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Life of Napoleon Timeline

1769: Napoleon Bonaparte is born on Corsica.

1779: Napoleon enters the French military academy.

1793: Napoleon becomes a general in the French Revolutionary Army.

1796: Napoleon leads the French army to victory in Italy.

1798: Napoleon leads the French army to Egypt.

1799: Napoleon stages a coup d'état and becomes First Consul of France.

1804: Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France.

1805: Napoleon defeats Austria and Russia at the Battle of Austerlitz.

1806: Napoleon establishes the Continental System, a trade embargo against Britain.

1807: Napoleon defeats Prussia at the Battle of Jena.

1808: Napoleon invades Spain.

1812: Napoleon invades Russia.

1813: Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Leipzig.

1814: Napoleon abdicates and is exiled to Elba.

1815: Napoleon escapes from Elba and returns to France.

1815: Napoleon is defeated at the Battle of Waterloo.

1821: Napoleon dies on Saint Helena.

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