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Intra-plant distribution and population fluctuation of Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari:

Tenuipalpidae) on coconuts in the state of Falcón, Venezuela

C. Vásquez *
1,2 2 3 3 2
, J. Dlouhy , H. Castillo , B. Gómez & J. Lorbes
Departamento Entomologia e Acarologia, Escola Superior de Agricultura “Luiz de Queiroz”,
Universidade de São Paulo, Piracicaba, SP 13498-900, Brazil
Present address: Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Facultad de Ciencias Agropecuarias,
Provincia de Tungurahua, Ecuador
Universidad Experimental Francisco de Miranda, Departamento de Entomologia, Coro,
estado Falcón, Venezuela

Knowledge of the ecology of the red palm mite, Raoiella indica Hirst, is still fragmentary in
South America since it was only recently introduced from East Asia. Gathering intra-plant
distribution and population fluctuation data could contribute to developing more efficient
sampling methods for R. indica. Taking this into consideration, studies were carried out to
determine spatial temporal distribution of R. indica in three commercial plantations in the
state of Falcón, in Venezuela. Higher mite numbers were registered on middle and lower leaf
portions collected from middle or lower plant strata, suggesting that sampling should be
allocated to these canopy areas on coconut trees. The R. indica population showed to be
negatively associated with rainfall. In 2010, population levels of R. indica were higher than in
2011 (maximum 7 mites/cm2); this was probably a function of lower rainfall values for that
year. In 2011, the highest population levels were reached between April and July, coinciding
with the lowest rainfall values over that year. Relating to this population spike, the
Amblyseius largoensis population showed a numerical response in relation to R. indica
density; this predator species does not appear to be exerting bio-control on the mite pest
Key words: red palm mite, ecological studies, mite population, sampling methods.


Raoiella indica Hirst (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) was Colina et al. (2016) observed that the coconut
originally described from specimens collected on cultivars Pacific Tall and Malayan Dwarf hosted
the coconut leaves from Coimbature, in southern higher R. indica infestations than other arecaceous
India (Hirst 1924). Since then it has been consid- and Musa species, however naturally decreased
ered a pest of date palms (Zaher et al. 1969), areca with heavy rainfalls starting in June. Moreover,
palms (Saradamma 1972) and coconuts (Carrillo because R. indica has the potential to inflict both
et al. 2012). ecological and economic damage to plants native
Great emphasis has been given to the study of to this region, management strategies have been
the ecology of R. indica in Venezuela, Colombia implemented to minimise the economic impact of
and northern Brazil (Carrillo et al. 2012) since its this pest.
introduction into the Caribbean (Flechtmann & The decision on which specific management
Etienne 2004; Rodrigues et al. 2007) and some practices to apply are usually based on assess-
South American countries (Vásquez et al. 2008; ments of pest population densities. Assessment of
Carrillo et al. 2011; Návia et al. 2011). Amaro & de pest population densities requires effective and
Morais (2013) stated the potential economic and reliable sampling procedures (Fettig et al. 2005). A
social impacts of R. indica in Latin American coun- basic knowledge of pest dynamics and population
tries, because the suitable habitat regions overlap ecology concerning densities in different parts
with agricultural areas for R. indica host plants of the plant canopy (Negloh et al. 2010) are also
such as coconuts and bananas. In Mexico, Otero- important to determine management strategies.
*Author for correspondence. E-mail:

Received 18 January 2018. Accepted 10 August 2018

ISSN 1021-3589 [Print]; 2224-8854 [Online] African Entomology 27(1): 49–57 (2019)
DOI: ©Entomological Society of Southern Africa
50 African Entomology Vol. 27, No. 1, 2019

These elements help understanding which mech- transport to the laboratory where the pinnae were
anisms determine population size, and thus examined under a stereomicroscope to estimate
enable prediction of future population dynamics the R. indica density, counting all the post-
(Benton & Beckerman 2005). Spatio-temporal embryonic stages (within five regularly distrib-
distribution of phytophagous mites could be influ- uted rectangles of 10 cm2) along the lower pinnae
enced by several factors inherent to the host plant, surface.
including competition with other phytophagous Mite density data were log-transformed [y =
pests, regulatory effects of natural enemies, and/or log(mite density + 1] before the analyses. Data were
environmental conditions (Sabelis 1985). submitted to a nested analysis to evaluate varia-
Except for the work of Nagesha Chandra & tion between leaf sections and canopy strata using
ChannaBasavana (1984) on areca palm, and Taylor SAS version 9.1. Mean R. indica densities in each
et al. (2012) and Flores-Galano et al. (2017) on coco- leaf section or canopy stratum were compared
nut palm, there is little information about the fac- using Tukey’s test (P < 0.05).
tors influencing R. indica population fluctuations.
In addition to the work mentioned above, a single Population fluctuation
paper was published dealing with the distribution Two evaluations were conducted. The first used
of R. indica within the coconut palm in Puerto Rico, data obtained in the study of intra-plant distribu-
and Trinidad and Tobago (Roda et al. 2012). The tion (using the method previously described). For
present study aims at evaluating the intra-plant the first evaluation, the data within each plot were
distribution and population dynamics of R. indica pooled, so as to have a single density for each
in Venezuela. sampling date; samples collected from different
leaf sections and canopy strata were analysed
MATERIAL AND METHODS together. The second evaluation was conducted
between December 2010 and November 2011, in
Intra-plant distribution the same plots. Samples were collected every
Intra-plant distribution of R. indica was evalu- 12–15 days, using the same procedure described
ated in three coconut plots (Chichiriviche, state of earlier, except that only five pinnae were collected
Falcón, country of Venezuela) as follows: Plot 1 from each plant, and only from median stratum
(P1), comprising 20-year-old plants on 3.4 ha, leaves. In this study, the number of predators on
about 1 km from Playa del Norte; Plot (P2), com- each leaflet were also evaluated as well as the
prising of five-year-old plants on 8.0 ha, about density of the scale insect (Aspidiotus destructor
2.5 km from P1; and Plot 3 (P3), with five-year-old Signoret (Hemiptera: Diaspididae)). Rainfall and
plants on 2.2 ha, 1.4 km from P1 and 1.7 km from temperature data were obtained from a weather
P2. All plants were of the Caribbean Giant variety, station (serial number 0396) located in Tocuyo de
which predominates in Falcón state. la Costa, state of Falcón, about 5 km from the coco-
The regional climate of the study area has a nut plots where the study was carried out.
unimodal rain season, a mean annual precipita-
tion of 1100 mm, a mean annual temperature of RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
26.6 °C, and a mean evaporation of 1912 mm.
According to Holdridge (1979), this region is classi- Intra-plant distribution
fied as Tropical Dry Forest, and contains mainly Nested analysis accounted for 57 % of total varia-
xerophytic plants. tion (R2 = 0.57; F27,2699 = 128.99; P < 0.0001). Except
Pinnae samples were taken every 12–15 days, for triple interactions, variations of all factors and
between April 2010 and August 2011; the samples their two-by-two combinations were statistically
were taken from 10 randomly selected coconut significant. Significance levels determined by the
palms from the central area of each plot. Each tree interactions indicate that the variation pattern of
was divided into three foliage strata, namely top, R. indica densities in relation to one factor varies
median and basal canopy. At each sampling date, according to the other factors. The P-value for the
two pinnae were selected from each of the top, interaction of coconut plantation × sampling
median and basal canopies. Pinnae from each leaf date × leaf section was near the threshold level of
section and palm stratum were then put into significance (Table 1).
plastic bags. The bags were placed in an icebox for When strata and leaf section were considered
Vásquez et al.: Raoiella indica (Acari) on coconuts in Falcón, Venezuela 51

Table 1. Nested analysis results relative to Raoiella indica densities were evaluated on three different coconut planta-
tions, on different sampling dates, (evaluations were made at 12–14 day intervals, in April and August 2010), and
include canopy strata (basal, middle, and apical third) and leaf portions (basal, middle and apical third). The three
plantations are found in the city of Chichiriviche, state of Falcón, Venezuela.

Source d.f. Type III error Mean square F P>F

Date 9 29367.70 3263.08 124.66 <0.0001

Stratum 2 3586.35 1793.18 68.51 <0.0001
Locality 2 3956.61 1978.31 75.58 <0.0001
Leaf section 2 22663.80 11331.90 432.93 <0.0001
Date × stratum 18 3015.90 167.55 6.40 <0.0001
Locality × date 18 3219.47 178.86 6.83 <0.0001
Date × leaf section 18 273.98 68.50 7.89 <0.0001
Locality × stratum 4 1163.00 290.75 2.62 0.0338
Stratum × leaf section 4 1163.00 290.75 11.11 <0.0001
Locality × leaf section 4 284.62 71.15 2.72 0.0285
Locality × date × stratum 36 1201.48 33.37 1.28 0.1296
Date × stratum × leaf section 36 1318.69 36.63 1.40 0.0611
Locality × date × leaf section 36 925.34 25.70 0.98 0.5002
Locality × stratum × leaf section 8 158.47 19.81 0.76 0.6412

together, average R. indica densities were signifi- ences were detected between plots 2 and 3 (Fig. 2).
cantly higher in plots 2 and 3 (13.4 mites/cm2 When plant stratum and leaf section were consid-
and 14.0 mites/cm2 respectively) than in plot 1 ered together, average R. indica densities were
(10.1 mites/cm2); no significant differences were significantly higher on leaf portion from basal and
detected between plots 2 and 3 (Fig. 1). When the median strata; again, no significant difference was
plots and strata were considered together, average detected between plots 2 and 3 (Fig. 3).
R. indica densities were significantly higher on The interactions observed between varying
basal pinnae of (11.8, 14.7 and 16.1 mites/cm2 in P1, distributions of R. indica on diverse canopy strata
P2 and P3) and median portion pinnae (10.7, 13.5 and sampling dates seem to be related to progres-
and 14.9 mites/cm2 in P1, P2 and P3) than of the sion of the R. indica population. From mid-
apical section pinnae (7.9, 12.1 and 11.1 mites/cm2 December to early May, the three plots recorded
in P1, P2 and P3); and again, no significant differ- the lowest population densities of R. indica; in the

Fig. 1. Mean number of Raoiella indica /cm2 in coconut plantations in Chichiriviche, Falcón state, Venezuela; from
April to August 2010.
52 African Entomology Vol. 27, No. 1, 2019

Fig. 2. Mean number of Raoiella indica /cm2 on basal, middle and apical strata of coconut trees in state of Falcón,
Venezuela; from April to August 2010.

apical stratum, densities ranged from 2.7 to and intra-plant distribution of ‘Giant of Jamaica’
7.7 mites/cm2, and were not significantly different and ‘Malaysian Yellow Dwarf’ coconut cultivars
from densities in the median or basal strata where from Trinidad and Tobago, and Puerto Rico,
R. indica densities ranged from 5.9 to 9.2 mites/cm2. showed that higher R. indica densities were con-
However, when R. indica reached higher popula- centrated on the leaves of the median stratum
tion levels in mid-June, increased mite numbers in (Roda et al. 2012). Our results are similar to those
the apical stratum were observed, ranging from of Roda et al. (2012), since as R. indica population
12.5 to 18.8 mites/cm2. Recent studies on R. indica levels increased, subsequent mite migration to

Fig. 3. Mean number of Raoiella indica /cm2 on basal, middle and apical leaf thirds taken from basal, middle and apical
coconut strata in the state of Falcón, Venezuela.
Vásquez et al.: Raoiella indica (Acari) on coconuts in Falcón, Venezuela 53

the upper stratum was observed. Different re- when pinnae were considered, followed by
sults were reported for Areca catechu L. in India; variance relative to leaf and leaflet position on
in this plant, when densities were low, pests leaves. Accordingly, based on statistical argu-
tended to concentrate on basal and middle strata. ments, these authors concluded that increasing
When densities became higher, mites tended to the number of trees (>5 trees/sample unit) would
concentrate in the upper strata (YadavBabu & have a greater impact on the total variance. How-
Manjunatha 2007). ever, taking into account the cost to sample each
In general, changes in population levels of tree, this recommendation should only be consid-
phytophagous mites are associated with changes ered in cases where high accuracy results are
in prevailing predation rates or cultivar (Duso & required.
Vettorazzo 1999), or according to prevailing
microenvironment (Perring et al. 1986) or leaf Population fluctuation
metabolite concentration (Perring et al. 1983; In the first evaluation, densities in P2 and P3
Karban & Myers 1989). Taylor et al. (2012) showed were always very similar, whereas densities in P1
that densities of R. indica depend on the combined were consistently lower than in P2 and P3 plots
interaction between site temperature, site humid- (except for on 6 June). This difference could be
ity and phytoseiid densities on coconut. Leaf related to the age of the plants, which were much
quality influences herbivore abundance and older in P1; however, other environmental factors
performance on plants (Barber & Marquis 2011). should not be disregarded. One factor that might
In coconuts, it has been shown that nitrogen con- account for differences between plots is that the
centrations can vary with leaf age, with nitrogen plots belonged to different owners who could
being lower in immature and senescent leaves; have adopted different cultivation practices not
lower nitrogen in leaves is also associated with a accounted for in this study.
decreasing rate of photosynthesis (Jakasekara et al. In this study, R. indica densities ranged between
1996), which could explain R. indica’s preference 5 and 25 mites/cm2 (Fig. 4). Marked reductions in
for pinnae from median and basal strata. Addi- population densities were observed in three of the
tionally, higher number of eggs and motile forms four cases where rainfall was at least 47.5 mm
was observed on coconut plants irrigated with during the preceding period. A reduction in popu-
100 % of its water requirement, suggesting possi- lation density was not observed on 29 August,
ble biochemical changes in leaves due to the despite the occurrence of about 20.2–20.6 mm of
suppression of irrigation could explain changes rainfall during the preceding period. This is proba-
in R. indica population dynamics (Villasmil et al. bly because the deleterious effect of the rain on
2014). R. indica was superseded by other changing envi-
Based on our results, it can be concluded that ronmental factors (this period had the highest
R. indica densities vary between coconut fields average temperature for the time in which the
even when the fields are closely located to one studies were conducted (average of 29.4 °C).
another. Our results suggest that older plants are In the second study, differences in densities
apparently less favourable to R. indica than youn- between plots were small. The difference between
ger plants; but the actual cause for this difference the second study and the former study could be
could not be established. It could be due to outside related to the much lower R. indica densities in the
factors, edaphic characteristics, differences in second study, reducing the chances for differences
cultivation systems, nutrition, or endogenous in densities to be expressed.
characteristics of the plants. In addition, based on Corresponding with what was observed in the
our results and on the valuable contributions of first study, a major increase in rainfall during mid-
Roda et al. (2012), it can be concluded that given and late-March was related to major deflections of
the variable R. indica densities of plant canopies, if the rising R. indica population in the three plots
the highest levels are to be measured, samplings from the second study (Fig. 5). Reduction of rain-
should be taken from the median or basal sections fall soon after March corresponded to a new
of leaves of the median or basal strata of coconut increases in R. indica populations, up to a maxi-
canopies. mum of 5.8 (P2) – 9.0 (P3); these densities were
Interestingly, Roda et al. (2012) noted that higher very close to the lowest density observed in the
variance contribution (»50 %) was produced first study. The much lower R. indica population
54 African Entomology Vol. 27, No. 1, 2019

Fig. 4. Population fluctuation of Raoiella indica in three commercial coconut plantations (April–August 2010) in Falcón
state, Venezuela.

levels observed in the second study were probably A significant negative correlation was observed
in part determined by more regular and higher between rainfall and R. indica density (r = –0.3673,
rainfall, as well as the lower temperature during P = 0.001). Conversely, a significant positive corre-
this period; during most of the second study, the lation was observed between temperature and
low rainfall levels matched the highest rainfall R. indica density (r = 0.202, P = 0.005). However,
levels in the first study. The progressive increase in the correlational coefficients between rainfall and
rainfall and the reduction of temperatures toward R. indica density, as well as between temperature
the end of the second study corresponded to a and R. indica density, were very low, respectively;
reduction of R. indica densities. Gondim et al. this was probably because of interactions between
(2012) observed that the highest density of R. in- the different abiotic and biotic factors that could
dica in March 2010 (in Roraima) was 1.5 mites/cm2 influence R. indica densities. Taylor et al. (2012)
of coconut leaflet, whereas the second highest observed higher mite densities under high tem-
density (0.35 mites/cm2) was observed in February peratures and low rainfall environmental condi-
2011, coinciding with and/or preceded by periods tions. Raoiella indica population densities showed
of high temperatures and low rainfall. to be negatively associated with rainfall and
Vásquez et al.: Raoiella indica (Acari) on coconuts in Falcón, Venezuela 55

Fig. 5. Population fluctuation of Raoiella indica in three commercial coconut farms (Dec 2010–Nov 2011) in state of
Falcón, Venezuela.
56 African Entomology Vol. 27, No. 1, 2019

relative humidity in India (Nagesha Chandra & in coconut and areca palm of the Caribbean
ChannaBasavana 1984; Taylor et al. 2012). As islands (Peña et al. 2009), Florida (Carrillo et al.
expected, high temperatures (ranging from 29 to 2012), India (Taylor et al. 2012), La Réunion
32 °C) positively influenced population increases (Moraes et al. 2012) and Roraima, in northeastern
in this pest (Nagesha Chandra & Channa- Brazil (Gondim Jr. et al. 2012). Similar to our results,
Basavana 1984; Sarkar & Somchoudhury 1989; Taylor et al. (2012) found a positive correlation
Flores-Galano et al. 2017). between pests and predators in coconut trees;
Within the R. indica densities, apparently however, this was not the case on areca palms.
allowed by the prevailing abiotic environmental Throughout the study, the scale Aspidiotus
conditions, it seems that the predator Amblyseius destructor Signoret (Insecta: Diaspididae) was
largoensis (Muma) (Phytoseiidae) could also have always observed in association with R. indica on
had a significant effect on densities attained by coconut leaves; densities of this insect varied
R. indica (Fig. 5). Population fluctuations of between 3.0 ± 1.4 and 28.5 ± 6.9 insects/cm2.
R. indica and A. largoensis were shown to be Perchance, leaf coconut discolouration observed
partially synchronised during the study (r = 0.646, in this study could be due to the combined effects
P = 0.000). Predation of R. indica by A. largoensis of R. indica and A. destructor since it was not possi-
was confirmed by the red colouration of its diges- ble to separate the damage caused by each of these
tive tract. The systematic increase in predator den- organisms or the actual interactions between
sities alongside increases in pest densities showed them. It seems possible that the damage caused by
a partial relationship between these populations; R. indica could be considerably higher in the
similarly, the predator population declined only absence of A. largoensis.
after the pest populations decreased.
Amblyseius largoensis was the most frequent §
predatory mite found in association with R. indica C. Vásquez:


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