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Analysis of the environments of the Food Delivery company "FoodCity"

1.1 Analysis of the macro-environment

· Macroeconomic changes:

1) Inflation: Rising inflation rates can push up the cost of raw materials, food, and services,
which can affect prices for food and food delivery services.

2) Rising unemployment: Rising unemployment could reduce consumer spending power and
demand for food delivery

3) Technological innovation: The rapid pace of technology development can provide a company
with new opportunities to improve its delivery and order management processes. For example,
the introduction of an online ordering system and mobile applications can improve customer
experience and improve operational efficiency.

4) Changing consumer preferences: Changes in consumer preferences, such as an increase in

demand for healthy foods, organic products, or a variety of culinary options, may require a
company to change its offerings and strategies.

5) Legislative changes: The introduction of new laws and regulations in the areas of food safety,
taxation, or labor relations may affect the business model of a food delivery company. The
company must be aware of changes in legislation and take appropriate measures to comply with
the requirements.

· Сonsumer behaviour:

1) Attracting and Retaining Customers: The competition in the food delivery industry is quite
high, so attracting and retaining customers is an important task.

2) Online shopping and mobile applications: With the growing popularity of online shopping and
mobile device usage, the company provides convenient and intuitive online platforms and mobile
applications for placing orders. The ease of use and functionality of such applications can
significantly affect the customer experience and their likelihood to use the company's services

3) Quality of Food and Service: Consumers expect high quality food and professional service
from a food delivery company. The company guarantees the freshness and deliciousness of the
dishes, as well as provide fast and reliable delivery. Paying attention to customer feedback and
continuously working to improve the quality of services will be an important element to meet
customer needs.

4) Flexible Choices and Personalization: Customers appreciate being able to choose from a
variety of menus, dietary options and portioning options. The company provides flexible choices
and the ability to customize orders according to customer preferences. Personalization may
include providing recommendations based on previous orders and customer preferences.

5) Environmental Responsibility: With the growing awareness of customers regarding

environmental responsibility, our company takes care of the environment. Using packaging that
is biodegradable or recyclable, as well as supporting local farmers and producers, can attract
customers who value environmental principles.

· Situation in the labour market:

1) High competition for labor: The food delivery market is often competitive and companies can
face the challenge of attracting and retaining qualified employees. This leads to the need to offer
attractive working conditions, such as competitive wages, flexible working hours and additional
benefits, in order to attract and retain talented workers.

2) Seasonality and demand for staff: In some regions, the demand for food delivery may vary
depending on the season and time of year. For example, in tourist areas, demand may increase
during the summer, and during holidays or weekends, demand may be higher. Company should
plan their resources flexibly and be able to adapt to fluctuations in demand.

3) Low job stability: Forms of work such as part-time jobs or contract workers may be common
in the food delivery industry. This can lead to low job stability and increased employee turnover.
It is important for a company to develop effective systems for hiring, training and motivating
employees in order to create a stable and productive team.

4) Technology development and automation: The introduction of new technologies and the
automation of delivery processes can affect the required skills and workforce needs. For
example, the use of automated order management systems and delivery robots can reduce the
need for certain types of labor.

5) Growth of the industry and emergence of new players: With the increase in popularity of food
delivery, the market may become more saturated and new competitors will appear. This can
increase the demand for labor and create more opportunities for workers in the industry.

· New laws or regulations to be adopted by Seimas (parliament) or the government:

1) Health and Hygiene Regulations: Governments can set regulations and standards that food
delivery companies must meet to ensure food safety. This may include requirements for the
storage, preparation and transportation of products, as well as control over the cleanliness and
hygiene of workers.

2) Labor regulation: Labor laws can regulate the rights and obligations of workers and employers
in the food delivery industry. This may include pay, working hours, employee insurance, and the
legal status of couriers.
3) Road Safety: Governments can enact laws and regulations to promote road safety in the
context of food delivery. This may include rules and requirements for couriers using two-
wheelers and the installation of road safety measures.

4) Licensing and Registration: Some countries may require licenses or registration for food
delivery companies. This may include obtaining special permits for the sale and delivery of food
products, registering a company, and complying with certain rules and requirements.

· Тechnical and technological progress and its impact on labour productivity and
production costs:

1) Process Automation: Applying automation and technology to the food delivery process can
increase productivity. For example, using automated order management, routing, and tracking
systems can significantly reduce the time and effort spent processing orders and arranging
delivery. It can improve work efficiency, speed up delivery time and reduce labor costs.

2) Logistics Optimization: Technological advances also enable companies to improve the

management of logistics processes. The use of geolocation, GPS and other technologies allows
you to optimize delivery routes, reduce time spent in traffic jams and improve overall delivery

3) Development of mobile applications: Mobile applications for ordering and delivering food are
becoming more and more popular among consumers. Companies with their own mobile
applications can significantly improve the convenience and speed of ordering, improve customer
interaction and reduce order processing time. This reduces the burden on contact center operators
and improves the overall delivery process.

4) Improvement of the payment system: Technological advancement also affects the payment
systems in food delivery companies. The introduction of online payments, electronic wallets and
contactless technologies makes it possible to speed up the payment process and make it more
convenient for customers.

Who are our suppliers?: In a food delivery company, these are various food vendors, including
farms, wholesalers, markets, or product distributors.

How dependent are we on them?: Our company is heavily dependent on our suppliers,
especially for the supply of fresh and quality products. The dependence is related to the
availability and prices of products, as well as the reliability and timeliness of supplies.

Can our suppliers limit our choices?: In some cases, suppliers may limit the selection of our
company, especially if they are the main suppliers of key products. They may set delivery terms,
order volume requirements, or offer a limited range of products. In such situations, our company
may assess its reliance on suppliers and look for opportunities to diversify and seek alternative
suppliers for flexibility and choice.
1.2. Analysis of the micro-environment

1) Вuyers:

· High Influence, High Interest: Some buyers/consumers may have high influence and
interest in a food delivery company. These may be large corporate clients, strong local
communities, or powerful consumer groups. These buyers may have the ability to have a
significant impact on the company, such as through bulk orders, referrals, or social
influence. Engaging with these customers can be a key focus for a company, as satisfying
them can lead to business expansion and increased reputation.

· High Influence, Low Interest: Some buyers/consumers may have a high influence on the
company, but they do not have a significant interest in its activities. For example, these
may be regulators or organizations that oversee compliance with quality and safety
standards. Although their interest may not be high, their impact on the company is still
significant. Engagement with these buyers may include working with regulators,
proactive regulatory compliance, and establishing long-term partnerships.

· Low Influence, High Importance: This category includes buyers/consumers who are of
high value to the company but do not have a significant impact on its operations. These
may be repeat customers who bring in a steady stream of income. The company must
maintain these relationships, offer high quality products and services, and strive to retain
them as long-term customers.

· Low Influence, Low Importance: Buyers/customers that do not have a significant impact
on the company and are not important to its success fall into this category. The company
may take a more passive approach to managing relationships with this group of
customers and focus on higher priority segments.

2) Рartners:

· High Influence, High Importance: This category includes partners who have significant
influence and are important to the success of the company. For example, these could be
popular restaurants or food brands with which the company has strategic partnerships.
Partners in this category help to attract customers and increase the level of trust in the

· High Influence, Low Importance: This category includes partners who have significant
influence, but their significance to the company is not so great. For example, these may
be small restaurants or local food vendors that provide a limited amount of orders. The
company may seek to improve relationships with these partners, offer them benefits or
incentives to attract more business.
· Low Influence, High Importance: Partners that do not have a significant impact, but are
important to the company, fall into this category. For example, they may be suppliers of
certain products, ingredients or packaging materials. The company can maintain stable
relationships with such partners, strive to reduce costs and ensure reliable supply.

· Low Influence, Low Importance: Partners that do not have significant influence and are
not important to the company fall into this category. For example, these may be minor
partnerships or casual collaborations. The company can maintain minimal interaction
with such partners and focus on more significant partners.

3) Suppliers:

· High Influence, High Importance: Suppliers that have significant influence on the
company and are important to its success fall into this category. For example, they may
be large fresh food suppliers or specialized suppliers of unique ingredients. The company
depends on these suppliers to provide quality and diverse products and to maintain
competitive prices.

· High Influence, Low Importance: Suppliers that have a significant impact on the
company, but their significance is not so great, fall into this category. For example, they
may be suppliers of certain packaging materials or additional goods and services.
Although these suppliers may have limited influence over the company, the company
may seek to improve relationships with them, obtain better terms of cooperation, or seek
alternative suppliers.

· Low Influence, High Importance: Suppliers that do not have a significant impact on the
company, but are important to its activities, fall into this category. For example, these
may be suppliers of basic products such as flour, meat, vegetables, etc. A company can
maintain stable relationships with such suppliers, strive for reliable supply, ensure
product quality, and look for opportunities to reduce costs.

· Low Influence, Low Importance: Suppliers that do not have significant influence and are
not important to the company fall into this category. For example, they may be random
suppliers of minor goods or services. The company can maintain minimal interaction with
such suppliers and focus its resources on more significant and influential suppliers.

4) Competitors:

· High Influence, High Importance: Competitors who have significant influence on the
company and are important competitors in the food delivery market fall into this
category. For example, these can be large delivery services or popular restaurants offering
their own delivery. Competitors in this category can have a strong impact on the customer
base, have a wide range, attractive promotions and competitive prices. The company must
carefully analyze such competitors and develop strategies to stand out and attract

· High Influence, Low Importance: Competitors that have a significant impact on the
company fall into this category, but their significance for the company is not so great. For
example, these may be small local delivery services or restaurants with a limited range.
The company may take into account the actions of such competitors, but focus on
improving its product, service quality and unique offers to attract and retain customers.

· Low Influence, High Importance: Competitors that do not have a significant impact on
the company, but are important to the company in the context of complying with
competition rules and maintaining adequate prices, fall into this category. For example, it
can be delivery services that offer a similar range, but do not have a big impact on the
customer base. The company must be aware of the actions of such competitors, but can
focus on differentiating its services and creating a unique delivery experience.

· Low Influence, Low Importance: Competitors that do not have a significant impact and
are not important to the company fall into this category. For example, it can be small
unpopular delivery services or restaurants offering a specific cuisine. A company can
evaluate the actions of such competitors, but their influence on its business is limited, and
the main emphasis should be on improving its own performance and attracting customers
with its advantages.

5) Contact audience:

· High Influence, High Importance: This category includes customers who have significant
influence on the company and are important consumers of food delivery services. For
example, it can be frequent customers who leave positive reviews, recommend the
company to their friends and influence its reputation. The company should pay special
attention to such customers, offer them special promotions, discounts or loyalty programs
in order to retain and attract new customers.

· High Influence, Low Importance: This category includes customers who have significant
influence on the company, but their significance to the company is not so great. For
example, these may be customers who sometimes place orders, but are not regular
customers. The Company may conduct market research to better understand the needs
and preferences of such customers and develop strategies to attract and retain them as
repeat customers.

· Low Influence, High Importance: This category includes customers who do not have a
significant impact on the company, but are highly significant in terms of profitability. For
example, these may be customers who make large orders or order regularly. The company
must provide high quality service, delivery accuracy and a wide variety of dishes to
satisfy such customers and encourage their repeat orders.

· Low Influence, Low Importance: Clients that do not have significant influence and are
not important to the company fall into this category. For example, these may be
customers who make infrequent orders or have little impact on the company's reputation.

2. Assessment of the functional areas of the Food Delivery company "FoodCity"

2.1. Company mission, objectives, organisational structure.

We are located in Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania.

Our food delivery company specializes in providing a convenient and efficient way to get food.
It offers a wide variety of restaurants and cuisines from which customers can order food. The
company has its own website or mobile application, where customers can choose dishes from the
menu, specify the delivery address and pay for the order.

After placing an order, the company contacts the selected restaurant and sends information about
the order. The company's courier then picks up the food from the restaurant and delivers it
directly to the customer. Couriers are usually equipped with special bags or containers to
maintain the temperature and quality of food during delivery.

Our company strives to offer customers convenience and time savings by allowing them to enjoy
a variety of meals without having to leave their home or office. They also usually offer a variety
of payment methods, including online payments and cash on delivery.

In addition, we also offer additional services such as pre-ordering, loyalty programs or the ability
to rate and review restaurants and delivery quality.

The main goal of a food delivery company is to provide customers with convenience, quality
food and reliable delivery to meet their needs and provide an enjoyable experience of ordering
and receiving food at home or office.

The food delivery company's mission is to provide customers with convenient access to a variety
of culinary options by providing fast and reliable food delivery right to their door.

The main goals of the company:

1) Customer Satisfaction: One of the main goals of a food delivery company is to satisfy the
needs of customers for convenience and variety of food options. An analysis of the viability of
this goal may include studying the market, competition, and demand for food delivery in a
particular region.

2) Quality and reliability of delivery: The company strives to provide high quality delivery, to
ensure the safety and freshness of food during transportation. This goal requires the
establishment of efficient delivery systems and cooperation with reliable restaurants and
couriers. The viability of this goal can be assessed by analyzing customer feedback, delivery
time rates, and quality complaint rates.

3) Innovation and customer experience improvement: It is important for a company to keep

abreast of the latest trends in the food delivery industry and offer innovative solutions such as an
improved mobile app, pre-order systems and loyalty programs. The analysis of the validity of
this goal includes an assessment of the market potential of new and improved features and the
ability to attract and retain customers.

4) Sustainability and Responsibility: It may also be important for a company to ensure

sustainability and responsibility in its operations, for example by using environmentally friendly
packaging and encouraging restaurant partners to adopt sustainable practices. The analysis of the
validity of this goal includes an assessment of the impact on the environment and the potential
improvement of the company's reputation among customers and the community.

Our business idea has a high potential for viability and validity because:

1) Growing Demand: Modern lifestyles filled with work, school and other responsibilities are
leading to an increase in demand for convenient ways to get food. More and more people are
choosing to order food to save time on cooking and going to restaurants.

2) Technological advancement: Mobile apps and internet platforms make ordering and
delivering food easier. People can easily select dishes, pay for an order and track its status in real
time. Such technological developments greatly simplify the process of ordering food and make it
more attractive to consumers.

3) Wide choice and variety: Food delivery companies usually partner with various restaurants
and offer a wide variety of cuisines and menus. This allows customers to choose from a variety
of options and enjoy a variety of dishes without having to visit each restaurant separately.

4) Growth and Scale Potential: As the demand for food delivery continues to grow, delivery
companies have the potential to expand their operations and gain market share. They can attract
new customers and enter into partnerships with a large number of restaurants, expanding their
geographical presence and offering services in new regions.

5) Development of delivery infrastructure: In some cities and countries, there is an active

development of food delivery infrastructure. Dedicated bicycle and motorcycle road networks
are being created, and new delivery methods such as autonomous cars and drones are being
developed. This improves delivery efficiency and reduces logistics costs.

Organisation structure:

Functional structure:
· Management: Responsible for the strategic management of the company, developing
business plans, setting goals and monitoring results.

· Marketing and Sales: Responsible for customer acquisition, developing marketing

strategies, advertising, promotion and managing relationships with partner restaurants.

· Operations and Logistics: Responsible for operational activities including taking orders,
coordinating with restaurants, managing couriers and ensuring efficient delivery.

· Technical support: is engaged in the development and support of information systems, the
website or mobile application of the company, as well as providing technical support to
customers and partner restaurants.

Divisional structure:

· Senior Management: Includes the CEO, functional area leaders, and other key executives.

· Level of managers and heads of departments: includes managers in marketing,

operations, logistics, technical support and other areas.

· Couriers and Operations Staff: Responsible for fulfilling orders, delivering food, and
ensuring efficient operations.

Management (1-2 people):

CEO: Responsible for the strategic management of the company, developing business plans,
setting goals and monitoring results.

Head of Functional Area (eg Operations or Marketing): Coordinates the respective functional
area and ensures that it functions effectively.

Marketing and sales (1-2 people):

Marketing Manager: develops marketing strategies, advertising and promotion of the company,
attracts new customers and manages relationships with partner restaurants.

Sales Manager: Responsible for actively promoting the company's services and increasing the
number of orders.

Operations and logistics (2-3 people):

Operations Manager: Coordinates operational activities, including taking orders, managing

relationships with partner restaurants, and processing orders.

Couriers: deliver food to customers.

Technical support (1-2 people):

Technical Support Manager: Responsible for developing and maintaining the information
systems, website or mobile application of the company, as well as providing technical support to
customers and partner restaurants.


Analysis of 7P:

1) Product:

· The company offers a wide range of dishes from different cuisines to satisfy the diverse
preferences of customers.

· Distinctive features of the product include the quality of preparation, the freshness of the
ingredients and the appearance of the dishes.

· Possibility for special wishes and individual settings of dishes may be provided.

2) Price:

· The company offers competitive prices considering the quality and variety of the dishes

· Various payment options can be provided, including cash, online payments, and bank

· A system of discounts or loyalty programs for regular customers may be available.

3) Promotion:

· The company conducts marketing campaigns using various channels such as social
media, advertisements, restaurant partnerships and promotions.

· Advertising emphasizes the convenience, quality and variety of dishes, as well as fast and
reliable delivery.

· Promo codes or special offers for new customers may be offered.

4) Place:

· The company provides a food delivery service to various geographical areas and city

· Customers can place orders through the company's website or mobile app.
· It may be possible to track the delivery status in real time.

5) People

· The company provides professional and friendly staff, including contact center operators,
operations and logistics managers, couriers and customer service.

· Employees of the company must be trained and competent in the performance of their
duties, as well as able to communicate with customers and resolve emerging issues.

6) Process:

· The ordering process should be simple and convenient for customers, with the ability to
choose dishes, indicate the address of delivery and payment.

· The company must ensure prompt processing of orders and timely delivery.

· Employees, partner restaurants and couriers need to be effectively coordinated to ensure

that the delivery process runs smoothly.

7) Physical evidence:

· The Company may provide photographs and descriptions of dishes on the website or
mobile application.

· Customer reviews and food ratings can serve as physical evidence of the quality of the
food on offer.

· Food packaging must be secure and aesthetically pleasing to maintain the impression of
product quality.

Formulation of a positioning strategy in a specific selected market for competitive advantage:

Our food delivery company strives to be a leader in providing healthy and nutritious meals while
supporting a healthy lifestyle. We pay special attention to the quality of ingredients and offer a
wide range of dishes that meet the dietary and nutritional preferences of customers.We base our
strategy on innovative solutions and the use of technology. Our web or mobile app provides a
convenient way to place orders, track delivery status and interact with our customers. We also
actively use data analytics to provide personalized offers and improve user experience.Our
company pays special attention to the quality of customer service. We are committed to fast and
reliable delivery as well as friendly and professional customer service. Our support team is
always ready to answer questions and solve problems.

Developing a positioning strategy for competitive advantage in your selected market:

We base our positioning strategy on offering dishes prepared with fresh, local and organic
ingredients. Our company actively cooperates with local farmers and producers to support the
local economy and provide customers with high quality meals.We strive to offer our customers a
unique experience by serving a wide variety of cuisines and cultures. We are constantly
researching new recipes and global culinary trends to satisfy the most sophisticated tastes of our
customers.We place emphasis on a personalized approach, offering customers the ability to
customize their bookings and preferences. Our company will develop a convenient platform for
placing orders, as well as provide information on calories, allergens and food restrictions so that
customers can make informed decisions.We attach great importance to the quality of service to
our customers. Our team of trained professionals is always ready to help and answer customer
questions. We provide fast and reliable delivery, and we also offer a feedback system to
constantly improve our service.

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