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220 more Crochet STrICHES Vo LU M E 7 includes all-over patterns, edgings and trimmings, motifs, Irish style crochet Abbreviations and Symbols Joining Seams Varieus methods can be used to Join pieces of crochet. The use of the itern wil ‘often dictate the method used, the seam ‘cauldbe invisible or decorative. Below are a Jew suggestions for joining pieces of ‘srochet ‘To join with an invisible sown seam, olace pioces edge to edge with the wrong sides Uppermost.and whip stiten together Ta Join invisibly using a crochet hook, place right sides of pleces together and Sip stich through one loop ot each piece as ilustcated Tocreatea docorativeridged seam on the ‘ght sida of the work. place wrong sides together and join with double crochet ‘warking under two strands of each piece as ilustrated, Altornatively wii the right side of bath ‘pieces uppermost hey can be jomed with tow of fancy openwerk chains. Pressing and Finishing The methods you use to finish your crochot depend largely on what you are Using it for and what yarn you have used, Cotton Cotton yarns bonofit rom being wetted or thoroughiy steamed. It you are using household starch (as opposed to spray starch) now is the time to apply it, eter bbyimmarsing ine crochetes piece or dab bing the wel starch on te the material. Pin ‘ut very near to the edge, al very close interva's, stretching or essing the material to ensure that is even, Picots, bobbles or other infinsic features should be care fully placed wit pin at this stage. Hav ing satislied yoursal that the shape is bored, the work can noe ba pressed Using & hot on, Do nt allow tho ful Wweight of the icon to r@st on the work especialy where interesting textures are Involved, Remove the pins andif required snake line agjustmentso the edges ofthe materia to ensure that they are straight Now leave until the work is. thoroughly ny Motifs and Irish Style Pieces Work as given above bu leave theppinsin position until the works thoroughly dry Engure thatallthroe-dimensional features, shaw to ther best advantage. Other Yarns Inprinexpal the methods given or working sth cotfon yarns apply, out younustread tho finishing of pressing information usually included wih your yar. Notevery Yam wil be sultabl for or require starch ing and seme yarns cannot be pressed witha hot ron Abbreviations and Symbols Listed betow are the standard abbrevia- tions and symbols that have been used for pages 13 to 84 of this book. Reler fo [8498S 4 Yo 12 for more delaled instruc tions ot these and other stitch variations, Itapattern contains an unusual combina tions of stitches these are explained in the Special Abbreviation at the begnning at that pater, ‘Separate. abbreviations and symbols have neon used for the Tunisian stitches inthis book and these have been given at the beginning of that section on pages @5 088. Abbreviations Alt = aliernate, beg = baginining), chis) ® chain(s), eh sp = chain space, om = centimetres). dae = decrease, de = ‘doubie crochet, dir = double ireblo, htr = half treble, ine = increase, Ins = inches, quadir = quadruple treble, quintr = quin- tuple trebe, rep =repeat. sist =cip sti, ‘sp(s) = spacels), sl(s) = stiten(es), tog together tr= treble, ttr= triple treble, yo = yarn over. Basic Symbols used in Diagrams © = Chain © = Slip stitch + = Double crochet Double treble Treble | T= Hatt tebe = Quintuple treble =_ Quadruple treble = Triple treble “The number of strokes crossing the stems, ofslitches longer than a half treble reore- sents the number of times the yarn is \yrapped over the hook before tha hooks {nseFtet into the work, I. All-over Patterns 4 3 ‘1st row (right side): Work tr2tog working Into 4th and Sth ch from hook, “Sch, 14 Into, next ch, turn, 11ch, 1dc into last de worked, 3dc into last ch sp formed, turn, ‘ich, tie into each of the adc} 3 times, work 1 cluster aver mext Bch; rep ftom "to ‘ond but working half cluster al end of last rep, turn, 2nd row: ach (count as 1dtr), work 2dr into top of first half cluster, miss 3d, 1de Into next de, “Bdtr into top of next cluster, eee eee scha! poet | Fe omistcienas: Segment tert, tum, 1eh, Ide inlolast de worked, Secint last 3c sp tormed, tur, Teh, 166 Starting chain: Multiple of 6 sts + 3. into each of the 4dc] 3 times, work 1 ‘Special Abbreviato cluster over next Safir rep from * to ond Special Abbrevitions one bul wong al Custr nde ast op until loop of each remains on hook, yo BIACI"9) Vik us a bat aan Pen ‘and through all 3 loops on hook. SDD CS ENN FOP IID Into each of next Tee, miss 2a, 1de into | Ha CAMS woes trite exe Hine Reeeey ai OteNS ata 0 each of next 7de, 3de into next de: rep : 7 - from * to end omitting tde at end of last | yoand through all 4 loops on hook. | Starting chain: Multiple of 16 sts +2. | strow tight ete): Work cnt 2nech from hook, “ide into each of next 7ch, Imiss teh, 1dc into each of next 7ch, 3dc into nextch; reptrom * toend omiting 1de al end of last rep, turn. 2nd row: Ich, work 2dc into fist dew "tde on Guster wor tte each otras sts ff = 7200 ti eapeeach ema on Nok, Rep dow oni | Swot lope en hook vos = Hat custer Line shows direction of work {or first pat of frst row. ‘1st row (ight sido}: Work tcc into 2nd ch from hook, 1d¢ into each ch to end, turn, 2nd row: 1ch, work ide into each de to fend, tur, 3rd row: Ich, work de into each of first 2de, "tirff round next de 2 rows below, ‘Ide into each of next 2de: rep from * to end, tur, 4th row: Ich, work 1 de.into each stto end, win, Sth row: 1ch, work 1de into each of first 22d, “Itvr round stem of next tt 2 rows below, t1dc into each of next 2do; rep from * to end, turn. Rep 4th and Sth rows. Fatt sing a: Maple stats «3 hy QEPTE ETE Ho 5 ‘Special Abbreviation 4 tert = work iiraround stem of hoxtst2 TRATES TE tty 3 Work as oven for 11 but working 1 row | rows below inserting hook round stem = 2 (yb nn bang ton | Sa rience 2 I. All-over Patterns —_—————————— SOA CR EERE ‘Starting chain: Muitipl of 12 sts + 8. Special Abbreviations Put st = "yo, insert hook into next st, yo ‘and draw a loop through; rep from * 4 times more Inserting hook into same bbotare (11 loops on hook), yo and draw through 10 loops, yo and draw through 2 ‘emnaining loops. ‘tee = work tr around stem of next st 2 rows below inserting hook round stem from right to let to draw up loops. ‘1st row (right side): Work 16c into 2nd ch from hook, 10 into each ch to end, urn, 2ne and every altrow: Ich, work 1dcinto ‘Bach stto end, turn. are row: tech, work 1d¢ into ach of fist 2d, 1W/r, 1dc intonextd, 1W/f, “de into each ot nextddc, 1 putfstintonextdc, 1d info each of next 4do. "tr, 1de into next dc, ttf; rap from * fo last 2d, 1d into each of last 2dc, turn. Sth row: tech, work 1de into wach of frst 2de, rt, te into next de. Ttert, “de into each of next 2de, 1 pull st inio naxt sc, 1dcinto each of nest 3d, 1 put st nto next dc, 1de into each of next 20. tit, dc into nent de The, rep from * to last } 2c. 160 into each of tast ck. ten. 7th row: As 3rd row. | Sth row: 1h, 10¢ into each of first 206, Wid, 1c into next de, Trt, “Yd into } each of next Sdc, Wt, 1dc into next dc, |) ttt: ep trom * to last 2éc, de into each | oftast ade, tum, } Rep 2nd to 9th rows. th row: Using A. 1ch, work 1: into-@ach ‘deto end, tum Tit row: Using B. 1ch, “work Ide into frst ‘dc, thir into next dc, tt into each of next 2de, Tair into each of next 2dc, 1 into ‘each of next 2de, thtrintonextdc, 1c into ‘next dc, 2ch, miss 2d: rep trom” to ond ‘omiting Zch at end of last rep, turn, ‘th row: Using B, tch, ‘work tdc nto next dc, thir into next ir, tr into each of next 2iF,tatrinto each of ext 2atr. trintowach (of next 2ir, thir into nexthtr, 1dc nto next 6c, 2ch: rep trom * to end omitting 2ch at ‘ond of last rep, turn. ‘8th row: Using A, Ych, “ide into each of ‘ext 10 ss. inserting hook from front of work, work 106 inlo each of 2 free de in A 3 rows below. rep from * t0.end omiting 2dc at end of iast rep, tum. ep 2nd 8 owe Stor can: Muto 2 11 fet row (ght ado Uang A, wot Ye isSndchton book, to hisenanonts ona. fd row Using A, 1h, wor 14 ito pecan bak Srdrow: Ung BSc cout eis Bt iv wad rost a te no noe {demi new ee aeh mae 2. toio Nontce trent trae aachet fost 260 arts eash of ent 39 into each of next 2dc, 1htr into neat de, 1d ion de tep tool oe Bo tmos Bae 1 eae ce, est So iio eat Se, 4th row: Using B, 3ch, miss first tr, work ‘i nae a pt tno Ist 20h 1 ost et no ‘next bir, 11 into each of next 2tr. Tate into Peatel net ast eo ech nets Shaver er cane xrapten Nplost 6 2c tee no, itonmune. iv moreno Sot Shatbegcesrenous tom, Sorow sg tchiwot ioinneach Of frst 4 sts. [inserting hook from front of won wont innoennetzeecceA Srowe below “toca each es 10 jon provost, won 2303 ows Slew sttcere-tepton westass, AZOwinB,2eowinA ard 2rows ‘Ide into each of next 3.sts, 1dc into 3rd of ropes SSharbagal prone, Work 2s given for 118 but working 2 rows tht OSA eri erreses at Petey sa cane a St ttle BOTT db, Staring char: Munple of 4 sts + 4 {ist row (right Side): Using A. work Tirinto 44m ch trom hook, lrinto each ch to end, {nd row: Using A. Teh. work 1de Into ‘each tr to end working last de into top of ch, tur, 3rd row: Using B. Sen (count as ttn, miss lirstde,‘trinto next do, “Bch. miss 2dc, 'te Into each of next 2de; rap from * to-and, Starting chair: Mutipie of 4 sts + 2 1st row (ight side)- Using A. work toc fete 2nd ch from hook. 1de into next ch, ich, miss th, 1dcinto each of next 3ch 19p rom * to-ond omitting tde-at end of last rep, tur. {2nd row: Using A, cs (countias 1), miss frst 6c, work fr Into next de, “teh, miss Tech, itr into each of riext ade; rep from * ‘ond omitting ttr at end of last rep, tur, 2rd row: Using B. Ich, work 1écinto each olfest2tr 1a into first missed starting ch, “de into next tr, 1ch, miss ir. Toc wnlo ext, 1dtr into next mesed stating ch. rep trom to last 2, Yc into mext tr. 1d ilo Sedot Ich at beg of previous rom, turn. 4th row: Using B, Sehr, miss fist dc, work {Weinto wach of next 3 sts, “th, miss teh. {trinto each of next 3 sts: rep trom“ tolast } de. Tirinto last de, turn 4th row: Using 8, 1¢h, work Vdc into each ot first 2ir,“2ch, tee into each ol next 2tr rap from * {0 end working last de into 3rd 6 Sch at bag of previous row. tum. Sth row: Using ©, toh, td into each of first 2de, “Yt into each at the 2 missed 03 rows below, 10e inte each of next 206; rep trom * 10 end, turn. 6th row: Using C. tch, Tec into each de and each dtr 10 end, turn Tah row: Using A. Sch, miss frst de, thr Into each de to end, turn th row: Using A, tch, 1dc into each trto. | ‘end working last de into 3ed of 3ch at beg of previous row, turn, Flép Sed to Bh rows, f itt iff ih i ey re iB » Ps a “ i Ha ‘Sthrow: Using. 1ch, work técinto each of frst Qe. "Toh, miss tte into next, ‘air eto next mased 13 rows below, 1d into next, rep from "to last Ir, 1h, miss tr, tdcinto nest ty, 1de into Srd of ch at | 69 of previous row, tur. 6th row: Using C. Sch. miss first do, ti into next de, “Ich, miss teh, tir nto each ‘of next sts; rep from "toend omitting ttr at end of fast rep, turn, 7th row: Using A, ich, 1d into each of first 2ir, Yair into next missed tr 3 rows below, “16¢ eto next tr, ch, miss tir, Wde intonext tr, 1atrinto next missed I 3fows below; rep from" tolast ir. 1de into each oflast 2p. turn ‘8th row: As 4th row but using A instead of8. Fen Sth to 6th rows contruing to work 2 rows each in colours B, C-and A as sat if! = Work i into missed st 3 rows THOT EHO7A} 9 sc} = | 110 ‘Staring chain: Mutipte of 8 sts « 7 ‘Special Abbreviation Bobbie = work 2tr into next ic unt Kast Joop of each tr remains on hook, yo and ‘reOugh all 4 joops. Note: Count each de, ch sp and bobble as 1 stthroughout. ‘st row (wrong side: Using A work Tr fib neh rom hook,trinfo wach oar J 3en,"ch miss teh, ide ito nextch, Sch miss teh, IW ito sach of next Sch top 4) from” fo end, tun | 2nd row: Using B, 1h, work Ide into | Sach ‘or st Scien. 1 bobble nip next | | S-1ch, We inioeach ot nen St: tepirom | Stoend pacnglasiacmotopet Sch. tan arc row: Using B, Son (court FS) mss irate. ido nto en de, Sch "mass | Toe, Trino each of next 5 sis (see nate | above). Sch miss 1de, 1de ts nen de ch: rep fom ”tolast 2c. miss 1c. 1 } into last, un AN TOW: Using A 1c, work ident iat | th 1h 1 bobble Into net, Teh, “de Iho wach of next Str, 1 1 babble into | | foxt@e to: rep ron “toast dein | | Scot ech at beg ot previous on.tum. | || Sth row: Using A. 3ch (count as ttr), miss | Be, into each of rent ss. "Sch | mas nde, tac ntonent Sch mas 12c | Tir nao each of nest 5s: op hom "10 | erat Flap 2nd to Sih rows | below. ie | Saat MinOTENO TT L. All- over Patterns ‘Starting chain: Multiple of 10 sts + 1 Using A make the required number of chan (On 6th row work trinto ch mot ch space. Rap 2nd to Sth rows, C7 = itt into missed de 3 rows ‘Sth row: Using A, Sch (count as Ty), miss | AN below } ttt ttt tip 0 a Pat ii ed iriiiet reeess } | {st row (rght side): Using A. work to {nto 2nd ch from hook. tdc nto each ch to end, tum. 2nd row: Using A, Sch (countas tt), iss first de, work Tir inte @ach deo end, turn 3rd row: Using B, 1ch, work td into each ‘to end placing last ic into Src of Sch at beg of previous row, tun. 4th row: Using 8, Tch, work 1d intoeach cto end, turn, Sthrow: Using A, Yoh, work tdcinto-each offrst Sdc, “Ich, miss 1de, td into each (of net 2de. toh, miss tdc, 16 into each (text Bde: rep from” town omiting 3dc Zend ol last rep, turn, 142 Starting chain: Multiple of 10 sts + 12 ‘Special Abbreviation 1 Circle = rotating wark as required work ‘irdown and around stom ol next tr 1 row below, then work 6tr up and around stem af peavious Ir t row below, 1st row (night sde): Work tr Poel al ag wehe eben big 2nd row: Sch (count as 11), miss fist, wark tirinto each t10.0nd working last tr Into 3rd of Sch al beg of premous row. urn. fst dc, ttr io each dc and into each ch toend, tun, 7th row: Using B, ich, dc into each of first 3tr, work Tt eta 2nd missed dc 3 rows below. miss itr, 1dcinio eachotnext 2ir, rina first missed dc 3 rows below (thuscrossing 21), miss 1¥, Técintoeach ‘of next Bt. rep trom “to end omting 3c at end of last rep and placing last de into 31a ot Sch at beg of previous row, tur. ‘Ath row: Using B, 1ch, work tee Intoeach stto end, tur. ‘th row: Using A, 1ch, work tedcintowach detoend. wen ep 2nd to Stn sows, ‘ath, Sth and 6th rows: Sch, miss fest work 11 into each ¥ Yo end working last 7 {nto 3rd of Sch at beg of previous row, tum. 7th row: Sch, miss first tf, work TIF into ‘nach of next it. ‘work 1 circle, tr into ‘each of next 10tr; rep rom * to and work ‘ng last tito 3td oF 3ch, turn. [Sth and 9th rows: Sch. miss first work Tir info each W 13 end working last tr into 3te of eh, turn Rep 2nd to th rows BR =1 circle TTT Hii ort i THTNTTT 6 in + I] iit iRNTTT TTT TTT ARTTT HTT } staning chain: Multiple of 4 sts +3. |) UsingA make ne required rumberot chan. ‘ist row [right side}: Using A. work tae | eto 2nd ch from hook, 1d into each che ‘end, tum. ‘2nd row: Using A, 3ch (count as 1"), miss | fest de, work Ttr into each de to end tum ard row: Using B. tch, 1d into each of } fest 4ty, 1ch, miss tir, "1dc into each et J neste. ch. miss tr: rop from "to last ‘of 3ch at beg of previous rom, | throw: Using B, Sch, miss fist de, werk Trinto each eh and each cto end tum Sthrow: Using A, 1ch, Ide ntotirstr, “tty into nant send 3 rows below, mss con 4th row, 105 into each of rest 3: ep from "Jo last, 136 nt Src of Sch at bey of previous row 6th row: Using A, Sch, miss frst, work | tirinta each de an each tr to end. tan 7th row: Using B. teh, work tde int tat f."1ch, miss 1. ide into each of next | rep trom "to lst &, 1c into Sd oF SO) wun | ath row: Using B, ach, miss est de, wom | ‘rin each de and each ch to ond, un, ‘8th row: Using A, ich, 1dc into each ef | fest work I into iat missed rons below, mss next, "Ide nto each of rex | Se. Tar nto next missed 3 rows below ‘mis net: ep from * to last tr, 1668 | Sec of 36h, tun how: Using A, Sch, miss ist de, work 1 into each ttrand each de to ond, tun, {Rep 3:4 to 10th rows. tit ' FS = Ter into missed tr roms below | On ath and ath rows work trinto ch | Lp mene 3rd row: Sch, miss fist tf, work Tir into teach of next dir, “work 1 cecle, working dehind crcie work Ttr into each of next 2077 1Otv: rop from * to ened omitting Sir at end (of fast rep and working last into Grd ot {_ sen ates ot previous row, wn i mgr rn 14 Starting chain: Mulple of 12 sts = 6 Special Abbreviation Bobble = working in front of work, work Sd¥ into ch sp 2 rows below until 1 [oop of ‘ach ofr remains on hook, yo and theough al 6 loops, ‘1st row (right side): Work Tc into 2nd oh fromhook, Vdc intonexteh, 1ch, miss ch, ide into ach of next tich, teh, miss Ich, rp fram * to last 2ch, 4c into each otigst 2ch, ten, 2nd row: Sch (cound as 11). miss frst de, work Nir into next de, tch, miss toh sp, “ier ito each of next 11 sts. Teh, miss tem 5p; 1ep from "to last dc. tir mio each oftast 2de, tur. 3rd row: teh, work 1c into each of fest 2x, Nbotble into ch sp 2 rows below, “ide ‘onesttr, 1ch, mss 18, Jacinto each ol ext 7, 1th, mss Te, Tac into next tr, 1 bobble into nent ch sp 2 rows below; rep from *tolast 2, tc inte nett, 1dc into ed of 3ch at beg of previous row, tn. ‘hh row: Sch, miss first dc, Ttr into each ol next 9 sts, “ich, miss tch sp, 1tr into ach of next 7 sts. tch. miss Tch sp, tir Into each of next 3-sts; rep from * to last o, Mr into tast de, turn ‘5th row: ich, work tde into each of frst ‘tr, bobbie into ch sp 2 rows below, 1dc: | Iintonexttr, 1ch, miss tr, 1dc inte each of fnext Str, 1ch, miss Th, 1d Into next tr, + ‘bobbie into ch sp 2 rows below, 1c nto ‘each of next tr; rop ftom * 10 last st, 1de Into 3reot3ch at bog of pravious row, turn Sth row: Sch, miss frst dc, work tir into ‘each of nex! $ sts, “ich, miss tch sp, 1tr into each of next 3 sts, Tch, miss tch sp, 4 into each of next 7 sts; rep trom" to | ‘end omitting 117 at end of last rep, turn. Tih row: 1ch, work 1de into wach of frst 6,“ bobbleinto ch sp 2 rows below. tc: into next, 1ch, mise 1, Ide ito next | bobble into ch sp 2 rows below, 1c into each of ne 7¥. tap tor" to end omeing 1c at end of last rep, turn, {th row: Sch, miss frst de, work tir into each of next 7 sis, tch, miss tch sp, “Tir Into each of next 11 ais, toh, miss Teh sp, rep rom" tolast @ ss, ite info each of ast 8sis, um. 8th row: 1ch, work 1c into each of frst Bir, “ich, miss tte, Ido into next tr, t bobble into ch sp 2 rows below, tdc into Hoxtir,1ch, miss tt, 1dc Injo each of next 7 109 from * to end omitting 1ac-at end of last rep; wun, 10th row: As Bth row. 1th row: ch, work te into each of first 4tr, “Teh, miss tir, 106 into next tr, 1 ‘bobisle into ch sp 2 rows below, tc into ‘each ot next 3,1 bobble inta chsp2 rows. below, 0c ito next , Yeh. miss: tr, 16c into each of next Sr: rep from * to last. Toe io 3rd of Sch. tan, 12th row: As 4th rom. 13th row: Tch. 1de Into each of frst 2. 1ch, miss 1, 106 into next tr,“ bobbIC ito ch =p 2 rows below, Tec nto each of ‘next 7. 1 bobble into ch sp rows bsiow., oeinto next, 1ch, miss: TW, 1dcinto next te-tep trom’ to last, 1de into Srl of Sch tur. Rep 2nd to 13th rows. (On 34d and 72h rows work tr into ch not ch space, Staring chain: Mattie of 10.288 + | Using A make the requred number of can ‘1st row (wrong <8): Using A. work 16e ito 2nd ch from hook. 19c into each ch 10 | and, tun 2nd row: Using 8, teh, work Ide Into | tach of ist Bcc. “ich, miss tc, 166 into ‘each of next 2d. 1ch, miss 1c, 1de into ‘each of next 6de: ep from * to last 2c, | {into each de 16 end, tur ‘3rd row: Using B, 3h (count as 1). is iirstde, work Vr into each dcandinto wach | ‘2h 16 ond, turn } 4th row: Using A, 1ch. work 1de nto each of first ir “work itr into 2nd missed de 3 | rows below, miss 1tr, tdcintoeach of next 2, tr nto fest missed de 3 rows below (thus crossing 2). mass TW, Ycinto wach ‘ot pet Bir rep trom "to last 2, 16C nto ext 7, Ide into Std of Sch at beg of previous row. hen } Sth row: Using A, 1ch, work tc into each S16 6nd, buen 6th row: Using B, 1ch. work tc nto each of first 36e. “Teh, miss 16. 1de to each (of paxt 26c, Ton, mies 10. tec nto each of next 6dc: rep from toend omting 3d | at and of iat rep. turn. 7th row: Using B, Sch, miss frst ett | Into each de and intoeach ch to end. turn 8th row: Using A, 1ch, tae into each of | fest ir, Work thi into 2nd missed de 3 ‘ows below.miss tr, }o no each ol next | ir, itr into Hirst missed de-3 rows balow {thus crossing 2t), miss Tr, }deintowach | ‘of next Bir; rep from * fo end emitting 3d at end of last rep and placing last dc into | 31d of Sch at beg of previous row, turn 9th row: Using A, 1ch, work Tec into wach | I. | Starting chain: Mulipio of 10 sts +10. Special Abbreviations | Lower Cluster = work Sar into: next missod de 2 rows below, || Upper Cluster = “[yo] twice then insort hook trom right fo lft round stom of next air 2 rows below, work Idir in usual way Lnti ast loop of dtr remains on hook: rep from 4 times more, yo and through all 6 ‘oops Note: Count each ch sp as 1 st through- out ‘st row (ight sida): Work tecinto | rom hook, 1d info each ct to end. turn | 2nd row: Sch (count as 117), mi |, Work itr into each at next 2do, Ide. tt into each of next 9 sts; rep trom * | toend omitting Strat end of last rep turn \ ‘3rd row: Toh, work fd into each of fst 2, ‘work lower cluster, miss 5 sts of Previous row, 1d ino each of next St: rep from * 10 end omiting Sde at end of last rep and placing last dc into Sr of oh | atbog of previcus row, tun. | att cow: 2eh, miss fst de, work tr into | each stto end. turn Sith row: toh, work tdc into each of fist | Ai, “work upper cluster over next Str 2 rows below. miss next tron previous row, | secinio each onoxt str; rop trom to end } omiting Seat end of ast rep and placing last de into 3rd of Sch al beg of previous | tow, tum } sth row: ch, mise fst de, work 11 nto ) eachotnext Sts, “teh, miss 16, ttrinto | each af next @ sts: rap from *to end | ttt ttt tate tet get tee: +++ ee i | oGittth All-over Patterns Starting chain: Mulliple of 4 sts + 4. Special Abbreviation Dir2tog 3 rows below = work idir into same st as last dtr unti last loop of dir remains on hook, miss 3sts, work tat into ‘next missed st3 rows below until last oop of dr remains on hook, yo and through all 3 loops. Note: Sts either side of ar2I0q must be worked behind dtr2iog Tih row: ich, work 1dc into each of first | 7ir, ‘work lower cluster, miss 5 sts of previous row, ‘dc inta each of noxt Str: | {ep trom * to ast 21, tde into each of last 2tr, working last dc into 2rd of Sch at beg, Cf previous row. tur. 8th row: 3ch, miss frst do, work tir into. each st to end, tur, 8th row: 1ch, work tdc into each of first Str, work upper cluster over next Sdtr 2 rows below, miss next tr on previous row, 4d into each of next St; rep from “to end placing last de into Grd of Sch at beg of previous row, turn | Feep 2nd to Sth rows, | = Lower cluster = Upper cluster i HTTP | Work as given for 117 but using one Using A make required number of chain, 1st row (night sida): Using A, work 1de inte 2nd ch from hook, 1d¢ into each of ‘next 2ch, “1ch, miss ch, 1dc into each of next ch; rep from * to end, tur, 2ndrow: Using A, Sch (count as tH) miss first dc, work tirinto each st to end (work- ing into actual st of each ch, not into ‘oh sp), tum. Srelrow: Using, 1ch, tdcintofrst tr, 1d into first missed starting ch, miss. tir on 2nd row, tdeintonexttr, thy, miss tr, 1d into next tr, atretog 3 rows belove (into ‘missed starting ch), miss tron 2nd row, dcinto next tr. ‘ch. miss Ir, Wdeintonext 17; rep from * to last 2, 1dtrinto same ch a5 2ndlegot lastdir2tog, miss 11, tdcino 3rd of Sch al beg of previous row, tur. 4th row: Using B, Sch, miss first dc, work ‘tr into each st to and, tur, Sthrow: Using A, 1ch, 1deinto frst, 1dr into next missed tr3 rows below, miss tir ‘on previous row, tdcinta nexttr, ch, miss 1; 1dcinto next, “Atr2t0g Sows Below, miss ttron previous row, ide into next tr ch, miss tir, 1de into next tr: rep trom" to last 2tr, 1étrinta same tr aS 2nd tog of last otr2t0g, miss 1 tr, 1d¢ into 3rd of Sch at beg o! previous row, turn Sth row: As ath row but using A instead of B. 7th row: As Sth row but using B instead of A, Rep 4th to 7th rows. Work trinta actual st af ch on wrong side rows, notinto ch sp. colour throughout — Slang chain; Muhiple of 3 sts + 5 ‘Spectal Abbreviation Clusters = work Str over stom of just | shed but leaving last loop of each ron feok then worksth ras indicaledeaving | lst ioop as bafore (5 loops on hook), yo. | éthvough all loops. | fet row (ight side); Work tr into 6th ch ‘om hook, “3ch, miss 2ch, work clusters plaang ahr inisnextch:rep from tolast | 2h, ch, work cluster pacing th tin lon, tu | ad row: 3ch tcount as 1H), tt ito noxt | Sensp, “ach, work clusters placing ath ir | inext ch sp, rep rom *toend placing | {natin topafchatbegot previous row, am Rep 2nd row (Ss custent | Starting chain: Multiple of 4 sts + 6 Special Abbreviation (Cluster =wark 3trinto next st until4 loop | ‘of each remains on hook, yo and through all4 loops on hook, 1st row (right side}: Work 1 cluster into ‘5th ch from hook (Ir, 1ch formed at beg | Of row), 4h, miss 2ch, Ide into next ch, ‘Bch, 1 cluster into nextch, ch, miss 2ch, Iie into next ch; rep from * to last 2ch, 2eh, Tir ito last ch, turn, 2nd row: ch (count as Mtr, Ich), 1 eluster into first 2ch sp. ich, “1de into next ‘3ch 5p. 3ch, 1 cluster info same ep as last de, Sch: rep from * to last ch sp, tee into last ch sp. 2ch, 11 into 3rd of deh at beg of previous row, tut, Rep 2nd row. fh} orf =abst6r Starting chain: Multiple of & sts-+2. ‘Special Abbreviation Popcorn » work tr into next st, drop loop from hook, insert hook from the front into lop of frst thesetr, pick up dropped loop nd draw throught ‘corn, ch to secure pop: | 1strow (ight sido): Work tac into 2nd ch from hook,” ch, miss3ch, Ttrinionexteh, ‘ch, info game ch as last tr work [itr, Toh, ‘tf. 1ch, miss Sch, tc into next ch; rep | from “to end, turn 2nd row: Boh (count as Hr, Sch), miss tt, de into next tr,*3ch, 1 popcorn into next de. Ach, miss Ii, Jacinto next tr: ep from “Yo last de, 3ch, ttrinto last de, turn, Starting chain: Multiple of & sis-+ 2 ‘Special Abbreviations GrSR (Cross 3 Right) - miss 2tc, work ‘dtr info next dc, working behind last dtr work ttrinto each of 2 missed de CrAL (Cross 3 Loft) = miss te, work ttt into each of next 2dc, working in front of last 2ir work tat into missed de, Ast row (wrong side): Work tde into 2nd ‘ch from hook, 4c into each ch to end, | | tur. 2nd row: Gch (count as tir), miss fistido, | *CIGR, tt into next de, GraL, tte into next 1c; rep trom * to end, turn, 3rd row: tch, work Idcinto aach st tone | placing last de into Grd of Sch at beg of previous row, tur, Rp 2nd and 3rd rows, | 3rd row: ich. 1dcinto frst tr, "10h, tt inte Text de, 1ch, into same st as last tr work [ltt, 1ch, 1H], 10h, tae into top of next | Popcorn rep from * toend, placing last ac ine Sid of ch at beg of previous row. turn Rep 2nd and Sra rows, o Popcorn ATP. AP na! . pn = p Y PUA. | @ pi I. Al | 23 Starting chain: Multiple of 20 sts + 26. Special Abbreviations Tr2tog = work 2 into next st until !oop ‘of each remains on hook. yo and through all 3 loops on hook. Bobble - work 3rinto next stunt 1 foop ‘of each remains on hook, yo and through all foops on hook ‘st row (right side): Work tde into 7th ch from hook, Sch, miss 3ch, te into next ch, 1h, miss 3ch, into next ch work [1 bobble, Ich] $ times, “miss ch, 1de into rnext oh, (Seh, miss 3ch, Yd Into next ch} 8 times. ich, miss Sch, into next-ch work [1 bobble, ich] 3 times; rep from * to last 40ch, miss Goh, 1de into next ch, Sch, miss'3ch, 1de into next ch, 2ch, tte into last ch, tum. 2nd row: ch, 100 into first tr. Sch, te into first Sch arch, ich, (1 bobble into next ch sp, ich] 4 times, “dc into next Beh arch, {5¢h, te into naxt Sch arch) twice, teh, [1 bobble intonaxt ch sp, teh] ‘times; r@p from * to last 2 arches, to into next Sch arch, Sch, miss 2ch, 166 to ‘next oh, tur l-over Patterns Sard row: Sch (count as tr, 2h), 14 Into frst'Sch arch, teh, [1 bobble into. next Gh sp, ich) § limes, “tde into next Seh arch, Sch, 1do inio next Sch arch, ‘ch, [1 bobOW Into next ch sp. Ich] 5 Aims; rep tom fo fast arch, 1c nt ast arch, 2ch, itr into last de, turn, ‘th row: Yoh, 1deinto frst tr, mss 2ch 39, ‘Ban, {1 bobble into next chp, 2ch] 6 times, tde into next Sch arch; rep trom * {bond placing last de ina 31d ol Sch at beg of previous row. tur, Sth row: Sch courts tr, 2c), mis st 2eh sp, cdc nto next 2c, sp, (Sch Ye inva nest 2oh op] 4 tes, eh, into next Ge work [tr ch] te, mss next 2ch sp ‘ec into next 2ch sp, [Sch, 1de into next 2eh sp] times: top tom "19 last 2ch sp, eh, Hirinto lst de, tn Sth rows ch (count as 1h), ino st work it, ich, | bobble}, ch, 406 ino ext Sch arch, (Beh, do into next 5ch arch] 3 times, “ich, miss 1ch sp, into mont ch sp work [1 botble, Yeh 9 mes, Tc nonent Sch arch, ch, 1 nto next Seh arc} 3 times; rep from "fo last 8p. Teh, nto Sida Sch atbeg of previous row work bobble, 1ch 2th. tn Th rows Gch (count a 1). [1 bobble nto next ch 3p. teh] twice, Ide into first oh arch, (Bch, 16 into next Sch arch] twice, eh [1 bobble into nextch sp, teh “aims, 10¢ io next Sch aren, [Sch 1c intoron Sch ah] twice rap tem "10 ast jen. 1 Bobbie no nest Ch sp] th row: Sch, ttrintofirsttr, Yoh, [1 bobble [nto next ch Sp, teh] twice, 1c into next Soh arch, Sch, tee into next Sch arch, *Ych, [1 bobble inio next ch sp, toh) times, ide info next Sch arch, Sch, 16 Into next Sch arch; rep fram * to last 2 ‘bobblas, ch, [1 bobble into next ch sp, “Teh twice, 120g into 3rd of ch at beg of previous row, turn, Rep 2nd o 1 th rows ‘throw: 4ch (count as tr. teh), {} bobble intg nt eh sp, 2ch) 3 times, tint next Sch atch, “2¢h, [1 bobble nto next chs, 2ch) 6 times, 1c into next Sch arch; rep from to last 2bobbles, (2ch, | bobbie nia ‘extch 9p] times, teh, Tinto Sr of a1 beq ol provious row. turn 10th row: tch, 1de int test tr, Sch, miss first ch sp, 146 into noxt 2ch sp. Sh, 1 into next 2ch sp, 1ch, into next de work {ttr, teh] twies, *miss next 2ch sp, tde into next 2ch sp, (Sch, de ino, next Zchsp}4 times, 1h, ntornextdo work, ‘ch] twice: rep from * to last 8 bobbles, ins next 2eh Sp, [1c into next 2ch sp Sci twice, tde into 3rd of ch at bog o provious row. turn ‘throw: Sch (countas tr, 2¢h), dota Ist Sch areh, Beh, 1de into next Sch acy ‘eh, miss 1ch sp, nto ext ch sp work bobble, teh] 3 times, “1dc into nex Sch arch, (eh, 1d¢ ino next Sch oe times, 1ch, miss esp, Info next work 1 bobble, 1ch 3 times; rep from to last 2arches, {dc into next Sch arch, Sk ‘de into next Sch so, um. Fen 2nd to 14th rows, 124 Starting chain: Multiple of 6 sts +2. 41st row (tight sido}: Work Yee into 2rd from hook, "miss 2ch, trina next ch, 23h] into same ch as last tr work [tr 2ch ‘miss 2eh, 1c Into next ch: rep from") ‘and, turn. 2nd row: Sch (count as tt. 2c), tie) fist de, miss tir, 1dc into next ttt next de, 2oh, Into same st as last [tr 2eh, 1], migs tt, 1c into next tap |) from" tolastde, intotast de work| big. turn, 3rd row: 1ch, Ndcinto first, "rio 40, 2ch, Into same st as last tr work, 2ch, tid, miss 1, tdcintonexte * to end placing last de Into Grd of Sh bog al previous row, turn. lep 2nd and Sd rows, | | | | | | | | | | | | | eee Siaring chain; Multiple of 5 ots +2. {st row (wrong side): Work tdc into 2nd httom hook, 1de into next ch, “Bch, miss eh, 1dc into each of naxt Sch: rap from * Joehd omitting 1¢cat end of last rep, tur. fd row: Yh, 1de into first do, “Str into ext 3ch arch, miss 1dc, 16c into next do; ‘eprom * fo end, turn. {rd row: Sch (count as thir, 1ch), miss fwsi2 sis, 1dc into each of next Bt “3ch, Tissnext 3 sts, 1dcinto each of next St; tap from "to last 2 sts, ich, 1htr into last tur 4h row: Sch (count as Mt), 21 Into fist ¢hisp, miss 146, 1dc into nextd, “Str inte {ext3ch arch, miss tde, 1dc Into next de; fepirom *tolastsp, 2trintolast sp, tir into {ni of Sch at beg of pravious row, tur, Sih row: ch, 1dc into each of frst 2tr, ch, miss 3 sts, 1dc into each of next St. ‘ap from * to end omitting 1de at end of “8 rep and piacing last dc into 3rd of Sch bog of previous row, turn eg 2nd to Sth rows. Sartng chain: Multiple of 4 sts +7 Special Abbreviation (Gross2ir = miss 3tr, work ttrinto next tr, 225, working behind last tr work ttr into Selirst of the missed te, | | | Starting chain: Multiple of 11 sts +3. ‘Special Abbreviation TrAtog = Work 2 into next st until 1 loop. tf each remains on hook. yo and through all loops on hook. ‘1st row (right side): Work 1dcinto 2nd ch trom hook, Yeh, miss ch, tc into next ch, [3ch, miss 36h, dc into next ch] twice, *2ch, miss 2eh, ide into next ch, [3ch: miss 3eh, 1dc into next ch] twice; rep from “19 last 2ch, Yoh, miss teh, 1d into last ch, tum, 2nd row: Sch (counts 111), nto firstch sp work {i2tog, 2ch, t2tog), 1ch, miss te. ‘de into next de, “Ich, miss Sch sp, 2k info next 2ch sp, into same sp as last 1r2tog work [2ch, tr2tog]3 times, 1ch, miss 3ch Sp, 1d¢ ito next do; rep trom * to last 2 sps, Ich, miss ach sp, into last ch sp work [tr2t0g, 2ch,tr2taq], Tir Into last de, um. 3rd row: teh, 1c into first tr. “3h, work 12109 into top of each of next auZ2t0g, ch, te into next2ch sp; ep from *toond placing last dc inlo Srd of Sch at beg of previous row. tun, 4th row: ‘ch, 1c into frst de, *3ch, toe Into top of next tr2t0g, 2ch, miss 21-2109, 4c into top of next tr2tog, 3ch, de into riext de; rep from * fo end, turn Bth row: 1ch, work 1de ino first de, “Ich, miss 3ch sp, '2i0g into next 2ch sp, into same spas last r2log work [2ch, trea) ‘1st row (right side): Work Atr into Sth ch from hook, ‘miss Sch, str into next ch rep from "to last 2ch, tt nto last ch, turn, 2nd row: Ich (count as {tr}, miss first tr, “eross2tr:rep from * to end, tir into top of ‘ach al bag of previous row, turn, 3rd row: 3ch, work dir into each 2ch sp to ‘ond, tr nto 3rd of Sch at beg of previous row, turn, lop 2nd and 3rd rows. TW MALY 3 | | | 3:times, teh, miss Sch sp, tcc into next ‘de; rep from * to end, turn, ‘8th row:

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