go to
Leatherhead as the Martians are too dangerous and unpredictable. However, the narrator doesn’t
follow his wife and still choosing to go to hide in Leatherhead. This shows that the narrator is
making everyone to follow his lead without hearing other’s opinion. More over, the conversation
between the narrator and the artilleryman shows patriarchy as well. The artilleryman mentions that
“I mean that men like me are going on living—for the sake of the breed. I tell you, I’m grim set on
living. And if I’m not mistaken, you’ll show what insides you’ve got, too, before long. We aren’t
going to be exterminated.” This explain they think themselves men are better than other, and they
are more likely to survive.
To come to an end, it seems like the female character in ‘The War of the World” is doing the most
successfully as she reunited with her husband at the end of the book. Patriarchy can really be a
problem in the society. Hence, it is crucial to make justice for women.

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