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PROLOGIS. ............................................. I JONAS. .......................................... DCXVI

GENESIS. ............................................... V MICHEAS. ..................................... DCXVIII
EXODI. ......................................... XXXVIII NAUM. ............................................ DCXXI
LEUITICUS. .........................................LXV ABACUK. ...................................... DCXXIII
NUMERI. ...................................... LXXXIIII SOPHONYE. ................................... DCXXV
DEUTRONOMIE. .................................. CXI AGGEY. ....................................... DCXXVII
JOSUE. ........................................ CXXXIIII ZACHARIAS. ............................... DCXXVIII
JUDICUM. ............................................ CL MALACHIE. ................................ DCXXXIIII
RUTH. ............................................. CLXVI I. MACHABEORUM. ...................... DCXXXVI
I. KYNGIS........................................ CLXIX II. MACHABEORUM. ......................... DCLVII
II. KYNGIS........................................ CXCII MATHEU. ...................................... DCLXXI
III. KYNGIS......................................... CCX MARK. .......................................... DCXCIII
IIII. KYNGIS................................... CCXXXI LUKE............................................. DCCVII
I. PARALIPOMENON. .......................... CCLI JOON. ........................................ DCCXXXI
II. PARALIPOMENON. ..................... CCLXXI ROMAYNES. ................................ DCCXLIX
I. ESDRE. ..................................... CCXCIIII I. CORINTHIS. ............................... DCCLIX
II. ESDRE. ........................................ CCCII II. CORINTHIS. .......................... DCCLXVIII
III. ESDRE. ..................................... CCCXII GALATHIES.............................. DCCLXXIIII
TOBIE.......................................... CCCXXII EFFESEIES............................... DCCLXXVII
JUDITH. ...................................... CCCXXIX PHILIPENCIS. ............................. DCCLXXX
ESTER. ................................... CCCXXXVIII COLOCENSIS.......................... DCCLXXXIII
JOB............................................ CCCXLVI I. TESSALONYCENSIS. .............. DCCLXXXV
SAUTER. ..................................... CCCLXVI II. TESSALONYCENSIS. ........... DCCLXXXVII
PROUERBYS. .................................... CDXV I. TIMOTHE. ............................ DCCLXXXIX
ECCLESIASTES............................. CDXXXII II. TIMOTHE. ................................ DCCXCII
SONGUS OF SONGIS. ................ CDXXXVIII TYTE. ........................................ DCCXCIIII
WISDAM. ........................................ CDXLI FILOMON. .................................. DCCXCVI
ECCLESIASTICI. ................................ CDLI EBREWS. ................................... DCCXCVII
ISAYE. ........................................ CDLXXXI ACTUS APOSTOLORUM. ............... DCCCIIII
JEREMYE. ......................................... DXIII JAMES. ................................... DCCCXXVII
LAMENTACIOUN. ........................... DXLVIII I. PETRE. ................................... DCCCXXX
BARUCH. ........................................... DLII II. PETRE. ............................... DCCCXXXIII
EZECHIEL. ....................................... DLVII I. JOON. .................................. DCCCXXXV
DANIEL. ............................................. DXC II. JOON. .............................. DCCCXXXVIII
OSEE............................................... DCIIII III.JOON. .............................. DCCCXXXVIII
JOEL. ............................................... DCIX JUDAS.................................... DCCCXXXIX
AMOS. .............................................. DCXI APOCALIPS. ................................. DCCCXL
ABDIAS............................................ DCXV

hadde, wondrynge alle men and preiſynge, ſiȝynge ſeiþ, "what

if þilk beeſt ȝe hadden herd tellinge his owne wordis!"
Heere bigynniþ þe epyſtle of ſaynt Jerom Capitulum III.
preeſt of alle þe bokes of Goddis ſtorye. Ne þis Y ſeye, þat þere be eny þing in me ſiche, þat oþer þou
myȝtiſt of me here, or woldiſt lerne; but wheþer wiþ þi
feruour and ſtudie of lernyng, alſo wiþ outen vs, ſhulde be
Capitulum I. proued bi hem ſilf; a wit able to be tauȝt and wiþ outen
Broþer Ambroſe, to me þi litel ȝiftis perfitli berynge, haþ techer is preiſable. Not what þou fyndiſt, but what þou ſechiſt,
brouȝt wiþ and riȝt ſwete lettres, þe whiche han ſhewid we taken heed. Neſhe wax and liȝt to formen, ȝhe, if þe
ſoþfaſtnes of now proued feiþ, fro þe bigynnyng of frenſhipes, hondis of þe crafti man and of þe fourmer ceſen, neuerþeles
and newe þingis of olde frenſhip. Verrei forſoþe þat frenſhip wiþ ynne þoruȝ vertu is al what `euere may be. Poul þe
is, and þurȝ þe glew of Criſt cowplid, þe which not profit of apoſtle at þe feet of Gamaliel glorieþ hym ſilf to haue lernyd
famylier þing, not preſens oonli of bodies, not graſping and þe lawe of Moyſes and þe prophetis, þat he, armed wiþ
trecherous flateryng, but þe drede of God and þe ſtudies of ſpirytual daartis, aftyrward myȝte ſeie triſtily, "forſoþe þe
Goddis ſcripturys ioynen. We han redde in olde ſtories, ſum armes of our kniȝthode ben not fleiſhli, but myȝti þoruȝ God
men to han vyrounde prouynces, to han gon to new puplis, to to þe diſtruccoun of holdis, þat we be deſtruyinge þouȝtis, and
han paſſid þe ſee, þat hem whom þei han knowun of bokis, al heiȝnes reiſynge it ſilf aȝens þe kunnyng of God, and
myȝten ſeen verreli preſent. So Pictagorax to þe filoſofers of chatyuynge al vndirſtondyng for to obeiſhe to Criſt, and redi
Memphus, ſo Plato to Egipte, and to Archite Tarentyne, and to vndirȝoken al inobeiſhaunce." To Tymothe tauȝt in holi
þilk brynk of Itali, þe which ſum tyme was ſeid Grete Grece, lettres fro childhode he wryteþ, and enorteþ þe ſtudie of
ful traueilouſli ȝede; þat he þat in Athenys was a maiſter and leſſoun, leſt he leue of þe grace, þe which is ȝouun to hym bi
myȝti, and whos doctrine þe ſtodies of Achademy perfitli impoſicoun of þe preſtis hond. To Tite he comaundide, among
ſowneden, wolde be maad a pilgrym and a diſciple, more oþer vertues of a biſhop, whom in ſhort ſermoun he depeyntid,
wilnyng oþer mennus þingis ſhamfaſtli to lernen, þan his þat kunnyng alſo he leue not of ſcripturis, "holdynge," he ſeiþ,
owne vnſhamfaſtli `to prece forþ. Aftirward whil he purſueþ "þat ſermoun, þe which is aftir doctrine trewe ſermoun, þat he
fleynge lettres as in al þe world, takun of ſee þeues and ſold, be myȝti to myche ſtyre in holſum doctryne, and þe wiþſeieris
alſo to a ful cruel tiraunt pered, led cheytif, boundun, and to wiþſtonde."
þral. Neuerþelater for he was a filoſofre, he was more þan
his bier. To Tite Lyuy, wellynge wiþ þe mylk welle of faire Capitulum IIII.
ſpeche, we han red, ſumme noble men to han comen fro þe Holi forſoþe cherlhed to hym ſilf alone profiteþ; and as myche
vtmoſt coſtis of Spayne and of Fraunſe; and whom Rome as he edifieþ of deſert of lijf þe chirche of Criſt, ſo myche he
drow not to his ſiȝt, `o mannus fame fulli ledde. Þat age noieþ if to þe deſtruyers he wiþſtonde not. Malachie þe
hadde a myracle vnherd, and to alle worldis to ben ofte prophete, ȝhe, bi Malachye þe Lord, aſkiþ preſtis þe lawe; in
worſhipid, þat þei, gon in ſo greet a cite, oþer þing wold ſo myche þe offis of þe preſte is, aſkid, to anſweren `of þe
ſechen wiþ oute þe cite. Apolony, or þat deuynour, `or as þe lawe. And in Deutronomy we reden, "aſke þi fadre, and he
comunte ſpekiþ, a filoſofer, as Pictagorax diſciplis tellen, ȝede ſhal telle þee; þi preſtis, and þei ſhal ſeie to þee." In þe pſalm
into Perſes, paſſid Kaukaſoun, Albanus, Scitus, and forſoþe þe hundryd and eiȝtetene, "þi iuſtifiyngis were to me
Maſſegetos, ȝede þurȝ þe moſt plenteuows kyngdomes of chauntable in þe place of my pilgrimage." And in þe
Inde; and at þe end, þe brodeſt flode of Phiſon paſſid, come diſcripcioun of þe riȝtwiſman, whan Dauid comparyſownede
to Bragmanon, þat Hiearch ſittynge in þe golden trone, and hym to a tree of lijf þat is in paradiſe, among oþer vertues
drynkynge of þe welle of Tantali, among fewe diſciplis þis he brouȝt forþ, "in þe lawe of þe Lord þe wil of hym, and
techynge of kynde, of maners, of courſe of daies and of in his lawe he ſhal þenk dai and nyȝt." Daniel in þe ende of
ſterres, he myȝt heren; fro þens bi Elamytas, Babiloyns, þe moſt holi viſioun ſeiþ riȝtwiſe men to ſhyne as ſterrys, and
Caldeos, Medos, Aſſyrios, Parthos, Syros, Phenices, vndirſtonders, þat is, tauȝt men, as þe fermament. Þou ſeeſt
Arabes, Paleſtyns, turned aȝen to Aliſawndre, ȝede to Ethiop, how myche þei ben atwyn, riȝtwiſe chirlehede and tauȝt
þat he myȝt ſe þe maiſtres of þe ſtudies, and þe moſt famows ryȝtwiſneſſe. Oþer men to ſterres, oþer men to heuene ben
borde of `þe ſonne in grauel. Þat man fonde ouer al þat he compariſoned; al be it þat, aftir þe trewþe of Ebrew tung,
miȝte lerne, and þat euermore profitynge, euermore he myȝt be eiþer may be vndurſtondun of lerned men. Þus we reden
maad better þan hym ſilf. Vpon þis `Philoſtratus wrote moſt anentis hem, "þilk forſoþe þat weren tauȝt ſhulen ſhyne as þe
fullich in eiȝt volumes. ſhynyng of þe firmament, and þoo þat techen many men to
rightwiſnes as ſterres into perpetuel eternytees." Whi is Poul
Capitulum II. ſeid þe veſſel of eleccoun? forſoþe for þe veſſel of þe lawe, and
What ſhal I ſpeke of men of þe world? ſiþ þe apoſtle Poul, þe of holi ſcripture he was þe almery. Þe Faryſeus ben ſtonyed
veſſel of eleccoun and þe maiſter of Gentilis, þe which of in þe doctryne of þe Lord, and wondren in Petre and Joon,
conſcience of ſo greet a geſt in hym ſilf ſpak ſeiynge, "wheþer how þei kunnen þe lawe, ſiþ lettres þei lerneden not. What
ſechen ȝe experyment of hym þat ſpekiþ in me Criſt," after euer forſoþe to oþer men excerſice and ech dai þenkynge in þe
Damaſk and Arabe enuyround, ȝede vp to Jeruſalem, þat he lawe was wont to ȝyuen, þat to hem þe Holi Goſt tolde, and
myȝt ſe Peter, and dwelte wiþ hym fiftene daies; bi þis after þat it is writin, "þei weren Goddis tauȝt men," þat is,
forſoþe myſterie of ſeuene and eiȝt þe prechour of Gentilis to able men to liȝtli be tauȝt of God. Twelue ȝeer þe Saueour
comyng was to be enformyd; and eftſones aftir fourtene ȝeer, hadde fulfillid, and in þe temple ſittynge, aſkynge of
takun to hym Barnaba and Tyto, expownede wiþ þe apoſtlis queſtiouns of þe lawe more techeþ, whil he prudentli
þe euangeli, leſt perauenture in veyn he ſhulde renne, or demaundeþ. But perauenture we ſeyn chirl Petre, and cherl
hadde ronnen. Þe dede of þe quyk vois haþ I not what of Joon, of whom eiþer myȝt ſeyn, "and if I be vnwiſe in word,
hidde inward worchyng, and into þe eris of þe diſciple fro þe neuerþelater not in kunnyng." Chirl Jon fiſſher is vntauȝt;
mouþ of þe autour þe vois ouerȝotun ſtrengerli ſowneþ. and whens þat vois, Y prey, "In þe firſt was þe word, and
Wherfor and Eſchyneus, whan he was exylid into Rodi, and þe word was anentys God, and God was þe word?" Logos in
was redde þilk oriſoun of Demoſtens, þat aȝens hym he Grece many þingis ſignifieþ, for whi and word it is, and
reſoun, and noumbre, and cheſoun of eech þing, bi þe which


alle þingis ben þat ben; þe whiche echoon we vndurſtonden craft of ſcripturys þe olde chaterynge damme, þis þe dotid olde
riȝtli in Criſt. man, þis þe ſofiſtre ful of wordis, þis alle preſumen, to-teren,
techen or þei lernen. Oþer, wiþ þe brow born down, weiynge
Capitulum V. greet wordis, among ȝong wymmen philoſofien of holi lettres.
Oþer lernen of wymmen þat is ſhame þat þat þei techen men;
Thes þingis tauȝte Plato knewe not; þes þingis Demoſteynes and wheþer þis be litle, wiþ a maner liȝtnes of wordis, ȝee
þe fayre ſpeker wiſte not; "I ſhal leſe," he ſeiþ, "þe wiſdom of and hardynes, ſhewen out to oþer, þat þei vndurſtonden not. I
wiſe men, and þe prudence of prudent men Y ſhal reprouen." holde my pees of lijk to me, þe which þouȝ perauenture comen
Verreye wiſdom ſhal ſpil þe fals wiſdom, and al be it þat þe after ſeculer lettris to holi ſcripturis, and wiþ a feir ſermoun
foli of prechyng be in þe cros, neuerþelater Poul ſpekiþ deliten þe eeris of þe puple, what euere þei ſeiyn, þei wenen it
wiſdom among perfit men; wiſdom forſoþe not of þis world, þe be þe lawe of God, ne þei dedeynen to know what þe
which is deſtruyed, ne of princes of þis world; but he ſpekiþ prophetis, what þe apoſtlis feleden; but to her owne cenſe
wiſdom of God in myſterie hid, þat God bifore ordeynede ſhapen vncouenable witneſſe, as þouȝ it were greet, and not
bifore worldis. Þe wiſdom of God Criſt is; "Criſt forſoþe is vicyous maner of ſeiyng, to depraue ſentenſis, and to drawe at
þe vertu of God and þe wiſdom of God." Þis wiſdom is in þer wil holi writ repugnynge. As þouȝ we had not red þe
myſterie hid, and of þe which þe title of þe nynþe ſalm is bokys drawun out of Omere, and of Virgile, and not ſo alſo
bifore notid, "for þe hid þingis of þe ſone," in þe whiche ben and Maronem we mowe ſeyn criſten wiþ outen Criſt, for he
alle þe treſoures of wiſdom and of þe kunnyng of God hid; wroot, "Now turneþ aȝen and þe mayden, turnun aȝen
and `he þat was in myſterie hid, is bifore ordeyned bifore þe Saturnus rewmes, nowe þe newe kynrede is ſent down fro þe
worldis; `bifore ordeyned forſoþe and bifore figuryd in lawe heiȝe heuene," and þe fadre ſpekinge to þe ſone, "ſone, my
and prophetis. Wherfore and prophetis weren clepid ſeers, for ſtrengþes, my greet power aloon;" and after, þe wordis of þe
þei ſeien hym, whom oþer men ſeien not. "Abraham ſawȝ þe Sauyour in þe cros, "ſiche þingis he ȝaue hauynge mynde,
day of hym, and he was glad." Heuenes weren openyd to and ficchid he dwelt." Childiſhe ben þes þingis, and like to þe
Ezechiel, þe which weren cloſid to þe ſynful puple. "Opene," pley of childeren pleiynge in þe ſercle, to teche þat þou knowiſt
ſeiþ Dauid, "myn eiȝen, and I ſhal biholde þe merueilis of þi not; ȝhe, and þat I ſpeke wiþ indignacoun, foli is þat not
lawe." Þe lawe forſoþe is ſpiritual, and nede it is openynge, forſoþe to knowe þat þou knowiſt not.
þat it be vndirſtondun, and wiþ opyn face we biholden þe
glorie of God. Þe book in þe Apocalipis is ſhewid ſeelid wiþ
ſeuene ſeelis, which if þou ȝyue to a man kunnynge letteres Capitulum VII.
þat he rede, he ſhal anſwere þee, I may not, it is forſoþe It is leueful to ſe, þat `þe ſtorie of Geneſis `be ful knowin, in
ſeelid. How feel to dai wenen hem to han knowun letteres, þe which of þe creature of þe world, of þe bigynnyng of
holden þe ſeelid book, and mown not openen, but if he mankynde, of þe deuyſioun of þe erþe, of þe confuſioun of
vnlowke, þat haþ þe keye of Dauyd, "þe which openeþ and no tungis and of folkis, and of deſcendyng of þe folk of Ebrew
man cloſiþ, cloſiþ and no man openeþ." In þe Dedis of þe vnto Egipt, and vnto þe goyng out is writun. Exodus is open
Apoſtlis þe holi geldyng, ȝhe, þe holi man, ſo forſoþ hym wiþ þe ten plagis, wiþ þe ten heſtis, wiþ myſtik, and wiþ
nemneþ holi writ, whan he ſhulde rede Iſaye þe prophete, is Goddis preceptis. Preſt is þe book of Leuy, in þe which alle
aſkid of Philip, "weneſt þou, wheþer þou vndirſtondiſt þingis ſacrifyces, ȝhe, and almoſt alle ſilablis, and þe cloþis of Aron,
þat þou redeſt?" and he anſweride, "how may I, but ony man and þe hole ordre of Leuy, enſpiren heuenli ſacramentis.
had tauȝte me." I þat among ſpeke of my ſilf, am not holier Numeri forſoþe, wheþer þei conteynen not þe `myſteries of al
þan þis geldyng, ne more ſtudious, þe which from Ethiope, þe hole craft of noumbrarie, and of prophecie of Balaam, and
þat is, fro þe vttermoſt cooſtis of þe world, come to þe temple, of þe two and fourti manſiouns þurȝ wildernes? Deutronomy
forſoke þe kyngis halle, and was ſo greet a louer of Goddis forſoþe þe ſecounde lawe, and þe prefiguracoun of þe lawe of
kunnyng and lawe, þat in a chare wold reden holy lettres; and þe euangelie, haþ he not ſo þilk þingis, þat ben raþer, þat
ȝit whan he ſhulde hold þe boke, and þe wordis of þe Lord neuerþeles alle þingis ben newe of þe olde? Hider to Moyſes,
ſhulde conſeyue in his þenkyng, wiþ tunge ſhulde turne, wiþ `hider to Pentateuchon, þat is, þe fyue bokis, wiþ þe which
lippis ſhulde ſpeke, vnknewe hym whom in þe book unwitynge fyue wordis þe apoſtle glorieþ hym ſilf wilne to ſpeke in þe
he worſhipide. Philip com and ſhewide hym Jheſu, þe which chirche. Job, þe ſawmpler of pacience, þe which wheþir not
cloſed ſatte pryue in þe lettere. O meruelous vertu of þe myſteries wiþ his word knytteþ? In proos he bigynneþ, in
doctour! þe ſame our bileuede þe geldyng, is baptiſid, feiþful verſe he goþ forþe, in word a fote, þat is, in meke word, he
and holi, and a maiſter is maad of a diſciple; more fonde in is endid; and he determyneþ alle þe lawes of dialatik, in
þe deſert welle of þe chirche, þan in þe goldun temple of þe propoſicoun, aſſumpcoun, confirmacioun, concluſioun. Ech
ſynagoge. Þes þingis of me ſhortli ben fulli writun. wordis in it ben ful of wittis; and, þat I holde my pees of
oþer, þe reſurreccoun of bodies ſo profecieþ, þat no man of
Capitulum VI. þat, oþere more open, or more ſlyly, myȝt wryte. "I wote," he
ſeiþ, "þat my forbier lyueþ, and in þe laſt dai Y am to aryſe
Forſoþe þe epiſtles ſtreytnes ſuffryd not lenger þis to ben fro þe erþe; and eftſones I ſhal be enuyround wiþ my fel, and
outſtrayed, þat þow myȝteſt vnderſtonde þee not mown entre in in my flehs Y ſhal ſe God, my Saueour, whom Y my ſilf am
holi ſcriptures wiþ outen a forgoer and ſhewynge þe ſtye. I to ſe, and myn eiȝen ben to biholden, and noon oþere. Þis is
holde my pees of gramariens and retorikis, filoferis, myn hope put vp into my boſum." Y ſhal com to Jheſu of
geometrers, logiſſians, muſiſſians, aſtronomers, aſtrologerys, Naue, þe which beriþ þe figure of þe Lord, not oonli in
fiſiſſians, whos ſciens is ynewȝ, or ful profitable, to deedli geſtis, but alſo in name. He paſſiþ Jordan, þe rewmes of
men, and in þre partis it is diuidid, in doctrine, reſoun, and enemyes turneþ vpſedoun, he deuydeþ þe erþe to þe puple
vſe. I ſhal com to þe leſſe craftys, and which not oonly wiþ ouercomer, and bi alle cytees, villagis, hillis, and flodis,
tung, but wiþ honde ben mynyſtrid; erþe tilyers, maſouns, rennynge watres, and þe nyȝ cooſtis he diſcriuede of þe
ſmyþes of metallis, and hewers of trees, alſo wulle graiþers chirche, and of þe heuenli Jeruſalem þe ſpiritual rewmes. In
and fullers, and oþer þat forgen dyuerſe purtynauncis to þe book of Juges how feel princes of þe puple, ſo feel figurys
howſis, and fowle litle werkis, mowe not be, wiþ outen a þere ben. Ruth Moabites fulfilliþ þe prophecie of Yſaie
techer, þat þat þei coueyten. Lechis bihoten þat þat is of ſeiynge, "Lord, ſende out þe lomb, þe lordſhiper of erþe, fro þe
lechis, forgers treten forgeable þingis; þe craft oneli of ſtoon of deſert to þe mownt of þe dowȝter of Syon." Samuel
ſcripturys is þe which alle chalengen to hem paſemel. "We ſhewiþ þe old lawe don awey in Heli deed, and in þe ſlaȝter
writen paſemel poyet ſawes, of tauȝt and of untauȝt." Þis of Saul. Forſoþe in Sadok and Dauid ben witneſſid þe


ſacramentis of þe new preſthod, and of new empyre. Lord of ooſtis, and ȝift ſhal I not take of ȝoure honde; fro þe
Malachym, þat is, þe þrid and þe ferþe book of Kynges, ſunne aryſyng vnto þe goyng down greet is my name in
diſcryueþ þe rewme of Juda, and þe rewme of Iſrael, fro Gentilis, and a clene offryng is ſacrified, and offrid to my
Salomon to Jecony, and fro Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, vnto name in alle places." Yſaie, Jeremye, Ezechiel, and Danyel,
Oſee, þe which was led into Aſyries. If þow biholdiſt þe who may oþer vndirſtond or expown? Of whom þe firſt is not
ſtorye, þe wordis ben ſymple; if in þe lettres þow biholdiſt þe ſeyn to me to weuen prophecie, but euangelie. Þe ſecounde
preuey witt, þe fewneſſe of þe chirche, and þe batails of knyttiþ þe note ȝerde, and þe pot a fier fro þe face of þe norþ,
eretikis aȝens þe chirche, ben told. Þe twelue prophetis, and þe leparde ſpuylide his colours, and þe foure fold abice in
togidre artid into þe narewnes of o volym, myche oþere þan dyuerſe metres. Þe þrid haþ bigynnyngis and ende wiþ ſo feel
ſowneþ in þe lettre bifore figuren. Oſee often nemneþ derkneſſis enuolued, þat, as anentis þe Ebrewis, þilk partis
Effraym, Samary, Joſeph, Jezrael, and þe fornycary wijf, and wiþ þe bigynnyng of Geneſis ſhulde not be rad bifore þretti
þe ſonis of fornycacoun, and þe auowtres cloſid in þe bed of wynter. Þe ferþe forſoþe, þe which and þe laſte among þe
þe huſbond to ſetten myche tyme wydow, and vndir þe foure prophetis, knower of tymes, a louer of ſtories of al þe
mornyng cloþ of þe huſbond to abide þe comyng aȝen to hir. world, feer bifore telliþ þe ſtoon before kit of þe hil wiþ outen
Joel, þe ſone of Phatuel, diſcryueþ þe lond of þe twelue hondis, and al rewmes ſubuertynge, wiþ a clere ſermoun.
lynagis waſtid þurȝ þe wort worm, bruk, locuſte, þurȝ ruſt Dauid, oure Symphonydes, Pyndarie, and Alcheus, Flaccus,
waſtynge; and after þe outturnyng of þe raþer puple, þe Holi and Catullus, and Serenus, precheþ Criſt wiþ þe harp, and
Goſt ſhed out vpon þe ſeruauntis of God and hond maydenes, in þe ten `cordid ſawtri arereþ vp þe ariſer fro helle.
þat is, vpon an hundrid and twenty names of bileuers, and þe Salomon, þe peſible and þe ful loued of þe Lord, mendiþ
ſunne ſhynynge like a reynbow held oute in þe comune etyng maneres, techiþ kynde, ioyneþ Criſt and þe chirche, and þe
place of Syon, þe whiche hundrid and twenti, fro oon vnto ſwete bryde ſong ſingiþ of þe holi brydalis. Heſter, in figure
fyftene, arawe and bi encrees aryſynge, maken oute þe of þe chirche, delyueriþ þe puple fro peril, and, Aman, þat is
noumbre of þe fyftene grees, þe whiche in þe Sawter ben as myche to ſey as wyckidnes, ſlawn, ſhe ſendiþ partis of þe
myſtili conteyned. Amos, ſhepherd and cherl, and wel feeſt, and a ſolempne day into þe after geten. Perlipomynon,
knowynge þe beries of buſſhis, may not be openyd in fewe þat is, þe book of þe olde inſtrument, recapitulatour, word
wordes. Who forſoþe worþili may ſhew out þe þre and foure bregger, is ſuche and ſo myche, þat who ſo euere wiþ outen it
wickidneſſis of Damaſk, of Gaze, of Tyry, of Ydume, of þe wole prowdli take to hym kunnynge of ſcriptures, ſcorne he
ſones of Amon, and of Moab, and, in þe ſeuenþ and eiȝte hym ſilf; forſoþe be alle names `o rewe, and ioynters of
degre, of Juda and of Iſrael? Þis ſpekiþ to þe fatt kien, þat wordis, outlaft ſtories in þe boke of Kyngis ben towched, and
ben in þe mownt of Samarie, and witneſſiþ þe more hows queſtiouns vnnoumbrable of þe euaungelye ben maad open.
and þe leſſe to fallen. He ſeeþ þe maker of þe locuſt, and þe Eſdras and Neemy, helper, þat is to ſey, and coumfortour fro
Lord ſtondynge vpon þe dawbed wal and þe adamauntyn, and þe Lord, ben artyd in o volume, enſtoren þe temple, þe walles
þe appel croke drawynge tourmentis to ſynful men, and of þe citee maken out, and al þat congregacoun of þe puple
hunger in þe erþe, not hunger of bred, ne þriſt of water, but aȝengoynge into her cuntre, and þe diſcripcoun of preſtis, of
of heryng of þe word of God. Abdias, þat is as myche to ſeie deknes, of Iſrael, and of men takun fro heþenes to þe ryte of
as þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, ful þundreþ aȝens Edom, and þe Jewis, and þe deuydid werkis of walles and of toures bi
blodi and erþli broþer; alſo þe euermore enemye of þe broþer ſinguler meynes, bryngen forþ oþer þyng in þe rynde, and in
Jacob, he ſmytiþ wiþ a gooſtli dart. Jonas, þe mooſt fayre þe mergh oþer þing wiþholden. Seeſt þow me for þe loue of
culuer, in his ſhipbreche bifore figurynge þe paſſioun of þe ſcripturys rauyſhid to haue paſſid þe maner of a piſtle, and ȝit
Lord, clepiþ aȝen þe world to penaunce, and, vndir name of not haue fillid þat I wolde? We han herd oonlich, what we
Nynyue, telliþ helþe to Gentils. Micheas of Moraſchym, þe mowe know, what coueyten, and forſoþe þat we mowe ſey,
wiþeire of Criſt, telliþ þe waſtyng of a dowȝter of a priue þef, "my ſoule coueytide to deſire þi juſtyfyyngis in al tyme."
and he ſettiþ biſegyng aȝens hire, for ſhe ſmote þe cheke bone Forþermore þat of Socrates is fulfyllid in vs, "þis oonli Y
of þe iuge of Iſrael. Naum, coumfortour of þe world, blameþ knowe þat Y knowe not." I ſhal towche and ſhortly þe newe
þe citee of blodis, and after his turnyng awey ſpekiþ, "Loo, teſtament. Mathew, Mark, Luke, and Joon, þe foure hors
vpon þe hillis þe fete of þe euangeliſynge and tellynge pees." plowes of þe Lord, and þe verrey cherubyn, þat is to ſey,
Abacuc, a ſtrong wriſteler and a ſharp, ſtondiþ vpon his plente of kunnyng, þoruȝ out al þe bodi ben iȝed, ſparklis
waard, and ficcheþ a weie of grees vpon þe ſtrengþe, þat ſhynen out, liȝtes hidir and þidir rennen, han riȝt feet and
Crijſt in cros he biholde, and ſeie, "Þe glorie of hym coueride ſtreychynge into heiȝe, rigges feþered, and holden hem to gidre
heuenes, and of hys preiſyng ful is þe erþe; his ſhynyng ſhal ouer al fleynge, and to hem ſiluen ben þurȝ out pleitid, and as
be as liȝt, and hornes in his hondis, þere his ſtrengþe is hid." a wheel wiþ ynne a wheel ben turned, and gon whidre euer
Sophonyas, þe wayter and þe knower of þe priuetees of þe þe breeþ of þe Holi Gooſt hem perfitly lediþ. Poul þe apoſtle
Lord, heriþ a cry fro þe ȝaat of fiſſhes, and ȝellynge fro þe writiþ to ſeuene chirches; þe eiȝt forſoþe to Ebrewis of ſumme
ſecound, and contricoun fro litle hillis; he telliþ alſo þe crie of men out of þe noumbre is put. Tymothe he enfourmeþ, and
weilynge to þe dwellers of Pile; for al þe puple of Chanaan Tite; Philomon he preieþ for þe ſeruaunt fugitife, vpon þe
helde his pees togidre, and echon ben diſparpulid, þat weren whiche I wene beter to be ſtil, þan to few þingis write. Þe
inlappid wiþ ſiluer. Aggeus, ſolempne and glad, þe whiche Actes of þe Apoſtlis forſoþe nakid ſtorye ſemen to ſownen, and
ſewe in teres þat he repe in ioy, edifieþ þe temple diſtruyed, to weuen þe childhood of þe waxynge chirche; and for we
and lediþ in God þe fadre ſpekinge, "Ȝit and a litle while knowen þe wryter of hem Luke to ben a phiſiſian, whos
and Y ſhal moue to gider heuene and erþe, þe ſee and þe preyſyng is in þe euangelie, we taken hede þere wiþ alle his
drye, and I ſhal moue al folk, and þe deſyred ſhal com to al wordis to ben medecyn of þe langwiſſynge ſoule. James,
folk." Zachary, mynde of his Lord, manyfold in profeſie, Petre, Joon, Jude, ſeuene epiſtlis maden as wel miſtik as
Jheſus cloþid wiþ fowle cloþes, and þe ſtoon of ſeuene eiȝen, redi, and ſhort togidre, and long; ſhort in wordis, long in
and þe goldun candilſtik wiþ as feel lanternes as eiȝen, and ſentencis, þat he be ſeldom, þat not wexeþ blynd in þe redyng
two olyues fro þe left ſyde of þe lawmpe he biholdiþ, and fro of hem. Þe Apocalips of Joon ſo fele haþ ſacramentis, how
þe riȝt ſide; þat after þe reed horſis ſpecked whiþ, and ſcatered fele wordis. Litle Y haue ſeid, and for þe deſert of þe volym,
plowes of fowre horſis of Effraym, and þe hors of Jeruſalem, al þe preyſyng is þe lower; in euery wordis manyfold
he prophecie þe pore kyng, and preche þe kyng ſittynge vpon vnderſtondyngis ſitten hid. I prey þee, dere broþer, among
þe colt, ſone of þe ſhe aſſe vſed to ȝok. Malachi, apertlich and þeſe þingis to lyuen, þeſe þingis to þenken, noon oþre þingis
in þe ende of alle prophetis, of þe caſtyng out of Iſrael and þe to knowun, and no þing ellis to ſechen. Semeþ it not to þee
clepyng of Gentilis ſeiþ, "Wil is not to me in ȝow, ſeiþ þe now here in erþis a dwellyng place of heuenli kyngdom? I


wole not, þat þou be offendid in holi ſcripturis þurȝ whanne þei mown not ſeye, of þe bokis of Ebrewe brynge we
ſymplenes, and as þurȝ foulnes of wordis, þe whiche, or þurȝ forþe. Þe firſt witnes is in Oſee, þe ſecounde in Yſaye, þe
þe vice of þe vndoers, or of verrey purpoſe, ben ſo ſpokun, þat þrid in Zacharye, þe ferþe in Prouerbis, þe fifte as wel in
þe liȝtloker þei myȝten enfourme a churliſhe cumpany; and þat Yſaye; þe whiche many men vnknowynge folwen þe
in oon and þe ſame ſentence oþer wiſe þe tauȝt, oþre wiſe þe deceyuyngis of ſcripturys, whos autor is vnknowun, and ſetten
vntauȝt myȝten fele. I am not ſo luſtſum and dul, þat I bifore, Spanyſhe ſonges vpon deed men, or of noreſſes vpon
ſhulde bihote þes þingis me to know, and þe fruytis of hem to þer children, autentik bokis. Þe cauſe of þe errour is not myn
gadere in þe erþe, whos rotis ben ficchid in heuene; but I to expown. Jewis ſeyn, þat it is don wiþ wiſe counſel, leſt
knowelech to wiln, but I profeſſe me to enforſe, I profer me Ptholome herier of o God, alſo as anentis þe Ebrewis ſhulde
to þe ſitter; forſakynge mayſter Y bihote a leder, "to þe aſker of take dowble Godhede; þe whiche mooſt þerfor þei diden, for
me ȝyueþ, to þe knocker me openeþ, þe ſeker fyndiþ;" lerne we he was knowen to falle into þe techyng of Plato. Wherfore
in erþis whos nyng to vs dwelliþ in heuene. I ſhal take þee wher euere holi wrytt witneſſiþ ony holi þing of þe Fadre, and
wiþ met hondis aȝens oþre, and þat I heelde out ſum what þe Sone, and þe Holy Gooſt, or oþre wyſe þei vndiden, or
vncouenably þat be of þe bolnyng of Ermagore, what euer þou algatis helden þer pees, þat þei myȝten do aſeþ to þe kyng,
ſhulde ſeek wiþ þee, I ſhal enforſe to kunne. and þat þei opened not þe priuete of þe bileue. And I not
who, þe firſt auctour, þurȝ his leſyng maad out ſeuenti ſellis
Capitulum VIII. at Alyſawndre, in þe whiche þei deuydide þe ſame þingis
ſhulde wryte; ſiþ Areſteus, of þe ſame Ptholome chefe
Thou haſt here þe mooſt louyd broþer of þee Euſebi, þe which counſeylour, and keper of bokis, and myche tyme aftir
dowblid to me þe grace of þi lettres, tellynge þe honeſtee of þi Joſaphus, not ſuche þinge tolden, but wryten hem, gadrid to
maners, þe diſpiſyng of þe world, þe feiþ of frenſhip, þe loue gider in o chirche, to han ſpokin togider, and not to haue
of Criſt; for prudence and fayrnes of ſpeche alſo wiþ outen prophecied. It is anoþer to be a prophet, and an oþer to ben
hym þilke epiſtle tolde bifore. Hye, Y preye þee, and þe corde an vndoer of langage; þere þe ſpiryt ſeiþ bifore þingis þat ben
of þe boot dwellynge in þe ſee raþer kut of, þan vnbynd; no to comen, here teching and plente of wordis, þingis þat he
man to renounſe þe world, wel may ſelle þingis þat he haþ vndurſtondiþ tranſlateþ. But perauenture Tullyus is to be
diſpiſid for to ſelle. What euer into þi coſtagis of þin þow wenyd enblowid wiþ þe ſpirit of retorik, to haue tranſlatid þe
takeſt, cownte it for wynnyng; in olde maner it is ſeid, to an boke þat is ſeid Economyk of Zenofontes, and þe boke þat is
auerowſe man lackiþ, as wel þat þat he haþ, as þat þat he ſeid þe Pictagore of Plato, and þe boke þat is ſeid
haþ not; to hym þat bileueþ al þe world of richeſſis is, forſoþe, Protheſifontes of Demoſtynes; oþer þe Holi Goſt wenyde
an vnfeiþful man, ȝhe, nediþ an half peny. So lyue we, as no witneſſis of þe ſame bokis oþre wiſe bi þe ſeuenti vndoers of
þing hauynge and alle þingis holdynge in poſſeſſioun; lyuelod tungis, oþre wiſe bi þe apoſtlis, þat þat þei helden þer pees,
and cloþing ben richeſſis of criſten men. If þow haſt in þi þes han liȝid to ben writun. What þanne? dampne we þe olde?
power þi þing, ſelle; if þow haſt not, caſt a wey; to hym þat nay, but after þe ſtudies of þe raþer men, in þe hous of þe
takiþ a wey þi coote, þe mantil is to be laft. And but þow Lord we traueilen þat þat we may. Þei han undon ſcripturis
euermore makynge aȝen moru fro moru, and drawynge day before þe coming of Criſt; and þat þat þei wiſten not, þei han
fro day, ſleȝli fote bi fote þow ſille þi litle poſſeſſiouns, haþ ſpokin wiþ doutous ſentence, we after þe paſſioun and þe
not Criſt wherof his pore men he fede? Al he haþ ȝyuen to reſurreccoun of hym not oonli profeſie, but ſtorye wrytun.
God, þat offride hym ſilf. Þe apoſtlis oonli forſoken þe boot Oþre weys forſoþe þingis ſeen, oþer wiſe þingis herd ben told;
and þe nettis; þe widwe putte two mytis into þe treſorye of þat we beter vndirſtonden, beter we tellen. Here þan, þou
God, and it is put bifore þe richeſſis of Creſſi. Liȝtli he enemye, herkyn, þow backbiter; I dampe not, I reprehende
diſpiſiþ alle þingis, þe whiche hym ſilf euermore þenkiþ to be not þe ſeuenti, but truſtily I putte bifore þe apoſtlis to alle þo;
to dien. bi þe mowþe of þeſe to me Criſt ſowneþ, whom before þe
prophetis amonge ſpiritual ȝiftis Y rede ſett, amonge þe which
Capitulum IX. þe vndoers of tungis holden fulli þe laſt degre. Wherto art
þou tourmentid wiþ enuy? what ſteriſt þow vnwiſe mennus
I haue takun deſired epiſtlis of my man Deſiderie, þe which, willis aȝens me? if where Y ſeme to þee erre in þe
þurȝ a maner bifore kunnynge of þingis þat ben to com, wiþ tranſlating, aſke þe Ebrewis, conſeil þe mayſtrys of dyuerſe
Danyel is fallun þe name of hym, preiynge, þat I ſhulde take citees; þat þei han of Criſt, þi bokis han not. It is anoþer, if
to þe erys of ourne þe fyue bokis of Moyſes tranſlatid fro þe witneſſis vſurped of þe apoſtlis after proueden aȝen hem
Ebrewe ſpeche into Latyn tung. Certeyn a perylous werk, ſeluen, and þe Latyn ſaumplers ben more amendid þan
open to þe berkyngis of backbyters, þat ſeyn me to forgen new Grekis, Grekis þan Ebrews. But þes aȝenus þe enuyows.
þingis for olde into þe ſtranglyng of þe ſeuenti interpretours, Now, ful dere Deſidery, I preye þee, for þat þou haſt maad
ſo wit as wyn prouing; ſiþ Y ful oft haue witneſſid me to me to vndergon ſo greet werk, and to take þe bigynnyng of
offre in þe tabernacle of God for a liȝt porcoun þingis þat I Geneſis, helpe þow wiþ preiers, þat I mowe þurȝ þe ſame
may, ne þe richeſſis of an oþre man to be defowlid wiþ þe ſpyryt, þurȝ which þe bokis ben wrytun, tranſlaten hem into
porenes of oþre. Þe which þing þat I ſhulde dore don, me Latyn ſermown.
ſtyryde þe ſtudie of Orygen, þe which to olde tranſlacioun
mengide þe tranſlacoun of Theodocioun, wiþ aſtericho, þat is, `Here endiþ þe Prologis.
wiþ þe ſigne of a `ſterre, whan he makiþ clere þe þingis þat
weren to litle, and wiþ obelo, þat is, wiþ ſigne of an arow,
whan he any waſt þing diſtroieþ and ſcrapiþ a wey, al his
werk markynge; and mooſt þo þingis þe whiche þe autoryte of
þe apoſtlis and of þe euangeliſtis openyde; in þe which many
þingis we reden of þe olde teſtament, þe whiche ben not had
in oure bokis; as is þat, "fro Egipt I clepid my ſone;" and,
"for he ſhal be clepid Nazare;" and, "men ſhal ſeen, in whom
þei han pungid;" and, "flodis ſhal flowe of his womb quyk
watres;" and, "þingis þat neþer eiȝe ſeiȝ, ne eere herde, ne in
to þe herte of man ſtiede, þat God greiþid to hem þat hym
louen;" and many oþre þingis, þe whiche deſyren propre ordre.
Aſke we þanne hem, where þes þingis ben wrytun; and


xxv And God made beeſtis of þe erþe aftir þer ſpecial kyndes,
GENESIS. iumentis, and al þe crepynge þing of þe erþe in his kynde.
And God ſaiȝ þat it was good;
Here bigynneþ Geneſis. xxvi and ſeiþ, Make we man to þe ymage and oure lickeneſſe,
and bifore be he to þe fiſhis of þe ſee, and to þe volatils of
Capitulum I. heuene, and to þe beeſtis of þe erþe, and to al creature, and
to al þe crepynge þing þat moueþ in þe erþe.
i In þe firſte made God of nouȝt heuene and erþe. xxvii And God made of nouȝt man to þe ymage and his
ii Þe erþe forſoþe was veyn wiþ ynne and void, and lickenes; to þe ymage of God he made hym; maal and femaal
derkneſſis weren vpon þe face of þe ſee; and þe ſpiryt of God he made hem of nouȝt.
was born vpon þe watrys. xxviii And God bliſſid to hem, and ſeiþ, Growe ȝe, and be ȝe
iii And God ſeide, Be maad liȝt; and maad is liȝt. multiplied, and fulfille ȝe þe erþe, and ſogette ȝe it, and haue
iiii And God ſawȝ liȝt þat it was good, and deuydid liȝt fro ȝe lordſhip to þe fiſhis of þe ſee, and to þe volatilis of heuene,
derkneſſis; and to alle þingis hauynge ſoule þat mouen vpon þe erþe.
xxix And God ſeyde, ſe! Y haue ȝouun to ȝow al erbe
v and clepide liȝt, day, and derkneſſis, nyȝt. And maad is
`euen and moru, o day. brynginge forþe ſeed vpon þe erþe, and alle trees þat han in
vi ſeide forſoþe God, Be maad a firmament in þe myddel of
hym ſilf ſeed of þer kynde, þat þei ben to ȝow vnto mete;
xxx and to alle þingis hauynge ſoule of þe erþe, and to al
watres, and dyuyde it watres fro watrys. foule of heuene, and to alle þingis þat mouen in þe erþe, and
vii And God made þe firmament, and dyuydid watris þat
in þe which is ſoule ȝyuynge lijf, þat þei haue for to eet; and
weren vndre þe firmament fro þes þat weren aboue þe maad it is ſo.
fermament; and it is maad ſo. xxxi And God ſaiȝ alle þingis þat he made, and þei weren ful
viii And God clepide þe firmament, heuene. And maad is euen
good. And made it is euen and moru, þe ſixte day.
and moru, þe ſecounde day.
ix God forſoþe ſeide, Gadrid be watris, þe whiche ben vndre
Capitulum II.
heuene, in to o place, and apere þe drie; and maad it is ſo.
x And God clepiþ þe drie, erþe; and gaderyngis of watris he i Therfor parfite ben heuene and erþe, and al þe anowrnyng
clepide, ſees. And God ſaiȝ þat it was good; of hem.
xi and ſaiþ, Burion þe erþe grene erbe and makynge ſeed, and ii And God fulfillide in þe ſeuenþe day his werk þat he made;
appletre makynge fruyt after his kynd, whos ſeed ben in hym and he reſtide þe ſeueneþ day fro al werk þat he hadde
ſilf, vpon þe erþe; and maad it is ſo. fulfillid;
xii And þe erþe brouȝte forþe grene erbe and makynge ſeed iii and he bliſſide to þe ſeuenþe day, and he halwide it; for in
aftre his kynde, and tree makynge fruyt, and echon hauynge it he had ſeſyd fro al his werk þat God ſhapide þat he ſhulde
ſeed after his ſpecial kynde. And God ſaiȝ þat it were good. make.
xiii And maad is euen and moru, þe þrid day. iiii Þes ben þe generaciouns of heuene and erþe, whan þei
xiiii God forſoþe ſeide, Be þer maad liȝt ȝyuers in þe ben fourmed, in þe day þat þe Lord God made heuene and
firmament of heuene, and deuyde þei dai and nyȝt; and be þei v and ech buſhe of þe feeld or it were growun in þe erþe, and
into ſignes, and tymes, and daies, and ȝeers;
xv and liȝtne þei in þe firmament of heuene, and liȝtne þei þe al erbe of regioun bifore þat it buriownde. Þe Lord God
forſoþe had not reyned vpon þe erþe, and was noo man þat
erþe; and maad it is ſo. myȝte worche þe erþe;
xvi And God made two greet liȝt ȝyuerys, þe more liȝt ȝyuer vi but a welle aſcendide fro þe erþe, watering al þe ouermoſt
þat it were bifore to þe day, and þe leſſe liȝt ȝyuer þat it were of þe erþe.
bifore to þe nyȝt, and ſterres. vii Þe Lord God þanne fourmede man of þe ſlyme of þe erþe,
xvii And he putte hem in þe firmament of heuene, þat þei
and ſpiride `in to þe face of hym an entre of breþ of lijf; and
ſhulden ȝyue liȝt vpon þe erþe, maad is man into a ſoule ȝyuynge lijf.
xviii and þat þei were bifore to þe day and to þe nyȝt, and viii Forſoþe þe Lord God had plawntid paradiſe of delice fro
ſhulde deuyde liȝt and derkneſſis. And God ſaiȝ þat it wer bigynnyng, in þe which he ſette man whom he had fourmed.
good. ix And þe Lord God brouȝte forþe of þe erþe eche tree fayre
xix And maad is euen and moru, þe ferþe day.
in ſiȝt, and ſwete to ete; alſo þe tree of lijf in þe mydle of
xx God alſo ſeide, Watres bryng þei forþe þe crepynge kynd of paradys, and a tree of kunnyng of good and of yuel.
þe lyuynge ſoule, and þe fleeinge kynde vpon þe erþ, vndre þe x And a flood ȝede out of þe place of delice to watre paradis,
firmament of heuene. þe which fro þens is deuydid in foure hedis;
xxi And God made of nouȝt greet whallis, and al ſoule lyuyng xi name of þe toon Phiſon, he is þat goþ abowt al þe erþe of
and mouable, whom watres brouȝten forþ into þer ſpecial Euilath, where growiþ gold,
kyndes, and al fleynge þing after his kynd. And God ſaiȝ þat xii and þe gold of þat erþe is beſt; and þer is foundun
it was good;
xxii and bliſſide to hem, ſeiynge, Growiþ, and beþ ȝe bdelyum, and þe ſtoon onychynus;
xiii and name to þe ſecounde flood Gyon, he is þat goþe abowt
multiplyed, and fulfilliþ þe watres of þe ſee, and þe briddis be
multiplied vpon þe erþe. al þe erþe of Ethiope;
xxiii And maad is euen and moru, þe fyueþ day. xiiii and name forſoþe of þe þrid flood Tigrys, he goþe aȝens
xxiiii God forſoþe ſeide, Bryng forþe þe erþe ſoule lyuynge in Aſſyrios; þe ferþe forſoþe flood, he is Eufrates.
xv Þanne þe Lord God toke man, and putte hym in paradis
his kynde, iumentis, and crepynge þingis, and beeſtis of þe
erþe, after þer ſpecial kyndis; and ſo it is maad. of delice, þat he ſhulde worche and kepe it.


xvi And he commaundide to hym, ſeiynge, Of ech tree of xiii And þe Lord ſeide to þe woman, Whi didſt þow þat? Þe
paradis ete; which anſweryde, Þe eddre bigilide me, and Y ete.
xvii of þe tree forſoþe of kunnyng of good and of yuel ete þow xiiii And þe Lord God ſeide vnto þe ſerpent, For þow haſt do
not; in what euer day ſoþeli þow etiſt þere of, wiþ deþ þow þis, þow ſhalt be curſid among alle þe ſoule hauers and
ſhalt die. beeſtis of þe erþe; vpon þi breeſt þow ſhalt gon, and erþe þow
xviii Þe Lord God forſoþe ſeide, It is not good man to be ſhalt ete alle daies of þi lijf;
alone; make we to hym help like hym. xv enemyte I ſhal put bitwix þee and þe woman, and þi ſeed
xix Fourmed þanne of þe moiſt erþe alle þingis of þe erþe and þe ſeed of hire; ſhe ſhal treed þin hede and þow ſhalt
hauynge ſoule, and al volatile of heuene, þe Lord God brouȝte aſpie to hyre heel.
hem to Adam, þat he ſhulde ſe what he ſhulde clepe hem; al xvi To þe woman forſoþe God ſeide, I ſhal multiply þi
þing forſoþe of ſoule lyuynge þat Adam clepid, þat is þe name myſeſes and þi conceyuyngis; in ſorwe þow ſhalt bere,
of it. children; and þow ſhalt be vndre power of þi man, and he ſhal
xx And Adam clepide alle þingis hauynge ſoule, and al haue lordſhip of þee.
volatile of heuene, and alle beeſtis of þe erþe, bi her names. xvii To Adam forſoþe he ſeide, For þow haſt herd þe vois of
To Adam forſoþe was not foundun an helper like hym. þi wijf, and þow haſt etun of þe tree, of þe which I
xxi Þanne ſend ynne þe Lord God ſlep into Adam, and comaundide þee þat þow ſhuldiſt not etun, curſid is þe erþe in
whanne he was aſleep, he toke oon of his ribbis, and fulfillide þi werk; in traueyls þow ſhalt ete of it alle þe daies of þi lijf;
flehs for it. xviii it ſhal buriown to þee þornes and brembles, and þow
xxii And þe Lord God edifiede þe rib, þe which he toke of ſhalt ete erbis of þe erþe;
Adam, into a woman, and brouȝte hir to Adam. xix in þe ſwoot of þi chere, `or face, þou ſhalt ete þi brede, to
xxiii And Adam ſeide, Þis now boon of my bonys, and flehs þe tyme þow turne aȝen into þe erþe of þe which þow art
of my flehs; þis ſhal be clepid mannus dede, for ſhe is takun take; for powdre þow art, and into powdre þow ſhalt turne.
of a man. xx And Adam clepide þe name of his wijf Eue, þurȝ þat þat
xxiiii Wherfor a man ſhal forſake his fadre and modre, and ſhe was moder of alle þingis lyuynge.
ſhal draw to hys wijf, and two ſhal be in o flehs. xxi Þe Lord God forſoþe made to Adam and his wijf leþer
xxv Eiþer forſoþe was nakid, Adam, þat is, and his wijf, and cootis, and cloþide hem;
þei ſhameden noȝt. xxii and ſeide, ſe! Adam is maad as oon of vs, knowynge
good and yuel; now þan, leſt perauenture he putte out his
Capitulum III. hond, and take alſo of þe tree of lijf, and ete, and lyue
i But and þe edder was feller þan ony lifers of þe erþe, þe xxiii And þe Lord God ſente hym out of paradis of delyte, þat
which made þe Lord God. Þe which ſeide to þe woman, Whi he myȝte wyrk þe erþe, of þe which he was takun.
comaundide God to ȝow, þat ȝe ſhulden not ete of ech tree of xxiiii And he þrewe out Adam, and he ſette cherubyn bifore
paradis? paradis of delite, and a flawmynge ſwerd and pleaunt to þe
ii To whom anſweryde þe woman, Of þe fruyt of trees þat
weye of þe tree of lijf to be kept.
ben in paradis we eten;
iii of þe fruyt forſoþe of þe tree þat is in þe mydil of paradis,
Capitulum IIII.
commaundide us God, þat we ſhulden not eten, and þat we
ſhulden not towche it, leſt perauenture we dien. i Adam forſoþe knewe Eue his wijf, þe which conceyuede, and
iiii Forſoþe þe eddre ſeide to þe woman, Þurȝ deþ ȝe ſhal not bare Caym, ſeiynge, I haue had a man bi God.
die; ii And eft ſoons ſhe bare his broþer Abel. Forſoþe Abel was a
v God forſoþe wote, þat in what euer day ȝe eten þerof, ȝoure ſheepherd of ſheep, and Caym an erþe tilyer.
eiȝen ſhul be openyd, and ȝe ſhal ben as Goddis, knowynge iii And don it is after many dayes, þat Caym ſhulde offre of
good and yuel. þe fruytis of þe erþe ȝiftis to þe Lord;
vi Þanne þe woman ſaiȝ þat þe tree were good, and ſwete for iiii Abel forſoþe offride of þe firſt gotun of his flok, and of þe
to ete, and fayre to þe eiȝen and delitable in þe ſiȝt; and ſhe fatnes of hem. And þe Lord bihelde to Abel and to his ȝiftis;
toke of þe fruyt of it, and ete, and ȝaue to hire man, þe which v to Caym forſoþe and to þe ȝiftis of hym he bihelde not. And
ete. Caym was greetli wroþ, and þerwiþ felle his chere.
vii And þe eiȝen of boþ ben openyd; and whanne þei knewen vi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Whi art þow wroþ, and whi
hem ſilf to be nakid, þei ſoweden to gidre leeues of a fige þerwiþ falliþ þi face?
tree, and maden hem brechis. vii ſhalt þow not reſeyue wel, if þou wel doſt; ellis forſoþe
viii And whanne þei herden þe voys of þe Lord God goynge
euel, anoon in þe ȝatis þi ſynnes ſhal ben at þee? but vndre
in paradis at þe ſhynyng after myd dai, Adam hid hym and þee ſhal be þe appetite of hym, and þow ſhalt haue lordſhip of
his wijf fro þe face of þe Lord God in þe myddel of þe tree of hym.
paradis. viii And Caym ſeide to Abel his broþer, Go we out. Whanne
ix And þe Lord God clepide Adam, and ſeide to hym, Where
þei weren in þe feeld, aroos þere wiþ Caym aȝens his broþer
art þow? Abel, and ſlowe him.
x Þe which ſeide, Þi voys I herde in paradis, and I dredde, ix And þe Lord ſeide to Caym, Where is Abel þi broþer? Þe
þere þurȝ þat I was nakid, and hidde me. which anſweryde, I wote neuere; wheþer am I þe keper of
xi To whom ſeide þe Lord, Who forſoþe ſhewide þee þat þow my broþer?
was nakid, but þat þow ete of þe tree of þe which Y had x And he ſeide to hym, What haſt þow don? þe vois of þe
comaundid þee þat þow ſhuldiſt not ete? blood of þi broþer crieþ to me fro þe erþe.
xii And Adam ſeide, Þe woman whom þow ȝaue me felow,
ȝaue to me of þe tree, and I ete.


xi Now þan þow ſhalt be curſid vpon þe erþe, þe which ix Enos forſoþe lyuede nynti ȝeer, and he gat Caynan;
openyde his mowþe, and toke þe blood of þi broþer of þin x after whos birþe he lyuede eiȝt hundrid and fiftene ȝeer, and
honde. he gat ſones and dowȝtris.
xii Whanne þow worchiſt þe erþe, it ſhal not ȝiue þee his xi And alle þe dayes of Enos ben maad of nyne hundrid and
fruytis; vagaunt and fer fugitif þow ſhalt be vpon þe erþe alle fyue ȝeer, and deed he is.
þe daies of þi lijf. xii Caynan forſoþe lyuede ſeuenti ȝeer, and he gat Malalehel.
xiii And Caym ſeide to þe Lord, More is my wickidnes þan
xiii And Caynan lyuede after þat he had gotun Malalehel eiȝt
þat I deſerue forȝeuenes;
xiiii ſe! þow caſtiſt me out to day fro þe face of þe erþe; and hundrid and fourty ȝeer, and he gat ſones and dowȝtris.
xiiii And alle þe dais of Caynan ben maad nyne hundrid and
fro þi face I ſhal be hid, and I ſhal be vagaunt and fer
fugitif in þe erþe; al þanne þat ſhal fynd me ſhal ſle me. ten ȝeer, and deed he is.
xv And þe Lord ſeide to hym, It ſhal not be do ſo, but al þat xv Malalehel forſoþe lyuede fyue and ſixti ȝeer, and he gat
ſhal ſle Caym ſhal ſeuene fold be punyſſhid. And þe Lord ſette Jared.
a ſigne in Caym, þat ech þat fonde hym ſhulde not ſle hym. xvi And Malalehel lyuede after þat he gat Jared eiȝt hundryd
xvi And Caym, paſſid out fro þe face of þe Lord, dwellide fer and þritti ȝeer, and he gat ſones and dowȝtrys.
fugitif in þe erþe, at þe eeſt plage of Eden. xvii And alle þe daies of Malalehel ben maad eiȝt hundrid
xvii Caym forſoþe knewe his wijf, þe which forſoþe conſeyuede, and nynti and fyue ȝeer, and deed he is.
and bare Enok; and he bildide a citee, and callide þe name of xviii And Jared lyuede an hundryd and two and ſixti ȝeer,
it after þe name of his ſone Enok. and he gat Enok.
xviii Forſoþe Enok gate Yrad, and Yrad gate Manyael, and xix And Jared lyuede after þat he gat Enok eiȝt hundrid ȝeer,
Manyael gate Mathuſael, and Mathuſael gate Lameth; and he gat ſones and dowȝtris.
xix þe which toke two wyues, þe name of þe toon Ada, and xx And al þe daies of Jared ben maad nyne hundrid ȝeer and
name of `þe toþer Sella. two and ſixti, and deed he is.
xx And Ada gate Jabel, þat was fadre of dwellers in tentis xxi Forſoþe Enok lyuede fyue and ſixti ȝeer, and he gat
and of ſheepherdis; Matuſale.
xxi and þe name of his broþer Tubal, he was þe fadre of xxii And Enok ȝede wiþ God; and Enok lyuede after þat he
ſyngerys in harp and orgon. gat Matuſale þre hundrid ȝeer, and he gat ſonys and
xxii Sella forſoþe gate Tubalcaym, þat was an hamer ſmyþ, dowȝtris.
and a ſmyþ into alle werkis of bras and of yrun; þe ſiſter xxiii And alle þe daies of Enok ben maad þre hundrid and
forſoþe of Tubalcaym, Noema. fyue and ſexti ȝeer.
xxiii And Lameth ſeide to his wijfes Ade and Selle, Here ȝe xxiiii And he ȝede wiþ God, and he aperyde not, for God toke
my vois, wifes of Lameth, herken ȝe my word; for I ſlowe a hym.
man into my wound, and a litle waxen man into my xxv Forſoþe Matuſale lyuede an hundrid and ſeuen and eiȝti
wanneſſe; ȝeer, and he gat Lameth.
xxiiii veniaunce ſhal be ȝouun of Caym ſeuene fold, of Lameth xxvi And Matuſale lyuede after þat he had getun Lameth
forſoþe ſeuenti ſiþes ſeuenfold. ſeuene hundrid and two and eiȝti wynter, and he gat ſones
xxv Forſoþe ȝit Adam knewe his wijf, and ſhe bare a child, and dowȝtris.
and callide þe name of hym Seth, ſeiynge, God ſette to me xxvii And alle þe daies of Matuſale ben maad nyne hundrid
anoþer ſeed for Abel, whom Caym ſlowe. and ſixti and nyne ȝeer, and deed he is.
xxvi But and to Seth is borne a ſone, whom he callide Enos; xxviii Lameth forſoþe lyuede an hundryd and two and eiȝti
þis bigan inwardli to clepe þe name of þe Lord. ȝeer, and he gat a ſone;
xxix and he callide þe name of hym Noe, ſeiynge, Þis ſhal
Capitulum V. coumforte vs fro þe werkis and þe traueils of oure hondis in
i This is þe boke of þe generacioun of Adam, in þe day in þe erþe, þe whiche werkis þe Lord curſide.
xxx And Lameth lyuede after þat he gat Noe fyue hundrid
which God made of nouȝt man. To þe ymage and lyknes of
God he made hym; and fyue and nynti ȝeer, and he gat ſonys and dowȝtris.
ii male and female he made hem of nouȝt, and he bliſſide to xxxi And alle þe daies of Lameth ben maad ſeuene hundryd
hem, and he callide þe name of hem Adam, in þe dai in þe and ſeuenti and ſeuene ȝeer, and deed he is.
which þei weren maad of nouȝt. xxxii Noe forſoþe whan he was of fyue hundrid ȝeers, he gat
iii Adam forſoþe lyuede an hundrid and þretti wynter, and he Sem, Cam, and Japheth.
gat a ſone to þe liknes and hys ymage, and callide þe name
of hym Seth. Capitulum VI.
iiii And þe daies of Adam ben maad after þat he gat Seth
i Whan men bigunnen to be multiplied vpon þe erþe, and
eiȝte hundrid ȝeer, and he gat ſones and dowȝtres.
v And al þe tyme is maad in þe which Adam lyuede nyne hadden brouȝt forþ dowȝtris,
ii and þe ſones of God, ſeynge þe dowȝtris of men þat þei
hundrid and þritti ȝeer, and deed he is.
vi Seth forſoþe lyuede an hundryd and fyue ȝeer, and he gat weren faire, token wyues to hem of alle þe whiche þei choſen.
iii And God ſeide, My ſpiryt ſhal not dwel in man wiþ outen
vii And Seth lyuede aftir þat he gat Enos eiȝt hundrid wyntir ende, for flehs he is; and þe daies of hym ſhal ben an
hundrid and twenti ȝeers.
and ſeuene, and he gat ſones and dowȝtres. iiii Giauntis forſoþe weren vpon þe erþe in þo daies, aftir
viii And alle þe daies of Seth ben maad nyne hundrid and
forſoþe þat þe ſonys of God weren gon ynne to þe dowȝtrys of
twelue ȝeer, and deed he is.


men, and þei goten; þes ben myȝti of þe world and famows vi And he was of ſixe hundryd ȝeeris, whanne þe watris of þe
men. flood floweden vpon þe erþe.
v God forſoþe ſeynge þat myche malice of men was in þe erþe, vii And Noe is gon ynne, and his children, hys wijf, and þe
and al þouȝt of þe herte was ȝouun to yuel al tyme, wyues of his children wiþ hym into þe arke for þe watres of
vi it forþouȝt him þat he had made man in erþe; and `bifore þe flood.
war in tyme to come, and towchid wiþ ſorwe of herte wiþ viii Of þe clene forſoþe hauynge ſowlis, and vnclene, and of þe
ynforþ, fowlis of heuene, and of alle þat mouen vpon þe erþe,
vii I ſhal do awey, he ſeiþ, man, whom I made of nouȝt, fro ix two and two ben gon ynne to Noe into þe arke, maal and
þe face of þe erþe, fro man vnto þingis hauynge ſoule, fro femaal, as þe Lord comaundide Noe.
crepynge beeſt vnto fowles of heuen; forſoþe it `o þenkiþ me to x And whan þe ſeuene daies weren paſſid, þe watris of þe
haue maad hem.
viii Noe forſoþe founde grace bifore þe Lord. flood floweden vpon þe erþe.
xi Þe ſixt hundrid ȝeer of þe lijf of Noe, þe ſecounde moneþ,
ix Þes ben þe generaciouns of Noe. Noe a riȝtwis man and a
þe ſeuentenþe day of þe moneþ, ben broſten alle þe wellis of
perfit was in his generaciouns; wiþ God he ȝede, þe greet ſee, and þe goteris of heuene ben openyd,
x and he gat þre ſones, Sem, Cham and Japheth. xii and reyn is maad vpon þe erþe fourti daies and fourti
xi Forſoþe þe erþe is corupt before God, and is fulfillid wiþ nyȝtis.
ſchrewidnes. xiii In þe poynt of þat day Noe is gon ynne, Sem, and
xii And whanne God had ſeen þe erþe to be corupt, al forſoþe Cham, and Japheth, his ſones, his wijf, and þre wyues of his
flehs had coruptid his weie vpon þe erþe, ſonys wiþ hem, into þe arke.
xiii he ſeide to Noe, Þe ende of al flehs comeþ bifore me; þe xiiii Þei, and al beeſt after her kynde, and alle iumentis in
erþe is fulfullid wiþ wickidnes fro þe face of hem, and I ſhal her kynde, and al þat moueþ vpon þe erþe in his kynde, and
ſcater hem wiþ þe erþe. al volatile after his kynde, alle bryddis and alle fowlis,
xiiii Make to þee `an ark of planed trees; litel dwellyng places xv ben gon into Noe into þe arke, two and two of al flehs, in
in þe ark þow ſhalt make, and wiþ ynne and wiþ oute þow þe whiche was ſpirit of lijf.
ſhalt diȝten it wiþ glew. xvi And þe whiche ben gon ynne, maal and femaal of all flehs
xv And ſo þow ſhalt make it. Þe lengþe of þe ark ſhal be of ȝeden ynne, as God had comaundide to hym. And þe Lord
þre hundrid cubytis, þe brede of fifti cubitis, and þe hiȝt of it encloſide hym fro wiþout.
of þretti cubitis. xvii And þe flood is maad fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis vpon
xvi A wyndow in þe ark þou ſhalt make, and in o cubite þow þe erþe, and þe watres ben multiplied, and arereden þe arke
ſhalt ende þe hiȝt of it; þe dore forſoþe of þe ark þow ſhalt ſett in hiȝt fro þe erþe.
aſide byneþen; ſowpyng placis, and þre chaumbred þow ſhalt xviii Greetli þei floweden, and alle þingis þei fulfilliden, in þe
make in it. ouermoſt of þe erþe. Forſoþe þe arke was born upon þe
xvii Se! I ſhal lede to watres of a flood vpon þe erþe, and I watris.
ſhal ſlee al flehs in þe which ſpiryt of lijf is vndre heuene, xix And þe watris hadden ful myche mayſtry vpon þe erþe,
and alle þingis þat ben in þe erþe, ſhal be waſtid. and alle þe heiȝe hillis vndre alle heuenes ben coueryd;
xviii And I ſhal ſett my couenaunt of pees wiþ þee, and þow xx fiftene cubitis heiȝer was þe watre vpon hillis whiche it
ſhalt gon into þe ark, þow and þi ſones, þi wijf, and þe wyfes couered.
of þi children wiþ þee. xxi And al flehs is waſtid þat was moued vpon þe erþe, of
xix And of alle þingis hauynge ſowle of ony flehs, two þow
fowlis, of hauynge ſowles, of beeſtis, and of alle crepynge
ſhalt brynge into þe ark, þat maal ſex and femaal lyuen wiþ þingis þat crepen vpon þe erþe.
þee; xxii Alle men, and alle þingis in þe whiche is weie of breeþ of
xx of fowles after þer kynde, and of iumentis in þer kynde,
lijf in þe erþe, ben deed.
and of alle crepynge beeſt of þe erþe after his kynde; two of xxiii And God dide awey al þe ſubſtaunce þat was vpon þe
alle ſhulen go ynne wiþ þee, þat þei mown lyue.
xxi Þou ſhalt take þanne wiþ þee of al maner metis þat mown erþe, fro man vnto beeſt, as wel crepynge as fowlis of heuene;
and þei ben don a wey fro þe erþe. Noe forſoþe dwellyd
be eten, and þow ſhalt bere wiþ þee, and þei ſhulen be boþe to aloone, and þo þat weren wiþ hym in þe arke.
þee and to hem into meet. xxiiii And þe watris of þe flood al abowt wiþ hilden þe erþe
xxii Þanne Noe dide alle þingis þat God comaundide hym.
an hundryd and fifti dayes.
Capitulum VII. Capitulum VIII.
i Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to hym, Go þow yn and al þin hows i The Lord forſoþe recordide of Noe, and of alle hauynge
into þe arke, þee forſoþe I haue ſeen ryȝtwis bifore me in þis ſoulis, and of alle iumentis, þat weren wiþ hym in þe arke;
generacioun. and he brouȝte to a ſpirit vpon þe erþe.
ii Of alle hauynge ſowles clene, þow ſhalt take ſeuene and ii And þe watris ben leſſid, `and þe wellys of þe ſee and þe
ſeuene, maal and femaal; and forſoþe of vnclene hauynge goterys of heuene ben cloſid, and reynes fro heuene ben
ſowle, two and two, maal and femaal; forfendid.
iii but of þe fowlis of heuene, ſeuene and ſeuene, maal and iii And þe wateres fro þe erþe ben turned aȝen, goynge and
femaal, þat þe ſeed be ſauyd vpon þe face of al erþe. aȝen goynge; and þei bigunnen to be maad leſſe after an
iiii Ȝit forſoþe and aftir ſeuen daies I ſhal reyn vpon þe erþe hundrid and fifty daies.
fourti daies and fourti nyȝtis, and I ſhal do awey al iiii And þe arke reſtide þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe ſeuene and
ſubſtaunce þe which Y made, fro þe ouermoſt of þe erþe. twentiþ day of þe moneþ, vpon þe mowntis of Armonye.
v Þanne Noe dide all þingis þat þe Lord comaundide him.


v And forſoþe þe watres ȝeden and decreeſſeden vnto þe tenþe vii Ȝe forſoþe growiþ, and be ȝe multiplied, and go ȝe in vpon
moneþ, þe tenþe forſoþe moneþ, þe firſte day of þe moneþ, þe erþe, and fulfille ȝe it.
aperyden þe coppis of þe hillis. viii Þes þingis forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Noe, and to his ſonys
vi And whan fourti dayes weren paſſid, Noe, openynge þe wiþ hym,
wyndow of his arke þe which he made, ix ſe! I ſhal make ſtable my couenaunt wiþ ȝou, and wiþ ȝour
vii ſente out a crow, þe which ȝede out, and turnede not aȝen ſeed after ȝou,
to þe tyme þat watris vpon þe erþe weren dried. x and to alle ſoule lyuynge þat is wiþ ȝou, as wel in foulis as
viii Forſoþe he ſente out a culuer after hym, þat he myȝte ſe, in iumentis and in beeſtis of þe erþe, and in alle þat ben gon
if now hadden ſeſyd waterys vpon þe face of þe erþe; out of þe arke, and in alle beeſtis of þe erþe.
ix þe which whan he had not foundun where his foot myȝte xi I ſhal make ſtable my couenaunt wiþ ȝou, and no more al
reſt, is turned aȝen to him into þe arke, watres forſoþe weren fleſh ſhal be ſlayn of þe watris of þe flood, ne ſhal herafter be
vpon al þe erþe; and he ſtrawȝte out his honde, and it takun a flood ſcaterynge al erþe.
putte into þe erke. xii And God ſeide, Þis ſigne of couenaunt of pees Y ȝeue
x Forſoþe forþermore oþer ſeuene daies abiden, eftſones he lete bitwix me and ȝou, and to al ſoule lyuynge þat is wiþ ȝou, in
out of þe arke a culuer; to euerlaſtinge generaciouns.
xi and ſhe come to hym at euen, berynge a brawnche of olyue xiii Y ſhal ſette my bow in þe clowdis, and þe ſigne of
wiþ grene leeues in hir mouþe. Þan Noe vndirſtode þat couenant of pees ſhal be bitwix me and þe erþe;
wateres hadden ceſyd vpon erþe; xiiii and whan Y ſhal ouerhelde þe heuen wiþ clowdis, my
xii and he abode neuer þe later oþer ſeuene daies, and he bow ſhal apere in þe clowdis,
ſente out a culuer, þe which is no more turned aȝen to hym. xv and I ſhal recorde of my couenaunt of pees þat Y
xiii Þanne in þe ſixte hundryd ȝeer and oon of þe lijf of Noe, couenantide wiþ ȝou, and wiþ alle ſoulis lyuynge þat quikeneþ
þe firſt moneþ, þe firſt day of þe moneþ, ben leſſid þe waterys fleſh; and þere ſhal be no more watris of flood to al fleſh to
vpon erþe; and Noe, openynge þe roof of his arke, bihelde be don a wei.
and ſawȝ þat `al out dried was þe ouermoſt of þe erþe. xvi And my bow ſhal be in þe clowdes, and I ſhal ſe it, and
xiiii Þe ſecounde moneþ, þe ſeuene and twentiþ day of þe Y ſhal recorde of þe euerlaſtynge boond of pees, þat is
moneþ, þe erþe is maad drye. couenauntid bitwix God and alle ſoule lyuynge of al flehs þat
xv Þe Lord forſoþe ſpake to Noe, ſeiynge, is vpon þe erþe.
xvi Go out of þe arke, þow, and þi wijf, þi children, and þe xvii And God ſeide to Noe, Þis ſhal be tokne of þe bonde of
wyues of þi children wiþ þee; pees, þat I haue ordeyned bitwix me and al flehs vpon erþe.
xvii and alle hauynge ſoules þat ben wiþ þee of al flehs, boþe xviii Weren þanne þe ſonys of Noe þat ben gon out of þe
in volatylis, and in beeſtis, and in alle crepynge þat crepen arke, Sem, Cam, and Japheth; Cam forſoþe, he is þe fader
vpon þe erþe, lede out wiþ þee; and go ȝe ynne vpon þe erþe, of Chanaan.
grow ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied vpon it. xix Þes þre ben þe ſones of Noe, and of þes it is out ſedid al
xviii Þanne Noe ȝede out, and his children, and his wijf, and þe kynde of men vpon al erþe.
þe wyues of his children wiþ hym; xx And Noe, a man erþe tylyer, bigan to excerſiſe þe erþe,
xix but and alle hauynge ſoules, iumentis, and crepynge þat and he plauntid a vyne,
crepen vpon þe erþe, aftir her propre kynde, ben gon out of þe xxi and drynkynge wyn was drunkun, and nakid he lay in his
arke. tabernacle.
xx Noe forſoþe bildide an auter to þe Lord, and takinge of xxii Þe which whan Cham, þe fader of Chanaan, had ſeen,
alle clene beeſtis and fowlis, offryde brent ſacrifices vpon þe þat is, þe priuey herneis of his fader to be nakid, he tolde it
auter. to his two briþeren wiþ out.
xxi And þe Lord ſmellid a ſmel of ſwetnes, and ſeide to hym, xxiii And forſoþe Sem and Japheth putten a mantel vpon her
I ſhal no more curſe to þe erþe for men, þe witt forſoþe and ſhulderis, and goynge in bacward couereden þe priuy harneis
þe þouȝt of mannus herte ben redi in to yuel fro his tyme of of her fader, and þe faces of hem weren turned a wey, and þe
waxyng; þerfore I ſhal ſmyte no more ech ſoule lyuynge as Y mannus harneys of þe fader þei ſawen not.
haue don; xxiiii Noe forſoþe wakynge of þe wyn, whan he had lerned þe
xxii alle þe daies of þe erþe, ſeed and ripe, coold and hete, þingis þat his ȝonger ſone dide to hym, ſeiþ,
ſomer and wynter, nyȝt and day, ſhulen not reſt. xxv Curſide child Chanaan, þral of alle þrallis he ſhal be to
his briþeren.
Capitulum IX. xxvi And he ſeide, Bliſſid be þe Lord God of Sem, be
i And God bliſſide to Noe, and to þe ſonys of hym, and ſeide Chanaan his ſeruaunt;
xxvii God ſprede abrood Japheth, and dwel he in þe
to hem, Growe ȝe, and be ȝe multiplied, and fulfilliþ þe erþe;
ii and ȝoure feer and ȝoure tremblyng be vpon alle þe beeſtis tabernaclis of Sem, and Chanaan be þe þral of hym.
xxviii Noe forſoþe lyuede after þe flood þre hundrid and fifti
of erþe, and vpon alle fowlis of heuene, wiþ alle þat ben
moued in erþe; alle fiſhes of þe ſee ben takun to ȝoure honde. wynter;
iii And al þat is meued and lyueþ ſhal be to ȝow into meet; as xxix and alle þe daies of hym ben fulfilled of nyne hundrid
green wortis I haue takun to ȝow alle þingis, and fifti ȝeer, and deed he is.
iiii out takun þat flehs wiþ blood ȝe ſhulen not ete,
v blood forſoþe of ȝowre ſowles I ſhal requyre of þe honde of Capitulum X.
alle beeſtis and of þe honde of man, of þe honde of man and i Thesben þe generaciouns of þe ſonys of Noe, Sem, Cham,
of þe broþir of hym I ſhal requyre þe ſoule of man. and Japheth. And ſonys ben born to hem after þe flood.
vi Who ſo euer ſhal ſheed mannus blood, þe blood of hym ſhal
be ſhed; to þe ymage forſoþe of God man is maad.


ii Þe ſones of Japheth, Gomer, and Magog, and Maday, and Capitulum XI.
Jauan, and Tubal, and Moſoth, and Thiras. i Forſoþe þe erþe was of oo lip, and of
iii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Gomer, Aſſenes, and Riphath, and þe ſame wordis.
ii And whan men ſhulden go fro þe eſt, þei founden a feeld in
iiii Þe ſones forſoþe of Jauan, Heliſa, and Taſſis, Cethym, þe lond of Sennaer, and þei dwelleden in it.
iii And þe toþer ſeide to his neiȝbore, Comeþ, and make we
and Dodanym;
v of þes ben diuydid yles of Gentils in her generaciouns, tile ſtoons, and ſeþe we hem wiþ fier; and þei hadden tiles for
echone aftir þe tung and her meynes, in her naciouns. ſtoons, and towȝ cley for ſyment.
iiii And þei ſeiden, Comeþ, and make we to vs a citee and a
vi Þe ſones forſoþe of Cham, Chus, and Meſraym, Futh, and
Chanaan. towr, whos heiȝt fulli ateyne vnto heuene; and halow we oure
vii Þe ſones forſoþe of Chus, Saba, and Euila, and Sabatha,
name, or we ben dyuydid into alle londis.
v Þe Lord forſoþe deſcendide, þat he myȝte ſe þe citee and þe
and Regma, and Sabatatha. Þe ſonys of Regma, Saba and towre, þe which þe children of Adam bildeden;
Dadan. vi and ſeide, Se! þe puple is oon, and oo lippe is to alle, and
viii Chus forſoþe gat Nemeroth; he bigan to be myȝti in þe
erþe, þis þei han bigunnen to make, ne þei wolen leeue of fro her
ix and he was a ſtrong hunter bifore þe Lord; of þat ȝede out
þenkyngis, to þe tyme þat þei han fulfillid hem in dede;
vii þanne come ȝe, deſcende we, and confounde we þere þe
a prouerbe, as Nemoroth, a ſtrong hunter bifore þe Lord. tung of hem, þat noon here þe vois of his neiȝbore.
x Þe bigynyng forſoþe of his rewme was Babiloyn, and
viii And ſo þe Lord deuydide hem fro þat place into alle
Arach, and Archad, and Thalamne, in þe erþe of Sennaar. londis; and þei ſeſyden to bilde þe citee.
xi Of þat londe was gon out Aſſur, and he bildide Nynyuen,
ix And þerfor was callid þe name of it Babel, for þere was
and þe ſtretis of þe cytee, and Chale, confoundid þe lippe of al þe erþe; and fro þens þe Lord
xii Reſen alſo bitwix Nynyuen and Chale; þis is þe greet
diſparpoilide hem vpon þe face of alle regiouns.
citee. x Þes ben þe generaciouns of Sem. Sem was of an hundrid
xiii And forſoþe Meſraym gat Ludym, and Anamym, and
ȝeeris whanne he gat Arfaxad, two ȝeer aftre þe flood.
Laabym, Neptym, xi And Sem lyuede aftir þat he gat Arfaxad fyue hundrid
xiiii and Phetuſym, and Cheſluym; of þe which ben gon out
wynter, and gat ſonys and dowȝtres.
Philiſtiym and Capturym. xii Forſoþe Arfaxad lyuede fyue and þretty wynter,
xv Chanaan forſoþe gat Sydonem, his firſt gotun, Etheum,
xiii and gat Sale; and Arfaxad lyuede aftir þat he gat Sale,
xvi and Jebuſeum, and Amoreum, Gergeſeum,
þre hundrid and þre ȝeer, and gat ſonys and dowȝtres.
xvii Eueum, and Aratheum, Cyneum, xiiii And Sale lyuede þretti ȝeer, and gat Heber;
xviii and Aradium, Samaryten, and Amatheum; and bi þes xv and Sale lyuede after þat he gat Heber, fowre hundrid
ben ſowed out þe puplis of Chananes. wynter and þre, and gat ſonys and dowȝtris.
xix And þe termes of Chanaan ben maad to þilk þat comen xvi Heber forſoþe lyuede fowre and þretti wynter, and gat
fro Sidon Geraran, vnto Gazan, to þe tyme þat þou come into Phaleth;
Sodomam, and Gomorram, and Adamam, and Seboin, vnto xvii and Heber lyuede after þat he gat Phaleth fowre hundrid
Leſa. and þritti wynter, and gat ſonys and dowȝtres.
xx Þes ben þe ſonys of Cham, in kynredis, and tungis, and
xviii Phaleth forſoþe lyuede þritti wynter, and gat Reu;
generaciouns, and erþis, and her folkis. xix and Phaleth lyuede aftir þat he had getun Reu two
xxi Of Sem forſoþe ben born þe faderes of alle þe ſonys of
Heber, þe more broþer of Japheth. hundrid and nyne ȝeer, and gat ſonys and dowȝtris.
xx Reu forſoþe lyuede two and þretti ȝeer, and gat Saruch;
xxii Þe ſonys of Sem; Elam, and Aſſur, and Arfaxad, and
xxi Reu forſoþe lyuede aftir þat he gat Saruch, two hundrid
Lud, and Aram.
xxiii Þe ſonys of Aram; Vs, and Hul, and Gether, and Mes. and ſeuene ȝeer, and gat ſonys and dowȝtres.
xxii Saruch forſoþe lyued þretti ȝeer, and gat Nachor;
xxiiii And forſoþe Arfaxad gat Sale, of whom is born Heber.
xxiii and Saruch lyuede aftir þat he gat Nachor, two hundrid
xxv And þere ben born to Heber two ſonys, name to þe toon
Phalig, þere þurȝ þat in þe daies of him þe erþe is dyuydid; ȝeer, and gat ſonys and dowȝtres.
xxiiii Nochor forſoþe lyuede nyne and twenti ȝeer, and gat
and þe name of his broþer Jactan.
xxvi Þe which Jactan gat Elmodad, and Saleth, and Thare;
xxv and Nachor lyued after þat he gat Thare an hundrid `and
Sarmoth, Jare,
xxvii and Adhuram, and Vzal, and Deda, nyne ten ȝeer, and gat ſonys and dowȝtres.
xxvi And Thare lyued ſeuenti ȝeer, and gat Abram, and
xxviii and Ebel, and Abumael, Saba
xxix and Ophir, and Euila, and Jobab; alle þes þe ſonys of
Nachor, and Aran.
xxvii Þes ben forſoþe þe generaciouns of Thare. Thare gat
Jactan. Abram, Nachor, and Aran. Aran forſoþe gat Loth;
xxx And þe abitacioun of hem is maad o Meſſa, as men goon
xxviii and Aran was deed bifore Thare, his fadre, in þe lond
vnto Sephar, þe eſt hille. of his birþe, in Vr of Caldeis.
xxxi Þes þe ſones of Sem, after cognaciouns, and tungis, and
xxix Abram forſoþe and Nachor token hem wyues; þe name of
regiouns, in her folkis. þe wijf of Abram, Sarai, and þe name of þe wijf of Nachor,
xxxii Þes þe meynes of Noe, aftir puplis and her naciouns; of
Melcha, þe douȝter of Aron, fadir of Melche and fadir of
þes ben dyuydid þe gentilis aftir þe flood in þe erþe. Jeſſe.
xxx Saray forſoþe was bareyn, and had no fre children.


xxxi And alſo Thare toke Abram, his ſone, and Loth, þe ſone xx Now þanne ſe! þi wijf, and take hir and go. And Pharao
of Aran, þe ſone of hys ſone, and Saray, his ſonys wijf, þe comaundide vpon Abram two men, and þei conueyden hym,
wijf of Abraam, his ſone, and he ledde hem out fro Vr of and þe wijf of him, and al þat he had.
Caldeis, þat þei myȝten go into þe lond of Chanaan; and þei
comen vnto Aran, and dwelliden þere. Capitulum XIII.
xxxii And þe daies of Thare ben maad of two hundrid and
i Abram þanne aſcendide fro Egipt, he, and his wijf and al
fyue ȝeer, and deed he is in Aran.
þat he had, and Loth wiþ hym, to þe ſowþ plaag.
ii He was forſoþe ful riche in poſſeſſioun of ſiluer and of gold.
Capitulum XII.
iii And he was turnyd aȝen bi þe weye þat he come fro þe
i The Lord forſoþe ſeide to Abram, Go out fro þi lond, and ſowþ in Betel, vnto þe place in þe which biforhond he had
fro þi kynreden, and fro þe hows of þi fadir, and com in to þe ficchid a tabernacle, bytwix Betel and Hay,
lond þat I ſhal ſhew to þee; iiii in þe place of þe auter þat he made bifore, and he inwardli
ii and I ſhal make þee in to a greet folk of kynde, and I ſhal
clepide þere þe name of þe Lord.
blis to þee, and I ſhal magnyfie þi name, and þow ſhalt be v But and of Loth, þe which was wiþ Abram, weren flockis
iii and I ſhal blis to þoo þat bliſſen þee, and I ſhal curſe to of ſheep, and droues, and tabernaclis;
vi and þe lond myȝte not reſeyue hem, þat þei dwelliden to
þoo þat curſen þee; and in þee ſhal be bliſſyd alle coſynages of
þe erþe. giderys; forſoþe þe ſubſtaunce of hem was myche, and þei
iiii And ſo Abraam ȝede out, as þe Lord comaundide to hym, myȝten not dwel comounli.
vii Wherfor and þere was ſtrijf maad bitwix þe ſhepherdis of
and Loth ȝede wiþ hym. Of ſeuenti and fyue ȝeers was
Abram whan he ſhulde go fro Aran. þe flockis of Abram and of Loth. Þat forſoþe tyme
v And he toke Saray, his wijf, and Loth, þe ſone of his Chananeus and Fereſeus dwelliden in þat lond.
viii Seide þanne Abram to Loth, I biſeche, be þere not ſtrijf
broþer, and al þe ſubſtaunce þat þei hadden, and þe lyues þat
þei maden in Aran; and þei ȝeden out þat þei myȝten gon in bitwix þee and me, and bitwix my ſheepherdis and þi
to þe lond of Chanaan. And whan þei weren comen into it, ſheepherdis; briþeren forſoþe we ben.
vi Abram paſſide þurȝ þe lond vnto þe place of Sichim, and ix Se! al þe lond is bifore þee, I preye, go awey fro me; if
vnto þe noble valeye. Chananeus forſoþe was þanne in þe þow to þe left ſide goſt, Y ſhal hold þe riȝt ſide; if þow þe riȝt
lond. ſide cheſiſt, Y ſhal go to þe left.
vii Þe Lord forſoþe apperyde to Abram, and ſeide to hym, I x And ſo Loth, his eyen heued vp, ſawe al þe regioun abowt
ſhal ȝyue to þi ſeed þis lond. Þe which bildide þere an auter of Jordan, þe which al was watered, bifore þe Lord ſhulde
to þe Lord, þe which had apperyd to hym, and he inwardly ouerturne Sodom and Gomor, as paradis of þe Lord, and as
callide þere þe name of him. Egipt to comers into Segor.
viii And fro þens ouerpaſſynge to þe mownt þat was aȝens þe xi And Loth ches to hym þe regioun abowt Jordan, and ȝede
eſt of Betel, and ſtrauȝte þere his tabernacle, hauynge Betel fro þe eſt; and þei ben eiþer diuydid fro his broþer.
fro þe weſt, and fro þe eſt Hay. And he edefiede þere an xii Abram dwelte in þe londe of Chanaan; and Loth forſoþe
auter to þe Lord, and inwardli clepide þe name of hym. abode in þe borow townes þat weren abowte Jordan, and
ix And Abram ȝede goynge, and ferþermore paſſynge to þe dwellid in Sodomys.
weſt. xiii Men forſoþe of Sodom weren þe werſt men, and ſynners
x Forſoþe hungur was maad in þe lond; and Abram before þe Lord mych.
deſcendide into Egipt, þat he myȝte pilgrimage þere; forſoþe xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Abram, aftir þat Loth was dyuydyd
hungir wex greet in þe lond. fro hym, Heue vp þin eyen euen ryȝt, and ſe fro þe place in
xi And whan he was nyȝe þat he ſhulde go into Egipt, he þe which þow art now, to þe norþ and ſowþ, to þe eſt and
ſeide to Saray, his wijf, I knew þat a fayr woman þow art, weſt;
xii and þat whan Egipciens ſhulen ſe þee, þei ben to ſeyn, þe xv al þe lond þat þow biholdiſt, I ſhal ȝyue to þee and to þi
wijf of hym ſhe is, and þei ſhal ſlee me, and þee þei ſhal ſeed, for to euermore.
reſerue. xvi And I ſhal make þi ſeed as powdir of þe erþe; if eny men
xiii Seie þanne, I preye þee, þat þow art my ſiſtre, þat it be myȝten nowmbre þe powdre of þe erþe, and þi ſeed he ſhal
to me wel for þee, and my ſowle lyue for þe grace of þee. mow nowmbre.
xiiii And ſo whan Abram was gon into Egipt, Egipciens xvii Aryſe þanne and ouergo þe lond in lengþe and in brede,
ſawen þe woman þat ſhe was ful fayre; for I am to ȝyue it to þee.
xv and þe princis tolden to Pharao, and preyſeden hir anentys xviii Abram þanne, mouynge his tabernacle, com and dwellide
hym; and þe woman was takun into þe hows of Pharao. biſide þe valey of Mambre, þe which is in Ebron, and bildide
xvi Abram forſoþe þei wel vſeden for hir; and þere weren to þere an auter to þe Lord.
hym ſheep, and oxen, and he aſſis, and ſeruauntis, and
meynes, and ſhe aſſis, and camelis. Capitulum XIIII.
xvii Þe Lord forſoþe ſcourgide Pharao wiþ mooſt plagis and i And it was don in þat tyme, þat Amraphel, þe kyng of
þe hows of hym, for Saray, Abrams wijf. Sennaer, and Aryoth, þe kyng of Ponty, and Chodorlaomor,
xviii And Pharao clepide Abram, and ſeide to hym, What þe kyng of Elemytarum, and Thadal, kyng of folc of kynd,
forſoþe is þis þat to me þow haſt don? why ſhewide þow not ii ȝeden into a batail aȝens Bara, þe kyng of Sodom, and
to me þat ſhe was þi wijf? aȝens Berſa, þe kyng of Gomor, and aȝens Sennaar, þe kyng
xix for what cauſe ſeidiſt þow hir to be þi ſiſter, þat to me I of Adame, and aȝens Sebamar, þe kyng of Soboym, and
ſhulde take hir into a wijf? aȝens þe kyng of Bale, þat is, of Segor.


iii Alle þes comen to gidre into þe wodi valey, þe which now Capitulum XV.
is þe ſee of ſalt. i So
iiii Forſoþe twelue ȝeer þei ſerueden to Chodorlaomor, and þe þes þingis paſt ouer, þe word of þe Lord was maad to
þrettenþe ȝeer þei ȝede awey fro hym. Abram bi a viſioun, ſeiynge, Abram, wolt þow not dreed, I
v Þerfor þe fourtenþe ȝeer com Chodorlaomor, and þe kyngis
am þi defendour, and þi meed is ful greet.
ii And Abram ſeide, Lord God, what ſhal þow ȝyue me? I
þat weren wiþ hym, and ſmytyn Raphaym in Aſtaroth, ſhal go wiþouten fre children, and þe ſone of þe proctour of
Carnaym, and Zuzym wiþ hem, and Emim in Sabe myn hows, þis Damaſk of Elyzar, ſhal be myn eyre.
Chariathaim, iii And Abram addide, To me forſoþe þow haſt not ȝouun
vi and Chorreos in þe hillis Seher, vnto þe feeldy placis of
Pharam, þat is in wildernes. ſeed, and, lo! þe ſeruaunt of myn howſhold ſhal be myn eyre.
iiii And anoon þe word of God was maad to hym, ſeiynge,
vii And þei weren turned aȝen, and comen vnto þe welle of
Meſphat; it is of Cades. And þei ſmyten al þe regioun of Þis ſhal not be þin eire, but he þat ſhal gon out of þi womb,
Amalechitis, and Amorre, þe whiche dwellid in Aſaſon of hym þow ſhalt make þin eire.
v And he ledde hym out, and ſeide to hym, Biholde heuene,
viii And þe kyng of Sodom, and þe kyng of Gomorre, and þe and noumbre þe ſterrys, if þow mayſt. And he ſeide to hym,
kyng of Adame, and þe kyng of Soboym, alſo and þe kyng of So ſhal be þi ſeed.
vi Abram leuede to God, and it was alowid to hym to
Bale, þat is of Segor, ȝeden out, and þei dreſſiden aȝens hem
ſheltrun in þe wodi valey, ryȝtwiſnes.
ix þat is, aȝens Chodorlaomor, kyng of Elamytarum, and vii And he ſeide to hym, I þe Lord, þat out lad þee fro Vr of
Thadal, kyng of folk of kynde, and Amraphel, þe kyng of Caldeis, þat I ſhulde ȝyue to þee þis lond, and þow ſhuldiſt
Sennaar, and Arioth, þe kyng of Ponty; foure kynges aȝens haue it.
fyue. viii And he ſeide, Lord God, wherof may I knowe þat I am
x Þe wodi valei forſoþe had manye pyttis of gluwy cley; and to haue it?
ſo þe kyng of Sodom and of Gomor turneden backis and ix And þe Lord anſweride, Take, he ſeiþ, to þee a kow of þre
fellen þere; and þo þat laften flowen to þe hil. ȝeer, and a ſhe gehet of þre ȝeer, and a weþir of þre ȝeer, and
xi Forſoþe þei token al þe ſubſtaunce of Sodom and of a turtur, and a culuer.
Gomor, and alle þingis þat parteyneden to mete, and ȝeden x Þe which, takynge alle þes þingis, dyuydide hem by þe
awey; mydil, and putte eiþir partis aȝens hemſilf, eiþer to oþre; þe
xii alſo and Loth, þe ſone of þe broþer of Abram, þe which briddis forſoþe he dyuydide not.
dwellid in Sodom, and þe ſubſtaunce of hym. xi And fowlis deſcendiden vpon þe careyns, and Abram `droue
xiii And lo! oon þat aſcapide, toolde to Abram Ebrew, þe hem awey.
which dwellid in valey of Mambre of Amorey, broþer of xii And whanne þe ſunne was goon down, feer felle vpon
Eſcol, and broþer of Aner; þes forſoþe hadden couenauntid Abram, and greet griſynes and derk aſſaileden hym.
bond of pees wiþ Abram. xiii And it was ſeid to him, Bifore knowynge know þow, þat
xiiii Þe which whanne Abram had herd, `þat is, Loth his
þi ſeed is to be a pilgrym in þe lond not his, and men ſhulen
broþer takun, he noumbride þre hundrid ten and eiȝt men of ſuget hem to þraldom, and men ſhulen ouer traueile hem
his own howſhold redi, and he purſuede hem vnto Dan. fowre hundrid wynter;
xv And, his felows dyuydid, he felle vpon hem in þe nyȝt, and xiiii neþeles I ſhal deme þe folk of kynde to whom þei ben to
he ſmoot hem, and he purſuede hem vnto Saba, and ſerue; and after þes þingis þei ſhulen gon out wiþ a greet
Phenyſem, þe which is at þe left ſide of Damaſk. ſubſtaunce.
xvi And he brouȝte aȝen al þe ſubſtaunce, and Loth his broþer xv Þow forſoþe ſhalt go to þi fadres in pees, biried alſo in
wiþ þe ſubſtaunce of hym, and wymmen and puple. god eld.
xvii Forſoþe þe kyng of Sodom ȝede out into þe aȝen-goyng of xvi Þe ferþe forſoþe generacioun þei ſhulen turne aȝen hidir,
hym, after þat he was aȝen turned fro þe ſlawȝtir of ne ȝit forſoþe ben not fulfillid þe ſhrewidnes of þe Amoreis,
Chodorlaomor, and of þe kyngis þat weren wiþ hym, in þe vnto þe tyme þat is now.
valey of Sabe, þe which is þe valey of þe kyng. xvii Þanne whan þe ſunne is gon down, þere was maad a
xviii And forſoþe Melchiſadech, þe kyng of Salem, bryngynge
derk clowd, and a furneys ſmekynge aperyde, and a lawmpe
forþ breed and wyne, forſoþe he was þe preſt of þe heiȝeſt of fijr, paſſynge bitwix þo dyuyſiouns.
God, xviii In þat day þe Lord couenauntide wiþ Abram a bond of
xix bliſſide to hym, and ſeide, Bliſſid be Abram to þe heye
pees, ſeiynge, To þi ſeed I ſhal ȝyue þis lond, fro þe flood of
God, þe which maad of nouȝt heuene and erþe, Egipt vnto þe greet flood of Eufraten;
xx and þe heye God be bliſſid, whom defendynge, þe enemyes xix Cyneos, and Cynyſeos, and Sephmonios,
ben takun in þin hondis. And he ȝaue hym dymes of alle xx and Etheos, and Phariſeos, Raphaim forſoþe,
þingis. xxi and Amorreos, and Chananeos, and Gergeſeos, and
xxi Forſoþe þe kyng of Sodom ſeide to Abram, Ȝyue me þe
ſowlis; oþre þingis take to þee.
xxii Þe which anſweride hym, I heeue vp myn hond to þe
Lord, þe heye God, welder of heuene and erþe, Capitulum XVI.
xxiii þat fro a þreed of þe weeft vnto a garter of an hoos I i For Saray, þe wijf of Abram, had not geet to hym fre
ſhal not take of alle þingis þat ben þin, leſt þow ſeye, I haue children; but hauynge an hand mayden Egipcian, Agar bi
maad Abram ryche; name,
xxiiii out take þes þingis þat ȝong men han etun, and þe ii ſeyde to hir howſbond, Loo! þe Lord haþ cloſid me, þat Y
partyſe of men þat camen wiþ me, Aner, Eſchol, and may not bere; go into myn hand maydyn, if perauenture at þe
Mambre; þes ſhulen take þere partyes.


leſte of hir I take children. And whanne he aſſentide to hir x Þis is my couenaunt, þat ȝe ſhulen kepe bitwix me and
preiyng, ȝow, and þi ſeed after þee; ech maal of ȝow ſhal be
iii he toke Agar þe Egipcian, hir hand mayden, aftir ten ȝeer circumcidid,
þat þei bigunnen to dwelle in þe londe of Chanaan, and ſhe xi and ȝe ſhulen circumſide þe flehs of þe ferþermore parti of
ȝaue hir a wijf to hir huſbond. ȝoure ȝeerde, þat it be in tokne of bond of pees bitwix me and
iiii Þe which ȝede into hir; and ſhe ſeynge hir ſilf þat ſhe had ȝow.
conſeyued, diſpiſide hir ladi. xii A child of eiȝt dayes ſhal be circumſidid in ȝow, ech maal
v And Saray ſeide to Abram, Vneuenli þow doſt aȝens me; I in ȝoure kinredis, as wel þe freman of ȝoure howſhold as þe
haue ȝyuun myn hand mayden into þi boſum, þe which ſeynge bowȝt man ſhal be circumſidid, and who ſo euer were of ȝoure
þat ſhe haþ conſeyued, haþ me to deſpit; þe Lord deme bitwix lynage;
me and þee. xiii and my couenaunt ſhal be in ȝoure flehs into euerlaſtynge
vi To whom anſwerynge Abram, Lo! he ſeiþ, þin hand boond of pees.
maydyn is in þin hond; vſe hir as it is leueful. Þanne Saray xiiii Þe maal whos flehs of þe vttermore parti of his ȝerde
ouertraueilynge hir, ſhe ȝede into flyȝt. were not circumſidid, þat ſoule ſhal be don a wey fro his
vii And whanne þe aungel of þe Lord hadde foundun hir puple; for he haþ maad my couenaunt waſt.
biſide þe welle of water in wildirnes, þe which is in þe weye xv And God ſeide to Abraham, Saray, þi wijf, þou ſhalt not
of Sur in deſert, clepe Saray, but Sara;
viii he ſeide to hir, Agar, þe hand mayden of Saray, whens xvi and I ſhal blis to hir, and `of hir I ſhal ȝyue to þee a
comyſt þow, and whiþir goſt þow? ſone, to whom I am to blis, and he ſhal be into naciouns,
ix Þe which anſweride, Fro þe face of Saray my ladi I flee. and kyngis of puplis ſhal grow of hym.
And þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide to hir, Turne aȝen to þi ladi, xvii And Abraham fel into his face, and lowȝ in his herte,
and be meke vndir þe hondis of hir. ſeiynge, Wenyſt þow, wheþir a ſone ſhal be born to a man of
x And eft, Multipliynge, he ſeiþ, I ſhal multiplie þi ſeed, and an hundrid wynter, and Sara nynti winter ſhal bere?
it ſhal not be nowmbrid for þe multitude. xviii And he ſeide to þe Lord, Wolde God Yſmael lyue bifore
xi And herafterward, Loo! he ſeiþ, þow haſt conſeyued, and þee.
þow ſhalt bere a ſone, and þow ſhalt cleep þe name of hym xix And þe Lord ſeide to Abraham, Sara, þi wijf, ſhal bere to
Yſmael, þerþurȝ þat þe Lord haþ herd þin affliccioun; þee a ſone, and þow ſhalt cleep þe name of hym Yſaac, and I
xii þis ſhal be a feers man; þe hoond of hym aȝens alle, and ſhal ordeyne my couenaunt to hym into euerlaſtynge boond of
þe hoond of alle aȝens hym; and `forn aȝens alle his briþeren pees, and to his ſeed after hym;
he ſhal ficche tabernaclis. xx and vpon Iſmael I haue herd þee, loo! I ſhal blis to hym,
xiii Agar forſoþe clepide þe name of þe Lord þat ſpak to hir, and I ſhal encrees, and I ſhal multiplie hym greetli; twelue
Þow God þat ſaw me; and ſhe ſeide, Forſoþe here I haue dukis he ſhal gendre, and I ſhal make hym into a greet folk
ſeen þe hyndirmore of þilk þat ſaw me. of kynde.
xiiii Þerfor ſhe nemnyde þat pytte, þe pytte of hym lyuynge xxi But my couenaunt I ſhal maak ſtonde to Yſaac, whom
and ſeynge me; þilk is bytwix Cades and Barad. Sara ſhal bere to þee þis tyme in þe toþer ȝeer.
xv And Agar bare to Abram a ſone, þe which clepide þe name xxii And whan þe ſermoun of þe ſpeker wiþ hym was endid,
of hym Iſmael. God ſtiede vp fro Abraham.
xvi Of eiȝti and ſixe wynter was Abram, whanne Agar bare xxiii Abraham forſoþe toke Yſmael, his ſone, and alle þe fre
to hym Iſmael. men of his hows, and alle whom he had bowȝt, alle þe malis
of alle men of his hows, and he circumſidide þe flehs of þe
Capitulum XVII. vttermor parti of þer ȝerde, anoon in þat day, as God had
comaundid hym.
i After forſoþe þat he bigan to be of nynti and nyne ȝeer, þe xxiiii Abraham was of nynti and nyne ȝeer whan he
Lord aperide to hym, and ſeide to hym, I God Almyȝti; goo circumſidide þe flehs of þe vttermore parti of his ȝerde,
bifore me, and be þow perfite; xxv and Iſmael, his ſone, had fulfillid þrittene ȝeer in tyme of
ii I ſhal ſett my couenaunt of pees bitwix me and þee; and I
his circumſicioun.
ſhal multiplye þee ful hugeli. xxvi And þe ſame day was Abraham circumſidid, and Yſmael
iii And Abram felle down al redi in to þe face.
his ſone,
iiii And God ſeide to hym, I am, and I ſhal ſett my xxvii and alle men of hys hows, as wel fre men as bowȝt and
couenaunt wiþ þee, and þow ſhalt be fader of many folk of aliens, togideris weren circumſidid.
v and þi name ſhal no more be clepid Abram, but þow ſhalt
Capitulum XVIII.
be clepid Abraham, for I haue ordeyned þee fadir of many
folk of kynde; i The Lord forſoþe aperyde to hym in þe valey of Mambre,
vi and I ſhal make þee grow mooſt hugeli, and I ſhall ſett ſittynge in þe dore of his tabernacle, in þat heet of þe day.
þee in folk of kynde, and kyngis ſhal gon out of þee; ii And whan he had areride vp þe eyen, þre men ſtondynge
vii and I ſhal ſtable my couenaunt bitwixe me and þee, and nyȝ hym aperiden to hym. Whom whan he had ſeen, he ranne
bitwix þi ſeed after þee, in þi kynredis, wiþ euerlaſtynge into þe aȝen comyng of hem fro þe dore of his tabernacle, and
boond of pees, þat I be þi God, and of þi ſeed after þee; he lowtide into þe erþe,
viii and I ſhal ȝyue to þee and to þi ſeed aftyr þee þe loond of iii and ſeide, Lord, if I haue foundun grace in þin eyen,
þi pilgrimage, al þe loond of Chanaan, into euerlaſtyng ouerpaſſe þow not þi ſeruaunt,
poſſeſſioun, and I ſhal be þe God of hem. iiii but I ſhal bringe to a litil meſure of water, and ȝoure fete
ix Eftſones God ſeide to Abraham, And þow þanne ſhalt kepe be wayſhid, and reſte þow vnder a tree;
my couenaunt, and þi ſeed aftir þee, in her kinredis.


v and I ſhal ſett a morſel of breed, and ȝoure herte be xxix And eftſonys he ſpake to hym, If forſoþe fourti weren
coumfortid; aftyrward ȝe ſhulen paſſe forþe; and þerfor forſoþe foundun þere, what ſhalt þow do? He ſeiþ, I ſhal not ſmyte
ȝe boweden down to ȝoure ſeruant. Þe whiche ſeiden, Do as for fourti.
þow haſt ſpokun. xxx Y biſeche þee, he ſeiþ, ne indeyne þow, Lord, if I ſpeke;
vi Abraham hyede into þe tabernacle, to Sara, and ſeide to what if þere weren foundun þretti? He anſweryde, I ſhal not
hir, Hye, and mynge togidre þre half buyſſhelis of clene do, if I ſhal fynde þretti.
flowre; and make looues bakun vndur ayſhen. xxxi For onus, he ſeiþ, I bigan, I ſhal ſpeke to my Lord;
vii He forſoþe ranne to þe droue, and toke þens a calf mooſt what if þere weren foundun twenti? He ſeyde, I ſhal not ſle
tendre and beſt, and ȝaue a child, þe which hyede, and ſeþede for twenti.
it; xxxii I biſeche, he ſeiþ, Lord, be þow not wrooþ, if ȝit oons I
viii and toke butter, and mylk, and þe calf þe which he had ſpeke; what if þere be foundun ten? He ſeide, I ſhal not do
ſoþun, and ſette bifore hem; he forſoþe ſtode biſide hem vndir awey for ten.
þe tre. xxxiii Þe Lord ȝede aweie, after þat he had ceeſid to ſpeke to
ix And whanne þei hadden etun, þei ſeiden to hym, Where is Abraham, and he was turnyd aȝen into his place.
Sara þi wijf? He anſweride, Loo! in hir tabernacle ſhe is.
x To whom he ſeide, Turnynge aȝen I ſhal com to þee þis Capitulum XIX.
tyme, þe lijf ledere; and Sara, þi wijf, ſhal haue a ſone. Þe i And
which þing herd, Sara lowȝ bihynde þe dore of þe tabernacle. two aungels comen to Sodom at euen, ſittynge Loth in
xi Forſoþe þei weren boþe oold, and of greet age, and to Sara þe ȝatis of þe cyte. Þe whiche, whanne he had ſeen hem,
fluxis of blood hadden laft to be maad. roos, and ȝede to mete wiþ hem, and honowride bowide into
xii Þe which lowȝ priueli, ſeiynge, After þat I am bicom oold,
þe erþe,
ii and ſeide, I prey ȝow, ſyres, bowiþ down into þe hows of
and my lord is an olde man, ſhal I ȝyue byſynes to luſt? ȝoure child, and dwelliþ þere; wayſhiþ ȝoure fete, and erly ȝe
xiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeide to Abraham, Whi lowȝ Sara, þi
ſhal go forþ into ȝoure weye. Þe whiche ſeiden, Nay, but in
wijf, ſeiynge, wheþer I an oold woman am verreily to bere þe ſtreet we ſhulen dwel.
child? iii He myche conſtreynede hem, þat þei ſhulden turne to hym.
xiiii wheþer eny þing is to God hard? Aftir þe ſawe bitwix vs
And hem goon into his hows, he made a feeſt, ſeþede þerf
I ſhal turne aȝen to þee þis ſame tyme, þe lijf leder; and breed, and þei eten.
Sara ſhal haue a ſone. iiii Forſoþe bifore þat þei ſhulden go to leggen, men of þe
xv Sara denyede, ſeiynge, I lowȝ not, þurȝ drede afeerd. Þe
cytee ſetten abowt his hows, fro child to oold man, al þe puple
Lord forſoþe, It is not, he ſeide, ſo, but þow lowȝ. to gider;
xvi Þanne whanne þe men were ryſun þens, þei dreſſiden her v and þei clepeden Loth, and ſeiden to hym, Where ben þe
eyen aȝens Sodom; and Abraham ȝede wiþ, ledynge forþ hem. men þat comen in to þee at nyȝt? lede hem out hidir, þat we
xvii And þe Lord ſeide, Wheþer I mow hide fro Abraham knowen hem.
þingis þat Y am to do, vi Loth gon oute to hem bihynde þe rigge, and tyndynge to þe
xviii ſiþ he is to be into a greet folk of kynde and mooſt dore, ſeiþ,
ſtrong, and alle naciouns of þe erþe ben to be bliſſid in hym? vii Wole ȝe not, I preye, my briþeren, wole ȝe not þis yuel
xix I woot forſoþe þat he is to comaunde his ſones, and to his don.
hows aftir hym, þat þei kepen þe wey of þe Lord, and þat þei viii I haue two douȝtren, þe whiche ȝit knewen not man; I
do ryȝtwiſnes, and dom, þat þe Lord brynge to for Abraham ſhal lete hem out to ȝow, and mys vſiþ hem as it ſhal like to
alle þingis þat he haþ ſpokun to hym. ȝow, ſo þat ȝe don no þing of yuel to þes men, for þei ben
xx And ſo þe Lord ſeide, Þe cry of Sodom and Gomor is comun ynne vndur þe ſhadew of my roof.
multiplied, and þe ſynne of hem is myche agredgyd; ix And þei ſeiden, Go aȝen þider. And eftſonys, Þow art
xxi I ſhal go down, and ſe wheþer þe cry þat is comen to me comen in, þei ſeiden, as a comelyng; wheþer þat þow deme?
þei han fulfillid in dede, or it is not ſo þat I wyte. þee þi ſilf þanne more þan þes we ſhulen ouertraueyl. And
xxii And þei turneden hem ſilf þens, and ȝeden awey to foors þei maden to Loth mooſt hidowſly. Now nyȝ it was þat
Sodom. Abraham forſoþe ȝit ſtode bifore þe Lord, þei ſhulden vp breke þe ȝatis;
x and lo! þe men putten to hoonde, and brouȝten into hem
xxiii and neiȝynge ſeiþ, Wheþer þow ſhalt leſe þe riȝtwis wiþ
þe wickyd? Loth, and cloſeden þe dore.
xi And hem þat weren wiþ out þei ſmyten wiþ blyndnes, fro
xxiiii if þere ben fifti riȝtwis in þe citee, ſhulen þei peryſhe to
gidere, and ſhalt þow not ſpare to þat place for fifti riȝtwis, if þe leeſt vnto þe mooſt; ſo þat þe dore þei myȝten not fynde.
xii And þei ſeiden to Loth, Haſt þow here eny man of þin,
þei ſhulen be in it?
xxv Be it fer fro þee þat þow do þis þing, and ſle þe ryȝtwis ſone in lawe, or ſones, or douȝtres; alle þat ben þin lede out
wiþ þe wickid, and þe riȝtwis be maad as þe wickid; þis is of þis citee,
xiii we ſhulen do awey þis place, þerþurȝ þat þe cry of hem is
not þin þat demyſt al þe erþe; þow ſhalt not do þat dom.
xxvi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, If Y ſhal fynde in Sodom ful encreſid bifore þe Lord, þe which ſende vs þat we leſen
fifti riȝtwis in þe myddil of þe cytee, I ſhal forȝyue to al þe hem.
xiiii And ſo Loth gon out, ſpake to his ſonys in lawe, þe
place for hem.
xxvii Abraham anſweride and ſeiþ, For oons I bigan, I ſhal whiche weren to take his douȝteres, and he ſeide, Riſiþ, and
ſpeke to þe Lord my God, whan Y am powder and aſke; goþ out fro þis place, for þe Lord ſhal do aweie þis cite. And
xxviii what if þere weren bi fyue leſſe þan fifti ryȝtwis, ſhalt
he was ſeen to hem as pleiynge to ſpeke.
xv And whanne was morutyde, þe aungels conſtreyneden hym,
þow do awey al þe cite for fyue and fourty? And he ſeiþ, I ſeiynge, Aryſe, and take þi wijf, and þi two dowȝtrys, þat
ſhal not do awey, if I ſhal fynde þere fyue and fourti. þow haſt, leſt and þow wiþ periſhe in þe wickidnes of þe citee.


xvi And hym denyinge, þei token þe honde of hym, and þe Capitulum XX.
honde of þe wijf, and of þe two dowȝtren of hym; þer þurȝ þat i Abraham
þe Lord wolde ſpare to hym. þens gon into þe ſowþ londe, dwellide bitwix
xvii And þei ledden hym out, and puttiden hym out of þe cyte. Cades and Sur, and he was pilgrym in Gererys;
ii and he ſeide of Sara, his wijf, My ſiſtyr ſhe is. Þanne
Þere þei ſpeken to hym, ſeiynge, Saue þi ſoule; wole þow not
bihold bihynde þi bak, and ſtonde þow not in al þe regioun ſende Abymalech, þe kyng of Gerere, and toke hyr.
about, but in þe hille make þee ſaf, leſt and þow wiþ periſhe. iii God forſoþe com to Abymalech bi ſweuyn in þe niȝt, and
xviii And Loth to hem ſeide, My lord, I biſeche, ſeide to hym, Lo! þow ſhalt die, for þe wijf þat þow haſt
xix for þi ſeruaunt haþ foundun grace bifore þee, and þow haſt takun, for ſhe haþ a man.
iiii Abimalech forſoþe had not towchid hir, and ſeiþ, Lord,
magnyfied grace and þi mercy, þat þow haſt don wiþ me, þat
þow ſauediſt my ſoule; I may not in þe hil be ſauyd, leſt wheþer an vnkunnynge folk of kynde and a ryȝtwys þow ſhalt
perauenture yuel take me, and die; ſlee?
xx þere is a cite here nyȝ a litle, to which Y may fle, and I v Seide he not to me, my ſiſtir ſhe is, and ſhe ſeiþ, my broþer
ſhal be ſaf in it; wheþer it is not litel? and my ſoule ſhal lyue he is? In ſymplenes of myn herte, and clennes of myn hondis
in it. I dide þis.
xxi And he ſeide to hym, Lo! in þat I haue take þi preieris, vi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, I knowe þat þurȝ ſymplenes of
þat I ſubuerte not þe citee for þe which þow haſt ſpokun; herte þow didiſt, and þerfor Y kepte þee, þat þow ſhuldiſt not
xxii hye, and be þow maad ſaf þere, for I ſhal not mow do ſynne in me, and I ſuffryde not þat þow ſhuldiſt towche hyr;
vii now þanne ȝelde þe wijf to hir man, for a prophet he is;
eny þing to þe tyme þat þow be gon yn þidir. Þerfore þe
name of þat citee is clepid Segor. and he ſhal preie for þee, and þow ſhalt lyue; if ſoþeli þow
xxiii Þe ſunne is gon out vpon þe erþe, and Loth is gon in to wolt not ȝeldyn, wite þow þat þurȝ deeþ þow ſhalt die, þow
Segor. and alle þat ben þin.
viii And anoon of þe nyȝt ryſynge, Abimalech clepide alle his
xxiiii Þanne þe Lord reynede vpon Sodom and Gomor
brenſtoon and fier, fro þe Lord fro heuene, ſeruauntis, and ſpake alle þes wordis in þe eeris of hem; and
xxv and he ſubuertide þes citees, and al þe regioun about, alle
alle men dredden hem greetli.
ix Abymalech forſoþe clepide alſo Abraham, and ſeide to hym,
dwellerys of citees, and alle growynge þingis of þe erþe. What haſt þow don to vs? what han we ſynned in þee, for
xxvi And þe wijf of hym, biholdynge bihynde her, was turned
þow haſt brouȝt ynne vpon me and vpon my rewme a greet
into an ymage of ſalt. ſynne? þingis þat þow ſhuldiſt not do þow haſt don to vs.
xxvii Abraham forſoþe aryſynge eerly, where he ſtode x And eftſonys aſkynge ſeiþ, What haſt þow ſeen þat þat þow
biforehond wiþ þe Lord, ſhuldiſt don?
xxviii bihelde Sodom and Gomor, and al þe erþe of þat xi Abraham anſweryde, I þouȝte wiþ my ſilf, ſeiynge,
regioun; and ſaw a multitude of ſparkis ſteiynge vp fro þe perauenture þe drede of God is not in þis place, and þei ſhal
erþe, as ſmook of a furneys. ſle me for my wijf;
xxix Whan forſoþe God had ſubuertid þe citees of þat regioun, xii ellis forſoþe and verreili my ſiſter ſhe is, þe dowȝter of my
he recordide of Abraham, and dylyueride Loth fro þe fadir, and not þe dowȝter of my modir; and I toke her into a
ſubuerſioun of citees in whiche he had dwellid. wyif;
xxx And Loth ſtiede vp fro Segor, and dwellid in þe hil, and xiii and ſiþ God led me out fro þe hows of my fadir, I ſeide
hys two dowȝtris wiþ hym, forſoþe he dredde to dwel in to hir, Þis mercy þow ſhalt do wiþ me in al place to which
Segor; and he dwellide in a ſpelunc, `or a den, he and his we ſhulen go to; þow ſhalt ſey, þat þi broþer Y am.
two dowȝterys wiþ hym. xiiii Þanne Abymalech toke ſheep, and oxen, and ſeruauntis,
xxxi And þe more ſeide vnto þe leſſe, Our fadir is old, and
and handmaydens, and ȝaue to Abraham; and ȝildide to hym
noon of þe men is left in þe lond, þat myȝten gon into vs, Sara, his wijf,
after þe maner of al londe; xv and ſeiþ, Þe lond is bifore ȝow; where euer it ſhal pleſe to
xxxii come, and make we hym drunkun wiþ wyne, and ſlepe
þee, dwel.
we wiþ hym, þat we mown kepe þe ſeed of oure fadir. xvi And to Sara he ſeide, Lo! a þowſynd pens of ſiluer I
xxxiii And ſo þei ȝauen to her fadir to drynk wyne þat nyȝt,
haue ȝouun to þi broþer; þis ſhal be to þee into veyl of eyen
and þe more was gon yn, and ſlept wiþ þe fadir; and he to alle þat ben wiþ þee; and whidir euer þow ſhalt gon, haue
felide noþer whan þe dowȝter ley down, ne whan ſhe aroos. mynde þee otaken.
xxxiiii And þe toþer day þe more ſeide to þe laſſe, Lo! xvii Abraham forſoþe preiynge, God helide Abymalech, and
ȝiſtirday I ſlept wiþ my fadir, ȝyue we hym to drynk wyne wijf, and hand maydenes of hym, and beren child;
alſo þis nyȝt, and þow ſhalt ſlepe wiþ hym, þat we ſauen þe xviii God forſoþe had cloſid al þe womb of þe hows of
ſeed of oure fadir. Abymalech, for Sara, Abrahams wijf.
xxxv And þei ȝauen alſo þat nyȝt to her fadir wyne for to
drynk, and þe leſſe gon ynne ſlept wiþ hym; and noþer þan Capitulum XXI.
forſoþe he felide whan he lay bi hir, or whan ſhe aroos.
xxxvi Þanne conſeyueden þe two dowȝtris of Loth of her i God forſoþe viſitide Sara, as he had bihiȝt, and fulfillide þat
fader. þat he ſpak.
xxxvii And þe more bare a ſone, and clepide þe name of hym ii And ſhe conſeyuede, and bare a ſone in hir elde, in þe tyme
Moab; he is þe fadir of Moabytes vnto þe day þat is now. þat God bifore ſeide to hir.
xxxviii And þe leſſe bare a ſone, and clepid þe name of hym iii And Abraham clepide þe name of his ſone, whom gat to
Amon, þat is, þe ſone of my puple; he is þe fadir of hym Sara, Yſaac.
Amonytes ȝit to þis day. iiii And he circumſidide hym þe eiȝte day, as God had
comaundid hym,


v whan he was of an hundrid wynter; þis forſoþe age of þe xxix To whom ſayde Abymalech, What to hem wilne þes
fadir Yſaac was born. ſeuen ſhe lambis, þe which þow haſt maad ſtoond aſyde?
vi And Sara ſeide, Þe Lord haþ lawyng maad to me, and xxx And he, Seuen, he ſeiþ, ſhe lambis þow ſhalt take of myn
who ſo euer ſhal here ſhal wiþ lawe to me. honde, þat þei be into witnes to me, for I deluyde þis pit.
vii And eft ſhe ſeiþ, Who to heren ſhulde leue Abraham, þat xxxi Þerfore þis place was clepid Berſabee, for þere eiþir
Sara ſhulde ȝyue a child to ſowk, whom ſhe bare to hym now ſwore,
oold? xxxii and ȝeden in couenaunt of pees for þe pitt of oþe.
viii Þanne þe child growide and was don awey fro ſowkyng; Abymalech forſoþe aroos, and Phicol, þe prince of his
and Abraham made a greet feeſt, in þe day of þe wanyng of chyualrye, and turneden aȝen into þe loond of Paleſtynes.
hym. xxxiii Abraham forſoþe plauntide a wode in Berſabee, and
ix And whan Sara had ſeen þe ſone of Agar Egipcian inwardli clepide þere þe name of euerlaſtynge God;
pleiynge wiþ Yſaac, hir ſone, xxxiiii and was a tilier of þe erþe of Paleſtynes many dayes.
x ſhe ſeide to Abraham, Þrow out þis hand mayden, and þe
ſone of hir; þe ſone of þe hand mayden ſhal not be eyre wiþ Capitulum XXII.
my ſone Yſaac.
xi Hard toke þat Abraham for his ſone; i Aftyr þat þes þingis weren doon, God temptide Abraham,
xii to whom God ſeide, Sharp be it not ſeen to þee vpon þe and ſeide to hym, Abraham! Abraham! He anſweride, I am
child, and vpon þi hand mayden; alle þingis þat Sara ſhal nyȝ.
ii He ſeide to hym, Tak þin oonli gotun ſone, whom þow
ſeye to þee, here þe voys of hir, for in Yſaac ſhal be clepid
ſeed to þee; loueſt, Yſaac, and go into þe loond of viſioun, and þere offre
xiii but and þe ſone of þe handmaydyn I ſhal make into a hym into ſacrifice al brent, vpon oon of þe hillis whiche I ſhal
greet folk of kynde, for þi ſeed he is. ſhewe to þee.
iii Þanne Abraham on þe nyȝt wiþ ryſynge, diȝte his aſſe,
xiiii And ſo Abraham aroos erly, and takynge breed, and a
botel of water, leide to þe ſhuldur of hym, and bitoke þe ledynge wiþ hym two ȝong men, and Yſaac his ſone; and
childe, and lefte hir; þe which, whanne he `was gon awey, whanne he had hewid his wode into brent ſacrifice, he ȝede to
erride in þe wildirnes of Berſabee. þe place which comaundide hym God.
iiii And þe þrid day, þe eyen heued vp, he ſawe a place `a
xv And whan þe water in þe botel was doon, ſhe þrewe awey
þe child vndir a tree, feer;
v and ſeide to his children, Abydiþ here wiþ þe aſſe, I and þe
xvi þat þere was, and ȝede a wey, and ſhe ſet forn aȝens `a
fer, as myche as a bow may caſt; ſhe ſeide forſoþe, I ſhal not child vnto þidir goynge, aftir þat we han onowryd, we ſhulen
ſe dyinge þe child, and ſittynge aȝens, heuede vp hir voys, com aȝen to ȝow.
vi And he toke þe wode of þe ſacrifice, and putte vpon Yſaac,
and wepte.
xvii And þe Lord herde þe vois of þe child, and þe aungel of his ſone; he forſoþe bare in his hondis fier, and a ſwerd. And
þe Lord clepide Agar fro heuene, ſeiynge, Agar, what doſt whanne þei two ȝeden to gideris,
vii ſeide Yſaac to his fadir, My fadir! And he anſweride,
þow? wole þow not drede; God forſoþe haþ herd þe vois of þe
child, fro þe place in which he is. What wilt þow, ſone? Lo! he ſeiþ, fier and wode, where is þe
xviii Aryſe, and take þe child, and holde þe honde of hym; for ſacrifice of þat þat ſhal be brent?
viii Abraham ſeide, God ſhal puruey to hym, my ſone, þe
into a greet folk I ſhal make hym.
xix And God openede þe eyen of hir, þe whiche ſeynge þe pit ſacrifice of þat þat ſhal be brent.
ix Þanne þei ȝeden togider, and comen to þe place whom God
of water, ȝede, and fillide þe botel, and ȝaue þe child to
drynk; ſhewide to hym, in þe which he bildide an auter, and aboue
xx and was wiþ hym, þe whiche wex, and dwellid in made þe wode; and whan he had boundun Yſaac, his ſone, he
wildyrnes, and he was maad a ȝong ſheter, putte hym in þe auter, vpon þe heep of wode.
x And he ſtrawȝte his honde, and toke þe ſwerd, þat he myȝt
xxi and dwellid in þe deſert of Pharan; and his modir toke to
hym a wijf of þe lond of Egipt. offre his ſone.
xi And loo! þe aungel of þe Lord fro heuene cryede, ſeiynge,
xxii Þe ſame tyme ſeide Abymalech, and Phicol, þe prince of
his ooſt, to Abraham, God is wiþ þee in alle þingis þat þow Abraham! Abraham! Þe whiche anſweride, I am nyȝ.
xii And he ſeide to hym, Strecche þow not þin hond out vpon
xxiii þanne ſwere by God þat þow noye not to me, ne to myn þe child, and do not eny þing to hym; now I haue knowun
aftir comers, and to my lynage; but after þe mercy þat I haue þat þow drediſt God, and þow haſt not ſparid to þin one goten
do to þee, do þow to me, and to þe loond in which þow haſt ſone for me.
xiii Abraham heuede vp his eyen, and ſawe bihynd his bak a
dwellid comelyng.
xxiiii And Abraham ſeide, I ſhal ſwere. weþer amonge þornes, tyed bi þe hornes, whom takynge to
xxv And he blamyde Abymalech for þe pit of water, þe which
offryd brent ſacrifice for þe ſone.
xiiii And he clepide þe name of þe place, Þe Lord ſeeþ;
þurȝ force token a wey þe ſeruauntis of hym. wherfor ȝit þis day it is ſeid, In þe hil þe Lord ſhal ſe.
xxvi And Abymalec anſwerid, I wiſte not who dide þis þing,
xv And þe aungel of þe Lord clepide Abraham eftſonys fro
but and þow ſhewediſt not to me, and I herde not forto to heuene,
day. xvi ſeiynge, Bi my ſylf I ſwore, ſeiþ þe Lord, for þow haſt do
xxvii And ſo Abraham toke ſheep, and oxen, and ȝaue to
Abymalech, and boþe þei ſmyten a boond of pees. þis þing, and þow haſt not ſparid to þin oon gotun ſone for
xxviii And Abrahame ordeynede ſeuene ſhe lambis of þe flok
xvii I ſhal blis to þee, and I ſhal multiply þi ſeed as ſterris
aſyde. of heuene, and as grauel þat is in þe brenk of þe ſee; þi ſeed
ſhal weeld þe ȝatis of his enemyes;


xviii and al folk of þe erþe ſhal be bleſſid in þi ſeed, for þow xix And ſo Abraham byriede his wijf Sara in þe dowble
haſt obeiſhid to my vois. ſpelunk of þe feeld, þe which bihelde Mambre; þat is Ebron
xix And Abraham turnyde aȝen to his children, and ȝede to in þe londe of Chanaan.
Berſabee togider, and he dwellide þere. xx And þe feeld is confermed, and þe pit þat was in it, to
xx And ſo þes þingis don, it was told to Abraham, þat Abraham, into poſſeſſyoun of a monument, of þe ſones of
Melcha forſoþe had getun ſones to Nachor, his broþer; Heth.
xxi Hus, þe fyrſt getun, and Buz, þe broþir of hym, and
Chamuel, þe fadir of Sirus, Capitulum XXIIII.
xxii and Caſed, and Azan, and Pheldas, and Jedlaphat, and i Forſoþe Abraham was oold, and of manye daies, and þe
Batuel, Lord in alle þingis had bliſſid to hym.
xxiii of whom Rabecca was born; þes eiȝt gat Melcha to ii And he ſeide to þe elder ſeruaunt of his hows, þat was
Nachor, þe broþer of Abraham. bifore in rulyng to alle þingis þat he had, Put þin hoond
xxiiii Þe ſecundarie wijf forſoþe of hym, Roma bi name, bare vndir myn hip,
Thabee, and Gaon, and Thaas, and Maacha. iii þat I adiure þee bi þe Lord God of heuene and of erþe,
þat þow take not wijf to my ſone of þe dowȝtris of
Capitulum XXIII. Chananeys, among þe whiche I duelle;
iiii but go to þe loond and to my cognacioun, and fro þens
i And Sara lyuyde an hundrid and ſeuen and twenti ȝeer, take a wijf to my ſone Yſaac.
ii and ſhe was deed in þe citee of Arbee, þat is Ebron, in þe v Þe ſeruaunt anſweride, If þe womman wole not com wiþ
loond of Chanaan; and Abraham cam, þat he myȝte weyl and me into þis loond, wheþer I ſhal lede aȝen þi ſone to þe
wepe hir. place, of þe which þow were goon out?
iii And whanne he was ryſun fro þe office of þe deed cors, he vi Abraham ſeide, Be war, leſt ony tyme þow lede aȝen þider
ſpake to þe ſonys of Heth, ſeiynge, my ſone;
iiii A comelyng and a pilgrime I am anentis ȝow; ȝyue ȝe to vii þe Lord God of heuene þat toke me fro þe hows of my
me ryȝt of a biryyng place wiþ ȝow, þat I mow biry ynne my fadir, and fro þe loond of my birþ, þe which haþ ſpokun to
deed. me, and ſwore, ſeiynge, To þi ſeed I ſhal ȝyue þis loond, he
v And þe ſones of Heth anſweriden, ſeiynge, ſhal ſend his aungel bifore þee, and fro þens þow ſhalt taak a
vi Lord, here vs; þe prince of God þow art anentis vs; in wijf to my ſone;
oure choſun berielis birye þi deed, and no man ſhal mow viii and if þe woman wole not folow þee, þow ſhalt not `be
wern þee, but in þe monument of hym þow byrye þi deed. holden to þe oþ; neuerþelater my ſone ne lede þow aȝen þidir.
vii And Abraham aroos, and lowtide þe puple of þe erþe, þe ix Þanne þe ſeruaunt putte his hoond vndir þe hip of
ſones, þat is, of Heth. Abraham, his lord, and ſwore to hym vpon þis word.
viii And he ſeide to hem, If it pleſe to ȝoure ſoule þat I byrye x And he tok ten camelis of þe flok of his lord, and ȝede,
my deed, here ȝe me, and preye ȝe for me anentis Ephron, þe berynge wiþ hym of alle þe goodis of hym; and goon he ȝede
ſone of Seor, to Meſopotany, to þe citee of Nachor.
ix þat he ȝyue to me þe dowble ſpelunk, `or caue, þat he haþ xi And whan he had maad þe camelis reſten out of þe wallid
in þe vttermore party of his feeld; for þe worþ of money take town, biſydis a pit of watre, at euen, þat tyme þat womman
he it to me bifore ȝow into poſſeſſioun of a ſepulcre. ben wont to goon out to draw water, ſeide,
x Ephron forſoþe dwellid in þe myddil of þe ſones of Heth. xii Lord God of my lord Abraham, Y preye, to day aȝen-com
And Ephron anſweryde to Abraham, alle men herynge þe to me, and do mercy wiþ my lord Abraham.
which ȝede into þe ȝaat of þe cite of hym, ſeiynge, xiii Loo! I ſtoond nyȝ þe welle of water, and þe dowȝtres of
xi My lord, ſo ſhal it not be, but þow more herkyn þat I þe dwellers of þis citee ſhal goon out to draw watyr;
ſpeke; þe feeld I take to þee, and þe ſpelunk þat is in yt, xiiii þanne þe mayden child, to whom I ſhal ſeye, Bouwe
preſent þe ſonys of my puple; birye þi deed. down þi water pot þat I drynke, and ſhe ſhal anſwere,
xii Abraham lowtide bifore þe Lord, and þe puple of þe loond, Drynke, but and to þi camels I ſhal ȝyue drynk, ſhe is whom
xiii and ſpake to Ephron, ſtondynge aboute þe folk of hym, I þow haſt bifore ordeyned to þi ſeruaunt Yſaac; and bi þis I
biſeche, þat þow here me; I ſhal ȝyue money for þe feeld, take ſhal vndurſtond þat þow ſhalt do mercy wiþ my lord Abraham.
it, and ſo Y ſhal birye my deed in þe feeld. xv Ne ȝit fully wiþ ynne hym ſilf he had fulfillid þe wordis,
xiiii And Ephron anſweryde, and loo! Rabecca ȝede out, þe dowȝter of Batuel, ſone of
xv My lord, here me, þe erþe þat þow aſkiſt is worþ foure Melche, wijf of Nachor, broþer of Abraham, hauynge a water
pot in hir ſhulder;
hundryd ſicles of ſiluer, þis is þe pryis bitwix me and þee, xvi a ful ſembly damyſel, and mooſt fayr mayden, and
but what is þat? birye þi deed.
xvi Þe which whanne Abraham had herd, he peyſide þe money vnknowun to man. She deſcendide forſoþe to þe welle, and
had fulfild hir water pot, and was turned aȝen.
þat Ephron had aſkyd, herynge þe ſonys of Heth, foure xvii And þe ſeruaunt ȝede aȝens hir, and ſeide, Ȝyue to me a
hundrid ſiclys of ſiluer, and of preued comune money.
xvii And þe feeld ſumtyme of Ephron, in þe which was þe litle of water to drynk of þi water pot.
xviii Þe which anſweride, Drynk, my lord. And anoon ſhe
dowble ſpelunk, biholdynge to Mambre, as wel it as þe
ſpelunk and alle þe trees of it, in alle þe termes of it bi putte down þe water pot vpon hir arm, and ȝaue drynk to
enuyroun, hym.
xviii is confermyd to Abraham into poſſeſſioun, ſeynge þe ſones xix And whanne he had drunkun, ſhe addide to, But and to
of Heth and alle þat entreden þe ȝate of þe cite of hym. þi camelis I ſhal draw water, to þe tyme þei han drunkun.


xx And ſhe, heldynge out þe water pot into þe water trowis, xliiii andſhe ſeye to me, And þow drynke, and Y ſhal draw
and rennede aȝen to þe pit, for to draw water, and drawun water to þi camelis, ſhe is þe womman þat þe Lord haþ maad
ſhe ȝaue to alle þe camelis. redi to þe ſone of my lord.
xxi He forſoþe biheelde her ſtilli, wilnyng to wite wheþer þe xlv While þes þingis Y turnede ſtilly wiþ my ſilf, Rebecca
Lord had maad his weye welſom, or noon. aperide, comynge wiþ þe water pot þat ſhe bare in hir ſhuldir;
xxii Þanne after þat þe camelis hadden drunkun, þe man and ſhe deſcendide to þe welle, and drowe water. And Y ſeide
brouȝte forþ goldun eer ryngis, peiſynge two ſicles, and as to hir, Ȝyf to me a litil to drynk;
feel arm ſerclis, peiys of ten ſiclys. xlvi þe which hiynge dide down hir water pot fro hir ſhulder,
xxiii And he ſeide to hir, Whos dowȝter art þow? ſhewe þow and ſeide to me, And þow drynk, and to þi camelis Y ſhal
to me, is þere in þe hows of þi fadir place to dwelle? ȝyue drink; and I drank, and ſhe wateryde þe camelis.
xxiiii Þe which anſweryde, Þe dowȝter of Batuel Y am, ſone xlvii And I aſkide hir, and ſeide, Whos dowȝter art þow? Þe
of Nachor, whom Melcha bar to hym. which anſweryde, Þe dowȝter of Batuel Y am, ſone of
xxv And ſhe addide, ſeiynge, Of chaf forſoþe and of hey myche Nachor, whom bare to hym Melcha. And ſo I hengide eer
ryngis to honoure þe face of hir, and arm ſerclis I putte in þe
þere is at vs, and a large place to dwelle. hondis of hir,
xxvi Þe man bowide hym ſilf, and onouryde þe Lord, ſeiynge, xlviii and bowid I honowride þe Lord, bliſſynge to þe Lord
xxvii Bliſſid be þe Lord God of my lord Abraham, þe which God of my lord Abraham, þe which haþ ful lad me þe ryȝt
haþ not takun awey mercy and his ſoþefaſtnes fro my lord, weye, þat I ſhulde take þe dowȝter of þe broþer `of my lord to
and in riȝt wei haþ fulli lad me into þe hows of þe broþir of þe ſone of hym.
my lord. xlix Wherfor if ȝe doon mercy and ſoþenes wiþ my lord,
xxviii And ſo þe damyſel rennede, and tolde in þe hows of hir ſhewiþ to me; if forſoþe oþer þing pleſiþ, and þat ſeie ȝee, þat
modir alle þingis þat ſhe hadde herd. Y go to þe ryȝt or to þe left.
xxix Rabecca forſoþe hadde a broþir, Laban bi name, þe which l Laban and Batuel anſweryden, Fro þe Lord þe word is
hiynge ȝede out to þe man, where he was wiþ outen. goon out; we mown not out of þe pleſyng of hym ony þing
xxx And whan he had ſeen þe eer ryngis and þe arm ſerclis oþir ſpeke wiþ þee.
in þe hondis of his ſiſter, and he hadde herd alle þe wordis of li Loo! Rebecca is bifore þee; taak hir, and go, and be ſhe þe
hir tellynge, þes þingis þe man ſpak to me, he com to þe wijf of þe ſone of þi lord, as þe Lord haþ ſpokun.
man, þat ſtode biſidis þe camelis, and nyȝ þe welle of water, lii Þe which whan þe child of Abraham hadde herd, fallynge
xxxi and ſeide to hym, Go ynne, þow bliſſid of þe Lord; whi down in þe erþe honowrede þe Lord.
ſtondiſt þow wiþ oute? Y haue greiþid þe hows, and þe place liii And veſſelys of ſiluer, and of gold, and cloþis brouȝt forþ,
to þi camelis. ȝaue hem to Rebecca for ȝifte, and to þe briþeren of hir and
xxxii And he ladde hym into þe hows of herbergrye, and to þe modir he offride ȝiftis.
unſadelynge diſchargide þe camelis, and ȝaue to hem chaf, and liiii And þe feeſt bigun, þei etynge to gideris and drynkynge
hey, and water for þe camelis fete to be wayſhun, and mennys dwelliden þere. Þe child forſoþe ryſynge eerly, ſpak, Lat me,
whiche comen wiþ hym. þat Y go to my lord.
xxxiii And þere was ſett brede in his ſiȝt, þe which ſeiþ, Y lv Þe briþeren of hir and þe modir anſweryden, Þe mayde
ſhal not eet, to þe tyme Y ſpeke my wordis. He anſweride to child at þe leeſt dwelle ten dayes anentis vs, and aftirward
hym, Spek. ſche ſhal go.
xxxiiii And he, Þe ſeruaunt, he ſeiþ, Y am of Abraham, lvi Wiln ȝe not, he ſeiþ, me aȝen-holde, for þe Lord haþ maad
xxxv and þe Lord haþ bliſſid to my lord ful myche, and he is redi my weie; late ȝe me, þat Y go to my lord.
magnyfied; and he haþ ȝouun to hym ſheep, and oxen, ſiluer, lvii And þei ſeiden, Clepe we þe maydyn child, and aſke we
and gold, ſeruauntis, and hand maydens, camelis, and aſſis. þe wil of hir.
xxxvi And Sara, þe wijf of my lord, haþ born a ſone to my lviii And whan ſhe clepid was comun, þei aſkiden, Wolt þow
lord in his eeld, and he haþ ȝyuun to hym al þat he had. wiþ þis man go? She ſeide, I ſhal go.
xxxvii And my lord haþ adiurid me, ſeiynge, Þow ſhalt not lix Þanne þei leten hir, and Delbora, hir noryſhe, and þe
take to my ſone a wijf of þe dowȝtres of Chananeis, in whos ſeruaunt of Abraham, and þe wiþfolweris of hyr,
loond Y dwel, lx inwardli preyinge weelſom þingis of her ſiſtyr, and ſeiynge,
xxxviii but þow ſhalt go to þe hows of my fadir, and of my
Oure ſiſtir þou art, growe þow into þowſand þowſandis, and
cognacyoun þow ſhalt take a wijf to my ſone. welden þi ſeed þe ȝatis of þin enemyes.
xxxix I forſoþe anſweride to my lord, What if þe womman lxi Þanne Rebecca and þe damyſels of hir, þe camelis ſteied
wole not go wiþ me? vp, foleweden þe man, þe which hyinge turnede aȝen to his
xl Þe Lord, he ſeiþ, in whos ſiȝt Y goo, ſhal ſende his aungel lord.
wiþ þee, and ſhal make redi þi weye; and þow ſhalt take a lxii Þat tyme Yſaac ȝede bi þe weye þat lediþ to þe pit, whos
wijf to my ſone of my kynredun, and of þe hows of my fadir. name is of hym lyuynge and ſeiynge; forſoþe he dwellide in þe
xli Þow ſhalt be ynnocent fro my curſe, whan þow ſhalt com ſowþ loond.
to my nyȝ kyn, and þei ȝyue not to þee. lxiii And he was goon out to biþenk in þe feeld, þe day now
xlii I com þanne to day to þe welle of water, and ſeyde, Þe goon doun; and whan he had houun vp þe eyen, he ſawȝ
Lord God of my lord Abraham, if þow haſt maad redy my camelis comynge afer.
weye, in þe which now Y go, lxiiii And Rebecca, Yſaac biholdyd, deſcendide of þe camel,
xliii loo! I ſtonde byſides þe welle of þe water, and þe maydyn lxv and ſeiþ to þe child, Who is þis man þat comeþ bi þe feeld
þat ſhal goon out to draw watre here of me, ȝyue to me a lytil in aȝen comyng to vs? And he ſeide to hir, He is my lord.
of water to drynke of þi watre pot, And ſhe anoon, takynge a mantel, coueride hir.
lxvi And þe ſeruaunt alle þingis þat he had doon tolde to his
lord Yſaac;


lxvii þewhich led hir wiþ ynne into þe tabernacle of Sara, his xxv He þat firſt was goon out was brown, and al in maner of
modir, and toke hir to wijf; and in ſo mych he louede hir, þat a ſkyn rowȝ; and þe name of hym was clepid Eſau.
þe ſorowe þat of þe deþ of þe moder felle it ſwagid. xxvi Anoon aftir þe toþer goynge out, helde wiþ his hoond þe
forþer parti of his broþer foot; and þerfor ſhe clepide him
Capitulum XXV. Jacob. Sixti ȝere was Yſaac whanne þe children weren born.
xxvii Þe whiche wexen, Eſau was maad a ſleiȝ man of
i Abraham forſoþe toke anoþer wijf, Cethura by name,
ii þe which
huntyng, and a man erþe tilier; Jacob forſoþe a ſymple man
bare to hym Zamram, and Jexam, and Madan, dwelte in tabernaclis.
and Madian, and Jeſboth, and Sue. xxviii Iſaac louede Eſau, þere þurȝ þat he ete of þe huntingis
iii And Jexam gat Saba, and Dadan. Þe ſones of Dadan
of him; and Rebecca louede Jacob.
weren Aſſurym, and Latuſim, Laomym. xxix Jacob forſoþe hadde ſoþun potage; to whom whan Eſau
iiii And forſoþe of Madian was ſprongun Epha, and Epher,
was comen wery fro þe felde,
and Enoch, and Abida, and Eldaa; alle þes þe ſonys of xxx ſeiþ, Ȝif to me of þis brown ſeþing, for Y am ful wery;
Cethure. for þe which cauſe þe name of hym was clepyd Edom.
v And Abraham ȝaue alle þat he had to Yſaac;
xxxi To whom ſeide Jacob, Sel me þe ryȝtis of þi fyrſt
vi to þe ſonys forſoþe of þe ſecoundarye wyues he ȝaue ȝiftis;
and he ſeueryde hem fro Yſaac, his ſone, ȝit while he lyuede, xxxii He anſweride, Loo! I dye, what ſhal profyt to me þe
to þe eſt plage. riȝtis of my firſt getyng?
vii And þe dayes of þe lijf of Abraham weren an hundryd and
xxxiii Jacob ſeide, Þanne ſweer to me. Þanne Eſau ſwoor,
ſeuenti and fyue ȝeir; and ſoold þe riȝtis of his firſt getyng.
viii and failynge he was deed in a good elde, and of greet
xxxiiii And ſo breed takun and þe ſowil of potage, ete, and
age, and ful of dayes, and he was gaderyd to his puple. dronk, and ȝede forþ, ſettynge at nouȝt þat he hadde ſoold þe
ix And Yſaac and Yſmael, his ſonys, biryeden hym in þe
riȝtis of his firſte getyng.
dowble ſpelunk, þe which is ſet in þe feeld of Ephron, ſone of
Seor Ethei, forn aȝens Mambre, Capitulum XXVI.
x þat he bouȝte of þe ſones of Heth; þere he was byried and
Sara his wijf. i Hungur forſoþe ſproong vpon þe erþe, after þilk bareynte þat
xi And after þe obite of hym God bliſſide to Yſaac, his ſone, felle in þe daies of Abraham, ȝede Yſaac to Abymalech, þe
which dwellid biſidis þe pit of hym liuynge and ſeiynge bi king of Paleſtynes, in Gerera.
name. ii And þe Lord apperide to hym, and ſeiþ, Deſend þow not
xii Þes ben þe generaciouns of Yſmael, þe ſone of Abrahe, down into Egipt, but reſt þow in þe loond þat I ſhal ſeye to
whom bare to hym Agar þe Egipcian, þe ſeruaunt of Sare; þee,
xiii and þes þe names of þe ſones of hym, in names and in iii and be pilgrym in it; and I ſhal be wiþ þee, and I ſhal
his generaciouns. Þe firſt gotun of Yſmael, Nabaioth, þanne blis to þee; to þee forſoþe and to þi ſeed Y ſhal ȝyue alle þes
after Sedar, and Abdaeel, and Mabſan, regyouns, fulfillynge þe oþ þat Y bihiȝt to Abraham, þi fader.
xiiii and Maſma, and Duma, and Maſſa, iiii And Y ſhal multiplie þi ſeed as ſterrys of heuen, and Y
xv and Adad, and Thema, and Ychur, and Naphir, and ſhal ȝyue to þin aftir comers alle þes regiouns, and alle folkis
of þe erþe ſhulen be bliſſid in þi ſeed,
Cedma. v þerþurȝ þat Abraham obeiſhid to my voys, and wolde kepe
xvi Þes ben þe ſones of Yſmael, and þes þe names, bi caſtelis
myn heeſtis and maundementis, and wolde holde my
and towns of hem, þe twelue princis of his lynages. ſeremonyes and lawis.
xvii And þe ȝeers of þe lijf of Yſmael ben maad an hundrid vi And ſo Yſaac dwelte in Gerarys.
and ſeuene and þritti, and faylynge died, and was put to his vii Which, whan he was aſkid of þe men of þilk place vpon
xviii He dwellid forſoþe fro Euila to Sur, which biholdiþ his wijf, anſweride, My ſiſter ſhe is; forſoþe he dredde to
knowlechen þat ſhe was to hym felowſhipte þurȝ mariage,
Egipt hem comyng ynne to þe Aſſyryes; bifore alle his letyng leſt perauenture þei ſhulden ſlee hym for þe fairnes of
briþeren he died. hir.
xix And þes ben þe generaciouns of Yſaac, þe ſone of viii And whan many dayes weren paſſid, and þere dwellyd, þe
Abraham. Abraham gat Yſaac, kyng Abymalech of Paleſtynes biholdynge þurȝ a wyndow,
xx þe which, whan he was of fourti ȝeer, took a wijf, Rebecca, ſawȝ hym pleiynge wiþ Rebecca, his wiyf.
þe dowȝter of Batuel, of Syre of Meſopotany, þe ſiſter of ix And hym clepid ſeiþ, It is clere þat ſhe is þi wijf; whi haſt
Laban. þow lyed hir to be þi ſiſtir? He anſweryd, I dredde, leſt Y
xxi And Yſaac preyede þe Lord for his wijf, þer þurȝ þat ſhe ſhulde dye for hir.
was bareyn; þe which herde hym, and ȝaue conceyuyng to x And Abymalech ſeide, Whi haſt þow put blame to vs? Sum
Rebecca. man of þe puple myȝte haue ley wiþ þi wijf, and þow haddiſt
xxii But þe litil children in þe womb of hir weren hurtlid to ynbrouȝt vpon vs a greet ſynne. And he comaundide to alle þe
gidere; þe which ſeide, If þus it was to com to me, what nede puple, ſeiynge,
was to conſeyue? And ſhe ȝede to counſeil þe Lord, xi Who towchiþ þe wijf of þis man, wiþ deþ he ſhal die.
xxiii þe which anſwerynge, ſeiþ, Two folk ben in þi wombe, xii Iſaac forſoþe ſowide in þat loond, and he fonde þat ȝeer þe
and two puplis of þi wombe ſhulen be dyuydid, and a puple a hundryd foold; and God bliſſide to hym.
puple ſhal ouercom, and þe moor ſhal ſerue to þe leſſe. xiii And þe man fel ryche, and he ȝede profytynge and
xxiiii Now tyme of beryng was comen, and loo! twynlingis in
vndurgrowynge to þe tyme þat he was maad hugeli greet.
þe wombe of hir weren foundun. xiiii And he hadde poſſeſſiouns of ſheep, and of droues, and of
meyne mych. For þat Paleſtynes noiynge to hym,


xv ſtoppiden alle þe pittis þe whiche þe ſeruauntis of his fader iiii make to me þerof ſowil, as þow knowe me to wiln, and
Abraham þat tyme hadden doluun, fulfillynge wiþ erþe, brynge to me þat I ete, þat my ſoule blis to þee or I dye.
xvi in ſo myche þat hym ſilf Abymalech ſeide to Yſaac, Goo v Þe which whan Rebecca hadde herd, and he was goon a
awey fro vs, for greetli þow art maad myȝtyer þan we. wey in to þe feeld, þat he fulfille þe heeſt of þe fader,
xvii And he goynge þens, þat he come to þe rennynge watir of vi ſhe ſeide to hir ſone Jacob, I herde þi fader ſpekynge wiþ
Gerare, and dwelle þere, Eſau, þi broþer, and ſeiynge to hym,
xviii eftſones he deluyde oþer pittis, þe whiche þe ſeruauntis of vii Brynge to me of þin huntyng, and maak metis, þat I ete,
his fader Abraham delueden, and whom, hym deed, ſumtyme and Y ſhal bliſſe to þee bifore þe Lord or I dye.
Philiſtiens ſtoppiden; and he clepide hem þe ſame names, in viii Now þanne aſſente to my counſeyls, my ſone,
þe whiche þe fader hadde clepid bifore. ix and goynge to þe flok, brynge to me two þe beſt kyddis, þat
xix Þe deluyden in þe rennynge watir, and þei fonden quyk
I make of hem meet to þi fader, þe which he eet gladly;
watir. x þe whiche whan þow bryngiſt yn, and he etiþ, he bliſſe to
xx But and þere was ſtriyf of þe ſheepherdis of Gerare
þee or þan he die.
aȝenus þe ſheepherdis of Iſaac, ſeiynge, Oure is þe water; xi To whom he anſweride, Þow haſt know þat Eſau my
wherfor þe name of þe pit of þat þat felle he clepide chalange.
xxi And þei delueden anoþir, and for þilk forſoþe þei ſtryuen, broþer is a man ful of heer, and I ſoft;
xii if my fader groop and fele, Y drede leſt he wene me wiln
and he clepide it enmyteſe.
xxii Fro þens goon he deluyde anoþer pit, for which þei to bigile hym, and brynge on me malyſoun for benyſoun.
xiii To whom þe moder, In me be, ſhe ſeiþ, þis maliſoun, my
ſtryuen not, and ſo he clepide þe name of it breede, ſeiynge,
Now God haþ ſprad vs a brood, and he haþ maad growe ſone; oonli here my vois, and goynge forþ brynge to þat Y
vpon þe erþe. ſeide.
xxiii Forſoþe fro þat place he ſteiȝ vp into Berſabe, xiiii He ȝede a wey, and brouȝte to, and ȝaue to his modir.
xxiiii where þe Lord aperyde to hym in þat nyȝt, ſeiynge, I She greiþide meetis, as ſhe knewe þe fader of hym wiln,
xv and wiþ þe cloþis of Eſau ful good, þe whiche anentis hyr
am þe God of Abraham, þi fader; nil þou not drede, for I am
wiþ þee, and I ſhal bliſſe to þee, and I ſhal multiplie þi ſeed ſhe hadde at hoom, ſhe cloþid hym.
for my ſeruaunt Abraham. xvi And ſhe dide about his hondis litel ſkynnes of kiddis, and
xxv And ſo he bildide þere an auter to þe Lord; and inwardli ſhe forcoueride þe nakid of þe nak;
clepid þe name of þe Lord, ſtrawȝte out a tabernacle, and xvii and ȝaue ſowil, and took þe looues þat ſhe hadde ſoþun.
comaundide his ſeruauntis þat þei ſhulden delue pittis. xviii Þe whiche þingis brouȝt to, ſeide, Fader myn! And he
xxvi To þe which place whan þei weren comen fro Geraris, anſweryde, I here; who art þow, ſone myn?
Abymalech and Ochoȝat, frendis of hym, and Phichol, þe xix And Jacob ſeide, Y am Eſau, þi firſt getun. Y haue do to
duyk of knyȝtis, þee as þow haſt comaundide me; aryſe, ſit, and eet of myn
xxvii Yſaac ſpak to hem, What ben ȝe comen to me, a man huntyng, þat þi ſoule bliſſe to me.
whom ȝe hatiden, and puttiden awey fro ȝow? xx Eft Yſaac to his ſone, How, he ſeiþ, ſo ſoone fynde þow
xxviii Whiche anſweriden, We han ſe þe Lord to be wiþ þee, myȝtiſt, ſone myne? Þe which anſweride, Þe wil of God was,
and þerfor we ſeiden, Be þere an oþ bitwix vs, and maak we þat ſoone it ſhulde com to me þat I wolde.
to gider boond of pees, xxi And Yſaac ſeide, Come nerre hider, þat I towche þee,
xxix þat þow do not to vs eny þing of yuel, and as we ſone myn, and proue wheþir þow be my ſone Eſau, or noon.
towchiden no þing of þin, ne han doon þat ſhulde harm þee, xxii He com nerre to þe fader; and, hym gropid, ſeide Yſaac,
but wiþ pees we han laft þee encreeſſid wiþ þe bliſſyng of þe Þe vois forſoþe is þe vois of Jacob, but þe hondis ben þe
Lord. hondis of Eſau.
xxx Þanne he made hem a feeſt; and aftir meet and drynke, xxiii And he knewe hym not, for þe heery hondis expreſſiden
xxxi aryſynge eerli, þei ſweren to hem ſiluen to gidere; and þe liknes of þe moor. Þanne blyſſynge to hym, ſeide,
Yſaac peeſibli laft hem into her place. xxiiii Þow art my ſone Eſau? He anſweride, I am.
xxxii Loo! forſoþe in þat day comen þe ſeruauntis of Yſaac, xxv And he, Brynge forþ, he ſeide, to me meetis of þin
tellynge to hym of þe pit þat þei delueden, and ſeiynge, We hunting, ſone myn, þat my ſoule bliſſe to þee. Þe which
han foundun watir. offryd, whan he hadde eet, alſo and wyyn he offride, þe which
xxxiii Wher of he clepide it plente; and þe name of þe cyte is drunkun,
ſet Berſabee, vnto þe day þat is now. xxvi ſeide to hym, Come nerre to me, and ȝyue to me a coſſe,
xxxiiii Eſau forſoþe fourti wyntir olde took two wyues, Judith, ſone myn.
þe dowȝter of Beery Ethei, and Bethſamath, þe dowter of xxvii He com nerre, and coſſyde hym; and anoon þat he felide
Elon, of þe ſame place; þe good ſmel of his cloþis, bliſſynge to hym ſeiþ, Loo! þe ſmel
xxxv þe whiche boþe hadden offendid þe inwitt of Yſaac and of my ſone as þe ſmel of a ful feeld, to þe which þe Lord
Rebecca. bliſſide.
xxviii God ȝyue to þee of þe dew of heuen, and of fatnes of þe
Capitulum XXVII. erþe, plente of wheet, and of wyyn, and of oyle;
xxix and to þee ſeruen puplis, and lowten þee lynagis; be þow
i Yſaac forſoþe was olde, and his eyen wexen derk, and he
myȝte not ſe. And he clepide Eſau, his moor ſone, and ſeide þe lord of þi briþeren, and þe ſonys of þi moder be þei bowid
to hym, My ſone! Þe which anſweryde, I am nyȝ. bifore þee; who ſhal curſe to þee, be he curſid, and who ſhal
ii To whom þe fader, Þow ſeeſt, he ſeiþ, þat Y am wexun
blis to þee, wiþ bliſſyngis be he fulfillid.
xxx Vnneþ Yſaac had fulfillid þe word, and Jacob goon out,
olde, and vnknowe þe day of my deeþ. Eſau com,
iii Take þin armes, quyuer and bowe, and go forþ oute; and
whan þow haſt wiþ huntyng eny þing takun,


xxxi and ſoþen meetis of þe huntyng broute yn to þe fader, vi Seynge forſoþe Eſau þat his fader hadde bliſſid to Jacob,
ſeiynge, Aryſe, fader myn, and eet of þe huntyng of þi ſone, and hadde ſent hym into Meſopotany of Syry, þat fro þens he
þat þi ſoule bliſſe to me. ſhulde taak hym a wijf, and þat aftir þe bliſſyng he hadde
xxxii And Yſaac ſeide, Who forſoþe art þow? Þe which comaundid hym, ſeyynge, Þow ſhalt not taak a wijf of þe
anſweride, Y am þi firſt getun ſone Eſau. dowȝtrys of Canaan;
xxxiii Iſaac wexe adred in a hidows ſtonying, and more þan it vii and þat Jacob obeiſhynge to his fader and moder ſhulde go
may be leuyd wondrynge, ſeiþ, Who is þanne he þat now riȝt into Syrye;
brouȝte to me huntyng takun, and Y ete of al bifore þat þow viii and prouynge þat his fader wolde not gladli biholde þe
com, and Y bliſſide hym? and he ſhal be bliſſid. dowȝtris of Chanaan,
xxxiiii Eſau, þe wordis of þe fader herd, roride wiþ a greet ix ȝede to Yſmael, and took a wijf, wiþ out hem þat he hadde
crye, and ſtonyed ſeide, Alſo blis and to me, fader myn. byfore, Melech, þe dowter of Yſmael, ſone of Abraham, þe
xxxv Þe which ſeide, Þi broþir com gilyngliche, and took þi ſiſter of Naboiot.
bliſſyng. x Þanne Jacob, goon out to Berſabee, ȝede to Aran.
xxxvi And he ekyde to, Juſtli is þe name of hym clepid Jacob; xi And whan he was comun to a maner place, and he wolde
he forſoþe haþ ſubplauntid me loo! anoþir ſiþe; þe riȝtis of my reſt in it after þe ſunne goyng down, took of þe ſtonys þat
fyrſt geting biforn he took a wey, and now ſecounde he haþ lyen, and vnderputting to his heed, ſlepte in þe ſame place.
vnder rauyſhide my benyſoun. And eftſonys to þe fader, And xii And he ſawȝ in his ſlepis a laddre ſtondynge vpon þe erþe,
wheþir þow haſt not reſeruyd, he ſeiþ, to me þi bliſſyng? and þe heiȝt of it towchynge heuene, and aungels forſoþe of
xxxvii Yſaac anſweryde, Þi lord I haue ordeynyde him, and God ſteiynge vp and goynge down bi it,
alle his briþeren I haue vndir ȝockid to þe ſeruyce of hym; xiii and þe Lord cleuynge to þe ladder, ſeiynge to hym, Y am
wiþ wheet, and wyne, and oyle I haue ſtablid hym; and to þe Lord God of Abraham, þi fader, and God of Yſaac; þe
þee, ſone myn, after þeſe ouer what ſhal Y doon? loond in which þow ſlepiſt Y ſhal ȝyue to þee, and to þi ſeed.
xxxviii To whom Eſau ſeide, Wheþer oonlich o bliſſyng þow xiiii And þi ſeed ſhal be as þe powdre of þe erþe, þow ſhalt be
haſt fader? And to me Y preie þee þat þow blis; and wiþ a ſprad a brode to þe eſt, and weſt, and norþ, and ſowþ; and
greet ȝowlyng he wepte. alle lynagis of þe erþe ſhulen be bliſſid in þee and þi ſeed.
xxxix Yſaac moued, ſeide to hym, In þe fatnes of þe erþe, and xv And Y ſhal be þi keper, whidir euer þow goſt; and Y ſhal
in þe dewe of heuene fro aboue ſhal be þi bliſſyng; brynge þe aȝeyn into þis loond, ne Y ſhal not leeue forto Y
xl þow ſhalt lyue in ſwerd, and to þi broþer þow ſhalt ſerue, fulfille alle þe þingis þat Y ſeide.
and tyme ſhal come whanne þow ſhalt ſhaak out, and lowſe þe xvi And whan Jacob was wakun of þe ſleep, ſeide, Forſoþe þe
ȝok of hym of þi nollys. Lord is in þis place, and Y wiſte not.
xli Þan Eſau euermore hatide Jacob for þe bliſſyng þat þe xvii And dredynge ſeide, Howe feerful is þis place! Here is
fader bliſſide to hym, and ſeide in his herte, Þe dayes of noþer but þe hows of God, and þe ȝaat of heuene.
weilyng of my fader ſhal come, and I ſhal ſlee Jacob, my xviii Aryſynge þanne eerly, took þe ſtoon, þe which he hadde
xlii Þes þingis weren tolde to Rebecca, þe which ſendynge and vnderput to his heed, and areryde into a ſigne of worſhip,
heeldynge oyle aboue.
clepynge hire ſone Jacob, ſeide to hym, Loo! Eſau, þi broþer, xix And he clepide þe name of þe cyte Bethel, þat bifornhoond
þretiþ þat he ſlee þee;
xliii now þanne, ſone, here my vois, and aryſynge fle to was clepid Luza.
xx And he a vowide a vowe, ſeiynge, If God were wiþ me,
Laban, my broþer, in Aran;
xliiii and þow ſhalt dwelle wiþ hym a fewe dayes, to þe tyme and kepide me in þe weye bi which Y goo, and ȝyue me
looues to etun, and clooþ to be cloþid,
þat þe woodnes of þi broþer reſte, xxi and ſhal be turned aȝen welſumly to þe hows of my fader,
xlv and þe indignacioun of hym ceeſſe, and he forȝeete þe
þe Lord ſhal be to me into God.
þingis þat þow haſt doon to hym. Afterward Y ſhal ſende and xxii And þis ſtoon, þat I haue areryde into a ſigne of worſhip,
lede þee fro þens hydir. Whi ſhal Y be priued of eiþir ſone in
o day? ſhal be clepid þe hows of God; and of alle þingis þat þow
xlvi And Rebecca ſeide to Yſaac, It noieþ me of my lijf for þe ſhalt ȝyue to me Y ſhal offer dymes to þee.
dowȝtrys of Heth; if Jacob ſhal taak a wijf of þe lynage of
þis loond, Y nyl not lyue. Capitulum XXIX.
i Jacob þanne forþ goon, cam into þe eſt loond.
Capitulum XXVIII. ii And he ſawȝ a pit in þe feeld, and þre flockis of ſheep
i And ſo Yſaac clepide Jacob, and bliſſide hym, and liggynge biſidis it; for of it beeſtis weren wateryd, and þe
comaundide hym, ſeiynge, Wole þow not taak a wijf of þe mouþ of it was cloſid wiþ a greet ſtoon.
kynred of Chanaan; iii And þe maner was, þat alle þe ſheep gaderyd to gidir, men
ii but go, and forþpaſſe into Meſopotany of Syry, to þe hows ſhulden turne vp þe ſtoon, and, þe flockis fulfillid, eftſones þei
of Batuel, þe fader of þi moder, and taak to þee fro þens a ſhulden putte vpon þe mouþ of þe pit.
wijf of þe dowȝtris of Laban, þin vnkle. iiii And he ſeide to þe ſheepherdis, Breþeren, whens be ȝe?
iii God forſoþe Almyȝti bliſſe to þee, and make þee growe, and Þe whiche anſweriden, Of Aran.
multiplie, þat þow be into þe cumpanyes of puplis; v Whom aſkynge, Wheþir, he ſeide, knowe ȝe Laban, þe ſone
iiii and ȝyue he to þee bliſſyngis of Abraham, and to þi ſeed of Nachor? Þei ſeiden, We han knowun.
aftir þee, þat þow haue þe loond of þi pilgrimage, þe which he vi Wheþir is he, he ſeiþ, hool? Þei ſeiden, He fariþ wel; and
haþ bihoot to þi graunſire. loo! Rachel, þe dowȝter of hym, com wiþ his flok.
v And whan Yſaac had laft hym, he forþpaſſid com into vii And Jacob ſeyde, Aboue þere is ȝit myche of þe day, ne
Meſopotanye of Syre, to Laban, þe ſone of Batuel Siry, þe tyme is þat flockys ben ladde aȝen to þe fooldis; ȝyueþ bifore
broþer of Rebecca, his moder. drynke to þe ſheep, and ſo lede ȝe hem aȝen to þe paſture.


viii Þe whiche anſweryden, We mowen not, to þe tyme þat xxxv Þe ferþ tyme ſhe conſeyuede, and bare a ſone, and ſeiþ,
alle beeſtis ben gaderyd togider, and we mouen awey þe ſtoon Now I ſhal knowlech to þe Lord; and for þat ſhe clepide þe
fro þe mowþ of þe pit, þat we watren þe flok. name of him Juda; and ſhe ceeſſide to bere chyld.
ix Ȝit þei ſpeken, and loo! Rachel com wiþ þe ſheep of hir
fader; for ſhe fedde þe flok. Capitulum XXX.
x Whom whanne Jacob hadde ſeen, and wiſte hir his vnkil
i Seynge forſoþe Rachel þat ſhe was wiþouten fruyt of
dowȝter, and þe ſheep of Laban his vnkle, he mouede awey þe wombe, enuyede to þe ſiſtir, and ſeide to þe huſboond, Ȝyf to
ſtoon wiþ which þe pit was cloſid; and þe flok watered, me free childryn, ellis Y ſhal dye.
xi he kiſſide hir, and wiþ areryd voys ſhe wepte.
ii To whom wrooþ Jacob anſweride, Wheþer for a God Y
xii And he ſhewide to hir þat he was þe broþer of hir fader,
am, þe which haue priuede þee þe fruyt of þi wombe?
and þe ſone of Rebecca; and ſhe hiynge tolde to hir fader. iii And ſhe, I haue, ſhe ſeide, a ſeruaunt, Balam, goo yn to
xiii Þe which whan he hadde herd, Jacob, his ſiſter ſone,
hir, þat ſhe bere vpon my kneen, and I haue of hir ſones.
comen, ȝede aȝen metynge wiþ hym, and clippynge him, and iiii And ſhe ȝaue to hym Balam into maryage; þe which, þe
fallynge in coſſis, ladde hym into his hows. Forſoþe þe cauſis man goon yn to hir,
herd of his weye, v conſeyuede, and bare a ſone.
xiiii anſweryde, My boon þow art, and my fleiſh. And after
vi And Rachel ſeide, Þe Lord haþ ſhewid me, and he haþ
þat þe dayes of a moneþ weren fulfillid,
xv he ſeide to hym, Wheþer for þow art my broþer, in veyn herd my vois, ȝyuynge to me a ſone; and þerfor ſhe clepide þe
þow ſhalt ſerue to me? Sey what of mede þow ſhalt take. name of hym Dan.
vii And eftſones Bala conſeiuinge, bare anoþer,
xvi He hadde forſoþe two dowȝtrys, name of þe more Lya, þe
viii for þe which ſeide Rachel, Þe Lord haþ compariſownd me
leſſe forſoþe was clepid Rachel;
xvii but Lya was wiþ blerid eyen, Rachel fayr in face, and wiþ my ſiſter, and I haue recouered; and ſhe clepide hym
wiþ ſeemly biholdynge. Neptalym.
ix Lya felynge þat ſhe had laft for to bere children, ſhe took to
xviii Whom louynge Jacob, ſeide, I ſhal ſerue to þee for
Rachel, þi laſſe dowȝter, ſeuen ȝeer. þe huſboond Zelpha, hir handmayden.
x Þe which aftir conſeyuynge bryngynge forþ a child,
xix Laban anſweryde, Betir is þat Y ȝyue hir to þee þan to
xi ſeide, Gracyouſly; and þerfor ſhe clepide þe name of hym
anoþer man, dwelle wiþ me.
xx Þanne Jacob ſerued for Rachel ſeuen ȝeer, and þei Gad.
xii And Zelpha bare anoþir,
ſemeden to hym fewe dayes for greetnes of loue.
xxi And he ſeide to Laban, Ȝyf to me my wiyf, for þe tyme is xiii and Lya ſeide, Þat for my blisfulnes; forſoþe alle
fulfillid þat Y ſhulde goo yn to hir. wymmen ſhulen ſey me blisful; þerfor ſhe clepide hym Aſer.
xxii Þe which, manye cumpanyes of his frendis clepid to þe xiiii And Ruben goon out in tyme of wheet herueſt into þe
feeſt, made þe brydalis, feeld, fonde mandraggis, þat he brouȝte to Lya, þe moder.
xxiii and at euen brouȝte yn to hym Lya, his dowȝter, And Rachel ſeide, Ȝyue me parte of þe mandraggis of þi
xxiiii ȝyuynge an handmayden to þe dowȝter, Zelpha bi name.
xv She anſweride, Ne ſemiþ it to þee a litil, þat þow haſt
To whom whan after þe maner Jacob was goon yn, bifore takun þe huſbond to me, but alſo þe mandraggis of my
xxv þe morutide doon, ſawȝ Lya, and ſeide to his wyues
ſone þow taak? And ſhe, Slep he wiþ þee þis nyȝt for þe
fader, What is þat þow woldiſt doon? wheþer for Rachel Y mandraggis of þi ſone.
ſeruede not to þee? whi vndurputtiſt þow Lya to me? xvi And to Jacob comynge aȝen at euen fro þe feeld Lya was
xxvi Laban anſweride, It is not of cuſtom in oure place, þat
goon out into þe aȝencomyng of hym, and ſeiþ, To me, ſhe
þe leſſe bifore we taken to ſpoſeyls; ſeiþ, þow ſhalt come yn, for þurȝ mede I haue hyryde þee for
xxvii fulfil þe wike of dayes of þis cowple, and þis forſoþe I þe mandraggis of my ſone. He ſlepte wiþ hir þat nyȝt;
ſhal ȝyue to þee for þe werk þat þow art to ſerue to me, ſeuen xvii and God herde þe preiers of hir, and ſhe conſeyuede, and
oþer ȝeris. bare þe fift ſone;
xxviii He aſſentide gladli; and þe wike ouerpaſſid, xviii and ſeiþ, God haþ ȝeuun mede to me, for I haue ȝouun
xxix he took Rachel to wiyf; to whom þe fadir ȝaue a myn handemaiden to my man; and ſhe clepide þe name of
ſeruaunt, Balam. hym Yſachar.
xxx And at þe laſte he vſide þe deſirid ſpoſeyls, put bifore to xix Eftſonys Lya conſeyuynge bare þe ſixte ſone,
þe raþer þe loue of hir þat com after, ſeruynge anentis hym xx and ſeiþ, Þe Lord haþ enrychide me wiþ a good dower;
ſeuen oþere ȝerys. alſo þis while wiþ me ſhal be myn huſboond, þerþurȝ þat Y
xxxi Þe Lord forſoþe ſeynge þat he diſpiſide Lya, opnyde þe haue getun to hym ſixe ſones; and þerfor ſhe clepide þe name
wombe of hir, hir ſiſter bareyne dwellynge. of hym Zabulon.
xxxii Þe which a conſeyued ſone gat, and clepide þe name of xxi After whom ſhe bare a dowȝter, Dyne bi name.
hym Ruben, ſeiynge, Þe Lord haþ ſey my mekenes, now my xxii And þe Lord, recordid of Rachel, herde hir, and openyde
man ſhal loue me. þe wombe of hir.
xxxiii And eftſonys ſhe conſeyuede, and bare a ſone, and ſeide, xxiii Which conſeyuede, and bare a ſone, ſeiynge, God haþ
For þe Lord haþ ſeen me ben had to diſpiyt, haþ ȝyuun alſo doon awey my reprofe;
þis to me; and ſhe clepide þe name of hym Symyon. xxiiii and ſhe clepide þe name of hym Joſeph, ſeiynge, Þe
xxxiiii And þe þridde tyme ſhe conſeyuede, and gat anoþer
Lord adde to me anoþer ſone.
ſone, and ſeide, Now forſoþe myn huſboond ſhal be cowplid to xxv Joſeph forſoþe born, Jacob ſeide to his wyues fader, Lat
me, þerþurȝ þat I bere to hym þre ſonys; and þerfor ſhe me þat Y go aȝen into my cuntre, and to my loond.
clepide þe name of hym Leuy.


xxvi Ȝyue to me wyues, and my free children, for þe whiche iii mooſt þe Lord ſeiynge to hym, Turne aȝen into þe loond of
I haue ſeruede þee, þat I goo; þow forſoþe haſt knowe þe þi fadrys, and to þi kynred, and Y ſhal be wiþ þee.
ſeruyſe þat I haue ſeruyde to þee. iiii And he ſente, and clepide Rachel and Lya into þe feeld,
xxvii Laban ſeide to him, Shal I fynde grace in þi ſiȝt, þurȝ where he fedde þe flockis,
experyens Y haue lernyd for God haþ bliſſid to me for þee; v and he ſeide to hem, Y ſe þe face of ȝoure fader, þat it is
xxviii ordeyn þi mede þat Y ȝyue to þee. not toward me as ȝiſtirday and þe þridde day hens; God
xxix And he anſweryde, Þou haſt knowe what maner Y haue forſoþe of my fader was wiþ me.
ſeruede to þee, and þi poſſeſſioun how myche was in myn vi And ȝe han knowun þat wiþ alle my ſtrengþis Y haue
hondis; ſeruyd to ȝoure fader;
xxx a litil þow haddiſt bifore þat I com to þee, and now þow vii but and ȝoure fader haþ comen aboute me, and chaungide
art maad ryche, and God haþ bliſſid to þee at myn yncomyng; my mede ten ſiþis; and neuerþelater God haþ not letun hym
þanne it is riȝtful þat ſumtyme alſo Y puruey to myn hows. þat he ſhulde anoye to me.
xxxi And Laban ſeide, What ſhal Y ȝyue to þee? And he ſeiþ, viii If oþerwhile he ſeide, Þe dyuers colourid ſhulen be þi
Y wole noþing, but if þow doſt þat I aſke, eft I ſhal feede medis, alle þe ſheep beren conſeyuyng of dyuers colours;
and kepe þi beeſtis. whanne forſoþe aȝenward he ſeiþ, Alle þe whyet þow ſhalt
xxxii Turne abowt alle þi flockis, and ſeuer alle þi ſpeckid taak for þi mede, alle þe flockis beren whyet;
ſheep, and wiþ ſpeckyd fleſe, and what euere ȝolow, and ix and God haþ taak þe ſubſtaunce of ȝoure fader, and ȝeuen
ſpeckid, and dyuerſe colourid were, as wel in ſheep as in to me.
geyt, ſhal be my mede. x Forſoþe bifore þat þe tyme of conſeyuyng of ſheep com, Y
xxxiii And my riȝtwiſnes ſhal anſwere to morwe, whan tyme heuede vp myn eyen, and ſawȝ in ſleep þe malis ſteiyng up
of pleſaunce ſhal come bifore þee; and alle þat weren not vpon femalis, varye, and ſpotti, and of dyuers colours.
dyuerſe, and ſpeckid, and ȝalow, as wel in ſheep as in geyt, xi And þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide to me in ſlepe, Jacob! and
of þeft þou ſhalt vndirnym me. I anſweride, Y am nyȝ.
xxxiiii And Laban ſeide, Agreede Y haue þat þow aſkiſt. xii Þe which ſeiþ, Rere up þin eyen, and ſe alle þe malis
xxxv And he ſeuerde þat day þe ſhe geyt, and þe ſheep, and þe ſteiyng up vpon þe femalis, varye, and ſprynklid, and ſpottid;
hyeȝ geyt, and þe weþeres, dyuerſe and ſpotti. And al þe flok forſoþe Y haue ſeen alle þingis þat Laban haþ doon to þee;
of o colour, þat is, of whyet or of blak fleſe, he toke in þe xiii Y am God of Bethel, where þow anoyntidiſt þe ſtoon, and
hoond of his ſones; þow vowediſt auowe to me. Now þanne aryſe, and goo out
xxxvi and putte a ſpace of þre daies weye bitwix hem and his fro þis loond, turnynge aȝen into þe loond of þi birþ.
dowȝtir huſboond, þe whiche fedden þe toþer flockis of hym. xiiii And Rachel and Lya anſweryden, Wheþer han we eny
xxxvii Þanne Jacob takynge green popil ȝerdis, and of þing of reſidewe in faculteis and erytage of þe hows of oure
almanders, and of planes, a parti vnryendide hem; and fader?
riendis drawun awey; in þilke þat weren pilde ſemede xv Wheþer as aliens haþ he not holdun vs, and ſoold, and
whytnes, þilke forſoþe þat weren hool dwelten ſtil green, and haþ etun oure pryis?
ſo in þis maner was maad of dyuerſe colour. xvi But God haþ takun þe richeſſis of oure fader, and ȝeuun
xxxviii And he putte hem in þe water trowes, where þe watyr
hem to vs, and to oure ſonys; wherfor alle þingis þat God
was held out, þat whanne þe flockis weren comen to drynke, comaundiþ to þee, do.
bifore þe eyen þei ſhulden han þe ȝerdis, and in þe ſiȝt of hem xvii Forſoþe Jacob aroos, and þe fre children and his wyues
þei ſhulden conſeyue.
xxxix And ſo it was doon þat in þat heet of goynge togidere put vpon camels,
xviii ȝede awey; and took al his ſubſtaunce, flockis, and alle
þe ſheep ſhulden biholde þe ȝerdis, and beere ſpotty, and
ſpeckid, and ſpreyned wiþ dyuers colour. þingis þat he hadde purchaſid in Meſopotany, goynge to
xl And Jacob dyuydide þe flok, and putte þe ȝerdis in þe Yſaac, his fader, in þe loond of Chanaan.
xix Þat tyme Laban was goon to þe ſheep þat ſhulden be
watyr trowis, bifore þe eyen of þe rammys; forſoþe alle þe
whyte and þe blak weren of Laban, þe toþere forſoþe of clippid, and Rachel hadde ſtolne þe mawmetis of hir fadir.
Jacob, ſeueryd bitwix hem ſilf þe flockis. xx And Jacob nolde knowleche to his wyues fader, þat he
xli Þanne whanne þe firſt tyme þe ſheep weren ſteyed vp, wolde flee;
Jacob putte þe ȝerdis in þe trowis of watrys, biforn þe eyen xxi and whanne he was goon, boþe he and alle þingis þat
of rammys and of ſheep, þat in þe ſiȝt of hem þei ſhulden weren of his riȝt, and þe flode paſſid ouer ſhulde go aȝens þe
conſeyue. hil of Galaad,
xlii Whanne forſoþe þe laat comyng togidere of beeſtis weren, xxii it was tolde to Laban, þe þridde day, þat Jacob fleeiȝ.
and þe laſt conceyuyng tyme, he putte not hem. And þilke þat xxiii Þe which, his briþeren takun wiþ hym, purſuede hym
weren of þe later tyme ben maad of Laban, and þilke of þe ſeuen dayes, and ouertook hym in þe hil of Galaad.
fyrſt tyme of Jacob. xxiiii And he ſawȝ in his ſleep þe Lord ſeiynge to hym, Be
xliii And þe man is maad ryche wonder myche, and he hadde
war leſt eny þing ſharply þow ſpeek aȝens Jacob.
manye flockis, handmaydenys, and ſeruauntis, camels, and xxv And now Jacob hadde ſtrauȝte a tabernacle in þe hil; and
whan he hadde takun hym wiþ his briþeren, in þe ſame hil of
Galaad, he ficchide a tent;
Capitulum XXXI. xxvi and he ſeide to Jacob, Whi didiſt þow þus, þat biſyde me
i After þat he herde þe wordis of þe ſonys of Laban, ſeiynge, þow dryue awey my dowȝtris as caytyues wiþ ſwerde?
Jacob haþ takun alle þat weren of oure fader, and of þe xxvii Whi vnwitynge me woldiſt þow fle, ne ſhewe to me, þat
faculte of hym richid is maad noble. Y myȝte forþ folwe þee wiþ ioye, and ſongis, and tympans,
ii And he took hede to þe face of Laban, þat it was not and harpis?
towards hym as ȝiſtirday and þe þrid day hens,


xxviii Þow ſuffrediſt not þat Y myȝte kiſſe my ſones and lii witnes ſhal be; þis hilloc, and þe ſtoon ben into witneſſyng,
dowȝtris; folily þow haſt wrouȝt. if forſoþe I ſhall paſſe it goynge to þee, or þow ouerpaſſiſt
xxix And now forſoþe myn hoond may ȝeeld to þee yuel, but yuel to me þenkynge.
God of þi fader ȝiſtirday ſeide to me, Be war leſt þow ſpeek liii God of Abraham, and God of Nachor, deme bitwix vs, þe
wiþ Jacob eny þing harder. God of þe fader of hem. Þanne Jacob ſwore by þe drede of
xxx And if þow coueytidiſt to goo to þine, and þe hows of þi his fader Yſaac;
fadir was in deſiyr to þee, whi haſt þow ſtoln my goddis? liiii and, offrid ſlayn ſacrifice in þe hil, he clepide his briþeren
xxxi Jacob anſweride, Þat þus fro þee I am goon forþ, Y þat þei ſhulden eete breed, þe whiche whanne þei hadden etun,
dredde leſt violentli þow ſhuldiſt taak awey þi dowȝtris; dwelten þere.
xxxii þat forſoþe þow vndirnymiſt me of þefte, anentiſt whom lv Laban forſoþe at nyȝt aryſynge, kiſſide þe ſones, and his
euer þow fyndiſt þi goddis, be he ſlaw biforn our briþeren; douȝtris, and bliſſide to hem, turnynge aȝen into his place.
and ſerch what euer of þi þing anentis me þow fyndiſt, and
taak awey. Þes þingis ſeiynge, he knewe not þat Rachel Capitulum XXXII.
hadde ſtoln þe mawmetis. i Jacob
xxxiii And ſo Laban, goon into þe tabernacle of Jacob, and forſoþe wente in his weie þat he biganne, and þere
Lya, and of eiþer meyne, fonde nouȝt; and whan he was goon weren to hym met aungels of þe Lord.
ii Whom whanne he hadde ſeen, ſeiþ, Þe tentis of God ben
yn to þe tentis of Rachel,
xxxiiii ſhe hiynge hidde þe mawmetis vndur þe literyng of a þes; and he clepide þe name of þat place Manaym, þat is,
camele, and ſat aboue. And to hym, aſerchynge al þe tent and tentis.
iii And he ſente forſoþe meſſangeris biforn hym to Eſau, his
no þing fyndynge,
xxxv ſhe ſeiþ, Be not, my lord, wroþ þat Y may not aryſe broþer, into þe loond of Seyr, in þe regioun of Edom;
iiii and he comaundide to hem, ſeiynge, Þus ſpek ȝe to my
bifore þee, for after þe vſage of wymmen now it is fallun to
me; and ſo bigilid is þe biſynes of hym ſechinge. lord Eſau, Þes þingis ſeiþ þi broþer Jacob, At Laban I haue
xxxvi And Jacob ſwellynge, ſeiþ wiþ ſtriyf, For what my pylgrimagid, and was vnto þe preſent day;
v I haue oxen, and aſſis, and ſheep, and ſeruauntis, and
treſpas, and for what my ſynne, haſt þow þus fulbrent after
me, handmaydens, and I ſende now a meſſage to my lord, þat Y
xxxvii and haſt enſerchid alle my neceſſaryes of hows? What fynde grace in þi ſiȝt.
vi And þe meſſangeris ben comun aȝen to Jacob, ſeiynge, We
haſt þow foundun of eny ſubſtawnce of þin hows? Putte þat
bifore my briþeren and toforn þi breþeren, and deme þei comen to Eſau, þi broþer, and loo! he goþ into þin aȝen-
bitwix me and þee. comyng, wiþ foure hundrid men.
xxxviii Þerfor twenti wynter haue I ben wiþ þee? Þi ſhep and vii Jacob ful myche dred, and afeerd dyuydide his peple þat
þi geit weren not barein, þe weþeris of þi flok Y ete not, wiþ him was, þe flockis forſoþe, and ſheep, and oxen, and
xxxix ne takun of beeſt I ſhewide to þee; Y al þe harm ȝolde; camels diuydid in two companyes;
viii ſeiynge, If Eſau come to þe too companye, and ſmyte it,
al þing of þefte þat periſhide, of me þow aſkidiſt;
xl day and nyȝt wiþ hoot and coolde Y was ſtreynyd, and þe toþer companye þat is lafte ſhal be ſauyd.
ix And Jacob ſeide, God of my fader Abraham, and God of
ſleep fleiȝ fro myn eyen;
xli ſo þurȝ out twenti ȝeer in þin hows Y ſeruede to þee, my fader Yſaac, þow Lord, þat ſeidiſt to me, Turne aȝen into
fourtene for þi dowȝtres, and ſixe for þi flockis; forſoþe þow þi loond, and into þe place of þi birþe, and I ſhal wel do to
chaungediſt my mede ten ſiþis. þee,
x Y am laſſe þan alle þi mercyes, and þi treuþe þat þow haſt
xlii But þe God of my fader Abraham, and þe drede of Yſaac
hadde ben to me, perauenture nakid now þou haddiſt laft me; fulfillid to þi ſeruaunt; in my ſtaf I haue paſſid þis Jordan,
myn affliccioun and þe traueil of myn hondis þe Lord bihelde, and now wiþ two companyes Y turne aȝen;
xi delyuer me of þe hoond of my broþer Eſau, for greetly Y
and vndernam þee ȝiſterday.
xliii Laban anſweride to hym, My dowȝtres, and ſones, and þi drede hym, leſt perauenture comynge he ſmyte þe moders wiþ
flockis, and alle þat þow biholdiſt, ben myne, and what may þe children.
xii Þow haſt ſpokun þat þou ſhuldiſt wel do to me, and þat
Y do to my ſones, and to my neces?
xliiii Com þanne, and goo we into couenaunt of pees, þat þow ſhuldiſt ſprede abrood my ſeed as þe grauel of þe ſee, þat
witneſſe be bitwixe me and þee. for multitude may not be noumbred.
xiii And whanne he hadde ſlept þere þat nyȝt, he ſeueride of
xlv And ſo Jacob took a ſtoon, and areryde it into a title,
xlvi and ſeide to his briþeren, Bryngiþ to ſtoons; þe whiche
þat þat he hadde ȝiftys to Eſau, his broþer,
xiiii ſhe geyte two hundrid, hee geyte twenty, ſheepe two
gederynge togidere, maden an hillok, and eten þer vpon. hundrid, and weþeris twenti,
xlvii Þe which Laban clepyde an hillok of witnes, and Jacob
xv camels fulle wiþ her coltis þretti, kien fourti, and bullis
an hipil of wytneſſyng; eiþer after þe proprete of his tunge. twenti, ſhe aſſis twenti, and þe coltis of hem ten.
xlviii And Laban ſeide, Þis hillok ſhal be witnes bitwixe me
xvi And he ſente bi þe hondis of his ſeruauntis eche oon after
and þee to day, and þerfor þe name of it is clepid Galaad, þat oþer þe flockis aſide; and he ſeide to his children, Goo ȝe
is, þe hillok of witnes. bifore me, and be þere a ſpace bitwixe flok and flok.
xlix And Laban leide to, Þe Lord biholde, and deme bitwixen
xvii And he comaundide to þe forþer, ſeiynge, If þow mete my
vs, whanne we ſhulen goo from vs; broþer Eſau, and he aſke þee, whos art þow, or whidir þow
l if þow turmente my dowȝtres, if þow bryngiſt yn oþer wyues
goſt, or whos ben þes þat þow folwiſt,
vpon hem, no man of oure word is witnes, ſaue God, þat xviii þou ſhalt anſwere, Of þi ſeruaunt Jacob, ȝiftis he haþ
preſent biholdiþ. ſent to his lord Eſau, and he comeþ after vs.
li And eft he ſeide to Jacob, Loo! þis hillok, and þe ſtoon þat
I haue rerid bitwixe me and þee,


xix Þe ſame wyſe he ȝaue maundementis to þe ſecounde, and x Jacob ſeide, Nyl þow ſo, Y preye, but if Y haue foundun
þe þridde, and to alle þat folweden þe flockis, ſeiynge, In þe grace in þin eyen, taak a litil ȝift of myn hoondis; ſo forſoþe
ſame wordis ſpek ȝe to Eſau, whanne ȝe fynden hym, Y haue ſeyn þi face as Y ſe þe chere of God; be þow to me
xx and ȝe ſhulen adde, And he þi ſeruaunt Jacob oure weie in benygne,
folwiþ. He ſeide forſoþe, Y ſhal pleſe hym wiþ ȝiftis þat goon xi and taak þe bliſſyng þat Y haue brouȝt to þee, and þat God
bifore, and afterward Y ſhal ſe hym; perauenture he ſhal be delyuerynge alle þingis haþ ȝouun to me. Vnneþ, þe broþer
maad pleſid to me. compellynge, takynge ſeiþ,
xxi And ſo bifore ȝeden þe ȝiftis bifore hym; he forſoþe dwelte xii Goo we togideres, and Y ſhal be felowe of þi weye.
þat nyȝt in tentis. xiii And Jacob ſeyde, My lord, þow haſt knowun þat Y haue
xxii And whanne ſobirly he was aryſun, he toke his two tender litil children, and ſheep, and oxen ful wombe wiþ ynne,
wyues, and as feel ſeruauntis wiþ elleuen ſones, and he þe whiche if more yn goynge Y do to traueyl, þei ſhulen o
ouerpaſſide þe foorþ of Jaboth. day alle þe flockis dyen;
xxiii And, ouerladde alle þingis þat to hym perteyneden, xiiii my lord go bifore his ſeruaunt, and Y ſhal folwe litil
xxiiii he dwelte aloon, and loo! a man wriſtlide wiþ hym vnto mele þe ſteppis of hym, as Y ſe my litil children to mowen, to
þe morwe. þe tyme þat Y come to my lord, in Seyr.
xxv Þe which whanne he ſawȝ þat he myȝte not ouercome xv Eſau anſweride, Y preye þee, þat of þe puple þat is wiþ
hym, he towchide þe ſynwe of his hip, and anoon it wexe me, algatis felawis dwellen of þi weye. It is not, he ſeiþ,
drye. nede; þis oon oonlich Y nede, þat Y fynde grace in þi ſiȝt,
xxvi And he ſeide to hym, Leeue me, forſoþe now vpſteyeþ þe lord myne.
xvi And ſo Eſau is turned aȝen þat day in þe weye þat he
morwetide. He anſweride, I ſhal not leeue þee, but if þow
bliſſe to me. come, into Seyr.
xxvii Þanne he ſeiþ, What is þe name of þee? He anſweride, xvii And Jacob com into Sachot, where a hows bild, and þe
Jacob. tentis fycchid, he clepide þe name of þat place Sachot, þat is,
xxviii And he, No more, he ſeiþ, Jacob ſhal be clepid þi tabernaclis.
xviii And he paſſide forþ into Salem, þe cite of Sychymor, þat
name, but Iſrael; for if anentis God þow haſt ben ſtrong,
myche more anentis men þow ſhalt haue þe mayſtri. is in þe loond of Chanaan, aftir þat he was turned aȝen fro
xxix Jacob aſkide hym, Sey to me what name art þow clepid? Meſopotany of Syrye, and dwellide biſydis þe wallid town;
xix and bouȝt a parti of þe feeld, in þe which he ficchide
He anſweride, Wherto aſkiſt þow my name, þat is
merueilows? And he bliſſide hym in þe ſame place. tabernaclis, of þe ſones of Emor, þe fader of Sichym, wiþ an
xxx And Jacob clepide þe name of þat place Phanuel, ſeiynge, hundrid lombis.
xx And þere, an auter reryd, he inwardly clepide vpon þe
I haue ſeen þe Lord face to face, and my ſoule is maad ſaaf.
xxxi And anoon is ryſun to hym þe ſunne, after þat he was mooſt ſtrong God of Iſrael.
ouerpaſſid Phanuel; he forſoþe haltide wiþ þe too foote.
xxxii For what cauſe þe children of Iſrael eten not ſynwe, þat Capitulum XXXIIII.
wexe drie in þe hipe of Jacob, vnto þe day þat is now, i Dyne, þe dowȝter of Lya, forſoþe was goon oute, þat ſhe
þerþurȝ þat he towchide þe ſynwe of his hipe, and it was myȝte ſe wymmen of þat regioun.
ſtoneyd. ii Whom whanne hadde ſeen Sichym, þe ſone of Emor Euey,
þe prince of þat loond, louede hir, and rauyſhide, and ſlepte
Capitulum XXXIII. wiþ hir, wiþ force oppreſſide a mayden.
i Jacob iii And þe ſoule of hym was glewid wiþ hir, and hir ſory he
forſoþe heuynge vp þe eyen ſawȝ Eſau comynge, and
wiþ hym foure hundrid men; and he departide þe ſones of ſwagide wiþ ſoftneſſis.
Lya, and of Rachel, and of boþ his ſeruauntis. iiii And he goynge to Emor, his fadir, Tak to me, he ſeiþ, þis
ii And he putte eiþer handmayden, and þe fre children of hem, damyſele to wijf.
in þe bigynnynge; Lya forſoþe in þe ſecounde place, and þe v Þe which whanne Jacob hadde herd, abſent þe ſones, and in
ſones of hyr; Rachel and Joſeph laſte. þe foode of þe beeſtis occupied, he heelde his pees, to þe tyme
iii And he bifore goynge anouride bowide into þe erþe þei comen aȝen.
ſeuenſiþes, to þe tyme þat þe broþer `of hym ſhulde neiȝ. vi Emor forſoþe, þe fader of Sichem, goon oute, þat he myȝte
iiii And ſo Eſau rennynge to meete wiþ his broþer, cleppide ſpeke to Jacob,
hym, and ſtreynynge hys necke and kiſſynge wepte. vii loo! þe ſones of hym comen fro þe feelde. And þe þing herd
v And þe eyen heued vp, ſawȝ wymmen, and þe children of þat was fallun, þei weren ful wroþ, þerþurȝ þat a fowle þing
hem, and ſeiþ, What to hem wiln þes? and if þei perteynen to he hadde wrouȝt in Iſrael, and þe dowȝter of Jacob defowlid,
þee? He anſweride, Litil children þei ben, whom God haþ an vnleueful þing hadde fulfillid.
ȝouun to me, þi ſeruaunt. viii And ſo Emor ſpeke to hem, Þe ſoule of my ſone Sichem
vi And neiȝynge þe handmaydens and þe ſones of hem, ben haþ cleued to ȝoure dowȝter, ȝyueþ hir wijf to hym,
doun bowid. ix and ioyne we togidere maryagis; ȝoure dowȝtres ȝif ȝe to
vii And Lya wiþ hir children com nerre; and whanne þe ſame vs, and oure dowȝtres taak ȝe,
maner þei hadden anowrned, þe laſte Joſeph and Rachel x and dwel ȝe wiþ vs; þe loond is in ȝoure power, excerſiſe
anowryden. ȝe, chaffare ȝe, and haue ȝe it.
viii And Eſau ſeide, What forſoþe ben þes companyes þat Y xi But and Sichem to þe fader and to þe breþeren of hir ſeiþ,
mette? He anſwerde, Þat I ſhulde fynde grace bifore my lord. Fynde Y grace bifore ȝow, and what þing ȝe ordeyne Y ſhal
ix And he ſeiþ, Y haue many þingis, broþer myne, ben þi ȝyue;
þingis to þee. xii eche ȝe dower, and aſke ȝe ȝiftis, gladly Y ſhal ȝyue þat ȝe
aſken; oonly ȝyf ȝe to me þis dameſele to wijf.


xiii Þe ſones of Jacob anſweriden to Sichem and to þe fader v And whanne þei weren goon, feerde of God ȝede vpon alle
of hym in trechory, waxynge cruel for þe ſtupre of þe ſiſter, þe cytees by enuyroun, and þei weren not hardi to purſue hem
xiiii We mowen not doon þat ȝe aſken, ne ȝyue oure ſiſter to a awey goynge.
man vncircumſidid, þe which is vnleful and wrongful anentis vi Þanne Jacob com to Luzam, þat is in þe loond of
vs. Chanaan, Bethel bi name, he and alle þe peple wiþ hym.
xv But in þat we mowen ben togidere boundun, if ȝe wole be vii And he bilde þere an auteer, and clepide þe name of þat
like vs, and al kynde of maal be circumſidid in ȝow, place Þe hows of God; þere forſoþe aperyde God to hym,
xvi þanne we ſhulen ȝyue and take togidere oure dowȝtris and whanne he ſhulde flee his broþer.
ȝouren; and we ſhulen dwelle wiþ ȝow, and we ſhulen be o viii Þe ſame tyme was deed Delbora, þe noriſch of Rebecca,
peple. and was byried at þe rootis of Bethel, vndur an ook, and þe
xvii If forſoþe ȝe wolen not be circumſidid, we ſhulen take our name of þe place is clepid Þe ook of weping.
dowȝtres, and goo awey. ix God forſoþe aperyde eftſones to Jacob, after þat he was
xviii Þe profre of hem pleſide to Emor and to Sichem, his turnyd aȝen fro Meſopotany of Syrye, and com into Bethel,
ſone, and bliſſid to hym,
xix ne þe ȝonglyng tariede, but anoon þat þat was aſkid he x ſeiynge, Þow ſhalt no more be clepid Jacob, but Yrael ſhal
ſhulde fulfil; forſoþe he louede ful greetli þe damyſele, and he be þi name. And he clepid hym Yrael,
was noble in al þe hows of his fader. xi and ſeide to hym, Y God Almyȝti, grow, and be þow
xx And þei goon yn þe ȝate of þe cite, ſpeken to þe puple, multiplied, folke of kynde and peplis of naciouns of þee ſhulen
xxi Þes men ben peſible, and wolen dwelle wiþ vs; chaffare ben, kyngis of þi leendis ſhulen goon oute;
xii þe loond þat Y haue ȝouun to Abraham and Yſaac, Y ſhal
þei in þe loond, and excerſiſe þei it, þe which large and
broode nediþ tyliers; þe dowȝtris of hem we ſhulen take ȝyue to þee, and to þi ſeed after þee.
wyues, and oure we ſhulen ȝyue to hem. xiii And he ȝede a wey fro hym.
xxii O þing is þat puttiþ off ſo myche good; if we circumſiden xiiii He forſoþe areride a ſtonen ſigne of worſhip, in þe place
oure males, folwynge þe ryte of þe folk, þat God ſpeke to hym, ſacrifiynge vpon it ſacrifice of licowres,
xxiii and þe ſubſtaunce of hem, and þe beeſtis, and al þat þei and heldynge oute oyle,
han ſhulen be ouren; oonli in þat aſſent we, þat dwellynge xv and clepynge þe name of þat place Bethel.
togidrys we maken o peple. xvi And he goon out þens, com in veer tyme to þe loond þat
xxiiii And alle þei ben aſſentid, alle þe malis circumſidid. lediþ to Effratam, in þe which whanne Rachel ſhulde bere
xxv And loo! þe þridde day, whanne þe ſorwe of þe woundes childe,
is mooſt greuows, þe two ſones of Jacob, Symyon and Leuy, xvii for þe hardnes of birþ ſhe biganne to periſhe; and þe
þe briþeren of Dyne, drawen to her ſwerdis, ben goon into þe meedwijf ſeide to hir, Wole þow not drede, for alſo and þis
cyte triſtiliche, and ſleyn alle þe males; þow ſhalt haue a ſone.
xxvi Emor and Sichem togideres þei ſlewen, takynge Dyne, xviii Þe ſoule forſoþe goynge oute for ſorwe, and now deeþ
her ſiſter, fro þe hows of Sichem. fallynge ynne, þe name of hir ſone ſhe clepide Benony, þat is,
xxvii Þe which goon oute, þe toþer ſones of Jacob fellen vpon þe ſone of my ſorwe; þe fader forſoþe clepide hym Beniamyn,
þe ſlayn men, and þei diſtruyden þe cyte, in to vengeaunce of þat is, þe ſone of þe riȝt ſide.
þe ſtupre, xix Þanne Rachel was deed, and was biryed in þe weye þat
xxviii þe ſheep of hem, droues, and aſſes, and alle þingis lediþ to Effratam, þat is Bethleem.
waſtynge, þat in þe howſis and in þe feeldis weren; xx And Jacob reyſide a ſigne of preyſing vpon þe ſepulcre of
xxix þe litil children forſoþe, and þe wyues of hem þei ladden hir; þis is þe title of þe monument of Rachel vnto þe preſent
cheytiues. Þe whiche þingis ful doon hardilich, day.
xxx Jacob ſeyde to Symyon and Leuy, Ȝe han diſturbid me, xxi He goon out þens ficchide a tabernacle ouer þe towre of þe
and ȝe han maad me haatſum to Chananeis and Phareȝeis, flok.
þe dwellers of þis loond; we ben fewe, and þei gederyd to xxii And whanne he ſhulde dwelle in þat regioun, Ruben ȝede,
giderys ſhulen ſmyte me, and Y ſhall be doon awey and myn and ſlepte wiþ Bala, þe ſecundarye wijf of his fader, þat to
hows. hym was not vnwiſt. Forſoþe þe ſones of Jacob weren twelue;
xxxi Þei anſweriden, Wheþer as a ſtrumpet þei ſhulden myſuſe xxiii þe ſones of Lia, þe firſt gotun Ruben, and Symyon, and
oure ſiſtre? Leuy, and Judas, and Yſachar, and Zabulon;
xxiiii þe ſones of Rachel, Joſeph, and Beniamyn;
Capitulum XXXV. xxv þe ſones of Bale, þe ſeruaunt of Rachel, Dan, and
i The mene tyme þe Lord ſpak to Jacob, Aryſe, and ſtey to Neptalym;
xxvi þe ſones of Zelphe, þe handmayden of Lye, Gad, and
Bethel, and dwel þere, and mak an autere to þe Lord, þat
aperide to þee whanne þou flowȝ Eſau, þi broþer. Aſer. Þes þe ſones of Jacob, which ben born to hym in
ii Jacob forſoþe, al his hows clepid togidere, ſeiþ, Doþ awey Meſopotanye of Syrye.
xxvii He cam alſo to Yſaac, his fadyr, into Mambre, þe cyte
alyen goddis, þat ben in þe mydil of ȝow, and be ȝe clenſid,
and chaunge ȝe ȝoure cloþis; of Arbee, þis is Ebron, in þe which pilgrimagid Abraham and
iii riſe ȝe, and ſteye we vp in to Bethel, þat we maken þere Yſaac.
xxviii And fulfillid ben þe dayes of Yſaac an hundryd and
an autere to þe Lord, þe which haþ herd me in þe day of my
tribulacioun, and was felaw of my weye. eiȝti of ȝeris;
iiii Þanne þei ȝyuen to hym alle alyen goddis þat þei hadden, xxix and endid þurȝ age is deed, and he is put to his peple,
and þe eer ryngis, þat weren in þe erys of hem; and he olde, and ful of dayes; and biryeden hym Eſau and Jacob his
indeluede hem vndur an theribynte, þat is bihynde þe cite of ſones.


Capitulum XXXVI. xxviii And Dyſan hadde ſones, Hus, and Haran.
xxix Þes þe dukis of Horreis; duke Jothan, duke Sobal,
i Thes forſoþe ben þe generaciouns of Yſau; he is Edom.
ii Eſau took wyues of
duke Sebeon, duke Ana,
þe dowtres of Chanaan, Ada, þe xxx duke Dyſon, duke Heſer, duke Dyſan; þes þe dukis of
dowȝter of Elom Ethei, and Oolibama, þe dowȝter of a ſone Horreis, þat comaundeden in þe loond of Seyr.
of Sebeon Euehi, xxxi Þe kyngis forſoþe þat regneden in þe loond of Edom, or
iii and Bethſemath þe dowȝter of Iſmael, þe ſiſtir of Nabaioth.
iiii Ada forſoþe bare Eliphat; Bathſemath gat Rahuel;
þat þe children of Yrael hadden a kyng, weren þes;
xxxii Balach, þe ſone of Beor, and þe name of his cyte
v Oolibama gat Hyeus, and Hielon, and Chore. Þes þe ſones
of Eſau, þat weren born to hym in þe loond of Chanaan. xxxiii Balach forſoþe died, and for hym regned Jobab, þe ſone
vi Eſau forſoþe took his wyues, and ſones, and dowȝtres, and
of Zare of Boſra.
al þe ſoule of his hows, and ſubſtaunce, and beeſtis, and al xxxiiii And whanne Jobab was deed, regnede for hym Huſam
þat he myȝte haue in þe loond of Chanaan, and ȝede into of þe loond of Thamaus.
anoþir regioun, and wente awey fro Jacob his broþer; xxxv Þis forſoþe deed, regnede for hym Adad, þe ſone of
vii forſoþe ryche þei weren greetli, and togidere dwellen
myȝten not, and þe loond of þe pilgrimage of hem ſuſteynede Badady, þe which ſmote Madyan in þe regioun of Moab, and
hem not, for þe multitude of flockis. þe name of þe cite of hym Abyuth.
xxxvi And whanne Adad was deed, regnede for hym Semla of
viii And Eſau dwelte in þe hil of Seyr; he is Edom.
ix Þes forſoþe ben þe generaciouns of Eſau, fader of Edom,
xxxvii And þis deed, regnede for hym Saul of þe flood of
in þe hil of Seyr, Robooth.
x and þes þe names of þe ſones of hym. Eliphath, þe ſone of
xxxviii And whanne and þis was deed, folwide into þe
Ada, wijf of Eſau, and Rahuel, þe ſone of Bathſemath, wijf kyngdom Balaanan, þe ſone of Achobor.
of hym. xxxix And þis deed, regnede for hym Adad, and þe name of
xi And þe ſones of Eliphat weren, Cheman, Emath, Sephu,
Gatan, Ceneth, and Chore. þe cite of hym Phoa, and þe wijf of hym was clepid
xii Tanna forſoþe was þe ſecundarie wiyf of Elipath, ſone of
Meeſabel, þe dowȝter of Mathret, dowȝter of Meſaab.
xl Þes þanne þe names of þe dukis of Eſau, in kynredis, and
Eſau, þat bare to hym Amalech. Þes ben þe ſones of Ada, places, and her names; þe duke Thanna, þe duke Alua, þe
wijf of Eſau. duke Jezeth,
xiii Þe ſones forſoþe of Rahuel, Naath, and Ara, Semma,
xli þe duke Oolibama, duke Ela, duke Phynon,
and Mera. Þes þe ſones of Bathſemath, wijf of Eſau. xlii duke Zeneth, duke Theman, duke Mabſar,
xiiii And þes weren þe ſones of Oolibama, dowȝter of Ane,
xliii duke Madiel, duke Yram; þes þe dukys of Edom, þe
ſone of Sebeon, wiyf of Eſau, whom ſhe get to hym; Hyeus,
and Hielon, and Chore. dwellers in þe loond of his empire; he is Eſau, þe fader of
xv Þes þe dukis of þe ſones of Eſau; þe ſones of Elyphath, þe Ydumeis.
firſt getun of Eſau, duke Theman, duke Omar, duke Sephua,
duke Seneth, Capitulum XXXVII.
xvi duke Chore, duke Datan, duke Amelech. Þes þe ſones of i Jacob forſoþe dwelte in þe loond of Chanaan, in þe which
Eliphath, in þe loond of Edom, and þes þe ſones of Ade. his fader pilgrimagide;
xvii And þes þe ſones of Rahuel, ſone of Eſau, duke Naath, ii and þes ben þe generaciouns of hym. Joſeph whanne he
duke Zara, duke Semma, duke Mera; þes forſoþe dukis of was of ſextene ȝeer fedde a flok wiþ his breþeren, ȝit a childe,
Rahuel, in þe loond of Edom. Þes þe ſones of Bathſemath, and he was wiþ þe ſones of Bale and of Zelphe, wyues of his
wijf of Eſau. fader; and he accuſide his breþeren anentis þe fader of þe
xviii Þes forſoþe þe ſones of Oolybama, wijf of Eſau; duke werſt ſynne.
Hyeus, duke Hyelon, duke Chore; þes þe dukis of Oolibama, iii Yrael forſoþe louede Joſeph ouer alle his ſones, þerþurȝ þat
dowȝter of Anee, wijf of Eſau. in elde he hadde getun hym; and he made hym a coote of
xix Þes ben þe ſones of Eſau, and þes þe dukes of hem; he is dyuerſe colours.
Edom. iiii And þe breþeren of hym ſeynge þat of þe fader more þan
xx Þes ben þe ſones of Seyr Horrey, þe dwellers of þe loond, alle þe ſones was loued, hatiden hym, and myȝten not to hym
Jothan, and Sobal, and Sebeon, and Anam, eny þing peſebli ſpeken.
xxi and Dyſon, and Eſer, and Dyſan; þes þe dukis of Horrei, v And it felle, þat a ſeen ſweuen he tolde to his briþeren, þe
ſones of Seyr, in þe loond of Edom. which cauſe was ſeed of more haat.
xxii Þe ſones forſoþe of Jothan ben maad, Horrey, and vi And Joſeph ſeide to his briþeren, Here ȝe my ſweuen þat
Theman; forſoþe þe ſiſter of Jothan was Thanna. Y ſawȝ,
xxiii And þes þe ſones of Sobal; Aluan, and Maneeth, and vii I wenede vs to bynden hondfullis in þe feelde, and myn
Ebal, Sephi, and Onam. hondful as to ryſe, and ſtonde, and ȝoure hondfullis ſtondynge
xxiiii And þes þe ſones of Sebeon; Achaia, and Ana; þis is al aboute to loute myn hondful.
Ana, þat fonde hoot watris in wildernes, whanne he fedde þe viii And þe briþeren of hym anſweriden, Wheþer þow ſhalt be
ſhe aſſis of Sebeon, his fadir; oure kyng, oiþer we ſhal be vndirloute to þi bidding? Þis
xxv and he hadde a ſone Dyſan, and a dowȝter Oolibama. þanne cauſe of ſweuenes and of wordis mynyſtride noriſhynge
xxvi And þes þe ſones of Dyſan; Amdam, and Jeſban, and of enuye and of haate.
ix And anoþer ſweuen he ſawȝ, þat tellynge to his briþeren,
Jetran, and Charan.
xxvii And þes þe ſones of Heſar; Baalan, and Zauan, and ſeiþ, I ſawe bi dreem as þe ſunne, and þe mone, and þe
elleuen ſterrys to lowtun me.


x Þat whan to his fader and briþeren he hadde tolde, blamede xxxiiii And þe cloþis to-rent, was cloþid wiþ an heyr, weilynge
hym his fader, and ſeide, What to it ſilf wole þis ſweuen þat his ſone myche tyme.
þow haſt ſeen? Wheþer Y, and þi moder, and þi briþeren xxxv And alle his free children gedered to gideres, þat þei
ſhulen lowt þee vpon erþe? myȝten ſwage þe ſorow of þe fader, he nolde coumfortyng
xi Þanne enuyeden to hym his briþeren. Þe fader forſoþe þe take, but ſeiþ, Y ſhal deſcende to my ſone weilynge into helle.
þing ſtilli bihelde, And hym ſtedfaſtli dwellynge in wepyng,
xii and whanne þe briþeren of hym in þe flockis of þe fader to xxxvi Madenytis ſolden Joſeph in Egepte, to Putiphar, þe
ben fedde dwelliden in Sichem, geldyng of Pharao, þe mayſter of chyualrye.
xiii Yrael ſeide to hym, Þi briþeren feden ſheep in Sichemys;
come, Y ſhal ſende þee to hem. Capitulum XXXVIII.
xiiii Who anſwerynge, Y am redi, he ſeiþ, Go, and ſe if alle
i Judas deſcendynge þe ſame tyme fro his briþeren, turnede to
þingis be welſum anentis þi briþeren, and beeſtis, and aȝen a man Odollamyte, Hyram bi name;
tel þow to me what is doon. He, ſent fro þe valey of Ebron, ii and he ſawȝ þere þe dowȝter of a Chanany man, Sue bi
cam into Sichym;
xv and a man fonde hym in þe feelde errynge, and aſkide, name. And a wijf takun, ȝede into hir,
iii þe which conſeyuede, and bare a childe, and clepide þe
what he ſouȝte.
xvi And he anſweride, My breþeren Y ſeche, ſhew þow to me name of hym Her.
iiii And eftſones conceyued þe kynde, ſhe nemnyde þe born
where þei feden þe flockis.
xvii And þe man ſeide to hym, Þei wenten a wey fro þis ſone Onam.
v And þe þridde child ſhe bare, whom ſhe clepide Sela, þe
place, forſoþe I herde hem ſeiynge, Go we into Dothaym.
And Joſeph ȝede after his briþeren, and fonde hem in which born, ſeeſide to more bere childe.
Dothaym. vi Judas forſoþe ȝaue a wijf to his firſt getun Her, Thamar
xviii Þe whiche whanne þei ſeyen hym `a ferre, or he neiȝede bi name.
to hem, þouȝten to ſleen hym, vii And Her, þe firſt getun of Jude, was wickid in þe ſiȝt of
xix and togidere þei ſpeken, Loo! þe dremer comeþ, þe Lord, and þerfor was ſlayn of hym.
xx go we, and ſle we hym, and putte we hym in an olde viii Þanne Judas ſeide to Onam, his ſone, Go yn to þe wijf
ſiſtern, and we ſhulen ſeye, Þe werſt wiylde beeſt haþ of þi broþer, and be þow felawſhipte to hir, þat þow rere ſeed
deuowrid hym; and þanne it ſhal apere what profiten to hym to þi broþer.
hys dremes. ix He wytynge ſones to be born not to hym, goynge to þe wijf
xxi Þes þingis forſoþe herynge Ruben, enforſide to delyuere of his broþer, ſhede þe ſeed into þe erþe, leſt fre children
hym of þe hondis of hem, and ſeide, Slee we not þe lijf of weren born in name of þe broþer;
hym, x and þerfor þe Lord ſmote hym, þerþurȝ þat a curſid þing he
xxii ne ſhede we blood, but þrow ȝe him into þe olde ſiſterne, dide.
þat is in wildernes, and kepe ȝe ȝoure hondes vngilti. Þat xi Wherfore Judas ſeide to Thamar, þe wijf of his ſone, Be
forſoþe he ſeide, wilnynge to delyuer hym fro þe hondes of þow a widwe in þe hows of þi fader, to þe tyme þat Sela my
hem, and to ȝelde to his fader. ſone growe; forſoþe he dredde leſt and he ſhulde dye as þe
xxiii Þanne anoon as he cam to his briþeren, þei nakiden hym briþeren of hym. Þe which ȝede, and dwelte in þe hows of hir
þe ſide coote to þe hele, and of manye colowrs, fader.
xxiiii and puttiden into an olde ſiſterne, þat hadde no watyr. xii And manye ȝerys ouergoon, diede Sue, þe wijf of Jude, þe
xxv And ſittynge for to eet breed, þei ſeen Yſmaelitis which after weilyng coumfort takun, ſteiede vp to þe
weiegoers to comen fro Galaad, and camels of hem berynge ſheepherdis of his ſheep, he and Yras, þe ſheepherd of þe flok,
ſwete ſpyces, and ſwete gumme, and myrre, into Egipte. Odollamyte, in Tampnas.
xiii And it was told to Thamar, þat hir houſbonde fader
xxvi Þanne Judas ſeide to his briþeren, What ſhal it profit vs
if we ſleen oure broþer, and we hiden þe blood of hym? ſteiede vp into Tampnas, to þe ſheep þat ſhulden be clippid.
xiiii Þe which, þe cloþis of widewhed don down, toke to a
xxvii It is betere þat he be ſold to Iſmaelitis, and our hondes
ben not defoulid; forſoþe þe broþer and oure fleſh he is. Þe roket, and þe abite chaungid, ſat in þe place of two weyes þat
briþeren aſſentiden to þes wordes; ledeþ to Tampnam; þerþurȝ þat Sela was growun, and ſhe
xxviii and þe marchaundes Madyanytes goynge biſides, þei,
hadde not takun hym to houſbonde.
xv Whom whanne Judas hadde ſeen, he trowide hir to ben a
drawynge hym oute of þe ſiſterne, ſolden hym to Yſmaelytis ſtrumpet; ſhe forſoþe hadde couerede hir chere, leſt ſhe were
for þretti ſiluer pens; þe whiche ladden hym into Egipte. knowun.
xxix And Ruben turned aȝen to þe ſiſterne, fonde not þe child;
xvi And he yngoynge to hir, ſeiþ, Lat me, þat Y goo togidere
and þe cloþis to-rent, wiþ þee; forſoþe he wiſte not þat ſhe was þe wijf of his ſone.
xxx goynge to his breþeren, ſeiþ, Þe childe not aperiþ, and
Þe which anſwerynge, What ſhal þow ȝyue me, þat þow vſe
whider Y ſhal go? me wiþ liggyng?
xxxi Forſoþe þei token þe coote of hym, and in þe blood of a xvii he ſeide, Y ſhal ſende to þee a kidde fro þe flockis. And
kyde þat þei hadden ſlayn ſteyneden; eft ſhe ſeiynge, I ſhal ſuffre þat þow wolt, if þow ȝyue to me
xxxii þe which ſendynge ſhulden bere to fader, and ſeyn, Þis a wedde, to þe tyme þat þow ſende þat þat þow bihotiſt.
we han foundun, loke wheþer þe coote of þi ſone it be or xviii Judas ſeiþ, What to þee wolt þow be ȝouun for a wedde?
noon. She anſweryde, Þi rynge, and þin armſercle, and þe ſtaf þat
xxxiii Þe which whanne þe fader knowiþ, ſeiþ, Þe coote of my þow holdiſt in þin hoond. Þanne at oon togiders goynge þe
ſone it is, þe mooſt yuel wiylde beeſt haþ etun hym, a beeſt womman conceyuede,
haþ deuowrid Joſeph. xix and aryſynge, ſhe ȝede a wey; and þe abite doon doun þat
ſhe toke, ſhe is cloþid wiþ þe cloþis of widewhod.


xx Judas forſoþe ſente a kidde bi his ſheepherd Odollomyte, xi It felle forſoþe a day, þat Joſeph ſhulde goo into þe hows,
þat he ſhulde take a wedde þat he ȝaue to þe womman; þe and ſumwhat of werk he ſhulde do wiþ outen witneſſis.
which whanne he hadde not foundun hir, xii And ſhe, þe hemme takun of þe cloþing of hym, ſhulde
xxi aſkide þe men of þat place, Where is þe womman þat ſat ſeye, Slep wiþ me; þe which, forſakun þe mantil in þe honde
in þe two weies? anſwerynge alle men, Þere was not in þis of hir, fleiȝ, and ȝede oute.
place a ſtrumpet. xiii And whanne þe womman hadde ſeen þe cloþ in hir
xxii And he turnede aȝen to Juda, and ſeide to hym, I haue hondes, and hir to be diſpiſid,
not foundun hir, but and þe men of þat place ſeiden to me, xiiii clepide to hir men of hir hows, and ſeide to hem, Loo! he
neuer þere to haue ſittun a ſtrumpet. haþ brouȝt yn an Ebrew man, þat he ſhulde bigile vs; he was
xxiii Judas ſeiþ, Haue ſhe to hir ſilf, certis of leſynge comun yn to me, þat he ſhulde togidere goo wiþ me, and
vndurnym vs ſhe may not; I haue ſente a kydde þat Y whanne Y hadde vndercried,
bihiȝte, and þow haſt not foundun hir. xv and he herde my voys, he forſoke þe mantil þat I heelde,
xxiiii Loo! forſoþe after þre moneþis men tolden to Jude, and fleiȝ out.
ſeiynge, Thamar, þi ſones wijf, haþ doon fornycacioun, and þe xvi Þanne in argument of bileue, þe holdun mantil ſhe
wombe of hir is ſeen to wexe ful greet. And Judas ſeide, ſhewide to þe houſbonde turnynge aȝen hoom.
Bryng hir forþ, þat ſhe be brent. xvii And ſeiþ, To me is comun yn an Ebrew ſeruaunt, whom
xxv Þe which whanne ſhe ſhulde be lad to þe peyne, ſent to
þow hidir brouȝtiſt, þat he ſhulde bigijl me;
her houſbond fader, ſeiynge, Of þe man whos þes ben Y haue xviii and whanne he hadde ſeen me to crye, he forſoke þe
conſeyued; know þow whos is þe ryng, and þe arm ſercle, and
þe ſtaf? mantil þat I heelde, and fleiȝ out.
xxvi Þe which, þe ȝiftis knowun, ſeiþ, She is more riȝtwiſe xix Þes þingis herd, and þe lord to mych leueful to þe wordis
þan Y, for I haue not takun hir to Sela, my ſone; and of þe wijf, was ful wroþ;
neuerþelater ouer þat tyme he knewe hir not. xx and toke Joſeph into pryſoun, where þe gyued men of þe
xxvii Forſoþe inſtondyng þe beryng, gemels apereden in þe kyng weren kept, and he was þere cloſid.
wombe, xxi Þe Lord forſoþe was wiþ Joſeph, and hauynge rewþe of
xxviii and in þat heeldyng out of þe children, þe toon putte hym, ȝaue to hym grace in þe ſiȝt of þe prince of þe pryſoun,
forþ an hoond, in þe which þe medewife bonde a reed þreed, xxii þe which toke in þe hond of him alle þe gyued men þat
ſeiynge, Þis ſhal goon out raþer. weren holdun in kepyng, and what þing was doon was vndur
xxix He forſoþe drawynge aȝen þe hoond, ȝede out þe toþer, hym,
and þe womman ſeide, Whi is þe wal for þee dyuydid? And xxiii ne he knewe eny þing, alle þingis takun to hym; þe Lord
for þat cauſe ſhe clepide þe name of hym Phares. forſoþe was wiþ hym, and made redi alle þe werkys of hym.
xxx Afterwarde ȝede out þe broþer of hym, in whos hoond
was þe reed þreed, whom ſhe clepyde Zaram. Capitulum XL.
i And ſo þes þingis doon, fel þat two geldyngis ſynneden, þe
Capitulum XXXIX. botler of þe kyng of Egepte, and þe baker, to her lord.
i Thanne Joſeph was lad into Egepte, and bouȝt hym ii And Pharao wroþ aȝens hem, for þe toþer was bifore to
Putiphar, þe geldyng of Pharao, þe prince of his ooſt botlers, and þe toþir to bakers,
Egipcien, fro þe hondis of Iſmaelitis, of whiche he was iii putte hem into þe priſoun of þe prince of knyȝtis, in þe
brouȝt. which and Joſeph was gyued.
ii And þe Lord was wiþ him, and he was a man in alle iiii And þe kepere of þe priſoun tok hem to Joſeph, þe which
þingis welſumly doynge. And he dwellide in þe hows of his and mynyſtryde to hem. A litil of tyme ȝede bitwixe, and þei
lord, in keping weren holdun,
iii þe which alþerbeſt knewe þe Lord to be wiþ hym, and alle v and boþ ſeen a ſweuen oon nyȝt, aftir couenable vndoyng to
þingis þat he ſhulde doon, of hym to be greiþid in þe hoond of hem.
hym. vi To whom whanne Joſeph cam yn eerly, and ſawȝ hem
iiii And Joſeph fonde grace bifore his lord, and mynyſtride to
hym, of whom bifore putte to alle þingis, gouernede þe hows vii aſkide hem, ſeiynge, Whi dreryer is ȝoure face to day þan
takun to hym, and alle þingis þat to hym weren bitauȝt.
v And þe Lord bliſſide to þe hows of þe Egipcyen for Joſeph, it was wonte?
viii Þe which anſweryden, A ſweuen we han ſeen, and þer is
and multipliede, as wel in howſys as in feeldis, al þe
ſubſtaunce of hym; not þat wol vndo it vs. And Joſeph ſeide to hem, Wheþer not
vi ne eny þing oþer knewe but þe breed þat he eete. And of God is þe vndoyng? Telle ȝe to me what ȝe han ſeen.
ix And þe proueſt of botlers bifore tolde his ſweuen; I ſawȝ
Joſeph was fayr in face, and ſeemly in ſiȝt.
vii And ſo after many dayes þe ladi keſte hir eyen in Joſeph, bifore me a vyne,
x in þe which weren þre braunchis growun litil mele into
and ſeiþ, Sleep wiþ me;
viii þe which not aſſentynge to þe ſhrewid dede, ſeide to hir, cluſtris, and after floures þe grapes to wexe rijp,
xi and þe chalice of Pharao in myn hoond; þanne I toke
Loo! my lord alle þingis to me takun, vnknowiþ what he haþ
in his hows, grapes, and wrong into þe chalice þat Y heelde, and toke
ix ne eny þing is, þat is not in my power, or haþ not takun to drynke to Pharao.
xii Joſeph anſweryde, Þis is þe vndoyng of þe ſweuen; þre
me, ſaue þee, þat art þe wijf of hym; how þanne may Y þat
yuel don, and ſynne in my God? braunches þre ȝit dayes ben,
x Wiþ ſiche maner wordis bi alle daies þei ſpeken, and þe xiii after whiche Pharao ſhal record of þi ſeruyce, and ſhal
womman was greuyd to þe ȝonge man, and he refuſide þe reſtore þee to þe bifore had gree, and þow ſhalt ȝyue to hym a
hordom. chalice, after þin office, as þow were wont to do bifore.


xiiii As myche haue mynde of me, whanne it were wel wiþ xvi Joſeph anſwerde, God wiþ outen me ſhal anſwere welſum
þee, and mercy þow ſhalt do wiþ me, þat þow make þingis to Pharao.
ſuggeſtioun to Pharao, þat he lede me out of þis priſoun; xvii Þanne Pharao tolde þat he ſawȝ; I wende me to ſtonde
xv for þeuelich Y am had a wey fro þe loond of Hebrew, and vpon þe brynk of þe flood,
here an ynnocent Y am ſent into a laak. xviii and ſeuen oxen fro þe flood togideres ſteyden vp, ful
xvi Seynge þe mayſter of bakers þat he hadde vndo wiſeli þe greetli fayr and þurȝ oute wiþ fatt fleiſh, þe whiche in þe
ſweuen, ſeiþ, And I ſawȝ a ſweuen, þat I hadde þree baſketis paſture of merſhe þe grene leſwis cheſeden;
of melow vpon myn heed, xix and loo! þes folweden oþer ſeuen oxen, in as myche
xvii and yn þe o baſket, þat was heiȝer, Y trowide me to bere defourme and leene, þat neuer ſiche in þe loond of Egipte Y
al maner metis þat ben made wiþ bakers craft, and bryddis to ſawȝ;
eet þerof. xx þe whiche þe raþer deuowrid and waſtid,
xviii And Joſeph anſweride, Þis is þe vndoyng of þe ſweuen; xxi no merke of fulfedyng ȝouun, but wiþ þe ſame leeneſſe and
þre baſkettis þre ȝit dayes ben, foulnes þei dwelten. A wakynge,
xix aftir whom Pharao ſhal take a wey þin heed, and ſhal xxii eftſones born doun wiþ ſleepe, I ſawȝ a ſweuen; ſeuene
honge þee in þe croſſe, and fowlis ſhulen teere þi fleiſh. eeris buriounde in o ſtalk, ful and mooſt fayr,
xx And fro þens þe þridde day was þe birþe day of Pharao, xxiii and oþer ſeuen, þinne and ſmytun wiþ a brennynge
þe which makynge a greet feeſte to his children, recordid blaſte, growiden of þe ſtalk,
amonge þe meetis of þe mayſter of botlers, and of þe prince of xxiiii þe whiche deuowreden þe fayrnes of þe raþer. I haue
xxi and reſtoryde þe toþer into his place, þat he brynge forþ tolde to þe reders þe ſweuen, and no man is þat out openiþ.
xxv Joſeph anſweride, Þe ſweuen of þe kyng is oon; þe þingis
drynke to þe kyng,
xxii þe toþer he hongide in a gibite, þat þe ſoþnes of þe þat God is to do he ſhewede to Pharao.
xxvi Seuen oxen fayr, and ſeuen eerys fulle, ſeuen ȝeris of
remener were proued.
xxiii And neuerþelater after fallynge welſum þingis, þe proueſt plentiþ ben, and þe ſame ſtrengþe of ſweuen holdun;
xxvii and þe ſeuen oxen þinne and leene, þe whiche ſteyden
of botelers forȝete of his dreem reder.
after hem, and ſeuen eeris þinne and ſmytun wiþ a brennynge
wynde, ſeuen ȝeris ben of hungur to comen,
Capitulum XLI. xxviii þe whiche bi þis ordre ſhulen be fulfillid.
i After two ȝeer Pharao ſawe a ſweuen; he trowide him to xxix Loo! ſeuen ȝeres ſhulen come of greet plente in al þe
ſtonde vpon a flood, loond of Egipte,
ii of þe which ſteyden vp ſeuene fayre oxen and ful fatte, and xxx whom ſhulen folwe oþere ſeuen ȝeer of as greet bareynes,
þei weren fed in merſhi places; þat to forgetyng be takun al þe bihynd plenteþnes;
iii and oþer ſeuene out comen of þe flood, fowle and al xxxi forſoþe to waſte is hungur al þe erþe, and þe greetnes of
ouercomen wiþ leeneſſe, and þei weren fedde in þe brenke of myſeys is to ſpille þe greetnes of plentiþe.
þe flood, in mooſt plenteuows grene places; xxxii Þat forſoþe þow haſt ſeyn ſecoundli a ſweuen perteynyng
iiii and þei deuouriden hem of whom was merueilows fayrnes
to þe ſame þing, ſhewyng is of faſtneſſe, þerþurȝ þat þe worde
and proporcioun of bodies. Pharao wakned, of God be doon, and ſwiftloker be fulfild.
v ſlepte eftſones, and ſawȝ anoþer ſweuen; ſeuene eerys xxxiii Now þanne puruey þe kyng a wiſe man and a redi, and
buriounde in o ſtalk and ful fayr, bifore maak hym to þe loond of Egipte,
vi and oþer as feel eerys, þinne and ſmytun wiþ meldew, xxxiiii þe which ordeyn proueſtis þoruȝ out alle regiouns, and
weren growun, þe fifte part of fruytis þurȝ out þe ſeuen ȝeer of plenteþ,
vii deuowrynge al þe fayrnes of þe firſt. Pharao, a wakynge xxxv þat now ben to comen, now geder he in to þe beernes;
after reſte, and al þe wheet be leide vndur þe power of Pharao, and be
viii and þe morwetide bigunne, feerd for drede, ſente to alle þe kepte in þe cytee,
reders of Egepte, and to all þe wiſe men, and hem clepid to, xxxvi and be bifore made redi to þe hungur to come of þe
tolde þe ſweuen, and þere was not þat vndide it. ſeuen ȝeer, þe which is to oppreſſe Egipte, and þe loond be
ix Þanne at þe laſt þe maiſter of botlers remembrynge, ſeiþ, I not conſumed wiþ myſchef.
knowleche my ſynne; xxxvii Þe counſeil pleſide to Pharao, and to alle þe mynyſtris
x þe king wroþ to his ſeruauntis, me and þe mayſter of bakers of hym,
comaundid to be put in priſoun of þe prince of knyȝtis, xxxviii and he ſpake to hem, We mowen not fynde ſuch a man
xi where eiþer o nyȝt ſeen a ſweuen, bifore ſhewynge of þingis þe which be ful of þe ſpiryt of God.
þat ben to comun. xxxix Þanne he ſeide to Joſeph, For God haþ ſhewed to þee
xii Þere was `a ſeruant, Hebrew childe, of þe ſame duke of alle þingis þat þow haſt ſpokun, wheþer a wiſer or a liyk to
knyȝtis, to whom tellynge þe ſweuenes, þee fynde Y may?
xiii we herden alle þingis þat afterward þe oute comyng of þe xl Þow ſhalt be vpon myn hows, and at þe maundement of þi
þing proued; forſoþe Y am ȝoldun aȝen to myn office, and he mouþ al þe puple ſhal obeiſhe; in o þing oonli in dignyte of þe
was hongid in þe croſſe. rewme þee Y ſhal go bifore.
xiiii Anoon þei doddiden Joſeph lad out of þe priſoun, at þe xli And eft Pharao ſeide to Joſeph, Loo! Y haue ordeynyde
maundement of þe kyng, and wiþ chaungid cloþing offreden to þee vpon al þe loond of Egipte.
hym. xlii And he took a ryng of his hoond, and ȝaue hym in his
xv To whom he ſeiþ, I ſawȝ ſweuens, ne þere is þat opniþ, hoond, and he cloþide hym a ſtool of biys, and putte aboute
þe which I haue herd þe mooſt wiſeli to caſte. his necke a goldun beeȝe,


xliii and made him ſteyȝ vpon his ſecound chaar, criynge a ix and recordid of þe ſweuen þat ſumtyme he ſawȝ, ſeiþ to
bedel, þat alle men ſhulden bifore hym knele, and þei ſhulden hem, A ſpies ȝe ben, ȝe ben comen þat ȝe myȝten ſe þe febler
wite hym to be proueſt to al þe loond of Egipte. þingis of þe loond.
xliiii And þe kyng ſeide to Joſeph, I am Pharao, wiþ outen x Þe whiche ſeiden, It is not ſo, lord, but þi ſeruauntis
þi maundement ſhal not eny man meue hoond or foot in þe comen,
loond of Egipte. xi þat þei myȝten bie meetis; alle þe ſones of o man we ben,
xlv And he turnede þe name of hym, and he clepide hym in peſibli we comen, ne þi ſeruauntis eny þing caſten of yuel.
Egipcian tunge, þe ſaueor of þe world; and he ȝaue to hym a xii To whom he anſweryde, Oþer weies yt is, þe vnwardid
wijf, Aſenech, þe dowȝter of Putifar, preeſt of Helyopoleos. þingis of þis loond ȝe ben comen to biholde.
And ſo Joſeph, goon oute to þe loond of Egipte, xiii And þei ſeiden, Twelue briþeren, þei ſeyn, þi ſeruauntis
xlvi forſoþe was of þritti wynter whanne he ſtode in þe ſiȝt of
we ben, þe ſones of o man in þe loond of Chanaan; þe leeſt
kyng Pharao, and he ȝede aboute alle þe regiouns of Egipte. is wiþ oure fader, þe toþer is not aboue.
xlvii And plentiþnes cam of þe ſeuen ȝeer, and þe cornes maad xiiii Þat is, he ſeiþ, þat I ſpeke, a ſpies ȝe ben,
into handfullis ben gederyd into beernes of Egipte, xv for now experyment of ȝow I ſhal taak, bi þe helþe of
xlviii and al þe plentiþ of fruytis in alle þe citees was leide to
Pharao ȝe ſhulen not goon hens, to þe tyme þat ȝoure leeſt
kepe, broþer come;
xlix and þe plentiþe of wheet was ſo myche, þat to þe grauel xvi ſendiþ of ȝou oon, and bringe he him, ȝe forſoþe ſhulen
of þe ſee it was meſurid euen, and þe plentiþ paſſide meſure. ben in boondis, to þe tyme þat þe þingis þat ȝe han ſeide ben
l To Joſeph forſoþe weren borne two ſones bifore þat þe proued, wheþer fals or ſoþ þei ben; ellis bi þe helþ of Pharao
hunger cam, whom to him bare Aſenech, þe dowȝter of aſpies ȝe ben.
Putifar, preeſt of Helyopoleos. xvii Þanne he took hem to warde þre daies;
li And he clepide þe name of þe firſt gotun Manaſſes, ſeiynge, xviii þe þridde forſoþe dai ledynge out of priſoun, ſeiþ, Do ȝe
God haþ maad me to forȝete alle my trauayls, and þe hows of þat I ſeide, and ȝe ſhulen lyue, God forſoþ Y drede;
my fader; xix if ȝe be peſible, ȝoure o broþer be boundun in priſoun; ȝe
lii and þe name of þe ſecounde he clepide Effraym, ſeiynge,
forſoþe goþ, and beriþ þe whete þat ȝe han bouȝt into ȝoure
God haþ maad me growe in þe loond of my pornes. howſis,
liii Þanne ouerpaſſed ſeuen ȝeer of plentiþe þat weren in xx and ȝoure leeſt broþer bryngiþ to me, þat Y may proue
Egipte, ȝoure wordis, and ȝe not die.
liiii bigunne to come to þe ſeuen ȝeer of meſeys, whom Joſeph xxi And þei diden as he ſeide, and þei ſpeken to gideres,
ſeyde byfore, and in al þe world hungur wex greet; alſo in al Þurȝ deſert þes þingis we ſuffren, for we han ſynned in oure
þe loond of Egipte was hungur; broþer, ſeynge þe angwiſhe of þe ſoule of hym, while he
lv þe which hungring, þe peple cryede to Pharao, aſkynge preyde vs, and we herden not, þerfore comeþ vpon vs þis
lyuelod, to whom he anſweride, Goþ to Joſeph, and what tribulacioun.
euere he ſhal ſeye to ȝow, doþ. xxii Of þe whiche oon, Ruben, ſeiþ, Wheþer Y ſeide not to
lvi Forſoþe ech day hungur encreſide in al þe loond, and ȝow, Nyle ȝe ſynne in þe childe, and ȝe herden not me? loo!
Joſeph openyde alle þe beernes, and ſolde to Egipcyens, for þe blood of hym is out ſouȝt.
and hem oppreſſide hungur; xxiii Þei wiſten not forſoþe þat Joſeph ſhulde vndurſtonde,
lvii and alle þe prouynces camen into Egipte, þat þei myȝten þerþurȝ þat bi a mene perſone vndoynge boþ þe langagis he
bigge meetis and þe yuel of myſeis ſwagen. ſpak to hem.
xxiiii And he turnyde hym ſilf a wey a litil, and he wepte, and
Capitulum XLII. turned aȝen he ſpak to hem;
xxv and takynge Symeon, and byndynge hym, hem preſent,
i Jacob forſoþe herynge þat lyuelodes weren ſolde in Egipte,
ſeide to his ſones, Whi ben ȝe necgligent? and comaundide to þe mynyſtris, þat þei ſhulden fille þe ſackis
ii I haue herd þat wheet is ſolde in Egipte, deſcende ȝe, and
of hem wiþ whete, and leggen aȝen þe money of eche in her
ſackis, ȝeuun ouer meetis in þe weie; þe whiche diden ſo.
biggiþ to vs nedeful þingis, þat we mowen lyue, and we ben xxvi And þei berynge þe whete in her aſſis ȝeden forþ,
not conſumed wiþ myſeys. xxvii and þe ſak of oon openyd, þat he myȝte ȝyue to his beeſt
iii Þanne deſcendynge þe ten briþeren of Joſeph þat þei
myȝten bigge whete in Egipte, meete in an inturnyng place to reſte, biholdun þe money in þe
iiii Beniamyn wiþholdun at home of Jacob, þe which ſeide to
mouþ of þe ſak,
xxviii ſeide to his briþeren, To me is ȝoldun my money, loo! it
þe briþeren of hym, Leſt perauenture in þe weye eny þing he is had in þe ſak; and þei ſtonyed al aboute and ſturbed, ſeiden
ſuffre of yuel. togideres, What forſoþe is þis þat God haþ doon to vs?
v Þei ben goon into þe loond of Egipte, wiþ oþere þat ȝeden
xxix And þei comen to Jacob, her fader, in þe loond of
to bigge; forſoþe þere was hungur in þe loond of Chanaan. Chanaan, and tolden to hym alle þingis þat was fallun to
vi And Joſeph was prince of Egipte, and at his bikenyng
hem, ſeiynge,
whete cornes weren ſolde to þe peplis. And whanne his xxx Þe lord of þe loond hard ſpake to vs, and he wenyde vs
briþeren hadden lowtid him, to be ſpies of þe prouynce;
vii and he knewe hem, as to aliens harder he ſpak, aſkynge
xxxi to whom we anſwerden, We ben peſible, ne we ben not
hem, Whens cam ȝe? Þe which anſweryden, Fro þe loond of aboute eny ſpies;
Chanaan, þat we biggen nedeful þingis to oure lyuelod. xxxii twelue briþeren of o fadur getun we ben, þe oon is not
viii And neuerþelater he þe briþeren knowinge is not knowun
of hem, aboue, þe leeſt wiþ þe fadur dwelliþ in þe loond of Chanaan.


xxxiii Þe which ſeiþ to vs, So I ſhal proue þat ȝe ben peſible; xv Þanne þe men token ȝiftis, and dowble money, and
ȝoure o broþer leeue ȝe anentis me, and meetis to ȝoure Beniamyn, and deſcendiden into Egipte, and ſtoden bifore
houſis nedeful take ȝe, and goþ, Joſeph.
xxxiiii and ȝoure leeſt broþer lediþ to me, þat Y knowe þat ȝe xvi Whom whanne he hadde ſeen, and Beniamyn togidere, he
ben not aſpyes, and þis þat is holdun in boondis ȝe mowen comaundide to þe diſpenſatowr of his hows, ſeiynge, Lede yn
reſeyue, and þeraftir of biggyng þat ȝe wolen ȝe han leue. þe men hoom, and ſlee þe beeſtis of ſacrifice, and ordeyne a
xxxv Þes þingis ſeid, whanne eche heelden out whete, þei feeſte; for wiþ me þei ben to etun to day.
founden in þe mouþ of þe ſackis boundun moneys. And alle xvii And he dide as it was comaundid, and brouȝte in þe men
togideres afeerd, hoom;
xxxvi þe fader Jacob ſeide, Wiþ outen free children ȝe han xviii and þere þei agaſt ſeiden to gideres, For þe money þat
maad me to be; Joſeph is not aboue, Symeon is holdun in we brouȝten bifore in oure ſackis we ben lad yn, þat
bondes, Beniamyn ȝe ſhulen take a wey fro me; alle þes yuels chalengyng he turne in vs, and violently ſugette to þraldom
in me han bacwarde fallun. and vs and our aſſis.
xxxvii To whom anſwerde Ruben, My two ſones ſle þou, if Y xix Wherfore in þilke ȝatis goynge to, ſpeken to þe
brynge hym not aȝen to þee; taak hym in myn hoond, and Y diſpenſatour,
hym to þee ſhal ȝelde aȝen. xx Syre, we preyen þee, þat þow here vs; now bifore we
xxxviii And he, My ſone, he ſeiþ, ſhal not deſcende wiþ ȝow; deſcenden þat we biggen meetis;
þe broþer of hym is deed, and he alone abidiþ; if ony þing to xxi þe whiche bouȝt, whanne we comen to þe place of turnyng
hym of aduerſite falle in þe loond to þe which ȝe ſhulen goon, into reſte, we opnyden oure ſackis, and we fonden money in
ȝe ſhulen lede doun myn hoore heeris wiþ ſorwe to helle. þe mouþ of þe ſackis, þat now in þe ſame peyſe we han
brouȝt aȝen;
Capitulum XLIII. xxii but and oþer money we han brouȝt, þat we biggen þilke
i The meene tyme hungur al þe loond greetly bare doun; þingis, þat ben neceſſarye to vs; it ys not in oure conſcience,
ii and, þe meetis brouȝt to ende, þat fro Egipte þei hadden
who it putte in oure bagges.
xxiii And he anſwerde, Pees wiþ ȝow, wole ȝe not drede;
brouȝt, Jacob ſeide to his ſones, Turne ȝe aȝen, and bigge ȝe ȝoure God and þe God of ȝoure fader haþ ȝyue to ȝow
to vs a litil of meetis. treſours in ȝoure ſackis; for þe money þat ȝe ȝyuen to me, I
iii Judas anſwerde, Þilke man denounſide to vs vndur
haue it aproued. And he ladde out to hem Symeon;
witneſſyng of oþe, ſeiynge, Ȝe ſhulen not ſe my face, but xxiiii and þei in lad hoom, brouȝt watir, and þei weſchen her
ȝoure leeſt broþer ȝe bryngen wiþ ȝow; feet, and he ȝaue fodder to þe aſſes of hem.
iiii if þanne þow wolt ſende hym wiþ vs, we ſhulen goon
xxv Þei forſoþe greiþiden ȝiftis to þe tyme þat Joſeph ſhulde
togidere, and to þee we ſhulen bye nedeful þingis; come yn at mydday, þei hadden herde forſoþe, þat þere þei
v if forſoþe þou wolt not, we wolen not goon; þe man forſoþe,
weren to etun breed.
as we han ofte ſeide, denounſide to vs, ſeiynge, Ȝe ſhulen not xxvi Þanne Joſeph cam into his hows, and þei holdynge ȝiftis
ſe my face wiþ outen ȝoure leeſt broþer. in her hondis, offerden to hym, and lowtiden bowid into þe
vi And Iſrael ſeide, Þis ȝe han doon in to my wrecchidnes,
þat ȝe wolden ſhewe to hym and anoþer ȝow to han a broþer. xxvii And he goodly hem aȝen ſalutid, aſkide hem, ſeiynge,
vii And þei anſwerden, Þe man aſkide vs bi ordre oure
Wheþer ȝoure oold fader is ſaaf, of whom ȝe ſpaken to me?
progenye, if þe fader lyued, if we hadden a broþer; and we ȝit lyueþ he?
anſwerden to hym ſewyngly, aftir þat þat he aſkide; wheþer xxviii Þe whiche anſwerden, He ys al hool, þi ſeruaunt oure
we myȝten wite þat he was to ſeyn, Bryngiþ wiþ ȝow ȝoure fader ȝit lyueþ; and þei bowid lowtiden hym.
broþer? xxix And Joſeph heuynge vp þe eyen, ſawȝ Beniamyn, his
viii And Judas ſeide to his fader, Send þe child wiþ me, þat
we goon forþ, and we mowen lyue, leſt dien we and oure broþer of o wombe, and ſeiþ, Þis is ȝoure litil broþer, of
children; whom ȝe ſpeken to me? And eft, God, he ſeiþ, haue mercy of
ix I take þe child, of myn hoond aȝen aſke hym; but if I come
þee, ſone myne.
xxx And he hiȝede into þe hows, for þe entrayls of hym weren
aȝen and take hym to þee, Y ſhal be gilti of ſynne in þee al moued vpon his broþer, and teeris briſten oute, and he,
tyme; goynge in to þe bed place, wepte.
x if tariyng hadde not falle bitwix, now eftſones we hadden
xxxi And eft his face waiſhun, goon oute, ſtillide hym ſelf, and
comen. ſeiþ, Settiþ looues.
xi Þanne Yrael, þe fader of hem, ſeide to hem, If ſo it is
xxxii Þe whiche ſett forþ, Joſeph bi hym ſelf, and þe briþeren
nede, doþ what ȝe wolen; take ȝe of þe beſte fruytis of þe bi hem ſeluen, and þe Egipciens togideres eetun bi hem
loond in ȝoure veſſils, and beriþ ȝiftis to þe man, a litil of ſeluen; forſoþe it is vnleueful to Egipciens to etun wiþ
precious licoure of ſwete gumme, and of hony, and of licoure Ebrews, and a fowle þing þei wenen ſich a manere feeſte.
of þe tree of ſtorax, and of ſtactes, þe licoure of myrre tree, xxxiii Þei ſetten bifore hym þe firſt geten, aftir þe riȝtis of his
and of therebynt, and of almaundis;
xii and dowble money bere ȝe wiþ ȝow, and þat þat ȝe han firſt getyng, and þe leeſte aftir his age; and þei wondreden
foundun in þe ſackis bere ȝe aȝen, leſt perauenture þurȝ mych,
xxxiiii þe partiſe takun þat þei token of hym, and þe more
errour it be doon;
xiii but and ȝoure broþer takiþ, and goþ to þe man; party cam to Beniamin, ſo þat bi fyue partis he paſſide; and
xiiii and my God Almyȝti make hym pleſable to ȝow, and ſend
þei drunken, and ben fulfillid wiþ hym.
he aȝen wiþ ȝow ȝoure broþer, þat he holdiþ in boondis, and
þis Beniamyn; Y forſoþe as priued wiþ outen free children
ſhal be.


Capitulum XLIIII. xxiiii Þanne whanne we hadden ſteyed vp to oure fader, þi

i Joſeph
ſeruaunt, we tolden hym alle þingis þat my lord ſpak;
forſoþe comaundide to þe diſpenſatour of his hows, xxv and oure fader ſeyde, Goþ aȝen, and biggiþ vs a litil of
ſeiynge, Fille þe ſackis of hem wiþ whete, as myche as þei whete;
mowen take, and ley þe money of eche in þe cop of her ſak; xxvi to whom we ſeiden, We mowen not goon; if oure leeſte
ii my ſilueren forſoþe coppe, and þe priſe of whete þat he ȝaf,
putte in þe mouþ of þe ſak of þe ȝonger; and it is do ſo. broþer ſhul deſcende wiþ vs, we ſhulen go togideres; ellis,
iii And þe morwetyde ſprongun, þei ben lete go wiþ her aſſis.
hym abſent, we dorun not ſe þe face of þe lord.
xxvii And he anſwerde, Ȝe witen þat two children gat to me
iiii And now þe cyte þei ȝeden oute, and forþ ȝeden a litil; alſo
my wijf;
Joſeph, þe diſpenſatour of his hous clepid, ſeiþ, A ryſe, he xxviii þe oon is goon oute, and ȝe ſeiden, a beeſt haþ
ſeiþ, purſue þe men, and hem takun ſey þow, Whi han ȝe deuowryd hym, and ȝit hidir to he aperyde not;
ȝoldun yuel for good? xxix and if I take þis, and eny þing to hym ſhal falle in þe
v Þe coppe þat ȝe han ſtoln, it is in þe which my lord
drynkiþ, and in þe which he is wonte to dyuyne; þe mooſt weye, ȝe ſhulen doun lede myn hoore heeris wiþ mournyng to
yuel þing ȝe han do. helle.
xxx Þanne if I ſhal goo to þi ſeruaunt, oure fader, and þe
vi He dide as he comaundide, and, hem takun, bi ordre ſpak.
vii Þe whiche anſwerden, Whi þus ſpekiþ oure lord, þat þi
child were þens, ſiþ þe lijf of hym hongiþ of þe lijf of þis,
xxxi and ſe hym not be wiþ vs, he ſhal dye, and þi ſeruauntis
ſeruauntis ſo meche of wickidnes ſhulden han doon? ſhulen down lede þe hoore heeris of hym wiþ ſorwe to helle.
viii Þe money þat we founden in þe cop of þe ſackis we han
xxxii Be I propirli þi ſeruaunt, þe which haue reſſeyued þis
brouȝt aȝen to þee fro þe loond of Chanaan, and what maner into my feiþ, and haue bihoote, ſeiynge, But I brynge aȝen
is it folwynge þat we ſhulden haue ſtolne fro þe hows of þi hym, Y ſhal be gilti of ſynne in my fader al tyme;
lord gold or ſiluer? xxxiii and ſo Y ſhall dwelle þi ſeruaunt for þe child in to þe
ix Anentys whom euere of þi ſeruauntis it were foundun þat
þou ſekiſt, be he deed, and we þe ſeruauntis ſhulen be of oure ſeruyce of my lord, and þe child aſcend wiþ his briþeren;
xxxiiii forſoþ Y may not turne aȝen to my fader, þe child
x Þe which ſeide to hem, Be it doon after ȝoure ſentens; abſent, leſt a witnes I ſtonde to of myſchef, þat is to oppreſſe
anentis whom it be foundun, be he my ſeruaunt; ȝe forſoþe my fader.
ſhulen be giltles.
xi And ſo blyue doynge down into þe erþe þe ſackis, eche Capitulum XLV.
opnyde; i Joſeph myȝte no ferþere wiþ holde hym ſelf, many biforn
xii þe which aſerchinge, bigynnynge fro þe more vnto þe leeſte, ſtondynge nyȝ; wherfor he comaundide þat alle men ſhulden
fonde þe coppe in þe ſak of Beniamyn. goon out, and noon alien were amonge to þe knowyng
xiii And þei þe cloþis to-rent, and eft chargid þe aſſis, ben togideres.
turned aȝen into þe wallid town. ii And he arerid a voys wiþ wepyng, þat Egipcyens herden,
xiiii And Juda þe firſte wiþ þe breþeren wente in to Joſeph; and al þe hows of Pharao.
ne forſoþe ȝit fro þe place he hadde goon; and alle to þe erþe iii And he ſeide to his breþeren, I am Joſeph; ȝit my fader
togidere fallen. lyueþ? Þe briþeren myȝten not anſwere, for ful myche drede
xv To whom he ſeiþ, Whi þus wolden ȝe doon? wheþir ȝe afeerd.
vnknowen, þat þere is noon lijk me in kunnynge of iiii To whom he goodliche, Come ner, he ſeide, to me. And
dyuynynge? whanne þei weren comun nyȝ, Y am, he ſeiþ, Joſeph ȝoure
xvi To whom Juda, What, he ſeiþ, ſhulen we anſwere to my broþer, whom ȝe ſolden in to Egipte;
lord, or what ſhulen we ſpek, or riȝtwiſly we mowen aȝen v wole ȝe not drede, ne ſeme it to ȝow to be harde, þat ȝe han
ſtryue? God haþ foundun þe wickidnes of þi ſeruauntis; loo! ſoold me in þes regiouns; forſoþe for ȝoure helþe God haþ ſent
alle ſeruauntis we ben of my lord, and we and anentis whom me bifore ȝow into Egipte.
þe cuppe is foundun. vi Two ȝeer it ys þat hungur began to be in þe loond, ȝit fyue
xvii Joſeph anſwerde, Fer be it fro me, þat Y þus do; he þat ȝeers leeuen, in þe whiche it may not be eerid, ne ropun;
haþ ſtolne þe cuppe be my ſeruaunt; ȝe forſoþe goþ awey free vii and God haþ bifore ſent me, þat ȝe ben kepte vpon erþe,
to ȝoure fader. and meetis to lyue han ȝe mowen.
xviii Forſoþe Judas comynge ner, ſeiþ triſtily, My lord, Y viii Not þurȝ ȝoure counſeil, but þurȝ þe wil of God Y am
preye, þi ſeruaunt ſpek a word in þin eeris, and ne wraþ þow ſent hydir, þe which haþ maad me as þe fader of Pharao, and
to þi ſeruaunt; þow art forſoþe after Pharao, my lord. lord of al þe hows of hym, and prince in al þe loond of
xix Þow aſkidiſt bifore þi ſeruauntis, Haue ȝe a fader or Egipte.
broþer? ix Hye ȝe, and ſtye ȝe vp to my fader, and ȝe ſhulen ſeye to
xx And we anſwerden to þee, my lord, Þere is to vs a fader hym, Þis biddiþ þi ſone Joſeph; God me haþ maad lord of al
oold, and a litil child, þe which in eeld of hym is born, whos þe loond of Egipte; deſcende to me, ne abide þow,
broþer of o wombe is deed, and him oonli haþ his moder; þe x and dwel in þe loond of Geſſen; and þow ſhalt be biſide me,
fader forſoþe tenderli loueþ him. þow, and þi ſones, and þe ſones of þi ſones, þi ſheep, and þi
xxi And þow ſeidiſt to þi ſeruauntis, Bryngiþ hym to me, and droues, and al þat þou haſt,
Y ſhal putte myn eyen vpon hym. xi and þere Y ſhal fede þee; ȝit forſoþe fyue ȝeer ben leeued of
xxii We meueden to þee, my lord, þe child may not leeue his hungur, leſt and þow periſhe, and þin hows, and al þat þow
fader; if forſoþe he leeue hym, he ſhal dye. haſt.
xxiii And þow ſeidiſt to þi ſeruauntis, But ȝoure leeſte broþer xii Loo! ȝoure eyen, and þe eyen of my broþer Beniamyn ſeen,
come to vs, ȝe ſhulen no more ſe my face. þat my mouþ ſpekiþ to ȝow;


xiii telliþto my fader al my glorie, and alle þingis þat ȝe han viii Þes ben forſoþe þe names of þe ſones of Yrael, þe whiche
ſeen in Egipte; hye ȝe, and bryng ȝe hym to me. ben goon into Egipte; he wiþ his free children. Þe firſte getun
xiiii And whanne cleppid hadde þriſt to hym þe necke of Ruben;
Beniamyn, his broþer, he wepte, and hym wepynge alſo vpon ix þe ſones of Ruben, Enoch, and Phallu, and Eſrom, and
þe necke of hym. Carmy.
xv And Joſeph kiſſide alle his briþeren, and wepte vpon x Þe ſones of Symyon, Jemuhel, and Jamyn, and Ȝahoth,
echone; aftir þat þei weren hardi to ſpeke to him. and Jachyn, and Sab, and Saber, and Saul, þe ſone of
xvi And it is herd, and wiþ ſolempne word puppliſhid in þe Chanynytidis.
halle of þe kyng, Þe breþeren of Joſeph ben comun. And xi Þe ſones of Leuy, Gerſon, Caath, and Merary.
Pharao ioyede, and al þe meyne of hym; xii Þe ſones of Juda, Her, and Onam, and Sela, and
xvii and he ſeide to Joſeph, þat he ſhulde comaunde to his Phares, and Zara. Deed forſoþe ben Her and Onam in þe
briþeren, ſeiynge, Chargynge þe beeſtis goþ into þe loond of loond of Chanaan; and born ben þe ſones of Phares, Eſrom,
Chanaan, and Amul.
xviii and takiþ fro þens ȝoure fader, and kynrede, and comeþ xiii Þe ſones of Yſachar, Thola, and Phua, and Jobab, and
to me, and I ſhal ȝyue to ȝow al þe goodis of Egipte, þat ȝe Semron.
eeten þe mary of þe loond. xiiii Þe ſones of Zabulon, Sared, and Thelom, and Jahelel.
xix Comaunde alſo, þat þei taken þe waynes of Egipte to þe xv Þes þe ſones of Lye, þat ſhe gat in Meſopotanye of Syrie,
kariyng of her children, and wiues, and ſey þow, Takiþ ȝoure wiþ Dyna hir dowȝter; alle þe ſoulis of þe ſones of hir and of
fader, and anoon as ȝe mowen comynge makiþ redi, douȝtres, þree and þretti.
xx ne leue ȝe not eny þing of eny purtenaunce to ȝoure xvi Þe ſones of Gad, Sephyon, and Aggy, Suny, and
howſhold, for al þe ryches of Egipte ſhulen be ȝouren. Heſebon, Hery, and Arodi, and Arely.
xxi Þe children of Yrael diden, as it was bodun to hem; to xvii Þe ſones of Aſar, Jamne, and Jeſua, and Jeſuy, and
whom Joſeph ȝaf waynes, after þe heeſte of Pharao, and Berya; and Sara, þe douȝter of hem. Þe ſones of Berya,
metis in þe weye; Heber, and Melchiel.
xxii and to echone he comaundide to be brouȝt forþ two ſtolys; xviii Þes þe ſones of Zelphe, whom Laban ȝaf to Lye, his
forſoþe to Beniamyn he ȝaf þre hundryd ſilueren pens, wiþ douȝter, and þes gat Jacob, ſixtene ſoules.
fyue þe beſt ſtolis; xix Þe ſones of Rachel, wijf of Jacob, Joſeph, and
xxiii as feele of money and of cloþing ſeendynge to his fader,
addynge to hem ten hee aſſis, þat ſhulden karye of alle þe xx And born ben þe ſones of Joſeph in þe loond of Egipte, þe
riccheſſis of Egipte, and as feele ſhe aſſis, whete in þe weye,
and breed berynge. which gat to hym Aſenech, þe douȝter of Putyphar, of þe
xxiiii Þanne he lafte his briþeren, and to hem forþ goynge preeſt of Heliopoleos, Manaſſes, and Effraym.
xxi Þe ſones of Beniamyn, Bela, and Becor, and Aſbelgora,
ſeiþ, Ne wraþþe ȝe in þe weye.
xxv Þe whiche ſteyynge vp fro Egipte camen into þe loond of and Naaman, and Jethi, and Reſemophym, and Ophyn, and
Chanaan, to her fader Jacob; xxii Þes þe ſones of Rachel, þe whiche gat Jacob; alle þe
xxvi and tolden to hym, ſeiynge, Joſeph, þi ſone, lyueþ, and he
ſoules fourtene.
is lord in al þe loond of Egipte. Þe which herde, Jacob as of xxiii Þe ſones of Dan, Vſym.
a greet ſleep awakynge; neuerþelater he trowide not hem.
xxvii Þei aȝenward tolden al þe ordre of þe þing; and whanne xxiiii Þe ſones of Neptalym, Jaſyel, and Gumy, and Jeſer,
he hadde ſeyn þe caryagis, and al þat he hadde ſent, aȝen and Salem.
quyckenyd þe ſpiryt of hym, xxv Þes þe ſones of Bale, whom ȝaf Laban to Rachel, his
xxviii and ſeiþ, It ſufficiþ to me, if ȝit Joſeph my ſone lyue, I douȝter. Þes gat Jacob, alle þe ſoules ſeuen.
ſhal go and ſhal ſe hym or Y dye. xxvi And alle þe ſoules þat ben goon wiþ Jacob into Egipte,
and goon out of þe leende of hym, wiþ oute wyues of his
Capitulum XLVI. children, ſexti and ſexe.
xxvii Þe ſones forſoþe of Joſeph, þat ben born to hym in þe
i And Yrael forþ goon wiþ al þat he hadde, cam to þe pit of loond of Egipte, ſoules two. Alle þe ſoules of þe hows of
ooþ; and ſlawn þere þe beeſtis of ſacryfice to þe God of his Jacob, þat ben goon into Egipte, weren ſeuenty.
fader Yſaac, xxviii Jacob forſoþe ſente Juda before hym to Joſeph, þat he
ii herde hym bi a vyſioun þe nyȝt clepynge hym, and ſeiynge to
ſhulde telle to hym, and he ſhulde aȝen come into Geſſen.
hym, Jacob! Jacob! To whom anſwerde, Loo! I am nyȝ. xxix Whider whanne he was comun, Joſeph, ioyned his chare,
iii God ſeiþ to hym, Y am þe mooſt ſtrong God of þi fader;
ſteiede vp to mete wiþ his fader at þe ſame place. And ſeynge
nyl þou not drede, deſcend into Egipte, for into a greet folk of hym, felle vpon þe nek of hym, and bitwix þe clippyngis
kynde Y ſhal make þee þere; wepte.
iiii I ſhal deſcende wiþ þee þidir, and Y ſhal þens lede þee xxx And þe fader ſeide to Joſeph, Now glad Y ſhal dye, for
comynge aȝen, and Joſeph ſhal leye his honden vpon þin eyen. I haue ſeen þi face, and at þin aboue þee Y leeue.
v Jacob aroos fro þe pit of ooþ, and his ſones token hym, wiþ xxxi And he ſpak to his breþeren; and to al þe hows of his
þe children, and his wyues, in þe waynes þat Pharao ſente to fader, Y ſhal ſteye, and telle to Pharao, and Y ſhal ſeie to
bere þe oold man, hym, My breþeren, and þe hows of my fader, þe whyche
vi and al þat he hadde in þe loond of Chanaan; and he cam weren in þe loond of Chanaan, ben comen to me,
into Egipte wiþ al his ſeed, xxxii and ben men kepers of ſheep, and han biſynes of flockys
vii and þe ſones of hym, and coſyns, dowȝteres, and al þe to ben fedde; her beeſtis, and her droues, and al þat þei
progenye togideres. mowen haue, þei brouȝten wiþ hem.


xxxiii And whanne he ſhal clepen ȝou, and ſeie, What is ȝoure xx Þanne Joſeph bouȝte al þe loond of Egipte, echoon ſellynge
werke? his poſſeſſiouns, for þe greetnes of hungur; and he ſugettide it
xxxiiii ȝe ſhulen anſwere, Men ſheepherdes we ben, þi to Pharao,
ſeruauntis, fro oure childhod vnto þe tyme þat is now, and we xxi and al þe puplis of it, fro þe laſte termes of Egipte vnto
and oure faders. Þes þingis forſoþe ȝe ſhulen ſeye, þat ȝe þe vttmeſt cooſtis of it,
mowen dwelle in þe loond of Geſſen, for alle Egipcyens haten xxii out takun þe loond of preſtis, þe which of þe kyng was
alle ſheepherdes of ſheep. take to hem, to whom and certeyn meetis of þe comoun
beernes weren ȝouun, and þerfor þei ben not nedid to ſellen
Capitulum XLVII. her poſſeſſiouns.
xxiii Þanne ſeide Joſeph to þe peplis, Loo! as ȝe beholden,
i Joſeph þanne goon yn tolde to Pharao, ſeiynge, My fader
and breþeren, þe ſheep of hem, and droues, and alle þe þingis and ȝow and ȝoure loond Pharao haþ; takiþ ſeedis, and ſowiþ
þat þei han, ben comen fro þe loond of Chanaan; and loo! þei feeldis,
xxiiii þat ȝe mowen han lyuelodis; þe fyfþe part ȝe ſhulen ȝyue
ben in þe loond of Geſſen.
ii And fyue men, þe laſt of his breþeren, he ſette bifore þe to þe kyng, þe toþer foure partis Y leeue to ȝow into ſeed,
kyng, and into metys, to meynes, and to ȝoure children.
xxv Þe whiche anſwerden, Oure helþe is in þin hoond; oure
iii whom he aſkide, What han ȝe of werke? Þei anſwerden,
Sheepherdes of ſheep we ben, þi ſeruauntis, and we and our God oonly bihold vs, and gladliche we ſhulen ſerue to þe
fadres; kyng.
xxvi Fro þat tyme vnto þe day þat is now, in al þe loond of
iiii to pilgrimage into þi loond we ben comen, for þere is noon
eerbe to þe flockis of þi ſeruauntis; hungur meche wexynge Egipte þe fifþe part to kyngis is payed, and yt is maad as
greuows in þe loond of Chanaan, and we axen þat þow into a lawe, wiþ outen þe preeſtis loond, þat free was fro þis
comaunde vs to be þi ſeruauntis in þe loond of Geſſen. condicioun.
xxvii Þanne Yrael dwelte in Egipte, þat is, in þe loond of
v And ſo þe kyng ſeide to Joſeph, Þi fader and þi breþeren
ben comen to þee; Geſſen, and hadde it, and was encreeſid and multiplied
vi þe loond of Egipte is in þi ſiȝt, in þe beſte place make hem
xxviii And he lyuede in it ſixtene ȝeer, and alle þe dayes of þe
to dwelle, and tak to hem þe loond of Geſſen; and if þow haſt lijf of hym ben maad of an hundryd and ſeuene and fourti
knowe to be redi men in hem, ordeyne hem mayſtrys of my ȝeer.
beeſtis. xxix And whanne he bihelde þe day of deeþ to neiȝ, he clepide
vii After þes þingis Joſeph ladde yn his fader to þe kyng, and
ſette hym beforn hym, þe which bleſſynge to hym, his ſone Joſeph, and ſeide to hym, If Y haue foundun grace
viii and aſkyde of hym, How feele ben þe dayes of þe ȝeris of
in þi ſiȝt, putte þin hoond vnder myn hippe, and þow ſhalt do
to me mercy and treuþe, þat þow byrie me not in Egipte;
þi lijf? xxx but I ſhal ſleepe wiþ my fadris, and þow ſhalt take me
ix He anſwerde, Þe dayes of þe pilgrimage of my lijf ben of
fro þis loond, and birye me in þe ſepulcre of myn eldres. To
an hundrid and þretti ȝeer, litil and yuel, and þei comen not whom Joſeph anſwerde, I ſhal do þat þow haſt bodun.
vnto þe dayes of my fadris, in þe whiche þei han pilgrimagid. xxxi And he, Sweer þanne, he ſeiþ, to me; whom ſwerynge,
x And þe kyng bliſſid, he ȝede oute.
Yrael anowrede God, turned to þe heed of þe bedde.
xi Joſeph forſoþe to þe fader and to his breþeren ȝaf
poſſeſſyoun in Egipte, in þe beſt ſoyl of þe loond of Rameſſes, Capitulum XLVIII.
as comaundyde Pharao;
xii and he fedde hem, and al þe hows of his fader, ȝyuynge i And ſo þes þingis paſſid ouer, it was toold to Joſeph, þat þe
meetis to eche oon. fader of hym wex ſik. Þe which wiþ hym takun two ſones,
xiii Forſoþe in al þe world breed lackide, and hungur Manaſſes and Effraym, forþ ȝeden to go.
ii And it was ſeide to þe olde man, Loo! þi ſone Joſeph is
oppreſſide þe erþe, mooſt of Egipte and of Chanaan;
xiiii of þe whiche al þe money he gederyde togider for þe comen to þee; þe which coumfortid ſat in þe bedde.
iii And to Joſeph comun in to him, ſeiþ, God Almyȝti aperyde
ſellyng of whete, and putte it to þe treſorye of þe kyng.
xv And whanne to þe biggerys faylide prijs, cam al Egipte to to me in Luza, þat is in þe loond of Chanaan, and he bliſſide
to me,
Joſeph, ſeiynge, Ȝif to vs breed; whi dien we bifore þee, iiii and ſeiþ, Y þee ſhal encreeſe and multiplie, and make into
faylynge money?
xvi To whom he anſwerde, Bryngiþ ȝoure beeſtis, and Y ſhal cumpanyes of peples, and Y ſhal ȝyue to þee þis loond, and
to þi ſeed after þee, into euerlaſtynge poſſeſſioun.
ȝyue to ȝow for hem meetis, if prijs ȝe han not. v Þanne þi two ſones, þat ben born to þee in þe loond of
xvii Þe whiche, whanne þei hadden brouȝt, he ȝaf to hem
Egipte bifore Y com hider to þee, ſhulen ben myne, Effraym
foode for horſis, and ſheep, and oxen, and aſſis; and he and Manaſſes as Ruben and Symeon ſhulen ben acountid to
ſuſteynede hem þat ȝeer for chaungyng of beeſtis. me;
xviii And þei camen þe ſecounde ȝeer, and ſeiden to hym, We vi þe toþer forſoþe whom þow ſhalt gete after hem ſhulen be
hiden not to oure lord, þat failynge þe money and þe beeſtis þine, and bi name of her breþeren ſhulen be clepid in her
togideres han failid, ne it is priue fro þee, þat wiþ outen poſſeſſiouns.
bodies and loond we han not; vii To me forſoþe whanne Y cam fro Meſopotanye, Rachel
xix whi þanne ſhulen we dye, þee ſeynge? and we and our
was deed in þe loond of Chanaan, in þat weie, and it was
loond of þee ſhulen ben, bie vs in to þe kyngis þraldom, and veer tyme; and Y cam into Effratam, and Y biryede hir biſide
ȝif vs ſeedes, leſt peryſhynge þe tilyer, þe loond be turned þe weie of Effrathe, þe which in anoþer name is clepid
aȝen into wildernes. Bethleem.
viii And Jacob, ſeynge þe ſones of hym, ſeide to hym, Who
ben þes?


ix He anſwerde, My ſones þei ben, whom God haþ ȝouun to viii Juda, þee ſhulen preyſe þi briþeren, þin hondis in þe
me in þis place. Bryng hem, he ſeiþ, to me, þat I bliſſe to ſkulles of þin enemyes, þe ſones of þi fader ſhulen lowte þee.
hem. ix Þe whelp of lyon Juda; to þe prey, ſone myne, þow ſteydiſt
x Þe eyen forſoþe of Yrael weren derke for greet eelde, and vp; reſtynge þow ley down as a lyon, and as a lioneſſe who
cleerli he myȝte not ſe; and hem put to hym, kiſſynge and ſhal arere hym?
cleppynge hem, x Þe ſeptre fro Juda ſhal not be takun awey, and a duke fro
xi ſeide to his ſone, Y am not bigilid of þi ſiȝt; forþermore þe leende of hym, to þe tyme þat he come þat is to be ſent,
God haþ ſhewid to me þi ſeed. and he ſhal be þe abidynge of folk of kynde,
xii And whanne Joſeph hadde takun hem fro þe boſum of þe xi byndynge to a vynȝerd his colt, and to a vyn, O! my ſone,
fader, he anowride, bowid into þe erþe. his ſhe aſſe; he ſhal waſſhe in wyne his ſtoole, and in blood of
xiii And he putte Effraym at his riȝt hoond, þat is, at þe left a grape his mantil;
ſyde of Iſrael; Manaſſes forſoþe in his lift ſide, at þe riȝt ſide xii fayrer ben þe eyen of hym þan wyn, and þe teeþ of hym
of þe fader, and he putte boþe to hym. whitter þan mylk.
xiiii Þe which ſtrecchynge out þe riȝt hoond, putte vpon þe xiii Zabulon in þe brynke of þe ſee ſhal dwelle, and in þe
heed of Effraym, þe laſſe broþer; þe left forſoþe vpon þe heed ſtacioun of ſhippes, arechynge vnto Sidon.
of Manaſſe, þe which was more þurȝ birþe. xiiii Yſachar, an hee aſſe ſtrong, liggynge bitwix þe teermes,
xv Jacob togidere chaungynge þe hondes bliſſide þe ſones of xv ſawȝ reſt þat it was good, and þe loond þat it was beſt,
Joſeph, and ſeiþ, God, in whos ſiȝt ȝeden my fadres Abraham and vnderputte his ſhuldur to bere, and he is maad to tributis
and Yſaac; God, þat fedde me fro my ȝongþe into þe day þat ſeruynge.
is now; xvi Dan ſhal deme his puple, and as anoþer lynage in Yrael.
xvi þat aungel þat delyueride me fro alle yuels, bleſſe to þes
xvii Be maad Dan an eddre of ſhadowe in þe weie, and an
children, and my name be inwardly clepid vpon hem, and þe
names of my fadris Abraham and Yſaac; in multitude vpon horned eddre in þe paþ, bitynge þe cleen of an hors, þat þe
erþe growe þei. ſteyer up of hym falle bacward;
xvii Joſeph forſoþe ſeynge þat his fader hadde putte þe riȝt xviii and þi ȝyuer of helþe Y ſhal abyde, Lord.
hoond vpon þe heed of Effraym, greuowſly tok, and þe hoond xix Gad gird ſhal feiȝt bifore hym, and he ſhal be gird
of þe fader takun, enforſide to heue fro þe heed of Effraym, bihynde.
and to ber ouer vpon þe heed of Manaſſe. xx Aſer, þe fat breed of hym, and he ſhal ȝeue delices to
xviii And he ſeide to þe fader, Not ſo, fader, it falliþ to be, kyngis.
for þis is þe firſt getun; put þi riȝt hoond vpon þe heed of xxi Neptalym, þe herte ſent out, and ȝyuynge þe ſpechis of
hym. fayrnes.
xix Þe which forſakynge ſeiþ, I knowe, ſone myne, Y knowe; xxii Þe ſone acreeſynge, Joſeph, þe ſone acreſynge, and ſemly
and þis forſoþe ſhal be into puples, and ſhal be multiplied; but in ſiȝt; þe douȝtres hidir and þider renneden vpon þe wal,
þe broþer of hym laſſe more þan he ſhal be, and þe ſeed of xxiii but þei eggiden hym out, and ſtreuen, and enuyden to
hym ſhal growe into folk of kynde.
xx And he bliſſide hem in þat tyme, ſeiynge, In þee Yrael ſhal hym, hauynge dartis.
xxiiii Sat in þe ſtrong þe bowe of hym, and vnbounden ben þe
be bliſſid, and ſhal be ſeide, God do to þee as to Effraym and
Manaſſe; and he ſette Effraym bifore Manaſſe. bondis of armes, and of þe hondis of hym bi þe hoond of þe
xxi And he ſeiþ to Joſeph, his ſone, Loo! Y dye, and God myȝti of Jacob; þens a ſhepherde ȝede out, þe ſtoone of Yrael.
xxv God of þi fader ſhal be þin helper, and þe Almyȝti ſhal
ſhal be wiþ ȝow, and he ſhal brynge ȝow aȝen to þe loond of
ȝoure fadris; bleſſe to þee wiþ bleſſynges of heuene fro aboue, and wiþ
xxii Y ȝyue to þee o parti oute of þi breþeren, þat Y tok of þe bleſſyngis of þe ſee liggyng beneþ, and wiþ bleſſyngis of tetis,
and of þe wombe;
hoond of Amorrey, in ſwerde and in my bowe. xxvi þe bliſſyngis of þi fader ben coumfortid wiþ þe bliſſyngis
of þe fadris of hym, to þe tyme þat were comen þe deſyre of
Capitulum XLIX. euerlaſtynge hillis; ben þei maad in þe heed of Joſeph, and in
i Jacob forſoþe clepide his ſones, and ſeide to hem, Be ȝe þe heed of Nazarei amonge his breþeren.
xxvii Beniamyn, a wulf raumpynge, þe morwen tide he ſhall
gederid togidris, þat Y telle þat ben to comen to ȝou in þe
laſte daies; eete a pray, and þe euentide he ſhal dyuyde ſpoylis.
ii be ȝe gadered togidris, and here ȝe, þe ſones of Jacob, here xxviii Alle þes in þe lynagis of Irael twelue; þes þingis ſpak
ȝe Yrael ȝoure fader. to hem her fader, and bleſſide hem eche wiþ propre bleſſyngis.
iii Ruben, my firſt getun, þow my ſtrengþe, and þe bigyning xxix And he comaundide hem, ſeiynge, Y am gedered to my
of my ſorwe; firſt in ȝiftis, and more in comaundyng; puple, birye ȝe me wiþ my faders in þe dowble ſpelunk, þat is
iiii þow art held out as water; ne grow þow, for þow haſt in þe feeld of Effron Ethei,
xxx aȝens Mambre, in þe loond of Chanaan, þat Abraham
ſteied up þe cowche of þi fader, and þow haſt defoulid þe
bedde of hym. bouȝte wiþ þe feeld of Effron Ethei, into poſſeſſioun of a
v Symeon and Leuy, breþeren, þe veſſels of ſhrewidnes, ſepulcre.
xxxi Þere þei birieden hym, and Sara, þe wijf of hym; þere
makynge batails;
vi in þe counſeil of hem come not my ſoule, and in þe alſo byried is Yſaac, wiþ Rebecca þe wijf; þere and Lya
cumpanye of hem be not my glorie; for in her woodnes þei biried lieþ.
xxxii And endid þe maundementis wiþ whiche þe ſones he
ſlewen a man, and in her owne wil þei vndurdelueden þe wal;
vii curſid is þe woodnes of hem, for it is ſtedfaſt, and þe enfourmyde, he gederede togedere his feet vpon þe bed, and
indignacioun of hem, for it is hard; Y ſhal deuyde hem in dyed, and put he is to his puple.
Jacob, and I ſhal ſcater hem in Yrael.


Capitulum L. xxiii and ſawȝ þe ſones of Effraym vnto þe þridde

i That
generacioun; and þe ſones of Machir, ſone of Manaſſe, ben
ſeynge Joſeph, fel vpon þe face of þe fader, wepynge, born in þe kneen of Joſeph.
and kyſſynge hym, xxiiii Þe whiche þingis ouerpaſſid, he ſpak to his breþeren,
ii and comaundide to þe ſeruauntis, his leches, þat wiþ ſwete
After my deeþ God ſhal viſite ȝow, and make ȝow ſteyen vp
oynementis þei ſhulden anoynte þe fader. fro þis loond to þe loond þat he faſtnede wiþ ooþ to Abraham,
iii Þe whiche þe maundementis fulfillynge, paſſiden ouer fourti Yſaac, and Jacob.
dayes; þis forſoþe manere was of bodies anoynt, and Egipte xxv And whanne he hadde adiuryd hem, and ſeide, God ſhal
wepte hym ſeuenti dayes. viſite ȝow, bere ȝe wiþ ȝow my bones fro þis place,
iiii And fulfillid þe tyme of weilyng, Joſeph to þe meyne of xxvi he diede, fulfillid an hundred and ten ȝerys of his lijf,
Pharao ſpak, If Y haue founde grace in ȝoure ſiȝt, ſpek ȝe in and anoyntide wiþ ſwete oynementis, was leid in to towmbe
þe eeris of Pharao, in Egipte.
v þerþurȝ þat my fader haþ chargid me wiþ ooþ, ſeiynge, Loo!
Y dye, in my ſepulcre þat I deluede to me in þe loond of Heere endiþ Geneſis and now bigynneþ
Chanaan, þow ſhalt byrye me; þanne I ſhal ſteie vp þat Y Exodus.
byrye my fader, and ſhal turne aȝen.
vi And Pharao ſeyde to hym, Stey vp, and byry þi fader, as
þow haſt ſworne.
vii Whom ſtiynge vp, ȝeden wiþ hym alle þe oold men of þe
hows of Pharao, and alle þe more þurȝ birþe of þe loond of
viii þe hows of Joſeph wiþ his breþeren, wiþ outen litil
children, and flockis, and droues, þat laften in þe loond of
ix And he hadde in his ledyng chares, and rydynge men, and
þere was maad þe companye not a litil.
x And þei camen to þe þreſſhyng feelde of Adad, þe which is
ſet biȝonde Jordan, where holdynge þe offices for þe deed, wiþ
greet weilyng and hydows, fulfilliden ſeuen dayes.
xi Þat whanne hadden ſeen þe dwellers of þe loond of
Chanaan, ſeiden, A greet weilyng is þis to þe Egipcyens, and
þerfor þei clepiden þe name of þat place Þe weylyng of
xii Þanne þe children of Yrael diden as it was comaundid
xiii and berynge hym into þe loond of Chanaan, byryden hym
in þe dowble ſpelunk, þat Abraham bouȝte wiþ þe feelde, into
poſſeſſioun of a ſepulcre, of Ephron Ethei, aȝens þe face of
xiiii And Joſeph is turned aȝen into Egipte, wiþ his briþeren,
and wiþ al þe cumpanye, þe fader beryed.
xv Þe which deed, dredynge þe breþeren of hym, and togidere
ſpekyng, leſt perauenture he haue mynde of þe wrong þat he
ſuffrede, and ȝeelde to vs al þe yuel þat we han do,
xvi ſenten to hym, ſeiynge, Þi fader comaundide vs or he
ſhulde die,
xvii þat þes wordes to þee we ſhulden ſeye, Y preye, þat þow
forȝete þe wickidnes of þi breþeren, and of þe ſynne, and of þe
malyce þat þei wrouȝten in þee; and we preyen, þat to þe
ſeruaunt of God, þi fader, þow forȝeue þis wickidneſſe. Þe
whiche þingis herd, Joſeph wepte.
xviii And to hym comen his breþeren, and mekid into þe erþe
lowtiden, and ſeiden, Þi ſeruauntis we ben.
xix To whom he anſwerde, Wole ȝe not dreden, wheþer
mowen we aȝenſtonde þe wil of God?
xx Ȝe þouȝten of me yuel, and God turneþ it into good, þat
he ſhulde enhaunce me, as ȝe now ſeen, þat ſaaf he make
many puples;
xxi wole ȝe not dreden, Y ſhal fede ȝow, and ȝoure children.
And he coumfortide hem, and fayre and ſoftly he ſpak,
xxii and dwelte in Egipte, wiþ al þe hows of his fader, and
lyuede an hundrid and ten ȝeer,


and putte þe litil faunt wiþ ynne, and ſette out hym in þe
EXODI. flaggi place of þe brinke of þe flode,
iiii his ſiſter ſtondynge afer, and biholdynge þe auenture of þe
Here bygynneþ Exodi. þing.
v And, loo! þe douȝter of Pharao deſcendide for to be waſſhid
Capitulum I. in þe flode, and hir mayden ſeruauntis ȝeden bi þe brynke of
þe flode. Þe which, whanne ſhe hadde ſeen þe ionket in þe
i Thes ben þe names of þe ſones of Yrael, þat ȝeden into growyng place of reſſhes, ſente oon of hir mayden ſeruauntis,
Egipte wiþ Jacob; eche wiþ her houſholdes ȝeden yn; and, it brouȝte forþ,
ii Ruben, Symeon, Leuy, Judas, vi opnynge and biholdynge in it a litil child wepynge, hauynge
iii Iſachar, Zabulon, and Beniamyn, rewþ of it, ſeiþ, Of þe children of Ebrews he is.
vii To whom þe ſiſter of þe child, Wolt þow, ſhe ſeiþ, þat Y
iiii Dan, and Neptalym, Gad, and Aſer.
v Þanne weren alle þe ſoules of hem þat ȝeden out of þe hipe
go, and clepe to þee a womman of Ebrew, þat may noriſhe þe
of Jacob ſeuenti and fyue. Joſeph forſoþe was in Egipte; viii She anſwerde, Go. Þe mayden child ȝede, and clepide hir
vi þe which deed, and alle hys breþeren, and al his coſynage,
vii þe ſones of Yrael wexen, and as burionynge ben ix To whom ſpak þe dowȝtir of Pharao, Tak, ſhe ſeide, þis
multiplied, and þei ſtrengþid fulfilliden þe erþe. child, and noriſch to me, and Y ſhal ȝyue to þee þi mede. Þe
viii Þanne a newe kyng roos vpon Egipte, þat knewe not womman tok, and noriſſhide þe child,
Joſeph, x and ful waxen tok to þe dowȝter of Pharao, whom ſhe
ix and he ſeide vnto his puple, Loo! þe puple of þe ſones of clepide to hir in ſteede of a ſone; and ſhe clepide his name
Yrael is myche, and ſtronger þan we; Moyſes, ſeiynge, For of þe water Y tok hym.
x comeþ, wiſeli oppreſſe we it, leſt perauenture þei ben xi In þilke daies, after Moyſes was waxen, goon out to his
multiplied, and, if batayle aryſe aȝens vs, it be addid to oure breþeren, ſawȝ þe tourmentyng of hem, and a man of Egipte
enemyes, and, we ouercomen, he go out of þe loond. ſmytynge oon of þe Ebrews, his briþeren.
xi And ſo he bifore putte to hem mayſtris of werkis, þat þei xii And whanne he hadde beholdun al abowt hider and þider,
ſhulden ouertraueylen hem wiþ birþens. And þei bildeden to and no man he hadde ſeen to be nyȝ, þe Egipcien ſmytun he
Pharao þe citees of tabernacles, Phiton, and Rameſſes. hidde in þe ſoonde.
xii And in as myche as þei oppreſſiden hem, ſo myche more xiii And goon out anoþer day, he bihelde two Ebrews
þei weren multiplied, and wexen. And þe Egipciens hatiden chidynge, and he ſeide to hym þat dyde þe wrong, Whi ſmytiſt
þe ſones of Yrael, þow þi broþer?
xiii and tourmentiden, ſcornynge to hem, and enuyinge; xiiii Þe which anſwerde, Who ordeynede þee prince and
xiiii and to bitternes þei brouȝten her lijf wiþ harde werkis of domeſman vpon vs? Wheþer þow wole ſlee me, as þow ſlewe
cley and tyle, and wiþ al ſeruage, þurȝ þe which þei weren ȝiſtirday þe Egipcien? Moyſes dradde, and ſeiþ, What manere
þriſt down in werkys of þe erþe. is maad opyn þis word?
xv And þe kyng of Egipte ſeide to þe mydwyues of Ebrews, xv And Pharao herde þis word, and ſouȝte to ſlee Moyſes, þe
of þe whiche oon was clepid Sephora, and `þat oþer Fua, which fleynge fro hys ſiȝt, dwelte in þe loond of Madyan, and
xvi comaundynge hem, Whanne ȝe ſhulen ſerue þe wymmen of ſat biſidis a pitt.
xvi Forſoþe þere weren to þe preeſt of Madian ſeuen douȝtres,
Ebrew, to taken her children of her wombe, and þe tyme of
birþe come, if it be a maal, ſleeþ hym; if a femaal, kepiþ. þe whiche `comen to drawe watir; and, þe water goters fillid,
xvii Forſoþe þe mydwyues dredden God, and diden not after þei coueytiden to water þe flok of hyr fader.
xvii Þere ouercamen ſhepherdes, and þrewen hem out; and
þe heeſte of þe kyng of Egipte, but kepten þe males.
xviii Þe whyche to hym clepid, ſeide þe kyng, What now is Moyſes aroos, and, þe mayden children defendid, he watride
her ſheep.
þis ȝe wolden do, þat þe knaue children ȝe wolen kepe? xviii Þe whiche, whanne þei were turnyd aȝen to Jetro, her
xix Þe whiche anſwerden, Wymmen of Ebrew ben not as þe
fader, he ſeide to hem, Whi ben ȝe comen ſwifter þan ȝe ben
wymmen of Egipte, þei forſoþe han þe kunnyng of wonte?
mydwyuyng, and er we comen to hem, þei ben delyuered. xix Þei anſwerden, A man of Egipte haþ delyuered vs fro þe
xx Þanne God dide wel to þe mydwyues; and þe puple
hoond of þe ſhepherdis; alſo and he haþ drawun water wiþ
growide, and was coumfortid greetli. vs, and ȝyue drynke to þe ſheip.
xxi And for þe mydwiues dredden God, he byldyd to hem xx And he, Where is he? he ſeiþ, whi han ȝe laft þe man?
houſis. clepe ȝe hym, þat he eete breed.
xxii Þanne Pharao comaundide to al his puple, ſeiynge, What xxi Þan Moyſes ſwere, þat he ſhulde dwelle wiþ hym; and he
euer of maal kynde ſhal be born, þrowe ȝe it in to þe flode; tok a wijf, Sephoram, þe douȝter of hym.
what euer of femaal, kepiþ. xxii Þe which bar to hym a ſone, þat he clepide Gerſan,
ſeiynge, A comlyng Y was in a ſtraunge loond. And anoþer
Capitulum II. forſoþe ſhe bar, whom he clepide Elieȝer, ſeiynge, ſoþe þe God
i Aftir þis ȝede out a man of þe hows of Leuy, and tok a wijf of my fader is myn helper, and haþ delyuered me fro þe
of his lynage, hoond of Pharao.
xxiii After myche forſoþe of tyme died þe kyng of Egipte, and
ii þat conceyuede, and bar a child, and, ſeynge hym ſhaply,
hydde hym þre moneþis. inwardly weilynge þe ſones of Yrael for þe werkis, crieden
iii And whanne he myȝte hide hym no lenger, he tok a ionket
out, and þe crye of `hem to God of her werkis ſteyde vp.
of reſſhen, and glewide it wiþe glewiſhe cley, and wiþ picche,


xxiiii Andhe herde þe weilyng of hem, and was recordid of þe xviii And þei ſhulen here þi voyce; and þow ſhalt goon yn, and
boond of pees, þat he couenauntide wiþ Abraham, Yſaac, and þe alder men of Yrael to þe kyng of Egipte, and þow ſhalt
Jacob; ſeye to hym, Þe Lord God of Ebrews haþ clepid us; we
xxv and he bihelde þe children of Yrael, and knewe hem. ſhulen goon a weye of þre dayes into wildernes, þat we doon
ſacrifice to þe Lord oure God.
xix But Y wote, þat þe kyng of Egipte ſhal not ȝyue ȝow leue
Capitulum III.
þat ȝe goon, but bi ſtrong hoond;
i Moyſes forſoþe fedde þe ſheip of Jetro, hys wyues fader, xx forſoþe Y ſhal ſtrecche out myn hoond, and Y ſhal ſmyte
preeſt of Madian; and whanne he had dreuen þe flok to þe Egipte in alle my merueyles, þat Y am to do in þe mydle of
ynnermore partis of deſerte, he cam to þe hil of God, Oreb. hem, and after þes þingis he ſhal ȝyue to ȝow leue.
ii And þe Lord apperide to hym in a flawme of fier fro þe xxi And Y ſhal ȝeue grace to þis puple bifore þe Egipciens,
mydle of a buſſhe, and he ſawȝ þat þe buſſhe was ofier, and þat whanne ȝe gon out, ȝe ſhulen not goon out voyd;
was not brent. xxii but a womman ſhal aſke of hir neiȝbore and of hir geſt
iii Þanne ſeide Moyſes, Y ſhal go, and ſe þis greet ſiȝt, whi
ſilueren and goldun veſſels, and cloþes, and ȝe ſhulen ligge
þe buſſhe is not brent. hem vpon ȝoure ſones, and vpon ȝoure douȝtres, and ȝe ſhulen
iiii And þe Lord biholdynge þat he ȝede to ſeen, clepide hym ſpoyle Egipte.
fro þe mydle of þe buſſhe, and ſeiþ, Moyſes! Moyſes! Þe
which anſwerde, Y am nyȝ. Capitulum IIII.
v And he, Ne come þow, he ſeiþ, no nerre hidur, but lowſe
i Moyſes anſwerde, and ſeiþ, Þei ſhulen not leue me, ne here
þow þi ſhoyng fro þi feyt; þe place forſoþe þat þow ſtondiſt yn
is an holi loond. my voyce; but ſeyn, Þe Lord apeeryde not to þee.
vi And he ſeiþ, Y am þe God of þi fader, God of Abraham, ii Þanne he ſeide vnto hym, What is þat þat þow holdiſt in
and God of Yſaac, and God of Jacob. Moiſes hidde his face, þin hoond? He anſwerde, A ȝerde.
forſoþe he dorſt not loke aȝens God. iii And þe Lord ſeide, Þrow it into þe erþe; he þrewe it, and
vii To whom þe Lord ſeiþ, I haue ſeen þe affliccioun of my it was turned into a boſke eddre, ſo þat Moyſes fleiȝ.
puple in Egipte, and Y haue herd þe crye of it, for þe iiii And þe Lord ſeide, Strecch out þin hoond, and tak his
hardnes of hem þat ben before to þe werkis. And knowynge tayle; he ſtrauȝte out, and helde, and it was turned into a
þe ſorwe of it, ȝerde.
viii Y deſcendide to delyuere it fro þe hoondis of Egipciens, v Þat þei bileuen, he ſeiþ, þat God of þi fadres aperide to þee
and Y ſhal lede out fro þat loond into a good loond and a God of Abraham, and God of Yſaac, and God of Jacob.
wide, into a loond þat flowiþ mylk and hony, to þe places of vi And þe Lord ſeide eftſones, Putte þin hoond into þi boſum;
Chananey, and Ethey, Amorrei, and Phereȝei, Euehey, and þe which whanne he hadde putt into his boſum, he brouȝte it
Jebuſey. forþ leprows, at liknes of ſnow.
ix Þanne þe crye of þe children of Yrael is comen to me, and vii Drawe aȝen, he ſeiþ, þe hoond into þi boſum: he aȝen
Y haue ſeen þe affliccioun of hem, wiþ þe which þei ben drewȝ, and brouȝte it forþ eftſones, and it was lijk vnto þe
oppreſſid of þe Egipcyens. toþer fleſhe.
x But come, and Y ſhal ſende þee to Pharao, þat þow lede viii If þei leuen not, he ſeiþ, to þee, ne here þe word of þe
my puple, þe ſones of Yrael, out of Egipte. former ſigne, þei ſhulen leue to þe word of þe ſigne þat
xi And Moyſes ſeide to God, Who am Y, þat I ſhulde goo to folweþ;
Pharao, and lede out þe ſones of Yrael fro Egipte? ix and if forſoþe þey leuen not to þes twey ſignes, ne heren þi
xii Þe which ſeide to hym, I ſhal be wiþ þee, and þis þow voys, tak water of þe floode, and heeld it out vpon þe drye
ſhalt haue to tookun, þat I haue ſent þee, whanne þow ſhalt loond, and what euere þow drawiſt of þe floode, it ſhal be
lede my puple fro Egipte, þow ſhalt do ſacryfice to God vpon turned into bloode.
þis hil. x Moyſes ſeiþ, Lord, Y biſeche, I am not wel ſpekynge fro
xiii Moyſes ſeiþ to God, Loo! Y ſhal goo to þe ſones of ȝiſterday and fro þe þridde dai hens; and ſiþ þow ſpak to þi
Yrael, and Y ſhal ſeie to hem, þe God of ȝoure fadris haþ ſeruaunt, Y am of more latſum and of more ſlow tonge.
ſent me to ȝow; if þei ſeyn to me, what is his name, what xi Þe Lorde ſeide to hym, Who made þe mouþ of man, or
ſhal Y ſeye to hem? who forgide þe dowmbe and þe deef, þe ſeer and þe blynde?
xiiii Þe Lord ſeyde to Moyſes, I am þe which Y am; he ſeiþ, wheþer not Y?
þus þow ſhalt ſeye to þe children of Iſrael, He þat is haþ ſent xii Goo þanne, I ſhal be in þi mouþ, and Y ſhal teche þee
me to ȝow. what þow ſhalt ſpek.
xv And eftſones God ſeiþ to Moyſes, Þes þingis þow ſhalt xiii And he, Y biſeche, he ſeiþ, Lord, ſende whom þow art to
ſeye to þe ſones of Yrael, Þe Lord God of ȝoure fadrys, God ſende.
of Abraham, and God of Yſaac, and God of Jacob, haþ ſent xiiii Þe Lord wrooþ aȝens Moyſes, ſeiþ, Aaron, þi broþer,
me to ȝow; þis is name to me wiþouten ende, and þis my
memoriale in generacioun and into generacioun. Leuyte, I wote þat he is a fayr ſpeker; loo! he ſhal goo out
xvi Goo, and gedere togidere þe aldyr men of Yrael, and þow into þin aȝen goynge, and ſeynge þee he ſhal `be glad in herte.
xv Spek to him, and put my wordis in his mouþ, and Y ſhal
ſhalt ſeye to hem, Þe Lord God of ȝoure fadris haþ apeeryd
to me, God of Abraham, and God of Yſaac, and God of be in þi mouþ and `in his mouþ; and Y ſhal ſhewe to ȝou
Jacob, ſeiynge, Viſytynge Y haue viſitid ȝow, and Y haue what ȝe ſhulen do.
ſeen alle þingis þat haue fallun to ȝow in Egipte; xvi He ſhal ſpeke for þee to þe puple, and he ſhal be þi mouþ;
xvii and Y ſeyde, þat Y ſhal lede ȝow out fro þe affliccioun of þow forſoþe ſhal be to hym in þes þinges, þat pertenen to
Egipte into þe loond of Chananei, and Ethei, and Amorrei, God.
Phereȝey, and Euehi, and Jebuſey, to þe loond flowynge mylk xvii And þis ȝerde tak in þin hoond, in þe which þow art to
and hony. doon ſignes.


xviii Moyſes ȝede, and turned aȝen to Jetro, his wyues fader, ix be þei oppreſſid wiþ werkis, and fulfille þei hem, þat þei
and he ſeide to hym, Y ſhal goo, and turn aȝen to my aſſenten not to leſynge wordis.
breþeren in to Egipte, þat Y ſe if þei ȝit lyuen. To whom x Þanne, goon out, þe mayſtris of werkis and þe conſtreyners
ſeide Jetro, Goo in pees. ſeyden to þe puple, Þus ſeiþ Pharao, Y ȝyue ȝou not chaf;
xix Þanne þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes in Madian, Goo, and xi goþ, and gederiþ, where euer ȝe mowen fynde; ne eny þing
turn aȝen into Egipte; forſoþe alle þei ben deede, þat ſouȝten ſhal be laſſe of ȝoure werk.
þi lyf. xii And þe puple is ſcaterid þurȝ out al þe loond of Egipte to
xx Moyſes tok his wyf, and his ſones, and putte hem upon an
be gadered chaf.
aſſe, and he is turned aȝen into Egipte, berynge þe ȝerde of xiii And þe mayſtris of werkis greetly ſtoden, ſeiynge, Fulfilleþ
God in his hoond.
xxi And þe Lord ſeide to hym turnynge aȝen into Egipte, ȝoure werk eche day, as before ȝe weren wont to doon,
whanne chaf was ȝouun to ȝou.
Looke, þat alle þe ſignes worþi to be ſhewid þow do, þe xiiii And þei ben tourmentid, þat weren mayſtris to þe werkis
whiche Y haue putte in þin hoond, before Pharao; Y ſhal
hardun his herte, and he ſhal not leeue þe puple; of þe children of Yrael, of þe conſtreyners of Pharao, ſeiynge,
xxii and þow ſhalt ſeye to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, My Whi han ȝe not fulfillid þe meſure of tylis, as bifore, nowþer
ȝiſtirday ne to day?
ſone firſt getun Yrael; xv And þe mayſtrys of þe children of Yrael camen, and
xxiii Y ſeide to þee, leeue my ſone, þat he ſerue to me; and
crieden out to Pharao, ſeiynge, Whi doſt þow þus aȝens þi
þow woldiſt not leeue hym; loo! Y ſhal ſlee þi firſt gotun ſone. ſeruauntis?
xxiiii And whanne he was in þe weie, in þe ſyde turnyng xvi Chaf ben not ȝouun to vs, and tiles aliche many ben
place to reſte, þe Lorde ȝede aȝens hym, and wold ſlee hym. comaundid. Loo! we þi ſeruauntis ben betun wiþ ſcourges,
xxv Anoon Sephora tok a ful ſharp ſtoon, and kitte al aboute and wrongfuli it is doon aȝens þi puple.
þe vttermore ſkynne of þe ȝerde of hir ſone, and it touchide xvii Þe which ſeiþ, Ȝe tenden to ydelnes; and þerfor ȝe ſeyn,
his feet; and ſhe ſeiþ, A ſpouſe of blodis þow art to me. Go we and ſacrifye to þe Lord;
xxvi And ſhe lafte hym, for þe circumſicioun, aftir þat ſhe xviii goþ þanne and worchiþ; chaf ſhal not be ȝouun to ȝow,
hadde ſeid, A ſpouſe of blodes þou art to me. and ȝe ſhulen ȝelde þe cuſtomyd noumbre of tilys.
xxvii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeide to Aaron, Goo into þe aȝen xix And þe mayſtris of þe ſones of Yrael ſeen hem ſeluen into
comyng to Moiſes, into deſert; þe which ȝede to mete wiþ hym yuel, for þat it was ſeide to hem, Þere ſhal not be maad laſſe
into þe hil of God, and he kyſſide hym. eny þing of þe tiles bi eche daies.
xxviii And Moyſes tolde Aaron alle þe wordis of þe Lord, for xx And þei aȝen wenten to Moyſes and to Aaron, þat ſtoden
þe whiche he ſente hym, and þe toknes þat he comaundyde. euen aȝens, goynge out fro Pharao,
xxix And þei comen togidere, and þei gadereden togidere alle xxi and þei ſeiden `to hem, Se þe Lord, and deme, for to
þe alder men of þe ſones of Yrael. ſtynken ȝe han maad oure ſmel before Pharao and his
xxx And Aaron ſpak alle þe wordis, þat þe Lord hadde ſeyde ſeruauntis; and ȝe han ȝouun hym a ſwerd, þat he ſlee vs.
to Moyſes; and he dide þe ſignes beforn þe puple; xxii And Moyſes turnede aȝen to þe Lord, and ſeiþ, Lord, whi
xxxi and þe puple bileuede; and þei herden þat þe Lord hadde haſt þow turmentid þis puple? whi haſt þow ſent me?
viſitid þe ſones of Yrael, and þat he hadde biholdun þe xxiii Fro þat tyme forſoþe þat Y ȝede yn to Pharao for to
affliccioun of hem; and redi þei anourden. ſpek in þi name, he turmentide þi puple, and þow haſt not
delyuered hem.
Capitulum V.
i Aftir þes þingis ȝeden in Moyſes and Aaron, and ſeiden to Capitulum VI.
Pharao, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Leeue my i And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Now þow ſhalt ſeen, what
puple, þat þei doo ſacrifice to me in deſert. þingis Y am to do to Pharao; forſoþe bi a ſtrong hoond he
ii And he anſwerde, Who is þe Lord, þat I here his voys, ſhal leeue hem, and in a myȝti hoond he ſhal þrowe hem out
and leeue Yrael? Y knowe not þe Lord, and Yrael Y ſhal not of his loond.
leeue. ii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Y þe Lord,
iii Þei ſeiden, Þe God of Ebrews haþ clepid vs, þat we goon iii þat aperyde to Abraham, and to Yſaac, and to Jacob in þe
þe weie of þre dayes into wildernes, and ſacrifye unto þe God Almyȝti; and my name Adonay Y ſhewyde not to hem;
Lord oure God, leſt perauenture falle to us peſtilence, or iiii and I couenauntide a boond of pees wiþ hem, þat Y
iiii Þe kyng of Egipte ſeiþ to hem, Whi, Moyſes and Aaron, ſhulde ȝyue hem þe loond of Chanaan, þe loond of her
pilgrimage, in þe which þei weren comlyngys.
biſyen ȝe þe puple fro her werkis? Go ȝe to ȝoure charges. v Y haue herd þe weylyng of þe children of Yrael, in þe
v And Pharao ſeide, Mych is þe puple of þe loond; ȝe ſeyn
which þe Egipciens han oppreſſid hem, and Y haue recordide
þat þe folk vudur growiþ; myche more, if ȝe ȝyuen hem reſte of my couenaunte.
fro werkis. vi Þerfore ſey to þe ſones of Yrael, Y þe Lord, þat ſhal lede
vi He comaundide þanne þat day to þe mayſtris of werkis,
ȝow out of þe traueilous priſoun of Egipciens; and delyuere
and to þe conſtreyners of þe puple, ſeiynge, fro ſeruage; and forbigge in an ouerpaſſyng arm, and in greet
vii No more ȝe ſhal ȝyue chaf to þe puple, þat tiles ben maad domes;
as before; but goo þei hem ſiluen, and gadere ſtoble; vii and Y ſhal tak ȝow to me into a puple, and Y ſhal be
viii and þe meſure of tyles þat þei before maden, ȝe ſhulen ȝoure Lord; and ȝe ſhulen knowe, þat Y am þe Lord ȝoure
putt vpon hem, and ȝe ſhulen not laſſen eny þing; forſoþe þei God, þat haþ ladde ȝow out fro þe traueylows priſoun of
ben voyd, and þerfor þei cryen out, ſeiynge, Goo we, and Egipciens,
ſacrifye we to oure God;


viii and brouȝte ȝow into þe loond, vpon þe which Y haue lift ii Þow ſhalt ſpek to hym alle þingis þat Y ſeende to þee, and
up myn hoond, þat Y ȝyue it to Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, he ſhal ſpek to Pharao, þat he late þe ſones of Yrael out of
and Y ſhal ȝyue it to be had to ȝow; I a Lord. his loond.
ix Þanne Moyſes tolde alle þes þingis to þe ſones of Yrael, iii And Y ſhal ful harden his herte, and Y ſhal multiplie
þe whiche aſſentiden not to hym for þe angwiſch of ſpyryt, and toknes and ſignes worþi to be ſhewid in þe loond of Egipte,
þe mooſt hard werk. and he ſhal not here ȝow;
x And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, iiii and Y ſhal ſeend yn myn hoond upon Egipte, and Y ſhal
xi Goo yn, and ſpek to Pharao, þe kyng of Egipte, þat he lede myn ooſt, and my puple, þe ſones of Yrael, out of þe
leeue þe ſones of Yrael from his loond. loond of Egipte bi þe grettiſt domes;
xii Moyſes anſwerde before þe Lord, Loo! þe ſones of Yrael v and þe Egipciens ſhulen knowe, þat Y am a Lord, þat may
heren me not, and what manere ſhal Pharao here, namelich ſtrecche out myn hoond vpon Egipte, and lede þe ſones of
ſiþ Y am vncircumcidid in lippes? Yrael out of þe myddil of hem.
xiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, and ȝaf a vi And ſo diden Moyſes and Aaron; as þe Lord comaundide,
maundement to þe ſones of Yrael, and to Pharao, þe kyng of ſo þei diden.
Egipte, þat þei leden þe ſones of Yrael out of þe loond of vii Forſoþe Moyſes was of eiȝti ȝeris, and Aaron of eiȝty and
Egipte. þre, whanne þei ſpaken to Pharao.
xiiii Þes be þe princis of þe houſholdis bi her meyneſe. Þe viii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes and Aaron,
ſones of Ruben, þe firſt goten of Yrael, Enoch, and Fallu, ix Whanne Pharao ſhal ſey to ȝou, Shew to us ſignes, þow
Eſrom, and Carmy; þes þe cognaciouns of Ruben. ſhalt ſey to Aaron, Tak þin ȝerde, and þrow it bifore Pharao,
xv Þe ſones of Symeon, Jamuel, and Jamyn, and Adod, and and be it turned into a boſk eddre.
Jachym, and Soer, and Saul, þe ſone of Chananytidis; þes x And ſo Moyſes and Aaron, goon yn to Pharao, diden as þe
þe progenyes of Symeon. Lord comaundide; and Aaron tok þe ȝerde bifore Pharao and
xvi And þes þe names of þe ſones of Leuy bi her his ſeruauntis, þat was turnyd into a boſke addre.
cognaciouns, Gerſon, and Caath, and Merary. Forſoþe þe xi Pharao forſoþe clepid ſages, and clepers of deuels to doon
ȝeres of þe lijf of Leuy weren an hundred and ſeuen and yuel, and þei alſo diden bi Egipciens enchauntyngis, and ſum
þretti. priue þingis lyik manere;
xvii Þe ſones of Gerſon, Lobny and Semei, by her xii and eche þrewe forþ her ȝerdes, þat weren turned into
cognaciouns. dragouns; but þe ȝerde of Aaron deuouride her ȝerdes.
xviii Þe ſones of Caath, Amram, and Yſuar, and Ebron, and xiii And þe herte of Pharao was myche hardid, and he herde
Oziel; þe ȝeris forſoþe of þe lijf of Caath an hundryd and ſix hem not, as þe Lord comaundide.
and þretti. xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Engregid is þe herte of
xix Þe ſones of Merary, Mooly and Muſi. Þes þe
Pharao, he wole not leeue þe puple;
cognaciouns of Leuy bi her meyneſe. xv go to hym eerli; loo! he ſhal goon out to þe watris, and
xx Amram forſoþe tok a wijf, Jochabed, þe douȝter of þe
þow ſhalt ſtoond into his aȝen comyng upon þe brynk of þe
broþer to hys fader, þe which bar to hym Aaron, and Moyſen, floode; and þow ſhalt tak þe ȝerde, þat was turned into a
and Mary; and þe ȝeris of þe lijf of Amram weren an dragoun, in þin hoond,
hundryd and ſeuen and þretti. xvi and þow ſhalt ſey to hym, Þe Lord God of Ebrews haþ
xxi And þe ſones of Yſuar, Chore, and Naphes, and Zethry.
ſent me to þee, ſeiynge, Leeue my puple, þat þei ſacrifye to
xxii Þe ſones forſoþe of Oziel, Myſael, and Elizaphan, and me in deſert; and vnto now þow woldiſt not heren.
Sethri. xvii Þanne þes wordis þe Lord ſeiþ, In þat þow ſhalt knowe,
xxiii Aaron forſoþe tok a wijf, Elizabeth, þe dowȝter of þat Y am a Lord; loo! Y ſhal ſmyit wiþ þe ȝerde, þat is in
Amynadab, þe ſiſter of Naaſon, þe which bar to hym Nadab, myn hoond, þe water of þe floode, and it ſhal turne into
and Abyut, and Aleazar, and Ythamar. bloode;
xxiiii Þe ſones forſoþe of Chore, Aſer, and Elchana, and xviii þe fiſſhis forſoþe, þat ben in þe floode, ſhulen dye; and þe
Abiaſab; þes ben þe cognaciouns of Chorytis. water ſhal ſtynke, and turmentid ſhulen be þe Egipciens
xxv And forſoþe Eliazar, þe ſone of Aaron, tok a wijf of þe drynkynge of þe water of þe floode.
dowȝtris of Phatiel, þe which bar to hym Phynees. Þes ben xix And þe Lord ſeid to Moyſes, Sey þow to Aaron, Tak þi
þe princis of þe Leuytis meyneſe bi her cognaciouns. ȝerde, and ſtrecche þin hoond out vpon þe watris of Egipte,
xxvi Þis is Aaron and Moyſes, to whom þe Lord and vpon her floodes, and her ryuers, and merſhis, and alle
comaundide, þat þei ſhulden lede þe ſones of Yrael out of þe lakis of watris, þat þei ben turned into bloode; and þat þere
loond of Egipte be her companyes; be corrupte rennying bloode in al þe loond of Egipte, as wel
xxvii þes ben þat ſpeken to Pharao, þe kyng of Egipte, þat þei in treen veſſel as in ſtony.
xx And ſo Moyſes and Aaron diden, as þe Lord comaundide;
leden þe ſones of Yrael out of Egipte;
xxviii þis is Moyſes and Aaron, in þe day þat þe Lord ſpak and arerynge þe ȝerde, he ſmote þe watris of þe floode before
Pharao and his ſeruauntis, þe which was turned into blood;
to Moyſes in þe loond of Egipte. xxi and þe fiſſhes, þat weren in þe floode, dieden; and þe
xxix And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Y þe Lord; ſpek
floode ſtonke, þat þe Egipciens myȝten not drinke þe water of
to Pharao, kyng of Egipte, alle þingis þat Y ſpeke to þee. þe flood; and þere was bloode in al þe loond of Egipte.
xxx And Moyſes ſeiþ bifore þe Lord, Loo! Y am xxii And þe clepers of deuels to doon yuel of þe Egipciens
vncircumcidid in lippys, what manere ſhulde Pharao here me? diden in liyk manere in her enchauntyngis; and þe herte of
Pharao was myche hardid; and he herde hem not, as þe Lord
Capitulum VII. comaundide.
i And xxiii And he turnede hym ſelf awey, and ȝede into his hows,
þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Loo! Y haue ordeyned þee þe
god of Pharao; and Aaron, þi broþer, ſhal be þi prophete. ne he putte not to þe herte, alſo þis while.


xxiiii Forſoþe alle þe Egipciens deluyden bi enuyroun of þe xix And þe clepers of deuels ſeiden vnto Pharao, Þe fyngur
floode, þat þei myȝten drynk þe water; forſoþe þei miȝten not of God ys here. And þe herte of Pharao was greetli hardid,
drynk of þe water of þe floode. and he herde hem not, as þe Lord hadde comaundide.
xxv And ſeuen dayes weren fulfillid, after þat þe Lord hadde xx And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Aryſe eerli, and ſtoond
ſmyten þe floode. before Pharao, forſoþe he ſhal goon out to þe watris; and þow
ſhalt ſey to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Leeue my puple,
Capitulum VIII. þat þei ſacrifye to me;
xxi and if þow late hem not, loo! Y ſhal ſeende into þee, and
i Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Goo into Pharao, and into þi ſeruauntis, and into þi puple, and into þin howſes, al
þow ſhalt ſey to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Leeue my kynde of fliȝis; and þe howſis of Egipte ſhulen be fulfillyd wiþ
puple, þat he ſacrifye to me; fliȝis of dyuerſe kynde, and al þe loond in which þei ſhulen
ii ellis forſoþe if þow wolt not leeue hem, loo! Y ſhal ſmyte ben.
alle þi cooſtis wiþ frogges; xxii And Y ſhal mak merueylows in þat day þe loond of
iii and þe floode ſhal boyl up froggis, þat ſhulen ſteyn vp, and Geſſen, in þe which is my puple, þat þere ben not þere fliȝis;
goo in to þin hows, and into þi bedchaumbre, and vpon þi and wyte þow þat Y am Lord in þe myddel of þe erþe;
beddynge, and into þe houſes of þi ſeruauntis, and into þi xxiii and Y ſhal ſette partynge bitwix my puple and þi puple;
puple, and into þi ouenes, and in to þe relyues of þi metis; to morwe ſhal be þis tokne.
iiii and to þee, and to þi puple, and to alle þi ſeruauntes xxiiii And ſo dide þe Lord. And þere cam þe mooſt greuows
ſhulen goon yn froggis. fliȝe in to þe hows of Pharao, and of his ſeruauntis, and into
v And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Sey to Aaron, Strecche out al þe loond of Egipte; and þe loond was corrupte of lyche
þi hoond vpon floodes, and vpon ryuers, and merſhes; and maner fliȝis.
brynge out frogges vpon þe loond of Egipte. xxv And Pharao clepide Moyſes and Aaron, and ſeiþ to hem,
vi And Aaron ſtrauȝte out þe hoond vpon þe watris of Egipte; Gooþ, and ſacrifieþ to þe Lord ȝoure God in þis loond.
and þere ſteyden vp frogges, and couerden þe loond of Egipte. xxvi And Moyſes ſeiþ, It may not be doo ſo; þe
vii And þe clepers of deuels diden by her enchauntyngis lijk abhomynaciouns forſoþe of Egipciens ſhulen we offre to oure
maner; and brouȝten out frogges vpon þe loond of Egipte. Lord? þat if we ſleen þes þingis þat Egipciens heryen beforn
viii Forſoþe Pharao clepide Moyſes and Aaron, and ſeiden to hem, þey ſhulen felle us down wiþ ſtones.
hem, Preye ȝe þe Lord, þat he do awey frogges fro me, and xxvii We ſhulen goon þe weye of þree dayes into wildernes,
fro my puple; and Y ſhal lat þe puple, þat þei ſacryfye to þe and we ſhulen ſacryfie to þe Lord oure God, as he haþ
Lord. comaundid vs.
ix And Moyſes ſeide to Pharao, Ordeyn me a tyme, whan Y xxviii And Pharao ſeid, Y ſhal leeue ȝow, þat ȝe ſacrifie to þe
ſhal preye for þee, and for þi ſeruauntis, and for þi puple, þat Lord ȝoure God in deſerte; neuerþeles go ȝe a wey no ferþere;
þe frogges ben dreuen a wey fro þee, and fro þin hows, and preieþ for me.
fro þy ſeruauntis, and fro þi puple; and oonly in þe floode þei xxix And Moyſes ſeiþ, Y goon out fro þee ſhal preye þe Lord;
abiden. and þe fliȝe ſhal goo a wey fro Pharao, and fro his
x Þe which anſwerde, To morwe. And he, After þi word, he ſeruauntis, and fro his puple to morwe; neuerþeles wole þou
ſeiþ, Y ſhal do, þat þow knowe, for þere is not a Lord as no more deſceyue me, þat þow lat not þe puple ſacryfie to þe
oure God; Lord.
xi and þe frogges ſhulen goon awey from þee, and from þin xxx And Moyſes goon out fro Pharao preiede þe Lord,
hows, and fro þi children, and fro þi ſeruantis, and fro þi xxxi þat dide aftir his word, and he tok awey fliȝes fro
puple; and oonli in þe floode þei ſhulen abijd. Pharao, and fro þe ſeruauntis, and fro his puple; þere
xii And Moyſes and Aaron ȝeden out fro Pharao. And ouerlafte not oon forſoþe.
Moyſes criede to þe Lord, for þe biheeſte of froggis, þat he xxxii And þe herte of Pharao was engredgid, ſo þat ȝit þis
couenauntide to Pharao. while he wolde not leeue þe puple.
xiii And þe Lord dide after þe word of Moyſes; and þe
frogges weren deed of þe howſis, and of þe townes, and of þe Capitulum IX.
xiiii and þei gedered hem togidere into greet heepes wiþouten i To Moyſes forſoþe ſeyde þe Lord, Goo yn to Pharao, and
noumbre, and þe erþe ſtonke. ſpek to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Ebrews, Leeue
xv Pharao forſoþe ſeynge þat þere was ȝeue reſt, his herte my puple, þat it ſacrifie to me;
ii þat if ȝit þow forſakiſt, and holdiſt hem,
engredgide, and herde not hem, as þe Lord comaundide.
xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Spek to Aaron, Strecche iii loo! myn hoond ſhal be vpon þi feeldis, vpon horſis, and
out þi ȝerde, and ſmyit þe powdre of þe erþe, þat þere ben aſſis, and chamels, and oxen, and ſheip, a ful greuows
ſtynggynge gnattes in al þe loond of Egipte. peſtilence;
xvii And he dide ſo; and Aaron ſtrauȝte out þe hoond, iiii and þe Lord ſhal do a meruelows þing bitwix poſſeſſiouns
holdynge þe ȝerde, and he ſmote þe powdre of þe erþe; and of Yrael and þe poſſeſſions of Egipcyens, þat no þing algatis
þere weren maad ſtynggynge gnattes in men, and in beeſtis; periſhe of þes þingis þat pertenen to þe ſones of Yrael.
al þe powdre of þe erþe is turnyd into ſtynggynge gnattes v And þe Lord ordeynede a tyme, ſeiynge, To morwe þe Lord
þurȝ out al þe loond of Egipte. ſhal do þis word in þe loond.
xviii And liyk manere diden þe clepers of deuels in her vi Þe Lord dide þanne þis word þe toþer day, and alle þe
enchauntyngis, þat þei myȝten dryue out þe ſtynggynge beeſtis of Egipciens dyeden; of þe beeſtis forſoþe of þe
gnattes, and þei myȝten not; and ſtynggynge gnattes weren children of Yrael no þing algat periſhide.
boþe in men and in beeſtis. vii And Pharao ſent to looke, ne eny þing was deed of þes
þingis þat Yrael hadde; and þe herte of Pharao was inwardly
agreued, and he lafte not þe puple.


viii And þe Lord ſeyde to Moyſes and Aaron, Tak ȝe hoondes xxxi Þe flax þanne and barlich was hurt, for þat þat þe
ful of aſken fro þe chymney, and Moyſes ſprenge it into barlich was grene, and þe flax now buriownde coddes;
heuene before Pharao; xxxii whete forſoþe and corn weren not hurt, for þei weren of
ix and be þere powdre vpon al þe loond of Egipte; and þere late growyng.
ſhulen ben in men and yn beeſtis biles, and bleynes ſwellynge, xxxiii And Moyſes goon out fro Pharao, and out of þe citee,
in al þe loond of Egipte. ſtrauȝte þe hondes to þe Lord, and þundres and hawle
x And þei token aſken of þe chymney, and þey ſtoden before ceeſiden, and no more droppide þe reyn vpon þe loond.
Pharao; and Moyſes ſprengide it into heuene; and þere ben xxxiiii Pharao forſoþe ſeynge þat þe reyne hadde ceeſid, and
maad woundes of þe ſwellynge bleynes in men, and in beeſtis; hawle, and þundres, encreeſid þe ſynne; and þe herte of hym
xi ne þe clepers of deuels myȝten ſtoonde before Moyſes, for and of hys ſeruauntis is engredgid,
þe woundis þat weren in hem, and in al þe loond of Egipte. xxxv and his herte was ful myche hardid; and he lafte not þe
xii And þe Lord hardid þe herte of Pharao, and he herde not ſones of Yrael, as þe Lord comaundide by þe hoond of
hem, as þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes. Moyſes.
xiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Eerli aryſe, and ſtoond
before Pharao, and þow ſhalt ſey to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Capitulum X.
Lord God of Ebrews, Lat my puple, þat he ſacrifie to me; i And
xiiii for in þis while Y ſhal ſende alle my veniaunces vpon þin þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Goo yn to Pharao, Y forſoþe
herte, and vpon þi ſeruauntis, and vpon þi puple, þat þou haue hardid þe herte of him, and of his ſeruauntis, þat Y
knowe, þat þere is noon like me in al þe loond. make þes my ſignes in hym;
ii and þow telle in þe erres of þi ſone and of þi coſyns, how
xv Now forſoþe I ſhal ſtretche out þe hoond, and Y ſhal ſmyit
þee and þi puple wiþ peſtilence, and þou ſhalt periſſhe fro þe ofte ſiþes Y haue born doun togidere þe Egipciens, and haue
erþe; doon toknes in hem; and knowe ȝe for Y a Lord.
iii Þanne Moyſes and Aaron ȝeden yn to Pharao, and ſeiden
xvi þerfor forſoþe Y haue ſett þee, þat Y ſhewe my ſtrengþe in
þee, and my name be toold in eche loond. to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Hebrews, How long
xvii Ȝit þow holdiſt my puple, and wole not leeue it?
wolt þow not be ſuget to me? Leeue my puple, þat it ſacrifie
to me;
xviii Loo! Y ſhal reyne to morwe þis ſame our ful myche iiii yf forſoþe þow wiþſtonde, and wole not leeue it, loo! Y
hawle, what maner was not in Egipte, fro þe day þat it was ſhal leede yn to morwe a locuſt into þi cooſtis,
ſett, vnto þe tyme þat is now. v þat ſhal couer þe vttermoſt of þe erþe, þat eny þing of it ſhal
xix Seend þanne now riȝt, and gedere togidere þi beeſtis, and
not apeere, but be etun þat was lafte to þe hawle; forſoþe he
al þat þou haſt in þe feelde; men forſoþe, and beeſtis, and alle ſhal gnawe alle trees þat buriounen in þe feeldes;
þat ſhulen be foundun wiþouten, and not gedered togidere fro vi and þei ſhulen fulfille þin howſes, and of þi ſeruauntis, and
watres, and þe hawle fal vpon hem, þei ſhulen die. of alle þe Egipcyens, how many han not ſeen þi fadris, ne her
xx He þat dradde þe word of þe Lord, of þe ſeruauntis of
fadris, ſiþ þei weren born vpon erþe, vnto þe day þat is now.
Pharao, made his ſeruauntis and beeſtis flee togidere into And he turnede hym a wey, and ȝede out fro Pharao.
howſis; vii And þe ſeruauntis of Pharao ſeiden to hym, How long
xxi he forſoþe þat rouȝte not þe word of þe Lord, left his
ſhulen we ſuffre þis ſclaundre? Leeue þe men, þat þei ſacrifye
ſeruauntis and beeſtis in þe feeldis. to þe Lord her God; ſeeſt þow not, þat Egipte periſhiþ?
xxii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Strecche out þin hoond viii And þei clepeden aȝen Moyſes and Aaron to Pharao, þe
into heuene, þat þere be maad hawle in al þe loond of Egipte, which ſeide to hem, Goþ, and ſacrifieþ to þe Lord ȝoure God;
vpon men, and vpon beeſtis, and vpon al erbe of þe feelde in who forſoþe ben þat ben to goon?
þe loond of Egipte. ix Moyſes ſeiþ, Wiþ oure children and aldren we ſhulen goon;
xxiii And Moyſes ſtrauȝte þe ȝerde into heuene; and þe Lord
and wiþ ſones, and douȝtres, wiþ ſheip, and droues; it is
ȝaf þundres, and hawle, and dyuerſly rennynge leytis vpon þe forſoþe þe ſolempnyte of þe Lord oure God.
erþe; and þe Lord reynede hawle vpon þe loond of Egipte; x And Pharao anſwerde, So þe Lord be wiþ ȝow, what
xxiiii and hawle, and fier mengid togidere weren brouȝt; and it
maner þanne Y ſhal leeue ȝow and ȝoure children? to whom
was of ſo greet mychelnes, how greet bifore neuer apeeride in is it dout, þat ful yuel ȝe þenken?
al þe loond of Egipte, ſiþ þat folk was maad. xi It ſhal not be doon ſo, but go ȝe oonly men, and ſacryfye to
xxv And þe hawle ſmoot in al þe loond of Egipte alle þat
þe Lord; þis forſoþe and ȝoure ſeluen aſkiden. And anoon þei
weren in feeldes, fro man vnto beeſt; and al erbe of þe feelde weren put out fro þe ſiȝt of Pharao.
ſmoote þe hawle, and eche tree of þe cuntree it breke togidere; xii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Strecche out þin hoond
xxvi oonly in þe loond of Geſſen, where weren þe children of
vpon þe loond of Egipte, to a locuſt, þat it ſtey vp vpon þe
Yrael, þe hawle fel not. loond, and deuowre al herbe þat to þe hawle was laft of.
xxvii And Pharao ſente, and clepide Moyſes and Aaron, xiii And Moyſes ſtrauȝte out þe ȝerde vpon þe loond of
ſeiynge to hem, Y haue ſynned alſo now; þe Lord is riȝtwiys, Egipte, and þe Lord brouȝte yn a brennynge wynde al þat
Y and my puple wickid; day and nyȝt; and þe morwe tyde biganne, a brennynge wynd
xxviii preye ȝe þe Lord, þat þe þundres of God and þe hawle reride vp locuſtes,
leeuen of, and Y ſhal leten ȝow, and ȝe ſhulen dwelle here no xiiii þe whiche ſteiden vp fro al þe loond of Egipte, and ſeeten
more. in alle þe cooſtis of Egipciens vnnoumbrable, whiche maner
xxix Moyſes ſeiþ, Whanne Y ſhal goon out fro þe citee, Y before þat tyme weren not, ne afterward ben to comen.
ſhal ſtrecche out my hoond to þe Lord, and þe þundres ſhulen xv And þei couerden al þe vttermoſt party of þe loond,
ceeſſe, and hawle ſhal not be, þat þow knowe, for of þe Lord waſtynge alle þingis; þanne þe heerbe of þe loond was
is þe erþe; deuowryd, and what euer þing of apples þat was in trees, þat
xxx forſoþe Y knowe, þat þow and þi ſeruauntis dreden not ȝit þe hawle hadde laft; and algatys no grene þing was laft in þe
þe Lord God. trees and in heerbis of þe loond, in al Egipte.


xvi Wherfor hiynge Pharao clepide Moyſes and Aaron, and ix Þe Lord forſoþe ſeyde to Moyſes, Pharao ſhal not here
ſeide to hem, Y haue ſynned in þe Lord ȝoure God, and yn ȝow, þat many ſignes be doon in þe loond of Egipte.
ȝow; x Moyſes forſoþe and Aaron diden alle þe ſignes and alle þe
xvii but now forȝyue ȝe þe ſynne to me; alſo þis ſiþe prey ȝe toknes worþi ſhewynge, þat ben wrytun, before Pharao; and
þe Lord ȝoure God, þat þis deeþ he doo a wey fro me. þe Lord hardide þe herte of Pharao, ne he lafte þe ſones of
xviii And Moyſes ȝede out fro þe ſiȝt of Pharao, and preide Yrael fro his loond.
þe Lord;
xix þe which made blow þe mooſt hidows wynde fro þe weſt, Capitulum XII.
and þe locuſt takun he þrewe a fer into þe reed ſee; and þere i The Lord forſoþe ſeyde to Moyſes and Aaron in þe loond of
laft not forſoþe oon in alle þe cooſtis of Egipte. Egipte,
xx And þe Lord hardide þe herte of Pharao, and he lafte not
ii Þis moneþ to ȝow þe bigynnynge of þe moneþis ſhal be þe
þe children of Yrael. firſt in moneþes of þe ȝeer.
xxi Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Strecche out þin hoond
iii Spek ȝe to al þe cumpanye of þe ſones of Yrael, and ſey ȝe
into heuene, and be þere derknes vpon þe loond of Egipte, ſo to hem, Þe tenþe day of þis moneþ tak echon a lombe bi
þik þat þei mown be gropid. meyneſe and her howſis;
xxii And Moyſes ſtrauȝte out þe hoond into heuene, and
iiii if forſoþe þe noumbre is to litil, þat it may not ſuffice to
orrible derkneſſes ben maad in al þe loond of Egipte; eet þe lombe, he ſhal tak his neiȝbore, þat is ioyned to his
xxiii þre dayes no man `myȝte ſe his broþer, ne mouede him
hows after þe noumbre of þe ſoules, þat may ſuffice to þe
out of þat place þat he was ynne; where euer þe children of etyng of þe lombe.
Yrael dwelten, was liȝt. v Forſoþe it ſhal ben a lombe wiþouten wemme, a maal of o
xxiiii And Pharao clepide Moyſes and Aaron, and ſeide to
ȝeer; after þe which riyt ȝe ſhulen take alſo a kydde;
hem, Goþe, and ſacrifieþ to þe Lord; ȝoure ſheep oonli and vi and ȝe ſhulen kepe it vnto þe fourtenþe day of þis moneþ;
droues abiden þei ſtil; ȝoure children goo þei wiþ ȝow. and al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael ſhal offre it at euen.
xxv Moyſes ſeiþ, Forſoþe ooſtis and brent ſacrifices þow ſhalt
vii And þei ſhulen take of his bloode, and leggen vpon eiþer
ȝyue to vs, þat we offren to þe Lord oure God; poſt, and in þe þreſſhwoldes of þe howſes, in þe whiche þei
xxvi alle þe flockis ſhulen goon wiþ vs; þere ſhal not leeue a
ſhulen eet it;
clee of þe þingis þat ben neceſſarie into þe heriyng of þe Lord viii and þei ſhulen eet fleſh þat nyȝt, roſtid wiþ fier, and þerf
oure God, namely, whan we knowen not what ſhal be offryd, looues wiþ wylde letuſe.
to þe tyme þat we comen fullich to þat place. ix Ȝe ſhulen not eten of it eny þing raw, ne ſoþun wiþ water,
xxvii And þe Lord hardide þe herte of Pharao, and he wold
not leeue hem. but oneli roſtid wiþ fier; þe heed wiþ his feet and entrayls ȝe
xxviii And Pharao ſeide to Moyſes, Goo awey fro me, and be
ſhulen vowre;
x ne þere ſhal not leeue of it eny þing to to morwen; and if
war þat þow ſe no more my face; what euer day þow aperiſt eny þing be laft, wiþ fier ȝe ſhulen brenne it.
to me, þow ſhalt dye. xi So forſoþe ȝe ſhulen eten it; ȝe ſhulen girde about ȝoure
xxix Moyſes forſoþe anſwerde, So be it doon, as þow haſt
ſpokun; Y ſhal ſe no more þi face. reynes, and ȝe ſhulen haue ſhoon in ȝoure feet, holdynge
ſtaues in hoondis; and ȝe ſhulen eete haſtiliche; it is forſoþe
phaſe, þat is to ſeye, þe paſſyng forþ of þe Lord.
Capitulum XI. xii And Y ſhall paſſe þurȝ al þe loond of Egipte þat nyȝt, and
i And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Ȝit wiþ o veniaunce Y ſhal Y ſhal ſmyit alle þe firſt gotun in þe loond of Egipte, fro man
touche Pharao and Egipte, and aftyr þes þingis he ſhal leeue vnto beeſte; and in alle þe goddis of Egipte Y ſhal make
ȝow, and conſtreyne to goon out. domes; Y a Lord.
ii Þanne þow ſhalt ſeie to al þe puple, þat a man aſke of his xiii Þe bloode forſoþe ſhal be to ȝow into tokne, in þe houſis
freend, and a womman of hir neiȝbore, ſilueren and goldun in þe which ȝe ſhulen be; and Y ſhal ſe þe bloode, and Y ſhal
veſſels, and cloþis; ouerpaſſe ȝow; and þere ſhal not be in ȝow a veniaunce
iii forſoþe þe Lord ſhal ȝyue grace to his puple befor þe deſtruyinge, whanne Y ſhal ſmyit þe loond of Egipte.
xiiii Forſoþe ȝe ſhulen han þis day into mynde, and ȝe ſhulen
Egipcyens. And Moyſes was a ful greet man in þe loond of
Egipte, before þe ſeruauntis of Pharao and al þe puple; halwe it ſolempne to þe Lord in ȝoure generaciouns wiþ
iiii and ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, At myd nyȝt Y ſhal heriyng euerlaſtynge.
xv Seuen daies ȝe ſhulen eten þerf breed; in þe firſt day þere
goon yn to Egipte;
v and þere ſhulen dye alle þe fyrſt gotun in þe loond of ſhal be no ſour dowȝ in ȝoure howſes; who ſo euer etiþ
ſowred breed, ſhal periſhe þat ſoule fro Yrael, fro þe firſt day
Egipciens, fro þe firſt gotun of Pharao, þat ſittiþ in his ſee, vnto þe ſeuenþe day.
vnto þe firſt gotun of þe handmayden, þat is at þe queern; xvi Þe firſt day ſhal be holy and ſolempne, and þe ſeuenþe day
and alle þe firſt gotun of beeſtis;
vi and þere ſhal be a greet crye in al þe loond of Egipte, what ſhal be wurſhipful in þe ſame feeſte; no þing of werk ȝe ſhulen
doon in hem, out tak þes þat perteyneþ to etyng;
maner was not bifore, ne aftirward is to come. xvii and ȝe ſhulen kepe þerf breed. Forſoþe in þat ſame day Y
vii Anentis forſoþe alle þe children of Yrael þere ſhal not
ſhal leede ȝoure ooſt out of þe loond of Egipte; and ȝe ſhulen
grucche a dog, fro man vnto beeſte; þat ȝe knowen, bi how kepe þis day in ȝoure generaciouns in ryte euerlaſtynge.
myche myracle þe Lord dyuydide þe Egipciens and Yrael. xviii Þe firſte moneþ, þe fourtenþ day of þe moneþ, at euen, ȝe
viii And alle þes þi ſeruauntys ſhulen deſcende to me, and þei
ſhulen eet þerf breed, vnto þe oon and twentiþ day of þe ſame
ſhulen preye for me, ſeyynge, Go out þow, and al þe puple moneþ at euen.
þat is ſuget to þee; after þes þingis we ſhulen goon out. And xix Seuen dayes ſoure breed ſhal not be foundun in ȝoure
greetly wrooþ he ȝede out fro Pharao.
howſes; who ſo etiþ ſoure breed, his ſoule ſhal periſhe fro þe


companye of Yrael, as wel of cumlyngis, as of wiþ ynne xl Þe dwellyng places forſoþe of þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei
borne of þe loond. dwelliden yn Egipte, was of four hundred and þretti ȝeer;
xx Al ſoure breed ȝe ſhulen not eet, and in alle ȝoure dwellyng xli þe whiche fulfillid, þe ſame day ȝede al þe ooſt of þe Lord
places ȝe ſhulen eet þerf breed. out of þe loond of Egipte.
xxi Moyſes forſoþe clepide alle þe eldren of þe ſones of Yrael, xlii Þis is nyȝt of þe Lord able to be kept, whanne he ladde
and ſeyde to hem, Goþe, takynge a beeſte bi ȝoure meyneſe, hem out of þe loond of Egipte; þis owen to kepe alle þe ſones
offre ȝe paſke; of Yrael in her generaciouns.
xxii and þe litil ſprynkil of yſop wetiþ in bloode, þat is in þe xliii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeide to Moyſes and Aaron, Þis is þe
neþir þreſwold, and ſprengiþ of it þe ouerþreſwold, and eiþer religioun of phaſk; ech alien ſhal not ete þerof;
poſt; noon of ȝow alle ſhal go out of þe dore of his hows vnto xliiii al forſoþe ſeruaunt bouȝt be he circumcidid, and ſo eet he;
þe morwen tyde.
xxiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal paſſe forþ ſmytynge þe Egipciens; xlv comlyng and hyryd ſeruaunt ſhulen not eet þereof;
and whanne he ſeeþ þe bloode in þe þreſwald, and in eiþer xlvi in oon hows it ſhal be etun, ne ȝe ſhulen not bere of his
poſt, he ſhal ouer goo þe dore of þe hows, and he ſhall not fleſhe out, ne boon of it ȝe ſhulen breek.
ſuffre þe ſmyter goo into ȝoure howſis, and hurten. xlvii Alle þe companye of þe ſones of Yrael ſhal doo it;
xxiiii Kepe þow þis word lawful to þee and to þi ſones vnto xlviii þat if eny of pilgrymes wole come into ȝoure heriyng of
wiþouten ende. religioun, and do þe paſk of þe Lord, before eche maal child
xxv And whanne ȝe ſhulen goon into þe loond þat þe Lord is of him ſhal be circumcidid, and þanne wiþ riȝt he ſhal halewe,
to ȝyue to ȝow, as he haþ bihotun, ȝe ſhulen kepe þes and he ſhal be togidere as a wiþ ynne gotun of þe loond; if
cerymonyes; eny forſoþe be not circumcidid, he ſhal not ete þerof.
xxvi and whanne ȝoure ſones ſhulen ſeye to ȝow, What is þis xlix Þe ſame lawe ſhal be to þe wiþ ynne gotun, and to þe
religioun? comlyng tilyer, þat pilgrimagiþ anentis ȝow.
xxvii ȝe ſhulen ſeye to hem, It is þe ſacrifice for þe ouercomun l And alle þe ſones of Yrael diden as þe Lord comaundide to
enemys of þe paſſing of þe Lord, whanne he paſſide forþe Moyſes and Aaron.
vpon þe hows of þe ſones of Iſrael in Egipte, ſmytyng þe li And in þe ſame day þe Lord ladde þe ſones of Yrael out of
Egipciens, and oure hows delyuerynge. And þe puple bowid þe loond of Egipte, bi her companyes.
xxviii And þe ſones of Yrael goon out, diden as þe Lord
Capitulum XIII.
comaundyde to Moyſes and Aaron.
xxix It was doon forſoþe in þe myddil of þe nyȝt, þe Lord i Forſoþe þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ſmoot alle þe fyrſt gotun in þe loond of Egipte, fro þe fyrſt ii Halwe to me alle þe fyrſt gotun þat openiþ þe wombe in þe
gotun of Pharao, þat ſat in his ſee, vnto þe firſt gotun of þe ſones of Yrael, as wel of men as of beeſtis, alle forſoþe ben
caytif womman, þat was in priſoun, and alle þe firſt gotun of myne.
beeſtis. iii And Moyſes ſeide to þe puple, Haþ mynde of þis day, in
xxx And Pharao aroos þe nyȝt, and alle his ſeruauntis, and þe which ȝe ben goon out of Egipte, and of þe hows of
al Egipte; and þer was ſprongun a greet crye in Egipte; and þraldom, for yn a ſtrong hoond þe Lord haþ lad ȝow out of
forſoþe þere was not an hows, in þe which leye not þe deed. þis place, þat ȝe eeten not ſowrid breed.
xxxi And Moyſes and Aaron clepid in þe nyȝt, Pharao ſeiþ, iiii To day ȝe goon out, in þe moneþ of new fruytis;
Ryſeþ, and goþ out fro my puple, and ȝe and þe ſones of v and whanne þe Lord ſhal leede þee into þe loond of
Yrael; goþe, and ſacrifieþ to þe Lord, Chananey, and Ethei, and Amorrei, and Euehi, and Jebuſei,
xxxii as ȝe ſeyn; ȝoure ſheip and ȝoure droues takiþ, as ȝe han þat he ſwoore to þi fadrys, þat he ſhulde ȝyue to þee, þe loond
aſkid; and goynge a wey bleſſe ȝe to me. flowynge mylk and hony, and ȝe ſhulen halwe þis manere of
xxxiii And þe Egipciens nediden þe puple to goon out of þe holy þingis þis moneþ.
loond ſwiftly, ſeiynge, Alle we ſhulen dye! vi Seuen dais ȝe ſhulen eete þerf breed, and in þe ſeuenþe day
xxxiiii Þanne þe puple tok ſprengid meel, or it were ſowrid; ſhal be þe ſolempnyte of þe Lord;
and byndynge it in chaf, putte vpon her ſhuldres. vii þerf breed ȝe ſhulen eete ſeuen dayes, þere ſhal not apere
xxxv And þe ſones of Yrael diden as þe Lord comaundide to anentis þee eny þing maad ſowre, ne in alle þi cooſtis.
Moyſes; and þei aſkiden of þe Egipciens ſilueren and goldun viii And þow ſhalt telle to þi ſone þat day, ſeiyng, Þis is þat
veſſels, and myche cloþing. þe Lord haþ doon to me, whanne Y ȝede out of Egipte.
xxxvi Forſoþe þe Lord ȝaf grace to þe puple before þe ix And it ſhal be as a tokne in þin hoond, and as mynde
Egipciens, þat þei wolden leene hem; and þei ſpuyleden þe before þin eyen, þat þe lawe of þe Lord euermore be in þi
Egipciens. mouþ; forſoþe in ſtrong hoond þe Lord ladde þee out of
xxxvii And þe ſones of Yrael ȝeden fro Remeſſe into Sochoth, Egipte, and of þe hows of þraldom.
almooſt ſix hundryd þowſynd of foot men, wiþ outen children x Þow ſhalt kepe þis maner heriyng þe ordeyned tyme, fro
and wymmen; dayes into dayes.
xxxviii but and þe comoun of eiþer ſex `or kynde xi And whanne þe Lord ſhal leede þee into þe loond of
vnnoumbrable ſteyden vp wiþ hem; ſheip, and droues, and ful Chananei, as he haþ ſworn to þee, and to þi fadris, and ſhal
many hauynge lijf of dyuerſe kynde. ȝyue it to þee,
xxxix And þei bakiden meele, þat a litil before ſprengide þei xii þow ſhalt ſeuer al þat openeþ wombe, to þe Lord, and þat
token out of Egipte, and þei maden þerf looues vnder aſken; þat cheef is in þi beeſtis; what euer þow ſhalt haue of maal
and þei myȝten not be maad ſowre, þe Egipciens kynde, þow ſhalt halwe it to þe Lord.
conſtreynynge to goon out, and not ſuffrynge to mak eny xiii Þe firſt gotun of an aſſe þow ſhalt chaunge for a ſheip, þe
dwellyng, ne eny þing of ſowel þere com to to maken redi. which if þow `aȝen biyſt not, þow ſhalt ſleen; alle. forſoþe þe
firſt gotun of man of þi ſones þow ſhalt `aȝen bye in priys.


xiiii And whanne þi ſone ſhal aſke þee to morwe, ſeiynge, xii Was not þis þe word þat we ſpaken to þee in Egipte,
What is þis? þow ſhalt anſwere to hym, In a ſtronge hoond ſeyinge, Goo awey fro vs, þat we ſeruen to þe Egypcyens? it
þe Lord haþ lad us out of þe loond of Egipte, fro þe hows of is forſoþe myche betere to ſerue to hem, þan to dye in
þraldom; wildernes.
xv for whanne Pharao was hardyd, and wold not leeue vs, þe xiii And Moyſes ſeide to þe puple, Wole ȝe not drede, ſtondeþ,
Lord ſlowe al þe firſt gotun in þe loond of Egipte, fro þe firſt and ſeeþ þe greet wondres of God, þat he is to doon to day;
gotun of man vnto þe firſt gotun of beeſtis; þerfor Y offre to forſoþe þe Egipciens þat ȝe now ſeen, ȝe ſhulen ſeen no more
þe Lord al þat openeþ wombe of maal kynde, and al þe firſt vnto wiþ outen ende;
gotun of my ſones Y `aȝen bye. xiiii þe Lord ſhal fiȝt for ȝow, and ȝe ſhulen hoold ȝoure pees.
xvi It ſhal be þanne as a tokne in þin hoond, and as a þing xv And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, What cryeſt þow to me?
hongid vp for recordyng before þin eyen, þerþurȝ þat in a Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei goon forþ;
ſtrong hoond þe Lord haþ lad vs out of Egipte. xvi þow forſoþe arere þin ȝerde, and ſtrecche out þin hoond
xvii Þanne whanne Pharao hadde leten out þe puple, God
vpon þe ſee, and dyuyde it, þat þe ſones of Yrael goon þurȝ
ladde hem not out bi þe weie of þe loond of Philiſten, þe þe drye, in þe myddil ſee.
which is nyȝ; holdynge leſt perauenture it `ſhulde oþenkyn xvii Y forſoþe ſhal harden þe hertes of þe Egipciens, þat þei
hym, if it hadde ſeen bateyls aȝens hym to aryſe, and turnen
aȝen into Egipte; purſue ȝow, and Y ſhal be glorified in Pharao, and in al his
xviii but he ladde hem about bi þe weie of deſert, þat is biſide ooſt, and in þe chares, and in þe riders;
xviii and þe Egipciens ſhulen wyte þat Y am Lord God,
þe reed ſee. And armed ſteyden vp þe ſones of Yrael fro þe
loond of Egipte. whanne Y ſhal be glorified in Pharao, and in chares, and in
xix Forſoþe Moyſes tok þe boons of Joſeph wiþ hym, þerþurȝ his ryders.
xix And þe aungel of þe Lord, þat ȝede before þe caſtels of
þat he hadde wiþ ooþ chargid þe ſones of Yrael, ſeiynge, God
ſhal vyſyte ȝow, and ber ȝe my boons out hens wiþ ȝow. Yrael, takynge hym ſelf ȝede after hem, and wiþ hym togidere
xx And þei goon from Sochoth, ſetten tentis in Etham, in þe þe pilere of þe clowde, þe forþermore leeuynge bihynde þe bak,
xx ſtode bitwix þe tentis of Egipciens and þe tentis of Yrael;
vttermeſt cooſtes of wildirnes.
xxi Þe Lord forſoþe wente beforn hem to be ſhewide þe weie, and þere was a derk clowde, and liȝtynge þe nyȝt, ſo þat to
hem ſelf togidere al þe tyme of þe nyȝt þei myȝten not cum
bi day in þe pilere of a clowde, and bi nyȝt in a piler of fier, nyȝ.
þat he were leder of þe weye eiþer tyme; xxi And whanne Moyſes hadde ſtrauȝt out his hoond vpon þe
xxii neuer faylide of þe piler of þe clowde bi day, ne þe piler
ſee, þe Lord tok it awey, blowynge an hidous wynde, and
of fier bi nyȝt, before þe puple. brennynge al nyȝt, and he turnede it into drowȝt; and þe watir
was dyuydid.
Capitulum XIIII. xxii And þe children of Irael `wenten yn thurȝ þe myddel of
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, þe drye ſee; forſoþe þe water was as a wal at þe riȝt ſyde of
ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael; turned ſette
hem and þe lefte.
þei tentis `forn xxiii And þe Egipciens purſuynge, ȝeden yn after hem, al þe
aȝens Phyayroth, þat is bitwix Magdalum and þe ſee, aȝenſt horſyng of Pharao, his chares, and his ryders, bi þe myddil
Beelſephon; in his ſiȝt ȝe ſhulen ſett tentis vpon þe ſee. of þe ſee.
iii And Pharao is to ſey vpon þe ſones of Yrael, Þei ben
xxiiii And now was comun þe morwetide, and loo! þe Lord
artid togidere in a loond, deſert haþ encloſid hem. biholdynge vpon þe tentes of þe Egypciens, by þe pilere of
iiii And Y ſhal harden his herte, and he ſhal purſue ȝow, and
fyer, and of þe clowde, ſlewe þe ooſt of hem;
Y ſhal `be glorified in Pharao, and in alle his ooſtis; and þe xxv and he turnede vpſedown þe wheles of þe chares, and þei
Egipciens ſhulen wyte for Y am a Lord; and þei diden ſo. weren born into þe depþe. Þanne ſeiden þe Egipciens, Flee
v And it is told to þe kyng of Egipciens, þat þe puple `hadde
we Yrael; forſoþe þe Lord fyȝtiþ for hem aȝens us.
flowun; and ful myche chaungid is þe herte of Pharao, and of xxvi And þe Lord ſeiþ to Moyſes, Strecche out þin hoond
his ſeruauntis vpon þe puple, and þei ſeiden, What wole we vpon þe reed ſee, þat þe watris turnen aȝen to Egipciens,
doon, þat we leeuen Yrael, leſt it ſerue not to vs? vpon þe chares, and þe horſmen of hem.
vi Þanne he ioynede þe chare, and al his puple he tok wiþ
xxvii And whanne Moyſes hadde ſtrauȝt out þe hoond aȝens
hym; þe ſee, fyrſt þe morwetide it was turned aȝen to þe raþer
vii and he tok ſix hundryd choſun charys, and al þat of chares
place; and þe Egipciens fleynge, watres aȝen comen, and þe
was in Egipte, and þe leders of his ooſt. Lord wrapte hem wiþ ynne in þe myddel floodes.
viii And þe Lord hardide þe herte of Pharao, þe kyng of xxviii And þe watris weren turned aȝen, and þei couerden þe
Egipte, and he purſuede þe ſones of Yrael; and þei weren chares, and þe horſmen of al þe ooſt of Pharao, þe whiche
goon out in a hiȝe hoond. folwynge weren goon into þe ſee; ne oon forſoþe ouerlafte not
ix And whanne þe Egipciens purſueden þe ſteppes of þe goers of hem.
before, þei fonden hem in þe tentis vpon þe ſee; alle þe xxix Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael fulliche ȝeden þurȝ þe myddil
ridynge, and þe chares of Pharao, and al þe ooſt weren in of þe drye ſee, and þe watris weren to hem as for a wal, fro
Phyayroth, aȝens Beelſephon. þe ryȝt half and fro þe left half.
x And whanne Pharao was nyȝ, þe ſones of Yrael, heuynge xxx And þe Lord delyuerede Iſrael in þat day fro þe hoond of
vp her eyen, ſeyen þe Egipciens after hem, and þei dradden þe Egipciens, and þei ſeen þe Egipciens deed vpon þe brenk
greetli; and þei crieden to þe Lord, of þe ſee,
xi and ſeiden to Moyſes, Perauenture þere weren not ſepulcris xxxi and þe greet hoond þat þe Lord hauntide aȝens hem; and
in Egipte, þerfor þow tok vs, þat we dieden in wildernes? þe puple dredde þe Lord, and leueden to þe Lord, and to
what woldiſt þow do þis, þat þow woldiſt lede vs out of Moyſes his ſeruaunt.


Capitulum XV. couenable name he putte to þe place, clepynge it Mara, þat is,
i Thanne Moyſes ſoong, and þe ſones of Iſrael, þis ditee to xxiiii And þe puple grucchide aȝens Moyſes, ſeiynge, What
þe Lord; and ſeiden. Synge we to þe Lord, forſoþe gloriouſly ſhulen we drynk?
he is magnyfied; þe hors and þe ſteyer up he þrewe down into xxv And he cryede to þe Lord, þe which ſhewide hym a tree;
þe ſee. þe which whanne he hadde put into þe watris, þei weren
ii My ſtrengþe and my preyſyng þe Lord; and he is maad to
turned into ſwetnes. Þere he ordeynede to him heeſtis and
me into helþe. Þis my God, and hym Y ſhal gloryfie; þe God domes, and þere he temptide hym,
of my fader, and hym Y ſhal enhaunce. xxvi ſeiynge, If þow heriſt þe voys of þe Lord þi God, and
iii Þe Lord as a man fiȝter, Almyȝti his name;
doſt þat þat is ryȝt before hym, and obeyſhiſt to his
iiii þe chare of Pharao and his ooſt he þrewe fer into þe ſee. maundementis, and kepiſt alle his heeſtis, al þe langour þat I
His choſun princes weren turned vpſedoun in þe reed ſee; putte in Egipte, Y ſhal not brynge yn vpon þee; I forſoþe am
v þe depe watris couerden hem; þei deſcendiden into þe depþe þe Lord þi Sauyour.
xxvii Þe ſones of Yrael forſoþe camen into Helym, where
as a ſtoon.
vi Lord, þi riȝt hoond is magnyfied in ſtrengþe; þy ryȝt hoond, weren twelue welles of watris, and ſeuenti palme trees, and
Lord, haþ ſmytun þe enemye. þei meueden tentis biſides þe waters.
vii And in multitude of þi glorie þow haſt put doun alle myn
aduerſaryes; þow haſt ſent þi wraþ, þat deuowride hem as Capitulum XVI.
ſtoble. i And þei ȝeden forþ fro Helym, and al þe multitude of þe
viii And in þe ſpirit of þi woodnes watris ben gederid ſones of Yrael cam into deſert of Syn, þat is bitwix Helym
togidere; þe flowynge water ſtode, þe depe watris ben gederid and Synai, þe fiftenþe day of þe ſecounde moneþ after þei
to gidere in þe myddil ſee. weren goon out of þe loond of Egipte.
ix Þe enemye ſeide, Y ſhal purſue, and Y ſhal tak; robries Y ii And alle þe congregaciouns of þe ſones of Yrael grucchiden
ſhal dyuyde, my ſoule ſhal be fulfillid. I ſhal drawe out my aȝens Moyſes, and aȝens Aaron, in wildernes.
ſwerd; and myn hoond ſhal ſlee hym. iii And þe ſones of Yrael ſeiden to hem, Wolde God we
x Þi ſpiryt blewe, and þe ſee couerde hem; and þei ben vnder hadden be deed bi þe hoond of þe Lord in þe loond of Egipte,
dreynt as leed in hidows watris. whanne we ſeeten vpon þe pottis of fleſh, and eten breede in
xi Who, Lord, is lijk to þee in ſtrong þingis, who is lijk to fulnes; whi haſt þow ladde vs into þis deſert, þat þow myȝtiſt
þee? þow doer of greet þingis in holynes, and feerful, and ſlee al þis multitude wiþ hungur?
preyſable, and doynge merueyls. iiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeide to Moiſes, Y ſhal reyn to ȝow
xii Þow haſt ſtrauȝt out þin hoond, and þe erþe haþ deuourid looues fro heuene; þe puple goo out þat he gadere þat ſufficen
hem; bi eche dayes; þat Y tempte hym, wheþer he goo in my lawe,
xiii a duke þow haſt ben in þi merci to þi puple, þat þow haſt or noon.
v Þe ſixte day forſoþe greiþe þei þat þei bryngen yn, and
aȝenbouȝt; and þow haſt born it in þi ſtrengþe to þin holi
dwellyng place. dowble be þere þat þei weren wont to gedere bi eche dayes.
xiiii Puples ſteiden vp, and ben wrooþ; ſorwes wiþheelden þe vi And Moyſes and Aaron ſeiden to alle þe ſones of Yrael, At
dwellers of Philiſtien. euen ȝe ſhulen wyte þat þe Lord haþ lad ȝow out of þe loond
xv Þanne ben diſturbid þe princes of Edom; tremblyng of Egipte;
vii and þe morwetide ȝe ſhulen ſe þe glorye of þe Lord; I
wiþheelde þe ſtrong men of Moab. Alle þe dwellers of
Chanaan aȝenfruſſhiden for ferde; haue herd forſoþe ȝoure grucchyng aȝens þe Lord; what forſoþ
xvi inward drede fal vpon hem, and outward drede in þe ben we, þat ȝe grucchen aȝens vs?
viii And Moyſes ſeiþ, Þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to ȝow at euen fleſh
mykilnes of þin arme. Be þei maad vnmouable as a ſtoon, to
þe tyme, Lord, þat þi puple paſſe; to þe tyme þat þi puple for to eete, and eerli looues in fulnes, for þi þat he haþ herd
paſſe, þis þat þow haſt weeldid. ȝoure grucchyng, þe which ȝe han grucchid aȝens hym; what
xvii Þow ſhalt lede hem yn, and þow ſhalt plaunt in þe hil of forſoþe ben we? ne aȝens vs is ȝoure grucchyng but aȝens þe
þin heritage; wiþ þi mooſt ſtedfaſt dwellyng, Lord, þat þow ix And Moyſes ſeide to Aaron, Sey to al þe congregacioun of
haſt wrouȝt; Lord, þi ſeyntuarye, þat þin hondes faſtiden.
xviii Þe Lord ſhal regne wiþouten ende and ouer. þe ſones of Yrael, Goo ȝe to before þe Lord, forſoþe he haþ
herd ȝoure grucching.
xix Forſoþe Pharao, rydynge wiþ charys, and his horſmen x And whanne Aaron ſpak to al þe companye of þe ſones of
ȝeden yn to þe ſee, and þe watris of þe ſee þe Lord Yrael, þei bihilden to wildernas, and loo! þe glorye of þe
aȝenbrouȝte vpon hem; þe ſones forſoþe of Yrael ȝeden þurȝ þe Lord aperyde in a clowde.
drye, in þe myddil of it. xi Forſoþe þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xx Þanne Mary, a propheteſſe, þe ſiſter of Aaron, tok a
xii Y haue herd þe grucchyng of þe ſones of Yrael; ſpek þow
tympan in hir hoond, and alle þe wymmen ȝeden out after hir,
wiþ tympanes and daunſes; to hem, At euen ȝe ſhulen eete fleſh, and eerli ȝe ſhulen be
xxi wiþ þe whiche ſhe before ſonge, ſeiynge, Synge we to þe fillid wiþ looues, and ȝe ſhulen wyte þat Y am þe Lord ȝoure
Lord, gloriouſly forſoþe he is magnyfyed; þe hors and his xiii Þanne it was doon at euen, and ſteiynge vp a curlew
ſteier up he þrew doun into þe ſee.
xxii Forſoþe Moyſes tok Yrael fro þe reed ſee, and þei ȝeden couerde þe tentis, and eerly dew cam by þe enuirown of þe
out into þe deſert of Sur, and þei ȝeden þre dayes þurȝ xiiii And whanne it hadde couerde þe vttermore parti of þe
wildirnes, and þei fonden no watyr.
xxiii And þei camen into Marath, and þei myȝten not drynk þe erþe, it aperid in wildernes laſſid, and as wiþ a peſtel
pownyd, into þe lyknes of an hoore froſt vpon þe erþe.
watris of Marath, forþi þat þei weren bitter; wherfor and a


xv Þe which þing whanne þe ſones of Yrael hadden ſeen, þei Capitulum XVII.
ſeiden togidere, Man hu? þat bitokneþ, what is þis? forſoþe i Thanne
þei knewen not what it was. To whom Moyſes ſeiþ, Þis is goon forþ al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael fro
þe breed þat þe Lord haþ ȝouun to ȝow for to eete. þe deſert of Syn, bi her manſiouns, after þe word of þe Lord,
xvi Þis is þe word þat þe Lord comaundide, Echon gedere of `ſetten tentis into Raphidym, where was not water to þe puple
it how myche it ſufficiþ for to eete, þe tenþe part of þre for to drynke.
ii Þe which ianglynge aȝens Moyſes, ſeiþ, Ȝif to vs water,
buſſhels bi ech heedes, after þe noumbre of ſoules þat dwellen
in þe tabernacle, ſo ȝe ſhulen taak. þat we drynken. To whom anſwerde Moyſes, What iangle ȝe
xvii And ſo dyden þe ſones of Yrael, and þei gadreden anoþer aȝens me, whi tempte ȝe þe Lord?
iii Þe puple þanne þriſtide þere, for meſchef of water, and it
more, anoþer leſſe;
xviii and þei meſurden it at þe meſure of gomor, þat is, of grucchide aȝen Moyſes, ſeiynge, Whi haſt þow maad vs to
þrettenþe pownde, wiþ þe tenþe part of two pownde; ne he þat goo out of Egipte, þat þow myȝte ſlee vs, and oure fre
gederede more hadde more, ne he þat gaderyde leſſe foond children, and beeſtes, þurȝ þriſt?
iiii Moyſes forſoþe criede to þe Lord, ſeiynge, What ſhal Y do
leſſe, but eche after þat þat he myȝte eete gadreden.
xix And Moyſes ſeide to hem, No man leeue þerof vnto þe to þis puple? ȝit a litil while, and it ſhal ſtonen me.
v Þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Goo before þe puple, and tak wiþ
xx þe whiche herden him not, but ſum þerof lafte vnto þe þee of þe aldren of Yrael, and þe ȝerde, wiþ þe which þow
morwen, and it biganne to boyle wormes, and ſtonk; and ſmoot þe floode tak in þin hoond, and goo;
vi loo! Y ſhal ſtoond before þee þere, vpon þe ſtoon of Oreb,
Moyſes was wrooþ aȝens hem.
xxi Forſoþe eche gaderede þe morwetide as myche as myȝte and þow ſhalt ſmyte þe ſtoon, and þere ſhal goon out of it
ſuffice to ete, and whanne þe ſunne bigan to heet, it moltid. water, þat þe puple drynk. Moyſes dide ſo beforn þe eldren
xxii Þe ſixte day forſoþe þei gadreden dowble metis, þat is to
men of Yrael;
vii and he clepide þe name of þat place Temptynge, for þe
ſeye, two gomors bi eche man. And alle þe princes of þe ianglyng of þe ſones of Yrael, and for þei temptiden þe Lord,
multitude camen, and tolden to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Wheþer is God in vs, or noon?
xxiii þe which ſeiþ to hem, Þis is þat þe Lord ſpak, Þe reſt
viii Forſoþe Amalech cam, and fauȝte aȝen Yrael in
of þe holy day is halwid to þe Lord, to morwe al þat is to Raphidym.
worchynge doþe, and `þat ben to ſeeþing ſeeþeþ, and what ix And Moyſes ſeide to Joſue, Chees men, and þow goon out,
euer ſhal be relif, leiþ vp til to morwe.
xxiiii And þei diden ſo as Moyſes hadde comaundide, and it fiȝt aȝens Amalech, to morwen; and Y ſhal ſtoond in þe
ſtonk not, ne worme was founde þere yn. frount of þe hil, hauynge þe ȝerde of God in myn hoond.
x Joſue dide as Moyſes had ſpokun, and he fauȝte aȝens
xxv And Moyſes ſeide, Etiþ þat to day, for it is þe ſaboth of
þe Lord, yt ſhal not be founde to day in þe feelde; Amalech. Moyſes forſoþe, and Aaron, and Hur ſteiden vp
xxvi ſix dayes gedere ȝe, in þe ſeuenþe day forſoþe is þe
vpon þe cop of þe hil;
xi and whanne Moyſes rereden vp þe hoondes, Yrael ouercom;
ſaboth of þe Lord, þerfor it ſhal not be foundun. ellis forſoþe if he a litil abatide, Amalech ouercam.
xxvii Þe ſeuenþe day cam, and goon out of þe puple þat þei
xii Forſoþe þe hoondes of Moyſes weren heuy; þanne þei,
myȝten gedere, þei fonden noȝt. takynge a ſtoon, puttiden vnder hym, in þe which he ſete.
xxviii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, How long wolen ȝe not
Aaron forſoþe and Hur ſuſteyneden þe hoondes of hym, on
kepe my maundementis, and my lawe? eiþer ſyde; and it was doon, þat þe hoondes of hym werieden
xxix Seeþ þat þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to ȝow a ſaboth, and þerfore not, vnto þe goyng down of þe ſunne.
he ſhal ȝyue to ȝow þe ſixt day dowble meetis; dwel euerechon xiii And Joſue made Amalech to flee, and þe puple of hym, in
anentis hym ſilf, no man goo out of his place þe ſeuenþe day. þe mouþ of þe ſwerd.
xxx And þe puple halowide þe ſeuenþe day. xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Wryte þis in þe book for
xxxi And þe hows of Yrael clepide þe name of it man, þat mynde, and tak in þe eeris of Joſue; forſoþe Y ſhal do a wey
was as þe ſeed of coliaundre white, and þe taaſt of it as of þe mynde of Amalech vnder heuene.
tryed floure wiþ hony. xv And Moyſes bilde an auter, and clepide þe name of it Þe
xxxii And Moyſes ſeyde, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord Lord myn enhaunſyng,
comaundide, Fulfil þow gomor of it, and be it kept into xvi ſeiynge, For þe hoond of þe Lord oonli, and þe batayle of
generaciouns afterward to comen, þat þei knowen þe breed God it was aȝens Amalech, fro generacioun into generacioun.
wiþ þe which Y norſhide hem in wildernes, whanne ȝe weren
lad out of þe loond of Egipte. Capitulum XVIII.
xxxiii And Moyſes ſeide to Aaron, Tak a veſſel, and putte þer
yn man, how myche may take gomor, and ley vp before þe i And whanne Jethro, þe preeſt of Madian, coſyn to Moyſes,
Lord, to kepe into ȝoure generaciouns, hadde herd alle þingis þat God dide to Moyſes, and to Yrael
xxxiiii as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes; and Aaron putte it his puple, forþi þat þe Lord hadde ladde Yrael out of Egipte,
in þe tabernacle, to be reſerued. ii he tok Sephoram, þe wijf of Moyſes, whom he ſente aȝen,
xxxv And þe ſones of Yrael eten man fourti wynter, to þe iii and þe two ſones of hym, of whom oon was clepid Gerſan,
tyme þat þei camen into a loond able to dwel yn; wiþ þis ſeiynge þe fader, a comlyng Y was in an alien loond,
meet þei weren noriſhid forto þei towcheden to þe cooſtys of þe iiii þe toþer forſoþe Eliezar, God forſoþe, ſeiþ, myn helper of
loond of Chanaan. my fader, and he haþ delyuered me fro þe ſwerd of Pharao.
xxxvi Gomor forſoþe is þe tenþe party of ephi, þat is, a v Þanne cam Jetro, coſyne to Moyſes, and þe ſones of hym
meſure of þre buſſhels. and his wijf, to Moyſes in deſert, where he hadde ſett tentis
biſide þe hil of God.


vi And he ſente to Moyſes, ſeiynge, I, þi coſyn Jethro, come Capitulum XIX.

to þee, and þi wijf, and þi two children wiþ hir. i The
vii Þe which, goon out into þe aȝencomyng of his coſyn, þridde moneþ of þe goyng of Yrael out of þe loond of
lowtide, and kiſſide hym, and þei ſalutiden hem ſilf togidris Egipte, in þis day þei camen into þe wildernes of Synai;
ii for þei goon forþ fro Raphidym, and comynge vnto deſerte
wiþ peſible wordis. And whanne he was goon into þe
tabernacle, of Synay, `ſetten tentis in þe ſame place; and þere Yrael
viii Moyſes tolde to his coſyn alle þingis þat God hadde doon ficchid tentis, `forn aȝens þe hil.
iii Moyſes forſoþe ſteyde vp into þe hil to God; and þe Lord
to Pharao, and to þe Egipciens, for Yrael, and al þe traueyle
þat hadde fallun to hem in þe weye, fro þe which þe Lord clepide hym fro þe hil, and ſeiþ, Þes þingis þow ſhalt ſeye to
hadde delyuered hem. þe hows of Jacob, and þow ſhal telle to þe ſones of Yrael,
ix And Gethro was glad vpon alle þe goodis þat þe Lord dide iiii Ȝoure ſelf han ſeen what I haue doon to þe Egipciens,
to Yrael, forþi þat he hadde delyuered hym fro þe hoondis of what maner wiſe Y haue born ȝou vpon þe weenges of eglis,
þe Egipciens; and haue takun to me.
x and ſeiþ, Bliſſid be þe Lord God þat haþ delyuered ȝou fro v If þanne ȝe heren my voys, and kepen my couenaunt, ȝe
`þe hondes of þe Egipciens, and fro þe hoond of Pharao, þat ſhulen be to me into my propre treſour of alle puples; myn
haþ drawun out his puple fro þe hoond of Egipte; forſoþe is al þe erþe;
xi now I haue knowun for greet is þe Lord aboue alle vi and ȝe ſhulen be to me into a preeſtis kyngdom, and an
goddis, forþi þat þei prowdli diden aȝens hem. holi folk; þes ben þe wordis þat þou ſhalt ſpek to þe ſones of
xii Þanne Jethro, þe coſyn to Moyſes, offrede to God brent Yrael.
vii Moyſes cam, and clepide togidere þe more men þurȝ birþe
ſacrifices, and ooſtes; and Aaron, and alle þe aldren of Yrael,
camen, þat þei myȝten eete breed wiþ hym before God. of þe puple, he expownede alle þe wordes þat þe Lord hadde
xiii Anoþer forſoþe day Moyſes ſat for to deme þe puple, þe comaundid.
viii And al þe puple anſwerde togidere, We ſhulen doon alle
which ſtood niȝ to Moyſes, fro morwe to euen.
xiiii Þe which þing whanne his coſyn hadde ſeen, þat is, alle þe þingis þat þe Lord haþ ſpokun. And whanne Moyſes
þingis þat he dide in þe puple, ſeiþ, What is þis þat þow doſt hadde told þe wordis of þe puple to þe Lord,
ix þe Lord ſeyde to hym, Now riȝt Y ſhal com to þee in
in þe puple? whi alone ſittiſt þow, and al þe puple abidiþ fro
morwetide vnto euen? derknes of a clowde, þat þe puple here me ſpekynge to þee,
xv To whom anſwerde Moyſes, To me comeþ þe puple, and leue to þee, into wiþ outen eende. Þanne Moyſes tolde þe
ſechynge þe ſentence of God; wordes of þe puple to þe Lord,
x þat ſeide to hym, Goo to þe puple, and halwe hem to day
xvi and whanne þere falliþ to hem eny ſtrijf, þei comen to me,
þat Y deme betwix hem, þat Y ſhewe þe heeſtis of God, and and to morwen, and waſſhe þei her cloþis,
xi and be þei redi into þe þridde day; in þe þridde day forſoþe
his lawe.
xvii And he, Not good þing, he ſeiþ, þow doſt, þe Lord ſhal deſſende before al þe folk vpon þe hil of Synay.
xii And þow ſhalt ordeyn termes to þe puple, bi enuyroun; and
xviii þow art conſumyd wiþ foli labour, and þow and þi puple
þat is wiþ þee; ouer þi ſtrengþes is þis doyng of cauſis, alone þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, Be war þat ȝe ſteyen not into þe hil,
`þat þow ſhalt not mowe ſuſteyne. ne touche þe endes of it; eche þat touchiþ þe hil, wiþ deþ ſhal
xix But here my wordis and counſels, and þe Lord ſhal be
xiii Hondes ſhulen not touche hym, but wiþ ſtones he ſhal be
wiþ þee; be þow to þe puple in þes þingis þat perteynen to preſſid down, or he ſhal be ſtickid wiþ dartis; wheþer he be
God, þat þow telle to hem þat ben ſeyd; beeſt, or man, he ſhal not lyue; whanne þe trumpe begynneþ
xx and þow ſhewe to þe puple þe ſerymonyes, and þe ryte of
to crie, þanne ſtey þey vp into þe hil.
heriyng, and þe weie bi þe whych þei owen to goon yn, and xiiii And Moyſes deſcendide fro þe hil to þe puple, and
þe werk þat þei owen to doon. halowede yt; and whanne þei haddun waſſhun her cloþes,
xxi And puruey of al þe puple men myȝti, and dredinge God,
xv he ſeiþ to hem, Be ȝe redi into þe þridde day, and neiȝe ȝe
in whom be trewþe, and þe whiche haten aueryſe; and ordeyne not to ȝoure wyues.
of hem rewlers vpon þowſaundes, and rewlers vpon xvi And now þe þridde day was comen, and þe morwetide
hundreþes, and rewlers vpon fifti, and rewlers vpon ten,
xxii þat mowen deme þe puple al tyme; and what euer `ſhal be was ful cleerid; and loo! þundres biganne to be herd, and
more, telle þei it to þee, and deme þei þe laſſe þingis oonli, leytes to ſhynen, and þe mooſt þik clowd to couer þe hil; and
þat liȝter it be to þee, þe charge partid vnto oþere. þe crye of þe trump more hidouſly made noyſe, and þe puple
xxiii And if þow doſt þus, þow ſhalt fulfil þe comaundement of
dredde, þat was in þe tentes.
xvii And whanne Moyſes hadde led hem out into þe aȝen
God, and his heeſtis þow may ſuſteyne; and al þis puple ſhal comyng of God, fro þe place of þe tentes, þei ſtoden at þe
turne wiþ pees to her places. rotes of þe hil.
xxiiii Þe whiche þingis herd, Moyſes dide alle þingis þat he
xviii And al þe hil of Synay ſmokide, forþi þat þe Lord
meuyde to. deſcendide vpon it in fier; and þe ſmeek ſteyde vp of it as of
xxv And dowȝti men, choſun of al Yrael, he ordeyned hem
a furneys, and al þe hil was ful feerful;
princes of þe puple, rewlers vpon þowſandes, and rewlers xix and þe ſown of þe trompe litil mele ſpronge into more, and
vpon hundreþis, and rewlers upon fifti, and rewlers vpon ten, lenger was ſtrecchid. Moyſes ſpak, and þe Lord anſwerde
xxvi þat demeden þe puple al tyme; what euer forſoþe were
harder, þei tolden to hym, oonli þe liȝter þingis demynge. xx and þe Lord deſcendide vpon þe hil of Synay, in þat cop of
xxvii And he lafte his coſyn, þe which turnyd aȝen, ȝede into
þe hil, and he clepide Moyſes in þe heiȝt of it. Whider
his loond. whanne he hadde ſteied vp,
xxi he ſeide to hym, Deſcende, and as wiþ ooþ charge þe
puple, leſt perauenture it wole paſſe ouer þe termes to ſe þe
Lord, and of hem periſſhe a myche multitude;


xxii þe preeſtis forſoþe þat camen nyȝ to þe Lord, be þei xxiiii An auter of erþe ȝe ſhulen mak to me, and ȝe ſhulen
halewed, leſt Y ſmyte hem. offre vpon it ȝoure `brent ſacrifices, and peſible, ȝoure ſheep,
xxiii And Moyſes ſeide to þe Lord, Þe comounte may not ſtey and oxen, in al place in þe which ſhal be mynde of my name;
vp into þe hil of Synay; þow forſoþe haſt witneſſid, and I ſhal com to þee, and Y ſhal bleſſe to þee.
comaundid ſeiynge, Put þe termes about þe hil, and halwe it. xxv Þat if a ſtonen auter þow makiſt to me, þow ſhalt not
xxiiii To whom ſeiþ þe Lord, Goo, deſcende, and þow ſhalt edifie þat of hewun ſtoons; if forſoþe þow reriſt þi `grauynge
ſtey vp, and Aaron wiþ þee; þe preeſtis forſoþe and þe puple yrun vpon it, it ſhal be polutid.
paſſe þei not þe termes, ne ſteye þei vp to þe Lord, leſt xxvi Þow ſhalt not ſtey vp bi greeſes to myn auteer, leſt þi
perauenture he ſlee hem. filþe be ſhewyd.
xxv And Moyſes ſteiede vp to þe puple, and alle þingis tolde
to hem. Capitulum XXI.
i Thes ben þe domes, þat þow ſhalt purpoſe to hem.
Capitulum XX. ii If þow bye an Ebrew ſeruaunt, ſixe ȝeer ſerue he to þee, in
i And þe Lord ſpak alle þes wordes `to Moyſes, þe ſeuenþe ȝeer he ſhal goo out fre, freliche;
ii Y am þe Lord þi God, þat haþ lad þee out of þe loond of iii wiþ what maner cloþing he com yn, wiþ ſiche he go out;
Egipte, fro þe hows of þraldom. and if he is hauynge a wijf, and þe wijf goo out at ones.
iii Þow ſhalt not haue alyen goddis before me. iiii If forſoþe þe lord ȝyue to hym a wijf, and ſhe ber ſones
iiii Þow ſhalt not mak to þee grauen þing, ne eny liknes þat and dowȝtris, þe womman and þe fre children of hir ſhulen be
is in heuene aboue, and þat is in erþe beneþe, ne of hem þat of his lord; he forſoþe ſhal goo out wiþ his cloþing.
ben in watrys vnder erþe; v Þat if þe ſeruaunt ſeie, Y loue my lord, and wijf, and fre
v þow ſhalt not anoure hem, ne herye hem; I forſoþe am þe children, I ſhal not goon out fre;
Lord þi God, ſtrong gelows, viſitynge þe wickidnes of fadris vi þe lord offre hym to þe goddis, and he ſhal be preſentid to
in ſones into þe þridde and þe ferþe generacioun of hem þat þe dore, and poſtes; and he ſhal þril his eer wiþ an alle, and
hatiden me, he ſhal be to hym a ſeruaunt into þe world.
vi and doynge merci into þouſyndes to hem þat louen me, and vii If eny ſille his dowȝter into a ſeruaunt, ſhe ſhal not goo
kepen myn heeſtis. out as handmaydens weren wont to goon out;
vii Þow ſhalt not tak þe name of þe Lord þi God in veyn, ne viii if ſhe diſpleſe in þe eyen of hir lord, to whom ſhe was
forſoþe þe Lord ſhal haue innocent hym, þat takiþ þe name of takun, he ſhal leeue hir; forſoþe to an alyen puple he ſhal not
þe Lord his God in ydel. haue power of ſillyng, if he leeue hir.
viii Haue mynde to halwe þin holy day; ix If forſoþe he ſpouſe hir to his ſone, after þe maner of
ix ſixe daies þow ſhalt worche, and doon alle þi werkis; dowȝtres he ſhal do to hir;
x þe ſeuenþe forſoþe day is þe haliday of þe Lord þi God; þow x and if he tak anoþer womman to hym, he ſhal puruey to þe
ſhalt not doon al werk, þow, and þi ſone, and þi dowȝter, and mayden bridalis and cloþes, and þe pryſe of þe clennes he ſhal
þi ſeruaunt, and þin handmayden, þi beeſte, and comlyng þat not denye.
is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis; xi If þes þre þingis he do not, ſhe ſhal goon out frelich wiþ
xi ſixe forſoþe daies God made heuene and erþe, þe ſee, and outen money.
alle þingis þat ben in hem, and he reſtide þe ſeuenþe day; xii Who ſmytiþ a man, wilnynge to ſlee, wiþ deeþ die he;
þerfore þe Lord bliſſide to þe holi day, and halwide it. xiii who forſoþe is not aweytid, but God haþ takun hym into
xii Honour þi fader and þi moder, þat þou be of long lijf vpon his hondes, Y ſhal ordeyne to þee a place whidyr hym awe to
erþe, þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee. flee.
xiii Þow ſhalt not ſlee. xiiii If eny man of auyſement ſle his neiȝbour and by aſpyes,
xiiii Þow ſhalt `do no leccherye. fro myn auteer þow ſhalt pul hym, þat he be ſlayn.
xv Þow ſhalt not do þefte. xv Who ſmytiþ his fader, or moder, wiþ deeþ dye he.
xvi Þow ſhalt not ſpek aȝens þi neiȝbore fals witnes. xvi Who curſiþ his fader, or moder, be he deed.
xvii Þow ſhalt not coueyte þe hows of þi neiȝbore, ne þow xvii Who ſteliþ a man, and ſelliþ hym, conuycte of þe treſpas,
ſhalt deſyre þe wijf of hym, ne ſeruaunt, ne hoondmayden, ne wiþ deeþ dye he.
oxe, ne aſſe, ne alle þingis þat ben of hym. xviii If men chiden, and `þat oon ſmyte his neiȝbour wiþ
xviii Al þe puple forſoþe herde voyces, and ſawȝ lawmpes, and ſtoon, or wiþ fiſt, and he be not deed,
herde þe ſown of þe trompe, and þe hil ſmokynge; and ferde xix but lye in þe bed, if he aryſe and goo out vpon his ſtaf, he
and ſmitun togidere wiþ vttermore drede, þei ſtoden afer, ſhal be ynnocent þat ſmoot; ſo neuerþeles þat he reſtore þe biſy
xix ſeiynge to Moyſes, Spek þow to vs, and we ſhulen here; traueils of hym, and þe expenſis into leches.
ſpek not þe Lord to vs, leſt perauenture we dien. xx Who ſo ſmyteþ his ſeruaunt, or handmayden, wiþ a ȝerde,
xx And Moyſes ſeide to þe puple, Wole ȝe not drede, þat and þei dien in her hondes, he ſhal be gilti of deedly blame.
forſoþe God proue ȝow he cam, and þat þe drede of hym were xxi If forſoþe he lyue ouer a day, or two, he ſhal not be
in ȝow, and þat ȝe ſynnen not. vndurcaſt to þat peyne, for þe money of hym he is.
xxi And þe puple ſtood afer; Moyſes forſoþe cam nyȝ to þe xxii If men chiden, and a man ſmyte a womman wiþ child,
derknes, in þe which was God. and make forſoþe þe child deed born, but ſhe lyueþ, he ſhal be
xxii And þe Lord ſeide forþermore to Moyſes, Þes þingis þow vndurcaſt to þe harme, as myche as þe houſbond of þe
ſhalt ſeye to þe ſones of Yrael, Ȝe han ſeen þat from heuene womman wole aſke, and domes men ſhulen deme.
I haue ſpokun to ȝow; xxiii If forſoþe hir deeþ folwe, he ſhal ȝeld lijf for lijf,
xxiii ȝe ſhulen not mak wiþ me ſilueren goddis, ne goldun xxiiii eye for eye, tooþ for tooþ, hoond for hoond, foot for foot,
goddis ȝe ſhulen mak to ȝow.


xxv brynnyng for brynnyng, wounde for wounde, blones for x If eny leene to his neiȝbore oxe, aſſe, ſheep, and al beeſte to
blones. kepynge, and it were deed, or febliſhid, or takun of enemyes,
xxvi If eny man ſmyte þe eye of his ſeruaunt, or of and no man ſe it,
hondmayden, and make hem `pure blynde, he ſhal leeue hem xi þere ſhal be þe lawe of ooþ in þe mydle, þat he ſtrauȝte not
free for þe eye þat he haþ drawun out. out þe hoond to þe þing of his neiȝbore; and þe lord ſhal tak
xxvii A tooþ forſoþe if eny man ſmyte out to his ſeruaunt, or þe ooþ, and he ſhal not be conſtreyned to ȝeeld aȝen.
to his handmayden, liyk maner he ſhal leeue hem free. xii Þat if þruȝ þeft it were takun awey, he ſhal reſtore þe
xxviii If an oxe wiþ þe horn ſmyte a man, or a womman, and harm to þe lord;
þei weren deed, he ſhal be þrowun doun to deeþ wiþ ſtones, xiii and if it be etun of a beeſte, brynge he forþe to hym þat
and his fleſh ſhal not be etun, and þe lord ſhal be innocent of þat is ſlayn, and he ſhal not reſtore.
þe oxe. xiiii Who of his neiȝbore eny þing of þes aſkiþ to borwe, and
xxix And if an oxe be an hornputter fro ȝiſterday and þe it were enfebliſhed, or deed, þe lord not preſent, he ſhal be
þridde day hens, and þei han warned þe lord of hym, befor compellid to ȝeeld;
witnes, and þe lord haþ not holdun hym yn, and he ſlee a xv and if þe lord were preſent, he ſhal not reſtore, mooſt if þe
man, or womman, þe oxe ſhal be þrow doun to þe deeþ wiþ hirid was ſoold, for mede of his werk.
ſtones, and þe lord of it þei ſhulen ſlee; xvi And if eny man bere down a mayden not ȝit ſpowſid, and
xxx and if pryis be ſet to hym, he ſhal ȝyue for his lijf what
he ſleep wiþ hir, he ſhal dowe hir, and he ſhal haue hir to
euer be aſkid. wijf.
xxxi Þe ſone forſoþe and þe douȝter if it ſmyte wiþ horn, to þe xvii And if þe fader of þe mayden wole not ȝyue, he ſhal ȝeeld
lijk ſentence he ſhal vnderligge. þe money, after þe maner of dowyng, þat maydens weren
xxxii If ſeruaunt and hondmayden it aſeyl, þretti ownces of wont to tak.
ſiluer he ſhal ȝyue to his lord; þe oxe forſoþe ſhal be þrowun xviii Clepers of deuels þow ſhalt not ſuffre to lyue.
down wiþ ſtoons. xix What man ſo goþe togidere wiþ a beeſte, wiþ deeþ die he.
xxxiii If eny man open a cyſtern, and delue, and not coueriþ
xx Who offreþ to goddis, but to þe Lord oonly, be he ſlayne.
it, and oxe or aſſe fal into it,
xxxiiii þe lord of þe ciſtern ſhal ȝeeld þe prijs of þe beeſtis, xxi A comlyng þow ſhalt not mak ſory, ne turment hym;
and þat þat is deed ſhal be his. forſoþe comlyngis and ȝoure ſeluen weren in þe loond of
xxxv If an alyen oxe wounde an oxe of anoþer mannus, and Egipte.
xxii To þe wydowe and þe faderles child þow ſhalt not anoye.
he were deed, þe quyk oxe þei ſhulen ſelle, and þei ſhulen
dyuyde þe prijs; þe careyn forſoþe of þe deed þei ſhulen depart xxiii If þow harmeſt hem, þei ſhulen crye to me, and Y ſhal
bitwix hem. here þe crye of hem,
xxxvi If forſoþe he wiſte, þat þe oxe was an hornputter fro xxiiii and my woodnes ſhal dedeyn, and Y ſhal ſmyte ȝow wiþ
ȝiſterday and fro þe þridde day hens, and his lord kepide hym ſwerd, and ȝoure wyues ſhulen be wydewes, and ȝoure ſones
not, he ſhal ȝeeld oxe for oxe, and þe hool careyn he ſhal al faderles.
take. xxv And if þow leenyſt money to my pore faderles child, þat
dwelliþ wiþ þee, þow ſhalt not conſtreyn hym, as a fraward
Capitulum XXII. aſker, ne þow ſhalt not oppreſſe him wiþ vſurys.
xxvi If þow takiſt of þi neiȝbore a clooþ wed, before þe
i If eny man haþ ſtoln ſheep, or oxe, and ſleeþ, or ſelliþ, fyue
oxen for oon oxe he ſhal reſtore, and foure ſheep for o ſheep. goynge down of þe ſunne þow ſhalt ȝeeld it to hym;
xxvii þat is forſoþe al oonli þurȝ which is couerid þe cloþing of
ii If a þeef brekynge an hows, or were foundun
vndurmynynge, and wiþ a wounde takun were deed, þe ſmyter his fleſh, ne he haþ noon oþer, in þe which he ſleep; if he crye
ſhal not be gilti of þe blood; to me, Y ſhal here hym; for Y am mercyable.
xxviii To þe goddis þow ſhalt not bacbite, and to þe prince of
iii and if þe ſunne ſprongne he do þat, he haþ doon
manſlauȝter, and he ſhal die. And if he haue not to ȝelde for þi puple þow ſhalt not curſe.
xxix Þy dymes and fyrſt fruytis þow ſhalt not tarye to offre.
þe þefte, he ſhal be ſoold;
iiii and if þere be founde anentis hym lyuynge þat þat he haþ Þe firſt gotun of þi ſones þow ſhalt ȝyue to me;
xxx of oxen forſoþe, and ſheep þow ſhalt doon lijk maner;
ſtoln, eiþer oxe, or aſſe, or ſheep, þe dowble he ſhal reſtore.
v If eny man harme feeld, or vynȝeerd, and leeue his beeſte, ſeuen dayes be he wiþ his moder, and þe eiȝtiþ day þow ſhalt
þat it waſte oþer mennus þingis, what euer beſt þing he haþ ȝeeld hym to me.
xxxi Ȝe ſhulen be holy men to me; þe fleſh þat were before
in his feeld, or vynȝeerd, he ſhal reſtore for eſtymacioun of þe
harm. taſtid of beeſtis ȝe ſhulen not eete, but ȝe ſhulen caſte it to
vi If fyer goon out fynde eeres, and cacche þe rekes of corn, doggis.
or þe corn ſtondynge in feeldis, he ſhal ȝeeld þe harm þat
tyndeþ þe fier. Capitulum XXIII.
vii If eny man leene money to a freend, or veſſel into kepyng, i Thow ſhalt not tak þe voys of leeſynge, ne ligge to þin
and fro hym þat tok þei weren takun awey bi þeft, if þe þeef hoond, þat for þe vnpyteuows þow ſeye fals witnes.
be foundun, he ſhal ȝeeld þe dowble. ii Þow ſhalt not folwe þe puple to doon yuel, ne in dome of
viii And if þe þeef is vnknowun, þe lord of þe hows ſhal be
many þow ſhalt aſſente to þe ſentence, þat þow goo out of þe
preſentid to þe goddis, and he ſhall ſweer, þat he ſtrauȝte not weye of trewþe.
hoond into þe þing of his neiȝbore, iii Of þe pore forſoþe þou ſhalt not haue merci in cauſe of
ix for to be don gijl; as wel in oxe, and in aſſe, and ſheep,
and cloþing; and what euer of harm he maye brynge yn, to þe iiii If þou aȝen come to þe ox of þin enemy, or to þe errynge
goddis þe cauſe of eiþer ſhal com, and if þei demen, he ſhal
ȝeeld þe dowble to his neiȝbour. aſſe, lede aȝen to hym.


v If þow ſe an aſſe of hym þat hatiþ þee lye vnder þe charge, xxviii ſendynge out before ſtynggynge flies, þat ben ſprungun
þow ſhalt not ouerpaſſe, but þow ſhalt vnderheue wiþ hym. of deed bodies, hauynge þe ſtonges enuenymd, þe which ſhulen
vi Þow ſhalt not bowe awey in þe dome of þe pore. make flee Eue, and Chanane, and Ethe, er þow goon yn.
vii Leſyng þow ſhalt flee. Þe innocent and þe ryȝtwis þow xxix Y ſhal not þrowe hem out fro þi face o ȝeer, leſt þe loond
ſhalt not ſlee, for Y am aduerſarye aȝens þe unpiteuows. be turned into wildernes, and beeſtis growen aȝens þee;
viii Ne tak þou ȝiftes, þat alſo blynden wiſe men, and turnen xxx litil meele Y ſhal putte hem out fro þi ſiȝt, to þe tyme
vpſedoun þe wordis of riȝtwys men. þow be encreeſid, and weelde þe loond.
ix To þe pilgrime þow ſhalt not be greuous; ȝe knowen forſoþe xxxi Forſoþe Y ſhal ſette þi termes fro þe reed ſee vnto þe ſee
þe lyues of comlyngis, for and ȝe ȝoure ſilf weren pylgrimys of Paleſtynes, and fro þe deſert vnto þe flood. Y ſhal take to
in þe loond of Egipte. ȝoure hoondes þe dwellers of þe loond, and Y ſhal þrowe hem
x Sixe ȝeer þow ſhalt ſowe þi loond, and þow ſhalt gedere out fro ȝoure ſiȝt;
xxxii þow ſhalt not goon wiþ hem into couenaunt of pees, ne
togidere þe fruytis of it;
xi þe ſeuenþe forſoþe ȝeer þow ſhalt leeue it, and þow ſhalt wiþ þe goddis of hem.
xxxiii Dwelle þei not in þi loond, leſt perauentur þei maken
mak reſte, þat pore men of þi puple eeten, and what euer `ſhal
be relif, eete þe beeſtis of þe feeld; ſo þow ſhalt doon in þi þee ſynne aȝens me, if þow ſerueſt to þe goddis of hem, þat
vyne ȝeerd, and in þin oliue ȝeerd. certis ſhal be to þee into ſclaundre.
xii Sixe dayes þow ſhalt worche, þe ſeuenþe day þow ſhalt
ceeſe, þat þe oxe reſte, and þin aſſe, and þe ſone of þin Capitulum XXIIII.
handmayden be refreſhid, and þe comlyng. i To Moyſes forſoþe he ſeide, Stye vp to þe Lord, þou, and
xiii Alle þingis þat Y haue ſeyd to ȝow, kepiþ; and bi þe
Aaron, Nadab, and Abyu, and þe ſeuenti aldren of Yrael;
name of ſtraunge goddis þow ſhalt not ſweer, ne ſhal not be and ȝe ſhulen anowrn afer,
herd of ȝoure mouþ. ii and oonly Moyſes ſtey vp to þe Lord, and þei ſhulen not
xiiii Þre ſiþes þurȝ eche ȝeer feeſte dayes þow ſhalt halowe to
neiz to hym, ne þe puple ſhal ſtye vp wiþ him.
me. iii Þanne Moyſes came, and tolde to þe puple alle þe wordis
xv Þe ſolempne of þerf looues þow ſhalt kepe; ſeuen dayes
of þe Lord, and þe domes; and al þe puple anſwerde wiþ o
þow ſhalt eete þerf looues, as Y haue comaundid to þee, in þe voys, Alle þe wordis of þe Lord þat he haþ ſpokun, we ſhulen
tyme of þe moneþ of new fruytis, whanne þow ȝediſt out of do.
Egipte; þow ſhalt not apere in my ſiȝt voyde; iiii Moyſes forſoþe wrote alle þe wordes of þe Lord; and eerli
xvi and þe ſolempnete of þe moneþ of þe cheef fruytes of þi
ryſynge, he bildide an auteer to þe Lord at þe rotis of þe hil,
werk, what euer þingis þow ſhalt ſowe in þi feelde; and þe and twelue titlis by twelue lynagis of Yrael.
ſolempnete in þe goyng out of þe ȝeer, when þow haſt gedered v And he ſente þe ȝong men of þe ſones of Yrael, and þei
togidere alle þi fruytis fro þe feeld. offreden alle brent ſacrifices, and þei offreden peſible ſacrifice
xvii Þries aȝeer ſhal apere al þi maal child before þe Lord þi
to þe Lord, twelue calues.
God. vi And ſo Moyſes took þe half parti of þe blood, and putte it
xviii Þow ſhalt not offer vpon `ſour dowȝ þe blood of þi
into chalices; and `þat oþer party he ſhedde vpon þe auteer.
ſacrifice; ne þere ſhal not leeue þe talowȝ of my ſolempnete vii And takynge to þe book of þe couenaunt of pees, radde,
vnto þe morwen. herynge þe puple, þe whiche ſeiden, Alle þingis þat þe Lord
xix Þe cheef fruytis of þe tilþe of þin erþe þow ſhalt bere into
haþ ſpokun we ſhulen do, and we ſhulen be obeyſaunt.
þe hows of þe Lord þi God. Þow ſhalt not ſeeþe a kydde in viii He forſoþe þe blood takun ſprengide into þe puple, and
þe mylk of his moder. ſeiþ, Þis is þe blood of þe boond of pees, þat þe Lord
xx Loo! Y ſhal ſeende myn aungel, þat he goo before þee, and
couenauntide wiþ ȝow vpon alle þes wordes.
kepe in þe weye, and lede into þe place þat Y haue greiþid. ix And Moyſes, and Aaron, Nadab, and Abyu, and þe
xxi Wayt hym, and here his voys, ne wene þow hym to be
ſeuenty of þe aldren of Yrael, ſtieden vp,
diſpiſid, for he ſhal not forȝyue, whanne þou ſynneſt, and my x and ſeen þe God of Yrael, vndur þe feet of him, as a werk
name is in hym. of a ſaphire ſtoon, as heuene whanne it is bryȝt.
xxii Þat if þow here hys vois, and doſt alle þingis þat Y
xi Alſo vpon hem þat ȝeden fer awey fro þe ſones of Yrael he
ſpeke, Y ſhal be enemy to þin enemyes, and Y ſhal turmente ſente his hoond; and þei ſeen God, and eten and drunken.
hem þat turmenten þee; xii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeide to Moyſes, Stye vp to me into þe
xxiii and myn aungel ſhal goo before þee, and he ſhal lede þee
into Amorre, and Ethe, and Phereze, Chanane, and Eue, and hil, and be þere, and Y ſhal ȝyue to þee ſtonun tablis, and þe
Jebuze, whom Y ſhal totreede. lawe, and mawndementis þat Y haue wrytun, þat þow teche
xxiiii Þou ſhalt not anowre þe goddis of hem, ne þou ſhalt not
xiii And Moyſes and Joſue his ſeruaunt ryſen, and Moyſes
herye hem; þow ſhalt not do þe werkis of hem, but deſtrye ſtiynge vp into þe hil of God,
hem, and al to breek þe ymagis of hem. xiiii ſeiþ to þe aldren, Abide ȝe here to þe tyme þat we turnen
xxv And ȝe ſhulen ſerue to þe Lord ȝoure God, þat Y bleſſe to
þi looues, and watris, and Y ſhal take awey wickidnes fro þe aȝen to ȝow; ȝe han Aaron and Hur wiþ ȝow, if eny þing of
myddil of þee; queſtioun were ſprongun, ȝe ſhulen telle it to hem.
xv And whanne Moyſes hadde ſtyed vp, a clowd couerde þe
xxvi ne þi loond ſhal be vnfructuous, ne bareyn; þe noumbre
of þi dayes Y ſhal fulfille. hil,
xvi and þe glorye of þe Lord dwellide vpon Synay, couerynge
xxvii My feerde Y ſhal ſeende into þi before comyng, and Y
ſhal ſlee al þe puple, to whom þow ſhalt goon yn, and of alle it wiþ a clowd ſix dayes; þe ſeuenþe forſoþe day þe Lord
þin enemyes before þee Y ſhal turne þe backis; clepide hym fro þe mydil of þe derknes;
xvii and þe liknes of þe glorie of þe Lord was as brennynge
fyer vpon þe cop of þe hil in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Yrael.


xviii And Moyſes goon into þe myddil of þe clowd, ſtyede vp xxiii And þow ſhalt make a meet bord of þe trees of Sichym,
into þe hil, and was þere fourti dayes and fourti nyȝtis. hauynge two cubitis `of lengþe, and in brede o cubiyt, and in
heiȝt o cubijt and an half.
Capitulum XXV. xxiiii And þow ſhalt gilte it wiþ mooſt purid gold, and þow

i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,

ſhalt make to it by enuyroun a goldun mergyn;
xxv and to þilk mergyn eueramong grauen coroun wiþ foure
ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei taken to me þe fyrſt fingur mele heiȝt, and vpon it anoþer goldun coroun.
fruytis; of ech man þat wilfuly offeriþ, ȝe ſhulen tak þilke xxvi And foure goldun cerclis þou ſhalt greiþe, and þow ſhalt
þingis. putte hem in þe foure corners of þe ſame bord, bi eche feet.
iii And þes ben þe þingis þat ȝe ſhulen take, gold, and ſiluer,
xxvii Vnder þe corouns ſhulen be goldun cerclis, þat beryng
and braſſe, ſtaues mowen be put þurȝ hem, and þe bord may be born.
iiii and iaſynkt, þat is, `ſilk of violet blew, and purpur, þat is,
xxviii Þilke berynge ſtaues þow ſhalt make of þe trees of
ſangwyn ſilk, and coctun twyes died, þat is, ſilke `of flawme Sychym, and þow ſhalt enuyroun wiþ gold, to `be born þe
colour, and biys, þat is, þe fyneſt lynen clooþ of Egipte, and bord.
heeris of geyt, xxix And þow ſhalt greiþe eyſel veſſelis, and phiols, cenſures,
v and ſkynnes of weþeres maad reed, and ſkynnes
iacynktynes, and trees of Sychym, and litil cuppis, in þe whyche `ſacrifices of lycours ben to be
vi and oyle to make liȝtes, and ſwete ſmellynge þingis into
offred, of mooſt clene gold.
xxx And þow ſhalt putte vpon þe bord looues of propiciſioun,
oynement, and enſenſis of good ſmel, euermore in my ſiȝt.
vii onychen ſtoonus and gemmes to anowrn ephoth, þat is, a
xxxi And þow ſhalt make a candelſtik `betun out wiþ hamers,
preeſtis ouermeſt cloþing, þat we cleepen a coope, and þe of mooſt cleene gold, þe ſtaf of it, and þe ȝerdes, cuppes, and
racionale, þat is, þe clooþ in þe breſt of þe coope, and in þe litil balles, and lilyes goynge out of it.
breſt of þe preeſt. xxxii Six ȝerdes ſhulen goon out of þe ſides, þre of `þat o
viii And þei ſhulen make to me a ſeyntuarye, and Y ſhal
dwelle in þe myddil of hem, ſide, and þre of `þat oþer.
xxxiii Þre cuppes as into maner of a note bi eche ȝerdes, and
ix after al þe liknes of þe tabernacle þat Y ſhal ſhewe to þee,
and of alle þe veſſels into þe heriynge of it. And þus ȝe þe litil balles togidere, and lylye, and þe ſame wyſe þree
ſhulen make it; cuppes at þe lykneſſe of a note in `þat oþer ȝerde, and balles,
x ȝe ſhulen ioyne of þe trees of Sychym an arke, whoſe lengþe
and lilye; and þis ſhal be þe werk of ſix ȝerdes, þat ben to be
brouȝt forþ out of þe candelſtaf.
haue two cubites and an half, þe brede o cubijt and an half, xxxiiii In þat forſoþe candelſtik ſhulen be foure cuppes in
þe heiȝt o cubijt alſo and an half. maner of a note, and balles bi eche and lilies;
xi And þow ſhalt gilte it wiþ mooſt clene gold wiþ ynne and
xxxv and þe balles vndur þe two ȝerdes bi þre places, þe
wiþ oute; and þou ſhal make aboue a goldun coroun bi whiche ſix to gidere ben maad, goynge forþ from o candelſtaf;
enuyroun, xxxvi and þe balles þanne, and þe ȝerdes of it ſhulen be, al
xii and foure goldun cerclis, þe whiche þow ſhalte putte vp on
þe foure corners of þe arke; be þere two cercles in `þat o ſyde, `betun out of mooſt puyr gold.
xxxvii And þow ſhalt make ſeuen lanternes, and þow ſhalt put
and two in `þat oþer.
xiii And þow ſhalt make berynge ſtaues of þe trees of hem vpon þe candelſtik, þat þei liȝten eche aȝens oþer.
xxxviii Candelquenchers, and forſoþe where þe ſnoffes ben
Sychym, and þow ſhalt couere hem wiþ gold,
xiiii and bryng yn þurȝ þe cerclis þat ben in þe ſides of þe quenchid, be þei maad of mooſt puyr gold.
xxxix And al þe weiȝt of þe candelſtyk wiþ alle his veſſels ſhal
arke, þat it be born in hem,
xv þe which euermore ſhal be in þe cerclis, ne eny tyme ſhal haue a talent of mooſt clene gold.
xl Bihold and do after þe ſawmplere, þat to þee is ſhewid in
be drawun out of hem.
xvi And þow ſhalt putte in to þe arke þe witneſſyng, þat Y þe hil.
ſhal ȝyue to þee.
xvii And þow ſhalt make a propiciatorye, þat is, a place of Capitulum XXVI.
purchaſyng mercy, of mooſt cleene gold; þe lengþe of it ſhal i The tabernacle forſoþe þow ſhalt make þus; ten curteyns of
holde two cubitis and an half, and þe brede of it o cubijt and biys aȝenfoldid, and iacynkt, and purpur, and coctyn twies
an half. died, dyuerſid wiþ nedle werk, þow ſhalt make.
xviii And two goldun cherubyns and forgid wiþ hamers, þow ii Þe lengþe of o curtyn ſhal haue eiȝt and twenti cubitis, þe
ſhalt make on eiþer party of þe preiyng place; brede ſhal be of foure cubitis; of o meſure ſhal be made alle
xix þat o cherubyn be in þe o ſyde of `Goddis anſweryng þe tentis.
place, and `þat oþere in `þat oþere, þat þei coueren eiþer ſyde iii Fyue curtyns to hem ſeluen ſhulen be ioyned to gidere, and
of þe propiciatorye, ſtrecchynge out þe wenges, and couerynge oþer fyue ſhulen ioyne togidere lijk manere ioynynge.
`Goddis anſweryng place; iiii Litil oyletis iacyntyns in þe ſides, and in þe ouermeſt of þe
xx and beholde þei hem ſeluen togidere, þe cheeres turned into
curtyns, þow ſhalt make, þat þei mowen be cowplid togidere.
þe propiciatorie, v Þe curtyn ſhal haue fifti oiletis in eiþer parti, ſo ſet in, þat
xxi wiþ þe whiche is to be couered þe arke of þe Lord, in þe
o oylete may come aȝen anoþer, and `þe oþer may be leide to
whiche þow ſhalt putte þe witneſſyng, þat Y ſhal ȝyue to þee. `þe oþer.
xxii Fro þens Y ſhal comaunde, and ſpeke to þee vpon þe vi And þow ſhalt make fifty goldun cerclis, wiþ þe whiche þe
propiciatorye, `þat is, and fro þe myddil of þe two cherubyns, veyles of þe curtyns ben to be ioyned, þat o tabernacle be
þat ſhulen be vpon þe arke of witneſſyng, alle þingis þat I maad.
ſhal comaunde bi þee to þe ſones of Yrael.


vii And þow ſhalt make elleuen `heeren ſarges to couer þe roof xxxii þe whiche þow ſhalt honge before þe foure pilers of þe
of þe tabernacle; trees of Sichym, þe whiche alſo ſhulen be gilt; and þei ſhulen
viii þe lengþe of þe too ſarge ſhal haue þretti cubitis, and þe han goldun heedes, but ſilueren feet.
brede foure; euen meſure ſhal be of alle þe ſarges. xxxiii Þe veyle forſoþe be it ſett yn bi cercles, wiþ ynne þe
ix Of þe whiche fyue þou ſhalt ioyne aſide, and ſixe to hem whiche þou ſhalt put þe arke of teſtymonye, and wiþ þe which
ſilf þou ſhalt couple togider, ſo þat þe ſixt ſarge þou double in þe ſeyntuarye and þe ſeyntuarye of þe ſeyntuarie ſhulen be
þe frount of þe roof. dyuydid.
x And þou ſhalt make fifti oiletis in þe hemme of þe too ſarge, xxxiiii And þow ſhalt putte þe propiciatorie vpon þe arke of
þat it mai be ioyned wiþ þe toþer; and fifti oiletis in þe teſtymonye, into þe parti of þe tabernacle þat is clepid holi of
hemme to þe toþer ſarge, þat it mai be couplid wiþ þe toþer; halowes;
xi and fifti knoppis of bras wiþ whiche þe oyletis mowen be xxxv and þe bord wiþ outen þe veyle, and aȝen þe bord þe
ioyned, þat þere be maad o couertour of alle. candelſtik in þe ſowþ ſide of þe tabernacle; þe bord forſoþe
xii Þat forſoþe þat leeueþ of in þe ſarges, þat ben greiþid to ſhal ſtonde in þe parti of þe norþ.
xxxvi And þow ſhalt make a tent in þe goyng ynne of þe
þe roof, þat is, o ſarge þat is þe larger, of þe half of it, þow
ſhalt couere þe hyndermore parties of þe tabernacle; tabernacle, of iacynkt, and purpur, and coctun twies died, and
xiii and o cubijt ſhal hong on `þat o parti, and anoþer on `þat bijs foldun aȝen wiþ nedle werk.
xxxvii And fyue pilers þow ſhalt gilte of trees of Sichym,
oþer, þat is more ouer in þe lengþe of þe ſarges, eiþer ſide of
þe tabernacle wardynge. before þe whiche ſhal þe tente be lad, of þe whiche ſhulen be
xiiii And þou ſhalt make anoþer couertour to þe roof, of þe goldun heedes, and braſun feet.
ſkynnes of weþeres maad reed, and vpon þat eftſones anoþer
couertour of blew ſkynnes. Capitulum XXVII.
xv And þow ſhalt make þe tables ſtondynge of þe tabernacle, i Thow ſhalt make an auteer of trees of Sichym, þat ſhal
of þe trees of Sichym, haue fyue cubites in lengþe, and as feele in brede, þat is to
xvi þe whiche echon han in lengþe ten cubitis, and in brede ſeye, ſquaar, and þre cubites in heiȝt.
eche oon and an half. ii Hornes forſoþe bi þe foure corners ſhulen be of it; and þow
xvii In þe ſides of þe tabernacle be þere made two rabitis, ſhalt couere it wiþ braſſe.
wiþ þe whiche þe to table be ſett faſt to þe toþer; and ſo in iii And þow ſhalt make into þe vſis of yt cawdrones, to be
þis manere alle þe tablis ſhulen be greiþid. takun þe aſken, and toonges, and hokes, and fyer veſſels; alle
xviii Of þe whiche twenti ſhulen be in þe mydday ſide, þat þe veſſels þow ſhalt forge of braſſe.
drawiþ toward þe ſowþ; iiii And a braſun gredyrne in þe manere of a nett, bi whos
xix to þe whiche and fourti ſilueren ſtakis þow ſhalt ȝeete, þat foure corners ſhulen be foure braſun rynges,
two ſtakis ben vnderput to ech table, bi two corners. v þe whiche þow ſhalt putte vnder þe `fier panne of þe auteer;
xx And in þe ſecounde ſyde of þe tabernacle, þat drawiþ to þe and þe gredyrne ſhal be to þe myddil of þe auteer.
norþ, þere ſhulen be twenti tablis, vi And þow ſhalt make two beryng ſtaues of þe auteer, of þe
xxi hauynge fourti ſilueren ſtakis; two ſtakis to eche table trees of Sichym, þe which þow ſhalt couere wiþ braſun plates;
ſhulen be vnderput. vii and þow ſhalt lede ynne þurȝ cercles, and þei ſhulen be on
xxii Forſoþe to þe weſt cooſt of þe tabernacle þow ſhalt make eiþer ſide of þe auteer, to bern.
ſixe tables; viii Þow ſhalt make it not maſſy, but wiþ inne voyde, and wiþ
xxiii and eftſones oþer two, þe whiche in þe corners ben ynne holowȝ, as it is ſhewid to þee in þe hil.
arerid, bihynde þe bak of þe tabernacle; ix And þow ſhalt make þe porche of þe tabernacle, in whos
xxiiii and þei ſhulen be to hem ſeluen ioynd to gidere fro ſowþ cooſt aȝen þe ſowþ ſhulen be tentes of bijs aȝen foldid;
byneþ vnto aboue, and o ioynyng ſhal holde hem alle. To þe þe to ſide ſhal holde an hundred cubites in lengþe,
two forſoþe tables þat ben to be put in þe corners lijk manere x and twenti pilers, wiþ ſo feele braſun feet, þe whiche ſhulen
ioynyng ſhal be kept, han ſilueren heedes wiþ her grauyngis.
xxv and þere ſhulen be togidere eyȝt tablis; þe ſilueren ſtakis xi Alſo in þe ſide of þe norþ, bi þe lengþe, ſhal be tentis of an
of hem ſixtene, two ſtakys noumbrid by o table. hundryd cubites, þe pilers twenti, and braſun foot ſtakes of þe
xxvi And þow ſhalt make fyue beryng ſtaues of þe trees of ſame noumbre; and þe heedes of hem wiþ here grauyngis
Sichym, to `be holdun to gidere þe tablis in þe o ſide of þe ſilueren.
tabernacle, xii In þe brede forſoþe of þe porche, þat biholdiþ to þe weſt,
xxvii and fyue oþer in þe toþer, and of þe ſame noumbre at þe þere ſhulen be tentis bi fifti cubitis, and ten pilers, and as
weſt cooſt; feele footſtakis.
xxviii þat ſhulen be putte bi þe myddel tables fro þe heiȝeſt xiii In þat forſoþe brede of þe porche, þat biholdeþ to þe eeſt,
vnto þe heiȝeſt. ſhal ben fifty cubitis,
xxix And þilke tablis þou ſhalt gilden, and þou ſhalt ȝeten in xiiii in þe whiche tentis of fiftene cubitis ſhulen be ordeyned to
hem goldun rynges, bi þe whiche þe ſtaues holden togidere þe `þat o ſide, and þre pilers, and ſo feele footſtakes;
bordid ſides, þe whiche þow ſhalt couere wiþ goldun plates. xv in þe toþer ſide ſhulen be tentis holdynge fiftene cubitis,
xxx And þow ſhalt arere þe tabernacle, after þe ſaumplere þat and þre pilers, and as feele footſtakis.
is ſhewid to þee in þe hil. xvi In þe entre forſoþe of þe porche þere ſhal be maad a tente
xxxi And þow ſhalt make a veyle of iacynkt, and purpur, and of twenti cubitis, of iacynkt, and purpur, and cocto twies died,
coctun twies died, and bijs foldun aȝen wiþ nedle werk, and and bijs foldid aȝen wiþ nedle werk; and he ſhal haue foure
wiþ fayre dyuerſite weuyd togidere; pilers, wiþ as feele footſtakis.
xvii Alle þe pilers of þe porche bi enuyroun ſhulen be cloþid
wiþ ſilueren platis, þe heedes ſilueren, and þe feet braſun.


xviii In lengþe þe porche ſhal ocupie an hundred cubitis, in xxi and þei ſhulen han þe names of þe ſones of Yrael; wiþ
brede fifti; þe heiȝt ſhal be of fyue cubitis; and it ſhal be maad twelue names þei ſhulen be graued, eche ſtonus `bi þe name
of bijs foldun aȝen, and it ſhal haue braſun footſtakis. of eche, bi þe twelue lynagis.
xix Alle þe veſſels of þe tabernacle, into alle vſis and xxii And þou ſhalt make in þe breeſt broche cheynes to hem
ſerymonyes, as wel þe litil ſtakes of it as of þe porche, þow ſeluen togidere cleuynge, of mooſt puyre gold,
ſhalt make of braſſe. xxiii and two goldun ryngis, þe whiche þow ſhalt putte in
xx Comaunde to þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei bryngen to þee eiþer creeſte of þe broche.
oyle of olyue trees mooſt puyre, and powned wiþ a peſtel, þat xxiiii And þow ſhalt ioyne þe goldun cheynes to þe rynges þat
þe lanterne brenne euer more. ben in þe mergyns of it,
xxi In þe tabernacle of witnes wiþ outen þe veyle, þat is xxv and þe eendis of þilke cheynes þow ſhalt cowple to þe two
aȝenſtrauȝt to þe teſtymonye; and Aaron and his ſones ſhulen hokes in eiþer ſide of þe coope, þat þe breeſt broche biholdiþ.
ſette it, þat it ȝyue liȝt vnto þe morwen before þe Lord; it ſhal xxvi And þow ſhalt make two golden rynges, þe whiche þou
be euerlaſtynge by þe ſucceſſioun of hem of þe ſones of Yrael.
ſhalt putte in þe creeſtis of þe breeſt broche, and in þe
hemmes, þe whiche ben `forn aȝen of þe ſhuldre clooþ, and
Capitulum XXVIII. byholden þe hyndermore of it.
i And xxvii Alſo and oþer two goldun rynges, þe whiche ben to be
preſent to þee Aaron, þi broþer, wiþ his ſones, fro þe
myddil of þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei beren preſtis office to me, ſette in eiþer ſide of þe coope beneþe, þat biholdeþ aȝens þe
Aaron, Nadab, and Abiut, Eliezer, and Ythamer. face of þe neþermore ioynyng, þat it may be leyd to wiþ þe
ii And þow ſhalt make to Aaron, þi broþer, an holi clooþ, into coope.
xxviii And þe breeſt broche wiþ his rynges be ſtreyned wiþ þe
glorie and fayrnes.
iii And þow ſhalt ſpeke to alle þe wiſe men in herte, þat Y rynges of þe coope, wiþ a iacynctyne filete, and þe ioynyng
haue fulfillid wiþ þe ſpiryt of prudence, þat þei make þe cloþis dwel forgid, þat þe breeſt broche and þe coope mowen not be
of Aaron, in þe whiche he halowid mynyſtre to me. ſeueryd atwynne.
xxix And Aaron ſhal bere þe names of þe ſones of Yrael in þe
iiii Þes forſoþe ſhulen be þe veſtmentis þat þei ſhulen make;
þe breeſt broche, and coope, coote, and a rochet, and a ſtreyt breeſt broche of dome vpon his breeſt, whanne he goþe into þe
myter, and a girdil þei ſhulen make; to Aaron, þi broþer, and ſeyntuarye, a memoryale before þe Lord into wiþ outen eende.
xxx And þow ſhalt `putt in þe breeſt broche of dome, doctryne
to þe ſones of hym, holi cloþingis, þat þei beren preſtis office
to me. and trewþe, þat ſhulen be in þe breeſt of Aaron, whanne he
v And þei ſhulen take gold, and iacynkt, and purpur, and ſhal go ynne before þe Lord; and he ſhal bere þe dome of þe
coctun twies died, and bijs; ſones of Yrael in his breeſt, in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord euermore.
xxxi And þow ſhalt make þe coote of þe coope al iacynctyne,
vi and þei ſhulen make þe coope of gold, and iacynkt, and
xxxii in whos myddil aboue ſhal be an hood, and a weuyd
purpur, and coctun twies died, and bijs aȝen foldid, wiþ nedle
werk of dyuerſe colours. hemme bi enuyroun of it, as it is wont to be maad in þe
vii Two hemmes ioyned he ſhal haue in eiþir ſide of þe eendis of cloþis, leſt it liȝtly to-breke.
xxxiii Beneþe forſoþe at þe feet of þe ſame coote, bi enuyroun,
heiȝtes, þat þei goon into oon.
viii Þat weuyng, and al þe dyuerſite of þe werk ſhal be of þow ſhalt make as powm garnettis, of iacynkt, and purpur,
gold, and of iacynkt, and of purpur, and of coctun twies died, and coctun twies died, and bijs aȝen foldid; in þe myddil litel
and of bijs aȝen foldid. belles menged,
xxxiiii ſo þat þe litel belle be gold, and a powm garnet; and
ix And þow ſhalt take two onychen ſtonus, and þow ſhalt
graue in hem þe names of þe ſones of Yrael, eftſones anoþer litel goldun belle, and a powm garnet.
xxxv And Aaron ſhal be cloþid it in þe office of þe ſeruyce, þat
x ſix names in `þat o ſtoon, and ſix in `þat oþer, after þe
ordre of her birþe; þe ſown be herd whanne he goþe yn and out þe ſeyntuarye, in
xi in þe werk of þe grauer, and in þe grauyng of þe
þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and þat he dye not.
xxxvi And þow ſhalt make a plate of mooſt puyre gold, in þe
gemmarye þow ſhalt graue hem, wiþ þe names of þe ſones of which þow ſhalt graue wiþ werk of a grauer, þe hooly to þe
Yrael, encloſid wiþ gold, and enuyround. Lord.
xii And þow ſhalt put in eiþer ſyde of þe coope a memoryale
xxxvii And þow ſhalt bynde it wiþ a iacynctyne filete, and it
to þe ſones of Yrael; and Aaron ſhal bere þe names of hem ſhal be vpon þe coyif `ſtondinge ouer to þe forheed of þe
before þe Lord vpon eiþer ſhuldre, for recordynge. biſhop.
xiii And þow ſhalt make þe hokys of gold,
xxxviii And Aaron ſhal bere þe wyckidnes of þilke þingis þat
xiiii and two litil cheynes of mooſt puyre gold, to hem ſeluen
þe ſones of Yrael ſhulen offre, and halowe, in alle ȝiftis to
togidere cleuynge to, þe whiche þow ſhalt ſett into þe hokis. men, and in her ȝiftes to God; and þe plate ſhal be euermore
xv Þe breeſt broche forſoþe of dom þou ſhalt make wiþ werk in þe frownt of hym, þat þe Lord be pleſid to him.
of dyuerſe colours, after þe weuyng of þe coope, of gold, xxxix And þou ſhal ſtreyne þe coote wiþ bijs, and þe coif of
iacynkt, and purpur, and coctun twies died, and bijs foldun bijs, and þou ſhalt make þe girdil wiþ werk of a broderere.
aȝen. xl Forſoþe to þe ſones of Aaron þow ſhalt greiþe lynnen
xvi Foure cornerd it ſhal be, and dowble; þe meſure of a
cootes, and girdlis, and coyfes, into glorye and fayrnes.
ſpanne it ſhal haue, as wel in lengþe as in brede. xli And þow ſhalt cloþe wiþ alle þes Aaron, þi broþer, and his
xvii And þow ſhalt put in it foure ordres of ſtonus; in þe firſt
ſones wiþ hym; and of hem alle þow ſhalt ſacre þe hondes;
verſe ſhal be þe ſardo ſtoon, and topazi, and ſmaragdo; and þow ſhalt halwe hem, þat þei beren þe office of preſthode
xviii in þe ſecounde, carboncle, ſaphijr, and iaſp; to me.
xix in þe þridde, ligyre, achates, and amatyſt; xlii And þow ſhalt make lynnen brecches, þat þei coueren þe
xx in þe ferþe, criſolide, onychen, and beril; þei ſhulen be fleſh of her filþehed, fro þe reynes vnto þe hippes.
encloſid wiþ gold, bi her ordres,


xliii And vſe þei hem Aaron and his ſones, whanne þei ſhulen xxi And whanne þow haſt takun of þe blood, þat is vpon þe
goo into þe tabernacle of witnes, or whanne þei neiȝen to þe auter, and of þe oyle of anoyntyng, þow ſhalt ſprenge Aaron
auteer, þat þei mynyſtre in þe ſeyntuarye, leſt þei gylti of and his cloþes, þe ſones and þe cloþingis of hem. And ſo hem
wickidnes dyen; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be to Aaron, and ſacryd,
to his ſeed after hym. xxii and þe cloþes, þow ſhalt take þe talwȝ of þe weþer, and
þe tayle, and þe vttermore fatnes þat couereþ þe entrayls, and
Capitulum XXIX. þe fatt calle of þe mawe, and þe two reynes, and þe fat þat is
i But
vpon hem, and þe riȝt ſhuldre, forþi þat it is þe weþer of
and þis þou ſhalt doon, þat þei be ſacrid to me in conſecracioun;
preſthode; tak a calf from þe droue, and two wheþeris wiþ xxiii and a cake of a loof, a cruſtid cake ſpreynde wiþ oyle, a
outen wemme, crompid cake, of þe leepe of þerf looues, þat is ſett in þe ſiȝt
ii and þerf looues, and a cake wiþ outen ſour dowȝ, þe whiche
of þe Lord.
ben þei ſpreynde wiþ oyle, and þerf cramcakes wett wiþ oyle; xxiiii And þow ſhalt putte al vpon þe hondes of Aaron, and of
and of puyr whete meele þow ſhalt make alle þingis, þe ſones of hym, and þow ſhalt halowe hem, areryng vp
iii and put in a leepe þow ſhalt offre. Þe calf forſoþe, and þe
before þe Lord.
two weþeris, xxv And þow ſhalt take alle þe þingis fro þe hondes of hem,
iiii and Aaron and his children, þou ſhalt brynge to þe dore of
and þow ſhalt teende vpon þe auter, into alle brent ſacrifice,
þe tabernacle of witnes; and whanne þow haſt waſſhe þe fader þe mooſt ſwete ſmel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, for it is þe offryng
wiþ þe ſones wiþ water, of hym.
v þow ſhalt cloþe Aaron wiþ his cloþes, þat is to ſeie, wiþ xxvi And þow ſhalt take þe litel breeſt of þe weþir, wiþ þe
rocket, and coote, and coope, and breeſt broche, þat þow ſhalt which Aaron is ſacrid, and þow ſhalt halowe it, arerid vp
ſtreyne wiþ a girdel. before þe Lord, and it ſhal falle into þi part.
vi And þow ſhalt putte a coyif in to his heed, and þe holi xxvii And þou ſhalt halwe þe ſacrid litel breeſt, and þe ſhuldre
plate vpon þe coyif, þat þow ſeuerdiſt fro þe weþer, wiþ which Aaron was
vii and þe oyle of anoyntynge þow ſhalt heelde vpon his heed, halowed, and his children;
and wiþ þis ryte he ſhal be ſacrid. xxviii and þei ſhulen falle into þe part of Aaron, and þe ſones
viii Þe ſones forſoþe of hym þow ſhalt preſente, and þow ſhalt of hym, þurȝ euerlaſtynge riȝt, fro þe ſones of Yrael; for þei
cloþe wiþ lynnen cloþes, ben þe firſt fruytis, and þe bigynnynges of þe peeſible ſleyne
ix and þow ſhalt girde wiþ a girdle, þat is, Aaron and his ſacryfice of hem þat ben offred to þe Lord.
free children; and þow ſhalt putte vpon hem mytrys, and þei xxix And þe hooli cloþ þat Aaron ſhal vſe, þe ſones of hym
ſhulen be my preeſtis wiþ euerlaſtynge religioun. And after ſhulen haue after hym, þat þei ben anoyntid in it and ſacrid
þat þow haſt ſacryde þe hondes of hem, þe hondes of hem.
x þow ſhalt brynge forþ and a calf before þe tabernacle of xxx Seuen daies he ſhal vſe it, þat `ſhal be of his ſones
witnes, and Aaron and his ſones ſhulen putte yn hondes vpon ordeynd biſhop for hym, and þat ſhal goo into þe tabernacle of
þe heed of it; witnes, þat he mynyſtre in þe ſeyntuarye.
xi and þow ſhalt ſlee it in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, biſide þe dore of xxxi And þow ſhalt take þe weþer of halowyng, and þow ſhalt
þe tabernacle of witnes. ſeeþe þe fleſh of it in þe holy place,
xii And þat þat is takun of þe blood of þe calf, þow ſhalt putte xxxii of þe which Aaron ſhal eete, and þe ſones of hym; and
vpon þe hornes of þe auter wiþ þi fyngre; þe relif blood þe looues þat ben in þe leepe þei ſhulen eete in þe veſtiarye of
forſoþe þow ſhalt heelde beſide þe foot of it. þe tabernacle of witnes,
xiii And þow ſhalt take al þe fatnes þat couereþ þe entreyls, xxxiii þat it be a peſible ſacrifice, and þat þe hondes of þe
and þe calle of þe mawe, and þe two kydneers, and þe fatt offrers ben halowid. A man of oþer kynne þan þe ſones of
þat is vpon hem, and þow ſhalt offre encenſe vpon þe auter. Aaron, ſhal not eete of þilke þingis, for þei ben holy.
xiiii Þe fleſh forſoþe of þe calf, and þe ſkynne, and þe dryt, xxxiiii Þat if þere leeue of þe ſacrid fleſh, or of þe looues,
þow ſhalt outforþ brenne out of þe tentis, forþi þat it is for vnto þe morwetide, þow ſhalt brenne þe relif wiþ fier; þei
ſynne. ſhulen not ben etun, for þei ben halowid.
xv And þow ſhalt take o weþer, vpon whos heed Aaron and xxxv Alle þingis þat Y comaundide to þee, þow ſhalt do vpon
his ſones ſhal ligge þe hondes; Aaron, and vpon þe ſones of hym. Seuen daies þow ſhalt
xvi þe which whanne þou haſt ſlawe, þow ſhalt take of þe ſacre þe hondes of hem,
xxxvi and þow ſhalt offre a calf for ſynne bi eche dayes to
blood of it, and þow ſhalt heelde aboute þe auter.
xvii And þow ſhalt kutte þat weþer in gobettis, and þe perfitely clenſe; and þou ſhalt clenſe þe auter, whanne þow
entrayls of it waſhid, and þe feete, þow ſhalt putte vpon þe offreſt þe ſacrifies of parfite clenſyng, and þow ſhalt anoynte it
cut fleſh, and vpon his heed; into þe halwyng.
xviii and þow ſhalt offre al þe weþer into enſence vpon þe xxxvii Seuen daies þow ſhalt clenſe þe auter, and halowe, and
auter; offrynge it is to þe Lord, þe mooſt ſwete ſmel of þe it ſhal be holy of halowis; eche þat towchiþ it ſhal be halowid.
xxxviii Þis is þat þow ſhalt do in þe auter; two loombes of o
ſlawn ſacrifice of þe Lord.
xix And þow ſhalt take anoþer weþer, vpon whos heed Aaron ȝere bi eche day biſili,
xxxix o loombe at morwetide, and anoþer at euen tide;
and his ſones ſhulen putte hondes,
xx þe which whanne þow haſt offrede, þow ſhalt take of þe xl þe tenþe part of þe tried flowr ſpreynd wiþ oyle, powned,
blood of it, and þow ſhalt putte vpon þe eende of þe ryȝt eer þat haue a meſure, þe fourþe part of hyn, þat is a ſextarye,
of Aaron, and of his ſones, and vpon þe þoumbis of þe hoond þat is a meſure of two pownd, and wyn to offre of þe ſame
of hem, and of þe riȝt foot; and þow ſhalt heelde þe blood meſure, in o lombe.
vpon þe auter, bi enuyroun.


xli Anoþer forſoþe lombe þou ſhalt offre at euen, after þe riyt xviii And þow ſhalt make a braſun lauatory wiþ his foot to
of þe morwetide offryng, and after `þo þingis þat `we han waſhe wiþ, and þow ſhalt putte it betwix þe tabernacle of
ſeid, into þe ſmel of ſwetnes; witnes and þe auter; and þe water put yn,
xlii a ſacrifice to þe Lord it is wiþ euerlaſtynge offryng into xix Aaron and his ſones ſhulen waſhe in it her hondes and
ȝoure generaciouns, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witnes feete,
before þe Lord, where Y ſhal ordeyne þat I ſpeke to þee; xx whanne þei ben to goynge ynto þe tabernacle of witneſſyng,
xliii and þere Y ſhal comaunde to þe ſones of Yrael, and þe and whanne þei ben neiȝynge to þe auter þat þei offren in it
auter ſhal be halowid in my glorye. maad enſence to þe Lord,
xliiii And I ſhal halowe þe tabernacle of witnes wiþ þe auter, xxi leſt perauenture þei dyen; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be to
and Aaron wiþ þe ſones of hym, þat þei beren þe office of hym and to þe ſeed of hym bi ſucceſſyouns.
preeſthod to me. xxii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xlv And Y ſhal dwelle in þe myddil of þe ſones of Yrael, and xxiii Tak to þee ſwete ſmellynge þingis, of þe firſt myrre and
Y ſhal be to hem a God; choſen, fyue hundryd ſiclis; and þe half of þe canel, þat is,
xlvi and þei ſhulen knowe, for Y am þe Lord God of hem, þat two hundrid and fifti ſiclis; and of chaalamy alſo two hundryd
haþ ladde hem out of þe loond of Egipte, þat Y myȝt dwelle and fifti,
among hem; Y þe Lord God of hem. xxiiii and of chaſee fyue hundryd ſicles, in þe weiȝt of þe
ſeyntuarye; oyle of þe olyues, þe meſure of hyn, `þat is, of two
Capitulum XXX. pownd;
xxv and þow ſhalt make þe holy oyle of anoyntyng, an
i And þou ſhalt make an auter, for to brenne `þe maad enſence
of þe trees of Sichym, oynement maad wiþ þe werk of ungwentarye.
xxvi And þow ſhalt anoynt of it þe tabernacle of witneſſynge,
ii hauynge o cubijt of lengþe, and anoþer of brede, þat is foure
cornerd, and two cubites in heiȝt; hornes ſhulen goo out of it. and þe arke of teſtament,
xxvii and þe bord wiþ his veſſels, and þe candelſtik, and þe
iii And þow ſhalt cloþe it wiþ mooſt puyr gold, as wel þe litel
fier panne of it, as þe walles bi enuyroun, and þe hornes; neceſſaryes of it, þe auter of enſence,
xxviii and of al brent ſacrifice, and al þe neceſſarye þat
and þow ſhalt make to it a coroun of gold bi enuyroun,
iiii and two rynges of gold vnder þe hornes bi eche ſides, þat perteyneþ to þe heriying to hem.
xxix And alle þow ſhalt halowe, and þei ſhulen be þe holi
þe berynge ſtaues mowen be putte into hem, and þe auter
born. þingis of halowes; he þat towchiþ hem, ſhal be halowid.
v And þilke berynge ſtaues þow ſhalt make of þe trees of xxx Þow ſhalt anoynt Aaron, and þe ſones of hym, and þow
Sichym, and gilden; ſhalt halwe hem, þat þei beren þe office of preeſthod to me.
vi and þow ſhalt ſette þe auter aȝens þe veyle, þat hongiþ xxxi And to þe ſones of Yrael þow ſhalt ſeie, Þis oyle of
before þe arke of teſtymonye before þe propiciatorye, wiþ þe anoyntyng holy it ſhal be to me into ȝoure generaciouns.
which is couerd þe witneſſynge, where Y ſhal ſpeke to þee. xxxii Þe fleſh of man ſhal not be anoyntyde of it, and biſide
vii And Aaron ſhal brenne þe enſence ſwete ſmellynge vpon it þe compoſicioun of it ȝe ſhulen not make anoþer, for it is
erly; whanne he ſhal araye þe lanternes, he ſhal teenden it; halowid, and hooli ſhal be to ȝow.
viii and whanne he ſettiþ hem at euen, he ſhal brenne þe xxxiii What euer man make ſich on, and ȝyue of it to an
euerlaſtynge maad enſenſe before þe Lord, into ȝoure alyen, he ſhalle be putte out of his puple.
generaciouns. xxxiiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeyde to Moyſes, Tak to þee ſwete
ix Ȝe ſhulen not offer vpon it enſence of oþer makynge, ne ſmellynge þinges, ſtacten, and onycha, galbantum of good
offrynge, ne ſacrifice, ne offrynge loues ȝe ſhulen taſte. ſmel, and enſence mooſt liȝtynge, and alle þei ſhulen ben of
x And Aaron ſhal preye vpon þe hornes of it ones bi þe ȝeer, euen weiȝte.
xxxv And þow ſhalt make þe maad enſence wiþ werk of
in blood þat is offerd for ſynne, and he ſhal pleſe vpon it in
ȝoure generaciouns; þe holy of halowen it ſhal be to þe Lord. oynement makynge, meyngid biſily, and puyr, and mooſt worþi
xi And þe Lord ſpake to Moyſes, ſeiynge, wiþ halowyng.
xxxvi And whanne þow haſt pownede alle togidere into mooſt
xii Whanne þow takiſt a ſowme of þe ſones of Yrael, eche ſhal
ȝyue prijs after þe noumbre for her ſoules to þe Lord, and ſmal powdre, þow ſhalt putte of it before þe tabernacle of
þere ſhal be no veniaunce in hem, whanne þei ſhulen be wytneſſynge, in þe which place Y ſhal apere to þee; hooly of
nowmbred. halowes ſhal be to ȝow þe maad enſence.
xxxvii Siche a makynge ȝe ſhulen not make into ȝoure owne
xiii And eche ſhal ȝyue þis þat paſſiþ to a name, half `an
nounce after þe meſure of þe temple; a ſicle, `þat is, a nounce, vſes, for hooli it is to þe Lord.
xxxviii Eche man þat doþ lyik þing, þat he ful vſe þe ſmel of
haþ twenti half ſcripilles; þe half perty of a ſicle ſhal be offerd
to þe Lord. it, he ſhal peryſhe fro his puplis.
xiiii He þat is had in þe noumbre, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue,
ſhal ȝyue þe prijs; Capitulum XXXI.
xv þe riche ſhal not adde to an half ſicle, and þe pore no þing i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ſhal leſſe. ii Loo! I haue
xvi And þe money takun, þat is gederid of þe ſones of Yrael, clepid Beſeleel bi name, þe ſone of Hury, ſone
of Hur, of þe lynage of Juda;
þow ſhalt take in to þe vſes of þe tabernacle of witneſſynge, iii and Y haue fulfillid hym wiþ þe ſpiryt of God, wiþ
þat þere be þe mynde of hem before þe Lord, and he haue
mercy to þe ſoules of hem. wiſdom, and vnderſtondyng,
xvii And þe Lord ſpake to Moyſes, ſeyynge, iiii and kunnyng in al werk, to caſte what euer þing may be
forgid of gold, and of ſiluer, and of braſſe,
v marble, and gemmes, and dyuerſte of trees.


vi And Y haue ȝeuen to hym a felaw, Ooliab, þe ſone of ix And eftſones þe Lord ſeiþ to Moyſes, Y ſe wel þat þis
Achiſamech, of þe lynage of Dan; and in þe herte of eche puple is of hard nol;
tawȝt I haue putte wiſdomes, þat þei maken alle þingis þat I x late me þat my woodnes wreþ aȝen hem, and þat I do hem
haue comaundide to þee; awey; and þee I ſhal make into a greet folk of kynde.
vii þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees, and þe arke of xi Moyſes forſoþe preyede þe Lord his God, ſeiynge, Whi,
witneſſyng, and þe propiciatorye þat is vpon it, and alle þe Lord, wraþþiþ þi woodnes aȝen þi puple, whom þow haſt
veſſels of þe tabernacle; ladde out of þe loond of Egipte in greet ſtrengþe, and in a
viii and þe meet bord, and þe veſſels of it, þe mooſt puyr ſtroong hoond?
candelſtik wiþ his veſſels, and þe auteers of þe maad enſence, xii Leſt, Y biſeche, þe Egipciens ſeyn, fellich he haþ ladde
ix and of þe albrent ſacrifice, and alle þe veſſels of hem; þe hem out, þat he myȝte ſlee in þe hilles, and doon a wey fro þe
lauatorie wiþ his foot; erþe, reſte þi wraþþe, and be peeſyble vpon þe wickidnes of þi
x þe holi cloþes in þe ſeruyis to Aaron þe preeſt, and to þe puple.
ſones of hym, þat þei vſen hyr office in ſacrid þingis; xiii Record of Abraham, Yſaac, and of Yrael, þi ſeruauntis, to
xi þe oyle of anoynting, and þe maad enſence of ſwete whom þow haſt ſworn bi þi ſeluen, ſeiynge, Y ſhal multiplie
ſmellynge þingis in þe ſeyntuarye; alle þingis þat I haue ȝoure ſeed as þe ſterres of heuene, and al þis loond of þe
comaundide to þee, þei ſhulen make. which Y haue ſpokun, Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝoure ſeed, and ȝe
xii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, ſhulen welde it euermore.
xiiii And þe Lord was pleſid þat he dide not þe harme, þat he
xiii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem,
ſpake aȝens his puple.
Lookeþ þat ȝe kepen myn holy day, for it is a tokne bitwix xv And Moyſes is turned aȝen fro þe hil, berynge in hoond
me and ȝow in ȝoure generaciouns; þat ȝe witen for Y a
Lord, þat halowiþ ȝow. two tablis of teſtymonye wrytun on eiþir ſide,
xiiii Kepiþ myn holi day, holi forſoþe it is to ȝow; who ſo xvi and maad wiþ þe werk of God; þe wrytyng forſoþe of God
poluteþ it, wiþ deþ dye he; who ſo doþ in it werk, ſhal periſhe was grauen in þe tables.
þe lijf of hym fro þe myddil of his puple. xvii Joſue forſoþ herynge þe noyſe of þe puple criynge out,
xv Six dayes ȝe ſhulen do werk; in þe ſeuenþe day is holy ſeide to Moyſes, Ȝellynge of fiȝtynge is herd in þe tentis.
day, þe holi reſte to þe Lord; eche þat doþ werk in þat day xviii To whom he anſwerde, It is not a crye of men biddynge
ſhal dye. to fiȝtyng, ne an out crye of men compellynge to flee, but a
xvi Þe ſones of Yrael kepe þei þe holy day, and halowe þei it voys of men ſyngynge Y here.
in her generaciouns; a couenaunt it is euer durynge bitwix me xix And whanne he was nyȝ to þe tentis, he ſawȝ þe calf, and
and þe ſones of Yrael, companyes of men al abowt; and ful wrooþ he þrewe þe tablis
xvii and a perpetuel tokyn; ſix forſoþe dayes God made heuene out of þe hoond, and he brake hem at þe rotes of þe hil.
and erþe, and in þe ſeuenþe day fro þe werk he ceſide. xx And cacchynge þe calf þat þei hadden made, he brente, and
xviii And þe Lord ȝaf to Moyſes fulfillid þes maner wordes, gronde it al to doſt, þe which he ſprengide `in to water, and
in þe mownt of Synay, two ſtonen tablis of witneſſyng, ȝaf of it drynke to þe ſones of Yrael.
writun wiþ þe fyngre of God. xxi And Moyſes ſeide to Aaron, What dide þis puple to þee,
þat þow woldeſt brynge vpon hem þe mooſt ſynne?
Capitulum XXXII. xxii To whom he anſwerde, Ne endeyn, my lord, þou forſoþe

i The
knewe þis puple, þat it is redy to yuel;
puple forſoþe, ſeynge þat Moyſes made abidyng of xxiii þei ſeiden to me, Make to vs goddis, þat goon beforn vs,
comyng doun fro þe hil, gederid to gidere aȝens Aaron, ſeiþ, to þis Moyſes forſoþe, þat ladde vs out of þe loond of Egipte,
Ariſe, mak to vs goddis, þat goon beforn vs; to þis man we knowen not what is befaln.
Moyſes, þat haþ ladde vs out fro þe loond of Egipte, we xxiiii To whom Y ſeide, Which of ȝow haþ gold? Þei token,
knowen not what is fallyn.
ii And Aaron ſeide to hem, Tak ȝe þe goldun eer rynges fro and ȝauen to me, and Y þrewe it into þe fier, and þere ȝede
þe eerys of wyues, and of ſones, and of ȝoure dowȝtres, and out þis calf.
xxv Seynge þanne Moyſes þe puple, þat it was nakid; Aaron
bryngiþ to me.
iii Þe puple dide þat he comaundide, bryngynge þe eer rynges forſoþe hadde ſpoylde it for þe ſenſhip of þe filþe, and among
to Aaron; þe enemyes he hadde ſette it nakid;
xxvi and ſtondynge in þe ȝatis of þe tentis, ſeiþ, If eny man
iiii þe whiche whanne he hadde takun, he fourmyde wiþ ȝetun
werk, and made of hem a ȝotun calf. And þei ſeiden, Þes ben be of þe Lord, be he ioyned to me; and þere ben gedered to
þi goddis, Yrael, þat ladde þee out of þe loond of Egipte. hym alle þe ſones of Leuy.
xxvii To whom he ſeiþ, Þes þinges ſeiþ þe Lord God of
v Þe whiche þing whanne Aaron hadde ſeeyn, he made vp an
auter before it, and in voys of a bedel he cryede, ſeiynge, To Yrael, Put a man a ſwerd vpon his hippe, goþ, and turneþ
morwe is þe ſolempnyte of þe Lord. aȝen fro ȝate vnto ȝate by þe myddel of þe tentis, and ſlee
vi And þei aryſun erly offreden ſacrifices al brent and peeſible
echon broþer, and frende, and his neiȝbore.
xxviii Þe ſones of Leuy diden after þe word of Moyſes, and
ſacrifices; and þe puple ſat to ete and to drynke, and aryſen to þere fellen in þat day as þre and twenti þowſynd of men.
pleyen. xxix And Moyſes ſeiþ, Ȝe han ſacrid ȝoure hoondes to day to
vii Þe Lord forſoþe ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Go, deſcende, þi
puple haþ ſynned, whom þow haſt ladde out of þe loond of þe Lord, echon in ſone, and in his broþer, þat þere be ȝeue to
Egipte. ȝow bliſſyng.
xxx And anoþer dai begun Moyſes ſpake to þe puple, Ȝe han
viii Soone þei han goon backward fro þe weie þat þow
ſhewediſt to hem, and þei han made to hem a ȝotun calf, and ſynned þe mooſt ſynne; Y ſhal ſtye vp to þe Lord, if eny
anourden, and offrynge to it ſacrifices ſeiden, Þes ben þi manere Y may preye hym for ȝoure gilt.
goddis, Iſrael, þat han ladde þee out of þe loond of Egipte.


xxxi And he goon aȝen to þe Lord, ſeiþ, Lord, Y biſeche, þis xvii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeiþ to Moyſes, And þis word þat þow
puple haþ ſynned a greet ſynne, and þei han made to hem haſt ſpokun, Y ſhal do; þow haſt forſoþe founde grace before
goldun goddis; me, and þi ſilf Y haue knowe bi name.
xxxii ouþer forȝif hem þis gilt, or if þow doſt not, do me out xviii Þe which ſeiþ, Shew to me þi glorie.
of þi book, þat þou haſt wrytun. xix He anſwerde, Y ſhal ſhewe al good to þee, and Y ſhal be
xxxiii To whom þe Lord anſwerde, Who ſo ſynneþ to me, Y clepid in þe name of þe Lord before þee, and Y ſhal haue
ſhal do hym out of my book; mercy to whom Y wole, and goodliche Y ſhal be to whom it
xxxiiii þow forſoþe goo, and lede þis puple whider Y ſpake to likiþ to me.
þee; myn aungel ſhall goo before þee, and Y in þe day of xx And eft he ſeiþ, Þow ſhalt not mowe ſe my face, forſoþe
veniaunce ſhal viſite þis ſynne of hem. þere ſhal not mowe ſe me a man, and lyue.
xxxv Þan þe Lord ſmoot þe puple for þe gilt of þe calf, þat xxi And eft, Loo! he ſeiþ, þere is a place anentis me, and
Aaron made. þow ſhalt ſtonde vpon a ſtoon;
xxii and whanne my glorie ſhal paſſe, Y ſhal putte þee in þe
Capitulum XXXIII. hool of þe ſtoon, and I ſhal defende wiþ my riȝt hoond, to þe
i And
tyme þat Y paſſe;
þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Go, and ſtye vp fro xxiii and I ſhal take myn hoond, and þow ſhalt ſe myn
þis place, þow, and þi puple, þat þow haſt ladde out of þe hyndermore, my face forſoþe þow ſhalt not mowe ſe.
loond of Egipte, in to þe loond þat Y ſwore to Abraham,
Yſaac, and Jacob, ſeiynge, To þi ſeed Y ſhal ȝyue it.
ii And Y ſhal ſende an aungel, þi before renner, þat Y þrowe Capitulum XXXIIII.
out Chanane, and Amorre, and Ethe, and Phereze, and Eue, i And þerafter, Cut, he ſeiþ, to þee two ſtonun tables at þe
and Jebuze, liknes of þe former, and Y ſhal write vpon hem þe wordes
iii and þow go into þe loond flowynge mylk and hony; forſoþe þat hadden þe tablis, þat þow brak.
Y ſhal not ſtie vp wiþ þee, for a puple `it is of hard nol, leſt ii Be redi eerli, þat þow ſtie vp anone into þe hil of Synay;
perauenture Y ſkater þee in þe weie. and þow ſhalt ſtonde wiþ me vpon þe cop of þe hil;
iiii Þe puple herynge þis werſt word weilide, and noon after iii no man ſtie vp wiþ þee, ne be ſeen eny man þurȝ out al þe
þe wonne was cloþid his ournyng. hil; oxen forſoþe and ſheep, be þei not fedde þere aȝens.
v And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, A iiii Þanne he hewide out two ſtonun tables, what manere þei
puple of hard nol þow art; ones Y ſhal ſtye vp in þe myddil weren before, and fro nyȝt aryſynge he ſtiede vp into þe hil of
of þee, and Y ſhal do þee awey; now riȝt put down þin Synay, as þe Lord comaundide to him, berynge wiþ hym þe
ournement, þat I knowe, what Y ſhal do to þee. tables.
vi Þanne þe ſones of Yrael diden doun her ournement fro þe v And whanne þe Lord had ſtiede vp bi þe clowde, Moyſes
hil of Oreb. ſtood wiþ hym, inwardli clepynge þe name of þe Lord,
vii And Moyſes takynge a tabernacle ſtrauȝte it afer out of þe vi whom paſſynge before hym, ſeiþ, Lordſhiper, Lord God,
tentis, and he clepyde þe name of it þe tabernacle of þe boond mercyable, and goodliche, and pacient, and of myche mercy,
of pees. And al þe puple þat hadde eny queſtioun, ȝede out to and verrey,
þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees, out of þe tentis. vii þat kepiſt couenaunt and mercy into þowſandes, þat doſt
viii And whanne Moyſes ȝede out to þe tabernacle, alle þe
awei wickidnes, and hidows giltis, and ſynnes, and no man
puple aroos, and echon ſtode in þe dore of his tente, and þei anentis þee bi him ſilf is innocent, þat ȝeldiſt wickidnes of
biheelden þe bak of Moyſes, to þe tyme he ȝede into þe tente. fadris to ſones and neces, into þe þridde and þe ferþe
ix He forſoþe goon into þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees, progenye.
diſcendide a piler of a clowde, and ſtode at þe dore; and `þe viii And Moyſes haſtynge is bowid redi into þe erþe, and
Lord ſpak wiþ Moyſes, anowrynge,
x alle men beholdynge þat þe piler of þe clowde ſtode at þe ix ſeiþ, If Y haue founde grace in þi ſiȝt, Lord, I biſeche þat
dore of þe tabernacle; and þei ſtoden, and lowtiden þurȝ þe þow goo wiþ vs, forſoþe þe puple is of hard nol, and þat þow
ȝates of her tabernaclis. do awey oure wickidnes, and ſynnes, and þat þow welde vs.
xi Þe Lord forſoþe ſpak to Moyſes face to face, as a man is x Þe Lord anſwerde, Y ſhal goo in couenaunt, ſeynge alle
wonte to ſpeke to his freende; and whanne he turnede aȝen men, I ſhal do ſignes, þat neuere weren ſeen vpon erþe, ne in
into þe tentis, þe ſeruaunt of hym, child Joſue, þe ſone of eny folkis of kynde, þat þis puple ſeen, in whos myddil þow
Num, ȝede not fro þe tabernacle. art, þe feerful werk of þe Lord, þat Y am to do.
xii And Moyſes ſeide to þe Lord, Þow comaundis, þat I lede xi Kep alle þingis þat to day I haue comaundide to þee; Y
out þis puple, and þow ſhewiſt not to me, whom þow art to my ſilf ſhal þrowe out before þi face Amorrey, Chananey, and
ſendynge wiþ me, namelich ſiþ þow ſeiſt, Y knewe þee bi Ethei, Phereſei forſoþe, and Euei, and Jebuzei.
name, and þow haſt founde grace before me. xii Be war, leſt eny tyme þow ioyne frendſhips wiþ þe
xiii If þanne Y haue founde grace in þi ſiȝt, ſhew to me þi
dwellers of þat loond, þat ben to þee into fallyng.
face, þat I knowe þee, and fynde grace before þin eyen; xiii But and þe auteers of hem deſtrye, brek togidere þe
behold þi puple, and þis folk.
xiiii And God ſeide, My face ſhal goo before þee, and reſte Y ymages, and þe mawmete woodes hew down;
xiiii wole þow not anowre an alien God; þe Lord gelows þe
ſhal ȝyue to þee.
xv And Moyſes ſeiþ, If þow þi ſilf goſt not before, ne lede name of hym, God is a louer;
xv ne go þow not into couenaunt wiþ men of þat regioun, leſt
þow vs fro þis place;
xvi in what forſoþe mowen we knowe, I and þis puple, þat whanne þei han do fornycacioun wiþ her goddes, and
anourden þe mawmetis of hem, eny man clepe þee, þat þow
we han founde grace in þi ſiȝt, but if þat þow go wiþ vs, þat eete of þe þingis þat ben offerd.
we ben glorrifyed of alle puples þat dwellen vpon þe erþe?


xvi Ne wijf of þe dowȝtris of hem þow ſhalt tak to þi ſones, iii Ȝe ſhulen not tiende fier in al ȝoure dwellyng place bi þe
leſt after þat þei han do fornycacioun, þei maken to do holi day.
fornycaciouns and þi ſones into her goddis. iiii And Moyſes ſeiþ to alle þe companyes of þe ſones of
xvii Ȝotun goddis þow ſhalt not make to þee. Yrael, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord comaundide, ſeiynge,
xviii Þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues þow ſhalt kepe; ſeuen dayes v Seuer ȝe anentis ȝow þe chefe fruytis to þe Lord; eche
þow ſhalt eete þerf looues, as I haue comaundide to þee, in wilful and of redi inwit offer hem to þe Lord, gold, and
þe tyme of þe moneþ of new þinges; in þe moneþ forſoþe of ſiluer, and braſſe,
veer tyme þow ȝedeſt out of Egipte. vi iacynct, and purpur, and cocto twies died, and bijs, heeris
xix Al þat openiþ þe wombe of maal kynde ſhal be myn, of of goote,
alle hauynge lijf, as wel of oxen, as of ſheep, ſhal be myne. vii and þe ſkynnes of weþers maad reed, and iacynctyne, þe
xx Þe firſt goten of an aſſe þow ſhalt bigge wiþ a ſheep; ellis trees of Sichym,
forſoþe if þow ȝyueſt not for it þe priys, it ſhal be ſlawn. Þe viii and oyle to þe liȝtes `to be maad, and þat þere be maad
firſt gotun of þi ſones þow ſhalt `aȝenbigge; ne þow ſhalt not an oynement, and þe mooſt ſwete enſence,
apere in my ſiȝt voide. ix onychyn ſtonus and gemmes, to þe anowrnnyng of þe coope,
xxi Six dayes þow ſhalt worche, þe ſeuenþe day þow ſhalt
and of þe breeſt broche.
ceeſe to eeren and to repen. x Who ſo euere of ȝow is wijs, come he, and mak þat þe
xxii Þe ſolempnyte of weekis þow ſhalt make to þee in þe firſt
Lord haþ comaundide,
bigynnyng of fruytis of þi whete herueſt, and þe ſolempnete xi þat is, þe tabernacle, and þe roof of it, and þe coueryng;
whanne, þe tyme turnynge aȝen of þe ȝeer, alle þinges ben
putte vp. rynges, and þe `tablid ſides, wiþ þe berynge ſtaues, litil
xxiii Þre tymes of þe ȝeer ſhal apere eche maal child þat is ſtakes, and feet;
xii þe arke, and þe berynge ſtaues; þe propicyatorie, and þe
þin in þe ſiȝt of þe Almyȝti Lord, þi God, Yrael.
xxiiii Whanne forſoþe Y ſhal take þe gentiles fro þi face, and veyle, þat before it is ſprad abrood;
xiii þe meetbord wiþ berynge ſtaues, and þe veſſels, and þe
I ſhal ſprede abrood þi teermes, no man ſhal putte ſpies to þi
loond, þee ſtyinge vp and apperynge in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi looues of propoſicioun;
God, þries in þe ȝeer. xiiii þe candelſtik to ſuſteyne þe liȝtes, þe veſſels of it, and
xxv Þou ſhalt not offre vpon þe ſowr dowȝ þe blood of my lanternes, and oyle to þe noriſhyng of fyres;
ſacrifice, neþer ſhal not leeue vnto þe morwe tide of þe xv þe auter of þe maad enſence, and þe beryng ſtaues; oyle of
ſacrifice of þe ſolempnyte of paſk. anoynting, and þe maad enſence of þe ſwete ſmellynge ſpices;
xxvi Þe chefe of þe fruytes of þi loond þow ſhalt offre in þe þe tente at þe dore of þe tabernacle;
hows of þe Lord þi God. Þow ſhalt not ſeeþe a kidde in þe xvi þe autere of þe al brent ſacrifice, and þe braſun gredeyrne
mylk of his moder. of it, wiþ þe berynge ſtaues, and his veſſels; þe lauatorie, and
xxvii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Write to þee þes wordes, þe feet of it;
wiþ whiche Y haue couenauntide a boond of pees, wiþ þee xvii þe cortynes of þe porche, wiþ pilers, and feet; þe tentis in
and wiþ Yrael. þe ȝatis of þe veſtiarie;
xxviii Þanne Moyſes was þere wiþ þe Lord fourti dayes and xviii þe litil ſtakis of þe tabernacle, and of þe porche, wiþ her
fourti nyȝtis, and eete no breed, ne drank water; and he wroot cordes;
in þe tables þe ten wordes of þe boond of pees. xix þe cloþes whoſe vſe is in þe ſeruyce of þe ſeyntuarye; þe
xxix And whanne Moyſes deſcendide fro þe mownt of Synay, cloþes of Aaron þe biſhop, and of his ſones, þat þei beren þe
he held two tables of teſtymonye, and he wiſte not þat his face office of preeſthod to me.
was horned of þe cumpanye of þe word of God. xx And al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael goon out fro þe
xxx Aaron forſoþe and þe ſones of Yrael, ſeynge þe face of ſiȝt of Moyſes,
Moyſes horned, þei dredden to comen nyȝ, xxi offerde wiþ mooſt redi mynde and deuoute þe chefe þinges
xxxi and þei clepid of hym turneden aȝen, as wel Aaron as þe to þe Lord, to make þe werk of þe tabernacle of teſtymonye,
princes of þe ſynagoge; what þing to þe heriyng and to þe holy cloþes was neſſeſſarye.
xxxii and after þat he had ſpokun, comen to hym alſo alle þe xxii Men wiþ wymmen ȝeuen hongynge rynges, and eer
ſones of Yrael; to whom he comaundide alle þinges þat he rynges, and hoond rynges, and beeȝis; al gilden veſſel is
hadde herd of þe Lord in þe mownt of Synay. ſeuerd into þe ȝiftis of þe Lord.
xxxiii And fulfillid þe wordes, he putte a veyle vpon his face; xxiii Who ſo euer hadde iacynct, and purpur, and cocco twies
xxxiiii þe which, he goon yn to þe Lord, and ſpekynge wiþ died, bijs, and heeris of goote, weþer ſkynnes maad reed, and
him, dide awey, to þe tyme þat he ſhulde goo out; and þanne blew,
he ſpak to þe ſones of Yrael alle þinges, þat to hym weren xxiiii þe metals of ſiluer, and of braſſe, þei offreden to þe
comaundid; Lord, and þe trees of Sichym into dyuerſe vſis.
xxxv þe whiche ſeen þe face of Moyſes goynge out be horned, xxv But and wymmen ȝyuen þat come þurȝ dower, iacynct,
but eft he couerde his face, if eny tyme he ſpak to hem. and purpur, and reed ſilk, and bijs,
xxvi and þe heeris of goote, wilfully alle propre þingis
Capitulum XXXV. ȝeuynge.
xxvii Þe princes forſoþe offerden onychyn ſtonus and gemmes,
i Therfore alle þe cumpanye of alle þe ſones of Yrael gedered,
he ſeid to hem, Þes ben þat þe Lord haþ comaundide to be to þe coope and breeſt broche,
xxviii and ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, and oyle to make þe liȝtes,
ii Six daies ȝe ſhulen doo werk, þe ſeuenþe day ſhal be to and to greiþe þe oynement, and to make þe encenſe of mooſt
ȝow holy, an holi day and þe reſte of þe Lord; who ſo doþ ſwete ſmel.
werk in it he ſhal be ſlayn.


xxix Alle men and wymmen wiþ a deuowt mynde offerden xviii and fifti braſun knoppis wiþ whiche þe roof myȝte be
ȝiftis, þat þe werkis `ſhulden be maad, þat þe Lord knyt, and o mantil be made of alle þe ſarges.
comaundide bi þe hoond of Moyſes; alle þe ſones of Yrael xix And he made þe couertour of þe tabernacle of ſkynnes of
halowiden wilful þinges to þe Lord. weþers maad reed, and anoþer aboue þe veyle of ſkynnes
xxx And Moyſes ſeide to þe ſones of Iſrael, Loo! þe Lord haþ maad blew.
clepid Beſeleel bi name, þe ſones of Hury, þe ſone of Hur, of xx And he made þe tablis of þe tabernacle of þe trees of
þe lynage of Juda; Sichym ſtondynge;
xxxi and he haþ fulfillede hym wiþ þe ſpiryt of God, of xxi of ten cubites was þe lengþe of þe to table, and oþer half
wiſdom, and vnderſtondyng, and of kunnyng, wiþ al doctrine, cubijt þe brede heeld.
xxxii to caſt and to make þe werk, in gold, and ſiluer, and xxii Two rabitynges weren bi eche tables, þat þe tone to `þat
braſſe, oþer myȝt be ioyned;
xxxiii and in ſtonus to ben graued, and in carpentarye werk; xxiii ſo he made in alle þe tablis of þe tabernacle. Of þe
what þing craftily may be founde, whiche twenti weren at þe mydday cooſt aȝens þe ſowþ,
xxxiiii he haþ ȝouun in his herte; and Ooliab, þe ſone of xxiiii wiþ fourti ſilueren footſtakys; two footſtakis vndur o
Achymaſech, of þe lynage of Dan; table weren put at eiþir parti of þe corners, where þe
xxxv boþe he haþ tauȝte wiþ wiſdom, þat þei maken þe werkis rabityngis of þe ſides in þe corners weren endid.
of carpentarye, of browdrye, and of werkyng wiþ needlis, of xxv At þe cooſt forſoþe of þe tabernacle þat biholdiþ to þe norþ
iacynct, and purpur, and cocto twies died, and of bijs, and he made twenti tablis,
alle þinges weue þei, and alle newe þingis fynde þei. xxvi wiþ fourti ſilueren footſtakis, two footſtakis bi eche tablis.
xxvii Aȝens þe weſt forſoþe, þat is at þat parti of þe tabernacle
Capitulum XXXVI.
þat biholdiþ þe ſee, he maad ſix tables,
i Thanne diden Beſeleel, and Oliab, and eche wiſe man, to xxviii and two oþer bi eche corners of þe tabernacle bihynde,
whom þe Lord ȝaue wiſdom and vndirſtondynge, þat þei xxix þe whiche weren ioyned fro beneþe vnto abouen, and in
cowden craftili worche þat ben neceſſarie into þe vſes of þe to o ioynyng togidere þei weren born; ſo he made on eiþir
ſeyntuarie, and þat þe Lord haþ comaundide to be maad. parti bi þe corners,
ii And whanne Moyſes hadde clepide hem, and eche tawȝt
xxx þat eiȝt tablis weren togidere, and hadden ſixtene ſilueren
man, to whom þe Lord hadde ȝeue wiſdome, and þat wilfulli footſtakis, þat is, two ſilueren footſtakis vnder eche tablis.
hadden offerd hem to make þe werk, xxxi And he made berynge ſtaues, fyue of þe trees of Sichym
iii he toke to hem alle þe ȝiftis of þe ſones of Yrael. Þe
whiche whanne þei ſtoden ſtedfaſtly to her werk eche daye, to hold togidere þe tablis of þe to ſide of þe tabernacle,
xxxii and fyue oþere to make togidere þe tables of þe toþer
eerly þe puple offerde þe auowes.
iiii Wherfor þe crafti men conſtreyned to come, ſide, and wiþouten þes, fyue oþere berynge ſtaues at þe weſt
v ſeiden to Moyſes, Þe puple more offeriþ þan is nede.
cooſt of þe tabernacle aȝens þe ſee.
xxxiii And he made anoþer berynge ſtaf, þat ſhulde come þurȝ
vi Þanne Moyſes comaundide in þe voyce of a bedel to be
þe myddil tables fro corner vnto corner.
cryde, Neiþer man ne womman eny þing more offre in þe xxxiiii And þilk tablid þingis he giltide, ȝotun þe ſiluer
werk of þe ſeyntuarie; and ſo was ceeſſide fro þe ȝiftis to ben footſtakis of hem, and he made þe cercles of hem golden, bi
offerd, þe whiche þe berynge barres myȝten be lad ynne, þe whiche
vii forþi þat þe offred þinges ſufficeden, and aboundide more
and hem he couerde wiþ golden platis.
ouer. xxxv And he made þe veyle dyuerſe and ſondrye, of iacynct,
viii And alle þe wiſe men in herte maden to fille þe werk of
and purpur, `reed ſilk, and bijs foldid aȝen, wiþ browdrye
þe tabernacle ten cortyns of bijs foldun aȝen, and iacynct, and werk;
purpur, and cocto twies dyed, wiþ diuers werk, and wiþ xxxvi and foure pileris of þe trees of Sichym, þe whiche wiþ
browdrye craft. þe heedis he gildide, ȝoten þe ſiluer footſtakis of hem.
ix Of þe whiche oon hadde in lengþe eiȝte and twenti cubites,
xxxvii And he made a tente in þe entre of þe tabernacle, of
and in brede foure; o meſure was of alle þe cortyns. iacynct, and purpur, reed ſilk, and bijs foldid aȝen, wiþ þe
x And he ioynede fyue cortyns eiþer to oþer, and oþere fyue he
werk of nedlis;
cowplede togidere to hem ſeluen; xxxviii and fyue pylers wiþ her heedis, þe whiche he couerde
xi and he made iacynctyne oyletis in þe hemme of þe o cortyn
wiþ gold, and þe braſun footſtakis of hem he ȝetide, þe whiche
on eiþer ſyde, and in þe hemme of þe oþer alſo, he couerde wiþ gold.
xii þat þe oyletis myȝten come aȝens hem ſeluen togidere, and
togidere be ioyned; Capitulum XXXVII.
xiii wherfore and fifti golden cerclis he ȝeetide, þat myȝten
i Beſeleel forſoþe made alſo þe arke of þe trees of Sichym,
hold þe oiletes of þe cortyns, and þat þere were maad o
tabernacle. hauynge two cubites and an half in lengþe, and oþer half
xiiii And he made enleuen ſarges of þe heeris of goote, to cubijt in brede, and þe hiȝte was of oþer half cubijt; and he
cloþid it wiþ mooſt puyr gold wiþ ynne, and wiþ oute.
couere þe roofe of þe tabernacle; ii And he made to it a goldun crown bi enuyroun,
xv o ſarge in lengþe hadde þretti cubitis, and in brede foure
iii ȝetynge foure goldun rynges bi foure corners of it, two
cubitis; of o meſure weren alle þe ſarges;
xvi of whom fyue he ioynede a ſide, and oþere ſix atwynne. rynges in þe to ſide, and two in þe toþer.
iiii And he made berynge ſtaues of þe trees of Sichym,
xvii And he made fifty oyletis in þe hemme of þe o ſarge, and
v which he cloþide wiþ gold, and þe whiche he putte into þe
fifti in þe hemme of þe toþir ſarge, þat to hem ſeluen þei
myȝten be ioynede to gidere; rynges þat weren in þe ſides of þe arke, to bere it.


vi And he made þe propiciatorye, þat is, Goddis ſpekynge Capitulum XXXVIII.

place, of mooſt puyr gold, of two cubites and an half in i And
lengþe, and of oþer half cubijt in brede. he made þe auter of brent ſacrifyce of þe trees of
vii Alſo two cherubyn of gold forgid, whiche he putte on eiþer Sichym, of fyue cubitis bi ſquare, and of þree in heiȝt;
ii whoſe hornes ȝeden out of þe corners; and he couerde it wiþ
ſide of þe propicyatorie,
viii o cherub in þe ouermeſt heiȝt of þe o parti, and `þat oþer braſun plates.
iii And he greiþide into þe vſes of it dyuerſe veſſels of braſſe,
cherub in þe ouermeſt heiȝt of `þat oþer parti; two cherubyn in
eiþer heiȝtis of þe propiciatorye, cawdrowns, toonges, fleſhhokes, hokes, and fier pannes.
ix ſtrecchynge out þe wenges, and couerynge þe propiciatorye, iiii And þe gredyrne of it in manere of a nett he made braſun,
and hem ſeluen togidere, and it aȝenbiholdynge. and vnder it in myddil of þe auter a `fier panne.
x And he made þe meet bord of trees of Sichym, in lengþe of v Foure ryngis ȝotun, be ſo feele heiȝtes of þe netwiſe
two cubites, and in brede of o cubijt, þat hadde in heiȝt o gredyrne, to þe berynge ſtaues to be put yn, for to bere;
cubijt and an half. vi þe whiche and hem he made of þe trees of Sichym, and he
xi And he enuyrounde it wiþ mooſt clene gold, and he made to couerde wiþ braſun plates.
it a goldun brerde bi enuyroun; vii And he ladde yn cercles, þe whiche `ſtoden ouer in þe ſides
xii and to þilke brerde a goldun coroun bitwix grauen of foure of þe auteer. And þilk auter was not maſſye, but holwȝ of
fyngris, and vpon it anoþer goldun coroun. tabled þingis, and wiþ ynne voyde.
xiii And he ȝetide foure goldun cercles, þe whiche he putte into viii And he made a braſun lauatorye, wiþ his foot, of þe
þe foure corners, bi eche feet of þe bord aȝen þe coroun, ſhewers of wymmen, þe whiche wacchiden in þe porche of þe
xiiii and he putte into hem berynge ſtaues, þat þe bord myȝte tabernacle.
ix And þe porche, in whos ſowþe cooſt weren þe tentis of bijs
be born.
xv And þilk berynge ſtaues he made of trees of Sichym, and folden aȝen of an hundrid cubites,
x twenti braſun pilers wiþ her feet, þe heedes of þe pilers and
enuyrounde hem wiþ gold.
xvi And þe veſſels to dyuerſe vſes of þe bord, eyſel veſſels, al þe grauyng of þe werk ſiluer;
xi euen at þe norþ cooſt þe tentis, pilers, and feet, and þe
fiols, and litil cuppes, and enſenſers of mooſt clene gold, in þe
whiche ben ſacrifice `of licours to ben offerd. heedes of pilers weren of þe ſame meſure and of werk and of
xvii And he made a candilſtik, forgid of mooſt clene gold, of metal.
xii In þat forſoþe cooſt þe which biholdeþ þe weſt, weren
whoſe berynge ſtaf, ȝeerdis, cuppis, and bollis, and lilies
ȝeden out; tentis of fifti cubites, ten pilers wiþ her feet braſun, and þe
xviii ſixe in eiþer ſide, þree ȝeerdes on o ſide, and þre on þe heedes of þe pilers, and al þe grauyng of þe werk, ſilueren.
xiii Forſoþe aȝen þe eſt he greiþide tentis of fifti cubites,
xix þre cuppes in þe maner of a note þurȝ eche ȝerdes, and xiiii of þe whiche o ſide helde fiftene cubites of þree pilers wiþ
litil ballis togidere, and lilies; and þree cuppes at þe liknes of his feet;
a note in o ȝeerde, and ballis togidere, and lilyes; þe werk xv and in `þat oþer party, for bitwix eiþer he made þe entre of
was euen of ſix ȝeerdes, þat ȝeden out of þe ſtok of þe þe tabernacle, weren þe tentis euen of fiftene cubites, þre
candelſtik. pilers, and ſo feele feete.
xx In þat forſoþe berynge ſtaf were foure cuppes, in maner of xvi Alle þe tentis of þe porche bijs folden aȝen hadde couerde.
a note, and balles þurȝ ech, and lilies; xvii Þe feet of þe pilers weren braſun, þe heedes forſoþe of
xxi and þe balles vnder þe two ȝeerdes bi þre places, þe
hem wiþ alle her grauyngis ſilueren; but and þilk pilers of þe
whiche togidere maken ſix ȝeerdes, goynge out of o berynge porche he cloþide wiþ ſiluer.
ſtaf; xviii And in þe entre of it he made a tent wiþ nedle werk, of
xxii and þanne þe ballis, and ȝeerdes of it weren alle forgid of
iacynct, and purpur, and reed clooþ, and of bijs folden aȝen,
mooſt clene gold. þe whiche hadde twenti cubites in lengþe, þe heiȝt forſoþe was
xxiii And he maad ſeuen lanternes wiþ her candelquenchers, of fyue cubitis, aftir þe meſure þat alle þe tentis of þe porche
and þe veſſels, where þe ſnuffes ben quenchid, of mooſt clene hadden.
gold. xix Þe pilers forſoþe in þe comyng ynne weren foure, wiþ
xxiiii A talent of gold peyſide þe candelſtik wiþ alle his veſſels. braſun feete, and þe heedes of hem, and þe grauynges
xxv And he maade þe auter of maad enſence of þe trees of ſilueren;
xx þe litil ſtakis forſoþe of þe tabernacle and of þe porche by
Sichym, hauynge þurȝ ſquare eche cubitis, and in heiȝt two,
of whoſe corners ȝeden out hornes. enuyroun he made braſun.
xxvi And he cloþide it wiþ mooſt clene gold, wiþ þe fier xxi Þes ben þe inſtrumentis of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, þat
panne, and walles, and hornes; and he made to it a litel ben noumbred out after þe heeſtis of Moyſes in þe ſerymonyes
golden crown by enuyroun, of Leuytis, by þe hoond of Ythamer, ſone of Aaron, preeſt.
xxvii and two goldun rynges vnder þe crown, bi eche ſides, xxii Þe whiche þingis Beſeleel, þe ſone of Hury, þe ſone of
þat in hem ben put yn þe berynge ſtaues, þat þe auter may be Hur, of þe lynage of Juda, þe Lord bi Moyſes comaundynge,
born. hadde fulfillid;
xxviii Þilke forſoþe berynge ſtaues he made of þe trees of xxiii ioyned to hym a felawe, Ooliab, þe ſone of Achiſamech,
Sichym, and he couerde wiþ goldun plates. of þe lynage of Dan, þe which and he was a noble crafti man
xxix And he made oyle to oynement of halowyng, and þe maad of trees, and a browdrer, and a worcher wiþ nedlis, of
enſence of mooſt clene ſwete ſmellynge ſpices, wiþ þe werk of iacynct, and purpur, `reed clooþ, and bijs.
xxiiii Al þe gold þat was ſpendid in þe werk of þe ſeyntuarye,
and þat was offerd in ȝiftis, was of twenti and nyne talentis,
and of ſeuen hundrid and þretti ſiclis, at þe meſure of þe


xxv Þere was forſoþe offerd of hem þat camen to þe noumbre, xx þat þe coope and þe breeſt broche ſtreyt myȝten be knyt to
fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, of ſix hundrid þre þowſynd and of gidere to þe girdil,
fyue hundrid and fifti men of aarmes. xxi and wiþ rynges ſtrengere cowplid, þe whiche þe iacynctyne
xxvi Þere weren forþermore an hundryd talentes of ſiluer, of filete ioyned, leſt large þei myȝten looſe, and be meuyd
þe which ben ȝotun þe footſtakis of þe ſeyntuarye, and of þe togidere fro hem ſeluen, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes.
entre, where þe veyle hongiþ; xxii And þei maden þe coope coote, al iacynctyne;
xxvii an hundred footſtakis ben maad of an hundrid talentes, xxiii and a hode in þe ouereſt parti, aȝens þe myddel, and a
eche talentis countid bi eche footſtakis. hemme weuyd al aboute þe hode;
xxviii Of a þowſynd forſoþe and ſeuen hundrid and ſeuenti xxiiii beneþe forſoþe at þe feete powmbe garnettis of iacynct,
and fyue ſicles he made þe heedes of þe pilers, þe whiche and purpur, and reed clooþ, and bijs folden aȝen;
hem he cloþide wiþ ſiluer. xxv and litil bellis of mooſt puyr gold, þe whiche þei puttiden
xxix Of braſſe forſoþe þere weren offred talentis ſeuenti and
bitwix þe powmbe garnettis, in þe neþer more party of þe
two þowſynd, and foure hundrid ouermore ſicles. coote bi enuyroun;
xxx Of þe whiche ben ȝoten footſtakis in þe entre of þe xxvi a litel golden belle and a powmbe garnet; wiþ which
tabernacle of witneſſyng, and a braſun auter wiþ his fier anowrned þe biſhop ȝede, whanne he vſid þe office, as þe
panne, and alle þe veſſels þat perteyneden to þe vſe of it, Lord comaundide to Moyſes.
xxxi and þe footſtakis of þe porche, as wel in þe enuyroun as xxvii And þei maden bijs cootis, wiþ weuen werk, to Aaron
in þe comyng yn of it, and litle ſtakis of þe tabernacle, and of and to ſones of hym,
þe porche al aboute. xxviii and mytrys wiþ her litil crownes of bijs, and bijs
lynnen breches;
Capitulum XXXIX. xxix þe girdil forſoþe of bijs foldun aȝen, iacynct, purpur, and
i Off iacynct forſoþe, and purpur, `reed clooþ, and bijs, he `reed clooþ, twynned wiþ nedle craft, as þe Lord haþ
made þe cloþis, wiþ whiche Aaron was cloþid yn, whanne he comaundide to Moyſes.
mynyſtryde in þe hooliſe, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes. xxx And þei maden þe plate of holi worſhipyng of mooſt puyr
ii Þanne he made a coope of gold, iacynct, and purpur, and gold, and þei graueden in it wiþ gemmary werk, Þe holi of
cocto twies died, and bijs aȝen foldid, wiþ browdrye werk; þe Lord.
iii and he cutte þer yn goldun peeſes, and he made hem into xxxi And þei ſtreyneden it wiþ þe mytre wiþ a iacynctyne
þredes, þat þei myȝten be plattid wiþ þe weft of þe raþer filete, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes.
colours; xxxii Þanne was ful maad al þe werk of þe tabernacle, and of
iiii and two hemmes to hem ſeluen cowplid to gidere in eiþer þe roofe of witneſſyng; and þe ſones of Yrael maden alle
ſide of þe heiȝtis, þingis þat þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes.
v and a girdil of þe ſame colours, as þe Lord comaundide to xxxiii And þei offerden vp þe tabernacle, and þe roofe, and
Moyſes. alle þe neceſſaries, rynges, tablis, berynge ſtaues, pilers, and
vi And he greiþide two onychyn ſtonus, boundun and cloſid footſtakis;
xxxiiii a couertour of weþer ſkynnes maad reed, and anoþer
wiþ gold, and grauen wiþ gemmarye craft wiþ þe names of þe
ſones of Yrael; ſix names in `þat o ſtoon, and ſix in `þat oþer, couertour of blew ſkynnes; þe veyle,
after þe ordre of þe birþe of hem. xxxv þe arke, þe berynge ſtaues, þe propiciatorye;
vii And he putte hem in þe ſydes of þe coope, into mynde of xxxvi þe meetbord wiþ þe veſſels, and þe looues of
þe ſones of Yrael, as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes. propoſicioun;
viii And he maade þe breeſt broche wiþ browdrye craft, after xxxvii þe candelſtik, lanterns, and þe vſable þingis of it, wiþ
þe werk of þe coope, of gold, iacynct, purpur, and cocto twies þe oyle;
died, xxxviii þe goldun auter, and þe oynement, and þe maad
ix and bijs foldun aȝen, dowble, foure cornerd, of þe meſure of
enſence of þe ſwete ſpices; and þe tente in þe entree of þe
a ſpanne. tabernacle;
x And he putte in it foure ordres of gemmes; in þe firſt veers xxxix þe braſun auter, þe netwiſe gredyrne, berynge ſtaues,
was ſaarde, topazi, ſmaragd; and alle þe veſſels of it; þe lauatorie wiþ hys foote;
xi in þe ſecounde, carbuncle, ſaphijr, iaſp; xl þe tentis of þe porche, and þe pilers wiþ her feet; þe tente
xii in þe þridde, ligury, achateſe, amatiſt; in þe entre of þe porche, and þe litil cordis of it, and þe litil
xiii in þe ferþe, criſolit, onychin, and beril; enuyround and ſtakis. No þing failide of þe veſſels, þat weren comaundid to
encloſid wiþ gold, bi her ordres. be maad into þe ſeruyce of þe tabernacle, and into þe roofe of
xiiii And þilke twelue ſtonus weren graued wiþ þe names of
þe boond of pees.
xli And þe cloþes whiche þe preſtis vſen in þe ſeyntuarye,
þe twelue lynages of Yrael, eche after þe name of eche. Aaron, þat is,
xv And þei maden in þe breeſt broche litle cheynes, cleuynge
xlii and þe ſones of hym, offerden þe ſones of Yrael, as þe
to hem ſeluen togidere, of mooſt puyr gold, Lord comaundide.
xvi and two hokis, and as feele goldun rynges. Forſoþe þe
xliii Þe whiche þingis after þat Moyſes ſawȝ alle þingis
rynges þei putten in eiþer ſide of þe breeſt broche, fulfillid, bliſſide to hem.
xvii fro þe whiche ſhulden honge þe two goldun cheynes, þe
whiche þei ſetten yn wiþ hokis,
xviii þe whiche ſtoden ouer aferre in þe corners of þe coope. Capitulum XL.
xix Þes þingis and beforn and bihynde ſo acordiden to hem i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ſeluen, ii Þe firſt moneþ, þe firſt day of þe moneþ, þow ſhalt rere þe
tabernacle of witneſſyng.


iii And þow ſhalt putte in it þe arke, and þow ſhalt leue xxxiiii a clowd couerde þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and þe
before it þe veile. glorie of þe Lord fulfillide it;
iiii And þe meetbord browȝt forþ þow ſhalt putte vpon it, þat xxxv ne Moyſes myȝte goo in þe roofe of þe couenaunt of
wiþ riȝt ben comaundid. Þe candelſtyk ſhal ſtonde wiþ his pees, þe clowd couerynge alle þinges, and þe maieſte of þe
lanterns, Lord liȝtnynge, for alle þingis þe clowd hadde couerede.
v and þe goldun auter, in whiche ſhal be brent þe encenſe xxxvi And if eny tyme þe clowd lafte þe tabernacle, þe ſones
before þe arke of witneſſyng. Þe tente in þe entre of þe of Yrael ȝeden forþ bi her companyes;
tabernacle þow ſhal ſett; xxxvii if it hongide þere aboue, þei dwelten in þe ſame place;
vi and beforn it þe auter of alle brent ſacrifices, xxxviii þe clowd forſoþe of þe Lord lenyde in day to þe
vii þe lauatorie betwix þe auter and þe tabernacle, which þow tabernacle, and fier in þe nyȝt, and þe puple of Yrael ſeynge,
ſhalt fulfille wiþ water. bi alle her dwellyngis.
viii And þow ſhalt enuyroun þe porche wiþ tentis into þe
Here endiþ Exodus and now bigynneþ
comyng yn of it.
ix And þe oyle of an oyntyng takun þow ſhalt anoynte þe Leuyticus.
tabernacle, wiþ his veſſels, þat þei ben halowid;
x þe auter of al brent ſacrifice, and al þe veſſels of it;
xi þe lauatorye wiþ his foot. Al wiþ þe oyle of an oynting þow
ſhalt ſacre, þat þei ben holi of halowes.
xii And þow ſhalt ſett Aaron and þe ſones of hym at þe dore
of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and, waſſhen wiþ water,
xiii þow ſhalt cloþe wiþ holi cloþes,
xiiii þat þei mynyſtre to me,
xv and þe anoyntyng of hem profit into euerlaſtynge preſthod.
xvi And Moyſes dide alle þinges þat þe Lord comaundid.
xvii Þanne þe firſt moneþ of þe ſecounde ȝeer, þe firſt day of
þe moneþ, þe tabernacle was ſett.
xviii And Moyſes areryde it, and ſette þe tables, and þe
footſtakis, and þe berynge ſtaues, and he ſette þe pilers.
xix And he ſtrauȝte þe roofe vpon þe tabernacle, þe couertour
in ſett aboue, as þe Lord comaundide.
xx And he putte þe witneſſyng in þe arke wiþ ynne, berynge
ſtaues vnder ſett, and Goddis anſwerynge place þer aboue.
xxi And whanne he hadde brouȝt yn þe arke into þe
tabernacle, he hongide beforn it þe veyle, þat he fulfille þe
heeſt of þe Lord.
xxii And he putte þe meetbord in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng,
at þe norþ cooſt, wiþ outen þe veyle,
xxiii ordeynd before þe looues of propoſicioun, as þe Lord
comaundide to Moyſes.
xxiiii And he putte þe candeſtik in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng,
`forn aȝens þe meetbord, in þe ſowþ parti,
xxv ſett bi ordre þe lanterns, after þe heeſt of þe Lord.
xxvi And he putte þe goldun auter vnder þe roofe of
witneſſyng, aȝens þe veile,
xxvii and he brent vpon it encenſe of ſwete ſmellynge ſpices,
as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes.
xxviii And he putte þe tente in þe entre of þe tabernacle,
xxix and þe auter of alle brent ſacrifices in þe veſtiarie of
witneſſyng, offrynge in it al brent ſacrifice, and ſacrifices, as
þe Lord hadde comaundide.
xxx Þe lauatorie forſoþe he ſette betwix þe tabernacle of
witneſſyng and þe auter, fulfillynge it wiþ water.
xxxi And Moyſes and Aaron and þe ſones of hym waſſhen her
hoondes and feet,
xxxii whanne þei ȝeden in þe roof of þe couenaunt of pees,
and `neiȝe ȝeden to þe auter, as þe Lord hadde comaundide to
xxxiii And he reride þe porche, bi enuyroun of þe tabernacle
and of þe auter, a tent lad in þe entre of it. After þat alle
þingis ben fulfillid,


iii Þat forſoþe þat leeueþ of þe ſacrifice ſhal be of Aaron and

LEUITICUS. of his ſones, holi of halowes `of offrynges to þe Lord.
iiii Whanne forſoþe he ſhal offre baake ſacrifice of tried flour
Here begynneþ þe bok of Leuiticus. in þe ouen, þat is, looues wiþ outen ſourdowȝ, ſpreynt wiþ
oyle, and þe þerf kaakis medlid wiþ oyle;
Capitulum I. v if þin offryng ſhal be fro þe friynge panne, of tryed flour

i The
ſpreynt wiþ oyle and wiþ outen ſour dowȝ,
Lord forſoþe clepide Moyſes, and ſpak to hym from þe vi þow ſhalt dyuyde it in litil parties, and heelde vpon it oyle.
tabernacle of witneſſyng, ſeiynge, vii If forſoþe fro þe gridil ſacrifice, euen maner þe tried flour
ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þe
man þat offreþ of ȝow an ooſt to God of þe beeſtis þat is, of ſhal be ſpreynt wiþ oile;
viii þe which offrynge to þe Lord þou ſhalt take in þe hondis
oxen, and of ſheep, offrynge ſlawn ſacrifices,
iii if al brent ſacrifice were þe offryng of hym, and of þe of þe preeſt. Þe which whanne he ſhal offre it,
ix he ſhal take a memorial fro þe ſacrifice, and make brenne
droue, a maal wiþ outen wemme he ſhal offre at þe dore of þe
tabernacle of witneſſyng, to pleſe to hym þe Lord. vpon þe auter into ſmel of ſwetnes to þe Lord.
iiii And he ſhall putte þe hondes vpon þe heed of þe ooſt, and x What euer forſoþe leeueþ, ſhal be of Aaron and his ſones,
it ſhal be acceptable, and profytynge into þe clenſyng of hym. holi of halewis of offringis to þe Lord.
v And he ſhal offre a calf before þe Lord, and þe ſones of xi Al offryng þat is offred to þe Lord, ſhal be maad wiþ outen
Aaron, þe preeſt, ſhulen offre þe blood of it, ſhedynge bi ſour dowȝ, ne eny þing of ſour dowȝ, and of hony, ſhal be
enuyroun of þe auter, þat is before þe dore of þe tabernacle. brent in þe ſacrifice of þe Lord.
vi And þe ſkyn of þe ooſt drawun of, þe greet lemes þei ſhulen xii Þe cheefe fruytys oonly ȝe ſhulen offre of hem, and ȝiftis;
kit in gobetis; vpon þe auter forſoþe ſhal not þei be leyde, into ſmel of
vii and þei ſchulen leye fier in þe auter maad bifore þe heep of ſwetnes.
xiii What euer þow ſhalt offre of ſacrifice, þow ſhal anoynte it
viii and þe lemes þat ben kyt a boue ordeynynge, þe heed, þat wiþ ſalt, ne þow ſhalt not take a wey ſalt of þe boond of pees
is, and alle þat cleuen to þe mawe, of þe Lord þi God fro þi ſacrifice; in al offring þow ſhalt offre
ix þe entrails and þe feet waſſhe wiþ watir; and þe preeſt ſhal
xiiii If forſoþe þow ſhalt offre a ȝyfte of þe cheef þingis of þi
brenne hem vpon þe auter in to al brent ſacrifice, and ſwete fruytis to þe Lord, of eerys ȝit green, þow ſhal parche it wiþ
ſmel to þe Lord. fier, and breke in maner of bryſid corn; ſo þow ſhalt offre þi
x Þat if of þe beeſtis is þe offeryng, þe al brent ſacrifice of
cheefe fruytis to þe Lord,
ſheep, or of geyt, he ſhal offre a loombe of o ȝeer wiþ outen xv heeldynge vpon hem oyle, and encenſe puttynge yn, for þe
wemme, offryng of þe Lord it is.
xi and he ſhal offre at þe ſide of þe auter þat biholdiþ to þe
xvi Of þe whiche þe preeſt ſhal make brynne, into mynde of þe
norþ, bifore þe Lord. Þe blood forſoþe of it þe ſones of Aaron ȝifte, a part of þe briſde corn, and of þe oyle, and al þe cenſe.
ſhulen heelde vpon þe auter bi enuyroun,
xii and þei ſhulen dyuyde þe lemes, þe heed, and alle þat
cleuen to þe mawe, and leie vpon þe wodde, to þe which fier Capitulum III.
is to be vnder putte; i And if þe ooſt of peſible þingis were þe offryng of hym, and
xiii þe entrayls forſoþe, and þe feet þei ſhulen waſſhe wiþ of þe oxen he wole offre, a maal, or a femaal, wiþ outen
water; and þe preeſt ſhal brenne alle þingis offred vpon þe wemme he ſhal offre before þe Lord.
auter into brent ſacrifice, and mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. ii And he ſhal putte þe hoonde vpon þe heed of his ſlawe
xiiii If forſoþe of þe briddis þe offryng of brent ſacrifice were ſacrifice, þe which ſhal be offred in þe entryng of þe
to þe Lord, of turturs, or culuer briddis, tabernacle; and þe ſones of Aaron, þe preeſt, ſhulen heelde þe
xv þe preeſt ſhal offre it at þe auter; and þe heed crokid aȝen blood bi enuyroun of þe auter.
to þe necke, and þe place of a wounde broke, he ſhal make þe iii And þei ſhulen offre of þe ooſt of peſible þingis into offryng
blood renne down vpon þe brenke of þe auter. to þe Lord, þe talwȝ þat couereþ þe entrailes, and what euer
xvi Þe litil bleedre forſoþe of þe þroot, and þe feþeres, he ſhal of fatnes is wiþ ynforþ;
caſt out biſide þe auter, at þe eeſt cooſt, in þe place where iiii þe two reyns, wiþ þe talwȝ wiþ þe which ben couerd þe
aſkis ben wonte to be caſt out; reyn guttis, and þe calle of þe mawe wiþ þe ſmale reyns.
xvii and he ſhal breke þe wynges of it, and not kyt, ne wiþ v And þei ſhulen brenne hem vpon þe auter, in to al brent
yrun dyuyde it; and he ſhal brenne it vpon þe auter, fier ſacrifice, þe fier vnder put to þe wodde, into offryng of mooſt
vnder put to þe wodde; al brent ſacrifice it is and offryng of ſwete ſmel to þe Lord.
mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. vi If forſoþe of ſheep were þe offeryng of hym, and ooſt of
peſible þingis, wheþer maal or femaal he ſhal offre, þei ſhulen
Capitulum II. be wiþ outen wemme.
vii If he ſhal offre a loombe before þe Lord,
i Whanne a lijf offreþ offryng of ſacrifyce to þe Lord, tryed viii he ſhal putte his hoond vpon þe heed of his ſlawn ſacrifice,
flour ſhal be þe offryng of him. And he ſhal heelde vpon it
oyle, and putte cenſe, þe whych ſhal be offerd in þe veſtiarye of þe tabernacle of
ii and brynge to þe ſones of Aaron, þe preeſt, of whom oon witneſſyng; and þe ſones of Aaron ſhulen heelde þe blood of it
ſhal take an handful of tried flour, and of oyle, and al þe bi enuyroun of þe auter.
ix And þei ſhulen offre of þe ooſt of peſible þingis a ſacrifice
cenſe; and putte þe memorial vpon þe auter, into mooſt ſwete
ſmel to þe Lord. to þe Lord, talwȝ, and al þe tail wiþ þe reynes, and þe fatnes
þat couereþ þe wombe, and alle þe entrayls,


x and eiþer litil reyne, wiþ þe talwȝ þat ys biſide þe reyne xvii wiþ þe weet fyngre ſprengynge ſeuen ſiþes aȝens þe veyle.
guttes, and þe calle of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes. xviii And he ſhal putte of þe ſame blood in þe hornes of þe
xi And þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter, into foode of auter, þat is before þe Lord in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; þe
þe fier, and of þe offryng to þe Lord. lafte forſoþe blood he ſhal helde biſide þe foot of þe auter of
xii If a ſhe goet were þe offryng of hym, and he ſhulde offre brent ſacrifices, þat is in þe dore of þe tabernacle of
it to þe Lord, witneſſyng.
xiii he ſhal putte his hoond vpon þe heed of it, and he ſhal xix And al þe talwȝ of it he ſhal take, and he ſhal brenne
offre it in þe entre of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and þe vpon þe auter;
ſones of Aaron ſhulen ſhede þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe xx and ſo doynge of þis calf, as he dide before, and þe preeſt
auter. preyinge for hem þe Lord ſhal haue mercy.
xiiii And þei ſhulen take of it, into foode of þe Lordis fier, xxi Þat forſoþe calf he ſhal bere out of þe tentis, and he ſhal
talwȝ þat couereþ þe wombe, and þat heliþ alle þe entrayles, brenne as þe oþer calf, for it is for þe ſynne of þe multitude.
xv two litil reyns wiþ þe calle þat is on hem biſide þe reyne xxii If a prynce ſynne, and doo oon of manye bi ignoraunce,
guttes, and þe fatt of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes. þat is defendid in þe lawe of þe Lord,
xvi And þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter, into foode of xxiii and afterwarde vnderſtonde his ſynne, he ſhal offre an
þe fier, and of mooſt ſwete ſmel; al þe talwȝ ſhal be of þe ooſt before þe Lord, an hee geit of þe geetis, wiþ outen
Lord, wemme,
xvii þurȝ perpetuel riȝt, in kynredes and alle ȝoure dwellyng xxiiii and he ſhal putte his hoond vpon þe heed of it. And
places, and blood, and fat algatis ſhulen ȝe not ete. whanne he ſhal offre it in þe place, where is wont to be ſlawe
þe brent ſacrifice before þe Lord, for it is for ſynne;
Capitulum IIII. xxv þe preeſt ſhal wete þe fyngre in þe blood of þe ooſt for

i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,

ſynne, towchynge þe hornes of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, and
þe relif heldynge at þe foot of it.
ii Spek to þe ſones of Iſrael, Whanne a lijf ſynneþ bi xxvi Þe talwȝ forſoþe he ſhal brenne a boue, as in ſlawn
ignoraunce, and of alle þe heeſtis of þe Lord, þe whiche he ſacrifices of peſible þingis is wont to be doon, and he ſhal
haþ comaundide þat þei ſhulden not be do, eny þing doþ; prey for hym, and for his ſynne, and it ſhal be forȝeuen to
iii if þe preeſt þat is anoyntid, ſynne, makynge þe puple to hym.
treſpaſſe, he ſhal offre for his ſynne a calf wiþ outen wemme xxvii Þat ȝif a lijf of þe puple of þe loond ſynne bi
to þe Lord; ignoraunce, þat he doo eny þing of þes þinges þat ben
iiii and ſhal lede it to þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng defendid in þe lawe of þe Lord, and treſpaſſiþ,
before þe Lord, and he ſhal putte þe hoond vpon his heed, xxviii and knowlechiþ his ſynne, offre he an hee geyt wiþ
and he ſhal offre it to þe Lord. outen wemme,
v And he ſhal take of þe blood of þe calf, berynge it in to þe xxix and `he ſhal putte þe hoond vpon þe heed of þe ooſt þat
tabernacle of witneſſyng. is for þe ſynne, and he ſhal offre it in þe place of þe brent
vi And whanne he haþ wette þe fyngre in þe blood, he ſhal ſacrifice.
ſprenge it ſeuene ſiþes before þe Lord, aȝens þe veyle of þe xxx And þe preeſt ſhal take of þe blood in his fyngre, and
ſeyntuarye. towchynge þe hornes of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, þe relif he
vii And he ſhal putte of þe ſame blood vpon þe hornes of þe ſhal helde at þe foot of it.
auter of mooſt kyndli encenſe to þe Lord, þat is in þe xxxi Al forſoþe þe talwȝ takynge a wey, as yt is wont to be
tabernacle of witneſſyng; al forſoþe þe laft blood he ſhal helde takun fro þe ſlawn ſacrifices of peſible þinges, he ſhal brenne
into þe foot of þe auter of brent ſacrifice in þe entre of þe vpon þe auter into ſmel of ſwetnes to þe Lord; and he ſhal
tabernacle. preye for hym, and it ſhal be forȝeue hym.
viii And þe talwȝ of þe calf he ſhal offre for ſynne, as wel it xxxii If forſoþe of þe beeſtis he ſhall offre ſlawn ſacrifice for
þat coueriþ þe entreyles, as alle þat ben wiþ ynforþ, ſynne, þat is, a ſheep wiþ outen wemme,
ix two lytil reynes, and þe calle þat is aboue hem biſide þe xxxiii he ſhal putte þe hoond vpon þe heed of it, and he ſhal
reyne guttes, and þe talwȝ of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes, offre it in þe place where ben wonte to ben ſlawun þe ooſtis
x as it is doon awey fro þe calf of þe ooſt of peſible þingis; of brent ſacrifices.
and he ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter of brent ſacrifice. xxxiiii And þe preeſt ſhal take of þe blood of it wiþ his fyngre,
xi Þe ſkynne forſoþe, and al þe fleſh wiþ þe heed, and feet, and towchynge þe hornes of þe auter of brent ſacrifice, he ſhal
and þe entreyles, and þe dryt, heelde þe relif at þe foot of it.
xii and þe laft body he ſhal bere out of þe tentis into a clene xxxv And al þe talwȝ takynge a wey, as þe talwȝ of a weþer
place, where þe aſken ben wont to be held out; and he ſhal is wonte to be takun a wey þat is offrid for ſynnes, and he
tende hem vpon þe hepe of wode, þe which in þe place of ſhal brenne vpon þe auter þe encenſe of þe Lord; and he ſhal
heeld out aſken ſhulen be brent. preye for hym, and for his ſynne, and it ſhal be forȝouun
xiii And if al þe companye of þe ſones of Yrael bi vnknowyng hym.
and bi vnwiſdam do þat þat is aȝens þe comaundement of þe
Lord, Capitulum V.
xiiii and afterward vnderſtonde his ſynne, he ſhal offre for þe i If a lijf ſynne, and here þe voyce of a ſwerer, and were
ſynne a calf, and he ſhal lede it to þe dore of þe tabernacle. witnes, þat oþer he ſeeþ, or to hym ſilf is knowun gilti, but if
xv And þe eldre of þe puple ſhal putte hoondes vpon þe heed he ſhewe, he ſhal bere his wickidnes.
of it before þe Lord; and þe calf offred in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, ii Þe lijf þat towchiþ eny vnclene þing, oþer þat is ſlawe of a
xvi þe preeſt þat is anoyntid ſhal bere yn of þe blood of it into beeſt, oþer bi hym ſilf deed, or eny oþer crepynge beeſt, and
þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, he were forgeten of his vnclennes, he is gilti, and haþ


iii And if he towche eny þing of þe vnclennes of man, after al vii þe which ſhal preye for hym before þe Lord, and it ſhal be
vnclennes wiþ þe which he is wont to be defowlid, and forȝeue to hym, for al þat in doynge he ſynnede.
forȝeten afterward knowe, he ſhal vnderlye to þe treſpas. viii And þe Lord ſpake to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
iiii Þe lijf þat ſweriþ, and ſpekiþ wiþ his lippes, þat or eny ix Comaunde to Aaron and his ſones, Þis is þe lawe of þe
þing yuel ſhal do, or wel, and doþ not, and þe ſame þing wiþ brent ſacrifice; it ſhal be brent in þe auter al nyȝt vnto þe
ooþ or word ſtableþ, morwen; fyer it ſhal be of þe ſame auter.
v and forȝeten afterward vndirſtonde his treſpas, x Þe preeſt ſhal be cloþid wiþ a coote, and wiþ lynnen
vi do he penaunce for þe ſynne, and offre he of þe flockis an breches; and he ſhal take þe aſken, þe whiche þe fier
ſhee lombe, or a ſhee geyt; and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym, vowrynge brent out, and puttynge biſyde þe auter
and for his ſynne. xi he ſhal be ſpoylid þe raþer cloþes, and cloþid wiþ oþer he
vii If forſoþe he may not offre a beeſte, offre he two turturs, ſhal offre hem out of þe tentes, and in mooſt clene place vnto
or two culuer bryddis to þe Lord, oon for þe ſynne, and a litil ſparcle he ſhal make to be waſtid.
anoþer into brent ſacrifice. xii Þe fier forſoþe in þe auter euermore ſhal brenne, þe which
viii And he ſhal ȝyue hem to þe preeſt, þe which, þe firſt þe preeſt ſhal noriſhe, vnder puttynge wode eerly bi eche
offrynge for þe ſynne, ſhal bowe aȝen þe heed of it to þe dayes; and putte yn aboue þe brent ſacrifice, he ſhal brenne þe
feþers, ſo þat it cleue to þe nek, and not fullich it be broke. talwȝ of þe peſible þingis.
ix And he ſhal ſprenge of þe blood of it þe wal of þe auter; xiii Þis fier is perpetuel þat ſhal neuer fayle in þe auter.
what euer forſoþe were lefte he ſhal make to drop at þe xiiii Þis is þe lawe of ſacrifice and of ſacrified licours, þe
foundement of it, for it is for ſynne. whiche þe ſones of Aaron ſhulen offre before þe Lord, and
x Þe toþer forſoþe he ſhal brenne in to brent ſacrifice, as it is before þe auter.
wont to be doo, and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym and for his xv Þe preeſt ſhal take an handful of tryed flour, þe which ys
ſynne, and it ſhal be forȝeuen hym. ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and al þe encenſe þat is putte vp on þe tryed
xi And if his hoond mowe not offre two turturs, or two culuer flour, he ſhal brenne it in þe auter, in to mynde of mooſt
briddes, offre he for his ſynne of tried flowre þe tenþe part of ſwete ſmel to þe Lord.
ephi; he ſhal not putte into it oyle, ne leye yn eny þing of xvi Þe laft forſoþe part of þe tryed flour Aaron wiþ his ſones
encenſe, for it is for ſynne. ſhal ete, wiþ outen ſour dowȝ; and he ſhal ete in þe holi place
xii And he ſhal take it to þe preeſt, þe which takynge of it a of þe porche of þe tabernacle.
ful hoondful, ſhal brenne vpon þe auter, into þe mynde of hym xvii Þerfore forſoþe it ſhal not be ſouryd, for þe part of it is
þat offrede, offred into þe encenſe of þe Lord; holi of halowes it ſhal be,
xiii preiynge for hym, and purgynge; þat oþer forſoþe part he as for þe ſynne and for þe treſpas.
ſhal haue in ȝifte. xviii Þe maalis oonlich of þe lynage of Aaron ſhulen ete it;
xiiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, lawful and euerlaſtynge it is in ȝoure kynredes, of þe
xv If a lijf ſynne, forfetynge þe cerymonyes bi errour, in þes ſacrifices of þe Lord; eche þat touchiþ þo þinges ſhal be
þingis þat ben halowed to þe Lord, offre he for his treſpas a halowid.
weþer wiþ out wemme of þe flockis, þe which may be bouȝt xix And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
wiþ two ſicles, after þe weiȝte of þe ſeyntuary. xx Þis is þe offryng of Aaron, and of þe ſones of him, þat þei
xvi And þat þat he haþ doo of harm he ſhal reſtore, and þe ſhulen offre to þe Lord in þe day of her anoyntyng; þe tenþe
fifþe part he ſhal putte aboue, takynge to þe preeſt, þe which part of ephi þei ſhulen offre of þe tried flour, in euerlaſtynge
ſhal preye for hym, offrynge a weþer, and it ſhal be forȝouen ſacrifice, þe half of it eerli, and þe half of it at euen;
hym. xxi þe which in a panne ſpreynt wiþ oyle ſhal be fryed.
xvii Þe lijf þat ſynneþ bi ignoraunce, and dooþ oon of þes xxii And þe preeſt þat to þe fader þurȝ ryȝt comeþ after, ſhal
þingis þat ben defendid bi lawe of þe Lord, and gilti of þe offre it hoote, into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord; and al ſhal
ſynne vnderſtonde his wickidnes, be brent in þe auter.
xviii he ſhall offre a weþer wiþ outen wemme of þe flockis to xxiii Al forſoþe ſacrifice of preeſtis wiþ fier ſhal be conſumyd,
þe preeſt, after þe meſure and eymyng of þe ſynne; þe which ne eny ſhal eete of it.
ſhal preye for hym, for vnknowynge he dide, and it ſhal be xxiiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
forȝeue to hym,
xix for bi errour he treſpaſſide in þe Lord. xxv Spek to Aaron and his ſones, Þis is þe lawe of ooſt for
ſynne; in þe place where is offred brent ſacrifice, ſhal it be
offerd before þe Lord; holi of halowis it is.
Capitulum VI. xxvi Þe preeſt þat offreþ it, ſhal eete it in holi place, in þe
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, porche of þe tabernacle.
ii Þe lijf xxvii What euer ſhal towche þe fleiſhe of it, ſhal be halowid; if
þat ſynneþ, and, þe Lord deſpiſide, denye to his
neiȝbore þe laft þing þat to his feiþ was takun, or wiþ fors a clooþ be ſpreynt of þe blood of yt, it ſhal be waſhe in an
eny þing takiþ, or doþ wrong chalenge, holy place.
iii or fynde loſt þing, and denyynge ouermore forſweriþ, and xxviii Þe bretil veſſel forſoþe in þe which it is ſoþen, ſhal be
eny oþer of manye doo in þe whiche men ben wonte to ſynne, broken; þat if it were a braſun veſſel, it ſhal be rubbid, and
iiii he ateynt of þe treſpas ſhal ȝelde alle þingis hool þat þurȝ waſhe wiþ water.
xxix Eche maal of þe preeſtis kynrede ſhal eete of þe fleſhe of
frawde he wolde wiþ hoolde,
v and ferþermore þe fifþe part to þe lord, to whom he dide þe it; for holi of halowis it is.
xxx An ooſt forſoþe þat is ſlawe for ſynne, whos blood is born
vi For his ſynne forſoþe he ſhal offre a weþer wiþouten into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng to clenſe in þe ſeyntuarie, ſhal
wemme of þe flok, and he ſhal ȝyue it to þe preeſt, after þe not be eete, but brent wiþ fier.
eymyng and meſure of þe treſpas;


Capitulum VII. xxviii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes,

xxix ſeiyng, Speke to þe ſones of Yrael, He þat offreþ ſlawn
i And þis lawe of ooſt for treſpas is holy of halowis.
ii Þerfore
offryng of peſible þinges to þe Lord, offre he þerwiþ and
where þe brent ſacrifice is offred, and þe ſacrifice ſacrifice, þat is, his offrynges of licours.
for þe treſpas ſhal be ſlawe; þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe xxx He ſhal holde wiþ hondes þe talwȝ of þe ooſt, and þe litil
auter ſhal be heelde. breſt; and whanne boþe, offred to þe Lord, he haþ ſacred,
iii Þei ſhulen offre of it þe tayl, and þe talwȝ þat couereþ þe
xxxi he ſhal take to þe preeſt, þe which ſhal brenne þe talwȝ
entrayls, vpon þe auter; þe litil breſt forſoþe ſhal be of Aaron and his
iiii þe two litel reynes, and þe fatnes þat is biſide þe reyne
guttes, and þe calle of þe mawe, wiþ þe litil reynes. xxxii and þe riȝt ſhuldre of þe ooſtis of peſible þingis ſhal falle
v And þe preeſt ſhal brenne hem vpon þe auter; þe encenſe it
into chefe fruytis of þe preeſt.
is of þe Lord for þe treſpas. xxxiii He þat offreþ þe blood, and þe talwȝ, of þe ſones of
vi Eche maal of þe preeſtes kynrede in holi place ſhal ete þis
Aaron, ſhal haue and þe riȝt ſhuldre in his porcioun.
fleſh, for holi of halowis it is. xxxiiii Þe litil breſt forſoþe of areryng, and þe ſhuldre of
vii As for a ſynne is offred an ooſt, ſo and for a treſpas, of
ſeueryng, Y haue take fro þe ſones of Yrael of þe peſible
eiþer hooſt ſhal be o lawe; to þe preeſt þat it ſhal offre it ſhal hooſtes of hem, and haue ȝyue to Aaron þe preeſt and his
perteyne. ſones, þurȝ perpetuel lawe, fro al þe puple of Yrael.
viii Þe preeſt þat offreþ þe ſlawn offryng of brent ſacrifice, ſhal xxxv Þis is þe anoyntyng of Aaron and his ſones, in þe
haue þe ſkynne of it. cerymonyes of þe Lord, þe day þat Moyſes offred hem þat þei
ix And alle þe ſacrifice of tried floure, þat is bake in þe ouen, ſhulden vſe preeſthod,
and what euer þing in þe gredyrne, or in friynge panne is xxxvi and þe þinges þat þe Lord comaundide to be ȝeue to
greiþid, of þat preeſt it ſhal be, of whom it is offred, hem of þe ſones of Yrael, þurȝ perpetuel relygioun in her
x wheþer þei ben ſpreynt wiþ oyle, or drye. To alle þe ſones generaciouns.
of Aaron euen meſure bi echon ſhal be dyuydid. xxxvii Þis is þe lawe of þe brent ſacrifice, and of ſacrifice for
xi Þis is þe lawe of þe ooſt of peſible þinges, þat is offerd to ſynne, and for treſpas, and for þe ſacryng, and for ſlawn
þe Lord. offrynges of peſible þinges,
xii If for doynge of þankyngis were þe offryng, þei ſchulen xxxviii þat þe Lord ordeyned to Moyſes in þe mownt Synay,
offre looues wiþ outen ſour dowȝ ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and þinne whanne he comaundide to þe ſones of Yrael þat þei ſhulden
þerf cakis anoynt wiþ oyle, and bakun tryed floure, and litil offre her offrynges to þe Lord, in þe deſert of Synay.
rownd looues ſpreynt wiþ mengyng of oyle;
xiii and looues maad wiþ ſour dowȝ, wiþ þe ooſt of þankynges Capitulum VIII.
þat is offerd for þe peſible þinges; i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xiiii of þe whiche oon for þe chefe fruytis ſhal be offerd to þe
ii Tak Aaron wiþ his ſones, þe cloþes of hem, and þe oyle of
Lord, and it ſhal be of þe preeſt þat ſhal heelde þe blood of þe
ooſt, þe anoyntyng, a calf for ſynne, two weþers, a leepe wiþ þerf
xv whos fleſhe þat ſame day ſhal be etun, ne þere ſhal leeue of loues;
iii and þow ſhalt gedere togidere al þe companye at þe dore of
it eny þing vnto þe morwe.
xvi If þurȝ a vow, or wylfully, eny man offreþ an ooſt, þe þe tabernacle.
iiii Moyſes dyde as þe Lord comaundide; and al þe puple
ſame day alſo it ſhal be eten; but if eny þing leeue to þe
morwe, it is leful to eete; gadered before þe ȝates of þe tabernacle,
xvii what euer forſoþe þe þridde day fynde, þe fier ſhal v he ſeiþ, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord comaundide to be do.
conſume. vi And anoon he offred Aaron and his ſones; and whanne he
xviii If eny man eete þe þridde day of þe fleſh of þe ooſt of hadde waſhe hem,
peſible þinges, his offrynge ſhall be ſett at noȝt, ne it ſhal vii he cloþide þe biſhop wiþ a lynnen ſherte, girdynge hym wiþ
profyte to þe offrer; but raþer ech lijf þat defowliþ hym ſilf a gyrdle and cloþing hym wiþ a blewe coote,
wiþ ſyche meete, ſhal be gilti of treſpaſſyng. viii and putte aboue þe coope, þe which ſtreynynge wiþ a lace
xix Þe fleſh þat eny vnclene þing touchiþ, ſhal not be etun, but ioyned it to þe breſt broche, in þe which was loore and
brent wiþ fier; he þat is clene, ſhal eete it. ſoþenes.
xx A lijf defowlid, þat etiþ of þe fleſh of þe ooſt of peſible ix And he couerde þe heed wiþ a mytre, and vpon it, aboute
þingis, þat is offred to þe Lord, ſhal periſhe fro his puplis. þe frownt, he putte a goldun plate, ſacrid in halowyng, as þe
xxi And he þat towchiþ þe vnclennes of man, or of beeſte, or Lord comaundide to him.
of eny þing þat may defowle, and etiþ of ſiche maner fleſh, x And he took þe oyle of anoyntyng, wiþ þe which he
ſhal ſpille fro his puples. anoyntide þe tabernacle wiþ alle his ournementis;
xxii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xi and whanne halowynge he hadde ſpreynt þe auter ſeuen
xxiii Spek to þe ſones of Irael, Þe talwȝ of ſheep, and of oxe, ſiþes, he anoyntide it; and alle þe veſſels of it, and þe
and of geyt, ȝe ſhulen not eete; lauatorye wiþ his foot he halowide wiþ oyle.
xxiiii þe talwȝ of deed careyn, and of þat beeſte þat is takun of xii Þe which heeldynge vpon þe heed of Aaron, he anoyntide
a wilde beeſte, ȝe ſhulen haue into dyuerſe vſes. hym, and ſacrede, and his ſones offrede he ſacride,
xxv If eny man eete þe talwȝ, þat ſhulde be offred into þe xiii and cloþid wiþ lynnen cootys, and girde wiþ girdles, and
encenſe of þe Lord, he ſhal periſhe fro his puple. putte on hem mytrys, as þe Lord comaundide.
xxvi And þe blood of eche beeſte ȝe ſhulen not take in meete, xiiii And he offrede a calf for ſynne; and whanne Aaron and
as wel of bryddes, as of beeſtis; his ſones hadden putte her hondes vpon þe heed of it,
xxvii eche lijf þat etiþ blood ſhal periſhe fro his puplis.


xv he offrede it, takynge þe blood; and þe fyngre wett, he xxxvi And Aaron and his ſones diden alle þingis, þat þe Lord
towchede þe hornes of þe auter bi enuyroun, þe which clenſid ſpak bi þe hoond of Moyſes.
and halowid, he heelde þe laft blood at þe foundementis of it.
xvi Þe talwȝ forſoþe þat was vpon þe entrayles, and þe calle Capitulum IX.
of þe mawe, and þe two litil reynes wiþ her grece he brent i The
vpon þe auter; eiȝt day forſoþe doon, Moyſes clepide Aaron, and his
xvii þe calf wiþ þe ſkynne, fleſh, and dryt, brennynge out of þe ſones, and þe greet men þurȝ birþe of Yrael; and he ſeide to
tentes, as þe Lord comaundide. Aaron,
ii Tak fro þe droue a calf for ſynne, and a weþer into brent
xviii And he offred a weþer into brent ſacrifice; vpon whos
heed whanne Aaron and his ſones hadden putte her hondes, ſacrifice, eiþir wiþ out wemme, and offre hem before þe Lord.
iii And þow ſhalt ſpeke to þe ſones of Yrael, Take ȝe a geyt
xix he offred it, and heelde þe blood of it bi enuyroun of þe
auter. for ſynne, and a calf, and a lombe of o ȝeer and wiþout
xx And þilk weþer cuttynge in gobetis, þe heed of it, and þe
wemme, into brent ſacrifice,
iiii an oxe and a weþer for peſible þingis; and offre ȝe hem
lemes, before þe Lord, in þe ſacrifice of echon offrynge tried flour
xxi and þe talwȝ he brente wiþ fier, waſhed before þe entraylis
ſpreynt wiþ oyle; to day forſoþe þe Lord ſhal apere to ȝow.
and þe feete; and al þe weþer he tende to gidere vpon þe v Þanne þei token alle þingis, þat Moyſes hadde comaundide,
auter, forþi þat it was brent ſacrifice of mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe at þe dore of þe tabernacle, where, whanne al þe multitude
Lord, as he comaundide to hym. ſtoode,
xxii And he offrede þe ſecounde weþer, into þe ſacringe of
vi Moyſes ſeiþ, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord comaundide, do
preeſtis; and Aaron and his ſones puttiden her hondes vpon ȝe, and þe glorie of hym ſhal apere to ȝow.
þe heed of it. vii And he ſeide to Aaron, Come nyȝ to þe auter, and offre for
xxiii Þe which whanne Moyſes hadde offride, takynge of þe
blood towchid þe ende of þe riȝt eere of Aaron, and þe þi ſynne; offre brent ſacrifice, and prey for þee, and þe puple;
þowmbe of his riȝt hoond, alſo and of þe foote. And he offred and whanne þou ſleeſt þe hooſt of þe puple, prey for hem, as
þe ſones of Aaron. þe Lord haþ comaundide.
viii And anoon Aaron goynge to þe auter offred a calf for his
xxiiii And whanne of þe blood of þe offred weþer he hadde
towchid þe eende of þe riȝt eere of echon, and þe þoumbe of ſynne;
ix whos blood his ſones offreden to hym, in þe which wetynge
þe hoond, and of þe riȝt foote, þe relif he heelde vpon þe auter
bi enuyroun. þe fyngre he towchide þe hornes of þe auter, and heelde þe
xxv Þe talwȝ forſoþe, and þe tayle, and al þe fatnes þat relyf at þe foot of it;
x and þe talwȝ, and þe litil reynes and þe calle of þe mawe
couereþ þe entrayles, and þe calle of þe mawe, and þe two
reynes wiþ her talwȝes, and þe ryȝt ſhuldre he ſeuerede. þat ben for ſynne, he brent vpon þe auter, as þe Lord
xxvi Takynge forſoþe of þe leepe of þerf looues, þat was comaundide to Moyſes.
xi Þe fleſh forſoþe, and þe ſkynne of it wiþ out þe tentis he
before þe Lord, looues wiþ outen ſour dowȝ, and a litil rownd
loof ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and a þinne caake, he putte vpon þe brent wiþ fier.
talwȝes, xii And he offrede þe ſlawn offryng of þe brent ſacrifice, and
xxvii and þe riȝt ſhuldre, takynge alle togidere to Aaron and his ſones offreden þe blood of it to hym, þe which he heelde bi
hys ſones. enuyroun of þe auter;
xxviii Þe which whanne þei hadden rerede hem beforn þe xiii þat alſo ooſt cutt in to gobetis, wiþ þe heed, and alle þe
Lord, eftſones takynge of þe hondes of hem, he brente vpon lymes þei offriden; þe whiche alle vpon þe auter he brente wiþ
þe auter of brent ſacrifice, forþi þat it was þe offring of fier,
conſecracioun, into ſmel of ſwetnes of ſacrifice to þe Lord. xiiii before waſche wiþ water þe entrayles, and þe feet.
xxix And he took þe litil breeſt, rerynge it before þe Lord, of xv And offrynge for þe ſynne of þe puple he ſlewe a goote,
þe weþer of conſecracioun into his part, as þe Lord haþ xvi and þe auter clenſid he made brent ſacrifice,
comaundide hym. xvii echynge into þe ſacrifyce offrynges of licours þat ben
xxx And takynge þe oynement, and þe blood þat weren in þe
offryd togidere, and brennynge hem vpon þe auter, wiþ out þe
auter, he ſpreynde vpon Aaron, and his veſtementes, and cerymonyes of þe morutide brent ſacryfice.
upon his ſones, and her cloþis. xviii And he offrede an oxe, and a weþer, þe peſible ooſtes of
xxxi And whanne he hadde halowide hem in her cloþinge, he
þe puple; and his ſones offreden þe blood to hym, þe which he
comaundide hem, ſeiynge, Seeþe ȝe þe fleſh before þe ȝatis of heelde vpon þe auter in enuiroun.
þe tabernacle, and þer etiþ it; and þe looues of conſecracioun xix Þe talwȝ forſoþe of þe oxe, and þe tayl of þe weþer, and
etiþ, þat ben putte in þe leepe, as God haþ comaundide to me,
ſeiynge, Aaron and his ſones ſchulen eete hem; þe litil reynes wiþ her talwȝes, and þe calle of þe mawe,
xxxii what euer forſoþe were laft of þe fleſh and of þe looues, xx þei putten vpon þe breeſtes. And whanne þe talwȝes weren
þe fier ſhal conſume. brent in þe auter,
xxxiii Fro þe dore forſoþe of þe tabernacle ȝe ſhulen not goo xxi þe breeſtis of hem, and þe riȝt ſhuldres Aaron arerynge
out ſeuen daies, vnto þe day in þe which þe tyme of ȝoure before þe Lord ſeuerde, as Moyſes comaundide.
conſecracioun ſhal be fulfillid; ſeuen forſoþe daies is endid þe xxii And ſtrecchynge out hondes to þe puple he bleſſide hem;
conſecracioun, and ſo fulfillid þe ooſtes for ſynne, and þe brent ſacrifices, and
xxxiiii as now it is doon, þat þe ryte of þe ſacrifice be fulfild. þe peſible þinges, he deſcendide.
xxxv Day and nyȝt ȝe ſhulen dwelle in þe tabernacle, al about xxiii Moyſes forſoþe and Aaron goon into þe tabernacle of
kepynge þe wardes of þe Lord, leſt ȝe dien; ſo forſoþe it is witneſſyng, and þerafter goon out bliſſiden to þe puple; and þe
comaundide to me. glorie of þe Lord aperyde to al þe multitude.


xxiiii And loo! fier goon out fro þe Lord deuowrede þe brent xix And Aaron anſwerde, To day is offred þe ſlawn offryng
ſacrifice, and þe talwȝes, þat weren vpon þe auter; þe which for ſynne, and brent ſacrifice before þe Lord; to me forſoþe is
whanne þe puple hadde ſeen, þei preiſeden þe Lord, fallynge faln þat þou ſeeſt; what manere myȝte I eete it, and plees to
doun in to her faces. þe Lord in cerymonyes wiþ weilynge mynde?
xx Þe which þing whanne Moyſes hadde herde, he reſſeyuede
Capitulum X. ſatysfaccioun.
i And Nadab and Abiu, þe ſones of Aaron, cauȝt þe cenſerys,
putten fier and encenſe þere aboue, offrynge before þe Lord Capitulum XI.
alien fier, þat to hem was not comaundid. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge,
ii And fier goon out fro þe Lord, deuowrede hem, and þei ben ii Sey ȝe to þe ſones of Yrael, Kepe ȝe alle þingis þat Y
deed before þe Lord. haue writun to ȝow, þat I be ȝoure God. Þes ben þe beeſtis
iii And Moyſes ſeide to Aaron, Þis is þat þe Lord haþ þat ȝe ſhulen eete, of alle þat beren lijf on erþe;
ſpokun, Y ſhal be halowid in hem þat neiȝen to me, and in þe iii alle þat han þe clee dyuydid, and chewiþ kude, in beeſtis ȝe
ſiȝt of al þe puple Y ſhal be glorified; þe which þing herynge, mowen eete;
Aaron helde his pees. iiii what euer forſoþe chewiþ kude, and haþ clee, but dyuydiþ
iiii Moyſes forſoþe, Myſael, and Elizaphan, þe ſones of Oſyel,
it not, as camel and oþere, ȝe ſhulen not eete it, and among
þe vncle of Aaron, clepid, ſeiþ to hem, Goþe, and takiþ ȝoure vnclenne þinges ȝe ſhulen holde it.
briþeren fro þe ſiȝt of þe ſeyntuarie, and beriþ out of þe tentis. v An vrchon, þat chewiþ kude, and dyuideþ not þe clee, is
v And anoon goynge þei token hem, as þei lien cloþid wiþ her
lynnen cloþes, and þei keſten hem out, as it was comaundid vi an haar forſoþe, for and he chewiþ kude, but þe clee he
to hem.
vi And Moyſes ſpak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and to Ytamar, dyuidiþ not;
vii and a ſowe, þat al be it þat ſche dyuidiþ þe clee, ſhe chewiþ
his ſones, Wole ȝe not make ȝoure heedes nakid, and wole ȝe
not kutte ȝoure cloþes, leſt perauenture ȝe dien, and vpon al not kude.
þe cumpanie ſprenge indignacioun; ȝoure breþeren and al þe viii Of þe fleſh of þes eete ȝe not, ne towche ȝe þe careyns, for
hous of Yrael weilen þei þe brennyng þat þe Lord haþ reryde. þei ben vnclene to ȝow.
vii Ȝe forſoþe ſhulen not goon out þe ȝates of þe tabernacle, ix Þes ben alſo þat ben getun in watris, and it is leeful to
ellis ȝe ſhulen peryſhe; þe oyle forſoþe of þe holi anoyntyng is eete; alle þat han fynnes and ſcaales, as wel in þe ſee, as in
vpon ȝow. Þe whiche diden alle þinges after þe heeſte of þe floodes and ſtondynge watris, ȝe ſhulen eete;
Moyſes. x what euer forſoþe haþ no fynnes and ſcaales, of hem þat in
viii And þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, watris ben meued and lyuen, ſhulen be abhomynable to ȝou,
ix Wyn, and alle þat may make dronke, þow and þi ſones xi and as curſid; ȝe ſhulen not eete þe fleſh of hem, and þe
ſhulen not drynke, whanne ȝe ſhulen goo into þe tabernacle of faln to deeþ ȝe ſhulen ſhonne.
witneſſyng, leſt ȝe dien; for þe euerlaſtynge heeſte it is into xii Alle þat han not fynnes and ſcaales in watris, ſhulen be
ȝoure generaciouns; polute.
x and þat ȝe han kunnyng of demyng bitwix holy and curſid, xiii Þes ben þat ȝe ſhulen not eete of bryddes, and ben to be
bitwix defowlid and clene; ſhoned of ȝow; an egle, and a griffyn, and a merlyoun;
xi and þat ȝe techen þe ſones of Yrael alle my lawful þinges, xiiii and kijt, and a grijp after his kynde;
þat þe Lord haþ ſpokun to hem bi þe hoond of Moyſes. xv and alle of crowe kynde into his liknes;
xii And Moyſes ſpak to Aaron, and to Eliazar and to Ytamar,
xvi `an oſtriche, and a nyȝt crowe, and a coote, and an hawke
his ſones, þat weren laft, Tak ȝe þe ſacrifice þat was laft of
þe offryng of þe Lord, and etiþ it wiþ outen ſourdowȝ, biſide after his kynde;
þe auter, for holy of halowis yt is. xvii an owle, and a deuedep, and þe vnclene watir foule, þat
xiii Ȝe ſhulen eete forſoþe in holy place þat þat is ȝeuen to þee wiþ his bille puttynge water into his ars, purgiþ hym ſilf;
and to þi ſones, of þe offrynges of þe Lord, as it is xviii a ſwan, a cormaraunt, and a pellicane; and a gerfawcoun,
comaundid to me. xix and a iay after his kynde; and a lapwynk, and a
xiiii And þe litil breeſt þat is offered, and þe ſhuldre þat is reremous.
ſeuered, ȝe ſhulen eete in þe mooſt cleene place, þow, and þi xx Alle of foules þat goþ on foure feete, ſhal be abhomynable
ſones, and þi douȝtren wiþ þee; to þee forſoþe and to þi free to ȝow;
children ben put vp, of þe hoolſum ooſtis of þe ſones of Yrael; xxi what euer forſoþe goþ on foure feete, but haþ lenger þeis
xv forþi þat þe ſhuldre, and þe breeſt, and þe talwȝes þat ben
bihynde, bi þe whiche he lepiþ vpon þe erþe, ȝe ſhulen eete;
brent in þe auter, þei han arerede before þe Lord; and xxii as is bruk in his kynde, `þat is þe kynde of locuſt er it
perteynen to þee, and to þi ſones, þurȝ perpetual lawe, as þe haue wenges, and attachus, `þat is þe kynde of locuſt, whanne
Lord haþ comaundide. it bigynneþ to flee, and opymachus, `þat is a foule enemy to
xvi Among þes þingis þe goot þat was offred for ſynne
ſerpentes, and a locuſt, eche after his kynde.
whanne Moyſes ſouȝte, he foonde ful brent, and wrooþ aȝens xxiii What euer forſoþe of foules þat oonli haþ foure feete, ſhal
Eliazar and Ytamar, þe ſones of Aaron þat laften, ſeiþ, be to ȝow as curſid þing;
xvii Whi han ȝe not eetun in hooli place þe ooſt for ſynne, þat
xxiiii and who ſo euer towchiþ þe faln to deeþ of hem, ſhal be
is holy of halowes, and ȝyue to ȝow, þat ȝe bere þe wickidnes polutid and vnclene vnto þe euentyde;
of þe multitude, and preye for it in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; xxv and if it were nede þat he bere eny of hem deed, he ſhal
xviii nameliche ſiþ of þe blood of it is not brouȝt wiþ ynne þe
halowes, and ȝe ſhulen eete it in þe ſeyntuarie, as þe Lord waſhe his cloþes, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe goyng doun
haþ comaundide to me? of þe ſunne.


xxvi Eche forſoþe beeſte þat haþ a clee, but dyuideþ not it, ne Capitulum XII.
chewiþ kude, ſhal be vnclene; and what euer touchiþ it, ſhal be i The Lord ſpak to
defoulid. Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xxvii Þat þat goþ vpon hondes, of al þat beriþ lijf þat goon on ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, A
foure feete, ſhal be vnclene; who ſo touchiþ þe faln to deþ of womman, if þurȝ reſſeyued ſeed ſhe bare a maal, ſhe ſhal be
hem, ſhal be polutid vnto euen; vnclene ſeuen dayes after þe daies of þe ſeueryng of þe flux of
xxviii and who ſo beriþ ſiche maner careyns, ſhal waſſhe his rotun blood;
iii and þe eiȝt day þe fawnt ſhal be circumcidid.
cloþis, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen; for alle þes ben
vnclennes to ȝou. iiii She forſoþe þre and þretti daies ſhal dwelle in þe blood of
xxix Þes forſoþe among polutid þinges ſhulen be holde, of hem hir purifiyng; al holi þing ſhe ſhal not touche, ne goo in to þe
þat ben meued in erþe; a weſil, and a mouſe, and a cokedril, ſeyntuarie, to þe tyme þat þe daies of hir purifiyng ben
eche after his kynde; `þat is a beeſt of foure feete, hauynge þe fulfillid.
neþer cheke lap vnmeuable, and meuynge þe ouere; v If forſoþe ſhe bere a maydyn child, ſhe ſhal be vnclene twey
xxx a mygal, `þat is a beeſte born trecherows to bigile, and wekes, after þe ryte of þe flux of þe rotun blood, and ſix and
mooſt gloterous, a camelion, `þat is a beeſte varyed in to ſixty dayes ſhe ſhal dwelle in þe blood of hir puryfiyng.
diuerſe colours, after diuerſe lokingis, and a ſtellioun, `þat is vi And whanne þe daies of hir purifiyng weren fulfillid, oþer
a werme depeyntid as wiþ ſterris, and a lacert, `þat is a for ſone, or for douȝter, ſhe ſhal bere a lomb of o ȝeer in to
ſerpent þat is clepid a liſerd, and a moldwerp. brent ſacrifice, and a culuer brid, or a turtil, for ſynne, at þe
xxxi Alle þes ben vnclene; who toucheþ þe faln to deþ of hem, dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and ſhe ſhal take to þe
ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen; preeſt,
xxxii and vpon what þing fal eny þing of þe faln to deþ of vii þe which ſhal offre it before þe Lord, and ſhal preye for
hem, ſhal be polut, as wel þe treen veſſel and cloþing, as hir, and ſo ſhe ſhal be maad clene fro þe flux of hyr blood.
ſkynnes and heren ſhertes; and in what þing is werk maad, it Þis is þe lawe of þe berynge maal and femaal.
ſhal be wett wiþ water, and þei ſhulen be polut vnto þe euen, viii And if þe hoond of hir fynde not, ne may offre a lombe,
and ſo afterward þei ſhulen be clenſid. ſhe ſhal take two turturs, or two culuer bryddes, þe oon into
xxxiii A britel veſſel forſoþe, in þe which eny of þes falliþ wiþ brent ſacrifice, and þat oþir for ſynne; and þe preeſt ſhal preye
ynne, ſhal be polut, and þerfor it is to be broke. for hir, and ſo ſhe ſhal be maad clene.
xxxiiii Al þe meete þat ȝe ſhulen eete, if water were ſhed vpon
it, ſhal be vnclene; al meltynge þing, þat ſhal be dronke of eny Capitulum XIII.
veſſel, ſhal be vnclene; i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge,
xxxv and what þing of ſiche þing faln to deeþ falle vpon it,
ii A man in whos ſkynne and fleſh were ſprongun dyuerſe
ſhal be vnclene, oþer forneyſes, `or ketels, ſhulen be deſtruyed,
and ſhulen be vnclene. colour, or bleyne, oþer eny þing liȝtyng, þat is to ſeie, a
xxxvi Þe welles forſoþe and ſiſterns, and al þe gederyng plaage of lepre, he ſhal be brouȝt forþ to Aaron, þe preeſt, or
to oon of eny of his ſones;
togidere of watris, ſhulen be clene. He þat touchiþ þe faln to iii þe which whanne he ſeeþ þe lepre in þe ſkynne, and þe
deþ of hem, ſhal be polutid.
xxxvii If it falle vpon þe ſeede, it ſhal not polute it; heeris chaungid into whijt colour, and þilk ſpice of lepre lower
þan þe ſkynne and þat oþer fleſh, a plaage of lepre it is, and
xxxviii if forſoþe eny man wiþ water helde vpon þe ſeede, and at þe dom of hym he ſhal be ſeuered.
afterward wiþ þe faln to deþ were touchid, anone it ſhal be iiii If forſoþe liȝtynge whitneſſe were in þe ſkynne, and no
polutid. more lowe þan þat oþer fleſh, and þe heeris of before hadden
xxxix If þe beeſte þat is leeful to ȝow to eete were deed, he colour, þe preeſt ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen daies;
þat touchiþ þe careyn of it ſhal be vnclene vnto euen; v and he ſhal beholden þe ſeuenþe day, and if forſoþe þe lepre
xl and he þat etiþ of it eny þing, or beriþ, ſhal waſſhe his be no forþermore runne, ne paſſe in þe ſkynne þe former
cloþes, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto euen. termes, eftſones he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen oþer dayes;
xli Al þat crepiþ vpon erþe ſhal be abhomynable, ne ſhal be vi and þe ſeuenþe day he ſhal loke, if more derker were þe
take vnto meet. lepre, and not waxed in þe ſkynne, he ſhal clenſe hym, for it
xlii What þing of foure feete goþ vpon þe breeſt, and haþ is a ſcab; and þe man ſhal waſſhe his cloþis, and he ſhal be
many feete, or bi þe erþe is drawun, ȝe ſhulen not eete, for it clene.
is abhomynable. vii Þat if afterward þat he is ſeen of þe preeſt, and ȝoldun to
xliii Nyl ȝe defoule ȝoure ſoules, ne touche eny þing of hem, clenneſſe, eftſone þe lepre wexiþ,
leſt ȝe ben vnclene; viii he ſhal be brouȝte to hym, and of vnclennes he ſhal be
xliiii Y forſoþe am þe Lord ȝoure God; be ȝe holy, for Y am condempnyd.
hooli. Ne defoule ȝe ȝoure ſoules in eny crepynge þing þat is ix Þe plaage of lepre if it were in a man, he ſhal be brouȝt to
meuyd vpon erþe; þe preeſt,
xlv Y forſoþe am þe Lord, þat haþ ladde ȝow fro þe loond of x and he ſhal ſe hym; and whanne whijt colour were in þe
Egipte, þat Y ſhulde be to ȝow into God; ȝe ſhulen be holy, ſkynne, and of þe heeres chaungiþ þe ſiȝt, þilke forſoþe quyk
for Y am holy. fleſh apeeriþ,
xlvi Þis is þe lawe of þe berynge lijf, and of foules, and of al xi þe mooſt olde lepre it ſhal be demyd, and fulle rootid to þe
lyuynge ſoule þat is meuyd in water, and crepiþ in erþe; ſkynne; and ſo þe preeſt ſhal defoule hym, and not recluſe, for
xlvii þat ȝe mowen knowe þe differences of clene and of it is of vnclenneſſe ful open.
vnclene, and þat ȝe witen what ȝe owen to eete, and what to xii If forſoþe out flowe þe rennynge lepre in þe ſkynne, and
forſake. couer al þe fleſh, fro þe heed vnto þe feet, what þing vndir þe
ſiȝt of þe eyen falliþ;


xiii þe preeſt ſhal beholde hym, and deme it to be holdun mooſt xxxix þe preeſt ſhal loke hem; if he perceyue vnder derk
clene lepre, `for þi þat al be turned into whitnes, and þerfor whijtnes to ſhyne in þe ſkynne, know he þat it is no lepre,
þe man ſhal be clene. but a wemme of whijt colour, and þat þe man is clene.
xiiii Whanne forſoþe quyk fleſh aperyde in hym, xl A man of whos heed þe heeres fallen, he is ballid, and
xv þanne þurȝ þe dome of þe preeſt he ſhal be polut, and clene;
among vnclene he ſhal holdun; if þe quyk fleſh is ſpreynt wiþ xli and if fro þe frount fallen þe heeres, he is bihynde ballid,
lepre, it is vnclene. and clene;
xvi Þat if eftſones it were turned into whitneſſe, and couereþ xlii if forſoþe in þe ballidnes, or in þe bihynde ballidnes, whijt
al þe man, or reed colour were ſprongun out,
xvii þe preeſt ſhal behoolde hym, and deme to be clene. xliii and þat þe preeſt ſeeyȝ, he ſhal condempne hym, not of
xviii Þe fleſh and þe ſkynne, in þe whiche a bocche is growun, dowtows lepre it is, þat is ſprongun in þe ballidnes.
and helid, xliiii Whoſo euer were þanne defoulid wiþ lepre, and ſeuered
xix and in þe place of þe bocche aperiþ a fel wounde, whijt, or at þe dome of a preeſt,
derk reed, þe man ſhal be brouȝt to þe preeſt; xlv he ſhal haue his cloþis vnſewyd, þe heed nakid, þe mouþ
xx þe which whanne he haþ ſeen þe place of þe lepre lower couered wiþ þe clooþe, and he ſhal crye hym wemmed, and
þan þat oþer fleſh, and þe heeris turned into whitnes, he ſhal foule;
defoule hym; a plaage forſoþe of lepre is ſprongun in þe xlvi al tyme þat he is leprows and vncleene, alone he ſhal
bocche. dwelle out of þe tentes.
xxi Þat if þe heere is of þe raþer colour, and þe fel wounde xlvii A wullun clooþ, or lynnen,
vnder derk, and þanne þe nyȝ fleſh is not lower, he ſhal xlviii þat haþ a lepre in þe oof, or in þe werpe, oþer of a
recluſe hym ſeuen dayes; certeyn ſkynne, or ouȝt þat is maad of ſkynne,
xxii and if forſoþe it wax, he ſhal deme hym of þe lepre; xlix if it were infect wiþ whijt or reed wemme, it ſhal be
xxiii if forſoþe it ſtoonde in his place, it is þe fel wounde of þe holdun a lepre, and ſhal be ſhewid to þe preeſt;
bocche, and þe man ſhal be clene. l þe which, it lokid, ſhal recluſe ſeuen daies.
xxiiii Þe fleſh and þe ſkynne, þat þe fyer brekiþ out, and, li And þe ſeuenþe day eftſones biholdynge, if he perſeyue þat it
heelid, haue a whijt or a reed fel wounde, haþ wox, it ſhal be a ſtedfaſt lepre; he ſhal deme þe clooþ
xxv þe preeſt ſhal biholde it, and loo! if it is turned into polut,
whijtnes, and þe place of it is lower þan þat oþer ſkynne, he lii and al þing in þe which it were founde; and þerfor it ſhal
ſhal defoule hym, for þe plaage of þe lepre is ſprongun in þe be brent wiþ flawmes of fier.
fel wounde. liii Þat if he ſe þat it haþ not waxen,
xxvi Þat if þe colour of þe heeres were not fulle chaungid, ne
liiii he ſhal comaunde, and þei ſhal waſſhe it in þe which is þe
þe plaage lower þan þat oþer flehs, and þilke ſpice of lepre
were vnder derk, he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen daies; lepre, and he ſhal recluſe it ſeuen oþer daies;
xxvii and þe ſeuenþe day he ſhal loke; and if þe lepre wax in lv and whanne he ſeeþ forſoþe þe raþer face not turned aȝen,
þe ſkynne, he ſhal defoule hym; and neuerþelater þe lepre not to haue woxe, he ſhal deme
xxviii if forſoþe in his place ſtonde whijtnes not cleer ynowȝ, a vnclene, and wiþ fier he ſhal brenne, forþi þat it is ſpred in
þe vttermoſt of þe clooþ, oþer `al þurȝ.
plaage of brennyng it is, and þerfor it ſhal be clenſid, for a fel lvi A lepre, if forſoþe þe place of þe lepre were derker, after
wounde of brennyng `it is.
xxix Man or womman, in whos heed or beerde boriouneþ a þat þe clooþ is waſſhun, he ſhal breke it, and fro þe hoole
lepre, lvii Þat if forþermore apere in þat places, þe whiche weren
xxx þe preeſt ſhal loke hem; and if forſoþe þe place were lower
before vndefoulid, þe lepre fleynge and vagaunt, ſhal be brent
þan þat oþer fleſh, and þe heer ȝalow, and ſotiler þan it is wiþ fier;
wont, he ſhal defoule him, for lepre of þe heed it is, and of þe lviii and if it ceeſe, he ſhal waſſhe ſecoundlich þo þinges þat
xxxi If forſoþe he ſe þe place of þe wemme euen to þe nyȝ ben pure, and þei ſhal be clene.
lix Þis is þe lawe of þe lepre of wullen clooþ, and lynnen, of
fleſh, and þe heer blak, he ſhal recluſe hym ſeuen daies,
xxxii and þe ſeuenþe day loke; and if þe wemme growe not, oof and of warpe, and of al leþerin purtenaunce, how þei ſhal
be clenſid, or be defoulid.
and þe heer is of his colour, and þe place of þe plage to þat
oþer fleſh euen,
xxxiii þe man ſhal be ſhauen, out-take þe place of þe wemme, Capitulum XIIII.
and he ſhal be recluſyd ſeuen oþer daies. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xxxiiii If þe ſeuenþe day þe plaage were ſeen `to haue ſtoonde ii Þis is þe rijt of þe leprows, whanne he is to be maad
in his place, ne lower þan þat oþer fleſh, he ſhal clenſe hym, clene. He ſhal be brouȝt to þe preeſt,
and his cloþes waſſhid he ſhal be clene. iii þe which goon out of þe tentis, whanne he fyndiþ þat þe
xxxv If forſoþe after þe clenſyng eftſones growe a wemm in þe lepre is clenſid,
ſkynne, iiii he ſhal comaunde to hym þat is purified, þat he offre for
xxxvi he ſhal na more ſeche, wher þe heer be chaungid in to hym ſilf two quyk ſparowes, whom it is leeful to eet, and
ȝalow colour, for apertly he is vnclene. cedre tree, and `flawm reed ſilk, and yſope.
xxxvii Forſoþe if þe wemme ſtoonde, and þe heeris weren v And oon of þe ſparows he ſhal comaunde to be offred in a
blak, know he þat þe man is hool, and truſtili pronounce he britil veſſel, vpon quyk watris;
hym clene. vi þat oþer forſoþe quyk, wiþ cedre tree, and `reed ſilk, and
xxxviii A man or a womman, in whos ſkynne whijtnes aperiþ,
yſope, he ſhal weete in þe blood of þe ſparowe þat is offred,


vii wiþ þe which he ſhal ſprenge hym þat is to be clenſid xxx And a turtre, or a culuer bryd, he ſhal offre,
ſeuene ſiþes, þat þurȝ riȝt he be purgid; and he ſhal late goo xxxi oon for treſpas, and anoþer into brent ſacrifice, wiþ her
þe quyk ſparowe, þat ſhe flee awei into þe feelde. offrid licours.
viii And whanne þe man haþ waſſhide his cloþes, he ſhal xxxii Þat is þe ſacrifice of þe leprows, þat may not haue alle
ſhaue alle þe heeres of þe bodi, and he ſhal be waſſhe wiþ þingis in þe clenſyng of hym.
water, and purified he ſhal goo into þe tentis; ſo oonli þat he xxxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge,
dwelle out of his tabernacle ſeuen daies;
ix and þe ſeuenþe day þat he ſhaue þe heeris of þe heed, and xxxiiii Whanne ȝe weren goon into þe loonde of Chanaan, þat
beerde, and browes, and þe heeres of al þe body. And Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝow into poſſeſſyoun, if þere were a plaage of
eftſones þe cloþes and þe body waſſhid, lepre in howſis,
x þe eiȝt day he ſhal take two lombes wiþ outen wemme, and xxxv whos is þe hows ſhal goon tellynge to þe preeſt, and
a ſheep of o ȝeer wiþ outen wemme, and þre dymes of tried ſeie, As a plage of lepre it is ſeen to me to be in myn hows.
floure, into ſacrifice, þat be ſpreynt wiþ oyle, and biſides a xxxvi And he ſhal comaunde, þat alle þingis be born out of þe
ſextarie of oyle. hows or he goo into it, and be ſeen wheþer it be a lepre, leſt
xi And whanne þe preeſt, puryfiynge þe man, ordeyneþ hym alle þinges þat ben in þe hows ben maad vnclene; and
and alle þes þingis before þe Lord, in þe dore of þe afterward he ſhal goon yn, þat he behoolde þe lepre of þe
tabernacle of witneſſyng, hows.
xii and he ſhal take a lombe, and offre it for treſpas, and a xxxvii And whanne he ſeeþ in þe walles of it as litil valeys
ſextarye of oyle; and alle þingis offred before þe Lord, defourmed wiþ paalnes, or wiþ reednes, and lower þan þat
xiii he ſhal offre a lombe, where is wont to be offred þe ooſt oþer vttermore partie,
xxxviii he ſhal goo out of þe dore of þe hows, and anoon he
for ſynne and þe brent ſacrifice, þat is, in holy place; forſoþe
as for ſynne ſo for treſpas to þe preeſt perteyneþ þe ooſt; holi ſhal cloſe it ſeuen dayes.
of halowes it is. xxxix And þe ſeuenþe day turned aȝen he ſhal beholde it; and
xiiii And þe preeſt takynge of þe blood of þe ooſt þat is offrid if he fynde þat þe lepre haþ waxen,
for treſpas, he ſhal putte vpon þe ende of his riȝt ere þat is xl he ſhal comaunde þe ſtonus, in þe whiche is þe lepre, to be
clenſid, and vpon þe þoumbes of þe riȝt hoond and foot. drawe out, and hem to be þrowe `a ferre out of þe cyte, in an
xv And of þe ſextarie of oyle he ſhall putte in his left hoond, vnclene place;
xvi and he ſhal wete þe riȝt fyngre in it, and he ſhal ſprenge xli þat forſoþe hows to be parid wiþ ynforþ bi enuyroun, and
before þe Lord ſeuen ſiþes. þe powdre of þe paryng to be ſpreynt out of þe citee, in an
xvii Þat forſoþe of þe oile þat is laft in þe left hoond, he ſhal vnclene place,
xlii and oþer ſtonus to be put aȝens for hem þat were takun
heelde vpon þe eende of his riȝt eere þat is clanſid, and vpon
þe þoumbes of hoonde and of riȝt foot, and vpon þe blood þat awey, and wiþ oþer cley þe hows to be dawbid.
is ſhed for treſpas, xliii If forſoþe after þat þe ſtonus ben drawen out, and þe
xviii and vpon his heed. And he ſhal preye for hym before þe powdre born out, and wiþ oþer erþe dawbid,
Lord, xliiii and þe preeſt goon yn ſe þe lepre turned aȝen, and þe
xix and he ſhal doo ſacrifice for ſynne; þanne he ſhal offre walles aȝen ſpreynt wiþ ſpottis, it is a ſtedfaſt lepre, and þe
brent ſacrifice, hows vnclene;
xx and putte it in þe auter wiþ his offryng of licours, and þe xlv þe whiche anoon þei ſchulen diſtruy; and þe ſtonus of it,
man lawfullich ſhal be clenſid. and trees, and al þe powdre þei ſhulen þrowe afer out of þe
xxi Þat if he is a pore man, and his hoonde may not fynde wallid town, in an vnclene place.
xlvi Who goþ into þe hows, whanne it is cloſid, ſhal be
þat ben ſeyde, he ſhal take for þe treſpas a lombe to þe
offryng, þat þe preeſt preye for hym, and þe tenþe part of vnclene vnto þe euen,
tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into ſacrifice, and a ſextarie of xlvii and who ſlepiþ in it, and etiþ eny þing, ſhal waſſhe his
oyle, cloþes.
xxii and two turturs, and two culuer bryddis, of whom þe oon xlviii Þat if þe preeſt goynge in ſe þat þe lepre haþ not waxen
be for ſynne, and þe oþer into brent ſacrifice; in þe hows, after þat it is newe dawbid, he ſhal purifie it,
xxiii and he ſhal offre hem þe eiȝt day of his purifiyng to þe helþe ȝoldun aȝen.
preeſt, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, before þe xlix In þe purifiynge of it he ſhal take two ſparows, and þe
Lord. cedre tree, and `fier reed ſilk, and yſop.
xxiiii Þe which takynge a lombe for treſpas, and a ſextarie of l And þat oon ſparow offred in a britil veſſel, vpon quik
oile, ſhal rere togidris; watris,
xxv and þe lombe offryd, of þe blood of it he ſhal putte vpon li he ſhal take þe cedre tree, and yſop, and `fier reed ſilk, and
þe eende of þe riȝt eere of hym þat is clenſid, and vpon þe a quyk ſparow, and he ſhal weete alle þingis in þe blood of þe
þoumbes of his hoonde and of þe ryȝt foote. offrid ſparow, and in quyk watres; and he ſhal ſprenge þe
xxvi Of þe oyle forſoþe a part putte he into his left hoonde, hows ſeuen ſiþes;
xxvii in þe which wetynge þe fyngre of þe riȝt hoonde, ſprenge lii and he ſhal purifie it, as wel in þe blood of a ſparow as in
he ſeuen ſiþes aȝens þe Lord; quyk watrys, and in þe quyk ſparow, and in þe cedre tree,
xxviii and weet he þe eende of þe ryȝt eere of hym þat is and yſop, and `fier reed ſilk.
liii And whanne he haþ late þe ſparow freliche flee awey in þe
clenſid, and þe þoumbes of þe hoonde, and of þe riȝt foot, in
þe place of þe blood þat is ſhed out for treſpas. feelde, he ſhal preye for þe hows, and þurȝ ryȝt it ſhal be
xxix Þe laft forſoþe part of þe oyle þat is in þe lefte hoonde, maad clene.
liiii Þis is þe lawe of al lepre, and hurtynge,
putte he vpon þe heed of þe purified, þat he pleſe þe Lord for
hym. lv and of lepre of cloþes, and howſis,


lvi and of fel wounde, and of bleynes brekynge out, and of xxiiii If man goþ togidere wiþ hir in þe tyme of hir blood
wemme liȝtynge, and in dyuerſe ſpices þe colours chaungid, flowynge bi moneþes, he ſhal be vnclene ſeuen daies, and al
lvii þat it may be knowe what tyme eny þing be clene, or þe bed in which he ſlepiþ ſhal be polut.
vnclene. xxv Þe woman þat ſuffriþ manye daies þe flux of blood, not
in tyme of þe flux bi þe moneþ, oþer þat aftir þe flux of blood
Capitulum XV. bi þe moneþ ceſiþ not to flowe blood, as longe as ſhe ſhal
vnderligge to þis paſſioun ſhe ſhal be vnclene, as it be in
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeynge, tyme of þe flux of blood bi þe moneþ.
ii Speke ye to þe ſones of Yrael, and ſeiþ to hem, Þe man xxvi Al þe bed in which ſhe ſlepiþ, and þe veſſel in which ſhe
þat ſuffreþ þe flux of ſeede, ſhal be vnclene; ſittiþ, ſhal be polut.
iii and þanne he ſhal be demyd to vndur ligge to þis vice, xxvii Who ſo towchiþ hir, ſhal waſſhe hys cloþis, and he
whanne bi eche momentis it cleueþ to þe fleſh of hym, and to waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen.
gidere groweþ þe foule humour. xxviii If þe blood ſtoonde, and ceeſe to flowe, ſhe ſhal
iiii Al þe bed þat he ſleepiþ yn ſhal be vnclene, and where noumbre ſeuen daies of hir purifiyng,
euer he ſitteþ. xxix and þe eiȝtiþ day ſhe ſhal offre for hir ſilf to þe preeſt
v Who ſo euer of men towchiþ hys bed, he ſhal waſhe his two turturs, or two culuer briddis, at þe dore of þe tabernacle
cloþes, and he waſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. of witneſſyng;
vi And if he ſitte where he ſatt, he ſhal waſſh his cloþes, and xxx þe which ſhal do oon for þe ſynne, and þat oþer into brent
waſſhid wiþ water ſhal ben vnclene vnto þe euen. ſacrifice; and he ſhal preye for hir before þe Lord, and for þe
vii He þat towchiþ þe fleſhe of hym, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, flux of þe vnclennes of hir.
xxxi Ȝe ſhulen teche þerfore þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei
and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene to þe euen.
viii And if ſiche a man caſte out ſpotil vpon hym þat is clene, ſhonnen vnclennes, and die not in her fluxes, whanne þei
he ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be defoulen my tabernacle þat is among hem.
vnclene vnto þe euen. xxxii Þis is þe lawe of hym þat ſuffreþ flux of ſeede, and þat
ix Þe ſadel vpon þe which he ſhall ſytt, ſhal be vnclene; is polutid þurȝ goynge togidris,
x and what euer were vnder hym þat ſuffreþ flux of ſeede, ſhal xxxiii and of hyr þat þurȝ moneþ tymes of flowing of blood is
be vnclene vnto þe euen. He þat beriþ eny þing of þes, ſhal ſeuerd, and þat flowiþ ful oft blood, and of þe man þat ſlepiþ
waſſhe his cloþes, and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene wiþ hir.
vnto þe euen.
xi Eche whom he þat is ſuchon towchiþ wiþ not waſſhun Capitulum XVI.
hondes before, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and waſſhid wiþ water i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, after þe deeþ of þe two ſones
ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. of Aaron, whanne þei offrynge alien fier were ſlawn,
xii Þe britil veſſel þat he towchiþ, ſhal be tobrokun; þe treen ii and comaundide to hym, ſeiynge, Spek to Aaron, þi broþer,
veſſel forſoþe ſhal be waſſhid `wiþ water. leſt alle tymes he goo into þe ſeyntuarye, þat is wiþ ynne þe
xiii If he were helid, þat ſuffreþ ſiche a maner paſſioun, he veile before þe propiciatory, wiþ þe which þe arke is couerd,
ſhal noumbre ſeuen daies after his clenſyng, and þe cloþes þat he dye not; for in a clowde Y ſhal apeere vpon þe heuenli
waſſhid, and al þe bodi in qwik watris, he ſhal be clene. anſwerynge place;
xiiii Þe eiȝt day forſoþe he ſhal take two turturs, oþer two iii but if þes þinges he do before. He ſhal offre a calf for
culuer briddes, and he ſhal come in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, at þe ſynne, and a weþer in to brent ſacrifice;
dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and he ſhal ȝyue hem to iiii wiþ a lynnen coote he ſhal be cloþid, and wiþ lynnen
þe preeſt; breches he ſhal hile þe ſhame worþi membres; he ſhal be gyrd
xv þe which ſhal doon oon for ſynne, and þat oþer into brent wiþ a lynnen gyrdil, and a lynnen mytre he ſhal putte to þe
ſacrifice; he ſhal preye for him bifor þe Lord, þat he be clene heed; þes forſoþe ben þe holy cloþes, wiþ þe whiche al he ſhal
fro þe flux of his ſeede. be cloþed, whanne he were waſſhid.
xvi Þe man of whom goþ out þe ſeede of goyng togidris, ſhal v And he ſhal take of al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael two
waſſhe wiþ water al his body, and he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe gootes for ſynne, and a weþir into brent ſacrifice;
euen. vi and whanne he offreþ a calf, and preieþ for hym ſilf, and
xvii Clooþ and ſkynne þat he haþ, he ſhal waſſhe wiþ water, for his hows,
and it ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. vii two gootes he ſhal make ſtoonde before þe Lord, in þe dore
xviii Þe womman wiþ whom he goþ togider wiþ, ſhal be of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng;
waſſhe wiþ water, and ſhe ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. viii puttynge vpon eiþer loot, oon to þe Lord, and anoþer to þe
xix Þe womman þat, turnynge aȝen þe moneþ, ſuffreþ þe flux goot þat ſhal be ſent out.
of blood, ſeuen daies ſhal be ſeuerd; eche þat towchiþ hir ſhal ix Whos loot goþ out to þe Lord, ſhal offre þilke for ſynne;
be vnclene vnto euen, x whos forſoþe into þe goot þat ſhal be ſent out, ſhal ordeyne
xx and þe place in which ſhe ſleepiþ or ſittiþ þe daies of her
him quik before þe Lord, þat he heelde preiers vpon hym, and
ſeueryng, ſhal be polut. ſende hym out into wildernes.
xxi He þat towchiþ her bed, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes, and he xi Þes þingis lawfully ſolempnyſid, he ſhal offre a calf, and
waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. preiynge for hym ſilf, and for his hows, ſhal offre it.
xxii Eche veſſel vpon which ſhe ſittiþ who ſo euer towchiþ, ſhal xii And þe cenſure taken to, þe whiche he haþ fulfillide of þe
waſſhe his cloþes, coolis of þe auter, and takynge wiþ hoond þe maad enſence of
xxiii and he waſſhid wiþ water ſhal be polut vnto þe euen. dyuers ſpices into enſenſyng, he ſhal goo yn biȝonde þe veile,
in to þe hooli þingis;


xiii þat þe ſwete ſmellynge ſpices putt vp on þe fier, þe clowde xxxiiii And þis ſhal be lawful to ȝow euermore, þat ȝe preyen
of hem and þe breeþ couer Goddis anſweryng place, þat is for þe ſones of Yrael, and for alle þe ſynnes of hem, ones in
vpon þe witneſſynge, and die not. þe ȝeer. He dide þanne, as þe Lord hadde comaundide to
xiiii And he ſhal take of þe blood of þe calf, and he ſhal Moyſes.
ſprenge wiþ þe fyngre ſeuen ſiþes aȝens þe propiciatorye, at þe
eeſt. Capitulum XVII.
xv And whanne he haþ ſlawe þe goot, for þe ſynne of þe
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
puple, he ſhal bere ynne his blood wiþ ynne þe veile, as it is ii Spek to Aaron and his ſones, and to
comaundid of þe blood of þe calf, þat he ſpreynge forn aȝen alle þe ſones of Yrael,
Goddis anſweryng place, ſeiynge to hem, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord haþ comaundide,
xvi and purge þe ſeyntuarye fro þe vnclennes of þe ſones of ſeiynge,
iii Eche man of þe hows of Yrael, if he ſlee an oxe, or a
Yrael, and fro þe treſpaſſynges of hem, and fro alle ſynnes.
After þis rijt he ſhal doo in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, þat is ſheep, or a ſhe goot in þe tentes, or out of þe tentes,
ficchid betwix hem, in þe myddil of þe ſortes of dwellyng of iiii and offreþ not at þe dore of þe tabernacle offrynge to þe
hem. Lord, he ſhal be gilti of blood; as he hadde ſhedde blood, ſo
xvii No man be in þe tabernacle, whanne þe biſhop ſhal goo he ſhal periſhe fro þe myddil of his puple.
into þe ſeyntuarye, þat he preye for hym ſilf, and for his v Þerfor þe ſones of Yrael ſhulen offre to þe preeſt her ooſtes,
hows, and for al þe companye of Yrael, to þe tyme þat he goo þat þei ſlewen in þe feelde, þat þei ben halowid to þe Lord,
out of þe tabernacle. before þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, and offre þei þe
xviii And whanne he goþ out to þe auter þat is before þe ooſtes peſible to þe Lord.
Lord, prey he for hym ſilf, and þe taken blood of þe calf, and vi And þe preeſt ſhal heelde þe blood vpon þe auter of þe
of þe goot, heelde he vpon þe hornes of it, bi enuyroun; Lord, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; and he ſhal
xix and ſprenge wiþ þe fyngre ſeuen ſiþes, purge he, and brenne þe talwȝ into ſmel of ſwetnes to þe Lord.
halowe it fro þe vnclennes of þe ſones of Yrael. vii And þei ſhulen no more offre her ooſtes to feendes, wiþ þe
xx After þat he haþ clenſide þe ſeyntuarye, and þe tabernacle, whiche þei han do fornycacioun; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be
and þe auter, þanne offre he a quyk goot; to hem, and to þe after comers of hem.
xxi and eiþer hoond put on his heed, knowleche he al þe viii And to hem þow ſhalt ſeye, A man of þe hows of Yrael,
wickidnes of þe ſones of Yrael, and alle þe giltis, and alle þe and of þe comlinges þat pilgrimagen anentis ȝow, þat offriþ
ſynnes of hem, þe which inwardly preiynge to his heed, he brent ſacrifice, oþer ſlayn offryng,
ſhal ſende it out bi a man al redy into deſert. ix and to þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng bryngiþ it not,
xxii And whanne þe goot haþ born al þe wickidnes of hem þat it be offred to þe Lord, he ſhal ſpille fro his puple.
into ſolitarye loonde, and were left in deſert, x Eche man of þe hows of Yrael, and of comlyngis þat
xxiii Aaron ſhal turne aȝen into þe tabernacle of witneſſyng; pilgrimagen among ȝow, if he eete blood, Y ſhal aȝen faſtne
and þe cloþes doon of, wiþ þe whiche he was cloþed before, my face aȝens þe ſoule of hym, and Y ſhal leſe hym fro his
whanne he entride þe ſeyntuarye of God, and hem laft þere, puple;
xxiiii he ſhal waſſhe his fleſh in an holi place, and ſhal be xi for þe ſoule of fleſh is in blood, and I haue ȝouun it to
cloþid wiþ his owne cloþes, and afterward þat he, goon out, ȝow, þat ȝe purgen myn auter for ȝoure ſoules, and blood be
haþ offred his and þe puples brent ſacrifice, he ſhal preye as fore þe hidows gilt of ſoule.
wel for hym ſilf, as for þe puple; xii And þerfor Y ſeide to þe ſones of Yrael, Eche lijf of ȝow
xxv and þe talwȝ þat is offred for ſynne he ſhal brenne vpon ete no blood, ne of þe comlyngis þat pilgrymagen among ȝow.
þe auter. xiii Eche man of þe ſones of Yrael, and of þe comelyngis þat
xxvi He forſoþe þat letiþ goo þe ſent out goot, ſhal waſſhe his pilgrymagen anentis ȝow, wheþer wiþ huntyng or wiþ foulyng,
cloþes and his bodi wiþ water, and ſo he ſhal goo into þe take wilde beeſte, or bridd, þe which it is leeful to eete, ſheed
tentis. he his blood, and couer it þe erþe;
xxvii Þe calf forſoþe and þe goot, þat weren offred for ſynne, xiiii þe ſoule forſoþe of al fleſh is in blood. Wherfor Y ſeide to
and whos blood is brouȝt in ſeyntuarye, þat þe clenſyng were þe ſones of Yrael, Þe blood of al fleſh ȝe ſhulen not eete, for
fulfillid, þei ſhulen bere out of þe tentis; and þei ſhulen brenne þe ſoule of fleſh is in blood, and who ſo euer etiþ it, ſhal dye.
wiþ fier, as wel þe ſkynnes, as þe fleſh of hem and þe drit. xv Þe lijf þat etiþ faln to deþ, oþer þe takun of a beeſte, as
xxviii And who ſo euer brenne hem, ſhal waſſhe his cloþes wel of wiþ ynne getun, as of comlyngis, ſhal waſhe his cloþis
and þe fleſh wiþ water, and ſo he ſhal go into þe tentes. and hym ſilf wiþ water, and he ſhal be defowlid vnto þe euen,
xxix And þis ſhal be to ȝow lawful euerlaſtyng; þe ſeuenþ and bi þis ordre he ſhal be maad clene;
xvi þat if he waſſhe not his cloþes, or body, he ſhal bere his
moneþ, þe tenþe day of þe moneþ, ȝe ſhulen traueyle ȝoure
ſoules, and no werke ȝe ſhulen do, wheþer wiþ ynne bore or wickidnes.
comlyng þat pilgrimagen among ȝow.
xxx In þis day ſhal be þe purgyng of ȝow, and clenſyng fro Capitulum XVIII.
alle ȝoure ſynnes, before þe Lord ȝe ſhulen be maad clene; i And þe
xxxi þe holiday forſoþe of reſtyng it is, and ȝe ſhulen traueil Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ii Speke to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Y
ȝoure ſoules þurȝ perpetuel religioun.
xxxii Þe preeſt forſoþe, þat were anoynt, ſhal purgen out, and am þe Lord ȝoure God;
iii after þe cuſtome of þe loond of Egipte, in þe which ȝe han
whos hondes ben ſacrid, þat he bere þe office of preeſthod for
his fader; and he ſhal be cloþid wiþ a lynnen ſtoole, and wiþ dwellid, ȝe ſhulen not doo; after þe maner of þe regioun of
holy cloþes, Chanaan, to þe whiche Y am to bryng ȝow yn, ȝe ſhulen not
xxxiii and he ſhal purge þe ſeyntuarie, and þe tabernacle of don, ne in þe lawful þingis of hem ȝe ſhulen goo.
iiii Ȝe ſhulen doo my domes, and þe heeſtis ȝe ſhulen kepe,
witneſſing, and þe auter, and þe preeſtis, and alle þe puples.
and ȝe ſhulen goo in hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God.


v Kepiþ my lawes and domes, þe whiche doynge, a man ſhal Capitulum XIX.
lyue in hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
vi Eche man to þe nexte woman of his blood ſhal not goo to,
ii Spek to al þe companye of þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt
þat he opne þe filþed of hir; Y Lord.
vii Þe filþheed of þi fader and þe filþheed of þi moder þow ſeie to hem, Be ȝe holy, for Y am holy, þe Lord ȝoure God.
iii Echon drede his fader and moder. Kepe ȝe myn holy day;
ſhalt not diſcouer; þi moder ſhe is, þow ſhalt not opne þe
filþeheed of hir. I þe Lord ȝoure God.
viii Þe filþheed of þe wijf of þi fader þow ſhalt not diſcouer; iiii Nyle ȝe be conuertid to mawmetis, ne goddis ȝotun to
þe filþheed forſoþe of þi fader it is. gidere make ȝe to ȝow; I þe Lord ȝoure God.
ix Þe filþheed of þi ſiſter, of fader or of moder, þat at home v If ȝe offren an ooſt of peſible þingis to þe Lord, þat he be
or wiþ outen is gotun, þow ſhalt not opne. pleſable,
x Þe filþheed of þe dowȝter of þi ſone, or of þi douȝter vi þilk dai þat it were offryd ȝe ſhulen eete it, and þat oþer
douȝter, þow ſhalt not opne, for þi filþheed it is. day; what euer þing forſoþe were laft into þe þridde day, ȝe
xi Þe filþheed of þe douȝter of þe wijf of þi fader, þat ſhe haþ ſhulen brenne wiþ fier.
vii If eny after two dayes etiþ of it, he ſhal be curſid, and
bore to þi fadir, and is þi ſiſter, þow ſhalt not opne.
xii Þe filþ of þe ſiſter of þi fader þow ſhalt not diſcouer; þe gilti of vnpitowſnes;
viii he ſhal bere his wickednes, for þe holy of þe Lord he haþ
fleſh ſhe is of þi fader.
xiii Þe filþhed of þe ſiſter of þi moder þow ſhalt not opne, for polutide, and þat ſoule ſhal periſh fro `þe myddil of his puple.
ix Whanne þow repiſt þe tilþes of þi loond, þow ſhalt not kitte
þi þat ſhe is fleſh of þi moder.
xiiii Þe filþheed of þe broþer of þi fadir þow ſhalt not opne, vnto þe grounde þe vttermoſt of þe erþe, in þe leeuyng eerys
ne þow ſhalt goo to þe wijf of hym, þe which is ioyned to þee þow ſhalt gedere;
x ne in þi vyne ȝeerd þe reyſonus and cornes fallynge down
þurȝ affynyte.
xv Þe filþheed of þe wijf of þi ſone þow ſhalt not opne, for þe þow ſhalt not gedere, but to pore men and pilgrimes to ben
wijf of þi ſone ſhe is, ne þow ſhalt dyſcouer þe ſhenſhyp of leſid þow ſhalt leeue; Y þe Lord ȝoure God.
xi Ȝe ſhulen do no þeft. Ȝe ſhulen not liȝe, ne deſſeyue eny
hir; and no man take þe wijf of his broþer.
xvi Þe filþheed of þe wijf of þi broþer þow ſhalt not opne, for man his neiȝbore.
xii Þou ſhalt not forſwere in my name, ne þou ſhalt polut þe
þe filþhed of þi broþer it is.
xvii Þe filþheed of þi wijf, and of þe douȝter of hir, þow ſhalt name of þi God; Y a Lord.
xiii Þow ſhalt not doo wronge chalenge to þi neiȝbore, ne wiþ
not opne; þe douȝter of þe ſone of hir, and þe douȝter of þe
douȝter of hir þou ſhalt not take, þat þow opne hir ſhenſhip, force bere hym down. Þer ſhal not bide anentis þee þe werke
for þe fleſh of hir þei ben, and ſiche a goyng togidere is of þin hyred ſeruant vnto þe morwen.
inceſt. xiiii Þou ſhalt not curſe to þe deef, ne before þe blynde þow
xviii Þe ſiſter of þi wijf into liggyn bi hir þow ſhalt not take, ſhalt putte þing of offence; but þou ſhalt drede þe Lord þi
ne opne þe filþhede of hir, ȝit ſhe lyuyng. God, for I am a Lord.
xix To þe womman þat ſuffreþ flux of blood þow ſhalt not xv Þow ſhalt not do þat is wickid, ne vnryȝtwiſly þow ſhalt
goo, ne opne þe ſtynkyngnes of hir. deme; þou ſhalt not biholde þe perſone of þe pore, ne þow
xx Wiþ þe wijf of þi neiȝbore þow ſhalt not goo togidir, ne ſhalt onoure þe chere of þe myȝti; riȝtwiſly deme þow to þi
wiþ mengyng togidere of ſeede þow ſhalt `be defoulid. neiȝbore.
xvi Þow ſhalt not be a wrongful acuſer of greuous ſynne, ne a
xxi Of þi ſeede þow ſhalt not ȝyue, þat it be ſacryd to þe
mawmet of Moloch, ne þow ſhalt defowle þe name of þi God; pryue yuel ſpeker in peplis; ne þou ſhalt ſtoonde aȝens þe
Y a Lord. blood of þi neiȝbore; Y a Lord.
xvii Haat þow not þi broþer in þin herte, but opynli vndernym
xxii Wiþ a maal þow ſhalt not be mengid, bi maner of goyng
to gidere wiþ womman, for abhomynacioun it is. hym, leſt þow haue on hym ſynne.
xviii Þow ſhalt not ſeche veniaunce, ne þow ſhalt haue mynde
xxiii Wiþ alle beeſtis þow ſhalt not goo to gidere, ne þow ſhalt
be defoulid wiþ it. A womman ſhal not vnder ligge to a of þe wronge of þi citeſeynes; þow ſhalt loue þi frende as þi
beeſte, ne ſhal be mengid to it, for hidows ſynne it is. ſilf; Y a Lord.
xix Kepe ȝe my lawes. Þi beeſtis þow ſhalt not make goo to
xxiiii Ne be ȝe polut in alle þes þinges, wiþ þe whiche alle
gentilis ben defoulid, þat Y ſhal þrowe out before ȝoure ſiȝt, gidere wiþ beeſtis of anoþer kynde. A feelde þow ſhalt not
xxv of whom þe erþe is polut, whos hidows ſynnes Y ſhal
ſowe wiþ dyuerſe ſeede. A clooþ þat is wouen of two, þow
ſhalt not be cloþid.
viſite, þat it caſte out his dwellers. xx A man if he ſleepe wiþ a womman, bi goyng to gidere of
xxvi Kepe ȝe my lawes and my domes, þat ȝe do not of alle
ſeede, þe which is boond womman, alſo noble, and
þes abomynaciouns, as wel þe wiþ ynne gotun as þe dwellers neuerþelater bi prijs not bouȝt, ne þe fredam ȝyuen, boþe
þat pilgrymagen anentis ȝow. ſhulen be ſcourgid, and þei ſhulen not die, for ſhe was not
xxvii Alle forſoþe þes curſidneſſis diden þe tiliers of þe erþe free.
þat weren bifore ȝow, and polutide it. xxi For her treſpas forſoþe, he ſhal offre to þe `Lord at þe
xxviii Shoneþ þerfor, leſt and alſo ȝow it caſte out, whanne þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, a weþer;
ſame þinges ȝe doon, as it keſte out folk þat was before ȝow. xxii and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym, and for his treſpas,
xxix Eche lijf þat doþ of þes abomynaciouns eny þing, ſhal before þe Lord; and he ſhal eft haue mercy to hym, and þe
periſch fro þe myddil of his puple. ſynne ſhal be forȝeuen.
xxx Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and wole ȝe not doo þingis þat xxiii Whanne ȝe weren gon in to þe loond, and plauntiden in
diden þes þat weren before ȝow, leſt ȝe ben polut in hem; Y it apple trees, ȝe ſhulen doo awey þe firſt fruytis of hem; þe
þe Lord ȝoure God. apples þat buriounen ſhulen be vnclene to ȝow, ne ȝe ſhulen
eete of hem.


xxiiii Þe ferþe forſoþe ȝeer al þe fruyt of hem ſhal be halowid xii If eny man ſleepe wiþ his ſones wijf, eiþer be deed, for
and preyſable to þe Lord; hidows treſpas þei han wrouȝt; þe blood of hem be vpon hem.
xxv þe fift ȝeer forſoþe ȝe ſhulen eete þe fruytis, gedrynge to xiii He þat ſlepiþ wiþ a maal, bi maner of goyng togidere wiþ
gidere apples þat þei bringen forþe; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. a womman, eiþer haþ wrouȝt ful vnleeful þing, þurȝ deþ die
xxvi Ȝe ſhulen not eete fleſh wiþ þe blood. Ȝe ſhulen not þei; þe blood of hem be vpon hem.
dyuyne in bryddis, ne ȝe ſhulen ſette kepynges vpon ſweuenes; xiiii He þat vpon þe wijf takiþ þe douȝter, þe moder `of hyre,
xxvii ne ȝe ſhulen in rownde dodde heer, ne ſhaue beerde; hidows treſpas haþ wrouȝt; ful myche he ſhal bren wiþ hem,
xxviii and vpon þe deed ȝe ſhulen not kitte ȝoure fleſh, ne eny and ſo greet vnleeful þing ſhal not dwelle in þe myddil of
figuris, or pryckyngis, ȝe ſhulen make to ȝow; Y a Lord. xv He þat wiþ hows beeſte or feelde beeſte goþ togider, wiþ
xxix Ne putt þow þi douȝter to bordel, and þe loond be
deþ die he, and þe beeſte ſlee ȝe.
defoulid, and it be fulfillid wiþ treſpas vnto deþ. xvi Þe womman þat lieþ to eny beeſte, to gidere be ſhe ſlayn
xxx My holi dayes kepe ȝe, and my ſeyntuarie drede ȝe; Y a
wiþ it; þe blood of hem be vpon hem.
Lord. xvii He þat takiþ his ſiſtir, þe douȝter of his fader, or þe
xxxi Ne declyne þow to dyuynours, ne aſerche eny þing of
douȝter of his moder, and ſeeþ þe filþheed of hir, and ſhe
takers her anſweris of deuels, þat ȝe ben polut bi hem; I þe bihoolde þe ſhenſhip of þe broþer, a ful vnleeful þing þei han
Lord ȝoure God. wrouȝt, boþe ſhulen be ſlayn in þe ſiȝt of her puple; forþi þat
xxxii Before þe hoor heed aryſe, and onour þe perſone of þe her filþheed þei opneden to gidere, and þei ſhulen bere her
oolde, and drede þe Lord þi God; Y am a Lord. wickidnes.
xxxiii If a comlyng dwelle in ȝoure loond, and were abidynge xviii He þat goþ to gidere wiþ a womman in þe flux of þe
amonge ȝow, ne myſſey ȝe to hym, moneþ blood, and opneþ hir filþehed, and ſhe opneþ þe welle
xxxiiii but be he among ȝow as a wiþ inne born; and ȝe of hir blood, boþe ſhulen be ſlayn fro þe myddel of her puple.
ſhulen loue hym as ȝoure ſelf; forſoþe and ȝe weren xix Þe filþheed of þi moder ſiſter, and þi fader ſiſter, þow
comelyngis in þe loond of Egipte; Y þe Lord ȝoure God. ſhalt not diſcouer; who þat doþ þis, þe ſhenſhip of his fleſh he
xxxv Nyle ȝe do eny wickid þing in dome, in rewle, in weiȝt, ſhal nakyn, and boþ ſhal bere her wickidnes.
in meſure; xx He þat goþ togidere wiþ þe wijf of his fader broþer, or of
xxxvi riȝt balaunce, and euen ben þe weiȝtis, ryȝt buſhel, and his vncle, and opneþ þe ſhenſhip of his kynrede, boþe þei
euen ſextarye; Y þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haue ladde ȝow out ſhulen ber her ſynne, and wiþ out free children þei ſhulen dye.
of þe loond of Egipte. xxi Who ſo weddeþ þe wijf of his broþer, an vnleeful þing
xxxvii Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and alle þe domes, and do ȝe doþ; þe filþheed of his broþer he haþ opned, and wiþ out fre
hem; `I þe Lord. children he ſhal be.
xxii Kepe ȝe my lawes, and my domes, and doþ hem, leſt and
Capitulum XX. þe loond caſt ȝow out, þat ȝe ben to goynge yn, and to
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xxiii Nyle ȝe goo in þe lawful þingis of naciouns, þe whiche
ii Þes þinge ſpek to þe ſones of Yrael, Þe man of þe ſones of Y am to puttynge out before ȝow; alle forſoþe þes þinges þei
Yrael, and of þe comlyngis þat dwellen in Yrael, if eny of his han do, and Y haue wlatid hem.
ſeede ȝyue to þe mawmet of Moloch, þurȝ deþ die he; þe puple xxiiii To ȝow forſoþe Y ſpeke, Weeldiþ þe loond of hem, þat
of þe loond ſhulen ſtonen hym. Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝow in to erytage, þe loond flowynge mylk and
iii And Y ſhal putte my face aȝens hym, and Y ſhal kitte hym hony; Y þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haþ ſeuerde ȝow fro oþer
doun fro þe myddil of my puple, forþi þat he ȝaue of his ſeede puples.
to Moloch, and haþ defowlide my ſeyntuarye, and polut myn xxv And ȝe þanne ſeuer a clene beeſte from vnclene, and clene
holy name. bryd fro vnclene, leſt ȝe poluten ȝoure ſoules in beeſtis, and in
iiii Þat if þe puple of þe loond necgligent, and as deſpiſynge bryddis, and in alle þat mouen in erþe, and þat to ȝow Y
myn heeſtes, forȝyue þe man þat haþ ȝouun of his ſeede to haue ſhewid to be polut.
Moloch, ne wole ſlee hym, xxvi Ȝe ſhulen be holi to me, for Y þe Lord am holy, and
v Y ſhal putte my face vpon þat man, and his kynrede, and I haue ſeuerd ȝow fro oþer puples, þat ȝe ben myne.
ſhal kitte hym down, and alle þat conſenten to hym, þat þei xxvii A man or womman, in þe which is a ſpirit of
doon fornycacioun wiþ Moloch, fro þe myddil of his puple. wicchecraft, or of dyuynynge, wiþ deþ die þei, and wiþ ſtonus
vi Þe lijf þat declyneþ to dyuynours, and herkeners to deuels, men ſhulen ouer-falle hem; þe blood of hem be vpon hem.
and doþ fornycacioun wiþ hem, I ſhal putte my face aȝens
hym, and I ſhal ſlee hym fro þe myddel of his puple. Capitulum XXI.
vii Be ȝe maad holy, and beþ holy, for I am holi, þe Lord
i And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Spek to þe preeſtis, ſones of
ȝoure God.
viii Kepe myn heeſtes, and doþ hem, for Y am þe Lord þat Aaron, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, Be not þe preeſt defoulid
in þe deed of her cyteſeyns,
halowiþ ȝou. ii but oonly in coſyns, and nyȝ, þat is, vpon fader and moder,
ix Who ſo curſiþ to his fader, or moder, wiþ deeþ die he; who
and ſone and douȝter, and broþer,
ſo to his fader or moder curſiþ, his blood be vpon hym. iii and ſiſter, mayden, þat is not ſpouſid to man;
x Who ſo doþ leccherie wiþ wijf of anoþer, and haþ wrouȝte
iiii but and in þe prynce of his puple he ſhal not be defoulid.
auowtrye wiþ þe wijf of his neiȝbore, þurȝ deþ dye boþ þe
lecchour and þe auowtres. v Þei ſhulen not ſhaue heed, ne beerd, ne in her fleſh þei
xi He þat ſlepiþ wiþ his ſtepdam, and opneþ þe ſhenſhip of his ſhulen make in kyttynge;
fader, þurȝ deþ dien þei boþe; þe blood of hem be vpon hem.


vi holi þei ſhulen be to her God, and þei ſhulen not polute his vii and þe ſunne is goon down, þanne, clenſid, he ſhall eete
name; enſence forſoþe of þe Lord, and þe looues of her God halowid þinges, for it is þe meete of hym.
þei offren, and þerfor holi þei ſhulen be. viii Þe fallid to deþ, and taken of a beeſte, he ſhal not eete, ne
vii A ſtrompet, and foule hordam, ȝe ſhulen not take to wijf, he ſhal be polut in hem; I þe Lord.
ne hir þat is forſakun of her houſboond, for he is ſacryd to ix Þei ſhulen kepe myn heeſtis, þat þei vndur liggen not to
his God, ſynne, and dyen in þe ſeyntuarie, whanne þei poluten it; I þe
viii and looues of propoſicioun he offreþ; be þanne he holi, for Lord þat halowe ȝow.
Y am holi, þe Lord þat halowiþ ȝow. x Eche alyen ſhal not eete of þe halowid þingis; þe alien tilier
ix Þe douȝter of þe preeſt, if ſhe were takun in hordam, and of þe preeſt, and hyrid ſeruaunt, ſhulen not eete of þilk
defouleþ þe name of hir fader, wiþ fier flawmes ſhe ſhal be þinges.
brent. xi Whom forſoþe þe preeſt biggiþ, and he þat were a free man
x Þe biſhop, þat is þe mooſt preeſt amonge his briþeren, vpon of his hows, þes ſhulen eete of þilk þingis.
whos heed is heelde þe oyle of anoyntyng, and whos hondes xii If þe douȝter of þe preeſt to eny of þe puple were ſpouſid,
in preeſthod ben ſacrid, and is cloþid wiþ holi cloþes, his heed of þes þinges þat be halowid, and of þe cheef fruytys ſhe ſhal
he ſhal not diſcouer, his cloþis he ſhal not kitt, not eete;
xi and to al deed he ſhal not goo yn algate; and vpon his xiii if forſoþe a widewe, or departyd, and wiþ oute free
fader and moder he ſhal not be defoulid, children weren turned aȝen to þe hows of hir fader, as a child
xii ne he ſhal goo out fro þe halowes, leſt þe ſeyntuarie of þe mayden was wont ſhe ſhal be noriſſhid of þe meetis of hir
Lord be polut, for þe oyle of holi anoyntynge of his God is fader; eche alien of etyng of þilk þingis haþ no power.
vpon hym; I þe Lord. xiiii He þat etiþ of þe halowid þinges bi ignoraunce, ſhal adde
xiii A mayden he ſhal take to wijf; þe fifþe part wiþ þat he etiþ, and he ſhal ȝyue to preeſt in þe
xiiii a widewe, and a departid, and a defoulid oon, and a ſeyntuarie,
ſtrompat, he ſhal not take, but a maydyn child of his puple; xv ne þei ſhulen defoule þe halowid þingis of þe ſones of
xv ne menge he þe lynage of his kynde to þe comounte of his Yrael, þat þei offren to þe Lord,
puple, for Y a Lord, þat halowe hym. xvi leſt perauenture þei ſuſteynen þe wickidnes of his treſpas,
xvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, whanne halowid þingis þei eeten; I þe Lord þat halowe hem.
xvii Spek to Aaron, A man of þi ſeed, bi þe meynees, þat haþ xvii Þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
a wemme, offre he not breed to his God, xviii Spek to Aaron, and his ſones, and to alle þe ſones of
xviii ne go he to þe ſeruice of hym; if he were blynde; if halt; Yrael, and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, A man of þe hows of Yrael,
if oþer wiþ litil, or wiþ greet, and crokid nooſe; and of comlynges þat dwellen anentis hem, þat offriþ his
xix if wiþ brokun foot, or hoond; offrynge, oþer vowes ȝeeldynge, or wilfuly offrynge, what þing
þat he offreþ into brent ſacrifice of þe Lord,
xx if crokid rigge, or bleer eyed; if whijt perle hauynge in þe xix þat it be offrid bi ȝow, a maal wiþ outen wemme it ſhal
eye; if contynuel ſcab; if a drye ſcab in þe body; or broſten. be, of þe oxen, and of þe ſheep, and of þe geet;
xxi Eche þat haþ a wemme, of þe ſeed of Aaron þe preeſt, he xx if it haue a wemme, ȝe ſhulen not offre, ne ſhal be
ſhal not goo to offre ooſtis to þe Lord, ne looues to his God; acceptable.
xxii he ſhal neuerþelater eete looues þat ben offred in þe xxi Þe man þat offreþ ſlayn ſacrifice of peſible þingis to þe
ſeyntuarye, Lord, oþer vowes ȝeeldynge, oþer wilfully offrynge, as wel of
xxiii ſo oonli þat wiþ ynne þe veyle he goo not, ne goo to þe oxen as of ſheep, wiþ outen wemme he ſhal offre, þat it be
auter, for a wemme he haþ, and he ſhal not defoule my acceptable; al wemme ſhal not be in it.
ſeyntuarie; I a Lord þat halewe hem. xxii If it were blynde, if broken, if hauynge fel wounde, if litil
xxiiii Þanne Moyſes ſpak to Aaron, and his ſones, and to al bleynes, or ſhab, or drye rownd ſhab, ȝe ſhulen not offre hem
Yrael, alle þat weren comaundid to hym. to þe Lord, ne ȝe ſhulen brenne of hem vpon þe auter of þe
Capitulum XXII. xxiii Ox and ſheep, wiþ eer and tayl kit, wilfully may be
i And þe offred; þe vowe forſoþe of þes þingis may not be quyt.
Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xxiiii Al beeſte, þat ouþer wiþ al tobrokun, or crippid, or kitt
ii Speke to Aaron, and his ſones, þat þei ſhunnen fro þes and taken awey þe ballokes is, ȝe ſhulen not offre to þe Lord,
þingis þat ben ſacrid of þe ſones of Yrael, and defoule þei not and in ȝoure loond þes þinges algatis ȝe ſhulen not do.
þe name of halowid þingis to me þat þei offren; Y a Lord. xxv Of þe hoond of þe alyen ȝe ſhulen not offre looues to
iii Sey to hem, and to þe aftercomers of hem, Eche man þat
ȝoure God, and what euer oþer þing he wole ȝyue, for alle þei
goþ to, of ȝoure lynage, to þilk þinges þat ben ſacrid, and þat ben corrupt and defoulid; ȝe ſhulen not take hem.
þe ſones of Yrael offreden to þe Lord, in þe whiche is xxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
vnclennes, he ſhal periſhe before þe Lord; Y am a Lord.
iiii Þe man of þe ſeed of Aaron þat were leprows, or xxvii Oxe, ſheep, and geet, whanne þei weren geten, ſeuen
ſuffrynge flux of ſeed, ſhal not eete of þes þingis þat ben dayes þei ſhulen be vnder þe teete of her damme; þe eiȝt
halowid to me, to þe tyme þat he be heelid. He þat towchiþ þe forſoþe day, and þerafter, þei mowen be offrid to þe Lord,
vnclene vpon þe deed, and of whom goþ out þe ſeed as of xxviii wheþer ſhee oxe, oþer ſhee ſheep; þei ſhulen not be
goynge togidere, offryd o day wiþ fruytis in her wombe.
v and þat ſhal touche crepynge beeſte, and eny vnclene, whos xxix If ȝe offren an ooſt for doynge of þonkyngis to þe Lord,
touchynge is hoory, þat it may be pleſable,
vi ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen, and he ſhal not eete þes xxx þe ſame day þat it is offred ȝe ſhulen eete it; þere ſhal not
þinges þat ben halowid to me; but whanne he waſſhiþ his leeue eny þing vnto þe morwe of þat oþer day; I a Lord.
fleſh wiþ water, xxxi Kepe ȝe myn heeſtis, and do ȝe hem; Y a Lord.


xxxii Ne polute ȝe myn holy name, þat Y be halowid in þe xxii And afterward, whanne ȝe repen þe tilþe of ȝoure loond,
myddel of þe ſones of Yrael; Y þe Lord þat halowe ȝow, ȝe ſhulen not kitt it vnto þe ground, ne þe leeuyng eeris ȝe
xxxiii and haue ladde ȝow out of þe loond of Egipte, þat Y ſhulen gadere, but to pore men and pilgrymes ȝe ſhulen leeue
were to ȝow into God; I þe Lord. hem; Y þe Lord ȝoure God.
xxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
Capitulum XXIII. xxiiii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, Þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe firſt

i And þe
day of þe moneþ, ſhal be to ȝow an holi day memoryale, wiþ
Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, ſownynge trompes, and it ſhal be clepyd holi;
ii Speke to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes xxv alle ſeruyle werkes ȝe ſhulen not do in it, and ȝe ſhulen
ben þe ceſynge dayes of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝe ſhulen clepe offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord.
holi. xxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
iii Sixe daies ȝe ſhulen do werk, þe ſeuenþe day, for it is þe
xxvii Þe tenþe dai of þis ſeuenþe moneþ, a day of purgynge
reſte of þe weke, it ſhal be clepid holi; al werk ȝe ſhulen not ſhal be mooſt ſolempne, and it ſhal be clepid holy; ȝe ſhulen
do in it; þe day of þe Lord it is in alle ȝoure dwellynges. traueyl ȝoure ſoules to God, and ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice
iiii Þes ben þe holy ceſyng daies of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝe
to þe Lord;
ſhulen halowe in ȝoure tymes. xxviii al werk ȝe ſhulen not doo in tyme of þis day, for a day
v Þe firſt moneþ, þe fourtenþe day of þe moneþ, at euen, is þe
of hauynge mercy it is, þat þe Lord ȝoure God haue mercy to
paſk of þe Lord; ȝow.
vi and þe fiftenþe day of þis moneþ is þe ſolempnyte of þe þerf xxix Al ſoule þat were not traueilid þis day, ſhal peryſhe fro
looues of þe Lord; ſeuen dayes ȝe ſhulen eete þerf looues; his puple,
vii þe fyrſt day ſhal be to ȝow mooſt ſolempne and holy; al xxx and he þat doþ eny þing of werk, Y ſhal do hym a wey
ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not doo in it, fro his puple;
viii but ȝe ſhulen offre ſacrifice in fier to þe Lord ſeuen dais; xxxi no þing þerfore of werk ȝe ſhal do in it; lawful
þe ſeuenþe forſoþ dai ſhal be more ſolempne and holier, and euerlaſtynge ſhal be to ȝow in alle generaciouns and ȝoure
no ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen do in it. dwellyngis;
ix And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xxxii þe dai of reſtynge it is. Ȝe ſhulen traueyl ȝoure ſoules þe
x Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, nynþe day of þe moneþ; fro euen to euen ȝe ſhulen halowe
Whanne ȝe weren goo into þe loond þat I ſhal ȝyue to ȝow, ȝoure holi dayes.
and han ropun þe tilþe, ȝe ſhulen bere hondfullis of eeris, þe xxxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
firſt fruytis of ȝoure repyng, to þe preeſt; xxxiiii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, Fro þe fiftenþe day of þis
xi þe which ſhal rere vp þe litil birþen before þe Lord, þat it
ſeuenþe moneþ ſhulen be þe ceſynge dayes of þe tabernacles,
be acceptable for ȝow, þat oþir day of þe weke; and he ſhal in ſeuen dayes to þe Lord;
halowe it; xxxv þe firſt day ſhal be clepid mooſt ſolempne and mooſt holy,
xii and in þe ſame day þat þe hondful is ſacryd, ſhal be ſlayn
alle ſeruyle werkes ȝe ſhulen not do in it;
a lomb wiþ outen wemme of o ȝeer into brent ſacrifice of þe xxxvi and ſeuen dayes ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifices to þe
Lord; Lord, þe eiȝt forſoþe day ſhal be mooſt ſolempne and mooſt
xiii and þe offryngis of þe licours ſhal be offred wiþ it, two
holy; and ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, it is
dymes of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into þe enſence of þe forſoþe of companye, and of quelet; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen
Lord, and mooſt ſwete ſmel, and offryngis of wyn, þe fourþ not doon in it.
part of hyn. xxxvii Þes ben þe ceſynge dayes of þe Lord, þe whiche ȝe
xiiii Breed, and brokun corn, and potage ȝe ſhulen not ete of
ſhulen clepe mooſt ſolempne and mooſt holy; and ȝe ſhulen
þe corn, vnto þe day þat ȝe offren of it to ȝoure God; offre in hem offryngis to þe Lord, brent ſacrifices, and
euerlaſtynge heeſt it is in ȝoure generaciouns, and in ȝoure ſacrifices of licours, after þe ryte of euery day,
dwellynge places. xxxviii out take þe holy dayes of þe Lord, and ȝoure ȝiftis,
xv Ȝe ſhulen noumbre þanne fro þat oþer day of þe weke, in
and þe whiche ȝe ſhulen offre of a vowe, oþere þe whiche
þe which ȝe han offred þe hoondful of firſt fruytis, ſeuen `wilfullich ȝe han ȝeuen to þe Lord.
wekis fulle, xxxix Þanne fro þe fiftenþe day of þe ſeuenþe moneþ, whanne
xvi vnto þat oþir day of fulfillynge of þe ſeuenþ weke, þat is,
ȝe ſhulen gadere to gidere alle þe fruytis of ȝoure erþe, ȝe
fifti daies; and ſo ȝe ſhulen offre a newe ſacrifice to þe Lord ſhulen halowe þe ceſynge day of þe Lord ſeuen dayes; in þe
xvii of alle ȝoure dwellynge places, two looues of þe firſt firſt day and þe eiȝt day ſhal be holy day, þat is, reſt.
fruytes, of þe two dymes of tried flour, ſoured, þe which ȝe xl And ȝe ſhulen take to ȝow þe firſt day fruytis of þe mooſt
ſhal baake into þe firſt fruytis to þe Lord. fayr tree, and þe braunches of palmes, and braunches of a
xviii And ȝe ſhal offre wiþ þe looues ſeuen loombes tree of þykke burionyngis, and wiþies of þe rennynge water,
vnwemmed of o ȝeer, and a calf of þe droue, and two weþers, and ȝe ſhulen glaad before þe Lord ȝoure God;
and þei ſhulen be in brent ſacrifice, wiþ her offryngis of xli and ȝe ſhulen halowe þe ſolempte of hym ſeuen dayes, bi
licours, into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe Lord. þe ȝeer; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal be in ȝoure generaciouns.
xix And ȝe ſhulen do a geit for ſynne, and two lombes of o Þe ſeuenþe moneþ ȝe ſhulen halowe þe feeſte daies,
ȝeer, þe ooſt of peſible þingis. xlii and ȝe ſhulen dwelle ſeuen dayes in ſhadewe places; eche
xx And whanne þe preeſt arereþ hem, wiþ þe looues of þe þat is of þe lynage of Yrael, ſhal dwelle in tabernaclis,
fyrſt fruytes, before þe Lord, þei ſhulen falle into þe vſe of xliii þat ȝoure aftercomers leernen, þat in tabernaclis Y haue
hym. made to dwelle þe ſones of Yrael, whanne Y ladde hem out
xxi And ȝe ſhulen clepe þis day mooſt ſolempne, and mooſt of þe loond of Egipte; Y þe Lord ȝoure God.
holi; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not do in it; lawful euerlaſtynge xliiii And Moyſes ſpak vpon þe ſolempnytees of þe Lord to þe
it ſhal be in alle dwellynge places, and ȝoure generaciouns. ſones of Yrael.


Capitulum XXIIII. ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem,
i And þe Lord
Whanne ȝe weren in goon into þe loond þat I ſhal ȝyue to
ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, ȝow, `halowe ȝe þe holiday of þe Lord;
ii Comaund to þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei bryngen to þee oyle iii ſix ȝeer þow ſhalt ſowe þi feelde, and ſix ȝeer þou ſhalt
of olyues, mooſt pure, and bryȝt, to þe lanternes to ben tende kytte þi vyn, and geder þe fruytis of it;
contynueli wiþ oute þe veyle of witneſſynge, iiii þe ſeuenþe forſoþe ȝeer of þe loond ſhal be þe ſaboth of þe
iii in þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees; and Aaron ſhal ſette
reſtynge of þe Lord; feelde þow ſhalt not ſowe, and vyn þow
hem fro euen vnto morwen before þe Lord, þurȝ heriynge and ſhalt not kitte,
ryte perpetuel in ȝoure generaciouns; v þingis þat þe erþe frely bryngiþ forþ þow ſhalt not reepe,
iiii vpon þe mooſt clene candilſtik þei ſhulen be ſett euermore
and grapes of þi firſt fruytis and vyndage þou ſhalt not
in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. gedere; þe ȝeer forſoþe it is of þe reſtynge of þe loond;
v Þow ſhalt take forſoþe tried floure, and þow ſhalt baak of it vi but þei ſhulen be to ȝow into meet, to þee, and to þi
twelue looues, þe whiche echon ſhal haue two dymes, ſeruauntis, to þin handmayde, and to þin hyryd man, and to
vi of whom þou ſhalt ſette ſyx anentis oþer ſix, vpon þe mooſt þe comlyng þat pilgrimagiþ anentis þee;
clene bord before þe Lord; vii to hous beeſtis and þi feelde beeſtes, alle þingis þat growen
vii and þow ſhalt putt on hem enſence mooſt briȝt, þat þe ſhulen ȝyue meete.
breed be into mynde of þe offrynge of þe Lord; viii And þow ſhalt noumbre to þee ſeuen wekes of ȝeerys, þat
viii bi eche holi day þei ſhulen be chaungid before þe Lord, is, ſeuen ſiþes ſeuen, þe whiche togidere maken nyn and
takne of þe ſones of Yrael þurȝ euerlaſtynge boond of pees; fourty ȝeer;
ix and þei ſhulen be of Aaron and his ſones, þat þei eten hem ix and þow ſhalt ſowne wiþ trompe þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe
in holy place, for holy of halowes it is, of þe ſacrifices of þe tenþe day of þe moneþ, in þe tyme of doyng mercy, in al
Lord, þurȝ perpetuel riȝt. ȝoure loond.
x Loo! forſoþe a ſone goon out of a womman of Yrael, þat x And þow ſhalt halowe þe fyftiþ ȝeer, and clepe it forȝifneſſe
beer of an Egipcyen man, amonge þe ſones of Yrael, haþ to alle þe dwellers of þi loond; he is forſoþe þe iubilee; a man
ſtreuen in tentis wiþ a man of Yrael, ſhal turne aȝen to his poſſeſſioun, and eche ſhal turne aȝen to
xi and whanne he hadde blasfemyd þe name of þe Lord, and his before hadde meyne,
xi for þe iubilee it is, and þe fyfteþe ȝeer. Ȝe ſhulen not ſowe,
hadde curſid to hym, is brouȝt forþe to Moyſes; and þe moder
of hym was clepid Salumyth, þe douȝter of Dabry, of þe ne reepe þe free growynge þingis in þe feelde, and þe firſt
lynage of Dan; fruytis of þe vyndage ȝe ſhulen not gedere,
xii and þei puttiden hym in to priſoun, to þe tyme þat þei xii for þe halowynge of þe iubile; but anone offryd ȝe ſhulen
knewen what þe Lord comaundide. eete;
xiii Þe which ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xiii þe ȝeer of iubilee alle goo þei aȝen to her poſſeſſiouns.
xiiii Leed þow out þe blasfeme out of þe tentis, and putt alle xiiii Whanne þow ſhalt ſelle eny þing to þi cyteſeyn, oþer bigge
þat herden her hoonden vpon his heed, and al þe puple ſtone of hym, ne peire þow þi broþir,
hym. xv but aftir þe noumbre of þe ȝeeris of iubilee þow ſhalt bigge
xv And to þe ſones of Yrael þou ſhalt ſpeke, Þe man þat of hym, and after þe noumbre of fruytis he ſhal ſelle to þee.
curſiþ to his God, ſhal bere his ſynne, xvi As myche as mo ȝeeris dwellen after þe iubilee, ſo myche
xvi and he þat blasfemeþ þe name of þe Lord, þurȝ deþ die and þe prijs ſhal creeſe, and as myche as laſſe of tyme þow
he; al þe multitude of þe puple wiþ ſtonus ſhal þrowe hym ſhalt nowmbre, ſo myche laſſe and þe biggynge ſhal coſte; þe
down; wheþer he were cyteſeyn or pilgrym þat blasfemeþ þe tyme forſoþe of fruytis he ſhal ſelle to þee.
name of þe Lord, þurȝ deþ dye he. xvii Nyle ȝe wrongfully traueyl ȝoure men of o lynage, but
xvii He þat ſmytiþ and ſleeþ a man, þurȝ deþ die he; echon drede his God; for Y þe Lord ȝoure God.
xviii he þat ſmyteþ a beeſte, ȝeeld he anoþer of þe ſame kynde, xviii Do ȝe myn heeſtis and domes, kepiþ and fulfille ȝe hem,
þat is, lijf for lijf. þat ȝe mowen dwelle in þe loond wiþ outen eny drede,
xix He þat wrongfuli ȝyueþ a wemme to eny of his cyteſeyns, xix and þe erþe brynge forþ to ȝow his fruytis, þe whiche ȝe
as he haþ doon, ſo be it do to hym; eten vnto fulfillynge, dredynge þe feerſnes of no man.
xx bruſur for bruſur, eye for eye, tooþ for tooþ he ſhal ȝeelde; xx And if ȝe ſeyn, what ſhulen we eete þe ſeuenþe ȝeer, if we
what maner of wemme he wrongfuli ȝyueþ, ſichon be he ſowen not, ne gadren oure fruytis?
conſtreyned to ſuffre. xxi Y ſhal ȝyue my bleſſynge to ȝou þe ſixte ȝeer, and it ſhal
xxi He þat ſmytiþ a beeſte, ȝeeld he anoþer; he þat ſmytiþ a make þe fruytis of þree ȝeer;
man, be he punyſhid. xxii and ȝe ſhulen ſowe þe eiȝtþe ȝeer, and ȝe ſhulen eete oolde
xxii Euen doom be þere among ȝow, wheþer pilgrime or fruytes vnto þe nynþe ȝeer; to þe tyme þat newe be growen ȝe
cyteſeyn ſynne, for I am þe Lord ȝoure God. ſhulen eete oolde.
xxiii And Moyſes ſpak to þe ſones of Yrael, and þei brouȝten xxiii Þe loond forſoþe ſhal not be ſolde `in to wiþ outen ende,
hym forþe þat blaſphemede out of þe tentis, and þei beren hym for myn it is, and ȝe comlingis and myn erþe tyliers ben;
down wiþ ſtonus. And þe ſones of Yrael diden, as þe Lord xxiiii wherfor al þe regioun of ȝoure poſſeſſioun vndur
comaundide to Moyſes. condicioun of aȝenbiggyng ſhal be ſolde.
xxv If þi broþer maad pore, ſelle his litil poſſeſſioun, and he
Capitulum XXV. wole, þe nyȝ kyn of hym may aȝenbigge þat þat he ſolde;
i And xxvi if forſoþe he haue noon neiȝbore, and he mowe fynde þe
þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes in þe mownt of Synay,
ſeiynge, pryſe to aȝenbigge,


xxvii þe fruytis ſhulen be countid fro þat tyme þat he ſolde, l noumbred oonli þe ȝeeris fro þe tyme of his ſillynge vnto þe
and þat þat is laft ȝeelde he to þe bigger, and ſo he ſhal iubilee ȝeer; and þe money wiþ þe which he was ſoold, after
reſſeyue his poſſeſſyoun. þe noumbre of ȝeeris, and þurȝ reſoun of an hirid man
xxviii And if his hoond fynde not, þat he ȝeelde þe prijs, þe rekened.
bigger ſhal haue þat he bouȝte, vnto þe iubilee ȝeer; in þat li If þere were many ȝeris þat leeuen vnto þe iubilee, and
forſoþe ȝeer al biggyng ſhal turne aȝen to þe lord, and to þe after þat he ſhal ȝeelde þe prijs;
raþer hauer. lii if fewe, he ſhal leye reſoun wiþ hym after þe noumbre of
xxix Who ſelliþ his hows, wiþ ynne þe walles of þe cytee, he ȝeeres; and he ſhal ȝeelde to þe bigger þat þat is laft of þe
ſhal haue leue of biggynge aȝen to þe tyme þat o ȝeer be ȝeeris,
fulfillid; liii in þe whiche before he ſeruede, þe medis wiþ ynne
xxx and if he bigge not aȝen, and þe cercle of þe ȝeer were rekenyd; he ſhal not traueil hym violentlich in þi ſiȝt.
ouer caſte, þe bigger ſhal welde it, and his aftercomers into liiii And if bi þat he may not be aȝeynbouȝt, þe iubilee ȝeer he
wiþ outen ende, and it may not be bouȝt aȝen, alſo in þe ſhall goon out wiþ his free children;
iubilee. lv myn forſoþe ſeruauntis ben þe ſones of Yrael, þe whiche Y
xxxi If forſoþe in a town þat haþ no wallis were þe hows,
haue ladde out of þe loond of Egipte; I þe Lord ȝoure God.
þurȝ riȝt of þe feeldes it ſhal be ſold; if forſoþe it were not
aȝenbouȝt in þe iubilee, it ſhal turne aȝen to his lord.
xxxii Þe hows of þe Leuytes, þat ben in þe cytees, euermore Capitulum XXVI.
mowen be aȝenbouȝt; i Ȝe ſhulen not make to ȝou a mawmett, and grauen þing, ne
xxxiii if þei weren not aȝenbouȝt, in þe iubilee þei ſhulen turne titlis ȝe ſhulen rere, ne huge ſtoon ȝe ſhulen putte in ȝoure
aȝen to þe lordes; for þe houſes of cytees of Leuytes ben for erþe, þat ȝe honouren it; Y forſoþe am þe Lord ȝoure God.
þe poſſeſſiouns among þe ſones of Yrael; ii Kepe ȝe myn halidaies, and inwardli drede ȝe at my
xxxiiii þe ſuburbes forſoþe of hem þei ſhulen not ſelle, for ſeyntuarye; Y a Lord.
euerlaſtynge poſſeſſioun it is. iii If ȝe goon in myn heeſtis, and my maundementis kepen,
xxxv If þi broþer were maad pore, and feble in hoond, and and doon hem,
þow reſſeyueſt hym as a comlyng and a pilgrym, and lyueþ iiii Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝow reynes in her tymes, and þe loond ſhal
wiþ þee, brynge forþ his burionynge, and wiþ apples þe trees ſhulen be
xxxvi ne take þow of hym vſurys, ne more ouer þan þow haſt fulfillid;
ȝouun; dreed þi God, þat þi broþer mowe lyue anentis þee. v and þe þreſſhynge of repyn tilþes ſhal atake þe vyndage, and
xxxvii Þi money þow ſhalt not ȝyue to him to vſure, and of þe þe vyndage ſhal occupie þe ſowynge tyme, and ȝe ſhulen ete
fruytes ouer aboundaunce þou ſhal not axe; ȝoure breed in plente `in fulnes, and wiþ outen drede ȝe
xxxviii Y þe Lord ȝour God, þat haue ladde ȝou out of þe ſhulen dwelle in ȝoure loond.
vi I ſhal ȝyue pees in ȝoure cooſtis; ȝe ſhulen ſleepe, and þere
lond of Egipte, þat I ȝyue ȝow þe loond of Chanaan, and þat
Y were ȝoure God. ſhal not be þat ſhal afeere ȝou; I ſhal take aweie yuel beeſtis,
xxxix If þurȝ poreneſſe compellid, þi broþer ſelle hym ſilf to and ſwerd ſhal not þurȝ paſſe ȝoure termes.
vii Ȝe ſhulen purſue ȝoure enemyes, and þei ſhulen falle
þee, þow ſhalt not oppreſſe hym þurȝ þraldom of ſeruauntis,
xl but as an hiryd man and a dweller he ſhal be; vnto þe before ȝow;
viii fyue of ȝow ſhal purſue an hundryd aliens, and an
iubilee ȝeer he ſhal worche anentis þee,
xli and aftirward he ſhal goo out wiþ his free children, and hundred of ȝow ten þouſyndes; ȝoure enemyes ſhulen falle wiþ
turne aȝen to þe kyn, and to þe poſſeſſioun of his fadres. ſwerd in ȝoure ſiȝt.
ix Y ſhal beholde ȝow, and make growe; ȝe ſhulen ben
xlii Forſoþe þei ben my ſeruauntis, and Y haue ladde hem out
of þe loond of Egipte; þei ſhulen not be ſold bi condiciouns of multiplied, and I ſhal faſtne my couenaunt wiþ ȝow;
x ȝe ſhulen ete þe mooſt oold þingis of oold, and þe newe
xliii ne ouer traueyle þou him bi þi power, but drede þow þi vpon comynge, þe oold ȝe ſhulen caſt aweye;
xi and I ſhal ſette my tabernacle in þe myddil of ȝow, and my
xliiii Þral and `boond womman ben to ȝow of þe naciouns þat ſoule ſhal not caſt ȝow aweie;
xii I ſhal goo among ȝow, and I ſhal be ȝoure God, and ȝe
ben in ȝoure enuyroun,
xlv and of þe comlynges þat pilgrimagen anentis ȝow, oþer þat ſhulen be to me a puple.
xiii I þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haue ladde ȝow out of þe loond
of hem weren bore in ȝoure loond; þes ȝe ſhulen haue
ſeruauntis, of Egipcyens, þat ȝe ſeruen not to hem, and þe whiche haue
xlvi and þurȝ riȝt of erytage ȝe ſhulen ouerleeuen hem to þe brokun þe chaynes of ȝoure nolles, þat ȝe myȝten goo vp ryȝt.
xiiii But if ȝe heren me not, ne doon alle myn heeſtis,
after comers, and ȝe ſhulen welde hem wiþ outen ende; ȝoure
forſoþe briþeren, þe ſones of Yrael, ȝe ſhulen not oppreſſe bi xv and if ȝe ſpurne my lawes, and my domes deſpiſen, þat ȝe
power. doon hem þe whiche ben ordeyned of me, and my couenant ȝe
xlvii If anentis ȝow þe hoond of þe comlyng and of þe pilgrym fulli bryngen to nouȝt,
wax greet, and þi broþer bicome pore, ſelle him ſilf to hym, or xvi I þanne þis þing ſhal do to ȝow; Y ſhal viſyte ȝow ſwiftly
to eny of þe lynage of hym, in nedynes, and in brennynge, þat make fayl ȝoure eyen, and
xlviii after þe ſelling he may be aȝenbouȝt; who ſo wole of his waſte ȝoure lyues; in veyn ȝe ſhulen ſowe ȝour ſeed, þat of þe
briþeren, bigge he hym; enemyes ſhal be deuowryd;
xlix and þe fadres broþer, and þe fader broþer ſone, and þe xvii I ſhal putte my face aȝens ȝow, and ȝe ſhulen falle before
coſyn, and þe alye. If forſoþe and he mowe, aȝenbie he hym ȝoure enemyes, and ȝe ſhulen be ſuget to hem þat hatiden
ſilf, ȝow; ȝe ſhulen flee, no man purſuynge.
xviii If forſoþe and ſo ȝe obeiſhen not to me, I ſhal adde
ȝoure correccions ſeuen foold for ȝoure ſynnes;


xix and I ſhal altobreke þe prijd of ȝoure hardnes, and I ſhal xlii and I ſhal recorde of my boond of pees, þat I haue
ȝyue heuene to ȝow aboue as of yrun, and þe erþe braſun; couenauntide wiþ Jacob, Yſaac, and Abraham; of þe loond
xx ȝoure traueyl in veyn ſhal be waſtyd, ne þe erþe ſhal forſoþe I ſhal haue mynde,
brynge forþ burionyng, ne þe trees ſhulen ȝyue apples. xliii þat whanne it were forſakun of hem, it ſhal pleeſe to hym
xxi And if ȝe goon ouerþwart to me, ne wolen here me, I ſhal ſilf in his ſeuenþe tymes, ſuffrynge wilderneſſes for hem; þei
adde ȝoure veniaunces vnto þe ſeuenþ foold for ȝoure ſynnes; forſoþe ſhulen preye for her ſynnes, forþi þat þei han caſt
xxii and I ſhal ſende out to ȝow beeſtis of þe feeld, þat waſten aweie my domes, and my lawes deſpiſeden;
xliiii and neuerþeles alſo whanne þei weren in þe enemyes
and ȝow and ȝoure beeſtis, and to ſkarſnes alle þinges þei
ſhulen brynge, and þat ȝoure weies be maad deſert. loond, Y keſte hem not aweie fulli, ne ſo Y deſpiſide, þat þei
xxiii And if ȝe wolen not reſſeyue diſciplyne, but goon weren conſumed, and þat I ſhulde make my couenaunt brouȝt
to nouȝt wiþ hem; Y forſoþe am þe Lord God of hem.
ouerþwart to me, xlv And I ſhal recorde of my raþer boond of pees, whanne I
xxiiii I forſoþe contrarius aȝens ȝow ſhal goo, and I ſhal
ladde hem out of þe loond of Egipte, in þe ſiȝt of gentils, þat
ſmyte ȝow ſeuen ſiþes for ȝoure ſynnes; I were þe God of hem; Y þe Lord God.
xxv and I ſhal brynge vpon ȝow a ſwerd, vengeſoure of my xlvi Þes ben þe heeſtis, and domes, and lawes, þat þe Lord
boond of pees; and whanne ȝe fleen into ȝoure cytees, I ſhal ȝaf bitwix hym and betwix þe ſones of Yrael, in þe mownt of
ſende peſtilence into þe myddil of ȝou, and ȝe ſhulen be take Synay, bi þe hoond of Moyſes.
in þe hoondes of ȝoure enemyes,
xxvi after þat I breke þe ſtaf of ȝoure breed, ſo þat ten
Capitulum XXVII.
wymmen in oon ouen baken looues, and ȝelden hem at weiȝt;
and ȝe ſhulen eete, and not be fulfillid. i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xxvii If forſoþe and bi þes þinges ȝe heren not me, but goon ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þe
aȝens me, man þat doþ avowe, and bihotiþ to God hijs ſoule, vndir
xxviii and I ſhal go aȝens ȝow in contrarye woodnes, and I eymyng he ſhal ȝyue þe prijs.
ſhal vndernym ȝow wiþ ſeuen veniaunce for ȝoure ſynnes, iii And if it were a maal, fro þe twentiþe ȝeer vnto þe ſixtiþe
xxix ſo þat ȝe eten þe fleſh of ȝoure ſones, and of ȝoure ȝeer, he ſhal ȝyue fifty ſicles of ſiluer, at þe meſure of þe
douȝtres; ſeyntuarye,
xxx and I ſhal deſtruye ȝoure heyȝ þinges, and ȝoure iiii if a womman, þritti;
mawmetis Y ſhal breke; ȝe ſhulen falle amonge þe fallynges v fro þe fifþe forſoþe ȝeer vnto þe twentiþe, a maal ſhal ȝyue
of ȝoure mawmetis, and my ſoule ſhal wlaate ȝow, twenti cycles, þe womman ten;
xxxi in ſo myche þat ȝoure cytees Y ſhal brynge down in to vi fro o moneþ vnto þe fifþe ȝeer, for þe maal ſhal be ȝyue
wildernes, and þe deſertis I ſhal make ȝoure ſeyntuaries, ne fyue cyclis, and for þe femaal þree;
more ouer Y ſhal reſſeyue þe mooſt ſwete ſmel; vii of ſixti wynter and more, a maal ſhal ȝyue fiftene ſiclis, þe
xxxii and I ſhal ſcater ȝoure loond, and ȝoure enemyes,
womman ten.
whanne þei weren dwellers of it, ſhulen wondre vpon it; viii If he were a pore man, and at þe eymynge he ſhal not
xxxiii ȝow forſoþe Y ſhal ſcatre amonge gentiles and I ſhal
mowe ȝeelde, he ſhal ſtoonde before þe preeſt, and how myche
drawe out a ſwerd after ȝow, and ȝoure loond ſhal be deſert, he eymeþ, and ſeeþ þat he may ȝeelde, ſo myche he ſhal ȝyue.
and ȝoure cytees fallen down. ix A beeſte forſoþe þat may be offred to þe Lord, if eny
xxxiiii Þanne her holi dayes ſhulen pleeſe to þe erþe, alle þe
auowiþ, holi it ſhal be,
daies of her wildirnes; whanne ȝe weren in enemyes loond, it x and it may not be chaungid, þat is, noþer betere for yuel, ne
ſhal halowe, þe wors for good; but if he ſhal chaunge, and þat þat is
xxxv and reſt in þe ſeuenþe tymes of his wildernes, forþi þat
chaungid and it for þe which it is chaungid ſhal be ſacryd to
it reſtide not in ȝoure ſeuenþe tymes, whanne ȝe dwelten in it. þe Lord.
xxxvi And whiche of ȝow leeuen, Y ſhal ȝyue drede in þe xi Þe vnclene forſoþe beeſte þat may not be offred to ſlauȝtre,
hertes of hem, in regiouns of þe enemyes; þe ſown of a whoſo auowiþ, it ſhal be brouȝt before þe preeſt,
fleynge leef ſhal fere hem, and ſo þei ſhulen flee it as þe xii þe which demynge wheþer it be good or yuel, ſhal ſette þe
ſwerd; þei ſhulen falle, no man purſuynge, prijs;
xxxvii and eche vpon his briþeren ſhal falle togidere, as men
xiii and if he þat offreþ wole not ȝyue, he ſhal adde aboue þe
fleynge batailes; no man of ȝow ſhal be hardi to wiþſtoonde to eymynge þe fifþe part.
enemyes; xiiii A man if he auowe his hows, and halowe it to þe Lord,
xxxviii ȝe ſhulen periſhe among þe gentiles, and þe enemyes
loond ſhal waſte ȝow. þe preeſt ſhal behoolde, wheþer it be good or yuel, and after
xxxix But and if of hem eny leeuen ſtille, þei ſhulen wax
þe prijs, þat of hym were ordeyned, it ſhal be ſoold;
xv if forſoþe he þat auowiþ wole bigge it aȝen, he ſhal ȝyue þe
ſtynkynge in her wickidnes, in þe loond of her enemyes, and fifþe part of þe eymynge aboue, and he ſhal haue þe hows.
for þe ſynne of her fadres and her owne þei ſhulen be xvi And if þe feelde of his poſſeſſioun he auowe, and halowe
xl to þe tyme þat þei knowlechen her wickidneſſes, and of her to þe Lord, after þe meſure of þe ſeed ſhal be eymed þe prijs;
yuels þei recorden, in þe whiche þei han treſpaſſid aȝens me, if wiþ þritti buſſhels of barly þe feelde is ſowun, for fifti ſiclis
and han goo ouerþwert to me. of ſiluer it ſhal be ſoold.
xvii And if anoon fro þe ȝeer of þe biginnyng iubilee he auowe
xli Þerfor Y ſhal goo aȝens hem, and I ſhal lede hem into þe
enemyes loond, to þe tyme þat þe vncircumſidid þouȝt of hem þe feeld, as myche as it may be worþ, ſo myche ſhal be
wax aſhamed; þan þei ſhulen preie for her vnpytowneſſes, eymed;
xviii if forſoþe a litil of tyme, þe preeſt ſhal noumbre þe money
after þe noumbre of ȝeeris þat ben laft vnto þe iubilee, and it
ſhal be drawe aweie fro þe prijs.


xix And if he þat auowide wole bigge þe feeld aȝen, he ſhal

adde þe fifþe part of þe eymed money, and he ſhal weelde it;
xx if forſoþe he wole not aȝenbigge, but to eny oþer were ſold
ouer hym þat auowede, he may not aȝenbigge;
xxi for whanne þe day of þe iubilee comeþ, it ſhal be halowid
to þe Lord, and þe poſſeſſioun ſacrid perteyneþ to þe ryȝt of
xxii If a feelde is bouȝt, and not of þe poſſeſſioun of þe more
men, were halowid to þe Lord,
xxiii þe preeſt ſhal noumbre þe prijs, after þe noumbre of
ȝeeres vnto þe iubilee, and he ſhal ȝyue, þe which auowide it
to þe Lord;
xxiiii in þe iubilee forſoþe it ſhal turne aȝen to þe raþer lord
þat ſolde it, and hadde into þe ſoort of his poſſeſſioun.
xxv Al eymynge ſhal be peyſid wiþ þe cycle of þe ſeyntuarye;
þe ſicle haþ twenty halpens.
xxvi Þe firſt getun þat perteyneþ to þe Lord no man may
halowe and vowe, wheþer oxe or ſheep it were, of þe Lord þei
xxvii And if þe beeſte is vnclene, he þat offreþ ſhal aȝenbigge
aftir his eymynge, and ſhall adde þe fifþe part of þe prijs; if
he wole not aȝenbigge, it ſhal be ſoold to anoþer, how myche
euer it were eymed.
xxviii Al þat to þe Lord is ſacrid, wheþer it were man, or
beeſte, or feelde, it ſhal not be ſoold, ne may be aȝenbouȝt;
what euer þing ones were ſacrid, holi of halowes it ſhal be to
þe Lord,
xxix and eche ſacrid þing þat is offryd of man, ſhal not be
bouȝt aȝen, but þurȝ deeþ die.
xxx Alle þe dymes of þe erþe, wheþer of þe cornes, or of þe
apples of trees, ben of þe Lord, and to hym þei ben halowid;
xxxi if eny man wole bigge aȝen his dymes, adde he þe fifþe
part of hem;
xxxii of alle þe dymes of ſheep, or of oxe, and of geyte, þat
vndur þe ȝeerde of þe ſheepherd goon, what euer dyme come,
it ſhal be halowid to þe Lord;
xxxiii it ſhal not be choſen, noþir good noþer yuel, ne for
anoþer chaungid; if eny man chaunge, and þat, þat is
chaungid, and þat, for what it is chaungid, ſhal be halowid to
þe Lord, and ſhal not be aȝenbouȝt.
xxxiiii Þes ben þe heeſtis þat þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes,
and to þe ſones of Yrael, in þe mownt of Synay.
Here endiþ þe book of Leuiticus, and now
bigynneþ þe book of Numeri.


xxx Of þe ſones of Zabulon, bi generaciouns, and meyneis,

NUMERI. and houſes of her kynredes, ben noumbred bi names of echon,
fro þe twentiþ ȝeer and aboue, alle þat myȝten goo forþe to
Capitulum I. xxxi ſeuen and fifti þouſyndes and foure hundriþ.
i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes in deſeert of Synay, in þe xxxii Of þe ſones of Joſeph, of þe ſones of Effraym, bi
tabernacle of þe boond of peeſe, þe firſt day of þe ſecounde generaciouns, and meyneis, and houſes of her kynredes, ben
moneþ, þat oþer ȝeer of þe goyng of hem out of Egipte, noumbred bi þe names of echon, fro þe twentiþ ȝeer and
ſeiynge, aboue, alle þat myȝten goo forþ to batail,
ii Take ȝe þe ſowme of al þe congregacioun of þe ſones of xxxiii fourti þouſynd and fyue hundriþ.
Yrael, by kynredis, and her howſes, and þe names of eche, xxxiiii Forſoþe of þe ſones of Manaſſe, bi generaciouns, and
what euer of þe maal kynd, meyneis, and houſes of her kynredes, ben noumbred by þe
iii fro þe twentiþe ȝeer and aboue, of alle þe ſtronge men of names of echon, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, alle þat myȝten
Yrael; and ȝe ſhulen noumbre hem bi her companyes, þow goo forþe to batail,
and Aaron. xxxv two and þretti þowſynd and two hundriþ.
iiii And þere ſhulen be wiþ ȝow þe prynces of þe lynages, and xxxvi Of þe ſones of Beniamyn, bi generaciouns, and
of þe howſis, in her kynredes, meyneis, and houſes of her kynredes, ben noumbred wiþ þe
v whos names ben þes; of Ruben, Eliſur, þe ſone of Sedeur; names of echon, fro þe twentiþ ȝeer and aboue, alle þat
vi of Symeon, Salamyel, þe ſone of Sury of Sadday; myȝten goo forþe to batail,
vii of Juda, Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab; xxxvii fyue and þritti þowſynd and foure hundriþ.
viii of Yſachar, Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar; xxxviii Of þe ſones of Dan, bi generaciouns, and meyneis,
ix of Zabulon, Eliab, þe ſone of Elon; and houſes of her kynredes, ben noumbred wiþ þe names of
echon, fro twentiþ ȝeer and aboue, alle þat myȝten goo forþe
x of þe ſones forſoþe of Joſeph, of Effraym, Elizama, þe ſone to batayl,
of Amyud; of Manaſſe, Gamaliel, þe ſone of Phadaſſeur; xxxix two and ſexti þouſynd and ſeuen hundreþ.
xi of Beniamyn, Abidan, þe ſone of Gedeon; xl Of þe ſones of Aſer, bi generaciouns, and meyneis, and
xii of Dan, Aiezer, þe ſone of Amyſadday; houſis of her kynredes, ben noumbred bi þe names of echon,
xiii of Aſer, Phegiel, þe ſone of Ochran; fro þe twentiþ ȝeer and aboue, þat myȝten goo forþ to batail,
xiiii of Gad, Elizaphan, þe ſone of Duel; xli fourti þouſynd and a þouſind and fyue hundreþ.
xv of Neptalym, Ayra, þe ſone of Henam. xlii Of þe ſones of Neptalym, bi generaciouns, and meyneis,
xvi Þes þe mooſt noble princes of þe multitude, bi þe lynages, and houſes, and her kynredes, ben noumbred wiþ þe names of
echon, fro þe twentiþ ȝeer and aboue, alle þat myȝten goo to
and her kynredes, and þe heedes of þe ooſt of Yrael, batail,
xvii þe whiche Moyſes and Aaron token, wiþ al þe multitude xliii þre and fifti þouſynd and foure hundriþ.
of þe comoun. xliiii Þes ben whom noumbred Moyſes and Aaron, and þe
xviii And þei gadreden to gidere þe firſt day of þe ſecounde
twelue princes of Yrael, eche bi þe houſes of her kynredes.
moneþ, noumbrynge hem bi kynredes, and howſes, and xlv And `þere were alle togidere of þe ſones of Yrael, bi
meynees, and heedes, and names of echon, fro þe twentiþ ȝeer
and aboue, howſes, and her meyneis, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, alle þat
xix as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes; and þei ben noumbred myȝten go forþ to batail,
xlvi ſix hundriþ þre þouſyndis of men, fyue hundriþ and fifti.
in þe deſert of Synay.
xx Of Ruben, þe fyrſt goten of Yrael, bi generaciouns, and xlvii Leuytes forſoþe in þe lynage of her meyneis ben not
meyneys, and his howſes, and þe names of þe heedes of noumbrid wiþ hem.
echon, and al þat is of maal kynde, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, xlviii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
of men goynge forþ to batayl, xlix Þe lynage of Leuy wole þow not noumbre, ne putte þe
xxi ſix and fourti þowſynd and fyue hundreþ. ſowm of hem wiþ þe ſones of Yrael;
xxii Of þe ſones of Semeon, bi his generaciouns, and l but þow ſhalt ordeyne hem vpon þe tabernacle of witneſſynge,
meyneis, and howſes of his kynredes, ben noumbred bi names alle þe veſſels of it, and what euer þing to þe ſerymonyes
and heedes of echon, al þat is of maal kynde, fro þe twentiþ perteyneþ. Þei ſhulen bere þe tabernacle, and alle þe vſable
ȝeer and aboue, of men goynge to bateil, þinges of it, and þei ſhulen be in þe ſeruyce, and bi enuyroun
xxiii nyn and fyfti þowſynd and þre hundreþ. of þe tabernacle þei ſhulen ſette her tentes.
xxiiii Of þe ſones of Gad, by generaciouns, and meyneis, and li Whanne it were to go forþ, þe Leuytes ſhulen ſett down þe
alle þat ſhulden goo to batail, tabernacle, whanne þei ſhulen arere þe tentis to be ſett; who
xxv fyue and fourti þowſynd and ſix hundriþ and fifti. ſo euer of oþer lynages comen þere neiȝ, ſhal be ſlayn.
lii And þe ſones of Yrael ſhulen ſette tentes, eche bi þe
xxvi Of þe ſones of Juda, by generacyouns, and meyneis, and
companyes, and felowſhips, and her ooſtis;
howſes of her kynredes, bi þe names of echon, fro þe twentiþ liii forſoþe þe Leuytes bi enuyroun of þe tabernacle ſhulen
ȝeer and aboue, alle þat myȝten goo forþe to batails,
xxvii ben noumbred foure and ſeuenti þowſyndes and ſix ficche tentes, leſt þere be maad indignacioun vpon þe
multitude of þe ſones of Yrael; and þei ſhulen watche in þe
hundriþ. waardes of þe tabernacle of wytneſſynge.
xxviii Of þe ſones of Yſachar, bi kynredys, and meyneis, and liiii Þanne þe ſones of Yrael diden after alle þingis þat þe
howſes of her kynredes, bi þe names of echon, fro þe twentiþ Lord hadde comaundide to Moyſes.
ȝeer and aboue, alle þat ſhulden goo to batail,
xxix ben noumbred foure and fifti þouſynd and four hundriþ.


Capitulum II. xxviii and al þe ooſt of his fiȝteres, þat ben noumbred, fourti
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge,
þouſyndis and a þouſynd and fyue hundrid.
xxix Of þe lynage of þe ſones of Neptalym prince was Ahyra,
ii Eche bi companyes, toknes, and baners, and howſes of her þe ſone of Henan;
kynredes, ſhulen ſette þe tentis of þe ſones of Yrael, bi xxx and al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þre and fifti þowſynd and
enuyroun of þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees. foure hundryd.
iii At þe eeſt Judas ſhal picche tentis, bi companyes of his
xxxi Alle þat ben noumbred in þe tentes of Dan, weren an
ooſt; and Naſon, þe ſone of Amynadab, ſhal be prynce of his hundred ſeuen and fifti þowſyndes and ſix hundred; alþer laſt
ſones; þei ſhulden go forþ.
iiii and al þe ſowme of fiȝtynge men of his lynage, foure and
xxxii Þis noumbre of þe ſones of Yrael, bi howſis of her
ſeuenti þouſynd and ſix hundreþ. kynredes, and companyes of þe dyuydid ooſt, ſix hundrid þre
v Biſides hym ſetten tentes, of þe lynage of Yſachar, whos
þowſyndes fyue hundrid and fifti.
prynce was Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar; xxxiii Leuytes forſoþe ben not noumbred among þe ſones of
vi and al þe noumbre of his fiȝters, foure and fifti þouſynd
Yrael; ſo forſoþe comaundide God to Moyſes.
and foure hundreþ. xxxiiii And þe ſones of Yrael diden after alle þinges þat þe
vii In þe lynage of Zabulon, prynce was Eliab, þe ſone of
Lord comaundide; þei ſettiden tentes bi her companyes, and
Elon; goon forþe bi meyneis, and howſes of her fadres.
viii al þe ooſt of fiȝtynge men of his lynage, ſeuen and fifti
þouſynd and foure hundreþ. Capitulum III.
ix Al þat in þe tentis of Juda ben noumbred, weren an
i Thes ben þe generaciouns of Aaron and of Moyſes, in þe
hundryþ ſix and eiȝti þouſyndis and foure hundriþ; and bi her
companyes firſt þei ſhulen go out. day þat þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, in þe mownt of Synay.
x In þe tentes of þe ſones of Ruben, at þe ſouþe plage, ſhal ii And þes þe names of þe ſones of Aaron; þe firſt goten of
be prynce, Eliſur, þe ſone of Sedeur; hym Nadab; aftirward, Abyu, and Eliazar, and Ythamar;
xi and al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þat ben noumbred, ſix and iii þes þe names of þe ſones of Aaron, preſtis, þat ben anoynt,
fourty þowſynd and fyue hundreþ. and of whom þe hoondes fulfillid and ſacrid ben, þat þei vſen
xii Biſide hym ſetten tentes, of þe lynage of Symeon, whos preeſthod.
iiii Nadab and Abyu dieden, whanne þei offerden alien fier in
prynce was Salamyel, þe ſone of Sury Sadday;
xiii and al þe ooſt of his fyȝters, þat ben noumbred, nyn and þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, in deſert of Synay, wiþ outen free
children; and Eliazar and Ythamar vſeden preeſthod before
fifti þowſynd and þre hundriþ. Aaron her fader.
xiiii In þe lynage of Gad, prince was Eliaſaph, þe ſone of v And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
Duel; vi Sett þe lynage of Leuy, and mak ſtonde in þe ſiȝt of
xv and al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þat ben noumbred, fyue and
Aaron, þe preeſt, þat þei mynyſtren to him;
fourti þouſand ſix hundriþ and fifti. vii and waken, and weyten aboute al þing þat to þe heryynge
xvi Alle þat ben noumbred in þe tentes of Ruben, an hundreþ
perteyneþ of þe multitude, before þe tabernacle of witneſſynge;
fifti þouſynd and a þouſynd foure hundreþ and fifty, bi her viii and þat þei kepen þe veſſels of þe tabernacle, ſeruynge in
companyes; in þe ſecounde place þei ſhulen goo forþe.
xvii And þe tabernacle of witneſſynge ſhal be arered bi offices þe ſeruyce of hym.
ix And þow ſhalt ȝyue bi ȝiftis Leuytes to Aaron, and to þe
of Leuytes, and þe companyes of hem; what maner wyſe it
ſhal be areryd, and ſo it ſhal be ſett down; eche bi places and ſones of hym, to þe whiche þei ben take of þe ſones of Yrael.
her ordres ſhulen goo forþe. x Aaron forſoþe and his ſones þow ſhalt ordeyne vpon þe
xviii At þe weſt plage ſhulen be þe tentis of þe ſones of heriynge of preeſthod; of anoþer kynrede þat goþ to mynyſtre,
Effraym, whos prince was Elizama, þe ſone of Amyud; he ſhal die.
xix and al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þat ben noumbred, fourti xi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
þouſynd and fyue hundreþ. xii I toke þe Leuytes fro þe ſones of Yrael for al þe firſte
xx And wiþ hem þe lynage of þe ſones of Manaſſe, whos geten þat openeþ þe wombe in þe ſones of Yrael; and þei
prynce was Gamaliel, þe ſone of Phadaſſur; ſhulen be my Leuytes,
xxi al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þat ben noumbred, two and þretti xiii myn is forſoþe al þe firſt goten; ſiþen I ſmoot þe firſt
þouſynd and two hundriþ. gotun in þe loond of Egipte, I halowide to me al þing þat is
xxii In þe lynage of þe ſones of Beniamyn prynce was firſt born in Yrael; fro man vnto beeſte myn þei ben; I þe
Abidan, þe ſone of Gedeon; xiiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, in deſert of Synay, ſeiynge,
xxiii and al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þat ben noumbred, fyue and
xv Noumbre þe ſones of Leuy, bi þe howſes of her faders,
þretti þouſynd and foure hundryd.
xxiiii And alle þat ben noumbred in þe tentes of Effraym, an and meyneis, eche maal from a moneþ and aboue.
xvi And Moyſes noumbred, as þe Lord comaundide.
hundryd eiȝt þowſyndis and an hundrid, bi her companyes; þe
þrid þei ſhulen goo forþe. xvii And þere ben founden þe ſones of Leuy, bi her names,
xxv At þe norþ part ſettiden tentes þe ſones of Dan, whos Gerſon, and Caath, and Merary;
prince was Abiazar, þe ſone of Amyſadday; xviii þe ſones of Gerſon, Lebyn, and Semey;
xxvi al þe ooſt of his fiȝters, þat ben noumbred, two and fourti xix þe ſones of Caath, Amram, and Jeſſaar, and Ebron, and
þowſyndes and ſeuen hundryd. Oſiel;
xxvii Biſides hym fitchiden tentis of þe lynage of Aſer, whos xx þe ſones of Merary, Mooly, and Muſy.
prynce was Phegyel, þe ſone of Othran; xxi Of Gerſon weren twey meyneis, Lebyntica, and Semetica;


xxii of þe whiche is noumbrid a puple of maal kynde, fro o xlvi In þe prijs forſoþe of two hundriþ ſeuenti and þre, þat
moneþ and aboue, ſeuen þowſyndes and fyue hundred. paſſen þe noumbre of Leuytes, of þe fyrſt gotun of þe ſones of
xxiii Þes after þe tabernacle ſhulen ſette tentis at þe weſt, Yrael,
xxiiii vndur þe prince Eliaſaph, þe ſone of Jael. xlvii þow ſhalt take fyue ſiclis bi eche heedes, at þe meſure of
xxv And þei ſhulen haue wacches in þe tabernacle of þe boond þe ſeyntuarie; a cicle haþ twenti halfpens;
xlviii and þou ſhalt ȝyue þe money to Aaron and his ſones, þe
of pees, þilke tabernacle, and his couertour, þe tente þat is
drawen before þe ȝates of þe roof of witneſſynge of boond of prijs of hem þat ben aboue.
pees; xlix Þerfor Moyſes toke þe money of hem þat weren more
xxvi and þe cortyns of þe porche, and þe tente þat is hongid in ouer, and þe whiche þei aȝenbouȝten of þe Leuytes,
þe entre of þe porche of þe tabernacle, and al þing þat to þe l for þe firſt gotun of þe ſones of Yrael, of a þouſynd þre
rijt of þe auter perteyneþ, þe coordes of þe tabernacle, and alle hundrid and fyue and ſixti ſicles, after þe weiȝt of þe
vſable þinges of it. ſeyntuarie;
xxvii Þe kynred of Caath ſhal haue þe puples Amramytas, li and he ȝaue it to Aaron and his ſones, after þe word þat þe
Jeſſaarytas, and Ebronytis, and Eſielites; þes ben þe meyneis Lord comaundide to hym.
of Caatices,
xxviii noumbrid bi her names, of al maal kynd, fro a moneþ Capitulum IIII.
and aboue, eiȝt þouſyndes and ſix hundriþ. And þei ſhulen i And þe Lord ſpak to
haue biſy wardes of þe ſeyntuarie, Moyſes and Aaron, ſeyynge,
xxix and þei ſhulen ſette tentes at þe ſowþ plage; ii Take þe ſowm of þe ſones of Caath, fro þe myddil of
xxx and þe prince of hem ſhal be Elyzaphan, þe ſone of Oziel. Leuytes, bi houſes, and her meyneis,
iii fro þe þrytti ȝeer and aboue vnto þe fifty ȝeer, of alle þat
xxxi And þei ſhulen kepe þe ark, and þe table, and þe
candelſtik, þe auters, and þe veſſels of þe ſeyntuarie in þe goon in, þat þei ſtonden and mynyſtren in þe tabernacle of þe
which it is mynyſtryd, and þe veyl, and al ſiche maner boond of pees.
iiii Þis is þe heriynge of þe ſones of Caath; þe tabernacle of
xxxii Þe prince forſoþe of þe princes of Leuytes, Eleazar, þe þe boond of pees,
v and þe holi of halowis ſhulen go yn Aaron and his ſones,
ſone of Aaron, preeſt; and he ſhal be vpon þe wakers of þe
warde of þe ſeyntuarie. whanne þe tentis ben to be moued; and þei ſhulen ſette down
xxxiii And forſoþe of Merarye ſhal be puples, Moolites, and þe veile þat hongiþ before þe ȝatis, and þei ſhulen wrap wiþ
Muſites, ynne it þe ark of witneſſynge;
vi and þei ſhulen eftſones couer it wiþ þe couerynge of
xxxiiii noumbred bi her names, of al maal kynde fro o moneþ
and aboue, ſix þouſyndes and two hundreþ; iacynctyne ſkynnes, and þei ſhulen ſtrecche aboue a mantel al
xxxv þe prynce of hem Suryel, þe ſone of Abiahiel; in þe norþ
iacynctyne, and þei ſhulen lede in þe berynge ſtaues.
vii Þe table forſoþe of propoſicioun þei ſhulen wrappe wiþ
plage þei ſhulen ſette tentes. ynne þe iacynctyne mantil, and þei ſhulen putte wiþ it þe
xxxvi Þere ſhulen be vnder þe warde of hem þe tables of þe
encenſeris, and goldun morters, litil cuppes, and þe eryd
tabernacle, and þe berynge ſtaues, and þe pilers, and þe feet chalices to þe ſacrifices of licours to ben heelde; looues
of hem, and alle þinges þat to ſuche maner heriynge euermore ſhulen be in it.
perteynen, viii And þei ſhulen ſtrecche þere aboue þe reed mantil, þe
xxxvii and þe pilers of þe porche bi enuyroun, wiþ her feet,
whiche eft þei ſhulen couer wiþ þe couerynge of iacynctyn
and þe ſtakis, wiþ þe coordes. ſkynnes, and þei ſhulen lede ynne þe berynge ſtaues.
xxxviii Þei ſhulen ſette tentes before þe tabernacle of þe boond ix And þei ſhulen take þe iacynctyn mantil, wiþ þe which þei
of pees, þat is, at þe eeſt plage, Moyſes, and Aaron wiþ his ſhulen couer þe candelſtik, wiþ þe lanterns, and her toonges,
ſones, hauynge warde of þe ſeyntuarye, in þe mydil of þe and ſnyters, and wiþ alle þe veſſels of oyle, þe whiche ben
ſones of Yrael; `who ſo euer alien come þer to, ſhal die. neceſſary to þe lanterns to be maad redi;
xxxix Alle þe Leuytes, þe whiche noumbreden Moiſes and x and vpon alle þei ſhulen putte þe couerynge of iacynctyn
Aaron, after þe heeſt of þe Lord, bi her meyneis, in maal ſkynnes, and þei ſhulen lede ynne her berynge ſtaues.
kynde, fro o moneþ and aboue, weren two and twenti xi Alſo and þe goldun auter þei ſhulen wrappe wiþ ynne þe
þouſyndes. iacynctyn cloþing; and þei ſhulen ſtrecche out þere aboue þe
xl And þe Lord ſeiþ to Moyſes, Noumbre þe firſte geten of
couerynge of iacynctyn ſkynnes, and þei ſhulen lede yn þe
maal kynde of þe ſones of Iſrael, fro o moneþ and aboue; and beryng ſtaues.
þou ſhalt haue þe ſowm of hem; xii Alle þe veſſels, wiþ þe whiche it is mynyſtryd in þe
xli and þou ſhalt take Leuitis to me for alle þe firſt gotyn of
ſeyntuary, þei ſhulen wrappe wiþ inne þe iacynctyn mantel,
þe ſones of Iſrael; I am þe Lord; and þe beeſtis of hem for and ſtrecch þere aboue a couertour of iacynctyn ſkynnes, and
alle þe firſt gotyn of þe ſones of Iſrael. þei ſhulen lede yn þe berynge ſtaues.
xlii And Moiſes tolde, as þe Lord comaundide, þe firſt goten xiii But and þe auter þei ſhulen clenſe wiþ aſken, and þei
of þe ſones of Iſrael; ſhulen wrappe it wiþ a purpur cloþinge.
xliii and þere weren maalis bi her names, fro o moneþ and xiiii And þei ſhulen putt wiþ it alle þe veſſelis, þe whiche þei
aboue, two and twenti þouſandis two hundrid and ſeuenti and vſen in þe ſeruyce of it, þat is, þe reſſeyuable þinges of fiers,
þre. fleſhokis, and `hokys of þre teeþ, and hokes, and fyre pannes;
xliiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes, ſeiynge, alle þe veſſels of þe auter þei ſhulen couer togyder wiþ a
xlv Tak Leuites for þe firſt goten of þe ſones of Yrael, and þe couerynge of iacynctyn ſkynnes, and þei ſhulen lede yn þe
beeſtis of Leuytes for þe beeſtis of hem, and Leuytes ſhulen berynge ſtaues.
xv And whanne Aaron and his ſones han inwrappid þe
be myn; I am þe Lord.
ſeyntuary, and alle þe veſſels of it, in þe meuynge of tentes,
þanne ſhulen goon yn þe ſones of Caath, þat þei beren wiþ


ynne wrappid, and þat þei touchen not þe veſſels of þe xxxix fro þretti ȝeer and aboue vnto þe fiftiþ ȝeer, alle þat
ſeyntuary, leſt þei dien. Þes ben þe charges of þe ſones of goon yn þat þei mynyſtren in þe tabernacle of þe boond of
Caath, in þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees, pees;
xvi vpon whom ſhal be Eliazar, þe ſone of Aaron preeſt; to xl and þere ben foundun two þowſynd ſix hundreþ and þretti.
whos cure it perteyneþ oyle to þe lanterns to be maad redi, xli Þis is þe puple of Gerſonytes, þe which noumbreden
and þe encenſe of compoſicioun, and þe ſacrifice þat euermore
is offred, and þe oyle of anoyntinge, and what euer þing to þe Moyſes and Aaron, after þe word of þe Lord.
heriynge `of þe tabernacle perteyneþ, and of alle þe veſſels þat xlii Þe ſones of Merarye ben noumbred, bi kynredes, and
ben in þe ſeyntuarye. houſes of her fadres,
xvii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeyynge, xliii fro þretti ȝeer and aboue vnto þe fifty ȝeer, alle þat goon
xviii Wole ȝe not leſe þe puple of Caath fro þe myddel of yn to fulfille þe rytis of þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees;
Leuytes; xliiii and þer ben foundun þre þowſyndes and two hundriþ.
xix but þis doþ to hem, þat þei lyuen, and dien not, if þei xlv Þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Merarye, þe whiche
towchen þe holi þingis of halowes. Aaron and his ſones noumbreden Moyſes and Aaron, aftir þe heeſt of þe Lord, bi
ſhulen go yn, and þei ſhulen dyſpoſe þe werkis of echon, and þe hoond of Moyſes.
þei ſhulen dyuyde what eny owiþ to bere. xlvi Alle þat ben noumbred of þe Leuytes, and þe whiche he
xx Oþer þurȝ no curiouſte ſeen þat ben in þe ſeyntuarye, dide to be noumbred at þe name, of Moyſes and Aaron, and
before þat þei ben inwrappid, ellis þei ſhulden die. þe princes of Yrael, bi kynredis, and howſes of her fadres,
xxi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xlvii fro þretti ȝeer and aboue vnto þe fifti ȝeer, goynge into þe
xxii Tak alſo þe ſowm of þe ſones of Gerſon, bi howſes, and ſeruyce of þe tabernacle, and berþens to be bore,
meyneis, and his kynredes; xlviii and þere weren togidir eiȝt þowſyndes fyue hundrid and
xxiii fro þretti ȝeer and aboue and vnto þe ȝeres of fifti, eiȝty.
noumbre alle þat goon yn, and ſeruen in þe tabernacle of þe xlix After þe word of þe Lord Moiſes noumbred hem, echon
boond of pees. aftir his office and his charges, as þe Lord comaundide to
xxiiii Þis is þe office of þe meyne of Gerſonytes, hym.
xxv þat þei beren cortyns of þe tabernacle, and þe roof of þe
boond of pees, þat oþer couertour, and vpon alle þe iacynctyn Capitulum V.
couerynge, and þe tente þat hongiþ in þe entre of þe i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
tabernacle of þe boond of pees; ii Comaund to
xxvi þe cortyns of þe porche, and þe veil in þe entre þat is þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei caſten out of þe
tentes alle leprows, and þat flowiþ ſeed, and is polut vpon þe
before þe tabernacle. Alle þingis þat perteynen to þe auter, deed;
litil coordes, and þe veſſels of ſeruyce, iii as wel þe maal as þe femaal caſteþ out of þe tentis, leſt þei
xxvii comaundynge Aaron and his ſones, þe ſones of Gerſon
defoulen hem, whanne þei dwellen wiþ ȝow.
ſhulen bere; and eche ſhal knowe to what charge þei owen to iiii And þe ſones of Yrael dyden ſo, and þei caſteden hem out
be takun.
xxviii Þis is þe heriynge of þe meyneis of Gerſonytes, in þe of þe tentes, as þe Lord hadde ſpokun to Moyſes.
v And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
tabernacle of þe boond of pees; and þei ſhulen be vndir þe
hoond of Ythamar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt. vi Spek to þe ſones of Irael, A man or womman, whanne þei
xxix Þe ſones forſoþe of Merarye, bi meyneis and howſes of doon of alle þe ſynnes þat ben wont to falle to men, and bi
her fadris, negligence ouer paſſid þe maundement of þe Lord, and
xxx þou ſhalt noumbre, fro þretti ȝeer and aboue vnto þe ȝeers treſpaſſen,
vii þei ſhulen knowleche her ſynne, and þei ſhulen ȝeelde þat
of fifti, alle þat goon into þe office of his ſeruyce, and
heriynge of þe boond of pees of witneſſynge. heed, and þe fifþe part þere aboue, to hym in whom þei
xxxi Þes ben þe charges of hem; þei ſhulen bere þe tablis of ſynneden.
viii If forſoþe þere weren not þat ſhulde reſſeyue, þei ſhulen
þe tabernacle, and his berynge ſtaues, þe pilers, and þe feet of
hem; ȝyue to þe Lord, and it ſhal be of þe preeſt, out take þe weþer
xxxii and þe pilers of þe porche bi enuyroun, wiþ her feet, and þat is offryd for þe purgynge, þat þe ooſt be pleſable.
ix Alle forſoþe þe firſt fruytis þat offren þe ſones of Yrael, to
ſtakys, and her coordes; alle veſſels and purtenaunce at
noumbre þei ſhulen take, and ſo þei ſhulen bere. þe preeſt perteynen;
xxxiii Þis is þe office of þe meyne of Merarytes, and þe x and what þing in þe ſeyntuarye is offred of eche, and is
ſeruyce in þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees; and þei ſhulen be takun to þe hondes of þe preeſt, ſhal be of hym.
vndir þe hoond of Ythamar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt. xi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeyynge,
xxxiiii Þanne Moyſes and Aaron, and þe princes of þe xii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, A
ſynagoge, noumbreden þe ſones of Caath, bi kynredes, and man, whos wijf erreþ, and, þe houſbonde deſpiſynge,
howſes of her fadres, xiii ſlepe wiþ anoþer man, and þat þe houſbonde may not
xxxv fro þretti ȝeer and aboue vnto fifti ȝeer, alle þat goon knowe of, but þe auowtrye is hidde, and wiþ witnes may not
into þe ſeruyce of þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees; be vndurnom, for ſhe is not foundun in þe hordom;
xxxvi and þere ben foundun two þowſyndes ſeuen hundred and xiiii if þe ſpiryt of gelouſnes ſtire þe man aȝens his wijf, þe
fifti. which ouþer is polut, or wiþ fals ſuſpecioun is coueitid,
xxxvii Þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Caath, þat goon into xv he ſhal lede hire to þe preeſt, and he ſhal offre for hir an
þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees; `þes noumbreden Moyſes offrynge, þe tenþe part of a buſſhel of barly melowe; and he
and Aaron, aftir þe word of þe Lord, bi þe hoond of Moyſes. ſhal not heelde vpon it oyle, ne putte enſence, for þe ſacrifice
xxxviii And ſones of Gerſon ben noumbred, bi kynredes, and of gelouſte it is, and offrynge enſerchynge auowtrye.
howſes of her fadris, xvi Þerfor þe preeſt ſhal offre it, and ſette before þe Lord;


xvii and he ſhal take þe holy watre in a britil veſſel, and a vii ne vpon faders forſoþe, and moders, and breþeren, and
litil of þe erþe of þe pament of þe tabernacle he ſhall putt into ſiſtren careyn he ſhal be defoulid, for þe ſacrynge of his God
it. is vpon his heed;
xviii And whanne þe womman ſtondiþ in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, viii eche day of his ſeuerynge ſhal be holy to þe Lord.
ſhe ſhal diſcouere her heed, and putt vpon hir hondis þe ix If forſoþe eny man were ſodeynlich deed before hym, þe
ſacrifice of recordynge, and offryng of gelowſte. He forſoþe heed of his conſecracioun ſhal be polut, þe which anoon he
ſhal holde þe moſt bittir watris, in þe whiche wiþ curſid ſhal ſhaue in þe ſame day of his purgacioun, and eftſones þe
curſyng he caſt togidir. ſeuenþe day;
xix And he ſhal ſwere to her, and ſeie, If anoþer man haþ not x in þe eiȝtiþ forſoþe day he ſhal offre two turturs, or two
ſlept wiþ þee, and if þow art not polut, forſaked þe bedde of culuer briddes, to þe preeſt, in þe entre of þe boond of pees of
þe houſboond, þes mooſt bittre watris ſhulen not anoye þee, witneſſynge.
into þe whiche curſid þinges I haue gederyd to gydere; xi And þe preeſt ſhal do oon for þe ſynne, and anoþir in to
xx if forſoþe þow haſt bowide a weie fro þin houſboond, and
brent ſacrifice; and he ſhal preye for hym, for he haþ ſynned
art polut, and haſt leyn wiþ anoþir man, vpon þe deed, and he ſhal halowe þe heed of hym in þat day.
xxi to þes curſingis þow ſhalt vndurligge; þe Lord ȝyue þee xii And he ſhal ſacre to þe Lord þe daies of his ſeuerynge,
into curſynge, and enſaumple of alle in his puple; mak he þin offrynge a lombe of o ȝeer for þe ſynne, ſo neuerþelater þat þe
hippe to ſtynke, and þi ſwellynge wombe be al to broſtun; raþer daies ben maad as for noȝt, for polut is þe halowynge
xxii goon in þee curſyd watris into þi wombe, and ſwellynge of hym.
þi wombe ſtynke þin hippe. And þe womman ſhal anſwere, xiii Þis is þe lawe of conſecracioun. Whanne þe daies which
Amen! amen! of auow he demed ben fulfillid, he ſhal brynge hym to þe dore
xxiii And þe preeſt ſhal wryte in a libel þes curſid þingis, and of þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees,
he ſhal do hem out wiþ þe mooſt bittir watris, xiiii and he ſhal offre his offrynge to þe Lord, a lombe of o
xxiiii into þe whiche curſid þinges he dide togidris, and he ſhal ȝeer wiþ outen wemme, into brent ſacrifice, and a ſheep of o
ȝyue hir to drynke. Þe which whanne ſhe haþ dronkun vp, ȝeer wiþ outen wemme, for ſynne, and a weþir wiþ outen
xxv þe preeſt ſhal take of hir hoond þe ſacrifice of gelowſte, wemme, a peſible ooſt;
and he ſhal arere it vp before þe Lord, and he ſhal putte vpon xv a leepe forſoþe of þeerf looues, þat ben ſpreynt wiþ oyle,
þe auter; and þinne cakys wiþ out ſourdowȝ, anoynt wiþ oyle, and of
xxvi ſo oonli, þat before he take an hondful of ſacrifice of it echon þe ſacrifices of licours;
þat is offerd, and tynde vpon þe auter, and ſo ȝyue drynke to xvi þe whiche þe preeſt ſhal offre before þe Lord, and he ſhal
þe womman þe mooſt bitter watres. doo as wel for ſynne as into brent ſacrifices.
xxvii Þe whiche whanne ſhe drinkiþ, if ſhe is polut, and, xvii A weþir forſoþe he ſhal offre a peſible ooſt to þe Lord,
deſpiſid þe man, ſhe is gilti of auowtrie, þe watres of curſynge offrynge to gidre a leepe of þerf looues, and ſacryfices of
ſhulen paſſe þurȝ hir, and þe womb blow wiþ ynne, þe hippe licours, þat of maner ben owed.
ſhal ſtynke, and þe womman ſhal be into curſynge, and into xviii Þanne þe Nazare ſhal be ſhaued at þe dore of þe
enſaumple to al þe puple. tabernacle of þe boond of pees, fro þe heere of his
xxviii And if ſhe were not polut, ſhe ſhal be harmles, and conſecracioun; and he ſhal take his heeres, and putte vpon þe
make free children. fijr, þat is vndurput to þe ſacrifice of peſible þinges;
xxix Þis is þe lawe of gelowſnes, if þe womman bowe doun xix and a ſhuldre ſoþen of þe weþer, and a caake of breed wiþ
fro hir man, and were polut, outen ſowrdowȝ, oon of þe leepe, and o þinne þerf caake, and
xxx and þe houſboond, þurȝ ſpiryt of gelowſnes ſtired, brynge he ſhal take in þe hoondes of þe Nazare, after þat were
hir in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and þe preeſt do to hir after alle ſhauun þe heed of hym.
þinges þat ben writun, xx And þe takun þingis eftſones of hym he ſhal arere in þe
xxxi þe houſboond ſhal be wiþ outen blame, and ſhe ſhal ſiȝt of þe Lord. And þe halowid þinges ſhal be of þe preeſt,
reſſeyue hir wickidnes. as þe litil breſt þat is comaundid to be ſeuered, and þe hippe.
Aftir þes þingis þe Nazare may drynke wiyn.
xxi Þis is þe lawe of þe Nazare, whanne he auowiþ his
Capitulum VI.
offrynge to þe Lord, þe tyme of his conſecracioun, out taak
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, þes þingis þe whiche þe hoond fyndeþ. Aftir þat þat he haþ
ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, A auowid in þouȝt, ſo he ſhal do, to þe perfeccioun of his
man or womman, whanne he doþ auowe, þat þei ben halowid, holynes.
and þei wolen him ſelf ſacre to þe Lord, xxii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
iii fro wiyn, and fro al þat may make dronkun, þei ſhulen xxiii Spek to Aaron and his ſones, So ȝe ſhulen bleſſe to þe
abſteyne; eiſel of wiyn, and of eny oþir maad drynke, and ſones of Yrael, and ȝe ſhulen ſeie to hem,
what þing of grape is out preſſid, þei ſhulen not drynke; new xxiiii Þe Lord bleſſe to þee, and kepe þee;
grapes and dried þei ſhulen not eete, xxv þe Lord ſhewe his face to þee, and haue mercy of þee;
iiii alle þe daies in þe which of auowe to þe Lord þei ben
xxvi þe Lord conuerte his chere to þee, and ȝeue to þee pees.
ſacryd; what þing may be of vyn, of grape dried vnto þe xxvii Þei ſhulen inwardly clepe my name vpon þe ſones of
popyn, þei ſhulen not eete.
v Al þe tyme of his ſeuerynge a raſour ſhal not paſſe vpon his Yrael, and Y ſhal bleſſe to hem.
heed, vnto þe fulfillid day in þe which he is ſacred to þe
Lord; he ſhal be holy, growynge þe heer of his heed. Capitulum VII.
vi Alle tyme of his ſacrynge he ſhal not goo yn vpon þe deed, i It is doon forſoþe in þe day in þe whiche Moyſes fulfillide
þe tabernacle, and areryde it, and anoyntide and halowede wiþ
alle his veſſels, þe auter alſo, and his veſſels.


ii And þe prynces of Yrael, and þe heedes of þe meyneis þat xxix and in þe ſacrifice of peſible þinges, two oxen, weþris
weren bi eche lynages, þe mayſtres of hem þat weren fyue, geit fyue, lombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis is þe offrynge of
noumbred, Heliab, þe ſone of Helon.
iii offerden ȝiftes before þe Lord, ſix waynes couered, wiþ xxx Þe firþe day þe prynce of þe ſones of Ruben, Heliſur, þe
twelue oxen; o wayne offreden two dukes, and oon ox eche. ſone of Sedeur,
Þei offerden þilk þingis in þe ſiȝt of þe tabernacle. xxxi offred a ſilueren eyſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundrid and
iiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, þretti cyclys, a ſilueren fyole, hauynge ſeuenti ſiclis at þe weiȝt
v Tak of hem, þat þei myȝten ſerue in þe ſeruyce of þe of þe ſeyntuarie, eiþer ful of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into
tabernacle, and tak þow þilk þingis to þe Leuytis, after þe ſacrifice;
ordre of her ſeruyce. xxxii a golden morter, peyſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe;
vi And ſo whanne Moyſes hadde take þe waynes, and þe xxxiii an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
oxen, he took hem to þe Leuytes. into brent ſacrifice;
vii Two waynes and foure oxen he ȝaf to þe ſones of Gerſon, xxxiiii and a geit, for ſynne;
aftir þat þei hadden nede. xxxv and into þe ooſtis of peſible þinges, oxen two, weþers
viii Foure oþer waynes and eiȝt oxen he ȝaf to þe ſones of fyue, geit fyue, lombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge of
Merary, aftir þe office and her heriynge, vndir þe hoondis of Elyſur, þe ſone of Sedeur.
Ythamar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt. xxxvi Þe fifþe day þe prynce of þe ſones of Symeon,
ix To þe ſones forſoþe of Caath he ȝaf not carrys and oxen, Salamyel, ſone of Suryſadday,
for in þe ſeyntuarie þei ſeruen, and birþens þei beren wiþ her xxxvii offrede a ſilueren eyſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundrid and
propre ſhuldres. þritti ſicles, a ſilueren fyole, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt
x Þanne þe dukes offreden, in þe dedicacioun of þe auter, in of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþir ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, in to
þe day þe which it is anoyntid, her offrynge to þe Lord, ſacrifice;
before þe auter. xxxviii a goldun morter, peyſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe;
xi And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Alle duykis bi eche daies xxxix an oxe of þe droue, and a weþir, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
offren þei ȝiftes, into þe dedicacioun of þe auter. into brent ſacrifice;
xii Þe firſte day offrede his offrynge Naſon, þe ſone of xl and a geet, for ſynne.
Amynadab, of þe lynage of Juda; xli And into þe ooſtis of peſible þinges, oxen two, weþers
xiii and þere weren in it a ſilueren eiſel veſſel, peyſe of an
fyue, geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge
hundred and þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fiole, hauynge ſeuenti of Salamyhel, ſone of Suryſadday.
ſicles aftir þe peyſe of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþir ful of tryed floure xlii Þe ſixte day þe prince of þe ſones of Gad, Helizaphat, þe
ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into ſacrifice;
xiiii a litil morter, of ten ſiclis of gold, ful of encenſe; ſone of Duel,
xliii offerde a ſilueren eyſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundrid and
xv an oxe of þe droue, and a weþir, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt
into brent ſacrifice; of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþer ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into
xvi and a goot, for ſynne; ſacrifice;
xvii and in þe ſacrifices of peſible þinges, two oxen, fyue xliiii a golden morter, peiſynge ten ſicles,
weþeres, fyue geet, lombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis is þe offrynge xlv ful of encenſe; an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a
of Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab. loomb of o ȝeer, into brent ſacryfice;
xviii Þe ſecounde day offrede Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar, xlvi and `o geet, for ſynne.
duke of þe lynage of Yſachar, xlvii And into ooſtis of peſible þinges, oxen two, weþers fyue,
xix a ſilueren eiſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundrid and þretti
geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge of
ſicles, a ſilueren fiole, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles aftir þe weiȝt of Elizaphat, ſone of Duel.
þe ſeyntuary, eiþer ful of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into xlviii Þe ſeuenþe day þe prynce of þe ſones of Effraym,
xx a litil golden morter, hauynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe; Elizama, þe ſone of Amyud,
xlix offrede a ſilueren eiſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundred and
xxi an oxe of þe droue, and a weþir, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt
into brent ſacrifice; of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþer ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into
xxii and a goot, for ſynne; ſacrifice;
xxiii and in ſacrifice of peſible þinges, two oxen, and weþris l a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe;
fyue, geit fyue, lombes of o ȝeer fiue. Þis was þe offrynge of li an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
Nathanael, þe ſone of Suar. into brent ſacryfice;
xxiiii In þe þridde day þe prince of þe ſones of Zabulon, lii and a geet, for ſynne.
Elyab, þe ſone of Elon, liii And into ooſtis of peſible þingis, oxen two, weþers fyue,
xxv offride a ſilueren eyſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundryd and
geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge of
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyole, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe peyſe Elizama, ſone of Amyud.
of þe ſeyntuary, eiþer ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into liiii Þe eiȝtiþ day þe prynce of þe ſones of Manaſſe, Gamaliel,
xxvi a litil golden morter, peyſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe; þe ſone of Phadaſſur,
lv offerde a ſilueren eyſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundryd and
xxvii an oxe of þe droue, and a weþir, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt
into brent ſacrifice; of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþer ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into
xxviii and a geit, for ſynne; ſacrifice;
lvi a goldun morter, peyſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe;


lvii an oxe of þe droue, and a weþir, and a loomb of o ȝeer, lxxxv ſo þat an hundred and þretti ſicles of ſiluer hadde oon
into brent ſacrifice; eiſel veſſel, and ſeuenti ſicles o fiol, þat is, in comune of alle
lviii and a goot, for ſynne. veſſels of ſiluer, ſicles two þowſand foure hundred, by peyſe of
lix And into ooſtis of peſible þinges, oxen two, weþers fyue, þe ſeyntuarie;
lxxxvi golden morters twelue, ful of encenſe, ten ſicles peiſynge
geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge of
Gamaliel, ſone of Phadaſſur. bi weiȝt of þe ſeyntuarie, þat is, togider, ſicles of gold an
lx Þe nynþe day þe prynce of þe ſones of Beniamyn, Abidan, hundrid and twenti;
lxxxvii oxen of þe droue into brent ſacrifice twelue, weþers
þe ſone of Gedeon,
lxi offerde a ſilueren eiſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundred and twelue, loombes of o ȝeer twelue, and þe ſacrifice of licours of
hem, twelue geet for ſynne;
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt lxxxviii þe ooſtis of peſible þingis, oxen foure and twenti,
of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþir ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into
ſacrifice; weþers ſexti, geet ſexti, loombes of o ȝeer ſexti. Þes þinges
lxii a golden morter, peiſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe; ben offrid in þe dedicacioun of þe auter, whanne it is anoynt.
lxxxix And whanne Moyſes went into þe tabernacle of þe
lxiii an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a loomb of o ȝeer,
boond of pees, þat he conſeile þe anſwer of God, he herde a
into brent ſacrifice; voyce of ſpekynge to hym fro þe propiciatorye, þat was vpon
lxiiii and a goot, for ſynne. þe arke of witneſſynge, bitwix þe two cherubyn, and fro
lxv And into þe ooſtis of peſible þingis, oxen two, weþers whens he ſpak to hym.
fyue, geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge
of Abydan, ſone of Gedeon. Capitulum VIII.
lxvi Þe tenþe day þe prynce of þe ſones of Dan, Abiezer, þe
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ſone of Amyſadday, ii Spek to Aaron, and
lxvii offerde a ſilueren eyſel veſſel, peiſynge an hundrid and þow ſhalt ſeie to hym, Whanne þow
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt ſettiſt þe ſeuen lanterns, þe candelſtyke be arered in þe ſowþ
of þe ſeyntuarye, eiþer ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into part; þis þanne comaund, þat þe lanterns aȝen þe norþ `forn
ſacrifice; aȝens biholden to þe table of þe looues of propoſicioun, aȝens
lxviii a goldun morter, peiſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe;
þat part þat þe candilſtik biholdiþ, þei owen to liȝten.
iii And Aaron dyde, and putte yn lanterns vpon þe candelſtyk,
lxix an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a lomb of o ȝeer,
as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes.
into brent ſacrifice; iiii Þis forſoþe was þe makynge of þe candelſtik; of betun out
lxx and a goot, for ſynne.
golde, as wel þe myddil ſtok as al þe þinges þat of eiþer ſide
lxxi And into ooſtes of peſible þinges, oxen two, weþers fyue, of þe ȝerdes weren born out; after þe enſaumple þat þe Lord
geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge of ſhewide to Moyſes, ſo he wrouȝte þe candelſtyk.
Abiezer, ſone of Amyſadday. v And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
lxxii Þe enleueþe day þe prince of þe ſones of Aſer, Phegiel, vi Tak þe Leuytes fro þe myddil of þe ſones of Yrael; and
þe ſone of Ochran, þow ſhalt purifie hem aftir þis rijt.
lxxiii offride a ſilueren eiſel veſſel, peyſynge an hundryd and vii Be þei ſpreynt wiþ water of purgynge, and ſhaue þei alle
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fiol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt þe heerys of her fleſh. And whanne þei han waſſhun her
of þe ſeyntuarie, eiþer ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into cloþes, and weren clenſid,
ſacrifice; viii take þei an oxe of þe droue, and his ſacrifice of licours,
lxxiiii a goldun morter, peyſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe;
tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle; and anoþir oxe of þe droue þow
lxxv an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a loomb of o ȝeer, ſhalt take for ſynne;
into brent ſacrifice; ix and þow ſhalt ſette to þe Leuytes before þe tabernacle of þe
lxxvi and a goot, for ſynne. boond of pees, clepid togidere al þe multitude of þe ſones of
lxxvii And into ooſtes of peſible þinges, oxen two, weþers Yrael.
fyue, geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge x And whanne þe Leuytes weren before þe Lord, þe ſones of
of Phegiel, þe ſone of Ochran. Irael ſhulen putte her hoondes vpon hem;
lxxviii Þe twelfþ day þe prynce of þe ſones of Neptalym, xi and Aaron ſhal offre þe Leuytes, a ȝift in þe ſiȝt of þe
Ahira, þe ſone of Henan, Lord of þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei ſeruen in þe ſeruyce of
lxxix offerde a ſilueren eiſel veſſel, peiſynge an hundryd and hym.
xii And þe Leuytes ſhulen putte her hoondes vpon þe heedis
þretti ſicles, a ſilueren fyol, hauynge ſeuenti ſicles at þe weiȝt
of þe ſeyntuarie, eiþir ful of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, into of þe oxen, of þe whiche oon þow ſhalt doo for ſynne, and
ſacrifice; anoþer into brent ſacrifice of þe Lord, þat þow preye for hem.
lxxx a golden morter, peiſynge ten ſicles, ful of encenſe; xiii And þow ſhalt ſette þe Leuytes in þe ſiȝt of Aaron, and of
lxxxi an oxe of þe droue, and a weþer, and a loomb of o ȝeer, his ſones, and þow ſhalt ſacre hem offred to þe Lord;
into brent ſacrifice; xiiii and ſeuer fro þe myddil of þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei be
lxxxii and a goot, for ſynne. myyn.
lxxxiii And into ooſtis of peſible þingis, oxen two, weþers xv And afterward goo þei in þe tabernacle of þe boond of
fyue, geet fyue, loombes of o ȝeer fyue. Þis was þe offrynge pees, þat þei ſeruen to me; and ſo þow ſhalt puryfye and ſacre
of Ahyra, ſone of Henan. hem, into þe offrynge of þe Lord, for þurȝ ȝift þei ben ȝeue to
lxxxiiii Þes offrynges in þe dedicacioun of þe auter ben offred me of þe ſones of Yrael.
xvi For þe firſt goten þat opnen al wombe in Yrael Y haue
of þe prynces of Irael, in þe day þe which it is ſacred;
ſilueren eiſel veſſels twelue, ſilueren fiols twelue, golden takun hem;
morters twelue;


xvii myyn forſoþe ben al þe fyrſte goten of þe ſones of Yrael, puples, for ſacrifice he offrede not to þe Lord in his tyme; his
as wel of men as of beeſtis, fro þe day þat I ſmoot al þe ſynne he ſhal bere.
firſte goten in þe loonde of Egipte, I haue halowed hem to xiiii A pilgrime forſoþe and a comlynge, if þere were anentis
me. ȝow, do he paſke to þe Lord, aftir þe cerymonyes and
xviii And Y haue take þe Leuytes for al þe firſte goten of þe iuſtifiyngis of it; þe ſame heeſt ſhal be anentis ȝou, as wel of
ſones of Yrael; þe comlyng as of þe wiþ ynne born.
xix and Y haue take hem bi ȝifte to Aaron and his ſones, fro xv Þerfor þe day in þe which þe tabernacle is arerid, couerde
þe myddil of þe puple, þat þei ſeruen to me for Yrael, in þe it a clowd; fro euen forſoþe vpon þe tent was as liknes of fier
tabernacle of þe boond of pees, and preien for hem, leſt þere vnto þe morwe.
be in þe puple veniaunce, if þei weren hardi to neiȝ to þe xvi So it was doon contynuly, bi þe day couerde it a clowd,
ſeyntuarye. and bi þe nyȝt as liknes of fier.
xx And Moyſes and Aaron diden, and al þe multytude of þe xvii And whanne þe clowd was takun awey, þat kepte þe
ſones of Yrael, vpon þe Leuytes, þat þe Lord comaundide to tabernacle, þanne wenten forþe þe ſones of Yrael, and in þe
Moyſes. place where ſtood þe clowd, þere þei ſetten tentes.
xxi And þei ben purified, and þei waſſheden her cloþes; and xviii At þe maundement of þe Lord þei wenten forþe, and at
Aaron arerede hem in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord, and preiede for þe maundement of hym þei picchiden þe tabernacle. Al þe
hem, daies in þe whiche ſtood þe clowd vpon þe tabernacle, þei
xxii þat puryfyed þei weenden into her offices, into þe dwelten in þe ſame place.
tabernacle of þe boond of pees, before Aaron and his ſones, xix And if it felle þat myche tyme it dwelte vpon it, þe ſones
as þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes, of þe Leuytes ſo it is of Yrael weren in þe biſi waardes of þe Lord, and þei wenten
doon. not forþe,
xxiii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge, xx as feel dais as þe clowde were vpon þe tabernacle. At þe
xxiiii Þis is þe lawe of þe Leuytes; fro twenti ȝeer and aboue maundement of þe Lord, þei arereden tentes, and at þe
þei ſhulen weende in, þat þei mynyſtren in þe tabernacle of þe maundement of hym þei putten down.
boond of pees; xxi And if þe clowd were fro euen to þe morwe, and anoon þe
xxv and whanne þe fyftiþe ȝeer of age þei han fulfillid, þei morwe tide laft of, þei wenten forþe; and if aftir day and nyȝt
ſhulen ceeſe to ſerue. it ȝede awey, þei ſcaterden þe tentes.
xxvi And þei ſhulen be þe ſeruauntes of her bryþeren in þe xxii Wheþer twey or o moneþ, or lenger tyme, it were vpon þe
tabernacle of þe boond of pees, þat þei kepen þinges þat tabernacle, þe ſones of Yrael dwelliden in þe ſame place, and
weren comaundid to hem; þo forſoþe werkis doo þei not; ſo wenten not forþe; anoon forſoþe as it wente a wey, þei
þow ſhalt diſpoſe þe Leuytes in her wardis. meueden þe tentes.
xxiii Bi þe word of þe Lord þei piȝten tentes, and bi þe word
Capitulum IX. of hym þei wenten forþe; and þei weren in þe biſy waardes of
þe Lord, after þe heeſt of hym, bi þe hoond of Moyſes.
i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, in deſeert of Synay, þe ſecounde
ȝeer aftir þat þei weren went out of þe loond of Egipte, þe Capitulum X.
firſt moneþ, ſeiynge,
ii Þe ſones of Yrael doo þei paſke in his tyme, i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
iii þe fourtenþe day of þis moneþ, at euen, aftir alle þe ii Mak to þee two beten out ſilueren trompes, wiþ þe whiche
ſerymonyes and þe iuſtifiyngis of it. þow mayſt clepe togidere þe multitude, whanne þe tentis ben
iiii And Moyſes comaundide to þe ſones of Irael, þat þei to be meued.
iii And whanne þow ſowneſt wiþ þi trompes, al þe folk ſhal be
ſhulden doo paſke;
v þe whiche diden in his tyme, þe fourtenþe day of þe moneþ, gederid `to þee at þe dore of þe tabernacle of þe boond of
at euen, in þe mount of Synay; aftir alle þingis þat þe Lord iiii If onys þow ſowneſt, ſhulen come to þee þe princes and þe
comaundide to Moyſes, diden þe ſones of Yrael.
vi And loo! ſumme vnclene vpon þe ſoule of man, þat myȝten heedis of þe multitude of Irael;
v if forſoþe lenger and ſtowndmeel trompynge ſowne, þe firſte,
not doo paſke in þat day, goynge to Moyſes and Aaron,
vii ſeiden to hem, Vnclene we ben vpon þe ſoule of a man; þat ben at þe eeſt plage, ſhulen meue þe tentis.
vi In þe ſecounde forſoþe ſownynge and euen ȝollynge of þe
whi be we bigilid, þat we mowen not offre þe offrynge to þe
Lord in his tyme, amonge þe ſones of Yrael? trompe, ſhulen rere þe tentys þat dwellen at þe ſowþ; and aftir
viii To whom anſwerde Moyſes, Stoonde ȝe, þat I counſeil, þis maner þat oþer ſhulen doo, ȝollynge þe trompes into
weendynge forþe.
what þe Lord comaundiþ of ȝow. vii Whanne forſoþe þe puple is to gederynge togidre, ſhal be
ix And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ſymple criynge of trompes, and not ſtowndmeel þei ſhulen
x Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, A man þat were vnclene vpon a ȝolle.
ſoule, oþer in þe fer weye, in þe folk of ȝoure kynde, viii Þe ſones of Aaron preeſt ſhulen ſowne wiþ þe trompes,
xi do he paſke to þe Lord þe ſecounde moneþe, þe fourtenþe and þis ſhal be lawful euerlaſtynge in ȝoure generaciouns.
day of þe moneþ, at euen; wiþ þerf looues and wijlde letuſes ix If ȝe goon out to batayle fro ȝoure loond aȝens þe enemyes
he ſhal eete it. þat ſtryuen aȝens ȝow, ȝe ſhulen crye wiþ ȝollynge trompes,
xii Þei ſhulen not leeue of it eny þing vnto þe morwe, and and it ſhal be recordynge of ȝow before þe Lord ȝour God, þat
boon of it þei ſhulen not breeke; al þe rijt of phaſe þei ſhulen ȝe ben delyuerid fro þe hondes of ȝoure enemyes.
kepe. x And if eny tyme ȝe ſhulen haue meetſhip, and feeſte daies,
xiii And if eny forſoþe is clene, and was not in þe weye, and and kalendes, ȝe ſhulen ſynge wiþ trompes vpon þe brent
ȝit dide not þe paſke, þat ſoule ſhal be out putte fro his ſacrifices and þe peſible ſleyn ſacrifices, þat þei ben to ȝow
into recordynge of ȝoure God; Y þe Lord ȝoure God.


xi Þe ſecounde ȝeer, þe ſecounde moneþ, þe twentiþe day of þe xxxvi whanne forſoþe it was ſette down, he ſeide, Torn aȝen,
moneþ, þe clowd rered vp fro þe tabernacle of þe boond of Lord, to þe multitude of þe ooſt of Yrael.
xii And þe ſones of Yrael ben goon forþe bi her companyes, Capitulum XI.
fro þe deſeert of Synay; and þe clowd reſtyde in þe wildernes i Ther
of Pharan. amonge was ſprongun a grucchynge of þe puple, as of
xiii And þe firſt meueden tentes, after þe heeſt of þe Lord men ſorwynge for þe traueyl aȝens þe Lord; þe whiche
doon in þe hoond of Moyſes, whanne he hadde herde, he was wrooþ; and þe fier of þe
xiiii þe ſones of Juda bi her companyes, of whom þe prince
Lord, tend into hem, deuowride þe latter part of þe tentes.
ii And whanne þe puple hadde cryede to Moyſes, Moyſes
was Naaſon, þe ſone of Amynadab. preiede to þe Lord, and þe fier is ſowpyd vp.
xv In þe lynage of þe ſones of Yſachar prince was Nathanael,
iii And he clepide þe name of þat place Tendynge, forþi þat þe
þe ſone of Suar. fier of þe Lord was tende aȝens hem.
xvi In þe lynage of Zabulon prince was Heliab, þe ſone of
iiii Þe comoun forſoþe of eiþir kynde þat hadde ſteyd vp wiþ
Helon. hem, brent wiþ deſijr of fleſh, ſittynge and wepinge, ioynede to
xvii And þe tabernacle is ſett down, þe which berynge wenten
hem togider þe ſones of Yrael, and ſeiþ, Who ſhal ȝyue to vs
out þe ſones of Gerſon, and of Merarye. to eete fleſh?
xviii And þe ſones of Ruben wenten forþe bi companyes in v We recorden of þe fiſſhes þat we eten in Egipte gladly; into
her ordre, whos prince was Eliſur, þe ſone of Sedeur. mynde come to vs þe goordis, and þe peponys, and þe leeke,
xix In þe lynage forſoþe of þe ſones of Symeon prince was and þe vniowns, and þe garlekes;
Salamyel, þe ſone of Suryſadday. vi oure ſoule is drye; noon oþir þing byholden our eyen but
xx Forſoþe in þe lynage of Gad was prynce Heliſaphat, þe manna.
ſone of Duel. vii Manna forſoþe was as þe ſeed coryaundre, of þe colour of
xxi And wenten forþe þe Caatthites, berynge þe ſeyntuarie; as bdelli.
longe þe tabernacle was bore, to þe tyme þat þei camen to þe viii And þe puple wenten abowt, gederynge it, and breke in a
rerynge place. gryndſtoon, or powned in a morter, ſeeþinge in a pot, and
xxii And þe ſones of Effraym meueden tentis, by her makynge of it litil þinne kakis of ſauour, as of oylid breed.
companyes, in whos ooſt prince was Elizama, þe ſone of ix And whanne þe dewe deſcendide þe nyȝt vpon þe tentes,
Amyud. deſcendide togider and manna.
xxiii In þe lynage forſoþe of þe ſones of Manaſſe prynce was x Þanne Moyſes herde þe puple wepynge bi meynees, and
Gamaliel, þe ſone of Phadaſſur. eche bi þe dores of his tent; and þe woodnes of þe Lord was
xxiiii And in þe lynage of Beniamyn duke was Abidan, þe ful wrooþ, but and to Moyſes it was ſeen a þing vnſuffrable.
ſone of Gedeon. xi And he ſeiþ to þe Lord, Whi haſt þow tourmentid þi
xxv Laſte of alle þe tentes wenten forþe þe ſones of Dan, bi ſeruaunt? whi fynde I not grace before þee, and whi haſt þow
her companyes, in whos ooſt prynce was Aiezer, þe ſone of put þe birþen of al þe puple vpon me?
Amyſadday. xii wheþer Y haue conceyued al þis multitude, and goten it,
xxvi In þe lynage forſoþe of þe ſones of Aſer prynce was þat þow ſey to me, Ber hem in þi boſum, as a noryſhe is
Phegiel, þe ſone of Ochran. woned to bere a litil child, and bere into þe loond for þe
xxvii And in þe lynage of þe ſones of Neptalym prince was which þow haſt ſwore to þe faders of hem?
xiii wherof to me fleſh þat Y ȝyue to ſo myche a multitude?
Ahira, þe ſone of Henan.
xxviii Þeſe ben þe tentes and þe goyngis forþe of þe ſones of Þei wepen before me, ſeiynge, Ȝif to vs fleſh, þat we eten;
xiiii Y may not aloone ſuſteyne al þis puple, for it is greuows
Yrael, bi her companyes, whanne þei wenten out.
xxix And Moyſes ſeide to Heliab, þe ſone of Raguel to me.
xv If oþir weies it is ſeen to þee, Y preye þat þow ſlee me,
Madianyte, his coſyn, We goon forþe to þe place þat þe Lord
is to ȝyuynge to vs; com wiþ vs, þat we doon good to þee, for and Y fynde grace in þin eyen, þat wiþ ſo myche yuels Y be
þe Lord good þingis haþ bihoot to Irael. not turmentide.
xxx To whom he anſwerde, I ſhal not goo wiþ þee, but I ſhal xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Geder to me ſeuenti men of
turne aȝen into my loond, in þe which Y am bore. þe aldren of Yrael, þe whiche þow haſt knowun, þat þei ben
xxxi And he, Wole þow not, he ſeiþ, vs forſaak; þow forſoþe oolde of þe puple, and mayſtris; and þow ſhalt lede hem to þe
haſt knowe in what places bi deſeert we owen to ſette tentes, dore of þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees, and þow ſhalt make
and þow ſhalt be oure leder; þere to ſtoonde wiþ þee,
xvii þat Y deſcende, and ſpeke to þee; and Y ſhal take a wey
xxxii and whanne þow comyſt wiþ vs, what þing beſt were of
þe ritcheſſis þat þe Lord is to ȝyuynge to vs, we ſhulen ȝyue of þi ſpiryte, and ȝyue to hem, þat þei ſuſteynen wiþ þee þe
to þee. birþen of þe puple, and not þow alone be greued.
xviii To þe puple forſoþe þow ſhalt ſeye, Be ȝe halowid, to
xxxiii Þanne þei wenten forþe fro þe mownt of þe Lord, weie
of þre daies; and þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord morwe ȝe ſhulen eete fleſh; Y forſoþe haue herde ȝow to ſeye,
wente before hem, bi þree daies, purueiynge þe place of þe Who ſhal ȝyue to vs metis of fleſh? wel it was to vs in
tentes. Egipt; þat þe Lord ȝyue to ȝow fleſh,
xix and eete not o day, ne two, ne fyue, or tenne, ne twenti
xxxiiii And þe clowd of þe Lord was vpon hem bi þe day,
whanne þei ſhulden goon. forſoþe,
xx but vnto þe moneþ of days, to þe tyme þat it come out bi
xxxv And whanne þe arke ſhulde be arered, Moyſes ſeide,
Aryſe, Lord, and be ſcateryd þin enemyes, and fleeȝ þei fro þi ȝoure nooſe þrillis, and be turnyd into fomynge; forþi þat ȝe
face þat haten þee; han putte abak þe Lord, þe which is in þe myddil of ȝow, and
han wepte before hym, ſeiynge, Whi wenten we out of Egipte?


xxi And Moyſes ſeiþ to þe Lord, Six hundryd þouſandes of vii And he ſeiþ, And not ſichon my ſeruaunt Moyſes, þat in al
foot men ben of þis puple, and þou ſeyſt, Y ſhal ȝyue to hem myn hows is mooſt trewe;
etynge of fleſh an hool moneþ. viii mouþ forſoþe to mouþ I ſhal ſpeke to hym, and opynly,
xxii Wheþer a multitude of oxen and of ſheep ſhal be ſlayn, and not bi derkneſſes and figuris he ſeeþ God. Whi þanne
þat it may ſuffice to meete, or alle þe fiſſhes of þe ſee ſhulen dreden ȝe not to bacbite to my ſeruaunt Moyſes?
be gedryd in oon, þat þei fulfillen hem? ix And wrooþ aȝens hem, wente aweie.
xxiii To whom anſwerde þe Lord, Wheþer þe hoond of þe x Þe clowde forſoþe wente awey, þat was vpon þe tabernacle,
Lord be vnmiȝty? now now þou ſhalt ſe, wheþer my word in and loo! Marye aperide ſhynynge wiþ lepre as ſnowe. And
dede be fulfillid. whanne Aaron hadde beholdun hir, and ſawȝ hir þurȝ hilid
xxiiii Þanne Moyſes came, and toolde to þe puple þe wordis wiþ lepre,
of þe Lord, gedrynge ſeuenti men of þe aldren of Yrael, þe xi ſeiþ to Moyſes, My lord, Y preye, ne ſett þow not to vs þis
whiche he made ſtonde about þe tabernacle. ſynne, þat folily we han doon,
xxv And þe Lord cam down bi þe clowd, and ſpak to hym, xii ne þis be maad as deed, and as deed wiþ ynne wombe þat
takynge of þe ſpiryt þat was in Moyſes, and ȝyuynge to þe is þrowun out fro þe wombe of his moder; loo! now þe
ſeuenty men; and whanne þe ſpiryte hadde reſtid in hem, þei myddil of her fleſh is deuowrid wiþ lepre.
profecyden, ne more ouer ceſiden. xiii And Moyſes cryed to þe Lord, ſeiynge, Lord, I preye,
xxvi Þere dwelten forſoþe in þe tentis two men, of whom oon
heel hir.
was clepid Heldad, and þat oþer Medad, vpon whom reſtide xiiii To whom anſwerde þe Lord, If þe fader of hir hadde
þe ſpiryt; for and þei weren diſcryued, and þei wenten not out
to þe tabernacle. And whanne þei propheciden in þe tentis, ſpitte into hir face, wheþer ſhulde ſhe not namelich ſeuen days
xxvii rennede a child, and toolde to Moyſes, ſeiynge, Heldad wiþ reednes be vnderhilid? Be ſhe ſeuered ſeuen days out of
þe tentis, and afterward ſhe ſhal be aȝen clepid.
and Medad prophecien in þe tentes. xv And ſo Mari is putte out of þe tentis ſeuen dayes; and þe
xxviii Anoon Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, þe ſeruaunt of Moyſes,
puple is not meued fro þat place, to þe tyme þat Marye is
and choſun of many, ſeiþ, My lord, Moyſes, defend hem. aȝenclepid.
xxix And he, What, he ſeiþ, enuyeſt þow for me? who ȝyueþ xvi And þe puple wente forþe fro Aſſeroth, piȝte þe tentes in
þat þe puple prophecie, and God ȝyue to hem his ſpiryt? þe deſeert of Pharan.
xxx And Moyſes is turned aȝen, and þe more þurȝ birþe of
Yrael into þe tentes. Capitulum XIII.
xxxi A wynde forſoþe goynge out fro þe Lord, brouȝte cauȝt
i And þere þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
curlowis ouer ſee fro þe Lord, and he lafte into þe tentis, bi
þe weye, as myche as o day myȝte be maad redy, on eche ſide ii Seend men þat biholden þe loond of Chanaan, þat I am to
of þe tentis bi enuyroun; and þei flowen in þe eyre two ȝyuynge þe ſones of Yrael, eche of eche lynagis, of þe princes.
cubitis on heiȝt vpon þe erþe. iii And Moyſes dide þat þe Lord hadde comaundid, fro þe
xxxii Þanne þe puple ariſynge al þat day and nyȝt and þat deſeert of Pharan ſeendynge men princes,
oþer day, gederide a multitude of curluwis; þe which made iiii of whom þes ben þe names. Of þe lynage of Ruben,
redi ten chorys; a chore is a meſure of þretti buſſhels; and Semmya, þe ſone of Zeccur.
drieden hem bi enuyroun of þe tentes. v Of þe linage of Symeon, Saphat, þe ſone of Hury.
xxxiii Ȝit fleſh was in þe teeþe of hem, ne defautide ſiche a
vi Of þe lynage of Juda, Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone.
maner meet; and loo! þe wodenes of þe Lord ſtyrid into þe
puple, ſmoot hem wiþ a ful greet veniaunce. vii Of þe lynage of Yſachar, Agal, þe ſone of Joſeph.
xxxiiii And þat place is clepid Þe ſepulcris of couetynge; þere viii Of þe lynage of Effraym, Oſee, þe ſone of Nun.
forſoþe þei byrieden þe puple þat deſyride fleſh. ix Of þe lynage of Beniamyn, Phalti, þe ſone of Raphu.
xxxv And þei goon out fro Þe ſepulcres of Luſt, camen into x Of þe lynage of Zabulon, Gedihel, þe ſone of Sody.
Aſſeroth, and dwelten þere. xi Of þe lynage of Joſeph, Gaddi, of þe ſeptre of Manaſſe, þe
ſone of Suſy.
Capitulum XII. xii Of þe lynage of Dan, Ammyhel, þe ſone of Gemalli.
i And Mary ſpak and Aaron aȝens Moyſes, for þe Ethiopis xiii Of þe lynage of Aſer, Sur, þe ſone of Mychael.
his wijf, and ſeiden, xiiii Of þe lynage of Neptalym, Nabdi, þe ſone of Naphi.
ii Wheþer oonli bi Moyſes haþ þe Lord ſpokun? wheþer not
xv Of þe lynage of Gad, Guhel, þe ſone of Machi.
and to vs alſo he haþ ſpokun? Þe which whann þe Lord xvi Þes ben þe names of þe men, þe whiche Moyſes ſent to
hadde herde, he was ful wrooþ.
iii Moyſes forſoþe was mooſt mylde man, ouer alle men þat biholde þe loond of Chanaan; and he clepide Oſee, þe ſone of
dwelten on erþe. Nun, Joſue.
xvii Þanne Moyſes ſente hem to biholde þe loond of Chanaan,
iiii And þe Lord anoon ſpak to hym and Aaron and Mary,
Goo ȝe þre alone out to þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees. and ſeyde to hem, Stye ȝe vp bi þe ſowþ plage; and whanne
v And whanne þei weren comyn ynne, þe Lord deſcendide in a ȝe come into þe hillis,
xviii beholde ȝe þe loond, what it is; and þe puple þat is
piler of a clowde, and ſtood in þe entre of þe tabernacle, dweller of it, wheþir it be ſtronge, or feble, fewe in noumbre,
clepynge Aaron, and Marye; þe which whanne weren goon, or many;
ſeide to hem, xix þat loond, good, or yuel; what maner citees, wallid, or wiþ
vi Here ȝe my wordes; if eny were amonge ȝow þe prophete of
þe Lord, in viſioun Y ſhal apere to hym, oþer bi ſweuen I outen wallis;
xx þe erþe, fat, or bareyn, wodi, or wiþ outen trees. Be ȝe
ſhal ſpeke to hym.
comfortyd, and brynge ȝe to vs of þe fruytis of þat loond. It


was forſoþe tyme, whanne now þe before rijp grapes myȝte be ix Wole ȝe not be rebel aȝens þe Lord, ne drede ȝe þe puple
eete. of þis loond, for as breed ſo we may deuowre hem; þere is
xxi And whanne þei ſteyden vp, þei enſerchiden þe loond, fro goo from hem al helpe, þe Lord is wiþ vs, wole ȝe not drede.
þe deſeert of Syn vnto Rohob, hem entrynge Emath. x And whanne al þe multitude cryede, and wiþ ſtonus wolden
xxii And þei ſtyeden vp to þe ſowþ, and camen into Ebron, þrowe hem down, þe glorye of þe Lord aperide vpon þe roof
where weren Achyman, and Siſay, and Tholmay, þe ſone of of þe boond of pees, ſeynge alle þe ſones of Yrael.
Enath; forſoþe Ebron ſeuen ȝeris before Thannyn, þe cytee of xi And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, How longe ſhal þis puple
Egipte, is maad. bacbite to me? How longe ſhulen þei not leue to me, in alle
xxiii And þei goynge vnto þe rennynge watir of þe cluſtre, þe ſignes þat Y haue doon before hem?
kyttiden a vyn wiþ his grape, þe which two men beeren in a xii Y ſhal þerfor ſmyte hem wiþ peſtilence, and waaſt; þee
ſtaf; of þe powmgarnettis forſoþe, and of þe figis of þat place forſoþe Y ſhal make a prince vpon a greet folk of kynde, and
þei token, a ſtrenger þan þis is.
xxiiii þe which is clepid Neheleſcol, þat is, þe rennynge water xiii And Moyſes ſeyde to þe Lord, Þat þe Egipcyens heren, of
of þe cluſtre, for þi þat þe children of Yrael brouȝten þens a whos myddil þow haſt ladde out þis puple,
cluſtre. xiiii and þe dwellers of þis loond, þe whiche han herde, for
xxv And þe ſpiers of þe loond turneden aftir fourti days, al þe
þow, Lord, in þis puple be, and wiþ face to face þow be ſeen,
regioun goon about, and þi clowde defende hem, and in a pyler of a clowde þow
xxvi þei camen to Moyſes, and to Aaron, and to al þe goo before hem bi day, and in a pyler of fier bi nyȝt,
companye of þe ſones of Yrael, into deſeert of Pharan þat is xv þat þow ſlee ſo myche a multitude as o man, and ſeyn,
in Cades. And þei ſpeken to hem, and to al þe multitude þei xvi þow myȝtiſt not brynge yn þis puple in þe loond for þe
ſhewiden þe fruytis of þe loond.
xxvii And þei tolden, ſeiynge, We camen to þe loond, to þe whiche he ſwore, and þerfor he ſlew hem in wildernes.
xvii Þanne þe ſtrengþe of þe Lord be magnyfied, as þow haſt
which ȝe ſenten vs, þe whiche forſoþe flowiþ mylk and hony,
as of þes fruytis it may be knowe; ſworne, ſeiynge,
xxviii but mooſt ſtronge dwellers it haþ, and greet citees, and xviii þe Lord pacient, and of myche mercy, doynge aweye
wallid; þe lynage of Enachym we han ſeen þere; wickedneſſe and hidows treſpaſſis, and no man giltles
xxix Amalech dwelliþ in þe ſowþ; Etheus, and Jebuzeus, and forſakynge, þe which viſitiſt þe ſynnes of fadres into ſones into
þe þridde and þe ferþe generacioun.
Amorreus in þe mownteyns; Chananeus forſoþe dwelliþ biſide xix Forȝyue, Y preye, þe ſynne of þis þi puple, aftir þe
þe ſee, and about þe flodis of Jordan.
xxx Amonge þes þingis Caleph ſwagynge þe grucchynge of þe greetnes of þi mercy, as þow were merciable to hem goynge
out fro Egipte into þis place.
puple, þat ſpronge aȝens Moyſes, ſeiþ, Stie we vp, and weeld xx And þe Lord ſeide, Y haue forȝyue to hem, after þi word.
we þis loond, for we mowen gete it.
xxxi Oþer forſoþe þat weren wiþ hym, ſeiden, Nay, to þis xxi Y lyue; and fulfillid ſhal be þe glorye of þe Lord, in al þe
puple we ben not myȝti to ſtye vp, for ſtrenger þan we he is. loond;
xxxii And þei myſſeiden of þe loond þat þei bihelden, anentis xxii neþeles al men þat han ſeen my maieſte, and my ſignes,
þe ſones of Yrael, ſeiynge, Þe loond þat we han paſſid and þat Y haue do in Egipte and in wildernes, and han
deuowriþ his dwellers; þe puple þe which we han biholde is temptid me now bi ten ſiþes, ne han obeſhid to my voys,
of huge ſtature; xxiii ſhulen not ſeen þe loond for þe which Y haue ſwore to þe
xxxiii þere we ſeyen þingis paſſynge þe courſe of kynde, of þe fadris of hem, ne eny of hem þat han bacbytide to me, ſhal ſe
ſones of Enach, of þe kynde of geauntis, to whiche it.
comparyſound as locuſtis we weren ſeen. xxiiii My ſeruaunt Caleph, þat ful of anoþer ſpyryt haþ folwid
me, I ſhal lede into þis loond, þat he haþ goon about, and þe
Capitulum XIIII. ſeed of hym ſhal welde it.
xxv For þe Amelechites and Chanane dwellen in þe valeys, to
i Therfore rerynge crye al þe puple, wepte þat nyȝt, morwe `meue ȝe þe tentis, and ȝe ſhulen torne aȝen into
ii and grucchiden aȝens Moyſes and Aaron, þat is alle þe wildirnes, bi þe weie of þe rede ſee.
ſones of Yrael, ſeiynge, Wolde God we weren deed in Egipte, xxvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge,
and not in þis waſt wildernes; xxvii How longe þis mooſt ſhrewid multitude grucchyþ aȝens
iii wolde God we periſſhen, and þat þe Lord lede vs not into
me? Þe pleyntes of þe ſones of Yrael Y haue herde.
þis loond, leſt we fallen bi ſwerd, and wyues and oure free xxviii Sey þanne to hem, Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord; as ȝe han
children ben lad caytyues; wheþir were it not beter to turne ſpokun, herynge me, ſo Y ſhal do to ȝow;
aȝen into Egipte? xxix in þis wildirnes ſhulen ligge ȝoure careyns. Ȝee alle þat
iiii And þei ſeiden oon to þat oþere, Ordeyn we to vs a duke,
and turne we aȝen into Egipte. ben noumbrid, fro twenti ȝeer and aboue, and han grucchid
v Þe which þing herd, Moyſes and Aaron fellen redy into þe
aȝens me,
xxx ȝe ſhulen not goon into þe loond, vpon þe which Y haue
erþe, before al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael. reryde myn hoond, þat Y make ȝow to dwelle, out take
vi And forſoþe Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and Caleph, þe ſone of
Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun.
Jephone, þe whiche and þei hadden goon þe loond, renten her xxxi Ȝoure litil children forſoþe, of which ȝe han ſeyde, þat þei
cloþes, ſhulen be to preye to þe enemyes, Y ſhal lede yn, þat þei ſeen
vii and to al þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael ſpeken, Þe
þe loond, þe which diſpleſid to ȝow.
loond þat we han enuyrownde is ful good; xxxii Ȝoure forſoþe careyn ſhal ligge in wildirnes;
viii if þe Lord were mercyful, he ſhal lede vs into it, and take
xxxiii ȝoure ſones ſhulen be vagaunt in deſeert fourti ȝeer, and
þe loonde flowynge mylk and hony. þei ſhulen bere ȝoure fornycacioun, to þe tyme þat þe careyns
of ȝoure faders ben waſtid in deſeert,


xxxiiii afterþe noumbre of fourti days, in þe whiche ȝe han xiiii as wel wiþ ynne getun as pilgrymes wiþ þe ſame rijt
biholdun þe loond; a ȝeer for a day ſhal be in noumbrid, and ſhulen offre ſacrifices;
fourti ȝeer ȝe ſhulen reſſeyue ȝoure wickidneſſes, and ȝe ſhulen xv o maundement ſhal be and dome,
knowe my veniaunce. xvi as wel to ȝow as to þe comlyngis of þe loond.
xxxv For as I haue ſpoke, ſo I ſhal doo to al þis multitude
xvii Þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
mooſt ſhrewid, þat haþ togidir ryſun aȝens me in þis
wildernes; it ſhal fayle, and dye. xviii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeie to hem,
xxxvi Þerfor alle þe men þat Moyſes ſente to beholde þe Whanne ȝe comen into þe loond þat I ſhal ȝyue to ȝou,
loond, and þe whiche turned aȝen, maden al þe multitude xix and eete of þe looues of þat regioun,
grucchen aȝens hym, myſſeiynge of þe loond, xx ȝe ſhulen ſeuer þe firſt fruytis to þe Lord of ȝoure meetis;
xxxvii þat it was yuel, ben deed, and ſmytun in þe ſiȝt of þe as of þe flores þe firſt fruytis ȝe ſhulen ſeuere,
Lord. xxi ſo and of ſowelis ȝe ſhulen ȝyue þe firſt fruytis to þe Lord.
xxxviii Joſue forſoþe, þe ſone of Nun, and Caleph, þe ſone of xxii Þat if bi ignoraunce ȝe paſſen biſides eny þing of þes þat
Jephone, lyueden, of alle þat wenten to beholde þe loond. þe Lord haþ ſpokun to Moyſes,
xxxix And Moyſes ſpake alle þes wordes to alle þe ſones of xxiii and haþ comaundide bi hym to ȝow, fro þe day þat he
Yrael, and þe puple weilide ful myche. bigunne to comaunde, and ouer,
xl And, loo! eerly firſte aryſynge, þei ſteiden vp þe cop of þe xxiiii and weren forȝetun to do, þe multitude ſhal offre a calf
hil, and ſeiden, We ben redi to ſtye vp to þe place, of þe of þe droue, brent ſacrifice into mooſt ſwete ſmelle to þe Lord,
which þe Lord haþ ſpokun, for we han ſynned. and ſacrifices of it, and offerd lycours, as þe cerymonyes of it
xli To whom Moyſes, Whi, he ſeiþ, ouerpaſſen ȝe þe word of axen, and a goot for ſynne.
þe Lord, þe which þing ſhal not falle to ȝow into good ſpede? xxv And þe preeſt ſhal preye for al þe multitude of þe ſones of
xlii Wole ȝe not ſtye vp, forſoþe God is not wiþ ȝow, leſt ȝe Irael, and it ſhal be forȝeuen, for not wilfuli þei ſynneden;
fallen before ȝoure enemyes. neþeles offrynge þe encens to þe Lord for hem ſilf, and for
xliii Amalechitees and Chanane ben before ȝow, bi whos ſwerd ſynne, and her errour;
ȝe ſhulen falle, for þi þat ȝe wolden not aſſent to þe Lord, ne xxvi and it ſhal be forȝouun to al þe folk of þe ſones of Irael,
þe Lord ſhal be wiþ ȝow. and to þe comlyngis þat pilgrymagen amonges hem, for þe
xliiii And þei blyndid togidere ſtyeden vp into þe cop of þe hil; blame is of al þe puple bi ignoraunce.
þe arke forſoþe of þe teſtament of þe Lord and Moyſes wenten xxvii Þat if a lijf vnknowynge ſynne, he ſhal offre a ſhe goot
not fro þe tentis. of o ȝeer for his ſynne;
xlv And Amalecchite deſcendide, and Chanane, þat dwelten in xxviii and þe preeſt ſhal preye for hym, for vnwityngly he
þe hil, and ſmytynge hem, and hewynge togidere, purſueden ſynnede before þe Lord; and he ſhal purchaſe to hym
hem vnto Horma. forȝyuenes, and it ſhal be forȝeue to hym.
xxix As wel to þe wiþynne born as to þe comlyngis, o lawe
Capitulum XV. ſhal be of alle þat ſynnen vnknowynge.
xxx A lijf forſoþe þat bi pride eny þing of ſynne doþ, wheþer
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt
citeſeyn he be, oþer pilgrime, for aȝens þe Lord he was rebel,
ſeye to hem, he ſhal periſhe fro his puple;
Whanne ȝe weren goon into þe loond of ȝoure dwellynge þat xxxi þe word forſoþe of þe Lord he diſpiſide, and þe heeſt of
I ſhal ȝyue to ȝow, hym he made at nouȝt; þerfor he ſhal be doon awey, and he
iii and ſhulen doo offrynge to þe Lord into brent ſacrifice, or
ſhal bere his wickidnes.
ſlayn peſible ſacrifice, quytynge þe auowes, oþir wilfulli xxxii And it was doon whanne þe ſones of Yrael weren in
offrynge ȝiftis, oþer in ȝoure ſolempnytees brennynge ſmelle of wildernes, and þei fonden a man gederynge ſtikkis in þe holi
ſwetnes to þe Lord, of oxen, or of ſheep; day,
iiii who ſo euer offriþ ſlayn offrynge, þe ſacrifies of tryed flour,
xxxiii þei brouȝten hym to Moyſes and Aaron, and to al þe
þe tenþe part of ephi, ſpreynt wiþ oyle, þe which þe meſure multitude;
ſhal haue þe fourþe part of hyn, xxxiiii þe whiche cloſeden hym into priſoun, vnknowynge what
v and wyn to helde þe ſacrifices of licours, of þe ſame meſure,
he ſhal ȝyue into brent ſacrifyce, or into ſlayn. vpon hym þei oweden to doo.
xxxv And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Bi deeþ die þis man;
vi Bi eche loombis and weþers ſhal be þe ſacrifice of tryed
flour, of two dymes, þat be ſpreynt wiþ oyle, of þe þridde part þrow hym down wiþ ſtonus al þe folk `wiþ out þe tentis.
xxxvi And whanne þei hadden ladde hym wiþ out, þei þrewen
of hyn;
vii and wyn to þe ſacrifice of licour, of þe þridde part of þe hym down wiþ ſtonus, and he was deed, as þe Lord
ſame meſure, he ſhal offre into þe ſmelle of ſwetnes to þe comaundide.
xxxvii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes,
viii Whanne forſoþe of oxen he doþ brent ſacrifice, oþer ooſt, xxxviii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem,
þat þow fulfille þe vowe, oþer peſible ſlayn ſacrifices, þat þei maken to hem hemmes bi foure corners of þe mantils,
ix þow ſhalt ȝyue, bi eche oxen, of tryed flour ten dymes, puttynge in hem iacynctyn filetis;
xxxix þe whiche whanne þei ſeen, þei recorden of alle þe
ſpreynt wiþ oyle, þat ſhal haue half of þe meſure of hyn,
x and wyn to þe ſacrifices of licours to ben helde, of þe ſame maundementis of þe Lord, þat þei folowen not her owne
meſure, into offrynge of mooſt ſwete ſmell to þe Lord. þouȝtis and eyen, by dyuerſe þingis lecherynge;
xl but more þei hauynge mynde of þe heeſtis of þe Lord, doon
xi So ȝe ſhulen doo bi eche oxen,
xii and weþers,
hem, and ben holy to her God.
xli I þe Lord ȝoure God, þat haue ladde ȝow out of þe loond
xiii and loombes, and geetis;
of Egipte, þat Y were ȝoure God.


xxiii And þe Lord ſeiþ to Moyſes,

xxiiii Comaund to al þe puple, þat it be ſeuerd fro þe
Capitulum XVI. tabernaclis of Chore, and Datan, and Abiron.
xxv And Moyſes aroos, and wente to Datan and Abiron; and
i Loo! forſoþe Chore, þe ſone of Yſuar, þe ſone of Caath, þe folwynge hym þe aldren of Yrael,
ſone of Leuy, and Datan and Abyron, þe ſones of Heliab, xxvi he ſeide to þe puple, Goþ awey fro tabernaclis of
and Hon, þe ſone of Pheleph, of þe ſones of Ruben,
ii aryſen aȝens Moyſes, and oþer of þe ſones of Yrael, two vnpitows men, and wole ȝe not touche þat to hem parteynen,
leſt ȝe be wrapped in þe ſynnes of hem.
hundryd and fifty noble men of þe ſynagoge, and þe whiche in xxvii And whanne þei weren goon fro þe tentes of hem bi
tyme of counſeil bi names weren clepid.
iii And whanne þei ſtoden aȝens Moyſes and Aaron, þei enuyroun, Dathan and Abiron goon out, ſtoden in þe entre of
her tentes, wiþ wyues, and free children, and al þe felowſhipe.
ſeiden, It ſufficiþ to vs, for al þe multitude of halowis is, and xxviii And Moyſes ſeiþ, Yn þis ȝe knowen þat þe Lord ſente
in hem is þe Lord; whi ben ȝe arered vpon þe puple of þe
Lord? me, þat I doo alle þe þingis þat ȝe ſeen, and not of propre
iiii Þe whiche þing whanne Moyſes hadde herde, he felle redy herte hem I brynge forþe.
xxix If þurȝ vſid deeþ of men þei dien, and viſyte hem a
into þe face;
v and he ſpak to Chore, and to al þe multitude; Eerly, he ſeiþ, veniaunce, wiþ þe which and oþer ben woned to be viſytid, þe
Lord haþ not ſente me;
þe Lord ſhal make knowun whiche perteynen to hym, and þe xxx if forſoþe a newe þing þe Lord doo, þat þe erþe opnynge
halowis he ſhal ſett to hym; and whom he cheſiþ, ſhal neiȝ to
hym. his mouþ ſwelowe hem, and alle þingis þat to hem perteynen,
vi Þis þerfor doo ȝe; tak echon his cenſere, þow Chore, and al and goon down lyuynge into helle, ȝe ſhulen wyte þat þei han
blasfemyd þe Lord.
þi counſeil; xxxi Anoon þanne as he ceſyde to ſpeke, þe erþe is brokun
vii and to morwe þe fier drawun vp, put ȝe þere aboue þe
vndur þe feet of hem,
maad encenſe before þe Lord, and whom euer he cheſiþ, he xxxii and openynge his mouþ deuowride hem, wiþ her
ſhal be holy. Myche ȝe ſones of Leuy ben areryd.
viii And eft he ſeide to Chory, Heriþ, ȝe ſones of Leuy. tabernaclis, and al þe ſubſtaunce of hem;
xxxiii and þei deſſendiden quyk into helle, couerd wiþ þe erþe,
ix Wheþer litil it is to ȝow, þat God of Yrael haþ ſeuerde ȝow
and þei perſhyden fro þe myddil of þe multitude.
fro al þe puple, and ioynede to hym ſilf, þat ȝe ſeruen to hym xxxiiii And forſoþe al Irael þat ſtood bi enuyroun, fleeȝ fro þe
in heriynge of þe tabernacle, and ſtoonden before þe myche
comynge of þe puple, and mynyſtre to hem? crie of hem periſhynge, ſeiynge, Leſt perauenture and vs þe
x Þerfor to hym ſilf he haþ maad þee to come nyȝ, and alle þi erþe ſwelow.
xxxv But and fier goon out fro þe Lord, ſlewȝ two hundrid
briþeren þe ſones of Leuy, þat to ȝow alſo preeſthood ȝe
chalengen, and fifti men þat offerden encenſe.
xi and al þi glubbe ſtoonde aȝens þe Lord? What is forſoþe xxxvi And þe Lord ſpaak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
Aaron, þat ȝe grucchen aȝens hym? xxxvii Comaund to Eleazar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt, þat he
xii Þanne Moyſes ſente for to clepe Datan and Abyron, þe take þe encenſers þat liggen in þe brennynge, and þe fier hidir
ſones of Helyab; whiche anſwerden, We comen not. and þidir ſcater he; for þei ben halwid in þe deþis of ſynful
xiii Wheþer litil it is to þee, þat þow haſt ladde vs fro þe men;
xxxviii and beet he hem forþe into platis, and fitche he to þe
loond þat flowide mylk and hony, þat þow ſlee in deſeert, but
and þow haue lordſhip on vs? auter, forþi þat þere is offerd in hem encenſe to þe Lord, and
xiiii Forſoþe þow haſt lad vs into þe loond þat flowiþ ryuers be halwid, þat þe ſones of Yrael biholden hem for tookne and
of mylk and hony, and þow haſt ȝyue to vs poſſeſſiouns of xxxix Þanne Eleazar, þe preeſt, took þe braſen cenſerys, in þe
feeldes, and of vynes; wheþer and oure eyen þow wolt drawe
out? We comen not. whiche offerden þes whom þe tendynge deuowride, and he
xv And Moiſes ful wrooþ ſeiþ to þe Lord, Bihold þow not þe bette hem forþe into plates, fitchynge to þe auter;
xl þat aftirward þe ſones of Yrael myȝten haue, bi þe whiche
ſacrifices of hem; þow woſt þat and a litil aſſe forſoþe Y
neuer took of hem, ne wrongfully traueylde eny of hem. þei ſhulden take mynde, leſt eny of oþer kynrede, and þat is
xvi And he ſeide to Chore, Þow and al þi congrygacioun not of þe ſeed of Aaron, come niȝ to offre encenſe to þe Lord,
leſt he ſuffre as Chore ſuffrede, and al þe multitude of hym,
ſtondiþ aſijd before þe Lord, and Aaron to morwe atwynne. ſpekynge þe Lord to Moyſes.
xvii Take ȝe eche ȝoure ſenſerys, and puttiþ vpon hem encenſe, xli Forſoþe al þe multitude of þe ſones of Irael grutchide þe
offrynge to þe Lord, two hundrid and fifti cenſerys; Aaron day folwynge aȝens Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge, Ȝe han ſlayn
forſoþe holde he his cenſer. þe puple of þe Lord.
xviii Þe which þing whanne þei hadden doo, ſtoondynge xlii And whanne þere was ſprongun diſſencioun, and noyſe
Moyſes and Aaron, wiþ ynne waxed,
xix and þei hadden gederyde on an heepe aȝens hem al þe xliii Moyſes and Aaron flowen to þe tabernacle of þe boond of
multitude at þe dore of þe tabernacle, to alle aperyd þe glorye pees; þe whiche aftir þei ben goon ynne, couerde a clowde þe
of þe Lord. tabernacle, and aperyde þe glorie of þe Lord.
xx And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, and ſeiþ, xliiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes and Aaron,
xxi Be ȝe ſeuerd fro þe myddil of þis congregacioun, þat hem xlv Goþ a wey fro þe myddil of þis multitude, alſo nowe I
grijſlich Y make loſt. ſhal doo hem awey.
xxii Þe whiche fellen redi into þe face, and ſeiden, Mooſt xlvi And whanne þei lyen in þe erþe, Moyſes ſeide to Aaron,
ſtroong God of þe ſpirytis of al fleſh, wheþer oon ſynnynge, Take a cenſer, and fier drawun vp fro þe auter, put incenſe
aȝens alle þi wraþ ſhal waxe cruel? þere aboue, goynge anoon to þe puple, þat þow preye for hem;


now forſoþe is goon out wraþ fro þe Lord, and a veniaunce v Wake ȝe into þe waarde of þe ſeyntuarye, and in þe ſeruyce
waxiþ wood. of þe auter, leſt indignacioun ſprynge vpon þe ſones of Yrael.
xlvii Þe whiche þing whanne Aaron hadde do, and hadde vi Y haue ȝyue to ȝow þe Leuytes ȝoure briþeren, fro þe
runne to þe myddil multitude, þat nowe waſtid þe brynnynge, myddil of þe ſones of Yrael, and I haue takun a ȝift to þe
he offrede þe maad encenſe; Lord, þat þei ſeruen in þe ſeruyces of his tabernacle.
xlviii and ſtondynge betwix þe deed and þe lyuynge, for þe vii Þow forſoþe and þi ſones, kepe ȝe ȝoure preſthod; and alle
puple preyde, and þe veniaunce ceſide. þingis þat to þe heriynge of þe auter perteynen, and wiþ ynne
xlix Þere weren forſoþe þat weren ſmyttun fourtene þowſynd þe veil ben, bi þe preeſtis ſhal be mynyſtred; and if eny of
of men and ſeuen hundrid, wiþ outen hem þat perſhiden in þe oþer lynage come niȝ, he ſhal be ſlayn.
diſſencioun of Chore. viii And þe Lord ſpak to Aaron, Loo! Y haue ȝyue to þee
l And Aaron turnede aȝen to Moyſes, at þe dore of þe kepynge of my cheef fruytis; alle þingis þat ben halowid of þe
tabernacle of þe boond of pees, aftir þat reſtide þe deeþ. ſones of Yrael, to þee I haue take, and to þi ſones, for þe
preeſtis office lawful euerlaſtynge.
Capitulum XVII. ix Þes þingis þanne þow ſhalt take of þes þingis þat ben

i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,

halowid, and offerd to þe Lord; al offrynge, and ſacrifice, and
what euer þing for ſynne and for treſpas is ȝoldun to me, and
ii Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and tak of hem ſondry ȝeerdis, falliþ into holy of halowis, þin ſhal ben, and of þi ſones.
bi her kynredis, of alle þe princes of þe lynagis twelue ȝerdes; x In þe ſeyntuarye þow ſhalt eete it; maalis oonli ſhulen eete
and of echon þe name þow ſhalt vpon write to his ȝerde; of it, for it is ſacryd to þe Lord.
iii þe name forſoþe of Aaron ſhal be in þe lynage of Leuy, and xi Þe cheef fruytis forſoþe þat þe ſones of Yrael han vowid
o ȝerde alle þe meynees of hem ſhal conteyn. and offred, Y haue ȝouun to þee, and to þe ſones, and þi
iiii And þow ſhalt putte hem in þe tabernacle of þe boond of douȝtres, bi perpetuel riȝt; he þat is clene in þin hows, ſhal
pees, before þe witneſſynge, where I ſhal ſpeke to þee; eete hem.
v whom of hem Y ſhal cheſe, ſhal buriowne his ȝerde; and I xii Al þe mary of oyle, and of wyne, and of whete, what euer
ſhal chaſtyſe fro me þe pleyntes of þe ſones of Yrael, in þe þing þei ſhulen offre of firſt fruytis to þe Lord, to þee Y haue
whiche aȝens ȝow þei grutchen. ȝeuen.
vi And Moyſes ſpak to þe ſones of Yrael; and alle þe princes xiii Alle þe bigynnyngis of fruytis þat þe erþe getiþ, and to þe
ȝauen to hem ȝerdes, bi alle þe lynages; and þere weren Lord ben brouȝt, þei ſhulen falle into þin vſis; he þat is clene
twelue ȝerdes, wiþ out þe ȝerde of Aaron. in þin hows, ſhal eete of hem.
vii Þe whiche whanne Moyſes hadde putte before þe Lord, in xiiii Al þing þat of auowe þe ſones of Yrael ȝeuen, ſhal be
þe tabernacle of witneſſynge, þin.
viii þe day folwynge he goon aȝen, foond þat þe ȝerde of xv What euer þing firſte ſhal breek out of þe wombe of al
Aaron, `in þe houſe of Leuy, hadde buriowned; and ſwellynge fleſh, þat þei offren to þe Lord, wheþer of men, or of beeſtis it
þe gemmes, breken out flowres, þei ſpred a brood wiþ leeues, were, of þi riȝt ſhal be; ſo oonlich þat for þe firſt getun of
into almaundes be fourmed. man prijs þow ſhalt take, and al beeſte þat is vnclene, þou
ix Þanne Moyſes brouȝte forþe alle þe ȝerdes fro þe ſiȝt of þe make be aȝen bouȝt;
xvi whos aȝenbiggynge ſhal be after o moneþ, wiþ fyue ſiclis
Lord to alle þe ſones of Yrael; and eche ſeen, and token her
ȝerdes. of ſiluer, bi peiſe of þe ſeyntuarie; a ſicle haþ twenti halpens.
x And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Ber aȝen þe ȝerde of Aaron xvii Þe firſt goten forſoþe of oxe, and of ſheep, and of ſhee
into þe tabernacle of witneſſynge, þat it be kept þere into goot, þou ſhalt not maak be aȝen bouȝt, for þei ben halowid to
tokne of þe rebel ſones of Irael, and þe querels of hem reſten þe Lord; oonli þe blood of hem þow ſhalt heelde vpon þe
fro me, leſt þei dien. auter, and þe talwȝ þow ſhalt brenne into mooſt ſwete ſmel to
xi And Moyſes dide, as þe Lord comaundide. þe Lord.
xii Þe ſones of Yrael forſoþe ſeiden to Moyſes, Loo! we ben xviii Þe fleſh forſoþe ſhal falle in to þin vſe, as þe ſacryd litil
waſtid, and alle we periſſhen; breſt and þe riȝt ſhulder, ſhulen be þin.
xiii who ſo euer comeþ niȝ to þe tabernacle of þe Lord, dieþ; xix Alle þe firſte fruytis of þe ſeyntuary, þat þe ſones of Yrael
wheþer vnto þe deeþ alle we ben to be doon awey? offren to þe Lord, to þee I haue ȝeue, and to þi ſones and þi
dowȝtren, bi perpetuel riȝt; þe couenaunt of ſalt is euer
laſtynge before þe Lord, to þee, and to þi ſones.
Capitulum XVIII. xx And þe Lord ſeide to Aaron, In þe loond of hem no þing
i And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes and Aaron, Þow, and þi ȝe ſhulen weelde, ne ȝe ſhulen haue part amonge hem; Y þe
ſones, and þe hows of þi fader wiþ þee, ſhal bere þe part and þi herytage, in þe myddil of þe ſones of Yrael.
wickidnes of þe ſeyntuarie; and þou and þi ſones togidere xxi To þe ſones forſoþe of Leuy Y haue ȝyue alle þe dymes of
ſhulen ſuffre þe ſynnes of ȝoure preeſthod. Yrael into poſſeſſioun, for þe ſeruyce þat þei ſeruen to me in
ii But and þi briþeren of þe lynage of Leuy, and þe ſeptre of þe tabernacle of þe boond of pees;
þi fader tak wiþ þee, and redi be þei, and mynyſtre to þee. xxii þat þe ſones of Yrael comen nomore nyȝ to þe tabernacle
Þow forſoþe and þi ſones ſhulen mynyſtre in þe tabernacle of of þe boond of pees, ne doo ſynne þat bryngiþ yn deeþ,
witneſſynge; xxiii oonly þe ſones of Leuy, to me in þe tabernacle ſeruynge,
iii and þe Leuytes ſhulen wake to þin heeſtis, and to alle þe and berynge þe ſynnes of þe puple; lawful euerlaſtynge it ſhal
werkis of þe tabernacle; ſo oonlich þat to veſſels of þe be in ȝoure generaciouns.
ſeyntuarie, and to þe auter þei comen not nyȝ, leſt and þei xxiiii Noon oþer þing þei ſhulen weelde, of þe offrynge of
dien, and ȝe periſhen togidre. dymes payed, þe whiche into þe vſis of hem and neceſſaries Y
iiii Be þei forſoþe wiþ þee, and waake þei in þe wardis of þe haue ſeuerde.
tabernacle, and in alle þe cerymonyes of it. Of anoþer lynage xxv And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
ſhal not be meengid to ȝow.


xxvi Comaund to þe Leuytes, and tel out, Whanne ȝe taken xvi If eny man towche in þe feelde a careyn of a ſlayn man,
dymes of þe ſones of Yrael, þat Y haue ȝyue to ȝow, þe firſte or of þe bi hym ſilf deed, oþir þe mouþ of hym, or þe ſepulcre,
fruytis of hem offre ȝe to þe Lord, þat is, þe tenþe part of þe ſhal be vnclene ſeuen daies.
dyme, xvii And þei ſhulen take of þe aſkes of brennynge, and of
xxvii þat it be put to ȝow in þe offrynge of þe cheef þingis, as ſynne, and þei ſhulen putte quyk waters vpon hem, into þe
wel of þe flores as of þe preſſis; veſſel;
xxviii and of alle þingis of þe whiche ȝe taken þe firſte fruytis, xviii in þe which whanne a clene man wetiþ yſoop, he ſhal
offre ȝe to þe Lord, and ȝyue to Aaron, þe preeſt. ſprenge of it þe tente, and al þe purtenaunce, and þe polut
xxix Alle þingis þat ȝe offren of dymes, and into þe ȝiftis of men wiþ ſiche a maner towchynge.
þe Lord ȝe ſhulen ſeuere, þe beſt and choſen alle ſhulen be. xix And wiþ þis maner þe clene ſhal goo about þe vnclene, þe
xxx And þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, If þe more clene and þe beter þridde and þe ſeuenþe day; and clenſid þe ſeuenþe day, he ſhal
eche þingis ȝe offren to þe Lord of þe dymes, it ſhal be put to waſſhe hym ſilf, and his cloþis, and vnclene he ſhal be vnto þe
ȝow, as of þe flore and of þe preſſe ȝe ȝeuen þe firſte fruytis. euen.
xxxi And ȝe ſhulen eete hem in alle ȝoure places, as wel ȝe as xx If eny man wiþ þis rijt were not purgid, ſhal periſhe þe
ȝoure meyne, for prijs it is for þe ſeruyce þat ȝe ſeruen in þe ſoule of hym fro þe myddil of þe chirche; for þe ſeyntuarie of
tabernacle of witneſſynge. þe Lord he polutide, and he is not ſpreynt wiþ þe water of
xxxii And ȝe ſhulen not ſynne vpon þat, þe noble and þe fatt enuyrownynge.
xxi Þis ſhal be þe heeſt lawful euerlaſtynge. He forſoþe þat
to ȝow reſeruynge, leſt ȝe poluten þe offrynge of þe ſones of
Yrael, and dyen. ſhal ſprenge þe watrys, ſhal waſſhe his cloþis; eche þat
towchiþ þe watris of purgynge, ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen.
xxii What þing þe vnclene towchiþ, he ſhal make vnclene; and
Capitulum XIX.
þe ſoule þat of þes þingis eny þing towchiþ, ſhal be vnclenem
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes and Aaron, ſeiynge, vnto þe euen.
ii Þis þe religioun of ſlayn offrynge, þat þe Lord haþ
ordeynde. Comaunde to þe ſones of Yrael, þat þei brengen Capitulum XX.
forþe a reede kowe of hool age, in þe which no ſpot be, ne i And
beriþ ȝok. þe ſones of Yrael camen, and al þe multitude into þe
iii And ȝe ſhulen take hir to Elyazar, þe preeſt, þe which hir, deſeert of Syn, þe firſte moneþ. And þe puple dwelte in
Cades; and Mary is þere deed, and byryed in þe ſame place.
lad out of þe tentes, ſhal offre in þe ſiȝt of alle; ii And whanne þe puple nedide water, þei camen aȝens
iiii and wetynge þe fyngre in hir blood, ſhal ſpreynge aȝens þe
Moiſes and Aaron, and, turned into diſſencioun, ſeiden,
ȝates of þe tabernacle ſeuen ſiþes. iii Wold God we hadden periſſhide amonge oure briþeren,
v And he ſhal bren hir, alle men ſeynge, as wel wiþ ſkynne
before þe Lord.
and fleſh of hir as wiþ þe blood and dryt, to þe flawme ȝe iiii Whi han ȝe ladde out þe chirche of þe Lord into
ſhulen take.
vi Cedre forſoþe tree, and yſoop, and `fijr reede ſilk twies wilderenes, þat and we and oure beeſtis dyen?
v Whi han ȝe maad vs to ſtie vp fro Egipt, and ȝe han ladde
died, þe preeſt ſhal putte into þe flawme þat vowriþ þe kowe.
vii And þanne at þe laſt, þe cloþis waſſhid, and his body, he into þis worſt place, þat may not be ſowid, þe whiche ne fige
getiþ, ne vynes, ne powmgarnettis, `more ouer and water it
ſhall goo into þe tentes, and he ſhal be defoulid vnto þe euen. haþ not to drynke?
viii But and he þat ſhal brenne hir, ſhal waſſhe his cloþis, vi And Moyſes and Aaron, þe multitude laft, goon into þe
and bodi, and vnclene ſhal be vnto þe euen. tabernacle of þe boond of pees, fellen down redi into þe erþe,
ix A clene forſoþe man ſhal gedre þe aſken of þe kowe, and and cryeden to God, and ſeiden, Lord God, here þe crye of
heelde hem out of þe tentes in þe mooſt clene place, þat þei þis puple, and opyn to hem þi treſour, þe welle of quyk water,
ben to þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael into kepynge, and þat, hem fillid, ceeſe her grutchynge. And þe glorye of þe
into water of ſprengynge; for for ſynne þe kowe is brent. Lord aperide vpon hem;
x And whanne he haþ waſſhe his cloþes, þat beer þe aſkis of vii and þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
þe kowe, he ſhal be vnclene vnto þe euen. And þe ſones of viii Tak þe ȝerde, and gedre þe puple, þow, and Aaron þi
Yrael, and comlyngis þat dwellen amonge hem, ſhulen han broþer; and ſpeke ȝe to þe ſtoon before hem, and it ſhal ȝyue
þis holi bi perpetuel rijt. watris. And whanne þow haſt ladde out water fro þe ſtoon,
xi He þat towchiþ þe careyn of a man, and for þat ſeuen daies ſhal drynke al þe multitude, and þe beeſtis of it.
were vnclene, ix Þanne Moyſes took þe ȝerde, þat was in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord,
xii he ſhal be ſpreynt of þis water þe þridde day, and þe as he comaundide to hym,
ſeuenþe, and ſo he ſhal be clenſid. If þe þridde day he were x þe multitude gedryd before þe ſtoon; and he ſeyde to hem,
not ſpreynt, þe ſeuenþe day he may not be maad vtterly clene. Here ȝe, rebells and harde to bileue; wheþer of þis ſtoon
xiii Al þat towchiþ of mannus ſoul þe faln to deeþ, and wiþ water to ȝow we mowen caſt out?
þis mengynge were not ſpreynt, he polutiþ þe tabernacle of þe xi And whanne Moyſes hadde areryde þe hoond, ſmytynge wiþ
Lord, and ſhal periſhe fro Yrael; for wiþ þe water of þe ȝerde twijs þe flynt, wenten out mooſt large watris, ſo þat
purgynge he is not ſpreynt, he ſhal be vnclene, and his filþe þe puple myȝt drynke, and þe beeſtis.
ſhal dwelle vpon hym. xii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes and Aaron, For ȝe bileueden
xiiii Þis is þe lawe of man þat dieþ in þe tabernacle; eche þat
not to me, þat ȝe halweden me before þe ſones of Irael, ȝe
goþ into þe tente of hym, and alle þe veſſels þat þere ben, ſhal ſhulen not lede in þes puples into þe loond þat I ſhal ȝyue to
be polutid ſeuen daies. hem.
xv Þe veſſel þat haþ not a couerynge, ne byndynge þere aboue, xiii Þis is þe water of contradiccioun; þere þe ſones of Yrael
ſhal be vnclene. iangleden aȝens þe Lord, and he is halwid in hem.


xiiii Moyſes þere amonge ſente meſſengers fro Cades to þe v And ſpeken aȝens þe Lord and Moyſes, ſeiþ, Whi haſt þow
kyng of Edom, þe whiche ſhulden ſeie, Þes þingis ſendiþ to ladde vs out of Egipte, þat we dien in wildirnes? þere fayliþ
þee þi broþer Yrael. Þow haſt knowun al þe traueyl þat haþ to vs breed, watris þere ben not; oure ſoule now wlatiþ vpon
cauȝt vs, þis mooſt liȝt meet.
xv what maner oure faders deſcendiden into Egipt, and we vi Wherfore þe Lord haþ ſente into þe puple eddres a fier; at
han dwelte þere myche tyme, and þe Egipciens han whos woundis and deþes of manye,
tourmentide vs, and oure fadres; vii þei comen to Moyſes, and ſeiden, We han ſynned, for we
xvi and what maner wyſe we han cried to þe Lord, and he han ſpoken aȝens þe Lord and þee; prey, þat he take fro vs
haþ herd vs, and he haþ ſent an aungel, þat haþ ladde vs out eddres. And Moyſes preiede for þe puple;
of Egipte. And loo! we ſett in þe cytee of Cades, þat is in þin viii and þe Lord ſpak to hym, Mak a braſun addre, and put it
uttermooſt cooſtis, for a tokne; who ſmytun biholdiþ it, ſhal lyue.
xvii biſechen, þat to vs it be leueful to paſſe bi þi loond; we ix Þanne Moyſes maade a braſun eddre, and putte for a
ſhulen not goo bi feeldis, ne bi vynes, ne we ſhulen drynke ſigne; whom þe ſmytun biholdynge, were maad hool.
watris of þi pittis; but we ſhulen goo þe comoun weye, ne to x And þe ſones of Yrael goon forþe, ſetten tentis in Oboth;
þe ryȝt ne to þe left bowynge, to þe tyme þat we paſſen þi
cooſtis. xi fro whens goon out, þei piȝten tentis in Jeabarym, in þe
xviii To whom anſwerde Edom, Ȝe ſhulen not paſſe bi me, wildernes, þat biholdiþ Moab, aȝens þe eeſt cooſt.
ellis armed Y ſhal come aȝens þee. xii And fro þens meuynge, þei camen to þe rynnynge water of
xix And þe ſones of Yrael ſeyden, Bi þe beryd weye we Zareth;
ſhulen goon, and if we ſhulen drynke þi watris, we and oure xiii þe whiche leuynge, þei ſetten tentis aȝens Arnon, þat is in
beeſtis, we ſhulen ȝyue þat is riȝt; no difficulte ſhal be in þe deſeert, and fer ſtondiþ ouer in þe cooſtis of Amorrey. Forſoþe
prijs, oonli ſwiftly paſſe we. Arnon is þe eende of Moab, dyuydynge Moabites and
xx And he anſwerde, Ȝe ſhulen not paſſe. And anoon metynge Amorreis.
he wente out, wiþ a multitude wiþ out noumbre, and wiþ a xiiii Wherfor it is ſeide in þe book of bateyls of þe Lord, As
ſtronge hoond, he haþ doo in þe rede ſee, ſo he ſhal doo in þe rennynge
xxi and he wolde not aſſente to hym preiynge, þat he graunte watris of Arnon;
paſſynge bi his cooſtis. Wherfor turnede aſide fro hym Yrael. xv þe roches of þe rennynge watris ben bowid, þat þei reſten
xxii And whanne þei hadden meuyde tentis fro Cades, þei in Arnon, and þat þei liggen in þe cooſtis of Moabites.
camen into þe hil of Hor, þat is in þe cooſtis of þe loond of xvi Of þat place aperide a pitt, vpon þe which þe Lord ſpak to
Edom; Moyſes, Geder þe puple, and I ſhal ȝyue to hym watir.
xxiii where þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, xvii Þanne Yrael ſong þis ditee, Sty vp þe pit; þei ſongen
xxiiii Aaron, he ſeiþ, go he to his puplis; forſoþe he ſhal not togidre,
goo into þe loond þat I haue ȝeue to þe ſones of Yrael, forþi xviii Þe pit þat delueden þe prynces, and greiþeden þe dukis
þat he were harde of bileue to my mouþ, at þe watris of of þe multitude, in þe ȝeuer of þe lawe, and in her ſtaues.
contradiccioun. And þei wenten fro þe wildrenes of Mathana,
xxv Tak Aaron, and his ſone wiþ hym, and þow ſhalt lede xix fro Mathana to Naaliel, fro Naaliel into Bamoth;
hem into þe hil of Hor; xx Bamoth is a valey in þe regioun of Moab, in þe frount of
xxvi and whanne þow haſt made nakyd þe fader of his clooþ, Phaſga, þat biholdiþ aȝens þe deſeert.
þow ſhalt cloþe wiþ it Eleazar, his ſone, and Aaron ſhal be xxi And Yrael ſent meſſangers to Seon, þe kyng of Amorreys,
leide togidre, and die þere. ſeiynge,
xxvii And Moyſes dide as þe Lord comaundide; and þei xxii I biſeche þat it be leueful to me to paſſe bi þi loond; we
ſtieden vp into þe hil of Hor, before al þe multitude. ſhulen not bowe down to þe riȝt ne to þe left; we ſhulen not
xxviii And whanne Aaron he hadde ſpuylid his cloþis, he paſſe bi feelds and vynes, ne we ſhulen not drynke watris of
cloþide wiþ hem Eleazar, his ſone; and hym deed in þe brenk pittis; þe kyngis weye we ſhulen goo, to þe tyme þat we
of þe hil, he deſcendide wiþ Eleazar. paſſen þi cooſtis.
xxix Al forſoþe þe multitude ſeynge Aaron to haue died, wept xxiii Þe which woold not graunt þat Yrael myȝte paſſe bi his
vpon hym þretti dayes, bi alle her meynees. cooſtis, but raþir, þe ooſt gedryd togidre, wente out to mete in
deſeert. And he cam into Jaſa, and he fauȝte aȝens hym;
Capitulum XXI. xxiiii of whom he is ſmytun in þe mouþ of þe ſwerd, and his

i That
loond is weeldid fro Arnon vnto Jebboth and to þe ſones of
whanne Arad, þe Chanane kyng, þat dwellide at þe Amon; for wiþ a ſtronge helpe weren holde þe cooſtis of
ſouþ, hadde herde, þat Yrael was comen bi þe eſpiours weye, Amonytes.
fauȝte aȝens hym, and ouercomer beynge, brouȝte of hym a xxv Þanne Irael took alle þe citees of hym, and dwelte in þe
prey. wallid towns of Amorrey, in Eſebon þat is, and in þe litil
ii And Yrael bi vowe hym ſilf to þe Lord obleſchynge, ſeiþ, If
touns of it.
þow takiſt þis puple in myn hoond, Y ſhal doo awey his xxvi Þe cytee of Eſebon was of Seon, þe kyng of Amorrey,
citees. þat fauȝte aȝen þe kyng Moab, and took al þe loond þat was
iii And þe Lord haþ harde þe preyers of Yrael, and haþ take
of his comaundynge, vnto Arnon.
Chanane; þe which he haþ ſlayn, turned vpſedoun þe citees of xxvii Þerfor it is ſeyd in prouerbe, Come ȝe into Eſebon, be
hym; and he clepide þe name of þat place Horma, þat is, a bilde, and maad vp þe citee of Seon;
curſynge. xxviii fier went out of Eſebon, and flawme of þe wallid town
iiii And forſoþe þei wenten forþ fro þe hil of Hor, by þe weie
þat lediþ to þe reede ſee, þat þei myȝten goo about þe loond of of Seon, and deuowryde Arnon of Moabites, and þe dwellers
Edom; and it biganne to greue þe puple, of þe weie and of þe of þe hie þingis of Arnon.


xxix Woo to þee, Moab! þow, puple of Chamos, haſt periſhid; xvii and what euere þow wolt, Y ſhal ȝyue to þee; com, and
he haþ ȝyue þe ſones of hym into fliȝt, and þe douȝtren into curs to þis puple.
caytiftee to Seon, þe kyng of Amorreis; xviii Balaam anſwerde, If Balac ȝyue to me his hows ful of
xxx þe ȝok of hem he ſcatrede, fro Eſebon vnto Dibon; wery ſiluer and of gold, Y ſhal not mowe chaunge þe word of my
þei camen into Ophe, and vnto Medaba. God, þat oþer more or laſſe I ſpeke.
xxxi And ſo Yrael dwelt in þe loond of Amorrey. xix Y biſeche, þat here ȝe dwellen alſo in þis nyȝt, þat Y may
xxxii And Moyſes ſente `þe whiche ſhulden aſpie Jaſar, whos wite what to me eft þe Lord anſweriþ.
litil towns þei token, and weeldeden þe dwellers. xx Þanne þe Lord cam to Balaam þe nyȝt, and ſeiþ to hym,
xxxiii And þei turneden hem ſilf, and ſtieden vp bi þe weie of If þes men comen to clepe þee, aryſe, and go wiþ hem, ſo
Baſan. And aȝen wente to hem Og, þe kyng of Baſan, wiþ oonly þat þat Y comaunde to þee, þow doo.
al his puple, to fiȝtynge in Edray. xxi Balaam roos eerlich, and maad redy þe ſhee aſſe, wente
xxxiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Ne drede þow hym, for forþe wiþ hem.
in þin hoond Y haue takun hym, and al þe loond, and þe xxii And God is wrooþ. And an aungel of þe Lord ſtood in þe
puple of hym; and þow ſhalt doo to hym as þow haſt doon to weye aȝens Balaam, þat ſatt to þe aſſe, and two children wiþ
Seon, þe kyng of Amorreis, þe dweller of Eſebon. hym he hadde.
xxxv Þow haſt ſmytun þerfore and þis wiþ his ſones, and al xxiii Þe aſſe biholdynge an aungel ſtondynge in þe weye, wiþ
his puple, vnto þe deþ; and þei weelden þe loond of hym. a ſwerd drawun out, turnede hir out of þe weie, and wente bi
þe feelde. Þe which whanne Balaam bette, and wold lede
Capitulum XXII. aȝen to þe paþ,
xxiiii þe aungel ſtood in þe narwenes of two ſtonen wallis, to
i And þei goon forþe, ſettiden tentes in þe wijlde feeldes of þe whiche vynes weren boundun.
Moab, where biȝonde Jordan Jericho is ſet. xxv Whom ſeynge, þe aſſe ioynede hym ſilf to þe wal, and
ii Seynge forſoþe Balach, þe ſone of Sophor, alle þinges þat
briſide þe foot of þe ſitter; and he eftſones bette.
Yrael dide to Amorrei, xxvi And neuerþelater þe aungel to a ſtreyt place goynge,
iii and þat Moabites dredden hym, and þe feerſnes of hym þei
where noþer at þe riȝt ne at þe left myȝt goon out of þe weie,
myȝten not bere, metynge ſtood.
iiii he ſeide to þe more þurȝ birþe of Madian, So þis puple xxvii And whanne þe aſſe hadde ſeen þe aungel ſtondynge, ſhe
ſhal doo awey alle þat in oure cooſtis dwellen, what maner is felle down vndir þe feet of þe ſitter, þe which more hydowſly
woned an oxe to take eerbe vnto þe rotys. He forſoþe was wrooþ, bette wiþ a ſtaf þe ſides of hir.
kyng þat tyme in Moab. xxviii And þe Lord openyde þe mouþ of þe aſſe, and ſhe ſpak,
v Þanne he ſente meſſangers to Balaam, þe ſone of Beor,
What haue I doo to þee? whi ſmytiſt þow me, loo! now þe
dyuynour, þat dwelled vpon þe flood of þe loond of þe ſones of þridde tyme?
Amon, þat þei myȝten clepe hym, and ſeye, Loo! a peple is xxix Balaam anſwerde, For þou haſt deſeruyde, and bigilide
goon out of Egipte, þat couereþ þe vttermooſt of þe erþe, me; wold God Y hadde a ſwerd, þat I myȝte ſmyte þee.
ſittynge aȝens me. xxx And þe aſſe ſeide, Wheþir Y am not þi beeſte, to þe
vi Com þerfore, and curs to þis puple, for it is ſtrenger þan
I, if eny maner Y may ſmyte, and þrowe hym out of my which euermore þow were wont to ſitte vnto þe day þat is
loond; Y haue knowun forſoþe, þat he is bliſſid to whom þow now? ſey, what þing lijk euer Y dide to þee? And he ſeiþ,
bliſſiſt, and curſid in whom þow caſtiſt curſyngis. Neuer.
xxxi Anoon þe Lord openyde þe eyen of Balaam, and he ſeeȝ
vii Þe aldren of Moab and þe more þurȝ birþe of Madian
wenten forþe, hauynge prijs of þe dyuynynge in þe hoondes; an aungel ſtondynge in þe weie, holdynge a drawun ſwerd in
and whanne þei weren comen to Balaam, and hadden toold þe hoond; and he lowtide hym redi to þe erþe.
xxxii To whom þe aungel, Whi, he ſeiþ, þries þow haſt bette
alle þe wordes of Balach,
viii he anſwerde, Dwelle ȝe here þe nyȝt, and Y ſhal anſwere þin aſſe? Y am comen, þat I be aduerſarie to þee, for ſhrewid
what þing ſhal ſeie to me þe Lord. Hem forſoþe dwellynge is þi weie, and contrarie to me;
xxxiii and but þe aſſe hadde bowide fro þe weye, ȝyuynge ſtede
anentis Balaam,
ix cam God, and ſeide to hym, What to hem wolen þes men to þe wiþſtonder, þee I hadde ſlayn, and ſhe ſhulde haue
anent þee? lyued.
xxxiiii And Balaam ſeide, I haue ſynned, vnwitynge þat þow
x He anſwerde, Balac, þe ſone of Sephor, kynge of Moabites,
ſente to me, ſeynge, ſtood aȝens me; and now, if it diſpleſe to þee þat Y goo, Y
xi Loo! þe puple þat is goon out of Egipte couereþ þe
ſhal turne aȝen.
xxxv Þe aungel ſeiþ, Go wiþ þeſe, but be war leſt eny oþer
vttermoſt of þe loond; come, and curſe to hem, if eny maner Y þing þan Y comaunde to þee þow ſpeke. He wente þanne wiþ
fiȝtynge may dryue hem out. þe prynces.
xii And God ſeide to Balaam, Wol þow not goo wiþ hem, ne
xxxvi Þe which þing whanne Balac hadde herde, he wente out
curs þow to þe puple, for it is bliſſid. into aȝenmetynge of hym, in þe wallid town of Moabitis, þat
xiii Þe which eerli aryſynge, ſeide to þe prynces, Goo ȝe into
is ſett in þe vttermooſt cooſtis of Arnon.
ȝoure loond, for God haþ defended me to come wiþ ȝow. xxxvii And he ſeide to Balaam, Y haue ſent meſſangeris, þat
xiiii Þe princes, turned aȝen, ſeiden to Balac, Balaam wold
I clepe þee; whi anoon come þow not to me? wheþer for I
not come wiþ vs. miȝte not ȝeelde mede to þi comynge?
xv Eftſones he many mo, and nobler þan he bifore hadde ſent, xxxviii To whom he anſwerde, Loo! I am nyȝ, wheþer oþir
ſende; þing Y may ſpeke but þat God ſhal putte in my mouþ?
xvi þe whiche whanne þei weren comen to Balaam, ſeiden, xxxix Þanne þei wenten forþe togidre, and camen into þe
Þus ſeiþ Balac, þe ſone of Sephor, And tary þow not to cytee, þat was in þe vttermooſt cooſt of his kyngdom.
come to me, redi to worſhipe þee;


xl And whanne Balac hadde ſlayn ſheep and oxen, he ſente to xxiii þere is no dyuynynge bi briddis in Jacob, ne
Balaam and þe prynces þat wiþ hym weren, ȝiftis. dyuynacioun in Yrael. In his tymes it ſhal be ſeide to Jacob
xli Morwnynge forſoþe doon, he ladde hym to hye þingis of and to Yrael, What þe Lord haþ wrouȝt!
Baal, and he beheelde þe vttermooſt part of þe puple. xxiiii Loo! þe puple as a liones ſhal aryſe togidre, and as a
lioun ſhal be reryd; þe lioun ſhal not ligge, to þe tyme þat he
Capitulum XXIII. deuowre þe prayȝ, and drynke þe blood of þe ſlayn.
xxv And Balac ſeide to Balam, Ne curs þow to hym, ne
i And Balaam ſeide to Balac, Bilde to me here ſeuen auters, bliſſe þow.
and mak redi as feel calues, and of þe ſame noumbre weþers. xxvi And he ſeiþe, Wheþer ſeide Y not to þee, þat what euer
ii And whanne he hadde doon after þe word of Balaam, þei
þing God comaundide to me, þat Y wolde doo?
putten to gydre a calf and a weþer vpon þe auter. xxvii And Balac ſeide to hym, Com, and Y ſhal lede þee to
iii And Balaam ſeyde to Balac, Stoond a litil while biſide þi
anoþer place, if perauenture it pleſe to God þat fro þens þow
brent ſacrifice, to þe tyme þat Y goo, if perauenture þe Lord curſe to it.
aȝen come to me; and what euer þing he comaunde I ſhal xxviii And whanne he hadde ladde hym out vpon þe cop of þe
ſpeke to þee. And whanne he hadde goon awey ſwiftli, hil of Phegor, þat biholdiþ þe wildernes,
iiii God aȝen come to hym; and Balaam ſpak to hym, Seuen,
xxix Balaam ſeide to hym, Bilde here to me ſeuen auters, and
he ſeiþ, auters Y haue areryd, and putte in a calf and a mak redy ſo feel calues, and of þe ſame noumbre weþers.
weþer þere aboue. xxx Balac dide as Balaam ſeide, and putte yn calues and
v Þe Lord forſoþe putte þe word in þe mouþ of hym, and ſeiþ,
Turn aȝen to Balac, and þes þingis þow ſhalt ſpeke. weþers, bi eche auters.
vi He turned aȝen, foonde Balac ſtoondynge biſidis his brent
ſacrifice, and alle þe prynces of Moabitees. Capitulum XXIIII.
vii And takun to his parable, ſeiþ, Fro Aran haþ ladde me i And whanne Balaam hadde ſeen þat he ſhulde pleſe to þe
Balac, þe kyng of Moabites, fro þe hillis of þe eeſt; Com, he Lord for to bleſſe to Yrael, he wente not as he wente bifore,
ſeiþ, and curs to Jacob; go forþe, and wari to Iſrael. for to ſeche dyuininge, but dreſſynge his chere aȝens þe
viii What maner wiſe ſhal I curſe to whom God haþ not deſeert,
curſid? bi what reſoun ſhal Y wary whom God warieþ not? ii and arerynge þe eyen, ſawȝ Irael in þe tentis dwellynge bi
ix Fro þe hieſt flyntis Y ſhal ſee hym, and fro þe hillis Y ſhal her lynagis. And þe Spirit of God fallynge into hym,
biholde to hym; þe puple aloon ſhal dwelle, and amonge þe iii takun to a parable, ſeiþ, Balaam, þe ſone of Beor, ſeide, a
gentilis he ſhal not be rekned. man whos eye is ſtoppid ſeide,
x Who may ful noumbre þe powdre of Jacob, and knowe þe iiii þe herer of þe wordes of God ſeide, þe which þe ſiȝt of þe
noumbre of þe lynage of Yrael? Dye my ſoule þurȝ þe deeþ of almyȝti God haþ inwardli lokid, þe which falliþ, and ſo ben
riȝtwiſe men, and ben maad my laſt lijk to þes! openyd his eyen,
xi And Balac ſeide to Balaam, What is þat þat þow doſt? þat v How feyr þi tabernaclis, Jacob, and þi tentis, Yrael!
þow ſhuldiſt curſe to myn enemyes, Y clepide þee, and þow vi as wodi valeys, and as watri gardeyns biſide þe flodis, as
aȝenward bliſſiſt to hem. þe tabernacles þat þe Lord piȝte,
xii To whom he anſwerde, Wheþer oþer þing Y may ſpeke but vii as cedres biſide watres; and watris ſhal flowe of his boket,
þat þe Lord ſhal comaunde? and þe ſeed of hym ſhal be into many watris. Þe kyng of
xiii Þanne Balac ſeide to Balaam, Com wiþ me into anoþer hym for Agag ſhal be take a wey, and þe kyngdom of hym
place, whens a part of Irael þow ſeeȝ, and al ſeeȝ þow may ſhal be doon a wey.
not; þens curs þow to hym. viii God haþ ladde hym out of Egipte, whos ſtrengþe is lijk to
xiiii And whanne he hadde ladde hym into an hye place, vpon an vnycorn; gentilis ſhulen deuowre þe enemyes of hym, and
þe cop of þe hil of Phaſga, he bilde to Balaam ſeuen auters, þe boonus of hem þei ſhulen breek, and þrille wiþ arwis.
and putt yn þere aboue calues and weþers, ix Liggynge he ſhal ſleep as a lioun, and as a liones, þat no
xv he ſeide to Balac, Stond here biſide þi ſacrifice, to tyme man ſhal be hardi to rere. Who bleſſiþ to þee, he ſhal be
þat Y go metynge. bleſſid; and who curſiþ, into curſynge ſhal he be rettyd.
xvi To whom whanne þe Lord was aȝen comen, and hadde x And Balac wrooþ aȝen Balaam, wiþ wrongun hoondis ſeiþ,
putte þe word in þe mouþ of hym, ſeiþ, Turn aȝen to Balac, To curſe to my enemyes I haue clepid þee, to whom
and þes þingis þow ſhalt ſpeke to hym. aȝenward þe þridde tyme þow haſt bliſſid.
xvii Turned aȝen, he fonde hym ſtondynge biſidis his ſacrifice, xi Turn aȝen to þi place; Y ordeynede forſoþe hugeli to
and þe princes of Moabites wiþ hym. To whom Balac, What honoure þee, but þe Lord haþ priuyde þee þi worſhip ſet
þing, he ſeiþ, haþ þe Lord ſpokun? down.
xviii And he takid to his parable, ſeiþ, Stoond Balac, and xii Balaam anſwerde to Balac, Wheþer ſeide Y not to þi
herkne; here, þow ſone of Sephor. meſſangers, þat þow ſendiſt to me,
xix God is not as man, þat he lye, ne as þe ſone of man, þat xiii If Balac ȝyue to me his hous ful of ſiluer and gold, Y
he be chaungid; þanne he ſeide, and ſhal not doon? he haþ may not ouerpaſſe þe word of þe Lord my God, þat oþer of
ſpokun, and ſhal not fulfille? good or of yuel I ſpeke of myn herte, but what þing ſeiþ þe
xx To bleſſe I am brouȝt forþe, bleſſynge Y may not defende. Lord, þat I ſhal ſpeke?
xxi Þere is no mawmet in Jacob, ne fals liknes is ſeen in xiiii Neþeles goynge to my puple, I ſhal ȝyue to þee counſel,
Yrael; þe Lord God of hym is wiþ hym, and þe noyſe of þe what þi puple to þis puple ſhal doo þe laſt tyme.
victorie of þe kyng is in hym. xv Þanne þe parable taken, eft ſeiþ, Balaam, þe ſone of Beor,
xxii Þe Lord God haþ ladde hym out of Egipte, whos ſeide, a man whos ſtoppid is þe eye, ſeide,
ſtrengþe is lijk to an vnycorn;


xvi þe herer of þe wordis of God ſeide, þat knewe þe lore of xiiii Þe name forſoþe of þe man of Yrael, þat was ſlayn wiþ
alþir heiȝeſt, and þe ſeynge of þe Almyȝti ſeeiþ, þat fallynge þe Madianyte, was Zambri, þe ſone of Salu, duke of þe
haþ þe eyen openyd, kynrede of þe lynage of Symeon.
xvii I ſhal ſe hym, but not now; I ſhal inwardly loke hym, xv Forſoþe þe womman of Madianyte þat togidre was ſlayn,
but not nyȝ; a ſterre ſhal ſprynge of Jacob, and a ȝeerde ſhal was clepid Chobry, þe douȝtre of Sur, mooſt noble prynce of
ryſe of Yrael; and he ſhal ſmyte þe dukis of Moab, and he Madianytees.
ſhal waſt alle þe ſones of Seth; xvi And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xviii and Ydume ſhal be þe poſſeſſioun of hym, þe herytage of xvii Enemyes feele ȝow þe Madianytees, and ſmyte ȝe hem;
Seir ſhal falle to his enemyes; Yrael forſoþe ſtrongly ſhal doo, xviii for and þei enemylich han doo aȝeyns ȝow, and han
xix of Jacob ſhal be þat lordſhip, and leeſe þe relykes of þe
bigilid bi aſpies, bi þe mawmet of Phegor, and þe douȝtre
cytee. Chobry of þe duke of Madian, hys ſiſter, þat is ſmytun in þe
xx And whanne he hadde ſeen Amalech, takynge to a parable, day of veniaunce, for þe ſacrilegie of Phegor.
ſeiþ, Þe bigynnynge of gentiles Amalech, whos eendis ſhulen
be loſt. Capitulum XXVI.
xxi He ſeeȝ forſoþe Cyneum, and taken to a parable, ſeiþ,
i Aftir þat þe blood of gilti men is ſhed, þe Lord ſeide to
Stronge forſoþe is þi dwellynge place, but if yn a ſtoon þow
puttiſt þi neſt, Moyſes and to Eleazar, þe ſone of Aaron, þe preeſt,
xxii and were choſen of þe lynage of Synne, how longe mowe ii Noumbre ȝe al þe ſumme of þe ſones of Yrael, fro twenti
þow dwelle? Aſſur forſoþe ſhal take þee. ȝeer and aboue, by howſes, and þer kynredis, and alle þat
xxiii And taken to a parable, eft ſpak, Alas! who to lyuynge, mowen goo forþ to batails.
iii And ſo ſpeken Moyſes and Eleazar, þe preeſt, in þe wijlde
whanne þe Lord ſhal doo þes þingis?
xxiiii Þei ſhulen come in greet ſhippis fro Ytalie, and þei feeldes of Moab, vpon Jordan,
iiii aȝens Jerico, to hem þat weren of twenti ȝeer and aboue,
ſhulen ouercome Aſſiries, and þei ſhulen waaſt þe Ebrewis,
and at þe laſt þei alſo ſhulen periſhe. as þe Lord comaundide; of whom þis is þe noumbre.
xxv And Balaam roos, and is turned aȝen into his place; v Ruben, þe firſt getun of Yrael; of þis þe ſone Enoch, of
Balac forſoþe þe weye þat he cam, turnyde aȝen. whom þe meyne of Enochitees; and Fallu, of whom þe meyne
of Falluytees;
vi and Eſrom, of whom þe meyne of Eſromytees; and Charmy,
Capitulum XXV.
of whom þe meyne of Charmytis.
i Irael forſoþe dwelt þat tyme in Sechym, and þe puple dide vii Þes ben þe meyneis of þe lynage of Ruben, whos noumbre
fornycacioun wiþ þe douȝtres of Moab; is foundun þre and fourty þowſandes ſeuen hundrid and
ii þe which clepen hem to her tabernacles, and þei eten, and þretti.
honoureden þe goddis of hem; viii Þe ſone of Fallu of Heliab;
iii and Irael ſacrifiede to Belphagor. And þe Lord was wrooþ ix of þis þe ſones, Namuel, and Datan, and Abiron. Þes ben
to Moyſes; Dathan and Abyron, þe princes of þe puple, þat ryſen aȝens
iiii Tak, he ſeiþ, alle þe prynces of þe puple, and honge hem Moyſes and Aaron, in þe diſſencyoun of Chore, whanne aȝens
aȝens þe ſunne in iebettis, þat my woodnes be turned a wey þe Lord þei rebelden,
fro Yrael. x and þe erþe openynge his mouþ, deuowride Chore, diynge
v And Moyſes ſeide to þe domeſmen of Yrael, Sle echon his many, whanne þe fier brente two hundrid and fifti men; and a
neiȝbors, þat han ſacrifiede to Belphegor. greet myracle was done,
vi And loo! oon of þe ſones of Yrael wente yn before his xi þat Chore periſhynge, his ſones perſhiden not.
bryþeren to a Madyanyte ſtrompet, ſeeynge Moyſes, and al þe xii Þe ſones of Symeon bi her kynredes; Namuel, of þis þe
puple of þe ſones of Yrael, þe whiche wepten before þe ȝatis meyne of Namuelitis; Jamyn, of þis þe meyne of Jamynytees;
of þe tabernacle. Jachym, of þis þe meyne of Jachymytis;
vii Þe which þinge whanne hadde ſeen Phynees, þe ſone of xiii Zare, of þis þe meyne of Zarenytis; Saul, of þis þe meyne
Eleazar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt, roos fro þe myddil of þe of Saulitis.
multitude, and, cauȝt a ſwerd, xiiii Þes ben þe meynees of þe lynage of Symeon, of whom al
viii wente yn after þe man of Yrael into þe hoorhows, and he
þe noumbre was two and twenti þouſandis and two hundrid.
ſtikide þurȝ boþ togidre, þe man, þat is, and þe womman, in xv Þe ſones of Gad bi her kynredes; Sephon, of þis þe
þe genytale places. And þe veniaunce ceſide fro þe ſones of
Yrael, meyne of Sephonytis; Aggy, of þis þe meyne of Aggitis;
ix and þere ben ſlawe foure and twenti þowſandis of men. Sumy, of þis þe meyne of Sumytis;
xvi Ozny, of þis þe meyne of Oznytis; Hery, of þis þe meyne
x And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes,
of Hereytis;
xi Phynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, ſone of Aaron, preeſt, haþ tak xvii Arod, of þis þe meyne of Aroditis; Ariel, of þis þe meyne
awey my wraþ fro þe ſones of Irael; for þurȝ my loue he is of Aryelitis.
ſtyryd aȝens hem, þat I my ſilf dide not a wey þe ſones of xviii Þes ben þe meyne of Gad, of whom al þe noumbre was
Yrael in my gelouſte.
xii Þerfore ſpek to hym, Loo! I ȝyue to hym þe pees of my fourti þowſand and fyue hundred.
xix Þe ſones of Juda, Her and Onan, þe whiche boþ ben
boond of pees,
xiii and it ſhal be, as wel to hym as to his ſeed, euerlaſtynge deed in þe loond of Chanaan.
xx And þere weren þe ſones of Juda bi his kynredis, Sela, of
couenaunt of preſthod; for he haþ loued for his God, and haþ
purgid þe hidows ſynne of þe ſones of Yrael. whom þe meyne of Selaytis; Phares, of whom þe meyne of
Phareſitis; Zare, of whom þe meyne of Zareitis.


xxi Forſoþe þe ſones of Phares; Eſrom, of whom þe meyne of xlviii Þe ſones of Neptalym bi his kynredis; Jeſyel, of whom
Eſromytis; and Amul, of whom þe meine of Amulitis. þe meyne of Jeſyelitis; Guny, of whom þe meyne of Gunytis;
xxii Þes ben þe meynees of Jude, of whom al þe noumbre xlix Jeſer, of whom þe meyne of Jeſerytis; Sellem, of whom
was ſeuenti þowſynd and fyue hundrid. þe meyne of Sellemytis.
xxiii Þe ſones of Yſachar bi her kynredis; Thola, of whom þe l Þes ben þe kynredis of þe ſones of Neptalym bi his
meyne of Tholaytis; `Phua, of whome þe meyne of Phuaytis; meynees, of whom þe noumbre was fyue and fourti þouſyndis
xxiiii Jaſub, of whom þe meyne of Jaſubitis; Semram, of and foure hundrid.
whom þe meyne of Semramytis. li Þis is þe ſumme of þe ſones of Yrael, þat ben noumbred,
xxv Þes ben þe kynredis of Yſachar, of whom þe noumbre ſix hundryd þowſand and a þowſand and ſeuen hundrid and
was foure and ſexti þowſandis and þre hundrid. þretti.
xxvi Þe ſones of Zabulon bi her kynredes; Sared, of whom þe lii And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
meyne of Saradites; Helon, of whom þe meyne of Helonytis; liii To þes ſhal þe loond be dyuydid, aftir þe noumbre of þe
Jalel, of whom þe meyne of Jelelitis. names into her poſſeſſiouns;
xxvii Þes ben þe kynredis of Zabulon, of whom þe noumbre liiii to þe moo þe more part þow ſhalt ȝyue, and to þe fewer þe
was ſexti þouſynd and fyue hundrid. laſſe; to eche as þei ben noumbred ſhal be take þe poſſeſſioun;
xxviii Þe ſones of Joſeph bi his kynredis, Manaſſes and lv ſo oonli þat lot dyuyde þe loond to þe lynagis and meynes.
Effraym. lvi What euer þing bi lot falle, þat oþere mo taken or fewe.
xxix Of Manaſſe `is commen Machir, of whom þe meyne of lvii Þis forſoþe is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Leuy bi her
Macherytis. Machir gat Galaad, of whom þe meyne of meynees; Gerſon, of whom þe meyne of Gerſonytis; Caath, of
Galaditis. whom þe meyne of Caathitis; Merary, of whom þe meyne of
xxx Galaad hadde ſones; Yezer, of whom þe meyne of Meraritis.
Yezerytis; and Helech, of whom þe meyne of Helechitis; lviii Þes ben þe meynees of Leuy; þe meyne of Lobny, þe
xxxi and Ariel, of whom þe meyne of Arielitis; and Sechem, meyne of Ebron, þe meyne of Mooli, þe meyne of Muſy, þe
of whom þe meyne of Sechemytis; meyne of Chory. And forſoþe Caath geet Amram,
xxxii and Semyda, of whom þe meyne of Semydaytis; and lix þat hadde a wijf, Jochobeth, þe dowȝter of Leuy, þat is
Epher, of whom þe meyne of Epherytis. bore to hym in Egipte. Þes geet to hir man Amram ſones,
xxxiii Epher forſoþe was fader of Saphaad, þat had no ſones, Aaron, and Moyſen, and Mary, þe ſiſtir of hem.
but oonli douȝtres, of whom þes ben þe names; Maala, and lx Of Aaron ben comen forþe Nadab, and Abyu, and Eleazar,
Noha, and Egla, and Melcha, and Therſa. and Ythamar;
xxxiiii Þes ben þe meynees of Manaſſe, and þe noumbre of lxi of whom Nadab and Abyu ben deed, whanne þei hadden
hem two and fifti þowſand and ſeuen hundryd. offred alien fier before þe Lord.
xxxv Þe ſones forſoþe of Effraym bi her kynredis weren þes; lxii And alle þat ben noumbred weren þre and twenty þowſynd
Suthala, of whom þe meyne of Suthalitis; Bether, of whom of maal kynde, fro o moneþ and aboue, þe whiche ben not
þe meyne of Betheritis; Theen, of whom þe meyne of noumbred amonge þe ſones of Yrael, ne to hem wiþ oþere is
Theennytis. ȝouen poſſeſſioun.
xxxvi Forſoþe þe ſone of Suthala was Heram, of whom þe lxiii Þis is þe noumbre of þe ſones of Yrael, þat ben
meyne of Heramytis. diſcryued of Moyſes and Eleazar, þe preeſt, in þe wijld feeldis
xxxvii Þes ben þe kynredis of þe ſones of Effraym, of whom of Moab, vpon Jordan, aȝens Jerycho;
þe noumbre was two and þretti þowſand and fyue hundrid. lxiiii among whoom noon of hem was þat before ben
Þes ben þe ſones of Joſeph, bi his meynees. noumbred of Moyſes and Aaron, in þe deſeert of Synay;
xxxviii Þe ſones of Beniamyn in his kynredis; Bale, of whom lxv þe Lord forſoþe ſeide before, þat alle þei ſhulden dye in
þe meyne of Baleytis; Aſbel, of whom þe meyne of Azbelitis; wildernes, and noon of hem abood but Caleph, þe ſone of
Ahiram, of whom þe meyne of Ahyramytis; Jephone, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun.
xxxix Suphan, of whom þe meyne of Suphanytis; Huphan, of
whom þe meyne of Huphanytis. Capitulum XXVII.
xl Þe ſones of Bale, Hered, and Noeman; of Hered þe meyne
i Camen nyȝ forſoþe þe douȝtres of Salphaad, ſone of Ephor,
of Heredytis; of Noeman þe meyne of Noemanytis. ſone of Galaad, ſone of Machir, ſone of Manaſſe, þat was þe
xli Þes ben þe ſones of Beniamyn bi his kynredis, of whom
ſone of Joſep; of whom þes ben þe names; Maala, and Noba,
þe noumbre was fyue and fourti þowſand and ſix hundryd. and Egla, and Melcha, and Therſa.
xlii Þe ſones of Dan bi his kynredis; Suhan, of whom þe ii And þei ſtoden before Moyſen and Eleazar, þe preeſt, and
meyne of Suhanytis. Þes ben þe kynredis of Dan bi his alle þe prynces of þe puple, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of þe
meynees; boond of pees; and ſeiden,
xliii alle weren Sunanitis, of whom þe noumbre was foure iii Oure fader is deed in deſeert, and was not in þe
and ſixti þowſynd and foure hundrid. diſſencioun, þat is ſtyryd aȝens þe Lord, vndur Chore, but in
xliiii Þe ſones of Aſer bi his kynredes; Jemma, of whom þe his ſynne is deed; þis hadde not maal children.
meyne of Jemmanytis; Jeſuy, of whom þe meyne of Jeſuitis; iiii Whi is take þe name of hym fro his meyne, for he hadde
Brye, of whom þe meyne of Brieytis. no ſone? Ȝyfe ȝe to vs poſſeſſions amonge þe coſynes of oure
xlv Þe ſones of Brye; Haber, of whom þe meyne of fader.
Haberytis; and Melchiel, of whom þe meyne of Melchielitis. v And Moyſes toolde þe cauſe of hem to þe doom of þe Lord;
xlvi Þe name forſoþe of þe douȝter of Azar was Sara. vi þe which ſeide to hym,
xlvii Þes ben þe kynredes of þe ſones of Aſer, and þe
noumbre of hem foure and fyfty þowſand and foure hundryd.


vii Ryȝtwiſe þingis aſken þe douȝtres of Salphaad; ȝyf to hem viii And anoþer loomb alſo ȝe ſhulen offre at euen, and aftir al
poſſeſſiouns amonge þe coſyns of her fader, and to hym in þe rijt of þe morwtide ſacrifice, and of þe offryd licours of it,
heritage come þei aftir. an offrynge of mooſt ſwete ſmelle to þe Lord.
viii To þe ſones forſoþe of Yrael þow ſhalt ſpeke þes þingis, ix Þe ſaboth day forſoþe ȝe ſhulen offre two loombes of oo
A man whanne he were deed wiþ out ſone, to þe douȝter ſhal ȝeer, vnwemmed, and two dymes of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ
paſſe þe herytage; oyle, in þe ſacrifice, and þe offryd licours,
ix if he haue no douȝter, he ſhal haue ſucceſſours his briþeren; x þat lawfullich ben held, bi eche ſabotis, into brent ſacrifice
x and if þere weren no briþeren, ȝe ſhulen ȝyue þe herytage to euerlaſtynge.
þe briþeren of þe fader of hym; xi In þe calendis forſoþe, þat is, in þe bigynnyngis of monþes,
xi if forſoþe he haue not men briþeren to his fader, þe ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, calues of þe droue
herytage ſhal be ȝeue to hem þat ben next to hym. And þis two, o weþer, ſeuen loombis of o ȝeer, vnwemmed,
ſhal be hooly to þe ſones of Yrael, bi perpetuel law, as þe xii and þre dymes of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle, in ſacrifice,
Lord comaundide to Moyſes. bi eche calues, and two dymes of tryed flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle,
xii Þe Lord forſoþe ſeide to Moyſes, Sty vp into þis hil of bi eche weþers;
Abarym, and bihold fro þens þe loond, þat I am to ȝyuynge xiii and þe tenþe of þe tenþe of tried flour of oyle, in ſacrifice,
to þe ſones of Irael. bi eche loombis; brent ſacrifice, and of mooſt ſwete ſmelle, and
xiii And whanne þow ſeeſt it, and þow ſhalt goo to þi puple, of encenſe it is to þe Lord.
as wente þi broþer Aaron; xiiii Þe offryngis forſoþe of wyn, þat bi eche ſlayn ſacrifices
xiiii for þow haſt offendide me in þe deſeert of Syn, in þe ben to be held, ſhulen be þes; half part of hyn bi eche calues,
contradiccioun of þe multitude, ne halowe me ȝe wolden before þe þridde bi a weþer, þe ferþe bi a loomb; þis ſhal be þe
it, vpon þe watris. Þes ben þe watris of contradiccioun in brent ſacrifiſis bi eche monþis, þat to hem ſilf þe ȝeer
Cades, of þe deſeert of Syn. turnynge about comen aftir.
xv To whom anſwerde Moyſes, xv A goot forſoþe ſhal be offred to þe Lord for ſynnes, into
xvi Puruey þe Lord God of þe ſpyritis of al fleſhe a man þat brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge, wiþ þis offryngis of licours.
xvi Þe firſte forſoþe moneþ, þe fourtenþe day of þe monþe,
be vpon þis multitude,
xvii and may goo out, and goo yn before hem, and leden hem ſhal be þe paſk of þe Lord;
xvii and in þe fiftenþe day þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues.
out, or leden hem yn; leſt þe puple of þe Lord be as ſheep
wiþ out ſheepherd. Seuen daies þei ſhulen eete þerf looues;
xviii And þe Lord ſeyde to hym, Take Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, xviii of þe whiche þe firſte day worſhipful and holy ſhal be; al
a man in whom is þe ſpirit of God, and put þin hoond vpon ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not doon in it.
hym; xix And ȝe ſhulen offre into encenſe brent ſacrifice to þe Lord,
xix þe which ſhal ſtoond before Eleazar, þe preeſt, and al þe calues of þe droue two, o weþer, loombes of o ȝeer,
multitude. vnwemmed, ſeuen;
xx And þow ſhalt ȝyue to hym heeſtys, alle men ſeynge, and a xx and þe ſacrifices of eche, of tried flour, þat be ſpreynt wiþ
part of þi glorye, þat al þe ſynagoge of þe ſones of Yrael here oyle, þre dymes bi eche calues,
hym. xxi and two dymes bi o weþer, and þe tiþe of þe tiþe bi eche
xxi For þat if eny þing ſhal be to doynge, Eleazar, þe preeſt, loombis, þat is, bi ſeuen loombis;
ſhal counſeil þe Lord; at þe word of hym ſhal goo out, and xxii and o goot for ſynne, þat it be purgid for ȝow,
ſhal goo yn; he, and al þe ſones of Yrael wiþ hym, and þat xxiii biſide þe morwtide brent ſacrifice, þat euermore ȝe ſhulen
oþer multitude. offre.
xxii Moyſes dide as þe Lord comaundide, and whanne he xxiiii So ȝe ſhulen doo bi eche dayes of þe ſeuen dayes, into
hadde takun Joſue, he ſette hym before Eleazar, þe preeſt, and þe noriſhynge of þe fier, and into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe
al þe myche comynge of þe puple; Lord, þe which ſhal ryſe of þe brent ſacrifice, and of þe offred
xxiii and putt þe hoondis to his heed, alle þingis aȝen told þat licours of echon.
þe Lord comaundide. xxv Þe ſeuenþe forſoþe day ſhal be mooſt ſolempne and holi to
ȝou; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not don in it.
Capitulum XXVIII. xxvi Þe dayes alſo of þe fyrſte fruytis, whanne ȝe ſhulen offre
i The Lord forſoþe ſeide to Moyſes, newe cornys to þe Lord, þe `ſeuen wykis fulfillid, worſhipful
ii Comaund to þe ſones of Yrael, and
and holy ſhal be; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not do in it.
þow ſhalt ſeye to hem, xxvii And ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, into mooſt
Myn offrynge, and looues, and encenſe of mooſt ſwete ſmelle ſwete ſmel; calues of þe droue two, o weþer, loombes of o
offre ȝe bi ȝoure tymes. ȝeer, vnwemmed, ſeuen;
iii Þes ben þe ſacrifices þat ȝe ſhulen offre; loombes of o ȝeer,
xxviii and in þe ſacrifices of hem, of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ
vnwemmed, two eche day into brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge. oyle, þree dymes bi eche calues, bi weþers two,
iiii Oon ȝe ſhulen offre eerliche, and anoþer at euen.
xxix bi loombes þe tenþe of þe tiþe, þe whiche ben to gidre
v Þe tenþe part of ephi of tryed flour, þat be ſpreynt wiþ
ſeuen loombes;
mooſt pure oyle, and haue þe ferþe part of hyn. xxx a goot forſoþe þat is offred for þe purgynge, biſyde þe
vi Þe biſy ſacrifice is, þat ȝe offreden in þe mownt of Synay,
brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge, and þe offrid licours of it;
into ſmelle of mooſt ſwete enſence to þe Lord. xxxi ȝe ſhulen offre alle þingis vnwemmed, wiþ her ſacrified
vii And ȝe ſhulen offre of wyn þe ferþe part of hyn, bi eche
loombes, in þe ſeyntuarye of þe Lord.


Capitulum XXIX. xxvi Þe fifþe day ȝe ſhulen offre nyne calues, weþers two,

i Of
loombis of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, fourteen;
þe ſeuenþe moneþ forſoþe þe firſte day holy and xxvii and þe ſacrifices, and þe offrynge of licours of echon, bi
worſhipful ſhal be to ȝow; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not doon calues, and weþers,
in it, for þe day of noyſe it is, and of trompes. xxviii and loombs, duelich ȝe ſhulen halwe; and a goot for
ii And ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice, into mooſt ſwete ſmel to
þe Lord, a calf of þe droue oon, o weþer, and loombes of o ſynne, wiþ out þe brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice
ȝeer, vnwemmed, ſeuen; of it, and þe offrynge of licours.
xxix Þe ſixte day ȝe ſhulen offre calues eiȝt, and weþris two,
iii and in þe ſacrifices of hem, of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle,
þre dymes bi eche calues, two dymes bi a weþer, loombes of o ȝeer, and vnwemmed, fourteen;
xxx and þe ſacrifices, and þe offryngis of licours of echon, bi
iiii o dyme bi a loomb, þat ben togidre ſeuen loombes.
v And a goot for ſynne ſhal be offred, in clenſynge of þe
calues, and weþers, and loombis, duelich ȝe ſhulen halwe;
xxxi and a goot for ſynne, wiþ out þe brent ſacrifice
puple, euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice of it, and þe offrynge of licours.
vi biſide þe brent ſacrifice of calendis, wiþ her ſacrifices, and
xxxii Þe ſeuenþe day ȝe ſhulen offre calues ſeuen, weþers two,
brent ſacrifice euerlaſtynge, wiþ woned offred licours; wiþ þe loombs of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, fourteen;
ſame ſerymoyns ȝe ſhulen offre into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel, xxxiii and þe ſacrifices, and þe offryngis of licours of echon, bi
encenſe to þe Lord.
vii Þe tenþe forſoþe day of þis ſeuenþe monþe ſhal be to ȝow calues, and weþers, and loombs, duelich ȝe ſhulen halwe;
xxxiiii and o goot for ſynne, wiþ oute þe brent ſacrifice
hooly and worſhipful, and ȝe ſhulen traueyl ȝoure ſoulis; al
ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not doo in it. euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice of it, and þe offrynge of licours.
viii And ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, into mooſt xxxv Þe eiȝtiþ day þat is mooſt ſolempne, al ſeruyle werk ȝe
ſwete ſmel; a calf of þe droue oon, a weþer oon, loombis of o ſhulen not doo,
ȝeer, vnwemmed, ſeuen; xxxvi offrynge brent ſacrifice into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel to þe
ix and in þe ſacrifices of hem, of tried flour ſpreynt wiþ oyle Lord, o calf, o weþer, loombis of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, ſeuen;
þre dymes bi eche calues, two dymes bi a weþre, xxxvii and þe ſacrifices, and þe offryngis of licours of echon,
x a dyme of þe tiþe bi eche loombis, þat ben togidir ſeuen bi calues, and weþers, and loombs, duelich ȝe ſhulen halwe;
loombis; xxxviii and a goot for ſynne, wiþ out þe brent ſacrifice
xi and o goot for ſynne, wiþ outen hem þat ben woned to be euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice of it, and þe offrynge of licours.
offred for treſpas in purgynge, and þe brent ſacrifice xxxix Þes þingis ȝe ſhulen offre to þe Lord, in ȝoure
euerlaſtynge in ſacrifice, and offrid licours of hem. ſolempnytees, biſide þe vowes, and wilful offryngis, in brent
xii Þe fiftenþe forſoþe day of þe ſeuenþe monþe, þe which to ſacrifice, in ſacrifice, in offrynge of licour, and in peſible
ȝow ſhal be holi and worſhipful; al ſeruyle werk ȝe ſhulen not ooſtis.
doo in it, but ȝe ſhulen halwe þe ſolempnyte to þe Lord ſeuen
days; Capitulum XXX.
xiii and ȝe ſhulen offre brent ſacrifice, into þe mooſt ſwete ſmel
i Moyſes forſoþe tolde to þe ſones of Yrael alle þingis þat þe
to þe Lord, calues of þe droue þreteen, weþers two, loombis
of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, fourteen; Lord comaundide hym. And he ſpak to þe princes of þe
xiiii and in þe ſacrifices of licours of hem, of tryed flour lynagis of þe ſones of Yrael, Þis is þe word þat þe Lord
ſpreynt wiþ oyle þre dymes bi eche calues, þat ben to gidre ii If eny of men auowe to þe Lord auowid, oþer hym ſilf bi
calues þretteen, and two dymes to o weþer, þat is, to two
weþers to gidre, to o weþer oon, ooþ ſtreynede, he ſhal not make at noȝt his word, but al þat
xv and þe tiþe of a dyme to eche loombis, þat ben to gidre he bihiȝt he ſhal fulfil.
iii A womman ȝif eny þing ſhe auowiþ, and hir ſilf ſtreyn bi
loombis fourteen;
xvi and o goot for ſynne, wiþ out þe brent ſacrifice ooþ, þe which is in þe hows of hir fader, ȝit in childis age,
iiii if þe fader knowe þe vowe, þat ſhe haþ bihoot, and þe ooþ,
euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice, and þe ſacrified licour of it.
xvii In þat oþer day ȝe ſhulen offre calues of þe droue twelue, bi þe which hir ſoul ſhe haþ obliſhid, and holde his pees, ſhe
ſhal be gilti of þe auowe; what þing ſhe haþ bihoot and
weþers two, loombis of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, fourteen; ſweriþ, in werk ſhe ſhal fulfil.
xviii and ſacrifices, and ſacrified licours of echon, bi þe calues, v If forſoþe anoon as þe fader heriþ, he wiþſeiþ it, and þe
and weþers, and loombis, dulich ȝe ſhulen halwe; vowis and þe ooþis of hir ſhulen be at nouȝt, ne ſhe ſhal `be
xix and a goot for ſynne, wiþ outen brent ſacrifice holdun gilti to þe biheeſt, forþi þat þe fader aȝenſeide it.
euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice of it, and þe offrynge of licours. vi If ſhe haue an houſboond, and auowe eny þing, and onys a
xx Þe þridde day ȝe ſhulen offre calues elleuen, weþers two, word of hir mouþ goynge out þe ſoul of hir obliſhe bi ooþ,
loombis of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, fourteen; vii what day þe man heriþ, and wiþſeiþ not, ſhe ſhal be gilti of
xxi and þe ſacrifices, and þe ſacrified licours of echon, bi þe vowe; what þing euer ſhe haþ bihoot, ſhe ſhal ȝelde.
calues, and weþers, and loombs, dulich ȝe ſhulen halwe; viii If forſoþe anoon herynge he wiþſeiþ, and he makiþ at
xxii and a goot for ſynne, wiþ outen brent ſacrifice nouȝt al þe biheſt of hir, and þe wordis by þe which ſhe
euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice, and þe offryng of licours of it. ſtreynede hir ſoul, þe Lord ſhal forȝyue to hir.
xxiii Þe ferþe day ȝe ſhulen offre calues ten, weþers two, ix A widew, and a departid, what þing þei auowen þei ſhulen
loombs of o ȝeer, vnwemmed, fourteen; ȝeelde.
xxiiii and þe ſacrifices, and þe ſacrified licours of echon, bi x A wijf in þe hows of hyr man, whanne ſhe byndiþ hir bi
calues, and weþers, and loombis, duelich ȝe ſhulen halwe; auowe, and bi ooþ,
xxv and a goot for ſynne, wiþ oute þe brent ſacrifice xi if þe man here, and holde his pees, ne wiþſeiþ to þe biheeſt,
euerlaſtynge, and þe ſacrifice of it, and þe offringe of licours. ſhe ſhal ȝeeld what euer þing ſhe haþ bihoot.


xii If forſoþe anoon he wiþſeiþ, ſhe ſhal not `be holdun gilti of xix and dwelliþ out of þe tentes ſeuen days. Who ſleeþ a man,
þe biheeſt, for þe huſboond wiþſeiþ, and þe Lord ſhal forȝyue or a man ſleyn touchiþ, ſhal be paſſid about þe þridde day,
to hir. and þe ſeuenþe;
xiii If ſhe auowe, and bi ooþ ſtreyne hir ſelf, þat bi faſtynge xx and of al þe praye, wheþer cloþing it were, oþer veſſel, and
and abſtynens of oþer þingis ſhe traueyl hir ſoul, in þe dome eny þing into vſable þingis maad redi, of þe ſkynnes of
of þe man it ſhal be, þat ſhe do it, or not do it. gootis, and heerys, and tree, it ſhal be purgid.
xiiii And if þe man herynge holde his pees, and into anoþer xxi Eleazar forſoþe, þe preeſt, to þe men of þe ooſt þat hadden
day deferre þe ſentence, what euer þing ſhe haþ vowid and fowȝt, þus ſpak, Þis is þe maundement of þe lawe, þat þe
bihoot, ſhe ſhal ȝeeld, for anoon as he herde, he heelde his Lord comaundide to Moyſes,
pees. xxii Gold, and ſiluer, and braſſe, and yren, and tynne, and
xv If forſoþe he wiþſeiþ, after þat he aſſentide, he ſhal bere þe leed,
wickidnes of hir. xxiii and al þat may paſſe bi flawmes, ſhal be purgid þurȝ
xvi Þes ben þe lawes þat þe Lord ordeynde to Moyſes, bitwix fier; forſoþe what euer þing fier ſhal not mowe ſuſteyn, wiþ
man and womman, bitwix fader and douȝter þat is ȝit in water of clenſynge ſhal be halowid.
childis age, oþer þat in þe hows of fader and modir dwelleþ. xxiiii And ȝe ſhulen waſſhe ȝoure cloþis þe ſeuenþe day; and
puryfied afterward ȝe ſhulen goo into þe tentes.
Capitulum XXXI. xxv And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes,
i And þe Lord ſpak to Moyſes, xxvi Take þe ſumme of hem þat ben takun, fro man vnto
ii Venge firſt þe ſones of Yrael of þe Madianytis, and ſo þow beeſt, þow, and Eleazar, þe preeſt, and alle þe prynces of þe
ſhalt be gedryd to þi puple. comoun.
xxvii And þow ſhalt dyuyde euen þe praye among hem þat
iii And anoon Moyſes, Arme ȝe, he ſeiþ, of ȝow men to þe
fiȝt, þat mowen þe veniaunce of þe Lord out take of þe fauȝten and wenten out to þe batayl, and among al þe laft
Madianytis. multitude.
xxviii And þow ſhalt ſeuer a part to þe Lord, of hem þat han
iiii A þowſand men of ech lynagis ben choſun of Yrael, þat
ben ſent to batayl. fouȝten, and weren in þe batayl, o ſoule of fyue hundrid, as
v And þei ȝeuen þowſandis of eche lynagis, þat is, twelue
wel of men, as of oxen, and aſſis, and ſheep.
xxix And þow ſhalt ȝyue it to Eleazar, þe preeſt, for þe cheef
þowſandis of men, redy to þe fiȝt; fruytis of þe Lord þei ben.
vi whom Moyſes ſente wiþ Fynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, þe
xxx Of þe half forſoþe part of þe ſones of Irael, þow ſhalt
preeſt. Forſoþe þe hooli veſſels, and þe trumpes to crye, he taak þe fiftiþ heed of men, and of oxen, and of aſſes, and of
took to hem. ſheep, and of al hauynge ſoule; and þow ſhalt ȝyue hem to þe
vii And whanne þei hadden fouȝt aȝens Madianytes, and
Leuytes, þat waken in þe waardis of þe tabernacle of þe
hadden ouercomen, alle þe maalis þei ſlewen, Lord.
viii and þe kyngis of hem, Euy, and Reem, and Sur, and xxxi And Moyſes and Eleazar diden as þe Lord comaundide.
Hur, and Rebe, fyue princes of þe folk of hem. Balaam xxxii Forſoþe þe pray was þat þe ooſt took, of ſheep ſix
forſoþe, þe ſone of Beor, þei ſlewen wiþ ſwerd. hundrid fyue and ſeuenti þowſand,
ix And þei token þe wymmen of hem, and children, and alle
xxxiii of oxen two and ſeuenti þowſand,
þe beeſtis, and al purtenaunce; xxxiiii of aſſis ſexti þowſand and o þowſand;
x what þing euer þei myȝten haue, þei deſtruyden; as wel
xxxv þe ſoules of men of wymmen kynde, þat knowen no men,
cytees as litil towns and caſtels bi flawme he brent.
xi And þei token praye, and alle þat þei token, as wel of men two and þretti þowſand.
xxxvi And þe half part is ȝeuen to hem þat weren in þe
as of beeſtis,
xii and brouȝten to Moiſes, and Eleazar, þe preeſt, and to al batayl, of ſheep þre hundrid ſeuen and þretti þowſand and
þe multitude of þe ſones of Yrael. Forſoþe oþer vſable þingis fyue hundrid;
xxxvii of þe whiche into þe part of þe Lord ben noumbred
þei beren to þe tentis, in þe wijld feeldis of Moab, biſide
Jordan, aȝen Jericho. ſheep ſix hundryd and ſeuenti and fyue;
xiii And Moyſes and Eleazar, þe preeſt, wenten out, and alle xxxviii and of oxen ſix and þretti þowſand, oxen ſeuenti and
þe prynces of þe ſynagoge, into aȝencomynge of hem, out of þe two,
tentis. xxxix of aſſis þretti þowſand and fyue hundrid, aſſis ſexti and
xiiii And Moyſes wrooþ to þe prynces of þe ooſt, leders of oon;
þouſandis, and gouernours of hundredis, xl of þe ſoules of men ſixtene þowſand, fellen into þe part of
xv þat camen fro þe batayl, ſeiþ, Whi han ȝe kept þe þe Lord, two and þretti ſoulis.
wymmen? xli And Moyſes took þe noumbre of þe chefe fruytis of þe
xvi ben not þes þat han deſeyued þe ſones of Yrael, at þe Lord to Eleazar, þe preeſt, as it was comaundid,
ſuggeſtioun of Balaam, and han maad ȝow treſpaſſe in þe xlii of þe half part of þe ſones of Irael, þat he ſeuerde to hem
Lord, vpon þe ſynne of Phegor, wherfor and þe puple was þat in þe batayl weren.
ſmytun? xliii Of þe half part forſoþe þat felle to þat oþer multitude, þat
xvii Þerfor al ſlee ȝe what euer þing is of maal kynde, and
is, of ſheep þre hundryd ſeuen and þretti þouſand and fyue
litil children; and wymmen þat han knowun men in goynge hundrid,
togidre, kytte ȝe þe þrootis; xliiii and of oxen ſix and þretti þouſand,
xviii mayde children, and alle wymmen maydens kepe ȝe to
xlv and of þretti þowſand aſſis and fyue hundrid,
ȝow, xlvi and of ſixtene þowſand men,


xlvii Moyſes took þe fiftiþ heed, and ȝaf to þe Leuytis, þat xvi And þei nyȝ comynge to, ſeiden, We ſhulen make vs
wakiden in þe tabernacle of þe Lord, as þe Lord comaundide. fooldis of ſheep, and ſtablis of beeſtis, to oure litil children
xlviii And whanne þe prynces of þe ooſt weren goon to forſoþe waardid cytees.
Moyſes, and þe leders of þowſandis, and rewlers of xvii Forſoþe we oure ſilf armed and gyrd, we ſhulen goo to
hundredis, ſeiden, batayl before þe ſones of Irael, to þe tyme þat we leden hem
xlix We þi ſeruauntis han tolde þe noumbre of fiȝters, þe into her places; oure children, and what euer þing we mowen
which we hadden vndre oure hoond, and not oon forſoþe han, ſhulen be in þe waardid citees, for þe aſpies of þe
faylid; dwellers.
l for what cauſe we offren in þe places of þe free ȝiftis of þe xviii We ſhulen not turnen aȝen into oure howſis, into þe tyme
Lord, eche, þat in þe praye of gold we myȝten fynde, þat þe ſones of Yrael welden her herytage;
wymmens ournementis about her reynes, and ournementis xix ne eny þing we ſhulen ſeche biȝonde Jordan, for nowe we
about her ſhuldres, and rynges, and ournementis about her han oure poſſeſſioun in þe eeſt cooſt of it.
armes, and ournementis about her neckis, þat þow preye þe xx To whom ſeiþ Moiſes, If ȝe doon þat ȝe bihooten, fulſpede
Lord for vs. goo ȝe before þe Lord into fiȝt;
li And Moyſes and Eleazar þe preeſt, token al þe gold in xxi and eche fiȝtynge man armed paſſe he ouer Jordan, to þe
dyuers ſpices, tyme þat þe Lord turne doun his enemyes,
lii bi peyſe of þe ſeyntuarye, ſixtene þouſand ſeuen hundrid and xxii and al þe loond be ſuget to hym; þanne ȝe ſhulen be
fifti ſiclis, of þe leders of þowſandis, and rewlers of vnculpable anentis God, and anentis Irael, and ȝe ſhulen
hundredis. weeld þe regiouns, `þe whiche ȝe wolen, before þe Lord.
liii Forſoþe echon þat he cauȝte in þe praye, was his; xxiii If forſoþe þat ȝe ſeyn, ȝe doon not, to no man dowt is,
liiii and þe taken þei brouȝten into þe tabernacle of þat ne ȝe ſynnen aȝens God; and wite ȝe, þat ȝour ſynne ſhal
witneſſynge, into mynde of þe ſones of Irael, before þe Lord. catche ȝow.
xxiiii Bilde ȝe þanne cytees to ȝoure children, and fooldis and
Capitulum XXXII. ſtablis to ſheep and beeſtis; and þat ȝe han bihoot, fulfilliþ.
xxv And þe ſones of Gad and Ruben ſeiden to Moyſes, Þi
i The ſones forſoþe of Ruben and Gad hadden many beeſtis,
`and þer was to hem in beſtis ſubſtaunce wiþ outen noumbre. ſeruauntis we ben; we ſhulen doo þat þe Lord comaundiþ.
xxvi Oure litil children, and wymmen, and feeldbeeſtis, and
And whanne þei hadden ſeen Jaſer and Galaad, able loondis
to beeſtis to be fedd, howſbeeſtis we ſhulen leeue in þe cytees of Galaad;
ii þei camen to Moyſes and Eleazar, þe preeſt, and prynces of xxvii forſoþe we þi ſeruauntis alle fulſpede ſhulen goo to
þe multitude, `and ſeyden, batayl, as þow, lord, ſhalt ſpeek.
iii Aſtaroth, and Dibbon, and Jaſer, and Nemra, Eſebon, and xxviii Þanne Moyſes comaundide to Eleazar, þe preeſt, and to
Eleale, and Sabam, and Nebo, and Beon, Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and to þe prynces of þe meynees, bi
iiii þe loond þat þe Lord ſmoot in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Yrael, þe lynagis of Irael,
xxix and he ſeide to hem, If þe ſones of Gad and þe ſones of
is of a regioun mooſt plenteuous to þe food of beeſtis; and we
þi ſeruauntis han many beeſtis; Ruben wiþ ȝow paſſen ouer Jordan alle armed, to bateil
v and we preyen, if we han foundun grace before þee, þat þow before þe Lord, and to ȝow were þe loond ſuget, ȝyue ȝe to
ȝyue to vs þi ſeruauntis it into poſſeſſioun, ne maak þow vs hem Galaad into poſſeſſioun;
xxx if forſoþe þei wolen not paſſe wiþ ȝow into þe loond of
paſſe ouer Jordan.
vi To whom anſwerde Moyſes, Wheþer ȝoure briþeren ſhulen Chanaan, among ȝow take þei places of dwellynge.
xxxi And þe ſones of Gad and þe ſones of Ruben anſwerden,
go to þe fiȝt, and ȝe here ſhulen ſitte?
vii Whi myſturnen ȝe þe þouȝtes of þe ſones of Irael, þat þei As þe Lord haþ ſpoken to his ſeruauntis, ſo we ſhulen doon;
xxxii we armed ſhulen goo before þe Lord, into þe loond of
doren not paſſe into þe place þat þe Lord is to ȝyuynge to
hem? Chanaan, and we knowlechen, þat we han take now
viii Wheþer diden not ſo ȝoure fadres, whanne Y ſente fro poſſeſſioun biȝonde Jordan.
xxxiii And ſo Moyſes ȝaf to þe ſones of Gad and of Ruben,
Cades Barne to aſpie þe loond,
ix and whanne þei camen to þe valey of Cluſter, al þe regioun and to þe half lynage of Manaſſe, þe ſone of Joſeph, þe
about paſſid, þei myſturneden þe herte of þe ſones of Yrael, kyngdam of Seon, kyng of Amorrei, and þe kyngdam of Og,
þat þei wenten not in to þe cooſtis, þat þe Lord ȝaf to hem. kyng of Baſan, and þe loond of hem, wiþ her cytees, bi
x Þe which wrooþ, ſwaar, ſeiynge,
xxxiiii Þanne þe ſones of Gad maden out Dibon, and
xi Þes men ſhulen not ſeen, þat ſtieden vp fro Egipte, fro
Aſtaroth, and Aroer,
twenti ȝeer and aboue, þe loond þat `under ooþ Y bihiȝte to xxxv and Roth-Sophan, and Jazer, and Jeebaa,
Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, and þei wolden not ſue me, xxxvi and Beth-Neura, and Betharan, waardid citees; and
xii ſaue Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone, Ceneze, and Joſue, þe
ſone of Nun; þes fulfilden my wille. fooldis to her beeſtis.
xxxvii Þe ſones forſoþe of Ruben edifieden Eſebon,
xiii And þe Lord wrooþ aȝens Yrael, ladde hym about by
xxxviii and Eleale, and Cariathiarym, and Nabo, and
deſeert fourti ȝeer, to þe tyme þat were endyd al þe
generacioun þat dide þe yuel in þe ſiȝt of hym. Balmyon, turned þe names, Sabama forſoþe; puttynge names
xiiii And, Loo! he ſeiþ, ȝe han ryſen for ȝoure fadres þe to þe cytes þat þei maden out.
xxxix Forſoþe þe ſones of Machir, ſone of Manaſſe, wenten
waxyngis and þe norſhid of ſynful men, þat ȝe encreſen þe
woodnes of þe Lord aȝens Yrael. forþ into Galaad, and waſtiden it, Amorre ſlayn, þe dweller of
xv And if ȝe wolen not folwe hym, in wildirnes þe puple he it.
xl Þan Moyſes ȝaf þe loond of Galaad to Machir, ſone of
ſhal forſaak, and ȝe þe encheſoun ſhulen be of þe deeþ of alle.
Manaſſe, þat dwellide in it.


xli Forſoþe Jair, þe ſone of Manaſſe, wente, and ocupiede þe xxxii And goon forþ fro Benelachan, camen into þe hil of
ſtretis of it, þe whiche he clepide Anochiair, þat is, þe townes Galgad;
of Jayr. xxxiii fro whens goon forþ, þei ſettiden tentes in Jethebacha.
xlii Forſoþe Nobe wente, and cauȝte Canath, wiþ his litil xxxiiii And fro Jethebaca þei camen into Ebrona.
townes, and he clepide it, of his name, Nobe. xxxv And goon out fro Ebrona, ſettiden tentis in Aſion Gaber;
xxxvi and þens goon forþ, camen into þe deſeert of Syn; þis
Capitulum XXXIII.
is Cades.
i Theſe ben þe dwellyngis of þe ſones of Yrael, þat wenten xxxvii And goon out of Cades, ſettiden tentes in þe hil of
out fro Egipte, bi her companyes, in þe hoond of Moyſes and Hor, in þe vttermooſt of þe loond of Edom.
Aaron; xxxviii And Aaron, þe preeſt, ſteyede vp in to þe hil of Hor,
ii þe whiche Moyſes diſcryuede biſide þe places of þe tentis, þe
comaundynge þe Lord, and þere died, þe fourtiþe ȝeer of þe
whiche weren chaungid þurȝ þe heeſt of þe Lord. goynge out of þe ſones of Yrael fro Egipte, þe fifþe moneþ, þe
iii Þerfor þei goon forþ fro Rameſſe, þe firſte moneþ, þe fyrſt day of þe moneþ;
fiftenþe day of þe firſte moneþ, diden þat oþer day paſk þe xxxix whanne he was of ȝeres an hundrid and þre and twenti.
ſones of Yrael, in an hiȝ hoond, ſeiynge alle þe Egipciens, xl And Chanane, þe kyng Arad, þat dwelt at þe ſouþ, in þe
iiii and byryyng þe firſt gotun, þe whiche þe Lord hadde
loond of Chanaan, herde þat þe ſones of Yrael weren comen.
ſmytun; forſoþe and in þe goddis of hem he enhauncide xli And goon forþ fro þe hil of Hor, ſettiden tentis in
veniaunce. Salmana;
v Þei ſetten tentis in Socoth,
xlii fro þens goon out, camen into Phynon.
vi and fro Socoth þei camen in to Etham, þat is in þe
xliii And goon forþ fro Phynon, þei ſettiden tentes in Oboth.
vttermeſt cooſtis of wildirnes; xliiii And fro Oboth camen into Jeabarym, þat is in þe cooſtis
vii þens þei goon out, camen aȝens Phiairoth, þat biholdiþ
Beelſephon, and þei ſetten tentis before Magdalun. of Moabitis.
xlv And goon forþ fro Jeabarym, þei piȝten tentis in
viii And þei goon forþ fro Phiairoth, paſſiden þurȝ þe myddil
ſe in wildirnes, and þei goynge þre dayes þurȝ þe deſeert of Dibongad;
xlvi fro whens goon out, þei ſettiden tentis in Helmon
Ethan, ſetten tentis in Maara.
ix And þei goon forþ fro Maara, camen into Helym, where Deblathaym.
xlvii And goon out of Helmon Deblathaym, camen into þe
weren twelue wellis of water, and ſeuenti palmes; and þere
þei ſettiden tentis. hillis of Nabarym, aȝens Nabo.
x But and þennes þei goon out, piȝten tentes vpon þe Reed xlviii And goon fro þe hillis of Abarym, wenten to þe wijld
See. feeldis of Moab, vp Jordan, aȝens Jericho.
xi And þei goon forþ fro þe Reed See, ſettiden tentis in þe xlix And þere þei ſettiden tentis, fro Bethſymon vnto
deſeert of Synay, Belſathym, in þe more pleyn places of Moabites,
xii fro whens þei goon out, camen into Delpheca. l where þe Lord ſpak to Moyſen,
xiii And þey goon forþ fro Delpheca, ſettiden tentis in Halijs. li Comaund to þe ſones of Yrael, and ſey to hem, Whanne ȝe
xiiii And þei goon fro Halijs, piȝten tentes in Raphidyn, paſſen Jordan,
lii goynge into þe loond of Chanaan, ſcater ȝe alle þe dwellers
where to þe peple water faylide to drynke.
xv And þei goon forþ fro Raphidyn, ſettiden tentes in deſeert of þat region; breeke ȝe þe calues, and þe ymagis deſtrye ȝe,
of Synay. and alle þe hyȝe þingis waſte ȝe, clenſynge þe loond,
liii and alle þe dwellers in it. Y forſoþe haue ȝeue to ȝou it
xvi But and fro þe wildirnes of Synay goon out, þei camen to
þe Sepulcres of Luſt. into poſſeſſioun,
liiii þe which ȝe ſhal dyuyde to ȝou bi lot; to þe mo ȝe ſhulen
xvii And þei goon forþ fro þe Sepulcris of Luſt, ſettiden
tentes in Aſſeroth. ȝyue þe bradder, and to þe fewer þe narwer; to ech as þe lot
xviii And fro Aſſeroth þei camen into Rethma.
falliþ, ſo ſhal be ȝeue þe herytage; bi lynagis and meynees þe
poſſeſſioun ſhal be dyuydid.
xix And þei goon forþ fro Rethma, ſettiden tentes in Remmon lv Forſoþe if ȝe wolen not ſle þe dwellers of þe loond, þat
Phares; abiden, þei ſhulen be to ȝow as nayles in eyen, and ſperis in
xx fro whens þei goon out, camen into Lemphna. ſidis; and þei ſhulen contrarye ȝou in þe loond of ȝoure
xxi And fro Lemphna þei ſettiden tentis in Reſſa. dwellinge;
lvi and what euer þing I þowȝt to do to hem, I ſhal doo to
xxii Goon out fro Reſſa camen in Celatha;
xxiii fro whens goon forþ, ſettiden tentis in þe hil of Sepher.
xxiiii Goon out fro þe hil of Sepher, camen into Arada;
Capitulum XXXIIII.
xxv þens goynge forþ, ſettiden tentes in Maceloth.
i The Lord ſpak to Moyſes, ſeiynge,
xxvi And goon forþ fro Maceloth, camen into Thaat.
ii Comaunde to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem,
xxvii And fro Thaat þei ſettiden tentis in Thare;
Whanne ȝe goon into þe loond of Chanaan, and into
xxviii fro whennus gon out, þei fitchiden tentis in Methcha. poſſeſſioun to ȝow felle bi lot, wiþ þes eendis it ſhal be endid.
xxix And fro Methcha þei ſettiden tentis in Eſmona. iii Þe ſouþ part ſhal bigyn fro þe wildirnes of Syn, þat is
xxx And gon forþ fro Eſmona, þei camen `into Moſeroth, biſide Edom, and it ſhal haue termes aȝens þe eeſt, and mooſt
xxxi and fro Moſeroth þei ſettiden tentis in Benelachan. ſalt ſee,
iiii þe which ſhal enuyroun þe ſouþ cooſt bi þe ſtiyng up of
ſcorpioun, ſo þat þei paſſen into Sennam, and camen to þe


ſouþ, vnto Cades Barne; fro whens ſhulen goo oute, þe nyȝ v aȝens þe eeſt, two þowſand ſhulen be þe cubitis, and aȝens
cooſtis, to a toun, Abder bi name, and þei ſhulen ſtrecche vnto þe ſouþ, alſo two þowſand; forſoþe at þe ſee þat biholdiþ to þe
Aſſemonam; weſt, þe ſame meſure ſhal be, and þe norþ plage bi euen
v and þe cooſt ſhal goo bi enuyroun fro Aſſemona vnto þe teerme ſhal be eendid. And citees ſhulen be in þe myddil, and
rennynge water of Egipte, and it ſhal be endid in þe brenk of ſuburbis wiþoute.
þe greet ſee. vi Forſoþe of þilk wallid townes alſo to þe Leuytes ȝe ſhulen
vi Þe weſt plage forſoþe ſhal begynne fro þe greet ſee, and ȝyue, ſix ſhal be ſeuerd into þe helpes of fugityues, þat he þat
wiþ þat his eend ſhal be cloſid. ſhediþ blood, fleeȝ to hem; and out taken hem, oþir two and
vii Forſoþe to þe norþ plage, fro þe greet ſee teermes ſhulen fourti wallid townes,
begynne, ful comynge vnto þe mooſt hiȝe hil, vii þat ben to gidre eiȝt and fourti, wiþ her ſuburbis.
viii fro þe which þei ſhulen come into Emath, vnto þe eendis viii And þilk citees þat ſhulen be ȝeuen, of þe poſſeſſiouns of
of Sedeba; þe ſones of Yrael, of hem þat more han, mo ſhulen be take
ix and þe nyȝ cooſtis ſhulen go vnto Effrona, and þe town of awey, and þat laſſe, fewer; eche aftir þe meſure of her
Enan. Þes ſhulen be þe teermes in þe part of þe norþ. herytage, ſhulen ȝyue wallid townes to þe Leuytes.
x Þens ſhulen be ſett þe eendis aȝens þe eeſt plage, fro þe ix Þe Lord ſeiþ to Moyſes,
toun of Henam vnto Sephama; x Spek to þe ſones of Yrael, and þow ſhalt ſeye to hem,
xi and fro Sephama þe termes ſhulen deſcende vnto Reblath, Whanne ȝe goon ouer Jordan, into þe loond of Chanaan,
aȝens þe welle of Daphym; þens þei ſhulen come aȝens þe eeſt xi biholdiþ what citees owen to be into þe helpis of fugityues,
to þe ſee of Cenereth; þat not wilnyng ſheeden blood.
xii and þei ſhulen ſtretche vnto Jordan, and at þe laſt þei xii In þe whiche whanne þe forþ fleer fleeȝiþ, þe coſyn of þe
ſhulen be cloſid wiþ þe mooſt ſalt ſee. Þis loond ȝe ſhulen ſlayn man ſhal not mowe ſlee hym, to þe tyme þat he ſtoond
haue bi ȝoure cooſtis in enuyroun. in þe ſiȝt of þe multitude, and þe cauſe of hym be demed.
xiii And Moyſes comaundide to þe ſones of Yrael, ſeiynge, xiii Of þilk forſoþe citees þat ben ſeuerd to þe helpis of þe
Þis ſhal be þe loond þat ȝe ſhulen welde bi lot, and þat þe fugityues,
Lord comaundide to be ȝeuen to nyne lynagis, and to þe half xiiii þre ſhulen be beȝonde Jordan, and þree in þe loond of
lynage; Chanaan;
xiiii forſoþe þe lynage of þe ſones of Ruben bi her meynees, xv as wel to þe ſones of Yrael as to comlyngis and pilgrimes;
and bi þe lynage of þe ſones of Gad, aftir þe kynrede and þat he fleeȝ to hem, `þe which not wilnynge ſhediþ blood.
noumbre, and þe half lynage of Manaſſe, xvi If eny man ſmytiþ a man wiþ yren, and were deed, he þat
xv þat is, two lynagis and an half, token her parte beȝonde
is ſmyter ſhal be gilti of mannus ſlauȝter, and he ſhal dye.
Jordan, aȝens Jericho, at þe eeſt plage. xvii If a ſtoon he þrowe, and wiþ þe caſt ſleeþ, lijk maner he
xvi And þe Lord ſeiþ to Moyſes,
ſhal be puniſhid.
xvii Þes ben þe names of þe men þat ſhulen dyuyde þe loond xviii If wiþ a tree ſmyten he dye, in blood of þe ſmyter he
to ȝow, Eleazar, þe preeſt, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, ſhal be vengid.
xviii and alle þe prynces of alle lynagis; xix Þe nyȝ kynne of þe ſlayn þe man ſleer ſhal ſlee; anoon as
xix of whom þe names ben þes, of þe lynage of Juda, Caleph, he catchiþ hym, he ſhal ſlee.
þe ſone of Jephone; xx If bi haat eny man a man aȝen puttiþ, oþer þrowiþ eny
xx of þe lynage of Symeon, Samuel, þe ſone of Amyud; þing into hym bi aſpies,
xxi of þe lynage of Beniamyn, Elyad, þe ſone of Caſſelon; xxi oþer whanne he were enemye wiþ hoond ſmytiþ, and he
xxii of þe lynage of þe ſones of Dan, Bochri, þe ſone of Jogli; were deed, þe ſmyter ſhal be gilti of manſlauȝter. Anoon þe
xxiii of þe ſones of Joſeph and þe lynage of Manaſſe, Hamyel, coſyn of þe ſlayn, whanne he fyndiþ hym, ſhal kyt his þroot.
xxii And if bi hap, and wiþ outen haat and enemytees,
þe ſone of Ephoth;
xxiiii of þe lynage of Effraym, Camuel, þe ſone of Septhan; xxiii eny þing of þeſe doþ;
xxv of þe lynage of Zabulon, Elizaphan, þe ſone of Pharnath; xxiiii and þat herynge þe puple were pryuyd, and bitwix þe
xxvi of þe lynage of Yſachar, duke Phaltiel, þe ſone of Ozan; ſmyter and þe nyȝ of þe blood þe queſtyoun were meuyd,
xxv þe innocent ſhal be delyuerd fro þe hoond of þe vengeſour,
xxvii of þe lynage of Aſer, Abyud, þe ſone of Salomy;
and he ſhal be brouȝt aȝen bi ſentence into þe cytee, to þe
xxviii of þe lynage of Neptalym, Fedahel, þe ſone of Amyud. which he fleeȝ, and he ſhal dwelle þere, to þe tyme þat þe
xxix Þes ben, to whom þe Lord comaundide, þat þei ſhulden greet preeſt þat wiþ hooli oyle is anoynt, dye.
dyuyde to þe ſones of Yrael þe loond of Chanaan. xxvi If þe ſleer out of þe cooſtis of þe cytees þat to outlawis
ben ordeynd, were foundun,
Capitulum XXXV. xxvii and ſmytun of hym þat is vengeſour of þe blood,
i Theſe wiþouten gilt ſhal he be þat ſlewe hym;
þingis forſoþe ſpak þe Lord to Moyſes, in þe wijlde xxviii þe forþ fleer forſoþe ſhulde vnto þe deeþ of þe biſſhop in
feeldis of Moab, vpon Jordan, aȝens Jerycho,
ii Comaunde to þe ſones of Irael, þat þei ȝyuen to þe Leuytis, þis citee dwelle ſtil; aftirward forſoþe þat he dye, þe manſleer
ſhal turne aȝen in his loond.
of her poſſeſſiouns, citees to dwellen yn, and þe ſuburbs of xxix Þes þingis euerlaſtynge ſhulen be, and lawful in alle
hem bi enuyroun,
iii þat þei dwellen in wallid towns, and þe ſuburbis ben to ȝoure dwellyngis.
xxx A manſleer vndur witneſſe, ſhal be puniſhid; at þe
feelde beeſtis, and houſbeeſtis;
iiii þe whiche fro þe wallis of þe citees wiþ outen forþ bi witneſſynge of oon no man ſhal be condempnyd.
xxxi Ȝe ſhulen not take prijs of hym þat is gilti of blood,
enuyroun ben ſtretchid, bi ſpace of a þowſand paaſe;
anoon and he ſhal dye.


xxxii Outlawis, and ferre fleeȝers, before þe deeþ of þe biſſhop

no wiſe into her citees mowen turne aȝen,
xxxiii leſt ȝe poluten þe loond of ȝoure dwellynge, þe which is
defoulid bi þe blood of þe innocentis, ne oþer wayes may be
purgyd, but bi his blood, þat þat oþers blood ſhedde.
xxxiiii And ſo ſhal be clenſid ȝoure poſſeſſioun, me dwellynge
wiþ ȝou; forſoþe Y am þe Lord, þat dwelle among þe ſones of

Capitulum XXXVI.
i Camen nyȝ forſoþe and þe prynces of þe meynees of Galaad,
þe ſone of Machir, þe ſone of Manaſſe, of þe lynage of þe
ſones of Joſeph, and ſpeken to Moyſes before þe princes of
ii and ſeyden, To þee oure lord comaundide þe Lord, þat þe
loond bi lot þow ſhuldiſt dyuyde to þe ſones of Yrael, and þat
to þe douȝtres of Salphaad, oure broþer, þow ſhuldeſt ȝyue
poſſeſſioun duwe to þe fader.
iii Þe whiche if men of anoþer lynage taken to wyues, ſhulen
folwe her poſſeſſioun, and tranſlatid to anoþer lynage, of oure
herytage ſhal be laſſid;
iiii and ſo ſhal be doo, þat whanne þe iubyle, þat is þe fiftiþe
ȝeer of remyſſioun, come, be confoundid þe delynge of lottis,
and oþer mennus poſſeſſioun paſſe to oþir.
v And Moyſes anſwerde to þe ſones of Yrael, and, þe Lord
comaundynge, ſeiþ, Ryȝt þe lynage of þe ſones of Joſeph haþ
vi and þis lawe vpon þe douȝtren of Salphaad of þe Lord is
opynly ſhewid; wedden þei to whom þei wolen, oonly to þe
men of her lynage;
vii leſt þe poſſeſſyouns of þe ſones of Yrael be mengid fro
lynage into lynage. Forſoþe alle men ſhulen take wyues of her
lynage, and of her kynrede,
viii and alle wymmen houſboondes of þe ſame lynage take þei,
þat þe herytage dwelle in þe meynees,
ix ne to hemſilf be mengid þe lynagis, but ſo dwelle þei, as of
þe Lord þei ben ſeuerd.
x And þe douȝters of Salphaad diden, as to hem was
xi And Maala, and Therſa, and Egla, and Melcha, and
Noha, weren weddid to þe ſones of þe broþer of her fader,
xii of þe meynee of Manaſſe, þat was þe ſone of Joſeph. And
þe poſſeſſioun þat was to hem delyuerd, abood in þe lynage
and þe meynee of þe fader of hem.
xiii Þes ben þe maundementis and domes, þat þe Lord
comaundide bi þe hoond of Moyſes, to þe ſones of Yrael, in
þe wijlde feeldis of Moab, vpon Jordan, aȝens Jericho.
Here endiþ þe book of Numeri and nowe
bygynneþ þe book of Deutronomy.


xxii And ȝe comen to me alle, and ſeiden, ſende we men, þat

DEUTRONOMIE. biholden þe loond, and tellen to vs bi what weie we ſhulden
ſtye vp, and to what cytees goon.
Here begynneþ þe bok of Deutronomie. xxiii And whanne to me þe word pleſide, Y ſente of ȝow
twelue men, eche by her lynagis.
Capitulum I. xxiiii Þe whiche whanne þei weren goon, and hadden ſtied vp

i Thes
into þe hillis, þei camen into þe valeye of Cluſtre; and þe
ben þe wordis þat Moiſes ſpak to al Yrael, biȝonde loond biholdid,
Jordan, in þe wijld feeldi wildernes, aȝens þe Reed See, xxv takynge of þe fruytis of it, þat þei myȝten ſhewe þe
bytwix Pharan and Tophel and Laban and Aſſeroth, where is plenteuouſte, þei brouȝten to vs, and ſeiden, Good is þe loond
mych þing of gold, þat þe Lord oure God is to ȝyuynge to vs.
ii bi enleuen days fro Oreb bi þe wey of þe hil of Seyr, vnto
xxvi And ȝe wolden not ſtye vp, but myſbileuynge to þe word
Cades Barne. of þe Lord oure God,
iii Þe fourteenþe ȝeer, þe enleuenþ moneþ, þe firſt day of þe
xxvii ȝe grutchiden in ȝoure tabernaclis, and ſeiden, Þe Lord
moneþ, Moyſes ſpak to þe ſones of Yrael alle þingis þat þe hatiþ vs, and þerfore he haþ ladde vs out of þe loond of
Lord hadde comaundid to hym þat he ſhulde ſeye to hem, Egipte, þat he take vs in þe hoond of Amorrei, and doo
iiii after þat he ſmoot Seon, þe kyng of Amorreis, þat dwellid
in Eſebon, and Og, þe kyng of Baſan, þat dwellid in Aſſeroth xxviii Wheþer ſhulen we ſtie vp? þe meſſangeris han feerde
and in Edray, oure hertis, ſeiynge, Þe mooſt multitude is, and in ſtature
v biȝonde Jordan, in þe loond of Moab. And Moyſes biganne
more ſhapplych þan we; greet citees, and in to heuene wallid;
to opne þe lawe, and ſeie, þe ſones of Enachym we han ſeen þere.
vi Þe Lord oure God haþ ſpoke to vs in Oreb, ſeiynge, It xxix And I ſeide to ȝow, Wole ȝe not be feryde, ne drede ȝe;
ſuffiſiþ to ȝow þat in þis hil ȝe han dwelt; xxx þe Lord God, þat is oure ledere, for vs he ſhal fiȝte, as
vii turneþ aȝen, and comeþ to þe hil of Amorreis, and to oþer
he haþ doo in Egipte, alle men ſeynge.
þat þere ben next, feeldi, and hilli, and þe more lower places xxxi And in wildernes, ȝe han ſeen, þe Lord þi God haþ born
aȝens þe ſouþ; and to þe loond biſide þe brenk of þe ſee of þee, as a man is wonyd to bere a litil child, his ſone, in alle
Chananees, and of Libany, vnto þe greet flood of Eufraten. weie bi þe which ȝe han goo, to þe tyme þat ȝe comen to þis
viii Loo! he ſeiþ, I haue take it to ȝow; goo ȝe yn, and weelde
ȝe it, vpon þe which þe Lord haþ ſworn to ȝoure fadres xxxii And ȝit not þus forſoþe ȝe leeueden to þe Lord ȝoure
Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, þat he ȝyue it to hem, and to þe God, þat wente before ȝou in þe weie,
ſeed of hem after hem. xxxiii and haþ ſet þe place in þe whiche ȝe ſhulden picche
ix And I haue ſeid to ȝow in þat tyme, I may not aloone
ſuſteyne ȝow, tentis, þe nyȝt ſhewynge þe weie to ȝow bi fier, and þe dai bi
x for þe Lord ȝoure God haþ multiplied ȝow, and ȝe ben many
piler of a clowde.
xxxiiii And whanne þe Lord hadde herde þe voyce of ȝoure
as þe ſterres of heuene; wordis, wrooþ he ſwore, and ſeiþ,
xi þe Lord God of oure fadris adde to þis noumbre many
xxxv Þere ſhal not ſe eny man of þe men of þis worſt
þowſandis, and bleſſe to ȝow, as he haþ ſpokun. generacioun þe good loond, þat vndur ooþ Y haue bihoot to
xii Y may not alone ȝoure nedis ſuſteyn, and birþens, and
ȝoure fadris,
ſtryues; xxxvi ſaue Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone; he forſoþe ſhal ſe it,
xiii ȝyue ȝe of ȝow wyſe men, and herti, and whos
and to hym I ſhal ȝyue þe loond þat he haþ troden, and to
conuerſacioun be preued in ȝoure lynagis, þat I putte hem to his ſones, for he haþ folwid þe Lord.
ȝow princes. xxxvii Ne þe indignacioun aȝen þe puple is to be meruelid, ſiþ
xiiii Þan ȝe anſwerden to me, A good þing it is þat þou wolt
to me forſoþe þe Lord wrooþ for ȝow, ſeide, Ne þow ſhalt go
doon. in þidir,
xv And I took of ȝoure lynagis wiſe men, and noble; and I xxxviii but Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, þi ſeruaunt, he ſhal goo yn
haue ordeynd hem princes, and tribunes, and centuriouns, and for þee; þis enfourme þow, and ſtrengþe, þat he þe loond bi
quynquagenaryes, and denes, þat techen ȝow alle þingis. lot dyuyde to Yrael.
xvi And I haue comaundide to hem, ſeiynge, Here ȝe hem, xxxix Ȝoure litil children, of þe whiche ȝe han ſeid, þat cheytif
and þat is riȝtwiȝe demeþ, wheþer he be cyteſeyn, or pilgrime. þei ſhulen be lad, and þe ſones þat to day of good and yuel
xvii Noon ſhal be diſtaunce of perſones; ſo þe litil ȝe ſhulen vnknown þe diſtaunce, þei ſhulen goon yn; and to hem Y ſhal
here as þe more, ne ȝe ſhulen accept eny mannus perſone, for ȝyue þe loond, and þei ſhulen weeld it.
þe dome of God it is. And if eny þing hard to ȝow were ſeen, xl Ȝe forſoþe turneþ aȝen, and goþ þens into wildernes, bi þe
telliþ to me, and I ſhal here. weie of þe Reed See.
xviii And I comaundide alle þingis þat ȝe ſhulden doo. xli And ȝe anſwerden to me, We han ſynned to þe Lord; we
xix And goon forþ fro Oreb, we paſſiden bi feerful deſeert and ſhulen ſtie vp, and fiȝten, as þe Lord oure God haþ
mooſt wildernes, þat ȝe han ſeen, bi þe weye of þe hil of comaundid. And whanne ȝe, tauȝt in armes, wolden goo into
Amorrei, as þe Lord ȝoure God haþ comaundide to ȝow. And þe hil,
whanne ȝe weren comen into Cades Barne, xlii þe Lord ſeiþ to me, ſey þou to hem, Wole ȝe not ſtie vp,
xx Y ſeide to ȝow, Ȝe ben comen to þe hil of Amorrei, þat þe ne fiȝte; forſoþe Y am not wiþ ȝow, leſt ȝe fallen before ȝoure
Lord oure God is to ȝyuynge to vs; enemyes.
xxi looke þe loond þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee; and xliii I ſpak, and ȝe herden not, but contrariynge to þe heeſt of
ſty vp, and weelde it, as þe Lord oure God haþ ſpoken to þi þe Lord, and bolnynge bi pride, ȝe ſtieden vp into þe hil.
fadris; nyl þow drede, ne eny þing be agaſt.


xliiii And ſo Amorre gon out, þat dwelt in þe hillis, and aȝen xxi myche puple, and greet, and of feyre lengþe, as Enachym,
comynge purſuede vs, as been ben wont to be purſued, and whom þe Lord dide awey fro þe face of hem, and made hem
ſlewen doun fro Seyr vnto Horma. to dwelle for hem,
xlv And whanne turned aȝen ȝe wepten before þe Lord, he xxii as he dide to þe ſones of Eſau, þat dwellen in Seyr,
herde ȝow not, ne to ȝour voys wolde aſſent; doynge awey Horreis, and þe loond of hem to hem takynge,
xlvi ȝe ſeeten þerfor in Cades Barne myche tyme. þe which þei weelden vnto þe tyme þat is nowe.
xxiii Forſoþe Eueos, þat dwellen in Aſſerym vnto Gazam, men
Capitulum II. of Capadoce putten out; þe whiche goon out fro Capadoce,
diden hem awey, and dwelliden for hem.
i And goon forþ þens, we comen into wildernes þat lediþ to þe xxiiii Ryſe ȝe, and paſſiþ þe ſtreem of Arnon; loo! Y haue
Reed See, as þe Lord ſeide to me; and we enuyrounden þe takun in þin hoond Seon, þe kyng of Eſebon, and Amorreis;
hil of Seyr long tyme. and þe loond of it bigynne to take poſſeſſioun, and doo aȝens
ii And þe Lord ſeide to me, hym batayle.
iii Suffice it to ȝow to goon about þis hil; goo ȝe aȝens þe xxv To day Y ſhal bigynne to ſende drede and þi feerde into
norþ. puplis þat dwellen vndur al heuen, þat þi name herd, þei
iiii And to þe puple comaund, ſeiynge, Ȝe ſhulen paſſe bi þe dreden, and bi maner of wymmen berynge child þei bigynnen
cooſtis of ȝoure briþeren, þe ſones of Eſau, þat dwellen in to tremble, and wiþ ſorwe biholden.
xxvi Y ſente þerfore meſſangeris fro þe wildernes of Cademoch
Seyr, and þei ſhulen drede ȝow.
v Se ȝe þerfor biſilych, þat ȝe ben not meued aȝens hem; ne to Seon, þe kyng of Eſebon, bi peſible wordis, ſeiynge,
xxvii We ſhulen paſſe bi þi loond, þe comoun weye we ſhulen
forſoþe I ſhal ȝeue to ȝow of þe loond of hem as myche as þe
ſtap of a foot may treede, for into þe poſſeſſioun of Eſau Y goo; we ſhulen not goo aſide, ne to þe ryȝt ne to þe left.
haue ȝyue þe hil of Seyr. xxviii Lyuelodis bi prijs ſel to vs, þat we eeten; water for
vi Meetis ȝe ſhulen bigge of hem for money, and eten; water money ȝif, and ſo we ſhulen drynke. Oonlich is, þat þow
bouȝt ȝe ſhulen drawe, and drynke. graunte to vs paſſyng forþ,
vii Þe Lord þi God haþ bleſſid to þee in al þe werk of þin xxix as þe ſones of Eſau diden, þat dwellen in Seyr, and
hoondes; he haþ knowun þi weie, what maner wiſe þow haſt Moabitis, þat dwellen in Ar, to þe tyme þat we comen to
paſſid þis greet wildernes, bi fourti ȝeer, þe Lord þi God Jordan, and paſſe to þe loond þat þe Lord oure God is to
dwellynge wiþ þee, and no þing failed to þee. ȝyuynge to vs.
viii And whanne we hadden paſſid bi oure briþeren, þe ſones xxx And Seon, þe kyng of Eſebon, wolde not ȝyue to vs
of Eſau, þat dwelliden in Seyr, bi þe feeldi weie fro Elath, paſſynge; for þe Lord, þi God, inwardly hardide þe ſpirite of
and fro Aſiongaber, we camen to þe weie þat lediþ into hym, and aȝen feſtnede þe herte of hym, þat ſo he were take
deſeert of Moab. into þin hoondis, as now þow ſeeſt.
ix And þe Lord ſeide to me, Fiȝt þow not aȝens Moabites, ne xxxi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Loo! Y haue begunne to take
go þou in aȝens hem to bateyl; forſoþe I ſhal not ȝyue to þee to þee Seon, and þe loond of hym; bigynne to weelde it.
eny þing of þe loond of hem, for to þe ſones of Loth Y haue xxxii And Seon goon out to mete wiþ vs, wiþ al his puple, to
take Ar into poſſeſſioun. þe batayle in Jaſa.
x Emyn weren þe firſt dwellers of it, a greet puple, and a xxxiii And þe Lord oure God took hym to vs, and we han
ſtroong, and ſo hiȝe, ſmyten hym, wiþ his ſones, and al his puple.
xi þat of Enachym lynage as geauntis þei ben trowed, and xxxiiii And alle þe cytees in þat tyme we token, ſleyn þe
weren lijk of þe ſones of Enachym; þerfor Moabites clepen dwellers of hem, `men, and wymmen, and children; we laften
hem Emyn. not in hem eny þing,
xii In Seyr forſoþe raþer dwelten Horrey, þe whiche put out xxxv out take beeſtys þat camen into þe part of þe praye
and doon awei, þe ſones of Eſau dwelliden, as Yrael dide in takers, and ſpoylis of þe citees whiche we token.
þe loond of his poſſeſſioun, þat þe Lord ȝaf to hym. xxxvi Fro Aroer, þat is vpon þe brenke of þe ſtreem of Arnon,
xiii Þanne aryſynge, þat we myȝten paſſe þe ſtreem of Zareth,
fro þe wallid town þat in þe valeye is ſet, vnto Galaad, was
we camen to it. no ſtreet or cytee, þat oure hoondis aſkapide. Alle þe Lord
xiiii Forſoþe þe tyme, in þe which we wenten fro Cades oure God took to vs;
Barne vnto þe paſſynge of þe ſtreem of Zareth, was of eiȝt xxxvii wiþ oute þe loond of þe ſones of Amon, to þe which we
and þretti ȝeer, to þe tyme þat al þe congregacioun of men of comen not nyȝ, and alle þat liggen to þe ſtreem of Jeboch,
bateyl weren waſtid fro þe tentis, as þe Lord ſwore; and þe mounteyn citees, and alle þe places fro þe whiche þe
xv whos hoond was aȝens hem, þat þei dien fro þe myddil of Lord oure God haþ defendid vs.
þe tentis.
xvi Forſoþe aftir þat alle þe fiȝters fellen, Capitulum III.
xvii þe Lord ſpak to me, ſeiynge, i And ſo turned we ſtieden vp bi þe weye of Baſan; and Og,
xviii Þou ſhalt paſſe to day þe cooſtis of Moab, þe citee, Ar bi þe kyng of Baſan, wente out into aȝencomynge to vs wiþ his
name; puple, to fiȝte in Edray.
xix and comynge nyȝ into þe ſide cooſtis of þe ſones of Amon, ii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Ne drede þow hym, for in þin
be war leſt þow fiȝte aȝens hem, ne be þou meued to batayl; hoond he is taak, wiþ al þe puple, and his loond; and þow
forſoþe Y ſhal not ȝeue to þee of þe loond of þe ſones of ſhalt doo to hym as þow didiſt to Seon, þe kyng of Amorreis,
Amon, for to þe ſones of Loth I haue ȝeue it into poſſeſſioun. þat dwellid in Eſebon.
xx Þe loond of geauntis it is holdun, and in it ſum tyme iii Þe Lord oure God took alſo þanne in oure hoondis Og, þe
dwelten geauntis, whom þe Ammonytes clepen Zoumym; kyng of Baſan, and al þe puple of hym; and we han ſmytun
hym vnto þe deeþ,


iiii waſtynge alle þe cytees of hym o tyme; þere was no wallid xxv I ſhal paſſe þerfor, and ſe þis beſt loond biȝonde Jordan,
town þat vs myȝte aſkape; ſexti citees, al þe regioun of Argob, and þis noble hil and Liban.
of þe kyngdom of Og in Baſan. xxvi And þe Lord was wrooþ to me for ȝow, ne herde me, but
v Alle þe cytees weren ſtrengþid wiþ mooſt hiȝe wallis, ȝatis, ſeide to me, It ſufficiþ to þee; namore ſpek þow of þis þing to
and barris; wiþ outen townes vnnoumbrable, þat hadden no me.
wallis. xxvii Sty vp to þe cop of Phaſge, and þin eyen turn about to
vi And we diden hem awey, as we diden to Seon, þe kyng of þe weſt, and norþ, ſouþ, and eeſt, and bihold; ne forſoþe þow
Eſebon, deſtruyinge al citee, and men, and wymmen, and litil ſhalt paſſe þis Jordan.
children; xxviii Comaund to Joſue, and ſtrengþe hym, and comfort; for
vii beeſtis forſoþe and ſpuyles of þe cytees we han frodrawen. he ſhal goo before þis puple, and dyuyde to hem þe loond þat
viii And we han take þat tyme þe loond fro þe hoond of two þou art to ſeynge.
kyngis of Amorreis, þat weren biȝonde Jordan, fro þe ſtreem xxix And we dwelliden in þe valeye, aȝens þe `mawmet temple
of Arnon vnto þe hil of Hermon, of Phegor.
ix þat Sydonys Saryon clepen, and Amoreis Sanyr;
x alle þe cytees þat ben ſet in pleyn, and al þe loond of Capitulum IIII.
Galaad, and Baſan, vnto Sewa and Edrai, þe citees of þe i And nowe, Irael, here þe heeſtis and domys, þat Y teche
kyngdom of Og, in Baſan. þee; þat doynge þem þow lyue, and goynge yn þow weelde þe
xi Oonli forſoþe Og, þe kyng of Baſan, left of þe ſtok of
loond þat þe Lord God of ȝoure fadres is to ȝeue to ȝow.
geauntis; and þe bedde of hym is ſhewid yren, þat is in ii Ȝe ſhulen not adde to þe word þat Y ſpeke to ȝow, ne take
Rabath, of þe ſones of Amon, ten cubites hauynge of lengþe, awey from it; kepe ȝe þe heeſtis of þe Lord ȝoure God, þe
and foure of brede, at þe meſure of þe cubite of mannus whiche Y comaunde to ȝow.
hoond. iii Ȝoure eyen han ſeen alle þingis þat þe Lord dide aȝens
xii And þe loond we weeldiden in þat tyme, fro Aroer, þat is
vpon þe brenk of þe ſtreem of Arnon, vnto þe myddil part of Belphegor; what maner wiſe he haþ bruſid down al þe heriers
þe hil of Galaad; and þe cytees of it Y haue ȝeuen to Ruben of it, fro þe myddil of ȝou.
iiii Forſoþe ȝe þat cleuen to þe Lord ȝoure God, lyuen alle, to
and Gad.
xiii Forſoþe þat oþer part of Galaad, and al Baſan, of þe þe day þat is nowe.
v Ȝe witen þat I tauȝt ȝow heeſtis, and riȝtwiſneſſes, as haþ
kyngdom of Og, Y haue take to þe half lynage of Manaſſe, al
þe regioun of Argob. Al Baſan was clepid þe loond of comaundid to me þe Lord my God; ſo ȝe ſhulen doo hem in
geauntis. þe loond þat ȝe ben to weeldynge,
xiiii Jayr, þe ſone of Manaſſe, weeldide al þe regioun of vi and kepe and fulfille in dede. Forſoþe þis is ȝoure wiſdam,
Argob, vnto þe teermes of Geſſuri, and Machati; and he cleep and vndirſtondynge before þe puplys, þat þei alle, herynge þes
Baſan bi his name, Anothiayr, þat is, þe towns of Jayr, vnto heeſtis, ſeyn, Loo! a wiſe puple and an vndirſtondynge! a
þe day þat is nowe. greet folk of kynde!
xv Forſoþe to Machir Y haue ȝeue Galaad; vii Ne þere is oþer nation ſo greet, þat haþ goddis neiȝynge to
xvi and to þe lynage of Ruben and Gad Y haue ȝeue þe loond hem, as oure God is nyȝ to alle oure holi preiers.
viii What is forſoþe oþer folk of kynde ſo noble, þat haþ
of Galaad, vnto þe ſtreem of Arnon, half of þe ſtreem, and þe
nyȝ cooſtis vnto þe ſtreem of Jeboch, þat is þe teerme of þe ceremoyns, and ryȝtwis domys, and al þe lawe, þat I purpoſe
ſones of Amon; to day before ȝoure eyen?
xvii and þe pleyn of wildirnes, and Jordan, and teermes of ix Keep þerfor þi ſilf, and þi ſoule biſilich; ne forȝeet þow þe
Cenereth vnto þe ſee of deſeert, þat is mooſt ſalt, to þe rotis wordis þat þin eyen han ſeen, and ne falle þei out of þin
of þe hil of Phaſga, aȝens þe eeſt. herte, alle þe dayes of þi lijf. Þow ſhalt teche hem þi ſones,
xviii And Y haue comaundid to ȝow in þat tyme, ſeyynge, Þe and þi ſone ſones;
x þe day `þe which þow ſtodiſt before þe Lord þi God in
Lord oure God ȝyueþ to ȝow þis loond into herytage; fulſpeed
goo ȝe before ȝoure briþeren, þe ſones of Yrael, alle þe Oreb, whanne to me ſpak þe Lord, ſeiynge, Gedre to me þe
ſtronge men, puple, þat he here my wordis, and lerne to drede me al tyme
xix wiþ outen wyues and litil children and beeſtis. I haue þat he lyueþ in erþe, and teche he his ſones.
xi And ȝe neiȝeden to þe root of þe hyl, þat brent vnto heuene;
knowun forſoþe þat ȝe han manye beeſtis, and in þes citees
ſhulen abide, `þe whiche Y ȝaf to ȝow, and þere weren in it derkneſſis, and clowde, and myſtynes.
xx to þe tyme þat þe Lord ȝyue reſt to ȝoure briþeren, as he xii And þe Lord ſpak to ȝow fro þe myddil of þe fier; þe voyce
haþ ȝyue to ȝow; and alſo þat þei weelden þe loond þat he is of þe wordis of hym ȝe herden, and þe forme out ryȝt ſawȝ ȝe
to ȝyuynge to hem, biȝonde Jordan; þanne ſhal turne aȝen not.
echon into his poſſeſſioun, þat Y haue ȝeue to ȝow. xiii And he ſhewide to ȝow his couenaunt, þat he comaundide
xxi To Joſue forſoþe in þat tyme I haue comaundid, ſeiynge, þat ȝe ſhulden doo, and þe ten wordis, þat he wroot in þe two
Þin eyen han ſeen þat þe Lord oure God dide to þes two ſtonen tablis.
kyngis; ſo he ſhal do to al þe rewmes, xiiii And to me he comaundide in þat tyme, þat I ſhulde teche
xxii to þe whiche þow art to paſſynge; ne drede þow hem; þe ȝow cerymoyns, and domes, þat ȝe owen to doo in þe loond
Lord oure God ſhal fiȝt for us. þat ȝe ben to weelden.
xxiii And I preyede þe Lord in þat time, ſeiynge, xv Kepe ȝe þerfor biſiliche ȝoure ſoulis; ȝe han not ſeen eny
xxiiii Lord God, þow haſt bigunne to ſhewe to þi ſeruaunt þi lickenes, in þe day þat þe Lord ſpak to ȝou in Oreb, fro þe
mochilnes, and mooſt ſtrong hoond, ne forſoþe þere is anoþer myddil of fier;
xvi leſt perauenture diſſeyued ȝe maken to ȝow a graued
God or in heuene or in erþe, þat may doo þi werkis, and be
comparyſound to þi ſtrengþe. liknes, oþer ymage of maal, or of femaal;


xvii liknes of alle beeſtis þat ben vpon erþe, or of briddis xxxix Know þow þerfor to day, and þenk in þin herte, þat þe
vndur heuene fleynge, Lord he is a God in heuene aboue, and in erþe beneþe, and
xviii and of crepynge beeſtis þat meuen in þe erþe, oþer of þere is noon oþer.
fiſſhis þat vndir þe erþe dwellen in watrys; xl Kepe þow þe heeſtis of hym, and maundements, þat I
xix leſt perauenture þe eyen reryd to heuene, þou ſe þe ſunne, comaunde to þee, þat wel it be to þee, and þi ſones after þee,
and þe mone, and alle þe ſterris of heuene, and by errour and dwelle þow myche tyme vpon þe erþe, þat þe Lord þi
diſſeyued þow honoure hem, and herye, þe whiche of nouȝt God is to ȝyue to þee.
maad þe Lord þi God, into ſeruyce to al folk of kynde, þat xli Þanne Moyſes ſeuerde þre citees, biȝonde Jordan, at þe eſt
ben vndur heuene. plage,
xx Forſoþe þe Lord took ȝow, and ladde ȝow oute fro þe yren xlii þat to hem fleeȝ þe which ſleeþ a neiȝbour, not wilnynge,
forneys of Egipte, þat he haue a puple bi herytage, as it is in ne were enemy before oon and oþer day, and to oon of þeſe
þe day þat is nowe. citees myȝte aſcape;
xxi And þe Lord was wrooþ aȝens me, for ȝoure wordis, and xliii Boſor, in wilderneſſe, þat is ſet in þe wijlde feeldi loond,
ſwore þat I ſhulde not paſſe Jordan, ne goo into þe beſt of þe lynage of Ruben; and Ramoth, in Galaad, þat is in þe
loond, þat he is to ȝyuynge to ȝow. lynage of Gad; and Golan, in Baſan, þat is in þe lynage of
xxii Loo! I dye in þis erþe; I ſhal not paſſe Jordan; ȝe ſhulen Manaſſe.
paſſe, and weelde þe noble loond. xliiii Þis is þe lawe þat Moyſes purpoſide before þe ſones of
xxiii Be war, leſt eny tyme þow forȝeete þe couenaunt of þe Yrael,
Lord þi God, þat I made couenaunt wiþ þee, and make to xlv and þeſe þe witneſſyngis, and cerymoyns, þat he ſpak to þe
þee a graued liknes of hem þat þe Lord defendide to make. ſones of Yrael, whanne þei wenten out of Egipte,
xxiiii For þe Lord þi God fier waſtynge is; a God gelows. xlvi ouer Jordan, in þe valey aȝens þe `mawmet temple of
xxv If ȝe geten ſones, and ſones ſones, and dwelliden in þe Phegor, in þe loond of Seon, kyng of Amorrei, þat dwellid in
loond, and deſſeyued make to ȝow eny liknes, doynge yuel Eſebon, whom ſmoot Moyſes. Forſoþe þe ſones of Irael goon
before þe Lord ȝoure God, þat ȝe terren hym to wraþþe, out of Egipte,
xxvi witneſſes Y inwardly clepe to day heuene and erþe, þat xlvii weeldiden þe loond of hym, and þe loond of Og, kyng of
ſoone ȝe ben to periſhen fro þe loond, þat, Jordan ouerpaſſid, Baſan, of þe two kyngis of Amorreis, þat weren biȝonde
ȝe ben to weelden; ȝe ſhulen not dwelle in it long tyme, but þe Jordan, at þe ryſynge of þe ſunne;
Lord ȝou ſhal doo awey, xlviii fro Aroer, þat is ſet vpon þe brenk of þe ſtreme of
xxvii and ſcater into alle folkis of kynde, and ȝe ſhulen dwelle Arnon, vnto þe hil of Seon, þat is in Hermon;
fewe in þe naciouns, to whiche þe Lord is to lede ȝou. xlix al þe pleyn biȝonde þe Jordan, to þe eeſt plage, vnto þe
xxviii And þere ȝe ſhulen ſerue to goddis, þe whiche bi hoond ſee of widernes, and into þe rotis of þe hil of Phaſga.
of men ben forgid of tree, and ſtoon, þat ſeen not, ne heren,
ne eten, ne ſmellen. Capitulum V.
xxix And whanne þou ſechiſt þere þe Lord þi God, þow ſhalt
i And Moyſes clepide al Yrael, and ſeide to hym, Here,
fynde hym; ſo neuerþelater þat wiþ al þin herte þow ſeche, and Yrael, cerymoyns, and domys, þat I ſpeke in ȝoure eris to
wiþ al þe tribulacioun of þi ſoule. day; lerne ȝe hem, and fulfilliþ in dede.
xxx After þat þee han foundun alle þingis þat ben before ſeid,
ii Þe Lord oure God haþ couenauntid wiþ vs a boond of pees
forſoþe þe laſt tyme þow ſhalt turne aȝen to þe Lord þi God, in Oreb;
and þow ſhalt here þe voyce of hym. iii not wiþ oure fadres he made couenaunt, but wiþ vs, þat
xxxi For a mercyable God þe Lord þi God is; he ſhal not
leeue þee, ne vtterlich doo awey, ne he ſhal forȝete þe nowe ben, and lyuen.
iiii Face to face he haþ ſpoke to vs in þe hil, fro þe myddil of
couenaunt in þe which he ſwore to þi fadris.
xxxii Aſk þow of þe oold dayes þat weren before þee, fro þe fier.
v I felawe and meene was bitwix God and ȝow in þat tyme,
daye þat þe Lord þi God fourmede man vpon erþe, fro þe
hiȝeſt of heuene vnto þe hiȝeſt of it, if þere is doon eny tyme þat I tolde to ȝow þe wordis of hym; forſoþe ȝe dreden þe
ſiche a maner þing, or euer is knowun, fier, and ȝe ſtieden not into þe hil. And he ſeiþ,
xxxiii þat þe puple herde þe voyce of þe God ſpekynge fro þe vi I þe Lord þi God, þat haue ladde þee out of þe loond of
myddil of fier, as þow herdiſt, and ſawȝ; Egipte, fro þe hows of ſeruage.
xxxiiii if God dide, þat he ȝede in, and took to hym a folk of vii Þow ſhalt not haue alyen goddis in my ſiȝt.
kynde fro þe myddil of naciouns, bi temptaciouns, ſignes, and viii Þow ſhalt not make to þee grauen þing, ne liknes of alle
wondres, bi fiȝt, and ſtrong hoond, and ſtreiȝt out þe arme, þingis þat in heuen ben aboue, and þat in erþe byneþe, and
and orrible ſiȝtes, after alle þingis þat dide for ȝow þe Lord þat dwellen in watres vndur erþe;
ȝoure God, in Egipte, ſeynge þin eyen; ix þow ſhalt not honoure hem, ne herye; forſoþe I am þe Lord
xxxv þat þow knewe for þe Lord he a God, and þere is noon
þi God, a ielouſe God, ȝeeldynge wickidnes of fadres into
oþer but oon. ſones, into þe þridde and þe ferþe generacioun to hem þat
xxxvi Fro heuene he made þee to here his voyce, þat he teche hatiden me,
þee; and in þe loond he haþ ſhewid to þee his mooſt fier, and x and doynge mercy into many þowſandes to hem þat louen
þow haſt herde þe wordis of hym fro þe myddil of fier; me, and kepen myn heeſtes.
xxxvii for he haþ loued þi fadres, and choſun þe ſeed of hem xi Þow ſhalt not myſtaak þe name of þe Lord þi God idillich,
after hem. And he ladde out þee, goynge before in his greet for he ſhal not be vnpunyſhid, þat vpon veyn þing þe name of
vertue, fro Egipte, hym takiþ.
xxxviii þat he doo awey mooſt naciouns, and þe ſtrengere, in xii Kepiþ þe day of þe ſaboth, þat þow halwe it, as þe Lord þi
þin entree, and in lede þee, and ȝeue to þee þe loond of hem God haþ comaundid to þee.
into poſſeſſioun, as þow biholdiſt in þe day þat is now. xiii Six dayes þow ſhalt worche, and doo alle þi werkis;


xiiii þe ſeuenþe day is of þe ſaboth, þat is þe reſt of þe Lord ii þat þow drede þe Lord þi God, and kepe alle þe
þi God. Þow ſhalt not doo in it eny þing of werke, þow, and maundementis, and heeſtis of hym, þat I comaunde to þee,
þi ſone, and dowȝter, ſeruaunt, and handmayden, and oxe, and to þi ſones, and to þi ſones ſones, alle þe dais of þi lijf,
and aſſe, and al þi beeſt, and pilgryme þat is wiþ ynne þi þat þi days ben drawen along.
ȝatis; þat þi ſeruaunt and handmayde reſten, and as þow. iii Here, Yrael, and keep wel, þat þow doo þat þe Lord haþ
xv Haue mynde, þat and þi ſelf ſeruede in Egipte, and þe comaundid to þee, and wel be to þee, and þow be multiplied
Lord þi God ladde þee out þens in a ſtronge hoond, and in forþermore, as þe Lord God of þi fadres haþ behoot, to ȝyue
an arme ſtreiȝt out; þerfore he haþ comaundid to þee, þat þow to þee þe loond flowynge mylk and hony.
kepe wel þe day of þe ſaboth. iiii Here, Yrael, þe Lord þi God o God is.
xvi Honour þi fader and þi moder, as þe Lord þi God haþ v Þow ſhalt loue þe Lord þi God of al þin herte, and of al þi
comaundid to þee, þat longe tyme þow lyue, and wel be to þee ſoule, and of alle þi ſtrengþis.
in þe loond þat þe Lord þi God is to ȝyuynge to þee. vi And þes wordis þat I comaunde to þee to day, ſhulen be in
xvii Þow ſhalt not ſlee.
þin herte;
xviii And þow ſhalt do no leccherye. vii and þow ſhalt telle hem to þi ſones, and deuowtly þenk,
xix And þow ſhalt doo no þeft. ſyttinge in þin howſe, and goynge in þe weie, and ſlepynge,
xx Þou ſhalt not ſpeke aȝens þi neiȝbore fals witnes. and aryſynge.
xxi Þow ſhalt not coueyte þe wijf of þi neiȝbour, ne hows, ne viii And þow ſhalt bynd hem as a tokne in þin hoond; and þei
feelde, ne ſeruaunt, ne handmayde, ne oxe, ne aſſe, and alle ſhulen be before þin eyen, and not be meued;
þingis þat of hym ben. ix and þow ſhalt write hem in þe þresfold and dores of þin
xxii Þes wordes þe Lord ſpak to al oure multitude, in þe hil, hows.
of þe myddel of fier and clowde and derkneſſe, wiþ a greet x And whanne þe Lord þi God haþ lad þee into þe loond, for
voyce, no þinge addinge more ouer; and he wroot hem in two þe which he ſwore to þi fadrys Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob,
ſtonen tablis, þat he took to me. and ȝeueþ to þee greet and beſt citees, þat þow haſt not bilde,
xxiii Ȝe forſoþe, after þat ȝe herden a voice fro þe myddel of xi howſes ful of alle ritcheſſes, þat þow haſt not made out, and
derkneſſis, and þat ȝe ſeen þe hil to brenne, ȝe comen to me cyſterns, þat þow haſt not doluen, vyyn places, and olyue
alle þe princes of þe lynages, and þe more þurȝ birþe, places, þat þow haſt not plantid, and eetiſt, and were fulfillid,
xxiiii and ſeiden, Loo! þe Lord oure God haþ ſhewid to vs xii be war biſily þat þow forȝete not þe Lord, þat haþ lad þee
maieſte, and his mychylneſſe; þe voyce of hym we han herd fro out of þe loond of Egipte, fro þe hows of ſeruage.
þe myddil of þe fier, and we han preued to day þat þurȝ God xiii Þe Lord þi God þow ſhalt drede, and to hym oonli þou
ſpekynge wiþ man a man lyueþ. ſhalt ſerue, and bi þe name of hym þow ſhalt ſwere.
xxv Whi þanne ſhulen we die, and ſhal deuowre vs þis mooſt xiiii Ȝe ſhulen not go aftir alyen goddis, of alle gentilis þat
fier? Forſoþe if we heren more þe voice of þe Lord oure God, about ȝow ben;
we ſhulen die. xv for a gelouſe God þe Lord þi God, in þe myddil of þee,
xxvi What is al fleſh, þat he here þe voice of God lyuynge,
leſt eny tyme þe woodnes of þe Lord þi God wraþþe aȝens
þat fro þe myddil of fier ſpekiþ, as we han herd, and myȝten þee, and doo þee awey fro þe vttermooſt of þe erþe.
lyue? xvi Þow ſhalt not tempte þe Lord þi God, as þow haſt
xxvii Þow more goo niȝ, and here alle þingis þat þe Lord
temptid in þe place of temptynge.
oure God ſhal ſeye to þee; and þow ſhalt ſpeke to vs, and we xvii Keep þe heeſtis of þe Lord þi God, and witneſſyngis, and
herynge ſhal doon hem.
xxviii Þe which þing whanne þe Lord hadde herd, ſeiþ to me, cerymoyns, þat he comaundid to þee;
xviii and do þat is pleſaunt and good in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord,
I haue herd þe voys of þe wordes of þis puple, þat þei han
ſpokun to þee; wel alle þingis þei han ſpokun. þat it wel be to þee, and þow goon yn weelde þe beſt loond,
xxix Who ȝyueþ hem ſiche þouȝt to haue, þat þei dreden me, of þe which þe Lord haþ ſwore to þi fadres,
xix þat he ſhal do awey alle þin enemyes bifore þee, as he haþ
and kepen alle my maundementis in al tyme, þat wel it be to
hem, and to þe ſones of hem, into wiþ outen ende? ſpokun.
xxx Go, and ſey to hem, Turneþ aȝen into ȝoure tentis. xx And whanne þi ſone aſkiþ þee to morwe, ſeiynge, What to
xxxi Forſoþe þow ſtoond here wiþ me, and I ſhal ſpeke to þee hem ſelf wolen þes witneſſyngis, and cerymoyns, and domes,
þat þe Lord oure God haþ comaundid to vs?
al þe maundementis, and ceremoyns, and domes, þat þow xxi þow ſhalt ſeie to hym, Þrallis of Pharao we weren in
ſhalt teche hem, þat þei doon hem in þe loond þat Y ſhal ȝeue
to hem into poſſeſſioun. Egipte, and þe Lord ladde vs out of Egipte, in a ſtrong
xxxii Kepe ȝe þerfore, and doþ hem, `þe whiche þe Lord God hoond;
xxii and haþ doo ſignes, and greet wondris, and mooſt yuel in
haþ comaundid to ȝow; ȝe ſhulen not bowe aſide, ne to þe
ryȝt, ne to þe left, Egipte, aȝens Pharao, and alle þe ſeruauntis of hym, in ȝoure
xxxiii but bi þe weie þat þe Lord ȝoure God haþ comaundid, ſiȝt.
xxiii And he ladde ȝow out þens, þat vs lad ynne, he ȝyue þe
ȝe ſhulen goo, þat ȝe lyuen, and wel be to ȝow, and ȝoure
daies ben drawun along in þe loond of ȝoure poſſeſſyoun. loond, vp þe which he haþ ſwore to oure fadres.
xxiiii And þe Lord haþ comaundid to vs, þat we doon alle þes
Capitulum VI. lawful þinges, and drede þe Lord oure God, þat it wel be to
vs alle þe dayes of oure lijf, as it is to day.
i Theſeben þe heeſtis, and cerymoyns, and domes, þat þe xxv And he ſhal be merciable of vs, if we doon and kepen alle
Lord oure God comaundide þat Y ſhulde teche ȝow, and ȝe þe heeſtes of hym, bifore þe Lord oure God, as he haþ
doon hem in þe loond to þe which to be weeldid ȝe paſſen comaundyd to vs.


Capitulum VII. xx Forþermore and horſefleȝis þe Lord þi God ſhal ſende to

i Whanne
hem, to þe tyme þat he doo awey alle, and ſcater, þat fleen
þe Lord þi God haþ lad þee into þe loond, þe which þee, and ben `hid mowen þei not.
to weelde þow ſhalt goo yn, and doþ awey many gentilis xxi Þou ſhalt not drede hem, for þe Lord þi God is in þe
before þee, Ethee, and Gergeſe, and Amorre, Chananee, myddil of þee, þe greet God, and feerful.
Phereſe, Euee, and Gebuſe; ſeuen folkis, of myche more xxii He ſhal waſte þes naciouns `in þi ſiȝt, litilmele and bi
noumbre þan þow art, and ſtronger `þan þow;
ii and þe Lord God take hem to þee, and þow ſhalt ſmyte hem partees; þow ſhalt not mowe doo hem awey togidre, leſt
vnto þe deþ, þow ſhalt not maak wiþ hem couenaunt of pees, perauenture be multiplied aȝens þee þe beeſtys of þe erþe;
xxiii and þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝeue hem in þi ſiȝt, and ſle
ne haue mercy of hem,
iii ne felawſhip wiþ hem mariagis; þi douȝter þow ſhalt not hem, to þe tyme þat fulli þei ben doon aweie.
xxiiii And he ſhal take þe kyngis of hem into þin hoondes,
ȝeue to his ſone, ne his douȝter þow ſhalt take to þi ſone;
iiii for ſhe ſhal lede aſide þi ſone, þat he folwe not me, and þat and þow ſhalt ſcater þe names of hem vndur heuene; no man
more he ſerue to alyen goddis; and þe woodenes of þe Lord ſhal mowe wiþſtoonde to þee, to þe tyme þat þow al to-trede
ſhal wraþþe, and ſoone do þee awey. hem.
xxv Þe grauen þingis of hem wiþ fier þow ſhalt brenne; þow
v But raþer þes þingis `ȝe ſhulen doo to hem; þe auters of
hem vndurturneþ, and brekiþ togidres þe ymagis, and þe ſhalt not coueyt ſiluer and gold, of þe whiche þei ben maad,
`mawmet wodis hewiþ down, and þe grauen þingis brenneþ. ne þow ſhalt take of hem to þee eny þing, ne offend þow for
vi For an holy puple þou art to þe Lord þi God; þe Lord þi
hem, for abhomynacioun it is of þe Lord þi God.
xxvi Ne brynge þow yn eny þing of þe mawmet into þin
God haþ choſen þee, þat þow be to hym a ſpecial puple, fro al hows, leſt þow be maad accurſid, as and it is; as ſtynk þow
þe puples þat ben vpon erþe. ſhalt looþ, and as filþhed and horþe of abbomynacioun þow
vii Not for al þe gentilis in noumbre ȝe vencuſiden, þe Lord
ſhalt haue, for curſid it is.
is ioyned to ȝow, and haþ choſun ȝow, whanne ȝe ben fewer
þan alle þe puples; Capitulum VIII.
viii but for þe Lord haþ loued ȝow, and haþ kept þe teſtament
þat he haþ ſworn to ȝour fadres; and he haþ lad ȝow out in a i Al maundement þat I comaunde to þee to day be war biſili
ſtrong hoond, and haþ raunſomyd fro þe hows of ſeruage, and þat þow doo, þat ȝe mowen lyue, and þat ȝe ben multiplied,
fro þe hows of Pharao, þe kyng of Egipte. and goon yn, ȝe weelden þe loond, for þe which þe Lord haþ
ix And þow ſhalt wyte, for þe Lord þi God he is a ſtrong ſworn to ȝoure fadres.
God, and a feiþful, kepynge couenaunt and mercy to þilk þat ii And þow ſhalt recorde of al þe weie, bi þe which þe Lord þi
louen hym, and to hem þat kepen his heeſtis, into þowſande God haþ lad þee fourti wintir, bi deſeert, þat he traueyle þee,
generaciouns; and tempte; and weren knowun þat in þin inwitte weren
x and ȝeeldynge anoon to hem þat haten hym, ſo þat he ſcater ſtyryd, wheþer þow woldiſt kepe þe heeſtis of hym, or noo.
hem, and ferþer differre not; anoon ȝeldynge to hem þat þei iii He trauelde þee wiþ ſcarſenes, and ȝaf to þee meet manna,
deſeruen. þe which vnknewe þow, and þi fadres, þat he ſhewe to þee,
xi Kepe þerfore þe heeſtis, and cerymoyns, and domes, þat I þat not in oonly breed lyueþ man, but in eche word of God,
comaunde to þee to day, þat þow doo. þat goþ out of þe mouþ of þe Lord.
xii If after þat þow heriſt þes domes, kepiſt hem, and dooſt, iiii Þi cloþinge, wiþ þe which þow were couerd, for eelde
þe Lord þi God ſhal kepe couenaunt to þee, and mercy, þat he faylide not, and þi foot was not vndur bryſſed, loo! þe fourtiþ
ſwore to þi fadres. ȝeer is;
xiii And he ſhal loue þee, and multiplie, and he ſhal bleſſe to v þat þow aȝen þenke in þin herte, for as a man techiþ his
þe fruyt of þi wombe, and to þe fruyt of þi loond, and to þi ſone, ſo þe Lord þi God tauȝte þee,
whete, and to þi vyndage, oyle, and droues, flockis of þi vi þat þow kepe þe heeſtis of þe Lord þi God, and goo in þe
ſheep, vpon þe loond for þe which he haþ ſwore to þi fadris, weies of hym, and drede hym.
þat he ȝeue it to þee. vii Forſoþe þe Lord þi God ſhal lede þee into a good lond, þe
xiiii Bliſſid þow ſhalt be among alle puples; þere ſhal not be lond of ryuers, and of watrys, and of welles, in whos feeldis
anentis þee bareyn of eiþer kynde, as wel in men, as in þi and hillis breken out gedrynges of flodes;
flockis. viii þe loond of whete, and of barly, and of vynes, in þe which
xv Þe Lord ſhall doo awey fro þee al ſorwe; and þe worſt figis, and poomgernettis, and olyues growen; þe loond of oyle
infirmytees of Egipte, þat þow haſt knowun, he ſhal not put and of hony;
in to þee, but to al þin enemyes. ix where wiþ out eny ſcarſenes þow ſhalt eete þi breed, and
xvi And þow ſhalt deuowr alle þe puples, `þe whiche þe Lord þow ſhal ful vſe þe plente of alle þinges; whos ſtones ben
þi God is to ȝyue to þee; þin eye ſhal not ſpare to hem, ne yren, and of þe hillis of it ben doluen metallys of braſſe;
ſerue to þe goddis of hem, leſt þei ben into dounfallynge of x þat whanne þow eetiſt, and were fulfillid, þow bleſſe to þe
þee. Lord þi God for þe beſt loond þat he haþ ȝeue to þee.
xvii If þow ſeiſt in þin herte, Mo ben þes folk þan Y, what xi Kepe wel, and bewarre, leſt eny tyme þow forȝete þe Lord
maner wiſe ſhal I mowe doo awey hem? þi God, and myſleue þe heeſtis of hym, and domes, and
xviii wol þow not drede, but recorde þat þe Lord þi God haþ cerymoyns, þat Y comaunde to þee to day;
doo to Pharao, and to alle þe Egipciens, xii leſt after þat þow etiſt, and were fillid, feyr howſes bildiſt,
xix mooſt veniaunces, þat þin eyen han ſeen, and toknes, and and dwellidiſt in hem,
wondres, and a ſtrong hoond, and a ſtrauȝt out arme, þat þe xiii and haſt droues of oxen, and flockis of ſheep, and plente
Lord þi God out lede þee; ſo þow ſhalt doo to alle puples `þe of ſiluer, and of gold, and of alle þinges,
which þow drediſt. xiiii þin herte be reryd, and haue no mynde of þe Lord þi
God, þat haþ lad þee out of þe loond of Egipte, and of þe
hows of ſeruage,


xv and þi leder was in greet wildernes, and feerful, in þe xiii And eft þe Lord ſeide to me, I biholde, þat þis puple is
which was ſerpent þurȝ blaſt brennynge, and ſcorpioun, and of hard nolle;
`dipſas, þat is, an eddre þat whom he bitiþ, he makeþ þurȝ xiiii ſuffre me, þat I trede hym doun, and doo awey þe name
þreſte die, and noon algatis watris; þe which ladde out of hym vndur heuene; and Y ſhal ſet þee vpon folk þat is
ryueres of þe mooſt hard ſtoon, more and ſtrenger þan þis.
xvi and fedde þee wiþ manna in wildernes, þe which knewen xv And whanne I ſhulde deſcende fro þe hil brennynge, and
not þi fadres. And after þat he trauelde þee, and ſtrengþide, two tablis of þe boond of pees I heelde wiþ eiþer hoond,
at þe eende he hadde mercy of þee, xvi and ſawȝ ȝow to haue ſynned to þe Lord ȝoure God, and
xvii leſt þow ſeidiſt in þin herte, My ſtrengþe, and myȝt of
haue maad to ȝow a ȝoten calf, and han forſake ſwiftly þe wey
myn hoond alle þes þingis to me han ȝeuen. of hym, þat he ſhewide to ȝow,
xviii But record þow of þe Lord þi God, þat he ſtrengþes haþ xvii I þrewe afer þe tablis fro myn hoondis, and breek hem in
ȝeue to þee, þat he fulfille his couenaunt, `vp þe which he haþ ȝoure ſiȝt.
ſworne to þi fadris, as þe preſent day ſhewiþ. xviii And I felle down before þe Lord as before, fourti days
xix If forſoþe forȝeten of þe Lord þi God, folwediſt alien
and fourti nyȝt, breed not etynge, and water not drynkynge,
goddis, and herye hem, and honoure, loo! now Y before ſeye for alle ȝoure ſynnes þat ȝe diden aȝens þe Lord, and hym to
to þee, þat vtterly þow ſhalt periſhe; wraþþe han terred;
xx as þe gentilis, þat þe Lord dyde awey in þin entre, ſo and xix forſoþe I dredde þe indignacioun and þe wraþþe of hym,
ȝe ſhulen periſhe, if inobeiſhaunt ȝe `ſhulen be to þe voys of þe `in which aȝens ȝow ſtyryd, wold doo ȝow a wey. And þe
Lord ȝoure God. Lord herde me alſo þis while.
xx Forſoþe aȝens Aaron hugeli wrooþ, he wolde hym trede,
Capitulum IX. and for hym lijk maner Y preiede.
i Here, xxi Forſoþe ȝoure ſynne þat ȝe diden, þat is, þe calf, takynge
Yrael; þow ſhalt to day gon ouer Jordan, þat þow
weelde mooſt naciouns, and ſtrenger þan þow; greet cytees, Y brent wiþ fier, and in gobetis brekynge, and vtterly into
and into heuene wallid; powdre doynge, Y þrewe ferre into þe ſtreem þat deſcendide
ii a greet puple, and an hieȝe; þe ſones of Enachym, `þe fro þe hil.
xxii In þe brennynge forſoþe, and in þe temptynge, and in þe
whiche þi ſelf haſt ſeen, and herd, to þe whiche no man may
aȝen wiþſtoond. Sepulcres of Luſt, ȝe terreden þe Lord;
iii Þanne to day þow ſhalt wite, þat þe Lord þi God he ſhal xxiii and whanne Y ſente ȝow fro Cades Barne, ſeiynge, Stye
go before þee; fier deuowrynge and waſtynge, þe which briſſe ȝe vp, and weelde ȝe þe loond þat I haue ȝeue to ȝow, and ȝe
hem down, and doo awey, and ſcatre before þi face ſwiftly, as han diſpiſid þe maundement of þe Lord ȝoure God, and han
he haþ ſpokun to þee. not leued to hym, ne his voyce heren ȝe wolden;
iiii Ne ſey þow in þin herte, whanne þe Lord þi God haþ doo xxiiii but euer more ȝe weren rebel, fro þe day þat I biganne
hem awey in þi ſiȝt, For my riȝtwiſnes þe Lord haþ lad me to knowe ȝow.
in, þat þis loond I weelde; ſiþ for her wickidneſſes þes xxv And Y leye before þe Lord fourti days and fourti nyȝtis,
naciouns ben doon awey. in þe whiche hym mekely Y preyede, þat he ne ſhulde do ȝou
v Forſoþe ne for þi riȝtwiſneſſes, and euenneſſe of þin herte awey, as he þratte.
þow ſhalt goon yn, þat þow weelde þe loondes of hem; but for xxvi And preiynge I ſeide, Lord God, ne ſcater þow þi puple,
þei diden vnpitownes, þe comynge yn, ben doon awey, and þat and þin herytage, þat þow haſt bouȝt in þi mychilnes, þe
þe Lord fulfille his word þat vnder ooþ he haþ bihoot to þi which þow haſt lad out of Egipte in a ſtrong hoond.
fadres Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob. xxvii Record of þi ſeruauntis, Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob; ne
vi Wite þow þen, þat not for þi riȝtwiſneſſe þe Lord þi God
bihold þow þe hardnes of þis puple, and vnpitowſnes, and
ſhal ȝyue to þee þis beſt loond into poſſeſſioun, ſiþ þow art a ſynne,
puple of mooſt hard nolle. xxviii leſt perauenture þe dwellers of þe loond, of þe which
vii Haue mynde, and forȝete þow not what maner wiſe to
þow haſt lad vs out, ſeyn, Þe Lord myȝte not lede hem into
wraþþe þow terrediſt þe Lord þi God in wildernes; fro þat þe loond þat he bihiȝte hem, and hatide hem; þerfor he haþ
day þat þow wentiſt out of Egipte vnto þis place, euere more lad out, þat he ſle hem in wildernes,
aȝens þe Lord þou ſtriuediſt. xxix þat ben þi puple, and þin herytage, `þe which þow haſt
viii For and in Oreb þow terrediſt hym, and wrooþ he wolde
lad out in þi greet ſtrengþe, and in þi ſtreiȝt out arme.
doo þee awey,
ix whanne I ſtiede into þe hil, þat I took two ſtonen tablis,
Capitulum X.
tablis of couenaunt, þe Lord couenauntide wiþ ȝou, and I
abood in þe hil fourti days and nyȝt, breed not etynge, and i In þat tyme þe Lord ſeide to me, Plaan to þee two ſtonen
water not drynkynge. tables, as þe raþer weren; and ſty vp to me into þe hil. And
x And þe Lord ȝaf to me two ſtonen tablis, eiþer wrytun wiþ þow ſhalt make a treen ark,
þe fyngre of God, and conteynynge alle þe wordis þat to ȝow ii and I ſhal write in þe tablis wordes þat weren in hem `þe
he ſpak in þe hil, fro þe myddil of fier, whanne al þe whiche before þou breeke; and þow ſhalt putt hem into þe ark.
companye of þe puple was gedrid. iii I made þerfor þe ark of trees of Sechym; and whanne I
xi And whanne fourti days weren paſſed, and ſo feele nyȝt, þe hadde planed two ſtonen tablis, at þe lyknes of þe raþer, I
Lord ȝaf to me two ſtonen tablis, tablis of boond of pees; ſtide vp into þe hil, hauynge hem in hoondes.
xii and he ſeide to me, Ryſe, and go hens anoon, for þi puple, iiii And he wroot in þe tables, after þat þat he hadde wryten
þat þow haſt lad out of Egipte, han forſake ſwiftli þe weie þat before ten wordes, þat þe Lord ſpak to vs in þe hil, fro þe
þou haſt ſhewid to hem, and han maad to hem ſelf a ȝoten myddil of fier, whanne þe puple was gedryd, and haþ ȝeue
calf. hem to me.


v And turned aȝen fro þe hil, Y deſſendid, and putte þe tables v and to ȝow what þingis he haþ doo in wildernes, to þe tyme
into þe ark þat I made, þe whiche ȝit hidir to þere ben, as þe þat ȝe camen to þis place;
Lord haþ comaundid to me. vi and to Dathan and Abyron, þe ſones of Eliab, þat was þe
vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael meeueden tentis fro Beroth, of ſone of Ruben, whom þe erþe, his mouþ opned, ſowpide awey,
þe ſones of Jachan, in Moſera, where Aaron is deed, and wiþ howſes and tabernaclis, and al þe ſubſtaunce of hem þat
biryed, for whom his ſone Eleazar bere þe office of preeſt. þei hadden, in þe myddil of Yrael.
vii Þens þei camen in Galaad; fro þe which place goon forþ, vii Ȝoure eyen ſawȝen alle þe greet werkis of þe Lord, `þe
þei ſettiden tentis in Gethabatha, in þe loond of watris and of whiche he dide,
ſtremes. viii þat ȝe kepen alle þe maundementis of hym, þe whiche I to
viii Þat tyme I ſeuerde þe lynage of Leuy, þat he bere þe ark day comaunde to ȝow, and mowen goo yn, and weelde þe
of þe boond of pees of þe Lord, and ſtoond before hym in loond, to þe which ȝe ſhulen goon yn,
ſeruyce, and bleſſe in þe name of hym, into þe preſent day. ix and myche tyme lyue in it, þat vndur ooþ þe Lord haþ
ix Wherfor Leuy hadde no part ne poſſeſſioun wiþ his bihoot to ȝoure fadres, and to þe ſeed of hem, mylk and hony
briþeren, for he þe Lord is þe poſſeſſioun of hym, as þe Lord flowynge.
þi God haþ bihoot to hym. x Forſoþe þe loond, to þe which to be weeldid þow ſhalt goon
x I forſoþe ſtood in þe hil, as bifore, fourti dais and fourti yn, is not as þe loond of Egipte, of þe which þow wentiſt out,
nyȝt, and þe Lord herde me in þis while, and wold not leſe where þe ſeed þrowun in maner of gardyns moyſtynge watrys
þee. ben lad;
xi And he ſeide to me, Go, and weend before þe puple, þat he xi but it is hilli, and feeldi, abidynge fro heuene reynes,
goo yn, and weelde þe loond þat I haue ſworn to þe fadres of xii þat þe Lord þi God euermore viſitiþ, and þe eyen of hym
hem, þat I ſhulde take to hem. in it ben, fro þe bigynnynge of þe ȝeer vnto þe eend of it.
xii And nowe, Yrael, what þing þe Lord þi God aſkiþ of þee, xiii If þanne ȝe obeſhen to myn heeſtis þat I to day comaunde
but þat þow drede þe Lord þi God, and goo in þe weies of to ȝou, þat ȝe louen þe Lord ȝoure God, and ſerue to hym in
hym, and loue hym, and ſerue to þe Lord þi God in al þin al ȝoure herte, and in al ȝoure ſoule;
herte, and in al þi ſoule; xiiii he ſhal ȝyue to ȝoure loond reyn tymeli and laate, þat ȝe
xiii and kepe þe heeſtis of þe Lord þi God, and þe cerymouns
gederen to gider whete, and wyn, and oyle,
of hym, þat I to day comaunde to þee, þat wel it be to þee. xv haye of þe feeldes to beeſtis to ben fed, and þat ȝe eten and
xiiii Loo! of þe Lord þi God is heuene, and heuene of heuene,
ben fulfillid.
erþe, and alle þingis þat in it ben; xvi Be ȝe war, leſt perauenture ȝoure herte be diſſeyued, and
xv and neuerþelater to þi faders ioyned is þe Lord, and he
ȝe goon a wey fro þe Lord, and ſeruen to alyen goddes, and
louede hem, and haþ choſen þe ſeed of hem, after hem, þat is, honoure hem;
ȝow, fro alle gentils, as to day is preued. xvii and þe Lord wrooþ clooſe heuenes, and reynes comen not
xvi Kutte ȝe about þerfore þe vttermore part of ȝoure herte,
down, ne þe erþe ȝyue his buriownynge, and ȝe periſhen
and ȝoure nolle forþermore harde ȝe not. ſwiftli fro þe beſt loond þat þe Lord is to ȝeuynge to ȝow.
xvii For þe Lord oure God he is God of goddis, and Lord of xviii Putte ȝe þes my wordis in þe hertis, and in ȝoure
lordyngis; a greet God, and myȝti, and dreedful, þat perſoone inwittis, and honge ȝe hem vp for a tokne in hoondis, and
takeþ not, ne ȝiftis. among ȝoure eyen ſette ȝe.
xviii He doþ doom to þe faderles child, and to widewe, and xix Teche ȝe ȝoure ſones, þat hem þei deuowtli þenken,
loueþ þe pilgrime, and ȝyueþ to hym lyuelod, and cloþinge. whanne þow ſittiſt in þin hows, and goſt in þe weye, and
xix And ȝe þerfore loueþ pilgrimys, for and ȝe ȝoure ſelf lyiſt, and aryſiſt.
weren pilgrimys in þe loond of Egipt. xx Þow ſhalt wryte hem vpon þe poſtis and ȝatis of þin hows,
xx Þe Lord þi God þow ſhalt drede, and to hym þow ſhalt xxi þat þi days and of þi ſones be multiplied in þe loond þat
ſerue, and to hym þow ſhalt drawe to, and ſwere in þe name þe Lord ſwore to þi fadris, þat he ſhulde ȝyue to hem, as long
of hym. as heuene ſtoont a boue to erþe.
xxi He is þi preyſynge, and þi God, þat haþ do to þee þes xxii Forſoþe if ȝe kepen þe heeſtis þat I comaunde to ȝow,
greet þingis, and feerful, þat þin eyen han ſeen. and doon hem, þat ȝe louen þe Lord ȝoure God, and goon in
xxii In ſeuenti ſoules þi fadres deſſendeden into Egipte, and alle þe weyes of hym, drawynge to hym,
loo! now þe Lord þi God haþ multiplied þee as ſterres of xxiii þe Lord Almyȝti ſhal ſcater alle þes gentilis bifore ȝoure
heuene. face, and ȝe ſhulen weelde hem þat ben more and ſtrenger þan
Capitulum XI. xxiiii Eche place þat ȝoure foot trediþ, ſhal be ȝour; fro deſeert,
i Loue alſo þe Lord þi God, and kepe wel þe heeſtis of hym, and fro Libane, and þe greet flood of Effrate vnto þe weſt ſee,
and cerymoyns, domes, and maundementis, al tyme. ſhulen ben ȝoure termes.
xxv No man ſhal ſtoond aȝens ȝow; ȝoure dreed and feerd
ii Knowe ȝe to day þat ȝoure ſones vnknowen, þat han not
ſeen þe diſciplyne of þe Lord ȝoure God, þe greet þingis of ſhulen ȝyue þe Lord ȝoure God vpon al þe loond þat ȝe ben to
hym, and ſtrong hoond, and ſtrauȝt arme, trede, as he haþ ſpoke to ȝow.
xxvi Loo! I purpoſe in ȝoure ſiȝt to day bleſſynge and
iii toknes and werkis, þat he dide in þe myddil of Egipte to
Pharao þe kynge, and to al his loond, curſynge;
xxvii bleſſynge, if ȝe obeiſhen to þe heeſtis of þe Lord ȝour
iiii and to al þe ooſt of Egipciens, and to hors and charys;
what maner wiſe couerden hem watris of þe Reed See, God, þat to day I comaunde to ȝow;
xxviii curſynge, if ȝe heren not þe maundementis of þe Lord
whanne þei purſueden ȝow, and þe Lord dide hem awey vnto
þe day þat is now; ȝoure God, but gon awey fro þe weie þat Y now ſhewe to
ȝow, and gon after alien goddis þat ȝe knowen not.


xxix Forſoþe whanne þe Lord þi God lediþ þee into þe loond, beeſtis, and alle þingis þat þow auowiſt, and wilfulli wolt
to þe which to be had þow gooſt, þow ſhalt putte bleſſynge offre, and þe firſt fruytis of þin hoondes;
vpon þe hil of Gariſym, curſynge vpon þe hil Hebal, xviii but bifore þe Lord þi God þow ſhalt ete hem, in þe place
xxx þat ben biȝonde Jordan, after þe weye þat turneþ to þe þat þe Lord þi God cheſiþ, þow, and þi ſone, and þi douȝter,
ſunne goynge down, in þe loond of Chananey, þat dwelliþ in knaue ſeruaunt, and meyde ſeruaunt, and þe Leuyte þat
þe wilde feeldes aȝens Galgalam, þat is biſide þe valey dwelliþ in þi citees; and þow ſhalt glade, and be fulfild before
ſtrecchynge and entrynge aferre. þe Lord þi God, in alle þingis to þe which þou ſtrecchiſt þin
xxxi Forſoþe ȝe ſhulen paſſe Jordan, þat ȝee weelden þe loond hoond.
xix Be war þat þow forſake not þe Leuyte in al tyme, in þe
þat þe Lord ȝoure God is to ȝyue to ȝow, and ȝe han and
weelde it. which þow dwelliſt in erþe.
xxxii Se ȝe þerfore þat ȝe fulfillen þe cerymoyns and domes, xx Whanne þe Lord þi God ſhal large þi termes, as he haþ
þat I to day ſhal putte in ȝoure ſiȝt. ſpoke to þee, and þow wolt ete fleſh, þat þi ſoule deſireþ,
xxi forſoþe þe place þat þe Lord þi God cheſiþ, þat his name
Capitulum XII. be þere, if it were ferre, þow ſhalt ſlee of þe droues, and of þi
beeſtis, `þe whiche þow haſt, as he haþ comaundid to þee; and
i Thes ben þe heeſtes and domes, þat ȝe owen to doon in þe þow ſhalt eete in þi burȝtouns, as it pleſiþ to þee.
loond þat þe Lord God is to ȝyue to þee, þat þow weelde it, xxii As is etun a capret and an hert, ſo þow ſhalt eete hem;
alle dayes in þe whiche vpon þe erþe þow ſhalt goon. and cleene and unclene in comun ſhulen be ete.
ii Turne ȝe doun alle places in þe whiche þe gentilis þat ȝe xxiii Þat oonli ſhun, leſt þow eete blood; forſoþe blood of hem
ben to weelde, heried her goddis, vpon hiȝe mounteyns, and is for þe ſoule, and þerfore þow ſhalt not eete a ſoule wiþ
hillis, and vndir al þik braunchid tree. fleſh,
iii Scatre ȝe þe auters of hem, and brekiþ togidre þe ymagis; xxiiii but as water þow ſhalt heeld vpon erþe,
þe mawmet wodes brenneþ wiþ fier, and þe mawmettis xxv þat wel it be to þee, and to þi ſones after þee, whanne
deſtruy ȝe; ſcatre ȝe þe names of hem fro þe places. þow doſt þat pleſiþ in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
iiii Ȝe ſhulen not doo ſo to þe Lord ȝoure God;
xxvi And þat þow auowiſt and halowiſt to þe Lord, þow ſhalt
v but to þe place þat þe Lord ȝoure God cheſiþ of alle ȝoure
take, and come to þe place þat þe Lord cheſiþ,
lynages, þat he putte his name þere, and dwelle in it; ȝe xxvii and offre þin offryngis, fleſh and blood, vpon þe auter of
ſhulen come, þe Lord þi God; þe blood of þe ooſtis þou ſhalt heelde in þe
vi and offre in þat place brent ſacrificis, and ȝoure ſlayn
auter, and fleſh þi ſilf ſhalt eete.
offryngis, and dymes, and firſt fruytis of ȝoure hoondis, and xxviii Kepe wel and here alle þingis þat I comaunde to þee,
auowis and ȝiftis, þe firſt goten of oxen, and of ſheep. þat it wel be to þee, and to þi ſones after þee, into wiþ outen
vii And ȝe ſhulen eete þere in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord ȝoure God;
eende, whanne þow doſt þat is good and pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of
and ȝe ſhulen glade in alle þingis, to which putten hoond, ȝe þe Lord þi God.
and ȝoure howſes, in þe whiche þe Lord ȝoure God bleſſe to xxix Whanne þe Lord þi God ſcaterreþ before þi face þe
ȝou. gentilis, to þe whiche to be weeldid þou ſhalt goon yn, and
viii Ȝe ſhulen not doo þere þat we doon here to day, eche þat
weelde hem, and dwelle in þe loond of hem,
to hym ſelf ſemeþ riȝt. xxx be war þat þow folwe not hem, after þat þe comynge yn
ix Forſoþe ne vnto þe tyme þat is nowe ȝe comen to reſt and
þei weren vnder turned, and ſeche þe cerymoyns of hem,
to þe poſſeſſioun, þat þe Lord God is to ȝeue to ȝow. ſeiynge, As þeſe gentils heryden her goddis, ſo and Y ſhal
x Ȝe ſhulen paſſe Jordan, and dwelle in þe loond þat þe Lord hery.
ȝoure God is to ȝyue to ȝow, þat ȝe reſten fro alle enemyes bi xxxi Þow ſhalt not do lijk maner to þe Lord þi God; forſoþe
enuyroun, and dwellen wiþ outen eny drede. alle abhomynaciouns þat þe Lord contrarieþ þei han doon to
xi In þe place þat þe Lord ȝour God cheſiþ, þat his name be her goddis, offrynge ſones, and dowȝtris, and brennynge wiþ
in it. Þidre alle þingis þat Y comaunde ȝe ſhulen bere, brent þe fier.
ſacrifices, and ooſtis, and dymes, and firſt fruytis of ȝoure xxxii What I comaunde to þee, þat þow oonly do to þe Lord,
hoondes, and what euer þing cheefe is in ȝiftis, þat ȝe han ne adde þow eny þing, ne laſſe.
vowid to þe Lord.
xii Þere ȝe ſhulen eete before þe Lord ȝoure God, ȝe, and
Capitulum XIII.
ſones, and ȝoure douȝtres, men ſeruauntis, and wymmen
ſeruauntis, and Leuytis, þat in ȝoure cytees dwellen; forſoþe i If þere riſe in þe myddil of þee a prophete, oþere eny man
ne þei han oþer part and poſſeſſioun among ȝow. ſeiþ hym ſilf to haue ſeen a ſweuen, and he ſeiþ before a
xiii Be war þat þou offre not þi brent ſacrifices in alle places tokne and wondre,
þat þou ſhalt ſe, ii and comiþ þat he ſpak, and ſeiþ to þee, Goo we, and folwe
xiiii but in it þat þe Lord ſhal cheſe in oon of þi lynagis þow we alien goddis, þat þow vnknowiſt, and ſerue we to hem,
ſhalt offre ooſtis, and doo alle þingis þat Y comaunde to þee. iii þow ſhalt not here þe wordis of þis prophete and dremer;
xv Forſoþe if þow wolt eete, and þee þe etynge of fleſh delyte, for þe Lord ȝoure God temptiþ ȝow, þat `it be maad opyn
ſle, and eete after þe bleſſynge of þe Lord þi God, þat he haþ wheþer ȝe louen hym or not, in al ȝoure herte, and in al ȝoure
ȝeue to þee in þy cytees, oþer vnclene it were, þat is, wemmed ſoule.
and feble, oþer cleene, þat is, hool and wiþouten wemme, þat iiii Þe Lord ȝoure God folowe ȝe, and hym drede ȝe; þe
is leueful to ben offrid, and as capret and hert þow ſhalt eete; heeſtis of hym kepiþ, and heriþ þe voyce of hym; to hym ȝe
xvi wiþ outen etynge oonli of þe blood, þat vpon þe erþe as ſhulen ſerue, and to hym ȝe ſhulen drawe to.
water þow ſhalt heeld out. v Forſoþe þat prophete or feyner of ſweuens ſhal be ſlayn; for
xvii Þow ſhalt not mowe eete in þy burghtownes dimes of he haþ ſpoken þat he turne ȝow awey fro þe Lord ȝoure God,
whete, of wyn, and of þin oyle, þe firſt geten of droues, and þat haþ lad ȝow out of þe loond of Egipte, and haþ
raunſomed ȝow fro þe hows of ſeruage, þat he make þee to


erre fro þe weye þat þe Lord þi God haþ comaundid to þee; ix Þes þingis ȝe ſhulen eete, of alle þingis þat dwellen in
and þow ſhalt doo awey yuel fro þe myddil of þee. watris; þo þat han fynnys and ſcalis eete ȝe;
vi If þi broþer, þe ſone of þi moder, wol meue þee, or þi ſone, x þo þat wiþ outen fynnys and ſcales ben, eete ȝe not, for þei
or þi douȝter, oþer wijf þat is in þi boſome, oþer freende þat ben vnclene.
þow loueſt as þi ſoule, pryueli ſeiynge, Goo we, and ſerue we xi Alle clene briddis eete ȝe;
to alien goddis, `þe whiche vnknowiſt þow, and þi fadres,
vii of alle gentilis in enuyrown, þat biſide or ferre ben, fro þe xii vnclene eete ȝe not, þat is, egle, and griffun, and a
bigynnynge vnto endynge of þe loond, merliȝon,
viii aſſent þou not to hym, ne hyre, ne ſpare to hym þin eye, xiii and yron, `þat is, a whyte foul, laſſe þan a grijp, and of
þat þow haue mercy, and hide hym, his kynde, and gryip, and kyte, aftir his kynde,
ix but anoon þow ſhalt ſle hym. Be firſt þin hoond vpon hym, xiiii and al þing of crowe kynde,
and after þee al þe puple put on hoond. xv and oſtrich, and nyȝt foul, and a koote, and an hawke,
x He ſhal be clepid þe þrowun down wiþ ſtonus; for he wold after his kynde,
drawe þee awey fro þe Lord þi God, þat ladde þee out of þe xvi a gerfawkon, and a ſwan, and an ybyn, `þat is a foule of
loond of Egipte, fro þe hows of ſeruage, Nyle flood, þat puttynge his bille into his ers, purgiþ hym
xi þat al Irael herynge drede, and no more do eny þing lijk of ſelf,
þis þing. xvii and a dyuedap, a pellican, and a nyȝt crowe, a
xii If þow here in oon of þi citees, þat þe Lord þi God ſhal cormeraunt,
ȝyue to þee to dwelle, ſum men ſeiynge, xviii and a iay, eche in his kynde, and a lapwynk, and a
xiii Þe ſones of Belial ben goon out fro þe myddil of þee, and reremos.
han take awey þe dwellers of þi citee, and ſeiden, Goo we, xix And al þat crepiþ, and haþ fynnes, ſhal be vnclene, and
and ſerue we to alyen goddis, þe whiche ȝe knowen not, not ben eten.
xiiii ſeche wiſely and biſily, þe ſooþ of þe þing ful lokid; if þow xx Alle þat is clene, eete ȝe;
fynde it to be certeyn þat is ſeid, and þis abomynacioun in xxi al þat is faln wiþ deeþ, eete ȝe not of it. To þe pilgryme
dede fulfillid, þat is wiþ ynne þe ȝatis ȝif þat he eete, or ſel to hym, for
xv anoon þou ſhalt ſmyte þe dwellers of þat citee in þe mouþ þow art an hooli puple of þe Lord þi God. Þow ſhalt not
of þe ſwerd, and do it awey, and alle þingis þat in it ben, ſeeþe þe kidde in þe mylk of his moder.
vnto þe beeſtis. xxii Þe tenþe paart þow ſhalt ſeuer fro alle þe fruytis þat
xvi And what euere þing were of purtenaunce, þow ſhalt gedre growen in þi lond, bi eche ȝeer;
in þe myddil of þe ſtretis of it, and wiþ þat citee þow ſhalt xxiii and þow ſhalt eete in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God, in þe
brenne vp, ſo þat alle þingis þow waaſte to þe Lord þi God, place þat he chees, þat in it þe name of hym be inwardli
and þere be an euere laſtynge ſepulcre; it ſhal be bild no clepid, þe dyme of þi whete, of wyn, and oyle; and þe firſt
more. gotun of droues, and of þi ſheep þow ſhalt offre, þat þow
xvii And þere ſhal not cleue of þat curſid heed eny þing in þin lerne to drede þe Lord þi God, in al tyme.
hoond, þat þe Lord turne awey fro þe wraþþe of his wodenes, xxiiii Forſoþe whanne lenger were þe weye, and þe place þat
and haue mercy of þee, and multiplye þee, as he ſwore to þi þe Lord þi God chees, and haþ bleſſid to þee, ne þow mayſt
faders. not to hym alle þes þingis brynge,
xviii Whanne þow heriſt þe voyce of þe Lord þi God, þow xxv þow ſhalt ſelle alle, and into priys turne, and þow ſhalt
ſhalt kepe alle þe heeſtis of hym þat I comaunde to þee to bere in þin hoond, and go to þe place þat þe Lord þi God
day, þat þow doo þat is pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God. cheſiþ;
xxvi and þow ſhalt bigge of þe ſame money what euere þing to
Capitulum XIIII. þe pleſe, oþer of droues, or of ſheep; forſoþe wyn, and ſidre,
i Sones be ȝe of þe Lord ȝour God; ȝe ſhulen not kut, ne and al þat deſyriþ þi ſoule; and þow ſhalt eete before þe Lord
make ballidnes, vpon þe deed, þi God, and ſhal eete, þow, and þin hows,
xxvii and þe Leuyte þat is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis; be war þat þow
ii for `a puple holi þow art to þe Lord þi God, and þee haþ
choſun þat þow be to hym into a ſpecial puple, of alle gentilis forſake not him, for he haþ noon oþer paart in þi poſſeſſioun.
xxviii Þe þridde ȝeer þow ſhalt ſeuer an oþer dyme of alle
þat ben vpon erþe.
iii Ne eete ȝe þingis þat ben vnclene. þingis þat growen to þee þat tyme, and put vp wiþ ynne þe
iiii Þis is þe beeſt þat ȝe owen to eete; oxe, and ſheep, and
xxix And þe Leuyte ſhal come, þat haþ noon oþer paart ne
ſhe geet, poſſeſſioun wiþ þee, and þe pilgryme, and faderles child, and
v hert, capret, bugle, `tragelaphum, þat is, a beeſt in part lijk
wedowe, þat wiþ ynne þi ȝatis ben; and þei ſhulen eete, and
an hert, and in part lijk a goot, phigarg, origen, camelion, be fulfillid, þat þe Lord þi God bleſſe to þee, in alle þe
`þat is, a beeſt lijk a camele in þe heed, in þe bodi to a werkis of þin hoondes þat þou ſhalt doo.
paard, and in þe nek to an horſe, in þe feet to a bugle, and
pardelun, `þat is, a litil pard. Capitulum XV.
vi Al beeſt þat in two partis deuydiþ þe clee, and chewiþ code,
ȝe ſhulen eete. i The ſeuenþe ȝeer þow ſhalt doo remyſſyoun,
vii And of þes þat chewen code, and dyuyden not clee, þes ȝe ii þat in þis ordre ſhal be halowid. To whom is owed eny
ſhulen not eete; chameyl, haare, yrchun, for þei chowen code, þing, of freend, or neiȝbore, and his broþer, he ſhal not mowe
and deuyden not þe clee, þei ſhulen be vnclene to ȝow; aȝen aſke it, for ȝeer of remyſſioun of þe Lord it is.
viii a ſuwe forſoþe, for ſhe deuydiþ þe clee, and chewiþ no iii Of pilgrime and comlyng þow ſhalt aſke; þow ſhalt not
code, ſhe ſhal be vnclene; þe fleſh of hem ȝe ſhulen not ete, haue power of aȝen aſkynge þe citeſeyn and nyȝ kyn;
and þe careyns ȝe ſhulen not towche.


iiii and algatis nedi and begger þere ſhal not be among ȝow, Capitulum XVI.
þat þe Lord þi God bleſſe to þee, in þe loond þat þe Lord is i Kepe
to take to þee in to poſſeſſioun. wel þe monþe of þe newe fruytis, and of þe firſt veer
v If neuerþelater þou here þe voyce of þe Lord þi God, and tyme, þat þou doo paſk to þe Lord þi God; for in þis monþe
kepiſt alle þingis þat he comaundiþ, and þat I to day þe Lord þi God ladde þee out of Egipt bi nyȝt.
ii And þou ſhalt offre paſke to þe Lord þi God, of ſheep, or of
comaunde to þee,
vi he ſhal bleſſe to þee, as he haþ bihoot. Þow ſhalt leen oxen, in þe place þat þe Lord þi God chees, þat þe name of
vndur wed to many folk of kynde, and þi ſilf ſhalt borowe of hym dwelle þere.
iii Þou ſhalt not eete in it ſowred breed; ſeuen days þou ſhalt
no man; þow ſhalt haue lordſhip vpon manye naciouns, and
no man ſhal haue lordſhip vpon þee. eete wiþ outen ſourdowȝ, breed of greet traueyle, for in
vii If oon of þi breþeren, þat dwelliþ wiþ ynne þe ȝatis of þi inward drede þou wentiſt out of Egipt, for þou ſhuldiſt haue
citee, in þe loond þat þe Lord þi God is to ȝyue to þee, to mynde of þe day of þi goynge out of Egipt, alle þe days of þi
pouerte come, þow ſhalt not aȝen hard þin herte, ne wiþdrawe lijf.
iiii Þere ſhal not apere ſowred breed ſeuen days in alle þi
þe hoond,
viii but opyn it to þe pore, and þow ſhalt ȝyue loon þat þow teermys, and þere ſhal not leeue of þe fleſh of it þat is offerd
ſeeſt hym to nede. þe euen, in þe firſt day þe morwen.
v Þou ſhalt not mowe offre paſke in eche of þes þi citees þat
ix Be war leſt perauenture vndur crepe to þee a wickid þouȝt,
and ſeye in þin herte, Þe ſeuenþe ȝeer of remyſſioun neiȝeþ; þe Lord þi God is to ȝyue to þee,
vi but in þe place þat þe Lord þi God cheſiþ, þat þe name of
and þow turne awey þin eyen fro þi pore broþer, not wilnynge
to leene hym, þat he aſkiþ to borwe; leſt he crye aȝens þee to hym dwelle þere; þou ſhalt offre paſke þe euen, at þe ſunne
þe Lord, and it be maad to þee into ſynne. goynge down, whanne þow wentiſt out of Egipt.
x But þow ſhalt ȝyue to hym, and þow ſhalt not doo eny þing vii Þou ſhalt make it ynowȝ, and eete, in þe place þat þe Lord
fellich in his nedis to be releued, þat þe Lord þi God bleſſe to þi God cheſiþ, and erly ryſyng þow ſhalt goo into þi
þee in al tyme, and in alle þingis to whiche þow puttiſt tabernaclis.
hoond. viii Sexe dayes þou ſhalt eete þeerf looues; and in þe ſeuenþe
xi Þere ſhulen not faile pore men in þe loond of þi dwellynge; day, for it is þe quylet of þe Lord þi God, þou ſhalt not doo
þerfor I comaunde to þee þat þow opyn þe hoond to þi nedi werk.
broþer, and pore, þat in þe loond dwelliþ wiþ þee. ix Seuen wekis þou ſhalt noumbre to þee, fro þat day þat þou
xii Whanne to þee were ſold þin Ebrewe broþer, or Ebrewe puttiſt þi kuttynge yren into þe corn;
womman, and ſixe ȝeer ſerue to þee, in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer þou x and þou ſhalt halwe þe feeſt day of þe ſeuen wekes to þe
ſhalt leeue hym free. Lord þi God, a wilful offrynge of þin hoond, þat þow ſhalt
xiii And whom wiþ freedam þow ȝyueſt, þou ſhalt not ſuffre to offre after þe bleſſynge of þe Lord þi God.
goon awey voyd; xi And þou ſhalt eete before þe Lord þi God, þou, and þi
xiiii but þow ſhalt ȝyue weyfode of þe flockis, and of þe flore, ſone, and þi douȝtre, and þi ſeruaunt, and þin handmayde,
and of þi preſſe, in þe which þe Lord þi God haþ bleſſid to and Leuyte þat is wiþ ynne þi ȝatis, and comlynge, and
þee. faderles child, and wydowe, þat dwellen wiþ ȝow, in place þat
xv And haue mynde þat þi ſelf ſeruediſt in þe loond of Egipte, þe Lord þi God cheſiþ, þat his name dwelle þere.
xii And þou ſhalt record for ſeruaunt þou were in Egipt, and
and þe Lord þi God haþ delyuered þee, and þerfor I now
comaunde to þee. kepen and doon þat ben comaundid.
xvi Forſoþe if he ſeiþ, Y wole not goo out, for þi þat he loueþ xiii And þe ſolempte of þe tabernaclis þou ſhalt halwe, bi
þee, and þin hows, and wel feliþ hym ſilf to be anentis þee, ſeuen days, whanne þou haſt gedrid of þe flore, and of þe
xvii þow ſhalt take `a nal, and þril his eer in þe ȝate of þin preſſe þi fruytis;
xiiii and ſhalt eete in þi feeſt day, þou, and þi ſone, and þi
hows, and ſerue he to þee into wiþ outen eende; and to þe
þral womman lijk maner þou ſhalt doo. douȝter, and þi ſeruaunt, and handmayd, Leuyte alſo and
xviii Þow ſhalt not take awey fro hem þin eyen, whanne þow comlynge, and faderleſſe child, and widew, þat ben wiþ ynne
leeueſt hem fre, for after þe mede of þe hired man bi ſixe ȝeer þi ȝatis.
xv Seuen days to þe Lord þi God feeſtis þou ſhalt halowe, in
he ſeruede to þee; þat þe Lord þi God bleſſe to þee, in alle þe
werkis þat þow dooſt. þe places þat þe Lord cheſiþ; and þe Lord þi God ſhal bleſſe
xix Of þi firſt goten, þat ben born in droues, and þi ſheep, to þee, in alle þi fruytis, and in al werk of þin hoondis, and
and what euere þing is of maal kynde, þow ſhalt halwe to þe þou ſhalt be in gladnes.
xvi Þre ſiþes in þe ȝeer ſhal apere eche þi maal child in þe
Lord þi God. Þou ſhalt not worche in þe firſt goten of oxe,
ne þou ſhalt ſhere þe firſt goten of ſheep. ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God, in þe place þat he cheſiþ, in þe
xx In þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God þow ſhalt eete hem bi eche ſolempnyte `of þerf looues, and þe ſolempnyte of wekis, and in
ȝeer, in þe place þat þe Lord haþ choſen, þou, and þin hows. þe ſolempnyte of tabernaclis. He ſhal not apere before þe Lord
xxi Forſoþe if it haue wemme, or were crokid, or blynde, or
xvii but echon ſhal offre, after þat he haþ, after þe bleſſynge of
in eny part defourme, or feble, it ſhalt not be offerd to þe þe Lord his God, þat he ȝyueþ to hym.
Lord þi God; xviii Domeſmen and mayſtris þow ſhalt ordeyn in alle þi ȝatis,
xxii but wiþ ynne þe ȝatis of þi cytee þow ſhalt eete it, as wel
clene as vnclene, lijk maner þei ſhulen eete hem, as capret þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee, bi alle þi lynagis, þat
and hert. þei demen þe puple bi riȝt doom,
xix ne into anoþer paart declinen. Þou ſhalt not accept
xxiii Þis onely þow ſhalt kepe wel, þat þe blood of hem þou
eete not, but held þou out into þe erþe as water. perſone, ne ȝiftis, for ȝiftis blynden eyen of wiſe men, and
chaungen wordis of riȝtwis men.
xx Riȝtwiſly þat is riȝt þou ſhalt purſue, þat þou lyue, and
weeld þe loond, þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee.


xxi Þou ſhalt not plaunt a mawmet wode, and al tree biſide to kepe þe wordis and cerymoyns of hym, þat in þe lawe ben
þe auter of þe Lord þi God; comaundid;
xxii ne þou ſhalt make to þee and ordeyn ymage; þe whiche xx ne be areryd þe herte of hym into prijd vpon his breþeren,
þingis hatiþ þe Lord þi God. ne bowe he aſide in to þe riȝt paart or left, þat long tyme
regne he, and his ſones vpon Yrael.
Capitulum XVII.
Capitulum XVIII.
i Thow ſhalt not offre to þe Lord þi God ox, and ſheep, in i Preeſtis and Leuytes, and alle þat ben of þe ſame lynage,
whom is wemme, or eny þing of vice, for abhomynacioun it is
to þe Lord þi God. ſhulen not haue part and herytage wiþ þat oþer puple of
ii And whanne weren founden anentis þee, wiþ ynne oon of þi Yrael, for þe ſacrifices of þe Lord, and offryngis of hym þei
ſhulen eete;
ȝatis, þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee, man or womman, ii and noon oþer þing þei ſhulen take of þe poſſeſſioun of her
þat doþ yuel in ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God, and ouerpaſſe þe
couenaunt of hym, breþeren; forſoþe þe Lord he is þe herytage of hem, as he haþ
iii þat þei goon, and ſeruen to alien goddis, and honoure hem, ſpoke to hem.
iii Þis ſhal be þe doom of preeſtis of þe puple, and of hem þat
þe ſunne, and þe mone, and al þe knyȝthod of heuen, þe
whiche þingis I comaunde not; offren ſlayn offryngis; wheþer oxe, or ſheep þei offren, þei
iiii and þis were told to þee, and herynge þou enſerchiſt ſhulen ȝyue to þe preeſt þe ſhuldre, and þe litil woombe,
iiii þe firſt fruytis of whete, of wyn, and of oile, and a paart
biſilich, and fyndiſt it to be ſooþ, and abhomynacioun is doon
in Yrael; of wollis of ſherynge of ſheep.
v þou ſhalt lede out þe man and womman, þat þe mooſt yuel v Forſoþe hym þe Lord þi God haþ choſun, of alle þi lynages,
þing han doon, to þe ȝatis of þi cytee, and wiþ ſtonus þei þat he ſtoonde and ſerue to þe name of þe Lord, he and his
ſhulen be þrowen doun. ſones, into wiþ outen ende.
vi In mouþe of two or þree witneſſis, ſhal periſh he, þat ſhal vi If a Leuyte goo out fro oon of his citees of al Yrael, in þe
be ſlayn; no man be ſlayn, oon aȝens hym ſeiynge witneſſe. which he dwelliþ, and deſyrynge a place þat þe Lord cheſiþ,
vii Þe hoond of þe witneſſis firſt ſhal ſlee hym, and þe hoond vii `wol come he ſhal ſerue in þe name of þe Lord his God,
of þat oþer puple laſt ſhal be put to, þat þou doo a wey yuel as alle his briþeren Leuytis, þat ſhulen ſtoonde þat tyme
fro þe myddil of þee. before þe Lord.
viii If hard and dowtous anentis þee doom to be þow viii Þat ſame paart of meetis he ſhal take, `þe which and oþer;
biholdiſt, bitwix blood and blood, cauſe and cauſe, lepre and out take þat, þat in his cytee of þe fadre ſucceſſyoun is owed
not lepre, and of þe domes men wiþ ynne þi ȝatis þou ſeeſt þe to hym.
wordis to be varied; aryſe, and ſty vp to þe place, þat þe Lord ix Whanne þow gooſt into þe loond þat þe Lord þi God ſhal
þi God haþ choſun; ȝyue to þee, be war þat leſt þow wol folowe þe
ix and þow ſhalt come to þe preeſtis of Leuyte kynde, and to abhomynaciouns of þilk gentils;
þe domyſman þat were þat tyme; and þow ſhalt aſke of hem, x ne be foundun in þee þat go aboute his ſone, or his douȝter,
þe whiche ſhulen ſhewe to þee þe trewþ of þe dom. ledynge bi þe fier, oþer þat aſkiþ dyuynours, þat he kepe
x And þow ſhalt doo what euere þing þei ſeyn, þat ben before ſweuens and dyuynyngis; ne be þer cleper of deuels,
to þe place þat þe Lord haþ choſun, and teche þee after þe xi ne enchaunter, ne counſeil rerers of deed men, ne
lawe of hym; dyuynours, and ſeche of þe deed þe treuþ.
xi þou ſhalt folowe þe ſentence of hem; þou ſhalt not bowe xii Forſoþe alle þes þingis þe Lord wlatiþ, and for þes maner
aſide, to þe riȝt or to þe left. hidows ſynnes he ſhal doo hem awey in þin entre.
xii Who forſoþe wexiþ prowd, not wilnynge to obeiſhe to þe xiii Þow ſhal be parfite and wiþ outen wemme, wiþ þe Lord
maundement of þe preeſt, þat þat tyme ſerueþ to þe Lord þi þi God.
God, and to þe doom of þe domyſman, ſhal die þat man; and xiiii Þes gentils, whos loond ȝe ſhulen weeld, brydd coniurers
þow ſhalt doo a wey yuel fro þe myddil of Irael; and dyuynours heren; forſoþe þow of þe Lord þi God
xiii and al þe puple herynge ſhal drede, þat no man þerafter oþerweys art enfourmyd.
inwardli boln wiþ prijd. xv A prophete of þi folk and of þi briþeren as me, þe Lord þi
xiiii And whanne þow ſhalt goo ynto þe loond, þat þe Lord þi God ſhal arere to þee, hym þow ſhalt here;
God ſhal ȝyue to þee, and weeldiſt it, and dwelliſt yn it, and xvi as þow haſt aſkid of þe Lord þi God, in Oreb, whanne þe
ſeiſt, Y ſhal ſet `vp on me a kyng, as han alle naciouns bi company was gedryd, and þow ſeydeſt, I ſhal here namore þe
enuyroun; voyce of þe Lord my God, and þis mooſt fier Y ſhal ſe
xv hym þow ſhalt ſet, whom þe Lord þi God cheſiþ of þe namore, leſt Y dye.
noumbre of þi breþeren. Þow ſhalt not mowe of oþer folk a xvii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Wel alle þingis þei han ſpoken.
man kyng make, þat be not þi broþer. xviii A prophet Y ſhal rere to hem, fro þe myddil of her
xvi And whanne he were ordeyned, he ſhal not multiplye to
briþeren, lijk þee; and I ſhal put my wordis in þe mouþ of
hym horſes, ne lede aȝen puple into Egipt, bi noumbre of hym, `and he ſhal ſpeek to hem alle þingis þat Y comaunde to
horſynge arered, namelich ſiþ þe Lord haþ comaundid to ȝow, hym.
þat no more bi þe ſame weie ȝe turnen aȝen. xix Forſoþe who þe wordis of hym þat ſpekiþ `in my name,
xvii He ſhal not haue many wyues, þat myſdrawen þe ſoule of
wol not here, Y venieſour ſhal be.
hym, ne of ſiluer ne of gold greet birþens. xx Forſoþe a prophete þat þurȝ prijd bi ſhrewid, wil ſpeke in
xviii And after þat he ſittiþ in þe dygnyte of his rewme, he
my name þingis þat Y comaundid not hym for to ſeye, oþer of
ſhal diſcriue to hym a declaracioun of þis lawe in a volym, name of alyen goddis, he ſhal be ſlayn.
takynge a ſaumpler of þe preeſtis of Leuyte lynage; xxi And if bi ſtille þouȝt þow anſwerſt, What maner may I
xix and he ſhal haue it wiþ hym, and he ſhal rede it alle þe
vndurſtonde þe word, þat þe Lord haþ not ſpokun?
dais of his lijf, þat he knowe to drede þe Lord his God, and


xxii þistokne þow ſhalt haue, Þat in þe name of þe Lord þilk xx þat oþere men herynge, han drede, and be not hardy to doo
prophete ſeiþ bifore, and comeþ not, þat þe Lord haþ not ſiche þingis.
ſpokun, but bi bolnynge of his inwit þe prophet haþ feyned, xxi Þow ſhalt not haue mercy of hym, but lijf for lijf, eye for
and þerfor þow ſhalt not drede hym. eye, tooþ for tooþ, hoond for hoond, foot for foot þow ſhalt
Capitulum XIX.
i Whanne þe Lord þi God ſhal ſcatre þe gentilis, whos loond Capitulum XX.
he is to take to þee, and þow weeldiſt it, and dwelliſt in þe i If þow goſt out to batail aȝens þin enemyes, and ſeeſt
citees of it, and in þe howſes; rydinge, and charys, and more multitude of þe aduerſarye ooſt
ii þre citees þow ſhalt ſeuer to þee in þe myddil of þe loond þan þow haſt, þow ſhalt not drede hem; for þe Lord þi God is
þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee into poſſeſſioun. wiþ þee, þat haþ lad þee out of þe loond of Egipt.
iii Þow ſhalt biſily make redi a weye, and dyuyde in þre ii And neyȝinge now batayl, þe preeſt ſhal ſtoond bifore þe
partis euenlich al þe prouynce of þi loond, þat he þat for poynt,
manſlauȝter is flowun, haue fro nyȝ whedir he may ſcaap. iii and þus he ſhal ſpek to þe puple, Here, Yrael, ȝe to day
iiii Þis ſhal be lawe of þe manſleer fleynge, whos lijf is to be aȝens ȝoure enemyes doon fiȝt; drede not ȝoure herte, wol ȝe
kept. He þat ſmytiþ his neiȝbore vnwitynge, and þat ȝiſterday not be feerd; wole ȝe not ȝyue ſted, ne drede ȝe hem;
or þe þridde day hens, noon aȝens hym to haue had haat is iiii for þe Lord ȝoure God is in þe myddil of ȝow, and for
preued, ȝow aȝens þe aduerſaryes `ſhal fiȝt, þat he delyuer ȝow fro
v but to haue goo aweye wiþ hym ſymplich into þe wode to perel.
trees to be kit, and in þe hewynge of þe trees þe axe fleeþ þe v Þe leders forſoþe bi alle companyes, herynge þe ooſt, ſhal
hoond, and þe yren, ſlipt of fro þe haft, ſmytiþ his freend, and crye, Who is þe man þat haþ bild a newe hows, and haþ not
ſleeþ; þis to oon of þe forſeid citees ſhal fleeȝ, and lyue; parformed it? goo he, and turne he aȝen into his hows, leſt
vi leſt perauenture þe `next of kyn of hym, whos blood is ſhed, perauenture he dye in þe bateyl, and anoþer parfourme it.
þurȝ ſorwe ſtyryd purſue, and take hym, if lenger þe weie vi Who is þat man þat haþ plauntid a vyn, and ȝit not haþ
were, and ſmyte þe ſoule of hym þat is not gilty of deeþ; for maad it comoun, and of þe which it is leeueful to alle men to
noon aȝens hym þat is ſlayn haat to haue hadde before is eete? go he, and turn he aȝen into his hows, leſt perauenture
ſhewid. he dye in bateil, and anoþer man his office vſe.
vii Þerfor Y comaunde to þee, þat þre citees of euen ſpace vii Who is a man þat haþ ſpouſid a wijf, and haþ not taak
bitwixe hem ſelf þow deuyde. hir? goo he, and turn he aȝen into his hows, leſt perauenture
viii Forſoþe whanne þe Lord þi God haþ largid þi teermys, as he dye in bateil, and anoþer man take hir.
he ſwore to þi fadres, and haþ ȝyue to þee al þe loond, þat to viii Þes þingis ſeid, þei ſhulen adde oþer þinges, and ſpek to
hem he bihiȝt; þe puple, Who is a man dreedful, and wiþ feerd herte? goo
ix if neuerþelater þow kepiſt þe heeſtis of hym, and doſt þat to he, and turn aȝen into his hows, leſt he make to drede þe
day I comaunde to þee, þat þow loue þe Lord þi God, and hertis of his briþeren, and as he by dreed is gaſt.
goo in his weyes al tyme, þow ſhalt adde to þee þree oþer ix And whanne þe duykis of þe ooſt ben ſtil, and þe eende of
citees, `and of þe þree cyteſe aboue ſeide þe noumbre þow ſhalt ſpekynge han doon, echon his companyes ſhal make redi to
dowble, fiȝtynge.
x þat giltles blood be not ſhed in þe myddil of þe loond þat þe x If eny tyme þow comeſt nyȝ to a citee to be ouercomen, firſt
Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee to be weldid, leſt þou be of þow ſhalt offre to it pees.
blood gilti. xi If he reſſeyue, and open to þee þe ȝatis, al þe puple þat is
xi Forſoþe if eny hauynge his neiȝbour to haat, weitid to þe
in it ſhal be ſaued, and ſhal ſerue to þee vndur tribute.
lijf of hym, and ryſynge ſmyte hym, and were deed, and fleeþ xii Forſoþe if þei wolen not make couenaunt of pees, and
to oon of þe aboue ſeid citees,
xii þe aldren of þat citee ſhulen ſeende, and taken hym fro þe bigynnen aȝens þee batayl, þow ſhalt fiȝt aȝens it.
xiii And whanne þe Lord þi God haþ take it to þee in þin
place of his out fleynge; and þei ſhulen take into þe hoond of
þe neiȝbour `of hym, whos blood is ſhed, and he ſhal die, hoond, þow ſhalt ſmyit al þat is in it of maal kynde in mouþ
xiii ne þow ſhalt haue mercy of hym; and þow ſhalt doo awey of þe ſwerd,
xiiii wiþ outen wymmen, and litil children, and beeſtis, and
gilti blood fro Yrael, þat wel it be to þee.
xiiii Þow ſhalt not take, and ouerbere þe teermes of þi oþer þat ben in þe cytee. Al þe praye þow ſhalt dyuyde to þe
ooſt, and þou ſhalt eete of þe ſpuyles of þin enemyes, þat þe
neiȝbour, `þe whiche han maad raþer men in þi poſſeſſioun, Lord þi God haþ ȝeue to þee.
þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee, in þe loond þat þow xv Þus þow ſhalt doo to alle cytees, þat fro þee ben ful fer,
takiſt to be weldid.
xv O witnes ſhal not ſtoond aȝens eny man, what euere þing and ben not of þes cytees þat þow art to take into poſſeſſyoun.
xvi Forſoþe of þes cytees þat ſhal be ȝeue to þee, no man þow
it were of ſynne, or of greet treſpas; but in mouþ of two or of
þree witneſſis ſhal ſtoonde ech word. ſhalt ſuffre to lyue,
xvi If þere ſtoonde a witnes lyȝer aȝens man, accuſynge hym xvii but þow ſhalt ſlee in þe mouþ of ſwerd; Ethee, þat is, and
of treſpas, Amorre, and Chananee, and Phereze, Eue, and Jebuſee, as
xvii þei ſhulen ſtoond boþe, of whom is þe cauſe, before þe þe Lord þi God haþ comaundid to þee;
xviii leſt perauenture þei techen ȝow to doon alle
Lord, in þe ſiȝt of preeſtis, and domyſmen, þat weren in þilk
days. abhomynacyouns, þat þei han wrouȝt to her goddis, and ȝe
xviii And whanne mooſt biſily enſeerchynge þei fynden þe fals ſynnen aȝens þe Lord ȝoure God.
xix Whanne þow beſegiſt a citee myche tyme, and wiþ waardis
witnes to haue ſeide aȝens his broþir leeſynge,
xix ȝeelde þei to hym, as he þouȝte to doo to his broþer; and enuyrounnyſt þat þow ouercome it, þow ſhalt not kyt down
trees, of þe whiche may be eeten, ne bi enuyroun wiþ axes
þou ſhalt doo awey yuel fro þe myddil of þee,


þow ſhalt waaſt þe regioun; for a tree it is and no man, ne yt xxi Þe puple of þe cytee ſhal þrow hym down wiþ ſtonus, and
may encrees þe noumbre of men fiȝtynge aȝens þee. he ſhal dye, þat ȝe doon awei yuel fro þe myddil of ȝou, and
xx Forſoþe if eny trees ben not berynge applis, but wijlde, al Iſrael hering wexe afeerd.
and able into oþer vſes, kit doun, and mak engynes, to þe xxii Whanne a man ſynneþ þat þat is to punyſſhynge bi deþ,
tyme þat þow taak þe cytee þat fiȝtiþ aȝens þee. and demed to deeþ were hongid in þe gebet,
xxiii þe careyn of hym ſhal not abide in þe tree, but in þe
Capitulum XXI. ſame day ſhal be biried; for curſid he is of God þat hongiþ in
i Whanne þere were founde in þe loond þat þe Lord þi God þe tree, and þow ſhalt not defoule þi loond þat þe Lord þi
is to ȝyue to þee, a careyn of a ſlayn man, and ſhal be God ſhal ȝyue to þee into poſſeſſioun.
vnknowun þe gilti of þe deþ,
ii þe more þurȝ birþ ſhulen goon out, and þi domeſmen, and Capitulum XXII.
þe ſpacis of alle þe cytees bi enuyroun ſhal be meetid fro þe i Thow ſhalt not ſee þe oxe of þi broþer, oþer ſheep errynge,
place of þe careyn; and biſide paſſe, but þow ſhalt leede aȝen to þi broþer.
iii and which þei biholden be ner þan oþer, þe aldre men of ii And if he is not þi niȝ broþir, ne knowiſt hym, þow ſhalt
þat citee ſhulen taak a ſhee calf fro þe droue, þat haþ not taak lede into þin hows, and þei ſhulen be anentis þee, as long as
ȝok, ne loond haþ kit wiþ ſhaar; þi broþir ſechiþ hem, and reſſeyue.
iiii and þei ſhulen lede it to þe rowȝ valey, and ſtony, þat iii Lijk maner þow ſhalt doo of aſſe, and of cloþinge, and of al
neuer was eeryd, ne ſeed haþ reſſeyued; and þei ſhulen kit in þing of þi broþer, þat is loſt; if þow fynde it, ne leeue it as
it þe ſcullis of þe calf. alyen.
v And preeſtis, þe ſones of Leuy, whom þe Lord þi God haþ iiii If þou ſeeſt þe aſſe of þi broþer, or oxe, to haue faln in þe
choſun, þat þei ſeruen to hym, and bleſſen in his name, ſhulen weie, þow ſhalt not diſpiſe, but vndur heeue wiþ hym.
goo to, and at þe word of hem al þe nede ſhal honge; and v A womman ſhal not be cloþid wiþ mannus cloþinge, ne man
what euere þing is clene or vnclene, be it demyd.
vi And þe more þurȝ birþ of þat cytee ſhulen come to þe ſlayn ſhal vſe wommannus cloþing; abomynable forſoþe anentis God
he is, þat doþ þes þingis.
man, and þei ſhulen waſſhe her hoondis vpon þe ſhee calf, þat vi If goynge bi þe weie, in tree or in erþe a neſt of briddis
ys ſmyten in þe valey;
vii and þei ſhulen ſeye, Oure hondis han not ſhad þis blood, þou fyndiſt, and þe moder to þe bryddis or to þe eyren aboue
ſittynge, þow ſhalt not hold hyr wiþ þe ſones,
ne eyen han ſeen. vii but þow ſhalt ſuffre hir to goo awey, holdynge þe ſones
viii Lord, be merciable to þi puple Yrael, þat þow haſt bouȝt,
takyn, þat wel it be to þee, and loong tyme þow lyue.
and rette not þe innocent blood in þe myddil of þi puple Irael. viii Whanne þow bildiſt a newe hows, þow ſhalt mak þe wal
And þe gilt of þe blood ſhal be taak aweye fro hem.
ix Forſoþe þow ſhalt be alyen fro þe blood of þe innocent þat of þe roof bi enuyroun, leſt þere be ſhad blood in þin hows,
and þow be gilti, þat oþer ſlidynge and fallynge hedlynge.
is ſhad, whanne þow doſt þat þe Lord haþ comaundid. ix Þou ſhalt not ſowe þi vynȝeerd wiþ oþer ſeed, leſt and þe
x If þow goſt out to þe fiȝt aȝens þin enemyes, and þe Lord
ſeed þat þow haſt ſowun, and þat growen of þe vynȝeerd,
þi God haþ taken hem in þin hoond, `togidre ben halowed.
xi and haſt brouȝt chaytyues, and ſeeſt in þe noumbre of x Þow ſhalt not eere in oxe togidre and aſſe.
cheytyues a feyr womman, and loueſt hir, and wolt han hir to xi Þow ſhalt not be cloþid þe cloþing, þat is weuen of wulle
xii þow ſhalt lede hir into þin hows; þe which ſhal ſhaue þe and of flex.
xii Litil cordis in þe hemmes þow ſhalt make bi foure corners
heer, and ſhal kyt about þe naylis,
xiii and ſhe ſhal do of þe clooþ in þe which ſhe is taak, and of þi mantil, wiþ þe which þow ſhalt be couerd.
xiii If a man taak a wijf, and afterward haue hir to haat,
ſittynge in þin hows, ſhe ſhal weepe fader and hir moder o
monþ; and aftyrward þow ſhalt goon yn to hir, and þow ſhalt xiiii and ſechiþ occaſioun bi þe which he leeue hir, and
ſleep wiþ hir, and ſhe ſhal be þi wijf. caſtynge aȝens hyr a mooſt yuel name, and ſeye, Þis wijf I
xiiii Forſoþe if afterward ſhe ſittiþ not in þin inwit, þow ſhalt haue take, and goon yn to hir I foond hyr not mayde;
leeue hir free, ne ſelle þow mayſt bi money, ne oppreſſe bi xv þe fadir and þe moder of hir ſhulen taak hir, and bere wiþ
power, for þow haſt mekid hir. hem þe toknes of hir maydynhod to þe aldre men of þe citee,
xv If a man haue two wyues, oon loued, and anoþer odyows, þat ben in þe ȝate;
and getiþ of hir free chyldren, and þe ſone of þe odiows were xvi and þe fader ſhal ſeye, My douȝter I haue ȝyue wijf to
firſt goten, þis, whom for he hatiþ,
xvi and wold þe ſubſtaunce among his ſones dyuyde, he ſhal xvii he puttiþ to hir a mooſt yuel name, þat he ſeye, I haue
not mowe þe ſone of þe loued make firſt goten, and put before not founde þi dowȝter mayde; and loo! þes ben þe tokens of
þe ſone of þe odiows, þe meydynhod of my douȝter; and þei ſhulen ſpreede out þe
xvii but þe ſone of þe odyows he ſhal knowe firſt goten, and cloþing before þe `aldre men of þe cytee.
he ſhal ȝyue to hym of þes þingis þat he haþ alle þingis xviii And þe aldre men of þe citee ſhulen taak þe man of hir,
dowble; forſoþe þis is þe bigynnynge of þe free children of and þei ſhulen beet hym,
hym, and to þis ben owen þe firſt goten. xix condempnynge alſo in an hundrid ſiclys of ſiluer, `þe
xviii If a man gete a rebel ſone, and a fraward, þat heriþ not whiche he ſhal ȝyue to þe fader of þe mayde, for he haþ looſed
þe fadres and modres heeſt, and clepid to obeyſhe, diſpiſe, þe mooſt yuel name vpon a maydyn of Yrael; and he ſhal
xix þei ſhulen taak hym, and lede to þe aldre men of þe citee haue hir to wijf, and he ſhal not mowe leeue hir, al þe tyme
of hym, and to þe ȝate of doom; of his lijf.
xx and þei ſhulen ſeye to hem, Þis oure ſone is fraward, and xx And if it is ſoþ, þat he putte aȝens hyr, and is not in þe
rebel; oure heeſtis diſpiſiþ to here, to glotryes takiþ hede, and womman founden maydenhod,
to leccherye, and to feeſtis.


xxi þei ſhulen þrow hir out of þe ȝatis of þe hows of hir fader; xiiii Forſoþe þe Lord þi God goþ in þe myddil of tentis, þat
and men of þat citee ſhulen þrow hyr down wiþ ſtonus, and he delyuer þee, and taak to þee þin enemyes, þat þi tentis ben
ſhe ſhal dye, for ſhe haþ doon an vnleful þing in Yrael, þat hooli, and no þing in hem apere of filþed, leſt he forſake þee.
ſhe dide lecherie in þe hows of hir fader; and þow ſhalt doo xv Þow ſhalt not take a ſeruaunt to his lord, þat to þee haþ
awei yuel fro þe myddil of þee. flowen;
xxii If a man ſleep wiþ þe wijf of anoþer, eyþer ſhal die, þat xvi he ſhal dwelle wiþ þee in þe place þat to hym pleſiþ, and
is, þe auowtreer and þe auowtreſſe; and þow ſhalt do awey in oon of þi citees ſhal reſt; and make þow not hym ſory.
yuel fro Yrael. xvii Þere ſhal be no ſtrumpet of þe douȝtres of Yrael, ne
xxiii If a womman mayden a man ſpowſe, and eny man in þe
horlyng of þe ſones of Yrael.
cytee fynde hir, and lye wiþ hir, xviii Þow ſhalt not offre þe mede of þe hoorhows, ne þe prijs
xxiiii þow ſhalt lede eiþer to þe ȝate of þat cytee, and þei
of an hounde, in þe hows of þe Lord þi God, what euere þing
ſhulen be þrowun doun wiþ ſtonus; þe maydyn, for ſhe cryed it be þat þow auowiſt; for abomynacioun is eiþer anentis þe
not, whanne ſhe was in þe cytee; þe man, for he haþ mekid Lord þi God.
þe wijf of his neiȝbour; and þow ſhalt doo awey yuel fro þe xix Þow ſhalt not leene to þi broþer at vſure money, ne
myddil of þee.
xxv Forſoþe if in þe feeld a man fynde a womman þat is fruytis, ne eny oþer þing,
xx but to an alien. Forſoþe to þi broþer wiþ outen vſure þat
ſpowſid, and takynge ligge wiþ hir, he ſhal dye alone;
xxvi þe womman no þing ſhal ſuffre, ne is gilti of deeþ; for as þat to hym nediþ þow ſhalt lene, þat þe Lord þi God bliſſe to
þee in al þi werke, in þe loond to þe which to be weeldid þow
a þeef ryſiþ aȝens his broþer, and ſleeþ þe ſoule of hym, ſo ſhalt goon yn.
and þe womman haþ ſuffred; xxi Whanne þow auowiſt auowe to þe Lord þi God, þow ſhalt
xxvii aloone ſhe was in þe feeld, and criede, and no man was
not tary to ȝeelde, for þe Lord þi God ſhal requyre it; and if
niȝ þat myȝt delyuer hir. þow taryeſt, it ſhal be rettid to þee into ſynne.
xxviii If a man fynde a womman meydyn, þat haþ no ſpows, xxii And if þow wolt not bihoot, þow ſhalt be wiþ outen ſynne.
and takynge lie wiþ hir, and þe þing comeþ to doom, xxiii Forſoþe þat þat is onus goon out of þi lippis, þow ſhalt
xxix he ſhal ȝyue, þat haþ ſlept wiþ hyr, to þe fader of þe
kepe wel, and do as þow haſt bihoot to þe Lord þi God, and
womman fifti ſicles of ſiluer, and he ſhal haue hir to wijf, for þurȝ propre wil and þi mouþ haſt ſpokun.
he haþ mekid hir; he ſhal not mowe leeue hyr, alle þe dais of xxiiii Þow goon vnto þe vyn of þi neiȝbour, þow ſhalt eete
his lijf.
xxx A man ſhal not taak þe wijf of his fader, ne ſhal opne þe grapis, as myche as it likiþ to þee; out forſoþe ne beer þou
wiþ þee.
couerynge of hym. xxv If þow goo into þe corn of þi freend, þow ſhalt breek
eeris, and wiþ þe hoond briſſe; forſoþe wiþ kuttynge yren þow
Capitulum XXIII. ſhalt not reep.
iA geldynge, þe ballokis briſid, or kyt of, and þe ȝerde kyt
awey, ſhal not goon into þe chirche of þe Lord. Capitulum XXIIII.
ii Þe born of an hore ſhal not goon into þe chirche of þe i If man taak a wijf, and haue hyr, and fynde no grace before
Lord, vnto þe tenþe generacioun. þe eyen of hir, for ſum filþed, he ſhal wryte a libel of
iii Amonytis and Moabites alſo aftir þe tenþe generacioun forſakynge, and he ſhal ȝyue in þe hoond of hyr, and he ſhal
ſhulen not goon into þe chirche of þe Lord, wiþ outen eende; leeue hir fro his hows.
iiii for þei wolden not aȝen come to ȝow wiþ breed and water ii And whanne ſhe goon out anoþer houſboond takiþ,
in þe weie, whenne ȝe wenten out of Egipt; and for þei hiryd iii and he forſoþe hate hir, and ȝyue to hir a libel of
aȝens þee Balaam, þe ſone of Beor, fro Meſopotany of forſakynge, and leeue fro his hows, oþer certeyn were deed,
Syrye, for to curſe to þee; iiii þe firſt houſboond ſhal not mowe taak her aȝen into wijf,
v and þe Lord þi God wolde not here Balaam, and turnede
for ſhe is polut, and is maad abomynable before þe Lord; leſt
þe curſynge of hym into þi bleſſynge, forþi þat he louede þee. þow make to ſynne þi loond, þat þe Lord þi God to þee haþ
vi Þou ſhalt not make wiþ hem pees, ne ſeche þow to hem taak to be weeldid.
goodis, alle þe days of þi lijf vnto wiþ outen eende. v Whanne a man haþ taak a wijf laate, he ſhal not goo forþ
vii Þow ſhalt not wlaat Ydome, for he is þi broþer, ne to bateyl, ne to hym eny þing of nede ſhal be ioyned opynlich,
Egipcian, for comlynge þow were in þe loond of hem. but he ſhal taak hede wiþ outen blame to his hows, þat o ȝeer
viii Þo þat weren born of hem, þe þridde generacioun ſhulen he ioye wiþ his wijf.
go into þe chirche of þe Lord. vi Þow ſhalt not taak in ſtedde of a wed þe neþermore and
ix Whanne þow goſt out aȝens þin enemyes into fiȝt, þow ſhalt ouermore grynſtoon, for his lijf he putte to þee.
keep þee fro al yuel þing. vii If a man were taak biſili weytynge his broþer of þe ſones
x If þere were among ȝow a man þat wiþ nyȝt ſleep is polut, of Yrael, and he ſolde take þe prijs, he ſhal be ſlayn; and þow
he ſhal goo out of þe tentis; ſhalt do a wey yuel fro þe myddil of þee.
xi and he ſhal not turn aȝen before þat at euen he were waſſhe viii Biſily kepe wel, leſt þow renne into plage of lepre, but
wiþ watyr; and after þe ſunne goynge down he ſhal turn aȝen þow ſhalt doon alle þingis þat þe preſtis of Leuyte kynde han
into þe tentis. tauȝt þee, aftir þat Y haue comaundid to hem, and fulfil
xii Þow ſhalt haue a place out of þe tentis, to þe which þow biſily.
ix Haue ȝe mynde what þingis þe Lord ȝoure God dyde to
ſhalt goon out to þe needful þingis of kynde,
xiii berynge a ſtake in a girdel; and whanne þow ſittiſt, þow Marye, in þe weye, whanne ȝe wenten out of Egipt.
x Whanne þow ſhalt aȝen aſke of þi neiȝbour eny þing þat he
ſhalt delue bi enuyrown, and þe defied out þou ſhalt couer wiþ
erþe, in þe whych þow art releued. owiþ to þee, þow ſhalt not goon into þe hows of hym for to
taak wed;


xi but þow ſhalt ſtoond wiþ out, and he to þee ſhal brynge forþ ſeye, Þus it ſhal be doo to a man, þat wol not bilde vp þe
þat he haþ. hows of his broþer;
xii Forſoþe if he is pore, þe wed anentis þee ſhal not al nyȝt x and ſhal be clepid þe name of hym in Yrael, Þe hows of þe
dwelle, vnſhod.
xiii but anoon þow ſhalt ȝeeld to hym before þe goynge down xi If þere han two men bytwix hem ſelf chidynge, and oon
of þe ſunne, þat he, ſlepynge in his cloþinge, bleſſe to þee, and aȝens þat oþer bigynneþ to iangle, and wilnynge þe wijf of
þow haue ryȝtwiſnes before þe Lord þi God. `þat oþer to delyuer hir man fro þe hoond of þe ſtrenger, and
xiiii Þou ſhalt not denye þe mede of þe nedi, and of þe pore þi haþ put þe hoond, and takun þe ſhamfaſt membris of hym,
xii þow ſhalt kut of þe hoond of hir, ne be bowid on hyr wiþ
broþer, or of comlynge þat dwelliþ wiþ þee in þi loond, and
wiþ ynne þi ȝatis is; eny mercy.
xv but þe ſame day þow ſhalt ȝeeld to hym þe prijs of his xiii Þow ſhalt not haue in ſak dyuerſe weiȝtis, more and laſſe,
traueyl, before þe ſunne goynge down, for he is pore, and of xiiii ne þere ſhal be in þin hows a buſſhel more and laſſe.
it ſuſteyneþ his lijf; leſt he crye aȝens þee to þe Lord, and be xv Weiȝt þow ſhalt haue iuſt and verrey, and euen buſſhel and
rettid to þee into ſynne. verrey ſhal be to þee, þat myche tyme þou lyue vpon erþe þat
xvi Fadrys ſhulen not be ſlayn for þe ſones, ne ſones for þe þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee.
fadris, but echon for his own ſynne ſhal dye. xvi Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal wlaat hym þat doþ þes þingis, and
xvii Þow ſhalt not peruert þe doom of þe comlyng, and wiþſtoondiþ alle vnriȝtwiſneſſes.
faderles child; ne þow ſhalt taak awey in ſtede of a wed þe xvii Haue mynde what þingis dide to þee Amalech in þe weye,
clooþ of þe widewe. whanne þow wentiſt out of Egipt;
xviii Haue mynde þat þow haſt ſerued in Egipt, and þe Lord xviii what maner wiſe he aȝen cam to þee, and þe eendis of þi
þi God haþ delyuered þee þens; þerfor I comaunde to þee þat felawſhip, þat wery abeden, ſlewȝ, whanne þow were defoulid
þow doo þis þing. wiþ hungre and traueil, and dredde not God.
xix Whanne þow repiſt corn in þi feeld, and a forȝetun xix Þerfor whanne þe Lord þi God haþ ȝyue to þee reſt, and
handful þow leeueſt, þow ſhalt not turn aȝen for to taak it, maad ſugettis alle naciouns bi enuyroun, in þe loond þat he
but þe comlynge, and faderles child, and widewe þow ſhalt haþ bihoot to þee, þow ſhalt doo a wey his name vndre
ſuffre to bere a wey, þat þe Lord þi God bleſſe to þee in al þe heuene; be war leſt þow forȝete.
werk of þin hoondis.
xx If þou gedreſt fruytis of olyues, what euere leeue in þe
Capitulum XXVI.
trees, þow ſhalt not turn aȝen for to gedre, but þow ſhalt
leeue to þe comlynge, faderles child, and widewe. i Whanne þow comyſt into þe loond þat þe Lord þi God is to
xxi If þou kuttiſt þi vyn from grapis to wyn, þou ſhalt not ȝyue to þee to be weeldid, and holdiſt it, and dwelliſt in it,
gedre þe leeuynge reyſens, but þei ſhulen falle into þe vſe of ii þow ſhalt taak of alle þi fruytis þe cheef, and put in a leep;
þe comlynge, faderles child, and widewe. and þow ſhalt goo to þe place þat þe Lord þi God haþ choſun,
xxii Haue mynde þat þow ſeruediſt in Egipt, and þerfor Y þat þere be inwardly clepid þe name of hym.
comaunde to þee, þat þow doo þis þing. iii And þow ſhalt goon to þe preeſt þat were in þo days, and
ſeye to hym, I knowleche to day before þe Lord þi God, þat
Capitulum XXV. Y am comen into þe loond, for þe which he haþ ſwore to oure
fadris, þat he ſhulde ȝyue it to vs.
i If þere were a cauſe bitwex eny men, and han aſkid iugis, iiii And þe preeſt takynge þe leep of þin hoond, ſhal put before
whom þei biholden to be ryȝtwyſe, to hym þe palme of þe auter of þe Lord þi God.
riȝtwiſnes þei ſhulen ȝyue, whom wickid, þei ſhulen v And þow ſhalt ſpeke in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God, Sirus
condempne of wickidnes.
ii Forſoþe if hym þat haþ ſynned þei ſeen worþi, þei ſhulen purſuede my fader, þat deſcendide into Egipt, and þere
pilgrimagide in mooſt fewe noumbre; and he growide into a
þrow doun wiþ ſcourgis, and before hem þei ſhulen make to greet folk of kynde, and ſtrong, and of multitude wiþ out
be betun; for þe meſure of ſynne ſhal be and þe maner of ende.
ſcourgyngis, vi And þe Egipciens greuowſly traueilyden vs, and purſueden,
iii ſo oonlich, þat þe fourtiþ noumbre þei ouer paſſe not, leſt
puttynge on mooſt greuows birþens.
foulich rent before þin eyen þi broþer go awey. vii And we crieden to þe Lord God of oure faders, þat haþ
iiii Þow ſhalt not bynde þe mouþ of þe oxe tredinge þi fruytis
herde vs, and bihold oure mekenes, and traueyl, and
in þe flore. anguyſſes;
v Whanne breþeren dwellen togidre, and oon of hem wiþ viii and he haþ lad vs out of Egipt in a myȝti hoond, and in
outen free children were deed, þe wijf of þe deed ſhal not an arme ſtreiȝt out, in greet drede, in toknes, and wondres,
wedde to anoþer, but ſhal taak hir his broþer, and he ſhal ix and brouȝte into þis place; and haþ taak to vs þe loond
arere þe ſeed of his broþer.
vi And þe fyrſt goten ſone of hyr he ſhal clepe bi þe name of mylk and hony flowynge.
x And þerfor nowe Y offre to þee þe cheef of þe fruytis of þe
hym, þat þe name of hym be not doon a wey fro Yrael.
vii Forſoþe if he wol not taak þe wijf of his broþer, þat to erþe þat þe Lord haþ ȝeue to me. And þow ſhalt leeue hem in
þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God. And þe Lord þi God honourd,
hym bi þe lawe is owid, þe womman ſhal goo to þe ȝate of þe xi þow ſhalt eete in alle goodis þat þe Lord þi God haþ ȝeue
cyte; and ſhe ſhal aſke þe more men þurȝ birþ, and ſhal ſeye,
Þe broþer of my man wol not arere ſeed of his broþer in to þee and to þin hows, þow, and Leuytis, and comlyng, þat
Yrael, ne me into wedlok taak. is wiþ þee.
viii And anoon þei ſhulen maak hym to be clepid, and þei xii Whanne þow haſt fulfillid þe tiþe of alle þi fruytis, þe ȝeer
ſhulen aſke. If he anſwere, I wol not taak hir to wijf; of tiþis þe þridde, þow ſhalt ȝeue to Leuyte, and comlynge,
ix þe womman ſhal come nyȝ to hym, before þe aldre men, and faderles child, and widewe, þat þei eten `wiþ ynne þi
ȝatis, and ben fulfillid.
and ſhe ſhal taak þe ſho of his foot, and ſpit in his face, and


xiii And þou ſhalt ſpeke in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord þi God, Y haue men, and ſhal put it in hidils; and al þe puple ſhal anſwer,
brouȝt þat is halowid fro myn hows, and haue ȝyue it to and ſeye, Amen!
Leuyte, and comlynge, and faderles child, and widewe, as xvi Curſid þat honoureþ not his fader and moder; and al þe
þow haſt comaundid to me; I haue not paſſid biſide þin puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
heeſtis, ne haue forȝet þi maundement. xvii Curſid þat ouerberiþ þe teermes of his neiȝbore; and al þe
xiiii Y haue not eete of hem in my ſorwe, ne haue ſeuerd hem puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
in eche vnclennes, ne haue ſpendid of hem eny þing in þing of xviii Curſid þat makiþ to erre þe blynde in þe weye; and al þe
deed coors. Y haue obeiſhid to þe voyce of þe Lord my God, puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
and haue doo alle þingis þat þow haſt comaundid to me. xix Curſid þat peruertiþ doom of comlynge, faderles child, and
xv Bihold fro þi ſanctuary, fro þe hiȝe dwellynge place of
widewe; and al þe puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
heuens, and bleſſe þow to þi puple Yrael, and to þe loond þat xx Curſid þat ſlepiþ wiþ þe wijf of his fader, and opneþ þe
þow haſt ȝyue to vs, as þow haſt ſwore to oure fadres, to þe
loond mylk and hony flowynge. couerynge of his bed; and al þe puple ſhal ſeie, Amen!
xvi To day þe Lord þi God haþ comaundid to þee, þat þow xxi Curſid þat ſlepiþ wiþ eny beeſt; and al þe puple ſhal ſeye,
doo þes maundementis and domys, þat þow kepe and fulfil of Amen!
al þin hert, and of al þi ſoule. xxii Curſid þat ſlepiþ wiþ his ſiſter, douȝter of his fader, or of
xvii Þe Lord þow haſt choſun to day, þat he be to þee God, his moder; and al þe puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
and þow goo in þe weies of hym, and keep his cerymoyns, xxiii Curſid þat ſlepiþ wiþ his wyues moder; and al þe puple
and heeſtis, and domys, and obeiſh to his maundement. ſhal ſeie, Amen!
xviii Loo! þe Lord haþ choſen þee to day, þat þow be to hym xxiiii Curſid þat priuely ſmytiþ his neiȝbour; and al þe puple
a ſpecial puple, as he haþ ſpoken to þee, and þow keep alle þe ſhal ſeye, Amen! Curſid þat ſlepiþ wiþ þe wijf of his neiȝbour;
heeſtis of hym; and al þe puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
xix and he ſhal maak þee hiȝer þan alle þe folkis, þat he haþ xxv Curſid þat takiþ ȝiftis, þat he ſmyte þe ſoule of þe
maad of nouȝt, into preyſynge, and name, and his glorye; þat innocent blood; and al þe puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
þow be an holy puple of þe Lord þi God, as he haþ ſpokun. xxvi Curſid þat dwelliþ not in þe wordis of þis lawe, ne hem
in deede fulfilliþ; and al þe puple ſhal ſeye, Amen!
Capitulum XXVII.
i Moyſes forſoþe haþ comaundid, and þe eldren, to þe puple of Capitulum XXVIII.
Yrael, ſeiynge, Keep ȝe eche maundement þat I comaunde to i If forſoþe þow heriſt þe voyce of þe Lord þi God, þat þow
ȝow to day. doo and kepe alle þe heeſtis of hym, þat Y comaunde to þee
ii Whanne ȝe han paſſid ouere Jordan, into þe loond þat þe to day, þe Lord þi God ſhal make þee hiȝer þan alle þe folkis
Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee, þow ſhalt arere greet ſtonus, of kynde, þat dwellen in erþe.
and wiþ plaſtre þow ſhalt dawbe hem, ii And þere ſhulen come vpon þee alle þes bliſſyngis, and
iii þat þow mowe wryte in hem alle þe wordis of þis lawe, ſhulen taak þee; if neuerþelater þe heeſtis of hym þow heriſt.
Jordan ouergoon, þat þow goo into þe lond þat þe Lord þi iii Bleſſid þow in þe citee, and bleſſid in þe feeld;
God ſhal ȝyue to þee, þe loond mylk and hony flowynge, as iiii bleſſid þe fruyt of þi wombe, and þe fruyt of þin erþe, and
he haþ ſwore to þi fadres.
iiii Whanne þanne þow ſhalt ouerpas Jordan, arere þe ſtonus þe fruyt of þi beeſtis, þe flockis of þi droues, and þe fooldis of
þi ſheep;
þat Y to day comaunde to þee, in þe mownt of Hebal; and v bliſſid þi beernes, and bleſſyd þi relikis;
þow ſhalt dawbe hem wiþ plaſtre.
v And þow ſhalt bild þere up an auter to þe Lord þi God, of vi bleſſid þow ſhalt be ingoynge, and out goynge.
ſtonus whom yrun haþ not towchid, vii Þe Lord ſhal ȝyue þin enemyes, þat ryſen aȝens þee,
vi and of ſtonus vnfourmed and vnpoliſhid; and þow ſhalt offre fallynge in þin ſiȝt; bi o weye þei ſhulen come aȝens þee, and
vpon it brent ſacrificis to þe Lord þi God; bi ſeuen þei ſhulen flee fro þi face.
vii and þow ſhalt offre peſible ooſtis, and þow ſhalt eete þere, viii Þe Lord ſhal ſeend out bleſſynge vpon þi celers, and vpon
and `make metſhip before þe Lord þi God. alle þe werkis of þin hoondis; and he ſhal bleſſe to þee in þe
viii And þow ſhalt wryte vpon þe ſtonus alle þe wordis of þis loond þat þow ſhalt taak.
ix Þe Lord ſhal rere þee to hym into an hooli puple, as he
lawe, pleynly and cleerli.
ix And Moyſes and þe preeſtis of Leuyte kynde ſeiden to al haþ ſwore to þee, if þou kepyſt þe heeſtis of þe Lord þi God,
and goſt in þe weies of hym.
Yrael, Tak hede, and here þow, Yrael; to day þow art maad x And alle þe puples of erþes ſhulen ſeeyȝen, þat þe name of
þe puple of þe Lord þi God;
x þow ſhalt here þe voice of hym, and do þe heeſtis, and þe Lord be inwardly clepid vpon þee, and þei ſhulen drede
ryȝtwiſneſſes, þat I comaunde to þee. xi To be plenteuous in alle goodis þe Lord ſhal make þee, in
xi And Moyſes comaundide to þe puple in þat day, ſeiynge,
fruytis of þi wombe, and fruyt of þi beeſtys, fruyt of þi loond,
xii Þes ſhulen ſtoond to bleſſe þe Lord vpon þe hil of þat þe Lord haþ ſwore to þi fadres, for to ȝyue to þee.
Garyſym, Jordan put ouer; Symeon, Leuy, Judas, Yſachar, xii Þe Lord ſhal opne his beſt treſour, heuene, þat he ȝyue
Joſeph, and Beniamyn. reyn to þi loond in his tyme; he ſhal bleſſe to alle þe werkys
xiii `And forn aȝens þes ſhulen ſtoond to curſe in þe hil of of þin hoondis; and þow ſhalt okyr to many folkis, and þi ſelf
Hebal, Ruben, Gad, and Aſer, Zabulon, Dan, and Neptalym. ſhal not borwe to oker of eny man.
xiiii And þe Leuytes ſhulen pronounce, and ſeye to alle men of xiii Þe Lord þi God ſhal ſett þee into heed, and not into tayl,
Irael, wiþ an hiȝe voice, and þow ſhalt be euere more aboue, and not vndur; if
xv Curſid be þe man þat makiþ grauen þing and ȝotun, neuerþelater þow here þe maundementis of þe Lord þi God,
abomynacioun of þe Lord, þe werk of þe hoondis of crafti þat Y comaunde to þee to day, and kepiſt, and doſt,


xiiii and bowiſt not aſide fro hem, ne to þe riȝt, ne to þe left, xxxviii Myche ſeed þow ſhalt þrow `in to þe loond, and litil
ne haſt not folwid alien goddis, ne heried hem. þou ſhalt gedre; for locuſtis ſhulen deuowre alle þingis.
xv And if þou wolt not here þe vois of þe Lord þi God, þat xxxix A vyn þow ſhalt plaunt, and delue, and wyn þow ſhalt
þow keep and doo alle þe maundementis of hym, and not drynke, ne gedre of it eny þing; for it ſhal be waſtyd wiþ
cerymoyns, þat Y comaunde to þee to day, ſhulen come vpon wormes.
þee alle þes malyſouns, and holde þee. xl Olyues þow ſhalt haue in alle þi teermes, and þow ſhalt not
xvi Curſid þow ſhalt be in citee, curſed in feeld; be anoynt wiþ oyle; for þei ſhulen falle awey, and periſhen.
xvii curſid þi bern, and curſid þi relikis; xli Sones and douȝtres þow ſhalt geete, and þow ſhalt not vſe
xviii curſid þe fruyt of þi wombe, and þe fruyt of þin erþe, þe hem; for þei ſhulen be lad into chaytifte.
droues of þin oxen, and þe flockis of þi ſheep. xlii Alle þi trees and fruytis of þi loond ruſt ſhal waaſt.
xix Curſid þow ſhalt be ingoynge, and curſid out goynge. xliii A comlynge, þat dwelliþ wiþ þee in þe loond, ſhal ſtey up
xx Þe Lord ſhal ſende vpon þee hungre inward, and hungre vpon þee, and ſhal be hiȝer; forſoþe þow ſhalt goo doun, and
outward, and blamyng into alle þi werkis þat þow ſhalt do, to be lower.
þe tyme þat he trede þee doun, and leſe ſwiftly, for þi mooſt xliiii He ſhal oker to þee, and þow ſhalt not oker to hym; he
yuel fyndyngis, in þe whiche þow haſt forſakun me. ſhal be into heed, and þow ſhalt be into tayl.
xxi Joyn to þee þe Lord peſtilence, to þe tyme þat he waaſt xlv And þere ſhulen come vpon þee alle þes maliſouns, and
þee fro þe erþe, to þe which þow ſhalt goon in to be weeldyd. purſuynge ſhulen holde þee, to þe tyme þat þow dye; for þow
xxii Smyit þee þe Lord wiþ nede, feuer, and coold, and haſt not herd þe voyce of þe Lord þi God, ne haſt kept þe
brennynge, and heet, and corrupt eyre, and ruſt; and purſue maundementis of hym, and cerymoyns, þat he haþ comaundid
he to þe tyme þat þou peryſhe. to þee.
xxiii Be heuene þat is aboue þee braaſny; and þe lond þat þou xlvi And þere ſhulen be in þee ſygnes, and wondres, and in þi
trediſt yrony. ſeed, vnto wiþ outen ende;
xxiiii Ȝyue þe Lord þe wedre of þin erþe powdre, and fro xlvii forþi þat þow haſt not ſerued to þe Lord þi God in ioy of
heuene come down vpon þee aſkis, to þe tyme þat þow be al herte and gladnes, for plenteuowſnes of alle þingis.
to-powned. xlviii Þou ſhalt ſerue to þin enemye, þat God ſhal ſend into
xxv Tak þee þe Lord fallynge down before þin enemyes; bi o þee, in hungre, and þreſt, and nakidnes, and ſcaarſnes of alle
weye go þow out aȝens hem, and bi ſeuen fle þow, and be þingis; and he ſhal put on an yren ȝok vpon þi ſcol, to þe
þou ſcatered þurȝ out alle þe rewmes of þe erþe; tyme þat he haue al to-treede þee.
xxvi and be þi careyn into meete to alle þe foulis of heuene, xlix Þe Lord ſhal brynge vpon þee a folk fro aferre, and fro
and beeſtis of þe erþe, and be þere noon þat driue aweye. þe vttermooſt cooſtis of þe erþe, into liknes of a fleynge egle
xxvii Smyit þee þe Lord wiþ þe byil of Egipt, and þe paart of wiþ feerſnes, whos tonge þow mayſt not vnderſtond;
l mooſt gredi folk, þat ſhal not ſpaar to þe old, ne haue mercy
þe bodi bi þe which toordis ben ſheten out, wiþ ſcab forſoþe
and itchynge, ſo þat þow may not be helid. of þe litil child.
xxviii Smyit þee þe Lord wiþ madnes, and blyndnes, and wiþ li And he ſhal deuowr þe fruyt of þi beeſtis, and fruytis of þin
woodnes of þouȝt; erþe, to þe tyme þat þow dye, and leeue he not to þee corn,
xxix and þow ſhalt graaſp in mydday, as is woned a blynd wyn, and oyle, droues of oxen, and flockis of ſheep, to þe
tyme þat he ſcatre þee,
man to graaſp in derkniſſis; and make he not redi þi weyes; lii and al to-treede þee in alle þi citees; and þi faſt wallis and
and alle tymes wrong chalenge ſuffre þou, and be þow born
down wiþ vyolence, ne haue þow þat delyuer þee. hiȝe ſhulen be deſtruyed, in þe whiche þow haddiſt truſt in al
xxx A wijf tak þow, and anoþer man ſleep wiþ hyr; `an hows þi loond. Þow ſhalt be enſegid, wiþ ynne þi ȝatis in al þi
loond, þat þe Lord þi God ſhal ȝyue to þee.
bild þow, and dwel þow not in yt; plaunt þow a vyn, and kut liii And þow ſhalt ete þe fruyt of þi woombe, and þe fleſh of þi
þow not þe grapis of it.
xxxi Þin ox be ſlayn before þee, and eete þow not of it; þin ſones, and of þi douȝtren, þat þe Lord þi God haþ ȝeue to
þee, in angwiſh and waſtete, wiþ þe which þin enemye ſhal
aſſe be cauȝt in þi ſiȝt, and be it not ȝoldun to þee; þi ſheep oppreſſe þee.
be þei ȝouen to þin enemyes, and be þere noon þat þee help. liiii A man delicate of lijf, and leccherous myche, ſhal enuye to
xxxii Þi ſones and þi douȝtren be þei takun to anoþer puple,
his broþer, and to þe wijf þat ſittiþ in his boſum,
ſeynge þin eyen, and defaylynge at þe ſiȝt of hem al day; and lv þat he ȝyue not to hem of þe fleſh of his ſones, þe whiche
be þere not ſtrengþ in þin hoond.
xxxiii Þe fruyt of þin erþe, and alle þi traueyls eete þe puple he ſhal eete; forþi þat no þing oþer he haue in þe ſegynge and
ſcaarſenes, þat þin enemyes han waſtid þee wiþ ynne alle þi
þat þow knowiſt not; and be þow euer more wronge chalengis ȝatis.
ſuſteininge, and born doun alle days, lvi A tendre womman and a delicate, `þe which vpon þe erþe
xxxiiii and ſtonyed at þe drede of þo þingis þat þin eyen
myȝte not go, ne fitch þe ſtap of þe foot, for ſoftnes and mooſt
ſhulen ſeen. tendrenes, ſhal enuye to hir man þat reſtiþ in þe boſum of hir,
xxxv Smyit þee þe Lord wiþ þe mooſt yuel biel in knees, and vpon þe ſone and douȝtres fleſh,
in ſparlyuers; and mow þow not be helid fro þe ſool of þe foot lvii and þe filþ of þe lityl fellis, þat goon out fro þe myddil of
vnto þe nol. þe hippis of hyr, and vpon þe free children þat ben born in þe
xxxvi And þe Lord ſhal leede þee, and þi kyng, whom þow ſame our. Þei ſhulen ete hem priuely, for þe ſcaarſneſſe of alle
haſt ordeynd `vpon þee, into a folk þat knowiſt not, þow, and þingis in þe ſeege and waaſtete, bi þe which þin enemy ſhal
þi fadris; and þow ſhalt ſerue þere to alien goddys, tree, and oppreſſe þee wiþ ynne þi ȝatis.
ſtone. lviii But if þow keep and doo alle þe wordis of þis lawe, þat
xxxvii And þow ſhalt be loſt into proueerb, and fable to alle ben wryten in þis volym, and drede þe name of him gloriows
puplis, to þe whiche þe Lord ſhal inleede þee. and feerful, þat is þe Lord þi God,


lix þe Lord ſhal encrees þi veniaunces, and veniauncis of þi xi free children, ȝour wyues, and comlyngis þat wiþ þee
ſeed; greet veniaunces and ſtedfaſt, infirmytees mooſt yuel and dwellen in tentes, out taak þe hewers of trees, and hem þat
euerelaſtynge. beren watris;
lx And he ſhal turn into þee alle þe turmentyngis of Egipt, xii þat þow paſſe in þe couenaunt of þe Lord þi God, and in
þat þow haſt dredde, and þei ſhulen cleue to þee. þe ooþ þat þe Lord þi God ſmytiþ wiþ þee,
lxi Forþermore and alle þe langouris and veniauncis, `þe xiii þat he arere þee to hym into a puple, and he be þe Lord
whiche ben not wryten in þe volym of þis lawe, þe Lord ſhal þi God, as he haþ ſpokun to þee, and as he haþ ſworn to þi
brynge vpon þee, to þe tyme þat he haue al totrode þee. fadres Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob.
lxii And ȝe ſhulen leeue fewe in noumbre, þat weren before as xiiii Ne to ȝow alone I þis couenaunt ſmyte, and þes ooþes
ſterrys of heuene for multitude; for þow herdiſt not þe voice of conferme,
þe Lord þi God. xv but to alle preſent and abſent.
lxiii And as before þee þe Lord gladdide vpon ȝow, wel xvi Forſoþe ȝe han knowe what maner wiſe we dwelten in þe
doynge to ȝow, and ȝow multipliynge; ſo he ſhal be glad, ȝow loond of Egipt, and what maner wiſe we paſſiden bi þe
ſcaterynge and vndurturnynge, þat ȝe ben doon awey fro þe myddil of naciouns; þe whiche paſſynge,
loond, to þe which þow ſhalt go in to be weeldid. xvii ȝe ſeen abomynaciouns, and filþis, þat is, mawmettis of
lxiiii Þe Lord ſhal ſcater þee into alle puplis, fro þe hiȝte of
hem, tree and ſtoon, ſiluer and gold, þat þei heryeden.
þe erþe vnto þe teermes of it; and þou ſhalt ſerue þere to alien xviii Leſt perauenture þere be among ȝow man or womman,
goddis, `þe whiche þow knowiſt not, and þi fadris, to trees
and ſtonus. meyne or lynage, whos herte is turned a wey to day fro þe
lxv In þo folkis forſoþe þow ſhalt not reſt, ne ſhal be reſt to Lord ȝoure God, þat he goo, and ſerue to goddis of oþer
gentils; and be among ȝow a rote burionynge gal and
þe ſtap of þi foot. Forſoþe þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to þee þere a bitternes;
dreedful herte, and faylynge eyen, and a ſowle waſtid wiþ xix and whanne he hadde herd þe wordis of þis ooþ, he bleſſe
priue ſorwe.
lxvi And þi lijf ſhal be as hongynge before þee; þow ſhalt to hym in his herte, ſeiynge, Pees ſhal be to me, and Y ſhal
go in þe ſhrewidnes of myn herte; and a dronken take þe
drede nyȝt and day, and þow ſhalt not trowe to þi lijf. þriſti,
lxvii Eerli þow ſhalt ſeye, Who ȝyueþ to me euen? and at xx and þe Lord forȝyue not to hym, but þanne mooſt þe
euen, Who ȝyueþ to me eerlich? for þe drede of þin herte, bi woodnes of hym ſhal wax feers, and gelows aȝens þat man,
þe which þow ſhalt be agaſt, and for þo þingis þat þow ſhalt and ſitten vpon hym alle þe curſid þingis þat ben wryten in
ſe wiþ þin eyen. þis volym; and he doo awey þe name of hym vnder heuene,
lxviii And þe Lord ſhal brynge þee aȝen wiþ multitude of xxi and waaſt hym into þe loſt fro alle lynagis of Yrael, after
ſhippis into Egipt, bi þe weye of þe which he ſeide to þee, þat þe maliſouns þat in þe book of þis lawe and couenaunt ben
yt þow ſhuldiſt ſe no more. Þere þow ſhalt be ſold to þin conteyned.
enemyes, into þrallis and þralleſſis; and þere ſhal not be þat xxii And þe generacioun folowynge ſhal ſeye, and þe ſones þat
ſhulen be born þerafter, and pilgrymys, and fro aferre comen,
ſeynge þe veniauncis of þat loond, and þe infirmytees, wiþ þe
Capitulum XXIX. whiche þe Lord tourmentid it,
i Thes xxiii wiþ brimſtoon, and brennynge wiþ heet of þe ſunne, ſo
ben þe wordis of þe couenaunt of pees, þat þe Lord
haþ comaundid to Moyſes, þat he ſhould ſmyte wiþ þe ſones þat forþermore it be not ſowed, ne eny þing green burioun,
of Yrael in þe loond of Moab, biſide þat boond of pees, þat into enſaumple of þe vndurturnynge of Sodom and Gomor,
wiþ hem he couenauntide in Oreb. Adame and Soboym, þe whiche þe Lord vndurturned in
ii And Moyſes clepide al Yrael, and ſeide to hem, Ȝe han wreþ, and in his woodnes.
xxiiii And al folk ſhulen ſeye, Whi þus þe Lord haþ doon to
ſeen alle þingis þat þe Lord haþ doo before ȝow in þe loond
of Egipt, to Pharao, and alle þe ſeruauntis of hym, and to al þis loond? What is þis greet wraþ wiþ outen meſure of his
þe loond of hym; woodnes?
iii greet temptaciouns, þat þin eyen ſeen, þilk ſygnes, and xxv and þei ſhulen anſwere, For þei han forſake þe couenaunt
greet wondres. of þe Lord, þat he couenauntide wiþ þe faders of hem,
iiii And þe Lord ȝaf not to ȝow an vndurſtondynge herte, and whanne he lad hem out of þe loond of Egipt,
xxvi and ſerueden to alien goddis, and honoureden hem whom
ſeynge eyen, and eeris þat miȝten here, vnto þe day þat is
nowe. þei knewen not, and to whom þei weren not taken to;
v He ladde ȝow fourti ȝeer bi deſeert; ȝoure cloþes ben not xxvii þerfor wraþþed þe woodnes of þe Lord aȝens þis loond,
apeyred, ne þe ſhoon of ȝoure feet for eeld ben not waſtid; þat he brouȝt in vpon it alle þe curſid þingis þat in þis volym
vi breed ȝe eeten not, wyn and ſidre ȝe dronken not, þat ȝe ben wryten;
xxviii and he keſte hem out fro his loond in wraþþe, in
ſhulden knowe for he is þe Lord ȝoure God.
vii And ȝe ben comen to þis place; and Seon, þe kyng of woodnes, and in mooſt indignacyoun; and he keſte aferre in to
Eſebon, went out, and Og, þe kyng of Baſan, aȝen comynge an alyen loond, as to day is preued.
xxix Hid þingis of þe Lord oure God ben, þat ben open to vs,
to ȝow to fiȝt.
viii And we ſmyten hem, and token þe loond of hem, and and to oure ſones vnto wiþ outen ende, þat we doon alle
ȝauen to be weeld to Ruben, and Gad, and to þe half lynage þingis of þis lawe.
of Manaſſe.
ix Keep ȝe þerfor þe wordis of þis couenaunt, and fulfil hem, Capitulum XXX.
þat ȝe vndurſtonden alle þingis þat ȝe ſhulden doo. i Whanne þerfor were comen vpon þee alle þes wordes,
x Ȝe ſtonden to day alle before þe Lord ȝoure God, ȝoure bleſſynge or malyſoun, þat I haue purpoſid in þi ſiȝt, and
princes, and lynagis, and þe more þurȝ birþ, and doctours, al brouȝt þurȝ forþenkyng of þin herte in alle folkis of kynde,
þe puple of Irael, into þe whiche þe Lord þi God haþ ſcatred þee,


ii and were turned aȝen to hym, and obeyſhideſt to þe heeſtis iii Þerfor þe Lord þi God ſhall paſſe before þee; he ſhal doo a
of him, as Y to day comaunde to þee, wiþ þi ſones, in al þin wey alle þes gentils in þi ſiȝt, and þow ſhalt weeld hem; and
herte and in al þi ſoule, þis Joſue ſhal paſſe before þee, as þe Lord haþ ſpoken.
iii and þe Lord þi God ſhal bryng þee aȝen fro þi chaytifte, iiii And þe Lord ſhal doo to hem as he dide to Seon, and to
and ſhal haue mercy of þee, and eft ſhal gedre þee fro alle Og, þe kyng of Amorreis, and to þe loond of hem; and he
puplis, into þe whiche þee before he ſcatride; ſhal do hem a wey.
iiii if to þe eendis of heuene þow were ſcatryd, þens ſhal aȝen v Whanne þanne and þes he ſhal taak to ȝow, lijk maner ȝe
drawe þee þe Lord þi God; ſhulen doo to hem, as I haue comaundid to ȝow.
v and ſhal taak, and brynge into þe loond þat weldiden þi vi Manlich do ȝe, and `be ȝe coumfortid; wole ȝe not be feerd,
fadris; and þow ſhalt holde it, and bleſſynge to þee, of more ne dred at þe ſiȝt of hem, for þe Lord þi God he ys þi leder,
noumbre he ſhall make þee to be þan weren þi fadris. and he ſhal not leeue, ne forſaak þee.
vi Þe Lord þi God ſhal circumcyde þin herte, and þe herte of vii And Moiſes clepide Joſue, and ſeide to hym before al þe
þi ſeed, þat þow loue þe Lord þi God in al þin herte and in multitude of þe ſones of Yrael, Tak coumfort, and be þow
al þi ſoule, and þow may lyue. ſtrong; forſoþe þow ſhal lede in þis puple into þe loond þat þe
vii Forſoþe alle þes maliſouns þe Lord ſhal turn vpon þin Lord haþ ſworn hym to ȝeuynge to þe faders of hem; and þow
enemyes, and hem þat haten þee þei ſhulen purſue. ſhalt it dyuyde bi lot.
viii Forſoþe þow ſhalt turne aȝen, and here þe voice of þe viii And þe Lord þat is ȝour leder, he ſhal be wiþ þee, ne ſhal
Lord þi God, and þow ſhalt doo alle þe maundementis þat I leeue ne forſaak þee; wole þow not drede, ne be feerd.
comaunde to þee to day; ix And ſo Moyſes wroot þis lawe, and took it to þe preeſtis,
ix and þe Lord þi God ſhal make þee to be plenteuous in alle þe ſones of Leuy, þat beren þe ark of þe boond of pees of þe
þe werkis of þin hoondis, in þe progeny of þi woomb, and in Lord, and to alle þe aldren of Yrael.
þe fruyt of þi beeſtis, in plenteuowſte of þin erþe, and in x And he comaundide to hem, ſeiynge, After ſeuen ȝeer þe ȝeer
largyte of alle þingis. Forſoþe þe Lord ſhal turne aȝen, þat he of remyſſioun, in þe ſolempnytees of þe tabernaclis,
ioye on þee in alle goodis, as he ioyede in þi fadres; xi alle men of Yrael comynge togidre, þat þei aperen in þe ſiȝt
x if neuerþelater þow hereſt þe voyce of þe Lord þi God, and of þe Lord her God, in þe place þat þe Lord haþ choſun, þow
kepiſt þe heeſtis of hym, and cerymoyns, þat in þis lawe ben ſhalt rede þe wordis of þis lawe before al Yrael, hem
writen, and turn aȝen to þe Lord þi God, in al þin herte, and herynge,
in al þi ſoule. xii and in oon al þi puple gedrid, as wel men as wymmen,
xi Þis heeſt þat I comaunde to þee to day, is not aboue þee, litil children, and comlyngis þat ben wiþ ynne þi ȝaatis; þat
ne ferre put, herynge þei lernen, and dreden þe Lord oure God, and keep
xii ne in heuene ſet, þat þow maiſt ſeye, Who of vs may to and fulfille alle þe wordis of þis lawe;
heuene ſty vp, þat he brynge it to vs, and we heren it, and xiii forſoþe þe ſones of hem þat now vnknowen, þat þei mowen
fulfillen in dede? here, and þei dredden þe Lord her God alle days in þe
xiii ne biȝond ſee ſet, þat þow pleyn, and ſeye, Who of vs may whiche þei dwellen in erþe to þe which, Jordan ouer put, ȝe
paſſe ouer þe ſee, and it to vs hidir brynge, þat we mowen ſhulen goon þat it be had.
here, and doon þat þat is comaundid? xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Loo! nyȝ ben þe days of þi
xiiii But riȝt nyȝ þee is þe word, in þi mouþ and in þin herte, deeþ; cleep Joſue, and ſtoond ȝe in þe tabernacle of
þat þow doo it. witneſſynge, þat Y comaunde to hym. Þerfor Moyſes and
xv Bihold þat to day I haue purpoſid in þi ſiȝt lijf and good, Joſue ȝeden, and ſtoden in þe tabernacle of witneſſynge;
xv and þe Lord aperide þere in a pelere of a clowde, þat ſtood
and aȝenward deþ and yuel;
xvi þat þow loue þe Lord þi God, and goo in þe weies of in þe entre of þe tabernacle.
xvi And þe Lord ſeide to Moyſes, Loo! þow ſhalt ſleepe wiþ
hym, and keep þe heeſtis of hym, and cerymoyns, and domes;
and þow lyue, and he multiplie þee, and bleſſe to þee, in þe þi fadris, and þis puple aryſynge ſhall doo fornycacioun after
loond to þe which to be weeldid þow ſhalt goon yn. alien goddis, in þe loond to þe which he ſhal goon yn, and
xvii Forſoþe if þin herte were turned awey, and woldiſt not dwelle in it; þere he ſhal forſaak me and make at nouȝt þe
couenaunt of pees, þat Y couenauntid wiþ hym.
here, and bi errour diſſeyued honouriſt alyen goddis, and xvii And my woodnes ſhal wraþþe aȝens hym in þat day, and
ſerueſt hem,
xviii I before ſeye to þee to day, þat þow periſhe, and litil Y ſhal forſaak hym, and hiyde my face fro hym, and he ſhal
be into deuowrynge; and alle yuels and turmentyngis ſhulen
tyme þow ſhalt dwelle in þe loond, to þe which Jordan ouer fynde hym, ſo þat he ſeie in þat day, Forſoþe for God is not
put þow ſhalt goon yn, þat it be weeldid. wiþ me, þes yuels han foundun me.
xix Wytneſſes Y inwardly clepe heuene and erþe to day, þat Y xviii Forſoþe Y ſhal hide, and hile my face in þat day, for alle
haue purpoſid to ȝow lijf and deþ, good and yuel, bleſſynge þe yuels þat he haþ doo, for he haþ folwid alien goddis.
and curſynge; chees þerfor lijf, þat and þow lyue and þi ſeed, xix And ſo now wryte ȝe to ȝow þis ſonge, and teche ȝe þe
xx and þow loue þe Lord þi God, and þow obeyſh to his
ſones of Yrael, þat myndfulli þei hoolden, and wiþ mouþ
voyce, and to hym þow drawe to; forſoþe he is þi lijf, and þe ſynge; and þis dyte be to me for witneſſinge among þe ſones
lengþe of þi days; þat þow dwelle in þe loond, for þe which þe of Yrael.
Lord haþ ſwore to þi fadris Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, þat xx Forſoþe I ſhal leede hym into þe loond, for þe which I
he ȝeue it to hem.
haue ſworn to þe fadris of hym, mylk and hony flowynge; and
whanne þei hadden eete, and weren fillid, and fat, þei ſhulen
Capitulum XXXI. turn to alien goddis, and ſerue to hem; and myſſey to me, and
i And ſo Moyſes ȝede, and ſpak alle þes wordes to al Yrael, þei ſhulen make at nouȝt my couenaunt.
ii and xxi After þat many yuels and tourmentyngis han founden hym,
ſeide to hem, Of an hundrid and twenti ȝeer Y am to
day, Y may namore goon out and come yn, namelich whanne þis ſonge ſhal anſwere to hym for witneſſynge, þat no
and þe Lord haþ ſeide to me, Þow ſhalt not paſſe þis Jordan. forȝetynge ſhal doo awey fro þe mouþ of þi ſeed. I knowe


forſoþe þe þowȝtis of hym, what þingis he be to doo, to day xiiii butre of þe droue, and mylk of ſheep, wiþ þe talwȝ of
or Y lede hym into þe loond þat I haue bihoot to hym. loombs and of weþers, of þe ſones of Baſan; and goot wiþ
xxii Þanne Moyſes wroot a ſonge, and tauȝte þe ſones of margh of whete, and blood of grapis myȝte drynk mooſt cleer.
Yrael. xv Ful fat maad is þe loued, and aȝen wynſed; fulfattid,
xxiii And þe Lord comaundide to Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and fulgreſid, outlargid; he laft God his maker, and ȝeed abak fro
ſeiþ, Tak coumfort, and be ſtronge; forſoþe þou ſhal brynge yn God, his ȝyuer of heelþ.
þe ſones of Yrael into þe loond þat I haue bihoot, and I ſhal xvi Þei eggiden him in alyen goddis, and in abomynaciouns
be wiþ þee. to wraþþe arereden.
xxiiii After þanne þat Moiſes wroot þe wordes of þis lawe in xvii Þei offriden to deuels, and not to God, to goddis þe
a volym, and fulfillide, whiche þei knewen not; newe and freſſhe camen, `þe whiche
xxv he comaundide to þe Leuytis þat beren þe arke of þe heryeden not þe faders of hem.
boond of pees of þe Lord, ſeiynge, xviii God þat þee gat þow haſt forſaak, and haſt forȝet þe
xxvi Take ȝe þis book, and puttiþ it in þe ſide of þe arke of Lord þi ſhaper.
þe boond of pees of þe Lord ȝoure God, þat it be þere aȝens xix Þe Lord ſawȝ, and to wraþþe was rerid; for eggiden hym
þee into witneſſynge. his ſones and douȝtres.
xxvii Forſoþe Y knowe þi ſtryuynge, and þi mooſt hard nol; xx And he ſeiþ, Y ſchal hyde my face fro hem, and I ſhal
ȝit lyuynge me, and goynge yn wiþ ȝowe, euermore ſtryuyngly behold þe laſt þinges of hem; generacioun forſoþe myſturned it
ȝe diden aȝens þe Lord; myche more whanne I ſhal be deed. is, and vntrewe ſones.
xxviii Gedre ȝe to me alle þe more þurȝ birþ, bi ȝoure lynages, xxi Þei han eggid me in hym þat was not God, and han
and doctours, and I ſhal ſpeke hem, herynge þes wordes, and terred in her vanytees; and I ſhal egge hem in hym þat is no
I ſhal inwardly clepe aȝens hem heuene and erþe. puple, and in fole folk of kynde I ſhal terre hem.
xxix Forſoþe I haue knowun, þat after my deeþ wickidlich ȝe xxii Fier is vndurtent in my woodnes, and it ſhal brenne vnto
ſhulen doo, and ȝe ſhulen bowe aſide ſoon fro þe wey þat I þe laſt þingis of helle; and it ſhal deuowre þe loond wiþ his
haue comaundide to ȝow; and þere ſhulen come aȝens to ȝou buriownynge, and of hillis þe foundementis ſhulen brenne.
yuels in þe laſt tyme, whanne ȝe han doon yuel in þe ſiȝt of xxiii I ſhal gedre vpon hem yuels, and myn arewis I ſhal
þe Lord, þat ȝe terren hym bi þe werkys of ȝoure hoondis.
xxx Þanne Moyſes ſpak, herynge al þe company of Yrael, þe fulfil in hem.
xxiiii Þei ſhulen be waſtid wiþ hungir, and briddis ſhulen
wordis of þis dite, and vnto þe eende fulfillid.
deuour hem in biting mooſt bitter; teeþ of beſtis I ſhal ſende
in hem, wiþ woodnes of hem drawinge on erþe, and crepinge.
Capitulum XXXII. xxv Wiþ out forþ ſhal waaſt hem ſwerd, and wiþ yn forþ
i Here ȝe, heuens, þingis þat Y ſpeke; here þe erþe þe wordis dreed; þe ȝong togidre and mayden, þe ſowkynge wiþ þe old
of my mouþ. man.
ii To gidre ſprynge in reyn my loore; flowe as dewe my xxvi And I ſeide, Where forſoþe ben þei? to ceeſe Y ſhal
ſpeche, as wedre vpon erbe, and as dropes vpon cornes. maak fro men þe mynde of hem.
iii For þe name of þe Lord I ſhal inwardly cleep; ȝeueþ huge xxvii But for þe wraþ of enemyes I lafte for a while, leſt
doynge to oure God. perauenture wolden wexe prowde þe enemyes of hem, and
iiii Of God perfit ben þe werkys, and alle his weyes domes; a ſeye, Oure hiȝe hoond, and not þe Lord, haþ doon alle þes
trewe God, and wiþ outen eny wickidnes, ryȝtwis and euen. þingis.
xxviii Folk wiþ out counſeil it is, and wiþ out wiſdom;
v Þei han ſynned to hym, and not his ſones in filþis; ſhrewid
xxix wolde God þei ſauerden, and vndurſtoden, and laſt þingis
kynred, and myſturnyd.
vi Þes þingis aȝenward ȝeeldiſt þow not to þe Lord, O fole purueyden.
xxx What maner wiſe oon purſuede a þowſand, and two
puple and vnwiſe? Wheþer is he not þi fader, þat haþ weeldid
þee, and maad, and fourmed þee of nouȝt? myȝten dryue ten þowſand? Wheþer not þerfore for her God
vii Haue mynde of olde days, and þenk eche generaciouns; ſolde hem, and þe Lord cloſide hem?
xxxi Forſoþe oure God is not as þe goddis of hem, and oure
aſke þi fader, and he ſhal telle to þee, þi more, and þei ſhulen
ſeie to þee. enemyes ben iugis.
viii Whanne deuydide þe hiȝeſt folkis of kynde, whanne he xxxii Of þe vyn of Sodoms þe vyn of hem, and of þe
ſeuerde þe ſones of Adam, he ſette þe teermys of puplis after ſubaarbis of Gomor; þe graap of hem graap of gal, and þe
þe noumbre of þe ſones of Yrael. cluſter mooſt bittre.
ix Part forſoþe of þe Lord þe puple of hym; Jacob þe litil xxxiii Gal of dragouns þe wyne of hem, and venym of eddres
corde of his herytage. vncurable.
x He foond hym in a deſeert loond, in place of orrour, and of xxxiiii Wheþer ben not þes þingis hid anentis me, and merkid
waaſt wildernes; he ladde hym aboute, and tauȝte, and kept in my treſours?
as þe apple of his eye. xxxv Myn is veniaunce, and Y ſhal ȝeeld to hem in tyme, þat
xi As an egle forþclepynge his bryddis to flee, and on hem þe foot of hem ſlyde; nyȝ is þe day of perdicioun, and to be
houynge, he ſprade out his weengis, and took to hym, and nyȝ hiȝen þe tymes.
beer in his ſhuldres. xxxvi Þe Lord ſhal deme his puple, and in his ſeruauntis he
xii Þe Lord alone was þe leder of hym, and was not wiþ hym ſhal haue mercy; he ſhal ſe þat feble be þe hoond, and cloſid
an alien God. forſoþe han faylid, and þe lafte ben waſtid.
xiii He ſette hym on an hiȝe erþe, þat he myȝte ete þe fruytis xxxvii And þei ſhulen ſeye, Where ben þe goddis of hem, in
of feeldes, þat he myȝte ſowke hony of þe ſtoon, and oyle of þe whiche þei hadden truſt?
mooſt hard ſtone;


xxxviii Of whos ſlayn ſacrifice þei eten þe fatneſſe, and ix þe which haþ ſeide to his fader and to his moder, I knowe
drunken þe wyn of þe offryngis of licours, ariſe, and helpe þei ȝow not, and to his briþeren, I vnknowe hem; and þei
to ȝow, and in nede ȝow defende. knewen not her ſones. Þes kepten þi ſpeech, and þi
xxxix Seeþ þat Y am alone, and þere is noon oþer God ſaue couenaunt;
me; I ſhal ſlee, and I ſhal maak to lyue; Y ſhal ſmyte, and I x heelden þi domys, O! Jacob, and þi lawe, O! Yrael; þei
ſhal heel; and þere is not þat fro myn hoond may delyuer. ſhulen put maad encenſe in þi woodnes, and brent ſacrifice on
xl I ſhal heue vp to heuene myn hoond, and Y ſhal ſeye, I þin auter.
lyue wiþ outen eende. xi Bleſſe, Lord, þe ſtrengþ of hym, and þe werkis of þe
xli If I whette as leit my ſwerd, and myn hoond taak doom, hoondis of hym tak; ſmyit þe backis of þe enemyes of hym,
Y ſhal ȝeeld vengynge to myn enemyes, and to hem þat and þat haten hym, aryſe þei not.
hatiden me, I ſhal quite. xii And to Beniamyn he ſeiþ, Mooſt loued of þe Lord ſhal
xlii I ſhal drenche myn arewis in blood, and my ſwerd ſhal dwelle triſtili in hym; as in a chaumbre al day he ſhal dwelle,
deuour fleſh of þe blood of ſlayn, and of þe chaytifte of þe and betwix þe ſhuldres of hym he ſhal reſt.
nakid heed of enemyes. xiii Forſoþe to Joſeph he ſeiþ, Of þe bleſſynge of þe Lord þe
xliii Preyſe ȝe, gentils, þe puple of hym, for þe blood of his loond of hym; of þe applis of heuene, and of þe dewe, and of
ſeruauntis he ſhal wreek, and veniaunce he ſhal quyte into þe þe ſee vnderligging;
enemyes of hem; and he ſhal be merciful to þe erþe of his xiiii of applis of þe fruyt of ſunne, and of mone;
puple. xv and of þe cop of þe oold mounteyns, and of applis of
xliiii Þanne Moyſes cam, and ſpak alle þe wordis of þis ſonge euerlaſtynge hillis;
in þe eris of þe puple; and he and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun. xvi and of fruytis of þe erþe, and plente of it. Bleſſynge of
xlv And he fulfillide alle þes wordis, ſpekynge to al Yrael; hym þat aperyde in þe buſſhe come vpon þe heed of Joſeph,
xlvi and ſeide to hem, Put ȝe ȝoure hertis into alle þe wordys and vpon þe fortop of Nazarey among his briþeren.
þat I witneſſe to ȝow to day, þat ȝe comaunden hem to ȝoure xvii As of þe firſt goten bool þe feirnes of hym; hornes of an
ſones to keep, and to doo, and to fulfille alle þingis þat ben vnicorn þe hornes of hym; in hem he ſhal wyndowe gentilys,
wryten of þis lawe; vnto þe teermes of þe erþe. Þes ben þe multitudys of
xlvii for not in veyn þei ben comaundid to ȝow, but þat echon Effraym, and þes þouſandis of Manaſſe.
in hem ſhulde lyue; þe which doynge long tyme ȝe abiden in xviii And to Zabulon he ſeiþ, Glad þow, Zabulon, in þi
þe loond, to þe which to be weeldid, Jordan ouerput, ȝe goynge out, and, Yſachar, in þi tabernaclis.
ſhulen goon yn. xix Puplis at þe hil þei ſhulen cleep, and þere þei ſhulen offre
xlviii And þe Lord ſpak to Moiſes in þe ſame day, ſeiynge, ſlayn ſacrifices of ryȝtwyſneſſe; þe whiche þe flowynge of þe
xlix Sty vp into þis hil Abarym, þat is, paſſynge, into þe hil ſee as mylk ſhal ſowke, and hid treſours of graueils.
Nebo, þat is in þe loond of Moab, aȝens Jeryco; and ſe þe xx And to Gad he ſeiþ, Bleſſid in breede Gad; as a lioun he
loond of Chanaan, þat to be hold I ſhal taak to þe ſones of reſtide, and he took arme and fortop.
Yrael, and dye þow in þe hil. xxi And he ſawȝ his prynſehod, þat in his paart a doctour he
l Þe which ſtiynge vp, þow ſhalt be ioyned to þi puplis, as was ſeid vp; þe which was wiþ princis of puple, and dide
died Aaron, þi broþer, in þe hil of Hor, and was put to his riȝtwiſneſſes of þe Lord, and hys doom wiþ Yrael.
puples. xxii To Dan forſoþe he ſeiþ, Dan, keetlyng of a lyon, ſhal
li For ȝe han treſpaſſid aȝens me, in þe myddil of þe ſones of flowe laargly fro Baſan.
Yrael, at þe Watris of Aȝenſeiynge, in Cades of þe deſeert of xxiii And to Neptalym he ſeide, Neptalym plenteuowneſſe ſhal
Syn; and ȝe halwide not me amonge þe ſones of Yrael. ful vſe, and ful ſhal be wiþ bleſſyngis of þe Lord; eerly and
lii Aȝenward þow ſhalt ſe þe loond, and ſhalt not goon into it, mydday he ſhal weeld.
þat I ſhal ȝyue to þe ſones of Irael. xxiiii To Aſer forſoþe he ſeiþ, Bleſſid in ſones Aſer, be he
pleſynge to his breþeren; weet he in oyle his foot.
Capitulum XXXIII. xxv Yrun and bras þe ſhoynge of hym; as days of þi ȝongþ ſo
i This is þe bliſſynge, wiþ þe which Moyſes, man of God, and þin eelde.
xxvi Þere is noon oþer God as þe mooſt riȝt God; þe ſtier of
bliſſede þe ſones of Irael before his deeþ;
ii and ſeiþ, Þe Lord fro Syna cam, and fro Seir is ſprongun heuen `þin helper; þurȝ þe hidows doynge of hym to and fro
to vs; he aperide fro þe hil of Pharan, and wiþ hym rennen þe clowdes.
xxvii Þe dwellynge place of hym aboue, and vndurneþe
þouſandis of ſeyntis; in þe riȝt hoond of hym firy lawe.
iii He louede puples; alle ſeyntis in þe hoond of hym ben, and euerlaſtynge aarmys; he ſhal caſt out fro þi face þe enemye,
þat neiȝen to þe feet of hym, ſhulen taak of þe loor of hym. and he ſhal ſeye, Be þow to-trode.
xxviii Yrael ſhal dwelle truſtilych, and aloone; þe eye of Jacob
iiii Lawe comaundide to vs Moyſes, þe erytage of þe multitude
of Jacob. in þe loond of whete, and of wyn; and heuens ſhulen wexe
v And þere ſhal be anentis þe mooſt riȝt a kyng, þe princis of
derk þurȝ dewe.
xxix Bleſſid art þow, Yrael; who lijk of þee, þou puple þat art
þe puple gedrid wiþ þe lynagis of Yrael. ſaued in þe Lord? Sheeld of þin help and ſwerd of þi glorye
vi Lyue Ruben, and dye he not, and be he litil in noumbre.
þi God; þin enemyes ſhulen denye þee, and þow ſhal treed
vii Þis is of Jude þe bleſſynge; here, Lord, þe voyce of Jude, neckis of hem.
and to his puple wiþ ynne leede hym; his hoondis ſhulen fiȝt
for it, and helper of it he ſhal be aȝens þe aduerſaryes of it. Capitulum XXXIIII.
viii Forſoþe to Leuy he ſeiþ, Þi perfeccioun and þi loor fro
i Aſcende þanne Moyſes fro þe wijlde feeldys of Moab, vpon
þin hooli man, whom þow haſt preued in temptacioun, and
haſt demed at þe Watris of Aȝenſeiynge; þe hil of Nebo, in to þe cop of Phaſga, aȝens Jericho. And
þe Lord ſhewide to hym al þe loond of Galaad vnto Dan,


ii and al Neptalym, and `þe loond of Effraym and Manaſſe,

and al þe loond of Juda, vnto þe laſt ſee;
iii and þe ſowþ paart, and þe breede of þe feeld of Jericho,
cyte of Palmys vnto Seor.
iiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Þis is þe loond for þe which Y
ſwore to Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, ſeiynge, To þi ſeed I
ſhal ȝyue it; þow haſt ſeen it wiþ þin eyen, and þow ſhalt not
paſſe to it.
v And þanne Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, dyed þere, in
þe loond of Moab, comaundynge þe Lord.
vi And he biryede hym in þe valey of þe loond of Moab,
aȝens Phegor; and no man knewe þe ſepulcre of hym vnto þe
day þat is now.
vii Moyſes of an hundrid and twenty ȝeeris was whanne he
diede; þe eyȝe of hym daſwed not, ne þe teeþ of hym ben
viii And þe children of Irael wepten hym in þe wijlde feeldis
of Moab þretti dais; and fulfillyd ben þe dais of mournynge
of hem weylynge Moiſes.
ix Forſoþe Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, is fulfillid wiþ þe ſpyryt of
wiſdom, for Moyſes putte on hym his hoondis; and to him
obeiſhiden þe ſones of Yrael, and diden as þe Lord
comaundide to Moyſes.
x And þere roos not a prophete ferþermore in Yrael as
Moyſes, whom þe Lord knewe face to face,
xi in alle ſygnes and wondres, `þe whiche bi hym he ſente, þat
he ſhulde doo in þe loond of Egipte to Pharao, and to alle þe
ſeruauntis of hym, and to al þe loond of hym;
xii and al ſtrong hoond, and greet merueyls, þat Moiſes dide
before al Irael.
Here endiþ þe book of Deutronomi, and
nowe bigyneþ þe prolog of Joſue and of
Judicum and of Ruth.


ii Moyſes, my ſeruaunt, is deed; riſe, and paſſe ouer þis

JOSUE. Jordan, þow, and al þe puple wiþ þee, into þe loond þat Y
ſhal ȝyue to þe ſones of Yrael.
Þe prolog of Joſue iii Eche place þat þe ſtap of ȝoure foot ſhal treed, to ȝow Y
At þe laſt endid þe fyue bokis of Moiſes, as of greet boond ſhal taak, as Y ſpak to Moyſes,
delyuered, to Joſue, þe ſone of Naue, we putten hoond, whom iiii fro `deſeert and Libane and vnto þe greet flood of Effrates;
Ebrews clepen Joſue Ben Nun, þat is, Joſue, þe ſone of al þe loond of Etheus, vnto þe greet ſee aȝens þe ſunne
Nun; and to þe book of Jugis, whom þei clepen Sophyn; and goynge doun, ſhal be ȝoure teerme.
to Ruth, and to Heſter, þe whiche wiþ þe ſame names þei v Noon ſhal mowe to ȝow to aȝenſtoond alle þe dais of þi lijf;
tellen out. And we moneiſhen þe reder, þat þe wode of Ebrew as Y was wiþ Moyſes, ſo Y ſhal be wiþ þee; Y ſhal not
names, and diſtyncciouns bi membris dyuydid þe biſy wryter leeue, ne forſaak þee.
keep wel, leſt and oure traueyl and þe ſtudie of hym peryſhe; vi Tak coumfort, and be ſtrong; forſoþe þow ſhalt dyuyde bi
and þat in þe fyrſt, þat oft Y haue witneſſid, wite he me not
in to repreuynge of oold men newe þingis to ſtiþie, as my lot to þis puple þe loond, for þe which Y haue ſwore to þi
freendis putten blame; but for foul paart to offre of my tonge, faders, þat Y take it to hem.
to men, whom neuerþelater oure ſaumpleers delyten, þat for þe vii Take coumfort þerfor, and be ful ſtrong, þat þow keep, and
ſixe ſaumpleers of Greekis, þe whiche and neden coſt and doo al þe lawe, þat Moyſes, my ſeruaunt, haþ comaundid to
mooſt traueil, haue þei oure makynge. And ȝife where euere þee; ne bowe þow aſide fro it to þe ryȝt or to þe left, þat þow
þei dowten in redynge of oold volyms, þei togidre berynge þes vnderſtoond alle þingis þat þow doſt.
to þilk, fynden þat þei ſechen; mooſt ſiþ anentys Latyns ſo viii Þe volym of þis law goo not awey fro þi mouþ, but þow
feele ben ſaumpleers, how feele bokis, and echon after his ſhalt deuowtly þink in it days and nyȝtis, þat þow kepe and
doom oþer addide or wiþdrewe, þat is ſeen to hym; and do alle þingis þat ben wryten in it; þanne þow ſhalt make
forſoþe it may not be ſooþ þat diſcordiþ. Wherfor þe ſcorpioun redi þi weie, and vnderſtoond it.
ceeſe to ful ryſe aȝens vs wiþ crokid wounde, and leeue he of ix I comaunde to þee; tak coumfort, and be ſtrong; wole þow
hooli werk to reproue wiþ venymyd tonge, or takynge if it
pleſe, or diſpiſynge if it diſpleſe; and haue he mynde of þo not drede, and wole þow not be feerd; for wiþ þee is þe Lord
verſe, Þi mouþ aboundide wiþ malice, and þi tonge wrouȝte þi God in alle þingis, to what euere þingis þow ſhalt goo.
x And Joſue comaundide to þe pryncis of þe puple, ſeiynge,
trecheries; ſittynge aȝens þi broþer þow ſpeek, and aȝens þe
ſone of þi moder þou puttiſt ſclaundre; þes þingis þow didiſt, xi Goo ȝe bi þe myddil of þe tentis; and comaunde ȝe to þe
and Y heelde my pees; þou eymediſt wickidli, þat Y ſhal be puple, and ſeye ȝe, Make ȝe redi to ȝou meetis, for after þe
of þe lijk; Y ſhal vndurnyme þee, and ſette þee aȝens þi face. þridde day ȝe ſhulen paſſſe ouer Jordan, and goo into þe
Forſoþe what profit is of þe herer, or of þe reeder, vs to loond to be weeldid, þat þe Lord ȝoure God is to ȝyue to
ſweete in traueilynge, and to traueile in bacbytynge? oþer to ȝow.
ſoru þe Jewis, þat of chalengynge of hem and of ſcornynge xii Forſoþe to Rubenytis, and Gaddytis, and to þe half lynage
Criſten be `doon a wey occaſioun, and men of þe chirche it to of Manaſſe he ſeiþ,
diſpiſe, alſo and to tere, wherof aduerſaries ben tourmentid? xiii Haue mynde of þe word þat comaundide to ȝow Moiſes,
And if þe oold oonliche interpretacioun pleſe to hem, þe which
and to me diſpleſiþ not, and no þing þei wiþ out wenen to be þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, ſeiynge, Þe Lord ȝoure God haþ ȝyue
taak; whi þo þingis þat vndur ſignes of a ſterre, and vndur to ȝow reſt and al þe loond;
ſignes of an arowe, or ben addyd, or kut awey, þei reden, xiiii ȝoure wyues and ȝoure children and beeſtis ſhulen dwelle
and diſpiſen? Whi Danyel after þe tranſlacioun of Theodoſiun in þe loond þat Moyſes haþ taak to ȝow biȝonde Jordan; ȝe
chirchis han reſſeyued? Whi Origen þei merueilen, and forſoþe paſſiþ armed before ȝoure breþeren, alle þe ſtronge
Euſebe of Pamphili, alle makyngis alſo expownynge? Oþer men in hoond; and fiȝte ȝe for hem,
what foli was, after þat þei ſeiden ſooþ þingis, to brynge forþ xv to þe tyme þat þe Lord ȝyue reſt to ȝoure briþeren, as and
þo þat ben fals? Where of forſoþe in þe Newe Teſtament þei to ȝow he haþ ȝeue; and þat þei forſoþe weelden þe loond þat
mowen preue þe taken witneſſyngis, `þe whiche in oold bokis þe Lord ȝoure God is to ȝyue to hem; and ſo ȝe ſhulen turn
ben not had? Þeſe þingis we ſeyn, leſt we ben ſeen vtterli to aȝen into þe loond of ȝoure poſſeſſyoun, and ȝe ſhulen dwelle
be ſtil to wrongful chalengers. Ferþermore after þe deeþ of `þe in it, þat to ȝow haþ ȝeuen Moiſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord,
holi womman Paule, whos lijf is ſaumple of vertue, and þes biȝond Jordan, aȝens þe riſynge of þe ſunne.
bokis, `þe whiche to þe mayden of Criſt, Euſtochie, Y myȝte xvi And þei anſwerden to Joſue, and ſeiden, Alle þingis þat
not denye, we han demed, while þe ſpiryt ſhal gouern þes
lymes, to ſitten to þe explanacioun of þe prophetis, and to þow haſt comaundid to vs we ſhulen doo, and whidir euer
`turnen aȝen to þe now long laft werk, as bi a maner þow ſeendiſt, we ſhulen goo;
turnynge aȝen after outlawynge; nameli ſiþ Pawmachie, an xvii as we han obeiſhid in alle þingis to Moiſes, ſo and we
hooli man and merueilows, þis ſame þing aſkiþ bi lettres, and ſhulen obeyſhe to þee; oneli þe Lord þi God be wiþ þee, as he
we, hiynge to þe contre, owen to ouerpaſſe wiþ a deef eer þe was wiþ Moyſes.
`deþ berynge ſongis of mermynns. xviii Who aȝen ſeiþ to þi mouþ, and obeiſhiþ not to alle þe
Here eendiþ þe prolog of Joſue and wordis, `þe whiche þow haſt comaundid to hym, dye he; þou
oonly tak coumfort, and do manlych.
Judicum and of Ruth, and nowe bigynneþ
þe book of Joſue. Capitulum II.
i Sente þanne Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, fro Sechym two men,
Capitulum I. aſpies in hidlis, and ſeide to hem, Gooþ, and biholdiþ þe
i And it is doon after þe deþ of Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe loond, and þe cyte of Jerycho. Þe whiche goynge ȝeden into
Lord, þat þe Lord ſpak to Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, þe ſeruaunt an hows of a womman ſtrumpet, Raab bi name, and þei
of Moyſes, and ſeide to hym, reſtiden anentis hir.


ii And it is told to þe kyng of Jerycho, and ſeid, Loo! men xxii Forſoþe þei goynge camen to þe mounteyns, and
ben goon yn hyþir bi nyȝt, of þe ſones of Yrael, for to aſpye dwellyden þere þre dais, to þe tyme þat þei weren comen aȝen
þe loond. þat purſueden; forſoþe ſechynge bi al þe weie, þei fonden hem
iii `And þe kyng of Jericho ſente to Raab þe ſtrumpet, ſeiynge, not.
Bryng out þe men, þat camen to þee, and ben comen into þin xxiii Þe whiche comynge into þe cyte, ben comen aȝen, and þe
hows; forſoþe aſpies þei ben, and al þe loond to bihold þei ſpies deſcendiden fro þe hil; and ouerpaſſid Jordan þei camen
comen. to Joſue, þe ſone of Nun; and þei tolden to hym alle þingis
iiii And þe womman takynge þe men hidde, and ſeiþ, Y þat fellen to hem,
knowleche, þat þei camen to me, but Y knewe not whens þei xxiiii and ſeiden, Þe Lord haþ taken al þis loond into oure
weren; hoondis, and þurȝ drede ben þrowe down alle þe dwellers of
v and whanne þe ȝate was cloſid in derkneſſis, and þei it.
togidrys ȝeden out, Y note whidir þei wenten; purſue ȝe
anoon, and ȝe ſhulen atake hem. Capitulum III.
vi Forſoþe ſhe made þe men to ſtye vp into þe ſoler of hir
i Therfor Joſue, fro nyȝt aryſynge, meuede þe tentis; and þei
hows, and couerde hem wiþ ſtuble of flaxe, þat was þere. goynge fro Sechym camen to Jordan, he and alle þe ſones of
vii Forſoþe þei, þat weren ſent, folweden hem bi þe weye þat
Yrael, and dwelten þere bi þre dais.
lediþ to þe foordis of Jordan; and hem goon out, anoon þe ii Þe which ouerpaſſid, wenten bedels bi þe mydil of þe tentis,
ȝate was cloſid. iii and bigunnen to crye, Whanne ȝe ſeen þe ark of þe boond
viii And not ȝit þei hadden ſlept, þat weren hid, and loo! þe
womman ſtyede vp to hem, of pees of þe Lord oure God, and preſtis of þe lynage of
ix and ſeiþ, Y haue knowe þat þe Lord ſhal taak to ȝow þe
Leuy berynge it, forſoþe ȝe togidre riſeþ, and folwe ȝe þe
loond; forſoþe ȝoure gaſtnes is faln into vs, and alle þe iiii and be þere betwixe ȝou and þe ark a ſpace of cubitis two
dwellers of þe loond ben abaſſhid. þowſand, þat aferre ȝe mowen ſe, and knowe bi what weye ȝe
x We han herd, þat þe Lord haþ dryed vp þe watres of þe
goon, for bifore ȝe han not goon bi it; and be war, þat ȝe
Reed See at ȝoure incomynge, whanne ȝe weren goon out of neȝen not to þe ark.
Egipte; and what ȝe han doon to þe two kyngis of Amorreis, v And Joſue ſeide to þe puple, Be ȝe halwid; forſoþe to
þat weren biȝonde Jordan, Seon and Og, `þe whiche ȝe han morwe þe Lord ſhal do amonge ȝow merueyls.
ſlayn; vi And he ſeiþ to þe preſtis, Takiþ þe ark of þe boond of pees
xi and þes þingis herynge we dredden, and oure herte
baſſhede, ne ſpiryt bood in vs at ȝoure yncomynge; forſoþe þe of þe Lord, and gooþ before þe puple. Þe whiche þe heeſtis
Lord ȝoure God he is God in heuene aboue, and in erþe fulfillynge token, and wenten before hem.
vii And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, To day Y ſhal bigynne to
xii Nowe þerfor ſwere ȝe to me bi þe Lord ȝoure God, þat enhaunce þee before all Yrael, þat þei knowen, þat as I was
what maner wiſe Y mercy haue doo wiþ ȝow, ſo and ȝe doo wiþ Moyſes, ſo and I am wiþ þee.
viii Forſoþe þow comaund to þe preeſtis, þat beren þe ark of
wiþ þe hows of my fader; and ȝife ȝe to me a verrey tokne,
xiii þat ȝe ſauen my fader and moder, and broþer, and my þe boond of pees, and ſey þou to hem, Whanne ȝe weren goon
ſiſters, and alle þat of hem ben, and ȝe delyueren oure ſoulis in a paart of þe watre of Jordan, ſtoondiþ in it.
ix And Joſue ſeide to þe ſones of Yrael, Comeþ hidre, and
fro deþ.
xiiii Þe whiche anſwerden `to hir, Oure ſoule be for ȝou into heriþ þe word of þe Lord oure God.
x And eft, In þis, he ſeiþ, ȝe ſhulen wyte þat þe Lord God
deþ, if neuerþelater þow bitraye vs not; and whanne þe Lord
haþ taak to vs þe loond, we ſhulen do in þee merci and treuþ. lyuynge in þe mydil of ȝow is; and he ſhal ſcatre in ȝoure ſiȝt
xv She þanne lafte hem bi a coord out of a wyndowe; forſoþe Chanane, Ethe, Euee, and Phereſe, Gergeſe forſoþe, and
þe hows of hir cleuede to þe wal. Jebuſe, and Amorre.
xi Loo! þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord of al erþe ſhal
xvi And ſhe ſeide to hem, To þe mounteyns ſtye ȝe, leſt
perauenture þei turnynge aȝens aȝens comen to ȝow; þere be goo before ȝow þurȝ Jordan.
xii Makiþ redy twelue men of twelue lynagis of Irael, eche bi
ȝe hid þre days, to þe tyme þat þei turnen aȝen; and ſo ȝe
ſhulen goo bi ȝoure weye. eche lynagis.
xvii Þe whiche ſeiden to hyr, Gyltles we ſhulen be fro þis ooþ, xiii And whanne han put þe ſteppis of her feet þe preeſtis, þat
wiþ þe which þow haſt wiþ ooþ boundun vs, beren þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord God of al erþe,
xviii yf, we comynge into þe loond, þis reed litil coord were in þe watres of Jordan, þe watres þat ben neþermore ſhulen
not a tokne, and þow byndiſt it in þe windowe, bi þe which renne, and fayle; forſoþe þo þat camen fro aboue ſhulen ſtoond
þow haſt late vs go; and þi fader and moder, breþeren and al togidre in o glob.
xiiii Þanne wente out þe puple fro her tabernaclis, þat þei
þi kynne þow gederiſt in þin hows;
xix he þat þe dore of þin hows were goon out, þe blood of paſſen ouer Jordan; and þe preeſtis þat beren þe arke of þe
hym ſhal be into his heed, and we ſhulen be alien; forſoþe þe boond of pees ȝeden before hym.
xv And hem goon into Jordan, and þe feet of hem wet yn
blood of alle þat wiþ þee weren in þe hows, ſhal rebound into
oure heed, if hem eny man towchiþ. paart of þe water; Jordan forſoþe fulfillide þe brenkis of his
xx And if vs þou wolt bitraye, and þis word brynge forþ into trowȝ in tyme of herueſt;
xvi þe watris deſſendynge ſtoden in o place, and at liknes of
þe mydil, we ſhulen be clene fro þis ooþ, wiþ þe which þou
haſt made vs ſwere. an hil mych ſwellynge þei apereden ferre fro þe cyte þat was
xxi And ſhe anſwerde, As ȝe han ſpokun, ſo be it doon. And clepid Edom, vnto þe place Sarthan; forſoþe þoo þat weren
letynge hem þat þei wente forþ, ſhe hongide a litil reed coord neþermore, into þe ſee of wildernes, þat now is clepid deed,
in hir wyndowe. deſſendiden, forto þei vtterly failiden. Forſoþe þe puple wente
aȝen Jordan;


xvii andþe preeſtis, þat beren þe arke of þe boond of pees of xxi and ſeide to þe ſones of Irael, Whanne ȝoure ſones aſken
þe Lord, ſtoden gyrd vpon þe drye erþe in þe middil of to morwe her fadres, and ſeyn to hem, What to hem wolen
Jordan, and al þe puple paſſide ouere þurȝ þe drye trowȝ. þes ſtonus?
xxii ȝe ſhulen teche hem, and ſeye, Bi þe drye trowȝ we
Capitulum IIII. paſſiden þis Jordan,
xxiii þe Lord oure God driynge þe watris of it in oure ſiȝt, to
i The which ouergoon, þe Lord ſeide to Joſue,
ii Chees twelue men, eche bi eche lynagis,
þe tyme þat we weren ouerpaſſid, as he dide bifore in þe
Reed See, `þe which he dryede to þe tyme þat we weren
iii and comaund to hem, þat þei taken fro þe mydil of Jordans ouerpaſſed,
trowȝ, where ſtoden þe feet of þe preeſtis, twelue hardeſt xxiiii þat alle þe puplis of loondis leeren þe mooſt ſtrong
ſtonus; þe whiche ȝe ſhulen ſet in þe place of tentis, where ȝe hoond of þe Lord, and þat ȝe dreden þe Lord ȝoure God al
þis nyȝt fitchen tentis. tyme.
iiii And Joſue clepide twelue men, whom he chees of þe ſones
of Irael, eche of eche lynagis; Capitulum V.
v and ſeiþ to hem, Gooþ bifore þe arke of þe Lord ȝoure God
i After þanne þat alle þe kyngis of Amorreis, þat dwelten
to þe mydil of Jordan, and bere ȝe þens eche eche ſtonus in
ȝoure ſhuldres, after þe noumbre of þe ſones of Irael, biȝonde Jordan at þe weſt cooſt, and alle þe kyngis of
vi þat it be a tokne bitwixe ȝow. And whanne þe ſones of Chanaan, þat þe niȝ places weeldiden of þe greet ſee, herden,
þat þe Lord hadde dryed þe flodis of Jordan before þe ſones
Irael aſken ȝow to morwe, ſeiynge, What to hem wolen þes of Yrael, to þe tyme þat þei weren goon ouere, þe herte of
ſtonus? hem is diſcoumfortid, and abood not in hem ſpiryte of hem,
vii ȝe ſhulen anſwere to hem, Þe watrys of Jordan han failid dredynge þe entre of þe ſones of Yrael.
before þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord, whanne he ii Þat tyme ſeiþ þe Lord to Joſue, Maak to þee ſtonen
paſſide it; þerfor þes ſtonus ben ſet into þe mynd of þe ſones knyues, and circumcide þe ſecounde tyme þe ſones of Yrael.
of Yrael, vnto wiþ outen ende. iii He dide þat þe Lord comaundide, and circumcydide þe
viii Þanne þe ſones of Yrael diden as Joſue comaundide to
ſones of Yrael in þe hil of mens ȝerdis.
hem, berynge fro þe mydil of Jordanus trowȝ twelue ſtonus, iiii Forſoþe þis is þe cauſe of þe ſecounde circumcicioun; al þe
as to hym þe Lord comaundide, after þe noumbre of þe ſones
of Yrael, vnto þe place in þe which þei ſetten tentis; and þere puple þat wente out of Egipte of maal kynde, alle þe men
þei puttiden hem. fiȝters, ben deed in deſeert bi mooſte longe enuyrounyngis of
ix Forſoþe oþer twelue ſtonus putte Joſue in þe mydil of weye,
v þe whiche alle weren circumcidid. Forſoþe þe puple þat is
Jordans trowȝ, where ſtoden preeſtis, þat beren þe ark of þe
boond of pees of þe Lord; and ben þere vnto þe day þat is bore in deſeert bi fourti ȝeer, in þe weye of mooſt wyde
nowe. wilderneſſe,
x Forſoþe þe preeſtis, þat beren þe arke, ſtoden in þe mydil of vi were vncircumcidid to þe tyme þat þei weren waſtid, þat
Jordan, to þe tyme þat alle þingis weren fulfillid, þat þe Lord han not herd þe voyce of þe Lord, and to whom before he
comaundide to Joſue, for he ſhulde ſpeke to þe puple, as ſwore, þat he wold ſhewe hem þe loond flowynge mylk and
Moiſes had ſeide to hym. And þe puple hyede, and paſſide hony.
forþ. vii Of þes þe ſones camen after into ſtede of þe faders, and
xi And whanne alle weren goon ouere, ȝede ouere and þe arke ben circumſidid of Joſue; þe whiche, as þei weren born,
of þe Lord, and þe preeſtis wenten before þe puple. weren in hoolnes of her ȝerdes, ne hem in þe weie eny man
xii Forſoþe þe ſones of Ruben, and Gad, and half þe lynage circumcidide.
viii Forſoþe after þat alle ben circumcidid, þei dwelten in þe
of Manaſſe, aarmed wenten before þe ſones of Irael, as to
hem comaundide Moyſes. ſame place of her tentis, to þe tyme þat þei weren helid.
xiii And fourti þowſand of fiȝtynge men bi companyes and ix And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, To day I haue taak aweye þe
ooſtis wenten vpon þe pleyn and wijld feeldis of þe cyte of reproof of Egipt fro ȝowe. And þe name of þat place is clepid
Jericho. Galgala, vnto þe day þat is nowe.
xiiii In þat day þe Lord magnyfiede Joſue before al Yrael, for x And þe ſones of Yrael dwelten in Galgalis, and diden paſk
þei ſhulden drede hym, as þei dredden Moyſes, ȝit while he þe fourtenþe day of þe moneþ at euen, in þe wilde feeldys of
lyuede. Jerycho;
xv And he ſeide to hym, xi and þei eeten of þe fruytis of þe erþe þat oþer day, þerf
xvi Comaund to þe preeſtis þat beren þe arke of þe boond of looues, and corn powned of þe ſame ȝeer.
xii And manna faylide after þat þei eeten of þe fruitis of þe
pees, þat þei ſtyen vp fro Jordan.
xvii Þe which comaundide to hem, ſeynge, Stye vp fro erþe; ne þe ſones of Yrael vſeden na more þat meet, but eten
of þe fruytis of þe preſent ȝeer of þe loond of Chanaan.
Jordan. xiii Forſoþe whanne Joſue were in þe feeld of þe cytee of
xviii And whanne þei weren goon vp, berynge þe arke of þe
Jerycho, he reryde þe eyen, and ſawȝ a man aȝens hym
boond of pees of þe Lord, and þe drye erþe hadden bigunne ſtondynge, and holdynge a drawen out ſwerd; and he wente to
to treed, þe watris ben turned into his trowȝ, and floweden, hym, and ſeiþ, Oure þou art, or of þe aduerſaries?
as bifore þei weren woned. xiiii `Þe which anſwerde, Nay, but I am prince of þe ooſt of
xix Forſoþe þe puple fro Jordan ſtiede þe tenþe day of þe
þe Lord, and nowe Y come. Joſue felle redi into þe erþe, and
firſte moneþ, and ſettiden tentis in Galgalis, aȝens þe eſte onowrynge, ſeiþ, What þing my Lord ſpekiþ to his ſeruaunt?
cooſt of þe cyte of Jericho. xv Lowſe, he ſeiþ, þe ſho fro þi feet; forſoþe þe place, in þe
xx Forſoþe þe twelue ſtonus, `þe whiche þei token fro Jordans
which þow ſtondiſt, is hooli. And Joſue dide, as to hym was
trowȝ, Joſue putte in Galgalis; comaundid.


Capitulum VI. brynge hir forþ, and alle þat ben of hir, as to hir bi ooþ ȝe
han ſtedefaſtly ſeide.
i Jericho forſoþe was cloſid and waardid, for drede of þe ſones xxiii And þe ȝonge goon yn, ladden out Raab, and hir eldris,
of Irael, and no man dorſt goo in, or goo out. breþeren forſoþe, and al purtenaunce to houſhold, and al þe
ii And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Loo, Y haue ȝeue into þin kynrede of hir; and out of þe tentis of Yrael þei maden to
hoondis Jericho, and þe kyng of it, and alle þe ſtronge men. dwelle.
iii Gooþ about þe cytee, alle ȝe fiȝters, to gidre bi þe day; ſo xxiiii Forſoþe þe cyte, and al þat were foundun in it, þei
ȝe ſhulen do ſix days. brenten, wiþ outen þe gold, and ſiluer, and braſen veſſels, and
iiii Forſoþe þe ſeuenþe day þe preſtis ſhulen taak ſeuen yren, `þe whiche into þe treſory of þe Lord þei ſacriden.
xxv Forſoþe Raab ſtrompet, and þe hows of hir fader, and al
trompes, whos vſe is in þe iubile; and go þei before þe arke
of þe boond of pees; and ſeuen ſiþis ȝe ſhulen goo about þe þat ſhe hadde, Joſue made to lyue; and þei dwelten in þe
cyte, and þe preſtis ſhulen crye wiþ þe trompes. myddil of Irael, vnto þe preſent day; forþi þat ſhe hidde þe
v And whanne þe voyce of þe trompe lenger and þicker ful meſſangers, `þe whiche he hadde ſent for to aſpie Jerycho.
xxvi In þat tyme Joſue curſide, ſeiynge, Curſid þe man before
ſowneþ, and in ȝoure eeris braggiþ, al þe puple ſhal crye wiþ
mooſt out crye; and þe wallis of þe cyte ſhulen fuldoun falle, þe Lord, þat reriþ vp or bildiþ Jericho cyte! In his firſt goten
and eche ſhal goon in bi þe place, aȝens þe which þei ſtoden. ligge he þe foundementis of it, and in þe laſt of þe free
vi Joſue þanne, þe ſone of Nun, clepide þe preſtis, and ſeide children putte he þe ȝatis of it.
xxvii Was þanne þe Lord wiþ Joſue, and þe name of hym is
to hem, Taak ȝe þe arke of þe boond of pees, and ſeuen oþer
preſtis taak þei ſeuen trompes of þe iubilees, and goo þei puppliſhid in al þe loond.
before þe arke of þe Lord.
vii Forſoþe to þe puple he ſeiþ, Gooþ, and enuyrowneþ þe cite, Capitulum VII.
aarmed goynge before þe arke of þe Lord. i The
viii And whanne Joſue hadde eendid þe wordis, and ſeuen ſones forſoþe of Yrael han ouerpaſſid þe maundement,
and han myſtakun of þe curſe; for Achor, þe ſone of Charmy,
preeſtis wiþ ſeuen trompes crieden before þe arke of þe boond ſone of Zabdi, ſone of Zare, of þe lynage of Juda, took ſum
of pees of þe Lord, what of þe curſe; and wrooþ is þe Lord aȝens þe ſones of
ix and al þe puple aarmed wente before, þe left comouns Yrael.
folowid þe arke, and wiþ trompes alle þingis þei ſowneden. ii And whanne Joſue wolde ſend fro Jericho men aȝens Hay,
x Forſoþe Joſue comaundide to þe puple, ſeiynge, Ȝe ſhulen þat is biſide Bethauen, at þe eeſt cooſt of þe burȝ town
not crye, ne ſhal be herd ȝoure voyce, ne eny word of ȝoure Bethel, he ſeide to hem, Stieþ vp, and aſpye ȝe þe loond. Þe
mouþ ſhal goon out, to þe tyme þat þe day come, in þe which whiche fulfillynge þe heeſtis, aſpieden Hay;
Y ſchal ſeye to ȝow, Crieþ, and wiþ an out voyce crieþ. iii and turned aȝen þei ſeiden to hym, Stye not vp al þe
xi Þanne þe arke of þe Lord enuyrounde `þe cyte onys bi day, puple, but two þowſandis or þre of men goon, and doon a
and turned aȝen into þe tentis dwellide þere. wey þe cytee; whi al þe puple in veyn is traueyld aȝens mooſt
xii Þanne Joſue ryſynge fro nyȝt, þe preeſtys token þe arke of fewe enemyes?
þe Lord; iiii Styeden þanne vp þre þowſand of fiȝtynge men, þe whiche
xiii and ſeuen of hem ſeuen trompes, of þe whiche vſe is in þe anoon turnynge backis,
iubilee; and þei wenten before þe arke of þe Lord, goynge and v ben ſmyten of þe men of þe cytee of Hay; and fellen down
trompynge; and þe puple armed wente before hem. Forſoþe of hem þretti and ſixe men; and þe aduerſaryes purſueden
þat oþer comouns folwide þe arke, and wiþ trompis ſownede. hem fro þe ȝate vnto Sabarym; and þei fellen bi lowe and
xiiii And þei wenten a boute þe citee þe ſecounde day onys, ſhort weyes fleynge. And þe herte of þe puple myche dredde,
and turneden aȝen into þe tentis; ſo þei diden ſixe days. and at þe lickeneſſe of water is molten.
xv Forſoþe þe ſeuenþe day eerly ryſynge wenten about þe vi Forſoþe Joſue kitte his cloþis, and redi felle doun into þe
cytee, as it was diſpoſid, ſeuen ſiþes. erþe before þe arke of þe Lord, vnto euen, as wel he as alle
xvi And whanne þe ſeuenþe goynge about þe preſtis cryeden þe aldren of Yrael; and þei putten powdre vpon her heedes.
vii And Joſue ſeide, Alas! alas! Lord God, what woldiſt þow
wiþ trompes, Joſue ſeyde to al Yrael, Wiþ an out voice crie
ȝe; forſoþe þe Lord haþ taak to vs þe citee; þis puple brynge ouer Jordan flood, for to taak vs in þe
xvii and be þis cyte curſid, and alle þingis þat in it ben to þe hoond of Amorrei, and for to leeſe? Wolde God, as we
bigunnen, we hadden dwellid biȝonde Jordan.
Lord. Alone Raab þe ſtrompet lyue, wiþ alle þat wiþ hir in viii My Lord God, what ſhal Y ſeye, ſeynge Yrael to his
hows ben; forſoþe ſhe hidde meſſangeris `þe whiche we ſenten.
xviii Ȝe forſoþe beþ war, leſt of þes þingis þat ben comaundid enemyes backis turnynge?
ix Chananees ſhulen here, and alle þe dwellers of þe loond
eny þing ȝe towchen, and ben gilti of treſpaſſe; and alle þe
tentes of Yrael be vndur ſynne, and diſtourblid. and togidre gedryd þei ſhulen enuyroun vs, and doon awey
xix Forſoþe what euer þing of gold and of ſiluer were, and of oure name fro þe loond; and what ſhal þou doo to þi greet
braſen veſſelis, and of yren, to þe Lord be it halowid, put vp x And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Ryſe, whi lijſt þow bowid in
in þe treſours of hym.
xx Þanne al þe puple criynge out, and criynge þe trumpis, þe erþe?
xi Yrael haþ ſynned, and haþ broken my couenaunt; and þei
after þat into þe eeris of þe multitude þe ſown braggide, þe
wallis anoon fellen down; and echon ſtyeden vp bi þe place han taak of þe corſe, and han ſtoln, and liȝed, and han hidde
þat aȝens hem was. among her veſſels.
xxi And þei token þe cytee, and ſlewen alle þat weren in it, xii Ne Yrael ſhal mowe ſtoond before her enemyes, and hem
fro man vnto womman, fro ȝonge vnto oold; forſoþe oxen, and he ſhal flee, for he is polut wiþ þe curs; I ſhal not be more
ſheep, and aſſis, in mouþ of þe ſwerd þei ſmyten. wiþ ȝou, to þe tyme þat ȝe han alto troden hym þat is gilti of
xxii To þe two men forſoþe, þat aſpiers weren ſente, ſeide þat hidows treſpas.
Joſue, Gooþ into þe hows of þe womman ſtrompet, and


xiii Ryſe, halwe þe puple, and ſey to hem, Be ȝe halwid aȝen v forſoþe Y and þat oþer multitude þat is wiþ me, `fro forn
to morwe; forſoþe þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, aȝens we ſhulen come aȝens þe cite; and whanne þei weren
Curſynge is in þe mydil of þee, Irael; þow ſhalt not mowe gon out aȝens vs, as we diden before, we ſhulen flee, and
ſtoond before þin enemyes, to þe tyme þat he be doon awey turne backis,
fro þee, þat is defoulid wiþ þis hidows gilt. vi to þe tyme þat þei purſuwynge more along fro þe cyte ben
xiiii And ȝe ſhulen come eerly eche bi ȝoure lynagis; and what drawen a ferre; forſoþe þei ſhulen wene vs to flee as before.
euer lynage þe lot fynde, he ſhal come bi his kynredis, and Vs þanne fleynge and hem purſuynge,
kynrede bi howſis, and hows bi men. vii ȝe ſhulen ryſe fro þe buſſhement, and ȝe ſhulen waaſt þe
xv And ſo euer he in þat gilt were taak, he ſhal be brent wiþ cytee; and þe Lord ȝoure God ſhal taak it into ȝoure hoondis.
fier wiþ al his ſubſtaunce, for he haþ brokun þe couenaunt of viii And whanne ȝe han taak it, ſette ȝe it a fier; ſo alle
þe Lord, and haþ do ſacrilege in Yrael. þingis ȝe ſhulen doo, as Y haue comaundide.
xvi And ſo Joſue ryſynge eerly, ſette Irael bi her lynagis; and ix And he lefte hem, and þei wenten to þe place of þe
it is founden þe lynage of Juda; buſſhement, and þei ſeten betwixe Bethel and Hay, at þe weſt
xvii which, whanne after his meynees was offred, it is cooſt of þe cytee of Hay. Forſoþe Joſue þat nyȝt dwellide in
founden þe meynee of Zare; forſoþe þilk bi men offrynge he þe mydil of þe puple.
foonde Zabdi; x And ryſynge eerly he tolde felawis, and he ſtyede wiþ þe
xviii whos hows in ſondry men dyuydyng, he foonde Achor, þe eldren in þe frownt of þe ooſt, biſet wiþ help of fiȝters.
ſone of Charmy, ſone of Zabdi, ſone of Zare, of þe lynage of xi And whanne þei weren comen, and hadden ſtyed vp fro
Juda. aȝens of þe citee, and þei ſtoden at þe norþ cooſt of þe cytee,
xix And he ſeide to Achor, My ſone, ȝif glorye to þe Lord bitwix þe whiche and hem was a mydil valey.
God of Yrael, and knowlech, and ſhewe to me, what þow haſt xii Forſoþe fyue þouſand men he chees, and putte in þe
doon; ne hyde þou. buſſhement bitwix Bathauen and Hay, fro þe weſt paart of þe
xx And Achor anſwerde to Joſue, and ſeide to hym, Trewly, ſame cyte.
Y haue ſynned before þe Lord God of Yrael, and þus and xiii Forſoþe al `þat oþer ooſt at þe norþ made redi þe poynt, ſo
þus Y haue do; þat þe laſt of þe multitude atteyneden þe weſt cooſt of þe cytee.
xxi Y ſawȝ forſoþe among þe ſpuylis a ful good reed mantil, Joſue þanne wente þat nyȝt, and ſtood in þe mydil of þe
and two hundreþ ſiclis of ſiluer, and a goldun rewle of fifti valey;
ſiclis; and coueytynge took a wey, and hidde in þe erþe, aȝens xiiii þat whanne þe kyng of Hay had ſeen, he hiede eerli, and
þe myddil of my tabernacle; forſoþe þe ſiluer Y couerde wiþ wente out wiþ al þe ooſt of þe cyte, and he dreſſide þe poynt
þe doluen erþe. aȝens þe deſeert, vnknowynge þat bihynde þe bak weren hid
xxii Sente þanne Joſue ſeruauntis, þe whiche rennynge to þe buſſhementis.
tabernacle of hym, þei founden alle þingis hid in þe ſame xv Forſoþe Joſue and al þe multitude of Yrael ȝauen ſteede to
place, and þe ſiluer togidre; þe place, feynynge dreed, and fleynge bi þe weie of
xxiii and þei takynge a wey fro þe tent token þe þingis to wildirneſſe;
Joſue, and to alle þe ſones of Yrael; and þrewen forþ before xvi and þei criynge out to gidre, and hem ſelf to gidre gladly
þe Lord. clepynge purſueden hem. And whanne þei weren goo fro þe
xxiiii And ſo Joſue takynge Achor, þe ſone of Zare, and þe cytee,
ſiluer, and þe mantil, and þe golden rewle, and ſones and xvii and not oon forſoþe in þe cytee of Hay and Bethauen
douȝtres of hym, oxen, and aſſes, and ſheep, and þilk was laft, þat purſuwede not Yrael, as þei breken out leeuynge
tabernacle, and al þe purtenaunce, and al Yrael wiþ hym, þe borgh towns open,
ladden hem to þe valey of Achor; xviii þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Heue vp `þe ſheeld þat is in þin
xxv where ſeide Joſue, For þow haſt diſturblid vs, out ſtourbe
hoond, aȝens þe cyte of Hay; for to þee Y ſhal taak it. And
þee þe Lord in þis day. And al Irael ſtonede hym; and alle whanne he hadde houen vp þe ſheld fro aȝens þe citee,
þingis, þat his weren, ben waſtid wiþ fier. xix þe buſſhementis þat weren hid, ryſen anoon, and goynge to
xxvi And þei gedreden vpon hym a greet heep of ſtonus, þe
þe cytee token, and ſett it a fier.
which abidiþ ſtil vnto þe day þat is nowe. And þe wodeneſſe xx Forſoþe þe men of þe citee, þat purſuweden Joſue,
of þe Lord is turned awey fro hem; and þe name of þe place
is clepid unto þis day þe valey of Achor. beholdynge and ſeynge þe ſmook of þe cite vnto heuene ſtie vp,
þei myȝten no more hidir and þidir fleynge atwynne, namelich
whanne þei þat feyneden fliȝt, and wenten to wildirneſſe,
Capitulum VIII. aȝens þe purſuwers mooſt myȝtili hadde wiþ ſtonden.
i Seyde xxi And ſeynge Joſue and al Yrael, þat þe citee was takun,
forſoþe þe Lord vnto Joſue, Ne drede þow, ne be
feerd; tak wiþ þee al þe multitude of fiȝters, and riſynge ſty and ſmook of þe citee ſtiede vp, turned aȝen ſmoot þe men of
vp into þe burgh toun of Hay; loo, Y haue taak into þin Hay.
hoond his kyng, and puple, and cytee, and loond. xxii Forſoþe and þei þat token, and hadden ſett þe cytee a fier,
ii And þou ſhalt do to þe citee of Hay and to his kyng, as goon out fro þe citee aȝens her mydlis of enemyes, þei
þow didiſt to Jericho, and to þe kyng of it; þe pray forſoþe bigunnen to ſmyit; and whanne on eiþir partye aduerſaries
and alle þe lyuynge beeſtis ȝe ſhulen taak to ȝow; put weren ſlayn, ſo þat no man of ſo myche a multitude were ſaaf,
buſſhementis to þe cyte bihynde it. xxiii forſoþe þe kyng of Hay þei token lyuynge, and offerden to
iii And Joſue roos, and al þe ooſt of fiȝters wiþ hym, for to Joſue.
ſtye vp into Hay; and he ſente þe nyȝt þretti þowſand choſen xxiiii Þanne alle ſlayn þat Yrael to deſeert goynge
of ſtronge men; purſuweden, and in þe ſame place bi ſwerd fallynge, þe ſones
iiii and he comaundide to hem, ſeiynge, Putte ȝe buſſhementis of Yrael turneden aȝen ſmyten to þe cytee.
bihynde þe cytee, ne ferþer goo ȝe awey; and ȝe ſhulen be al xxv Forſoþe þere weren þat in þe ſame dai dieden, fro man
redi; vnto womman, twelue þowſand of men, of al þe cyte of Hay.


xxvi Forſoþe Joſue wiþdrewe not þe hoond, þat in hiȝþ he ix Þei anſwerden, Fro a ful ferre cuntre þi ſeruauntis ben
putte vp holdynge þe ſheeld, to þe tyme þat alle þe dwellers of comen in þe name of þe Lord þi God, we han herd þe loos of
Hay weren ſlayn. his power, alle þingis þat he haþ doo in Egipt,
xxvii Forſoþe þe beeſtis and þe praye of þe cytee þe ſones of x and to þe two kyngis of Ammorreis biȝonde Jordan; to
Yrael dyuydeden to hem ſilf, as þe Lord hadde comaundid to Seon þe kyng of Eſebon, and to Og þe kyng of Baſan, þat
Joſue; weren in Aſtaroth.
xxviii þe which brente þe cytee, and made it an euerlaſtynge xi And ſeiden to vs þe elders and alle þe dwellers of oure
toumbe. loond, Takiþ in ȝoure hoondis meetis for þe mooſt long weye;
xxix Forſoþe þe kyng of it he hongid in a gybet, vnto euen and aȝen come ȝe to hem, and ſeie ȝe, Ȝoure ſeruauntis we
and þe ſunne goynge doun. And Joſue comaundide, and þei ben; boond of pees make ȝe wiþ vs.
putten doun þe careyn of hym fro þe cros; and þei þrewen in xii And loo! þe looues, whanne we wenten out of oure howſis
þat entre of þe cytee, þrowen togidre vpon hym a greet heep for to come to ȝow, we token hoote, nowe þei ben maad drye,
of ſtonus, þe which abidiþ ſtil vnto þe day þat is nowe. and of greet eeld to breek;
xxx Þanne Joſue bilde vp an auter to þe Lord God of Yrael xiii þe botels of wyn newe we fulfilliden, nowe þei ben brooke
in þe hil of Hebal, and looſid; cloþis and ſhoon, wiþ þe whiche we ben cloþid,
xxxi as Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, hadde comaundid to and `þe whiche we han in feet, for þe lengþ of lenger weye
þe ſones of Irael, and it was wryten in þe volym of þe lawe ben to troden, and almeeſt wered.
of Moyſes, an auter of ſtonus vnhewid, þe whiche yren haþ xiiii Þei token þanne of þe meetis of hem, and þe mouþ of þe
not towchid. And he offerde vpon it brent ſacrifice to þe Lord, Lord þei aſkeden not.
and he offrede peſible ſlayn ſacrifices; xv And Joſue wiþ hem made pees. And þe boond `of pees
xxxii and wroot vpon þe ſtonus ſhort declaracioun of þe lawe goon yn he bihiȝte, þat þei ſhulden not be ſlayn; forſoþe þe
of Moyſes, þat he tolde before þe ſones of Yrael. princes of þe multitude ſworen to hem.
xxxiii Forſoþe al þe puple, and þe more þurȝ birþ, and duykis, xvi Forſoþe after þree daies of þe goon yn couenaunt, þei
and iugis ſtoden on eiþer paart of þe arke, in þe ſyȝt of herden, þat in nyȝ þei dwelten, and þei weren to comen
preſtis and Leuytis, þat beren þe arke of þe boond of pees of among hem.
þe Lord; as þe comlynge, ſo and þe wiþyn goten; þe half xvii And þe ſones of Yrael meueden tentis, and camen into þe
paart of hem biſide þe hil of Garyſym, and half biſide þe hil citees of hem þe þridde day, of þe whiche þes ben þe names,
of Hebal, as Moyſes comaundide, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord. Gabaon, and Saphyra, and Beroth, and Charyathiarym.
And firſt forſoþe he bleſſede to þe puple of Yrael. xviii And þei ſmyten not hem, forþi þat þe princis of þe
xxxiiii After þes þingis he radde alle þe wordis of bleſſynge,
multitude hadden ſworn to hem in þe name of þe Lord God
and curſynge, and alle þat weren wryten in þe volym of þe of Yrael. And ſo grutchide al þe comoun aȝens þe princis;
lawe. xix þe whiche anſwerden to hem, We han ſworn to hem in
xxxv No þing of þes þingis, þat Moyſes comaundide, he left
name of þe Lord God of Yrael, and þerfor we mowen not
vntowchyd; but alle þingis he openyde before al þe multitude hem towche;
of Yrael, þe wymmen, and litil children, and comlyngis, þat xx but þis we ſhulen doo to hem, be þei reſerued forſoþe þat
among hem dwelliden.
þei lyuen, leſt aȝens vs þe wraþþe of þe Lord be ſtyrid, if we
forſweren vs to hem;
Capitulum IX. xxi but ſo lyue þei, þat in to þe vſes of al þe multitude, trees
i The whiche þingis herd, alle þe kyngis biȝond Jordan, þat þei kutten, and watris þei beren. Þe whiche ſpekynge þes
dwelten in mountens, and in þe wilde feeldis, and in þe ſee þingis,
ſydes, and in þe brenke of þe greet ſee, and þes þat dwelten xxii Joſue clepide Gabonytis, and ſeide to hem, Whi wolden
biſide Liban, Ethe, and Amorre, Chanane, and Phareze, and ȝe diſſeyue vs bi gijl, for to ſeie, Ful ferre we dwellen fro
Euee, and Jebuſe, ȝow, ſiþ in þe mydil of vs ȝe ben?
ii ben gedryd togidre for to fiȝt aȝens Joſue and Irael, `wiþ xxiii And ſo vnder curſynge ȝe ſhulen be, and þere ſhal not
oon inwit, and wiþ `þe ſame accord. fayl of ȝour lynage, kyttynge trees, and watris berynge, in to
iii And þei þat dwelten in Gabaon, herynge alle þingis þat þe hows of my God.
Joſue hadde doo to Jerycho and to Hay, xxiiii Þe whiche anſwerden, It is told to vs þi ſeruauntis, þat
iiii and fellich þenkynge, token to hem meetis, olde ſackis to þe þe Lord þi God hadde bihoot to Moyſes, his ſeruaunt, þat he
aſſis on puttynge, and rent wyn botels and ſowed, ſhulde taak to ȝow al þe loond, and ſcatre alle þe dwellers of
v and ful olde ſhoon, `þe whiche to þe doom of oldnes ben it; we þerfor moyche dredden, and purueiden to oure lyues,
ſowid wiþ patchis; þei cloþiden wiþ oold cloþes; forſoþe þe conſtreyned wiþ ȝoure dreed, and þis counſeil we maden.
xxv Forſoþe nowe in þin hoond we ben; þat to þee ryȝt and
looues, þat þei beeren for lyuelood `bi þe weye, weren hard
and in gobetis broken. good is ſeen, do þow to vs.
vi And þei wenten to Joſue, þat þanne dwellide in þe tentis of xxvi Þan Joſue dide, as he ſeide, and delyuerde hem fro þe
Galgale, and ſeiden to hym, and to al Yrael togidre, Fro a `hoondis of þe ſones of Irael, þat þei weren not ſlayn.
long loond we han comen, pees coueytynge to make wiþ ȝow. xxvii And Joſue demyde in þat day hem to be into ſeruyſe of
vii And þe men of Irael anſwerden `to hem, and ſeiden, Leſt al þe puple, and of þe auter of þe Lord, kuttynge trees and
perauenture in þe loond, þat to vs is owed bi lot, ȝe dwellen, watres berynge, vnto þe tyme þat is nowe, in þe place þat þe
and we mowen not make boond of pees wiþ ȝow. Lord haþ choſun.
viii And þei to Joſue, Þi ſeruauntis, þei ſeyn, we ben. To
whom Joſue forſoþe, Who, he ſeiþ, ben ȝe, and whens ben ȝe Capitulum X.
comen? i The whiche þingis, whanne hadde herd Adonyſedech, kyng of
Jeruſalem, þat is, þat Joſue hadde taak Hay, and hadde
vndurturned it; forſoþe as he dide to Jericho and to þe kyng


of it, ſo he dide to Hay and to þe kyng of it; and þat xxi And al þe ooſt turnede aȝen to Joſue, in Maceda, where
Gabonytis weren ouerflowen to Irael, and weren bounden in þanne weren þe tentis, þei hoole and in hoole noumbre; and
pees wiþ hem, no man aȝens þe ſones of Yrael was hardy to grucche.
ii he dradde greetly; forſoþe a greet cite was Gabaon, and oon xxii And Joſue comaundyde, ſeiynge, Opyn þe mouþ of þe
of þe kyngis citees, and more þan þe burgh toun Hay, and ſpelonk, and bryngiþ to me fyue kyngis þat in it lorken.
alle þe fiȝters of it mooſt ſtronge. xxiii And þe ſeruauntis diden, as to hem was comaundid; and
iii Þanne ſente Adonyſedech, kyng of Jeruſalem, to Ocham,
þei brouȝten to hym fyue kyngis fro þe ſpelonk; þe kyng of
kyng of Ebron, and to Pharam, kyng of Herymoth, and to Jeruſalem, þe kyng of Ebron, þe kyng of Hermoth, þe kyng
Japhye, kyng of Lachis, and to Addabir, king of Eglon, of Lachis, þe kyng of Eglon.
ſeiynge, xxiiii And whanne þei weren brouȝt out to hym, he clepide alle
iiii Stye ȝe vp to me, and bryngeþ help, and out fiȝte we
þe men of Yrael, and ſeiþ to þe pryncis of þe ooſt, þat wiþ
Gabaon, for he is ouerflowen to Joſue, and to þe ſones of hym weren, Goþ, and puttiþ ȝoure feet vpon þe neckis of þes
Yrael. kyngis. Þe which whanne þei hadden goon, and troden þe
v Þanne þei gedrid ſtyeden vp, fyue kyngys of Amorreis, kyng neckis of hem ſuget wiþ þe feet,
of Jeruſalem, kyng of Ebron, kyng of Herymoth, kyng of xxv eft he ſeiþ to hem, Wole ȝe not drede, ne be ȝe afeerd,
Lachis, kyng of Eglon, togidre wiþ her hooſtis; and þei take ȝe coumfort, and be ȝe ſtronge; forſoþe ſo þe Lord ſhal
ſettiden tentis about Gabaon aȝenfiȝtynge it. doo to alle ȝoure enemyes, aȝens whom ȝe ſhulen fiȝt.
vi Forſoþe þe dwellers of þe citee of Gabaon biſegid, ſenten to xxvi And Joſue ſmoot, and ſlewȝ hem, and hongide vpon fyue
Joſue, þat þanne dwellide in tentis at Galgalam, and ſeide to ſtokkis; and þei weren hongid vnto þe euen.
hym, Ne wiþ drawe þou þin hoond fro þe help of þi xxvii And whanne þe ſunne cam down, he comaundide to
ſeruauntis; ſty vp anoon, and delyuer vs, and bryng help;
forſoþe þere ben comen to gidre aȝens vs alle þe kyngis of felows, þat þei doon hem doun fro þe gibetis; þe whiche doon
Ammorreis, þat dwellen in mounteyns. doun, þei þrewen hem into þe ſpelonk, in þe which þei
vii And Joſue ſtiede vp fro Galgalis, and al þe ooſt of fiȝters lorkiden; and þei puttiden vpon þe mouþ of it greet ſtoonus,
þat abiden ſtil to þe tyme þat is nowe.
wiþ hym, mooſt ſtronge men. xxviii Forſoþe þe ſame day Joſue took Maceda, and ſmoot in
viii And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Drede þow not hem, forſoþe
mouþ of ſwerd; and þe kyng of it, and alle his dwellers he
into þin hoondis Y haue taken hem; noon of hem to þee ſhal ſlewȝ; and he lefte not in it, nameli, litil relikis; and he dide
mowe aȝenſtoond. to þe king of Maceda as he dide to þe kyng of Jericho.
ix And ſo Joſue felle on hem feerlich, al nyȝt ſtiynge vp fro xxix He wente wiþ al Yrael fro Maceda into Lebna, and he
Galgalis; fauȝt aȝens it,
x and þe Lord diſtourbide hem fro þe face of Yrael, and xxx þe which þe Lord took, wiþ his kyng, in þe hoond of
defowlide bi a greet veniaunce in Gabaon; and purſuede hem Irael; and þei ſmyten þe cite in þe mouþ of ſwerd, and alle þe
bi weye of þe ſtiynge vp of Betheron, and ſmoot vnto Azecha dwellers of it, and þei leften not in it eny relikis; and þei
and Maceda. diden to þe kyng of Lebna as þei diden to þe kyng of Jericho.
xi And whanne þei flowen þe ſones of Yrael, and weren in þe xxxi Fro Lebna he paſſide into Lachis, wiþ al Yrael; and þe
goynge doun of Bethoron, God ſente vpon hem greet ſtonus ooſt diſpoſid bi enuyroun, aȝenfauȝt it.
fro heuene, vnto Azecha; and ben deed manye mo wiþ ſtoonus xxxii And þe Lord took Lachis in þe hoond of þe ſones of
of hawl, þan whom wiþ ſwerd had ſmytun þe ſones of Yrael.
xii Þanne Joſue ſpak to þe Lord, in þe day þat he took Yrael; and he took it þat oþer day, and ſmoot in mouþ of
ſwerd, and eche lijf þat was in it, as he dide to Lebna.
Ammorre in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Yrael; and ſeide before xxxiii Þat tyme ſtiede vp Yram, þe kyng of Gazer, for to
hem, Sunne, aȝens Gabaon be þow not meued, and mone,
aȝens þe valey of Haylon. helpe Lachis; whom Joſue ſmoot wiþ al his puple vnto þe
xiii And þe ſunne and þe mone ſtoden, to þe tyme þat þe folk deþ.
xxxiiii And wente fro Lachis vnto Eglon, and enuyrounde,
vengide hem ſelf of her enemyes. Is not þis wryten in þe
book of riȝtwiſe men? And ſo ſtood þe ſunne in þe mydil of xxxv and out fauȝt it þe ſame day; and ſmoot in mouþ of
heuene, and hyede not to goo doun þe ſpace of o day; ſwerd alle þe lyues þat weren in it, after alle þingis þat he
xiiii þere was not before ne afterward ſo loong a day; dide to Lachis.
obeiſhynge þe Lord to þe voyce of man, and fiȝtynge for xxxvi Forſoþe he ſtiede wiþ al Yrael fro Eglon vnto Ebron,
Yrael. and fauȝt aȝens it,
xv And Joſue turnede aȝen, wiþ al Yrael, into þe tentis of xxxvii and took, and ſmoot in mouþ of ſwerd; þe kyng forſoþe
Galgala. of it, and alle þe burgh touns of þat regioun, and alle þe
xvi Forſoþe fyue kyngis flowen, and hidden hem in þe ſpelunk lyues þat dwelliden in it; he lafte not in it eny relikis; as he
of þe citee of Maceda. dide to Eglon ſo he dide to Ebron, al þingis þat in it he
xvii And it is told to Joſue, þat þere weren foundun fyue foond waſtynge wiþ ſwerd.
xxxviii Þens turned aȝen into Dabyr, he took it, and waaſtid;
kyngis lurkinge in þe ſpelunk of þe cite of Maceda.
xviii Þe which comaundide to felawis, and ſeiþ, Ouerturne ȝe xxxix þe kyng forſoþe of it, and alle þe burȝ towns bi
greet ſtoonus at þe mouþ of þe ſpelonk, and putte ȝe redi enuyroun he ſmoot in mouþ of ſwerd; he lafte not in it eny
men, þat kepen hem cloſid; relikis; as he dide to Ebron, and Lebna, and to þe kyngis of
xix ȝe forſoþe wole ȝe not ſtoond, but purſue ȝe enemyes, and hem, ſo he dide to Dabir and to þe kyng of it.
xl And ſo Joſue ſmoot al þe mounteyn loond, and ſouþ, and
al þe eendis of hem fleynge ſleeþ; ne lette ȝe hem goon into þe
ſocours of ȝoure citees, `þe whiche þe Lord ȝoure God haþ feeldi, and Aſſedoch wiþ his kyngis; and he lafte not in it eny
taak into ȝoure hoondis. relikys, but alle þat myȝten breeþ he ſlowȝ, as þe Lord God
xx Slayn þanne þe aduerſaries wiþ a greet veniaunce, and of Yrael comaundide to hym;
xli fro Cades Barne vnto Gazam, and al þe loond of Joſſon
vnto þe deeþ almeſt conſumpt, þilk þat fro Irael myȝten flee,
wenten into þe ſtrengþid citees. vnto Gabaon,


xlii alleþe kyngis and regiouns of hem, wiþ o feerſnes he þei ſhulde not diſſerue eny mercy, but ſhulden periſſhe, as þe
took, and waſtide; forſoþe þe Lord God of Iſrael fauȝt for Lord hadde comaundid to Moyſes.
him. xxi In þat tyme Joſue cam, and ſlewȝ Enachym, fro þe
xliii And he turnede aȝen wiþ al Yrael to þe place of þe tentis mownteyns of Ebron, and Dabir, and Anab, and of al þe hil
in Galgala. of Juda, and of Yrael, and þe cytees of hem he dide awey.
xxii He lefte not eny of þe ſtok of Enachym in þe loond of þe
Capitulum XI. ſones of Yrael, out taak þe cytees of Gaza, and Geth, and
Azoto, in þe whiche aloon þei ben left.
i The whiche þingis whanne herd Jabyn, þe kyng of Aſor, he xxiii Þanne Joſue took al þe loond, as þe Lord ſpak to
ſente to Jodab, kyng of Madiam, and to þe kyng of Semeron, Moyſes, and took it into poſſeſſioun to þe ſones of Yrael,
and to þe kyng of Acſaph, after paarties and her lynagis; and þe loond reſtyde fro bateil.
ii and to þe kyngs of þe norþ, þat dwelten in mounteyns, and
in þe pleyn aȝens þe ſouþ of Seneroth, and in þe wijld Capitulum XII.
feeldis, and regiouns of Dor, biſidis þe ſee,
iii and to Chanane fro þe eeſt and weſt, and Ammorre, and i Thes ben þe kyngis whom þe ſones of Yrael ſmyten, and
Ethee, and Phereze, and Jebuſe in þe mounteyns, and Euee, weeldiden þe loond of hem, byȝond Jordan, at þe ſonne
þat dwelt in þe rotis of Hermon, in þe loond of Maſpha. ariſynge, fro þe ſtreem of Arnon vnto þe hil of Hermon, and
iiii And alle wenten out wiþ her companyes, ful myche puple, al þe eſt cooſt þat biholdiþ þe wildernes.
ii Seon, kyng of Amorreis, þat dwellid in Eſebon, hadde
as þe grauel þat is in þe brenk of þe ſee, and hors, and
chaaris, of multitude wiþ outen noumbre. lordſhip fro Aroer, þat is ſet vpon þe brenk of þe ſtreem of
v And alle þes kyngis camen to gydre in oon at þe watris of Arnon, and of þe mydil paart in þe valey, and of half Galaad,
vnto þe ſtreem of Jaboch, þat is þe teerme of þe ſones of
Meron, for to fiȝt aȝens Yrael. Amon,
vi And þe Lord ſeide to Joſue, Ne drede þow hem, to morwe iii and fro þe wildernes vnto þe ſee of Cenoroth, aȝens þe eſt,
forſoþe þis ſame our Y ſchal taak hem alle to be woundid in and vnto þe ſee of deſeert, þat is þe mooſt ſalt ſee, at þe eſt
þe ſiȝt of Yrael; þe hors of hem þow ſhalt kut of þe ſynewis cooſt, bi þe weye þat lediþ to Betheſſymoth, and fro þe ſouþ
at þe knees, and þe chaaris þow ſhalt brenne wiþ fier. paart þat vnderlieþ to Aſſedoch, vnto Phaſga.
vii And Joſue cam, and al his ooſt wiþ hym, aȝens hem, at þe iiii Þe teerme of Og, kyng of Baſan, of þe relikis of
watris of Meron ſodeynlich, and felle vpon hem. Raphaym, þat dwelten in Aſtaroth and in Edram,
viii And þe Lord took hem into þe hoondis of Yrael; þe v and he hadde lordſhip in þe hil of Hermon, and in Salacha,
whiche ſmyten hem, and purſuden vnto greet Sydon, and to and in al Baſan, vnto þe teermes of Geſſury and Machati,
watris of Maſerephoh, and to þe feeld of Maſphe, þat is at þe and of þe half paart of Galaad, and þe teerme of Seon, kyng
eſt part of it. So he ſmoot alle, þat noon of hem relikis he of Eſebon.
lefte; vi Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, and þe ſones of Yrael
ix and he dide as þe Lord comaundide to hym; þe hors of hem
ſmyten hem; and Moyſes took þe loond of hem into poſſeſſioun
he kuttide þe ſinewis at þe knee, and þe charys he brente. to Rubenytis and to Gaditis and to þe half lynage of
x And turned aȝen anoon he took Aſor, and þe kyng of it he Manaſſe.
ſmoot wiþ ſwerd; forſoþe Aſor bi oold tyme among alle þeſe vii Þes ben þe kyngis of þe loond, whom Joſue ſmoot and þe
rewmes heelde þe princehod. ſones of Yrael biȝond Jordan, at þe weſt cooſt, fro Algad in
xi And he ſmoot alle lyues þat þere dwelten, he lefte not in it þe feeld of Liban, vnto þe hil whos paart ſteieþ into Seyr;
eny relikis, but vnto þe deeþ alle þingis he waaſtide; and þat and `Joſue took it into poſſeſſyoun to þe lynagis of Yrael, to
cytee he deſtruyede wiþ brennynge. eche her paartis,
xii And alle þe citees bi enuyroun and þe kyngis of hem he viii as wel in mounteyns, as in pleyn and wijld feeldis; in
took, and ſmoot, and dide awey, as Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Aſſeroth, and in þe wildernes, and in þe ſouþ was Ethee, and
Lord, comaundide to hym, Ammorree, Cananee, and Phereze, Euee, and Jebuſee.
xiii wiþ out þe citees þat weren in þe hillis, and in þe hillokis ix Þe kynge of Jericho, oon; þe kyng of Hay, oon, þat is of
ſet; and þe oþer Yrael brente vp; oon onelich, þe `mooſt þe ſide of Betel;
ſtrengþid, Azor, flawme brente vp. x þe kyng of Jeruſalem, oon; þe kyng of Ebron, oon;
xiiii And al þe praye of þes citees, and beeſtis, þe ſones of xi þe kyng of Herymoth, oon; þe kyng of Lachis, oon;
Yrael dyuydeden to hem ſelf, alle þe enemyes ſlayn. xii king of Eglon, oon; king of Gazer, oon;
xv As þe Lord comaundide to his ſeruaunt Moyſes, ſo Moyſes
xiii king of Dabir, oon; kyng of Gader, oon;
comaundide to Joſue, and he alle þingis fulfillide; and he
paſſide not biſide of alle þe maundementis, forſoþe ne o word, xiiii kyng of Herma, oon; kyng of Hedreth, oon;
þat þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes. xv kyng of Lebna, oon; kyng of Odollam, oon;
xvi And ſo Joſue took al þe mounteyn loond, and þe ſouþ xvi kyng of Maceda, oon; kyng of Betel, oon;
loond, and Goſen, and þe pleyn, and þe weſt cooſt, and þe hil xvii kyng of Thaphua, oon; kyng of Affer, oon;
of Yrael, and þe wijld feeldis of it;
xvii and a paart of þe hil þat ſteieþ vp to Seyr vnto Baalgath, xviii kyng of Affeth, oon; kyng of Saron, oon;
bi þe pleyn of Libany vndur þe hil of Hermon; alle þe kyngis xix kyng of Madan, oon; kyng of Azor, oon;
of hem he took, and ſmoot, and ſlewȝ. xx kyng of Sameron, oon; kyng of Axaph, oon;
xviii Myche tyme fauȝt Joſue aȝens þes kyngis; xxi kyng of Thenach, oon; kyng of Maggedo, oon;
xix þere was no cyte, þat took hym not to þe ſones of Yrael, xxii kyng of Cetes, oon; kyng of Jachanaen of Carmel, oon;
ſaue Euee þat dwellid in Gabaon; alle wiþ fiȝtynge he took. xxiii kyng of Dor and of þe prouynce of Dor, oon; kyng of þe
xx Forſoþe þe ſentence of þe Lord it was, þat þe hertis of hem
Gentils of Galaad, oon;
weren ful hardid, and ſhulde fiȝte aȝens Yrael, and falle, and xxiiii kyng of Therſa, oon; alle þe kyngis, oon and þretti.


Capitulum XIII. xxv þe teermys of Jaſer, and alle þe citees of Galaad, and
i Joſue
half paart of þe loond of þe ſones of Amon, vn to Aroer þat
was old and of greet age; and þe Lord ſeyde to hym, is aȝens Tabba;
Þow haſt eeldid, and art of loong age; and þe mooſt wide xxvi and fro Eſebon vnto Ramoth Maſphe, and Bethamyn,
loond is left, þat not ȝit is dyuydid bi lot; and Manayn, vn to þe teermys of Dabir;
ii þat is, al Galile Philiſtiym, and al Geſſury,
xxvii in þe valey alſo of Betharan and Bethnenar, and
iii fro þe trubli flood þat weetiþ Egipt, vnto þe teermys of
Sochoth, and Saphan, þat oþer paart of þe kingdom of Seon,
Accharon aȝens þe norþ; þe loond of Chanaan, þat in fyue litil kyng of Eſebon; forſoþe of þis eend of Jordan is þe vttermoſt
kyngis of Philiſtiym is dyuydid, Gazeus, and Azotyus, part of þe ſee of Cenereth biȝond Jordan, at þe eeſt cooſt.
Aſcalonytes, Getheus, and Accharonytes. xxviii Þis is þe poſſeſſyoun of þe ſones of Gad, bi her
iiii At þe ſouþ forſoþe ben Euees, al þe loond of Chanaan,
meynees, citees and towns of hem.
and fro Mara of Sydonys, vnto Affecha, and þe teermes of xxix And he ȝaf to þe half lynage of Manaſſe, and to his
Ammorrei, ſones, after her kynredis, poſſeſſioun,
v and his niȝ cooſtis; forſoþe þe regioun of Liban aȝens þe eſt,
xxx of þe which þis is þe bigynnynge; Ammyneym, and al
fro Baalgat, vndur þe hil of Hermon, to þe tyme þat þou goo Baſan, and alle þe kyngdoms of Og, þe kyng of Baſan, and
into Emath, alle þe touns of Jayr, þat ben in Baſan, ſexti burȝ touns;
vi of alle þat dwelliden in þe hil, fro Liban vnto þe watris of
xxxi and half part of Galaad, and Aſcharoth, and Edrai, citees
Maſſerephoth, and al Sydonys; Y am, þat ſhal doon awey of þe kingdom of Og, kyng of Baſan; to þe ſones of Machir
hem fro þe face of þe ſones of Yrael; come it þanne in to þe and to þe ſones of Manaſſe, and to þe half paart of þe ſones
paart of þe herytage of Yrael, as Y haue comaundid to þee. of Machir, after her kynredis.
vii And nowe diuyde þe loond into poſſeſſioun to nyne lynagis,
xxxii Þis poſſeſſioun dyuydede Moyſes, in þe wijld feeldis of
and to þe half lynage of Manaſſe, Moab biȝond Jordan, aȝens Jericho, at þe eſt plage.
viii wiþ þe which Ruben and Gad weeldiden þe loond, þat
xxxiii Forſoþe to þe lynage of Leuy he ȝaf no poſſeſſioun; for
Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, biȝond þe flodis of Jordan þe Lord God of Yrael he is þe poſſeſſioun of hym, as he haþ
took to hem, at þe eſt cooſt; ſpokun to hym.
ix fro Aroer, þat is ſet in þe brenk of þe ſtreeme of Ernon, in
þe mydil of þe valey, and al þe wijld feeldis of Medaba, vnto Capitulum XIIII.
x and alle þe citees of Seon, þe kyng of Amorreis, þat fauȝt i This is þat þe ſones of Yrael weeldiden in þe loond of
in Eſebon, vnto þe teermes of þe ſones of Amon, Chanaan, þe whiche ȝeuen to hym Eleazar þe preeſt, and
xi and Galaad, and to þe teermys of Geſſuri and Machati, Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and princis of þe meynees bi þe
and al þe hil of Hermon, and al Baſan vnto Selecha; lynagis of Yrael,
xii al þe kyngdom of Og in Baſan, þat regnede in Aſtaroth, ii bi lot alle þingis dyuydynge, as þe Lord comaundide in þe
and in Edraym; and he was of þe relikis of Raphaym; and hoond of Moyſes, to nyne lynagis and to an half lynage.
Moyſes ſmoot hem, and dyde hem awey. iii Forſoþe Moyſes ȝaf to þe two lynages and to þe half lynage
xiii And þe ſones of Yrael wolden not deſtruye Geſſery and biȝond Jordan poſſeſſioun; wiþ outen þe Leuytis, þat no þing
Machati; and dwelliden in þe mydil of Yrael vnto þe day þat of erþe token among her briþeren;
is nowe. iiii but into þe place of hem camen þe ſones of Joſeph, into
xiiii Forſoþe to þe lynage of Leuy he ȝaue no poſſeſſioun, but two lynagis dyuydid, Manaſſe, and Effraym. And Leuytis
þe ſacryfices, and þe ſlayn offryngis of þe Lord God of Yrael; token noon oþer paart in þe loond, but cytees to dwelle yn,
þat is his herytage, as he haþ ſpokun to hym. and ſuburbis of hem to howſbeeſtis and his feeld beeſtis to be
xv Þanne Moyſes ȝaf poſſeſſioun to þe `linage of þe ſones of fed.
v As þe Lord comaundide to Moyſes, ſo þe ſones of Yrael
Ruben, after her kynredis;
xvi and þe teerme of hem was fro Aroer, þat is ſet in þe diden, and dyuydeden þe loond.
vi And ſo þe ſones of Juda wenten to Joſue in Galgalis; and
brenk of þe ſtreeme of Arnon, and in þe mydil valey of þe
ſame ſtreeme, al þe pleyn þat lediþ to Medaba, Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone Cenezeus, ſpak to hym, Þou haſt
xvii and Eſebon, and alle þe litil towns of hem, þat ben in þe knowun, what þe Lord haþ ſpokun to Moyſes þe man of God
of me and of þee in Cades Barne.
wijld feeldis; forſoþe Dibon, and Baal Bamoth, and þe burgh vii Of fourti ȝeer Y was, whanne Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe
toun of Baal Meon,
xviii and Geſa, and Sedymoch, and Mephe, Lord, ſente me fro Cades Barne forto bihold þe loond, and I
toolde to hym, þat me ſemed ſooþ.
xix and Caryathaym, and Sabama, and Sarathaphar, in þe viii Forſoþe my breþeren, þat ſtieden vp wiþ me,
hil of þe valey diſcoumfortiden þe herte of þe puple, and neuerþelater Y
xx of Betheroeth, and Aſſedoch, Phaſcha, and Bethaiſſymoth; folwide þe Lord my God.
xxi alle þe feeldi citees, and alle þe rewmes of Seon, kyng of ix And Moyſes ſwore in þat day, ſeiynge, Þe loond, þat þi
Ammorrei, þat regnede in Eſebon, whom Moyſes ſmoot, wiþ foot ſhal treed, ſhal be þi poſſeſſioun, and of þi ſones wiþ out
his princis, Madian, Euee, and Recten, and Sur, and Hur, eend; for þou haſt folwid þe Lord þi God.
and Rebee, dukys of Seon, dwellers of þe loond. x Forſoþe þe Lord haþ grauntid to me lijf, as he haþ bihoot
xxii And Balaam, þe ſone of Beor, dyuynour, þe ſones of vnto þe day þat is nowe. Fyue and fourti ȝeer ben, ſiþ þe
Yrael ſlewen wiþ ſwerd wiþ oþer ſlayn. Lord ſpak þis word to Moyſes, whanne Yrael wente þurȝ
xxiii And þe teerme of þe ſones of Ruben is maad þe flood of wildirnes. To day Y am of fyue and eiȝti ȝeer,
Jordan; þis is þe poſſeſſioun of Rubenytis bi her kynredis of xi ſo myȝti, as þat tyme Y was myȝti, whanne Y was ſent to
citees and litil touns. aſpie; þe ſtrengþ of þat tyme in me vnto to day abydiþ ſtil, as
xxiiii And Moyſes ȝaf to þe lynage of Gad, and to his ſones, wel to fiȝt, as to goo.
bi her kynredis, poſſeſſioun, of þe which þe dyuyſioun is þis;


xii Ȝyf þanne to me þis hil, þe which þe Lord haþ bihoot to xvi And Caleph ſeide, Whoſo ſmytiþ Caryathſepher, and takiþ
me, þee forſoþe herynge, in þe which ben Enachym, and greet it, Y ſhal ȝyue to hym Axam, my douȝter, wijf.
citees and ſtrengþid; if perauenture þe Lord be wiþ me, and xvii And Othonyel, þe ſone of Zeneth, þe broþer of Caleph, þe
ſhal mowe doo aweye hem, as he haþ bihoot to me. ȝonger, took it; and he ȝaf to hym Axam, his douȝter, wijf.
xiii And Joſue bliſſide to hym, and took to hym Ebron into xviii Þe which, whanne ſhe wente togidres, hir man meuede to
poſſeſſyon. hir for to axe of hir fader a feeld; and ſhe ſiȝide, as ſhe ſat in
xiiii And fro þat tyme Ebron was to Caleph, þe ſone of þe aſſe; to whom Caleph, What haſt þow, he ſeiþ?
Jephone Ceneze, vnto þe preſent day; for he folwide þe Lord xix And ſhe anſwerd, Ȝif to me a bleſſynge; þe ſouþ loond
God of Yrael. and drye þou haſt ȝyue to me; ioyn and a water loond. And
xv Þe name of Ebron before was clepid Caryatharbe. Adam Caleph ȝaf to hir `a watry loond, aboue and byneþe.
mooſt greet þere in þe loond of Enachym was ſet; and þe xx Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe lynage of þe ſones of Juda, bi
loond ceeſſide fro bataylis. her kynredis.
xxi And her citees weren fro þe laſt parties of þe ſones of
Capitulum XV. Juda, biſide þe teermes of Edom, fro þe ſouþ of Capſahel,
i Thanne þe lot of þe ſones of Juda, bi her kynredis, was þis; and Edel, and Jagur;
xxii Eccyna, and Dymona, Edada,
fro þe teerme of Edom vnto þe deſeert of Syn aȝens þe ſouþ,
and vnto þe laſt paart of þe ſouþ cooſt, xxiii and Cades, and Alor, and Jethnan,
ii þe bigynnynge of it fro þe heiȝt of þe mooſt ſalt ſee, and fro xxiiii and Ypheth, and Thelem, and Balaoth,
þe tonge of it, þat biholdiþ to þe ſouþ. xxv and Aſor, Nobua, and Caryoth, Effron; þis is
iii And `it gooþ out aȝens þe ſtiynge vp of Scorpion, and
paſſiþ into Syna; and ſtiede vp into Cades Barne, and comeþ xxvi Same, and Molida,
into Efron, ſtiynge vp to Daran, and enuyrounynge Cariacaa, xxvii and Aſer, Gabda, and Aſſemoth, Bethfeleth,
iiii and þens paſſynge into Aſemona, and comynge to þe
xxviii and Acertual, and Berſabee, and Baiuhia,
ſtreeme of Egipt; and þe teermes of it ſhulen be þe greet ſe;
þis ſhal be þe eend of þe ſouþ cooſt. xxix and Baala, and Hymeſen,
v Fro þe eſt þe bigynnynge forſoþe ſhal be þe ſalt ſee, vnto þe xxx and Betholad, and Exil, and Herma,
eendis of Jordan, and þo þingis, þat biholden þe norþ, fro þe xxxi and Sichelech, and Meacdemena, Senſena,
tonge of þe ſee vnto þe ſame flood of Jordan. xxxii Lebioth, and Selymetem Remmoth; alle þe citees nyyn
vi And þe terme ſtiede into Bethaegla, and gooþ fro þe norþ
and þretti, and þe touns of hem.
into Betharaba, ſtiynge vp to þe ſtoon of Roen, þe ſone of xxxiii Forſoþe in þe feeldis of Eſchoal, and Saraa, and Aſena,
vii and ſtrecchynge vnto þe termys of Debara, fro þe valey of xxxiiii and Azanoe, and Eugannem, and Thaphua, and
Achor aȝens þe norþ, biholdynge Galgala, þat is forn aȝens of Enaym,
þe ſtiynge vp of Adomyn, fro þe ſouþ part of þe ſtreem, and xxxv and Jeſemoth, Adulam, Socco, and Azecha,
paſſiþ þe watris, þat ben clepid þe welle of þe ſunne; and xxxvi `and Sarym, Aditaim, and Gedam, and Giderothaim; þe
ſhulen ben þe goyngis out of it to þe welle of Rogel. cytees fourteen, and þe touns of hem;
viii And it ſtieþ vp bi þe valey of þe ſone of Ennon, fro þe xxxvii Sanam, and Eſeba, and `Magdalgad,
ſide of Jebuſei, to þe ſouþ; þis is Jeruſalem; and fro þennus xxxviii Delen, and Melcha, Betel,
hym ſelf arerynge to þe cop of þe hil, þat is aȝens Jehennon
at þe weſt, in þe heiȝt of þe valey of Raphaym, aȝens þe xxxix Lachis, and Baſchath, and Eglon,
norþ; xl Eſbon, and Leemas, and Cethlis,
ix and paſſiþ fro þe cop of þe hil vnto þe welle of þe water of xli and Gideroth, and Bethdagon, and Nenna, and Maceda;
Nepthoa, and comeþ vnto þe touns of þe hil of Ephron; and cytees ſexteen, and þe townes of hem;
is bowid into Bala, þat is Caryathiarym, þat is of þe cyte of xlii Jambane, and Ether, and Aſam,
x and gooþ about fro Baala aȝens þe weſt, vn to þe hil of xliii Jepta, and Jeſua, and Neſib,
Seir, and paſſiþ biſidis þe ſide of þe hil of Jarym to þe norþ xliiii and Ceyla, and Aſib, and Mareſa, cytees nyne, and þe
into Selbon, and gooþ down into Bethſamys, and paſſiþ into towns of hem;
Thanna; xlv Accharon wiþ towns and his villagis;
xi and comeþ aȝen þe norþ partis of Accharon fro þe ſide, and xlvi from Accaron vnto þe ſee, alle þat drawen to Azaot, and
is bowid to Sechrona, and paſſiþ þe hil of Baala, and comeþ þe villagis of it;
into Gebnel, xlvii Azaoth wiþ touns and his villagis; Gaza wiþ towns and
xii and of þe greet ſee aȝens þe weſt in þe eend it is cloſid to
his villagis, vnto þe ſtreeme of Egipt; and þe greet ſee þe
gidrys. Þes ben þe teermes of þe ſones of Juda, bi enuyroun teerme of it;
in her kynredis. xlviii and in þe hil of Samyr, and Jecther, and Socco,
xiii To Caleph, þe ſone of Jephone, he haþ ȝouun part in þe
xlix and Edenna, Charyath Senna; þis is Dabir;
mydil of þe ſones of Juda, as þe Lord comaundyde to hym,
Caryatharbe, of þe fader of Enach; it is Ebron. l Anab, and Yſchemo, and Ammygoſen,
xiiii And Caleph dide awey fro it þre ſones of Enach, Syſay, li and Olom, and Gilo, citees enleuen, and þe towns of hem;
Achyman, and Tolmay, of þe ſtok of Enach. lii Arab, and Roma, and Eſaam,
xv And fro þens comynge doun he cam to þe dwellers of liii and Ammin, and Bethfaſua, and Aphecha,
Dabir, þat before was clepid Caryathſepher, þat is, citee of liiii and Anymacha, Caryatharbe; þat is Ebron; and Sior,
citees nyne, and towns of hem;


lv Maon, and Hermen, and Ziph, and Jothae, comaundid bi þe hoond of Moyſes, þat poſſeſſioun were ȝouun
lvi Zerahel, and Zachadamer, and Anoe, to vs in þe mydil of oure briþeren. And he ȝaf to hem, after
þe heeſt of þe Lord, poſſeſſioun in þe mydil of þe briþeren of
lvii and Chaym, Gabaa, Canna, citees ten, and þe towns of þe fader of hem.
hem; v And þe litil cordis fellen to Manaſſe ten, wiþ out þe loond
lviii Alul, and Bethſur, and Jodor, of Galaad and Baſan biȝond Jordan;
lix Mareth, and Bethanoth, and Bethecen, citees ſixe, and þe vi forſoþe þe douȝtres of Manaſſe hadden herytage in þe mydil
touns of hem; of þe ſones of hym. Forſoþe þe loond of Galaad felle into þe
lx Caryathbaal; þat is Caryathiarym, citee of wodis; and lot of þe ſones of Manaſſe, þat weren left.
Rebda, citees two, and þe touns of hem; vii And þe teerme of Manaſſe was fro Aſer Machynathat, þat
lxi in þe deſeert of Betharaba, Medyn, and Cyriacha, biholdiþ Sichem, and gooþ out to þe riȝt biſide þe dwellers of
lxii and Nebſan, and þe citee of ſalt, and Engadi, citees ſix, þe welle of Taphue.
viii And forſoþe in þe lot of Manaſſe felle þe loond of Taphue,
and þe touns of hem; þei weren togidre an hundryd and
fifteen. þat is biſide þe teermes of Manaſſe, and of þe ſones of
lxiii Forſoþe Jebuſe, þe dweller of Jeruſalem, myȝte not þe Effraym.
ix And þe teerme of þe valey ful of reedis comeþ doun in þe
ſones of Juda doon a wey; and Jebuſe dwelt wiþ þe ſones of
`Juda in Jeruſalem vnto þe day þat is now. ſouþ of þe ſtreeme of þe cytees of Effraym, þat ben in þe
mydil of þe cytees of Manaſſe. Þe teerme of Manaſſe fro þe
norþ of þe ſtreem, and þe goynge out of it gooþ to þe ſee;
Capitulum XVI. x ſo þat þe poſſeſſioun of Effraym be fro þe ſouþ, and fro þe
i And þe lot of þe ſones of Joſeph felle fro Jordan aȝens norþ of Manaſſe, and eiþer cloſiþ þe ſee; and þei ben ioyned
Jericho, and to þe watrys of it, fro þe eſt; þe wildirnes þat to hem ſelf in þe lynage of Aſer fro þe norþ, and in þe lynage
ſtieþ vp fro Jericho to þe hil of Bethel, of Yſachar fro þe eſt.
ii and goþ out fro Bethel Luzan, and paſſiþ þe teerme of xi And þe herytage of Manaſſe was in Yſachar and in Aſer,
Architaroth, Verſan and þe litil touns of it, and Jeblaan wiþ his litil
iii and comeþ doun to þe weſt biſide þe teerme of Jefleti, vnto touns, and þe dwellers of Dor, wiþ her borgh touns; forſoþe
þe teermes of þe neþermore Betheron, and of Gazar; and þe þe dwellers of Endor, wiþ her litil touns, and alſo þe dwellers
regiouns of it ben endid in þe greet ſee, of Thanath, wiþ her litil touns, and þe dwellers of Magedo,
iiii þat weeldiden þe ſones of Joſeph, Manaſſes and Effraym. wiþ her litil touns, and þe þridde part of þe cytee of Nophet.
xii Ne þe ſones of Manaſſe myȝten þeſe cytees vndurturn, but
v And þe teerme of þe ſones of Effraym, bi her kynredis, is
Chanane bygan to dwelle in þis loond.
maad, and þe poſſeſſioun of hem aȝens þe eſt, Acharothaddar xiii Forſoþe after þat þe children of Yrael weren recouerd, þei
vnto þe ouermore Betheron.
vi And goon out þe ſide cooſtis into þe ſee; forſoþe ſugetiden þe Chananeis, and maden tributaryes to hem, and
ſlewen hem not.
Mathmethath biholdiþ þe norþ, and enuyrouneþ þe teermys xiiii And þe ſones of Joſeph ſpeken to Joſue, and ſeiden, Whi
aȝens þe eſt in Thanarſelo, and paſſiþ fro þe ſtreme of Janoe;
vii and goþ doun fro Janoe into Atharoth and Noathara, and haſt þow ȝeue to me loond into poſſeſſioun of lot and of o litil
coord, ſiþ Y am of ſo myche multitude, and þe Lord haþ
comeþ into Jericho; and goþ out to Jordan fro Thaphua, bleſſid me?
viii and paſſiþ aȝens þe ſee in to þe valey ful of reedis; and þe xv To whom Joſue ſeiþ, If `þow art a myche puple, ſty into
goyngis out of it ben to þe mooſt ſalt ſee. Þis is þe þe wode, and hew to þee ſpacis in þe loond of Pherezei, and
poſſeſſioun of þe lynage of þe ſones of Effraym, bi her Raphaym; for ſtreyt is to þee þe poſſeſſioun of þe hil of
meynees; Effraym.
ix and þe citees ben ſeuerd to þe ſones of Effraym in þe mydil xvi To whom anſwerden þe ſones of Joſeph, We ſhulen not
of þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Manaſſe, and þe towns of mowe ſtie vp to þe mounteyns, ſiþ yren charys vſen þe
hem. Chananees, þat dwellen in þe feeldi loond; in þe which ben ſet
x And þe ſones of Effraym ſlewen not Chanane, þat dwelt in Berſan, wiþ his litil touns, and Jerazel hauynge þe mydil
Gaſer; and Chanane dwellid in þe mydil of Effraym vnto þis valey.
day tribitarye. xvii And Joſue ſeide to þe hous of Joſeph, `þat is, Effraym
and Manaſſe, Þow art a myche puple, and of greet ſtrengþe;
Capitulum XVII. þow ſhalt not haue o ſoort,
xviii but þow ſhalt paſſe to þe hil, and hew to þee, and purge
i And þe lot felle to þe lynage of Manaſſe, forſoþe he is þe
firſt goten of Joſeph; to Machir, þe firſt goten of Manaſſes, ſpacis to dwelle. And þow ſhalt mowe forþermore goo forþ,
þe fader of Galaad, þat was a man fiȝter, and hadde þe whanne þow haſt vndur turned Chananee, whom þow ſeiſt
poſſeſſioun of Galaad and Baſan; yren charis to han, and to be mooſt ſtrong.
ii and to þe relikis of þe ſones of Manaſſe, after her meynees;
to þe ſones of Abieſer, and to þe ſones of Heleph, and to þe Capitulum XVIII.
ſones of Heſryel, and to þe ſones of Sichem, and to þe ſones i And alle þe ſones of Yrael ben gedryd in Sylo, and þere þei
of Epher, and to þe ſones of Semyda; þes ben þe ſones of piȝten þe tabernacle of witneſſynge; and þe loond was ſuget to
Manaſſe, ſone of Joſeph, maalis, bi her kynredis. hem.
iii To Salphat forſoþe, þe ſone of Epher, ſone of Galaad, ſone ii Forſoþe þere dwelten of þe ſones of Yrael ſeuen lynagis, þat
of Machir, ſone of Manaſſe, were no ſones, but oonli ȝit not hadden taak her poſſeſſiouns.
douȝtres; of þe whiche þes ben þe names, Maala, and Noa, iii To whom ſeiþ Joſue, How long `welewen ȝe wiþ ſlewþ,
and Negla, and Melcha, and Terſa.
iiii And þei camen in þe ſiȝt of Eliazar, preeſt, and of Joſue and ȝe goon not into þe loond to be weeldid, þat þe Lord God
of ȝoure faders haþ ȝyue to ȝou?
ſone of Nun, and of þe princis, ſeiynge, Þe Lord haþ


iiii Cheſiþ of eche lynagis þre men, þat Y ſende hem, and þei xxiiii þetoun Heſmona, and Offym, and Gabee, cytees twelue,
goon, and enuyroun þe loond, and diſcryue it after þe and þe touns of hem;
noumbre of eche multitude, and þei tellen to me, þat þei han xxv Gabaon, and Rama, and Beroth,
diſcryued. xxvi and Meſphe, Chaphera, and Anymoſa,
v Dyuyde ȝe to ȝou þe loond into ſeuen partis; Judas be in
xxvii and Recen, Jerephel, and Tharela,
hys teermes at þe ſouþ cooſt, and þe hows of Joſeph fro þe
norþ; xxviii and Sela, and Heleph, and Jebus, þat is Jeruſalem,
vi þe mydil loond bitwix þes diſcryue ȝe into ſeuen partiſe; and Gabaath, and Curiath, citees fourteen, and þe touns of hem;
þanne ȝe ſhulen come to me, þat before þe Lord oure God I þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Beniamyn, aftir her
ſende to ȝow her lot; meyneis.
vii for þere is not a mong ȝou paart of Leuytis, but preeſthod
of þe Lord, þis is þe herytage of hem. Forſoþe Gad, and Capitulum XIX.
Ruben, and þe half lynage of Manaſſe now han taak her i And þe ſecounde lot of þe ſones of Symeon is goon out, bi
poſſeſſiouns biȝond Jordan, at þe eſt cooſt, þe whiche Moyſes, his kynredis; and was þe herytage of hem in þe mydil of þe
þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, haþ ȝeue to hem. poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Juda,
viii And whanne þe men weren ryſen for to goon, to diſcryue ii Berſabee, and Sabee, and Melada,
þe loond, Joſue commaundide to hem, ſeiynge, Gooþ aboute iii and Aſerſualbala, and Aſem,
þe loond, and diſcryue ȝe it, and torneþ aȝen to me, þat here
bifore þe Lord ȝoure God in Sylo Y ſende to ȝou lot. iiii and Beltholaad, and Bethularma,
ix And ſo þei wenten, and goynge about it in ſeuen parties v and Sicelech, and Bethmarthaboth, and Aſerſua,
dyuydeden, wrytynge in volym; and þei turneden aȝen to vi and Bethelaboth, and Saroem, cytees þretteen, and þe
Joſue, into þe tentis of Sylo. touns of hem;
x Þe whiche leide lottis before þe Lord God in Silo, and vii Aym, and Remmon, and Athar, and Aſam, citees foure,
dyuydede þe loond to þe ſones of Yrael, into ſeuen parties. and þe touns of hem;
xi And ſtiede vp þe firſt lot of þe ſones of Beniamyn, by her viii alle þe litil touns bi enuyroun of þes citees, vnto Balath
meynees, þat þei weelden þe loond bitwix þe ſones of Juda Brameth, aȝens þe ſouþ cooſt, were cytees ſeuenteen. Þis is
and þe ſones of Joſeph. þe herytage of þe ſones of Symeon, after her kynredis,
xii And þe teerme of hem was aȝens þe norþ fro Jordan, ix in þe poſſeſſioun and litil coord of þe ſones of Juda, for he
goynge biſyde þe ſide of Jerycho of þe norþ cooſt; and fro was more; and þerfor þe ſones of Symeon hadden poſſeſſioun
þens aȝens þe weſt to þe mounteyn ſtiynge, and comynge to þe in þe mydil of þe herytage of hym.
wildirnes of Bethanen, x And þe þridde lot felle of þe ſones of Zabulon, bi her
xiii and paſſynge biſide Luzan to þe ſouþ; þat is Bethel; and
kynredis; and þe teerme of þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of
he cam doun into Aſtaroth of Adar, into þe hil þat is at þe Zabulon is maad vnto Sarith,
ſouþ of þe neþer Betheron; xi and ſtiede vp fro þe ſee, and Medala, and comeþ in to
xiiii and is bowid goynge about aȝens þe ſee, to þe ſouþ of þe
Debbaſeth, vnto þe ſtreem þat is aȝens Jeſenam;
hil þat biholdiþ Betheron aȝens Affrijk; and þe goyngis out of xii and turneþ fro Saryth, aȝens þe eſt, into þe eendis of
it ben Scaryathabaal, and þe whiche is clepid Caryathiarym,
þe cytee of þe ſones of Juda; þis is þe greet cooſt aȝens þe Secelech Thabor; and gooþ out to Dabereth; and ſtieþ vp
ſee, to þe weſt. aȝens Jaſie;
xv Forſoþe fro þe ſouþ, of þe part of Caryathiarym, gooþ out xiii and þens paſſiþ to þe eſt cooſt, Gethepher, and Thachaſym;
þe teerme aȝens þe ſee, and comeþ vnto þe welle of watris of and geeþ out into Remmon, Amphar, and Noa;
Nepthoa; xiiii and gooþ about to þe norþ, and Nachon; and þe goynge
xvi and comiþ doun into þe paart of þe hil þat biholdiþ þe out of it ben of þe valey of Jeptael,
valey of þe ſones of Ennon, and is aȝens þe norþ cooſt, in þe xv and Cathel, and Neamay, and Semrom, and Jedaba, and
vttermooſt paart of þe valey of Raphaym; and Gehennon, þat Bethleem, citees twelue, and þe touns of hem.
is, þe valey of Ennon, `comeþ doun by ſide þe ſide of Jebuſei, xvi Þis is þe herytage of þe lynage of þe ſones of Zabulon, bi
to þe ſouþ, and comeþ to þe welle of Rogel, her kynredis, and citees, and touns of hem.
xvii paſſynge to þe norþ, and goynge out to Empſemes, þat is, xvii Of Yſachar wente out þe feerþ lot, bi his kynredis;
þe welle of þe ſunne, and paſſiþ vnto þe litil hillis þat ben xviii and his heritage was Jezrael, and Cathſaloth, and
`forn aȝens of þe ſtiynge vp of Adomyn; and comeþ doun to
Thabem Boen, þat is, þe ſtoon of Boen, ſone of Ruben, Symeon,
xviii and paſſiþ fro þe ſide of þe norþ to þe wijld feeldis; and xix and Effraym, and Seon, and Anaarath,
comeþ doun into þe pleyn, xx and Cabith, and Ceſyon, Hames,
xix and gooþ biſide aȝens þe norþ of Bethagalam; and þe xxi and Ramech, and Enganym, and Enadda, and Bethfeſes.
goyngis out of it ben aȝens þe tong of þe ſalteſt ſee, fro þe xxii And þe teerme of it comeþ vnto Thabor, and Seeſyma,
norþ, in þe eend of Jordan to þe ſouþ cooſt, and Hethſemes; and þe goyngis out of it weren of Jordan,
xx þat is þe teerme of it fro þe eſt. Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe cytees ſexteen, and þe touns of hem.
ſones of Beniamyn, bi her teermys in enuyroun, and her xxiii Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Yſachar, bi her
meynees; kynredis, cytees, and litil touns of hem.
xxi and his citees weren Jericho, and Bethegla, and þe valey xxiiii And felle þe fifþe lot to þe lynage of þe ſones of Aſer, bi
of Caſis, her kynredis;
xxii Betharacha, and Samaraym, and Bethel, xxv and þe teermes of hem was Alchat, and Acly, and
xxiii and Anym, and Affara, and Offyra, Bethen, and Meſaph,


xxvi and Elmelech, and Amaad, and Meſſal; and comeþ unto ii Seuer ȝe þe cytees of fugityues, of whiche I ſpake to ȝou bi
Carmyl of þe ſee, and Syor, and Labanath; þe hond of Moiſes,
xxvii and torniþ aȝens þe eſt of Bethdagan, and paſſiþ vnto iii þat fleȝe to hem, whoſo euer a lijf haþ ſmytun vnwitynge;
Zabulon, and þe valey of Jeptael, aȝens þe norþ, into þat he mowe aſcaap þe wraþ of þe neiȝbore, þat is wreker of
Bethemeth, and Neiel; and gooþ out to þe left of Cabul, þe blood,
xxviii and Acram, and Roab, and Omynon, and Chane, vnto iiii whanne to oon of þeſe cytees he fleeþ. And he ſhal ſtoond
greet Sydon; before þe ȝatis of þe citee, and he ſhal ſpeke to þe aldren of
xxix and turneþ aȝen into Horma, vnto þe `mooſt ſtrengþid þat citee þo þingis þat hym ſilf preuen innocent; and ſo þei
cytee Tyrum, and vnto Oſam; and þe goyngis out of it ſhulen ſhulen take hym, and ȝyue hym a place to dwelle.
be into þe ſee, fro þe litil coord Aczima, v And whanne þe blood wreker hym purſue, þei ſhulen not
xxx and Affeth, and Roab; cytees two and twenti, and þe take hym in to his hoondis; for vnwitynge he ſmoot þe
touns of hem. neiȝbore of hym, ne before two dayes or þre daies he ſhal be
xxxi Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Aſer, bi her kynredis, preued þe enemye of hym.
vi And he ſhal dwelle in þat citee to þe tyme þat he ſtoond
citees, and þe touns of hem.
xxxii Of þe ſones of Neptalym þe ſext lot fel, bi her meynees; before dom, cauſe ȝeeldynge of his deede. And abide he ſtille
þat haþ ſlayn, to þe tyme þat þe greet preeſt dye, þat were in
xxxiii and bigunne þe teerme fro Heleth, and Helon, and þat tyme; þanne ſhal þe manſleer turne aȝen, and go into þe
Sannayra, and Adarny, þat is Neſeb, and Jebnael, vnto citee and his hows, fro þe which he fleiȝ.
Letun; and þe goynge out of hem unto Jordan; vii And þei ſeuerden Cedes in Galile, of þe hil of Neptalim,
xxxiiii and comeþ aȝen þe teerme, aȝens þe weſt, in Arnoth and Sichem in þe hil of Effraym, and Caryatarbe, þat is
Thabor; and þens gooþ out in to Hucota, and paſſiþ into Ebron, in þe hil of Juda.
Zabulon, aȝens þe ſouþ, and into Aſor, aȝens þe weſt, and viii And biȝond Jordan, aȝens þe eſt cooſt `of Jericho, þei
into Juda, at Jordan, aȝens þe ryſyng of þe ſunne; ordeynden Bozor, þat is ſet in þe feeldy wildirnes of þe
xxxv of þe `mooſt ſtrengþid cite Aſſedyn, Ser, and Amraath, lynage of Ruben, and Ramoch in Galaad, of þe lynage of
and Rechath, and Cenereth, Gad, and Gaulon in Baſan, of þe linage of Manaſſe.
xxxvi and Edema, and Arama, Aſor, ix Þes ben þe citees ordeynd to þe ſones of Irael, and to
xxxvii and Cedes, and Edray, and Naſon, comlyngis þat dwellen among hem, þat `he fleeȝe to þo, þe
xxxviii and Jeron, and Magdael, Horem, and Bethanath, and whiche vnwitynge a lijf haþ ſmyten; and he die not in þe
hoond of þe neiȝbour, coueytynge to wreek þe ſhad blood, to
Bethſemes; citees nynteen, and þe touns of hem. þe tyme þat he to expounen his cauſe, ſtoond before þe puple.
xxxix Þis is þe poſſeſſyoun of þe lynage of þe ſones of
Neptalym, bi her kynredis, citees, and þe litil touns of hem. Capitulum XXI.
xl To þe lynage of þe ſones of Dan, bi her meynees, wente
i And þe princes of þe meynees of Leuy camen to Eleazar, þe
out þe ſeuenþe lot;
xli and was þe teerme of his poſſeſſioun Saraa, and Aſchahol, preeſt, and to Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and to þe dukys of þe
and Darſemes, þat is, þe cytee of þe ſunne, kynredis, bi eche lynagis of þe ſones of Yrael;
xlii Selenym, and Haylon, and Jethela, ii and þei ſpeken to hem in Silo, of þe loond of Chanaan, and
xliii and Helom, and Thenna, and Acrom, ſeiden, Þe Lord comaundide bi þe hoond of Moyſes, þat þere
ſhulden be ȝeue to vs cytees to dwel, and ſuburbis of hem to
xliiii and Hetheſem, and Jebtom, and Baalath, beeſtis to be fed.
xlv Lud, and Benebarach, and Jethremmon, iii And þe ſones of Irael ȝauen of her poſſeſſiouns, after þe
xlvi and Yharchon, and Arechon, wiþ þe teerme þat biholdiþ heeſt of þe Lord, citees and ſuburbs of hem.
Joppen, and wiþ þat eend is cloſid. iiii And þe lot wente out in to þe meynee of Chaat, of þe
xlvii And þe ſones of Dan ſtieden vp, and fouȝten aȝens ſones of Aaron, preeſt, of þe lynage of Juda, and of Symeon,
Leſem, and token it, and ſmyten it in mouþ of ſwerd, and and of Beniamyn, citees þretteen;
weeldiden, and dwelten in it, clepynge þe name of Leſan Dan, v and to `þat oþer of þe ſones of Chaath, þat is, to þe Leuytis
of þe name of Dan, his fader. þat weren ouer, of þe lynagis of Effraym, and of Dan, and of
xlviii Þis is þe poſſeſſioun of þe lynage of þe ſones of Dan, bi half þe lynage of Manaſſe, cytees ten.
her kynredys, cytees, and litil touns of hem. vi Forþermore to þe ſones of Gerſon wente out lot, þat þei
xlix And whanne he hadde fulfillid bi lot þe loond to dyuyde taken of þe lynagis of Yſachar, and Aſer, and Neptalym, and
to eche bi his lynagis, ȝeuen þe ſones of Yrael poſſeſſioun to of þe half lynage of Manaſſe in Baſan, cytees in noumbre
Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, in her mydil, þretteen;
l after þe heeſt of þe Lord, þe citee þat he aſkide, Thannath vii and to þe ſones of Merary, bi her kynredis, of þe lynagis
Sara, in þe hil of Effraym; and he bildide þe cytee, and of Ruben, and of Gad, and of Zabulon, citees twelue.
dwellide in it. viii And þe ſones of Yrael ȝauen to þe Leuytis citees, and
li Þes ben þe poſſeſſiouns þat bi lot dyuydeden Eleazar, þe ſuburbs of hem, as þe Lord comaundide bi þe hoond of
preeſt, and Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, and þe princes of þe Moyſes, eche bi lot ȝyuynge.
meynees, and of þe lynagis of þe ſones of Yrael, in Silo, ix Of þe lynagis of þe ſones of Juda, and of Symeon, Joſue
before þe Lord, at þe dore of þe tabernacle of witneſſynge, ȝaf citees, of þe whiche þes ben þe names;
and partiden þe loond. x to þe ſones of Aaron, bi þe meynees of Chaath, of Leuy
kynde; forſoþe þe fyrſt lot goon out to hem is;
Capitulum XX. xi Caryatharbe, of þe fader of Enach, þat is clepid Ebron, in
i And þe Lord ſpak to Joſue, ſeiynge, Spek to þe ſones of þe hil of Juda, and þe ſuburbs of it bi enuyroun;
xii forſoþe feeldis and þe touns of it `he ȝaf to Caleph, þe ſone
Yrael, and ſey to hem,
of Jephone, to weeld.


xiii He ȝaf þanne to þe ſones of Aaron, preeſt, Ebron, þe citee xlv Forſoþene o word þat to hem he bihiȝte hym ſelf to be to
of fliȝt, and þe ſuburbs of it, and Lebna wiþ his ſuburbs, ȝeue, was maad in veyn, but in dedys alle þingis ben
xiiii and Gether, and Yſchymon, fulfillyd.
xv and Elon, and Dabyr,
xvi and Aym, and Lethan, and Bethſames wiþ his ſuburbs; Capitulum XXII.
citees nyne, of þe lynagis, as it is ſeid, of two; i The ſame tyme Joſue clepide Rubenytis, and Gadditis, and
xvii forſoþe of þe lynage of þe ſones of Beniamyn, Gabaon, half þe lynage of Manaſſe,
and Gabae, ii and ſeide to hem, Ȝe han doo alle þingis þat to ȝou
xviii and Anathot, and Almon wiþ his ſuburbs; citees foure. comaundide Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, and to me in
xix Alle togidre þe citees of þe ſones of Aaron, preeſt, alle þingis ȝe han obeiſhid;
iii ne ȝe han left youre briþeren long tyme vnto þe preſent day,
þretteen, wiþ her ſuburbis.
xx Forſoþe to þat oþer of Leuyte kynde, bi þe meynees of þe kepynge þe heeſt of þe Lord ȝoure God.
iiii For þanne þe Lord ȝour God haþ ȝeue to ȝoure briþeren
ſones of Caath, þis þe ȝouen poſſeſſioun; of þe lynage of
Effraym, reſt and pees, as he haþ bihoot, turne ȝe aȝen, and gooþ yn to
xxi þe cytee of fliȝt, Sichem, wiþ hys ſuburbs, in þe hil of ȝour tabernaclis, into þe loond of ȝoure poſſeſſioun, þat took to
Effraym, and Gaſer, ȝow Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, biȝond Jordan;
v ſo oonli þat ȝe kepen attentifly, and in dede fulfil, and þe
xxii and Cebſeyn, and Bethoron wiþ his ſuburbs; citees foure;
xxiii and of þe lynage of Dan, Helthece, Gebethon,
maundement and þe lawe, þat comaundide to ȝow Moyſes, þe
ſeruaunt of þe Lord; þat ȝe louen þe Lord ȝoure God, and
xxiiii and Hayhalon, and Gethremmon wiþ his ſuburbs; cytees goon in alle his weies, and kepe wel þe heeſtis of hym, and
foure; drawe to hym, and ſerue in al herte, and in alle ȝoure ſoule.
xxv forſoþe of þe half lynage of Manaſſe, Thanach, and vi And Joſue bleſſide to hem, and lafte hem, þe whiche ben
Gethremon, wiþ his ſuburbs, citees two. turned aȝen into her tabernaclis.
xxvi Alle þe ten cytees and ſuburbs of hem ben ȝeue to þe vii And Moyſes ȝaf to þe half lynage of Manaſſe poſſeſſioun in
ſones of Caath, of þe lower degree. Baſan; and þerfor to þe half þat lefte ouere, Joſue ȝaf lot
xxvii Forſoþe to þe ſones of Gerſon, of Leuyte kynde, he haþ among his oþer briþeren biȝond Jordan, at þe weſt cooſt. And
ȝouun, of þe half lynage of Manaſſe, citees of fliȝt, Gaulon in whanne he ſhulde leeue hem into her tabernaclis, and hadde
Baſan, and Boſram, wiþ his ſuburbis; citees two; bleſſid hem,
xxviii forſoþe of þe lynage of Yſachar, Theſion, Dabireth, viii he ſeide to hem, In myche ſubſtaunce and rytches turne ȝe
xxix and Geromoth, and Enganym wiþ his ſuburbs; citees aȝen to ȝoure ſeetis; wiþ ſiluer, and gold, and bras, and yren,
and manyfold cloþinge; deuyde ȝe þe praye of enemyes wiþ
foure; ȝoure briþeren.
xxx of þe lynage of Azer, Maſal, and Abdon, ix And þe ſones of Ruben, and þe ſones of Gad, and þe half
xxxi and Elechat, and Roob wiþ his ſuburbs; cytees foure; lynage of Manaſſe turneden aȝen, and wenten fro þe ſones of
xxxii and of þe lynage of Neptalym, citee of fliȝt, Cedes in Yrael fro Silo, þat is ſet in Chanaan, þat þei goon into
Galile, and Amodor, and Carthan wiþ his ſuburbs; cytees Galaad, þe loond of her poſſeſſioun, þat þei hadden after þe
þree. heeſt of þe Lord in þe hoond of Moyſes.
xxxiii Alle þe citees of þe meynees of Gerſon, þretteen, wiþ x And whanne þei weren comen to þe mynde hyllis of Jordan,
his ſuburbs. into þe loond of Chanaan, þei bildiden biſide Jordan an auter
xxxiiii Forſoþe to þe ſones of Merary, Leuytis of þe lower of mychilnes wiþ out meſure.
xi Þe which whanne þe ſones of Yrael hadden herd, and to
degre, bi her meynees, is ȝouun, of þe lynage of Zabulon,
Getheron, and Carcha, hem certeyn meſſangeris hadden toold, þe ſones of Ruben, and
xxxv and Demna, and Nalol; cytees foure, wiþ her ſuburbs; of Gad, and þe half lynage of Manaſſe to haue bilde an auter
in þe loond of Chanaan, vpon Jordans mynde hillis, aȝens þe
xxxvi of þe lynage of Gad, þe cytee of fliȝt, ſones of Yrael,
xxxvii Ramoth in Galaad, and Manahym, xii alle þei camen togidre in Cylo, þat þei ſtien vp, and fiȝten
xxxviii and Eſebon, and Jazer; citees foure, wiþ her ſuburbs; aȝens hem.
xxxix and of þe lynage of Ruben, biȝond Jordan, aȝens xiii And `in þe mene tyme þei ſenten to hem into þe loond of
Jericho, citee of refuyt, Bozor in þe wildernes of Myſor, and Galaad, Phynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, preeſt,
Jazer, and Jecſon, and Maſpha; citees foure, wiþ her ſuburbs. xiiii and ten princes wiþ hym; eche of eche lynages.
xl Alle þe cytees of þe ſones of Merary, bi meynees and her xv Þe whiche camen to þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and
kynredis, twelue. of þe half lynage of Manaſſe, vnto þe loond of Galaad, and
xli And ſo alle þe citees of Leuytis, in þe mydil of þe ſeiden to hem,
poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Yrael, weren eiȝt and fourti, wiþ xvi Þes þingis ſendiþ al þe puple of þe Lord; What is þis
her ſuburbs, tranſgreſſioun? Whi han ȝe forſakun þe Lord God of Yrael,
xlii eche bi meynees delid. bildynge a ſacrilege auter, and fro þe heriynge of hym goynge
xliii And þe Lord God haþ ȝouun to Yrael al þe loond þat he a wey?
xvii Wheþer litil it is to ȝou þat ȝe ſynneden in Belphegor,
ſwore hym ſelf to ȝeue to faders of hem, and þei weeldiden it,
and dwelten in it. and vnto þe day þat is nowe þe ſpot of þis hidows gilt in ȝou
xliiii And of hym is ȝouun pees in alle naciouns bi enuyroun; dwelliþ, and many of þe puple han faln doun?
xviii And ȝe to day han forſakun þe Lord, and to morwe in to
and noon of þe enemyes is hardi to wiþſtoond hem, but alle
ben brouȝt into þe lordſhip of hem. al Iſrael þe wraþ of hym ſhal wexe wood.
xix And if ȝe wenen þe loond of ȝoure poſſeſſioun to be
vnclene, gooþ to þe loond, in þe which is þe tabernacle of þe


Lord, and dwelle ȝe among vs, oonly þat fro þe Lord ȝe goon ii Joſue clepid al Yrael, and þe more þurȝ birþ, and princis,
not awei, and fro oure felawſhip, an auter bilden vp biſide þe and dukys, and mayſtris, and ſeide to hem, I haue eeldid,
auter of þe Lord oure God. and am of more goon forþ age;
xx Wheþer not Achor, þe ſone of Zare, paſſide biſide þe heeſt iii and ȝe biholden alle þingis þat þe Lord ȝoure God haþ
of þe Lord, and vpon al þe puple of Yrael þe wraþ of hym doon to alle naciouns bi enuyroun, what maner wiſe for ȝou
felle? And he was o man; and wolde God he alone hadde he haþ fouȝten.
periſhid in his hidows gilt. iiii And nowe for he haþ dyuydid to ȝou bi lot al þe loond, fro
xxi And þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of þe half
þe eſt paart of Jordan vnto þe greet ſee, and manye ȝit
lynage of Manaſſe, anſwerden to þe princes of þe meſſage of naciouns ouerleeuen,
Yrael, v þe Lord ȝoure God ſhal ſcater hem, and doo awey fro ȝoure
xxii Þe mooſt ſtrong Lord God of Iſrael he haþ knowun, and
face; and ȝe ſhulen weeld þe loond, as he haþ bihoot to ȝow.
Yrael togidre ſhal vndurſtoond; if bi inwit of treſpaſſynge þis vi Oonly takiþ comfort, and beþ biſy, þat ȝe kepen alle þingis
auter we han maad vp, keep he vs not, but punyſhe nowe;
xxiii and if bi þat mynde we han doon, þat brent ſacrifices, þat ben writun in þe volym of þe lawe of Moyſes, and þat ȝe
bowen not aſide fro hem, ne to þe riȝt ne to þe left,
and ſacrifice, and peſible ſlayn offryngis vpon it we han put, vii leſt after þat ȝe goon into þe gentylis, þat among ȝou ben
he ſeche, and deme;
xxiiii and not more bi þat þenkynge and treet þat we ſhulen to come, ȝe ſweren in þe name of þe goddis of hem, and ſerue
to hem, and honoure hem.
ſay, To morwe ſhulen ſeye ȝoure ſones to oure ſones, What to viii But cleue ȝe to þe Lord ȝoure God, þe which þing ȝe han
ȝow and to þe Lord God of Yrael?
xxv Þe Lord haþ put a teerme bitwix vs and ȝow, O ſones of doon vnto þis day;
ix and þanne þe Lord God ſhal doo awey in ȝoure ſiȝt greet
Ruben and ſones of Gad, Jordan flood; and þerfor ȝe han no
part in þe Lord; and bi þis occaſioun ȝoure ſones ſhulen turne gentilis, and mooſt ſtronge; and no man ſhal wiþſtoond to
a wey oure ſones fro þe dreed of þe Lord. ȝow.
xxvi And ſo we troweden better, and ſeiden, Make we out to x Oon of ȝou ſhal purſue a þouſand men of enemyes, for þe
vs an auter, not into brent ſacrifices, ne to ſlayn offryngis to Lord ȝoure God for ȝou he ſhal fiȝt, as he haþ bihoot.
be offrid, xi Þis oonli mooſt biſily be ȝe war before, þat ȝe louen þe
xxvii but into witneſſynge bitwix vs and ȝow, and ȝoure Lord ȝoure God.
children and progenye and oure, þat we ſeruen to þe Lord, xii And if þat ȝe wolen drawe to þe errours of þes gentilis þat
and of oure riȝt ben to offre brent ſacrificis, and ſlayn among ȝou dwellen, and wiþ hem mengiþ maryagis, and
offringis, and peſible ooſtis; and ȝoure ſones ſeyn not to frenſhips cowple,
morwe to oure ſones, Þere is not paart to ȝou in þe Lord. xiii nowe þanne wite ȝe, þat þe Lord ȝoure God do hem not a
xxviii And if þei wolen ſeye, þei ſhulen anſwere to hem, Loo! wey bifore ȝoure face, but to ȝow þei ſhulen be in to a diche,
þe auter of þe Lord, þat maden oure fadres, not into brent and grene, and hurtynge of ȝoure ſide, and a ſtaak in ȝoure
ſacrificis, ne into ſacrifices, but into oure and ȝoure eyen, to þe tyme þat he doo ȝou a wey, and ſcater fro þis beſt
witneſſynge euerlaſtynge. loond, þat he haþ taak to ȝou.
xxix God ſhilde fro vs þis hidows gilt, þat we goon a weye xiiii Loo! I to day goo into þe weie of al erþe; and wiþ al
fro þe Lord, and his ſteppis we forſaken, an auter made out inwit ȝe ſhulen knowe, þat of alle þe wordis `þe whiche `þe
to brent ſacrificis, and ſacrificis, and ſlayn offryngis to ben Lord haþ bihoot hym ſelf to be to doo to ȝou, he haþ not
offred, biſide þe auter of þe Lord oure God, þat is maad out paſſid biſide oon in veyn.
before þe tabernacle of hym. xv Þanne as he haþ fulfillid in dede þat he haþ bihoot, and
xxx Þe whiche þingis herd, Phinees, þe preeſt, and princis of welſumli alle þingis ben comen, ſo he ſhal brynge vpon ȝow
þe meſſage of Yrael, þat weren wiþ hym, ben pleſid; and þe what þing of yuels he haþ þrett, to þe tyme þat he do ȝow a
wordis of þe ſones of Ruben, and of Gad, and of half lynage wey, and ſcater fro þis beſt loond, þat he haþ taak to ȝou.
of Manaſſe gladli þei token. xvi Forþi þat ȝe han biſide paſſid þe couenaunt of þe Lord
xxxi And Phynees, þe ſone of Eleazar, preeſt, ſeide to hem, ȝoure God, þat he haþ couenauntid wiþ ȝow, and ȝe han
Now we witen, þat wiþ ȝou is þe Lord; for alien ȝe ben fro ſerued to alien goddis, and honourde hem, ſoone and ſwiftli
þis treſpas, and ȝe han delyuerd þe ſones of Yrael fro þe ſhal aryſe in ȝow þe woodnes of þe Lord; and ȝe ſhulen be
hoond of þe Lord. takun a wey fro þis beſt loond, þat he haþ taak to ȝow.
xxxii And he turned aȝen wiþ þe princis fro þe ſones of
Ruben and of Gad, fro þe loond of Galaad of þe cooſtis of Capitulum XXIIII.
Chanaan, to þe ſones of Yrael; and tolde to hem. i And
xxxiii And þe word pleſide to alle men herynge; and þe ſones Joſue gedride al þe lynages of Yrael in Sechym; and
clepide þe more þurȝ birþ, and princes, and iugis, and
of Yrael preyſiden God, and ſeiden, þat no more þei ſhulden mayſtris; and ſtoden in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
goo vp aȝens hem, and fiȝte, and do aweie þe loond of þe ii And to þe puple þus he ſpak, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God
poſſeſſioun of hem.
xxxiiii And þe ſones of Ruben and þe ſones of Gad clepen þe of Yrael, Biȝond þe flood dwelten oure fadres fro þe
bigynnynge, Thare, þe fader of Abraham, and Nachor, and
auter, þat þei hadden maad, Oure Witneſſynge, þat þe Lord ſerueden to alien goddis.
he be God. iii I haue taak ȝoure fader Abraham fro þe eendis of
Meſopotanye, and haue brouȝt hym in to þe loond of
Capitulum XXIII. Chanaan; Y haue multiplied his ſeed, and ȝaf to hym Yſaac;
i Ouerturned forſoþe myche tyme after þat þe Lord hadde ȝeue iiii and to hym eft I ȝaf Jacob and Eſau; of þe whiche to
pees to Irael, ſugettid alle naciouns in enuyroun; and Joſue Eſau Y ȝaf þe hil of Seyr to weeld; Jacob forſoþe and his
now of long lijf, and of ful old age, ſones deſcendiden into Egipt.
v And Y ſente Moyſes and Aaron, and ſmoot Egipt bi manye
ſignes and wondris,


vi and ladde out ȝou and ȝoure fadres fro Egipt. And ȝe xxv Þanne Joſue ſmoot boond of pees in þat day, and
camen to þe ſee, and Egipciens purſueden ȝoure fadris wiþ purpoſide to þe puple heeſtis and domys in Sichem.
charis, and rydynge, vnto þe Reed See. xxvi And he wroot alle þes wordis in þe volym of þe lawe of
vii And þe ſones of Yrael cryeden to þe Lord, þe which putte God. And he took a ful greet ſtoon, and putte it vndur an
derknes bitwix ȝow and þe Egipciens, and brouȝte vpon hem ook, þat was in þe ſeyntuarye of þe Lord.
þe ſee, and couerde hem. Ȝoure eyen han ſeen alle þingis, þat xxvii And he ſeide to al þe puple, Loo! þis ſtoon ſhal be to
Y haue doo in Egipt. And ȝe han dwelt in wildirnes myche ȝow into witneſſynge, þat ȝe han herd alle þe wordis of þe
tyme. Lord, `þe whiche he haþ ſpokun to ȝou, leſt perauenture
viii And `I haue brouȝt ȝow in to þe loond of Amorrey, þat afterward ȝe wolden denye, and leiȝe to þe Lord ȝoure God.
dwellid byȝond Jordan; and whanne þei ſhulden fyȝt aȝens xxviii And he lefte þe puple, eche into his poſſeſſioun.
ȝou, Y took hem into ȝoure hoondis, and ȝe weldiden þe loond xxix And after þes þingis dyede Joſue, þe ſone of Nun, þe
of hem, and ſlewen hem.
ix Forſoþe Balac, þe ſone of Sephor, þe kyng of Moab, roos, ſeruaunt of þe Lord, of an hundryd and of ten ȝeer.
xxx And þei biryeden him in þe eendis of his poſſeſſioun, in
and fauȝt aȝens Irael; and he ſente, and clepide Balaam, þe
ſone of Beor, for he ſhulde curſe to ȝou. Thanathſare, þat is ſet in þe hil of Effraym, fro þe norþ part
x And I wolde not here hym, but aȝenward bi hym I bleſſide of þe hil of Gaas.
xxxi And Yrael ſeruede to þe Lord alle þe days of Joſue, and
to ȝou, and delyuerde ȝow fro his hoondis.
xi And ȝe paſſiden ouer Jordan, and camen to Jericho; and of þe eldren, þat long tyme lyueden after Joſue, and `þe which
knewe alle þe werkis of þe Lord, þat he dide in Irael.
men of þat citee fauȝten aȝens ȝow, Amorre, and Phereze, xxxii Forſoþe þe boones of Joſeph, `þe whiche þe ſones of
and Chanane, Ethee, and Gergeſe, and Euee, and Jebuſe;
and I took hem into ȝoure hoondis. Yrael token fro Egipt, þei birieden in Sichem, in a paart of
xii And I ſente before ȝou hors fleeȝis, and I keſte hem out þe feeld þat Jacob bouȝte of þe ſones of Emor, fader of
Sychem, for an hundrid ȝonge ſheep; and it was into
fro her placis, þe two kyngis of Amorreis, not in ſwerd and poſſeſſioun of þe ſones of Joſeph.
in þi bowe. xxxiii Forſoþe Eleazar, þe ſone of Aaron, preeſt, diede; and
xiii And Y haue ȝyue to ȝou þe loond, in þe which ȝe han not
Phynees and his ſones birieden him in Gabaa, þat is ȝyue to
trauayld, and citees `þe whiche ȝe han not bild, þat ȝe ſhulen hym in þe mount of Effraym.
dwelle in hem, vynes and olyues, `þe whiche ȝe han not
plauntid. Here endiþ Joſue, and now bigynneþ
xiiii Nowe þanne drede ȝe þe Lord, and ſerue ȝe to him wiþ
perfit herte and mooſt trewe; and doþ awey goddis, to þe
whiche ȝoure faders ſerueden in Meſopotanye and in Egipt;
and ſerue ȝe to þe Lord.
xv Forſoþe if yuel it ſemeþ to ȝou, þat ȝe ſeruen to þe Lord,
choys is ȝouun to ȝou; cheſe ȝe to day to ȝou, þat pleſiþ, to
whom mooſt cheefly ȝe owen to ſerue; wheþer to goddis, to þe
whiche han ſerued ȝoure faders in Meſopotanye, or to þe
goddis of Amorreys, in whos loond ȝe dwellen; forſoþe I and
myn hows ſhulen ſerue to þe Lord.
xvi And al þe puple anſweriþ and ſeiþ, Awey be fro vs þat we
forſaken þe Lord, and ſeruen to alien goddis.
xvii Þe Lord oure God he ladde vs out and oure fadris fro þe
loond of Egipt, fro þe hows of ſeruage, and vs ſeynge dide
greet toknes; and kepte vs in al þe weie, bi þe which we
wenten, and in alle puplis, bi þe whiche we paſſiden;
xviii and keſte out alle gentils, Amorre, þe dweller of þe
loond, þat we ben comen yn. We ſhulen þerfor ſerue to þe
Lord, for he is þe Lord oure God.
xix And Joſue ſeide to þe puple, Ȝe ſhulen not mowe ſerue to
þe Lord; God forſoþe is holi, and a ſtrong louer, ne forȝyueþ
to ȝoure hidows ſynnes and giltis.
xx If ȝe leue þe Lord, and ſeruen to alien goddis, he ſhal
turne hymſelf, and tourment ȝou, and turne vpſedoun, after
þat he haþ ȝeue to ȝow good þingis.
xxi And þe puple ſeide to Joſue, It ſhal not be ſo, as þou
ſpekiſt, but to þe Lord we ſhulen ſerue.
xxii And Joſue to þe puple, Witneſſis, he ſeiþ, ȝe ben, þat ȝou
ſelf han chooſun to ȝou þe Lord, þat ȝe ſeruen to hym. And
þei anſwerden, Witneſſis.
xxiii Now þanne, he ſeiþ, do ȝe awey alien goddis fro þe
myddil of ȝou, and bowe ȝoure hertis to þe Lord God of
xxiiii And þe puple ſeide to Joſue, To þe Lord oure God we
ſhulen ſerue, and obeiſhynge we ſhulen be to þe heeſtis of


xxi Jebuſe forſoþe, þe dweller of Jeruſalem, þe ſones of

JUDICUM. Beniamyn, diden not awey; and Jebuſe dwelt wiþ þe ſones of
Beniamyn in Jeruſalem vnto þe day þat is nowe.
Here bigynneþ þe bok of Judicum. xxii Forſoþe þe hows of Joſeph ſtiede in to Bethel, and þe
Lord was wiþ hem.
Capitulum I. xxiii For whanne þei ſegedyn þe cite, þat before was clepid

i Aftir
þe deeþ of Joſue þe ſones of Irael counſeilden þe Lord, xxiiii þei ſeeyȝin a man goynge out of þe cytee, and þei ſeiden
ſeyynge, Who ſhal ſtye vp bifore vs aȝens Chanane, and be to hym, Shewe to vs þe entre of þe cytee, and we ſhulen do
duk of bateil? wiþ þee merci.
ii And þe Lord ſeide, Judas ſhal ſtie vp; loo! I haue taak þe
xxv Þe which whanne he hadde ſhewid to hem, þei ſmyten þe
loond in his hoond. citee in mouþ of þe ſwerd; forſoþe þilk man and al his
iii And Juda ſeiþ to Symeon, his broþir, Sty vp wiþ me in
kynrede þei leften.
my lot, and fiȝt aȝens Chanane, þat I goo wiþ þee in þi lot. xxvi Þe which left wente into þe loond of Sechym, and bilde
And Symeon wente wiþ hym; þere a citee, and clepide it Luzam; þe which is clepid ſo vnto
iiii and Juda ſtiede vp. And þe Lord took Chanane and
þe day þat is nowe.
Phereze in to þe hoondis of hem, and þei ſmyten in Bezech xxvii Forſoþe Manaſſes dide not awey Bethſan, and Thanael
ten þouſand of men. wiþ his lytyl touns, and þe dwellers of Endor, and Geblaam,
v And þei foonden Adonybezech in Beſech, and þei fouȝten
and Magedo wiþ his litil touns; and Chanane bigan to dwel
aȝens hym, and ſmyten Chanane, and Phereze. wiþ hem.
vi Adonybezech forſoþe fleiȝ, whom purſuynge þei, token, kit of xxviii Forſoþe after þat Yrael is comfourtyd, he made hem
þe ouermoſt partis of þe hoondis of hym, and of feet. tributaryes, and doon a wey wold he not.
vii And Adonybezech ſeide, Seuenti kyngis, kut of þe xxix Forſoþe Effraym ſlewe not Cananee þat dwellid in Gazer,
ouermore paartis of hoondis and of feet, gedreden vndur my but dwellid wiþ hym.
bord relyues of meetis; as I haue doo, ſo þe Lord haþ doo to xxx Zabulon dide not a wey þe dwellers of Cethron and of
me. And þei brouȝten hym into Jeruſalem, and þere he died. Naalon; but Chananee dwelt in þe mydil of hym, and is
viii Þanne þe ſones of Juda ouercomynge Jeruſalem token it,
maad to hym tributarie.
and ſmyten in mouþ of ſwerd, takynge al þe citee to xxxi Forſoþe Aſer dide not aweye þe dwellers of Cho, and of
brennynge. Sidon, Alab, and Azenbus, and Alba, and Aphe, Chaaloa,
ix And afterward deſcendynge þei fouȝten aȝens Chanane, þat
and Pha, and Roab;
dwellyd in þe mounteyns, and at þe ſouþ, in þe wijld feeldis. xxxii and he dwellid in þe mydil of Chananei, þe dweller of þe
x And Judas goynge aȝens Chanane, þat dwellid in Ebron,
lond, ne he ſlewȝ him.
whos name was bi old tyme Caryatharbe, ſmoot Siſay, and xxxiii Neptalim dide not awei þe dwellers of Bethſames, and
Achyman, and Tholomay. of Bethanach; and he dwellide among Chanane, þe dweller of
xi And þens goon, wenten to þe dwellers of Dabir, whos
þe lond; and Bethſamytes and Bethanites weren to him
name was old Cariathſepher, þat is, þe citee of lettris. tributaries.
xii And Caleph ſeide, Who ſmytiþ Carythſepher, and waſtiþ it, xxxiiii And Amorre artide þe ſones of Dan in þe hil, ne he
I ſhal ȝyue to hym a wijf, Axam, my douȝter. ȝaf to hem place þat to þe pleyner þei myȝten deſcende;
xiii And whanne Othonyel, þe ſone of Senech, þe laſſe broþer xxxv and he dwelte in þe hil of Hares, þat is to ſeye,
of Caleph, hadde taak it, he ȝaf to hym a wijf, Axam, hys Witneſſinge, in Hailon, and Salabym. And þe hond of þe
douȝter. hous of Joſeph is agreggid aȝens Amorre, and he is maad to
xiiii Þe which goynge in þe weie, hir man moneſtide, þat ſhe hym tributarie.
ſhulde axe hir fader a feeld; þe which whanne ſhe hadde ſiȝid, xxxvi Forſoþe þe terme of Amorre was fro þe ſtiynge vp of
ſittynge in an aſſe, Caleph ſeide to hir, What haſt þou? Scorpioun, and Petra, and þe heiȝer places.
xv And ſhe anſwerde, Ȝif to me a bleſſynge, for a dry erþe
þou haſt ȝyue to me; ȝif and a moyſt wiþ watris. And Caleph Capitulum II.
ȝaf to hir moyſt aboue, and moyſt byneþe.
xvi Forſoþe þe ſones of Cyney, coſyn to Moiſes, ſtieden vp fro i And þe aungel of þe Lord ſtiede vp fro Galgala to þe place
þe citee of palmes wiþ þe ſones of Juda, into þe deſeert of his of wepers, and ſeiþ, I haue ladde ȝou out of Egipt, and
lot, þat is at þe ſouþ of Arach; and þei dwelliden wiþ him. brouȝt into þe loond, for þe which Y ſwore to ȝoure faders,
xvii And Judas wente wiþ Symeon, his broþer; and þei and haue bihoot, þat Y ſhulde not maak in veyn my
couenaunt wiþ ȝow into wiþ outen eend;
ſmyten to gidre Chananee, þat dwellid in Sephat, and þei ii ſo oonly þat ȝe ſmyten no boond of pees wiþ þe dwellers of
ſlewen hym; and þe name of þe cytee was clepid Horma, þat
is, curſynge. þis loond, and þat ȝe turnen vpſedoun þe auters of hem; and
xviii And Judas took Gazam wiþ his eendis, and Aſcalonem, ȝe wolden not here my vois. Why þes þingis han ȝe doon?
iii `Wheþer for Y wolde not do awey hem fro ȝoure face, þat
and Accharon wiþ his teermys.
xix And þe Lord was wiþ Judas, and þe mounteyns he ȝe han enemyes, and þe goddis of hem ben to ȝou into
weeldide; and he myȝte not doo awey þe dwellers of þe valei, iiii And whanne þe aungel of þe Lord hadde ſpoken þes
for þei aboundiden in chaarys ful of weepnes in maner of
ſiþis. wordis to alle þe ſones of Yrael, þei rereden vp her vois, and
xx And þei ȝyuen to Caleph Ebron, as Moiſes ſeide, þe which wepten;
v and þe name of þat place is clepid, of wepers, or of terys;
dide awey fro it þre ſones of Enach.
and þei offerden her ooſtis to þe Lord.


vi Joſue þanne lefte þe puple; and þe ſones of Yrael wenten a haþ comaundid to þe faders of hem by þe hoondis of Moyſes,
wey, echoon into his poſſeſſioun, þat þei holden it. or noon.
vii And þei ſerueden to þe Lord alle þe days of Joſue, and of v And ſo þe ſones of Yrael dwelten in þe mydil of Chananeei,
þe eldren þat loong tyme after hym lyueden, and knewe alle Ethei, and Amorrei, and Pherezei, and Euei, and Jebuſei.
þe greet werkis of þe Lord, þe whiche he dide wiþ Yrael. vi And wyues þei token douȝtres of hem, and þei token her
viii And Joſue, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, þe ſone of Nun, of an douȝtris to þe ſones of hem, and ſerueden to þe goddis of
hundrid and ten ȝeer died; hem.
ix and þei birieden hym in þe eendis of his poſſeſſioun, in vii And þei diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and forȝeten of
Thanathſare, in þe hil of Effraym, fro þe norþ cooſt of þe hil þe Lord her God, ſeruynge to Baalym, and to Aſtaroth.
of Gaas. viii And þe Lord, wrooþ aȝens Yrael, took hem into þe
x And al þat generacioun is gedrid to her fadris; and oþer hoondis of Chuſanraſathaym, kyng of Meſopothanye, and þei
riſen, þat knewen not þe Lord, and þe werkis þat he dide wiþ ſerueden to him eiȝt ȝeer.
Yrael. ix And þei crieden to þe Lord, þe which areryde to hem a
xi And þe ſones of Yrael diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and ſaueour, and delyuerde hem, þat is, Othonyel, þe ſone of
ſerueden to Baalym, and Aſtaroth; Cenez, þe laſſe broþer of Caleph.
xii and laften þe Lord God of her fadris, þat ladde hem out of x And þe ſpiryt of þe Lord was in hym, and he demyde Irael.
þe loond of Egipt, and folweden alien goddis, goddis of þe And he wente out to fiȝt, and þe Lord took into þe hoondys
puple þat dwelten in `þe viroun of hem; and þei honourden of hym Chuſanraſathaym, þe kyng of Syrie, and oppreſſide
hem, and to wraþ ſtiriden þe Lord, hym.
xiii leuynge hym, and ſeruynge to Baal and to Aſtaroth. xi And þe loond reſtid fourti ȝeer; and Othonyel, þe ſone of
xiiii And þe Lord, wrooþ aȝens Irael, took hem into þe Cenez, died.
xii Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael addiden to doon yuel in þe ſiȝt
hoondis of deſtruyers, þe whyche token hem, and ſolden to
enemyes, þat dwelten bi enuyroun; ne þei myȝten aȝenſtoond of þe Lord; þe which coumfortide aȝens hem Eglo, þe kyng of
her aduerſaries; Moab, for þei diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
xv but whidir euere þei wolden goo, þe hoond of þe Lord was xiii And he cowplid to hem þe ſones of Amon and of Amalech;
vpon hem, as he ſpak and ſwore to hem; and hugely þei ben and he wente, and ſmoot Yrael, and he weeldide þe citee of
tourmentid. Palmys.
xvi And þe Lord areride iugis, þat ſhulden delyuer hem fro þe xiiii And þe ſones of Yrael ſerueden to Eglon, þe kyng of
hoondis of waſters, Moab, eiȝteen ȝeer.
xvii but and hem þei wolden not here, doynge fornycacioun xv And aftirward þei cryeden to þe Lord; þe which reryde to
wiþ alien goddis, and honourynge hem. Soone þei forſoken þe hem a ſaueour, Aod bi name, þe ſone of Gera, ſone of
wey, bi þe which þe faders of hem wenten; and herynge þe Gemyny, þe which eiþer hoond vſide for þe riȝt. And þe ſones
heeſtis of þe Lord, alle þingis þei diden contrarie. of Yrael ſenden bi hym ȝiftis to Eglon, þe kyng of Moab;
xviii And whanne þe Lord hadde reryd iugys in þe dais of xvi þe which maade to hym a ſwerd bitynge in eche ſide,
hem, he was bowid bi mercy, and he herde þe weilyngis of þe hauynge in þe mydil a pomel of lengþe of þe palm of an
tourmentid, and he delyueride hem fro þe deeþ of waſters. hoond; and he is gird wiþ it vndur þe coot armure, in þe riȝt
xix Forſoþe after þat þe iuge was deed, þei turneden aȝen, hipe.
xvii And he offerde ȝiftis to Eglon, þe kyng of Moab; forſoþe
and manye þingis diden more þan diden þe faders of hem,
folwynge alien goddis, and ſeruynge to hem, and honourynge Eglon was myche fat.
hem; þei laften not her fyndyngis, and þe mooſt hard weye bi xviii And whanne he hadde offerd to hym ȝiftis, he folwide
þe which þei weren wonyd to goo. felawis þat wiþ hym camen;
xx And þe woodnes of þe Lord is wrooþ aȝens Irael, and xix and turned aȝen fro Galgalis, where weren þe mawmettis,
ſeiþ, For þis folk haþ maad at nouȝt my couenaunt þat Y ſeide to þe kyng, A preue word Y haue to þee, O kyng. And
couenauntide wiþ þe faders of hem, and my vois he diſpyſide he comaundide ſilence. And alle men goon out, þat weren a
to here; bout hym,
xxi and Y ſhal not doo awey þe Gentilis, þe whiche Joſue xx Aod wente into hym; forſoþe he ſat in þe ſomer ſowpynge
lafte, and is deed; place alone. And he ſeide, Þe word of God Y haue to þee.
xxii þat in hem Y haue knoulechynge of Yrael, wheþir þei Þe which anoon roos fro þe troon.
kepen þe weie of þe Lord, and goon in it, as kepten þe faders xxi And `Aod ſtrauȝte out þe left hoond, and he took þe ſwerd
of hem, or noon. fro his riȝt hipe; and he piȝte into his wombe ſo ſtrongly,
xxiii Þanne þe Lord lafte alle þeſe naciouns, and wold not xxii þat þe pomel folwide þe yren in þe wound, and þat wiþ
anoon ouerturne, ne took into þe hoondis of Joſue. mooſt fat grees it was ſtreyned; ne he drewe out þe ſwerd,
but ſo as he ſmoot, he lafte in þe bodi; and anoon bi þe
Capitulum III. pryuetees of kynde þe tordis of þe wombe burſten out.
xxiii Forſoþe Aod, cloſyde mooſt biſilich þe doris of þe
i Thes ben þe Gentilis, þat þe Lord lafte, for to lerne Irael in ſowpynge place, and faſtnyd wiþ lok, wente out bi þe poſtern.
hem, and alle þat knewen not þe bateils of Chananees; xxiiii And þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng goon yn, ſeyȝen þe ȝatis of
ii and afterward þe ſones of hem ſhulden lerne to ſtryue wiþ
þe ſowpinge place cloſid, and ſeiden, Perauenture he purgiþ
enemies, and to haue vſage of fiȝtynge in batayl. þe wombe in þe ſomer ſowpynge place.
iii Þe fyue princes of Philiſtynys, and al Chanane, and xxv And abidynge long, to þe tyme þat þei weren aſhamyd,
Sydon, and Euee þe whiche dwelten in Liban hil, fro þe hil and ſeynge þat no man opnyde, þei token þe keye, and
of Baal of Hermon vnto þe entre of Emath. opnynge þei foonden her lord liggynge deed in þe erþe.
iiii And he lafte hem, þat in hem he myȝte haue experiens of
Yrael, wheþer þei wolen here þe heeſtis of þe Lord, þe which


xxvi Forſoþe Aod, while þei weren diſturbid, flowȝ awey, and xv And þe Lord feeryde Siſaram, and alle þe chaaris of hym,
he paſſide þe place of mawmettis, whens he turnede aȝen; and and al þe multytude, in þe mouþ of ſwerd, at þe ſiȝt of
he cam into Seyrath. Barach, in ſo myche þat Siſara of þe chaar lepynge doun on
xxvii And anoon he ſownede wiþ tromp in þe hil of Effraym; his feet, fliȝ.
and þe ſones of Yrael deſſendiden wiþ hym, hym goynge in þe xvi And Barach purſuede þe fleynge chaaris and þe ooſt vnto
frount. þe ſee vnto Aroſeth of Gentilis; and al þe multitude of
xxviii Þe which ſeide to hem, Folwe ȝe me, forſoþe þe Lord enemyes fellen doun vnto þe deeþ.
haþ taak oure enemyes, Moabitis, into oure hoondis. And þei xvii Siſara forſoþe fleynge cam to þe tent of Jahel, wijf of
wenten doun after hym, and þei occupyeden þe foordis of Aber Cynei; forſoþe þere was pees bitwix Jabyn, þe kyng of
Jordan, þat ouerſenden in to Moab. And þei ſufferden not eny Aſor, and þe hows of Aber Cynei.
man to paſſe ouere, xviii Jahel þanne goon out in to aȝen comynge of Siſare, ſeide
xxix but þei ſmyten Moabites þat tyme about ten þowſand, alle to hym, Com into me, my lord; ne drede þow. Þe which goon
myȝti and ſtronge men; noon of hem myȝte aſcaape. into þe tabernacle of hyr, and couerd of hir wiþ a mantel,
xxx And Moab is mekid þat day vndur þe hows of Yrael, xix he ſeide to hir, Ȝif to me, Y biſeche, a litil of water, for
and þe loond reſtide foure ſcoor ȝeer. Y þriſte myche. Þe which openyde a botel of mylk, and ȝaf to
xxxi After þis was Sangar, þe ſone of Anath, þat ſmoot of hym to drynk, and couerde hym.
Philiſtiym ſix hundrid men wiþ a ſhaar; and he forſoþe xx And Siſara ſeide to hir, Stoond before þe dore of þe
defendide Irael. tabernacle, and whanne þere comeþ eny man, aſkinge þee, and
ſeiynge, Wheþer here is eny man? þou ſhalt anſwere, Noon
Capitulum IIII. is.
xxi And ſo Jahel, þe wijf of Aber, took a neyl of þe
i And þe ſones of Yrael addeden to doo yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe tabernacle, takynge þere wiþ an hamer; and ſhe goon out
Lord, after þe deeþ of Aod. priuelich, and wiþ ſilence putte vpon þe templis of his heed a
ii And þe Lord took hem in to þe hoondis of Jabyn, kyng of neyl, and ſmyten wiþ an hamer piȝt doun into þe brayn vnto
Chanaan, þat regnede in Aſor, and hadde a duk of his ooſt, þe erþe; þe whych, felawſhipynge ſleep to deeþ, faylide, and
Siſeram bi name; and he dwellyd in Aroſeth of Gentilis. died.
iii And þe ſones of Yrael crieden to þe Lord; forſoþe he hadde xxii And lo! Barach folwynge Siſaram cam; and Jahel, goon
nyne hundred chaaris, ful of wepenes, þe maner of ſiþis, and into aȝen comynge of hym, ſeide to hym, Com, and Y ſhal
bi twenti ȝeer greetli he oppreſſide hem. ſhewe to þee a man, whom þow ſechiſt. Þe whych, whanne he
iiii Forſoþe Delbora was a propheteſſe, wijf of Laphidoth, þat hadde goo in to hir, he ſawȝ Siſaram liggynge deed, and a
demyde þe puple in þat tyme; neyl piȝt into his templis.
v and ſhe ſat vndur þe palm tree, `þe which bi name of hir xxiii God þerfor lowide in þat day Jabyn, þe kyng of
was clepid, bitwix Rame and Bethel, in þe mount of Chanaan, bifore þe ſones of Yrael;
Effraym; and þe ſones of Yrael ſtieden vp to hir into al xxiiii þe whiche woxen eche day, and wiþ ſtrong hoond beren
doom. doun Jabyn, þe kyng of Chanaan, to þe tyme þat þei hadden
vi Þe whiche ſente, and clepide Barach, þe ſone of Abynoen, doo hym awey.
of Cedes of Neptalym, and ſhe ſeide to hym, Þe Lord God of
Yrael haþ comaundide to þee, Go, leed þe ooſt into þe hil of Capitulum V.
Thabor, and tak wiþ þee ten þouſand of fiȝtynge men of þe i And
ſones of Neptalym and of þe ſones of Zabulon. Delbora and Barach, þe ſone of Benoem, ſongen in þat
vii Forſoþe I ſhal brynge to þee, in þe place of þe ſtreem of day, ſeiynge,
ii Ȝe þat wilfully offerden of Yrael ȝoure lyues to peryl, bliſſiþ
Cyſon, Siſaram, prince of þe ooſt of Jabyn, and þe chaaris of
hym, and al þe multitude; and Y ſhal taak hem in þin hoond. to þe Lord.
viii And Barach ſeide to hyr, If þow comeſt wiþ me, Y ſhal iii Here, ȝe kyngis; perſeyue, ȝe princes, wiþ eeris; Y am, Y
goo; if þow wolt not come wiþ me, Y ſhal not goo. am, `þe whiche to þe Lord ſhal ſynge, and ſeye ſalm to þe
ix Þe which ſeide to hym, Forſoþe Y ſhal goo wiþ þee; but in God of Yrael.
iiii Lord, whanne þow wentiſt out fro Seyr, and paſſidiſt bi þe
þis while victory ſhal not be witid to þee; for in þe hoond of a
womman Siſara ſhal be taak. And ſo Delbora roos, and regiouns of Edom, þe erþe is meued, and heuens and clowdis
wente wiþ Barach in to Cedes. droppeden wiþ watris;
x Þe which, clepid Zabulon and Nepthalym, ſtiede vp wiþ ten v hillis floweden fro þe face of þe Lord, and Synai fro þe face
þouſand of fyȝtynge men, hauynge Delbora in his felawſhip. of þe Lord God of Iſrael.
xi Forſoþe Aber Cynee wente a wey ſumtyme fro oþer Cynees vi In þe dais of Sangar, ſone of Anath, in þe dais of Jahel,
his briþeren, þe ſones of Obbab, coſyn of Moyſes; and he reſtiden þe paþþis, and þo þat wenten in bi hem ȝeden a wey
ſtreiȝte tabernaclys vnto þe valey, þat is clepid Sennym, and bi ſtreyt beryd paþþis out of þe weye.
was biſide Cedes. vii Stronge men ſeſeden in Yrael, and reſtiden, to þe tyme þat
xii And it is told to Cyſare, þat Barach, þe ſone of Abynoem, Delbora roos, moder in Yrael.
hadde ſtied vp into þe hil of Thabor. viii Newe bataylis haþ choſun þe Lord, and þe ȝatis of
xiii And he gedryd nyn hundryd chaaris, ful of wepenys, enemyes he ouerturnede; ſwerd and ſpeer aperyde not in fourti
maner of ſiþis, and al þe ooſt fro Aroſeth of gentilis to þe þowſand of Yrael.
ſtreem of Cyſon. ix Myn herte ſhal loue þe princis of Yrael; ȝe þat bi propre
xiiii And Delbora ſeide to Barach, Riſe, þis is forſoþe þe day, wil han offrid ȝou to peryl, bliſſiþ to þe Lord;
in þe which þe Lord haþ taak Syſaram into þin hoondys; loo! x ȝe þat ſtien vp vpon ſhynynge aſſis, and ſittiþ aboue in
he is þi leder. And ſo Barach deſcendide fro þe hil of Thabor, doom, and goon in þe weye, ſpekiþ.
and ten þowſand of fiȝtynge men wiþ hym. xi Where þe chaaris ben hurtlid, and þe ooſt of þe enemyes is
queynt, þere þe riȝtwiſneſſis of þe Lord ben told, and mercy


into þe ſtroonge men of Yrael; þanne þe puple of þe Lord cam ii And þei ben oppreſſid greetli of hem; and þei maden to hem
doun to þe ȝatis, and hadde þe prynſhod. caaues, and ſpelunkis in hillis, and mooſt defenſable placis to
xii Ryſe, ryſe, Delbora, ryſe, and ſpek þe dyte of ſonge; ryſe, wiþſtonden.
Barach, and þou, ſone of Abynoem, tak þi chaytyues. iii And whanne Irael wex feers, `Madian ſtiede vp, and
xiii Þe relyues of þe puple ben ſaued; þe Lord in ſtronge men Amalech, and oþer of þe eſt naciouns;
haþ fouȝten. iiii and anentis hem pitchinge tentis, as þei weren in graſſe,
xiiii Fro Effraym he haþ doon hem a wey into Amalech, and alle þingis þei waſtiden vnto þe entre of Gaze, and no þing
after hym fro Beniamyn in to þi puplis, O Amalech. Fro perteynynge to þe lijf vtterli þei laften in Yrael, ne ſheep, ne
Machir princis deſcendiden, and fro Zabulon, þat ooſt ſhulden oxe, ne aſſes.
lede to fiȝt. v Forſoþe þei and alle þe flockis of hem camen wiþ her
xv Dukis of Yſachar weren wiþ Delbora, and þe ſteppis of tabernaclis, and at þe licknes of locuſtis alle placis fulfillide
Barach þei folweden, þe whiche, as into heuedi fallynge and þe vnnoumbrable multitude of men and of camels, and
helle, he ȝaf hym ſilf to peryl. Ruben aȝens hym diuydide, of waſtynge what euere þing þei touchiden.
greet willi men is foundun ſtryuynge. vi And Yrael is mekid greetli in þe ſiȝt of Madian.
xvi Whi dwelliſt þow bitwix two teermys, þat þow here þe vii And he cryede to þe Lord, aſkynge help aȝens Madianytis;
noyſis of flockis? Ruben aȝens hym dyuydide, of greet willi viii þe which ſente to hem a man prophete, and ſpak, Þes
men is foundun a ſtrijf.
xvii Gad biȝonde Jordan reſtide, and Dan tentide to ſhippis. þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Y haue maad ȝou to come
doun fro Egipt, and haue brouȝt ȝou out fro þe hous of
Aſer dwellid in þe brenk of þe ſee, and in hauens abood. ſeruage,
xviii Forſoþe Zabulon and Neptalym offerden her lyues to ix and delyuerd fro þe hoond of Egipciens, and of alle þe
deeþ, in þe regioun of Moreme. enemyes þat tourmentiden ȝow; and haue þrowun hem out at
xix Kyngis camen, and fouȝten; fouȝten þe kyngis of Chanaan ȝoure entree, and haue taak to ȝow þe loond of hem;
in Thanath, biſide þe watris of Magedan; and neuerþelater no x and ſeide, I þe Lord ȝoure God; ne drede ȝe þe goddis of
þing token þe praytakers. Amorreis, in whos loond ȝe dwellen; and ȝe wolden not here
xx Fro heuene it is fouȝten aȝens hem; ſterrys dwellynge in my vois.
ordre and in her courſe aȝens Syſaram fouȝten. xi Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord cam, and ſat vndur þe ook,
xxi Þe ſtreem of Syſon drowȝ þe careyns of hem, þe ſtreem of þat was in Effra, and perteynede to Joas, þe fader of þe
Cadunym, ſtreem of Cyſon. Treed þou, my ſoule, ſtronge men. meyne of Ezry. And whanne Gedeon, þe ſone of hym, ſhockide
xxii Cleas of hors fellen hem fleynge wiþ feerſe, and bi out, and purgide whetis in þe preſſynge place, þat he fleiȝ
heedlynge fallinge þe mooſt ſtroonge men of enemyes. Madian,
xxiii Curſe ȝe to þe loond of Meroth, ſeide þe aungel of þe xii þe aungel of þe Lord apperide to hym, and ſeiþ, Þe Lord
Lord, curſe ȝe to þe dwellers of it, for þei camen not to þe wiþ þee, mooſt ſtroong of men.
help of þe Lord, in to þe help of þe mooſt ſtronge men of xiii And Gedion ſeide to hym, Y biſeche, my lord, if þe Lord
hym. is wiþ vs, whi þanne han taak vs alle þes yuels? Where ben
xxiiii Bleſſid among wymmen Jahel, þe wijf of Aber Cynei; þe merueyls of hym, þe whiche oure faders tolden, and ſeiden,
be ſhe bleſſid in hir tabernacle. Þe Lord haþ lad vs out of Egipt? Now forſoþe he haþ
xxv To þe aſkynge water ſche ȝaf mylk, and in þe viole of forſakun vs, and takun in þe hoond of Madian.
xiiii And þe Lord bihelde to hym, and ſeiþ, Go in þis þi
pryncis ſhe brouȝte forþ butter.
xxvi Þe left hoond ſhe putte to þe nayl, and þe riȝt to þe ſtrengþ, and þou ſhalt delyuer Yrael fro þe hoond of Madian;
wite þow, þat Y haue ſent þee.
hamers of ſmyþis; and ſhe ſmoot Ciſaram, ſechynge in þe heed xv Þe which anſwerynge ſeiþ, My lord, Y biſeche, in what
þe place of þe wound, and þe temple myȝtilich þrillynge.
xxvii Bitwix þe feet of hir he felle, failid, and dyede; and he ſhal Y delyuer Yrael? Loo! my meyne is loweſt in Manaſſe,
and Y leeſt in þe hows of my fader.
was wrappid bifore þe feet of hir, and he lay out of lijf, and xvi And þe Lord ſeide to hym, I ſhal be wiþ þee, and þow
xxviii Bi þe wyndow biholdynge ȝollide þe moder of hym; and ſhalt ſmyte Madian as o man.
xvii And he, If Y haue foundun, he ſeiþ, grace before þee, ȝif
fro þe ſowpynge place ſhe ſpak, Whi tarieþ to turne aȝen þe
chaar of hym? Whi taryeden þe feet of þe foure whelid cartis to me a tokne, þat þou be, `þe which ſpekiſt wiþ me;
of hym? xviii ne goo þou hens, to þe tyme þat I turne aȝen to þee,
xxix `Oon wiſer þan þat oþer wijfis of hym to þe moder in bryngynge ſacrifice, and offrynge to þee. Þe which anſwerde,
lawe þes wordis anſwerde, Y ſhal abide þi comynge.
xxx Perauenture now he dyuydiþ ſpuylis, and þe mooſt feyr of xix And ſo Gedeon wente in, and ſeþide a kydde, and of a
wymmen is choſun to hym; cloþis of dyuers colours to Syſare buſſhel of flour þerf looues, and fleiſh puttynge in þe leep; and
ben taak into praye, and dyuerſe portenaunce to neckis to be þe fleſh broþþe puttynge in to þe pot, he took alle þingis
anourned is born to gidre. vndur þe ook, and offerde to hym.
xxxi So periſchen alle þin enemyes, þou Lord; forſoþe þoo þat xx To whom ſeide þe aungel of þe Lord, Tak þe fleſh, and þe
louen þee, as þe ſunne in his ryſynge ſhyneþ, ſo glitteren þei. þerf looues, and putte vpon þe ſtoon, and þe broþþe heelde
And þe loond reſtide bi fourti ȝeer. þere vpon. And whanne he hadde doo ſo,
xxi þe aungel of þe Lord ſtreiȝte out þe vttermoſt part of þe
Capitulum VI. ȝeerde þat he heelde in hoond, and he touchid þe fleſh, and þe
þerf looues; and fier ſtiede up fro þe ſtoon, and conſumede þe
i Theſones forſoþe of Yrael diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, fleſh, and þe þerf looues. Forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord
þe which took hem in þe hoond of Madian ſeuen ȝeer. vanyſſhide a wey fro þe eyen of hym.


xxii And Gedeon ſeynge þat it was þe aungel of þe Lord ſeiþ, Forſoþe þe tentis of Madian weren in þe valey, at þe norþ
Wo me, Lord God, for Y haue ſeen þe aungel of þe Lord cooſt of þe hiȝe hil.
face to face. ii And þe Lord ſeide to Gedeon, Myche is þe puple wiþ þee,
xxiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Pees wiþ þee; ne drede þow, and leſt Yrael glorie aȝens me, Madian ſhal not be taak into
þou ſhalt not dye. þe hoondis of hym, and leſt he ſeye, Bi my ſtrengþis I am
xxiiii Þanne Gedeon bilde þere an auter to þe Lord, and he delyuerd.
iii Spek to þe puple, and alle herynge, preche, Who is feerful
clepide it þe Pees of þe Lord, vnto þe day þat is now. And
whanne ȝit he hadde be in Effra, þat is þe meyne of Ezry, and dredy, turne he aȝen. And þere wenten aȝen fro þe hil of
xxv þat nyȝt þe Lord ſeide to hym, Tak þe bole of þi fader, Galaad, and ben turned aȝen of þe puple two and twenti
þowſand of men; and onely ten þowſand beden ſtil.
and anoþer bole of ſeuen ȝeer, and þou ſhalt diſtruye þe auter iiii And þe Lord ſeide to Gedeon, Ȝit þere is myche puple;
of Baal, þat is of þi fader, and þe wode, þat is about þe
auter, hew doun; lede hem to þe watris, and þere I ſhal preue hem, and of
xxvi and þou ſhalt bilde an auter to þe Lord þi God in þe whom Y ſhal ſeye to þee, þat goo wiþ þee, he goo; whom I
ſhal defende to goo, he turne aȝen.
ouermoſt of þis ſtoon, vpon þe which þou puttiſt before v And whanne þe puple was goon doon to þe watris, þe Lord
ſacrifice; and þou ſhalt take þe ſecounde bole, and offer brent
ſacrifice vpon þe hepe of wode, þat þow haſt kut of þe wode. ſeide to Gedeon, Þilk þat wiþ hoond and wiþ tonge lapen þe
xxvii Þann Gedeon taken to ten men of his ſeruauntis, dide watris, as houndis ben woned to lape, þou ſhalt ſeuere hem
aſide; forſoþe þilk, þat bowiden þe knees drynkynge, in þat
as þe Lord comaundide to hym. Forſoþe dredynge þe hows of oþer paart ſhulen be.
his fader, and þe men of þat cytee, by day he wold not doon, vi And ſo was þe noumbre of hem, þat wiþ hoond þrowynge
but alle þingis þe nyȝt he fulfilde.
xxviii And whanne þe men of his burgh toun erly weren to þe mouþ watris hadden lapid, þre hundrid men; forſoþe al
`þat oþer multitude þe knee bowid dronke.
ryſen, þei ſeen þe auter of Baal deſtruyed, and þe `mawmet vii And þe Lord ſeiþ to Gedeon, In þree hundrid men, þat
woode hewun doun, and anoþer bole ſet vpon þe auter, þat
þanne was bild vp. lapiden watris, Y ſhal delyuer ȝou, and taak Madian in þin
xxix And þei ſeiden to gidre, Who haþ doon þis? And whanne hoond; forſoþe al `þat oþer multitude be turned aȝen into his
þei ſouȝten þe doer of þe dede, it is ſeide, Gedeon, þe ſone of viii And ſo metis taken for þe noumbre, and trompis, al `þat
Joas, dide alle þeſe þingis.
xxx And þei ſeiden to Joas, Bryng forþ þi ſone hider, þat he oþir multitude he comaundide to goon to her tabernaclis; and
he, wiþ þre hundrid men, ȝaf hym ſilf to þe bateil. Forſoþe þe
be deed, for he haþ deſtruyed þe auter of Baal, and hewen tentis of Madian weren vndur in þe valey.
doun þe wode. ix Þe ſame nyȝt þe Lord ſeide to hym, Riſe, and go doun into
xxxi To whom he anſwerde, Wheþer ȝe ben wrechers of Baal,
þe tentis, for Y haue taak hem in þin hoond;
þat ȝe fiȝten for hym? who is þe aduerſarye of hym, dye he, x forſoþe if alone þou drediſt to goo, go doun wiþ þee Phara,
before þe morwetide liȝt come; if he is God, venge he hymſilf
of hym þat haþ deluen vp þe auter of hym. þi child.
xxxii Fro þat day Gedeon is clepid Jeroboal, forþi þat Joas xi And whanne þou heriſt what þei ſpeken, þanne þin hoondis
ſeide, Baal take veniaunce of hym þat haþ doluen down þe ſhulen be coumfortid, and ſikerer þou ſhalt goo doun to þe
auter of hym. tentis of þe enemyes. Þanne deſcendide he, and Phara, his
xxxiii Þerfor al Madian, and Amelech, and þe eſte puplis ben child, into a paart of þe tentis, where weren þe watchis of
armed men.
gedrid to gidre, and paſſynge ouer Jordan ſettiden tentis in þe xii Forſoþe Madian, and Amalech, and alle þe eſte puplis ſhed
valey of Jezrael.
xxxiiii Forſoþe þe ſpyryt of þe Lord cloþide Gedeon; þe which layen in þe valey, as multitude of locuſtis; forſoþe camels
vnnoumbrable þere weren, as grauel þat lieþ in þe brenk of
criynge wiþ tromp clepide to gidre þe hows of Abiezer, for he þe ſee.
ſhulde folwe hym. xiii And whanne Gedeon was comen, a man tolde a ſweuen to
xxxv And he ſente meſſangers into al Manaſſen, þe which and
his neiȝbore, and in þis maner he toolde þat he ſawȝ, Y ſawȝ
he folwide hym; and oþer meſſangers into Aſer, and Zabulon, a ſweuen, and it ſeemed to me, as a loof of barlich maad
and Neptalym, þe whiche aȝen camen to hym. vndir aſſhen to be trendlid, and into þe tentis of Madyan to
xxxvi And Gedeon ſeide to þe Lord, If þow makiſt ſaaf bi goo doun; and whanne it were comyn to þe tabernacle, it
myn hoond `þe puple of Irael, as þow haſt ſpokun, ſmoot it, and turnede vpſedoun, and al doun to þe erþe
xxxvii Y ſhal put þis fleeſe of wul in þe floore; if dewe in þe euenede.
fleeſe alone were, and in al þe erþe drouȝþ, Y ſhal wyte, þat xiiii He, to whom he ſpak, anſwerde, Þis is noon oþere þing,
bi myn hoond, as þou haſt ſpokun, þow ſhalt delyuer Yrael. but þe ſwerd of Gedeon, ſone of Joas, a man of Irael;
xxxviii And it is doo ſo. And fro þe niȝt riſynge, þruſt out of forſoþe þe Lord haþ takun into þe hoondis of hym Madian
þe fleeſe, he fulfillede an holwȝ veſſel wiþ dew; and alle þe tentis of it.
xxxix and eft he ſeide to þe Lord, Ne wexe not wrooþ þi xv And whanne Gedeon hadde herd þe ſweuen, and þe
woodnes aȝens me, if ȝit ones Y tempte a tokne ſechynge in remenynge of it, he heryede, and, turned aȝen to þe tentis of
þe fleeſe; Y preye, þat oonli þe fleeſe be drye, and al þe erþe Yrael, ſeiþ, Ryſe ȝe; forſoþe þe Lord haþ takun into oure
wiþ dew moyſt. hoondis þe tentis of Madian.
xl And þe Lord dide þat nyȝt, as he axide; and þere was xvi And he dyuydide þe þre hundrid men in þre parties, and
drouȝþ in þe fleeſe alone, and dewe in al þe erþe. he ȝaf trompis in þe hoondis of hem, and voyd wyn pottys,
and laumpis in þe myddis of þe pottis.
xvii And he ſeide to hem, What ȝe ſeen me doon, þat doo ȝe;
Capitulum VII.
Y ſhall goo into a paart of þe tentis, and what Y ſhal doo,
i Thanne Jeroboal, þe which and Gedeon, fro nyȝt ryſynge, folwiþ.
and al þe puple wiþ hym, cam to þe wel þat is clepid Arad.


xviii Whanne þe trompe fulſowneþ in myn hoond, forſoþe ȝe bi x Zebee forſoþe and Salmana reſtiden wiþ al her ooſt; forſoþe
þe enuyroun of þe tentis trompiþ, and crieþ to gidre, To þe fifteen þowſand men abiden ſtil of alle þe cumpanyes of þe eſt
Lord and to Gedeon. puplis, ſleyn an hundryd and twenty þouſandis of fiȝters and
xix And Gedeon wente in, and þre hundred men þat weren of drawers out ſwerd.
wiþ hym, into a part of þe tentis, bigynnynge þe watchis of þe xi And Gedeon ſtiynge vp bi þe weye of hem þat dwelliden in
mydnyȝt; and, þe kepers reryd, þei bigunnen wiþ trompis to tabernaclis at þe eeſt cooſt of Nobee and Lecaa, he ſmoot þe
cryen, and clappen togidre bitwix hem ſeluen þe wyn pottis. tentis of þe enemyes, þat weren ſiker, and no þing of
xx And whanne bi enuyroun of þe tentis in þre placis þei aduerſyte ortroweden.
fulſowneden, and þe ſtenys hadden broken, þei heelden wiþ þe xii And Zebee and Salmana flowen, whom purſuynge Gedeon
left hoondis þe laumpis, and wiþ þe riȝt þe ſownynge trompis; took, diſturblid al þe ooſt of hem.
and þei crieden, Þe ſwerd of þe Lord and of Gedeon; xiii And he turnynge aȝen fro þe bateyl before þe ſunne
xxi ſtondynge eche in his place, by enuyroun of þe enemyes ryſynge,
tentis. And ſo alle þe tentis ben diſturblid; and criynge out xiiii he took a child of þe men of Soccoth; and he aſkyde hym
and ȝellynge, flowen; þe names of þe pryncis, and of þe eldren of Soccoth; and he
xxii and neuerþelater þe þre hundryd men ſtoden to ſtedfaſtli, diſcriuyde ſeuenty and ſeuen men bi noumbre.
ſownynge wiþ trompis. And þe Lord ſente yn ſwerd in alle þe xv And he cam to Socoth, and ſeide to hem, Loo Zebee and
tentis, and þei kutten of hem ſeluen bi ſleynge echon oþer, Salmana! vpon þe whiche ȝee myſſeyden to me, ſeiynge,
fleynge into Bethſaka, and bi þe cop of þe brenke, fro Perauenture þe hoondys of Zebee and Salmana in þin
Elmonla into Thebbath. hoondis ben, and þerfor þou aſkiſt, þat we ȝeuen to þe men,
xxiii Þe men of Irael forſoþe criynge togidre, of Neptalym, þat ben wery and han defautid, looues.
and Aſer, and al Manaſſe, `purſueden Madian; and þe Lord xvi He took þanne þe eldre of þe cyte, and þornes of deſeert
ȝaf to þe puple of Yrael victory in þat day. and breris, and torente wiþ hem, and diſtruyede þe men of
xxiiii And Gedeon ſente meſſangers into al þe hil of Effraym, Socoth;
ſeiynge, Comiþ doun into aȝen metynge of Madian, and xvii forſoþe þe tour of Phanuel he turnede vpſedoun, ſlayn þe
occupieþ þe watres vnto Bethhem and Jordan. And al dwellers of þe cyte.
Effraym criede, and forn occupiede þe watres and Jordan xviii And he ſeide to Zebee and to Salmana, What weren þe
vnto Bethhara.
xxv And two men of Madian takun, Oreb and Zeb, he ſlowȝ; men, whom ȝe ſlowen in Thabor? Þe whiche anſwerden, Lijk
þee, and oon of hem as þe ſone of a kyng.
Oreb in þe ſtoon of Oreb, forſoþe Zeb in þe preſſynge place of xix To whom he, My briþeren þei weren, þe ſones of my
Zeb; and þei purſueden Madian, þe heedys of Oreb and of
Zeb berynge to Gedeon, ouer þe floodis of Jordan. moder; God lyueþ, if ȝe hadden kepte hem, Y wolde not haue
ſlayn ȝow.
xx And he ſeide to Jepter, his fyrſt gotun, Ryſe, and ſle hem.
Capitulum VIII.
Þe which drewe not out þe ſwerd; forſoþe he dredde, for a
i And þe men of Effraym ſeiden to hym, What is þis þat þou child he was ȝit.
woldeſt doo, þat þou clepediſt not vs, whanne þou ſhuldiſt go xxi And Zebee and Salmana ſeyden, Þow ryſe, and fal into
to fiȝt aȝens Madian? chidynge ſtronglich and almeſt violence vs; for after age and ſtrengþ þow art of a man. Gedeon roos,
brynggynge yn. and ſlewe Zebee and Salmana, and took þe ournementis, and
ii To whom he anſwerde, What ſiche þing forſoþe myȝte Y billis, wiþ þe whiche þe neckis of kyngis chamels ben wonyd
doo, what ȝe han doon? Wheþer is not betere þe graape of to be anourned.
Effraym þan þe vendage of Abiether? xxii And alle þe men of Yrael ſeiden to Gedeon, Haue
iii Into ȝoure hoondis þe Lord haþ takun þe princis of lordſhip of vs, þow, and þi ſone, and þe ſone of þi ſone; for
Madian, Oreb and Zeb. What ſiche þing miȝte Y doo, what þow haſt delyuerd vs fro þe hoond of Madian.
þing ȝe han doo? Þe which þing whanne he hadde ſpoken, þe xxiii To whom he ſeiþ, I ſhal not haue lordſhip of ȝou, ne my
ſpyryt of hem took reſt, bi þe which þei bolneden aȝens hym. ſone ſhal haue lordſhip in ȝou, but þe Lord ſhal haue lordſhip.
iiii And whanne Gedeon was comyn to Jordan, he paſſide it xxiiii And he ſeide to hem, Oon aſkynge Y aſke of ȝow, ȝeueþ
wiþ þre hundrid men, þat weren wiþ hym; and for werynes, to me þe eere ryngys of ȝoure praye; forſoþe Yſmaelitis weren
fleynge þei myȝten not purſue. woned to han golden eereryngis.
v And he ſeide to þe men of Socchoth, Y biſeche, ȝyueþ xxv Þe whiche anſwerden, Mooſt glaadly we ſhulen ȝeue. And
looues to þe puple, þat is wiþ me; for greetlich þei defauten, ſpredynge a brood vpon þe erþe a mantil, þei þrewen forþ in
þat we mowen purſue Zebee and Salmana, kyngis of it þe eere ryngis of þe praye;
Madian. xxvi and þe weiȝt of þe aſkid eereryngis was a þouſand and
vi Þe princis of Soccoth anſwerden, Perauenture þe palmes
ſeuenti ſiclis of gold, wiþ outen þe ournementis and brochis
of þe hoondis of Zebee and of Salmana ben in þin hoond, and purpur clooþ, þe which þe kyngis of Madian weren wont
and þerfor þow aſkiſt, þat we ȝeuen to þin ooſt looues. to vſe, and biſide þe goldun beeȝis of chamels.
vii To whom he ſeiþ, Whanne þerfor þe Lord ſhal taak into xxvii And Gedeon maad of it a coop, and putte it in Effra his
myn hoondis Zebee and Salmana, and whanne Y were citee; and al Yrael dide fornycacioun in it; and it was maad
turned aȝen ouercomer in pees, Y ſhal to-teren ȝoure fleſh wiþ to Gedeon and to alle þe hows of hym into fallynge.
þornes and breris of deſeert. xxviii Forſoþe Madian is mekid before þe ſones of Yrael, ne
viii And þens goynge he cam into Phanuel; and he ſpak to þe
þei myȝten more ouer reer vp þe nollis; but þe loond reſtide bi
men of þat place lijk þingis, and to whom þei anſwerden, as fourty ȝeer, in þe which Gedeon was in dignyte.
anſwerden þe men of Soccoth. xxix And ſo Joroboal, þe ſone of Joas, ȝede, and dwelte in
ix And to hem he ſeide alſo, Whanne Y were turned aȝen
his hows;
ouercomer in pees, Y ſhall deſtruy þis tour. xxx and he hadde ſeuenti ſones, þat camen out of þe hype of
hym, forþi þat he hadde many wyues.


xxxi Forſoþe þe ſecoundarye wijf of hym, þat he had in xvii þe which fauȝt for ȝou, and his lijf ȝaf to peryls, for to
Sichem, gat hym a ſone, Abymalech bi name. delyuer ȝou fro þe hoond of Madian;
xxxii And Gedeon, þe ſone of Joas, is deed in a good age, xviii þe whiche ȝe nowe han ryſyn aȝens þe hows of my fader,
and biryed in þe ſepulcre of Joas his fader, in Efra, of þe and han ſlayn his ſones, ſeuenti men, upon o ſtoon, and han
meyne of Ezry. ordeynde a kyng, Abymalech, þe ſone of þe werk womman of
xxxiii Forſoþe after þat Gedeon is deed, þe ſones of Irael ben hym, vpon þe dwellers of Sichem, forþi þat ȝoure broþer he
turned awey, and han doo fornycacioun wiþ Baalym; and þei be;
ſmyten wiþ Baal couenaunt of pees, xix if þanne riȝtly and wiþ outen vice ȝe han doo wiþ Jeroboal
xxxiiii þat he were to hem into God, ne þei recordiden of þe and þe hows of hym, to day glade ȝe in Abymalech, and he
Lord her God, `þe which delyuerde hem fro þe hoond of alle glade in ȝou;
her enemyes bi enuyroun; xx forſoþe if ſhrewidli, fier goo out of hym, and waaſt þe
xxxv ne þei diden mercy wiþ þe hows of Jeroboal Gedeon, dwellers of Sichem, and þe burȝ toun of Mello; and go out
after alle þe good þingys þat he dide to Yrael. fier fro þe men of Sichem, and fro þe burgh toun of Mello,
and deuowre Abymalech.
xxi Þe whiche þingis whanne he hadde ſeid, he fleiȝ, and
Capitulum IX.
wente into Bereram, and dwelte þere, for drede of Abymalech,
i Abymalech, þe ſone of Jeroboal, ȝeed forſoþe into Sichem to his broþir.
þe briþeren of his moder; and he ſpak to hem, and to al þe xxii And Abymalech regnede vpon Yrael þre ȝeer.
kynrede of þe hows of his modir, ſeiynge, xxiii And God ſente þe worſt ſpiryte bitwix Abymalech and þe
ii Spek to alle þe men of Sychem, Wheþer is it betere to ȝou,
dwellers of Sichem, þe whiche bigunne to wlaat hym,
þat ſeuenti men, alle þe ſones of Jeroboal, han lordſhip of xxiiii and þe hidows gilt of þe ſlauȝter of þe ſeuenti ſones of
ȝow, oþer o man be lord to ȝow? and to gidre bihold ȝe, for Jeroboal, and þe ſhedynge of blod of hem, to ȝeelde into
ȝoure boon and ȝoure fleſh Y am. Abymalech, his broþir, and into þe toþer princis of
iii And þe briþeren of his moder ſpeken of hym to alle þe men
Sichemytis, þat hym helpeden.
of Sichem alle þes wordes; and þei boweden þe herte of hem xxv And þei puttiden aſpies aȝens hym in þe cop of hillis; and
after Abymalech, ſeyinge, Oure broþer he is. while þei biden þe comynge of hym, þei hawntiden þeftis,
iiii And þei ȝauen to hym ſeuenti pownde of ſiluer of þe heþen
takynge prayes of þe goers byſide; and it is told to
temple of Baal Berith; þe which hiride to hym of it nedi men Abymalech.
and vagaunt, and þei folweden hym. xxvi Forſoþe Gaal, þe ſone of Obed, wiþ his breþeren cam,
v And he cam into þe hows of his fader in Ephra, and he
and paſſide into Siccymam; at whos comynge reryd þe
ſlewȝ his briþeren þe ſones of Jeroboal, ſeuenti men, vpon o dwellers of Sichem,
ſtoon. And Joatham, þe ſone of Jeroboal, þe leeſt, abood ſtil, xxvii wenten out into feeldis, waſtynge vynes, and grapis
and is hid. tredynge; and þe querys maad of ſyngers þei wenten into þe
vi And alle þe men of Sichem, and al þe meynee of þe cite of
temple of her God, and bytwix meetis and drynkis þei
Mello, ben gedred to gidre, and wenten, and ordeyneden hem curſeden to Abymalech,
a kyng, Abymalech, biſide þe ook þat ſtood in Sichem. xxviii criynge Gaal, þe ſone of Obed, Who is þis Abymalech?
vii Þe which, whanne was told to Joatham, he ȝede, and ſtood
And what is Sichem, þat we ſeruen to hym? Wheþer is not
in þe cop of þe hil of Garyſym, and, arerid vp þe voice, he þe ſone of Jeroboal, and ſet a prince, Zebul his ſeruaunt,
cryede, and ſeyde, Here ȝe me, men of Sichem, ſo þat God vpon þe men of Emor, þe fader of Sichem? Whi þanne ſhulen
here ȝou. we ſerue to hym?
viii Treeſe wenten for to anoynte vpon hem a kyng; and þei xxix Wolde God eny man ȝeue þis puple vnder myn hoond,
ſeiden to þe olyue, Comaund þou to vs. and I ſhulde doo a wey fro þe mydil Abymalech. And it is
ix Þe whiche anſwerde, Wheþir may Y forſake my fatnes, þe ſeid to Abymalech, Gedre a multitude of ooſt, and com.
whiche and Goddis vſen and men, and come, þat bitwix trees xxx Forſoþe Zebul, þe prince of þe cytee, herd þe wordis of
Y be auaunſid? Gaal, þe ſone of Obed, is ful wrooþ;
x And þe trees ſeiden to þe fige tree, Com þou, and tak xxxi and ſente preueli to Abymalech meſſagers, ſeiynge, Loo!
kyngdom vpon vs. Gaal, þe ſone of Obed, cam into Siccymam wiþ his briþeren,
xi Þe which anſwerde to hem, Wheþer may Y forſake my `and aȝen fiȝtiþ þe citee aȝens þee;
ſwetnes and mooſt ſwete fruytis, and goo þat bitwix oþer trees xxxii aryſe alſo þe nyȝt wiþ þe puple, þat is wiþ þee, and lurk
Y be auaunſid? in þe feeld;
xii And þe trees ſpeken to þe viyn, Com, and comaunde to vs. xxxiii and firſt eerli ryſynge þe ſunne, fal vpon þe cite; forſoþe
xiii Þe which anſwerde, Wheþer may Y forſake my wyn, þat hym goynge out aȝens þee wiþ his puple, do to hym þat þow
gladiþ God and men, and bitwix oþer trees be auaunſid? mayſt.
xiiii And alle þe trees ſeiden to þe þorn, Com, and comaund xxxiiii And ſo Abymalech wiþ al his ooſt roos þe nyȝt, and
þow vpon vs. ſette buſhementis biſide Siccymam, in foure placis.
xv Þe whiche anſwerde to hem, If verreily me kyng ȝe han xxxv And Gaal, þe ſone of Obed, wente out, and ſtood in þe
ordeynde to ȝou, comeþ, and vnder my ſhadewe reſtiþ; forſoþe entre of þe ȝate of þe cytee. Forſoþe Abymalech roos, and al
if ȝe wolen not, go out fier fro þe þorn, and deuowre þe þe ooſt wiþ hym, fro þe place of þe buſſhementis.
ſeedis of Liban. xxxvi And whanne Gaal hadde ſeen þe puple, he ſeide to
xvi Nowe þanne if riȝtly and wiþouten ſynne ȝe han ordeynde Zebul, Loo! fro þe hillis a multitude deſcendiþ. To whom he
vpon ȝou a kyng, Abymalech, and wel han doo wiþ Jeroboal, anſwerde, Þe ſhadewis of hillis þow ſeeſt as mennus heedis,
and wiþ þe hows of hym, and han ȝolden while to his and by þis errour þou art deſſeyued.


xxxvii And eft Gaal ſeiþ, Loo! þe puple fro þe nouel of þe Capitulum X.
erþe comeþ doun, and o cumpanye commeþ bi þe weye þat i Aftir
biholdiþ þe ook. Abymalech roos a duyk in Yrael, Thola, þe ſone of
xxxviii To whom ſeide Zebul, Where is nowe þi mowþ, bi þe Phua, þe faders broþir of Abymalech, a man of Yſachar, þat
which þou ſpeek, Who is Abymalech, þat we ſeruen to hym? dwellide in Sanyr, of þe hil of Effraym;
ii and he demyde Irael þre and twenti ȝeer, and he is deed,
Wheþer is not þis þe puple, whom þow deſpiſediſt? Go out,
and fiȝt aȝens hym. and biried in Sanyr.
xxxix Gaal þanne wente, abydynge þe puple of Sichemys, and iii To whom cam after Jayr Galadites, þat demede Irael bi
fauȝte aȝens Abymalech. two and twenti ȝeer;
xl Þe which purſuede hym fleynge, and in þe cytee þreſte; and iiii hauynge þretti ſones, ſittynge vpon þretti coltis of aſſis, and
þere fellen of þe parti of hym many vnto þe ȝate of þe cyte. princis of þretti cytees, þe whiche of þe name of hym ben
xli And Abymalech ſat in Rana; Zebul forſoþe Gaal and his clepid Anochiayr, þat is, þe burghis of Jayr, vnto þe day þat
felaws he putte out of þe cyte, ne in it he ſuffrede to dwelle. is nowe, in þe loond of Galaad.
v And Jayr is deed, and biryed in þe place to þe which is þe
xlii Þanne þe day folowynge þe puple ȝede out into þe feeld;
þe which whanne it was toold to Abymalech, name Camon.
vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael to oold ſynnes ioynynge newe,
xliii he took his ooſt, and dyuydide in þre companyes, ſettynge
buſſhementis in þe feeldis; and ſeynge þat þe puple wente out diden yuels in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and ſerueden to mawmettis,
of þe cytee, he roos, and felle into hem wiþ his ooſt, Baalym and Aſtaroth, and to goddis of Syrye, and of Sidon,
xliiii aȝenfiȝtynge and biſeegynge þe cytee. Forſoþe two
and of Moab, and of þe ſones of Amon, and of Philiſtiym;
and þei laften þe Lord, and heryeden not hym.
companyes, opynly rennynge hidir and þidir bi þe feeld, þe vii Aȝens whom þe Lord wexe wrooþ, and took hem into þe
aduerſaryes purſueden. hoondis of Philiſtiym, and of þe ſones of Amon.
xlv Forſoþe Abymalech al þat day ouercam þe cytee, þe which
viii And þei ben tourmentid, and hidouſly oppreſſid bi eiȝteen
he took, ſlayn þe dwellers of it, and it deſtruyede, ſo þat ſalt ȝeer, alle þat dwelliden biȝonde Jordan in þe loond of
in it he ſprengide. Ammorre, þat is in Galaad,
xlvi Þe which þing, whanne hadden herd þei þat dwelten in þe
ix in ſo mych, þat þe ſones of Amon, Jordan ouerpaſſid,
tour of Sychemys, wenten into þe temple of her god Beryth, waſtiden Judam and Beniamyn and Effraym; and Yrael is
where a boond of pees wiþ hym þei couenauntiden; and of it tormentid wel myche.
þe place took name, þe which was greetli ſtrengþid. x And criynge to þe Lord þei ſeiden, We han ſynned to þee,
xlvii And Abymalech herynge þe men of þe tour of Sichemys
togidre gedred in o glob, `or company, for we han forſakun oure God, and ſerueden to Baalym.
xi To whom þe Lord ſpak, Wheþer not þe Egipciens, and
xlviii ſtiede vp into þe hil of Selmon wiþ al his puple; and
takun to an axe he kytte of a braunche of a tree, and putte on Amorreis, and þe ſones of Amon, and of Philiſtiym,
xii Sidoneus forſoþe, and Amalech, and Chanaan oppreſſiden
þe ſhuldir berynge, he ſeide to felawis, Þat ȝe ſeen me doo,
þat anoon doo ȝe. ȝou, and ȝe han cried to me, and Y haue delyueryd ȝou fro þe
xlix Þanne ſtryuyngly of þe trees kuttynge of braunchis þei hoondis of hem?
xiii And neuerþelater ȝe han forſake me, and heried alien
foleweden þe duyk; þe whiche enuyrounynge þe place of
ſocour, brenten vp; and ſo is doon, þat þurȝ ſmook and fier a goddis; þerfor I ſhal not adde, þat eny more I delyuer ȝou.
þowſand men weren ſlayn, men togidre and wymmen, of þe xiiii Gooþ, and inwardli clepiþ þe goddis `þe whiche ȝe han
dwellers of þe tour of Sichem. choſen; delyuer þei ȝou in þe tyme of angwiſh.
l Forſoþe Abymalech þens goynge cam to þe burgh toun xv And þe ſones of Yrael ſeiden to þe Lord, We han ſynned;
Thebes, þe which enuyrounnynge biſegide wiþ ooſt. ȝeeld þow to vs what euere þing pleſiþ to þee; oneli nowe
li Forſoþe þe tour was hiȝe in þe mydil cytee, to þe which delyuer vs.
flowen togidre men and wymmen, and alle þe princis of þe xvi Þe whiche ledynge alle þingis fro her cooſtis, þrewen out
cytee, cloſid mooſt faſtly þe ȝate; and vpon þe roof of þe tour þe mawmettis of alien goddis, and ſerueden to þe Lord; þe
ſtondynge by þe pynnaclis. which ſorewide vpon þe wrecchidnes of hem.
lii And Abymalech comynge nyȝ biſide þe tour fauȝt ſtrongli, xvii And ſo þe ſones of Amon criynge togidre in Galaad
and neiȝynge to þe dore, he was about to put vndir fyre; piȝten tentis, aȝens whom þe ſones of Yrael gedryd in
liii and, loo! a womman þe brekynge of a mylnſtoon from Maſphat ſetten tentis.
aboue þrowynge hurtlide to þe heed of Abymalech, and brak xviii And þe princis of Galaad ſeiden eche to his neiȝbors,
his brayn. He, þat firſt of ȝou aȝen þe ſones of Amon bigynneþ to fiȝt,
liiii Þe which clepide anoon his ſquyer, and ſeiþ to hym, ſhal be þe duyk of þe puple of Galaad.
Drawe out þi ſwerd, and ſmyte me, leſt perauenture it be
ſeid, þat of a womman I am ſlayn. Þe which, fulfillynge þe Capitulum XI.
heeſt, ſlewȝ him;
lv and him ſlayn, alle þat wiþ hym weren of Yrael ben turned i There was alſo in þat tyme Jeptee Galadites, a man mooſt
aȝen to her ſeetis. ſtrong and fyȝter, þe ſone of a womman ſtrompet, þat is born
lvi And God ȝeeldide þe yuel þat Abymalech dide aȝens his of Galaad.
ii Forſoþe Galaad hadde a wijf, of whom he took ſones, þe
fader, ſlayn his ſeuenti breþeren.
lvii And to þe Sichemys is ȝoldun þat þei wrouȝten, and is whiche aftirward þat þei weren waxen, keſten out Jeptee,
ſeiynge, Eyre in þe hows of oure fader þou ſhalt not mowe
comen vpon hem þe curſynge of Joatham, ſone of Jeroboal. be, for of avowtreſſe modir þou art born.
iii Whom he fleynge and ſhonnynge dwellide in þe loond of
Tob; and þere ben gedrid to hym nedi men and ſtelynge, and
as prince þei ſueden.


iiii In þoo days fouȝten þe ſones of Amon aȝens Yrael; xxvi whanne he dwelte in Eſebon, and in þe litil touns of it,
v þe whiche ſharpli inſtoondynge, þe more þurȝ birþ wenten and in Aroer and hys litil touns, and in alle þe cytees
fro Galaad for to take into her help Jeptee of þe loond of beȝonde Jordan, by þre hundred ȝeer. Whi ſo mych tyme no
Tob; þing vpon þis aſkynge þou aſaydiſt?
vi and þei ſeiden to hym, Com, and be oure prince, and fiȝt xxvii Þerfor I ſynne not in þee, but þou aȝens me doſt yuel,
aȝens þe ſones of Amon. bryngynge into me bataylys not ryȝtwiſe; deme þe Lord,
vii To whom he anſwerde, Ben not ȝe, þat hatiden me, and domyſman of þis day, bitwexe Yrael and þe ſones of Amon.
xxviii And þe kyng of þe ſones of Amon wold not aſſente to
keſten out fro þe hows of my fader, and nowe ȝe ben comen
to me þurȝ nede conſtreyned? þe wordis of Jeptee, `þe whiche bi meſſagers he ſente.
viii And þe princis of Galaad ſeiden to Jepte, For þis cauſe xxix Þanne is doon vpon Jeptee þe ſpyrit of þe Lord, and he
þanne nowe to þee we ben comen, þat þou goo wiþ vs, and enuyrounnynge Galaad and Manaſſe, Maſpha and Galaad,
fiȝt aȝens þe ſones of Amon, and be duyk of alle þat dwellen and þens paſſynge to þe ſones of Amon,
in Galaad. xxx he vowede avowe to þe Lord, ſeiynge, If þou takiſt þe
ix Forſoþe Jeptee ſeide to hem, If vereyli ȝe ben comen to me, ſones of Amon into myn hoondis,
þat I fiȝte for ȝow aȝen þe ſones of Amon, and þe Lord take xxxi who ſo euere firſt were gon out fro þe ȝatis of myn hous,
hem into myn hoondis, ſhal Y be ȝoure prynce? and aȝen comeþ to me turnynge aȝen wiþ pees fro þe ſones of
x Þe whiche anſwerden to hym, Þe Lord, þat þes þingis Amon, I ſhal offre hym brent ſacrifice to þe Lord.
heriþ, he meene and witnes is, þat oure biheeſtis we ſhulen xxxii And Jeptee paſſide forþ to þe ſones of Amon, for to fiȝte
doo. aȝens hem, whom þe Lord took into þe hoondis of hym;
xi And ſo Jeptee ȝede wiþ þe princis of Galaad, and þe puple xxxiii and he ſmoot fro Aroer for to þat þou come into
made hym þeir prince; and Jeptee ſpak alle his wordis before Mennyth, twenti citees, and vnto Abel, þat is wiþ vynes ſet,
þe Lord in Maſpha. wiþ a wel greet veniaunce; and þe ſones of Amon ben mekid
xii And he ſente meſſagers to þe kyng of þe ſones of Amon, of þe ſones of Yrael.
`þe which of his perſone ſhulde ſeye, What to me and to þee xxxiiii Forſoþe to Jeptee turnynge aȝens into Maſpha, his
is, for þou art comun aȝens me, þat þou waſte my loond? hous, aȝencam to hym his oonli goten douȝter wiþ tymbrys
xiii To whom he anſwerde, For Yrael took my loond, whanne and chorys; forſoþe he hadde noon oþer free children.
he ſtiede vp fro Egipt, fro þe cooſtis of Arnon vnto Jaboth xxxv Þe whiche ſeen, he kitte his cloþis, and ſeiþ, Allas!
and Jordan, nowe þanne wiþ pees ȝeeld to me it. douȝter myn, þou haſt diſſeyued me, and þi ſelf art deſſeyued;
xiiii Bi whom eft Jeptee ſente, and comaundide to hem, þat forſoþe Y haue openyd my mouþ to þe Lord, and I ſhal not
þei ſhulden ſeye to þe kyng of Amon, mowe doo oþer þing.
xv Þes þingis ſeiþ Jeptee, Yrael took not þe loond of Moab, xxxvi To whom ſhe anſwerde, Fader myn, if þou haſt openyd
ne þe loond of þe ſones of Amon; þi mouþ to þe Lord, do to me what euere þing þou haſt
xvi but whanne fro Egipt þei ſtyeden, he ȝede bi wildernes bihoot, grauntid to þee veniaunce and victorye of þin enemyes.
xxxvii And ſhe ſeide to þe fader, Þis oonli ȝif to me, þat I
vnto þe Reed See, and cam into Cades;
xvii and he ſente meſſagers to þe kyng of Edom, ſeiynge, Let praye; leete me, þat two monþis Y enuyroun þe hillis, and
weyle my maydenhod wiþ my felawis.
me, þat I paſſe bi þi loond; þe which wold not aſſente to his xxxviii To whom he anſwerde, Go. And he lafte hir two
preiers. And he ſente to þe kyng of Moab, þe which and he
diſpiſide to ȝyue paſſynge; and ſo he abood in Cades, monþis. And whanne ſhe was goon wiþ felawis and hir
xviii and enuyrounde aſide þe loond of Edom, and þe loond of compeers, ſhe wepte hyr maydenhod in þe hillis.
xxxix And fulfillid two monþis, ſhe is turned aȝen to hir
Moab; and he cam to þe eeſt cooſt of þe loond of Moab, and
he ſette tentis biȝonde Arnon, and he wold not entre þe fader, and he dyde to hire, as he auowide; þe which knewe
teermys of Moab; forſoþe Arnon is niȝ cooſt to þe loond of not man. Þerfor maner ſpronge in Yrael, and vſage is kept,
Moab. xl þat after þe ſercle of o ȝeer þe douȝtris of Yrael comen to
xix And ſo Yrael ſente meſſagers to Seon, þe kyng of gidre in oon, and weylen þe douȝter of Jeptee Galadyte foure
Ammorreis, þat dwellide in Eſebon; and ſeide to hym, Leete dayes.
me, þat Y paſſe bi þi loond vnto þe flood.
xx Þe which and he, diſpiſynge þe wordis of Yrael, leete hym Capitulum XII.
not paſſe bi his teermys, but a multitude wiþ outen eend i Loo! forſoþe in Effraym is ſprongun a debate; forſoþe þe
gedrid wente out aȝens hym into Geſſa, and ſtrongli wiþſtood. goers aȝen þe norþ ſeiden to Jeptee, Whi goynge to þe fiȝt
xxi And þe Lord took hym into þe hoondis of Yrael wiþ al
aȝens þe ſones of Amon þou woldiſt not clepe vs, þat we
his ooſt; þe which ſmoot hym, and weeldide al þe loond of wenten wiþ þee? Þerfor we ſhulen brenne þin hows.
Ammorree, þe dweller of þat regioun, ii To whom he anſwerde, An hydows debate was to me and
xxii and al þe coſtus of it fro Arnon vnto Jaboch, and fro þe
my puple aȝen þe ſones of Amon, and ȝow Y clepyde, for ȝe
wildernes vnto Jordan. ſhulden ȝyue help to me, and ȝe wolden not doon.
xxiii Þe Lord þan God of Yrael turnede vpſedoun Amorre, iii Þe which biholdynge Y putte in myn hondis my lijf; and Y
fiȝtynge aȝens hym to his puple Yrael. And þou nowe wolt paſſide to þe ſones of Amon, and þe Lord took hem into myn
weelde þe loond of hym? hoondis; what haue Y diſſerued, þat aȝens me ȝe ryſen into
xxiiii Wheþer not þoo þingis, `þe whiche weeldiþ Camos, þi batayl?
god, to þee þurȝ riȝt ben owid? Forſoþe þingis þat þe Lord iiii And ſo clepid to him alle þe men of Galaad, he fauȝt aȝens
oure God ouercomer heelde, in oure poſſeſſioun ſhulen falle; Effraym; and þe men of Galaad ſmyten Effraym; for he ſeide,
xxv but perauenture þow be betere þan Baalach, þe ſone of Fugitiue is Galaad fro Effraym, and dwelliþ in mydil of
Sephor, kyng of Moab, oþere þou mayſt teche, þat he ſtroue Effraym and Manaſſe.
aȝens Yrael, and fauȝte aȝens hym, v And Galadites men occupiden þe forþis of Jordan, bi
whiche Effraym was for to turne aȝen. And whanne a man of


þe noumbre of Effraym fleynge was comyn to þo fordis, and xi Þe which roos, and folewide his wijf; and comynge to þe
hadde ſeyde, Y preye, þat ȝe leten me paſſe; Galaaditis ſeiden man he ſeide to hym, Art þow þe which ſpak to þe womman?
to hym, Wheþer art þou an Effrate? Þe which ſeiynge, Y am And he anſwerde, Y am.
not, xii To whom Manue, Whanne, he ſeiþ, þi word were fulfillid,
vi þei aſkiden hym, Seye þanne Sebolech, þat is to mene, an
what wolt þou, þat þe child doo, or fro what þing ſhal he kepe
eere. Þe which anſwerde, Shebolech, bi þe ſame lettre an eere hym ſilf?
not myȝti to bryngen out. And anoon takyn þei kyttiden his xiii And þe aungel of þe Lord ſeide to Manue, Fro alle þingis
þroot in þat goynge ouer Jordan; and þere fellen in þat tyme
of Effraym two and fourti þowſandis. þat Y ſpak to þi wijf, abſteine he hym.
vii And ſo Jeptee demyde Galaadites of Yrael ſexe ȝeer; and xiiii And what euer þing growiþ of þe vyn eete he not, wyn
he is deed, and biryed in his citee of Galaad. and ſiþir drynk he not, noon vnclene þing eete he; and þat Y
viii After þis demyde Yrael Abethſan of Bethleem, haue comaundid to hym, fulfille he and kepe.
xv And ſo Manue ſeide to þe aungel of þe Lord, Y biſeche
ix þat hadde þretti ſones, and ſo feele douȝtris, þe whiche
þee, þat þou aſſente to my preiers, and we make to þee a
ſendynge out to houſbondis he ȝaf, and of þe ſame noumbre to kidde of þe ſhe geet.
his ſones he took wyues, bryngynge yn to his hows; þe which xvi To whom anſwerde þe aungel, If þou me conſtreyneſt, Y
ſeuen ȝeer demyde Yrael,
x deed, and byryed in Bethlem. ſhal not eete þi looues; forſoþe if þou wolt doo brent ſacrifice,
offre þou þat to þe Lord. And Manue wiſt not, þat it was þe
xi To whom cam aftir Degelon Zabulonyt, and demyde Yrael aungel of þe Lord.
ten ȝeer, xvii And he ſeide to hym, What is name to þee, þat if þi word
xii and is deed, and byried in Zabulon. were fulfillid, we doon worſhip to þee?
xiii After hym demyde Yrael Abdom, þe ſone of Elel, xviii To whom he anſwerde, Whi aſkiſt þou my name, þat is
Pharatonyt; merueylows?
xiiii þe which hadde fourty ſones, and þretti of hem ſones xix And ſo Manue took a kidde of þe geet, and ſacrifices of
ſones, ſtiynge vp vpon ſeuenti coltis of aſſis, and he demyde licours, and putte vpon þe ſtoon, offrynge to þe Lord þat doþ
Yrael eiȝt ȝeer; merueylows þingis. Forſoþe he and þe wijf of hym biheelden.
xv and he is deed, and biried in Pharaton, þe loond of xx And whanne þe flawme of þe auter ſtiede into heuene, þe
Effraym, in þe hil of Amalech. aungel of þe Lord togidre in þe flawme ſtiede vp. Þe which
þing whanne Manue hadde ſeen and his wijf, redi þei fellen
Capitulum XIII. into þe erþe.
xxi And na more to hym aperide þe aungel of þe Lord. And
i And eft þe ſones of Yrael diden yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, anoon Manue vndurſtood to be þe aungel of þe Lord.
þe which took hem in to þe hoondis of þe Philiſteyns fourti xxii And he ſeide to hys wijf, Bi deeþ die we, for we han
ȝeer. ſeen þe Lord.
ii And þere was a maner man of Saraa, and of þe lynage of
xxiii To whom anſwerde þe womman, If þe Lord wold ſlee
Dan, Manue bi name, hauynge a wijf bareyn. vs, of oure hoondis brent ſacrifice and offryngis of licours he
iii To whom aperyde þe aungel of þe Lord, and ſeide to hyre,
wold not haue take; but alle þes þingis he wold not haue
Bareyn þou art, and wiþ out free children; but þou ſhalt ſhewid to vs, ne þo þingis þat ben to com haue ſeid.
conſeyue, and bere a ſone. xxiiii And ſo ſhe beere a child, and clepide þe name of him
iiii Be war þanne, leſt þou drynke wyn and ſiþer, ne eny þing
Sampſon; and þe child wexe, and þe Lord bleſſide to hym.
vnclene þou eete; xxv And þe ſpyrit of þe Lord began to be wiþ hym in þe
v for þou ſhalt conſeyue, and bere a ſone, whos heed ſhal no
tentis of Dan, bitwix Saraa and Eſkahol.
raſure towche; forſoþe he ſhal be a Nazare of God from his
childhod, and fro þe wombe of þe moder; and he ſhal bygynne Capitulum XIIII.
to delyuer Yrael fro þe hoond of þe Philiſtiens.
vi Þe which, whanne ſhe was comen to hire houſbond, ſeide to i Sampſon þanne deſſendide in Thannatha, and ſeynge þere a
hym, A man of God cam to me, hauynge an aungelis chere, womman of þe douȝtris of Philiſtien,
feerful wel myche; whom whanne Y hadde aſkid, who he was, ii ſtiede vp, and tolde to his fader and his moder, ſeiynge, Y
and whennus he was comen, and what name he were clepid, ſawȝ a womman in Thannatha of þe douȝtris of Philiſtiens,
he wolde not to me ſeye; whom, Y biſeche, þat þou take to me wijf.
vii but þus he anſwerde, Loo! þou ſhalt conſeyue, and bere a iii To whom ſeiden þe fader and his moder, Wheþer is þere
ſone; be war þat þou drynke no wyn ne ſiþer, ne eete eny no womman in þe douȝtres of þi briþeren and in al þi puple,
þing vnclene; forſoþe he ſhal be a Nazare child of þe Lord, fro for þou wolt take a wijf of Philiſtien, þat ben vncircumcidid?
his ȝonȝþ and fro þe wombe of þe moder into þe day of his And Sampſon ſeide to his fader, Þis tak to me, for ſhe
deeþ. pleſide to myn eyen.
viii And ſo Manue preyede þe Lord, and ſeiþ, Y biſeche, iiii His fader and moder wiſten not, þat þe þing ſhulde be doo
Lord, þat þe man of God, `þe whiche þou ſentiſt, com eft, and of þe Lord; and he ſhulde ſeche occaſioun aȝens þe Philiſtien;
teche vs, what we owen to doo of þe child, þat is to be born. forſoþe þat tyme Philiſtien lordſhipide to Yrael.
ix And þe Lord herde Manue preiynge; and eft aperide þe v And ſo Sampſon deſſendide wiþ his fader and moder in to
aungel of þe Lord to his wijf ſittynge in þe feeld; forſoþe Thannatha; and whanne þei weren comen to þe vynes of þe
Manue hir houſboond was not wiþ hir. bourȝ toun, and þere aperide a feers whelp of a lyoun and
x Þe which, whanne ſhe hadde ſeen þe aungel, hiede, and rorynge, and aȝen cam to hym.
ranne to hir man, and tolde to hym, ſeiynge, Loo! þe man vi Þe ſpyrit of þe Lord forſoþe felle into Sampſon, and he
aperide to me, whom before I ſawȝ. taar þe lioun, as he ſhulde to-teer out a kide, into gobetis, no
þing vtterli hauynge in hoond; and þat to fader and moder he
wold not ſhewe.


vii And he deſſendide, and ſpak to þe womman, þat pleſide to Philiſtiens, þe whiche ſette a fier, and þe fruytis, now brouȝt
his eyen. to gidre, and þe ȝit ſtoondynge in þe ſtobil, ben brent, in ſo
viii And after a fewe days turnynge aȝen for to take hir, he mych þat vynes and olyues þe flawm waſtide.
vi And þe Philiſtiens ſeiden, Who haþ doon þis þing? To
wente aſide for to ſe þe careyn of þe lioun; and loo! a ſwarm
of beeſe was in þe mouþ of þe lioun, and an hony coombe. whom it is ſeide, Sampſon, þe ſone in lawe of Thannath, for
ix Þe which whanne he hadde takun in hoondis, he ete in þe he took his wijf, and ȝaf to anoþer, þes þingis he haþ wrouȝt.
And þe Philiſtiens ſtieden vp and brenten as wel þe womman
weye; and comynge to his fader and moder, he ȝaf to hem as hir fader.
part, þe which and þei eeten; and neuerþelater he wolde not vii To whom ſeiþ Sampſon, Al be it þat þes þingis ȝe han
ſhewe to hem, þat þe hony he took of þe mouþ of þe lioun.
x And ſo his fader deſſendide to þe womman, and made to his doon, neuerþelater ȝit of ȝou Y ſhal aſke a veniaunce, and
þanne Y ſhal reſte.
ſone Sampſon a feeſt; forſoþe ſo ȝong men weren wont to doo. viii And he ſmoot hem wiþ a greet veniaunce, ſo þat
xi Whanne þanne þe cyteſeyns of þat place hadden ſeen him,
aſtonyinge þei putten on þe calf of þe leg to þe hipe; and he
þei ȝouen to him bord felawis þretti, `þe whiche ſhulden be deſſendynge dwellide in þe ſpelunk of þe ſtoon of Ethan.
wiþ hym. ix Þan Philiſtiens ſtiynge vp into þe loond of Juda ſetten
xii To whom ſpak Sampſon, Y ſhal purpoſe to ȝow a dowtous
tentis in þe place, `þe which afterward is clepid Lethi, þat is,
word, þe which if ȝe ſoylen to me wiþ ynne ſeuen dais of þe a cheek boon, where þe ooſt of hem is hellid.
feeſt, Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝou þretti lynnen cloþis, and ſo fele x And þei of þe lynage of Juda ſeiden to hem, Whi han ȝe
xiii forſoþe if ȝe mowen not aſſoyle, ȝe ſhulen ȝyue to me ſtied vp aȝens vs? Þe whiche anſwerden, Þat we bynden
Sampſon we ben comen, and we ȝeelden to hym þat in vs he
þretty lynnen cloþis, and of þe ſame noumbre cootis. Þe haþ wrouȝt.
whiche anſwerden to hym, Purpos þe probleme, þat we heren. xi Þanne þre þouſand of men of Juda deſſendiden to þe den
xiiii And he ſeide to hem, Of þe eter ȝede out meete, and of
of þe flynt of Ethan; and þei ſeiden to Sampſon, Woſt þou
þe ſtrong wente out ſwetnes. And þei miȝten not bi þre days not, þat þe Philiſtiens comaunden to vs? Whi þis þing woldiſt
ſoylen þe propoſicioun. þou doo? To whom he ſeiþ, As þei diden to me, Y dide to
xv And whanne þe ſeuenþe day was nyȝ, þei ſeiden to þe wijf hem.
of Sampſon, Faage to þi man, and meue hym, þat he ſhewe xii To bynden þee, þei ſeyn, we ben comen, and to take into
to þee what bitokeneþ þe probleme. Þe which þing if þou þe hoondis of Philiſtiens. To whom anſwerde Sampſon,
wold not doo, we ſhulen brenne þee and þe hows of þi fader. Sweriþ, and bihotiþ to me, þat ȝe ſhulen not ſlee me.
Wheþer þerfor ȝe han clepid vs to þe brydale for to robben? xiii And þei ſeiden, We ſhulen not ſlee þee, but bounden we
xvi Þe which ſhedde anentis Sampſon teeris, and pleynede,
ſhulen ȝyue. And þei bounden hym wiþ two newe coordis, and
ſeiynge, Þow hatidiſt me, and not loueſt, and þerfor þe redels, token hym fro þe ſtoon of Ethan.
þat þow haſt purpoſid to þe ſones of my puple, þou wolt not xiiii Þe which whanne was comen to þe place of þe cheek
to me expowne. He anſwerde, To my fadir and moder I wold
not ſeye, and to þe ſhal I mowe ſhewe? boon, and Philiſtiens criynge out weren aȝen comen to hym,
xvii Þerfor ſeuen days of þe feeſt ſhe wepte anentis hym, at þe ſpiryt of þe Lord felle into him, and as ben wont at þe
ſmelle of fier trees to be waaſtid, ſo and þe boondis, wiþ þe
þe laſt þe ſeuenþe dai whanne ſhe was heuy to hym, he whiche he was bounden, ben ſcaterid and looſid.
expownede. Þe which anoon tolde to hir citeſeyns. xv And takynge a foundun cheek boon, þat is, þe cheeklap of
xviii And þei ſeiden to him þe ſeuenþe day before þe ſunne
an aſſe, þat lay, he ſlewȝ wiþ it a þouſand men;
goynge doun, What is ſwetter þan hony, and what is ſtronger xvi and ſeiþ, In þe cheek boon of an aſſe, þat is, in þe iow of
þan a lyoun? Þe which ſeide to hem, If ȝe hadden not erid in
my ſhe calf, ȝe ſhulden not haue founden my propoſicioun. þe colt of aſſis, I haue doon hem a wey, and ſmyten a
xix And ſo þe ſpyryt of þe Lord felle into hym; and he wente þouſand men.
xvii And whanne þes wordis ſyngynge he hadde fulfillid, he
doun to Aſchalonen, and he ſmoot þere þretti men, of whom
þe takun cloþis he ȝaf to hem þat þe redilis ſoileden; and þrewe a wey þe iow fro þe hoond; and he clepide þe name of
wrooþ wel myche he ſtiede vp into þe hows of his fader. þat place Ramathlei, þat is to mene, þe heuynge vp of þe
xx Forſoþe þe wijf of hym took an houſboond, oon of hir cheek boon.
xviii And þreſtynge wel mych he criede to þe Lord, and ſeiþ,
freendis and wowers.
Þou haſt ȝeuen in þe hoond of þi ſeruaunt þis mooſt helþe
and victorie; and loo! for þreſt I dye, and I ſhal falle into þe
Capitulum XV. hoondis of þe vncircumcidid.
i Afftir a litil forſoþe of tyme, whanne þe dais of whete xix And ſo þe Lord opnede a woong tooþ in þe cheek boon of
ripynge ſtooden yn, cam Sampſon wilnynge to ſe his wijf, þe aſſe, and watris wenten out of it, þe whiche drunkun he
and he brouȝte to hir a kide of þe ſhe geet; and whanne he fedde þe ſpiryt, and ſtrengþis took aȝen; and þerfor is clepid
wold goo into þe bedde of hir, as he was wont, þe fadir of þe name of þat place a Welle of þe inwardli clepynge fro þe
hir defendide hym, cheek boon vnto þis day þat is nowe.
ii ſeiynge, Y wende þat þou haddiſt hatid hyr, and þerfor Y xx And he demyde Yrael in þe dais of þe Philiſtiens twenti
took hir to þi freend; but ſhe haþ a ſiſter, þat is ȝonger and ȝeer.
feyrer þan ſhe, be ſhe to þee for hir a wijf.
iii To whom Sampſon anſwerde, Fro þis day blame ſhal not Capitulum XVI.
be in me aȝens þe Philiſtiens, Y ſhal do to ȝow forſoþe yuels. i He
iiii And he ȝede, and took þre hundryd foxys, and þe taylis of ȝede forſoþe into Gazam, and þere he ſawȝ a womman
ſtrompet, and wente yn to hir.
hem he ioynede to þe taylis, and broondis he boond in `þe ii Þe which þing whanne Philiſtiens hadden ſeen, and was
v þe whiche teendynge wiþ fier he lafte, and hidir and þidir puppliſhid anentis hem, Sampſon to haue comen into þe citee,
þei ſegeden hym about, kepers put in þe ȝatis of þe citee; and
þei runnen; þe whiche anoon wenten into þe cornys of þe


þere al nyȝt wiþ ſilence abidynge, þat þe morwetide comen xx And ſhe ſeide, Philiſtiens vpon þee, Sampſon! Þe which
him goynge out þei myȝten ſlee. fro ſleep ryſynge, ſeide in his inwit, I ſhal goo out, as I dide
iii Forſoþe Sampſon ſlept vnto mydnyȝt; and þens ryſynge he before, and me I ſhal ſhaake out; vnknowinge þat þe Lord
took boþ leeues of þe ȝate, wiþ her poſtes and lok; and put on was goon awey fro hym.
þe ſhuldres he beer to þe cop of þe hil þat biholdiþ Ebron. xxi Whom whanne Philiſtiens hadden cauȝt, anoon þei drewen
iiii After þes þingis he louede a woman þat dwellide in þe out his eyen, and ladden hym boundun wiþ cheyns to Gazam,
valey of Soreth, and ſhe was clepid Dalida. and cloſid in priſoun þei maden to grynde.
v And þere camen to hyr princis of Philiſtiens, and ſeiden, xxii And nowe his heeris bigunnen to growe aȝen;
Bigijl hym, and lern of hym, in what he haþ ſo myche xxiii and þe princis of Philiſtiens camen to gidre in oon, for
ſtrengþ, and in what maner wiſe hym we mowen ouercome, to offre ooſtis of greet worſhip to Dagon, her god, and for to
and bounden tourmente; þe which þing if þou doſt, we ſhulen eete, ſeyinge, Oure god haþ takun oure enemye Sampſon into
ȝyue to þee ech a þouſand hundrid platis of ſiluer. oure hoondis.
vi Þanne Dalyda ſpak to Sampſon, Sey to me, I biſeche, in xxiiii Þe which alſo þe puple ſeynge preyſeden her god, and þe
what is þi mooſt ſtrengþ, and what þing be wiþ þe which ſame þing ſeiden, Oure god haþ taken into oure hoondis oure
boundun þou maiſt not breek? aduerſarie, `þe which haþ doon a wey oure loond, and ſlayn
vii To whom anſwerde Sampſon, If wiþ ſeuen ſenewy coordis many.
not ȝit dried and ȝit moyſt Y were boundun, Y ſhal be feble xxv And þei ioiynge bi feeſtis, nowe taken meetis, þei
as oþer men. comaundiden, þat Sampſon ſhulde be clepid, and biforn hem
viii And þe princis of þe Philiſtiens brouȝten to hir ſeuen pleye; þe which lad out fro þe priſoun pleyde beforn hem; and
coordis, as ſhe ſeide; wiþ þe whiche ſhe bounden hym, þei maden hym ſtoond bitwen two pileers.
ix lurkynge anentis hir buſſhementis, and in þe bed place xxvi Þe whiche ſeide to þe child gouernynge his goyngis, Leet
abidynge þe ende of þe þing. And ſhe criede to him, Philiſtien me, þat I towche þe pileers on þe whiche ſtoondiþ al þe
vpon þee, Sampſon! Þe which brak þe boondis, in what hows, þat Y lene vpon hem, and a litil while reſte.
maner wiſe a man wold breeke þe þreed of a top of flexe, þat xxvii Forſoþe þe hows was ful of men and of wymmen, and
is ſponnen wiþ ſpotel, whanne þe ſmelle of fier it haþ takun; þere weren þe princis of Philiſtiens, and of þe roof and ſoleer
and it is not knowun in what þing his ſtrengþ was. aboute þre þowſand of eiþer kynde, bidynge Sampſon
x And Dalida ſeide to hym, Loo! þow haſt bigilid me, and pleiynge.
fals þou haſt ſpokyn; namely nowe ſhewe to me, wiþ what xxviii And he ſeiþ, þe Lord inwardli clepid, Lord, my God,
þing þow owiſt to be boundun. haue mynde of me, and ȝeeld to me nowe þe fornhad ſtrengþ,
xi To whom he anſwerde, If I were boundun wiþ newe my God, þat I wreche me on myn enemyes, and for þe
coordis, `þe whiche weren not ȝit in werk, I ſhal be feble, and leſynge of two liȝtis o veniaunce I take.
of oþer men lijk. xxix And catchynge þe twey pileers, to þe whiche al þe hows
xii Wiþ þe which eft Dalida boond him, and criede, Philiſtien ſtood, and þe toþer of hem wiþ þe riȝt, and þe toþer wiþ þe
vpon þee, Sampſon! in þe bed place buſſhementis maad redi. left holdynge,
Þe which ſo brak þe boondis as þredis of webbis. xxx ſeiþ, Die my lijf wiþ Philiſtien! And þe pileers ſtrongly
xiii And Dalida eft ſeide to hym, Howe long ſhalt þou bigile ſmyten to gidere, þe hows felle vpon alle þe princis, and þe
me, and fals þow ſhalt ſpeek? Shewe where wiþ þou owiſt to toþir multitude, þat þere was; and many mo he ſlewȝ diynge,
be boundun. To whom anſwerde Sampſon, he ſeiþ, If ſeuen þan beforn he ſlewȝ on lyue.
heerys of myn heed wiþ warp þreed þou plattiſt, and a nayl xxxi And his breþeren comynge doun, and al his kynrede,
wiþ hem about bounden to þe erþe þow ficchiſt, I ſhal be token hys bodi, and byrieden it bitwix Saraa and Eſcahol, in
feble. þe birielis of his fader Manue; and he demyde Yrael twenti
xiiii Þe which þing whanne Dalida hadde doo, ſhe ſeide to ȝeer.
hym, Philiſtien vpon þee, Sampſon! Þe which aryſynge fro
ſleep, drowȝ out þe nayl, wiþ heeris and warp. Capitulum XVII.
xv And Dalida ſeide to hym, What maner wiſe þou ſeiſt, þat
iA maner man þere was in þat tyme of þe hil of Effraym,
þou loueſt me, whanne þin ynwit is not wiþ me? Bi þre ſiþis
þou haſt lowen to me, and þou woldiſt not ſeye to me, in what Mychas bi name.
þing is þi mooſt ſtrengþ. ii Þe which ſeide to his moder, Þe þouſand hundryd platis of
xvi And whanne ſhe was heuy to hym, and bi manye dais to ſiluer, `þe whiche þow ſeuerediſt to þee, and vpon þe whiche
hym biſili cleuede, ſpace to reſten not ȝyuynge, hyre lijf failide, me herynge þou ſwore, loo! Y haue, and anentis me ben. To
and vnto þe deeþ is feblid. whom ſhe anſwerde, Bleſſid my ſone to þe Lord.
xvii Þanne openynge þe trewþ of þe þing, he ſeide to hir, iii Þanne he ȝeeldide hem to his moder; þe which ſeide to
Yren neuer wente vpon myn heed, for þi Nazare, þat is, hym, I haue ſacrid and auowid þis ſiluer to þe Lord, þat of
ſacrid to þe Lord, Y am fro þe wombe of my moder; if myn myn hoond my ſone tak, and mak a grauen þing and a ȝotun;
heed were ſhauen, my ſtrengþ ſhal goon awey fro me, and ſhal and now I take it to þee.
fayl, and be as oþer men. iiii Þanne he ȝeeld to his moder; þe which took two hundrid
xviii And ſhe ſeynge þat he hadde knowlechid to hir al his platis of ſiluer, and ȝaf hem to þe ſiluer ſmiþ, þat he make of
inwit, ſhe ſente to þe princis of Philiſtiens, and badde, Stye hem a grauen þing and a ȝotun, þe which was in þe hows of
ȝe vp ȝyt oons, for nowe to me he haþ openyd his herte. Þe Mychee.
whiche ſtieden vp, takun to þe money þat þei bihiȝten. v Þe which a litil hows forſoþe in it to God ſeuerde; and
xix And ſhe made hym ſleep vpon hir knees, and in her boſum made a coope, and theraphyn, þat is, þe preſtis clooþ, and
to leyn þe heed; and ſhe clepide þe barbour, and he ſhoofe mawmettis; and he fulfillid þe hoond of oon of his ſones, and
ſeuen heeris of hym; and ſhe biganne to þrowe hym awey, and he is maad to hym a preeſt.
fro hir to putte; forſoþe anoon ſtrengþ fro hym wente. vi In þo dais was no kyng in Irael, but echon, what ſemyd to
hym riȝt, þat he dide.


vii And þere was anoþer ȝonglynge of Bethlem of Juda, of þe ȝe, þat in þes howſis be ephot, and theraphyn, and grauen
kynrede of him, and he was a Leuyte, and dwellide þere. þing and ȝoten; ſeeþ what pleſiþ to ȝou.
viii And gon out of þe cytee of Bethlem pilgrimage he wold, xv And whanne a litil þei hadden bowid doun, þei wenten into
where euere he founde profijt to hym. And whanne he was þe hows of þe ȝonglynge Leuyte, þat was in þe hows of
comen in to þe hil of Effraym, and weye makynge hadde Myche, and þei ſalutiden hym wiþ peſible wordis.
bowid doun a litil in to þe hows of Myche, xvi Forſoþe ſixe hundrid men, ſo as þei weren armed, ſtoden
ix he is aſkid of hym, Whens comeſt þou? Þe which anſwerde, before þe dore.
A Leuyte Y am of Bethlem of Juda, and I goo, þat I xvii And þei, þe whiche weren goon into þe hous of þe ȝong
dwelle where I ſhal mowe, and biholde to be profitable to me. man, þe grauen þing and ȝoten, and ephot, and theraphyn þei
x Dwel, he ſeiþ, anentis me, and be to me fader and preeſt; enforſiden to taak; and þe preeſt ſtood before þe dore, þe ſixe
and I ſhal ȝyue to þee bi eche ȝeer ten platis of ſiluer, and hundrid men mooſt ſtronge not ferre abidynge.
dowble cloþinge, and what þingis ben neceſſarye to lijflod. xviii Þanne `þo ilk þat entriden token þe grauen þing, ephot,
xi And he aſentide, and dwellyde anentis þe man; and was to and þe mawmettis, and þe ȝoten; to whom ſeide þe preeſt,
hym as oon of þe ſones. What doon ȝe?
xii And Mycha fulfillid þe hoond of hym, and hadde a child xix To whom þei anſwerden, Whiſt, and put fynger vpon þi
preeſt anentis hym, mouþ, and com wiþ vs, þat we han þee fader and preeſt.
xiii ſeiynge, Nowe I woot, þat God wol doo wel to me, Wheþer is it beter to þee, þat þou be a preeſt in þe hows of o
man, oþir in o lynage and meyne in Yrael?
hauynge a preeſt of Leuytis kynde. xx Þe which þing whanne he hadde herd, he aſſentyde to þe
wordis of hem, and took ephot, and þe grauen þing, and
Capitulum XVIII. mawmettis, and wiþ hem wente.
i In þo days was no kyng in Yrael; and þe lynage of Dan xxi Þe whiche whanne weren goon, and before hem hadden
ſouȝte poſſeſſioun to hym, þat he myȝte dwelle in it; forſoþe maad children and beeſtis to goon, and al þat was precious,
vnto þat day amonge oþere lynagis he hadde takun no lot. xxii and now whanne fro þe hows of Myche þei weren ferre,
ii Þanne ſenten þe ſones of Dannys ſtok, and of his meyne, þe men þat dwelliden in þe howſes of Myche, to gidre criynge
fyue mooſt ſtronge men fro Saraa and Eſcahol, þat þei aſpien folweden,
þe loond, and biſily biholden. And þei ſeiden to hem, Gooþ, xxiii and after þe bak bigunne to crien. Þe whiche whanne þei
and biholdiþ þe loond. Þe whiche, whanne goynge þei weren hadden beholdun, þei ſeiden to Myche, What to þee wolt þow?
comen into þe hil of Effraym, and weren goon into þe hows whi crieſt þow?
of Myche, þei reſtiden þere. xxiiii Þe whiche anſwerde, My goddis þat I made to me, ȝe
iii And knowynge þe voys of þe ȝonglynge Leuyte, and vſynge
han takun, and a preeſt, and alle þingis þat Y haue; and ȝe
þe reſtynge place of hym, þei ſeiden to hym, Who brouȝte þe ſeyn, What is to þee?
hidir? What here doſt þow? For what cauſe hidir come þou xxv And þe ſones of Dan ſeiden to hym, Be war, leſt eny
woldiſt? more þou ſpeke to vs, and men ſtyred wiþ corage comen to
iiii Þe which anſwerde to hem, Þes þingis and þes þingis
þee, and þou þi ſilf wiþ al þin hows periſhe.
Mychas haþ ȝeuen to me, and me bi meed haþ hyrid, þat I xxvi And ſo þe bigunne weie þei wenten. Forſoþe Mycha
be to hym a preeſt. ſeynge, þat þei weren ſtrenger þan him ſelf, he turnyde aȝen
v And þei preiden hym, þat he ſhulde counſeyl þe Lord, and
into his hows.
wite þei myȝten, wheþir welſum weye þei ſhulden goo, and þe xxvii Forſoþe ſixe hundrid men token þe preeſt and þat we
þing ſhulde han effecte. aboue ſeiden, and camen into Lachis to þe puple reſtynge and
vi Þe which anſwerde to hem, Gooþ wiþ pees, þe Lord haþ
ſiker; and þei ſmyten hem in mouþ of ſwerd, and þe cite wiþ
biholden ȝoure weye, and þe gaat þat ȝe goon. brennynge þei token,
vii And ſo goynge þe fyue men camen to Lachis; and þei ſeen xxviii no man vtterly berynge ſokour, forþi þat ferre þei
þe puple dwellinge in it wiþouten eny drede, after þe vſage of dwelten fro Sydon, and wiþ noon of men þei hadden eny þing
Sydonyes, ſikir and in reſt, no man to hem vtterli of felawſhip and of erand. Forſoþe þe citee was ſet in þe
wiþſtondynge, and of greet ritcheſſis, and fer fro Sidon, and regioun of Roob; þe which eft makynge out dwelliden in it;
fro alle men ſeuerd. xxix þe name of þe citee is clepid Dan after þe name of his
viii And þei turneden aȝen to her briþeren in Saraa and
fader, whom Irael gat, `þe which before Lachis was ſeid.
Eſchahol; and what þei hadden doo to hem aſkynge, xxx And þei putten to hem a grauen þing, and Jonathan, þe
ix þei anſwerden, Ryſiþ, and ſtie we vp to hem; forſoþe we
ſone of Gerſon, ſone of Moyſy, and þe ſones of hym, preſtis
han ſeen þe loond ful riche and plenteuous; woliþ not leeue, in þe lynage of Dan, vnto þe day of his chetifte.
woleþ not ceeſe, goo we, and weeld we it; no traueyle it ſhal xxxi And þere dwellide anentis hem þe mawmet of Myche, al
be; þe tyme þat þe hows of God was in Sylo.
x we ſhulen goo into þe ſikyr, in to þe regyoun mooſt brood;
and þe Lord ſhal taak to vs þe place, in which is ſcarſneſſe of
no þing of hem þat ben goten in þe erþe. Capitulum XIX.
xi Þanne wenten of þe kynrede of Dan, þat is, of Saraa and i In þo days was no kyng in Yrael. A maner man Leuyte
Eſcahol, ſix hundrid men gird wiþ armes of werre. was dwellinge in þe ſide of þe hil of Effraym, þe which took
xii And þei ſtiynge vp dwelliden in Cariathiarym of Jude, þe a wijf in Bethlem Juda.
which place fro þat tyme took name of þe Tentis of Dan, and ii Þe which lafte hym, and is turned aȝen into hir fader hows
is bihynde þe bak of Kyriathiarym. of Bethlem, and ſhe dwellide anentis hym foure moneþis.
xiii Þens þei paſſiden into þe hil of Effraym; and whanne þei iii And hir man folwede hyr, wolnynge to be recounſeild to
weren comen to þe hows of Myche, hir, and to ſoftli treten, and to brynge aȝen wiþ hym; hauynge
xiiii ſeiden þe fyue men, þat before hoond weren ſent to þe in ledynge a child, and two aſſis. Þe which took hym, and
loond of Lachis to ben biholden, to her oþer briþeren, Knowe brouȝte hym into þe hows of hyr fader; þat whanne his fader


in lawe hadde herd him, and ſeen, glad he aȝens cam to hym, ſones of Belial, þat is, wiþ outen ȝok, and enuyrownynge þe
and clepide þe man. hows of þe oold man þei bigunnen to knoke þe ȝatis; criynge
iiii And þe ſone in lawe dwellide in þe hows of þe fader in to þe lord of þe hows, and ſeiynge, Bryng out þe man þat is
lawe þre days, etynge and drynkynge wiþ hym homeli. goon into þin hows, þat we myſuſen hym.
v Forſoþe þe ferþe day fro nyȝt ryſynge wold goo forþ; whom xxiii And þe oold man wente oute to hem, and ſeiþ, Woliþ
wiþ heelde þe fader in lawe, and ſeiþ to hym, Taſt raþer a not, breþeren, woliþ not doon þis yuel; for a man is goo into
litil of breed, and comfort þe ſtomak, and ſo þow ſhalt goo. myn hows; and cees ȝe fro þis foly.
vi And þei ſeten, and eten to gidir, and dronken. And þe fader xxiiii I haue a douȝter mayden, and þis man haþ a
of þe womman ſeide to his ſone in lawe, Y biſeche þee, þat ſecoundarie wijf; I ſhal brynge hem out to ȝow, þat ȝe lowen
þis day here þou dwelle, and to gider we gladen. hem, and ȝoure luſt ȝe fulfil; oonli, I byſeche, ne þis hidows
vii And he ryſyn ganne to wiln to goo forþ; and neuerþelater gilt aȝens kynde ȝe worchen in þe man.
xxv Þei wolden not aſſente to his wordis; þe which þing
þe fader in lawe biſily heelde hym aȝen, and anentis hym he
made hym to dwelle. biholdynge þe man broute out to hem his ſecoundarie wijf,
viii Forſoþe erely bigunne þe Leuyte made redi þe weye; to and to hem he took hir to be ſcorned. Þe which whanne al
nyȝt þei hadden myſuſid, þei laften hir eerly.
whom þe fader in lawe eft, I biſeche, he ſeiþ, þat a litil of xxvi And þe womman, goynge aweie þe derkneſſis, came to þe
meet þou take, and ſtrengþis nomen to þe tyme þat ful
ſprynge þe day, and after go þow forþ. Þei eten þanne to dore of þe hows, where dwellide hir lord, and þere ſhe felle
gider. down.
ix And þe ȝonglynge roos for to goo wiþ his wijf and child; to xxvii Þe morwe tide doon, þe man roos, and openede þe dore
whom eft ſpak þe fader in lawe, Behoold, þat þe day is more for to fulfil þe bigunne weye; and, loo! his ſecoundarie wijf
bowid to þe ſunne goynge doun, and neiȝeþ to þe euen; dwel lay at þe dore, ſpred þe hoondis in þe þreſwold.
anentis me alſo þis day, and lede a myrye day, and to morwe xxviii To whom he wenynge hir to riſte ſpak, Ryſe, and goo
þou ſhalt goo forþ, þat þou goo into þin hows. we. Þe which no þing anſwerynge, vndurſtondynge þat ſhe
x Þe ſone `in lawe wolde not aſſente to his wordis; but anoon was deed, took hir, and putte on þe aſſe; and he is turnyd
wente, and cam aȝens Jebuſe, þat bi anoþer name is clepid aȝen into his hows.
Jeruſalem, ledynge wiþ hym two aſſis chargid, and a xxix Þe which whanne he was goon yn, he cauȝte a ſwerd,
ſecoundarie wijf. and þe careyn of þe wijf wiþ hir bonys in twelue parties and
xi And nowe þei camen nyȝ biſide Jebus, and þe day was gobetis hewynge, he ſente into alle þe teermys of Yrael.
turned into nyȝt. And þe child ſeide to his lord, Com, I xxx Þe which þing whanne alle þei hadden ſeen, þei crieden to
biſeche, and bowe we down to þe citee of Jebuſees, and gidre, Neuer ſiche þing is don in Iſrael, fro þat dai þat oure
dwelle we in it. faders ſtieden vp fro Egipt vnto þe tyme þat is nowe; ȝyueþ
xii To whom anſwerde þe lord, I ſhal not goo into þe burgh ſentens, and in comoun deme ȝe, what is nede to þe deed.
toun of an alien folk, þat is not of þe ſones of Yrael, but I
ſhal paſſe to Gaba; Capitulum XX.
xiii and whanne þider I ſhal come, we ſhulen dwelle in it,
i And þe ſones of Yrael wenten out, and to gidre gedreden as
oþir certeyn in þe citee of Rama. o man, fro Dan vnto Berſabee, and fro þe loond of Galaad to
xiiii Þanne þei paſſiden Jebus, and þe bigunnen weie þei
þe hows of Maſpha;
wenten. And þe ſunne wente doun to hem biſide Gaba, þat is ii and alle þe corneres of puplis, and alle þe lynages of Yrael
in þe lynage of Beniamyn; camen to gidre into þe chirche of þe puple of God, foure
xv and þei turneden biſide to it, þat þei myȝten dwelle þere.
hundryd þowſandis of foot men fiȝters.
Whider whanne þei entreden, þei ſeeten in þe ſtrete of þe iii And it was not vnknowun to þe ſones of Beniamyn, þat þe
cytee, and no man hym wold reſſeyue in hows. ſones of Yrael hadden ſtied vp into Maſpha. And a Leuyte,
xvi And, loo! an oold man aperyde to hem turnynge aȝen fro
þe houſboond of þe ſlayn womman, aſkid, what maner wyſe ſo
þe feeld, and fro his werk at euen, þe which and he was of myche hidows gilt were doon,
þe hil of Effraym, and a pilgrime dwellide in Gaba. Forſoþe iiii he anſwerde, I cam into Gabaa of Beniamyn wiþ my wijf,
þe men of þat regioun weren þe ſones of Gemyny. and þidre I turnede.
xvii And areryd vp þe eyen, þe oold man ſawȝ a man ſittynge
v And loo! þe men of þat cytee enuyrounden at nyȝt þe hows,
wiþ his litil chargis in þe ſtrete of þe cytee, and ſeide to hym, in þe which Y dwelte, willynge to ſlee me, and my wijf
Whens comeſt þow? and whidre goſt þow? traueylynge wiþ vntrowable woodnes of luſt, and þerfor ſhe is
xviii Þe which anſwerde to hym, We ben comen fro Bethlem
Juda, and we goon to oure place, þat is in þe ſide of þe hil vi Þe which taken Y hewȝ into gobetis, and I ſente partis
of Effraim, fro whennus we ȝeden to Bethlem; and nowe we into alle þe teermys of ȝoure poſſeſſioun; for neuer ſo myche
goon to þe hows of God, and no man vndur his roof reſſeyue felony and ſo myche treſpas worþi to be punyſſhid is doon in
vs, Irael.
xix hauynge chaf and hay into þe fodre of aſſis, and breed and
vii Ȝe ben nyȝ to alle þe ſones of Yrael; demeþ, what ȝe owen
wyn into myn, and of þin handmaydenys vſis, and of þe child to doon.
þat is wiþ me; no þing we neden, but hows. viii And ſtondynge al þe puple as wiþ word of o man
xx To whom anſwerde þe oold man, Pees be wiþ þee; I ſhal
make redi alle þingis, þat ben neceſſarye; oonli, I biſeche, ne anſwerd, We ſhulen not goon aȝen into oure tabernaclis, ne
bide þow in þe ſtrete. eny man ſhal goo into his hows;
ix but þis aȝens Gabaa in comoun we ſhulen doo.
xxi And he brouȝte hym into his hows, and fodre to aſſis he
x Ten men ben choſun of an hundrid, of alle þe lynagis of
ȝaf; and after þat þei weſſhen her feet, he took hem into
metſhip. Yrael, and an hundrid of a þowſand, and a þouſand of ten
xxii Hem etynge, and after þe traueyl of þe weye wiþ meet þowſandis, þat þei beren to þe ooſt metis, and we fiȝtynge
and drynke fillinge þe bodies, camen men of þat cytee, þe


mowen aȝens Gabaa of Beniamyn ȝeelden to hym for þe þei woundiden of hem, as þe firſt day and þe ſecounde, and
hidows gilt, þat he deſerueþ. ſlowen bi two paþis þe turninge backis; of þe whiche oon beer
xi And al Yrael cam to gidre to þe citee, as o man, in þe into Bethel, and þe toþir into Gabaa. And þei þrewen doun
ſame þouȝt and wiþ o counſeil. aboute þretti men;
xii And þei ſenten meſſageris to al þe linage of Beniamyn, `þe xxxii forſoþe þei wenden in þe wont maner to ſleen hem; þe
whiche ſhulden ſeye, Whi ſo myche felonye is foundun in ȝou? whiche feynynge fliȝt at þe bigynnynge, wenten in counſeil for
xiii Takiþ þe men of Gabaa, þat þis treſpaſſe han doo, þat þei to drawe hem a wey fro þe cytee, and as fleynge to bryngen
to þe forſeide paþis.
dyen, and yuel be doo awey fro Yrael. Þe whiche wolden not xxxiii And ſo alle þe ſones of Yrael ryſynge fro her ſeetis
here þe mawndement of þe ſones of Yrael, her briþeren,
xiiii but of alle þe cytees, þat weren of her lot, camen togidre tiȝten ſhiltron in þe place þat is clepid Baalthamar. Forſoþe
þe buſſhementis, þat about þe cytee weren, `litil melome hem
in Gabaa, þat to hem þei myȝten bere helpe, and aȝens al þe ſeluen bigunnen to opne, and fro þe weſt parti of þe citee to
puple of Yrael fiȝten. goon forþ.
xv And þere ben founden fyue and twenti þowſandis of xxxiiii But and oþere ten þouſandis of men of Yrael dwellers
Beniamyn, of men drawynge out ſwerd, of þe cytee terreden to ſtryues; and þe bateil is agreggid aȝens
xvi biſide þe dwellers of Gabaa, þat weren ſeuen hundryd þe ſones of Beniamyn, and þei vndurſtoden not, þat on alle
mooſt myȝti men, ſo wiþ þe lift as wiþ þe riȝt fiȝtynge, and ſo ſidis to hem ſtood yn deeþ.
wiþ ſlyngis ſtones at certeyn þrowynge, þat an heer forſoþe þei xxxv And þe Lord ſmoot hem in þe ſiȝt of þe ſones of Yrael,
myȝten ſmyte, and in to noon oþer partie þe ſtrook of þe ſtoon and þei ſlowen of hem in þat day fyue and twenti þowſandis
ſhulde be born a weye. and an hundrid men, alle fiȝters and drawinge out ſwerd.
xvii Forſoþe of þe men of Yrael, wiþ outen þe ſones of xxxvi Forſoþe þe ſones of Beniamyn, whanne þei hadden ſeen
Beniamyn, ben foundun foure hundrid þowſandis of men hem ſelf to be þe neþermore, þei bigunne to flee. Þe which
drawynge out þe ſwerd and redi to þe fiȝt. þing biholdynge þe ſones of Yrael, ȝeuen to hem place to flee,
xviii Þe whiche ryſynge camen into þe hows of God, þat is in þat þei miȝten come to þe maad redi buſſhementis, `þe whiche
Silo; and þei counſeylden hym, and ſeiden, Who ſhal be in biſyde þe cytee þei ſetten.
oure ooſt prince of þe ſtrijf aȝens Beniamyn? To whom þe xxxvii Þe whiche whanne hadden ryſe ſodeynly fro þe hidilis,
Lord anſwerde, Judas be he ȝoure duyk. and Beniamyn ȝaf backis to þe ſleers, þei wenten into þe
xix And anoon þe ſones of Yrael ryſynge eerly ſetten tentis cytee, and ſmyten it in mouþ of ſwerd.
aȝens Gabaa. xxxviii Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael hadden ȝeuen a tokne to
xx And þens goynge forþ to þe fiȝt aȝens Beniamyn, þei hem þat weren ſett in buſſhementis, þat after þat þei hadden
bigunnen to fiȝt aȝens þe cytee. take þe cytee, fier þei ſhulden teend, and þe ſmook ſtiynge vp
xxi And þe ſones of Beniamyn goon out fro Gabaa, ſlowen of into heiȝt, þei ſhulden ſhewe þe cytee takun.
þe ſones of Irael þat day two and twenti þowſandis of men. xxxix Þe which þing whanne þe ſones of Yrael put in þat
xxii And eft þe ſones of Yrael and in ſtrengþ and in noumbre ſtrijf ſhulden biholde; forſoþe þe ſones of Beniamyn wenden
truſtynge, in þe ſame place in which raþer þei ſtryuen, þei hem to fleen, and more biſily folweden, ſleyn of þe ooſt of hem
dreſſeden þe ſheltroun; þretti men;
xxiii ſo neuerþelater þat before þei ſtieden, and wepten before xl and þei ſeen as a piler of ſmook fro þe citee to ſtien vp;
þe Lord vnto þe nyȝt, and counſeilden hym, and ſeiden, Shal forſoþe Beniamyn biholdynge bihynde, whanne he ſawȝ þe
I more goon forþ to fiȝten aȝens þe ſones of Beniamyn, my cytee takun, and þe flawmis to be born into heiȝt,
breþeren, or nay? To whom he anſwerde, Stieþ vp to hem, xli þe whiche beforehond feyneden fliȝt, turnede þe face
and goþ into þe ſtrijf. ſtrongly wiþſtoden. Þe which þing whanne þe ſones of
xxiiii And whanne þe ſones of Yrael þe toþer day aȝens Beniamyn hadden ſeen, þei ben turned in fliȝt,
Beniamyn to þe batayl weren goon, xlii and to þe weye of deſeert þei bigunne to goon; forſoþe
xxv þe ſones of Beniamyn breken out fro þe ȝatis of Gabaa, þider hem aduerſaryes purſuynge, but and þes, þat ſetten þe
and aȝen comynge to hem, ſo mych ſlauȝter þei mich wexen toun on fier, aȝen comynge to hem.
wood in hem, þat eiȝt and twenti þouſandis of men drawynge xliii And ſo it is doon, þat on eiþer parti þei ben ſlayn of
out ſwerdis þei þrewen doun. enemyes, ne þere was eny reſte of men dyynge; and þei fellen,
xxvi For what þing alle þe ſones of Yrael camen into þe hows and ben þrowen down at þe eeſt cooſt of þe cytee of Gabaa.
of God, and ſittynge þei wepten before þe Lord, and þei xliiii Forſoþe þere weren, þat in þe ſame place ben ſlayn,
faſtiden þat day vnto euen; and þei offreden to him brent eiȝteen þouſandis of men, al mooſt ſtronge fiȝters.
ſacrifices and peſible ſleyn ſacrificis, xlv Þe which þing whanne hadden ſeen þat leften of
xxvii and vpon her ſtaat þei aſkiden. Þat tyme was þere þe Beniamyn, þei flowen into wildirnes, and wenten to þe ſtoon,
arke of þe boond of pees of God in Sylo; whos name is Remmon. Forſoþe in þat fliȝt opynli hidir and
xxviii and Phynees, þe ſone of Eliazar, ſone of Aaron, was þider rennynge and into dyuerſe placis goynge þei ſlowen fyue
prouoſt of þe hows. `Þanne þei counſeilden þe Lord, and þowſandis of men; and whanne ferþer þei wenten, þei
ſeiden, Shulen we more goon out to þe fiȝt aȝens þe ſones of purſueden hem, and ſlewen alſo oþere two þowſandis.
Beniamyn oure breþeren, oþir reſten? To whom ſeiþ þe Lord, xlvi And ſo is doo, þat alle þat fellen of Beniamyn in dyuerſe
Stieþ vp, forſoþe to morwe I ſhal taak hem into ȝoure placis, weren fyue and twenti þowſandis, fiȝters at batayls
hoondis. mooſt redy.
xxix And þe ſones of Yrael putten buſſhementis bi þe xlvii And ſo þere laften of al þe noumbre of Beniamyn, þat
enuyroun of þe cytee of Gabaa; myȝten ſcape, and fleen into wilderneſſe, ſixe hundred men;
xxx and þe þridde ſiþe as oons and twyes aȝens Beniamyn þe and þei ſetten in þe ſtoon of Remmon foure moneþis.
ooſt brouȝte forþ. xlviii Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael goon out, ſmyten wiþ ſwerd al
xxxi But and þe ſones of Beniamyn hardili breken out of þe þe relif of þe cyte, fro man vnto beeſt; and alle þe citees and
cytee, and þe aduerſaryes fleynge lenger þei purſueden, ſo þat lytil touns of Beniamyn deuowrynge flawm waaſtide.


Capitulum XXI. hem, Haþ mercy on hem; forſoþe þei rauyſheden not hem bi
lawe of fiȝters and of ouercomers; but to hem preyinge, þat
i The ſones forſoþe of Yrael hadden ſworn in Maſpha, and þei myȝten take, ȝe han not ȝeuen; and on ȝoure parti is þe
ſeiden, Noon of vs ſhal ȝyue to þe ſones of Beniamyn of his ſynne.
douȝtris a wijf. xxiii And þe ſones of Beniamyn diden as to hem was
ii And alle þei camen to þe hows of God in Sylo, and in þe comaundid, and after her noumbre þei rauyſſheden to hem, of
ſiȝt of hym ſittynge vnto euen þei rereden a voys, and wiþ hem þat ladden dauncis, ſondry wyues. And þei wenten into
greet ȝeelynge bigunnen to wepe, ſeiynge, her poſſeſſioun, bildynge vp cytees, and dwellynge in hem.
iii Whi, Lord God of Yrael, þis yuel ys doo in þi puple, þat xxiiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael turneden aȝen, bi lynagis and
þis day o lynage be doon awei fro vs? meynees, into her tabernaclis.
iiii Forſoþe þe toþir day eerli ryſynge þei maden vp an auter, xxv In þo days was no kyng in Yrael, but ech on þat to hym
and offreden þere brent ſacrificis and peſible ſleyn offryngis, ſemyde ryȝt, þat dide he.
v and ſeiden, Who ſtiede not vp in þe ooſt of þe Lord of alle
Here endiþ þe book of Judicum, and nowe
þe lynagis of Yrael? Forſoþe wiþ greet ooþ þei bounden hem
ſeluen, whanne þei weren in Maſpha, hem to be ſlayn þat bigynneþ þe book of Ruth.
þennus weren.
vi And lad by oþenkynge þe ſones of Yrael vpon her broþer
Beniamyn, þei bigunnen to ſeyn, Þere is doon awey o lynage
fro Irael;
vii whens ſhulen þei taake wyues? forſoþe alle in comyn we
han ſworn vs not to ȝyue oure douȝtres to hem.
viii And þerfor þei ſeiden, Who is of alle þe lynagis of Irael,
þat ſtiede not vp to þe Lord in to Maſpha? And loo! þere ben
foundun dwellers of Jabis Galaad not haue ben in þat ooſt.
ix Forſoþe þat tyme, whanne þei weren in Sylo, noon of hem
is foundun þere.
x And ſo þei ſenten ten þouſand mooſt ſtronge men, and
comaundiden to hem, Goþ, and ſmitiþ þe dwellers of Jabis
Galaad in mouþ of ſwerd, as wel wymmen as þe litil children
of hem.
xi And þis ſhal be, þat ȝe ſhulen kepe wel, alle of maal kynde
and wymmen, þat han knowun men, ſleeþ; maydens kepe ȝe.
xii And þere ben foundun of Jabis Galaad foure hundryd
maydens, þat knewen not þe bed of man; and þei brouȝten
hem to þe tentis in Silo, in to þe loond of Chanaan.
xiii And þei ſenten meſſagers to þe ſones of Beniamyn, þat
weren in þe ſtoon of Remmon; and þei comaundiden to hem,
þat þei ſhulden take hem in pees.
xiiii And þe ſones of Beniamyn camen in þat tyme, and ben
ȝeuen to hem wyues of þe douȝtres of Jabis Galaad; forſoþe
oþer þei founden, `þe whiche lijk maner þei ſhulden take.
xv And al Yrael greetli ſorowide, and dide oþenkynge vpon þe
ſlauȝter of o lynage of Yrael.
xvi And þe more þurþ birþ ſeiden, What ſhulen we doo to þe
toþer, þat han take no wyues? Alle þe wymmen in Beniamyn
fellen togidre,
xvii and wiþ greet biſynes to vs and myche ſtodye it is to
puruey, leſt o lynage be doon awey fro Yrael.
xviii Oure douȝtres we mowen not ȝyue to hem, bounden bi
ooþ and curſynge, in þe which we han ſeide, Curſid þat ſhal
ȝyue of his douȝtris a wijf to Beniamyn.
xix And þei token counſeil, and ſeiden, Loo, þe ſolempnete of
þe Lord is in Silo, torn aboute bi þe ȝeer, þat is ſet at þe
norþ of þe cytee of Bethel, and at þe eeſt cooſt of þe weye þat
goþ fro Bethel to Siccymam, and to þe ſouþ of þe burȝ toun
of Lebona.
xx And þei comaundiden to þe ſones of Beniamyn, and ſeiden,
Goþ, and lurkiþ in þe vynes;
xxi and whan ȝe ſeen þe douȝtris of Sylo at þe dauncis to be
lad aftir þe maner to goo forþ, goþ out ſodeynly out of þe
vines, and takiþ hem, eche ſondry wyues, and goþ into þe
loond of Beniamyn.
xxii And whanne þe faders of hem and briþeren comen, and
aȝens ȝou bigynnen to pleyne and chiden, we ſhulen ſeye to


xx To whom ſhe ſeiþ, Ne clepe ȝe me Noemy, þat is to ſeye,

RUTH. fayr, but clepiþ me Mara, þat is, bittir; for wiþ bitternes
mych þe Almyȝti haþ fulfillid me.
Here bigynneþ þe bok of Ruth. xxi Ful I wente out, and voyd þe Lord haþ brouȝt me aȝen;
whi þanne clepe ȝe me Noemy, whom þe Lord haþ mekyd,
Capitulum I. and þe Almity haþ tourmentid?
xxii Þanne cam Noemy wiþ Ruth Moabite, hir douȝter in
i In þe days of oon iuge, whanne þe iugis weren before in lawe, fro þe loond of hir pilgrimage, and is turned aȝen into
power, þere is maad greet hungre in þe erþe; and o man of Bethleem, whanne firſt men repiden barly.
Bethlem Juda wente for to pilgrimage in þe regioun of
Moabitide, wiþ his wijf and his two free children. Capitulum II.
ii And he was clepid Elemalech, and þe wijf of hym Noemye,
and þe two ſones, þe toon Maalon, and þe toþer Chelion, i There was forſoþe a man, coſyn of Elymelech, a myȝti man
Effratee of Bethlem Juda; and þei goon into þe regioun of and of greet rytches, Booz bi name.
Moabitide, dwelliden þere. ii And Ruth Moabite ſeide to hir moder in lawe, If þow
iii And Elemalech, þe houſboond of Noemie, is deed, and ſhe comaunde, Y ſhal goo in to þe feeld and gedre eeris þat fleen
lafte wiþ þe ſones; þe hoondis of repers, where euere Y ſhal fynde grace of an
iiii þe whiche token Moabyte wyues, of whom oon was clepid houſholder mercyable in me. To whom ſhe anſwerde, Goo, my
Orpha, and þe toþer Ruth. And þei dwelliden ten ȝeer þere, douȝter.
v and boþ been deed, Maalon þat is, and Chelyon; and þe iii And ſo ſhe ȝede, and gedride eeris after þe backis of
womman laft priued two free children and houſboond. reperis. It felle forſoþe, þat þilk feeld hadde a lord, Booz bi
vi And ſhe roos for to goo into þe cuntre wiþ hir eiþer douȝter name, þat was of þe kynrede of Elymelech.
iiii And loo! he cam fro Bethlem. And he ſeide to his repers,
in lawe fro Moabitis regioun; forſoþe ſhe hadde herd, þat þe
Lord hadde biholden hir puple, and hadde ȝouun hem metis. Þe Lord wiþ ȝou. Þe whiche anſwerde to hym, Þe Lord
vii And ſo ſhe wente out fro þe place of hir pylgrimage wiþ bleſſe to þee.
v And Booz ſeide to þe ȝong man þat was before in rewlynge
eiþer douȝter in lawe; and nowe in þe weie ſet of turnynge
aȝen into þe loond of Juda, to þe repers, Whos is þis child womman?
viii ſhe ſeide to hem, Goþ in to þe hows of ȝoure moder; þe vi Þe which anſwerde, Þis is a Moabite, þat cam wiþ Noemy
Lord do wiþ ȝou mercy, as ȝe han do wiþ þe deed, and wiþ fro Moabites regioun;
me; vii and ſhe preyede, þat ſhe miȝte gedre eeris leeuynge,
ix ȝif he to ȝow to fynde reſt in þe howſes of þe men, `þe folwewynge þe ſteppis of þe repers; and fro eerly vnto nowe
whiche ȝe ben to take. And ſhe kiſſide hem. Þe whiche wiþ ſhe ſtondiþ in þe feeld, ne forſoþe at o moment ſhe turnede
arerid vois bigunne to wepe, aȝen to þe hows.
x and ſeyn, Wiþ þee we ſhulen goo to þi puple. viii And Booz ſeiþ to Ruth, Here, douȝter; ne goo þou into
xi To whom ſhe anſwerde, Turneþ aȝen, my douȝtren, whi annoþer feeld to gedre, ne goo a wey fro þis place, but be þou
ioyned to my children wymmen,
comen ȝe wiþ me? Y haue no mo ſonys in my wombe, þat ix and where þei repen, folwe; forſoþe Y haue comaundid to
men of me ȝe mowen hope;
xii turneþ aȝen, my Moabitis douȝtren, and goþ; forſoþe nowe my children, þat noon be heuy to þee; but if alſo þou þruſtiſt,
go to þe litil coſtrils, and drynk watris, of þe whiche my
I am waaſtid bi eeld, ne able to þe boond of matrymonye; children drenken.
alſo if Y myȝt þis nyȝt conceyue, and bere ſones, x Þe which fallynge into hir face and lowtynge on erþe ſeide
xiii þouȝ ȝe wolden abide to þe tyme þat þei wexen, and
to hym, Whens to me þis, þat I fynde grace before þin eiȝen,
fulfillen þe ȝeeris of mannus age, before þat ȝe wedden ȝe þat þou deyn to knowe me a pilgryme womman?
ſhulen be oold wymmen; woliþ not, Y biſeche, my douȝtren, xi To whom he anſwerde, Alle þingis ben toold to me, þat
for ȝoure angwiſh greuiþ me more, and þe hoond of þe Lord
is goon out aȝens me. þou didiſt to þi moder in lawe after þe deþ of þi man, and þat
xiiii Þanne arerid þe voice, eft þei bigunne to wepe. Orpha þou forſokiſt þi fader and þi moder, and þe loond in þe which
þou ert born, and cam to þe puple, whom before þou knewe
kiſſide her moder in lawe, and turnede aȝen, Ruth cleuede to not.
hir moder in lawe. xii Þe Lord ȝelde to þee for þi werk, and fulle mede reſſeyue
xv To whom ſeide Noemye, Loo! þi coſyn is turned aȝen to
þou of þe Lord God of Yrael, to whom þou art comen, and
hir puple, and to hir goddis; go þou wiþ hir. vndre whos weenges þou haſt flowen.
xvi Þe which anſwerde, Ne contrarye þou me, þat Y forſake xiii Þe which ſeiþ, Y haue founde grace before þin eyen, my
þee, and goo a wey; whidir euere þou goſt, I ſhal goo, and lord, `þe which haſt coumfortid me, and ſpoken to þe herte of
where þow abidiſt, and I togidre ſhal abyde; þi puple my þin hoond womman, `þe which am not lijk of oon of þi
puple, and þi God my God; children wymmen.
xvii what erþe þee takiþ diynge, in it I ſhal die, and þere I xiiii And Booz ſeide to hir, Whanne our of etynge ſhal be,
ſhal take place of biriynge; þes þingis God do to me, and þes com hidre, and eet breed, and weet þi morſel in eyſel. And ſo
þingis adde, if not oonly deþ me and þee ſeuere. ſhe ſat at þe ſide of þe repers, and made to hir potage, and
xviii Seynge þanne Noemye, þat wiþ ſtedfaſt inwit Ruth ſhe eet, and is fild, and took þe relifes.
hadde demed to goo wiþ hir, wold not contrarye, ne more xv And þens ſhe roos, and after þe maner ſhe gedride eeris.
mouynge þe turnynge aȝen to hyrs. Forſoþe Booz comaundide to his children, ſeiynge, Alſo if wiþ
xix And þei wenten forþ to gidre, and þei camen into ȝow ſhe wol repe, defende ȝe hir not,
Bethlem; þe whiche goon into þe cytee, ſwift loos anentis alle xvi and of ȝoure forſoþe hoondfuls þrowiþ o purpoſe, and
men wex opyn, and þe wymmen ſeiden, Þis is `þe ilk ſuffre ȝe to abide ſtil, þat wiþ out ſhame ſhe gedre; and
Noemy. gedrynge no man vndirnymme.


xvii Þan ſhe gedride in þe feeld vnto euen; and þat ſhe xiiii And ſo ſhe ſlept at his feet vnto þe goynge a wey of þe
gedrede wiþ a ȝeerde betynge and ſhakynge out, ſhe foond of niȝt, and ſo ſhe roos before þat men knewen hem ſelf to gidre.
barli as þe meſure of ephi, þat is, þre buſſhels. And Booz ſeide, Bewar, leſt eny man knowe, þat hidir þou
xviii Þe whiche berynge ſhe turnede aȝen into þe citee, and art comen.
ſhewide to hir moder in lawe; alſo ſhe brouȝte forþ, and ȝaf to xv And eft, Spreed, he ſeiþ, þi mantil, wiþ which þou art
hir þe relif of hir meet, wiþ þe which ſhe was fild. couerd, and hold wiþ eþir hoond. Þe which ſpredynge and
xix And þe moder in lawe ſeide to hir, Where to day haſt þou holdynge he meſuride ſixe buſhels of barli, and put vpon hir;
gadrid, and where haſt þou doo werk? Be he bleſſid, þat þe which berynge wente into þe cyte,
hadde mercy of þee. And ſhe ſhewide to hir, anentis whom ſhe xvi and cam to hir moder in lawe. Þe which ſeide to hir,
wrouȝte; and þe name of þe man ſhe ſeide, þat Booz he was What haſt þow doon, douȝter? And ſhe toolde to hyr alle
clepid. þingis, þat þe man dide to hir;
xx To whom anſwerde Noemy, Bleſſid be he of þe Lord, for xvii and ſeiþ, Loo! ſexe buſhels of barly he haþ ȝeuen to me;
þe ſame grace þat he haþ ȝeuen to men o lyue, he haþ kept and ſeiþ, Y wol not þee to turne aȝen void to þi moder in
and to þe deed. And eft ſhe ſeiþ, Oure nyȝ kyn is þe man. lawe.
xxi And Ruth, Forſoþe þis he ſeiþ and comaundide to me, þat xviii And Noemy ſeide, Abide, douȝter, to þe tyme þat we
ſo long I ſhulde be ioyned to þe repers of hym, to þe tyme ſeen what yſſu þe þing wol han; forſoþe ne þe man ſhal ceeſe,
þat alle þe cornys ben ropen. but he fulfille þat he haþ ſpoken.
xxii To whom ſeide þe moder in lawe, Betere it is, douȝter
myn, þat wiþ þe childre wymmen of hym þou goo out to repe, Capitulum IIII.
leſt in anoþer feeld eny man wiþſtoonde to þee. i Booz
xxiii And ſo ſhe is ioyned to þe childre wymmen of Booz; and þanne wente vp to þe ȝate, and ſat þere; and whanne
as long wiþ hem ſhe repide, to þe tyme þat þe barli and þe he hadde ſeen þe nyȝ kyn paſſe biſide, of þe which before
whete weren leid in þe beerns. word is had, he ſeide to hym, Bowe aſide a litil, and ſit here,
clepynge hym bi his name. Þe which turnede a ſide, and ſat.
ii Forſoþe Booz takynge ten men of þe eldre of þe citee ſeide
Capitulum III. to hem, Sittiþ here.
i Aftyr forſoþe þat ſhe was turned aȝen to hir moder in lawe, iii Þe which ſittynge, he ſpak to þe nyȝ kyn, Noemy ſoolde a
ſhe herde of hir, Dowȝter myn, Y ſhal ſeche to þee reſt, and parti of þe feeld of oure broþer Elymalech, þe which is turnyd
Y ſhal puruey þat it wel be to þee. aȝen fro Moabitis regyon,
ii Þis Booz, to whos wymmen children þou art ioyned in þe iiii þe which þing Y wold þee to here, and to þee ſeyn before
feeld, is oure nyȝ kyn, and in þis nyȝt he wynnewiþ þe flore al men ſittynge and þe more men þurȝ birþ of my puple. If
of his barli. þou wolt weeld þe feeld bi ryȝt of niȝ kynrede, bye and weeld;
iii Be waſſhen þanne, and anoynt, and cloþid wiþ þe more forſoþe if it to þee diſpleſe, þat ſame þing ſhewe to me, þat I
worſhipful cloþis, and go doun into þe flore; ſe þee no man, to wite what I owe to do; forſoþe no man is nyȝ kyn, out taak
þe tyme þat etynge and drynkynge he haue eendid. þee þat art formere, and me þat am ſecounde. And he
iiii Forſoþe whanne he goþ to ſleepe, mark þe place in þe anſwerde, I þe feelde ſhal bye.
v To whom ſeide Booz, Whanne þow bieſt þe feeld of þe
which he ſleepiþ; and þou ſhalt com and diſcouere þe mantil,
wiþ whych he is couerd, fro þe parti of þe feet, and þou ſhalt hoond of þe womman, forſoþe Ruth Moabite, þat was þe wijf
þrowe þee doun, and þere ligge. Forſoþe he ſhal ſeye to þee, of þe deed, þou owiſt to take, þat þow rere þe name of þi nyȝ
what þou owiſt to doo. kyn in his erytage.
v Þe which anſwerde, What euere þing þou ſhalt comaunde, I vi Þe which anſwerde, I leeue þe riȝt of my nyȝ kynrede;
ſhal doo. forſoþe ne Y owe to doon aweie þe after comynge of my
vi And ſhe wente doun into þe floor, and dide alle þingis þat meyne; þou my priuelege vſe, `þe which Y knowleche me
gladly to want.
þe moder in lawe comaundide to hir. vii Forſoþe þis was þe manere in oold tyme in Yrael bitwixe
vii And whanne Booz hadde eten and dronken, and was maad
nyȝ kyn, þat if eny tyme oon to anoþere lafte his riȝt, þat þe
gladder cheryd, and was goon to ſleepe biſide þe heep of grauntynge were ſtable, þe man looſide his ſho, and ȝaf to his
handfullis, ſhe cam, and hidde hir; and diſcouerd þe mantil fro nyȝ kyn; þat was witneſſynge of þe leuynge in Yrael.
his feet, ſhe þrewe hir ſelf doun. viii Þanne ſeide Booz to his nyȝ kyn, Tak þi ſho to me; þe
viii And loo! nowe at mydnyȝt dradde þe man, and is
which anoon he looſide fro his foot.
diſturblid; and he ſawȝ a womman liggynge at his feet, ix And he to þe more þurȝ birþ and to al þe puple, Witneſſis
ix and ſeiþ to hir, What art þou? She anſwerde, I am Ruth,
ȝe ben, he ſeiþ, to day, þat Y owe to weelde alle þat weren of
þin hoond womman; ſpreed þi mantil vpon þi ſeruaunt, for Elymalech, and Chelyon, and Maalon, ȝyuynge Noemy;
þou art nyȝ. x and Y ſhulde take Ruth Moabite, þe wijf of Maalon, into
x And he, Bleſſid, he ſeiþ, þou art of þe Lord, douȝtre, and
weddynge, þat I rere þe name of þe deed in his erytage; leſt
þe raþer mercy bi þe aftirmore þou haſt ouerpaſſid; for þou þe name of hym fro his meynee and breþeren and puple be
haſt not folwid ȝonge pore men oþer riche. doon a wey. Forſoþe ȝe of þis þing ben witneſſis.
xi Wol þou not þanne drede, but what euere þing þou ſeiſt to xi Al þe puple anſwerde, þat was in þe ȝate, and þe more
me, I ſhal doo to þee; forſoþe al þe puple woot, þat dwelliþ þurȝ birþ, We ben witneſſis; þe Lord make þis womman, þat
wiþ ynne þe ȝatis of my cytee, þee to be a womman of vertue. goþ into þin hows, as Rachel and Lya, þat edifiden þe hows
xii Ne I denye me to be nyȝ, but þere is anoþer nerre þan Y; of Yrael, þat ſhe be exſaumple of vertu in Effrata, and ſhe
xiii reſt þis nyȝt, and morwetide doon, if he wole take þee bi haue a ſolempne name in Bethlem;
riȝt of affynyte, þe þing is wel doo; forſoþe if he wol not, I xii and þin hous be maad as þe hous of Phares, whom
wiþ out eny dowt ſhal take þee, þe Lord lyueþ; ſleep vnto þe Thamar beere to Juda, of þe ſeed þat þe Lord ſhal ȝeue to
morwetide. þee of þis child womman.


xiii And ſo Booz took Ruth, and took hir to wijf; and he
wente yn to her, and þe Lord ȝaf to hir, and ſhe conſeyuede,
and beer a child.
xiiii And wymmen ſeide to Noemy, Bliſſid þe Lord, which
haþ not ſuffrid, þat þe ſucceſſour of þi meyne ſhulde fail, and
his name ſhulde be clepid in Irael;
xv and þou haue þat coumfort þi lijf, and noriſhe þin eeld.
Forſoþe of þi douȝter in lawe is born, þat ſhal loue þee, and
mych betere is to þee, þan þouȝ þou haddiſt ſeuen ſones.
xvi And Noemy putte þe takun child in hir boſum; and vſide
þe office of norſhe, and of berer.
xvii Forſoþe þe wymmen neiȝbours to gidre þankynge to hir,
and ſeiynge, Þe ſone of Noemy is born, clepeden his name
Obeth. Þis is þe fader of Yſay, fader of Dauyd.
xviii Þes ben þe generaciouns of Phares; Phares gat Eſrom;
xix Eſrom gat Aram; Aram gat Amynadab;
xx Amynadab gat Naaſon; Naaſon gat Salmon;
xxi Salmon gat Booz; Booz gat Obeth;
xxii Obeth gat Yſay; Yſay gat Dauyd þe kyng.

Here eendiþ Ruth.


anentis Grekis and Latyns, in two bokis is dyuydid; þe

I. KYNGIS. nynþe Eſter. And ſo ben maad togidre þe bokis of þe oold
lawe two and twenti, þat is, of Moyſes fyue, of Prophetis
Here bigynneþ þe prolog of þe foure bokis eiȝte, of Agiografis, þat ben expreſſe exſaumplis to holyneſſe,
nyne; al be it þat ſumme writen Ruth and Synoth among þe
of Kyngis. Agiographis, and þes bookis in her noumbre þei wenen to be
The tunge forſoþe of Syrus, and of Caldeis, witneſſiþ to ben to noumbrid, and bi þat to ben of þe oold lawe foure and
anentis þe Ebrewis two and twenti lettris, þe whiche of a twenti bookis; þe whiche vndre noumbre of foure and twenti
greet parti niȝ cooſtieþ to Ebrew; for and þei two and twenti eldris þe Apocalips of Joon bryngiþ yn, honourynge þe loomb,
elementis han in þe ſame ſown, but in dyuerſe printis. and offrynge her crownes, þe cheerys born doun, hem
Samarytans alſo þe fyue bokis of Moyſes wryten in as feele ſtondynge before þe foure beeſtis eyed before and behynde, þat
lettris, oonli in figuris and printis dyuerſynge; and it is is, biholdynge into þat þat is paſſid, and into þat þat is to
certeyn Eſdras, þe ſcribe and þe doctour of þe lawe, after comen, and criynge wiþ contynuel voyce, Holy, Holy, Holi,
Jeruſalem takun, and þe reſtorynge of þe temple vndur Lord God Almyȝti, þat was, and þat is, and þat is to comen!
Zorobabel, to han foundun oþer lettris, þe whiche we nowe Þis prologe of Scripturis as an helmyd bigynnynge to al þe
vſen; whanne vnto þat tyme weren þe ſame printis of bokis `þe whiche fro Ebrewe we han turned into Latyn, may
Samarytanys and of Ebrews. Forſoþe in þe book of acoorde, þat we mowen knowe þat what euere þing out of þes
Noumbris þis ſame noumbrynge vnder þe noumbre of Leuitis is, it is to be put among þe Apographaſe, þat is, among þo
and preſtis miſtili is ſhewid; and þe name of þe Lord þingis whos autor is not knowun of al holi chirch. Þerfore
Tetragramaton in ſumme Grece volyms vnto þis day we han Sapiens, þat comounli is wryten in of Salomon, and of Jeſu,
founden wiþ oold lettris expreſſyd. But and þe Salmys ſixe þe ſone of Syrak, and þe book of Judith, and Toby, and
and þretti, and þe hundrid tenþe, and þe hundryd enleueþ, and Paſtor, ben not in þe canoun. I foond þe Fyrſt book of
þe hundrid eiȝtenþ, and þe hundrid foure and fourtiþe, albeit Machabeis Ebrewe; þe Secounde is Greke, þat may be
þat þei ben wryten wiþ dyuerſe metre, neuerþelater þei ben proued of þat ſettynge. Þe whiche þingis whanne þei ſo han
weuyd wiþ þe abece of þe ſame noumbre; and þe hem, þou reder, Y biſeche þee, ne eyme þou my traueyle þe
Lamentaciouns of Jeremye, and þe Preier of hym, and repreuynge of oold men. In þe tabernacle of God ech man
forſoþe þe Prouerbis of Salomon, in þe eend, fro þat place in offreþ þat he may; oþer men gold, and ſiluer, and precious
whiche he ſeiþ, A ſtrong womman who ſhal fynde, wiþ þe ſtones; oþer men biſe, and purpur, and cocko offren, and
ſame abicees or markyngis ben noumbrid. Forſoþe fyue iacynct. Wiþ vs is wel doon, if we offren ſkynnys and heeris
dowble lettrys ben anentis þe Ebrewis, Caph, Men, Nun, of ſhe geet; and neuerþelater þe Apoſtle oure more
Phe, Sade; forſoþe oþer wiſe þei writen bi þes þe bigynningis contemptible þingis ſhewiþ more nedeful. Wherfor and al þe
and þe mydils of wordis, oþer wiſe þe eendis. Wherfore and fayrneſſe of þe tabernacle, and þe diſtinccioun of þe preſent,
fyue bokis, Samuel, Malachym, Dabreiamyn, Eſdras, and of þe chirche to comen, bi eche ſpicis is couered wiþ
Jeremye wiþ Cynoth, þat is, his Lamentaciouns, ben eymyd ſkynnys, and wiþ herys; þo þat ben fowler þingis letten þe
of ſum men dowble bookis. What maner wiſe þerfor two and brennynge of þe ſunne, and þe harme of wederis. Þanne rede
twenti elymentis ben, bi þe whiche we wryten Ebrewly al þat þow firſt Samuel, and myn Malachym, myn forſoþe, myn;
we ſpeken, and mannus voyce wiþ þe bigynnyngis of hem is what euere þing forſoþe ofter turnynge and in amendynge
takun, ſo two and twenti volyms ben noumbrid, bi þe whiche more biſili and we han lernyd, and we holden, oure is, oure
as bi lettris and bigynnyngis þe tendre and þe ȝit ſowkynge is. And whanne þou vndurſtoondiſt þat bifore hoond þou
childhod of þe riȝtwiſe man is tauȝt in þe doctrine of God. Þe knewe not, or eyme þou me a remenour, if þou art kynde, or
firſt book anentis hem is clepid Breſith, which we Geneſis a leeyer biſiden, if þow art vnkynde; al be it þat Y haue no
ſeyn; þe ſecounde, Elleſmoth, `þe which Exodus is clepid; þe conſcience to myſelf, me to haue chaungid eny þing fro
þridde is Vagetra, þat is Leuytik; þe ferþ, Vagedaber, `þe Ebrews trewþ. Certeyne, if þow ert of hard bileue, rede
which we clepen Noumbre; þe fifþe Abdabarym, `þe which is Greke bokis and Latyns, and ley togidre wiþ þes litil werkis,
before notid Deutronomy. Þes ben þe fyue bokis of Moyſes, `þe whiche aboue we han out toold; and where euere þow ſee
`þe whiche þei clepen proprely Thorath, þat is, þe lawe. Þe bitwix hemſelf to diſcorde, aſk eny of þe Ebrews, to whom
ſecounde ordre of þe prophetis þei maken, and bigynnen fro more þou owiſt to ȝeue feiþ, and if oure þingis he ſtable, I
Jeſu, þe ſone of Naue, `þe which anentis hem is ſeid Joſue trowe þat þou ſhalt not eyme hym a lyer, for in þe ſame place
Bennun. þens þei vndurweuyden Sophym, þat is, þe book of wiþ me lijk maner he dyuyne. But and ȝow, wymmen
Jugis; and into þe ſame þei putten in Ruth, for in þe days of ſeruauntis of Criſt, Y preye, þe whiche anoynten þe heed of
Jugis don is toold hir ſtorye. Þe þridde folowiþ Samuel, þe þe Lord, doun ſyttynge wiþ þe mooſt precyous myrre of bileue,
which we ſeyn þe Firſte and þe Secounde of Rewmys; þe þe whiche ſechen not þe Saueour in ſepulcre, for whom nowe
ferþe, Malachim, þat is, of Kyngis, þe which is conteyned in Criſt haþ ſtied vp to þe fader, þat aȝens þe berkynge houndis
þe þridde and þe ferþe volym of Rewmys; and mych betere it þat aȝens me wiþ wood mouþ waxen cruel, and goon about þe
is to ſeye Malachym, þat is, of Kyngis, þanne Malathot, þat cytee, and in þat demen hem ſelf wyſe, if to oþer þey bacbiten,
is, of Rewmes; forſoþe not of many folk he diſcriueþ rewmes, þat ȝe aȝen putten þe targetis of ȝoure preyers. I, knowynge
but of oon Yrael puple, þat is conteyned in twelue lynagis. my lownes, of þat ſentence euere more Y ſhal recorde, I
Þe fifþe is Yſay; þe ſixt Jeremye; þe ſeuenþe Ezechiel; þe ſeyde, I ſhal kepe my weyes, þat I treſpaſſe not in my tunge;
eiȝtiþ þe book of þe twelue prophetis, `þe which anentis hem Y haue put to my mouþ warde, whanne þe ſynful ſtood aȝens
is clepid Thariaſra. Þe þridde ordre weeldiþ Agiogropha, þat me; Y bicam dowmbe, and am lowid, and heelde my pees fro
ben holi wryten enſaumplis. And þe firſt book bigynneþ fro good þingis.
Job; þe ſecounde fro Dauyd, þe which men holden in fyue Here endiþ þe prolog of þe foure bokis of
dyuyſiouns, and in o volym of Pſalmys; þe þridde is of
Salomon, hauynge þre bokis, Prouerbis, þat þei clepen Kyngis, and nowe bygynneþ þe firſt book.
Parablis, þat is, Maſloth; þe ferþe Eccleſiaſten, þat is,
Coelech; þe fifþe is Soonge of Songis, whom þei before noten Capitulum I.
bi title Syraſſyrym; þe ſixte is Danyel; þe ſeuenþe
Dabreiamyn, þat is, þe wordis of days, þe whiche more i There was a man of Ramathaym of Sophym, of þe hil of
nameli we mowen clepe þe Cronycle of al Goddis ſtory, þe Effraym, and þe name of hym Elchana, þe ſone of Jeroboam,
which book anentis vs is wryten Paralypomynon þe Firſt and ſone of Elyuth, ſone of Thau, ſone of Suph, Eufrate.
þe Secounde; þe eiȝtþe Eſdras, þe which and he lijk maner,


ii And he hadde two wyues; name to þe toon Anna, and name hym, and he apere before þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and dwelle þere
to þe ſecounde Phenenna; and þere weren of Phenenne ſonys; contynuely.
forſoþe of Anne þere weren noon free children. xxiii And Helchana, hir man, ſeiþ to hir, Do þat is ſeen to
iii And þat man ſtiede fro his cytee vp þe ordeynd days, for to þee good, and dwel to þe tyme þat þow wene hym; and I
honour and ſacrifie to þe Lord of ooſtis in Sylo. Forſoþe þere preye, þat þe Lord fulfille his word. Þanne þe woman abood,
weren þe two ſonys of Hely, Ophny and Phynees, preeſtis of and ȝaf hir ſone mylk, to þe tyme þat he ſhulde meue hym
þe Lord. awey fro þe mylk.
iiii Þe day þanne cam, and Elchana offerde, and ȝaf to xxiiii And ſhe brouȝte hym wiþ hir, after þat ſhe hadde wened
Phenenne his wijf, and to alle his children and douȝtren hym, wiþ þre calues, and þre buſhelis of meele, and a veſſel
parties; of wyn; and ſhe brouȝte him to þe hows of þe Lord in Sylo.
v forſoþe to Anne he ȝaf o party drerye, for he louede Anne; Forſoþe þe child ȝit was a lytil faunt.
xxv And þei ſlewen a calf, and offreden þe child to Hely.
forſoþe þe Lord hadde cloſid hir wombe.
vi Forſoþe hir enemye tourmentide hir, and hugely angwiſhide, xxvi And Anna ſeiþ, I biſeche, my lord, þi ſoule lyueþ; Y am
in ſo mych þat ſhe putte to reproue, þat þe Lord hadde cloſid þat womman, þat ſtood before þee here, preyinge to þe Lord;
hir wombe. xxvii for þis child I preyede, and þe Lord haþ ȝeuen to me þe
vii And ſo ſhe dyde bi ech ȝeer, whanne, turnynge aȝen þe aſkynge þat I aſkyde hym;
tyme, þei ſtyeden vp into þe hows of þe Lord; and ſhe ſo xxviii þerfor and I haue lent hym to þe Lord alle þe dais, in
terryde hyr. Forſoþe ſhe wepte, and took no meete. þe whiche he were lent to þe Lord. And þere þei honourden
viii Þanne ſeide to hyr Helchana, hir man, Anna, whi wepiſt þe Lord.
þow, and whi etiſt þow nouȝt, and for what cauſe is
tourmentid þin herte? Wheþer am Y not betere to þee þan ten Capitulum II.
ſones? i And
ix Forſoþe Anna roos, after þat ſhe hadde eetyn in Silo and Anna honourde, and ſeiþ, Gladid out is myn herte in
dronken. And Hely þe preeſt ſittynge vpon a litil ſeete, before þe Lord, and areryd is myn horn in my God; maad large is
þe poſtis of þe hows of þe Lord, my mouþ vpon myn enemyes, for Y am glade in þin ȝyuer of
x whanne Anna was in bitter inwit, ſhe preiede þe Lord,
ii Þere is noon holy as is þe Lord; forſoþe ne þere is oþer
wepynge largeli; wiþ out þee, and þere is not ſtrong as our God.
xi and a vowe ſhe vowide, ſeiynge, Lord God of ooſtis, if
iii Wole ȝe not multiplie to ſpeke heiȝe þingis, gloriynge; go
biholdynge þow ſee þe tourmentynge of þi ſeruaunt, and were þere a wey oold þingis fro ȝoure mouþe; for þe God of
recordid of me, ne forȝetiſt þin hoondmaydyn, and ȝyueſt to þi ſciencis Lord is, and to hym ben before maad redi þouȝtis.
ſeruaunt maal kynde, I ſhal ȝyue hym to þe Lord alle þe days iiii Þe boowe of ſtronge men is ouercomen, and feble ben gird
of his lijf, and raſour ſhal not ſtie vpon his heed.
xii Forſoþe it is doon, þat whanne ſhe multipliede preiers wiþ ſtrengþ.
v Þe fillid before for looues han leyd hem ſelf, and þe hungri
before þe Lord, þat Heli weytide hir mouþ.
xiii Forſoþe Anna ſpak in hir herte, and oonli þe lippis of hir ben fulfillid; to þe tyme þat þe bareyn bere wel many, and ſhe
weren meued, and þe vois of hire was not fulli herd. Heli þat many ſones hadde, is feblid.
vi Þe Lord mortifieþ, and quykeneþ; bryngiþ doun to hellis,
þerfor eymyde hir dronken,
xiiii and ſeide to hyr, Howe long ſhalt þou be dronken? Defye and aȝen bryngiþ.
vii Þe Lord makiþ pore, and richeþ; and mekiþ, and
a litil wiȝt þe wyn, bi þe which þou art dronken.
xv Anna anſwerynge, Nay, ſhe ſeiþ, my lord, for a womman vndurreriþ.
viii He bryngiþ vp fro powdre þe nedye, and fro dryt he heueþ
wel mych wretcheful Y am; for wyn and al þat may make
dronken Y dranke not, but I haue held out my ſoule in þe vp þe pore, þat he ſitte wiþ princis, and þe ſeet of glorie he
ſiȝt of þe Lord; holde; of þe Lord forſoþe ben þe vttermooſt parties of þe erþe,
xvi ne hoold þou þin handwomman as oon of þe douȝtres of and he haþ put vpon hem þe world.
ix Þe feet of his halowis he ſhal kepe, and vnpyteuous men in
Belial, for of þe multitude of ſorwe and of my mournynge Y
haue ſpokun vnto nowe. derkneſſis ſhulen waxe ſtille; for in his owne ſtrengþ ſhal not
xvii Þanne Heli ſeiþ to hir, Go in pees, and God of Yrael be ſtrengþid a man.
x Þe Lord ſhulen drede þe aduerſaries of hym, and vpon hem
ȝeue to þee þe aſkynge þat þou haſt preied hym.
xviii And ſhe ſeide, Wolde God þin handwoman fynde grace in heuenes he ſhal þondre; þe Lord ſhal deme þe eendis of
in þin eyen. And þe womman ȝede into hir weye, and eete; erþe, and he ſhal ȝyue empyre to his kyng, and he ſhal hieȝ
and þe cheeris of hir ben not more ouere into dyuerſe þingis þe horn of his Criſt.
xi And Helchana wente in Ramatha, into his hows; forſoþe þe
xix And þei aryſen eerly, and anowreden before þe Lord; and child was ſeruaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord before þe face of
ben turned aȝen, and camen into her hows in Ramatha. Hely þe preeſt.
xii Forſoþe þe ſones of Hely þe ſones of Belial, not knowynge
Forſoþe Helchana knewe Anne his wijf; and þe Lord is
recordid of hir. þe Lord,
xx And doon it is after þe cercle of dais, Anna conceyuede, xiii ne þe office of preeſtis to þe puple; but who ſo euere hadde
and beer a child, and clepide his name Samuel; forþi þat ſhe offerd þe ſlayn ſacrifyce, þe child of þe preeſt cam, while þe
hadde aſkid hym of þe Lord. fleſh were ſoþen, and hadde a fleſh hook þre toþid in his
xxi Forſoþe hir man Helchana ſtiede vp, and al his hows, for hoond;
xiiii and he putte it into þe leede, or into þe cawdroun, or into
to offre to þe Lord a ſolempne ooſt, and his vowe.
xxii And Anna aſſendide not; forſoþe ſhe ſeide to hir man, Y þe pot, or into þe greet panne; and al þat þe fleſhook reryde,
ſhal not goo, to þe tyme þat þe child be wened, and I brynge þe preeſt took to hym ſelf; ſo þei diden to al Irael of men
comynge in Silo.


xv Alſo or þat þei brenten þe fat, þe child of þe preeſt cam, xxxiiii Forſoþe þis ſhal be þe tokne, þat is to come to þi two
and ſeide to þe offrere, Ȝif to me fleſh, þat I ſeeþe to þe ſonys, Ophny and Phynees, in o day þei ſhulen die boþe.
preeſt; I ſhal not take forſoþe ſoþen fleſh, but rawe. xxxv And I ſhal rere to me a trewe preeſt, þat after myn
xvi And þe offrere ſeide to hym, Be brent firſt after þe maner herte and ſoule ſhal doo; and I ſhal bilde to hym a trewe
to day þe talwȝ, and tak to þee as mych as þi ſoule deſireþ. hows, and he ſhal goo before my Criſt alle days.
Þe which anſwerynge ſeide to hym, Nay, forſoþe nowe þow xxxvi Forſoþe it is to come, þat who ſo euere abidiþ ſtil in þin
ſhalt ȝyue; ellis I ſhal tak bi forſe. hows, he come þat it be preyed for hym, and he offre a
xvii Þerfor þe ſynne of þe children was greet wel mych before ſilueren peny, and a round kaak of breed, and ſeye, Lete me,
þe Lord; for þei drowen a wey men fro þe ſacrifice of þe Y biſeche, to o preeſte paarte, þat I eete a morſel of breed.
xviii Forſoþe Samuel ſeruede before þe face of þe Lord, a Capitulum III.
child gird wiþ a ſurpleſſe. i Child
xix And a litil coote his moder made to hym, þe which ſhe forſoþe Samuel mynyſtrede to þe Lord before Hely,
brouȝt þe ordeyned days, ſtiynge vp wiþ hir man for to offre a and þe ſermoun of þe Lord was precious; in þo dais was
ſolempne ooſt, and hir vowe. noon opyn viſioun.
ii It was maad þann on a day, Heli leye in his place, and his
xx And Hely bleſſide to Elchana and to his wijf; and he ſeide
to hym, Þe Lord ȝeelde to þee ſeed of þis womman, for þe eyen daſwiden, and he myȝte not ſee þe lanterne of God,
encrees þat þou haſt lent to þe Lord. And þei wenten into her before it were quenchid.
iii Forſoþ Samuel ſlepte in þe temple of þe Lord, where was
xxi Þanne þe Lord viſitide Anne, and ſhe conſeyuede, and þe arke of God.
iiii And þe Lord clepide Samuel; þe which anſwerynge ſeiþ,
bare þre ſones and two douȝtren. And þe child Samuel is
magnyfied anentis þe Lord. Loo! I.
xxii Forſoþe Hely was wel oold, and he herde alle þingis þat v And he ranne to Hely, and ſeide to hym, Loo! Y; þou haſt
his ſones diden in al Yrael, and what maner wiſe þei ſlepten clepid forſoþe me. Þe which ſeide, I haue not clepid þee; turn
wiþ wymmen, þe whiche weyteden at þe dore of þe tabernacle. aȝen and ſleep. And he ȝede and ſlept.
xxiii And he ſeide to hem, Whi doon ȝe ſiche maner þingis, þe vi And þe Lord eft leyde to to clepe Samuel; and Samuel
which I here werſt þingis of al þe puple? ryſynge ȝede to Heli, and ſeide, Loo! Y; for þou haſt clepid
xxiiii Wole ȝe not, my ſones; it is not good loos þat Y here, me. Þe which anſweryde, Y haue not clepid þee, ſone myn;
þat ȝe maken to treſpas þe puple of þe Lord. turn aȝen and ſleep.
vii Forſoþe Samuel ȝit not knewe þe Lord, ne þe ſermoun of
xxv If a man ſynneþ in a man, God may be pleſid to him;
forſoþe if in to þe Lord a man ſynneþ, who ſhal preye for þe Lord was openyd to hym.
viii And þe Lord leide to, and ȝit clepide Samuel þe þridde
hym? And þei herden not þe voyce of her fader, for God wold
ſleen hem. tyme; þe which ryſynge ȝede to Hely, and ſeiþ, Loo! Y; for
xxvi Forſoþe Samuel þe child profitide, and wexe; and he þou haſt clepid me. Þanne Hely vndurſtood, þat þe Lord
pleſide boþ to God and to men. clepide þe child;
ix and he ſeiþ to Samuel, Go and ſleep; and if herafter he
xxvii Forſoþe þere cam a man of God to Heli, and ſeiþ to
hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Wheþer not apertly Y am clepe þee, þou ſhalt ſeye, Spek, Lord, for þi ſeruaunt heriþ.
ſhewid to þe hows of þi fader, whanne þei weren in Egipt, in Þanne Samuel wente and ſlept in his place.
x And þe Lord cam, and ſtood, and clepide as he clepide þe
þe hows of Pharao?
xxviii And I cheeſe him of alle þe lynagis of Yrael to me in ſecounde tyme, Samuel, Samuel. And Samuel ſeiþ, Spek,
to preeſt, þat he ſhulde ſtie vp to myn auter, and brenne to Lord, for þi ſeruaunt heriþ.
xi And þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Loo! Y doo a word in
me encenſe, and beer before me ephot; and I haue ȝouen to þe
hows of þi fader alle þingis of þe ſacrifices of þe ſones of Yrael, þe which who ſo euere heriþ, boþe his eeris ſhulen
Yrael. tynclen.
xxix Whi wiþ þe heele ȝe han þrowen awey my ſlayn ſacrifice, xii In þat day I ſhal arere aȝens Hely alle þingis, þe whiche
and my ȝiftis, þat I haue comaundid to be offred in þe I haue ſpokun vpon þe hows of hym; Y ſhal bigynne, and
temple; and more þou haſt honourede þi ſones þan me, þat ȝe fulfille.
myȝten eete þe cheefe þingis of al þe ſacrifice of Yrael, my xiii Forſoþe I ſeide before to hym, þat I was to deme his
puple? hows wiþout ende for wickidnes; for þi þat he knewe his
xxx Þerfor ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Spekynge I haue ſonys vnworþili to doon, and vndurnam hem not.
ſpoken, þat þin hows and þe hows of þi fader ſerue in my ſiȝt xiiii Þerfore Y ſwore to þe hows of Hely, þat þe wickidnes of
into wiþ out ende; forſoþe nowe ſeiþ þe Lord, Awey be þat fro hys hows ſhal not be doon a ſeeþ before wiþ ſlayn ſacrifices
me; but who ſo euere honouriþ me, Y ſhal glorifie hym; and ȝiftis vnto wiþ out ende.
forſoþe who diſpiſen me, ſhulen be vnnoble. xv Forſoþe Samuel ſlept vnto þe morwe, and he openyde þe
xxxi Loo! þe dais comen, and I ſhal kut of þin arme, and þe dorys of þe hows of þe Lord; and Samuel dredde to ſhewe þe
arme of þe hows of þi fadre, þat þere be not an oold man in viſyoun to Hely.
þin hows. xvi Þanne Hely clepide Samuel, and ſeide, Samuel, my ſone.
xxxii And þou ſhalt ſee þin enemye in þe temple, in alle þe
Þe which anſwerynge ſeiþ, Y am redy.
welſum þingis of Yrael; and þere ſhal not be an oold man in xvii And he aſkide hym, What is þe word þat þe Lord haþ
þin hous alle dais. ſpoken to þee? Y preye þee, ne hele þou fro me; þes þingis do
xxxiii Neuerþelater I ſhal not doo awey fulli fro þee a man to þee God, and þes þingis adde, if þou hidiſt fro me a word
fro myn auter, but þat þin eyen faylen, and þi lijf fayle; and a of alle þe wordis þat ben ſeyd to þee.
greet parti of þin hows ſhal die, whanne to mannus age it xviii And Samuel ſhewide to hym alle þe wordis, and hidde
ſhal come. not fro hym. And he anſwerde, A Lord he is; þat good is in
his eyen, do he.


xix Forſoþe Samuel wexe, and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and alſo and þi two ſones been deed, Ophny and Phynees, and þe
þere felle not into þe erþe of alle þe wordis of hym. arke of God is takun.
xx And alle Yrael knewȝ fro Dan vnto Berſabee, þat Samuel xviii And whanne he hadde nemnyd þe arke, he felle fro þe
was þe feiþful prophet of þe Lord. litil ſeet backward biſide þe dore, and þe ſcullis brokun, he is
xxi And þe Lord addide þat he ſhulde apere in Sylo, for þe deed. Forſoþe an oold man he was, and of greet age; and he
demyde Yrael fourti ȝeer.
Lord was ſhewid to Samuel in Sylo after þe word of þe xix His douȝtre in lawe forſoþe, þe wijf of Phynees, was wiþ
Lord; and þe word of Samuel felle `into al Yrael.
child, and nyȝ to þe berynge; and þe meſſager herde þat þe
arke of God was takun, and hir fader in lawe deed, and hir
Capitulum IIII. man, ſhe bowide hir ſelf, and bare child; forſoþe þere fellen in
i And it is doon in þo days Philiſtien camen togidre into fiȝt; hir ſodeyn ſorwis.
xx Forſoþe in þat moment of her deeþ ſeiden to hir, þat ſtoden
forſoþe and Yrael wente out into batayl to meet Phyliſtien,
and he ſette tentis biſyde þe ſtoon of help. Forſoþe Philiſtien about hir, Ne drede þow, for a ſone þow haſt born. Þe which
camen into Aphet, anſwerde not to hem, forſoþe ne took hede.
ii and maden ſhiltroun aȝens Yrael. Forſoþe, þe ſtrijf bigun, xxi And ſhe clepide þe child Hicaboth, ſeiynge, Tranſlatid is
Yrael turnede backis to þe Philiſtiens; and þere ben ſlayn in þe glorye of þe Lord fro Irael, for takun is þe ark of God;
þat ſtrijf paſmele bi feeldis as foure þowſandys of men; and for hir fader in lawe and for hir man ſhe ſeiþ,
iii and þe puple is turnede aȝen to þe tentis. And þe more xxii Tranſlatid is þe glorie of God fro Yrael; forþi þat þe arke
þurȝ birþ of Yrael ſeyden, Whi haþ þe Lord ſmyten vs to day of God was takun.
before Philiſtien? Brynge we forþ to vs fro Sylo þe arke of
þe boond of pees of þe Lord, and come it in þe myddil of vs, Capitulum V.
þat it ſaue vs fro þe hoond of oure enemyes.
iiii Þanne þe puple ſenten into Sylo, and token þens þe arke i Philiſtien forſoþe token þe arke of God, and beren it fro þe
of þe boond of pees of þe Lord of ooſtis, ſittynge vpon ſtoon of help into Azoth.
cherubym. And þe two ſones of Hely, Ophny and Phynees, ii And Philiſtien token þe arke of God, and brouȝten it into
weren wiþ þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord. þe temple of Dagon, and ſetten it beſide Dagon.
v And whanne þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord was iii And whanne Azothis weren ryſen eerli þe toþer day, loo!
comen into þe tentis, al Yrael cryede out wiþ a greet crye, Dagon lay redi in þe eerþ before þe ark of þe Lord. And þei
and þe erþ þurȝ ſownede. token Dagon, and ſetten it aȝen in his place.
vi And Philiſtien herden þe voys of þe crye, and ſeiden, iiii And eft, eerly þe toþer day ryſynge, þei fonden Dagon
Forſoþe what is þis vois of greet crye in þe tentis of liynge vpon his face in þe erþe before þe arke of þe Lord.
Ebrewis? And þei knewen, þat þe arke of þe boond of pees of Forſoþe þe heed of Dagon, and þe two palmys of his hoondis
þe Lord was comen into þe tentis. weren kut awey vpon þe þreſſhwold; forſoþe þe ſtok of Dagon
vii And Philiſtien dredden, ſeiynge, God is comen into þe aloone lafte in his place.
tentis; and inwardly þei weiliden, ſeiynge, Woo to vs! forſoþe v For þis cauſe þe preeſtis of Dagon, and alle þat goon into
þere was not ſo mych gladynge ȝiſterday, ne before ȝiſtirday; his temple, treden not vpon þe þreſſhwold of Dagon in Azoth
viii woo to vs! who ſhal kepe vs fro þe hoondis of þes heiȝe vnto þe day þat is nowe.
goddis? þes ben þe goddis þat ſmyten Egipt bi al veniaunce vi Forſoþe þe hoond of þe Lord is greggid vpon þe Azothis,
in deſeert. and he waſtide hem, and he ſmoot Azothe and his cooſtis in
ix Takiþ coumfort, and `be ȝe men of Philiſtien, ne ſerue ȝe to þe more priue party of þe arſis; and þe towns and feeldis
Ebrewis, as þei ſerueden to vs; takiþ coumfort, and fiȝtiþ. booyleden out in þe mydil of þat regioun, and myis ben born;
x Þanne Philyſtien fouȝten, and Yrael is hewen down, and and þere is doon a greet confuſioun of deeþ in þe cytee.
vii Men forſoþe of Azoth ſeynge ſiche a maner veniaunce
echon fleeȝ into his tabernacle; and þere is doon a wel greet
veniaunce, and þere fellen of Yrael þretti þowſandis of foot ſeiden, Dwel not þe arke of God of Yrael anentis vs; for
men. hard is his hoond vpon vs, and vpon Dagon oure god.
xi And þe arke of God is taken, and þe two ſones of Hely viii And ſeendynge þei gedreden to hem ſelf alle þe mayſtris of
ben deed, Ophny and Phynees. Philiſtiens, and ſeiden, What ſhulen we doo of þe arke of
xii Forſoþe rennynge a man of Beniamyn fro þe ſheltroun cam God of Yrael? And Gethey anſwerden, Þe arke of God of
Yrael be turned about; and þei turneden about þe arke of
into Sylo in þat day, rent þe clooþ, and ſpreynt wiþ powdre God of Yrael.
þe heed; ix Forſoþe hem turnynge it about, þe hoond of þe Lord of a
xiii and whan he was comen, Hely ſat vpon þe litil ſeet aȝens
greet ſlauȝter wel mych was doon vpon alle þe cytees; and he
þe weye abidynge; forſoþe his herte was dredynge for þe arke ſmoot þe men of ech cytee fro litil vnto more, and þe arſroppis
of þe Lord. Forſoþe þat man after þat he is goon yn, toolde of hem goynge out ſtonken; and Gethey wenten into counſeil,
to þe cytee, and al þe cytee ȝellide. and maden to hem leþeren ſeetis.
xiiii And Hely herde þe ſown of þe crye, and ſeide, What is x Þanne þei ſenten þe arke of þe Lord into Acharon. And
þis ſown of þis noyſe? And he hiede, and cam, and toold to whanne þe arke of þe Lord was comen into Acharon,
Hely. Acharonytis cryeden out, ſeiynge, Þei han brouȝt to vs þe
xv Forſoþe Hely was of nynty and eiȝt ȝeer, and his eyen arke of God of Yrael, þat he ſle vs and oure puple.
daſweden, and he myȝt not ſe. xi Þei ſenten þanne, and gedriden togidre alle þe mayſtrys of
xvi And he ſeyde to Hely, Y am þat am comen fro þe batayl, Philiſtiens; þe which ſeiden, Leeue ȝe þe arke of God of
and Y þat haue flowen fro þe ſhiltroun to day. To whom he Yrael, and be it turned aȝen into his place, and ſle it not vs
ſeiþ, What is doon, ſone myn? wiþ oure puple. Forſoþe dreed of deþ was maad in alle þe
xvii Anſwerynge forſoþe he þat toold, ſeiþ, Yrael haþ flowen cytees, and mooſt greuous was greetli þe hoond of þe Lord.
before þe Philiſtiens, and a greet fallynge is doo in þe puple;


xii Forſoþe þe men, þat weren not deed, weren ſmyten in þe xvii Forſoþe þes ben þe golden arſis, þe whiche Philiſtiens for
priuyer party of þe arſis, and þe ȝellynge of ech cytee ſtiede vp þe treſpas ȝolden to þe Lord; Aȝot oon, Gaza oon, Aſhalon
into heuene. oon, Geth oon, Acharon oon;
xviii and goldun myis after þe noumbre of Philiſtiens cytees,
Capitulum VI. of þe fyue prouyncis, fro wallid cytee vnto toun þat was wiþ
i Was
outen wal, and vnto greet Abel, vpon þe which he putte þe
þanne þe arke of þe Lord in þe regioun of þe ark of þe Lord, þat was vnto þat day in þe feeld of Joſue
Philiſtiens ſeuen moneþes; Bethſamyte.
ii and after þes þingis Philiſtiens clepiden þe preeſtis and xix Forſoþe he ſmoot of þe men of Bethſamyte, for þat þei
dyuynours, ſeiynge, What ſhal we doon wiþ þe arke of God? hadden ſeen þe arke of þe Lord, and he ſmoot of þe puple
Shewe ȝe vs, what maner wyſe we ſhulen ſende it aȝen `in to ſeuenti men, and fifti þowſandis of þe raſkeyl. And þe puple
his place. weyliden, whanne þe Lord hadde ſmyten wiþ a greet
iii Þe whiche ſeiden, If ȝe ſenden aȝen þe arke of God of veniaunce þe comoun puple.
Yrael, wole ȝe not leeue it voyde, but þat ȝe owen, ȝeldeþ to xx And þe men of Bethſamyte ſeiden, Who ſhal mowe ſtoond
hym for þe ſynne; and þanne ȝe ſhulen be heelid, and ȝe in þe ſiȝt of þis holy Lord God, and to whom ſhal he ſtye vp
ſhulen knowe, whi þat his hoond goþ not a wey fro ȝow. fro vs?
iiii Þe whiche ſeiden, What is þat for þe treſpaſſe we owen to xxi And þei ſenten meſſagerys to þe dwellers of Caryathyarym,
ȝeeld to it? ſeiynge, Philiſtiens han brouȝt aȝen þe arke of þe Lord;
v And þei anſwerden, After noumbre of prouyncis of comeþ doun, and bryngeþ it aȝen to ȝow.
Philiſtiens fyue golden arſis ȝe ſhulen make, and fyue golden
myis; for o plage was to ȝow alle and to ȝoure maiſtris. And Capitulum VII.
ȝe ſhulen make a licneſſe of ȝoure arſis, and a licneſſe of þe
myis þat han waſtid þe loond; and ȝe ſhulen ȝyue to þe God i Thanne þe men of Caryathyarym camen, and brouȝten aȝen
of Yrael glorye, if perauenture he releue his hoond fro ȝou, þe arke of þe Lord, and beren it into þe hows of Amynadab
and fro ȝoure goddis, and fro ȝoure loond. in Gabaa. And þei halweden Eleazer his ſone, for he ſhulde
vi Whi agreggen ȝe ȝoure hertis, as Egipt agreggide, and kepe þe arke of þe Lord.
Pharao his hert? Wheþer not after he is ſmyten, þanne he ii And it is doon, fro what day þe arke of þe Lord dwellide in
lafte hem, and þei ȝeden a wey? Caryathiarym, multiplied ben þe days; forſoþe nowe was þe
vii Nowe þanne takiþ, and makiþ a newe weyn, and ioyneþ twentiþe ȝeer; and al þe hows of Yrael reſtide after þe Lord.
two kyen þat han calued late, in þe weyn, to whom is not put iii Forſoþe Samuel ſeiþ to al þe hows of Yrael, ſeiynge, If in
on ȝok; and recloſiþ her calues at home. al ȝoure herte ȝe turnen to þe Lord, doþ awey alien goddis
viii And ȝe ſhulen take þe arke of þe Lord, and putte in þe fro þe mydil of ȝow, Baalym and Aſtaroth; and makiþ redi
weyn; and þe goldun veſſels þat ȝe han payed out to it for þe ȝoure hertis to þe Lord, and ſerueþ to hym alone; and he ſhal
treſpas, ȝe ſhulen put in a litle cofre at þe ſide of it; and leeue delyuere ȝow fro þe hond of Philiſtyens.
ȝe it, þat it goo. iiii Þanne þe ſones of Yrael token awey Baalym and
ix And ȝe ſhulen biholden, forſoþe and if bi þe weye of her Aſtaroth, and ſerueden to þe Lord alone.
cooſtis it ſtie vp aȝen Bethſames, it haþ doo to ȝou þis greet v Forſoþe Samuel ſeide, Gederiþ al Yrael in to Maſphat, þat
yuel; forſoþe if not, we ſhulen wyte þat þe hoond of it haþ not Y preye þe Lord for ȝou.
towchid vs, but by hap it haþ fallun. vi And þei camen togidre in Maſphat, and þei drewen water,
x Þanne þei diden þis wiſe; and takynge two kyen þat ȝauen and heelden out in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and þei faſtiden in þat
calues ſowke, þei ioyneden to þe wayn; forſoþe þe calues of day, and ſeiden, To þee we han ſynned, Lord. And Samuel
hem þei cloſiden at home. demyde þe ſones of Yrael in Maſphat.
xi And þei putten þe arke of God vpon þe wayn, and þe litle vii And Philiſtiens herden þat þe ſones of Yrael weren gedryd
coofre þat hadde þe golden myis, and þe licnes of arſis. in Maſphat; and þe ſatrapis of Philiſtiens ſtieden vp to Yrael.
xii Forſoþe þe kyen ȝeden euen ryȝt bi þe weye þat lediþ to Þe which þing whanne þe ſones of Yrael hadden herd, þei
Bethſames; and in o weye þei wenten goynge and loowynge, dredden fro þe face of Philiſtiens.
and þei boweden not aſyde ne to þe ryȝt ne to þe left; but and viii And þei ſeiden to Samuel, Ne ceeſe þow for vs to crye to
þe mayſtris of Philiſtyens folweden vnto þe teermys of þe Lord oure God, þat he ſaue vs fro þe hond of Philiſtyens.
Bethſames. ix Forſoþe Samuel took o ſowkynge loomb, and offrede it into
xiii Forſoþe Bethſamytis repiden whete in þe valey, and hool brent ſacrifice to þe Lord. And Samuel criede to þe Lord
rerynge vp þe eyen þei ſeen þe arke, and þei ioyeden, whanne for Yrael; and þe Lord herde hym.
þei hadden ſeen. x Forſoþe it is doon, whanne Samuel offrede brent ſacryfice,
xiiii And þe wayn cam into þe feeld of Joſue Bethſamyte, and Philiſtiens to-goon into batayl aȝens Yrael. Forſoþe þe Lord
ſtood þere. Forſoþe a greet ſtoon was þere; and þei heweden þundryde wiþ greet crakkynge in þat day vpon þe Philiſtiens,
þe trees of þe wayn, and þe kien þei putten vpon, þe brent and he feeride hem; and þei ben ſlayn fro þe face of Yrael.
ſacrifice to þe Lord. xi And þe ſones of Yrael goon out fro Maſphat, purſueden
xv Forſoþe Leuytis putten down þe arke of God, and þe litil Philiſtiens, and ſmyten hem vnto þe place þat was vndur
coofre þat was biſide it, in þe which weren þe golden veſſels; Bethaar.
and þei putten vpon þe greet ſtoon. Forſoþe Bethſamytis men xii Forſoþe Samuel took a ſtoon, and putte it betwix Maſphat
offreden brent ſacrifice, and ſlewen ſacrifices in þat day to þe and betwix Sen; and he clepide þe name of þat place Þe
Lord. ſtoon of help. And he ſeide, Hidir to þe Lord haþ holpen to
xvi And þe fyue mayſtris of Philiſtiens ſeen, and ben turned vs.
aȝen into Acharon in þat day. xiii And Philiſtiens ben mekid, and no more ouer þei leiden
to þat þei camen into þe teermys of Yrael. And ſo is doon þe
hoond of þe Lord vpon Philiſtyens alle þe days of Samuel.


xiiii And þe cytees þat þe Philiſtiens token fro Yrael, ben xx and we forſoþe ſhulen be as oþer folk of kynde, and oure
ȝolden aȝen to Yrael, fro Accharon vnto Geth and his kyng ſhal deme vs, and he ſhal go out before vs, and he ſhal
teermys; and he delyueride Yrael fro þe hoond of Philiſtyens; fiȝt oure batayl for vs.
and pees was bitwix Yrael and Ammorre. xxi And Samuel herde alle þe wordis of þe puple, and ſpak
xv Forſoþe Samuel demyde Yrael alle þe days of his lijf; hem in þe eeris of þe Lord.
xvi and wente bi eche ȝeer enuyrounynge Bethel, and Galgal, xxii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Here þow þe voys of
and Maſphat, and he demyde Yrael in þe forſeid placis; hem, and ſet vpon hem a kyng. And Samuel ſeiþ to þe men
xvii and turned aȝen in to Ramatha, forſoþe þere was his of Yrael, Goo ech man into his cytee.
hows; and þere he demyde Yrael, and he bildide vp þere alſo
an auter to þe Lord. Capitulum IX.
i And þere was a man of Beniamyn, Cys bi name, þe ſone of
Capitulum VIII. Abyel, ſone of Seor, ſone of Bethor, ſone of Aphya, ſone of
i Forſoþe it is doon whanne Samuel wexe oold, he putte his þe man of Gemyny, ſtronge bi ſtrengþ.
ſones domeſmen of Yrael. ii And þer was to hym a ſone, Saul bi name, choſyn and
ii And þe name of his firſt geten ſone was Joel, þe name of good; and þere was not a man of þe ſones of Iſrael betere
þe ſecounde Abya, domyſmen in Berſabe. þan he; fro þe ſhuldre and aboue he peeryde aboue al þe
iii And þe ſones of hym wenten not in his weyes, but puple.
iii Forſoþe þe ſhee aſſys of Cys, fadre of Saul, weren loſt.
boweden aſide after aueryce, and þei token ȝiftis, and þei
peruertiden doom. And Cys ſeide to Saul his ſone, Tak wiþ þee oon of þe
iiii Þann alle þe more þurȝ birþ of Yrael gedrid, camen to children, and ryſynge go, and ſeche þe ſhe aſſis.
iiii Þe which whanne þei hadden paſſid bi þe mount of
Samuel in Ramatha.
v And þei ſeiden to hym, Loo! þou art waxen oold, and þi Effraym, and bi þe loond of Saliza, and þei hadden not
foundun, þei paſſiden alſo bi þe loond of Salym, and þere
ſones goon not in þi weyes; ordeyn to vs a kyng, þat he deme was noon; bot and by þe loond of Gemyny, and þei founden
vs, and as alle nacyouns han. not.
vi And þe word diſpleſide in þe eyen of Samuel, forþi þat þei v Forſoþe whanne þei weren comen into þe loond of Suph,
hadden ſeid, Ȝif to vs a kyng, þat he deme vs. And Samuel and hadden not foundun, Saul ſeide to his chijld þat was wiþ
preide to þe Lord. hym, Come, and turne we aȝen; leſt perauenture my fadre
vii Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Here þe voys of þe leeue þe ſhe aſſis, and be byſie for vs.
puple in alle þingis þat þei ſpeken to þee; forſoþe þei han not vi Þe which ſeiþ to hym, Loo! þe man of God is in þis cytee,
þrowun a wey þee, but me, leſt Y regne vpon hem. a noble man; al þat he ſpekiþ, wiþ out dout it comeþ. Now
viii Aftir alle her werkis þat þei han doo, fro þe day þat Y þanne goo we þidre, if perauenture he ſhewe to vs of oure
ladde hem out of Egipt vnto þis day, as þei forſoken me, and weye, for þe which we ben comen.
ſerueden to alien goddis, ſo þei doon alſo to þee. vii And Saul ſeyde to his child, Loo! we ſhulen go; what
ix Nowe þanne here þe voyce of hem; neuerþelater take hem ſhulen we brynge to þe man of God? Breed fayliþ in oure
togidre to witneſſe; and ſey before to hem þe riȝt of a kyng, þe ſackis, and a lepe we han not, þat we ȝyuen to þe man of
which is to regne vpon hem. God, ne eny oþer þing.
x And ſo Samuel ſeide alle þe wordis of þe Lord to þe puple, viii Eft þe child anſwerde to Saul, and ſeiþ, Loo! þere is
þat aſkiden of him a kyng; founden in myn hoond þe feerþ part of a ſicle of ſiluer; and
xi and ſeiþ, Þis ſhal be þe riȝt of a kyng, þat is to comaunde ȝyue we to þe man of God, þat he ſhewe to vs oure weye.
to ȝou; ȝoure ſonys he ſhal take, and putte in his charys; and ix Sumtyme in Yrael þus ſpak echon goynge to counſeyle
he ſhal make to hym ryders, and before renners of his long God, Comeþ, and goo we to þe ſeer; forſoþe he, þat to day is
cartis; ſeid a prophet, ſumtyme was clepid ſeer.
xii and he ſhal ordeyn to hym rewlers of þowſandis, and x And Saul ſeide to his child, Alþerbeſt is þi word; com, go
rewlers of hundridis, and ereres of his feeldis, and repers of we. And þei wenten into þe cyte, in þe which was þe man of
cornys, and ſmyþis of aarmys, and of his charis. God.
xiii Forſoþe ȝoure douȝtres he ſhal make to him oynement xi And whanne þei ſtieden vp þe hil of þe citee, þei founden
makers, and fier makers, and cloþmakers. children wymmen goynge out to drawe watir, and þei ſeiden
xiiii Forſoþe ȝoure feeldis and vynes and olyues, þe beſt he to hem, Wheþer here is þe ſeer?
ſhal take, and ȝyue to his ſeruauntis. xii Þe which anſwerynge ſeiden to hem, Here he is, loo!
xv But and ȝoure cornys, and þe rentis of vynes he ſhal tiþe, before þee; hye nowe, forſoþe to day he cam into þe cytee; for
þat he ȝyue to geldyngis and to his ſeruauntis. to day is ſacrifice of þe puple in þe heiȝe.
xvi Forſoþe ȝoure ſeruauntis and hoondwymmen, and þe beſt xiii Goynge into þe cyte anoon ȝe ſhulen fynde hym, or he ſtie
ȝonge men and aſſis he ſhal take awey, and putte in his vp into þe hiȝe for to eete; forſoþe ne þe puple is to eete to þe
werk. tyme þat he come, for he ſhal bleſſe to þe ooſt, and þere after
xvii Forſoþe ȝoure flockis he ſhal tiþe, and ȝe ſhulen be to him ſhulen eete þat ben clepid. Nowe þanne ſtieþ vp, for to day ȝe
ſhulen fynde hym.
ſeruauntis. xiiii And þei ſtieden vp into þe cytee. And whanne þei wenten
xviii And ȝe ſhulen crye in þat day fro þe face of ȝoure kyng,
in þe mydil of þe cyte, Samuel aperyde goynge out metynge
whom ȝe han choſun to ȝow; and þe Lord ſhal not here ȝou in to hem, þat he ſtye vp into þe heiȝ.
þat day, for ȝe han aſkid to ȝou a kyng. xv Forſoþe þe Lord hadde toold þe litil eer of Samuel before
xix Forſoþe þe puple wolden not here þe vois of Samuel, but
o day, þat Saul cam, ſeiynge,
ſeiden, Nay, forſoþe a kyng ſhal be vpon vs; xvi Þis ſame our þat nowe is to morwe, Y ſhal ſeende to þee
a man of þe loond of Beniamyn, and þow ſhalt anoynt hym


duyk vpon my puple Yrael, and he ſhal ſaue my puple fro þe goon into þe cytee, þere þow ſhalt haue metynge a floc of
hoond of Philiſtyens; for I haue biholden my puple, forſoþe prophetis comynge doun fro þe heeȝ, and before hem a
þe crye of hem is comen to me. ſawtrye, and a tymbre, and a trompe, and an harp, and hem
xvii And whanne Samuel hadde beholden Saul, þe Lord ſeide propheciynge.
to hym, Loo! þe man þat I ſeide to þee; þis ſhal lordſhip to vi And þe Spyrit of þe Lord ſhal leep into þee, and þow ſhalt
my puple. prophecye wiþ hem, and þow ſhalt be chaungid into anoþer
xviii Forſoþe Saul neiȝede to Samuel in þe mydil of þe ȝate, man.
and ſeiþ, Shewe to me, Y preye, where is þe hows of þe vii Whanne þanne alle þes toknes comen to þee, do what
ſeer? euere þingis fyndiþ þin hoond, for þe Lord is wiþ þee.
xix And Samuel anſwerde to Saul, ſeiynge, Y am þe ſeer; ſty viii And þow ſhalt goo doun before me in Galgala; forſoþe Y
vp before me into þe heiȝ, þat þou eete wiþ me to day, and Y ſhal come down to þee, þat þow offre an offrynge, and offre
ſhal leeue þee þe morwetide, and alle þingis þat ben in þin peſible ſlayn ſacrificis; ſeuen days þow ſhalt abide, to þe tyme
herte Y ſhal ſhewe to þee. þat Y come to þee, and ſhewe to þee what þow doo.
xx And of þe aſſis `þe which þre days hens þou loſtiſt, ne be ix And ſo whanne he hadde turned his ſhuldre, þat he ȝede fro
þow byſy, for þei ben foundun; and of whom ſhulen be alle þe Samuel, God wiþ ynne chaungide to hym anoþer herte, and
beſt þingis of Yrael, wheþer not to þee, and to al þe hows of alle þes toknes camen in þat day.
þi fader? x And þei camen to þe forſeyd hil, and loo! a companye of
xxi Forſoþe Saul anſwerynge ſeiþ, Wheþer not þe ſone of prophetis metynge to hym; and þe Spyryt of þe Lord leepe yn
Gemyny Y am, of þe leeſt lynage of Yrael, and my kynrede vpon hym, and he propheciede in þe mydil of hem.
þe laſt among alle þe meynees of þe lynage of Beniamyn? xi Forſoþe ſeynge alle, þat knewen hym ȝiſtyrday and þe
Whi þanne haſt þou ſpoken to me þes wordis? þridde day hens, þat he was wiþ prophetis, and prophecide,
xxii And ſo Samuel takynge Saul, and hys child, brouȝte hem ſeiden togidre, What nowe þing falliþ to þe ſone of Cys?
into þe hows of þre benchis, and he ȝaf to hem a place in þe Wheþer and Saul among þe prophetis?
cheefe of hem þat weren boden to meet; forſoþe þere weren as xii And anoþer anſwerde to þe toþir, ſeiynge, And who is þe
þretti men. fadre of hym? Þerfor it is turnyd into a prouerbe, Wheþer
xxiii And Samuel ſeide to þe cook, Ȝif þow þe part þat I ȝaf and Saul among þe prophetis?
to þee, and comaundide, þat þow ſhulde lay aſide anentis þee. xiii Forſoþe he ceſide to prophecie, and cam to þe heiȝ.
xxiiii And þe cook reryde þe ſhuldre, and putte before Saul. xiiii And þe broþer of þe fader of Saul ſaide to hym, and to
And Samuel ſeide, Loo! þat is laft, put before þee, and ete; his child, Whidre `wenten ȝe? Þe whiche anſwerde, To ſeche
for of purpos it is kept to þee, whanne Y clepide þe puple. þe ſhe aſſis; þe whiche whanne we hadden not founde, we
And Saul eet wiþ Samuel in þat day. camen to Samuel.
xxv And þei wenten down fro þe heiȝ into þe burȝ town; and xv And his fader broþer ſeide to him, Shewe to me what
he ſpak wiþ Saul in þe ſolere, and he beddide Saul in þe Samuel ſeide to þee.
ſolere, and he ſlepte. xvi And Saul ſeiþ to his fader broþir, He ſhewide to vs, for
xxvi And whanne eerly þei weren ryſen, and nowe þe day
þe ſhe aſſis weren founden. Forſoþe of þe word of þe
wexe liȝt, Samuel clepide Saul into þe ſolere, ſeyynge, Ryſe, kyngdam he ſhewide not to hym, þe which Samuel ſpak to
þat Y leeue þee. And Saul roos, and boþe þei wenten oute, hym.
he, þat is, and Samuel. xvii And Samuel clepide togidre þe puple to þe Lord in
xxvii And whanne þei weren goo down in þe vttermoſt parti of
þe cytee, Samuel ſeide to Saul, Sey to þe child, þat he goo xviii and ſeiþ to þe ſones of Yrael, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord
before vs, and paſſe forþ; forſoþe þow ſtoond ſtil a litil, while
þat Y ſhewe to þee þe word of þe Lord. God of Yrael, Y haue ladde out Yrael fro Egipt, and Y haue
delyuerde ȝow fro þe hoond of Egipciens, and fro þe hoond of
alle kyngis þat tourmentiden ȝow.
Capitulum X. xix Forſoþe ȝe to day han þrowun a wey ȝoure God, þe which
i Samuel forſoþe took a `litil brytil veſſel of oyle, and heelde alone ſaueþ ȝow fro alle yuels, and ȝoure tribulaciouns; and
out on his heed, and he kiſſide hym, and ſeiþ, Loo! þe Lord ȝe han ſeiden, Nay, but a kyng ordeyn vpon vs. Nowe þanne
haþ anoyntide þee vp on his erytage into a prince; and þow ſtondiþ before þe Lord bi ȝoure lynagis, and by meynees.
ſhalt delyuer his puple fro þe hoondis of her enemyes, `þe xx And Samuel appliede alle þe lynagis of Yrael, and þe lot
which ben in enuyroun of it. And þis to þee a tokne, for þe felle vpon þe lynage of Beniamyn.
Lord haþ anoyntide þee into a prince; xxi And he apliede þe lynage of Beniamyn, and þe kynredis
ii whanne þow goſt to dai fro me, þow ſhalt fynde two men
of hym; and lot felle vpon þe kynrede of Metry, and cam vnto
byſide þe ſepulcre of Rachel, in þe cooſtis of Beniamyn, in þe Saul, þe ſone of Cys. Þanne þei ſouȝten hym, and he is not
mydday, feermynge greet dichis; and þei ſhulen ſeye to þee, founden þere.
Þe ſhe aſſis ben foundun, to þe whiche to be ſouȝt þou xxii And þei counſeilden after þes þingis þe Lord, forſoþe
wentiſt; and þi fader, þe meen while þe aſſis laft, is biſy for wheþer he were to come þidre. And þe Lord anſwerde, Loo!
ȝow, and ſeiþ, What ſhal Y do of my ſone? he is hidde at home.
iii And whanne þou goſt þens, and ferþer paſſiſt, and comeſt
xxiii And ſo þei runnen, and token hym þens; and he ſtood in
to þe ook of Thabor, þre men ſhulen fynde þee þere, ſtiynge þe mydil of þe puple, and he was heiȝer þan al þe puple fro
vp to God into Bethel, oon berynge þre kyddis, and anoþer þe ſhuldres and aboue.
berynge þre kakis of breed, and anoþer berynge a galoun of xxiiii And Samuel ſeiþ to al þe puple, Certis ȝe ſeen whom þe
iiii And whanne þei ſaluten þee, þei ſhulen ȝyue to þee two Lord haþ choſun; for þere is noon lijk to hym in al þe puple.
looues, and þow ſhalt take of þe hoond of hem. And al þe puple criede, and ſeiþ, Lyue þe kyng!
xxv Forſoþe Samuel ſpak to þe puple þe lawe of þe rewme,
v After þes þingis þou ſhalt come into þe hil of þe Lord,
where is þe ſtacioun of Phyliſtynes; and whanne þow were and wroot in þe book, and leyde vp before þe Lord. And
Samuel laft al þe puple, eche into her hows;


xxvi but and Saul wente into his hows in Gabaath; and Capitulum XII.
wente wiþ hym a paart of þe ooſt, of whom God hadde i Forſoþe
towchid þe hertis. Samuel ſeide to alle Yrael, Loo! I haue herd ȝoure
xxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Belial ſeiden, Wheþer þis ſhal mowe voys aftir alle þingis þat ȝe han ſpokun to me, and I haue
ſaue vs? And þei diſpyſiden hym, and brouȝten not to hym ordeynd vpon ȝou a kyng;
ii and nowe þe kyng goþ before ȝow. Forſoþe Y haue eeldid,
ȝiftis; forſoþe he feynde, as þouȝ he herde not.
and waxen hoor; forſoþe my ſones ben wiþ ȝow; alſo
Capitulum XI. conuerſaunt before ȝou fro my ȝongþ vnto þis day.
iii Loo! Y am redi; ſpek ȝe to me before þe Lord, and before
i And it is doon as after a moneþ, Naas Amonite ſtiede vp, þe criſt of hym; wheþer oxe of eny man Y took, or aſſe; if eny
and bigan to fiȝt aȝens Jabes Galaath. And alle þe men of man Y chalengide; if Y oppreſſide eny man; if of þe hoond of
Jabes ſeiden to Naas, Haue þow vs boundun in pees, and eny man Y took ȝift; and Y ſhal diſpiſe it to day, and reſtore
we ſhulen ſerue to þee. to ȝow.
ii And Naas Amonyte anſwerde to hem, In þis I ſhal ſmyte iiii And þei ſeiden, Þow haſt not chalengid vs, ne oppreſſid,
wiþ ȝou boond of pees, þat I drawe out þe ryȝt eyen of ȝow ne takyn eny þing of þe hoond of eny man.
alle, and Y put ȝou reproue in al Yrael. v And he ſeide to hem, Witneſſe is þe Lord aȝens ȝow, and
iii And þe eldres of Jabes ſeiden to hym, Graunt to vs ſeuen witneſſe þe criſt of hym in þis day; for ȝe han not founden in
days, þat we ſenden meſſagers to alle þe teermes of Yrael; myn hoond eny þing. And þei ſeiden, Witneſſe.
and if þere weren not þe which defende vs, we ſhulen goon vi And Samuel ſeiþ to þe puple, Þe Lord, þat made Moyſen
out to þee. and Aaron, and ladde ȝoure fadres fro þe loond of Egipt, is
iiii Þanne meſſagers camen into Gabaath of Saul, and ſpeken nyȝ;
þe wordis, herynge þe puple; and al þe puple reryde her voys, vii now þanne ſtondiþ, þat in doom I ſtryue aȝens ȝow before
and wepte. þe Lord, of alle þe mercyes of þe Lord, þat he haþ done wiþ
v And, loo! Saul cam, folowynge þe oxen fro þe feeld; and ȝow, and wiþ ȝoure fadres.
ſeiþ, What haþ þe puple, þat he wepiþ? And þei toolden to viii What maner wiſe Jacob wente into Egipt, and ȝoure
hym þe wordis of þe men of Jabes. fadres crieden to þe Lord; and þe Lord ſente Moyſes and
vi And þe Spyrit of þe Lord leepe into Saul, whanne he Aaron, and ladde ȝoure fadres out of Egipt, and ſette hem in
hadde herd þes wordis, and þe woodneſſe of hym wraþþid wel þis place.
mych. ix Þe whiche forȝeten of þe Lord, her God; and he took hem
vii And takynge to eiþer oxe he hewȝ into gobetis, and ſente in þe hoond of Cyſar, mayſter of þe knyȝthod of Aſor, and in
into alle þe teermys of Yrael, bi þe hoond of þe meſſageers, þe hoond of Philiſtiens, and in þe hond of þe king of Moab;
ſeiynge, Who ſo euere goþ not out, and haþ not folwid Saul and þei fouȝten aȝens hem.
and Samuel, þus ſhal be doo to þe oxen of hym. Þanne þe x Forſoþe aftyrward þei cryeden to þe Lord, and ſeiden, We
dreed of þe Lord cauȝte þe puple, and þei wenten out as o han ſynned, for we han forſakun þe Lord, and ſerueden to
man. Baalym and Aſtaroth; nowe þanne delyuer vs fro þe hoond of
viii And he noumbrede hem in Beſeth; and of þe ſones of oure enemyes, and we ſhulen ſerue to þee.
Yrael weren þre hundrid þowſandis; of þe men forſoþe of xi And þe Lord ſente Jeroboal, and Bedan, and Barach, and
Juda þretti þowſandis. Jepte, and Samuel; and he delyuerde ȝow fro þe hoond of
ix And þei ſeiden to þe meſſagers þat camen, So ȝe ſhulen ȝoure enemyes bi enuyroun; and ȝe han dwellid truſtily.
ſeie to þe men þat ben in Jabes of Galaath, To morwe ſhal xii Forſoþe ſeynge þat Naas, þe kyng of þe ſones of Amon,
be to ȝow helþ, whanne þe ſunne hetiþ. Þanne þe meſſagerys was comen aȝens ȝow, ȝe ſeiden to me, Nay, but þe kyng ſhal
camen, and toolden to þe men of Jabes; þe whiche weren comaunde to vs; whanne þe Lord ȝour God ſhulde regne in
glad, ȝow.
x and ſeiden, To morwe we ſhulen goo out to ȝow, and ȝe xiii Nowe þanne ȝoure kyng is redi, whom ȝe han choſen and
ſhulen doo to vs al þat ſhal pleſe to ȝow. aſkid; loo! þe Lord haþ ȝeuen to ȝow a kyng.
xi And it is doon, whanne þe morwe was comen, Saul ſette xiiii If ȝe dreden þe Lord, and ſerueþ to hym, and heriþ þe
þe puple in þre parties; and he wente into þe mydil tentis in voys of hym, and whettiþ not þe mouþ of þe Lord; and ȝe
þe morwetide watche, and he ſmoot Amon `vnto þe tyme þat ſhulen ben, and þe kyng þat comaundiþ to ȝow, folowynge þe
þe day hetide; forſoþe þe toþer ben ſcatrid, ſo þat þere weren Lord ȝoure God.
not laft in hem tweyn togidre. xv Forſoþe if ȝe heren not þe voys of þe Lord, but whettiþ out
xii And þe puple ſeiþ to Samuel, Who is he þis, þat ſeide,
þe word of hym, þe hoond of þe Lord ſhal be vpon ȝow, and
Saul ſhal not regne vpon vs? Ȝif ȝe þe men, and we ſhulen vpon ȝoure fadres.
ſlee hem. xvi But nowe ſtondiþ, and ſeeþ þis greet þing þat þe Lord is
xiii And Saul ſeiþ, Þere ſhal not be ſlayn eny man in þis
to doo in ȝoure ſiȝt.
day, for to day þe Lord haþ doon helþ in Yrael. xvii Wheþer not repynge tyme of whete is to day? Y ſhal
xiiii Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to þe puple, Comeþ, and goo we
inwardly clepe þe Lord, and he ſhal ȝyue voicis, and reynes;
into Galgala, and renewe we þere þe rewme. and ȝe ſhulen wite, and ſeen, for greet yuel ȝe han doo to ȝow
xv And al þe puple ȝede to Galgala, and þei maden þere Saul in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, aſkynge vpon ȝow a kyng.
a kyng before þe Lord in Galgala; and þei offreden peſyble xviii And Samuel criede to þe Lord, and þe Lord ȝaf voicis
ſlayn ſacrifice to þe Lord. And Saul gladdide þere, and alle and reynes in þat day. And al þe puple dredde wel mych þe
þe men of Yrael wel mych. Lord and Samuel;
xix and al þe puple ſeide to Samuel, Prey for þi ſeruauntis to
þe Lord þi God, þat we dyen not; forſoþe we han addid to
alle oure ſynnes yuel, þat we aſken to vs a kyng.


xx Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to þe puple, Wole ȝe not drede; ȝe hym, þat he were a duyk vpon his puple, forþi þat þou haſt
han doon alle þis yuel; neuerþelater wole ȝe not goo awey fro not kept þe þingis þat þe Lord comaundide.
þe bak of þe Lord, but ſerueþ to þe Lord in al ȝoure herte; xv Forſoþe Samuel roos, and ſtiede vp fro Galgalis in Gabaa
xxi and wole ȝe not bowe aſide after veyn þingis, þat ſhulen of Beniamyn; and þe toþer puple ſtieden vp after Saul,
not profyt ȝou, ne ſhulen delyuer ȝou; for veyn þingis þei ben. metynge to þe puple þat ouercamen hem; comynge fro Galgala
xxii And þe Lord ſhal not forſake his puple for his greet in Gabaa, in þe hil of Beniamyn. And Saul noumbrede þe
puple, þat weren foundun wiþ hym as ſixe hundryd men.
name; for þe Lord haþ ſworn to make ȝow to hym a puple. xvi And Saul, and Jonathas his ſone, and þe puple þat was
xxiii Forſoþe God ſheelde þe ſynne fro me in þe Lord, þat I
foundun wiþ hem, was in Gabaa of Beniamyn; forſoþe
ceeſe to prey for ȝow; and I ſhal teche ȝow a riȝt weye and Philiſtiens ſeeten togidre `into aſpijs, for to fiȝten.
good. xvii And þere wenten out for to fiȝte fro þe tentys of
xxiiii Þerfor drediþ þe Lord, and ſerueþ to hym in treuþ, and
Philiſtiens þre cumpanyes; o cumpanye wente aȝens þe weye
of al ȝoure herte; forſoþe ȝe han ſeen þe greet dedis, `þe of Effraym to þe loond of Saul;
whiche he haþ doon in ȝow; xviii forſoþe anoþer wente bi þe weye of Betheron; forſoþe þe
xxv and if ȝe ben ſtedfaſt in malice, and ȝe and ȝoure kyng to
þridde turnede hem to þe weye of þe teerme in þe loond of
gidre ſhulen periſhe. Saba, `ſtondynge nyȝ to þe valey of Seboym aȝens þe deſeert.
xix Forſoþe þere was not an yren ſmiþ foundun in al þe loond
Capitulum XIII. of Yrael; forſoþe Philiſtiens ſhunneden, leſt perauenture þe
iA ſone of o ȝeer was Saul whanne he began to regne; Hebrews maden ſwerd or ſpeer.
xx Þanne al Yrael deſcendide to Philiſtiym, þat echon ſharpe
forſoþe two ȝeer he regnede vpon Irael.
ii And Saul chees to hym þre þowſandis of Yrael, and þere his ſhaar, and diggyng yren, and axe, and purgyng hook;
weren `in Machynas wiþ Saul two þowſandis, in þe hil of xxi for eggys of þe ſharis, and of diggynge yrens, and of
Bethel; forſoþe a þowſand wiþ Jonatha in Gabaa Beniamyn; forkis, and of þe axis weren blunt, vnto a prik to menden.
forſoþe þe toþer puple he ſente aȝen echon into her tabernaclis. xxii And whanne þe day of þe batayl was comen, þere is not
iii And Jonathas ſmoot þe ſtacioun of Philiſtiens, þat was in founden ſwerd and ſpeer in hoond of þe puple þat was wiþ
Gabaa. Þe which þing whanne Philiſtyens hadden herd, Saul Saul and Jonatha, out takun Saul, and Jonatha hys ſone.
criede wiþ a trompe in al þe loond, ſeiynge, Heren þe xxiii Forſoþe þe ſtacioun of Philiſtym wente out, for to ſtye
Ebrewis. ouer into aſpijs to fiȝt.
iiii And al Yrael herde ſiche a maner loos, Saul haþ ſmyten
þe ſtacioun of Philiſtiens; and Yrael areride him aȝens þe Capitulum XIIII.
Philiſtiens; þanne þe puple criede after Saul in Galgala.
v And Philiſtiens ben gedrid to fiȝt aȝens Yrael; þretti i And it felle on a day, þat Jonathas, þe ſone of Saul, ſeide
þouſandis of charys, and ſexe þouſandis of horſmen, and þe to þe ȝong man his ſquyer, Com, and goo we to þe ſtacioun
toþer comoun, as mych grauel þat is in brenk of þe ſee; and of Philiſtyens, þat is biȝonde þat place; to his fader forſoþe
þei ſtiynge vp ſetten tentis `in Machynas, at þe eſte of þat ſame þing he ſhewide not.
Bethauen. ii Forſoþe Saul dwellide in þe vttermooſt parti of Gabaa,
vi Þe which þing whanne þe men of Yrael hadden ſeen, hem vndur a poomgarnet tree, þat was in `þe feeld of Gabaa; and
ſeluen in ſtreit ſet, forſoþe þe puple was tourmentid, and þei þere was a puple wiþ hym as of ſexe hundred men.
hidden hem ſelf in dennys, and in hidils, in ſtonys forſoþe, iii And Achias, þe ſone of Achitob, þe broþer of Ychabod, þe
and in dichis, and in cyſternes. ſone of Phynees, þat was comen of Hely, þe preeſt of þe
vii Forſoþe Hebrewis paſſiden Jordan, þe loond of Gad, and Lord in Silo, beere þe preſtis coope; but and þe puple knewe
of Galaad. And whanne ȝit Saul was in Galgala, al þe puple not whider Jonathas was goon.
is feerd þat folwide hym. iiii Forſoþe þere weren bytwixe þe ſtiyngis vp, bi þe whiche
viii And he abood Samuel ſeuen days `after þe couenaunt, and Jonathas enforſide to goo to þe ſtacyouns of Philiſtiens, heiȝe
Samuel cam not in Galgala; and þe puple is ſlyden fro hym. ſtonys on eiþer ſide, and as in maner of teeþ litle rochis hens
ix Þanne ſeiþ Saul, Bryngiþ to me brent ſacrifice and peſible; and þens before brokun; name to þe oon Booſez, and to þe
toþer þe name Sene;
and he offrede brent ſacrifice. v o litil roche ful heeȝ at þe norþ aȝens Machynas to fiȝten,
x And whanne offrynge he hadde fulfillid þe brent ſacrifice,
and anoþer at þe ſouþ aȝens Gabaa.
loo! Samuel cam; and Saul wente out to mete hym, for to vi Jonathas forſoþe ſeide to þe ȝong man his ſquyer, Come,
ſalute hym.
xi And Samuel ſpak to hym, What haſt þou doon? Saul and paſſe we to þe ſtacioun of þes vncercumcidide, if
perauenture þe Lord do for vs; for it is not to þe Lord hard
anſwerde, For I ſawȝ þat þe puple ſhulde ſlyde awey fro me, to ſaue, or in many or in fewe.
and þou cam not after þe couenauntid dais; forſoþe þe vii And his ſquyer ſeide to hym, Do alle þingis þat pleſen to
Philiſtyens weren gedryd into Machynas;
xii Y ſeide, Nowe Philiſtiens ſhulen come to me in Galgala, þin inwit; go whider þow coueytiſt, I ſhal be wiþ þee where
euere þou wolt.
and þe face of þe Lord I haue not pleſid; þurȝ nede viii And Jonathan ſeiþ, Loo! we goon to þes men; and
conſtreined Y haue offrid brent ſacryfice to þe Lord.
xiii And Samuel ſeide to Saul, Folily þow haſt doon, ne þou whanne we aperen to hem,
ix if þis maner þei ſpeken to vs, Dwel ȝe, to þe tyme þat we
haſt kept þe heeſtis of þe Lord þi God, þe whiche he haþ
comaundid to þee; þe which þing if þou haddiſt not doon, riȝt comen to ȝou; ſtonde we in oure place, ne ſtye we vp to hem.
nowe þe Lord hadde maad redi þi kyngdom vpon Yrael into x Forſoþe if þei ſeyn, Stye ȝe vp to vs; ſtye we vp, for þe
wiþouten ende; Lord haþ takun hem in oure hoondis; þis ſhal be to vs a
xiiii but þi kyngdom ſhal no more ryſe togidre. Þanne þe Lord tokne.
ſouȝte a man after his herte; and þe Lord haþ comaundid to


xi And ſo eiþer aperide to þe ſtacioun of Philiſtiens; and xxx myche more if þe puple hadde eeten of þe preiȝe of her
Philiſtiens ſeiden, Loo! þe Hebrewis goon out fro þe caues, enemyes, þat þei foonden; wheþer not more veniaunce hadde
in þe whiche þei weren hid. be doo in Philiſtees?
xii And þe men ſpeken fro þe ſtacioun to Jonathan and to his xxxi Þanne þei ſmyten in þat day þe Philiſtees fro þe place of
ſquyer, and ſeiden, Stieþ vp to vs, and we ſhulen ſhewe ȝou engynes vnto Hailon. Doun weried is þe puple wel miche;
a þing. And Jonathas ſeiþ to his ſquier, Stie we, folwe me; xxxii and turned to þe praye, took ſheep, and oxen, and
forſoþe þe Lord haþ taken hem into þe hoondis of Yrael. calues, and ſlewen in þe lond; and þe puple eete wiþ blood.
xiii Forſoþe Jonathas ſtyede crepynge wiþ hoondis and feet, xxxiii And þei toolden to Saul, ſeiynge, þat þe puple hadde
and his ſquyer after hym; and whanne þei hadden ſeen þe face ſynned to þe Lord, etynge wiþ blood. Þe which ſeiþ, Ȝe han
of Jonathan, oþer fellen before Jonathan, oþer his ſquyer treſpaſſide; turneþ to me ryȝt nowe a greet ſtoon.
ſlowȝ, folowynge hym. xxxiiii And Saul ſeide, Beþ ȝe ſcatered into þe comouns, and
xiiii And þe firſt veniaunce is doon, þe which ſmoot Jonathas
ſeye ȝe to hem, þat echon brynge to me his oxe and weþer;
and þe ſquyer of hym as of twenti þouſand men, in þe half and ſleeþ vpon it, and etiþ, and ȝe ſhulen not ſynne to þe
party of an akir þat a peyre of oxen in a day is wont to ere. Lord, etynge wiþ blood. And ſo al þe puple brouȝte echon an
xv And a myracle is doon in þe tentis, bi þe feeldys, but and oxe in his hoond vnto nyȝt, and þei ſlowen þere.
al þe puple of þe ſtacioun of hem þat weren at robbynge, wexe xxxv And Saul bildide vp an auter to þe Lord; and þanne
aſtonyed, and þe tentis ben diſturblid; and it felle as a firſt he bigan to bilde an auter to þe Lord.
myracle fro God. xxxvi And Saul ſeide, Falle we vpon þe Philiſtyens bi nyȝt,
xvi And þe weyters of Saul, þat weren in Gabaa of
and waſte we hem vnto þe morwetide liȝt; ne leeue we of hem
Beniamyn, bihelden, and, loo! a multitude þrowun doun, and a man. And þe puple ſeide, Al þat good is ſeen to þee in þin
hidir and þider down fleynge. eyen, do. And þe preeſt ſeiþ, Neiȝ we hider to God.
xvii And Saul ſeiþ to þe puple þat weren wiþ hym, Enſerchiþ, xxxvii And Saul counſeylide þe Lord, ſeiynge, Wheþer ſhal Y
and lokiþ, who ȝede awey fro vs. And whanne þei hadden purſue Philiſtiym, if þou taake hem into þe hoondis of Yrael?
ſouȝt, it is founden not to be neeȝ Jonathas and his ſquyer. And he anſwerde not to hym in þat day.
xviii And Saul ſeiþ to Achyam, Applye þe arke of `þe Lord; xxxviii And Saul ſeide, Aplieþ hidir alle þe corners of þe
forſoþe þe arke of God was þere in þat day wiþ þe ſonys of puple, and witiþ, and ſeeþ, bi whom falliþ þis ſynne to day.
Iſrael. xxxix Þe Lord þe ſaueour of Yrael lyueþ; for if bi Jonathan
xix And whanne Saul ſpak to þe preeſt, greet noyſe is out
my ſone it is doon, wiþ out aȝen drawynge he ſhal die. To þe
ſprongen in þe tentis of Philiſtyen; and it wexe litilmele, and which no man aȝen ſeide to hym of al þe puple.
cleerliker it ſownyde. And Saul ſeiþ to þe preeſt, Wiþdrawe xl And he ſeide to al Yrael, Be ȝe ſeuerd into o parti, and Y
þin hoond.
xx Þanne Saul and þe puple þat was wiþ hym criede togidre; wiþ Jonathan my ſone ſhal be in o parti. And þe puple
anſwerde to Saul, Þat good is ſeen in þin eyen, do.
and þei camen to þe place of þe ſtrijf, and, loo! þe ſwerd of xli And Saul ſeide to þe Lord God of Irael, Lord God of
echon was turned to his neiȝbour, and a greet ſlauȝter wel
mych. Yrael, ȝyue dom, what is, þat þou anſwerſt not to þi ſeruaunt
xxi But and þe Hebrewis þat weren wiþ Philiſtiens ȝiſtirday to day? If in me, or in Jonathan my ſone, is þis wickidnes,
ȝyf ſhewynge; and if þis wickidnes is in þi puple, ȝif holynes.
and bifore ȝiſterdai, and ſtieden vp wiþ hem in þe tentis, ben And Jonathas and Saul ben taken; forſoþe þe puple ȝede out.
turned for to ben wiþ Yrael, þat weren wiþ Saul and xlii And Saul ſeiþ, Leyeþ lot betwix me and Jonathan my
xxii Forſoþe alle þe Iraelitis, þe whiche hadden hid hem ſilf in ſone. And Jonathas is taken.
xliii Forſoþe Saul ſeide to Jonathan, Shewe to me what þow
þe hil of Effraym, herynge þat Philiſtiens weren flowen,
felawſhipten hem ſeluen wiþ hern in þe batayl, and weren wiþ haſt doon. And Jonathas ſhewide to hym, and ſeiþ, Taaſtynge
Saul as twenti þouſandis of men. Y taſtide in þe cop of þe ȝeerd þat was in myn hoond a litil
xxiii And þe Lord ſauyde Irael in þat day. Forſoþe þe fiȝt of hony, and loo! Y dye.
xliiii And Saul ſeiþ, Þes þingis do to me God, and þes
camen vnto Bethauen.
xxiiii And men of Yrael ben felawſhipt to hem ſeluen in þat þingis adde, for bi deeþ þou ſhalt dye, Jonathas.
xlv And þe puple ſeide to Saul, Þanne wheþer Jonathas
day; forſoþe Saul ſwore to þe puple, ſeyynge, Curſid be þe
man þat etiþ breed vnto euen, to þe tyme þat I be vengid of ſhulde dye, þat haþ doo þis greet helþ in Yrael? þat is felony;
myn enemyes. þe Lord lyueþ, oon heer of þe heed of hym ſhal not fal into þe
xxv And al þe puple eete no breed. And alle þe comouns of þe erþe, for wiþ God he haþ wrouȝt to day. Þanne þe puple
delyuerd Jonathan, þat he diede not.
loond camen into a waſt wody place, in þe which was hony on xlvi And Saul wente a wey, and purſuede not Philiſtiym;
þe face of þe feeld.
xxvi And ſo al þe puple wente into þe place of heiȝe trees, and forſoþe Philiſteis wenten a wey into her placis.
xlvii And, þe rewme ſtablid vpon Yrael, Saul fauȝt bi
þere apperide flowyng hony; and no man appliede þe hond to
his mouþ; forſoþe þe puple dredde þe ooþ. enuyroun aȝens alle his enemyes, aȝens Moab, and þe ſones
xxvii Forſoþe Jonathas herde not, whanne his fadre ſwore to of Amon, and Edom, and þe kyngis of Saba, and þe
Philiſteis; and whidir euer he turnede hym ſilf, he venkuſede.
þe puple; and he ſtrauȝt out þe cop of þe ȝeerde, þat he hadde xlviii And, þe ooſt gedrid, he ſmoot Amalech, and he delyuerde
in þe hoond, and he wette into þe hony combe; and he turnede
his hoond to his mouþ, and þe eyen of hym ben liȝtned. Yrael fro þe hoond of his waſtours.
xxviii And anſwerynge oon of þe puple ſeiþ, Þi fader haþ xlix Þer weren forſoþe þe ſones of Saul, Jonathas, and
conſtreynyd þe puple wiþ ooþ, ſeiynge, Curſid be þe man þat Jeſuy, and Melchiſona; names of his two douȝters, name of
etiþ breed to day. Forſoþe þe puple faylide. þe firſt goten Merob, and name of þe laſſe Mycol.
xxix And Jonathas ſeide, My faþer haþ diſturblid þe loond; l And name of þe wijf of Saul Achynoem, þe douȝter of
ȝoure ſelf han ſeen, for myn eyen ben liȝtned, forþi þat Y Achymaas; and þe name of þe prince of his chiualrye Abner,
taaſtide a litil of þis hony; þe ſone of Ner, coſyn germeyn of Saul.


li Forſoþe Cys was þe fader of Saul, and Ner, þe fader of xviii and þe Lord ſente þee into þe weye, and ſeiþ, Go, and
Abner, þe ſone of Abyel. ſle þe ſynful men of Amalech, and þou ſhalt fiȝt aȝens hem
lii Forſoþe þere was ſtrong batail aȝens Philiſties alle þe days vnto þe ſlauȝter of hem.
of Saul; wherfor whom euere Saul ſawȝ a ſtrong man and xix Whi þanne haſt þow not herd þe voys of þe Lord, but
able to bateil, he felawſhipide him to him ſilf. turnediſt to þe preye, and didiſt yuel in þe eyen of þe Lord?
xx And Saul ſeiþ to Samuel, If I haue herd þe voys of þe
Capitulum XV. Lord, and haue goon in þe weye bi þe which þe Lord ſente
i And
me, and haue brouȝt Agag, þe kyng of Amalech, and Amalech
Samuel ſeide to Saul, Þe Lord ſente me, þat I Y ſlewe.
anoynte þee into kyng vpon his puple Yrael; nowe þanne here xxi Forſoþe þe puple took of þe praye, ſheep and oxen, þe
þe voys of þe Lord. cheef of hem þat ben ſlayn, þat þei offren to þe Lord her God
ii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, I haue remembrid alle
in Galgalis.
þingis þat Amalech dide to Yrael; what maner wyſe he xxii And Samuel ſeiþ, Wheþer wole þe Lord brent ſacrifices
wiþſtood to hym in þe weye, whanne he ſhulde ſtye vp fro or ſlayn offryngis, and not more þat it be obeiſhid to þe voice
Egipt. of þe Lord? Forſoþe betre is obeiſhaunce þan ſlayn ſacrificis,
iii Nowe þanne go, and ſmyte Amalech, and deſtruy alle þe
and to take heed more þan to offre þe fatnes of weþeris;
þingis of hym; ne ſpare þou to hym, ne coueyt þou eny þing xxiii for as ſynne of denyynge bi deuelis is to repugne, and as
of his þingis; but ſle fro man vnto womman, and litil child, hidows treſpas of mawmetrye to wiln not aſſent. Forþi þanne
and ſoukynge, oxe, and ſheep, and camel, and aſſe. þat þow haſt þrowen aweye þe word of þe Lord, þe Lord haþ
iiii And ſo Saul comaundide to þe puple, and noumbrede hem
þrowen awey þee, þat þow be not kyng.
as loombs two hundrid þouſandis of foot men, and ten xxiiii And Saul ſeide to Samuel, Y haue ſynned, for I haue
þowſandis of þe men of Juda. broken þe word of þe Lord, and þi wordis, dredynge þe puple
v And whanne Saul was comen vnto þe cyte of Amalech, he
and obeiſhynge to þe voyce of hem;
leyde out aſpies in þe ſtreem. xxv but nowe, Y biſeche, bere my ſynne, and turne aȝen wiþ
vi And Saul ſeide to Cynee, Goþ hens, goþ a wey, and
me, þat I honoure þe Lord.
departiþ fro Amalech, leſt perauenture I enwrappe þee wiþ xxvi And Samuel ſeiþ to Saul, Y ſhal not turne aȝen wiþ
hem; forſoþe þou didiſt mercy wiþ alle þe ſones of Yrael, þee, for þow haſt þrowen a wey þe word of þe Lord, and þe
whanne þei ſtieden vp fro Egipt. And Cynee wente a wey fro Lord haþ þrowen a wey þee, þat þow be not kyng vpon Irael.
þe mydil of Amalech. xxvii And Samuel turnede forto goo awey; forſoþe he cauȝte
vii And Saul ſmoot Amalech fro Euila, to þe tyme þat he cam
to Sur, þat is fro þe regioun of Egipt. þe cop of þe mantil of hym, þe which alſo is rent.
xxviii And Samuel ſeide to hym, Þe Lord haþ kyt þe
viii And he took Agage, þe kyng of Amalech, on lyue; forſoþe
al þe comoun he ſlewȝ in þe mouþ of ſwerd. kyngdam of Yrael fro þee to day, and haþ takyn it to þi
ix And Saul ſparide, and þe puple, to Agag, and to þe beſt
neiȝbore beter þan þow;
xxix forſoþe to þe ouercomer in Yrael he ſhal not ſpare, and
flockis of ſheep, and of drouys, and to cloþis, and to weþeris, þurȝ a þenkynge he ſhal not be bowid; forſoþe ne a man he is
and to alle þingis þat weren fayre; ne þei wolden ſcatere hem; þat he do oþenkynge.
forſoþe what þing was foul and reprouable þat þei deſtruyden. xxx And he ſeiþ, Y haue ſynned; bot nowe honour me before
x Forſoþe þe word of þe Lord is doon to Samuel, ſeiynge,
xi It oþinkiþ me, þat I haue ordeyned Saul a kyng; for he
þe eldren of my puple, and before Yrael; turne aȝen wiþ me,
þat I honour þe Lord þi God.
haþ forſokyn me, and my wordis he haþ not fulfillid in dede. xxxi Þanne Samuel, turned aȝen, folwide Saul, and Saul
And Samuel is ſory, and cryede to þe Lord al nyȝt. honourede þe Lord.
xii And whanne fro niȝt Samuel was ryſen þat he go to Saul
xxxii And Samuel ſeide, Bringiþ to me Agag, þe king of
eerli, it is toold to Samuel, for Saul was comen into Amalech. And offrid is to him Agag alþerfatteſt tremblynge.
Carmeel, and hadde arerid to hym an out ſhynynge tokne of And Agag ſeide, So wheþer `not ſeuereþ bitter deþ?
victory in maner of a bow, and turned was paſſid, and goon xxxiii And Samuel ſeiþ, As þi ſwerd haþ maad wymmen
doun into Galgala. Þanne Samuel cam to Saul, and Saul
offred brent ſacrifice to þe Lord of þe cheef of þe preiys, þat wiþouten free children, ſo þi moder ſhal be wiþ out free
he brouȝte fro Amalech. children among wymmen. And Samuel hewide hym into
xiii And while Samuel was comen to Saul, Saul ſeide to gobbetis before þe Lord in Galgalis.
xxxiiii Forſoþe Samuel ȝede into Ramatha; forſoþe Saul ſtiede
hym, Þou bleſſid of þe Lord, Y haue fulfillid þe word of þe
Lord. vp into his hows in Gabaa.
xiiii And Samuel ſeide, And what is þis voys of flockis þat xxxv And Saul ſawȝ no more Samuel vnto þe day of his deþ;
rengiþ in myn eeris, and of droues þat I here? neuerþelater Samuel weilide Saul, for it oþouȝt þe Lord, þat
xv And Saul ſeiþ, Fro Amalech men han brouȝt þes þingis, he hadde ordeynyd Saul kyng vpon Irael.
forſoþe þe puple ſparede to þe betre ſheep and drouys, for þei
ſhulden be offrid to þe Lord þi God; þe toþer forſoþe we Capitulum XVI.
ſlewen. i And
xvi And Samuel ſeide to Saul, Suffre me, and I ſhal ſhewe þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, How long þow weiliſt Saul,
whanne Y haue þrowun hym a ferre, þat he regne not vpon
to þee what þingis þe Lord haþ ſpoken to me to nyȝt. And he Irael; fil þin horn wiþ oyle, and come, þat Y ſende þee to
ſeid to hym, Spek. Yſaye Bethlamyte; forſoþe Y haue purueyd in þe ſonys of
xvii And Samuel ſeiþ, Wheþer not, whanne þou were a litil hym a kyng to me.
child in þin owne eyen, and þou art maad heed in þe lynage ii And Samuel ſeiþ, Howe ſhal Y goo? forſoþe Saul ſhal
of Yrael, and þe Lord anoyntide þee into kyng vpon Yrael; here, and he ſhal ſlee me. And þe Lord ſeiþ, A calf of þe
droue þow ſhalt take in þin hoond, and ſey, To offre to þe
Lord Y am comen.


iii And þou ſhalt clepe Yſaye to þe ſlayn ſacrifice, and I ſhal Capitulum XVII.
ſhewe to þee what þou doo; and þou ſhalt anoynt whom euer i Forſoþe
Y ſhal ſhewe to þee. Philiſteis gedrynge her cumpanyes into batayl camen
iiii Þanne Samuel dide, as þe Lord ſpak to hym; and he cam to gidre in Socoth of Judee, and þei ſetten tentis betwix
into Bethleem, and þe eldrys of þe cytee aȝen comynge to hym Socoth and Azecha, in þe cooſtis of Domyn.
ii Forſoþe Saul and þe men of Yrael gedrid camen in þe
wondriden, and ſeiden, Wheþer peſible is þin yncomynge?
v And he ſeiþ, Peſible; to offre to þe Lord Y am comen; be ȝe valey of Therebynt, and dreſſiden ſheltroun to fiȝt aȝens þe
halowid, and comeþ wiþ me, þat I offre. Þanne he halowid Phyliſteis.
iii And Philiſteis ſtoden vpon þe hil on þis partye, and Irael
Yſaye, and hys ſones, and clepide hem to þe ſacrifice.
vi And whanne þei weren comen yn, he ſawȝ Elyab, and ſeiþ, ſtood vpon an hil, and on þe toþer perty a valey þat was
Nowe before þe Lord is þe criſt of hym. bitwix hem.
iiii And a baſtard man wente out fro þe tentis of Philiſtiens,
vii And þe Lord ſeide to Samuel, Ne behold þou þe cheere of
hym, ne þe heiȝte of his ſtature; for Y haue þrowun hym Goliath of Geth bi name, in heiȝte of ſexe cubitis and a ſpan;
v and a ſtelyn helm vpon his heed; and he was cloþid wiþ a
aweye, ne aftir þe lokynge of men Y deme; forſoþe a man
ſeeþ þo þingis þat ben opyn, forſoþe þe Lord lokiþ þe herte. maylid hawberioun; forſoþe þe weiȝt of his hawberioun was of
viii And Yſaye clepide Amynadab, and brouȝte hym before fyue þouſand ſiclys of ſteel;
vi and ſtelyn legharneis he hadde in þe hipis, and a ſtelyn
Samuel; þe which ſeide, Ne þis þe Lord haþ choſun.
ix Forſoþe Yſaye brouȝte forþ Sama; of whom he ſeiþ, Alſo ſheeld couerde þe ſhuldris of hym.
vii Þe ſhaft of his ſpeer was as þe beem of webſters; forſoþe
þis þe Lord haþ not choſun.
x And ſo Yſaye brouȝte forþ his ſeuen ſones before Samuel; þat yren of his ſpeer hadde ſexe hundrid ſiclis of yren; and
and Samuel ſeiþ to Yſaye, Þe Lord haþ not choſen of þes. his ſquyer wente before him.
viii And ſtondinge he criede aȝens þe cumpanyes of Iſrael,
xi And Samuel ſeide to Yſaye, Wheþer nowe fulfillid ben þe
ſones? Þe which anſwerde, Ȝit anoþer þere is, a litil child, and he ſeide to hem, Whi ben ȝe comyn redi to batail?
and fediþ ſheep. And Samuel ſeiþ to Yſaye, Send, and bryng Wheþer Y am not a Philiſtee, and ȝe þe ſeruauntis of Saul?
forþ hym; forſoþe ne we ſhulen ſitte, before þat he come hidir. Cheſiþ of ȝou a man, and come he doun to a ſynguler ſtrijf;
ix if he may fiȝt wiþ me, and ſmytiþ me, we ſhulen be to ȝou
xii Þanne he ſente, and brouȝte hym forþ; forſoþe he was rodi,
and fayr in ſiȝt, and ſembli in face. And þe Lord ſeiþ, Riſe, ſeruauntis; forſoþe if Y ſhal haue þe mayſtrye, and ſmyte hym,
and anoynt hym; forſoþe he it is. ȝe ſhulen be ſeruauntis, and ſerue to vs.
x And þe Philiſtee ſeide, I haue ȝeue reproof to þe cumpanyes
xiii Þanne Samuel took an horn of oyle, and anoyntide hym
in þe myddis of þe briþeren of hym; and þe Spirit of þe Lord of Yrael to day; ȝyueþ to me a man, and go he yn wiþ me a
is ful ſent into Dauyd fro þat day and þerafter. And Samuel ſynguler ſtrijf.
xi Forſoþe Saul herynge and alle þe Yraelitis þe wordis of
ryſynge wente into Ramatha.
xiiii And ſo þe Spyrit of þe Lord wente awey fro Saul, and þis maner Philiſtee, þei weren ſtonyed, and dradden ful mych.
xii Forſoþe Dauyd was þe ſone of an Effratee man, of þe
þe ſhrewid ſpyrit fro þe Lord `ſhook hym.
xv And þe ſeruauntis of Saul ſeiden to hym, Loo! þe yuel which it is aboue ſeid, of Bethlem Juda, to whom þe name
ſpiryt of þe Lord ſhakiþ þee; was Yſaye, þe which hadde eiȝt ſonys; and he was a man in
xvi comaunde þe lord oure kyng, and þi ſeruauntis þat before
þe days of Saul olde, and of greet age amonge men.
xiii Forſoþe þe þre more ſonys of hym wenten after Saul into
þee ben, ſechen a man kunnynge to pleye wiþ harpe, þat batayl; and þe names of þe þre ſonys of hym, þat wenten to
whanne þe yuel ſpyrit of þe Lord takiþ þee, he pleye wiþ his batayl, Heliab, þe firſt goten, and þe ſecounde, Amynadab,
hoond, and liȝter þou bere. forſoþe þe þridde, Samma.
xvii And Saul ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis, Purueieþ to me ſum
xiiii Forſoþe Dauyd was þe leeſt. Þanne þe þre more
man wel harpynge, and bryngiþ hym to me. folwynge Saul,
xviii And anſwerynge oon of þe children ſeiþ, Loo! I ſawȝ þe
xv Dauyd wente, and turnede aȝen fro Saul, for to fede þe
ſone of Yſaye Bethlemyte, kunnynge to harpe, and mooſt flok of his fadre in Bethleem.
myȝti bi ſtrengþ, a man curaiows in batayl, and wyſe in xvi Forſoþe þe Philiſtee cam forþ eerli, and at euen `ſtondynge
wordis, and a fayre man; and þe Lord is wiþ hym.
xix Þanne Saul ſente meſſagers to Yſaye, ſeiynge, Send to repreuyde þe children of Yrael fourti days.
xvii Forſoþe Yſaye ſeide to Dauyd his ſone, Tak to þi
me Dauiþ þi ſone, þe which is in þe leſewis.
xx And ſo Yſay took an aſſe ful of loouys, and a galoun of breþeren powned corn, of þe meſure of ephi, and þes ten
wyn, and o kyd of þe ſhe geet; and he ſente bi þe hoond of loouys, and renne into þe tentis to þi briþeren;
xviii and ten cheſis þes þou ſhalt bere to þe tribune; and þi
Dauid his ſone to Saul.
xxi And Dauid cam to Saul, and ſtood before hym; and he briþeren þou ſhalt viſite, if þei ryȝt doon, and wiþ whom þei
louyde hym ful mych, and is made a ſquyer of hym. ben ordeynyd, lern.
xix Forſoþe Saul, and þei, and alle þe ſonys of Yrael in þe
xxii And Saul ſente to Yſaye, ſeiynge, Stoond Dauyd in my
ſiȝt, forſoþe he haþ foundun grace in myn eyen. valey of Therebynt fouȝten aȝens Philiſteis.
xx And ſo Dauid roos eerli, and commendide þe flok to þe
xxiii Þanne whanne euere þe yuel ſpyrit of þe Lord cauȝte
Saul, Dauid took an harp, and ſmoot wiþ hys hoond, and keper, and chargyd ȝeed, as Yſay comaundide to hym; and
Saul was refourmyd, and liȝter he hadde; forſoþe þe yuel cam to þe place of Magala, and to þe ooſt, þat, goon out to
ſpiryt wente a wey fro hym. fiȝt, criede out in þe ſtrijf.
xxi Forſoþe Irael hadde dreſſid ſheltroun; but and aȝens hem
Philiſteis weren redy.
xxii Þanne Dauid leuynge þe veſſels, þe whiche he brouȝte,
vndre þe hoond of a keper at þe fardels, he ran to þe place of


þe ſtrijf, and he aſkide, if alle þingis riȝt weren doon anentys and he took a ſlynge in hoond, and ȝeed forþ aȝens þe
his briþeren. Philyſtee.
xxiii And whanne ȝit he ſpak to hem, aperyde þat baſtard xli Forſoþe þe Philiſtee ȝeed, comynge and neiȝynge aȝens
man, Goliath bi name, Philiſtee of Geth, ſtiynge fro þe tentis Dauyd; and his ſquyer before hym.
of Philiſteis; and hym ſpekynge þes ſame wordis, Dauyd xlii And whanne þe Philiſtee hadde inwardly beholden hym,
herde. and ſeen Dauyd, he deſpiſide hym; forſoþe he was a ȝong
xxiiii Forſoþe alle þe Yſraelitis whanne þei hadden ſeen þe man, rodi, and fayre in ſiȝt.
man, þei flowen fro his face, dredynge hym greetli. xliii And þe Philiſtee ſeide to Dauyd, Wheþir I am a dog,
xxv And echon of Irael ſeide to oþer, Wheþer þou haſt ſeen þat þou comeſt to me wiþ a ſtaf? And þe Philiſtee curſide
þis man þat ſtyeþ vp? forſoþe to ȝyue reprofe to Yrael he ſtieþ Dauid in his goddis;
vp; þerfor þe man þat ſmytiþ hym, þe kyng ſhal make riche xliiii and ſeide to Dauyd, Com to me, and Y ſhal ȝeue þi fleſh
wiþ greet riccheſſis; and his douȝter he ſhal ȝyue to hym, and to þe fowlis of heuene, and to þe beeſtis of þe erþe.
þe hows of his fadre he ſhal make wiþ out tribute in Yrael. xlv Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to þe Philiſtee, Þou comeſt to me
xxvi And Dauid ſeide to þe men þat ſtoden wiþ hym, ſeiynge,
wiþ ſwerd, ſpeer, and ſheeld; forſoþe Y come to þee in þe
What ſhal it be ȝouun to þe man þat ſmytiþ þis Philiſtee, and name of þe Lord God of ooſtis, God of þe cumpanyes of
bereþ awey reprofe fro Irael? forſoþe who is he þis Philiſtee Irael, to whom þou haſt reprouyd to day.
vncircumcidid, þe which reproueþ þe ſhiltrouns of þe God xlvi And þe Lord ſhal ȝeue þee in myn hoond, and I ſhal
xxvii Forſoþe þe puple toolde to hym þe ſame word, ſeiynge, ſmyte þee, and take awey þin heed fro þee; and I ſhal ȝyue þe
careyns of þe tentis of Philiſteis to day to þe fowlis of
Þes þingis ſhulen be ȝeue to þe man þat ſmitiþ hym. heuene, and to þe beeſtis of þe erþe; þat al þe erþe wyte, for
xxviii Þe which þing whanne Heliab, his more broþer, hadde þe Lord God is in Yrael,
herd, hym ſpekynge wiþ oþer, is wrooþ aȝens Dauid, and xlvii and al þis chirche knewe, for not in ſwerd ne in ſpeer
ſeiþ, Whi art þou comen, and whi haſt þow forſaken þes fewe ſaueþ þe Lord; forſoþe of hym is þe batayl, and he ſhal take
ſheep in deſeert? I haue knowen þi pride, and þe ſhrewidneſſe ȝou in to oure hoondis.
of þin herte; for þat þou myȝtiſt ſe þe bateil, þou art comen xlviii Þanne whanne þe Philiſtee was ryſen, and cam, and
xxix And Dauid ſeiþ, What haue I doon? Wheþer is it not a neiȝede aȝens Dauid, Dauid hyede, and aȝen cam to þe fiȝt
forn aȝens of þe Philiſtee.
word? xlix And he putte his hoond into þe ſcrip, and took a ſtoon,
xxx And he bowide a ſyde a litil fro hym to an oþer; and he
and leyde in þe ſlynge, and, berynge it about, he ſmoot hym
ſeide þe ſame word, and þe puple anſwerde to hym word as in þe foreheed; and þe ſtoon is piȝt in þe forhed of hym, and
bifore. he felle into his face vpon þe erþe.
xxxi Forſoþe þe wordis þat Dauid ſpak, ben herd, and toold l And Dauid hadde þe mayſtrie aȝens þe Philiſtee in ſlynge
in þe ſiȝt of Saul. and ſtoon, and þe ſmyten Philiſtee he ſlewȝ. And whanne
xxxii To whom whanne he was brouȝt, he ſpak to hym, Ne Dauid hadde no ſwerd in þe hoond,
falle not doun þe herte of eny man in hym, and þi ſeruaunt li he ran, and ſtood vpon þe Philiſtee, and took his ſwerd,
ſhal goo, and fiȝt aȝen þe Philiſtee. and drewȝ it out of his ſheeþ; and he ſlewȝ hym, and girde of
xxxiii And Saul ſeiþ to Dauid, Þou mayſt not wiþſtoond to his heed. Forſoþe ſeynge þe Philiſteis þat þe ſtrengeſt of hem
þis Philiſtee, ne fiȝte aȝens hym, for a child þou art; forſoþe was deed, þei flowen.
þis man is a fiȝter fro his ȝongþ. lii And ryſynge þe men of Yrael, and of Juda criden out, and
xxxiiii And Dauid ſeide to Saul, Þi ſeruaunt fedde þe flok of purſueden þe Philiſteis, for to þe while þat þei camen into þe
his fader, and þere cam a lioun or a beere, and took a weþer valey, and vnto þe ȝate of Acharon. And þere fellen woundid
fro þe mydil of þe flok; of þe Philiſteis, in þe weye of Sarym, and vnto Geth, and
xxxv I purſuede hem, and ſmoot, and delyuerde fro þe mouþ vnto Acharon.
of hem; and þei ryſen aȝens me, and I cauȝte þe chaul of liii And þe ſonis of Yrael turnynge aȝen, after þat þei hadden
hem, and ſtraunglide, and ſlowȝ hem. purſued þe Philiſteis, þei aſſeilden þe tentis of hem.
xxxvi Forſoþe and a lioun and a beere ſlewe Y þi ſeruaunt; liiii Forſoþe Dauyd takynge þe heed of þe Philiſtee, brouȝte it
þerfore ſhal be and þis Philiſtee vncircumcidid as oon of þes. into Jeruſalem; forſoþe þe armys of hym he putte in his
Now Y ſhal goo, and take a wey þe ſhenſhip of þe puple; for tabernacle.
who is þis Philiſtee vncircumcidid, þat is hardy to myſſey to lv Forſoþe þat tyme þat Saul ſawȝ Dauyd goynge out aȝens
þe ooſt of þe lyuynge God? þe Philiſtee, he ſeiþ to Abner, þe prynce of his chyualrie,
xxxvii And Dauid ſeiþ, Þe Lord þat haþ delyuerd me fro þe Abner, of what ſtok deſcendide þis ȝong man? And Abner
mouþ of þe lioun, and fro þe hoond of þe beere, he ſhal ſeide, Lyueþ þi ſoule, kyng, I knewȝ not.
delyuer me fro þe hoond of þis Philiſtee. Forſoþe Saul ſeide lvi And þe kyng ſeiþ, Aſk þou, whos ſone is þis child.
to Dauid, Go, and þe Lord be wiþ þee. lvii And whanne Dauyd was comen aȝen, þe Philiſtee ſmyten,
xxxviii And Saul cloþide Dauid wiþ his cloþis, and putte on
Abner took hym, and brouȝte hym yn before Saul, hauynge in
a ſtelen helm vpon his heed, and cloþide hym wiþ an þe hoond þe heed of þe Philiſtee.
hawberioun. lviii And Saul ſeiþ to hym, Of what progenye art þou, O þou
xxxix Þanne Dauid gyrd wiþ his ſwerd vpon his cloþinge,
ȝong man? And Dauid ſeide, Þe ſone of þi ſeruaunt, Yſaye
began to aſaye if armyd he myȝte goo; forſoþe he hadde not þe Bethlemyte, Y am.
cuſtome. And Dauid ſeide to Saul, I may not þus goo, for
and vſe I haue not. And he putte doun þo þingis,
xl and he took his ſtaf, þat euermore he hadde in hondis. And Capitulum XVIII.
he cheeſe to hym fyue mooſt cleer ſtonus of þe ſtreem; and he i And it is doon, whanne he hadde endid to ſpeke to Saul, þe
putte hem into þe ſheepherdis ſcrip þat he hadde wiþ hym; ſoule of Jonathas is glewid to gidre to þe ſoul of Dauid, and
Jonathas louyde hym as his owne lijf.


ii And Saul took hym in þat day, and grauntide not to hym, to be þe ſone in lawe of þe kyng? Forſoþe Y am a pore man,
þat he turne aȝen into þe hows of his fadre. and a þinne.
iii Forſoþe Jonathas and Dauid wenten into þe couenaunt of xxiiii And þe ſeruauntis of Saul toolden aȝen, ſeiynge, Sich
pees; forſoþe he louyde hym as his lijf; maner wordis ſpak Dauid.
iiii forwhi Jonathas ſpuylide hym ſelf þe coote, þat he was xxv Forſoþe Saul ſeide, Þus ſpekiþ to Dauid, Þe kyng nediþ
cloþid, and ȝaf it to Dauid, and his oþer cloþis, vnto his no ſpoſeilis, but oonli an hundrid terſis of Philiſteis, þat
`bowe and ſwerd, and vnto þe knyȝtis girdil. veniaunce be doon of þe enemyes of þe kyng. Forſoþe Saul
v Forſoþe Dauyd wente out to alle þingis, what euere Saul þouȝte to betray Dauid into þe hoondis of Philiſteis.
xxvi And whanne his ſeruauntis hadden aȝen toold to Dauid
ſente him, and wiſeli he gouernde hym ſelf; and Saul putte
hym vpon men of batayl, and he was acceptid in þe eyen of al þe wordis þat Saul hadde ſeid, þe word pleſide in þe eyen of
þe puple, and mooſt in þe ſiȝt of þe ſeruauntis of Saul. Dauyd, þat he were maad þe ſone in lawe of þe kyng.
vi Forſoþe whanne Dauid turnede aȝen, þe Philiſtee ſmyten, xxvii And after a fewe days Dauyd ryſynge wente into
and beer þe heed of hym into Jeruſalem, þe wymmen wenten Acharon, wiþ þe men þat wiþ hym weren, and ſmoot of þe
out fro alle þe cytees of Yrael, ſyngynge, and dauncis ledynge, Philiſteis two hundrid men; and brouȝte þe ȝerdis of hem,
into aȝencomynge of Saul þe kyng, in tymbers of gladnes, and noumbride hem to þe kyng, þat he were þe ſone in lawe
and in trumpis. of þe kyng. And ſo Saul ȝaf to hym Mychol, his douȝter,
vii And þe wymmen ſongen before, pleiynge, and ſeyynge, wijf.
xxviii And Saul ſawȝ, and vndurſtood, þat þe Lord was wiþ
Saul haþ ſmyten a þouſand, and Dauyd ten þowſandis.
viii And Saul is wrooþ ful mych, and þis word diſpleſide in Dauid.
xxix Forſoþe Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, louid hym, and
þe eyen of hym; and ſeide, Þei han ȝouun to Dauid ten
þouſandis, and to me a þouſand þei han ȝouun; what to hym Saul began more to drede Dauyd; and Saul is maad þe
is more ouere but oneli þe rewme? enemye of Dauyd alle days.
ix Þanne not wiþ riȝt eyen Saul bihelde Dauid, fro þat day xxx And þe princis of Philiſteis wenten out; forſoþe fro þe
and þerafter. bigynnynge of þe goynge out of hem Dauyd wiſelyer beer hym
x Forſoþe after þe toþer day þe yuel ſpiryt of God aſeilide ſelf þan alle þe men of Saul; and ſolempne is maad þe name
of hym ful myche.
Saul, and he ſtraungeli ſpak in þe myddis of his hows.
Forſoþe Dauid harpide wiþ his hoond, as bi eche days; and
Saul heelde a ſpeer, Capitulum XIX.
xi and keſt it, wenynge þat he myȝt pitche to gidre Dauid wiþ i Saul ſpak to Jonathan, his ſone, and to alle his ſeruauntis,
þe wal; and Dauyd bowide a ſide fro þe face of hym þe þat þei ſhulden ſlee Dauid; forſoþe Jonathas, þe ſone of Saul,
ſecounde tyme. louid Dauyd mych.
xii And Saul dredde Dauid, forþi þat þe Lord was wiþ hym, ii Jonathas ſhewide to Dauid, ſeiynge, Saul, my fader, ſechiþ
and fro hym goon awey. to ſlee þee, wherfor keep þe wel; Y biſeche, dwel; and þou
xiii Þanne Saul moued hym a wey fro hym, and made hym a ſhalt dwel priueli, and be hyd.
leder vpon a þouſand men; and he wente out and cam yn in iii Forſoþe Y goynge out ſhal ſtoond biſide my fadre in þe
þe ſiȝt of þe puple. feeld, where euer he were; and I ſhal ſpek of þee to my fadre,
xiiii Forſoþe in alle his weyes Dauid wiſeli dide, and þe Lord and what euere þing Y ſhal ſee, Y ſhal telle to þee.
was wiþ hym; iiii Þanne Jonathas ſpak good þingis of Dauid to Saul, his
xv and ſo Saul ſawȝ þat he was wel mych wiys, and began to fader, and ſeide to hym, Ne ſynne þou, kyng, into þi ſeruaunt
ſhunne hym. Dauid, for he haþ not ſynned to þee, and þe werkis of hym
xvi Forſoþe al Yrael and Juda louyde Dauyd; forſoþe he ȝede ben goode to þee mych;
v and he haþ put his lijf in þin hoond, and ſmoot þe Philiſtee.
yn and ȝede out before hem.
xvii And Saul ſeide to Dauid, Loo! my more douȝter Merob, And þe Lord haþ doo greet helþ to al Yrael; þou haſt ſeen
hir Y ſhal ȝeue to þee a wijf; oneli be a ſtrong man, and fiȝt and gladidiſt; whi þanne ſynneſt þou in þe giltles blood,
þe bateils of þe Lord. Forſoþe Saul trowide, ſeiynge, Be not ſleynge Dauyd, þat is wiþ out blame?
vi Þe which þing whanne Saul hadde herd, pleſide bi þe voys
myn hoond in hym, but be vpon hym þe hoond of Philiſteis.
xviii Forſoþe Dauyd ſeide to Saul, Who am Y, or what is of Jonathe, ſwore, Þe Lord lyueþ, for he ſhal not be ſlayn.
vii And ſo Jonathas clepide Dauid, and ſhewide to hym alle
my lijf, or þe kynrede of my fadre in Irael, þat Y be maad
þe ſone in lawe of þe kyng? þes wordis. And Jonathas brouȝte yn Dauid to Saul, and he
xix It is doon forſoþe þe tyme whanne Merob, þe douȝter of was before hym, as he was ȝiſtirday and þe þridde day
Saul, ſhulde be ȝeuen to Dauid, ȝeuen is Hadriel Molatite before.
viii Forſoþe eft is moued batayl; and Dauyd goon out fauȝt
xx Forſoþe Dauyd louyd Mychol, þe toþer douȝter of Saul; aȝens Philiſteis, and he ſmoot hem bi a greet veniaunce, and
and it is toold to Saul, and it pleſide to hym. þei flowen fro þe face of hym.
ix And þe yuel ſpirit of þe Lord is doon in Saul; forſoþe he
xxi And Saul ſeide, Y ſhal ȝyue hir to hym, þat it be maad to
hym into ſclaundre, and be vpon hym þe hoond of Philiſteis. ſat in his hows, and helde a ſpere; forſoþe Dauid harpid in
Þanne ſeide Saul to Dauyd, In two þingis þow ſhalt be my his hoond.
x And Saul enforſide to fitche to gidre wiþ a ſpere Dauid in
ſone in lawe to day.
xxii And Saul comaundide to his ſeruauntis, Spek ȝe to þe wal; and Dauid bowide a ſide fro þe face of Saul; forſoþe
Dauiþ pryuely fro me, ſeiynge, Loo! þou pleſiſt to þe kyng, þe ſpeer, þe wound pryued, is born into þe wal; and Dauid
and alle þe ſeruauntis of hym louen þee; now þanne be þow fleȝe, and is ſaued þat nyȝt.
xi Þanne Saul ſente his cruel ſeruauntis þe nyȝt into þe hows
þe ſone in lawe of þe kyng.
xxiii And þe ſeruauntis of Saul ſpeken in þe eeris of Dauid of Dauid, þat þei myȝten kepe hym, and ſleen in þe morwe.
alle þes wordis. And Dauid ſeiþ, Wheþer litil it ſeme to ȝow Þe which þing whanne Mychol, his wijf, hadde toold to


Dauide, ſeiynge, But if þou ſaue þee þis nyȝt, to morwe þou vi And if biholdynge þi fader aſke me, þou ſhalt anſwere to
ſhalt die; hym, Dauid preide me for to goo ſwiftly into Bethlem, his
xii ſhe putte hym down bi þe wyndowe. Forſoþe he ȝede a citee, for ſolempne ſlayn ſacrifices ben þere to alle þe men of
wey, and fleiȝe, and is ſauid. his lynage.
xiii Forſoþe Michol took an ymage, and putte it vpon þe bed, vii And if he ſeye, Wel, pees ſhal be to þi ſeruaunt; forſoþe if
and an heery ſkyn of þe ſhe geet ſhe putte vpon þe heed of it, he were wrooþ, wite þou, þat fulfillid is þe malice of hym.
and couerde it wiþ cloþis. viii Do þanne mercy vnto þi ſeruaunt, for þow haſt maad me
xiiii Forſoþe Saul ſente ſeruauntis þat ſhulden taak Dauyd, þi ſeruaunt to goo in couenaunt of pees of þe Lord wiþ þee;
and it is anſwerd, þat he was ſike. forſoþe if in me is eny wickidnes, þou ſle me, and ne lede
xv And eft Saul ſente meſſagers, þat þei ſeen Dauid, ſeiynge, þou me into þi fader.
Brynge ȝe hym to me in þe bed, þat he be ſlayn. ix And Jonathas ſeiþ, God ſheelde þis fro me, forſoþe ne it
xvi And whanne þe meſſagers weren comen, it is foundun a may be doon, þat if certeynli I knowe to be fulfillid þe malice
ſimulacre vpon þe bed, and ſkynnys of ſhe geet at þe heed of of my fadre aȝens þee, Y telle not to þee.
it. x And Dauid anſwerde to Jonathas, Who ſhal telle aȝen to
xvii And Saul ſeide to Mychol, Whi haſt þou þus bigilid me, me, if eny þing perauenture þi fader ſhal anſwere to þee hard
and haſt laft myn enemye, þat he flee? And Mychol anſwerde of me?
to Saul, For he ſpak to me, ſeiynge, Let me goon, ellis Y xi And Jonathas ſeide to Dauid, Come, and goo we out into
ſhal ſlee þee. þe feelde. And whanne boþe weren goon into þe feelde,
xviii Forſoþe Dauid fleynge is ſauyd; and he cam to Samuel xii Jonathas ſeiþ to Dauid, Lord God of Yrael, if I ſerche þe
in Ramatha, and he toolde to hym alle þingis þat Saul dide ſentence of my fader to morwe, or oþer morwe, and eny þing
to hym; and he and Samuel wenten a wey, and dwelten in of good were vpon Dauid, and anoon ſende not to þee, and
Naioth. make knowun to þee,
xix Forſoþe it is toold to Saul of ſeieres, Loo! Dauyd in xiii þis God doo to Jonatha, and þes þingis adde. Forſoþe if
Naioth in Ramatha. þe malice of my fader dwelle ſtedfaſtly aȝens þee, Y ſhal telle
xx Þanne Saul ſente catchepollis forto take Dauid; þe whiche þin eer, and leete þee, þat þou go in pees; and þe Lord be
whanne þei hadden ſeen þe companye of prophetis wiþ þee, as he was wiþ my fader.
propheciynge, and Samuel ſtondynge vpon hem, þe Spirit of xiiii And if Y ſhal lyue, þou do to me þe mercies of þe Lord;
þe Lord is doon in hem, and alſo þei bigunnen to prophecien. forſoþe if I ſhal dye, þou ſhalt not do awey þi mercy fro myn
xxi Þe whiche whanne was toold to Saul, he ſente and oþer hows vnto wiþ outen eende;
meſſagers; alſo þei propheciden. And eft Saul ſente þe þridde xv oþere if I ſhal not doo, whanne þe Lord ſhal drawe out bi
meſſageris, þe whiche and þei propheciden. þe rotis þe enemyes of Dauid, echon fro þe erþe, do he awey
xxii And Saul, wrooþ wiþ wraþfulnes, he ȝede alſo into Jonathan fro his hows, and ſeche þe Lord fro þe hoond of þe
Ramatha; and he cam vnto þe greet ciſtern þat is in Sochoth, enemyes `of Dauid.
and aſkide, and ſeide, In what place ben Samuel and Dauid? xvi Þanne Jonathas couenauntide a couenaunt of pees wiþ þe
And it is ſeyd to hym, Loo! in Naioth þei ben in Ramatha. hows of Dauid, and þe Lord ſouȝte fro þe hoond of þe
xxiii And he ȝede into Naioth in Ramatha; and is doon alſo enemyes `of Dauid.
vpon hym þe Spirit of þe Lord; and goynge yn he wente, and xvii And Jonathas addide to myche bynde Dauid bi ooþ, forþi
propheciede, for to he cam in Naioth in Ramatha. þat he louide hym; forſoþe as his lijf, ſo he louyde hym.
xxiiii And alſo he ſpuylide hym ſelf his cloþis, and propheciede xviii And Jonathas ſeide to hym, To morwe ben kalendis, and
wiþ oþer before Samuel, and he propheciede nakid al þat day þou ſhalt ben aſkid after; forſoþe þi ſyttynge ſchal be aſkid
and nyȝt. Wherof ȝede out a prouerbe, Wheþer and Saul after vnto after to morwe.
among þe prophetis? xix Þanne þou ſhalt come doun haſtily, and come into þe
place, where þou art to be hid in þe day, whanne it is leueful
Capitulum XX. to worche; and þou ſhalt ſitte biſide þe ſtoon, to whom name
i Forſoþe
is Ezel.
Dauid fleiȝ fro Naioth, þat is in Ramatha, and xx And Y ſhal ſende þre arowis biſide it, and ſhal þrowe as
comynge ſpak before Jonatha, What haue I doon, what haue hauntynge me to a prik.
I doon? what is my wickidnes, and what my ſynne into þi xxi Forſoþe and Y ſhal ſende a child, ſeiynge to hym, Go, and
fader, for he ſechiþ my lijf?
ii Þe which ſeide to hym, A wey be it fro þee, þou ſhalt not bryng to me þe arowis. If I ſeye to þe child, Loo! þe arowis
die, forſoþe ne my fader ſhal do eny þing greet or litil, but ben wiþ ynne þee, tak hem; com þou to me, for pees is to
before he ſhewe to me; þanne þis word oonli my fader haþ þee, and no þing is of yuel, lyueþ þe Lord.
xxii Forſoþe if þus Y ſhal ſpeke to þe child, Loo! þe arowis
heelid fro me, forſoþe þis ſhal not be.
iii And eft he ſwore to Dauid. And he ſeiþ, Soþeli þi fadre ben beȝonde þee; goo in pees, for þe Lord haþ laft þee.
xxiii Of þe word forſoþe þat we han ſpokun, Y and þou, þe
woot, þat I haue foundun grace in þin eyen, and he ſhal ſeye,
Jonathas wite not þis, leſt perauenture he be ſory; but alſo þe Lord be bitwix me and þee vnto wiþ outen eende.
Lord lyueþ, and lyueþ þi ſoule, for in o degree oonli, þat I ſo xxiiii Þanne Dauid is hid in þe feelde; and þe kalendis
ſeye, Y and deeþ ben dyuydid. camen, and þe kyng ſat to eete breed.
iiii And Jonathas ſeiþ to Dauid, What euere þing þi ſoule ſeiþ xxv And whanne þe kyng hadde ſitten vpon his chayer after þe
to me, I ſhal doo to þee. conſuetude, þat was beſide þe wal, Jonathas roos, and ſat,
v And Dauid ſeide to Jonathan, Loo! kalendis ben to morwe, and Abner on þe ſide of Saul, and voyde aperyde þe place of
and I of maner am wont to ſitte biſide þe kyng to eete; leete Dauid.
me þanne, þat I be hid in þe feeld vnto þe euen of þe þridde xxvi And Saul ſpak not eny þing in þat day; forſoþe he
day. þouȝte, þat perauenture was comen to hym, þat he was not
cleen ne purified.


xxvii And whanne þe ſecounde day after þe kalendis hadde iiii And anſwerynge þe preeſt to Dauid ſeiþ to hym, I haue
liȝtid, eft aperide void þe place of Dauid. And Saul ſeide to not leeuyd loouys at hoond, but oonli hooli breed; if cleen be
Jonathas his ſone, Why comeþ not þe ſone of Yſaye, ne þe children, mooſt fro wymmen, eete þei.
ȝiſterday, ne `to day for to eete? v And Dauyd anſwerde to þe preeſt, and ſeide to hym,
xxviii And Jonathas anſwerde to Saul, He preide me Forſoþe and if of wymmen it is aſkid, we han conteyned vs
enteerly, þat he myȝte goo into Bethleem; fro ȝiſterday and before ȝiſterday, whanne we wenten out, and
xxix and ſeiþ, Lete me, for ſolempne ſacrifice is yn my citee; þe veſſels of þe children weren holy; forſoþe þis weye is
oon of my briþeren haþ clepid me; nowe þanne if Y haue polute, but and it to day ſhal be halowid in þe veſſels.
foundun grace in þin eyen, Y ſhal goo ſoone, and ſe my vi Þanne þe preeſt ȝaf to hym halwid breed, forſoþe ne þere
briþeren; for þis cauſe he cam not to þe bord of þe kyng. was breed, but oonly loouys of propoſicioun, þe whiche weren
xxx Forſoþe Saul, wrooþ aȝens Jonathan, ſeide to hym, Þou born a wey fro þe face of þe Lord, þat þere ben ſet hoot
ſone of a womman wilfuli catchinge a man, wheþer I knowe loouys.
not, þat þou loueſt þe ſone of Yſay into þi confuſioun, and vii Forſoþe þere was þer a maner man of þe ſeruauntis of
into þe confuſyoun of þi ſhenful moder? Saul in þat day wiþ ynne in þe tabernacle of þe Lord; þis
xxxi Forſoþe alle þe days in whiche þe ſone of Yſay ſhal lyue fedde þe mulis of Saul; and þe name of hym Doech Ydume,
vpon þe erþe, ſhal not be ſtable þou ne þi rewme; and ſo mooſt myȝti of þe ſheepherdis of Saul.
nowe ſend, and bryng hym to me, for þe ſone of deeþ he is. viii Forſoþe Dauyd ſeide to Achymalech, If þou haſt here at
xxxii Forſoþe Jonathas anſwerynge to Saul his fader ſeiþ, hoond ſpeer, or ſwerd, ȝif to me; for my ſwerd and myn
Whi ſhal he dye? what haþ he doon? aarmys Y took not wiþ me; forſoþe þe word of þe kyng
xxxiii And Saul cauȝte a ſpeer forto ſmyte hym, and Jonathas conſtreynede me.
ix And þe preeſt ſeyde, Loo! heere þe ſwerd of Goliath
vndurſtood, þat it was fulli termyned of his fader, þat Dauyd
ſhulde be ſlayn. Philiſtee, whom þou ſmoot in þe valey of Therebynt, it is
xxxiiii Þanne Jonathas roos fro þe bord in wraþþe of wrappid wiþ a pal after þe preeſtis coope; if þis þou wolt
take, tak; forſoþe ne here is oþere wiþ outen it. And Dauid
woodnes, and eete not breed in þe ſecounde day of kalendis; ſeiþ, Þere is not anoþer lijk to þis, ȝif to me it.
forſoþe he ſorowide vpon Dauid, forþi þat his fader hadde x And ſo Dauid roos, and fleiȝ in þat day fro þe face of
ſhent hym.
xxxv And whanne þe morwetide hadde liȝtid, Jonathas cam Saul, and cam to Achis, þe kyng of Geth.
xi And þe ſeruauntis of Achis ſeiden to hym, whanne þei ſeen
into þe feeld, after þe couenaunt of Dauid, and a litil child
wiþ him. Dauid, Wheþer not þis is Dauid, kyng of þe loond? Wheþer
xxxvi And he ſeiþ to his child, Go, and bryng to me þe not to þis ſungen bi dauncys ſeiynge, Saul ſmoot o þouſand,
and Dauid ten þouſandis?
arowis þat I þrewe. And whanne þe child hadde runnen, he xii Forſoþe Dauid putte þes wordis in his herte, and dredde
þrewe an oþer arowe ouer þe child.
xxxvii And ſo þe child cam to þe place of þe dartis þat ful mych fro þe face of Achis, þe kyng of Geth.
xiii And he chaungyde hys mouþ before Achis, and he hurlide
Jonathas ſente; and Jonathas criede bihynde þe bak of þe
child, and ſeiþ, Loo! þere is not þe arowe, but biȝonde þee. hidir and þider bitwix þe hoondis of hem, and he aȝen put
xxxviii And Jonathas criede eft bihynde þe bak of þe child, into þe doris of þe ȝate, and his ſpotils floweden doun into þe
ſeiynge, Hiȝe ſwiftli, ne ſtoond þou. Þanne þe child of xiiii And Achis ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis, Han ȝe ſeen a woode
Jonathas gedride þe arowis, and brouȝte to his lord,
xxxix and what ſhulde be doo vtterly he knewe not; forſoþe man? whi han ȝe brouȝt hym to me?
xv Wheþer faylen to ȝou woode men? whi han ȝe brouȝt hym
oonli Jonathas and Dauyd knewen þe þing.
xl Þanne Jonathas ȝaf his aarmis to þe child, and ſeyde to yn, þat he wexe woode, me preſent? Letiþ hym goon hens, leſt
he goo into myn hows.
hym, Go, and bere into þe cytee.
xli And whanne þe child was goon, Dauid roos fro þe place
Capitulum XXII.
þat bowiþ to þe ſouþ; and fallynge redi into þe erþe, honourde
þe þridde tyme, and kiſſynge hem ſeluen eiþer oþir, þei wepten i Dauid þanne ȝeed þens, and fleiȝ into þe ſpelunk of
togidre; forſoþe Dauid more largeli. Odallam; þe which þing whanne þe briþeren of hym hadden
xlii Þanne Jonathas ſeide to Dauid, Go in pees; what euer herd, and al þe hows of his fadre, þei camen doun to hym
þing we han ſworn boþe in þe name of þe Lord, ſeiynge, Þe þidir.
Lord be bitwix me and þee, and bitwix my ſeed and þi ſeed ii And camen to gidre to hym alle þat weren in angwiſh ſet,
vnto wiþ outen eende. And Dauid roos, and wente a wey, but and oppreſſid for oþer mennus monee, and for bitter inwit;
and Jonathas wente into þe cytee. and he is maad þe prince of hem, and þere weren wiþ hym
as foure hundrid men.
Capitulum XXI. iii And Dauid wente þens into Maſphat, þat is of Moab; and
i Dauid ſeide to þe kyng of Moab, Dwelle, Y preye, my fader and my
forſoþe cam into Nobe to Achymalech þe preeſt; and moder wiþ ȝow, to þe tyme þat Y wite what God doo to me.
Achymalech was aſtonyed, forþi þat Dauid was comen; and he iiii And he laft hem before þe face of þe kyng of Moab; and
roos aȝens hym, and ſeide to hym, Whi þou alone, and no
man is wiþ þee? þei dwelten anentis hym alle days, in þe whiche Dauid was
ii And Dauid ſeiþ to Achymalech þe preeſt, Þe kyng in ſtrong ſocour.
v And Gad, þe prophet, ſeide to Dauid, Wole þow not dwelle
comaundide to me a word, and ſeide, No man knowe þe þing,
for þe whych þou art ſent fro me, and what maner heeſtis I in þe place of ſtrong ſocour; weend forþ, and goo into þe
haue ȝouen to þee; for and to þe children I haue ordeynd alſo loond of Juda. And Dauid wente, and cam into þe wijlde
`into þat and þat place; wode of Areth.
iii nowe þanne if eny þing þou haſt at hoond, or fyue looues, vi And Saul herde, þat Dauyd apperyde, and men þat wiþ
ȝif to me, or what euer þou fyndiſt. hym weren. Forſoþe Saul whanne he dwelt in Gabaa, and


was in þe wode þat is in Rama, a ſpeer in hoond holdynge, iii And men ſeiden, þat weren wiþ Dauid, to hym, Loo! we
and alle his ſeruauntis ſtoden about hym, here beynge in Juda dreden; myche more if we goon into
vii he ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis þat ſtoden nyȝ to hym, Heriþ me Seilam aȝens þe companyes of Philiſteis.
nowe, þe ſones of Gemyny; wheþir to alle ȝou þe ſone of Yſay iiii Eft þanne Dauid counſeilde þe Lord; þe which anſwerynge
ſhal ȝyue feeldis and vynes, and alle ȝou ſhal make lederys of ſeiþ to hym, Ryſe, and go into Seilam; forſoþe I ſhal take þe
þouſandis and leders of hundredis? Philiſteis in þin hoond.
viii For ȝe alle han ſworn togidre aȝens me, and þere is not v Þanne wente Dauid and his men into Seilam, and fauȝt
þat aȝen telle to me; mooſt whanne and my ſone haþ ioyned aȝens þe Philiſteis; and droue a wey þe beeſtis of hem, and
couenaunt of pees wiþ þe ſone of Yſay; þere is not þat ſorwiþ ſmoot hem wiþ a greet veniaunce; and Dauid ſauyde þe
my while of ȝou, ne þat telle to me, forþi þat my ſone haþ dwellers of Seilam.
reride my ſeruaunt aȝens me, weytynge to me vnto to day. vi Forſoþe þat tyme, þe which Abiathar, þe ſone of
ix Forſoþe anſwerynge Doech Ydume, þat ſtood nyȝ, and was
Achymalech, fleeȝ, he deſcendide to Dauid into Seylam,
þe fyrſt amonge þe ſeruauntis of Saul, I ſawȝ, he ſeiþ, þe hauynge wiþ hym þe preeſtis coope.
ſone of Yſay in Nobe, at Achimalech, þe ſone of Achitob, þe vii Forſoþe it is toold to Saul, þat Dauid was comen into
x þe which counſeilede þe Lord for hym, and ȝaf meetis to Seylam; and Saul ſeiþ, Þe Lord haþ taken hym into myn
hoondis, and cloſid is goon into þe cytee, in þe which ben
hym, but and þe ſwerd of Goliath Philiſtee he ȝaf to hym. ȝatis and lockis.
xi Þanne þe kyng ſente to cleepe Achymalech, þe ſone of viii And Saul comaundide to al þe puple, þat to þe fiȝt þei
Achitob, þe preeſt, and al þe hows of his fader, of þe preſtys ſhulden deſcende to Seilam, and biſege Dauid and his men.
þat waren in Nobe; þe whiche alle to þe kyng ben comen. ix Þe which þing whanne Dauid aȝen knewe, for Saul made
xii And Saul ſeiþ to Achymalech, Here, þou ſone of Achitob.
redy to hym priueli yuel, he ſeide to Abiathar, þe preeſt,
Þe which anſwerde, I am preſt, lord. Cloþe þee þe preeſtis coope.
xiii And Saul ſeide to hym, Whi han ȝe ſworn togidre aȝens x And Dauid ſeiþ, Lord God of Yrael, þi ſeruaunt haþ herd
me, þou, and þe ſone of Yſay, and þou haſt ȝeuen to hym þe fame, þat Saul haþ diſpoſid to come to Seyla, þat he turne
loouys and a ſwerd, and þou haſt counſeild for hym þe Lord, vpſedoun for me þe cyte;
þat he ryſe aȝens me, dwellynge a ſpye vnto to day? xi if þe men of Seyla ſhulen take me into his hoondis, and if
xiiii And Achymalech anſwerynge to þe kyng ſeiþ, And who in
Saul ſhal come doun, as þi ſeruaunt haþ herd, Lord God of
alle þi ſeruauntis trewe as Dauid, and þe ſone in lawe of þe Yrael, ſhewe to þi ſeruaunt? And þe Lord ſeiþ, He ſhal come
kyng, and goynge at þin heeſt, and gloryous in þin hows? doun.
xv Wheþer to day I haue begun for hym to counſeil þe Lord? xii And Dauid eft ſeyde, If þe men of Seila ſhulen take me,
A wey be þat fro me, ne trowe þe kyng aȝens his ſeruaunt and þe men þat ben wiþ me, into þe hoondis of Saul? And
ſich a maner þing in al þe hows of my fader; forſoþe þi þe Lord ſeide, Þei ſhulen take.
ſeruaunt wiſte not eny þing vpon þis nede, oþere litil or greet. xiii Þanne Dauid roos, and his men, as ſex hundrid; and,
xvi And þe kyng ſeide, Bi deþ ſhal dye, Achymalech, þou, and
goon out fro Seyla, hidir and þider weren vagaunt vncerteyn.
al þe hows of þi fader. And it is toold to Saul, þat Dauid hadde flowen fro Seila,
xvii And þe kyng ſeiþ to þe outgoers in his nedis, þat ſtooden and was ſauid; for what ſkyl he laft to goon out.
about hym, Turneþ, and ſleeþ þe preeſtis of þe Lord, for þe xiiii Forſoþe Dauid dwellide in deſeert, in mooſt defenſable
hoond of hem is wiþ Dauid; wytynge þat he was flowen, and placis, and abood in þe hil of wildirnes of Ziph, in þe derk
þei ſheweden not to me. Forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng hil; neuerþelater Saul ſouȝte hym alle days, and þe Lord took
wolden not ſtrecche out her hoond into þe preeſtis of þe Lord. hym not into þe hoondis of hym.
xviii And þe kyng ſeiþ to Doech, Turn þou, and fal into þe xv And Dauid ſawȝ, þat Saul was goon out, for to ſeche his
preeſtis of þe Lord. And Doech Ydume turnede, felle into þe lijf. Forſoþe Dauid was in þe deſeert of Ziph, in a wode.
preeſtis, and hewȝ doun fyue and eiȝtiþ men in þat day, cloþid xvi And Jonathas, þe ſone of Saul, roos, and wente to Dauid
wiþ ſurplees.
xix Alſo he ſmoot Nobee, þe citee of preeſtis, in mouþ of into þe wode, and coumfourtide þe hoondis of hym in God.
xvii And he ſeide to hym, Ne drede þou; forſoþe ne þe hoond
ſwerd, men and wymmen, litil children and ſowkynge, and
oxe, and aſſe, and ſheep, in mouþ of ſwerd. of Saul my fader ſhal fynde þee, and þou ſhalt regne vpon
xx Forſoþe oon aſcapynge, ſone of Achymalech, þe ſone of Yrael, and I ſhal be to þee þe ſecounde; but and Saul my
fader woot þis.
Achitob, whos name was Abiathar, fleeȝ to Dauid, xviii Þanne eiþer ſmoot couenaunt of pees before þe Lord.
xxi and toolde to hym, þat Saul hadde ſlayn þe preſtis of þe
And Dauid abood in þe wode; forſoþe Jonathas turnede aȝen
Lord. into his hows.
xxii And Dauid ſeiþ to Abiathar, Forſoþe I wiſt in þat day, xix Forſoþe Zipheis ſtieden vp to Saul in Gabaa, ſeiynge,
þat whanne þere was Doech Ydume, wiþ out dout he wold Loo! wheþer not Dauid lurkiþ anentis vs in mooſt ſiker
telle to Saul; I am gilti of alle þe ſoulis of þi fader. placys of a wode, in þe hil of Achille, þat is at þe riȝt party
xxiii Dwel wiþ me, ne drede þou; if eny man ſechiþ my lijf, of deſeert?
ſhal ſeche and þi lijf, and wiþ me þou ſhalt be kept. xx Nowe þanne, as þi ſoule haþ deſyrid for to come doun,
com doun; forſoþe `our ſhal be, þat we taken hym into þe
Capitulum XXIII. hoondis of þe kyng.
xxi And Saul ſeide, Bleſſid be ȝe of þe Lord, for ȝe han
i And men toolden to Dauid, ſeiynge, Loo! Phyliſteis fiȝten
aȝens Seyla, and ſtruyen þe floris of cornys. ſorewid my while.
xxii Goþ þanne, I praye, and more biſily makiþ redy beforn,
ii Þanne Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, Wheþer I ſhal
goo, and ſmyte þes Philiſteis? And þe Lord ſeiþ to Dauid, and ſlelyer doþ, and weitiþ ſwiftly þe place, where be þe foot
Go, and þou ſhalt ſmyte Philiſteis, and ſaue Seylam. of hym, or who ſawȝ hym þere, where ȝe han ſeid; forſoþe he
aȝen þenkiþ of me, þat I felli aſpye hym.


xxiii Biholdiþ, and ſeeþ alle þe hidils of hym, in whiche he is I wold not ſtretch out myn hoond into þee; inwardly tak hede,
hid, and turneþ to me at certeyn þing, þat I goo wiþ ȝou; þat and ſe, for þere is not in myn hoond euel ne wickidnes, ne I
if alſo into þe erþe he hide hym ſelf, I ſhal þurȝ ſerche hym in haue ſynned in þee; forſoþe þou aſpyiſt my lijf, þat þou doo it
alle þe þouſandis of Juda. awey.
xxiiii And þei ryſynge wenten into Ziph before Saul. Forſoþe xii Þe Lord deme bitwix me and þee, and þe Lord wreke me
Dauid and his men weren in þe deſeert of Maon, in þe wijld on þee; forſoþe myn hoond be not in þee,
feeldis, at þe riȝt ſide of Jeſymiþ. xiii as in þe oold prouerbe it is ſeid, Fro vnpiteuous men goþ
xxv Þanne Saul wente and his felawis to ſeche hym, and it out vnpiteuouſneſſe; myn hoond forſoþe be not in þee.
is toold to Dauid; and anoon he wente doun to a ſtoon, and xiiii Whom purſuyſt þou, kyng of Yrael? whom purſuiſt þou?
abood in þe deſeert of Maon; þe whiche þinge whanne Saul A deed dog þou purſuiſt, and a quyk flyȝe.
had herde, he purſuede Dauiþ in þe deſerte of Maon. xv Þe Lord be domeſman, and þe Lord deme bitwix me and
xxvi And Saul wente and his men at þe ſide of þe hil on þe o þee, and ſee, and deme my cauſe, and delyuere me fro þin
partye; forſoþe Dauid and his men weren in þe ſide of þe hil hoond.
on þe toþer party; wherfor Dauid diſpeyryde hym ſelf to mowe xvi Forſoþe whanne Dauid hadde ful eendid ſpekynge ſiche
aſkaap fro þe face of Saul. And ſo Saul and his men in maner wordis to Saul, Saul ſeide, Wheþer þis is þi voys,
maner of a coroun girdiden Dauid and his men, for to take ſone myn Dauyd? And Saul reryde vp a voys, and wepte.
hem. xvii And to Dauid he ſeide, More riȝtwiſe þou art þan Y;
xxvii And a meſſager cam to Saul, ſeiynge, Hyȝe, and come,
forſoþe þou haſt ȝoldun to me gode þingis; forſoþe I haue
for þe Philiſteis han held hem ſeluen vpon þe loond. ȝoldun aȝen to þee yuel þingis.
xxviii Þanne Saul turnede aȝen, ceſynge to purſue Dauid; and xviii And þow haſt ſhewid to me to day, what goode þingis
he wente into þe aȝen comynge of þe Philiſteis. For þat þei þou haſt doo to me, what maner wiſe þe Lord took me in þin
clepen þat place þe Dyuydynge Stoone. hoond, and þou ſlewȝ not me.
xxix Þanne Dauid ſtiede vp þens, and dwelte in mooſt ſiker xix Forſoþe who, whanne he fyndiþ his enemy, leeueþ hym in
placis of Engaddi. a good weie? But þe Lord ȝeelde to þee þis while, for þat,
þat to day þou haſt wrouȝt in me.
Capitulum XXIIII. xx And `now, for I knowe, þat mooſt certeynli þou art to
i And whanne Saul was turned aȝen, after þat he hadde regne, and to haue in þin hoond þe kyngdom of Yrael,
xxi ſwere to me in þe Lord, þat þou do not a wey my ſeed
purſued þe Philiſteis, þei toolden to hym, ſeiynge, Loo! Dauid
is in þe deſeert of Engaddi. after me, ne doo a wey my name fro þe hows of my fader.
ii Þanne Saul, takynge to þre þouſandis of choſen men of al xxii And Dauid ſwore to Saul. Þanne Saul wente into his
Yrael, wente to aſerche Dauid and his men, vpon mooſt heiȝ hows, and Dauid and his men ſtieden vp to more ſykyr
rochis, þat oneli to wijlde capretis ben þurȝ weyes. placis.
iii And he cam to þe fooldys of ſheep, þe which offrede hemſelf
to þe weye goer. And a ſpelunk was þere, þe which Saul Capitulum XXV.
wente yn, þat he purge þe wombe; forſoþe Dauid and his men i Samuel
lurkeden in þe innere parti of þe denne. forſoþe diede; and al Yrael is gaderid, and biweilide
iiii And þe ſeruauntis of Dauyd ſeiden to hym, Loo! þe day of hym ful myche, and biryeden hym in his hows in Ramatha.
And Dauid riſynge wente doun into þe deſeert of Pharan.
which þe Lord ſpak to þee, I ſhal take to þee þin enemy, þat ii Forſoþe þere was a maner man in þe wilderneſſe of Maon,
þou doo to hym as it pleſiþ in þin eyen. Þanne Dauid roos,
and kyttide of þe hemme of þe mantil of Saul ſtilly. and þe poſſeſſioun of hym was in Carmele, and þat man ful
v After þes þingis þe herte of Dauid ſmoot hym, forþi þat he myche greet, and þere weren to hym ſheep þre þouſandis, and
a þouſand goot; and it felle þat his flok ſhulde be clippid in
hadde kut a wey þe hemme of þe mantil of Saul. Carmele.
vi And he ſeide to his men, Merciful be to me þe Lord, þat I iii Forſoþe þe name of þat man was Naabal, and þe name of
doo not þis þing to my lord, þe criſt of þe Lord, þat I putte his wijf Abigail; and þat womman was mooſt wyis and feyr,
myn hoond into hym, for þe criſt of þe Lord he is. Þe Lord forſoþe hir man hard and werſt and malicious; forſoþe he was
lyueþ, for but þe Lord ſmyte hym, oþer þe day of hym come, of þe kynrede of Caleph.
þat he dye, oþer comynge doun into batayl periſh, merciful be iiii Whanne þanne Dauid in deſeert hadde herd, þat Naabal
to me þe Lord, þat I putte not myn hoond into þe criſt of þe
Lord. clippide his flok,
vii And Dauid brak togidre his men wiþ þes wordis, and v he ſente ten ȝonge men, and ſeide to hem, Stieþ vp into
ſuffrede hem not, þat þei ryſen into Saul; forſoþe Saul Carmele, and ȝe ſhulen come to Naabal, and ȝe ſhulen ſalute
ryſynge fro þe denne, wente in þe weye begun. hym in my name peſibly;
viii Forſoþe Dauid roos after hym, and wente out of þe denne, vi and þus ȝe ſhulen ſeye, Pees be to my briþeren and to þee,
and criede after þe bak of Saul, ſeiynge, My lord kyng! And and pees to þin hows, and to alle, what euere þingis þou
Saul beheelde bihynde hym; and Dauyd bowynge hym ſelf haſt, be pees; of many ȝeeris be þou maad ſaaf, þou, and þin
redi into þe erþe honourede. hows, and alle þin.
ix And he ſeide to Saul, Whi heriſt þou wordis of men vii I haue herd þat þi ſheepherdis clippiden þi flockis, þat
ſpekynge, Dauid ſechiþ yuel aȝens þee? weren wiþ vs in deſeert; neuere to hem we weren heuy, ne
x Loo! to dai þin eyen ſeen, þat þe Lord took þee in myn eny tyme faylide to hem eny þing of þe flok, al þe tyme þat
þei weren wiþ vs in Carmele;
hoond in þe denne, and I þouȝt for to ſlee þee, but myn eye viii aſk þi children, and þei ſhulen ſhewe to þee. Nowe þanne
ſparide to þee; forſoþe I ſeide, I ſhal not ſtretche out myn
hoond in my lord, `for þe criſt of þe Lord he is. fynden þi children grace in þin eyen; in a good day forſoþe we
xi But more ouere, fader myn, ſe, and know þe hemme of þi ben comen to þee; what euere þing þin hoond fyndiþ, ȝif to þi
ſeruauntis, and to þi ſone Dauid.
mantil in myn hoond, for whanne I kut þe coope of þi mantil,


ix And whanne þe children of Dauid weren comen, þei ſpeken batayls of þe Lord, my lord, þou fiȝtiſt; malice þanne be þere
to Naabal alle þes wordis in þe name of Dauid, and helden not founden in þee alle þe days of þi lijf.
her pees. xxix Forſoþe if þere ariſe any tyme a man purſuynge þee, and
x Forſoþe Naabal, anſwerynge to þe children of Dauid, ſeiþ, ſechynge þi lijf, þe lijf of my lord ſhal be kept, as in a litil
Who is Dauid? and who is þe ſone of Yſay? To day han knytche of lyuynge men, anentis þe Lord þi God; forſoþe þe
ſprungun yn ſeruauntis þat fleen her lordis. lijf of þin enemyes ſhal be turned about as in þe birre, and þe
xi Shal I þanne take my loouys, and my watris, and fleſh of cercle of a ſlynge.
xxx Whanne þanne þe Lord ſhal do to þee, my lord, alle þes
beeſtis, þat I haue ſlayn to my clippers, and ȝife to men,
whom I knowe not whennus þei ben? gode þingis, þat he haþ ſpokyn of þee, and ſettiþ þee a duyk
xii And ſo þe children of Dauid wenten aȝen bi her weye; and vpon Yrael,
xxxi þis ſhal not be to þee, my lord, into ȝoxynge and into
aȝen turned þei camen aȝen, and toolden to hym alle þe
wordis þat Naabal hadde ſeid. ſcripil of herte, þat þou haſt ſhed giltleſſe blood, or þi ſelf þou
xiii Þanne Dauid ſeiþ to his children, Echon be gyrd wiþ his haſt vengid. And whanne þe Lord ſhal wel doo to þee, my
lord, þow ſhalt recorde of þin hoond womman, and þou ſhalt
ſwerd. And echon ben gird wiþ her ſwerdis, and Dauid is wel doo to hir.
gird wiþ his ſwerd; and þere folweden Dauid as foure xxxii And Dauid ſeide to Abigayl, Bliſſid be þe Lord God of
hundrid men, forſoþe two hundryd abiden ſtil at þe fardels.
xiiii Forſoþe to Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal, oon of hir children Yrael, þat ſente þee to day into myn aȝencomynge, and bleſſid
þi ſpeche;
toold, ſeyynge, Loo! Dauid ſente meſſagers fro deſeert, for þei xxxiii and bleſſid þou art, þat haſt defendid me, þat I ȝede not
wolden bleſſe to oure lord, and he wiþ ſtoode hem;
xv þeſe men weren good ynow `to vs, and not heuy, ne eny to day to þe blood, and vengide me bi myn hoond;
xxxiiii ellis þe Lord God of Yrael lyueþ, þat haþ defendide
þing þat eny tyme periſhid al þe tyme we han dwellid wiþ
hem in deſeert; me, þat Y dide not yuel to þee, but ſoone þow haddiſt comen
xvi for a wal þei weren to vs, as wel in nyȝt as in day, alle into aȝencomynge to me, þere ſhulde not han laft to Naabal
vnto þe morwetide liȝt a piſſer to þe wal.
days þe whiche we fedden flockis anentis hem. xxxv Þanne Dauid took of þe hoond of hir alle þingis þat ſhe
xvii Wherfor behold, and biþenk, what þou doo; for
brouȝte to hym; and he ſeide to hir, Go in pees into þin
determyned is þe malice aȝens þi man, and aȝens þin hows; hows; loo! I haue herd þi voys, and honourde þi face.
and he is þe ſone of Belial, ſo þat no man may ſpeke to him. xxxvi Forſoþe Abigail cam to Naabal; and loo! þere was to
xviii Þanne Abigail hiȝede, and took two hundryd loouys, and
hym a feeſt in his hows, as a feeſt of a kyng; and þe herte of
two botels of wyn, and fyue weþeris ſoþen, and fyue buſſhellis Naabal myri, forſoþe he was drunken ful myche; and ſhe
of brayid corn, and an hundrid buſſhellis of dryed grape, and ſhewide not to hym word litil or greet vnto þe morwe.
two hundrid peyſe of dryed figis; and ſhe putte vpon þe aſſis, xxxvii Forſoþe eerli, whanne Naabal hadde defied þe wyn, his
xix and ſeide to hir children, Gooþ before me; loo! after þe
wijf ſhewide to him þes wordis; and þe herte of hym wiþ yn
bak Y ſhal folwe ȝou. To Naabal forſoþe hir man ſhe ſhewide forþ is deed, and he is maad as a ſtoone.
it not. xxxviii And whanne ten days weren paſſid, þe Lord ſmoot
xx Whanne þanne ſhe was goon vpon þe aſſe, and cam doun
Naabal, and he is deed.
at þe roote of þe hil, Dauid and his men camen doun into xxxix Þe which þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, Naabal deed,
aȝen metynge of hyre; to whom and ſhe aȝen cam.
xxi And Dauid ſeiþ, Verreili in veyn I haue kept alle þingis he ſeiþ, Bliſſid is þe Lord, þat haþ vengid þe cauſe of my
reproof fro þe hoond of Naabal, and his ſeruaunt haþ kept fro
þat of þis man weren in deſeert, and þere periſhid not eny yuel, and þe malice of Naabal þe Lord haþ ȝolden into his
þing of alle þingis þat to hym perteyneden, and he haþ ȝoldun heed. Þan Dauid ſente, and ſpak to Abigail, þat he take hir
to me yuel for good. to hym into wijf.
xxii Þes þingis do þe Lord to þe enemyes of Dauid, and þes xl And þe children of Dauid camen to Abigail into Carmele,
þingis adde, if Y ſhal leeue of alle þingis þat to hym pertenen and ſpeken to hir, ſeiynge, Dauid ſente vs to þee, þat he take
vnto þe morwe tide a piſſer to þe wal. þee into wijf to hym.
xxiii Forſoþe whanne Abigail hadde ſeen Dauid, ſhe hiȝede, xli Þe which aryſynge honourde redi into þe erþe, and ſeiþ,
and wente doun of þe aſſe, and felle doun before Dauid vpon Loo! þi ſeruaunt be in to an hond womman, þat ſhe waſſhe þe
hir face, and honourde vpon þe erþe. feet of þe ſeruauntis of my lord.
xxiiii And ſhe felle at þe feet of hym, and ſeyde, My lord, in xlii And Abigail hiȝede, and roos, and ſtiede vpon þe aſſe; and
me be þis wickidnes; ſpeke, Y biſeche, þin hoondſeruaunt in fyue childwymmen, hir feet folowers, wenten wiþ hir, and ſhe
þin eeris, folowide þe meſſagers of Dauid, and is maad to hym a wijf.
xxv and here þe wordis of þi ſeruaunt; ne put, Y preye, my xliii But and Dauid took Achynoem fro Jezrael, and eiþer
lord kyng, his herte vpon þis wickid man Naabal, for after was þe wijf of hym;
his name he is a fool, and foli is wiþ hym; forſoþe I, þin xliiii forſoþe Saul ȝaf Mychol his douȝter, þe wijf of Dauid,
hoond womman, ſawȝ not þi children, whom, my lord, þou
ſentiſt. to Phalti, þe ſone of Lays, þat was of Gallym.
xxvi Now þann, my lord, lyueþ þe Lord and lyueþ þi ſoule,
þat haþ defendid þee, þat þou cam not into blood, and haþ Capitulum XXVI.
ſauyd þin hoond to þee; and now as Naabal þin enemyes ben i And Ziphei camen to Saul in Gabaa, ſeiynge, Loo! Dauid
maad, and þat ſechen to my lord yuel. is hid in þe hil of Achille, þe which is fro aȝens of þe
xxvii Wherfor tak þis bleſſynge, þat þin hoond womman haþ
brouȝt to þee, my lord, and ȝyue to þe children þat folowen ii And Saul roos, and cam doun into þe deſeert of Ziph, and
þee, my lord. wiþ hym þre þouſandis of men of þe choſun of Yrael, þat he
xxviii Do awey þe wickydnes of þi ſeruaunt; forſoþe þe Lord
ſeche Dauid in þe deſeert of Ziph.
makynge ſhal make to þee, my lord, a trewe hows, for þe


iii And Saul ſette tentis in Gabaa of Achille, þat was fro was precious in þin eyen to day; forſoþe it ſemeþ þat folili I
aȝens of þe wilderneſſe in þe weye. Forſoþe Dauid dwellide haue doo, and many þingis to myche I haue vnknowen.
in deſeert. Forſoþe ſeynge þat Saul was comen after hym into xxii And Dauid anſwerynge ſeiþ, Loo! þe ſpeer of þe kyng, go
deſeert, oon of þe children of þe kyng, and take it;
iiii he ſente aſpies, and lernyde mooſt certeynli, þat þidre he xxiii forſoþe þe Lord ſhal ȝeeld to ech man after his riȝtwiſnes
was comyn. and feiþ; forſoþe þe Lord haþ takun þee to day into myn
v And Dauyd roos pryueli, and cam to þe place where Saul hoond, and I wold not ſtretche out myn hoond in þe criſt of
was. And whanne he hadde ſeen þe place, in þe whiche Saul þe Lord;
ſlepte, and Abner, þe ſone of Ner, prince of his chiualrye, and xxiiii and as þi lijf is maad greet to day in myn eyen, ſo my
Saul ſlepynge in þe tent, and þe toþer comouns bi þe lijf be maad greet in þe eyen of þe Lord, and delyuer he me
enuyroun of hym, fro al angwiſh.
vi Dauid ſeiþ to Achymalech, Ethee, and to Abiſay, þe ſone of xxv Þanne Saul ſeiþ to Dauid, Bleſſid þou, ſone myn Dauid;
Saruye, þe broþer of Joab, ſeiynge, Who ſhal come doun wiþ forſoþe and doynge þou ſhalt doo, and myȝti þou ſhalt mowe.
me to Saul into þe tentis? And Abiſai ſeide, Y ſhal goo doun Þanne Dauid wente into his weye, and Saul turnede aȝen
wiþ þee. into his place.
vii Þanne Dauid and Abiſai camen to þe puple þe nyȝt, and
founden Saul liynge, and ſlepynge in þe tent, and a ſpeer piȝt Capitulum XXVII.
at his heed in þe erþe; forſoþe Abner and þe puple ſlepynge in i And
þe enuyroun of hym. Dauid ſeiþ in his herte, Sumtyme on a day I ſhal falle
viii And Abiſai ſeide to Dauid, God haþ cloſid to dai þin in þe hoond of Saul; wheþer is it not beter, þat I flee, and
enemye into þin hoondis; now þanne I ſhal ſtike hym wiþ a be ſauid in þe lond of Philiſteis, þat Saul diſpeire, and ceeſe
ſpeer in þe erþe oonys, and þe ſecounde ſhal be no nede. to ſeche me in alle þe cooſtis of Yrael; þanne flee we þe
ix And Dauid ſeide to Abiſai, Þou ſhalt not ſle hym, forſoþe
hoondis of hym.
ii And Dauid roos, and wente, he and ſexe hundryd men wiþ
who ſhal ſtretche his hoond into þe criſt of þe Lord, and ſhal hym, to Achis, þe ſone of Maoth, þe kyng of Geth.
be innocent? iii And Dauid dwellide wiþ Achis in Geth, he, and his men,
x And Dauid ſeide, Þe Lord lyuiþ, for but þe Lord ſmyte
hym, oþer þe day of hym come þat he die, oþer into batail and his hows; Dauid, and his two wyues, Achynoem
comynge doun he periſſhe; Jezralite, and Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal Carmele.
iiii And it is toold to Saul, þat Dauid was flowen into Geth;
xi merciful be to me þe Lord, þat I ſtretche not out myn
hoond into þe criſt of þe Lord; now þanne tak þe ſpeer, þat is and he addide no more for to ſeche hym.
v Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Achis, If I haue founden grace in
at his heed, and þe cup of water, and go wee.
xii Dauid took þe ſpeer, and þe cup of water, þat was at þe þin eyen, a place be ȝouun to me in oon of þe citees of þis
heed of Saul, and þei wenten awey, and þere was not eny regioun, þat I dwelle þere; forſoþe whi þi ſeruaunt dwelliþ in
man þat ſawȝ, and vndurſtood, and awook, but alle þei þe citee of þe kyng wiþ þee?
vi And ſo Achis ȝaf to hym in þat day Sichelech, for þe which
ſlepten; for þe ſleep of þe Lord felle vpon hem.
xiii And whanne Dauid was goon fro aȝens, and ſtood in þe cauſe Sichelech is maad of þe kyngis of Juda vnto þis day.
vii Forſoþe þe noumbre of þe dais, in þe whiche Dauid
cop of þe hil fro a fer, and þere was a greet myddil valey
bitwix hem, dwellide in þe regioun of Philiſteis, was of foure moneþis.
xiiii Dauid criede to þe puple, and to Abner, þe ſone of Ner, viii And Dauid ſtiede vp, and his men, and brouȝten prayes
ſeiynge, Wheþer, Abner, þou ſhalt not anſwere? And Abner of Gethſury, and of Gethry, and of Amalachitis; forſoþe þes
anſwerynge ſeiþ, Who art þou þat crieſt, and vnreſtiſt þe heþen dwelliden in þe loond bi oold tyme citees of Sur, vnto
kyng? þe loond of Egipt.
xv And Dauid ſeiþ to Abner, Wheþer ert þou not a man, and ix And Dauid ſmoot al þe loond of hem, and he lafte not a
who oþer lijk þee in Yrael? whi þanne haſt þou not kept þi lyuynge man and womman; and takynge ſheep, and oxen, and
lord þe kyng? Forſoþe þere wente yn a man of þe folk, for he aſſis, and camelis, and cloþis, he turnede aȝen, and cam to
wolde ſleye þi lord þe kyng; Achis.
xvi it is not good, þis þat þou haſt doo; þe Lord lyuiþ, for x Forſoþe Achis ſeide to hym, In whom felle þou on to dai?
ſonys of deeþ ȝe ben, for ȝe han not kept ȝoure lord, criſt of Dauid anſwerde, Aȝens þe ſouþ of Jude, and aȝens þe ſouþ
þe Lord. Now þanne ſe, where be þe ſpeer of þe kyng, and of Yranyel, and aȝens þe ſouþ of Ceny.
where be þe cup of water, þat weren at þe heed of hym. xi Man and womman Dauid lafte not on lyue, ne brouȝte into
xvii Forſoþe Saul knewe þe voys of Dauid, and ſeide, Geth, ſeiynge, Leſt perauenture þei ſpeken aȝens vs. Þeſe
Wheþer is þis þi vois, my ſone Dauid? And Dauid ſeiþ, My þingis dide Dauid, and þis was þe dom of hym, alle þe dais
vois, my lord kyng. `þe whiche he dwellide in þe regioun of Philiſteis.
xviii And he ſeiþ, For what cauſe purſueþ my lord his xii Þanne Achis leuyde to Dauid, ſeiynge, Forſoþe manye
ſeruaunt? What haue I doo, or what yuel is in myn hoond? yuels he haþ wrouȝte aȝens his puple Yrael, þerfor a ſeruaunt
xix Nowe þanne here, I preye, my lord kyng, wordis of þi he ſhal be to me for euere more.
ſeruaunt; if þe Lord ſtiriþ þee aȝens me, ſacrifice be ſmellid;
forſoþe if þe ſones of men, curſid be þei in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, Capitulum XXVIII.
þat han þrowun me out to day, þat I dwelle not in þe i In
heritage of þe Lord, ſeiynge, Go, and ſerue to alien goddis. þo dais forſoþe it is doon, Philiſteis gadreden her
xx And now be not ſhed out my blood in þe erþe before þe companyes, þat þei weren redi before aȝens Yrael at batail.
And Achis ſeide to Dauid, Witynge now wite þou, for wiþ
Lord; for þe kyng of Yrael is goon out þat he ſeche a quyk me þou ſhalt goon out in þe tentis, þou and þi men.
fliȝe, as a partritch is purſued in hillis. ii And Dauid ſeide to Achis, Now þou ſhalt knowe what þi
xxi And Saul ſeiþ, Y haue ſynned; turne aȝen, my ſone
ſeruaunt is to doo. And Achis ſeiþ to Dauid, And I ſhal
Dauid, namore forſoþe I ſhal myſdoo to þee, forþi þat my lijf putte þee keper of myn heed alle dais.


iii Forſoþe Samuel is deed, and al Yrael biweilide hym, and xxii Now þanne here þou þe vois of þin hoond womman, and
biryede hym in Ramatha, his cytee. And Saul took a wey þe I ſhal putte before þee a morſel of breed, and etynge þou
dyuynours and clepers of deuels fro þe loond, and ſlewȝ hem wexe hool, and mowe goon þe weye.
þat hadden chaarmers of deuels in þe wombe. xxiii Þe which forſoke, and ſeiþ, I ſhal not ete. Forſoþe his
iiii And Philiſteis ben gadrid, and camen, and ſetten tentis in ſeruauntis and þe womman conſtreyneden; and at þe laſt, þe
Siccymam; forſoþe and Saul gadrede al Yrael, and cam into vois of hem herd, he roos fro þe erþe, and ſat vpon þe bedde.
Gelboe. xxiiii Forſoþe þat womman hadde a foddred calf in þe hows,
v And Saul ſawȝ þe tentis of Philiſteis, and dradde, and his and ſhe hiȝede, and ſlewȝ it; and takynge floure ſhe mengide
herte quauyde ful myche. it, and boke þerf looues;
vi And he counſeilde þe Lord; and he anſwerde hym not, ne bi xxv and putte before Saul and his ſeruauntis, þe which
preſtis, ne bi ſweuens, ne bi prophetis. whanne þei hadden eten, riſen, and wenten þurȝ out al þat
vii And Saul ſeide to his ſeruauntis, Sechiþ to me a nyȝt.
womman hauynge a charmynge gooſt; and I ſhal goo to hir,
and aſke bi hir. And his ſeruauntis ſeiden to hym, Þere is a Capitulum XXIX.
womman hauynge a dyuynynge ſpirite in Endore. i Thanne
viii Þanne he chaungide his abite, and is cloþid wiþ oþere alle þe companyes of Philiſteis ben gadred in
cloþis; and he ȝede, and two men wiþ hym; and þei camen to Aphech, but and Irael ſette tentis vpon þe welle þat was in
þe womman bi nyȝt. And he ſeiþ, Dyuyne to me in a Jezrael.
ii Forſoþe and þe maiſtris of Philiſteis wenten in hundredis
chaarmynge ſpyrite, and rere to me whom Y ſhal ſeye to þee.
ix And þe womman ſeiþ to hym, Loo! þou haſt knowen how and þouſandis; forſoþe Dauid and his men weren in þe laſt
greet þingis Saul dide, and what maner wyſe he haþ putte companye wiþ Achis.
iii And þe princis of Philiſteis ſeiden to Achis, What to hem
out dyuynours, and clepers of deuels fro þe loond; whi þanne
weytiſt þou to my lijf, þat I be ſlayn? ſelf wolen þes Ebrews? And Achis ſeiþ to þe princys of
x And Saul ſwore to hyre in þe Lord, ſeiynge, Þe Lord Philiſteis, Wheþer knowe ȝe not Dauid, þat was ſeruaunt to
lyuiþ; for þere ſhal not come to þee eny þing of yuel for þis Saul, kyng of Irael? and is anentis me manye days or
þing. ȝeeris, and I founde not in hym eny þing, fro þe dai þat he
xi And þe womman ſeide to him, Whom ſhal I rere to þee?
ouer fleiȝ to me vnto þis dai.
iiii Forſoþe þe princis of Philiſteis ben wrooþ aȝens hym, and
Þe which ſeiþ, Rere to me Samuel. ſeiden to hym, Þe man turne aȝen, and ſitt in his place, in þe
xii Forſoþe whanne þe womman hadde ſeen Samuel, ſhe
which I haue ſett hym, and deſſende he not wiþ vs into
cryede wiþ a greet voys, and ſeide to Saul, Whi haſt þou batail, leſt he be maad to vs aduerſarye, whanne we bigynnen
putte þis to me? forſoþe þou ert Saul. to fiȝte; forſoþe what maner wiſe oþer wiſe he ſhal mowe pleſe
xiii And þe kyng ſeide to hyr, Wole þou not drede; what haſt his lord, but in oure heedis?
þou ſeen? And þe womman ſeiþ to Saul, I ſawȝ goddis v Wheþer is not þis Dauid, to whom þei ſyngen in dauncis,
ſtiynge vp fro þe erþe. ſeiynge, Saul haþ ſmyten in his þouſandis, and Dauid in his
xiiii And he ſeiþ to hir, What maner is þe fourm of hym? Þe ten þouſandis?
which ſeiþ, An oold man ſtiede vp, and he is cloþid wiþ a vi Þanne Achis clepide Dauid, and ſeide to hym, Þe Lord
mantil. And Saul vndurſtood þat it was Samuel; and he lyueþ; for riȝt þou ert, and good in my ſiȝt, and þi goynge out
bowide hym ſelf vpon his face in þe erþe, and honourde. and þin incomynge wiþ me is in þe tentis, and I haue not
xv Forſoþe Samuel ſeide to Saul, Whi haſt þou vnreſtid me, founden in þee eny þing of yuel, fro þe dai þat þou cam to me
þat I be rerid? And Saul ſeiþ, I am artid to myche; forſoþe vnto þis dai; but to þe maiſtris þou pleſiſt not.
Philiſteis fiȝten aȝens me, and God is goon a wey fro me, vii Turn þanne aȝen, and go in pees, and offend þou not þe
and wol not here me, ne bi þe hoond of prophetis, ne bi eyen of þe maiſtris of Philiſteis.
ſweuens; þerfor I haue clepid þee, þat þou ſhewe to me what viii And Dauid ſeid to Achis, Forſoþe what haue I doo, and
I ſhal doo. what haſt þou founden in me þi ſeruaunt, fro þe dai þat I
xvi And Samuel ſeiþ, What aſkiſt þou me, ſiþ God haþ goon
was in þi ſiȝt vnto þis dai, þat I come not, and fiȝt aȝens þe
a wey fro þee, and goon to þin enemye? enemyes of my lord þe kyng?
xvii Forſoþe þe Lord ſhal doo to þee as he ſpak in myn ix Forſoþe Achis anſwerynge ſpak to Dauid, I woot for þou
hoond, and he ſhal kut þi kyngdam fro þin hoond, and ȝyue it art good, and in myn eyen as þe aungel of God; but þe
to þi neiȝbor Dauid; princis of Philiſteis ſeiden, He ſhal not ſtie vp wiþ vs into
xviii for þou haſt not obeiſhid to þe vois of þe Lord, ne þou batail.
didiſt þe wraþþe of his woodnes in Amalech. Þerfor þat þat x Þerfor riſe eerli, þou, and þi ſeruauntis þat camen wiþ þee;
þou ſuffriſt þe Lord haþ doo to þee to day; and whanne fro niȝt ȝe ſhulen riſe, and it bigynneþ to `liȝte
xix and þe Lord alſo ſhal ȝeue Irael wiþ þee in þe hoond of day, gooþ.
Philiſteis. Forſoþe to morwe þou and þi ſones ſhal be wiþ xi And ſo Dauid roos fro niȝt, he and his men, þat he miȝt
me; but and þe Lord ſhal take þe tentis of Yrael in þe hoond goo forþ eerli to þe loond of Philiſteis, and turne aȝen;
of Philiſteis. forſoþe Philiſteis ſtieden vp into Jezrael.
xx And Saul anoon felle ſtraȝt into þe erþe; he dradde forſoþe
þe wordis of Samuel, and miȝt was not in hym, for he hadde Capitulum XXX.
not eten breed al þat dai and al niȝt.
xxi And ſo þat womman wente yn to Saul, and ſaiþ; forſoþe i Whanne Dauid and his men weren comen into Sichelech þe
he was diſturblid greetli; and ſhe ſeide to hym, Loo! þin þridde dai, Amalechites maden a bure fro þe ſouþ partie into
hoond womman haþ obeiſhid to þi vois, and I haue put my Sichelech; and þei ſmyten Sichelech, and þei brenten it wiþ
lijf in myn hoond, and I haue herd þi wordis, þat þou ſpeek fier.
to me.


ii And caitifis þei ladden wymmen fro it, fro þe leeſt vnto þe hym. Forſoþe Dauyd comynge nyȝ to þe puple, ſalutede hem
greet; and þei ſlewen not eny man, but ladden wiþ hem, and peſibli.
wenten her weye. xxii And o man anſwerynge, werſt and wickid of þe men þat
iii Þanne whanne Dauid was comen, and his men, to þe weren wiþ Dauid, ſeide, For þei camen not wiþ vs, we ſhulen
citee, and þei founden it brent wiþ fier, and her wyues, and not ȝyue to hem eny þing of þe praye, þat we han delyuerde,
her ſonys, and douȝtris to be ladde caitifes, but ſuffice to echon his wijf and ſonis; þe whiche whanne þei
iiii Dauid and þe puple þat was wiþ hym rereden vp her han takun, goo þei a weye.
xxiii Forſoþe Dauid ſeide, Not ſo ȝe ſhulen doo, briþeren myn,
voices, and weiliden, to þe tyme þat teeris faileden in hem.
v Forſoþe and þe two wyues of Dauid weren ladde caitife, of þeſe þingis þat þe Lord haþ taken to vs, and haþ kepte vs,
and haþ ȝeuen þe þeuys, þat breken out aȝens vs, into oure
Achynoem Jezraelite, and Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal of hoondis,
Carmele. xxiiii ne eny man ſhal here vs vpon þis word. Forſoþe euen
vi And Dauid ſorowide greetli; forſoþe al þe puple wold ſtoone
part ſhal be of þe goynge down to batail, and of þe abidynge
hym, for bitter was þe lyif of eche man vpon her ſones and ſtille at þe fardels; and lijk maner þei ſhulen departe.
douȝtres. Forſoþe Dauid is coumfortid in þe Lord his God. xxv And þis is maad fro þat day, and þere aftir a ſtatute, and
vii And he ſeiþ to Abiathar, þe preeſt, þe ſone of Achimalech,
a decree, and as a lawe in Yrael vnto þis day.
Aplie to me þe preeſtis coope. And Abiathar apliede to Dauid xxvi Þanne Dauid cam into Sichelech, and ſente ȝiftis of þe
þe preeſtis coope;
viii and Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, Shal I purſue, or praye to þe eldris of Juda, his neiȝbours, ſeiynge, Takiþ
bleſſynge of þe praye of þe enemyes of þe Lord;
naye, þeſe þeues, and take hem? And þe Lord ſeide to hym, xxvii to hem þat weren in Bethel, and þat in Ramoth, at þe
Purſue; forſoþe out of dout þou ſhalt take hem, and ſhake out
þe praye. ſouþ, and þat in Gether,
ix Þanne Dauid wente, he and ſexe hundred men þat weren xxviii and þat in Aroer, and þat in Sephamoth, and þat in
wiþ hym, and camen to þe ſtreem of Beſor; and ſumme wery Eſchama,
ſtoden ſtille. xxix and þat in Rethala, and þat in þe citees of Hierameli,
x Forſoþe Dauid purſuede, he and foure hundrid men; for and þat in þe citees of Ceny,
þere ſtoden ſtille two hundred, þat weri myȝten not goon ouere xxx and þat in Arama, and þat in Lautuaſaam, and þat in
þe ſtreem of Beſor. Athech,
xi And þei founden an Egipcien man in þe feeld, and þei xxxi and þat in Ebron, and to oþer, þat weren in þes places,
brouȝten hym to Dauid; and þei ȝeuen hym breed for to eete, in þe whiche Dauid hadde dwellid and his men.
and drynke water;
xii but and þe relif of a weiȝt of dried figis, and two bundels Capitulum XXXI.
of dried grapis. Þe whiche þingis whanne he hadde eten, þe i Forſoþe
ſpiryt of hym is turned aȝen, and he is refreſſhid; forſoþe he Philiſteis fouȝten aȝens Irael, and þe men of Yrael
hadde not eten breed, ne drunken water þre dais and þre flowen before þe face of Philiſteis, and þei ſlayn fellen in þe
niȝtes. hyl of Gelboe.
xiii And ſo Dauid ſeide to hym, Whos ert þou, or whens and ii And Philiſteis fallen into Saul, and into þe ſonys of hym,
whidir goſt þou? Þe which ſeiþ, An Egipcien child I am, and and þei ſmyten Jonathan, and Amynadab, and Melchiſue, þe
þe ſeruaunt of an Amalechite man; forſoþe my lord laft me, ſonys of Saul.
for I bigan to ſikynyn þe þridde dai hens. iii And al þe charge of þe batayl is turned into Saul; and
xiiii Forſoþe we wenten out of þe ſouþ cooſt of Cerethi, and þere folweden hym men ſheters, and he is woundid hydowſly
aȝens Judam, and to þe ſouþ of Caleph, and Sichilich we of þe archers.
han brent vp wiþ fier. iiii And Saul ſeide to his ſquyer, Drawe out þi ſwerd, and
xv And Dauid ſeide to hym, Maiſt þou lede me to þis ſmyit me, leſt perauenture þes vncircumcidid men comen, and
cumpanye? Þe which ſeiþ, Sweer to me bi God, þat þou ſhalt ſleen me, ſcornynge to me. And his ſquier wolde not; forſoþe
not ſlee me, and not take me into þe hoondis of my lord; and he was agaiſt wiþ to mych gaiſtnes; and ſo Saul cauȝte his
I ſhal lede þee to þis companye. And Dauid ſwore to hym. ſwerd, and felle vpon it.
xvi Þe which whanne he hadde ladde hym, loo! þei ſeeten v Þe which þing whanne his ſquyer hadde ſeen, þat is, þat
vpon þe face of al þe erþe, etinge and drinkynge, and as Saul was deed, alſo he felle on his ſwerd, and is deed wiþ
halowynge a feeſt dai, for al þe pray and ſpoilis þat þei token hym.
fro þe loond of Philiſteis, and fro þe loond of Juda. vi Þanne Saul is deed, and his þree ſonys, and his ſquyer,
xvii And Dauid ſmoot hem fro euen `unto euen of þe toþer and alle his men in þat dai togidir.
dai, and þere ſcapide not of hem eny man, but foure hundrid vii Forſoþe ſeynge þe ſonys of Yrael, þat weren biȝonde þe
ȝonge men, þat ſtieden vp camelis, and flowen. valey, and beȝonde Jordan, þat þe men of Yrael hadden
xviii Forſoþe Dauid delyuerde alle þingis þat Amalachitis flowen, and þat Saul was deed, and his ſones, þei laften her
token, and his two wyues he dilyuerde; citees, and flowen; and Philiſteis camen, and dwelliden þere.
xix ne þere failide eny man fro litil vnto miche, as wel of viii Forſoþe þe toþer dai doon, Philiſteis camen for to ſpoyl
ſonys as of douȝtris, and of ſpoilys; and what eure þingis þei out þe ſlayn men, and þei fonden Saul, and his þre ſones,
hadden robbid, alle Dauid brouȝte aȝen; liggynge in þe hil of Gelboe;
xx and took all þe flockis and drouys, and droue before his ix and þei girden of þe heed of Saul, and þei ſpoileden hym
face. And þei ſeiden, Þis is þe praye of Dauid. out of þe aarmys. And þei ſenten into þe loond of Philiſteis
xxi Forſoþe Dauid cam to þe two hundrid men, þat wery bi enuyroun, þat it were toold in þe temple of mawmettis, and
ſtoden ſtille, and myȝten not folowe Dauid; and he hadde in puplis.
x And þei ſetten his aarmys in þe temple of Aſcharoth; forſoþe
comaundid hem to ſitte ſtille biſide þe ſtreem of Beſor; þe
whiche wenten out to mete Dauid, and þe puple þat was wiþ þe bodi of hym þei hengen in þe wal of Bethſan.


xi Þe which þing whanne þe dwellers of Jabes Galaad

hadden herd, alle þingis þat Philiſteis hadden doo to Saul,
xii alle þe mooſt ſtronge men ryſen, and wenten al nyȝt, and
token þe careyns of Saul, and þe careyns of his ſonis fro þe
wal of Bethſan; and þe men of Jabes Galaad camen, and
brenten hem wiþ fier.
xiii And þei token þe boonys of hem, and biryeden in þe wode
of Jabes, and faſtiden ſeuen days.
Here endiþ þe firſt book of Kyngis, and
now bigynneþ þe ſecounde.


of ſtronge men, þe ſheelde of Saul, as þouȝ he hadde not ben

II. KYNGIS. anoyntid wiþ oyle.
xxii Fro þe blood of þe ſlayn, fro þe talwȝ of ſtronge men, þe
Þe ſecounde boke of Kynges arowe of Jonathas neuer turnede aȝen bacward, and þe ſwerd
of Saul is not turned aȝen in ydel.
xxiii Saul and Jonathas loueli, and feyr in her lyif, forſoþe in
Capitulum I.
deeþ þei ben not deuydide; ſwifter þan eglis, ſtronger þan
i Forſoþe it is doon, after þat Saul is deed, þat Dauid is liouns.
turned aȝen fro þe ſlauȝter of Amalech, and dwellide in xxiiii Douȝtris of Yrael, vpon Saul wepiþ, þe which cloþide
Sichelech two days. ȝou wiþ reed in delicis, þe which ȝaf golden ournementis to
ii Forſoþe in þe þridde day aperide a ȝong man, of þe tentis ȝoure worſhipynge.
of Saul, wiþ to-rent clooþ, and ſprengid þe heed wiþ powdre; xxv What maner fellen ſtrong men in batayl? Jonathas in þin
and as he came to Dauid, he felle vpon his face, and lowtide. heiȝ þingis is ſlayn.
iii And Dauid ſeide to hym, Whens comyſt þou? Þe which xxvi I ſorwe vpon þee, broþer myn Jonatha, ful myche feir,
ſeiþ to Dauid, Fro þe tentis of Yrael I fleiȝ. and loueli ouere þe loue of wymmen; as a moder louiþ hir
iiii And Dauid ſeide to hym, What is þe word þat is doon; oneli ſone, ſo Y louede þee.
ſhewe to me. Þe which ſeiþ, Þe puple fleiȝ fro þe batail, and xxvii What maner wiſe fellen ſtronge men, and perſhiden
many fallynge of þe puple ben deed; but and Saul, and aarmes to fiȝten wiþ in batayl?
Jonathas, his ſone, han died.
v And Dauid ſeide to þe ȝong man, þat toolde to hym, Wherbi
Capitulum II.
woſt þou, þat Saul is deed, and Jonathas, his ſone?
vi And þe ȝong man ſeiþ, þat toolde to hym, Bi hap I cam i Therfor after þes þingis Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge,
into þe hil of Gelboe, and Saul lenyde vpon his ſpeer; Wheþer I ſhal goon vp into oon of þe cytees of Juda? And þe
vii forſoþe chaaris and horſis neiȝeden to hym; and turned Lord ſeiþ to hym, Go vp. And Dauid ſeide to hym, Whedir
ſhal I go vp? And he anſwerde to hym, Into Ebron.
bihynde his rigge, and ſeynge clepide me. To whom whanne ii Þanne Dauid ȝede vp, and his two wyues, Achynoem
I hadde anſwerde, I am niȝ;
viii he ſeide to me, Forſoþe who art þou? And I ſeide to hym, Jezraelite, and Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal of Carmele.
iii But and þe men þat weren wiþ hym, Dauid ladde echon
Amalechite I am.
ix And he ſpak to me, Stoond vpon me, and ſle me; for wiþ her hows; and þei dwelliden in þe burȝ touns of Ebron.
iiii And þe men of Juda camen, and anoyntiden þere Dauid,
anguyſhis holden me, and ȝit al my ſoule is in me.
x And ſtondynge vpon hym I ſlewȝ hym; forſoþe I wiſte þat for he ſhulde regne vpon þe hows of Juda. And it is toold to
Dauid, þat þe men of Jabes Galaad hadden biryede Saul.
he myȝte not lyue after þe fallynge; and I took þe diademe v Þanne Dauid ſente meſſageris to þe men of Jabes Galaad,
þat was in his heed, and þe beeȝ fro his arm, and I haue
brouȝte it to þee, my lord, hidyr. and he ſeide to hem, Bleſſid be ȝe of þe Lord, þe whiche
xi Forſoþe Dauid takynge his cloþis kitte, and alle þe men þat diden þis mercy wiþ ȝoure lord Saul, and biryeden hym.
vi Forſoþe and nowe þe Lord ſhal ȝeelde to ȝou merci and
weren wiþ hym;
xii and þei weileden, and wepten, and faſtiden vnto þe euen, treuþ, but and Y ſhal ȝeelde grace, forþi þat ȝe diden þis
vpon Saul, and Jonathan, his ſone, and vpon þe puple of þe vii Be ȝoure hoondis coumfortid, and be ȝe ſones of ſtrengþ;
Lord, and vpon þe hows of Irael, forþi þat þei weren faln
wiþ ſwerd. forſoþe þouȝ ȝoure lord Saul be deed, neuerþelater þe hows of
xiii And Dauid ſeide to þe ȝonge man, þat toolde to hym, Juda haþ anoyntid me into a kyng to hem.
viii Abner forſoþe, þe ſone of Ner, prince of þe ooſt of Saul,
Whens ert þou? Þe which anſwerde, I am þe ſone of an
Amalechit man comlynge. took Hiſboſech, þe ſone of Saul, and ladde hym about bi þe
xiiii And Dauid ſeiþ to hym, Whi draddiſt þou not to putte tentis,
ix and ſette hym kyng vpon Galaad, and vpon Jethſuri, and
þin hoond for to ſlee þe criſt of þe Lord?
xv And Dauid clepynge oon of his children ſeiþ, Goynge nyȝ vpon Jezrael, and vpon Effraym, and vpon Beniamyn, and
vpon al Yrael.
fal into hym. Þe which ſmoot hym, and he is deed. x Of fourti ȝeer was Hiſboſeth, þe ſone of Saul, whanne he
xvi And Dauid ſeiþ to hym, Þi blood vpon þin heed; forſoþe
bigan to regne vpon Irael; and two ȝeer he regnede. Forſoþe
þi mouþ haþ ſpoken aȝens þee, ſeiynge, I ſlewȝ þe criſt of þe oneli þe hows of Juda folwide Dauid.
Lord. xi And þe noumbre of dais, þe which Dauid dwellide
xvii Forſoþe Dauyd weilide þis maner a weilynge vpon Saul,
comaundynge in Ebron vpon þe hows of Juda, was of ſeuen
and vpon Jonathas, his ſone. ȝeris and of ſexe moneþis.
xviii And he comaundide, þat þei techen þe ſones of Juda xii And Abner, þe ſone of Ner, wente out, and þe children of
weilynge, as it is writen in þe Book of Riȝtwiſe Men; Hiſboſeth, þe ſone of Saul, fro þe tentis into Gabaon.
xix and ſeiþ, Bihold, Irael, for, þes þat ben deed, vpon þin xiii Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, and þe children of
heiȝe þingis woundide; þe noble men of Yrael vpon þin hillis Dauid wenten out, and aȝen camen to hem biſide þe fiſh
ben ſlayn. What maner wiſe fellen þe ſtrengþful? poond in Gabaon. And whanne þei weren comen `togidir in
xx woleþ ȝe not telle in Geth, ne telle ȝe in þe gedryngis oon forn aȝens oþer, þeſe ſeeten on þe too parti of þe fiſh
togidre of þe many weyes of Aſchalon; leſt perauenture þe poond, and þei on þe toþer.
douȝtres of Philiſteis gladen, ne ioyen þe douȝtris of þe xiiii And Abner ſeide to Joab, Riſe children, and pleye þei
vncircumcidid. before vs. And Joab anſwerde, Riſen.
xxi Hillis of Gelboe, ne dewe ne reyn come vpon ȝow, ne be xv Þanne ryſen and wenten twelue bi noumbre of Beniamyn,
þei feeldis of firſt fruytis; for þere is þrowen a wey þe ſheelde of þe parti of Hyſboſeth, þe ſone of Saul; and twelue of þe
children of Dauid.


xvi And taken of echon þe heed of his peere, he piȝte doun a iiii forſoþe
þe feerþe, Adonyas, þe ſone of Agith; and þe fifþe,
ſwerd in þe ſide of þe contrarie; and þei fellen doun to gidre. Saphacias, þe ſone of Abital;
And þe name of þat place is clepid Þe Feelde of ſtronge men v forſoþe þe ſexte, Jethraam of Egla, þe wijf of Dauid. Þes
in Gabaon. ben born to Dauid in Ebron.
xvii And þere is ſprongen an hard batail ynowȝ in þat day; vi Þanne whanne þere was a batail bytwixe þe hows of Saul
and Abner is dryuen, and þe men of Yrael, of þe children of and þe hows of Dauid, Abner, þe ſone of Ner, gouernde þe
Dauid. hows of Saul.
xviii Forſoþe þere weren þere þe þre ſones of Saruye, Joab, vii Forſoþe þere was to Saul a ſecoundarie wijf, Reſpha bi
and Abiſay, and Aſahel; ceertis Aſahel was a mooſt ſwift name, þe doȝter of Achay; and Abner wente into hir. And
renner, as oon of þe caprettis þat dwellen in wodis. Hiſboſeth ſeide to Abner,
xix Forſoþe Aſahel purſuede Abner, and bowide not aſide, ne viii Whi wentiſt þou in to þe ſecoundarie wijf of my fader? Þe
fro þe riȝt ne fro þe left, leeuynge to purſue Abner. which, ful miche wrooþ for þe wordis of Hiſboſeth, ſeiþ,
xx And ſo Abner bihelde bihynde his bak, and ſeiþ, Wheþer Wheþer þe heed of a dog Y am aȝens Juda to day, þe which
art þou not Aſahel? Þe which anſwerde, Y am. haue doon merci vpon þe hows of Saul, þi fadre, and vpon
xxi And Abner ſeide to hym, Go to þe riȝt, or to þe left; and briþeren, and þe next kyn of hym, and I haue not takyn þee
tak oon of þe ȝonge men, and tak to þee þe ſpoilis of hym. into þe hondis of Dauid, and þou haſt aȝen ſouȝt in me þat
Forſoþe Aſahel wolde not leeue, but he conſtreynede hym. þou vndurnyme for a womman to day?
xxii And eft Abner ſpak to Aſahel, Go a wey, and wole þou ix Þes þingis doo God to Abner, and þes þingis adde to hym,
not ſue me, leſt I be conſtreyned to ſtike þee into þe erþe, and but what maner wiſe þe Lord haþ ſwore to Dauid, ſo ſhal I
I ſhal not mowe rere my face to Joab, þi broþer. doo wiþ hym,
xxiii Þe which diſpiſide to here, and wolde not bowe aſide. x þat þe kyngdom be ouerborn fro þe hows of Saul, and þe
Þanne Abner, þe ſpeer turned a wey, ſmoot hym in þe ſheer, trone of Dauid be rerid vpon Irael and vpon Juda, fro Dan
and ſtikide hym þurȝ, and he is deed in þe ſame place; and vnto Berſabe.
alle þat wenten bi þe place, in þe which Aſahel hadde fallen, xi And he myȝte not anſwere to hym eny þing, for he dradde
and was deed, biden ſtille. hym.
xxiiii Forſoþe Joab and Abiſay purſuynge Abner fleynge, þe xii Þanne Abner ſente meſſageris to Dauid for hym ſelf,
ſunne wente doun; and þei camen to þe hil of þe water ſeiynge, Whos is þe loond? and for þei ſhulden ſpeke, Mak
kundit, þat is fro aȝens of þe valey, and of þe weye of deſeert wiþ me frenſhips, and myn hoond ſhal be wiþ þee, and I ſhal
in Gabaon. brynge aȝen to þee al Irael.
xxv And þe ſones of Beniamyn ben gederid to Abner, and xiii Þe which ſeiþ, Alþerbeſt I ſhal doo wiþ þee frenſhips, but
cluſtrid to gidir in o cumpanye þei ſtoden in þe cop of a litil o þing I aſke of þee, ſeiynge, Þou ſhalt not ſe my face, before
hil. þat þou brynge Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, and ſo þou ſhalt
xxvi And Abner criede to Joab, and ſeiþ, Wheþer vnto come, and ſe me.
ſlauȝter þi ſwerd ſhal be cruel? Wheþer knowiſt þou not, þat xiiii Þanne Dauid ſente meſſagers to Hiſboſeth, þe ſone of
perilous be deſpeir? How long þou ſeiſt not to þe puple, þat Saul, ſeiynge, Ȝeeld my wijf Mychol, þat I weddide to me
he leeue to purſue his briþeren? for an hundrid terſis of Philiſteis.
xxvii And Joab ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ, for if þou haddiſt ſpoken xv Þanne Hiſbotſeth ſente, and took hir `fro hir man, Faltiel,
eerli, þe puple purſuynge his briþeren hadde goon awey. þe ſone of Lais;
xxviii Þanne Joab fulſownede wiþ þe trompe, and al þe ooſt xvi and hir man folwide hir wepynge vnto Bahurym. And
ſtood; and nomore þei purſueden Yrael, ne wenten in ſtrijf. Abner ſeide to hym, Go and turn aȝen; þe which turnede
xxix Forſoþe Abner and his men wenten awey bi þe wijlde aȝen.
feeldis of Moab al þat niȝt, and þei wenten ouer Jordan; and, xvii Forſoþe Abner brouȝte in a word to þe eldris of Irael,
paſſid alle Bethoron, þei camen to þe tentis. ſeiynge, Boþ ȝiſterday and þe þridde dai hens ȝe ſouȝten
xxx But Joab turned aȝen, Abner laft, gederide al þe puple; Dauyd, þat he regne vpon ȝou.
and þere failiden of þe children of Dauid ten and nyn men, xviii Nowe þanne doþ; for þe Lord ſpak to Dauid, ſeiynge, In
out taken Aſahel. þe hoond of my ſeruaunt Dauid I ſhal ſaue my puple Yrael
xxxi Forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of Dauid ſmyten of Beniamyn, and fro þe hoond of Philiſteis, and of alle his enemyes.
of þe men þat weren wiþ Abner, þre hundred and ſexti, and xix Forſoþe Abner ſpak alſo to Beniamyn, and wente, for to
þe whiche ben deed. ſpeke to Dauid, in Ebron, alle þingis þat pleſiden to Irael
xxxii And þei token Aſahel, and biryeden hym in þe biriels of and to al Beniamyn.
his fader in Bethleem. And Joab, and þe men þat weren wiþ xx And he cam to Dauid, in Ebron, wiþ twenti men. And
hym, wenten al niȝt, and in þat bigynnynge of day þei camen Dauid made to Abner, and to his men þat camen wiþ hym, a
into Ebron. feeſt.
xxi And Abner ſeide to Dauid, Y ſhal ryſe, þat I gedre to
Capitulum III. þee, my lord kyng, al Yrael, and I goo in wiþ þe boond of
i There
pees, and þou comaunde to al, as þi ſoule deſiriþ. Þanne
is maad þanne a longe ſtryuynge togidre bitwixe þe whanne Dauid hadde ladde out Abner, and he was goon in
hows of Dauid and þe hows of Saul; Dauid profitynge and pees,
euermore ſtrenger þan hym ſelf, forſoþe þe hows of Saul xxii anone þe children of Dauid and of Joab camen, þe þeuis
decreſynge eche dai. ſlayn, wiþ ful miche greet pray; forſoþe Abner was not wiþ
ii And þere ben born ſones of Dauid in Ebron; and his firſt
Dauid, in Ebron, for nowe he hadde laft hym, and he was
geten was Amon, of Achinoem Jezraelite; goon forþ in pees.
iii and after hym Ȝeliab, of Abigail, þe wijf of Naabal xxiii And Joab, and þe ooſt þat was wiþ hym, aftirward
Carmeel; forſoþe þe þridde, Abſolon, þe ſone of Maacha, þe camen; and ſo it is toold to Joab of tellers, Abner, þe ſone of
douȝter of Tholomay, þe kyng Jethſure;


Ner, cam to þe kyng, and he lafte hym, and he wente awey iiii Forſoþe þere was to Jonathe, þe ſone of Saul, a ſone feble
in pees. in feete; forſoþe he was fyue ȝeer oolde, whanne a meſſager
xxiiii And Joab wente yn to þe kyng, and ſeiþ, What haſt þou cam fro Saul and Jonatha, of Jezrael. And ſo his nuriſh
doon? Loo! Abner cam to þee; whi haſt þou laft hym, and he takynge hym fleiȝ; and whanne ſhe hiede for to flee, he felle,
ȝede, and wente a wey? and is maad halt; and he hadde name Myphiboſech.
xxv Knowiſt þou not Abner, þe ſone of Ner, for to þat he cam v Comynge þanne þe ſones of Remmon Berothit, Reechab and
to þee, þat he deſſeyue þee, and knowe þin outgoynge and þin Baana, wenten in, þe brennynge dai, þe hows of Hiſboſeth,
incomynge, and he ſhal knowe alle þingis þat þou doſt? þat ſlepte vpon his bed þe myddai; and þe womman þat kepte
xxvi And ſo Joab, goon out fro Dauid, ſente meſſageris after þe doris of þe hows purgynge whete, ſlepte faſt.
Abner; and brouȝte hym aȝen fro þe ciſtern of Cyra, vi Forſoþe þei wenten into þe hows vnwityngly, takynge eeris
vnknowynge Dauid. of whete; and Reechab, and Bana, his broþer, ſmyten hym in
xxvii And whanne Abner was turned aȝen into Ebron, Joab þe ſheer, and flowen.
ladde hym aſide to þe mydil of þe ȝaat, þat he ſpeke to hym in vii Forſoþe whanne þei weren goon into þe hows, he ſlepte
trecherye; and he ſmoot hym þere in þe ſheer, and he is deed, vpon his bed in þe priue chaumbre; and ſmytynge þei ſlewen
into wreche of þe blood of his broþer Aſahel. hym; and his heed taken of, þei wenten bi þe weie of deſeert
xxviii Þat whanne Dauid hadde herd þe þing doon, ſeiþ, al nyȝt.
Clene I am and my kyngdam anentis God vnto wiþ outen viii And þei brouȝten þe heed of Hiſboſeth to Dauid, in
ende fro þe blood of Abner, þe ſone of Ner; Ebron, and þei ſeiden to þe kyng, Loo! þe heed of Hiſboſeth,
xxix and come it vpon þe heed of Joab, and vpon al þe hows þe ſone of Saul, þin enemye, þat ſouȝte þi lijf; and þe Lord
of his fader; ne fail þere fro þe hows of Joab oon ſuffrynge haþ ȝyuen to oure lord þe kyng veniaunce to dai of Saul and
flux of ſeed, and a leprous, holdynge a ſpyndle, and a fallynge of his ſeed.
wiþ ſwerd, and a nedi breed. ix Forſoþe Dauid anſwerynge to Reechab, and Bana, his
xxx Þerfor Joab, and Abiſay, his broþer, ſlewen Abner, forþi broþir, ſones of Remmon Berothei, ſeide to hem, Þe Lord
þat he hadde ſlayn Aſahel, þe broþer of hem, in Gabaon, in lyueþ, þat haþ delyuerd my ſoule fro al angwiſſh;
þe batail. x for hym þat toolde to me and ſeide, Deed is Saul, þe whych
xxxi And Dauid ſeide to Joab, and to al þe puple þat was wende hym ſelf welſum þingis to telle, I heelde, and ſlewȝ
wiþ hym, Kittiþ ȝoure cloþis, and beþ gird wiþ ſackis, and hym in Sichelech, to whom it hadde behouid me to ȝeue mede
weileþ before þe exequies of Abner. Forſoþe Dauid folwide þe for þe meſſage;
beere. xi miche more nowe, whanne wickid men han ſlayn a giltles
xxxii And whanne þei hadden biryden Abner in Ebron, kyng man in his hows vpon his bed, now I ſhal ſeche his blood fro
Dauyd reride his voys, and wepte vpon þe toumbe of Abner; ȝoure hoond, and doo a wey ȝou fro þe erþe.
forſoþe and al þe puple wepte. xii And ſo Dauid comaundide to his children, and þei ſlewen
xxxiii And þe kyng, weilynge and mournynge Abner, ſeiþ, Not hem; and kyttynge of þe hoondis and þe feet of hem, þei
as ſlow men ben went to dye, þou diediſt, Abner. hongeden hem ouer þe fiſh poond in Ebron. Forſoþe þe heed
xxxiiii Þin hoondis ben not boundun, and þi feet ben not of Hiſboſeth þei token, and biryeden it in Ebron, in þe
ſepulcre of Abner.
greued wiþ fettris, but as men ben wont to fal before þe
ſonys of wickidnes þou felle. And doublynge togidre al þe
puple wepte vpon hym. Capitulum V.
xxxv And whanne al þe multitude was comen to taak meet i And alle þe lynagis of Irael camen to Dauid, in Ebron,
wiþ Dauid, ȝit cleer day, Dauid ſwore, ſeiynge, Þes þingis ſeiynge, Loo! we ben þi boon and þi fleſh.
doo to me God, and þes þingis adde, if before þe ſunne ii But and ȝiſtirdai and before ȝiſterdai, whanne Saul was
goynge doun I ſhal taaſt breed or eny oþer þing. kyng vpon vs, þou were ledynge out and bryngynge aȝen
xxxvi And al þe puple herde; and alle þingis pleſiden to hem
Yrael; forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to þee, Þou ſhalt fede my puple
þat þe kyng dide in þe ſiȝt of al þe puple; Irael, and þou ſhalt be duyk vpon Irael.
xxxvii and al þe comoun knewe, and al Irael in þat dai, for it iii Forſoþe and þe eldris of Irael camen to þe kyng, in Ebron;
was not doon of þe kyng, þat Abner, þe ſone of Ner, were and kyng Dauid ſmoot wiþ hem couenaunt of pees in Ebron,
ſlayn. before þe Lord; and þei anoyntiden Dauid into kyng vpon
xxxviii And þe kyng ſeide to his ſeruauntis, Wheþer ȝe Irael.
knowen not, for a prince and þe mooſt to dai in Irael haþ iiii A ſone of þretti ȝeer was Dauid, whanne he bigan to
fallen? regne, and fourti ȝeer he regnede;
xxxix Forſoþe I ȝit delicate and anoyntid kyng; greetli þes v in Ebron he regnyde vpon Juda ſeuen ȝeer and ſixe
men, ſonis of Saruye, ben hard to me; þe Lord ȝeeld to þe moneþis; forſoþe in Jeruſalem he regnede þretti and þree ȝeer,
doynge yuel after his malice. vpon al Irael and Juda.
vi And þe kyng ȝeede, and al þe men þat weren wiþ hym, into
Capitulum IIII. Jeruſalem, to Jebuſe, dweller of þe loond. And it is ſeid to
i Forſoþe Dauid of hem, Þou ſhalt not go in hidre, but if þou take a
Hiſboſeth, þe ſone of Saul, herde þat Abner hadde wey þe blynde and þe halt, ſeiynge, Dauid ſhal not goo yn
faln in Ebron; and þe hondis of hym ben feblid, and al Irael hidre.
is diſturblid. vii Forſoþe Dauid took þe tote hil Syon; þat is þe citee of
ii Forſoþe two men, princis of þeuys, weren to þe ſone of
Saul; name to þe toon Baana, and name to þe toþir Reechab, viii Forſoþe he purpoſide in þat dai mede to hym þat ſmoot
þe ſones of Remmon Berothit, of þe ſonys of Beniamyn;
forſoþe and Beroth is told into Beniamyn. Jebuſe, and touchide þe goters of þe `hows eues, and took a
iii And Berothitis flowen into Jethaym; and þei weren þere wey þe halt and þe blynde, hatynge þe lijf of Dauid. Þerfore
it is ſeid in prouerbe, Þe blynde and þe halt ſhulen not goon
comelingis into þat tyme. into þe temple.


ix Forſoþe Dauid dwellide in þe tote hil, and clepide it þe v Forſoþe Dauid and al Yrael pleiden before þe Lord, in alle
citee of Dauid; and he bieldide bi enuyroun fro Mello, and forgid trees, and harpis, and ſyngynge inſtrumentis, and
wiþ in forþ. tymbris, and trumpis, and cymbalis.
x And he wente profitynge and vndre growynge; and þe Lord vi Forſoþe after þat þei camen to þe corn flore of Nachor, Oza
God of ooſt was wiþ hym. ſtrauȝte out þe hoond to þe arke of God, and heelde it, for þe
xi Forſoþe Yram, þe kyng of Tiry, ſente meſſagers to Dauid, oxen wynſeden, and boweden it.
and cedre trees, and `crafty men of trees, and crafti men of vii And þe Lord is wrooþ bi indignacioun aȝens Ozam, and
ſtonys to þe wallys; and þei beeldiden þe hows of Dauid. he ſmoot hym vpon þe fool hardynes; þe which is þere deed
xii And Dauid knewe, for þe Lord hadde confermyd hym kyng biſide þe arke of God.
vpon Irael, and for he hadde arerid out his kyngdam vpon viii Forſoþe Dauid ſorwide, forþi þat þe Lord hadde ſmyten
his puple Yrael. Ozam; and þe name of þat place is clepid þe Smytynge of
xiii Þanne Dauid took ȝit ſecundarye wyues, and wyues of Oze into þis dai.
Jeruſalem, after þat he was comyn fro Ebron; and þere ben ix And Dauid dradde þe Lord in þat dai, ſeiynge, What
born to Dauid and oþer ſones and douȝtris. maner wiſe ſhal goon into me þe arke of þe Lord?
xiiii And þes þe names of hem þat ben born to hym in x And he wolde not turne aſide to hym þe arke of þe Lord in
Jeruſalem; Samua, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Salomon, þe cite of Dauid, but he turnede it aſide into þe hows of
xv and Jobaar, and Eliſua, and Repheg, and Japhia, Obethedon Jethei.
xvi and Elizama, and Helida, and Heliphelech. xi And þe arke of þe Lord dwellid in þe hows of Obethedon
xvii Þanne Philiſteis herden, þat þei hadden anoyntid Dauid Jethei þre moneþis; and þe Lord bleſſide Obethedon, and al
his hows.
kyng vpon Yrael, and þei alle ſtieden vp for to ſeche Dauid. xii And it is toold to þe kyng Dauid, þat þe Lord hadde
Þe which þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, wente doun in to a
ſtrengþ. bleſſid Obethedon, and alle þingis of hym, for þe arke of God.
xviii Forſoþe Philiſteis comynge ben heeld out in þe valey of And Dauid ſeide, I ſhal goo, and brynge aȝen wiþ bleſſynge
into myn hows. Þanne Dauid wente, and brouȝte þe arke of
Raphaym. God fro þe hows of Obethedon into þe cytee of Dauid wiþ
xix And Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, If I ſhal ſtie vp ioy; and þere weren wiþ Dauid ſeuen holi companyes, and þe
to Philiſteis, and if þou ſhalt ȝyue hem in myn hoond? And ſlayn ſacrifice of a calf.
þe Lord ſeide to Dauid, Sty, for takyng I ſhal ȝyue xiii And whanne þei hadden ſtied ouer, þat baren þe arke of
Philiſteis in þin hoond. þe Lord, ſexe paas, þei offreden an oxe and a weþer.
xx Þanne Dauid cam in Baal Pharaſym, and ſmoot hem xiiii And Dauid ſmoot in orgayns bounden to þe ſhuldres; and
þere, and ſeide, Þe Lord haþ dyuidid myn enemyes before he lepe wiþ al his ſtrengþ before þe Lord; forſoþe Dauid is
me, as watris ben dyuidid. Þerfor þe name of þat place is gird wiþ a ſurplees.
clepid Baal Pharaſym. xv And Dauid, and al þe hows of Irael, brouȝten þe arke of
xxi And þei laften þere her grauen þingis, þe whiche Dauid
þe teſtament of þe Lord in ioy, and in ſown of trompe.
took, and his men. xvi And whanne þe arke of þe Lord was comen into þe cite of
xxii And ȝit þe Philiſteis addiden for to ſtie vp, and þei ben
Dauid, Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, biholdynge bi þe
held out in þe valey of Raphaym. wyndow, ſawȝ þe kyng vndurgoynge and lepynge before þe
xxiii Forſoþe Dauid counſeilde þe Lord, ſeiynge, If I ſhal ſtye Lord; and ſhe diſpyſide hym in hir herte.
aȝens þe Philiſteis, and if þou ſhalt take hem into myn xvii And þei brouȝten in þe arke of þe Lord, and þei puttiden
hoondis? Þe which anſwerde, Þou ſhalt not ſtye vp aȝens it in his place, in þe myddis of þe tabernacle, þat Dauid
hem, but goo about bihynde þe bak of hem, and comynge to hadde ſtrauȝt out to hym; and Dauid offrede brent ſacrifice
hem fro aȝens of þe peer trees. and peſible before þe Lord.
xxiiii And whanne þou heriſt noiſe of cry goynge in þe cop of xviii And whanne offrynge brent ſacrifice and peſible he hadde
þe peer trees, þanne þou ſhalt goo into batail; for þanne þe ful endid hem, he bleſſide to þe puple in þe name of þe Lord
Lord ſhal goo out before þi face, þat he ſmyte þe tentis of of ooſtis.
Philiſteis. xix And he partide to al þe multitude of Yrael, as wel to man
xxv And ſo Dauid dide as þe Lord comaundide to hym; and
as to womman, to echon o kaake of breed, and o roſtid gobet
he ſmoot Philiſteis fro Gabaa vnto þou come to Jezer. of oxe fleſh, and tried floure fried wiþ oyle; and al þe puple
wente echon into his hows.
Capitulum VI. xx And Dauid turned aȝen, þat he bleſſe to his hows, and
i Forſoþe Dauid eft gedrede alle þe choſen men of Irael, þretti Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, goon out into aȝen comynge of
þouſandis. Dauid, ſeiþ, How glorious was þe kyng of Irael to dai
ii And Dauid roos, and wente, and al þe puple þat was wiþ diſcouerynge hym ſelf before þe hoond wymmen of his
ſeruauntis, and is maad nakid as if were maad nakid oon of
him of þe men of Juda, for to brynge þe arke of God, vpon þe knauys?
þe which is inwardli clepid þe name of þe Lord of ooſtis, xxi And Dauid ſeide to Mychol, Þe Lord lyueþ, for I ſhal
ſittynge in cherubyn vpon it.
iii And þei puttiden þe arke of God vpon a newe wayn, and pleye before þe Lord, þat haþ choſen me raþer þan þi fader,
and þan al þe hows of hym, and he haþ comaundid to me, þat
þei token it fro þe hows of Amynadab, þat was in Gabaa. Y were a ledere vpon þe puple of þe Lord of Irael;
Forſoþe Oza and Hayon, þe ſones of Amynadab, dryuen þe xxii and I ſhal pleye, and fowlere Y ſhal be maad more þan
newe wayn.
iiii And whanne þei hadden taken it fro þe hows of I am maad, and I ſhal be meke in myn eyen, and wiþ
`hoond wymmen, of þe whiche þou haſt ſpoken, more glorious
Amynadab, þat was in Gabaa, Hayon kepynge þe arke of Y ſhal apere.
God, wente before þe arke. xxiii Þerfor to Mychol, þe douȝter of Saul, is not born a ſone
vnto þe day of hir deeþ.


Capitulum VII. xxii Þerfor þou art magnified, Lord God, for þere is not lijk
i Forſoþe
of þee, ne þere is God wiþ out þee, in alle þingis `þe whiche
it is doon, whanne þe kyng hadde ſeeten in his we han herd wiþ oure eeris.
hows, and þe Lord hadde ȝeuen to hym reſt on al ſide fro alle xxiii Forſoþe what is þere folk of kynde as þe puple of Irael
his enemyes, in þe loond, for þe which God wente, þat he bie it to hym
ii he ſeide to Nathan þe prophete, Seeſt þou not, þat I dwelle
into a puple, and ſette to hym a name, and make to hym greet
in a cedre hows, and þe ark of God is put in þe mydil of þingis, and orrible vpon þe erþe, fro þe face of þi puple,
ſkynnes? whom þou haſt bouȝt to þee fro Egipt folk and þe god of it?
iii And Nathan ſeide to þe kyng, Al þat is in þin herte goo xxiiii And þow haſt faſtned to þee þi puple Irael into a puple
and do, for þe Lord is wiþ þee. euermore, and þou, Lord, art maad to hem into a God.
iiii Forſoþe it is doon in þat nyȝt, and loo! þe word of þe xxv Nowe þanne, Lord God, þe word þat þou haſt ſpoken
Lord to Nathan, ſeiynge, vpon þi ſeruaunt and vpon his hows, rere vnto euermore, and
v Go, and ſpek to my ſeruaunt Dauid, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe do as þou haſt ſpoken;
Lord, Wheþer þou ſhalt bilde to me an hows to dwelle yn? xxvi and þi name be magnyfied vnto euermore, and be it ſeid,
vi Forſoþe ne in an hows I haue dwellid fro þe day þat I Lord of ooſtis God vpon Irael; and þe hows of þi ſeruaunt
ladde out þe ſones of Yrael fro þe loond of Egipt vnto þis Dauid ſhal be ſtablid before þe Lord;
dai; but I wente in tabernacle and in tente, xxvii for þou, Lord of ooſtis, God of Irael, haſt openyd þe eer
vii þurȝ out alle placis, to þe whiche I paſſide wiþ alle þe of þi ſeruaunt, ſeiynge, An hows I ſhal bilde to þee; þerfor þi
ſones of Irael? Wheþer ſpekynge I haue ſpokyn to oon of þe ſeruaunt haþ founden his herte, þat he preye þee bi þis
lynagis of Irael, to whom I haue comaundid, þat he fede my preyer.
puple Irael, ſeiynge, Whi haſt þou not bildid to me a cedre xxviii Now þanne, Lord God, þou ert verrey God, and þi
hows? wordis ſhulen be ſooþ; forſoþe þou haſt ſpokyn to þi ſeruaunt
viii And now þes þingis þow ſhalt ſeye to my ſeruaunt Dauid, þeſe good þingis;
Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, I took þee fro þe leſews xxix bigyn þerfor, and bleſſe to þe hows of þi ſeruaunt, þat it
folwynge flockis, þat þou were a duyk vpon my puple Irael, be before þee into euermore; for þou, Lord God, ſpakiſt þes
ix and I was wiþ þee `in alle þingis, whidir euere þou þingis, and bi þi bleſſynge þe hows of þi ſeruaunt ſhal be
wentiſt, and I ſlewȝ alle þin enemyes fro þi face, and I made bleſſid into euermore.
to þee a greet name after þe name of greet men þat ben in
erþe; Capitulum VIII.
x and Y ſhal putt a place to my puple Irael, and I ſhal
i Forſoþe it is doon after þes þingis, Dauid ſmoot Philiſteis,
plaunte hym, and I ſhal dwelle wiþ hym, and he ſhal namore
be diſturblid, ne þe ſones of wickidnes ſhulen adde þat þei and mekide hem; and Dauid took a bridil of tribut of þe
tourmenten hym as before, hoond of Philiſteis.
xi fro þe day þat I ordeynede iugis vpon my puple Irael; and ii And he ſmoot Moab, and he metide hem wiþ a litil coord
I ſhal ȝyue reſt to þee fro alle þin enemyes. And þe Lord euenynge to þe erþe; forſoþe he metid two litil coordis, oon to
before ſeiþ to þee, þat þe Lord ſhal make to þee an hows; ſlee, and anoþer to quykne. And Moab is maad to Dauid
xii and whanne þi dais weren ful endyd, and þou ſlepiſt wiþ ſeruynge vndir tribute.
iii And Dauid ſmoot Adadezer, þe ſone of Roob, þe kyng of
þi fadris, Y ſhal rere þi ſeed after þee, þat ſhal go out of þi
wombe, and Y ſhal faſtne þe kyngdom of hym. Soba, whanne he wente forþ þat he take lordſhip vpon þe
xiii And he ſhal beelde an hows to my name, and Y ſhal flood of Effraten.
iiii And take to Dauyd on his partye a þouſand and ſeuene
ſtable þe troon of his rewme vnto eueremore;
xiiii I ſhal be to hym into a fader, and he ſhal be to me into hundrid horſmen, and twenti þouſand of feet men, kut of bi þe
knee alle þe ȝockis of charis; forſoþe he lafte of hem an
a ſone; þe which if eny þing wickidli ſhal doo, I ſhal hundrid charis.
vndirnymme hym in þe ȝeerd of men, and in þe veniaunces of v Forſoþe Ciria of Damaſc cam to bere ſocour to Adadezer, þe
þe ſonys of men.
xv Forſoþe my mercy I ſhal not take a weye fro hym, as I kyng of Soba; and Dauid ſmoot of Ciria two and twenti
þouſand of men.
took a weye fro Saul, whom I meuyde a weye fro my face. vi And Dauid putte a ſtrengþ in Cirya of Damaſk, and Cirya
xvi And þin hows ſhal be feiþful, and þi kyngdam vnto wiþ
is maad to Dauid ſeruynge vndir tribute. And þe Lord kepte
outen eende before my face, and þi troon ſhal be ſtedefaſt Dauid in alle þingis, to what euere þingis he wente forþ.
contynuli. vii And Dauid took goldun aarmys and beeȝis, þat hadden þe
xvii After alle þes wordis, and after al þis viſioun, þus ſpak
ſeruauntis of Adadezer, and brouȝte hem into Jeruſalem.
Nathan to Dauid. viii And Dauid þe kyng took fro Bethe, and fro Beroth, citees
xviii Forſoþe Dauid þe kyng wente in, and ſat before þe Lord,
of Adadezer, ful myche braſſe; of þe which Salomon made alle
and ſeide, Who am I, Lord God, and what myn hows, for þe braſen veſſels in þe temple, and þe braſen ſee, and pilers,
þou haſt brouȝt me hidir to? and auter.
xix But and þis litil is ſeen in þi ſiȝt, Lord my God; `þat haſt ix Forſoþe Thou, þe kyng of Emath, herde þat Dauid hadde
louyd me, but þou ſpeke alſo of þe hows of þi ſeruaunt into ſmyten al þe ſtrengþ of Adadezer.
ferre hens. Forſoþe þis is lawe fro Adam, Lord God; x And Thou ſente Joram, his ſone, to kyng Dauid, þat he
xx what þanne ȝit Dauid ſhal mowe adde, þat he ſpeke to þee?
ſalute hym, þankynge to gidre, and he doo gracis, forþi þat he
Forſoþe þow knowiſt þi ſeruaunt, Lord God; haþ ouercomen Adadezer, and ſmyten hym; forſoþe Thou was
xxi for þi word, and aftir þin herte, þou haſt doon alle þes enemye to Adadezer; and in his hoond weren ſilueren veſſels,
greet þingis, ſo þat þou ſhuldiſt make knowen to þi ſeruaunt. and golden veſſels, and braſen veſſels.


xi Þe whiche and þoo halwide kyng Dauid to þe Lord, wiþ þe xiii ButMyphiboſech dwellide in Jeruſalem; for of þe bord of
ſiluer and gold, `þe whiche he hadde halwid of alle þe gentils, þe kyng contynueli he eete, and he was halt eiþer foot.
þe whiche he hadde dreuen out of Cyrie,
xii and Moab, and þe ſones of Amon, and of Philiſteis, and Capitulum X.
Amalech, and of þe ſpoylis of Adadezer, þe ſone of Roob, i Forſoþe
kyng of Soba. it is doon after þes þingis, þat Naas, þe kyng of þe
xiii Forſoþe Dauid made to hym a name, whanne he turnyde ſonys of Amon, diede; and Anon, his ſone, regnede for hym.
ii And Dauid ſeide, I ſhal doo mercy wiþ Anon, þe ſone of
aȝen, Cirye taken, in þe valey of wodis ſlayn eiȝteen
þouſandis, and in Jebelem, at þre and twenti þouſand. Naas, as his fader dide merci wiþ me. Þanne ſente Dauid
xiiii And he putte in Ydume kepers, and ſette a ſtrengþ, and comfortynge hym bi his ſeruauntis vpon þe fader deþ. Forſoþe
al Ydume is maad ſeruynge to Dauid; and þe Lord kept whanne þe ſeruauntis of Dauid weren comen into þe loond of
Dauid in alle þingis, to what euer þingis he wente forþ. þe ſonis of Amon,
iii þe princis of þe ſones of Amon ſeiden to Anon, her lord,
xv And Dauid regnyd vpon al Yrael, and Dauid dide dome,
and riȝtwyſnes to al þe puple. Wenyſt þou þat for þe worſhip of þi fader Dauid haþ ſente to
xvi Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, was vpon þe ooſt;
þee coumfortours; and not þerfor þat he aſpie, and ſerche þe
citee, and turne it vpſedoun, Dauid haþ ſente his ſeruauntis to
aftirward Joſaphat, þe ſone of Achilud, was chaunſeleer; þee?
xvii and Sadoch, þe ſone of Achitob, and Achimalech, þe ſone iiii And ſo Anon took þe ſeruauntis of Dauid, and ſhooue þe
of Abiathar, weren preſtis; and Saraias a ſcribe. half part of þe beerd of hem, and he kittide of þe mydil cloþis
xviii Forſoþe Banaias, þe ſone of Joiade, was vpon archeris of hem vnto þe arſis; and he lafte hem.
and alblaſters, `þat ben clepid Cerethi and Pherethi; forſoþe v Þe which whanne was toold to Dauid, he ſente into aȝen
þe ſones of Dauid weren preſtes. comynge of hem, forſoþe þei weren men ful foul confoundid.
And Dauid ſente to hem, Dwelliþ in Jericho, to þe tyme þat
Capitulum IX. ȝoure beerd growe, and þanne turneþ aȝen.
vi Forſoþe þe ſones of Amon, ſeynge þat þei hadden doo
i And Dauid ſeide, Wheþer weniſt þou þat þere be eny man, wronge to Dauid, þei ſenten, and hireden bi mede Cyrie of
þat is laft of þe hows of Saul, þat I do wiþ hym mercy for Roob, and Cirye of Soba, twenty þouſandis of foot men, and
Jonatha? of þe kyng of Maacha a þouſand men, and of Iſtob twelue
ii Forſoþe þere was of þe hows of Saul a ſeruaunt, Cyba bi þouſandis of men.
name; whom whanne þe kyng hadde clepid to hym ſilf, ſeide vii Þe which þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, he ſente Joab
to hym, Ert þou not Cyba? And he anſwerde, Y am þi and al þe ooſt of fiȝters.
ſeruaunt. viii Þanne þe ſonys of Amon wenten out, and dreſſiden
iii And þe kyng ſeiþ, Wheþer is þere on lyue eny man of þe
ſheltrun before hym in þe entree of þe ȝate. Forſoþe Cire of
hows of Saul, þat I doo wiþ hym merci of God? And Ciba Soba, and Roob, and Iſtob, and Maacha weren aſide in þe
ſeide to þe kyng, Þe ſone of Jonatha is on lyue, feble þe feet. feeld.
iiii Where, he ſeiþ, is he? And Ciba ſeide to þe kyng, Loo! he ix Þanne Joab ſeynge þat a batail was maad redi aȝens hym,
ſeiþ, he is in þe hows of Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, in and fro aȝens and bihynde þe bac, he cheeſe to hym of alle þe
Lodobar. choſen of Irael, and ordeynde ſheltrun aȝens Cyre.
v Þanne kyng Dauid ſente, and took hym fro þe hows of x Forſoþe þe toþer partye of þe puple he took to Abiſai, his
Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, fro Lodobar. broþir, þe which dreſſide ſheltrun aȝens þe ſones of Amon.
vi Forſoþe whanne Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonathan, þe ſone xi And Joab ſeiþ, If Cyres han þe ouerhoond aȝens me, þou
of Saul, was comen to Dauid, he felle into his face, and ſhalt be to me into help; forſoþe if þe ſones of Amon han þe
lowtide. And Dauid ſeide, Myphiboſech! Þe which anſwerde, ouerhoond aȝens þee, I ſhal help to þee;
I am nyȝ, þi ſeruaunt. xii be þou a ſtrong man, and fiȝte we for oure puple, and for
vii And Dauid ſeiþ to hym, Ne dreed þow, for doynge I ſhal
þe citee of oure God; forſoþe þe Lord ſhal do þat is good in
do wiþ þee merci for Jonathan, þi fader; and I ſhal reſtore to his ſiȝt.
þee alle þe feeldis of Saul, þi fader, and þou ſhalt eete breed xiii And ſo Joab wente yn, and his puple þat was wiþ hym,
in my bord euermore.
viii Þe which honouringe him ſeiþ, Who am I, þi ſeruaunt, ſtrijf aȝens Cyres, þe whiche anoon flowen fro þe face of hym.
xiiii Forſoþe þe ſones of Amon, ſeynge þat þe Cyres weren
whom þou haſt biholdyn vpon a deed hownd lijk of me?
ix And ſo þe king clepide Cibam, þe child of Saul; and ſeide flowen, and þei flowen fro þe face of Abiſai, and wenten into
þe citee; and Joab is turned aȝen fro þe ſonis of Amon, and
to hym, Alle þingis, what euere weren of Saul and al his cam into Jeruſalem.
hous, I haue ȝeuen to þe ſone of þi lord; xv Forſoþe ſeynge þe Cires þat þei hadden fallen before Irael,
x wyrk þanne þe erþe to hym, þou, and þi ſones, and þi
ben gadrid togidre.
ſeruauntis, and þou ſhalt brynge yn meetis to þe ſone of þi xvi And Adidazer ſente, and brouȝte out þe Cirys þat weren
lord, þat he be nurſhid; Myphiboſech forſoþe, þe ſone of þi
lord, ſhal eete euermore breed vpon my bord. Forſoþe þere beȝonde þe flood, and brouȝte forþ þe ooſt of hem; forſoþe
weren of Ciba fifteen ſonys and twenti ſeruauntis. Sabath, þe maiſtre of chyualrye of Adadezer, was þe prince of
xi And Ciba ſeide to þe kyng, As þou haſt comaundid, my hem.
xvii And whanne it was toold to Dauid, he drewȝ to gidre al
lord kyng, to þi ſeruaunt, ſo þi ſeruaunt ſhal doo; and
Myphiboſech ſhal eete vpon þi bord, as oon of þe ſonys of þe Irael, and paſſide ouere Jordan, and cam into Helama. And
kyng. þe Cires dreſſeden ſheltrun fro aȝens Dauid, and fouȝten
xii Forſoþe Myphiboſech hadde a litil ſone, Mycha bi name; aȝens hym.
xviii And Cyres flowen fro þe face of Irael; and Dauid ſlowȝ
forſoþe al þe kynrede of þe hows of Ciba ſeruede to
Myphiboſech. of Cires ſeuen hundrid chares, and fourti þouſandis of


horſmen; and he ſmoot Sobach, þe prynce of chyualrye, þe xix and comaundide to þe meſſageer, ſeiynge, Whanne þou haſt
which anoon is deed. ful endid alle þe wordis of þe batail to þe kyng,
xix Forſoþe ſeynge alle þe kyngis, þat weren in þe ſtrengþ of xx if þou ſeeſt hym to han indignacioun, and ſeye, Whi
Adadezer, hem to be vencuſſhid of Yrael, maden pees wiþ neȝeden ȝe to þe wal for to fiȝte? wheþer knewen ȝe not, þat
Irael, and ſerueden to hem; and Cires dradden to ȝeue help aboue fro þe wal ben ſent manye dartis?
to þe ſones of Amon. xxi who ſmoot Achymalech, þe ſone of Jeroboal? wheþer not a
womman ſente vpon hym a gobet of a myln ſtoon fro þe wal,
Capitulum XI. and ſlewȝ hym in Thebes? whi biſide þe wal ȝe wenten to?
i Forſoþe it is doon, turnynge þe ȝeer þat tyme þe which þow ſhalt ſeye, Alſo þi ſeruaunt, Vrye Ethee, is ſlayn.
xxii Þanne þe meſſager wente, and cam, and toolde to Dauid
kyngis ben wont to goo forþ to batails, Dauid ſente Joab,
and wiþ hym his ſeruauntis, and al Irael; and þei waſtiden alle þingis þat Joab comaundide to hym.
þe ſones of Amon, and biſegeden Raba; forſoþe Dauid abood xxiii And þe meſſager ſeide to Dauid, Þe men hadden þe ouer
ſtille in Jeruſalem. hoond aȝens vs, and þei wenten out to vs into þe feeld;
ii While þeſe þingis weren doo, it felle, þat Dauid roos on a forſoþe we, þe bure made, purſueden hem vnto þe ȝate of þe
dai fro his bed aftir mydday, and wente in þe ſolere of þe citee.
kyngis hows; and he ſawȝ a womman waſſhynge hir fro aȝens xxiiii And þe ſheeters dreſſeden dartis to þi ſeruauntis fro þe
vpon hir ſolere; forſoþe ſhe was a ful feyr womman. wal aboue, and þere ben deed of þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng; but
iii Þan Dauid ſente, and aſerchede, what was þe womman; alſo Vrie Ethee, þi ſeruaunt, is deed.
and it is toold to hym, þat ſhe was Berſabee, þe douȝter of xxv And Dauid ſeide to þe meſſager, Þes þingis þou ſhalt
Elyam, þe wijf of Vrye Ethei. ſeye to Joab, Þis þing breke þee not; forſoþe dyuerſe is þe
iiii And ſo Dauid ſente meſſagers, and took hir; þe which hap of batail, and now þis, now hym waſtiþ þe ſwerd;
whanne ſhe was goon in to hym, he ſlepte wiþ hir, and anoon coumfort þi fiȝters aȝens þe cytee, þat þou diſtroye it, and
ſhe is halwid fro hir vnclennes. And ſhe turnede aȝen to hir enhurte hem.
hows, xxvi Forſoþe þe wijf of Vrye herde, þat Vrie her houſeboond
v þe fruyt of hir wombe conſeyued; and ſhe ſendynge toold to was deed, and ſhe weilide hym.
Dauid, and ſeiþ, I haue conſeyued. xxvii And þe weilynge ouere doon, Dauid ſente, and brouȝte
vi Forſoþe Dauid ſente to Joab, ſeiynge, Send to me Vrie hir into his hows; and ſhe is maad wijf to hym, and ſhe bare
Ethee; and Joab ſente Vrye to Dauid. to hym a ſone. And þe word þat Dauid dide diſpleſide before
vii And Vrye cam to Dauid; and Dauid aſkide, how riȝt dide þe Lord.
Joab and þe puple, and what maner wiſe þe batail was
ſerued. Capitulum XII.
viii And Dauid ſeide to Vrye, Go into þin hows, and waſſh þi i Thanne þe Lord ſente Nathan to Dauid; þe which whanne
feet. And Vrye wente out of þe kyngis hows, and hym folwide he was comen to hym, ſeide to hym, Anſwere to me doom;
þe kyngis meet. two men weren in o cytee; oon ryche, and anoþer pore.
ix Forſoþe Vrye ſlepte before þe ȝate of þe kyngis hows wiþ ii Þe riche hadde ſheep and oxen ful manye;
oþere ſeruauntis of his lord, and he wente not down to his iii forſoþe þe pore hadde no þing vtterly, ſaaf o litil ſheep, þe
x And it is toold to Dauid of ſeieris, Vrye wente not to his which he bouȝte, and norſhide, and þe which wexe anentis
hym wiþ his ſonys, togidre of his breed etinge, and of his cup
hows. And Dauid ſeiþ to Vrye, Wheþer not fro `a ferre weye drynkynge, and in his boſum ſlepynge; and it was to hym as
þou cam? whi deſendiſt þou not into þin hows? a douȝter.
xi And Vrie ſeiþ to Dauid, Þe arke of God, and Yrael and iiii Forſoþe whanne a maner pylgrym was comen to þe riche
Juda dwellen in tentis, and my lord Joab, and þe ſeruauntis man, he ſparynge to take of þe ſheep and of his oxen, þat he
of my lord biden vpon þe face of þe erþe, and I ſhal go `in to ȝeue a meetſhipe to þat pilgrym, þat cam to hym, took þe
myn hous, þat I ete, and drinke, and ſlepe wiþ my wijf? Bi ſheep of þe pore man, and maade redi meetis to þe man þat
þin helþ, and bi þe helþ of þi ſoule, I ſhal not doo þis þing. cam to hym.
xii Þanne Dauid ſeiþ to Vrie, Bijd here alſo to dai, and to v Forſoþe Dauid wrooþ ful myche bi indignacioun aȝens þat
morwe Y ſhal leeue þee. Vrye bode in Jeruſalem þat day and man, ſeide to Nathan, Þe Lord lyueþ, for þe ſone of deeþ is
þe toþere. þe man, þe which dide þat;
xiii And Dauyd clepide hym, þat he eete before hym and vi þe ſheep he ſhal ȝeelde into foure foold, forþi þat he haþ doo
drynk, and he made hym drunke; þe which goon out at euen, þis word, and haþ not ſparyd.
ſlepte in his bedde wiþ þe ſeruauntis of his lord; and he vii Forſoþe Nathan ſeide to Dauid, Þou ert þilk man, þat
deſendide not into his hows.
xiiii And it is doon þanne eerli, and Dauid wroot a lettre to didiſt þis þing. Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, I haue
anoyntid þee into kyng vpon Irael, and I haue delyuerde þee
Joab, and ſente bi þe hoond of Vrye, fro þe hoond of Saul,
xv wrytynge in þe lettre, Puttiþ Vrie fro aȝens of þe batail, viii and ȝeue to þee þe hows of þi lord, and þe wyues of þi
where þe batail is mooſt ſtrong, and forſakiþ hym, þat he lord in þi boſum, and ȝeuen to þee þe hows of Irael, and of
ſmyten die. Juda; and if þes þingis ben litil, I ſhulde adde to þee myche
xvi Þanne whanne Joab biſegide þe citee, he putte Vrye in þe more.
place where he wiſte mooſt ſtronge men to ben. ix Whi þanne haſt þou diſpiſid þe word of þe Lord, þat þou
xvii And þe men gon out fro þe cite, fouȝten aȝen Joab, and doo yuel þingis in my ſiȝt? Vrye Ethei þou haſt ſmyten wiþ
þei ſlewen of þe puple of þe ſeruauntis of Dauid, and alſo ſwerd, and þe wijf of hym þou haſt takyn to þee into wijf, and
Vrie Ethee is deed. þou haſt ſlayn hym bi þe ſwerd of þe ſones of Amon.
xviii And ſo Joab ſente, and toolde alle þes wordis of þe


x For what þing ſwerd of þin hows ſhal not goo a wey fro xxx And he took þe diademe fro þe mawmet, þat is clepid þe
þee vnto wiþ outen ende; forþi þat þou haſt diſpiſed me, and kyng of hem, fro his heed, in weiȝt of gold a talent, hauynge
took þe wijf of Vrie Ethei, þat ſhe were þi wijf. mooſt precious gemmys; and it is put vpon þe heed of Dauid;
xi And ſo þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! I ſhal rere vpon þee but and ful myche praye of þe cyte he bare out.
yuel of þin hows, and I ſhal taak awey þi wyues in þin eyen, xxxi And bryngynge forþ ſawede þe puple of it, and ladde
and ȝyue to þin neiȝbour, and he ſhal ſleepe wiþ þi wyues in about vpon hem booſtful yren carris, and he dyuydide wiþ
þe eyen of þis ſunne. ſharys, and he piȝt þurȝ in þe ſhap of þe ſidis; þus he dide to
xii Forſoþe þou didiſt hidyngli; forſoþe I ſhal doo þis word in alle þe citees of þe ſonys of Amon. And Dauid is turned
ſiȝt of al Irael, and in þe ſiȝt of þis ſunne. aȝen, and alle þe ooſt of hym, into Jeruſalem.
xiii And Dauid ſeide to Nathan, I haue ſynned to þe Lord.
And Nathan ſeide to Dauid, Forſoþe þe Lord haþ ouerborn Capitulum XIII.
þi ſynne; þou ſhalt not die. i Forſoþe it is doon after þes þingis, þat Amon, þe ſone of
xiiii Neuerþelater for þou haſt maad þe enemyes to blaſpheme
Dauid, louede þe ſiſter of Abſolon, þe ſone of Dauid, mooſt
þe name of þe Lord, for þat word þe ſone þat is born to þee fayre, Thamar by name; and `peyrede for hir ful myche,
bi deeþ ſhal die. ii ſo þat for þe loue of hir he wexe ſijk. Þe which for ſhe was
xv And Nathan is turned aȝen into his hows. And þe Lord
a mayde, hard to hym it ſemede, þat eny þing vnhoneſtly he
ſmoot þe litil child, whom þe wijf of Vrye bare to Dauid, and ſhulde do wiþ hir.
he is diſpeyrid. iii Forſoþe þere was to Amon a freende, Jonadab bi name, þe
xvi And Dauid preyde þe Lord for þe litil child; and Dauid
ſone of Semaa, broþer of Dauid, a ful ſleiȝ man.
faſtide wiþ faſtynge, and wente in aſide, and laye vpon þe iiii Þe which ſeide to hym, Whi þus ert þou waaſtid bi
erþe. leeneſſe, þou ſone of þe kyng, bi ech dai? whi ſhewiſt þou not
xvii Forſoþe þe eldris of his hows camen, conſtreynynge hym
to me? And Amon ſeide to hym, I loue Thamar, þe ſiſter of
þat he ſhulde ryſe fro þe erþe; þe whiche wolde not, and eete my broþer Abſolon.
not wiþ hem meete. v To whom anſwerde Jonadab, Ly vpon þi bedde, and feyn
xviii Forſoþe it felle þe ſeuenþe dai, þat þe child diede; and þe
ſijknes; and whanne þi fader comeþ, þat he viſite þee, ſey to
ſeruauntis of Dauid dradden to telle to hym, þat þe child was hym, Come, I preye, Thamar, my ſiſter, þat ſhe ȝyue to me
deed; þei ſeiden forſoþe, Loo! whanne þe lityl child lyuede, we meet, and make ſowil, þat I eete of hyr hoond.
ſpeken to hym, and he herde not oure voys; how mych more if vi And ſo Amon laye doun, as þouȝ he wexe ſijk. And
we ſeyn þe child is deed, he ſhal turment hym ſelf? whanne þe kyng was comen to viſite hym, Amon ſeiþ to þe
xix Whanne þanne Dauid hadde herd his ſeruauntis muſynge,
kyng, Come, I preye, Thamar, my ſiſter, þat ſhe make in
he vndirſtood þat þe lytyl faunt was deed; and he ſeide to his myn eyen two maner of potagis, and þe meet maad redi I
ſeruauntis, Wheþer þe child is deed? Þe whiche anſwerden take of hir hoond.
vnto hym, He is deed. vii Þanne Dauid ſente to þe hous of Thamar, ſeiynge, Go in
xx Þanne Dauid roos fro þe erþe, and he is waſſhid, and
to þe hows of Amon, þi broþir, and mak to hym potage.
anoynt; and whanne he hadde chaungid cloþinge, he wente viii And Thamar cam into þe hows of Amon, hir broþir.
into þe hows of þe Lord, and honourde, and cam into his Forſoþe he laye; þe which takynge meele mengide togidir, and
hows; and he aſkyde, þat þei ſhulden ſette to hym breed, and meltynge in his eyen ſhe ſeþide þe ſupettis;
he eete. ix and takynge þat ſhe hadde ſoþen, ſhe helte out, and ſette
xxi Forſoþe his ſeruauntys ſeiden to hym, What is þe word
þat þou haſt doon? For þe litil faunt, whanne he ȝit lyuede, before hym, and he wolde not eete. And Amon ſeide, Doo ȝe
þou faſtidiſt and weptiſt; forſoþe þe child deed, þou roos and a wey alle men fro me. And whanne alle weren doon awey,
x Amon ſeide to Thamar, Beer yn þe meet in þe priue
eete breed?
xxii Þe which ſeiþ, For þe faunt whanne he ȝit lyuede I chaumbre, þat I eete of þin hoond. Þanne Thamar took þe
faſtide and wepte; forſoþe I ſeide, Who woot, if perauenture ſewis þat ſhe hadde maad, and brouȝte to Amon, hir broþer,
þe Lord ȝyue hym to me, and þe faunt lyue? in þe priue chaumbre.
xi And whanne ſhe hadde brouȝte hym meet, he cauȝte hir,
xxiii Forſoþe now for he is deed, whi faſt I? wheþer ſhal I
mowe more ouer clepe hym aȝen? I ſhal more goo to hym, and ſeiþ, Come, ly wiþ me, my ſiſter.
xii Þe which anſwerde to hym, Wole þou not, my broþer, wole
forſoþe he ſhal not turne aȝen to me.
xxiiii And Dauid coumfortide Berſabe, his wijf, and wente þou not oppreſſe me, ne forſoþe it is leeueful in Irael; wole
into hir, and ſlepte wiþ hir. Þe which gat a ſone, and clepide þou not doo þis foli.
xiii Forſoþe I ſhal not mowe bere my reproof, and þou ſhalt
þe name of hym Salomon; and þe Lord louyde hym.
xxv And he ſente hym in þe hoond of Nathan, þe prophet; and be as oon of þe vnwiſe men in Irael; but raþer ſpek to þe
he clepide þe name of hym Loueli to þe Lord, forþi þat þe kyng, and he ſhal not denye me to þee.
xiiii Forſoþe he wolde not aſſent to þe preyers of hir, but more
Lord ſhulde loue hym.
xxvi Þanne Joab fauȝt aȝens Rabath, kyng of þe ſones of myȝti bi ſtrengþis oppreſſide hir, and laye wiþ hir.
xv And ful haatſum Amon hadde hir wiþ to myche greet
Amon, and he haþ ouercomen þe kyngis citee.
xxvii And Joab ſente meſſagers to Dauid, ſeiynge, I haue haate, ſo þat þe haat was more, þat he hatide hir, þanne þe
fouȝten aȝens Rabath, and þe citee of watres is to be taken. loue þat he louede hir before. And Amon ſeide to hir, Ryſe,
xxviii Now þanne gadre þe toþer parti of þe puple, and biſege
and goo.
xvi Þe whych anſwerde to hym, Þis yuel is more þat þou
þe citee, and tak it, leſt whanne þe citee were waſtid of me, to now doſt aȝens me, caſtynge me out, `þan þat þou didiſt
my name þe victorie be aſcriued. before.
xxix And ſo Dauid gadride al þe puple, and wente forþ aȝens
xvii And he wolde not here hir; but þe child clepide, þat
Rabath; and whanne he hadde fouȝten, he took it. ſeruede to hym, he ſeide, Þrow out þis fro me, and cloſe þe
dore after hir.


xviii Þe which was cloþid wiþ a coote doun to þe heele; xxxvii Forſoþe Abſolom fleynge wente to Tholamay, ſone of
forſoþe ſich maner cloþis vſeden þe douȝtris of þe kyng Amyur, kyng of Gethſur. Þanne Dauid weylide Amon, his
maydens. And ſo his ſeruaunt putte hyre out, and cloſide þe ſone, manye dais.
dore after hire. xxxviii Forſoþe Abſolon, whanne he was flowen, and comen
xix Þe which ſpryngynge aſſhen to hire heed, þe heele coot kyt, into Gethſur, he was þere þre ȝeer.
and þe hoondis put on hire heed, ſhe ȝede goynge yn and xxxix And kyng Dauid ceſede to purſue Abſolon, forþi þat he
criynge. was coumfortid vpon þe deeþ of Amon.
xx Forſoþe Abſolon, hir broþer, ſeide to hyre, Wheþer Amon,
þi broþer, haþ lyen wiþ þee? And now, ſiſter, hold þi pees; þi Capitulum XIIII.
broþir he is, ne turment þin herte for þis þing. And ſo
Thamar aboode languyſſhynge þere wiþ ynne þe hows of i Forſoþe Joab, þe ſone of Saruy, vndurſtondynge, þat þe
Abſolon, hir broþir. herte of þe kyng was turned to Abſolon,
xxi Forſoþe whanne Dauid hadde herd þes wordis, he greetli ii he ſente to Thekuam, and took þens a wiſe womman, and
ſorwide, and he wolde not make ſori þe ſpirite of Amon, his he ſeide to hir, Feyne þee to weil, and be cloþid wiþ þe
ſone; for he louide hym, for he was þe firſte goten of hym. weilynge clooþ, and be þou not anoynt wiþ oyle, þat þou be as
xxii Forſoþe Abſolon ſpak not to Amon, ne yuel ne good; but a womman now myche tyme weilynge þe deed.
Abſolon hatide Amon, forþi þat he hadde defoulid Thamar, iii And þou ſhalt goo in to þe kyng, and þou ſhalt ſpeek to
his ſiſter. hym þes maner wordis. Forſoþe Joab putte þe wordis in hire
xxiii Forſoþe it is doon after þe tyme of two ȝeer, þat þe ſheep mouþ.
of Abſolon weren clippid in Baalaſſor, þat is biſide Effraym. iiii And ſo whanne þe Thekuyd womman was goon out to þe
And Abſolon clepide alle þe ſonys of þe kyng. kyng, ſhe felle before hym vpon þe erþe, and lowtide, and
xxiiii And he cam to þe kyng, and ſeiþ to hym, Loo! þe ſheep ſeide, Keep me, þou king.
of þi ſeruaunt ben clippid; come, I preye, þe kyng wiþ his v And þe kyng ſeide to hire, What haſt þou of cauſe? Þe
ſeruauntis to his ſeruaunt. which anſwerde, Alas! a womman widowe I am, forſoþe my
xxv And þe kyng ſeide to Abſolon, Wole þou not, ſone myn, man is deed;
preye, wole þou not, þat we comen alle, and greuen þee. vi and of þin hoond womman weren two ſones, þe whiche
Forſoþe whanne he conſtreynede him, and wolde not come, he wraþþeden aȝens hem ſelf in þe feeld, and no man was þat
bleſſide to hym. hem myȝte defende, and þe toon ſmoot þe toþer, and ſlowȝ
xxvi And Abſolon ſeiþ to Dauid, If þou wolt not come, come hym.
algate wiþ vs, I biſeche, Amon, my broþer. And þe kyng vii And loo! al þe kynrede riſynge aȝens þin hoond womman
ſeide to hym, It is no nede, þat he goo wiþ þee. ſeiþ, Tak hym þat haþ ſmytyn his broþir, þat we ſleen hym
xxvii And ſo Abſolon conſtreynede hym; and he lafte wiþ hym for þe lijf of his broþer whom he ſlowȝ, and þe eyr doo we a
Amon, and alle þe ſones of þe kyng. And Abſolon made a wey; and þei ſechen to quench my ſpark þat is laft, þat þere
feeſt as þe feeſt of a kyng. be not laft name to my man, and relikis vpon erþe.
xxviii Forſoþe Abſolon hadde comaundid to his children, viii And þe kyng ſeiþ to þe womman, Go into þin hows, and
ſeiynge, Weitiþ wel, whanne Amon were dronken wiþ wyn, I ſhal ordeyn for þee.
and I ſhal ſeye to ȝou, Smitiþ hym, and ſleeþ. Wole ȝe not ix And þe Thekuyt womman ſeide to þe kyng, In me, my lord
drede, forſoþe I am þat comaunde to ȝou; be ȝe maad ſtronge, kyng, be þis wickidnes, and into þe hows of my fader; forſoþe
and beþ ſtronge men. þe kyng and his trone be innocent.
xxix Þanne þe children of Abſolon diden aȝens Amon, as x And þe king ſeiþ, Who ſo aȝen ſeiþ þee, bryng hym to me,
Abſolon hadde comaundid to hem; and alle þe ſones of þe and he ſhal no more adde þat he touche þee.
kyng ryſynge, eche ſtyede vpon her mulis, and flowen. xi Þe which ſeiþ, Þe kyng recoorde of þe Lord his God, and
xxx And whanne ȝit þei wenten in þe weye, fame cam fulli to
be þere not multiplied `þe kyn of þe blood to wreche, and þei
Dauyd, ſeiynge, Abſolon haþ ſmytyn alle þe ſones of þe kyng, ſhulen not ſle my ſone. Þe which ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ, for
and þere lafte not of hem nameli oone. þere ſhal not falle of þe erys of þi ſone vpon þe erþe.
xxxi And ſo þe kyng roos, and kytte his cloþis, and felle vpon xii Þanne þe womman ſeyde, Spek þin hoond womman to my
þe erþe; and alle his ſeruauntis þat ſtoden nyȝ to hym, cutten lord kyng a word. And he ſeiþ, Spek.
her cloþis. xiii And þe womman ſeide, Whi haſt þou þouȝt ſiche a maner
xxxii Forſoþe Jonadab, þe ſone of Semmaa, broþer of Dauid, þing aȝens þe puple of God? and þe kyng haþ ſpoken þis
anſwerynge ſeide, Ne eyme, my lord þe kyng, þat alle þe word, þat he ſynne, and þat he brynge not aȝen his caſten
children, ſones of þe kyng, ben deed; Amon alone is deed, for out?
in haat Abſolon was ſett, fro þe day þat he oppreſſide xiiii Alle we dyen, and as watres we ſliden into þe erþe, þat
Thamar, his ſiſter. ſhulen not be turned aȝen; and God wole not periſhe þe lijf,
xxxiii Now þanne, my lord kyng, ſette not on his herte þis
but wiþdrawiþ, þenkynge leſt fulli he periſhe, þat is caſt awey.
word, ſeiynge, Alle þe ſones of þe kyng ben ſlayn; for Amon xv Now þann come, þat I ſpek to my lord kyng þis word,
aloon is deed. preſent þe puple; and þin hondwomman ſeide, I ſhal ſpeke to
xxxiiii Forſoþe Abſolon fleiȝ. And þe child weyter heuede vp þe kyng, if eny maner þe kyng doo þe word of his hoond
his eyen, and bihelde, and loo! myche puple cam bi þe out womman.
weye fro þe ſide of þe hil. xvi And þe kyng herde `þe word, þat he delyuer his
xxxv And Jonadab ſeide to þe kyng, Loo! þe ſones of þe kyng
hondwomman fro þe hoond of alle, þat wolden fro þe erytage
ben nyȝ; after þe word of þi ſeruaunt, ſo it is doon. of þe Lord doo me a wey, and my ſone to gidre.
xxxvi And whanne he hadde ceſide to ſpeke, `aperiden and þe xvii Sey þanne þin hondwomman, þat þe word of my lord þe
ſones of þe kyng; and comynge yn þei rereden her vois, and kyng be maad as ſacrifice; forſoþe as þe aungel of þe Lord, ſo
wepten; but and þe kyng and alle his ſeruauntis wepten wiþ is my lord kyng, þat neþer bi bleſſynge ne bi curſynge he be
ful myche greet wepynge. meuyd. Wherfor and þe Lord þi God is wiþ þee.


xviii And þe kyng anſwerynge ſeide to þe womman, Ne hijd iii And Abſolon anſwerde to hym, To me þi wordis ſemen
þou fro me þe word þat I aſke. And þe womman ſeide to good and iuſt, but þere is not `þe which `þee heere ordeyned
hym, Spek, my lord kyng. of þe kyng.
xix And þe kyng ſeiþ, Wheþer þe hoond of Joab is wiþ þee in iiii And Abſolon ſeide, Who ordeyneþ me domeſman vpon þe
alle þeſe? Þe womman anſwerde, and ſeiþ, Bi þe helþ of þi loond, þat to me comen alle þat han neede, and riȝtwiſly Y
ſoule, my lord kyng, ne at þe left ne at þe riȝt he is of alle deme?
þes þingis, þe whiche my lord kyng haþ ſpoken. Forſoþe þi v But whanne a man neiȝede to hym for to ſalute hym, he
ſeruaunt Joab he comaundide to me, and he putte in þe mouþ ſtrauȝte out his hoond, and takynge he kiſſide hym;
of þin hoond womman alle þes wordis, vi and þat he dide to al Yrael, þe which cam to dom þat he
xx þat I turne þe figure of þis word; forſoþe þi ſeruaunt Joab
were herd of þe king; and he biſide þe hertis of þe men of
comaundide þis. Forſoþe þou, my lord kyng, ert wiſe, as þe Yrael.
aungel of God haþ wiſdom, þat þou vndirſtonde alle þingis vii Forſoþe aftir fourti ȝeer Abſolon ſeide to kyng Dauid, I
vpon erþe.
xxi And þe kyng ſeiþ to Joab, Loo! pleſid I haue doo þi ſhal go, and ȝeelde my vowis, þat I vowide to þe Lord in
word; go þanne, and cleep aȝen þe child Abſolon. viii forſoþe vowynge þi ſeruaunt vowide, whanne he was in
xxii And Joab fallynge vpon his face into þe erþe, honourde,
Gethſur of Syrie, ſeiynge, If þe Lord brynge me aȝen into
and bliſſide to þe kyng; and Joab ſeide, To dai haþ þi Jeruſalem, I ſhal ſacrifie to þe Lord.
ſeruaunt vndurſtonde, for I haue foundun grace in þin eyen, ix And þe kyng ſeide to hym, Goo in pees. And he roos, and
my lord kyng; forſoþe þou haſt doon þe word of þi ſeruaunt.
xxiii Þanne Joab roos, and wente into Gethſur, and brouȝte wente into Ebron.
x Forſoþe Abſolon ſente aſpies into alle þe lynagis of Yrael,
Abſolon into Jeruſalem.
xxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide, Turne he aȝen into his hows, ſeiynge, Anoon þat ȝe heren þe noyſe of þe trumpe, ſeiþ,
Abſolon ſhal regne in Ebron.
and ſe he not my face. And ſo Abſolon is turned aȝen into his xi Forſoþe wiþ Abſolon wenten two hundred men clepid of
hows, and þe face of þe kyng he ſawȝ not.
xxv Forſoþe þere was not a man as feyr as Abſolon in al Jeruſalem, goynge wiþ ſymple herte, and þe cauſe fulli
Irael, and ful miche ſemeli; fro þe ſtap of þe foot vnto þe top, xii Forſoþe Abſolon clepide Achitophel Gilonyte, þe counſelour
þere was not in hym eny ſpot;
xxvi and þe more þat he doddide þe heeris, ſo mych more þei of Dauid, fro his cite Gilo. And whanne he hadde offrid ſlayn
ſacrifice, þere is maad a ſtrong coniuryſoun, and þe puple
wexen; forſoþe onys in þe ȝeer he was doddid, for þe heere rennynge togidre encreſide wiþ Abſolon.
heuyde hym. He weiede þe heeris of his heed wiþ two xiii Þanne cam a meſſager to Dauid, ſeiynge, Wiþ al þe herte
hundred ſiclis bi þe comoun weiȝt.
xxvii Forſoþe þere been born to Abſolon þre ſones, aud o al Yrael folowiþ Abſolon.
xiiii And Dauid ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis þat weren wiþ hym in
douȝter, Thamar bi name, of ſembli ſhap.
xxviii And Abſolon dwellide in Jeruſalem two ȝeer, and ſawȝ Jeruſalem, Riſiþ, and flee we; forſoþe ne þere ſhal be to vs
fliȝt fro þe face of Abſolon; hieþ to goon out, leſt perauenture
not þe face of þe kyng. he comynge ocupie vs, and fulfille vpon vs fallynge, and ſmyte
xxix And ſo he ſente to Joab, þat he ſhulde ſende hym to þe þe cite in mouþ of ſwerd.
kyng; þe which wolde not come to hym. And whanne þe xv And þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng ſeiden to hym, Alle þingis,
ſecounde he hadde ſent, and he wold not come, what euere comaundiþ oure lord þe kyng, gladli we folowen
xxx he ſeide to his ſeruauntis, Ȝe knowen þe feelde of Joab out, þi ſeruauntis.
biſide my feelde hauynge barli corn; gooþ þanne, and brenneþ xvi Þanne þe kynge wente out, and al hys hows, on her feet;
it vp wiþ fier. Þanne þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon brenten þe and þe kyng lafte ten ſecoundarie wyues to þe hows to be
corn wiþ fier. And þe ſeruauntis of Joab comynge, her cloþis kept.
kut, ſeiden, Þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon han brent vp a partie of xvii And þe kyng goon out, and al Yrael, on her feet, ſtoode
þe feelde wiþ fier.
xxxi And Joab roos, and cam to Abſolon into his hows, and afer fro þe hows.
xviii And alle his ſeruauntis wenten biſide hym, and þe
ſeide, Whi han þi ſeruauntis brente vp my corn wiþ fier?
xxxii And Abſolon anſwerde to Joab, I haue ſente to þee, legiouns Cerethi and Pherethi, and al Gethei ſtronge fiȝters,
þe ſexe hundrid men, þat hadden folwid hym fro Geth on foot,
preiynge þat þou come to me, and I ſende þee to þe kyng, þat wenten before þe kyng.
þou ſeie to hym, Whi cam I fro Gethſur? Betere it was to xix Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Ethei Gethee, Whi comyſt þou
me to be þere; I biſeche þanne, þat I ſee þe face of þe kyng,
þat if he haue mynde of my ſhrewidnes, he ſlee me. wiþ vs? Turn aȝen, and dwel wiþ þe kyng for a pilgrime þou
xxxiii Joab goon yn to þe kyng tolde to hym. And Abſolon art, and wentiſt out fro þi place.
xx Ȝiſterday þou cam, and to day þou ert compellid to goo out
clepid wente yn to þe kyng, and he lowtide upon þe face of þe
erþe before hym, and þe kyng kiſſide Abſolon. wiþ vs. Forſoþe I ſhal goo, whider I am to goo; turn aȝen,
and leede aȝen wiþ þee þi briþeren, and þe Lord doo wiþ þee
merci and trewþ, for þou haſt ſhewid grace and feiþ.
Capitulum XV. xxi And Ethei anſwerde to þe kyng, ſeiynge, Þe Lord lyueþ,
i Thanne after þes þingis Abſolon made to hym a chaar, and and my lord þe kyng lyueþ, for in what euere place þou were,
horſmen, and fifti men þat ſhulden goo before hym. my lord kyng, oþer in deeþ or in lijf, þere ſhal be þi ſeruaunt.
ii And eerli riſynge Abſolon ſtood biſide þe entre of þe ȝate in xxii And Dauid ſeiþ to Ethai, Come, and paſſe forþ. And
þe weye; and eche man, þat hadde a neede þat he com to þe Ethei Gethee paſſide forþ, and þe kyng, and alle þe men þat
dom of þe kyng, Abſolon clepide to hym ſelf, and ſeide, Of wiþ hym weren, and þe toþer multitude.
what citee ert þou? Þe which anſwerynge ſeide, Of a lynage xxiii And alle þei wepten wiþ a greet voys, and al þe puple
of Yrael I am, þi ſeruaunt. paſſide forþ; þe kyng forſoþe wente ouer þe ſtreem of Cedron,


and al þe puple wente aȝens þe weye of þe olyue, þat biholdiþ v Þanne kyng Dauid cam into Bahurym, and loo! þere wente
to deſeert. out a man þens of þe kynrede of þe hows of Saul, Semei bi
xxiiii And Sadoch þe preeſt cam, and alle þe Leuytis wiþ name, þe ſone of Gera; he wente forþ goynge out, and
hym, berynge þe arke of þe boond of pees of God, and þei curſyde.
ſetten doun þe arke of God; and Abiathar ſtiede vp, to þe vi And he ſente ſtonus aȝens Dauid, and aȝens alle þe
tyme þat alle þe puple weren ful comen þat was goon out fro ſeruauntis of king Dauid; forſoþe al þe puple, and alle þe
þe citee. fiȝters fro þe riȝt and fro þe left ſide of þe kyng wenten.
xxv And þe kyng ſeide to Sadoch, Beer aȝen þe arke of God vii Forſoþe þus ſpak Semei, whanne he curſide to þe kyng,
into þe citee; if I ſhal fynde grace in þe eyen of þe Lord, he Go out, go out, þou man of bloodis, and man of Belial!
ſhal leede me aȝen, and ſhewe to me it and his tabernacle. viii Þe Lord haþ ȝoldyn to þee al þe blood of þe hows of
xxvi Forſoþe if he ſhal ſeye, Þou pleſiſt not to me; preſt I am,
Saul, for þou haſt reued þe kyngdam fro hym; and þe Lord
do he þat is good before hym. haþ ȝouun þe kyngdam in þe hoond of Abſolon, þi ſone; and
xxvii And þe kyng ſeide to Sadoch þe preeſt, O ſeere, turne loo! þin euels beren þee doun, for a man of blodis þou art.
aȝen into þe cite in pees, and Achymaas, þi ſone, and ix Forſoþe Abiſai, þe ſone of Seruye, ſeide to þe kyng, Whi
Jonathan, þe ſone of Abiathar, ȝoure two ſonys, be þei wiþ curſiþ þis dog to diynge to my lord kyng? I ſhal goo, and
ȝou. girde of his heed.
xxviii Loo! I ſhal be hid in þe wijlde feeldis of deſeert, to þe x And þe kyng ſeiþ, What is to me and to ȝou, ȝe ſonys of
tyme þat þe word come from ȝou, ſhewynge to me. Saruye? Letiþ hym, þat he curſe; forſoþe þe Lord comaundide
xxix Þanne Sadoch and Abiathar beren aȝen þe arke of God to hym þat he curſe Dauid; and who is þat dar ſeie, Whi þus
into Jeruſalem, and dwelliden þere. he doþ?
xxx But Dauid ſtiede vp þe hil of olyues, ſtiynge and xi And þe kyng ſeiþ to Abiſai, and to alle his ſeruauntis, Loo!
wepynge, þe heede couerde, and þe feet nakid goynge; but and my ſone, þat is goon out fro my wombe, ſechiþ my lijf; mych
al þe puple þat was wiþ hym, þe heed couerde, ſtieden vp more now þis ſone of Geminy `curſiþ to me? Letiþ hym, þat
wepynge. he curſe after þe heeſt of þe Lord;
xxxi Forſoþe it is toold to Dauid, þat Achitophel was in þe xii if perauenture þe Lord beholde my tourmentynge, and
coniurynge wiþ Abſolon; and Dauid ſeide, Lord, I biſeche, ȝeelde to me good for þis curſynge to dai.
mak foli þe counſeil of Achitophel. xiii And ſo Dauid wente, and his felawis, bi þe weie wiþ
xxxii And whanne Dauid ſtiede vp þe cop of þe hil, in þe hym; forſoþe Semei wente curſynge aȝens hym bi þe cop of þe
which he was to preye þe Lord, loo! Cuſy Arachites aȝen cam hil aſide, and ſendynge ſtoonus aȝens hym, and þe erþe
to hym, þe cloþing kut, and þe heed ful of erþe. ſprengynge.
xxxiii And Dauid ſeide to hym, If þou comyſt wiþ me, þou xiiii And ſo kyng Dauid cam, and al þe puple wiþ hym wery,
ſhalt be to me to chargynge; and þere þei ben refreſhid.
xxxiiii forſoþe if þou turneſt aȝen into þe citee, and ſeiſt to xv Forſoþe Abſolon, and al þe puple of Irael wenten into
Abſolon, Þi ſeruaunt I am, kyng, ſuffre me to lyue; as I Jeruſalem, but and Achitophel wiþ hym.
was þe ſeruaunt of þi fadre, ſo I ſhal be þi ſeruaunt; þou xvi Forſoþe whann Cuſay Arachites, þe freend of Dauid, was
ſhalt ſcatyr þe counſeyl of Achitophel. comen to Abſolon, he ſpak to hym, Heil, kyng!
xxxv Forſoþe þou haſt wiþ þee Sadoch and Abiathar, preeſtis; xvii heil, kyng! To whom Abſolon, Þis is, he ſeiþ, þi grace to
and eche word, what euere þou heriſt in þe hows of þe kyng, þi freend; whi haſt þou not goo wiþ þi freend?
þou ſhalt ſhewe to þe preſtis, Sadoch and Abiathar. xviii And Cuſai anſwerde to Abſolon, Nay, for of hym I ſhal
xxxvi Forſoþe þere ben wiþ hem her two ſonys, Achymaas, þe
be, whom þe Lord cheſiþ, and al þis puple, and al Yrael; and
ſone of Sadoch, and Jonathan, þe ſone of Abiathar; and ȝe wiþ hym Y ſhal dwelle.
ſhulen ſeende bi hem to me al þe word þat ȝe ſhulen here. xix `But and þis I ſhal brynge yn, to whom am I to ſerue?
xxxvii Þanne comynge Chuſa, þe freend of Dauid, into þe
wheþer not to þe ſone of þe kyng? as I obeyſſhide to þi fadir,
citee, forſoþe Abſolon is comen into Jeruſalem. ſo and I ſhal obeiſhe to þee.
xx Forſoþe Abſolon ſeide to Achithophel, Goo ȝe into counſeyl,
Capitulum XVI. what we owen to doon.
i And xxi And Achithophel ſeiþ to Abſolon, Go into þe ſecundarye
whanne Dauid hadde goon a litil þe cop of þe hil,
Ciba, þe child of Myphiboſech, aperide into aȝen comynge of wyues of þi fadre, `þe whiche he haþ laft at þe hows to be
hym, wiþ two aſſis, þat weren chargid wiþ two hundrid kept; þat whanne al Yrael heriþ, þat þou haſt defoulid þi
loouys, and an hundred bundels of dried grapis, and an fader, þe hoondis of hem ben ſtrengþid wiþ þee.
hundred peyſis of fijgis preſſid, and wiþ two botels of wyn. xxii Þanne þei ſtrauȝten out to Abſolon a tabernacle in þe
ii And þe kyng ſeide to Cyba, What to hem wolen þes þingys? ſolere, and he wente into þe ſecundarye wyues of his fader
And Ciba anſwerde, My lord kyng, þe aſſis, þat þe hoomli before al Irael.
men of þe kyng ſitten on; þe loouis and þe fijgis, to þi xxiii Forſoþe þe counſeil þat Achithophel ȝaf in þoo dais, as if
children for to eete; forſoþe þe wyn, þat he drynke, who ſo a man counſeilde God; ſo was al þe counſeil of Achithophel,
failiþ in deſeert. and whanne he was wiþ Dauid, and whanne he was wiþ
iii And þe kyng ſeiþ, Where is þe ſone of þi lord? And Ciba Abſolon.
anſwerde to þe kyng, He abood ſtille in Jeruſalem, ſeiynge,
To day ſhal þe `hows of Yrael reſtore to me þe kyngdam of Capitulum XVII.
my fader.
iiii And þe kyng ſeiþ to Cyba, Alle þingis þat weren of i Thanne ſeide Achitophel to Abſolon, I ſhal cheſe to me
Miphiboſech ben þin. And Cyba ſeide, I preye, fynde I grace twelue þouſandis of men, and ryſynge I ſhal purſue Dauid
before þee, my lord kyng. þis niȝt.


ii And fallynge forſoþe vpon hym þat is wery, and þe hoondis xxi And whanne þei weren goon, þey ſtieden vp fro þe pit;
feblid, I ſhal ſmyte hym; and whanne al þe puple fleeþ þat is and goynge toolden to kyng Dauid, and ſeiden, Ryſeþ, and
wiþ hym, I ſhal ſmyte þe kyng deſolate. ſoone goþ ouer þe flood, for ſich maner counſeil ȝaf
iii And I ſhal brynge aȝen al þe puple, what maner o man is Achithophel aȝens ȝou.
wont to be turned aȝen; forſoþe o man þou ſechiſt, and al þe xxii Þanne Dauid roos, and al þe puple þat was wiþ hym,
puple ſhal ben in pees. and þei paſſiden Jordan, to þe tyme þat þe dai `were liȝtid, or
iiii And his word pleſide to Abſolon, and to alle þe more þurȝ þe word were pupliſhid; and not oone forſoþe was laft, þat
birþ of Yrael. paſſide not þe flood.
v Forſoþe Abſolon ſeiþ, Clepe ȝe and Cuſai Arachite, and here xxiii Forſoþe Achitophel ſeynge, þat his counſeil was not doon,
we what alſo he ſeiþ. made redi his aſſe, and roos, and wente into hys hows, and
vi And whan Cuſai was comen to Abſolon, Abſolon ſeiþ to into his citee; and his hows diſpoſid, he diede bi hoongynge,
and is biried in þe ſepulcre of his fader.
hym, Siche a maner word ſpak Achitophel; ſhul we doo, or xxiiii Forſoþe Dauid cam into ſtronge placis, and Abſolon
nay? what counſeil ȝyueſt þou?
vii And Cuſay ſeide to Abſolon, It is not good þis counſeil, paſſide ouer Jordan, he and alle þe men of Yrael wiþ hym.
xxv Forſoþe Abſolon ſette Amaſan for Joab vpon þe ooſt;
þat Achithophel haþ ȝouun at þis tyme.
viii And eft Cuſay brouȝte yn, Þou haſt knowen þi fader, and forſoþe Amaſan was þe ſone of a man þat was clepid Gethra
of Jezreli, þat wente into Abigayl, þe douȝter of Naas, ſiſter
þe men þat wiþ hym ben, to ben mooſt ſtronge, and in bitter of Saruye, þat was þe moder of Joab.
wil, as if a ſhe bere wexe feers in þe wijlde wode, rauyſſhid xxvi And Irael ſette tentis wiþ Abſolon in þe loond of
þe whelpis; but and þi fader is a man fiȝter, and he ſhal not
dwelle wiþ þe puple. Galaad.
ix Perauenture now he lurkiþ in dichis, or in a place where xxvii And whanne Dauid was comen into þe defenſable placis,
he wole; and whanne oon falliþ, eche in þe bigynnynge ſhal Sobi, þe ſone of Naas of Rabath, of þe ſonys of Amon, and
here, who ſo euere heriþ, and ſhal ſeye, Þere is maad Machir, þe ſone of Amyel, of Lodobar, and Berzellay
veniaunce in þe puple þat purſuede Abſolon. Galadite, of Rogelym,
x And eche mooſt ſtrong, whos is þe herte as of a lioun, ſhal xxviii offreden to hym couerynge cloþis, and tapetis, and erþen
be feblid for drede; forſoþe al þe puple of Yrael woot þi fader veſſels, whete, and barli, and meele, and powned corn, and
to be ſtrong, and alle ſtronge, þat wiþ hym ben. benen, and potage, and fryed `gederynge of corns, þat is
xi But þis ſemeþ to me to be riȝt counſeil; be gedrid to þee al clepid cycer,
xxix and hony, and bottre, and ſheep, and fatte calues. And
þe puple, fro Dan vnto Berſabe, vnnoumbrable as þe grauel
of þe ſee; and þou ſhalt be in þe myddis of hem. þei ȝyuen to Dauid, and to þe puple þat was wiþ hym, for to
xii And we ſhulen falle vpon him, in what euer place he were ete; forſoþe þei ouertroweden þe puple to be feyntid in þe
deſeert bi hungre and þreſt.
foundun, and we ſhulen couer hym, as dewe is wont to falle
on þe erþe; and we ſhulen not leeue of þe men þat wiþ hym
ben, forſoþe not oone. Capitulum XVIII.
xiii And if he were goon in eny citee, al Yrael ſhal wyynde i Dauid þanne, his puple biholden, ordeynde vpon hem leders
aboute þat citee coordis, and we ſhulen drawe it into þe of þouſandis, and leders of hundridis.
ſtreem, þat þere be not foundun forſoþe of it not a litil ſtoon. ii And he ȝaf þe þridde parti of þe puple vndir þe hoond of
xiiii And Abſolon ſeide, and alle þe men of Irael, Betere is
Joab; and þe þridde vndur þe hoond of Abiſai, þe ſone of
þe counſeil of Cuſai Arachite þanne þe counſeil of Achithophel; Seruye, þe broþir of Joab; and þe þridde vndur þe hoond of
forſoþe þurȝ þe wil of þe Lord is ſcaterid þe profitable counſeil Ethay, þat was of Geth. And þe kyng ſeide to þe puple, And
of Achithophel, þat þe Lord brynge yn yuel vpon Abſolon. I ſhal goon out wiþ ȝou.
xv And Cuſay ſeiþ to þe preeſtys, Sadoch and Abiathar, Þis iii And þe puple anſwerde, Þou ſhalt not goo out; forſoþe
and þis maner Achithophel ȝaf counſeil to Abſolon, and to þe wheþer we fleen, it ſhal not perteyne to hem in greet forſe of
eldres of Yrael, and I ȝaf ſich counſeil and ſich. vs; or þe half partie falle fro vs, þei ſhulen not retche anow,
xvi Now þanne ſendiþ ſoone, and telliþ to Dauid, ſeiynge, Ne for þou oone for ten þouſandis ert countyd; beter it is þanne,
abide þou þis niȝt in þe wijlde feeldis of deſeert, but wiþ out þat þou be to vs in þe cytee to ſocour.
tariynge weende ouer; leſt perauenture þe kyng be ſoopen a iiii To whom ſeiþ þe kyng, Þat to ȝou ſemeþ riȝt, þat I ſhal
wey, and al þe puple þat is wiþ hym. doo. Þanne þe kyng ſtoode biſide þe ȝaate, and þe puple
xvii Forſoþe Jonathan and Achymas ſtoden biſide þe welle of wente out bi her cumpanyes, bi hundredis and þouſandis.
Rogel; an hondwomman ȝede, and toolde to hem, and þei v And þe kyng comaundide to Joab, and Abiſai, and Ethay,
wenten forþ, þat þei tellen to kyng Dauid þe meſſage; forſoþe ſeiynge, Kepiþ to me þe child Abſolon. And al þe puple herde
þei myȝten not be ſeen, or go into þe cytee. þe kyng comaundynge to alle þe princis for Abſolon.
xviii Forſoþe a maner child ſawȝ hem, and toolde to Abſolon; vi And ſo þe puple wente into þe feelde aȝens Yrael; and a
forſoþe þei wenten in a ſwift paaſe in þe hows of a maner batail is doon in þe wijld wode of Effraym.
man in Bahurym, þat hadde a pit in his veſtiarye, and þei vii And þe puple of Irael is þere hewen doun of þe ooſt of
deſcendiden into it. Dauid, and þere is doon a greet ſlauȝter in þat day of twenti
xix Forſoþe a womman took, and ſtrauȝte out a couerynge
vpon þe mouþ of þe pit, as driynge pild barli, and ſo þe þing viii Forſoþe þere was þe batail ſparpoild vpon þe face of al þe
is hid. loond, and manye mo weren whom þe wijlde wode waaſtide of
xx And whanne þe ſeruauntis of Abſolon weren comen into þe
þe puple, þan þei whom þe ſwerd deuowrede in þat day.
hows, þei ſeiden to þe womman, Where is Achymas and ix Forſoþe it felle, þat Abſolon aȝencam to þe ſeruauntis of
Jonathan? And þe womman anſwerde to hem, Þei wenten Dauid, ſittynge vpon a muyl; and whanne þe muyle wente yn
hiyngli, a litil wiȝt water taaſtid. And þes þat ſouȝten, vndur a þik ook, and a greet, þe heed of hym cleuyde to þe
whanne þei founden not, þei turneden aȝen into Jeruſalem.


ook; and hym hongid bitwix heuene and erþe, þe muyle, to þe xxix And þe kyng ſeiþ, Is þere not pees to þe child Abſolon?
which he ſatte in, paſſide forþ. And Achymaas ſeide, I ſawȝ a greet towmbe, whanne Joab
x Forſoþe a maner man ſawȝ þat, and toolde to Joab, ſeiynge, þi ſeruaunt ſente me, O kyng, þi ſeruaunt; oþer þing I knowe
I ſawȝ Abſolon hongynge fro an ook. not.
xi And Joab ſeiþ to þe man þat toolde hym, If þou ſawȝ, whi xxx To whom þe kyng, Paſſe, he ſeiþ, and ſtoond here. And
ſtikiſt þou not hym wiþ þe erþe, and I ſhulde haue ȝyue to whanne he was paſſid, and ſtoode, Cuſi aperide; and comynge
þee ten ciclis of ſiluer, and a knyȝtis girdil? ſeiþ,
xii Þe which ſeide to Joab, If þou peyſediſt in myn hoondis a xxxi I brynge good meſſage, my lord king; forſoþe þe Lord
þouſand ſilueren platis, I ſhulde not putte myn hoond into þe haþ demyde for þee to day fro þe hoond `of alle þat riſen
ſone of þe kyng; forſoþe herynge vs, þe kyng comaundide to aȝens þee.
þee, and to Abiſai, and to Ethai, ſeiynge, Kepiþ to me þe xxxii Þe kyng forſoþe ſeide to Cuſi, Is þere not pees to þe
child Abſolon. child Abſolon? To whom anſwerynge Cuſi, Be þei maad, he
xiii But and if I hadde doon aȝens my ſoul foolhardili, þat ſeiþ, as þe child, þe enemyes of my lord þe kyng, and alle þat
myȝte not þe kyng vnknowe, and þou ſhuldiſt ſtoond forn riſen aȝens hym into yuel.
aȝens. xxxiii And ſo þe kyng cauȝt wiþ ſorwe, ſtiede vp to þe
xiiii And Joab ſeiþ, Not as þou wolt, but I ſhal goo to hym ſowpynge place of þe ȝaate, and wepte, and þus he ſpak
before þee. Þanne Joab took þree ſperis in his hoond, and goynge, Sone myn, Abſolon! Abſolon, ſone myn! who to me
piȝte hem in þe herte of Abſolon. And whanne ȝit he ȝyueþ, þat I dye for þee? Abſolon, ſone myn! ſone myn,
qwappide cleuynge in þe ook, Abſolon!
xv ten ȝonge ſquyers of Joab runnen, and ſmytynge ſlowen
hym. Capitulum XIX.
xvi Forſoþe Joab ſownede wiþ þe trumpe, and wiþ heelde þe
i Forſoþe it is toold to Joab, þat þe kyng wept, and weilide
puple, þat he purſuede not Irael fleynge, wylnynge to ſpare to his ſone;
þe multitude. ii and þe victorye is turned in þat dai into weilynge to al þe
xvii And þei token Abſolon, and caſten hym in þe wijld wode
in to a greet diche, and þei beren togidir vpon hym a greet puple; forſoþe þe puple herde in þat day to be ſeid, Þe kyng
heep of ſtoonus ful myche; forſoþe al Irael fleeȝ into her ſorwiþ vpon his ſone.
iii And þe puple bowide aſide in þat dai to goo in to þe citee,
xviii Forſoþe Abſolon hadde arerede vp to hym, whanne he ȝit what maner wiſe a puple turnede and fleynge fro þe batail is
lyuede, a title, þat is in þe valey of þe kyng; he ſeide forſoþe, wont to bowe aſide.
iiii Forſoþe þe kyng couerde his heed, and criede wiþ a greet
I haue not a ſone, and þis ſhal be in mynde of my name; and
he clepide þe title bi his name, and it is clepid þe Hoond of vois, Sone myn, Abſolon! Abſolon, ſone myn!
Abſolon into þis day. v Þanne goon yn Joab to þe kyng into þe hows, ſeide, Þou
xix Forſoþe Achymas, þe ſone of Sadoch, ſeiþ, I ſhal renne haſt confoundid to day þe cheeris of alle þi ſeruauntis, and þat
and telle to þe kyng, for þe Lord dide doom to hym fro þe han maad ſaaf þi lijf, and þe lijf of þi ſonys and of þi
hoond of þe enemyes of hym. douȝtris, and þe lijf of þi wyues, and þe lijf of þi ſecoundarye
xx To whom Joab ſeide, Þou ſhalt not be meſſager in þis dai, wyues.
vi Þou loueſt þe hatynge þee, and þou haſt in haate þe
but þou ſhalt telle in þe toþer; to day I wole not þee to telle,
forſoþe þe ſone of þe kyng is deed. louynge þee; and þou haſt ſhewid to day, for þou reckiſt not of
xxi And Joab ſeiþ to Cuſi, Go, and tel to þe kyng what þou þi leeders and of þi ſeruauntis; and verreily I haue knowen
haſt ſeen. now, þat if Abſolon lyuede, and alle we hadden diede, þanne
xxii Cuſi lowtide to Joab, and ranne. Eft Achymas, þe ſone of
it ſhulde pleſe to þee.
vii Now þan ryſe, and go forþ, and ſpekynge do aſeeþe to þi
Sadoch, ſeide to Joab, What lettiþ, if I alſo renne after Cuſi? ſeruauntis; forſoþe I ſwere to þee bi þe Lord, þat if þow goſt
And Joab ſeide to hym, What wolt þou renne, ſone myn? not out, þat oon forſoþe be not to abidynge ſtill wiþ þee þis
Come hidir, þou ſhalt not be berer of good meſſage. nyȝt; and werſe ſhal be to þee þis, þan alle þe yuels þat
xxiii Þe which anſwerde, What forſoþe if I ſhal renne? And
camen vpon þee fro þi ȝongþ vnto þe tyme þat is now.
he ſeiþ to hym, Renn. Þanne Achymaas rennynge bi þe weye viii Þanne þe kyng roos, and ſatte in þe ȝate; and to al þe
of þe good ſhort weye ouerpaſſide Cuſai. puple it is toold, þat þe king ſatte in þe ȝate, and al þe
xxiiii Dauid forſoþe ſat bitwix two ȝatis; þe weyter forſoþe, þat
multitude cam before þe king. Forſoþe Irael fleeȝ into her
was in þe heiȝt of þe ȝate vpon þe walle, rerynge vp þe eyen, tabernaclis.
ſawȝ a man aloone rennynge; ix And al þe puple ſtroof in alle þe lynagis of Irael, ſeiynge,
xxv and cryinge out ſhewide to þe kyng. And þe kyng ſeide to
Þe kyng haþ delyuerd vs fro þe hoond of oure enemyes, and
hym, If he is aloone, gode meſſage is in þe mouþ of hym. he haþ ſaued vs fro þe hoond of Philiſteis; and now he fleeȝ
Forſoþe hym goynge and neiȝynge nerre, fro þe loond for Abſolon.
xxvi þe wayter ſawȝ anoþir man rennynge; and criynge out in x Forſoþe Abſolon, whom we anoyntiden kyng vpon vs, is
þe cop ſeiþ, Þere ſemeþ to me anoþer man rennynge aloone. deed in batail; how long be ȝe ſtille, and ȝe brengen not aȝen
And þe kyng ſeide to hym, And þis is a good meſſager. þe kyng? And þe counſeil of al Irael cam to þe king.
xxvii Forſoþe þe weyter ſeiþ, I biholde þe rennynge of þe xi Forſoþe kyng Dauid ſente to Sadoch and to Abiathar,
former, as þe rennynge of Achymaas, þe ſone of Sadoch. And preeſtis, ſeiynge, Speke ȝe to þe more þurȝ birþ of Juda,
þe kyng ſeiþ, A good man he is, and comeþ berynge good ſeiynge, Whi ben ȝe comen laſt to brynge aȝen þe kyng into
meſage. his hows? Forſoþe þe word of al Irael is ful comen to þe
xxviii Forſoþe Achymaas cryinge, ſeide to þe kyng, Hail kyng! kyng, þat þei brengen hym aȝen into his hows.
And lowtynge þe kyng before hym bowide into þe erþe, ſeiþ, xii For þe kyng ſeide, Þes þingis ȝe ſhulen ſeye to þe puple,
Bleſſid be þe Lord þi God, þat haþ concludid þe men, þat My briþeren ȝe, my boon and my fleſh ȝe; whi laſt brengen ȝe
rereden her hoondis aȝens my lord þe kyng. aȝen þe kyng?


xiii And to Amaſa ſeye ȝee, Wheþer ert þou not my boon and xxxiii And ſo þe kyng ſeide to Berzellai, Come wiþ me, þat
my fleſh? Þes þingis God do to me, and þes þingis adde, if þou reſte ſikir wiþ me in Jeruſalem.
þou were not maiſter of chiualrye after Joab before me al xxxiiii And Berzellai ſeiþ to þe kyng, How feele ben þe dayes
tyme. of þe ȝeeris of my lijf, þat I ſtye vp wiþ þe kyng to
xiiii And he bowide þe herte of alle þe men of Juda as of o Jeruſalem?
man; and þei ſenten to þe king, ſeiynge, Turn aȝen, þou and xxxv Of foure ſcoore ȝeer I am to dai; wheþer my wittis
alle þi ſeruauntis. þryuen to deme ſwote or bittir, or meet and drynk may delite
xv And þe kyng turnede aȝen, and cam vnto Jordan; and al þi ſeruaunt, or I may here forþermore þe vois of men ſyngers
Juda cam forþ into Galgala, þat he aȝen come to þe kyng, and of wymmen ſyngers? Whi þi ſeruaunt be to charge to my
and þei ſhulden brynge hym ouer Jordan. lord kyng?
xvi Forſoþe Semei, þe ſone of Gera, þe ſone of Gemyny, of xxxvi A litil I ſhal goo forþ þi ſeruaunt fro Jordan wiþ þee,
Bahurym, hiȝede, and cam doun wiþ þe men of Juda into ne I nede þis while ȝeeldynge;
aȝen comynge of kyng Dauid, xxxvii but I biſeche, þat I turne aȝen þi ſeruaunt, and die in
xvii wiþ a þouſand men of Beniamyn; and child Ciba of þe my citee, and be biried biſyde þe ſepulcre of my fader and of
hows of Saul, and his fifteen ſonys, and twenti ſeruantis my moder; forſoþe þere is þi ſeruaunt Chamaan; he go wiþ
weren wiþ hym; and brekynge Jordan before þe kyng, þee, my lord kyng, and do to hym þat ſemeþ to þee good.
paſſeden þe forþis, xxxviii And ſo þe kyng ſeide to hym, Chamaan goo wiþ me;
xviii þat þei brengen ouer þe hows of þe kyng, and doon after and I ſhal doo to hym what euer þing ſhal pleeſe to þee, and
his comaundynge. Forſoþe Semei, þe ſone of Gera, faln doun al þat þou aſkiſt of me, þou ſhalt geete.
before þe kyng, whanne now he hadde paſſid Jordan, xxxix And whanne al þe puple, and þe kyng was paſſid ouer
xix ſeide to hym, My lord, ne wiyt þou to me þe wickidnes, Jordan, he reſteiede; and þe king kiſſide Berzellai, and
ne haue þou mynde of þe wrongis of þi ſeruaunt in þe dai, þe bleſſide to hym; and he turnede aȝen into his place.
which þou wentiſt out, my lord kyng, fro Jeruſalem, ne ſet xl Þanne þe kyng wente into Galgalan, and Chamaan wiþ
þou, kyng, in þin herte; hym. Forſoþe al þe puple of Juda brouȝte ouer þe kyng, and
xx forſoþe I þi ſeruaunt knowe my ſynne; and þerfor to dai of þe puple of Irael oonli þe half parti was at.
firſt I cam of al þe hows of Joſeph, and cam doun into xli And ſo alle þe men of Irael rennynge to þe kyng, ſeiden to
aȝencomynge of my lord þe kyng. hym, Whi oure briþeren, þe men of Juda, han ſtoln þee, and
xxi Forſoþe anſwerynge Abiſai, þe ſone of Saruye, ſeide, han brouȝt ouer Jordan þe kyng and his hows, and alle þe
Wheþer for þes wordis Semei ſhal not be ſlayn, þat curſide to men of Dauid wiþ hym?
þe criſt of þe Lord? xlii And alle þe men of Juda anſwerden to þe men of Irael,
xxii And Dauid ſeiþ, What to me and to ȝou, ȝe ſonys of For to me nerre is þe kyng; whi wraþþiſt þou vpon þis þing?
Saruye? Whi ben ȝe maad to me to day into Sathan? Þanne Wheþer we han eten eny þing of þe kyng, or ȝiftis to vs ben
wheþer to dai ſhal not be ſlayn a man in Irael? Wheþer I ȝeuen?
knowe not me to day maad kyng vpon Irael? xliii And þe man of Irael anſwerde to þe men of Juda, and
xxiii And þe kyng ſeiþ to Semei, Þou ſhalt not die; and he ſeiþ, Bi ten parties more I am anentis þe kyng, and more to
ſwore to hym. me perteneþ Dauid þan to þee; whi haſt þou doo to me
xxiiii Forſoþe Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonathan, þe ſone of wronge, and it is not toold to me former, þat I brynge aȝen
Saul, cam doun into þe aȝencomynge of þe kyng, þe feet my kyng? Forſoþe harder anſwerden þe men of Juda þan þe
vnwaſſhen, and þe beerd vnſhauen. And his cloþis he hadde men of Irael.
not waſhen, fro þe day þat þe kyng wente out vnto þe day of
his turnynge aȝen in pees. Capitulum XX.
xxv And whanne he hadde aȝen comen to þe kyng, þe kyng
i It felle forſoþe, þat þere was a man of Belial, Syba bi
ſeide to hym, Whi cam þou not wiþ me, Myphiboſech? name, þe ſone of Botry, a `man of Gemyny; and he ſonge wiþ
xxvi And anſwerynge he ſeiþ, My lord kyng, my ſeruaunt
a trumpe, and ſeiþ, Þere is not to vs paart in Dauid, ne
diſpiſide me; and I þi ſeruaunt ſeide to hym, þat he ſhulde heritage in þe ſone of Iſay; turn aȝen into þi tabernaclis,
make to me redi an aſſe, and ſtiynge vp I myȝte goo wiþ þe Irael.
kyng; forſoþe I þi ſeruaunt am halt. ii And al Irael ys ſeuered fro Dauid, and folwide Ciba, þe
xxvii Alſo and he accuſide me, þi ſeruaunt, to þee, my lord
ſone of Botri; þe men forſoþe of Juda cleueden to her kyng,
kyng; forſoþe þou, my lord kyng, ert as þe aungel of God; do fro Jordan vnto Jeruſalem.
þat is pleſynge to þee. iii And whanne þe kyng was comen into his hows into
xxviii Forſoþe ne þe hows of mi fader was but gilti to þe deþ
Jeruſalem, he took þe wymmen, and his ten ſecoundarie
to my lord kyng; forſoþe þou puttiſt me þi ſeruaunt among þi wyues, þe whiche he hadde laft to þe hows to be kept, and he
meetfelawis of þi bord; what þanne haue I of ryȝtwiſe playnt, took hem into waard, ȝyuynge foodis to hem; and he wente
or what may I more be ſpoken of to þe kyng? not into hem, but þei weren cloſid vnto þe dai of her deþ,
xxix Forſoþe þe kyng ſeiþ to hym, What more ſhalt þou ſpeke? lyuynge in widewheed.
ſtedefaſt it is þat I haue ſpoken; þou and Siba, dyuyde ȝe iiii Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Amaſe, Cleep to me alle þe men
poſſeſſiouns. of Juda into þe þridde dai, and þou be to preſent.
xxx And Myphiboſech anſwerde to þe kyng, Alſo al take he, v Þanne Amaſa wente for to clepe Juda; and he dwelte out of
aftir þat my lord þe kyng is turned aȝen peſibli into his hows. þe couenaunt tyme þat þe kyng ordeynde to hym.
xxxi Forſoþe Berzellay Galadite, a ful olde man, comynge vi Forſoþe Dauid ſeiþ to Abiſai, Now more Siba, þe ſone of
down fro Rogelym, ladde þe kyng ouer Jordan, redi alſo for Botri, is to tourment vs þan Abſolon; tak þerfor þe
to folwe hym biȝonde þe flood. ſeruauntys of þi lord, and purſue hym, leſt perauenture he
xxxii Forſoþe Berzellai Galadite was ful oolde, þat is, of fynde þe citee ſtrengþid, and flee awey fro vs.
fourſcore ȝeer, and he ȝaf food to þe kyng, whanne he dwellid
in þe defenſable placis; forſoþe he was a ful mych riche man.


vii Þanne wente out wiþ hym þe men of Joab, Cerethi forſoþe Capitulum XXI.
and Pherethi, and alle þe ſtroonge men wenten out of i Forſoþe
Jeruſalem to purſue Siba, þe ſone of Botri. þere is doon hungre in þe dais of Dauid, þre ȝeer
viii And whanne þei weren biſide þe greet ſtoon, þat is in contynueli. And Dauid counſeilde þe heuenli anſwere of þe
Gabaon, Amaſa comynge aȝen cam to hem; forſoþe Joab was Lord; and þe Lord ſeide, For Saul, and þe hows of hym,
cloþid wiþ a ſtrait coote at þe meſure of his ſhap, and þere and þe blood, for he ſlewȝ Gabanytes.
ii Þanne þe Gabanytis clepid, þe kyng ſeide to hem; forſoþe
aboue gird wiþ a knyif hongynge vnto þe reyn gottys in þe
ſheeþe, þe which forgid wiþ liȝt meuynge myȝt goon out, and Gabanytis ben not of þe ſonys of Irael, but þe relikis of
ſmyte. Ammoreis; forſoþe þe ſonys of Yrael hadden ſworn to hem,
ix And ſo Joab ſeide to Amaſan, Heyl, my broþer! And he þat þei ſhulen not ſlee hem, and Saul wolde ſmyte hem bi
heelde wiþ þe riȝt hoond þe chyn of Amaſe, as kyſſynge hym. enuye, as for þe ſonys of Irael and of Juda;
iii þanne Dauid ſeide to Gabanitis, What ſhal I doo to ȝou,
x Forſoþe Amaſa weytide not wel þe knyif þat Joab hadde, þe
which ſmoot hym in þe ſide, and ſhedde out þe gottis of hym and what ſhal be ȝoure amendys, þat ȝe bliſſen to þe heritage
into þe erþe, and is deed; ne þe ſecounde wounde he putte to. of þe Lord?
iiii And Gabanytis ſeiden to hym, Þere is no queſtioun to vs
Forſoþe Joab and Abiſay, his broþer, purſueden Siba, þe
ſone of Botry. vpon gold and ſiluer, but aȝens Saul, and þe hows of hym;
xi Þere among ſum men of þe children of Dauid, whanne þei and we wolen not, þat þere be ſlayn a man of Irael. To
hadden `ſeen and ſtonden biſide þe careyn of Amaſe, of þe whom þe kyng ſeiþ, What þanne wolen ȝe, þat I doo to ȝow?
v Þe whiche ſeiden to þe kyng, Þe man þat haþ defowlid vs,
felawis of Joab, ſeiden, Loo! þat wolde be for Joab, leder of
Dauid. and oppreſſid wickidli, ſo we owen to doon awey, ne oon
xii Forſoþe Amaſa ſpreynd wiþ blood laye in þe myddil weye. forſoþe be laft of þe lynage of hym in alle þe cooſtis of Yrael.
vi Be þere ȝouun to vs ſeuen men of þe ſonys of hem, þat we
Þat ſawȝ a man, þat al þe puple ſtood ſtille to ſeen hym, and
meuede a wey Amaſa fro þe weye into þe feelde, and couerde crucifien hem to þe Lord in Gabaa of Saul, ſumtyme þe
hym wiþ a clooþ, leſt þe goers ſhulden abide ſtille for hym. choſen of þe Lord. And þe kyng ſeiþ, I ſhal ȝeue.
xiii Þanne hym meued fro þe weie, eche man folowynge Joab vii And þe kyng ſparide to Myphiboſech, þe ſone of Jonathan,
wente to purſue Siba, þe ſone of Botri. þe ſone of Saul, for þe ooþ of þe Lord, þat was betwix
xiiii But he paſſide þurȝ out alle þe lynagis of Yrael vnto Dauid and Jonathan, þe ſone of Saul.
viii And ſo þe kyng took two ſonys of Reſpha, þe dowȝter of
Hebelam, and into Bethmacha; and alle þe choſen men weren
gedrid to hym. Ahia, whom ſhe bare to Saul, Armoony, and Myphiboſech;
xv And ſo þei camen, and ſetten aȝens hym in Habela, and in and `of Mychol fyue ſones, of þe douȝter of Saul, whom ſhe
Bethmacha, and enuyrounden þe citee wiþ ſtrengþis; and þe gat to Adriel, þe ſone of Berzellay, þat was of Demolati.
ix And he ȝaf hem into þe hoondis of Gabanytis, þe which
citee is biſegid. Forſoþe al þe puple, þat was wiþ Joab,
enforſide to deſtrie þe wallis. crucifieden hem in þe hil before þe Lord; and þes ſeuen ſlayn
xvi And a wyſe womman criede out fro þe citee, Heriþ! heriþ! togidir fellen in þe dais of þe fyrſt rijp, begynnynge þe
ſeiþ to Joab, Neiȝ hidir, and I ſhal ſpeke wiþ þee. repynge of barli.
x Forſoþe takynge Reſpha, þe douȝter of Ahia, ſpradde abrood
xvii Þe whych whanne he hadde neiȝid to hire, ſhe ſeide to
hym, Þou ert Joab? And he anſwerde, I. To whom þus ſhe an heyre to hire on a ſtoon, fro þe bigynnynge of þe ryp to þe
ſpake, Here þe wordis of þin hoond womman. Þe which tyme þat watir droppide vpon hem fro heuene; and ſhe ſuffride
anſwerde, I here. not breddis to teren hem bi þe day, ne beeſtis bi þe nyȝt.
xi And þeſe þingis ben toold to Dauid, þe whiche dide
xviii And eft ſhe, A word, ſhe ſeiþ, was ſeide in olde
prouerbe, Who aſke, aſken þei in Habela; and ſo þei Reſpha, þe douȝter of Ahia, þe ſecoundarye wijf of Saul.
xii And Dauid ȝede, and took þe boonus of Saul, and þe
xix Wheþer I am not, þe which anſwere þe trewþe of Yrael? boonus of Jonathan, his ſone, of þe men of Jabes Galaad;
and þou ſechiſt to turne vpſedoun þe citee, and to doon awey `þe which hadden ſtoln hem fro þe ſtreete of Bethſan, in þe
þe moder of citees in Irael? whi beriſt þou doun þe herytage which Philiſteis hadden hongid hem, whanne þei ſlewen Saul
of þe Lord? in Gelboe.
xiii And bare a wey þens þe boonus of Saul, and þe boonus
xx And Joab anſwerynge ſeiþ, Aweie be, aweie be þis fro me;
I bere not doun, ne deſtrie. of Jonathan, his ſone; and þei gederynge togidir þe boonus of
xxi Not ſo þe þing haþ hym; but a man of þe hil of Effraym,
hem þat weren piȝt,
xiiii birieden hem wiþ þe boonus of Saul and Jonathan, his
bi name Siba, þe ſone of Botri, reride his hoond aȝens kyng ſone, in þe loond of Beniamyn, in þe ſide in þe ſepulcre of
Dauid; takiþ hym alone, and we ſhulen goo awey fro þe citee. Cys, his fader. And þei diden alle þingis, þat þe kyng
And þe womman ſeiþ to Joab, Loo! his heed ſhal be ſente to comaundide; and þe Lord dide mercy aȝen to þe loond after
þee bi þe walle. þes þingis.
xxii Þanne ſhe wente into al þe puple, and ſpak to hem wiſeli;
xv Forſoþe þere is doon eft bateil of þe Philiſteis aȝens Irael;
þe which þe gird of heed of Siba, þe ſone of Botri, caſten and Dauid cam doun, and his ſeruauntis wiþ hym, and þei
forþ to Joab. And he ſonge wiþ þe trompe, and þei wenten a fauȝten aȝens Philiſteis. Forſoþe Dauid failynge,
wey fro þe citee, echon into her tabernaclis; forſoþe Joab xvi Jeſbidenob, þat was of þe kynrede of Arapha, whoſe yren
turnyde aȝen to Jeruſalem to þe kyng.
xxiii Þanne Joab was vpon al þe ooſt of Irael; forſoþe of þe ſpeere peiſide þre hundrid vnncis, and he was gird wiþ
Bananyas, þe ſone of Joiade, vpon Ceretheis and Pheretheis; a newe ſwerd, `enforſide to ſmyte Dauid.
xvii And Abiſay, þe ſone of Saruye, was to hym a ſocour;
xxiiii Adhuram forſoþe vpon þe tributis; but Joſaphat, þe ſone
of Achilud, þe chaunſelere; and þe Philiſtee ſmyten he ſlewȝ. Þanne þe men ſworen to
xxv Siba forſoþe a ſcribe; forſoþe Sadoch and Abiathar
Dauid, ſeiynge, Now þow ſhalt not goo out wiþ vs in to
bateil, leſt þou quenche þe lanterne of Yrael.
xxvi forſoþe Hira Hiracte was þe preeſt of Dauid.


xviii Þe ſecounde bateil forſoþe was in Gob aȝens Philiſteis; xxii For I haue kept þe weyes of þe Lord; and I dide not
þanne he ſmoot Sobochai of Huzachizaph, of þe lynage of vnpiteuouſli fro my God.
Arapha, of þe kynrede of geauntis. xxiii Forſoþe alle þe domys of hym in my ſiȝt; and his heeſtis
xix Þe þridde bateil forſoþe was in Gob aȝens þe Philiſteis; I mouede not a wey fro me.
in þe which Adeodatis, þe ſone of þe wijlde wode, leyer of xxiiii And I ſhal be parfijt wiþ hym; and I ſhal kepe me fro
dyuerſe colours, Bethlamyte, ſmoot Goliath Gethee, whos ſhaft my wickidnes.
of þe ſpeere was as a beem of webſters. xxv And þe Lord ſhal reſtore to me after my riȝtwiſnes; and
xx Þe ferþe bateyl was in Geth; in þe which was an heeȝ
after þe clenneſſe of myn hoondis in þe ſiȝt of his eyen.
man, þat hadde ſexe fyngris in þe hoondis and feet, þat is, xxvi Wiþ þe hooli hooli þou ſhalt be, and wiþ þe ſtronge
foure and twenti; and he was of þe kyn of Arapha;
xxi and he blaſphemyde in Yrael; forſoþe Jonathan, þe ſone of parfite;
xxvii and wiþ þe choſun choſun þou ſhalt be, and wiþ þe
Samaa, þe broþer of Dauid, ſmoot hym.
xxii Þeſe foure ben born of Arapha in Jeth, and þei fellen in peruertid þou ſhalt be peruertid.
xxviii And þe pore puple þou ſhalt make ſaaf; and to þin eyen
þe hoond of Dauid, and of his ſeruauntis.
heiȝ þou ſhalt make meke.
xxix For þou, Lord, my lantern, and þou, Lord, ſhalt liȝtne
Capitulum XXII.
my derkeneſſis.
i Forſoþe Dauid ſpak to þe Lord þe wordis of þis ditee, in þe xxx Into þee forſoþe I ſhall renne, gird vp; and in my God I
day in þe which þe Lord delyuerde him fro þe hoond of alle ſhal ouerleep þe wal.
his enemyes, and fro þe hoond of Saul. xxxi God, þe weye of hym vndefoulid; þe ſpeche of þe Lord
ii And ſeiþ, Þe Lord my ſtoon, and my ſtrengþ, and my
examynyd bi fier, a ſhelde is of alle þe hopers in hym.
ſaueour; xxxii For who is a God, ſaaf þe Lord; and who ſtrong ſaaf
iii my God, my ſtrong, and I ſhal hoop in hym; my ſheeld,
oure Lord?
and þe horn of myn heelþ, my rerer, and my refute; my xxxiii God, þat girdide me wiþ ſtrengþ, and planede perfyte
ſaueour, fro wickidnes þou ſhalt delyuer me. my wey;
iiii I ſhal inwardli clepe þe preyſable Lord; and fro myn
xxxiiii euenynge my feet to hertis, and vpon my heiȝ þingis
enemyes I ſhal be ſaaf. ſettynge me;
v For þere han enuyround me þe defoulyngis of deeþ; þe
xxxv techynge myn hoondis to bateil, and ſettynge togider as a
ſtremys of Belial fereden me. braſen boow myn armys.
vi Þe coordis of helle enuryrounden me; þere wenten before
xxxvi Þou ȝaf to me a target of þin helþ; and myn hoomlynes
me þe gnaris of deeþ. multipliede me.
vii In tribulacioun I ſhal inwardli clepe þe Lord, and to my
xxxvii Þou ſhalt enlaarge my goyngis vndur me; and myn
God I ſhal crye; and he herde fro his hooli temple my vois, heelis ſhulen not fayle.
and my crye ſhal come to his eeris. xxxviii I ſhal purſue myn enemyes, and treden; and I ſhal not
viii Þe erþe is togidir meued, and tremblide; þe foundementis
of hillis ben togidir ſmyten and ſquat, for he wraþþide to hem. turne aȝen, to þe tyme þat I waaſt hem.
xxxix I ſhal waaſt hem, and breek togidir, þat þei togidre
ix Smook ſtiede vp fro þe neeſþrillis of hym, and fier fro his
mouþ ſhal deuowre; þe colis ben brent vp of it. riſen not; þei ſhulen falle vndur my feet.
xl Þou girdiſt me wiþ ſtrengþe to batail; þow fulli bowediſt þe
x And he bowide heuenes, and cam doun; and myſtynes vndur
his feet. aȝenſtondynge to me vndur me.
xli Myn enemyes þou ȝaf to me þe bak, hatynge me; and I
xi And he ſtiede vpon cherubyn, and flowȝ; and ſlood vpon þe
pennys of `þe wynd. ſhal ſcatere hem.
xlii Þei ſhulen crye, and þere ſhal not be þat ſaue; to þe Lord,
xii He putte derkneſſis an hidlis in `his enuyroun,
wynnowynge watris of þe cloudis of heuenes; and he ſhal not here hem.
xliii I ſhal do hem a wey as powdre of þe erþe; and as cleye
xiii for þe liȝtynge in þe ſiȝt of hym ben brent vp þe coolis of
fier. of ſtreetis I ſhal breek hem, and to-flappe.
xliiii Þou ſhalt ſaue me fro þe aȝenſeiyngis of my puple; þou
xiiii Þe Lord ſhal þundre fro heuene; and þe Heiȝ ſhal ȝeue
his voys. ſhalt kepe me into þe heed of folkis of kynde; þe puple, whom
xv He ſente his arowis, and ſcatrede hem; leytis, and waaſtid
I knowe not, ſhal ſerue to me.
xlv Alyen ſones ſhulen wiþ ſtoonde to me; in herynge of þe eer
hem. þei ſhulen obeiſhe to me.
xvi And þere apperide þe out heeldyngis of þe ſee, and ben
xlvi Alien ſones floweden doun; and þei ſhulen be drawen
opened þe foundementis of þe world; fro þe blamynge of þe togidre in her angwiſhe.
Lord, fro þe inbreþinge of þe ſpiryt of his woodnes. xlvii Þe Lord lyueþ, and bleſſide my God; and þe ſtrong God
xvii He ſente fro an heiȝ, and took me; and drouȝ out me fro
manye watris. of myn heelþ ſhal be enhaunſid.
xlviii God, þat ȝeueſt veniaunces to me; and þrewe doun
xviii He delyuerde me fro myn enemye mooſt myȝti, and fro
hem þat hatiden me; for þei weren ſtronger þan I. puplis vndur me.
xlix Þe which lediſt out me fro myn enemyes, and fro þe
xix Þei camen before me in þe day of my tourmentynge; and
þe Lord is maad my faſtnynge. wiþſtoondynge to me areriſt me; fro a wickid man þou ſhalt
xx And he ladde me out into widnes, and delyuerde me; for I
delyuer me.
l Þerfor I ſhal knowlech to þee in folk of kynde, Lord; and to
pleſide to hym. þi name I ſhal ſynge.
xxi Þe Lord ſhal ȝeelde to me after my riȝtwiſnes; and after
þe clenneſſe of myn hoondis he ſhal quyit to me.


li Magnifiynge heelþis of his kyng; and doynge mercies to his xx And Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade, man mooſt ſtrong of
criſt Dauid, and into his ſeed euermore. greet werkes, of Capſeel, he ſmoot þe two lyouns of Moab;
and he cam doun, and ſmoot a lioun in þe mydil ciſtern in þe
Capitulum XXIII. dais of ſnowȝ.
xxi Forſoþe he ſlewȝ an Egipcian man worþi beholdynge,
i Forſoþe þes ben þe laſt wordis, þat Dauid, þe ſone of Yſay, hauynge in þe hoond a ſpere; and ſo whanne he was comyn
ſeide. A man ſeide, to `whom þere is ordeynd of þe Criſt of doun to hym in a ȝerd, bi force he pullide out þe ſpere fro þe
God of Jacob, a ſolempne ſalm maker of Yrael; hoond of þe Egipcien, and he ſlewȝ hym wiþ his ſpeere.
ii Þe ſpirite of þe Lord is ſpokyn bi me, and his word bi my xxii Þes þingis dide Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade; and he
tonge. namyd among þe þree ſtronge,
iii He ſeyde, God of Yrael to me haþ ſpokyn, þe ſtrong of xxiii þat weren amonge þe þretti nobler; neuerþelater vnto þe
Yrael, þe lordſhipper of men, þe riȝtwiſe lordſhipper in þe þree he ful cam not. And Dauid made hym to hym a
dreed of God. ſecretarie of pryuete.
iiii As liȝt of morwtide, ſpringinge þe ſunne eerli wiþ out xxiiii Aſahel, þe broþer of Joab, among þe þretti; Elianan, þe
clowdis, gliteriþ; and as bi reynes buriouneþ þe eerbe of þe ſone of his eem, of Bethleem;
erþe. xxv Seruma, of Arary; Elka, of Arodi;
v And not ſo mych is myn hows anentis God, þat euerlaſtynge
xxvi Helias, of Phelu; Hyra, þe ſone of Aches, of Thekua;
couenaunt he ſhulde goo yn wiþ me, ſtable in alle þingis and xxvii Abiazer, of Anathoth; Nobanay, of Vſathi;
warnyſſhit; forſoþe al myn heelþ and al wil, ne þere is eny
þing of it, þat ne buriowneþ. xxviii Selmon Acothes; Macharoy Nethophatites;
vi Brekers of þe lawe forſoþe as þornys ſhulen be pullid vp xxix Eled, þe ſone of Baana, and he Nethophatite; Hitai, þe
alle, þe whiche ben not takyn wiþ hoondis. ſone of Rabai, of Jebeeth, of þe ſonis of Beniamyn;
vii And if eny man wolde touche hem, he ſhal be aarmyd wiþ xxx Banai Affrotonyte; Heddai, of þe ſtreem of Gaas;
yren, and ſpeer tree; and wiþ fier tend vp, þei ſhulen be brent xxxi Albiabon Arbachite; Aſmanech, of Berromy;
vnto nouȝt. xxxii Elyala, of Sobony; þe ſones of Jonathan, and Jeſon;
viii Þes þe names of þe ſtronge men of Dauid. Dauid ſittynge
xxxiii Semma, of Horodi; Hayam, þe ſone of Saray,
in þe chayer, mooſt wiſe prynce among þree; he is as a mooſt
tendre litil werme of a tree, þe which eiȝt hundrid ſlewȝ wiþ a Saratite;
bure. xxxiiii Elipheleth, þe ſone of Saaſbai, þe ſonys of Maachati;
ix Aftir þis Eliazar, þe ſone of his vncle Abohy; among þe Heliam, þe ſone of Achitophel, Gilonyte;
þree ſtronge, þat weren wiþ Dauid, whanne þei reproueden to xxxv Eſrai, of Carmeel; Pharai, of Arbi;
Philiſteym, and þei ben gederid þidir into bateil. And whanne xxxvi Igaal, þe ſone of Natha, of Soba; Bony, of Gaddi;
þe men of Yrael hadden ſtiede vp, xxxvii Selech, of Ammony; Naamy Berothite, þe ſquyer of
x he ſtood, and ſmoot þe Philiſteis, to þe tyme þat his hoond
Joab, þe ſone of Saruye;
failide, and wexe heuy wiþ þe ſwerd. And þe Lord dide greet xxxviii Ira Yatrite; Gareb, and he Yatrite;
heelþ in þat day; and þe puple þat fleiȝ is turned aȝen to þe
ſpoilis of þe ſleyn men to be wiþdrawen. xxxix Vrie Ethee; alle, ſeuen and þretti.
xi After þis Semma, þe ſone of Age, of Arary. And Philiſteis
ben gedrid in þe ſtacioun; forſoþe þere was þere a feelde ful
of corn; and whanne þe puple hadde flowen fro þe face of
xii he ſtood in þe mydil of þe feeld, and reſcuwid it; and he Capitulum XXIIII.
ſmoot þe Philiſteis, and þe Lord made a greet heelþ. i And þe woodnes of þe Lord addide to be wrooþ aȝens Irael,
xiii Alſo and before wenten doun þe þree, þat weren princis and ſtiride Dauid in hem, ſeiynge to Joab, Go, and noumbre
amonge þretti, and camen in tyme of rijp to Dauid into þe Yrael and Juda.
ſpelunk of Odollam. Forſoþe þe tentis of Philiſteis weren ſett ii And þe kyng ſeide to Joab, prince of his ooſt, Go þurȝ alle
in þe valey of geauntis. þe lynagis of Irael fro Dan vnto Berſabe, and noumbreþ þe
xiiii And Dauid was in þe ſtrengþ; forſoþe þe ſtacioun of puple, þat I knowe þe noumbre of it.
Philiſtees þanne was in Bethlem. iii And Joab ſeide to þe kyng, Þe Lord þi God eeche to þi
xv Dauid deſiride þanne þe watir of þe laak, and ſeiþ, If eny puple, as myche as it is now, and eft encrees it to þe hundred
man wolde ȝyue to me drynke of þe watir of þe ſyſtern, þat is ſo myche in þe ſiȝt of my lord þe kyng; but what to hym wole
in Bethleem, biſide þe ȝaat. my lord þe kyng in ſiche a maner þing?
xvi Þanne breken out þree ſtronge men þe tentis of Philiſteis, iiii Forſoþe þe word of þe kyng hadde þe ouer hoond aȝens þe
and drewen water of þe ſiſtern of Bethleem, þat was biſide þe wordis of Joab, and of þe princis of þe ooſt; and Joab wente
ȝaat, and brouȝten to Dauid; and he wolde not drynke, but out, and þe princis of knyȝtis, fro þe face of þe kyng; `and þei
offride it to þe Lord, noumbren þe puple `of Yrael.
xvii ſeiynge, Merciful be to me þe Lord, leſt Y doo þis; v Whanne þei hadden paſſid ouer Jordan, þei camen into
wheþer þe blood of þes men, þat ben goon forþ, and þe perile Aroer, at þe riȝt half of þe citee þat is in þe valey of Gad;
of lyues I ſhal drynke? Þanne he wolde not drynke. Þes vi and bi Jaſer þei paſſiden into Galaad, and into þe neþer
þingis diden þe þree mooſt ſtronge. loond of Odſi, and camen into þe wodi placis of Dan; and
xviii Forſoþe Abiſay, þe broþer of Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, goynge about beſide Sidon þei paſſiden nyȝ þe walles of Tyri,
was prince of þe þree; he is þat reride his ſpere aȝens þre vii and al þe loond of Euey, and of Chananei; and þei camen
hundrid, whom he ſlewȝ, nemned in þe þree, into þe ſowþ of Juda, into Berſabe.
xix and amonge þe þree þe nobler, and he was þe prince of viii And paſſid al þe loond, þei weren after nyne moneþis and
hem; but vnto þe þree firſt men he ful cam not. twenty dais comen into Jeruſalem.


ix Þanne Joab ȝaf þe noumbre of þe diſcryuynge of þe puple

to þe kyng. And þere ben founden of Yrael nyn hundrid
þouſandis of ſtronge men, `þe whiche myȝten drawe out ſwerd;
and of Juda fyue hundrid þouſandis of fiȝtynge men.
x Forſoþe þe herte of Dauid ſmoot hym, aftir þat þe puple is
noumbred; Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, I haue ſynned greetli in
þis deede; but I preye, Lord, þat þou bere ouer þe wickidnes
of þi ſeruaunt, for foleli I haue doo to myche.
xi And ſo Dauid roos eerli, and þe word of þe Lord is maad
to Gad, þe prophete and ſeear, ſeiynge,
xii Go, and ſpek to Dauid, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Of þree
þingis to þee is ȝouun choys; chees oon, þat þou wolt of þes,
þat I doo to þee.
xiii And whanne Gad was comen to Dauid, he toold to hym,
ſeiynge, Ouþer ſeuen ȝeer ſhal come to þee hungre in þi
loond; or þree moneþis þou ſhalt flee þin aduerſaries, and þei
ſhulen purſue þee; or certeyn þree days peſtilence ſhal be in þi
loond; now þanne delyuer, and ſee, what word I ſhal anſwere
to hym þat ſente me.
xiiii Forſoþe Dauid ſeide to Gad, I am conſtreyned ful myche
`on alle ſides; but beter it is þat I falle into þe hoondis of þe
Lord, forſoþe manye ben þe mercies of hym, þan in þe
hoondis of men.
xv And þe Lord ſente yn peſtilence into Irael fro eerli vnto þe
ſet tyme; and þere ben deed of þe puple fro Dan vnto
Berſabee ſeuenti þouſandis of men.
xvi And whanne þe aungel of þe Lord hadde ſtrauȝt out his
hoond vpon Jeruſalem, þat he ſcater it, þe Lord hadde rewþ
vpon þe tourmentynge; and he ſeiþ to þe aungel ſmytynge þe
puple, Yt ſuffiſiþ now; wiþhoold þin hoond. Forſoþe þe aungel
of þe Lord was beſide þe corn flore of Arewna of Jebuſei.
xvii And Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, whanne he hadde ſeen þe
aungel ſleynge þe puple, I am þat haue ſynnede, and I
wykidli dide; þes þat ben ſheep, what diden þei? I biſeche, be
þin hoond turned aȝens me, and aȝens þe hows of my fader.
xviii Forſoþe Gad, þe prophete, cam to Dauid in þat day, and
ſeide to hym, Stye vp, and ordeyn an auter to þe Lord in þe
corn flore of Arewna of Jebuſei.
xix And Dauid ſtiede vp, after þe word of Gad, þe which þe
Lord hadde comaundide to hym.
xx And beholdynge Arewne vndurſtoode þe kyng and his
ſeruauntis to comen ouer to hym; and, goon out, he honourde
þe kyng, bowid þe cheere into þe erþe;
xxi and ſeiþ, What of cauſe is, þat my lord þe kyng comeþ to
his ſeruaunt? To whom Dauid ſeiþ, Þat I bye of þee þe corn
flore, and bilde an auter to þe Lord, and cees þe ſlauȝter, þat
is ful plenteuous in þe puple.
xxii And Arewna ſeiþ to Dauid, Tak, and offre my lord kyng,
as it pleſiþ to him; haſt þou oxen into brent ſacrifice, and a
wayn, and ȝockis of oxen into þe vſe of trees?
xxiii Arewna ȝaf alle þingis to þe king. And Arewna ſeide to
þe king, Þe Lord þi God take þi vowe.
xxiiii To whom anſweringe þe king ſeiþ, Not as þou wolt, but
I ſhal bye bi prijs of þee, and I ſhal not offre to þe Lord my
God brent ſacrifice freeli ȝeuen. Þan Dauid bouȝte þe corn
flore for ſexe hundrid ſiclis of gold, and þe oxen for fifti ſiclis
of ſiluer.
xxv And Dauid bilde þere an auter to þe Lord, and he offride
brent ſacrifices and peſible; and þe Lord is pleſid aȝen to þe
loond, and þe veniaunce is forfendyd fro Yrael.
Here endiþ þe ſecounde book of Kingis,
and bigynneþ þe þridde book.


xx Neuerþelater, my lord kyng, in þee þe eyen of al Yrael

III. KYNGIS. beholden, þat þou deme to hem, who owiþ to ſit in þi ſee, my
lord kyng, aftir þee;
Here bigynneþ þe þridde book of Kyngis. xxi and it ſhal be, whanne my lord kyng ſhal ſleep wiþ his
faders, I and my ſone Salomon ſhulen be ſynful.
Capitulum I. xxii Ȝit ſhe ſpekynge wiþ þe kyng, Nathan, þe prophete, cam.
xxiii And men toolden to þe kyng, ſeiynge, Nathan, þe
i And kyng Dauid hadde eeldid, and he hadde of age manye
dais; and whanne he was couerd wiþ cloþis, he was not prophete, is nyȝ. And whanne he was comen in þe ſiȝt of þe
maad hoot. kyng, and hadde honourde hym redi into þe erþe,
xxiiii Nathan ſeide, My lord kyng, haſt þow ſeide, Adonye
ii Þanne his ſeruauntis ſeiden to hym, Seche we to oure lord
kyng a ȝong wexen mayden; and ſtonde ſhe before þe kyng, regne after me, and he ſitte vpon my trone?
xxv For he cam doun to day, and offride oxen, and fatte
and fede ſhe hym, and ſleep in his boſum, and make ſhe hoot
oure lord kyng. þingis, and manye weþers; and clepide alle þe ſonys of þe
iii Þanne þei ſouȝten a fayre ȝong womman in alle þe cooſtis kyng, and þe prince of þe ooſt, and Abiathar, þe preeſt; and
of Irael; and þei founden Abiſaag Sunamytem, and brouȝten hem etynge, and drynkynge before hym, and ſeiynge, Lyue þe
hir to þe kyng. kyng Adonye,
xxvi me, þi ſeruaunt, and Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Benanye, þe
iiii Forſoþe ſhe was a child womman fayr ful mych, and ſhe
ſlepte wiþ þe kyng, and ſeruede to hym; forſoþe þe kyng ſone of Joiade, and Salomon, þi ſone, he clepide not.
xxvii Wheþer of my lord þe kyng wente out þis word, and to
knewe hyre not.
v Forſoþe Adonyas, þe ſone of Agith, was reryd vp, ſeiynge, me, þi ſeruaunt, þou ſhewediſt not, who ſhulde be to ſitte vpon
I ſhal regne. And he made to hym a chaar, and horſmen, and þe trone of my lord kyng after hym?
xxviii And kyng Dauid anſwerde, ſeiynge, Clepiþ to me
fifti men, þat before him ſhulden renne.
vi And his fadir vndurnam not hym eny tyme, ſeiynge, Whi Berſabe. Þe which whanne was goon in before þe kyng, and
þus diddiſt þou? Forſoþe and he was ful fayr, þe ſecound born hadde ſtoonden before hym,
xxix þe king ſwore, and ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat haþ delyuerd
after Abſolon;
vii and þe word of hym wiþ Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, and my ſoule fro al angwiſh;
xxx for as I ſwore to þee bi þe Lord God of Irael, ſeiynge,
wiþ Abiathar, preeſt, þat helpiden þe parties of Adonye.
viii Forſoþe Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Banayas, þe ſone of Salomon, þi ſone, ſhal regne after me, and he ſhal ſitte vpon
Joiade, and Nathan, þe prophete, and Semei, and Cerethi, my ſee after me, ſo I ſhal do to day.
xxxi And Berſabe, þe cheere put doun into þe erþe, honourde
and Pherethi, and al þe ſtrengþ of þe ooſt of Dauid, was not
wiþ Adonye. þe kyng, ſeiynge, Lyue my lord kyng Dauid wiþ outen eende.
ix Þanne weþers, and calues, and alle þe fat offrid biſide þe xxxii And kyng Dauid ſeide, Clepiþ to me Sadoch, þe preeſt,
ſtoon of Zoelech, þat was nyȝ to þe welle of Rogel, Adonyas and Nathan, þe prophete, and Banayam, þe ſone of Joiade.
clepede alle his briþeren, þe ſones of þe kyng, and alle þe Þe whiche whanne þei weren comyn yn before þe kyng,
men of Juda, ſeruauntis of þe kyng. xxxiii þe king ſeide to hem, Takiþ wiþ ȝou þe ſeruauntis of
x Forſoþe Nathan, þe prophet, and Banaye, and alle þe ȝoure lord, and puttiþ my ſone Salomon vpon my mule, and
ſtronge men, and Salomon, his broþer, he clepide not. lediþ hym into Gion.
xi And ſo Nathan ſeide to Berſabe, þe modir of Salomon, xxxiiii And anoynte hym þere Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Nathan,
Wheþer haſt þou herd, þat Adonyas, þe ſone of Agith, `haþ þe prophete, into kyng vpon Yrael `and Juda; and ȝe ſhulen
regnyd, and oure lord Dauid þes þingis vnknowiþ? ſynge wiþ trompe, and ſeye, Lyue þe king Salomon!
xii Now þanne come, and tak counſeil of me, and ſaue þi lijf, xxxv And ȝe ſhulen ſtye vp after hym, and come to Jeruſalem;
and of þi ſone Salomon. and he ſhal ſitte vpon my ſee, and he ſhal regne for me; and
xiii Go, and weend in to kyng Dauid, and ſey to him, Wheþer to hym I ſhal comaunde, þat he be duyk vpon Irael and upon
not þou, lord, my kyng, ſwore to me þin hoond womman, Juda.
xxxvi And Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade, anſwerde to þe kyng,
ſeiynge, þat Salomon þi ſone ſhal regne aftir me, and he ſhal
ſitte in my ſee? Whi þanne regneþ Adonyas? ſeiynge, Amen; þus ſpeke þe Lord God of my lord þe kyng.
xiiii And ȝit þere þee ſpekynge wiþ þe kyng, I ſhal come after xxxvii What maner wiſe þe Lord was wiþ my lord þe kyng, ſo
þee, and fulfil þi wordis. be he wiþ Salomon, and heiȝer make he þe ſee of hym fro þe
xv And ſo Berſabe is goon yn to þe kyng in þe bedplace; ſee of my lord kyng Dauid.
xxxviii Þanne Sadoch, þe preeſt, wente doun, and Nathan, þe
forſoþe þe kyng hadde eeldid ful myche, and Abiſaag
Sunamyte ſeruede to him. prophete, and Banayas, þe ſone of Joyade, and Cerethi, and
xvi Berſabe bowid hir, and honourede þe king; to whom þe Pherethi; and putten Salomon vpon þe mule of Dauid, þe
king, he ſeiþ, What wolt þou to þee? kyng, and brouȝten hym into Gion.
xxxix And Sadoch, þe preeſt, took an horn of oyle fro þe
xvii Þe which anſwerynge ſeiþ, My lord kyng, þou ſwore bi þe
Lord þi God to þin hoond womman, Salomon þi ſone ſhal tabernacle, and anoyntide Salomon; and þei ſungen wiþ þe
regne after me, and ſhal ſitte in my ſee; trompe; and al þe puple ſeide, Lyue þe kyng Salomon!
xl And al þe multitude ſteyede vp after hym, and þe puple of
xviii and loo! now Adonye haþ regned, þee, my lord kyng,
vnknowynge; men ſyngynge wiþ trompis, and `of gladynge wiþ greet ioye;
xix he haþ ſlayn oxen, and alle þe fatte, and manye weþers;
and þe erþe `wiþ ynne ſownede of þe crye of hem.
xli Forſoþe Adonyas herde, and alle þat weren beden `to mete
and clepide alle þe ſones of þe kyng, and Abiathar, þe preeſt, of hym; and now þe feeſt was eendid. But and Joab, þe voys
and Joab, þe prince of þe chyualrie; forſoþe Salomon, þi herd of þe trompe, ſeiþ, What to hym wole þe crye of þe citee
ſeruaunt, he clepide not. makynge noys?


xlii Ȝit hym ſpekynge, Jonathan, þe ſone of Abiathar, þe ix þou wole not ſuffre hym to be harmles; forſoþe a wiſe man
preeſt, cam; to whom ſeide Adonyas, Go yn, for a ſtrong man þou art, and þou ſhalt knowe what þou ſhalt doo to hym, and
þou ert, and good þingis tellynge. þou ſhalt lede doun his hoor heeris wiþ blood to helle.
xliii And Jonathan anſwerde to Adonye, Nay; forſoþe þe lord x Forſoþe Dauyd ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biried in þe
oure kyng Dauid haþ ordeyned Salomon kyng; citee of Dauid.
xliiii and ſente wiþ hym Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Nathan, þe xi Forſoþe þe days, in þe whiche Dauid regnede vpon Yrael,
prophete, and Banayam, þe ſone of Joyade, and Cerethi, and ben fourti ȝeer; in Ebron he regnede ſeuen ȝeer, and in
Pherethi; and putten hym vpon þe mule of þe kyng. Jeruſalem þree and þretti.
xlv And Sadoch, þe preeſt, and Nathan, þe prophet, xii Salomon forſoþe ſat vpon þe troone of Dauid, his fader,
anoyntiden hym kyng in Gion; and gladynge þei ſtieden þens, and þe rewme of hym is faſtned ful mych.
and þe cite wiþ ynne ſownede; þis is þe voys þat ȝe herden. xiii And Adonyas, þe ſone of Agith, ȝeede into Berſabe, þe
xlvi But and Salomon ſitte vpon þe ſee of þe rewme; moder of Salomon; þe which ſeide to hym, Wheþer peſible þin
xlvii and þe ſeruauntis of þe kyng goon yn, bleſſiden to oure yncomynge? Þe which anſwerde, Peſible.
lord kyng Dauid, ſeiynge, God more large þe name of xiiii And he addide, A word to me is to þee. To whom ſhe
Salomon vpon þi name, and magnifie þe trone of hym vpon ſeiþ, Spek.
þi trone. And kyng Dauid honourde in his bed; xv And he, Þou, he ſeiþ, knewe for þe rewme was wiþ me,
xlviii and ferþermore þes þingis ſpak, Bleſſid þe Lord God of and al Irael purpoſide to make me into a kyng to hym; but
Yrael, þat ȝaf to day a ſitter in my ſee, ſeynge myn eyen. þe rewme is tranſlatid, and is maad of my broþer; of þe Lord
xlix Þanne þei ben agaiſt, and alle riſen, þat weren bodyn `to forſoþe it is ordeynd to hym.
meete of Adonye, and echon ȝeede into his weie. xvi Now þanne oon aſkyng Y preye of þee; ne confounde þou
l Forſoþe Adonyas, dredynge Salomon, roos, and ȝeed into þe my face. Þe which ſeide to hym, Spek.
tabernacle of þe Lord, and heelde þe horn of þe auter. xvii And he ſeiþ, Y preye þat þou ſeye to Salomon þe kyng;
li And þei toolden to Salomon ſeyynge, Loo! Adonyas forſoþe ne to þee he may eny þing denye; þat he ȝyue to me
dredynge kyng Salomon, holdiþ þe horn of þe auter, ſeiynge, Abiſaag Sunamyte wijf.
Swere to me to dai kyng Salomon, þat he ſhal not ſle his xviii And Berſabe ſeiþ, Wel, Y ſhal ſpeke for þee to þe kyng.
ſeruaunt bi ſwerd. xix Þanne Berſabe cam to kyng Salomon, þat ſhe ſpeke to
lii And Salomon ſeide, If he were a good man, þere ſhal not hym for Adonye; and þe kyng roos into þe aȝencomynge of
falle forſoþe an heere of hym in to þe erþe; forſoþe if yuel hire, and he honourde hire, and he ſatte vpon his troone; and
were foundun in hym, he ſhal die. þere is ſett a troone to þe moder of þe kyng, þe which ſat at
liii Þanne kyng Salomon ſente, and brouȝte hym out fro þe þe riȝt ſide of hym.
auter; and goon yn, he honourde king Salomon; and xx And ſche ſeide to hym, Oon litil aſkynge I preye of þee; ne
Salomon ſeide to hym, Go into þin hows. confounde þou my face. And þe kyng ſeide to hire, Aſk, moder
myn; forſoþe ne leeueful it is þat I turne awey þi face.
Capitulum II. xxi Þe which ſeiþ, Abiſaag Sunamyte be ȝouen to Adonye, þi

i Forſoþe
broþer, a wijf.
þe days of Dauid neiȝiden þat he ſhulde die; and he xxii And kyng Salomon anſwerde, and ſeide to his moder,
comaundide to Salomon, his ſone, ſeiynge, Loo! Whi aſkiſt þou Abiſaag Sunamyte to Adonye? Aſk `to hym
ii I weende into þe weye of al erþe; tak coumfort, and be a
and þe kyngdam; forſoþe he is my broþer more þan I, and
ſtrong man. haþ Abiathar, þe preeſt, and Joab, þe ſone of Saruye.
iii And keep wel þe waardis and þe heeſtis of þe Lord þi xxiii And ſo kyng Salomon ſwore bi þe Lord, ſeiynge, Þeſe
God, þat þou goo in þe weyes of hym, and kepe þe þingis do to me God, and þes þingis adde, for aȝens his lijf
cerymonyes of hym, and þe heeſtis of hym, and domys, and Adonye haþ ſpoken þis word.
witneſſyngis, as it is writyn in þe lawe of Moyſes; þat þou xxiiii And now lyueþ þe Lord, þat confermyde me, and ſette
vndurſtonde al þat þou doſt, and whidir euer þou turne þee. me vpon þe ſee of Dauid, my fader, and þat made to me an
iiii Þat þe Lord conferme his wordis, `þe whiche þe Lord ſpak
hows, as he ſpak, for to day Adonye ſhal be ſlayn.
of me, ſeiynge, If þi ſonys kepen my weyes, and goon before xxv And kyng Salomon ſente bi þe hoond of Banaye, þe ſone
me in treuþ, and in al her hert, and in al her ſoule, þere ſhal of Joiade; þe which ſlewȝ hym, and is deed.
not be doon awey to þee a man fro þe kyngis ſeete of Iſrael. xxvi Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to Abiathar, þe preeſt, Go into
v Forſoþe þou haſt knowun what þingis Joab, þe ſone of
Saruye, dide to me; what he dide to þe two princis of þe ooſt Anathot, to þi feelde; and forſoþe a man of deeþ þou art; but
of Irael, to Abner, þe ſone of Ner, and to Amaſi, þe ſone of to day I ſhal not ſle þee, for þou bere þe arke of þe Lord
Gether, whom he ſlewȝ, and ſhadde þe blood of þe batayl in God before Dauid, my fader, and þou ſuſteynediſt traueyle in
pees; and putte þe blood of þe batail in his girdyl, þat was alle þingis, in þe whiche traueilde my fader.
xxvii Þanne Salomon made Abiathar, þat he was not þe
about his leendis, and in his ſhoo, þat was in his feet.
vi Þanne þou ſhalt do after þi wiſdam, and þou ſhalt not preeſt of þe Lord, þat þe word of þe Lord were fulfillid, þe
brynge doun þe hoornes of hym peſibli to hellis. which he ſpak vpon þe hows of Hely, in Silo.
xxviii Forſoþe þere cam a meſſager to Salomon, þat Joab was
vii But and to þe ſones of Berzellay Galadite þou ſhalt ȝeelde
grace, and þei ſhulen be etynge in þi bord; forſoþe þei camen bowid doun after Adonye, and after Salomon hadde not
aȝen to me, whanne I fleiȝ fro þe face of Abſolon, þi broþer. bowid. Þanne Joab fleiȝ into þe tabernacle of þe Lord, and
viii And þou haſt anentis þee Semei, þe ſone of Gera, þe ſone
cauȝte þe horn of þe auter.
xxix And it is toold to kyng Salomon, þat Joab hadde flowen
of Gemyny, of Bahurym, þat curſide to me bi þe werſt into þe tabernacle of þe Lord, and was biſide þe auter; and
curſynge, whanne I wente to þe defenſable placys; but for he Salomon ſente Banaye, þe ſone of Joiade, ſeiynge, Go, and
cam doun to me into aȝen comynge, whanne I ſhulde paſſe ſle hym.
Jordan, and I ſwore to hym bi þe Lord, ſeiynge, I ſhal not
ſle þee bi ſwerd,


xxx And Banaye cam to þe tabernacle of þe Lord, and ſeide iii Forſoþe Salomon louede þe Lord, goynge in þe heeſtis of
to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Go out. Þe which ſeiþ, I Dauid, his fader, out taak þat in heiȝ placis he offrede, and
ſhal not goo out, but here I ſhal die. Banayas toolde aȝen to tende vp þe maad encenſe.
þe kyng þe word, ſeiynge, Þes þingis ſpak Joab, and þes iiii And ſo Salomon wente into Gabaon, þat he offre þere;
þingis anſwerde he to me. forſoþe þat was þe mooſt heiȝ place. Salomon offride a
xxxi And þe kyng ſeide to hym, Do as he ſpak, and ſle hym, þouſand ooſtis into brent ſacrifice vpon þat auter in Gabaon.
and birye; and þou ſhalt doo awey þe innocent blood, þat is v Forſoþe þe Lord aperide to Salomon bi ſleepe þe nyȝt,
ſhad of Joab, fro me, and fro þe hows of my fader. ſeiynge, Aſk þat þou wolt, þat I ȝyue to þee.
xxxii And þe Lord ȝeelde vpon his heed þe blood of hym, for vi And Salomon ſeiþ, Þou didiſt wiþ þi ſeruaunt, my fader
he ſlewȝ two riȝtwiſe men betere þan hym ſelf, and he killide Dauid, greet mercy, as he wente in þi ſiȝt, in treuþ and in
hem bi ſwerd, Dauid, my fader, vnknowynge, Abner, þe ſone riȝtwiſnes, and in riȝt herte wiþ þee; þou haſt kept to hym þi
of Ner, þe prince of þe chyualrie of Irael, and Amaſam, þe greet merci, and haſt ȝeuen to hym a ſone, ſittynge vpon his
ſone of Gether, prince of þe ooſt of Juda. troone, as it is to dai.
xxxiii And þe blood of hem ſhal turne aȝen into þe heed of vii And now, Lord God, þou haſt maad þi ſeruaunt to regne
Joab, and into þe heed of þe ſeed of him in to euermore; for Dauid, my fader; forſoþe I am a litil child, and
forſoþe to Dauid, and to his ſeed, and to þe hows `of hym, vnknowynge þe goynge out and myn yncomynge.
and to þe troone of hym be pees of þe Lord into wiþouten viii And þi ſeruaunt is in þe mydil of þe puple, whom þou
xxxiiii And ſo Banaye, þe ſone of Joiade, ſteied vp, and wente haſt choſun, of a puple wiþ out eende, þat may not be
noumbred and geſſid, for multitude.
to, and ſlewȝ hym; and he is biryed in his hows in deſert. ix Þanne þou ſhalt ȝyue to þi ſeruaunt an able herte to lore,
xxxv And þe kyng ordeynede for hym Banaye, þe ſone of
þat he may deme þi puple, and knowe betwix good and yuel;
Joiade, vpon þe ooſt; and Sadoch he ſette preeſt for Abiathar. forſoþe who may deme þis puple, þi puple þus myche?
xxxvi Forſoþe þe kyng ſente, and clepide Semei, and ſeide to x Þanne þe word pleſide before þe Lord, þat Salomon hadde
hym, Bild vp to þee howſis in Jeruſalem, and dwel þere, and aſkid ſiche a maner þing.
þou ſhalt not goo out þens hidir and þider; xi And þe Lord ſeide to Salomon, For þou aſkediſt þis word,
xxxvii forſoþe whateuere day þou were goon out, and paſſiſt
and aſkidiſt not to þee manye dais, ne ritcheſſis, oþere þe
ouer þe ſtreem of Cedron, wite þou þee to be ſlayn; þi blood lyues of þin enemyes, but þou aſkediſt to þee wiſdam to
ſhal be vpon þin heed. knowe doom, loo!
xxxviii And Semei ſeide to þe king, Good is þe word of þe xii I haue doon to þee after þi wordis, and ȝeuen to þee a
kyng; as my lord kyng haþ ſpokyn, ſo þi ſeruaunt ſhal doo. wiſe herte and an vndurſtondynge, in ſo myche þat noon
And ſo Semei dwellide in Jeruſalem manye dais. before þee were lijk þee, ne aftir þee ben to ryſe.
xxxix It is doon forſoþe after þree ȝeer, þat þe ſeruauntis of xiii But and þes þingis, `þe whiche þou aſkydiſt not, I haue
Semei flowen to Achis, þe ſone of Macha, þe kyng of Geth; ȝeuen to þee, þat is, ritcheſſis, and glorie, þat noon were lijk
and it is toold to Semei, þat his ſeruauntis weren goon in to to þee in kyngis alle dais after.
Geth. xiiii Forſoþe if þou goſt in my weies, and kepiſt myn heeſtis,
xl And Semei roos, and greiþide his aſſe, and wente to
and my comaundementis, as wente þi fader, long I ſhal make
Achis, into Geth, to his ſeruauntis to be ſouȝt; and he brouȝte þi dais.
hem aȝen fro Geth. xv Þanne Salomon wook vp, and vndurſtood þat it was a
xli It is toold forſoþe to kyng Salomon, þat Semei was goon
ſweuen. And whanne he was comen to Jeruſalem, he ſtood
to Geth fro Jeruſalem, and was turned aȝen. before þe arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord, and offride
xlii And ſendynge he clepide hym, and ſeide to hym, Wheþer brent ſacrifices, and made ſlayn peſible ſacrifices, and a greet
Y witneſſide not to þee bi þe Lord, and before ſeide to þee, feſte to alle his ſeruauntis.
What euer dai þou were goon out hidir and þidir, wite þou xvi Þanne camen two wymmen ſtrompettis to þe kyng, and
þee to be to die; and þou anſwerdiſt to me, Good is þe word ſtoden before hym;
þat I herde? xvii of þe whiche oon ſeiþ, I biſeche, my lord, I and þis
xliii Whi þanne kepiſt þou not þe ooþ of þe Lord, and þe heeſt
womman dwelliden in oon hows, and I bare child anentis
þat I comaundide to þee? hire in þe bed.
xliiii And þe kyng ſeide to Semei, Þou haſt knowun al þe xviii Þe þridde forſoþe day after þat I bare, bare and þis; and
yuel, of þe which þin herte is gilti to þee, þe which þou we weren togidir, and noon oþere in þe hows wiþ vs, out
diddiſt to Dauid, my fader; þe Lord haþ ȝolden þi malice into takun vs two.
þin heed. xix Forſoþe þe ſone of þis womman is deed to nyȝt, for
xlv And kyng Salomon bliſſide; and þe troone of Dauid ſhal
ſlepynge ſhe ouerlaye hym;
be ſtable before þe Lord vnto euermore. xx and riſynge wiþ ſilence of þe vnkouenable niȝt, ſhe took my
xlvi And ſo þe kyng comaundide to Banaye, þe ſone of
ſone fro myn ſyde, of þin hond womman ſlepinge, and leide it
Joiade; þe which ſtert to, ſmoot hym, and he is deed. in hir boſum; hir ſone forſoþe, þat was deed, ſhe put in to my
Capitulum III. xxi And whan I was riſyn eerli, for to ȝyue milk to my ſone,
i Thanne þe rewme is confermyd into þe hoondis of Salomon; he ſemyde deed; whom biſier lokinge bi þe cleer liȝt, I
and bi affynyte he is ioyned to Pharao, þe kyng of Egipt; perſeyuede not be myn, whom Y gat.
xxii Þe toþer womman anſwerde, It is not ſo as þou ſeiſt, but
forſoþe he took his douȝter, and brouȝte into þe cite of Dauid,
to þe tyme þat he hadde fulfillid beeldynge his hows, and þe þi ſone is deed; forſoþe myn lyueþ. And aȝenward ſhe ſeide,
hows of þe Lord, and þe wal of Jeruſalem bi enuyroun. Þou lieȝſt; forſoþe my ſone lyueþ, and þi ſone is deed. And ſo
ii Neuerþelater þe puple offride in heiȝ placis; forſoþe þe in þis maner þei ſtryuen before þe kyng.
temple was not beildid to þe name of þe Lord vnto þat dai.


xxiii Þanne þe kyng ſeiþ, þis ſeiþ, My ſone lyueþ, and þi ſone eende of Egipt, of men offryng to hym ȝiftis, and of ſeruynge
is deed; and ſhe anſwerde, Nay, but þi ſone is deed; `myn to hym alle þe days of his lijf.
forſoþe lyueþ. xxii Forſoþe þe meet of Salomon was bi eche day, þretti
xxiiii Þanne þe kyng ſeide, Bryngiþ to me a ſwerd. And choris of tried floure, and ſexti choris of meele,
whanne þei hadden brouȝt a ſwerd before þe kyng, xxiii ten fatte oxen, twenti `leſewed oxen, and an hundrid
xxv Deuydiþ, he ſeiþ, þe quyk child in two parties, and ȝyueþ weþeris, `out taak huntynge of hertis, and of goot, and of
þe half part to þe toon, and þe half part to þe toþir. buglis, and of fed foulis.
xxvi Forſoþe þe womman, whos was þe quyk child, ſeiþ to þe xxiiii Forſoþe he helde al þe regioun þat was beȝonde þe flood,
kyng; for þe bowels of her ben ſtiryd vpon hire ſone; Lord, I as fro Capſa vnto Gaſan, and alle þe kingis of þat regioun;
biſeche, ȝife to hir þe quyk child, and woliþ not ſle hym. and he hadde pees on al ſide in enuyroun.
Aȝenward ſhe ſeide, Ne to me, ne to þee be he, but be he xxv And Juda dwellide and Yrael wiþ outen eny drede, echon
deuydide. vndur his vyn, and vndur his fiyg tree, fro Dan vnto
xxvii Þe kyng anſwerde, and ſeiþ, Ȝyueþ to þis womman þe Berſabee, alle þe dais of Salomon.
quik child, and be he not ſlayn; forſoþe þis is his modir. xxvi And Salomon hadde fourti þouſand cratchis of chaare
xxviii And ſo al Yrael herde þe dome, þat he hadde demyde; hors, and twelue þouſand of ridynge hors;
and þei dradden þe kyng, ſeynge þe wiſdam of God to ben in xxvii and þe forſeid ouerſeers of þe kyng noriſheden hem. But
hym, `to do doom. and þe neceſſarijs of kyng Salomon bord þei ȝauen wiþ greet
biſynes in her tyme;
Capitulum IIII. xxviii forſoþe barli, and chaf of hors, and of beeſtis þei

i Forſoþe kyng
brouȝten into þe place, where þe kyng was, aftir þe ſettynge to
Salomon was regnynge vpon al Yrael. hem.
ii And þes ben þe princis þat he hadde; Azarias, þe ſone of xxix Forſoþe God ȝaf wiſdam to Salomon, and myche
Sadoch, þe preeſt; prudence ful greetli, and laargeneſſe of herte, as grauel þat is
iii Elyoreb, and Ahia, ſones of Sila, ſcribe; Joſaphat, þe ſone in þe brenk of þe ſee.
of Achilud, chaunſelere; xxx And þe wiſdam of Salomon wente before þe wiſdam of
iiii Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade, vpon þe ooſt; forſoþe Sadoch alle þe eeſt men, and of Egipciens;
and Abiathar, preeſtis; xxxi and he was wiſer þan alle men; wiſer þan Ethan Eſrayte,
v Azarias, þe ſone of Nathan, vpon hem þat ſtoden nyȝ to þe and þan Eman, and þan Cacal, and þan Dorda, þe ſones of
kyng; Zabul, þe ſone of Nathan, a preeſt, freend of þe kyng; Maol; and he was nemned in alle þe gentylis bi enuyroun.
vi Ahiazar, prouoſt of þe hows; and Adonyram, þe ſone of xxxii And Salomon ſpak þre þouſand parablis, and þe ditees
Adda, vpon þe tributis. of hym weren fyue þouſand;
vii Forſoþe Salomon hadde twelue ouerſeers vpon al Yrael, xxxiii and he diſputide vpon þe trees, fro þe cedar þat is in
þat ȝeuen corn to þe kyng, and to his hows; forſoþe bi þe Liban, vnto þe yſoop þat goþ out of þe wal; and he tretyde of
moneþis arowe in þe ȝeer, þei a rowe mynyſtreden neceſſarijs. þe beeſtis, and foulis, and of crepynge beeſtis, and of fiſſhis.
viii And þes þe names of hem; Benhur, in þe mount of xxxiiii And þere camen of alle puplis to þe wyſdam of
Effraym; Salomon to be herde, and of alle kyngis of erþe, þe whiche
ix Bendekar, in Mactes, and in Salebbym, and in herden þe wiſdam of hym.
Bethſames, and in Helon, and in Bethanan;
x Beneſech, and in Araboth; of hym forſoþe was Socco, and Capitulum V.
al þe loond of Eefer; i Forſoþe Iram, þe kyng of Tiry, ſente his ſeruauntis to
xi Benabidanab, of whom al Neptad; Dorthafaed, þe douȝter Salomon; forſoþe he herde þat men hadden anoyntid hym
of Salomon, he hadde to wijf. kyng for his fader; for Yram was freend of Dauid al tyme.
xii Bena, þe ſone of Achilud, gouernede Thaneth, Amageddo, ii Forſoþe and Salomon ſente to Yram, ſeiynge,
and al Bethſan, þat is beſide Sarthana, vndur Jezmel, fro iii Þou woſt þe wil of my fader Dauid, and for he myȝte not
Bethſan vnto Abelmeula, `forn aȝens Selmaan. bilde vp an hows to þe name of his God, for þe batailis
xiii Bengaber in Ramoth Galaad hadde Anothiair, of þe ſone oncomynge bi enuyroun, to þe tyme þat þe Lord ȝaf hem
of Manaſſe, in Galaad; he gouernede in al þe regioun of vndur þe ſtep of his feet.
Argob, þat is in Baſan, to ſexti greet citees and wallid, þat iiii Forſoþe now þe Lord my God haþ ȝouen reſt to me bi
hadden braſen lockis. enuyroun, and þere is not Sathan, ne yuel aȝencomynge;
xiiii Achymadab, þe ſone of Addo, rewlide in Manahym; v for what þing I þenke to beeld a temple to þe name of þe
xv Achymaas, in Neptalym, but and he hadde Bachſemath, þe Lord my God, as God ſpak to my fader, ſeiynge, Þi ſone,
douȝter of Salomon, in mariage; whom I ſhal ȝyue to þee for þee vpon þi ſeete, he ſhal beelde
xvi Bena, þe ſone of Huſi, in Aſer, and in Balod; to my name an hows.
xvii Joſaphat, þe ſone of Pharue, in Yſachar; vi Þanne comaund, þat þei hewen to me cedrys of Liban; and
xviii Semei, þe ſone of Hela, in Beniamyn; my ſeruauntis ben wiþ þi ſeruauntis; forſoþe þe mede of þi
ſeruauntis I ſhal ȝyue to þee, what euer þou aſkiſt; forſoþe
xix Gaber, þe ſone of Sury, in þe loond of Galaad, and in þe þou woſt þat þere is not in my puple a man, þat kan hewe
loond of Seon, kyng of Amorrey, and of Og, þe kyng of trees, as Sidonys.
Baſan, vpon alle þingis þat weren in þat loond. vii Whanne þanne Iram hadde herd þe wordis of Salomon,
xx Juda and Yrael ben vnnoumbrable, as þe grauel of þe ſee he gladide greetli, and ſeiþ, Bleſſid be þe Lord God to day,
in multitude, etynge, and drynkynge, and gladynge. þat ȝaf to Dauid a mooſt wiſe ſone vpon þis myche puple.
xxi Forſoþe Salomon was in his power, hauynge alle þe viii And Yram ſente to Salomon, ſeiynge, I haue herd alle
rewmes, as fro þe flood of þe loond of Philiſteis vnto þe þingis þat þou ſentiſt to me; I ſhal doo al þi wil, in cedre
trees, and in firris.


ix My ſeruauntis ſhulen doo hem down fro þe wode to þe ſee, xi And þe word of þe Lord is maad to Salomon, ſeyynge,
and I ſhal make hem togidre in ſhippis in þe ſee, vnto þe xii þis hows þat þou beeldiſt; if þou goſt in myn heſtis, and
place þe which þou ſhalt ſignyfye to me; and I ſhal leye hem doſt my domys, and kepiſt alle my comaundementis, goynge bi
to þee, þat þou take hem; and þou ſhalt ȝyue neceſſaryes to hem, I ſhal faſtne my word to þee, þat I haue ſpoken to
me, þat meete be ȝouen to myn hows. Dauid, þi fader;
x And ſo Yram ȝaf to Salomon cedre trees and firre trees, xiii and I ſhal dwelle in þe mydil of þe ſonys of Yrael, and I
after al þe wil of hym; ſhal not forſaak my puple Yrael.
xi forſoþe Salomon ȝaf to Yram twenti þouſand choris of xiiii Þanne Salomon beeldide vp þe hows, and eendide it;
whete into mete to his hows, and twenti choris of mooſt pure xv and beeldide vp þe wallis of þe hows wiþ ynforþ wiþ cedre
oyle; þes þingis Salomon ȝaf to Yram bi ech ȝeer.
xii And þe Lord ȝaf wiſdam to Salomon, as he ſpak to hym; table beeldyngis, fro þe pawment of þe hows vnto þe heiȝeſt of
þe wal, and vnto þe cowplis; and he couerde wiþ cedre trees
and þere was betwix Iram and Salomon pees, and boþe wiþ inforþ; and he couerde þe pawment of þe hows wiþ firre
ſmyten couenant of pees. bordis.
xiii And king Salomon chees werkmen of al Iſrael; and þe xvi And he beeldide vp cedre table beeldingis of twenti cubitis
mouſtre was þretti þouſandis of men. at þe hynder more parti of þe temple, fro þe pawment vnto þe
xiiii And he ſente hem into þe wode, ten þouſand bi eche ouer parties; and he made an innermore hows of þe heuenli
moneþ whilmele, ſo þat two moneþis whilmele þei weren in anſwerynge place, into þe holy of halewis.
her howſis; and Adonyram was vpon ſiche a maner gedrynge xvii Forſoþe of fourti cubitis was þat temple before þe ȝatis of
of men. Goddis anſwerynge place.
xv And ſo to Salomon weren ſeuenti þouſandis of hem, þat xviii And wiþ cedre al þe hows wiþ ynforþ was cloþid,
beren birþens, and eiȝti þouſandis of maſouns in þe hyl, hauynge his turnours, and his iuncturis forgid, and grauyngis
xvi wiþ outen þe prouoſtis, þat reuliden to alle þe werkis, in ouerbeynge; alle wiþ cedre tablis þei weren cloþid, ne algatis
noumbre of þre þouſand and þre hundrid, comaundinge to þe a ſtoone myȝte apere in þe wal.
puple, and to hem þat dyden werke. xix Goddis anſwerynge place forſoþe he made in þe mydil of
xvii And þe kyng comaundide, þat þei ſhulden take þe greet þe hows, in þe inner more partie, þat he putte þere þe arke of
ſtoonus, and þe precious ſtoonus, in to þe foundement of þe þe boond of pees of þe Lord.
temple, and þei ſhulden ſquare hem; xx Forſoþe Goddis anſwerynge place hadde twenti cubitis of
xviii þe whiche þe maſouns of Salomon, and þe maſouns of lengþ, and twenti cubitis of brede, and twenti cubitis of heiȝt;
Yram, han ouerſcorchide. Forſoþe þe cyteſeynys of Biblis and he couerde it, and cloþide wiþ mooſt pure gold; but and
maden redi þe trees and ſtonus, to þe hows to be beeldid. þe auter he cloþide wiþ cedre.
xxi Forſoþe þe hows before Goddis anſwerynge place he
Capitulum VI. couerde wiþ mooſt pure gold, and naylide platis to wiþ golden
i It
is doo forſoþe þe foure hundrid and eiȝti ȝeer of þe xxii No þing was in þe temple þat was not couerde wiþ gold;
goynge out of þe ſones of Irael fro þe loond of Egipt, in þe but and al þe auter of Goddis anſwerynge place he couerde
ferþ ȝeer, þe moneþ Zio; he is þe ſecounde moneþ of þe regne wiþ gold;
of Salomon vpon Irael; he began to beelde an hows to þe xxiii and made in Goddis anſwerynge place two cherubyn of
ii Forſoþe þe hows þat kyng Salomon beeldide to þe Lord, þe trees of olyues, of ten cubitis of heiȝt;
xxiiii þe too weenge of cherub of fyue cubitis, and þe toþer
hadde ſexti cubitis in lengþ, and twenti in brede, and þretti
cubitis in heiȝt. weenge of cherub of fyue cubitis, þat is, hauyng ten cubitis,
iii And a ȝaat hows was before þe temple of twenti cubitys in fro þe cop of þe wenge vnto þe cop of þe toþer weenge.
xxv Forſoþe of ten cubitis was þe ſecounde cherub in þe ſame
lengþ, aftir þe meſure of þe brede of þe temple; and hadde ten
cubitis of brede before þe face of þe temple. meſure; and o werk was in þe two cherubyn,
iiii And he made in þe temple ſide wyndows. xxvi þat is, o cherub hadde heiȝt of ten cubitis, and lijk maner
v And he bildide vpon þe wal of þe temple table beeldyngis bi þe ſecounde cherub.
xxvii And he putte þe cherubyn in þe mydil of þe inner temple;
enuyroun, in þe wallis of þe hows, bi enuyroun of þe temple,
and of Goddis anſwerynge place; and he made þe ſidis in forſoþe þe cherubyn ſtrauȝten out her weengis, and þe too
enuyroun. weenge towchide þe wal, and þe weenge of þe ſecounde cherub
vi Þe table beeldynge, þat was aboue, hadde fyue cubitis of touchyde þe toþere wal; forſoþe þe toþere weenges in þe mydyl
brede; and þe mydil table beeldynge of ſexe cubitis of brede; part of þe temple towcheden hem ſelf to gidre.
xxviii And he couerde cherubyn wiþ gold, and alle þe wallis of
and þe þridde table beeldynge hauing ſeuen cubitis of brede.
Forſoþe beemys he putte in þe hows bi enuyroun wiþ outforþ, þe temple bi enuyroun;
þat þei ſhulden not cleue to þe wallis of þe temple. xxix and grauyde wiþ dyuerſe grauyngis and turnynge; and
vii Forſoþe þe hows, whanne it ſhulde be beeldid vp, is made in hem cherubyn, and palmes, and dyuerſe peynturis, as
beeldid of ſtonus ouer ſcorchid and parfite; and hamer, and ferre ſtondynge fro þe wal in goynge out.
axe, and al yren, ben not herd in þe hows, whanne it was xxx But and þe pawment of þe hows he couerde wiþ gold,
beeldid. wiþ inforþ and wiþ outforþ.
viii Þe door of þe mydil ſide in þe wal was of þe hows of þe xxxi And in þe goynge yn of Goddis anſwerynge place he
riȝt ſide; and bi a vyce þei ſtieden vp into þe mydil ſowpynge made two litil dorys of þe trees of olyues; and fyue poſtis of
place, and fro þe mydil into þe þridde. þe corners,
ix And he beeldide vp þe hows, and endide it. And he made xxxii and þe two dorys of þe trees of olyues; and he grauede
þe hows wiþ cedre couplis, in hem peynture of cherubyn, and þe lickenes of palmes, and
x and bildide a table beeldynge vpon al þe hows bi fyue þe ouermore grauyngis ful fer ſtoondynge out; and couerde
cubitis of heiȝt, and couerde þe hows wiþ cedre trees.


hem wiþ gold; and boþ he couerde cherubyn, and þe palmes, heiȝt oon heed couerynge, and of fyue cubitis of heiȝt anoþer
and oþer wiþ gold. heed couerynge;
xxxiii And he made in þe entre of þe temple poſtis of þe trees xvii and as in maner of a nette, and of cheynys wouyn togidre
of olyues foure cornerd; to hem ſelf, in o werk. And eiþer heed couerynge of þe pilers
xxxiiii and þe two doris of firre trees, eiþer to oþer; and eiþer was ȝoten; ſeuen litil nettis of verſe in þe toon heed
dore was dowble, and holdynge hem ſelf togidre was opnyde. couerynge, and ſeuen lytil nettis in þe toþir heed couerynge.
xxxv And he grauyde cherubyn, and þe palmys, and grauyngis xviii And he fulfillide þe pilers, and þe two ordris bi enuyroun
myche ſemynge out; and alle he couerde wiþ goldyn platis, of alle þe litil nettis, þat þei coueren þe heed coueryngis, þat
wiþ ſquaryd werk at rewle. weren vpon þe cop of þe powmgarnettis; and þe ſame wiſe he
xxxvi And he bildide þe porch wiþ ynforþ, wiþ þree ordres of made to þe ſecounde heed couerynge.
xix Forſoþe þe heed coueryngis, þat weren vpon þe heedis of
polſhid ſtonus, and wiþ oon ordre of þe trees of cedre.
xxxvii Þe firþe ȝeer þe hows of þe Lord is foundid, in þe þe pilers, as in werk of a lilye weren forgid, in þe ȝaathows,
of foure cubitis;
moneþ of Zio; xx and eft oþer heed coueryngis in þe cop of þe pilers aboue,
xxxviii and in þe enleueþ ȝeer, þe moneþ of Ebul; he is þe eiȝt
aftir þe meſure of þe piler aȝens þe litil nettis; forſoþe two
moneþ; þe hows is perfourmed in al his werk, and in alle his hundryd ordres of powmgarnettis weren in enuyroun of þe
neceſſaries; and he bildide it vp in ſeuen ȝeer. ſecounde heed couerynge.
xxi And he ſette two pilers in þe ȝaat hows of þe temple; and
Capitulum VII. whanne he hadde ſette þe riȝt piler, he clepide it bi name
i Forſoþe Salomon beeldide his hows in þretene ȝeer, and Jachym; lijk maner he reride þe ſecounde piler, and clepide þe
vnto parfite brouȝte forþ. name of it Booz.
ii And he bildide þe hows of þe wijld wode of Liban, of an xxii And vpon þe heedis of þe pilers he ſette a werk in maner
hundrid cubitis of lengþ, and of fifti cubitis of brede, and of of a lilye; and fulfillid is þe werke of þe pilers.
þretti cubitis of heiȝt; and foure aluris betwixe þe cedre pilers; xxiii He made forſoþe þe ȝoten ſee, of ten cubitis fro lippe
forſoþe þe cedre trees he hewȝ into pilers. vnto lippe, rounde in enuyroun; þe heiȝt of hym of fyue
iii And he cloþide al þe chaumbre wiþ cedre table beeldyngis; cubitis; and þe littil nette of þretti cubitis girdide it by
þe which chaumbre was born vp wiþ fyue and fourti pilers. enuyroun.
Þe too ordre forſoþe hadde fifteen pilers, xxiiii And þe grauynge vndur þe lippe wente about it bi ten
iiii ſette togidre aȝens hem ſelf, and `for aȝen hem ſelf cubitis, goynge about þe ſee; two ordris of ſtorye grauyngis
beholdynge, wiþ euen ſpace betwixe þe pilerys; weren ȝoten,
v and vpon þe pilers foure cornerd trees, in alle þingis euen. xxv and ſtoden vpon twelue oxen; of þe whiche þree beheelden
vi And þe chaumbre of pilers he made of fifti cubitis of lengþ, to þe norþ, and þree to þe weſte, and þree to þe ſouþ, and þre
to þe eſte; and þe ſee was þere aboue vpon hem, whos alle þe
and of þretti cubitis of brede; and anoþer chaumbre into þe hyndirmore parties lurkiden wiþ ynforþ.
face of þe more chaumbre; and pilers, and þe heedis vpon þe xxvi Þe greetnes forſoþe of þe watyr veſſel was of þree
pilers he made.
vii Forſoþe þe chaumbre of þe ſee, in þe which is þe chayer of ouncis, and þe lippe of it as þe lippe of a chalice, and as a
leef of a lilye to be `aȝen bowid; it conteynede two þouſand
dom, he made; and couerde wiþ cedre trees, fro þe pawment meſuris of þre quartis, þre þouſand meſuris neeȝ of a potel.
vnto þe cop. xxvii And he made ten braſen feet, eche foot of foure cubitis of
viii And þe litil hows, in þe which he ſat to deme, was in þe
lengþ, and of foure cubitis of brede, and of foure cubitis of
mydil chaumbre, lijk maner werk. Forſoþe he made an hows heiȝt.
to þe douȝter of Pharao, whom Salomon weddide, ſiche xxviii And þat werk of þe feet was betwix grauyngis playn;
maner werk as þis chaumbre.
ix Alle þingis wiþ precious ſtoonus, `þe whiche at a maner and grauyngis betwix þe ioynturis.
xxix And betwix þe litil crownes and wyndyngis, liouns, and
rewle and meſure, boþ wiþ ynforþ and wiþ outforþ, weren
loken, fro þe foundement vnto þe cop of þe wallis, and wiþ oxen, and cherubin; and in þe ioynturis lijk maner aboue; and
ynforþ and vnto þe more halle. vndur þe lyouns and oxen as bridils of braſſe hongynge.
x Þe foundementis forſoþe of precious ſtoonus, þe greet xxx And foure whelis bi eche feet, and braſen axtrees; and bi
ſtoonus of ten, or of eiȝt cubitis; foure partyes as litil ſhuldres vndur þe water veſſel ȝoten,
xi and þere aboue precious ſtoonus of euen meſure weren aȝens hem ſelf beholdynge.
xxxi And þe mouþ of þe watir veſſel wiþ ynforþ was in þe cop
hewen; and lijk maner of cedre.
xii And þe more halle rownd, of þre ordres of hewen ſtonus, of þe heed, and þat, þat wiþ outforþ aperide, was of o cubite,
and alle round, and togidre hadde o cubite and an half; in þe
and of oon ordre of planed cedre; alſo and in þe innermore corners forſoþe of þe pilers weren dyuers grauyngis, and þe
porche of þe hows of þe Lord, and in þe ȝaat hows of þe mene pilers betwix ſquaar, and not round.
hows of þe Lord. xxxii Forſoþe þe foure whelis, þat weren bi þe foure corners
xiii And kyng Salomon ſente, and took Yram, þe ſone of þe
of þe foot, cleueden togidre to hem ſelf vndir þe foot; o whele
widowe womman, fro Tyro, hadde of heiȝt a cubite and an half.
xiiii of þe lynage of Neptalym, fader of þe cuntre of Tyre, a xxxiii Forſoþe þe whelis weren ſiche, as ben wont to be maad
crafti man of metal, and ful of wiſdom, and vndurſtondynge, in a chaar; and þe axtre of hem, and þe ſpokys, and þe felijs,
and of lore, to doo al werk of metal. Which whanne he was and þe naue, alle ȝoten.
comen to kyng Salomon, he made al þe werk of hym; xxxiiii For þoo ilke foure litil ſhuldres, bi alle þe corners of o
xv and made two braſen pilers, of eiȝteen cubitis of heiȝt o
foot, fro þat foot weren ȝoten, and ioyned.
piler; and a liyn of twelue cubitis wente about eiþer piler. xxxv In þe cop forſoþe of þe foot was a maner roundnes, of a
xvi And two heed coueryngys he made, þat ſhulden be putte
cubite and a half, ſo forgid, þat þe watir veſſel myȝte be ſette
vpon þe heedis of þe pilers, ȝoten of bras; of fyue cubitis of


þere aboue, hauynge his dyuerſe endentyngis, and grauyngis v Forſoþe kyng Salomon, and al þe multitude of Yrael, þat
of hym ſelf. was comen to hym, wenten wiþ hym before þe arke, and
xxxvi Forſoþe he grauede in þe table beeldyngis, þat weren of offreden ſheep and oxen, wiþ out eymynge and noumbre.
braſſe, and in þe corners, cherubyn, and liouns, and palmys, vi And þe preeſtis brouȝten yn þe arke of þe boond of pees of
as into þe lickeneſſe of a man ſtondynge, þat þei ſhulen be þe Lord into his place, into Goddis anſwerynge place of þe
ſeen not grauen, but leid to bi enuyroun. temple, into þe holi of halowis, vnder þe weengis of cherubyn.
xxxvii And in þis maner he made ten feet, bi o ȝetynge and vii Forſoþe cherubyn ſpradden out þe weengis vpon þe place of
meſure, and wiþ lijk maner grauynge. þe arke; and þei couerden þe ark, and his cloþis þer aboue.
xxxviii Forſoþe he made ten braſen water veſſels; o water viii And whanne þe berynge ſtauys ſemeden out, and þe heiȝeſt
veſſel heelde fourti meſuris of þre quaartis, and was of foure of hem apereden wiþ out þe ſeyntuarie, before Goddis
cubitis; and alle þe water veſſels he putte vpon alle þe feet, anſwerynge place, þei apereden no more wiþ out forþ; and þe
þat is, vpon ten feet. whiche weren þere vnto þe day þat is now.
xxxix And he ordeynde þe ten feet, fyue at þe ryȝt partie of þe ix Forſoþe in þe arke was noon oþere þing but þe two ſtonen
temple, and fyue at þe left; forſoþe þe ſee he putte at þe riȝt tablis, þe whiche Moyſes hadde ſette in it in Oreb, whanne þe
parti of þe temple, aȝens þe eſte at þe ſouþ. Lord couenauntide couenaunt of pees wiþ þe ſones of Irael,
xl And Iram made cawdrones, and fier pannys, and wyn whanne þei ſhulden goo out of þe loond of Egipt.
violis; and he parformede al þe werk of kyng Salomon in þe x It is doon forſoþe whanne þe preeſtis weren goon out of þe
temple of þe Lord. ſeyntuarie, a litil clowde fulfillide þe hous of þe Lord;
xli Two pilers, and two lytil cordis of þe heed coueryngis xi and þe preeſtis myȝten not ſtoond and mynyſtre, for þe litil
vpon þe heedis of þe pilers, and two litil nettis, þat þei clowde; forſoþe þe glorie of þe Lord hadde fulfillid þe hous of
coueren þe two litil coordis, þat weren vpon þe heedis of þe þe Lord.
pilers. xii Þanne ſeiþ Salomon, Þe Lord ſeide, þat he ſhulde dwelle
xlii And foure hundrid powmgarnettis in þe two litil nettis;
in a litil clowde.
two vers of powmgarnettis in eche litil nettis, to þe litil xiii Beeldynge I haue beeldid an hows in to þi `dwellynge
coordis to be couerd of þe heed coueryngis, þat weren vpon þe
heedis of þe pilers. place, þi mooſt faſt ſee into euermore.
xliii And þe ten feet, and þe ten water veſſels vpon þe feet; xiiii And þe kyng turnede his face, and bliſſide to al þe chirch
xliiii and oon ſee, and twelue oxen vndir þe ſee; and in Irael; forſoþe al þe chirch of Irael ſtood.
xv And Salomon ſeiþ, Bleſſid is þe Lord God of Irael, þat
cawdrones, and fijr pannys, and wyn vyolis.
xlv Alle þe veſſels, þat Iram made to kyng Salomon in þe ſpak in his mouþ to Dauid, my fader, and in þe hondis of
hym perfourmyde, ſeiynge,
hows of þe Lord, weren of latoun. xvi Fro þe day þat I ladde out my puple Irael fro Egipt, I
xlvi And in þe wijld feeldy regioun of Jordan þe kyng ȝetide
chees not a citee of alle þe lynagis of Irael, þat an hows
hem, in þe cleyye erþe, betwix Socoht and Sarcham. ſhulde be beeldid vp, and my name were þere; but Dauid I
xlvii And Salomon putte alle þe veſſels in þe hows; for þe chees, þat he were vpon my puple Irael.
mych multitude forſoþe þere was no weiȝt of þe braſſe. xvii And Dauid, my fader, wolde beeld vp an hows to þe
xlviii And Salomon made alle þe veſſels in þe hows of þe name of þe Lord God of Yrael.
Lord; forſoþe a golden auter, and a golden bord, on þe which xviii And þe Lord ſeiþ to Dauid, my fader, Þat þou þouȝtiſt
ſhulden be leyd þe looues of propoſicioun; in þin herte to beelde vp an hows to my name, þou didiſt wel,
xlix and fyue golden candelſtickis at þe riȝt ſide, and fyue at þat ſame þing tretynge in mynde;
þe left, aȝens Goddis anſwerynge place, of mooſt pure gold; xix neuerþelater þou ſhalt not beelde to me an hows, but þi
and as flouris of lilie, and golden lanterns þere aboue, and ſone, þat ſhal goon out of þi reynes, he ſhal beelde an hows to
golden ſnytters; my name.
l and ſtenys, and fleſh hookis, and vyolis, and morters, and xx Þe Lord haþ confermyd his word, þat he ſpak; and I ſtood
cenſerys, of mooſt pure gold; and þe heengis of doris of þe for Dauid, my fader, and ſatte upon þe trone of Irael, as þe
ynnermore hows of þe holy of halowis, and of þe dorys of þe Lord ſpak; and I haue beeld an hows to þe name of þe Lord
hows of þe temple, weren of gold. God of Yrael.
li And he parfourmede al þe werk, þat Salomon made in þe xxi And I haue ſette þere a place of þe arke, in þe which is
hows of þe Lord; and he brouȝte in þe þingis þat Dauid, his þe couenaunt of pees of þe Lord, þe whiche he ſmoot wiþ oure
fader, hadde halowid; ſiluer, and gold, and veſſels; and he faders, whanne þei wenten out of þe loond of Egipt.
leide vp in þe treſours of þe hows of þe Lord. xxii Forſoþe Salomon ſtood before þe auter of þe Lord, in þe
ſiȝt of þe chyrch of Yrael; and he ſpradde out his hoondis into
Capitulum VIII. heuene,
i Thanne xxiii and ſeiþ, Lord God of Yrael, þere is not lijk of þee, God
alle þe more þurȝ birþ of Yrael ben gadryd, wiþ þe
princis of lynagis, and þe duykis of þe meynees of þe ſones of in heuene aboue, and upon erþe beneeþ, þe which kepiſt
Yrael, to king Salomon, in to Jeruſalem, þat þei bryngen þe couenaunt and mercy to þi ſeruauntis, þat goon before þee in
arke of þe boond of pees of þe Lord fro þe cite of Dauid, þat al her herte;
is, fro Syon. xxiiii þe which keptiſt to Dauid, my fader, þi ſeruaunt, þat þou
ii And al Irael cam togidre to kyng Salomon, in þe moneþ of ſpeke to hym; wiþ mouþ þou ſpeke, and wiþ hoondis þou haſt
Bethanym, in a ſolempne day; he is þe ſeuenþ moneþ. fulfillid, as þis dai proueþ.
iii And alle þe eldris of Irael camen; and preeſtis token þe xxv Now þanne, Lord God of Irael, kepe to þi ſeruaunt
arke, Dauid, my fader, þat þou ſpeke to hym, ſeiynge, Þere ſhal not
iiii and beren þe arke of þe Lord, and þe tabernacle of þe be doon awey a man before me of þee, þat ſitte vpon þe trone
couenaunt of pees, and alle þe veſſels of þe ſeyntuarie, þat of Irael, ſo neuerþelater if þi ſonis kepen þi weye, þat þei
weren in þe tabernacle; and preeſtis and Leuytis beren hem. goon before me, as þou wentiſt in my ſiȝt.


xxvi And now, Lord God of Irael, þi wordis ben þei faſtned, xlv and þou ſhalt here in heuene þe oryſouns of hem, and þe
þat þou ſpeke to þi ſeruaunt Dauid, my fader. preyers of hem, and doon þe doom of hem.
xxvii Þanne wheþir it is to trowe, þat vereli God dwelle vpon xlvi Þat yf þei of enemyes, ferre or niȝ, and doon penaunce in
erþe; forſoþe if heuene, and heuenes of heuens mowen not her herte, in þe place of caitifte,
take þee, myche more þis hows, þat I haue beeldid to þee. xlvii and turned han preyed in her caytifte, ſeiynge, We han
xxviii But behold to þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt, and to þe ſynned, wickidly we han doon, vnpitouſly we han born vs;
preiers of hym, Lord my God; here þe ympne, and þe xlviii and weren turned to þee in al her herte, and in al her
oryſoun, þat þi ſeruaunt preieþ before þee to day; ſoule, in þe loond of her enemyes, to þe which catife þei
xxix þat þin eyen ben openyd vpon þis hows niȝt and day, weren lad, and preyen þee aȝens þe weie of her loond þat þou
vpon þe hows, of þe which þou ſeydyſt, My name ſhal be haſt ȝouen to þe faders of hem, and of þe citee þat þou haſt
þere; þat þou here þe oriſoun, þat þi ſeruaunt preieþ to þee in choſun, and of þe temple þat I haue beeldid to þi name,
þis place; xlix þou ſhalt here in heuen, in þe firmament of þi ſee, and þe
xxx þat þou here þe preier of þi ſeruaunt, and of þi puple oryſouns of hem, and þe preiers of hem, and þou ſhalt doon
Irael, what euere þing he ſhal preye in þis place, and þou þe doom of hem;
here in þe ſtede of þi dwellynge place in heuene; and whanne l and þou ſhalt haue merci to þi puple, þat haþ ſynned to þee,
þou heriſt, þou ſhalt be merciful. and to alle þe wickidneſſes bi þe whiche þei han treſpaſſid in
xxxi If a man ſynneþ into his neiȝbour, and haue eny ooþ, bi þee; and þou ſhalt ȝyue merci before hem, þat hadden hem
þe which ſtreyned he be holdyn, and come for þe ooþ before þi caitife, þat þei doon merci to hem.
auter, into þin hows, li Forſoþe þi puple he is, and þin heritage, whom þou haſt
xxxii þou ſhalt here in heuen, and doon, and þou ſhalt deme þi brouȝt out of þe loond of Egipte, fro þe mydil of þe yren
ſeruauntis; condempnynge þe wickid, and ȝeeldynge his weye furneis;
vpon his heed, iuſtifiynge þe riȝtwiſe, and ȝeeldynge to hym lii þat þin eyen ben opened to þe preyer of þi ſeruaunt, and of
after his riȝtwiſnes. þi puple Yrael; and þou ſhalt here hem in alle þingis, for þe
xxxiii If þi puple Irael ſhul flee his enemyes, for he is to whiche þei inwardly ſhulen clepe þee.
ſynne to þee, and doynge penaunce, and knowlechynge to þi liii Forſoþe þou haſt ſeuerde hem to þee in to herytage of alle
greet name, comen, and honouren, puplis of þe erþe, as þou ſpeke bi Moyſen, þi ſeruaunt,
xxxiiii and preyen þee in þis hows, here þou in heuene, and whanne þou laddiſt out oure fadris fro Egipt, Lord God.
forȝif þe ſynne of þi puple Irael; and þou ſhalt lede hem aȝen liiii It is doon forſoþe, whanne Salomon hadde ful eendid,
into þe loond, þat þou ȝaf to þe fadres of hem. preiynge þe Lord al þe oryſoun, and þis preier, he aroos fro
xxxv If heuene were cloſid, and ſhal not reyne for þe ſynnes þe ſiȝt of þe auter of þe Lord; forſoþe eiþer knee he hadde piȝt
of hem, and preiynge in þis place, penaunce doon to þi name, into þe erþe, and þe hoondys he hadde ſprad out to heuene.
and fro her ſynnes weren conuertid for her affliccioun, lv Þanne he ſtood, and bleſſide to al þe chirche `of Yrael wiþ
xxxvi here þou hem in heuene, and forȝif þe ſynnes of þi a greet voys, ſeyynge,
ſeruauntis, and of þi puple Irael, and ſhew to hem a good lvi Bleſſid is þe Lord God, þat ȝaf reſt to his puple Irael,
weye, bi þe which þei goon, and ȝif reyne vpon þe loond, þat after alle þingis þat he ſpak; þere felle not of a word, forſoþe
þou haſt ȝouun to þi puple in to poſſeſſioun. not oon, of alle þe wordis þat he ſpak bi Moyſes, his
xxxvii `If þat hungre were growen `vp on þe erþe, or were ſeruaunt.
peſtilence, or corrupt eyr, or fretynge, or locuſt, or ruſt, and lvii Be þe Lord oure God wiþ vs, as he was wiþ oure
turmentiþ hym, and his enemy beſegynge þe ȝatis, al faders, not forſakynge vs, ne þrowynge a ferre;
veniaunce, lviii but bowe he oure hertis to hym, þat we goon in alle þe
xxxviii al infirmyte, al curſynge, and wiſſhynge, þat ſhall falle
weys of hym, and kepe þe maundements of hym, and
to eny man of þi puple Yrael, if a man knowe þe wounde of cerymonyes, and domes, what euere he comaundide to oure
his herte, and ſtretche out his hoondis in þis hows, fadres.
xxxix þou ſhalt here in heuene, in þe place of þi dwellynge, lix And ben þes myn wordis, in þe whiche I haue preied
and þou ſhalt be aȝen pleſid, and þou ſhalt doo þat þou ȝyue before þe Lord, neiȝynge to þee Lord oure God day and nyȝt,
to echon after alle her weyes, as þou ſhalt ſeen þe herte of þat he do doom to his ſeruaunt, and to his puple Irael bi
hym; for þou alone haſt knowun þe herte of alle þe ſonys of eche days;
men, lx and witen alle puplis of þe erþe, for þe Lord he is God,
xl þat þei dreden þee alle days in þe which þei lyuen vpon þe
and þere is noon more wiþ out hym.
face of þe erþe, þat þou haſt ȝeuen to oure fadris. lxi Forſoþe be oure herte parfite wiþ þe Lord oure God, `þat
xli Forþermore and an alyen, þat is not of þi puple Irael,
we goon in þe domys of hym, and kepen þe heeſtis of hym,
whanne he comeþ fro a ferre loond for þi name; as and to day.
xlii forſoþe þi greet name ſhal be herd, and þi ſtrong hoond, lxii Þanne þe kyng, and al Yrael wiþ hym, offreden ſlayn
and þi ſtrauȝt out arme ouer al; whanne þanne he ſhal come, ſacrifices before þe Lord.
and preye in þis place, lxiii And Salomon ſlewȝ peſible ooſtis, þat he offrede to þe
xliii þou ſhalt here in heuene, in þe firmament of þi dwellynge
Lord; two and twenti þouſand of oxen, and an hundryd and
place, and þou ſhalt doo alle þingis, for þe whiche þe alien twenti þouſand of ſheep; and þe kyng and þe ſones of Yrael
haþ inwardli clepid þee, þat alle puplis of erþis lernen to halweden þe temple of þe Lord.
drede þi name, as þi puple Yrael, and proue þei, for þi name lxiiii In þat day þe kyng halwide þe mydil of þe porche, þat
is inwardly clepid vpon þis hows, þat I haue beeldid.
xliiii If þi puple were goon out to batail aȝens his enemyes, was before þe hows of þe Lord; forſoþe he dide brent
offryngis þere, and ſacrifice, and þe talwȝ of þe peſible þingis;
bi þe weye whidir euere þou ſhalt ſeende hem, þei ſhulen for þe braſen auter þat was before þe Lord was to litil, and
preye þee aȝen þe weye of þe citee þat þou haſt choſun, and myȝte not take þe brent offrynge, and þe ſacrifice, and þe
aȝens þe hows þat I haue beeldid to þi name, talwȝ of peſible þingis.


lxv Þanne Salomon made in þat tyme a ſolempne feeſt day, xix and alle þe touns þat to hym perteyneden, and weren
and al Irael wiþ hym, a greet multitude, fro þe entre of wiþouten wal; and he made ſikir þe citees of charis, and þe
Emath vnto þe ryuer of Egipt, before þe Lord oure God, cytees of horſmen, and what euere þing to hym pleſide for to
ſeuen days and ſeuen dais, þat is, fourteen dais. beelde in Jeruſalem, and in Liban, and in al þe loond of his
lxvi And in þe eiȝt day he lafte þe puple, þe which bleſſynge to power.
þe kyng wente into her tabernaclis, gladynge and wiþ myrye xx Al þe puple þat abood ſtylle of Amorreis, Ethees, and
herte vpon alle þe goodis þat God hadde doon to Dauid, his Pherezeis, Euees, and Jebuſeis, þat ben not of þe ſones of
ſeruaunt, and to Irael, his puple. Irael,
xxi of þes þe ſones þat abiden ſtille in þe loond, þat is, whom
Capitulum IX. þe ſones of Irael myȝten not þrowe out, Salomon made
i It
tributaries into þis day.
is doon forſoþe, whanne Salomon hadde perfourmed þe xxii Of þe ſones forſoþe of Irael kyng Salomon ordeynde not
beeldynge of þe hows of þe Lord, and þe beeldynge of þe eny man to ſerue, but þei weren men fiȝters, and þe
kyng, and al þat he deſyryde, and wolde make, ſeruauntis of hym, and princis, and duykis, and prefectis of
ii þe Lord aperide to hym þe ſecounde tyme, as he aperyde to
charis and of hors.
hym in Gabaon. xxiii Forſoþe þei weren princis vpon alle þe werkis of
iii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, I haue herd þin oriſoun, and þi
Salomon, prouoſtis fyue hundrid and fifti, þat hadden þe
preyer, þat þou preiediſt before me; I haue halwid þis hows, puple ſubiect, and to þe ordeynd werkis comaundiden.
þat þou haſt beeld, þat I putte my name þere into euermore; xxiiii Þe douȝter forſoþe of Pharao ſtiede vp fro þe citee of
and myn eyen and myn herte ſhulen be þere alle days. Dauid in to hir hows, þat Salomon hadde beeldid to hire;
iiii Forſoþe þou, if þou goſt before me, as þi fader ȝede, in
þanne he bieldide Mello.
ſymplenes of herte, and euenneſſe, and doſt alle þingis þat I xxv Forſoþe Salomon offride þree ſiþes bi eche ȝeer brent
haue comaundid to þee, and my domys, and my lawful þingis ſacrifices `and peſible ſlayn ſacrifices, vpon þe auter þat he
kepeſt, hadde beeldid to þe Lord; and he brente þe maad encenſe
v I ſhal ſette þe trone of þi rewme vpon Irael in to euermore,
before þe Lord, and perfite is þe temple.
as I ſpak to Dauid, þi fader, ſeiynge, Þere ſhal not be doon xxvi Forſoþe kyng Salomon made a nauee in Aziongaber, þat
awey a man of þi kynrede fro þe ſee of Irael. is beſyde Haylam, in þe brenk of þe Reed ſee, in Ydume
vi Forſoþe if bi turnynge awey ȝe and ȝoure ſonys weren
turned a weye, not folwynge me, ne kepynge myn heeſtis and xxvii And Yram ſente in þat nauee his ſeruauntis, ſhipmen,
cerymonyns, þat I purpoſide to ȝow, but ȝe goon awey, and and wiſe of þe ſee, wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Salomon;
herein alyen goddis, and honouren hem, xxviii þe whiche whanne þei weren comen in to Oofer, þens þe
vii I ſhal doo awey Irael fro þe vttermooſt of þe erþe þat I
haue ȝeuen to hem; and þe temple þat I haue halwid to my taken gold of foure hundrid and twenti talentis þei brouȝten to
name, I ſhal þrowe awey fro my ſiȝt; and Irael ſhal be into kyng Salomon.
prouerbe and into fable, to alle puplis.
viii And þis hows ſhal be into exſaumple; alle þat paſſen bi it, Capitulum X.
ſhulen wondre, and whiſtlen, and ſeyn, Whi dide þe Lord þus i But and queen Sabaa, þe loos of Salomon herd in þe name
to þis loond, and to þis hows? of þe Lord, ſhe cam to aſaye hym in derk ſentenſis.
ix And þei ſhulen anſwere, For þei forſoken þe Lord her God, ii And ſhe goon out wiþ greet companye to Jeruſalem, and
þat ladde out þe faders of hem fro þe loond of Egipt; and þei ritcheſſis, and chamels berynge ſwote ſpices, and gold
folweden alien goddis, and herieden hem, and honourden hem; vnnoumbrid ful myche, and precious iemmys, cam to kyng
þerfor þe Lord brouȝte yn vpon hem al þis yuel. Salomon, and ſpak to hym alle þingis þat ſhe hadde in hire
x Forſoþe fulfillid twenti ȝeer, after þat Salomon hadde herte.
beeldid two howſis, þat is, þe hows of þe Lord, and þe hows iii And Salomon tauȝte hire alle þe wordis þat ſhe purpoſyde;
of þe kyng, and þere was not a word þat myȝte be vnknowun fro þe
xi Iram, þe kyng of Tire, ȝeuynge to kyng Salomon cedre kyng, and þat he anſwerde not to hire.
and firre trees, and gold, after al þat he hadde nede; þanne iiii Forſoþe queen Sabaa ſeynge al þe wiſdam of Salomon,
Salomon ȝaf to Iram twenti burȝ touns in þe loond of and þe hows þat he hadde beeldid vp,
Galilee. v and þe metis of his bord, and þe dwellynge placis of þe
xii And Yram wente out fro Tyro for to ſe þe burȝ touns, þat
ſeruauntis, and þe ordris of þe ſeruytours, and þe cloþis of
Salomon hadde ȝeuen to hym, and þei pleſiden not to hym; hem, and þe botelers, and þe brent ſacrificis þe whiche he
xiii and he ſeiþ, Wheþer þes ben þe citees þat þou haſt ȝeuen offride in þe hows of þe Lord, ſhe hadde no more ſpirite.
to me, broþer? And he clepide hem þe loond of Chabul, vnto vi And ſhe ſeide to þe kyng, Sooþ is þe word þat I herde in
þis day. my loond, vpon þi wordis, and vpon þi wiſdam;
xiiii Forſoþe Iram ſente to kyng Salomon an hundrid and vii and I trowide not to þe tellers to me, to þe tyme þat I my
twenti talentis of gold. ſelf cam; and I haue ſeen wiþ myn eyen, and proued þat þe
xv þis is þe ſumme of þe expenſis, þat kyng Salomon offrede half partye was not toold to me; more is þi wiſdam and þi
to beelde þe hows of þe Lord, and his hows of Mello, and þe werkis, þan þe loos þat I haue herd.
wal of Jeruſalem, and Ezer, and Magedo, and Gazer. viii Bleſſid ben þi men, and bleſſid ben þi ſeruauntis, þes þat
xvi Pharao, þe kyng of Egipt, ſtiede vp, and took Gazer, and ſtonden before þee euermore, and heren þi wiſdam.
brente it vp wiþ fier; and Chanane þat dwellide in þe citee he ix Þe Lord þi God be bleſſid, to whom þou haſt pleſid, and
ſlewȝ, and ȝaf it into dower to his douȝter, Salomons wijf. haþ putte þee vpon þe troone of Yrael; forþi þat þe Lord ſhal
xvii Þanne Salomon beeldide vp Gazer, and þe neþir loue Yrael into euermore, and he haþ ſette þee a kyng, þat
Bethron, þou doo doom and ryȝtwiſnes.
xviii and Balaad, and Palmyram in þe loond of wildirnes,


x Þanne ſhe ȝaf to þe kyng an hundrid and twenti talentis of Capitulum XI.
gold, and many ſwote ſpicis ful myche, and precious iemmys; i Forſoþe
þere ben no more brouȝt ſpicis ſo manye, as þoo `þe whiche kyng Salomon to brennyngly louede many heþen
queen Sabaa ȝaf to kyng Salomon. wymmen, þe douȝter forſoþe of Pharao, and Moabitis, and
xi But and þe nauee of Yram, `þe which bare gold of Oofer, Amonytis, and Ydumees, and Cidonees, and Ethees;
ii of þe gentils, on þe whiche þe Lord ſeide to þe ſones of
brouȝte to of Oofer manye tyyn trees ful myche, and precious
iemmys. Yrael, Ȝe ſhulen not goon into hem, ne of hem ſhulen goon
xii And þe kyng made of þe tyme trees beddis, and of þe hous out to ȝou; mooſt certeynli forſoþe þei ſhulen turne aweie ȝoure
of þe Lord, and of þe kyngis hows, and harpis, and ſyngynge hertis, þat ȝe folwen þe goddis of hem. And ſo to þes is
inſtrumentis to ſyngers; þere ben not brouȝt ſyche maner tyme couplid kyng Salomon, bi mooſt brennynge loue.
iii And þere weren to hym wiues as queens ſeuen hundrid,
trees ne ſeen, vnto þe day þat is now.
xiii Forſoþe kyng Salomon ȝaf to þe queen Sabaa alle þingis and ſecoundarie wiues þre hundrid; and wymmen turneden
þat ſhe wold, and axed of hym, out take þes þingis þe whiche awey þe herte of hym.
iiii And whanne now he was oold, þe herte of hym is
freeli he ȝaf to hire in þe kyngis ȝift; þe which is turned aȝen,
and wente into hire loond wiþ hire ſeruauntis. beſhrewid bi wymmen, þat he folwide alien goddis; and þe
xiiii Forſoþe þe peyſe of gold, þat was offrid to Salomon bi herte of hym was not parfit wiþ þe Lord his God, as þe herte
eche ȝeer, was of ſex hundrid and ſexe and ſexti talentis of of Dauid, his fadre.
v But Salomon heryede Aſtertem, þe goddeſſe of Sydonyes,
xv out take þat men offreden, þat weren vpon tollis, and and Chamos, þe god of Moabitis, and Moloch, þe mawmet of
marchaundis, and alle þe ſellynge ſheeldis, and alle kyngis of Amonytees;
vi and Salomon dide þat was not pleſynge before þe Lord,
Arabye, and duykis of þe loond.
xvi And kyng Salomon made two hundrid ſheeldis of mooſt and he fulfillide not þat he folwe þe Lord, as Dauid, his
pure gold; ſexe hundrid ouncis of gold he ȝaf in a plate of o fader.
vii Þanne Salomon beeldide vp þe temple of Chamos to þe
xvii and þre hundrid bokelers of mooſt proued gold; þre mawmet of Moab, in þe hil þat is aȝens Jeruſalem, and to
hundrid pound of gold cloþeden o bokelere. And þe kyng putte Moloch, þe mawmet of þe ſones of Amon.
viii And in þis maner he dide to alle his heyþen wyues, þat
hem in þe hows of þe wijlde wode of Liban.
xviii Alſo kyng Salomon made a greet trone of yuer, and he brenden encenſe, and offreden to her goddis.
ix Þerfor þe Lord wraþþid to Salomon, forþi þat his mynde
cloþide it wiþ ful myche ȝalowȝ gold;
xix þe which hadde ſexe grees; and þe cop of þe trone was was turned aweie fro þe Lord God of Irael; þe which aperide
round in þe hyndermore partie; and two hoondis hens and to hym þe ſecounde,
x and hadde comaundid of þis word, þat he ſhulde not folwe
þens, holdynge þe ſittynge place, and two liouns ſtoden beſide
eche hondis; alyen goddis; and he kepte not þat, þat þe Lord comaundyde
xx and twelue litil liouns ſtoondynge vpon þe ſexe grees hens to hym.
xi And ſo þe Lord ſeide to Salomon, For þou haddiſt þis
and þens; þere is not maad ſiche a werk in alle rewmes.
xxi But and alle þe veſſels, of þe whiche kyng Salomon anentis þee, and keptiſt not my couenant, and myn heeſtis, þe
drank, weren golden, and al þe neceſſarie of þe hows of þe whiche I comaundide to þee, brekynge I ſhal kitte þi rewme,
wijlde wode of Liban of mooſt pure gold; and þere was not and ȝeuen it to þi ſeruant.
xii Neuerþelater in þi days I ſhal not doon, for Dauid, þi
ſiluer, ne of eny prijs was holden in þe dais of Salomon.
xxii For þe nauee of þe kyng bi þe ſee wiþ þe nauee of Yram fader; fro þe hoond of þi ſone I ſhal kutte it;
xiii and al þe rewme I ſhal not doon a wey, but o lynage I
onys bi þre ȝeer wente into Tharſis, bryngynge þens gold,
and ſiluer, and olefauntis teeþ, and apis, and pokokis. ſhal ȝyue to þi ſone, for Dauid, my ſeruaunt, and Jeruſalem,
xxiii Þanne kyng Salomon is magnified vpon alle þe kyngis þat I haue choſen.
xiiii Þe Lord forſoþe reride an aduerſary to Salomon, Adad
of erþe in richeſſes and wiſdam.
xxiiii And al erþe deſiride to ſe þe cheer of Salomon, þat it Ydume, of þe kyngis ſeed, þat was in Edom.
xv Forſoþe whanne Dauid was in Ydume, and Joab, þe
here þe wiſdam of hym, þat God hadde ȝeuen in his herte.
xxv And alle þei brouȝten to him ȝiftis, golden veſſels, and prince of chyualrie, hadde ſtyed vp to byrye hem þat weren
ſilueren, cloþis, and batayl aarmys, ſwote ſpicis forſoþe, and ſlayn, and hadde ſlayn al maal in Ydume;
xvi forſoþe ſexe moneþis þere dwellide Joab, and al Irael, to
hors, and mulis, bi alle ȝeeris.
xxvi And Salomon gedride charis, and horſmen; and þere ben þe tyme þat þei hadden ſlayn al maal in Ydume;
xvii he Adad fleeiȝ, and Ydume men, of þe ſeruauntis of his
maad to hym a þouſand and foure hundrid charis, and twelue
þouſand of horſmen; and he diſpoſide hem bi þe ſtrengþid fadir, wiþ hym, þat he goo into Egipt; forſoþe Adad was a
citees, and wiþ þe king in Jeruſalem. litil child.
xxvii And he made, þat þere was as myche plente of ſiluer in xviii And whanne þei hadden ryſen fro Madian, þei camen
Jeruſalem, as of ſtoonus; and he ȝaf þe multitude of cedres as into Pharan; and þei token wiþ hem men of Pharan, and
mulberie trees, þat growen in wijld feeldis. wenten into Egipt, to Pharao, þe kyng of Egipt; þe which ȝaf
xxviii And þe hors of Salomon weren brouȝt out of Egipt, to hym an hows, and ordeynde meetis, and a loond aſignede.
xix And Adad foonde grace before Pharao ful myche, in ſo
and of Choa; forſoþe marchauntis of þe kyng bouȝten of Choa,
and þe prijs ſet, brouȝten. myche þat he ȝaf to hym a wijf, þe ſiſter germayn of his wijf
xxix Forſoþe þere was bouȝt a foure whelid cart of Egipt for Taphnes, þe queen.
xx And þe ſiſter of Taphnes gat to hym Jenebath, a ſone; and
ſexe hundrid ouncis of ſiluer, and an hors an hundrid and
fifti; and in þis maner alle þe kyngis of Ethees and of Cyrye Taphnes noriſhide hym in þe hows of Pharao; and Jenebath
ſoolden hors. was dwellynge before Pharao, wiþ his ſones.


xxi And whanne Adad hadde herd in Egipt, Dauid to haue xl Þanne Salomon wolde ſlee Jeroboam, þe whiche roos, and
ſlept wiþ his fadris, and Joab, prynce of chyualrie, to be fleiȝ into Egipt, to Suſaach, þe kyng of Egipt; and he was in
deed, he ſeide to Pharao, Lete me, þat I goo into my loond. Egipt vnto þe deeþ of Salomon.
xxii And Pharao ſeide to hym, What þing forſoþe anentis me xli Forſoþe þe remnaunt of þe wordis of Salomon, and alle
nediſt þow, þat þou ſeche to goo to þi loond? And he þingis þat he dide, and þe wiſdom of him, loo! alle þei ben
anſwerde, Noon; but I preye þee, þat þou lete me. writyn in þe boke of þe wordis of þe dais of Salomon.
xxiii Forſoþe God reryde to hym an aduerſarie, Raſon, ſone of xlii Forſoþe þe dais þe whyche Salomon regnede in Jeruſalem
Eliadan, þat fleiȝ Adadezer, kyng of Soba, his lord; vpon al Yrael, ben fourti ȝeer.
xxiiii and he gadride aȝens hym men, and he is maad prince xliii And Salomon ſlept wiþ his faders, and is biried in þe
of þeues, whanne Dauid ſhulde haue ſlayn hem; and þei citee of Dauid, his fader; and Roboam, his ſone, regnede for
wenten to Damaſch, and dwelliden þere; and þei ordeyneden him.
hym a kyng in Damaſch.
xxv And he was an aduerſarie to Irael alle þe days of Capitulum XII.
Salomon; and þis is þe yuel of Adad, and haat aȝen Yrael; i Roboam
and he regnede in Cyrye. forſoþe cam into Sichym; þider forſoþe was gedrid
xxvi Forſoþe Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, Eufrate of al Irael to ordeyn hym a kyng.
ii Forſoþe but Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, whanne ȝit he
Seredera, ſeruaunt of Salomon, whos moder was a womman
widwe, Serua bi name; and he reride þe hoond aȝens þe was in Egipt, ferre flowen fro þe face of Salomon þe kyng,
kyng. þe deeþ of hym herd, he turnede aȝen fro Egipt;
xxvii And þis þe cauſe of þe rebellioun aȝens hym; for iii and þei ſenten, and clepeden hym. Þanne Jeroboam and al
Salomon beeldide Mello, and euenede þe ſwelwȝ of þe citee of þe multitude of Irael cam, and þei ſpeken to Roboam,
Dauid, his fader. ſeiynge,
xxviii Forſoþe Jeroboam was a myȝti man, and a ſtrong; and iiii Þi fader putte to vs mooſt hard ȝok, and ſo þou now mak
Salomon ſeynge þe ȝonge waxynge man of good witte, and laſſe a lytil of þe heeſt of þi fader mooſt hard, and of þe mooſt
able to be tauȝt, he made hym a prefect vpon þe tributis of al greuous ȝok þat he haþ putte on to vs, and we ſhulen ſerue to
þe hows of Joſeph. þee.
xxix It is doon þanne in þat tyme, þat Jeroboam ſhulde goon v Þe which ſeiþ to hem, Gooþ vnto þe þridde day, and turneþ
out fro Jeruſalem; and Ahyas Silonyte, prophete, foonde him aȝen to me. And whanne þe puple was goon,
in þe weye, couerde wiþ a newe mantil; forſoþe þei two weren vi kyng Roboam wente in counſeil wiþ þe eldris, þat ſtoden
alone in þe feelde. nyȝ before Salomon, his fader, whil þat he ȝit lyuede; and
xxx And Ahyas takynge hys newe mantil, wiþ þe which he ſeiþ, What counſeil ȝeuen ȝe to me, þat I anſwere to þe
was couerde, kitte into twelue parties. puple?
xxxi And he ſeiþ to Jeroboam, Tak to þee ten kyttyngis; þes vii Þe whiche ſeiden to hym, If þou obeſſhe to þis puple to
þingis forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Loo! I ſhal kitte þe dai, and ſerueſt to þis puple, and to þe aſkynge of hem ȝeueſt
rewme fro þe hoond of Salomon, and I ſhal ȝyue to þee ten ſtede, and ſpekiſt to hem liȝt wordis, þei ſhulen be to þee
lynagis; ſeruauntis alle dais.
xxxii but o lynage ſhal leeue to hym, for my ſeruaunt Dauid, viii Þe which forſook þe counſeil of þe oold men, þat þei ȝauen
and Jeruſalem, þe citee þat I haue choſen of alle þe lynagis to hym, and he took to hym þe ȝonge men, þat weren noriſhid
of Irael; wiþ hym, and ſtoden nyȝ to hym;
xxxiii forþi þat he forſook me, and honourde Aſtartem, ix and he ſeide to hem, What counſeil ȝeuen ȝe to me, þat Y
goddeſſe of Sydonees, and Chamos, god of Moab, and anſwere to þis puple, þat ſeiden to me, Mak liȝter þe ȝok þat
Moloch, god of þe ſonys of Amon; and he wente not in my þi fader putte vpon vs?
weyes, þat he dide riȝtwiſneſſe before me, and my heeſtis, and x And þe ȝonge men ſeiden to hym, þat weren noriſhid wiþ
my domys, as Dauid, his fader. hym, Þus ſpek to þis puple, þat ſpeken to þee, ſeiynge, Þi
xxxiiii Ne I ſhal not doo aweye al þe rewme fro his hoond, fader agregide oure ȝok, þou releue vs; þus þou ſhalt ſpeke to
but I ſhal putte hym a duyk alle þe days of his lijf, for hem; My leeſt fyngre is gretter þan þe bak of my fader;
Dauid, my ſeruaunt, whom I chees, þe which kepte myn xi and now my fader putte vpon ȝow a greuous ȝok, forſoþe I
heeſtis, and my maundementis. ſhal adde vpon ȝoure ȝok; my fader bette ȝow wiþ ſcourgis,
xxxv I ſhal doo aweye forſoþe þe rewme fro þe hoond of his forſoþe I ſhal bete ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns.
ſone, I ſhal ȝyue to þee þe ten lynagys; xii Þanne Jeroboam cam, and al þe puple, to Roboam þe
xxxvi to his ſone forſoþe I ſhal ȝyue o lynage, þat þere abyde þridde day, as þe kyng ſpak, ſeiynge, Turneþ aȝen to me þe
ſtille a lantern to Dauid, my ſeruaunt, alle dais before me in þridde dai.
Jeruſalem, citee þat I chees, þat þere were my name. xiii And þe kyng anſwerde to þe puple hard, forſakid þe
xxxvii Forſoþe þee I ſhall take, and þou ſhalt regne vpon alle counſeil of þe eldres, þat þei hadden ȝeuen to hym;
þingis þat þi ſoule deſyriþ, and þou ſhalt be kyng vpon Yrael. xiiii and he ſpak to hem aftir þe counſeil of þe ȝonge men,
xxxviii If þanne þou heriſt alle þingis þat I ſhal comaunde to ſeiynge, My fader agregide ȝoure ȝok, and I forſoþe ſhal adde
þee, and goſt in my weies, and doſt þat is riȝt before me, to ȝoure ȝok; my fader bette ȝou wiþ ſcourgis, Y ſhal bete ȝou
kepynge my maundementis, and myn heeſtis, as Dauid, my wiþ ſcorpiouns.
ſeruaunt, dide, I ſhal be wiþ þee, and beelde to þee a trewe xv And þe kyng aſſentide not to þe puple, for þe Lord was
hows, what maner wiſe I beeldide to Dauid an hows, and I aȝens hym, þat he rere his word, þat þe Lord ſpak in þe
ſhal take to þee Yrael; hoond of Ahye Silonyte to Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath.
xxxix and I ſhal tourmente þe ſeed of Dauid vpon þis, xvi And ſo þe puple ſeynge, þat þe kyng wolde not here hem,
neuerþelater not alle dais. anſwerde to hym, ſeiynge, What to vs part in Dauid, or what
heritage in þe ſone of Yſaye? Turne aȝen into þi tabernaclis,


Irael; now ſe þin hows, Dauid. And Yrael wente into her ii And he criede out aȝens þe auter, in þe word of þe Lord,
tabernaclis. and ſeiþ, Auter! auter! þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! a ſone
xvii Vpon þe ſonys forſoþe of Irael, whiche euere dwelliden in ſhal be born to þe hows of Dauid, Jozias bi name; and he
þe citees of Juda, regnede Roboam. ſhal offre vpon þee þe preeſtis of heiȝ þingis, `þe whiche now
xviii Þanne kyng Roboam ſente to Vram, þat was vpon þe in þee encenſis brennen vp, and þe boonys of men vpon þee
tributis; and al þe puple ſtoneden hym, and he is deed. he ſhal brenne.
Forſoþe kyng Roboam haſtijf ſteiede vp in a chare, and fleiȝ iii And he ȝaf in þat day a tokne, ſeiynge, þis ſhal be þe tokne
into Jeruſalem; þat þe Lord ſpak, Loo! þe auter ſhal be kyt, and þe aſkis
xix and Irael wente a wey fro þe hows of Dauid, vnto þe day ſhulen be ſhed out, þat in hym is.
þat is now. iiii And whanne þe kyng hadde herde þe word of þe man of
xx It is doon forſoþe whanne al Irael hadde ſeen þat God, þat criede aȝens þe auter in Bethel, he ſtrauȝte out his
Jeroboam was turned aȝen, þei ſenten, and clepeden hym, þe hoond fro þe auter, ſeiynge, Takiþ him. And his hoond, þat
ooſt gadryd, and þei ordeyneden hym kyng vpon al þe rewme he ſtrauȝte out aȝens hym, wex drye, and he myȝte not drawe
of Yſrael; ne eny man folwide þe hous of Dauid, ſaue þe it aȝen to hym ſelf.
lynage of Juda alone. v Þe auter forſoþe is kit, and þe aſkis ben ſhed out of þe
xxi Forſoþe Roboam cam to Jeruſalem, and he gadride al þe auter, after þe tokne þat þe man of God hadde ſeid before, in
hows of Juda, and þe lynage of Beniamyn, an hundrid and þe word of þe Lord.
four ſcore þouſand of choſen men and fiȝters, þat þei fiȝten vi And þe kyng ſeiþ to þe man of God, Beſech þe face of þe
aȝens þe hows of Irael, and brynge aȝen þe rewme to Lord þi God, and preye for me, þat myn hoond be reſtorid to
Roboam, þe ſone of Salomon. me. And þe man of God preiede þe face of God; and þe
xxii Forſoþe þe word of þe Lord is don to Semeyam, a man hoond of þe kyng is turned aȝen to hym, and is maad as it
of God, ſeiynge, was before.
xxiii Spek to Roboam, þe ſone of Salomon, kyng of Juda, vii Forſoþe þe kyng ſpak to þe man of God, Cumme wiþ me
and to al þe hous of Juda and of Beniamyn, and to þe toþere hoom, þat þou eete, and I ſhal ȝyue to þee ȝiftis.
of þe puple, ſeiynge, viii And þe man of God ſeide to þe kyng, If þou ſhuldiſt ȝyue
xxiiii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe ſhulen not ſtie up, ne fiȝt to me þe half parti of þin hows, I ſhal not come wiþ þee, and
aȝens ȝoure breþeren, þe ſones of Irael; turne aȝen a man I ſhal not eete breed, ne drynke water in þis place;
into his hows, of me forſoþe is doon þis word. Þei herden þe ix forſoþe ſo it is comaundid to me in þe word of þe Lord,
word of þe Lord, and þei ben turned aȝen fro þe weye, as þe comaundynge, Þou ſhalt not eete breed, ne drynke water, ne
Lord comaundide to hem. þou ſhalt turne aȝen bi þe waye þat þou cam.
xxv Forſoþe Jeroboam beeldide vp Sichem, in þe hil of x Þanne he wente bi anoþer weye, and he is not turned aȝen
Effraym, and dwellide þere; and goon out þens, he beeldide bi þe weie, bi þe which he cam in to Bethel.
vp Phanuel. xi A maner prophete forſoþe, an oold man, dwellide in Bethel,
xxvi And Jeroboam ſeide in his herte, Now þe kyngdam ſhal to whom camen his ſonys, and toolden to hym alle þe werkis
turne aȝen to þe hows of Dauid, þat þe man of God hadde doon in þat day in Bethel; and þe
xxvii if þis puple ſtie vp, þat he doo ſacrifices in þe hows of wordis þat he hadde ſpoken to þe kyng þei toolden to her
þe Lord in Jeruſalem; and þe herte of þis puple ſhal be fader.
turned to her lord, Roboam, kyng of Juda; and þei ſhulen ſlee xii And her fader ſeide to hem, Bi what weie wente he? His
me, and turnen aȝen to hym. ſones ſheweden to hym þe weye, bi þe which þe man of God
xxviii And þe counſeil out þouȝt, he made two golden calues, hadde goon, þat cam fro Juda.
and ſeide to hem, Wole ȝe no more ſtye vp in to Jeruſalem; xiii And he ſeiþ to his ſones, Makiþ redi to me an aſſe. Þe
loo! þi goddis, Irael, þat ladden þee out of þe loond of Egipt. which whanne þei hadden maad redi, he ſtiede vp, and wente
xxix And he putte oon in Bethel, and anoþer in Dan. aftir þe man of God,
xxx And doon is þis word to Irael into ſynne; forſoþe þe xiiii and he foonde hym ſittynge vndir a therebynt. And he ſeiþ
puple wente to honoure þe calf, into Dan. to hym, Wheþer þou art þe man `of God, þat cam fro Juda?
xxxi And he maade templis in heiȝtis, and preeſtis of þe He anſwerde to hym, I am.
xv And he ſeide to hym, Come wiþ me hoom, þat þou eete
eendis of þe puple, þat weren not of þe ſones of Leuy.
xxxii And he ordeyned a ſolempne dai in þe eiȝtiþe moneþ, þe breed.
xvi Þe which ſeiþ, I may not turne aȝen, ne come wiþ þee,
fiftenþe dai of þe moneþ, into þe liknes of þe ſolempnete þat
is halwid in Juda. And ſtiynge vp, lijk maner he made an and I ſhal not eete breed, ne drynke water in þis place;
auter in Bethel, þat he offre to þe calues, þe whiche he hadde xvii for þe Lord ſpak to me in þe word of þe Lord, ſeiynge,
forgid; and he ſette in Bethel preeſtis of þe heiȝ þingis, þat he Þow ſhalt not ete breed, and þou ſhalt not drynke watir þere,
hadde maad. ne þou ſhalt turne aȝen bi þe weye þat þou wentiſt.
xxxiii And he ſtiede vp vpon þe auter, þat he hadde maad in xviii Þe which ſeiþ to hym, And I am a prophete lijk þee;
Bethel, þe fifteenþe day of þe eiȝtiþe moneþ, þe which he and þe aungel ſpak to me in þe word of þe Lord, ſeiynge,
feynede of his owne herte; and he made a ſolempnete to þe Bryng hym aȝen wiþ þee into þin hous, þat he eete breed,
ſonys of Yrael, and he ſtiede vp vpon þe auter, þat he brenne and drynke water. He bigyilde hym, and brouȝte aȝen wiþ
encenſe. hym.
xix Þanne he eete breed in his hous, and drank water.
Capitulum XIII. xx And whanne he ſatte at þe bord, þe word of þe Lord is
i And loo! a man of God cam fro Juda, in þe word of þe doon to þe prophete þat brouȝte hym aȝen;
xxi and he criede out to þe man of God þat cam fro Juda,
Lord, into Bethel, Jeroboam ſtoondynge vpon þe auter, and
leiynge encenſe. ſeiynge, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, For þou were not
obeiſhynge to þe mouþ of þe Lord, and keptiſt not þe
maundement þat þe Lord þi God comaundide to þee,


xxii and turnedeſt aȝen, and eete breed, and dranke water in feyneſt þee to be? Forſoþe I am ſent to þee an hard
þe place in þe which I comaundide to þee, þat þou ſhuldiſt not meſſagere.
eete breed, ne drynke water, þi careyn ſhal not be born into vii Go, and ſey to Jeroboam, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of
þe ſepulcre of þi faders. Irael, For I haue enhaunſid þee fro þe myddis of þe puple,
xxiii And whanne he hadde eeten and drunken, þe prophete, and ȝaf þee duyk vpon my puple Irael,
whom he hadde brouȝt aȝen, made redi his aſſe. viii and kytte þe rewme of þe hows of Dauid, and ȝaf it to
xxiiii Þe which whanne he was goon, a lioun foond hym in þe þee, and þow was not as my ſeruaunt Dauid, þat kepte myn
weye, and ſlewȝ. And þe careyn of hym was þrowun forþ in heeſtis, and folwide me in al his herte, doynge þat was
þe weye; forſoþe þe aſſe ſtood biſide hym, and þe lioun ſtood pleſynge in my ſiȝt;
biſide þe careyn. ix but þou haſt wrouȝt euil, ouere alle þat weren before þee,
xxv And loo! men goynge ſeen þe careyn þrowen in þe weie, and þou haſt maad alien goddis to þee, and ȝoten, þat þou
and a lioun ſtoondynge beſide þe careyn; and þei camen, and terre me to wraþþe, forſoþe þou haſt þrowen me behynde þi
openeden into þe citee, in þe which þat ilke olde prophete bak.
dwellide. x Þerfor loo! I ſhal brynge yn yuels vpon þe hows of
xxvi Þe which þing whanne þe prophete hadde herd, þat ladde Jeroboam, and I ſhal ſmyte fro Jeroboam vnto a piſſere at þe
him aȝen fro þe weye, ſeiþ, Þe man of God he is, þat was wal, and cloſide, and laſt in Yrael; and I ſhal clenſe þe
vnobeſhynge to þe mouþ of God; and þe Lord took hym to a relikis of þe hows of Jeroboam, as is wont to be clenſid muk
lyoun, þat bruſſide hym, and ſlewȝ hym, after þe word of þe vnto þe pure;
Lord þat he ſpak to hym. xi forſoþe þoo þat weren deed of Jeroboam in þe citee,
xxvii And he ſeide to hys ſonys, Makiþ redi to me an aſſe. Þe houndis ſhulen eete hem; forſoþe þoo þat weren deed in þe
which whanne þei hadden maad redi, feeld, briddes of heuene ſhulen deuowre hem;
xxviii and he is goon, he foond þe careyn of hym þrowun forþ xii for þe Lord ſpak. Þou þerfor ryſe, and go into þin hows;
in þe weye, and an aſſe and a lioun ſtondynge beſide þe and in þat goynge in of þi feet in to þe cytee þe child ſhal
careyn; and þe lyoun eete not of þe careyn, ne hurte not þe dye.
aſſe. xiii And al Yrael ſhal beweile hym, and berye; forſoþe he
xxix Þanne þe prophete took þe careyn of þe man of God, and alone ſhal be brouȝt yn of Jeroboam in to þe ſepulcre, for þere
putte it vpon þe aſſe; and turned aȝen, he brouȝte it in to þe is founden vpon hym a good word of þe Lord God of Yrael,
citee of þe oold prophete, þat he weyle hym. in þe hows of Jeroboam.
xxx And he putte þe careyn of hym in his ſepulcre, and þei xiiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal ordeyne to hym a kyng vpon Irael,
weileden hym, Allas! allas! my broþere! þat ſmyte þe hows of Jeroboam, in þis day and in þis tyme;
xxxi And whanne þei hadden weilid hym, he ſeide to hys xv and þe Lord God of Irael ſhal ſmyit, as a reede in water
ſonys, Whanne I ſhal be deed, birieþ me in þe ſepulcre, in þe is wont to be moued; and he ſhal pulle vp Irael fro þis good
which þe man of God is biried; beſide þe bonys of hym putte loond, þat he ȝaf to þe faders of hem, and he ſhal wyndowe
ȝe my bonys. hem beȝonde þe flood, for þei maden to hem mawmet wodis,
xxxii For forſoþe þe word ſhal come, þat he before ſeide in þe þat þei terren þe Lord.
xvi And þe Lord God ſhal take Irael `to her enemyes, for þe
word of þe Lord, aȝens þe auter þat is in Bethel, and aȝens
alle þe temples of þe heiȝ þingis, þat ben in þe citees of ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe which ſynnede, and made Irael to
Samarye. ſynne.
xxxiii Aftir þes wordis Jeroboam ys not turned awey fro his xvii And ſo þe wijf of Jeroboam roos, and wente, and cam
werſt weye, but aȝenward he made of þe laſt puplis preeſtis of into Tharſa; and whanne ſhe wente in þe þreſhwold of þe
heiȝ þingis; who ſo euer wolde, fulfillid his hoond, and was hows, þe child dyede.
maad a preeſt of heiȝ þingis. xviii And þei birieden hym; and al Irael weylide hym, aftir þe
xxxiiii And for þis cauſe þe hows of Jeroboam ſynnede, and is word of þe Lord, þe which he ſpak in þe hoond of his
turned vpſedoun, and doon awei fro þe vttermooſt of þe erþe. ſeruaunt, Ahye þe prophete.
xix Þe remenaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Jeroboam, how he
Capitulum XIIII. fauȝt, and how he regnede, loo! þei ben writen in þe book of
þe wordis of þe dais of þe kyngis of Yrael.
i In þat tyme Abya, þe ſone of Jeroboam, wexe ſijke. xx Þe dais forſoþe, in `þe whiche regnede Jeroboam, ben two
ii And Jeroboam ſeide to his wijf, Ryſe, and chaunge abijt, and twenti ȝeer; and Jeroboam ſlepte wiþ his fadres, and
þat þou be not knowun, þat þow be þe wijf of Jeroboam; and Naadab, his ſone, regnede for hym.
go in to Silo, where Ahya, þe prophet, is, þe which ſpak to xxi Forſoþe Roboam, þe ſone of Salomon, regnede in Juda;
me, þat I was to regne vpon þis puple. of oon and fourti ȝeer was Roboam whanne he began to
iii Tak forſoþe in þin hoond ten looues, and a litil kake, and regne, and ſeuenteen ȝeer he regnede vpon Jeruſalem, þe citee
a veſſel of hony, and go to hym; forſoþe he ſhal ſhewe to þee, þat þe Lord chees, þat he putte his name þere, of alle þe
what ben to come to þis child. lynagis of Irael. Þe name forſoþe of his moder, Naama
iiii Þe wijf dide as Jeroboam ſeide, and aryſynge ſhe wente Amanyte.
into Silo, and cam into þe hows of Ahye; and he myȝte not xxii And Juda dide yuel before þe Lord, and þei terreden hym
ſe, for þe eyen of hym hadden daſewide for eeld. vpon alle þingis, þat þe faders of him diden in her ſynnes,
v Forſoþe þe Lord ſeide to Ahyam, Loo! þe wijf of Jeroboam þat þei ſynneden.
xxiii Forſoþe and þei beeldiden vp to hem ſelf auterys, and
is comen in, þat ſhe counſele þee vpon hire ſone, þat is ſijk;
þes þingys and þes þou ſhalt ſpeke to hire. Þanne whanne ſhe ymagis, and mawmet wodis, vpon al heiȝ hil, and vndur eche
was comen yn, and hadde vnlikned hire ſelf to be þat ſhe tree ful of braunchis.
was, xxiiii But men maad wommanlich weren in þe loond, and þei
vi Ahias herde þe ſoun of þe feet of hire comynge in bi þe diden alle þe abhomynaciouns of heþen men, þe whiche þe
dore, and ſeiþ, Cum in, wijf of Jeroboam; whi anoþir þow Lord al to-trade before þe face of þe ſonys of Irael.


xxv Forſoþe in þe fifþe ȝeer of þe regne of Roboam, Seſac, þe xvi Forſoþe batayl þere was betwix Aſa and Baaſa, kyng of
kyng of Egipt, ſtiede vp into Jeruſalem; Irael, alle þe dais of hem.
xxvi and he took þe treſours of þe hous of þe Lord, and þe xvii Forſoþe Baaſa, þe kyng of Yrael, ſtiede vp into Juda,
kyngis treſours, and alle þingis he brak in two, and þe and he beeldide Rama, þat no man myȝte goon out, or goon
golden ſheeldis þat Salomon made. yn, fro þe parti of Aſa, kyng of Juda.
xxvii For þe whiche kyng Roboam made braſen ſheeldis, and xviii And ſo Aſa takinge al þe ſiluer and gold, þat lafte in þe
took hem in þe hoond of þe duykis ſheeldberers, and of hem treſours of þe hows of þe Lord, and in þe treſours of þe
þat watchiden before þe doore of þe hows of þe kyng. kyngis hows, ȝaf into þe hoondis of his ſeruauntis; and ſente
xxviii And whanne þe kyng wente into þe hows of þe Lord, to Benadab, þe ſone of Trabemnon, þe ſone of Oſyon, kyng
þei beeren hem, þat hadden þe office of goynge before, and of Cyrye, þat dwellide in Damaſch, ſeiynge,
afterward þei brouȝten aȝen to þe armerye place of þe xix Couenaunt of pees is betwix me and þee, and betwix my
ſheeldberers. fader and þi fader, and þerfor to þee I haue ſent ȝiftis, gold,
xxix Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Roboam, and alle and ſiluer; and I aſke, þat þou come, and make at nouȝt þe
þingis þat he dide, loo! ben writen in þe book of þe wordis of boond of pees, þat þou haſt wiþ Baaſa, þe kyng of Irael, and
þe dais of þe kyngis of Juda. he goo awey fro me.
xxx And þere batayl was bitwix Roboam and Jeroboam alle xx Aſſentynge Benadab to kyng Aſa, ſente þe princis of his
dais. ooſt into þe citees of Yrael; and þei ſmiten Ahion, and Dayr,
xxxi And Roboam ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biried wiþ and Abel, and þe hows of Maacha, and al Seneroth, þat is,
al þe loond of Neptalym.
hem in þe citee of Dauid. Forſoþe name of his moder, xxi Þe which þing, whanne Baaſa hadde herd, he lafte to
Naama Amanyte; and Abya, his ſone, regnede for hym.
beelde vp Rama, and he turnede aȝen into Tharſa.
xxii Forſoþe kyng Aſa ſente a meſſager into al Juda, ſeiynge,
Capitulum XV.
No man be excuſid. And þei token þe ſtoonus of Rama, and
i Thanne in þe eiȝtetenþe ȝeer of þe regne of Jeroboam, þe þe trees of it, wiþ þe whiche Baaſa hadde beeldid; and kyng
ſone of Naabath, regnede Abya vpon Judam. Aſa made out of þe ſame Gabaa of Beniamyn, and Maſpha.
ii Þre ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his moder xxiii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of alle þe wordis of Aſa, and of al
Macha, þe douȝter of Abeſſalon. his ſtrengþ, and alle þingis þat he dide, and þe citees þat he
iii And he wente in alle þe ſynnes of his fader, þe whiche he made vp, wheþir not þes ben writen in þe book of þe wordis
hadde doon before hym; ne þe herte of hym was parfite wiþ of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? Neuerþelater in þe tyme of
þe Lord his God, as þe herte of Dauid, his fader. his eelde he akide þe feet.
iiii But for Dauid þe Lord his God ȝaf to hym a lanterne in xxiiii And Aſa ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biryed wiþ hem in
Jeruſalem, þat he rere his ſone aftyr hym, and ſtoonde in þe citee of Dauid his fader; and Joſaphath, his ſone, regnede
Jeruſalem; for hym.
v for þi þat Dauid hadde doo riȝt in þe eyen of þe Lord, and xxv Nadab forſoþe, þe ſone of Jeroboam, regnede vpon Irael,
hadde not bowid awey fro alle þingis þat he hadde þe ſecounde ȝeer of Aſa, þe kyng of Juda; and he regnede
comaundide to hym, alle days of his lijf, out taak þe word of vpon Yrael two ȝeer.
xxvi And he dide þat is yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and wente
Vrie Ethei.
vi Neuerþelater þere was batail betwix Abyam and Jeroboam, in þe weies of his fader, and in þe ſynnes of hym, in þe
al tyme of his lijf. whiche he made Irael to ſynne.
vii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Abye, and alle þingis xxvii Forſoþe Baaſa, þe ſone of Ahia, of þe hows of Yſachar,
þat he dide, wheþir not þes ben writen in þe book of þe weytide to hym, and ſmoot hym in Jebethon, þat is þe citee of
wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? And þere was batail Philiſteis; forſoþe Naadab and al Yrael beſegiden Jebothon.
xxviii Þanne Baaſa ſlewȝ hym, in þe þridde ȝeer of Aſa, þe
betwix Abyam and Jeroboam.
viii And Abya ſlepte wiþ his faders; and þei biryden hym in kyng of Juda, and regnede for hym.
þe cite of Dauid; and Aſa, his ſone, regnede for hym. xxix And whanne he hadde regned, he ſmoot al þe hows of
ix Forſoþe in þe twentiþe ȝeer of Jeroboam, kyng of Irael, Jeroboam; and he laft not forſoþe not oon lijf of his ſeed, to
regnede Aſa, kyng of Juda; þe tyme þat he dide awey hym, after þe word of þe Lord, þat
x and oon and fourti ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. Name of he ſpak in þe hoond of his ſeruaunt, Ahye Silonyte, prophete,
xxx for þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe whiche he hadde ſynned,
his moder, Macha, þe douȝter of Abeſſalon.
xi And Aſa dide riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as Dauid, his and wiþ whiche he hadde made Irael to ſynnen, and for þe
treſpas, in þe which he hadde terred þe Lord God of Yrael.
fader; xxxi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Naadab, and alle
xii and he took awey þe wommannyſh maad men of þe loond,
þingis þat he wrouȝte, wheþer not þes ben wrytyn in þe book
and he purgide alle þe filþis of þe mawmettis, `þe whiche his of þe wordis of þe dais of þe kyngis of Yrael?
fadris maden. xxxii And þere was batail betwixe Aſa and Baaſa, king of
xiii Ferþermore and his moder Macham he `putte awey, þat
Yrael, alle þe dais of hem.
ſhe were not prince in þe heriyng þingis of þe mawmet of xxxiii Þe þridde ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda, regnede Baaſa, þe
mannus ȝeerde, and in his `mawmet wode þat ſhe hadde
halowide; and he turnede vpſodoun þe den of hym, and he to- ſone of Ahia, vpon al Yrael, in Tharſa, foure and twenti ȝeer.
brak þe fouleſt licnes, and brente in þe ſteem of Cedron; xxxiiii And he dide yuel before þe Lord, and he wente in þe
xiiii forſoþe þe heiȝ þingis he dide not awey; neuerþelater þe weyes of Jeroboam, and in þe ſynnes of hym, in þe whiche he
herte of Aſa was perfijt wiþ þe Lord his God, alle his dais. made Irael to ſynne.
xv And he brouȝte in þo þingis, þe whiche his fader hadde
halowid and vowede, into þe hows of þe Lord, ſiluer, and
gold, and veſſels.


Capitulum XVI. xxi Þanne þe puple of Irael is deuydid in two parties; þe half
i Forſoþe
partye of þe puple folwide Thebny, þe ſone of Jeneth, þat he
þe word of þe Lord is doon to Yau, þe ſone of ordeyne hym kyng, and þe half parti Amry.
Anany, aȝens Baaſa, ſeiynge, xxii Forſoþe þe puple þat was wiþ Amry hadde þe ouerhoond
ii Forþi þat I haue enhaunſid þee fro powdre, and ſette þee
ouer þe puple þat folwide Thebny, þe ſone of Jeneth; and
duyk vpon Yrael, my puple; forſoþe þow haſt goon in þe weie Thebny is deed, and Amry regnede.
of Jeroboam, and haſt maad my puple Irael to ſynne, þat xxiii Þe oon and þretty ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda, regnede
þow terre me in þe ſynnes of hem; Amry vpon Yrael, twelue ȝeer; in Tharſa he regnede ſixe
iii and lo! I ſhal kitte of þe hyndirmore of Baaſa, and þe
hyndirmores of þe hows of hym, and I ſhal make þin hows xxiiii And he bouȝte þe hille of Samarye of Somer for two
as þe hows of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Naabath. talentis of ſiluer, and he beeldide it; and he clepide þe name
iiii Who were deed of Baaſa in þe citee, houndis ſhulen eete
of þe citee, þat he bieldide vp, by þe name of Somer, þat is,
hym, and who were deed of hym in þe regioun, þe foulis of þe hil of þe Lord, or þe hil of Samarye.
heuen ſhulen eete hym. xxv Forſoþe Amry dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and he
v Forſoþe þe remnaunt of þe wordis of Baaſa, and what euer
wroȝte wickidly, ouer alle þat weren before hym.
þingis he dide, and þe batayls of hym, wheþer not þes ben xxvi And he wente in al þe weye of Jeroboam, þe ſone of
writyn in þe bokis of þe wordis of þe dais of þe kyngis of Nabath, and in þe ſynnes of hym, bi þe whiche he made
Irael? Irael to ſynne, þat he terre þe Lord God of Irael in his
vi Þanne Baaſa ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biryed in
Tharſa; and Hela his ſone, regnede for hym. xxvii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amry, and þe
vii Forſoþe whanne in þe hond of Yau, þe ſone of Anany, þe
batailis of hym, þat he dide, wheþer not þes ben wryten in þe
prophete, þe word of þe Lord was maad aȝens Baaſa, and book of þe wordis of þe dais of þe kyngis of Irael?
aȝens þe hows of hym, and aȝens al þe yuel þat he hadde xxviii And Amry ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biried in
doon before þe Lord, to terren hym in þe werkis of his Samarye; and Achab, his ſone, regnede for hym.
hondis, þat he were maad as þe hows of Jeroboam, for þis xxix Achab forſoþe, þe ſone of Amry, regnede on Irael þe eiȝt
cauſe he ſlewȝ hym, þat is, Yau, þe ſone of Anany, þe
prophete. and þrettiþe ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda; and Achab, þe ſone of
viii Þe ſixe and twentiþe ȝeer of Aſa, þe kyng of Juda, Amry, regnede vpon Irael, in Samarie, two and twenti ȝeer.
xxx And Achab, þe ſone of Amry, dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe
regnede Hela, þe ſone of Baaſa, vpon Yrael, in Tharſa, two
ȝeer. Lord, ouer alle þat weren before hym;
ix And aȝens hym rebellid Zamry, his ſeruaunt, duyk of þe xxxi ne it ſuffiſide to hym þat he ȝede in þe ſynnes of
half partie of þe horſmen; forſoþe Hela was in Tharſa, Jeroboam, þe ſone of Naaboth, but `more ouere he weddide a
drynkynge and drunken in þe hows of Arſa, prefect of Tharſa. wijf, Jezabel, þe douȝter of Methaal, kyng of Sydonyes; and
x Þanne Zamry fallinge on ſmoot, and ſlewȝ hym, þe ſeuen he wente, and ſeruede to Baal, and honourde hym.
xxxii And he ſette an auter of Baal in þe temple of Baal, þat
and twentiþ ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Jude; and he regnyde for
hym. he hadde beeldid vp in Samarye,
xi And whanne he hadde regned, and ſitten vpon his ſee, he xxxiii and he plauntide a maumet wode; and Achab addide in
ſmoot al þe hows of Baaſa, and he lafte not of yt a piſſer to his werke, terrynge þe Lord God of Yrael, ouer alle þe
þe wal, and `þe kynne, and þe freendis of hym. kyngis of Irael þat weren before hym.
xii And Zamri dide aweye al þe hows of Baaſa, after þe word xxxiiii In þe dais forſoþe of hym Ahiel of Bethel beeldide vp
of þe Lord, þat he hadde ſpoken to Baaſa, in þe hoond of Jericho; in Abiram, his fyrſt goten, he foundide it, and in
Yau, þe prophete, Segub, his laſt, he ſette þe ȝatis of it, after þe word of þe
xiii for alle þe ſynnes of Baaſa, and þe ſynnes of Hela, his Lord, þat he hadde ſpokyn in þe hoond of Joſue, þe ſone of
ſone, þe whiche ſynneden, and maden Iſrael to ſynne, terrynge Nun.
þe Lord God of Iſrael in her vanitees.
xiiii Þe remenaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Hela, and alle Capitulum XVII.
þingis þat he dide, wheþer not þes ben writin in þe boke of i And Helias Teſbites, of þe dwellers of Galaad, ſeide to
þe wordis of þe dais of þe kyngis of Iſrael? Achab, Þe Lord God of Yrael lyueþ, in whos ſiȝt Y ſtond, if
xv Þe ſeuen and twentiþe ȝeer of Aſa, kyng of Juda, regnede þere ſhal be þes ȝeeris dewe and reyn, but after þe wordis of
Zamri ſeuen dais in Tharſa; forſoþe an ooſt beſegide my mouþ.
Jebethon, þe citee of Philiſtees. ii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to hym, ſeynge,
xvi And whanne it hadde herde Zamri to han rebellid, and to iii Go aweye hens, and go aȝens þe eſt, and be hidde in þe
han ſleyn þe king, al Iſrael made to hem a kyng Amry, þat ſtreem of Carith, þat is aȝens Jordan,
was prince of þe chyualri vpon Iſrael, in þat dai, in þe tentis. iiii and þere þou ſhalt drynke of þe ſtreem; and to þe crowis I
xvii Þanne Amri ſtiede vp, and al Iſrael wiþ him, fro
haue comaundide, þat þei feden þee þere.
Jebethon, and ſegiden Tharſa. v Þanne he wente, and dide after þe word of þe Lord; and
xviii Forſoþe Zamri ſeynge, þat þe cite was to be ouercomen,
whanne he hadde gon, he ſat in þe ſtreem of Carith, þat is
he wente in to þe paleis, and brende vp him ſelf wiþ þe aȝens Jordan.
kingis hous; vi And þe crowis brouȝten to hym breed and fleſh erly; alſo at
xix and is deed in his ſynnes þat he ſynnede, doynge yuel
euen; and he dranke of þe ſtreem.
before þe Lord, and goynge in þe weye of Jeroboam, and in vii Forſoþe after ſumme days þe ſtreem is dryed; forſoþe it
þe ſynnes of hym, by þe whiche he made Yrael to ſynne.
xx Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Zamry, and of þe hadde not reyned vpon erþe.
viii Þanne þe word of þe Lord is do to hym, ſeiynge,
ſpies of him, and of þe tyraundiſe, wheþir þes ben not writyn
in þe book of þe wordis of þe dais of þe kyngys of Yrael?


ix Ryis, and go `into Sarept of Sidonyes, and þow ſhalt iiii For whanne Jeſabel ſhulde ſlee þe prophetis of þe Lord, he
dwelle þere; forſoþe I haue comaundid þere to a womman took an hundrid prophetis, and hidde hem, fifti and fifti, in
widowe, þat ſhe fede þee. dennys, and he fedde hem wiþ breed and water.
x And he roos, and wente into Serept of Sydonyes; and v Þanne Achab ſeide to Abdias, Go in to þe loond, to alle þe
whanne he was comyn to þe ȝate of þe citee, a womman welles of watris, and into alle valeis, if peraduenture we
widowe aperide to hym gederynge ſtickis; and he clepide hire, mowen fynde herbe, and ſaue hors and mulis; and þe beeſtis
and ſeide to hir, Ȝif to me a litil of water in a veſſel, þat I fulli dien not.
drynke. vi And þei deuydeden þe regiouns to hem ſelf, þat þei goon
xi And whanne ſhe wente, þat ſhe brynge to, he criede bihynde about hem; Achab wente bi o weye, and Abdias bi anoþer,
þe bak of hir, ſeiynge, Bryng to me, I beſeche, and a morſel aſide.
of breed in þin hoond. vii And whanne Abdias was in þe weie, Helias aȝen cam to
xii Þe which anſwerde, Þe Lord þy God lyueþ, for I haue hym; þe which whanne he hadde knowen hym, he felle vpon
not breed, but as myche as an handful may take of mele in a his face, and ſeiþ, Wheþir þou art my lord Helias?
ſtene, and a litil of oyle in an oyle veſſel; loo! I gedre ſtikkis, viii To whom he anſwerde, Y. And he ſeide, Go, and ſey to
þat I goo yn, and make it to me, and to my ſone, þat we þi lord, Helias is neeȝ.
eten and dien. ix And he, What haue I ſynned, he ſeiþ, for þou takiſt me, þi
xiii To whom ſeiþ Helias, Wole þou not drede, but go, and
ſeruaunt, in þe hoond of Achab, þat he ſlee me?
do as þow haſt ſeid; neuerþelater to me firſt make of þat litil x Þe Lord þi God lyueþ, for þere is not folk or rewme, in þe
mele a litil loof, baken vndre þe aſſhen, and bryng to me;
forſoþe to þee and to þi ſone þou ſhalt make afterward. whiche my lord haþ not ſent, ſechynge þee; and alle men
xiiii Þes þingis forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, Þe ſtene of anſwerynge, He is not here, he haþ adiurid alle rewmes `and
folkis, for þi þat þou art not foundun;
mele ſhal noȝt fayle, ne þe veſſel of oyle ſhal not be mynuſhid, xi and now þou ſeiſt to me, Go, and ſey to þi lord, Helie is
vnto þe day in þe which þe Lord is to ȝyue reyn vpon þe face
of þe erþe. neiȝ.
xv Þe which wente, and dide after þe word of Helye; and he xii And whanne I ſhal goo aweye fro þee, þe Spiryt of þe
ete, and ſhe, and hir hows. Lord ſhal bere þee aweye into a place þat I knowe not; and
xvi And fro þat dai þe ſteen of mele failide not, and þe veſſel Y goon yn, ſhal telle to Achab, and not fyndynge þee, he ſhal
ſlee me; þi ſeruaunt forſoþe drediþ þe Lord fro his ȝongþ.
of oile is not mynuſhid, after þe word of þe Lord, þat he xiii Wheþir is it not ſhewid to þee, my lord, what I haue
hadde ſpokyn in þe hoond of Helye.
xvii It is doon forſoþe after þes wordis, þe ſone of an huſwijf doon, whanne Jeſabel ſhulde ſlee þe prophetis of þe Lord, þat
I hidde of þe prophetis of þe Lord an hundrid men, fifti and
womman wexe ſijk, and þe langour was mooſt ſtrong, ſo þat fifti, in dennys, and fedde hem wiþ breed and water?
þere lafte not in hym breeþ. xiiii And now þow ſeiſt, Go, and ſey to þi lord, Helye is neiȝ,
xviii Þanne ſhe ſeide to Helias, What to me and to þee, þou
þat he ſlee me.
man of God? Þou wentiſt into me, þat my wickidneſſes xv And Helyas ſeide, Þe Lord of ooſtis lyueþ, before whos
ſhulden be remembrid, and þou ſhuldiſt ſlee my ſone.
xix And Helias ſeiþ to hire, Ȝif to me þi ſone. And he took cheer I ſtonde, for to day Y ſhal apere to hym.
xvi Þanne Abdias wente into þe aȝen comynge of Achab, and
him fro hir boſum, and bare in to þe ſowping place, where he
dwellide; and putte hym vpon his litil bed. ſhewide to hym; and Achab cam into þe aȝen comynge to
xx And he criede to þe Lord, and ſeide, Lord, my God, alſo Helye.
xvii And whanne he hadde ſeen hym, ſeiþ, Wheþer art þou not
wheþer þe widowe, anentis whom Y ȝit am ſuſteyned, þou
haſt tourmentid, þat þow ſlee þe ſone of hire? he, þat diſturbliſt Irael?
xxi And he ſprade out hym ſelf, and meſurede vpon þe child xviii And he ſeiþ, I haue not diſturblid Irael, but þow, and þe
þre ſiþis, and criede to þe Lord, and ſeiþ, Lord my God, þe hows of þi fader, þat haſt forſakyn þe heſtis of þe Lord, and
ſoule of þis child, Y beſeche, be turned aȝen into þe bowels of ȝe han folowid Baalym.
hym. xix Neuerþelater now ſend, and gadre to me al Yrael, in þe
xxii And þe Lord herde þe voys of Helias, and þe ſoule of þe hil of Carmele, and þe prophetis of Baal foure hundrid and
child is turned aȝen wiþ ynne hym, and he aȝen quikenyde. fifti, and þe prophetis of mawmet wodis foure hundrid, þat
xxiii And Helias took þe child, and putte it doun fro þe eten of þe bord of Jezebel.
xx Achab ſente to alle þe ſonys of Yrael, and gaderide þe
ſowpyng place in to þe nedre hows, and took to his moder;
and he ſeiþ to hire, Lo! þi ſone lyueþ. prophetis in þe hil of Carmele.
xxiiii And þe womman ſeide to Helias, Now in þis Y haue xxi Forſoþe Helie comynge nyȝ to al þe puple of Yrael, ſeiþ,
knowe, for þe man of God þow ert, and þe word of God in þi How long halt ȝe into two parties? If þe Lord is God, folwiþ
mouþ is ſoþe. hym; forſoþe if Baal, folwiþ hym. And þe puple anſwerde not
to hym a word.
xxii And eft Elias ſeiþ to þe puple, I am laft a prophet of þe
Capitulum XVIII.
Lord alone; þe prophetis forſoþe of Baal foure hundryd and
i Aftirmanye dais þe word of þe Lord is doo to Helias, in þe fifti, and þe prophetis of mawmete wodis ben foure hundrid.
þridde ȝeer, ſeiynge, Go, and ſhewe þee to Achab, þat I ȝeue xxiii Be þere ȝouen to vs two oxen; and cheſe þei oon oxe,
reyn vpon þe face of þe erþe. and hewynge in gobetis þei ſhulen leye vpon trees, forſoþe fier
ii Þanne Helias wente þat he ſhewe hym to Achab; forſoþe vndurputen þei not; and Y ſhal make anoþir oxe, and putten
þere was hidows hungre in Samarye. vpon trees, and fier I ſhal not putte vndur.
iii And Achab clepide Abdiam, þe ſtiward of his hows; forſoþe xxiiii Inwardly clepe ȝe þe name of ȝowre goddis, and I ſhal
Abdias dradde þe Lord God of Yrael myche. inwardly clepe þe name of my God; and God þat heriþ bi þe
fier, he be God. Al þe puple anſwerynge ſeiþ, Beſt þe
propoſicioun, þat Helias ſpac.


xxv Þanne Helias ſeide to þe prophetis of Baal, Cheſiþ to ȝou xliiii Forſoþein þe ſeuenþe ſijþ, loo! a litil clowde as þe ſtep
an oxe, and doþ firſt, for ȝe ben moo; and inwardli clepiþ þe of a man ſtiede vp fro þe ſee. Þe which ſeiþ, Sty vp, and ſey
namys of ȝoure goddis, and puttiþ not vndir fier. to Achab, Ioyn þi chare, and cum down, leſt reyn before
xxvi Þe whiche whanne þei hadden take þe oxe, þat he ȝaf ocupye þee.
hem, þei diden, and inwardli clepiden þe name of Baal, fro xlv And whanne þei hadden turned hem ſelf hidir and þidir,
erly vnto myddai, ſeiynge, Baal, here vs! And þere was not loo! heuenes ben derkid, and clowde, and wynde, and þere is
voys þat ſhulde anſwere; and þei ſkipten ouer þe auter, þat þei maad a greet reyn. And ſo Achab ſtiynge vp wente into
maden. Jezrael;
xxvii And whanne now was myddai, Helye ſcornyde to hem, xlvi and þe hoond of þe Lord was vpon Helias, and þe reynys
ſeiynge, Crieþ wiþ a more voys, forſoþe ȝoure god is, and gird, he ranne before Achab, to þe tyme þat he cam into
perauenture wiþ anoþer he ſpekiþ, or in a turnynge in place, Jezrael.
or in þe weye, or certis he ſlepiþ, þat he be wakid.
xxviii Þanne þei crieden wiþ a greet voys, and þei cuttiden Capitulum XIX.
hem ſelf, after her rijt, wiþ ſheeris and litil launcis, to þe i Achab
tyme þat þei weren alle beſhed wiþ blood. forſoþe toolde to Jezabel alle þingis þat Helias hadde
xxix Forſoþe aftir þat mydday was paſſid, and hem doon, and what maner wiſe he hadde ſlayn alle þe prophetis
propheciynge, þe tyme was comen, þe which is wont ſacrifice of Baal bi ſwerd.
ii And Jezabel ſente a meſſager to Helias, ſeiynge, Þes þingis
to be offrid, and vois is not herd, ne eny man anſwerde, ne
took heed to þe praiynge. doon to me goddis, and þes adden, but þis our to morwe I
xxx And Helye ſeide to al þe puple, Comeþ to me. And þe ſhal putte þi lijf as þe lijf of oon of hem.
iii Þanne Helias dradde, and riſynge wente whidir euer þe
puple neiȝynge to hym, he curede þe auter of þe Lord, þat
was deſtruyed. wil bare hym; and he cam into Berſabe of Juda, and lafte his
xxxi And he took twelue ſtonus, after þe noumbre of þe child þere;
iiii and wente into deſert, þe weye of o day. And whanne he
lynagis of þe ſonys of Jacob, to whom þe word of þe Lord is
maad, ſeiynge, Yrael ſhal be þi name. was comen, and ſatte vndir an yue tree, he aſkide to his
xxxii And he beeldide vp an auter of ſtonus, in name of þe ſoule, þat he die; and ſeiþ, Lord, it ſuffiſiþ to me, tak awey
Lord, and he made a water cundid, as by two litil forwis in my lijf; forſoþe ne I am betere þan my faders.
v And he þrewe hym ſelf doun, and ſlepte in þe ſhadew of þe
enuyroun of þe auter.
xxxiii And he putte togidre þe wode, and he deuydide bi yue tree. And loo! þe aungel of þe Lord touchide hym, and
membris þe oxe, and leide vpon þe wode, and ſeiþ, ſeide to hym, Rijs, and eet.
vi He biheelde, and loo! at his heed a loof bakyn vndur
xxxiiii Filliþ foure ſtenys wiþ water, and heeldiþ vpon þe
brent ſacrifice, and vpon þe wode. And eft he ſeide, Alſo þe aſſhen, and a veſſel of water. Þanne he ete, and drank, and
ſecounde doþ þis. Þe which whanne þei hadden doo þe eft he ſlepte.
vii And þe aungel of þe Lord is turned aȝen þe ſecounde, and
ſecounde, he ſeiþ, Alſo þe þridde þat ſame þing doþ; and þei
diden þe þridde. touchide hym; and he ſeide to hym, Rijs, and eet; forſoþe a
xxxv And þe watris runnen aboute þe auter, and þe dijch of greet weye falliþ to þee.
viii Þe which whanne he hadde ryſen, ete, and drank; and he
þe water cundid is fillid.
xxxvi And whanne now was tyme, þat brent ſacrifice ſhulde be wente in þe ſtrengþ of þat meete fourti days and fourti nyȝtis,
offred, þe prophete Helias comynge nyȝ ſeiþ, Lord God of vnto þe hil of God, Oreb.
ix And whanne he was comen þidir, he dwellide in þe denne;
Abraham, and of Yſaac, and of Yrael, to day ſhew for þow
art God of Yrael, and Y þi ſeruaunt, and after þin heeſt haue and loo! þe word of þe Lord to hym, and ſeide to hym, What
doon alle þes wordis. doſt þow here, Helyas?
xxxvii Here me, Lord; here me, Lord; þat þis puple lerne, for x And he anſwerde, Bi loue I haue loued, for þe Lord God
þou art Lord God, and þou haſt conuertid þe herte of hem of ooſtis; for þe ſonys of Yrael han forſaken þe couenaunt of
eftſonys. þe Lord; þin auters þei han diſtruyed, and þi prophetis þei
xxxviii Forſoþe þe fijr of þe Lord felle, and deuowride þe han ſlayn bi ſwerd; and I am laft alone, and þei ſechen my
brent ſacrifice, and þe wode, and þe ſtonus, forſoþe þe powdre, lijf, þat þei doon it aweye.
xi And he ſeiþ to hym, Go out, and ſtoond in þe hil, before þe
and þe water þat was in þe water cundid lickynge.
xxxix Þe which þing whanne al þe puple hadde ſeen, he felle Lord. And loo! þe Lord paſſiþ, and a greet wynde, and a
in to his face, and ſeiþ, Þe Lord he is God; þe Lord he is ſtroong, and turnynge vpſedoun hillis, and togidre brooſynge
God. ſtonus before þe Lord; not in þe wynde þe Lord. Alſo after þe
xl And Helias ſeide to hem, Takiþ þe prophetys of Baal; ne
wynde quauynge; not in þe quauyng þe Lord.
xii And aftir þe quauynge fijr; not in þe fier þe Lord. And
oon forſoþe flee aweye of hem. Whom whanne þei hadden after þe fier whiſtlynge of a þinne blaſt; þere þe Lord.
cauȝt, Helie ladde hem to þe ſtreem of Syſon, and ſlowȝ hem xiii Þe which þing whanne Helias hadde herd, he couerde his
xli And Helie ſeiþ to Achab, Sty vp, and eet, and drynk, for cheer wiþ a mantil, and goon out, he ſtode in þe dore of þe
ſown of myche reyn is. denne. And a vois ſeiþ to hym, ſeiynge, What doſt þou here,
xlii Achab ſtiede up, þat he eete and drynke; Helyas forſoþe
xiiii And he anſwerde, Bi loue I haue loued, for þe Lord
ſtyeȝede up into þe hil of Carmel, and bowede into þe erþe, God of ooſtis; for þe ſonys of Yrael han forſakyn þi
putte his face betwixe his knees. couenaunt; þin auters þei han diſtruyed, and þi prophetis þei
xliii And he ſeide to hys child, Stye vp, and behold aȝens þe
han ſlayn wiþ ſwerd; and Y am lafte alone, and þei ſechen
ſee. Þe whiche whanne he hadde ſtyed vp, and lokid, ſeiþ, my lijf, þat þei don it awey.
Þer is no þing. And eft he ſeiþ to hym, Turn aȝen ſeuen


xv And þe Lord ſeiþ to hym, Go, and turn aȝen in to þi ſeen al þis multitude ful myche; loo! I ſhal take it into þin
weye, bi deſeert, into Damaſch; and whanne þou comeſt þidre, hoond to day, þat þow wite for I am a Lord.
þow ſhalt anoynte Azael kyng vpon Syrye; xiiii `And Achab ſeiþ, Bi whom? And he ſeide to hym, Þes
xvi and Hieu, þe ſone of Nampſy, þou ſhalt anoynt kyng vpon þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Bi þe foot folowers of þe pryncis of
Yrael; Heliſee forſoþe, þe ſone of Saphat, þat is of Abel prouyncis. And he ſeiþ, Who ſhal bigynne to fiȝte. And he
Mewla, þow ſhalt anoynte prophete for þee. ſeide, Þow.
xvii And it ſhal be, who ſo euere fleeþ þe ſwerd of Azael, xv Þanne he noumbride þe children of þe princis of prouyncis,
Hyeu ſhal ſle hym; and who ſo euere ſhal flee þe ſwerd of and he founde þe noumbre of two hundryd and two and þretti;
Hieu, Heliſee ſhal ſlee hym. and he toolde after hem þe puple, alle þe ſones of Yrael,
xviii And I ſhal leeue to me in Yrael ſeuen þouſand of men, ſeuen þouſand.
xvi And þei wenten out at mydday. Benadab forſoþe drank
of whom þe knees ben not bowid before Baal, and al mouþ
þat haþ not honourde hym, kyſſynge þe hoond. drunken in his hilet, and kyngis two and þretti wiþ hym, `þe
xix Þanne Helias goon forþ þens, foonde Heliſee, þe ſone of whiche weren comen to þe help of hym.
xvii Forſoþe þe children of þe princis of prouyncis ben goon
Saphath, erynge in twelue ȝockis of oxen; and he in þe
twelue ȝockis of oxen erynge was oon. And whanne Helias out in þe firſt frount. And ſo Benadab ſente, þe which toolden
was comen to hym, he putte his mantil vpon him. to hym, ſeiynge, Men ben goon out fro Samarye.
xx Þe which anoon, þe oxen laft, ranne aftir Helias, and ſeiþ, xviii And he ſeiþ, Wheþer for pees þei comen, nymmeþ hem
Kyſſe Y, I preye þee, my fader and my moder, and ſo I ſhal on lyue; wheþir þat þei fiȝten, takiþ hem on lyue.
folwe þee. And he ſeide to hym, Go, and turn aȝen; forſoþe xix Þanne þe children of þe pryncis of prouyncis wenten out,
þat þat was myn I haue doon to þee. and þe toþer ooſt folwide;
xxi And turned aȝen forſoþe fro hym, he took a peyr oxen, and xx and echon ſmoot þe man þat aȝens hym cam. And Cyris
ſlewȝ it; and in þe plowȝ of oxen he ſeþide fleſh, and ȝaf to þe floowen, and Irael purſuede hem; Benadab forſoþe, kyng of
puple, and þei eten; and ryſynge he wente, and folwide Cyrye, fleiȝ in hors wiþ his horſmen.
Helyas, and ſeruede to hym. xxi Alſo þe kyng of Irael goon out ſmoot hors and chaarys,
and ſmoot Cyrye wiþ a ful mych greet veniaunce.
Capitulum XX. xxii Forſoþe a prophete neiȝynge to þe kyng of Irael, ſeide to
i Benadab forſoþe, kyng of Cyrye, gederide al his ooſt, and hym, Go, and tak coumfort, and wite, and ſe, what þow doſt;
two and þretti kyngis wiþ him, and hors, and charris; and forſoþe þe ȝeer folowynge þe kyng of Cyrye ſhal ſteyȝe vp
ſtiynge vp aȝens Samarye fauȝt, and beſegide it. aȝens þee.
xxiii Þe ſeruauntis forſoþe of þe kyng of Cyrye ſeiden to hym,
ii And ſendynge meſſageris to Achab, kyng of Yrael, in to þe
citee, ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ Benadab, Þe Goddis of hillis ben þe Goddis of hem, þerfor þei han
iii Þi ſiluer and þi gold is myyn, and þi wyues, and þi ſones
ouercomen vs; but betere it is þat we fiȝten aȝens hem in þe
wijlde feeldis, and we ſhulen weelde hem.
alþerbeſt ben myyn. xxiiii Þow þanne do þis word; remeue alle þe kyngis fro þin
iiii And þe kyng of Irael anſwerde, Aftir þi word, my lord
ooſt, and put princis for hem;
kyng, I am þin, and alle miyn. xxv and reſtore þe noumbre of knyȝtis, þat fellen of þin, and
v And þe meſſagers turnynge aȝen ſeiden, Þes þingis ſeiþ
þe hors aftir þe hors before hadde, and þe chaaris after þe
Benadab, þat ſente vs to þee, Þi ſiluer, and þi gold, and þi chaarys þat þou haddiſt before; and we ſhulen fiȝte aȝens hem
wyues, and þi ſonys þou ſhalt ȝyue to me. in þe wilde feeldis, and þou ſhalt ſeen, þat we ſhulen weelde
vi To morwe þanne, þis ſame hour, I ſhal ſende my hem. He trowide to þe counſeil of hem, and dide ſo.
ſeruauntis to þee, and þei ſhulen aſerchen þin hows, and þe xxvi Þanne after þat ȝeer was paſſid, Benadab noumbride
hows of þi ſeruauntis; and al þing þat to hem ſhal pleſe, þei Cyros, and ſtieȝede vp in to Affeth, þat he fiȝte aȝens Yrael.
ſhulen putte in her hoondis, and taken aweye. xxvii Forſoþe þe ſones of Yrael ben noumbrid; and metis
vii Þe kyng of Yrael forſoþe clepide alle þe eldrys of þe loond,
takyn, wenten forþ euen aȝens, and þei ſetten tentis aȝens
and ſeiþ, Takiþ hede, and ſeeþ, for he aſpieþ to vs; forſoþe he hem, as two litil flockis of geet. Ciries forſoþe fulfilliden þe
ſente to me for my wyues, and ſonys, and for ſiluer, and erþe.
gold, and I forſooke not. xxviii And neiȝynge oo man of God ſeide to þe kyng of Yrael,
viii And alle þe more þurȝ birþ ſeiden, and al þe puple to
Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For Cyries ſeiden, God of
hym, Here þou not, ne aſſent þou to hym. hillis is þe Lord of hem, and he is not God of valeys, I ſhal
ix And he anſwerde to þe meſſageris of Benadab, Seiþ to my ȝyue al þis greet multitude in þin hoond, and ȝe ſhulen wite
lord þe kyng, Alle þingis for þe whiche þou haſt ſent to me, for I am a Lord.
þi ſeruaunt, in þe bigynnynge I ſhal do; forſoþe þis þing I xxix Dreſſeden ſeuen days forn aȝens þes and þei ſheltruns;
may not doo. And þe meſſagers turned aȝen, tolden alle forſoþe þe ſeuenþe day þe batail is doon, and þe ſones of
þingis to hym. Yrael ſmyten of Cyryes an hundrid þouſand of foot men in o
x Þe which ſente aȝen, and ſeiþ, Þes þingis doon to me day.
goddis, and þes þingis adden þei, if þe powdre of Samarye xxx Forſoþe þo þat laften flowen in to Affeth into þe citee, and
ſuffiſiþ to þe handfulles of al þe puple þat folwiþ me. þe wal felle vpon ſeuen and twenti þouſand of men þat laften.
xi And anſwerynge þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ, Seiþ to hym, Ne Forſoþe Benadab fleynge wente in to þe citee, into þe cowch
glorye euenly þe gird as þe vngird. þat was beſide þe bed place;
xii It is doo forſoþe, whanne Benadab hadde herd þis word, xxxi and his ſeruauntis ſeiden to hym, Loo! we han herd þat
he drank, and þe kyngis, in hiletis; and he ſeiþ to his þe kyngis of þe hous of Yrael ben mercyable, and ſo putte we
ſeruauntis, Enuyrounith þe citee. And þei enuyrounden it. ſackis in oure reens, and litil coordis in oure heedis, and goo
xiii And loo! a prophet comynge nyȝ to Achab, kyng of Yrael, we out to þe kyng of Yrael; perauenture he ſhal ſaue oure
ſeiþ to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Certis þow haſt lyues.


xxxii Þei girdeden her reenes wiþ ſackis, and puttiden litil if to þee it pleſe, I ſhal ȝyue to þee a betere vyn ȝerd for it.
coordis in her heedis, and þei camen to þe kyng of Yrael, and And he ſeiþ, I ſhal not ȝyue to þee my vyn ȝerd.
ſeiden to hym, Þi ſeruaunt Benadab ſeiþ, I preye þee, lyue vii Þanne Jeſabel, his wijf, ſeide to hym, Of greet autoryte
my lijf. And he ſeiþ, If ȝit he lyue, my broþer he is. þou art, and wel þou gouernyſt þe rewme of Yrael; rijs, and
xxxiii Þe which þe men token for þe happi good word, and eet breed, and in euen ynwit be þow; I ſhal ȝyue to þee þe
haſtily þei rauyſhiden þe word of his mouþ, and ſeiden, Þi vyn ȝerd of Naboth Jezraelite.
broþir Benadab lyueþ. And he ſeide to hem, Goþ, and viii And ſo ſhe wroot lettris of þe name of Achab, and ſignede
bryngiþ hym to me. Þanne Benadab wente out to hym, and hem wiþ his rynge; and ſente to þe more þurȝ birþ, and to þe
he reryde hym into his chaare. beſt, þat weren in his cytee, þat dwelliden wiþ Naboth.
xxxiiii Þe which ſeide to hym, Þe citees þat my fader took fro ix Of þe lettris forſoþe þis was þe ſentence; Preche ȝe
þi fader I ſhal ȝeeld, and ſtreetis make to þee in Damaſk, as faſtynge, and makiþ Naboth to ſitte among þe firſt of þe
my fader made in Samarye; and I boundun to pees ſhal goo puple;
aweye fro þee. Þanne he couenauntide a boond of pees, and x and vndirleye ȝee two men, ſonys of Belial, aȝens hym, and
lafte hym. fals witnes ſeye þei, Naboth haþ bleſſid God and þe kyng;
xxxv Þanne a maner man of þe ſones of prophetis ſeide to his and lediþ hym out, and ſtoniþ, and ſo dye he.
felawe, in þe word of þe Lord, Smyit me. And he wolde not xi Þanne his citeſeens more þurȝ birþ, and þe beſt þat
ſmyte. dwelliden wiþ hym in þe citee, diden as Jeſabel hadde
xxxvi To whom he ſeiþ, For þow woldiſt not here þe voys of comaundid to hem, and as it was writen in þe lettris, þat ſhe
þe Lord, loo! þou ſhalt goon a weye fro me, and a lioun ſhal ſente to hem.
ſmyte þee. And whanne he was goon a weye a litil fro hym, a xii Þei prechiden faſtynge, and maden Naboth to ſitte among
lioun foond hym, and ſmoot hym. þe firſt of þe puple;
xxxvii But and anoþer man fyndynge he ſeide to hym, Smyit xiii and two men brouȝten forþ, ſonys of þe deuel, þei maden
me. Þe which ſmoot hym, and woundide. hem to ſitte aȝens hym, and þei, þat is, as deuels men, ſeiden
xxxviii Þanne þe prophete wente, and aȝen cam to þe kyng in aȝens hym witnes before al þe multitude, Naboth bleſſide God
þe weye; and he chaungide, bi ſprengynge of powdre, þe mouþ and þe kyng; for what þing þei ledden hym out of þe citee,
and his eyen. and wiþ ſtonus ſlowen.
xxxix And whanne þe king was paſſid, he criede to þe kyng, xiiii And þei ſenten to Jeſabel, ſeiynge, Naboth is ſtoned, and
and ſeiþ, Þi ſeruaunt wente out `fro nyȝ to fiȝte, and whanne is deed.
o man was flowen, a maner man brouȝte hym to me, and xv It is doo forſoþe, whanne Jeſabel hadde herd Naboth
ſeiþ, Keep þis man; þe which if were ſlyden a weye, þi lijf ſtoned and deed, ſhe ſpak to Achab, Rijs, weeld þe vyn ȝerd
ſhal be for þe lijf of hym, or a talent of ſiluer þou ſhalt ȝeelde. of Naboth Jezraelite, þat wold not to þee aſſente, and ȝyue it,
xl Forſoþe while Y diſturblid hidir and þidyr turnede me, þe monee taken; forſoþe Naboth lyueþ not, but he is deed.
feerly he aperide not. And þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to hym, þis xvi Þe which þing whanne Achab hadde herd, þat Naboth is
is þi dome þat þi ſelf haſt demyd. deed, he roos, and cam doun into þe vyn ȝerd of Naboth
xli And he anoon wipide aweye þe powdre fro his face, and þe Jezraelite, þat he weelde it.
kyng of Irael knewe him, þat he was of þe prophetis. xvii Þanne þe word of þe Lord is doon to Helias Theſbites,
xlii Þe whiche ſeiþ to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, For þou ſeiynge,
haſt laft a man worþi þe deeþ fro þin hoond, þi lijf ſhal be for xviii Rijs, and come down into aȝen comynge to Achab, kyng
þe lijf of hym, and þi puple for his puple. of Irael, þat is in Samarye; loo! to þe vyn ȝerd of Naboth he
xliii Þanne þe kyng of Irael turnede aȝen `in to his hows, deſſendide, þat he weelde it.
diſpiſynge to here, and ful of woodnes cam in to Samarie. xix And þou ſhalt ſpeke to hym, ſeiynge, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe
Lord God, Þow haſt ſlayn, and furþermore þou haſt weeldid;
Capitulum XXI. and after þes þingis þow ſhalt adde, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord,
i Aftir
In þis place, in þe which houndis lickiden þe blood of
þes wordis forſoþe, in þat tyme, þere was a vyn to Naboth, ſhulen lick and þi blood.
Naboth Jezraelite, þat was in Jezrael, biſide þe paleys of xx And Achab ſeiþ to Helyas, Wheþer þow haſt foundun me
Achab, kyng of Samarye. þin enemy? Þe which ſeide, I haue founden, forþi þat þou be
ii Þanne ſpak Achab to Naboth, ſeiynge, Ȝif to me þi vyn
ſolde þat þou doo yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
ȝerd, þat I make to me a wort ȝerd, for it is niȝ, and biſide xxi Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! I ſhal brynge yn
myn hows; and I ſhal ȝyue to þee for it a betere vyn ȝerd; or yuel vpon þee, and I ſhal hewe of þin hyndirmoris, and ſlee
if more profitable þow wenyſt to þee, of ſiluer þe prijs as fro Achab a piſſer to þe wal, and þe cloſid, and þe laſt in
myche as it is worþ, I ſhal ȝeue. Irael;
iii To whom anſwerde Naboth, Merciful be to me þe Lord,
xxii and I ſhal ȝyue þin hows as þe hows of Jeroboam, þe
þat I ȝyue not þe heritage of my fadres to þee. ſone of Nabath, and as þe hows of Baaſa, þe ſone of Achia;
iiii Þanne Achab cam into his hows, endeynynge, and
for þou haſt doon þat þou terre me to wraþ, and þou haſt
grutchynge vpon þe word þat Naboth Jezraelite hadde ſpoken maad Irael to ſynne.
to hym, ſeiynge, I ſhal not ȝyue to þee þe heritage of my xxiii But and of Jeſabel þe Lord haþ ſpokyn, ſeiynge,
faders; and þrowynge hym ſelf into his bed turnede a weye Houndis ſhulen eete Jezabel in þe feelde of Jezrael;
his face to þe wal, and eete not breed. xxiiii if Achab were deed in þe citee, houndis ſhulen ete hym;
v Forſoþe Jezabel, his wijf, wente into hym, and ſeide to hym,
What is þat, wherof þi ſoule is drery? and whi etiſt þou not forſoþe if he were deed in þe feelde, foulis of heuene ſhulen
breed? ete hym.
xxv Þerfor þere was non oþer ſiche as Achab, þat is ſold þat
vi Þe which anſwerde to hire, I ſpak to Naboth Jezraelite,
and ſeide to hym, Ȝif to me þi vyn ȝerd, þe monee takyn, or he do yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; forſoþe Jezabel, his wijf,
ſtiryde hym;


xxvi and abomynable is maad, inſomiche þat he folwide þe xvii And he ſeiþ, I ſawȝ al Irael to ſcaterde in hillis, as ſheep
mawmettis þat Amorreis maden, whom þe Lord deſtruyde fro not hauynge ſheepherd; and þe Lord ſeiþ, Þes han not a lord,
þe face of þe ſonis of Yrael. echon turn aȝen into his hows in pees.
xxvii And ſo whanne Achab hadde herd þes wordis, he kitte xviii Þanne þe kyng of Irael ſeide to Joſaphat, Wheþer I
his clooþ, and couerde his fleſh wiþ an heire, and he faſtide, ſeide noȝt to þee, for he prophecyede not to me good, but
and ſlepte in a ſak, and wente, þe heed leyd doun. euermore euyl?
xxviii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to Helye Theſbite, xix Forſoþe he addynge ſeiþ, Þerfor here þe word of þe Lord;
ſeiynge, I ſawȝ þe Lord vpon his ſee ſittynge, and al þe ooſt of
xxix Wheþer haſt þou not ſeen Achab mekyd before me? heuene ſtondynge neeȝ to hym, fro þe riȝt and fro þe left.
Þanne for he is mekid bi cheſoun of me, I ſhal not brynge yn xx And þe Lord ſeiþ, Who ſhal deſſeyue Achab, kyng of
þe yuel in þe days of hym, but in þe dais of his ſone I ſhal Yrael, þat he ſtie vp, and falle in Ramoth Galaad? And oon
brynge yn þe yuel to þe hows of hym. ſeide ſiche maner wordis, and anoþer oþerwiſe.
xxi Forſoþe a ſpirit wente out, and ſtood before þe Lord, and
Capitulum XXII. ſeiþ, I ſhal deſſeyue hym.
xxii To whom þe Lord ſpak, In what? And he ſeiþ, I ſhal
i Three ȝeer þanne paſſiden ouer wiþ outen batail bitwixe
Cirye and Irael. goon out, and I ſhal be a ſpirit leeȝer in þe mouþ of alle þe
ii Forſoþe in þe þridde ȝeer Joſaphat, kyng of Juda, cam
prophetis of hym. And þe Lord ſeide, Þou ſhalt deſſeyue, and
haue þe ouerhoond; go out, and do ſo.
doun to þe kyng of Irael. xxiii Now þanne, loo! þe Lord haþ ȝeuen a ſpirit of leſynge in
iii And þe kyng of Irael ſeyde to his ſeruauntis, Vnknowe ȝe,
þe mouþ of alle þi prophetis þat here ben; and þe Lord ſpak
þat Ramoth Galaad is oure, and we ben negligent to take it aȝens þee yuel.
fro þe hoond of þe kyng of Cyrye? xxiiii Forſoþe Sedechias, þe ſone of Chanaan, cam nyȝ, and
iiii And he ſeiþ to Joſaphath, Shalt þou not come wiþ me to
ſmoot Mychie in to þe cheeke, and ſeiþ, Wheþir þanne þe
fiȝt in Ramoth Galaad? Spirite of þe Lord haþ laft me, and ſpoken to þee?
v And Joſaphath ſeide to þe kyng of Irael, As Y am, ſo and xxv And Mychie ſeiþ, Þou art to ſeen in þat day, whanne þou
þow; my puple and þi puple ben oon, and mi horſmen and þi ſhalt goon into þe bed place wiþ ynne þe bedde, þat þou be
horſmen. And Joſaphath ſeide to þe kyng of Irael, Seche, I hidde.
praye þee, þe word of þe Lord to day. xxvi And þe kyng of Irael ſeiþ, Takiþ Mychie, and dwel he
vi Þanne þe kyng of Irael gaderide þe prophetis about foure
anentis Amon, þe prynce of þe citee, and anentis Joas, þe
hundrid men, and ſeiþ to hem, Shal I goo into Ramoth ſone of Amalech;
Galaad to fiȝte, or reſte? Þe whiche anſwerden, Sty vp, and xxvii and ſeiþ to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Puttiþ þis
þe Lord ſhal ȝeue it in þe hoond of þe kyng. man into priſoun, and ſuſteyneþ hym wiþ breed of
vii Joſaphath forſoþe ſeide, Is þere not here eny man a
tribulacioun, and wiþ water of angwiſhe, to þe tyme þat I
prophete of þe Lord, þat we aſken bi hym? turne aȝen in pees.
viii And þe kyng of Irael ſeiþ to Joſaphat, Þere is laft o xxviii And Mychie ſeide, If þow turne aȝen in pees, þe Lord
man, bi þe which we mowen aſke þe Lord; but and I haue haþ not ſpoken in me. And he ſeiþ, Here ȝe, alle puplis.
hatid hym, for he propheſieþ not to me good, but yuel, xxix And ſo þe kyng of Irael ſtieþ vp, and Joſaphath, kyng of
Mycheas, þe ſone of Hyemla. To whom Joſaphath ſeiþ, Spek Juda, into Ramoth Galaad.
þou not ſo, kyng. xxx And ſo þe king of Yrael ſeide to Joſaphath, Tak aarmys,
ix Þanne þe kyng of Irael clepide a maner geldyng, and ſeide
to hym, Hy to brynge to Mychie, þe ſone of Hyemla. and goo into batail, and be þou cloþid wiþ þi cloþis. But þe
x Þe kyng of Irael forſoþe, and Joſaphath, kyng of Juda,
kyng of Irael chaungide his habite, and wente into batayl.
xxxi Þe kyng forſoþe of Cirye comaundide to þe princis of þe
ſeeten, echon in her ſee, cloþid wiþ kyngis ournynge, in þe chaaris, two and þretti, ſeiynge, Ȝe ſhulen not fiȝte aȝens þe
corn floore biſide þe dore of þe ȝaat of Samarie; and alle þe laſſe, and aȝens any more, but oonli aȝens þe kyng of Irael.
prophetis prophecieden in þe ſiȝt of hem. xxxii Whanne þanne þe pryncis hadden ſeen þe chaar of
xi Forſoþe Sedechias, þe ſone of Chanaan, maade to hym
yren horns, and ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Wiþ þes Joſaphath, þei ouertroweden þat he hadde ben kyng of Irael,
þou ſhalt wyndowe Cyrye, to þe tyme þat þou doo it a weye. and þe birre maad þei fouȝten aȝens hym. And Joſaphath
xii And alle þe prophetis lijc maner prophecieden, ſeiynge, Sty
cried out;
xxxiii and þe princis of þe charis vndirſtoden, þat it was not
vp into Ramoth Galaad, and goo welſumli; þe Lord ſhal take þe kyng of Irael, and þei ceſeden fro hym.
in þe hoond of þe kyng þin enemyes. xxxiiii A maner man bente a boowe, into vncerteyn dreſſynge
xiii Þe meſſager forſoþe, þat was goon for to clepe Mychie,
ſpak to hym, ſeiynge, Loo! þe wordis of þe prophetis wiþ oon an arowe, and bi hap he ſmoot þe kyng of Irael bytwixe þe
mouþ to þe kyng good þinges prechen; þanne be þi word lijc lunge and þe ſtomak. And he ſeide to hys charyeter, Turn þin
of hem, and ſpeke good þingis. hond, and caſt out me fro þe ooſt, for greuouſli Y am
xiiii To whom Mychie ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ, for what euer
xxxv Þanne þe batail is don in þat dai, and þe kyng of Irael
þing þe Lord ſeye to me, þat I ſhal ſpeke. ſtood in his chaar aȝens Cyryes, and is deed at euen. Forſoþe
xv And ſo he cam to þe kyng. And þe kyng ſeiþ to hym,
þe blood of þe wound flowide in to þe boſum of þe chaar.
Mychie, ſhulen we goo in to Ramoth Galaad to fiȝte, or xxxvi And þe bedel fulſouned in al þe ooſt, before þe ſunne
ceeſe? To whom he anſwerde, Sty, and go welſumli; and þe wente doun, ſeiynge, Echon turne aȝen into þe citee, and into
Lord ſhal take it in þe hoond of þe kyng. his loond.
xvi Forſoþe þe kyng ſeide to hym, Eft and eft I adiure þee,
xxxvii Þe kyng forſoþe is deed, and is born into Samarye;
þat þou ſpeke not to me, but þat is ſoþ in name of þe Lord. and þei biryeden þe kyng in Samarie.


xxxviii And þei waſſhen his chaar in þe fiſh poond of

Samarye, and houndis lickeden his blood, and þei lickeden þe
bridils, after þe word of þe Lord þat was ſpokyn.
xxxix Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Achab, and al þat
he dide, and þe yuer hows þat he beeldide, and of al þe citees
þat he made vp, wheþer not þes ben wryten in þe book of þe
wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael?
xl Þanne Achab ſlept wiþ his faders, and Ochozias, his ſone,
regnede for hym.
xli Joſaphat forſoþe, þe ſone of Aſa, began to regne vpon
Juda, þe ferþ ȝeer of Achab, kyng of Yrael.
xlii Of fyue and þretti ȝeer he was, whanne he began to
regne, and fyue and twenti ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þe
name of his moder Azuba, þe douȝter of Salai.
xliii And he wente in al þe weye of Aſa, his fader, and he
bowide not aſide fro it; and he dide þat is riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe
Lord. Neuerþelater þe heiȝe þingis he dyde not a weye, ȝit
forſoþe þe puple ſacrifiede, and brente encenſe in heȝtis.
xliiii And Joſaphath hadde pees wiþ þe kyng of Irael.
xlv Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joſaphath, and his
werkis þat he dide, and batails, wheþer not þes ben wryten in
þe book of þe wordis of þe days of `þe kyngis of Juda?
xlvi But and þe relikis of þe wommannyſh maad men, þat
laften in days of Aſa, his fader, he dide aweye fro þe loond.
xlvii And þere was not þanne a kyng ordeynyd in Edom.
xlviii Forſoþe kyng Joſaphath made nauees in þe ſee, `þe
whiche ſaileden in to Oofer for gold, and þei myȝten not goon,
for þei ben broken in Aziongober.
xlix Þanne Ochozias, þe ſone of Achab, ſeiþ to Joſaphath, My
ſeruauntis goon wiþ þi ſeruauntis in ſhippis. And Joſaphat
wold not.
l And Joſaphath ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biried wiþ hem
in þe citee of Dauid, his fader; and Joram, hys ſone, regnede
for hym.
li Forſoþe Ochozias, þe ſone of Achab, began to regne vpon
Yrael, in Samarye, þe ſeuentynþe ȝeer of Joſaphath, kyng of
Juda; and he regnede vpon Yrael two ȝeer.
lii And he dide yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and he wente in þe
weye of his fader, and of his moder, and in þe weye of
Jeroboam, ſone of Nabath, þat made Irael to ſynne.
liii Forſoþe he ſeruede to Baal, and honourde hym, and he
terrede þe Lord God of Irael, aftir alle þingis þat his fader
Here eendiþ þe þridde book of Kyngis, and
now bigynneþ þe fourþe.


xvii Þanne he is deed aftir þe word of þe Lord, þat Helye

IIII. KYNGIS. ſpac; and Joram, his broþir, regnede for hym, þe ſeconde ȝeer
of Joram, þe ſone of Joſaphath, kyng of Jude; forſoþe he
Þe fourþe of Kyngus. hade not a ſone.
xviii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ochoſie, `þe whiche
Capitulum I. he wrouȝt, wheþir þei ben not writen in þe boke of þe wordis
of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael?
i Moab forſoþe treſpaſſide in Yrael, aftir þat Acab was deed.
ii And Ochoſias felle þoruȝ þe wyndowes of his ſoupynge Capitulum II.
place, þat he hade in Samarye, and he wexe ſeeke; and he i Done
ſente meſſangers, ſeiynge to hem, Gooþ, and counſeliþ it is forſoþ, whan þe Lord wolde reren Helyas by a
Belzabub, þe god of Accharon, wheþer I may lyue fro þis whyrlwynd in to heuen, Helyas and Helyſe wenten fro
myn infirmyte. Galgalis.
iii Þe aungel forſoþe of þe Lord ſpak to Helias Theſbytes, ii And Helyas to Helyſe ſeide, Sytt here, for þe Lord haþ ſent
ſeyinge, Riys, and go doun in to þe aȝein commynge of þe me vnto Bethel. To whom ſeiþ Heleſe, þe Lord liueþ and þi
meſſagers of þe kynge of Samarie; and þou ſchalt ſeye to ſoule liueþ, for I ſchal not forſake þee. And whanne þei
hem, Wheþer God is not in Yrael, þat ȝe goon to counſeylen weren goo doun fro Bethel,
Belzabub, þe god of Accharon? iii þe ſonys of prophetis, þat weren in Bethel, wenten out to
iiii Wherfore þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Fro þe bed, upon þe Helyſee, and ſeyden to hym, Wheþer þou haſt knowe, for þe
whiche þou ſteyȝidiſt up, þou ſchalt not goo doun, bot bi deþ Lord to day ſchal taken þi lord fro þee? Þe whiche anſwerde,
þou ſchalt dyen. And Helias went. And I haue knowen; beeþ ſtylle.
v And þe meſſagers ben turned aȝeyn to Ochoſias. `Þe whiche iiii Helyas forſoþe ſeide to Heliſe, Sytt heere, for þe Lord haþ
ſeyde to hem, Why ben ȝe turned aȝeyn? ſente me into Jericho. And he ſeiþ, Þe Lord liueþ and þy
vi And þei anſwerden to hym, A man aȝein came to us, and ſoule liueþ, for I ſchal not forſake þee. And when þei weren
commen to Jericho,
ſeyde to us, Gooþ, and turneþ aȝein to þe kynge, þat ſente v þe ſonys of prophetis, þat weren in Jericho, neyȝiden to
ȝou; and ȝe ſchuln to hym ſeyn, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord,
Wheþer for þere was not God in Yrael, þou ſentiſt, þat Helyſe, and ſeyden to hym, Wheþer þou haſt knowen, þat þe
Belzabub be counſeyled, þe god of Aacharon? Þerfore fro þe Lord ſchal taken to day þi lord fro þee? And he ſeiþ, I haue
bed upon þe whiche þou ſteiȝediſt up, þou ſchalt not goo doun, knowen; beeþ ſtyll.
bot by deþ þou ſchalt dye. vi Helyas forſoþe ſeyde to hym, Sytt here, for þe Lord haþ
vii Þe whiche ſeyde to hem, Of what fygure and habyte is þat ſente me vnto Jordan. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Þe Lord liueþ and þi
man, þat aȝeyn came to ȝou, and ſpake to ȝou þeſe wordis? ſoule lyueþ, for I ſchal not forſake þee. Þanne boþ þei wenten
viii And þei ſeyden, A rowȝ man, and wiþ an hery gyrdyl to gydre;
vii and fyfty men of þe ſonys of prophetis foloweden, þe
gyrd to þe reenys. Þe whiche ſeiþ, Helyas Theſbytes it is.
ix And he ſente to hym þe prince of fyftye, and þe fyfty men whiche and ſtoden forn aȝeynſt aferre; þei forſoþe ſtoden boþ
upon Jordane.
þat wiþ hym weren. Þe whiche ſteiȝiden up to hym, and to viii And Helyas tooke his mantyll, and inwrappyde it, and
hym ſyttynge in þe cop of þe hill ſeiþ, Man of God, þe kynge
comaundid, þat þou come doun. ſmote þe watirs; þe whiche ben deuydid in to eiþir partye, and
x And Helyas anſwerynge ſeiþ to þe quynquagenarye, Ȝif þe þei wenten boþ þorȝ þe drye.
ix And whanne þei weren goon ouer, Helyas ſeyde to Heliſe,
man of God I am, come doun fijr fro heuen, and deuoure þee
and þi fyfty men. Þan fijr came doun fro heuen, and Aſke þat þou wilt, þat I doo to þee, er I be taken awey fro
deuouride hym, and þe fyfty þat weren wiþ hym. þee. And Heliſe ſeyde, I beſeche, þat þer be doo þi ſpirite
xi Eft he ſente to hym anoþer prynce of fyfty, and fyfty wiþ double in me.
x Þe whiche anſwerde, An hard þing þou haſt aſkede; neuer
hym, þe whiche ſpac to hym, Man of God, þeſe þinges ſeþ þe
kynge, Hyȝe, come doun. þe later ȝif þou ſeeſt me, whanne I ſchal be taken fro þee, it
xii Anſwerynge Helyas ſeiþ, Ȝif þe man of God I am, come ſchal be þat þou haſt aſkyde; ȝif forſoþe þou ſeeſt not, it ſchal
not be.
doun fijr fro heuen, and deuoure þee and þi fyfty. Þan þe fijr xi And whanne þei wenten, and goynge ſpeke wordis, loo! þe
of God came doun fro heuen, and deuouride hym and his
fyfty. fijren chaare and þe fijren hors deuyden euer eiþer; and
xiii Eft ſoonys he ſente þe þridd prynce of fyfty, and þe fyfty Helyas ſteyȝide up by `þe whirlwynde in to heuen.
xii Heliſe forſoþe ſawe, and criede, Fader myn! fader myn! þe
þat weren wiþ hym. Þe whiche whan was commen, bowed þe
kneeȝis aȝeins Hely, and preyede him, and ſeiþ, Man of God, chaar of Yrael, and charieter of it. And he ſawȝ hym no
wylle þou not diſpijſe my lijf, and þe lijues of þi ſeruauntis more. And he toke his cloþis, and kutt hem in to two partyes.
þat ben wiþ me. xiii And he rerede þe mantyll of Helye, þat hadde fallen to
xiiii Loo! fijre came doun fro heuen, and deuourede þe two hym; and, turned aȝein, ſtode upon þe brynke of Jordan.
firſt princis of fyfty, and þe fyftees þat weren wiþ hem; and xiiii And wiþ þe mantyll of Helye, þat hadde fallen to hym, he
now, I beſeche, þat þou haue mercye to my lijf. ſmote þe waters, and þei ben not deuydid. And he ſeide,
xv Þe aungel forſoþe of þe Lord ſpak to Helyas Theſbytes, Where is þe God of Helye alſo nowe? And he ſmote þe
ſeyinge, Comme doun wiþ hym; ne drede þou. Þanne he rooſe watirs, and þei ben dyuydid hidre and þidre; and Heliſee
and came doun wiþ hym to þe kynge; paſſede ouer.
xvi and ſpac to hym, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, For þou ſentiſt xv Forſoþe þe ſonys of þe prophetis þat weren in Jericho,
meſſagers to counſeylen Belzabub, god of Accharon, as þer ſeeinge, aȝeinward ſeyden, Þe ſpirite of Helye haþ reſtyde
were not God in Yrael, of þe whiche þou miȝtiſt not aſken a upon Heliſee. And þei commynge in to aȝein commynge of
worde; þerfore fro þi bed, upon þe whiche þou ſteyȝidiſt up, hym, honoureden hym redye in to þe erþ.
þou ſchalt not goo doun, bot by deþ þou ſchalt dye.


xvi And þei ſeyden to hym, Loo! wiþ þi ſeruauntis ben fyfty xii And Joſaphath ſeiþ, Is þer anentis hym þe worde of þe
ſtronge men, þat mown goon, and ſeechen þi lord, leſt Lord? And þe kyng of Yrael came doun to hym, and
perauenture þe Spirite of þe Lord haue taken hym, and Joſaphath, kyng of Juda, and þe kyng of Edom.
þrowen hym in oon of þe hillis, or in oon of þe valeys. Þe xiii Forſoþe Heliſee ſeyde to þe kyng of Yrael, What is to me
whiche ſeiþe, Wylle ȝe not ſenden. and to þee? Goo to þe prophetis of þi fadir and þi modir. And
xvii And þey conſtreyniden hym, to tyme þat he aſſentide to þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to hym, Why þe Lord haþ gaderde þeſe
hem, and ſeyde, Sendiþ. And þei ſenten fyfty men; whiche þree kyngis, þat he take hem in to þe hondis of Moab?
whanne hadden ſouȝt þree days, founden not. xiiii And Helyſe ſeyde to hym, Þe Lord of hooſtis liueþ, in
xviii And þei turneden aȝeyn to hym; and he dwellyde in whoſe ſiȝt I ſtonde, þat ȝif not þe cheer of Joſaphath, kyng of
Jericho. And he ſeyde to hem, Wheþer I ſeyde not to ȝou, Juda, I ſchamyde, forſoþ I ſchulde not haue taken hede to
Williþ not ſenden? þee, ne haue byholden.
xix Þan þe men of þe cytee ſeyden to Helyſe, Lo! þe xv Now forſoþe bryngiþ to me an ſawtrer. And whanne þe
dwellynge of þis cytee is beſt, as þou þi ſilf, lord, byholdiſt; ſawtrer ſonge, þe honde of þe Lord is don upon hym, and he
bot and þe watirs ben werſt, and þe erþ bareyn. ſeiþ,
xx And he ſeiþ, Bringiþ to me a newe veſſel, and puttiþ in it xvi Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Makiþ þe wombe of þis ſtreme
ſalt. Þe whiche whan þey hadden brouȝte, dychis and dychis.
xxi goon oute to þe welle of watirs, he putte in to it ſalt, and xvii Forſoþe þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe ſchuln not ſeen
ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, I haue heelide þeſe watirs, wynde, ne reyn, and þis wombe ſchal ben fulfilled wiþ watirs,
and þere ſchal be no more in hem deþ, ne bareynte. and drynke ſchuln ȝe, and ȝoure meyne, and ȝoure beeſtis.
xxii Þanne þe watirs ben helyde into þis day, aftir þe word of xviii Lytyll is þis in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. Ferþermore alſo he
Heliſe, þat he ſpac. ſchal taken Moab in to ȝoure hondis;
xxiii Forſoþe Heliſe ſteyȝide up þens in to Bethel; and xix and ȝe ſchul ſmyten alle ſtreyngþid cytee, and alle choſen
whanne he ſchulde ſtey up by þe weye, lytyl children wenten cyte, and ȝe ſchuln hewen doun eche tree berynge fruyt, and
out fro þe cyte, and ſcorneden to hym ſeyinge, Stey up, alle þe wellis of watirs ȝe ſchuln ſtoppen, and alle noble feeld
ballard! ſtey up, ballard! ȝe ſchuln coueren wiþ ſtonys.
xxiiii Þe whiche whan he byheld, ſawȝe hem, and curſed to xx It is doo þan erly, whann ſacrifice is wont to be offerd,
hem in name of þe Lord. And two beris wente oute fro þe and, loo! watirs camen by þe weye of Edom; and þe erþ is
wyild wode, and totereden of hem two and fourty chyldren. fulfillid wiþ watirs.
xxv Forſoþe he wente þens in to þe hill of Carmele, and þens xxi Alle forſoþe Moabitis herynge, þat kyngis hadden ſteyȝiden
turnede aȝein in to Samarye. up, þat þei fiȝten aȝeynus hem, þei clepiden to gydre alle þat
weren gird abowen wiþ knyȝtis gyrdill, and þei ſtoden in þe
Capitulum III. termys.
xxii And firſt erly rijſynge, and nowe þe ſunne ſprungen forn
i Joram forſoþ, þe ſone of Acab, regnede upon Yrael, in aȝeinſt of þe watirs, Moabitis ſeen aȝenward rede watirs as
Samarie, þe eiȝteenþ ȝeer of Joſaphath, kyng of Juda. blode.
ii And he regnyde twelue ȝeer, and dyde yuel bifore þe Lord, xxiii And þei ſeiden, Blood of ſwerde it is; þe kyngis han
bot not as his fadir and modir; forſoþe he toke aweye þe fouȝten aȝeynſt hem ſeluen, and þei ben ſlayn to gidre; nowe,
ymagis of Baal, þat his fadir hadde maade, Moab, goo to þe praye.
iii neuer þe latir he cleeuyde in þe ſynnys of Jeroboam, þe xxiiii And þei wenten in to þe tentis of Yrael; forſoþe Yrael
ſone of Nabath, þat made Yrael to ſynnen; and he wente not ryiſynge ſmote Moab, and þei flowen byfore hem. Þanne
aweye fro hem. camen þei þat ouercomen, and ſmyten Moab,
iiii Forſoþe Meſa, þe kyng of Moab, nuryſchede many beeſtis, xxv and diſtruyden þe cytees; and alle þe beſt feelde þei
and payed to þe kyng of Yrael an hundreþ þouſand of lombis, fulfilliden, eche ſeendynge ſtoonys; and alle þe wellis of watirs
and an hundreþ þouſand of weþeris, wiþ þeir fleeſes. þei ſtoppyden, and alle þe treeſe berynge fruyt þei heweden
v And whann Acab was deed, he brake þe bonde of peſe þat doun, ſo þat oonly þe wallis made wiþ erþe laften; and þe cyte
he hade wiþ þe kyng of Yrael. is enuyround of ſlyngers, and of grete partye ſmyten.
vi Þann kyng Joram wente out in þat day fro Samarie, and xxvi And whanne kyng Moab hadde ſeen, þat is, þe enemyes
noumbrede alle Yrael. to han þe ouerhond, he tooke wiþ him ſeuen hundreþ men
vii And he ſente to Joſaphath, kyng of Juda, ſeyinge, Kynge drawynge oute ſwerdis, þat þei breken oute to king Edom;
Moab is goon aweye fro me; comme wiþ me aȝeynſt hym to and þei myȝten not.
batayl. Þe whiche anſwerde, I ſchal ſteyen up; he þat is myn, xxvii And takynge his firſt goten ſone, þat was to regnen for
is þyne; my puple þi puple, and myn hors þin hors. hym, he offerd brent ſacrifice upon þe wall; and greet
viii And he ſeyde, By what weye ſchuln we ſteyȝen up? And indignacioun is made in Yrael; and anoon þei wenten aweye
he anſwerde, By þe deſert of Ydume. fro hym, and turneden aȝeyn into þeir lond.
ix Þann þe kyng of Yrael, and þe kyng of Juda, and þe kyng
of Edom, wenten, and ȝeeden aboute by þe weye of ſeuene Capitulum IIII.
days; and þer was not watir to þe hooſt, and to þe beeſtis, i Forſoþe a maner womman of þe wiyuys of prophetis cryede
þat foleweden hem. to Heliſe, ſeyinge, Þy ſeruaunt, my man, is deed, and þou
x And þe kyng of Yrael ſeide, Allas! allas! allas! þe Lord haſt knowen for þy ſeruaunt was dreedynge God; and loo! a
haþ gaderd us þree kyngis, þat he take in þe hond of Moab. creaunſure came, þat he take my two ſonys to ſeruen to hym.
xi And Joſaphath ſeiþ, Is þere not a prophete of þe Lord, þat ii To whom ſeyde Heliſee, What wilt þou þat I doo to þee?
we preyen þe Lord by hym? And oon anſwerde of þe ſey to me, what haſt þou in þin hous? And ſche anſwerde, I
ſeruauntis of þe kynge of Yrael, Þere is here Heliſee, þe ſone þi ſeruaunt haue not eny þinge in my hous, bot a lytill of
of Saphath, þat heelde watir vpon þe hondis of Helye. oyle, by þe whiche I be anoyntid.


iii To whome he ſeiþ, Goo, and aſke by borwynge of alle þi xxv Þan ſche wente forþe, and came to þe man of God, in to
neyȝbours voyd veſſellis not fewe. þe hill of Carmele. And whan þe man of God hade ſeen hyre
iiii And goo in, and cloſe þi dore, whanne þou and þi ſonys forn aȝeynſt, he ſeiþ to Giazi, his chijld, Lo! þat Sunamyte;
weren wiþ inne forþ; and putte þerof in to alle þeſe veſſellis; xxvi go þan in to aȝein commynge of hyre, and ſeye to hyre,
and whanne þei weren ful, þou ſchalt take. Wheþir riȝt it is don aboute þee, and þi man, and þi chylde?
v And ſo þe woman wente, and cloſede þe dore vpon hir ſilf Þe whiche anſwerde, Riȝt.
and vpon hir children, þei offerden veſſelis, and ſche heelde in. xxvii And whann ſche was commen to þe man of God, in to
vi And whanne þe veſſelis weren fulle, ſche ſeyde to hire ſone, þe hyll, ſche cauȝte his feete; and Giazi wente niȝ, for to
Brynge to me ȝit a veſſel. And he anſwerde, I haue not. And meuen hyre aweye. And þe man of God ſeiþ, Lete hyr; forſoþe
þe oyle ſtode. þe liyf of hyre is in bytterneſſe, and þe Lord haþ hillid fro
vii Sche forſoþe came, and ſchewide to þe man of God; and me, and haþ not ſchewed to me.
xxviii Þe whiche ſeyde to hym, Wheþir I aſkide my ſone of
he, Goo, he ſeiþ, ſylle þe oyle, and ȝeelde to þi creaunſer; þou
forſoþe and þi ſonys liuiþ of þe remnaunt. my lord? Wheþir I ſeyde not to þee, Ne begijle þou me?
viii Forſoþe a maner day is done, and Heliſee paſſed þorȝ xxix And he ſeiþ to Giazy, Gyrde þi reenys, and take my ſtaf
Suna cyte; forſoþe þer was þere a grete womman, þat heelde in þin hond, and goo; ȝif eny man aȝein comme to þee, ne
hym, þat he ete brede. And whann oft ſiþes he paſſede þens, ſalute þou hym; and ȝif eny man ſalutiþ þee, anſwere þou not
he turnede aſyde to hyre, þat he ete brede. to hym; and putte my ſtaf vpon þe face of þe chylde.
ix Þe whiche ſeyde to hyre man, I perceyue þat þis is an holy xxx Bot þe moder of þe chyld ſeiþ, Þe Lord lyueþ and þi
man, þat oft ſiþis paſſiþ bi us; ſoule lyueþ, I ſchal not leue þee. Þanne he roos, and folowed
x þanne make we to hym a litill ſoupynge place, and putte we hyre.
xxxi Giazi forſoþe wente before hem, and putt þe ſtaf upon þe
in it to hym a lityll bed, and a borde, and a lytyll ſeete, and a
candilſtyke; þat whanne he comiþ to us, he dwelle þer. face of þe chyld; and þer was not voice, ne witte. And he
xi Þann a maner day is done, and commynge he turnede turned aȝein in to `aȝein commynge of hym; and he tolde to
hym, ſeyinge, Þe child haþ not ryſen.
aſyde in to þe ſoupynge place, and reſtyde þere. xxxii Þan Heliſee wente in to þe hous, and lo! þe child laye
xii And he ſeide to Gyazi, his child, Clepe þis Sunamyte. Þe
deed in þe bed of hym.
whiche whanne hade clepyd hyre, and ſche hadde ſtonden xxxiii And goon in he cloſede þe dore vpon hym, and vpon þe
beforn hym,
xiii he ſeide to his childe, Speke to hire, Lo! biſily in alle chyld; and he preyed þe Lord.
xxxiiii And he ſteiȝide up, and laye vpon þe chyld; and he
þingis þou haſt ſerued to us; what wilt þou þat I do to þee?
Wheþir haſt þou a nede, and wilt þat I ſpeke to þe kyng, or putte his mouþ vpon þe mouþ of hym, and his eeȝen vpon þe
to þe prince of chyualrye? Þe whiche anſwerd, In þe mydil of eeȝen of hym, and his hondis vpon þe hondis of hym. And he
my peple I dwelle. bowede hym ſilf vpon hym; and made hoote is þe fleſche of þe
xiiii And he ſeiþ, What þanne ſche wille þat I do to hyre? chyld.
xxxv And he eft `turnede aȝein in þe hous oonys hydre and
And Giazi ſeide to hym, Ne aſke þou, forſoþe ſche haþ no
ſone, and hyre man is olde. þidre; and he ſteiȝide vp, and laye vpon hym, and þe chyld
xv And ſo he comaundid, þat he clepe hyre. Þe whiche breþed ſeuen ſiþes, and opnede þe eeȝen.
xxxvi And he clepide Giazi, and ſeyde to hym, Clepe þis
whanne was clepid, and hade ſtonden byfore þe doore,
xvi he ſeyde to hyre, In þis tyme and in þis ſame houre, ȝif Sunamyte. Þe whiche clepid wente in to hym. Þe whiche
ſeiþ, Take þi ſone.
þe liyf were leder, þou ſchalt haue a ſone in þy wombe. And xxxvii Sche came, and felle at hys feet, and honourede vpon
ſche anſwerde, Wylle þou not, I beſeche, my lord, man of
God, wylle þou not lyȝen to þin hond womman. þe erþe; and ſche toke hyre ſone, and wente oute.
xvii And þe womman conceyuede, and bare a chijlde in tyme, xxxviii And Heliſee turnede aȝein in to Galgala. Forſoþe þer
and in þe ſame houre, þat Heliſe hadde ſeyde. was hunger in þe lond, and þe ſonys of prophetis dwelliden
xviii Forſoþe þe child wexe; and whan þer was a maner day, before hym. And Heliſee ſeyde to oon of his childre, Sete a
grete potte, and ſeeþe potage to þe ſonis of prophetes.
and he was gon oute to his fadir, and to þe repers, xxxix And oon wente oute in to þe feelde, þat he gedre wijld
xix he ſeiþ to his fadir, Myn heued `I aake, my heued `I
herbis; and he foond as a wijld vyne, and he gederde of it
aake. And he ſeyde to a childe, Take, and leed hym to his wijld gourdis of þe feeld. And he fulfillide his mantylle, and
modir. turnede aȝein, and hewede to gydre in to þe pott of potage; he
xx Þe whiche whanne he hadde taken, and lade to his modir, wyſt not forſoþe what it was.
ſche putte hym upon hir knees vnto þe mydday, and he is xl Þanne þey helden in to felawis, þat þei myȝten eten; and
deed. whanne þei haden taſtyden of þe ſeeþinge, þei crieden oute,
xxi Forſoþe ſche ſteiȝede up, and leyde hym vpon þe bed of þe ſeyinge, Deþ in þe pott! deþ in þe pott! man of God. And þei
man of God, and cloſede þe dore. And ſche gon oute, myȝten not eeten.
xxii clepyde hyre man, and ſeiþ, Sende wiþ me, I biſech, oon xli And he, Bryngiþ to, he ſeiþ, mele. And whanne þei haden
of þe childre, and a ſche aſſe, and I ſchal rennen oute vnto þe brouȝt, he putt in to þe pott, and ſeiþ, Heeldiþ in to þe puple,
man of God, and turnen aȝein. þat þei eten; and þere was no more eny þing of bytterneſſe in
xxiii Þe whiche ſeiþ to hyre, For what cauſe goſt þou to him? þe pott.
to day ben not kalendis, ne ſabot. Þe whiche anſwerde, I xlii Forſoþe a maner man came fro Balſaliſa, bryngynge to þe
ſchal goon. man of God loouys of firſt fruytes, and tenne barly loouys,
xxiiii And ſche greyþede þe ſche aſſe, and comaundid to þe and newe whete, in his bagge. And he ſeide, Ȝeue to þe
chijlde, Driyf, and go forþ; ne make þou to me abijdynge in puple, þat it ete.
goynge, and þat doo þat I comaunde to þee. xliii And his ſeruaunt anſwerde to hym, Howe myche is þis,
þat I putt before an hundreþ men? Eft he ſeiþ, Ȝeue to þe


puple, þat it ete; þeſe þingis forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord, Þei ſchul fro þe lond; forſoþe þi ſeruaunt ſchal no more make brent
eten, and þer ſchal leuen ouer. ſacrifice, or ſlayn ſacrifice, to alyen goddis, bot to þe Lord.
xliiii And ſo he ſette before hem, þe whiche eeten; and þer laft xviii þis forſoþe oonly is, of þe whiche þou preye þe Lord for
ouer, aftir þe worde of þe Lorde. þi ſeruaunt, whanne my lord goþ in to þe temple of Remmon,
þat he honoure, and hym lenynge vpon myn hond, ȝif I
Capitulum V. honoure in þe temple of Remmon, he honouryng in þe ſame
place, þat þe Lord forȝeue to me, þi ſeruaunt, for þis þing.
i Naaman, þe prince of chyualrye of þe kyng of Cyrye, was a xix Þe whiche ſeide to hym, Goo in peſe. Þann he ȝeede fro
grete man anentis his lord, and a wirſchipide; by hym forſoþe hym þe choſen tyme of þe lond.
þe Lord ȝaue helþ to Cyrye; forſoþe he was a ſtronge man xx And Giazi, þe childe of þe man of God, ſeide, My lord haþ
and riche, but meſell. ſparede to þis Naaman Cyro, þat he take not of hym þat he
ii Forſoþe fro Cyrye wenten out lytyll þeeues, and þei haden
brouȝte; þe Lord liueþ, for I ſchal rennen aftir hym, and I
brouȝt fro þe lond of Yrael a lytill chyld womman caytife, þat ſchal taken of hym ſumwhate.
was in þe ſeruyce of þe wiyf of Naaman. xxi And Giazi folowede aftir þe bac of Naaman; whom whan
iii Þe whiche ſeiþ to hir lady, Wolde God, my lord were at a
he hade ſeen rennynge to hym, he `leep doun of þe chaar in to
prophete þat is in Samarye; forſoþe he ſchulde han helyde aȝein commynge of hym; and ſeiþ, Wheþer riȝt ben alle
hym fro þe lepre þat he haþ. þingis?
iiii And ſo Naaman wente in to his lord, and tolde to hym, xxii And he ſeiþ, Riȝt; my lord ſente me to þee, ſeyinge,
ſeyinge, Þus and þus ſpake þe chyld womman of þe lond of Nowe ben commen to me two yonge men fro þe hyll of
Yrael. Effraym, of þe ſonys of prophetes; ȝeue to hem a talent of
v And ſo þe kyng of Cyrye ſeyde to hym, Go, and I ſchal ſyluer, and double chaungynge cloþis.
ſende letters to þe kyng of Yrael. Þe whiche whann was gon, xxiii And Naaman ſeyde, Beter it is þat þou take two
and hade take wiþ hym tenn talentis of ſyluer, and ſexe talentis. And he conſtreyned hym; and he boond two talentis
þouſand platis of gold, and tenn chaungynge maner of cloþis, of ſyluer in two baggis, and double cloþis, and putte to his
vi he tooke to þe kyng of Yrael lettris in to þeſe wordis; two chylder, þe whiche and bern before hym.
Whanne þou takiſt þis lettre, wyte þou, þat I haue ſente to xxiiii And whanne he was commyn nowe at euen, he tooke fro
þee Naaman my ſeruaunt, þat þou hele hym fro his lepre. þe hond of hem, and leyde up in þe houſe; and he laft þe
vii And whanne þe kyng of Yrael hade red þe letters, he kutte men, and þey wenten aweye.
his cloþis, and ſeiþ, Wheþir a god I am, þat I mow ſlen and xxv He forſoþe goon in ſtode bifore his lord. And Heliſee
quycken, for he haþ ſente to me, þat I hele a man fro his ſeyde, Whenns comyſt þou, Giezi? Þe whiche anſwerde, Þi
lepre? Takiþ heed and ſeeþ, þat occaſiouns he ſechiþ aȝeyns ſeruaunt ȝeede not o whydre.
me. xxvi And he ſeiþ, Wheþer myn hert was not in preſent,
viii Þe whiche whanne Heliſee, þe man of God, hadde herde,
whanne þe man turnede aȝein fro his chaar in to aȝein
þat is, þe kyng of Yrael to han kutte his cloþis, he ſente to commynge of þee? Nowe þanne þou haſt taken ſyluer, and
hym, ſeyinge, Why haſt þou kutte þy cloþis? come he to me, taken cloþes, þat þou bye olyuis, and vinis, and ſcheep, and
and wyte a prophete to be in Yrael. oxen, and ſeruauntis, and hond wymmen;
ix Þanne Naaman came wiþ hors and chaaris, and ſtood at xxvii bot and þe leepre of Naaman ſchal cleue to þee, and to
þe dore of þe hous of Heliſee. þi ſeede in to euermore. And he wente out from hym meſell
x And Heliſee ſente to hym a meſſanger, ſeyinge, Goo, and be as ſnowe.
waſchen ſeuen ſiþis in Jordan; and þi fleſche ſchal receyuen
helþ, and þou ſchalt be clenſed. Capitulum VI.
xi Naaman wroþ wente aweye, ſeyinge, I wende þat he
i Seyden forſoþe þe ſonys of prophetis to Heliſee, Loo! þe
ſchulde goon oute to me, and ſtondynge ſchulde inwardly
clepen þe name of his God, and touche wiþ his hond þe place place in þe whiche we dwellen before þee, is ſtreyt to us;
of þe lepre, and helen me. ii goo we vnto Jordan, and taken eche fro þe wood ſundrye
xii Wheþir not beter ben Abana and Pharphar, þe floodis of matteers, þat we beelden to us þere a place to dwellen. Þe
Damaſk, þanne alle þe waters of Yrael, þat I be waſchen in whiche ſeide, Gooþ.
hem, and be clenſede? Whann þann he hadde turnyde hymſilf, iii And oon of hem ſeiþ, Comme þanne and þou wiþ þi
and goon aweye endeynynge, ſeruauntis. He anſwerde, I ſchal commen.
xiii wenten to hym his ſeruauntis, and ſpeken to hym, Fader, iiii And he wente wiþ hem. And whanne þei weren commen to
and ȝif a grete þinge þe prophete hadde ſeide to þee, certis Jordan, þey hewen treeſe.
þou owediſt to done; myche more for nowe he ſeyde to þee, v It fell forſoþe, þat whanne oon had hewen a mateer, felle þe
Be waſched, and þou ſchalt be clanſede. yren of þe axe in to þe watir; and he criede oute, and ſeiþ,
xiiii He wente doun, and waſche in Jordane ſeuen ſiþis, aftir Allas! allas! allas! my lord, and þat ſame I tooke of
þe worde of þe man of God; and þe fleſche of hym is reſtorid borowynge.
as þe fleſche of a litil chyld, and he is clenſed. vi Forſoþe þe man of God ſeyde, Where felle it? And he
xv And turned aȝein to þe man of God wiþ alle his felawſchip ſchewyde to hym þe place. Þanne he hewede of a tree, and
came, and ſtood before hym; and ſeiþ, Vereyly I woot, þat þer putte þidir; and þe yren ſwam.
is noon oþer God in all erþ, bot oonly þe God of Yrael; alſo, vii And he ſaiþ, Take. Þe whiche ſtrauȝt out þe hoond, and
I beſeche, þat þou take a bliſſynge of þi ſeruaunt. took it.
xvi And he anſwerde, Þe Lord lyueþ before whom I ſtonde, viii Þe kyng forſoþe of Cyrye fauȝte aȝeynſt Yrael; and wente
for I ſchal not taken. And whanne forſynge he made, vtturly in counſeil wiþ his ſeruauntis, ſeiynge, In þis place and þat
he aſſentyde not. ſette we buſchementis.
xvii And ſo Naaman ſeide, As þou wilt; bot, I beſeche,
graunte to me, þi ſeruaunt, þat I take two burdowns charge


ix And ſo þe man of God ſente to þe kynge of Yrael, ſeyinge, xxix Þanne we ſeeþeden my ſone, and eeten. And I ſeide to
Be war, leſt þou paſſe to þat place, for þer ben Cyris in hire þe toþer day, Ȝeue þi ſone, þat we eten hym; þe which
buſchementis. hyde hyre ſone.
x And ſo þe kyng of Yrael ſente to þat place, `þe whiche þe xxx Þe which þing whanne þe kyng hade herde, he kutt his
man of God hade ſpoken to hym, and he before occupiede it, cloþis, and paſſede by þe wall; and alle þe puple ſawe an
and he weytyde hym þere not oonys, ne twyes. hayre, wiþ whiche þe kyng was cloþid at þe fleſch wiþ in
xi And þe herte of þe kyng of Cyrye is diſtourbled for þis forþe.
þing; and, þe ſeruauntis clepid to gydre, ſeiþ, Whi han ȝe not xxxi And þe kynge ſeiþ, Þes þingis do to me God, and þes
ſchewed to me, who be my traitour anentis þe kyng of Yrael? þingis adde, ȝif þe heued of Heliſee, þe ſone of Saphath,
xii And oon of þe ſeruauntis of hym ſeyde, Nay, my lord ſchulde ſtonden vpon hym to day.
kyng, bot Heliſee, þe prophete, þat is in Yrael, ſchewiþ to þe xxxii Heliſee forſoþe ſatt in his hous, and olde men ſeeten wiþ
kyng alle wordis, whateuer þou haſt ſpoken in þy priue hym; and ſo he ſente beforn a man, and er þe meſſager came,
chaumbre. he ſeide to þe old men, Wheþer ȝe knowen, þat þe ſone of a
xiii And he ſeyde to hym, Gooþ, and ſeeþ, wher he be, þat I man ſleere haþ ſente hiþir, þat myn heued be gyrd off? Seeȝiþ
ſende, and take hym. And þei tolden to hym, ſeyinge, Loo! in þan, whanne þe meſſager commiþ, cloſeþ þe dore, and ſuffreþ
Dotaym he dwelliþ. hym not to commen in; lo! forſoþe þe ſoun of þe feet of his
xiiii And he ſente þidre hors, and chaaris, and þe ſtrengþe of lord is bihynde hym.
xxxiii And ȝit hym ſpekynge to hem, apeeride þe meſſager, þat
þe ooſt; þe whiche, when þei weren commen at nyȝt, þey
enuyrounden þe cyte. came to hym; and ſeiþ, Loo! ſo myche yuel of þe Lord is;
xv Þe ſeruaunt forſoþe of þe man of God ryſynge erly wente what more ſchal I abyden of þe Lord?
oute, and he ſawe þe hooſt in enuyroun of þe cyte, and hors,
and chaaris. And he tolde to hym, ſeyinge, Allas! allas! allas! Capitulum VII.
my lord, what ſchal we done? i Heliſee forſoþe ſeide, Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord; þeſe
xvi And he anſwerde, Wylle þou not dreede; forſoþe mo ben
þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, In þis tyme to morwe a buſchell of tryid
wiþ us þan wiþ hem. floure ſchal be at `half an ounce of monee, and two buſchels of
xvii And whanne Heliſe hade preyede, he ſeiþ, Lord, opyn þe barly for half an ounce of monee, in þe ȝate of Samarye.
eeȝen of þis chylde, þat he ſee. And þe Lord opnede þe eeȝen ii Anſwerynge forſoþe oon of þe duykis, vpon whoſe hond þe
of þe chijld, and he ſawȝ. And loo! an hyll ful of hors, and of kyng lenyde, to þe man of God, ſeide, Ȝif þe Lord make alſo
fyren chaaris, in enuyroun of Heliſee. þe goters in heuen to be opnyde, wheþer it ſchal mow ben þat
xviii Forſoþe þe enmyes camen doun to hym; bot Heliſee þou ſpekiſt? Þe whiche ſeiþ, Þou ſchalt ſeen wiþ þin eeȝen,
preyede to þe Lord, ſeyinge, Smyit, I beſeche, þis folc wiþ and þerof þou ſchalt not eten.
blyndneſſe. And þe Lord ſmoot hem, leſt þei ſeeȝen, after þe iii Þan foure leprouſe men weren byſide þe entree of þe ȝate,
worde of Heliſee. þe whiche ſeyden to gydre, What wil we be here, to þe tyme
xix Forſoþe Heliſee ſeyde to hem, þis is not þe weye, ne þis þat we dyen?
is not þe cyte; folowiþ me, and I ſchal ſchewe to ȝou þe man, iiii Wheþer we wyln goon in to þe cyte, by hungre we ſchul
whom ȝe ſeeken. And he ladde hem in to Samarye. dyen; wheþir we ſchuln dwellen here, to dyen it is to us.
xx And whan þei weren commen in to Samarie, Heliſee Commiþ þann, and fleeȝe we ouer to þe tentis of Cyrie; ȝif
ſeyde, Lord, opne þe eeȝen of þeſe, þat þei ſeen. And þe Lord þei ſparen to us, we ſchul lyuen; `ȝif forſoþe þei wiln ſlen,
opnede þe eeȝen of hem, and þei ſeen hem ſelfen to ben in þe neuer þe later we ſchul dyen.
mydill of Samarye. v Þanne þey ryſen at euen, þat þei comen to þe tentis of
xxi And þe kynge of Yrael ſeide to Heliſee, whanne he hadde Cirie; and whanne þei weren commen to þe bigynnynge of þe
ſeen hem, Wheþer I ſchal ſmyten hem, fader myne? tentis of Cyrye, no man þere þei founden.
xxii And he ſeiþ, Þou ſchalt not ſmyten hem, ne forſoþ þou vi Forſoþe þe Lord hadde made to heren a ſoun in þe tentis
haſt taken hem wiþ ſwerde, and wiþ þi bowe, þat þou ſmyte; of Cyrye of charis, and of hors, and of a mych hooſt; and þei
bot putte brede and watir before hem, þat þei eten and ſeyden to gydre, Loo! by meede þe kyng of Yrael haþ hyred
drynken, and goon to þeir lord. aȝeynſt us þe kyngis of Etheis and of Egipciens; and þei ben
xxiii And þere is putte to hem grete greiþinge of metis; and commen vpon us.
vii Þanne þei riſen, and flowen in dercneſſis, and laften þeir
þei eeten, and drunken. And he laft hem, and þei wenten to
þeir lord; and no more camen þe þeeuis of Cyrye in to þe tentis, and hors, and mulis, and aſſes, in þe tentis; and þei
lond of Yrael. flowen, þeir lyuis oonly coueitynge to ſauen.
xxiiii It is done forſoþe aftir þeſe þingis, Benadab, kyng of viii Þann whanne þoo meſels weren commen to þe bigynnynge
Cyrye, gaderde alle his hooſt, and ſteyȝede vp, and beſeegyde of þe tentis, þei wenten in to oon tabernacle, and eten, and
Samarye. drunken; and token þenns ſyluer, and gold, and cloþis; and
xxv And þere is maad grete hungre in Samarye; and ſo long þei wenten aweye, and hydden; and eft þei ben turned aȝeyn
it is beſeegide, to þe tyme þat þe heued of an aſſe were ſold to anoþer tabernacle, and þenns lyc maner beerynge aweye,
for foure ſcoor platis of ſyluer, and þe ferþ parte of a meſure hydden.
ix And þey ſeyden to gidir, We do not riȝt, þis is forſoþe a
of þe dryt of culuers for fyue platis of ſyluer.
xxvi And whanne þe kyng of Yrael paſſed by þe wall, a day of good meſſage; ȝif we holden oure peſe, and wyln not
maner womman criede to hym, ſeiynge, Saue me, my lord tellen vnto þe morowe, we ſchul be vndernummen of hydous
kyng. gylt; commiþ, and goo we, and tellen in þe halle of þe kyng.
x And whanne þei weren commen to þe ȝate of þe cytee, þei
xxvii Þe whiche ſeiþ, Nay, ſaue þee þe Lord; wherof may I
ſaue þee? of þe corn flore, or of þe preſſe? tolden to hem, ſeyinge, We wenten to þe tentis of Syrie, and
xxviii And þe kyng ſeide to hire, What wylt þou to þee? Þe
no man þer we founden, bot hors and aſſis bounden, and þe
piȝt tentis.
whiche anſwerde, Þys womman ſeide to me, Ȝeue þi ſone,
þat we eten hym to day; and my ſone we ſchal eten to morwe.


xi Þanne þe porteris ȝeden, and tolden in þe paleys of þe vii Forſoþe Heliſee cam to Damaſk, and Benadab, kyng of
kyng wiþinne forþ. Cyrye, wexe ſeeke; and þei tolden to hym, ſeyinge, Þe man of
xii Þe whiche roſe at nyȝt, and ſeiþ to his ſeruauntis, I ſey to God is commen hydre.
ȝou, what to us Cyryes han done; þei wyten, for wiþ hungre viii And þe kyng ſeiþ to Aſael, Take wiþ þee ȝiftis, and goo
we traueylen, and þerfore þey ben goon oute of þe tentis, and in to aȝein commynge of þe man of God, and counſeyle by
lurken in þe feeldis, ſeyinge, Whanne þei weren goon oute of hym þe Lord, ſeyinge, Ȝif I ſchal mow aſcapen of þis myn
þe cyte, we ſchuln taken hem on lyue, and þann we ſchuln enfirmyte?
mowe goon in to þe cytee. ix Þan Aſael wente in to aȝein commynge of hym, hauynge
xiii Forſoþ oon of his ſeruauntis anſwerde, Take we þe fyue wiþ hym ȝiftis, and alle þe goodis of Damaſke, fourty chamel
hors, þat ben laft in þe cytee; for þei oonly ben in alle þe chaargis. And whanne he hade ſtonden before hym, ſeiþ, Þi
multitude of Yrael, þe toþer forſoþe ben waſtyde; and ſone, Benadab, kyng of Syrie, ſente me to þee, ſeyinge, Ȝif I
ſeendynge we ſchuln mowe aſpyen. ſchal mowe be heelid of þis myn enfirmyte?
xiiii Þanne þei brouȝten forþe two hors; and þe kyng ſente in x And Heliſee ſeide, Goo, ſeye to hym, Þou ſchalt ben hoole;
to þe tentis of Cyries, ſeyinge, Goþ, and ſeeþ. bot þe Lord haþ ſchewide to me for by deþ he ſchal dye.
xv Þe whiche wenten aftre hem vnto Jordan; and, lo! al þe xi And he ſtode wiþ hym, and is diſtourbled, vnto þe
wey was ful of cloþis, and of veſſelis, þat þe Cyryes hadden ſchedynge doun of þe cheere; and þe man of God wepte.
þrowen aweye, whanne þei weren diſtourblid. And þe xii To whom Aſael ſeiþ, Why my lord weepiþ? And he
meſſagers turnede aȝeyn, ſcheweden to þe kyng. anſwerde, For I wote what þou be to doo to þe ſonis of
xvi And þe puple goon oute, tobraſt þe tentis of Cyrye; and a Yrael euyls; þe ſtrengþide cytees of hem þou ſchalt brenne up
buſchel of floure is maad at `half an ounce of monee, and two wiþ fijr, and þe ȝonge men of hem þou ſchalt ſlee wiþ ſwerde,
buſchels of barly for half an ounce of monee, aftir þe word of and þe lytyll chyldre of hem þou ſchalt hurtlyn, and þe
þe Lord. wymmen wiþ chijlde þou ſchalt deuyde.
xvii Forſoþe þe kynge þat duyk, in whoſe hond he hade lenyd, xiii And Aſael ſeyde, What forſoþe am I, þi ſeruaunt, an
he ſett at þe ȝate; whom þe puple altotrade in þe entre of þe hound, þat I doo þis grete þinge? And Heliſee ſeiþ, Þe Lord
ȝate, and is deed, aftir þat, þat þe man of God hadde ſpoken, haþ ſchewide to me þee to be kyng of Cyrye.
whanne þe kyng came doun to hym. xiiii Þe which whanne hade goon aweye fro Heliſee, came to
xviii And it is done aftir þe word of þe man of God, þe his lord; þe which ſeiþ to hym, What ſeide Heliſee to þee?
whiche he hade ſeide to þe kyng, whanne he ſeiþ, Two And he anſwerde, He ſeide to me, Þou ſchalt reſſeyue helþ.
buſchels of barly ſchuln ben at one half ounce of monee, and xv And whanne þe toþer day was commen, he toke an
oon buſchell of flour for oon half ounce of monee, þis ſame couerlyte, and helte in wiþ watir, and ſpradde vpon his face;
tyme to morwe in þe ȝate of Samarie; þe whiche deed, Aſael regnede for hym.
xix whanne þe duyk hadde anſwerde to þe man of God, and xvi Þe fyft ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of Acab, kyng of Yrael,
hadde ſeyde, Alſo ȝif þe Lord make þe goters in heuen to be regnede Joram, þe ſone of Joſaphath, king of Juda.
opnede, wheþer it ſchal mow be done þat þou ſpekiſt? and he xvii Of two and þritty ȝeer he was whanne he beganne to
ſeid, Þou ſchalt ſeen wiþ þin eeȝen, and þerof þou ſchalt not
eten. regnen, and eiȝte ȝere he regnyde in Jeruſalem.
xx Þanne it felle to hym, as it was ſeyde beforn; and þe puple xviii And he wente in þe weyes of þe kyngis of Yrael, as
to-trade him `in þe ȝate, and he is deed. wente þe hous of Acab; þe douȝter forſoþe of Acab was his
wiyf; and he dydde þat, þat is yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
xix And þe Lord wolde not ſcateren Juda, for Dauid, his
Capitulum VIII.
ſeruaunt, as he hadde behoten to hym, þat he ſchulde ȝeue to
i Heliſee forſoþe ſpac to þe womman, whoſe ſone he made to hym a lanterne, and to his ſones alle days.
lyue, ſeyinge, Rijs, goo, and þou and þin hous, in xx In þo days wente aweye Edom, þat þei weren not vndur
pilgrymage, whereuer þou ſchalt fynde; þe Lord forſoþe ſchal Juda; and he ſette to hym a kyng.
clepen hungre, and it ſchal commen vpon þe lond ſeuen ȝeer. xxi And Joram came to Seyr, and alle þe charis wiþ hym;
ii Þe whiche roſe, and dyde aftir þe word of þe man of God;
and he rooſe þe nyȝt, and ſmote Ydumes, þat hym hadden
and gooynge wiþ hyre hous pylgrymagid in þe lond of enuyround, and þe princis of þe chaaris; þe puple forſoþe
Phyliſteis many dayes. fleeyȝ in to þeir tabernaclis.
iii And whanne ſeuen ȝeer weren fynyſchid, þe womman is xxii Þan went Edom, þat he were not vndur Juda vnto þis
turnede aȝein fro þe lond of Philiſteis; and ſche wente oute, day; þanne wente aweye Lobna and in þat tyme.
þat ſche preye þe kyng for hyre hous, and for hir feeldis. xxiii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joram, and alle
iiii Þe kynge forſoþe ſpak wiþ Giezi, þe chijld of þe man of
þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þeſe ben writen in þe booke of
God, ſeyinge, Telle to me alle þe grete þingis þat Heliſee þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda?
dide. xxiiii And Joram ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is byryed wiþ
v And whanne he tolde to þe kynge, what maner wijſe he
hem in þe cytee of Dauid; and Ochoſias, his ſone, regnede for
hade rered þe deed, þe womman apeeride, whoſe ſone he hade hym.
quyckenede, criynge to þe kyng for hyre hous, and for hyre xxv Þe twelfiþ ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of kyng Achab, regnede
feeldis. And Giezi ſeide, My lord kyng, þis is þe womman, Ochoſias, þe ſone of kyng Joram, of Jude.
and þis is þe ſone of hyre, þat Heliſee rerede. xxvi Of two and twenty ȝeer was Ochoſias, þe ſone of Joram,
vi And þe kynge aſkyde þe womman, þe whiche tolde to hym
þo þingis to be ſoþ. And þe kyng ȝaue to hyre an geldynge, whanne he beganne to regnen, and oon ȝeer he regned in
ſeiynge, Reſtore to hyre alle þingis þat ben hyres, and alle þe Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir Athalia, þe douȝter of Amry,
rentes of feeldis, fro þe day þat ſche laft þe lond vnto þe tyme kyng of Yrael.
xxvii And he wente in þe weyes of þe hous of Achab, and
þat is nowe.
dydde þat, þat is yuel before þe Lord, as þe hous of Acab;
forſoþe þe ſone in lawe in lawe of þe hous of Acab he was.


xxviii Forſoþehe wente wiþ Joram, þe ſone of Acab, to fiȝten xvi And he ſteyȝide vp, and wente forþ into Jezrael; Joram
aȝeyn Azael, kyng of Cyrie, in to Ramoth Galaad; and Cyries forſoþe laye ſeeke þere, and Ochoſias, kyng of Juda, hadde
woundeden Joram. goon doun to vyſyte Joram.
xxix Þe whiche is turned aȝeyn, þat he were helyd in Jezrael; xvii Þanne þe wayte, þat ſtode vpon þe toure of Jezrael, ſee
for Cyries woundeden hym in Ramoth, fiȝtynge aȝeynſt Azael, þe glub of Hieu commynge, and ſeiþ, I ſee a glub. And
kynge of Cyrie. Forſoþe Ochozias, þe ſone of Joram, kyng of Joram ſeide, Take þe chare, and ſende in to aȝeyn commynge
Juda, came doun to viſyten Joram, þe ſone of Achab, in of hem; and þe gooer ſey, Wheþer riȝt ben alle þingis?
Jezrael, þe whiche ſeekened þere. xviii Þanne ȝeede, þat ſteyȝide up þe chaare, in to aȝeyn
commynge of hym, and ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Apayid
Capitulum IX. ben alle þingis? And Hieu ſeyde to hym, What to þee and to
i Forſoþe
peſe? Go, and folow me. Þe weyt forſoþe tolde, ſeyinge, Þe
Heliſee, þe prophete, clepide oon of þe ſonys of meſſager cam to hem, and he is not turned aȝeyn.
prophetis, and ſeiþ to hym, Gyrde þi reenys, and take þis xix Alſo he ſent þe ſecounde chaar of hors, and he came to
oynment veſſel of oyle in þin hond, and goo in to Ramoth hem, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Where is þere peſe?
Galaad. And Hieu ſeiþ, What to þee and to peſe? Paſſe, and folowe
ii And whanne þou commyſt þidre, þou ſchalt ſeen Hieu, þe
ſone of Joſaphath, þe ſone of Nampſy; and goon in þou ſchalt xx Forſoþe þe weyt tolde, ſeyinge, He came vnto hem, and he
reren hym fro þe mydill of his breþeren, and þou ſchalt turniþ not aȝein; forſoþe þe goynge is as þe goynge of Hieu,
bryngen hym wiþ inforþ in to þe inner more bed place. þe ſone of Nampſy; `ful ſwyftlyche forſoþe he goþ.
iii And holdinge an oynment veſſel of oyle þou ſchalt heelden
xxi And Joram ſeiþ, Ioyniþ þe chaar. And þey ioyneden his
vpon his heued, and ſeye, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, I haue chaar. And Joram, þe kyng of Yrael, wente oute, and
anoyntyde þee in to kynge vpon Yrael; and þou ſchalt opne þe Ochoſias, kyng of Juda, ech in þeir chaaris; and þei wenten
dore, and fleeȝen, and þere þou ſchalt not abyden. oute into aȝeyncommynge of Hieu, and þei founden hym in þe
iiii Þanne ȝeede a ȝonge waxen child of þe profete in to
feeld of Nabath Jezraelyte.
Ramoth Galaad, xxii And whanne Joram hadde ſeen Hieu, he ſeide, Peſe is
v and wente in þidir. Lo! forſoþe þe princis of þe hooſtis
þere, Hieu? And he anſwerde, What peſe? Ȝit þe
ſeeten; and he ſeiþ, A worde to me anentis þee, O! prince. fornycaciouns of Jezabel, þi modir, and hyr many venymyngis
And Hieu ſeide, To whom of us alle? And he ſeide, To þee, þrijuen.
O! prince. xxiii Forſoþe Joram turnede his hond, and fleeȝinge ſeiþ to
vi And he roos, and wente in to þe bede place. And he helde
Ochoſie, Buſſchementis! buſſchementis! Ochoſie.
oyle vpon his heuede, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God xxiiii Bot Hieu bente þe bowe wiþ þe honde, and ſmote
of Yſrael, I haue anoyntyde þee in to kyng vpon þe puple of Joram bytwene þe ſchulders, and þe arewe is ſent out þoruȝ
þe Lord of Yrael; his hert; and anoon he felle in his chaare.
vii and þou ſchalt ſmyten þe hous of Achab, þi lord, þat I
xxv And Hieu ſeiþ to duyke Badachar, Take, þrowe hym in
venge þe blode of my ſeruauntis prophetis, and þe blode of þe feelde of Naboth Jezraelite; I haue mynde forſoþe, when I
alle þe ſeruauntis of þe Lord, fro þe hond of Jezabel. and þow ſyttynge in þe chaar foloweden Achab, his fadir, for
viii And I ſchal diſtruy alle þe hous of Achab, and ſlen fro þe
þe Lord hadde rerede out þis charge upon hym,
hous of Achab a pyſſer to þe walle, and cloſed, and þe laſt in xxvi ſeyinge, Wheþer not for þe blode of Naboth, and for þe
Yrael. blode of þe ſonys of hym, þe whiche I ſawe ȝiſterday, ſeiþ þe
ix And I ſchal ȝeue þe hous of Achab as þe hous of
Lord, I ſchal ȝelden to þee in þis feeld, ſeiþ þe Lord. Nowe
Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, and as þe hous of Baſaa, þe þanne take hym, and þrowe hym in þe feeld, aftir þe word of
ſone of Ahia. þe Lord.
x Jezabel forſoþe houndis ſchulen eten in þe feelde of Jezrael; xxvii Ochoſias forſoþe, kyng of Juda, ſeeinge þis, fleeȝ by þe
and þere ſchal not ben þat byrye hyre. And he opnede þe dore, weye of þe hous of þe gardyn; and Hieu folewede hym, and
and fleyȝ. ſeiþ, Alſo þis ſmytiþ in his chare. And þei ſmyten hym in þe
xi Hieu forſoþe wente oute to þe ſeruauntis of his lord, þe ſteyinge up of Gaber, þat is beſyde Jeblaam; þe whiche fleyȝ
whiche ſeyden to hym, Wheþer riȝt ben alle þingis? What in to Magedo, and is deed þere.
came þis wood man to þee? Þe whiche ſeiþ to hem, Ȝe han xxviii And his ſeruauntis putten hym vpon his chaar, and
knowen þe man, and what he haþ ſpoken. token in to Jeruſalem; and biriden hym in þe ſepulcre wiþ his
xii And þei anſwerden, It is fals; but more telle þou to us. fadirs, in þe cytee of Dauiþ.
Þe whiche ſeiþ to hem, Þeſe þingis and þeſe þingis he ſpac to xxix Þe elleuenþ ȝeer of Joram, þe ſone of Achab, þe kyng of
me, and ſeiþ, Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, I haue anoyntide þee Yrael, regnede Ochoſias vpon Judam.
kynge vpon Yſrael. xxx And Hieu came in to Jezrael. Forſoþe Jezabel, his entree
xiii And ſo þei hyȝeden, and echone, takynge his mantylle,
herde, peyntyde hyre eeȝen wiþ ſtrumpettis oynment, and ſche
putten vndur his feet in lyckneſſe of a kyngis chayer. And þey anournede hyre heued; and ſche byhelde þoruȝ þe wyndowe
ſungen wiþ trumpe, and ſeyden, Hieu ſchal regnen. xxxi Hieu commynge in by þe ȝate, and ſeiþ, Wheþer peſe
xiiii Þanne Hieu, þe ſone of Joſaphath, þe ſone of Nampſy,
may be to Zamry, þat haþ ſlayn his lord?
coniured aȝeynſt Joram. Forſoþe Joram hadde byſeegyd xxxii And Hieu rerede up his face to þe wyndowe, and ſeiþ,
Ramoth Galaad, he and alle Yrael, aȝeynſt Azael, kyng of What is ſche þis? And þere boweden hem to hym two or þre
Cyrye. geldingis, and ſeyden to hym, þis is ſche, þat Jezabel.
xv And he was turned aȝeyn, þat he were helyd in Jezrael for
xxxiii And he ſeyde to hem, Tumbliþ hyre doun. And þei
þe woundis; for Cyries hadden ſmyten hym fiȝtynge aȝeynſt tumbliden hyre; and þe wall is ſprengid wiþ þe blod, and þe
Azael, kyng of Cyrie. And Hieu ſeide, Ȝif it pleſe to ȝou, no hors houes, þat treden hyre.
man goo oute fugytyue fro þe cyte, leſt he go, and tell in


xxxiiii And when he was goon in, þat he ete and drynke, he xv And when he was goon þens, he foond Jonadab, þe ſone
ſeiþ, Gooþ, and ſeeþ þat curſed, and burieþ hyre, for þe of Reechab, in to aȝein commynge to hym, and bleſſede to
douȝter of a kyng ſche is. hym. And Hieu ſeiþ to hym, Wheþer is þin hert riȝt wiþ
xxxv And when þei weren gon, þat þey biryen hyre, þei myne herte, as myn hert wiþ þin hert? And Jonadab ſeiþ, It
founden not, no bot þe ſcul, and þe feet, and gobitis of þe is. Ȝif it is, he ſeiþ, ȝeue me þin honde. Þe whiche ȝaue to
hond; hym his hond; and he rerede hym to hym in to þe chaar.
xxxvi and þey turned aȝein, tolden to hym. And Hieu ſeiþ, Þe xvi And he ſeyde to hym, Comme wiþ me, and ſee my loue
word of þe Lord it is, þe whiche he ſpak by his ſeruaunt for þe Lord. And hym ſett in his chaar,
Helye Theſbyten, ſeyinge, In þe feeld of Jezrael houndis xvii he ladde in to Samarye. And he ſmote alle þat weren laft
ſchulen eten þe fleſche of Jezabel; of Achab in Samarye vnto oon, after þe word of þe Lord, þat
xxxvii and þe fleſche of Jezabel ſchul be as drytt vpon þe face he ſpac by Helye.
of þe erþe in þe feeld of Jezrael, ſo þat men paſſynge byſydis xviii Þan Hieu gaderd alle þe puple, and ſeide to hem, Achab
ſeyn, Wheþer ſche þis is not þat Jezabel? heryide Baal a lytyl, I forſoþe ſchal herye hym more.
xix Nowe þan alle þe prophetis of Baal, and alle his
Capitulum X. ſeruauntis, and alle þe preſtis of hem clepiþ to me; noon be
i Of
þat cumme not, forſoþe grete ſacrifice is to me to Baal; who
Achab forſoþ weren ſeuenty ſonis in Samary. Þan Hieu ſo euer be aweye, he ſchal not lyuen. Forſoþe Hieu dydde þis
wrote lettris, and ſente in to Samarye to þe beſt of þe cytee, aſpyingly, þat he diſtruye alle þe heryeris of Baal.
and to þe more þoruȝ birþ, and to þe nuriſchis of Achab, xx And he ſeyde, Halowiþ a ſolempne day to Baal. And he
ſeyinge, clepid,
ii Anoon as ȝe taken þes lettres, ȝe þat haue þe ſonis of ȝoure
xxi and ſente in to al þe termes of Yrael; and þer camen alle
lord, and chaaris, and hors, and ſtronge cytees, and aarmys, þe ſeruauntis of Baal, and þer was not lafte not oone forſoþe
iii cheſiþ þe beter, and hym þat to ȝou ſchal pleſen of þe ſonis
þat came not. And þei wenten in to þe temple of Baal; and
of ȝour lord, and puttiþ hym vpon þe ſee of his fadir, and þe hous of Baal is fulfillid, from þe heeȝiſt to þe heeȝiſt.
fiȝtiþ for þe hous of ȝoure lord. xxii And he ſeide to hem þat haden maiſtrye vpon þe cloþes,
iiii And þei dredden hugelye, and ſeyden, Loo! two kyngis
Bryngiþ forþ þe veſtymentis to alle þe ſeruauntis of Baal;
myȝten not ſtonden beforn hym, and what maner wijſe ſchuln and þei brouȝtyn to hym þe cloþis.
we mowen to wiþſtonden hym? xxiii And Hieu wente in, and Jonadab, þe ſone of Reechab,
v Þanne þe prouoſtis of þe hous ſenten, and þe prefect of þe
in to þe temple of Baal. And he ſeiþ to þe herieris of Baal,
cyte, and þe more þoruȝ birþe, and þe nuriſchis to Hieu, Enſerchiþ, and ſeeþ, leſt eny man perauenture be wiþ ȝou of
ſeyinge, Þi ſeruauntis we ben; what euer þingis þou ſchalt þe ſeruauntis of þe Lord; bot þat aloon ben þe ſeruauntis of
comaunde, we ſchul done, and we ſchul not ordeyne to us a Baal.
kynge; what euer þinge to þee pleſiþ, do. xxiiii Þanne þei wenten in, þat þei done ſlayne offryngis, and
vi Forſoþe he wrote aȝein lettris to hem þe ſecounde tyme,
brent ſacrifices. Hieu made redy forſoþe wiþ oute forþe foure
ſeyinge, Ȝif myn ȝe ben, and obeſchen to me, takiþ þe heuedis ſcore men, and hadde ſeyde to hem, Who ſo euer fleeȝiþ of
of þe ſonis of ȝoure lord, and commiþ to me þis ſame houre to alle þeſe, `þe whiche I ſchal brynge in to ȝoure hondis, his lijf
morowe in to Jezrael. Forſoþe þe ſonis of þe kyng, ſeuenty ſchal ben for þe lijf of hym.
men, anentis þe beſt of þe cytee weren nuriſchide. xxv It is do forſoþe, when þe brent ſacrifice was fulfillid,
vii And when lettris weren commen to hem, þei token þe ſonis
Hieu comaundide to þe knyȝtis and to his duykis, Gooþ in,
of þe kyng, and ſlewen þe ſeuenty men, and putten þe heuedis and ſmytiþ hem, þat noon aſcaape. And þe knyȝtis and þe
of hem in cofynes; and ſenten to hym in to Jezrael. duykis ſmyten hem in þe mouþe of þe ſwerd, and þrewen
viii Forſoþe a meſſagere came to hym, and ſchewede to hym, aweye. And þei wenten in to þe cyte of þe temple of Baal,
ſeyinge, Þei han brouȝt þe heuedis of þe ſonys of þe kyng. Þe xxvi and þei brouȝten forþe þe ymage fro þe temple of Baal,
whiche anſwerde, Puttiþ hem at þe two ſtone hepis, beſydis and þei brenden, and diſtruyden it.
þe entre of þe ȝate, vnto to morowe. xxvii Forſoþe þei diſtroyeden þe hous of Baal, and þei
ix And when þe day hadde liȝted, he wente out, and ſtondynge
maaden for it waardropis vnto þis day.
ſeide to alle þe puple, Riȝtwyſe ȝe ben; ȝif I haue coniured xxviii And ſo Hieu dyde aweye Baal from Yrael;
aȝeynus my lord, and ſlayn hym; who ſmoot alle þeſe? xxix neuerþelatre fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of
x Seeþ þann nowe, for þere haþ not fallen of þe wordis of þe
Lord in þe erþe, þe whiche þe Lord ſpac vpon þe hous of Naboth, þat maad Yrael to ſynne, he ȝeede not aweye, ne
Achab; and þe Lord dydde þat he ſpak in þe hond of Helye, dyde aweye þe golden caluis, þat weren in Bethel and in
his ſeruaunt. Dan.
xxx Þe Lord forſoþe ſeyde to Hieu, For wyſely þou haſt done
xi Þanne Hieu ſmoot alle þat weren laft of þe hous of Achab
in Jezrael, and alle þe beſt of hym, and knowen, and preſtis, þat þat was riȝt, and it pleſide in myn eeȝen, and alle þingis
to þe tyme þat þer laft not of hym relykys. þat weren in myne herte þou dyddiſt aȝeynſt þe hous of
xii And he roos, and came in to Samerye; and when þei
Achab, þi ſonys vnto þe ferþ generacioun ſchuln ſytten vpon þe
trone of Yrael.
weren commen to þe chaumbre of ſcheperdis in þe weye, xxxi Bot Hieu kepte not, þat he wente in þe lawe of þe Lord
xiii he fonde þe breþeren of Ochoſie, kyng of Juda; and he
God of Yrael in al his herte; forſoþe he wente not fro þe
ſeide to hem, Who forſoþe ben ȝe? And þei anſwerden, Þe ſynnes of Jerobaham, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen.
breþeren of Ochoſie we ben, and we ben commen doun to xxxii In þo days þe Lord beganne to noyȝen vpon Yrael; and
ſaluten þe ſonis of þe kyng and þe ſonys of þe qween. Azael ſmote hem in alle þe cooſtis of Yrael,
xiiii Þe whiche ſeiþ, Takiþ hem on lyue. Whom when þei
xxxiii fro Jordane aȝeyns þe eſte cooſt, alle þe lond of Galaad,
hadden taken alyue, þei þrotyden hem in þe cyſtern, beſyde þe and Gad, and Ruben, and Manaſſe, fro Aroer þat is vpon þe
chaumbre, two and fourty men; and he laft not of hem eny ſtreme of Arnon, and Galaad, and Baſan.


xxxiiii Þeremnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Hieu, and alle xvii Þan Joiada couenauntyde couenaunt of peſe bytwen þe
þingis þat he dide, and his ſtrengþe, wheþer not þes ben Lord and þe kyng, and bytwene þe puple, þat þer were a
writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of puple of þe Lord; bytwene þe king and þe puple.
Yrael? xviii And alle þe puple of þe lond wente in to þe temple of
xxxv And Hieu ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and þei birieden hym in Baal; and þei diſtruyden his auters, and þe ymagis brooſiden
Samarie; and Joacath, his ſone, regnede for hym. to gydris miȝtily; Mathan forſoþe, þe preſt of Baal, þei ſlewen
xxxvi Þe days forſoþe, `þe whiche Hieu regned vpon Yrael in before þe auter. And þe preſt ſette waardis in þe hous of þe
Samarye, ben eiȝt and twenty ȝeer. Lord;
xix and toke þe rewlers of hundreþis, and þe legiouns of
Capitulum XI. Cerethey and Ferethey, and alle þe puple of þe lond. And þei
brouȝten þe kyng fro þe hous of þe Lord; and þei camen by
i Athalia forſoþe, þe modir of Ochoſie, ſeeȝinge hyre ſone deed, þe weye of þe ȝaat of þe ſcheeld bereris in to þe paleys; and
roos, and ſlewȝ alle þe kyngis ſeede. he ſate vpon þe trone of kyngis.
ii Forſoþe Jozaba, þe douȝtir of kyng Joram, þe ſiſter of xx And alle þe puple of þe lond glaadid, and alle þe cytee
Ochoſie, takynge Joas, þe ſone of Ochoſie, ſtaal hym fro þe reſtide in oon. Athalia forſoþe is ſlayn wiþ ſwerde in þe hous
myddis of þe ſonis of þe kyng, þat weren ſlayn; and his of þe kyng.
nuriſche fro þe chaumbre of þree beddis; and ſche hydde hym xxi And of ſeuen ȝeer was Joas, when he beganne to regne.
fro þe face of Athalie, þat he were not ſlayne.
iii And he was wiþ hyre in þe hous of þe Lord priuely ſex
Capitulum XII.
ȝeer. Forſoþe Athalie regnede vpon þe lond ſex ȝeer.
iiii Þe ſeuenþ forſoþe ȝeer Joiada ſente, and takynge rewlers i The ſeuenþ ȝeer of Hieu regnede Joas; fourty ȝeer he
of hundreþis, and knyȝtis, and brouȝte in to hym in to þe regnede in Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir Sebia of
temple of þe Lord; and he couenauntyde wiþ hem a couenaunt Berſabe.
of peſe, and, adiurynge hem in þe temple of þe Lord, ſchewide ii And Joas dyde riȝt beforn þe Lord alle days, þe whiche
to hem þe ſone of þe kynge. tauȝte hym Joiada, þe preſt.
v And he comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, þis is þe word, þe iii Neuerþelater heeȝe þingis he dide not aweye; ȝit forſoþe þe
whiche ȝe owe to done; þe þrydde partye of ȝou go in þe puple offride, and brente encenſe in heiȝtis.
ſaboth, and keep he wele þe watchis of þe hous of þe kyng; iiii And Joias ſeide to þe preſtis, Al þe monee of ſeyntis, `þe
vi þe þrydde forſoþe party be at þe ȝate of Seir; and þe þridde whiche were brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord of men
party be at þe ȝate þat is bihynde þe dwellynge place of þe paſſynge, `þe whiche is offred for þe ſynne of þe ſoule, and þe
ſcheld bereris; and ȝe ſchulen kepen þe watchis of þe hous of whiche þei bryngen in wilfully, and by dome of þeir herte, in
Meſſa. to þe temple of þe Lord,
vii Two forſoþe partyes of ȝou alle goynge oute þe ſaboth, v þe preſtis taken þei it aftir þeir ordre. And enſtoore þei þe
keepen þei þe watchis of þe hous of þe Lord aboute þe kynge. coueryngis of þe hous, ȝif eny þinge þei ſeen neceſſarye in þe
viii And ȝee ſchul `ſetten hym aboute, hauynge aarmys in reſtorynge.
ȝoure hondis; and ȝif eny man comme wiþ in þe purſeynt of vi Þanne vnto þe þree and twentiþe ȝeer of kyng Joas, þe
þe temple, be he ſlayn; and ȝe ſchul ben wiþ þe kynge preſtis reſtooreden not þe coueryngis of þe temple.
commynge in and goynge out. vii And kyng Joas clepide Joiada, þe biſchop, and þe preſtis,
ix And þe keepers of hundreþis dyden aftir alle þingis þat ſeyinge to hem, Why þe coueryngis ȝe reſtoren not of þe
Joiada, þe preſt, hadde comaundide to hem; and ech takynge temple? Wille ȝe þan not no more taken þe monee aftir ȝoure
þeir men þat wenten in to þe ſaboth, wiþ hem þat wenten out ordre, bot to þe reſtooringe of þe temple ȝeldiþ it.
fro þe ſaboth, camen to Joiada, þe preſt. viii And þe preſtis ben forfendid to eny more takyn monee of
x Þe whiche ȝaue to hem þe ſperis, and þe armys of kyng þe puple, and to reſtoren þe coueryngis of þe hous.
Dauid, þat weren in þe hous of þe Lord. ix And Joiada, þe biſchop, toke oon treſoringe place, and he
xi And eche ſtoden hauynge aarmys in þeir hond, fro þe riȝt opnede an hoole þer aboue, and putte it biſyde þe auter, at þe
partye of þe temple vnto þe left paartye of þe auter and of þe riȝt ſyde of men commynge in to þe houſe of þe Lord; and þe
hous, aboute þe kynge. preſtis, þat kepten þe doris, putten in it al þe monee þat was
xii And he brouȝt forþe þe ſone of þe kyng, and putte vpon brouȝt to þe temple of þe Lord.
hym a dyademe, and witneſſynge; and þei maden him king, x And when he ſauȝ to myche monee to be in þe treſorye, a
and anoynteden; and, ioyinge wiþ þe hondis, ſeyden, Lyue þe ſcribe of þe kyngis ſteyȝide up, and a byſchop, and þei heelden
kyng! out, and noumbreden þe monee þat was foundun in þe hous
xiii Forſoþe Athalia herde þe voice of þe puple rennynge, and of þe Lord.
goon in to þe peplis in to þe temple of þe Lord, xi And þei ȝeuen it aftir þe noumbre and meſure in þe hond
xiiii ſche ſawȝ þe kyng ſtondinge vpon þe chayer aftir þe of hem, þat weren before to þe maſouns of þe hous of þe
maner, and ſyngers, and companyes beſidis hym, and alle þe Lord, þe whiche ȝeuen it in carpentaris, and in þes maſouns,
puple of þe lond glaadinge, and ſyngynge wiþ trompis. And þat wrouȝten in þe hous of þe Lord, and þe coueryngis
ſche kytt hyre cloþis, and cryede, Coniuracioun! coniuracioun! maaden;
xv Forſoþe Joiada comaundide to þe rewlers of hundreþis, þat xii and in hem þat hewyden ſtonys; and þat ſchulden byen
weren vpon þe hooſt, and ſeiþ to hem, Leediþ hyre out of þe treeſe and ſtonys, þe whiche weren hewen out; ſo þat þe
purſeyntis of þe temple; and who ſo euer folewiþ hyre, be he enſtorynge of þe hous of þe Lord were fulfillid in alle þingis,
ſmyten wiþ a ſwerde. Forſoþe þe preſt hadde ſeyde, Be ſche `þe whiche nededen expenſis to þe hous to be warnyſchid.
not ſlayn in þe temple of þe Lord. xiii Neuerþelatre þer weren not maad of þe ſame monee þe
xvi And þei putten to hyre hondis, and ſtykeden hyre by þe ſtenys of þe temple of þe Lord, and þe fleſchookis, and þe
weye of þe entree of þe hors beſyde þe paleys; and ſche is cenſeris, and þe trompis, and all golden veſſel and ſilueren, of
ſlayn þere. þe monee þat was brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord.


xiiii To þes forſoþe þat maden werk was ȝeuen, þat þe temple xi And he dyde þat, þat is euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; forſoþe
of þe Lord were enſtooride. he bowide not doun fro alle þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of
xv And no reknynge was maad to þo men þat token þe Nabath, þe whiche maad Yrael to ſynne; in hem he wente.
monee, þat þei delen it to þe craftyſe men; bot in feiþ þei xii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joas, and alle þingis
tretiden it. þat he dyde, bot and þe ſtrengþ of hym, what maner wijſe he
xvi Þe monee forſoþe for treſpaſſe, and þe monee for ſynnes, fauȝte aȝeynſt Amaziam, kyng of Juda, wheþer not þeſe ben
þei brouȝten not in to þe temple of þe Lord, for it was of wryten in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of
preſtis. Yrael?
xvii Þan Azael, kyng of Cyrye, ſteyȝide up, and fauȝt aȝeynus xiii And Joas ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; Jeroboam forſoþe, his
Geth; and he took it, and he dreſſide his face, þat he ſteyȝe up ſone, ſate vpon his ſee. Bot Joas is byryed in Samarye wiþ
in to Jeruſalem. þe kyngis of Yrael.
xviii For what þing Joas, king of Juda, took alle þe halowed xiiii Heliſe forſoþe ſijkide in ſijkneſſe, by þe whiche and he is
þingis, `þe whiche Joſaphath, and Joram, and Ochoſias, hiſe deed; and Joas, þe kynge of Yrael, came doun to hym, and
faders, kyngis of Juda, hadden ſacred, and þe whiche he wepte beforn hym, and ſeyde, Fader myne! fadir myne! þe
hadde offred, and al þe ſyluer and gold, þat myȝt be founden chaar of Yrael, and þe charieter of it!
in þe treſouries of þe temple of þe Lord, and in paleys of þe xv And Heliſe ſeiþ to hym, Brynge forþe a bowe and arowis.
kyng. And he ſente to Azael, þe kyng of Cyrye, and wente And whanne he hadde brouȝt to hym a bowe and arowis,
aweye fro Jeruſalem. xvi he ſeide to þe kyng of Yrael, Putte þin hond vpon þe
xix Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joas, and alle þingis bowe. And whann he hadde putte his hond, Heliſee putte
þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe book of þe aboue his hondis to þe hondis of þe kyng, and ſeiþ,
wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? xvii Opyn þe eeſte wyndowe. And whanne he hade opnede,
xx Forſoþe his ſeruauntis ryſen, and coniureden bytwene Heliſe ſeyde, Kaſt an arowe; and he keſt. And Heliſe ſeiþ, Þe
hemſeluen; and þei ſmyten Joas in þe hous of Mello, in þe arowe of þe help of þe Lord, and þe arowe of helþe aȝeyns
goynge doun of Sela. Cyrye; and þou ſchalt ſmyten Cyrye in to Affeth, to þe tyme
xxi Joſafath forſoþe, þe ſone of Semath, and Joiadath, þe ſone þat þou waaſt it.
of Somer, his ſeruauntis, ſmyten hym, and he is deed; and xviii And he ſeiþ, Taak þe arowis. Þe whiche whanne he
þei birieden hym wiþ his faders in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and hadde taaken, eft he ſeyde to hym, Smyte wiþ a dart þe erþ.
Amazias, his ſone, regnede for hym. And whanne he hadde ſmyten þre ſiþis, and hadde ſtonden,
xix þe man of God wraþþede aȝeyns hym, and ſeiþ, Ȝif þou
Capitulum XIII. haddiſt ſmyten fyue ſiþis, or ſexe ſiþis, or ſeuen ſiþis, þou
i The
haddiſt ſmyten Cyrye vnto þe hool waaſtynge; nowe forſoþe
þree and twentiþe ȝeer of Joas, þe ſone of Ochaſie, þou ſchalt ſmyten it þree ſiþis.
kyng of Juda, regnede Joachas, þe ſone of Hieu, vpon Yrael, xx Þanne Heliſe dyȝede, and þei birieden hym. Forſoþe þe
in Samarie ſeuentene ȝeer. lityl þeeuis of Moab camen in to þe lond in þat ȝeer.
ii And he dyde yuel before þe Lord, and he folowide þe ſynnes
xxi Summe forſoþe byryinge a man, ſeeȝen þe lytyl þeeuis,
of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, þat maad Yrael to ſynne; and kaſten þe careyn in þe ſepulcre of Heliſe; þe whiche
and he bowide not aweye fro hem. whanne hadde touchid þe boonis of Heliſee, þe man quyckened
iii And þe woodneſſe of þe Lord is wroþ aȝeynſt Yrael, and
aȝeyn, and ſtode vpon his feet.
he toke hem in to þe hondis of Azael, kynge of Cyrye, and in xxii Þanne Azael, kyng of Cyrie, tourmentyde Yrael alle þe
þe hond of Benadab, þe ſone of Azael, all days. days of Joachaz.
iiii Forſoþe Joachaz preyide þe face of þe Lord, and þe Lord
xxiii And þe Lord hadde reuþe of hem, and he turnede aȝeyn
herde hym; he ſawe forſoþe þe angwyſche of Yrael, for þe to hem for his couenaunt, þat he hadde wiþ Abraham, Yſaac,
kyng of Cyrye hadde `to troden hem. and Jacob; and he wolde not ſcatren hem, ne fully þrowen
v And þe Lord ȝaue a ſaueour to Yrael, and he is delyuerd
aweye, into þe preſent tyme.
fro þe hond of þe kyng of Cyrie; and þe ſonys of Yrael xxiiii Forſoþe Azael, þe kyng of Cyrye, diede; and Benadab,
dwelliden in þeir tabernaclis, as ȝiſtirday and þe þrid day his ſone, regnede for hym.
henns. xxv Bot Joas, þe ſone of Joachaz, toke þe cytees fro þe hond
vi Neuerþelatre þei wenten not aweye fro þe ſynnes of þe
hous of Jeroboam, þat made Yrael to ſynnen, and in hem þei of Benadab, þe ſone of Azael, `þe whiche he hadde taken fro
ȝeden; forſoþe and þe mawmett wode abood ſtylle in Samarye. þe hond of Joachas, his fadir, þorȝ riȝt of bateyl; þre ſiþis
vii And þer ben not laft to Joachas of þe puple, bot fyue
Joas ſmoot hym, and he ȝeeldide þe cytees to Yrael.
hundreþ hors men, and ten chaaris, and ten þouſandis of fote Capitulum XIIII.
men; forſoþe þe kyng of Cyrye hadde ſlayn hem, and hadde
brouȝte hem doun as powdre in þe þreſchynge of þe corn flore. i In þe ſecounde ȝeer of Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, kyng of
viii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joachaz, and alle Yrael, regnede Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda.
þingis þat he dyde, bot and his ſtrengþe, wheþer not þeſe ii Of fyue and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to
þingis ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe regnen; twenty forſoþe and nyne ȝeer he regnede in
kyngis of Yrael? Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Joaden of Jeruſalem.
ix And Joachaz ſlepte wiþ his faders, and þei byryeden hym iii And he dyde riȝt before þe Lord, neuerþelatre not as
in Samarye; and Joas, his ſone, regned for hym. Dauid, his fadir; aftir alle þingis þat Joas, his fadir, dyde he
x Þe ſeuenþ and þrittiþe ȝeer of Joas, kyng of Juda, regnede dide,
Joas, þe ſone of Joachaz, vpon Yrael in Samarye ſextene iiii bot þat oonly, þat heeȝe þingis he dydde not aweye; ȝit
ȝeer. forſoþe þe puple offrede, and brende encenſe in heiȝtis.
v And whan he hadde weldyde þe rewme, he ſmoote his
ſeruauntis, þat hadden ſlayn þe kyng, his fadre;


vi þe ſonys forſoþe of hem þat hadden ſlayn, he ſlewȝ not; xxvi Forſoþe þe Lord ſawe þe tourmentynge of Yrael to myche
after þat þat is writen in þe boke of þe lawe of Moyſes, as þe bittir, and þat þei weren waaſtid vnto þe cloſed of þe priſone,
Lord comaundide to Moyſes, ſeyinge, Þe fadirs ſchuln not and vttirmoſtis, and þer was not þe whiche myȝt helpen
dyȝen for þe ſonys, ne þe ſonys for þe fadirs, bot echone ſchal Yrael.
dyen in his ſynne. xxvii And þe Lord ſpac not, þat he ſchulde done aweye þe
vii He ſmote Edom in þe valey of placis of ſalt, tenn name of Yrael fro vndir heuen, bot he ſauede hem in þe hond
þouſandis; and he cauȝte þe place, þat hatte Petra, in bateyl; of Jeroboham, þe ſone of Joas.
and he clepide his name Jezechel, vnto þe day þat is nowe. xxviii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Jeroboam, and
viii Þanne Amazias ſente meſſagers to Joas, þe ſone of alle þingis þat he dyde, and his ſtrengþe, in þe whiche he
Joachas, þe ſone of Hieu, kyng of Yrael, ſeyinge, Comme, fauȝte, and howe he reſtoride Damaſk, and Emath of Jude, in
and ſee we us. Yrael, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of
ix And Joas, kyng of Yrael, ſente aȝeyn to Amazias, kyng of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael?
Juda, ſeyinge, Þe þiſtill of Lybane ſente to þe cedre, þat is in xxix And Jeroboam ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, þe kyngis of Yrael;
Libane, ſeyinge, Ȝeue þi douȝtir to my ſone wijf; and þe and Azarias, his ſone, regnede for hym.
beeſtis of þe wijlde wode, þat ben in Lybane, wenten, and
treden þe þiſtill. Capitulum XV.
x And ſmytynge þou haddiſt þe ouerhond vpon Edom, and þin
i The ſeuen and twentiþe ȝeer of Jeroboam, kyng of Yrael,
herte arered þee; be þou apayid wiþ þi glorie, and ſytt in þi
hous; why ſtiriſt þou euyl, þat þou falle, and Juda wiþ þee? regned Azarie, þe ſone of Amazie, kyng of Juda;
xi And Amazias aſſentyde not; and Joas, þe kyng of Yrael, ii of ſextene ȝeer he was, whanne he begane to regnen, and
ſteyȝide up, and þei ſeeȝen hem ſilf, he and Amazias, þe kyng two and fyfty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his
of Juda, in Bethſames, þe bourȝtoun of Jude. modir, Jecelia of Jeruſalem.
xii And Juda is ſmyten beforn Yrael; and þei flowen echone iii And he dyde þat, þat was pleſaunt beforn þe Lord, aftir
in to þeir tabernaclis. alle þingis þat Amazias, his fadir, hadde done;
xiii Joas, þe kyng of Yrael, forſoþe toke Amazie, þe kynge of iiii neuer þe latre þe heeȝe þingis he diſtruyde not; ȝit þe puple
Juda, þe ſone of Joas, þe ſone of Ochoſie, in Bethſames, and ſacrifiſide, and brent encenſe in heiȝtis.
brouȝte hym in to Jeruſalem; and he to-braſt þe walle of v Þe Lord forſoþe ſmoote þe kyng, and he was meſſel vnto þe
Jeruſalem, fro þe ȝaat of Effraym vnto þe ȝaat of þe cornere, day of his deþ; and he dwellede in þe hous freely aſyde.
in foure hundreþ cubitis. Joathas forſoþ, þe kyngis ſone, gouernde þe paleys, and he
xiiii And he toke al þe gold and ſyluer, and alle þe veſſels, þat demyde þe puple of þe lond.
ben foundun in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe treſories of þe vi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Azarie, and alle
kyng, and priſoners, and is turnede aȝeyn in to Samarye. þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of
xv Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joas, þe whiche he þe wordis of þe days of kyngis of Juda?
dyde, and his ſtrengþe, in þe whiche he fauȝte aȝeynſt Amazie, vii And Azarie ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and þey birieden hym
kyng of Juda, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wiþ his moris in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and Joathas, his ſone,
wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? regnede for hym.
xvi And Joas ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biryed in Samarye viii Þe eiȝt and þrittiþe ȝeer of Azaria, kyng of Juda, regnede
wiþ þe kyngis of Yrael; and Jeroboam, his ſone, regnede for Zacharie, þe ſone of Jeroboam, vpon Yrael in Samarie ſexe
hym. moneþis.
xvii Forſoþe Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, lyuede kyng of Juda, ix And he dyde þat, þat was euyl beforn þe Lord, as his
aftir þat Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, kyng of Yrael, dyȝide, fadirs dyden; he wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam,
fyue and twenty ȝeer. þe ſone of Nabath, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen.
xviii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amazie, wheþer not x Forſoþe Sellum, þe ſone of Jabes, in Samarye coniurede
þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe aȝenus hym; and he ſmoot hym opynly, and ſlewȝ, and
kyngis of Juda? regnede for hym.
xix And þere is maad aȝeyn hym coniuracyoun in Jeruſalem, xi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Zacharie, wheþer not
and he fleeiȝ in to Lachis; and þei ſenten aftir hym in to þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe
Lachis, and þei ſlewen hym þere. kyngis of Yrael?
xx And brouȝten hym þennus in hors, and he is biryide in xii þis is þe word of þe Lord, þat he ſpake to Hieu, ſeyinge,
Jeruſalem wiþ his fadirs, in þe cytee of Dauid. Þi ſonys vnto þe ferþ generacioun ſchul ſytten of þee vpon þe
xxi Forſoþe alle þe puple of Jude toke Azaria, ȝeeris born trone of Yſrael; and it is done ſo.
ſixteene; and þei ordeynde hym kyng for his fadir Amazie. xiii Sellum, þe ſone of Jabes, regnede þe nyne and þrittiþe
xxii And he bylde Ahilam, and reſtoorride it to Jude, aftir þat ȝeere of Azarie, kyng of Juda; he regnede forſoþe oon moneþe
þe kyng hadde ſlepte wiþ his fadirs. in Samarye.
xxiii Þe fyftenþ ȝeer of Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of xiiii And Manaheu, þe ſone of Gaddy, ſteyȝide up fro Tharſa,
Juda, regned Jeroboam, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Yrael, in and came in to Samarie; and ſmoot Sellum, þe ſone of
Samarye oon and fourty ȝeer; Jabes, in Samarye, and ſlewȝ hym, and regnede for hym.
xxiiii and dydde þat, þat is euyl before þe Lord; and he wente xv Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Sellum, and his
not aweye fro alle þe ſynnys of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, coniuracyoun, by þe whiche he bente buſchementis, wheþer not
þat maad Yrael to ſynne. þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of þe
xxv And he reſtooride þe termys of Yrael, fro þe entree of kyngis of Yrael?
xvi Þan Manaheu ſmoot Therſam, and alle þat weren in it,
Emath vnto þe ſe of wyldreneſſe, aftir þe word of þe Lord
God of Yrael, þat he ſpak by his ſeruaunt Jonas, þe ſone of and his termys fro Therſa; forſoþe þey wolden not openen to
Amathie, prophete, þat was of Geth, þat is in Oofer. hym; and he ſlewȝ alle þe wymmen of it wiþ childe, and kutte


xvii Þe nyne and þrittiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Juda, xxxvii In þo days byganne þe Lord to ſenden into Judam
regnede Manaheu, þe ſone of Gaddi, vpon Yrael tenn ȝeer in Raſym, þe kyng of Cyrye; and Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie.
Samarie. xxxviii And Joathan ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biryed wiþ
xviii And he dydde þat, þat was euyl beforn þe Lord; and he hem in þe cytee of Dauid, his fadir; and Achaz, his ſone,
wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of regnede for hym.
Nabath, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen.
xix Alle þe days of hym came Phul, þe kyng of Aſſiries, in Capitulum XVI.
Therſa. And Manaheu gaue to Phul a þouſand talentis of i The
ſyluer, þat he were to hym in to help, and þat he faſten his ſeuentenþe ȝeer of Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, regned
rewme; Achaz, þe ſone of Joathan, kyng of Juda.
xx and Manaheu comaundid ſyluer vpon Yrael to alle þe ii Of twenty ȝeer was Achaz, whan he began to regnen, and
myȝty and to þe ryche, þat he ſchulde ȝeue to þe kyng of ſexteen ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; he dyde not þat was
Aſſiries; fyfty ciclis of ſyluer, þoruȝ oute alle ȝeeris; and þe pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord his God, as Dauiþ, his fadir,
king of Aſſiries is turned aȝein, and dwellide not in Therſe. iii bot ȝeede in þe weye of þe kyngis of Yrael. Forþermore
xxi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Manaheu, and alle and his ſone he ſacrid, ouer berynge þoruȝ fyre, aftir þe
þingis þat he dide, wheþer not þeſe ben writen in þe boke of mawmettis of heiþen men, þe whiche þe Lord ſcatered beforn
þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? þe ſonys of Yrael.
xxii And Manaheu ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and Phaſaya, his iiii Forſoþe he offred ſlayn ſacrifices, and brende encenſe in
ſone, regnede for hym. heiȝtis, and in hillis, and vnder ech tree ful of braunchis.
xxiii Þe fyftyþe ȝeer of Azaria, kyng of Juda, regnede v Þan Raſyn, kyng of Cyrye, ſteyȝide up, and Phacee, þe
Phaſaye, þe ſone of Manaheu, vpon Yrael in Samarye two ſone of Romelie, kyng of Yrael, in to Jeruſalem to fiȝten; and
ȝeer. whanne þei byſegiden Achaz, þey myȝten not ouercomme hym.
xxiiii And he dyde þat, þat was euyl before þe Lord; and he vi In þat tyme Raſyn, kyng of Cyrye, reſtoride Ahilam to
wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of Cyrye, and keſt out þe Jewis fro Ahyla; and Ydumeis and
Nabath, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. Cyries camen in to Ahilam, and dwelten þere vnto þis day.
xxv Forſoþe Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, duyk of his hooſt, vii Forſoþe Achaz ſente meſſagers to Teglath Falaſar, kyng of
coniurede aȝeyn hym, and ſmoote hym in Samarye, in þe Aſſurye, ſeyinge, Þi ſeruaunt and þi ſone I am; ſteyȝe up,
toure of þe kyngis hous, biſydis Argob, and biſidis Arib, and and make me ſafe fro þe hond of þe kyng of Cyrye, and fro
wiþ hym fyfty men of þe ſonis of Galaditis; and he ſlewȝ þe hond of þe kyng of Yrael, þat han ryſen to gyþer aȝeynus
hym, and regnede for hym. me.
xxvi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Phaſaye, and alle viii And whan Achaz hadde gedrede to gydre ſyluer and gold,
þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of þat myȝt ben foundun in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe
þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? treſuries of þe kyng, and ſente to þe kyng of Aſſuries ȝiftis;
xxvii Þe two and fyftiþe ȝeer of Azarie, kyng of Jude, regnede ix þe whiche and aſſentide to þe wylle of hym. Þe kyng
Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, vpon Yrael in Samarye twenty forſoþe of Aſſuries ſteyȝide up in to Damaſc, and waaſtyde it,
ȝeer. and brouȝt ouer þe dwellers of it to Cyrynen; Raſyn forſoþe
xxviii And dydde þat, þat was euyl beforn þe Lord; and he he ſlewȝ.
x And kyng Achas wente in to aȝein commyng to Teglath
wente not aweye fro þe ſynnes of Jeroboam, þe ſone of
Nabath, þat maad Yrael to ſynnen. Phalaſar, kyng of Aſſirie, in to Damaſk; and whanne he
xxix In þe days of Phacee, kyng of Yrael, came Theglath hadde ſeen þe auter of Damaſc, kyng Achaz ſente to Vrias, þe
Falaſar, þe kyng of Aſſur, and toke Ayon, and Aybel, þe preſt, þe exſaumpler of it, and þe licneſſe, aftir al þe werk of
hous of Maacha, and Janoe, and Cedes, and Aſor, and it.
xi And Vrias, þe preſt, maad vp þe auter aftir alle þingis þat
Galaad, and Galilee, and al þe lond of Neptalym; and
tranſlatyde hem in to Aſſiries. king Achas hadde comaundide of Damaſc, ſo dyde þe preſt
xxx Forſoþe Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, coniurede, and bende Vrias, to þe tyme þat kyng Achaz came from Damaſk.
xii And whanne þe kyng ſchuld commen fro Damaſk, he ſawȝ
buſſchementis aȝeyns Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, and ſmoote
hym and ſlewȝ; and for hym regned, þe twentiþe ȝeer of þe auter, and wirſchipide it; and he ſteiȝid up, and offred
Jonathan, þe ſone of Oſee. brent ſacrificis, and his ſacrifice;
xxxi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Phacee, and alle xiii and he offrede ſacrificis of licours, and held þe blode of
þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of peſyble þingis, `þe whiche he hadde offred vpon þe auter.
þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael? xiiii Forſoþe þe braſen auter, þat was beforn þe Lord, he bare
xxxii Þe ſecounde ȝeer of Phacee, þe ſone of Romelye, kyng ouer fro þe face of þe temple, and fro þe place of þe auter,
of Yrael, regnede Joathan, þe ſone of Oſee, kyng of Juda; and fro þe place of þe temple of þe Lord; and putte it on ſyde
xxxiii of fyue and twenti ȝeer he was, whanne he byganne to of þe auter at þe norþ.
xv King forſoþe Achaz comaundide to Vrie, þe preſt, ſeyinge,
regnen, and ſixtene ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his
modir Ceruſa, þe douȝtir of Sadoch. Vpon þe more auter offre þe morowtyde brent ſacrifice, and þe
xxxiiii And he dyde þat, þat was pleſaunt beforn þe Lord; aftir euentyde ſacrifice, and þe brent ſacrifice of þe kyng, and his
alle þingis þat hadde done Oſeas, his fadir, he wrouȝt; ſacrifice, and þe brent ſacrificis of al þe puple of þe lond, and
xxxv neuerþelatre þe heiȝtis he dyde not aweye; ȝitt þe puple
þe ſacrificis of hem, and þe ſacrificis of þe licours of hem; and
al þe blode of þe brent ſacrifice, and al þe blood of þe ſlayn
offred, and brent encenſe in heiȝtis; he bylde up þe alþerheeȝiſt ſacrifyce, vpon it þou ſchalt heelden; forſoþe þe braſen auter
ȝaat of þe hous of þe Lord. ſchal be maad redye at my wylle.
xxxvi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joathan, and alle xvi Þan Vrias, þe preſt, dyde aftir alle þingis þat kyng Achaz
þe þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke hadde comaundyde to hym.
of þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda?


xvii Forſoþe kyng Achaz toke grauen feete, and þe watir þe Lord had comaundyde to hem, þat þei ſchulden not done as
veſſel, þat was þere aboue, and þe ſe he putte doun of þe and þei dyden.
braſen oxen, þat ſuſteyneden it, and he putte vpon þe pament xvi And þei forſoken alle þe heſtis of þe Lord þeir God, and
greiþid wiþ ſtoon. þei maaden to hem two ȝoten calues, and mawmette wodis;
xviii Forſoþe þe place where þe kingis offrynge was leyd of þe and þei honoureden alle þe knyȝthode of heuen; and þei
ſaboth, þat he hadde bylde in þe temple, and þe commynge in ſerueden to Baal,
of þe kyng wiþouten forþ, he turnede in to þe temple of þe xvii and þei ſacreden to it þeir ſonys and þeir douȝtris þoruȝ
Lord for þe kyng of Aſſiries. fyer, and to dyuynynge þei inwardly ſerueden, and to
xix Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Achaz, and alle dyuynynge in chiterynge of briddis; and þei bitauȝten hem
þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of ſeluen þat þei done euyl byforn þe Lord, and þei terreden
þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda? hym.
xx And Achaz ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biried wiþ hem in xviii And þe Lord is wroþe hydouſly to Yrael; and he toke
þe cytee of Dauid; and Ezechias, his ſone, regned for hym. hem aweye fro his ſiȝt, and þer laft not bot þe lynage of Juda
xix Bot and not he, Juda, kepte þe heſtis of þe Lord his
Capitulum XVII.
God, neuer þe later he errid, and went in þe errours of
i The twelfþe ȝeer of Achaz, kyng of Juda, regnede Oſee, þe Yrael, þe whiche he hadde wrouȝt.
ſone of Hela, in Samarie vpon Yrael nyne ȝeer. xx And þe Lord þrewe aweye al þe ſeed of Yrael, and
ii And he dyde euyl before þe Lord, bot not as þe kyngis of tourmentyde hem, and he toke hem in þe hond of diſtriers; to
Yrael, þat weren beforn hym. þe tyme þat he caſt hem aweye fro his face,
iii Aȝeynus þis ſteyȝide up Salmanaſer, kyng of Aſſiries, and xxi fro þat nowe tyme fro þe whiche Yrael was kutt of fro þe
Oſee is maad to hym ſeruaunt, and ȝeeldide to hym tributis. hous of Dauid, and þei ordeyneden to hem a kyng, Jeroboam,
iiii And whanne þe kyng of Aſſiries hadde perceyued, þat Oſee þe ſone of Nabath. Forſoþe Jeroboam ſeuerede Yrael fro þe
enforcede to rebellen, and þat he hadde ſente meſſagers to Lord, and made hem to ſynnen a grete ſynne.
xxii And þe ſonys of Yrael wenten in alle þe ſynnes of
Sua, kyng of Egipt, leſt he ſchulde ȝeuen tributis to þe kyng
of Aſſiries, as eche ȝeer he was wont, he byſegyde hym, and Jeroboam, `þe whiche he hadde done; and þei wenten not
bounden he putte in to pryſoun. aweye fro hem,
v And he wente þoruȝ out al þe lond, and ſteyȝynge to xxiii for to þe Lord dyde Yrael awey fro his face, as he hadde
Samarie he byſegide it þre ȝeer. ſpoken in þe hond of alle his ſeruauntis prophetis; and Yrael
vi Þe nyneþe ȝeer forſoþ of Oſee, þe kyng of Aſſiries toke is tranſlatyd fro his lond in to Aſſiries vnto þis day.
xxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng of Aſſiries brouȝt þe puple fro
Samarie, and tranſlatyde Yſrael into Aſſiries; and he ſett hem
in Hela, and in Thabor, beſyde þe flode of Gozam, in þe Babiloyne, and fro Cutha, and fro Haylath, and fro Emath,
cytees of Medis. and fro Sepharuaym, and he ſette hem in þe cytees of
vii It is done forſoþe, whanne þe ſonys of Yrael hadden Samarye for þe ſonys of Yrael; þe whiche weeldiden
ſynned beforn þe Lord þeir God, þat ladde hem out fro þe Samarie, and dwelliden in þe cytees of it.
lond of Egipt, fro þe hond of Pharao, kyng of Egipte, þei xxv And whanne þere þei hadden begunne to dwellen, þei
heryeden alyen goddis; dredden not þe Lord; and þe Lord ſente to hem lyouns, þat
viii and wenten aftir þe cuſtom of heiþene, whom þe Lord ſlewen hem.
xxvi And it is told to þe kyng of Aſſiries, and ſeide, Þe folc
hadde waaſtyde in þe ſiȝt of þe ſonys of Yrael, and of þe
kyngis of Yrael, for lijk maner þei hadden done. þat þou haſt tranſlatyde, and maad to dwellen in þe cytees of
ix And þe ſonys of Yrael offendiden wiþ wordis not riȝt þe Samarye, knowen not þe lawful þingis of þe God of þe lond;
Lord þeir God, and þei bildiden to hem heeȝe þingis in alle and þe Lord ſente in to hem lyouns, and loo! þei ſchuln ſlen
þeir cytees, fro þe toure of kepers vnto þe ſtrengþid cytee. hem; for þy þat þei knowen not þe cuſtum of þe God of þe
x And þei maden to hem ymagis, and mawmett wodis, in all lond.
xxvii Þe kyng forſoþe of Aſſiries comaundyde, ſeyinge,
heeȝe hill, and vndir al braunchy tree;
xi and þey brenden þere encenſe vpon þe auters in maner of Bringiþ hidre oon of þe preſtis, `þe whiche in to caytyfte ȝe
han brouȝt, þat he goo, and dwelle wiþ hem, and teche hem
heiþen, whom þe Lord hade tranſlatide fro þe face of hem. þe lawful þingis of God of þe lond.
And þei diden þe warſt wordis, terryng þe Lord; xxviii Þanne whanne oon of þes preſtis, þat weren ladde
xii and þey heryeden þe vnclenneſſe, of þe whiche þe Lord
caytyfe fro Samarie, was commen, he dwellide in Bethel, and
comaundide to hem, þat þei ſchulden not done þat worde. tauȝte hem, in what maner wyſe þei ſchulden herie þe Lord.
xiii And þe Lord witneſſide in Yrael and in Juda, by þe hond xxix And ech folc forgid his god, and putten hem in heeȝe
of alle prophetis, and þe ſeeȝers, ſeyinge, Turniþ aȝeyn fro templis, `þe whiche Samaritis maden, folc and folc in þeir
ȝoure warſt weyes, and kepiþ myn heſtis, and my cerymonyes, cytees, in þe whiche þei dwelliden.
aftir al þe lawe `þe whiche I haue comaundide to ȝoure xxx Forſoþe Babyloynes men maden Socoth Benoth; forſoþe
fadirs, and as I ſente to ȝou in þe hond of my ſeruauntis
prophetis. Cutheny men maaden Vergel; and þe men of Emath maaden
xiiii Þe whiche herden not, bot hardeneden þeir noll aftir þe Aſma;
xxxi bot Euey maaden Nabaath and Tharcha; þes forſoþe þat
noll of þeir fadirs, þat wolden not obeyſchen to þe Lord þeir
God. weren of Sepharuaym brenden þeir ſonys wiþ fyre to
xv And þei kaſten aweye þe lawful þingis of hym, and þe Adramalech and Aramalech, goddis of Sepharuaym.
xxxii And neuer þe latere þei herieden þe Lord; þei maaden
couenaunt þat he couenauntyde wiþ þe fadirs of hem, and þe
witneſſingis by þe whiche he wytneſſede hem; and þei forſoþe to hem preſtis of þe moſt newe þingis of heeȝe þingis,
foloweden vanytes, and vaynly þei diden; and þei foloweden and þei putten hem in heeȝe heiþen templis.
heiþen folc, þat weren by þe enuyroun of hem; vpon þe whiche


xxxiii And whanne þei ſchulden heryen God, forſoþe to þeir þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, hadde comaundide, þei herden not, ne
goddis þei ſerueden, aftir þe vſage of heiþen men, fro þe dyden.
whiche þei were tranſlatyde to Samarye; xiii Þe fourtenþe ȝeer of kyng Ezekie, ſteyȝide up Senacherub,
xxxiiii vnto þe day þat is nowe þei foloweden þe old maner; kyng of Aſſiries, to alle þe ſtrengþid cytees of Juda, and toke
þey dredden not þe Lord, ne keepen his cerymonyes, and hem.
domys, and lawe, and maundement, þat þe Lord hadde xiiii Þan Ezechias, kyng of Juda, ſente meſſagers to þe kyng
comaundide to þe ſonys of Jacob, whome he clepide Yrael; of Aſſiries in Lachis, ſeyinge, I haue ſynned; go aweye fro
xxxv and hadde ſmyten wiþ hem couenaunt, and hadde me, and al þat þou puttiſt on to me, I ſchale beren. And ſo
comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, Wylle ȝe not dreeden alyen þe kyng of Aſſiries comaundide to Ezechie, kyng of Juda, þre
goddis, and honouriþ not hem, ne herieþ hem, and offre ȝe hundreþ talentis of ſyluer, and þritty talentis of gold.
not to hem; xv And Ezechias ȝaue alle þe ſyluer, þat was founden in þe
xxxvi bot þe Lord ȝoure God, þat ladde ȝou out fro þe lond of hous of þe Lord, and in þe kingis treſouries.
Egipt in grete ſtrengþe, and in aarme ſtrauȝte out, hym xvi In þat tyme Ezechias brake þe doris of þe temple of þe
dreediþ, and hym honouriþ, and to him offriþ. Lord, and þe platis of gold, þe whiche he hadde affitchide,
xxxvii Þe cerymonyes forſoþe, and þe domys, and þe lawe, and he ȝaue hem to þe kyng of Aſſiries.
and þe maundement þat he wroote to ȝou, keepiþ, þat ȝe done xvii Forſoþe þe kyng of Aſſiries ſente Thercam and Rapſacem
alle days; and dreed ȝe not alyen goddis. fro Lachis to kyng Ezechie, wiþ ſtronge hond to Jeruſalem; þe
xxxviii And þe couenaunt þat he ſmoote wiþ ȝou, williþ not whiche whanne hadden ſteyȝide up, þei camen to Jeruſalem,
forȝeten, ne herie ȝee alyen goddis; and ſtoden byſydis þe kundyte of watir of þe ouer fyſch poond,
xxxix bot þe Lord ȝoure God dreediþ, and he ſchal delyuere þat is in þe weye of þe fullers feeld.
xviii And þei clepide þe kyng; forſoþe Eliachym, þe ſone of
ȝou fro þe hond of alle ȝoure enmyes.
xl Þei forſoþe herden not, bot aftir þeir vſage beforn hadde þei Elchie, prouoſt of þe hous, wente out to hem, and Sobna,
ſcribe, and Joache, þe ſone of Azaf, chauncelere.
diden euyl. xix And Rapſaces ſeide to hem, Spekiþ to Ezechie, Þes
xli Þanne þes gentylis forſoþe weren dreedynge God; bot
þingis ſeiþ þe grete kyng, kyng of Aſſiries, What is þis truſt,
neuer þe later and to þeir mawmettis ſeruynge, for and þe in þe whiche þou leuiſt?
ſonys of hem and þe ſonys ſonys ſo done, as dyden þeir xx Perauenture þou haſt goon in counſeil, þat þou greiþe þee
fadirs, vnto þe preſent day.
to batayl. In what triſtiſt þou, þat þou be hardy to rebellen?
xxi Wheþer hopiſt þou in þe reeden ſtaf and broken, Egipt,
Capitulum XVIII.
vpon whiche ȝif a man lene, to-broken it ſchal goon in to his
i The þrid ȝeer of Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, kyng of Yrael, hond, and þrillen it? So is Pharao, þe kyng of Egipt, to alle
regned Ezechias, þe ſone of Achaz, kyng of Juda. þat truſten in hym.
ii Of fyue and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to xxii And ȝif þou ſeiſt to me, In þe Lord oure God we han
regnen, and twenty and nyne ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; truſt; wheþer not he is, of whome Ezechie toke aweye þe heeȝe
name of his modir, Abiſa, douȝtir of Zacharie. þingis and þe auters, and comaundide to Jude and to
iii And he dyde þat, þat was good beforn þe Lord, aftir alle Jeruſalem, Beforn þis auter ȝe ſchuln honouren in Jeruſalem?
xxiii Nowe þanne gooþ to my lord, king of Aſſiries, and I
þingis þat Dauiþ, his fadir, hadde done.
iiii And he ſcatered þe heeȝe þingis, and to-bruſede þe ymagis, ſchal ȝeue to ȝou two þouſand of hors, and ſeeȝiþ, wheþer ȝe
and hewȝ doun þe mawmett wodis, and he to-braſte þe braſen mown han ſteyȝers vpon hem?
addere, þat Moyſes hadde maad; forſoþe vnto þat tyme þe xxiiii And what maner wijſe mowen ȝe wiþ ſtonden beforn oon
ſonys of Yrael brenden to it encenſe; and he clepide þe name prince of þe leſt ſeruauntis of my lord? Wheþer haſt þou truſt
of it Noeſtam. in Egipt, for þe chaaris and hors men?
v And in þe Lord God of Yrael he hoopide; alſo aftir hym xxv Wheþer wiþ oute þe wille of God I haue ſteyȝide up to
was not lijk to hym of alle þe kyngis of Juda, bot nouþer in þis place, þat I diſtruye it? Þe Lord ſeide to me, Steyȝe ȝe
hem þat weren beforn hym. up to þis lond, and diſtruye it.
vi And he cleeuede to þe Lord, and he wente not aweye fro þe xxvi Forſoþe Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, and Sobna, and
ſteppis of hym, and he dyde his heeſtis, þe whiche þe Lord Joache, ſeyden to Rapſace, We preyen, þat þou ſpeke to us,
hadde comaundide to Moyſes; þi ſeruauntis, Ciriely; forſoþe we vndirſtonden þat tong; and
vii wherfore and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and in alle þingis to ſpeke þou not to us Jewly, heerynge þe puple, þat is vpon þe
þe whiche he went forþ, wyſely he had hym ſilf. Forſoþe he walle.
rebellide aȝeynus þe king of Aſſiries, and þerfore he ſerued xxvii And Rapſaces anſwerde to hym, ſeyinge, Wheþer to þi
not to hym; lord and to þee ſente me my lord, þat I ſchulde ſpeken þes
viii and he ſmoote þe Philiſteis vnto Gaſam, and alle þe wordis, and not more to þe men þat ſytten vpon þe wall, þat
termys of hem, fro þe toure of keepers vnto þe ſtrengþid cytee. þei eten þeir dritt, and drynken þeir vryne wiþ ȝou?
ix Þe ferþ ȝeer of kyng Ezechie, þe whiche was þe ſeuenþe xxviii And ſo Rapſaces ſtode, and cryede out wiþ a grete voyce
ȝeer of Oſee, þe ſone of Hela, kyng of Yrael, Salmanazer, Jewly, and ſeiþ, Heeriþ þe wordis of þe grete kyng, kyng of
kyng of Aſſirie, ſteyȝide vp to Samarie, and ouercame it, and Aſſiries.
xxix Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, `Diſceyue not ȝou Ezechie;
x For aftir þree ȝeer, þe ſext ȝeer of Ezechie, þat is nynþe ȝeer forſoþe he ſchal not mowen delyuer ȝou fro myn hond;
xxx ne ȝyue he truſt to ȝou vpon þe Lord, ſeying, Delyuerynge
of Oſee, kyng of Yrael, taken is Samarie;
xi and þe kyng of Aſſiries tranſlatyde Yrael in to Aſſiries, and ſchal delyueren us þe Lord, and þis cyte ſchal not be taken in
ſette hem in Haila, and in Habor, flodis of Goſam, in þe þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries;
cytees of Medis; xxxi wille ȝe not heeren Ezechias. Þes þingis forſoþe ſeiþ þe
xii for þei herden not þe voice of þe Lord þeir God, bot kyng of Aſſiries, Dooþ wiþ me þat to ȝou is profytable, and
wenten beſyde þe couenaunt of hym; alle þingis þat Moyſes,


comiþ out to me; and ete ech oon of his vijne, and of his fijge xii Wheþer þe goddis of Gentylis delyuerden alle whom my
tree, and ȝe ſchuln drynke watirs of ȝoure ciſternys, faders waaſtyden, Gozam, þat is, and Aran, and Reſeph, and
xxxii to þe tyme þat I come, and tranſlate ȝou in to þe lond þe ſonys of Eden, þat weren in Thelaſſar?
þat is lijc to ȝour lond, in to þe lond berynge fruyt, and xiii Wher is þe kyng of Emath, and þe kyng of Arfath? and
plenteuows of wijne, þe lond of brede, and of vynys, þe lond þe kyng of þe cytee of Cepharuaym, Ana, and Aua?
of olyues, `and of oyle, and of hony; and ȝe ſchulen lyuen, and xiiii And ſo whanne Ezechias hade taken þe lettres fro þe
not dyȝen. Wylle ȝe not heeren Ezechie, þat ȝou diſceyueþ,
ſeyinge, Þe Lord ſchal delyueren us. hond of þe meſſagers, and hadde rad hem, he ſteyȝide up in to
xxxiii Wheþer delyuerden þe goddis of Gentylis þeir lond fro þe hous of þe Lord, and he ſpradde hym out beforn þe Lord;
xv and preyide in his ſiȝt, ſeyinge, Lord God of Yrael, þat
þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries?
xxxiiii Where is þe god of Emath, and Arfath? Where is þe ſyttyſt vpon cherubyn, þou ert aloon God of alle kyngis of þe
erþ; þou maadiſt heuen and erþe.
god of Sapharuaym, Ana, and Aua? Wheþer þei delyuerden xvi Bowe doun þin ere, and here; opyn þin eeȝen, Lord, and
Samarie fro myn hond?
xxxv Who forſoþe ben þes in alle þe goddis of londis, `þe ſee; and here þou alle þe wordis of Senacherub, þat ſente, þat
he repreue to us þe lyuynge God.
whiche delyuerden þeir regyoun fro my hond, þat þe Lord may xvii Forſoþe, Lord, þe kyngis of Aſſiries ſcatirden þe Gentylis,
delyueren Jeruſalem fro myn hond?
xxxvi And ſo þe puple was ſtyll, and anſwerde not to hym eny and þe londis of alle,
xviii and ſenten þe goddis of hem in to fyre; forſoþe þey weren
þinge; forſoþe maundement of þe kyng þei hadde taken, þat
þei ſchulden not anſweren to hym. not goddis, bot þe wercis of þe hondis of men, of tree and
xxxvii And Eliachym, þe ſone of Elchie, þe prouoſt of þe hous, ſtoon; and þei diſtruyeden hem.
xix Now þan, Lord oure God, maake vs ſaaf fro þe hond of
came, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joache, þe ſone of Azaf,
chauncelere, to Ezechie, þe cloþis kutt; and þei tolden to hym hem, þat alle rewmys of þe erþ knowen for þou ert Lord God
þe wordis of Rapſaces. aloon.
xx Forſoþe Yſayas, þe ſone of Amos, ſente to Ezechie, ſeyinge,
Capitulum XIX. Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, What þingis þou
preyediſt me vpon Senacherub, kyng of Aſſiries, I haue
i The whiche þingis whanne kyng Ezechie hadde herde, he herde.
cutte his cloþis, and is couerde wiþ a ſac; and he wente in to xxi þis is þe word, þat þe Lord haþ ſpoken of hym; He haþ
þe hous of þe Lord. diſpiſide þee, and ſcorned þee, þou meyden douȝtir of Syon;
ii And he ſente Eliachym, þe prouoſt of þe hous, and Sobna, aftir þi bac þe heued he meuede, þou douȝtir of Jeruſalem.
ſcribe, and þe olde men of þe preſtis, couerd wiþ ſackis, to xxii To whom haſt þou repreued, and whom haſt þou
Yſay, þe prophete, þe ſone of Amos. blasfemede? Aȝeynus whome haſt þou enhauncid þi voice, and
iii Þe whiche ſeyden, Þes þingis ſeiþ Ezechias, Days of haſt reride in to heeiȝ þin eeȝen? Aȝenus þe hooly of Yrael.
tribulacyoun, and of blamynge, and of blasfemye þes days; þer xxiii By þe hond of þi ſeruauntes þou haſt putte reprofe to þe
ben commyn ſonys to þe birþe, and ſtrengþis haþ not þe childe Lord, and ſeidiſt, In þe multitude of my chaaris I ſteiȝide up
berere. þe heiȝtis of hillis, in þe ouermoſt of Lybane, and I hewȝ
iiii Ȝif perauenture heere þe Lord þi God alle þe wordis of doun þe heeȝe cedris of it, and þe choſen firris of it; and I
Rapſaces, whom ſente þe kynge of Aſſiries, his lord, þat he wente in vnto þe termys of it, and þe wijlde wode of þe
repreue þe Lord lyuynge, and vndernym wiþ wordis, þe Carmele of it I haue hewen doun;
whiche herde þe Lord þi God; and make oryſoun for þes xxiiii and I haue dronken alyen watirs, and haue dryed wiþ
relikis, þat ben founden. þe ſteppis of my feet alle þe cloſed watirs.
v Þanne þe ſeruauntis of kyng Ezechie camen to Yſay; xxv Wheþer haſt þou not herde, what I haue done fro þe
vi and Yſay ſeiþ to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ to ȝoure lord, Þes bigynnynge? Fro þe olde days I haue fourmyd it, and nowe I
þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Wille ȝe not dreeden fro þe face of þe haue brouȝt to; and þe ſtreyngþid cytees ſchuln ben in to
wordis þat ȝe han herde, wiþ þe whiche þe children of þe fallynge of þe fiȝtynge hyllis.
kyng of Aſſiries han blasfemyden me. xxvi And þilk þat ſytten in hem meeke in hond, han tremblyd
vii Loo! I ſchal ſenden in to hym a ſpirit, and he ſchal here a to gydre, and ben confoundyd; þei ben maad as hey of þe
meſſager, and he ſchal `be turned aȝeyn in to his lond; and I feeld, and as greene herbe of rofys, þe whiche is maad drye,
ſchal þrowen hym doun by ſwerd in his owne lond. er it myȝt comme to rijpneſſe.
viii Þanne Rapſaces is turned aȝeyn, and foond þe kyng of xxvii And þi dwellynge place, and þi goynge oute, and þi
Aſſiries ouercommynge Lobnam; forſoþe he hade herde, þat he commynge in, and þi weye I knewe beforn, and þi woodneſſe
was goon aweye fro Lachis. aȝeynus me.
ix And whanne he hade herd of kyng Thearacha of Etheope, xxviii Þou wexe wood in me, and þi pride ſteyȝide up in to
meſſager ſeyinge, Lo! he is goon out, þat he fiȝt aȝeynus þee; my eris; and ſo I ſchal putten a cercle in þyn noos þrillis,
þat he goo aȝeynus hym, he ſente meſſagers to Ezechie, and a bernacle in þi lippis, and I ſchal brynge þee aȝeyn by
ſeyinge, þe weye þat þou came.
x Þes þingis ſeyiþ to Ezekie, kyng of Juda, Leede þee not xxix To þee forſoþe, Ezechie, þis ſchal ben a tokne; ete þis
aſyde þe Lord þi God, in þe whiche þou haſt truſt, ne ſey þou, ȝere þat þou fyndiſt; in þe ſecounde forſoþe ȝere þat freely
Jeruſalem ſchal not be taken in to þe hondis of þe kyng of growen; bot in þe þrid ȝeer ſowiþ, and repiþ, and plauntiþ
Aſſiries; vynes, and etiþ þe fruyt of hem.
xi þou forſoþe þi ſilf haſt herd what þingis þe kyngis of xxx And what euer were laft of þe hous of Juda, it ſchal
Aſſiries han done in alle londis, what maner þei han putten þe rote beneþe, and maken fruyt abouen.
waaſtiden hem; wheþer þan aloon þou ſchalt mowen ben xxxi Fro Jeruſalem forſoþ ſchuln goon out relykis, and þat
delyuered? ſchal ben ſaued of þe hyll of Syon; þe zeel of þe Lord of
hooſtis ſchal done þat.


xxxii For what þing þes þinges ſeiþ þe Lord of þe kyng of was not a word, þat Ezechie ſchewide not to hem in his hous,
Aſſiries, He ſchal not commen in to þis cytee, ne ſenden and in alle his power.
arowe in to it, and targett ſchal not ocupien it, and xiiii Forſoþe Yſay, þe prophete, came to kynge Ezechie, and
warnyſchynge ſchal not enuyroun it. ſeide to hym, What ſeyden þes men, or whenns camen þei to
xxxiii By þe weye þat he came he ſchal be turned aȝeyn, and þee? To whome ſeiþ Ezechie, Fro a ferre lond þei camen to
þis cytee he ſchal not comme in, ſeiþ þe Lord; me, fro Babyloyne.
xxxiiii and I ſchal defenden þis cytee, and ſauen it for me, xv And he anſwerde, What ſeeȝen þei in þin hous? Ezechie
and for Dauid, my ſeruaunt. ſeiþ, Alle þingis, what euer ben in myn hous, þei ſeeȝen; no
xxxv It is done þanne, þe aungel of þe Lord came in þat þing is þat I haue not ſchewide to hem in my treſuries.
xvi And ſo Yſay ſeyde to Ezechie, Heere þou þe word of þe
nyȝt, and ſmoote in þe tentis of Aſſiries an hundreþ
foureſcoore and fyue þouſandis. And whanne erly he hade Lord.
ryſen, he ſawȝ alle þe bodies of þe deed; and aȝeyn gooynge xvii Lo! days commen, and alle þingis þat ben in þi hous
wente aweye. ſchuln be taken aweye, and þe whiche þi fadirs hydden vnto
xxxvi And Senacherub, þe kyng of Aſſiries, is turned aȝeyn, þis day, in to Babyloyne; þer ſchal not leuen eny þinge, ſeiþ
and dwellide in Nynyue. þe Lord.
xxxvii And whanne he ſchulde honouren in þe temple of xviii Bot and of þi ſonys, þat ſchul goon out of þee, þe whiche
Neſarath, his god, Toramelech and Ciraſar, þe ſonys of hym, þou ſchalt geten ſchul ben taken aweye, and þei ſchul ben
ſmyten hym wiþ ſwerd; and þei flowen in to þe lond of geldyngis in þe paleys of þe kyng of Babyloyne.
Armeneys; and Aſſeraddon, his ſone, regnede for hym. xix Ezechie ſeide to Yſay, Good is þe word of þe Lord, þat he
ſpac; be oonly pees and treuþe in my days.
Capitulum XX. xx Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ezechie, and alle his

i In
ſtreyngþe, and howe he maad þe fiſche poond, and þe watre
þo dayes ſijknede Ezechias vnto þe deeþ; and þere cam to cundite, and brouȝten in watirs in to þe cytee, wheþer not þes
hym Yſayas, þe ſone of Amos, prophete, and ſeyde to hym, ben writen in þe boke of þe wordys of þe days of kyngis of
Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Comaunde to þin hous, forſoþe Juda?
þou ſchalt dyen, and not lyuen. xxi And Ezechie ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and Manaſſes, his ſone,
ii Þe whiche turned his face to þe wall, and honourede þe
regnede for hym.
Lord, ſeyinge,
iii I beſeche, Lord, haue mynde, how I haue goon before þee
Capitulum XXI.
in treuþe, and in perfyte herte, and þat is pleſaunt before þee
haue done. And ſo Ezechias wepte wiþ grete weepynge. i Of twelue ȝeer was Manaſſes, whanne he beganne to
iiii And ere Yſay were gon out þe half partye of þe porche, þe regnen, and fyue and fourty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þe
word of þe Lord is done to hym, ſeyinge, name of his modir, Aſiba.
v Turne aȝeyn, and ſey to Ezechie, þe duke of my puple, Þes ii And he dide euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, after þe mawmettis
þingis ſeiþ þe Lord of Dauid, þi fadre, I haue herd þi preyer, of Gentils, þe whiche þe Lord dide aweye fro þe face of þe
and ſeen þi tere, and, loo! I haue helid þee. Þe þrid day þou ſonys of Yrael.
ſchalt ſteyȝen up to þe temple of þe Lord, iii And he is turned, and bylde up heeȝe þingis, þe whiche
vi and I ſchal adden to þy days fyueteen ȝeer; bot and fro þe Ezechie, his fadir, ſcatirde; and he rerede up þe auters of
hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries I ſchal delyueren þee, and þis Baal, and maad mawmett woddis, as dyde Achab, kyng of
cytee, and I ſchal defenden þis cyte for me, and for Dauid, Yrael; and he honourede al þe knyȝthod of heuen, and heryede
my ſeruaunt. it.
vii And Yſay ſeyde, Bryngiþ to me a maſſe of fijgis. Þe iiii And he maad up autirs in þe hous of þe Lord, of þe
whiche whan þei hadden brouȝt to, and putte vpon his botche, whiche þe Lord ſeide, In Jeruſalem I ſchal putten my name.
he is heelid. v And he maad up autirs of alle þe knyȝthode of heuen in two
viii Ezechie forſoþe ſeide to Yſay, What ſchal ben þe tokne, for poorchis of þe temple of þe Lord;
þe Lord ſchal helyn me, and for þe þrid day I am to ſteyȝen vi and he ouerladde his ſone þorȝ fijr; and he dyuynede, and
up þe temple of þe Lord? he weytide þe dyuynynge of chiterynge of briddis; and maad
ix To whom ſeiþ Yſay, þis ſchal ben þe tokne fro þe Lord, þat enchaunteris, and clepers of deuyls he multiplied, þat he dide
þe Lord be to do þe word þat he ſpac; wylt þou, þat vmbre euyl beforn þe Lord, and terrede hym.
ſteyȝe up tenn lynys, or þat it be turned aȝeyn as fele grees? vii And he putte þe mawmett of þe mawmett wodde, þat he
x And Ezechie ſeiþ, It is liȝt vmbre to creſen tenn lynis, ne hadde maad, in to þe temple of þe Lord, vpon þe whiche þe
þis I wylle þat be done, bot þat it be turned aȝeyn bacward Lord ſpac to Dauid, and to Salomon, his ſone, In þis
tenn degrees. temple, and in Jeruſalem þat I haue choſen of alle þe lynagis
xi And ſo Yſay, þe prophete, inwardly clepyde þe Lord, and of Yrael, I ſchal putte my name vnto euermore.
viii And I ſchal make no more to be ſtyred þe fote of Yrael
brouȝt aȝeyn þe vmbre by þe lynys, wiþ þe whiche nowe it
hadde goon doun in þe orloge of Achaz, bacward tenn fro þe lond þat I ȝaue to þe fadirs of hem; ſo neuer þe later
degrees. ȝif þei kepen in dede alle þingis þat I bad hem, and al þe
xii In þat tyme ſente Berodachaladam, þe ſone of Baladam, lawe þat Moyſes, my ſeruaunt, comaundyde to hem.
ix Þei forſoþe herden not, bot ben bouȝt doun of Manaſſe, þat
kyng of Babyloyne, lettris and ȝiftis to Ezechie; forſoþe he
hadde herd, þat Ezechie was ſijk, and hadde couerde. þei don euyl ouer þe Gentilis, þe whiche þe Lord to-trade fro
xiii And Ezechias gladide in þe commynge of hem, and þe face of þe ſonys of Yrael.
x And þe Lord ſpac in þe hond of his ſeruauntis prophetis,
ſchewide to hem þe hous of ſwote ſpycis, and gold, and ſiluer,
and dyuerſe pymentis, and oynementis, and þe hous of his ſeyinge,
veſſels, and alle þingis þat he myȝt han in his treſouries; þer


xi For Manaſſes, king of Juda, dyde alle þes abomynacyouns of þe Lord, to þe coueryngis of þe temple of þe Lord to ben
moſt euyl ouer alle þingis þe whiche dyden Amorreis beforn enſtorid,
hym, and alſo he maad Juda to ſynnen in his vnclenneſſis; vi þat is, to þe mayſter carpenters, and maſouns, and to hem
xii þerfore þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yrael, Lo! I ſchal þat maken to gydre þe bytwene broken, and þat þere be bouȝt
bryngen in euyls vpon Jeruſalem and Judam, þat who ſo trees and ſtonys of þe quarrees, to þe enſtorynge of þe temple
euer heeriþ, boþe þe eris of hym ſchal tynclyn; of þe Lord;
xiii and I ſchal ſtretchen out vpon Jeruſalem þe lytyl coord of vii neuer þe later þe ſyluer be not tolde to hem, þat þei taken,
Samarye, and þe birþen of þe hous of Achab, and I ſchal bot in power haue þei, and in feiþ.
don aweye Jeruſalem, as tablis ben wont to ben don aweye; viii Forſoþe Elchias, þe biſchop, ſeide to Sapham, ſcribe, Þe
doynge aweye I ſchal turnen, and bryngyn ofter þe poyntel boke of þe lawe I haue founden in þe hous of þe Lord. And
vpon his face. Elchias ȝaue þe volym to Sapham, ſcribe, þe whiche and
xiiii Forſoþe I ſchal leuen þe relikis of myn herytage, and radde it.
ſchal taken hem in to þe hond of his enmyes; and þei ſchul ix Forſoþe Sapham, ſcribe, came to þe kyng, and told to hym
ben in waaſtite, and in rauyne to alle þeir aduerſaries; what þingis he hade comaundide, and ſeiþ, Þi ſeruauntis
xv for þi þat þei dyden euyl beforn me, and dwelliden ſtedfaſt blewen to gydre þe monee, þat is founden in þe hous of þe
terrynge me, fro þe day þat þeir fadirs wenten out of Egipt Lord, and han ȝeuen, þat it be delid to þe wriȝtis of þe
vnto þis day. prefectis of þe werkis of þe temple of þe Lord.
xvi Ferþermore and Manaſſes ſchad myche gyltleſſe blode ouer x Forſoþe Sapham, ſcribe, tolde to þe kyng, ſeyinge, Elchias,
gretely, to þe tyme þat Jeruſalem wer fulfyld vp to þe mouþe, þe preſt of God, ȝaue to me a boke; þe whiche whanne
wiþ oute his ſynnes in whiche he maad Judam to ſynnen, þat Sapham hade radde before þe kyng,
he do yuel beforn þe Lord. xi and þe king had herd þe wordis of þe boke of þe lawe of þe
xvii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Manaſſe, and alle Lord, he kutte his cloþis.
þingis þat he dyde, and his ſynne þat he ſynned, wheþer þes xii And he comaundyde to Elchie, þe preſt, and to Aychan, þe
ben not wryten in þe boke of þe wordis of þe days of kyngis ſone of Saphan, and to Achabor, þe ſone of Mycha, and to
of Juda? Sapham, ſcribe, and to Achie, ſeruaunt of þe kyng, ſeyinge,
xviii And Manaſſes ſlept wiþ his fadirs, and is byryed in þe xiii Gooþ, and counſeiliþ þe Lord vpon me, and vpon þe
gardyne of his hous, in þe gardyn of Azam; and Amon, his puple, and vpon al Juda, of þe wordis of þis volyme, þat is
ſone, regned for hym. founden; grete forſoþe wraþe of þe Lord is tende up aȝeynus
xix Of two and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to us, for oure fadirs herden not þe wordis of þis boke, þat þei
regnen; two forſoþe ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; name of his ſchulde done al þat is writen to us.
modir, Meſſalometh, douȝtir of Arus of Jethaba. xiiii And ſo Elchias, þe preſt, and Aycham, and Achabor, and
xx And he dyde euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as dydde Saphan, and Aſia, wenten to Oldam, prophetiſſe, wyf of
Manaſſes, his fadir. Sellum, ſone of Thechue, ſone of Aras, keper of þe cloþes, þe
xxi And he wente in al þe weye, by þe whiche his fadir whiche dwellede in Jeruſalem, in `þe ſecounde wallynge; and
þei ſpeken to hire.
wente, and he ſeruede in þe vnclenneſſis in whiche ſerued his xv And ſche anſwerd to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of
fadir, and honourede hem;
xxii and forſoke þe Lord God of his fadirs, and wente not in Yrael, Seiþ to þe man, þat ſente ȝou to me,
xvi Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of Yſrael, Loo! I ſchal
þe weye of þe Lord.
xxiii And his ſeruauntis benten to hym buſchementis, and brynge forþ euyls vpon þis place, and vpon þe dwellers of it,
alle þe wordis of þe lawe, þe whiche þe kyng of Juda radde;
ſlewen þe kyng in his hous. xvii for þei forſoken me, and ſacrifiden to alyen goddis,
xxiiii Þe puple forſoþe of þe lond ſmoote alle, þat coniureden
terrynge me in alle þe werkis of þeir hondis; and myn
aȝeinus king Amon, and þei ſetten to hem king, Joſiam, his indignacioun ſchal be tend up in þis place, and ſchal not ben
ſone, for him. qweynt.
xxv Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amon, þat he dide, xviii To þe kyng forſoþe of Juda þat ſente ȝou, þat ȝe
wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of þe wordes of þe counſeylen þe Lord, þus ſeiþ, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God of
days of kyngis of Juda? Yrael, For þy þat þou herdyſt þe wordis of þe volyme,
xxvi And þei birieden him in his ſepulcre in þe gardyn of Aza; xix and þi herte is gaaſtyde, and þou ert meeked beforn þe
and Joſias, his ſone, regnede for hym. Lord, þe werdis herd aȝeyn þis place and þe dwellers of it,
þat is, þat ſchulden ben maad in to ſtoneynge, and into
Capitulum XXII. curſidhed, and þou kuttiſt þy cloþis, and þou weptiſt beforn
i Of me, and I herde, ſeiþ þe Lord;
eyȝt ȝeere was Joſias, whann he byganne to regnen, and xx þerfore I ſchal gedere þee to þi fadirs, and þou ſchalt be
oon and þrytty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his
modir, Ydida, þe douȝtir of Fadaya of Beſocath. gadred to þy ſepulcre in peſe; þat þin eeȝen ſeen not alle þe
ii And he dyde þat, þat was pleſaunt beforn þe Lord, and he euylis, þe whiche I am to brynge in vpon þis place.
wente by alle þe wayes of Dauid, his fadir, and bowede not,
neiþer to þe riȝt, ne to þe left. Capitulum XXIII.
iii Forſoþe þe eyȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Joſie, ſente þe kyng i And þei tolden to þe kyng þat ſche hadde ſeide; þe whiche
Safan, þe ſone of Aſua, þe ſone of Meſulam, þe ſcribe of þe ſent, and ben gadred to hym alle þe olde men of Juda, and of
temple of þe Lord, ſeyinge to hym, Jeruſalem.
iiii Goo to Elchiam, þe grete preeſt, þat þe monee, þat is ii And þe kyng ſteyȝide up þe temple of þe Lord, and alle þe
brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord, be blowen to gydre, þe men of Juda, and alle þat dwelliden in Jeruſalem wiþ hym,
whiche þe porteris of þe temple gaderden of þe puple; preſtis, and prophetis, and alle þe puple, fro lytyl vnto mychil;
v and be it ȝeuen to wriȝtis by þe prouoſtis of þe hous of þe and he radde, alle men heerynge, alle þe wordis of þe boke of
Lord; þe whiche and delen it to hem þat wirchen in þe temple


þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, þe whiche is founden in þe xvii And he ſeiþ, Whoſe is þis towmbe þat I ſee? And þe
hous of þe Lord. cyteȝeens of þat cyte anſwerden to hym, Þe ſepulcre it is of þe
iii And þe kyng ſtood vpon a gree; and he ſmote peſe man of God, þat came fro Juda, and before ſeide þes wordis,
couenaunt before þe Lord, þat þei goon after þe Lord, and `þe whiche þou haſt done vpon þe auter of Bethel.
keepen his heeſtis and witneſſyngis and cerymoynes in al xviii And he ſeiþ, Lefe hym; no man ſtyrre þe boonys of hym.
herte and in al ſoule, þat þei reren þe wordis of þis peſe And vntouchid laften þe boonys of hym wiþ þe boonis of þe
couenaunt, þat weren wryten in þat boke; and þe puple prophete, þat came fro Samarye.
aſſentyde to þe couenaunt. xix Ferþermore and alle þe mawmett templis of þe heeȝe
iiii And þe kyng comaundyde to Elchie, þe biſchop, and to þe
þingis, þat weren in þe cytees of Samarye, þe whiche þe
preſtis of þe ſecound ordre, and to þe ȝate kepers, þat þei kyngis of Yrael hadden maad to terre þe Lord, Joſias toke
þrowen forþe fro þe temple of þe Lord alle þe veſſels, þat aweye; and he dyde to hem aftir alle þe werkis þat he hadde
weren maad to Baal, and in þe mawmett wodde, and to al þe done in Bethel.
knyȝthod of heuen; and he brende hem wiþ outen forþ xx And he ſlewȝ alle þe preſtis of þe heeȝe þingis, þat weren
Jeruſalem, in þe valey of Cedron, and he toke þe poudre of
hem in to Bethel. þer vpon þe auteres, and he brende mens boonys vpon þoo;
v And he dyde aweye þe deuyl clepers, whome þe kyngis of and he turnede aȝeyn to Jeruſalem.
xxi And he comaundide to al þe puple, ſeyinge, Makiþ paſk to
Juda hadden ſett to ſacrifien in heiȝtis by þe cytees of Juda,
and þe enuyroun of Jeruſalem, and hem þat brenden encenſe þe Lord ȝoure God, aftir þat is writen in þe boke of þis peſe
to Baal, and to þe ſunne, and to þe mone, and to þe twelue of couenaunt.
ſyngnys, and to alle þe knyȝthode of heuen. xxii Ne forſoþe þer is maad ſiche a paſk fro þe days of iugis,
vi And he comaundyde to ben born out þe mawmett wodde fro þat demeden Yrael, and of alle þe days of þe kyngis of Yrael,
þe hous of þe Lord wiþ out forþ Jeruſalem in þe valey of and of þe kyngis of Juda,
Cedron, and brende it þere, and brouȝt it in to poudre, and xxiii as in þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of kyng Joſie þis paſch is maad to
þrewȝ forþ vpon þe ſepulcris of þe comun. þe Lord in Jeruſalem.
vii Forſoþe he diſtruyȝide þe lytyl houſis of þe wommannyſch xxiiii Bot and þe clepers of deuyls, and deuynours, and þe
maad men, þat weren in þe hous of þe Lord; for þe whiche fyguris of mawmettis, and þe vnclenneſſes, and
wymmen weueden as lytyll houſes of þe mawmett wodde. abomynacyouns, þat weren in þe lond of Juda and of
viii And he gadrede alle þe preſtis of þe cytees of Juda, and Jeruſalem, Joſias dyde aweye, þat he make ſtable þe wordis
he defoulide þe heyȝtis, where þe preſtis ſacrifieden, fro Gaba of þe lawe, þat ben writen in þe boke, þat Elchias, þe preſt,
vnto Berſabe; and he diſtruyed þe auters of þe ȝatis in þe fonde in þe temple of þe Lord.
entree of þe dore of Joſie, prince of þe cytee, þat was at þe xxv Lijk hym was not beforn hym a kyng, þat was turned
left ſyde of þe ȝate of þe cytee. aȝeyn to þe Lord in al his herte, and in alle his ſoule, and in
ix Neuer þe latre þe preſtis of þe heeȝe þingis ſteyȝiden not vp al his vertue, aftir al þe lawe of Moyſes; ne aftir hym roſe
to þe auter of þe Lord in Jeruſalem, bot oonly eten þerfe lijke to hym.
loouys in þe mydill of þeir breþeren. xxvi Neuerþelatre þe Lord is not turned aweye fro þe wraþ of
x Forſoþe he defoulide Topheth, þat is in þe valeye of þe ſone his grete woodnes, in þe whiche his wodnes is wroþe aȝeynus
of Ennon, þat no man ſchuld ſacryn his ſone or his douȝtre Juda, for þe terryngis in þe whiche Manaſſes hadde terred
þorȝ fyr to Moloch. hym.
xi Forſoþe he toke awey þe hors, þe whiche þe kingis of Jude xxvii And ſo þe Lord ſeide, Alſo Judam I ſchal taken aweye
hadden ȝeuen to þe ſunne, in þe entree of þe temple of þe fro my face, as I toke aweye Yrael; and I ſchal þrowen
Lord, beſijdis þe chayer of Nathanmylech, geldynge, þat was aweye þis cytee, þat I chees, Jeruſalem, and þe hous of þe
in Faturym; þe chaare forſoþe of þe ſunne he brende wiþ fijr. whiche I ſeide, My name ſchal ben þere.
xii And þe auters, þat weren vpon þe rooues of þe ſoupynge xxviii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joſie, and alle
place of Achath, þe whiche þe kyngis of Juda hadden maad, þingis þat he dyde, wheþer not þes ben writen in þe boke of
and þe auters þat Manaſſes hadde maad in þe two poorchis þe wordis of þe days of þe kyngis of Juda?
of þe temple of þe Lord, þe kyng deſtruyede; and he ran to xxix In his days ſteyȝide up Pharao Nechao, kyng of Egipt,
Jude, and he ſcatrede þe aſkis of hem in to þe ſtreme of aȝeynus þe kyng of Aſſiries, at þe flode of Eufraten; and
Cedron. Joſias, kyng of Juda, wente in to aȝein commynge of hym,
xiii Þe heeȝe þingis forſoþe, þat weren in Jeruſalem at þe riȝt and is ſlayn in Magedo, whanne he had ſeen hym.
partye of þe hyll of þe offencyoun, þe whiche Salomon, kyng xxx And his ſeruauntis beeren hym deed fro Magedo, and
of Yrael, hadde bylde, and Aſtaroth, þe mawmett of brouȝten hym in to Jeruſalem, and byryeden hym in his
Sydonyes, and Camos, of þe offencyoun of Moab, and ſepulcre; and þe puple of þe lond toke Joachas, þe ſone of
Melchon, þe abomynacyouns of þe ſonys of Amon, þe kyng Joſie, and anoyntyden hym, and ſetten hym kyng for his fadir.
defoulide; xxxi Of þree and twenty ȝeer was Joachaz, whanne he hadde
xiiii and brooſede þe ymagis, and hewȝ doun þe mawmett begune to regnen, and þre moneþis he regned in Jeruſalem;
woodis, and fulfillide þe places of hem wiþ þe boonis of deed name of his modir, Amychael, douȝter of Jeremye of Lobna.
men. xxxii And he dyde euyl beforn þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat þe
xv Ferþermore and þe auter þat was in Bethel, and þe heeȝe fadirs of hym hadden done.
þinge, þat Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, hadde maad, þe xxxiii And Pharao Nechao bond hym in Reblatha, þat is in
whiche maad Yrael to ſynnen; and þat heeȝ auter he þe lond of Emath, þat he `regne not in Jeruſalem; and he
diſtruyede, and brende, and mynuſchede in to poudre, and alſo putte vpon a multynge to þe lond, in an hundreþ talentis of
brende up þe mawmett woode. ſyluer, and a talent of gold.
xvi And Joſias turned, ſauȝ þere ſepulcris þat weren in þe xxxiiii And Pharao Nechao ordeynde kyng Eliachym, þe ſone
hyll; and he ſente, and toke þe boonys fro þe ſepulcris, and of Joſias, for Joſias, his fadir; and he turnede his name
brende hem vpon þe auter, and putte it aftir þe word of þe Joachym; forſoþe Joachaz he toke, and ladde in to Egipt.
Lord, þat þe man of God ſpac, þe whiche hadde before ſeide
þeſe wordis.


xxxv Forſoþe Joachym ȝaue to Pharao ſyluer and gold, xvi and alle þe ſtronge men, ſeuen þouſand; and craftiſe men
whanne he hadde comaundide to þe lond by alle ȝeeris, þat it and encloſers, a þouſand; alle ſtronge men and fiȝters; and þe
were brouȝt, aftir þe heeſt of Pharao; and echon aftir þeir kynge of Babiloyne ladde hem caytyfe in to Babyloyne.
ſtrengþis he aſkyde boþe ſyluer and gold, of þe puple of þe xvii And he ſette Mathathiam, his vncle, for hym; and he
lond, þat he myȝte ȝeue to Pharao Nechao. putte on a name to hym Sedechie.
xxxvi Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he xviii Þe oon and twentiþe ȝeer of age hadde Sedechias,
hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regnede in whanne he hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he
Jeruſalem; þe name of his modir, Zebida, douȝter of Fadaya regnede in Jeruſalem; name of his modir was Amychal,
of Ruma. douȝtir of Jeremye of Lobna.
xxxvii And he dyde euyl before þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat xix And he dyde euyl byfore þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat
his fadirs haden done. Joachym hadde done.
xx Forſoþe þe Lord wraþede aȝeinus Jeruſalem and Judam,
Capitulum XXIIII. to þe tyme þat he þrewȝ hem aweye fro his face; and
i In his days of ſteyȝide up Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Sedechie wente aweye fro þe kyng of Babiloyne.
Babyloyne, and Joachym is maad to hym ſeruaunt þree ȝeer;
and eft he rebellide aȝeynus hym. Capitulum XXV.
ii And þe Lord ſente in to hym lytyll þeuis of Caldeys, and i It is done forſoþe þe nynþe ȝeer of his regne, þe tenþe
lytyll þeuis of Cyrye, and lytyl þeuis of Moab, and lytil þeuis moneþe, þe tenþe day of þe moneþe, Nabugodonoſor, kyng of
of þe ſonys of Amon; and he in ſente hem in to Judam, þat Babyloyne, came, he, and al his hooſt, in to Jeruſalem; and
he ſcatere hym, aftir þe word of þe Lord, þat he hadde ſpoken þei enuyrounden it, and maden up in his enuyroun
bi his ſeruauntis prophetis. ſtreyngþingis.
iii þis forſoþe is done by þe word of þe Lord aȝeyns Judam, ii And þe cyte is cloſede, and palid, vnto þe elleuenþe ȝeer of
þat he do it aweye beforne hym, for þe ſynnes of Manaſſes, kyng Sedechie,
and alle þingis þat he dyde, and for þe gyltles blode þat he iii þe nynþe day of þe moneþe; and hungir wexe grete in þe
iiii and he fulfillide Jeruſalem wiþ þe blode of innocentis; and cyte, and þer was not brede to þe puple of þe lond.
iiii And þe cyte is to-broken, and alle men fiȝters flowen þe
for þis þing þe Lord wolde not be pleſid.
v Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joachym, and alle nyȝt by þe weye of þe ȝate, þat is bytwene þe double wall, at
þe ſpringynge of þe kyng; forſoþe Caldeis beſegyden in
þingis þat he dyde, wheþer þes ben not writen in þe boke of enuyroun þe cyte. And ſo Sedechias fleiȝ by þe weye þat lediþ
þe wordis of days of kyngis of Juda? to þe wijld feeldis of wyldirneſſe;
vi And Joachym ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and Joachym, his ſone, v and þe hooſt of Caldeis purſueden þe kyng, and he cauȝte
regned fore hym. hym in þe pleyn of Jericho; and alle þe fiȝters, þat weren wiþ
vii And þe kyng of Egipt addide no more, þat he ſchulde goon hym, ben ſcaterd, and forſoken hym.
out fro his lond; forſoþe þe kynge of Babyloyne hadde taken, vi Þanne þey ladden þe taken kyng to þe kyng of Babyloyne,
fro þe ryuer of Egipt vnto þe flode of Eufraten, alle þingis in Reblatha, þe whiche ſpake wiþ hym dome.
þat weren of þe kyng of Egipt. vii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Sedechie he ſlewȝ before hym, and his
viii Of tenn and eiȝt ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hade
eeȝen he putte out, and boond hym wiþ cheynys, and brouȝte
begunne to regnen, and þree moneþis he regned in Jeruſalem; hym in to Babyloyne.
name of his modir, Naeſſa, douȝter of Elnathan of Jeruſalem. viii Þe fyfþe moneþ, þe ſeuenþ day of þe moneþ, it is þe
ix And he dyde euyl beforn þe Lord, aftir alle þingis þat his
nyntenþe ȝeer of þe kyng of Babiloyne, came Nabuſardam,
fadir hadde done. prince of þe hooſt, þe ſeruaunt of þe kyng of Babyloyne, in to
x In þat tyme ſteyȝide up þe ſeruauntis of Nabugodonoſor, Jeruſalem;
kyng of Babyloyne, in to Jeruſalem, and þe cyte is enuyround ix and brende up þe hous of þe Lord, and þe hous of þe kyng,
wiþ ſtreyngþingis. and þe houſis of Jeruſalem, and eche hous he brende wiþ
xi And Nabugodonoſor came, þe kyng of Babiloyne, to þe cyte fijre;
wiþ his ſeruauntis, þat þey ouercommen it. x and þe wallis of Jeruſalem in enuyroun deſtruyede al þe
xii And Joachym, kyng of Juda, wente out to þe kyng of hooſt of Caldeys, þat was wiþ þe prince of knyȝtis.
Babiloyne, he, and his modir, and his ſeruauntis, and his xi Þe toþer forſoþe partye of þe puple, þat laft in þe cyte, and
princis, and his geldyngis; and þe kyng of Babyloyne toke þe þorȝ fleers, þat ouerflowen to þe kyng of Babiloyn, and þe
hym, þe eiȝtiþe ȝeer of his regne. laft comoun, Nabuſardan, prince of knyȝthode, tranſlatyde;
xiii And he brouȝte þens alle þe treſoures of þe hous of þe xii and of þe pore men of þe lond he laft wyne makers, and
Lord, and þe treſoures of þe kingis hous; and he heewȝ to erþtiliers.
gydre alle þe golden veſſels, þat Salomon, kyng of Yrael, xiii Forſoþe þe braſen pylers, þat weren in þe temple of þe
hade maad in þe temple of þe Lord, aftir þe word of þe Lord.
xiiii And he tranſlatide al Jeruſalem, and alle þe princis, and Lord, and þe feet, and þe braſen ſe, þat was in þe hous of þe
Lord, Caldeis breeken to gydre; and al þe braſſe þei beeren
alle þe ſtronge men of þe hooſt, tenn þouſand, in to caytyfte, ouer in to Babiloyne.
and alle craftiſe men, and encloſere; no þinge is laft, out take xiiii And braſen pottis, trowels, and fleſchokis, and cuppis,
þe pore puple of þe lond.
xv Joachym forſoþe he tranſlatyde in to Babyloyne, and þe and morters, and alle þe braſen veſſels, in whiche þei
mynyſtriden, þei token;
kyngis modir, and þe kyngis wijf, and þe kyngis geldyngis; xv alſo and encenſeeris, and violis. Þe whiche forſoþe weren
and þe domyſmen of þe lond he ladde in to caytifte fro
Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne; golden, and whiche ſylueren, toke þe prince of þe knyȝthod,
xvi þat is, two pylers, oon ſe, and þe feet, þat Salomon hade
maad in to þe temple of þe Lord; and þer was not peys of þe
braſſe of alle þe veſſels.


xvii Tenn and eiȝt cubitis of heiȝt hadde oon pyler, and a
braſen heued couerynge vpon hym of heyȝt of þre cubitis, and
a calle, and poumgarnetis vpon þe heued couerynge of þe
pyler, all braſen; and lijc honourynge hadde þe ſecound pyler.
xviii Forſoþe þe prince of þe knyȝthode toke Sarayam, þe firſt
preſte, and Sophonyam, þe ſecound preſte, and þe þre porters,
xix and oon geldynge of þe cyte, þat was prefect vpon þe
fiȝtynge men, and fyue men of hem þat ſtoden before þe kyng,
þe whiche he foond in þe cyte, and Sopher, þe prince of þe
hooſt, þat prouede þe newe knyȝtis of þe puple of þe lond, and
ſixe men of þe comoun, þat weren founden in þe cyte;
xx þe whiche Nabuſardan, prince of þe knyȝthode, takynge
ladde to þe kyng of Babyloyne, in Reblatha.
xxi And þe kyng of Babiloyne ſmote hem, and ſlewȝ hem in
Reblatha, in þe lond of Emath; and Juda is tranſlatyd fro his
xxii To þe puple forſoþe þat was laft in þe lond of Juda, þe
whiche Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babytilieris. loyne, hadde
laft, he made rewler Godolyam, þe ſone of Aycham, þe ſone of
xxiii Þe whiche þingis whanne alle þe duykis of knyȝtis, þey,
and alle þe men þat weren wiþ hem haden herd, þat is, þat
þe kyng of Babyloyne hadde ordeynd Godolie, camen to
Godolie, in Maſpha, Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, and
Johannan, þe ſone of Charee, and Saraye, þe ſone of
Tenameth Nethophathite, and Jechonias, þe ſone of Mechati,
þei, and Machath, and þe felawis of hem.
xxiiii And Godolias ſwore to hem, and to þe felawis of hem,
ſeyinge, Wylle ȝe not dreden to ſeruen to þe Caldeis; dwelliþ
in þe lond, and ſeruiþ to þe kyng of Babiloyne, and wele it
ſchal be to ȝou.
xxv It is done forſoþe in þe ſeuenþ moneþ, came Iſmael, þe
ſone of Nathanye, þe ſone of Eliſama, of þe kyngis ſeed, and
ten men wiþ hym, and ſmyten Godolie, þe whiche is deed; bot
and þe Jewis and þe Caldeis, þat weren wiþ him in Maſpha.
xxvi And al þe puple rijſynge to gydre fro litil vnto mychil,
and þe princis of knyȝtis, camen in to Egipt, dreedynge þe
xxvii It is done þanne in þe ſeuen and þrittiþe ȝeer of þe
tranſmygracioun of Joachym, kyng of Jude, þe twelfþe
moneþe, þe ſeuen and twentiþe day of þe moneþe,
Euilmeredoch, kyng of Babiloyne, þe ȝeer þat he beganne to
regnen, rerede up þe heued of Joachym, kyng of Juda, fro
xxviii and he ſpac to hym benyngly; and he putte his trone
vpon þe trone of kyngis, þat weren wiþ hym in Babiloyne.
xxix And he chaungide his cloþis, þat he hadde in priſoun;
and he eet breed euermore in his ſiȝt, alle days of his lyfe.
xxx Ȝeer fruyt forſoþe he ordeynde to hym wiþ oute ceſynge;
þe whiche and was ȝouen to hym of þe kyng by eche days,
alle þe days of his lijf.
Here eendiþ þe fourþe boke of Kingus, and
bigynneþ þe prolog in þe firſt boke of


Here eendiþ þe proloog of

I. PARALIPOMENON. Parralypomenon, and now bigynneþ þe firſt
Þe Prolog in þe firſt boke of book.
Capitulum I.
Ȝif þe makynge of þe ſeuenty remenours abyde ſtyll pure, and
as it is turned of hem in to Greek, my Chromati, holieſt and i Adam, Seth, Enos,
wyſeſt of byſchopis, in veyn þou ſchuldiſt bydden me þat I ii Chaynan, Malaleel, Jared,
tranſlate to þee Ebreu volymes in Latyn word. Forſoþe þat iii Enoch, Matuſale, Lameth;
haþ ocupied onys þe eris of men, and haþ ſtreynþid þe feiþ of
þe waxynge chirche, riȝtwijs was alſo wiþ oure ſylence to be iiii Noe, Sem, Cham, and Japheth.
apreued. Nowe forſoþe whan dyuerſe ſaumplers ben born for v Þe ſones of Japheth; Gomor, Magday, Magog, and Jauan,
þe dyuerſite of regyouns, and þilk olde germeyn tranſlacyoun Tubal, Moſoch, and Tyras.
is corrupt and defoulid, þou wenyſt of oure dome to ben, vi Bot þe ſones of Gomer; Aſcenez, and Ryphat, and
ouþer to ſchewen of manye whiche be verrey, ouþer a new
werk to maken in old werk, þe Jewis forſoþe ſcornynge, þat, Togorma.
as it is ſeid, to fytche to gyder eeȝen of curluris. Aliſaunder vii Þe ſones forſoþe of Jauan; Heliſa, and Tharſis, Cethym,
and Egipt in þeir ſeuenty preyſen auctour Euſichy; and Dodonym.
Conſtantynople vnto Antioche apreuiþ þe ſaumpleris of martir viii Þe ſonys of Cham; Chus, and Meſraym, Phuth, and
Lucyan; þe mene prouynces bytwene þes reden Paleſtynes Chanaan.
bokis, þe whiche out trauayld of Origene, Euſebe and ix Þe ſonys forſoþe of Chus; Saba, and Euila, Sabatha, and
Pamphilie puppliſcheden; and al þe world bytwene hem ſelue
in þis þre maner dyuerſite fiȝtiþ to gyder. And certis Regma, and Sabathaca. Bot þe ſonys of Regma; Saba, and
Origenes not oonly exſaumplis maad in oon of foure Adan.
makyngis, `forn aȝeyn alle þe wordis diſcryuynge, þat þe oon x Chus forſoþe gat Nemroth; þis byganne to ben myȝty in þe
diſcordynge, þe toþer betwene hem ſilf acordynge, anoon be lond.
vndernomyn; bot, þat is of more hardyneſſe, in þe makynge of xi Meſraym forſoþe gat Ludym, and Ananym, and Labaym,
þe ſeuenty he mengide þe makynge of Theodocioun, þat is, and Nepthoym,
markynge þat weren to lytyl wiþ ſygnys of a ſterre, and þat xii Fetruſym forſoþe, and Chaſluym, of þe whiche wenten oute
weren ſeen ouermych leid to, wiþ lityl ȝerdis. Ȝif þanne to Phyliſteis and Capthurym.
oþer it was leful not to holden þat oons þei hadden taken; and xiii Chanaan forſoþe gat Sydon, his firſt goten, and Ethee,
aftir ſeuenty lytyll ſellis, þe whiche wiþ outen auctour of þe
comoun ben booſtid, þei opneden alle þe ſellis, þat forſoþe in xiiii Jebuſee forſoþe, and Amorre, and Jergeſe,
þe chirche is rad þat þe ſeuenty knewyn not; why me taken xv Euee, and Arache, and Cyne,
not my Latyn men, þe whiche han maad ſo þe newe wiþ þe xvi Aradyum forſoþe, and Samarie, and Amathe.
olde makynge vndefoulid, þat my traueyl I preue wiþ þe
Ebrewis, and, þat is more þan þeſe, wiþ þe Apoſtlis auctours. xvii Þe ſonys of Sem; Elam, and Aſſur, and Arfaxath, and
I wrote not ȝore a boke of þe beſt maner of remenynge, Luth, and Aram. Þe ſonys forſoþe of Aram; Hus, and Hul,
ſchewynge þo þingis of þe euangely, Fro Egipt I haue clepide and Gothor, and Moſoch.
myn ſone, and, Þat Naȝare he ſchal be clepid, and, Þei ſchul xviii Arfaxath forſoþe gate Sale; þe whiche and he gat Heber.
ſeen in whome þei han pungid; and þat of þe apoſtle, Þat xix Forſoþe to Heber ben born two ſonys; name to þe toon
eeȝe haþ not ſeen, ne ere haþ herde, ne in to þe hert of man
haþ ſteyȝide up, þe whiche God haþ maad redye before to þe Phaleg, for in his days þe erþ is deuydid; and þe name of
louynge hym; and oþer lijc to þes, in þe bokis of Ebrewis to his broþer Jectan.
ben founden. Certis þe apoſtlis and þe euaungeliſtis hadden xx Jectan forſoþe gat Helmodad, and Salech, and Azelmod,
knowen þe ſeuenty remenours, and whenns þat to hem to ſeyn and Jare,
þo þingis þat in þe ſeuenty ben not had? Criſt, oure God, is xxi Adoram forſoþe, and Vſal, and Deda,
maker of eiþer teſtament, in euangelie aftir Joon, Who leuiþ, xxii Hebal, and Ameth, and Abymael, and Saba,
he ſeiþ, in me, as ſeiþ þe ſcripture, flodis of his wombe ſchul
flowen `quyke waters. Forſoþe it is writen, þat þe Saueoure xxiii alſo and Oofer, and Euila, and Jobab; alle þes þe ſonys
witneſſiþ to ben writen; where it is writen, þe ſeuenty han of Jectan.
not; þe hyd þingis knowiþ not þe chirche. To þe Ebrewis þan xxiiii Sem, Arfaxath, Sale,
it is to turnen aȝeyn, wherof and þe Lord ſpekiþ, and þe xxv Heber, Phalech, Ragau,
diſciplis beforn taken exſaumplis. Þes þingis bi peſe of olde
men I ſpeke, and to my bacbyters oonly I anſwer, þe whiche xxvi Seruth, Nachor, Thare,
gnawen me wiþ a dogge toþe, in opyn bacbytynge, reedynge xxvii Abram; þis forſoþe is Abraham.
in corners, and acuſatours and defendours, whann in oþer xxviii Þe ſonys of Abraham; Yſaac and Yſmael.
men þey apreuen þat in me þei repreuen; as vertue and vice
ben not in þe þingis, bot wiþ þe autour ben chaungid. Bot I xxix And þes þe generaciouns of hem; þe firſt goten of Iſmael
haue had mynde þe makyng of þe ſeuenty tranſlatours, Nabaioth, and Cedar, and Abdehel, and Mapſam,
ſumtyme fro Greke amendid, me to haue ȝeuen to ȝoure, and xxx and Maſma, and Duma, and Maſſa, Adad, and Thema,
not enmye of hem owyn to ben eymed, whome in þe couent of xxxi Jahur, Naphis, Cedma; þes ben þe ſonys of Yſmael.
breþeren euermore I ſchal expownen. And þat Debregemyn,
þat is, þe wordis of days, I haue remened, þerfore I haue xxxii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Cethure, þe ſecoundarie wijf of
don þat I myȝte bryng to riȝt þe inſolible lettyngis and þe Abraham, `þe whiche ſche gat; Zamram, Jerſan, Madan,
wodis of namys, þe whiche, þorȝ vice of writers, ben Madian, Jeſboch, Sue. Forſoþe þe ſones of Jerſan; Saba,
confoundid, and þe dulnes of wittis, more opynly, and by and Dadan. Þe ſones forſoþe of Dadan; Aſſurym, and
diſtyncciouns of verſe; to me my ſilf and to my wrytynge aftir Latuſym, and Laomym.
Hiſmenyum, ȝif eris of oþer ben dowmbe.


xxxiii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Madian; Epha, Ofer, Etnoch, and ix Þe ſonys forſoþe of Eſrom, þat ben born to hym;
Abida, and Eldaa. Alle þes þe ſonis of Cethure. Jeramahel, and Aram, and Chaluby.
xxxiiii Abraham forſoþe gat Yſaac; whos ſones weren Eſau x Forſoþe Aram gat Amynadab. Amynadab forſoþe gat
and Yrael. Naaſon, prince of þe ſones of Juda.
xxxv Þe ſones of Eſau; Eliphath, Rahuel, Seir, Jaus, Zelam, xi Naaſon forſoþe gat Salmon; of whom is born Booz.
and Chore. xii Booz forſoþe gat Obeth; þe whiche and he gat Yſay.
xxxvi Þe ſonys of Eliphath; Theman, Omer, Sephi, Gethem, xiii Yſay forſoþe gat þe firſt goten, Heliab; þe ſecound,
Genez, Cenez, Thanna, Amalech. Amynadab; þe þrid, Samaa;
xxxvii Þe ſones of Rahuel; Naab, Gazera, Samma, Maſa. xiiii þe ferþe, Nathaneel; þe fyft, Saday;
xxxviii Þe ſonys of Seir; Lothan, Sobal, Zebeon, Ana, xv þe ſixt, Aſom; þe ſeuenþ, Dauid;
Dyſon, Eſer, Dyſan. xvi whos ſyſters weren Saruya and Abigail. Þe ſones of
xxxix Þe ſones of Lothan; Horry, Huma; þe ſyſter forſoþe of
Saruye; Abiſay, Joab, and Aſael; þre.
Lothan was Thanna. xvii Abigail forſoþe gat Amaſa, whos fadir was Jether
xl Þe ſones of Sobal; Alian, and Manaath, and Ebal, and
Cephi, and Onam. Þe ſones of Sebeon; Aia, and Ana. xviii Caleph forſoþe, þe ſone of Eſrom, toke a wijf, Azuba by
xli Þe ſones of Ana; Dyſon, and Oolibama. Þe ſonys of
name, of whom he gat Jereoth; þere weren forſoþe ſonys of
Dyſon; Amaram, and Heſebam, and Iecram, and Caram. hym, Jeſar, and Sobab, and Ardon.
xlii Þe ſonys of Eſer; Balaam, and Jaban, and Jaſan. Þe xix And whanne Azuba was deed, he toke a wijf of Caleph,
ſones of Dyſan; Hus, and Aram. Effrata, þe whiche bare to hym Hur.
xliii Þes ben þe kyngis þat comaundiden in þe lond of Edom, xx Forſoþe Hur gat Hury; Hury gat Beſelael.
before þat þere was kyng vpon þe ſones of Yrael. Baale, þe xxi Aftir þes þingis Eſrom wente in to þe douȝtir of Machir,
ſone of Beor; and þe name of his cytee Denaba.
xliiii Forſoþe Bale is deed; and for hym regned Joab, þe ſone þe fadir of Galaad, and he toke hire, whann ſche was of ſexty
ȝeer; þe whiche bare to hym Segub.
of Zare, of Boſra. xxii Bot and Segub gat Jair, and weeldide foure and twenty
xlv And whanne Joab was deed, regned for hym Huſam of þe
cytees in þe lond of Galaad;
lond of Themanyas. xxiii and he toke Jeſſur, and Arym, þe bourȝ tounnes of Jair,
xlvi Forſoþe Huſam dyed; and for hym regned Adad, þe ſone
and Canath, and þe lytyl townes of it, of ſeuenty cytees. Alle
of Badad, þat ſmote Madyan in þe lond of Moab; and þe þes þe ſonys of Machir, fadir of Galaad.
name of his cyte Abyud. xxiiii Whann forſoþe Eſrom was deed, Caleph wente in to
xlvii And whan Adad was deed, regned for hym Semela of
Effrata. Eſrom forſoþe hade a wijf Abia, þe whiche bare to
Maſeracha. hym Aſſur, fadir of Thecue.
xlviii Bot and Semela died, and for hym regned Saul of xxv Þer ben born forſoþe ſonys of Jezrameel, þe firſt goten of
Robooth, þe whiche biſides Amnem is ſett. Eſrom; Ram his firſt goten, and Hyma, and Aran, and Aſon,
xlix Forſoþe Saul deed, regned for hym Balanan þe ſone of and Achia.
Achobor. xxvi Forſoþe Jezramel weddide anoþer wijf, Athara by name,
l Bot and þis dyed, and for hym regnede Adad, of whos cyte þe whiche was þe modir of Onam.
þe name was Phou; and his wijf is clepid Methetabel, xxvii Bot and of Onam, þe ſone of Ram, þe firſt goten of
douȝter of Mathred, þe douȝter of Meſaab. Jezramael, weren Mohos, and Lamyn, and Achas.
li Adad forſoþe deed, duykis for þe kyngis in Edom begunne xxviii Onam forſoþe gat ſones, Semei, and Juda. Þe ſones
to ben; duyk Thanna, duyk Alia, duyk Jetheth, forſoþe of Semei; Nadal, and Abiſer;
lii duyk Oolibama, duyk Ela, duyk Philion, xxix name forſoþe of þe wijf of Abiſer, Abigail, þat bare to
liii duyk Cenez, duyk Theman, duyk Mabſar, hym Haaobban, and Molid.
liiii duyk Magdyel, duyk Yran. Þes þe duykis of Edom. xxx Þe ſonys forſoþe of Nadab weren Saled, and Apfaym.
Forſoþe Saled dyȝed wiþ oute fre childre.
Capitulum II. xxxi Þe ſone forſoþe of Apphaym, Jeſi; þe whiche Jeſi gat

i The
Seſan. bot Seſan gat Oholi.
ſones forſoþe of Yrael; Ruben, Leuy, Semeon, Juda, xxxii Þe ſones forſoþe of Jada, broþer of Semei; Jether and
Iſachar, and Zabulon, Jonathan; bot Jether died wiþout fre childre;
ii Dan, and Joſeph, Beniamyn, Neptalym, Gad, Aſer.
xxxiii bot Jonatha gat Phales, and Cya. Þes ben þe ſones of
iii Þe ſones of Juda; Her, Onam, Sela; þes þre ben born to
hym of Sue, þe douȝtir of Chananytidis. Forſoþe Her was þe xxxiiii Ceſan forſoþe hadde no ſones, bot douȝters, and
firſt goten of Juda, euyl before þe Lord, and he ſlewȝ hym. Egipcian ſeruaunt, Gera by name;
iiii Thamar forſoþe his douȝtir in lawe bare to hym Phares
xxxv and he ȝaue to hym his douȝter wijf, þe whiche bare to
and Saram; alle þann þe ſonys of Juda, fyue. hym Ethei.
v Þe ſonys forſoþe of Phares; Eſrom and Thamul.
xxxvi Ethei forſoþe gat Nathan, and Nathan gat Zadab.
vi Þe ſonys forſoþe of Zare; Zamry, and Ethan, and Eman,
xxxvii Zadab forſoþe gat Ophial, and Ophial gat Obed.
and Calchol, and Dardam; togydre fyue. xxxviii Obed gat Hieu, Hieu gat Azariam,
vii Þe ſones of Zamri; Achar, þat diſtourblide Yrael, and
xxxix Azarias gat Helles, Helles gat Elaſa,
ſynnede in þe þeft of curſedhode.
viii Þe ſones of Ethan; Azarias. xl Elaſa gat Seſamoi, Seſamoi gat Sellum,
xli Sellum gat Jechomya, Jechomya gat Eliſama.


xlii Þe ſones forſoþe of Caleph, broþer of Jeramael; Moſa his xv Þe ſonys forſoþe of Joſie weren, þe firſt goten, Johannan;
firſt goten; he is þe fadir of Ȝiph; and þe ſonys of Mereſa, þe ſecound, Joachym; þe þrid, Sedechie; þe ferþ, Sellum.
fadir of Ebron. xvi Of Joachym is born Jechonyas, and Sedechie.
xliii Forſoþe þe ſonys of Ebron; Chore, and Raphu, Recem, xvii Þe ſonys of Jechonye, weren Aſir, Salathiel,
and Samma. xviii Melchiram, Fadaia, Sennaſer, and Jeth, Semai, Sama,
xliiii Samma forſoþe gat Raam, fadir of Jerehaham; and
and Nadabia.
Recem gat Semei. xix Of Phadaia ben born Zorobabel, and Semei. Zorobabel
xlv Þe ſone of Semei, Maon; and Maon, þe fadir of Bethſur.
gat Moſollam, Ananyam, and Salomyth, þe ſyſter of hem;
xlvi Epha forſoþe, þe ſecoundarie wijf of Caleb, bare Arram, xx and Aſabam, and Ochol, and Barachie, and Aſadie,
and Muſa, and Theſer; bot Arram gat Jezen. Joſabeſed, fyue.
xlvii Þe ſonis of Jadai; Regon, and Jethan, and Zeſun, and xxi Þe ſone forſoþe of Ananye, Falciar, þe fadir of Jeſeie,
Phales, and Epha, and Saaph. whos ſone Raphaia. Of þis forſoþe þe ſone Arnan, of þe
xlviii Þe ſecoundarie wijf of Caleb, Maacha, bare Zaber, and whiche is born Abdia, whos ſone was Sechenya.
Therana. xxii Þe ſone of Sechenye, Semeia, whos ſonys, Archus, and
xlix Forſoþe Saaph, þe fadir of Madmenas, gat Sue, þe fadir Jegal, and Baaria, and Naaria, and Saphath; ſixe in
of Magbena, and þe fadir of Gabaa; þe douȝter forſoþe of noumbre.
Caleph was Axa. xxiii Þe ſonys of Naarie; Elioenai, and Ezechiaz, and Zicram,
l Þes weren þe ſones of Caleb. Þe ſones of Hur, firſt goten þre.
of Effrata; Sobal, þe fadir of Cariathiarym; xxiiii Sonys of Elioenai; Odyna, and Eliazub, and Pheleia,
li Salma, þe fadir of Bethleem; Ariph, þe fadir of Bethgader. and Acub, and Johannan, and Dalaia, and Anani, ſeuen.
lii Forſoþe þer weren ſonys of Sobal, fadir of Cariathiarym,
þe whiche deuydiden þe half of þe reſtyngis; Capitulum IIII.
liii and of þe kynrede of Cariathiarym, Jethrei, and Afutei,
i Sones of Juda; Phares, and Eſrom, and Carmy, and Hur,
and Samathei, and Macerathei. Of þes wenten out Saraitis and Sobal.
and Eſchaolitis. ii Reya forſoþe, þe ſone of Sobal, gat Jeth; of whom ben born
liiii Þe ſones of Salma, `fadir of Bethlem, and Nethophatite,
crownys of þe hous of Joab, and half of þe reſtyng of Saray. Achymay, and Laed. Þes þe kynredis of Sarathy.
iii Þis forſoþe þe lynage of Ethan; Jeſrael, Jezema, and
lv Þe kynredis forſoþe of ſcribis, dwellynge in Jabes,
ſyngynge, and aȝein ſounnynge, and in tabernaclis dwellynge Jedeboz; name forſoþe of þe ſyſter of hem Azalelfuny.
iiii Funyel forſoþe þe fadir of Jedor, and Ezer, þe fadir of
togider. Þes ben Cynei, þe whiche camen of þe feruour of þe
hous of þe fadir of Rechab. Oſa; þes ben þe ſones of Hur, firſt goten of Effrata, þe fadir
of Bethleem.
v Of Aſur forſoþe, fader of Techue, weren two wijues, Hala,
Capitulum III.
and Naara;
i Dauiþ forſoþe hadde þes ſonis, þe whiche ben born to hym vi forſoþe Naara bare to hym Choſam, and Epher, and
in Ebron; þe firſt goten, Amon, of Achynoen Jezraelite; þe Theman, and Aſchari; þes ben þe ſonys of Naara.
ſeconde, Danyel, of Abigail Carmelite; vii Forſoþe þe ſones of Hala; Cereth, Yſaar, and Ethan.
ii þe þrid, Abſalon, þe ſone of Maacha, douȝter of Tholomei,
viii Chus forſoþe gat Anob, and Sobaba, and þe cognaciouns
kyng of Jeſſur; þe ferþ, Adonye, þe ſone of Agith;
iii þe fyfþe, Saphathie, of Abithal; þe ſixt, Jethraan, of Egla of Arab, ſone of Arym.
ix Jabes forſoþe was noble beforn alle his breþeren; and his
his wijf.
iiii Sixe þann ben born to hym in Ebron, where he regnede modir clepide þe name of hym Jabes, ſeyinge, For I bare
hym in ſorow.
ſeuen ȝeer and ſixe moneþis; forſoþe þre and þritty ȝere he x Forſoþe Jabes inwardly clepyde þe God of Yrael, ſeyinge,
regned in Jeruſalem.
v Bot in Jeruſalem ben born to hym ſonys, Sama, and Ȝif bleſſynge þou ſchalt bleſſen to me, and largen my termys,
and þin hond were wiþ me, and makiſt me not to ben
Sobab, and Nathan, and Salomon, foure, of Berſabee, oppreſſed of malice. And þe Lord ȝaue to hym þat he preyed.
douȝtir of Amyhel; xi Caleph forſoþe, broþer of Sua, gat Machir, þat was þe
vi Jabaar forſoþe, and Elizama, and Elipheloch,
fadir of Eſton;
vii and Noge, and Napheth, and Japhee, xii forſoþe Eſton gat Bechus, Rapha, aud Pheſe, and Thena,
viii alſo and Elizama, and Eliade, and Eliphalech, nyne. þe fadir of þe cyte of Naas. Þes ben þe men of Recha.
ix Alle þes ſonys of Dauiþ, wiþ oute ſonis of þe ſecoundarie xiii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Cenes; Othonyel, and Saraia. Forſoþe
wijfis; and þei hadden a ſyſter, Thamar. þe ſonys of Othonyel; Othiath,
x Þe ſone forſoþe of Salomon, Roboam, whos ſone Abia gat xiiii and Maonathi, þe whiche gat Ofra. Saraias forſoþe gat
Aſa; of þis forſoþe is born Joſaphat, Joab, fadir of þe valey of craftis men; þer forſoþe weren
xi þe fadir of Joram; þe whiche Joram gat Ochoſie, of whome craftiſe men.
is born Joas. xv Sonys forſoþe of Caleph, ſone of Jephone; Hyn, and Hela,
xii And of þis þe ſone Amazias gat Azarie; bot Azarie, þe ſone and Nahem.
of Jonathan, xvi Þe ſonys forſoþe of Hela; Jalael, and Cenes. Þe ſonys
xiii brouȝte forþ Achaz, þe fadir of Ezechie; of whome is born forſoþe of Jalael; Ceph, and Cipha, and Thiria, and
Manaſſes. Aſrahech.
xiiii Bot and Manaſſes gat Amon, þe fadir of Joſie. xvii And þe ſonys of Eſra; Jether, and Merid, and Epher,
and Jaſon; and he gat Mariam, and Semoi, and Jeſba, þe
fadir of Eſchamo.


xviii Þe wijf forſoþe of hym, Judaia, gat Jared, fadir of xlii Of þe ſonys forſoþe of Symeon wenten in to þe hil of
Jedor; and Eber, fadir of Socho; and Hieutiel, fader of Seir fyue hundreþ men, hauynge princis Phalſie, and
Zanon. Þeſe forſoþe þe ſonys of Bethie, douȝtir of Pharao, þe Nariam, and Raphayam, and Oſiel, þe ſonys of Jeſy;
whiche Mered toke. xliii and þei ſmyten þe relikis, þat miȝten not aſcapyn of
xix And þe ſonys of þe wijf of Odoye, ſyſter of Nathan, fadir Amalachytes; and þei dwelliden for hem þere vnto þis day.
of Seila; Garmy, and Eſcamo, þat was of Machathi.
xx Þe ſonys forſoþe of Symeon, Amon, and Rena; þe ſone of Capitulum V.
Aman, Chilon; and þe ſonys of Jeci, Zoeth, and Benzoeth. i The
xxi Þe ſonys of Cela, ſone of Juda; Her, fadir of Lecha, and ſonys forſoþe of Ruben, þe firſt goten of Yrael; he
Laada, fadir of Maraſa; and þe kynredis of þe hous of men forſoþe was his firſt goten, bot for he hadde defoulid þe bed of
wirchynge bijs in þe hous of oþ; his fadir, þe riȝtis of his firſt getynge ben ȝeuen to þe ſonys
xxii and þe whiche maad þe ſonne to ſtonden, and men of
of Joſeph, þe ſone of Yrael; and he is not holden in to þe
firſt goten.
leſynge, and ſyker, and goynge, þe whiche weren princis in ii Forſoþe Judas, þat was þe ſtrengiſt amonge his breþeren,
Moab, and þe whiche ben turned aȝeyn in Leem; þes forſoþe of his ſtok princis ben buriounned; þe riȝtis of þe firſt getyng
ben þe olde wordis. forſoþe ben acountyde to Joſeph.
xxiii Þes ben potters dwellynge in plauntyngis, and in
iii Þan þe ſonys of Ruben, þe firſte goten of Yrael; Enoch,
cratchis, anentis kyngis in þeir werkis; and þei dwelliden and Fallu, Eſrom, and Charmy.
þere. iiii Þe ſonys of Joel; Samaia, þe ſone of hym; Gog, þe ſone
xxiiii Þe ſonys of Symeon; Namyel, and Jamyn, Jarib, Zara,
Saul. of hym; Semei, þe ſone of hym;
v Mycha, þe ſone of hym; Rema, þe ſone of hym; Baal, þe
xxv Sellum, þe ſone of hym; Mapſan, þe ſone of hym; and
Maſma, þe ſone of hym. ſone of hym;
vi Bera, þe ſone of hym; whome caytijf ladde Teglat Falaſar,
xxvi Þe ſonys of Maſma; Accuel, þe ſone of hym; and Zaccur,
þe ſone of hym; and Semei, þe ſone of hym. kyng of Aſſiries; and he was a prince in þe lynage of Ruben.
vii Þe breþeren forſoþe of hym, and al þe kynrede, whan þei
xxvii Þe ſonys of Semei ſixtene, and douȝtris ſixe; þe
breþeren forſoþe of hym hadden not many ſonys, and al þe weren noumbred by þeir meines, hadden princis Jeihel, and
kynrede myȝte not maken euen to þe ſoumme of þe ſonys of Zacharie.
viii Forſoþe Baala, þe ſone of Achaz, ſone of Sama, ſone of
xxviii Forſoþe þei dwelliden in Bethſabe, and Molada, and Johel, he dwellide in Aroer vnto Nebo and Beelmeon;
ix aȝeynſt þe eeſt forſoþe cooſt he dwellide, vnto þe entre of
xxix and in Balaa, and in Aſometh, and in Tholoth, Heremy, and þe flode of Eufraten. Myche forſoþe noumbre of
xxx and in Bathuel, and Orma, and in Sichelech,
beſtis he weldide in þe lond of Galaad.
x In þe days forſoþe of Saul þei fouȝten aȝeynus Agarienis,
xxxi and in Beth, and Mathaboth, and in Archaſuſyn, and in
and ſlewen hem; and dwelliden for hem in þeir tabernaclis, in
Bethberai, and in Saarym; þes þe cytees of hem, vnto kyng al þe cooſt þat beholdiþ to þe eſte of Galaad.
Dauid. xi Þe ſonys forſoþe of Gad forn aȝeynſt hem dwelliden in þe
xxxii Þe touns forſoþe of hem; Ethan, and Aen, and
lond of Baſan vnto Selcha;
Remmon, and Techen, and Azan; fyue cytees. xii Joel in þe heued, and Sapham þe ſecounde; Janay forſoþe
xxxiii And alle þe lityll touns of hem by enuyroun of þes
and Sapha in Baſan.
cytees, vnto Baal; þis is þe dwellynge of hem, and þe delynge xiii And þe breþeren of hem aftir þe houſes of þeir kynredis,
of ſetis. Mychael, and Moſollam, and Sebe, and Jore, and Joachan,
xxxiiii Moſobali forſoþe, and Jenyleth, and Joſa, þe ſone of
and Zie, and Heber, ſeuen.
Amaſie, xiiii Þes þe ſones of Abiel, ſone of Vri, ſone of Jaro, ſone of
xxxv and Joel, and Jeu, þe ſone of Joſabie, and þe ſonys of
Galaad, ſone of Michael, ſone of Jeſeſi, ſone of Jeddo, ſone
Saraie, þe ſone of Aziel, of Bus.
xxxvi and Elioneay, and Jamcoba, aud Sycua, and Azaia, xv Þe breþeren forſoþe of þe ſone of Abdiel, ſone of Gummy,
and Adiel, and Iſemeel, and Banaya; prince of þe hous in þeir meynes.
xxxvii Siſa forſoþe, þe ſone of Cephei, þe ſone of Allon, ſone xvi And þei dwelliden in Galaad, and in Baaſan, and in þe
of Adaia, ſone of Semri, ſone of Samaia. lityl tounes of it, in alle þe ſuburbis of Arnon, vnto þe
xxxviii Þes ben þe princis nempnyd in þeir kynredis, and in termys.
þe hous of þer affynyteſe þei ben multiplied hugely. xvii Alle þes ben noumbred in þe days of Joathan, kyng of
xxxix And þei wenten, þat þei camen in to Gador, vnto þe eſte Juda, and in þe days of Jeroboam, kyng of Yrael.
of þe valey, and for to ſechen leſewes to þeir ſcheep. xviii Þe ſonys of Ruben, and of Gad, and of þe half lynage of
xl And þei founden moſt plenteuows leſwes, and ful good, and Manaſſe, men fiȝters berynge ſheeldis and ſwerdis, and
moſt large lond, and quyete, and bryngynge fruyt, in þe bendynge bowe, and tauȝt to batailis, foure and fourety
whiche beforn hadden dwellid of þe lynage of Cam. þouſandis ſeuen hundreþ and ſixty, goynge forþe to fiȝt,
xli Þes þan camen, þe whiche beforn we han diſcryued name xix fouȝten aȝeynus Agariens. Ethureis forſoþe, and Naphi,
by name, in þe dais of Ezechie, kyng of Juda; and þei ſmyten and Nadab,
þe tabernaclis of hem, and þe dwellers þat ben founden þere; xx ȝeuen to hem help; and Agariens ben taken in to þe hondis
and þei dyden hem aweye vnto þe preſent day; and þei of hem, and alle þat weren wiþ hem; for þe Lord þei inwardly
dwelliden for hem, for moſt plenteuows leſwes weren founden clepiden, whil þei fouȝten, and he herde hem, forþi þat þei
þere. hadden leeued in hym.
xxi And þei token alle þingis þat þey hadden weldid, of
chamels fyfty þouſand, and of ſcheep two hundreþ and fyfty


þouſand, and of aſſis two þouſand, and lyues of men an xxvi Þe ſonys of Helchana; Sophai, þe ſone of hym; Naath,
hundreþ þouſand; þe ſone of hym;
xxii and many woundid fellen; forſoþe þe batayl of þe Lord it xxvii Eliab, þe ſone of hym; Heroan, þe ſone of hym; Elchana,
was. Þei dwelliden for hem vnto þe tranſmygracioun. þe ſone of hym.
xxiii Þe ſonis forſoþe of þe half lynage of Manaſſe weldeden xxviii Þe ſonys of Samuel; þe firſt goten Naſen, and Abiam.
þe lond, fro þe cooſtis of Baſan vnto Baal Hermon, and xxix Þe ſonys forſoþe of Mereri; Moli, þe ſone of hym;
Sanyr, and þe hyl of Hermon; a grete forſoþe noumbre þer
was. Lobeny, þe ſone of hym; Semey, þe ſone of hym; Oſa, þe ſone
xxiiii And þes weren þe pryncis of þe hous of þe kynrede of of hym;
xxx Sama, þe ſone of hym; Aggias, þe ſone of hym; Azaia, þe
hem; Efer, and Jeſi, and Heliel, and Eſriel, and Jeremye,
and Odoye, and Jedehel, men moſt ſtrong and myȝty, and ſone of hym.
duykis nemned in þeir meynes. xxxi Þes ben þe whiche Dauid ordeynde vpon þe ſyngers of
xxv Forſoþe þei forſoken þe God of þeir fadirs, and dyden þe hous of þe Lord, ſiþen þe arke was brouȝt to;
fornycacioun aftir goddis of þe puplis of þe lond, þe whiche þe xxxii and þei mynyſtreden before þe tabernacle of witneſſynge
Lord toke aweye beforn hem. ſyngynge, to þe tyme þat Salomon hadde byld þe hous of þe
xxvi And þe Lord God of Yrael rered þe ſpirit of Phul, þe Lord in Jeruſalem; þei ſtoden forſoþe aftir þeir order in þeir
kyng of Aſſiries, and þe ſpirit of Teglat Falaſar, kyng of ſeruyſe.
Aſſur; and tranſlatyde Ruben, and Gad, and þe half lynage of xxxiii Þes forſoþe ben þat ſtoden to wiþ þeir ſonys. Of þe
Manaſſe, and he brouȝte hem in to Ale, and Abor, and Aram, ſonys of Caath; Eman ſyngere, þe ſone of Joel, ſone of
and þe flode of Goſam, vnto þis day. Samuel,
xxxiiii ſone of Elchana, ſone of Jeroam, ſone of Heliel, ſone of
Capitulum VI. Thou,
xxxv ſone of Suph, ſone of Elchana, ſone of Meath, ſone of
i The ſonys of Leuy; Jerſon, Caath, and Mereri.
ii Þe ſonis of Caath; Amram, Iſaar, Ebron, and Oziel.
xxxvi ſone of Elchana, ſone of Johel, ſone of Azarie, ſone of
iii Þe ſonys of Amram; Aaron, Moyſes, and Maria. Þe ſonys Sophonie,
of Aaron; Nadab, and Abyu, Eliazar, and Ythamar. xxxvii ſone of Caath, ſone of Aſer, ſone of Abieſaf, ſone of
iiii Eliazar gat Phynees, and Phynees gat Abiſue;
v Abiſue gat Bocci, and Bocci gat Oſy; xxxviii ſone of Yſaar, ſone of Caath, ſone of Leuy, ſone of
vi Oſy gat Zaraias, Zaraias gat Meroyoth. Yrael.
vii Forſoþe Meroyoth gat Amaryas, Amaryas gat Achytob, xxxix And þe broþer of hym, Aſaf, þat ſtode on þe riȝt ſyde of
viii Achitob gat Sadoch, Sadoch gat Achimas, hym, Aſaf, þe ſone of Barachie, ſone of Samaa,
xl ſone of Mychael, ſone of Baſie, ſone of Melchie,
ix Achimas gat Azarias, Azarias gat Johannam,
xli ſone of Attay, ſone of Zara, ſone of Adala,
x Johannam gat Azarias; he is Azarias, þe preſt of þe kynde
xlii ſone of Edan, ſone of Zama, ſone of Semei,
of Aaron, þe which vſide in þe hous preſthod, þat Salamon
bylde in Jeruſalem. xliii ſone of Jeth, ſone of Jerſan, ſone of Leuy.
xi Forſoþe Azarias gat Amarias, and Amarias gat Achitob, xliiii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Mereri, þe breþeren of hem, at þe
xii Achitob gat Sadoch, Sadoch gat Sellum, left; Ethan, þe ſone of Cuſy, ſone of Abdi, ſone of Moloch,
xiii Sellum gat Elchias, Elchias gat Azariam, xlv ſone of Aſabie, ſone of Amaſie, ſone of Elchie,
xiiii Azarias gat Sarayam, Sarayam gat Joſedech. xlvi ſone of Amaſai, ſone of Bonny, ſone of Somer,
xv Forſoþe Joſedech ȝede out, whanne þe Lord tranſlatyde xlvii ſone of Mooly, ſone of Muſy, ſone of Merari, ſone of
Judam and Jeruſalem by þe hondis of Nabugodonoſor kyng. Leuy.
xvi Þe ſonis þan of Leuy; Jerſan, Caath, and Merery. xlviii Þe breþeren forſoþe of hem, Leuytis, þat ben ordeynd in
xvii And þes þe namys of þe ſonys of Jerſan; Lobeni, and to al þe ſeruyſe of þe tabernacle of þe hous of þe Lord.
xlix Aaron forſoþe and his ſonys brenden encenſe vpon þe
xviii Þe ſonys of Caath; Amram, and Yſachar, and Ebron, auter of brent ſacrifices, and vpon þe auter of þe maad
and Oſiel. encenſe, in to al þe werk of þe holy of halowes; and þat þey
xix Þe ſonys of Merery; Mooli, and Muſi. Þes forſoþe þe
preyen for Yrael, aftir alle þingis þat Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of
God, comaundyde.
kynredis of Leuy aftir þe meynees of hem; l Þes forſoþe ben þe ſonys of Aaron; Eliazar, þe ſone of hym;
xx Jerſan; Lobeni, þe ſone of hym; Jaath, þe ſone of hym;
Phynees, þe ſone of hym; Abiſue, þe ſone of hym;
Sama, þe ſone of hym; li Boccy, þe ſone of hym; Ogzi, þe ſone of hym; Zara, þe ſone
xxi Joath, þe ſone of hym; Addo, þe ſone of hym; Zara, þe
of hym;
ſone of hym; Jethrai, þe ſone of hym. lii Meraioth, þe ſone of hym; Amarias, þe ſone of hym;
xxii Þe ſonys of Caath; Amynadab, þe ſone of hym; Chore, þe
Achitob, þe ſone of hym;
ſone of hym; Aſura, þe ſone of hym; liii Sadoch, þe ſone of hym; Achymaas, þe ſone of hym.
xxiii Elchana, þe ſone of hym; Abiaſaf, þe ſone of hym; Aſer,
liiii And þes þe dwellynge placis of hem, by tounnes and neeȝ
þe ſone of hym; cooſtis, of þilk ſones, þat is, of Aaron, aftir þe kynredis of
xxiiii Caath, þe ſone of hym; Vriel, þe ſone of hym; Oſias, þe
Caathitis; to hem forſoþe by lott þei fellen.
ſone of hym; Saul, þe ſone of hym. lv Þanne þei ȝeuen to hem Ebron in þe lond of Juda, and þe
xxv Þe ſonys of Helchana; Amaſay, Achymooth, and
ſuburbis of it by enuyroun;


lvi þe feeldis forſoþe of þe cyte, and þe touns, to Caleph, þe lxxxi bot and Eſebon wiþ his ſuburbis, and Jezer wiþ his
ſone of Jephone. ſuburbis.
lvii Forſoþe to þe ſonys of Aaron þei ȝeuen cytees to fleen to;
Ebron, and Lobna, and þe ſuburbis of it, Jether forſoþe, and Capitulum VII.
Eſcamo wiþ his ſuburbis, i Forſoþe
lviii and Helon, and Aber, wiþ þeir ſuburbis, þe ſonys of Yſachar; Thola, and Fua, Jazub, and
lix Aaron forſoþe, and Bethſames, and þe ſuburbis of hem.
Zameron, foure.
ii Þe ſonis of Thola; Ozi, and Raphaya, and Jerehel, and
lx Of þe lynage forſoþe of Benjamyn, Gabee, and þe ſuburbis
Jemay, and Jepſen, and Samuel, princes by þe houſes of þeir
of it, and Alamath wiþ his ſuburbis, Anathoth forſoþe wiþ his cognaciouns. Of þe lynage of Thola, moſt ſtronge men ben
ſuburbis; alle þe cytees þrittene wiþ þeir ſuburbis, by þeir noumbred in þe days of Dauid, two and twenty þouſand and
kynredis. ſixe hundreþ.
lxi To þe ſonys forſoþe of Caph, reſidue of þer kynrede, þei iii Þe ſonis of Ozi, Jeſraya; of whome ben born Michael, and
ȝeuen of þe half lynage of Manaſſe in to poſſeſſioun tenn Obadia, and Johel, and Jeſay, fyue, alle princes.
cytees. iiii And wiþ hem by meynees, and þer puplis, gird to batail
lxii Forſoþe to þe ſonys of Jerſan bi þeir kynredis, of þe
moſt ſtronge men ſixe and þritty þouſand; forſoþe þei hadden
lynage of Yſachar, and of þe lynage of Aſer, and of þe lynage many wijues and ſonys.
of Neptalym, and of þe lynage of Manaſſe in Baſan, v And þe breþeren of hem by alle þe kynredis of Yſachar moſt
fouretene cytees. ſtronge to fiȝten ſeuen and eyȝty þouſand ben noumbred.
lxiii To þe ſonys forſoþe of Merery by þeir kynredis, of þe
vi Þe ſonys of Benjamyn; Bale, and Bochor, and Adiel, þre.
lynage of Ruben, of þe lynage of Gad, of þe lynage of vii Þe ſonis of Bale; Eſbon, and Ozi, and Oſiel, and
Zabulon þei ȝeuen lottis, twelue cytees.
lxiiii Forſoþe þe ſonys of Yrael ȝeuen to þe Leuytis cytees and Jerimoth, and Uray, fyue, princis of þe meynees, to fiȝten
þe ſuburbis of hem; moſt ſtronge; þe noumbre forſoþe of hem two and twenty
lxv and þei ȝeuen by lott, of þe lynage of þe ſonys of Juda,
þouſand and foure and þritty.
viii Bot þe ſonys of Bochor; Samyra, and Joas, and Eliazer,
and of þe lynage of þe ſones of Symeon, and of þe lynage of and Elioenay, and Zamry, and Jerimoth, and Abia, and
þe ſonys of Benjamyn, þes cytees þat þei clepen of þeir Anathot, and Anathan; alle þes þe ſonys of Bochor.
namys; ix Þere ben noumbred forſoþe by þeir meynes princis of
lxvi and of hem þat weren of þe kynrede of þe ſonys of Caath,
and þere weren cytees in þe termys of hem of þe lynage of kynredis to batayls moſt ſtronge twenty þouſand and two
Effraym. hundreþ.
x Forſoþe þe ſonys of Ledyel, Baalan; þe ſonys forſoþe of
lxvii And þei ȝeuen to hem cytees to fleen to; Sychym wiþ his
ſuburbis in þe mount of Effraym, and Gaſa wiþ his ſuburbis, Baalan, Jheus, and Beniamyn, and Aoth, and Canana, and
lxviii Hicmaan forſoþe wiþ his ſuburbis, and Betheron alſo.
Jotham, and Thaſſis, and Thaſaar.
xi Alle þes þe ſonys of Ledyel, princes of þer kynredis moſt
lxix Alſo of þe lynage of Dan, Ebethe, Jebethor, and Heielan,
ſtronge men, ſeuentene þouſand and two hundreþ, to batayl
and Helon wiþ his ſuburbis, and Jethremon into þe ſame goynge forþe.
maner. xii Saphan forſoþe and Akham, þes þe ſonis of Hyr; and
lxx Forſoþe of þe half lynage of Manaſſe, Aner, and þe
Aſyn, þe ſone of Aſir.
ſuburbis of it, Balaham, and þe ſuburbis of it; to þes, þat is, xiii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Neptalym; Jaſiel, and Gumy, and
þat of þe kynrede of þe ſonys of Caath weren laft. Azer, and Sellum; þe ſonys of Bale.
lxxi To þe ſonys forſoþe of Jerſon, of þe kynrede of þe half
xiiii Forſoþe þe ſone of Manaſſe, Ezriel; and þe ſecoundary
lynage of Manaſſe, Gawlon in Baſan, and þe ſuburbis of it, wijf of hym Cira gat Machir, þe fadir of Galaad.
and Aſtaroth wiþ his ſuburbis. xv Machir forſoþe toke wijues to his ſonys Huphyn and
lxxii Of þe lynage of Yſachar, Cedes, and þe ſuburbis of it,
and Daberith wiþ his ſuburbis, Suphyn; and he hadde a ſyſter Maacha by name; and name
lxxiii Samoth forſoþe, and his ſuburbis, and Anen wiþ his
of þe ſecounde ſone Salphaath, and þere ben born to
Salphaath douȝtirs.
ſuburbis. xvi And Maacha, þe wijf of Machir, bare a ſone, and clepide
lxxiiii Of þe lynage forſoþe of Aſer, Maſal wiþ his ſuburbis,
þe name of hym Phares; forſoþe þe name of his broþer
and Adon lijc maner, Sares; and þe ſonis of hym, Vlam and Recem.
lxxv Aſach forſoþe, and þe ſuburbis of it, and Roob wiþ his xvii Þe ſone forſoþe of Vlam, Baldan. Þes þe ſonys of
ſuburbis. Galaad, ſone of Machir, ſone of Manaſſe;
lxxvi Bot of þe lynage of Neptalym, Cedes in Galilee, and þe xviii þe ſyſter forſoþe of hym Regma, a fayr man ſche bare,
ſuburbis of it, Amon wiþ his ſuburbis, and Cariathiarym, and Abiezer, and Moola.
þe ſuburbis of it. xix Forſoþe þer weren þe ſonys of Semeida; Abym, and
lxxvii To þe ſonys forſoþe of Mereri reſidue, of þe lond of
Cychym, and Liey, and Anynam.
Zabulon, Remon, and þe ſuburbis of it, and Thabor wiþ his xx Þe ſonys forſoþe of Effraym; Suchaba; Bareth, þe ſone of
ſuburbis. hym; Caath, þe ſone of hym; Elida, þe ſone of hym; and
lxxviii Beȝonde Jordan forſoþe, forn aȝeynſt Jericho, aȝeinus
Caath, þe ſone of hym;
þe eſt of Jordan; of þe lynage of Ruben, Bozor in wildirneſſe xxi and of þis þe ſone, Zedaba; and of þis þe ſone, Suthala;
wiþ his ſuburbis, and Jaza wiþ his ſuburbis, and of þis þe ſone, Ezer, and Elad. Forſoþe þer ſlewen hem
lxxix Cademoth forſoþe, and þe ſuburbis of it, and Myphaath
þe men of Geth þenns goten, for þei camen doun þat þei
wiþ his ſuburbis. aſſailen þe poſſeſſiouns of hem.
lxxx Alſo of þe lynage of Gad, Ramoth in Galaad, and þe xxii Þanne weylid Effraym, þe fadir of hem, many days; and
ſuburbis of it, Manaym wiþ his ſuburbis, þere camen his briþeren, þat þei comforten hym.


xxiii And he wente in to his wijf, þe whiche conceyued, and xii Forſoþe þe ſonys of Elphaal; Eber, and Myſaam, and
bare a ſone; and clepyde his name Berya, for þi þat in þe Samaath; þis bilde Ono, and Lod, and þe douȝtirs of it;
euyls of his hous he was born. xiii Bara forſoþe and Sama, princis of þe kynredis dwellynge
xxiiii Þe douȝtir forſoþe of hym was Sara; þe whiche bildide in Haylon; þes dryuen aweye þe dwellers of Geth;
up Betheron, þe neþer and þe ouer, and Ozen, and Sara. xiiii and Hayo, and Seſach, and Jerymoth,
xxv Forſoþe þe ſone of hir, Rapha, and Receph, and Thale; of xv and Sadabia, and Arod, and Eder,
þe whiche is born Thaan, xvi Mychael forſoþe, and Jeſpha, and Joaa, þe ſonys of
xxvi þe whiche gat Laadon; of þis forſoþe þe ſone, Amyud, gat
Elizama; xvii Sadabia, and Moſollam, and Elethi, and Heber,
xxvii of þe whiche is born Nun; þe whiche hadde a ſone
xviii and Jezamari, and Jeſua, and Jobab, ſonys of Elphaal;
xxviii Þe poſſeſſioun forſoþe of hem and dwellynge, Bethel wiþ xix Rachym, and Zecri, and Zabdi,
his douȝtirs, and aȝeyns þe eſte of Noram; at þe weſt plage xx and Helioenai, and Selectai, and Henelech,
of Gazer, and þe douȝtirs of it, Sychem wiþ his douȝtirs, and xxi and Adaya, and Baraza, and Samarath, þe ſonys of
Aza wiþ his douȝtirs. Semei;
xxix Beſydis forſoþe þe ſonys of Manaſſe, Bethſan, and þe xxii Jesfan, and Heber, Eſiel,
douȝtirs of it, Thanach, and þe douȝtirs of it, Magedo, and xxiii and Abyon, and Zechri, and Abdi, and Helioenai, and
þe douȝtirs of it, Dor, and þe douȝtirs of it; in þes dwelliden
þe ſonys of Joſeph, ſone of Yrael. Sarai, and Heliel,
xxx Þe ſonys of Aſer; Jerona, and Jeſua, and Yſui, and xxiiii and Abdon, and Zechri, and Chanaan,
Baria; and Sara, þe ſyſter of hem. xxv and Ananya, and Phanuel, þe ſonys of Seſaach;
xxxi Þe ſonys forſoþe of Baria; Heber, and Melchiel; he is þe xxvi Sampſari, and Scoria, and Otholia,
fadir of Barſath. xxvii and Jerſia, and Helia, and Zechri, þe ſonys of Jeroam.
xxxii Heber forſoþe gat Jeflath, and Somer, and Otham, and xxviii Þes patriarkis and princis of kynredis, þat dwelliden in
Sua, þe ſyſter of hem. Jeruſalem.
xxxiii Þe ſonys forſoþe of Jeflath; Phoſech, and Camaal, and xxix In Gabaon forſoþe dwelliden Abigabaon, and name of
Jaſoph; þes þe ſonys of Jeflath. his wijf Maacha;
xxxiiii Bot þe ſonys of Somer; Aachi, and Roaga, and Jaba, xxx þe ſone forſoþe of hym, þe firſt goten Abdon, and Sur,
and Aram. and Ciz, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
xxxv Þe ſonys forſoþe of Helem, his broþer; Supha, and xxxi Jeddo forſoþe, and Hayo, and Zacher, and Machellot.
Jemma, and Selles, and Amal. xxxii And Machellot gat Samaa; and þei dwelliden forn
xxxvi Þe ſonys of Supha; Sue, Arnapheth, and Sual, and
aȝeins þeir breþeren in Jeruſalem wiþ þeir breþeren.
Bery, and Jamra, xxxiii Ner forſoþe gat Ciz, and Ciz gat Saul. Forſoþe Saul
xxxvii and Bozor, and Odor, and Sama, and Saluſa, and
gat Jonathan, and Melchiſue, and Abynadab, and Vbaal.
Jethram, and Beram. xxxiiii Þe ſone forſoþe of Jonathan, Myphybaal; and
xxxviii Þe ſonis of Ether; Jephone, and Phaſpha, and Ara.
Myphibaal gat Mycham.
xxxix Þe ſonys forſoþe of Ollaa; Areth, and Anyel, and xxxv Þe ſonys of Mycha; Phiton, and Meleth, and Thara,
Reſya. and Achaz.
xl Alle þes þe ſonys of Azer, princes of þe kynredis, choſen xxxvi And Achaz gat Joiada; and Joiada gat Almoth, and
and moſt ſtronge duykis of duykis; þe noumber forſoþe, of þe Azymoth, and Zamry. Forſoþe Zamry gat Moſa;
age of hem þat was able to batayl, ſixe and twenty þouſand. xxxvii and Mooſa gat Banaa, whos ſone was Raphaia, of þe
whiche is born Eleſa, þe whiche gat Eſel.
Capitulum VIII. xxxviii Forſoþe of Eſel ſixe ſonys weren wiþ þes namys,
i Beniamyn forſoþe gat Baale his firſt goten, Aſbaal þe Eſricham, Bocheu, Iſmael, Saraia, Abadia, Aman; alle þes
ſecounde, Othora þe þrid, þe ſonys of Ezel.
ii Naua þe ferþe, and Rapha þe fyft. xxxix Þe ſonys forſoþe of Aza, broþer of hym; Vlam, þe firſt
iii And þe ſonys of Baale weren Addoar, and Jera, and goten, and Hus, þe ſecounde, and Eliphales, þe þrid.
xl And þe ſonys of Vlam weren moſt ſtrong men, and wiþ
iiii Abiſue forſoþe, and Noemany, and Achoe, grete ſtreyngþe beendynge bowe, and many ſonys hauynge,
and ſonys ſones, vnto an hundreþ and fyfty þouſand. Alle þes
v Zed, and Jera, and Sephuſam, and Vram.
þe ſonys of Beniamyn.
vi Þes ben þe ſonys of Adoth, princis of þe kynredis dwellyng
in Gabaa, þe whiche ben tranſlatid in Manath. Capitulum IX.
vii Naaman forſoþe, and Achia, and Jera, he tranſlatide hem,
i Thanne alle Yrael is noumbred, and þe ſumme of hem
and gat Oſa, and Abyud;
viii bot Saarym he gat in þe regioun of Moab, aftir þat he writen in þe boke of þe kyngis of Yrael and of Juda; and þei
ben tranſlatid in to Babyloyne for þeir treſpaſſe.
laft Vrym and Bara, his wijues; ii Whiche forſoþe dwelliden firſt in þeir cytees, and in þe
ix forſoþe he gat of Edes, his wijf, Jobab, and Sebia, and
poſſeſſiouns of Yrael, and preſtis, and Leuytis, and
Moſa, and Molchom, Nacheneis,
x Jebus forſoþe, and Sechia, and Marma; þes ben þe ſonys iii dwelliden in Jeruſalem. Of þe ſonys of Juda, and of þe
of hym, princis in þeir meynees. ſonys of Beniamyn, of þe ſonys forſoþe of Effraym, and of
xi Meuſym forſoþe gat Achytob, and Elphaal. Manaſſe;


iiii Oſe, þe ſone of Ameud, ſone of Zemri, ſone of Omroy, xxix And þe whiche hadden be tauȝt alle þe neceſſaries of þe
ſone of Bonny, of þe ſonys of Phares, ſone of Juda; ſeyntuarye, weren bifore to þe tried flour, and to þe wijne,
v and of Cilon, Joſia, þe firſt goten, and þe ſonys of hym; and to þe oyle, and to þe encenſe, and to þe ſwote ſpyces.
vi of þe ſonis forſoþe of Saray, Heuel, and þe breþeren of xxx Þe ſonys forſoþe of preſtis maden oynmentis of ſwote
hem; ſexe hundreþ and nynty. ſpices.
vii Forſoþe of þe ſonys of Beniamyn; Salo, þe ſone of xxxi And Mathatias Leuyte, þe firſt goten of Sellum Chorite,
Moſollam, ſone of Odoia, ſone of Azana, was mayſtir of alle þingis þat weren fryed in þe fryinge
viii and Jobanya, ſone of Jeroam, and Ela, þe ſone of Oſy, panne.
xxxii Forſoþe of þe ſonis of Caath, þe breþeren of hem, weren
ſone of Mochoſy, and Moſollam, þe ſone of Safazie, ſone of
Rahuel, ſone of Jebanye, vpon þe loouys of propoſicyoun, þat euermore newe by eche
ix and þe breþeren of hem, bi þeir meynes; nyne hundreþ and ſabot þei ſchulden maken redy.
xxxiii Þes ben þe princis of ſyngers by þe meynes of Leuytis,
ſixe and fyfty. Alle þes þe princis of þeir kynredis by þe
houſis of þeir fadirs. þat dwelliden in priue chaumbris, ſo þat day and nyȝt
x Of þe preſtis forſoþe, Joiada, Joſarib, and Jachym; contynuely þei ſeruen in þer ſeruyſe.
xxxiiii Þe heuedis of Leuytis bi þeir meynes, princis,
xi Azarias forſoþe, þe ſone of Elchie, ſone of Moſollam, ſone
dwelliden in Jeruſalem.
of Sadoch, ſone of Maraioth, ſone of Achitob, þe biſchop of þe xxxv In Gabaon forſoþe þei dwelliden to gydre; þe fadir of
hous of þe Lord.
xii Forſoþe Adayas, þe ſone of Jeroam, ſone of Faſor, ſone of Gabaon, Rayel, and þe name of his wijf, Macha;
xxxvi þe firſt goten ſone of hym Abdon, and Sur, and Ciz,
Melchia, and Mazaya, þe ſone of Adihel, ſone of Jezra, ſone
of Moſollam, ſone of Moſellamoth, ſone of Emyner, and Baal, and Ner, and Nadab,
xiii þe breþeren forſoþe of hem, princis bi þeir meynes, a xxxvii Jedor forſoþ, and Hayo, and Zacharias, and Macelloth;
þouſand ſeuen hundriþ and ſeuenty, moſt ſtronge men bi xxxviii forſoþe Macelloth gat Cemmaa; þes dwelliden for
ſtreyngþ, to don þe werc of þe ſeruyſe in þe hous of þe Lord. aȝeynſt þeir breþeren in Jeruſalem, wiþ þeir breþeren.
xiiii Of þe Leuytis forſoþe, Semeia, þe ſone of Aſſub, ſone of xxxix Ner forſoþe gat Ciz, and Ciz gat Saul, and Saul gat
Ezricham, ſone of Azebny, of þe ſonys of Merery; Jonathan, and Melchiſue, and Abynadab, and Hiſbaal.
xv Bathacar forſoþe carpenter, and Galabeth, and Machama, xl Þe ſone forſoþe of Jonathan, Miribaal, and Miribaal gat
þe ſone of Mycha, ſone of Zechry, ſone of Aſaph, Mycha.
xvi and Obdias, þe ſone of Semeie, ſone of Calaal, ſone of xli Forſoþe þe ſonys of Mycha; Phiton, and Maleth, and
Ydytym, and Barachia, þe ſone of Aſa, ſone of Helchana, þat Thara;
dwellide in þe porchis of Methofatite. xlii Aaz forſoþe gat Jara, and Jara gat Alamath, Aſmoth, and
xvii Þe porters forſoþe, Sellum, and Acub, and Thelmon, and Zamry; `and Zamri gat Mooſa,
Achymam, and þe breþeren of hem; Sellum prince; xliii Mooſa gat Baana, whos ſone Rephaya gat Eleſa, of
xviii vnto þat tyme in þe ȝate of þe kyng at þe eſt, þei kepten whome is borne Hezel.
by þer whilis of þe ſonys of Leuy. xliiii Forſoþe Hezel hadde ſixe ſonys in þes names,
xix Sellum forſoþe, þe ſone of Chore, ſone of Abiaſaph, ſone Hezricham, Bothru, Hizmael, Saria, Obdia, Anan; þes þe
of Chore, wiþ his briþeren, and þe hous of his fadir; þes ben ſonys of Hezel.
Choritis vpon þe werkis of þe ſeruyce, kepers of þe veſtiaryes
of þe tabernacle, and þe meynees of hem be whilis kepynge þe Capitulum X.
entre of þe tentis of þe Lord.
xx Phynees forſoþe, þe ſone of Eliazar, was duyke of hem i Philiſteis forſoþe fouȝten aȝeinus Yrael, and þe ſonys of
beforn þe Lord. Yrael flowen Paleſtynes, and woundide þei fellen in þe hil of
xxi Forſoþe Zacharye, þe ſone of Moſollam, portere of þe ȝate Jelboe.
ii And whenn Philiſteis hadden neyȝid purſuynge Saul and
of þe tabernacle of witneſſynge.
xxii Alle þes choſen `in to vſſcheris by ȝatis two hundriþ and his ſonys, þei ſmyten Jonathan, and Abynadab, and
twelue, and diſcryued in propre townys, whome ordeyneden Melchiſue, þe ſonys of Saul.
iii And þe batayle is agreggid aȝeins Saul; and þer founden
Dauid and Samuel, ſeeynge in his feiþ,
xxiii boþe hem and þe ſonys of hem in þe dores of þe hous of hym men ſcheters, and woundiden wiþ dartis.
iiii And Saul ſeyde to his ſquyer, Drawȝe out þi ſwerd, and
þe Lord, and in þe tabernacle of witneſſyng, be þeir whilis.
xxiiii By foure wyndis weren þe vſſcheris, þat is, at þe eſte, ſlee me, leſt perauenture þe vncircumcidid commen, and ſcorne
and at þe weſte, and at þe norþe, and at þe ſouþe. to me. Forſoþe his ſquyer wolde not done þat, by dreed agaſt;
xxv Þe breþeren forſoþe of hem dwellide in lityl townys, and
þanne Saul cauȝte a ſwerde, and felle in it.
v Þe whiche whanne his ſquyer hadde ſeen, þat is, Saul to
þei camen in þeir ſabotis fro tyme vnto tyme. ben deed, alſo he felle in to his ſwerde, and is deed.
xxvi To þes foure Leuytis was bitaken al þe noumbre of
vi Þanne Saul died, and his þre ſonys, and al þe hous of
porters, and þei weren kepinge pryue houſis, and þe treſours hym to gydre fel.
of þe hous of þe Lord. vii Þe whiche þing whan þe men of Yrael hadden ſeen, þat
xxvii By enuyroun forſoþe of þe temple of þe Lord þei
dweliden in þeir wardis, þat whanne tyme were, þei erly dwelliden in þe wijlde feeldis, flowen; and Saul and his
ſchulden opynen þe ȝatis. ſonys deed, þey forſoken þeir cytees, and hidir and þidir ben
xxviii And of þe kynrede of hem weren vpon þe veſſelis of þe
ſcatered; and Philiſteis camen, and dwelliden in hem.
viii Þanne þe toþer day þe Philiſteis drawynge aweye þe
ſeruyſe; at noumbre forſoþe þe veſſelis weren brouȝt in, and of ſpuylis of þe ſlayn men, founden Saul and his ſones lyinge in
hem brouȝt out. þe hil of Jelboe.


ix And whanne þei haden ſpuylid hym, and gird of þe heued, xvi Forſoþe Dauid was in þe ſtreyngþe, and þe ſtacyoun of
and nakenyd fro armys, þei ſenten in to þeir lond, þat he Philiſteis in Bethlem.
ſchuld be born about, and be ſchewid to þe templis of xvii Þanne Dauid deſiride watir, and ſeide, O! ȝif eny wolde
mawmetis and peplis; ȝeuen to me water of þe ſiſterne of Bethlem, þat is in þe ȝate.
x þe armys forſoþe of hym þei ſacriden in þe temple of þeir xviii Þanne þes þre by þe mydil tentis of þe Philiſteis wenten,
god, and þe heued þei fitchiden in þe temple of Dagon. and drewen watir of þe cyſterne of Bethlem, þat was in þe
xi Þat þing whan þe men of Jabes Galaad hadden herd, þat ȝate, and brouȝten to Dauid, þat he ſchuld drynken; þe whiche
is, alle þingis þat þe Philiſteis dyden vpon Saul, wolde not, bot more offride it to þe Lord,
xii echon of þe ſtronge men ryſen to gyder, and token þe xix ſeyinge, God ſcheelde, þat in þe ſiȝt of my God I do þis,
careyns of Saul and his ſonys, and brouȝten hem in to and þe blood of þes men I drynke, for in perele of þeir lijues
Jabes, and birieden þe bones of hem vndir an ook, þat was þei brouȝten to me water; and for þis cauſe he wolde not
in Jabes; and þei faſtiden ſeuen days. drynke. Þes þingus diden þe þree ſtrengeſte.
xiii Þanne Saul is deed for his wickidneſſis, for þi þat he xx Abiſay forſoþe, þe broþer of Joab, he was prince of þre,
brake þe maundement of þe Lord, þat he hadde comaundide, and he rerede his ſpere aȝeynus þre hundriþ woundid; and he
and kept it not, bot ouermore alſo he councelide a wytche, was amonge þre moſt nemned,
xiiii and hopid not in þe Lord; and for þe whiche þing he xxi and among þe þre þe ſecounde, noble, and a prince of
ſlewȝ hym, and tranſlatyde þe rewme of hym to Dauid, þe hem; neuerþelater vnto þe þre firſt he came not.
ſone of Yſay. xxii Banayas, þe ſone of Joiade, moſt ſtronge man, þe whiche
many werkis dyde, of Capſeel; he ſmote two, Aryel, Moab;
Capitulum XI. and he deſcendide, and ſlowȝ a lyoun in þe mydil ciſterne, in
i Thanne
tyme of ſnowȝ;
al Yrael is gaderid to gider to Dauid in Ebron, xxiii and he ſmote an Egipcien man, whos ſtature was of fyue
ſeyinge, Þi boon and þi fleſche we ben; cubitis, and hadde a ſpere as þe beem of webſters; þanne he
ii ȝiſterday forſoþe and þe þrid day hennus, whanne ȝit regned
came doun to hym wiþ a ȝerde, and cauȝte þe ſpere, þat he
Saul vpon Yrael, þou wer þat laddiſt out and brouȝtiſt in helde in hond, and ſlowȝ hym wiþ his ſpere.
Yrael; to þee forſoþe þe Lord þi God ſeide, Þou ſchal feden xxiiii Þes þingus dyde Bananyas, þe ſone of Joiade, þat was
my puple Yrael, and þou ſchalt ben prince vpon it. amonge þe þre ſtronge moſt named,
iii Þanne al þe more þoruȝ birþe of Yrael camen to þe kyng
xxv and among þe þritty þe firſt; neuer þe later vnto þe þre he
in Ebron; and Dauid wente in wiþ hem peſe couenaunt came not; Dauid forſoþe putte hym at his litil ere.
beforn þe Lord; and þei anoyntiden hym king vpon Yrael, xxvi Forſoþe þe moſt ſtronge men in þe hooſt; Azahel, þe
aftir þe word of þe Lord, þat he ſpac in þe hond of Samuel.
iiii Þanne Dauid ȝede, and al Yſrael, in to Jeruſalem; þis is broþer of Joab, and Eleanan, þe ſone of his vncle of
Jebus, where weren Jebuſeis dwellers of þe lond. Bethlem,
xxvii Semynoth Arorithes, Helles Phalonythes,
v And þei þat dwelliden at Jebus ſeiden to Dauyd, Þou ſchalt
xxviii Iras, þe ſone of Acces Thecuytes, Abieſer Anothotites,
not commen in hydre. Forſoþe Dauid toke þe toure of Syon,
þat is þe cytee of Dauid; xxix Sobachai Sothites, Ilay Achoites,
vi and he ſeide, Eche þat ſmytiþ Jebuſe firſt, ſchal ben a xxx Marai Nethophatites, Heles, þe ſone of Bana,
prince and duyke. Þanne Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, ſteyȝide Nethophatites,
up firſt, and is maad a prince. xxxi and Hay, þe ſone of Relay, of Gabaoth of þe ſonys of
vii Dauid forſoþe dwellid in þe tour, and þerfore it is clepid
Beniamyn; Banaya Pharathonytes,
þe cytee of Dauid; xxxii men of þe ſtrem of Gaaz, Abiel Arabathites,
viii and he bilde up a cytee in enuyroun fro Mello vnto
xxxiii Azynoth Baruanythes, Eliaba Salaonythes,
Gyrum; Joab forſoþe þe toþer partye of þe cytee made out. xxxiiii þe ſonys of Aſſem Jeſonythes, Jonathan, þe ſone of
ix And Dauiþ profitide goynge and waxynge, and þe Lord of
hooſtis was wiþ hym. Saga, Ararites,
xxxv Achiam, þe ſone of Achar, Ararithes, Eliphal, þe ſone of
x Þes þe princis of þe ſtronge men of Dauid, þe whiche
helpiden hym, þat he wer kyng vpon al Yſrael, aftir þe word Vri,
xxxvi Efer Mechurathites, Ahia Philonytes,
of þe Lord þat he ſpac to Yrael.
xi And þis þe noumbre of þe ſtronge men of Dauid; Jeſbaam, xxxvii Azrai Carmelites, Joamy, þe ſone of Eyrabay,
þe ſone of Achamony, prince amonge þritty; he rerede his xxxviii Joel, þe broþer of Nathan, Mybahur, þe ſone of
ſpere vpon þre hundriþ woundide oon while. Agaray,
xii And aftir hym Eliazar, þe ſone of his vncle Ahoites, þat xxxix Selech Amonytes, Noorai Berothites, þe ſquyer of
was among þe þre myȝty. Joab, ſone of Saruye,
xiii Þis was wiþ Dauid in Aphedomyn, whanne Philiſteis xl Yras Jethreus, Gareb Jethreus,
ben gederd to oon place in to batail; and þer was a feeld of xli Vrias Etheus, Sabab, þe ſone of Choli,
þat regyoun full of barly, and þe puple fleiȝ fro þe face of xlii Abyna, þe ſone of Segar Rubenyte, prince of Rubenytis,
xiiii Þis ſtode in þe mydil of þe feeld, and defendid hym; and and wiþ hym þritty;
xliii Hanan, þe ſone of Macha, and Joſephath Mathanytes,
whanne he hadde ſmyten þe Philiſteis, þe Lord ȝaue grete
helþe to his puple. xliiii Oſias Aſtorothites, Semma, and Rahel, ſonys of Otayn
xv Þere wenten doun forſoþe þre of þe þritty princis to þe Aroerites,
petra, in þe whiche was Dauid, at þe denn of Odolla, xlv Lediel, þe ſone of Zamry, and Joa, his broþer, Thoſaites,
whanne Philiſteis hadden ſett tentis in þe valey of Raphaym. xlvi Heliel Maanytes, Jeribai and Joſia, ſonys of Elnaen,
Jethma Moabites,


xlvii Heliel, and Obed, and Jaſiel of Moſobia. xxiii Þis forſoþe is þe noumbre of þe princis of þe hooſt þat
camen to Dauid, whan he was in Ebron, þat þei tranſlate þe
Capitulum XII. rewme of Saul to hym, aftir þe word of þe Lord;
xxiiii þe ſonys of Juda, berynge target and ſpere, ſexe þouſand
i Thes forſoþe camen to Dauid in Sichelech, whanne ȝit he and eiȝt hundriþ, redy to batail;
fleiȝ Saul, þe ſone of Ciz; þe whiche weren moſt ſtronge and xxv of þe ſonys of Symeon, moſt ſtronge men to fiȝten, ſeuen
noble fiȝters, þouſand and an hundriþ;
ii bendynge bowe, and wiþ eiþer hond þrowynge ſtones wiþ
xxvi of þe ſonys of Leuy, foure þouſand and ſixe hundriþ;
ſlyngis, and dreſſynge arewis; of þe breþeren of Saul of xxvii and Joiada, prince of þe ſtok of Aaron, and wiþ hem þre
iii prynce Achieſer, and Joas, þe ſone of Samaa Gabatites, þouſand and ſeuen hundriþ;
xxviii Sadoch alſo, a chijld of noble preuynge, and þe hous of
and Jaſahel, and Phalleg, ſonys of Aſmod, and Barachia,
and Jeu Anothothites; his fadir, princis two and twenty;
iiii alſo Samayas Gabaonytes, moſt ſtronge among þritty and xxix of þe ſonys forſoþe of Beniamyn, þe breþeren of Saul,
vpon þritty; Jeremyas, and Jezihel, and Johannan, and þre þouſand; forſoþe a grete partye of hem ȝit folowede þe
Zebadga Zerothites, hous of Saul;
v Eluſai, and Jerymuth, and Baalia, and Samaria, and xxx but of þe ſonys of Effraym, twenty þouſand and eiȝt
Saphia Araphites, hundriþ, moſt ſtronge in ſtreyngþe, men namyd in þeir
vi Helchana, and Jeſia, and Azrael, and Jeſer, and Jeſbaam kynredis;
xxxi and of þe half partye of þe lynage of Manaſſe, eiȝteene
of Tharemy,
vii Joelam forſoþe, and Sabadia, ſonys of Jeroam of Jedor. þouſand; eche bi þeir names camen, þat þei ordeyn kyng
viii But and of Gaddi ouerflowen to Dauid, whanne he
xxxii of þe ſonys alſo of Yſachar, men tauȝt, þat knewen alle
lurkide in deſert, moſt ſtronge men, and beſt fiȝters, holdynge tymes to comaunden what Yrael ſchuld done, princis two
target and ſpere; þe faces of hem as faces of a lyoun, and hundreþ; al forſoþe þe toþer lynage folowede þe counſeils of
ſwyft as capretis in hillis; hem;
ix Ozer prince, Obdias þe ſecound, Eliab þe þridde,
xxxiii bot of Zabulon þat wenten out to bateil, and ſtoden in
x Maſmana þe ferþ, Hieremyes þe fyfte,
þe ſcheltrun, enfourmed in armys of batail, fyfty þouſand
xi Becchi þe ſixte, Heliel þe ſeuenþ, camen in to help, not in double hert;
xii Johannan þe eiȝte, Elzadad þe nynþe, xxxiiii and of Neptalym, princis of knyȝthode, and wiþ hem
xiii Jeremyas þe tenþe, Bachana þe elleuenþ; enfourmed in ſcheelde and ſpere, ſeuen and þritty þouſand;
xiiii þes of þe ſonys of Gad, princes of þe hooſt; þe laſt was xxxv of Dan alſo, redy to bateil, eyȝt and twenty þouſand and
before to an hundriþ knyȝtis, and þe moſt to a þouſand. ſexe hundreþ;
xv Þes ben þat paſſeden ouer Jordan þe firſt moneþ, whanne xxxvi and of Aſer, goynge out to fiȝten in þe ſcheltrun egre,
it was wont to flowen vpon his brynkis; and þei dryuen alle fourty þouſand.
xxxvii Beȝond Jordan forſoþe, of þe ſonys of Ruben, and of
þat dwelliden in þe valeys at þe eſte cooſt and at þe weſt.
xvi Forſoþe and þere camen of Beniamyn and of Juda to þe Gad, and of þe half lynage of Manaſſe, enfourmed in armes
ſtrengþe, in þe whiche dwellide Dauid. of batel, an hundreþ and twenty þouſand.
xvii And Dauid wente out to meet wiþ hem, and ſeiþ, Ȝif xxxviii Alle þes men fiȝters and redy to fiȝten, wiþ perfijt hert
peſybly ȝe ben commen to me, þat ȝe helpen to me, myn herte camen in to Ebron, þat þei ſetten Dauid kyng vpon al Yrael;
be ioyned to ȝou; ȝif forſoþe ȝe weyten to me for myn bot and al þe remnaunt of Yſrael weren in oon hert, þat
aduerſaries, whanne I wickidneſſe haue not in myn hondis, Dauiþ wer maad kyng vpon al Yrael.
xxxix And þei weren þere anentis Dauiþ þre days, etinge and
God of oure fadirs ſee and deme.
xviii Þe ſpirit forſoþe cloþed Abiſay, þe prince among þritty, drynkynge; forſoþe þe breþeren of hem hadde beforne maad
and ſeiþ, Þine we ben, O Dauid, and wiþ þee, þe ſone of redy to hem;
Yſay; peſe, peſe to þee, and peſe to þyn helpers, þee forſoþe xl bot and þilk þat weren beſidis hem, vnto Yſachar and
helpiþ þe Lord þi God. Þan Dauid toke hem, and ſette hem Zabulon and Neptalym, brouȝten looues to eten, in aſſis, and
princis of þe cumpanye. chamoilis, and mulis, and oxen; mele, and chargis of fijgis,
xix Forſoþe of Manaſſes ouerflowen to Dauid, whanne he and dried grapis, wijne, oyle, oxen, and weþers, at al plente;
came wiþ Philiſteis to fiȝten aȝenus Saul, and he fauȝte not ioye forſoþe was in Yrael.
wiþ hem, for, þe counſeil goon in, þe princis of Philiſteis
ſenten him aȝein, ſeyinge, In perele of ȝoure heued be he Capitulum XIII.
turned aȝeyn to his lord Saul. i Dauiþ
xx Whanne þanne he is turned aȝein in to Sichelech, forſoþe wente in to counſeil wiþ þe mayſtirs of
þouſandis, and mayſtirs of hundriþes, and wiþ al þe princis.
ouerflowen to hym fro Manaſſe, Eduas, and Joſadab, and ii And he ſeiþ to al þe companye of þe ſonys of Yrael, Ȝif it
Jedielech, Mychael, and Naaz, and Jozabath, and Helieu,
and Salathy, princis of knyȝtis in Manaſſe. pleſiþ to ȝou, and of þe Lord oure God goþ out þe word þat
xxi Þes ȝeuen help to Dauid aȝeyns þe lityl þeeues; alle I ſpeke, ſende we to oure oþer breþeren in alle þe regyouns
of Yrael, and to þe preſtis and Leuytis þat dwellen in þe
forſoþe weren moſt ſtronge men, and ben maad princis in þe ſuburbis of cytees, þat þei ben gedered to us,
hooſt. iii and we bryngen aȝeyn þe arke of God to us; forſoþe we
xxii Bot and by eche days þei camen to Dauiþ, to helpen to
ſouȝten it not in þe days of Saul.
hym, vnto þe time þat þere were maad a grete noumbre as þe iiii And al þe multitude anſwerd, þat it ſo ſchuld be done;
hooſt of God.
forſoþe þe word pleſide to al þe puple.


v Þanne Dauide gederide al Yſrael, fro Seor of Egipt vnto xiiii andeft Dauiþ counſeilede þe Lord, and þe Lord ſeide to
þe tyme þat þou go in to Emath, þat he brynge þe arke of hym, Þou ſchalt not ſteyȝen up aftir hem; go þou awey fro
God fro Cariathiarym. hem, and þou ſchalt fynden hem forn aȝeynus þe pere trees.
vi And Dauid ſteyȝide up, and alle þe men of Yrael, to þe hill xv And whanne þou heeriſt þe ſown of goynge in þe cop of þe
of Cariathiarym, þat is in Juda, þat he brynge þe arke of þe pere trees, þanne þou ſchalt gon out to batail; forſoþe God is
Lord God ſyttynge vpon cherubyn, wher inwardly is clepid þe gon out beforne þee, þat he ſmyte þe tentis of þe Philiſteis.
name of hym. xvi Þan Dauid dyde as God hadde comaundide to hym, and
vii And þei putten þe arke of þe Lord God vpon a newe wayn he ſmote þe tentis of Philiſteis fro Gabaon vnto Gazera.
of þe hous of Amynadab; Oſa forſoþe and þe breþeren of hym xvii And þe name of Dauid is pupliſchid in alle regiouns, and
dryuen þe wayne. þe Lord ȝaue þe drede of hym vpon alle gentilis.
viii Bot Dauid and al Yſrael pleyden beforn þe Lord, in al
vertue, in ſongis, and in harpis, and in ſawtrees, and in Capitulum XV.
tymbris, and in cymbalis, and in trumpis.
ix And whanne þei weren commen to þe cornflore of Chydon, i And he maad houſes to hym in þe cyte of Dauid, and he
Oſa ſtrauȝt out his hond, þat he ſuſteyne þe arke; forſoþe þe bilde up þe place of þe ark of God, and he ſtrauȝt out to it a
oxe pleyinge a litill wiȝt bowede it doun. tabernacle.
x And ſo þe Lord is wroþ aȝeinus Oſam, and ſmote hym, ii Þanne Dauid ſeide, Vnleeful it is, þat of eny man be born
forþi þat he hadde touchid þe arke; and he is deed þere beforn þe arke of God bot of Leuytis, whome þe Lord haþ choſen to
þe Lord. bern it, and to mynyſtre to hym vnto wiþ outen eend.
xi And Dauid is ſory, for þi þat þe Lord hadde deuydid iii And he gadered al Yrael in to Jeruſalem, þat þe arke of
Oſam; and he clepid þat place Þe Deuydynge of Oſe vnto þe God were born in to hys place, þe whiche he hadde redy
preſent day. before made to it;
xii And he dredde þe Lord þat tyme, ſeyinge, What maner iiii alſo and þe ſonys of Aaron and Leuytes;
wiſe may I bryngen in to me þe ark of þe Lord? v of þe ſonys of Caath Vriel was prince, and þe breþeren of
xiii And for þis cauſe he brouȝt it not to hym, þat is, in þe hym two hundriþ and twenty;
cyte of Dauid, bot turnede it aſyde in to þe hous of vi of þe ſonys of Merery, Azaia prince, and þe breþeren of
Obededom Jethei. hym two hundriþ and þritty;
xiiii Þanne þe arke of God dwellide in þe hous of Obededom vii of þe ſonys of Jerſan, Joel prince, and þe breþeren of hym
Jethei þre moneþis; and þe Lord bleſſide to þe hous of hym, an hundriþ and þritty;
and to alle þingis þat he hadde. viii of þe ſonis of Eliſaphan, Semeias prince, and þe breþeren
of hym two hundriþ;
Capitulum XIIII. ix of þe ſonys of Ebron, Helyel prince, and þe breþeren of
i Iram forſoþe, kyng of Tyri, ſent meſſagers to Dauid, and hym eyȝtye;
cedre trees, and crafty men of wallis, and of trees, þat þei x of þe ſonys of Oſiel, Amynadab prince, and þe breþeren of
bylden to hym an hous. hym an hundriþ and twelue.
ii And Dauid knewȝ þat þe Lord hadde confermed hym in to xi And Dauid clepide Sadoch and Abiathar preſtis, and
kyng vpon Yrael; and his rewme was putt up vpon Yrael his Leuytis Vriel, Azaia, Johel, Semeyam, Eliel, and Amynadab.
puple. xii And he ſeide to hem, Ȝe þat ben princes of Leuytis
iii And Dauid toke oþer wijues in Jeruſalem, and gat ſonis meynees, be ȝe halowed wiþ ȝour breþeren, and bryngiþ þe
and douȝtirs. arke of þe Lord God of Yrael to þe place, þe whiche is maad
iiii And þes þe names of hem þat ben born to hym in redy to it;
Jeruſalem; Sammu, and Sobab, and Nathan, and Salomon, xiii leſt, as at þe bigynnynge, for ȝe weren not preſent, þe
v Jeber, and Eliſu, and Heeli, and Eliphalech, Lord ſmote us, ſo and nowe it be done, us doynge eny þinge
vi alſo Noga, and Napheg, and Japhie, vnleeful.
xiiii Þanne þe preſtis ben halowed, and þe Leuytis, þat þei
vii and Eliſama, and Baliada, and Eliphelech.
beren þe ark of þe Lord God of Yrael.
viii Forſoþe Philiſteis heerynge, for þi þat Dauiþ was anoynt xv And þe ſonys of Leuy token þe arke of God, as Moyſes
in to kyng vpon al Yrael, þei ſteyȝeden up alle for to ſechen hadde comaundide aftir þe word of God, wiþ þeir ſchulderis
hym. Þe whiche þing whanne Dauid hadde herd, he wente in berynge ſtaues.
out to meeten wiþ hem. xvi And Dauid ſeide to þe pryncis of Leuytis, þat þei ſchulden
ix Bot þe Philiſteis commynge ben held out in þe valey of
ordeynen of þeir breþeren ſyngers in orgnes of muſikis, þat
Raphaym; is, in ſawtrees, and ſyngynge inſtrumentis, and cymbalis; þat
x and Dauiþ counſeilide þe Lord, ſeyinge, Ȝif I ſchal ſteyen þe ſown of gladneſſe ſowne aȝeyn in heiȝtis.
up to þe Philiſteis? and ȝif þou ſchalt taken hem in to myne xvii And þei ordeynden Leuytes, Heeman, þe ſone of Joel,
hondis? And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Steyȝe up, and I ſchal and of his breþeren, Aſaph, þe ſone of Barachie; of þe ſonis
taken hem in þin hond. forſoþe of Merery, þe breþeren of hem, Ethan, þe ſone of
xi And whanne þei hadden ſteyȝeden up in to Baal Faraſym, Chaſaie,
Dauid ſmote hem þere, and ſeide, God haþ deuydide myne xviii and wiþ hem þeir breþeren; in þe ſecounde ordre,
enemyſe by myne hond, as watirs ben deuydide. And þerfore Zacharie, and Ben, and Jaſiel, and Semmyramoth, and
þe name of þat place is clepid Baal Pharaſym; Jahiel, and Anyſey, and Heliab, and Banayam, and Elifalu,
xii and þere þei forſoken þeir goddis, þe whiche Dauiþ and Macenyam, and Obededon, and Johiel, porters;
comaundide to be brent. xix forſoþe þe chauntours Eman, Aſaph, and Ethan, in braſen
xiii Anoþer while forſoþe Philiſteis fellen on, and ben helde cymbalis ſyngynge;
out in þe valey;


xx Zacharie forſoþe, and Oſiel, and Semyramoth, and Jayhel, xiii Ȝe ſeed of Yrael, his ſeruaunt; ȝe ſones of Jacob, his
and Ham, and Eliab, and Maazias, and Banaias, in orgnys choſen.
ſungyn priue þingis; xiiii He þe Lord oure God; in al erþe þe domes of hym.
xxi forſoþe Mathatias, and Eliphalu, and Macenyas, and xv Recordiþ vnto euermore of his couenaunt; of þe word þat
Ebededom, and Jehiel, and Ozaſyn, in harpis for þe eyȝteþe he comaundide in to a þouſand generaciouns.
ſungyn cynychyon, þat is, to þe God ouercomer victorie and xvi Þe whiche he couenauntide wiþ Abraham; and of þe ooþ
xxii Chononyas forſoþe, prynce of þe Leuytis, was beforne to of hym to Yſaac.
xvii And to Jacob he ſette it in to heſte; and to Yrael in to
þe prophecie, and to þe melodye to be ſungyn before, he was
forſoþe fulwijs; euere couenaunt.
xxiii and Barachias, and Helchana, porters of þe arke; xviii Seyinge, To þee I ſchal ȝeuen þe lond of Chanaan; þe
xxiiii bot Sebenyas, and Joſaphath, and Mathanael, and lytyl cord of ȝoure eritage.
xix Whanne þei weren fewe in noumbre; lytyl, and tylyeris of
Amazai, and Zacharias, and Banayas, and Eliezer, preſtis,
ſowneden wiþ trumpis beforne þe arke of þe Lord; and it.
Ebededom, and Achymaas, weren porters of þe arke. xx And þei paſſeden fro folk vnto folk; and fro regne to
xxv Þanne Dauid, and alle þe more þoruȝ birþe of Yrael, and anoþer puple.
þe mayſtirs of þouſandis, wenten to þe arke of peſe couenaunt xxi He ſuffrede not eny man to challengen hem; bot he
of þe Lord, to ben born fro þe hous of Obededom wiþ ioye. blamede for hem kyngis.
xxvi And whanne God hadde holpen þe Leuytes þat beeren þe xxii Wyle ȝe not touchen my criſtis; and in my prophetis wyle
ark of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, `þen weren offrid ſeuen ȝe not don malice.
boolis and ſeuen weþers. xxiii Syngiþ to þe Lord, al þe erþ; telliþ fro day `in to day þe
xxvii Forſoþe Dauid was cloþed wiþ a bijs ſtole, and alle þe ȝeuer of his helþ.
Leuytis þat beeren þe arke, and þe ſyngers, and Chononyas, xxiiii Telliþ in gentylis his glorie; and in alle puplis his
þe prince of þe prophecie amonge þe ſyngers; Dauid forſoþe merueylis.
alſo was cloþed wiþ a ſurplees. xxv For þe Lord grete, and preyſable ful myche; and horrible
xxviii And al Yrael brouȝten þe arke of þe peſe couenaunt of
vpon alle goddis.
þe Lord in ioye, and in ſowne of trumpe, and in trumpis, and xxvi Alle forſoþe goddis mawmettis of puplis; þe Lord forſoþe
cymbalis, and ſawtrees, and harpis, to gider ſyngynge.
xxix And whanne þe arke of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord heuens maad.
xxvii Knowlechynge and grete doynge beforn hym; ſtreyngþe
was commen vnto þe cytee of Dauiþ, Mychol, þe douȝtir of
Saul, beholdynge þoruȝ þe wyndowe, ſawȝ kyng Dauiþ and ioye in his place.
lepynge and pleyinge; and ſche diſpiſede him in her herte. xxviii Bryngiþ to þe Lord, ȝe meynes of puples; bryngiþ to þe
Lord glorie and empyre.
xxix Ȝeuiþ glorie to þe name of hym, rereþ ſacrifice, and
Capitulum XVI.
commiþ in his ſiȝt; and honouriþ þe Lord in holy fairneſſe.
i Thanne þei brouȝten in þe arke of of God, and ſetten it in xxx Be meued fro þe ſiȝt of hym al erþ; he forſoþe foundide
þe mydil of þe tabernacle, þat Dauiþ hadde ſtrauȝte oute to it; þe world vnmeuable.
and þei offreden brent ſacrifices and peſible before þe Lord. xxxi Joyen heuens, and þe erþ glade; and ſey þei in naciouns,
ii And whanne Dauid offrynge hadde fulfillide brent ſacrifices
Þe Lord ſchal regnen.
and peſible, he bleſſede þe puple in name of þe Lord; xxxii Doone þe ſe, and þe plente of it; ioyen þe feeldis, and
iii and he deuydide to alle þoruȝ oute echone fro man vnto
alle þingis þat in hem ben.
womman a kake of brede, and a partye of rooſtyd fleſche of a xxxiii Þann ſchal preyſen þe trees of þe wijlde wood before þe
bugle, and tried floure fryed in oyle.
iiii And he ſette beforn þe arke of þe Lord, of þe Leuytis, þat Lord; for he came to demen þe erþe.
xxxiiii Knowlechiþ to þe Lord, for good he is; for wiþ oute
ſchulden mynyſtren, and recorden of þe werkis of hym, and
glorifien and preyſen þe Lord God of Yrael; ende þe mercy of hym.
v Aſaph prince, and his ſecound Zacharie, forſoþe Jaihel, and xxxv And ſeiþ, Saue us, God oure Saueoure, and gader vs,
Semyramoth, and Jeihel, and Mathatiam, and Eliab, and and delyuer fro gentilis; þat we knowlechen to þin holy name,
Banaya, and Obededom, and Jeiel, vpon orgnys of ſawtree, and ioyen in þi dytees.
and ſyngynge inſtrumentis; Aſaph forſoþe ſchuld ſyngyn in xxxvi Bleſſid þe Lord God of Yrael fro wiþ out ende vnto
cymbalis; wiþ out ende; and ſey alle puple, Amen, and an hympne to
vi Bananyam forſoþe and Aſiel, preſtis, ſungen in trumpe God.
beſily beforne þe arke of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord. xxxvii And ſo he laft þere, beforn þe arke of þe peſe couenaunt
vii In þat day Dauiþ maad prince, to knowlachen to þe Lord, of þe Lord, Aſaph and his breþeren, þat þey ſchulden
Aſaph, and his briþeren. mynyſtren in þe ſiȝt of þe arke beſily bi alle days and þer
viii Knowlechiþ to þe Lord, and inwardly clepiþ his name; whilis.
xxxviii Forſoþe Obededom and his breþeren, eyȝt and ſexty,
knowen make ȝe in puplis þe fyndyngis of hym.
ix Syngiþ to hym, and doþ pſalmes to hym, and telliþ alle his and Obededom, þe ſone of Yditym, and Oſa, he ordeynede
merueyls. xxxix Sadoch forſoþe preſt, and þe breþeren of hym, preſtis
x Preyſeþ his holy name; ioye þe hert of men ſechynge þe
before þe tabernacle of þe Lord, in þe heiȝt þat was in
Lord. Gabaon,
xi Secheþ þe Lord in his vertue; ſechiþ his face euermore. xl þat þei offren brent ſacrifices to þe Lord vpon þe auter of
xii Recordiþ of his merueyles þat he dide; of þe ſyngnes of
brent ſacrifice biſily, erly and at euen, aftir alle þingis þat ben
hym, and of þe domes of his mouþ; writen in þe lawe of þe Lord, þat he comaundide to Yrael.


xli And aftir hym Eman, and Iditym, and þe toþer choſen, xx Lord, þer is noon lijc þee, and þer is noon oþer God wiþ
echon bi his name, to knowlachen to þe Lord; for wiþ oute oute þee, of al þe whiche we han herd wiþ oure eris.
ende þe mercy of hym. xxi Who forſoþe is an oþer as þi puple Yrael, oon folk of
xlii Heman alſo, and Iditym, ſynginge in trumpe, and kynde in þe lond, to þe whiche God wente, þat he delyuere
ſmytynge cymbalis, and alle orgnys of muſikis, to ſyngyn to and make a peple to him, and by his gretneſſe and gryſynges
God; þe ſonis forſoþe of Yditym he made to ben porters. he caſte out nacyouns fro his face, þe whiche he hadde
xliii And al þe puple is turned aȝein in to his hous, and delyuerd fro Egipt?
Dauid, þat alſo he ſchuld bleſſen to his hous. xxii And þou haſt putte þy puple Yſrael to þee in to a puple
in to wiþ oute eend, and þou, Lord, art maad his God.
Capitulum XVII. xxiii Now þann, Lord, þe word þat þou haſt ſpoken to þi

i Whanne
ſeruaunt, and vpon his hous, be confermed in to wiþ outen
forſoþe Dauid dwellid in his hous, he ſeyde to eend, and do, as þou haſt ſpoken;
Nathan, þe prophete, Loo! I dwelle in a cedre hous; þe arke xxiiii and þi name abijde ſtille, and be magnyfied in to
forſoþe of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord is vndir ſkynnes. euermore; and be it ſeid, Þe Lord of hooſtis, God of Yrael,
ii And Nathan ſeiþ to Dauiþ, Alle þingis þat ben in þi hert
and þe hous of Dauid, his ſeruaunt, abijdynge ſtille beforn
do, God forſoþe is wiþ þee. hym.
iii Þan þat nyȝt is maad þe word of þe Lord to Nathan, xxv Þou forſoþe, Lord my God, haſt told opynly þe lityl ere of
ſeyinge, þi ſeruaunt, þat þou ſchuldiſt bilden to hym an hous; and
iiii Go, and ſpeke to Dauiþ, my ſeruaunt, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe þerfore þi ſeruaunt haþ founden truſt, þat he preye before þee.
Lord, Þou ſchalt not bylde to me an hows to dwellen; xxvi Nowe þanne, Lord, þou ert God, and þou haſt ſpoken to
v ne forſoþe I dwellede in hous, fro þat tyme þat I ladde out þi ſeruaunt ſo fele benfetis;
Yrael fro þe lond of Egipt `in to þis day, bot was euermore xxvii and þou haſt begunnen to bleſſen to þe hous of þi
chaungynge þe places of tabernacle, and in tent wiþ al Yrael ſeruaunt, þat it be euer more before þee; þee forſoþe bleſſynge,
dwellynge. bleſſid it ſchal ben in to wiþ outen end.
vi Wheþer I ſpake oonly to oon of þe iugis of Yrael, to
whome I hadde comaundid, þat he ſchulde feden my puple, Capitulum XVIII.
and ſeyde, Why haſt þou not bildid up `to me a cedre hous?
vii Nowe alſo þus þou ſchalt ſpeken to my ſeruaunt Dauid, i Done it is forſoþe aftir þes þingis, þat Dauid ſchuld ſmijten
Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord of hooſtis, I toke þee, when in Philiſteis, and meeken hem, and taken Geth and þe douȝtirs
leſewes þou folowediſt þe flok, þat þou were duyke of my of it fro þe hond of Philiſteis,
puple Yrael; ii and ſmijten Moab; and Moabitis ſchulden ben maad þe
viii and I was wiþ þee whiþer euer þou wentiſt, and I ſlewȝ ſeruauntis of Dauid, offringe to hym ȝiftis.
alle þin enmyes beforn þee, and I maad to þee a name as of iii Þat tyme alſo Dauid ſmote Adadeſer, kyng of Soba, of þe
oon of þe grete men þat ben oft wirſchipid in þe erþe. regyoun of Emath, whanne he wente for to largen his empyre
ix And I ȝaue a place to my puple Yrael; it ſchal be plauntid, vnto þe flode of Eufraten.
and he ſchal dwelle in it, and no more he ſchal be meued, ne iiii Þanne Dauid toke a þouſand foure whelid cartis of hym,
þe ſonis of wickidneſſe ſchuln to-tern hem, and ſeuen þouſand of hors men, and twenty þouſand of fote
x as fro þe begynnynge of þe days in whiche I ȝaue iuges to men; and he kutte þe knee ſenewis of alle þe hors of þe
my puple Yrael; and I haue mekid alle þin enmyes. I telle chaaris, out taken an hundriþ foure whelid cartis, þe whiche
þan to þee, þat þe Lord be to belden to þee an hous. he reſeruede to hym ſilf.
xi And whanne þou haſt fulfillid þy days, þat þou go to þi v Forſoþe and Cyre Damaſcen came ouer, þat he ȝeue helpe to
fadirs, I ſchal reren þi ſeed aftir þee, þat ſchal ben of þi Adadeſer, kyng of Soba, bot and of þis Dauid ſmote twenty
ſonys, and I ſchal ſtablen þe rewme of hym; þouſand of men;
xii he ſchal beelde to me an hous, and I ſchal faſtnen his ſee vi and he putte knyȝtis in Damaſc, þat Cyrie alſo ſchuld
vnto wiþ outen ende. ſeruen to hym, and offre ȝiftis. And þe Lord herde hym in
xiii I ſchal ben to hym in to fadir, and he ſchal ben to me in alle þingis to þe whiche he wente.
vii Alſo Dauid toke þe golden arewe caſes, þat þe ſeruauntes
to ſone; and my mercy I ſchal not don awey fro hym, as I
toke aweye fro hym þat was bifore þee; of Adadezer hadden, and brouȝte hem in to Jeruſalem;
xiiii and I ſchal ſetten hym in my hous and in my regne vnto viii alſo and fro Thebath and Cum, cytees of Adadezer, myche
euermore; and þe trone of hym ſchal be moſt faſt vnto wiþ of braſſe, of þe whiche Salomon made þe braſen ſe, and
oute ende. pylers, and braſen veſſels.
xv Aftre alle þes wordis, and aftir al þis viſioun, þus ſpak ix Þe whiche þing whanne Thou, kyng of Emath, hadde herd,
Nathan to Dauid. þat is, Dauiþ to han ſmyten al þe hooſt of Adadeſer, kyng of
xvi And whanne kyng Dauid was commen, and hadde ſytten Soba,
x he ſente Aduram, his ſone, to kyng Dauid, þat he aſke of
before þe Lord, he ſeide, Who am I, Lord God, and what my
hous, þat þou ſchuldiſt ȝeuen to me ſyche þingus? hym peſe, and þanckide to hym, for þi þat he hadde
xvii Bot and þat lityl is ſeen in þi ſiȝte, and þerfore þou ſpeke ouercommen and ſmyten Adadezer; forſoþe kyng Adadezer was
aduerſarie to Thou.
on þe hous of þi ſeruaunt, alſo in to comyn; and þou haſt xi Bot and alle þe golden veſſelis, and ſylueren, and braſen
maad me heeȝ vpon alle men. Lord God,
xviii what more ouer may Dauid adden, whanne þus þou haſt kyng Dauid ſacride to þe Lord; and þe ſyluer, and þe gold,
þat þe kyng hadde taken fro alle gentiles, as wele of Ydume
glorified þi ſeruaunt, and knowen hym? and Moab, and þe ſonys of Amon, as of þe Philiſteis and
xix Lord, for þi ſeruaunt aftir þi herte þou haſt done al þis Amalech.
grete doynge, and al þi grete woundirs þou woldiſt to ben xii Forſoþe Abiſai, þe ſone of Saruye, ſmote Edom in þe
knowen. valey of ſalt placis, ten and eyȝt þouſand.


xiii And he ſett in Edom a ſtreyngþe, þat Ydume ſchulde xvi Seeynge forſoþe Cyres, þat þey hadden falle beforn Yrael,
ſeruen to Dauid. And þe Lord ſauede Dauid in alle þingis, to ſenten meſſagers, and brouȝten forþe Cyre, þat was beȝond þe
þe whiche he wente. flode; Sophat forſoþe, prince of þe knyȝthode of Adadezer,
xiiii Þann Dauid regned vpon al Yrael, and dide dome and was þe duyke of hem.
riȝtwiſneſſe to al his puple. xvii Þe whiche þing whan was tolde to Dauid, he gaderde al
xv Bot Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, was vpon þe hooſt; and Yrael, and paſſede Jordan, and fel in to hem, and dreſſide
Joſephath, þe ſone of Ailuth, chaunceler; forn aȝeyns ſcheltrun, hem aȝeyn fiȝtynge.
xvi Sadoch forſoþe, þe ſone of Achitob, and Achymalech, þe xviii Forſoþe Cyres fleyȝ Yrael, and Dauiþ ſlowȝ of Cyres
ſone of Abither, preſtis; and Suſa, ſcribe; ſeuen þouſand of charis, and fourty þouſand of foote men, and
xvii Bananyas alſo, þe ſone of Joiade, vpon þe legiouns Sophat, þe prince of þe hooſt.
xix Seeynge forſoþe þe ſeruauntis of Adadezer hem ſilf of
Cerethi and Pherethi; forſoþe þe ſonys of Dauid firſt at þe
kyngis hond. Yrael to be ouercommen, ouerflowen to Dauiþ, and ſerueden
to hym; and Cyre wolde no more ȝeuen help to þe ſonys of
Capitulum XIX.
i It fel forſoþe, þat Naas, þe kynge of þe ſonys of Amon, Capitulum XX.
ſchulde dyen, and his ſone regnen for hym. i Done
ii And Dauid ſeide, I ſchal do mercy wiþ Hanon, þe ſone of it is forſoþe aftir þe cercle of a ȝeer, þat tyme þat
kyngis ben wont to gon forþ to batelis, Joab gaderde þe
Naas; forſoþe his fadir ȝaue to me mercy. And Dauid ſente hooſt, and þe ſtreyngþe of knyȝthode, and waaſtide þe lond of
meſſagers, to coumforten hym vpon þe deþ of his fadir. Þe þe ſonys of Amon, and wente, and beſegide Rabath; bot
whiche whan weren commen in to þe lond of þe ſonys of Dauid abood in Jeruſalem, whan Joab ſmote Rabath, and
Amon, þat þei coumforten Hanon, diſtroyede it.
iii þe princis of þe ſonys of Amon ſeiden to Hanon, Þou ii Dauiþ forſoþe toke þe crowne of Melchon fro his heued, and
perauenture weeneſt, þat Dauid by cheſoun of wirſchip vnto þi foonde in it a talent of gold weiȝt, and moſt precious gemmes,
fadir ſente, þat he coumforten þee; and þou takiſt no heed, þat and maad þerof to hym a dyademe; alſo manye ſpoylis of þe
þat þei aſpyen, and ſechen, and enſerchen þi lond, ben commen cytee he toke.
to þee þe ſeruauntis of hym. iii Þe puple forſoþe þat was in it he ladde out, and maad
iiii Þerfore Hanon maad balled and ſchoofe þe childre of
vpon hem peſtelis, and ſledis, and prowd yren charis, to gon
Dauid, and kutte þe kootis of hem fro þe ers of hem vnto þe ouer, ſo þat þei weren al to-kut and tobroſed alle; þus dide
feet; and he laft hem. Dauid to alle þe cytees of þe ſonys of Amon, and he is
v Þe whiche when weren gone awey, and þat hadden ſente to turned aȝeyn wiþ alle his puple in to Jeruſalem.
Dauid, he ſente in to aȝein commynge of hem; forſoþe grete iiii Aftir þes þingis bateil is gon in in Gaſer aȝeinus
deſpyte þei hadden ſuffred; and he comaundyde, þat þei Philiſteis, in þe whiche ſmote Sobachai Vſachites Saphai of
ſchulden dwellen in Jericho, to þe tyme þat þe berd of hem þe kynrede of Raphaym, and he lowede hem.
weren ſprongen, and þanne þey ſchulden turnen aȝeyn. v Anoþer alſo bateil is don aȝeynus þe Philiſteis, in þe whiche
vi Forſoþe þe ſonis of Amon, ſeeynge þat þei hadden don
Adeodate, þe ſone of Saltus, Bethlamyte, ſmote þe broþer of
wronge to Dauiþ, boþe Hanon and þe toþer puple, þei ſenten Goliath Jethee, whos ſpere ſchaft was as þe beme of
a þouſand talentis of ſyluer, þat þei hiren to hem fro webſters.
Meſopotanye and Ciria, Maacha and from Soba, charis and vi Bot and anoþer bateil fell in Geth, in þe whiche `a moſt
vii and þei hyreden two and þritty þouſand of charis, and þe longe man was, hauynge ſexe fyngers, þat is, to gider foure
and twenty, þe whiche and he was of Raphaym lynage goten;
kyng of Maacha wiþ his puple. Þe whiche, whan weren vii þis blasfemede Yrael, and Jonathan, þe ſone of Sama,
commen, ſetten tentis forn aȝeynus Medaba; alſo þe ſonys of
Amon gaderd fro þeir cytees, camen to bateil. broþer of Dauid, ſmote hym.
viii Þe whiche þing whanne Dauid hadde herde, he ſente viii Þes ben þe ſonys of Raphaym in Jeth, þe whiche fellen in
Joab, and al þe hooſt of ſtronge men. þe hond of Dauid and of þe ſeruauntis of hym.
ix And þe ſonys of Amon gon out, dreſſeden ſcheltrun byſidis
þe ȝate of þe cytee; þe kyngis forſoþe, þat weren commen to Capitulum XXI.
helpe, ſtoden apart in þe feld. i Sathan forſoþe roſe aȝein Yrael, and ſtired Dauiþ for to
x Þan Joab vndirſtondynge þe bateil forn aȝeynſt and behynde
noumbre Yrael.
þe bac aȝeynſt hym to be maad, he chees moſt ſtronge men of ii And Dauid ſeid to Joab, and to þe princes of þe puple,
al Yrael, and wente aȝein Cyrum; Goþ, and noumbriþ Yrael fro Berſabe vnto Dan, and bryngiþ
xi þe toþer forſoþe part of þe puple he ȝaue vndir þe hond of
to me þe noumbre, þat I knowe.
Abiſay, his broþer; and þei wenten aȝein þe ſonys of Amon. iii And Joab anſwerd, Þe Lord encreſe his puple an hundriþ
xii And he ſeide, Ȝif Cyries ouercommen me, þou ſchalt ben
fold þann þei ben; wheþer not, my lord kyng, þi ſeruauntis þei
in helpe to me; ȝif forſoþe þe ſonys of Amon ouercommen þee, ben alle? Why þis þing ſechiþ my lord, þat in to ſynne it be
I ſchal ben to þee in to ſocour; rettid to Yrael?
xiii take coumfort, and do we manly for oure puple, and for þe iiii Bot þe word of þe kyng more hadde þe maiſtrie; and Joab
cytees of oure God; þe Lord forſoþe, þat in his ſiȝt is good, wente out, and enuyrouned al Yrael, and is turned aȝein in
do. to Jeruſalem.
xiiii Þanne Joab, and þe puple þat was wiþ hym, wente v And he ȝaue to Dauid þe noumbre of hem, þe whiche he
aȝeyn Cyrus to bateil, and drofe hem. hadde enuyrownede; and al þe noumbre of Yrael is founden a
xv Bot þe ſonis of Amon ſeeynge þat Cyres hadden flowen, þouſand þouſandes, and an hundriþ þouſand of men,
þei alſo flowen Abiſay, his broþer, and wenten in to þe cytee; drawynge oute ſwerd; of Juda forſoþe þre hundriþ and ſeuenty
and Joab is turned aȝeyn in to Jeruſalem. þouſand of fiȝtynge men.


vi Forſoþe Leuy and Beniamyn he noumbride not, for þi þat xxvi And he bilde þere an auter to þe Lord, and offride brent
conſtreyned he folowede out þe kyngis heſt. ſacrifices and peſible, and inwardly clepid God; and he herd
vii Forſoþe þat was comaundid diſpleſide to þe Lord, and he hym in fyre fro heuen vpon þe auter of brent ſacrifice.
ſmote Yrael. xxvii And þe Lord comaundide to þe aungel, and he turned þe
viii And Dauid ſeid to God, I haue ſynned ful myche for to ſwerd in to þe ſcheþe.
do þis; I biſeche, do awey þe wickidneſſe of þi ſeruaunt, for xxviii Þanne Dauid anoon ſeeynge, þat þe Lord hadde herde
vnwijſly I dide. hym in þe corn flore of Ornam Jebuſei, he offride þere ſlayne
ix And þe Lord ſpac to Gad, ſeere of Dauid, ſeyinge, ſacrifices.
x Go, and ſpeke to Dauid, and ſey to hym, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe xxix Forſoþe þe tabernacle of þe Lord, þat Moyſes hadde
Lord, Of þre þingis to þee I ȝeue chois; oon þat þou wylt, maad in deſert, and þe auter of brent ſacrifices, was in þat
chees, þat I doo to þee. tempeſt in þe heiȝt of Gabaon;
xi And whann Gad was commen to Dauid, he ſeide to hym, xxx and Dauid myȝt not gon to þe auter, þat þere he beſeche
Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Chees þat þou wilt, God, forſoþe he was wiþ to myche gaſtneſſe aferd, ſeeinge þe
xii or þree ȝeer peſtilence, or þee þre moneþis to flee þi ſwerd of þe aungel of þe Lord.
enmyes and þe ſwerd of hem not to mowen aſcapyn, or þre
days þe ſwerd of þe Lord and deþ to be turned aboute in þe Capitulum XXII.
lond, and þe aungel of þe Lord to ſlen in alle þe cytees of i And Dauid ſeide, Þis is þe hous of God, and þis þe auter
Yrael. Nowe þanne ſee, what I ſchal anſwere to hym þat in to brent ſacrifice in Irael.
ſente me. ii And he comaundide þat alle þe comlyngis of þe lond of
xiii And Dauiþ ſeid to Gad, On alle ſijdes angwyſchis þreſten
me doun, bot beter it is to me, þat I falle in to þe hondis of Yrael ſchulden be gaderd; and he ordeynede of hem maſouns
þe Lord, for many ben þe mercyes of hym, þanne in to þe to ſtoonis to ben hewen and poliſchit, þat þe hous of þe Lord
hondis of men. be bild up;
iii and myche yren to þe naylis of þe ȝatis, and to endentyngis
xiiii Þanne þe Lord ſente peſtilence in to Yrael, and þer fellen
of Yrael ſeuenty þouſand of men. and ioynyngis Dauid made redy, and weiȝt vnnoumbreable of
xv And he ſente þe aungel in to Jeruſalem, þat he ſmyte it;
iiii alſo cedre trees myȝten not ben eymed, þe whiche Cydoynes
and whanne it ſchulde ben ſmyten, þe Lord ſawȝ, and hadde and Tyres brouȝten to Dauid.
rewþe vpon þe mykilneſſe of euyl; and he comaundide to þe v And Dauid ſeid, Salomon, my ſone, is a lityl child and
aungel þat ſmote, It ſufficiþ, nowe ceſe þi hond. Forſoþe þe
aungel of þe Lord ſtode beſides þe corn flore of Ornam delicate; þe hous forſoþe, þat I wyll to ben bildid to þe Lord,
Jebuſei. ſiche owiþ to ben, þat in alle regyouns it ben nemmyd; I ſchal
xvi And Dauid, rerynge his eeȝen up, ſawe þe aungel of þe greþe þan to hym neceſſaryes. And for þis cauſe beforn his
Lord ſtondynge bitwene heuene and erþe, and a drawn ſwerd deaþ he made redy alle þe diſpenſis.
vi And he clepide Salomon, his ſone, and he comaundide to
in his hond, and turned aȝeinus Jeruſalem. And þere fellen
downe as wele he as þe more þoruȝ birþe, cloþid wiþ heyris, hym, þat he ſchulde bilden an hous to þe Lord God of Yrael.
bowed doun in to þe erþ. vii And Dauid ſeide to Salomon, My ſone, of my wille it
xvii And Dauid ſeide to þe Lord, Wheþer not I am þe whiche was, þat I ſchuld bilden an hous to þe name of þe Lord my
haue comaundide þat þe puple be noumbrid? I þat haue God;
ſynned, I þe whiche dyde euyl; þis floc what haþ deſerued? viii bot þe word of þe Lord is done to me, ſeyinge, Myche
Lord my God, be turned, I biſeche, þi hond in to me, and in blode þou haſt ſched, and many bateils þou haſt fouȝten; þou
to þe hous of my fadir; þi puple forſoþe be not ſmyten. ſchalt not mown bild up an hous to my name, ſo myche blode
xviii Þe aungel forſoþe of þe Lord comaundide to Gad, þat he ſchad out before me;
ſchuld ſeyn to Dauiþ, þat he ſchuld ſteyȝe up, and maken out ix þe ſone þat ſchal ben born to þee, ſchal ben a man moſt
an auter to þe Lord God in þe corne flore of Ornam Jebuſe. quyete, I ſchal maken forſoþe hym to reſten fro alle his
xix Þan Dauid ſteyȝide up aftir þe word of Gad, þat to hym enmyes by enuyroun, and for þis cauſe peſible he ſchal be
he hadde ſpoken of þe word of þe Lord. clepid, and peſe and reſt I ſchal ȝeue in Yrael alle þe days of
xx Bot Ornam whanne he hadde beholden and ſeen þe aungel, hym.
x He ſchal bilden up an hous to my name; and he ſchal ben to
and his foure ſonys wiþ hym, hidden hem ſilf, for why þat
tyme he tradde corn in þe flore. me in to a ſone, and I ſchal ben to hym in to a fadir, and I
xxi Þanne whanne Dauid came to Ornam, Ornam byheld ſchal faſtne þe ſee of his regne vpon Yrael vnto wiþ oute
hym, and wente forþ to meeten hym fro þe flore, and eende.
xi Now þann, my ſone, þe Lord be wiþ þee, and do welſumly,
honouride hym, bowed in to þe erþe.
xxii And Dauid ſeide to hym, Ȝeue to me a place of þy flore, and bilde up an hous to þe Lord þi God, as he haþ ſpoken of
þat I bild in it an auter to þe Lord; ſo þat howe myche it is þee.
xii Alſo þe Lord ȝeue to þee prudence and wytt, þat þou mowe
worþ of ſyluer þou take, and þe veniaunce ceſe fro þe puple.
xxiii And Ornam ſeyde to Dauid, Take, and my lord þe kyng gouerne Yrael, and keep þe lawe of þe Lord þi God.
xiii Þanne forſoþe þou ſchalt mown profyten, ȝif þou kepiſt þe
do what euer þing pleſe to hym; bot and oxen I ȝeue in to
brent ſacrifice, and þe peſtels in to wode, and þe whete in to heſtis and domes, þe whiche þe Lord comaundyde to Moyſes,
ſacrifice; alle þingis gladly I ȝeue. þat he ſchulde techen Yrael; take coumfort and do manly, ne
xxiiii And kyng Dauiþ ſeide to hym, It ſchal not ben ſo, bot drede þou, ne take fer.
xiiii Loo! I in my lytyl porneſſe haue mad redy before þe
ſyluer I ſchal ȝeuen as myche as it be worþ; ne forſoþe I owe
to taken awey to þee, and ſo to offren to þe Lord free brent expenſes of þe hous of þe Lord; of gold an hundreþ þouſand
ſacrifices. talentis, and of talentis of ſyluer a þouſand þouſandis; of
xxv Þan Dauid ȝaue to Ornam for þe place ownces of gold of braſſe forſoþe and of yren þere is no weiȝt, forſoþe þe
moſt juſt weiȝt ſixe hundriþ.


noumbre is ouer paſſed by mychilneſſe; trees and ſtoonis I xxi Þe ſonis of Mereri; Mooli and Muſi. Þe ſonys of Mooly;
haue maad redye before to alle þe expenſes. Eliaſar, and Cis.
xv Þou haſt alſo many craftiſe men, maſouns, and leyers, and xxii Eliaſar forſoþe is deed, and hadde no ſonis, bot douȝters;
craftiſemen of trees, and of alle craftis, moſt wijs to don and þe ſonis of Cis token hem, and þe breþeren of hem.
werk, xxiii Þe ſonys of Muſi; Mooli, and Heder, and Jeremyth, þre.
xvi in gold, and ſyluer, braſſe, and yren, of þe whiche is no
xxiiii Þes þe ſonis of Leuy in kynredis, and in þeir meyneſe,
noumbre; rijs þan, and make, and þe Lord ſchal be wiþ þee.
xvii And Dauid comaundide to alle þe princis of Yrael, þat princis be whilis, and noumbre of alle þe heuedis, þe whiche
dyden þe byſyneſſe of þe ſeruyſe of þe hous of þe Lord, fro
þei ſchulden helpen Salomon, his ſone, ſeyinge, twenty ȝeer and aboue.
xviii Ȝe ſeen, þat þe Lord oure God is wiþ us, and haþ ȝeuen xxv Dauid forſoþe ſeid, Þe Lord God of Yrael haþ ȝeuen reſt
to us reſt by enuyroun, and haþ ȝeuen alle þe enmyes in oure to his puple, and a dwellynge in Jeruſalem in to wiþ outen
hond, þat þe lond be ſuget before þe Lord, and beforn his eend;
puple. xxvi ne it ſchal ben of þe office of Leuytis, þat eny more þei
xix Ȝeueþ þerefore ȝoure hertis and ȝoure ſoules, þat ȝe ſechen
beren þe tabernacle, and alle þe veſſels of it to mynyſtren.
þe Lord ȝoure God; and rijſiþ to gidre, and bildiþ up a xxvii And aftir þe laſte heſtis of Dauiþ þere ſchal ben countid
ſeyntuarye to þe Lord ȝoure God, þat þe arke of þe peſe
couenaunt of þe Lord be brouȝt in, and þe ſacrid veſſels to þe a noumbre of þe ſonys of Leuy fro twenty ȝeer and aboue;
Lord in to þe hous, þat is byld to þe name of þe Lord. xxviii and þei ſchul ben vndir þe hond of þe ſonys of Aaron,
in to heriynge of þe hous of þe Lord, in veſtiaries, and in
Capitulum XXIII. chaumbres, and in place of purifyinge, and in þe ſeyntuarye,
and in alle werkis of þe ſeruyce of þe temple of þe Lord.
i Thanne Dauid olde and ful of days ordeynede Salomon, his xxix Þe preſtis forſoþe vpon þe looues of propoſicioun, and to
ſone, king vpon Yrael. þe ſacrifice of tryed floure, and to þe þynne kakis, and to þe
ii And he gaderde alle þe princis of Irael, and preſtis, and þerf looues, and to þe fryinge panne, and þe boylynge tryed
Leuytis; floure, and to turnen, and vpon þe weiȝt and meſure.
iii and þe Leuytis ben noumbred fro twenty ȝeer and aboue, xxx Þe Leuytes forſoþe, þat þei ſtoden erly, to knowlechen and
and þere ben founde eyȝt and þritty þouſand of men. ſyngen to þe Lord, and lijc maner at euen,
iiii Of þes ben choſen, delid in to þe ſeruyſe of þe houſe of þe xxxi as wele in offrynge of brent ſacrifices of þe hous of þe
Lord, foure and twenty þouſand; of prouoſtes forſoþe, and of Lord, as in ſabotis, and kalendis, and oþer ſolempnyteſe, aftir
domeſmen, ſixe þouſand; þe noumbre and cerymonyes of eche þing beſily before þe
v bot foure þouſand porters, and as fele ſawtrers, ſyngynge in Lord;
xxxii and kepe þei þe obſeruauncis of þe tabernacle of þe peſe
orgnys, þat Dauiþ maad to ſyngyn.
vi And Dauiþ departyde hem by whiles of þe ſonys of Leuy, couenaunt, and þe rijt of þe ſeyntuarye, and þe obſeruauncis
þat is, Jerſan, and Caath, and Merary, of þe ſonys of Aaron, þeir breþeren, þat þey mynyſtren in þe
vii and Jerſam, and Leadan, and Semei.
hows of þe Lord.
viii Þe ſones of Leadan; prince Jehiel, and Ethan, and Joel,
Capitulum XXIIII.
ix Þe ſonys of Semei; Salomyth, and Oſiel, and Aram, þre; i Forſoþe to þe ſonis of Aaron þes porciouns ſchul ben; þe
þes þe princes of þe meynes of Leadan. ſonis of Aaron, Nadab, and Abiud, Eleaſar, and Ythamar;
x Bot þe ſonys of Semei; Leeth, and Siſa, and Jaus, and ii forſoþe Nadab and Abiud ben deed before þeir fadir, wiþ
Baria, þes þe ſonys of Semei, foure. oute free chyldre, and Eleaſar vſede preſthode, and Ythamar.
xi Forſoþe Leeth was þe raþer, and Siſa þe ſecounde; bot iii And Dauid deuydide hem, þat is, Sadoch, fro þe ſonys of
Jaus and Baria hadden no mo ſonys, and þerfore in oon Eleaſar, and Achymalech, fro þe ſonis of Ythamar, aftir þeir
meyne and in oon hous þei ben countid. whilis and ſeruyſe;
xii Þe ſonys of Caath; Amram, and Yſaar, Ebron, and Oſiel, iiii and þere ben founden manye mo ſonys of Eleaſar in þe
foure. men princis, þanne þe ſonys of Ythamar. He deuydide forſoþe
xiii Þe ſonis of Amram; Aaron and Moyſes; and Aaron is to hem, þat is, to þe ſonys of Eleaſar, princes by meynes
ſextene; and to þe ſonys of Ythamar by meynes and þeir
ſeuerd, þat he mynyſtre in to þe holy of halowis, he and þe houſes eyȝt.
ſonys of hym in to euermore, and þat þei brennen encens to v Bot he deuydide eiþer meynes between hem ſelue by lottis;
þe Lord aftir his riȝt, and bleſſen to his name vnto wiþ oute
eend. forſoþe þere weren princis of þe ſeyntuarye, and princis of þe
xiiii Þe ſonis alſo of Moiſes, þe man of God, ben noumbred hous of God, as wele of þe ſonys of Eleaſar as of þe ſonys of
in þe lynage of Leuy. vi And Semeyas, þe ſone of Nathanael, Leuyte ſcribe,
xv Þe ſonys of Moyſi; Jerſan, and Eliazar.
diſcryuede hem beforn þe kyng and þe princes, and before
xvi Þe ſonys of Jerſan; Sobuel þe firſt. Sadoch, þe preſt, and Achymalech, þe ſone of Abiather, alſo
xvii Þere weren forſoþe ſonys of Eliaſar, Roboia þe firſt, and before þe princis of þe preſtis meynes and of Leuytis; oon
þer weren not of Eliaſar oþer ſonys; bot þe ſonis of Robie hous, þe whiche beforn was to þe toþer, of Eleaſar, and
ben multiplied ful myche. anoþer hous, þe whiche vndir hym ſilf hadde þe toþer, of
xviii Þe ſonys of Yſaar; Salomyth þe firſt. Ythamar.
vii And þe firſt lott wente out of Joiarib, þe ſecound of
xix Þe ſonis of Ebron; Jeriahu þe firſt, Amarias þe ſecounde,
Jaſiel þe þrid, Jehemehan þe firþ. viii þe þrid of Harym, þe ferþ of Seoſym,
xx Þe ſonis of Oſiel; Mycha þe firſt, Joſia þe ſecound.
ix þe fyfþe of Melchia, þe ſixt of Mayman,


x þe ſeuenþ of Acchos, þe eiȝþe of Abia, harpis, in to þe ſeruyces of þe hous of þe Lord beſyde þe

xi þe nynþe of Jeſu, þe tenþe of Sethema, kyng, Aſaph þat is, and Yditym, and Eman.
vii Forſoþe þe noumbre of hem wiþ þeir breþeren, þat tauȝten
xii þe elleuenþ of Eliazub, þe twelþe of Jacym,
þe ſong of þe Lord, alle doctours, was two hundriþ and foure
xiii þe þrittenþe of Oofa, þe fouretenþe of Iſbaal, ſcore and eiȝt.
xiiii þe fyftenþe of Abelgaa, þe ſixtenþe of Emmer, viii And þei leyden lottis by þeir whilis euenly, as wele more
xv þe ſeuentenþe of Ezir, þe eiȝtenþe of Ahapſes, as laſſe, þe tauȝt and vntauȝt to gyder.
xvi þe nyntenþe of Pheceia, þe twenteþe of Zechel, ix And þe firſt lott of Joſeph is gone out, þat was of Aſaph;
xvii þe oon and twentiþe of Joachym, þe two and twenteþe þe ſecounde of Godolie, to hym, and to his ſonis and to his
of briþeren twelue;
Gamul, x þe þridde of Zaccus, to his ſonys and to his briþeren twelue;
xviii þe þre and twenteþe of Dalayan, þe foure and twentiþe of
xi þe ferþe of Yſan, to his ſonis and to his breþeren twelue;
xix Þes þe whiles of hem aftir þeir ſeruyſe, þat þei gon in þe xii þe fyfte of Nathanye, to þe ſonys and his breþeren twelue;
hous of þe Lord, and aftir þer rijt vndir þe hond of Aaron, xiii þe ſixte of Beccian, to þe ſonys and his breþeren, twelue;
þeir fader, as þe Lord God of Yrael comaundide. xiiii þe ſeuenþe of Yſraela, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
xx Forſoþe of þe ſonys of Leuy þat weren laft, of þe ſonys of twelue;
Amram, Sebahel was prynce; and of þe ſonys of Sebahel, xv þe eiȝþe of Yſaye, to þe ſonys and his breþeren twelue;
Jedeia; xvi þe nynþe of Mathanye, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
xxi of þe ſonys of Robie, prince Jeſias.
xxii Of Iſaaris forſoþe Salemoth; alſo þe ſone of Salemoth, xvii þe tenþe of Semeie, to þe ſonys and his breþeren twelue;
Jonadiath; xviii þe elleuenþe of Eſrael, to þe ſonis and his breþeren
xxiii and þe ſone of hym, Gerueanus þe firſt, Aman þe
ſecound, Azihel þe þrid, Jethmoam þe ferþe. xix þe twelfþe of Aſabie, to þe ſonis and his breþeren twelue;
xxiiii Þe ſone of Ozihel, Mycha; þe ſone of Mycha, Samur;
xx þe þrittenþe of Subahul, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
xxv þe broþer of Mycha, Jezia; and þe ſone of Jezie, Zacharie.
xxvi Þe ſonis of Mereri; Mooli and Muſi; þe ſone of Jozan, xxi þe fouretenþe of Mathatie, to þe ſonis and his breþeren
Bennon; twelue;
xxvii þe ſone alſo of Muſi; Orian, and Soem, and Saccur, xxii þe fyftenþe of Jerymoth, to þe ſonis and his breþeren
and Ebri. twelue;
xxviii Bot þe ſone of Mooli, Eliazar, þat hadde no free xxiii þe ſextenþe of Ananye, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
childre; twelue;
xxix þe ſone forſoþe of Ciz, Jeremyel; xxiiii þe ſeuentenþe of Jeſbocaſe, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
xxx þe ſonis of Muſi; Mooli, Jeremuth. Þes þe ſonys of twelue;
Leuy, aftir þe houſes of þeir meyneſe. xxv þe eyȝtenþe of Amyham, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
xxxi Leyden alſo and þei lottis aȝeyn þeir breþeren, ſonys of twelue;
Aaron, before Dauid þe kyng, and Sadoch, and Achymalech, xxvi þe nyntenþe of Mellochu, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
and þe princis of þe preſtis meyneſe, and Leuytis; as wele þe twelue;
more as þe laſſe, alle þe lott euenlyche deuydide. xxvii þe twentiþe of Eliatha, to þe ſonys and his breþeren
Capitulum XXV. xxviii þe oon and twentiþe of Other, to þe ſonys and his
i Dauiþ þan, and þe mayſterhed of þe hooſt, deſeuereden in to breþeren twelue;
þe ſeruyce þe ſonys of Aſaph, and Eman, and Yditym, þe xxix þe two and twentiþe of Godoliathi, to þe ſonis and his
whiche ſchulden prophecien in harpis, and ſawtrees, and breþeren twelue;
cymbalis, aftir þeir noumbre, ſeruynge to þe office halowed to xxx þe þre and twentiþe of Maſuyth, to þe ſonys and his
hem. breþeren twelue;
ii Of þe ſonis of Aſaph; Zacur, and Joſeph, and Nathanye,
xxxi þe foure and twentiþe of Romanathiezer, to þe ſonys and
and Azarela; þe ſonis of Aſaph vndir þe hond of Azaph his breþeren twelue.
prophecyinge beſide þe kyng.
iii Forſoþe of Yditym þe ſonis; Yditym, Godolias, Soori,
Jeſias, and Sabaias, and Mathatias, ſixe; vndir þe hond of Capitulum XXVI.
his fadir Yditym, þe whiche propheciede in harpe vpon men i Dyuyſiouns forſoþe of þe porters; of þe Chorites,
knowlechyng and preyſynge þe Lord. Melleſemya, þe ſone of Chory, of þe ſonys of Aſaph.
iiii Of Heman alſo þe ſonys; Heman, Buccian, Mathania, ii Þe ſonis of Mellezemie; Zacharias þe firſt goten, Jodiel þe
Ezihel, Subuel, and Geriymoth, and Ananya, Anam, Eliatha, ſecounde, Sabadias þe þrid, Ythamael þe ferþ,
Gaeldothi, and Romenthi, Ezer, and Jeſbachaſi, Melothiathir, iii Aylam þe fyfþe, Johannam þe ſixte, Elionenai þe ſeuenþe.
v alle þes þe ſonys of Heman, þe ſeeris of þe kyng in þe iiii Þe ſonis forſoþe of Obededome; Semeias þe firſt goten,
wordis of God, þat þe horne he enhaunce. And God ȝaf to Joſadad þe ſecounde, Joacha þe þrid, Saccar þe ferþ,
Eman ſonis fouretene, and douȝtirs þre. Athanael þe fyft,
vi Alle vndir þe hond of þeir fadir, to ſyngyn in þe temple of v Amyhel þe ſixt, Iſachar þe ſeuenþ, Pollathi þe eyȝþe, for to
þe Lord þei weren aſſygned, in cymbalis, and ſawtrees, and hym þe Lord bleſſede.


vi To Semei forſoþe, his ſone, ben born ſonys, prefectis of xxxi Of Ebronytis forſoþe prince was Herias, aftir þe meynes
þeir meynes; forſoþe þei weren moſt ſtronge men. and kynredis of hem. Þe fouretiþe ȝeer of kyng Dauid ben
vii Þe ſonys þan of Semei; Othyn, and Raphael, and noumbred and founden moſt ſtrong men in Jaſer Galaad;
Obedihel, and Zabad; and þe breþeren of hym moſt ſtronge xxxii and þe breþeren of hem, of more ſtronge age, two
men; Helyu alſo, and Samachias. þouſand ſeuen hundriþ, princis of meynes. Forſoþe kyng
viii Alle þes of þe ſonys of Obededom; þei, and þe ſonys, and Dauid beforn putte hem to Rubenytis and Gadditis, and to þe
þe breþeren of hem, moſt ſtronge men to mynyſtren, two and half lynage of Manaſſe, in to alle þe ſeruyce of God and of þe
ſexty of Obededom. kyng.
ix Bot of Meellymye þe ſonis and breþeren, moſt ſtronge men
and moſt myȝty, eiȝtene. Capitulum XXVII.
x Of Hoſa forſoþe, þat is, of þe ſonis of Merery, Sechary i The ſonis forſoþe of Yrael aftir þeir noumbre, princis of
prince; forſoþe he hadde not a firſt goten, and þerfore his meynes, leders of þouſandis, and leders of hundriþes, and þe
fadir putte hym in to a prynce; prefectis, þat ſerueden to þe kyng aftir þeir companyes,
xi Helchias þe ſecounde, Thebelias þe þrid, Zacharias þe ferþ; commynge in and goynge out bi alle þe moneþes in þe ȝeer,
alle þes ſonys and breþeren of Hoſa, þrittene. alle before weren to foure and twenty þouſand.
xii Þes ben deuydid in to þe porters, þat euermore þe princis ii To þe firſt company in þe firſt moneþ Iſiboam, þe ſone of
of þe wardis, as and þe breþeren of hem, mynyſtren in þe Sobdiel was beforn, and vndir hym foure and twenty
hous of þe Lord. þouſand;
xiii Þanne þe lottis ben leyd of euen, and to þe lytyll and to iii of þe ſonis of Phares, prince of alle þe princis in þe hooſt,
þe grete, by þeir meynes, in to echone of þe ȝatis. þe firſt moneþ.
xiiii Þanne þe eſte lott fell to Jemelie; forſoþe to Zachary, þe iiii Of þe ſecounde moneþ hadde þe companye Didi Achoites,
ſone of hym, moſt wijs man and tauȝt, fel þoruȝ lott þe norþe and aftir hym an oþer, Machilot by name, þe whiche
cooſt; gouernede a partye of þe hooſt of þe foure and twenty
xv to Obededom forſoþe and his ſonys at þe ſouþ, in whiche þouſand.
v Duyke alſo of þe þrid companye in þe þrid moneþ was
partye of þe hous was þe counſeil of þe elderis;
xvi to Sephyma and Choſa at þe weſt, beſyde þe ȝate þat lediþ Bananyas, þe ſone of Joiade, preſt, and in his diuyſioun
to þe weye of þe ſteyȝinge up, warde aȝein warde. foure and twenty þouſand;
vi he is Bananyas, moſt ſtrong among þritty, and vpon þritty;
xvii At þe eſte forſoþe Leuytis ſixe, and at þe norþ foure bi
day; and at þe ſouþ alſo in þe day foure; and wher was þe forſoþe Amyzadath, his ſone, before was to þe companye of
counſeil, two and two. hym.
vii Þe ferþ moneþ, þe ferþ, Aſael, þe broþer of Joab, and
xviii In þe lityl cellis forſoþe of þe porters at þe weſt, foure in
þe weye, and two by þe litill cellis. Sabadias, his ſone, aftir hym, and in his companye foure and
xix Þes ben þe dyuyſiouns of porters, of þe ſonis of Chory
twenty þouſand.
viii Þe fyfþe, þe fyfþe moneþ, prince Samoth Jeſraites, and in
and of Merery. his companye foure and twenty þouſand.
xx Forſoþe Achias was vpon þe treſoures of þe hous of þe
ix Þe ſixte, in þe ſixte moneþ, Ira, þe ſone of Acces,
Lord, and þe veſſelis of þe halewis. Techuytes, and in his companye foure and twenty þouſand.
xxi Þe ſonis of Leadan, þe ſonys of Jerſony; of Leadan,
x Þe ſeuenþ, in þe ſeuenþ moneþ, Helles Phalonytes, of þe
prince of þe meynes of Leadan, and of Jerſan, Jeihely. ſonis of Effraym, and in his companye foure and twenty
xxii Þe ſonys of Jeihely; Jethan, and Joel, his broþer, vpon
þe treſoures of þe hous of þe Lord, xi Þe eyȝt, þe eyȝt moneþ, Sobochai Aſathites, of þe ſtok of
xxiii Amyramytis, and Iſaaritis, and Ebronytis, and Eſielitis.
Saray, and in his companye foure and twenty þouſand.
xxiiii Subahul forſoþe, þe ſone of Jerſon, ſone of Moyſi, xii Þe nynþe, þe nynþe moneþ, Abieſer Anothotites, of þe ſtok
prouoſt of þe treſoure; of Gemyny, and in his companye foure and twenty þouſand.
xxv and þe broþer of hym, Eliezer; whos ſone Raabia; and of xiii Þe tenþ, þe tenþ moneþ, Marai, and he Neophatites, of þe
þis þe ſone Aſaias; of þis þe ſone Joram; and of þis þe ſone ſtok of Saray, and in his companye foure and twenty
Zechri; bot and of þis þe ſone Selemyth. þouſand.
xxvi He, Selemyth, and þe breþeren of hym, vpon þe treſoures xiiii Þe elleuenþ, þe elleuenþ moneþ, Banas Pharonytes, of þe
of hooly þingis, þe whiche kyng Dauiþ halowide, and þe ſones of Effraym, and in his companye foure and twenty
princis of meynes, and þe leders of þouſandis, and þe leders þouſand.
of hundriþs, and duykis of þe hooſt, of bateilis, xv Þe twelfþe, þe twelfþe moneþ, Holdia Nethofatites, of þe
xxvii and of þe ſpoilis of bateils, þe whiche þei ſacreden to þe
ſtok of Gothonyel, and in his companye foure and twenty
reſtorynge and to þe neceſſaries of þe temple of þe Lord. þouſand.
xxviii Forſoþe alle þes þingis halowed Samuel, ſeer, and xvi Forſoþe þer ſtoden beforn to þe lynagis of Yrael, to
Saul, þe ſone of Ciz, and Abner, þe ſone of Ner, and Joab, Rubenytis, duyke Eliezer, þe ſone of Zechry; to Symeonitis,
þe ſone of Saruye; and þei alle haloweden hem bi þe hond of duke Saphathias, þe ſone of Maacha;
Salomyth and his breþeren. xvii to Leuytis, Azabias, þe ſone of Chamuel; to Aaronytes,
xxix To Yſaarites forſoþe befor was Chononyas and his ſonis,
to þe werkis wiþ out forþ vpon Yrael, to techen and to demen xviii to Judaites, Elyu, þe broþer of Dauiþ; to Yſacharites,
hem. Amri, þe ſone of Mychael;
xxx `Bot of Ebronytis, Aſabias, and Sabayas, and his
xix to Zabulonytes, Jeſmaias, þe ſone of Abdie; to
briþeren, moſt ſtronge men, a þouſand and ſeuen hundriþ, Neptalonytes, Jerymuth, þe ſone of Oziel;
beforn weren to Yrael beȝond Jordan aȝein þe weſt, in alle þe
werkis of þe Lord, and in to þe ſeruyſe of þe kyng.


xx to þe ſonis of Effraym, Oſee, þe ſone of Ozazyn; to þe half vi And he ſeide to me, Salomon, þi ſone, ſchal bilde myn
lynage of Manaſſe, Johel, þe ſone of Phathae; hous, and myn auters; hym forſoþe I haue choſen to me in to
xxi and to þe half lynage of Manaſſe in Galaad, Jaddo, þe ſone, and I ſchal be to hym in to fadir;
ſone of Zacharie; to Beniamyn forſoþe, Zazihel, þe ſone of vii and I ſchal faſtne his rewme in to wiþ outen eend, ȝif he
Abner; be ſtedfaſt to do my domys and myn heſtis, as and to day.
xxii to Dan forſoþe, Ezriel, þe ſone of Jeroam; þes þe princis viii Nowe þanne beforn al þe companye of Yrael, heerynge my
of þe ſonis of Iſrael. God, kepiþ and ſechiþ alle þe maundementis of þe Lord oure
xxiii Dauiþ forſoþe wolde noumbre hem fro twenty ȝeer and God, þat ȝe welden a good lond, and leuen it to ȝoure ſonis
beneþen, for þe Lord hadde ſeide, þat he ſchuld multiplie aftir ȝou in to euermore.
Yrael as þe ſterres of heuen. ix Þou forſoþe, Salomon, my ſone, knowe þou þe God of þi
xxiiii Joab, þe ſone of Saruye, beganne to noumbren, and fadir, and ſerue þou to hym in perfijt herte, and wiþ wilful
fulfilde not; for vpon þat wraþ felle doun in to Yrael, and inwit; alle forſoþe hertis þe Lord ſerchiþ, and alle þouȝtis of
þerfore þe noumber of hem, þat weren noumbred, is not told myndis he vndirſtondiþ; ȝif þou ſechiſt hym, þou ſchalt fynden;
in to þe worþi cronyclis of kyng Dauid. ȝif forſoþe þou forſakiſt hym, he ſchal þrowen þee aweye into
xxv Vpon þe treſoures forſoþe of þe kyng was Azimoth, þe wiþ outen eend.
x Nowe þanne, for þe Lord chees þee, þat þou ſchuldiſt bilden
ſone of Adiel; to þes forſoþe treſoures, þat weren in cytees,
and in touns, and in toures, Jonathan, þe ſone of Ozie, ſatte þe hous of þe ſeyntuarie, take coumfort, and perfourme.
vpon. xi Forſoþe Dauiþ ȝaue to Salomon, his ſone, þe diſcryuynge
xxvi To þe churliſche werk forſoþe, and to þe erþ tilieris, þat of þe ȝate hous, and of þe temple, and of celers, and of þe
wrouȝten þe erþ, Eſri, þe ſone of Chelub, was vpon; ſoupynge place, and of þe bed placis in pryue houſis beſide þe
xxvii and to þe vyne tiliers, Semeias Roenatites; to þe wijne auter, and of þe hous of Goddis pleſaunce;
xii and alſo of alle þe porches, þe whiche he hadde caſt, and of
celeris, Zabdyas Aphonytes;
xxviii forſoþe vpon þe olyues, and þe fijge trees, þat weren in þe pryue chaumbris by enuyroun, in to þe treſoures of þe
hous of þe Lord, and in to þe treſours of þe hous of hooly
þe wijld feeldis, Balanan Gadarites; on þe leyinge up places þingis,
forſoþe of oyle, Joas; xiii and of þe preſtis and Leuytis dyuyſiouns, in to alle þe
xxix bot to þe droues, þat weren fed in Sarona, prouoſt was
werkis of þe hous of þe Lord, and alle þe veſſels of þe ſeruyſe
Cetheray Ceronytes; and vpon þe oxen in valeys, Saphat, þe of þe temple of þe Lord.
ſone of Abdi; xiiii Of gold in weiȝt þoruȝ alle þe veſſelis of þe ſeruyſe, alſo
xxx vpon þe camels forſoþe, Ubil Iſmaelit; and vpon þe aſſis,
of ſyluer, for þe dyuerſte of veſſels, and of werkis;
Judas Meranathites; xv bot and to þe golden chaundelers, and to þe lanternes of
xxxi vpon þe ſcheep alſo, Jaſir Agarene; alle þes princis of þe
hem, gold, for þe meſure of eche chaundeler and of lanternes;
ſubſtaunce of Dauiþ þe kyng. and alſo in þe ſilueren chaundelers, and in þe lanternes of
xxxii Jonathas forſoþe, þe vncle of Dauid, counſeyler, man hem, for þe dyuerſte of meſure weiȝt of ſyluer he toke.
myȝty, and ſleeȝ, and lettred; he and Jahiel, þe ſone of xvi Alſo gold he ȝaue in to þe boordis of propoſicioun, for þe
Achamony, weren wiþ þe ſonis of þe kyng. dyuerſte of meſure, and alſo ſiluer in to oþere ſylueren
xxxiii Achitofel alſo þe counceylere of þe king; and Chuſi boordis;
Archites, þe freend of þe kyng. xvii alſo to þe fleſchokis, and violes, and encenſeris of moſt
xxxiiii Aftir Achitofel was Joiada, þe ſone of Banaye, and pure gold; and to golden litil lyouns, for þe qualite of meſure,
Abiathar; prince forſoþe of þe hooſt of þe kyng was Joab. weiȝte he delid in to litil lyoun and litil lyoun; and lijc maner
in to þe ſilueren lyouns dyuerſe weiȝte of ſyluer he ſeuerede.
Capitulum XXVIII. xviii To þe auter forſoþe, in þe whiche was brend encenſe,
i Dauiþ moſt pure gold he ȝaue, þat of it were maad þe licneſſe of þe
þanne clepide to gider alle þe princis of Iſrael, duykis cart of cherubyn, ſtretchynge out þe weengis, and couerynge þe
of lynagis, and prouoſtis of companyes, þe whiche mynyſtreden arke of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord.
to þe kyng, alſo leders of þouſandis, and leders of hundriþes, xix Alle þingis, he ſeiþ, camen writen by þe hond of þe Lord
and þat before weren to þe ſubſtaunce and to þe poſſeſſiouns
of þe kyng, and her ſonis, wiþ þe geldyngis, and þe myȝty, to me, þat I ſchuld vndurſtonde alle þe werkis of þe ſaumpler.
xx And Dauiþ ſeide to Salomon, his ſone, Do manly, and
and alle þe moſt ſtrong in þe hooſt of Jeruſalem.
ii And whanne þe kyng hadde ryſen, and ſtonden, he ſeiþ, take coumfort, and make; ne dreed þou, and take þou no ferd;
Heriþ me, my breþeren and my puple. I þouȝte for to maken þe Lord forſoþe my God ſchal be wiþ þee, and he ſchal not
an hous, in þe whiche ſchulde reſten þe arke of þe peſe leue þee, ne forſake þee, to þe tyme þat þou perfourme al þe
couenaunt of þe Lord, and þe ſtole of þe feet of oure God; werk of þe ſeruyſe of þe hous of þe Lord.
and to beelden alle þingis I haue made redy. xxi Loo! þe dyuyſiouns of preſtis and of Leuytis, in to al þe
iii God forſoþe ſeide to me, Þou ſchalt not bilden an hous to werk of þe ſeruyſe of þe hous of þe Lord, ſchul ſtonden neeȝ
my name, for þi þat þou be a man fiȝter, and blood þou haſt to þee; and boþe þe princis and þe puple ben redy, and han
ſchad. knowen to don alle þin heſtis.
iiii Bot þe Lord God of Yrael haþ choſen me of al þe hous of
my fadir, þat I wer kyng vpon Yrael in to euer more; of Capitulum XXIX.
Juda forſoþe he chees princis, bot of þe hous of Juda þe hous i Kyng Dauid ſpac to al þe chirche, God haþ choſen Salomon,
of my fadir, and of þe ſonis of my fadir it pleſide to hym, þat my ſone, ȝit child and tendre; forſoþe a grete werk is, ne to
me he ſchulde cheſen kyng vpon al Iſrael. man is greiþed a dwellynge bot to God.
v Bot many ſonys þe Lord ȝaue to me; and of my ſonis he ii I forſoþe wiþ alle my ſtreyngþes haue maad redy þe
chees Salomon, my ſone, þat he ſchulde ſytten in þe trone of expenſis of þe hous of my God; gold to þe golden veſſels, and
þe rewme of þe Lord on Iſrael. ſyluer to þe ſilueren, braſſe in to þe braſen, yryn in to þe


yryn, trees in to þe treenen, onychyne ſtones, and as cleer xxi And þei ſlowen ſacrifiſes to þe Lord, and offreden brent
whijt, and alle precious ſtone of dyuerſe coloures, and dyuerſe ſacrifices þe day folowynge; boolis a þouſand, and weþers a
marbil, moſt plenteuouſly. þouſand, and lombes a þouſand, wiþ þeir ſacrifices of licours,
iii And vpon þes þingis gold and ſyluer I ȝeue into þe temple and al þe rijt, moſt plenteuouſly, in to al Yrael.
of my God, þe whiche I offred in to þe hous of my God of xxii And þei eeten and dronken before þe Lord in þat day, in
myn owne treſor, out take þes þingis þe whiche I made redy greet gladneſſe. And þei anoyntide þe ſecounde, Salomon, þe
in to þe hooly hous, ſone of Dauid; þei anoynteden forſoþe to þe Lord in to a
iiii þre þouſand talentis of gold, of þe gold of Oofer, and prince, and Sadoch in to a biſchop.
ſeuen þouſand of talentis of ſyluer moſt fyne, to þe wallis of xxiii And Salomon ſatt vpon þe ſee of þe Lord in to kyng, for
þe temple, to ben gildid; Dauid, his fadir; and to alle men it pleſide, and al Irael
v and wher euer nede is gold, of gold, and wher euer nede is obeſchide to hym.
ſyluer, of ſyluer, þe werkis ben maad by þe hondis of craftiſe xxiiii Bot and alle þe princes, and myȝty, and alle ſonys of
men; and ȝif eny man wilfully offreþ, fulfylle he his hond to kyng Dauid, ȝeuen hond, and weren ſuget to kyng Salomon.
day, and offre he þat he wille to þe Lord. xxv Þan þe Lord magnyfied Salomon vpon al Irael, and
vi And ſo byheeten þe princis of þe meynes, and `noble men of
ȝaue to hym glorie of þe kingdom, what maner no kyng of
þe lynagis of Iſrael, alſo þe leders of þouſandis, and þe Yrael hadden beforn hym.
maiſters of hundreþis, and þe princis of þe poſſeſſiouns of þe xxvi Þanne Dauid, þe ſone of Yſay, regned vpon al Irael;
vii and þei ȝeuen in to þe werkis of þe hous of þe Lord, fyue xxvii and þe days þe whiche he regned vpon Yrael weren
þouſand talentis of gold, and tenn þouſand ſchillyngis; of fourty ȝeer; in Ebron he regned ſeuen ȝeer, and in Jeruſalem
ſyluer tenn þouſand talentis, and of braſſe eyȝtene þouſand þre and þirty.
talentis, alſo of yren an hundriþ þouſand of talentis. xxviii He is deed in a good elde, full of days, and rytcheſſes,
viii And anentis whom ſo euer þe ſtonys ben founden, þei and glorie; and Salomon, his ſone, regnede for hym.
ȝeuen in to þe treſour of þe hous of þe Lord, by þe hond of xxix Forſoþe þe raþer dedis of kyng Dauid, and þe laſt, ben
Johiel Jerſonyte. writen in þe boke of Samuel, ſeer, and in þe boke of Nathan,
ix And þe puple gladide, whanne vowis wilfully þei ſchulden þe prophete, and in þe volyme of Gad, ſeere;
behoten, for wiþ al þe herte þei offreden hem to þe Lord. Bot xxx and of al his rewme, and ſtreyngþe, and tymes, þat
and Dauid þe kyng gladide wiþ grete ioye, paſſiden vndur hym, or in Yrael, or in alle rewmes of londis.
x and bleſſide to þe Lord beforn al þe multitude, and ſeiþ,
Here eendiþ þe firſt book of
Bleſſed ert þou, Lord God of Yrael, oure fadir, fro wiþ oute
eend and in to wiþ oute eend; Paralipomenon, and now bigynneþ þe
xi þin is, Lord, grete doynge, and power, and glorie, and proloog of þe ſecounde book.
victorie, and to þee preiſynge; alle þingis forſoþe þat ben in
heuen and in erþ ben þine; þin, Lord, kyngdam, and þou ert
vpon alle princis;
xii þin ritcheſſes, and þin is glorie; þou lordſchipiſt of alle
þingis; in þin hond vertue, and myȝt, and in þin hond
mykilneſſe and empyre of alle þingis.
xiii Nowe þanne, oure God, we knowlechen to þee, and we
preyſen þi noble name.
xiiii Who I, and who my puple, þat we mowen to þee alle þes
þingis behoten? Þin ben alle þingis, and þe whiche of þin
hond we han taken, we han ȝeuen to þee.
xv Pilgrymes forſoþe we ben beforn þee, and comlyngis, as
alle oure fadirs; oure days as ſchadowe vpon þe erþ, and þer
is no tariynge.
xvi Lord oure God, al þis plente þat we han maad redy, þat
an hous ſchulde ben bild up to þi holy name, of þin hond is;
and þin ben alle þingis.
xvii My God, I wote, þat þou proueſt hertis, and þat
ſymplenes of herte þou loueſt; wherfore and I, in ſympleneſſe
of myn herte, glaad haue offred alle þes þingis; and þi peple,
þat here is founden, I ſawȝ wiþ grete ioye to þee offren ȝiftis.
xviii Lord God of Abraham, and of Yſaac, and Yrael, oure
fadirs, in to wiþ oute eend keepe þis wille of þe herte of hem;
and euermore in to þe worſchipynge of þee þis mynde abijde
xix And to Salomon, my ſone, ȝeue a perfijt herte, þat he
keepe þin heſtis, and witneſſyngis, and þi cerymonyes; and þat
he do alle þingis, and bijld an hous, whos expenſes I haue
maad redy.
xx Dauid forſoþe comaundide to al þe chirche, Bleſſe ȝe to þe
Lord oure God. And al þe chirche bleſſed to þe Lord God of
þeir fadirs, and þei boweden hem ſeluen, and honoureden
God, and þanne aftirwarde þe kyng.


Here eendiþ þe prologe in þe ij.

II. PARALIPOMENON. Paralipomenon, and bigynneþ þe bok in þe
Here bigynneþ þe Prologe in þe ſecounde ij. Paralipomenon.
Capitulum I.
Euſebius, Jerome ſenden gretynge to þeirs in Criſt Jheſu,
Domynyon and Rogacian. What maner wijſe þei beter i Salomon þanne, þe ſone of Dauid, is coumfortid in his
vndirſtonden þe ſtories of Grekis, þe whiche han ſeen rewme, and þe Lord was wiþ hym, and magnyfiede hym in to
Athenas; and þe þrid boke of Virgilie, þe whiche han ſeiled an heeȝ.
fro Troye bi Lewchaten, and fro Acroceranya to Cicilie, and ii And Salomon comaundyde to al Yrael, to leders of
þennys to þe doris of Tibre; ſo hooly Scripture he ſchal more þouſandis, and mayſtirs of hundreþis, and to domyſmen, and
clerly beholden, þat Jude haþ ſeen wiþ eeȝen, and þe myndis to þe duykis of al Yrael, and to princis of meynes;
of olde cytees, and placis knowiþ names, or þe ſame, or iii and wente wiþ al þe multitude in to þe heiȝt of Gabaon,
chaungid. Wherfore and to us it was fors wiþ þe moſt tauȝte
men of Ebruys þis traueil to vndirgone, þat we gon aboute þe where was þe tabernacle of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, þat
prouynce, þat alle þe chirchis of Criſt ſownen. Forſoþe, my Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of God, made in wyldirneſſe.
Domynyon and Rogacian, moſt dere, I knowleche me neuer iiii Dauid forſoþe hadde lad þe arke of God fro Cariathiarym
in Goddis volymes to han ȝeuen feiþ to my propre ſtrengþis, in to þe place þat he hadde made redi to it, and wher he
ne to han had myne opynyoun a mayſter, bot alſo þo þingis of hadde piȝt to it a tabernacle, þat is, in Jeruſalem.
þe whiche I demede me to kunnen, me wont to han aſked; v Alſo a braſen auter, þe whiche Beſeleel, þe ſone of Vri, ſone
myche more of þo þingis, vpon þe whiche I was a fowler. of Ur, hadde forgid, þere was beforn þe tabernacle of þe
Forſoþe whanne of me ȝe hadden aſked ſumtyme bi lettris, þat Lord; þe whiche and Salomon ſouȝt and al þe chirche.
to ȝou I ſchulde tranſlatyn Paralipomenon in Latyn ſermoun, vi And Salomon ſteiȝede up to þe braſen auter, before þe
I toke of Tiberyades ſumtyme autour of lawe, þe whiche
anentis þe Ebrewis was had in wondryngis, and I diſputed tabernacle of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord, and offride in it a
wiþ hym fro þe top, as þei ſeyn, vnto þe laſte nayl; and ſo þouſand hooſtis.
confermyd, I am hardy to don þat ȝe comaundiden. Forſoþe vii Lo! forſoþe in þat nyȝt God apeerid to hym, ſeyinge, Aſk
frely to ȝou I ſpeke; ſo in Greek and in Latyn bokis, þis þat þou wylt, þat I ȝeue to þee.
boke of namys is vicious, þat not oonly Ebrue namys, but viii And Salomon ſeide to God, Þou didiſt wiþ Dauiþ, my
ſtraunge ſum and addid caſt to gider it be to demyn. Ne þat fadir, grete mercy, and ſettiſt me kyng for hym.
to þe ſeuenty remenours, þe whiche ful of þe Hooly Gooſt þo ix Nowe þanne, Lord God, þi word be fulfild, þat þou
þinges þat weren ſoþe tranſlatiden, bot to þe blame of wrijters
it is to wijten, while of þe vnamendid þei wrijten vnamendide bihiȝtiſt to Dauid, my fadir; þou forſoþe haſt made me kyng
þingis; and oft ſiþes þre namys, ſilables wiþ drawen fro þe vpon þi grete puple, þe whiche is as vnnoumbreable as þe
mydil, þei drijuen in to oon name; or aȝeinward, for þe brede, poudre of þe erþ.
þei deuyden in two or in þre namys. Bot and þilk x Ȝeue to me wyſdam and vndirſtondynge, þat I go in and go
nemenyngis, not men, as many eymen, bot cytees, and out beforn þi puple; who forſoþe may þis þi puple, þat is ſo
regiouns, and wodis, and prouynces ſownen; and aſide, vndur greet, worþily deemyn?
þe remenynge and þe figure of hem, ſum ſtories ben told, of xi God forſoþe ſeide to Salomon, For þis more pleſide to þin
þe whiche in þe boke of Kyngis it is ſeyde, Loo! wheþer not herte, and aſkidiſt not rycheſſes, and ſubſtaunce, and glorie, ne
þes ben writen in þe bokis of þe wordis of þe days of kyngis þe lijues of hem þat hatiden þee, ne many days of lijf; but
of Juda; þe whiche forſoþe in oure bokis ben not had. Þis forſoþe þou aſkidiſt wiſdam and kunnynge, þat þou myȝtiſt
firſt is to wyten, þat anentis þe Ebruys Paralipomenon be a deme puple, vpon þe whiche I haue ſett þee kyng,
boke, and anentis hem be clepid Dabregemyn, þat is, þe xii wiſdom and kunnynge ben ȝeuen to þee; ritcheſſes forſoþe,
wordis of days; þe whiche for mychilneſſe anentis us is
deuydid. Þe whiche þing ſum men alſo in þe Brute, dialog of and ſubſtaunces, and glorie I ſchal ȝeuen to þee, ſo þat no
Citheron, don, þat it in þre parties þei deuyden, whanne oon man in kyngis, ne before þee ne aftir þee, were lijc þee.
xiii Þan Salomon came fro þe heiȝt of Gabaon in to
of his autour it be maad. Þer aftir alſo þat þei taken heede,
þat oft ſiþes names ſownen not names of men, bot, as I haue Jeruſalem, beforn þe tabernacle of þe peſe couenaunt, and
ſeide, betokenyngis of þingis. At þe laſt, þat al lernynge of regned vpon Yrael.
ſcripturis in þis boke is conteenyd; and þe ſtories oþer þat ben xiiii And he gadirde to hym charis and hors men, and þer ben
laft in þeir placis, oþer liȝtly touched, here by ſum maner maad to hym a þouſand and foure hundriþ chaaris, and
ſchort ſentencis of wordis ben opned. And ſo I, holpen wiþ twelue þouſand of horſe men; and he maad hem to ben in þe
help of ȝoure preyers, haue ſente þe boke to pleſen to wele citees of plowes of foure hors, and wiþ þe kyng in Jeruſalem.
willid men; neuer þe later I doute not, it to ben to diſpleſen xv And þe kyng ȝaue in to Jeruſalem ſyluer and gold as
to enuyous men. Forſoþe, as ſeiþ Plynye, ſum men han leuere ſtonys, and cedres as long mulberies, þat growen in wijld
alle beſt þingis ſeen to diſpiſen, þanne to lernen. Ȝif eny man feeldis in myche multitude.
in þis remenyng wille eny þing repreuen, aſke he þe Ebrues, xvi Forſoþe þer weren brouȝt to hym hors fro Egipt, and fro
remembre he his conſcience, ſee he þe order and þe text of þe
word; and þanne, ȝif he may, putte he blame to oure traueil. Ohoa, of þe marchaundis of þe kyng, þat wenten and boȝten
Þan wher euer ȝe ſeen aſterichos, þat is, ſterres, to ſchynen in bi prijs,
þis volume, þere wijte ȝe of Ebrue added, þat in Latyne bokis xvii a plowȝ of hors for ſixe hundriþ platis of ſyluer, and an
is not had; wher forſoþe obelus ouerturned, þat is, a ȝerde, is hors for an hundriþ and fyfty. Lijc maner of alle þe rewmes
ſette before, þere is betokened what þe ſeuenty remenours of Cetheys, and of þe kyngis of Cirie, þe bying was ſolemply
addeden, or for grace of feyrneſſe, or for autorite of þe Hooly don.
Gooſt; and in Ebrue volumes it is not rad.


Capitulum II. xviii And he maad of hem ſeuenty þouſand, þat ſchulde beren
i Forſoþe
birþens wiþ ſchuldirs, and eiȝty þouſand, þat ſtoonys in hillis
Salomon demed to bilden up an hous to þe name of ſchulden hewen; þre forſoþe þouſand and ſex hundriþ prouoſtis
þe Lord, and a paleys to hym ſilf. of þe werkis of þe puple.
ii And he noumbrede ſeuenty þouſand of men berynge in
ſchulderis, and eiȝti þouſand þat ſchulden hewen ſtones in Capitulum III.
hillis; and þe prouoſtes of hem þre þouſand and ſixe hundriþ.
iii Alſo he ſente to Yram, kyng of Tiry, ſeyinge, As þou haſt i And Salomon beganne to bilden up an hous of þe Lord in
don wiþ my fadir Dauid, and haſt ſente to hym cedre trees, Jeruſalem, in þe hill of Moria, þe whiche was ſchewed to
þat he bilde to hym an hous, Dauid, his fader, in þe place þat Dauid hadde maad redy in
iiii in þe whiche and he dwellide; ſo do wiþ me, þat I bilde þe corne flor of Ornam Jebuſei.
ii He beganne forſoþe to bilden up þe ſecounde moneþ, in þe
an hous to þe name of þe Lord my God, and þat I ſacre it,
to brennen encenſe beforn hym, and to ſwote þingis to ben out ferþ ȝeer of his regne.
ſmokid, and to þe euermore propocicioun of looues, and to þe iii And þes ben þe foundementis, `þe whiche Salomon leide,
brent ſacrifices erly and at euen, alſo to þe ſabotis, and to þe þat he bilde up þe hous of God; of lengþe cubitis in þe firſt
newe mones, and ſolempnytes of þe Lord oure God in to meſure ſexty, of brede cubitis twenty.
euermore, þat ben comaundid to Yrael. iiii Þe ȝate hous forſoþe beforne þe frount, þe whiche was
v Þe hous forſoþe, þat I coueite to bilden up, is greet; forſoþe ſtrauȝt out in to leyngþe aftir meſure of brede of þe hous, of
þe Lord oure God is grete vpon alle goddis. cubitis twenty, bot þe heiȝte was of an hundriþ and twenty
vi Who þan ſchal mowen ben myȝty, þat he bilde up to hym cubitis; and he gildide it wiþ in forþ wiþ moſt cleen gold.
an worþi hous? Ȝif forſoþe heuen and heuens of heuens v Alſo þe more hous he couerede wiþ firre tablis, and he
mown not taken hym, how myche am I, þat I may to hym fitchide platis of briȝt gold þoruȝ out; and he graued in it
bilden up an hous, bot to þes þingis al oonly, þat encenſe be hondis, and as cheynes catchynge hem ſilf to gydre.
brent beforn hym? vi And he couerde þe pawment of þe temple wiþ moſt
vii Sende þann to me an tauȝt man, þat kann wirchen in preciouſe marble, in myche feyrneſſe. Forſoþe þe gold was
gold, and ſiluer, braſſe, and yren, purpur, cocco, and iacynte; moſt fyne,
and þat kanne grauen in craft of grauyng wiþ þeſe craftiſe vii of whos platis he couerde þe hous, and his bemys, and
men, `þe whiche I haue wiþ me in Jewrie and Jeruſalem, þe poſtis, and wallis, and dores; and he graued cherubyn in þe
whiche Dauid, my fadir, made redy before. wallis.
viii Bot and cedre trees ſenden to me, and tyne trees, and viii Alſo he maad an hous to þe holies of halowes, in leyngþe
pyne trees of Lyban; I knowe forſoþe, þat þi ſeruauntis aftir þe brede of þe hous, of cubitis twenty, and þe breed lijc
kunnen hewen trees of þe wode; and my ſeruauntis ſchuln ben maner of cubitis twenty; and wiþ golden platis couerde it, as
wiþ þi ſeruauntis, wiþ ſixe hundriþ talentis.
ix þat þer ben made redy to me many trees; þe hous forſoþe ix Bot and golden naylis he maad, ſo þat eche naylis peyſeden
þat I coueite to bilden up is ful myche grete, and ful fyfty ounces; alſo þe ſoupynge place he couerde wiþ gold.
glorious. x And he maad in þe hous of holies of halowis two cherubyn
x Forþermore to werk men, þat ben to hewen trees, to þi
in ymage werke, and couerde hem wiþ gold.
ſeruauntis, I ſchal ȝeuen in to metis choris of whete twenty xi Þe weengis of cherubyn in twenty cubitis weren ſtrauȝt out,
þouſand, and choris of barly as fele, and of oyle twenty
þouſand meſures, as of twelue galouns. ſo þat oo wenge hadde cubitis fyue, and ſchulde touchen þe
xi Forſoþe Iram, kyng of Tyry, ſeide bi þe lettres þat he ſente wall of þe hous; and þe toþer wenge hauynge fyue cubitis
touche þe wenge of þe toþer cherub.
to Salomon, For þe Lord haþ louede his puple, þerfore þee xii Lijc maner of þe toþer cherub þe wenge hadde fyue cubitis,
he maad regnen vpon it.
xii And he addid, ſeyinge, Bleſſid þe Lord God of Yrael, þat and touchid þe wall, and his oþere weeng of fyue cubitis
touched þe weeng of þe toþer cherub.
made heuen and erþ, þat ȝaue to kyng Dauid a wijs ſone, xiii Þanne þe weengis of eiþer cherub weren ſprad and ſtrauȝt
and tauȝt, and witty, and ſleeȝ, þat he bilde up an hous to þe
Lord, and a paleis to hym ſilf. out bi cubitis twenty; þei forſoþe ſtoden riȝt up þe feet, and þe
xiii Þerfore I haue ſente to þee a ſleeiȝ man and moſt faces of hem weren turned to þe vttirmore hous.
xiiii And he maad a veyl of iacinct, and purpur, and cocko,
kunnyng, Yram, my fadir,
xiiii ſone of a womman of þe lynage of Dan, whos fadir was and bijs; and þei weueden to it cherubyn.
xv Before þe ȝatis alſo of þe temple two pylers, `þe whiche
Tyrus; þe whiche kouþe wirchen in gold, and in ſiluer, braſſe,
and yren, and marbil, and trees, in purpur alſo, and iacynct, þritty and fyue cubitis hadden of heiȝt; forſoþe þe heuedis of
and bijſe, and cocko; and þat kanne grauen al grauynge, and hem of fyue cubitis.
fynde ſleeȝly what euer þing is nedeful in werk wiþ þi craftiſe xvi Alſo and as litil cheynes in Goddis anſwerynge place, and
men, and wiþ þe craftiſe men of my lord Dauid, þi fadir. he putte hem vpon þe heuedes of þe pilers; alſo an hundriþ
xv Þanne þe whete, and þe barly, and þe oyle, and þe wijne, powngarnettis, þe whiche he putte among to þe litil cheynes.
`þe whiche, my lord, þou haſt behoten, ſende to þi ſeruauntis. xvii And þilk pilers he putte in þe veſtiarye of þe temple, oon
xvi We forſoþe hewen þe trees from þe wode, as fele as þou fro þe riȝt, an oþer fro þe left; it þat was fro þe riȝt he
ſchalt han need; and we ſchulen applyen hem in names bi þe clepide Jachym, and þat to þe lift he clepid Booz.
ſe in to Joppe; þin forſoþe ſchal ben to leeden hem ouer in to
Jeruſalem. Capitulum IIII.
xvii Þan Salomon noumbride alle þe men comlyngis, þat i And he maad a braſen auter of twenty cubitis of lengþe, and
weren in þe lond of Yrael, aftir þe noumbrynge þat Dauid, of twenty cubitis of breed, and of tenn cubitis of heiȝte;
his fadir, noumbred; and þer ben founden an hundriþ and
fyfty þouſand and þre þouſand and ſixe hundriþ.


ii alſo a ȝoten ſe of tenn cubitis fro brynke vnto brynk, round ii After þe whiche þingis he gadride þe more þoruȝ birþe of
bi enuyroun; fyue cubitis he hadde of heiȝte; and a litil coord Irael, and al þe princis of lynagis, and þe heuedis of meynes,
of þritty cubitis enuyrounde þe compas of it. of þe ſonys of Yrael, in to Jeruſalem, þat þei bryngin þe ark
iii And licneſſe of oxen was vndur it, and in þe ten cubitis of þe peſe couenaunt of þe Lord fro þe cyte of Dauid, þat is
maner grauyngis wiþ oute forþ as wiþ two vers wente aboute Syon.
þe brynke of þe ſe; þe oxen forſoþe weren ȝoten. iii And ſo camen to þe kyng alle þe men of Yrael, in þe
iiii And þat ſe was put upon þe twelue oxen, of þe whiche þre ſolempne day of þe ſeuenþ moneþ.
biheelden to þe norþ, and oþer þre to þe weſt, bot þe þre oþer iiii And whanne weren commen alle of þe elder of Yrael, þe
þe ſouþ, and þe þre þat weren laft þe eſte, hauynge þe ſe put Leuytes beren þe arke,
aboue; þe hyndirmore forſoþe of þe oxen weren wiþ in forþ v and brouȝten it in, and al þe aray of þe tabernacle. Bot þe
vndur þe ſe. veſſels of þe ſeyntuarye, þat weren in þe tabernacle, þe preſtis
v Bot þe þicneſſe of it hadde þe meſure of a ſpanne, and þe beeren wiþ þe Leuytis.
lippe of it was as þe lippe of a chalice, or as of a lilie aȝein vi Kyng Salomon forſoþe, and al þe companye of Irael, and
crokid, and it toke of meſure þre þouſand potels. alle þat weren gadered beforn þe arke, offreden weþers and
vi Alſo he maad tenn watir veſſels, and he putte fyue fro þe oxen wiþ oute eny noumbre; ſo myche forſoþe was þe
riȝt, and fyue fro þe lift, þat þey ſchulden waſchen in hem alle multitude of ſlayn offryngus.
þingis þat in brent ſacrifices þei weren to offren; bot in þe ſe vii And þe preſtis brouȝten in þe arke of þe peſe couenaunt of
þe preſtis weren waſchen. þe Lord in to his place, þat is, to Goddis anſwerynge place of
vii Forſoþe he maad tenn golden chaundelers aftir þe fourme þe temple, in to þe holies of halowes, vndre þe weengis of
`þe whiche he hadde comaundide to be maad, and he put hem cherubyn;
in þe temple, fyue fro þe riȝt and fyue fro þe left; viii ſo þat cherubyn ſpreden out þeir weengis vpon þe place, in
viii alſo and tenn boordes, and putte hem in þe temple, fyue þe whiche þe ark was ſett, and þat arke þei ſchulden coueren
fro þe riȝt and fyue fro þe left; and golden violis an hundriþ. wiþ þeir beryng ſtaues.
ix And he made þe porche of preſtis, and a greet hous, and þe ix Of þe berynge ſtaues forſoþe, wiþ þe whiche þe ark was
dores in þe hous, þe whiche he couerde wiþ braſſe. born, for a litil wiȝt lengere þei weren, þe heuedis weren
x But þe ſe he putte in þe riȝt ſijde aȝeinus þe eſte at þe ſouþ. opene beforn Goddis anſwerynge place; ȝif forſoþe eny a litil
xi Alſo Yram made caudrowns, and fleſchhokis, and violis, wiȝt were wiþ out forþ, hem he myȝte not ſeen. And ſo þe
arke was þere vnto þe preſent day;
and he fulfilde al þe werk of þe kyng in þe hous of God, x and noon oþer þing was in þe ark, bot þe two tablis þat
xii þat is, two pilers, and heued coueryngis, and heuedes, and
Moyſes hadde putte in Oreb, whanne he ȝaue þe lawe to þe
as maner nettis, þe whiche þe heuedis ſchulden coueryn vpon ſonis of Yrael goyng out fro Egipt.
þe heued coueryngis; xi Forſoþe þe preſtis goon out fro þe ſeyntuarye, alle forſoþe
xiii alſo powngarnetis fourty, and two callis, ſo þat two ordris
preſtis, þat þere myȝt ben founden, ben halowed, ne ȝit in þat
of poungarnetis to alle þe callis ſchulden ben ioyned, þe tyme þe whijlis, and þe order of ſeruyſes betwene hem ſeluen
whiche ſchulden coueren þe heued coueryngis, and þe heuedis was deuydid;
of þe pilers. xii boþe Leuytis and ſyngers, þat is, and þat vndur Aſaph
xiiii Alſo feet he maad, and water veſſels, þe whiche he putte
weren, and þat vndur Eman, and þat vndir Idythum, ſonis
vpon þe feet; and breþeren of hem, cloþed wiþ ſurples, in cymbalis and
xv oon ſe, and oxen twelue vndir þe ſe, ſawtres and harpis ſungyn, ſtondynge at þe eeſt cooſt of þe
xvi and cawdrouns, and fleſchhookis, and viols. Yram, his auter, and wiþ hem preſtis an hundriþ and twenty, ſyngynge
fadir, made alle þe veſſelis to Salomon, in þe hous of þe wiþ trumpis.
Lord, of moſt clene braſſe. xiii Þanne alle to gyder, in trumpis, and voice, and cymbalis,
xvii In þe regioun of Jordan þe kyng ȝeetide hem, in þe cley and orgnys, and of dyuerſe kynde of muſikis, ſownynge to
lond bitween Socoth and Saradatha. gydre, and þe voice berynge vp an heeiȝ, afer þe ſown was
xviii Forſoþe þer was a multitude of veſſels vnnoumbreable, ſo hard, ſo þat whanne þe Lord þei hadden begunnen to preyſen,
and ſeyn, Knowlecheþ to þe Lord, for `he is good, for in to þe
þat þe weiȝte of braſſe was vnknowen. world þe mercy of hym; þe hous of God was fulfillid wiþ a
xix And Salomon maad alle þe veſſels of þe hous of God, þe clowde,
golden auter, and boordis, and vpon hem þe looues of xiiii and þe preſtis myȝten not ſtonden and mynyſtren for þe
propoſicioun; derkneſſis; forſoþe þe glorie of þe Lord hadde fulfild þe hous
xx and candilſtikis wiþ þeir lanternes, þat þei ȝeuen liȝt before of God.
Goddis anſweryng place aftir þe rijt, of moſt pure gold;
xxi and ſum floures, and lanterns, and golden ſnytters; alle of
Capitulum VI.
moſt clene gold ben maad;
xxii alſo þe maad encenſe veſſels, and cenſeres, and violis, and i Thanne Salomon ſeiþ, Þe Lord behiȝte, þat he ſchulde
morters, of moſt pure gold. And he graued þe doris of þe dwellen in þe dirkeneſſe;
ii I forſoþe haue bilde up an hous to þe name of hym, þat he
innermore temple, þat is, in þe hoolyes of halowes, and þe
doris of þe temple wiþout forþ golden; and ſo is fulfild al þe ſchulde dwellen þere in to wiþ oute eende.
werk þat Salomon made in þe hous of þe Lord. iii And þe kyng turnede his face, and bleſſide to al þe
multitude of Iſrael; for why al þe puple ſtood, inwardly
Capitulum V. takynge heede;
iiii and he ſeiþ, Bleſſed þe Lord God of Yrael, for þat he
i Salomon þanne brouȝte in alle þingis, þat Dauid, his fadir, ſpake to Dauid, my fadir, in deede he haþ fulfillide, ſeyinge,
hadde vowed; ſyluer, and gold, and al þe veſſels, he putte in v Fro þe day þat I ladde my puple fro þe lond of Egipt, I
þe treſores of þe hous of þe Lord.
chees not a cytee of alle þe lynagis of Yrael, þat þere ſchulde


be bilde up in it an hous to my name, ne eny oþere man I xxvi Ȝif, heuen cloſed, reyn flowe not for ſynne of þi puple,
chees, þat he were duyke vpon my puple Yrael; and þei preyen þee in þis place, and knowlechen to þi name,
vi bot I chees Jeruſalem, þat my name be in it, and I chees and turned fro þeir ſynnes, whanne hem þou tormentiſt,
Dauid, þat I ordeyn hym vpon my puple Yrael. xxvii here, Lord, fro heuen, and forȝeue þe ſynnes to þi
vii And whanne it was of þe wille of Dauid, my fadir, þat he ſeruauntis, and to þi puple Yrael, and teche hem a good wei,
bilde an hous to þe name of þe Lord God of Yrael, by þe whiche þei goon in, and ȝeue reyn to þe erþ, þat þou
viii þe Lord ſeid to hym, For þis was þi wille, þat þou haſt ȝeuen to þi puple to weelden.
ſchuldiſt bylden an hous to my name, forſoþe þou didyſt wele, xxviii Ȝif hunger were ſprungyn in þe lond, and peſtilence,
hauynge ſuch a maner wille, and ruſt, and weder rootynge tilþ, and locuſt, and werm, and
ix bot þou ſchalt not bylden vp an hous to me; neuerþelater þe enmyes, þe regyouns waſted, beſeegen þe ȝatis of þe cytee,
ſone, þat gooþ out of þi reynes, he ſchal bylden up an hous to and alle veniaunce and infirmyte þriſt doun;
my name. xxix ȝif any of þi puple Irael preye, knowynge þe veniaunce,
x Þanne þe Lord fulfillide his word, þat he hadde ſpoken; and and his infirmyte, ſtretche out his hondis in þis hous,
I roos for Dauid, my fadir, and ſat vpon þe trone of Yſrael, xxx þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, þat is, fro þin heeȝ dwellynge
as þe Lord ſpac, and bilde up an hous to þe name of þe Lord place, and be þou pleſed, and ȝeeld to eche man aftir his
God of Yrael; weies, þe whiche þou haſt knowen hym to han in his hert;
xi and putte in it þe arke, in þe whiche is þe couenaunt of þe þou forſoþe aloone haſt knowen þe hertis of þe ſonis of men;
Lord, þat he couenauntide wiþ þe ſonis of Yrael. xxxi þat þei dreeden þee, and goon in þi weies alle days, `þe
xii Þanne he ſtode before þe auter of þe Lord forn aȝeynſt of whiche þei lyuen vpon þe face of þe erþ, þat þou haſt ȝeuen to
al þe multitude of Yrael, and ſtrauȝt out his hondis. oure fadirs.
xiii Forſoþe Salomon hadde maad þe braſyn ſtondynge, and xxxii A ſtraunger alſo þat is not of þy puple Yrael, ȝif he
hadde putte it in þe mydil of þe grete hous, hauynge fyue come fro a ferre lond for þi grete name, and for þi ſtrong
cubitis of lengþe, and fyue of brede, and þre cubitis of heiȝt, hond, and for þi ſtrauȝt out arme, and honour in þis place,
and he ſtode vpon it; and þeraftir þe knees bowed aȝeinus al xxxiii þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, þi moſt faſt place; and þou
þe multitude of Yrael, and þe hondis in to heuen rered, ſchalt don alle þingis, for þe whiche þat pilgryme inwardly
xiiii ſeiþ, Lord God of Yrael, þer is not lijc þee, God in clepiþ þee, þat alle puplis of erþ knowen þi name, and
heuen and in erþ, `þe whiche kepiſt couenaunt and mercy wiþ dreeden þee, as þi puple Yrael; and knowen þei, for þi name
þi ſeruauntis, þat goon before þee in al þeir herte; is inwardly clepide vpon þis hous, þat I haue bilde to þi
xv þe whiche haſt ȝeuen to Dauid þi ſeruaunt, my fadir, name.
xxxiiii Ȝif þi puple weren goon out to bataile aȝeinus þer
whateuer þingis þou haddiſt ſpoken to hym, and þat wiþ
mouþe þou byheetiſt, in deed þou haſt fulfylde, as and þe aduerſaries, by þe weye in to þe whiche þou ſentiſt hem, þei
preſent tyme preueþ. ſchuln honouren þee aȝeinus þe weye in þe whiche is þe cytee
xvi Now þanne, Lord God of Yrael, fulfille to þi ſeruaunt my þat þou haſt choſen, and þe hous þat I haue bylde to þi name,
xxxv þat þou here fro heuen þe preyers of hem and þe
fadir Dauid, whateuer þingis þou haſt ſpoken, ſeyinge, Þer
ſchal not faylen of þee a man beforn me, þat ſytt vpon þe beſechynge, and þou do veniaunce.
trone of Yrael; ſo neuer þe later ȝif þi ſonis kepen my weies, xxxvi Ȝif forſoþe þei ſynnen to þee, and forſoþe þer is no man
and goon in my lawe, as and þou wentiſt before me. þat ſynneþ not, and þou were wroþ to hem, and takiſt hem to
xvii And nowe, Lord God of Yrael, be faſtned þi word, þat þe enmyes; and caytijf þei leeden hem in to a ferre lond, or
þou ſpeke to þi ſeruaunt Dauid. certis þat is niȝ;
xviii Þanne wheþir leeuable it be, þat þe Lord dwelle wiþ xxxvii and turned in al þeir herte in þe lond, to þe whiche þei
men vpon erþ? Ȝif heuen and heuens of heuens þee taken weren ladde caytijf, done penaunce, and preyen þee in þe lond
not, how myche more þis hous, þat I haue bylde? of þeir caytijfte, ſeyinge, We han ſynned, wickidly we han
xix Bot to þis oonly it is maad, þat þou beholde þe oriſoun of wrouȝt, vnriȝtwiſely we han done;
xxxviii and weren torned to þee in al þeir herte, and in al þeir
þi ſeruaunt, and his biſechynge, Lord my God, and þou here
þe preyers, þat þi ſeruaunt heldiþ out before þee; ſoule, in þe lond of þeir caytyfte, to þe whiche þei ben lad, þei
xx þat þou opene þi eeȝen vpon þis hows dais and nyȝtis, ſchuln honouren þee aȝeinus þe weie of þeir lond, þat þou haſt
ȝeuen to þeir fadirs, and of þe cytee þat þou haſt choſen, and
vpon þe place in þe whiche þou haſt behoten, þat þy name of þe hous þat I haue bilde to þi name;
ſchulde be inwardly clepid, xxxix þat þou heere fro heuen, þat is, fro þi faſt dwellynge
xxi and þou ſchuldiſt heeren þe oriſoun, þat þi ſeruaunt preieþ
place, þe preyers of hem, and do dome, and forȝyue to þi
in it. Heere þou þe preyers of þi ſeruaunt, and of þi puple puple, þof ſynful;
Yrael; who ſo euer preye in þis place, here fro þi dwellynge xl þou ert forſoþe my God; I biſeche, þin eeȝen ben opened,
place, þat is fro heuens, and be þou maad pleſed.
xxii Ȝif eny man ſynne in to his neiȝbour, and redi comme to and þin eeris ben takynge heed to þe oriſoun þat is don in
þis place.
ſweren aȝeinus hym, and by curſe bynde hym before þe auter xli Nowe þanne, Lord God, arijs in to þi reſt, þou and þe ark
in þis hous,
xxiii þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, and þou ſchalt do dome of þi of þi ſtrengþ; þi preſtis, Lord God, ben cloþed helþ, and þin
halowes glaaden þei in goodes.
ſeruauntis; ſo þat þou ȝelde to þe wickide his weie in to his xlii Lord God, ne turne þou awey þe face of þi criſt; haue
owne heued, and venge þe riȝtwijs, and ȝeldynge to hym aftir
his riȝtwiſneſſe. mynde of þe mercyes of Dauid þi ſeruaunt.
xxiiii Ȝif þi puple Yrael were ouercomen of enmyes, forſoþe
þei ſchul ſynnen to þee, and turned done penaunce, and Capitulum VII.
beſechen þi name, and preyen in þis place, i And whanne Salomon hadde fulfilde heeldynge out preyers,
xxv þou ſchalt heeren fro heuen, and haue þou mercy to þe
fijr came doun fro heuen, and deuoured þe brent ſacrifices,
ſynne of þi puple Yrael, and brynge hem aȝein in to þe lond,
þat þou ȝeue to hem, and to þeir fadirs.


and þe ſlayn offrynges; and þe mageſte of þe Lord fulfilde þe þrowen awey fro my face, and taken it in to a parable, and in
hous. to exſaumple to alle puplis.
ii And þe preſtis myȝten not goon in to þe temple of þe Lord; xxi And þis hous ſchal ben in to a prouerbe to alle weye
forþi þat þe mageſte of þe Lord hadde fulfilde þe temple of þe goeris; and þei ſchuln ſeyn, wondrynge, Why þus dide þe
Lord. Lord to þis lond, and to þis hous?
iii Bot and alle þe ſonis of Yſrael ſawen fijr goyng doun, and xxii And þei ſchuln anſweryn, For þei forſoken þe Lord God
þe glorie of þe Lord vpon þe hous, and fallynge doun bowed of þeir faders, `þe whiche lad hem out fro þe lond of Egipt,
in to þe erþ vpon þe pament paued wiþ ſtoon, honourden, and and han taken alyen goddis, and honoureden hem, and
preyſeden þe Lord, For `he is good, for in to þe world þe heryeden; þerfor camen vpon þem alle þes euels.
mercy of hym.
iiii Þe kyng forſoþe, and al þe puple offreden ſlayn offryngis Capitulum VIII.
beforn þe Lord. i Fulfild
v Kyng Salomon þanne ſlowȝ hooſtis of oxen two and twenty forſoþe twenty ȝeer, aftir þe whiche Salomon hadde
þouſand, of weþers an hundreþ and twenty þouſand; and þe bilde up þe hous of þe Lord, and his own hous,
ii and þe citees, `þe whiche Yram ȝaue to Salomon, he bylde
kyng bilde up þe hous of God, and al þe puple.
vi Þe preſtis forſoþe ſtooden in þeir offices, and þe Leuytes in up, and made þe ſonys of Yrael to dwellen þere.
iii Alſo he wente in to Emath Sobba, and weeldide it.
orgnys of dytees of þe Lord, þe whiche kyng Dauid maad to
preyſen þe Lord, For in to world þe mercy of hym, ſyngynge iiii And he bilde up Palmyram in deſert, and oþere citees moſt
þe ympnes of Dauid bi þeir hondis; bot þe preſtis ſungyn in ſtrengþid he bilde up in Emath.
trumpis beforne hem, and al þe puple of Yrael ſtood. v And he maad up þe oouer Betheron and þe neþer Betheron,
vii And Salomon halowed þe myddil of þe porche beforn þe
citees moſt ſtrengþed, hauynge ȝatis and lockis and barres;
temple of þe Lord; forſoþe he hadde offrede þere brent vi Balaath alſo, and al þe moſt faſt cytees þat weren of
ſacrifices, and talwes of peyſible þingis, for þe braſen auter Salamon, and alle þe cytees of plowes, and þe cytees of
þat he hadde maad myȝte not ſuſteynen þe brent ſacrifices, and horſmen; alle whateuer þingus he wolde, maad kyng
ſacrifices, and talwes of peyſible þingus. Salamon, and diſpoſede he bilde in Jeruſalem, and in Lyban,
viii Þanne Salamon made ſolempnyte in þat tyme ſeuen days, and in alle þe lond of his power.
and al Yrael wiþ hym, a ful grete chirche, fro þe entre of vii Al þe puple þat was laft of Etheis, and Amorreis, and
Emath vnto þe ſtreme of Egipt. Phereſeis, and Eueis, and Jebuſeis, þat weren not of þe ſtoc
ix And þe eyȝþe day he maad a collect, for þi þat he halowed
of Yrael,
þe auter ſeuen dais, and hadde halowede þe ſolempnyte ſeuen viii and of þeir ſonis, and of þer after comers, `þe whiche þe
days. ſonis of Yrael hadde not ſlayn, Salamon vndirȝokede into
x Þanne in þe þre and twentiþe day of þe ſeuenþ moneþ he tributarijs vnto þis day.
laft þe puplis to þeir tabernaclis, ioyinge and gladynge vpon ix Bot of þe ſonis of Yrael he vndirputte not, þat þei ſchulden
þe good þat God hadde don to Dauid, and to Salomon, and ſeruen to þe werkis of þe kyng; þei forſoþe weren men fiȝters,
to his puple Iſrael. and þe firſt leders, and princis of plowes,
xi And Salomon ful eendid þe hous of þe Lord, and þe hous x and of þe horſe men of hym; alle forſoþe princes of þe hooſt
of þe kyng, and alle þingus þat he hadde diſpoſed in his hert, of kyng Salamon weren two hundriþ and fyfty, þat tauȝten þe
þat he do in þe hous of þe Lord and in his owne hous; and puple.
he is maad welſum. xi Þe douȝter forſoþe of Pharao he tranſlatide fro þe cite of
xii Forſoþe þe Lord aperde to hym þe nyȝt, and ſeiþ, I haue
Dauid in to þe hous, þat he hadde bilde to hyre; forſoþe þe
herde þi preier, and choſen þis place to me in to an hous of kyng ſeide, My wijf ſchal not dwelle in þe hous of Dauid,
ſacrifice. kyng of Yrael, forþi þat it is halowed, for þe ark of þe Lord
xiii Ȝif I ſchal cloſen heuen, and reyn flowe not, and ſchul
wente in to it.
ſenden, and comaunden to þe locuſt, þat he deuoure þe lond, xii Þan Salamon offride brent ſacrifices to þe Lord vpon þe
and ſchul ſende peſtilence in to my puple; auter of þe Lord, þat he hadde maad up beforn þe ȝate hous,
xiiii forſoþe my puple turned, vpon whom inwardly clepid is xiii þat by eche days wer offrid in it, aftir þe heeſt of Moiſes,
my name, me han preyed, and ſouȝt my face, and done in ſabotis, and in kalendis, and in feſte dais, þries bi þe ȝer,
penaunce fro þeir werſt weyes, I ſchal heere fro heuen, and þat is, in þe ſolempnyte of þerfe looues, and in þe ſolempnyte
ben mercyable to þe ſynnes of hem, and helyn þeir lond. of wijkis, and in þe ſolempnyte of tabernaclis.
xv Alſo myn eeȝen ſchul ben opened, and my eeris rerid up to xiiii And he ſette aftir þe diſpoſicioun of Dauid, his fadir,
þe horiſoun of hym, þat in þis place ſchal preie; officis of preſtis in þeir ſeruyſes, and Leuytis in þeir ordre,
xvi forſoþe I haue choſen, and halowed þis place, þat my
þat þei preiſen and mynyſtren beforn þe preſtis aftir þe rijt of
name be þere in to euermore, and my eeȝen and myn herte eche day, and þe porters in þeir dyuiſiouns by ȝate and ȝate.
abiden ſtille þere alle days. Þus forſoþe Dauid, þe man of God, hadde comaundide;
xvii Þou alſo, ȝif þou go before me, as ȝeede Dauid þi fadir, xv ne þei wenten beſide fro þe maundementis of þe kyng, boþe
and doſt aftir alle þingus þat I haue comaundide to þee, and preſtis and Leuytis, of alle þingus þat he hadde comaundide.
my riȝtwiſneſſe and domes kepiſt, xvi And in þe wardis of þe treſoures alle þe expenſis maad
xviii I ſchal areren þe trone of þi rewme, as I behiȝte to
redy hadde Salomon, fro þat day þat he foundide þe hous of
Dauid þi fadir, ſeyinge, Þere ſchal not ben don awei fro þi þe Lord vnto þat day þat he perfourmede it.
lynage a man, þat be prince in Yſrael. xvii Þanne wente Salomon in to Aſyongober, and in to
xix Ȝif forſoþe ȝe weren turned aweiward, and forſaken myn Hailath, to þe mouþ of þe rede ſe, þat is in þe lond of Edom.
riȝtwiſneſſes and myn heſtis þat I haue purpoſed to ȝou, and xviii Þanne Yram ſente to hym, by þe hondis of his
goynge awey ȝe ſeruen to alyen goddis, and honouren hem, ſeruauntis, ſchippis, and wijs ſchipmen of þe ſee, and þei
xx I ſchal pullen ȝou vp fro my lond, þat I haue ȝeuen to
wenten wiþ þe ſeruauntis of Salomon in to Oofer, and þei
ȝou, and þis hous þat I haue bilde to my name I ſchal


token þennis foure hundriþe and fyfty talentis of gold, and xix bot and oþer twelue litil lyouns ſtondynge vpon þe ſixe
brouȝten to kyng Salamon. grees on eiþer party. Þere was not ſiche a kyngis ſee in alle
Capitulum IX. xx And alle þe veſſels of þe kyngis feſte weren golden, and þe
i And þe quen of Saba, whanne ſche hadde herde þe loos of veſſels of þe hous of ſaltus Liban of moſt pure gold; ſyluer
Salamon, ſche cam, þat ſche tempte hym in dotous queſtiouns forſoþe in þo days for nouȝt was countid.
xxi Forſoþe and þe ſchippis of þe kyng wenten in Tharſis wiþ
in Jeruſalem, wiþ grete rycheſſis, and camels þat beren ſwote
ſpices, and myche of gold, and precious gemmes. And whanne þe ſeruauntis of Yram oones in þre ȝeer, and þei brouȝten
ſche was commen to Salamon, ſche ſpak to hym whateuer þennus gold, and ſyluer, and yuer, and apis, and poos.
þingis weren in hyre herte. xxii Þanne Salamon is magnified vpon alle þe kyngis of erþ
ii And Salamon expownede to hyre alle þingus þat ſche for rycheſſe and glorie.
purpoſede, ne eny þing was, þat cleer he maad not to hyre. xxiii And alle þe kyngis of londis deſireden to ſeen þe face of
iii Þe whiche aftir þat ſche ſawȝ, þe wiſdam, þat is, of Salamon, þat þei heeren þe wijſdam þat God hadde ȝeuen in
Salamon, and þe hous þat he hadde made, þe herte of hym;
iiii alſo and þe meetis of his boord, and þe dwellyng place of xxiiii and þei brouȝten to hym ȝiftes, ſylueren veſſels and
his ſeruauntis, and þe office of his mynyſtris, and þe cloþingis golden, cloþes and armes, and ſpices, hors and mulis, by alle
of hem, alſo þe botelers, and þeir cloþis, and þe ſlayn ȝeeris.
ſacrifices þat he offride in þe hous of þe Lord, þer was no xxv And Salamon hadde fourty þouſand of hors in his ſtallis,
more in hyre ſpyrite for ſtoneynge. and of charis and of horſmen twelue þouſand; and he ſette
v And ſche ſeide to þe kyng, Soþe is þe ſermoun, þat I haue hem in þe cytees of `foure horſid carris, and where þe kyng
herde in my lond, of vertues and of þi wijſdam; was in Jeruſalem.
vi and I trowed not to þe tellers, to þe tyme þat I my ſilf xxvi Forſoþe he enhauntide power vpon alle þe kyngis, fro þe
were comen, and myn eeȝen hadden ſeen, and I hadde preued flode of Eufrate vnto þe lond of Philiſteis, and vnto þe termes
vnneþ þe half of þi wijſdam to han ben told to me; þou haſt of Egipt.
ouerpaſſed þe los in þi vertues. xxvii And ſo myche plente of ſyluer he ȝaue in Jeruſalem, as
vii Bleſſed þi men, and bleſſed þi ſeruauntis, and þei þat of ſtoones, and of cedres ſo myche multitude, as of wijlde
ſtonden neeȝ beforn þee in al tyme, and heeren þi wiſdam. mulberye trees þat ben ſprungyn in wijld feeldis.
viii Þe Lord þi God be bleſſid, `þe whiche wolde ordeynen þee xxviii Forſoþe þer weren brouȝt hors fro Egipt, and of alle
vpon his trone kyng of þe puple of þe Lord þi God; forſoþe regyouns.
for God loueþ Yrael, and wille ſauyn it in to wiþ outen eend, xxix Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe raþer werkis of Salamon and
þerfor he putte þee kyng vpon it, þat þou do domes and of þe laſt ben wrijten in þe wordis of Nathan, þe prophete,
riȝtwiſneſſe. and in þe wordis of Achie Sylonyte, and in þe viſioun of
ix Forſoþe ſche ȝaue to þe kyng an hundriþ and twenty Addo, ſear, aȝeins Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath.
talentis of gold, and many ſwote ſpices ful myche, and moſt xxx Salamon forſoþe regnede in Jeruſalem vpon al Yrael
precyous gemmes; and þer weren not ſiche ſwote ſpices, as fourety ȝere,
þes þat qween Saba ȝaue to kyng Salamon. xxxi and he ſlepte wiþ his fadirs; and þei birieden hym in þe
x Bot and þe ſeruauntis of Yram wiþ þe ſeruauntis of
cytee of Dauid, and Roboam, his ſone, regned for hym.
Salamon brouȝten gold fro Oofer, and tyne trees, and
gemmes moſt precious; Capitulum X.
xi of þe whiche þe kyng made, þat is, of tyne trees, grees in
þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe hous of þe kyng, alſo harpis, i Roboam forſoþe wente in to Sychem; þidre forſoþe al Yrael
and ſawtrees to ſyngers; neuer ben ſeen in þe lond of Juda was comen to gydre þat þei ſetten hym kyng.
ſiche trees. ii Þe whiche þing whan Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, þat
xii Kyng forſoþe Salamon ȝaue to þe qween of Saba alle was in Egypt, hadde herd; forſoþe he hadde flowen þidre
þingus þat ſche wolde, and þat ſche aſked, many mo þan ſche beforn Salomon; anoon he is turned aȝeyn.
brouȝte to hym. Þe whiche turnede aȝein wente into hyre lond iii And þei clepiden hym, and he came wiþ al Yſrael, and þei
wiþ hyre ſeruauntis. ſpeeken to Roboam, ſeiynge,
xiii Forſoþe þe weiȝt of gold, þat was offerd to Salamon by iiii Þi fadir wiþ moſt harde ȝok oppreſſed us; þou comaunde
ech ȝeer, was ſixe hundriþ and ſixe and ſixty talentis of gold, liȝter þan þi fadir, `þe whiche putte to us a grete ſeruage; and
xiiii outaken þat ſoum þat legatis of dyuerſe gentylis, and a litil wiȝt of þe charge put off, þat we ſeruen to þee.
merchauntis weren wont to `bryngen to, and alle þe kyngis of v Þe whiche ſeiþ, Aftir þre days turneþ aȝein to me. And
Arabie, and ſatrapis of londis, þat brouȝten gold and ſyluer to whan þe puple was gone aweie,
Salamon. vi he wente in counſeil wiþ þe olde men, þat ſtoden beforn his
xv Þanne kyng Salamon maad two hundriþ golden ſperis of
fadir Salamon, while ȝit he lyuede, ſeyinge, What ȝeue ȝe of
þe ſoum of ſixe hundriþ golde platis, þe whiche in alle þe counſeil, þat I anſwer to þe puple?
ſperis weren ſpred abrod; vii Þe whiche ſeyden to hym, Ȝif þou pleſe to þis puple, and
xvi alſo þre hundriþ golden ſcheldis of þre hundriþ gold platis,
ſoften hem wiþ mercyable wordis, þei ſchulen ſeruen to þee al
wiþ þe whiche alle þe ſcheldis weren couerd; and þe kyng tyme.
putte hem in þe armerie place, þat was ſett in þe wode. viii And he laft þe counceil of olde men, and wiþ ȝonge men
xvii Alſo kyng Salomon made a grete yuere ſete, and cloþed it
beganne to treeten, þat wiþ hym were nuriſchid, and weren in
wiþ moſt clene gold; þe felawſchip of hym.
xviii and ſixe grees, in þe whiche men ſteyȝede up to þe ſete, ix And he ſeide to hem, What to ȝou ſemeþ? or what ſchal I
and a golden ſtole, and two lytyll armys, eiþer aȝeinus oþer, anſweren to þis puple, þat ſeide to me, Heue of þe ȝok, þat þi
and two lyouns ſtondynge beſides þe litil aarmes, fader putte vnto us?


x And þei anſwerden, as ȝonge men and nurſchid wiþ hym in xii Bot and to alle þe cytees he maad armour places of
delices, and ſeiden, Þus þou ſchalt anſweren to þe puple þat ſcheeldis, and of ſperis, and he faſtnede hem wiþ moſt
ſeide to þee, Þi fadir aggregide oure ȝok, þou putte off; þus diligence, and comaundide vpon Judam, and vpon Benjamin.
þou ſchalt anſweren to hem, My leſt fynger is gretter þan þe xiii Þe preſtis forſoþe and Leuytis, þat weren in al Yſrael,
reynes of my fadir; camen to hym fro al þeir ſeetis,
xi my fadir putte to ȝou a grete ȝok, and I ſchal putten to a xiiii forſakyng ſuburbis and þeir poſſeſſiouns, and goynge ouer
more weiȝte; my fader beet ȝou wiþ ſcourgis, I forſoþe ſchal to Juda and to Jeruſalem; forþi þat Jeroboam hadde caſt hem
beten ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. awey, and his aftir comers, þat þei vſen not þe preſthood of
xii Þanne Jeroboam came and al þe puple þe þidde day to þe Lord;
Roboam, as he hadde comaundide to hem. xv þe whiche ordeynede to hym ſilf preſtis of heeȝe þingis, and
xiii And þe kyng anſwerde hard þingus, þe counſeil laft of þe of deuyls, and of calues, `þe whiche he hadde made.
eldre, xvi Bot and of al þe lynagis of Yrael, whiche euer hadde
xiiii ſpokyn aftir þe will of ȝong men; My fadir putte an heuy ȝeuen þeir herte þat þei ſechen þe Lord God of Yrael, came to
ȝok to ȝou, and I ſchal maken heuyar; my fadir beet ȝou wiþ Jeruſalem to offryn þeir ſlayn ſacrificis before þe Lord God of
ſcourgis, I forſoþe ſchal beeten ȝou wiþ ſcorpiouns. þeir faders.
xv And he aſſentide not to þe preyers of þe puple; forſoþe þe xvii And þei ſtrengþeden þe kyngdam of Juda, and to giþer
wille of God was, þat his word ſchuld ben fulfild, þat he ſtrengþeden Roboam, þe ſone of Salamon bi þre ȝeer; forſoþe
hadde ſpoken by þe hond of Achie Sylonyte to Jeroboam, þe þei wenten in þe weies of Dauid, and of Salomon, al oonly
ſone of Nabath. þre ȝeer.
xvi Al þe puple forſoþe, þe kyng ſeyinge harder þingus, þus xviii Forſoþe Roboam weddide a wijf Malaoth, þe douȝter of
ſpak to hym, Þere is not to us part in Dauid, ne heritage in Jerymuth, ſone of Dauid, and Abiail, þe douȝter of Heliab,
þe ſone of Yſay; turne aȝein in to þi tabernaclis, Yrael, þou ſone of Yſaye;
forſoþe feed þin hous, Dauiþ. And Yrael wente in to þeir xix þe whiche bare to hym ſonis, Jeus, and Somoriam, and
tabernaclis. Jereum.
xvii Vpon forſoþe þe ſonis of Yrael, þat dwelleden in þe cytees xx And aftir þis he toke Maacham, þe douȝtir of Abſalon, þat
of Juda, regnede Roboam. bare to hym Abia, and Thai, and Siſa, and Salomyth.
xviii And kyng Roboam ſente Aduram, þat ſtode vpon þe xxi Forſoþe Roboam louede Maacham, þe douȝter of Abſalon,
tributis; and þe ſones of Yrael ſtooneden hym, and he is ouer alle his wijues and ſecundaries. Forſoþe eiȝtene wijues
deed. Bot kyng Roboam heeȝede to ſteyȝen up þe chaar, and he weddide, ſecundarie wijues forſoþe ſixty; and he gate eiȝte
fleiȝ in to Jeruſalem. and twenty ſonis, and ſixty douȝters.
xix And Yrael wente awey fro þe hous of Dauid vnto þis xxii Forſoþe he ſette in þe heued Abiam, þe ſone of Maacha,
day. It is done forſoþe, whanne al Yrael hadde herd, þat duke ouer alle his breþeren; he þouȝte forſoþe to makyn hym
Jeroboam was turned aȝein, þei ſenten, and clepeden hym, þe kyng,
companye gederd, and ſetten kyng vpon al Yrael; ne any man xxiii for wijſer and myȝtyer ouer alle his ſonis, and in alle þe
folowed þe hous of Dauid, ſaue þe lynage of Juda and
Beniamyn allon. cooſtis of Juda and of Beniamyn, and in alle þe walled
cytees; and he ȝaue to hem many metis, and he hadde many
Capitulum XI.
i Roboam forſoþe came into Jeruſalem, and clepide al þe hous Capitulum XII.
of Juda and of Beniamyn, vnto an hundriþ and eiȝty þouſand i And
of choſen fiȝtynge men, þat he fiȝte aȝeynus Yſrael, and turne whanne þe rewme of Roboam was ſtrengþed and
to hym his rewme. confermed, he forſoke þe lawe of þe Lord, and al Yrael wiþ
ii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to Semyam, þe man of hym.
ii Þe fyfþe ȝeer forſoþe of þe regne of Roboam ſteyȝede up
God, ſeyinge,
iii Speke to Roboam, þe ſone of Salamon, kyng of Juda, and Seſach, þe kyng of Egypt, in to Jeruſalem, for þei hadden
ſynned to þe Lord;
to al Yrael, þat is in Juda and Beniamyn; iii wiþ a þouſand and two hundriþ chaaris, and ſixty þouſand
iiii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe ſchul not ſteyȝen up, ne fiȝten
horſmen, and þer was no noumbre of þe comoun, þat came
aȝeyn ȝoure breþeren; turne aȝein ech oon in to his hous, for wiþ hym fro Egipt, Libies, þat is, and Erogodite, and
þis is doon by my wille. Þe whiche whan hadden herd þe Ethiopes.
word of þe Lord, ben torned aȝein, ne þei wenten aȝeinus iiii And he tok þe moſt ſtrengþed cytees in Juda, and came
kyng Jeroboam.
v Roboam forſoþe dwellide in Jeruſalem, and he bilde up vnto Jeruſalem.
v Semeias forſoþe, þe prophete, wente in to Roboam, and þe
wallid cytees in Juda;
vi and he maad out Bethleem, and Ethan, and Thecue, princes of Juda, þat weren gadered in to Jeruſalem, fleeȝyng
Seſach. And he ſeide to hem, Þes þinges ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝe
vii and Bethſur; alſo and Sochot, and Odollam; han forſaken me, and I haue forſaken ȝou in þe hond of
viii alſo and Jeth, and Mareza, and Ciph; Seſach.
ix but and Huram, and Lachis, and Arecha; vi And þe princis of Yrael and þe kyng aferd ſeyden, Riȝtwijs
x Saraa alſo, and Haylon, and Ebron, þat weren in Juda is þe Lord.
vii And whanne þe Lord hadde ſeen þat þei weren meked, þe
and Beniamyn, cytees moſt ſtrengþed.
xi And whanne he hadde cloſed hem wiþ wallis, he putte in word of þe Lord is doon to Semeiam, ſeyinge, For þei ben
meekid, I ſchal not leeſen hem, and I ſchal ȝeuen to hem a
hem princes of metis, and bernes, þat is, of oyle and of lytyll of help, and my woodneſſe ſchal not droppen upon
wijne. Jeruſalem by þe hond of Seſach.


viii Neuer þe later þei ſchul ſerue to hym, þat þei knowen þe xi alſo brent ſacrifices þei offren to þe Lord by ech days, erly
diſtaunce of my ſeruyce and of þe ſeruyſe of þe rewme of and at euen, and þe encenſe maad aftir þe heſtis of þe lawe;
londis. and þere ben leid forþ looues in þe moſt clene borde; and þere
ix And ſo Seſach, kyng of Egipt, wente awei fro Jeruſalem, is anentis us a golden chaundeler, and þe lantern of it, þat it
þe treſoures taken awei of þe hous of þe Lord, and of þe be tend euermore at euen; we forſoþe kepen þe heſtis of oure
hous of þe kyng; and alle þingis he toke wiþ hym, and þe God, whom ȝe han forſaken.
golden tergetis `þe whiche Salamon hadde maad, xii Þanne duke in oure hooſt is God, and þe preſtis of hym,
x for þe whiche þe kyng made braſen, and toke hem to þe þat crien in trumpis and ſownen aȝeins ȝou; ȝe ſonis of
princis of þe tergeteris, `þe whiche kepten þe veſtiarie of þe Yrael, williþ not fiȝten aȝeinus þe Lord God of oure fadirs,
paleis. for it ſpediþ not to ȝou.
xi And whanne þe kyng ſchulde goone in to þe houſe of þe xiii Þes þingis hym ſpekyng, Jeroboam bihynde kaſte
Lord, þe tergeters camen, and token hem, and eft beeren hem buſchementis; and whanne he ſchulde ſtonden forn aȝeinus of
aȝein to his armorie place. þe hooſtis, he enuyrounde wiþ his hooſt Judam vnknowynge.
xii Neuer þe later for þei ben meekid, þe wraþ of þe Lord is xiiii And Juda biholdynge ſawȝ to ſtonden in bataile forn
torned awey fro hem, and þei ben not don awei al oute; aȝeinſt, and bihynde þe bac; and he criede to þe Lord, and þe
forſoþe and in Juda ben founden good werkis. preſtis wiþ trumpis begunnen to ſyngen.
xiii Þanne Roboam is coumfortid in Jeruſalem, and regnede. xv And alle þe men of Juda crieden out, and loo! hem criynge
Forſoþe of oon and fourty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to out, God ferid Jeroboam and al Yſrael, þat ſtood forn aȝeynſt
regnen, and eiȝtene ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem, þe citee þat Juda and Abia.
þe Lord chees þat he conferme his name þere, of alle þe xvi And þe men of Yrael flowen Judam, and þe Lord tok
lynagis of Yrael. Þe name forſoþe of his moder Naama hem in to þe hondis of hem.
Amanyte. xvii Þan ſmote hem Abia and his puple in a grete veniaunce,
xiiii And he dide euyl, and he greiþede not his herte for to and þer fellen of hem woundid fyue hundriþ þouſand of
ſechen God. ſtronge men.
xv Þe werkis forſoþe of Roboam, þe firſt and þe laſt, ben xviii And þe ſonis of Yrael ben mekid in þat tyme, and þe
writen in þe bokis of Semei þe prophete, and of Abdo ſear, ſonis of Juda moſt hugely coumfortid, forþi þat þei hadden
and beſily expownede. And Roboam and Jeroboam fouȝten hopide in þe Lord God of þeir fadirs.
aȝeinus hem ſeluen alle days. xix Forſoþe Abia purſued Jeroboam fleeȝinge, and toke citees
xvi And Roboam ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is biried in þe of him, Bethel and þe douȝtirs of it, and Jeſana wiþ his
cyte of Dauid; and Abia, his ſone, regnede for hym. douȝtirs, Efron alſo and þe douȝtirs of it;
xx and miȝt no more wiþſtonde Jeroboam in þe days of Abia,
Capitulum XIII. whome þe Lord ſmote, and is deed.
xxi Þan Abia, comfortid his empyre, toke fouretene wijues
i The eiȝtene ȝeer of kyng Jeroboam regnede Abia vpon
Judam; and gat two and twenty ſonis, and ſixtene douȝters.
xxii And þe remnaunt of þe wordis of Abia and of þe weies
ii þre ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; and name of his modir
Machaia, þe douȝter of Vriel of Gabaa. And þer was bataile and of his werkis, ben writen moſt biſily in þe boke of Abdo,
betwene Abiam and Jeroboam. prophete.
iii And whanne Abia hadde gon in ſtrijf, and hadde moſt beſt
fiȝtynge men, and of choſen foure hundriþ þouſand, Jeroboam Capitulum XIIII.
ordeynde aȝeinward ſcheltrun of eiȝt hundriþ þouſand of men, i Forſoþe Abia ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei birieden hym in
þe whiche and þei weren choſen and to batails moſt ſtronge. þe cytee of Dauiþ; and Aza, his ſone, regnede for hym. In
iiii Þann Abia ſtood vpon þe hil of Semeron, þat was in whos days reſtide þe londe tenn ȝeer.
Effram, and ſeiþ, Heere, Jeroboam and al Yrael; ii And Aza dide þat good and pleſaunt was in þe ſiȝte of his
v wheþer ȝe knowe not, þat þe Lord God of Yrael ȝaue þe God,
rewme to Dauid vpon Yrael in to euermore, to hym and to iii and he turned vpſadoun þe auters of ſtraunge heryinge, and
his ſonis into couenaunt of ſalte? þe heeȝ þingis, and tobrac þe ymagis, and þe mawmet woodis
vi And Jeroboam, þe ſone of Nabath, þe ſeruaunt of hewȝ doun;
Salamon, ſone of Dauiþ, ros, and rebellide aȝeinus his lord. iiii and he comaundide to Jude, þat he ſchulde ſechen þe Lord
vii And þer ben gaderd to hym moſt vein men and þe ſonis of God of þeir fadirs, and done þe lawe, and alle þe
Belial, and þei hadden þe ouer hond aȝeinus Roboam, þe maundementis.
ſone of Salamon. Bot Roboam was rude, and wiþ ferde v And he toke awei fro alle þe cytees of Juda auters and
herte, and myȝt not aȝeinſtonden to hem. mawmet templis, and regned in peſe.
viii Now þann ȝe ſayn, þat ȝe ſchul mown wiþſtonde to þe vi Alſo he bylde up ſtrengþed cytees in Juda; for quyete he
rewme of þe Lord, þat he weldiþ by þe ſonis of Dauid; and was, and noon in his tyme batails riſen, þe Lord grauntynge
ȝe han a gret multitude of puple, and golden calues, `þe peſe.
whiche Jeroboam haþ made to ȝou in to goddis. vii Forſoþe he ſeide to Jude, Bilde we up þes cytees, and
ix And ȝe han þrowen awei þe preſtis of þe Lord, þe ſonys of
enuyrown we wiþ wallis, and ſtrengþe we wiþ touris and
Aaron, and Leuytis, and han maad to ȝou preſtes, as alle þe ȝatis and lockis, þe whilis fro batails alle þingis ben quyete;
puplis of londis; whoſoeuer commiþ and ſacriþ his hond in forþi þat we han ſouȝt þe Lord God of oure fadirs, and he
bool, in oxen and in ſeuen weþers, anoon he is maad þe haþ ȝeuen to us peſe by enuyrown. Þanne þei beelden up, and
preſte of hem þat ben not goddis. no lettynge was in þe out makynge.
x Our forſoþe Lord is God, whom we han not forſaken; and viii Aza forſoþe hadde in his enuyrown of bereris ſcheeldis and
þe preſtis myniſtriden to þe Lord of þe ſonis of Aaron, and ſperis of Juda þre hundriþ þouſand, of Beniamyn forſoþe of
Leuytis ben in þeir ordre;


ſcheld berers and archers two hundriþ and ſeuenty þouſand; xiii Ȝif any forſoþe ſechiþ not, he ſeiþ, þe Lord God of Yrael,
alle þes moſt ſtronge men. be he deed, fro þe leſte vnto þe moſt, fro man vnto womman.
ix Forſoþe aȝeinus hem went out Zara Ethiope wiþ his hooſt xiiii And þei ſworen to þe Lord wiþ a grete voice, in ioye,
tenn hundriþ þouſand, and wiþ chaaris þre hundriþ, and he and in crie of trumpe, and in ſown of clariowns,
came vnto Mazara. xv alle þat weren in Jewrye, wiþ execracioun; in alle forſoþe
x Forſoþe Aza wente to mete wiþ hym, and maad a ſcheltrun
þeir herte þei ſworen, and in alle wil þei ſouȝten hym, and
to bataile in þe valei of Sophata, þat is beſide Mazera. founden; and þe Lord ȝaue to hem reſte by enuyroun.
xi And he inwardly clepide þe Lord God, and ſeiþ, Lord, þer xvi Bot and Maacha, þe modir of kyng Aza, he put doun of
is not anentis þee eny diſtaunce, wheþer in fewe þou helpiſt, hyre anguyſchynge empyre, forþi þat ſche had maad a
or in many; help us, Lord oure God, in þee forſoþe and in þi ſymulacre of a mans ȝeerde in þe mawmet wode; þe whiche al
name hauynge truſt we ben comen aȝeinus þis multitude; he diſtroyede, and in to gobetis munyſchynge, he brent in to
Lord, oure God þou ert, haue not þe ouerhand aȝeins þee a þe ſtreem of Cedron.
man. xvii Forſoþe þe heeȝe þingis ben laft ſtylle in Yrael; neuer þe
xii And ſo þe Lord fered Ethiopis beforn Aſa and Juda, and
later þe herte of Aza was perfijt alle þe days of hym.
Ethiopis flowen; xviii Þo þingis þat his fadir hadde avowed and he brouȝt in
xiii and Aſa purſued hem, and þe peple þat was wiþ hym,
to þe hous of þe Lord, ſyluer and gold, and of veſſels dyuerſe
vnto Jerare. And Ethiopis fellyn vnto deþ, for þe Lord purtenauncis;
ſmijtynge þei ben to-hewen, and wiþ þe hooſt of hym fyȝtyng. xix bataile forſoþe was not vnto þe þrittiþe ȝeer of þe regne of
Þanne þei token many ſpoylis,
xiiii and ſmijten alle þe cytees by enuyrown of Jerare; forſoþe Aza.
a grete fere aſſaylede alle. And þei to-broſten cytees, and
beren aweie mych preye; Capitulum XVI.
xv bot and þe foldis of ſcheep diſtruynge token of beeſtis a i The ſixe and þrittiþe ȝeer forſoþe of his regne Baza, kyng of
multitude wiþoute eende, and of camels, and ben torned aȝein Yrael, ſteiȝide up in to Judam, and wiþ a wal he enuyrounde
in to Jeruſalem. Rama, þat no man ſikirly myȝte gon oute or comme in fro þe
rewme of Aza.
Capitulum XV. ii Forſoþe Aza brouȝt forþ gold and ſyluer fro þe treſories of
i Azarias forſoþe, þe ſone þe hous of þe Lord, and fro þe kyngis treſories; and ſente to
of Obed, Benadab, kyng of Cyrie, þat dwellid in Damaſch, ſeyinge,
ii þe ſpirite of God maad in hym, wente out in to aȝein iii Couenaunt of peſe is betwene me and þee, forſoþe my fadir
comynge of Aza; and ſeide to hym, Heere ȝe me, Aza and al and þi fader hadden acord; for what þing I haue ſente to þee
Juda and Beniamyn; þe Lord wiþ ȝou, for ȝe weren wiþ ſyluer and gold, þat þe peſe couenaunt broken, þat þou haſt
hym; ȝif ȝe ſechen hym, ȝe ſchul fynden; ȝif forſoþe ȝe forſaken wiþ Baza, kyng of Yrael, þou make hym gon awey fro me.
hym, he ſchal forſaken ȝou. iiii Þe whiche þing founden, Benadab ſente þe princis of his
iii Forſoþe þer ſchul paſſen many days in Yrael wiþ oute
hooſtis to þe cytees of Yrael, þe whiche ſmyten Achyon, and
verre God, and wiþ oute preſt, and wiþ out doctour, and wiþ Dan, and Abelmaym, and alle þe walled cytees of Neptalym.
oute lawe. v Þe whiche þing whanne Baaza hadde herd, he ceſede to
iiii And whanne þei weren turned aȝein in þeir anguyſch, and
bylden up Rama, and he laft of his werk.
ſchul crien to þe Lord God of Yrael, and ſechen hym, þei vi Bot kyng Aza toke al Judam, and þei token þe ſtoones of
ſchul fynden hym.
v In þat tyme þer ſchal not ben peſe of goyng out and Rama, and þe trees, þat Baaza had maad redy to bildyng;
and he bilde up of hem Gaba, and Maſpha.
commynge in, bot feris on al ſijde in alle dwellers of londis. vii In þat tyme came Ananye, þe prophete, to Aza, kyng of
vi Forſoþe folc ſchal fiȝten aȝeinus folc, and cyte aȝeinus cytee,
Juda, and ſeide to hym, For þou haddiſt truſt in þe kyng of
for þe Lord ſchal diſtourblen hem in al anguyſch; Cyrye, and not in þe Lord þi God, þerfore þe hooſt of þe
vii ȝe forſoþe takiþ comfort, and ȝoure hondis ben not febled; kyng of Cyrie is ſcapid fro þin hond.
forſoþe meed ſchal ben to ȝoure werk. viii Wheþer Ethiopes and Libies weren not many mo `wiþ
viii Þe whiche þing whann Aza hadde herd, þat is, þe wordis carris of foure hors, and þe horſmen, and þe ful grete
and þe prophecie of Azarie, ſone of Obed, prophete, is multitude; þe whiche whanne þou haddiſt trowed to þe Lord,
comfortid, and toke aweie alle þe mawmetis of al þe lond of he toke in to þin hondis?
Juda and of Beniamyn, and of þe cytees þat he hadd taken of ix Þe eeȝen forſoþe of þe Lord beholden al þe erþ, and ȝeuen
þe hill of Effraym. And he halowede an auter of þe Lord, þat ſtrengþe to hem, þat in perfijte herte bileeuen `in to hym.
was before þe ȝate hous of þe hous of þe Lord. Folily þanne þou didiſt, and for þat alſo in þe preſent tyme
ix And he gadride al Juda and Beniamyn, and þe comlyngis aȝeins þee batailes ſchul rijſen.
wiþ hem of Effraym, and of Manaſſe, and of Symeon; forſoþe x And Aza is wroþ aȝeinus þe ſear, and comaundide hym to
many hadde flowen to hym of Yſrael, ſeeynge þat þe Lord be putt in þe ſtockis. Forſoþe myche vpon þat was þe Lord
God of hym was wiþ hym. ſtered to indignacioun, and he ſlewȝ of þe puple in þat tyme
x And whanne `þei weren commen in to Jeruſalem, þe þrid manye.
moneþ, þe fiftenþe ȝeer of þe regne of Aza, xi Þe werkis forſoþe of Aza, þe firſt and þe laſt, ben writen in
xi þei offreden to þe Lord in þat day, and of þe hondis and þe boke of þe kyngis of Juda and of Yrael.
pray, þat þei hadden brouȝt, oxen ſeuen hundriþ, and weþers xii Forſoþe Aza was ſeeke þe nyne and þrittiþe ȝeer of his
ſeuen þouſand. regne, moſt hidouſly in ſorowe of feet; and neþer in þe
xii And he wente in of maner to ſtrengþen þe peſe couenaunt, infirmyte he ſouȝte þe Lord, bot more in þe craft of lechis he
þat þei ſchulden ſeche þe Lord God of þeir fadirs in al herte, truſtide.
and in al þeir ſoule. xiii And Aza ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and is deed þe oon and
fouretiþe ȝeer of his regne.


xiiii And þei birieden hym in his ſepulcre, þat he hadde maad ii And he wente doun aftir ȝeeris to hym in to Samarie; at
to hym in þe cytee of Dauiþ; and þei putten hym vpon his whos commynge Achab ſlewȝ weþers and many oxen, and
bed ful of ſwote ſpices and ſtrumpetis oynementis, þat weren made to hym a feeſte, and to þe puple þat was commen wiþ
maad by þe craft of pyment makers, and þei brenden vpon hym; and he mouede to hym þat he ſchulde ſteiȝe up in to
hym in a ful myche mouynge to luſt. Ramoth-galaad.
iii And Achab, kyng of Yrael, ſeid to Joſaphath, kyng of
Capitulum XVII. Juda, Comme wiþ me in to Ramoth-galaad. To whome he
i Joſaphath
anſwerde, As I, and þou; as þi puple, ſo and my puple; and
forſoþe, his ſone, regnede for hym; and he wexe wiþ þee we ſchul ben in bataile.
ſtronge aȝeinus Yrael. iiii And Joſaphath ſeide to þe kyng of Yrael, Counſeile, I
ii And he ſette noumbris of knyȝtis in alle þe cytees of Juda,
beſeche, now þe word of þe Lord.
þat weren enuyrounde wiþ wallis, and he diſpoſede ſtrengþes v Þan þe kyng of Yrael gadrede of prophetis four hundriþ
in þe lond of Juda, and in þe cytees of Effraym, þat Aza, his men, and ſeide to hem, In Ramoth-galaad to fiȝten ſchul we
fadir, hadde taken. gon, or ceſen? And þei, Steiȝiþ up, þei ſeyn, and God ſchal
iii And þe Lord was wiþ Joſaphath, þe whiche wente in þe
take hem in þe hond of þe kyng.
weies of Dauiþ, his fadir, in þe firſt; he hoopide not in vi And Joſaphath ſeide, Wheþer is þer not heere a prophete of
Baalym, þe Lord, þat of hym alſo we aſken?
iiii bot in þe Lord God of Dauid, his fadir, and he wente in
vii And þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to Joſaphath, Þer is oon man,
þe heeſtis of hym, and not aftir þe ſynnes of Yrael. of þe which we mown aſken þe wille of þe Lord, bot and I
v And þe Lord confermede þe rewme in his hond, and al
hatide hym, for he prophecieþ not to me good, bot euyl al
Juda ȝaue ȝiftis to Joſaphath, and wiþ oute noumber rycheſſis tyme; he is forſoþe Mychias, þe ſone of Jemla. And
ben maad to hym, and myche glorie. Joſaphath ſeide to hym, Ne ſpeke þou, kyng, þis maner.
vi And whanne his herte hadde taken hardyneſſe for þe weies viii Þanne þe kyng of Yrael clepide oon of his geldyngis, and
of þe Lord, alſo heeȝ þingis and mawmete wodus he toke ſeide to hym, Clepe anoon Mychyam, þe ſone of Jemla.
awei fro Juda. ix Bot þe kyng of Yrael and Joſaphath, kyng of Juda, eiþer
vii Þe þrid forſoþe ȝeer of his regne he ſente of his princis
ſeeten in þeir ſee, cloþed wiþ kyngis honournyng; forſoþe þei
Banayl, and Abdyam, and Zachyam, and Nathanael, and ſeeten in þe corn flore byſidis þe ȝate of Samarye; and alle þe
Mychiam, þat þei ſchulden techen in þe cytees of Juda; prophetis prophecieden beforn hem.
viii and wiþ hem Leuytis, Semeyam, and Nathanyam, and x Sedechias forſoþe, þe ſone of Chanane, made to hym yren
Zabadyam, Azahil alſo, and Semyramoth, and Jonathan, and hornes, and ſeiþ, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Wiþ þes þou
Adonyam, and Tobiam, and Abadonyam, Leuytis; and wiþ ſchalt wynewen Cyrie, to þe tyme þat þou `to-trede it.
hem Elizama and Joram, preſtis; xi And alle þe prophetis prophecieden lijc maner, and ſeiden,
ix and þey tauȝten þe puple in Juda, hauynge þe boke of þe
Steiȝe up in to Ramoth-galaad, and þou ſchalt welſumly done;
lawe of þe Lord; and þei enuyrouneden alle þe cytees of and þe Lord ſchal take hem in to þe hondis of þe kyng.
Juda, and tauȝten al þe puple. xii Þe meſſager forſoþe, þat wente to clepen Mychie, ſeiþ to
x And ſo þe ferd of þe Lord is maad vpon alle rewmes of
hym, Lo! þe wordis of alle þe prophetis wiþ oon mouþe good
londis, þat weren by enuyroun of Juda; and þei weren not þingus tellen to þe kyng; þanne, I beſeche þee, þat þi word
hardy to fiȝten aȝein Joſaphath. fro hem diſſente not, and ſpeke þou welſum þingis.
xi Bot and þe Philiſteis brouȝten ȝiftis to Joſaphath, and xiii To whome anſwerd Mychias, Þe Lord liuiþ, for what
tribute of ſyluer; alſo Arabes brouȝten beeſtis, of weþers ſeuen euer þingis my Lord ſchal ſeyn, þes I ſchal ſpeken.
þouſand and ſeuen hundriþ, and geet as feele. xiiii Þanne he came to þe kyng. To whom þe king ſeiþ,
xii Þan Joſaphath wexe, and is magnyfied vnto in heiȝte, and
Mychie, ſchul we gon into Ramothgalaad to fiȝten, or reſten?
bilde up in Juda houſes at licneſſe of touris, and ſtrengþed To whom he anſwerde, Steiȝiþ up, alle þingus forſoþe welſum
cytees; ſchul fallen, and þe enmyes ſchul ben taken into ȝoure hondis.
xiii and many werkis made redy in þe cytees of Juda. And xv And þe kyng ſeide, Eft and eft I adiure þee, þat þou ſpeke
men fiȝters and ſtrong weren in Jeruſalem; not to me bot þat is ſoþe in þe name of þe Lord.
xiiii of whome þis is þe noumbre, by houſes and meynes of xvi And he ſeiþ, I ſawe al Yrael ſcatered in hyllis, as ſcheep
echone. In Juda prince of þe hooſt, duyk Eduas, and wiþ wiþ oute ſchepherde. And þe Lord ſeid, Þes han not lordis;
hym moſt ſtronge men þre hundriþ þouſand. be turned aȝein ech man in to his houſe in pees.
xv After þis Johannan prynce, and wiþ hym two hundriþ and xvii Þe kyng of Yrael ſeiþ to Joſaphath, Wheþer I ſeide not
eiȝtye þouſand. to þee, þat þis ſchulde not prophecien to me eny þing of good,
xvi Aftir hym alſo Amazias, þe ſone of Zechri, ſacrid to þe bot þo þingis þat ben euyl?
Lord, and wiþ hym two hundriþ þouſand of ſtronge men. xviii And he þerfore ſeiþ, Heriþ þe word of þe Lord. I ſawȝ
xvii Þis folowede a ſtronge man to batails, Eliada, and wiþ þe Lord ſyttynge in his ſeete, and al þe hooſt of heuen
hym of holdynge bowe and terget two hundriþ þouſand. ſtondynge neeȝ to hym fro þe riȝt and fro þe left.
xviii Aftir hym alſo Joſabath, and wiþ hym an hundriþ and xix And þe Lord ſeide, Who ſchal deceyuen Achab, kyng of
eiȝtye þouſand of al redy knyȝtis. Yrael, þat he ſteiȝe up, and falle in Ramoth-galaad? And
xix Alle þes weren at þe hond of þe kyng, outake oþere, `þe whanne oon ſeide in þis maner, and anoþer in anoþer,
whiche he hadde ſette forþ in wallid citees and in al Juda. xx a ſpirite went forþ, and ſtood before þe Lord, and ſeiþ, I
ſchal deceyuen hym. To whome þe Lord, In what þanne, he
Capitulum XVIII. ſeiþ, þou ſchalt deceyuen?
xxi And he anſwerd, I ſchal goon out, and I ſchal ben a
i Joſaphath þanne was ryche and myche glorious, and in ſpirite lier in þe mouþ of alle þe prophetis of hym. And þe
affynite ioyned is to Achab. Lord ſeide, Þou ſchalt deceyuen, and han þe oouer hond; go
out, and do ſo.


xxii Nowe þanne, lo! þe Lord ȝaue a ſpirite of leſynge in þe viii And Joſaphath in Jeruſalem ſette Leuytis, and preſtis,
mouþe of alle þi prophetis, and þe Lord ſpac of þee euyl and princes of þe meynees of Yrael, þat dome and þe cauſe of
þingis. þe Lord þei ſchulden deemyn to þe dwellers of it.
xxiii Forſoþe Sedechias, þe ſone of Chanane, wente to, and ix And he comaundide to hem, ſeyinge, Þus ȝe ſchul doon in
ſmote þe cheek boon of Mychie, and ſeiþ, Bi what weie drede of þe Lord, feiþfully and in perfijte herte.
paſſede ouer þe Spirite of þe Lord fro me, þat he ſchulde x Al cauſe þat comiþ to ȝou of ȝoure breþeren, þat dwellen in
ſpeke to þee? þeir cytees, bitwen kynrede and kynrede, wher euer queſtioun
xxiiii And Mychias ſeide, Þou þi ſilf ſchal ſeen in þat day, is of þe lawe, of þe maundement, of cerymonyes, of
whanne þou ſchalt gon in þe bed fro þe bed, þat þou be hid. juſtyfyingis, ſcheweþ to hem, þat þei ſynnen not in to þe Lord,
xxv Forſoþe þe kyng of Yrael comaundide, ſeyinge, Takiþ and wraþ come not vpon ȝou and on ȝoure faders. So þanne
Myche, and lediþ hym to Amon, þe prince of þe cyte, and to doynge ȝe ſchul not ſynnen.
Joas, þe ſone of Amalech; xi Amarias forſoþe, preſte and ȝoure biſchop, in þes þingis þat
xxvi and ȝe ſchul ſeyn, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe kyng, Puttiþ þis in to God pertenen, ſchal ſytten vpon. Bot Zabadias, þe ſone of
to priſone, and ȝeuiþ to hym a litill of brede, and a lityll of Yſmael, `þe whiche is duyk in þe hous of Juda, ſchal ben
water, to þe tyme þat I be turned aȝeyn in peſe. vpon þo werkis þat pertenen to þe office of þe kyng; and ȝe
xxvii And Mychias ſeide, Ȝif þou ſchal be torned aȝein in han maiſtris and Leuytis before ȝou; takiþ coumfort, and doiþ
diligently, and þe Lord ſchal ben wiþ ȝou in goodis.
peeſe, þe Lord haþ not ſpoken in me. And he ſeiþ, Heriþ, alle
xxviii Þanne ſteiȝeden up þe kyng of Yrael, and Joſaphath, Capitulum XX.
kyng of Juda, in to Ramothgalaad. i Aftir þeſe þinges ben gedered þe ſonis of Moab, and þe
xxix And þe kyng of Yrael ſeide to Joſaphath, I ſchal ſonis of Amon, and wiþ hem of þe Ydumes, to Joſaphath, þat
chaungen habite, and ſo I ſchal gone to fiȝten; þou forſoþe be þei fiȝten aȝeinus hym.
cloþed wiþ þi cloþes. And, þe habite chaungid, þe kyng of ii And meſſagers camen, and ſcheweden to Joſaphath, ſeying,
Yrael came to bataile. Þer is comen aȝeins þee a grete multitude fro þes places þat
xxx Þe kyng forſoþe of Cyrie hadde comaundid to þe dukis of ben beȝonde þe ſee, and of Cyrie; and, lo! þei ben in
his chyualrye, ſeyinge, Fiȝtiþ not aȝeyn þe leſt, or aȝein þe Azozonthamar, þat is of Engaddi.
moſte; bot aȝeins aloone þe kyng of Yrael. iii Joſaphath forſoþe, for drede agaſt, al ȝaf hym ſelf to preyen
xxxi And ſo whanne þe princes of þe chyualrye hadden ſeen þe Lord, and prechide faſtyng to al Juda.
Joſaphath, þei ſeiden, Kyng of Yrael is þis; and þei iiii And Juda is gadered to preye þe Lord, bot and alle of
enuyrouneden hym, fiȝtynge. And he cried to þe Lord; and he þeir cytees camen to beſechen hym.
`helpide to hym, and he torned hem awei fro hym. v And whanne Joſaphath hadde ſtonden in þe mydil company
xxxii And whanne þe duykis of þe chyualrye hadden herd, þat
of Jude and Jeruſalem, in þe hous of þe Lord, before þe
it was not þe kyng of Yrael, þei laften hym. newe porche,
xxxiii It felle forſoþe, þat oon of þe puple in to vncerteyn kaſt vi and ſeiþ, Lord God of oure fadirs, þou art God in heuen,
an arowe, and ſmote þe kyng of Yrael betwen þe hatreel and and þou lordſchipiſt to alle rewmes of gentilis; in þin hond is
þe ſchulders. And he to his chariotere ſeiþ, Turne þin hond, ſtrengþe and myȝt, ne eny man may to þee aȝeyn ſtonden.
and leede out me fro þe ſcheltrun; for I am woundid. vii Wheþer not þou, oure God, haſt ſlayn alle þe dwellers of
xxxiiii And þe fiȝt is eendid in þat day. Bot þe kyng of Yrael
þis lond before þi puple Irael, and haſt ȝeuen it to þe ſeed of
ſtode in his chaar aȝeinus Cyries vnto euen, and is deed, þe Abraham, þi frende, in to euermore?
ſone goynge doun. viii And þei dwelliden in it, and maden out in it a ſeyntuarie
to þi name, ſeyinge,
Capitulum XIX. ix Ȝif euyls commen vpon us, ſwerde of dome, of peſtilence,
i Joſaphath, þe kyng of Juda, is turned aȝein peſibly in to his and hungur, we ſchul ſtonden before þis hous in to euermore
houſe in to Jeruſalem. in þi ſiȝte, in þe whiche is inwardly clepid þi name, and we
ii To whome Hieu, þe ſone of Ananye, ſear, aȝein came, and ſchul crien to þee in oure tribulaciouns; and þou ſchalt heeren
us, and maken us ſaaf.
ſeiþ to hym, To þe vnpiteuous man þou ȝeuiſt helpe, and to x Nowe þanne ſee, ſonus of Amon and of Moab and þe hil of
hem þat haten þe Lord by frenſchip þou ert ioyned; and
þerfore þe wraþ forſoþe of þe Lord þou haddiſt deſerued; Seyr, by whome þou grauntidiſt not to þe ſonus of Irael þat
iii bot good werkis ben founden in þee, for þi þat þou toke þei ſchulden paſſe, whann þey wenten out fro Egipt, bot þei
boweden aſide fro hem,
awey þe mawmete wodis fro þe lond of Juda, and haddiſt xi and þei ſlowen hem not, aȝeinward þei don, and enforſen to
maad redy þin hert, þat þou ſeche aȝein þe Lord God of þi
fadirs. kaſten us out fro þe poſſeſſyoun, þat þou, oure God, haſt
iiii Þan Joſaphath dwellide in Jeruſalem; and eft he wente taken to us;
xii þanne ſchalt þou not demen hem? In us forſoþe is not ſo
out to þe puple fro Berſabee vnto þe hill of Effraym, and he
clepide hem aȝein to þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. myche ſtrengþe, þat we mown to þis multitude wiþ ſtonden,
v And he ſette domeſmen of þe lond in alle þe ſtrengþed citees þat falliþ vpon us; bot whanne we vnknowen what we owen
to don, þat oonly we han of reſidue, þat oure eeȝen we dreſſen
of Juda, by alle placis. up to þee.
vi And comaundyng to þe iugis, Seeiþ, he ſeiþ, what ȝe done; xiii Al forſoþe Juda ſtood before þe Lord, wiþ litil childre and
forſoþe ȝe enhaunten not dome of man, bot of þe Lord; and wijues and þeir free childre.
what euer ȝe ſchul demyn, xiiii Forſoþe þere was Yaziel, þe ſone of Sacharie, ſone of
vii in to ȝou it ſchal redoundyn; be þe drede of þe Lord wiþ
Ananye, ſone of Hieyel, ſone of Machanye, Leuyte, and of þe
ȝou, and wiþ diligence alle þingus doiþ; forſoþe þer is not ſonus of Aſaph, vpon whome is maad þe Spirit of þe Lord in
anentis þe Lord oure God wyckidneſſe, ne acceptynge of mydil of þe puple,
perſones, ne couetiſe of ȝiftis.


xv and ſeiþ, Takiþ heede, al Juda, and þat dwellen in twenty and fyue ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; and name of
Jeruſalem, and þou, kyng Joſaphath, þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord his modir Azuba, þe douȝter of Selathy.
to ȝou, Williþ not dreeden þis multitude, ne taken ferd, it is xxxii And he wente in þe wey of his fadir Aza, and he bowide
not forſoþe ȝour fiȝt, bot of God. not fro it, doynge what euer þingus weren pleſaunt before þe
xvi To morowe ȝe ſchul ſteyȝen up aȝeinus hem; forſoþe þei Lord.
ben to ſteiȝen up bi þe pich hil, Cis by name, and ȝe ſchul xxxiii Neuer þe later þe heeȝe þingus he dide not awey; ȝit þe
fynden hem in þe ouermeſt of þe ſtreme, þat is aȝeinus þe puple hadden not dreſſid þeir hert to þe Lord God of þeir
wilderneſſe of Jheruel. fadirs.
xvii Forſoþe ȝe ſchul not ben, þe whiche ſchul fiȝten; bot onely xxxiiii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe deedis of Joſaphath, of þe
triſtely ſtondiþ, and ȝe ſchul ſeen þe help of þe Lord vpon ȝou. raþer and of þe laſt, ben writen in þe bokis of Hieu, þe ſone
O Juda and Jeruſalem, williþ not dreeden, ne takiþ ferd; to of Anany, þe whiche he diſcriued in þe boke of þe kyngis of
morowe ȝe ſchul goon out aȝeynus hem, and þe Lord ſchal Yrael.
ben wiþ ȝou. xxxv After þes þingus Joſaphath, kyng of Juda, wente in
xviii Joſaphath þanne, and Juda, and alle þe dwellers of frenſchippes wiþ Ochoſie, þe king of Yrael, whos werkes
Jeruſalem, fellen bowed in to þe erþ before þe Lord, and weren werſt,
honoureden hym. xxxvi and parcener was þat þei ſchulden maken ſchippis, þat
xix Bot þe Leuytis of þe ſonus of Caath, and of þe ſonus of ſchulden gon in to Tharſis; and þei maden a nauee in
Chore, preyſeden þe Lord God of Yrael wiþ a grete voice in Aziongaber.
to heiȝt. xxxvii Forſoþe Heliezer, þe ſone of Doden, of Mareza,
xx And whann erly þei hadden riſen, þey wenten out by þe prophecyede to Joſaphath, ſeyinge, For þou haddiſt couenaunt
deſert of Thecue; and, hem goon forþ, Joſaphath ſtonding in of peſe wiþ Ochoſia, þe Lord ſmote þi werkes; and þe
þe mydil of hem, ſeide, Heeriþ me, Juda and alle þe dwellers ſchippes ben to-broken, and þey myȝten not gon in to Tharſis.
of Jeruſalem; beleeuiþ in þe Lord ȝoure God, and ȝe ſchul
ben ſyker; leeuiþ to þe prophetis of hym, and alle þingus ſchul Capitulum XXI.
commen welſum.
xxi And he ȝaf counſeil to þe puple, and he ſette þe ſyngers of i Joſaphath forſoþe ſlepte wiþ his faders, and is biryed wiþ
þe Lord, þat þey ſchulden preyſen hym in þeir companyes, and hem in þe cite of Dauid; and Joram, his ſone, regned for
þat þei ſchulden gon before þe hooſt, and wiþ cordaunt voice hym.
þei ſchulden ſeyn, Knowlecheþ to þe Lord for good; for in to ii Þe whiche hadde breþeren, ſonus of Joſaphath, Azaryam,
þe world þe mercy of hym. Jahiel, and Zacharie, and Azarie, and Mychael, and
xxii And whanne þei hadden begunne preyſyngis to ſyngyn, þe Saphaciam; alle þes þe ſonis of Joſaphath, kyng of Juda.
Lord turned þe buſchementis of hem in to hem ſilf, of þe iii And his fadir ȝaue to hem many ȝiftis of gold and of
ſonus, þat is, of Amon and Moab and of þe hil of Seyr, þe ſyluer, and penſyouns, wiþ þe moſt ſtrengþed citees in Juda;
whiche wenten out to fiȝten aȝeinus Judam, and ben ſmyten. þe rewme forſoþe he toke to Joram, for þi þat he was þe firſt
xxiii Forſoþe þe ſonus of Amon and of Moab ryſen to gydre goten.
aȝeinus þe dwellers of þe hyl of Seyr, þat þey ſchulden ſlen, iiii Joram forſoþe roos vpon þe rewme of his fadir; and
and done awey hem; and whanne þat in dede þei hadden whanne he hadde confermede him ſelue, he ſlewȝ alle his
fulfild, alſo in to hem ſelue turned þei ſmyten to gider in breþeren wiþ ſwerde, and ſum of þe princis of Juda.
woundes eiþer in oþer. v Of two and þritty ȝeer Joram was, whanne he beganne to
xxiiii Bot whanne Juda was commen to þe denn, þat beholdiþ regnen; and eiȝt ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem.
wilderneſſe, he ſawȝ aferre al þe regyoun abrood ful of vi And he wente in þe weyes of þe kyngis of Irael, as þe
careyns, ne to ben ouer laft eny man, `þe whiche hadde mouȝt hous of Achab hadde don, þe douȝter forſoþe of Achab was
to ſcapen þe deþ. his wijf; and he dide euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord.
xxv Þanne Joſaphath came, and al þe puple wiþ hym, to þe vii Forſoþe þe Lord wolde not diſtruyen þe hous of Dauid, for
ſpoylis of þe deed to ben drawen awey, and þei founden þe couenaunt þat he hadde gon in wiþ hym, and for he hadde
betwene þe careynes dyuerſe neceſſarie, and cloþes, and veſſels behoten þat he ſchulde ȝeuen to hym a lantern, and to his
moſt precious; and þei breeken on two, ſo þat alle þey miȝten ſonus in al tyme.
not beren, ne bi þre days þe ſpoyles taken awey, for þe viii In þo days Edom rebellide, þat he were not ſuget to
mychilneſſe of þe preye.
xxvi Þe ferþ forſoþe day þei ben gadered in þe valey of Jude, and he ſette to hym a kyng.
ix And whanne Joram was paſſed wiþ his princis, and wiþ al
Bleſſynge; forſoþe for þer þei bliſſiden to þe Lord, þei clepiden
þat place þe valey of Bleſſynge in to þe preſent day. þe chyualrie, þat was wiþ hym, he ros þe niȝt, and ſmote
xxvii And eche man of Juda is turned aȝein, and þe dwellers Edom, `þe whiche hadde enuyrounde hym, and alle þe duykis
of his chyualrye.
of Jeruſalem, and Joſaphath beforn hem, in to Jeruſalem wiþ x Neuer þe later Edom rebellide, þat he were not vnder þe
grete ioye; forþi þat þe Lord hadde ȝeuen to hem ioye of þeir
enmyes. comaundinge of Juda vnto þis day. Þat tyme and Lobna
xxviii And þei wenten in to Jeruſalem wiþ ſawtrees, and wente awey, þat he were not vnder þe hond of hym; forſoþe
he hadde forſaken þe Lord God of þeir fadirs.
harpis, and trumpis, in to þe hous of þe Lord. xi Forþermore he forgide heeȝe þingus in þe cytees of Juda,
xxix Forſoþe inward ferd of þe Lord fel vpon alle þe rewmes
and he maad þe dwellers of Jeruſalem to do fornycacioun,
of londis, whanne þei hadden herd, þat þe Lord hadde fouȝten and Juda to breken þe lawe.
aȝeinus þe enmyes of Irael. xii Forſoþe þer ben brouȝt to hym lettris fro Helia, þe
xxx And þe rewme of Joſaphath hadde reſte; and þe Lord
prophete, in þe whiche was writen, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord
ȝaue to hym peſe by enuyroun. God of Dauid, þi fadir, For þou wentiſt not in þe weies of
xxxi Þanne Joſaphath regnede vpon Judam; and he was of
Joſaphath, þi fadir, and in þe wei of Aza, kyng of Juda,
fyue and þritty ȝeer, whanne he beganne to regnen; forſoþe


xiii bot and þou wentiſt bi þe wey of þe kyngis of Irael, and in al his herte. And þer was no more eny hope, þat eny
þou madiſt Judam and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem to don ſchulde regnen of þe ſtoc of Ochoſie.
fornycacioun, folewynge þe fornycacioun of þe hous of Achab; x Forſoþe Athalia, his modir, ſeeynge þat hire ſone was deed,
ferþermore and þi breþeren and þe hous of þi fadir, beter ros, and ſlewȝ al þe kingus ſtoc of þe hous of Joram.
þanne þi ſilf, þou haſt ſleyn; xi Bot Joſabeth, þe douȝter of þe kyng, toke Joas, þe ſone of
xiiii loo! þe Lord ſchal ſmyten þee wiþ a grete veniaunce, wiþ Ochoſie, and ſche ſtaale hym fro þe myddis of þe ſonus of þe
þi puple, and ſonus, and þi wyues, and wiþ al þi ſubſtaunce; kyng, whanne þei ſchulde ben ſlayn; and ſche hidde hym wiþ
xv þou forſoþe ſchalt waxen ſeek þe moſt warſt langour of his nurſche in þe bed place of lityl beddis. Joſabeth forſoþe,
wombe, to þe tyme þat þi guttis gon out lityl melum by þat hadde hydde hym, was þe douȝter of kyng Joram, wijf of
ſundre days. Joiade, biſchop, ſiſter of Ochoſie; and þerfore Athalie ſlewȝ
xvi Þanne þe Lord rerede aȝeinus Joram þe ſpirite of hym not.
xii Þanne he was wiþ hem in þe hous of God hid ſexe ȝeer,
Philiſteis, and of Arabes, þe which ben neeȝ cooſtis to
Ethiopes; in þe whiche Athalie regnede vpon þe lond.
xvii and þei ſteyȝeden up in to þe lond of Juda, and þei
waſtiden it, and þei diſtruyeden al þe ſubſtaunce, þat is Capitulum XXIII.
founden in þe hous of þe kyng; ferþermore and þe ſonus of i Joiada forſoþe þe ſeuenþ ȝeer comfortide, toke þe maiſters of
hym, and þe wijues; and þer laft not to hym a ſone bot hundriþes, Azariam, þat is, þe ſone of Jeroboam, and Iſmael,
Joacha, þat was leſte þoruȝ birþ. þe ſone of Johannan, alſo Azariam, þe ſone of Obed, and
xviii And vpon alle þes þingus þe Lord ſmote hym wiþ
Maaziam, þe ſone of Adaye, and Eliſaphath, þe ſone of
vncurable ſorowe of wombe. Yſecry; and he wente in wiþ hem counſeyl and peſe
xix And whanne to þe day ſchulde folowen day, and þe ſpacis couenaunt.
of tymes weren turned ouer, of two ȝeer þe cercle is fulfild; ii Þe whiche enuyrounynge Judam, gaderden Leuytis of alle
and ſo wiþ longe langour he is waſtid, ſo þat he ſchot out alſo þe cytees of Juda, and þe princis of þe meynes of Irael, and
his guttis, and ſo he wantide þe langour to gydre and lijf, camen `in to Jeruſalem.
and he is deed in warſt infirmyte. And þe puple dide not to iii Þanne wente in couenaunt al þe multitude in þe hous of þe
hym þe deedis office after þe maner of brennynge, as it hadde Lord wiþ þe kyng. And Joiada ſeide to hem, Loo! þe ſone of
done to þe more of hym. þe kyng ſchal regnen, as þe Lord ſpake vpon þe ſonus of
xx Of two and þritty ȝeer he was, whanne he beganne to
regnen, and eiȝt ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem, and he wente iiii Þis is þanne þe word þat ȝe ſchul done. Þe þridde part of
not riȝt; and þei biryeden hym in þe cyte of Dauid, neuer þe ȝou þat ben commen to þe ſaboth, of preſtis, and of Leuytis,
later not in þe ſepulcre of kyngis. and of porters, ſchal ben in þe ȝaatis;
v þe þrid forſoþe part at þe hous of þe kyng; and þe þrid part
Capitulum XXII. at þe ȝaate, þat is clepid of þe foundement. Al forſoþe þe toþer
i The dwellers forſoþe of Jeruſalem ſetten Ochoſiam, his leſte comoun be in þe porches of þe hous of þe Lord;
ſone, kyng for hym; alle forſoþe þe more þoruȝ birþe, þat vi ne eny oþer man comme in to þe hous of þe Lord, bot þe
beforn hym weren, þeeues of Arabes hadden ſlayn, þe whiche preſtis, and þat mynyſtren of Leuytis; þei aloonly commen in,
hadden fallyn in to þe tentis. And regnede Ochoſias, þe ſone þat ben halowed, and alle þe toþer comoun keepe wele þe
of Joram, kyng of Juda. wardis of þe Lord.
ii Of two and fourty ȝeer was Ochoſias, whanne he hadde vii Þe Leuytis forſoþe enuyroun þei þe kyng, eche hauynge
begunne to regnen, and oon ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þeir armes; ȝif eny oþer ſchal commyn in to þe temple, be he
name of his modir, Athalia, douȝter of Amry. ſlayn; and be þei wiþ þe kyng commynge in and goinge out.
iii And he wente in by þe weye of þe hous of Achab; forſoþe viii Þanne þe Leuytis diden, and al Juda, after alle þingis
his modir putte hym in, þat he vnpitouſly ſchulde done. þat Joiada, þe biſchop, hadde comaundide; and alle þei token
iiii Þanne he dyde yuel in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as þe hous of þe men, þat weren vndir hem, and þei camen by ordre of þe
Achab; þei forſoþe weren to hym counſeilers after þe deþ of ſaboth wiþ hem, þat nowe hadden fulfild þe ſaboth, and weren
his fadir, in to his own deþ; gon out. Forſoþe Joiade, þe biſchop, hadde not leetyn þe
v and he wente in þe counſeyle of hem. And he wente wiþ cumpanyes to gon awey, þe whiche weren wont by ſundre
weekis to comme after to hem ſelue.
Joram, ſone of Achab, king of Yrael, in to bataile aȝeinus ix And Joiada, þe preſt, ȝaf to þe leders of hundriþis ſperes,
Aſael, kyng of Cyrie, in Ramoth-galaad. And Cyres
woundiden Joram; and tergetis, and bokelers of kyng Dauid, þe whiche he hadde
vi þe whiche is turned aȝein, þat he were helid in Jezrael; ſacride in to þe hous of þe Lord.
x And he ſette al þe puple, of holdyng daggers, fro þe riȝt
forſoþe many woundis he hadde taken in þe forſeid ſtrijf.
Þanne Ochoſias, king of Juda, þe ſone of Joram, came doun partie of þe temple vnto þe left part of þe temple, before þe
for to viſiten Joram, þe ſone of Achab, ſeeke in Jezrael; auter and þe temple, by enuyroun of þe kyng.
vii þe wille forſoþe of God was aȝeinus Ochoſiam, þat he xi And þei ladden out þe kingus ſone, and putten on to hym a
were commyn to Joram. And whanne he were commen, þat dyademe; and ȝeuen to hym in his hond þe lawe to ben
he ſchulde gon in wiþ hym aȝeinus Hieu, þe ſone of Nampſy, holden, and þei ſetten hym kyng. And Joiada, þe byſchop,
whome God anoyntide, þat he ſchulde don awey þe hous of enoyntide hym, and his ſonus; and þei inwardly preyden, and
Achab. ſeyden, Lyue þe kyng!
viii Þanne whanne Hieu ſchulde ouerturnen þe hous of Achab, xii Þat whanne Athalia hadde herde, þat is, þe voice of men
he fonde þe princis of Juda, and þe ſonus of þe breþeren of rennyng and preyſyng þe kyng, ſche wente in to þe puple, into
Ochoſie, þat mynyſtreden to hym; and he ſlewȝ hem. þe temple of þe Lord.
ix And hym Ochoſie ſechynge, he toke lurkyng in Samarie, xiii And whanne ſche had ſeen þe kyng ſtondynge upon þe
and brouȝt forþ to hym he ſlewȝ; and þei birieden hym, forþi gree in þe entre, and princis and companyes abouten hym,
þat he was þe ſone of Joſaphath, þe whiche hadde ſouȝte God and al þe puple of þe lond ioyinge, and criynge in trumpis,


and orgnys of dyuerſe maner, ſyngynge to gydir, and þe voice xi And whanne tyme was, þat þei ſchulden bern þe arke bifore
of men preyſynge, ſche kutte hir cloþis, and ſeiþ, Aſpyes! þe kyng bi þe hondis of Leuytis, forſoþe þei ſeen myche
aſpyes! monee; and þer wente in a ſcribe of lawe, whom þe firſte
xiiii Forſoþe Joiada, þe biſchop, gon out to þe leeders of preſte hadde ordeyned, and þei heelden oute þe monee, þat
hundriþes, and princis of þe hooſt, ſeide to hem, Lediþ hir out was in þe arke; forſoþe þe arke þei bern aȝein to his place.
of þe purſeyntis of þe temple, and be ſche ſlayn wiþ out forþ And ſo þei diden bi ſundre days, and þer is gadird monee
wiþ ſwerd; and þe preſt comaundid, þat ſche ſhuld not be wiþ oute noumbre;
ſlayn in þe hous of þe Lord. xii þe whiche þe kyng and Joiada ȝeuen to hem þat ſtoden
xv And he putte on hondis to þe nollis of hyre; and whanne vpon þe werkis of þe hous of þe Lord. And þei hireden of it
ſche had gon in þe ȝate of þe hors, of þe hous of þe king, þei hewers of ſtoones, and craftiſe men of alle werkis, þat þei
ſlewen hir þere. reſtoren þe hous of þe Lord; alſo forgers of yren, and of
xvi Forſoþe Joiada couenauntide couenaunt of peſe betwene braſſe, þat þat, þat hadde begunne to fallen, were ſuſteyned.
hym and al þe puple and þe kyng, þat þer were a puple of þe xiii And þes þat wrouȝten diden wijſly, and þe gap of þe
Lord. wallis was hillid bi þe hondis of hem; and þei rereden þe
xvii And ſo al þe puple wente `in to þe hous of Baal, and þei hous of þe Lord in to þe raþer ſtate, and þei maaden it to
diſtroyeden it; and auters, and mawmetis of it þei to-breeken; ſtonden faſt.
Mathan alſo, þe preſte of Baal, þei ſlewen before þe auters. xiiii And whanne þei hadden fulfild alle þe werkis, þei
xviii Forſoþe Joiada ſette prouoſtis in þe hous of þe Lord, þat brouȝten before þe kyng and Joiada þe toþer part of þe
vndir þe hondis of preſtis, and Leuytis, þe whiche Dauid monee, of þe whiche ben maad þe veſſels of þe temple in to þe
delide in þe hous of þe Lord, þat þei ſchulden offeren brent ſeruyſe, and to brent ſacrifices; alſo violis, and oþer golden
ſacrifices to þe Lord, as it is writen in þe boke of Moyſy, in veſſels and ſylueren. And þer weren offrid brent ſacrifices in
ioye and ſongus, after þe diſpoſicyoun of Dauid. þe hous of þe Lord contynuly, alle þe days of Joiade.
xix Alſo he ſette porters in þe ȝatis of þe hous of þe Lord, þat xv Forſoþe Joiada eeldide ful of days, and dyed, whanne he
þer ſchulde not gon in to it vnclene in eny þing. was of an hundriþ and þritti ȝeer;
xx And he toke leeders of hundriþes, and moſt ſtronge men, xvi and þei birieden hym in þe cytee of Dauid wiþ kingus;
and princis of þe puple, and al þe comoun of þe lond. And forþi þat he hadde done good wiþ Irael, and wiþ his hous.
þei maden þe kyng to comme doun fro þe hous of þe Lord, xvii Forſoþe after þat Joiada died, þe princis of Jude wenten
and gon in by þe mydil of þe ouerȝate in to þe hous of þe in, and honoureden þe kyng, þe whiche pleſide by þe ſeruyſes
kyng; and þei ſetten hym in þe kyngus ſee. of hem, aſſentide to hem.
xxi And al þe puple of þe lond gladide, and þe cytee reſtyde; xviii And þei forſoken þe temple of þe Lord God of þeir
bot Athalia is ſlayn wiþ ſwerde. fadirs, and þei ſerueden to mawmette woodis, and grauen
þingus; and þer is don þe wraþ of þe Lord aȝeynus Judam
Capitulum XXIIII. and Jeruſalem for þis ſynne.
xix And he ſente to hem prophetis, þat þei ſchulden turnen
i Of ſeuen ȝeer was Joas, whanne he hadde begunne to aȝein to þe Lord; whom beforen witneſſynge þei wolden not
regnen, and fourtye ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; name of heeren.
his modir Sebia of Berſabe. xx And ſo þe Spirite of þe Lord cloþed Zacharie, þe ſone of
ii And he dyde þat was good before þe Lord, alle þe days of
Joiade, preſte; and he ſtode in þe ſiȝte of þe puple, and ſeyde,
Joiada, þe preſte. Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Why ouerpaſſe ȝe þe heeſte of þe
iii Forſoþe and Joas took two wijues, of þe whiche he gat Lord, þat ſchal not profiten to ȝou, and ȝe han forſaken þe
ſones and douȝters. Lord, þat he forſake ȝou?
iiii After whiche þingus it pleſide to Joas, þat he ſchulde xxi Þe whiche gadered aȝeynus hym, ſenten ſtoones, after þe
enſtore þe hous of þe Lord. heſte of þe kyng, in þe hall of þe hous of þe Lord.
v And he gadirde þe preſtis and Leuytis, and ſeyde to hem, xxii And king Joas is not recordid of þe mercy þat Joiada, þe
Goþ out to þe cytees of Juda, and gadereþ of al Irael monee, fadir of hym, hadde done wiþ hym; bot he ſlewȝ his ſone. Þe
to þe reparaciouns of þe temple of þe Lord oure God, by alle whiche, whanne he ſchulde dyen, ſeiþ, Þe Lord ſee, and
ȝeers; and ſwijþ doþ it. Bot þe Leuytis diden it more requyre.
necgligently. xxiii And whanne þe ȝeer was ouerturned, þe hooſt of Cirie
vi And þe kyng clepide Joiada, prince, and ſeyde to hym, Why ſteiȝede up aȝeinus hym, and came in to Judam and
was not to þee biſyneſſe, þat þou conſtreyn Leuytis to brengyn Jeruſalem, and ſlewȝ alle þe princis of þe puple; and al þe
in fro Juda and Jeruſalem monee, þe whiche is ordeynd of pray þei ſenten to þe king, to Damaſc.
Moyſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, þat al þe multitude of Irael xxiiii And certis whanne þer was commen a litil noumbre of
ſchulde bryngyn it in to þe tabernacle of wytneſſynge? Ciries, þe Lord toke in þe hondis of hem vnnoumbreable
vii Athalia forſoþe moſt vnpitous, and hir ſonus, diſtruyeden multitude, forþy þat þei hadde forſaken þe Lord God of þeir
þe hous of God; and of alle þingus, þat weren halowed to þe fadirs. In to Joas alſo þei enhauntiden ſchenſchipful domys;
temple of þe Lord, ſche enournede þe temple of Baalym. xxv and goynge awey þei laften hym in grete langours.
viii Þann þe kyng comaundide, and þei maaden þe ark, and Forſoþe his ſeruauntis ariſen aȝeinus hym, in to vengyng of
putten it beſide þe ȝate of þe Lord wiþ outeforþ. þe blode of þe ſone of Joiade, preſt; and þei ſlewen hym in
ix And it is prechid in Juda and in Jeruſalem, þat alle his bed, and he is deed. And þei birieden hym in þe cytee of
ſchulden bere pris to þe Lord, þat Moyſes ordeynde to þe Dauid, bot not in þe ſepulcris of kingis.
ſeruauntis of God vpon al Irael, in deſerte. xxvi Forſoþe þer aweytiden to hym Zabath, þe ſone of Semath
x And alle þe princis and alle þe puple gladedyn, and goon in, Amanytidis, and Joſabeth, þe ſone of Semarith, Moabitidis.
þei ȝeuen in to þe ark of þe Lord, and putten, ſo þat it was xxvii Bot þe ſonus of hym, and þe ſoume of monee þat was
ful. leyd to gydre vndir hym, and þe enſtorynge of þe hous of
God, ben writen more diligently in þe boke of Kyngis.


Capitulum XXV. wijf to my ſone; and loo! þe beſtis þat weren in þe wode of
Liban wenten and to-treden þe þiſtil.
i Amaſias forſoþe, his ſone, regnede for hym; of fyue and xix Þou ſeidiſt, I haue ſmyten Edom, and þerfore þin hert is
twenty ȝeer was Amaſias, whanne he hadde begunne to rered in to prid; ſitt in þi hous; why euyl ſtirriſt þou aȝeinus
regnen, and nyne and twenty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; þee, þat þou falle, and Juda wiþ þee?
name of his modir Joiaden, of Jeruſalem. xx Amazias wolde not heeren, for þi þat þe wille of þe Lord
ii And he dide good in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord, neuer þe later not
was, þat he ſchulde ben taken in þe hondes of þe enmyes, for
in perfijt herte. þe goddis of Edom.
iii And whanne he ſawȝ þe empyre ſtrengþed to hym, he kutte xxi Þanne Joas, kyng of Irael, ſteiȝide up, and þei ȝeuen to
þe ſeruauntis þrotis, þat ſlewen his fadir þe kyng; hem ſilf beholdingis eiþer to oþer. Amazias forſoþe, kyng of
iiii bot þe ſonus of hem he ſlewȝ not; as it is writen in þe Juda, was in Bethſames of Juda;
boke of þe lawe of Moyſes, where þe Lord comaundide, xxii and Juda felle beforn Irael, and fleiȝ in to his
ſeyinge, Þe fadirs ſchul not ben ſlayn for þe ſonus, ne þe tabernaclis.
ſonus for þeir fadirs; bot echone in his ſynne ſchal dyen. xxiii Forſoþe Joas, kyng of Irael, toke Amaziam, kyng of
v Þanne Amazias gaderde Judam, and ordeynede hem by
Juda, ſone of Joas, ſone of Ochoſie, in Bethſames, and
meynees leders of þouſandis and mayſtris of hundriþis, in al brouȝt in to Jeruſalem; and diſtruyde þe wallis of it fro þe
Juda and Beniamyn; and he tolde fro twentye ȝeer and ȝate of Effraym vnto þe ȝate of þe corner, in foure hundriþ
aboue, and he fonde þritty þouſande of ȝonge men, þat myȝten cubitis.
gon out to fiȝten, and holden ſpere and terget. xxiiii And al þe gold and þe ſyluer, and alle þe veſſels þat he
vi Alſo by meed he hyred of Irael an hundriþ þouſand of
founde in þe hous of þe Lord, and anentis Obededom, in þe
ſtronge men, for an hundriþ talentis of ſyluer, þat þei ſchulden treſories and of þe kyngis hous, alſo and þe ſonus of taken to
fiȝten aȝeinus þe ſonus of Edom. priſoun he brouȝte in to Samarie.
vii Þere came forſoþe to hym a man of God, and ſeiþ, O! xxv Forſoþe Amazias, þe ſone of Joas, kyng of Juda, lyuede,
kyng, go not out wiþ þee þe hooſt of Irael; forſoþe þe Lord is after þat Joas, þe ſone of Joachaz, kyng of Irael, is deed,
not wiþ Irael and wiþ alle þe ſonus of Effraym; fyfteen ȝeer.
viii þat ȝif þou weeniſt in ſtrengþe of hooſt batails to ſtonden, xxvi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Amazie, þe raþer
þe Lord ſchal maken þee to ben ouercommen of enmyes; of and þe laſt, ben writen in þe boke of þe kingus of Juda and
God forſoþe is to helpen, and in to fliȝt to turnen. of Irael.
ix And Amazias ſeide to þe man of God, What þanne ſchal be xxvii Þe whiche after þat he wente awei fro þe Lord benten to
done of þe hundriþ talentis, þat I ȝaf to þe knyȝtis of Irael? hym buſchmentis in Jeruſalem; and whanne he hadde flowen
And þe man of God anſwerde, Þe Lord haþ, wherof he may to Lachis, þei ſenten and ſlewen hym þere;
ȝeue to þee many mo þanne þeſe. xxviii and bryngynge aȝein vpon hors, biryeden hym wiþ his
x And ſo Amazias ſeuered þe hooſt þat came to hym of
faders in þe citee of Dauid.
Effraym, þat he ſchulde turnen aȝeyn in to his place; and þei,
aȝeinus Judam hugely wratþed, ben turnede aȝein in to þeir Capitulum XXVI.
xi Bot Amazias truſtily ladde out his puple, and wente in to i Forſoþe al þe puple of Juda his ſone, Oſie, of ſexteen ȝeer,
þe valeye of ſalt places, and he ſmote þe ſonus of Seyr, tenn ſetten kyng for his fadir Amazie.
þouſand. ii He bild up Aylath, and reſtored it to þe lordſchip of Juda,
xii And oþer tenn þouſand of men token þe ſonus of Juda, aftir þat þe kyng ſlepte wiþ his fadirs.
and brouȝten to an heeȝe fallynge place of a maner ſtoon; and iii Of ſexteen ȝeer Oſias was, whanne he hadde begunne to
þei tumbleden hem doun fro þe cop in to þe loweſt; þe whiche regnen; and two and fyfty ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem; name
al tobroſten. of his modre, Yechelya, of Jeruſalem.
xiii And þat hooſt þat Amazie ſente aȝein, þat it ȝeede not wiþ iiii And he dide þat was riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, aftir alle
hym in to batayle, is helde out in þe cytees of Juda fro þingus þat Amazias, his fader, hadde done.
Samarie and to Betheron; and, þre þouſand ſleen, he v And he ſouȝte þe Lord in þe days of Zacharie,
deuydide myche preye.
xiiii Amazias alſo after þe ſlauȝter of Ydumes, þe brouȝt to vndirſtondinge and ſeeing God; and whanne he ſchuld ſechen
God, he louede hym in alle þingus.
goddis of þe ſonis of Seyr, he ſette hem in to goddis to hym, vi Aftirward he wente out, and fauȝte aȝeinus Philiſteis, and
and he honourede hem, and to hem he brende enſence.
xv For what þing þe Lord wroþ aȝeynſt Amazie, he ſente to he diſtruyede þe wall of Geth, and þe wall of Jabnye, and þe
wal of Azoty; and he bilde up burȝ towns in Azote of
hym a prophete, þat ſchulde ſey to hym, Why haſt þou Phyliſteym.
honourede goddis þat han not delyuerde þeir puple fro þin vii And þe Lord halpe hym aȝeynus Philiſteym, and aȝenus
xvi And whanne þeſe þingus he ſchulde ſpeken, he anſwerde to Arabas þat dwelliden in Garbahal, and aȝenus Amonytis.
viii And Amonytis ſpendiden þe ȝiftis to Ozie, and his name
hym, Wheþer ert þou þe counſeylere of þe kyng? reſt, leſt
perauenture I ſlee þee. And ſo þe prophete goynge aweye, I is pupliſchit vnto þe entre of Egipt for his oft victories.
woote, he ſeiþ, þat þe Lord haþ þouȝte to ſleen þee; for þou ix And Ozias bilde up toures in Jeruſalem vpon þe ȝate of þe
haſt don þis yuel, and ferþermore þou haſt not aſſentide to my corner, and vpon þe ȝate of þe valey, and oþer in þe ſame ſide
counſeyle. of þe wall; and he faſtnede hem.
xvii Þanne Amazias, king of Juda, þe werſt counſeil gon in, x And he bilde out alſo toures in wildirneſſe, and dalf out
ſente to Joas, þe ſone of Joachas, ſone of Hieu, þe king of many cyſternes; forþi þat he hadde many beeſtis boþe in þe
Irael, ſeyinge, Cum, ſee we us to gyder. wijlde feeldis and in þe waſtite of deſert. Alſo vynes he hadde
xviii And he ſente aȝein meſſagers, ſeyinge, Þe þiſtil þat is in and wyne makers in hillis, and in Carmele; forſoþe he was a
Liban ſente to þe cedre of Liban, ſeyinge, Ȝeue þi douȝter man ȝeuen to erþ tyllyinge.


xi Þe hooſt forſoþe of þe fyȝtynge men of hym, þat wenten vi And Joathan is ſtrengþed, forþi þat he hadde dreſſide his
forþ to batayles, was vndir þe hond of Heiel, ſcribe, and weys before þe Lord his God.
Mazie, doctour, and vndir þe hond of Ananye þat was of þe vii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joathan, and alle þe
duykis of þe kyng; fiȝtyngis of hym, and werkes, ben writen in þe boke of
xii and al þe noumbre of princis, by þeir meynees, of ſtronge kingus of Irael and of Juda.
men two þouſand and ſexe hundriþ. viii Of fyue and twenty ȝeer he was, whanne he hadde
xiii And vndir hem al þe hooſt of þre hundriþ and ſeuen begunne to regnen, and ſixtene ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem.
þouſand and fyue hundriþ, þat weren able to batail, and for ix And Joathan ſlepte wiþ his faders, and þei birieden hym in
þe king aȝeinus þe enmyes fouȝten. þe citee of Dauid; and Achaz, his ſone, regned for hym.
xiiii And Ozias maad redy to hem, þat is, to al þe hooſt,
tergetis, and ſperes, and helmes, and hauberiouns, and Capitulum XXVIII.
bowes, and ſlyngis to ſtones to ben þrowen.
xv And he maad in Jeruſalem engynes of dyuerſe maner, þe i Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Achaz, whanne he hadde
whiche he ſette in toures, and in þe corners of wallis, þat þei begunne to regnen, and ſexteene ȝeer he regnede in
ſchulden caſten arewes and grete ſtones; and his name is gon Jeruſalem; and he dide not riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, as
out aferre, for þi þat þe Lord halpe hym, and hadde Dauid, his fadir;
ſtrengþede hym. ii bot wente in þe weyes of þe kyngis of Irael. Forþermore
xvi Bot whanne he was ſtrengþed, his hert is arered in to his and he ȝeetyde ymagis to Baalym.
deþ; and he diſpiſede þe Lord his God; and gon in to þe iii He is þat brende encenſe in þe valey of Bennon, and he
temple of þe Lord, he wolde brenne encenſe vpon þe autir of enuyrounde his ſonus in fijr aftir þe rijt of gentilis, þe whiche
maad encenſe. þe Lord ſlowȝ in þe commynge of þe ſonus of Irael.
xvii And anoon aftir hym wente in Azarias, þe preſte, and wiþ iiii Alſo he ſacrified, and brende maad encenſe in heiȝtis, and
hym preſtis of þe Lord, ſeuenty men moſt worþi; in hillis, and vnder alle braunchid tree.
xviii and þei wiþſtoden to þe kyng, and ſeyden, Ozia, it is not v And þe Lord his God toke hym in þe hond of þe kyng of
of þin office, þat þou brenne encenſe to þe Lord, bot of þe Cyrie, þe whiche ſmote hym, and a gret prey of his empyre
preſtis of þe Lord, þat is, of þe ſonus of Aaron, þat ben toke, and brouȝt in to Damaſc. And he is taken to þe hondis
ſacrid to ſyche a maner ſeruyſe; go out fro þe ſeyntuarye, ne of þe kyng of Irael, and ſmyten wiþ a grete veniaunce.
diſpiſe þou; for it ſchal not ben wijtyd to þee in to glorie of þe vi And Phacee, þe ſone of Romelie, ſlewȝ of Juda an hundriþ
Lord God. and twenty þouſand in oo day, and alle men fiȝters; for þi þat
xix And Ozias is wroþ, and holdinge in þe hond a cenſere, þei hadden forſake þe Lord God of þeir fadirs.
þat he brenne encenſe, he `þratt to þe preſtis; and anoon þer vii Þe ſame tyme Jechry, a myȝty man of Effraym, ſlewȝ
is ſprungen a lepre in his forhede, before þe preſtis in þe Maaziam, þe ſone of þe kyng, and Eſricham, duyke of his
hous of þe Lord vpon þe auter of maad encenſe. hous, alſo Elchanan, þe ſecounde fro þe kyng.
xx And whanne Azaria, þe biſchop, hadde beholden hym, and viii And þe ſonus of Irael token of þeir breþeren two hundriþ
alle þe toþer preſtis ſeen a lepre in his forhede, haſtely þei þouſand of wymmen and of knaue childre and of mayde
puttyn hym out; and he aferd hyȝede to gon out; forþi þat he childre, and a pray wiþ out noumbre; and þei brouȝten it in to
hadde feelid anoon þe veniaunce of þe Lord. Samarie.
xxi Þanne Ozias was meſel vnto þe day of his deþ, and ix In þat tempeſt was þer a prophete of þe Lord, Obed by
dwellide in an hous ſeuered, ful of lepre; for þe whiche he name, þe whiche gon out meetyng to þe hooſt commyng to
was þrowen out fro þe hous of þe Lord. Bot Joathan, his Samarie, ſeide to hem, Lo! þe Lord God of oure fadirs is
ſone, gouernede þe hous of þe kyng, and demede þe puple of wrooþ aȝeinus Judam, and toke hem in ȝour hondis; and ȝe
þe lond. han ſleen hem cruely, ſo þat in to heuen ȝoure cruelte ſchulde
xxii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ozie, of þe raþer
and of þe laſt, wrote Yſayas, þe ſone of Amos, prophete. x Forþermore þe ſonis of Juda and of Jeruſalem ȝee wiln
xxiii And Ozias ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei biryeden hym ſubjecten to ȝou ſeruauntis and hond wymmen; þat `indeede is
not in þe feeld of kyngis ſepulcres, forþi þat he was leeprous; no nede; ȝe han ſynned vpon þis to þe Lord ȝoure God.
and Joathan, his ſone, regnede for hym. xi Bot heeriþ my counſeil, and bringiþ aȝein þe caytyues, þe
whiche ȝe han lad awey of ȝoure breþeren; for grete woodneſſe
Capitulum XXVII. of þe Lord ſtant ouer to ȝou.
i Of xii And ſo þe men of þe princis of þe ſonus of Effraym
fyue and twenty ȝeer was Joathan, whanne he hadde
begunne to regnen, and ſixteen ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem; ſtodyn, Azarias, þe ſone of Johannan, Barachias, þe ſone of
name of his moder Jeruſa, þe douȝter of Sadoch. Moſollamoth, Jezechias, þe ſone of Sellum, and Amazias, þe
ii And he dide þat was riȝt before þe Lord, aftir alle þingus ſone of Adaly, aȝeyn hem þat camen fro þe bataile;
xiii and ſeyden to hem, Ȝe ſchul not bryngen in hydre þe
þat Ozias, his fadir, hadde don; out take þat he wente not in
to þe temple of þe Lord, and ȝit þe puple treſpaſſide. caytifes, leſt we ſynnen to þe Lord; why wille ȝe caſten to
iii He bild up þe heeȝ ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe vpon ȝoure ſynnes, and hepen olde ſynnes? Grete forſoþe
ſynne it is; and þe wraþ of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord ſtant vpon
wal of Ophel many þingus maad; Yrael.
iiii and citees bilde in þe hillis of Juda, and in heeȝ wodis, xiiii And þe fiȝtynge men laften þe pray, and alle þingis þat
caſtels, and toures. þei hadden taken, before þe princis and al þe multitude.
v And he fauȝt aȝeinus þe kyng of þe ſonus of Amon, and xv And þe men, þe whiche aboue we myndedyn, ſtoden, and,
ouercame hym; and þe ſonus of Amon ȝeuen to hym in þat takynge þe caityues, cloþedyn of þe ſpoylis alle þat weren
tyme an hundriþ talentis of ſyluer, and tenn þouſand choris of nakyd; and whanne þei hadden cloþede hem, and ſchod, and
barly, and as fele of whete; þes þingus ȝeuen to hym þe ſonus fyld hem wiþ mete and drynk, and anoyntide for þe trauayle,
of Amon þe ſecound ȝeer and þe þrid. and ȝeuen to hem beſyneſſe; who ſo euer myȝten not gon, and


weren wiþ feble body, þei putten hem on beſtis, and ladden to viii And ſo þe woodneſſe of þe Lord is ſterid vpon Judam and
Jericho, þe citee of palmes, to þeir breþeren; and þei ben Jeruſalem; and he toke hem in to diſtourblynge, and into deþ,
turned aȝein in to Samarie. and in to whiſtlyng, as ȝe beholden wiþ ȝoure eeȝen.
xvi Þat tyme kyng Achaz ſente to þe kyng of Aſſiries, aſkynge ix Lo! oure fadirs fellen wiþ ſwerdis; oure ſonus, and oure
helpe. douȝters, and oure wijues ben lad caityf for þis hidous gilt.
xvii And Ydumeis camen, and ſmyten many of Juda, and x Nowe þanne it pleſiþ to me, þat we gon in peſe couenaunt
token grete pray. wiþ þe Lord God of Irael, and he do awey fro us þe
xviii And þe Philiſteis ben held out by wijld feeldy cytees, and woodneſſe of his wraþ.
at þe ſouþ of Juda; and þei token Bethſames, and Hailon, xi My ſonus, williþ not diſpiſen; þe Lord chees ȝou, þat ȝe
and Gaderoth, Socoth alſo, and Thannan, and Zamro, wiþ ſtonden beforn hym, and mynyſtren to hym, and heryen hym,
þeir litil touns; and þei dwelliden in hem. and brennen to hym encenſe.
xix Forſoþe þe Lord hadde meekide Judam for Achaz, kyng of xii Þanne þe Leuytis ryſen, Maath, þe ſone of Amazie, and
Juda; forþi þat he hadde nakyd hym fro helpe, and hadde þe Joel, þe ſone of Azarie, of þe ſonis of Caath; bot of þe ſonus
Lord to diſpyte. of Merery, Ciz, þe ſone of Abday, and Azarias, þe ſone of
xx And þe Lord brouȝt aȝeinus hym Teglat Falaſar, king of Jalalael; of þe ſonus forſoþe of Jerſan, Joha, þe ſone of
Aſſiries, þe whiche tourmentyde hym, and no man Zemma, and Hedem, þe ſone of Joha;
wiþſtondinge, waaſtide. xiii and forſoþe of þe ſonus of Elizaphan, Zamry, and Jahiel;
xxi Þanne Achaz, þe hous of þe Lord ſpoylide, and þe hous of of þe ſonus alſo of Aſaph, Zacharias, and Mathanyas;
kingus and princis, ȝaf to þe kyng of Aſſiries ȝiftis, and xiiii alſo of þe ſonus of Heman, Jahiel, and Semei; bot and
neuer þe latre it profitide no þing to hym. of þe ſonus of Yditum, Semeyas, and Oziel.
xxii Forþermore and in tyme of his anguyſch he echide diſpite xv And þei gadreden þeir breþeren, and ben halowed, and gon
in to þe Lord; in, after þe maundement of þe kyng, and þe heſte of þe Lord,
xxiii he by hym ſilf kyng Achaz offrede to þe goddis of þat þei clenſen þe hous of þe Lord.
Damaſc ſlayn ſacrifices, to his ſmyters, and ſeyde, Þe goddis xvi And þe preſtis gon in to þe temple of þe Lord, þat þei
of þe kingus of Cyrie helpen to hem, þe which I ſchal pleſen halowen it, beeren out al þe vnclenneſſe, þat wiþ inne þei
wiþ hooſtis, and þei ſchul ſtonden to to me; whanne hadden foundyn in þe veſtiarie of þe hous of þe Lord; þe
aȝeenward þei weren fallyng to hym, and to al Irael. whiche token þe Leuytis, and beeren out wiþ out forþ to þe
xxiiii And ſo Achaz, alle þe veſſels of þe hous of God taken ſtreme of Cedron.
awey, and broken to gydre, cloſede þe ȝatis of þe temple of xvii And þei begunnen þe firſt day of þe firſt moneþ to clenſen,
God, and maad to hym auters in alle þe corners of and in þe eyȝþe day of þe ſame moneþ þei wenten in to þe
Jeruſalem. ȝate hous of þe temple of þe Lord, and þei purgedyn þe
xxv Alſo in alle þe cytees of Juda he maad up auters to temple eiȝte days; and in þe ſixtenþe day of þe ſame moneþ,
brennen encenſe, and he terrede to wraþ þe Lord God of þeir þat þei hadden begunnen, þei fulfilden.
fadirs. xviii And þei wenten in to Ezechie, þe kyng; and ſeyden to
xxvi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of his wordis and of alle his hym, We han halowed al þe hous of þe Lord, and þe auter of
werkes, of þe raþer and of þe laſt, ben writen in þe boke of brent ſacrifice of hym, and his veſſels, alſo and þe borde of
þe kyngis of Juda and of Irael. propoſicyoun wiþ alle his veſſels,
xxvii And Achaz ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei birieden hym in xix and alle þe purtenauncis of þe temple, þat kyng Achaz in
þe cyte of Dauid of Jeruſalem; ne forſoþe þei receyueden hym his rewme hadde polutide, after þat he hadde treſpaſſede; and
in þe ſepulcres of þe kingus of Irael; and Ezechias, his ſone, loo! leid out ben alle þingus before þe auter of þe Lord.
regnede for hym. xx And Ezechie, þe kyng, rijſyng erly, gadered in oon alle
princis of þe cytee, and he ſteiȝede up in to þe hous of þe
Capitulum XXIX. Lord;
xxi and þei offreden to gyder boolis ſeuen, and weþeris ſeuen,
i Ezechias þanne beganne to regnen, whanne he was of fyue
and twenty ȝeer, and nyne and twenty ȝeer he regnede in and lombis ſeuen, and geet ſeuen, for þe ſynne, for þe rewme,
Jeruſalem; name of his modir, Abia, þe douȝter of Zacharye. for þe ſeyntuarye, for Juda. And he ſeide to þe preſtis, ſonis
ii And he dide þat was pleſaunt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, aftir
of Aaron, þat þei ſchulden offren vpon þe auter of þe Lord.
xxii Þanne þei ſlewen boolis, and þe preſtis token þe blood,
alle þingus þat Dauid, his fadir, hadde done. and heldyn it vpon þe auter; alſo þei ſlewen weþers, and of
iii In þat ȝeer and þe firſt moneþ of his regne he opnede þe
hem þe blood þei heldyn vpon þe auter; and þei offreden
ȝate leues of þe hous of þe Lord, and he enſtorede hem; lombis, and helden vpon þe auter þe blood.
iiii and brouȝte to þe preſtis and þe Leuytis, and gaderede xxiii And þei applieden þe geet for þe ſynne before þe kyng
hem in to þe eſte ſtrete, and al þe multitude, and þei putten þeir hondis vpon hem;
v and ſeide to hem, Heeriþ me, Leuytis, and beþ halowed; xxiiii and þe preſtis offreden hem, and þei ſprengden þe blood
clenſiþ þe hous of þe Lord God of oure faders, and doþ awey of hem beforn þe auter, for þe ſynne of al Irael. Forſoþe for
alle vnclenneſſe fro þe ſeyntuarye. al Irael þe kyng hadde comaundide, þat þere ſchulde be don
vi Oure fadirs ſynneden, and diden euyl in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord brent ſacrifice, and for ſynne.
oure God, forſakyng hym; þei turneden awei þeir faces fro þe xxv And he ordeynde Leuytis in þe hous of þe Lord, wiþ
tabernacle of þe Lord oure God, and ȝeuen bac. cymbales, and ſawtrees, and harpis, aftir þe diſpoſicyoun of
vii Þei cloſeden þe dores þat weren in þe ȝate hous, and king Dauid, and of Gad, ſeear, and of Nathan, þe prophete;
quencheden þe lanterns; and encenſe þei brenneden not, and forſoþe þe heſte of þe Lord it was bi þe hond of his prophetis.
brent ſacrifices þei offreden not in þe ſeyntuarye of God of xxvi And þe Leuytis ſtoden, holdyng þe orgnys of Dauid; and
Irael. preſtis þe trumpis.
xxvii And Ezechias comaundide, þat þer ſchulden ben offred
brent ſacrifices vpon þe auter; and whanne þei ſchulden offren


brent ſacrifices, þei begunnen to ſyngen preyſyngis to þe Lord, ix Ȝif forſoþe ȝe weren turned aȝein to þe Lord, ȝour breþeren
and ſown wiþ trumpis, and in dyuerſe orgnys, þat Dauid, and ȝour ſonus ſchul haue mercy, wiþ þeir lordis þat hem
king of Irael, hadde maad redy to ſown wiþ. laddyn caitijf; and þei ſchul ben turned aȝein into þis lond.
xxviii Al þe puple forſoþe honourynge, þe ſyngers and þo þat Forſoþe pytouſe and mercyable is þe Lord oure God; and he
helden trumpis weren in þeir offices, to þe tyme þat þe brent ſchal not turnen awey his face fro ȝou, ȝif ȝe weren turned
ſacrifices weren ful eendid. aȝein to hym.
xxix And whanne þe offryng was eendid, þe kyng is ful x Þanne currours wente ſwiftly fro cyte vnto cite þoruȝ þe
bowed, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, and þei honoureden. lond of Effraym and Manaſſe vnto Zabulon, hem ſcoornynge
xxx And Ezechias comaundide and þe princis to Leuytis, þat and vndermowynge hem.
þei ſchulden preyſen þe Lord wiþ þe wordis of Dauid, and of xi Neuerþelater ſum men of Aſer, and of Manaſſe, and of
Aſaph, ſeear; þe whiche preyſeden wiþ grete gladneſſe, and þe Zabulon, aſſentynge to þe counſeile, camen in to Jeruſalem.
knee ful bowede, þei honourden. xii In Juda forſoþe is done þe hond of þe Lord, þat he
xxxi Ezechias forſoþe þes alſo addide, Ȝe han fulfild ȝoure ſchulde ȝeuen to hem oon herte, and þei ſchulden don, after þe
hondis to þe Lord; commiþ neeȝ, and offriþ ſacrifices and heſte of þe kyng and princis, þe word of þe Lord.
preyſingis in þe hous of þe Lord. xiii And þere ben gadered into Jeruſalem many puplis, þat þei
xxxii Þanne al þe multitude offride ooſtis, and preyſingis, and don þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues in þe ſecounde moneþ.
brent ſacrifices, wiþ deuout mynde. Forſoþe þe noumbre of þe xiiii And rijſyng þei diſtruyden þe auters, þat weren in
brent ſacrifices, þat þe multitude offride, was þis; boolis Jeruſalem; and alle þingus in þe whiche to mawmetis was
ſeuenty, weþers an hundriþ, lombis two hundriþ. brend encenſe, turnynge vpſadoun, þei þrewen in to þe ſtreme
xxxiii Alſo þei haloweden to þe Lord oxes ſexe hundriþ, and of Cedron.
ſcheep þre þouſand. xv Þei offriden forſoþe paſch þe fourtenþ day of þe ſecound
xxxiiii Þe preſtis forſoþe weren fewe, and myȝten not ſuffice moneþ; þe preſtis alſo and Leuytis at þe laſt halowed, offreden
þat þei drawen of þe ſkynnes of þe brent ſacrifices; wherfore brent ſacrifice in þe hous of þe Lord.
and þe Leuitis þeir breþeren helpiden hem, to þe tyme þat þe xvi And þei ſtoden in þeir ordre, aftir þe diſpoſicyoun and þe
werc were fulfild, and þe biſchopis weren halowed; þe Leuytis lawe of Moyſes, þe man of God. Þe preſtis forſoþe hadden
forſoþe wiþ liȝter rijt ben halowed þanne þe preſtis. taken þe blood to ben ſched of þe hondis of Leuytis,
xxxv Þer weren þanne many brent ſacrifices, and talowes of xvii forþi þat myche puple was not halowed; and þerfore þe
peſible þingus, and liquours offryngis of brent ſacrifices, and Leuytis ſchulden offren paſch to hem, þat `came not to gydre
þe herying of þe hous of þe Lord is ful eendid. to ben halowed to þe Lord.
xxxvi And Ezechie is glad, and al þe puple wiþ hym, forþi þat xviii A grete alſo part of þe puple of Effraym, and Manaſſe,
þe ſeruyce of þe Lord was ful eendid; forſoþe of ſodenly it and Yſachar, and Zabulon, þe whiche was not halowed, eetyn
pleſide þat to ben don. paſch not after þat it is writen. And Ezechie preyede for hem,
ſeyinge, Þe good Lord ſchal haue mercy to alle,
Capitulum XXX. xix þat in al herte ſechen þe Lord God of þer fadirs; and it
i Ezechie alſo ſente to al Irael and Juda, and he wroote ſchal not ben wijtid to hem, þat þei ben not halowed.
xx Whome þe Lord herde, and is pleſid to þe puple.
letters to Effraym and Manaſſen, þat þei ſchulden commen in
to þe hous of þe Lord in Jeruſalem, and do paſch to þe Lord xxi And þe ſonus of Irael, þat ben founden in Jeruſalem,
God of Irael. diden þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues ſeuen days in grete ioye,
ii Þanne gon in þe counſele of þe kyng, and of þe princis, and preiſynge þe Lord bi eche dais; þe Leuytis alſo and þe preſtis
of al þe companye of Irael, þei deemedyn þat þey ſchulden by orgnys, þat to þeir office fellen.
don paſch þe ſecounde moneþ. xxii And Ezechias ſpac to þe herte of alle þe Leuytis, þat
iii Forſoþe þei camen not to gydre to don in his tyme; for þe hadden good vndirſtondynge vpon þe Lord; and þei eeten
preſtis þat myȝten ſuffiſen weren not halowed, and þe puple ſeuen days of þe ſolempnyte, offrynge ſlayn ſacrifice of peſyble
not ȝit was gadered in to Jeruſalem. þingus, and preyſyng þe Lord God of þeir fadirs.
iiii And þe word pleſide to þe kyng, and to al þe multitude. xxiii And it pleſide to al þe multitude, þat þei ſchulden alſo
v And þey deemeden for to ſenden meſſagers in to al Irael, halowen oþer ſeuen days; þe whiche and þei diden wiþ ful
fro Berſabe vnto Dan, þat þei ſchulden commen, and don grete ioy.
xxiiii Ezechias forſoþe, king of Juda, ȝaf to þe multitude a
paſch to þe Lord God of Irael in Jeruſalem; manye forſoþe
hadden not done, as in þe lawe it is beforn writen. þouſand boolis, and ſeuen þouſand of ſcheep; þe princis forſoþe
vi And curours wenten wiþ letters, of þe heſte of þe kyng and ȝeuen to þe puple a þouſand boolis, and ſcheep tenn þouſand.
of his princis, in to al Irael and Juda, after þe whiche þing Þanne is halowed a more multitude of preſtis;
xxv and gladneſſe þoruȝ held al þe puple of Juda, boþ of
þe kyng hadde comaundide prechours, Sonis of Irael, turniþ
aȝein to þe Lord God of Abraham, and of Yſaac, and of preſtis and of Leuytis, and of al þe beſy commyng, þat weren
Irael; and he ſchal be turned aȝein to þe releuys, þat ſcapeden commen of Irael, and of þe comlyngis of þe lond of Irael,
þe hondis of þe kyng of Aſſiries. and of þe dwellers of Juda.
vii Williþ not ben maad as ȝoure fadirs and breþeren, þat xxvi And þer is don a grete ſolempnyte in Jeruſalem, whiche
wenten awey fro þe Lord God of þeir fadirs; and he toke hem maner was not in þe ſame cyte fro þe days of Salomon, ſone
in to deþ, as ȝe ſeen. of Dauid, kyng of Irael.
viii Williþ not ful hardne ȝour nollis, as ȝoure fadirs; takiþ xxvii Forſoþe þe preſtis and Leuytis riſen, bleſſyng to þe
hondis to þe Lord, and commiþ to þe ſeyntuarye of hym, þat puple; and þe voyce of hem is herd, and þe preyer ful came
he halowed wiþ out eende; ſeruiþ to þe Lord God of ȝour into þe hooly dwellinge place of heuen.
fadirs, and ſchal ben turned awey fro ȝou þe wraþ of his


Capitulum XXXI. þing bi eche dais was hired in þe ſeruyſe and keepyngis after
þeir deuyſiouns.
i And whanne þes þingus weren manerly ful halowed, al xvii To preſtis bi meynes, and to Leuytis fro twenty ȝeer and
Irael wente out, þat was founden in þe citees of Juda; and aboue by ordres and þeir companyes,
þei breeken þe mawmetis, and hewen doun mawmete wodis, xviii and to al þe multitude, boþe to wijues and to þe fre
and þe heeȝe þingus þei waſtiden, and þe auters diſtruyden, childre of hem of eiþer kynde, feiþfully of mete of þes þingus
not onely of al Juda and Beniamyn, bot and of Effraym alſo þat weren halowed weren ȝeuen.
and of Manaſſe, to þe tyme þat fully þei weren don awey. xix Bot and of þe ſonus of Aaron bi feeldis and ſuburbis of
And alle þe ſonus of Irael ben torned aȝein in to poſſeſſiouns,
and þeir citees. eche cytees þer weren diſpoſid men, þat by partis ſchulden
ii Ezechias forſoþe ſette preſtis companyes and Leuytis bi þeir delen to al male kynde of preſtis and Leuytis.
xx Þanne Ezechias dide alle þingus, þat we han ſeide, in al
deuyſiouns, echone in propre office, boþe of preſtis, þat is,
and of Leuytis, to brent ſacrifices and peſible, þat þei ſeruen, Juda, and wrouȝte riȝt and gode and ſoþ þing before þe Lord
and knowlechen, and ſyngen in þe ȝatis of þe tentis of þe his God,
Lord. xxi in al herying of þe ſeruyſe of þe hous of þe Lord, after þe
iii A paartye forſoþe of þe kyng was, þat of his propre lawe and cerymonyes, willynge to ſechen þe Lord his God in
ſubſtaunce ſchulde ben offrid brent ſacrifice erly and at euen, al his herte; and he dide, and is maad welſum.
þe ſabothis alſo, and kalendis, and oþer ſolempnytes, as it is
writen in þe lawe of Moyſes. Capitulum XXXII.
iiii Alſo he comaundide to þe puple of þe dwellers in
i After þe whiche þingis and ſiche a maner treuþ, came
Jeruſalem, þat þei ȝeuen partis to preſtis and Leuytis, þat þei
mown taken tent to þe lawe of þe Lord. Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, and gon in to Judam, beſeegide
v Þe whiche whanne was pupliſcht in þe eris of þe multitude, ſtrengþed cytees, wilnynge to taken hem.
ii Þe whiche þing whanne Ezechias hadde herd, þat is,
þe ſonus of Irael offreden manye firſt fruytis of whete, and of
wyne, and of oyle, alſo of hony; and of alle þingus þat þe erþ Senacherub to han commen, and al þe bure of þe batayl to
getiþ, þei offreden dymys. ben turned aȝeinus Jeruſalem,
vi Bot and þe ſonus of Irael and of Juda, þat dwelliden in iii gon in counſeile wiþ þe princis and moſt ſtronge men, þat
þe cytees of Juda offreden dymes of oxen and ſcheep, and þei ſchulden ſtoppyn þe heuedis of wellis, þat weren wiþ oute
dymes of hooly þingus, þat þei hadden vowed to þe Lord þer þe cyte; and, þat deemyng þe ſentence of alle,
God, and, alle þingus beerynge, maaden many heepils. iiii he gaderede a myche multitude, and þei ſtoppiden alle þe
vii Þe þrid moneþ þei begunne to caſtyn groundis of þe wellis, and þe ryuer, þat flowede in þe myddis of þe lond;
heepils, and þe ſeuenþ moneþ þei eendiden hem. ſeyinge, Leſt þere commen kingis of Aſſiries, and fynde
viii And whanne Ezechias and his princis weren commen in, aboundaunce of watirs.
v And doyng tauȝtly he bilde up al þe wal þat was ſcatered,
þei ſeen þe heepils, and þei bleſſeden to þe Lord, and to þe
puple of Irael. and maad out tours þer vpon, and wiþ oute forþ anoþer wall.
ix And Ezechias aſkide þe preſtis and Leuytis, why þe heepils And he enſtored Mello in þe cyte of Dauid; and maad armour
of al maner, and tergettis.
ſchulden ſo lyen. vi And he ſette princis of fiȝters in þe hooſt; and he togider
x Azazie, þe preſt, firſt of þe ſtoc of Sadoch, anſwerde to hym,
clepide alle in þe ſtrete of þe ȝate of þe citee, and he ſpac to
ſeyinge, Siþen þe firſt fruytis begunne to ben offrid in þe þe herte of hem, ſeyinge,
hous of þe Lord, we eetyn and ben fulfild, and þere ben laft vii Doþ manly, and takiþ coumfort; williþ not taken ferd, ne
many þingus; forþi þat þe Lord haþ bleſſid to his puple; of þe
releuys forſoþe þis is þe plente, þat þou ſeeſt. dreeden þe kyng of Aſſiries, and al þe multitude þat is wiþ
xi Þanne Ezechias comaundide, þat þei ſchulden make redy hym; forſoþe many mo ben wiþ us þanne wiþ hym.
viii Wiþ hym is þe fleſchely arm; wiþ us þe Lord oure God,
bernes in þe hous of þe Lord; þe whiche þing whan þei
hadden don, þe which is oure help and fiȝter for us. And þe puple is
xii þei brouȝten in boþe firſt fruytis, and dymes, and what comfortide wiþ ſiche maner wordis of Ezechie, kyng of Juda.
ix Þe whiche þingus after þat ben don, Senacherub, þe king
euer þingus þei hadden vowed feiþfully. Forſoþe þe prefect of
hem was Chonenyas, Leuyte; and Semeye, his broþer, þe of Aſſiries, ſente his ſeruauntis vnto Jeruſalem; he forſoþe
ſecounde; wiþ al his hoſt beſegide Lachis; to Ezechie, kyng of Juda,
xiii aftir whome Jehiel, and Azarias, and Naath, and Azahel, and to al þe puple þat was in þe cytee, ſeying,
x Þes þingus ſeiþ Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, In whome
and Jerymoth, Jozabad alſo, and Helieel, and Jeſmahias, and
Maath, and Banayas, prouoſtis vndir þe hondis of Chonenye hauing truſt ȝe ſitten biſegid in Jeruſalem?
and Semeye, his broþer, of þe maundement of kyng Ezechie, xi For why Ezechias deceyuiþ ȝou, þat he take to deþ in
and of Azarie, þe biſchop of þe hous of þe Lord, to whom alle hungur and þirſt, affermynge þat þe Lord ȝoure God delyuer
þingus perteyneden. ȝou fro þe hond of þe kyng of Aſſiries?
xiiii Chore forſoþe, þe ſone of Jemna, Leuyte, and porter of þe xii Wheþer þis is Ezechie, þat diſtruyede his heeȝe þingus and
eſte ȝate, was prouoſt to þes þat wilfully offreden to þe Lord, auters, and comaundide to Jude and Jeruſalem, ſeyinge,
and to þe firſt fruytis, and to þe ſacred in to þe holy of Before oon auter ȝe ſchul honouren, and in it ȝe ſchul brenne
halowes; encenſe?
xv and vndir hir cure Eden, and Beniamyn, Jeſue, and xiii Wheþer ȝe vnknowen what I haue don, and my fadirs, to
Semeyas, Amarias alſo, and Sechenyas, in þe citees of alle puplis of londis? Wheþer þe goddis of Gentilis and of
preſtis, þat feiþfully þei delen to þeir breþeren parties, to þe alle londis myȝten delyueren þeir regyoun fro my hond?
leſſe and to þe more, xiiii Who is of alle þe goddis of Gentilis, whom my fadirs
xvi out taken þe men fro þre ȝeer and abouen, þes þingus to waaſtiden, þat myȝte delyueren his puple of myn hond, þat
alle þat wenten in to þe temple of þe Lord, and what euer alſo ȝoure God myȝte delyueren ȝou of þis hond?


xv Þanne ȝou deceyue not Ezechie, ne by veyn mouynge Capitulum XXXIII.

begile, ne trowe ȝe to hym; ȝif forſoþe no God of alle Gentilis i Of
and of regyouns myȝte delyueren his puple of my hond, and twelue ȝeer was Manaſſes, whanne he hadde begunne to
of þe hond of my fadirs, folowyngly ne ȝour God ſchal mown regnen, and fyue and fyfty ȝeer he regned in Jeruſalem.
delyuer ȝou of þis myn hond. ii Forſoþe he dide euyl before þe Lord aftir þe abomynacyouns
xvi Bot and many oþer þingus his ſeruauntis ſpeeken aȝeinus of Gentilis, þe whiche þe Lord turnede vpſadoun before þe
þe Lord God, and aȝeinus Ezechie, his ſeruaunt. ſonus of Irael.
xvii Alſo letters he wroot ful of blasfemy in to þe Lord God iii And turnede he enſtored þe heeȝe þingus, `þe whiche
of Irael, and he ſpac aȝeinus hym, As þe goddis of Gentilis Ezechie, his fadir, hadde diſtruyede. And he ſette up auters of
of oþer londis myȝten not delyueren þeir puple fro myn hond, Baalym, and maad mawmete wodus, and honourede al þe
ſo and þe God of Ezechie ſchal not mowen delyuer his puple knyȝthode of heuen, and heriede it.
fro þis hond. iiii And he bilde up auters in þe hous of þe Lord, of þe
xviii Forþermore and wiþ a grete crie in Jews tunge aȝeinus whiche þe Lord hadde ſeyde, In Jeruſalem ſchal ben my
þe puple, þat ſat in þe wallis of Jeruſalem, he ful out name wiþout eend.
ſounnede, þat he agaſte hem, and take þe cite. v Forſoþe he bilde up hem to al þe hooſt of heuen in þe two
xix And he ſpac aȝein þe God of Irael, as aȝeinus þe goddis porchis of þe hous of þe Lord.
of þe puplis of þe erþ, þe werkis of menus hondis. vi And he made his ſonus to paſſen þoruȝ fijr in þe valey of
xx Þanne preyden Ezechias, king, and Iſaias, þe ſone of Hennon; and he weytide ſweuens, and he folowede deuynynge
Amos, prophete, aȝeynus þis blasfemye; and þei cryeden out in briddes, and he enſeruede to enchauntyng craftis, and he
vnto heuen. hadde wiþ hym deuynours and enchaunters, and many euyls
xxi And þe Lord ſente his aungel, þat ſmote eche ſtronge man wrouȝt before þe Lord, þat he terre hym.
vii Grauen alſo and ȝoten tookne he putte in þe hous of þe
and fiȝter, and þe prince of þe hooſt of þe kyng of Aſſiries;
and he is turned aȝeyn wiþ ſchenſchip in to his lond. And Lord, of þe whiche God ſpac to Dauid, and to Salomon, his
whanne he was gon in to þe hous of his god, þe ſonus, þat ſone, ſeyinge, In þis hous and in Jeruſalem, þat I chees of
weren gon out of his wombe, ſlewen hym wiþ ſwerd. alle þe lynagis of Irael, I ſchal putte my name in to
xxii And þe Lord ſauede Ezechie, and þe dwellers of euermore;
viii and I ſchal not maken to meuen þe fote of Irael fro þe
Jeruſalem, fro þe hond of Senacherub, kyng of Aſſiries, and
fro þe hond of alle men; and ȝaue to hem reſte by enuyroun. lond þat I toke to þe fadirs of hem, ſo oonly ȝif þei kepyn to
xxiii Many alſo beeren hooſtis and ſacrifices to þe Lord in to don þat I comaundide to hem, and al þe lawe, and
Jeruſalem, and ȝiftis to Ezechie, kyng of Juda; þe whiche is cerymonyes, and domys, by þe hond of Moyſes.
ix Þanne Manaſſes deceyuede Judam, and þe dwellers of
enhaunſid after þes þingus before alle folkis of kynde.
xxiiii In þo dais ſiknede Ezechie vnto þe deþ, and he preyde Jeruſalem, þat þei diden euyl ouer alle Gentylis, `þe whiche
þe Lord; and he herde hym, and ȝaue to hym a ſygne; þe Lord ouerturnede fro þe face of þe ſonus of Irael.
x And þe Lord ſpac to hym, and to his puple; and þei wolden
xxv bot not after þe benefetis þat he hadde taken, he ȝeeldide,
for arered is his herte; and þer is don aȝeinus hym wraþ, and not taken heede.
xi Þerfore he ouerladde in to hem princis and hooſtis of þe
aȝeinus Judam, and aȝeinus Jeruſalem.
xxvi And he is mekide aftirward, forþi þat his herte was kyng of Aſſiries; and þei tooken Manaſſen, and bounden wiþ
arered, boþe he and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem; and þerfore cheynes and wiþ gyues þei brouȝten hym in to Babyloyne.
xii Þe which aftir þat he was to gydre anguyſcht, he preyde þe
came not vpon hem þe wraþ of þe Lord in þe dais of Ezechie.
xxvii Forſoþe Ezechias was riche, and ful glorious, and he Lord his God, and dide penaunce gretely before þe God of
gaderede to hym many treſoures of ſyluer, of gold, and of his fadirs.
xiii And he preyede hym, and halſende ententijfly; and he
precious ſtone, of ſwote ſpices, and of alle maner armour, and
of veſſels of grete priſe. herde þe oriſoun of hym, and he brouȝte hym aȝein in to
xxviii And leyinge places of whete, and of wyne, and of oyle, Jeruſalem in to his kyngdam; and Manaſſes knewȝ, þat þe
and cratchis of alle beſtis, and foldes to feeld beſtis, Lord he is God.
xiiii After þes þingus he bilde a wal wiþoute þe cytee of
xxix and ſixe cytees he bilde. He hadde forſoþe flockis of
ſcheep, and of droues vnnoumbreable; forþi þat þe Lord hadde Dauid, at þe weſt of Gyon, in þe grete valey, fro þe entre of
ȝeuen to hym ful mych ſubſtaunce. þe ȝate of fiſchis, bi enuyroun vnto Ofel; and he enhauncide it
xxx He is Ezechie, þat ſtoppide þe ouer well of þe waters of
hugeli; and he ſette princis of þe hooſt in alle þe ſtrengþed
cytees of Juda.
Gyon, and he turnede hem awey vndirneþe toward þe weſt of xv And he toke awey alien goddis and ſymulacres fro þe hous
þe citee of Dauid; in alle his werkis he dide welſumly, þat he of þe Lord; þe auters alſo þat he hadde maad in þe hil of þe
wolde. hous of þe Lord and in Jeruſalem, and al he þrewȝ aferre out
xxxi Neuerþelater in þe meſſage of þe princis of Babyloyne,
of þe cite.
þat weren ſente to hym, þat þei ſchulden aſken of þe wonder, xvi Bot he enſtorede þe auter of þe Lord, and offrede vpon it
þat hadde fallen vpon þe erþ, God forſoke hym, þat he ſchulde ſlayn ſacrifices, and peſible, and preyſynge; and he
be temptid, and alle þingus ſchulden ben maad knowen þat comaundede to Jude, þat he ſchulde ſeruen to God of Irael.
weren in his herte. xvii Neuer þe later ȝit þe puple offrede in heeȝe þingus to þe
xxxii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Ezechie, and of his
mercyes, ben writen in þe viſioun of Yſay, þe ſone of Amos, Lord his God.
xviii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe dedis of Manaſſe, and þe
prophete, and in þe boke of kingus of Juda and of Irael.
xxxiii And Ezechie ſlepte wiþ his fadirs, and þei birieden hym obſecracioun of hym to his God, þe wordis alſo of þe ſeearis,
vpon þe ſepulcres of þe ſonus of Dauid. And al Juda maad þat ſpeeken to hym in þe name of þe Lord God of Irael, ben
ſolempne his deed offices, and alle þe dwelleres of Jeruſalem; conteenede in þe wordis of þe kingus of Irael.
xix Þe preyer alſo of hym, and heering, and alle þe ſynnes,
and Manaſſes, his ſone, regnede for hym.
and diſpitis, alſo þe places in þe whiche he bilde up heeȝe


þingus, and maad mawmete wodis and ymagis, before þat he xiiii And whanne þei ſchulden offeren þe monee, þat was
dide penaunce, ben writen in þe wordis of Ozai. brouȝt in to þe temple of þe Lord, Elchias, þe preſte, fonde a
xx Forſoþe Manaſſes ſlepte wiþ his faders, and þey birieden boke of þe lawe of þe Lord by þe hond of Moiſy;
hym in his hous; and Amon, his ſone, regnede for hym. xv and ſeiþ to Saphan, ſcribe, Þe boke of þe lawe I haue
xxi Of two and twenty ȝeer was Amon, whanne he hadde founden in þe hous of þe Lord.
begunne to regnen; and two ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. xvi And he toke to hym, and he brouȝt in þe volume to þe
xxii And he dide euyl in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord, as hadde done kyng; and tolde to hym, ſeyinge, Alle þingus þat þou haſt
Manaſſes, his fader; and to alle þe mawmetis, þat Manaſſes ȝeuen in to þe hondis of þi ſeruauntis, loo! þei ben fulfild.
hadde forgide, he offride, and ſeruede. xvii Þe ſyluer þat is founden in þe hous of þe Lord þei han
xxiii And he dradde not þe face of þe Lord, as dradde ȝotyn; and it is ȝeuen to þe prefectis of craftiſe men, and
Manaſſes, his fadir; and manye more þingus treſpaſſide. forgynge dyuerſe werkis;
xxiiii And whanne his ſeruauntis hadden ſworn to gydre xviii forþermore Elchias, þe preſte, toke to me þis boke. Þe
aȝeinus hym, þei ſlowen hym in his hous. whiche whanne þe kyng preſent,
xxv But þe toþer multitude of þe puple, hem ſlayn þat hadden xix he hadde reherſide, and he hadde herd þe wordis of þe
ſmyten Amon, þei ſetten Joziam, his ſone, kyng for hym. lawe, he kutte his cloþes;
xx and he comaundide to Elchie, and to Aichan, þe ſone of
Capitulum XXXIIII. Saphan, and to Abdon, þe ſone of Micha, alſo to Saphan,
i Of
ſcribe, and to Aſie, þe ſeruaunt of þe kyng, ſeyinge,
eiȝt ȝeer was Jozias, whanne he hadde begunne to xxi Goþ, and preyeþ þe Lord for me, and for þe remnaunt of
regnen, and oon and þritty ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem. Irael and of Juda, vpon alle þe wordis of þis boke, þat is
ii And he dide þat was riȝt in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and he
founden. Forſoþe grete woodneſſe of þe Lord droppide vpon
wente in þe weies of Dauid, his fadir, and he bowede not to us, forþi þat oure fadirs han not kept þe wordis of þe Lord,
þe riȝt ne to þe left. þat þei ſchulden don alle þingus þat ben writen in þis volume.
iii Þe eiȝþe ȝeer forſoþe of his empyre, whanne ȝit he was a xxii Þanne wente Elchias, and þes þat to gider of þe kyng
child, he beganne to ſechen þe God of his fadir Dauid; and þe weren ſent, to Oldam, prophetiſſe, wijf of Sellum, ſone of
twelfþe ȝeer aftir þat he hadde begunnen, he clenſede Judeam Thecuath, ſone of Azia, keper of þe cloþes, `þe whiche
and Jeruſalem fro heeȝe þingus, and mawmete wodis, and dwellide in Jeruſalem in `þe ſecounde wallynge; and þei
ſymulacres, and grauen þingus. ſpeekyn to hyr þe wordis, þat we han aboue told.
iiii And þei diſtruyȝeden before hym þe auters of Baalym, and xxiii And ſche anſwerde to hem, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God
þe ſymulacres þat weren ſett vpon; þei waaſtiden alſo þe of Irael, Seiþ to þe man, þat ſente ȝou to me,
mawmete wodis. And grauen þingus he hewȝ doun, and xxiiii Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! I ſchal bryngyn in euyls
mynuſcht; and vpon þe toumbis of hem, þat weren wount to vpon þis place, and vpon þe dwellers of it, and alle þe
offren, he ſcaterede þe releuys. curſingus þat ben writen in þis boke, þat þei radden beforn þe
v Forþermore þe boones of preſtis he brende in þe auters of
kyng of Juda.
mawmetis, and he clenſed Judam and Jeruſalem. xxv For þei forſoken me, and ſacrifieden to alien goddis, þat
vi Bot and in þe citees of Manaſſe, and of Effraym, and of
me to wraþ þei ſchulden terren in alle þe werkis of þeir
Semeon, vnto Neptalym, alle þingus he turnede vpſadoun. hondus; and þerfor my woodneſſe ſchal droppen vpon þis
vii And whanne þe auters he hadde `to-ſcaterede, and þe place, and it ſchal not ben queynt.
mawmete wodus and grauen þingus he hadde to-brayȝide in xxvi To þe kyng forſoþe of Juda, þat ſente ȝou for þe Lord to
to gobetis, and al þe waſching templis he hadde waaſtide fro ben preyede, þus ſpekiþ, Þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of
al þe lond of Irael, he is turnede aȝein in to Jeruſalem. Irael, For þou haſt herd þe word of þis volume,
viii Þanne þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of his regne, þe lond now clenſede xxvii and þin hert is tempered, and þou ert meekid in þe ſiȝt
and þe temple of þe Lord, he ſente Saphan, þe ſone of Elchie, of þe Lord vpon þes þingus þat ben ſeid aȝein þis place and
and Maazian, prince of þe cytee, and Joa, þe ſone of Joachas, þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, and þou dreediſt reuerently my face,
chauncelere, þat þei ſchulden enſtore þe hous of þe Lord þeir and cuttiſt þi cloþes, and weptiſt before me; I forſoþe haue
God. herd þee, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ix Þe whiche camyn to Elchyam, þe grete preſte; and monee xxviii Nowe forſoþe I ſchal gedre þee to þi faders, and þou
taken of hym, þat was brouȝt into þe hous of þe Lord, and ſchalt be brout in to þi ſepulcre in peſe; and þin eeȝen ſchul
þat gadereden Leuytis and porters, of Manaſſe, and of not ſeen al þe euyl, þat I am to bryngyn in vpon þis place,
Effraym, and of alle þe toþer of Irael, alſo of al Juda and and vpon þe dwellers of it. And ſo þei tolden to þe kyng alle
Beniamyn, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, þingus, þat ſche hadde ſeyde.
x þei token in þe hondis of hem þat ſtoden vpon to þe xxix And he, clepide to gidre alle þe more þoruȝ birþe of Juda
werkmen in þe hous of þe Lord, þat þei enſtoren þe temple, and of Jeruſalem,
and eche feble þingus þei bocchyn. xxx ſteiȝede up in to þe hous of þe Lord, and alſo togydre alle
xi And þei ȝeuen it to þe craftiſe men, and to maſouns, þat þei
þe men of Juda, and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem, preſtis, and
ſchulden bien hewen ſtones of þe quarers, and trees to þe Leuytis, and al þe puple, fro þe leſte vnto þe moſte; þe whiche
iunctours of þe bildynge, and to þe ioynynge of þe houſes, þat heeryng in þe hous of þe Lord, þe kyng radde alle þe wordis
þe kingus of Irael hadden diſtruyede. of þe volume;
xii Þe whiche feiþfully alle þingus diden. Forſoþe prouoſtis of xxxi and ſtondyng in his chayere ſmote peſe couenaunt before
þe werkmen weren Jabath, and Abdias, of þe ſonus of þe Lord, þat he ſchulde gon aftir hym, and keepyn þe heeſtis,
Merery; Zacharias, and Moſollam, of þe ſonis of Caath; þat and witneſſyngus, and juſtifiyngus, in al his herte and in al
ſtreyneden þe werk; alle Leuytis, cunnynge in orgnys to his ſoule; and he ſchulde done þat ben writen in þat volume,
ſyngyn. þat he hadde radde.
xiii Vpon hem forſoþe þat to dyuerſe vſes beeren birþens
weren ſcribis, and maiſters, þe porters of þe Leuytis.


xxxii Alſo he adiurede vpon þis alle, þat ben founden in xvi Þanne al þe heryinge of þe Lord lawfuly is fulfild in þat
Jeruſalem and Beniamyn; and þe dwellers of Jeruſalem day, þat þei do paſch, and offren brent ſacrifice vpon þe auter
diden after þe couenaunt of þe Lord God of þeir fadirs. of þe Lord, aftir þe heſte of þe kyng Jozie.
xxxiii Þanne Jozias dide aweye alle þe abomynaciouns of alle xvii And þe ſonus of Irael, þat weren founden, diden þer
þe regyouns of þe ſonus of Irael; and maad alle, þat weren paſch in þat tyme, and þe ſolempnyte of þerf looues ſeuen
laft in Jeruſalem, to ſeruen to þe Lord þeir God; alle þe dais days.
of his lijf þei wenten not awey fro þe Lord God of þeir xviii Þer was not a paſch lijc to þis in Irael, fro þe days of
fadirs. Samuel, prophete; bot ne eny of þe kingus of Irael maad
paſch as Jozias, to þe preſtis and Leuytis, and to al Jude
Capitulum XXXV. and Irael, þat was founden, and to þe dwellers of Jeruſalem.
xix Þe eiȝtenþe ȝeer of þe kyngdam of Jozie þis paſch is
i Forſoþe Jozias maad in Jeruſalem paſch to þe Lord, þat
was offred þe fourtenþe day of þe firſt moneþ; halewed.
xx After þat Jozias hadde enſtored þe temple, Nechao, kyng of
ii and he ſette preſtis in þeir offices; and he meuede hem
louely, þat þei ſchulden mynyſtren in þe hous of þe Lord. Egipt, ſteiȝede up to fiȝten in Charchamys beſide Eufraten;
iii Alſo to þe Leuytis, at whos techinge al Irael was halowed
and Jozias wente forþ in to aȝein commynge of hym.
xxi And he, meſſagers ſent to hym, ſeiþ, What to me and to
to þe Lord, he ſpak, Puttiþ þe ark in þe ſeyntuarie of þe þee, kyng of Juda? To day not aȝeinus þee I comme, bot
temple, þat Salomon, þe ſone of Dauid, kyng of Irael, bilde aȝeinus an oþer hous I fyȝte, to whom God comaundide me
up; forſoþe ȝe ſchul bern it namore. Nowe forſoþe mynyſtreþ haſtely to gon; leue aȝeinus God to don, þat is wiþ me, leſt
to þe Lord oure God and to his puple Irael, he ſlee þee.
iiii and makiþ ȝou redy by houſes and ȝoure kynredis in þe
xxii Jozias wolde not ben turned aȝein, bot greiþede aȝein hym
deuyſiouns of eche oon, as Dauid, king of Irael, comaundide, bataile; and he aſſentide not to þe wordis of Nechao, of þe
and Salomon, his ſone, diſcriuede; mouþ of God, bot wente for to fiȝten in þe feeld of Magedo.
v and mynyſtreþ in þe ſeyntuarie bi ȝour meynees and Leuytis
xxiii And þere woundid of þe ſcheters, ſeide to his childre,
companyes, Lediþ me out of þe bataile, for gretely I am woundid.
vi and, halowed, offreþ paſch; alſo ȝoure breþeren, þat þei
xxiiii Þe whiche beeren hym ouer fro oon chaar to an oþer,
mowen aftir þe wordis þat þe Lord ſpac in þe hond of þat folowede hym, in kingus maner, and beeren hym awey in
Moyſes don, makiþ redy before. to Jeruſalem; and he is deed, and beried in þe coſteuous
vii Forþermore Jozias ȝaue to al þe puple, þat was founden in
toumbe of his fadirs. And al Juda and Jeruſalem weileden
to þe ſolempnyte of paſch, lombis, and kides of þe flockes, and hym,
of oþer feeld beeſtis þritty þouſand, of oxen forſoþe, þre xxv Jeremyas moſt, whos alle þe ſyngers and ſyngereſſes in to
þouſand; þes þingus of al þe ſubſtaunce of þe kyng. þe preſent day lamentaciouns vpon Jozie replyen; and as lawe
viii Alſo his duykis wilfully þat þei voweden offreden, boþe to
it is hadde in Irael, Loo! it is told writen in þe
þe puple and preſtis and Leuytis. Bot Elchias, and Lamentaciouns.
Zacharias, and Jehiel, princis of þe hous of þe Lord, ȝeuen to xxvi Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Jozie, and of his
þe preſtis, to don paſch, feeld beſtis mengyngly, two þouſand mercyes, þe whiche in þe lawe of þe Lord ben comaundide,
and ſexe hundriþ, and oxen þre hundriþ. xxvii alſo þe werkis of hym, þe firſt and þe laſt, ben writen in
ix Choneyas forſoþe, and Semeyas, alſo Nathanael and his
breþeren, alſo Azabias, Jahiel, and Joſabas, princis of þe bok of þe kyngus of Irael and of Juda.
Leuytis, ȝeuen to oþer Leuytis, to halowen þe paſch, fyue
þouſand of feeld beeſtis, and oxen fyue hundriþ. Capitulum XXXVI.
x And þe ſeruyſe is maad redy beforn; and þe preſtis ſtoden in i Toke þanne þe puple of þe lond Joachaz, þe ſone of Jozie,
þeir office, alſo Leuytis in companyes, after þe kingis and ſetten king for his fader in Jeruſalem.
comaundement; ii Of þre and twenty ȝeer was Joachaz, whanne he hadde
xi and offred is paſch. And þe preſtis ſprengeden þeir hondis
begunne to regnen, and þre moneþis he regnede in Jeruſalem.
wiþ blood, and Leuytis drewen of ſkynnes of brent ſacrifices, iii Forſoþe þe king of Egipt, whanne he was commen to
xii and ſeuerden hem, þat þei ſchulden ȝeuen by houſes and
Jeruſalem, remeuede hym, and condempnede þe lond in an
meynees of echon, and þei ſchulden ben offred to þe Lord, as hundriþ talentis of ſyluer and a talent of gold.
it is writen in þe boke of Moyſes; and of oxen þei diden lijc iiii And he ſette king for hym Elyachyn, his broþer, vpon
xiii And þei rooſteden paſch vpon þe fijr, after þat it is wrijten Judam and Jeruſalem; and he turnede his name Joachym.
Hym forſoþe Joachaz he toke wiþ hym, and brouȝt in to
in þe lawe. Forſoþe peſible hooſtis þei ſeeþeden in poſnettis, Egipt.
and cawdrones, and pottis, and haſtily þei deleden to al þe v Of fyue and twenty ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hadde
xiiii to hem ſelue forſoþe, and to þe preſtis aftirward þei begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regnede in Jeruſalem,
and he dide euyl beforn þe Lord his God.
maden redy; for in þe offrynge of brent ſacrifices and talewis, vi Aȝeins þis ſteiȝid up Nabugodonoſor, king of Caldeis, and
vnto þe nyȝt þe preſtis weren ocupied. Wherfore þe Leuytis to
hem ſilf and to þe preſtis, ſonus of Aaron, greiþeden laſt. bounden wiþ cheynes ladde in to Babyloyne.
xv Bot þe ſyngers, ſonus of Aſaph, ſtoden in þeir ordre, aftir vii To þe whiche and þe veſſels of þe Lord he tranſlatide, and
þe heſte of Dauid, and Aſaph, and Eman, and Ydytym, of þe putte hem in his temple.
prophetis of þe kyng; þe porters forſoþe bi alle þe ȝatis keptyn viii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe wordis of Joachym, and his
al about, ſo þat in no poynt forſoþe þei wenten fro þe ſeruyſe; abomynaciouns þat he wrouȝte, and þat ben founden in hym,
wherfore and þe breþeren of hem, Leuytis, greiþeden to hem ben contened in þe boke of þe kingus of Irael and of Juda.
metis. Þanne Joachym, his ſone, regnede for hym.


ix Of eiȝt ȝeer was Joachym, whanne he hadde begunn to for þou art Lord alþerheeȝeſt vpon al erþ, long abidyng and
regnen, and þre moneþis and tenn days he regned in miche mercyful, and oþinkyng vpon þe malices of men. Þou
Jeruſalem, and he dide euyl in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. forſoþe, Lord, after þi goodneſſe haſt bihoten penaunce of
x And whanne þe cercle of oo ȝeer were turned, king remiſſioun of ſynnes; and þou, God of riȝtwijs men, haſt not
putte penaunce to þe riȝtwijſe, Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, to
Nabugodonoſor ſente hem, þe whiche and brouȝten hym into hem þat to þee ſynnede not. For I haue ſynnede ouer þe
Babiloyne, born awey togider þe moſt precious veſſels of þe noumbre of grauel of þe ſee; multiplied ben my wickidneſſes.
hous of þe Lord. Forſoþe he ſette Sedechie, his vncle, kyng I am myche croked wiþ myche bond of yren, and þere is not
vpon Judam and Jeruſalem. aȝeyn breþing to me; for I ſtirede þi wraþ, and euyl before
xi And of oon and twenty ȝeer was Sedechias, whanne he þee I dide, ſettyng abomynacyouns and multiplying
hadde begunne to regnen, and elleuen ȝeer he regned in offenciouns. And nowe I bowe þe knees of myn herte,
Jeruſalem. preyinge of þee goodneſſe, Lord. I ſynnede, Lord, I ſynnede,
xii And he dide euyl in þe eeȝen of þe Lord his God, ne he and my wickidneſſe I knowe. I aſke, preyinge þee, Lord;
ſchamyde þe face of Jeremye, þe prophete, ſpekinge to hym of forȝeue to me, forȝeue to me, ne togidre leeſe þou me wiþ my
þe mouþ of þe Lord. wickidneſſes, ne wiþout eend reſerue þou euyls to me. For
xiii Alſo fro king Nabugodonoſor he wente awei, þe whiche vnworþi þou ſchalt ſauen me after þi grete mercy, and I ſchal
preyſen þee euermore alle þe days of my lyue; for þee preyſeþ
hadde adiurede hym bi God; and he endurede his nolle and al þe vertue of heuens, and to þee is glorie in to world of
herte, þat he were not turnede aȝein to þe Lord God of Irael. worldis. Amen.
xiiii Bot and alle þe princis of preſtis and þe puple
treſpaſeden wickidly, after alle þe abomynaciouns of gentilis; Here endiþ þe ſecounde book of
and þei defouleden þe hous of þe Lord, þat he halowede to Paralypomenon, and now bigynneþ þe
hym in Jeruſalem.
xv Þe Lord forſoþe God of þeir fadirs ſente to hem bi þe proloog on þe þree bookis of Eſdre.
hond of his meſſagers, fro nyȝt rijſyng, and eche day togydre
moneſtynge; forþi þat he wolde ſparen to þe puple, and to his
dwellynge place.
xvi And þei vndremoweden þe meſſagers of God, and
diſpiſeden his wordis, and ſcorneden to þe prophetis; to þe
tyme þat ſchulde ſteiȝ vp þe woodneſſe of þe Lord vpon his
puple, and were no medecyne.
xvii And he brouȝt vpon hem þe king of Caldeis; and he ſlowȝ
þe ȝong men of hem wiþ ſwerd in þe hous of þe ſeyntuarye;
and he hadde not reuþ of þe ȝong waxe man, and of þe
meyden, and of þe olde man, ne forſoþe of þe ful feble for
eeld, bot alle he toke in his hondis.
xviii And alle þe veſſels of þe hous of þe Lord, boþe more and
laſſe, and þe treſores of þe temple, and of þe kyng, and of þe
princis, he bare ouer in to Babiloyne.
xix Enmyes brenden up þe hous of þe Lord, diſtruyeden þe
wal of Jeruſalem, alle þe toures brenden, and whateuer was
precyous þei waaſtiden.
xx Ȝif eny hadde ſcapid þe ſwerd, lad in to Babyloyne,
ſeruede to þe king and his ſonus; to þe tyme þat þe kyng of
Perſis hadde empyre,
xxi and were fulfild þe word of þe Lord of þe mouþ of
Jeremye, and þe lond ſchulde halowen þeir holy days. Forſoþe
alle þe days of deſolacioun he dide ſaboth, vnto þe whijl
ſeuenty ȝeer weren fulfild.
xxii Forſoþe þe firſt ȝeer of Cirus, kyng of Perſis, to fulfille
þe word of þe Lord, þat he hadde ſpoken by þe mouþ of
Jeremye, þe Lord ſtired þe ſpirite of Cirus, kyng of Perſis,
þat comaundide to ben prechide to al his rewme alſo by
ſcripture, ſeyinge,
xxiii Þes þingus ſeiþ Cirus, kyng of Perſis, Alle þe rewmes
of þe erþ ȝaf to me þe Lord God of heuen, and he
comaundide to me, þat I ſchulde bilde up to hym an hous in
Jeruſalem, þe whiche is in Jude. Who of ȝou is in al þe
puple of hym? be þe Lord his God wiþ hym, and ſteiȝe he up.
Lord God Almyȝty of our faders, Abraham, Yſaac, and
Jacob, and to þe riȝtwiſe ſeede of hem, þe whiche madiſt
heuen and erþ wiþ al þe ournynge of hem, `þe whiche
markediſt þe ſe wiþ þe word of þin heſte, whiche cloſediſt þe
depneſſe, and merkediſt to þi ferful and preyſable name, þat
alle inwardly dreeden, and tremblen fro þi chere of þi vertue,
and vnſuffrable wraþ vpon þe ſynnful of þi þretynge. Forſoþe
wiþ oute meſure grete and vnſerchable þe mercy of þi beheſte;


vſſelf vnderſtonden, in oure owne tunge ſhewin. And ſo þof þe

I. ESDRE. ſerpentt hiſſe and þe ouercomere if he þrowe not brennyngus
vp, neuer my ſpeche ſhal be ſtille, Criſt helpende; alſo þe
Prologue to þe books of Eſdras. tunge kut of it ſhal blaberen. Rede þei þat wiln; þat wiln not,
caſte þei awei. And ſerche þei out þe letteris, and falſli acuſe
Wheþer it be hardere to do þat ȝee aſken, or to denyen, I þei þe lettris; more bi ȝoure charite I ſhal ben ſtirid to ſtudie,
haue not ȝyt demed; for nouþer to ȝou any þing comaundende þan I ſhal ben agaſt bi þe hate and þe bacbiting of hem.
is of ſentence to forſaken, and þe gretneſſe of charge put vpon
oure nollis bereþ doun, þat raþere it be to fallen doun vndir Anoþer prolog.
þe berþene, þan to reren. Þe ſtudies of enuyouſe men neȝhen
to þis, þat alle þing þat we wryten, weenen repref wrþi, and Eſdras and Neemye, helpere, þat is, and coumfortour fro þe
oþer while concience repugnende aȝen hemſelf, opinli þei to- Lord, in o volume ben drawen. Þei enſtoren þe temple; þe
tern þat þei reden priueli; in ſo myche þat I am conſtreyned wallis of þe cite þei maken vp. And al þat cumpanye of þe
to crien, and ſein, Lord, deliuere my ſoule fro wicke lippis, puple turnende aȝeen in to þe kuntre, and þe deſcripcioun of
and fro a trecherous tunge. Þe þridde ȝer is þat euer mor ȝee preſtus, and of Leuitus, and of þe conuertide to þe folc of
wrijten and aȝeen wrijten, þat þe boc of Eſdre and Eſter I Irael, and by alle þe meynes of þe wallis and touris þe
tranſlate to ȝou fro Ebrue, as þof ȝee han not Grekis and werkis deuidid, oþer þing bern in þe rinde, oþer þing þey
Latynes volumus, or what euere þing þat is þat of vs is holdin in þe marȝ. Þis aftir Jude brend vp of þe Caldeis,
turned, not anon of alle men it be to be diſpiſid. In vein whil þe Jewis weren turned aȝeen into Jeruſalem, alle þe
forſoþe, as ſeiþ ſum man, to enforcen, ne oþer þing in bokis of þe olde teſtament reparaileide, and enſpirid wiþ
trauailing ſechen but hate, is of vttermoſt wodneſſe. And ſo, I Godis Spirit alle þe volumys of profetis, þat weren of þe
beſeche ȝou, my derworþeſt Domynyon and Rogacian, þat ȝe Jentilis corupt amendide; wherfore it is writen, Eſdras ſteȝide
apaȝed bi priuat leſſoun, ber not out þe bokes in to comun, vp fro Babiloyne, and he a ſwift ſcribe in þe lawe of Moiſes,
leſt ȝee profre metis to vggli men; and eſchewe ȝee þe pride of ſwift, þat is, for more redi figuris of lettris, þan þe Ebrues
hem, þat onli to demen of oþere, and þei þemſelue knewen no beforhond hadden, he fond.
þing to do. If any forſoþe of breþern ben, to whom ouren
diſpleſen not, to þem ȝiueþ a ſaumpler, amoneſtende þat þe Here begynneþ þe fyrſt book of Eſdre.
Ebrue namus, of þe whiche in þis volume is gret plente,
diſtinctli and bi ſpacis þei tranſcryue; forſoþe no þing it
profitide to han amendid bokis, but þe amending be kept bi Capitulum I.
diligence of writeris. Ne any man moue it, þat o boc is maad i In þe firſte ȝer of Ciri, king of Perſis, þat þe woord of þe
of vs, ne delite he in þe ſweuenes of þe writen þingus Lord of þe mouþ of Jeremye were fulfild, þe Lord rerede þe
wiþoute autorite of þe þridde and of þe ferþe boc; for and ſpirit of Ciri, king of Perſis, and ladde ouer þe vois in al his
anentis þe Ebrues þe woordis of Eſdre and of Noemye in o rewme alſo bi ſcripture, ſeiende,
volume ben togidere drawen, and þoo þingus þat ben not had ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ Cirus, king of Perſis, Alle þe reumes of
anentis hem, `ne ben not of þe foure and twenti olde men,
ben worþi to be caſt awei aferr. If any man forſoþe aȝen þe erþe þe Lord God of heuene and of erþe haþ ȝiue to me,
legge to vs þe ſeuenti remenoures, of whom þe ſaumpleris þe and he comaundede to me, þat I ſhulde bilde to hym an hous
diuerſete ſhewiþ hem to-torn and turned vpſodoun, ne forſoþe in Jeruſalem, þat is in Jude.
it mai not ben afermed ſoþ þat þat is diuers, ſendeþ hym to iii Who is in ȝou of al þe puple of hym? be þe God of hym
þe euangelies, in þe whiche many þingus ben put of þe olde wiþ hym; ſteȝe he vp in to Jeruſalem, þat is in Jude, and
teſtament, þe whiche anent þe ſeuenti remenoures ben not had, bilde he vp an hous of þe Lord God of Irael; he is God, þat
as þat, For Nazare he ſhal ben clepid; and, Fro Egipt I is in Jeruſalem.
clepede my ſone; and, Þey ſhul ſeen in whom þei pungeden; iiii And alle þe oþere in alle placis, wher euere þei dwellen,
and manye oþere þingus, þe whiche we reſeruen to a braddere helpe þei hym; þe men of his place, wiþ ſiluer, and gold, and
werc; and aſkeþ of hym, where þei ben writen; and whan þei ſubſtaunce, and beſtis, out take þat wilfulli þei offre to þe
ſchul not moun tellen, rede ȝee of þoo ſaumpleris, þe whiche, temple of God, þat is in Jeruſalem.
ſum time maad of vs, ben ſtikid eche dai wiþ þe tungus of v And þe princis of þe fadris of Juda and of Beniamyn, and
euele ſpekeris. But þat to ſhort tretee I come; certis þat I
`am to concluden is moſt riȝtwis; haue I maad any þing þat preſtis, and Leuitus, eche whos ſpirit God rerede, riſen, þat
is not had in Greec, or þat oþerwiſe is had þan off me is þei ſteȝen vp to bilden þe temple of þe Lord, þat was in
turned? Wherto þe remenour þei to-tern? Aſke þei þe Ebrues, Jeruſalem.
and bi þoo autouris, to my tranſlacioun or ȝiue þei feiþ or vi And alle þat weren in þe enuyroun helpiden þe hondis of
wiþdrawe. Certis anoþer is, for þei wiln myſſein to me, þat it hem, in ſiluerene, and goldene veſſelis, in ſubſtaunce, in
is ſeid, wiþ cloſid eȝen, and þei folewen not þe ſtudie and þe neceſſarie þing, in beſtis, out take þoo þingus þat þei hadden
weel willing of Greekis, þe whiche aftir þe ſeuenty offrid wilfully.
remenoures, now ſhinende þe euangelie of Criſt, and curiouſli vii Forſoþe king Cirus broȝte forþ þe veſſelis of þe temple of
reden Jewis and Hebionytis, remenoures of þe olde lawe, þe Lord, þe whiche Nabugodonoſor hadde taken fro
Aquilam, þat is, Symachum, and Theodocian, and bi þe Jeruſalem, and hadde put hem in þe temple of his god.
trauaile of Origenes þei halewiden to chirchis in ſixe maner viii Forſoþe Cirus, king of Perſis, broȝte þem forþ bi þe hond
tranſlaciouns. Myche more Latin men aȝten to be kinde, þat
þei beholden Grece gladende of hem any þing to borewen. Þe of Mitridatis, ſone of Gazabar; and he noumbride hem to
firſte forſoþe is of gret coſtis and of difficulte wiþoute ende, to Zazabazar, prince of Jude.
moun han alle þe exſaumpleris; alſo þeraftir þei þat han, and ix And þis is þe noumbre of hem; goldene violis, þretti;
ben vnkunnende of Ebrue ſpeche, more ſhuln erren, ſiluerenn violis, a þouſend; knyues, nyne and twenti;
vnknowende who of manye trewliere ſeiþ. Þe whiche alſo fel x goldenn cuppis, þretti; ſiluerenn cuppis, two þouſend foure
ſum time to a moſt wis man amongis þe Grekis, þat hundrid and ten; oþere veſſelis, a þouſend;
oþerwhile leuende þe ſens of ſcripture he folewide þe errour of xi alle þe veſſelis, goldene and ſiluerene, fiue þouſend and
eche remenour. Wee forſoþe þat nameli of Ebru tunge han a
litil kunnyng, and Latin ſpeche ȝit hider to failiþ not to vs, foure hundrid. Alle Zazebazar toc, wiþ hem þat ſteȝeden vp fro
þat of oþere more we moun demen, and þoo þingus þat wee þe tranſmygracioun of Babiloyne, in to Jeruſalem.


Capitulum II. xl Leuitus, þe ſonus of Jeſue and of Cedinyel, ſonus of

i Theſe
Odonia, ſeuenti and foure;
forſoþe ben þe men, ſonus of þe prouynce, þat ſteȝeden xli chauntoures, ſonus of Aſaf, an hundrid and eiȝte and
vp fro þe caitifte, þat Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, twenti;
hadde taken ouer in to Babiloine; and þei ben turned aȝeen in xlii þe ſonus of þe porteris, ſones of Sellum, þe ſonus of
to Jeruſalem and Jude, eche in to his cite,
ii þe whiche camen wiþ Zorobabel; Jeſua, Neemya, Saraia, Ather, ſonus of Thelmon, þe ſonus of Accub, `þe ſonus of
Rahelaia, Mordochaa, Belſan, Mesfar, Begnai, Reum, Aritha, þe ſonus of Sobar, þe ſonus of Sobai, alle, an
Baana. Þe noumbre of þe men of þe puple of Irael; hundrid and eiȝte and þretti;
xliii ſodeknys, ſonus of Ozai, þe ſonus of Azufa, þe ſonus of
iii ſones of Fares, two þouſend an hundrid and two and
ſeuenti; þe ſonus of Arethi, ſeuene hundrid fiue and ſeuenti; Thebaoth,
xliiii þe ſonus of Ceros, þe ſonus of Ciſaa, þe ſonus of Fadon,
iiii þe ſonus of Sefeſia, þre hundrid and two and ſeuenti;
xlv þe ſonus of Jebona, þe ſonus of Agoba, þe ſonus of
v þe ſonus of Aria, ſeuene hundrid and fiue and ſeuenti;
vi þe ſonus of Fee and of Moab, ſones of Joſue and of Joab,
xlvi þe ſonus of Accab, þe ſonus of Selmai, þe ſonus of
two þouſend nyne hundrid and twelue; Annan,
vii þe ſones of Elam, a þouſend two hundrid and foure and
xlvii þe ſonus of Gaddei, þe ſonus of Gaer, þe ſonus of
fifti; Rahaia,
viii þe ſonus of Sechua, nyne hundrid and fiue and fourty;
xlviii þe ſonus of Jaſin, þe ſonus of Nethoda, þe ſonus of
ix þe ſonis of Zaahai, ſeuene hundrid and ſixti;
x þe ſonus of Baany, ſixe hundrid and two and fourti; xlix þe ſonus of Aſa, þe ſonus of Faſea, þe ſonus of Beſee,
xi ſonus of Bebai, ſixe hundrid and þre and twenti; l þe ſonus of Aſennaa, þe ſonus of Numyn, þe ſonus of
xii ſonus of Aſgad, a þouſend two hundrid and two and Nechuſym,
twenti; li þe ſonus of Bechue, þe ſonus of Accufa, þe ſonus of Aſſur,
xiii ſonus of Adonycam, ſixe hundrid and ſixe and ſixti; lii þe ſonus of Beſuth, þe ſonus of Maida, þe ſonus of Arſa,
xiiii ſonus of Beguai, two þouſend and ſixe and fifti; liii þe ſonus of Berchos, þe ſonus of Cizara, þe ſonus of
xv ſonus of Adin, foure hundrid and foure and fifti; Thema,
xvi ſonys of Aſer, þat weren of Ezechie, nynti and eiȝte; liiii þe ſonus of Nazia, þe ſonus of Acufa,
xvii ſonus of Beſai, þre hundrid and þre and twenti; lv þe ſonus of þe ſeruauns of Salamon, þe ſonus of
xviii ſonus of Jora, an hundrid and twelue; Sothelthei, þe ſonus of Sofereth, þe ſonus of Feruda,
xix ſonus of Aſon, two hundrid and þre and twenti; lvi þe ſonus of Jala, þe ſonus of Derchon, þe ſonus of Jedel,
xx ſonus of Jebar, nynti and fiue; lvii þe ſonus of Safatha, þe ſonus of Athil, þe ſonus of
xxi ſonus of Bethlem, an hundrid and þre and twenti; Feſorethei, þat weren of Azebam, þe ſonus of Ammy;
lviii alle þe ſodeknys, and þe ſonus of þe ſeruauns of
xxii þe men of Necofa, ſixe and fifti;
Salamon, þre hundrid and nynti and two.
xxiii þe men of Anatot, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti; lix And þeſe þat ſteȝeden vp fro Thelmela, and Thelerſa,
xxiiii ſonus of Aſmoneth, two and fourti; Cherub, and Don, and Mer, and þei myȝten not ſhewe þe
xxv ſonus of Cariathiarym, Cefiara, and Berhoc, ſeuene hous of þer faders and þer ſed, wheþer of Irael þei weren;
hundrid and þre and fourti; lx þe ſonus of Delaia, þe ſonus of Tobia, þe ſonus of
xxvi ſonus of Arama and of Gaba, ſixe hundrid and oon and Nechoda, ſixe hundrid and two and fifti;
twenti; lxi and of þe ſonus of preſtus, þe ſonus of Obia, þe ſonus of
xxvii men of Machinas, an hundrid and two and twenti; Accos, þe ſonus of Berſellai, þat toc a wif of þe doȝtris of
xxviii men of Bethel and of Gai, two hundrid and þre and Berſellai Galaditis, and he is clepid bi þe name of hem;
lxii þeſe ſoȝten þe ſcripture of þer genelogie, and founden not,
xxix ſonus of Nebo, two and fifti; and þei ben caſt awei fro preſthod.
lxiii And Atherſatha ſeide to þem, þat þei ſhulde not eten of þe
xxx ſonys of Megbis, an hundrid and ſixe and fifti;
holi of halewis, to þe time þat þer ſhulde riſen a taȝt preſt
xxxi þe ſonus of þe toþer Elam, a þouſend two hundrid and and perfit.
foure and fifti; lxiiii Al þe multitude as o man, two and fourti þouſend þre
xxxii þe ſonus of Arym, þre hundrid and twenti; hundrid and ſixti,
xxxiii þe ſonus of Ladadin and of Ono, ſeuen hundrid and lxv out take þe ſeruauntis of hem and hand maidenes, þat
fiue and twenti; weren ſeuen þouſend þre hundrid ſeuene and þretti; and in
xxxiiii ſonus of Jericho, þre hundrid and fiue and fourti; hem ſingeres and ſingereſſis, two hundrid.
xxxv ſonus of Sanaa, þre þouſend ſixe hundrid and þretti; lxvi Þe hors of hem, ſixe hundrid and ſixe and þretti; þe
xxxvi preſtus, ſonus of Idaia, in þe hous of Jeſue, nyne mulis of hem, foure hundrid and fiue and fourti;
lxvii þe camailis of hem, foure hundrid and fiue and þretti; þe
hundrid ſeuenti and þre;
xxxvii ſonus of Emmeor, a þouſend and two and fifti; aſſis of hem, ſixe þouſend ſeuene hundrid and twenti.
lxviii And of þe princis of þe fadris, whan þei ſhulden gon in
xxxviii ſonus of Feſur, a þouſend two hundrid and ſeuene and
to þe temple of þe Lord, þat is in Jeruſalem, wilfulli þei
fourti; offriden in to þe hous of God, to it to be maad out in his
xxxix ſonus of Arym, a þouſend and ſeuentene; place;


lxix after þer ſtrengþis þei ȝeuen þe coſtis of þe werk, of gold, Capitulum IIII.
ſhillingis fourti þouſend and a þouſend; of ſiluer, beſauntus i Forſoþe
fiue þouſent; and preſtus cloþis an hundrid. þe enemys of Jude and of Beniamyn herden, for
lxx Þanne dwelten þe preſtus and þe Leuitus of þe puple, and þee ſonus of caitifte ſhulden bilden vp þe temple to þe Lord
þe ſingeres, and porteris, and ſodeknys in þer cites, and al God of Irael;
ii and, neȝhende to Sorobabel, and to þe princis of fadris,
Iſrael in þeir cytees.
ſeiden to hem, Bilde wee vp wiþ ȝou, for ſo as ȝee, wee
Capitulum III. ſechen ȝour God; lo! wee offren ſlain ſacrifiſes fro þe daȝes of
Aſſoroddon, king of Aſſur, þat broȝte vs hider.
i And now was comen þe ſeuenþe monyþ, and þe ſonus of iii And Sorobabel ſeide to þem, and Joſue, and þe toþere
Irael weren in þer cites. Þanne is gedered þe puple as oon princis of þe fadris of Irael, It is not to vs and to ȝou, þat
in to Jeruſalem. wee bilde vp an hous to oure God; but wee vſſelf alone ſhul
ii And þer ros Joſue, þe ſone of Joſedech, and þe breþern of bilden vp to þe Lord oure God, as to vs Cirus, king of
hym, preſtus, and Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and þe Perſis, comaundede.
breþern of hym, and þei bilden vp an auter of God of Irael, iiii It is do forſoþe, þat þe puple of þe lond ſhulde lette þe
þat þei offre in it brent ſacrifiſes, as it is writen in þe lawe hondis of þe puple of Jude, and diſturben þem in bilding.
off Moiſes, man of God. v Forſoþe þei hadden hirid aȝen hem counſeileris, þat þei
iii Forſoþe þei ſetten an auter vpon his feet, þe puplis of ſhulden deſtroȝe þe conſeil of hem, alle þe daȝes of Ciri, king
londis ferende hem by enuyroun, and þei offriden vpon it of Perſis, and vnto þe regne of Daryi, king of Perſis, two
brent ſacrifiſe to þe Lord erli and at euen. ȝeer þei ben lettid.
iiii And þei maden þe ſolempnete of tabernaclis, as it is vi In þe regne forſoþe of Aſſueri, he is Artaxerſes, in þe
writen, and brent ſacrifiſe alle daȝes bi order, after þe begynning of his regne, þei writen accuſacioun aȝen þe
comaundid werc of þe dai in his dai; dwelleris of Jude and of Jeruſalem;
v and after þis, contynuel brent ſacrifiſe, boþe in calendis and vii and in þe daȝis of Artaxerſes, Beſellam Mitridates wrot,
in alle ſolempnetes of þe Lord þat weren halewid, and in alle and Thabel, and þe toþere þat weren in þe counſeil of hem, to
þingis in þe whiche ȝifte was freli offrid to God. Artaxerſes, king of Perſis. Forſoþe þe epiſtil of accuſacioun is
vi Þe firſte dai of þe ſeuenþe monyþ þei begunne to offre brent writen Cire maner, and it was rad in Cire ſpeche.
ſacrifiſe to þe Lord; forſoþe þe temple of God was not ȝit viii Reum, Bethlem, and Sanſai, ſcribe, writen oon epiſtil fro
founded. Jeruſalem to Artaxerſe þe king `on þis maner;
vii And þei ȝeue money to heweris of ſtonus, and to leieris, ix Reum, Bethlem, and Sanſai, ſcribe, and þe toþere
and mete, and drink, and oile, to Sidones and Tires, þat þei counſeilourys of hem, Dinaei, Farſarei, Therfalei, Arfaſei,
ſhulde bringen ceder trees fro Liban to þe ſe of Joppen, after Arthuei, Babiloynys, Suſannathaneis, Daceis, Elamytis,
þat Cirus, þe king of Perſis, had comaundid to þem. x and þe toþere of þe Jentilis, whom tranſlatide þe grete and
viii Þe ſecunde forſoþe ȝer of þe comyng of hem to þe temple glorious Aſſennafar, and made þem to dwellen in þe cites of
of God in to Jeruſalem, þe ſecunde monyþ, begunne Samarie, and in oþere regiouns beȝunde þe flod, in pes.
Sorababel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Joſue, þe ſone of xi Þis is þe ſaumpler of þe epiſtil, þat þei ſenten to hym. To
Joſedech, and oþere of þe breþern of hem, preſtus and Artaxerſi, king, þi ſeruauns, men þat ben beȝunde þe flod,
Leuitus, and alle þat weren comen fro þe caitifte in to greting ſein.
Jeruſalem; and þei ordeineden Leuitus, fro twenti ȝer and xii Be it knowen to þe king, for Jewis þat ſteȝeden vp fro þee
aboue, þat þei ſhulden heeȝen þe werk of þe Lord;
ix and Joſue ſtod, and his ſonus and his breþern, Cediniel to vs, camen in to Jeruſalem, cite rebel and werſt, þe whiche
þei bilden vp, makende vp þe ſtonene wallis of it, and
and his ſonus, and þe ſonus of Juda, as o man, þat þei makende wowiſy.
ſhulden ſtonden in vpon hem þat diden werk in þe temple of xiii Now þanne be it knowe to þe king, for if þat cite were
God; þe ſones of Benadab, ſonus of hem and breþern of hem,
Leuitus. bild vp, and þe wallis of it enſtorid, tribute, and pedage, and
x Þanne groundid of þe maſonus þe temple of þe Lord, ȝeris rentus þei ſhul not ȝiue, and vnto þe king þis blame ſhal
preſtus ſtoden in þer arai wiþ trumpis, and Leuitus, ſonus of xiiii Wee þanne mynde hauende of þe ſalt, þat in þe paleis
Aſaf, in cimbalis, þat þei preiſe God bi þe hond of Dauid,
king of Irael. wee eeten, and for þe harmys of þe king to ſeen vnleeful wee
xi And þei ſungen togidere in ympnes and knouleching to þe holden, þerfore wee han ſent and told to þe king;
xv þat þou enſerche in þe bokis of þe ſtories of þi fadris, and
Lord, For `he is good, for in to wiþoute ende þe merci of
hym vpon Irael. Alſo al þe puple criede out wiþ a gret cry, in þou ſhalt finde write in armaries, and knowen, for þat cite is
preiſinge þe Lord, for þi þat þe temple of þe Lord was a rebel cite, and noȝende to kingus and to prouincis, and
founded. batailis ben ſterid vp in it of old daȝes; for what þing and þat
xii Manie alſo of þe preſtis, and Leuitus, and þe princis of cite is deſtroȝid.
xvi Wee tellen to þe king, for if þat cite were bild vp, and his
fadris, and þe eldere, þat hadden ſeen þe raþere temple, whan
it was foundid, and þis temple in þe eȝen of hem, wepten wiþ wallis enſtorid, þou ſhalt not han poſſeſſioun beȝunde þe flod.
a gret vois, and manye criende out in gladneſſe rereden vp a xvii Þe king ſente woord to Reum, Bethlem, and to Sanſay,
vois; ſcribe, and to þe toþere þat weren in þe counſeil of hem,
xiii ne any man myȝte knowen þe vois of þe cri of men dwelleris of Samarie, and to þe toþere beȝunde þe flod,
gladende, and þe vois of þe weping of þe puple; forſoþe Greetinge, ſeiende, and pes.
mengingli togidere þe puple criede out wiþ a gret cri, and þe xviii Þe acuſacioun, þat ȝee ſenten to vs, openli is rad befor
vois was herd aferr. me;
xix and of me it is comaundid, and þei enſercheden, and
founden, for þat cite of olde daȝes aȝen kingus rebelliþ, and
deſcenciouns and batailis ben rerid vp in it;


xx for and moſt ſtronge kingis weren in Jeruſalem, þe whiche Babyloyne, and ben ȝiue to Zazabazar bi name, whom and he
and lordſhipeden to al þe regioun þat is beȝunde þe flod; ordeynede prince.
tribute alſo, and pedage, and rentis, þei token. xv And he ſeide to hym, Þeſe veſſelis tac, and go, and put
xxi Now þanne hereþ þe ſentence, þat ȝee forfende `þoo men, hem in þe temple, þat is in Jeruſalem; and þe hous of God
and þat cite be not bild vp, to þe time if perauenture of me it be bild vp in his place.
were comaundid. xvi And ſo þanne þilke Zazabazar cam, and ſette þe groundis
xxii Seeþ, leſt necgligentli þis be fulfild, and litilmelum growe of þe temple of God in Jeruſalem; and fro þat time vnto now
euel aȝen kingys. it is bild, and ȝit is not fulfild.
xxiii And ſo þe ſaumple of þe maundement of Artaxerſes, xvii Now þanne if it ſeme to þe king good, enſerche he in þe
king, is rad befor Reum, Bethlem, and Sanſai, ſcribe, and þe librarie of þe king, þat is in Babiloyne, wheþer forſoþe of
counſeileris of hem; and þei wenten haſtif in to Jeruſalem to king Cire it be comaunded, þat þe hous of God ſhulde be
þe Jewis, and þei forfendeden þem in power and ſtrengþe. bilde vp in Jeruſalem; and þe wil of þe king vpon þis þing
xxiiii Þanne is laft of þe werc of þe hous of God in ſende he to vs.
Jeruſalem, and it was not maad vnto þe ſecunde ȝer of þe
regne of Darii, king of Perſis. Capitulum VI.
i Thanne king Darie comaunded, and þei enſerchiden in þe
Capitulum V. treſorie of þe bokis, þat weren leid vp in Babiloine.
i Forſoþe ii And þere is founde in Egbadonys, þat is a caſtel in
þer profecieden Aggeus, profete, and Zacharias,
profete, þe ſone of Addo, propheciende to þe Jewis þat weren Medene prouynce, o volume, and ſuch a ſentence was writen
in Jude and Jeruſalem, in þe name of God of Irael. in it.
ii Þanne riſen Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Joſue, þe iii Þe firſte ȝer of Ciri king, Cirus þe king demede, þat þe
ſone of Joſedech, and þei begunnen to bilden vp þe temple of hous of God, þat is in Jeruſalem, ſhulde be bild vp in þe
God in Jeruſalem; and wiþ hem profetis, helpende hem. place where þei offren oſtus, and þat þei putte groundis
iii In þat forſoþe time cam to hem Thathannai, þat was duk vnderberende þe heiȝte of ſixti cubitus, and þe breede of ſixti
beȝunde þe flod, and Starbuſannai, and þe counſeiloures of iiii and þre ordris of vnpoliſht ſtonis, and ſo ordris of newe
hem; and þus þei ſeiden to hem, Who ȝaf to ȝou counſeil, þat
þis hous ȝee ſhulden bilden vp, and þeſe wallis enſtoren? trees. Coſtis forſoþe of þe hous of þe king ſhulden ben ȝiue.
iiii To þe whiche wee anſwerden to hem, whiche weren þe v But and þe veſſelis, goldene and ſiluerene of þe temple of
namys of men, autouris of þat bilding. God, þat Nabugodonoſor hadde take of þe temple of
v Þe eȝe forſoþe of þe God of hem is don vpon þe olde men Jeruſalem, and broȝt hem in to Babiloine, be þei ȝolden, and
born aȝeen in to þe temple of Jeruſalem, and in to þer place,
of Jewis, and þei myȝte not forfenden hem; and it pleſide þat þe whiche and ben put in þe temple of God.
þe þing were told to Darie, and þanne þei ſhulden don aſeeþ vi Now þanne Thathannai, duke of þe regioun þat is beȝunde
aȝen þat acuſing.
vi Þe ſaumpler of þe epiſtil, þat ſente Thathannai, duk of þe þe flod, and Scarbuſannai, and ȝoure counſeileris, Arfaſacei,
þat ben beȝunde þe flod, aferr goþ awei fro þem;
regioun beȝunde þe flod, and Starbuſannai, and þe vii and leteþ to be maad þat temple of God of þe duke of
counſeileris of hym, Arfarſacei, þat weren beȝunde þe flod, to
Darie, þe king. Jewis, and of þe elders of hem; and þat hous of God bilde
vii Þe woord þat þei ſenten to hym þus was writen; To þei in his place.
viii But and of me it is comaundid, þat it behoueþ to be maad
Darie, þe king, alle pes.
viii Be it knowen to þe king, wee to han go to Jude of þoo preſtus of Jewis, þat þe hous of God be bild vp, þat
is, þat of þe kingis cofre, þat is, of tributis, þat ben ȝiue of
prouynce, to þe hous of þe grete God, þat is bild vp wiþ ſton þe regioun beȝunde þe flod, beſili coſtys be ȝiue to þoo men,
vnpoliſht, and trees ben ſett in þe wowis, and þat werc leſt be lettid þe werk.
diligentli is maad up, and waxeþ in þe hondis of hem. ix Þat if nede were, and caluis, and lombis, and kidis in to
ix Wee axeden þanne þoo olde men, and þus we ſeiden to
brent ſacrifiſe to þe God of heuene; whete, ſalt, and win, and
þem, Who ȝaf to ȝou power þat þis hous ȝee ſhulden bilden, oile, aftir þe cuſtum of preſtus þat ben in Jeruſalem, be þer
and þe wallis enſtoren? ȝiue to þem bi alle daȝis, leſt þer be in any þing pleynyng.
x But and þe names of hem we han ſoȝt of hem, þat wee telle x And offre þei offringus to þe God of heuene; and preȝe þei
to þee; and we han write þe namus of þe men þat ben princis for þe lif of þe king and of his ſonus.
in hem. xi Of me þanne is ſett a decree, þat eche man þat þis
xi Forſoþe ſuch woord þei anſwerden to vs, ſeiende, We ben
comaundement chaungiþ, be don awei þe tree of þe hous of
þe ſeruauns of God of heuene and of erþe; and we bilden vp hym, and be he rerid vp, and tobroſid in it; þe hous forſoþe of
þe temple þat was maad out befor þeſe ȝeris manye, and þe hym be forfetid.
whiche þe grete king of Irael hadde bild, and maad out. xii God forſoþe, þat makeþ to dwellen his name þere, ſcatere
xii Forſoþe aftir þat to wraþe oure fadris hadden terred þe
alle reumys and puple, þat ſtrecchiþ out þer hond, þat þei
God of heuene, he toc hem in þe hond of Nabugodonoſor, wiþſtonde and ſcatere þat hous of God, þat is in Jeruſalem. I
king of Babiloyne, Caldeis; and þis hous he deſtroȝede, and Darie haue ordeined a decre, þe whiche biſili I wile to be
þe puple of it he tranſlatide in to Babiloine. fulfild.
xiii Forſoþe þe firſte ȝer of Ciri, king of Babiloine, Cirus, xiii Þerfore Thathannai, duk of þe regioun beȝonde þe flod,
king of Babiloyne, purpoſide a maundement, þat þe hous of and Scarbuſannay, and þe conſeileris of hym, after þat king
God ſhulde be maad vp. Darie hadde comaunded ſo diligentli, folewiden out.
xiiii For and þe veſſelis of þe temple of God, goldene and xiiii Þe eldere forſoþe of Jewis bilden vp, and hadden
ſiluerene, þat Nabugodonoſor hadde take fro þe temple, þat proſperite, after þe profecie of Aggei, þe profete, and of
was in Jeruſalem, and hadde born hem awei in to þe temple Zacarie, ſone of Addo; and þei bilden, and maden, þe God of
of Babiloyne, king Cirus broȝte forþ fro þe temple of


Irael comaundende, and comaundende Ciro, and Darie, and xiiii Forſoþe fro þe face of þe king and of þe ſeuene
Artaxerſe, kingus of Perſis; counſeileris of hym þou art ſent, þat þou viſite Jude and
xv and þei fulfilden þis hous of God vnto þe þridde dai of þe Jeruſalem in þe lawe of þi God, þat is in þi hond;
monyþ of Adar, þat is þe ſixte ȝer of þe regne of king Darie. xv and þat þou bere ſiluer and gold, þat þe king and his
xvi Forſoþe þe ſonus of Irael, preſtus and Leuitus, and þe counſeileris wilfulli offriden to þe God of Irael, whos
toþere of þe ſonus of tranſmygracioun, maden þe dedicacioun tabernacle is in Jeruſalem.
of þe hous of God in ioȝe; xvi And al þe ſiluer and gold, what euere þou findiſt in al þe
xvii and offriden, in þe dedicacioun of þe hous of God, caluys prouince of Babiloine, and þe puple wile offren, and of þe
an hundrid, weþeris two hundrid, lambys foure hundrid, get preſtus þat wilfulli offriden to þe hous of þer God, þat is in
buckis for þe ſynne of al þe puple twelue, after þe noumbre of Jeruſalem,
þe linagis of Irael. xvii freli to taken; and biſili bie of þat monei calues, weþeris,
xviii And þei ordeyneden preſtus in þer ordris, and Leuitus in lombis, and ſacrifiſes, and þe offring of likouris of hem; and
þer whilis, vp on þe werkis of God in Jeruſalem, as it is offre þem vpon þe auter of þe temple of ȝour God, þat is in
write in þe boc of Moiſes. Jeruſalem.
xix Forſoþe þe ſonus of tranſmygracioun maden paſch, þe xviii But and if any þing to þee, and to þi breþern pleſe, of þe
fourtenþe dai of þe firſte monyþ. remnaunt of ſiluer and of gold þat ȝee do, after þe wil of
xx Forſoþe þe preſtus and Leuitus as oon weren purified, alle ȝoure God doþ;
clene to offren paſch to alle þe ſonus of tranſmygracioun, and xix alſo þe veſſelis þat ben ȝiue in þe ſeruiſe of þe hous of þi
to þeir breþern preſtus, and to þemſelf. God, tac in þe ſiȝte of God in to Jeruſalem.
xxi And þe ſonus of Irael, þat weren turned aȝeen of þe xx But and oþere þingus þe whiche nede were in þe hous of
tranſmygracioun, eeten, and alle þat hadden ſeuered hemſelf þi God, hou miche euere is nede, þat þou ſpende, þou ſhalt
fro al defouling of Jentilis of þe lond to þem, þat þei ſeche þe ȝiue of þe treſor of þe king and of þe comun bagge, and of
Lord God of Irael. me.
xxii And þei maden þe ſolempnete of þerue louys ſeuen daȝes xxi I, Artaxerſes, king, haue ordeined, and demed to alle þe
in gladneſſe; for þe Lord hadde gladid hem, and conuertid þe keperis of þe comun cofre, þat ben beȝonde þe flod, þat what
herte of king Aſſur to hem, þat he helpe þe hondis of hem in euer aſke of ȝou Eſdras, preſt, ſcribe of þe lawe of God of
þe werk of þe hous of þe Lord God of Irael. heuene, wiþoute tariyng ȝiue ȝee,
xxii vnto an hundrid talentus of ſiluir, and vnto an hundrid
Capitulum VII. batus of win, and vnto an hundrid choris of whete, and vnto
i Aftir
an hundrid batus of oile, ſalt forſoþe wiþoute meſure.
þeſe woordis forſoþe, in þe regne of Artaxerſes, king of xxiii Al þat to þe rit of God of heuene perteneþ, be it ȝiue
Perſis, Eſdras, þe ſone of Saraie, ſone of Azarie, ſone of biſili in þe hous of God of heuene, leſt perauenture he be
Elchie, wroþ aȝen þe reume of þe king and of his ſonus.
ii ſone of Sellum, ſone of Sadoch, ſone of Achitob,
xxiiii To ȝou alſo we maken knowen of alle þe preſtus, and
iii ſone of Amarie, ſone of Azarie, ſone of Maraioth,
Leuitus, ſingeres, porteris, ſodeknys, and mynyſtris of þe
iiii ſone of Saraie, ſone of Oſi, ſone of Bocci, hous of þis God, and pedage and tribute and ȝeris frutus
v ſone of Abiſue, ſone of Finees, ſone of Eleaſar, ſone of haue ȝee no power of putting `vpon hem.
Aron, preſt fro þe begynnyng; xxv Þou forſoþe, Eſdra, after þe wiſdam of þi God, þat is in
vi þis Eſdras ſteȝede vp fro Babiloine, and he a ſwift ſcribe þin hond, ordeine þou domyſmen and gouernoures, þat þei
in þe lawe of Moiſes, þe whiche þe Lord God of Irael ȝaf; deme to al þe puple, þat is beȝonde þe flod, to hem, þat is,
and þe king ȝaf to hym, after þe goode hond of þe Lord his þat knewen þe lawe of þi God, and þe lawe of þe king; but
God vpon hym, al his aſking. and vnwiſe men techeþ freely.
vii And þer ſteȝeden vp of þe ſonus of Irael, and of þe ſonus xxvi And eche þat doþ not þe lawe of þi God, and þe lawe of

of preſtus, and of þe ſonus of Leuitus, and of þe ſingeres, þe king biſili, dom ſhal ben of hym, or in to deþ, or in to
and of þe porteris, and of þe ſodeknys, in Jeruſalem þe outlawe, or in to condempnacioun of his ſubſtaunce, or certis
ſeuenþe ȝer of Artaxerſes, king. in to priſoun. And Eſdras, ſcribe, ſeide,
viii And þei camen in to Jeruſalem þe fifte monyþ; þis is þe xxvii Bleſſid þe Lord God of oure fadris, þat ȝaf þis in þe
ſeuenþe ȝer of þe king. herte of þe king, þat he ſhulde glorifie þe hous of þe Lord,
ix For in þe firſte dai of þe firſte monyþ þei begunnen to þat is in Jeruſalem,
xxviii and in me haþ in bowid his merci befor þe king, and
ſteȝen vp fro Babiloine, and in þe firſte dai of þe fifte monyþ
he cam in to Jeruſalem, after þe goode hond of his God vpon his counſeileris, and alle þe myȝti princis of þe king And I,
hym. coumfortid bi þe hond of þe Lord, of my God, þat was in me,
x Eſdras forſoþe greiþede his herte, þat he enſerche þe lawe of I gaderede of þe ſonus of Irael princis, þat ſteȝeden vp wiþ
þe Lord, and do, and teche in Irael maundement and dom.
xi Þis is forſoþe þe ſaumpler of þe epiſtil of þe maundement,
Capitulum VIII.
þat king Artaxerſes ȝaf to Eſdre, preeſt, wis ſcribe in woordis
and in maundemens of þe Lord, and his cerimoines in Irael. i Theſe þanne ben þe princis of meines, and þis þe genelogie
xii Artaxerſes, king of kingus, to Eſdre, þe preſt, moſt wis of hem, þat ſteȝeden vp wiþ me in þe reume of Artaxerſes,
ſcribe of þe lawe of God of heuene, greting. king, fro Babiloine.
xiii Of me is a decre, þat to whomſoeuer it pleſe in my rewme ii Of þe ſonus of Finees, Jerſon; of þe ſonus of Ithamar,
of þe puple of Irael, and of his preſtus, and of þe Leuitus, to Danyel; of þe ſonus of Dauid,
gon in to Jeruſalem, go he wiþ þee. iii Archus; of þe ſonus of Sechemye and of þe ſonus of
Faros, Zacharias, and wiþ hym ben noumbrid an hundrid and
fifti men;


iiii of þe ſonus of Fethmoab and of Eleoenai, ſone of Zacharie, xxvi And I peiſede in þe hondis of hem of ſiluer talentis ſixe
and wiþ hym two hundrid men; hundrid and fifti, and ſiluerene veſſelys an hundrid; of gold
v of þe ſonus of Sechemye, ſone of Jeſechiel, and wiþ hym an hundrid talentus,
þre hundrid men; xxvii and goldene chalicis twenti, þe whiche hadden a þouſend
vi of þe ſonus of Addaenebeth, ſone of Jonathan, and wiþ hym ſhillingus; and two faire veſſelis of beſt ſhinende bras as gold.
fifti men; xxviii And I ſeide to hem, Ȝee halewis of þe Lord, and þe
vii of þe ſonys of Elam, Iſaias, þe ſone of Italie, and wiþ holy veſſelis, and ſiluer and gold, þat wilfulli is offrid to þe
hym ſeuenti men; Lord God of oure fadris,
viii of þe ſonus of Safacie, Zebedias, þe ſone of Mychael, and xxix wakeþ, and kepiþ, to þe time þat ȝee peiſen vp befor þe
wiþ hym eiȝteti men; princis of preſtus, and of Leuitus, and dukis of meines of
ix of þe ſonus of Joab, Obedia, þe ſone of Jehiel, and wiþ Irael in Jeruſalem, in to þe treſor of þe hous of God.
xxx Forſoþe þe preſtus and Leuitus token þe peis of ſiluer,
hym two hundrid and eiȝtetene men;
x of þe ſonus of Salomyth, þe ſone of Josfie, and wiþ hym an and of gold, and of veſſelis, þat þei bringe in to Jeruſalem, in
to þe hous of þer God.
hundrid and ſixti men; xxxi Þanne we moueden forþ fro þe flod of Hanna, þe twelfþe
xi of þe ſonus of Belbai, Zacharias, þe ſone of Bebai, and
dai of þe firſte monyþ, þat we go in to Jeruſalem; and þe
wiþ hym twenti and eiȝte men; hond of oure God was vpon vs, and deliuerede vs fro þe
xii of þe ſonus of Eſiad, Johannan, þe ſone of Eſethan, and hond of þe enemy and of þe ſpiere in þe weie.
wiþ hym an hundrid and ten men; xxxii And wee camen to Jeruſalem, and wee dwelten þere þre
xiii of þe ſonus of Odonycham, þat laſt weren, and þeſe þe daȝis.
namus of hem, Elifilech, and Heiel, and Samaias, and wiþ xxxiii Þe ferþe forſoþe dai peiſid vp is þe ſiluer and gold, and
hem ſixti men; þe veſſelis, in þe hous of oure God, bi þe hond of Remmoth,
xiiii of þe ſonus of Beguy, Vthai, and Saccur, and wiþ hem ſone of Vrie, preſt; and wiþ hym Eleazar, þe ſone of Fynees,
ſeuenti men. and wiþ hem Joſaded, þe ſone of Joſue, and Noadoia, þe
xv I gederede hem forſoþe to þe flod, þat renneþ to Hanna; ſone of Bennoi, Leuite,
and wee dwelten þere þre daȝis. And I ſoȝte in þe puple, and xxxiiii aftir þe noumbre and weiȝte of alle þingus; and al þe
in þe preſtus of þe ſonus of Leuy, and I fond not þere. weiȝte is deſcriued in þat time.
xvi And ſo I ſente Elizer, and Arihel, and Semeiam, and xxxv But þe ſonus of tranſmygracioun, þat weren come fro
Elnathan, and Jaubeth, and an oþer Elnathan, and Nathan, caitifte, offriden brent ſacrifiſes to þe Lord God of Irael,
and Zacharie, and Meſollam, princis; and Joarib, and caluys twelue for al þe puple of Irael, weþeris nynti and ſixe,
Elnathan, wiſe men; lambis ſeuenti and ſeuene, got buckis for ſynne twelue; alle in
xvii and I ſente hem to Heldo, þe whiche is þe firſte in þe to brent ſacrifiſe to þe Lord.
place off Casfee, and I putte in þe mouþ of hem woordis, þat xxxvi Þei ȝeuen forſoþe maundemens of þe king to þe ſatrapis,
þei ſhulden ſpeken to Eldo, and to þe breþern of hym, þat weren of þe ſiȝte of þe king, and to þe dukis beȝonde þe
ſodeknys, in þe place of Casfee, þat þei ſhulden bringe to vs flod; and þei rereden vp a puple, and þe hous of God.
mynyſtris of þe hous of oure God.
xviii And þei broȝten to vs, bi þe goode hond of oure God Capitulum IX.
vpon vs, a moſt wis man of þe ſonus of Mooli, ſone of Leui, i Aftir
ſone of Irael; and Sarabiam, and þe ſonus of hym, twenti, forſoþe þat þeſe þingis ben fulfild, neȝheden to me þe
and þe breþern of hym, eiȝtetene; princis, ſeiende, Þe puple of Irael is not ſeuered, and preſtus,
xix and Azabie, and wiþ hym, Iſaie, of þe ſonys of Merari, þe and Leuitus, fro þe puplis of londis, and fro þe
breþern of hym, and þe ſonys of hym, twenti; abhomynaciouns of hem, of Cananei, þat is, of Ethei, and of
xx and of þe ſodeknys, þat Dauid hadde ȝiue and princis to þe
Fereſei, and of Jebuſei, and of Amonitus, and of Moabitus,
and of Egipcienus, and of Amoriees.
ſeruiſe of Leuitys, ſodeknys two hundrid and twenti; alle þeſe ii Forſoþe þei token of þe doȝtris of hem to hem, and to þer
bi þer namys weren clepid. ſonus, wiues, and þei mengden holi ſed wiþ þe puplis of
xxi And I prechide þere faſting beſide þe flod of Hanna, þat
londis; þe hond alſo of princis and of maiſtris was in þis
we ſhulden ben trauailid in penaunce befor þe Lord oure God, firſte treſpaſing.
and aſken of hym a riȝt weie to vs, and to oure ſonus, and to iii And whan I hadde herd þis woord, I cutte my mantil and
al oure ſubſtaunce. cote, and pullide out þe heris of myn hed and berd, and ſat
xxii Forſoþe I was aſhamyd to aſken þe king helpe, and horſe
men, þat myȝten defenden vs fro þe enemy in þe weie, for iiii Forſoþe þer camen to me alle þat dradden þe woord of
wee hadden ſeid to þe king, Þe hond of oure God is vpon God of Irael, for þe treſpaſing of hem þat weren come fro þe
alle þat ſechen hym in goodneſſe; and þe empire of hym, and caitifte; and I ſat dreri vnto þe euetid ſacrifiſe.
þe ſtrengþe of hym, and wodneſſe vpon alle þat forſaken hym. v And in þe euetid ſacrifiſe I ros fro myn affliccioun, and þe
xxiii Wee faſteden forſoþe, and preȝeden oure God for þis, and
it cam to vs welſumli. mantil cut and cote, I bowide my knes, and ſpradde out myn
xxiiii And I ſeuerede of þe princis of preſtis twelue,
hondis to þe Lord my God,
vi and ſeide, Mi God, I am confoundid and aſhamed to reren
Sarabiam, Sazabiam, and wiþ hem of þe breþern of hem, my face to þee, for oure wickeneſſis ben multiplied vpon oure
ten; hed, and oure giltis ben ſprungen vnto heuene,
xxv and I peiſede to hem þe ſiluer and gold, and þe ſacride
vii fro þe daȝis of oure fadris; but and wee vſſelf han ſynned
veſſelis of þe hous of oure God, þe whiche þe king hadde greuouſli vnto þis dai, and in oure wickeneſſis we ben taken,
offrid, and þe counſeileris of hym, and þe princis of hym, and wee, and oure kingus, and oure preſtus, in þe hondis of
al Irael, of hem þat weren founden. kingus of londis, and in to ſwerd, and in to caitifte, and in to
rauein, and in to confuſioun of chere, as and in þis dai.


viii And now as at litil and at a moment is don oure preȝere twentiþe dai of þe monyþ; and al þe puple ſat in þe ſtrete of
anent þe Lord our God, þat þe remnauntus ben forȝiue to vs, þe hous of God, tremblende for ſynne and reynes.
and þe pes of hym be ȝiuen in his holi place, and oure God x And Eſdras, þe preſt, ros, and ſeide to hem, Ȝee han
liȝte oure eȝen, and ȝiue to vs a litil lif in oure ſeruiſe. treſpaſid, and wedded aliene wiues, þat ȝee adden vp on þe
ix For ſeruauns wee ben, and in oure ſeruiſe our God forſoc gilte of Irael.
not vs; and he bowide in vpon vs mercy befor þe king of xi And now ȝiueþ confeſſioun to þe Lord God of oure fadris,
Perſis, þat he ȝeue to vs lijf, and rere þe hous of oure God, and doþ þe pleſaunce of hym, and beþ ſeuered fro þe puplis of
and make out þe wilderneſſis of it, and ȝeue to vs hope in þe lond, and fro alien wiues.
Juda and in Jeruſalem. xii And al þe multitude anſwerde, and ſeide wiþ a gret vois,
x And now what ſhul wee ſein, Lord oure God, after þeſe After þi woord to vs, ſo be it do.
þingus? For wee han forſake þin heſtus, xiii Nerþelatere for þe puple is myche, and þe time of rein,
xi þat þou haſt comaundid in þe hond of þi ſeruauns prophetis, and we ſuſtene not to ſtonde wiþ oute forþ, and it is not þe
ſeiende, Þe lond, to þe whiche ȝee ſhul gon out, þat ȝee werc of o dai, or of two; forſoþe hidouſli we han ſynned in
welden it, is a lond vnclene, after þe vncleneſſe of puplis, and þis woord;
of oþere londis, þe whiche fulfilden it wiþ þe abhomynaciouns xiiii be þer ſett princis in al þe multitude, and alle in oure
of hem, fro mouþ vnto mouþ in þer defouling. cites, þat han wedded aliene wiues, come þei in þe time ſet,
xii Now þanne ȝoure doȝtris ne ȝiue ȝe to þe ſonus of hem, and wiþ hem þe elders, bi cite and cite, and þe domeſmen of
and þe doȝtris of hem takeþ not to ȝour ſonus; and ſekeþ not it, to þe time þat þe wraþe of oure God be turned awei fro vs
pes of hem and proſperite of hem vnto euermor; þat ȝee be vpon þis ſynne.
coumfortid, and eten þat ben goode þingus of þe lond, and xv Þanne Jonathan, þe ſone of Azahel, and Jaſia, þe ſone of
eiris ȝee haue ȝoure ſonus vnto þe world. Thechue, ſtoden vpon þis; and Moſollam, and Sebethai,
xiii And after alle þingus þat camen vpon vs in oure werſte Leuitus, holpen hem.
werkis, and in oure grete gilte, for þou, oure God, xvi And ſo diden þe ſonus of tranſmygracoun. And Eſdras,
deliuerediſt vs fro oure wickeneſſe, and ȝeue to vs helþe, as is preſt, and þe men, princis of þe meynes, wenten awei in to þe
to dai, houſis of þer fadris, and alle bi þer namys; and þei ſeten in
xiiii þat we be not turned, and make þin heſtis in vein, ne bi þe firſte dai of þe tenþe moniþ, þat þei enſerche þe þing.
matrimoyne we ben ioyned wiþ þe puplis of þeſe xvii And alle þe men þat hadden weddid alien wiues ben
abhomynaciouns. Wheþer þou art wroþ to vs vnto þe ending, endid, vn to þe firſte dai of þe firſte moneþ.
leſt þou leue to vs relikis and helþe? xviii And þer ben founden of þe ſonus of preſtus, þat
xv Lord God of Irael, riȝtwis þou art; for wee ben forſaken,
weddeden heþene wiues; of þe ſonus of Joſue, þe ſones of
þe whiche ſhulden ben ſaaf as bi þis dai, lo! befor þee we ben Joſedech, and þe breþern of hym, Maaſia, and Eliezer, and
in oure gilte; forſoþe it mai not ben ſtonden befor þee vpon Jarib, and Godolia.
þis. xix And þei ȝeuen þer hondis, þat þei ſhulden caſten awei þer
wiues, and for þer gilte þei ſhulden offren a weþer of þe ſhep.
Capitulum X. xx And of þe ſonus of Semmer; Anam and Sebedia.
i So þanne Eſdre preȝende, and beſechende God, and xxi And of þe ſonus of Seerim; Maazia, and Helia, and
wepende, and liende befor þe temple of God, þer is gedered to Semeia, and Jehiel, and Oſias.
hym a ful myche cumpanye gret of men, and of wymmen, and xxii And of þe ſonus of Feſſur; Helioenai, Maazia, Hiſmael,
childer; and þe puple wepte wiþ myche weping. Nathanael, and Joſabeth, and Elaſa.
ii And Sechenyas, þe ſone of Jaiel, of þe ſonus of Elam,
xxiii And of þe ſones of Leuitus; Joſabeth, and Semei, and
anſwerde, and ſeide to Eſdre, Wee han treſpaſid in oure God, Eliaia; he is Calithafathaia; Juda, and Elieſer.
and wee han weddid aliene wiues of þe puplis of þe lond. xxiiii And of þe ſingeris, Eliazub; and of þe porteris, Sellum,
And now, for þer is penaunce in Irael vpon þis,
iii ſmyte wee couenaunt of pes wiþ þe Lord oure God, and and Thellem, and Vri.
xxv And of Irael, of þe ſonus of Faros; Remea, and Ezia,
þrowe awei alle oure wiues, and hem þat of hem ben born,
after þe wil of þe Lord; and of hem þat dreden þe and Melchia, and Buanym, and Eliezer, and Melchia, and
maundement of oure God, after þe lawe be it don. Banya.
iiii Ris, þin it is to demen, and wee ſhul be wiþ þee; tac xxvi And of þe ſonus of Elam; Mathanya, and Zacharias, and
coumfort, and do. Jehil, and Abdi, and Rimoth, and Helia.
v Þanne Eſdras ros, and adiurede þe princis of preſtus, and xxvii And of þe ſonus of Secua; Helieonai, Heliazub,
of Leuitus, and al Irael, þat þei ſhulden do after þis woord; Mathanya, and Jerymuth, and Saeth, and Aziza.
and þei ſworen. xxviii And of þe ſonus of Bebai; Johannan, Ananya, Zabbai,
vi And Eſdras ros befor þe hous of God, and wente awei to Athalia.
þe bed place of Johannan, ſone of Eliaſif, and he wente in xxix And of þe ſonys of Beny; Moſollam, and Melue, and
þider; bred he eet not, and water he dranc not; forſoþe he Azaia, Jaſub, and Saal, and Jamoth.
weilede þe treſpaſing of hem, þat fro þe caitifte weren comen. xxx And of þe ſonus of Faeth; Moab, Edua, and Calal,
vii And þer is ſent a vois in Juda and Jeruſalem, to alle þe Banaias, and Maſſias, Mathanyas, Beſeleel, and Bemym,
ſonus of tranſmygracioun, þat þei ſhulden be gedered in to and Manaſſe.
Jeruſalem; xxxi And of þe ſonus of Erem; Elieer, Jeſue, Melchias,
viii and alle þat comeþ not in þre daȝis, aftir þe counſeil of þe
Semeias, Symeon,
princis and of þe elders, al his ſubſtaunce ſhal be taken awei, xxxii Beniamyn, Maloth, Samarias.
and he ſhal be caſt awei fro þe cumpanye of tranſmygracioun. xxxiii And of þe ſonus of Aſom; Mathanai, Mathetha, Zabeth,
ix Þanne alle þe men of Juda and of Beniamyn camyn
Elifelech, Jermai, Manaſſe, Semei.
togidre in Jeruſalem þre daȝes; it is þe nynþe monyþ, in þe xxxiiii And of þe ſonus of Bany; Maddi, Amram, and Huel,


xxxv Baneas, and Badaias, Cheilian,

xxxvi Bianna, Marimuth, and Eliaſif,
xxxvii Mathanyas, Mathanay, and Jaſi,
xxxviii and Lany, and Bennan, and Semei,
xxxix and Salmyes, and Nathan, and Daias,
xl Meſuedebai, Suſai, Sarai,
xli Eſriel, and Seloman, Semeria,
xlii Sellum, Amaria, Joſeph.
xliii Of þe ſonus of Nebny; Aiel, Mathathias, Zabed, Zabina,
Jebdu, and Joel, Banai.
xliiii Alle þeſe hadden taken heþene wiues, and þer weren of
þeſe wymmen, þat hadden born ſonys.
Explicit liber primus. Incipit liber ſecundus.


aȝeen? And I pleſide befor þe chere of þe king, and he ſente

II. ESDRE. me, and I ſette hym a time;
vii and ſeide to þe king, If to þe king it is ſeen good, lettris
ȝiue he to me to þe dukis of þe regioun beȝonde þe flod, þat
Capitulum I. þei lede me ouer, to þe time I come in to Jude;
i The viii and a lettre to Aſaf, kepere of þe wilde wode of þe king,
woordis of Neemye, ſone of Elchie. And it is do in þe
moniþ of December, þe twentiþe ȝer, and I was in þe burȝ þat he ȝiue to me trees, þat I mowe couere þe ȝatis of þe
toun of Suſis; tour of þe hous, and of þe wal of þe cite, and þe hous þat I
ii and þer cam to me Annam, oon of my breþern, he and þe ſhal come in. And þe king ȝaf to me, after þe goode hond of
my God wiþ me.
men of Juda; and I aſkide hem of Jewis, þat abiden ſtille, ix And I cam to þe dukis of þe regioun beȝunde þe flod, and
and laften ouer of þe caitifte, and of Jeruſalem.
iii And þei ſeiden to me, Þei þat abiden ſtille, and ben laft of I ȝaf to hym þe epiſtolis of þe king. Forſoþe þe king hadde
ſent wiþ me prinſis of kniȝtus, and horſemen.
þe caitifte þere in þe prouynce, ben in gret affliccioun, and in x And Sanaballath Oronyte, and Tobie, ſeruaunt Amonyte,
repref; and þe wal of Jeruſalem is ſcatered, and his ȝatis ben
brend wiþ fijr. herden, and ben euele paȝid bi gret ſorewe, þat a man was
iiii And whan I hadde herd ſuch maner woordis, I ſat and come, þat ſhulde ſeche þe proſperite of þe ſonus of Irael.
xi And I cam in to Jeruſalem, and I was þere þre daȝes.
wepte, and weilide manye daȝes, and faſtide, and preȝede
befor þe face of God of heuene; xii And I ros þe nyȝt, and fewe men wiþ me, and I ſhewide
v and ſeide, I beſeche, Lord God of heuene, ſtrong, gret, and to no man, what God hadde ȝiuen in myn herte, þat I ſhulde
ferful, þat kepiſt couenaunt and merci wiþ hem, þat loouen do in Jeruſalem; and þere was noon helpely beeſte to me, but
þee, and kepen þi maundemens; þe beeſte þat I ſat on.
vi be þi ere maad herknende, and þi eȝen opened, þat þou here xiii And I wente out bi þe ȝate of þe valei þe nyȝt, and beforn
þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt, in þe whiche I preyȝe befor þee to þe welle of þe dragoun, and at þe drit ȝate; and I beheeld þe
dai, nyȝt and dai, for þe ſonys of Irael, þi ſeruauns, and I wal of Jeruſalem ſcaterid, and his ȝatis waſtid wiþ fijr.
knowleche for þe ſynnes of þe ſones of Irael, in þe whiche þei xiiii And I paſſide ouer to þe ȝate of þe welle, and to þe watir
ſynneden to þee; and I and þe hous of my fader han ſynned; cundict of þe king, and þer was no place to þe beeſte, þat I
vii bi vanyte wee ben born doun, and wee han not kept þe ſat on þat he myȝte paſſen ouer;
heſte, and cerimoines, and domus, þat þou comaundedeſt to xv and I ſteȝide vp bi þe ſtrem þe nyȝt, and I beheeld þe wal,
Moiſes, þi ſeruaunt. and turned aȝeen I cam to þe ȝate of þe valei, and am comen
viii Haue mynde of þe woord, þat þou comaundedeſt to þi aȝeen.
ſeruaunt, ſeiende, Whan ȝee han treſpaſid, I ſhal ſcatere ȝou xvi Þe maiſter iuges forſoþe wiſten not, whider I was go, or
in to puplis; what I wolde do; but and to þe Jewis, and to þe preſtus,
ix and if ȝee be turned aȝeen to me, þat ȝee kepe myn heſtus, and to þe moſt worſhipeful men, and to þe maiſter iuges, and
and don hem, alſo if ȝee weren lad awei to þe endis of to þe toþere þat maden þe werc, vnto þat of þe placis no þing
heuene, þennus I ſhal gadere ȝou togidere, and leden in to þe I hadde ſhewid.
place, þat I ches, þat my name dwelle þere. xvii And I ſeide to hem, `Ȝee han knowen þe affliccioun, in
x And wee þi ſeruauns, and þi puple, whom þou haſt boȝt in whiche we ben, for Jeruſalem is deſert, and his ȝatis ben
þi grete ſtrengþe, and in þi ſtronge hond. waſtid wiþ fijr; comeþ, and bilde we vp þe wallis of
xi I beſeche, Lord, be þin ere takende heede to þe oriſoun of Jeruſalem, and be we no more repref.
xviii And I ſhewide to hem þe hond of my God, þat it was
þi ſeruaunt, and to þe oriſoun of þi ſeruauns, þat wiln dreden
þi name; and dreſſe þi ſeruaunt to dai, and ȝif to hym merci good wiþ me, and þe woordis of þe king, þat he ſpac to me;
befor þis man. I forſoþe was þe booteler of þe king. and I ſey, Riſe we, and bilde we; and þe hondis of hem ben
coumfortid in goode.
xix Forſoþe Sanballath Oronyte, and Tobias, ſeruaunt
Capitulum II.
Amonyte, and Goſem Arabs, herden, and ſcorneden vs, and
i It is do forſoþe in þe moniþ of Aprill, þe twentiþe ȝer of deſpiſeden; and ſeiden, What is þis þing þat ȝee don? wheþer
Artaxerſes, þe king, and win was befor hym, and I heuede aȝen þe king ȝee rebellen?
vp þe win, and ȝaf to þe king, and I was aſtoneid beforn his xx And I ȝeld to þem a woord, and ſeide to þem, God of
face. heuene, he helpiþ vs, and wee his ſeruauns ben; riſe wee, and
ii And þe king ſeide to me, Whi is þi chere dreri, ſiþen I ſee bilde wee; to ȝou forſoþe is no part and riȝtwiſneſſe and
þee not ſijk? Þat is not in vein; but I wot not þe euel þat is mynde in Jeruſalem.
in þin herte. And I dradde ful myche;
iii and I ſeide to þe king, King, wiþ outen ende liue; whi Capitulum III.
ſhulde not my chere ſorewin priueli? for þe cite of þe hous of i And
þe ſepulcris of my fader is deſert, and his ȝatus ben brent Eliaſif, þe grete preſt, ros, and his breþern, and
wiþ fir. preſtus, and þei bilden vp þe ȝatis of þe floc; þei halewiden it,
iiii And þe king ſeiþ to me, For what þing aſkiſt þou? And I and ſetten þe ȝate leuys of it, and vn to þe tour of an hundrid
cubitus þei halewiden it, vn to þe tour of Ananehel.
preȝede þe God of heuene, ii And beſide hym þe men of Jericho bilden; and biſide hem
v and ſeide to þe king, If it is ſeen good to þe king, and if it
bilde Zaccur, þe ſone of Amri.
pleſe to þi ſeruauns befor þi face, þat þou ſende me in to iii Þe ȝate forſoþe of fiſſhis bilden vp þe ſonus of Azanaa; þei
Jude, I beſeche, to þe cite of þe ſepulcre of my fader, and I
ſhal bilden it. couereden it, and ſetten his ȝate leues, and lokis, and heengis.
vi And þe king ſeide to me, and þe quen þat ſat biſide hym, iiii And biſide hem bilde Marimuth, þe ſone of Vri, ſone of
Vnto what time ſhal be þi wei, and `whanne ſhalt þou come Accus. And biſide hym bilde Moſolla, þe ſone of Barachie,


ſone of Meſezebeel. And biſide hym bilde Sadoc, þe ſone of xxvi Gabonites, water bereris forſoþe dwelten in Ofel aȝen þe
Baana. ȝate of watris at þe eſt, and þe tour þat aboue ſemede.
v And biſide hym bilden Thecuenus; forſoþe þe more xxvii After hym bilden Thecuynes þe ſecunde meſure forn
wirſhipeful men of hem vnder putten not þer neckis in þe aȝen, fro þe grete tour and ſtondende aboue vnto þe wal of þe
werc of þe Lord þer God. temple.
vi And þe olde ȝate bilden vp Joiada, þe ſone of Faſia, and xxviii Aboue forſoþe at þe horſe ȝate bildeden þe preſtus, eche
Moſollam, þe ſone of Beſoida; and þei couereden it, and ſetten aȝen his hous.
his ȝate leuis, and lokis, and heengis. xxix Aftir hem bilde Seddo, þe ſone of Enner, aȝen his hous.
vii And biſide hem bilden Melchia Gabonite, and Jaddon
After hym bilde Semeia, þe ſone of Sechenye, kepere of þe
Methonothite, men of Gabaon and Masfa, for þe duk þat was eſt ȝate.
in þe regioun beȝonde þe flod. xxx After hym bilde Ananye, þe ſone of Selemye, and Anon,
viii And biſide hym bilde Eziel, þe ſone of Aria, goldſmiþ; and
þe ſone of Selon, þe ſixte, þe ſecunde meſure. After hym bilde
biſide hym bilde Annany, þe ſone of a piment makere; and þei Moſollam, þe ſone of Barachie, aȝen his treſorie.
laften Jeruſalem vnto þe wal of þe braddere ſtrete. xxxi After hym bilde Melchias, þe ſone of a goldſmiþ, vnto þe
ix And biſide hym bilde Rafaia, þe ſone of Hahul, prince of a
hous of ſodeknys, and of þe men ſellende ſheldis aȝen þe
toun of Jeruſalem. judicial ȝate, and vnto þe ſupping place of þe corner.
x And biſide hym bilde Jeieda, þe ſone of Ramath, aȝen his xxxii And wiþinne þe ſupping place of þe corner in to þe ȝate
hous; and biſide hym bilde Accus, þe ſone of Azebonie. of þe king bilden craftuſmen and marchandus.
xi Þe myddel forſoþe part of þe toun bilde Melchias, þe ſone
of Herem, and Aſub, þe ſone of Feth Moab; and þe tour of Capitulum IIII.
xii Biſide hym bilde Sellum, þe ſone of Aloes, prince of þe i It is do forſoþe, whan Sanaballath hadde herd, þat we
myddel part of a toun of Jeruſalem, and he and his ſonus. ſchulden bilde þe wal, he wraþide gretli, and, moued ful
xiii And þe ȝate of þe valei bilde Annun, and þe dwelleris of myche, ſcornede þe Jewis.
ii And he ſeide beforn his breþern, and þe court of
Sanoe; þei bilden it, and ſetten his ȝate leuis, and lokis, and
henglis, and a þouſend cubitus in þe wal vnto þe ȝate of þe Samaritanys, What do þe Jewis ful feble? Wheþer ſhuln
dunge hil. leuen hem þe Jentilis? Wheþer ſhul þei ſacrifien and fulfillen
xiiii And þe ȝate of þe dunge hil bilde Melchias, þe ſone of in o dai? Wheþer þei ſhuln moun bilden vp ſtonis of þe
Recab, prince of þe toun of Bethacharem; he bilde it, and hillokis of pouder, þat ben brent?
iii But and Tobias Amonite ſeiþ to his neȝhebores, Bilde þei;
ſette his ȝate leues, and lokis, and henglis.
xv And þe ȝate of þe welle bilde Sellum, þe ſone of Coloſai, if þer ſteȝe vp a fox, he ſhal lepe ouer þer ſton wal.
iiii And Neemie ſeide, Here þou, oure God, for we ben maad
prince of þe toun of Masfa; he bilde it, and couerede, and
ſette his ȝate leuis, and lockis, and heengis; and þe wallis of deſpit; turne þe repref vp on þe hed of hem, and ȝif hem in to
þe fiſh pond of Siloe in to þe ȝerd of þe king, and vn to þe deſpiſing in þe lond of caitifte;
grees of þe king, þat comen doun fro þe cite of Dauid. v ne couere þou þe wickeneſſe of hem, and þe ſynnus of hem
xvi After hym bilde Neemyas, þe ſone of Aſboc, þe prince of befor þi face be not don awei; for þei ſcorneden þe bilders.
þe half part of þe toun of Bethſuri, vnto aȝen þe ſepulcre of vi And ſo we bilden þe wal, and al we ioyneden togidere vnto
Dauid, and vnto þe fiſh pond, þat bi gret werc is maad, and þe half part, and þe herte of þe puple is ſtirid to werken.
vnto þe hous of ſtronge men. vii It is do forſoþe, whan Sanaballath hadde herd, and
xvii After hym bilden Leuitus; and after hem Reum, þe ſone Tobias, and Arabes, and Amanytes, and Azozie, þat þe gap
of Benny. After hym bilde Azebias, prince of þe half part of of þe wal of Jeruſalem was maad al hol, and þat þe chinys
þe toun of Cheile, in his toun. `or crauaſis begunnen to be cloſid, þei ben ful myche wroþ.
xviii After hym bilden þe breþern of hem, Bethin, þe ſone of viii And alle þei ben gedered togidere, þat þei comen and fiȝte
Enadad, prince of þe half part of Cheila. aȝen Jeruſalem, and caſten buſſhemens.
xix And Aſer, þe ſonn of Joſue, prince of Masfa, bilde beſide ix And we preȝeden þe Lord oure God, and we ſetten keperis
hym þe ſecunde meſure aȝen þe ſteȝing vp of þe moſt faſt vp on þe wal dai and nyȝt aȝen hem.
corner. x Forſoþe Judas ſeide, Þe ſtrengþe of þe berere is feblid, and
xx After hym in þe hil bilde Baruch, þe ſone of Sachaie, þe
þere is to miche erþe, and we ſhul not moun bilden vp þe
ſecunde meſure fro þe corner vnto þe ȝate of þe hous of wal.
Eliazif, grete preſt. xi And oure enemis ſeiden, Wite þei not, and vnknowe þei, to
xxi After hym bilde Marimuth, þe ſone of Vrie, ſone of Accur, þe time þat we comen in to þe middel of hem, and ſlen hem,
þe ſecunde meſure fro þe ȝate of þe hous of Eliaſif, to þe time and make þe werc to ceſen.
þat þe hous of Eliaſif were ſtraȝt out. xii It is do forſoþe, þe Jewis comende, þat dwelten biſides
xxii And aftir hym bildeden þe preſtus, men of þe wilde feldis
hem, and ſeiende to vs ten ſiþis, of alle þe placis fro whiche
of Jordan. þei weren come to vs,
xxiii After hym bilden Beniamyn and Aſub aȝen þer hous; xiii I ſette in a place behinde þe wal bi enuyroun a puple in
and after hym bilde Aſarias, þe ſone of Mooſie, ſone of order, wiþ þer ſwerdis, and ſperis, and bowis.
Ananye, aȝen his hous. xiiii I beheeld, and ros, and ſeide to þe more wrſhipeful men,
xxiiii Aftir hym bilde Benni, þe ſone of Senadad, þe ſecunde and maiſter iugis, and to þe toþer part of þe comun, Wiliþ
meſure fro þe hous of Azarie vnto þe bowing and vnto þe not dreden fro þe face of hem; of þe grete Lord and ferful haþ
corner. mynde, and fiȝteþ for ȝour breþern, and ȝour ſonus, and ȝour
xxv Falel, þe ſone of Oſi, aȝen þe bowing, and þe tour þat doȝtris, ȝour wiues, and houſis.
ſtant aboue, fro þe heȝe hous of þe king, þat is in þe porche
of þe priſoun; and after hym Fadaia, þe ſone of Feros.


xv It is do forſoþe, whan oure enemys hadden herd to be told xii And þei ſeiden, Wee ſhal ȝelden, and of hem noþing we
to vs, God ſcaterede þe conſeil of hem; and alle wee ben ſechen; and þus wee ſhul do as þou ſpekiſt. And I clepide þe
turned aȝeen to þe wallis, eche to his werk. preſtis, and adiurede hem, þat þei ſhulde do aftir þat I hadde
xvi And it is do fro þat dai, þe half part of þe ȝunge men ſeid.
maden þe werk, and þe half part was redi to bataile; and xiii Ferþermor I ſhakide out my boſum, and ſeide, Þus God
ſperis, and ſheeldis, and bowis, and haberiones, and princis ſhake out eche man, þat fulfilliþ not þis woord of his hous,
bihinde þem, in al þe hous of Juda, and of his trauailis; and be he ſhaken out, and maad voide.
xvii of bilders in þe wal, and of bereris berþenus, and of And al þe multitude ſeide, Amen; and preiſeden God. Þanne
leieris on; wiþ þer oon hond þei maden þe werc, and wiþ þe dide þe puple, as it was ſeid.
toþer þei heelden ſwerd. xiiii Forſoþe fro þat dai þat þe king hadde comaunded to me,
xviii Forſoþe of þe bilders eche was gird aboute þe hipis wiþ þat I were duke in þe lond of Juda, fro þe twentiþe ȝer vn to
a ſwerd; and þei bilden, and crieden wiþ trumpe biſyde me. þe two and þrettiþe ȝer of king Artaxerſes, bi twelue ȝer, I
xix And I ſeide to þe moſt wrſhipeful men, and to þe maiſter and my breþern þe ȝeris frutus, þat weren due to dukis, wee
eeten not.
iugis, and to þe toþer part of þe comun, A gret werc it is, xv Forſoþe þe firſte dukis þat weren befor me greueden þe
and brod, and we ben ſeuered in þe wal aferr, an oþer fro an
oþer; puple, and token of hem in bred, and win, and in mone, eche
xx in what euere place ȝee ſhul here þe criyng of þe trumpe, dai fourti ouncis; but and þe ſeruauns of hem preſſeden doun
þe puple. I forſoþe dide not ſo, for þe drede of God;
þider renneþ togidere to vs; forſoþe oure God ſhal fiȝte for vs. xvi but raþere in þe werk of þe wal bildede, and feeld I boȝte
xxi And we vſſelf ſhul make þe werk, and þe half part of vs
not, and alle my childer gedered weren to þe werc.
holde ſperis, fro þe ſteȝing vp of þe morutid to þe time þat þe xvii Alſo Jewis and þe maiſter iugis of hem weren an
ſterris gon out.
xxii Alſo þat time I ſeide to þe puple, Eche wiþ his child hundrid men and fifti; and þoo þat camen to vs of þe Jentilis,
þat ben in oure enuyroun, weren in my bord.
dwelle in þe middel of Jeruſalem, and be þer to ȝou whilis by xviii Forſoþ þere was greiþid to me bi alle daȝis an oxe, ſixe
nyȝt and dai to werken.
xxiii I forſoþe, and my breþern, and þe keperis, and my choſen weþeris, out take volatilis, and betwe ten daȝes diuerſe
wines; and oþere manye þingus I ȝaf; ferþermor and þe ȝeris
childer, þat weren bihinde me, diden not of oure cloþis; eche frutis of my duchie I ſoȝte not; forſoþe þe puple gretli was
onli was nakid to baptem. pouereſht.
xix My God, haue mynde of me in to goode, after alle þingis
Capitulum V. þat I haue do to þis puple.
i And þer is maad a cri of þe puple and of þer wiues, a gret,
aȝen Jewis, þer breþern. Capitulum VI.
ii And þer weren þat ſeiden, Oure ſonus and oure doȝtris ben i It is do forſoþe, whan Sanaballath hadde herd, and
ful manye; take we for þe pris of hem whete, and ete we, and Thobias, and Goſem Arabs, and oure oþere enemys, þat I
liue wee. hadde bild þe wal, and þer was not in it laft broſure among;
iii And þer weren þat ſeiden, Oure feldis, and vines, and oure forſoþe vnto þat time I hadde not put ȝate leues in þe ȝate;
houſis lei wee to, and take wee whete in hunger. ii Sanaballath, and Thobias, and Goſem Arabs ſenten to me,
iiii And oþere ſeiden, Borewe wee monei in to þe tributus of ſeiende, Cum, and ſmite wee pes couenaunt togidere in litle
þe king, and ȝiue wee oure feldis, and oure vines. tounus, in a feeld; þei forſoþe þoȝten, þat þei do to me euel.
v And now as þe fleſh of oure breþern, ſo oure fleſh ben; and iii Þanne I ſente to hem meſſageris, ſeiende, A gret werc I
as þe ſonys of hem, ſo and oure ſonus; lo! we han vnder do, and I mai not come doun, leſt parauenture it be laft,
ȝokid our ſonus and oure doȝtris in to ſeruage, and of oure whan I ſhulde comen, and deſcende to ȝou.
doȝtris ben þrallis, and we han not, wherof þei moun be boȝt; iiii Forſoþe þei ſenten to me after þis woord bi foure ſiþes,
and our feldus, and oure vines oþer men welden. and I anſwerde to hem after þe raþere woord.
vi And I wraþide ful myche, whan I hadde herd þe cri of v And Sanaballath ſente to me after þe raþere woord þe fifte
hem after þeſe woordys. ſiþe his child; and he hadde a lettre in his hond writen in þis
vii And myn herte þoȝte wiþ me, and I blamede þe moſt maner;
wrſhipeful men and maiſter iugis; and ſeide to hem, Echone vi In Gentilis it is herd, and Goſem ſeide, for þou and þe
aſke ȝee not vſuris of ȝoure breþern. And I gederede aȝen Jewis þenken to rebellen, and þerfore ȝee bilden, and þou wilt
hem a gret conuocacioun, rere þee vp on hem king;
viii and ſeide to þem, Wee, as ȝee witen, han forboȝt oure vii for what cauſe and profetus þou haſt ſett, þat prechen of
breþern Jewis, þat weren ſold to þe Jentilis, after oure þee in Jeruſalem, ſeiende, A king in Jeruſalem is; þe king is
power; and ȝee þanne ſellen ȝoure breþern, and wee ſhul bien to here þeſe woordis; þerfore cum now, þat wee go in counſeil
hem aȝeen. And þei heelden þer pes, ne founden not what þei togidere.
ſhulden anſwern. viii And I ſente to hem, ſeiende, It is not don after þeſe
ix And I ſeide to hem, Þis is no good þing, þat ȝee don; whi
woordis þat þou ſpekiſt; forſoþe of þin herte þou makiſt þeſe
in þe drede of oure God ȝee gon not, leſt it be repreuid to vs þingus.
of þe Jentilis, oure enemys? ix Alle þeſe fereden vs, þenkende þat our hondis ſhulden ceſen
x And I and my breþern, and my childer, lenten to manye
fro werkis, and reſten aȝeen; for what cauſe more I confortid
men monei and whete, ne wee aſkeden not aȝen þis in to myn hond.
comun; and oþer þing þat is aȝt to vs graunte wee. x And I wente in to þe hous of Samaie, ſone of Dalie, ſone
xi Ȝeldeþ to þem to dai þer feldis, and þer vines, þeir oliues,
of Methabehel, priuyli, þe whiche ſeiþ, Trete wee wiþ vs in
and þer houſis; but more and þe hundrid part of monee of þe hous of God, in þe middel of þe temple, and cloſe we þe
whete, and of win, and oile, þat ȝee weren wont to aſken of
hem, ȝiueþ for hem.


ȝatus of þe hous; for þer ben to come þat þei ſle þee, and þe xiii þe ſonus of Zechua, eiȝte hundrid and fiue and fourti;
nyȝt þei ben to come þat þei ſle þee. xiiii þe ſonus of Zachai, ſeuene hundrid and ſixty;
xi And I ſeide, Wheþir any man lic me fleeþ, and who as I
xv þe ſonus of Bennui, ſixe hundrid and eiȝte and fourti;
ſhal go in to þe temple, and liuen? I ſhal not gon in.
xii And I vnderſtod þat God hadde not ſent hym, but as xvi þe ſonus of Ebai, ſixe hundrid `and eiȝte and twenti;
profeciende he hadde ſpoke to me; and Thobias and xvii þe ſonus of Aſgad, two þouſend þre hundrid and two and
Sanaballath bi mede hadden hirid hym. twenti;
xiii Forſoþe he hadde take pris, þat aferd I ſhulde don, and xviii þe ſonus of Aſonycham, ſixe hundrid and ſeuene and
ſynnen; and þei myȝte han euel, þat þei repreue to me. ſixti;
xiiii Haue mynde of me, Lord, for Tobias and Sanaballath, xix þe ſonus of Bagoamy, two þouſend and ſeuene and ſixti;
after ſuche werkus of hem; but and of Nadie, profete, and of xx þe ſonus of Adin, ſixe hundrid and fiue and fifti;
oþere profetus, þat fereden me. xxi þe ſonus of Aſer, ſone of Ezechie, eiȝte and twenti;
xv Forſoþe þe wal is fulfild þe fiue and twentiþe dai of þe
xxii þe ſonus of Aſem, þre hundrid and eiȝte and twenti;
ſixte moneþ, in two and fifti daȝes.
xvi It is do þanne, whan alle oure enemys hadden herd, þat xxiii þe ſonus of Bethſai, þre hundrid and foure and twenti;
alle þe Jentilis þat weren in oure enuyroun dredden, and xxiiii þe ſonus of Aref, an hundrid and ſeuene and twenti;
fellen togidere wiþ inne þemſelf, and knewen, þat of þe Lord xxv þe ſonus of Salaon, fiue and nynti;
was do þis werc. xxvi þe men of Bethlem and of Nethufa, an hundrid foure
xvii But and in þo daȝes manye epiſtolis of þe moſte wrþi
ſcore and eiȝte;
men of Jewis weren ſent to Tobie, and fro Tobie camen to xxvii men of Anatot, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti;
þem. xxviii men of Bethſamoth, two and fourti;
xviii Manye forſoþe weren in Jude, hauende his oþ; for he
xxix men of Cariathiarim, Sefira, and Beroth, ſeuene hundrid
was þe ſone in lawe of Sechenye, ſone of Jorel; and
Johannan, his ſone, hadde taken þe doȝter of Moſollam, ſone and þre and fourti;
of Barachie. xxx men of Ramaa and of Gabaa, ſixe hundrid and oon and
xix But and þei preſeden hym befor me, and my woordis þei twenti;
tolden to hym; and Thobias ſente lettris, þat he ſhulde fere xxxi men of Machinas, two hundrid and two and twenti;
me. xxxii men of Bethel and of Hai, an hundrid and þre and
Capitulum VII. xxxiii men of þe toþer Nebo, two and fifti;
i Aftir forſoþe þat þe wal is maad vp, and I ſette þe ȝate xxxiiii men of þe toþer Elam, a þouſend two hundrid and
leuys, and noumbride þe porteres, and þe ſingeris, and þe foure and fifti;
Leuitis, xxxv þe ſonus of Arem, þre hundrid and twenti;
ii I comaundede to Aneny, my broþer, and to Ananye, prince xxxvi þe ſonus of Jericho, þre hundrid and fiue and fourti;
of þe hous of Jeruſalem; he forſoþe as a ſoþfaſt man, and xxxvii þe ſonus of Joiadid and of Anon, ſeuene hundrid and
dredende God more þan oþere was ſeen;
iii and I ſeide to hem, Þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem be þei not oon and twenti;
xxxviii þe ſonus of Senaa, þre þouſend nyne hundrid and
opened vnto þe hete of þe ſunne; and whan ȝit I ſtod neeȝh,
þe ȝatis ben cloſid and ſtoppid. And I ſette keperis of þe þretti;
dwelleris of Jeruſalem, eche bi þer whilis, and eche aȝen his xxxix preſtus, þe ſonus of Joiada, in þe hous of Joſue, nyne
hous. hundrid and foure and ſeuenti;
iiii Forſoþe þe cite was myche brod and gret, and þe puple xl þe ſonys of Emmer, a þouſend and two and fifti;
litil in þe middel of it, and þer weren not houſis bild. xli þe ſonus of Faſſur, a þouſend two hundrid ſeuene and
v God forſoþe ȝaf in myn herte, and I gaderede togidere þe fourti;
moſt wrſhipeful men, and þe maiſter iugis, and þe comun, þat xlii þe ſones of Arem, a þouſend and ſeuentene;
I noumbre hem; and I fond þe boc of þe noumbring of hem, xliii Leuitus, ſonus of Joſue and of Gadimel, ſonus of Odina,
þat hadden ſteȝid vp firſt. And it is founde writen in it,
vi Þeſe þe ſones of þe prouince, þat ſteȝeden vp fro þe caitifte ſeuenti and foure;
xliiii ſingeres, ſonus of Aſaf, an hundrid and ſeuene and
of tranſmigracioun, þe whiche Nabugodonoſor, king of
Babiloine, hadde tranſlatid; and þei ben turned aȝeen in to fourti;
Jeruſalem and in to Jude, eche in to his cite, xlv porteres, ſonus of Sellum, ſonus of Ather, ſonus of
vii þat camen wiþ Sorobabel; Joſue, Neemias, Azarias, Thelmon, ſonus of Accub, ſonus of Accita, ſonus of Sobai, an
Raamias, Naanum, Mardocheus, Bethſar, Mesfarath, hundrid and eiȝte and þretti;
Beggai, Naum, Banaa. Þe noumbre of þe men of þe puple xlvi ſodeknes, ſonus of Soa, ſonus of Asfa, ſonus of
of Irael; Thebaoth,
viii þe ſones of Faros, two þouſend and hundrid and two and xlvii ſonus of Cheros, ſonus of Sicca, ſonus of Fado,
ſeuenti; xlviii ſonus of Lebana, ſonus of Agaba, ſonus of Selmon,
ix þe ſonus of Safaie, þre hundrid foure ſcore and two; xlix ſonus of Anon, ſonus of Jeddel, ſonys of Gair,
x þe ſonus of Area, ſixe hundrid two and fifti; l ſonus of Raaia, ſonus of Raſym, ſonus of Nechoda,
xi þe ſonus of Faeth Moab, of þe ſonus of Joſue and of Joab, li ſonus of Jeſem, ſonus of Aſa, ſonus of Faſcha,
two þouſend eiȝte hundrid and eiȝtetene; lii ſonus of Beſai, ſonus of Minum, ſonus of Nefuſym,
xii þe ſonus of Elam, a þouſend eiȝte hundrid and foure and
liii ſonis of Bechue, ſonus of Acufa, ſonus of Aſſur,
liiii ſonus of Belloth, ſonus of Meida, ſonus of Arſa,


lv ſonus of Berchos, ſonus of Cizara, ſonus of Thema, and Maaſia, at his riȝt ſide; and at his left, Fadaia, Miſael,
lvi ſonus of Nezia, ſonus of Athifa, and Melchia, Aſſum, and Aſef, Dana, and Acharia, and
lvii ſonus of þe ſeruauns of Salomon, ſonus of Sothai, ſonus v And Eſdras openede þe boc beforn al þe puple; vp on al þe
of Soforeth, ſonus of Ferida, puple forſoþe he ſtod ouer; and whan he hadde opened it, al
lviii ſonus of Jachala, ſonus of Dalchon, ſonns of Jeddel, þe puple ſtod.
lix ſonus of Safacia, ſonus of Atchil, ſonus of Focereth, þat vi And Eſdras bleſſide to þe Lord God wiþ a gret vois; and
was born of Abaim, ſone of Amon; al þe puple anſwerde, Amen, Amen, rerend vp þer hondus.
lx alle þe ſodeknes, and þe ſonus of þe þrallis of Salamon, And þei ben ful bowid, and bowid in to þe erþe þei
þre hundrid and two and twenti. honoureden God.
lxi Þeſe ben þat ſteȝeden vp of Themelath, Thelarſa, Cherub, vii But Joſue, and Baani, and Serebia, Jamyn, Accub,
Addo, and Emmer, and þei myȝten not ſhewe þe hous of þer Sefai, Odia, Maaſia, Celitha, Azarias, Joſabeth, Anan,
fadirs, and þer ſed, wheþer of Iſrael þei weren; Fallaia, Leuitus, maden ſilence in þe puple to þe lawe to ben
lxii ſonus of Dalaia, ſonus of Thobia, ſonus of Nethoda, ſixe herd. Þe puple forſoþe ſtod in his gree.
viii And þei radden in þe boc of þe lawe diſtinctli and apertli
hundrid and two and fourti;
lxiii and of þe preſtis, ſonus of Abia, ſonus of Achos, ſonus of to vnderſtonde; and þei vnderſtoden, whan it ſchulde be rad.
ix Forſoþe Neemias, he is Atherſata, ſeide, and Eſdras, preſt
Berſellai, þat toc a wif of þe doȝtris of Berſellai Galadite,
and is clepid bi þe name of hem; and ſcribe, and þe Leuitus, remenyng to al þe puple, A dai is
lxiiii þeſe ſoȝten þe ſcripture of þer genelogie, and founde not, halewid to þe Lord oure God; wileþ not weilen, and wileþ not
wepen. Forſoþe al þe puple wepte, whan he herde þe woordis
and ben caſt out fro preſthod. of þe lawe.
lxv And Atherſatha ſeide to þem, þat þei ſhulden not eten of x And he ſeide to þem, Goþ, and eteþ fatte þingis, and
þe holi þingus of halewis, to þe time þat þer rijſe a taȝt and drinkeþ meþ, and ſendeþ for hem, þat han not maad redi to
lerned preſt. þem ſelf, for it is þe holi dai of þe Lord; wileþ not be dreri,
lxvi Al þe multitude as o man, two and fourti þouſend þre forſoþe þe ioȝe of þe Lord is ȝoure ſtrengþe.
hundrid and ſixti, xi Alſo Leuitus maden ſilence in al þe puple, ſeiende, Holdeþ
lxvii wiþ oute þe ſeruauns and þe hand wymmen of hem, þat ȝour pes, for it is halidai, and wileþ not ſorewen.
weren ſeuen þouſend þre hundrid and ſeuene and þretti; and xii And ſo al þe puple wente to ete, and drinken, and to ſende
among hem ſingeres and ſingreſſis two hundrid and fiue and partis, and to make gret gladneſſe; for þei vnderſtoden þe
fourti. woordis, þat he hadde taȝt hem.
lxviii Þe hors of hem, ſeuene hundrid and þre and þretti; þe xiii In þe ſecunde dai ben gedered þe princis of meynes, and
camailis of hem, foure hundrid and fiue and þretti; al þe puple, preſtus, and Leuitus, to Eſdra, ſcribe, þat he
lxix þe aſſis of hem, ſixe þouſend ſeuene hundred and þretti; remene to þem þe woordis of þe lawe.
`þe mulis of hem, two hundrid and fiue and fourti. xiiii And þei founde writen in þe lawe, þe Lord to han
lxx Summe forſoþe of þe princis of þe meynes ȝeuen expenſis comaundid in þe hond of Moiſes, þat þe ſonus of Irael dwelle
in to þe werc of God; Atherſatha ȝaf in to þe treſorie, of gold, in tabernaclis in þe ſolempne dai, þe ſeuenþe moneþ;
dragmys a þouſend, fifty violis, preſtus cotus fiue hundrid and xv and þat þei prechen, and puppliſhen vois in alle þer cites,
þretti. and in Jeruſalem; ſeiende, Goþ out in to þe hil, and bringeþ
lxxi And of þe princis of þe meines þer ȝeuen in to þe treſorie braunchis of oliues, and braunchis of þe moſt fair tree, and þe
of þe werk, of gold, dragmis twenti þouſend, and of ſiluer, braunchis of myrt tree, and bowis of palmys, and braunchis
two þouſend beſauntus and two hundrid. of a wodi tree, þat þer be made tabernaclis, as it is write.
lxxii And þat þat ȝaf þe toþer puple, of gold, dragmis twenti xvi And al þe puple wente out, and broȝten, and maden
þouſend, and of ſiluer, beſauntus two þouſend, and preſtus tabernaclis to þem, eche in his hous, and in þer porchis, and
cotus ſixti and ſeuenn. in þe porchis of þe hous of God, and in þe ſtrete of þe ȝate of
lxxiii Forſoþe þe preſtus, and Leuitus, and þe porteris, and Effraym.
ſingeris, and þe toþer comun, and þe ſodeknys, and al Irael xvii Þanne al þe chirche of hem, þat ben turned aȝeen fro þe
dwelten in þer cites. And þe ſeuenþe moneþe of þe feſte of caitifte, made tabernaclis, and þei dwelten in tabernaclis.
tabernaclis was comen vnder Eſdra and Neemie; þe ſonus Forſoþe þe ſonus of Irael hadden nott maad ſuche þingis fro
forſoþe of Irael weren in þer cites. þe dai of Joſue, ſone of Nun, vnto þat dai; and þer was a
gret gladneſſe riȝt miche.
Capitulum VIII. xviii Forſoþe he radde in þe boc of þe lawe bi eche daȝes, fro
i And þe firſte dai vn to þe laſte dai; and þei maden ſolempnete
al þe puple is gedered as oo man, at þe ſtrete þat is ſeuene daȝes, and in þe eiȝþe a colect, after þe cuſtum.
befor þe ȝate of watris. And þei ſeiden to Eſdra, ſcribe, þat he
ſhulde bringe forþ þe boc of þe lawe of Moiſes, þat þe Lord
hadde comaundid to Irael. Capitulum IX.
ii Þanne Eſdras, þe preſt, broȝte forþ þe lawe, befor þe i In þe foure and twentiþe dai forſoþe of þis moniþ, þe ſonus
multitude of men and wymmen, and to alle þat myȝten of Irael camen togidere in faſting, and in ſackis, and erþe
vnderſtonde, in þe firſte dai of þe ſeuenþe monyþ. vpon hem.
iii And he radde in it apertli in þe ſtrete þat was befor þe ȝate ii And þe ſed of þe ſonus of Irael is ſeuered fro eche alien
of watris, fro þe morutid vnto þe middai, in þe ſiȝte of men ſone. And þei ſtoden befor þe Lord, and þei knoulecheden þer
and wymmen and of wiſe men; and þe eris of al þe puple ſynnes, and þe wickedneſſes of þer fadris.
weren riȝt to þe boc. iii And þei riſen togidere to ſtonden, and þei radden in þe
iiii Forſoþe Eſdras ſcribe ſtod vpon a treene gree, þe whiche volum of þe lawe of þe Lord þer God foure ſiþes in þe dai,
he hadde maad to ſpeken in; and þer ſtoden beſide hym, and foure ſiþes in þe nyȝt; þei knoulecheden, and preiſeden þe
Mathathias, and Semma, and Anania, and Vria, and Elchia, Lord þer God.


iiii Forſoþe þer riſen vp on þe gree, of Leuitus Jeſue, and xxii And þou ȝeue to hem reumys, and puplis; and partidiſt to
Baani, and Cediniel, Remni, Abany, Sarabias, Baani. And þem lotis, and þei weldiden þe lond of Seon, and þe lond of
þe Leuitus crieden wiþ a gret vois to þe Lord þer God. þe king of Eſebon, and þe lond of Og, king of Baſan.
v And Jeſue and Sedeniel, Bonni, Aſſebia, Serebia, Arabia, xxiii And þe ſonus of hem þou multepliedeſt, as þe ſterris of
Odaia, Sebua, Fachaia, ſeiden, Riſeþ, and bleſſeþ to þe Lord heuene; and broȝtiſt hem to þe lond, of þe whiche þou haddeſt
oure God fro wiþouten ende and vn to wiþ oute ende; and ſeid to þer fadris, þat þei ſhulden gon in, and welden it.
bleſſe þei to þe heȝe name of þi glorie in alle bleſſing and xxiiii And þe ſonus of Irael camen, and weldeden þe lond;
preiſing. and þou mekedeſt beforn hem þe Cananees, dwelleris of þe
vi And Eſdras ſeide, Þou þi ſelf, Lord, alone; þou madiſt lond; and þou ȝeue hem in to þer hondis, and þe kingus of
heuene of heuenus, and al þe oſt of hem, þe erþe and alle hem, and þe puplis of þe lond, þat þei do to hem as it pleſide
þingus þat in it ben, ſes and alle þingus þat in hem ben, and to þem.
þou quikeneſt alle þeſe þingis; and þe oſt of heuene honoureþ xxv And þei token ſtrengþid cites, and fat erþe; and weldeden
þee. houſis ful of alle goodis, ciſternes of oþer men forgid, vines,
vii Þou þi ſelf Lord God, þat cheſedeſt Abraham, and laddeſt and oliues, and manie appil trees. And þei eeten, and ben
hym out fro þe fijr of Caldeis, and ſettiſt his name Abraham; fulfild, and ben maad fatte; and þei aboundeden in richeſſis in
viii and foundiſt his herte trewe befor þee, and ſmite wiþ hym þi grete goodneſſe.
pes couuenaunt, þat þou ȝeue to hym þe lond of Cananee, xxvi Þei terreden forſoþe þee to wraþe, and wenten awei fro
Ethei, and Euei, and Amorrei, and Fereſei, and Jebuſei, and þee, and þrewen awei þi lawe bihinde þer backes; and þi
Jergeſei, þat þou ȝeue to his ſed; and þou haſt fulfild þi profetus ſlowen, þat witneſſeden to þem, þat þei ſhulden turne
woordis, for þou art riȝtwis. aȝeen to þee; and þei diden grete blasfemys.
ix And þou haſt ſeen þe affliccioun of oure fadris in Egipt, xxvii And þou ȝeue þem into þe hond of þer enemis; and þei
and þe cri of hem þou haſt herd vpon þe rede ſe. tormenteden hem; and in time of þer tribulacioun þei crieden
x And þou ȝeue tocnes and wndris in Farao, and in alle his to þee; and þou fro heuene herdeſt hem, and aftir þi manie
ſeruauns, and in al þe puple of þat lond; forſoþe þou haſt deedis of mercy þou ȝeue to hem ſaueoures, þat ſhulden ſauen
knowen, for proudli þei diden aȝen hem; and þou madeſt to hem fro þe hond of þer enemis.
þee a name as in þis dai. xxviii And whan þei hadden reſtid, þei ben turned aȝen þat þei
xi And þe ſee þou deuidedeſt beforn hem, and þei paſſeden do euel in þi ſiȝte; and þou forſoke hem in þe hond of þer
ouer þurȝ þe middel of þe ſe in drie; þe purſueris forſoþe of enemys, and þei weldeden hem; and þei ben conuertyd, and
hem þou þrewe aferr in to þe depneſſe, as a ſton in ſtronge þei crieden to þee; þou forſoþe fro heuene herdiſt, and
watris. deliueredeſt hem in þi mercies manie times.
xii And in a pileer of a cloude ledere of hem þou were bi dai, xxix And þou witneſſedeſt to þem, þat þei ſhulden turnen aȝeen
and in a piler of fijr bi nyȝt, þat þe weie aperede to þem, bi to þi lawe; þei forſoþe proudli diden, and þei herden not þi
whiche þei wenten in. maundementus, and in þi domys þei ſynneden, þe whiche
xiii Alſo to þe hil of Sinai þou came doun, and ſpeke to hem what man doþ ſhal liuen in hem; and þei ȝeuen a going awey
ſhulder, and þer nol þei inwardli hardeden.
fro heuene, and ȝeue to þem riȝte domus, and þe lawe of xxx And þou drowe afer vpon hem manie ȝeris, and þou
treuþe, cerimoines, and gode heſtus.
xiiii And halewid ſabot þou ſhewedeſt to þem; and witneſſediſt hem in þi Spirit bi þe hond of þi profetus; and
þei herden not; and þou toke þem in to þe hond of þe puplis
maundemens, and cerimoines, and lawe, þou comaundediſt to of londis.
þem, in þe hond of Moiſes, þi ſeruaunt. xxxi Forſoþe in þi manie mercies þou madiſt not hem in to
xv Bred alſo fro heuene þou ȝeue to þem in þer hunger; and
waſting, ne forſoke þem; for God of myſeraciouns, and
water of a ſton þou broȝtiſt out to hem þreſtende; and þou benigne þou art.
ſeideſt to þem, þat þei ſhulden gon in, and welde þe lond, vp xxxii And ſo now, Lord oure God, grete God, ſtrong, and
on þe whiche þou rerediſt þin hond, þat þou take it to hem.
xvi Þei forſoþe and þer fadris proudli diden, and inwardli ferful, kepende couenaunt and merci, ne turne þou awei þi
face in al þe trauaile þat haþ founden vs, oure kingis, and
hardeden þer nollis, and þei herden not þi maundemens. oure princis, and oure fadris, and oure preſtis, and oure
xvii And þei wolden not heren; and þei recordeden not of þi profetis, and al þi puple, fro þe daȝis of king Aſſur vnto þis
merueilis, þat þou haddeſt do to þem; and þei inwardli dai.
hardeden þer nollis; and þei ȝeuen hed, þat þei were turned xxxiii And þou art riȝtwis in alle þingus, þat camen vpon vs;
togidere to þer þraldam; þou forſoþe God merciful, and noble, for treuþe þou didiſt to vs; wee forſoþe vnpitouſli diden.
and benigne, longe abidende, and of myche mercy, and þou xxxiiii Oure kingus, and oure princis, oure preſtis, and oure
forſoke not hem;
xviii and forſoþe whan þei hadden maad to þem a calf, as bi fadris, diden not þi lawe, and tentiden not to þin heſtis, and
þy witneſſis þat þou witneſſediſt in hem.
ſtrif ȝoten, and ſeiden, Þis is þi God þat ladde þee out fro xxxv And þei in þeir goode reumis, and in þi miche goodneſſe
Egipt, and þei diden grete blasfemys.
xix Þou forſoþe in þi manie mercies lafttiſt þem not in deſert; þat þou haddeſt ȝiue to hem, and in þe moſt large lond and
fat, þat þou haddeſt taken in þe ſiȝte of hem, þei ſerueden not
a piler of a cloude wente not awei fro hem bi dai, þat it lede to þee, ne ben turned aȝeen fro þer werſte ſtudies.
hem in to þe weie; and a piler of fijr bi nyȝt, þat he ſhewe to xxxvi Lo! wee vſſelf to dai ben þrallis; and þe lond þat þou
þem þe weie, bi whiche þei ſhulden gon in.
xx And þi goode Spirit þou ȝeue to hem, þat ſhulde teche ȝeue to oure fadris, þat þei ſhulden ete þe bred of it, and þo
þingus þat ben goode of it; and we vſſelf ben þrallis in it.
þem; and þi aungelis mete þou forfendedeſt not fro þe mouþ of xxxvii And þe frutus of hem ben multiplied to kingis, þat þou
hem, and watir þou ȝeue to hem in þriſt.
xxi Fourti ȝer þou feddiſt hem in deſert, and no þing to hem haſt put vp on vs for oure ſynnes; and þei lordſhipen to oure
bodies, and to oure beſtis, aftir þer wil, and in gret
failede; þe cloþis of hem eeldeden not, and þe feet of hem ben tribulacioun we ben.
not ouertroden.


xxxviii Þanne vp on alle þeſe þingus wee vſſelf ſmijten pes xxxiiii Þanne we leiden lotis vp on þe offring of trees, betwe
couenaunt, and wrijten, and oure princis, oure Leuitis, oure preſtis and Leuitis and þe puple, þat þei ſhulden bringen in
preſtis ſette marke. to þe hous of oure God, bi þe houſis of oure fadris bi times,
fro times of þeȝer vn to a ȝer, þat þei ſhulden brennen vp on
Capitulum X. þe auter of þe Lord oure God, as it is writen in þe lawe of
i Selers forſoþe weren Neemias, Atherſata, ſone of Achelai, xxxv and þat we bringe forþ oure firſte goten of oure lond,
and Sedechias, and þe firſte of alle frut of eche tree, fro ȝer in to ȝer, in to
ii Saraias, Azarias, Jeremias, þe hous of þe Lord,
iii Faſur, Amaria, Melchia, xxxvi and þe firſte of oure childer, and of oure beſtus, as it is
iiii Accus, Sebenia, Mellucharem, writen in þe lawe, and þe firſte of oure oxen, and of oure
v Nerimuth, Oddias, ſhep, þat þei be offrid in þe hous of oure God, to preſtis þat
ſeruen in þe hous of oure God;
vi Daniel, Jenthon, Baruch, xxxvii and þe firſte of oure metus, and of oure ſacrifiſes of
vii Moſollam, Abia, Mianymy, likouris, and appilis of eche tree, alſo of vindage, and of oile,
viii Mazia, Belga, Semeia; þeſe preeſtis. bringe wee to preſtis, to þe treſorie of þe Lord, and þe tenþe
ix But þe Leuitus; Jeſue, ſone of Azarie, Bennuy, of þe part of oure lond to Leuitus; þoo Leuitis ſhul take dimes of
alle þe cites of oure werkis.
ſonus of Ennadab, Cediniel, xxxviii Forſoþe þe ſone of Aron, preſt, ſhal be wiþ þe Leuitus
x and þe breþer of hem, Sechenia, Odomia, Thelitha, Falaia,
in þe dimes of Leuitis; and Leuitus ſhuln offre þe tenþe part
Anam, of þer dime in þe hous of oure God, to þe treſorie, in þe hous
xi Micha, Roob, Azabia, of þe treſor.
xii Zaccur, Zerebias, Zabanya, xxxix To þe treſorie forſoþe ſhul bern þe ſonus of Irael and þe
xiii Odias, Bani, Hanyim. ſonus of Leui þe firſte of whete, and of win, and of oile; and
xiiii Þe hedis of þe puple, Fethos, Moab, Elam, Zecu, Banni, þere ſhul ben þe halewid veſſelis and preſtus, and ſingeris,
and porteris, and ſeruauns; and we ſhul not leue þe hous of
xv Bonni, Aſgad, Bebai, oure God.
xvi Donai, Bagoai, Adin,
xvii Ather, Azothia, Aſin, Capitulum XI.
xviii Adonia, Aſuyn, Beſſaia, i Forſoþe þe princis of þe puple dwelten in Jeruſalem; þe
xix Ares, Anathoth, Nebay, moſt. wrſhipeful men wiþ oute lot in þe middel of þe puple
xx Methpia, Moſollam, Azir, dwelten; þe toþer forſoþe puple leide lot, þat it take o part of
xxi Meiſabel, Sadoc, Reddua, ten, þat weren to dwellen in Jeruſalem, in þe holi cite; þe
tenþe part of þe puple is rerid, þat it dwelle in Jeruſalem, for
xxii Felthia, Anania, þe cite was voide; nyne forſoþe partis in cites.
xxiii Ozee, Anania, Azub, ii Forſoþe þe puple bleſſide to alle men, þat hadden offrid
xxiiii Aloes, Faleam, Sobeth, hemſelf wilfulli, þat þei dwelle in Jeruſalem.
xxv Reu, Azebina, Mathſia, iii And ſo þeſe ben þe princis of þe prouince, þat dwelten in
xxvi Ethaia, Anam, Jeruſalem, and in þe cites of Juda; forſoþe eche dwelte in his
poſſeſſioun, in þer cites, Irael, preſtis, Leuitis, ſodeknis, and
xxvii Mellucharem, Baana; þe ſonus of þe þrallis of Salomon.
xxviii and oþere of þe puple, preſtus, Leuitus, porteres, and iiii And in Jeruſalem dwelten of þe ſonus of Juda, and of þe
ſingeres, ſodeknes, and alle þat ſeuereden hemſelf fro þe ſonus of Beniamyn; of þe ſonus of Juda, Athaias, `þe ſone of
puplis of londis to þe lawe of God, þer wiues, and þer ſonus, Azian, þe ſonus of Zacharie, þe ſonus of Amarie, þe ſonus of
and þer doȝtris; alle þat myȝten ſauouren, Safaie, þe ſonus of Malalele; of þe ſonus of Fares,
xxix behotende for þer breþern, þer moſt wrſhipeful men, and v Amaſia, þe ſone of Baruch, þe ſone of Choloſai, þe ſone of
þei þat camen to behoten, and ſwern, þat þei ſhulden gon in Aſia, þe ſone of Adaia, þe ſone of Joſarib, þe ſone of
þe lawe of þe Lord, þat he hadde ȝiue in þe hond of Moiſes, Zacharie, þe ſone of Salonites;
his ſeruaunt, þat þei ſhulde don and kepe alle þe maundemens vi alle þe ſonus of Fares, þat dwelten in Jeruſalem, foure
of þe Lord þer God, and his domys, his cerymonies; hundrid ſixti and eiȝte, ſtronge men.
xxx and þat wee ſhulden not ȝiuen oure doȝtris to þe puple of vii Þeſe ben forſoþe þe ſonus of Beniamyn; Sellum, þe ſone
þe lond, and þere doȝtris wee ſhulde not take to oure ſones. of Moſollam, þe ſone of Joadi, þe ſone of Sadaia, þe ſone of
xxxi Þe puplis forſoþe of þe lond, þat bringen in chaffaris, Cholaia, þe ſone of Maiſia, þe ſone of Ethel, þe ſone of Saia;
and alle þingus to vſen bi þe dai of ſabot, þat þei ſelle, wee viii and aftir hym Gabai, Sellai, nyne hundrid and eiȝte and
ſhul not taken of hem in þe ſabot, and in þe halewid dai; and twenti;
wee ſhuln forȝiue þe ſeuenþe ȝer, and exaccioun of alle hond. ix and Joel, þe ſone of Secry, þe prouoſt of hem, and Judas,
xxxii And we ſhul ſetten vp on vs heſtus, þat we ȝiue þe
þe ſone of Sennua, vpon þe cite þe ſecunde.
þridde part of an ounce bi þe ȝer to þe werc of þe Lord oure x And of þe preſtis; Idaia, þe ſone of Joarib, Jachim,
xxxiii to þe loues of propoſicioun, and to þe ſacrifiſe euermor xi Saraia, þe ſone of Elchie, þe ſone of Moſollam, þe ſone of
durende, and in to brent ſacryfiſe euermor laſtende, in ſabatis, Sadoch, þe ſone of Meraioth, þe ſone of Achitob, princis of þe
in calendis, in ſolempnetees, in halewid daȝis, and for ſynne, hous of God,
þat it be preȝed for Irael, and in to alle vſe of þe hous of xii and þe breþern of hem, doende þe werkis of þe temple;
oure God. eiȝte hundrid and two and twenti. And Adaia, þe ſone of


Jeroam, þe ſone of Feler, þe ſone of Ampſi, þe ſone of v Miomin, Abia, Meldaa, Belga,
Zacharie, þe ſone of Feſſur, þe ſone of Melchie, vi Semeia, and Joarib, Adaia,
xiii and þe breþern of hem, princis of fadris; two hundrid and
vii Sellum, Amoe, Elceia, Idaia; þeſe þe princis of preſtys,
two and fourty. And Amazie, þe ſone of Azriel, þe ſone of
Azi, þe ſone of Moſollamoth, þe ſone of Seminer, and þe breþern of hem, in þe daȝes of Joſue.
xiiii and þe breþer of hem, ful miȝti, an hundrid and eiȝte and viii But Leuitus; Jeſua, Bennui, Cediniel, Serabia, Juda,
twenti; and þe prouoſt of hem, Zebdiel, þe ſone of miȝti men. Mathanias, vp on þe ympnes, þei and þe breþer of hem, in þe
xv And of þe Leuitus; Zechenia, þe ſone of Azab, þe ſone of daȝis of Joſue;
ix and Beſechia, and Ezamith, and þe breþern of hem, eche in
Azarie, þe ſone of Azabie, þe ſone of Boni,
xvi and of Sabathai, and Joſabel; and vp on alle þe werkis his offis.
x Joſue forſoþe gat Joachim, and Joachim gat Eliazub, and
þat weren wiþ oute forþ in þe hous of God, fro þe princis of
Leuitus. Eliazub gat Joiada,
xvii And Mathania, þe ſone of Micha, þe ſone of Sebdai, þe xi and Joiada gat Jonathan, and Jonathan gat Jedaia.
ſone of Aſaf, prince, to preiſen, and to knoulechen in oriſoun; xii In þe daȝis forſoþe of Joachim weren preſtus, and þe
and Bethechias þe ſecunde of his breþern, and Abdia, þe ſone princis of meines, Saraie, Amarie, Jeremie, Ananie,
of Sammia, þe ſone of Galai, þe ſone of Iditum. xiii Eſdre, Moſollam, Amarie, Johannan,
xviii Alle þe Leuitus in þe holi cite, two hundrid foure ſcore xiiii Milicho, Jonathan, Sebenie, Joſef,
and foure. xv Aram, Edua, Maraioth, Elchi,
xix And þe porteris; Accub, Thelmon, and þe breþern of hem,
xvi Adaie, Zacharie, Jenthon, Moſollam,
þat kepten þe doris; an hundrid ſeuenti and two.
xx And þe toþere of Irael, preſtis, and Leuitus, in alle þe xvii Abie, Zecarie, Miamin, and Moadie, Felthi,
cites of Juda, eche in his poſſeſſioun. xviii Belge, Sannia, Semeie, Jonathan,
xxi And þe ſodeknis, þat dwelten in Ofel, and Ciacha, and xix Joarib, Mathania, Jodaie, Aſi,
Gaffa, of þe ſodekins. xx Sellaie, Celaie, Mochebor,
xxii And biſſhopis of Leuitus in Jeruſalem; Aazi, þe ſone of xxi Elchie, Azebias, Idaie, Nathaneel.
Bani, þe ſone of Azabie, þe ſone of Mathanie, þe ſone of xxii Leuitus in þe daȝes of Eliazub, and of Joiada, and
Miche. Of þe ſonus of Aſaf, ſingeres in þe ſeruiſe of þe hous Jonan, and Jeddoa, writen princis of meines, and preſtis in
of God. þe regne of Darie of Perſis.
xxiii Forſoþe þe heſte of þe king was vpon hem, and ordre in
xxiii Þe ſonus of Leui, princis of meines, writen in þe boc of
þe ſingeris bi alle daȝis; þe woordis of daȝes, and vn to þe daȝes of Jonathan, ſone of
xxiiii and Afataia, þe ſone of Moſeſehel, of þe ſonus of Zara,
ſone of Juda, in þe hond of þe king, aftir al þe woord of þe xxiiii And þe princis of Leuitys; Azebia, Zerebia, and Jeſue,
puple; ſone of Cediniel; and þe breþern of hem bi þer whilis, þat þei
xxv and in þe houſis bi alle þe regiouns of hem. Of þe ſonis
ſhulden preiſen and knoulechen, aftir þe heſte of king Dauid,
of Juda dwelten in Cariatharbe, and in þe doȝtris of it, and man of God, and waiten aboute euene bi ordre.
in Dibon, and in þe doȝtris of it, and in Capceel, and in þe xxv Mathania, Belthbecia, and Obedia, Moſollam, Thelmon,
litle tounus of it; Accub, keperis of ȝatis, and of veſtiaries befor þe ȝatus.
xxvi and in Jeſue, and in Molada, and in Bethfeleth,
xxvi Þeſe in þe daȝes of Joachim, ſone of Joſue, ſone of
xxvii and in Aſerſual, and in Berſabe, and in þe doȝtris of it;
Joſedech, and in þe daȝes of Neemie, duke, and Eſdre, preſt
xxviii and in Sichelech, and in Mochone, and in þe doȝtris of and ſcribe.
it; xxvii In þe dedicacioun forſoþe of þe wal of Jeruſalem þei
xxix and in Remon, and in Sara, and in Jerimuth, ſoȝten Leuites fro alle þer placis, þat þei bringen þem in to
xxx Sonocha, Odollam, and in þe litle tounus of hem; in Jeruſalem, and do þe dedicacioun in gladneſſe, and in doing
Lachis, in þe regiouns of it; Azecha, and in þe doȝtris of it; of gracis, and in ſong, and in cimbalis, and in ſautrees, and
and þei dwelten in Berſabe vn to þe valei of Ennon. in harpis.
xxxi Þe ſonus forſoþe of Beniamyn; Areba, Mechinas, and xxviii Forſoþe þe ſonus of ſingeris ben gadered and of þe
Aia, and Bethel, and in þe doȝtris of it; wilde feldis aboute Jeruſalem, and of þe tounus of Nethofati,
xxxii Anatot, Nob, Anania, xxix and of þe hous of Galgal, and of þe regiouns of Jebes,
xxxiii Nazor, Rama, Jetheem, and of Amanech; for tounes þe ſingeris bilden to hemſelf in þe
enuiroun of Jeruſalem.
xxxiiii Adid, Zoboim, Nebollaloth, xxx And þe preſtus and Leuitus ben clenſid, and þei clenſeden
xxxv and Onam, in þe valei of craftis men. þe puple, and þe ȝatus of þe wal.
xxxvi And of Leuitus, þe porceouns of Jude and of xxxi Forſoþe I made þe princis of Juda to ſteȝen vp vpon þe
Beniamyn. wal, and I ſette two grete querus of preiſeris; and þei wenten
at þe riȝt ſide vpon þe wal, at þe ȝate of þe dunghil.
Capitulum XII. xxxii And þer wenten after hem Oſias, and þe half part of

i Theſe
princis of Juda,
forſoþe ben þe preſtus and þe Leuitis, þat ſteȝeden vp xxxiii and Azaria, Eſdras, and Moſollam,
wiþ Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Joſue; Saraia, xxxiiii Juda, and Beniamyn, and Semeia, and Jeremia.
Jeremia, Eſdras,
ii Amaria, Melluch, Accus, xxxv And of þe ſonus of preſtis, in trumpis; Zacharias, þe
iii Sechenia, Reum, Merimuth, ſone of Jonathan, þe ſone of Semeie, þe ſone of Mathanie, þe
iiii Addo, Jethom,
ſone of Machaie, þe ſone of Seecur, þe ſone of Aſaf.


xxxvi And þe breþern of hym; Semeia, and Azarel, Malalai, vii And I cam into Jeruſalem, and I vnderſtod þe euel, þat
Galalay, Mai, Nathanael, and Juda, and Amani, in þe Eliazub hadde do to Tobie, þat he make to hym a treſor in þe
veſſelis of þe ſong of Dauid, man of God; and Eſdras, ſcribe, veſtiaries of þe hous off God;
beforn hem, viii and euel it is ſeen to me gretli. And I þrew out þe
xxxvii in þe welle ȝate. And aȝen hem ſteȝeden vp in þe gres veſſelis of þe hous of Tobie fro þe treſorie;
of þe cite of Dauid, in þe ſteȝing vp of þe wal, vp on þe hous ix and I comaundede, and þei clenſeden þe treſories; and I
of Dauid, and vn to þe ȝate of watris at þe eſt. bar aȝeen þider þe veſſelis of þe hous of God, ſacrifiſe, and
xxxviii And þe ſecunde quer of men tellende gracis wente forn encens.
aȝen, and I after it; and þe half part of þe puple vp on þe x And I knewȝ for þe partis of Leuitus weren not ȝiuen, and
wal, and vp on þe tour of ouenus, and vn to þe moſt large þat eche was in to his regioun of þe Leuitus, and of þe
wal; ſingerys, and of hem þat miniſtreden;
xxxix and vp on þe ȝate of Effraym, and vp on þe olde ȝate, xi and I purſuede þe cauſe aȝen þe maſter iugis, and ſeide,
and vp on þe ȝate of fiſſhis, and þe tour of Ananehel, and þe Whi han wee forſake þe hous of God? And I gederede hem,
tour of Emath, and vn to þe floc ȝate; and þei ſtoden in þe and made to ſtonde in þer ſtaciouns.
warde ȝate. xii And al Juda broȝte to þe dime of whete, and of win, and
xl And two queris of men preiſende ſtoden in þe hous of God,
of oile, in to bernes.
and I and þe half part of maiſter iugis wiþ me. xiii And wee ſetten vpon þe bernes, Selemiam, preſt, and
xli And þe preſtus, Eliachim, Maazia, Myamin, Michia,
Sadoch, ſcribe, and Fadaiam, of þe Leuitus, and biſide hem,
Elioenai, Zacharia, Anania, in trumpis; Anan, þe ſone of Saccur, þe ſone of Mathanie; for feiþful þei
xlii and Maazia, and Senea, and Eleazar, and Azi, and ben preued, and to þem ben take to kepe þe partis of þer
Johannan, and Melchia, and Elam, and Ezer; and clerli breþren.
ſungen þe ſingeris, and Jeſraia, þe prouoſt. xiiii My God, haue mynde of me for þis, and do þou not awei
xliii And þei offreden in þat dai grete ſlaine ſacrifiſes, and þei my mercies, þat I dide in þe hous of my God, and in his
gladeden; God forſoþe hadde gladid hem in gret gladneſſe. cerimoines.
But and þe wiues of hem and þe fre childer ioȝeden, and þe xv In þoo daȝes I ſaȝ in Juda tredende preſſours in þe ſabot,
gladneſſe of Jeruſalem is herd aferre. hipelis berende, and chargende vpon aſſis win, and grapis,
xliiii Alſo þei noumbreden in þat dai men vpon þe treſories of and figis, and eche charge, and berende in to Jeruſalem in þe
þe treſor, to ſacrifiſe of likour, and to þe firſte frutis, and dai of ſabot; and I witneſſede vpon hem, þat in þe dai, in
dimes, þat þe princis of þe cite, in fairneſſe of doing of gracis, whiche it was not leeful to ſellen, þei ſolden.
ſhulden bringen in to þe preſtis and Leuitus bi hem; for Juda xvi And Tiris dwelten in it, berende in fiſſhis and alle
gladede in þe preſtus and Leuitus ſtondende to. chaffaris, and þei ſolden in þe ſabatis to þe ſonus of Juda
xlv And þei kepten þe obſeruacioun of þer God, and þe and of Jeruſalem.
beſineſſe of clenſing; and ſingeris, and porteris, after þe heſte xvii And I repreuede þe moſt wrſhipeful men of Juda, and
of Dauid and of Salamon, his ſone; ſeide to hem, What is þis euele þing þat ȝee don, and
xlvi for in þe daȝis of Dauid and of Aſaph from þe beginnyng defoulen þe dai of ſabot?
weren princis ordeined of ſingeris in dite, of men preiſende xviii Wheþer nott þeſe þingus diden oure fadris, and oure God
and knoulechende to God. broȝte vp on vs al þis euel, and vpon þis cite? and ȝee adden
xlvii And al Irael, in þe daȝes of Sorobabel, and in þe daȝes wraþe vpon Irael, defoulende þe ſabot.
of Neemie, ȝeuen partus to ſingeris and porteris bi alle xix It is do forſoþe, whan þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem hadden reſtid
daȝes; and þei halewiden þe Leuitus, and þe Leuitis in þe ſabot dai, I ſeide, Cloſeþ þe ȝatis; and þei cloſeden þe
halewiden þe ſonys of Aaron. ȝatis; and I comaundede, þat þei ſhulden not opene þem vnto
after þe ſabot. And of my childer I ordeinede noumbris vp on
Capitulum XIII. þe ȝatis, þat no man ſhulde bern in charge vp on þe ſabot dai.
xx And þe marchaundis dwelten, and ſellende al þer chaffaris,
i In þe dai forſoþe is rad in þe volum of Moiſes, herende þe
puple; and þer is founde writen in it, þat Amonites and wiþoute Jeruſalem ones and twies.
xxi And I witneſſede to þem, and ſeide to hem, Whi dwelle
Moabitis aȝten not to gon in to þe chirche of God vnto
wiþoute ende; ȝee forn aȝen of þe wal? If þe ſecunde þis ȝee do, hond I ſhal
ii for þi þat þei aȝen camen not to þe ſonus of Irael wiþ bred lein in ȝou. And ſo fro þat time þei camen not in þe ſabot.
xxii Alſo I ſeide to þe Leuitis, þat þei ſhulden be clenſid, and
and watir, and þei hireden aȝen hem Balam to curſen to hem;
and oure God turnede þe curſing in to bleſſing. comen to þe ȝatis to be kept, and to halewen þe ſabat dai.
iii It is do forſoþe, whan þei hadden herd þe lawe, þei And bi þis þanne haue mynde of me, my God, and ſpare to
ſeuereden alle alien fro Irael. me aftir þe multitude of þi myſeraciouns.
xxiii But in þoo dayes Y ſaȝ þe Jewis weddinge wiues,
iiii And vpon þeſe þingus was Eliaſub, þe preſt, þat was
prouoſt in þe `treſorie of þe hous of oure God, and neȝhebore Azotitis, Amonitis, and Moabitis.
xxiiii And þe ſonus of hem ſpeeken of þe half part Azotitis
to Tobie.
v Þanne he made to hym a gret treſorie; and þere weren maner, and þei couþen not ſpeken Jeuli, and þei ſpeken after
beforn hym leiende vp ȝiftis, and encens, and veſſelis, and þe þe tunge of puple and of puple.
xxv And I repreuede hem, and curſide; and I felde of hem
dime of whete, win, and of oile, partis of Leuitis, and of
ſingeris, and of porteris, and þe preeſtus firſte frutis. men, and made hem ballid, and made hem ſwern in þe Lord,
vi In alle þeſe þingus forſoþe I was not in Jeruſalem; for in þat þei ſhulde not ȝiue þer doȝtris to þe ſonus of hem, and þei
þe two and þrettiþe ȝer of Artaxerſes, king of Babiloine, I ſhulden not take of þe doȝtris of hem to þer ſonus and to
cam to þe king, and in þe ende of daȝis I preȝide þe king. hemſelf;
xxvi ſeiende, Wheþer not in ſuch maner þing ſynnede
Salamon, þe king of Irael? And certus in manie Jentilis
was þer no king of Irael lic hym, and he was derworþe to


his God, and hys God ſette hym king vpon al Irael, and hym
þanne ladden to ſynne aliene wymmen.
xxvii Wheþer and wee vnbuxhum ſhul don al þis grete euel,
þat wee treſpaſen in þe Lord oure God, and wedden ſtraunge
xxviii Of þe ſonus forſoþe of Joiada, ſone of þe grete preſt,
Eliazib, ſone in lawe was Sanaballath Oronite, whom I drof
fro me.
xxix Recorde þou, Lord my God, aȝen hem, þat defoulen
preſthod, and þe preſtus and Leuitus riȝt.
xxx Þanne I clenſede hem fro alle alienes, and ordeinede
ordris of preſtis and of Leuitis, eche in his ſeruiſe,
xxxi and in offring of trees in ordeined times, and in firſte
frutis. Haue mynde of me, mi God, in to goode.
Explicit liber ſecundus Eſdre.


xxiiii and þoo þingus forſoþe þat abouten hym ben writen, in
III. ESDRE. þe raþere times of hem þat ſinneden, who ſo euere weren
vnreligious aȝen þe Lord, befor alle folc, and þat ſoȝten not þe
woordis of þe Lord vp on Irael.
Capitulum I. xxv And aftir al þis deede of Joſie, Farao, king of Egipt,
i And Joſias made paſch in Jeruſalem to þe Lord, and he ſteȝede vp, comende to caſten awei in Carcamys vpon
offride paſch þe fourtenþe dai of þe moone of þe firſte moniþ, Eufraten; and Joſias wente in to meeting to hym.
ii ordeinende preſtis bi whilis of daȝis, cloþid in ſtolis, in þe xxvi And þe king of Egipt ſente to Joſiam, ſeiende, What is
temple of þe Lord. to me and to þee, king of Jude?
iii And he ſeide to þe Leuitus, þe holi ſeruauns of Irael, þat xxvii I am not ſent of þe Lord, vpon Eufraten forſoþe is mi
þei ſhulden halewe þem ſelf to þe Lord, in ſetting of þe holi bataile; heeȝende go doun.
arke of þe Lord in þe hous, þat king Salamon, þe ſone of xxviii And Joſias is not turned aȝeen vp on þe char, but
Dauid, bilde; enforcide to ouercomyn hym, not takende heede to þe woord of
iiii It ſhal not be to ȝou to taken it vp on ſhuldris; and now þe profete, of þe mouþ of þe Lord;
ſerueþ to oure Lord, and doþ þe cure of þat folc of Irael, of xxix but he ſette to hym bataile in þe feld of Mecedan; and
parti aftir tounis, and þer linagis, princis deſcendeden to king Joſiam.
v aftir þe writing of Dauid, king of Irael, and aftir þe grete xxx And þe king ſeide to his childer, Moueþ me awei fro þe
wrſhipeful doing of Salamon, his ſone, alle in þe temple, and bataile; forſoþe I am gretli maad ſijk. And anoon his childre
aftir ȝoure litil fader partie of princehod of hem, þat ſtonden moueden hym awei fro þe ſheltrun.
in þe ſiȝte of þe breþern of þe ſonus of Irael. xxxi And he ſteȝede vp vpon his ſecunde char; and comende to
vi Offriþ paſch, and makeþ redi ſacrifiſes to ȝoure breþern; Jeruſalem, diede, and is biried in þe fader ſepulcre.
and doþ aftir þe heſte of þe Lord, þat is ȝiue to Moiſes. xxxii And in al Jude þei weileden Joſie, and þei þat befor
vii And Joſias ȝaf in to þe folc þat is founde, ſhep, of lombis, ſeten wiþ wiues, weilede hym vnto þis dai; and þis is ȝiue to
and of kidis, and of ſhe got, þretti þouſend; calues þre be don euermor in to al þe kinrede of Irael.
þouſend. Þeſe þingus of þe kingus þingus ben ȝiuen aftir xxxiii Þeſe þingus forſoþe ben beforn writen in þe boc of
beheſte to þe puple, and to preſtis, ſtories of kingus of Juda, and `in to alle ieſtis, þe deede of
viii in to paſch; ſhep in noumbre two þouſend, and caluis an Joſie, þe glorie of hym, and his vnderſtonding in þe lawe of
hundrid. God; for euenli ben don of hym, and þoo þingus þat ben not
ix And Jechonias, and Semeias, and Nathanael, broþer, and writen in þe boc of kingus of Irael and of Juda.
Azabias, and Oziel, and Coraba, in to paſch, ſhep, fiue xxxiiii And þei þat weren of þe kinrede, takende Jechoniam,
þouſend; caluis, fiue hundrid. þe ſone of Joſie, ſetten king for Joſie, his fadir, whan he was
x And whan þeſe þingis weren do nobli, þe preſtis and of þre and þretti ȝer.
Leuitus ſtoden, hauende þerue loues bi linagys. xxxv And he regnede vp on Irael þre moneþis; and þe king of
xi And aftir þe parties of þe princehod of fadris in þe ſiȝte of Egipt putte hym awei, þat he regne not in Jeruſalem.
þe puple þei offriden to þe Lord, aftir þoo þingus þat in þe xxxvi And he pilde þe folc of an hundrid talentus of ſiluer,
boc of Moiſes ben writen. and a talent of gold.
xii And þei roſteden paſch wiþ fijr, as it behouede; and oſtus xxxvii And þe king of Egipt ſette Joachym, his broþer, king
þei ſoden in ſeþing veſſelis and pottis, wiþ weel willing. of Jude and of Jeruſalem;
xiii And þei broȝten to alle þat weren of þe folc; and aftir þeſe xxxviii and he bond þe maiſter iugis of Joachim; Saracel, his
þingus þei maden redi to hemſelf and to preſtis. broþer, takende, he broȝte aȝeen to Egipt.
xiiii Þe preſtus forſoþe offriden talewis, vnto þe hour was xxxix Joachim was of fiue and twenti ȝer, whan he regnede in
endid; and Leuitus maden redi to hemſelf, and to þer þe lond of Juda and of Jeruſalem; and he dide euel in þe
breþeren, and to þe ſonys of Aron. ſiȝte of þe Lord.
xv And þe ſacrifieris offriden doȝtris, after ordre, and after þe xl Aftir þis forſoþe Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloine, ſteȝede
heſte of Dauid; and Azaf, and Zacharias, and Jeddinus, þat vp, and bindende hym in a ſtrong bond, broȝte in to
was of þe king; Babiloine;
xvi and þe uſſheris bi alle þe ȝatis, ſo þat noon ouerpaſſide xli and þe holi veſſelis of God Nabugodonoſor toc and broȝte,
his. Forſoþe þe breþern of hem greþeden to hem. and ſacride in his temple in Babiloine.
xvii And þoo þingis, þat perteneden to þe ſacrifiſe of þe Lord, xlii Forſoþe of his vnclenneſſe and vnreligioſite it is writen in
ben ended. þe boc of þe times of kingus.
xviii In þat dai þei dide paſch, and offriden oſtis vp on þe xliii And Joachim, his ſone, regnede for hym; whan forſoþe he
ſacrifiſe of þe Lord, after þe heſte of king Joſie. was ordeined, he was of eiȝte ȝer.
xix And þe ſonus of Irael, þat ben founde, diden in þat time xliiii Forſoþe he regnede þre moneþis and ten daȝes in
paſch, and þe feſte dai of þerue loues bi ſeuene daȝes. Jeruſalem; and dide euel in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord.
xx And þere is not ſolempniſid ſuch a paſch in Irael, fro þe xlv And aftir a ȝer Nabugodonoſor ſendende broȝte hym ouer
times of Samuel, þe profete. in to Babiloine, togidere wiþ þe ſacride veſſelis of þe Lord.
xxi And alle þe kingus of Irael haleweden not ſuch a paſch, xlvi And he ſette Sedechiam king of Juda and of Jeruſalem,
as dide Joſias, and þe preſtus, and Leuitis, and Jewis, and whan he was of oon and twenti ȝer.
al Irael, þat ben founden in þe commemoracioun at xlvii Forſoþe he regnede elleuen ȝer; and dide euel in þe ſiȝte
Jeruſalem. of þe Lord, and was not adrad of þe woordis þat ben ſeid of
xxii Þe eiȝetenþe ȝer, regnende Joſias, is halewid paſch. Jeremie, þe profete, of þe mouþ of þe Lord;
xxiii And þe werkis of Joſie ben made riȝte in þe ſiȝte of his
Lord, in ful herte dredende;


xlviii and adiurid of king Nabugodonoſor, forſworn wente xiii Of þeſe forſoþe þis þe noumbre; ſiluer ſacrid veſſelis of
awei, and his hardned nol, and wiþ his herte treſpaſide þe likouris, two þouſend and foure hundrid; ſiluerene drinking
lawful þingus of þe Lord God of Irael. veſſelis, þretti; goldene violis, þretti; alſo ſiluerene, two
xlix And þe dukis of þe puple of þe Lord manie þingus þouſend and foure hundrid; and oþere veſſelis, a þouſend.
wickeli beeren, and vnpitouſli diden ouer alle þe vnclenneſſis xiiii Alle forſoþe goldene veſſelis and ſiluerene, four þouſend
of Jentilis; and þei defouleden þe temple of þe Lord, þat was foure hundrid and eiȝte and ſixti.
holi in Jeruſalem. xv And þei ben deliuerd out to Salmanaſar, togidere wiþ hem,
l And God of þer fadris ſente bi his aungil to aȝeen clepen þat of þe caytifte of Babiloine weren comen in to Jeruſalem.
hem, for þe whiche þing he ſparede to hem, and to þer xvi Forſoþe in þe times of Artaxerſes, king of Perſis, writen
tabernacle. to hym, of þeſe þat dwelten in Jude and in Jeruſalem,
li Þei forſoþe ſcorneden in þer corneris, and þat dai þat þe Balſamus, and Mitridatus, and Sabellius, and Ratinius,
Lord ſpac, þei weren bobbende his profetus. Balteneus, Samelius, ſcribe, and oþere dwellende in
lii Þe whiche vnto wraþe is ſtirid vp on his folc, for þer Samarie, and in oþere placis, þe vnderſet lettre to king
irreligioſite. Comaundende and ſteȝende vp þe kingus of Artaxerſi.
Caldeis, xvii Lord, þi childer, Ratinus, and Sabelius, ſcribe, and oþere
liii þei ſlowen þe ȝunge men of hem in ſwerd, in þe enuyroun domyſmen of þi cort, of þingus þat fallen in to Coelem
of þe holi temple of hem; and þei ſpareden not to ȝung man, Siriem, and Fenicem.
and to maiden, and to old man, and to ful waxen man; but xviii And now be it knowen to þe lord þe king, for Jewis, þat
and alle þei ben taken in to þe hondus of hem; ſteȝeden vp fro ȝou to vs, comende in to Jeruſalem, cite aȝeen
liiii and alle þe ſacride veſſelis of þe Lord, and þe kingis flowen to, and werſt, bilden up þe ouenus of it, and ſetten þe
cofrys takende, þei broȝten in to Babiloine. wallis, and reren þe temple.
lv And þei brenden vp þe hous of þe Lord, and diſtrieden þe xix Þat if þis cite and wallis weren ful endid, þei ſhul not
wallis of Jeruſalem, and his touris brenden wiþ fijr. ſuffre to ȝelde tributis, but alſo þei ſhuln aȝen ſtonde to
lvi And þei waſteden alle þe wrſhipeful þingus, and to noȝt kingus.
xx And for þat þat is don aboute þe temple, to han riȝtli wee
broȝten; and þe laft fro ſwerd þei broȝten in to Babiloine.
lvii And þei weren his þrallis, vnto þe time þat Perſis han demyd to not deſpiſen þat ſame þing,
xxi but `to maken knowen to þe lord þe king, þat if it ſhal
regneden, in þe fulfilling of þe woord of þe Lord, in þe mouþ
of Jeremie; ſeme, O! þee king, be it ſoȝt in þe bokis of þi fadris;
lviii for to þe lond wolde do benigneli þer ſabatis, al þe time xxii and þou ſhalt finde in þe remembrauncis writen of hem,
of þer forſaking he ſabatiſede, in þe apliyng of ſeuenti ȝer. and þou ſhalt knowen, for þat cite was aȝeen floun, and
kingis and cites ſmitende togidere,
xxiii and Jewis aȝeen fleende, and makende batailis in it fro
Capitulum II.
euermor; for what cauſe þis cite is deſert.
i Regnende Ciro, king of Perſis, in þe fulfilling of þe woord xxiiii Now þanne knowen we maken, lord king, for if þis cite
of þe Lord, in þe mouþ of Jeremie, were bild vp, and of þis þe wallis weren rerid, comyng doun
ii þe Lord rerede þe ſpirit of Ciri, king of Perſis; and ſhal not be to þee in to Coelem Ciriem and Fenicem.
prechide in al his reume togidere bi ſcripture, xxv Þanne þe king wrot aȝee to Ratinum, þat wrot þe
iii ſeiende, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ Cirus, king of Perſis, Me haþ fallende þingus, and to Bellumym, and to Sabellio, ſcribe,
ordeined king to þe world of erþis þe Lord of Irael, þe heeȝe and to oþire ordeined, and dwelleris in Cirie and Fenyce, þoo
Lord; þingus þat ben ſett vnder.
iiii and he ſignefiede to me to bilde to hym an hous in xxvi I ha rad þe lettre, þat þou ſentiſt to me. Þanne I
Jeruſalem, þat is in Juda. comaundide to be ſoȝt; and it is founde, for þat cite is fro
v If ani man is of ȝoure kinrede, his Lord ſteȝe vp wiþ hym alwei wiþſtondende to kingus,
xxvii and þe men aȝeen fugitif, and batailis in it makende;
in to Jeruſalem.
vi Hou fele euere þanne aboute placis dwellen, helpe þei hym and moſt ſtronge kingus han ben in Jeruſalem lordſhipende,
þat ben in þat place, in gold and ſiluer, and tributus aſkende of Cele Cirie and Fenice.
vii in ȝiftis, wiþ hors, and beſtis, and wiþ oþere þingus, þat xxviii Now þanne I comaundede to forfende þoo men to bilden
aftir vouwis ben leid vp in to þe hous of þe Lord, þat is in vp þe cite, and to puruein, leſt ani þing more þis þing be
Jeruſalem. maad;
viii And þe ſtondende princis of linagis of tounus of Jude, of xxix but go þei not forþ in to more, ſiþen þei ben of malice, ſo
þe linage of Beniamyn, and preſtis and Leuitis, whom þe þat to kingis greeues ben born in.
xxx Þanne þeſe þingus reherſid, þat of king Artaxerſe weren
Lord ſtiride to ſteȝen vp, and to bilden vp þe hous of þe
Lord, þat is in Jeruſalem; writen, Rathinus, and Sabellius, ſcribe, and þat wiþ hem
ix and þoo, þat weren in þe enuyroun of hem, ſhulden helpe in weren ordeined, ioynende, heeȝendeli camen in to Jeruſalem,
alle ſiluer and gold of it, and in beſtis, and in manie vouwis; wiþ horſe men, and puple, and cumpanie; and begunnen to
manie, of whom þe wit is ſtirid. forfenden þe bilders. And þei voideden fro þe bilding of þe
x And king Cirus broȝte forþ þe ſacride veſſelis of þe Lord, temple in Jeruſalem, vnto þe ſecunde ȝer of þe regne of
Darie, king of Perſis.
þat Nabugodonoſor tranſlatide fro Jeruſalem, and ſacride hem
in his maumet.
xi And bringende forþ hem Cirus, king of Perſis, toc to Capitulum III.
Mitridate, þat was vp on þe treſoris of hym. i King Darie made a gret ſoper to alle his ſeruauns, and to
xii Bi hym forſoþe þei ben taken to Salmanaſar, gouernour of alle þe maiſter iugis of Meedis and of Perſis,


ii and to alle þat wereden purper, and to gouernoures, and to v þei ben ſlain, and ſlen, and þe woord of þe king þei paſſe
counſeileris, and to prefectis vnder hym, fro Ynde vnto not; for if þei ouercomen, þei bringe to þe king alle þingus,
Ethiope, to an hundrid and ſeuene and twenti prouincis. whateuere þingus þei han ſpoilid euermor, and alle oþere
iii And whan þey hadden eten and drunken, and fulfild, þingus.
turneden aȝeen, þanne king Darie ſteȝede vp in his litil bed vi And hou fele euere bern not kniȝthod, ne fiȝten, but eren þe
place, and ſleep, and is wakid. lond, eftſone whan þei weren repende, þei bringe tributus to
iiii Þanne þoo þre ȝunge men, keperis of þe body, þat kepten þe king.
þe bodi of þe king, ſeiden þe toþir to þe toþer, vii And he oon alone; and if he ſeie to ſlen, þei ſlen; and if he
v Seie wee eche of vs a woord, þat befor paſſe; and whos ſeie to forȝiuen, þei forȝiuen;
euere woord ſeme wiſere of þe toþer, king Darie ſhal ȝiue to viii and if he ſeie to ſmyten, þei ſmite; if he ſeie to outlawen,
hym grete ȝiftus, þei outlawen; if he ſeie to bilden, þei bilden;
vi and to be couered wiþ purper, and to drinken in gold, and ix if he ſeie to fallen of, þei fallen of; if he ſeie to plaunten,
vpon gold to ſlepen, and a goldene char, wiþ bridel, and a þei plaunten;
bys mytre, and a beȝe aboute þe necke; x and alle folc and vertues hym obeſhen; and ouer þeſe þingus
vii and in þe ſecunde place he ſhal ſitte fro Darie, for his he ſhal ſitte, and drinke, and ſlepen.
wiſdam; and þe coſin of Darie he ſhal be clepid. xi Þeſe forſoþe in enuyroun kepen hym, and moun not go
viii Þanne eche writende his woord, ſeleden, and putten vnder eche, and do þer werkis, but and in woord men ben obeſhende
þe pilwe of king Darie; to hym.
ix and ſeiden, Whan þe king hadde riſe, þei ſhul ȝiue to hym xii What maner wiſe þe king paſſeþ not befor, þat þus is
þer þingus writen, and what euere þing þe king ſhal demen of loſid? And he heeld his pes.
þre, and þe maiſter iugis of Perſis, for þe woord of hym is xiii Þe þridde, þat hadde ſeid of wymmen, and of treuþe; þis
wiſere, to hym ſhal be ȝiue þe victorie, as it is write. is Sorobabel; began to ſpeke,
x Oon wrot, Strong is win. xiiii Men! not gret þe king, and manie men, ne win paſſeþ
xi Þe toþer wrot, Strengere is þe king. beforn; who is þanne þat haþ lordſhipe of hem?
xii Þe þridde wrot, Strengere ben wymmen; ouer alle þingus xv Wheþer not wymmen geete king, and al þe puple, þat
forſoþe ouercomeþ treuþe. lordſhipe to þe ſe, and to þe erþe, and of hem ben born?
xiii And whan þe king hadde riſen, þei token þer writen xvi And þei broȝten forþ hem þat plaunteden vines, of þe
þingis, and ȝeuen to hym, and he radde. whiche win is maad.
xiiii And ſendende he clepide alle þe maiſter iugis of Perſis, xvii And þei maken þe ſtolis of alle men, and þei don glorie
and of Meedis, and þe cloþed in purper, and þe reuleris of to men, and men moun not ben ſeuered fro wymmen.
prouincis, and prefectis; xviii If þei gedere togidere gold and ſeluer, and alle fair þing,
xv and þei ſeten in conſeil, and ben rad write befor þem. and ſeen a womman in good abite, and in good fairneſſe,
xvi And he ſeide, Clepeþ þe ȝunge men, and þei ſhul ſhewe xix alle þeſe þingis forſakende, in to hir þei taken heede, and
þer woordis. And þei ben clepid, and camen in. þe mouþ opened, beholden, and hir drawen to more þan gold
xvii And he ſeide to hem, Shewiþ to vs of þeſe þingus þat or ſiluer, or any precious þing.
ben writen. And þe raþere, þat hadde ſeid of þe ſtrengþe of xx A man hys fader ſhal forſaken, þat nurſhide hym, and his
win, regioun, and to a womman ioyneþ togidere,
xviii began, and ſeide, Men! hou miche win is paſſende ſtrong; xxi and wiþ a womman leueþ þe lif, and nouþer fader
to alle men þat drinken it it berþ doun þe mynde; remembreþ, ne moder, ne regioun.
xix alſo of king and of faderles child it makeþ þe minde vein; xxii And þerfore it behoueþ vs to knowen, for wymmen han
alſo of ſeruaunt and of freman, of pore and of riche; lordſhipe of vs. Wheþer ſorewe ȝee not?
xx and alle minde it turneþ in to ſikyrneſſe, and in to xxiii And a man take his ſwerd, and goþ in þe weie to do
gladneſſe; and it remembreþ not of any ſorewe and dette; þeftis, and manſlaȝteris, and to ſeilen ouer þe ſe and flodis;
xxi and alle þe entrailis it makiþ oneſt; and it remembriþ not xxiiii and a leoun he ſeeþ, and in dercneſſe he goþ in; and
king, ne maiſter iuge; and alle þingis bi talent it makeþ to whan he haþ don þefte, and gilis, and raueines, he bringeþ to
ſpeke; his leef.
xxii and þei remembre not, whan þei han drunke, frendſhipe xxv And eft a man looueþ his wif mor þan fader or modir;
ne broþerhed, and after not miche þei taken ſwerdis; xxvi and manie woode men ben maade for þer wiues, and
xxiii and whan of win þei drownyn, and rijſen, þei han no þrallis ben made for hem;
mynde þat þei diden. xxvii and manie perſhiden, and ben ſtranglid, and ſynneden for
xxiiii O men! wheþer win is not paſſendeli ſtrong, þat þus wymmen.
conſtreineþ to do? And þis ſeid, he held his pes. xxviii And now leeueþ to me; for gret is þe king in his power,
for alle regiouns ben aferd to touchen hym.
Capitulum IIII. xxix I ſaȝ ner þe latere Apemen, þe doȝter of wndirful man
i And þe folewere began to ſein, þat ſeiþ of þe ſtrengþe of Beſacis, þe ſecundarie wif of þe king, ſittende biſide þe king
king, at þe riȝt ſide;
xxx and takende awei þe diademe fro his hed, and puttende on
ii O men! wheþer men ben not paſſendely ſtrong, þat erþe and
ſe holden, and alle þingus þat in hem ben? to hirſelf, and wiþ þe hondis ſhe ſmot þe king of þe lift hond.
xxxi And ouer þeſe þingus, þe mouþ opened, he beheeld hir,
iii Þe king forſoþe ouer alle þingus paſſiþ, and haþ lordſhipe
of hem, and alle þing, what euere he ſhal ſei to þem, þei don. and if ſhe loowe to hym, he looȝ, and if ſhe were wroþ to
iiii And if he ſende hem to fiȝteres, þei gon, and deſtroȝen
hym, he gloſiþ, to þe time þat he be recounſilid `in to grace.
hillis, and wallis, and touris;


xxxii O men! whi ben not wymmen ſtrengere? Gret is þe erþe, lv and to þe Leuitis he wrot to ȝiue wagis, vnto þe dai þat þe
and heeȝ is heuene, þat þeſe þingus don. hous ſhulde be fulli endid, and Jeruſalem maad out;
xxxiii And þanne þe king and þe purprid men beheelden eiþer lvi and to alle men kepende þe cite he wrot, to ȝiue to hem
in to oþer; and he began to ſpeken of treuþe. lotis and wagis.
xxxiiii O men! wheþer ſtronge ben not wymmen? Gret is þe lvii And he lafte alle þe veſſelis, þat Cirus hadde ſeuered fro
erþe, and heȝ is heuene, and ſwift is þe cours of þe ſunne; it Babiloine; and alle þingis, whateuere Cirus ſeide, alſo he
is turned in þe cumpas of heuene, and eft it renneþ aȝeen in comaundede to be don, and to be ſent to Jeruſalem.
to þe ſame place o dai. lviii And whan þat ȝunge man hadde go forþ, rerende þe face
xxxv Wheþer not a gret doere is he, þat makeþ þeſe þingus? in to Jeruſalem, he bleſſide þe king of heuene,
and treuþe gret, and ſtrengere beforn alle þingis? lix and ſeide, Of þee is victorie, and of þee is wiſdam, and
xxxvi Al erþe treuþe inwardli clepeþ, heuene alſo it bleſſeþ, clerneſſe, and I am þy ſeruaunt.
and alle werkus ben moued and dreden it; and þer is not wiþ lx Bleſſid þou art, for þou haſt ȝiue to me wiſdam, and I
it any þing wicked. knouleche to þee, Lord of oure fadris.
xxxvii Wicked king, wicked wymmen, and wicked alle þe ſonis lxi And he toc þe epiſtolis, and wente forþ in to Babiloine;
of men, and wicked alle þe werkis of hem, and þer is not in and cam, and tolde to alle his breþern þat weren in
hem treuþe, and in þer wickedneſſis þei ſhuln perſhen; Babiloine.
xxxviii and treuþe dwelliþ, and waxeþ in to wiþ oute ende, lxii And þei bleſſeden þe God of þer fadris, þat ȝaf to hem
and liueþ, and weldeþ, in to worldis of worldis. forȝiueneſſe and refreſhing,
xxxix And to taken perſones and differencis is not anent it; lxiii þat þei ſteȝen vp, and bilde Jeruſalem, and þe temple,
but þoo þingis þat ben riȝtwis it doþ, to alle vnriȝtwiſe and where is his name nemnyd in it; and þei ioȝeden ful out wiþ
euele men; and alle men ben maad benigne in his werkis. muſikis and gladneſſys ſeuene daȝes.
xl And þer is not in his dom wickedneſſe, but ſtrengþe, and
reume, and power, and mageſte of alle duringis aboue time. Capitulum V.
Bleſſid be þe God of treuþe!
xli And he lafte in ſpeking. And alle puplis crieden, and i Aftir þeſe þingus forſoþe ben choſen, þat þei ſteȝen vp, þe
ſeiden, Gret is treuþe, and beforn paſſeþ. princis of tounus, bi houſis, bi þer linagis, and þe wiues of
xlii Þanne þe king ſeiþ to hym, Aſke, if any þing þou wilt hem, and ſones and doȝtris of hem, and ſeruauns and hand
more ouer, þan þer ben writen, and I ſhal ȝiue to þee, aftir wymmen of hem, and beſtis of hem.
ii And king Darie ſente togidere wiþ hem a þouſend horſe
þat þou art founde wiſere; and next to me þou ſhalt ſitte, and
my coſin þou ſhalt be clepid. men, to þe time þat þei broȝten hem in to Jeruſalem, wiþ pes,
xliii Þanne he ſeiþ to þe king, Be þou myndeful of þe vou, and wiþ muſikis, and timbres, and trumpis;
iii and alle þe breþern weren pleiende. And he made hem to
þat þou vouwidiſt, to bilde Jeruſalem, in þe dai þat þou toke
þe reume; ſteȝen vp togidere wiþ hem.
xliiii and alle þe veſſelis, þat ben taken of Jeruſalem, to iiii And þeſe ben þe namis of þe men þat ſteȝeden vp, bi þeir
ſenden aȝeen, þe whiche Cirus ſeuerede, whan he ſloȝ tounus, in to linagis, and in to part of þe princehod of hem.
Babiloine, and wolde ſenden aȝeen þoo þingus þider. v Preſtus; þe ſonus of Finees, þe ſonus of Aron, Jeſus, þe
xlv And þou woldiſt bilden vp þe temple, þat Idumeis brenden ſone of Joſedech, Jachim, þe ſone of Sorobabel, ſone of
vp, for Jude is put out of termes fro Caldeis. Solatiel, of þe hous of Dauid, of þe progenie of Fares, of þe
xlvi And now þis is þat I aſke, lord, and þat I bidde; þis is linage forſoþe of Juda,
vi þat ſpac vnder Darie, king of Perſis, merueilous doende
maieſte þat of þee I aſke, þat þou do þe vou, þat þou
vouwediſt to þe king of heuene, of þi mouþ. woordis, in þe ſecunde ȝer of his regne, in Aprill, þe firſte
xlvii Þanne Darie, þe king, riſende kiſte hym, and wrot moneþ.
vii Forſoþe þeſe ben, þat of Juda ſteȝeden vp fro þe caitifte of
epiſtolis to alle þe diſpenſatouris, and prefectis, and purprid
men, þat þei ſhulden leden hym forþ, and hem þat wiþ hym tranſmigracioun, whom Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloine,
weren, alle ſteȝende vp to bilde Jeruſalem. tranſlatide into Babiloine;
xlviii And to alle þe prefectis þat weren in Cirie, and Fenice, viii and is turned aȝeen in to Jeruſalem, and in to alle þe
and Liban, he wrot epiſtolis, þat þei ſhulden drawe cedre cites of Jude, eche in to his cite, þat camen wiþ Sorobabel
trees fro Liban in to Jeruſalem, þat þei bilde vp wiþ hem þe and Jeſu; Neemias, Ariores, Elimeo, Emanio, Mardocheo,
cite. Beelſuro, Methſatothor, Olioro, Eboma, oon of þe princis of
xlix And he wrot to alle þe Jewis, þat ſteȝeden vp fro þe hem.
ix And þe noumbre fro þe Jentilis of hem, fro þe prouoſtis of
reume in Jude, for fredam, alle myȝti man, and maiſter iuge,
and prefect, to not comen ouer to þe ȝatus of hem, hem; þe ſonus of Fares, two þouſend an hundrid and ſeuenti
l and eche regioun, þat þei hadden weldid, to be free fro hem; and two;
x þe ſonus of Ares, þre þouſend fifti and ſeuene;
and Idumeis laften þe caſtelis,
li þat þei weldeden of þe Jewis, and in to þe making of þe xi þe ſonus of Femo, an hundrid and two and fourti; in þe
temple to ȝiue bi ȝeris twenti talentis, vnto þe time þat it be ſonus of Jeſe and Joabes, a þouſend þre hundrid and two;
ful bildid; xii þe ſonus of Denny, two þouſend foure hundrid and ſeuenti;
lii and to offren oſtis eche dai vp on þe place of ſacrid þingus, þe ſones of Choraba, two hundrid and fiue; þe ſonus of
as þei han heſte; oþere ten talentus to offren bi alle ȝeris; Banycha, an hundrid and ſixti and eiȝte;
liii and to alle men, þat gon forþ fro Babiloine, to make cite, xiii þe ſonus of Bebeth, foure hundrid and þre; þe ſonus of
as fredam were, boþe to hem, and to þe ſonus of hem, and to Archad, foure hundrid and ſeuene and twenti;
alle þe preſtis þat gon beforn. xiiii þe ſonus of Hau, ſeuene and þretti; þe ſonus of Sozaar,
liiii Forſoþe he wrot and þe quantite; and þe ſacrid ſtole he two þouſend ſixti and ſeuene; þe ſonus of Adymy, foure
comaundede to be ȝiue, in þe whiche þei ſhulden ſerue; hundrid and oon and ſixti;


xv þe ſonus of Azeroectis, an hundrid and eiȝte; þe ſonus of xxxv Alle in holi ſeruende; and þe childer of Salomon, foure
Ziazo and Zelas, an hundrid and ſeuene; þe ſonus of Azoroch, hundrid foure ſcore and two.
foure hundrid and nyne and þretty; xxxvi Þeſe ben þe ſonus, þat ſteȝeden vp Atheemel and
xvi þe ſonus of Jebdarbone, an hundrid and two and þretti; þe Therſas; þe princis of hem, Carmellam and Careth;
ſonus of Ananie, an hundrid and þretti; `þe ſonus of Arſom; xxxvii and þei myȝten not tellen out þer cites, and progenies,
xvii þe ſonus of Marſar, foure hundrid and two and twenti; þe what maner þei ben; and of Irael, þe ſonus of Dalarij, þe
ſonus of Saberus, ninti and fiue; þe ſonus of Sofelomon, an ſonus of Tubam, þe ſonus of Nechodaici.
hundrid and þre and twenti; xxxviii And of þe preſtis, þat vſeden preſthod, and ben not
xviii þe ſonus of Nepobai, fiue and fifti; þe ſonus of founde; þe ſonus of Obia, þe ſonus of Achiſos, þe ſonus of
Echanatus, an hundrid and eiȝte and fifti; þe ſonus of Addin, þat toc Vnim wif, of þe doȝtris of Fargelen, and ben
Ebeathamus, an hundrid and two and þretti; clepid bi þe name of hir;
xix þe ſonus of Octatarpatros, þe whiche Enechades and xxxix and of þeſe is ſoȝt þe write genelogie of kinrede, and it
Modie, foure hundrid and two and twenti; is not founden, and þei ben forfendid to vſe preſthod.
xx þe whiche of Gramas and Gabia, an hundrid and oon and xl And Neemie ſeide to hem, and Aſcaras, þat þei take not
twenti; þe whiche of Beſellon and of Agie, fiue and ſixti; þe part of þe holi þingus, to þe time þat þer riſe a taȝt biſſhop,
whiche of Baſcharo, an hundrid and two and twenti; in to ſhewing and treuþe.
xxi þe whiche of Bethonobes, fiue and fifti; þe ſones of xli Al forſoþe Irael was twelue þouſend, out take ſeruauns
Lyptis, an hundred and fyue and fifty; þe ſonus of Jabomy, and hand wymmen, two and fourti þouſend þre hundrid and
þre hundrid and ſeuene and fifti; ſixti.
xxii þe ſonus of Sichem, þre hundrid and ſeuenti; þe ſonus of xlii Þe ſeruauns of hem and hand wymmen, ſeuene þouſend
Sanadon and Chomus, þre hundrid and ſeuenti and eiȝte; þree hundrid and ſeuene and þretti; ſingeres and ſingereſſis,
xxiii þe ſonus of Ericus, two þouſend an hundrid and fiue and two hundrid and fiue and ſixti;
fifti; þe ſonus of Anaas, þre hundrid and ſeuenti. xliii camailis, foure hundrid and fiue and þretti; hors, ſeuen
xxiiii Preſtis; þe ſonus of Jeddus, þe ſonus of Enitem, þe þouſend ſixe and þretti; mulis, two hundrid þouſend and fiue
ſonus of Eliazib, þre hundrid and two and ſeuenti; þe ſonus and fourti; beſtis vnder ȝoc, fiue þouſend and fiue and twenti.
of Emmechus, two hundrid and two and fifti; xliiii And of þoo prouoſtis bi tounus, whil þei ſhulden come in
xxv þe ſonus of Saſurij, þre hundrid and ſeuene and fifti; þe to þe temple of God, þat was in Jeruſalem, to ben auouwid
ſonus of Caree, two hundrid and ſeuene and twenti. to rere þe temple in his place, after þer vertue;
xxvi Leuitis; þe ſonus of Jeſu, in Caduel, and Banus, and xlv and to be ȝiue in to þe temple þe holi treſorie of werkis,
Serebias, and Edias, foure and ſeuenti; al þe noumbre fro þe eleue þouſend beſauns, and preſtis ſtolis an hundrid.
two and twenti ȝer, þretti þouſend foure hundrid and two and xlvi And þer dwelten preſtus, and Leuitus, and þat weren of
ſixti; ſones, and doȝtris, and wiues, al þe noumbring, ſixti þe folc in Jeruſalem, and in þe regioun; and þe holi ſingeres,
þouſend two hundrid and two and fourti. vſſheris, and al Irael, in þer regiouns.
xxvii Sonus of preſtis, þat ſungen in þe temple; þe ſonus of xlvii In ſtondende forſoþe þe ſeuenþe moneþ, and whan þe
Aſaf, an hundrid and eiȝte and twenti. ſonus of Irael weren eche in his owne þingus, þei camen
xxviii Uſſheris forſoþe; þe ſonus of Eſuem, þe ſonus of Ather, togidere of oon acord in to þe porche, þat was befor þe eſt
þe ſonus of Amon, þe ſonus of Accuba Copa, þe ſonus of ȝate.
Tobi, alle an hundrid and nyne and þretti. xlviii And ſtondende Jeſus, þe ſone of Joſedech, and his
xxix Preſtis, ſeruende in þe temple; ſonus of Sel, þe ſonus of breþer, preſtis, and Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and of þis
Gaſipa, þe ſonus of Tabloth, þe ſonus of Carie, þe ſonus of þe breþer, maden redi an auter,
Su, þe ſonus of Fellu, þe ſonus of Labana, þe ſonus of xlix þat þei offre vpon it brent ſacrifiſes, aftir þoo þingus þat
Acmatha, in þe boc of Moiſes, man of God, ben writen.
xxx þe ſones of Accub, þe ſonus of Vta, þe ſonus of Ceta, þe l And þer camen to hem of oþere naciouns of þe lond, and
ſonus of Agab, þe ſonus of Obai, þe ſonus of Anan, þe ſonus rereden þe holi treſorie in his place, alle þe folc of þe lond;
of Caima, þe ſonus of Juddu, and þei offriden oſtis, and morutide brent ſacrifiſes to þe
xxxi þe ſonus of An, þe ſonus of Radin, þe ſonus of Lord.
Deſamyn, þe ſonus of Nechoba, þe ſonus of Saſeba, þe ſonus li And þei diden þe feſte of tabernaclis, and a ſolempne dai,
of Gaze, þe ſonus of Oſin, þe ſonus of Finoe, þe ſonus of as it is write in þe lawe, and ſacrifiſes eche dai, as it
Atren, þe ſonus of Baſeem, þe ſonus of Aziana, þe ſonus of behouede.
Manai, þe ſonus of Nafiſim, þe ſones of Accufu, þe ſonus of lii And aftir þeſe þingus þe ordeined offringus, and oſtus of
Agiſta, þe ſonus of Aria Faucin, þe ſonus of Faſalon, ſabatis, and of newe mones, and of alle halewid ſolempne
xxxii þe ſonus of Meedda, þe ſonus of Fuſia, þe ſonus of daȝes.
Careth, þe ſonus of Barchus, þe ſonus of Caree, þe ſonus of liii And hou fele euere vouweden to þe Lord, fro þe newe
Thoeſi, þe ſonus of Naſith, þe ſonys of Agiſti, þe ſonus of mone of þe ſeuenþe moneþ, token oſtis to offre to God; and þe
Pedon. temple of þe Lord ȝit was not bild vp.
xxxiii Salmon, þe ſonus of hym, þe ſonus of Aſoffoth, þe liiii And þei ȝeue monee to maſonus, and to wriȝtus, and
ſonus of Farida, þe ſonus of Theli, þe ſonus of Dedon, þe drink and metus wiþ ioȝe.
ſonus of Gaddahel, þe ſonus of Cefegi, lv And þei ȝeue carris to Sidonyes and to Tires, þat þei
xxxiiii þe ſonus of Aggia, þe ſonus of Facareth, þe ſonus of
ſhulden carien ouer to hem fro Liban wode cedre bemus, and
Sabathan, þe ſonus of Saranoth, þe ſonus of Malcie, þe maken a naue in to Joppe hauene, aftir þe decre þat was
ſones of Amee, þe ſonus of Safuy, þe ſonus of Addus, þe write to þem fro Ciro, king of Perſis.
ſonus of Suba, þe ſonus of Eyra, þe ſonus of Rabatis, þe lvi And in þe ſecunde ȝer þei comende in to þe temple of God,
ſonus of Faſofath, þe ſonus of Malmon.
in to Jeruſalem, þe ſecunde moneþ began Sorobabel, þe ſone
of Salatiel, and Jeſus, þe ſone of Joſedech, and þe breþern of


hem, and preſtis, and Leuitus, and alle þat camen fro þe iiii Who comaundende to ȝou, þis hous ȝe bilden, and þis rof,
caitifte in to Jeruſalem; and oþere manie þingus ȝee parformen? and who ben þe
lvii and foundeden þe temple of God, in þe newe mone of þe bilders, þat þeſe þingus bilden vp?
ſecunde moneþ of þe ſecunde ȝer, whan þei hadde comen in to v And þe viſiting don vp on hem þat weren of þe caitifte,
Jude and Jeruſalem; hadden grace of þe Lord þe elders of Irael;
lviii and ſetten Leuitus fro twenti ȝer vpon þe werkis of þe vi and þei ben not lettid to bilden vp, to þe time þat it were
Lord. And Jeſus ſtod, his ſone, and breþern, alle Leuitus ſignefied to Darie of alle þeſe þingus, and an anſwere were
togidere caſtende, and foleweris out of þe lawe, and doende taken.
werkis in þe hous of þe Lord. vii Þe ſaumple of þe epiſtil, þat to Darie ſenten Ciſennes,
lix And þer ſtoden preſtys, hauende ſtolis, wiþ trumpis, and
vnder king of Cirie and of Fenyces, and Satroboſanes, and
Leuitus, þe ſonus of Aſaf, hauende cymbalis, þer felawis, in Cirie and in Fenice reuleris. To king Darie,
lx togidere preiſende þe Lord, and bleſſende, aftir Dauid, king greeting.
of Irael. viii Alle þingus knowen be þei to þe lord þe king; for whan
lxi And þei ſungen a ſong to þe Lord, for his ſwetneſſe and we camen in to þe regioun of Jude, and wenten in to
wrſhipe in to worldis vp on al Irael. Jeruſalem, wee founde men bildende a gret hous of God,
lxii And al þe puple wiþ trumpe ſungen, and crieden wiþ gret ix and a temple of grete pooliſht ſtones, and of precious
vois, preiſende togidere þe Lord, in þe rering of þe hous of þe materes in wallis;
Lord. x and þoo werkis beſili to be maad, and to helpe, and to make
lxiii And þer camen of preſtus, and of Leuitus, and of welſum in þe hondis of hem, and in alle glorie, as moſt
preſidentus aftir þe tounus, to þe elders þat hadden ſeen þe diligentli to be parformed.
raþere hous, and at þe bilding vp of þis, wiþ cri, and wiþ xi Þanne wee aſkeden þe eldere men, ſeiende, Who ſuffrende
gret weiling; ȝee bilden to ȝou þis hous, and þeſe werkus founden?
lxiiii and manye wiþ trumpis, and gret ioȝe, xii Þerfore forſoþe wee aſkeden hem, þat knowen wee myȝten
lxv ſo þat þe puple herde not þe trumpis, for þe weiling of þe make to þee þe men, and þe prouoſtis; and þe writing of þe
puple. Forſoþe a cumpanye was ſingende wrſhipefulli in namis of þe prouoſtus wee aſkeden hem.
trumpe, ſo þat afer it was herd. xiii And þei anſwerden to vs, ſeiende, We ben þe ſeruauns of
lxvi And þe enemis herden þe linagis of Juda and of þe Lord, þat made heuene and erþe;
Beniamyn, and camen to wite, what was þe vois of þe xiiii and þis hous was bild beforn þeſe manie ȝeris of þe king
trumpes. of Irael, gret, and moſt ſtrong, and it is ful endid.
lxvii And þei knewen, for þei þat weren of þe caitifte bilden þe xv And for oure fadris weren terrende and ſynneden in þe
temple to þe Lord God of Irael. God of Irael, he toc hem in to þe hondus of Nabugodonoſor,
lxviii And comende neeȝ to Sorobabel, and to Jeſu, and to þe king of Babiloine, king of Caldeis;
prouoſtis of tounus, ſeiden to hem, Wee ſhul bilde togidere xvi and þis hous deſtroȝende brenden vp, and þe puple caitif
wiþ ȝou. broȝten in to Babiloyne.
lxix Lic maner forſoþe wee han herd of oure Lord, and we xvii In þe firſte ȝer regnende Ciro, king of Babiloine, king
togidere han go fro þe daȝes of Aſbaſareth, king of Aſſiries, Cirus wrot to bilden vp þis hous;
þat wente ouer hennus. xviii and þoo holi goldene veſſelis and ſiluerene, þat
lxx And ſeide to hem Sorobabel, and Jeſue, and þe princis of
Nabugodonoſor hadde born awei fro þe hous, þat is in
þe tounus of Irael, It is not to vs and to ȝou to bilden vp þe Jeruſalem, and hadde ſacrid hem in his temple, eft king
hous of oure God; Cirus broȝte þem forþ fro þe temple þat was in Babiloyne,
lxxi we forſoþe alone ſhul bilden þe hous of oure God, aftir and ben take to Sorobabel, and to Salmanaſar, vndir litil
þoo þingus, þat Cirus, king of Perſis, comaundede. king.
lxxii Þe Jentilis forſoþe of þe lond leuende to þem þat ben in xix And it is comaundid to hem, þat þei offren þeſe veſſelis,
Jude, and rerende vp þe werk of þe bilding, and aſpies and and lein vp in þe temple, þat was in Jeruſalem, and þat
puple bringende forþ, forfendeden hem to bilden vp; temple of God to bilden vp in þat place.
lxxiii and letteden þe men, hauntende þe goingus to, þat þe xx Þanne Salmanaſar vnder leide þe foundemens of þe hous
bilding ſhulde not ben endid al þe time of þe lif of king Ciri; of þe Lord, þat is in Jeruſalem; and fro þennus vn to now is
and þei drowen along þe making vp bi two ȝer, vn to þe bild vp, and toc no ful ending.
regne of Darie. xxi Now þanne, if it is demed of þee, O king! be it parfitli
ſoȝt in þe kingis libraries of king Ciri, þat ben in Babiloine;
Capitulum VI. xxii and if it were founden in þe counſeil of king Ciri, to ben
i In þe ſecunde forſoþe ȝer of þe regne of Darie profeciede begunne þe making of þe hous of þe Lord, þat is in
Agge, and Sacharie, þe ſone of Addin, profete, anent Jude Jeruſalem, and it ſhal be ſhewid of þe lord oure king, wrijte
and in Jeruſalem, in þe name of þe Lord God of Irael, vpon he of þeſe þingus to vs.
xxiii Þanne king Darie comaundede to ben inwardli ſoȝt in þe
ii Þane ſtondende Sorobabel, þe ſone of Salatiel, and Jeſus, librarijs; and þer is founde in Egbatenis, burȝtoun, þat is in
þe ſone of Jeſedech, begunnen to bilden vp þe hous of þe þe myddel regioun, o place, in þe whiche weren writen þeſe
Lord, þat is in Jeruſalem; whan þer weren neeȝ to hem þingus.
xxiiii Þe firſte ȝer regnende Ciro king, Cirus comaundede þe
profetis of þe Lord, and holpen hem.
iii In þat time cam to hem Ciſennes, þe vnder litil king of hous of þe Lord, þat is in Jeruſalem, to bilden vp, where þei
Cirie and of Fenices, and Satraboſones, and þer felawis. brenden wiþ contynuel fijr;
xxv whos heiȝte is maad of ten cubitis, and breede of fourti
And þei ſeiden to hem,
cubitus, ſquarid wiþ þre poliſht ſtonus, and wiþ ſoleer tree of


þe ſame regioun, and wiþ oon newe ſoleer; and coſtus to be xiii And þe ſonus of Irael eeten, þat weren in þe caitifte, alle
ȝiuen of þe hous of king Cirus; þat hadden laft fro alle þe curſidneſſis of þe Jentilis of þe
xxvi and þe holi veſſelis of þe hous of þe Lord, boþ goldene erþe, ſechende þe Lord;
and ſiluerene, þat Nabugodonoſor bar awei, þat þei be put xiiii and þei haleweden þe feſte dai of þerue loues, ſeuene
þider in to þe hous, þat is in Jeruſalem, where þei weren daȝes etende in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord;
put. xv for he conuertide þe counſeil of þe king of Aſſiris in hem,
xxvii And he comaundede beſineſſe to don Ciſennem, vnder
to coumforte þe hondus of hem to þe werkis of þe Lord God
litil king of Cirie and Fenice, and Satrabuſanam, and his of Irael.
felawis, and þei þat weren in Cirie and in Fenice ordeineden
reuleris, þat þei abſtene þem fro þe ſame place.
xxviii And I alſo comaundede al to maken vp, and forþ Capitulum VIII.
lookide, þat þei helpe þem þat ben of þe caitifte of Jewis, to i And after þis, regnende Artaxerſe, king of Perſis, wente to
þe time þat þe temple of þe hous of þe Lord be ful endid; Eſdras, þe ſone of Azarie, ſone of Elchie, ſone of Salome,
xxix and of þe trauaile of þe tributus of Cirie Choeles and ii ſone of Sadduch, ſone of Achitob, ſone of Ameri, ſone of
Fenices diligentli a quantite to be ȝiue to þeſe men, to þe Azaei, ſone of Bocce, ſone of Abiſae, ſone of Finees, ſone of
ſacrifiſe of þe Lord, to Sorobabel, prefect, to bolis, and Eleaſar, ſone of Aron, firſte preeſt.
weþeris, and lambis; iii Þis Eſdras ſteȝede vp fro Babiloine, whan he was ſcribe,
xxx alſo forſoþe and whete, and ſalt, and win, and oile, beſili
and witti in þe lawe of Moiſes, þat is ȝiuen of þe Lord of
bi alle ȝeris, as þe preſtus, þat ben in Jeruſalem, ordeineden Irael, to ſein and to do.
to be fulfild eche dai, wiþ oute any delai; iiii And þe king ȝaf to hym glorie, þat he hadde founde grace
xxxi þat þer ben offrid offringus of likourus to þe heiȝeſte
in alle dignete, and deſijr, in þe ſiȝte of hym.
God, for þe king, and his childer, and preȝe for þe lif of hem. v And þer ſteȝeden vp togidere wiþ hym of þe ſonus of Irael,
xxxii And be it denounſid, þat whoſo euere ouer paſſen any
and preſtis, and Leuitus, and holi ſingeres of þe temple, and
þing of þeſe þingus þat ben writen, or deſpiſen, be þer taken vſſheris, and ſeruauns of þe temple, in to Jeruſalem.
a tree of þer own proper, and be þei hangid, and þe goodis of vi Þe ſeuenþe ȝer regnende Artaxerſe, in þe fifte monyþ, þis
hem to þe king be eſchetid. is þe ſeuenþe ȝer of þe regne, goende out forſoþe fro
xxxiii Þerfore and þe Lord, whos name is inwardli clepid
Babiloine in þe newe mone of þe fifte moneþ, þei camen to
þere, outlawe eche king and folc, þat ſtrecchen out þer hond to Jeruſalem, after þe heſtus of hym, after þe ȝiuen proſperite of
forfenden, or to euele treten þat hous of þe Lord, þat is in þe weie to hem of þat Lord.
Jeruſalem. vii In þeſe þingys forſoþe Eſdras weldede gret diſcipline, leſt
xxxiiii I, king Darie, haue maad a decre, to be don as moſt
he paſſide biſide any þing of þoo þingis þat weren of þe lawe
diligentli aftir þeſe þingis. of þe Lord, and heſtus, and in techende al Irael alle
riȝtweſneſſe and dom.
Capitulum VII. viii Comende forſoþe neeȝ þei þat writen þe writen þingus of
i Thanne king Artaxerſes, token writen þat, þat cam fro king
Ciſennes, vnder litil king of Choelem Cirie and Artaxerſes to Eſdras, preſt, and redere of þe lawe of þe Lord,
Fenicem, and Satrabuſanes, and þe felawis, obeſheden to þeſe of whiche þinge þe exſaumple is leid vnder.
þingus, þat of king Darye weren demed, ix King Artaxerſe to Eſdre, preſt, and redere of þe lawe of þe
ii ſtoden in to þe holi werkis moſt diligentli, togidere werkende
Lord, greeting.
wiþ þe eldere men of Jewis, princis of Cirie. x More benygne I demende alſo to benefetus, comandede to
iii And þe ſacrid holi werkis ben made welſum, profeciende
hem þat deſiren of þe folc of Jewis þer owne þingus wilfulli,
Agge and Sacarie, profetus. and of þe preſtis, and Leuits, þat ben in my reume, to
iiii And alle þingus þei fulfilden, bi þe heſte of þe Lord God felaſhipen wiþ þee in to Jeruſalem.
of Irael, and of þe counſeil of Ciri, and of Darie, and of xi Þane if any couetten to go wiþ þee, come þei togidere, and
Artaxerſe, king of Perſis. go þei forþ, as it pleſeþ to me, and to my ſeuene frendis
v And oure hous is endyd, vnto þe þre and twentiþe dai of þe counſeileris;
moneþ of March, þe ſixte ȝer of king Darie. xii þat þei viſite þoo þingus, þat ben don after Jude and
vi And þe ſonus of Irael diden, and þe preſtis, and Leuitus, Jeruſalem, kepende þe lawe, as þou haſt in þe lawe of þe
and oþere þat weren of þe caitifte, þat ben ſet to, after þoo Lord;
þingus þat ben writen in þe boc of Moiſes. xiii and bere þei ȝiftus to þe Lord of Irael, þe whiche I
vii And þei offriden in to þe dedicacioun of þe temple of þe knewȝ, and þe frendis of Jeruſalem, and al þe gold and
Lord, bolis, an hundrid; weþeris, two hundrid; lambis, foure ſiluer, þat were founden in þe regioun of Babiloine, to þe
hundrid; Lord in Jeruſalem,
viii kidis for þe ſynnes of al Irael, twelue, after þe noumbre xiiii wiþ þat þat is ȝiuen of þat folc in þe temple of þe Lord,
of þe linagis of Irael. of hem þat is in Jeruſalem; þat be gedered þis gold and
ix And þe preſtus ſtoden, and Leuitus, clad þe ſtolis, bi þe ſiluer, and to bolis, and weþeris, and lambis, and kidis, and
linagis, vpon þe werc of þe Lord God of Irael, after þe boc þat to þeſe ben couenable;
of Moiſes; and vſſheris bi alle þe ȝatis. xv þat þei offre oſtis to þe Lord, vp on þe auter of þe Lord of
x And þe ſonus of Irael diden, wiþ hem þat weren of þe hem, þat is in Jeruſalem.
caitifte, þat paſch, þe mone of þe firſte moneþ, fourtene, whan xvi And alle þingus what euere þou wilt wiþ þi breþern don,
ben halewid þe preſtis and þe Leuitus. wiþ gold and ſiluer parforme, for þe wil, after þe heſte of þe
xi And alle þe ſonus of caitifte ben not togidere halewid, for Lord þi God.
alle þe Leuitus ben togidere halewid. xvii And þe ſacride holi veſſelis, þat ben ȝiue to þee, to þe
xii And þei offriden paſch to alle þe ſonus of caitifte, and to werkis of þe hous of þe Lord þi God, þat is in Jeruſalem,
þer breþern, preſtis, and to hemſelf.


xviii and oþere þingus, what euere to þee wiln helpen to þe xlii And of þe ſonus of preſtis and of Leuitus I fond not
werkis of þe temple of þi God, þou ſhalt ȝiue of þe kingis þere.
treſorie, whan þou wilt wiþ þi breþern maken, wiþ gold and xliii And I ſente to Eleaſar, and to Accebam, and Maſman,
ſiluer; and parforme þou aftir þe wil of þi Lord. and Malolan,
xix And I, king Artaxerſes, haue comaundid to þe keperis of xliiii and Enathan, and Samea, and Joribum, Nathan,
þe treſories of Cirie and of Fenice, þat what euere þingus Ennagan, Zacharie, and Moſollamym, hem leders and wiſe
Eſdras, preſt, and redere of þe lawe of þe Lord, write fore, men.
beſili be it ȝiue to hym, vnto an hundrid talentis of ſiluer, lic xlv And I ſeide to hem, þat þei ſhulden come to Luddyum,
maner and of gold;
xx and vnto an hundrid buſſhelis of whete, and an hundrid þat was at þe place of þe treſorie.
xlvi And I ſente to þem, þat þei ſhulden ſei to Luddium, and
veſſelis of win, and oþere þingis, what euere abounden, wiþ
oute taxing. his breþern, and to hem þat weren in þe treſorie, þat þei
xxi Alle þingus after þe lawe of God be don to þe heiȝeſte ſhulden ſende to vs hem þat ſhulden vſe preſthod in þe hous
of þe Lord oure God.
God, leſt parauenture riſe vp wraþe in þe reume of þe king, xlvii And þei broȝten to vs, after þe ſtronge hond of þe Lord
and of þe ſone, and of þe ſones of hym.
xxii To ȝou forſoþe is ſeid, þat to alle þe preſtis, and Leuitus, oure God, wiſe men of þe ſonus of Mooli, ſone of Leuy, ſone
of Irael, Sebebian, and ſonus, and breþern, þat weren
and holi ſingeres, and ſeruauns of þe temple, and ſcribis of eiȝtetene;
þis temple, no tribute, ne any oþer forfending be born to, ne xlviii Aſbiam, and Amum, of þe ſonus of Cananei; and þe
haue any man power to aȝen caſten any þing to hem.
xxiii Þou forſoþe, Eſdras, aftir þe wiſdam of God ordeine ſonus of hem, twenti men.
xlix And of hem þat in þe temple ſerueden, þe whiche Dauid
domeſmen and arbitrouris, in al Cirie and Fenice, and alle
þat þe lawe of þi God knewen, teche; ȝaf, and þei princis, to þe werking to þe Leuitus, to þe
xxiiii þat hou fele euere ouerpaſſe þe lawe, biſili be þei temple, of men ſeruende, two hundrid and twenti. Þe namys
of alle ben ſignefied in ſcripturis.
punſhid, or bi deþ, or bi torment, or alſo bi multing of monee, l And I vouwede þere faſting to ȝunge men, in þe ſiȝte of þe
or bi ſeuering awei.
xxv And Eſdras, ſcribe, ſeide, Bleſſid be þe Lord God of oure Lord, þat I ſhulde ſechen of hym good weie to vs, and þat
weren wiþ vs, of ſonus, and beſtus, for aſpies.
fadris, þat ȝaf þis wil in to þe herte of þe king, to clarifien li Forſoþe I ſhamede to aſken of þe king foot men and horſe
his hous, þat is in Jeruſalem;
xxvi and me haþ wrſhipid in þe ſiȝte of þe king, and men, in felaſhipe of grace, of keping aȝen oure aduerſaries.
lii Forſoþe we ſeiden to þe king, For þe vertue of þe Lord
counſeileris, and his frendis, and of his purprid men.
xxvii And I am maad ſtedefaſt in inwit, after þe helping of þe ſhal be wiþ hem, þat inwardli ſechen hym in alle efect.
liii And eft we preȝeden þe Lord oure God, after þeſe þingis,
Lord oure God; and I gederede of Irael men, þat þei ſhulden
ſteȝen vp togidere wiþ me. whom and benigne we hadden; and hol wee ben maad to oure
xxviii And þeſe ben þe prouoſtis, after þer kuntres, and God.
liiii And I ſeuerede of þe prouoſtis of þe folc, and of þe
porciounelis princehodis of hem, þat wiþ me ſteȝeden vp fro
Babiloine, in þe reume of Artaxerſis. preſtus of þe puple, twelue men, and Sedebian, and
xxix Of þe ſonus of Fares, Jerſomus; of þe ſonus of Affamian, and wiþ hem of þer breþern ten men.
lv And I peiſede to hem ſiluer and gold, and preſtis veſſelis,
Ciameruth, Amenus; of þe ſonus of Dauid, Accus, þe ſone of
Cecelie; of þe hous of þe Lord oure God, þe whiche þe king hadde
xxx of þe ſonus of Fares, Zacharie, and wiþ hym ben turned ȝiuen, and his counſeileris, and princis, and al Irael.
lvi And whan I hadde peiſid, I toc talentus of ſiluer an
aȝeen an hundrid men and fifti;
xxxi of þe ſonus of Ductor, Moabilonys, Zaraei, and wiþ hym hundrid and fifti, and ſiluerene veſſelis of an hundrid talentis,
and of gold talentus an hundrid,
two hundrid men and fifti; lvii and of goldene veſſelis ſeue ſcore, and braſene veſſelis of
xxxii of þe ſonus of Sacues, Jechonie, Cetheeli, and wiþ hym
good metal ſhinende, twelue, ȝeldende þe licneſſe of gold.
two hundrid men and fifti; lviii And I ſeide to hem, And ȝee ben holi to þe Lord, and þe
xxxiii of þe ſones of Solomoſias, Gotholie, and wiþ hym
veſſelis ben holi, and þe gold and þe ſeluer is of þe auou to
ſeuenti men; þe Lord God of oure fadris.
xxxiiii of þe ſones of Sofocie, Zarias, Micheli, and wiþ hym lix Wakeþ, and kepeþ, to þe time þat ȝee take of þe prouoſtis
foure ſcore men; of þe puple, and of þe preſtis, and of þe Leuitis, and princis
xxxv of þe ſonus of Jobab, Dias, Jeſeli, and wiþ hym two of þe cites of Irael, in Jeruſalem, in þe priue chaumbre of þe
hundrid men and twelue; hous of oure God.
xxxvi of þe ſonus of Banie, Salimoth, þe ſone of Joſafie, and lx And þeſe preſtis and Leuitus, þat token gold and ſiluer,
wiþ hym an hundrid men and ſixti; and veſſelis, þat weren in Jeruſalem, broȝten in to þe temple
xxxvii of þe ſonus of Beer, Zacharias, Bebei, and wiþ hym of þe Lord.
two hundrid men and eiȝte; lxi And we moueden forþ fro þe flod of Thia, þe twelfþe dai
xxxviii of þe ſones of Azachie, Channes, Acharie, and wiþ hym of þe firſte moneþ, for to we ȝiden in to Jeruſalem.
an hundrid men and ten; lxii And whan þe þridde dai was don, þe ferþe forſoþe dai þe
xxxix of þe ſonus of Adonicam, hem laſt, peiſid gold and ſiluer is taken in þe hous of þe Lord oure
xl and þeſe ben þe namus of hem, Elifalam, þe ſone of Jebel, God, to Marymoth, þe ſone of Jori, preſt;
lxiii and wiþ hym was Eleaſar, þe ſone of Finees; and þer
and Semeias, and wiþ hym ſeuenti men.
xli And I gederede hem to þe flod, þat is ſeid Thia and weren wiþ hem Joſabdus, þe ſone of Jeſu, and Medias, and
Banny, þe ſone of a Leuite; at noumbre and weiȝte alle
Methati; þere wee weren þre daȝis, and I knewȝ hem. þingus.
lxiiii And þe peis of hem is writen in þe ſame hour.


lxv Þoo forſoþe, þat camen fro þe caitifte, offriden ſacrifiſe of lxxxvii And þou haſt ȝiue to vs ſuch a roote, and eft wee ben
þe Lord of Irael, bolis, twelue for al Irael; weþeres, foure turned aȝeen to ouer paſſe þi laweful þingis, þat þe
ſcore and ſixe; vnclenneſſis of þe heþene folc of þis lond weren mengd.
lxvi lambis, two and ſeuenti; get for ſynne twelue, and for lxxxviii Wheþer þou ſhalt not wraþen to vs, to leeſen vs, for
helþe twelue kijn; alle in to þe ſacrifiſe of þe Lord. to þe roote be forſaken, and oure ſed?
lxvii And þei eft radden þe heſtis of þe king to þe kingis lxxxix Lord God of Irael, þou art ſoþfaſt; forſoþe þe roote is
diſpenſatouris, and to þe litle vnder kingus of Choele, and forſaken, vnto þe dai þat is now.
Cirie, and Fenice; and þei wrſhipeden þe folc and þe temple xc Lo! now we ben in þi ſiȝte in oure wickeneſſis; forſoþe it
of þe Lord. is not ȝit to ſtonde befor þee in þeſe þingus.
lxviii And þeſe þingis ful endid, þei camen to me, ſeiende, xci And whan honourende Eſdras knoulechede, wepende, falle
lxix Þe kinrede of Irael, and þe princis, and preſtys, and doun to þe erþe befor þe temple, ben gedered beforn hym of
Leuitis, and aliene folkis, and naciouns of þe lond, han not Jeruſalem a ful gret cumpanye, men, and wemmen, and
ſeuered þer vnclenneſſes fro Cananeis, and Etheis, and ȝunge men, and ȝunge wymmen; forſoþe þe weping was gret
Fereſeis, and Jebuſeis, and Moabitis, and Egipcienes, and in þat multitude.
Idumeis; xcii And whan Jechonias, þe ſone of Jeeli, of þe ſonus of
lxx forſoþe þei ben ioyned to þe doȝtris of hem, and þei and Irael, hadde cried, Eſdras ſeide, Wee han ſynned aȝen þe
þer ſonis; and þe holi ſed is mengd togidere to þe heþene folc Lord, þat wee han ſett wiþ vs in to matrimoyne heþene
of þe lond; and parceneres weren þe prouoſtus and maiſtir wymmen, of þe Jentilis of þe lond. And now who ſo euere is
iugis of þis wickedneſſe, fro þe begynnyng of þat reume. ouer al Irael in þeſe þingus,
lxxi And anon as I herde þeſe þingis, I cutte þe cloþis, and xciii be þer to vs an oþ of þe Lord, to putten awei alle oure
þe ſacrid cote, and to-terende þe heris of þe hed, and þe berd, wiues, þat of þe heþene ben, wiþ þer ſonus;
I ſat ſorewende, and dreri. xciiii as to þee is demed of þe more, aftir þe lawe of þe Lord.
lxxii And þer camen to me as fele as euere weren þanne xcv Riſende vp, ſheu out; to þee forſoþe abideþ þis nede, and
moued in þe woord of þe Lord God of Irael, me weilende vp wee ben wiþ þee; do manli.
on þis wickeneſſe; and I ſat ſoreweful vnto þe euentid xcvi And riſende vp Eſdras, he made þe princis off preſtis,
lxxiii And riſende fro faſting, hauende þe cloþis cut, miche and þe Leuitus, and al Irael, to ſwere to don aftir þeſe alle
þeſe þingis; and þei ſworen.
knelende, and ſtrecchende out þe hondis to þe Lord,
lxxiiii I ſeide, Lord, I am confoundid, and I am adrad befor
Capitulum IX.
þi face.
lxxv Forſoþe oure ſynnes ben multiplied vp on oure hedis, and i And riſende vp Eſdras fro `þe beforn porche of þe temple,
oure wickedneſſis ben enhauncid vnto heuene; wente in to þe celle of Jonathe, ſone of Nazabi.
lxxvi for fro þe time of oure fadris we ben in gret ſynne vn to ii And herberewid þere, he taſtede no bred, ne water dranc, vp
þis day. on þe wickedneſſes of þe multitude.
lxxvii And for oure ſynnes, and of oure fadris we ben taken, iii And þer is maad a preching in al Jude and in Jeruſalem,
wiþ oure breþern, and wiþ oure preſtus, and kingus of þe to alle þat weren of þe caitifte gedered in Jeruſalem,
lond, in to ſwerd, and caitifte, and in to prei, wiþ confuſion, iiii Whoſoeuere aȝeen comeþ not to þe ſecunde or þe þridde
vn to þe dai þat is now. dai, aftir þe dom of þe eldere men ſittende, his facultees ſhul
lxxviii And now hou myche is, þat falleþ to vs þe merci of ben taken awei, and he alien demed fro þe multitude of
þee, Lord God; lef to vs a roote and a name, in to þe place caitifte.
of þin halewing, v And alle ben gedered togidere, þat weren of þe linage of
lxxix to vnkoueren oure ȝiuere of liȝt in þe hous of þe Lord Juda and of Beniamyn, þre daȝes in Jeruſalem; þis is þe
oure God, to ȝiue to vs mete in þe time of oure ſeruage. nynþe moneþ, þe twentiþe dai of þe monyþ.
lxxx And whan wee ſeruen, wee ben not forſaken of þe Lord vi And al þe multitude ſat in þe flor of þe temple, tremblende
oure God; but he ſette vs in grace, puttende to vs kingus of for þe preſent winter.
Perſis to ȝiue mete, vii Eſdras riſende vp, ſeide to Irael, Ȝee wickedeli diden,
lxxxi and to clarifien þe temple of þe Lord oure God, and to ſettende ȝou in to matrimoine heþene wiues, þat ȝee adde to
edefie þe deſertis of Sion, and to ȝiue to vs ſtableneſſe in þe ſynnes of Irael.
Jude and Jeruſalem. viii And now ȝiueþ ſhrifte, and gret doing to þe Lord God of
lxxxii And now what ſei wee, Lord, hauende þeſe þingus? We oure fadris;
han ouyr paſſid þin heſtis, `þe whiche þou ȝeue in to þe ix and parformeþ his wil, and goþ awei fro þe heþene folc of
hondis of þi childer, profetus, ſeiende, þe lond, and fro heþene wiues.
lxxxiii For þe lond, in þe whiche ȝee wenten in, to welden his x And al þe multitude criede, and ſeiden wiþ a gret vois, As
eritage, is a defoulid lond wiþ filþes of þe heþene men of þe þou haſt ſeid, wee ſhul do.
lond, and þe vnclenneſſis of hem han fulfild it al in his xi But for þe multitude is gret, and þe time winter, and wee
vnclenneſſe. moun not vnholpen ſtonde, and þis werc is not to vs of o dai,
lxxxiiii And now ȝoure doȝtris ȝee ſhul not ioyne to þer ſonus, ne of two; myche in þeſe þingus wee han ſynned;
and þer doȝtris ȝee ſhul not take to ȝoure ſonus; xii ſtonde þe prouoſtus of þe multitude, and alle þat wiþ vs
lxxxv and ȝee ſhul not ſeche to han pes wiþ hem alle time, þat dwellen, and hou fele euere han `anent þem heþene wiues;
comende aboue ȝee ete þe beſte þingus of þe lond, and þe and ſtonde þei neȝ in þe accept time of alle place,
eritage ȝee delen to ȝoure ſonus, in to þe during aboue time. xiii preſtis, and domes men, for to þei loſne þe wraþe of þe
lxxxvi And þoo þingus þat fallen to vs, alle ben do for oure
Lord, of þis nede.
ſhrewde werkis, and oure grete ſynnes.


xiiii Jonathas forſoþe, þe ſone of Ezeli, and Ozias, Thethan, xl And Eſdras, biſſhop, broȝte forþ þe lawe to al þe multitude
token aftir þeſe þingus, and Boſoramus, and Leuys, and of hem, fro man vnto womman, and to alle þe preſtus, to
Satheus togidere wroȝten wiþ hem. heren þe lawe, in þe newe mone of þe ſeuenþe moneþ.
xv And þer ſtoden aftir alle þeſe þingus, alle þat weren of þe xli And he radde in þe flor, þat is befor þe holi ȝate of þe
caitifte. temple, fro þe firſte liȝt vnto euen, befor men and wymmen;
xvi And Eſdras, preſt, ches to hym men, grete princis, of þe and alle þei ȝeuen wit to þe lawe.
fadris of hem, after þe names; and þei ſeten togidere, in þe xlii And Eſdras, preſt, and redere of þe lawe, ſtod vp on þe
newe mone of þe tenþe moneþ, to examyne þis nede. treene chaȝer, þat was forgid.
xvii And it is determyned of þe men, þat hadden heþene xliii And þere ſtoden to hym Mathatias, and Samus, and
wiues, vnto þe newe mones of þe firſte moneþ. Ananyas, Azarias, Vrias, Ezechias, and Balſamus, at þe riȝt;
xviii And þere ben founden mengd among of þe preſtis, þat xliiii and at þe lift, Faldeus, and Miſael, Malachias, Abuſtas,
hadden heþene wiues; Sabus, Nabadias, and Zacharias.
xix of þe ſonus of Jeſu, þe ſonus of Joſedech, and of his xlv And Eſdras toc a boc beforn al þe multitude; forſoþe he ſat
breþern, Maſeas, and Eleeſerus, and Joribus, and Joadeus. beforn in glorie, in þe ſiȝte of alle.
xx And þei leiden hondis, þat þei ſhulden putten awei þer xlvi And whan he hadde aſoilid þe lawe, alle ſtoden vp riȝt.
wiues, and to ſacrifien, in to preieere for þer ignoraunce. And Eſdras bleſſide þe Lord God, al þer heiȝeſt God of
xxi And of þe ſonus of Semmery, Maſſeas, and Eſſes, and Sabaoth, al myȝti.
Geleth, Azarias; xlvii And al þe puple anſwerde, Amen. And eft, þe hondis
xxii and of þe ſones of Foſore, Leomaſias, Hiſmaeius, and rerid vp, þei, fallende doun in to þe erþe, honoureden þe
Nathanias, Juſſio, Leddus, and Talſas. Lord.
xxiii And of þe Leuitus, Joſabdus, and Semeis, and xlviii And Eſdras comaundede, þat þer ſhulden teche þe lawe,
Cholitus, and Calitas, and Facceas, and Coluas, and Jeſus, and Banaeus, and Sarabias, and Jadinus, and
Elionas. Accubus, and Sabatheus, and Calithes, and Azarias, and
xxiiii And of þe ſacrid ſyngeres, Eliazub, Zaccurus. Joradus, and Ananias, and Filas, Leuite. Þe whiche taȝten
þe lawe of þe Lord, and in þe multitude radden þe lawe of þe
xxv And of þe vſſheris, Salumus, and Tholbanes. Lord; and eche putten beforn hem, þat vndirſtoden þe leſſoun.
xxvi And of Irael, of þe ſonus of Forchoſi, and Remias, and xlix And Atharathes ſeide to Eſdre, þe biſſhop and redere, and
Jeddias, and Melchias, and Michelus, and Eliaſarus, and to þe Leuitus þat taȝten þe multitude, ſeiende,
Jemebias, and Bannas. l Þis dai is holi to þe Lord. And alle wepten, whan þei
xxvii And of þe ſonis of Jolamani, Anias, and Zacharias, hadden herd þe lawe.
Jerſelus, and Jobdius, and Erimoth, and Elias. li And Eſdras ſeide, Ȝee þanne, gon atwynne, eteþ alle moſt
xxviii And of þe ſonus of Sachon, Eliadas, and Eliaſumus, fatte þingys, and drinkeþ alle moſt ſweete, and ſendeþ ȝiftus
and Othias, and Jarimoth and Zabdis, and Thebedias. to hem þat han not;
xxix And of þe ſones of Bede, Johannes, and Amanyas, and lii forſoþe holi is þis dai of þe Lord; and wileþ not ben ſori,
Zabdias, and Emetis. þe Lord forſoþe ſhal clarifien vs.
xxx And of þe ſonis of Baum, Olamus, and Mallucus, and liii And þe Leuitus denounceden in opene to alle men, ſeiende,
Jeddeus, and Jaſub, and Azabus, and Jerimoth. Þis dai is holi; wileþ not ben ſori.
xxxi And of þe ſonis of Addin, Nathus and Mooſias, and liiii And alle wenten awei, to eten, and to drinken, and to han
Caalemus, and Raanas, and Baſeas, Mathatias, and Bethſel, plente of mete, and to ȝiue ȝiftus to hem þat han not, þat þei
and Bonnus, and Manaſſes. plenteuouſli eten. Gret doingli forſoþe þei ben enhauncid in þe
xxxii And of þe ſonus of Miaie, Nenyas, and Afeas, and woordis, wiþ þe whiche þei ben taȝt.
Melcheas, and Sameas, and Simon, Beniamyn, and lv And alle þei ben gedered in to Jeruſalem, to make
Malchus, and Marias. ſolempne þe gladneſſe, after þe teſtament of þe Lord God of
xxxiii Of þe ſonus of Azom, Cartaneus, Mathatias, and Irael.
Bannus, and Elifalath, and Manaſſes, and Semeth.
xxxiiii And of þe ſonus of Banny, Jeremias, and Modias,
Here endiþ þe þridde book of Eſdre, and
and Abramus, and Johel, and Baneas, and Pelias, and now begynneþ þe prolog of þe book of
Jonas, and Marymoth, and Eliazub, and Mathaneus, and Tobie.
Eleaſis, and Oriſas, and Dielus, and Samedius, and
Zambris, and Joſefus.
xxxv And of þe ſonus of Nobei, Idelus, and Mathatias, and
Zabadus, and Cetheda, Seduni, and Jeſſei, Baneas.
xxxvi Alle þeſe ioineden to hem heþene wiues, and laften hem,
wiþ þe ſones.
xxxvii And preſtis, and Leuitus, and þat weren of Irael,
dwelten in Jeruſalem in oon hol regioun, þe newe mone of þe
ſeuenþe moneþ; and þe ſonus of Irael weren in þer abidingus.
xxxviii And al þe multitude is gedered togidere in to þe flor,
þat is fro þe eſt of þe ſacrid ȝate.
xxxix And þei ſeiden to Eſdre, biſſhop and redere, þat he
ſhulde bringe forþ þe lawe of Moiſes, þat is ȝiuen of þe Lord
God of Irael.


xvi Whan forſoþe he was come in to Ragis, cite of Medis,

TOBIE. and of þeſe þingus wiþ þe whiche he was wrſhipid of þe king,
hadde ten talentis of ſiluer;
Here begynneþ proloug of Tobie. xvii and wiþ myche cumpanye of his kinrede, he ſaȝ Gabel
To Cromacio and Eliodre, biſſhopys, Jerome, preſt, in þe nedi, þat was of his linage, he ȝaf to hym þe ſeid peis of
Lord ſendeþ greeting. To merueilen I ceſe not þe inſtaunce of ſiluer, vndir writing.
ȝoure aſking; forſoþe ȝee aſken of me, þat þe boc, writen in xviii Forſoþe after miche of time king Salmanaſar dead, whan
Caldee ſermoun, in to Latin writing I drawe, þe boc of Tobie his ſone Senacherub regnede for hym, and hadde þe ſonus of
þat is, þe whiche Ebrues, ſeuerende fro þe noumbre of Godis Irael hateſum in his ſiȝte,
ſcripturis, to þeſe þat holi ſcriptures remembren caſten to. I xix Tobie wente eche dai bi al hys kinrede, and coumfortide
haue don a ſeeþ to ȝoure deſijr, ner þe latere not to my ſtudie. hem, and deuidede to eche, as he myȝte, of his facultees;
Forſoþe þe ſtudies of Ebrues vndernymyn vs, and wijten to xx þe hungri men he fedde, and to þe nakide he ȝaf cloþis,
vs þeſe þingis to tranſlaten to þe Latin eris aȝen þer bible.
But I demende to be betere to deſpleſen to þe dom of and to þe deade and þe ſlaine beſi he fond ſepulture.
Fariſees, and to ſerue to þe biſſhopis maundemens, biſiede as xxi After whan king Senacherub was turned aȝeen, fleende
I myȝte; and, for þe tunge of Caldeis is neeȝ to Ebrue fro Jude þe veniaunce þat abouten hym God hadde do for his
ſermoun, findende a moſt wijs ſpekere of eiþer tunge, I toc to blasfemye, and wroþ ſloȝ manie of þe ſonus of Irael, Tobie
þe trauaile of o dai; and what euere þing he to me expreſſede biriede þe bodies of hem.
in Ebrue woordis, þoo þingus I, clepid to a notorie, xxii And wher it was told to þe king, he comandide hym to be
expounede in Latin woordis. To ȝoure prieeris þe meede of ſlain, and toc al his ſubſtaunce.
þis werk I ſhal ȝelde, whan I lerne me to han fulfild þis xxiii Tobie forſoþe wiþ his ſone and wiþ wif fleende, nakid
werc to ben acceptid of ȝou þat voucheden ſaaf to comaunden. lurkide, for manie looueden hym.
Heere endiþ þe prolog of Tobie, and now xxiiii After forſoþe fiue and fourti daȝes, þe king his ſonus
begynneþ þe book. ſlowen;
xxv and Tobie is turned aȝeen to his hous, and al his faculte
Capitulum I. reſtorid to hym.
i Tobie, of þe linage and of þe cite of Neptalim, þat is in þe Capitulum II.
ouere partis of Galilee, aboue Naſon, after þe weie þat lediþ
to þe weſt, in þe left hauende þe cite of Sofeth, i Aftir þeſe þingus forſoþe, whan was þe feſte dai of þe Lord,
ii whan he was caȝt in þe daȝes of Salmanaſar, king of and ſhulde be maad a good meteſhipe in þe hous of Tobie,
Aſſiries, ner þe latere in caitifte ſett, þe weie of treuþe he ii he ſeide to his ſone, Go, and bring ſumme men of oure
forſoc not, linage, dredend God, and ete þei wiþ vs.
iii ſo þat alle þingus þat he myȝte han, eche dai to þe caityue iii And whan he ſhulde gon, turned aȝeen he tolde to hym, oon
breþern þat weren of his kinrede he delede. of þe ſonus of Irael ſlain to lyn in þe ſtrete; and anoon
iiii And whan he was alle ȝungere in þe linage of Neptalim, ſtertende out fro his mete ſete, leuende þe mete, faſtende cam
ner þe latere no childli þing he dide in deede. to þe bodi;
v After whan alle wenten to þe goldene calues, þe whiche iiii and takende it, he bar to his hous priueli, þat whil þe
Jeroboam, king of Irael, made, þis alone fleiȝ þe cumpanye ſunne were go doun, ſleeȝli he ſhulde birien it.
of alle; v And whan he hadde hid þe bodi, he eet bred wiþ weiling
vi and wente to Jeruſalem, to þe temple of þe Lord, and þere and trembling,
honourede þe Lord God of Irael, alle his firſte frutis and his vi remembrende þat woord, þat þe Lord ſeide by Amos, þe
dymys treuli offrende; profete, Ȝoure feſte daȝes ſhul be turned in to weiling and
vii ſo þat in þe þredde ȝer to þe conuertid fro Jentilis and to ſorewing.
comelingus he mynyſtrede alle tiþing. vii Whan forſoþe þe ſunne hadde go doun, he wente, and
viii Þeſe þingus, and to þeſe lic, after þe lawe of God a litil biriede it.
child he kepte wel. viii Forſoþe alle hiſe neȝheboris vndernomyn hym, ſeiende,
ix Whan forſoþe he was maad a man, he toc a wif, Anne, of Now bi cauſe of þis þing þou art comaundid to be ſlain, and
his linage; and he gat of hir a ſone, his own name puttende vnneþe þou haſt ſcapid þe maundement of deþ, and eft þou
to hym; birieſt þe deade?
x whom fro þe time þat he began to ſpeken, he taȝte to dreden ix But Tobye, more dredende God þan þe king, caȝte þe
God, and to abſtenen fro alle ſynne. bodies of þe ſlaine, and hidde in his hous, and in þe
xi Þanne whan by caytifte he was come, wiþ his wif and mydnyȝtus biriede hem.
x It fel forſoþe, þat on a dai weri of biriyng, comende hom,
ſone, in to þe cite Nynyue, wiþ al his linage,
xii and alle eeten of þe metis of Jentilis, þis kepte his ſoule, he hadde caſt hymſelf beſide þe wal, and hadde faſte ſlept;
xi and fro þe neſt of ſwalewis to hym ſlepende hote toordis
and neuere is defoulid in metis of hem.
xiii And for he was myndeful of þe Lord in al his herte, God fellen in vp on his eȝen; and was maad blind.
xii Þis forſoþe temptacioun þerfore þe Lord ſuffride to come to
ȝaf to hym grace in þe ſiȝte of king Salamanaſar;
xiiii and ȝaf to hym power to go whider euere he wolde, hym, þat to þe aftercomeres ſhulde exſaumple be ȝiuen of his
pacience, as and of holi Job.
hauende fredam to do what euere he hadde wold. xiii And whan fro his time þat he began to ſpeke, euermore he
xv Þanne he wente bi alle þat weren in þe caitifte, and
dredde God, and kepte his heſtis, he ſorewide not aȝen God,
moneſtingus of helþe he ȝaf to hem. þat þe veniaunce of blindneſſe cam to hym;
xiiii but vnmouable in þe drede of God abod ſtille, gracis
doende to God alle þe daȝes of his lif.


xv For as to blisful Job aſaileden þe kingus, ſo to þis fader xvii Neuere wiþ pleieres I mengde me, ne wiþ hem þat in
and moder and his coſynes ſcorneden his lif, ſeiende, liȝtneſſe gon parcener I ȝaf me.
xvi Where is þin hope, for þe whiche almeſſe deede and xviii An huſbonde forſoþe wiþ þi drede, not wiþ my luſt, I
ſepulturis þou didiſt? conſentide to taken.
xvii Tobie forſoþe blamede hem, ſeiende, Wileþ not ſo ſpeken, xix And or I was vnwrþi to hem, or þei parauenture to me
xviii for þe ſonus of halewis wee ben, and þat lif wee abijden, weren not wrþi; for parauenture to an oþer man þou haſt kept
þat God is to ȝiue to hem þat þer feiþ neuermor chaungen fro me.
hym. xx Forſoþe in mannys power is not þi counſeil.
xix Anne forſoþe, his wif, wente to weuyng werc eche dai, and xxi Þat forſoþe for certein haþ eche man þat herieþ þee, for
of þe trauaile of hir hondis þe liflode, þat ſhe myȝte gete, ſhe his lif, if in prouyng it were, ſhal ben crouned; if forſoþe in
broȝte. tribulacioun it were, it ſhal be deliuered; and if in chaſtiſing it
xx And it is do, þat takende a kide of ſhe get, ſhe broȝte hom. were, it ſhal ben leful to come to þi merci.
xxi Of þe whiche bletende þe vois whan hir man hadde herd, xxii Forſoþe þou haſt not delit in oure leſſingus; for after
ſeide, Lookeþ, leſt parauenture it be ſtoln, but ȝeldeþ it to his tempeſt þou makiſt reſte, and after teres ſheding and weiling,
lordis; for it is not leeful to vs, or to eten of ſtelþe any þing ful out ioȝing þou heeldeſt in.
or to touchen. xxiii Be þi name, God of Irael, bleſſid in to worldus.
xxii At þeſe þingis his wif wroþ anſwerde, Openli vein is xxiiii In þat time ben herd ful þe preȝeeris of boþe in þe ſiȝte
maad þin hope, and þine almeſſe deedis now han aperid. of þe glorie of þe moſt good God;
xxiii And in þeſe and in oþere ſuche maner woordis ſhe putte xxv and þer is ſent an aungil of þe Lord, þe holi Rafael, þat
reprof to hym. he ſhulde curen hem boþe, whos oriſouns o time in þe ſiȝte of
þe Lord ben reherſid.
Capitulum III.
i Thanne Capitulum IIII.
Tobie inwardli weilede, and began to preȝe wiþ
teres, i Thanne whan Tobie wende his preȝeere to ben herd, þat he
ii ſeyende, Riȝtwis þou art, Lord, and alle þi domes ben myȝte dien, he clepide to hym Tobie, his ſone,
riȝtwiſe, and alle þi weies merci, and treuþe, and dom. ii and ſeide to hym, Here, my ſone, þe woordis of my mouþ,
iii And now, Lord, haue mynde of me, ne take þou veniaunce and hem in þi herte as foundemens mak togidere.
of my ſynnes, ne remembre þou my giltis, or of my fader and iii Whan God ſhal take my ſoule, my bodi birie; and wrſhipe
moder. þou ſhalt han to þi moder alle þe daȝes of þi lif;
iiii For wee han not obeſhid to þin heſtis, and wee ben taken iiii forſoþe myndeful þou owiſt to be, what and hou grete ſhe
in to waſting, and caitifte, and deþ, and in to fable, and in to ſuffride perilis for þee in hir wombe.
reprof to alle naciouns, in þe whiche þou haſt ſcatered vs. v Whan forſoþe and ſhe haue fulfild þe time of hir lif, þou
v And now, Lord, grete ben þi domys; for wee han not don ſhalt birien hir aboute me.
aftir þin heſtis, and wee han not go cleerli befor þee. vi Alle forſoþe þe daȝes of þi lif in mynde haue þou God, and
vi And now, Lord, after þi wille do wiþ me merci, and bewar, leſt any time to ſynne þou conſente, and leie aſide þe
comaunde in pes my ſpirit to be reſceiued; it is ſpedful forſoþe heſtis of oure God.
to me more to dien þan to liuen. vii Of þi ſubſtaunce do almeſſe deede, and wile þou not turne
vii And ſo þe ſame dai fel, þat Sara, þe doȝter of Raguel, in awei þi face fro any pore man; ſo forſoþe it ſhal be do, þat
Ragis, cite of Medis, and ſhe herde þe repref of oon of þe neiþer fro þee be turned awei þe face of þe Lord.
handwymmen of hir fadir; viii What maner wiſe þou ſhalt moun, ſo be þou merciful.
viii for ſhe was take to ſeuene men, and a deuel, Aſmodius bi ix If myche were to þee, abundauntli ȝif; if litil þer were, alſo
name, ſloȝ hem, anoon as þei weren gon in to hir. litil gladli ſtudie to parten.
ix Þanne whan ſhe blamede þe child womman for hir gilte, x Forſoþe a good meede to þee þou treſoriſt in þe dai of nede;
ſhe anſwerde to hir, ſeiende, See wee no more of þee ſone or xi for almeſſe deede fro alle ſynne and fro deþ delyuereþ, and
doȝter vp on erþe, þou ſleereſſe of þi men;
x wheþer and ſlen þou wilt me, as and þou ſlowe ſeuene men? ſhal not ſuffre þe ſoule to gon in to dercneſſes.
xii Gret troſt ſhal ben almeſſe deede befor þe moſt goode God
At þis vois ſhe wente in to þe ouere bed place of hir hous,
and þre daȝis and þre nyȝt ſhe eet not, ne dranc; to alle men doende it.
xi but in oriſoun abidende ſtille, wiþ teres ſhe preȝede God, xiii Tac heede to þee, ſone, fro alle fornicacioun, and, beſide þi
þat fro þis reprof he ſhulde deliueren hir. wif, neuer ſuffre þou ſynne of euel los to knowen.
xii It is do forſoþe þe þridde dai, whil ſhe fulfilde þe oriſoun, xiiii Pride neuer in þi wit or in þi woord ſuffre þou to han
bleſſende þe Lord, lordſhipe; in it forſoþe al perdicioun toc begynnyng.
xiii ſhe ſeide, Bleſſid is þi name, God of oure fadris, þat xv Who ſo euere any þing to þee wercheþ, anoon ȝeeld his
whan þou were wraþid, þou ſhalt do merci, and in time of meede, and þe meed of þin hiryd man algate anent þee abijde
tribulacioun ſynnes þou forȝiueſt to hem, þat inwardli clepen not.
þee. xvi Þat of an oþer þou hatiſt to be do to þee, looke þou, þat
xiiii To þee, Lord, I turne my face, and to þee myn eȝen I any time þou do not to an oþer.
rere. xvii Þi bred wiþ þe hungri and wiþ þe nedi ett, and of þi
xv I aſke, Lord, þat fro þe bond of þis repref þou aſoile me, cloþis nakide men couere.
or certis fro aboue þe erþe þou delyuere me. xviii Þi bred and þi win vp on þe ſepulture of þe riȝtwiſe
xvi Þou woſt, Lord, for neuere I coueitide man, and clene I ordeyne, and wile þou not of it eten and drinke wiþ þe ſinful.
haue kept my ſoule fro alle luſt. xix Counſeil euermor of þe wiſe man ſeek.


xx Alle time bleſſe God, and aſke of hym, þat þi weies he xxi Forſoþe Tobie anſwerende ſeide, Wel go ȝee, and þe Lord
make redi, and alle þi counſeilis in hym abijde ſtille. be in ȝoure weie, and his aungil folewe wiþ ȝou.
xxi I ſhewe alſo to þee, my ſone, me to han ȝiue ten talentus xxii Þanne alle þingus maad redi, þat weren to be born in þe
of ſeluer, whil ȝit þou were a litil faunt, to Gabel, in Ragis, weie, Tobie dide farewel to his fader and to his moder; and
cite of Medis; and þe writ of it anent me I haue; þei wente boþe togidere.
xxii and þerfore enſerche, what maner to hym þou come, and xxiii And whan þei weren go forþ, his moder began to wepen,
reſceyue of hym þe aboue membrid weiȝte of ſiluer, and reſtore and ſein, Þe ſtaf of oure elde þou haſt taken awei, and haſt
to hym his writ. ſent ouer fro vs;
xxiii Wile þou not dreden, ſone myn; a pore lijf forſoþe wee xxiiii neuere hadde be þat monee, for þe whiche þou ſentiſt
bern, but manye goodis wee ſhul han, if wee drede God, and hym;
gon awei fro alle ſynne, and do wel. xxv forſoþe oure poreneſſe ſuffiſide to vs, þat richeſſis wee
ſhulden counte þat, þat oure ſone wee ſeȝen.
Capitulum V. xxvi And Tobie ſeide to hir, Wile þou not wepen; ſaf ſhal
i Thanne anſwerde Tobie to his fader, and ſeide, Alle þingus, comen oure ſone, and ſaf ſhal aȝeen turne to vs, and þin eȝen
what euere þou haſt comaundid to me, fader, I ſhal do; ſhul ſeen hym.
xxvii I leeue forſoþe, þat þe goode aungil of God folewe hym,
ii hou forſoþe þis monei I ſhal enſerche, I knowe not; he me
knowiþ not, and I hym vnknowe; what tocne ſhal I ȝiue to and wel ſhal diſpoſen alle þingus, þat ben don aboute hym, ſo
hym? but neiþer þe weie, bi þe whiche me goþ þider, any time þat wiþ ioȝe he be turned aȝeen to vs.
xxviii At þis vois ceſide his modir to wepen, and was ſtille.
I knew.
iii Þanne his fader anſwerde to hym, and ſeide, Forſoþe his
writ anent me I haue, þe whiche whanne þou to hym ſhewiſt, Capitulum VI.
anoon he ſhal ȝelde þe monee. i Tobie
iiii But go now, and enſerche to þee ſum feiþful man, þat go forſoþe wente forþ, and an hound folewide hym, and
he abod þe firſte abiding biſide þe flod of Tigris.
wiþ þee, ſaued his meede, whil ȝit I liue, þat þou reſceyue it. ii And he wente out for to waſſhen his feet; and lo! a gret fiſh
v Þanne Tobie gon out, fond a ȝung man ſtondende, ful fair,
wente out for to deuouren hym.
gird, and as redi to gon; iii Whom dredende Tobie criede out wiþ a gret vois, ſeiende,
vi and vnknowende þat an aungil of God he was, grette hym,
Lord, he aſaileþ me.
and ſeide, Whennus han wee þee, goode ȝunge man? iiii And þe aungil ſeide to hym, Cach his fin, and draȝ it to
vii And he anſwerde, Of þe ſonus of Irael. And Tobie ſeide
þee. Þe whiche þing whan he hadde do, he droȝ it in to þe
to hym, Haſt þou knowen þe weie, þat ledeþ in to þe regioun drie, and it began to quappe befor his feet.
of Medis? v Þanne þe aungil ſeide to hym, Opene þis fiſh, and his herte
viii To whom he anſwerde, I haue knowen, and alle þe weies
and galle and mawe lei vp to þee; þeſe þingus forſoþe ben
of it ofteſiþes I haue go, and haue dwellid anent Gabel, ȝoure profitabli neceſſarie to medicynes.
broþer, þat dwelleþ in Ragis, cite of Medis, þat is ſett in þe vi Þe whiche þingus whan he hadde do, he roſtide his fleſh,
hil of Exbatenys.
ix To whom Tobie ſeiþ, Suffre me, I beſeche, to þe time þeſe and beren wiþ hem in þe weie; þe toþer þei ſaltiden, þat
ſhulden ſuffiſe to þem in þe weie, to þe time þat þei ſhulden
þingus I telle to my fader. ful come in to Ragis, cite of Medis.
x Þanne Tobie, gon in, ſhewide alle þeſe þingus to his fader; vii Þanne Tobie aſkide þe aungil, and ſeide to hym, I
vpe þe whiche þe fader, wundrid, preȝede, þat he ſhulde comen beſeche, Aſarie, broþer, þat þou ſei to me, what remedie ſhuln
in to hym; han þeſe þingus, þat of þe fiſh þou haſt comaundid to be kept.
xi and ſo gon in, ſalutide hym, and ſeide, Ioȝe to þee euermor viii And þe aungil anſwerende ſeide to hym, A parcel of his
be! herte if þou putte vp on þe colis, his ſmoke putteþ out al þe
xii And Tobie ſeiþ, What ioȝe to me ſhal be, þat in derkneſſes kinde of deuelis, ouþer fro man or fro womman, ſo þat he
ſitte, and þe liȝt of heuene ſee not? come no more neeȝ to hem.
xiii To whom ſeiþ þe ȝunge man, In ſtrong inwit be þou; ful ix And þe galle is worþ to eȝen to ben enointid, in þe whiche
neeȝ it is þat of God þou be curid. were rime, and þei ſhul ben hol.
xiiii And ſo ſeide Tobie to hym, Wheþer ſhalt þou mown ful x And Tobie ſeide to hym, Where wilt þou, þat wee dwelle?
lede my ſone to Gabel in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and whan xi And þe aungil anſwerende ſeiþ, Heer is a man, Raguel bi
þou comeſt aȝeen, I ſhal ȝelde þee þi meede? name, neeȝ of þi linage, and þis haþ a doȝter, Sara bi name;
xv And þe aungil ſeide to hym, I ſhal leden, and aȝeen lede but any oþer he haþ ſaue hir, neiþer male ne femele.
hym to þee hol. xii To þee is due al his ſubſtaunce; and þee behoueþ to han
xvi To whom anſwerde Tobie, I preȝe þee, ſhew to me, of hir wif.
what hous, and of what linage þou art? xiii Aſke þanne hir of hir fader; and he ſhal ȝiue to þee hir
xvii To whom Rafael, þe aungil, ſeide, Þe kinrede þou aſkiſt wif.
of þe hirid man, or þat hirid man, þat wiþ þi ſone go? xiiii Þanne anſwerde Tobie, and ſeide, I haue herd, for ſhe
xviii But leſt parauenture I make þee ſtirid, I am Azarie, þe haþ ben take to ſeuene men, and þei ben deade; but and þeſe
ſone of grete Ananye. þingus I haue herd, for a deuel ſloȝ hem.
xix And Tobie anſwerde, Of gret kinrede þou art; but I aſke, xv I drede þanne, leſt parauenture and þeſe þingus fallen to
be þou not wroþ, for I wolde knowe þi kinrede. me; and ſiþen I am alone to my fader and moder, I putte
xx Forſoþe þe aungil ſeide to hym, I ſound ſhal lede, and doun þe eelde of hem wyþ ſorewe to helle.
ſound ſhal aȝeen bringe to þee þi ſone. xvi Þanne aungil Rafael ſeide to hym, Here me, and I ſhal
ſhewe to þee, who ben, to whom mai þe deuel han maiſtrie;


xvii in hem, þat wedloc ſo taken, þat God fro þem and fro þer xviii AndRaguel clepede to hym Anna, his wif, and
mynde þei cloſen out, and to þer luſtis ſo þei taken heede, as comaundede to hir, þat ſhe ſhulde make redi an oþer bed
an hors and a mule, in þe whiche is not vnderſtonding, haþ place.
vpon hem þe deuel power. xix And he broȝte in to it Sara, his doȝter, and ſhe wepte;
xviii Þou forſoþe, whan þou ſhalt taken hir, gon in to þe bed xx and he ſeiþ to hir, In ſtrong inwit be þou, doȝter myn; þe
place, bi þre daȝes be þou continent fro hir, and no þing oþer Lord of heuene ȝiue to þee ioȝe, for þe noȝe þat þou haſt
but to preieeris þou ſhalt ſtonde in wiþ hir. ſuffrid.
xix Þat nyȝt forſoþe þe mawe of þe fiſh brent, þe deuel ſhal be
dryuen awei. Capitulum VIII.
xx Þe ſecunde forſoþe nyȝt in þe coupling of holi patriarkis
i Aftir forſoþe þat þei ſuppeden, þei broȝten þe ȝunge man in
þou ſhalt ben admittid.
xxi Þe þridde forſoþe nyȝt bleſſing þou ſhalt gete, þat ſonus be to hir.
ii And ſo Tobie recordid of þe woordis of þe aungil, broȝte
goten of ȝou ſounde.
xxii Þe þridde forſoþe nyȝt ouerpaſſid, þou ſhalt take þe forþ of his bagge a part of þe mawe, and putte it vp on þe
maiden wiþ þe drede of þe Lord, and for looue of ſonus more quike colis.
iii Þanne aungil Rafael caȝte þe deuel, and bond hym in þe
þan of luſt lad, þat in þe ſed of Abraham þou gete bleſſing in
ſonus. deſert of þe ouere Egipt.
iiii Þanne Tobie beſoȝte þe maiden, and ſeide to hir, Sara,
Capitulum VII. rijs, and preȝee wee to dai to God, and to moru, and þe
ſecunde moru; for þeſe þre nyȝtis wee ſhul be ioined to God;
i Forſoþe þei wenten in to Raguel; and Raguel reſceyuede þe þridde forſoþe nyȝt paſſid ouer, wee ſhul ben in oure
hem wiþ ioȝe. wedloc;
ii And Raguel, beholdende Tobie, ſeide to Anne, his wif, Hou v ſonus forſoþe of halewis wee ben, and wee moun not ſo be
lic is þis ȝunge man to oure auntis ſone. ioyned as and Jentilis, þat vnknowen God.
iii And whan þeſe þingus he hadde ſeid, he ſeiþ, Whennus be vi Riſende forſoþe togidere, biſili þei preȝeden boþe togidere,
ȝee, ȝunge men, my breþern? And þei ſeiden, Of þe linage of þat helþe ſhulde be ȝiue to hem.
Neptalim wee ben, of þe caitifte of Nynyue. vii And Tobie ſeide, Lord God of oure fadris, bleſſe þee
iiii Raguel ſeide to þem, Knowe ȝee Tobie, my broþer? Þe heuenus, and erþis, and ſe, and wellis, and flodis, and eche
whiche anſwerden, Wee han knowen. þi creature, þat is in hem;
v And whan he ſpac of hym manye goode þingus, þe aungil viii þou madiſt Adam of þe ſlim of erþe, and þou ȝeue to hym
ſeide to Raguel, Tobie, of þe whiche þou aſkeſt, is þiſis fader. helpe, Eue.
vi And Raguel putte hym ſelf, and wiþ teres kiſte hym, and ix And now, Lord, þou woſt, for not bicauſe of leccherie I
wepende vp on his necke, take my ſiſter, but for onli loue of bringing forþ of childre, in
vii ſeide, Bleſſing be to þee, ſone myn; for of good and of þe þe whiche be bleſſid þi name in to worldis `of worldis.
beſte man þou art ſone. x Alſo ſeide Sara, Haue merci to vs, Lord, haue merci to vs,
viii And Anne, his wif, and Sara, þe doȝter of hem, wepten. and eelde wee boþe togidere hole.
ix After forſoþe þat þei hadden ſpoken, Raguel comaundede a xi And it is do aboute chykenys crowing, Raguel comaundede
weþer to be ſlain, and to be maad redi a feſte. And whan he his ſeruauns to be clepid, and þei wenten wiþ hym þat þei
beſoȝte þem to ſitte doun to þe mete, delue a biriel.
x Tobie ſeiþ, Heer I to dai ſhal not ete, ne drinke, but if firſt xii Forſoþe he dradde, leſt lic maner ſhulde falle to hym, þat
myn aſking þou conferme, and þou behote to ȝiue to me Sara, and to þe toþere ſeuene, þat wenten in to hir.
þi doȝter. xiii And whan þei hadden maad redi þe pit, Raguel gon aȝeen
xi Þe whiche woord herd, Raguel dradde, witende what fel to to his wif, ſeide to hir,
þoo ſeuene men; and he began to dreden, leſt parauenture lic xiiii Send oon of þin hand wimmen, and ſee ſhe, if he is
maner to þis ſhulde fallen, and he die. And whan he doutede, dead, þat I birie hym, befor it waxe liȝt.
and ȝaf not any anſwere to þe aſkere, xv And ſhe ſente oon of hir hand wimmen, þe whiche gon in
xii þe aungil ſeide to hym, Wile þou not dreden to ȝiuen hir to to þe bed place, fond hem ſaue and ſounde, ſlepende togidere
þis; for to þis dredende God wif þi doȝtir is due; þerfore an wiþ hem ſelf.
oþer myȝte not han hir. xvi And ſhe, turned aȝeen, told good meſſage. And þei
xiii Þanne ſeide Raguel, I doute not, þat God preieeris and bleſſeden þe Lord, Raguel, þat is, and Anna, his wif,
my teres in his ſiȝte haþ taken. xvii and ſeiden, Wee bleſſen þee, Lord God of Irael, for it
xiiii And I trowe, for þe Lord þerfore made ȝou to come to falleþ not to vs, as we wenden;
me, þat and þis ſhulde be ioyned to hir kin after þe lawe of xviii forſoþe þou haſt do wiþ vs þi mercy, and haſt cloſid out
Moiſes; and now wile þou not bern doute, for to þee hir I fro vs þe enemy purſuende vs.
ſhal take. xix Don þou haſt mercy to þi two alone. Mac hem, my Lord,
xv And takende þe riȝt hond of his doȝter toc to þe riȝt hond
to bleſs þee more fulli, and to offre to þee ſacrifiſe of þi
of Tobie, ſeiende, God of Abraham, and God of Iſaac, and preiſing, and of þer helþe, þat þe vnyuerſite of Jentilis knowe,
God of Jacob, be wiþ ȝou, and he ioine ȝou, and fulfille his for þou art God alone in al erþe.
bliſſing in ȝou. xx And anoon Raguel comaundede to his ſeruauntis, þat þei
xvi And þe chartre taken, þei maden þe conſcripcioun of þe
ſhulden fille þe pit, þat þei hadden maad, befor þat it waxe
wedloc. liȝt.
xvii And after þeſe þingus þei plenteuouſli eeten, bleſſende xxi To his wif forſoþe he ſeide, þat ſhe ſhulde ordeyne a feſte,
God. and make redi alle þingus, þat in to metis weren neceſſarie to
weie goeris.


xxii Alſo two fatte kijn, and foure weþeres he made to be vii She forſoþe no wiſe myȝte take coumfort, but eche dai
ſlain, and plenteuous metus to ben maad redi to alle his ſtertende out, beheeld aboute, and wente aboute alle þe weies,
neȝhebores, and to alle his frendis. bi þe whiche ſemede hope of turnyng aȝeen, þat afer ſhe myȝte
xxiii And Raguel adiurede Tobie, þat two wikis he ſhulde ſeen hym comende, if it myȝte be do.
dwelle anent hym. viii But forſoþe Raguel ſeide to his ſone in lawe, Dwel heer,
xxiiii Of alle þingus forſoþe þat Raguel weldede, þe half part and I ſhal ſenden a meſſager of helþe fro þee to Tobie, þi
he ȝaf to Tobie; and he made þis ſcripture, þat þe half part fader.
þat lafte ouer, after þer deþ ſhulde come to þe hous of Tobie. ix To whom Tobie ſeide, I knew, þat my fader and my
moder now counten þe daȝes, and þer ſpirit is tormentid in
Capitulum IX. hem.
x And whan wiþ manye woordis Raguel preȝede Tobie, and
i Thanne Tobie clepide to hym þe aungil, whom forſoþe he he hym bi no reſoun wolde heren, he toc to hym Sara, and þe
wende a man; and ſeide to hym, Azarie, broþer, I aſke, þat half part of al his ſubſtaunce, in childer, in hand wymmen, in
þou herkne my woordis. beſtis, in camailis, and in kijn, and myche monee; and ſaaf
ii If myſelf I take to þee a ſeruaunt, I ſhal not ben euene and ioȝende he lafte hym fro hym,
worþi to þi prouidence. xi ſeiende, Þe holi aungil of þe Lord be in ȝoure weie, and
iii Ner þe latere I beſeche þee, þat þou take to þee beſtis, or ful bringe ȝou ſound, and finde ȝee alle þingus riȝte aboute
ſeruyſes, and go to Gabel in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and ȝoure fadris and modris, and ſee myn eȝen ȝoure ſonus,
ȝeld to hym his writ; and þou ſhalt reſceyuen of hym mone, raþere þan I die.
and preȝe hym to comen to my bridalis. xii And þe fader and moder, takende þer doȝter, kiſten hyr,
iiii Forſoþe þiſelf woſt, þat my fadir noumbreþ þe daȝis, and if and laften hir to gon,
I ſhul tarien o dai more, his lijf ſhal be maad ſori. xiii moneſtende hir to wrſhipen hir fader and moder in lawe,
v And certis þou ſeeſt, hou Raguel haþ coniurid me, whos to looue þe huſbonde, to reule þe meyne, to gouerne þe hous,
adiurement I mai not diſpiſen. to ȝiue hirſelf vnreprefable.
vi Þanne Rafael, takende foure of þe ſeruauns of Raguel, and
two camailis, wente in to Ragis, cite of Medis, and findende Capitulum XI.
Gabel ȝaf to hym his writ, and reſceyuede of hym al þe i And
monee; whan þei weren turned aȝeen, þei camen to Carre, þat
vii and ſhewede to hym of Tobie, þe ſone of Tobie, alle is in myddel wei aȝen Nynyuen, þe elleuenþe dai.
ii And þe aungil ſeide, Tobie broþer, þou woſt, what maner
þingus þat ben don. And he made hym to come wiþ hym to
þe bridalis. þou laftiſt þi fader.
viii And whan he was come in to þe hous of Raguel, he fonde iii And ſo if it pleſe to þee, go wee beforn; and wiþ ſofte pas
Tobie ſittende; and ſtirtende þei kiſten hem togidere. And þe meyne, togidere wiþ þi wif and wiþ þe beſtys, folewe þei
Gabel wepte, and bleſſide God, oure wei.
ix and ſeide, Bleſſe þee þe Lord God of Irael, for þe ſone þou iiii And whan þat hadde pleſid, þat þei ſhulden go, Rafael
art of þe beſte man, and riȝtwis, and dredende God, and ſeide to Tobie, Tac wiþ þee of þe galle of þe fiſh, forſoþe it
doende almeſſe deedis; ſhal be neceſſarie. And ſo Tobie toc of þat galle, and þei
x and be þer ſeid bleſſing vp on þi wif, and vp on ȝoure wenten.
v Anne forſoþe ſat beſide þe weie eche dai in þe eueſe of þe
fadris and modris,
xi and ſee ȝee ȝoure ſonus, and ſonus of ȝoure ſonus, vn to þe hil, fro whennus ſhe myȝte beholden fro aferr.
vi And whil fro þe ſame place ſhe beheeld his comyng, ſhe ſaȝ
þridde and ferþe ieneracioun; and be ȝour ſeed bleſſid of God
of Irael, þat regneþ in to worldys of worldis. aferr, and anoon ſhe knewȝ hir ſone comende; and rennende
xii And whan alle hadden ſeid Amen, þei wenten to þe feſte; ſhe tolde to hir huſbonde, ſeiende, Lo! þi ſone comeþ.
vii And Rafael ſeide to Tobie, But wher þou ſhalt gon in to
but and wiþ drede of þe Lord þei enhaunteden þe feſte of
bridalis. þin hous, anoon honoure þe Lord þi God, and gracis doende
to hym, neȝhe to þi fader, and kis hym.
viii And anoon anointe vp on hys eȝen of þat galle of þe fiſh,
Capitulum X.
þat þou bereſt wiþ þee; wite þou forſoþe, for anoon his eȝen
i Whan forſoþe Tobie made abidingus bi encheſoun of þe ſhul ben opened, and þi fader ſhal ſeen þe liȝt of heuene, and
bridalis, his fadir Tobie was ſtirid, ſeiende, Weneſt þou, whi in þi ſiȝte he ſhal ioȝen.
my ſone abit, and whi he is wiþholden þere? ix Þanne þe hound ran beforn, þat togidere was in þe weie,
ii Weneſt þou, leſt Gabel be dead, and no man ȝelde to hym and, as a meſſager comende neiȝ, wiþ þe faunyng of his tail
þe monei? he ioȝede.
iii Forſoþe he began to be ſori, and Anna, his wif, wiþ hym; x And riſende vp þe blinde fader, ſtumblende wiþ þe feet,
and þei begunne boþe togidyr to wepe, for þi þat þe ſett dai began to rennen, and, þe hond ȝiuen to þe child, he cam aȝen
þer ſone was not turned aȝeen to hem. to meete wiþ his ſone.
iiii Þanne wepte his modir wiþ vnremediable teris, and ſeide, xi And takende he kiſte hym, wiþ his wijf, and þei begunnen
Allas me! my ſone, wherto ſente wee þee to pilgrimagen, þe boþe to wepe wiþ ioȝe.
liȝt of oure eȝen, þe ſtaf of oure eelde, ſolace of oure lif, hope xii And whan þei hadden honourid God, and do gracys, þei
of oure after bringing forþ of childer? ſeten togidere.
v Alle þingis togidere in þee oon hauende, wee ſhulden not xiii Þanne Tobie, takende of þe galle of þe fiſh, enointede þe
lete þee gon fro vs. eȝen of his fadir.
vi To whom ſeide Tobie, Be ſtille, and wile þou not be xiiii And he ſuffrede as almoſt half an hour, and þe ryme of
diſturbid; hol is oure ſone; feiþful inow is þat man, wiþ þe his eȝen began, as þe fellis of an ey, to gon out.
whiche wee ſenten hym.


xv Þe whiche Tobie takende, droȝ fro his eȝen, and anoon he xvi And whan þeſe þingus þei hadden herd, þei ben diſturbid,
reſceyuede ſiȝt. and fellen doun tremblende vp on þer face.
xvi And þei glorifieden God, he, þat is, and his wif, and alle xvii And þe aungil ſeide to hem, Pes to ȝou, wileþ not
þat knewen hym. dreden;
xvii And Tobie ſeide, I bleſſe þee, Lord God of Irael, for þou xviii forſoþe whan I was wiþ ȝou, I was bi þe wil of God.
haſt chaſtiſid me, and þou haſt ſauyd me; and lo! I ſee Tobie, xix Forſoþe I was ſeen wiþ ȝou to eten and to drinken; but I
my ſone. inuyſible mete, and drink þat of men mai not ben ſeen, vſe.
xviii Alſo after ſeuen daȝes Sara, þe wif of his ſone, cam in, xx Time is þanne, þat I turne aȝeen to hym, þat me ſente;
and al þe meyne, and þe beſtis hole, and þe camailis, and ȝee forſoþe bleſſeþ God, and telleþ out alle his merueilis; hym
myche monee of þe wif, but and þe monee þat he hadde taken bliſſeþ, and ſyngeþ to hym.
of Gabel. xxi And whan þeſe þingus he hadde ſeid, he is born awei fro
xix And he tolde to his fader and moder alle þe benefetus of
þe ſiȝte of hem; and þei myȝten ſeen hym no mor.
God, þat he hadde don abouten hym bi þe man, þat hym xxii Þanne þei, þrowen doun bi þre houris in to þe face,
hadde lad.
xx And þer camen Achior and Nabath, `coſynes to Tobie, bleſſiden God. And riſende þei tolden alle his merueilis.
ioȝende to Tobie, togidere þankende to hym of alle goodis, þat
God hadde ſhewid abouten hym. Capitulum XIII.
xxi And bi ſeuene daȝes etende, wiþ gret ioȝe þei gladeden. i Forſoþe þe eldere Tobie, openende his mouþ, bleſſide God,
and ſeide, Lord, þou art gret in to wiþ oute ende, and in to
Capitulum XII. alle worldis þi reume;
ii for þou ſcourgiſt, and ſaueſt; ledeſt to hellis, and aȝeen
i Thanne Tobie clepide to hym his ſone, and ſeide to hym, bringiſt; and þer is not þat aſcape þin hond.
What moun wee ȝiue to þis holi man, þat wiþ þee cam? iii Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, ȝee ſonus of Irael, and in þe ſiȝte
ii Tobie anſwerende ſeide to his fadir, Fader, what meede ſhul
of Jentilis preiſeþ hym;
wee ȝiue to hym, or what þing wrþi mai ben to þe benefetis iiii for þerfore he ſcaterede ȝou among Jentilis, þat vnknowen
of hym?
iii Me he haþ led, and aȝeen broȝt hol; þe monee fro Gabel he God, þat ȝee tellen out his merueilis, and maken hem to
knowen, for þere is noon oþer God almyȝti biſide hym.
toc; a wif he me made to han, and þe deuel fro hir he v He chaſtiſeþ vs for oure wickedneſſe; and he ſhal ſauen vs
refreynede; ioȝe he dide to hir fader and to hir moder; me
myſelf fro þe deuouring of þe fiſh he delyuerede; þee alſo to for his mercy.
ſeen þe liȝt of heuene he made; and wiþ alle goodis bi hym vi Beholdeþ þanne, what þingis he haþ do wiþ vs, and wiþ
wee ben fulfild; what to hym to þeſe þingus wrþi wee ſhuln drede and trembling knoulecheþ to hym; and þe king of
moun ȝiue? worldis enhaunſeþ in ȝoure werkus.
iiii But I aſke þee, fader, þat þou preȝe hym, if parauenture vii I forſoþe in þe lond of my caitifte ſhal knouleche to hym;
he ſhal vouche ſaf þe half of alle þingus, what euere ben for he haþ ſhewid his mageſte in to a ſynful folc.
broȝt, to take to hym. viii Beþ conuertid alſo, ȝee ſynful men, and doþ riȝtwiſneſſe
v And clepende hym his fader and þe ſone, token hym apart, befor God, leeuende þat he doþ mercy wiþ vs.
and þei begunne to preȝen, þat he vouche ſaaf þe half part of ix I forſoþe and my ſoule in hym ſhuln gladen.
alle þingus, þat þei broȝten, acceptid to han. x Bleſſeþ þe Lord, ȝee alle choſen of hym; doþ daȝes of
vi Þanne he ſeide to hem priueli, Bleſſeþ God of heuene, and
gladneſſe, and knoulecheþ to hym.
beforn alle þingus liuende knoulecheþ to hym, for he haþ don xi Jeruſalem, cite of God, þe Lord haþ chaſtiſid þee in þe
his merci wiþ ȝou.
vii Forſoþe þe ſacrament of þe king to hiden is good; þe werkis of þin hondis.
xii Knouleche þou to God in þi goodis, and bleſſe God of
werkis forſoþe of God to ſhewen and to knowlechen is
wrſhipeful. worldys, þat he bilde aȝeen in þee his tabernacle, and clepe
viii Good is oriſoun wiþ faſting, and almeſſe deede more þan aȝeen to þee alle þi caitiues; and þou ioȝe into alle worldis of
treſores of gold to hiden; xiii Wiþ ſhynende liȝt þou ſhalt ſhyne, and alle þe coſtus of
ix for almes deede fro deþ deliuereþ, and it is þat purgeþ
erþe ſhuln honoure þee.
ſynnes, and ſhal make to finde euere laſtende lif. xiiii Naciouns fro aferr ſhuln come to þee, and bringende
x Þei forſoþe þat don ſynne and wickeneſſe, ben enemys of þer
ȝiftus ſhuln honouren in þee þe Lord, and þi lond in to
ſoule. halewing þei ſhuln han;
xi Þanne I opene to ȝou þe treuþe, and ſhal not hide fro ȝou xv forſoþe a gret name þei ſhul inwardli clepen in þee.
þe priue woord. xvi And curſid ſhuln ben, þat deſpiſe þee, and dampned ſhul
xii Whan þou preȝedeſt wiþ teris, and þou biriedeſt þe deade,
be, þat blasfemen þee; and bleſſid ſhul be þat bilden vp þee.
and laftiſt þe mete, and þe deade bi dai þou hiddeſt in þin xvii Þou forſoþe ſhalt gladen in þi ſonus, for alle ſhul be
hous, and þe nyȝt þou biriedeſt, I offride þin oriſoun to þe
Lord. bleſſyd, and be gedered togidere to þe Lord.
xiii And for þou were acceptid to God, it was nedful þat xviii Bleſſid alle þat loouen þee, and þat ioȝen vp on þi pes.
temptacioun ſhulde preue þee. xix My ſoule, bleſſe þe Lord, for he haþ delyuered Jeruſalem,
xiiii And now þe Lord ſente me, þat I ſhulde hele þee, and his cite, fro alle his tribulaciouns, þe Lord oure God.
Sara, þe wif of þi ſone, fro þe deuel deliueren. xx Bleſſid I ſhal be, if þer weren relikis of my ſed to be ſeen
xv I forſoþe am Rafael, aungil, oon of þe ſeuene þat ſtonden þe clerte of Jeruſalem.
befor þe Lord. xxi Þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem of ſafijr and of ſmaragd ſhul be
bild, and of precious ſton al þe cumpas of his wallis.


xxii And of whyit ſton and clene gold alle his ſtreetis ſhul ben
pauyd; bi his tounus alleluia ſhal be ſungen.
xxiii Bleſſid þe Lord þat enhauncide it, þat his reume be in to
worldys of worldys vp on it. Amen.

Capitulum XIIII.
i And þe woordis of Tobie ben ful endid; and after þat he is
liȝtid to ſeen, he liuede two and fourti ȝer, and he ſaȝ þe
ſonus of his ſonus ſonus.
ii And ſo fulfild an hundrid ȝer and twelue, he is biryed
wrſhipefulli in Nynyue.
iii Of ſixe and fifti ȝer forſoþe he lafte þe liȝt of eȝen; forſoþe
in þe ſixtiþe ȝeer of age he reſceyuede.
iiii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of his lif was in ioȝe, and wiþ good
profit of þe drede of God he paſſide in pes.
v In þe hour forſoþe of his deþ he clepide to hym Tobie, his
ſone, and ſeuene ȝunge ſonus of hym, his ſonus ſonus, and
ſeide to hem,
vi Neeȝh ſhal be þe deſtruccioun of Nynyue, forſoþe þe woord
of God falleþ not of; and oure breþern, þat ben ſcaterid fro þe
lond of Irael, ſhul be turned aȝeen to it.
vii Al forſoþe þe deſert lond of it ſhal be fulfild, and þe hous
of God, þat in it was brent, ſhal be bild aȝeen, and þider ſhul
turne aȝeen alle men dredende God.
viii And Jentilis ſhuln leue þere maumetus, and þei ſhul come
to Jeruſalem, and dwellen in it.
ix And þer ſhul ioȝen in it alle kingus of erþe, honourende þe
king of Irael.
x Hereþ þanne, my ſonus, ȝoure fader; ſerueþ to þe Lord in
drede and in treuþe; and inwardli ſecheþ, þat ȝee do þat ben
pleſaunt to hym.
xi And to ȝoure ſonus comaundeþ, þat þei do riȝtwiſneſſis and
almeſſe deedis; þat þei be myndeful of God, and bleſſe God in
alle time, in treuþe and in al his vertue.
xii Now þanne, my ſonus, hereþ me, and wileþ not dwellen
heer, but what euere dai ȝee birie ȝoure moder aboute me in o
biriele, fro þat tyme dreſſeþ ȝoure goingus, þat ȝee go hennus;
xiii forſoþe I ſee þat his wickedneſſe ende ſhal ȝiue to it.
xiiii It is do forſoþe after þe deþ of his moder, Tobie wente
awei fro Nynyue, wiþ his wif, and ſonus, and ſonus of
ſonus, and is turned aȝeen to his fader and moder in lawe.
xv And he fond hem ſound in good eelde. And þe cure of hem
he bar, and he cloſide þe eȝen of hem; and al þe eritage of þe
hous of Raguel he perceyuede, and he ſaȝ þe fifte ieneracioun,
þe ſonus of his ſonus.
xvi And fulfild nynti and nyne ȝer in þe drede of þe Lord,
wiþ ioȝe þei birieden hym.
xvii Al forſoþe his kinrede, and al his ieneracioun, in good lif,
and in holy conuerſacioun, abod ſtille, ſo þat þei weren
acceptid boþe to God and to men, and to alle dwellende in þe


xi þe whiche alle wiþ o wil wiþſeiden, and þei ſenten hem

JUDITH. aȝeen voide, and wiþ oute wrſhipe caſten awei.
xii Þanne endeyned king Nabugodonoſor to al þat lond, ſwor
Prologus. bi þe rewme and his trone, þat he ſhulde defenden hym fro
alle þoo regiounus.
Anentus þe Ebrues þe boc of Judith is rad among þoo
ſcriptures, whos autour is vnknowen, whos autorite to be
ſtrengþid þoo þingus þat in to ſtrijf comen laſſe couenable is Capitulum II.
demed; ner þe latere in Caldeis ſermoun writen among þe i The þrettenþe ȝer of Nabugodonoſor king, þe two and
ſtories it is countid. But for þis boc Nycene ſynod in þe twentiþe dai of þe firſte moneþ, þer is don a woord in þe
noumbre of holi ſcripturis is rad to han countid, I aſſentide to hous off Nabugodonoſor, king of Aſſiries, þat he ſhulde
ȝoure aſking, ȝhe, to ȝoure ſtedefaſt aſking; and þe defenden hym.
occupaciouns leid aſide, wiþ whiche hugeli I was artid, to þys ii And he clepede to hym alle þe more þurȝ birþe, and alle þe
þing o litil waking while I ȝaf, more ſence of ſence þan
woord of woord tranſlatende. Of manye bokis þe moſt vicious dukis, his fiȝteres; and he hadde wiþ hem þe priuyte of his
diuerſete I kutte awei, onli þoo þingus þat wiþ parfit counſeil.
vnderſtondinge I myȝte finde in Caldeis woordis, in Latin I iii And he ſeide his þenking in hym to ben, þat al þe erþe he
expreſſede. Takeþ Judith, widewe, ſaumple of chaſtyte, and ſhulde vnder ȝoke to his empire.
declareþ in perpetewel wrſhipeful tellingus wiþ þe preiſing of iiii Þe whiche ſawe whan it pleſide to alle men, king
victorie. Þis forſoþe not oneli to wymmen, but alſo to men, Nabugodonoſor clepede Olofernes, prince of his chiualrie,
wrþi to ben folewid he ȝaf, þat, ȝeldere of hir chaſtite, ſuch a v and ſeide to hym, Go out aȝen eche reume of þe weſt, and
vertue ȝaf to hir, þat þe vnouercomen of alle men ſhe
ouercam, and þe vnouerpaſſable ſhe ouerpaſſede. aȝen hem nameli, þat deſpiſeden myn empire.
vi And þi eȝe ſpare not to any reume, and alle ſtrengþid cite
An noþer prolog of Judith. þou ſhalt vnderȝoke to me.
Judith, widewe, þe doȝter of Merari, of þe linage of Symeon, vii Þanne Olofernes clepyde dukis and þe maiſter domys men
ful miche gret in glorie, and of men þe parfitere; þe whiche in of þe vertue of Aſſiries, and noumbrede men in to þe ſpeding,
figure of þe churche girde of þe deuel in þe hed, ne ſhe dradde as þe king comaundede to hym, an hundrid and twenti
deþ for þe helþe of þe puple, ne þe kingus wodneſſe quakide; þouſend of fiȝtende foot men, and horſe men and archeris
for whi þe ſlepende prince ſhe ſloȝ, and, ſaued þe chaſtite, to twelf þouſend.
hir citeſeynus ſhe broȝte aȝeen þe principal victorie; forſoþe ſhe viii And al his oſt redi he made to go before in multitude of
liuede an hundrid ȝer and fiue, and is biried in þe ſpelunke of vnnoumbrable camailis, wiþ þoo þat ſhulden ſuffiſen
hir huſbonde Manaſſe, in Betulia. plenteuouſli to þe oſtis, of oxen alſo droues, and flockis of
Here endiþ þe prolog of Judith, and now ſhep, of þe whiche was no noumbre.
ix Whete of al Cirie in his going he ordeynede to be maad
begynneþ þe book.
Here beginneþ þe bok of Judith. x Myche forſoþe gold and ſiluer of þe hous of þe king he toc
ful myche.
Capitulum I. xi And he wente forþ, he, and al þe oſt, wiþ foure horſid
i Arfaxath cartis, and horſe men, and archeris, þat couereden þe face of
forſoþe, king of Meedis, hadde put vnder ȝoc manie þe erþe, as locuſtus.
Jentilis to his empire; and he bilde vp a cite moſt myȝti, þat xii And whan he hadde ouerpaſſid þe cooſtus of Aſſiries, he
he clepede Egbatenys.
ii Of ſquare ſtones and hewen he made his wallis, in heiȝte of cam to þe grete hillis of Auge, þat ben fro þe lift ſide of
Cicilie; and he ſteȝede vp alle þe caſtelis of hem, and weldede
ſeuenti cubitus, and in breede of þretti cubitus. His tourys eche hold ſtrengþid.
forſoþe he ſette in heiȝte of an hundrid cubitis. xiii Forſoþe he brac out þe moſt riche cite Melothi, and
iii Bi ſquare forſoþe of hem eiþer ſide was ſtrecchid, in ſpace
ſpoilide alle þe ſonus of Tarſis, and þe ſonus of Iſmael, þat
of twenti feet; and he putte his ȝatis in þe heiȝte of þe touris. weren aȝen þe face of deſert, and at þe ſouþ of þe lond of
iiii And he gloriede, as myȝti in myȝt of his oſt, and in glorie Celeon.
of his foure horſid carris. xiiii And he paſſide ouer Eufraten, and cam in to
v Þe twelfþe ȝer þerfore of his regne, Nabugodonoſor, king of Meſopotanee, and brac alle þe heȝe cites þat weren þere, fro
Aſſiries, þat regnede in þe grete cite of Nynyue, faȝt aȝen þe ſtrem of Mambre vn to it be ful come to þe ſe.
Arfaxath, and waan hym xv And he ocupiede þe termes of it fro Cicilie vn to þe cooſtus
vi in þe grete feld, þat is clepid Ragau, aboute Eufraten, and of Jafeth, þat ben to þe ſouþ.
Tigre, and Jodaſan, in þe feld of Erioth, king of Elikis. xvi And he broȝte alle þe ſonus of Madian, and ſpoilide alle
vii Þanne is enhauncid vp þe reume of Nabugodonoſor, and þe richeſſis of hem; and alle wiþ ſtondende to hym he ſloȝ in
his herte is rerid; and he ſente to alle, þat dwelten in Cicilie, þe mouþ of þe ſwerd.
and Damaſch, and Lyban, xvii And after þeſe þingus he cam doun in to þe feldis of
viii and to þe Jentilis, þat ben in Carmel and Cedar, and to Damaſch, in þe daȝes of rep, and he brende vp alle þe ſowen
þe dwelleris in Galilee, and in þe grete feld of Eſdrelon, þingus, and alle trees and vynes he made to ben hewen doun;
ix and to alle, þat weren in Samarie, and beȝonde Jordan xviii and þe drede of hym fel vp alle þe dwelleris in þe lond.
flod, vnto Jeruſalem; and to al þe lond of Jeſſe, to þat me
comeþ to þe hillis of Ethiope. Capitulum III.
x To alle þeſe Nabugodonoſor, king of Aſſiries, ſente
i Thanne þei ſenten þer legatus of alle cites and prouyncis, þe
kingus and þe princis of Cirie, þat is, of Meſopotanie, and of


Cirie Sobal, and of Libie, and of Cicilie. Þe whiche comende deuyſeoun, and þer cites in to deſtruccioun, and þe holi þingus
to Olofernen, ſeiden, of hem in to pollucioun.
ii Ceſe þin indignacioun aboute vs; betere forſoþe it is þat xi Þanne Eleachym, þe grete preſt of þe Lord, enuyrounede al
liuende wee ſerue to Nabugodonoſor, þe grete king, and ſoget Irael, and ſpac to hem,
wee be to þee, þan diende wiþ oure deþ wee vſſelf ſuffre þe xii ſeiende, Witeþ, for þe Lord haþ herd oure preȝeeris, if
harmys of oure ſeruyſe. dwellende ȝee abijde ſtille in faſtingus and in preȝeeris in þe
iii Al oure cite, al oure poſſeſſioun, alle hillis, and litle hillis, ſiȝte of þe Lord.
and feldis, and droues of oxen, and flockis of ſhep, and of ſhe xiii Beþ myndeful of Moiſes, þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, þat caſt
get, and of hors, and of camailis, and alle oure facultees and doun Amalech troſtende in his vertue, and in his myȝt, and in
meynes in þi ſiȝte ben; his oſt, and in his targetis, and in his charis, and in his
iiii alle þingus ben vndir þi lawe. horſemen, not wiþ iryn fiȝtende, but wiþ holi preȝeeris
v Wee alſo and oure ſonus ben þy ſeruauns. preȝende;
vi Cum to vs a peſible lord, and vſe oure ſeruyſe, as it pleſeþ xiiii ſo ſhul ben born doun alle þe enemys of Irael, if ȝee
to þee. ſtedefaſtli abijden in þis werk, þat ȝee han begunne.
vii Þanne he cam doun fro þe hillis, wiþ horſmen in gret xv Þerfore at þis exhortacioun of hym þei, preȝende þe Lord,
vertue, and weldede eche cite, and alle men dwellende in þe abiden ſtille in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord,
lond. xvi ſo þat alſo þeſe, þat brent ſacrifiſes offriden to þe Lord,
viii Of alle forſoþe cites he toc to hym helperis, ſtronge men gird wiþ heiris offriden ſacrifiſe to þe Lord, and þer was
and choſen to bataile. aſkis vpon þe hed of hem.
ix And ſo myche drede to þat prouynce fel in, þat of alle cites xvii And of al þer herte alle preȝeden God, þat he ſhulde
þe dwelleris, princys and wrſhipeful men, togidre wiþ þe viſiten his puple Irael.
puple wenten out in to meeting to hym comende,
x reſceyuende hym wiþ crounus and laumpis, ledende dauncis Capitulum V.
in trumpis and timbris. i And it is told to Olofernes, prince of þe chiualrie of Aſſiries,
xi And ȝit ner þe latere þeſe þingus doende þei myȝten not
þat þe ſonus of Irael maden hem redi to wiþſtonden, and þat
ſwagen þe feerſte of his breſt; þei hadden cloſid þe weies of hillis.
xii for and þer cites he deſtroȝede, and þer maumet wodus he ii And wiþ ful myche wodneſſe he brende out in to gret wraþe;
heew doun. and he clepide alle þe princis of Moab, and dukis of Amon,
xiii Forſoþe king Nabugodonoſor hadde comaundid to hym, iii and ſeide to hem, Seiþ to me, who ben þiſe puple, þat þe
þat alle þe goddis of þe lond he ſhulde outlawen, þat is, þat hillis ſegen; and what maner, and hou fele ben þe cites of
he god alone were ſeid of þeſe naciouns, þat myȝten ben hem; what alſo be þe vertue of hem, or what be þe multitude
vnderȝokid bi þe myȝt of Olofernes. of hem, or who be þe king of þe chiualrie of hem;
xiiii Paſſende forſoþe Cirie Sobal, and al Appanyam, and al iiii whi beforn alle, þat dwellen in þe eſt, þeſe diſpiſiden me,
Meſopotanye, cam to Idumes in þe lond of Gabaa; and wenten not oute to meeten wiþ vs, þat þei ſhulden taken
xv and he toc þe cites of hem, and ſat þere bi þretti daȝes, in vs wiþ pes?
whiche daȝes he comaundede to be gedered togidere al þe oſt v Þanne Achior, duke of alle þe ſonus of Amon, anſwerende,
of his vertue. ſeiþ, If þou vouche ſaaf to here, my lord, I ſhal ſei þe treuþe
in þi ſiȝt of þis puple þat in þe mountaynes dwelliþ, and þer
Capitulum IIII. ſhal not go out a fals woord of my mouþ.
vi Þis puple is of þe progenye of Caldeis;
i Thanne herende þe ſonus of Irael þeſe þingus, þat dwelten vii þis firſt in Meſopotanye dwelte; for þei wolde not folewe þe
in þe lond of Juda, dredden gretli fro þe face of hym.
ii Drede alſo and orrour aſſailede þe wittus of hem, leſt þat he godis of þer fadris, þat weren in þe lond of Caldeis.
viii And ſo forſakende þe cerimoynes of þer fadris, þat wiþ þe
ſhulde do to Jeruſalem and to þe temple of þe Lord, þat he
hadde do to oþere cites and to þer templis. multitude of godis weren, o God of heuene þei herieden,
iii And þei ſenten in to al Samarie, bi enuyroun vnto Jericho, ix þe whiche and comaundede to hem, þat þei ſhulden gon out
and þei ocupieden beforn alle þe coppis of hillis; þennus, and dwelle in Carram. And whan hungir hadde
iiii and wiþ wallis þei enuyrouneden þer tounus, and ouercouered al þe lond, þei wenten doun into Egipt, and þere
bi foure hundrid ȝer ſo ben multiplied, þat þe oſt of hem
gedereden whetis in to þe befor greiþing of fiȝt. myȝte not ben noumbrid.
v Þe preſt alſo Eliachym wrot to alle, þat weren aboute x And whan þe king of Egipt hadde greued hem, and in
Eſdrelon, þat is aȝen þe face of þe grete feld biſide Dotaym, bildingus of his cites in clei and tijl hadde vnderȝokid hem,
and to alle bi whom paſſing myȝte be, þei crieden to þer God, and he ſmot al þe lond of Egipt wiþ
vi þat þei welde þe ſteȝingus vp of hillis, bi whiche weie diuerſe veniauncis.
myȝte be to Jeruſalem, and þere þei ſhulden kepe, where xi And whan Egipcyenus hadden caſt hem out fro hem, and
myȝte be ſtreit weie betwen hillis. veniaunce hadde ceſid fro hem, and eft þei wolden hem taken,
vii And þe ſonus of Irael diden after þat Eleachym, þe preſt and to þeir ſeruiſe aȝeen clepen,
of þe Lord, hadde ordeined to hem. xii hem fleende, God of heuene openede þe ſe, ſo þat on eiþer
viii And al þe puple criede to þe Lord wiþ gret inſtaunce, and ſide þe watris as wallis weren maad ſad, and þei drie foot þe
mekeden þer ſoulis in faſtingus, þei and þer wymmen. ground of þe ſe goende paſſeden ouer.
ix And þe preſtus cloþiden hemſelue wiþ heiris, and þe ȝunge xiii In þe whiche place whil þe vnnoumbrable oſt of
childer þrewen hemſelf doun befor þe face of þe temple of þe Egipcienus þem ſhulde purſuen, ſo wiþ watris it is couered,
Lord, and þe auter of þe Lord þei couereden wiþ an heire. þat þer lafte not ne oon, þat þe deede to after comeres ſhulde
x And þei crieden to þe Lord God of Irael alle togidere, leſt telle.
weren ȝyuen þer childer in to prei, and þer wyues in to


xiiii Alſo, gon out þe Rede Se, þei wenten aȝen þe deſertus of v But forſoþe if þi profecie ſoþ þou weene, falle not doun þi
þe mountus of Sina, in þe whiche neuere man myȝte dwellen, chere; and þe paleneſſe þat wiþholdeþ þi face, go awei fro þee,
or ſone of man reſtide. if þeſe my woordis þou weeneſt not to moun be fulfild.
xv Þere bitter wellis ben maad ſwete to þem to drinke; and bi vi Forſoþe þat þou knowe, for togidere wiþ þem þat þou ſhalt
fourti ȝer ȝeris frute fro heuene þei geeten. knowe bi experienſe, lo! fro þis hour þou ſhalt be felaſhipid to
xvi Wher euere þei wenten in, wiþ oute bowe and arwe, and þe puple of hem, and whan wrþi peynes of my ſwerd þei han
wiþ oute ſheld and ſwerd þer God faȝt for hem, and ouercam. taken, þiſelf ſhalt vnderlin to lic veniaunce.
xvii And þer was not þat ſhulde aſailen to þat puple, but vii Þanne Olofernes comaundide to his ſeruauns, þat þei
whan it wente awei fro þe heriyng of þe Lord his God. ſhulden taken Achior, and leden hym in to Betulie, and taken
xviii As ofte ſiþes forſoþe biſide hym þer God an oþer þei hym in þe hond of þe ſonus of Irael.
viii And þe ſeruauns of Olofernes, takende hym, wenten bi þe
herieden, þei ben ȝiuen in to prei, and in to ſwerd, and in to
repref. wilde feldis, but whan þei hadden neȝhed to þe mounteynes,
xix As ofte ſiþes forſoþe þei oþoȝten þemſelf to han gon awey wenten out aȝen hem ſlingeres.
ix Þei forſoþe, turnende aſide fro þe ſide of þe hil, bounden
fro þe heriyng of þer God, God of heuene ȝaf to hem vertue
of wiþſtonding. Achior to a tree hondus and feet, and ſo bounden of cordis
xx Ferþermore king Cananee, and Jebuſee, and Fereſee, and þei laften hym, and ben turned aȝeen to þer lord.
x But þe ſonus of Irael, comende doun fro Betulie, camen to
Ethee, and Euee, and Amorree, and alle þe myȝti men in
Eſebon þei þrewe doun, and þe londis of hem, and þe citees hym, whom looſende þei ladden to Betulie, and in to þe
of hem þei weldeden; myddel of þe puple hym ſettende aſkeden hym, what of þingus
xxi and vnto þe time þat þei hadden ſynned in þe ſiȝte of þer it were, þat hym bounde þe Aſſiries hadden laft.
xi In þoo daȝes weren þere princis, Oſias, þe ſone of Myca,
God, goodis weren wiþ hem, þe God forſoþe of hem hateþ
wickeneſſe. of þe linage of Symeon, and Carmy, þe whiche and
xxii For and befor þeſe ȝerys, whan þei hadden gon awei fro Gothonyel.
xii And ſo in þe myddel of þe elders, and in þe ſiȝte of alle
þe weie þat God hadde ȝiue to þem, þat þei ſhulden gon in it,
þei ben deſtroȝid wiþ manye batailis of naciouns, and manye men, Achior ſeide alle þingus, þat he aſkid of Olofernes
of hem ben lad caitif in to a lond not þeris. hadde ſpoken, and what maner þe puple of Olofernes wolde
xxiii Forſoþe not ȝore ago, turned aȝeen to þe Lord þer God, for þis woord ſlen hym,
xiii and what maner he Olofernes wroþ comaundede hym to
fro þe ſcatering þat þei weren ſcaterid, þei ben gedered in to
oon; and þei ſteȝeden vp alle þeſe mounteynes, and eft welden be take to þe men of Irael for þis cauſe, þat whil he ſhulde
Jeruſalem, wher ben þe holi þingus of halewis. ouercome þe ſonus of Irael, þanne and þat Achior he
xxiiii Now þanne, my lord, enſerche, if þer is any wickedneſſe comaunde wiþ dyuers tormentus to dien, for þat þat he hadde
ſeid, God of heuene is þe defendere of hem.
of hem in þe ſiȝte of þer God, and ſteȝe wee vp to hem; for xiiii And whan alle þingus Achior hadde expouned, al þe
takende he ſhal taken hem þer God to þee, and vnderȝokid
ſhul ben vnder þe ȝoc of þi myȝt. puple fel in to þe face, honourende þe Lord; and wiþ comun
xxv If forſoþe þer is noon offencioun of þis puple befor þer lamenting and weping alle of o wil þer preȝeeris to þe Lord
helden out,
God, wee ſhul not moun wiþſtonde to þem; for þer God ſhal xv ſeiende, Lord God of heuene and of erþe, ſee þe pride of
defende þem, and wee ſhul ben in to repref of al erþe.
xxvi And it is do, whan Achior hadde ceſid to ſpeken þeſe hem, and beholde to oure mekneſſe, and to þe face of þi
halewis tac heede, and ſhewȝ for þou forſakiſt not þat befor
woordis, alle þe grete men of Olofernes ben wroþe, and alle þingus taken troſt of þee, and principally takende troſt of
þoȝten to ſlen hym, ſeiende, eiþer to oþer, hemſelf, and of þer vertue gloriende þou meekiſt.
xxvii Who is he þis þat ſeiþ, þe ſonus of Irael to moun xvi And ſo þe weping endid, and bi al þe dai þe oriſoun of þe
wiþſtonde to king Nabugodonoſor and to his oſtus, men wiþ puple fulfild, þei coumforteden Achior,
oute armys, and wiþ oute vertue, and wiþ oute wiſdam of þe xvii ſeiende, God of oure fadris, whos vertue þou haſt prechid,
craft of fiȝting?
xxviii Þat þanne Achior knowe, for he bigileþ vs, ſteȝe wee vp he ȝeldere to þee þis recompenſacioun ſhal ȝiue, þat þou raþere
ſee þe deþ of hem.
in to þe mountaines; and whan þe myȝti men of hem weren xviii Whan forſoþe þe Lord oure God ſhal ȝiue þis fredam to
taken, þanne wiþ þe ſame he ſhal ben ſmyte þurȝ wiþ ſwerd;
xxix þat alle folc knowen, for Nabugodonoſor is god vpon his ſeruauns, be and þe Lord wiþ þee in þe myddel of vs, þat
as it ſhal pleſe to þee, ſo wiþ alle þine þou dwelle.
erþe, and biſides hym ys not an oþir. xix Þanne Oſias, þe counſeil endid, toc hym in to his hous,
and made a gret ſoper.
Capitulum VI. xx And, alle þe preſtus clepid togidere, þe faſting fulfild, þei
i It is do forſoþe, whan þei hadden ceſid to ſpeken, Olofernes, eeten.
endeyned hugeli, ſeide to Achior, xxi After forſoþe, al þe puple clepid togidere, þurȝ out al þe
ii For þou haſt profecied to vs, ſeiende, þat þe folc of Irael nyȝt wiþinne þe chirche þei preȝeden, aſkende helpe of þe God
was defendid of þer God, þat I ſhewe to þee, þat þer is no of Irael.
god but Nabugodonoſor;
iii whan wee han ſmyte þem alle as o man, þanne and þiſelf Capitulum VII.
wiþ hem wiþ þe ſwerd of Aſſiries ſhalt dien, and al Irael wiþ i Olofernes
þee ſhal diſperſhen in perdicioun; forſoþe þat toþer dai comaundide to his oſtus, þat
iiii and þou ſhalt preue, for Nabugodonoſor be lord of al erþe; þei ſhulden ſteȝe vp aȝen Betulie.
ii Þer weren forſoþe footmen of fiȝteres an hundrid and twenti
and þanne þe ſwerd of my knyȝthod ſhal paſſe þurȝ þi ſidis,
and ſtikid þou ſhalt fallen among þe woundid men of Irael, þouſend, and horſe men twelue þouſend, biſide þe redi
and þou ſhalt no mor take breþ, to þe time þat þou be put out cumpanyes of þoo men, whom caitifte hadde ocupied, and
of þe lond wiþ hem. weren broȝt fro prouyncis and cites, of alle ȝouþe.


iii Alle togidere maden þemſelf redi to þe fiȝt aȝen þe ſones of xxiii Oſias riſende, þe teris inſhed, ſeide, Euene inwit beþ,
Irael; and þei camen bi þe brinke of þe hil vnto þe cop, þat breþern, and þeſe fiue daȝes bijde wee of þe Lord mercy;
beholdeþ Dotaym, fro þe place þat is ſeid Belena vnto xxiiii parauenture forſoþe his indignacioun he ſhal putten awei,
Selmon, þat is aȝen Eſdrelon. and ȝiue glorie to his name.
iiii Þe ſones forſoþe of Irael, as þei ſeȝen þe multitude of xxv If forſoþe, fiue daȝes paſſid ouer, helpe comeþ not, wee
hem, þei þrewen þemſelf doun vpon þe erþe, puttende aſkis ſhul do þeſe woordis þat ȝee han ſpoken.
vpon þer hedis, togidere of o wil preȝende, þat God of Irael
his merci ſhewe vp on his puple.
v And takende þer armys of bataile, ſeten bi þe placis þat Capitulum VIII.
leden þe paþ of ſtreit weie betwe þe hilli placis, and þei weren i And it is do, whan þeſe woordis hadde herd Judit, widewe,
kepende þem al dai and nyȝt. þat was þe doȝter of Merari, ſone of Idor, ſone of Joſeph,
vi But Olofernes, whil he goþ aboute bi cumpas, fond þat a ſone of Ozie, ſone of Elai, ſone of Jamnor, ſone of Jedeon,
welle, þat flowide in to þe watir condute of þem, fro þe ſouþ ſone of Rafoni, ſone of Achitob, ſone of Melchie, ſone of
partie out of þe cite diuerſli reulide, and comaundede to ben Euam, ſone of Mathanye, ſone of Salathiel, ſone of Symeon,
hewe doun þe water cundute of hem. ſone of Ruben.
vii Ner þe latere þer weren not fer from þe wallis wellis, of ii And hir huſbonde was Manaſſes, þat diede in þe daȝes of
þe whiche þeefli þei weren ſeen to drawe water, raþere to barli rip;
refreſhen þan to drinken. iii forſoþe he ſtod ouer þe men bindende ſheues in þe feld, and
viii But þe ſonus of Amon and of Moab wenten to Olofernes, þer cam hete vp on his hed, and he diede in Betulie his cite,
ſeiende, Þe ſones of Irael not in ſpere and arewe troſten, but and is biried þere wiþ his fadris.
þe mountaynes defenden hem, and ſtrengþen hem þe litle hillis iiii Forſoþe Judit was þe laft widue of hym now þre ȝer and
ſett in a dich broken beforn. ſixe moneþis.
ix Þanne þat wiþ oute going to fiȝt þou mowe ouercome þem, v And in þe ouere partis of hir hous ſhe made to hir a priue
put keperis of wellis, þat þei drawe not of hem; and wiþ oute bed place, in whiche wiþ hir hand wymmen cloſid ſhe dwelte;
ſwerd þou ſhalt ſlen hem, or certis weried þei ſhuln take þer vi and, hauende vp on hir lendis an heire, faſtide alle þe
cite, þe whiche þei weenen in þe hillis to moun not ben daȝes of hir lif, ſaue ſabatis, and newe mones, and þe feſtis
ouercome. of þe hous of Irael.
x And þeſe woordis pleſeden beforn Olofernes, and beforn alle vii Forſoþe ſhe was wiþ fair beholding ful myche, to whom hir
his cruel knyȝtus; and he ſette bi enuyroun hundredis bi alle huſbonde hadde laft myche richeſſe, and plenteuous meyne,
þe wellis. and poſſeſſiouns ful wiþ droues of oxen, and flockis of ſhep.
xi And whan þis warde bi twenti daȝis was ful ended, viii And þis was in alle þingus moſt famous; for ſhe dradde
faileden þe ciſternes and þe gederingis of watris to alle þe God gretli, ne þer was þat ſhulde ſpeken of hir euel woord.
dwelleris in Betulie, ſo þat þer was not wiþ inne þe cite, ix And ſo þis whan ſhe hadde herd, for Oſias hadde behoten,
wher of þei myȝten han ynowȝ or for o dai, for at meſure
watir was ȝiue to þe puplis eche dai. þat, þe fifte dai paſſid ouer, he ſhulde take þe cite, ſhe ſente to
xii Þanne to Oſias alle men and wymmen, and ȝunge men, þe preſtis of Cambre and of Carmy.
x And þei camen to hir; and ſhe ſeide to þem, What is þis
and litle childer, gadered togidere, alle togidere wiþ o vois
ſeiden, woord, in þe whiche Oſias conſentide þat he take þe cite to
xiii Þe Lord deme betwen vs and þee, for þou haſt don in to Aſſiries, if wiþ inne fiue daȝes þer come not helpe to vs?
xi And who ben ȝee þat tempten þe Lord?
vs euelys, not willende to ſpeken peſibli wiþ þe Aſſiries, and
for þat God haþ ſold vs in þe hondis of hem. xii Þis woord is not þat ſtire mercy; but raþere þat rere
xiiii And þerfore þer is not þat helpeþ, whan wee ben þrowe wraþe, and teende woodneſſe.
doun befor þe eȝen of hem in þriſt, and in gret perdicioun. xiii Ȝee han ſett a time of mercy doing of þe Lord, and in
xv And now gedereþ alle men, þat ben in þis citee, þat ȝoure dom ȝee han ordeyned a dai to hym.
wilfulli wee of al þe puple taken vs to Olofernes. xiiii But for þe Lord is pacient, in þis ſynne oþinke wee, and
xvi Betere it is þat caitif wee bliſſe God liuende, þan wee die, his forȝiueneſſe wiþ teres aſke wee;
and be repref to alle fleſh, whan wee ſeen oure wiues and xv ne forſoþe as a man ſo God ſhal þreten, ne as þe ſone of
oure childer dien beforn oure eȝen. man to wraþe he ſhal ben enflaumed.
xvii Wee taken to witneſſe to dai heuene and erþe, and God of xvi And þerfore meke wee to hym oure ſoulis, and in contrit
oure fadris, þat doþ veniaunce on vs after oure ſynnes, þat ſpirit and mekid ſerue wee to hym;
now ȝee take þe cite in þe hond of þe chiualrie of Olofernes, xvii and ſei wee wepende to þe Lord, þat aftir his wil ſo he
þat oure ende be ſhort in þe mouþ of ſwerd, þat lengere is do wiþ vs his mercy; and as oure herte is diſturbid in þe
maad in droȝte of þriſt. pride of hem, ſo alſo of oure mecneſſe wee glorien.
xviii And whan þeſe þingis þei hadden ſeid, weping and gret xviii For wee han not folewid þe ſynnes of oure fadris, þat
ȝelling is maad in a gret chirche of alle men, and bi manye forſoken þer God, and honoureden alien godis;
houris wiþ o vois þei crieden to þe Lord, ſeiende, xix for þe whiche hidous gilte þei ben ȝiuen in to ſwerd, and
xix Wee han ſynned wiþ oure fadris, vnriȝtwiſli wee han don,
in to rauein, and in to confuſioun to þer enemys; wee forſoþe
wickedneſſe wee han maad. oþer God knowen not ſaue hym.
xx For þou art piteuous, haue merci on vs, and in þi ſcourge xx Abijde wee meke þe coumforting of hym, and he ſhal ſechen
venge oure wickedneſſis; and wile þou not taken men out oure blod fro þe tormentingis of oure enemys; and he ſhal
knoulechende þee to þe puple þat knowiþ not þee, meken alle Jentilis, who ſo euere rijſen aȝen vs; and he ſhal
xxi þat þei ſei not among Jentilis, Where is þe God of hem? make þem wiþ oute wrſhipe, þe Lord oure God.
xxii And whan, trauailid wiþ þeſe cries and þeſe wepingis, þei xxi And now, breþern, for ȝee þat ben preſtis in þe puple of
weren weri, God, of ȝou hangeþ þe lif of hem at ȝoure ſpeche, rereþ vp þe
hertis of hem, þat myndeful ȝee be, for ȝoure fadris ben


temptid, for þei ſhulden be preued, if verreli þei herieden þer x and þei knowen not, for þou þi ſelf art oure God, þat to-
God. tredeſt batailis fro þe bigynnyng, and Lord name is to þee.
xxii Myndeful owen þei to ben, what maner oure fader xi Rere vp þin arm as fro þe begynnyng, and hurtle þe vertue
Abraham is temptid, and, bi manye tribulaciouns preuyd, þe of hem in þi vertue; falle þe vertue of hem in þi wraþe, þat
frend of God is maad. behoten þemſelf to defoule þin holi þingus, and to polluten þe
xxiii So Iſaac, ſo Jacob, ſo Moiſes, and alle þat pleſeden to tabernacle of þi name, and to þrowe doun wiþ ſwerd þe horne
þe Lord, bi manye tribulaciouns paſſeden feiþful. of þin auter.
xxiiii Þei forſoþe þat temptaciouns reſſeyueden not wiþ þe xii Do, Lord, þat þe pride of hem be cut awei wiþ þer owne
drede of God, and broȝten forþ þer vnpacience, and þe repref ſwerd;
of þer grucching aȝen þe Lord, xiii be he taken wiþ þe grane of his eȝen in me; and þou ſhalt
xxv ben exilid of þe exilere, and of ſerpentis perſhiden. ſmyten hym of þe lippis of my charite.
xxvi And wee þanne venge we not vſſelf for þeſe þingus þat xiiii Ȝif to me in wil ſtedefaſtneſſe, þat I diſpiſe hym and his
wee ſuffren; vertue, and I turne hym vp ſo doun.
xxvii but, wijtende to oure ſynnes þeſe ſame laſſe tormentis to xv Forſoþe he ſhal be þe memorial of þi name, whan þe
ben, þe ſcourgis of þe Lord, as ſeruauns of þe Lord þat ben hondis of a womman han þrowen hym doun.
chaſtiſid, to amendement, and not to han come to oure xvi Forſoþe, Lord, not in multitude is þi vertue, ne in
perdicioun, wee leeuen. ſtrengþys of hors þi wil; ne proude men pleſeden to þee fro þe
xxviii And Oſias and þe preſtis ſeiden to hir, Alle þingus, þat begynnyng, but of meke men and of buxum euermor to þee
þou haſt ſpoke, ben ſoþe, and þer is not in þi woordis any pleſide þe preȝeere.
repreuyng. xvii God of heuenes, makere of watris, and Lord of eche
xxix Now þanne prei þou for vs, for þou art an holi creature, here me wrecche preȝende and of þi merci principali
womman, and dredende God. takende troſt.
xxx And Judit ſeide to þem, As þat, þat I myȝte ſpeken, ȝee xviii Haue mynde, Lord, of þi teſtament, and ȝif woord in my
knowen to ben of God, mouþ, and ſtrengþe þe counſeil in myn herte, þat þin hous in
xxxi ſo þat I purpoſide to do, preueþ, if it is of God; and þin halewinge abijde ſtille;
preȝeþ, þat God ſtedefaſt make my counſeil. xix and alle Jentilis knowen, for þou art God, and þer is
xxxii Ȝee ſhul ſtonden at þe ȝate þis nyȝt, and I ſhal gon out noon oþer biſide þee.
wiþ my fre handmaiden; and preȝeþ, þat, as ȝee han ſeid, þe
Lord in fiue daȝes beholde his puple Irael. Capitulum X.
xxxiii Ȝou forſoþe I wile, þat ȝee ſerche my deede, and vnto
i It is do forſoþe, whan ſhe hadde ceſid to crien to þe Lord,
þe time þat I bringe aȝeen woord to ȝou, noon oþer þing be ſhe ros fro þe place, in whiche ſhe lai þrowe doun to þe Lord.
don, but oriſoun for me to þe Lord oure God. ii And ſhe clepide hir fre maiden, and cam doun in to hir
xxxiiii And Oſias, þe prince of Jude, ſeide to hir, Go in pes,
and þe Lord be wiþ þee in þe veniynge of oure enemys. And, hous; ſhe dide awei fro hir þe heire, and cloþide hyrſelf out of
turnende aȝeen, þei wenten awei. þe cloþing of hir widewehed.
iii And ſhe weſh hir bodi, and oyntide hirſelf wiþ þe beſte

Capitulum IX. myrre, and ſhe platte þe her of hir hed, and putte a mytre vp
on hir hed, and ſhe cloþide hir wiþ þe cloþis of hir iolite, and
i The whiche goende awei, Judit wente in to hir oratorie, cloþide hirſelf gaȝe ſhon to hir feet; and ſhe toc armes
and, cloþende hir wiþ an heire, putte aſkes vp on hir hed; onournemens, and lilies, and ere ringus, and finger ringys,
and, þrowende hirſelf doun to þe Lord, criede to þe Lord, and wiþ alle hir onournemens ſhe onournede hir.
ſeiende, iiii To whom alſo þe Lord ȝaf briȝtneſſe, for al þis
ii Lord God of my fader Symeon, þat ȝeue to hym a ſwerd in compoſicioun not of luſt, but of vertue heeng; and þerfore þe
to defending of alienes, þat weren defouleris in þer defouling, Lord made more þis fairneſſe in to hir, þat ſhe aperede to þe
and nakeden þe hipe of þe maiden in to confuſioun; eȝen of alle men wiþ fairneſſe vncomparable.
iii and þou ȝeue þe wymmen of hem in to prei, þe doȝtris of v And ſo ſhe putte on to hir fre maiden a botel of wijn, and
hem in to caitifte, and al þe prei in to deuiſioun to þi `a veſſel of oile, and potage, and dried figes, and loues, and
ſeruauns, þat looueden þi looue; help, I beſeche, Lord, to me cheſe, and wente forþ.
widewe. vi And whan þei weren come to þe ȝate of þe cite, þei founden
iiii Þou forſoþe didiſt raþere þingis, and þoo after þoo þou Oſiam abidende, and þe preſtis of þe cite.
þoȝtiſt, and þis deede is, þat þi ſelf woldiſt. vii Þe whiche whan þei hadden ſeen hir, ſtoneȝende
v Alle forſoþe þi weies ben maad redi, and þi domes in þi merueileden ful miche þe fairneſſe of hir.
prouidence þou haſt put. viii No þing ner þe latere aſkende hir laften to paſſen, ſeiende,
vi Beholde þe tentis of Aſſiries now, as þanne þe tentis of God of oure fadris ȝiue to þee grace, and al þe counſeil of þin
Egipcienus þou vouchedeſt ſaf to beholde, whan after þi herte wiþ his vertue ſtrengþe, and glorie vp on þee Jeruſalem,
ſeruauns þei runnen armed, troſtende in þer foure horſid and be þi name in þe noumbre of ſeintus and of riȝtwis men.
cartis, and in þer horſing, and in þe multitude of fiȝteres. ix And þeſe, þat þer weren, alle wiþ o vois ſeiden, Be it do!
vii But þou beheelde vp on þe tentis of hem, and dercneſſes be it do!
ouertrauaileden hem; x Þanne Judit preȝende þe Lord, paſſede þurȝ þe ȝatis, ſhe
viii þe ſe heeld þe feet of hem, and watris couereden hem. and hir fre maiden.
ix So, Lord, and þeſe be maad, þat troſten in þer multitude; xi It is do forſoþe, whan ſhe cam doun þe hil aboute ſpring of
and in þer charis, and in wepnys, and in þer arewis, and in þe dai, aȝen camen to hir þe aſpies of þe Aſſiries, and heelden
ſperis glorien; hir, ſeiende, Whennes comeſt þou, or whider goſt þou?


xii Þe whiche anſwerde, A doȝter I am of Ebrues, and xiii Þe whiche þing I, þin hand maiden, knowende, fleiȝ fro
þerfore I fleiȝ fro þe face of hem, for to comen I knew, þat þem, and þe Lord ſente me þeſe ſame þingus to telle þee.
þei ſhul ben to ȝou in to prei taking, for þi þat deſpiſende ȝou xiiii I forſoþe, þin hand maiden, herie God, alſo now anent
wolden not freeli taken þemſelf, þat þei ſhulden finde mercy in þee; and þin hand maiden ſhal gon out, and I ſhal preȝen
ȝoure ſiȝte. God;
xiii For þis cauſe I þoȝte wiþ myſelf, ſeiende, I ſhal go to þe xv and he ſhal ſei to me, for he ſhal ȝelde to þem þer ſynne;
face off Olofernes prince, þat I ſhewe to hym þe priuites of and comende I ſhal telle to þee, ſo þat I ſhal bringe þee bi þe
hem, and I ſhal ſhewe to hym, bi what entre he mai wynne myddel of Jeruſalem, and þou ſhalt han al þe puple of Irael
hem, ſo þat þer falle not oon man of his oſt. as ſhep to whiche is no ſhepperde, and þer ſhal not berken or
xiiii And whan þoo men hadden herd hir woordis, þei oon aȝen þee;
beheelden hir face, and ſhe was in þer eȝen ſtoneyng, for þei xvi for þeſe þingis to me ben ſeid bi þe prouidence of God.
merueileden ful myche þe fairneſſe of hir. xvii And for God is wroþ to þem, I am ſent þeſe ſame þingus
xv And þei ſeiden to hir, Þou haſt kept þi lif, for þi þat ſuch
to telle þee.
a counſeil þou haſt founde, þat þou come doun to oure lord. xviii Forſoþe alle þeſe woordis pleſeden beforn Olofernes, and
xvi Þis forſoþe wite þou, þat, whan þou ſtondiſt in his ſiȝte,
beforn his childer; and þei merueileden at þe wiſdam of hir;
he ſhal wel do to þee, and þou ſhalt be moſt acceptid in his and þe toþer ſeide to þe toþer,
herte. And þei ladden hir to þe tabernacle of Olofernes, and xix Þer is not ſuch a womman vpon erþe in ſiȝte, in fairneſſe,
ſhewiden hir.
xvii And whan ſhe was comen in beforn his face, anoon and in wit of woordis.
xx And Olofernes ſeide to hir, God haþ do wel, þat ſente þee
Olofernes is caȝt in his eȝen.
xviii And hiſe tyraunt knyȝtis ſeiden to hym, Who deſpiſede þe befor þe puple, þat þou ȝeue it in oure hondis;
xxi and for good is þi beheſte, if þi God do to me þeſe
puple of Jewis, þat han ſo faire wymmen, þat not for hem bi
riȝt aȝen hem wee owen to fiȝten? þingus, he ſhal ben and my God, and þou in þe hous of
xix And ſo Judit ſeande Olofernes ſittende in þe canope, þat Nabugodonoſor ſhalt be gret, and þi name ſhal be nemned in
al erþe.
was of purper, and of gold, and of ſmaragd, and of moſt
precious ſtones wiþ inne wouen,
xx and whan `in to his face ſhe hadde lokid, ſhe honourede Capitulum XII.
hym, fallende hyrſelf doun vpon þe erþe; and þe ſeruauns of i Thanne he comaundede hir to gon in, wher his treſories
Olofernes rereden hir vp, þer lord comaundende. weren leid vp, and he comaundide hir to dwelle þere; and he
ordeynede, what ſhulde be ȝiue to hir of his feſte.
Capitulum XI. ii To whom anſwerde Judit, and ſeide, Now I ſhal not moun
i Thanne ete of þeſe þingus, þat þou comaundiſt to me to be ȝolden, leſt
Olofernes ſeide to hir, Euene inwit be þou, and wile þer come vp on me gilte; of þoo þingis forſoþe þat wiþ me I
þou not dreden in þin herte, for I neuere noȝede man, þat haue broȝt, I ſhal ete.
wolde ſerue to king Nabugodonoſor. iii To whom ſeiþ Olofernes, If þeſe þingis failen to þee, þat
ii Þi puple forſoþe, if it hadde not deſpiſid me, I hadde not
wiþ þee þou haſt broȝt, what ſhul wee do to þee?
rerid myn hond vp on it. iiii And Judit ſeide, Lord, þi ſoule liueþ, for þin hand maide
iii Now forſoþe ſei to me, of what cauſe þou wentiſt awei fro
ſhal not ſpende alle þeſe þingus, to þe time þat God ſhul do
þem, and it pleſide to þee þat þou haſt come to vs. in myn hond þoo þingus þat I haue þoȝt. And his ſeruauns
iiii And Judit ſeide, Tac þe woordis of þin hand maiden; for, ladden hir in to þe tabernacle, wher he hadde comaundede.
if þou folewiſt þe woordis of þin hand maiden, a parfit þing v And ſhe aſkide, whil ſhe ſhulde gon in, þat þer ſhulde be
þe Lord ſhal don wiþ þee. ȝiue to hir fredam, þe nyȝt, and beforn þe liȝt, of going out to
v Forſoþe Nabugodonoſor liueþ, king of þe erþe, and his oriſoun, and of preȝing þe Lord.
vertue liueþ, þat is in þee to þe chaſtiſing of alle liues vi And he comaundede to his cubicularies, þat, as it pleſide to
errende; for not onli men ſhul ſerue to hym bi þee, but and hir, ſhe ſhulde gon out, and comen in, to preȝen hir God bi
beſtis of þe feld obeſhen to hym. þre daȝes.
vi Forſoþe þe redyneſſe of þin inwit is told to alle folkis; and vii And ſhe wente out on nyȝtis in to þe valei of Betulie, and
it is open to al þe world, for þou alone good and myȝti art in baptiſide hirſelf in to þe welle of watir.
al his reume; and þi diſcipline to alle prouyncis is prechid. viii And as ſhe ſteȝede vp, ſhe preȝede þe Lord God of Irael,
vii Ne þat is vnknowen, þat Achior ſpac, ne þat is vnwiſt, þat
þat he ſhulde gouerne hir wei to þe deliueryng of hir puple.
hym þou haſt comaundid to fallen. ix And goende in, clen ſhe dwelte in þe tabernacle, vnto þe
viii Forſoþe it is knowen ſo oure God offendid to ſynnes, þat
time ſhe toc hir mete vnto euen.
he haþ ſent by his profetis to þe puple, þat he ſhal taken it for x And it is don þe ferþe dai, Olofernes made a ſoper to his
þer ſynnes.
ix And for þe ſones of Irael witen þem to han offendid þe ſeruauns, and ſeide to Vagio, gelding, Go, and ſweteli moue
þis Ebru, þat wilfulli ſhe ſente to dwelle wiþ me.
Lord þer God, his trembling is vp on hem. xi Forſoþe a foul þing it is anent Aſſiries, if a womman
x Ferþermor alſo hungir haþ aſailid hem, and of þe droȝte of
ſcorne a man, doende þat ſhe paſſe fro hym wiþoute hir offis.
water now among deade men ben countid. xii Þanne wente in Vagio to Judit, and ſeide, Be not adrad,
xi Þerfore þis þei ordeynen, þat þer beſtis þei ſlen, and þe
þou goode child maide, to gon in to my lord, þat ſhe be maad
blod of hem þei drinken; wrſhipeful beforn his face, and ete ſhe wiþ hym, and drinke
xii and þe holi þingis of þer Lord, þat God comaundide not to win wiþ gladneſſe.
be touchid, in whete, win, and oile, þeſe þingus þei han þoȝt xiii To whom Judit anſwerde, What am I, þat I aȝenſeie to
to ȝiuen out, and wiln waſte þoo þingus, þat wiþ hondus þei my lord?
ſhulden not touche; þanne for þeſe þingys þei don, it is certein
þat in to leeſing þei ſhul be ȝiue.


xiiii Alleþing, þat ſhal ben beforn his eȝen good and beſt, I xix And bringende forþ of þe ſcrippe þe hed of Olofernes,
ſhal do. What euere forſoþe to hym ſhulde pleſe, þat to me ſhewide to þem, ſeiende, Lo! þe hed of Olofernes, prince of þe
ſhal be beſt alle daȝes of my lif. chiualrie of Aſſiries; and, lo! þe canope of hym, in whiche he
xv And ſhe ros, and enournede hirſelf wiþ hir cloþis, and gon lai in his drunkinhed, wher and bi þe hond of a womman
in ſhe ſtod beforn his face. ſmot hym þe Lord our God.
xvi Forſoþe þe herte of Olofernes is ſmyten; forſoþe he was xx Forſoþe þe Lord God liueþ, for his aungil kepte me, and
brennende in þe luſt of hir. hennus goende, and þere dwellende, and þennus hider
xvii And Olofernes ſeide to hir, Drink now, and ſitt doun in turnende aȝeen; and þe Lord ſuffride not me his hand
womman to be defoulid, but wiþ oute pollucioun of ſynne haþ
ioȝe; for þou haſt founde grace befor me. aȝeen clepid me to ȝou, ioȝende in his victorie, in myn
xviii And Judit ſeide, I ſhal drinke, lord, for my lif is aſcaping, in ȝoure deliueraunce.
magnyfied to dai beforn alle þe daȝes of my liuyng. xxi Knoulecheþ to hym alle, for good, for in to þe world his
xix And ſhe toc, and eet, and dranc beforn hym þoo þingis, merci.
þat hir hond maiden hadde maad redi to hir. xxii Alle forſoþe, honourende þe Lord, ſeiden to hir, Þe Lord
xx And Olofernes is maad myrie `to hir, and myche win he bleſſide þee in his vertue, for bi þee to noȝt he haþ broȝt oure
dranc ful myche, hou myche in o dai neuere he hadde drunken enemys.
in his lyue. xxiii But Oſias, þe prince of þe puple of Irael, ſeide to hir,
Bleſſid þou art, doȝter, of þe Lord, þe heȝe God, befor alle
Capitulum XIII. wymmen vp on erþe.
i As xxiiii Bleſſid þe Lord, þat made heuene and erþe, and þat haþ
forſoþe euetid is do, his ſeruauns heȝeden to þer
herbergeries; and Vagio cloſide þe dores of þe priue dreſſid þee in to þe woundis of þe hed of þe prince of oure
chaumbre, and wente. enemys;
ii Forſoþe alle weren ouertrauailid of win; xxv for to dai ſo þi name he haþ magnefied, þat þi preiſing go
iii and Judit was alone in þe priue chaumbre. not awei fro þe mouþ of men, þat weren myndeful of þe
vertue of þe Lord in to wiþ oute ende; for þe whiche þingus
iiii But Olofernes lai in þe bed, wiþ to myche drunkeneſſe þou ſparedeſt not to þi lif for anguyſſhis and tribulaciouns of
aſlepe. þi kinrede, but holpediſt to þe falling befor þe ſiȝte of oure
v And Judit ſeide to hir child womman, þat ſhe ſhulde ſtonde God.
wiþ oute forþe befor þe dore of þe priue chaumbre, and waiten xxvi And al þe puple ſeide, So be it! ſo be it!
aboute. xxvii Forſoþe Achior clepid cam; and Judit ſeide to hym, God
vi And Judit ſtod befor þe bed, preȝende wiþ teres, and wiþ of Irael, to þe whiche witneſſing þou haſt ȝiue, þat he be
moouyng of lippis in ſilence, vengid of his enemys, he þe hed of alle myſbeleeued men haþ
vii ſeiende, Conferme me, Lord God of Irael, and behold in hewen of in þis nyȝt in myn hond.
þis hour to þe werkis of myn hondis, þat þou rere vp þi cite xxviii And þat þou preue for ſo it is, lo! þe hed of Olofernes,
Jeruſalem, as þou haſt behoten; and þat, þat I leeuende to þat in þe deſpiſing of his pride God of Iſrael diſpiſide, and to
moun be don bi þee þoȝte, I parforme. þee deþ þratte, ſeiende, Whan þe puple of Irael were taken, I
viii And whan þat ſhe hadde ſeid, ſhe wente to þe piler þat ſhal comaunde wiþ a ſwerd to ſtiken hym þurȝ þe ſides.
was at þe hed of his bed, and his ſwerd, þat in it bounden xxix Seende forſoþe Achior þe hed of Olofernes, anguyſht for
heeng, ſhe loſede. inward drede, fel in to his face vpon þe erþe, and his lif
ix And whan ſhe hadde drawen it out, ſhe toc þe her of his quappide.
hed, and ſeiþ, Conferme me, God of Irael, in þis hour. xxx After forſoþe þat, þe ſpirit taken aȝeen, he is reformed, he
x And ſhe ſmot twies in to his haterel, and ſhe cutte of his fel doun to hir feet, and honourede hir, and ſeide,
hed; and ſhe toc awei his canope fro þe pileris, and ſhe xxxi Bleſſid be þou of þi God in al þe tabernacle of Jacob; for
turnede out his body behedid. in alle folc, þat hereþ þi name, ſhal be magnefied vp on þee
xi And after a litil while ſhe wente out, and toc þe hed of God of Irael.
Olofernes to hir hand maiden, and comaundede, þat ſhe ſhulde
putten it in to hir ſcrippe. Capitulum XIIII.
xii And þei two wenten out after þer vſage as to preȝeere, and i Judit forſoþe ſeide to al þe puple, Hereþ, breþern; hangeþ vp
þei paſſeden þe tentis, and, goende aboute þe valei, camen to þis hed vp on þe wallis.
þe ȝate of þe cite. ii And it ſhal be, whan þe ſunne goþ out, eche man take his
xiii And Judit ſeide aferre to þe keperis of þe wallis, Openeþ
armes, and goþ out wiþ bure, not þat ȝee go doun beneþe, but
þe ȝatis, for wiþ vs is God, þat dide gret vertue in Irael. as bure doende.
xiiii And it is do, whan þe men hadden herd hir vois, þei iii Þanne it ſhal nede ben, þat þe ſpieres of þe lond flen to þer
clepeden þe preſtis of þe cite. prince to be rerid vp to þe fiȝt.
xv And alle runnen aȝen hir fro þe leſte to þe moſte; for þei iiii And whan þe dukis of hem comen to gidere to þe
hopeden hir no mor to be to come. tabernaclis of Olofernes, and finden hym heded, in his blod
xvi And, teendende liȝtis, alle wenten abouten hir. She forſoþe wrappid, drede ſhal fal doun vpon hem.
ſteȝende vp in to an heiȝere place, comaundede to be maad v And whan ȝee knowen þem to fleen, goþ after hem ſiker, for
ſilence. And whan alle hadden holden þer pes, God ſhal to-trede þem vnder ȝoure feet.
xvii Judit ſeide, Preiſeþ þe Lord oure God, þat forſakeþ not vi Þanne Achior ſeande þe vertue þat God of Irael hadde do,
men hopende in hym, laft þe cuſtum of his heþeneneſſe, leeuede to God; and
xviii and in me, his hand womman, haþ fulfild his merci, þat circumcidede þe fleſh of his ȝerde, and is put to þe puple of
he behiȝte to þe hous of Irael, and haþ ſlain in myn hond þe Irael, and al þe ſucceſſioun of his kinrede vnto þe dai þat is
enemy of his puple þis nyȝt. now.


vii Anon forſoþe þat ſprungen is dai, þei heengen vpon þe ix Joachym forſoþe, þe heȝe biſſhop of Jeruſalem, cam in to
wallis þe hed of Olofernes; and eche toc his armes, and þei Betulie wiþ alle þe preſtis, þat he ſee Judit.
wenten out wiþ gret noiſe and ȝelling. x Þe whiche whan hadde gon out to hym, alle bleſſiden hir
viii Whiche þing ſeande, þe aſpies runnen togidere to þe wiþ o vois, ſeiende, Þou glorie of Jeruſalem, þou gladneſſe of
tabernacle of Olofernes. Irael, þou þe wrſhipe doende of oure puple,
ix Forſoþe þei, þat weren comende in þe tabernacle, and befor xi þat didiſt manli, and þin herte is coumfortid, for þi þat
þe incomyng of þe priue chaumbre makende noiſe, for ende to chaſtite þou loouedeſt, and aftir þi man an oþer þou knewe
reren hym, bi craft caſten vnreſte, þat not of þe rereres, but of not; and þerfore þe hond of þe Lord coumfortide þee, and
þe noiſe makeris Olofernes ſhulde waken. þerfore þou ſhalt be bliſſid in to wiþ oute ende.
x No man forſoþe was hardi þe tabernacle of þe vertue of xii And al þe puple ſeide, Be it do! be it do!
Aſſiries knockende or entrende to openen. xiii Forſoþe bi þretti daȝes vnneþe ben gedered þe ſpoilis of þe
xi But whan his dukis hadden come, and þe leders of Aſſiries of þe puple of Irael.
þouſendis, and alle þe more of þe oſt of þe king of Aſſiries, xiiii But alle þe proper richeſſis of Olofernes, þat ben proued
þei ſeiden to þe priue chaumberleynes, to han ben, þei ȝeue to Judit, in gold, and ſiluer, and cloþis,
xii Goþ, and rereþ hym; for myis gon out of þer caues ben and iemmes, and in alle purtenaunces to houſehold; and alle
hardi to clepen forþ vs to bataile. þingus ben taken to hir of þe puple.
xiii Þanne Vagio, gon in to his priue chaumbre, ſtod befor þe xv And alle puplis ioȝeden, wiþ wymmen, and maidenes, and
curtin, and made fawnyng wiþ his hondis; forſoþe he trowide ȝunge men, in orgnys and harpis.
hym wiþ Judit to ſlepen.
xiiii But whan no mouyng of hym liende wiþ þe wit of eris Capitulum XVI.
parceiuede, he wente to neȝhende to þe curtin, and rerende it, i Thanne Judit ſong þis ſong to þe Lord,
and ſeande þe carein of Olofernes wiþouten hed to lin roten ſeiende,
in his blod vpon þe erþe, criede out wiþ a gret vois wiþ ii Begynneþ in timbris; ſingeþ to þe Lord in cimbalis;
weeping, and cutte his cloþis. manerly ſingeþ to hym a new ſalm; ful out ioȝeþ, and
xv And gon in to þe tabernacle of Judit, fond her not, and he inwardli clepeþ his name.
out ſterte wiþ oute to þe puple, iii Þe Lord totredende batailis, Lord name is to hym.
xvi and ſeide, An Ebru womman haþ do confuſioun in þe iiii Þat putte his tentis in þe middel off his puple, þat he
hous of king Nabugodonoſor; lo! forſoþe Olofernes liþ in þe deliuere vs fro þe hond of alle oure enemys.
erþe, and his hed is not in hym. v Aſſur cam fro hillis, fro þe norþ, in multitude of his
xvii Þe whiche þing whan hadden herd þe princis of þe vertue ſtrengþe; whos multitude ſtoppide þe ſtremes, and þe hors of
of Aſſiries, alle cutten þer cloþis, and vntolerable drede and hem couereden þe valeis.
trembling fel vp on hem, and þer inwittis ben diſturbid gretly. vi And he ſeide hymſelf to brennen vp oure coſtis, and oure
xviii And þer is maad an vntolerable cry in to þe middel
ȝunge men to ſlen wiþ ſwerd, my fauntis to ȝiue in to prei,
tentis. and maidenes in to caitifte.
vii Þe Lord forſoþe Almyȝti noȝede hym, and toc to þe hondis
Capitulum XV. of a womman, and confoundede hym.
i And viii Forſoþe þe myȝti of hem fel not of ȝunge men, ne þe ſonus
whan al þe oſt hadde herd Olofernes of hedid, fleiȝ
mynde and counſeil fro þem, and wiþ onli trembling and of a tiraunt ſmyten hym, ne heȝe ieauntus putten hem to hym;
drede ſtirid token ſocour of fliȝt, but Judit, wydewe, þe doȝter of Merari, in þe fairneſſe of hir
ii ſo þat noon wolde ſpeke wiþ his neȝhebore; but, þe hed face vnloſide hym.
ix Forſoþe ſhe cloþide hir fro þe cloþ of hyr widewehed, and
bowid doun, alle þingus laft, to ſcape þe Ebrues, whom
armed vp on hem to come þei hadden herd, þei enforceden, cloþide hir in þe cloþ of gladneſſe, in ful out ioȝing to þe
fleende bi weies of feldis, and bi ſties of ful litle hillis. ſonus of Irael.
iii And ſo þe ſonus of Irael, ſeande þem fleende, folewiden, x She oyntide hir face wiþ an oynement, and ſhe bond
goende doun, and criende wiþ trumpis, and ȝellende after togidere hir criſp heris wiþ a mitre, to deſceiuen hym.
hem. xi Hir gaȝe ſhon raueſheden his eȝen, hir fairneſſe made his
iiii And for Aſſiries not togidere in oon wenten fallende doun lif caitif; ſche girde of wiþ a ſwerd his haterel.
in to fliȝt, þe ſonus forſoþe of Irael wiþ o cumpany purſuende xii Þe Perſis griſiden hir ſtedefaſtneſſe, and Medis hir
febleden alle, þat þei myȝten finde. hardyneſſe.
v And Oſias ſente meſſageres bi alle þe cites and regiouns of xiii Þanne ȝelleden þe tentis of Aſſiries, whan apereden my
Irael. meke, drie waxende in þriſt.
vi And ſo alle regioun and alle cite ſente a choſen ȝouþe xiiii Þe ſonus of child wymmen pungeden þem, and as childer
armed after hem; and þei purſueden hem in mouþ of ſwerd, to fleende ſlowen hem; þei perſheden in bataile fro þe face of my
þe time þat þei came to þe vtmoſt of þer coſtis. Lord.
vii Þe toþere men forſoþe, þat weren in Betulia, wenten in to xv A newe ympne ſinge wee to þe Lord oure God.
þe tentis of Aſſiries, and þe prei, þat Aſſiries fleende hadden xvi Lord Adonai, a gret God þou art, and beforn alle cleer in
laft, þei token wiþ þem, and þei ben wrſhipid gretli. þi vertue, and whom no man mai ouercome.
viii Þei forſoþe þat hadden ben ouercomeres, ben turned aȝeen xvii To þee ſerue alle þi creature, for þou haſt ſeid, and þei
to Betulie, alle þingis whateuere weren of hem, þei token ben maad; þou ſentiſt þi ſpirit, and þei ben formed; and þer is
awei wiþ þem, ſo þat þer was no noumbre in feld beſtis, and not þat wiþſtonde to þi comanding.
in hous beſtis, and in alle þe mouable þingus of hem, þat fro xviii Hillis fro foundemens ſhuln ben moued wiþ watris;
þe leſte vnto þe myche alle weren made riche of `þe `prei
takingus of hem. ſtonus as wax ſhul melte befor þi face.


xix Who forſoþe dreden þee, gret ſhul be anentis þee bi alle
xx Wo to þe folc riſende vp on my kinrede; þe Lord forſoþe
Almyȝti ſhal venge in hem, in þe dai of dom he ſhal viſite
xxi Forſoþe he ſhal ȝiue fijr and wormes in þer fleſh, þat þei
be brend, and lyuen, and feelen vnto euermore.
xxii And it is do after þeſe þingus, al þe puple after þe
victorie cam to Jeruſalem to honoure þe Lord; and anoon as
þei weren purified, alle offreden brent ſacrifiſes, and vouwis,
and þer beheſtis.
xxiii Forſoþe Judit alle þe armes of bataile of Olofernes, þat
þe puple ȝaf to hir, and þe canope, þat ſhe hadde taken, ſhe
toc in to þe curs of forȝeting.
xxiiii Forſoþe al þe puple was ioȝeful after þe face of ſeintis;
and bi þre moneþis þe ioȝe of þis victorie is ſolempnyſid wiþ
xxv After þoo daȝes forſoþe eche wente aȝeen in to his owne;
and Judit is maad gret in Betulie, and was more cler to alle
men of þe lond of Irael.
xxvi Forſoþe ſhe was ioyned to þe vertue of chaſtite, ſo þat ſhe
knew no man alle þe daȝis of hir lif, ſiþen is dead Manaſſes,
hir huſbonde.
xxvii Forſoþe ſhe was in feſte daȝes forþ goende wiþ gret
xxviii Forſoþe ſhe dwelte in þe hous of hir man an hundrid
ȝer and fiue; and ſhe lafte hir dameſele free. And ſhe is dead,
and biriede wiþ hir huſbonde in Betulie;
xxix and al þe puple weilide hir ſeuen daȝes.
xxx In al þe ſpace forſoþe of hir lif was not þat diſturbide
Irael, and after hir deþ manye ȝer.
xxxi Þe daȝes forſoþe of þis feſte of victorie of þe Ebrues in
þe noumbre of holi daȝes is acceptid, and heried of þe Jewis
fro þat time vnto þe preſent day.
Explicit liber Judith.


ix Alſo Vaſthi, þe quen, made a feſte of wymmen in þe paleis,

ESTER. wher king Aſſuer was wont to dwelle.
x And ſo þe ſeuenþe dai, whan he was gladere cherid, and
Here bigynneþ a prolog on þe booc of after to myche drinking was chaufid wiþ win, he comaundede
Eſter. to Naumam, and Baracha, and Arbana, and Gabatha, and
Zarath, and Abgatha, and Carthas, ſeuene geldingis, þat in
`Þe boc of Eſter to be maad vicious of dyuerſe tranſlatoures his ſiȝte mynyſtreden,
is knowen, whom I, of þe libraries of Ebrues takende vp, xi þat þei ſhulden bringen in Vaſthi, þe quen, befor þe king,
woord bi woord more openli tranſlatide; þe whiche boc þe put vp on hir hed a diademe, þat he ſhewe to alle `princis and
comun making drawiþ along hider and þider wiþ þe torne puplis þe fairneſſe of hir; forſoþe ſhe was ful fair.
draȝtis, addende þoo þingis, þat `of tyme myȝten ben ſeid and xii Þe whiche forſoc, and at þe kings heſte, þat bi þe geldingis
herd; as it is wont to ſcoleris diſciplines, and a þeme taken,
to out þenke what woordis he myȝte vſen, he þat ſuffride he hadde comaundid, ſhe diſpiſide to comen. Wherfore þe king
wrong, or he þat dide wrong. Ȝee forſoþe, O! Paule and wroþ, and wiþ myche wodneſſe tend,
Euſtache, þat onli han ſtudied to gon in to þe libraries of xiii aſkide þe wiſe men, þat of þe kingis maner euermor weren
Ebrues, and þe ſtriues of interpretoures han knowen, neeȝ to hym, and dide alle þingus bi þe counſeil of hem,
holdende Eſter an Ebru boc, beholdeþ bi alle þe woordis oure kunnende þe lawe and þe riȝtis of more men;
tranſlacioun; þat ȝee moun knowen me no þing alſo to han xiiii forſoþe þe firſte and þe nexte weren Carcena, and Secaba,
encreſid addende, but wiþ trewe witneſſing ſimpleli, as it is Admatha, and Tharſis, and Mares, and Marſana, and
had in Ebreu, þe Ebru ſtorie to han taken to Latin tunge. Ne Mamucha, ſeuene dukis of Perſis and of Medis, þat ſeȝen þe
we deſiren þe preiſingus of men, ne blamingus wee dreden. face of þe king, and firſt after hym weren wont to ſitten;
Forſoþe wee beſiende to pleſen to God, vtterli wee drede not xv to what ſentence quen Vaſthi ſhulden vnderlyn, þat þe heſte
þe þretis of men; for God ſcatereþ þe bones of hem þat
deſiren to pleſen to men, and, after þe apoſtil, þey, þat ſuche of king Aſſuer, þe whiche bi geldingis he hadde ſent, ſhe
men ben, moun not ben þe ſeruauns of Criſt. Ferþermor in þe wolde not do.
boc of Eſter wee han maad an abece of red colour vnto þe xvi And Manucha anſwerde, herende þe king and þe princis,
eiȝþe lettre in diuers placis, willende, þat is, þe order of þe Not onli quen Vaſthi haþ greued þe king, but alle þe princis
ſeuenti interpretoures bi þeſe þingus to ſhewen a wijs redere; and puplis, þat ben in alle þe prouyncis of king Aſſuer.
we forſoþe after þe maner han leuere, and in þe making of þe xvii Forſoþe þe woord of þe quen ſhal gon out to alle
ſeuenti remenoures, to purſue þe order of Ebrues. wymmen, þat þei diſpiſe þer huſbondis, and ſeyn, King Aſſuer
Here endiþ þe prolog of Heſter, and now comaundide, þat Vaſthi, þe quen, ſhulde gon in to hym, and
ſhe wolde not.
bigynneþ þe book. xviii And bi þis exſaumple alle þe wiues of princis of Perſis
and of Medis ſhuln diſpiſe þe heſtis of þer huſbondis;
Capitulum I. wherfore riȝtwis is þe kingis indignacioun.
i In xix If it pleſe to þee, go þer out a maundement fro þi face,
þe daȝes of king Aſſueri, þat regnede fro Jude vnto
Ethiope, vp on an hundrid and ſeuene and twenti prouynces, and be it writen after þe lawe of Perſis and of Medis, þe
ii whan he ſat in þe ſee of his regne, Suſa cyte was þe whiche to ouerpaſſen is vnleeful, þat no more Vaſthi go in to
þe king, but his reume an oþer, þat is betere þan ſhe, take.
begynnyng of his rewme. xx And þis be pupliſhid in eche empire of þi prouynce, þat is
iii Þe þridde þanne ȝer of his empire he made a gret feſte to
moſt brod, þat alle wyues, boþe of more and of laſſe, bere to
alle þe princis, and to his moſt ſtrong childre of Perſis, and þer huſbondis wrſhipe.
of Meedis, to þe noble men, and to þe prefectus of prouincis, xxi And his counſeil pleſide to þe king and to þe princis; and
beforn hym,
iiii þat he ſhewe þe richeſſes of þe glorie of his regne, and þe þe king dide after þe counſeil of Manucha,
xxii and ſente epiſtelis bi alle prouyncis of his reume, þat eche
mykilneſſe, and þe boſt of his power myche tyme, an hundrid,
þat is, and foure ſcore daȝes. folc heren and reden myȝte, wiþ diuerſe tungis and lettris,
v And whan þe daȝes of þe feſte weren ful endid, he bad al men to be princis and more men in þer houſis; and þat bi alle
puplis to be puppliſht.
þe puple þat is founde in Suſys, fro þe moſte vnto þe leſte;
and he comaundede ſeuene daȝes a feſte to be maad redi in þe
veſtiarie of þe ȝerd and of þe wode, þat was ſett togidere wiþ Capitulum II.
þe kingis enournyng and hond. i And ſo þeſe þingus don, after þat þe indignacioun of king
vi And þer heengen on eche ſide tentis of þe colour of þe eir,
Aſſuer fro feruour hadde paſſid, he recordide of Vaſthi, and
and of goldene colour, and of iacinctin, ſuſtened wiþ bijs what ſhe hadde do, and what ſhe hadde ſuffrid.
cordis, and purper, þat weren inſet wiþ yuer cerclis, and þei ii And þe childer and his mynyſtris ſeiden to þe king, Be þer
weren vnderſet wiþ marbil pileeris; alſo goldene ſetis and ſoȝt to þe king child wymmen, maidenes and faire;
ſiluerene vp on þe raied pament ſmaragd and pario ſtones iii and be þer ſent, þat beholden bi alle prouyncis faire child
weren diſpoſid; þe whiche þing þe peynteur wiþ wonder
diuerſete made fair. wymmen and maidenes; and bringe þei hem to Suſa cite, and
vii Forſoþe þei, þat weren biden, drunken of goldene cuppis, take þei in to þe hous of wymmen, vnder þe hond of Egei,
gelding, þat is prouoſt and kepere of þe kingus wymmen; and
and wiþ oþer and oþere veſſelis metis weren broȝt in; win take þei wymmenus ournemens, and oþere þingus to vſe
alſo, as it was wrþi for þe kingis grete doing, plente and chef neceſſarie.
was ſet. iiii And who euere among alle to þe eȝen of þe king ſhal pleſe,
viii And þer was not þat conſtreynede to drinke hem þat
ſhe regne for Vaſthi. Þe woord pleſide to þe king; and ſo as
wolden not; but ſo þe king hadde ordeyned, befor ſettende þei hadden moued, he comaundide to be do.
ſunder men of his princis to þe bord, þat eche man ſhulde
take þat he wolde.


v Þer was forſoþe a Jew man in þe cite of Suſis, Mardoche Eſter kepte wel, and ſo alle þingus ſhe dide, as ſhe was wont
bi name, þe ſone of Jair, ſone of Semei, ſone of Cis, of þe þat tyme, þat he nurſhide hir a litil child.
linage of Gemyny; xxi Þat time þanne þat Mardoche at þe kingus ȝate dwelte,
vi þat was tranſlatid fro Jeruſalem þat time þat ben wroþe Bagathan and Thares, two geldingis of þe king,
Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, hadde tranſlatid Jeconye, þat weren porteres, and in þe firſte entre of þe paleis dwelten;
þe king of Juda; and wolden aȝen riſen in to þe king, and ſlen hym.
vii þe whiche was þe nurſe of þe doȝter of his broþer, Ediſſe, xxii Þe whiche þing was not vnknowen to Mardoche, and
þat bi an oþer name was clepid Eſter, and eiþer fader and anoon he tolde to quen Eſter, and ſhe to þe king, of name of
moder hadde laft, ful myche fair, and ſemeli in face; and hir Mardoche, þat to hir þe þing hadde told.
fader and moder dead, Mardoche clepid hir to hym in to xxiii It is ſoȝt, and is founde, and eiþer of hem is hangid in
doȝter. þe iebet; and it is comaundid to þe ſtories, and taken to þe
viii And whanne þe maundement of þe king more wex bokis of ȝeris deedis, befor þe king.
knowen, and after his heſte manye faire maidenes were broȝt
to Suſem, and to Egeo, gelding, wer taken, Eſter alſo among Capitulum III.
oþere child maidenes is take to hym, þat ſhe wer kept in þe i Aftir
noumbre of wymmen. þeſe þingus king Aſſuer enhauncide Aaman, þe ſone of
ix Þe whiche pleſide to hym, and fond grace in his ſiȝte, þat Amadathi, þat was of þe linage of Agag, and putte his ſete
he ſhulde heȝen þe wymmen enournyng, and ȝeue to hir hir ouer alle þe princis þat he hadde.
ii And alle þe ſeruauns of þe king, þat wiþinne þe paleis ȝatis
partis and ſeuene moſt faire child wymmen of þe hous of þe
king; and boþe hir and hir dameſelis ſhe ſhulde enournen and dwelten, boweden kne, and honoureden Aaman; ſo forſoþe þe
araȝen. emperour hadde comaundid to hem; onli Mardoche bowede not
x Þe whiche wolde not to hym ſhewe þe puple and hir kuntre; kne, ne honourede hym.
iii To whom ſeiden þe childer of þe king, þat to þe ȝatis of þe
forſoþe Mardoche hadde comaundid to hir, þat of þis þing
vtterli ſhe ſhulde holde hir pes. paleys ſeten before, Whi beſide oþer men þou kepiſt not þe
xi Þe whiche wente eche dai befor þe veſtiarie of þe hous, in heſtis of þe king?
iiii Whan þeſe þingus more often þei ſeiden, and he wolde not
þe whiche choſene maidenes weren kept, doende cure of þe
helþe of Eſter, and willende to witen, what to hir ſhulde falle. heren, þei tolden to Aman, coueitende to witen, wheþer he
xii And whan tyme was comen of alle þe child wymmen by wolde ſtonde ſtedefaſt in þe ſentence; forſoþe he hadde ſeid to
order, þat þei ſhulden gon in to þe king, alle þingus fulfild þem, hym to ben a Jew.
v Þe whiche þing whan Aman hadde herd, and bi experience
þat to wymmenys enournyng pertende, þe twelfþe moneþ was
turned ouer; ſo onli þat ſixe moneþis þei ſhulde ben enoynt proued, þat Mardoche bowide not kne to hym, ne honourede,
wiþ myrtine oile, and oþere ſixe þei ſhulden vſe maner he is wroþ ful gretli,
pimentis and ſwote ſpice. vi and for noȝt tolde in to Mardoche on to putte hondis;
xiii And goende in to þe king, whateuere þei hadden aſkid forſoþe he hadde herd, þat he was of Jew kinrede, and more
pertenende to ournyng, þei token; and, as it to þem hadde wolde leeſen al þe nacioun of Jewis, þat weren in þe reume
pleſid, enourned, of þe chaumbre of wymmen to þe kingus of Aſſuer.
priue chaumbre wenten. vii Þe firſte moneþ, whos name is Nyſan, þe twelfþe ȝer of þe
xiiii And ſhe þat cam in at euen, wente oute at morn; and regne of Aſſuer, lot is leid in to a veſſel, þat Ebruli is ſeid
þennes in to þe ſecounde houſis weren broȝt, þat weren vnder fur, beforn Aman, what dai and what moneþ þe folc of Jewis
þe hond of gelding Zagazi, þat ſtod before to þe ſecoundarie ſhulde be ſlayn; and þe twelfþe moneþ wente out, þat is clepid
wyues of þe king; and ſhe hadde no power of turnyng aȝeen Adar.
more to þe king, but if þe king wolde, and hir hadde viii And Aman ſeide to king Aſſuer, Þer is a puple bi alle þe
comaundid to come bi name. prouyncis of þi reume ſcaterid, and fro þemſelf togidere
xv Forſoþe þe tyme turned ouer bi order, þe dai ſtood, in þat ſeuered, newe vſende lawis and cerimoynes, ferþermor and þe
Eſter, þe doȝter of Abihael, broþer of Mardoche, whom to ſtatutis of þe king diſpiſende; and beſt þou haſt knowen, þat it
hym he hadde clepid in to doȝter, ſhulde gon in to þe king; þe ſpedeþ not to þi reume, þat ouercuſtomed it waxe proud bi
whiche ſoȝte not wymmenes enournyng, but whateuere þing leeue.
wolde Egee, gelding, þe kepere of maidenes, þoo þingis to hir ix If to þee it pleſe, deme þat it perſhe, and ten þouſend of
to enournyng he ȝaf; forſoþe ſhe was ful ſemeli, and wiþ talentis I ſhal lei to treſories of þi richeſſe.
vntrouable fairneſſe, and to þe eȝen of alle men gracious and x Þanne þe king toc of his hond þe ring þat he vſide, and ȝaf
looueſum was ſeen. it to þe enemys of Jewys, Aman, ſone of Amadathi, of þe
xvi And ſo ſhe is lad to þe priue chaumbre of king Aſſuer, þe
kinrede of Agag.
tenþe moneþ, þat is clepid Thebeth, þat is, Januer, þe ſeuenþe xi And he ſeide to hym, Þe ſiluer þat þou behotiſt, be þin; of
ȝer of his regne. þe puple do þat to þee pleſiþ.
xvii And þe king loouede hir more þan alle þe wymmen, and xii And þe ſcribis of þe king ben clepid þe firſte moneþ of
ſhe hadde grace and mercy befor hym ouer alle þe wymmen; Nyſan, þe þrettenþe dai of þe ſame moneþ; and it is writen,
and he putte þe diademe of þe reume vp on hir hed, and he as Aman hadde comaundid, to alle þe ſatrapis of þe king, and
made her to regnen in þe ſtede of Vaſthi. domyſmen of dyuerſe prouyncis and folkis, þat alle folc myȝten
xviii And he comaundide a ful glorious feſte to be maad redi rede and heren, for þe diuerſite of tungis, of þe name of king
to alle þe princis and to his ſeruauns, for þe coupling and þe Aſſuer.
bridalis of Eſter; and he ȝaf reſte to alle prouyncis, and xiii And þe lettris ſelid wiþ his ring ben ſent bi þe corouris of
grauntide large ȝiftis aftir principal gret doing. þe king to alle his prouyncis, þat þei ſhulde ſlen and don
xix And whan þe ſeconde maidenes weren ſoȝt, and gedered awei alle þe Jewis, fro child vn to old man, litle childer and
togidere, Mardoche dwelte at þe kingis ȝate. wymmen, o dai, þat is, þe þrettenþe dai of þe twelfþe moneþ,
xx And ȝit not Eſter hadde told out þe kuntre and hir puple, þat is clepid Adar, þat is, March; and þer goodis þei ſhulden
after þe heſte of hym; what euere þing forſoþe he comaundide, forfeten.


xiiii Þeſentence forſoþe of þe epiſtelis was þis, þat alle Capitulum V.

prouyncis ſhulden knowe, and go þemſelf to þe forſeide dai. i Forſoþe
xv And þei, þat weren ſent, heeȝeden to fulfillen out þe heſte þe þridde dai Eſter was clad wiþ kingus cloþis, and
of þe king; and anoon in Suſis heeng þe maundement fro þe ſtod in þe porche of þe kingus hous, þat was wiþinne forþ
king, and Aman ſolempneli makende a feſte, and alle þe aȝen þe kingis hous; and he ſat vp on his ſee, in þe conſtorie
Jewis, þat in þe cite weren, wepende. of þe paleis, aȝen þe dore of þe hous.
ii And whan he hadde ſeen Eſter, þe quen, ſtondende, ſhe

Capitulum IIII. pleſide to his eȝen, and he ſtraȝte out aȝen hir a goldene
ȝerde, þat he heeld wiþ hond; þe whiche neȝhende kiſte þe
i The whiche þingis whan Mardocheus hadde herd, he cutte ouermor of his ȝerde.
his cloþis, and is clad wiþ a ſac, ſprengende aſkis to his hed, iii And þe kyng ſeide to hir, What wilt þou, quen Eſter? what
and in þe ſtrete of þe myddil cite wiþ gret vois criede, is þin aſking? Alſo if þe half part of þe reume þou aſke, it
ſhewende þe bitterneſſe of his inwit, ſhal ben ȝiue to þee.
ii and wiþ þis weping vnto þe ȝatis of þe paleis goende; iiii And ſhe anſwerde, If to þe king it pleſe, I beſeche, þat
forſoþe it was not leful a man clad wiþ a ſac to entre þe þou come to me to dai, and Aman wiþ þee, to þe feſte, þat I
kingis halle. haue greiþid.
iii Alſo in alle prouyncis, burȝ townes, and placis, to þe v And anoon þe king, Clepeþ, he ſeiþ, Aman anon, þat he
whiche þe cruel bidding of þe king hadde ful comyn, gret obeſhe to þe wil of Eſter. And ſo þe king and Aman camen to
weiling was anentis þe Jewis faſtende, and ȝellende, and þe feſte, þat þe quen hadde maad redi to hem.
wepende, manye men vſende for bed ſac and aſkis. vi And þe king ſeide to hir, after þat he hadde drunke win
iiii Forſoþe þe childer wymmen of Eſter, and þe geldingus, plenteuouſly; What aſkiſt þou, þat be ȝiue to þee, and for what
wenten in, and tolden to hir; þe whiche herende is ſtoneid, þing preȝiſt þou? Alſo if þe half part of my reume þou aſke,
and ſente a cloþ, þat þe ſac don awei, he ſhulde cloþin hym; þou ſhalt gete.
þe whiche taken he wolde not. vii To whom anſwerde Eſter, Myn aſking and my preȝeeris
v And Athac, gelding, clepid, whom þe king hadde ȝiue to hir ben þeſe.
ſeruaunt, ſhe comaundide, þat he ſhulde go to Mardoche, and viii If I haue founde grace in þe ſiȝte of þe king, and if to þe
lernen of hym, whi þat þing he dide. king it pleſe, þat he ȝiue to me þat I preȝe fore, and fulfille
vi And Athac gon out, wente to Mardoche ſtondende in þe myn aſking, come þe king and Aman to þe feſte, þat I haue
ſtrete of þe cyte, beforn þe dore of þe paleis; maad redi to hem; and to morn I ſhal opene to þe king my
vii þe whiche ſhewide to hym alle þingus þat hadden falle, hou wil.
Aman hadde behoten, þat he ſhulde bringe ſiluer in to þe ix And ſo Aman wente out þat dai glad and merie. And whan
treſories of þe king for þe Jewis deþ. he hadde ſeen Mardoche ſittende at þe ȝatis of þe paleis, and
viii Alſo þe ſaumple of þe maundement, þat heeng in Suſis, not onli not to han riſe to hym, but ne moued forſoþe of þe
he ȝaf to hym, þat to þe quen he ſhulde ſhewen, and warnen place of his ſitting, he endeynede gretli;
hir, þat ſhe go in to þe king, and preȝe hym for hir puple. x and þe wraþe feyned, turnede aȝeen in to his hous, clepide
ix And Athac, gon out, tolde Eſter alle þingus, þat Mardoche to gidere to hym frendis, and Sares, his wif,
hadde ſeid. xi and expounede to hem þe mychilneſſe of his richeſſis, and
x Þe whiche anſwerde to hym, and ſeide, þat he ſhulde ſey to þe cumpanye of ſones, and wiþ `hou myche glorie vp on alle
Mardoche, þe princis and his ſeruauns þe king hym hadde rerid.
xi Alle þe ſeruauns of þe king, and alle prouyncis þat ben xii And after þeſe þingus he ſeiþ, Þe quen alſo Eſter noon
vnder his comaunding, knowen, þat ouþer man or womman oþer man clepeþ wiþ þe king to þe feſte, ſaue me, anent whom
not clepid entre þe innermor porche of þe king, wiþoute aȝeen alſo to morn wiþ þe king I am to ete.
cleping anoon he be ſlain, but if perauenture þe king þe xiii And whan alle þeſe þingus I haue, no þing I wene me to
goldene ȝerde to hym ſtrecche for ſigne of mercy, and ſo he han, as longe as I ſee Mardoche, Jeu, ſittende at þe kingis
may lyuen; I þanne what maner ſhal moun entre to þe king, ȝatis.
þat now þretti daȝis am not clepid to hym? xiiii And Sares, his wif, and oþere frendis anſwerden,
xii Þe whiche þing whan Mardoche hadde herd, Comaunde to ben maad redi an heiȝ bem, hauende of heiȝte
xiii eft he ſente to Eſter, ſeiende, Ne wene þou, þat þi lif onli fifti cubitis; and ſei erli to þe king, þat Mardoche be hangid
þou deliuere, for in þe hous of þe king þou art, for alle vp on it; and ſo þou ſhalt go wiþ þe king glad to þe feſte.
Jewis; And þe counſeil pleſide, and he comaundide to be maad redi
xiiii if þou holde þi pes, bi an oþer ocaſioun þe Jewis ſhul be an heiȝ cros.
deliuered, and þou and þe hous of þi fader ſhul perſhen; and
who knew, wheþer þerfore to þe reume þou came, þat in ſuch Capitulum VI.
a time þou ſhuldeſt be redi? i That nyȝt þe king ladde wiþoute ſlep, and he comaundide to
xv And eft Eſter þeſe woordis ſente to Mardoche,
be broȝt to hym ſtories, and þe bokis of ȝeris deedis of raþere
xvi Go, and gedere alle þe Jewis, þat in Suſis þou findiſt, times. Þe whiche þingus whan, hym preſent, weren rad,
and preȝeþ for me; ne eteþ, ne drinkiþ þre daȝes and þre nyȝt, ii it is come to þat place, wher was write, hou Mardoche
and I wiþ myn hond wymmen lic maner ſhal faſten; and hadde told þe aſpies of Gabathan and Thares, geldingis,
þanne not clepid I ſhal gon in to þe king, aȝen þe lawe coueitende to ſle king Aſſuer.
doende, takende me to deþ and to perile. iii Þe whiche þing whan þe king hadde herd, he ſeiþ, What
xvii And ſo Mardoche wente, and dide alle þingus, þat Eſter
for þis feiþ of wrſhipe or of mede Mardoche haþ goten? And
hadde comaundid to hym. his ſeruans and myneſtres ſeiden to hym, No þing of mede
vtterli he toc.
iiii And anoon þe king, Who is, he ſeiþ, in þe porche? Aman
forſoþe wente in þe innere porche of þe kingus hous, þat he


make ſuggeſtioun to þe king, þat he comaunde Mardoche to be hous. Ne ȝit þe woord of þe kingus mouþ hadde gon out, and
ficchid on þe iebet, þat to hym was maad redi beforn. anon couereden his face þe ſeruauns of þe king.
v And þe childer anſwerden, Aman ſtant in þe porche. And þe ix And Arbona, oon of þe geldingus þat ſtoden in þe ſeruyſe
king ſeide, Come he in. of þe king, ſeide, Lo! þe tree þat he hadde maad redi to
vi And whan he was comyn, he ſeide to hym, What owiþ to Mardoche, þat ſpac for þe king, ſtant in þe hous of Aman,
be do to þe man, whom þe king deſireþ to honouren? Aman hauende of heiȝte fifti cubitis. To whom ſeide þe king,
þenkende in his herte, and trowende, þat noon oþer man but Hangeþ hym in it.
hym þe king wolde honouren, x And ſo Aman is hangid in þe iebet, þat he hadde maad redi
vii anſwerde, Þe man, whom þe king coueitiþ to honouren, to Mardoche, and þe kingis wraþe reſtide.
viii owiþ to be clad wiþ kingus cloþis, and to be put vpon an
hors þat is of þe kingus ſadil, and to take þe kingus diademe Capitulum VIII.
vp on his hed; i That dai king Aſſuer ȝaf to Eſter, þe quen, þe hous of
ix and þe firſte of þe kingus princis and knyȝtis holde his
Aman, aduerſarie of Jewis. And Mardoche wente in befor þe
hors, and bi þe ſtretis of þe cite goende, crie he, and ſeie, face of þe king; Eſter forſoþe knoulechide to hym, þat he was
Þus ſhal ben honoured, `whom euere þe king wile honoure. hir em.
x And ſo þe king ſeide to hym, Heeȝe, and, þe ſtole taken and ii And ſo þe king toc þe ring, þe whiche of Aman he hadde
an hors, do, as þou haſt ſpoke, to Mardoche, Jew, þat ſit comaundid to be reſceiued, and toc to Mardoche. Eſter forſoþe
befor þe ȝatis of þe paleis; bewar, leſt any þing of þo, þat þou ſette Mardoche vp on hir hous.
haſt ſpoken, þou leue of. iii Ne wiþ þeſe þingus paȝed, ſhe fel doun at þe feet of þe
xi And ſo Aman toc a ſtole and an hors, and Mardoche clad
king, and wepte, and ſpac to hym, and preȝede, þat þe malice
in þe ſtrete of þe cite, and ſet vp on þe hors, wente beforn, of Aman Agachite, and his werſte caſtis, þat he hadde þoȝt
and criede, Þis wrſhipe he is wrþi, whom euere þe king wile out aȝen þe Jewis, he comaunde to be maad voide.
honoure. iiii And he of maner þe kingus goldene ſeptre ſtrauȝte out wiþ
xii And Mardoche is turned aȝeen to þe ȝate of þe paleys, and
þe hond, wiþ þe whiche a tocne of þe kingys mercy was
Aman heeȝede to gon in to his hous, weilende, and þe hed ſhewid. And ſo ſhe riſende ſtod before hym,
couered. v and ſeiþ, If it pleſe to þe king, and if I haue founde grace
xiii And he tolde to Sari, his wif, and to frendis, alle þingus
in his eȝen, and my preȝeere be not ſeen to ben contrarie to
þat hadden falle to hym. To whom anſwerden þe wiſe men, hym, I beſeche, þat wiþ newe epiſtelis þe olde lettris of
whom he hadde in counſeil, and his wif, If of þe ſed of Aman, ſpiere and enemye of Jewis, wiþ þe whiche he hadde
Jewis is Mardoche, befor whom þou begunne to fallen, þou comaundid þem to perſhen in alle þe kingus prouyncis, be
ſhalt not moun wiþſtonde to hym, but þou ſhalt falle in his mendid;
ſiȝt. vi hou forſoþe ſhal I moun ſuffre þe deþ and þe ſlaȝter of my
xiiii Ȝit hem ſpekende, þe geldingis of þe king camen, and
anon hym to þe feſte, þat þe quen hadde maad redi, þei vii And king Aſſuer anſwerde to Eſter, þe quen, and to
conſtreyneden to gon. Mardoche, Jew, Þe hous of Aman I haue grauntid to Eſter,
þe quen, and hym I haue comaundid to be ficchid on þe cros,
Capitulum VII. for he was hardi to putte hond in to þe Jewis.
i And viii Þanne writeþ to þe Jewis, as it pleſiþ to ȝou, in þe
ſo þe king cam in and Aman to þe feſte, þat þei ſhulde
drinke wiþ þe quen. kingus name, ſelende þe lettris wiþ my ring. Forſoþe þis was
ii And þe king ſeide to hir alſo in þe ſeconde day, aftir þat he þe cuſtum, þat to þe epiſtolis, þe whiche of þe kingus name
weren ſent, and weren ſelid wiþ his ring, no man ſhulde ben
was chaufid wiþ wyn, What is þin aſking, Eſter, þat it be hardi to wiþſeyn.
ȝiue to þee, and what wilt þou to be do? Alſo if þe half part ix And þe ſcribis and þe librarijs of þe king clepid; forſoþe
of my reume þou aſke, þou ſhalt gete.
iii To whom ſhe anſwerd, If I haue founde grace in þin eȝen, time was of þe þridde moneþ, þat is clepid Ciban, þat is,
June, þe þre and twentiþe dai of it; ben write þe epiſtolis, as
O! king, and if to þee it pleſe, ȝif to me my lif, for þe whiche Mardoche wolde, to þe Jewis, and to þe princis, and
I preȝe, and my puple, for þe whiche I beſeche. procuratoures, and iugis, þat in an hundrid and ſeuene and
iiii Forſoþe wee ben taken, I and my puple, þat wee be twenti prouyncis, fro Ynde vnto Ethiope, befor ſeten, to
totreden, ſlain, and perſhen; and wolde God in to þrallis and prouynce and prouynce, to puple and puple, aftir tungis and
þralleſſis wee were ſold, and it were tolerable euel, and þer lettris, and to þe Jewis, þat þei myȝte reden and heren.
weilende I ſhulde holden my pes; now forſoþe oure enemy is, x And þo epiſtolis, þat in þe kingus name wer ſent, wiþ his
whos cruelte reboundeþ in to þe king. ring ben ſelid, and ſent bi meſſageris, þat bi alle þe prouyncis
v And king Aſſuer anſwerende ſeiþ, Who is he þis, and of rennende ſhulde come before þe olde lettris wiþ þe newe
what power, þat þeſe þingus he be hardi to do? meſſageris.
vi And Eſter ſeide, Enemy and oure werſte enemy is þis xi To whom þe king comaundide, þat þei ſhulden gadere
Aman. Þe whiche þing he herende anoon ſtoneȝede, not togidere þe Jewis bi alle þe cites, and þei ſhulden comaunden
ſuffrende to bern þe chere of þe king and of þe quen. in oon to be gedered, þat þei ſtonde for þer liues; and alle
vii Forſoþe þe king ros wroþ, and fro þe place of þe feſte þeir enemys, wiþ þer wiues and fre childer, and alle þer
wente in to a ȝerd ſet wiþ trees. Alſo Aman ros for to preȝen houſis, þei ſhulden ſlen, and don awei.
Eſter, þe quen, for his lif; forſoþe he vnderſtod euel maad redi xii And þer is ſet bi alle prouyncis o dai of veniaunce, þat is,
to hym of þe king. þe þrettenþe dai of Adar, þe twelfþe moneþ.
viii Þe whiche whan was comen aȝeen fro þe ȝerd ſet wiþ xiii And þe ſhorte ſentence of þe epiſtil was þis, þat in alle
wodis, and he hadde comyn in to þe place of þe feſte, he fond londis and puplis, þe whiche vnderleȝen to þe empire of king
Aman vpon þe bed to han fallen doun, in þe whiche lai Eſter; Aſſuer, it ſhulde be maad knowen, Jewis to be redi to be
and ſeiþ, Alſo þe quen he wile opreſſe, me preſent, in myn take veniaunce of þer enemys.


xiiii And þer wenten out meſſageris, berende beforn meſſagis; ſeuenti þouſend of ſlaine men weren fulfild, and no man of
and þe maundement of þe king heng in Suſis. þer ſubſtaunce any þing touchide.
xv Mardoche forſoþe of þe paleis and of þe ſiȝte of þe king xvii Forſoþe þe þrettenþe dai of þe monyþ Adar was of o
goende out, ſchynede in kingis cloþis, iacinctine, þat is, and of ſlaȝter anentis alle, and þe fourtenþe dai þei lafte to ſlen;
eir colour, berende a goldene coroun in þe hed, and wrappid whom þei ordeyneden to be ſolempne, þat in þat time eche ȝer
wiþ a ſilkene pal and purper; and al þe cite ful out ioȝede, þerafter þei ſhulden voiden to plenteuous metis, and to ioȝe,
and is glad. and to feſtis.
xvi Forſoþe to þe Jewis is ſeen to ben ſprungen a newe liȝt, xviii And þeſe, þat in þe cite of Suſys hadden hauntid þe
ioȝe, wrſhiping, and dauncing, ſlaȝter, þe þrettenþe and þe fourtenþe dai of þe ſame moneþ
xvii anentis alle puplis, cites, and alle prouyncis, whider euere ben ocupied in þe ſlaȝter. Þe fiftenþe forſoþe dai þei laften to
ſmyte; and þerfore þe ſame dai þei ordeyneden ſolempne of
þe kingus maundemens camen, merueilouſe out ioȝingis, plenteuous metis and of gladneſſe.
metys plenteuous, and feſtis, and feſte daȝes, in ſo myche, þat xix Þeſe forſoþe Jewis, þat in burȝ tounys not wallid and
manye of þe toþer folc and ſect to þer religioun and
cerimoynes weren ioyned; gret forſoþe drede of Jewis name tounes duelten, þe fourtenþe daie of þe moneþ of Adar, of
alle men hadde aſalid. feſtis, and of ioȝe demeden, ſo þat þei ful out gladen in it,
and ſenden to hemſelf togidere partis of plentes and of metis.
xx And ſo Mardoche wrot alle þeſe þingus, and comprehendid
Capitulum IX.
in lettris ſente to þe Jewis, þat in alle þe prouyncis of þe
i Thanne of þe twelfþe moneþ, whom Adar to be clepid now king dwelten, boþe in neeȝh ſet and afer,
beforn wee ſeiden, þe þrettenþe day, whanne to alle þe Jewis xxi þat þe fourtenþe and þe fiftenþe dai of þe moneþ of Adar
ſlaȝter was greiþid, and enemys waiteden to þe blod of hem, þei ſhulden take for feſtis, and euermor, þe ȝer turnende
þe while turned, þe Jewis begunne to ben ouer heiȝere, and aȝeen, wiþ ſolempne wrſhipe þei ſhulden halewe;
hem of þe aduerſaries to venge. xxii for in þo daȝis þe Jewis vengide þem of þer enemys, and
ii And þer ben gedered bi alle cites, burȝ tounys, and placis,
weiling and ſorewe in to ioȝe and gladneſſe ben turned; and
þat þei ſhulde ſtrecchen out hond aȝen enemys and þer þeſe daȝes ſhulde ben daȝes of plenteuous metis, and of
purſueris; and no man was hardi to wiþſtonde, for þi þat þe gladneſſe, and þei ſhulden ſende to þemſelf partis togidere of
fer of þe gretneſſe of hem alle puplis hadde perſid. þe metis, and to pore men þei ſhulden graunt litle ȝiftis.
iii For and of prouyncis þe iugis, dukis, and procuratoures, xxiii Forſoþe þe Jewis token in to a ſolempne cuſtum alle
and al dignete, þat to alle placis and werkis weren beforn, ful þingus, þat þei hadde begunne þat time to do, and þat
out enhauncide þe Jewis, for drede of Mardoche, Mardoche in lettris hadde ſent to be do.
iiii whom to be prince of þe paleis and of myche power þei xxiiii Aman forſoþe, þe ſone of Amadathi, ſtoc of Agag, enemy
knewen; alſo þe fame of his name wex eche dai, and bi þe and aduerſarie of Jewis, þoȝte aȝen hem euel, þat he ſhulde
mouþis of alle men ofte fleiȝ. ſle þem and don awei, and leide fur, þat in oure tunge is
v And ſo þe Jewis ſmyten þer enemys wiþ a gret veniaunce, turned in to lot.
and ſlowen hem, ȝeldende to hem þat þei to þem hadden maad xxv And afterward Eſter wente in to þe king, beſechende, þat
redi to do, in ſo miche, his ententis wiþ þe lettris of þe king ſhulden be maad voide,
vi þat alſo in Suſis fiue hundrid men þei ſlowen, wiþ oute þe and þe euel, þat aȝen Jewis he hadde þoȝt, ſhulde be turned
ten ſonys of Aman Agagite, enemy of þe Jewis, of whom þeſe aȝeen in to his hed. Afterward and hym and his ſonus þei
ben þe namys; ficcheden to þe cros.
vii Faſondatha, Delfon, and Esfata, xxvi And fro þat time þeſe daȝis be clepid Furim, þat is, of
viii and Forata, and Dalia, and Aridatha, lotis, forþi þat fur, þat is, lot, in to a pot was put; and alle
ix and Efermeſta, and Ariſai, and Aridai, and Vaiſatha. þingus þat ben don ben contened in þe volume of þe epiſtil,
þat is, of þis boc; alle þingus þat þei ſuffreden, and þat þer
x Whom whan þei hadde ſlain, þei wolden not purſue praies after ben chaungid,
of þe ſubſtauncis of hem. xxvii Jewis and þer ſed token vp on hem, and vp on alle þat
xi And anon þe noumbre of hem, þat weren ſlain in Suſis, is wolden to þer religioun be couplid, þat to no man it be leful
told to þe king. þeſe two daȝes wiþ oute ſolempnete to ouerpaſſe, whom
xii Þe whiche ſeide to þe quen, In þe cite of Suſis þe Jewis ſcripture witneſſeþ, and oþere tymes aſken, þe ȝeres to þemſelf
ſlowen fiue hundrid men, and oþere ten ſones of Aman; hou continueli comende aftir oþer.
myche ſlaȝter weneſt þou þem to enhaunten in alle prouyncis? xxviii Þeſe ben þe daȝis, whom neuer any forȝeting ſhal don
what more aſkiſt þou? and what wilt þou, þat I comaunde to awei, and bi ſunder ieneraciouns alle prouyncis, þat in alle þe
be don? world ben, ſhuln halewen; ne þer is any cite, in þe whiche
xiii To whom ſhe anſuerde, If to þe king it pleſe, be þer ȝiue daȝis of Furim, þat is, of lotis, be not kept of þe Jewis, and
power to þe Jewis, þat as þei diden to day in Suſis, ſo and of þer progenye, þat wiþ þeſe cerimoynes is obliſht.
do þei to morn, and þe ten ſones of Aman be þei hangid in xxix And Eſter, quen, þe doȝtir of Abihael, and Mardoche,
iebetis. Jeu, writen alſo þe ſecounde epiſtil, þat wiþ alle beſyneſſe þis
xiiii And þe king comaundide, þat ſo it ſhulde be do; and anon dai ſolempneli ſhulde ben halewid þer afterward.
in Suſis heeng a maundement, and þe ten ſonus of Aman xxx And þei ſente to þe Jewis, þat in an hundrid and ſeuene
ben hangid. and twenti prouyncis of king Aſſuer dwelten, þat þei ſhulden
xv Þe Jewis gederede togidere, þe fourtenþe dai of þe monyþ han pes, and reſceyue treuþe,
of Adar, and þer be ſlain in Suſis þre hundrid men, ne þer xxxi kepende wel þe daȝes of lotis, and in þer tyme wiþ ioȝe
ſubſtaunce fro þem is raueſhid awei. ſhulden halewe; as hadden ordeyned Mardoche and Eſter, þei
xvi But and bi alle þe prouyncis, þat vnder leȝen to þe to be kept hadden taken, of hemſelf and of þer ſed, faſtingis,
maundement of þe king, þe Jewis ſtoden for þer liues, þe and clamoures,
enemys ſlain and þer purſueris, in ſo miche, þat fiue and xxxii and daȝes of lotis, and alle þingus þat ben contened in
þe ſtorie of þis boc, þat is clepid Eſter.


Capitulum X. v Þere ſemeden voiſis, and noiſis, and þundris, and erþe
i King
quaues, and diſturbing vp on þe erþe.
forſoþe Aſſuer al þe lond and alle þe ilis of þe ſe made vi And lo! two grete dragounes, redi aȝen hemſelf in to
tributaries; bataile;
ii whos ſtrengþe and empire and dignete and heiȝneſſe, þat he
vii at whos cri alle naciouns ben ſtirid togidere, þat þei fiȝte
enhauncide Mardoche in, ben writen in þe bokis of Medis aȝen þe folc off riȝtwis men.
and of Perſis; viii And þat dai was of dercneſſis, and of perile, of
iii and hou Mardoche of Jeu kinrede were þe ſecounde fro
king Aſſuer, and gret anentis þe Jewis, and acceptable to þe tribulacioun, and of anguyſh, and gret fer vp on erþe.
ix And diſturbid is þe folc of riȝtwis men, dredende þer euelis,
folc of þer breþern, ſechende goodis to his puple, and ſpekende
þo þingus, þat to þe pes of his ſed ſhulden pertene. and maad redi to þe deþ.
x Þei crieden to God; and hem criende out, a litle welle wex
Þe whiche ben had in Ebru in pleyn feiþ I in to þe moſte flod, and in to manye watris redundede.
expreſſede; þeſe þingus forſoþe, þat xi Liȝt and þe ſunne is ſprungen; and meke men ben
folewen, I fond write in þe comun making, enhauncid, and þei deuoureden þe gloriouſe.
xii Þe whiche þing whan Mardoche hadde ſeen, and riſen of
þe whiche in Grekis tunge and lettris ben
þe bed, he þoȝte, what God wolde do, and ficchid he hadde in
contened; and eft after þe ende of þe boc þe inwit, coueitende to wite, what þe ſueuene ſhulde betocne.
þis chapitre was ſeid, þat after oure
conſuetude wiþ obelo, þat is, wiþ `a ſtric, Capitulum XII.
wee han befor notid. i Forſoþe he dwelte þat time in þe halle of þe king, wiþ
iiii And
Bagatha and Thara, geldingus of þe king, þat porteris weren
Mardoche ſeide, Of God þeſe þingus ben don. of þe paleis.
v I am recordid of a ſweuene, þat I ſaȝ, magnefiende þeſe ii And whan he hadde vnderſtonde þe þoȝtis of hem, and þe
ſame þingus, ne of þo any þing was voide. beſyneſſis mor diligentli hadde ſeen before, he lernede þat þei
vi A litil welle, þat grew in to a flod, and in to liȝt and ſunne enforciden to putten hond in to king Artaxerſen, and tolde vp
is turned, and in to manye watris reboundide, is Eſter, þat on it to þe king.
þe king toc wif, and wolde to be quen. iii Þe which, of eiþer queſtioun had confeſſid, he comaundede
vii Two forſoþe dragounes, I am and Aman; to ben had to deþ.
viii þe folc þat camen togidere, þeſe ben, þat enforceden to don iiii Þe king forſoþe þat was don, wrot in librarijes, but and
awei þe name of Jewis. Mardoche þe mynde of þe þing toc to lettris.
ix Forſoþe my folc is Irael, þat criede to þe Lord; and þe v And þe king comaundide to hym, þat in þe halle of þe paleis
Lord made ſaaf his puple, and deliuerede vs fro alle euelis, he ſhulde duelle, ȝiftis ȝiue to hym for þe telling.
and made grete ſignes and wondris among þe Jentilis; vi Aman forſoþe, þe ſone of Amadathy, gelding, was moſt
x and comaundide two lotis to ben, oon of þe puple of God, glorious befor þe king, and wolde noȝen to Mardoche, and his
and an oþer of alle Jentilis. puple, for þe two geldingus of þe king þat weren ſlain.
xi And eiþer lot cam in to þe ſet dai befor God now fro þat
Hider to þe prohemy; þoo þingus, þat
time to alle Jentilis.
xii And þe Lord recordide of his puple, and rewide of his folewen, in þat place weren put, wher is
eritage. write in þe volume, And þei waſteden þe
xiii And þeſe daȝes ſhul be kept in þe moneþ of Adar, þe goodis or þer ſubſtauncis; þe whiche onli
fourtenþe and þe fiftenþe dai of þe ſame moneþ, wiþ alle in þe comun tranſlacioun we han founden.
biſyneſſe and ioȝe of þe puple gedered in to o cumpanye, in to
alle þer aftirward ieneraciouns of þe puple of Irael.
Capitulum XIII.
Capitulum XI. i Of þe epiſtil forſoþe þis was þe ſaumpler. Þe moſte king
i The ferþe ȝer, regnende Ptholome and Cleopatra, Doſitheus, Artaxerſes, fro Ynde vnto Ethiope, of an hundrid and ſeuene
þat a preſt and of Leuy kinrede ſeide hymſelf to be, and and twenti prouyncis, to princis and dukis, þat to his empire
Ptholome, his ſone, broȝten þis epiſtil of furim, þe whiche þei ben ſoget, greting ſeiþ.
ſeiden, Silimacum, þe ſone of Ptholome, in Jeruſalem to han ii Whan to manye folkis I ſhulde comaunden, and al þe world
remened. Þis forſoþe was þe begynnyng in þe comun hadde ſogetid to my comaunding, I wolde not þe mykilneſſe of
tranſlacioun, þat nouþer in Ebru, ne anent any of þe my power myſuſen, but wiþ mercy and ſofteneſſe gouerne þe
remenours is told. ſogetis, þat, wiþ oute any drede ouerpaſſende þe lif in ſilence,
ii Þe ſecounde ȝer, regnyng Artaxerſe þe moſte, þe firſte dai of þei ſhulden vſe þe pes deſirid to alle deadli men.
iii Me forſoþe ſechende of my counſeileris, hou þat myȝte be
þe moneþ Nyſan, Mardoche, þe ſone of Jari, ſone of Semei,
ſone of Cis, of þe linage of Beniamyn, fulfild, oon, þat in wiſdam and feiþ oþere men paſſide, and
iii a man Jeu, þat dwelte in þe cite of Suſis, a gret man, and was after þe king þe ſeconde,
among þe firſte of þe kingus halle, ſaȝ a ſweuene. iiii Aaman bi name, tolde to me in al þe world of londis to
iiii Forſoþe he was of þe noumbre of caityues, whom ben a puple ſcaterid, þat newe ſhulde vſen lawis, and, aȝen þe
Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, hadde tranſlatid fro cuſtum of alle Jentilis doende, þe heſtis of þe kingis diſpiſe,
Jeruſalem wiþ Jeconye, king of Jude. And þis was his and þe `oon acord of diuerſe naciouns wiþ þer deſcencioun
ſweuene. defoule.
v Þe whiche þing whan we hadden lerned, ſeande o folc rebel
aȝen alle kinde of men to vſe ſhreude lawis, and to oure


heſtis to gon aȝen, and to diſturbe þe pes and þe acord of þe viii and now it ſuffiſeþ not to þem, þat wiþ moſt hard ſeruyſe
prouyncis ſoget to vs, þey oppreſſen vs, but, þe ſtrengþe of þer hondis wijtende to þe
vi wee comaundeden, þat who ſo euere Aman, þat is prouoſt power of maumetis,
to alle prouyncis, and ſecounde fro þe king, and whom in ix wiln chaunge þin heſtis, and don awei þin eritage, and cloſe
ſtede of a fader wee wrſhipen, ſhal ſhewyn, wiþ wiues and fre þe mouþis of men preiſende þee, and quenchen out þe glorie
childer be þei don awei of þer enemys, and no man haue of þe temple and of þin auter,
mercy of þem, þe fourtenþe dai of þe twelfþe moneþ Adar, of x þat þei opene þe mouþis of Jentilis, and preiſe þe ſtrengþe
þe ȝer preſent;
vii þat wicke men, o dai to helle goende doun, ȝelde to oure of maumetis, and prechen a fleſhli king in to euermor.
xi Ne take þou, Lord, þi kingus dignete to þem, þat ben not,
empire þe pes, þat þei han diſturbid. Hider to þe ſaumple of
þe epiſtil; þoo þingus, þat folewen, after þat place writen I leſt þei laȝhen at oure falling; but turne þe counſeil of hem vp
fond, wher is rad, And goende Mardoche dide alle þingus, on hem, and hym þat in vs began to waxe feers, ſcatere.
þat Eſter hadde comaundid to hym; and ner þe latere þei ben xii Haue mynde, Lord, and ſheuȝ þee to vs in time of oure
not had in Ebru, and anent no man of þe remenoures þei ben tribulacioun; and ȝif to me troſt, Lord, king of Jewis and of
vtterli told. alle power;
viii Mardoche forſoþe preȝede þe Lord, myndeful of alle his xiii ȝif a ſemeli woord in my mouþ in þe ſiȝte of þe leoun, and
werkis, ber ouer þe herte of hym in to þe hate of oure enemy, þat and
ix and ſeide, Lord, Lord, king almyȝti, in þi power alle þingis he perſhe, and oþere þat conſenten to hym.
ben ſet, and þer is not, þat mai wiþſtonde to þy wil; if þou xiiii Vs alſo deliuere in þin hond, and help me, noon oþer
deme to ſauen Irael, anoon wee ſhul be delyuered. hauende helpe but þee,
x Þou madiſt heuene and erþe, and alle þing þat is contened xv Lord, þat haſt kunnyng of alle þingis. And þou haſt
in þe cumpas of heuene. knowen for I hatide þe glorie of wicke men, and wlate þe bed
xi Lord of alle þingus þou art, ne þer is þat wiþſtonde to þi of vncircumcidide men, and of alle heþene.
mageſte. xvi Þou knowiſt infirmyte and my nede, þat I wlate þe ſigne
xii Alle þingus þou knewe, and woſt, þat not for pride and of pride and of my glorie, þat is vpon myn hed in þe daȝis of
ſtrif and any coueitiſe of glorie I do þis, þat I honoure not þe my ſhewing, and I wlate it as þe cloþ of þe womman in flux
moſt proud Aman; of blod, and I bere not in þe daȝis of my ſilence,
xiii forſoþe gladli for þe helþe of Irael alſo þe ſteppis of his xvii and þat I eet not in þe bord of Aman, ne to me pleſide
feet I were redi to kiſſe, þe feſte of þe king, and I dranc nott win of ſacrifiſes;
xiiii but I dradde, leſt þe wrſhipe of my God I ſhulde bern xviii and neuere gladide þin hond womman, ſiþen hider I am
ouer to man, and leſt any man I ſhulde honoure out take my tranſlatid vnto þe preſent dai, but in þee, Lord God of
God. Abraham.
xv And now, Lord king, God of Abraham, haue mercy of þi xix Strong God ouer alle, heere þe vois of hem, þat noon
puple, for oure enemys wiln leeſen vs, oþer hope han, and delyuere vs fro þe hond of wicke men,
xvi and þin eritage don awei; ne diſpiſe þou þi part, þat þou and pul out me fro my drede.
haſt aȝeen boȝt fro Egipt. Þeſe þingus alſo addid I fond in þe comun
xvii Heere my preȝeere, and merciful be þou to þe lot, and þe
litle corde of þin eritage; and turne oure weiling in to ioȝe,
þat liuende we preiſe þi name, Lord; and ne cloſe þou þe And no doute þat Mardoche ſente to hir, þat Eſter ſhulde gon
mouþis of men preiſende þee. in to þe king, and preȝe for hir puple, and for hir kuntre.
xviii And al Irael lic mynde and beſeching criede to þe Lord, Myndeful, he ſeiþ, be þou of þe daȝes of þi mecneſſe, hou þou
art nurſhid in myn hond; for Aman, ordeined þe ſecounde of
for þi þat to hem ſhulde hange in certeyn deþ. þe king, ſpac aȝen vs in to deþ; and þou inwardli clep þe
Lord, and ſpec to þe king for vs, and deliuere vs fro deþ.
Capitulum XIIII.
Alſo and þeſe þingus, þat ben vnderleid, in
i Eſter alſo þe quen fleiȝ to þe Lord, dredende þe perile, þat þe comun tranſlacioun I fond.
wex aboue.
ii And whan ſhe hadde do doun hir kingus cloþis, ſhe toc
couenable cloþis to wepingis and to weiling; and for diuers Capitulum XV.
oynemens wiþ aſkis and drit ſhe fulfilde þe hed, and hir bodi i Forſoþe þe þridde dai ſhe dide doun þe cloþis of hir
mekide wiþ faſtingus; and alle placis, in þe whiche ſhe was enournyng, and hir owne glorie is don aboute.
wont to gladen, wiþ to-tering of heris ſhe fulfilde. ii And whan wiþ þe kingis abite ſhe ſchyned, and inwardli
iii And ſhe preȝede þe Lord God of Irael, ſeiende, My Lord,
hadde clepid þe Gouernour of alle þingus and ſauere God, ſhe
þat art king alone, help me ſolitarie, and of whom ſaue þee is toc two ſeruauntes,
noon oþer helpere; iii and vp on þe oon forſoþe ſhe lenede, as for delicis and ful
iiii my perile is in myn hondis.
myche tenderneſſe not ſuffrynde to bern hir owne bodi;
v I haue herd of my fader, þat þou ſhuldeſt han taken Irael iiii þe toþer forſoþe of þe dameſelis folewede þe ladi, berende
fro alle Jentilis, and oure fadris fro alle þer more behinde, vp þe cloþys flowende doun in to þe erþe.
þat þou ſhuldiſt welde þe euermor durende eritage; and þou v She forſoþe þurȝſhed þe chere wiþ roſe colour, and freeli,
didiſt to hem, as þou ſpeke.
vi Wee han ſynned in þi ſiȝte, and þerfore þou haſt taken vs and wiþ briȝte eȝen ſhe couerede þe dreri inwit, and drawe
togidere wiþ ful myche drede.
in to þe hondis of oure enemys; vi Þanne ſhe gon in alle þe doris bi ordre, ſtod aȝen þe king,
vii forſoþe wee han heried þe godis of hem. Riȝtwis þou art,
wher he ſat vp on þe ſee of his regne, cloþid wiþ kingus
Lord; cloþis, and ſhinende wiþ gold and precious ſtones; and he was
ferful in ſiȝte.


vii And whan he hadde rerid vp þe face, and wiþ brennende xiii For Mardoche, bi whos feiþ and benefetis wee liuen, and
eȝen þe wodneſſe of þe breſt hadde ſhewid, þe quen fel doun; þe felawe of oure reume Eſter, wiþ al hir folc, wiþ newe
and þe colour chaungid in to paleneſſe, þe weeri hed vpon þe maner and vnherd engynes ful out aſkide in to deþ;
hond maide ſhe bowide doun. xiiii þeſe þingus þenkende, þat, hem ſlain, he ſhulde aſpie to
viii And God turnede þe ſpirit of þe king in to debonerneſſe, oure onlihed, and þe reume of Perſis to ouerbern in to
and heeȝende and dredende he ſtirte out of þe ſee; and Macedoynes.
ſuſtenende hir wiþ his armys, to þe tyme ſhe turnede aȝeen to xv Wee forſoþe outerli finden in no blame þe Jewis, ordeyned
hirſelf, wiþ þeſe woordis gloſide, to deþ of þe werſte man of deadli men; but aȝeenward vſende
ix What haſt þou, Eſter? I am þi broþer; wile þou not drede, riȝte lawis,
x þou ſhalt not die; forſoþe not for þee, but for alle þis lawe is xvi and þe ſones of þe heȝeſt, and þe moſte, and euermor
ordeyned. Cum hider þanne, and touche þe kingus ȝerde. liuende God, þurȝ whos benefet and to oure fadris and to vs
xi And whan ſhe heeld hir pes, he toc þe kingus ȝerde, and þe reume ys taken, and vnto to dai is kept.
putte vp on hir necke, xvii Wherfore þo lettris, þat vnder oure name he ȝaf forþ,
xii and kiſte hir, and ſeiþ, Whi to me ſpekiſt þou not? witeþ to ben as none.
xiii Þe whiche anſwerde, I ſaȝ þee, lord, as þe angil of God, xviii For þe whiche hidous gilte befor þe ȝatis of þis cite, þat
and myn herte is diſturbid for drede of þi glorie; is, Suſis, and he þat caſte, and al his kinrede, hangeþ in
xiiii forſoþe, lord, þou art gretli merueilous, and þi face is ful iebetis; not vs, but God to hym ȝeldende þat he deſeruede.
xix Þis forſoþe maundement, þat wee now ſenden, in alle cites
of gracis.
xv And whan he ſpac, eft ſhe fel doun, and uttirli ſwounede. be purpoſid, þat it be leful to Jewis to vſe þer lawis.
xx To whom ȝee ſhul be to helpe, þat þo men, þe whiche
xvi Þe king forſoþe was diſturbid, and alle his myneſtris
hemſelf to þer deþ hadden maad redi, þei moun ſlen, þe
coumfortiden hym. fourtenþe dai of þe twelfþe moneþ, þat is clepid Adar;
Þe ſaumple of þe epiſtil of king Artaxerſes, xxi þis forſoþe dai of ſorewe and of weiling þe Almyȝti God

þat for þe Jewis he ſente to alle þe turnede to hem in to ioȝe.

xxii Wherfore and ȝee among oþer feſte daȝis þis dai haueþ,
prouyncis of his reume; þe whiche and it is and halewiþ it wiþ alle gladneſſe;
not had in Ebrue volume. xxiii and herafter alle men knowe, þat feiþful obeſhen to
Perſis, for feiþ to take wrþi mede; þei forſoþe þat waiten to
Capitulum XVI. þe regne of hem, to perſhe for þe hidous gilte.
xxiiii Eche forſoþe prouynce and cite, þat wil not of þis
i Artaxerſes, þe grete king, fro Ynde vnto Ethiope, of an ſolempnete ben parcener, bi ſwerd and fyr perſhe he; and ſo be
hundrid and ſeuene and twenti prouyncis, to dukis and he don awei, þat not onli to men but to beſtis wiþ oute wei
princis, þat to oure comaunding obeſhen, ſeiþ greeting. `be in to euer mor, for exſaumple of diſpiſing and
ii Manye þe goodneſſe of princis and wrſhipe, þat in to hem is vnobeiſaunce.
ȝiuen, han mys vſid in to pride;
iii and not onli enforcen to opreſſe þe ſogetis to þe king, but Explicit.
þe glorie ȝiue to hem not berende, in to þem þat ȝiuen waiten
iiii ne ben not paȝid to not do gracis to benefetis, and defoule
þe riȝtus of humanyte in to þem; but alſo demen hemſelf to
moun flee þe ſentence of God demende alle þingus.
v And in ſo myche to wodneſſe breken out, þat to hem þat
beſili kepen þe offis taken to hem, and ſo alle þingus don, þat
þei ben wrþi þe preiſing of alle men, wiþ þe `priue and ſotile
flateringus of leſingus þei enforſen to turne vp ſo doun,
vi whil þe ſymple eris of princis and of þer kinde oþer men
eymende wiþ fel gile deſceyuen.
vii Þe whiche þing and of olde ſtories is proued, and of þeſe
þingus þat ben don eche dai; hou bi euele ſogeſtiouns of
ſumme men þe ſtudies of kingus ben depraued.
viii Wherfore it is to purueye to þe pes of alle prouyncis.
ix Ne ȝee ſhul not wene, if diuers þingus we comaunde, to
come of liȝtneſſe of oure inwit; but for qualite and neceſſite of
tymes, as þe profit of þe comun þing aſkeþ, to do ſentence.
x And þat ȝee more openli vndirſtonde þat wee han ſeid;
Aaman, þe ſone of Amadathi, wille and kinrede of Macedo,
and alien fro þe blod of Perſis, and oure pite wiþ his cruelte
defoulende, a pilgrim is taken of vs;
xi and ſo myche humanyte expert in hymſelf, þat oure fader he
were clepid, and honoured of alle men þe ſecounde after þe
xii þe whiche in ſo myche ſwelling of pride is born, þat he
enforcide to priuen vs þe reume and ſpirit.


Saueour bi treccherous remenyng hidden, and nerþelatere in

JOB. ſixe exaumpleris ben had anent þe chirches, and ben expouned
of chirchemen; myche more I, a Criſtene man, born of fader
Incipit prologus in libro Job. and moder Criſtene, and þe baner of þe cros in my forhed
berende, whos ſtudie was to telle aȝeen laft of þingus, and to
I am conſtreyned bi alle þe bokis of Godis ſcripture to amende þe depraued, and þe ſacramens of þe chirche wiþ pure
anſwern to þe euele ſawis of aduerſaries, þat ſinfulli putten to and trewe ſermounes to openen, or of proude men or of
me, þat my remenyng I ſhulde make into þe vndernymyng of ſhreude reders I aȝte not to be repreued. Haue þat wiln olde
þe Seuenti remenoures; as þoȝ, anent þe Grekis, Aquila, bokis, and in rede ſkynnes wiþ gold and ſiluer writen, or wiþ
Simacus, and Theodocian, or woord of woord, or ſens of capital lettris, as comunli men ſein, chargis grauen out more
ſens, or of eiþer mengd, and tempred maner of mene þan bokis, ſo þat to me and to myne þei ſuffre to han pore
tranſlacioun tolden out; and Origenes alle þe volumes of þe ſcrowis, and not as myche faire bokis as amendid. Eiþir
Olde Teſtament markide wiþ ſigne of a ȝerde, `and wiþ ſigne forſoþe tranſlacioun, and þe Seuenti after Grekis, and myn
of a ſterre, þe whiche or addid, or taken of Theodocian, ſette after þe Ebrues, in Latin bi my trauaile is tranſlatid; cheſe
in to þe olde tranſlacioun, prouende to han failid þat is added. eche man þat he wile, and proue he hymſelf more ſtudious
Þanne lerne my bacbiteres to reſceyuen in þe hoole, þat in þan euel willid.
parcelis þei reſceyueden, or to ſhauen awey my remenyng wiþ
þer ſterre ſignes. Ne forſoþe it may be do, þat whom þey Anoþir prolog.
beheelde manye þingus to han lafte of, not þe ſame men alſo
in ſumme þingus to han errid þei knowlechen, nameli, in Job, If forſoþe a iunket wiþ reſſhe I ſhulde make, or þe leues of
to þe whiche þat if þo þingus, þat vnder ſterre ſigne ben palmys I ſhulde platte, þat in þe ſwot of my chere I ſhulde
addid, þou wiþdrawe, þe moſt part of þi volume ſhal be kut ete bred, and þe werc of þe wombe wiþ beſi mynde treten, no
of; and þat only anent þe Grekis. But and anent þe Latynes, man ſhulde bite, no man ſhulde repreue. Now forſoþe for after
befor þat tranſlacioun, þat vnder ſterre ſignes and ȝerde ſignes þe ſentence of þe Saueour, I wile werke þe mete þat perſheþ
not ȝore we maden out, ſeuene hundrid almeſt or eiȝte hundrid not, þe olde weie of Godys volumys to purgen fro þornes and
vers failen; wiþ þe whiche þe boc ſhortid, and to-torn and to- buſſhis, double errour is piȝt in to me; a fals corectour of
bite, ſheweþ openli to þe rederes his foule defaute. Þis forſoþe vices I am clepid, and erroures not to taken awei, but to
tranſlacioun non remenour of þe olde folewiþ, but of þat Ebru ſowen. So myche forſoþe is þe cuſtum of oldneſſe, þat alſo
and Arabik woord, and oþer while Cire, now woordis, now oþer while confeſid vicis pleſen, whil more faire bokis þey
ſens, now eiþer togidere ſhal tellen out. Alſo forſoþe al þe boc wiln han þan amendid. Wherfore, O! mooſt looued breþern,
anent þe Ebrues is ſeid derc and ſlidery, and þat þe cheef oon exſaumpler of noblehed for þe werelis, lepis, baſketis, and
ſpekeris of Grekis clepen defaute of comun maner of ſpeche, litle ȝiftis of munkis, þeſe ſpirituel and ȝiftis to dwelle takeþ;
whil oþer þing is ſpoken and oþer þing is don; as if þou and blisful Job, þat ȝit anent Latynes lai in þe drit, and wiþ
woldeſt an eel or a laumprun holde wiþ ſtreite hondis, how wermes of erroures brac out, hool and wiþoute wem ioȝeþ.
myche ſtrengerli þou þriſtis, ſo myche þe ſunnere it ſhal ſliden What maner forſoþe, after prouyng and victorie, double to
awey. I haue remembrid me, Liddium, a maner doctour, þat hym alle þingus ben ȝolden, ſo I in to ȝoure tunge, þat
anent þe Ebruis þe firſte was weened to ben had, for þe hardili I ſpeke, haue maad hym to han þat he hadde loſt.
vnderſtonding of þis volume not wiþ fewe penys to han hirid, Þerfor and ȝou and eche redere I warne `to gidere wiþ beſy
wiþ whos doctrine if any þing I profitede, I wot neuere; þis before telling, and in þe begynnyngus of bokis þe ſame þingus
oon I wot wel, me not to han moȝt remene, but þat before I euermor ioynende, I preȝe, `þat wher euermor litle ȝerdis
hadde vnderſtonde. And ſo fro þe begynnyng of þe volume goende beforn ȝee ſhul ſee, witeþ þo þingis þat ben vnder leid
vnto þe woordis of Job, anent þe Ebruys þe enditing is proſe; in Ebru volumys not to ben had; but wher þe image of a
but fro þe woordis of Job, in þe whiche he ſeiþ, Perſhe þe ſterre ſhyneþ beforn, of Ebru in oure ſermoun ben added. Alſo
dai in þe whiche I am born, and þe nyȝt, in whiche it is ſeid, and þoo þingus weren ſeen to ben had in Grek, and ſo weren
a man is conſeiued, vnto þat place wher befor þe end of þe corupt, þat þe wit to þe reders þei token awei, ȝou preȝende,
volume it is write, Þerfor I myſelf reproue, and do penaunce wiþ gret trauaile I amendide; wenende more what profitable
in colis and aſken, ben vers of ſixe feet, rennende wiþ dactile þing to comyn of myn hate to þe chirchis of Criſt, þan of oþer
and ſponde feet, and for þe langage of þe tunge ofte takende mennys beſineſſe.
and oþere feet, not of þe ſame ſilablis, but of þe ſame times.
Oþerwhile alſo þat ſweete rym and ſweteli ſounende is told Here endeþ þe prolog of Job, and now
wiþ noumbris looſid wiþ lawe; þe whiche þing verſifioures
more þan a ſymple redere vnderſtonden. Fro þe foreſeide vers bigynneþ þe book.
forſoþe vnto þe ende of þe boc, þe litle diſtinccioun þat leueþ
wiþ proſe enditing is wouen. Þe whiche þing if to any man is Incipit liber Job.
ſeen vntrouable, metre, þat is, to be anent þe Ebrues, and in
maner of oure Flacci, and Graccy, Pindarie, and Alchei, and Capitulum I.
Saffo, þat weren Grek poetis, or þe Sauter, or þe
Lamentaciouns of Jeremie, or alle almeſt þe Kanticulis of i Ther was a man in þe lond of Hus, Job by name; and þat
ſcripturis to ben comprehendid, þat is to ſeye, in metre, rede man was ſimple, and riȝt, and dredende God, and goende
he Filonem, Joſefum, Origenem, Ceſarienſem Euſebeum, and awei fro euel.
bi þe witneſſe of hem he ſhal proue me to ſey ſoþ. Here ii And þer ben born to hym ſeue ſones, and þre douȝtris;
þerfore myn houndis, þerfore me in þis volume to han
trauailid, not þat þe olde remenyng I repreue, but þat þo iii and his poſſeſſioun was ſeuen þouſend of ſhep, and þre
þingis, þat in it or ben derc, or ben laft of, or certis bi þe þouſend of camailis, alſo fiue hundrid ȝokis of oxen, and fiue
vice of writeres depraued, ſhulden be maad more open bi oure hundryd aſſis, and ful myche meyne; and þat man was gret
remenyng; þe whiche and þe Ebrues ſermoun a parti wee han among alle þe men of þe eſt.
lerned, and in Latin fulli fro þe cradelis among gramarienes, iiii And his ſones wenten, and maden feſtis bi houſis, eche in
and retorikis, and filoſofres wee ben defoulid. Þat if anent þe his day; and ſendende þei clepeden þer þre ſiſtris, þat þei
Grekis, aftir þe making of þe Seuenti, now þe euangelie of ſhulden ete, and drinke win wiþ hem.
Criſt ſhynende, Jew Aquila, and Simacus, and Theodocian,
Jewinge eretikis, ben founde, þat manye myſterijs of þe


v And whan þe daȝes of þe feſte hadden paſſid aboute, Job and ȝit wiþholdende innocence? Þou forſoþe haſt ſtirid me
ſente to þem, and haliwide þem, and riſende erli, offride brent aȝen hym, þat I ſcourge hym in vein.
ſacrifiſe bi alle. Forſoþe he ſeide, Leſt perauenture my ſonys iiii To whom anſwerde Sathan, and ſeiþ, Fel for fel, and alle
ſynnen, and bliſſe to God in þer hertis. So Job dide alle þingus þat a man haþ he ſhulde ȝiue for his ſoule;
daȝis. v ellis put þin hond, and touche his bon and fleſh, and þanne
vi On a dai forſoþe, whan þe ſones of God wer come, þat þei þou ſhalt ſee, þat in to þe face he bliſſe to þee.
ſhulde ſtonde neeȝ before God, was neeȝ among hem and vi Þanne þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Lo! in þin hond he is;
Sathan. nerþelater his lif kep.
vii To whom ſeide þe Lord, Whennus comeſt þou? Þe whiche vii Þanne Sathan, gon out fro þe face of þe Lord, he ſmot
anſwerende ſeiþ, I haue enuyround þe erþe, and þurȝ gon it. Job `wiþ þe werſte ſtinkende bleyne fro þe ſole of þe fot vnto
viii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Wheþer haſt þou not beholde þe nol;
my ſeruaunt Job, þat þer be not lic to hym in þe erþe, a man viii þe whiche wiþ a ſherd ſcrapide awei þe quyture, ſittende in
ſimple, and riȝt, and dredende God, and goende awei fro euel. þe dunghil.
ix To whom anſwerde Sathan, Wheþer in vein Job drediþ ix His wif forſoþe ſeide to hym, Ȝit forſoþe þou abidiſt ſtille
God? in þi ſymplete. Bliſſe to God, and die.
x Wheþer haſt þou not ſtrengþid hym, and his hous, and al x Þe whiche ſeiþ to hir, As oon of þe fool wymmen þou
his ſubſtaunce bi enuyroun? To þe werkis of his hondis þou ſpeeke; if goodis wee han taken of þe hond of þe Lord, euelis
haſt bliſſid, and his poſſeſſioun wex in þe erþe. forſoþe why ſhulde wee not ſuffre? In alle þeſe þingis Job
xi But ſtrecche out a litil þin hond, and touche alle þingus þat ſynnede not wiþ his lippis.
he weldeþ; but in þe face he bleſſe to þee. xi Þanne þre frendus of Job, herende al þe euel þat hadde
xii Þanne þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Lo! alle þingus, þat he fallen to hym, alle camen fro þer place, Elifath Themanites,
haþ, in þin hond ben; onli in hym ne ſtrecche þou out þin and Baldach Suytes, and Sofar Naamatites; forſoþe þei
hond. And Sathan is gon out fro þe face of þe Lord. hadden ſeid togidere to þemſelf, þat comende togidere þei
xiii Whan forſoþe on a dai þe ſones and his doȝtris ſhulden ſhulden viſiten hym, and coumforten.
ete, and drinke win in þe hous of þer firſte gote broþer, xii And whan þei hadden rerid up aferr þer eȝen, þei knewen
xiiii a meſſager cam to Job, þat ſhulde ſein, Oxen ereden, and hym not; and criende out þei wepten, and, þe cloþis kitt, þei
ſhe aſſis weren fed beſide þem; ſprengden poudre vpon þer hed in to heuene.
xv and Sabeis feerly fellen to, and token alle þingis, and xiii And þei ſeten wiþ hym in þe erþe ſeuen daȝis and ſeuen
ſmyte þe childer wiþ ſwerd; and I alone ſcapide þat I ſhulde nyȝt, and no man ſpac to hym woord; forſoþe þei ſeȝen þe
telle to þee. ſorewe to ben hydous.
xvi And whan ȝit he ſpac, cam an oþer, and ſeide, Þe fyr of
God cam doun fro heuene, and þe ſhep touchid, and þe childer Capitulum III.
waſtide; and I alone fleiȝ awei þat I telle to þee. i Aftir þeſe þingus Job openede his mouþ, and curſide to his
xvii But ȝit hym ſpekende, cam and an oþer, and ſeide,
Caldeis maden þre cumpanyes, and aſailiden þe camailis, and ii and ſeide,
token hem, alſo and þe childer þei ſmyten wiþ ſwerd; and I iii Perſhe þe dai in þe whiche I am born, and þe nyȝt in þe
alone fleiȝ awei þat I telle to þee.
xviii And ȝit he ſpac, and lo! an oþer cam inne, and ſeide, Þi whiche it is ſeid, A man is conceyued.
iiii Þat dai be turned in to dercneſſis; God ſeche it not from
ſones and doȝtris etende, and drinkende win in þe hous of þer
firſte goten broþer, aboue, and be it not in recording, ne be it liȝtid wiþ liȝt.
xix feerli an hidous wind fel in fro þe regioun of deſert, and v Dercneſſes dercne it, and þe ſhadewe of deþ ocupie it in
ſmot togidere þe foure corneres of þe hous, þe whiche fallende dercneſſe; and be it wiþ inne wrappid wiþ bitterneſſe.
opreſſide þi fre childer, and ben deade; and I alone fleiȝ awei vi A derc whirlewind welde þat nyȝt; and be it not countid in
þat I telle to þee. þe daȝes of þe ȝer, ne noumbrid in moneþis.
xx Þanne Job ros, and kutte his cloþis, and his hed ſhauen vii Be þat nyȝt ſolitarie, and not preiſe wrþi.
fel in to þe erþe, and honourede, viii Curſe þei to it, þat curſen to þe dai, þat ben redi to rere
xxi and ſeide, Nakid I wente out fro þe wombe of my moder, Leuiethan.
and nakid I ſhal gon aȝeen þider; þe Lord ȝaf, þe Lord toc ix Þe ſterris be þei derkid wiþ þe dercneſſe of it; abide it liȝt,
awei; as to þe Lord pleſide, ſo it is do; be þe name of þe and ſe not, ne þe ſpringing of þe riſende morwetid.
Lord bliſſid. x For it cloſide not þe doris of þe wombe, þat bar me, ne toc
xxii In alle þes þingus Job ſynnede not wiþ his lippis, ne
awei euelis fro myn eyen.
any foli þing aȝen God ſpac. xi Whi not in þe wombe I am dead? gon out of þe wombe not
anoon I perſhide?
Capitulum II. xii Whi taken out of þe knes? whi ſoukid þe tetis?
i It is do forſoþe, whan on a dai hadden comen þe ſones of xiii Now forſoþe ſlepende I ſholde holde my pes, and wiþ my
God, and ſtoden before þe Lord, and Sathan hadde comen ſlep reſten,
among hem, and ſtod in his ſiȝt, xiiii wiþ kingus and counſeileris of þe erþe, þat bilden to hem
ii þat þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Whennes comeſt þou? Þe
ſolitarie dwellingus;
whiche anſwerende ſeiþ, I haue gon aboute þe erþe, and þurȝ xv or wiþ princis þat welde gold, and fulfillen þer houſis wiþ
paſſid it.
iii And þe Lord ſeide to Sathan, Wheþer haſt þou beholde my ſiluer;
xvi or as abortif hid I ſhulde not abide, or þat conceyued
ſeruaunt Job, þat þer be not to hym lic in þe erþe, a man
ſimple, and riȝt, and dredende God, and goende awei fro euel, ſeȝen not liȝt.


xvii Þere vnpitous men ceſiden fro noiſe, and þere reſteden þe xxi Þei forſoþe, þat weren lafte, ſhul be taken awei fro hem,
wery in ſtrengþe. and dien, and not in wiſdam.
xviii And ſum time togidere ioyned wiþoute gref þei herden
not þe vois of þe aſkere wiþ ſtrif. Capitulum V.
xix Litil and gret þer ben, and ſeruaunt and fre man fro þer
i Clep þanne, if þer is þat anſwere to þee, and turne to
lord. ſumme of þe ſeintis.
xx Whi to þe wrecche is ȝiue liȝt, and lif to hem þat ben in
ii Wraþe ſleþ a man fol, and enuye ſleþ a litil child.
bitterneſſe of ſoule? iii I ſaȝ a fool wiþ a ſtable roote, and I curſide to his
xxi Þe whiche abiden deþ, and comeþ not; as men deluende
out treſor fairneſſe anoon.
iiii Aferr ſhul be maade his ſones fro helþe, and ſhul be to-
xxii and ioȝen hugely, whan þei finde þe ſepulcre?
xxiii To þe man whos weie is hid, and God haþ cumpaſſid
treden in þe ȝate, and þer ſhal not be þat deliuere.
v Whos rep þe hungri ſhal ete, and hym ſhal raueſhe þe
hym wiþ dercneſſis? armed, and þe þriſti men ſhul drinke his richeſſis.
xxiiii Er I ſhul ete, I ſiȝhe; and as of flowende water, ſo my
vi No þing in þe erþe is maad wiþoute cauſe, and of þe erþe
roring. ſhal not gon out ſorewe.
xxv For þe drede, þat I dradde, ys ful out come to me; and
vii A man to trauaile is born, and a brid to fleen.
þat I ſhamede of, is falle. viii For what þing I ſhal preȝe þe Lord, and to my God I
xxvi Wheþer I feynede not? wheþer I heeld not my pes?
wheþer I reſtide not? and þer is comen vp on me ſhal putte my ſpeche.
ix Þat doþ grete þingus, and vnſerchable, and merueilouſe
þingus wiþoute noumbre.
x Þat ȝiueþ reyn vpon þe face of þe erþe, and moyſteþ wiþ
Capitulum IIII.
watris alle þingus.
i Anſwerende forſoþe Elifath Themanythes ſeide, xi Þat ſetteþ meke men in to heiȝte, and weilende men rereþ
ii If wee begynne to ſpeke to þee, perauenture greuouſly þou wiþ helþe.
ſhalt taken; but þe conceiuede woord who ſhal moun holde? xii Þat ſcatereþ þe þoȝtis of euele men, þat þer hondis moun
iii Lo! þou haſt taȝt manye men, and þou haſt ſtrengþid þe not fulfille þat þei begunne.
weri hondis. xiii Þat caccheþ wiſe men in þer felneſſe, and þe counſeil of
iiii Þi woordis han maad ſtable þe vnſtedefaſt, and þe ſhrewis ſcattereþ.
tremblende knes þou haſt coumfortid. xiiii Bi þe dai þei ſhul renne in to dercneſſis, and as in nyȝt
v Now forſoþe is comen vp on þee veniaunce, and þou haſt ſo þei ſhul graſpen in mydday.
failid; it haþ touchid þee, and þou art diſturbid. xv But ſaf he ſhal make þe nedi fro þe ſwerd of þe mouþ of
vi Wher is þi drede, þi ſtrengþe, and þi pacience, and þe hem, and fro þe hond doende violence þe pore man.
perfeccioun of þi weies? xvi And he ſhal be to þe nedi man hope, wickidneſſe forſoþe
vii Recorde, I beſeche þee, who euere innocent perſhide, or ſhal drawe togidere his mouþ.
whanne `riȝtwis men ben don awei? xvii Blisful þe men þat is chaſtiſid of þe Lord; þanne þe
viii But raþere I haue ſeen hem, þat werken wickidneſſe, and blamyng of þe Lord ne repreue þou.
ſowen ſorewis, and repen hem, xviii For he woundeþ, and lecheþ; ſmyteþ, and his hondis
ix God blowende, to han perſhid, and þurȝ þe ſpirit of his ſhuln helen.
wraþe to be waſtid. xix In ſixe tribulaciouns he ſhal deliuere þee, and in þe
x Þe roring of a leoun, and þe vois of a leouneſſe, and þe teþ ſeuenþe ſhal not touche þee euel.
of leoun whelpis ben tobroſid. xx In hungir he ſhal deliuere þee fro deþ, and in bataile fro
xi Þe tigre perſhide, forþi þat he hadde no prei; and þe leoun þe hond of ſwerd.
whelpis ben ſcaterid. xxi Fro þe ſcourge of tunge þou ſhalt ben hid, and þou ſhalt
xii But to me is ſeid a woord hid, and as þeefli myn ere toc not drede wrecchidneſſe, whan it comeþ.
þe veynes of his gruching. xxii In waſtite and hunger þou ſhalt laȝwhin, and beſte of þe
xiii In þe orroure of þe nyȝt ſiȝte, whan ſlep is wont to ocupie erþe þou ſhalt not dreden.
men, xxiii But wiþ ſtones of regiouns þi couenaunt, and þe beſtis of
xiiii inward drede heeld me, and trembling; and alle my bones erþe ſhul be peſible to þee.
ben agaſt. xxiiii And þou ſhalt wite, þat þi tabernacle haue pes, and
xv And whan þe ſpirit me preſent ſhulde paſſe, inwardli viſitende þi kinde þou ſhalt not ſynne.
griſeden þe heris of my fleſh. xxv And þou ſhalt wite alſo, for manyfold ſhal be þi ſed, and
xvi Þer ſtod oon, whos chere I knew not, an ymage befor þi progenye as þe erbe of þe erþe.
myn eȝen; and a vois as of a ſofte eir I herde. xxvi Þou ſhalt go in to þe ſepulcre in plenteuouſneſſis, as is
xvii Wheþir a man of God ſhal be iuſtified bi compariſoun; born in an hep off whete in his tyme.
and a man ſhal be more clene þan his Makere? xxvii Lo! þis, as wee han enſerchid, ſo is; þat is herd, in
xviii Lo! þat ſeruen to hym ben not ſtable; and in his aungelis mynde þurȝ trete.
he fond ſhreudeneſſe.
xix Myche more þeſe þat dwellen cleyene houſis, þat han an
erþely foundement, ſhul be waſtid as of a moȝhe.
xx Fro morutid vnto euen þei ſhul ben hewe doun; and for no
man vnderſtondiþ, wiþ outen ende þei ſhul perſhe.


Capitulum VI. Capitulum VII.

i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeiþ, i Kniȝthod is þe lif of man vpon erþe, and as þe daȝes of an
ii Wolde God, my ſynnes weren weȝed, bi þe whiche wraþe I hirid man, þe daȝis of hym.
deſeruede; and þe wrecchidneſſe þat I ſuffre, in a balaunce. ii As an hert deſireþ ſhadewe, and as an hirid man abideþ þe
iii As þe grauel of þe ſe þis more greuous ſhulde ſeme; ende of his werc;
wherfore and my woordis ben ful of ſorewe. iii ſo and I hadde voide moneþis, and trauailous nyȝtis I
iiii For þe arwis of þe Lord ben in me, of þe whiche þe noumbride out to me.
indignacioun drinkeþ vp my ſpirit; and þe gaſtneſſis of þe iiii If I ſhul ſlepen, I ſhal ſey, Whanne ſhal I riſe? and eft I
Lord fiȝten aȝen me. ſhal abide þe euetid, and I ſhal be fulfild wiþ ſorewis vnto
v Wheþir an aſſe ſhal roren, whan he haþ erbe? Or an oxe dercneſſis.
ſhul loowen, whan befor þe fulle cracche he ſhal ſtonde? v My fleſh is clad wiþ roting, and wiþ filþis of pouder; my fel
vi Or ſhal moun ben eten vnſauere þing, þat is not wiþ ſalt driede, and is drawen togidere.
poudrid? Or ſhal a man moun taſte, þat taſtid bringeþ deþ? vi My daȝes ſwiftliere paſſiden þan of þe weuere þe web is
vii Forſoþe to þe hungrende lif, alſo bitter þingis ſemen to be kut of; and þei ben waſtid wiþoute any hope.
ſweete; þat beforn my ſoule wolde not touche, now for anguyſh vii Haue mynde, for wind is my lif, and myn eȝe ſhal not be
ben my metis. turned aȝeen, þat I ſee goodis.
viii Who ȝeue, þat myn aſking come; and þat I abijde, ȝelde viii Ne þe ſiȝte of man ſhal beholde me; but þin eȝen in me,
to me God? and I ſhal not ſtonden.
ix And þat began, he me to-trede; loſe his hond, and hewe me ix As a cloude is waſtid, and paſſeþ, ſo þat goþ doun to helle,
doun? ſhal not ſteȝen vp;
x And þis be to me a coumfort, þat þe tormentende me wiþ x ne ſhal turne aȝeen more in to his hous, ne his place ſhal
ſorewe perſhe not, ne wiþſeie to þe woordis of a ſeint. more ouer knowen hym.
xi What forſoþe is my ſtrengþe, þat I ſuffre? or what myn xi Wherfore and I ſhal not ſpare to my mouþ; I ſhal ſpeke in
ende, þat I pacientli do? þe tribulacioun of my ſpirit, and I ſhal talke wiþ þe
xii Ne þe ſtrengþe of ſtones my ſtrengþe, ne my fleſh is bitterneſſe of my ſoule.
braſene. xii Wheþer am I þe ſe, or a whal, for ȝee han enuyround me
xiii Lo! þer is not helpe to me in me; alſo my neceſſarie men wiþ a priſoun?
wenten awei fro me. xiii If I ſhal ſeyn, My bed ſhal coumforte me, and I ſhal be
xiiii He þat takeþ awei fro his frend mercy, þe drede of þe releued ſpekende wiþ me in my bed;
Lord forſakeþ. xiiii þou ſhalt fere me bi ſweuenys, and bi viſeouns; þurȝ
xv My breþern paſſeden biſide me, as a ſtrem þat raueſhe orrour þou ſhalt ſmyte me to gidere.
meel paſſeþ in valeis. xv Wherfore my ſoule ches hangyng vp, and my bones deþ.
xvi Þat dreden froſt, ſnowȝ ſhal falle vpon hem. xvi I deſpeirede, now I ſhal no mor liue; ſpare to me, Lord,
xvii Þe time þat þei wer ſcaterid, þei ſhul perſhe; and as þei no þing forſoþe ben my daȝes.
enchaufe, þei ſhul be loſid fro þer place. xvii What is a man, for þou magnefieſt hym? or what þou
xviii Wiþinne wrappid ben þe ſties of þer goingus; þei ſhul ſettis to aȝen hym þin herte?
gon in vein, and perſhen. xviii Þou viſitiſt hym þe morutid, and feerli þou proueſt hym.
xix Beholdeþ þe ſties of Theman, þe weies of Saba; and xix Hou longe þou ſpariſt not to me, ne letiſt me, þat I
abidiþ a litil while. ſwolewe my ſpotele?
xx Þei ben confoundid, for I hopide; þei camen alſo to me, xx I haue ſynned; what ſhal I don to þee, O! kepere of men?
and wiþ ſhame þei ben ouercouered. Whi haſt þou put me contrarie to þee, and am maad to myſelf
xxi Now ȝee han comen, and now ſeande my veniaunce ȝee heuy?
dreden. xxi Whi takiſt þou not awei my ſynne, and whi doſt þou not
xxii Wheþer I ſeide, Bringeþ to me, and of ȝoure ſubſtaunce awei my wickidneſſe? Lo! nowe in pouder I ſlepe, and if erli
ȝiueþ to me? þou ſeche me, I ſhal not ſtonde ſtille.
xxiii or, Deliuere me fro þe hond of þe enemy, and fro þe
hond of ſtronge men pulliþ out me? Capitulum VIII.
xxiiii Techeþ me, and I ſhal be ſtille; and if any þing i Anſwerende forſoþe Baldach Suythes ſeide,
perauenture I haue vnknowen, enformeþ me. ii Hou longe ſhalt þou ſpeke ſuche þingus? Þer is a manyfold
xxv Whi han ȝee bacbitid to þe woordis of treuþe? whan of
ſpirit of þe woord of þi mouþ.
ȝou no man be, þat mai vndernyme me. iii Wheþer God ſupplauntiþ dom, and þe Almyȝti turneþ vpſo
xxvi To blamen onli ſpechis ȝee ordeynyn, and aȝen wind
doun, þat is riȝtwis?
woordis ȝee ſpeken. iiii Alſo if þi ſonys ſynneden to hym, and lafte þem þe hond of
xxvii Vpon þe faderles child ȝee fallen on, and enforſen ȝoure
þer wickidneſſe;
frend to turne vp ſo doun. v in þou nerþelatere, if þou erli to gidere riſiſt to God, and þe
xxviii Nerþelater þat ȝee han begunne, fulfilliþ; ȝiueþ ere, and
Almyȝti haddeſt preȝid,
ſeeþ, wheþer I lie. vi if clene and riȝtwis þou goſt, anoon he ſhal waken out to
xxix Anſwerþ, I beſeche, wiþoute ſtrif, and ſpekende þat, þat
þee, and maad peſible þe dwelling place of þi riȝtwiſneſſe he
is riȝtwis, ſhewiþ. ſhal ȝelde;
xxx And ȝee ſhul not finde in my tunge wickidneſſe, ne in my vii in ſo myche þat þi raþermore weren litle, and þi laſte
chekis folie ſhal þurȝ ſoune. þingis ſhuln be multiplied ful myche.


viii Forſoþe aſke þe raþermor ieneracioun, and biſili enſerche xvi And whan he hereþ me inwardli clepende, I leue not, þat
þe mynde of þe faders. he ſhal here my vois.
ix Forſoþe wee ben as ȝiſterdai born, and wee han xvii In a whirlewind forſoþe he ſhal to-broſe me, and
vnkunnyng; for as ſhadewe oure daȝis ben vp on erþe. multiplien my woundis alſo wiþoute cauſe.
x And þei ſhul teche þee, and ſpeke to þee, and fro þin herte xviii He graunteþ not my ſpirit to reſten, and he fulfilliþ me
ſhul bringe forþ ſpechis. wiþ bitterneſſis.
xi Wheþer a reſſhe may liuen wiþoute humour? or reeddi place xix If ſtrengþe is ſoȝt, he is moſt ſtrong; if eueneneſſe of dom,
growe wiþ oute water? no man ſhal ben hardi for me to ȝelde witneſſe.
xii Whanne ȝit it be in flour, and be it not taken wiþ hond, xx If I wile iuſtefie me, my mouþ ſhal condempne me; if
beforn alle erbis it waxeþ drie. innocent I ſhal ſhewe me, a ſhrewe he ſhal proue me.
xiii So þe weies of alle men, þat forȝeten God; and þe hope of xxi Alſo iff ſymple I ſhul be, þat ſame my ſoule ſhal vnknowe;
an ipocrite ſhal perſhe. and it ſhal noȝe me of my lif.
xiiii To hym ſhal not pleſe his couwardiſe, and as þe web of xxii O þing is, þat I ſpac, alſo þe innocent and þe vnpitous
attercoppis, his troſt. he ſhal waſte.
xv He ſhal lene vp on his hous, and it ſhal not ſtonde; he ſhal xxiii If he ſcourgeþ, ſle he onys, and not of þe peynes of
vnder ſetten it, and it ſhal not riſe. innocentis laȝhe.
xvi Moiſte ſemeþ þe reſſhe, befor þe ſunne come; and in his xxiiii Þe erþe is ȝiue in to þe hondis of þe vnpitous; his dom
ſpringing þe buriownyng of it ſhal gon out. couereþ þe chere; þat if he is not, who þanne is?
xvii Vp on an hep of ſtones his rootis ſhul be maad þicke, and xxv My daȝis ſwiftere weren þan a corour; þei floun, and þei
among þe ſtonys it ſhal dwelle. ſeȝen no good.
xviii And if it pulle it vp fro his place, it ſhal denyen hym, xxvi Þei paſſeden as ſhipis berende appelis, as an egle fleende
and ſeyn, I knew not þee. to mete.
xix Þis forſoþe is þe gladneſſe of his weie, þat eft fro þe erþe xxvii Whan I ſhal ſei, Nai, þus I ſhal ſpeke; I chaunge my
oþere be buriouned. face, and wiþ ſorewe I am tormentid.
xx God ſhal not þrowen aferr þe ſymple, ne putten hond to xxviii I ſhamede alle my werkis, witende þat þou ſhuldiſt not
ſhrewis; ſpare to þe giltende.
xxi to þe time þat þi mouþ be fulfild wiþ laȝhing, and þi lippis xxix If forſoþe and ſo I am vnpitous, whi in vein haue I
wiþ ioȝe. trauailid?
xxii Þei þat hateden þee ſhul be clad wiþ confuſioun; and þe xxx If I ſhul be waſſhe as wiþ watris of ſnowȝ, and myn
tabernacle of vnpitouſe men ſhal not ſtonde ſtille. hondis as moſt clene ſhyneden,
xxxi nerþelatere wiþ filþis þou ſhalt weete me, and my cloþis
Capitulum IX. ſhul wlaten me.
xxxii Ne forſoþe to þe man þat is lic me, I ſhal anſwern; ne
i Anſwerende Job ſeiþ,
ii Verreli I wot, þat ſo
þat wiþ me in dom euenli mai ben herd.
it is, and þat a man compariſoun to xxxiii Þer is not, þat eiþer mai vndernyme, and putten his
God ſhal not be iuſtified. hond in boþe.
iii If he wile ſtriue wiþ hym, he ſhal not moun anſwere to
xxxiiii Do he awei fro me his ȝerde, and his inward drede
hym oon for a þouſend. fere me not.
iiii Wis in herte he is, and ſtrong in ſtrengþe; who wiþſtod to
xxxv I ſhal ſpeke, and I ſhal not dreden hym; ne forſoþe I
hym, and pes hadde? mai dredende anſwern.
v Þat tranſlatide hillis, and þeſe wiſten not; whom he turnede
vpſo doun in his wodneſſe. Capitulum X.
vi Þat ſtiriþ þe erþe fro his place, and his pileris ſhul be
ſmyte togidere. i It noȝeþ me of my lif; I ſhal leten aȝen me my ſpeche, I
vii Þat comaundiþ to þe ſunne, and ſpringeþ not; and cloſeþ þe ſhal ſpeke in bitterneſſe to my ſoule.
ſterris, as vnder a ſel. ii I ſhal ſei to God, Wile þou not me condempne; ſhew to me,
viii Þe whiche alone ſtreccheþ out heuenes, and goþ vp on þe whi me ſo þou demeſt.
flodis of þe ſe. iii Wheþer good to þee it ſemeþ, if þou chalenge and opreſſe
ix Þat makeþ þe ſterris, þat is clepid Arthurus, and Orionas, me, þe werk of þin hondis; and þe counſeil of vnpitous men
and Iadas, and þe innermor of þe ſouþ. þou helpe?
x Þat makeþ grete þingus and vnſerchable, and merueilouſe iiii Wheþer fleſhly eȝen ben to þee, or as ſeeþ a man, and þou
þingus, of whiche is no noumbre. ſhalt ſeen?
xi If he come to me, I ſhal not ſeen hym; if he go awei, I v Wheþer as þe daȝis of man, þi daȝes, and þi ȝeris ben as
ſhal not vnderſtonde. mannys tymes;
xii If feerli he aſke, who ſhal anſwere to hym? or who may vi þat þou ſeche my wickidneſſe, and my ſynne þou ſerche?
ſein to hym, Whi doſt þou þus? vii And wite þou, for no þing vnpitous I dide; ſiþen þer is no
xiii God, to whos wraþe no man mai wiþſtonde; vnder whom man, þat of þin hond mai deliuere?
ben bowid, þat bern þe world. viii Þin hondis maden me, and formeden me al in enuyroun;
xiiii Hou myche am I, þat I anſwere to hym, and ſpeke in and ſo feerli þou puttiſt me doun.
my woordus wiþ hym? ix Haue mynde, I beſeche, þat as clei þou madiſt me, and in
xv Þe whiche alſo, if I ſhul han any þing riȝt, ſhal not to pouder þou ſhalt aȝeen bringe me.
anſwern; but my domys man I ſhal preȝen.


x Wheþer not as mylc þou haſt mylkid me, and as cheſe þou xvi Of wreccheneſſe alſo þou ſhalt forȝete, and, as of watris
haſt crudded me? þat paſſeden, þou ſhalt not recorde.
xi Wiþ fel and fleſh þou haſt clad me; wiþ bones and ſenewis xvii And as myddai liȝting it ſhal riſe to þee at euen; and
þou haſt togidere ioyned me. whan þee waſtid þou weneſt, þou ſhalt ſpringe as þe dai
xii Lif and mercy þou haſt ȝiue to me, and þi viſiting kepte ſterre.
my ſpirit. xviii And þou ſhalt han troſt, purpoſid to þee hope; and doun
xiii Al be it þat þeſe þingus þou hidiſt in þin herte, nerþelatere dolue, ſiker þou ſhalt ſlepe.
I wot, for of alle þingus þou haſt mynde. xix Þou ſhalt reſte, and þer ſhal not be þat fere þee; and
xiiii If I ſynnede, and at an houre þou ſparedeſt to me; whi manye ſhul preȝe þi face.
fro my wickidneſſe þou ſuffriſt not me to be clene? xx Þe eȝen forſoþe of vnpitous men ſhul faile; and out fliȝt
xv And if a wickid man I ſhal be, wo is to me; and if ſhal perſhe fro hem, and þe hope of hem abhomynacioun of
riȝtwis, I ſhal not reren vp þe hed, fulfild wiþ affliccioun and ſoule.
xvi And for pride as a leouneſſe þou ſhalt take me; and turned Capitulum XII.
aȝeen, merueilouſly þou tormentiſt me. i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeide,
xvii Þou reſtoriſt þi witneſſis aȝen me, and þou multiplieſt þi
ii Þanne ȝee ben men alone, þat wiþ ȝou dwelle wiſdam?
wraþe aȝen me; and peynes fiȝten in me. iii And to me is an herte, as and to ȝou,
xviii Whi of þe wombe þou broȝtiſt me out? Þat wolde God I ne lowere I am þan
hadde be waſtid, þat eȝe ſhulde not ſeen me. ȝee; who forſoþe þeſe þingis, þat ȝee knowen, vnknoweþ?
iiii Who is ſcorned of his frend, as I, inwardli ſhal clepe
xix I hadde ben as I were not, fro þe wombe tranſlatid to þe
toumbe. God, and he ſhal heren hym; forſoþe þe ſympleneſſe of þe
xx Wheþer not þe feweneſſe of my daȝis ſhal ben endid in
riȝtwiſe is ſcorned.
v A laumpe deſpiſid anent þe þoȝtis of riche men, maad redi
ſhort? Let me þanne, þat I weile a litil while my ſorewe, to þe ordeyned time.
xxi er I go, and turne not aȝeen, to þe derke erþe, and
vi Þe tabernaclis of reueres abounden; and hardili þei terren
couered wiþ þe dercneſſe of deþ þe erþe of wrecchidneſſe and God, whan he ȝiueþ alle þingus in to þe hondis of hem.
of dercneſſis; vii No wunder, aſke þe beſtis, and þei ſhul teche þee; and þe
xxii wher ſhadewe of deþ, and noon order, but fulli indwelliþ
euere durende orrour. foulis of heuene, and þei ſhul ſhewe to þee.
viii Spec to þe erþe, and it ſhal anſwer to þee; and þe fiſſhis
of þe ſe ſhul telle þo þingis.
Capitulum XI. ix Who vnknoweþ, þat alle þeſe þingis þe hond of þe Lord
i Anſwerende forſoþe Sofar Naamatithes ſeide, made?
ii Wheþer he, þat manye þingus ſpekiþ, wheþer and he ſhal x In whos hond þe ſoule of alle lyuynge, and þe ſpirit of alle
heren? or a man ful of woordis ſhal be iuſtefied? fleſh of man.
iii To þee alone men ſhul holde þer pes? and whan oþer men xi Wheþer not þe ere demeþ woordis, and þe chekis of þe
þou ſcorneſt, of no man þou ſhalt be confoundid? etere ſauour?
iiii Þou forſoþe ſeidiſt, Pure is my woord, and clene I am in xii In olde men is wiſdam, and in myche time prudence.
þi ſiȝte. xiii Anent hym is wiſdam and ſtrengþe; he haþ counſeil and
v And wolde God, God ſhulde ſpeke wiþ þee, and openen his vnderſtonding.
lippis to þee; xiiii If he deſtroȝe, no man is þat bilde vp; if he incloſe a
vi þat he ſhulde ſhewe to þee þe priuytes of wiſdam, and þat man, no man is þat opene.
manyfold is his lawe, and þou ſhuldeſt vnderſtonde, þat manye xv If he holde togidere watris, alle þingus ſhul be maad drie;
laſſe þingus þou art aſkid of hym, þan deſerueþ þi wickidneſſe. if he out ſende þem, þei ſhul turne vpſodoun þe erþe.
vii Perauenture þe ſteppis of God þou ſhalt holde, and vnto xvi Anent hym is ſtrengþe and wiſdam; he knew and þe
perfit þe Almyȝti þou ſhalt finde. begilere and hym þat is begilid.
viii Heiȝere þan heuene he is, and what ſhalt þou do? deppere xvii And he bringeþ forþ þe counſeileris in to a fool ende, and
þan helle, and whennys ſhalt þou knowen? domeſmen in to ſtoneing.
ix Lengere þan þe erþe þe meſure of hym, and braddere þan xviii Þe girdil of kingus he looſide, and girte wiþ a corde þe
þe ſe. reenes of hem.
x If he turne vpſo doun alle þingus, or in to oon drawe xix He bringeþ þe preſtis of hem vnglorious, and þe beſte men
togidere, who ſhal aȝenſein to hym? Or who ſhal moun ſey to of wrſhipe he ſupplauntiþ;
hym, Whi doſt þou ſo? xx chaungende þe lippe of trewe men, and þe teching of olde
xi He forſoþe knewȝ þe vanyte of men; and ſeande wickidneſſe
men doende awei.
wheþer he beholde not? xxi He heeldeþ out deſpiſing vp on princis, and hem, þat
xii A veyn man in to pride is rerid; and as a colt of an aſſe,
weren opreſſid, releueþ.
he weeneþ hymſelf born free. xxii Þat ſheweþ vp depe þingis fro dercneſſis; and bringeþ
xiii Þou forſoþe haſt faſtned þin herte, and haſt ſprad out to
forþ in to liȝt þe ſhadewe of deþ.
hym þin hondis. xxiii Þat multeplieþ Jentilis, and leeſiþ hem, and turned vpſo
xiiii If þe wickidneſſe, þat is in þin hond, þou takeſt awei fro
doun in to þe hoole reſtoreþ.
þee, and vnriȝtwiſneſſe abideþ not ſtille in þi tabernacle, xxiiii Þat wiþinne chaungeþ þe herte of þe prince of þe puple
xv þanne þou ſhalt moun rere þi face wiþ oute wem, and þou
of þe erþe; and deſceyueþ hem, þat in vein þei go bi wiþoute
ſhalt be ſtable, and not dreden. weie.


xxv Þei ſhul graſpen, as in dercneſſis, and not in liȝt; and he ii Þat as a flour goþ out, and is totreden; and fleþ as
ſhal make þem to erren as drunken. ſhadewe, and neuere in þe ſame ſtate abit ſtille.
iii And wrþi þou bringiſt vpon ſuch a man to opene þin eȝen;
Capitulum XIII. and to bringe hym wiþ þee in to dom?
iiii Who mai make clene þe conceyued of vnclene ſed? Wheþer
i Lo! alle þingus ſaȝ myn eȝe, and myn ere herde; and I
vnderſtod alle þingus. not þou, þat art alone?
v Shorte ben þe daȝis of man, þe noumbre of his moneþis is
ii Aftyr ȝoure kunnyng and I knewȝ, ne þe neþere of ȝou I
am. anent þee; þou haſt ordeyned his termes, þat ſhul not moun be
iii But nerþelater to þe Almyȝty I ſhal ſpeke, and to diſpute
paſſid ouer.
vi Go awei þanne a litil fro hym, þat he reſte; to þe time þat
wiþ God I coueite; þe deſirid dai come, and as of an hirid man þe dai of hym.
iiii raþere ſhewende ȝou forgeris of leſingus, and herieris of
vii A tree haþ hope, if it be kut of; eft it waxeþ grene, and
ſhreude techingis. his braunchis ſpringen.
v And wolde God, ȝee heelde ȝoure pes, þat ȝee weren weened
viii If his roote waxe old in þe erþe, and in pouder were out
wiſe men to ben. dead;
vi Hereþ þanne my correcciouns; and to þe dom of my lippis
ix his ſtoc at þe ſmel of water ſhal burioune, and ſhal make
takeþ heede to. an hep of leues, as whan firſt it is plauntid.
vii Wheþer God nedeþ ȝoure leſing, þat for hym ȝee ſpeke
x A man forſoþe whan he ſhal be dead, and nakid, and
treccheries? waſtid; wher, I beſeche, is he?
viii Wheþer his face ȝee taken, and for God ȝee enforcen to
xi What maner if watris gon awei fro þe ſe, and flod voided
deme? waxe drie,
ix Or it ſhal pleſe to hym, whom hide no þing mai? Or he
xii ſo a man, whan he ſlepeþ, ſhal not riſe, to þe time þat he
ſhal be deſceiued, as a man, wiþ oure gilis? be totreden; heuene ſhal not wake out, ne he ſhal riſe fro his
x He ȝou ſhal vndernyme; for in hydelis his face ȝee take.
xi Anoon as he ſtereþ hymſelf, he ſhal diſturbe ȝou; and his xiii Who ȝeue to me þat, þat in helle þou defende me, and
drede ſhal falle vp on ȝou. hide me, to þe time þi wodneſſe ouerpaſſe; and ſette to me a
xii Ȝoure mynde ſhal be compariſound to aſkis; and ȝoure time, in whiche þou recorde of me?
nollis ſhul be broȝt aȝeen in to clei. xiiii Wheþer weeneſt þou not a dead man eft liue? Alle þe
xiii Beþ ſtille a litil while, þat I ſpeke, what euere þing to me daȝis, in whiche now I fiȝte, I abide, to þe time myn inward
þe mynde moue to. chaunging come.
xiiii Whi to-tere I my fleſh wiþ my teþ, and my ſoule I bere xv Þou ſhalt clepe me, and I ſhal anſwere to þee; to þe werc
in myn hondis? of þin hondis þou ſhalt putte forþ þe riȝt hond.
xv Alſo if he ſle me, in hym I ſhal hope; nerþelatere my xvi Þou forſoþe haſt noumbrid my goingis; but ſpare to my
weies in his ſiȝte I ſhal vndernyme. ſynnes.
xvi And he ſhal be my ſauyoure; forſoþe þer ſhal not come in xvii Þou haſt ſelid as in a litil ſac my giltis, but þou haſt
his ſiȝt eche ipocrite. kurid my wickidneſſe.
xvii Hereþ my woord, and þe derke ſpeches parceyneþ wiþ xviii A fallende hil flowiþ doun, and a ſton is born ouer fro
ȝoure eris. his place.
xviii If I ſhul be demed, I wot þat riȝtwis I ſhal be founde. xix Watris þerlen out ſtones, and of ſmyting of watris þe erþe
xix Who is he þat be demed wiþ me? Come he; whi beende litle mele is waſtid; þanne men lic maner þou ſhalt leeſe.
xx Þou haſt ſtrengþid hym a litil, þat in to euermor he ſhulde
ſtille I am waſtid?
xx Two þingus onli ne do þou to me; and þanne fro þi face I paſſe; þou ſhalt inchaungen his face, and þou ſhalt ſenden hym
ſhal not ben hid. out.
xxi Þin hond fer do fro me; and þi ferd gaſte not me. xxi If forſoþe noble ſhul ben his ſonys, or vnnoble, he ſhal not
xxii Clep me, and I ſhal anſweren to þee; or certis I ſhal vnderſtonde.
xxii Nerþelatere his fleſh whil it liueþ, ſhal ſorewen, and his
ſpeke, and þou anſwere to me.
xxiii Hou fele haue I wickidneſſis and ſynnes? Myn hidous ſoule vp on himſelf ſhal weilen.
treſpaſis and giltis ſheu to me.
xxiiii Whi þi face þou hidiſt, and demeſt me þin enemy? Capitulum XV.
xxv Aȝen a lef, þat is raueſhid wiþ þe wind, þou ſhewiſt þi i Anſwerende forſoþe Elifath Themanythes ſeide,
myȝt; and drie ſtobil þou purſueſt. ii Wheþer a wis man ſhal anſwere, as ſpekende in to wind,
xxvi Forſoþe þou writiſt aȝen me bitterneſſis; and waſte me and he ſhal fulfille wiþ brennyng his ſtomac?
þou wilt wiþ ſynnes of my waxende ȝouþe. iii Þou vndernemyſt hym wiþ woordis, þat is not euene to
xxvii Þou haſt putte in þe ſtoc my foot, and þou haſt waitid þee, and þou ſpekiſt, þat ſpedeþ not to þee.
alle my paþis; and þe ſteppis of my feet þou haſt beholde. iiii As myche as in þee is, þou haſt voidid drede; and taken
xxviii Þe whiche as roteneſſe am to be waſtid, and as cloþing awei preȝeeris befor God.
þat is eten of a mowȝhe. v Forſoþe þi wickidneſſe tauȝte þi mouþ, and þou folewiſt a
tunge of blasfemende men.
Capitulum XIIII. vi Þi mouþ ſhal condempne þee, and not I, and þi lippis ſhul
iA anſwer to þee.
man born of a womman, ſhort time liuende, is fulfild wiþ
many wrecchidneſſis.


vii Wheþer þe firſte man þou art born, and beforn alle hillis Capitulum XVI.
formed? i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeide,
viii Wheþer þe counſeil of God þou haſt herd, and lowere þan
ii I haue herd ofte ſiþes ſuche þingus; alle ȝee ben heuye
þou ſhalt ben his wiſdam?
ix What knewe þou, þat wee vnknowen? What vnderſtondes coumfortoures.
iii Wheþir windi woordis ſhul not han ende? or any þing is
þou, þat wee wite not?
x And men of þe laſte age and of manye ȝeeris ben in vs, greuous to þee, if þou ſpekiſt?
iiii And I myȝte lic þingis of ȝou ſpeken, and wolde God
myche eldere þan þi fadris.
xi Wheþer gret it is, þat God coumforte þee? But þi ſhreude ȝoure lif were for my lif; and I ſhulde coumforte ȝou wiþ
woordis forfenden þat. woordis, and moue myn hed vp on ȝou;
v I ſhulde ſtrengþe ȝou wiþ my mouþ, and moue þe lippis as
xii What rereþ þee þin herte, and as grete þingis þenkende
þou haſt ſtoneȝid eȝen? ſparende to ȝou. But what ſhal I do?
vi If I ſhal ſpeke, my ſorewe `ſhal not reſte; and if I ſhul
xiii What aȝen God ſwelleþ þi ſpirit, þat þou ſpeke of þi mouþ
ſuche maner woordis? holde my pes, it `ſhal not go fro me awei.
vii Now forſoþe my ſorewe haþ opreſſid me, and alle my
xiiii What is a man, þat he be vndefoulid, and riȝtwis ſeme
born of a womman? lymes ben turned in to noȝt.
viii My ryuelis ſeyn witneſſe aȝen me, and þe falſe ſeiere is
xv Lo! among his ſeintus noon is vnchaungable, and heuenes
ben not clene in his ſiȝt. rered vp aȝen my face, wiþſeiende to me.
ix He gederede his wodneſſe in me, and þretende to me
xvi Hou myche more an abhominable and an vnprofitable
man, þat drinkeþ as watris wickidneſſe? gnaſtide vp on me wiþ his teþ; myn enemy wiþ griſli eȝen me
xvii I ſhal ſhewe to þee, here me; þat I ſaȝ, I ſhal telle to
x Þei openeden þer mouþis vp on me, and myſſeiende ſmyten
þee. my cheke; þei ben fulfild wiþ my peynes.
xviii Wiſe men knoulechen, and ſhul not hide þer faders.
xi God haþ cloſid me anent þe wicke, and to þe hondis of
xix To whom alone is ȝiue þe erþe, and þer ſhal not paſſe an
vnpitouſe toc me.
alien bi hem. xii And I he ſum time plenteuouſe, feerli am ſorewid; he haþ
xx Alle his daȝis þe vnpitous man proudeþ; and þe noumbre
holde my nol; he haþ to-broſid me, and put me as in to a
of ȝeris of his tiraundiſe is vncertein. marke.
xxi Þe ſoun of ferd euermore in þe eris of hym, and whan xiii He haþ enuyround me wiþ his ſperis, he woundede my
pes is, he euermor troweþ aſpies. leendis to gidere; he ſparide not, and he dalf out in to þe erþe
xxii He beleueþ not þat he mai be turned aȝeen fro dercneſſes my bowelis.
vnto liȝt, beholdende ſwerd on alle ſides aboute. xiiii And he heewȝ me wiþ wounde vp on wounde; and he fel
xxiii Whan he moueþ hymſelf to ſechen bred, he knew, þat dai in to me as a ieaunt.
of dercneſſis is maad redi in his hond. xv I ſouwide a ſac vpon my ſkin; and I couerede my fleſh
xxiiii Tribulacioun ſhal gaſten hym, and anguyſh ſhal wiþ aſkis.
enuyroune hym, as a king þat is beforn maad redi to bataile. xvi My face to-ſwal for weping, and myn eȝe lidis daſwiden.
xxv Forſoþe he bende his hond aȝen God, and aȝen þe xvii Þeſe þingus I ſuffride wiþoute wickidneſſe of myn hond,
Almyȝti he is ſtrengþid. whan I hadde to God clene preȝeeris.
xxvi He ran aȝen God þe necke vpriȝt, and he is armed wiþ a xviii Erþe, ne couere þou my blod, ne my cry finde in þee
fat nol. place of lurking.
xxvii Fatneſſe couerde his face, and of his ſides grece hangeþ. xix Lo! forſoþe in heuene is my witneſſe; am I knowere of
xxviii He ſhall dwelle in deſolat cites, and in deſert houſis, þat myſelf in heiȝtis?
ben broȝt in to toumbis. xx My woordi frendis, myn eȝe droppiþ to God.
xxix He ſhal not be maad riche, ne his ſubſtaunce ſhal abide xxi And wolde God, ſo a man ſhulde be demed wiþ God, hou
ſtille; and he ſhal not putte in þe erþe his roote, þe ſone of man is demed wiþ his felawe.
xxx ne gon awei fro dercneſſis. His braunchis flaume ſhal xxii Lo! forſoþe ſhorte ȝeris paſſen, and þe ſty, bi þe whiche I
make drie, and he ſhal be take awei þurȝ þe ſpirit of his ſhal not be turned aȝeen, I go.
xxxi Trowe he not in vein bi errour deſceyued, þat for any
Capitulum XVII.
pris he is to ben aȝeen boȝt.
xxxii Er his daȝis ben fulfild, he ſhal perſhe, and his hondis i My ſpirit ſhal be maad þynne; my daȝis ſhul be ſhortid, and
ſhul waxe drie; onli to me leueþ ouer a ſepulcre.
xxxiii he ſhal `ben hurt as a vine, in þe firſte flour his cluſter, ii I ſynnede not, and in bittirneſſis abideþ myn eȝe.
and as an oliue þrowende awei his flour. iii Lord, deliuere me, and put me beſide þee; and whos euere
xxxiiii Forſoþe þe gedering of an ipocrite barein, and fyr ſhal hond þou wilt, fiȝte aȝen me.
deuoure þer tabernaclis, þat gladli taken ȝiftis. iiii Þe herte of hem þou haſt maad aferre fro diſcipline;
xxxv He conceyuede ſorewe, and bar wickidneſſe, and his þerfore þei ſhul not ben enhauncid.
wombe befor makiþ redi treccheries. v A prei he behotiþ to felawis, and his ſones eȝen ſhul failen.
vi He putte me as in to a prouerbe of þe comun, and his
exſaumple beforn hem.
vii At þe indignacioun daſwide myn eȝe; and my lymes as
vnto noȝt ben broȝt.


viii Riȝtwis men ſhul ſtoneȝen vp on þat; and þe innocent aȝen xxi Þeſe þanne ben þe tabernaclis of þe wicke man; and þis
þe ipocrite ſhal be ſtirid vp. his place, þat vnknowiþ God.
ix And þe riȝtwis ſhal holden his weie, and wiþ clene hondis
adde ſtrengþe. Capitulum XIX.
x Þanne alle ȝee beþ conuertid, and comeþ; and I ſhal not
i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeide,
finde in ȝou any wis man. ii Hou longe ȝee tormente my lif,
xi My daȝis paſſeden; my þoȝtis ben ſcatered, tormentende and pownen me wiþ
myn herte. woordis?
iii Lo! ten ſiþes ȝee confounde me, and ȝee ſhame not,
xii Nyȝt þei turneden in to dai; and eft aftir dercneſſis I hope
liȝt. opreſſende me.
iiii Forſoþe if I am vnknowende, wiþ me it ſhal be, myn
xiii If I ſhul ſuſtene, helle is myn hous; and in dercneſſis I
beddede my bed. vnkunnyng.
v And ȝee aȝen me ben rerid, and vndernyme me wiþ my
xiiii To ſtinc I ſeide, Þou art my fader; My moder and my
ſiſter, to wermes. repreues.
vi Nameli now vnderſtondeþ, for God not wiþ euene dom
xv Wher is þanne now myn abiding? and my pacience who
beholdeþ? tormentiþ me, and wiþ his ſcourgis girdiþ me.
vii Lo! I ſhal crie ſufferende fors, and no man ſhal here; I
xvi In to þe moſt deppeſt helle ſhul falle doun alle myne;
weneſt þou nameli, wheþir þere ſhal ben reſte to me? ſhal crien out, and þer is not þat deme.
viii My ſty he heggide aboute, and I mai not gon ouer; and

Capitulum XVIII. in my paþ he putte dercneſſes.

ix He ſpoilide me my glorie, and he toc awei þe croune fro
i Anſwerende forſoþe Baldath Suythes ſeide, myn hed.
ii In to what ende woordis þou ſhalt boſte? Vnderſtond raþere, x He deſtroȝide me al aboute, and I perſhe; and as to a
and ſo ſpeke wee. pullid vp tree he toc awey myn hope.
iii Whi be wee holden as beſtis, and wee han waxe foul xi His wodneſſe is wroþ aȝen me; and ſo me he hadde as his
before þee? enemy.
iiii What leſiſt þou þi ſoule in þi wodneſſe? Wheþer for þee þe xii His þeues camen togidere, and maden to hem a weie bi
erþe ſhal be forſaken, and rochis ſhal be tranſlatid fro þer me; and beſegiden in enuyroun my tabernacle.
placis? xiii He made a ferr my breþren fro me; and my knowen as
v Wheþer þe liȝt of þe wycke man ſhal not be quenchid; ne þe alienes wenten awei fro me.
flaume of his fyr ſhal ſhyne? xiiii My neȝh men forſoken me; and þat me hadden knowe
vi Liȝt ſhal waxe derk in his tabernacle; and þe lanterne þat forȝete me.
is vpon hym ſhal be quenchid. xv Þe comelingus of myn hous and myn hond wymen as an
vii Þe goingis of his vertue ſhul be ſtreitid; and his counſeyl alien hadden me; and as a pilgrim I was in þe eȝen of hem.
ſhal putten hym doun. xvi My ſeruaunt I clepide, and he anſwerde not to me; wiþ
viii Forſoþe he putte in his feet in to þe nett; and in his filþis my propre mouþ I preȝede hym.
he goþ. xvii My wif agriſide my breþ; and I preȝede þe ſones of my
ix His ſole ſhal ben holde wiþ a grene; and þriſt ſhal brenne wombe.
out aȝen hym. xviii Foolys alſo deſpiſiden me; and whan I hadde gon awei
x His foot grene is hid in þe erþe, and his deſceyuende gyn fro þem, þei `bacbiten to me.
vp on þe ſty. xix Sum time my counſeyleris wlateden me; and whom I
xi Al aboute feris ſhul gaſten hym, and wiþinne wrappen his moſt loouede wiþſtod me.
feet. xx My bon cleuede to my ſkin, þe fleſh waſtid; and onli þe
xii His ſtrengþe ſhal ben feblid wiþ hunger; and ſcarſneſſe of lippis ben lafte aboute my teþ.
mete aſaile his ribbis. xxi Haueþ reuþe of me, haueþ reuþe of me, nameli, ȝee my
xiii Deuoure it þe fairneſſe of hys ſkin; þe firſte goten deþ frendis; for þe hond of þe Lord haþ touchid me.
waſte þe armys of hym. xxii Whi purſue ȝee me, as God; and wiþ my fleſh ȝee be
xiiii His troſt be pullid vp fro his tabernacle; and deþ trede vp fulfild?
on hym, as a king al aboue. xxiii Who ȝiueþ to me, þat my woordis be writen?
xv Dwellen his felawis in þe tabernacle of hym þat is not; xxiiii Who ȝiueþ to me þat þei be grauen in a boc wiþ an iren
brumſton be ſprengd in his tabernacle. pointel, or wiþ a pece of led; or wiþ a chiſell þei be grauen in
xvi Doun be dried his rootis; aboue forſoþe be totreden his flint?
rip. xxv Forſoþe I wot, þat myn aȝeenbiere liueþ, and in þe laſte
xvii Þe mynde of hym perſhe fro þe erþe; and his name be not dai I am to riſe fro þe erþe;
maad ſolempne in ſtretis. xxvi and eft ſhal ben enuyround wiþ my ſkin, and in my fleſh
xviii He ſhal putten hym out fro liȝt in to dercneſſis; and fro I ſhal ſe God, my ſauere.
þe roundneſſe ouerbern hym. xxvii Whom I myſelf am to ſeen, and myn eȝen ben to
xix His ſed ne progenye ſhal ben in his puple, ne any beholden, and noon oþer. Þis myn hope is led vp in my
remnaunt in þe regiouns of hym. boſum.
xx In his daȝes þe laſte men ſhul ſtoneȝen; and griſing ſhal xxviii Whi þanne now ſey ȝee, Purſue wee hym, and þe roote
aſaile þe firſte. of woord finde wee aȝen hym?


xxix Fleeþ þanne fro þe face of ſwerd; for vengere of xxviii Þe buriounyng of his hous ſhal ben opened; it ſhal be
wickidneſſe is þe ſwerd, and witeþ dom to be. to drawen awei in þe dai of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord.
xxix Þis is þe part of þe vnpitous man fro God, and þe
Capitulum XX. eritage of his woordis fro þe Lord.
i Anſwerende forſoþe Sofar Naamatites, ſeide,
ii Þerfore my Capitulum XXI.
þoȝtis diuers comyn after oþer to þem; and my
mynde in to diuers þingus is raueſhid. i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeide,
iii Þe doctrine þat þou vndernemeſt me, I ſhal heren; and þe ii Hereþ, I beſeche, my woordis, and doþ penaunce.
ſpirit of myn vnderſtonding ſhal anſwern to me. iii Suffreþ me, and I ſhal ſpeke; and after my woordus, if it
iiii Þat I wot fro þe begynnyng, ſiþen a man `is ſett vp on ſhul be ſeen, laȝheþ.
erþe, iiii Wheþir aȝen man is my diſputeſoun, þat þurȝ deſert I owe
v þat þe preiſing of vnpitous men is ſhort, and þe ioȝe of an not to be maad ſory?
ipocrite at þe licneſſe of a point. v Takeþ heede to me, and becomeþ doumbe; and puttiþ vpon
vi If his pride ſteȝe vp in to heuene, and þe cloude touche his þe finger to ȝoure mouþ.
hed, vi And whan I ſhal recorde, drede and trembling ſhal ſmyte
vii as a dunghil, in þe ende he ſhal ben loſt; and þei þat togidere my fleſh.
hadden ſeen hym, ſhul ſein, Wher is he? vii Whi þanne vnpitous men liuen, and ben rered vp, and
viii As a ſweuene fleende awei he ſhal not be founde; he ſhal coumfortid wiþ richeſſis?
paſſe as þe nyȝt ſiȝte. viii Þe ſed of hem abit ſtille beforn hem; and þe cumpanye of
ix Þe eȝe þat hym ſaȝ ſhal not ſeen; and his place no mor ſhal neeȝh men, and of coſynes in þe ſiȝte of hem.
beholden hym. ix Þe houſis of hem ben ſikere, and peſible; and þe ȝerde of
x His ſones ſhul be to-trede wiþ nede; and þe hondis of hym God is not vp on hem.
ſhul ȝelde to hym his ſorewe. x Þe oxe of hem conceyuede, and bar not abortif; þe kow bar,
xi Þe bones of hym ſhul be fulfild wiþ vicis of his waxende and is not priued þe frut.
ȝouþe; and wiþ hym in pouder þei ſhul ſlepe. xi Þe litle childer of hem gon out as flockis; and þe fauntis of
xii Whan forſoþe euel were ſweete in his mouþ, he hidde it hem gladen out wiþ pleies.
vnder his tunge. xii Þey holden þe timbre, and þe harpe; and ioȝen at þe ſoun
xiii He ſhal ſpare to it, and not forſaken it; and hiden in his of þe orgne.
þrote. xiii Þei leden in goodis þer daȝis; and in a point to hellis þei
xiiii Þe bred of hym in his wombe ſhal be turned in to galle go doun.
of edderes wiþinneforþ. xiiii Þe whiche ſeiden to God, Go awei fro vs; þe kunnyng of
xv Þe richeſſis þat he deuourede, he ſhal ſpewen out; and of þi weies wee wiln not.
his wombe God ſhal drawe þem out. xv Who is þe Almyȝti, þat wee ſerue to hym? and what
xvi Þe hed of edderes ſhal riſe; and þe tunge of þe ſerpent profiteþ to vs, if wee preȝen hym?
ſhal ſlen hym. xvi Nerþelater for þer goodis ben not in þe hond of hem, þe
xvii See he not þe litle ryueres of þe flod, of þe ſtrem of hony, counſeil of vnpitous men be aferr fro me.
and of buttere. xvii Hou ofte ſiþes þe lanterne of vnpitouſe men ſhal be
xviii He ſhal abie alle þingus þat he dide, and nerþelatere he quenchid, and flowing ouercam to þem, and deuidede þe
ſhal not be waſtid; aftir þe multitude of his findingus, ſo and ſorewis of his wodneſſe?
he ſhal ſuffre. xviii Þei ſhul ben as chaf befor þe face of wind; and as a
xix For brekende togidere he nakide þe hous of þe pore man; ſparke, þat þe cole ſcatereþ.
raueſhide, and not bilde it. xix God ſhal kepe to þe ſones of hym þe ſorewe of þe fader;
xx And his wombe is not fulfild; and whan he ſhal han, þat and whan he ſhal ȝelde, þanne he ſhal knowen.
he hadde coueitid, he ſhal not moun welde. xx His eȝen ſhul ſeen his ſlaȝter; and of þe wodneſſe of þe
xxi Þer `lafte not of his mete; and þerfore no þing ſhal leue of Almyȝti he ſhal drinke.
his goodus. xxi What forſoþe to hym perteneþ of his hous aftir hym, and
xxii Whan he ſhal be fulfild, he ſhal be ſtreyned, and brenne; if þe noumbre of his moneþis ſhal `come to þe half?
and alle ſorewe ſhal falle in to hym. xxii Wheþir any man ſhal teche God kunnyng, þat demeþ heȝe
xxiii Wolde God his wombe be fulfild, þat he ſende out in to men?
hym þe wraþe of his wodneſſe, and reyne vp on hym his xxiii Þis dieþ ſtronge and hol, riche and welſun.
bataile. xxiiii His bowelis ben ful of talȝ; and þe bones of hym ben
xxiiii He ſhal fleen iren armys; and he ſhal falle in to þe
moiſtid wiþ marȝ.
braſene bowe. xxv Anoþer forſoþe dieþ in þe bitterneſſe of his ſoule, wiþoute
xxv Broȝt out, and goende out fro his ſheþe, and leitinge in to
any richeſſis.
his bitterneſſe; þei ſhul go, and come vp on hym alle grisful. xxvi And nerþelater togidere in pouder þei ſhul ſlepe, and
xxvi Hid dercneſſis be in his priue þingus; fyr ſhal deuoure
wermes ſhul couere þem.
hym, þat ſhal not be brend vp; laft in his tabernacle he ſhal xxvii Certis I haue knowe ȝoure þoȝtis, and ȝoure wicke
be tormentid.
xxvii Heuenys ſhul ſhewen his wickidneſſe; and erþe ſhal riſe ſentencis aȝen me.
xxviii Ȝee ſeyn forſoþe, Wher is þe hous of þe prince? and
aȝen hym.
where þe tabernaclis of vnpitous men?


xxix Aſkeþ any man of þe weie goeris; and þeſe ſame þingis xxv And þe Almyȝti ſhal ben aȝen þin enemys; and ſeluer ſhal
ȝee ſhul knowe hym to vnderſtonde. ben hepid to þee.
xxx For þe euele man ſhal be kept `in to þe dai of perdicioun, xxvi Þanne vp on þe Almyȝti delicis þou ſhalt flowen; and
and to þe dai of wodneſſe he ſhal be broȝt. þou ſhalt reren vp to God þi face.
xxxi Who ſhal vndernyme beforn hym his weyes? and what he xxvii Þou ſhalt preȝen hym, and he ſhal here þee; and þi
dide, who ſhal ȝelde to hym? vouwis þou ſhalt ȝelde.
xxxii He ſhal be broȝt to þe ſepulcris; and in þe hipil of deade xxviii Þou ſhalt beholden a þing, and it ſhal come to þee; and
men ſhal wake. in þi weies liȝt ſhal ſhyne.
xxxiii He was ſweete to þe greet of helle flod; and after hym xxix He forſoþe þat ſhal be mekid, ſhal ben in glorie; and he
alle men he droȝ, and beforn hym vnnoumbrable. þat bowiþ his eȝen, ſhal be ſaued.
xxxiiii Hou þanne coumforte ȝee me in vein, whan ȝoure xxx Þe innocent ſhal be ſaued; forſoþe he ſhal be ſaued bi þe
anſweris ben ſhewid to repugne `to þe treuþe? clenneſſe of hyſe hondys.

Capitulum XXII. Capitulum XXIII.

i Anſwerende forſoþe Elifath Temanites ſeide, i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeide,
ii Wheþer to God mai a man ben compariſound, alſo whan he ii Now alſo in bitterneſſe is my woord, and þe hond of my
ſhal be of perfit kunnyng? veniaunce is agreggid vp on my weiling.
iii What profitiþ to God, if þou ſhul be riȝtwis? or what to iii Who to me ȝeue, þat I knowe, and finde hym, and come
hym bringiſt þou, if þi lif were vndefoulid? vnto þe ſeet of hym?
iiii Wheþer dredende he ſhal vndernyme þee, and come wiþ iiii I ſhal ſetten beforn hym dom, and my mouþ I ſhal fille
þee in to dom, wiþ blamyngis;
v and not for þi myche malice, and þi wickidneſſis vnendid? v þat I wite þe woordis, þat he anſwerþ to me, and
vi Forſoþe þou haſt take awei þe wed of þi breþern wiþ oute vnderſtonde what he ſpeke to me.
cauſe; and nakid men þou haſt ſpoilid fro cloþis. vi I wil not wiþ myche ſtrengþe he ſtriue wiþ me, ne wiþ þe
vii Water to þe weri þou ȝeue not; and to þe hungri þou peis of his mykilneſſe he bere me doun.
wiþdrowe bred. vii He purpoſe eueneneſſe aȝen me, and myn dom come to
viii In þe ſtrengþe of þin arm þou weldedeſt þe erþe; and moſt victorie.
myȝti þou heelde it. viii If to þe eſt I ſhal go, he apereþ not; if to þe weſt, I ſhal
ix Widewis þou laftiſt voide; and þe brawnes of moderles not vnderſtonde hym;
childer þou to-broſidiſt. ix if to þe lift, what ſhal I do? I ſhal not otake hym; if I
x Þerfore þou art enuyround wiþ granes; and feerli drede turne me to þe riȝt, I ſhal not ſeen hym.
diſturbide þee. x He forſoþe wot my weie, and ſhal proue me as gold, þat
xi Þou wendeſt þee not to ſeen dercneſſis; and þurȝ bire of þurȝ þe fyr paſſeþ.
rennynge watris not to ben opreſſid. xi My foot folewide his ſteppis; his weie I kepte, and I
xii Wheþer þenkeſt þou, þat God be heȝere þan heuene, and bowide not doun fro it.
ouer þe cop of ſterres he be heȝed? xii Fro þe heſtis of his lippis I wente not awei; and in my
xiii And þou ſeiſt, What forſoþe þe Lord knewȝ? and, As bi boſum I hidde þe woordis of his mouþ.
dercneſſe he demeþ? xiii He forſoþe is alone, and no man mai turne awey his
xiiii A cloude his hidelis, ne oure þingus he beholdeþ, and þoȝtis; and his ſoule what þing euere it wolde, þat it dide.
aboute þe vttermoſtis of heuene he goþ. xiiii Whan it ſhal fulfille in me his wil, and oþere manye lic
xv Wheþer þe ſti of worldis þou coueitiſt to kepe, þe whiche þingus ben redi to hym.
wicke men treden? xv And þerfore fro þe face of hym I am diſturbid, and
xvi Þe whiche ben rerid befor þer time, and flod turnede vp ſo beholdende hym wiþ drede I am biſy.
doun þe foundement of hem. xvi God temprede myn herte, and þe Almyȝti diſturbide me.
xvii Þe whiche ſeiden to God, Go awei fro vs; and as þe xvii Forſoþe I perſhide not for þe aboue comende dercneſſis;
Almyȝti miȝte do no þing, þei eymeden hym, and duſkneſſe couerede my face.
xviii whan he hadde fulfild þer houſis wiþ goodis; whos
ſentence ferr be fro me. Capitulum XXIIII.
xix Riȝtwis men ſhul ſeen, and be glad; and þe innocent ſhal
i Fro þe Almyȝti ben not hid þe times; þei forſoþe þat knewen
ſcorne þem. hym, vnknowen his daȝis.
xx Wheþer is nott hewe doun þe rering vp of hem, and fyr
ii Oþere men tranſlateden termes, breeken atwynne þe flockis,
ſhall deuoure þer relikis? and fedden hem.
xxi Aſſente þanne to hym, and haue pes; and bi þeſe þingus
iii Þei dryuen awei þe aſſe of moderles childer, and token
þou ſhalt han beſt frutis. awei for a wed þe oxe of þe widewe.
xxii Tac of his mouþ þe lawe, and put his woordis in þin
iiii Þei turneden vp ſo doun þe weie of pore men, and
herte. opreſſeden togidere þe debonere men of erþe.
xxiii If þou ſhul be turned aȝeen to þe Almyȝti, þou ſhalt be
v Oþere men as aſſis in deſert gon out to þer werc; and
bild vp; and aferr þou ſhalt make þe wickidneſſe fro þi wakende at þe prey, greiþe bred to fre childer.
tabernacle. vi Þe feld not þers þei deſtroȝen, and his vine, whom bi
xxiiii He ſhal ȝiue for þe erþe flint, and for þe flint goldene
ſtremes. violence þei opreſſeden, þei kutte þe grapis.


vii Nakid þei leue men, takende awei cloþis, to whom is no iiii Or whom woldeſt þou techen? wheþer not hym, þat made
koueryng in cold; ſpace of breþing?
viii whom wederes of hillis moiſten, and not hauende wrielys v Lo! ieauntis weilen vnder watris, and þat duellen wiþ hem.
clippe ſtones. vi Nakid is helle beforn hym, and no coueryng is to
ix Fors þei diden robbende moderles childer; and þe comun of perdicioun.
pore men þei ſpoileden. vii He þat ſtreccheþ out þe norþ vp on vein, and hangeþ vp þe
x To þe nakide, and to þe goende wiþoute cloþing, and to þe erþe vp on noȝt.
hungri þei token awei eris. viii Þat bindeþ watris in his cloudis, þat þei breke not out
xi Among þe hipilis of hem þei reſteden in mydday, þe whiche togidere dounward.
þreſten, þe preſſoures tredid. ix Þat holdeþ þe chere of his ſete, and ſtreccheþ out vp on it
xii Þey maden men of citees to weilen, and þe liues of his cloude.
woundid men ſhul crien; and God ſuffreþ not vnuengid to gon x Þe terme he enuyrounde wiþ watris, vn to þe time þat ben
awey. fynyſht liȝt and dercneſſis.
xiii Þei weren rebel to liȝt; þei knewen not his weies, ne þei xi Þe pileris of heuene togidere quaken, and dreden at his
be turned aȝeen bi his ſties. bek.
xiiii Erli firſt riſeþ þe manſleere, and he ſleþ þe nedy, and þe xii In þe ſtrengþe of hym feerli ſes ben gedered, and þe
pore; bi þe nyȝt forſoþe he ſhal ben as a þef. prudence of hym ſmot þe proude man.
xv Þe eȝe of þe auoutrer waiteþ derkneſſe, ſeiende, Þe eȝe xiii His ſpirit ournede heuenes, and his hond liȝtli ledende
ſhal not ſee me; and he ſhal coueren his chere. out, þe eche ſide krokende eddere is led out.
xvi Þei breeken þurȝ houſis in dercneſſes, as in þe dai þei xiiii Lo! a part ben ſeid of his weies; and whan vnneþe a litil
hadde ſeid togidere to þemſelf; and þei vnknewe liȝt. drope of his woord wee han herd, who ſhal moun þe þunder
xvii If feerli apere þe morutid, þei deme þe ſhadewe of deþ; of his gretneſſe beholde?
and ſo in dercneſſis þei gon as in liȝt.
xviii Liȝt he is vp on þe face of þe water; curſid be his part Capitulum XXVII.
in þe erþe, ne go he bi þe weie of vines. i Alſo
xix To ful myche hete he ſhal paſſen fro þe watris of ſnowis, Job addede, takende his parable,
ii and ſeiþ, God liueþ, þat toc awei my dom, and þe Almyȝti,
and vnto helle þe ſynne of hym.
xx His mercy be forȝeten; his ſwetneſſe a werm; be he not in þat to bitterneſſe broȝte my lif.
iii For whil þer leueþ breþ in me, and þe ſpirit of God in my
recording, but be totrede as a tree vnfructuous.
xxi Forſoþe he fedde þe barein, þat bar not child, and to þe noſe þerlis,
iiii my lippis ſhul not ſpeke wickidneſſe, ne my tunge ſhal
widewe he dide not wel.
xxii He droȝ doun þe ſtronge men in þer ſtrengþe; and whan beþenke leſing.
v Ferr be fro me, þat I deme ȝou to be riȝtwiſe; to þe time I
he ſhulde ſtonde, he ſhall not trowe to his lif.
xxiii God to hym a place of penaunce ȝaf, and he myſuſeþ it in faile, I ſhal not gon awei fro myn innocence.
vi My iuſtifiyng, þat I haue begunne to holde, I ſhal not
to pride; forſoþe þe eȝen of hym ben in his weies.
xxiiii Þei ben rerid at a litil, and þei ſhul not ſtonde ſtille; and forſake; ne forſoþe myn herte repreuede me in al my lif.
vii As vnpitous myn enemye; myn aduerſarie as wicke.
þei ſhul be mekid as alle þinges, and be do awey; and as þe
oouermoſtis of corn eris þei ſhul ben to-brooſid. viii What is forſoþe þe hope of an ipocrite, if auerouſly he
xxv Þat if it is not ſo, who may me vndernyme to han lowen, take, and God deliuere not his ſoule?
and to putte beforn God my woordys? ix Wheþer God ſhal here þe cri of hym, whan ſhal come vp on
hym anguyſh?
Capitulum XXV. x or ſhal moun in þe Almyȝti delite, and inwardly clepe God
i Anſwerende in alle tyme?
forſoþe Baldac Suytes ſeide, xi I ſhal teche ȝou bi þe hond of God, what þingus þe
ii Power and fere anent hym is, þat makeþ acord in þer heȝe Almyȝti haþ; and I ſhal not hide.
put þingus. xii Lo! alle ȝee han knowe, and what wiþoute cauſe veyne
iii Wheþer is þer noumbre of þe knyȝtis of hym? and vp on
þingis ȝee ſpeken?
whom ſhyneþ not þe liȝt of hym? xiii Þis is þe part of þe vnpitous man anent God, and þe
iiii Wheþer mai a man be iuſtified compariſoun to God, or
eritage of þe violent men, þat of þe Almyȝti þei ſhul take.
ſeme clene born of a womman? xiiii If his ſones be multeplied, þei ſhul be in ſwerd; and his
v Lo! alſo þe mone ſhineþ not, and þe ſterris ben not clene in
ſones ſones ſhul not be fulfild wiþ bred.
þe ſiȝte of hym; xv Þat ſhul be laft of hym, ſhul be biried in deþ; and his
vi myche more a man ſtink, and þe ſone of a man a werm.
widewis ſhul not wepe.
xvi If he ſhul bere togidere as erþe ſiluer, and as clei make
Capitulum XXVI. redi cloþis;
i Anſwerende forſoþe Job ſeide, xvii he greiþede forſoþe, but þe riȝtwiſe ſhal be clad wiþ þem,
ii Whos helpere art þou? wheþer feble, and ſuſteneſt þe arm of and þe innocent ſhall deuyde þe ſiluer.
xviii He bilde vp his hous as a mowȝhe, and as a kepere he
hym, þat is not ſtrong?
iii To whom haſt þou ȝiue counſeil? Perauenture to hym þat made an hilet.
xix Þe riche man, whan he ſhal ſlepe, no þing wiþ hym ſhal
haþ no wiſdam; and myche prudence þou haſt ſhewid.
bern; he ſhal opene his eȝen, and no þing he ſhal finde.


xx Myſeſe ſhal cacchen hym as water; in þe nyȝt ſhal opreſſe xxvii þanne he ſaȝ it, and tolde out, and made redi beforn,
hym tempeſt. and enſerchide.
xxi Brennende wind ſhal take hym, and don awei; and as a xxviii And he ſeide to man, Lo! þe drede of God, it is
whirlewind ſhal raueſhen hym fro his place. wiſdam; and to gon awei fro euel, vnderſtonding.
xxii He ſhal ſenden out vp on hym, and not ſparen; fro his
hond fleende he ſhal flee. Capitulum XXIX.
xxiii He ſhal ſtreyne vp on hym his hondis, and whiſtlen vpon
i Alſo Job addede, takende to his parable, and ſeide,
hym, beholdende his place. ii Who ȝeue to me, þat I be after þe raþere moneþis, after þe
Capitulum XXVIII. daȝes in þe whiche God kepte me?
iii Whanne ſhynede his lanterne vp on myn hed, and at his
i Siluer haþ þe principlis of his veynes; and to gold is a liȝt I wente in dercneſſis.
place, in þe whiche it is blowe togidere. iiii As I was in þe daȝes of my waxende ȝouþe, whan priueli
ii Iren fro þe erþe is taken, and a ſton loſid bi hete, in to God was in my tabernacle.
bras is turned. v Whan þe Almyȝti was wiþ me, and in myn enuyroun my
iii Tyme he putte to dercneſſis, and þe ende of alle þingus he childer;
beholdeþ. vi whan I weſh my feet wiþ buttere, and þe ſton helde to me
iiii Alſo þe ſtrem deuydeþ þe ſton of duſcneſſe, and þe ſhadewe ryueres of oile;
of deþ, fro þe puple pilgrimagende; hem, whom þe foot of þe vii whan I wente forþ to þe ȝate of þe cite, and in þe ſtrete
nedi man forȝat, in to men wiþoute weies. þei maden redy a chaȝer to me.
v Þe erþe, of þe whiche bred cam of in his place, wiþ fyr is viii Ȝunge men ſeȝen me, and weren hid, and olde men
turned vpſodoun. riſende ſtoden;
vi Place of a ſafyr is ſtones, and þe gluggis of hym gold. ix princis ceſeden to ſpeken, and finger putten vpon to þer
vii Þe brid vnknewȝ þe ſty, ne þe eȝe of þe gripe beheeld it. mouþ;
viii Þe ſones of marchaundis treeden it not, ne þe leouneſſe x dukis wiþdrowen þer vois, and þe tunge of hem to þer þrote
þurȝ paſſide bi it. cleuede.
ix To þe flint he ſtraȝte out his hond; he turnede vpſodoun fro xi Þe herende ere `blisful maade me, and þe ſeande eȝe
þe rootis þe hillis. witneſſe ȝeld to me;
x In ſtones riueres he heewȝ out; and alle precious þing ſaȝ xii forþi þat I hadde delyuered þe pore man criende out, and
his eȝe. þe moderles child, to þe whiche was noon helpere.
xi Þe depe þingus alſo of flodis he enſerchide; and hid þingus xiii Þe bleſſing of hym, þat was to perſhen, vp on me cam,
he broȝte in to liȝt. and þe herte of þe widewe I coumfortide.
xii Wiſdam forſoþe, wher is it founde, and what is þe place of xiiii Riȝtwiſneſſe I am clad; and I cloþide me as a veſtyment,
vndirſtonding? and wiþ a diademe wiþ my dom.
xiii A man wot not þe pris of it, ne it is founde in þe lond of xv An eȝe I was to blinde, and a foot to þe halte.
ſweteli lyuende men. xvi Fader I was of pore men; and þe cauſe þat I knew not,
xiiii Þe depneſſis of watris ſeiþ, It is not in me; and þe ſe moſt diligentli I enſerchide.
ſpekeþ, It is not wiþ me. xvii I tobroſide þe chaulis of þe wicke man, and fro his teþ I
xv Shynende gold ſhal not be ȝiue for it, ne ſiluer ſhal be toc awei þe prey.
peiſid in þe chaffaring of it. xviii And I ſeide, Die I in my litle neſt; and as a palme I
xvi It ſhal not be compariſound to þe ſteyned coloures of ſhal multiplie daȝis.
Ynde, ne to þe moſt precious ſardenyk ſton, or ſafyr. xix My roote is opened beſide watris, and deu ſhal abide in
xvii Ne ſhal be maad euene to it gold, or glas; ne for it ſhul my reping.
be chaungid veſſelis of gold, heȝe and ouerſtondende, xx My glorie euermore ſhal be newid, and my bowe in myn
xviii ne ſhul be remembrid in þe compariſoun of it. Wiſdam hond ſhal be reparailid.
forſoþe is drawen of hidde þingis; xxi Þat herden me, abiden my ſentence; and takende heede þei
xix ne þer ſhal be maad euene to it topaſie of Ethiope, ne to heelde ſtille at my counſeil.
þe moſt clene ſteynyng ſhal be compariſound. xxii To my woordis no þing to adden þei weren hardi; and
xx Whennes þanne wiſdam ſhal come, and what is þe place of vpon hem droppide my ſpeche.
vnderſtonding? xxiii Þei biden as reyn my ſpeche; and mouþ þei openeden as
xxi It is hid fro þe eȝen of alle liuende men; alſo to þe foulis to þe late comende weder.
of heuene it is vnknowen. xxiiii If any time I loowȝ to þem, þei leeueden not; and þe
xxii Perdicioun and deþ ſeiden, Wiþ oure eris wee han herd liȝt of my chere fel not in to þe erþe.
þe fame of it. xxv If I wolde go to þem, I ſat firſt; and whan I ſat as a
xxiii God vnderſtant þe weie of it, and he knewȝ þe place of king, þe oſt aboute ſtondende, I was neuerþelatere of dreri
it. men þe coumfortere.
xxiiii He forſoþe lookeþ þe endis of þe world; and alle þingus
þat ben vnder heuene he beholdeþ. Capitulum XXX.
xxv Þat made to windis peis, and watris heeng vp in meſure.
i Now forſoþe ſcorne me þe ȝungere in time, of whom I
xxvi Whan he putte to reynes lawe, and weie to ſounende
deynede not þe fadris to ſitte wiþ þe hondis of my floc.


ii Of whom þe vertue of hondis to me was for noȝt, and þei Capitulum XXXI.
weren trowid vnwrþi þat lif. iI
iii And þurȝ nede and hunger barein; þat gnowen in couenauntide a pes couenaunt wiþ myn eȝen, þat forſoþe I
wilderneſſe, waxende foul wiþ wrecchidneſſe and ſorewe. ſhulde not þenke of a maiden.
ii What forſoþe part God fro aboue ſhulde han in me, and þe
iiii And þei eeten erbis, and þe rindis of trees; and þe roote of
iunypere trees was þe mete of hem. Almyȝti eritage fro heȝe þingus.
iii Wheþir not perdicioun is to þe wicke, and alienyng to men
v Þe whiche of þe valeis þeſe þingus takende; whan alle
þingus þei hadde founde, wiþ cri þei runne to þoo þingus. werkende wickeneſſe?
iiii Wheþer he beholdeþ not my weies, and alle my goingis
vi In deſertis of ſtremys þei dwelten, and in dennes of þe
erþe, or vp on grauel. noumbreþ?
v If I ȝide in vanyte, and my foot heeȝide in treccherie,
vii Þe whiche among ſuch þingus gladeden, and to ben vnder
vi peiſe he me in a riȝtwis balauns, and wite God my
buſſhis counteden delicis.
viii Þe ſonus of foolis and of vnnoble men, and in þe lond not ſympleneſſe.
vii If my going bowide doun fro þe weie; if myn eȝe folewide
fulli perende.
ix Now forſoþe I am turned in to þe ſong of hem, and I am myn herte, and a ſpot cleuede to myn hondis;
viii I ſhal ſowen, and an oþer ete, and my progenye be drawe
maad to hem a prouerbe.
x Þei wlaten me, and ferr floun fro me, and to ſpute my face vp bi þe roote.
ix If myn herte is deſceyued vp on a womman, and if at þe
þey ſhame not.
xi Forſoþe his arwe girdil he openede, and tormentide me, and dore of my frend I ſette ſpies;
x þe ſtrumpet of an oþer be my wif, and vpon hir oþere men
he putte a bridil in to my mouþ.
xii At þe riȝt of þe eſt my wreccheneſſes anoon riſen; þei be þei crookid.
xi Þis forſoþe is vnleeful, and moſt wickidneſſe.
turneden vpſodoun my feet, and opreſſeden as wiþ flodis bi
þer ſties. xii Fyr is deuouring vnto waſting, and pullende vp bi þe roote
xiii Þei ſcatereden my weies, and waiteden to me, and hadden alle buriounyngus.
þe ouere hond; and þer was not þat broȝte helpe. xiii If I diſpiſide to gon vnder dom wiþ my ſeruaunt and
xiiii As þe wal broken and þe ȝate opened þei fellen in on me, hond maiden, whan þei ſhulden pleten aȝen me.
and to my wrecchidneſſis þei ben myche boowid to. xiiii What forſoþe ſhal I do, whan God ſhal riſe to deme? and
xv I am broȝt in to noȝt; as þe wind he haþ taken awei my whan he ſhal aſke, what ſhal I anſwern to hym?
deſyr, and as a cloude paſſide myn helþe. xv Wheþer not in þe wombe he made me, þe whiche and hym
xvi Now forſoþe in myſelf welewiþ my lif, and welde me þe wroȝte, and oon formede me in þe wombe?
daȝis of tormentinge. xvi If I denyede to pore men þat þei wolden, and made þe
xvii In þe nyȝt my mouþ is þirlid þurȝ wiþ ſorewis; and þat eȝen of a widewe to abide;
eten me, ſlepen not. xvii if I eet my morſel alone, and þe moderles child eet not of
xviii In þe multitude of hem my cloþing is waſtid, and as wiþ it;
a coler of a kote þei girten me. xviii for fro my ȝouþe doing of mercy wex wiþ me, and fro þe
xix I am compariſound to clei, and am licned to a ſparke and wombe of my moder wente out wiþ me;
to aſkis. xix if I diſpiſide þe goere beſide, for þi þat he hadde not
xx I ſhal crie to þee, and þou ſhalt not heren; I ſtonde, and cloþing, and þe pore wiþoute coueryng;
þou beholdeſt not me. xx if his ſidis bleſſiden not to me, and of þe flees of my ſhep
xxi Þou art chaungid to me in to cruel, and in þe hardneſſe of he is chaufid;
þin hond þou art aduerſarie to me. xxi if I rerede vp on þe moderles child myn hond, alſo whan
xxii Þou haſt rered me, and as vp on wind ſettende þou haſt I ſaȝ me in þe ȝate þe ouerheȝere;
hurtlid me doun myȝtili. xxii my ſhulder falle fro his ioynt, and myn arm wiþ his
xxiii I wot, for þou ſhalt take me to deþ, wher is ſett an hous bones be to-broſid.
to alle liuende. xxiii Forſoþe euermor as flodis ſwellende vp on me, I dredde
xxiiii Nerþelatere not to þe waſting of hem þou puttiſt out þin God; and his peis I myȝte not bern.
hond; and if þei falle, þou þi ſelf ſhalt ſaue. xxiiii If I wende gold my ſtrengþe, and to þe ſhynende gold I
xxv I wepte ſum time vp on hym þat was tormentid, and my ſeide, My troſt;
ſoule hadde compaſſioun to þe pore. xxv if I gladede vp on my manye richeſſis, and for myn hond
xxvi I abod goodis, and þer camen to me euelis; I abod liȝt, fond manye þingis;
and þer breeken oute dercneſſis. xxvi if I ſaȝ þe ſunne, whan it ſhulde ſhyne, and þe mone
xxvii Myn entrailis brenden out wiþ oute any reſte; befor goende clerli;
wente me þe daȝes of torment. xxvii and myn herte is gladid in hid þing, and kiſte myn hond
xxviii Dreri I wente wiþoute wodneſſe, riſende in þe puple I fro my mouþ;
criede. xxviii þe whiche is þe moſte wickidneſſe, and denyyng aȝen þe
xxix Broþer I was of dragouns, and felawe of þe half beſte heȝeſt God;
half foul. xxix if I ioȝide at his falling, þat hatide me, and ful out
xxx My ſkin is bleckid vp on me, and my bones drieden for ioȝide, þat euel hadde founden hym;
hete. xxx forſoþe I ȝaf not my þrote to ſynne, þat I ſhulde abide
xxxi Myn harpe is turned in to weiling, and myn orgne in to curſende his ſoule;
þe vois of weperis.


xxxi if þe men of my tabernacle ſeiden not, Who ȝiueþ of his xix Lo! my wombe as muſt wiþoute venting, þat brekeþ newe
fleſhe, þat we be fulfild? litle win veſſelys.
xxxii wiþout forþ abod not þe pilgrim; my dore was open to xx I ſhal ſpeke, and breþen aȝeen a litil; I ſhal opene my
þe weie goere; lippis, and anſwern.
xxxiii if I hidde as a man my ſynne, and hilede in my boſum xxi I ſhal not taken perſone of man, and God to man I ſhal
my wickeneſſe; not euenen.
xxxiiii if I dradde at þe moſte multitude, and diſpiſing of xxii I wot neuere forſoþe hou longe I ſhal ſtonde ſtille, and if
neeȝh men ferede me; and not more I heeld my pes, after a litil take me my Makere.
xxxv and wente not out þe dore; who ȝeue to me an auditour,
þat my deſyr heere þe Almyȝti? þat he þat demeþ write þe boc, Capitulum XXXIII.
xxxvi þat in my ſhulder I bere it, and enuyroune it as a
i Here þanne, Job, my ſpechis, and alle my woordis hercne.
crowne to me? ii Lo! I haue
xxxvii Bi alle my grees I ſhal pronouncen it, and as to a opened my mouþ; my tunge in my chekis ſhal
prince I ſhal offre it. ſpeke.
iii Wiþ ſymple herte my woordis, and pure ſentence my lippis
xxxviii If aȝen me myn erþe crie, and wiþ it his forewis
bewepen; ſhul ſpeke.
iiii Þe ſpirit of God made me, and þe breþing ſpace of þe
xxxix if his frutis I eet wiþ oute monee, and þe ſoule of his
erþe tilieris I tormentide; Almyȝti quykenede me.
v If þou maiſt, anſwere to me, and ſtond ſtille aȝen my face.
xl for whete be ſprunge to me a brimbil, and for barli a
vi Lo! me as and þee made God; and of þe ſame cley I alſo
am formed.
vii Nerþelatere my miracle fere þee not, and my faire ſpeche
Capitulum XXXII.
be not to þee heuy.
i Theſe þre men laften forſoþe to anſwern to Job, forþi þat viii Þou ſeideſt þanne in myn eris, and þe vois of þi woordis
riȝtwis he is ſeen to þem. I herde;
ii And Elyu, þe ſone of Barachiel Buſites, of þe kynrede of ix Clene I am, and wiþoute gilte, vnwemmed, and þer is not
Ram, ys wroþ, and endeyned; he is wroþ aȝen Job, forþi þat wickidneſſe in me.
he ſhulde ſein hymſelf to be riȝtwis befor God. x For pleintis in me he fond, þerfore he demede me enemy to
iii But aȝen þe þre frendis of hym he dedeynede, forþi þat þei
hadden not founde a reſounable anſwere, but onely þei ſhulden xi He putte in þe ſtockis my feet, and kepte alle my ſties.
han condempned Job.
iiii Þanne Eliu abod Job ſpekende, forþi þat eldere þei weren, xii Þis is þanne, in þe whiche þou art not iuſtified; I ſhal
þat ſpeken. anſwer to þee, for God is more þan man.
v Whan forſoþe he hadde ſeen, þat þe þre myȝten not anſwern, xiii Aȝen God þou ſtriueſt, þat to alle woordis he ſhal not
he wraþede hugeli. anſwer to þee.
vi And anſwerende Elyu, þe ſone of Barachiel Buſites, ſeide, xiiii Ones God ſhal ſpeke, and þe ſecounde þat ſame he ſhal
I am ȝungere in time, ȝee forſoþe eldere; þerfore þe hed leid not eft ſeyn.
doun I am ſhamed to ſhewe to ȝou my ſentence. xv Bi ſweuene in nyȝt ſiȝte, whan falle ſlep vp on men, and
vii I hopede forſoþe þat þe lengere age ſhulde ſpeke, and þe þei ſlepen in þe litle bed.
multitude of ȝeeris ſhulde techen wiſdam. xvi Þanne he openeþ þe eris of men, and enformende þem
viii But as I ſee, ſpirit is in men, and þe inbreþing of þe techiþ diſcipline;
Almyȝti ȝiueþ vnderſtonding. xvii þat he turne awei a man fro þo þingus þat he dide, and
ix Wiſe men ben not longe liuende, ne olde men vnderſtonde deliuere hym fro pride;
dom. xviii and takende awei his ſoule fro corupcioun, and his lif,
x Þerfore I ſhal ſeyn, Hereþ me, and alſo I ſhal ſhewe to ȝou þat he go not in to ſwerd.
my kunnyng. xix He blameþ alſo bi ſorewe in þe litle bed, and alle his
xi Forſoþe I haue abide ȝoure woordis, herde ȝoure prudence, bones makeþ to become drie.
whil ȝee ſtriuen in ȝoure woordis. xx Abhomynable to hym bred is maad in his lif, and to þe
xii And whil I wende ȝou any þing to ſeyn, I beheeld; but as ſoule of hym mete beforn deſirable.
I ſee, þer is not, þat mai vnderneme Job, and anſwern of ȝou xxi His fleſh ſhal become roten, and þe bones, þat weren
to his woordis; couered, ſhul be maad nakid.
xiii leſt perauenture ȝee ſeyn, Wee han founde wiſdam; God xxii Þe ſoule of hym ſhal neȝhe to corupcioun, and his lif to
haþ þrowen hym afeerr, and not man. þingus berende deþ.
xiiii No þing he haþ ſpoke to me, and I after ȝoure woordis xxiii If þer were for hym an aungil ſpekende oon of þe lic
ſhal not anſwere to hym. þingis, þat he telle þe equite of man,
xv Þei myche dradden, and anſwerden no more, and token xxiiii he ſhal han reuþe, and ſein, Delyuere hym, þat he go not
awey ſpeche fro þemſelf. doun in to corupcioun; I haue founde in what I be pleſid to
xvi Þanne for I haue abide, and þei ſpeken not, ſtoden, and hym.
anſwerden no more; xxv His fleſh is waſtid of tormentis; be he turned aȝeen to þe
xvii ſhal and I anſwere my partie, and ſhewen my kunnyng. daȝes of his waxende ȝouþe.
xviii Forſoþe I am ful of woordis, and þe ſpirit of my wombe xxvi He ſhal preȝe God, and be pleſable to hym; and ſeen his
artiþ me. face in ioȝe, and ȝelde to man his riȝtwiſneſſe.


xxvii He ſhal beholde men, and ſein, I haue ſynned, and xxv Forſoþe he knew þe werkis of hem; and þerfore he ſhal
vereli I haue treſpaſid; and as I was worþi, I haue not bringe in nyȝt, and þei ſhul be to-trede.
reſceyued. xxvi As vnpitous, he ſmot hem in þe place of men ſeende.
xxviii Forſoþe he haþ deliuered his ſoule, þat he go not in to xxvii Þe whiche as bi ſtudie wente awei fro hym, and alle his
deþ, but lyuende liȝt he ſhal ſeen. weies þei wolde not vnderſtonde.
xxix Lo! alle þeſe þingus wercheþ God þre ſiþes bi alle men; xxviii Þat þei make to come to hym þe cri of þe nedi, and he
xxx þat he aȝeen clepe þe ſoulis of hem fro corupcioun, and here þe vois of pore men.
liȝtne in þe liȝt of liuende men. xxix Hym forſoþe grauntende pes, who is þat condempneþ?
xxxi Tac heede, Job, and here me, and be ſtille, whil I ſpeke. Siþen he haþ hid his chere, who is þat beholdeþ hym? And
xxxii If forſoþe þou haſt what þou ſpeke, anſwere to me, ſpec; vpon Jentilis and vpon alle men,
I wile forſoþe þee to apere riȝtwis. xxx þe whiche makeþ to regne an ipocrite man, for þe ſynnes
xxxiii Þat if þou haue not, here me; be ſtill, and I ſhal teche of þe puple.
þee wiſdam. xxxi Þanne for I ſpac to God, þee alſo I ſhal not forfende.
xxxii If I haue errid, þou teche me; if wickidneſſe I ſpac, I
Capitulum XXXIIII. ſhal adde no mor.
xxxiii Wheþer God of þee aſkeþ it out, for he diſpleſide to þee?
i Tellende forþ forſoþe Elyu, þes þingis alſo ſpac,
ii Hereþ, wiſe men, my woordis, and taȝt, herkneþ me;
Þou forſoþe begunne to ſpeke, and not I; þat if any þing þou
knewe betere, ſpec.
iii þe ere forſoþe woordis proueþ, and þe þrote metis bi taſt xxxiiii Vnderſtondende men, ſpeke þei to me; and a wis man,
demeþ. here he me.
iiii Dom cheſe we to vs; and among vs ſee wee what is xxxv Job forſoþe folily ſpac, and þe woordis of hym ſoune not
betere. diſciplyne.
v For þou ſeidiſt, Job, Riȝtwis I am, and God turnede vp ſo xxxvi Fader myn, be preued Job vnto þe ende; ne leue þou
doun my dom. fro a man of wickidneſſe,
vi In demyng forſoþe me is leſing, and violent is myn arewe xxxvii þat addeþ vp on his ſynnes blasfemye. Amongis vs
wiþoute any ſynne. euere among be he ſtreyned; and þanne at þe dom terre he
vii Who is a man, as is Job, þat drinkeþ ſcornyng as water? God wiþ his woordis.
viii þat goþ wiþ men wirkende wickidneſſe, and wendeþ wiþ
vnpytous men? Capitulum XXXV.
ix Forſoþe he ſeide, A man ſhal not pleſe to God, alſo if he i Thanne Eliu þeſe þingus eft ſpac,
ſhul renne wiþ hym. ii Wheþir
x Þerfore, herty men, hereþ me; ferr be fro God vnpitouſneſſe, euene to þee ſeme þi þoȝt, þat þou ſhuldeſt ſeyn, I
am mor riȝtwis þan God?
and fro þe Almyȝti wickeneſſe. iii Þou ſeideſt forſoþe, It `pleſeþ not to þee, þat is good; or
xi Forſoþe þe werk of man he ſhal ȝelde to hym; and after þe
what to þee ſhal profite, if I ſhul ſynnen?
weies of echone he ſhal quite to þem. iiii Alſo I ſhal anſwern to þi woordis, and to þi frendis wiþ
xii Vereli forſoþe God ſhal not condempne in veyn; ne þe
Almyȝti ſhal turne vpſodoun dom. v Behold heuene, and loke, and myndefulli ſee þe cloudis, þat
xiii Whom oþer ſette he vp on erþe? or whom putte he vp on
is heȝere þan þou.
þe world, þat he forgide? vi If þou ſhalt ſynnen, what ſhalt þou noȝe to hym? and if þi
xiiii If he ſhul dreſſe to it his herte, þe ſpirit of it and blaſt he
wickidneſſes be multiplied, what ſhalt þou don aȝen hym?
ſhal drawe to hym. vii But if þou ſhalt do riȝtwiſli, what ſhalt þou ȝiue to hym; or
xv Al fleſh ſhal faile to gidere; and a man into aſkis ſhal be
what of þin hond he ſhal take?
turned aȝeen. viii To man þat is lic þee, þin vnpitouſneſſe ſhal noȝe; and þe
xvi If þou haſt þanne vndirſtondinge, here þat is ſeid, and
ſone of man þi riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal helpe.
herkne þe vois of my ſpeche. ix For þe multitude of chalengeres þei ſhul crie, and ȝelle out
xvii Wheþer he þat looueþ not dom mai ben helid? and hou
for þe fors of þe arm of tirauntis.
þou hym, þat is riȝtwis, in ſo myche condempneſt? x And he ſeide not, Where is God, þat made me, and þat ȝaf
xviii Þat ſeiþ to þe king, Apoſtata; þat clepeþ dukys vnpitous.
ditees in þe nyȝt?
xix Þat takeþ not þe perſones of princis, ne knewȝ þe tiraunt, xi Þat techeþ vs ouer þe beſtis of þe erþe, ouer þe foulis of
whan he ſhulde ſtriuen aȝen þe pore; forſoþe þe werk of his heuene ſhal lernen vs.
hondis ben alle men. xii Þere þei ſhul crie, and he ſhal not heren, for þe pride of
xx Feerli þei ſhul die, and in mydnyȝt puplis ſhul be boowid;
euele men.
and paſſen, and taken awei þe violent wiþoute hond. xiii Forſoþe not in veyn God ſhal heren, and þe Almyȝti
xxi Forſoþe þe eȝen of hym vp on þe weies of men, and alle
beholde ſhal þe cauſis of alle men.
þe goingus of hem he beholdeþ. xiiii Alſo whan þou ſhal ſein, He beholdiþ not; be þou demed
xxii Þer ben not dercneſſis, and þer is not ſhadewe of deþ, þat
beforn hym, and abid hym.
þer ben hid þere þat werken wickidneſſis; xv Now forſoþe he bringeþ not in his wodneſſe, ne þe hydous
xxiii ne forſoþe more ouer in mannys power is, þat he come to
gilte is vengid gretli.
God in to dom. xvi Þanne Job in vein openede his mouþ, and wiþoute
xxiiii He ſhal to-trede manye and vnnoumbrable; and make to
kunnynge woordis multiplieþ.
ſtonden oþere men for hem.


Capitulum XXXVI. xxxii In þe hond he hideþ liȝt; and comaundeþ to it, þat eft it
i Alſo Eliu addende þeſe þingus ſpac,
come to.
xxxiii He telliþ of it to his frend, þat his poſſeſſioun it be; and
ii Suſtene me a litil while, and I ſhal ſhewen to þee; ȝit to it he mai ſteȝen vp.
forſoþe I haue þat for God I ſpeke.
iii I ſhal aȝeen aſke my kunnyng fro þe bygynnyng; and my
Capitulum XXXVII.
werkere I ſhal proue riȝtwis.
iiii Verili forſoþe and wiþoute leſing my woordus, and perfit i Vpon þat mych dradde myn herte, and is moued out fro his
kunnyng ſhal be preued to þee. place.
v God myȝti men þrowiþ not awei, ſiþen he is myȝti; ii He ſhal heren heringe in gaſtneſſe of his vois, and þe ſoun
vi but he ſaueþ not vnpitous men, and dom to pore men he goende out of þe mouþ of hym.
iii Ouer alle heuenys he beholdeþ; and þe liȝt of hym vp on þe
vii He ſhal not take awei fro þe riȝtwis his eȝen; and kingis termes of þe erþe.
iiii After hym ſhal rore ſounyng, he ſhal þunder wiþ þe vois of
in ſete he ſetteþ in to euermor, and þider þei ben rerid vp.
viii And if þei ſhul ben in cheynes, and ben bounde wiþ cordis his mykilneſſe; and he ſhal not ben enſerchid, whan ſhal ben
herd þe vois of hym.
of poreneſſe, v God ſhal þundre in his vois merueilouſly, þat doþ grete
ix he ſhal ſhewe to þem þer werkis, and þer hidous giltis; for
þingus and vnſerchable.
cruel þey weren. vi Þat comaundeþ to þe ſnowȝ, þat it `come doun vp on erþe,
x Alſo he ſhal opene þe ere of hem, þat he chaſtiſe; and he
and to reynes of winter, and to wederes of his ſtrengþe.
ſhal ſpeke, þat þei be turned aȝeen fro wickidneſſe. vii Þat markeþ in þe hond of alle men, þat alle men arowe
xi If þei ſhuln here, and kepe wel, þei ſhul fille þer daȝes in
ſhulden knowen his werkis.
goode, and þer ȝeris in glorie. viii Þe beſte ſhal go in to his lurking place, and in his dich
xii If forſoþe þei ſhul not heren, þey ſhul paſſe bi ſwerd, and
he ſhal abide.
be waſtid in folie. ix Fro þe innermor ſhal gon out tempeſt, and fro þe norþ
xiii Feyneres and felle men terren þe wraþe of God; and þei
ſterre cold.
ſhul not crie, whan þei ſhul be bounden. x God blowende, waxeþ togidere froſt; and eft mooſt wide ben
xiiii Þe ſoule of hem ſhal die in tempeſt; and þe lif of hem
ſhed out watris.
among wommanyſh men. xi Whete deſiriþ cloudis; and cloudis ſprengen þer liȝt.
xv He ſhal deliuere þe pore man fro his anguyſh; and he ſhal
xii Þat gon alle þingus bi enuyroun, whider euere þou goſt,
opene his ere in tribulacioun.
xvi Þerfore he ſhal ſaue þee fro þe ſtreite mouþ moſt widly, þe wil of þe gouernere ſhal lede, to alle þingus þat he ſhal
comaunde to þem vp on þe face of þe roundneſſe of erþis;
not hauende a ground vnder itſelf; þe reſte forſoþe of þi bord xiii or in o lynage, or in his erþe, or in what euere place of
ſhal be full of fatneſſe.
xvii Þi cauſe as of an vnpitous man is demed; forſoþe þi his mercy hem he ſhal comaunde to be founde.
xiiii Hercne þeſe þingus, Job; and ſtond, and behold þe
cauſe and dom þou ſhalt finde.
xviii Þanne ouercome þee not wraþe, þat any man þou opreſſe; merueilis of God.
xv Wheþer þou woſt, whan God comaundide to reynes, þat þei
ne þe multitude of ȝiftis bowe þee.
xix Do doun þi mykilneſſe wiþoute tribulacioun, and alle þe ſhulden ſhewe þe liȝt of þe cloudis of hym?
xvi Wheþer þou haſt knowen þe ſties of þe cloudis, grete and
ſtronge men in ſtrengþe.
xx Ne drawe þou along þe nyȝt, þat puplis ſteȝen vp for hem. parfit kunnyngis?
xvii Wheþer þi cloþis ben not hote, whan þe erþe ſhal be
xxi Be war, ne bowe þou to wickidneſſe; þat forſoþe þou haſt
blowe þurȝ wiþ þe ſouþ?
begunne to folewe aftyr wrecchidneſſe. xviii Þou perauenture wiþ hym forgediſt heuenes, þat moſt
xxii Lo! heȝe God in his ſtrengþe, and noon to hym lic in
ſad, as wiþ bras, ben foundid.
lawe ȝiueres. xix Shewȝ to vs, what wee ſeyn to hym; wee forſoþe ben
xxiii Who ſhall moun ſerchen his weies? or who is hardy to
wrappid in dercneſſis.
ſei to hym, Þou wroȝtiſt wickidneſſe? xx Who ſhal telle to hym, þat I ſpeke? alſo if a man ſhal
xxiiii Ha mynde, þat þou vnknowiſt þe werk of hym, of whiche
ſpeke, he ſhal be deuourid.
men writen. xxi And now þei ſee not liȝt; feerli þe eir ſhal be wroȝt
xxv Alle men ſeen hym; eche ſhal beholde aferr.
togidere in to cloudis, and ouergoende wind ſhal driue þem.
xxvi Lo! God gret, ouercomende oure kunnyng; þe noumbre of xxii Fro þe norþ ſhal come gold, and fro God dredful preiſing.
þe ȝeris of hym vneymable. xxiii Wrþili hym finde wee moun not; gret in ſtrengþe, and
xxvii Þat doþ awei þe dropis of rein; and heeldeþ out wederes
dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe, þat he mai not be told out.
at þe licneſſe of ſwolewis, xxiiii Þerfore men ſhul dreden hym; and alle þat to þemſelf
xxviii þat of þe cloudis flowen, þat before weuen alle þingus
ben ſen to be wiſe, ſhuln not ben hardy to beholden.
xxix If he wile ſtrecche out cloudis as his tent,
Capitulum XXXVIII.
xxx and leitne wiþ his liȝt fro aboue, alſo þe vtmoſt of þe ſe
i Anſwerende forſoþe þe Lord to Job fro þe whirlewind ſeide,
he ſhal couere.
xxxi Bi þeſe þingis forſoþe he demeþ puplis, and ȝiueþ mete ii Who is þis, wrappende in ſentencis wiþ woordis vnwiſe?
to manye deadli þingus. iii Gird as a man þi leendis; I ſhal aſke þee, and þou
anſwere to me.


iiii Wher were þou, whan I ſette þe foundemens of þe erþe? xxxiiii Wheþer þou ſhalt rere þi vois in to a lytil cloude, and
ſheu to me, if þou haſt vnderſtonding. þe bure of watris ſhal couere þee?
v Who putte þe meſuris of it, if þou haſt knowen? or who xxxv Wheþer þou ſhalt ſende leitis, and þei ſhul go, and
ſtraȝte vp on it a line? turnende aȝeen þei ſhul ſey to þee, Wee be neeȝh?
vi Vp on what þe feet of it ben ſad? who dide doun þe corner xxxvi Who putte in þe entrailis of a man wiſdam, and who
ſton of it, ȝaf to þe cok vnderſtonding?
vii whan me ſhulden preiſe togidere þe morutid ſterris, and xxxvii Who ſhal tellen out þe reſoun of heuenus, and þe
alle þe ſones of God ſhulden ioȝen? ſinging of heuene who ſhal make to ſlepe?
viii Who cloſede þe ſe wiþ doris, whan it brac out as goende xxxviii Whanne was pouder held in þe erþe, and clottis weren
forþ of þe wombe? clunge togidere?
ix Whan I ſhuld ſetten þe cloude his cloþing, and wiþ xxxix Wheþer þou ſhalt take þe prei of þe leouneſſe, and þe
dercneſſe it, as wiþ cloþis of vnſpekende childhed, I wrappide ſoule of hir whelpis þou ſhalt fulfille,
aboute. xl whan þei lyn in dichis, and in dennus þei aſpien?
x I enuyrounde it wiþ my termes, and ſette þe heenglis, and xli Who makeþ redi to þe crowe his mete, whan his briddis
doris; crie to God, hider and þider waggende, forþi þat þei han no
xi and ſeide, Vnto hider þou ſhalt come, and no ferþere gon; metis?
and heer þou ſhalt breke togidere þi ſwellende flodis.
xii Wheþer aftir þi riſing þou comaundediſt to þe morutid, and Capitulum XXXIX.
haſt ſhewid to þe dai ſpring his place? i Wheþer
xiii Wheþir þou haſt holde ſmytende togidere þe vtmoſtis of þe þou haſt knowen þe time of þe berþe of wilde
erþe, and haſt ſmyten out þe vnpitous men of it? capretis in ſtonys, or þou haſt waitid hindis berende calf?
ii Þou haſt noumbrid þe moneþis of conceyuyng of hem, and
xiiii Þe litle marke ſhal be reſtorid as cley, and ſhal ſtonde as
cloþing. þou haſt knowe þe time of þe birþe of hem?
iii Þei ben bowid to þe frut of kinde, and beren; and
xv His liȝt ſhal be take awei fro þe vnpitous, and þe heȝe arm
ſhal be broke togidere. `roringus þei ſenden out.
iiii Þe ſones of hem ben ſeuered, and go to þe feding; þei gon
xvi Wheþer þou wentiſt in þe depþe of þe ſe, and in þe laſte
þingus of þe derke depþe of þe ſe þou haſt ful go? out, and ben not turned aȝeen to þem.
v Who lafte þe aſſe fre, and his bondis who looſide?
xvii Wheþer to þee ben opened þe ȝatis of deþ, and þe derke
vi To whom I ȝaf in wilderneſſe an hous, and his tabernaclis
doris þou haſt ſeen?
xviii Wheþer þou haſt beholde þe breede of þe erþe? Sheu to in þe lond of bareynte.
vii He deſpiſeþ þe multitude of þe cite; þe cry of þe pletere he
me, if þou haſt knowen alle þingis,
xix in what weie liȝt dwelliþ, and of dercneſſis what is þe hereþ not.
viii He beholdeþ aboute þe hillis of hys leſwe, and alle grene
xx þat þou lede eche man to hys termes, and vnderſtonde þe growende þingis he ſecheþ.
ix Wheþer þe vnycorn ſhal wiln ſerue to þee, or ſhal dwelle at
ſties of his hous.
xxi Þou wiſtiſt þanne, þat þou were to be born, and þe þi cracche?
x Wheþer ſhalt þou tie to eren þe vnycorn wiþ þi bridil, or he
noumbre of þi daȝes þou haddeſt knowe?
xxii Wheþer wentiſt þou in to þe treſoris of ſnowȝ, or þe ſhal breke clottis of valeis after þee?
xi Wheþer troſt þou ſhalt han in þe grete ſtrengþe of hym, and
treſoris of hail þou haſt beholde?
xxiii þat I haue maad redi in to þe time of þe enemy, in to þe leuen to hym þi trauailis?
xii Wheþer takiſt þou to hym, þat ſeed he ȝeelde to þee, and þi
dai of fiȝt, and of bataile.
xxiiii Bi what weie is ſprengd liȝt, deuyded is hete vp on corn flor he gedere?
xiii Þe feþer of a ſtrucioun is lic to þe feþeris of a ierfakoun,
xxv Who ȝaf to þe moſt hidous weder cours, and weie of þe and of a goſhauk;
xiiii þat leueþ hir eiren in þe erþe, þou perauenture in pouder
ſounende þunder?
xxvi Þat it ſhulde reyne vp on erþe wiþoute man, in deſert ſhalt make þem hot.
xv She forȝet, þat þe foot to-trede þem, or beſte of þe feeld to-
wher noon of dedly men dwelleþ?
xxvii Þat he ſhulde fulfille þe ſpace wiþoute wei and deſolat, broſe.
xvi She is maad hard to hir ſones, as þoȝ þei be not hiris; in
and bringe forþ grene erbis?
xxviii Who is þe fader of reyn, or who gat dropis of deu? veyn ſhe trauailide, no drede conſtreynende.
xvii God forſoþe priuede hir wiſdam, and ȝaf not to hir
xxix Fro whos wombe wente out iys, and froſt fro heuene who
gat? vnderſtonding.
xviii Whan time were, in heiȝte ſhe rerede out hir weengis;
xxx In þe licneſſe of a ſton watris ben hardid, and þe vtmoſt
of þe ſe is ſtreyned togidere. ſcorneþ þe hors, and þe ſteȝere vp of it.
xix Wheþer ſhalt þou ȝiue to þe hors ſtrengþe, or don aboute
xxxi Wheþer þou art ſtrong to ioyne þe ſhynende ſeuen ſterres,
or þou ſhalt moun ſcatere þe cumpas of þe norþ ſterre? his necke neyenge?
xx Wheþer ſhalt þou reren hym as locuſtis? Þe glorie of his
xxxii Wheþer þou bringiſt forþ þe dai ſterre in his time, and
þe euetid ſterre vp on þe ſones of þe erþe þou makiſt to riſe? neſe þerlis ferd.
xxi Þe erþe þe houe delueþ, hardili he gladeþ out; in to þe
xxxiii Wheþer þou haſt knowe þe ordre of heuene, and ſhalt
putte his reſoun in þe erþe? aȝencomyng he goþ to þe armed.
xxii He diſpiſiþ dreede, and he ȝiueþ not ſtede to þe ſwerd.


xxiii Vp on hym þe arewe girdil ſhal ſounen; þe ſpere and þe Capitulum XLI.
ſheeld ſhal braundiſhen. i Wheþer
xxiiii Feruent and gnaſtende he ſoupeþ þe erþe; and rewarde maiſt þou drawen out leuyethan wiþ an hoc, and
he not to þe trumpe ſounende trumping. wiþ a corde þou ſhalt binde his tunge?
ii Wheþir þou ſhalt putte a ſercle in his noſe þerlis, or wiþ a
xxv Where he ſhal here þe trumpe, he ſhal ſeyn, Fy! aferr he
ſmelliþ bataile; þe cleping to of dukis, and ȝelling of þe oſt. ring þou ſhalt þerle þurȝ his cheke bon?
iii Wheþer he ſhal multiplie to þee preȝeeris, or ſpeke to þee
xxvi Wheþer bi þi wiſdam waxeþ feþerid þe goſhauk,
ſtrecchende out his weengus to þe ſouþ? ſofte þingus?
iiii Wheþer he ſhal ſmyte wiþ þee couenaunt, and þou ſhalt
xxvii Wheþer at þi comaundement ſhal be rerid þe egle, and in
heȝe þingus ſhal putten his neſt? take hym euermor ſeruaunt?
v Wheþer þou ſhalt begile to hym as to a brid, or binden hym
xxviii In ſtones he dwelliþ, and in heȝe ſett ſcarri flintis he
bideþ, and in rochis hard to come to. wiþ litle hokis?
vi Frendis ſhul hewen hym, marchaundis ſhul deuyden hym?
xxix Þennes he behalt mete, and fro a ferr his eȝen beholden.
vii Wheþer þou ſhalt fille nettis wiþ his ſkyn, and þe lep of
xxx His briddes licken blod, and wher euere ſhal be þe
careyn, anoon he is neeȝh. fiſſhis wiþ þe hed of hym?
viii Put vp on hym þin hond; haue mynde of bataile, and adde

Capitulum XL. þou to ſpeke no more.

ix Lo! þe hope of hym ſhal `maken hym veyn; and alle men
i And þe Lord addede, and ſpac to Job, ſeende he ſhal ben kaſt doun.
ii Wheþer he þat ſtriueþ wiþ God, ſo liȝtli ſhal reſte? Forſoþe x Not as cruel I ſhal reren hym; who forſoþe mai wiþſtonde
he, þat vndernemeþ God, owiþ to anſwere to hym. to my chere?
iii Anſwerende forſoþe Job to þe Lord ſeide, xi And who befor ȝaf to me, þat I ȝeelde to hym? Alle þingus,
iiii I þat liȝtli ſpac, what may I anſwern? Myn hond I ſhal þat ben vnder heuene, ben myne.
putte vp on my mouþ. xii I ſhal not ſpare to hym bi myȝti woordis, and to preȝe ſett
v O þing I ſpac, þat wolde God I hadde not ſeid; and an togidere.
oþer, to þe whiche þingus I ſhal adden no more. xiii Who ſhal ſhewe þe face of his cloþing, and in to þe
vi Anſwerende forſoþe þe Lord to Job fro þe whirlewind, myddel of his mouþ who ſhal gon in?
ſeide, xiiii Þe ȝatis of his chere who ſhal opene? bi cumpas of his
vii Gird as a man þi leendis, and I ſhal aſke þee, and ſheu teþ drede.
þou to me. xv His body as ȝoten ſheeldis, and þreſt togidere wiþ ſcalis
viii Wheþer vein þou ſhalt make my dom, and condempne me, þreſtende doun hemſelf.
þat þou be iuſtified? xvi Oon to oon is ioyned; and leſt breþing place forſoþe go in
ix And if þou haſt an arm as God, and wiþ lic vois þundriſt, bi þem.
x do aboute to þee fairneſſe, and in to an heiȝ be þou rerid, xvii Oon ſhal cleue to þe toþer, and holdende hemſelue ſhul
and be glorious, and be þou clad wiþ faire cloþis. not ben ſeuered.
xi Scatere proude men in þi wodneſſe, and beholdende eche xviii His neſing ſhynyng of fyr, and his eȝen as eȝelidis of þe
enhaunſende hymſelf meke þou. morutid.
xii Behold alle proude men, and confounde hem; and to-broſe xix Of his mouþ laumpis gon forþ, as tend brondus of fyr.
vnpitouſe men in þer place. xx Of his noſe þerlis goþ forþ ſmoke, as of a tend pot and
xiii Hijd hem in pouder togidere, and þe facis of hem drenche boilende.
in `þe diche. xxi His breþ makeþ colis to brenne, and flaume goþ out of
xiiii And I ſhal knouleche, þat þi riȝthond mai ſaue þee. hys mouþ.
xv Lo! bemoth, þat I made wiþ þee, hey as an oxe he ſhal xxii In his necke ſhal dwelle ſtrengþe, and nede ſhal go beforn
ete. his face.
xvi His ſtrengþe in his leendis, and his vertue in þe nauele of xxiii Þe membris of his fleſh cleuende to þemſelf; he ſhal
his wombe. ſenden aȝen hym flodis, and to an oþer place þei ſhul not be
xvii He ſtreyneþ his tail as a ceder; and þe ſenewis of his born.
xxiiii His herte ſhal ben inwardli harded as a ſton; and ſhal
ballokis ben wrappid togidere.
xviii His bones as pipis of bras; his griſtil as irene platis. be ſtreyned as þe ſtiþie of an hamer betere.
xxv Whan he ſhal be taken awei, aungelis ſhul drede; and
xix He is þe begynyng of þe weies of God; þat made hym,
ferd þei ſhul be purgid.
ſhal lei to his ſwerd. xxvi Whan he ſhal cacchen hym, ſwerd ſhal not moun ſtonde,
xx To þis hillis bern erbis; alle þe beſtis of þe feld pleien
ne ſpere, ne breſt plate.
þere. xxvii Forſoþe he ſhal telle bi iren as chaf, and bras as rotun
xxi Vnder ſhadewe he ſlepiþ, in þe priue place of reed, in
moiſte placis. xxviii Þe man archer ſhal not driuen hym; in to ſtobil ben
xxii Shadewis coueren his vmbre; wiþiene trees of þe ſtrem
turned to hym þe ſtones of þe ſlinge.
enuyrounen hym. xxix As ſtobil he ſhal eyme þe hamer; and ſcorne þe man
xxiii He ſhal ſoupen vp þe flod, and he ſhal not wndre; he haþ
ſhakende a ſpere.
troſt, þat Jordan flowe in to þe mouþ of hym. xxx Vnder hym ſhul be þe bemes of þe ſunne; and he ſhal leyn
xxiiii In þe eȝen of hym, as wiþ an hoc, he ſhal taken hym;
vp gold to hym as clei.
and in ſtakys he ſhal þirle þurȝ his noſe þerlis.


xxxi He ſhal make þe depþe of þe ſe to boilen as a pot; and

ſette, as whan oynemens boilen.
xxxii Aftir hym þe ſty ſhal ȝiue liȝt; and he ſhal eymen þe ſe
as an oldli man.
xxxiii Þer is not vp on erþe power, þat be compariſound to
hym; þat is maad, þat no man he ſhulde drede.
xxxiiii Alle heiȝ þing he ſeeþ; and he ys king vpon alle þe
ſones of pride.

Capitulum XLII.
i Anſwerende forſoþe Job to þe Lord, ſeide,
ii I wot, for alle þingus þou maiſt, and no þoȝt is vnknowe to
iii Who is þis, þat hiliþ counſeil wiþoute kunnyng? Þerfore
vnwiſly I ſpak, and þo þingus þat ouer maner ſhulden paſſe
my kunnyng.
iiii Heere þou, and I ſhal ſpeke; I ſhal aſke þee, and anſwere
þou to me.
v Bi hering of ere I herde þee, now forſoþe myn eȝe ſeeþ þee.
vi Þerfore I myſelf repreue me, and do penaunce in dead cole
and aſkis.
vii Aftir forſoþe þat þe Lord ſpac þeſe woordis to Job, he
ſeide to Elifath Themanythen, My wodneſſe is wroþ in to þee,
and in to þi two frendis; for ȝee han not ſpoke befor me riȝt,
as my ſeruaunt Job.
viii Takeþ þerfore to ȝou ſeuen bolis, and ſeuen weþeris; and
goþ to my ſeruaunt Job, and offreþ for ȝou brent ſacrifiſe.
Job forſoþe, my ſeruaunt, ſhal preȝen for ȝou; his face I ſhal
take, þat folie be nott witid to ȝou; ne forſoþe ȝee han ſpoken
befor me riȝt, as my ſeruaunt Job.
ix Þanne Elyfath Themanythes, and Baldach Suythes, and
Sofar Naamatites, wenten, and diden, as þe Lord hadde
ſpoke to þem; and þe Lord toc þe face of Job.
x Þe Lord alſo is turned to þe penaunce of Job, whan he
ſhulde preȝe for his frendis. And þe Lord ȝaf to alle þingus,
þat euere weren of Job, double.
xi And þer camen to hym alle his breþern, and alle his ſiſtris,
and alle þat hadden knowen hym beforn; and þei eete wiþ
hym bred in his hous, and moueden vpon hym þe hed; and
coumforteden hym vp on al þe euel, þat þe Lord hadde broȝt
in vp on hym; and þei ȝeue to hym eche a ſhep, and a golden
ere ring.
xii Þe Lord forſoþe bliſſide to þe laſte þingus of Job, more
þan to his begynnyng; and þer ben maad to hym fourtene
þouſend of ſhep, and ſixe þouſend of camailis, and a þouſend
ȝokis of oxen, and a þouſend ſhe aſſis.
xiii And þer weren to hym ſeue ſones, and þre doȝtris;
xiiii and he clepide þe name of þe ton Diem, and þe name of
þe ſeconde Caſſiam, and þe name of þe þridde Cornu tibij.
xv Þer ben not forſoþe founde ſo faire wymmen, as þe doȝtris
of Job, in al þe lond; and þer fader ȝaf to hem eritage among
þer breþern.
xvi Forſoþe Job lyuede aftir þeſe ſcourgis an hundrid and
fourti ȝeer, and ſaȝ his ſones, and þe ſones of his ſones, in to
þe ferþe ieneracioun;
xvii and he diede old, and ful of daȝis.

Here endiþ þe book of Job, and here

begynneþ þe prolog of þe Sawter.


boc of Godis woord. Heer forſoþe ben diſcriued þe meedis of

SAUTER. goode men, þe tormentis of euele men, þe pleyne techyngus of
begynende men, þe forþ going of profitende men, þe
Incipit prologus in librum Pſalterij. perfeccioun of ful comynge men, þe lif of actif men, þe
ſpirituel beholding of contemplatif men; heer alſo is taȝt what
Whan it is knowe, alle þe profetis to han ſpoke bi reuelacioun ſynne doþ awei, what penaunce reſtoreþ, what þe gilti of ſynne
of þe Holi Goſt, Dauid moſt of profetis to han ſpoken ſum oþenkende ſeye, þat is, "Lord, in þi wodneſſe vndernyme þou
wiſe in wrþiere and ouer paſſende maner, as þe trumpe of þe not me," and in an oþer place, "Haue mercy of me, God, aftir
Holi Goſt, þan oþere profetis. Oþere forſoþe profetis þy mychile mercy;" and what bi penaunce be purchaſid, whan
profecieden bi ſum maner ymagis of þingus, and wiþinne he vnderioyneþ, "I ſhal teche wicke men þi weies, and
coueryngis of woordis, þat is, bi ſweuenes, and viſeouns, and vnpitous men to þee ſhul be conuertid;" bi whiche is ſhewid to
deedis, and ſawis; Dauid forſoþe, þurȝ ſtiring of þe Holi Goſt no man, hou myche euere `treſpaſinge to be, to myſtroſten of
alone, wiþoute vttermor helpe his profecie made out. Wherfor forȝiueneſſe, and of þe merci of God, taken to þe mecneſſe of
couenabli þis boc is ſeid, Þe boc of ſolitarie ſpechis. It is alſo oþenking; whan forſoþe wee beholden Dauid, a man ſleere
ſeid a Sauter, þe whiche name it toc of a muſik inſtrument, and auoutrer, bi penaunce maad a doctour and a profete, to
þat Ebruli is clepid nablum, Grekli a ſauter, of þis Grek no man doende penaunce is laft place of wanhope; as of þe
woord ſallim, þat is, touching; Latinli is ſeid an orgne, þat is conuerting of Powil and his auaunſing in to apoſtil of þe
of ten cordis, and fro þe ouere part ȝiueþ ſoun, bi þe touch of mercy of God pleynli wee ben certefied. Wherfore þe chirche
hondis. Of þat forſoþe inſtrument at þe lettre þerfore is vſiþ in offiſis, as þe profecie of Dauid, þe epiſtolis of hym
nemned `þis boc, for at þe vois of þat inſtrument Dauid ſong more þan of oþere; and þerfore þis profecie is oftene had in
ſalmys beforn þe arke in þe tabernacle of þe Lord; and as alle vſe, for among oþere profecies it paſſiþ in openyng of ſawys;
þe ſweete ſongus of þat inſtrument weren clepid ſalmys, ſo þo forſoþe þingus þat oþere profetis dercly and as bi figure
and alle þe particlis of þis boc, or clauſis. Alſo aftir þe ſeiden of þe paſſion and þe reſureccioun of Criſt, and of þe
ſpirituel vnderſtonding wel of þat inſtrument it takeþ name, euerlaſtende geteng, and of oþere myſterijs, Dauid of profetis
for as þat inſtrument is of ten cordis, ſo þis boc techeþ þe al moſt excellent ſo euydentli openede, þat more he be ſeen to
aboute keping of þe ten heſtis; and as þat inſtrument ȝiueþ euangeliſen þan to profecien.
ſoun fro þe ouere part bi þe touch of hondis, ſo þis boc techeþ
wel to werche, not for erþeli þingis, but for heuenli þingus, Anoþer prolog.
þat ben aboue. Þis boc ſtant in an hundrid and fifti ſalmys, Dauyd, þe ſone of Jeſſe, whan he was in his reume, foure he
not biſide þe reſoun of heȝere ſignefiyng; þis forſoþe noumbre ches þat ſalmes ſhulden maken, þat is, Aſaf, Eman, Ethan,
is notid to moſt ſolempne myſteries. It ſtant forſoþe of eiȝteti and Iditym. Eiȝtety and eiȝte forſoþe ſeiden þe ſalmys, and
and ſeuenti. And eiȝtety al oon ſignefieþ þat eiȝte, and ſeuenti two hundrid þe vnderſinging, and Abiud ſmot þe harpe. Whan
þe ſame þat ſeuene. Eiȝte forſoþe ſignefieþ þe eiȝtþe age of Dauid hadde aȝen broȝt þe arke, aȝeen clepid fro Aſotis in to
aȝeen riſing; for ſiþen þer ben ſixe agis of men liuende, and Jeruſalem aftir twenti ȝer, and abod in þe hous of Amynadab,
þe ſeuenþe of men diende, þe eiȝþe age ſhal ben of men aȝeen þis he putte on in a newe `ȝokid karte, and broȝte in to
riſende. Bi ſeuene forſoþe is betocned þe time of þis lif, þat is Jeruſalem; men choſen of al þe kinrede of þe ſonis of Iſrael,
paſſid bi þe ofteſiþes comyng of ſeuen daȝes. Riȝtli þanne þis ſeuenti þouſend, of þe lynage forſoþe of Leuy, two hundrid
boc is maad in ſuch a noumbre of ſalmys, whos partyes ſeuenti and eiȝte þouſend men; of whiche foure princis he
ſignefien `þe beforſeid myſteries; for it techeþ ſo vs in þe ordeynede to ben beforn to þe ſongus, Aſaf, Eman, Ethan,
ſeuenþe of þis lif to werken and to liuen, þat in þe eiȝþe of and Iditym, to eche of hem deuydende two and ſeuenti men,
aȝeen riſing wee be not clad wiþ þe doublefold cloþ of vnder criende preiſing of þe ſongis to þe Lord. And oon
confuſioun, but wiþ þe ſtole of double glorifiyng. Or þerfore in forſoþe of hem ſmot þe ſimbal, an oþer þe harpe, an oþer þe
þat noumbre of ſalmys it is maad, for, as wee han ſeid, þis hornene trumpe enhauncende. In þe myddel forſoþe of hem
noumbre ſtant of eiȝteti and ſeuenti, þat al oon betocnen þat `ſtod Dauid, holdende hymſelf a ſautre; forſoþe þei wenten
eiȝte and ſeuene. Eiȝte forſoþe betocneþ þe newe teſtament, þe befor þe arke in ſeuene queris, and þe ſacrifiſe, a calf.
fadris forſoþe of þe newe teſtament to ogdoadi, þat is, to eiȝte Forſoþe al þe puple folewide after þe arke. Þanne alle þe
deſeruen. Þei kepen forſoþe þe eiȝþe dai of þe reſureccioun of ſalmys of Dauid ben in noumbre an hundrid and fifti, of
Criſt, þat is, þe ſone dai, and þe vtas of ſeintis, and abijden whiche alle forſoþe nyne made Dauid himſelf, two and þretti
þe eiȝte of þe aȝeen riſing. Bi ſeuene forſoþe is betocned þe han not ſuperſcripcioun, fifti and two and twenti in to Dauid,
olde teſtament þerfore; for þe fadris of þe olde teſtament twelue in to Aſaf, twelue in to Iditym, nyne to þe ſones of
ſerueden to ebdoady, þat is, to ſeuene. Forſoþe þei kepten þe Chori, oon to Moiſes, two in to Salomon, two in to Aggie
ſeuenþe dai, and þe ſeuenþe wike, þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe and Zacharie. And ſo alle þe ſalmys of Dauid ben maad in
`ſeuenþe ȝer, and þe ſeuenþe ȝer of þe ſeuenþe, `þat is, þe noumbre of an hundrid and fifti. Þe deuyſeoun of ſalmys þat
fiftiþe, þat is ſeid iubile. Wherfore Salomon ſeiþ, "Ȝif partis ben clepid diaſalmys ben in noumbre of ſeuenti and fiue; þe
ſeuene and alſo eiȝte." And Mychias, "Wee ſhul reren `vp on canticlis of grees ben in noumbre of fiftene. Þe firſte ſalm to
hym ſeuen ſhepperdis, and eiȝte primatis." Weel þerfore þis no man is aſigned, for it is of alle. Þerfore what oþer man is
boc in þat noumbre of ſalmys is maad, whos partis betocnen vnderſtonde in þe firſte but þe firſte goten, þat wrþili
þe doctrine of eiþer teſtament, þat bi þat be ſhewid þe heſtis of inſcripcioun ſhul not be neceſſarie. Ferþermor for þat ſalm
eiþer teſtament to be contened in þis boc. Þis boc forſoþe is makeþ mencioun of Criſt, as aȝen þi Criſt expounende þe
deuydid bi þre fifties; bi þe whiche þre ſtatis of criſtene perſone `to ben inſcriued, vttirli þei han not wiþinne chaungid
religioun ben betocned. Of whiche þe firſte is in penaunce, þe þe ordre of ſtorie. Wee reden and in þe titlis of ſalmys; but
ſecounde in riȝtwiſneſſe, þe þridde in preiſing of þe euere þe ſalmys not after þe ſtorie, but aftir þe profecie ben rad, ſo
laſtende lif. Wherfore þe firſte fifti is endid in penaunce, þat þe ordre of titlis mai not diſturben þe order of ſalmys. Alle þe
is, þe ſalm þat begynneþ "Haue mercy of me, God;" þe ſalmys þat ben inſcriued to hym Dauid, pertenen to þe
ſecounde in riȝtwiſneſſe, þat is, þis ſalm, "Mercy and dom I ſacrament of Criſt, for Dauid is ſeid Criſt.
ſhal ſingen to þee;" þe þridde in preiſing of þe euere laſtende
lif, þat is, þis woord "Eche ſpirit preiſe God." And for þeſe Explicit prologus ſuper pſalterium.
þre þingus techeþ Dauid in þis boc, þerfore þis þrefold
diſtinccioun of ſalmys is maad. Alſo it is to be notid, þis
ſcripture mor þan oþere to ofte ben vſid in chirche ſeruyſis,
þat þerfore is don, for in þis boc is þe fulle ending of þe hole


Þe boc begynneþ of ympnes and ſolitarie vi I ſhal not drede þouſendis of puple goende aboute me;
vii rys vp, Lord; mac me ſaf, my God.For þou haſt ſmyte
ſpechis of þe profete Dauyd, of Cryſt. alle
doende aduerſite to me wiþ oute cauſe; þe teþ of þe ſinful þou
haſt to-broſid.
SALM I. viii Of þe Lord is helþe; and vpon þi puple þi bleſſing.
i Blisful þe man, þat went not awei in þe counſeil of
vnpitouſe, and in þe wei off ſinful ſtod not; and in þe chaȝer SALM IIII.
of peſtilence ſat not.
ii But in þe lawe of þe Lord his wil; and in þe lawe of hym In to þe ende, in ditees, þe ſalm of Dauid;
he ſhal ſweteli þenke dai and nyȝt. or, In to þe ende, þe ſalm of þe ſong of
iii And he ſhal ben as a tree, þat is plauntid biſide þe doun
rennyngis of watris; þat his frut ſhal ȝiue in his time. And þe
lef of hym ſhal not fade; and alle þingus what euere he ſhal i Whan I inwardli clepide, ful out herde me þe God of my
don ſhul waxe welſum. riȝtwiſneſſe; in tribulacioun þou ſpraddeſt out to me.
iiii Not ſo þe vnpitouſe, not ſo; but as poudre, þat aferr ii Haue merci of me; and ful out here myn oriſoun. Sones of
þrowiþ þe wind fro þe face of þe erþe. men, hou longe wiþ greuous herte? whereto looue ȝee vanyte,
v Þerfore eft rijſen not þe vnpitouſe in dom; ne ſinful in þe and ſechen leſing?
counſeil of riȝtwiſe. iii And witeþ, for þe Lord haþ maad merueilous his ſeynt; þe
vi For þe Lord haþ knowe þe weie of þe riȝtwiſe; and þe Lord ful out ſhal here me, whan I ſhal crie to hym.
goyng of þe vnpitouſe ſhal perſhen. iiii Wraþe ȝee, and wileþ not ſynnen; þat ȝee ſeyn in ȝoure
hertis and in ȝoure couchis, haue ȝee compunccioun.
SALM II. v Sacrifiſeþ ſacrifiſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and hopeþ in þe Lord;
many ſeyn, Who ſhewiþ to vs goode þingis?
Þe ſalm of Dauyd. vi Markid is vpon vs þe liȝt of þi chere, Lord; þou ȝeue
i Whi gruccheden Jentilis; and puplys ſweteli þoȝten inwardli gladneſſe in myn herte.
veyne þingus? vii Of þe frut of whete, win, and oile of hem; þei ben
ii Þer ſtode neeȝh þe kingus of þe erþe; and princis kamen multiplied.
togidere in to oon, aȝen þe Lord, and aȝen his Criſt. viii In pes into itſelf; I ſhal ſlepe, and reſte. For þou, Lord;
iii To-breke we þe bondis of hem; and aferr þrowe we fro vs ſingulerli in hope haſt togidere ſet me.
þe ȝoc of hem.
iiii Þat dwelleþ in heuenes ſhal ſcorne þem; and þe Lord ſhal SALM V.
bemowe þem.
v Þanne he ſhal ſpeke to hem in his wraþe; and in his Into þe ende, for hir þat getiþ þe eritage.
wodneſſe diſturbe þem togidere. i My woordis wiþ eris parceyue þou, Lord; vnderſtond my
vi I forſoþe am ſett king fro hym vpon Sion, þe holi mount of cry.
hym; prechende his heſte. ii Tac heede to þe vois of myn oriſoun; my king, and my
vii Þe Lord ſeide to me, My ſone þou art; I to day gat þee. God. For to þee I ſhal preȝe,
viii Aſke of me, and I ſhal ȝiue to þee Jentilis þin eritage; iii Lord; erli þou ful out ſhalt here my vois. Erly I ſhal neeȝh
and þi poſſeſſioun þe termes of erþe. ſtonde to þee, and ſeen;
ix Þou ſhalt gouerne þem in an irene ȝerde; and as a veſſel of iiii for þou art God not willende wickidneſſe.
a crockere breke þem togidere. v Ne ſhal dwelle beſide þee þe ſhrewe; ne ſhul dwelle ſtille þe
x And now, kingus, vnderſtondeþ; beþ taȝt, þat demen þe erþe. vnriȝtwiſe before þin eȝen. Þou haſt hatid alle þat wirken
xi Serueþ to þe Lord in drede; and ful out gladeþ to hym wiþ wickidneſſe;
vi þou ſhalt leeſen alle þat ſpeken leſing. Þe man of blodis
xii Takeþ diſcipline, leſt any time be wraþid þe Lord; and ȝee and trecherous þe Lord ſhal wlate;
vii I forſoþe in þe multitude of þi mercy. I ſhal entre in to
perſhe fro þe riȝtwis weie. Whan his wraþe ſhal brenne out
in ſhort; blisful alle þat troſten in hym. þin hous; I ſhal honouren at þin holi temple in þi drede.
viii Lord, bring forþ me in þi riȝtwiſneſſe for myn enemys;
SALM III. mac redi in þi ſiȝte my weie.
ix For þer is not in þe mouþ of hem treuþe; þe herte of hem
Salm of Dauid, whan he ſhulde flee fro þe is veyn. An open ſepulcre is þe þrote of hem, wiþ þer tungis
face of Abſolon, his ſone. treccherouſli þei diden;
x deme þem, þou God. Falle þei doun fro þer þoȝtis; after þe
i Lord, wherto ben multiplied þat trublen me? manye inwardli multitude of þe vnpitouſneſſis of hem, put hem awei; for þei
rijſen aȝen me. han terrid þee, Lord.
ii Manye ſeyn to my lif, Þer is not helþe to hym in his God. xi And glade þei alle, þat hopen in þee; in to wiþoute ende þei
iii Þou forſoþe, Lord, art myn vndirtakere; my glorie, and ſhul ful out gladen; and þou ſhalt dwellen in hem. And alle
enhanſende myn hed. ſhul glorien in þee þat loouen þi name;
iiii Wiþ my vois to þe Lord I criede; and he ful out herde me xii for þou ſhalt bliſſe to þe riȝtwiſe. Lord, as wiþ þe ſheeld of
fro his holi hil. þi goode wil, þou haſt crouned vs.
v I ſleep, and was a ſlepe, and ful out ros; for þe Lord
vndertoc me.


SALM VI. xvi His ſorewe ſhal be turned in to þe hed of hym; and in to
his nol þe wickidneſſe of hym ſhal deſcenden.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe xvii I ſhal knouleche to þe Lord, after þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym;
eiȝþe. and I ſhal ſein ſalm to þe name of þe heȝeſt Lord.
i Lord, in þi wodneſſe vndernyme þou nott me; ne in þi wraþe
chaſtiſe þou me. SALM VIII.
ii Haue mercy of me, Lord, for I am ſyk; hele me, Lord, for In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe
diſturbid ben alle my bonys. preſſis.
iii And my ſoule is diſturbid gretli; but þou, Lord, hou longe?
iiii Be turned, Lord, and delyuere my ſoule; mac me ſaaf, for i Lord, oure Lord; hou myche merueilous is þi name in al þe
þi grete mercy. erþe. For rerid vp is þi grete doing, ouer heuenes.
v For þer is not in deþ, þat be myndeful of þee; in helle ii Of þe mouþ of vnſpekende childer and ſoukende þou
forſoþe who ſhal knouleche to þee? performediſt preiſing, for þin enemys; þat þou deſtroȝe þe
vi I haue trauailid in my weilinge, I ſhal waſſhe bi alle enemy and þe veniere.
iii For I ſhal ſee þin heuenes, þe werkis of þi fingris; þe
nyȝtis my bed; and wiþ my teres my bedding I ſhal watrin.
vii Diſturbid is of wodneſſe myn eȝe; I haue inwardli eldid mone and þe ſterris, þat þou haſt foundid.
iiii What is a man, þat myndeful þou art of hym; or þe ſon of
amongis alle myn enemys.
viii Goþ awei fro me, alle þat werken wickidneſſe; for þe Lord man, for þou viſitiſt hym?
v Þou laſſedeſt hym a litil laſſe fro aungelis; wiþ glorie and
ful out herde þe vois of my weping.
ix Þe Lord ful out herde my louli preȝing; þe Lord myn worſhipe þou crounedeſt hym,
vi and ſettiſt hym ouer þe werkis of þin hondys. Alle þingus
oryſoun haþ vndertaken.
x Shamen and be diſturbid hugely alle myn enemys; be þei þou leidiſt vnder his feet,
vii ſhep and oxen alle; ferþermor and þe beſtis of þe feeld;
turned, and ſhame þei ful ſwiftli.
viii þe foulis of heuene, and þe fiſhis of þe ſe; þat þurȝ gon þe
SALM VII. ſties of þe ſe.
ix Lord, oure Lord; hou myche merueilous is þi name in al
In to þe ende; þe ſalm to Dauid, whom he erþe.
ſong to þe Lord for þe woordus of Cuſi,
ſone of þe riȝthalf, `or Gemyny. SALM IX.
i Lord, my God, in þee I hopide; mac me ſaf fro alle men In to þe ende, for þe hid þingus of þe ſone,
purſuende me, and delyuere me. þe ſalm of Dauid.
ii Leſt any time he raueſhe me as a leoun my ſoule; whil þer
iI ſhal knoulechen to þee, Lord, in al myn herte; and telle
is not þat aȝeenbie, ne þat make ſaf. alle þi merueilis.
iii Lord my God, if I dide þis, if þer is wickidneſſe in myn
ii I ſhal gladen and ful out ioȝen in þee; I ſhal ſey ſalm to þi
hondis; name, þou heȝeſt.
iiii if I quitte to þe men ȝeldende to me euelis, I ſhal falle
iii In turnynge myn enemy bacward; þei ſhul be feblid, and
doun þurȝ deſert fro myn enemys inwardli voide; perſhe fro þi face.
v purſue þe enemy my lif, and cacche, and to-trede in þe erþe
iiii For þou didiſt my dom, and my cauſe; þou ſittiſt vp on þe
my lif; and my glorie in to poudre bringe doun. trone, þat demeſt riȝtwiſneſſe.
vi Rys vp, Lord, in þi wraþe; and be þou enhauncid in þe
v Þou ferediſt Jentilis, and þe vnpitous perſhide; þe name of
cooſtis of myn enemys. And ris vp, Lord my God, in þe heſte hem þou didiſt awei in to wiþ oute ende, and in to þe world
þat þou haſt ſent; of world.
vii and þe congregacioun of puplis ſhal enuyroun þee. And for
vi Of þe enemy failiden þe ſwerdis in to þe ende; and þe cites
it in to heiȝ go aȝeen; of hem þou deſtroȝediſt. Perſhide þe mynde of þem wiþ ſoun;
viii þe Lord demeþ puplys. Deme me, Lord, aftir my
vii and þe Lord in to wiþoute ende abit ſtille. He made redy
riȝtwiſneſſe; and aftir my innocence vpon me. in dom his trone;
ix Shal ben endid þe ſhreudeneſſe of ſynneres, and þou ſhalt
viii and he ſhal deme þe roundneſſe of þe erþe in equite; he
dreſſe þe riȝtwis; God ſerchende hertis and reenes. ſhal deme puplis in riȝtwiſneſſe.
x Riȝtwis myn helpe of þe Lord; þat makeþ ſaaf riȝte men in
ix And `maad is þe Lord refut to þe pore; helpere in þo
herte. þingus þat nede is, in tribulacioun.
xi God riȝtwis demere, ſtrong and pacient; wheþer he wraþiþ
x And hope þei in þee, þat knewen þi name; for þou haſt not
bi alle daȝes? forſake þe ſechende þee, Lord.
xii But ȝee ſhul ben conuertid, his ſwerd he ſhal braundiſhen;
xi Singeþ ſalmys to þe Lord, þat dwelliþ in Sion; telleþ
his bowe he bende, and made it redi. among Jentilis þe ſtudies of hym.
xiii And in it he maade redi veſſelis of deþ; his arewis wiþ
xii For aȝeen ſechende þe blod of hem he recordide; he forȝat
brennende þingus he made out. not þe cry of pore men.
xiiii Lo! he wiþinne wroȝte vnriȝtwiſneſſe; conceyuede ſorewe,
xiii Haue mercy of me, Lord; ſee my mecneſſe fro myn
and bar wickidneſſe. enemys. Þat enhaunciſt me fro þe ȝatis of deþ;
xv A lake he openede, and dalf it out; and fel in to þe dich
xiiii þat I telle alle þi preiſingus in þe ȝatis of þe doȝter of
þat he made. Sion. I ſhal ful out gladen in þi ȝiuere of helþe;


xv ful ficchid ben þe Jentilis in þe deþ, þat þei maden. In þis iiii Þe Lord in his holy temple; þe Lord, in heuene þe ſete of
grene, þat þei hidden, caȝt is þe foot of hem. hym. His eȝen in to þe pore beholden; þe eȝelidis of hym
xvi Þe Lord ſhal be knowe doende domys; in þe werkis of his aſken þe ſones of men.
hondis caȝt is þe ſinful. v Þe Lord aſkeþ þe riȝtwis man, and þe vnpitous; he forſoþe,
xvii Be turned þe ſynneres in to helle; alle Jentilis, þat þat looueþ wickidneſſe, hatiþ hys ſoule.
forȝeten God. vi He ſhal reyne vp on ſynneres grenes; fyr, brunſton, and þe
xviii For not into þe ende forȝeting ſhal ben of þe pore; þe ſpiritis of tempeſtis, part of þe chalis of hem.
pacience of pore men ſhal not perſhen in to þe ende. vii For riȝtwis þe Lord, and riȝtwiſneſſe he loouede; equite ſaȝ
xix Rys, Lord, be not coumfortid a man; be demed þe Jentilis þe chere of hym.
in þi ſiȝte.
xx Sett, Lord, a lawe ȝiuere vp on hem; wite þe Jentilis, for SALM XI.
þey ben men. In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe
xxi Wherto, Lord, wentiſt þou awei along? þou deſpiſiſt in
nedfultees in tribulacioun. eiȝþe.
xxii Whil proudeþ þe vnpitous wiþ inne, tend is þe pore man; i Lord, mac me ſaf, for þer failiþ þe holy; for mynuſht ben
þei ben caȝt in þe counſeilis, bi þe whiche þei þenken. treuþis fro þe ſonys of men.
xxiii For preiſid is þe ſynnere in þe deſiris of his ſoule; and ii Veyn þingus þei ſpeeken, eche to his neȝhebore; þer
þe wicke is bliſſid. treccherous lippis in herte and herte ſpeeken.
xxiiii Þe ſynnere ſharpli ful out terrede þe Lord; after þe iii Þe Lord ſcatere alle trecherous lippis, and þe tunge gret
myculneſſe of his wraþe he ſhal not ſechen. Þer is not God in ſpeche.
his ſiȝt; iiii Þat ſeiden, Oure tunge wee ſhul magnefien; oure lippis of
xxv defoulid ben þe weies of hym in alle time. Þi domes be vs ben; who is oure lord?
taken awei fro þe face of hym; of alle his enemys he ſhal v For þe wrecchidneſſe of þe nedy, and þe weiling of þe pore;
lordſhipen. now I ſhal vp riſe, ſeiþ þe Lord. I ſhal putte in þin helþe
xxvi Forſoþe he ſeide in his herte, I ſhal not be moued, fro
ȝiuere; troſtily I ſhal don in hym.
ieneracioun in to ieneracioun wiþoute euel. vi Þe ſpechis of þe Lord chaſte ſpechis; ſiluer examyned bi
xxvii Whos mouþ is ful of curſing, and bitterneſſe, and
fyr, proued of þe erþe, purgid ſeuefold.
treccherie; vnder his tunge trauaile and ſorewe. vii Þou, Lord, ſhalt wiþholden vs; and kepen vs fro þis
xxviii He ſitt in aſpies wiþ riche men in priuytes; þat he ſle
ieneracioun and in to wiþoute ende.
þe innocent. Þe eȝen of hym beholden in to þe pore; viii In enuyroun vnpitous men gon; aftir þin heiȝneſſe þou
xxix he waitiþ in hid place, as a leoun in his den. He waiteþ,
haſt multiplied þe ſones of men.
þat he raueſhe þe pore; to raueſhe þe pore, whil he draweþ
hym to. SALM XII.
xxx In his grane he ſhal meken hym; he ſhal bowen hymſelf
and fallen; whan he ſhal lordſhipen of pore men. In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
xxxi Forſoþe he ſeide in his herte, Forȝeten is God; he turneþ i Hou longe, Lord, þou forȝetiſt me in to þe ende? hou longe
awei his face, leſt he ſee in to þe ende. þou turneſt awei þi face fro me?
xxxii Rys up, Lord God, and be haunſid þin hond; ne forȝete ii Hou myche while I ſhal putte counſeilis in my ſoule; ſorewe
þou of þe pore. in myn herte bi day? Hou longe ſhall ben enhauncid myn
xxxiii For what þe vnpitouſe terrede God? forſoþe he ſeide in enemy vp on me?
his herte, He ſhal not aȝeen ſechen. iii Behold, and ful out here me, Lord my God. Liȝte þou myn
xxxiiii Seeſt þou, for trauaile and ſorewe þou beholdiſt; þat eȝen, leſt any tyme I ſlepe al doun in deþ;
þou take þem in to þin hondis. To þee laft is þe pore; to þe iiii leſt ſum time ſey myn enemy, I haue wonnen þe maiſtri
faderles child þou ſhalt ben helpere. aȝen hym. Þat trubblen me ſhul ful out glade, if I ſhul be
xxxv To-broſe þe arm of þe ſynnere, and of þe malice doere; moued;
þe ſynne of hym ſhal be ſoȝt, and not be founde. v I forſoþe in þi mercy haue hopid. Myn herte ſhal ful out
xxxvi Þe Lord ſhal regne in to wiþ oute ende, and in to þe gladen in þin helþe ȝiuere;
world of world; periſhe ſhuln ȝee, Jentilis, fro þe lond of hym. vi I ſhal ſinge to þe Lord, þat goodis ȝaf to me; and do ſalm
xxxvii Þe deſyr of pore men ful out herde þe Lord; þe befor to þe name of þe heiȝeſt Lord.
rediyng of þe herte of hem herde þin ere.
xxxviii To deme to þe moderles child and to þe meeke; þat no SALM XIII.
more ley to to magnefie hymſelf a man vp on erþe.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
SALM X. i The vnwiſe man ſeide in his herte, Þer is not God. Corupt
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid. þei ben, and abhominable ben maad in þer ſtudies; þer is not
þat do good, þer is not vnto oon.
i In þe Lord I troſtne; hou ſey ȝee to my ſoule, Paſſe forþ in ii Þe Lord fro heuene forþ beheeld vp on þe ſonus of men;
to þe hil, as a ſparewe. þat he ſee, if þer is vnderſtondende, or aȝeen ſechende God.
ii For loo! ſynneres benten bowe, maden redy þer arwis in þe iii Alle ben bowid doun, togidere vnprofitable ben maad; þer
arwe girdil; þat þei ſhete in derc þe riȝte men in herte. is not þat do good, þer is not vnto oon. A ſepulcre opened is
iii For þoo þingus þat þou parformedeſt, þei deſtroȝeden; þe þe þrote of hem, wiþ þer tungis treccherouſly þei diden; þe
riȝtwis man what dide forſoþe? venym of edderes vnder þe lippis of hem. Whos mouþ of


curſing and bitterneſſe is ful; ſwifte þe feet of hem to ſheden SALM XVI.
out blod. To-broſing and vnwelſumneſſe in þe weies of hem,
and þe weie of pes þei knewen not; þer is not þe drede of Þe oriſoun of Dauid.
God befor þer eȝen.
iiii Wheþer alle ſhul not knowen, þat werken wickedneſſe; þat i Here, Lord, my riȝtwiſneſſe; vnderſtond my lowe preȝing.
deuoure my folc, as mete of bred? God þey inwardli clepeden Wiþ eris perceyue myn oriſoun; not in treccherous lippis.
not; ii Fro þi chere my dom go forþ; þin eȝen ſee þei equites.
v þere þei trembliden bi drede, wher was not drede. For þe iii Þou prouedeſt myn herte, and viſytediſt in þe nyȝt; bi fyr
Lord is in a riȝtwis ieneracioun; þou examynedeſt me, and þer is not founde in me wickidneſſe.
vi þe counſeil of þe nedi ȝee han confoundid, for þe Lord is iiii Þat my mouþ ſpeke not þe werkis of men; for þe woordis
his hope. of þi lippis I kepte harde weies.
vii Who ſhall ȝiue fro Sion þe helþe ȝiuere of Irael? Whan þe v Parforme my goingus in þi ſties; þat my ſteppis be not
Lord ſhal take awei þe caitifte of his puple; Jacob ful out ſhal meued.
ioȝen, and Irael ſhall gladen. vi I criede, for þou, God, herdeſt me; bowe fully þin ere, and
ful out here my woordis.
SALM XIIII. vii Mac merueilouſe þi mercyes; þat makiſt ſaf þe hopende in
Þe ſalm of Dauid. viii Fro þe wiþſtonderes to þi riȝthalf kep me, as þe appil of
i Lord, who ſhal duelle in þi tabernacle; or who ſhal eft reſten þe eȝe. Vnder þe ſhadewe of þi weengis defend me;
in þin holy hil? ix fro þe face of vnpitous men, þat me han tormentid. Myn
ii Þat goþ in wiþoute wem; and werkiþ ryȝttwiſneſſe. Þat enemys my ſoule cumpaſiden;
ſpekeþ treuþe in his herte; x þer talȝ þei cloſiden togidere; þeyr mouþ haþ ſpoken pride.
iii þat dide not trecherie in his tunge. Ne dide to his xi Þrowende me aferr now þei enuyrounden me; þer eȝen þei
neȝhebore euel; and reprof toc not to aȝen hiſe neȝhboris. ordeyneden to bowe doun in to þe erþe.
iiii To noȝt is broȝt doun in his ſiȝt þe malice doere; forſoþe xii Þey toke me doun, as a leoun redy to þe prey; and as a
þe dredende þe Lord he glorifieþ. Þat ſwereþ to his leoun whelp dwellende in hid placis.
neȝhebore, and deſceyueþ not; xiii Rys vp, Lord, befor come hym, and ſupplaunte hym; tac
v þat his monee ȝaf not to vſure; and ȝiftis vp on þe innocent
awei my ſoule fro þe vnpitous; þy ſwerd,
toc not. He, þat doþ þeſe þingus, ſhal not be moued in to xiiii fro þe enemys of þin hond. Lord, fro a fewe fro þe lond
wiþout ende.
deuyde hem in þer lif; of þin hidde þingus fulfild to is þe
wombe of hem. Þei ben fulfild wiþ ſones; and laften þer
SALM XV. relikis to þer childer.
xv I forſoþe in riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal apere to þi ſiȝte; I ſhal be
Of þe title, þe inſcripcioun to hym Dauid.
fulfild, whan þi glorie ſhal apere.
i Kep me, Lord, for I hopide in þee;
ii I ſeide to þe Lord, My God art þou; for of my goodis þou SALM XVII.
nediſt not.
iii To þe ſeintis þat ben in þe lond of hym; he made In to þe ende, to þe child of þe Lord,
merueilous alle my willis in hem. Dauid; þe whiche woordus of þis ſong he
iiii Þer ben multiplied þe infirmytes of hem; aftirward þei
ſpac to þe Lord, in þe dai þat þe Lord toc
heeȝeden to. I ſhal not gadere togidere þe conuenticulis of
hem of blodis; ne I ſhal be myndeful of þe namys of hem bi hym out fro þe hond of þe enemys of hym,
my lippis. and fro þe hond of Saul; and ſeide:
v Þe Lord þe part of myn eritage, and of my chalis; þou art,
i I ſhal looue þee, Lord, my ſtrengþe;
þat ſhalt reſtore myn eritage to me. ii þe Lord my faſtnyng, and my refut,
vi Cordis fellen to me in ful cleer þingis; forſoþe myn eritage and my delyuerere. My
ful cler is to me. God, myn helpere; I ſhal hope in to hym. My defendere, and
vii I ſhal bliſſe þe Lord, þat ȝaf to me vnderſtondinge;
þe horn of myn helþe; and myn vndertakere.
iii Preiſende I ſhal inwardly clepe þe Lord; and fro myn
ouermor `and vnto þe nyȝt myche blameden me my reenys. enemys I ſhal be ſaf.
viii I purueiede þe Lord in my ſiȝte euermor; for fro þe riȝt
iiii Þe ſorewis of deþ enuyrounden me; and þe ſtremes of
partis he is to me, leſt I be wiþ moued. wickidneſſe togidere ſturbiden me.
ix For þat gladede myn herte, and ful out ioȝede my tunge;
v Þe ſorewis of helle wenten aboute me; befor ocupieden me
furþermor and my fleſh ſhal aȝeen reſten in hope. þe grenes of deþ.
x For þou ſhalt not forſake my ſoule in helle; ne ȝiue þin
vi In my tribulacioun I inwardly clepide þe Lord; and to my
halewe to ſeen corupcioun. God I criede. And he ful out herde fro his holi temple my
xi Knowen to me þou haſt maad þe weies of lif; þou ſhalt
vois; and my cry in his ſiȝte wente in to þe eris of hym.
fulfille me þerto in gladneſſe wiþ þi chere; delitingus in þi vii Moued is togidere, and togidere tremblide þe erþe; þe
riȝtt hond vnto þe ende. foundemens of mounteynes ben togidere ſturbid, and togidere
moued, for he wraþide to þem.
viii Þer ſteȝede vp ſmoke in his wraþe, and fyr fro his face
ful out brente; and colis ben vndertend of hym.


ix He ful bowide heuenes, and cam doun; and dercneſſe vnder xxxviii I ſhal breke þem togidere, ne þei myȝten ſtonde; þei
his feet. ſhul falle vnder my feet.
x And he ſteȝede vpon cherubyn, and fleiȝ; he fleiȝ on þe xxxix And þou befor girtiſt me wiþ vertue to bataile; and þou
pennes of windis. ſupplauntidiſt men riſende in me vnder me.
xi And he putte dercneſſes his hiding place, in þe cumpas of xl And myn enemys þou ȝeue to me bac; and þe hatende me
hym his tabernacle; derk watir in þe cloudis of þe eir. þou ſcateredeſt.
xii Fro þe liȝting in þe ſiȝte of hym cloudis paſſeden; hail and xli Þei crieden, and þer was not þat ſhulde make ſaf; to þe
þe colis of fyr. Lord, and he ful out herde þem not.
xiii And in þundrede fro heuene þe Lord; and þe heȝeſt ȝaf his xlii And I ſhal to-poone þem into pouder befor þe face of þe
vois, hail and colis of fyr. wind; as clei of ſtretis I ſhal do þem awei.
xiiii And he ſente his arewis, and ſcaterede hem; leitis he xliii Þou ſhalt take me out fro þe aȝen ſeiyngus of þe puple;
multipliede, and togidere ſturbide hem. þou ſhalt ſette me in to þe hed of Jentilis. Þe puple, þat I
xv And þer apereden þe wellis of watris; and ben opened þe knewe not, ſeruede to me;
foundemens of þe roundneſſe of erþis. Of þi blamyng, Lord; xliiii in heering of ere it obeſhede to me. Alienes ſones han
of þe inbreþing of þe ſpirit of þi wraþe. lied to me,
xvi He ſente fro þe heȝeſt, and toc me; and caȝte me fro many xlv alienes ſonus ben elded; and haltiden fro þi paþis.
watris. xlvi Þe Lord liueþ, and bleſſid my God; and God of myn
xvii He toc me out fro my moſt ſtrong enemys; and fro hem helþe be enhauncid.
þat hatiden me, for þei ben coumfortid vpon me. xlvii God, þat giueſt veniauncis to me, and ſogetyſt puplis
xviii Þei befor camyn me in þe dai of my tormenting; and þe vnder me;
Lord is maad my defendere. xlviii my deliuerere fro my wraþeful enemys. And fro men
xix And he ladde out me in to brodneſſe; he made me ſaf, for riſende in to me, þou ſhalt enhaunce me; fro þe wicke man
he wolde me. þou ſhalt take me awei.
xx And þe Lord ſhal ȝelde to me after my riȝtwiſneſſe; and xlix Þerfore, Lord, I ſhal knouleche to þee in naciouns; and
after þe clenneſſe of myn hondis he ſhall ȝelde to me. to þi name a ſalm I ſhal ſeyn.
xxi For I kepte þe weies of þe Lord; ne vnpitouſly I dide fro l Magnefiende þe helþis of his king; and doende mercy to his
my God. criſt Dauid, and to his ſed vnto þe world.
xxii For alle þe domys of hym in my ſiȝte; and þe
riȝtwiſneſſes of hym I putte not fro me awey. SALM XVIII.
xxiii And I ſhal ben vndefoulid wiþ hym; and al abouten kepe
me fro my wickidneſſe. In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
xxiiii And þe Lord ſhal ȝelde to me after my riȝtwiſneſſe; and i Heuenes tellen out þe glorie of God; and þe werkis of his
after þe clenneſſe of myn hondis in þe ſiȝte of þe eȝen of hym. hondes telliþ þe firmament.
xxv Wiþ þe holy, holy þou ſhalt be; and wiþ þe innocent man, ii Dai to þe dai bolkeþ out woord; and nyȝt to þe nyȝt ſhewiþ
an innocent þou ſhalt be. out kunnyng.
xxvi And wiþ þe choſen, choſen þou ſhalt be; and wiþ þe iii Þer ben not ſpechis, ne ſermownes; of þe whiche ben not
peruertid, þou ſhalt be peruertid. herd þe voiſes of hem.
xxvii For þou a meke puple ſhalt make ſaf; and þe eȝen of iiii In to al þe erþe wente out þe ſoun of hem; and in to þe
proude men þou ſhalt lowen. endis of þe roundneſſe of erþe þeir woordis. In þe ſunne he
xxviii For þou liȝtiſt my lanterne; Lord, my God, liȝte my ſette his tabernacle;
dercneſſis. v and he as a ſpouſe goende forþ fro his priue chaumbre. He
xxix For in þee I ſhal be pullid out fro temptacioun; and in ful out gladide, as a ieaunt, to be runne þe weie;
my God I ſhal gon ouer þe wal. vi fro þe heȝeſt heuene þe going out of hym. And þe
xxx My God, vndefoulid þe weie of hym, þe ſpechis of þe aȝeencomyng of hym unto þe heȝeſte of hym; and þer is not
Lord bi fyr examyned; þe defendere he is of alle hoperis in þat hide hymſelf fro his hete.
hym. vii Þe lawe of þe Lord vnwemmed, turnende ſoulis; þe
xxxi For who God but þe Lord? or who God but oure God? witneſſing of þe Lord feiþful, wiſdam ȝiuende to litle childer.
xxxii God þat befor girte me wiþ vertue; and ſette my weye viii Þe riȝtwiſneſſes of þe Lord euene, gladende hertis; þe
vndefoulid. heſte of þe Lord liȝtſum, liȝtende eȝen.
xxxiii Þat parfitli made my feet as of hertes; and vp on heȝe ix Þe drede of þe Lord holy, abit ſtille in to þe world of
þingus ſettende me. world; þe domes of þe Lord verre, iuſtefied in to þemſelf.
xxxiiii Þat techeþ myn hondis to bataile; and þou ſettiſt as a x Deſirable vp on gold, and precious ſton myche; and ſwettere
braſene bowe myn armys. ouer þe hony and þe honycomb.
xxxv And þou ȝeue to me þe proteccioun of þin helþe; and þi xi Forſoþe þi ſeruaunt kepeþ hem; in hem to be kept myche
riȝthond vndertoc me. And þi diſcipline amendede me in to þe ȝelding.
ende; and þat þi diſcipline ſhal teche me. xii Giltis who vnderſtandiþ? fro myn hid þingis clenſe me;
xxxvi Þou madeſt large my goingus vnder me; and my ſteppis xiii and fro alienes ſpare to þi ſeruaunt. If of me þei ſhul not
ben not feblid. lordſhipen, þanne I ſhal ben vnwemmed; and ful out clenſid
xxxvii I ſhal purſue myn enemys, and taken hem; and I ſhal fro þe moſt gilte.
not be turned, to þe time þei failen. xiiii And þe ſpechis of my mouþ ſhul be, þat þei pleſe; and þe
ſwete þenking of myn herte in þi ſiȝte euermore. Lord, myn
helpere; and myn aȝeen biere.


SALM XIX. ii My God, I ſhal crie bi dai, and þou ſhalt not ful out heren;
and in þe nyȝt, and not to vnwiſdam to me.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid. iii Þou forſoþe in þe holi duelliſt, preiſing of Irael;
i Ful out here þee þe Lord in þe dai of tribulacioun; defende iiii in þee hopiden oure fadris, hopeden, and þou deliueredeſt
þee þe name of þe God of Jacob. hem.
ii Sende he to þee helpe fro þe holy; and fro Sion defende he v To þee þei crieden, and þei ben maad ſaf; in þee þei
þee. hopeden, and ben not confoundid.
iii Myndeful be he of alle þi ſacrifiſe; and þi brent ſacrifiſe be vi I forſoþe am a werm, and not man; repref of men, and þe
maad fat. kaſting out of folc.
iiii Ȝelde he to þee after þin herte; and alle þi counſeil vii Alle ſeende me ſcorneden me; þei ſpeeken wiþ lippis, and
conferme. moueden þe hed.
v We ſhul gladen in þin helþe ȝiuere; and in þe name of oure viii He hopide in þe Lord, `deliuere he hym; make he hym
God wee ſhul be magnefied. ſaaf, for he wile hym.
vi Fulfille þe Lord alle þin aſkingus; now I haue knowe, for ix For þou art þat haſt drawe me out from þe wombe, myn
þe Lord made ſaf his criſt. He ſhal ful out heren hym fro his hope fro þe tetis of my modir;
holi heuene; in myȝtus þe helþe of his riȝthond. x in þee I am kaſt forþ out fro þe wombe. Fro þe wombe of
vii Þeſe in charis, and þeſe in hors; wee forſoþe in þe name my modir my God þou art;
of þe Lord oure God ſhul inwardli clepen. xi ne go þou awei fro me. For tribulacioun is next; for þer is
viii Þei ben obliſht, and fellen; wee forſoþe riſen, and ben up not þat helpe.
riȝt. xii Þer han enuyround me manye calues; fatte bolis beſegeden
ix Lord, mac ſaaf þe king; and here us in þe day þat wee ſhul me.
inwardli clepe þee. xiii Þei openeden vp on me þer mouþ; as a leoun rampaunt
and rorende.
SALM XX. xiiii As watir I am held out; and ſcatrid ben alle my bones.

In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid. Maad is myn herte as wax meltende; in þe myddel of my

i Lord, in þi vertue ſhal þe king gladen; and vpon þin helþe xv My vertue driede as a ſhord, and my tunge cleuede to my
ȝiuere ful out ioȝen hugely. chekis; and in to pouder of deþ þou broȝtiſt doun me.
ii Þe deſyr of his herte þou ȝeue to hym; and in þe wil of his xvi For þer wenten aboute me manye houndis; þe counſeil of
lippis þou begilideſt not hym. warieris beſegide me. Þei dolue myn hondis and my feet;
iii For þou wentiſt beforn him in bleſſingus of ſwetneſſe; þou xvii and ful noumbrable maden alle my bones. Þei forſoþe
puttiſt in his hed a crowne of precious ſton. togidere lokeden, and inwardly beheelden me;
iiii Lyf he aſkide of þee, and þou ȝeue to hym; lengþe of daȝis xviii þei deuydeden to þemſelf my cloþis, and upon my cloþ þei
in to þe world, and into þe world of world. leiden lot.
v Gret is his glorie in þin helþe giuere; glorie and gret xix Þou forſoþe, Lord, ne awei longe þou þin helpe fro me; to
fairneſſe þou ſhalt ful putte vp on hym. my defending behold anoon.
vi For þou ſhalt ȝiuen hym in to bleſſing in to world of world; xx Pul out fro þe ſwerd my ſoule, þou God; and fro þe hond
þou ſhalt gladen hym in ioȝe wiþ þi chere. of þe hound myn only.
vii For þe king hopiþ in þe Lord; and in þe mercy of þe heȝeſt xxi Saue me fro þe mouþ of þe leoun; and fro þe hornes of þe
he ſhal not be moued. vnycornes my mecneſſe.
viii Be founde þin hond to alle þin enemys; þi riȝthond finde xxii I ſhal telle þi name to my breþern; in þe myddel of þe
alle þat þee hatiden. chirche I ſhal preiſe þee.
ix Þou ſhalt putte þem as a furneis of fyr in þe time of þi xxiii Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, preiſeþ hym; al þe ſed of Jacob,
chere; þe Lord in his wraþe ſhal deſturbe þem, and fyr ſhal glorifieþ hym. Drede hym al þe ſed of Irael;
deuoure þem. xxiiii for he ſpornede not, ne deſpiſide þe lowe preȝing of þe
x Þe frute of hem fro þe erþe þou ſhalt leeſe; and þe ſed of pore. Ne he turnede awei his face fro me; and whan I ſhulde
hem fro þe ſones of men. crie to hym, he ful out herde me.
xi For þei bowede doun in to þee euelis; þei þoȝten counſeilis, xxv Anent þee my preiſing in þe grete chirche; my vouwes I
þat þei myȝten not ſtablen. ſhal ȝelde in þe ſiȝte of men dredende hym.
xii For þou ſhalt putte þem abac; in þi relikis þou ſhalt make xxvi Pore men ſhul ete, and be fild, and þei ſhul preiſe þe
beforn redi þe chere of hem. Lord, þat aȝeen ſechen hym; þe hertis of hem ſhul liue in to
xiii Be þou enhauncid, Lord, in þi vertue; wee ſhul ſynge, þe world of world.
`and wiþ ſalm ſeyn þi vertues. xxvii Þei ſhul recorde; and be conuertid to þe Lord, alle þe
cooſtis of erþe. And þer ſhuln honoren in his ſiȝte; alle þe
SALM XXI. meynes of Jentilis.
xxviii For of þe Lord is reume; and he ſhal lordſhipen of
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þat Jentilis.
taking to, or, for þe morutid vndertaking, xxix Þei eeten, and honoureden, alle fatte men of erþe; in hys
or, for þe morutid hinde. ſiȝte ſhul falle alle þat gon doun in to þe erþe. And my ſoule
ſhal to him liue;
i God,my God, behold in me; whi haſt þou forſake me? ferr xxx and my ſed ſhal ſerue to hym. Þer ſhal be told to þe Lord
fro myn helþe þe woordis of my giltis. þe ieneracioun to come;


xxxi and heuenes ſhul telle þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym to þe puple viii Swete and riȝt þe Lord; for þat lawe he ſhal ȝiue to þe
þat ſhal be born, þe whiche þe Lord made. gilteris in þe weie.
ix He ſhal dreſſe debonere men in dom; he ſhal teche mylde
SALM XXII. men hys weies.
x Alle þe weies of þe Lord mercy and truþe; to þe aȝeen
Þe ſalm of Dauid. ſechende men, þe teſtament of hym and his witneſſis.
i The Lord gouerneþ me, and no þing to me ſhal lacke; xi For þi name, Lord, þou ſhalt be merciful to my ſynne;
ii in þe place of leſwe where he me ful ſette. Ouer watirof myche it is forſoþe.
fulfilling he nurſhide me; xii Who is þe man þat dredeþ þe Lord? lawe he ſette to hym
iii my ſoule he conuertide. He broȝte doun me vpon þe ſties of in þe weie þat he ches.
riȝtwiſneſſe; for his name. xiii Þe ſoule of hym in goode þingus myche ſhal abide; and þe
iiii For whi and if I ſhal go in þe myddel of þe ſhadewe of ſed of hym ſhal eritage þe erþe.
deþ; I ſhal not dreden euelis, for þou art wiþ me. Þi ȝerde xiiii Faſtneſſe is þe Lord to men dredende hym; and þe
and þy ſtaf; þo han confortid me. teſtament of hym, þat it be opened to þem.
v Þou haſt maad redi in þi ſiȝte a bord; aȝen hem þat trublyn xv Myn eȝen euermor to þe Lord; for he ſhal pullen up fro þe
me. Þou haſt myche fattid in oile myn hed; and my chalis grene my foot.
makende ful drunken, hou riȝt cler it is. xvi Loke aȝeen in me, and haue mercy of me; for alone and a
vi And þi mercy ſhal vnderfolewe me; alle þe daȝis of my lif. pore man I am.
And þat I dwelle in þe hous of þe Lord; in to þe lengþe of xvii Tribulaciouns of myn herte ben multiplied; fro my nedis
daȝis. delyuere me.
xviii See my mecneſſe, and my trauaile; and forȝif alle my
SALM XXIII. giltis.
xix Behold myn enemys, for þei ben multiplied; and wiþ
Þe ſalm of Dauid, in þe firſt of þe wike.
wicke hate þei hateden me.
i Off þe Lord is þe erþe, and þe plente of it; þe roundneſſe of xx Kep my ſoule, and delyuere me; I ſhal not become
londis, and alle þat duellen in it. aſhamed, for I hopide in þee.
ii For he vpon þe ſes foundede it; and vp on þe flodis befor xxi Innocentis and riȝte cleueden to me; for I ſuſtenede þee.
greiþide it. xxii Deliuere, God, Iſrael fro alle his tribulaciouns.
iii Who ſhal ſteȝen vp in to þe hyl of þe Lord; or who ſhal
ſtonde in his holy place?
iiii Þe innocent in hondis, and in clene herte, þat toc not to in SALM XXV.
veyn his ſoule; ne ſwor in treccherie to hys neȝhebore. Þe ſalm of Dauid.
v Þis ſhal take bleſſing of þe Lord; and mercy of God his
i Deme me, Lord, for in myn innocence I wente; and in þe
helþe ȝiuere.
vi Þis is þe ieneracioun of men ſechende God; of men Lord hopende I ſhal not ben vnfaſtned.
ii Prof me, Lord, and tempte me; brenne þou my reenys, and
ſechende þe face of God of Jacob.
vii Doþ awei ȝoure ȝatus, ȝee princis; and beþ rerid out, ȝee myn herte.
iii For þi mercy is befor myn eȝen; and I wiþ pleſide in þi
euer laſtende ȝatis, and þer ſhal gon in þe king of glorie.
viii Who is þis king of glorie? a Lord ſtrong and myȝti, a treuþe.
iiii I ſat not wiþ þe counſeil of vanyte; and wiþ berende wicke
Lord myȝti in bataile.
ix Doþ awei ȝoure ȝatis, ȝee princis; and beþ rered vp, ȝee þingus I ſhal not gon in.
v I hatide þe chirche of wariende men; and wiþ þe vnpitouſe
euer laſtende ȝatis, and þer ſhal gon in þe king of glorie.
x Who is þis king of glorie? þe Lord of vertues, he is king of I ſhal not ſitte.
vi I ſhal waſſhe amongys innocentis myn hondis; and I ſhal
enuyroun þin auter, Lord.
vii Þat I here þe vois of preiſing; and telle out alle þi
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid. viii Lord, I loouede þe fairneſſe of þin hous; and þe place off
i To þee, Lord, I þe dwelling of þi glorie.
rerede my ſoule; ix Ne leeſe þou wiþ þe vnpitouſe men, God, my ſoule; and
ii my God, in þee I troſtne, I ſhal not becomen aſhamed. And wiþ men of blodis my lif.
ſcorne not me myn enemys; x In whos hondis wickidneſſis ben; þe riȝthond of hem is
iii forſoþe alle þat ſuſtene þee ſhul not ben confoundid.
fulfild wiþ ȝiftis.
Confoundid be alle doende wickid þingus ouer veynly. xi I forſoþe in myn innocence wente; aȝeen bie me, and haue
iiii Þi weies, Lord, ſhew þou to me; and þi ſties teche out me.
mercy of me.
v Dreſſe me in þi treuþe, and tech me, for þou art God, my xii My foot ſtod in riȝt; in chirchis I ſhal bliſſe þee, Lord.
ſauere; and þee I ſuſtenede all day.
vi Recorde of þi mercy deedis, Lord; and of þi mercies þat fro
þe world ben.
vii Þe giltis of my ȝouþe; and myn vnkunnyngneſſis, ne wil
þou not han in mynde. Aftir þi mercy haue mynde of me; for
þi goodneſſe, Lord.


SALM XXVI. ix Lord,mac ſaf þi puple, and bleſſe to þin eritage; and
gouerne þem, and enhaunce þem vnto wiþ oute ende.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, befor þat
he was enoyntid. SALM XXVIII.
i The Lord my liȝting and myn helþe; whom I ſhal dreden? Þe ſalm of Dauid, in þe endynge of þe
Þe Lord defendere of my lif; fro whom I ſhal quake? tabernacle.
ii Whil neȝhen vp on me noȝeris; þat þei ete my fleſh. Þat
trublen me, myn enemys; þei arn feblid and fellen. i Bringeþ to þe Lord, ȝee ſones of God; bringeþ to þe Lord
iii If þey ſetten aȝen me tentis; myn herte ſhal not drede. If ſones of weþeres.
rijſe out aȝen me bataile; in þat I ſhal hope. ii Bringeþ to þe Lord glorie and wrſhipe; bringeþ to þe Lord
iiii O þing I aſkide of þe Lord, þat I ſhal ofte ſechen; þat I glorie to his name; honoureþ þe Lord in his holi halle.
duelle in þe hous of þe Lord alle `daȝis of my lif. Þat I ſee iii Þe vois of þe Lord vp on watris, God of mageſte in
þe wil of þe Lord; and viſite his temple. þundrede; þe Lord vp on many watris.
v For he hidde me in his tabernacle in þe day of euelis; and iiii Þe vois of þe Lord in vertue; þe vois of þe Lord in gret
defendede me in þe hidde place of hys tabernacle. In þe ſton doing.
he enhauncide me; v Þe vois of þe Lord togidere brekende cedris; and þe Lord
vi and now he haþ enhauncid myn hed vp on myn enemys. I ſhal to-breke þe cedris of Liban.
haue gon aboute, and offrid in his tabernacle an oſt of criyng vi And he ſhal to-poone þem as þe calf of Liban; and þe
out; I ſhal ſinge, and ſeyn ſalm to þe Lord. loouede as þe ſone of þe vnycornes.
vii Ful out here, Lord, my vois, þat I criede to þee; haue vii Þe vois of þe Lord betwene brekende þe flaume of fyr,
mercy of me, and ful out here me. viii þe vois of þe Lord hurtlende togidere deſert; and þe Lord
viii To þee ſeide myn herte, Ful out ſoȝte þee my face; þi face,
ſhal to-ſtere þe deſert of Cades.
Lord, I ſhal ofte ſeche. ix Þe vois of þe Lord befor greiþende herttys, and he ſhal
ix Ne turne þou awei þi face fro me; ne bowe þou doun in
opene þe derk þingus; and in his temple alle ſhul ſey glorie.
wraþe fro þi ſeruaunt. Myn helpere be þou, Lord; ne forſake x Þe Lord makeþ þe flod to duellen in; and þe Lord ſhal ſitte
þou me, ne deſpiſe þou me, God, myn helþe ȝyuere.
x For my fader and my moder forſoken me; þe Lord forſoþe king wiþ oute ende.
xi Þe Lord ſhal ȝiuen vertue to his puple; þe Lord ſhal bliſſe
haþ take me to.
xi Lawe ſet to me, Lord, in þi weie; and dreſſe me in a riȝt to his puple in pes.
paþ for myn enemys.
xii Ne þou ſhalt take me in to þe ſoulis of men trublende me, SALM XXIX.
for þer han in riſen aȝen me wicke witneſſis; and wickidneſſe Þe ſalm of þe ſong, in þe dedicacioun of þe
haþ lowe to þem.
xiii I leeue to ſeen þe goodis of þe Lord; in þe lond of hous of Dauyd.
lyueres. iI ſhal enhaunce þee, Lord, for þou vndertoke me; and þou
xiiii Abiyd þe Lord, manli do; and be coumfortid þin herte, haſt not delitid myn enemys vpon me.
and ſuſtene þe Lord. ii Lord, my God, I criede to þee; and þou haſt helid me.
iii Lord, þou broȝtiſt out of helle my ſoule; þou ſauediſt me fro
SALM XXVII. men fallende doun in to þe lake.
iiii Doþ ſalmus to þe Lord, ȝee halewis of hym; and
Þe ſalm to þis Dauid. knoulecheþ to þe mynde of his holyneſſe.
i To þee, Lord, I ſhal crien; my God, ne be þou ſtille fro me, v For ire in þe indignacioun of hym; and lif in his wil. At þe
leſt `any time þou holde þi pes fro me; and I ſhal be lic to euetid longe ſhal abide weping; and at þe morutid glading.
men fallende in to þe dich. vi I forſoþe ſeide in myn abundaunce; I ſhal not be moued in
ii Ful out here, Lord, þe vois of my lowe preȝing, whil I to wiþ oute ende.
preȝe to þee; whyl I poote out myn hondis to þin holi temple. vii Lord, in þi wil; þou ȝeue to my fairneſſe vertue. Þou
iii Ne take þou me togidere wiþ ſynneres; and wiþ men turnediſt awei þi face fro me; and I am maad diſturbid.
werkende wickidneſſe ne leeſe þou me. Þat ſpeken pes wiþ viii To þee, Lord, I ſhal crie; and to my God I ſhal lowly
þer neȝebore; euelis forſoþe in þe hertis of hem. preȝe.
iiii Ȝif to hem aftir þer werkis; and after þe wickidneſſe of þe ix What profit in my blod; whil I go doun in to corupcioun?
findingus to of hem. Aftir þe werkis of þer hondis ȝif to hem; Wheþir pouder ſhal knouleche to þee; or tellen out þi treuþe?
ȝelde þer ȝelding to hem. x Þe Lord herde, and rewede of me; þe Lord maad is myn
v For þei vnderſtoden not þe werkis of þe Lord; and in to þe
werkis of þe hondis `of hym þou ſhalt deſtroȝe þem, and not xi Þou turnediſt my weiling in to ioȝe to me; þou to-heewe my
bilde þem up.
vi Bliſſid þe Lord, for he ful out herde þe vois of my lowe ſac, and enuiroundeſt me wiþ gladneſſe.
xii Þat to þee ſinge my glorie, and I ſhal not be pungid;
vii Þe Lord myn helpere, and my defendere; in hym hopide Lord my God, in to wiþouten ende I ſhal knouleche to þee.
myn herte, and I am holpen. And aȝeen flourede myn fleſh;
and of my wil I ſhal knoulechen to hym.
viii Þe Lord þe ſtrengþe of his folc; and is þe defendere of þe
ſauaciouns of his criſt.



In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, `for þe Þe vndirſtondyng of Dauyd.
ecces of mynde. i Bliſſid of whom ben forȝiue þe wickidneſſis; and of whom
i In þee, Lord, I hopide; I ſhal not be confoundid in to couered ben þe ſynnes.
ii Bleſſid þe man, to whom witide not þe Lord ſynne; and þer
wiþoute ende; in þi riȝtwiſneſſe deliuere me.
ii Bowe to me þin ere; heeȝe þat þou delyuere me. Be þou to is not in þe ſpirit of hym trecherie.
iii For I heeld my pes; inwardli eldeden my bones, whil I
me in to God a defendere; and in to an hous of refut, þat þou
make me ſaf. ſhulde crie al dai.
iii For my ſtrengþe and my refut þou art; and for þi name iiii For dai and nyȝt greued is on me þin hond; I am turned
þou ſhal ful out lede me, and ful out nurſhe me. in my myſeiſe, whil wiþ ficchid is þe þorn.
iiii Þou ſhalt ful out lede me fro þis grene, þat þei hidden to v My gilte knowen I made to þee; and myn vnriȝtwiſneſſe I
me; for þou art my defendere. hidde not. I ſeide, I ſhal knowleche aȝen me myn
v In to þin hondis I take my ſpirit; þou boȝtiſt me, Lord God vnriȝtwiſneſſe to þe Lord; and þou forȝiue þe vnpitouſneſſe of
of treuþe. my ſynne.
vi For þat ſhal preȝe to þee eche ſeint; in nedful time.
vi Þou hatediſt aboute waiteris, vanytes ouer veynliche. I
forſoþe in þe Lord hopide; Neuerþelatere in þe flod of manye watris; to hym þei ſhul not
vii ful out I ſhal ioȝen, and gladen in þi mercy. For þou haſt
vii Þou art my refute fro tribulacioun, þat enuyrounde me;
beholde my mecneſſe; and ſauedeſt fro nedis my ſoule. þou, my ful out ioȝe, pul out me fro þe enuyrounende me.
viii And þou cloſedeſt not me in þe hondis of þe enemy; þou
viii Vnderſtonding I ſhal ȝiue to þee, and `I ſhal enforme þee
haſt ſett in large place my feet. in þat weie, þat þou ſhalt go; I ſhal faſtne vp on þee myn
ix Haue mercy of me, Lord, for I am trublid; diſturbid is in
wraþe myn eȝe, my ſoule, and my wombe. ix Wileþ not be maad as an hors and a mule; to whom is not
x For in ſorewe haþ failid my lif; and my ȝeris in weilingus.
vnderſtonding. In bernacle and bridil þe chekis of hem
Enfeblid is in poreneſſe my vertue; and my bones ben conſtreyne; þat neȝhen not to þee.
diſturbid. x Manye ſcourgis of þe ſynnere; þe hopere forſoþe in þe Lord,
xi Ouer alle myn enemys I am maad repref, and to my
mercy ſhal enuyroune.
neȝhebores gretli; and drede to my knowen. Þat ſeȝen me, xi Gladeþ in þe Lord, and ful out ioȝeþ, ȝee riȝtwiſe; and
outfloun fro me; glorieþ, alle ȝee riȝt in herte.
xii to forȝeting I am ȝiue, as a dead man fro herte. I am
maad as a veſſel loſt;
xiii for I herde blamyng of manye duellende in enuyroun. In SALM XXXII.
þat whyl þei ſhulde come togidere aȝen me; to take my ſoule In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauyd.
þei counſeileden. i Ful
xiiii I forſoþe in þee hopide, Lord, I ſeide, My God þou art; out ioȝeþ, ȝee riȝtwiſe, in þe Lord; þe riȝte men ſemeþ
xv in þin hondys my lottis. Tac me out fro þe hondis of myn
togidere preiſing.
ii Knoulecheþ to þe Lord in an harpe; in ſautre of ten cordis
enemys; and fro men purſuende me. doþ ſalmys to hym.
xvi Liȝtne þi face vp on þi ſeruaunt, mac me ſaaf in þi mercy;
iii Syngeþ to hym a newe ſong; wel doþ ſalmys to hym in
xvii Lord, I ſhal not be confoundid, for I inwardli clepide
criende out.
þee. Vnpitous men ſhame þei, and be þei broȝt doun in to iiii For riȝt is þe woord of þe Lord; and alle his werkis in
helle; feiþ.
xviii doumbe be þei made, treccherous lippis. Þat ſpeken aȝen
v He loueþ mercy and dom; of þe mercy of þe Lord ful is þe
þe riȝtwis wickidneſſe; in pride, and in abuſioun. erþe.
xix Hou gret þe multitude of þi ſwetneſſe, Lord; þat þou
vi By þe woord of þe Lord heuenes ben faſtned; and bi þe
hiddeſt to men dredende þee. Þou performediſt to hem, þat ſpirit of his mouþ al þe vertu of hem.
hopen in þee; in þe ſiȝte of þe ſones of men. vii Gederende as in a botel þe watris of þe ſe; and puttende
xx Þou ſhalt hide þem in þe hid place of þi face; fro þe
diſturbing of men. Þou ſhalt defende þem in þi tabernacle; fro ſes in treſoris.
viii Alle þe erþe drede þe Lord; of hym forſoþe ben togidere
þe aȝenſeiyng of tungis.
xxi Bleſſid þe Lord, for he made merueilous his mercy to me; moued alle þe indwelleris þe world.
ix For he ſeide, and þei ben maad; he ſente, and þei ben
in a ſtrengþid cite.
xxii I forſoþe ſeide in exces of my mynde; I am caſt aferr fro formed.
x Þe Lord ſcatereþ þe counſeilis of Jentilis, repreueþ forſoþe
þe face of þin eȝen. Þerfore þou ful out herdiſt þe vois of myn
oriſoun; whil I ſhulde crie to þee. þe þoȝtis of puplis; and repreueþ þe counſeilis of princis.
xxiii Looueþ þe Lord, alle ȝee þe ſeintus of hym; for þe Lord xi Þe counſeill forſoþe of þe Lord wiþoute ende abit; þe þoȝtus
ſhal aȝeen ſeche þe treuþe, and ȝelde plenteouſly to men of his herte in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.
doende pride. xii Blisful þe folc of kinde, of þe whiche is þe Lord his God;
xxiiii Manli doþ, and be counfortid ȝoure herte; alle ȝee þat þe puple þat he ches in to eritage to hym.
hope in þe Lord. xiii Fro heuene beheeld þe Lord; he ſaȝ alle þe ſones of men.
xiiii Fro his duelling place befor maad redi; he beheeld ouer
alle, `þat duelle þe erþe.


xv Þat made arowe þe hertis of hem; þat vnderſtondiþ alle þer xxi Þe deþ of ſynneres þe werſte; and þei þat hateden þe
werkis. riȝtwiſe ſhul gilten.
xvi Þe king is not ſaued bi myche vertu; and þe ieaunt ſhal xxii Þe Lord ſhal aȝeen bie þe ſoulis of his ſeruauns; and þer
not be ſaued in þe multitude of his vertu. ſhul not gilten alle, þat hopen in hym.
xvii Deſceyuable þe hors to helþe; forſoþe in abundaunce of his
vertu he ſhal not be ſaued. SALM XXXIIII.
xviii Lo! þe eȝen of þe Lord vp on men dredende hym; and in
hem þat hopen on his mercy. In to þe ende, þe ſalm `to hym Dauid.
xix Þat he pulle out fro deþ þe ſoulis of hem; and fede þem in i Deme, Lord, þe noȝende me; out fiȝt þou þe inpugnende me.
hunger. ii Tac armis and ſheeld; and ris vp in to helpe to me.
xx Oure ſoule ſuffreþ þe Lord; for helpere and oure defendere iii Heeld out ſwerd, and cloſe aȝen hem þat purſue me; ſei to
he is. my ſoule, I am þin helþe.
xxi For in hym ſhal gladen oure herte; and in his holi name iiii Be þei confoundid, and ſhamefully drede þei, ſechende my
wee han hopid. ſoule. Be þei turned awey bacward, and confounded, þenkende
xxii Be do þi mercy, Lord, vp on vs; as wee han hopid in to me euelis.
þee. v Be þei maad as pouder beforn þe face of þe wind; and þe
aungil of þe Lord to torment conſtreynende þem.
SALM XXXIII. vi Be maad þe weie of hem dercneſſis, and ſlideri; and þe

Þe ſalm of Dauid, whan he chaungide his aungel of þe Lord purſuende hem.

vii For wiþoute cauſe þei hidden to me deþ of þer grene; and
chere beforn Abymalech, and he lafte hym, ouer veynly þei acuſeden my ſoule.
and he ȝide awey. viii Come to hym þe grene þat he knoweþ not, and þe taking
iI þat he hidde cacche hym; and in þe grene falle he in it.
ſhal bliſſe þe Lord in alle time; euermor his preiſing in ix My ſoule forſoþe ful out ſhal gladen in þe Lord; and ſhal
my mouþ.
ii In þe Lord ſhal ben preiſid my ſoule; here þe debonere, and deliten vp on his helþe ȝiuere.
x Alle my bones ſhul ſeyn Lord, who lic þee; takende out þe
glad þei.
iii Magnefieþ þe Lord wiþ me; and enhaunce wee his name in helples fro þe hond of þe ſtrengere of hym; þe nedi and þe
pore fro men broſende doun hym?
to itſelf. xi Riſende wicke witneſſis; þat I knew not aſkeden me.
iiii I ſoȝte out þe Lord, and he ful out herde me; and of alle
xii Þei ȝolden to me euelis for goodis; bareynte to my ſoule.
my tribulaciouns he caȝte me out.
v Neȝheþ to hym, and beþ liȝtid; and ȝoure facis ſhul not be xiii I forſoþe whan to me þei weren heuy; was `clad in an
confoundid. heire. I mekide in faſting my ſoule; and my preȝeere in my
vi Þis pore man criede, and þe Lord ful out herde hym; and boſum ſhal be turned.
xiiii As neȝhebore and oure broþer, ſo I wiþ pleſyde; as
of alle his tribulaciouns ſauede hym.
vii Þe aungil of þe Lord ſendiþ in; in þe enuyroun of men weilende and ſorewid, ſo I was mekid.
xv And aȝen me þei gladiden, and came togidere; þer ben
dredende hym, and he ſhal deliuere þem.
viii Taſtiþ, and ſeeþ, for ſweete is þe Lord; blisful þe man, gedered vp on me ſcourgis, and I knew not. Þei ben ſcaterid,
and not ficchid wiþ ſorewe;
þat hopiþ in hym. xvi þei tempteden me, þei vndermouwiden me wiþ
ix Dredeþ þe Lord, alle ȝee ſeyntis of hym; for þer is not
vndermouwing, and gnaſtiden vpon me wiþ þer teþ.
ſcarſneſſe to þe men dredende hym. xvii Lord, whan þou ſhalt beholde, reſtore my ſoule fro þe
x Riche men nededen, and hungriden; forſoþe þe inwardli
malice doing of hem; fro leouns myn one.
ſechende þe Lord ſhul not be mynuſht alle goode. xviii I ſhal knouleche to þee in a gret churche; in a ſad puple
xi Comeþ, ſonys, hereþ me; þe drede of þe Lord I ſhal techen
I ſhal preiſen þee.
ȝou. xix Ouerioȝe not to me þat enemyen to me wickeli; þat hatiden
xii Who is þe man þat wil lif; looueþ to ſeen goode daȝis?
me wiþoute cauſe, and twincle wiþ eȝen.
xiii Forfende þi tunge fro euel; and þi lippis þat þei ſpeke not xx For to me forſoþe peſibly þei ſpeeken; and in þe wraþe of
treccherie. þe erþe ſpekende, treccheries þei þoȝten.
xiiii Turne awei fro euel, and do good; inwardlyche ſeek pes, xxi And þei ȝeneden þeir mouþ upon me; þei ſeiden, Weu,
and purſue it. weu! oure eȝen han ſeen.
xv Þe eȝen of þe Lord vp on þe riȝtwiſe; and þe eris of hym xxii Þou haſt ſeen, Lord, ne be þou ſtille; Lord, ne go þou
at `þe preȝeeris of hem. awei fro me.
xvi Þe chere forſoþe of þe Lord vp on men doende euelis; þat xxiii Ris, and ſee to my dom; my God, my Lord, in to my
he leſe fro þe erþe þe memorie of hem. cauſe.
xvii Þe riȝtwiſe crieden, and þe Lord ful out herde hem; and xxiiii Deme me aftir þi riȝtwiſneſſe, Lord, my God; and ouer
fro alle þer tribulaciouns he deliuered hem. ioȝe þei not to me.
xviii Neȝh is þe Lord to hem þat ben wiþ trublid herte; and xxv Sei þei not in þer hertis, Weu, weu, to oure ſoule; ne ſei
þe meke in ſpirit he ſhal ſauen. þei, Wee ſhul deuouren hym.
xix Manye tribulaciouns of þe riȝtwiſe; and of alle þeſe ſhal xxvi Waxe þei aſhamed, and ſhamely drede þei togidere; þat
delyuere þem þe Lord. þanken to myn euelis. Be þei clad wiþ confuſioun, and
xx Þe Lord kepeþ alle þe bones of hem; oon of hem ſhal not ſhamefaſt drede; þat deedis of malice þenken vp on me.
be to-broſid.


xxvii Ful out ioȝe þei, and glade þat wiln my riȝtwiſneſſe; and xii Þe ſynnere ſhal waite þe riȝtwis; and gnaſte vp on hym
ſei þei euermor, Þe Lord be magnefied; þat wiln þe pes of wiþ his teþ.
his ſeruaunt. xiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal ſcorne hym; for he beheeld forþ þat
xxviii And my tunge ſhal ſweteli þenke þi riȝtwiſneſſe; al dai his day come.
þi preiſing. xiiii Þe ſynneres drowen out ſwerd; and benten þer bowe. Þat
þei deſceyue þe pore and þe helpeles; þat þei to-hewe þe riȝte
SALM XXXV. men in herte.
xv Þe ſwerd of hem entre in to þer hertes; and þe bowe of
In to þe ende, to þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord, hem be to-broke.
þe ſalm of Dauid. xvi Betere is a litil to þe riȝtwis; ouer manye richeſſis of
i The vnriȝtwiſe ſeide, þat he gilte in himſelf; þer is not þe ſynneres.
xvii For þe armys of ſynneres ſhul be to-broſid; forſoþe þe
drede of God beforn þe eȝen of hym.
ii For treccherouſli he dide in his ſiȝte; þat his wickidneſſe be Lord confirmeþ riȝtwis men.
xviii Þe Lord knewȝ þe daȝis of þe vnwemmed; and þe
founden at hate.
iii Þe woordis of his mouþ wickidneſſe and treccherie; he eritage of hem wiþ oute ende ſhal be.
xix Þei ſhul not ben confoundid in an euel time, and in þe
wolde not vnderſtonde þat he do wel.
iiii Wickidneſſe he ſwetli þoȝte in his couche; he ſtod neȝh to daȝes of hungir þei ſhul be fulfild;
xx for ſynneres ſhul perſhen. Þe enemys forſoþe of þe Lord,
eche wey not good, malice forſoþe he hatede not.
v Lord, in heuene þi mercy; and þi treuþe vnto þe cloudis. anoon as þei ſhul be maad wrſhipeful, and enhauncid; failende
vi Þi riȝtwiſneſſe as þe mounteynes of God; þi domes myche as ſmoke þei ſhul faile.
xxi Þe ſynnere ſhal borewe, and not paȝen; þe riȝtwis forſoþe
depneſſe. Men and beſtis þou ſhalt ſaue, Lord; as þou, God,
haſt multiplied þi mercy. haþ merci, and ſhal ȝelde.
vii Þe ſones forſoþe of men; in þe coueryng of þi wengis ſhuln xxii For bleſſende to hym þei ſhuln eritage þe erþe; curſende
hopen. forſoþe to hym ſhul doun perſhe.
viii Þei ſhul ben inwardli drunken of þe plente of þin hous; xxiii Anent þe Lord þe going of man ſhal be dreſſid; and þe
and of þe ſtrem of þi delit þou ſhalt ȝiue þem drinke. weie of hym he ſhal wiln.
ix For anent þee is þe welle of lif; and in þi liȝt wee ſhul ſee xxiiii Whan þe riȝtwis ſhal fallen, he ſhal not ben hurtlid; for
liȝt. þe Lord vnderput his hond.
x Befor ſtrecche þi mercy to men knowende þee; and þi xxv Ȝungere I was, and forſoþe I eldede; and I ſaȝ not þe
riȝtwiſneſſe to hem þat ben in riȝt herte. riȝtwiſe forſake, ne his ſed ſechende bred.
xi Come not to me þe foot of pride; and þe hond of þe ſynnere xxvi Al dai he haþ reuþe, and leeneþ; and his ſed ſhal ben in
moue not me. bleſſing.
xii Þere fellen þat werken wickidneſſe; þei ben put out, and xxvii Bowe doun fro euel, and do good; and indwelle in to þe
myghten not ſtonden. world of world.
xxviii For þe Lord looueþ dom, and he ſhal not forſake his

SALM XXXVI. ſeyntus; þei ſhul be togidere kept in to wiþ oute ende.
Vnriȝtwiſe ſhul be punſhid; and þe ſed of vnpitouſe ſhal
Þe pſalm of Dauyd. perſhen.
xxix Riȝtwiſe forſoþe ſhuln eritagen þe erþe; and indwelle in
i Wyle þou not folewe bi enuye in warieris; ne folewen bi to þe world of world vp on it.
looue men doende wickidneſſe. xxx Þe mouþ of þe riȝtwis ſhal ſweteli þenke wiſdam; and his
ii For as hei ſwiftli þei ſhuln waxe drie; and as wrtis of erbis
tunge ſpeke dom.
ſoone þei ſhul falle doun. xxxi Þe lawe of his God in þe herte of hym; and his goingus
iii Hope in þe Lord, and do goodneſſe; and indwelle þou þe
ſhul not be ſupplauntid.
erþe, and þou ſhalt be fed in þe richeſſes of it. xxxii Þe ſynnere beholdeþ þe riȝtwiſe; and ſecheþ to ſlen hym.
iiii Delite in þe Lord; and he ſhal ȝiue to þee þe aſkingus of
xxxiii Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal not forſaken hym in his hondis; ne
þin herte.
v Opene to þe Lord þi weie; and hope in hym, and he ſhal dampne him whan it ſhal be demed to hym.
xxxiiii Abyd þe Lord, and kep his weie, and he ſhal enhaunce
vi And he ſhal bringen out as liȝt þi riȝtwiſneſſe, and þi dom þee, þat bi eritage þou take þe erþe; whan ſynneres ſhul
perſhe, þou ſhalt ſee.
as mydday; xxxv I ſaȝ þe vnpitouſe aboue hauncid; and rerid vp as cedris
vii ſoget be þou to þe Lord, and preȝe hym. Wile þou not
of Liban.
folewe bi enuye in hym þat waxeþ welſum in his weie; and in xxxvi And I paſſide, and lo! he was not; I ſoȝte hym, and
man doende vnriȝtwiſneſſis.
viii Lef of fro wraþe, and forſac wodneſſe; wile þou not folewe þer is not founden his place.
xxxvii Kep innocence, and ſee equite; for þei ben relikis to a
bi enuye, þat þou be maad malicious.
ix For þei, þat ben maad malicious, ſhul ben outlawid; peſible man.
xxxviii Þe vnriȝtwiſe forſoþe ſhul doun perſhe togidere; þe
ſuſtenende forſoþe þe Lord, þei ſhuln eritagen þe erþe.
x And ȝit a litil, and þe ſynnere ſhal not ben; and þou ſhalt relikis of vnpitous men ſhul dien.
xxxix Þe helþe forſoþe of þe riȝtwis of þe Lord; and þe
ſeche þe place of hym, and not finde.
xi Þe debonere forſoþe ſhuln eritagen þe erþe; and deliten in defendere of hem he is in time of tribulacioun.
þe multitude of pes.


xl And þe Lord ſhal helpen hem, and delyueren hem, and ii I becam doumb, and am mekid, and heeld my pes fro
pullen hem out fro ſynneres; and ſauen hem, for þei hopeden goodis; and my ſorewe is renewid.
in hym. iii Myn herte wex al hot wiþ inne me; and in my ſwete
þenking ful out ſhal brenne fir. I ſpac in my tunge;
SALM XXXVII. iiii Lord, mac knowen to me myn ende. And þe noumbre of

Þe ſalm of Dauid, in remembring of þe my daȝes, what it is; þat I wite what failiþ to me.
v Lo! meſurable þou haſt put my daȝes; and my ſubſtaunce as
ſaboth. noȝt befor þee. Neuerþelatere al vanyte; eche man liuende.
i Lord, in þi wodneſſe ne undernyme þou me; ne in þi wraþe vi Neuerþelatere in ymage paſſeþ a man; but in veyn he is al
chaſtiſe þou me. diſturbid. He treſoreþ; and vnknowiþ, to whom he ſhal gedere
ii For þin arwis ben in ficchid to me; and þou haſt confermed þo þingus.
vii And now what is myn abiding? wheþer not þe Lord? and
þin hond vp on me.
iii Þer is not helþe in my fleſh fro þe face of þi wraþe; þer is my ſubſtaunce anent þee is.
viii Fro alle my wickidneſſis pul me awei; reprof to þe vnwiſe
not pes to my bones fro þe face of my ſynnes.
iiii For my wickidneſſes ouerȝiden myn hed; and as a greuous man þou haſt ȝiue me.
ix I becam doumb, and openede not my mouþ, for þou didiſt;
charge þei ben heuyed vp on me.
v Myne woundis ſtunken, and ben roten; fro þe face of myn x moue awei fro me þi ſcourgis. Fro þe ſtrengþe of þin hond
vnwiſdam. I failide in blamyngus;
vi A wrecche I am maad, and am crookid vnto þe ende; al xi for wickedneſſe þou chaſtiſideſt a man. Þou madeſt to
dai al dreri I wente in. flowen awei as an ireyne his ſoule; nerþelatere veynli is
vii For my leendis ben fulfild wiþ deceytis; and þer is not diſturbid eche man.
helþe in my fleſh. xii Ful out here myn oriſoun, Lord, and my lowe preȝing; wiþ
viii I am tormentid, and I am meked ful myche; I rorede eris perceyue my teris. Ne be þou ſtille, for a comeling I am
from þe weiling of myn herte. anent þee; and a pilgrim as alle my fadris.
ix Lord, befor þee al my deſyr; and my weiling fro þee is not xiii Forȝif to me, þat I be refreſhed, befor þat I go awei; and
hid. I ſhal be no more.
x Myn herte is al diſturbid in me; my vertu haþ forſake me,
and liȝt of myn eȝen, and it is not wiþ me. SALM XXXIX.
xi My frendis and my neȝhebores; aȝen me neȝheden and In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
ſtoden. And þat beſiden me weren fro aferr ſtoden; i Abidende I
xii and fors þei maden þat ſoȝten my ſoule. And þat inwardli abod þe Lord; and he beheeld to me.
ii And he ful out herde my preȝeeris; and broȝte out me fro þe
ſoȝten euelis to me, ſpeeken vanytees; and treccheries al day
ſwetely þei þoȝten. lake of wrecchidneſſe; and fro þe clei of dreſtis. And he ſette
xiii I forſoþe as def herde not; and as doumb not openende vp on a ſton my feet; and dreſſide my goingis.
iii And he ful putte in my mouþ a newe ſong; a ditee to oure
my mouþ.
xiiii And I am maad as a man not herende; and not hauende God. Manye ſhul ſee, and dreden; and hopen in þe Lord.
iiii Blisful þe man, of whom þe name of þe Lord is his hope;
in his mouþ aȝen vndernemyngus.
xv For in þee, Lord, I hopede; þou ſhalt ful out heren me, and aȝeen lokide not in to vanytees, and in to falſe wodneſſis.
v Manye þi merueilis þou haſt do, Lord, my God; and in þi
Lord, my God.
xvi For I ſeide, Leſt any time ouer ioȝen to me myn enemys; þoȝtis þer is not, þat be lic to þee. I tolde beforn, and ſpac;
and whil al to-ſtirid ben my feet vp on me, grete þingus þei þei ben multiplied ouer noumbre.
vi Sacrifice and offring þou woldiſt not; eris forſoþe þou
xvii For I in to ſcourgis am redi; and my ſorewe in my ſiȝte parformediſt to me. Brent ſacrifiſe, and for ſynne þou aſkideſt
euermor. not;
vii þanne I ſeide, Lo! I come. In þe hed of þe boc it is write
xviii For my wickidneſſe I ſhal telle out; and I ſhal þenken
for my ſynne. of me,
viii þat I do þi wil; my God, I wolde; and þi lawe in myddes
xix Forſoþe myn enemys lyuen, and ben confermed vpon me;
and ben multeplied, þat wickeli hateden me. of myn herte.
ix I befortolde þi riȝtwiſneſſe in a gret chirche; lo! my lippis I
xx Þat ȝelden euelis for goodis, bacbiteden to me; for I
folewede goodneſſe. ſhal not forfende, Lord, þou haſt knowen.
x Þi riȝtwiſneſſe I hidde not in myn herte; þi treuþe and þin
xxi Ne forſake þou me, Lord, my God; ne go þou awei fro
me. helþe ȝyuere I ſeide. I hidde not þi mercy, and þi treuþe; fro
xxii Tac heede in to myn helpe; Lord God of myn helþe.
myche counſeil.
xi Þou, Lord, forſoþe ne do þou aferr þi mercy doingus fro
me; þi mercy and þi treuþe euer mor vndertoken me.
SALM XXXVIII. xii For þer enuyrounden me euelis, of þe whiche is no
In to þe ende, `þe ſong of Dauid, for noumbre; þer caȝten me my wickedneſſis, and I myȝte not,
þat I ſhulde ſee. Þei ben multiplied ouer þe heris of myn
Yditym. hed; and myn herte forſoc me.
iI xiii Holli pleſe it to þee, Lord, þat þou delyuere me; Lord, to
ſeide, I ſhal kepe my weies; þat I gilte not in my tunge.
I putte to my mouþ warde; whan þe ſynnere ſhulde ſtonde helpen me looke aȝeen.
aȝen me.


xiiii Be þei confoundid, and ſhamefaſtli drede þei togidere; þat vi To myſelf my ſoule is al diſturbid; þerfore I ſhal be
ſechen my ſoule, þat þei do it awei. Be þei turned al bacward, myndeful of þee fro þe lond of Jordan, and fro Ermonyum, þe
and ſhamefaſtliche drede þei; þat wiln to me euelis. litle hil.
xv Bere þey anoon þer confuſioun; þat ſeyn to me, Weu! weu! vii Þe depneſſe depneſſe inwardli clepeþ; in þe vois of þi
xvi Ful out ioȝe þei, and glade vpon me, alle þat ſechen þee; gooteris. Alle þin heȝe þingis; and þi flodis ouer me paſſiden.
and þat loouen þin helþe ȝiuere, ſey þei, Euermor be viii In þe dai þe Lord ſente his mercy; and in þe nyȝt his
magnefied þe Lord. ſong. Anent me oriſoun to God of my lif;
xvii I forſoþe a beggere am and pore; þe Lord is biſi of me. ix I ſhal ſey to God, Myn vndertakere þou art. Whi forȝeete
Myn helpere and my defendere þou art; my God, ne be þou þou of me, and whi al ſori I go; whil þe enemy tormenteþ
tariende. me?
x Whil my bones ben to-broken; to me repreueden myn
SALM XL. enemys, þat trublen me. Whil þei ſeyn to me, bi alle daȝis,
Wher is þi God?
In to þe ende, þe ſalm `of Dauid; or, in to xi My ſoule, whi art þou dreri; and whi all ſturbiſt þou me?
þe ende, þe vnderſtonding of Dauid. Hope in God, for ȝit I ſhal knoulechen to hym; þe helþe
i Blisful ȝiuere of my chere, and my God.
þat vnderſtant vp on þe nedi and pore; in þe euele
dai ſhal delyueren hym þe Lord.
ii Þe Lord kepe hym, and quykene hym, and blisful make SALM XLII.
hym in þe erþe; and take hym not `in to þe ſoule of his In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
enemys. i Deme
iii Þe Lord helpe bere to hym vp on þe bed of his ſorewe; al me, God, and ſeuere my cauſe fro folc not holy; fro a
his bedding þou turnedeſt in his ſicneſſe. wicke man, and a treccherous pul me awei.
ii For þou art God, my ſtrengþe; whi haſt þou put me abac,
iiii I ſeide, Lord, haue mercy of me; hele my ſoule, for I
ſynnede to þee. and whi dreri I go, whil þe enemye tormenteþ me?
iii Send out þi liȝt, and þi treuþe; þo þingis broȝten out me,
v Myn enemys ſeiden euelis to me; Whanne ſhal dien, and
perſhen his name? and ladden to, in to þi holi hil, and in to þi tabernaclis.
iiii And I ſhal go in to þe auter of God; to God þat gladeþ
vi And if he wente in þat he ſee, veyne þingus he ſpac; his
herte ſhal gedere wickidneſſis to hym. He wente forþ outward; my ȝouþe. I ſhal knouleche to þee in an harpe, God, my God;
v whi dreri art þou, my ſoule, and whi al to-ſturbiſt þou me?
and ſpac in to itſelf.
vii Aȝen me priueli grucchiden alle myn enemys; aȝen me þei Hope þou in God, for ȝit I ſhal knoulechen to hym; þe helþe
þoȝten euelis to me. ȝyuere of my chere, and my God.
viii A wicke woord þei ſetteden aȝen me; Wheþer he þat
ſlepeþ, ſhal not kaſte to, þat he ryſe aȝeen? SALM XLIII.
ix Forſoþe þe man of my pes, in whom I hopide; þat eet my In to þe ende, to þe ſones of Chore, to þe
loues, magnefiede vp on me ſupplaunting. vnderſtonding.
x Þou forſoþe, Lord, haue mercy of me; and aȝeen rere me,
and I ſhal ȝelde to þem. i God, wiþ oure eris wee han herd; oure fadris befor tolden to
xi In þat I knew, þat þou woldiſt me; for þer ſhal not ioȝe vs. Þe werc þat þou wroȝtiſt in þe daȝis of hem; and in olde
myn enemy ouer me. daȝis.
xii Me forſoþe for innocence þou haſt vndertaken; and ii Þin hond Jentilis ſcaterede, and þou formedeſt hem; þou
confermediſt me in þi ſiȝte in to wiþoute ende. tormentideſt puplis, and puttiſt out hem.
xiii Bleſſid þe Lord God of Irael; fro þe world, and in to þe iii Ne forſoþe in þer ſwerd þei weldeden þe erþe; and þeir arm
world, be it do, be it do. ſhal not ſauen hem. But þi riȝthond, and þin arm, and þe
liȝting of þi chere; for holli þou toke pleſaunce in hem.
iiii Þou art he, my king and my God; þat ſendiſt helþis to
In to þe ende, vnderſtonding, or bi v In þee oure enemys we ſhul wynewe bi þe horn; and in þi
vnderſtonding, to þe ſones of Chore. name we ſhul diſpiſe inriſeris in vs.
vi Forſoþe in my bowe I ſhal not hope; and my ſwerd ſhal
i What maner deſireþ þe hert to wellis of watris; ſo deſireþ not ſaue me.
my ſoule to þee, God. vii Forſoþe þou ſauediſt vs fro men tormentende vs; and þe
ii My ſoule þriſtide to God, þe quyke welle; whan I ſhal
hatende vs þou confoundedeſt.
comen, and apere befor þe face of God? viii In God we ſhul be preiſid al dai; and in þi name we ſhul
iii Þer weren to me my teris, loues dai and nyȝt; whil it is
knouleche to þee in to þe world.
ſeid to me eche day, Wher is þi God? ix Nou forſoþe þou haſt put vs abac, and confoundid vs; and,
iiii Þeſe þingus I recordide, and helde out in me my ſoule; for
God, þou ſhalt not gon out in oure vertues.
I ſhal paſſen in to þe place of þe ful merueylous tabernacle, x Þou turnediſt vs awei bacward after oure enemys; and þei,
vnto þe hous of God. In þe vois of ful out ioȝing and þat hatiden vs, dyuerſly caȝten to þemſelf.
confeſſioun; ſoun of þe etere. xi Þou ȝeue vs as ſhep of metis; and in Jentilis þou
v Whi dreri art þou, my ſoule; and whi al diſturbiſt þou me?
Hope in God, for ȝit I ſhal knoulechen to hym; þe helþe ſcaterediſt vs.
xii Þou ſoldiſt þi puple wiþ oute pris; and þer was not
ȝiuere of my chere, and my God.
multitude in þe togidere chaungingus of hem.


xiii Þou haſt put vs repref to oure neȝhebores; vnder mouwing xiii Al þe glorie of hym of þe doȝter of þe king fro wiþ inne,
`and ſcorn to hem þat ben in oure enuyroun. in goldene hemmes; aboute wrappid wiþ diuerſetees.
xiiii Þou haſt put vs in to licneſſe to Jentilis; mouyng of þe xiiii Þer ſhul ben broȝt to þe king maidenes aftir hir; þe
hed in puplis. neȝheboris of hir ſhul be broȝt to þee.
xv Al dai my ſhame is aȝen me; and þe confuſioun of my face xv Þei ſhul be broȝte in gladneſſe, and ful out ioȝing; þei ſhul
ouercouerede me. be lad to in to þe temple of þe king.
xvi Fro þe vois of repref puttende, and euele ſpekende; fro þe xvi For þi fadris ben born to þee ſones; þou ſhalt ſette þem
face of þe enemy, and þe purſuere. princis vp on al erþe.
xvii Alle þeſe þingus camyn vpon vs; and wee han not forȝete xvii Myndeful þei ſhul ben of þi name, Lord; in alle
þee, and wickeli wee han not don in þi teſtament. ieneracioun, and in to ieneracioun. Þerfor puplis ſhul
xviii And oure herte wente not awei bacward; and þou knoulechen to þee in to wiþ oute ende; and in to þe world of
bowidiſt doun oure paþis fro þi weie. world.
xix For þou mekediſt vs in þe place of tormenting; and
ouercouerede vs þe ſhadewe of deþ. SALM XLV.
xx If wee han forȝete þe name of oure God; and if wee han
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe
ſprad out oure hondis to an alien God.
xxi Wheþer God ſhal not aȝeen ſechen þes þingus? he forſoþe priue þingis.
knewȝ þe hidde þingis of þe herte. i Oure God refut, and vertue; helpere in tribulaciouns, þat
xxii For wee ben mortefied for þee al dai; wee ben eymed as founden vs ful myche.
ſhep of ſlaȝtir. ii Þerfore wee ſhul not drede, whil þe erþe ſhal be diſturbid;
xxiii Rys vp, whi al ſlepiſt þou, Lord? ris vp, and putte þou and hillis ſhul be born ouer in to þe herte of þe ſe.
not abac in to þe ende. iii Þer ſouneden, and ben diſturbid þe watris of hem; þe hillis
xxiiii Whi þi face turneſt þou awei? þou forȝetiſt of oure ben diſturbid in þe ſtrengþe of it.
myſeiſe, and of oure tribulacioun. iiii Þe bure of þe flod gladiþ þe cite of God; þe alþer heȝiſt
xxv For mekid in pouder is oure ſoule; oure wombe is glued halewide his tabernacle.
togidere in þe erþe. v God in þe myddel of it ſhal not be ſtirid; God ſhal helpen it
xxvi Ris vp, Lord, and help vs; and aȝeen bie vs for þi erli fro þe morutid.
name. vi Jentilis ben diſturbid, and reumes ben inbowid; he ȝaf his
vois, moued is þe erþe.
SALM XLIIII. vii Þe Lord of vertues wiþ vs; oure vndertakere God of
In to þe ende, for hem þat ſhul ben wiþ viii Comeþ, and ſeeþ þe werkis of þe Lord; þe whiche he ſette
chaungid, to þe ſones of Chore, to wndris vp on erþ.
vndirſtondyng, þe ſong for þe loouede. ix Takende awei batailis vnto þe ende of þe erþe; þe bowe he

i Myn
ſhal to-broſe, and to-breke; armys and ſheeldis he ſhal to-
herte bowide out a good woord; I ſey my werkis to þe brenne wiþ fyr.
king. My tunge þe penne of a ſcribe, ſwiftli wrytende. x Takeþ heede, and ſeeþ, for I am God; I ſhal ben enhauncid
ii Fair in forme befor þe ſonus of men, grace is held out in þi
in Jentilis, and I ſhal ben hauncid in þe erþe.
lippis; þerfore bleſſide þee God in to wiþ oute ende. xi Þe Lord of vertues wiþ vs; oure vndertakere God of
iii Be þou gird to wiþ þi ſwerd; vp on þin hipe moſt myȝtili.
In þi ſhap and þi fairneſſe behold;
iiii go forþ welſumli, and regne. For treuþe, and debonerneſſe,
and riȝtwiſneſſe; and þi riȝthond ſhal merueilouſly bringe þee
þennes. In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, for þe
v Þin arwis ſharpe, puplis vnder þee ſhul falle; in to þe hertis
ſonus of Chore.
of þe enemys of þe king.
vi Þy ſete, God, in to þe world of world; þe ȝerde of þi i Alle Jentilis, ioȝe ȝee wiþ hondis; gladeþ to God in vois of
gouernyng to eueneneſſe, þe ȝerde of þi regne. ful out ioȝing.
vii Þou loouedeſt riȝtwiſneſſe, and hatediſt wickidneſſe; þerfore ii For þe Lord heiȝ, ferful; a gret king ouer al þe erþe.
enoyntide þee God, `þi God, wiþ oile of gladneſſe befor þi iii He vnder leide puplis to vs; and Jentylis vnder oure feet.
felawis. iiii He ches to vs his eritage; þe fairneſſe of Jacob, whom he
viii Myrre, and þe ſwote gumme gutta, and þe ſwote erbe louede.
caſia, fro þi cloþis, fro þe yuer houſis; v God ſteȝide vp in ful ioȝe; and þe Lord in vois of trumpe.
ix of þe whiche deliteden þee þe doȝtris of kingus in þi vi Doþ ſalm to oure God, doþ ſalm; doþ ſalm to oure king,
wrſhipe. Þe queen ſtod neeȝh fro þi riȝt parties in cloþing doþ ſalm.
ouergilt; enuyround wiþ dyuerſete. vii For þe king of al erþe God; doþ ſalm wiſli.
x Here, doȝter, and ſee, and inbowe þin ere; and forȝet þi
viii God ſhal regne vp on Jentilis; God ſit vp on his holy
puple, and þe hous of þi fader.
xi And þe king ſhal coueite þi fairneſſe; for he is þe Lord þi ſete.
ix Princis of puplis ben gedered wiþ God of Abraham; for þe
God, and þei ſhul honouren hym.
xii And þe doȝtris of Tiri in ȝiftis; þi chere ſhul louli preȝe ſtronge godis of erþe hugeli ben rerid.
alle þe riche men of þe folc.


SALM XLVII. xii A man, whan he was in wrſhipe, vnderſtood not; he is

compariſound to vnwiſe beſtis, and lic is maad to þem.
Þe ſalm, or þe preiſing of þe ſong of þe xiii Þis weye of hem ſclaunder to þem; and aftir in þer mouþ
ſones, or to þe ſones of Chore, þe þei ſhul togidere pleſe.
xiiii As ſhep in helle þei ben ſet; and deþ ſhal tognawe þem.
ſecounde of þe wike.
And þe riȝtwiſe ſhul lordſhipen of hem in þe morutid; and þe
i The grete Lord, and preiſable ful myche; in þe citie of oure helpe of hem ſhal waxen old in helle, of þe glorie of hem.
God, in his holi hil. xv Neuerþelatere God ſhal aȝeen-bie my ſoule fro þe hond of
ii It is founded in ful out ioȝing of al erþe; þe mount of helle; whan he ſhal take me to.
Sion, þe ſide of þe norþ, þe cite of þe grete king. xvi Ne þou ſhalt dreden, whan riche a man ſhal be maad; and
iii God in his houſis ſhal be knowen; whan he ſhal vndertaken whan ſhal be multiplied þe glorie of his hous.
it. xvii For whan he ſhal dien, he ſhal not take alle þingus; ne
iiii For lo! þe kingus of erþe ben gedered; þei camen togidere ſhal go doun wiþ hym his glorie.
in to oon. xviii For his ſoule in þe lif of hym ſhal be bleſſid; he ſhal
v Þei ſeende þus gretli wndreden, þei ben alle diſturbid; þei knouleche to þee, whan þou weel doſt to hym.
ben togidere ſtirid, xix He ſhal gon in to þe progenyes of his fadris; and vnto
vi trembling caȝte hem. Þere ſorewis as of þe berende child; wiþoute ende he ſhal not ſee liȝt.
vii in an hidous ſpirit þou ſhalt to-broſe þe ſhipis of Tharſis. xx A man, whan he was in wrſhipe, vnderſtod not; he is
viii As wee han herd, ſo wee han ſeen, in þe cite of þe Lord compariſouned to vnwiſe beſtis, and lic is maad to hem.
of vertues, in þe cite of oure God; God foundede it in to wiþ
oute ende. SALM XLIX.
ix God, wee han vndertake þi mercy; in þe myddel of þi
temple. Þe ſalm to Aſaph.
x After þi name, God, ſo and þi preiſing in to þe endis of þe i God of godis, Lord ſpac; and clepide þe erþe, fro þe riſing of
erþe; of riȝtwiſneſſe ful is þi riȝthond. þe ſunne vn to þe going doun.
xi Glade þe hil of Sion, and ful out ioȝe þe doȝtris of Jude; ii Fro Sion þe ſhap of his fairneſſe, God openli ſhal come;
for þi domes, Lord. iii oure God, and he ſhal not be ſtille. Fyr in his ſiȝt ſhal
xii Goþ aboute Sion, and togidere biclippeþ it; telliþ in þe brenne out; and in his enuyroun ſtrong tempeſt.
touris of it. iiii He clepide to heuene fro aboue; and þe erþe, to ſeueren his
xiii Setteþ ȝoure hertes in þe vertue of it; and deliþ þe houſis puple.
of it, þat ȝee telle out in an oþer progenye. v Gadereþ to hym his ſeyntis; þat ordeynen his teſtament vp
xiiii For þis is God, oure God, in to wiþoute ende, and in to on ſacrifiſes.
þe world of world; he ſhal gouerne vs in to worldis. vi And heuenes ſhuln his riȝtwiſnes before telle; for God is
SALM XLVIII. vii Here þou, my puple, and I ſhal ſpeke to Irael; and I ſhal

In to þe ende, to þe ſones of Chore, þe witneſſe to þee, God, þi God I am.

viii Not in þi ſacrifiſis I ſhal vndernyme þee; forſoþe þi brente
ſalm of Dauyd. ſacrifiſes in my ſiȝt ben euermor.
i Hereþ þeſe þingus, alle Jentilis; wiþ eris perceyueþ, alle þat ix I ſhal not take to of þin hous calues; ne of þi flockis get.
dwellen þe world. x For myn ben alle þe wilde beſtis of wodis; þe tame beſtis in
ii Alle ȝee erþeli geten, and þe ſones of men; togidere in to hillis, and oxen.
oon, þe riche and þe pore. xi I knewȝ alle þe volatilis of heuene; and þe fairneſſe of þe
iii My mouþ ſhal ſpeken wiſdam; and þe ſwete þenking of myn feld is wiþ me.
herte prudence. xii If I ſhal hungren, I ſhal not ſey to þee; myn is forſoþe þe
iiii I ſhal ful bowe in to a parable myn ere; I ſhal opene in a roundneſſe of erþe, and his plente.
ſauter my propoſicioun. xiii Wheþir I ſhal ete fleſh of bolis? or þe blod of get I ſhal
v Whi ſhal I drede in þe euel dai? þe wickidneſſe of myn drinke?
heele ſhal enuyroune me. xiiii Offre to God þe ſacrifiſe of preiſing; and ȝeeld to þe
vi Þat troſten in þer vertu; and in þe multitude of þer richeſſis heȝeſte þi vouwis.
glorien. xv And inwardli clep me in þe dai of tribulacioun; and I ſhal
vii A broþer aȝeen-bieþ not, ſhal a man aȝeenbien? and he ſhal pullen out þee, and þou ſhalt wrſhipe me.
not ȝiue to God wher of he be pleſid. xvi To þe ſynnere forſoþe God ſeide, Whi telliſt þou out my
viii And þe pris of þe aȝeen-biyng of his ſoule; and he ſhal riȝtwiſneſſis; and takiſt to my teſtament bi þi mouþ?
trauaile in to wiþoute ende, xvii Þou forſoþe hatidiſt diſciplyne; and þrewe aferr my
ix and liue ȝit `in to þe ende. He ſhal not ſeen deþ, woordis hyndward.
x whan he ſhal ſeen wiſe men diende; togidere þe vnwiſe and xviii If þou ſeȝe a þef, þou runne wiþ hym; and wiþ
þe fool ſhul perſhe. And þei ſhul leue to alienes þeir richeſſis; auoutereres þi porcioun þou leidiſt.
xi and þe ſepulcris of hem þe hous of hem wiþoute ende. Þe xix Þi mouþ aboundide in malice; and þi tunge ordeynde
tabernaclis of hem in progenye and progenye; þei clepeden þer treccheries.
namys in þer londis. xx Sittende aȝen þi broþer þou ſpeeke, and aȝen þe ſone of þi
moder þou leideſt ſclaunder;


xxi þeſe þingus þou didiſt, and I heeld my pees. Þou SALM LI.
eymedeſt wickeli, þat I ſhal be lic þee; I ſhal vndernyme þee,
and ſette þee aȝen þi face. In to þe ende, þe vnderſtonding of Dauid,
xxii Vnderſtondeþ þis, ȝee þat forȝeten God; leſt any tyme he whan þer cam Doech Idume, and hadde
raueſhe, and þer be not þat deliuere. told to Saul, Dauyd cam in to þe hous of
xxiii Sacrifiſe of preiſing ſhal wrſhipen me; and þere þe weie,
bi þe whiche I ſhal ſhewe to hym þe giuere of þe helþe of Abymalech.
God. i What glorieſt þou in malice; þat myȝti art in wickidneſſe?
ii Al dai vnriȝtwiſneſſe þoȝte þi tunge; as a ſharp raſour þou
SALM L. didiſt treccherie.
iii Þou loouediſt malice ouer benygnete; wickidneſſe mor þan
Þe ſalm of Dauid; whan cam to hym Nathan
to ſpeke equite.
þe profete, whan or for he entride to iiii Þou loouedeſt alle þe woordis of kaſting doun; in a
Berſabee. treccherous tunge.
i Haue v Þerfore God ſhal deſtroȝe þee in to þe ende, he ſhal pulle
mercy of me, God; after þi grete mercy. And after þe
multitude of þi grete mercy doingus; do awey my wickidneſſe. þee out, and myne þee out fro þi tabernacle; and þi roote fro
ii More ouer waſh me fro wickeneſſe myn; and fro my ſynne þe lond of liueres.
vi Riȝtwis ſhul ſeen, and dreden; and vp on hym þei ſhul
clenſe me.
iii For my wickidneſſe I knowe; and my ſynne aȝen me is laȝen, and ſeyn,
vii Lo! þe man þat putte not God his helpere. But hopide in
iiii To þee alone I ſynnede, and euel befor þee I dide; þat þe multitude of his richeſſis; and hadde þe maiſtri in his
þou be iuſtefied in þi woordis, and ouercome whan þou art vanyte.
viii I forſoþe as an oliue berende frut in þe hous of God;
v Lo! forſoþe in wickidneſſis I am conceyued; and in ſynnes hopide in þe merci of God in to wiþoute ende, and in to
conceyuede me my moder. world of world.
ix I ſhal knouleche to þee in to þe world, for þou haſt don;
vi Lo! forſoþe treuþe þou loouediſt; vncerteyne and hidde
þingis of þi wiſdam þou madiſt open to me. and I ſhal abide þi name, for it is good in þe ſiȝte of þi
vii Þou ſhal ſprenge me, Lord, wiþ iſope, and I ſhal ben
clenſid; þou ſhalt waſhe me, and aboue ſnowȝ I ſhal be maad SALM LII.
al whit.
viii To myn heering þou ſhalt ȝiue ioȝe and gladneſſe; and ful In to þe ende, þe vnderſtonding of Dauid
out ſhul ioȝe bones mekid. for Amalech.
ix Turne awey þi face fro my ſynnes; and alle my
wickidneſſes do awei. i The vnwiſe man ſeide in his herte; Þer is not God. Þei ben
x A clene herte forme in me, God; and a riȝt ſpirit inwardli corupt, and þei ben made abhominable in þer wickidneſſis; þer
newe þou in my bowelis. is not þat do good.
xi Ne þrowe þou me aferr fro þi face; and þin holy ſpirit ne ii God fro heuene beheeld vp on þe ſones of men; þat he ſee,
do þou awei fro me. if þer is vnderſtondende, or aȝeen ſechende God.
xii Ȝeld to me þe gladneſſe of þin helþe ȝiuere; and wiþ þe iii Alle boweden doun togidere, þei ben maad vnprofitable; þer
ſpirit principal conferme þou me. is not þat do good, þer is not vnto oon.
xiii I ſhal techen wicke men þi weyes; and vnpitous men to iiii Wheþer not alle ſhuln knowen, þat werken wickidneſſe; þat
þee ſhul ben al turned. deuouren my puple as mete of bred? God þei inwardli
xiiii Deliuere me fro blodis, God, God of myn helþe; and ful clepeden not;
v þere þei trembliden bi drede, where was not drede. For God
out ioȝende ſhal my tunge telle þi riȝtwiſneſſe.
xv Lord, my lippis þou ſhalt opene; and my mouþ ſhal beforn ſcaterede þe bones of hem, þat pleſen to men; þei ben
confoundid, for God diſpiſide þem.
telle þi preiſing. vi Who ſhal ȝiue fro Sion þe helþe ȝiuere to Irael? whan þe
xvi For if þou haddeſt wold ſacrifiſe, I ſhulde han ȝiuen; but
Lord ſhal holli turne þe caitifte of his folc, Jacob ſhal ful out
forſoþe in brent ſacrifiſes þou woldeſt not deliten. ioȝen, and Irael ſhal gladen.
xvii Sacrifiſe to God, a ſpiritt holly trublid; a contrit herte and
mekid, God, þou ſhalt not deſpiſe. SALM LIII.
xviii Benygnely do, Lord, in þi goode wil to Sion; þat ful out
be bild þe wallis of Jeruſalem. In to þe ende in ditees or ympnes, in þe
xix Þanne þou ſhalt taken at worþ ſacrifiſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, titlis, or vnderſtonding of Dauid, whan þer
offringus, and brent ſacrifiſes; þanne þei ſhul putten in vp on
þin auter calues.
hadden come Zifei to Saul, and hadden
told to Saul, Wheþir is not Dauyd hyd
anentis vs?
i God, in þi name mac me ſaaf; and in þi vertue deme me.
ii God, ful out here þou myn oriſoun; wiþ eris perceyue þe
woordis of my mouþ.


iii For alienes inwardli riſen aȝen me, and ſtronge men ſoȝten xxii Þroȝ vp on þe Lord þi biſyneſſe, and he ſhal nurſhe þee
my ſoule; and þei purpoſide not God befor þer ſiȝte. out; and he ſhal not ȝiue in to wiþ oute ende flotering to þe
iiii Lo! forſoþe God helpeþ me; and þe Lord is vndertakere of riȝtwiſe.
my ſoule. xxiii Þou forſoþe, God, ſhalt bringe þem doun; in to þe pit of
v Turne awei euelis to myn enemys; and in þi treuþe ſcatere deþ. Men of blodis and treccherous ſhul not haluen þer daȝes;
þem. I forſoþe ſhal hope in þee, Lord.
vi Wilfulli I ſhal ſacrifice to þee; and I ſhal knoulechen to þi
name, Lord, for it is good. SALM LV.
vii For fro alle tribulacioun þou haſt deliuered me; and vpon
In to þe ende, for þe puple þat fro ſeintis is
myn enemys beheeld doun myn eȝe.
maad aferr, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title to
SALM LIIII. hym, Dauid, whan þer ſhulden holden hym
In to þe ende, in ditees or ympnes, þe heþene men in Jeth.
i Haue
vndirſtonding of Dauid. mercy of me, God, for a man `to-trad me; al day
impugnende trublide me.
i Here þou, God, myn oriſoun, and deſpiſe þou not my lowe ii My enemys to-treeden me al day; for manye fiȝtende aȝen
preȝeere; me.
ii tac heede to me, and ful out here me. I am maad al ſory in iii Fro þe heiȝte of þe dai I ſhal drede; I forſoþe in þee ſhal
myn enhaunting; hopen.
iii and I am al diſturbid fro þe vois of þe enemy, and fro iiii In God I ſhal preiſe my woordis; in God I hopide, I ſhal
tribulacioun of þe ſynnere. For þei bowiden doun in me not drede what do to me þe fleſh.
wickidneſſis; and in wraþe þei weren heuy to me. v Al dai þei curſiden my woordis; aȝen me alle þoȝtis of hem
iiii Myn herte is al diſturbid in me; and ferd of deþ fel vp on
in to euel.
me. vi Þei ſhul duelle in and hiden; þei myn heele ſhul waite.
v Drede and trembling camen vp on me; and al couereden me
vii As þei ſuſteneden my ſoule for noȝt; þou ſhalt make þem
vi And I ſeide, Who ſhal ȝiue to me federes as of a culuer; ſaf in wraþe puplis þou ſhalt to-breke.
viii God, my lif I `haue out told to þee; þou puttiſt my teres
and I ſhal flee, and aȝeen reſten?
vii Lo! I droȝ out me along fleende; and I duelte in in þi ſiȝte. As in þi beheſte, Lord;
ix þanne ſhul ben al turned myn enemys bacward. In what
viii I abod hym, þat made me ſaf; fro to litil coraiouſte of euer dai I ſhal inwardli clepe þee; lo! I knew, for my God
þou art.
ſpirit, and fro tempeſt. x In God I ſhal preiſe þe woord; in þe Lord I ſhal preiſe þe
ix Lord, put doun, and deuyde þe tungis of hem; for I ſaȝ
wickidneſſe and contradiccioun in þe cite. xi In God I hopede; I ſhal not drede what do to me a man.
x Dai and nyȝt wickidneſſe ſhal enuyroune it vpon þe wallis
xii In me, God, ben þi vouwis; þe whiche I ſhal ȝelde
of it; and trauaile in þe myddes of it, and vnriȝtwiſneſſe.
xi And þer failede not fro þe ſtretis of it; vſure and treccherie. preiſingis to þee.
xiii For þou haſt deliuered my ſoule fro deþ, and my feet fro
xii For if myn enemy hadde curſid to me; I ſhulde alſo han
ſliding; þat I pleſe befor God in þe liȝt of liueres.
ſuffrid. And if he, þat hadde hatid me, ouer me grete þingis
hadde ſpoken; I ſhulde han hid me perauenture fro hym.
xiii Þou forſoþe a man of oon inwit; my ledere, and my SALM LVI.
knowen. In to þe ende, ne deſtroȝe þou or ſhend
xiiii Þe whiche togidere wiþ me ſwete metis þou toke; in þe
Dauid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title, whan
hous of God wee wente wiþ conſent.
xv Deþ come vp on hem; and go þey doun in to helle lyuende. he fleiȝ fro þe face of Saul in þe den.
For ſhreudeneſſys in þe dwelling placis of hem; in þe myddel i Haue merci of me, God, haue merci of me; for in þee troſteþ
of hem. my ſoule. And in þe ſhadewe of þi wengis I ſhal hope; to þe
xvi I forſoþe to þe Lord criede; and þe Lord ſhal ſaue me. tyme þat wyckidneſſe ouerpaſſe.
xvii Þe euentid and þe moru, and at myddai, I ſhal ſeyn, and ii I ſhal crie to þe heiȝeſt God; God þat dide weel to me.
befor telle; and he ſhal ful out here my voys. iii He ſente fro heuene, and deliuerede me; he ȝaf in to reprof
xviii He ſhal aȝeen bie my ſoule in pes fro þem, þat neȝhen to þe tredende me. God ſente his merci and his treuþe,
me; for among manye þei weren wiþ me. iiii and toc awei my ſoule; fro þe myddel of þe leoun whelpis,
xix God ſhal ful out heren, and meke þem; þat is befor I ſleep al diſturbid. Sones of men, þe teþ of hem armys and
worldis. Þer is not forſoþe to þem al hol chaunging, and þei arwis; and þe tunge of hem a ſharp ſwerd.
dredde not God; v Be þou enhauncid, God, vpon heuenes; and vp on alle erþe
xx he ſtraȝte out his hond in aȝeen ȝelding. Þei defouleden þe þi glorie.
teſtament of hym, þei ben deuydid fro þe wraþe of his chere; vi Þei maden redi a grene to my feet; and þei myche
xxi and þe herte of hym neȝhede to. Softid ben þe woordis of crookeden my ſoule. Þei doluen befor my face a dich; and þei
hym vp on oile; and þei ben ſperis. fellen in to it.
vii Redi myn herte, God, redi myn herte; I ſhal ſinge and
ſalm ſein.


viii Rys vp, my glorie; ris vp, ſautre and harpe; I ſhal riſen x my God, his mercy ſhal befor come me. God ſhewide to me
vp erly. vp on myn enemys,
ix I ſhal knouleche to þee in puplis, Lord; and ſalm I ſhal ſei xi ne ſle þou hem; leſt any time my puplis forȝeten. Deſtroȝe
to þee in Jentylys. þem in þi vertu; and put þem doun, Lord, my defendere.
x For magnefied is vnto heuenes þi merci; and vnto þe xii Þe gilte of þe mouþ of hem, and þe woord of þer lippis;
cloudis þi treuþe. and be þei caȝt in þer pride. And of curſing and leſing þei
xi Be þou enhauncid vp on heuenes, God; and ouer alle erþe ſhul be told; in þe full ending.
þi glorie. xiii In þe wraþe of hol eende, and þei ſhul not ben; and þey
ſhul wite, for þe Lord ſhal lordſhipen of Jacob, and of þe
SALM LVII. cooſtis of þe erþe.
xiiii Þei ſhul be conuertid at euen, and hunger þei ſhul ſuffre,
In to þe ende, ne ſhende þou or deſtroȝe as houndis; and þei ſhul gon aboute þe cite.
Dauid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title. xv Þei ſhul be ſcaterid, to eten; if forſoþe þei ſhuln not be
i If fulfild, and þei ſhul grucche.
vereli alſo riȝtwiſneſſe ȝee ſpeke; euenli demeþ, ȝee ſones xvi I forſoþe ſhal ſinge þi ſtrengþe; and enhauncen vp erly þi
of men.
ii Forſoþe in þe herte wickidneſſis ȝee werken in þe erþe; mercy. For þou art maad myn vndertakere; and my refute, in
þe dai of my tribulacioun.
vnriȝtwiſneſſes ȝoure hondis menge togidere. xvii Myn helpere, to þee I ſhal do ſalm; for God, myn
iii Synneres ben aliened fro þe wombe; þei erreden fro þe
vndertakere, my God, my mercy.
wombe, þei ſpeeken falſe þingus.
iiii Wodneſſe to þem, after þe licneſſe of an eddere; as of a
doumb eddere, and ſtoppende his eris.
v Þe whiche ſhal not ful out heren þe vois of þe enchaunteres; In to þe ende, for hem þat ſhul ben holli
and of þe venym makere enchauntende wiſly. chaungid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title, to
vi God ſhal to-broſe þe teþ of hem in þe mouþ of hem; and þe
hym Dauyd, in to lernyng, whan he brende
wang teþ of leouns þe Lord ſhal to-breke.
vii To noȝt þei ſhul come, as water doun rennende; he bente vp Meſopotanye of Cirie, or Cirie Sobal,
his bowe, to þe time þat `þei be feblid. and turnede Joab, and ſmot Edom in þe
viii As wax þat flowiþ, þei ſhul ben taken awei; fyr fel ouer,
valei of ſalt placis, twelue þouſend.
and þei ſeȝen not þe ſunne.
ix Befor þat ȝoure þornes ſhulden vnderſtonde þe þeue þorne; i God, þou haſt put vs abac, and deſtroȝid vs; þou wraþedeſt
as þe lyuende, ſo in wraþe he ſhal ſoupe þem vp. vs.
x Þe riȝtwis ſhal glade, whan he ſeeþ veniaunce; his hondis ii Þou togidere mouedeſt erþe, and diſturbidiſt it; hele þe to-
he ſhal waſhen in þe blod of þe ſynnere. tredingis of it, for it is toſtirid.
xi And a man ſhal ſeyn, If forſoþe þer is frut to þe riȝtwis; iii Þou haſt ſhewid to þi puple hard þingis; þou haſt drunken
forſoþe God is demende þem in erþe. vs wiþ wyn of compunccioun.
iiii Þou haſt ȝiue to þe dredende þee toknyng; þat þei flee fro
SALM LVIII. þe face of þe bowe.
v Þat þi loouede be deliuered, mac ſaf in þi riȝt hond; and ful
In to þe ende, ne deſtroȝe þou or ſhend out here me.
Dauid, in þe inſcripcioun of þe title, whan vi God ſpac in his halewe; I ſhal gladen, and deuyde

Saul ſente, and kepte his hous, þat he Siccymam; and þe valei of tabernaclis I ſhal meſuren.
vii Myn is Galaad, and myn is Manaſſes; and Effraym þe
ſhulde ſlen hym. ſtrengþe of myn hed. Juda, my king;
i Tac viii Moab, þe pot of myn hope. In to Idume I ſhal ſtrecche
me out fro myn enemys, my God; and fro þe inriſende
in me deliuere me. my ſhoing; to me alienus ben ſoget.
ii Tac me out fro þe werkende wickidneſſe; and fro men of ix Who ſhal bringe me in to ſtrengþid cite; who ſhal bringe
blodis ſaue me. me in to Idume?
iii For lo! þei token my ſoule; þer fellen in to me ſtronge men. x Wheþer not þou, God, þat haſt put vs abac; and þou, God,
Nouþer my wickidneſſe, ne my ſynne; Lord, ſhalt not gon out in oure vertues?
iiii wiþoute wickidneſſe I ran, and wel reulide. Rys vp in to xi Ȝif to vs helpe fro tribulacioun; for veyn is þe helþe of
aȝen comyng to me, and ſee; man.
v and þou, Lord God of vertues, God of Irael. Tac heede to xii In God wee ſhul do vertu; and he to noȝt ſhal bringe doun
alle Jentilis to be viſited; haue þou not mercy to alle þat men trublende vs.
werken wickidneſſe.
vi Be þei conuertid at euen, and hunger þei ſhul ſuffre as SALM LX.
houndys; and þei ſhul enuyroune þe cite.
vii Lo! þei ſhuln ſpeke in þer mouþ, and ſwerd in þe lippis of In to þe ende, in ympnes, þe ſalm to
hem; for who herde? Dauyd.
viii And þou, Lord, ſhalt ſcorne þem; to noȝt þou ſhalt bringe i Ful out here þou, God, my lowe preȝing; tac heede to myn
alle Jentilis. oriſoun.
ix My ſtrengþe to þee I ſhal kepe, for God myn vndertakere;


ii Fro þe endus of þe erþe to þee I criede, whil myn herte vi So I was myndeful of þee vp on my bedding, in þe
ſhulde ben anguyſht; in a ſton þou enhauncidiſt me. Þou morutidis I ſhal ſweteli þenken in þee;
broȝteſt me out, vii for þou were myn helpere. And in þe coueryng of þi
iii for þou art maad myn hope; þe tour of ſtrengþe fro þe face wengus I ſhal ful out ioȝe,
of þe enemy. viii my ſoule cleuede to after þee; me þi riȝthond vndirtoc.
iiii I ſhal duelle in þi tabernacle in to worldis; I ſhal be ix Þei forſoþe in to veyn ſoȝten my ſoule, þey ſhul go in to þe
defendid in þe coueryng of þi wengis. neþermor partis of þe erþe;
v For þou, my God, `ful out herdiſt myn oriſoun; þou ȝeue þe x þei ſhul be taken in to þe hond of ſwerd, þe partis of foxis
eritage to men dredende þi name. þei ſhul be.
vi Daȝis vp on daȝis of þe king þou ſhalt caſte to; his ȝeris xi Þe king forſoþe ſhal gladen in God, and þer ſhul be preiſid
vnto þe dai of ieneracioun and of ieneracioun. alle þat ſwern in hym; for ſtoppid is þe mouþ of men ſpekende
vii He abit ſtille into wiþoute ende in þe ſiȝte of God; þe wicke þingus.
merci and his treuþe who ſhal aȝeen ſechen?
viii Soo ſalm I ſhal ſey to þi name in to þe world of world; SALM LXIII.
þat I ȝelde my vouwis fro dai in to dai.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauyd.
SALM LXI. i Ful out here þou, God, myn oriſoun, whan I louli preȝe; fro
In to þe ende, for Iditym, þe ſalm of Dauyd. þe drede of þe enemy tac awei my ſoule.
ii Þou haſt defendid me fro þe couent of warieris; and fro þe
i Wheþer not to God ſoget ſhal be my ſoule; of hym forſoþe multitude of men wirkende wickidneſſe.
myn helþe ȝiuere. iii For þei ſharpiden out as a ſwerd þer tungis; þei benten a
ii Forwhi and he my God, myn helþe ȝiuere, myn vndertakere; bowe, a bittere þing,
I ſhal be moued no more. iiii þat þei ſheete in hid þingus þe vnwemmed. Sodeynly þei
iii Hou longe ȝee fallen in to a man? ȝee ſlen alle ȝee; as to a ſhul ſheten hym, and not dreden;
boowid woughe, `and to a ſton wal put doun. v þei faſtneden to hem a ſhreude woord. Þei tolden, þat þei
iiii Neuer þe latere my pris þei þoȝten to putte behinde, I ran ſhulden hide grenes; þei ſeiden, Who ſhal ſee þem?
in þriſt; wiþ þer mouþ þei bliſſiden, and wiþ þer herte vi Þei ſercheden wickidneſſis; þei ſerchende faileden in
curſiden. ſerching. Þer ſhal neȝhen a man to an heiȝ herte;
v Neuer þe latere to God ſoget be þou, my ſoule; for of hym vii and God ſhal ben enhauncid. Þe arwis of litle childer ben
my pacience. maad þe veniauncis of hem;
vi For lo! my God and my ſaueour; myn helpere, I ſhal not viii and þer ben feblid aȝen hem þe tungis of hem. Alle þat
gon out. ſeȝen hem ben diſturbid;
vii In God myn helþe ȝiuere, and my glorie; God of myn ix and eche man dredde. And þei beforn tolden þe werkis of
helpe, and myn hope is in God. God; and his deedis þei vnderſtoden.
viii Hopeþ in hym, eche congregacioun of puple; heeldeþ out x Þe riȝtwiſe ſhal gladen in þe Lord, and hopen in hym; and
beforn hym ȝoure hertes, God oure helpere in to wiþoute alle riȝtwiſe in herte ſhul be preiſid.
ix Neuer þe latere veyne þe ſones of men; lieris þe ſones of
men in weiȝtis; þat þei deſceyue, þei of þe vanyte in to itſelf.
x Wileþ not hopen in wickidneſſe, raueynes wileþ not coueite; In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, þe ſong of
if richeſſis `flowe to, wileþ not leyn to þe herte. Aggei, Jeremye, or Ezechiel, of þe woord of
xi Ones God ſpac, þeſe two þingus I herde; for þe power of
God is,
pilgrimagynge, or of þe puple of
xii and to þee, Lord, mercy; for þou ſhalt ȝelde to eche man tranſmygracioun, whan þei ſhulden
aftir his werkis. begynne to go forþ.
i Thee ſemeþ an ympne, þou God, in Sion; and to þee ſhal
SALM LXII. ben ȝolden a vou in Jeruſalem.
Þe ſalm of Dauyd, whan he was in þe ii Ful out here þou myn oriſoun; to þee all fleſh ſhal come.
iii Þe woordis of wicke men hadden þe maiſtri ouer vs; and
deſert of Ydume.
to oure vnpitouſneſſis þou ſhalt be pleſid.
i God, my God, to þee fro liȝt I wake. My ſoule þriſtide in iiii Blisful whom þou haſt choſen, and take to; he ſhal dwelle
þee; hou manyfold to þee my fleſh. In a deſert erþe and in þin hallis. Wee ſhul be fulfild in goodis of þin hous; holi
wiþoute weie, and wiþ oute water, is þi temple,
ii ſo in holi I aperede to þee; þat I ſhulde ſee þi vertu, and þi v merueilous in equite. Ful out here vs, God, oure helþe
glorie. ȝiuere; hope of alle þe cooſtis of erþe, and in þe ſe afer.
iii For betere is þi mercy vpon lyues; my lippis ſhul preiſe vi Greiþende hillis in þi vertu, gird to bi power;
þee. vii þat diſturbiſt þe depþe of þe ſe, þe ſoun of his flodis.
iiii So I ſhal bleſſe þee in my lif; and in þi name I ſhal
Jentilis ſhul ben ſturbid,
reren vp myn hondus. viii and dreden þat duellen þe termes of þi tocnes; þe goingus
v As bi talȝ and fatneſſe be fulfild my ſoule; and wiþ lippis of
out of þe morutid and þe euetid þou ſhalt make delitable.
ful out ioȝing my mouþ ſhal preiſe.


ix Þou haſt viſitid þe erþe, and maad it drunke; and þou SALM LXVI.
multipliedeſt to maken it riche. Þe flod of God is fulfild wiþ
watris; þou greiþedeſt þe mete of hem, for ſo is þe befor In to þe ende, `in ympnes, þe ſalm of þe
greiþing of it. ſong to Dauyd.
x Þou inwardli makende drunke þe ryueres of it, multiplie his
i God haue merci of vs, and bliſſe to vs, liȝte to his chere
buriounys; and in his drope fallingus ſhal glade þe
buriounende. vpon vs; and haue mercy of vs.
xi Þou ſhalt bleſſe to þe croune of þe ȝer of þi benyngnete; ii Þat wee knowe in þe erþe þi weie; in alle Jentilis þi helþe
and þi feldis ſhul be fulfild wiþ plenteuouſte. ȝiuere.
xii Þe faire þingus of deſert ſhul waxe fatte; and bi ful out iii Knouleche to þee puplis, God; knouleche to þee alle puplis.
ioȝing litle hillis ſhul be gird aboute. iiii Gladen and ful out ioȝe Jentilis, for þou demeſt puplis in
xiii Þe weþeres of ſhep ben clad, and þe valeis ſhuln abounde equite; and Jentilis in þe erþe þou dreſſiſt.
wiþ whete; þei ſhul crie, and forſoþe ſeyn ympne. v Knouleche to þee puplis, God,
vi knouleche to þee alle puplis; þe erþe ȝaf his frut. Bleſſe vs
SALM LXV. God, oure God,
vii bleſſe vs God; and drede hym alle þe cooſtus of erþe.
In to þe ende, þe ſong of þe ſalm of
reſureccioun. SALM LXVII.
i Ioȝeþ to God, al erþe, ſalm ſeiþ to his name;
ii ȝiueþ glorie to his preiſing.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of þe ſong of Dauyd.
iii Seiþ to God, Hou ferful ben þi werkis, Lord; i Ryſe vp God, and be ſcaterid his enemys; and flee þei þat
in þe
multitude of þi vertu ſhuln lie to þee þin enemys. hatiden hym fro his face.
iiii Al erþe honoure þee, God, and do ſalm to þee; and ſey ii As faileþ ſmoke, faile þei, as flowiþ wax fro þe face of fyr;
ſalm to þi name. ſo perſhe þe ſynneres fro þe face of God.
v Comeþ and ſeeþ þe werkis of God; ferful in counſeilis vp on iii And þe riȝtwiſe ete þei, and ful out glade þei in þe ſiȝte of
þe ſones of men. God; and delite þei in gladneſſe.
vi Þat al turneþ þe ſe in to drie, in þe flod þei ſhul paſſe þurȝ iiii Syngeþ to God, ſalm ſeiþ to his name, makeþ weie to hym
afoote; þer wee ſhul gladen in hym. þat ſteȝeþ vp vp on þe going doun; Lord name to hym. Ful
vii Þat lordſhipeþ in his vertu in to wiþoute ende; his eȝen vp out ioȝeþ in his ſiȝte, þei ſhul be diſturbid fro þe face of hym,
v fader of faderles childer; and domes man of widewis. God
on Jentilis beholden, þat ful out terren ſhul not ben enhauncid
in hemſelf. in his holi place;
viii Bleſſeþ, ȝee Jentylis, oure God; and herd makeþ þe vois vi God þat makeþ to indwelle of o maner in an hous. Þe
of his preiſing. whiche bringeþ out þe bounden men in ſtrengþe; alſo hem þat
ix Þat putte my ſoule to lif, and ȝaf not in to togidere ſtiring terren, þat dwellen in ſepulcris.
vii God, whan þou ſhuldeſt gon out in þe ſiȝte of þi puple;
my feet.
x God, for þou haſt proued vs; bi fyr þou examynedeſt vs, as whan þou ſhuldiſt paſſe in deſert.
viii Þe erþe is moued, forſoþe heuenus droppeden doun fro þe
ſiluer is examyned.
xi Þou broȝtiſt vs in to þe grene, þou puttiſt tribulaciouns in face of God of Synay; fro þe face of God of Irael.
ix Wilful reyn þou ſhalt don apart, God, to þi eritage, and it
oure rig;
xii þou puttiſt in men vpon oure hedis. Wee paſſiden þurȝ fyr is feblid; þou forſoþe madiſt it parfit.
x Þi beſtis ſhul duelle in it, God; þou madiſt redy in þi
and watir; and þou broȝtiſt out vs in to refreſhing.
xiii I ſhal go in to þin hous in brent ſacrifiſes; I ſhal ȝelde to ſwetneſſe to þe pore.
xi Þe Lord ſhal ȝiuen a woord; to þe euangeliſeris in myche
þee my vowis,
xiiii þat determyneden my lippis. And my mouþ ſpac in my vertue.
xii Þe king of vertues of þe looued of þe looued; and to
xv brent ſacrifiſes ful of merȝ I ſhal offre to þee, wiþ encens deuyde ſpoilis to þe fairneſſe of þe hous.
xiii If ȝee ſlepe betwe þe mene ſortis, ȝee ſhul be þe ſiluerne
of weþers; I ſhal offre to þee oxen wiþ get.
xvi Ȝee, alle þat dreden God, comeþ and hereþ; and I ſhal pennes of þe culuer; and þe hindermor of his ryg, in þe
paleneſſe of gold.
telle hou grete þingus he dede to my ſoule. xiiii Whil þe heueneli deuydeþ kingis vp on it wiþ ſnowȝ, þei
xvii To hym wiþ my mouþ I criede; and I ful out ioȝide
ſhul ben maad whit in Selmon;
vnder my tunge. xv þe hil of God a fat hil. Þe hil cruddid togidere a fat hil;
xviii Wickedeneſſe if I beheeld in myn herte; þe Lord ſhal not
xvi wherto ouer trowe ȝee, þe hillis cruddid togidere? Þe hil
ful out here.
xix Þerfore ful out herde God; and toc heede to þe vois of my in whiche is wel pleſid to God to duelle in it; forſoþe þe Lord
ſhal dwelle in to þe ende.
lowe preȝing. xvii Þe charis of God manyfold in ten þouſendys, þat ben
xx Bliſſid þe God; þat mouede not awei myn oriſoun, and his
þouſandus of men gladende; þe Lord in hem, in Syna, in
merci fro me. holi.
xviii Þou ſteȝedeſt vp in to heiȝte, þou toke caitifte; þou toke
to ȝiftis in men. Forſoþe men not beleeuende; to dwellen in þe
Lord God.


xix Bleſſid þe Lord fro dai to eche dai; welſum wei ſhal make x And I couerede in faſting my ſoul; and it is maad in to
to vs þe God of oure helþe ȝiueres. repref to me.
xx Oure God þe God of makinge men ſaf; and of þe Lord xi And I putte my cloþing an heire; and I am maad to þem
Lord þe going out of deþ. in to a parable.
xxi Neuerþelatere God ſhal to-breke þe hedis of his enemys; xii Aȝen me ſpeeken þat ſeeten in þe ȝate; and in me diden
þe top of þe her of men goende in þer giltus. ſalm, þat drunke win.
xxii Þe Lord ſeide, Fro Baſan I ſhal al turne; I ſhal al xiii I forſoþe made myn oriſoun to þee, Lord; tyme is of þi
turne in to þe depþe of þe ſe. wel pleſing, God. In þe multitude of þi mercy ful out here
xxiii Þat inwet be þi foot in blood; þe tunge of þin houndis me; in þe treuþe of þin helþe.
fro hym of þe enemys. xiiii Tac me out fro clei, þat I be not inficchid; deliuere me
xxiiii Þei ſeȝen þin ingoingus, God; þe ingoing of my God, fro hem þat hatiden me, and fro þe depþis of watris.
my king, þat is in holy. xv Drenche me not doun þe tempeſt of water; ne ſoupe me
xxv Þe princis camen befor ioyned wiþ þe ſingeris; in þe awei þe depþe, ne þreſte vp on me þe pit his mouþ.
myddel of þe ȝunge wymmen tympanyſtris. xvi Ful out here me, Lord, for benyngne is þi mercy; after þe
xxvi In chirchis bliſſeþ to God; to þe Lord of þe wellis of multitude of þi merci doingus behoold in me.
Irael. xvii And ne turne þou awei þi face fro þi child; for I am
xxvii Þere Beniamyn, þe ȝungling; in þe exces of mynde. trublid, ſwiftli ful out here þou me.
Princis of Juda þe dukis of hem; princis of Zabulon, þe xviii Loke in to my ſoule, and deliuere it; for myn enemys tac
princis of Neptalym. out me.
xxviii Send, God, to þi vertue; conferme þou, God, þat þat xix Þou knowiſt my repref; and my confuſioun, and my ſhame.
þou haſt wroȝt in vs. In þi ſiȝte ben alle þat trublen me;
xxix Fro þi temple, þat is in Jeruſalem; to þee offre ſhul xx repref abod myn herte, and wrecchidneſſe. And I ſuffride
kingus ȝiftis. þat ſumman togidere ſhulde wiþ ſorewen, and þer was not;
xxx Blame þe wilde beſtis of þe reed, þe gedering togidere of and þat ſhulde coumforten, and I fond not.
bolis in þe kiyn of puplis; þat þei cloſe out hem þat ben xxi And þei ȝeuen in to my mete galle; and in my þriſt þei
preued bi ſiluer. Scatere þou þe Jentilis þat wiln batailis, drunke me wiþ eiſel.
xxxi þer ſhul come meſſageris fro Egipt; Ethiope ſhal befor xxii Be mad þe bord of hem in to a grene befor þem; and in
come his hondis to God. to ȝeldingus aȝeen, and in to ſclaunder.
xxxii Reumes of þe erþe, ſingeþ to God; doþ ſalm to þe Lord. xxiii Be al to-dercned þe eȝen of hem, þat þei ſee not; and þe
Doþ ſalm to God; rig of hem euermor crooke þou in.
xxxiii þat ſteȝeþ vp vpon heuene `of heuene at þe eſt. Lo! he xxiiii Heeld out vp on hem þi wraþe; and þe wodneſſe of þi
ſhal ȝiue to his vois, vois of vertue; wraþe al take þem.
xxxiiii ȝiueþ glorie to God vp on Irael; his grete doing and xxv Be maad þe dwelling of hem deſert; and in þe tabernaclis
his vertue in cloudis. of hem be þer not þat indwelle.
xxxv Merueilous God in his halewis, God of Irael, he ſhal xxvi For whom þou haſt ſmyten, þei han purſued; and vp on
ȝiue vertue, and ſtrengþe of hys puple; bleſſid be God. þe ſorewe of my woundis þei addeden.
xxvii Put to wickidneſſe vp on þe wickidneſſe of hem; and
SALM LXVIII. entre þei not in to þi riȝtwiſneſſe.
xxviii Be þei do awei fro þe boc of lyueres; and wiþ riȝtwis
In to þe end, for hem þat ſhuln ben al men be þei not write.
chaungid, to hym Dauid. xxix I am a pore man, and ſorewende; þin helþe, God,
i God, mac me ſaf; for watris camen in vnto my ſoule. vndertoc me.
ii I am inficchid in xxx I ſhal preiſe þe name of God wiþ ſong; and magnefien
þe ſlim of þe depþe; and þer is not
ſubſtaunce. I cam in to þe heiȝte of þe ſe; and tempeſt hym in preiſing.
drenchide me doun. xxxi And he ſhal pleſe to God vp on a newe calf; hornes
iii I trauailide criende, horſe ben maad my chekis; myn eȝen bringende forþ, and cles.
failiden, whil I hope in to my God. xxxii See þe pore, and glade þei; ſecheþ God, and ȝoure ſoule
iiii Þei ben multeplied ouer þe heris of myn hed; þat hatiden ſhal liue.
me wiþoute cauſe. Þei ben coumfortid þat purſueden me myn xxxiii For þe Lord ful out herde þe pore; and deſpiſide not
enemys vnriȝtwiſly; þe þingis þat I raueſhide not, þanne I hiſe bounden.
paȝide out. xxxiiii Preiſe hym, heuenes and erþe; þe ſe, and alle crepende
v God, þou knoweſt myn vnwiſdam; and my giltis fro þee ben þingis in it.
not hid. xxxv For God ſhal make ſaf Sion; and þe cites of Jude ſhul
vi Lord, ſhame þei not in me þat abiden þee, Lord; Lord of be bild vp. And þei ſhuln induelle þere; and bi eritage þei
vertues. Be þei not confoundid vp on me, þat ſechen þee; God ſhul purchaſen it.
of Irael. xxxvi And þe ſed of his ſeruauns ſhal welden it; and þat
vii For I ſuffride for þee repref; ſhenſhipe couerede my face. loouen his name, ſhul duelle in it.
viii Straunge I am maad to my breþern; and a pilgrim to þe
ſonus of my modir. SALM LXIX.
ix For looue of þin hous eet me; and repreues of men
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid, in
repreuende þee fallen vp on me.
remembring þat þe Lord made hym ſaf.


i God, in to myn helpe tac heed; Lord, to helpen me heeȝe xxi Þou haſt multiplied þi grete doing; and al turned þou haſt
þou. coumfortid me.
ii Be þei confoundid, and ſhameli drede þei; þat ſechen my xxii For and I ſhal knouleche to þee in veſſelis of ſalm þi
ſoule. treuþe, God; I ſhal do ſalm to þee in an harpe, þou holi of
iii Be þei turned awei hindward, and waxe þei aſhamed; þat Irael.
wiln to me euelis. Be þei turned awei anoon and ſhamende; xxiii Ful out ſhul ioȝe my lippis, whan I ſhal ſynge to þee;
þat ſeyn to me, Weu! weu! and my ſoule, þat þou aȝeen boȝtiſt.
iiii Ful out ioȝe þei, and glad in þee, alle þat ſechen þee; and xxiiii But and my tunge al dai ſhal ſweteli þenke þi
ſey þei euermor, Þe Lord be magnefied, þat loouen þi ȝiuere riȝtwiſneſſe; whan confoundid and ſhamefaſtly aferd ſhul ben
of helþe. þat ſechen euelis to me.
v I forſoþe a nedi and a pore man am; God, helpe þou me.
Myn helpere and my deliuerere, be þou; Lord, ne tarie þou. SALM LXXI.
SALM LXX. In to Salomon.
i God, þi dom ȝif to þe king; and þi riȝtwyſneſſe to þe ſone of
Þe ſalm of Dauid is of þe ſonys of Jonadab, þe king.
and of þe raþere caitiues. ii To demen þi puple in riȝtwiſneſſe; and þi pore men in dom.
i In iii Vndertake mounteynes pes to þe puple; and þe hillis
þee, Lord, I hopide; I ſhal not be confoundid in to wiþ
oute ende; riȝtwiſneſſe.
ii in þi riȝtwiſneſſe deliuere me, and tac me awei. Bowe þou iiii He ſhal deme þe pore men of þe puple; and ſaf he ſhal
in to me þin ere; and ſaue me. make þe ſonus of pore men; and he ſhal meke þe falſe acuſere.
iii Be þou to me in to God defendere, and in to a ſtrengþid v And he ſhal abide ſtille wiþ þe ſunne, and befor þe mone; in
place; þat þou make me ſaaf. For my faſtneſſe; and my refute ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.
þou art. vi He ſhal come doun as reyn in to flees; and as drope falling
iiii My God, tac me awey fro þe hond of þe ſynnere; and fro droppende vp on erþe.
þe hond of þe doere aȝen þe lawe, and of þe wicke. vii In his daȝis ſhal ſpringe riȝtwiſneſſe, and aboundaunce of
v For þou art my pacience, Lord; Lord, myn hope fro my pes; to þe time þat þe mone be don awei.
ȝouþe. viii And he ſhal lordſhipen fro þe ſe vn to þe ſe; and fro þe
vi In þee I am confermed fro þe wombe; fro þe wombe of my flod vnto þe termes of þe roundneſſe of londis.
moder þou art my defendere. In þee my ſynging euermor; ix Beforn hym ſhul falle doun Ethiopis; and his enemys þe
vii as wndring I am maad to manye; and þou a ſtrong erþe ſhul licken.
helpere. x Þe kingis of Tharſis and ylis ſhuln offre deſerued ȝiftys; þe
viii Be fulfild my mouþ wiþ preiſing, þat I ſynge þi glorie; al kingus of Arabs and Saba free ȝiftis ſhul bringe to.
dai þi gretneſſe. xi And þer ſhuln honouren hym alle kingus; alle Jentilis ſhul
ix Ne þrowe þou me aferr in time of elde; whan ſhal faile my ſerue to hym.
vertue, ne forſake þou me. xii For he ſhal deliuere þe pore fro þe myȝti; and þe pore to
x For myn enemys ſeiden to me; and þei þat kepten my ſoule whom was not an helpere.
counſeil maden in to oon. xiii He ſhal ſpare to þe pore, and to þe helpeles; and þe ſoulis
xi Seiende, God haþ forſaken hym, purſueþ, and takeþ hym; of pore men he ſhal make ſaaf.
for þer is not þat take awey. xiiii Fro vſuris and wickidneſſe he ſhal aȝeen bie þe ſoulis of
xii God, ne be þou longid awei fro me; my God, in to myn hem; and wrſhipeful þe name of hem beforn hym.
helpe behold. xv And he ſhal lyue, and þer ſhal be ȝiue to hym of þe gold of
xiii Be þei confoundid, and faile þei, bacbitende to my ſoule; Arabie; and þei ſhul honouren of it, al day þei ſhul bliſſe to
be þei couered wiþ confuſioun and ſhame, þat ſechen euelis to hym.
me. xvi Þer ſhal be faſtnyng in þe erþe, in þe heȝeſt þingis of
xiiii I forſoþe euermor ſhal hopen; and caſten to vp on alle þi mounteynes; þer ſhal ben aboue hauncyd aboue Liban his
preiſing. fruyt; and þei ſhul floure fro cite, as þe hei of erþe.
xv My mouþ ſhal befor telle þi riȝtwiſneſſe; al dai þin helþe xvii Be his name bliſſid in to worldis; beforn þe ſunne abit
ȝiuere. For I knew not lettrure, ſtille his name. And þer ſhul be bliſſid in hym alle þe linagis
xvi I ſhal gon in to þe poweris of þe Lord; Lord, I ſhal han of erþe; alle Jentilis ſhul magnefien hym.
xviii Bliſſid be þe Lord God of Irael; þat doþ merueilous
mynde of þi riȝtwiſneſſe alone.
xvii God, þou haſt taȝt me fro my ȝouþe, and vn to now; I þingus alone.
xix And bleſſid be þe name of his maieſte in to wiþoute ende;
ſhal telle forþ þi merueilis.
xviii And vn to þe laſte age, and þe laſte ende of it; God, ne and þer ſhal be fulfild wiþ his maieſte al erþe; be it do, be it
forſake þou me. To þe time þat I telle out þin arm; to alle do.
xx Þer faileden preiſingis, or ympnes of Dauid, ſone of Jeſſe.
ieneracioun þat is to come. Þi power,
xix and þi riȝtwiſneſſe, God, vn to þe heȝeſte grete þingus þat
þou didiſt; God, who is lic to þee?
xx Hou grete þou haſt ſhewid to me tribulaciouns, manye and
euele, and al turned þou haſt quykened me; and fro þe
depneſſis of þe erþe eft þou haſt aȝeen broȝte me.



Þe ſalm of Aſaf. Þe vnderſtonding of Aſaf.
i Hou good þe God of Irael; to hem þat ben in riȝt herte. i Wherto, God, haſt þou put abac in to þe ende; þi wodneſſe
ii My feet forſoþe ben almoſt moued; almoſt ben held doun my wraþide vpon þe ſhep of þi leſwe?
goingis. ii Myndeful be þou of þi congregacioun; þat þou weldedeſt fro
iii For I enuyede vp on wicke men; ſeande þe pes of þe begynnyng. Þou haſt aȝeen boȝt þe ȝerde of þin eritage; þe
ſynneres. hil of Sion in whiche þou dwellidiſt in it.
iiii For þer is not reſpit to þe deþ of hem; and faſtnyng in þe iii Rere vp þin hondis in to þe pridis of hem in to þe ende;
wounde of hem. hou grete þingis wariede þe enemy in þe holi.
v In þe trauaile of men þei ben not; and wiþ men þei ſhul not iiii And þei glorieden þat hateden þee; in þe myddel of þi
be ſcourgid. ſolempnete. Þei putten þer tocnes, tocnes;
vi Þerfore heeld hem pride; þei ben couered wiþ wickidneſſe, v and þei knewe not as in þe going out vpon þe heȝiſt. As in
and wiþ þer vnpitouſneſſe. a woode of trees wiþ axis þei heewen doun þe ȝatis of it in
vii Wente forþ as of talȝ þe wickidneſſe of hem; þei to itſelf;
vi in axis and hachet þei þrewen it doun.
ouerpaſſiden in to luſt of herte.
viii Þei þoȝten and ſpeeke ſhreudeneſſe; wickidneſſe in heiȝte vii Þei brenden vp wiþ fyr þi ſeintuarie; in þe erþe þei
þey ſpeeken. defouleden þe tabernacle of þi name.
ix Þei putten in to heuene þer mouþ; and þe tunge of hem viii Þei ſeiden in þer herte, þe kinrede of hem togidere; To
wente in þe erþe. reſten make wee alle þe feſte daȝis of God fro þe erþe.
x Þerfore ſhal ben conuertid my puple heer; and fulle daȝis ix Oure ſignes wee han not ſeen, now þer is not a profete;
ſhul be founden in hem. and he ſhal knowen vs no more.
xi And þei ſeiden, Hou wot God; and wheþer is þer kunyng x Hou longe, God, þe enemye ſhal repreue? þe aduerſarie
in heiȝte? vnlefulli takeþ þi name in to þe ende.
xii Lo! þo ſynneres, and abundende in þe world; weldeden xi Wherto turneſt þou awei þin hond, and þi riȝthond fro þi
richeſſis. myddel boſum in to þe ende?
xiii And I ſeide, Þanne wiþ oute cauſe I iuſtefiede myn herte; xii God forſoþe oure king befor worldis; wroȝte helþe in þe
and weſh among innocentis myn hondis. myddes of erþe.
xiiii And I was ſcourgid al dai; and my chaſtiſing in þe xiii Þou haſt confermed in þi vertu þeſe; þou al to-trublidiſt þe
morutidis. hedis of dragounys in watris.
xv If I ſeide, I ſhal telle þus; lo! þe nacioun of þi ſones I xiiii Þou haſt tobroke þe hedis of þe dragoun; þou haſt ȝiuen
haue repreued. hym mete to þe puplis of Ethiope.
xvi I eymede, þat I ſhulde knowe þat; trauaile is befor me. xv Þou haſt waſtid þe wellis, and þe ſtremes; þou haſt dried
xvii To þe tyme þat I entre in to þe ſeyntuarie of God; and þe flodis of Etham.
xvi Þin is þe dai, and þin is þe nyȝt; þou forgediſt þe
vnderſtonde in þe laſte þingus of hem.
xviii Neuerþelatere for treccheries þou leidiſt to hem; þou morutyd and þe ſunne.
xvii Þou madeſt alle þe termes of erþe; ſomer and ver time,
þrewe hem doun, whil þei weren rerid vp.
xix What maner be þei maad in to deſolacioun; feerli þei þou formediſt hem.
xviii Myndeful be þou of þis, þe enemy putte repref to þe
faileden, þei perſhiden for þer wickidneſſe.
xx As a ſweuene of riſende men; Lord, in þi cite þe ymage of Lord; and þe vnwiſe puple terrede þi name.
xix Ne take þou to beſtis ſoulis knoulechende to þee; and þe
hem to noȝt þou ſhalt bringe.
xxi For enflaumed is myn herte, and my reenys ben al ſoulis of þi pore men ne forȝete þou in to þe ende.
xx Behold in to þi teſtament; for þei ben fulfild, þat ben
xxii and I to noȝt am broȝt, and I wiſte not. As a beeſte I dercned of erþe; bi þe houſis of wickidneſſis.
xxi Ne be turned awei þe meke maad confundid; þe pore and
am maad anent þee;
xxiii and I euermor wiþ þee. Þou heelde my riȝt hond, þe helpelis ſhul preiſe þi name.
xxii Rys vp, God, deme þou þi cauſe, myndeful be þou of þi
xxiiii and in þi wil þou broȝtiſt me þennys; and wiþ glorie þou
repreues of hem; þat of þe vnwiſe man ben al day.
vndertoke me. xxiii Ne forȝete þou þe voiſis of þin enemys; þe pride of hem
xxv What forſoþe is to me in heuene; and of þee what wolde
þat hateden þee, ſteȝeþ vp euermor.
I vp on erþe?
xxvi My fleſh failide, and myn herte; God of myn herte, and
my part, God in to wiþoute ende.
xxvii For loo! þat longen hemſelf awei fro þee ſhul perſhen; In to þe ende, þe ſalm of þe ſong of Aſaf,
þou loſtiſt alle þat don fornycacioun fro þee. ne deſtroȝe þou, or ſhend.
xxviii To me forſoþe to cleue to God is good; to putten in þe
i Wee ſhul knouleche to þee, God, we ſhul knouleche; and
Lord God myn hope. Þat I telle out alle þi prechingus; in þe
ȝatis of þe doȝter of Sion. inwardli wee ſhul clepe þi name. Wee ſhul telle þi merueilis,
ii whan I ſhal take tyme; I riȝtwiſneſſis ſhal deme.
iii Molten is þe erþe, and alle þat dwellen in it; I confermede
þe pileeris of it.


iiii I ſeide to þe wicke men, Wileþ not wickidli don; and to þe viii Or in to þe ende his mercy he ſhal kutte awey; fro
gilteris, Ne wileþ not reren vp þe horn. ieneracioun in to ieneracioun?
v Wileþ not reren up in to heiȝte ȝoure horn; wileþ not ſpeken ix Or God ſhal forȝete to han merci; or he ſhal wiþholden in
aȝen God wickidneſſe. his wraþe his mercies?
vi For nouþer fro þe eſt, ne fro þe weſt, ne fro deſert hillis; x And I ſeide, Now I haue begunne; þis chaunging of þe
vii for God is þe domyſman. Þis he mekiþ, and þis he riȝthalf of þe heȝe.
enhaunceþ; xi I was myndeful of þe werkis of þe Lord; for I ſhal be
viii for þe chalis in þe hond of þe Lord of cler wyn, ful of myndeful fro þe begynnyng of þi merueilis.
mengd. And he bowide in of þat in to þat; nerþelatere þe xii And I ſhal ſweteli þenke in alle þi werkis; and in þi
dreſte of it is not waſtid out, þer ſhul drinke of it alle þe findingis I ſhal ben enhauntid.
ſynneres of erþe. xiii God, in þe holi þi wey; who gret God as oure God?
ix I forſoþe ſhal telle out in to þe world; I ſhal ſynge to God xiiii þou art God, þat doſt merueilis. Knowen þou haſt maad
of Jacob. in puplis þi vertu;
x And alle þe hornes of ſynneres I ſhal to-breke; and þe xv þou haſt aȝeen boȝt in þin arm þi puple, þe ſones of Jacob
hornes of þe riȝtwis ſhul ben enhauncid. and of Joſeph.
xvi Þer han ſeen þee watris, God, þer han ſeen þee watris,
SALM LXXV. and þei dredden; and diſturbid ben þe depneſſis.
xvii Þe multitude of þe ſoun of watris; a vois ȝeuen þe
In to þe ende, in ditees, þe ſong to þe
Aſſiries, þe ſalm of Aſaf. xviii Forſoþe þin arwis paſſeden þurȝ; þe vois of þi þunder in
i Knowen is God in Jewerie; in Irael gret is his name. a whel. Þi ſhynyngus liȝteden to þe roundneſſe of þe erþe; it
ii And maad is in pes his place; and his duelling in Sion. is togidere moued; and þe erþe togidere tremblide.
iii Þere he al to-brac poweris; bowe, ſheld, ſwerd, and bataile. xix In þe ſe þi weye; and þi ſties in manye watris; and þi
iiii Þou art liȝtende merueilouſly fro þe euere laſtende ſteppis ſhul not be knowen.
xx Þou broȝtiſt out as ſhep þi puple; in þe hond of Moiſes
v alle þe vnwiſe men ben diſturbid in herte. Þei ſleepen þer and Aaron.
ſlep aſlep, and no þing founden; alle þe men of richeſſis in þer
hondis. SALM LXXVII.
vi Fro þi blamyng, God of Jacob; nappeden þat ſtieȝeden vp Þe vnderſtonding of Aſaf.
horſis. i Takeþ
vii Ferful þou art, and who ſhal wiþſtonde to þee? fro þanne tente, my puple, to my lawe; inwardli bowiþ ȝoure ere
þi wraþe. in to þe woordis of my mouþ.
ii I ſhul opene in parablis my mouþ; I ſhal ſpeke
viii Fro heuene herd þou haſt maad dom; þe erþe tremblide,
and reſtide. propoſiciouns fro þe begynnyng.
iii Hou grete þingis wee han herd, and han knowe þem; and
ix Whan God ſhulde riſe vp `in to dom; þat he make ſaaf alle
þe debonere of erþe. oure fadris tolden to vs.
iiii Þei ben not hid fro þer ſones; in an oþer ieneracioun.
x For þe þenking of a man ſhal knouleche to þee; and þe
relikis of a þenking a feſte dai ſhul do to þee. Tellende þe preiſingus of þe Lord, and his vertues; and his
xi Vouwiþ, and ȝeldeþ to þe Lord ȝoure God; alle ȝee þat in
merueilis, þat he dide.
v And he rerede witneſſing in Jacob; and lawe he putte in
his enuyroun bringen to ȝiftis. To þe ferful, Irael. Hou grete þingis he ſente to oure fadris, to make þoo
xii and to hym þat doþ awey þe ſpirit of princis; to þe ferful
þingus knowe to þer ſones; þat þe toþer ieneracioun knowe.
anent alle kingus of erþe. vi Þe ſonus, þat ſhul be born, and riſen out; ſhul tellen out to
þer ſones.
SALM LXXVI. vii Þat þei putte in God þer hope, and þei forȝete not þe
In to þe ende, for Iditym, þe ſalm to Aſaf. werkis of God; and his heſtis þei out ſeche.
viii Leſt þei be maad as þer fadris; a ſhreude ieneracioun and
i In my vois to þe Lord I criede, in my vois to God; and he a terrende out. A ieneracioun þat dreſſide not his herte; and
tooc heede to me. his ſpirit is not take wiþ God.
ii In þe dai off my tribulacioun God I ſoȝte out wiþ myn ix Þe ſones of Effraym lokende in, and ſendende a bowe; ben
hondis; þe nyȝt forn aȝen hym, and I am not deſeyued. My turned in þe dai of bataile.
ſoule forſoc to be coumfortid; x Þei kepten not þe teſtament of God; and in his lawe þei
iii myndeful I was of God, and dilitide, and am enhauntid,
wolden not go.
and my ſpirit failide. xi And þei forȝeten his benefetis; and his merueylis, þat he
iiii Myn eȝen looke `to forn wakingus; I am diſturbid, and I
ſhewide to þem.
ſpac not. xii Befor þe fadris of hem he dide merueilis in þe lond of
v I þoȝte olde daȝis; and euere laſtende ȝeeris in mynde I
Egipt; in þe feld of Tafneos.
hadde. xiii He betwen vp brac þe ſe, and þurȝ broȝte þem; and ſette
vi And I ſweteli þoȝte in þe nyȝt wiþ myn herte; and I was
þe watris as in a botel.
enhauntid, and `I ſwepte my ſpirit. xiiii And he ladde hem þennes in þe cloude of þe day; and al
vii Wheþer in to wiþoute ende God ſhal þrowe aferr; or he
nyȝt in þe liȝtnyng of fyr.
ſhall not lei to, þat he be more pleſid ȝit?


xv He betwe brac þe ſton in wilderneſſe; and watride hem as xliiii And he turnede into blod þe flodis of hem; and þer
in a myche deep water. ciſternes, þat þei ſhulde not drinke.
xvi And he broȝte out water of þe ſton; and he ladde out xlv And he ſente in to þem an hound fleȝe, and it eet hem;
watris as flodis. and a frogge, and it deſtroȝede þem.
xvii And þei leide to ȝit to ſynnen to hym; in to wraþe þei xlvi And he ȝaf to ruſt þe frutis of hem; and þer trauailis to a
ſtiriden þe heȝe, in vnwatri place. locuſt.
xviii And þei tempteden God in þer hertis; þat þei aſke metis xlvii And he ſloȝ in hail þe vynes of hem; and þer mulberie
to þer ſoulis. trees in froſt.
xix And euele þei ſpeken of God; þei ſeiden, Wheþer God ſhal xlviii And he toc to hail þe beſtis of hem; and þe poſſeſſioun of
moun make redi a bord in deſert? hem to fyr.
xx For he ſmot þe ſton, and þer floweden watris; and þe xlix He ſente in to þem þe wraþe of his indignacioun;
ſtremes maden to flowen. Wheþer and bred he ſhal moun indignacioun, and wraþe, and tribulacioun, in ſendingus bi
ȝiue; or greiþen a bord to his puple? euele aungelis.
xxi Þerfore þe Lord herde, and lafte of; and fyr is tend up in l A weie he made to þe paþ of his wraþe, and he ſparide not
Jacob; and wraþe is ſteȝed vp in Irael. fro þe deþ of þe lyues of hem; and þe beſtis of hem in deþ he
xxii For þei leeueden not in God; ne hopiden in his helþe cloſide.
ȝiuere. li And he ſmot alle þe firſte goten in þe lond of Egipt; þe firſt
xxiii And he ſente to þe cloudes fro aboue; and þe ȝatis of frutis of alle þe trauayle of hem in þe tabernaclis of Cham.
heuene he openede. lii And he toc awei as ſhep his puple; and he ladde hem þurȝ
xxiiii And he reynede to hem manna to ete; and þe bred of as a floc in deſert.
heuene he ȝaf to hem. liii And he ladde hem þennys in hope, and þei dreden not; and
xxv Man eet þe bred of aungelis; metis he ſente to hem in þe enemys of hem þe ſe couerede.
abundaunce. liiii And he inladde þem in to þe hil of his halewing; þe hil
xxvi He tranſlatide þe ſouþ fro heuene; and broȝte in his þat his riȝthond purchaſide.
vertue þe ſouþerne wynd. lv And he caſte out fro þe face of hem Jentilis; and bi lot he
xxvii And he reynede vp on hem fleſh as pouder; and federed deuydede to hem þe erþe in þe litle corde of deling. And he
volatilis, as þe grauel of þe ſe. made to dwelle in þe tabernaclis of hem þe linagis of Irael.
xxviii And þei fellen in þe myddil of þe tentys of hem; aboute lvi And þei tempteden, and ſharpli terreden þe heȝe God; and
þer tabernaclis. his witneſſingus þei kepten not.
xxix And þei eeten, and ben fulfild ful myche, lvii And þey turneden þemſelf awei, and þei kepten not
xxx and þer deſir he broȝte to þem; þei ben not bigilid fro þer couenaunt; as þer fadris ben turned in to a ſhreude bowe.
lviii In to wraþe þei ſtiriden hym in þer hillis; and in þer
xxxi Ȝit þeir metis weren in þe mouþ of hem; and þe wraþe grauen þingis to ielouſte þei terreden hym.
lix God herde, and deſpiſide; and to noȝt he broȝte gretli
of God ſteiȝide vp upon hem. And he ſloȝ þe fatte men of
hem; and þe choſen men of Irael he lettide. Irael.
xxxii In alle þeſe þingus þei ſynneden ȝit; and þei leeueden lx And he putte abac þe tabernacle of Silo; his tabernacle
not in his merueilis. wher he dwelte in men.
xxxiii And þe daȝis of hem failiden in vanytee; and þe ȝeeris lxi And he toc into caitifte þe vertu of hem; and þe fairneſſe of
of hem in wiþheeȝing. hem in to þe hondus of þe enemy.
xxxiiii Whan he ſhulde ſlen hem, þei ſoȝten him; and weren lxii And he cloſide in ſwerd his puple; and his eritage he
turned aȝeen, and þe morutid þei camen to hym. diſpiſide.
xxxv And þei be remembrid, for God is þer helpere; and þe lxiii Ȝunge men of hem þe fyr eet; and þe maidenes of hem
heȝe God is þe aȝeenbiere of hem. ben not weilid.
xxxvi And þei looueden hym in þer mouþ; and in þer tunge lxiiii Þe preſtis of hem in ſwerd fellen; and þe widewis of
þei lieden to hym. hem weren not wept.
xxxvii Þe herte forſoþe of hem was not riȝt wiþ hym; ne lxv And þe Lord is rerid vp, as ſlepende; as myȝti drunken of
feiþful þei ben had in þe teſtament of hym. win.
xxxviii He forſoþe is merciful, and pleſid ſhal be maad to þe lxvi And he ſmot his enemys in to þe hindermor partis; euere
ſynnes of hem; and he ſhal not ſcatere þem. And he abundede, laſting repref he ȝaf to þem.
þat he turne awei his wraþe; and he teende not vp al his lxvii And he putte abac þe tabernacle of Joſep; and þe linage
wraþe. of Effraym he ches not.
xxxix And he recordide, for þei ben fleſh; a ſpirit goende, and lxviii But he ches þe linage of Juda; þe hil of Sion, þat he
not turnende aȝeen. loouede.
xl Hou ofte ſiþis þei out terreden hym in deſert; in to wraþe lxix And he bilde vp as vnycorn his holi making; in þe lond,
þei toſtiriden hym in vnwatri place. þat he foundede in to worldus.
xli And þei ben turned, and tempteden God; and holy Irael lxx And he ches Dauid his ſeruaunt, and he bar hym vp fro
þei ful out terreden. þe flockis of ſhep;
xlii Þei ben not recordid of his hond; þe dai þat he boȝte hem lxxi fro þe aftir berende blet he toc hym. To fede Jacob his
fro þe hond of þe trublere. ſeruaunt; and Irael his eritage.
xliii As he putte in Egipt his ſignes; and his wunders in þe lxxii And he fedde hem in þe innocence of his herte; and in þe
feld of Thaneos. vnderſtondingus of þer hondis he ladde hem þenes.


SALM LXXVIII. xii Wherto deſtroȝidiſt þou his wal; and pullen it alle þat gon
beſide þe weie?
Þe ſalm to Aſaf. xiii Þe bor of þe wode outlawide it; and þe ſinguler wilde
i God, Jentilis camen in to þin eritage; þei defouleden þin holi beſte deſtroȝide it.
temple, þei putte Jeruſalem in to þe keping of applis. xiiii God of vertues, be þou turned, behold fro heuene, and
ii Þei putte þe ſmyten to deþ of þi ſeruauntis, metis to þe ſee; and viſite þou þis vyne.
foulis of heuene; fleſh of þi ſeintis to þe beſtis of erþe. xv And parfitli mac it, þat þi riȝthond plauntide; and vp on þe
iii Þei ſhadden out þe blod of hem, as water in þe enuyroun ſone of man, whom þou haſt confermed to þee.
of Jeruſalem; and þer was not þat `ſhulde birie. xvi Þe tend vp þingis wiþ fyr, and þe vnder doluen; of þe
iiii Wee be maad repref to oure neȝheboris; mouwing and blamyng of þi chere ſhul perſhen.
ſcornyng to þem, þat ben in oure cumpas. xvii Þin hond be don vp on þe man of þi riȝthond; and vp on
v Hou longe, Lord, þou ſhalt wraþen in to þe ende? ſhal be þe ſone of man, whom þou haſt confermed to þee.
tend vp as fyr þi ielouſte? xviii And wee goon not awei fro þee; þou ſhalt quykene vs,
vi Heeld out þi wraþe in to Jentilis, þat han not knowe þee; and þi name wee ſhul inwardli clepe.
and in to reumes, þat þi name han not inwardli clepid. xix Lord God of vertues, conuerte vs; and ſheu þou þi face,
vii For þei eete Jacob; and hys place þei han maad deſolat. and wee ſhul be ſaf.
viii Ne þou ſhalt han mynde of oure olde wickidneſſis, ſoone
ſhul befor taken vs þi mercies; for pore men wee ben maad SALM LXXX.
ful myche. In to þe ende, for þe preſſis, ſalmto þat
ix Help vs, God, oure helþe ȝiuere, and for þe glorie of þi
name, Lord, deliuere vs; and pleſid be þou to oure ſynnes for Aſaf, in þe fifte dai of þe wike.
þi name. i Ful out ioȝiþ to God, oure helpere; ioȝeþ to God of Jacob.
x Leſt parauenture þei ſey in Jentilis, Wher is þe God of
ii Takeþ ſalm, and ȝyueþ timbre; a merie ſautre wiþ an harpe.
hem? and yt waxe ful knowen in naciouns beforn oure eȝen. iii Trumpeþ in þe newe mone; wiþ a trumpe in þe noble dai
Þe veniaunce of þe blod of þi ſeruauns, þat is held out;
xi go in to þi ſiȝte þe weiling of þe gyued men. After þe of oure ſolempnete.
iiii For comaundement in Irael it is; and dom to God of
mykilneſſe of þin arm; weld þe ſones of þe don to deþ.
xii And ȝeld to oure neȝheboris ſeuefold in þe boſum of hem; Jacob.
v Witneſſing in Joſeph he putte it; whan he ſhulde gon out of
þe repref of þem, þat þei repreueden þee, Lord.
xiii Wee forſoþe þi puple, and þe ſhep of þi leſwe; ſhul þe lond of Egipt, þe tunge þat he hadde not knowe, he herde.
vi He turnede awei fro birþenes his rig; his hondis in þe
knouleche to þee in to þe world. In ieneracioun and in to
ieneracioun; wee ſhul telle out þi preiſing. cofin ſerueden.
vii In tribulacioun þou inwardli clepidiſt me, and I deliuerede
SALM LXXIX. þee; I ful out herde þee in þe hid place of tempeſt, I preuede
þee anentis þe watir of contradiccioun.
In to þe ende, for hem þat ſhul ben al holli viii Here þou, my puple, and I ſhal witneſſe to þee, Irael, if
chaungid, þe ſalm for þe Aſſiries; þe þou ſhalt here me,
ix þer ſhall not be in þee a freſh God; ne þou ſhalt honoure an
witneſſing of Aſaph.
alien God.
i Thou þat gouerneſt Irael, tac heed; þat lediſt as a ſhep x I forſoþe am þe Lord þi God, þat ladde þee out fro þe lond
Joſeph. Þat ſittiſt vp on cherubyn; of Egipt; ſpreed abrod þy mouþ, and I ſhal fulfille it.
ii be þou maad open beforn Effraym, Beniamyn, and xi And my puple herde not my vois; and Irael toc not heed to
Manaſſe. Rere vp þi myȝt, and cum; þat ſaf þou make vs. me.
iii God, conuerte þou vs, and ſheu þi face; and wee ſhul be xii And I lafte þem after þe deſiris of þer herte; þei ſhul gon
ſaf. in þer findingus.
iiii Lord God of vertues; hou longe ſhalt þou wraþe vpon þe xiii If my puple hadde herde me; Irael, if in my weies hadde
oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt? go.
v Þou ſhalt feden vs wiþ bred of teris; and drinke þou ſhalt xiiii For noȝt perauenture þe enemys of hem I ſhulde han
ȝiue to vs in teris in meſure. mekid; and vpon men trublende þem I ſhulde han put myn
vi Þou haſt put vs in contradiccioun to oure neȝheboris; and hond.
oure enemys bemoweden vs. xv Þe enemys of þe Lord lieden to hym; and þe time of hem
vii God of vertues, conuerte þou vs; and ſheu þi face, and wee ſhal ben in to worldis.
ſhul be ſaf. xvi And he fedde þem of þe talȝ of whete; and of þe ſton wiþ
viii Þou tranſlatidiſt a vyne fro Egipt; þou caſtidiſt out hony he fulfilde hem.
Jentilis, and plauntidiſt it.
ix Duke of þe weie þou were in his ſiȝt; and þou plauntidiſt SALM LXXXI.
his rootis, and it fulfilde þe erþe.
x His ſhadewe couerede hillis; and his ſhrubbis þe ceders of Þe ſalm of Aſaf.
God. i God ſtod in þe ſynagoge of godis; in þe myddel forſoþe godis
xi He ſtraȝte out his braunchis vnto þe ſe; and vnto þe flod he ſeuereþ.
his railingus. ii Hou longe ȝee demen wickidneſſe; and þe facis of ſynneres
ȝee taken?


iii Demeþ to þe nedy, and to þe moderles child; þe meke and iiii Blisful þat dwellen in þin hous, Lord; in to þe worldis of
þe pore iuſtefieþ. worldis þei ſhul preiſe þee.
iiii Takeþ awei þe pore; and þe nedi fro þe hond of þe ſynnere v Blisful þe man, whos helpe is of þee; ſteȝingus vp in his
deliuereþ. herte he diſpoſide,
v Þei knewen not, ne vnderſtoden, in dercneſſis þei gon; þer vi in þe valei of teris, in þe place þat he ſette. Forſoþe
ſhul be moued alle þe foundemens of erþe. bleſſingus ſhal ȝiue þe lawe berere,
vi I ſeide, godis ȝee ben; and þe ſones of þe heȝe alle. vii þei ſhul go fro vertue in to vertue; God of godis ſhal ben
vii Ȝee forſoþe as men ſhul dien; and as oon of þe princys ſeen in Sion.
ſhul falle. viii Lord God of vertues, ful out here myn oriſoun; wiþ eris
viii Rys, God, deme þou þe erþe; for þou ſhalt eritagen in alle parceyue þou, God of Jacob.
Jentilis. ix Oure defendere, God, loke þou to, and behold in to þe face
of þi criſt.
SALM LXXXII. x For betere is oo dai in þin hallis; ouer þouſendis. I ches to
be caſt awei in þe hous of my God; more þan to duelle in þe
Þe ſong of þe ſalm of Aſaf. tabernaclis of ſynneres.
i God, xi For mercy and treuþe looueþ God; grace and glorie þe
who ſhal be lic to þee? ne holde þou þi pes, ne be þou
refreyned, God. Lord ſhal ȝyue. He ſhal not make þem to be wiþoute goodis,
ii For loo! þin enemys ſouneden; and þei þat hateden þee þat gon in innocence;
xii Lord of vertues, blisful þe man, þat hopeþ in þee.
beeren vp þe hed.
iii Vp on þi puple in malice ordeyneden a counſeyl; and þoȝten
aȝen þi ſeyntis. SALM LXXXIIII.
iiii Þei ſeiden, Comeþ, and ſcatere wee þem fro þe folc; and
In to þe ende, to þe ſonus of Chore.
be no mor remembrid þe name of Irael.
v For þei þoȝten alle of oon inwit; togidere aȝen þee a i Lord, þou haſt bliſſid þin erþe; þou haſt turned awei þe
teſtament diſpoſiden caitifte of Jacob.
vi þe tabernaclis of Ydumees and Iſmaelitis. Moab, and ii Þou haſt forȝiue þe wickidneſſe of þi folc; þou haſt couered
Agarienes, alle þe ſynnes of hem.
vii Jebal, and Amon, and Amelech; alienes wiþ þe dwelleris iii Þou haſt ſuagid al þi wraþe; þou haſt turned awey fro þe
of Tyrum. wraþe of þin indignacioun.
viii Forſoþe Aſſur cam wiþ þem; and þei ben maad in to helpe iiii Conuerte vs, God, our helþe ȝiuere; and turne awei þi
to þe ſones of Loth. wraþe fro us.
ix Do to þem as to Madian, and Ciſare; as to Jabyn in þe v Wheþer in to wiþoute ende þou ſhalt wraþe to vs; or þou
ſtrem of Ciſon. ſhalt ſtrecchen out þi wraþe fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun?
x Þei perſhiden in Endor; þei ben maad as þe drit of erþe. vi God, þou turned ſhalt quykenen vs; and þi folc ſhal gladen
xi Put þe princis of hem as Oreb and Zeb; and Zebie and in þee.
vii Sheu to vs, Lord, þi mercy; and þi helþe ȝiuere ȝif þou to
Zalmana. Alle þe princis of hem,
xii þat ſeiden; Bi eritage welde wee þe ſeintuarie of God. vs.
viii I ſhal heren, what ſpeke in me þe Lord God; for he ſhal
xiii My God, put hem as a wheel; and as ſtobil befor þe face
ſpeke pes in to his folc. And vp on his ſeyntis; and in to þem
of wind. þat ben conuertid to þe herte.
xiiii As fyr þat brenneþ a wode; and as flaume togidere ix Neuerþelatere neeȝh þe dredende hym his helþe ȝiuere; þat
brennende hillis. indwelle glorie in oure erþe.
xv So þou ſhalt purſue þem in þi tempeſt; and in þi wraþe x Mercy and treuþe metten to þemſelf; riȝtwiſneſſe and pes
þou ſhalt diſturbe þem. ben kiſt.
xvi Fulfil þe facis of hem wiþ ſhenſhipe; and þei ſhul ſeche þi xi Treuþe of erþe is ſprungen; and riȝtwiſneſſe fro heuene
name, Lord. beheeld forþ.
xvii Waxe þey aſhamed, and be þei al diſturbid in to þe world xii Forſoþe þe Lord ſhal ȝiue benygnete; and oure erþe ſhal
of world; and be þei confoundid and perſhe. ȝiue his frute.
xviii And knowe þei, for name to þee Lord; þou onli heȝeſt in xiii Riȝtwyſneſſe beforn hym ſhal go; and he ſhal putte in þe
al þe erþe. weie his goingus.
In to þe ende, for þe preſſis, to þe ſonus of Þe oriſoun of Dauid.
Chore, þe ſalm. i Bowe in, Lord, þin ere, and ful out here me; for helpeles
i Hou looued ben þi tabernaclis, Lord of vertues; and a pore man I am.
ii my ſoule coueiteþ, and failiþ in to þe hallis of þe
Lord. ii Kepe þou my ſoule, for holi I am; mac ſaf þi ſeruaunt, my
Myn herte and my fleſh; ful out ioȝeden in to God alyue. God, hopende in þee.
iii Forſoþe þe ſparowe fonde to hym an hous; and þe turtil a iii Haue mercy of me, Lord, for to þee I criede al dai;
neſt, wher he leye vp his briddis. Þin auteres, Lord God of iiii glade þou þe ſoule of þi ſeruaunt, for to þee, Lord, my
vertues; my king, and my God. ſoule I rerede.


v For þou, Lord, ſweete and mylde; and of myche mercy to vi Þey putten me in þe neþere lake; in derke þingus, and in
alle þat inwardli clepen þee. ſhadewe of deþ.
vi Wiþ eris parceyue þou, Lord, myn oriſoun; and tac heed to vii Vp on me is confermyd þi wodneſſe; and alle þi flodis þou
þe vois of my lowe preȝing. broȝtiſt in vp on me.
vii In þe day of my tribulacioun I criede to þee; for þou ful viii Fer þou madeſt my knowen fro me; þei putten me
out herdeſt me. abhominacioun to þem. I am traȝid, and I wente not out;
viii Þer is not lic þee in godis, Lord; and þer is not aftir þi ix myn eȝen febleden for myſeiſe. I criede to þee, Lord; al dai
werkis. I ſpradde out to þee myn hondis.
ix Alle Jentilis, what euere þou haſt maad, ſhul come, and x Wheþer to deade men þou ſhal do merueilis; or lechis ſhul
honoure befor þee, Lord; and þei ſhul glorifie þi name. reren, and knoulechen to þee?
x For gret art þou, and doende merueilis; þou art God alone. xi Wheþer ſum man ſhal telle in ſepulcris þi mercy; and þi
xi Leed mee þenes, Lord, in þi weie, and I ſhal gon in þi treuþe in to perdicioun?
treuþe; glad myn herte, þat it drede þi name. xii Wheþer ſhul be knowen in dercneſſis þi merueilis; and þi
xii I ſhal knouleche to þee, Lord my God, in al myn herte; riȝtwiſneſſe in þe lond of forȝeting?
and I ſhal glorifie þi name in to wiþ oute ende. xiii And I to þee, Lord, criede; and erli myn oriſoun befor
xiii For þi mercy great is vp on me; and þou toke out my ſhal come þee.
ſoule fro þe neþere helle. xiiii Wherto, Lord, pootiſt þou abac myn oriſoun; þou turneſt
xiiii God, wicke men inriſen vpon me; and þe ſynagoge of awei þi face fro me?
myȝti men ſoȝten my ſoule; and þei purpoſiden not þee in þer xv A pore man I am, and in trauailis fro my ȝouþe;
ſiȝte. enhauncid, meekid forſoþe I am, and al diſturbid.
xv But þou, Lord God, ruwer, and mercyful; pacient, and of xvi In me paſſiden þurȝ þi wraþis; and þi feeris al diſturbiden
myche merci, and verre. me.
xvi Behold in me, and haue mercy of me, ȝif empire to þy xvii Þey enuyrounden me as water al day; þey enuyrounden
child; and ſaf mac þe ſone of þin handmaiden. me togidere.
xvii Do wiþ me a tocne in good, þat þei ſee, þat hateden me, xviii Þou longedeſt awei fro me frend and neȝhebore; and my
and be confounded; for þou, Lord, haſt holpe me, and knowen fro wrechidneſſe.
coumfortid me.
Þe vnderſtondyng of Ethan, Iſraelite.
To þe ſonus of Chore, þe ſalm of þe ſong. i The mercies of þe Lord; `in to wiþoute ende I ſhal ſynge.
i The foundemens of hym in holi hillis; In ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun; I ſhal befortelle þi
ii þe Lord looueþ þe ȝatis of Syon, vp on alle þe tabernaclis treuþe in my mouþ.
of Jacob. ii For þou ſeidiſt, In to wiþ oute ende mercy ſhal be bild `out
iii Gloriouſe þingus ben ſeid of þee; þou cite of God. in heuenes; beforn ſhal be maad redy þi treuþe in hem.
iiii Myndeful I ſhal be of Raab, and of Babiloyne; knowende iii I diſpoſide teſtament to my choſene; I ſwor to Dauid, my
me. Lo! alienus, and Tiris, and þe puple of Ethiopis; þeſe ſeruaunt,
weren þere. iiii In to wiþoute ende I ſhal beforgreiþe þi ſeed. And I ſhal
v Wheþer a man ſhal ſey to Sion, And a man is born in it; bilden out; in ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun þi ſete.
and he þe moſt heȝ foundede it? v Lord, heuenus ſhul knouleche þi meruelis; forſoþe þi treuþe
vi Þe Lord ſhal telle in þe ſcripturis of puplis; and of þeſe in þe chirche of halewis.
princis, þat weren in it. vi For who in cloudis ſhal be maad euene to þe Lord; lic ſhal
vii As of alle gladende; dwelling is in þee. ben to God in þe ſonys of God?
vii God, þat is glorified in þe counſeil of ſeyntis; gret, and
SALM LXXXVII. ferful vp on alle þat in his cumpas ben.
viii Lord God of vertues, who lic to þee? myȝti þou art, Lord,
Þe ſong of þe ſalm, to þe ſonys of Chore, in and þi treuþe in þi cumpas.
to þe ende, for Melech, to anſwern, þe ix Þou lordſhipiſt of þe power of þe ſe; forſoþe þe mouyngis of

vnderſtonding of Eman Iſraelyte, or Eſrayte. his flodis þou ſuagiſt.

x Þou mekediſt, as woundid, þe proude; in þe arm of þi
i Lord God of myn helþe; in þe dai I criede and in þe nyȝte vertue þou deſtroȝediſt þin enemys.
befor þee. xi Þine ben heuenes, and þin is þe erþe; þe roundneſſe of
ii Entre in þi ſiȝte myn oriſoun; bowe in þin ere to my erþe, and hys plente þou foundedeſt;
preȝeere. xii þe norþ and þe ſe þou formediſt. Thabor and Ermon in þi
iii For fulfild is wiþ euelis my ſoule; and my lif to helle name ſhul ful out ioȝen;
neȝhede. xiii þin arm wiþ power. Be faſtned þin hond, and enhauncid
iiii I am eymed wiþ men goende doun in to þe lake; I am be þi riȝthond;
maad as a man wiþoute helpe, xiii riȝtwiſneſſe and dom beforgreiþing of þi ſete. Merci and
v among deade men free. As woundid men ſlepende in treuþe ſhul beforgo þi face;
ſepulcris, of whom þou art no mor myndeful; and þei of þin xv blisful þe puple þat wot ioȝing. Lord, in þe liȝt of þi chere
hond ben put aȝeen. þei ſhul go;


xvi and in þi name þei ſhul ful out ioȝen al day; and in þi xlvi Hou longe, Lord, þou turneſt awei in to þe ende; ſhal
riȝtwiſneſſe þei ſhul be enhauncid. brenne out as fyr þi wraþe?
xvii For þe glorie of þe vertu of hem þou art; and in þi wel xlvii Haue mynde what my ſubſtaunce; wheþer forſoþe veyn
pleſing ſhal ben enhauncid oure horn. þou haſt ordeynd alle þe ſonus of men?
xviii For of þe Lord is oure taking vp; and of þe holi of Irael xlviii Who is a man, þat ſhal liue, and ſhal not ſee deþ; and
oure king. ſhal pulle out his ſoule fro þe hond of helle?
xix Þanne þou ſpeeke in viſeoun to þi ſeintis, and þou ſeidiſt; xlix Wher ben þin olde mercies, Lord; as þou haſt ſworn to
I haue putt helpe in þe myȝti, and I haue enhauncid þe Dauid in þi treuþe?
choſen of my folc. l Myndeful be, Lord, of þe repref of þi ſeruauns; þat I
xx I haue founde Dauid, my ſeruaunt; wiþ myn holi oile I wiþheld in my boſum, of many Jentilis.
enoyntide hym. li Þe whiche þin enemys repreueden, Lord; þat þei repreueden
xxi Myn hond forſoþe ſhal helpe to hym; and myn arm ſhal þe hole chaunging of þi criſt.
conferme hym. lii Bleſſid þe Lord in to wiþ oute ende; be it do, be it do.
xxii No þing ſhal profite þe enemy in hym; and þe ſone of
wickedneſſe ſhal not ſette to, to noȝen hym. SALM LXXXIX.
xxiii And I ſhal al to-hewe fro þe face of hym his enemys;
and þe hatende hym in to fliȝt I ſhal al turne. Þe oriſoun of Moiſes, man of God.
xxiiii And my treuþe and my mercy wiþ hym; and in my name i Lord, refut þou art maad to vs; fro ieneracioun in to
ſhal ben enhauncid his horn. ieneracioun.
xxv And I ſhal putte in þe ſe his hond; and in flodis his riȝt ii Befor þat hillis weren maad, or were formed þe erþe and þe
hond. roundneſſe; fro world `and vn to world þou art God.
xxvi He ſhal inwardli clepe me, My fader þou art; my God, iii Ne turne þou a man in to mecneſſe; and þou ſeidiſt, Beþ
and vndertakere of myn helþe. conuertid, ȝee ſones of men.
xxvii And I þe firſt goten ſhal ſette hym; heȝ befor þe kingis iiii For a þouſend ȝeer befor þin eȝen; as ȝiſterdai þat is
of erþe. paſſid. And þe warde in þe nyȝt,
xxviii In to wiþ oute ende I ſhal kepe to hym my mercy; and v þat for noȝt ben had; þe ȝeris of hem ſhul ben.
my teſtament feiþful to hym. vi Erli as an erbe paſſe he, erli flurſhe he, and paſſe; at euen
xxix And I ſhall ſette in to world of world his ſed; and his
falle he doun, inwardli harde he, and waxe drie.
trone as þe daȝis of heuene. vii For we han failid in þi wraþe; and in þi wodneſſe wee ben
xxx If forſoþe his ſonys ſhul forſake my lawe; and in my
domys ſhul not go. viii Þou haſt put oure wickidneſſis in þi ſiȝt; oure world in þe
xxxi If my riȝtwiſneſſis þei poote ferr awei; and myn heſtis
liȝting of þi chere.
ſhul not kepe. ix For alle oure daȝis faileden; and in þi wraþe wee han
xxxii I ſhal viſite in a ȝerde þe wickidneſſis of hem; and in
failid. Oure ȝeris, as an ireyn, ſhul be beþoȝt;
betingus þer ſynnes. x þe daȝis of oure ȝeris in þo ſeuenti ȝer. If forſoþe in myȝtis
xxxiii My mercy forſoþe I ſhal not don awei fro hym; ne
eiȝteti ȝer; and þe more ouer of þem trauaile and ſorewe. For
noȝen in my treuþe. þer ouercam debonerneſſe; and wee ſhul be chaſtiſid.
xxxiiii Ne I ſhal not defoule my teſtament; and þat gon out of xi Who knewȝ þe power of þi wraþe; and for þi drede þi
my lippis I ſhal not make vein. wraþe denoumbren?
xxxv Ones I ſwor in myn holy, to Dauid I ſhal not lie; xii Þi riȝthond ſo mac knowen; and þe taȝt wiþ herte in
xxxvi his ſed in to wiþoute ende ſhal duelle. And his trone as wiſdam.
þe ſunne in my ſiȝt; xiii Be þou conuertid, Lord, hou longe; and louli preyable be
xxxvii and as þe moone parfit in to wiþoute ende, and þe þou vp on þi ſeruauns.
witneſſe in heuene feiþful. xiiii Wee ben fulfild erly wiþ þi mercy; wee han ful out ioȝed,
xxxviii Þou forſoþe haſt put abac, and diſpiſid; tariediſt þi and delitid in alle oure daȝis.
criſt. xv Wee han ioȝid for þe daȝis in whiche þou haſt mekid vs;
xxxix Þou turnediſt awei þe teſtament of þi ſeruaunt; þou þe ȝeris in whiche wee han ſeen euelis.
curſidiſt in þe erþe his ſeintuarie. xvi Behold, Lord, in to þi ſeruauns, and in to þi werkys; and
xl Þou deſtroȝidiſt alle þe heggis of hym; þou puttiſt his reule forþ þe ſones of hem.
faſtnyng drede. xvii And be þe ſhynyng of þe Lord oure God vp on vs; and
xli Þer waſteden hym alle men paſſende þe weie; he is maad þe werkis of oure hondis riȝtforþ reule `vp on vs; and þe
repref to his neȝheboris. werk of oure hondis reule riȝtforþ.
xlii Þou enhauncidiſt þe riȝthond of men berende hym doun;
þou gladedeſt alle his enemys. SALM XC.
xliii Þou turnedeſt awei þe helpe of his ſwerd; and þou
helpediſt hym not in bataile. Þe preyſing of þe ſong, to hym Dauid.
xliiii Þou deſtroȝidiſt hym fro his out clenſing; and his ſete in i That woneþ in þe helpe of þe heiȝeſt; in þe defending of God
þe erþe þou hurtlidiſt. of heuene ſhal al abide.
xlv Þou laſſediſt þe daȝes of hys time; þou ful heeldedeſt hym ii He ſhal ſei to þe Lord, Myn vndertakere art þou, and my
wiþ confuſion. refut; my God, I ſhal hope in to hym.


iii For he deliuerede me fro þe grene of hunteres; and fro þe SALM XCII.
ſharpe woord.
iiii Wiþ his ſhuldris he ſhal al aboute ſhadewe to þee; and Þe preiſing of þe ſong of Dauid, in þe dai
under his pennys þou ſhalt hopen. Wiþ þe ſheld ſhal befor þe ſabat, whan foundid is þe erþe.
enuyroune þee his treuþe; i The
v þou ſhalt not drede fro þe nyȝt drede. Fro þe arwe fleende Lord regnede, fairneſſe he is clad; þe Lord is clad
ſtrengþe, and beforgirte hymſelf. Forſoþe he faſtnede þe
in dai, roundneſſe of erþe; þat ſhal not be togidere ſtirid.
vi fro þe nede goende in dercneſſis þurȝ; fro þe inrennyng, and ii Greiþid is þi ſete, God, fro þanne; fro þe world þou art.
þe myddai deuel. iii Þe flodis rereden vp, Lord; þe flodis rereden vp þer vois.
vii Þer ſhul falle fro þi ſide a þouſend, and ten þouſend fro þi
Flodis rereden vp þer flowingis;
riȝt ſidis; to þee forſoþe he ſhal not neȝhe. iiii fro þe voiſes of manye watris. Merueilouſe þe wawis of þe
viii Neuerþelatere wiþ þin eȝen þou ſhalt beholde; and þe
ſe; merueilous in heȝe þingis þe Lord.
ȝelding of ſynnes þou ſhalt ſee. v Þi witneſſingis ben maad beleeuable ful myche; holyneſſe
ix For þou art, Lord, myn hope; heȝeſt þou haſt put þi refut.
x Þer ſhal not come to þee euel; and ſcourge ſhal not neȝhe to
ſemeþ þin hous, Lord, in to þe lengþe of daȝes.
þi tabernacle. SALM XCIII.
xi For to his aungelis he comaundide of þee; þat þei ſhulden
kepen þee in alle þi weies. Þe ſalm of Dauid, þe ferþe dai of þe wike.
xii In hondis þei ſhul bern þee; leſt parauenture þou offende i God of veniauncis Lord; God of veniauncis freeli dide.
at þe ſton þi foot. ii Be þou enhauncid þat demeſt
xiii Vp on þe eddere and þe kokatrice þou ſhalt go; and þou þe erþe; ȝeld ȝelding to þe
ſhalt totrede þe leoun and þe dragoun. iii Hou longe ſynneres, Lord; hou longe ſynneres ſhul glorien?
xiiii For in me he hopide, I ſhal delyueren hym; I ſhal
iiii Þei ſhul ſteringli ſeyn, and ſpeke wickidneſſe; alle ſhul
defende hym, for he knewȝ my name.
xv He criede to me, and I ful out ſhal heren hym, wiþ hym I ſpeke þat wirchen vnriȝtwiſneſſe.
v Þi puple, Lord, þei mekeden; and ouertrauaileden þin
am in tribulacioun; I ſhal taken hym out, and glorifien hym.
xvi In lengþe of daȝis I ſhal fulfillen hym; and ſhewen to eritage.
vi Þe widewe and þe comeling þei ſloowen; and þe moderles
hym myn helþe ȝyuere.
childer þei killeden.
vii And þei ſeiden, Þe Lord ſhal not ſeen; ne þe God of
Jacob ſhal vnderſtonde.
Þe ſalm of þe ſong, in þe dai of ſabot. viii Vnderſtondeþ, ȝee vnwiſe men in þe puple; and, ȝee foolis,
i Good ſum tyme ſauoureþ.
it is to knoulechen to þe Lord; and to do ſalm to þi ix He þat plauntide þe ere, ſhal he not heren; or he þat made
name, þou heȝeſt.
ii To tellen out erly þi mercy; and þi treuþe by þe nyȝt. þe eȝe, behalt not?
x Þat chaſtiſeþ Jentilis, ſhal he not vndirnyme; þat techeþ
iii In þe ten cordid ſautre; wiþ ſong in þe harpe.
man kunnyng?
iiii For þou haſt delitid me, Lord, in þi making; and in þe xi Þe Lord wot þe þoȝtis of men; for þei ben veyne.
werkis of þin hondis I ſhal ful out ioȝen. xii Blisful þe man, whom þou ſhalt enforme, Lord; and of þi
v Hou magnefied ben þi werkis, Lord; ful myche deep ben
lawe þou ſhalt techen hym.
maad þi þoȝtys. xiii Þat þou ſuage hym fro euele daȝes; to þe time be dolue to
vi Þe vnwiſe man ſhal not knowen; and þe fool ſhal not
þe ſynnere a dich.
vnderſtonde þes þingus. xiiii For þe Lord ſhal not putte abac his folc; and his eritage
vii Whan full out ſprunge ſhul ben þe ſynneres, as hei; and
ſhal not forſake.
ſhuln aperen alle, þat wirken wickeneſſe. Þat þei dien in to þe xv For to riȝtwiſneſſe be turned in to dom; and who beſide it,
world of world;
viii þou forſoþe heȝeſt in to wiþoute ende, Lord. alle þat ben riȝtwis in herte.
xvi Who ſhal `al rijſen to me aȝen þe warieris; or who ſhal
ix For lo! þin enemys, Lord, for lo! þin enemys ſhul perſhen;
ſtonde wiþ me aȝen þe werkende wickidneſſe?
and alle ſhul be ſcaterid þat werken wickidneſſe. xvii But for þe Lord halp me; parauenture my ſoule ſhulde
x And as an vnycorn ſhal ben enhauncyd myn horn; and my
han duellid in helle.
laſte age in `plenteuous mercy. xviii If I ſeide, Moued is my foot; þi mercy, Lord, halp me.
xi And myn eȝe lokide doun myn enemys; and to þe inriſeris
xix After þe multitude of my ſorewis in myn herte; þi
wariende in me ſhal here myn ere.
xii Þe riȝtwis as palm ſhal floure; as þe cedre of Liban he coumfortingis gladeden my ſoule.
xx Wheþer cleueþ to þee þe ſete off wickidneſſe; þat formeſt
ſhal be multiplied.
xiii Þe plauntid in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe porchis of þe trauaile in þe heſte?
xxi Þei ſhul cacchen in to þe ſoule of þe riȝtwis; and þe
hous of oure God ſhul floure.
xiiii Ȝit þey ſhul be multiplied in þe laſte `plenteuous age; and innocent blod þei ſhul condempne.
xxii And þe Lord is maad to me in to refut; and my God in
wel ſuffrende þei ſhul be,
xv þat þei telle. For riȝt is þe Lord oure God; and þer is not to þe helpe of myn hope.
wickidneſſe in hym.


xxiii And he ſhal ȝeelde to hem þe wickidneſſe of hem, and in xiii fro
þe face of þe Lord, for he cam; for he cam to demen
þe malice of hem he ſhal deſtroȝe þem; ſhal deſtroȝe þem þe þe erþe. He ſhal demen þe roundneſſe of þe erþe in equite;
Lord oure God. and puplis in his treuþe.


Þe preiſing of þe ſong, to hym Dauid. Þe ſalm of Dauid, whan his lond is reſtorid
i Comeþ, ful out ioȝe wee to þe Lord; inwardli ioȝe wee to to hym.
God, our helþe ȝiuere. i The Lord haþ regned, þe erþe ful out ioȝe it; manye ilis
ii Befor ocupie wee his face in knouleching; and in ſalmys
glade þei.
inwardli ioȝe wee to hym. ii Cloude and dercneſſe in his cumpas; riȝtwiſneſſe and dom
iii For God a gret Lord, and a gret king ouer alle godis; for
þe coreccioun of his ſete.
þe Lord ſhal not poote abac his folc. iii Fir beforn hym ſhal go; and enflaume in þe cumpas his
iiii For in his hond ben alle þe cooſtis of erþe; and þe heiȝtis
of hillis ben of hym. iiii His leitis liȝteden to þe roundneſſe of þe erþe; he ſaȝ, and
v For of hym is þe ſe, and he made it; and þe drie his hondis
þe erþe is al to-moued.
formeden. v Hillis as wax floweden fro þe face of þe Lord; fro þe face
vi Comeþ, honoure wee, and falle wee doun before God, wepe
of þe Lord al erþe.
wee befor þe Lord, for he made vs; vi Heuenes tolden out his riȝtwiſneſſe; and alle puplis ſeȝen
vii for he is þe Lord oure God. And wee þe puple of his
his glorie.
leſwe; and þe ſhep of his hond. To dai if hys vois ȝee han vii Be þei confoundid, alle þat honouren grauen þingus; and
herd; þat glorien in þeir maumetis. Honoureþ hym alle ȝee his
viii wileþ not hardne ȝoure hertis. As in þe terring, after þe
day; of tempting in deſert. viii Sion herde, and gladdede. And þe doȝtris of Jude ful out
ix Where tempteden me ȝoure fadris; proueden and ſeȝen my
gladeden; for þi domes, Lord.
werkis. ix For þou, Lord, heȝeſt ouer alle erþe; ful myche þou art
x Fourti ȝeer offended I was to þat ieneracioun; and I ſeide,
enhauncid ouer alle goddis.
Euermor þeſe erren in herte. And þes knewen not my weyes, x Ȝee þat loouen þe Lord, hatiþ euel; þe Lord kepeþ þe ſoulis
xi to whom I ſwor in my wraþe; þei ſhul not entre in to my
of hys ſeintis; fro þe hond of þe ſynnere he `ſhal deliuere þem.
reſte. xi Liȝt is ſprunge to þe riȝtwis; and gladneſſe to þe riȝt men
in herte.
SALM XCV. xii Glade, ȝee riȝtwiſe, in þe Lord; and knoulecheþ to þe
Þe ſalm of Dauid, whan þe hous was bild mynde of his halewing.
vp after þe caitifte. SALM XCVII.
i Syngeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; ſingeþ to þe Lord, al erþe.
ii Syngeþ to þe Lord, and bleſſeþ to his name; Þe ſalm of Dauid.
telleþ fro dai
in to dai his `helþe ȝyuere. i Singeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; for merueilous þingus he
iii Telliþ out among Jentilis his glorie; in alle puplis his dide. His riȝt hond ſauede to hym; and þe holi arm of hym.
merueilis. ii Knowen made þe Lord his helþe ȝeuere; in þe ſiȝte of
iiii For þe Lord gret, and preiſable ful myche; ferful he is Jentilis he ſhewide his riȝtwiſneſſe.
ouer alle godis. iii He recordide of his mercy; and of his treuþe, to þe hous of
v For alle þe godis off Jentilis deuelis; þe Lord forſoþe Irael. Alle þe termes of erþe ſeȝen; þe helþe ȝeuere of oure
heuens made. God.
vi Knouleching and fairneſſe in þe ſiȝte of hym; holyneſſe and iiii Inwardli ioȝe ȝee to God, al erþe; ſyngeþ, and ful out
gret doing in þe halewing of hym. ioȝeþ, and doþ ſalm.
vii Bringeþ to þe Lord, ȝee kuntres of Jentilis; bringeþ to þe v Doþ ſalm to þe Lord in harpe, and in harpe and in vois of
Lord glorie and wrſhipe; ſalm;
viii bringeþ to þe Lord glorie to hys name. Takeþ oſtis, and vi in trumpis beten out, and in vois of þe hornene trumpe.
entreþ in to his porchis; Inwardli ioȝeþ in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord king;
ix honoureþ þe Lord in his holi porche. Be to moued fro his vii be moued þe ſe, and his plente; þe roundneſſe of londis,
face al erþe; and alle þat dwellen in it.
x ſeiþ in Jentilis, for þe Lord haþ regned. Forſoþe he haþ viii Þe flodis ſhuln flappe for ioȝe wiþ hond togidere;
amendid þe roundneſſe of erþe, þat ſhal not be moued; he ſhal mounteynes ſhul ful out ioȝen
demen puplis in equite. ix fro þe ſiȝte of þe Lord; for he cam to deme þe erþe. He ſhal
xi Gladen heuenes, and ful out ioȝe þe erþe, be to moued þe deme þe roundneſſe of þe erþe in riȝtwiſneſſe; and puplis in
ſe, and his plente; equitie.
xii feeldis ſhul ioȝen, and alle þingus þat in hem ben. Þanne
alle þe trees of wodis ſhul ful out ioȝen


SALM XCVIII. Þe oriſoun of þe pore man, whan he was
Þe ſalm of Dauid. tormentid, alſo befor þe Lord he helde out
i The
his preȝeere.
Lord regnede, wraþen þe puplis; þou þat ſittiſt vp on
cherubyn, be moued þe erþe. i Lord, ful out here myn oriſoun; and my cry to þee come.
ii Þe Lord in Sion gret; and heyȝ ouer alle puplis. ii Ne turne þou awei þi face fro me; in whateuere day I am
iii Knouleche þei to þi gret name, for ferful and holi it is; trublid, bowe in to me þin ere. In what euere dai I ſhal
iiii and þe wrſhipe of þe king looueþ dom. Þou haſt greiþid inwardli clepe þee; ſwiftli ful out here me.
iii For my daȝis han failid as ſmoke; and my bones as croote
riȝtforþ reulingis; dom and riȝtwiſneſſe in Jacob þou haſt do.
v Enhaunce ȝee þe Lord oure God, and honoureþ þe litle han dried.
iiii I am ſmyten as heiȝ, and myn herte driede; for I haue
ſteȝing vp place of his feet, for it is holi.
vi Moyſes and Aron in þe preſtis of hym; and Samuel among forȝete to ete my bred.
v Fro þe vois of my weiling; cleuede to my bon to my fleſh.
hem þat inwardli clepen his name. Þei inwardli clepeden þe
Lord, and he ful out herde þem; vi Lic I am maad to a pellican of wilderneſſe; I am maad as
vii in þe piler of a cloude he ſpac to þem. Þei kepten his a nyȝt rauen in þe hous eueſe.
witneſſingus; and þe heſte þat he ȝaf to hem. vii I wook; and am maad as a ſpare ſolitare in þe rof.
viii Lord oure God, þou `ful out herdeſt hem; God, þou viii Al day putten to me repref myn enemys; and þei þat
merciful were to þem, and veniende in to alle þe findingus of preiſiden me aȝen me ſworen.
hem. ix For aſke as bred I eet; and my drinc wiþ weping I
ix Enhaunceþ þe Lord oure God, and honoureþ in þe holy hil mengde.
of hym; for holi þe Lord oure God. x Fro þe face of þe wraþe of þin indignacioun; for rerende vp
þou hurtledeſt me.
SALM XCIX. xi My daȝes as ſhadewe boweden doun; and I as hey driede.
xii Þou forſoþe, Lord, in to wiþoute ende abidiſt ſtille; and þi
Þe ſalm in confeſſioun.
memorial in to ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.
i Inwardli ioȝe ȝee to God, al erþe; xiii Þou riſende vp, Lord, ſhalt han mercy of Sion; for time
ii ſerueþ to þe Lord in gladneſſe. Entreþ in his ſiȝte; in ful of his rewing, for þer is comen time.
out ioȝing. xiiii For þer pleſeden to þi ſeruauns his ſtones; and to his
iii Witeþ, for þe Lord he is God; he made vs, and we not erþe þey ſhuln han mercy.
vſſelf. His puple, and þe ſchep of his leſwe, xv And Jentilis ſhul dreden þi name, Lord; and alle kingis of
iiii goþ in to his ȝatys in confeſſioun; his porchis in ympnes, erþe þi glorie.
`knouleche ȝee to hym. Preiſe ȝee his name, xvi For þe Lord haþ bild vp Sion; and it ſhal be ſeen in his
v for ſwete is þe Lord, in to wiþouten ende his mercy; and glorie.
unto ieneracioun and ieneracioun his treuþe. xvii He beheeld in to þe oriſoun of þe meke; and he deſpiſide
not þe preȝeere of hem.
SALM C. xviii Þeſe þingus be þei write in an oþer ieneracioun; and þe

Þe ſalm to hym Dauid. puple þat ſhal be formed ſhal preiſe þe Lord.
xix For he beheeld forþ fro his heȝe holy; þe Lord fro heuene
i Mercy and dom; I ſhal ſinge to þee, Lord. I ſhal do ſalm, in to erþe lokede.
ii and vnderſtonde in þe vndefoulid weie; whan þou ſhalt come xx Þat he ſhulde here þe weilingus of þe gyuede; and looſen
to me. I fulli ȝide in þe innocence of myn herte; in þe myddel þe ſones of þe ſlayne.
of myn hous. xxi Þat þei telle out in Sion þe name of þe Lord; and his
iii I purpoſide not befor myn eȝen an vnriȝtwis þing; þe preiſing in Jeruſalem.
doende þe brekingus of þe lawe I hatide. xxii In gedering togidere þe puplis in to oon; and kingus, þat
iiii Þer cleuede not to me a ſhreude herte; þe malice doere þei ſerue to þe Lord.
bowende doun fro me I knewȝ not. xxiii He anſwerde to hym in weie of his vertue; Feweneſſe of
v Þe bacbitende priueli to his neȝhebore; þys I purſuede. Wiþ my daȝis ſhewe þou to me.
þe proude eȝe and þe vnfilable herte; wiþ it I eet not. xxiiii Ne aȝeen clepe þou me in þe myddil of my daȝis; in
vi Myn eȝen to þe feiþful men of þe erþe, þat þei ſytte wiþ ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun þi ȝeris.
me; þe man goende in þe vndefoulid weie, þis ſeruede to me. xxv In þe begynning þou, Lord, þe erþe foundedeſt; and þe
vii Þer ſhal not dwelle in þe myddel of myn houſe, þat doþ werkis of þin hondis ben heuenus.
pride; þat ſpekeþ wicke þingus, reulide not riȝt in þe ſiȝte of xxvi Þei ſhul perſhen, þou forſoþe abidiſt ſtille; and alle as
myn eȝen. cloþing ſhuln waxen old. And as a couertour þou ſhalt
viii In þe morutid I ſloȝ alle þe ſynneres of erþe; þat I ſhulde chaunge þem,
deſtroȝe fro þe cite of þe Lord alle men werkende wickidneſſe. xxvii and þei ſhul be chaungid; þou forſoþe he þe ſame art,
and þi ȝeeris ſhul not faile.
xxviii Þe ſones of þi ſeruauns ſhul wone; and þe ſed of hem
in to þe world ſhal be riȝtforþ reulid.


SALM CII. vi Þe ſe as a cloþing is his wrapping; ouer mounteynes ſhul

ſtonde watris.
Þe ſalm to hym Dauid. vii Fro þi blamyng þei ſhul flee; fro þe vois of þi þunder þei
i Bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord; and alle þingus þat ſhul drede.
wiþinne me ben, to his holi name. viii Hillis ſteȝen vp, and þe feldis gon doun; in to þe place þat
ii Bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord; and wile þou not forȝete þou haſt foundid to hem.
alle þe ȝeldingus of hym. ix A terme þou haſt ſet, þat þei ſhul not ouer paſſe; ne þey
iii Þat haþ mercy to alle þi wickidneſſis; þat heliþ alle þin ſhul ben al turned, to couere þe erþe.
infirmytees. x Þat ſendiſt out wellis in valeis; betwe þe myddil of
iiii Þat aȝeen bieþ fro deþ þi lif; þat crouneþ þee in mercy and mounteynes ſhul paſſe þurȝ watris.
mercy doingis. xi Alle þe beſtis of þe feld ſhul drinke; aſſis ſhul abide in þer
v Þat fulfilleþ in goode þingus þi diſeyr; ſhal be renewid as of þriſt.
an egle þi ȝouþe. xii Vpon þo þingus þe foulis of heuene ſhul wone; fro þe
vi Doende mercies þe Lord; and dom to alle men ſuffrende myddel of ſtones þei ſhul ȝeue voiſis.
wrong. xiii He watrende þe hillis fro þin ouermor; of þe frut of þy
vii Knowen he made his weies to Moiſes; and to þe ſones of werkis ſhal be fulfild þe erþe.
Irael his willis. xiiii Bringende forþ hei to hous beſtis; and erbe to þe ſeruyſe
viii Reewere, and merciful þe Lord; long abidende, and myche of men. Þat þou bringe out bred fro þe erþe;
merciful. xv and wyn glade þe herte of man. Þat he make gladſum þe
ix In to euermore he ſhal not wraþen; ne in to wiþoute ende face in oile; and bred þe herte of man make ſtable.
he ſhal þrete. xvi Þer ſhul ben fulfild þe trees of þe feld, and þe cedris of
x Aftir oure ſynnes he dide not to vs; ne aftir oure Liban þat he plauntede;
wickidneſſis he ȝelde to vs. xvii þere ſparewis ſhul make neſtis. Þe hous of þe ierfaucoun
xi For after þe heiȝte of heuene fro erþe; he ſtrengþide his duke is of hem;
mercy vpon men dredende hym. xviii þe heȝe mounteynes to herttis; þe ſton refut to irchounes.
xii Hou myche þe riſing ſtant fro þe going doun; aferr he xix He made þe mone in to times; þe ſunne knewȝ his going
made fro vs oure wickidneſſis. doun.
xiii What maner wiſe þe fader haþ mercy of þe ſonus, þe Lord xx Þou haſt ſet dercneſſis, and maad is þe nyȝt; in it ſhul
dide mercy to men dredende hym; þurȝ paſſe alle þe beſtis of þe wode.
xiiii for he knew oure britil making. He recordide for pouder xxi Þe whelpis of leouns rorende þat þei raueſhen; and ſechen
wee be, of God mete to þem.
xv a man as hey his daȝes; as þe flour of þe feld ſo he ſhal xxii Sprungen is þe ſunne, and þei ben gadered to gider; and
floure out. in þer ligging placis þey ſhul be ſett togidere.
xvi For þe ſpirit ſhal þurȝ paſſen in hym, and he ſhal not xxiii A man ſhal go out to his werc; and to his werching, vn
ſtonde ſtille; and he ſhal no more knowen his place. to euen.
xvii Þe mercy forſoþe of þe Lord fro wiþoute ende, and vnto xxiiii Hou magnefied ben þi werkis, Lord, alle þingus in
wiþoute ende; vpon men dredende hym. And þe riȝtwiſneſſe of wiſdam þou haſt maad; fulfild is þe erþe wiþ þi poſſeſſioun.
hym in to þe ſones of ſones; xxv Þis grete ſe and large to hondis; þere crepende beſtis, of
xviii to hem þat kepen his teſtament. And myndeful þei ben of whiche is no noumbre. Little beſtis wiþ þe grete;
his maundemens; to do þem. xxvi þere ſhippis ſhul þurȝ paſſe. Þis dragoun þat þou haſt
xix Þe Lord in heuene made redi his ſete; and his reume to formed to begile to hym;
alle ſhal lordſhipen. xxvii alle þingus of þee abijden, þat þou ȝiue to þem mete in
xx Bliſſe ȝee to þe Lord, alle his aungelis, miȝti bi vertue, tyme.
doende þe woord of hym; to ben herd þe vois of his xxviii Þee ȝyuende to þem, þei ſhul gedere; þee openende þin
ſermounes. hond, alle þingis ſhul be fulfild wiþ goodneſſe.
xxi Bleſſiþ to þe Lord, alle ȝee his vertues; ȝee his ſeruauns xxix Þee forſoþe turnende awei þe face, þei ſhul be diſturbid;
þat don his wil. þou ſhalt taken awei þe ſpirit of hem, and þei ſhul faile; and
xxii Bleſſiþ to þe Lord, alle ȝee his werkis, in alle place, ȝee in to þer pouder þei ſhul turne aȝeen.
his domynaciouns; bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord. xxx Send out þi ſpirit, and þei ſhul be formed; and þou ſhalt
renewe þe face of þe erþe.
SALM CIII. xxxi Be þe glorie of þe Lord in to þe world; glade ſhal þe
i Bliſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord; Lord my God, þou art Lord in his werkis.
xxxii Þat behalt þe erþe, and makeþ it to tremble; þat toucheþ
magnefied hugeli. Confeſſioun and fairneſſe þou haſt clad;
ii wrappid wiþ liȝt, as wiþ cloþing. Srecchende out heuene as þe mounteynes, and þei ſmoken.
xxxiii I ſhal ſynge to þe Lord in my lif; I ſhal do ſalm to my
iii þat couereſt wiþ watris þe ouermoris of it. Þat potiſt þe God, as longe as I am.
xxxiiii Joȝeful be to hym my ſpeche; I forſoþe ſhal deliten in
cloude þi ſteȝing vp; þat goſt vp on þe pennys of windis.
iiii Þat makiſt þin aungelis ſpiritis; and þi ſeruauns þe Lord.
xxxv Faile þe ſynneres fro þe erþe, and wicke men, ſo þat þei
brennende fyr.
v Þat foundedeſt þe erþe vpon hys ſtableneſſe; it ſhal not ben be not; bleſſe þou, my ſoule, to þe Lord.
inbowid into þe world of world.


SALM CIIII. xxxi He ſeide, and þer cam an hound fleeȝe; and gnattis in
alle þe cooſtis of hem.
Alleluia, Alleluia. xxxii And he putte þe reynes of hem hayl; fyr brennende in þe
i Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, and inwardly clepeþ his name; telleþ lond of hem.
out among Jentilis his werkis. xxxiii And he ſmot þe vynes of hem, and þe fige placis of
ii Singeþ to hym, and doþ ſalm to hym, and telliþ alle his hem; and he to-broſide þe wode of þe cooſtis of hem.
merueilis; xxxiiii He ſeide, and þer cam a locuſt; and worte werm of þe
iii be ȝee preiſid in his holi name. Glade þe herte of ȝou whiche was no noumbre.
ſechende þe Lord; xxxv And it eet al þe hei in þe lond of hem; and eet al þe frut
iiii ſecheþ þe Lord, and beþ confermed; ſecheþ his face of þe lond of hem.
euermor. xxxvi And he ſmot alle þe firſte goten in þe lond of hem; þe
v Haueþ mynde of his merueilis, þat he dide; his wonders, firſte frutis of alle þe trauaile of hem.
and þe domes of his mouþ. xxxvii And he broȝte hem out wiþ ſyluer and gold; and þer
vi Þe ſed of Abraham, his ſeruaunt; þe ſonus of Jacob, his was not a ſyk man in þe linagis of hem.
choſen. xxxviii Egipt gladede in þer forþ going; for þer drede lai in vp
vii He þe Lord oure God; in al erþe his domes. on hem.
viii Myndeful he was in to þe world of his teſtament; of þe xxxix He ſtraȝte out a cloude, in to þe proteccioun of hem; and
woord þat he ſente in to a þouſend ieneraciouns. fyr, þat he ſhulde liȝte to hem by þe nyȝt.
ix Þe whiche he diſpoſide to Abraham; and of his oþ to Iſaac. xl Þei aſkeden, and þer kam a kurlu; and wiþ þe bred of
x And he ſette it to Jacob in to an heſte; and to Irael in to heuene he fulfilde hem.
xli He to-brac þe ſton, and þer flowiden watris; þer wenten
euere laſtende teſtament.
xi Seiende, To þee I ſhal ȝeue þe lond of Chanaan; þe litle awei flodis in þe drie.
xlii For myndeful he was of his holi woord; þat he hadde to
corde of ȝoure eritage.
xii Whan þei weren in ſhort noumbre; moſt fewe and tilieris Abraham, his child.
xliii And he broȝte out his puple in ful out ioȝing; and his
of it.
xiii And þei paſſiden þurȝ fro folc in to folc; and fro reume in choſene in glading.
xliiii And he ȝaf to þem þe regiouns of Jentilis; and þe
to an oþer puple.
xiiii He lafte not a man to noȝe to þem; and he chaſtiſide for traualis of puplis þei weldeden.
xlv Þat þei kepe his iuſtifiyngus; and his lawe þey aȝeen
hem kingis.
xv Wileþ not touche my criſtis; and in my profetis wileþ not ſeche.
ben waried.
xvi And he clepide hungir vp on þe erþe; and alle faſtneſſe of SALM CV.
bred he to-ponede. Alleluia, Alleluia.
xvii He ſente beforn hem a man; and into a þral Joſeph is
i Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for good; for in to þe world þe
xviii Þei mekeden in ſtockis his feet, iren paſſide þurȝ hys lif; mercy of hym.
ii Who ſhal ſpeke þe poweris of þe Lord; herd ſhal make alle
xix to þe time þat his woord ſhulde come. Þe ſpeche of þe
þe preiſingus of hym?
Lord enflaumede hym; iii Blisful þat kepen dom; and don riȝtwiſſneſſe in alle time.
xx þe king ſente and looſede hym, þe prince of puplis and lafte
iiii Haue mynde of vs, Lord, in þe well willing of þi puple;
xxi He ſette hym lord of his hous; and prince of all his viſite þou vs in þi helþe ȝyuere.
v To ſeen in þe goodneſſe of þi choſene, to gladen in þe
xxii Þat he ſhulde enforme his princis as hymſelf; and his gladneſſe of þi folc; þat þou be preiſid wiþ þin eritage.
vi Wee han ſynned wiþ oure fadris, vnriȝtwiſly wee han do;
olde men prudence he ſhulde teche.
xxiii And Irael entride in to Egipt; and Jacob a tiliere was wickidneſſe wee han wroȝt.
vii Oure fadris in Egipt vnderſtoden not þi meruelis; þei
in þe lond of Cham.
xxiiii And he encrecide his puple hugely; and faſtnede hym weren not myndeful of þe multitude of þi mercy. And þei in to
þe ſe ſteȝende vp,
vpon his enemys. viii þe rede ſe, terreden; and he ſauede þem for his name, þat
xxv He turned þe herte of hem, þat þei hateden his puple; and
knowen he ſhulde make his power.
treccherie ſhulden do in to his ſeruauns. ix And he inbowide þe rede ſe, and it is dried; and he ladde
xxvi He ſente Moiſes, his ſeruaunt; and Aron, hym whom he
hem in `þe ſe depneſſis as in deſert.
ches. x And he ſauede hem fro þe hond of hateris; and he aȝeen
xxvii And he putte in hem þe woordis of his tocnes; and of
boȝte þem fro þe hond of þe enemy.
his wonders in þe lond of Cham. xi And water couerede þe men trublende þem; oon of hem lafte
xxviii He ſente dercneſſis, and made derc; and vntymely he
fullfilde not his woordis. xii And þei leeueden to þe woordis of hym; and þei preiſiden
xxix And he turnede þe watris of hem in to blod; and ſloȝ þe
his preiſing.
fiſſhis of hem. xiii Soone þei diden, þei forȝeeten of þe werkis of hym; and
xxx And þe lond of hem ȝaf froggis; in þe preue chaumbris of
þei ſuſteneden not his counſeil.
þer kingus.


xiiii And þei coueiteden coueiting in deſert; and þei tempteden xliiii And he ſaȝ, whan þei weren trublid; and herde þe
God in þe place wiþ oute water. oriſoun of hem.
xv And he ȝaf to hem þe aſking of hem; and he ſente fulfilling xlv And myndeful he was of his teſtament; and it oþoȝte hym
in to þe ſoulis of hem. aftir þe multitude of his mercy.
xvi And þei terreden Moiſes in þe tentis; Aron, þe holy of þe xlvi And he ȝaf hem in to mercies; in þe ſiȝte of alle, þat
Lord. hadden take þem.
xvii Þe erþe is opened, and it ſwolewid doun Dathan; and it xlvii Mac vs ſaf, Lord oure God; and gadere vs fro naciouns.
couerede vpon þe congregacioun of Abiron. Þat wee knouleche to þin holi name; and glorien in þi
xviii And fyr brende vp in þe ſynagoge of hem; and flaume al preiſing.
to-brende þe ſynneres. xlviii Bleſſid be þe Lord God of Irael fro world and unto
xix And þei maden a calf in Oreb; and þei honoureden a world; and al þe puple ſhal ſey, Be it do, be it don.
grauen þing.
xx And þei chaungeden þer glorie; in to þe licneſſe of a calf SALM CVI.
etende hey. Alleluia, Alleluia.
xxi Þei forȝeeten God, þat ſauede hem, þat dide grete þingus
in Egipt, i Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for good; for in to þe world his
xxii merueilous þingus in þe lond of Cam; ferful þingus in þe mercy.
rede ſe. ii Sei þei now, þat ben aȝeen boȝt of þe Lord, whom he aȝeen
xxiii And he ſeide, þat he ſhulde deſtroȝe þem; but Moiſes, his boȝte fro þe hond of þe enemy;
choſen, hadde ſtoden in þe to-breking in his ſiȝt. Þat he turne iii fro regiouns he gederide hem. Fro þe ſunne riſing, and þe
awei hys wraþe, þat he deſtroȝe þem not; going doun; fro þe norþ, and þe ſe.
xxiiii and for noȝte þey hadden þe deſirable erþe. Þey leeuede iiii Þei erreden in wilderneſſe, in vnwatri place; weie of
not to his woord, dwelling place of a cite þei founde not.
xxv and þei gruccheden in þer tabernaclis; þei ful out herden v Hungrende and þirſtende; þe ſoule of hem in hem failide.
not þe vois of þe Lord. vi And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and
xxvi And he rerede vp his hond vpon hem; þat he ſhulde fro þe nedis of hem he toc hem out.
þrowe þem doun in deſert. vii And he broȝte hem þennus in to a riȝt weye; þat þei ſhulde
xxvii And þat he ſhulde caſte doun þe ſed of hem in naciouns; go in to þe cite of wonyng.
and ſcatere þem in regiouns. viii Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and þe merueilis of
xxviii And þei ſacrifieden to Belfegor; and þei eete þe hym to þe ſones of men.
ſacrifices of þe deade. ix For he fulfilde þe idil ſoule; and þe hungri ſoule he fulfilde
xxix And þei terreden hym in þer findingis; and multiplied is wiþ goodis.
in hem falling. x Þe ſitteris in dercneſſis, and in þe vmbre of deþ; and þe
xxx And Fynees ſtod, and pleſide; and þe broſing ceſide. bounden in beggeri and iren.
xxxi And it is witid to hym to riȝtwiſneſſe; in ieneracioun and xi For þei maden egre þe ſpechis of God; and þe counſeil of
ieneracioun vnto euermor. þe heȝeſt þei terreden.
xxxii And þei terreden hym at þe watris of contradiccioun; and xii And mekid is in trauailes þe herte of hem, and þei ben
Moiſes is ouertrauailid for hem, feblid; and þer was not þat wolde helpe.
xxxiii and þei to myche ſharpeden þe ſpirit of hym. And he xiii And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and
ordeynede in his lippis; fro þe nedis of hem he deliuerede hem.
xxxiiii þei deſtroȝeden not þe Jentilis, þat þe Lord ſeide to xiiii And he ladde hem out fro dercneſſis, and þe ſhadewe of
þem. deþ; and þe bondis of hem he to-brac.
xxxv And þey be mengd togidere among Jentilis, and þei xv Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and his merueilis to þe
lerneden þer werkis, ſones of men.
xxxvi and ſerueden to þe grauen þingis of hem; and it is xvi For he to-broſide þe irene ȝatis; and þe irene barris he to-
maad to þem in to ſclaunder. brac.
xxxvii And þei offreden þer ſones; and þer doȝtris to deuelis. xvii He toc hem fro þe weie of wickidneſſe of hem; for þer
xxxviii And þei ſhadden out þe innocent blod; þe blod of þer vnriȝtwiſneſſes forſoþe þei ben mekid.
ſones and of þer doȝtris, þat þei ſacrifieden to þe grauen xviii Alle mete þe ſoule of hem wlatide; and þey neȝheden to
þingus of Canaan. And þe lond is ſlayn in blodis, þe ȝatis of deþ.
xxxix and defoulid is in þe werkis of hem; and þei diden xix And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; and
fornycacioun in þer findingus. fro þe nedis of hem he delyuerede hem.
xl And þe Lord wraþede in wodneſſe in to his puple; and he xx He ſente his woord, and helide hem; and deliuerede hem
wlatide his eritage. fro þe deþis of hem.
xli And toc þem in to þe hondis of Jentilis; and þei xxi Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and his merueilis to þe
lordſhipeden of hem, þat hateden hem. ſonus of men.
xlii And þe enemys of þem trobleden hem, and þei ben mekid xxii And ſacrifiſe þei a ſacrifiſe of preiſing; and telle þei out
vnder þer hondis; his werkis in ful out ioȝing.
xliii ofte he delyuerede hem. Þei forſoþe terreden hym in þer xxiii Þat gon doun þe ſe in ſhipis; doende werching in many
counſeil; and ben mekid in þer wickidneſſis. watris.


xxiiii Þei ſeȝen þe werkis of þe Lord; and his merueilis in ix Moab þe caudroun of myn hope. In to Ydume I ſhal
depþe. ſtrecchen out my ſho; to me alienes frendis ben maad.
xxv He ſeide, and þe ſpirit of tempeſt ſtod; and his flowingus x Who ſhal bringe me þennus in to a ſtrengþid cite; who ſhal
ben enhauncid. bringe me þennus in to Idume?
xxvi Þei ſteȝen vp `vn to heuenes, and gon doun `vn to xi Wheþer not þou, God, þat haſt put us abac; and þou ſhalt
depneſſis; and þe ſoulis of hem in euelis failede. not gon out, God, in oure vertues?
xxvii Þei ben diſturbid, and ben moued as a drunke man; and xii Ȝif to vs helpe fro tribulacioun; for vein is þe helþe of
al þe wiſdam of hem is deuourid. man.
xxviii And þei crieden to þe Lord, whan þei weren trublid; xiii In God wee ſhuln do vertue; and he to noȝt ſhal bringe
and of þe nedis of hem he broȝte hem out. doun oure enemys.
xxix And he ordeynede his tempeſt in to fair weder; and his
flodis weren ſtille. SALM CVIII.
xxx And þei gladeden, for þei were ſtille; and he broȝte hem
out in to þe hauene of þe wil of hem. In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
xxxi Knouleche to þe Lord his mercies; and his merueilis to i God, my preiſing holde þou not ſtille;
þe ſonus of men. ii for þe mouþ of þe ſynnere, and þe mouþ of þe treccherous
xxxii And enhaunce þei hym in þe chirche of folc; and in þe vp on me is opened.
chaȝer of elderis preiſe þei hym. iii Þei ſpeeken aȝen me wiþ a treccherous tunge, and wiþ
xxxiii He ſette þe flodis of hem in to deſert; and þe iſſue of woordis of hate þei enuyrounden me; and þei foȝten me out
watris in to þirſt. wiþ oute cauſe.
xxxiiii Þe fructuous erþe in to briyn; fro þe malice of men iiii For þi þat me þei ſhulden loouen, þei bacbiten to me; I
dwellende in it. forſoþe preȝede.
xxxv He putte deſert in to pondis of watris; and þe erþe v And þei ſetten aȝen me euelis for goodis; and hate for my
wiþoute water in to þe iſſues of watris. louyng.
xxxvi And he ſette þere þe hungry men; and þei ordeyneden a vi Sett vp on hym a ſynere; and þe deuell ſtonde at his riȝt
cite of wonyng. ſide.
xxxvii And þei ſeewen feeldis, and plaunteden vines; and vii Whan he is demed, go he out condempned; and his oriſoun
maden þe frut off birþe. be maad in to ſynne.
xxxviii And he bliſſide to hem, and þei ben multiplied ful viii His daȝis be þei maad fewe; and an oþer take his
myche; and þe beſtis of hem he laſſide not. biſhopriche.
xxxix And fewe þei ben maad, and ben ouertrauailid; fro ix His ſonus be þei maad faderles; and his wif a widewe.
tribulacioun of euelis and ſorewe. x Wagerende be tranſlatid his ſones, and begge þei; and be
xl Held out is ſtrif vp on þe princis; and to erren he made þey caſt out of þer wonyngus.
hem in wiþoute weye, and not in þe weie. xi Enſerche þe vſurer al þe ſubſtaunce of hym; and alienus
xli And he halp þe pore man fro myſeiſe; and putte as ſhep take þei awei his trauailis.
meynes. xii Be þer not to hym an helpere; ne be þer þat haue mercy to
xlii Riȝt men ſhul ſeen, and gladen; and alle wickidneſſe ſhal his moderles childer.
ſtoppe þer mouþ. xiii His ſones be þei maad in to deþ; in o ieneracioun be don
xliii Who wis man, and ſhal kepe þes þingus; and ſhal awei his name.
vnderſtonde þe mercies of þe Lord? xiiii In to mynde turne aȝeen þe wickidneſſe of his fadris in
þe ſiȝte of þe Lord; and þe ſynne of his moder be not don
SALM CVII. awei.
xv Be þei maad aȝen þe Lord euermor, and perſhe awei fro
Þe ſong of þe ſalm, to hym Dauid. þe erþe þe mynde of hem;
i Redi is myn herte, God, redy is myn herte; I ſhal ſynge, xvi for þi þat he haþ not recordid to do mercy. And he
`and ſalm ſeyn in my glorie. purſuede an helpeles man and a beggere; and to ſlen þe ſory
ii Ris vp, ſautre and harpe; I ſhal riſen vp fro þe morutid in herte of ſynne.
liȝt. xvii And he loouede curſing, and it ſhal come to hym; and he
iii I ſhal knouleche to þee in puplis, Lord; and do ſalm to þee wolde not bliſſing, and it ſhal be longid awey fro hym.
in naciouns. xviii And he cladde curſing as cloþing, and it wente in as
iiii For gret vp on heuenus þi mercy; and vn to þe cloudis þi water in to his innermor partis; and as oile in hys bones.
treuþe. xix Be it maad to hym as cloþing, wiþ þe whiche he is
v Be þou enhauncid vp on heuenes, God; and vp on alle erþe couered; and as a girdil, wiþ þe whiche he is euermor gird
þi glorie; beforn.
vi þat þi loouede be delyuered. Mac ſaf wiþ þi riȝt hond, and xx Þis þe werc of hem þat bacbiten to me anent þe Lord; and
ful out here þou me; þat ſpeken euelis aȝen my ſoule.
vii God ſpac in his holi. I ſhal ful out ioȝen, and deuyde xxi And þou, Lord, Lord, do wiþ me for þi name; for ſwete is
Syccymam; and þe grete valey of tabernaclis I ſhal meſure. þi mercy. Deliuere me,
viii Myn is Galaad, and myn is Manaſſes; and Effraym þe xxii for nedi and a pore man I am; and myn herte is al
vndertaking of myn hed. Juda my king; diſturbid wiþ inne me.
xxiii As ſhadewe, whan it bowiþ doun, I am taken awei; and
am ſhaken out as locuſtis.


xxiiii My knes ben feblid of faſting; and my fleſh is `chaungid SALM CXI.
to betere for oile.
xxv And I am maad repref to þem; þei ſeȝen me, and Alleluia of þe aȝeen turnyng of Aggee and
moueden þer hedis. of Zacarie.
xxvi Help me, Lord my God; mac me ſaf aftir þi mercy. i Blisful
xxvii And þei ſhul wite, for þis is þin hond; and þou, Lord,
þe man þat dredeþ þe Lord; in his maundemens he
ſhal wilne ful myche.
haſt `maad it. ii Myȝti in þe erþe ſhal ben his ſed; þe ieneracioun of ryȝt
xxviii Þey ſhul curſe, and þou ſhalt bleſſe, þat rijſen aȝen me,
men ſhal be bliſſid.
be þei confoundid; þi ſeruaunt forſoþe ſhal gladen. iii Glorie and richeſſis in his hous; and his riȝtwiſneſſe
xxix Be þei clad wiþ ſhame, þat bacbiten to me; and be þei
dwelliþ in to world of world.
couered as wiþ a double mantil wiþ þer confuſion. iiii Ful out ſprungen is in dercneſſis liȝt to þe riȝte; þe
xxx I ſhal knouleche to þe Lord ful myche in my mouþ; and
merciful, and þe mercy doere, and þe riȝtwis.
in þe myddel of manye I ſhal preiſen hym. v Joȝeful a man, þat haþ mercy, and leeneþ; diſpoſiþ his
xxxi Þat ſtod neȝh fro þe riȝt parties of þe pore; þat he make
woordis in dom;
ſaf fro purſueris my ſoule. vi for in to wiþoute ende he ſhal not be moued. In euere
laſting mynde ſhal be þe riȝtwiſe;
SALM CIX. vii of euel hering he ſhal not drede. Redi his herte to hopen in
Þe ſalm of Dauid. þe Lord;
viii confermed is his herte, he ſhal not be moued, to þe time
i The Lord ſeide to my Lord; Sit þou of my riȝt parties. To þat he looke doun his enemys.
þe tyme þat I poote þin enemys; þe litle ſteeȝing vp ſtol of þi ix He delede, he ȝaf to pore men; þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym
feet. dwelliþ in to world of world; þe horn of hym ſhal ben
ii Þe ȝerde of þi vertue þe Lord ſhal ſenden out fro Sion;
enhauncid in glorie.
lordſhipe þou in þe myddel of þin enemys. x Þe ſynnere ſhal ſeen, and wraþen; wiþ his teþ he ſhal
iii Wiþ þee þe begynnyng in þe dai of þi vertue, in ſhynyngis
gnaſten, and waſten hymſelf; þe deſir of ſynneres ſhal perſhen.
of ſeintis; fro þe wombe befor þe dai ſterre I gat þee.
iiii Þe Lord ſwor, and it ſhal not oþinken hym; Þou art a
preſt in to wiþoute ende, after þe order of Melchiſedech.
v Þe Lord fro þi riȝtſidis; tobroſide in þe dai of his wraþe Alleluia.
kingis. i Preiſe, ȝee childer, þe Lord; preiſe ȝee þe name of þe Lord.
vi He ſhal deme in naciouns; he ſhal fulfille fallingis; he ſhal
ii Be þe name of þe Lord bliſſid; fro þis now `and vnto þe
to-broſe hedis in þe lond of manye. world.
vii Of þe ſtrem in þe weie he dranc; þerfore he enhauncyde þe
iii Fro þe riſing of þe ſunne vn to þe going doun; preiſable þe
hed. name of þe Lord.
iiii Heiȝ vp on alle Jentilis þe Lord; and vp on heuenys his
SALM CX. glorie.
Alleluia. v Who as þe Lord oure God, þat in heȝe þingus dwelliþ;
vi and meke þingus beholdiþ in heuene and in erþe?
iI ſhal knouleche to þee, Lord, in al myn herte; in counſeil of vii Vnder rerende fro erþe þe helpeles; and fro drit rerende vp
riȝtwis men and congregacioun.
ii Grete þe werkis of þe Lord; ful out ſoȝt in to alle his þe pore.
viii Þat he `ſette hym wiþ princis; wiþ þe princis of his puple.
iii Knoulechinge and gret doing þe werc of hym; and his ix Þat makeþ to wone þe bareyn in þe hous; a moder of ſonys
riȝtwiſneſſe woneþ in to world of world. gladende.
iiii Mynde he made of his merueilis þe merciful and þe rewere
v mete he ȝaf to men dredende hym. Myndeful he ſhal ben in
to þe world of his teſtament;
vi þe vertue of his werkis he ſhal befortelle to his puple. i In þe going out of Irael fro Egipt; of þe hous of Jacob fro
vii Þat he ȝyue to þem þe eritage of Jentilis; þe werkis of his þe ſtraunge puple.
ii Maad is Jude his halewing; Irael þe power of it.
hondis, treuþe and dom.
viii Feiþful alle his mandemens, confermed in to world of iii Þe ſe ſaȝ, and fleiȝ; Jordan is al turned hindward.
world; don in treuþe and equyte. iiii Mounteynes ful out ioȝeden as weþeris; and hillys as
ix Aȝeen biȝing þe Lord ſente to his puple; he ſente in to lombis of ſhep.
wiþoute ende his teſtament. Holy and ferful his name; v What is to þee, þou ſe, þat þou flowe; and þou Jordan, for
x þe begynnyng of wiſdam, þe drede of þe Lord. Good þou art al turned bacward?
vnderſtonding to alle men doende it; his preiſing dwelliþ in to vi Hillis, ȝee ful out gladiden as weþeris; and ȝee hillis, as
world of world. þe lombis of ſheep.
vii Fro þe face of þe Lord moued is þe erþe; from þe face of
God of Jacob.


viii Þat turnede þe ſton in to poolis of watris; and þe roche in SALM CXV.
to wellys of watris.
ix Not to vs, Lord, not to vs; but to þi name ȝif glorie. Vp Alleluya.
on þi mercy and þi treuþe; i I leeuede, wherfor I ſpac; I forſoþe am mekid ful myche.
x leſt any time ſey þe Jentilis, Wher is þe God of hem? ii I ſeyde in myn exceſſe; Eche man a liere.
xi Oure God forſoþe in heuene; alle þingus what euere he iii What ſhal I ȝeelde to þe Lord; for alle þingus þat he ȝeld
wolde, dide. to me?
xii Þe maumetis of Jentilis ſyluer and gold; þe werkis of þe iiii Þe chalis of þe helþe ȝyuere I ſhal take; and þe name of
hondis of men. þe Lord I ſhal inwardli clepen.
xiii Mouþ þei han, and þei ſhul not ſpeke; eȝen þey han, and v My vouwis to þe Lord I ſhal ȝelde befor al his puple;
þei ſhul not ſee. vi precious in þe ſiȝte of þe Lord þe deþ of his ſeintis.
xiiii Eris þei han, and þei ſhul not heren; noſe þerlis þei han,
vii O! Lord, for I þi ſeruaunt; I þi ſeruaunt, and þe ſone of
and þei ſhul not ſmelle.
xv Hondis þei han, and þei ſhul not grope; feet þei han, and þin hond maiden. Þou haſt broke my bondis,
viii to þee I ſhal ſacrifien an oſt of preiſing; and þe name of
þey ſhul not go; þei ſhul not crien in þer þrote.
xvi Lyc to þem be þei maad, þat don þo þingus; and alle þat þe Lord I ſhal inwardli clepe.
ix My vouwis to þe Lord I ſhal ȝelde, in þe ſiȝte of al his
troſten in hem.
xvii Þe hous of Iſrael hopide in þe Lord; he is þe helpere of puple;
x in þe porche of þe hous of þe Lord, in þe myddil of þi
hem, and þe defendere of hem.
xviii Þe hous of Aron hopide in þe Lord; he is þe helpere of Jeruſalem.
hem, and þe defendere of hem.
xix Þat dreden þe Lord, hopiden in þe Lord; he is þe helpere SALM CXVI.
of hem, and þe defendere of hem. Alleluia.
xx Þe Lord myndeful was of vs; and bliſſede to vs. He
i Preiſe ȝee þe Lord, alle Jentilis; preiſe ȝee hym, alle puplis.
bliſſede to þe hous of Irael; he bliſſede to þe hous of Aaron.
xxi He bliſſede to alle men þat dreden þe Lord; to þe litle wiþ ii For confermed is vp on vs þe mercy of hym; and þe treuþe
þe more. of þe Lord dwelliþ in to wiþ oute ende.
xxii Þe Lord caſte he to vp on ȝou; vpon ȝou and vp on ȝoure
ſones. SALM CXVII.
xxiii Bleſſid be ȝee of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe. Alleluya.
xxiiii Þe heuene of heuene to þe Lord; þe erþe forſoþe he ȝaf
i Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world þe
to þe ſones of men. merci of hym.
xxv Not þe deade ſhul preiſe þee, Lord; ne alle þat go doun
ii Seye now Irael, for he is good; for in to þe world þe mercy
into helle. of hym.
xxvi But wee þat lyuen, bliſſen to þe Lord; fro þis now and
iii Seie now þe hous of Aron; for in to þe world þe mercy of
vn to þe world. hym.
iiii Seye now þei þat dreden þe Lord; for in to þe world þe
SALM CXIIII. mercy of hym.
Allelucia. v Fro tribulacioun I inwardli clepide þe Lord; and ful out
iI herde me in breede þe Lord.
loouede; for þe Lord ſhal ful out here þe vois of myn vi Þe Lord to me an helpere; I ſhal not drede what do to me
ii For he inbowide his ere to me; and in my daȝis I ſhal a man.
vii Þe Lord to me an helpere; and I ſhal deſpiſe myn enemys.
inwardly clepe.
iii Þer enuyrounden me ſorewis of deþ; and þe perilis of helle viii Good is to troſtnen in þe Lord; þan to troſten in man.
ix Good is to hopen in þe Lord; þan to hopen in princis.
founden me. Trybulacioun and ſorewe I fond;
iiii and þe name of þe Lord I inwardli clepede. O! Lord, x Alle Jentilys ȝiden aboute me; and in þe name of þe Lord,
`delyuere þou my ſoule; for I am vengid in hem.
v mercyful Lord, and riȝtwys, and oure God haþ reuþe. xi Goende aboute þei ȝiden aboute me; and in þe name of þe
vi Þe Lord kepende litil childer; I am meekid, and he Lord, for I am vengid in hem.
xii Þei enuyrounden me as bes, and wraþeden out as fyr in
deliuerede me.
vii My ſoule, be þou al turned in to þi reſte; for þe Lord haþ þornes; and in þe name of þe Lord, for I am vengid in hem.
xiii Ful myche conſtreyned I am turned vp ſo doun, þat I
wel do to þee.
viii For he toc out my ſoule fro deþ; myn eȝen fro teris, my ſhulde falle; and þe Lord vndertoc me.
xiiii My ſtrengþe, and my preiſing þe Lord; and he is maad to
feet fro ſliding.
ix I ſhal pleſe to þe Lord; in þe regioun of men on lyue. me in to helþe.
xv Þe vois of ful out ioȝing and of helþe; in þe tabernaclis of
riȝtwis men.
xvi Þe riȝt hond of þe Lord dide vertue; þe riȝt hond of þe
Lord enhauncide me; þe riȝt hond of þe Lord dide vertue.


xvii I ſhal not die, but liuen; and I ſhal telle þe werkis of þe xvi In þi iuſtefiyngus I ſhal ſweteli þenken; and I ſhal not
Lord. forȝete þi woordis.
xviii Chaſtiſende chaſtiſede me þe Lord; and to deþ he toc not
xix Openeþ to me þe ȝatis of riȝtwiſneſſe, and gon in to þem xvii Ȝeld to þi ſeruaunt; quikene þou me, and I ſhal kepe þi
I ſhal knouleche to þe Lord; woordis.
xx þis þe ȝate of þe Lord, riȝtwis men ſhul gon in to it. xviii Opene myn eȝen; and I ſhal beholde þe merueilis of þi
xxi I ſhal knouleche to þee, for þou haſt ful out herd me; and lawe.
xix A comeling wonere I am in þe erþe; ne hide þou fro me
þou art maad to me in to helþe.
xxii Þe ſton þat bildende þei repreueden; þis is maad in to þe þin heſtis.
xx My ſoule coueitide to deſire þi iuſtefiyngus; in alle tyme.
hed of þe corner.
xxiii Of þe Lord þis is don; and it is merueilous in oure xxi Þou blamediſt proude men; curſid ben þei, þat bowen doun
eȝen. fro þi maundementis.
xxiiii Þis is þe dai þat þe Lord made; ful out ioȝe wee, and xxii Do awei fro me repref and diſpiſing; for þi witneſſingus
glade wee in it. I ful out ſoȝte.
xxv O! Lord, mac me ſaf, O! Lord, weel be þou welſum; xxiii Forſoþe þer ſeten princis, and aȝen me þei ſpeeken; þi
xxvi bliſſid þat comeþ in þe name of þe Lord. Wee han bliſſid ſeruaunt forſoþe was enhauntid in þi iuſtefiyngus.
xxiiii For and þi witneſſingus is my ſwete þenking; and my
to ȝou fro þe hous of þe Lord;
xxvii God þe Lord, and he haþ liȝtid to vs. Ordeyne ȝee a counſeil þi iuſtefiyngus.
ſolempne dai in þicke þingis; vn to þe horn of þe auter. Deleth.
xxviii My God þou art, and I ſhal knouleche to þee; my God
xxv Myn ſoule cleuede to þe pament; quykene þou me aftir þi
þou art, and I ſhal enhaunce þee. I ſhal knoulechen to þee,
for þou haſt ful out herd me; and þou art maad to me in to woord.
helþe. xxvi My weies I tolde out, and þou ful out herdeſt me; teche
xxix Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world me þi iuſtefiyngis.
þe merci of hym. xxvii Þe weie of þi iuſtefiyngus enforme þou me; and I ſhal
ben enhauntid in þi merueilis.
SALM CXVIII. xxviii My ſoule nappide for noȝe; conferme þou me in þi
Alleluia. xxix Þe weie of wickidneſſe moue þou awey fro me; and in þi
Aleph. lawe haue mercy of me.
xxx Þe weie of treuþe I ches; þi domes I haue not forȝeten.
i Blisful þe vndefoulid in þe weie; þat gon in þe lawe of þe xxxi I cleuede to þi witneſſingus, Lord; wile þou not me
Lord. confounden.
ii Blisful þat enſerche þe witneſſingus of hym; in al þe herte
xxxii Þe weie of þin heſtis I ran; whan þou ſpreddeſt abrod
ful out ſechen hym. myn herte.
iii Forſoþe not þei þat wirken wickidneſſe; in þe weies of hym
ȝiden. He.
iiii Þou haſt comaundid; þin heſtis to be kept ful myche. xxxiii Lawe ſet þou to me, Lord, þe weie of þi iuſtefiyngus;
v Wolde God weren dreſſid my weies; to be kept þi and I ſhal ſeche out it euermor.
iuſtifiyngus. xxxiiii Ȝif to me vndirſtonding, and I ſhal enſerche þi lawe;
vi Þanne I ſhal not be confoundid; whan I ſhal parfitli loken and I ſhal kepen it in al myn herte.
in alle þin heſtis. xxxv Bring out me in þe ſty of þin heſtis; for it I wolde.
vii I ſhal knouleche to þee in riȝt reuling of herte; in þat þat xxxvi Bowe in myn herte in to þi witneſſyngus; and not in to
I haue lerned þe domes of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. coueitiſe.
viii Þi juſtifiyngis I ſhal kepe; ne forſake þou me on alle xxxvii Turne awei myn eȝen, leſt þei ſee vanytee; in þi weie
ſydys. quykene þou me.
Beth. xxxviii Sett to þi ſeruaunt þi ſpeche; in þi drede.
xxxix Kut of my repref, þat I ouertrowide; for þi domys
ix In what amendiþ þe ȝunge man more waxen his weye? in
keping þi woordis. ioȝeful.
xl Lo! I haue coueitid þin heſtis; in þin equite quykene þou
x In al myn herte I ful out ſoȝte þee; ne poote þou me abac
fro þin heſtis. me.
xi In myn herte I hidde þi ſpechis; þat I ſynne not to þee. Vau.
xii Bliſſid þou art, Lord; teche me þi iuſtifiyngus. xli And þi mercy come vp on me, Lord; þin helþe ȝiuere after
xiii In my lippis I tolde forþ; alle þe domes of þin mouþ. þi ſpeche.
xiiii In þe weie of þi witneſſingis I delitide; as in alle xlii And I ſhal anſwere to þe repreuende me a woord; for I
richeſſes. hopide in þi ſermounes.
xv In þin heſtys I ſhal ben enhauntid; and I ſhal beholde þi xliii And ne take þou awei fro my mouþ a woord of truþe on
weies. eche ſide; for in þi domes I ouer hopide.


xliiii And I ſhal kepe þi lawe euermor; in to þe world, and in lxxiiii Þat dreden þee ſhul ſee me, and gladen; for in þi
to þe world of world. wordis I ouerhopide.
xlv And I ȝide in breede; and þin heſtis I out ſoȝte. lxxv I knewȝ, Lord, for equite þi domes; and in þi treuþe þou
xlvi And I ſpac in þi witneſſingus in þe ſiȝte of kingus; and haſt mekid me.
I was not confoundid. lxxvi Be don þi mercy, þat it coumforte me; after þi ſpeche to
xlvii And I ſweteli þoȝte in þin heſtis; þat I loouede. þi ſeruaunt.
xlviii And I rerede myn hondis to þin heſtis, þat I loouede; lxxvii Come to me þi mercy doingus, and I ſhal liue; for þi
and I ſhal ben enhauntid in þi iuſtefiyngis. lawe is my ſwete þenking.
lxxviii Proude men be þei confoundid, for vnriȝtwiſli
Zai. wickidneſſe þei diden aȝen me; I forſoþe ſhal ben enhauntid in
xlix Myndeful be þou of þi woord to þi ſeruaunt; in whiche to þin heſtis.
lxxix Þe men dredende þee be þei al turned to me; and þo þat
me hope þou haſt ȝiuen.
l Þis coumfortide me in my mecneſſe; for þi ſpeche quykenede knewe þi wytneſſingus.
lxxx Be maad myn herte vndefoulyd in þi iuſtefiyngis; þat I
li Proude men wickidli deden on eche ſide; fro þi lawe forſoþe be not confoundid.
I bowide not doun. Caf.
lii Myndeful I was of þi domes fro þe world, Lord; and I
lxxxi My ſoule failide in to þin helþe ȝiuere; and in to þi
am coumfortid.
liii Failing heeld me; for þe ſynneres forſakende þi lawe. woord I ouerhopede.
lxxxii Myn eȝen faileden in to þin ſpeche; ſeiende, Whanne
liiii Chauntable weren to me þi iuſtefiyngus; in þe place of my
ſhalt þou coumforte me?
pilgrimaging. lxxxiii For I am maad as a botel in hor froſt; þi iuſtefiyngus
lv Myndeful I was þe nyȝt of þi name, Lord; and I kepte þi
I haue not forȝete.
lawe. lxxxiiii Hou fele ben þe daȝis of þi ſeruaunt; whanne ſhalt þou
lvi Þis is do to me; for þi iuſtefiyngis I out ſoȝte.
do of þe purſuende me dom?
Heth. lxxxv Wicke men tolden to me talingus; but not as þi lawe.
lxxxvi Alle þin maundemens treuþe; wicke men purſueden me,
lvii My porcioun þou, Lord; I ſeide to kepe þi lawe.
lviii I louli preȝede þi face in al myn herte; help þou me.
haue mercy of me lxxxvii A litel laſſe þei waſteden me in þe erþe; I forſoþe
aftir þi ſpeche.
lix I þoȝte my weies; and al turnede my feet in to þi forſoc not þin heſtis.
lxxxviii After þi mercy quikene þou me; and I ſhal kepe þe
lx I am redi, and am not diſturbid; þat I kepe þin heſtys. witneſſingis of þi mouþ.
lxi Þe cordis of ſynneres ben wounden aboute me; and þi Lameth.
lawe I haue not forȝete. lxxxix In to wiþoute ende, Lord; þi woord abit ſtille in
lxii At myd nyȝt I ros to knouleche to þee; vp on þe domes of heuene.
þi iuſtefiyng. xc In ieneracioun and to ieneracioun þi treuþe; þou foundediſt
lxiii Parcener I am of alle men dredende þee; and of kepende þe erþe, and it abit ſtille.
þin heſtis. xci In þin ordynaunce abit þe day; for alle þingus ſeruen to
lxiiii Of þi mercy, Lord, ful is þe erþe; þi iuſtefiyngus teche þee.
þou me. xcii But þat þi lawe is my ſwete þenking; þanne parauenture
Teth. I hadde perſhid in my mecneſſe.
xciii In to wiþouten ende I ſhal not forȝete þi iuſtefiyngis; for
lxv Goodneſſe þou haſt do to þi ſeruaunt, Lord; aftir þi woord. in hem þou haſt quykened me.
lxvi Goodneſſe, and diſcipline, and kunnyng tech þou me; for xciiii Þin I am, mac me ſaf; for þi iuſtefiyngis I haue out
in þin heſtys I leeuede. ſoȝt.
lxvii Beforn þat I was mekid, I treſpaſide; þerfore þi ſpeche xcv Me abiden ſynneres, þat þei ſhulden deſtrie me; þi
I kepte. witneſſyngus I vnderſtod.
lxviii Good art þou; and in þi goodneſſe tech me þi xcvi Of alle ending I ſaȝ þe ende; brod þin heſte ful myche.
lxix Multeplied is vp on me þe wickidneſſe of proude men; I Men.
forſoþe in al myn herte ſhal enſerche þin heſtis. xcvii What maner I loouede þi lawe, Lord; al dai my ſwete
lxx Cruddid is as mylc þe herte of hem; I forſoþe þi lawe þenking it is.
ſweteli þoȝte. xcviii Vp on myn enemys prudent þou madiſt me wiþ þin
lxxi Good is to me, for þou haſt mekid me; þat I lerne þi heſte; for in to wiþoute ende it is to me.
iuſtefiyngus. xcix Vp on alle techende me I vnderſtod; for þi witneſſyngis
lxxii Good is to me þe lawe of þi mouþ; vp on þouſendis of is my ſwete þenking.
gold and of ſiluer. c Ouer olde men I vnderſtod; for þin heſtis I ſoȝte.
Joth. ci Fro alle euel weie I forfendede my feet; þat I kepe þi

lxxiii Þin woordus.

hondus maden me, and formeden me; ȝif to me
vnderſtonding, þat I lerne þin heſtis.


cii Fro þi domes I bowide not doun; for lawe þou haſt put to cxxxi My mouþ I openede, and I droȝ to a ſpirit; for þin
me. heſtis I deſirede.
ciii Hou ſwete to myn chekis þi ſpechis; ouer hony to my cxxxii Behold in me, and haue mercy of me; after þe dom of
mouþ. men loouende þi name.
ciiii Of þin heſtis I vnderſtod; þerfore I hatide eche weie of cxxxiii My goingus forþ riȝt reule þou after þi ſpeche; þat þer
wickidneſſe. lordſhipe not of me alle vnriȝtwiſneſſe.
cxxxiiii Aȝeen bie me fro þe chalengis of men; þat I kepe þin
cv Lanterne to my feet þi woord; and liȝt to myn paþis. cxxxv Þi face liȝtne þou vp on þi ſeruaunt; and tech me þi
cvi I ſwoor; and ſette to kepe þe domes of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. iuſtefiyngis.
cvii I am mekid on alle ſide; Lord, quykene þou me aftir cxxxvi Iſſues of watris broȝten out myn eȝen; for þei kepten
woord. not þi lawe.
cviii Þe wilful þingus of my mouþ wel pleſing mac þou,
Lord; and þi domys tech me.
cix My ſoule in myn hondis euermor; and þi lawe I haue not cxxxvii Riȝtwis þou art, Lord; and riȝt is þi dom.
forȝeten. cxxxviii Þou haſt comaundid riȝtwiſneſſe, þi witneſſingus; and
cx Synneres ſetteden a grene to me; and fro þin heſtis I þi treuþe ful myche.
errede not. cxxxix My looue made me to dwyne; for myn enemys han
cxi Bi eritage I purchaſide þi witneſſingus in to wiþoute forȝete þi woordis.
ende; for þe ful out ioȝing of myn herte þei ben. cxl Fyrid is þi ſpeche hugeli; and þi ſeruaunt loouede it.
cxii I bowede in myn herte to ben don þi iuſtefiyngis; in to cxli A ȝung waxen man I am, and diſpiſid; þi iuſtefiyngis I
wiþoute ende for ȝelding. haue not forȝete.
cxlii Þi riȝtwiſneſſe, Lord, riȝtwiſneſſe in to wiþoute ende;
and þi lawe treuþe.
cxiii Wicke men to hate I hadde; and þi lawe I loouede. cxliii Tribulacioun and anguiſh founden me; þin heſtis is my
cxiiii Helpere, and myn vndertakere þou art; and in to þi ſwete þenking.
woord I hopide ouer. cxliiii Equite þi witneſſingus in to wiþoute ende;
cxv Boweþ doun fro mee, ȝee malice doeris; and I ſhal ſerche vnderſtonding ȝif þou to me, and I ſhal liue.
þe heſtis of my God.
cxvi Vndertac me aftir þi ſpeche, and I ſhal liue; and Cof.
confounde þou not me fro myn abiding. cxlv I criede in al myn herte, full out here me, Lord; þi
cxvii Help me, and I ſhal ben ſaaf; and I ſhal ſweteli þenken iuſtefiyngus I ſhal aȝeen ſeche.
in þi iuſtefiyngis euermor. cxlvi I criede to þee, mac me ſaf; þat I kepe þin heſtis.
cxviii Þou haſt deſpiſid alle men goende doun fro þi domes; cxlvii I cam beforn in ceſounable time of werking, and I
for vnriȝtwis þe þenking of hem. criede; in to þi woordis I ouer hopede.
cxix Treſpaſende I heeld alle þe ſynneres of erþe; þerfore I cxlviii Myn eȝen camen beforn to þee þe morutid; þat I ſhulde
loouede þi witneſſingis. ſweteli þenke þi ſpechis.
cxx Pricke wiþ þi drede my fleſh; forſoþe fro þi domes I cxlix My vois here þou aftir þi mercy, Lord; and aftir þi dom
dradde. quykene þou me.
cl Þer neȝheden þe purſuende me to wickidneſſe; fro þi lawe
ferr þei ben maad forſoþe.
cxxi I dide dom and riȝtwiſneſſe; tac þou nott me to þe cli Neeȝh þou art, Lord; and alle þi weies treuþe.
akuſende me. clii Fro þe bigynnyng I knewȝ of þi witneſſingys; for in to
cxxii Vndertac þi ſeruaunt in to good; chalenge me not þe
wiþoute ende þou foundedeſt hem.
cxxiii Myn eȝen faileden in to þin helþe ȝiuere; and in to þe Res.
ſpeche of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. cliii See my mecneſſe, and tac me out; for þi lawe I haue not
cxxiiii Do wiþ þi ſeruaunt after þi mercy; and þi iuſtefiyngis forȝete.
teche þou me. cliiii Deme þou my dom, and aȝeen bie þou me; for þi ſpeche
cxxv Þi ſeruaunt I am; ȝif to me vnderſtonding, þat I wite quikene þou me.
þi witneſſingis. clv Ferr fro ſyneres helþe; for þi iuſtefiyngus þei out ſoȝten
cxxvi Time of doing, Lord; þei han ſcatered þi lawe. not.
cxxvii Þerfore I loouede þin heſtis; ouer gold and topaſion. clvi Þi mercies manye, Lord; and aftir þi dom quikene þou
cxxviii Þerfore to alle þin heſtis I was riȝtforþ reulyd; alle me.
wicke weie to hate I hadde. clvii Manye þat purſuen me, and trublen me; fro þi
witneſſingis I bowede not doun.
Phee. clviii I ſaȝ lawe brekeris, and I dwynede awei; for þei kepten
cxxix Merueilous þi witneſſingis, Lord; þerfore ſerchede þem not þi ſpechis.
my ſoule. clix See, for þi heſtis I loouede, Lord; in þi mercy quikene
cxxx Þe declaring of þi woordis liȝtneþ; vnderſtonding ȝiueþ þou me.
to litle childer.


clx Þe begynnyng of þi woordis treuþe; into wiþoute ende alle iii Ȝiue he not in to ſtiring þi foot; ne nappe he, þat kepeþ
þe domes of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. þee.
iiii Lo! he ſhal not nappen, ne ſlepen; þat kepeþ Irael.
v Þe Lord kepeþ þee, þe Lord þi defending; vp on þi
clxi Princis purſueden me wiþ oute cauſe; and of þi woordis riȝthond.
dradde myn herte. vi By day þe ſunne ſhal not brenne þee; ne þe mone bi þe
clxii I ſhal gladen vpon þine ſpechis; as he þat findeþ manye
ſpoilis. vii Þe Lord kepeþ þee fro alle euel; kepe þi ſoule þe Lord.
clxiii Wickidneſſe to hate I hadde, and wlatide; þi lawe
viii Þe Lord kepe þin entre and þi iſſu; fro þis now and vn to
forſoþe I loouede. þe world.
clxiiii Seuen ſiþes in þe dai preiſing I ſeide to þee; vp on þe
domys of þi riȝtwiſneſſe. SALM CXXI.
clxv Myche pes to þe loouende þi lawe; and þer is not to þem
ſclaundre. Þe ſong of grees.
clxvi I bod þin helþe ȝiuere, Lord; and þin heſtis I loouede.
iI gladide in þeſe þingus, þat ben ſeid to me; In to þe hous
clxvii My ſoule kepte þy witneſſingus; and loouede þem
of þe Lord wee ſhul go.
hugeli. ii Stondende weren oure feet; in þi porchis, O Jeruſalem.
clxviii I kepte þin heſtis, and þi witneſſingis; for alle my
iii Jeruſalem, þat is bild as a cite; whos part taking is in to
weies in þi ſyȝt. itſelf.
Tau. iiii Þider forſoþe ſteȝeden vp lynagis, þe linagis of þe Lord;
clxix þe witneſſing of Irael, to knouleche to þe name of þe Lord.
Neȝhe my lowe preȝing in þi ſiȝte, Lord; aftir þi ſpeche v For þer ſeten þe ſetis in dom; þe ſetis vpon þe hous of
ȝif to me vnderſtonding.
clxx Entre myn aſking in þin ſighte; aftir þi ſpeche deliuere Dauid.
vi Preȝeþ þat to þe pes ben of Jeruſalem; and abundaunce to
clxxi My lippis ſhuln tellen out an impne; whan þou ſhalt þe loouende þee.
vii Be maad pes in þi vertue; and abundaunce in þi touris.
teche me þi iuſtefiyngus.
clxxii My tunge ſhal telle forþ þi ſpeche; for alle þi viii For my breþeren and my neȝheboris; I ſpac pes of þee.
maundemens equyte. ix For þe hous of þe Lord oure God; I ſoȝte goode þingus to
clxxiii Be maad þin hond, þat it ſaue me; for þi maundemens þee.
I ches.
clxxiiii I coueitide þin helþe ȝiuere, Lord; and þi lawe is my SALM CXXII.
ſweete þenking. Þe ſong of grees.
clxxv Liue my ſoule, and it ſhal preiſe þee; and þi domys ſhul
helpe me. i To þee I liftide myn eȝen; þat dwelliſt in heuenus.
clxxvi I errede as a ſhep þat perſhede; ſeche þi ſeruaunt, ii Lo! as þe eȝen of þe ſeruauns; in þe hondis of þer lordis.
Lord, for þin heſtis I haue not forȝeten. As þe eȝen of þe hondmaide, in þe hondis of hir ladi; ſo oure
eȝen to þe Lord oure God, to þe time he haue merci of vs.
SALM CXIX. iii Haue merci of vs, Lord, haue mercy of vs; for myche wee
be fulfild wiþ diſpiſing.
Þe ſong of grees. iiii For myche is fulfild oure ſoule; to þe abundaunt repref,
i To þe Lord, whan I was trublid, I criede; and he ful out and to þe proude men diſpiſing.
herde me.
ii Lord, deliuere my ſoule fro wicke lippys; and fro þe SALM CXXIII.
treccherous tunge. Þe ſong of grees.
iii What be ȝiue to þee, or what be put to þee; aȝen þe
treccherous tunge? i But for þe Lord was in vs, ſeie now Irael;
iiii Sharpe arewis of þe myȝti; wiþ colis waſtende. ii but for þe Lord was in vs. Whan men ſhulden riſen aȝen
v Allas to me! for my pilgrimaging is drawen along, I dwelte vs out;
wiþ men dwellende Cedar; iii per auenture aliue þei hadde ſwolewid vs. Whan ſhulde
vi myche wonyng as a comeling was my ſoule. Wiþ hem þat wraþen þe wodneſſe of hem in to vs;
hateden pes iiii per auenture water hadde vp ſopen vs. Oure ſoule paſſide
vii I was peſible; whan I ſpac to þem, þei impugneden me þurȝ þe ſtrem;
wiþ oute cauſe. v per auenture oure ſoule ſhulde han paſſid þurȝ þe vnſuffrable
SALM CXX. vi Blyſſyd be þe Lord; þat ȝaff not vs in to þe cacchynge to þe
teþ of hem.
Þe ſong of grees. vii Oure ſoule, as a ſparewe, is caȝt out; fro þe grene of
iI rered vp myn eȝen in to þe mounteynes; whennys ſhal hunteres. Þe grene is to-broſid; and wee be deliuered.
come helpe to me. viii Oure helpe in þe name of þe Lord; þat made heuene and
ii Myn helpe of þe Lord; þat made heuene and erþe. erþe.



Þe ſong of grees. Þe ſong of grees.
i That troſten in þe Lord as þe mount of Sion; he ſhal not be i Ofte þei han out foȝte me, fro my ȝouþe; ſeye now Irael.
moued in to wiþoute ende, ii Ofte þei han out foȝte me fro my ȝouþe; forſoþe þei myȝte
ii þat dwelliþ in Jeruſalem. Þe mounteynes in his cumpas; not to me.
and þe Lord in þe cumpas of his puple, fro þis now and vnto iii Vpon my bac forgeden ſynneres; þei longeden aferr þer
þe world. wickidneſſis.
iii For þe Lord ſhal not lefe þe ȝerd of ſynneres vp on þe lot iiii Þe Lord riȝtwys ſhal to-hewe þe nollis of ſynneres;
of riȝtwis men; þat þe riȝtwis men ſtrecche not out to v be þei confoundid, and al turned bacward, þat hateden Sion.
wickidneſſe þer hondis.
iiii Wel do þou, Lord; to goode men, and riȝt in herte. vi Be þei maad as hei of rooues; þat beforn it be pullid out,
v Þe boowende doun forſoþe in to obliſhingis þe Lord ſhal ful out driede.
vii Of þe whiche he þat repeþ, ſhal not fulfille his hond; and
bring to wiþ werkende wickidneſſe; pes vp on Irael.
hys boſum, þat ſhal gedere handfullis.
viii And þey ſeiden not þat wenten biſide, Þe bliſſing of þe
Lord vp on ȝou; wee han bliſſid to ȝou in þe name of þe
Þe ſong of grees. Lord.
i Lord, in turnende þe caitifte of Sion; wee ben maad as SALM CXXIX.
ii Þanne fild is our mouþ wiþ ioȝe; and oure tunge in ful out Þe ſong of grees.
ioȝing. Þanne þei ſhul ſeye among Jentilis; Þe Lord haþ i Fro depþis I criede to þee,
magnefied to don wiþ hem. Lord;
iii Þe Lord haþ magnefied to do wiþ vs; wee ben maad ii Lord, full out here þou my vois. Be maad þin eris
gladende. vnderſtondende; in to þe vois of my lowe preȝing.
iiii Lord, al turne oure caitifte; as a ſtrem in þe ſouþ. iii If wickidneſſis þou ſhalt `al aboute kepe, Lord; Lord, who
v Þat ſowen in teris; in ful out ioȝing ſhul repe. ſhal ſuſtene.
iiii For anent þee is mercy doyng;
vi Goende þei ȝiden, and wepten; ſendende þer ſedis. Comende
v and for þi lawe I ſuſtenede þee, Lord. My ſoule ſuſtenede
forſoþe þei ſhul come; berende wiþ ful out ioȝing þer
handfullis. in þe woord of hym;
vi my ſoule hopide in þe Lord. Fro þe morutyd warde vnto þe
vii hope Irael in þe Lord. For anent þe Lord mercy; and
Þe ſong of grees. plenteous anentis hym aȝeen biyng.
i But viii And he ſhal aȝeen bie Irael; fro alle þe wickidneſſis of
þe Lord ſhulde bild þe hous; in to veyn trauaileden þat
bilden it. But þe Lord ſhul kepe þe cite; in vein wakeþ þat hym.
kepeþ it.
ii Veyn it is to ȝou befor liȝt to riſen; riſeþ aftir þat ȝee ſeten, SALM CXXX.
þat eten þe bred of ſorewe. Whan he ſhal ȝiuen to his loouede Þe ſong of grees.
a ſlep;
iii lo! þe eritage of þe Lord þe ſones, þe mede þe frut of þe i Lord, myn herte is not enhaunſid; ne rerid vp ben myn eȝen.
wombe. Ne I wente in grete þingis; ne in merueilis ouer me.
iiii As arewes in þe hond of þe myȝty; ſo þe ſones off þe out ii If not mekely I felede; but I enhaunced my ſoule. As þe
ſhaken. wened vpon his moder; ſo ȝelding in my ſoule.
v Blisful þe man þat fulfilde his deſir of hem; he ſhal not be iii Hope Irael in þe Lord; fro þis now and vn to þe world.
confoundid, whan he ſhal ſpeke to his enemys in þe ȝate.
Þe ſong of grees.
Þe ſong of grees. i Haue mynde, Lord, of Dauid; and of al þe debonerneſſe of
i Blisful alle þat dreden þe Lord; þat gon in his weies. hym.
ii Þe trauailis of þin hondis for þou ſhalt ete; blisful þou art, ii As he ſwor to þe Lord; a vow he vouwide to þe God of
and wel ſhal be to þee. Jacob.
iii Þi wif as a vine aboundende; in þe ſydes of þin hous. Þy iii I ſhal not entre in to þe tabernacle of myn hous; I ſhal not
ſones as þe newe braunchis of oliues; in þe cumpas of þi ſteȝen vp in to þe bed of my bedding.
bord. iiii I ſhal not ȝiue ſlep to myn eȝen; and to my eȝe lidis
iiii Lo! þus ſhal be bliſſid þe man; þat dredeþ þe Lord. napping. And reſte to my times,
v Bliſſe to þee þe Lord fro Sion; and ſee þou þe goodis of v to þe time I finde a place to þe Lord; a tabernacle to þe
Jeruſalem alle þe daȝes of þi lif. God of Jacob.
vi And ſee þou þe ſones of þi ſones; þe pes vp on Irael. vi Lo! wee han herd it in Effrata; wee han founden it in þe
feldis of þe wode.


vii Wee ſhul entre in to þe tabernacle of hym; wee ſhuln viii þatſmot þe firſt goten of Egipt, fro man vn to beſte.
honouren in þe place, where ſtoden his feet. ix And he ſente tocnes and wndris in þe myddel of þee, Egipt;
viii Ris, Lord, in to þi reſting; þou and þe arke of þin in to Farao and in to alle his ſeruauns.
halewing. x Þat ſmot manye Jentilis; and ſloȝ ſtronge kingis.
ix Þi preſtis be þei clad riȝtwiſneſſe; and þin halewis ful out xi Seon, þe king of Amorreis; and Og þe king of Baſan, and
ioȝe þey. alle þe reumys of Chanaan.
x For Dauid, þi ſeruaunt; turne þou not awei þe face of þi xii And he ȝaf þe lond of hem eritage; eritage to Irael, his
criſt. puple.
xi Þe Lord ſwor to Dauid treuþe, and he ſhal not maken hym xiii Lord, þi name in to wiþ oute ende; Lord, þi memorial in
in vein; of þe frute of þi wombe I ſhal putte vp on þi ſeete. ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.
xii If þi ſones ſhul kepe my teſtament; and my witneſſingis, xiiii For þe Lord ſhal demen his puple; and in his ſeruauns
þeſe þat I ſhal teche þem. And þe ſones of hem vn to þe he ſhal be louly preȝid.
world; ſhul ſitte vp on þi ſete. xv Þe maumetis of Jentilis ſiluer and gold; þe werkis of þe
xiii For þe Lord ches Sion; he ches it in to dwelling to hym.
hondys of men.
xiiii Þis my reſte in to þe world of world; heer I ſhal dwelle, xvi Mouþ þei han, and þei ſhul not ſpeke; eȝen þei han, and
for I ches it. þei ſhuln not ſee.
xv His widewe bleſſende I ſhal bliſſe; his pore I ſhal fulfille xvii Eris þei han, and þei ſhul not here; ne forſoþe ſpirit is in
wiþ loues. þe mouþ of hem.
xvi Hiſe preſtis I ſhal cloþe wiþ helþe ȝiuere; and his halewis xviii Lyc to þem be þei maad, þat don þo þingis; and alle þat
wiþ ful out ioȝing ſhuln ful out ioȝen. troſten in hem.
xvii Þider I ſhal bringe forþ þe horn of Dauid; I haue maad xix Hous of Irael, bleſſe ȝee to þe Lord; hous of Aron, bliſſe
redi a lanterne to my criſt. ȝee to þe Lord.
xviii His enemys I ſhal cloþe wiþ ſhenſhipe; vp on hym xx Hous of Leuy, bliſſe ȝee to þe Lord; ȝee þat drede þe
forſoþe ſhal flouren out myn halewing. Lord, bliſſeþ to þe Lord.
xxi Bliſſid be þe Lord fro Sion; þat dwelliþ in Jeruſalem.
Þe ſong of grees. SALM CXXXV.
i Lo! hou good, and how ioȝeful; breþern to dwellen in to oon. Alleluya.
ii As an oynement in þe hed; þat goþ doun in to þe berd, þe i Knouleche ȝee to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe world
berd of Aaron. Þat goþ doun in to þe hemme of his cloþing; þe merci of hym.
iii as deu of Ermon, þat goþ doun in to þe hil of Syon. For ii Knoulecheþ to þe God of godis.
þider ſente þe Lord bleſſing; and lif vn to þe world. iii Knoulecheþ to þe Lord of lordis.
iiii Þat makeþ grete merueilis alone.
SALM CXXXIII. v Þat made heuenes in vnderſtonding.
Þe ſong of grees. vi Þat faſtnede þe erþe vp on watris.
i Lo! now bliſſeþ þe Lord; alle ȝee ſeruauns of þe Lord. Þat vii Þat made grete liȝt ȝiueres.
ſtonden in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe porchis of þe hous of viii Þe ſunne in to þe power of þe dai.
oure God. ix Þe mone and þe ſterris in to þe power of þe nyȝt.
ii In nyȝtes heueþ vp ȝoure hondis in to holi þingis; and
x Þat ſmot Egipt wiþ þe firſt goten of hem.
bliſſeþ to þe Lord.
iii Bliſſe þee þe Lord fro Sion; þat made heuene and erþe. xi Þat broȝte oute Irael fro þe myddel of hem.
xii In myghty hond; and in heiȝ arm.
SALM CXXXIIII. xiii Þat deuydede þe rede ſe in to deuyſeouns.
xiiii And broȝte out Irael þurȝ þe myddel of it.
Alleluya. xv And ſhoc out Farao and his vertue in þe rede ſe.
i Preiſe ȝee þe name of þe Lord; preiſe ȝee, ſeruauns, þe xvi Þat ladde ouer his puple þurȝ þe deſert.
Lord. xvii Þat ſmot grete kingis.
ii Þat ſtonden in þe hous of þe Lord; in þe porchis of þe hous
xviii And ſloȝ ſtronge kingis.
of oure God.
iii Preiſe ȝee þe Lord, for good is þe Lord; doþ ſalm to his xix Seon, þe king of Amoreis.
name, for it ys ſweete. xx And Og, þe king of Baſan.
iiii For þe Lord ches to hym Jacob; and Irael in to xxi And he ȝaf þe lond of hem eritage.
poſſeſſioun to hym. xxii Eritage to Irael, his ſeruaunt.
v For I knew, þat gret is þe Lord; and oure God beforn alle xxiii For in oure mecneſſe myndefull he was of vs.
godys. xxiiii And he aȝeen boȝte vs fro oure enemys.
vi Alle þingis what euere þe Lord wolde, he dide in heuene
xxv Þat ȝiueþ mete to alle fleſh.
and in erþe; in þe ſe, and in alle depneſſis.
vii Bringende out cloudis fro þe vtmoſtis of þe erþe; leitis in xxvi Knoulecheþ to God of heuene. Knoulecheþ to þe Lord of
to reyn he made. Þat bringeþ forþ windis fro his treſores; lordis; for in to wiþoute ende þe mercy of hym.


SALM CXXXVI. vii Whidir ſhal I go fro þi ſpirit; and whidur fro þi face ſhal
I flee?
Þe ſalm of Dauid, for Jeremye. viii If I ſhul ſteȝen vp in to heuene, þou art þere; if I ſhul go
i Vp on þe flodis of Babiloyne þere wee ſeten, and wepten; doun in to helle, þou art at.
whil wee recordeden of Sion. ix If I ſhul take my pennys in þe morutid; and ſhul dwelle in
ii In wiþies in þe myddes of it; wee heengen vp oure þe vtmoſtis of þe ſe.
inſtrumens. x Forſoþe þider þin hond ſhal bringe me; and ſhal holde me þi
iii For þere aſkeden vs þat caityues broȝten vs; þe woordis of riȝt hond.
ſongis of deſpit. And þei þat `ledden aweie vs; An ympne xi And I ſeide, Parauenture dercneſſis ſhul totrede me; and
ſingeþ to vs of þe ſongis of Sion. nyȝt my liȝting in my delicis.
iiii Hou ſhul wee ſinge þe ſong of þe Lord; in an heþen lond? xii For dercneſſes ſhul not ben derkid fro þee, and nyȝt as day
v If I ſhule forȝeten of þee, Jeruſalem; to forȝeting be ȝiue ſhal ben liȝtid; as his dercneſſis, ſo and þe liȝt of it.
my riȝthond. xiii For þou weldedeſt my reenes; þou haſt vndertake me fro
vi Cleue my tunge to myn chekis; if I ſhul not han mynde of þe wombe of my moder.
þee. If I ſhul not purpoſen þee, Jeruſalem; in þe begynnyng xiiii I ſhal knouleche to þee, for ferfulli þou art magnefied;
of my gladneſſe. merueilous þi werkis; and my ſoule ſhal knouleche ful myche.
vii Myndeful be þou, Lord, of þe ſones of Edom; in to þe dai xv My mouþ is not hid fro þee, þe whiche þou madeſt in
of Jeruſalem. Þat ſeyn, Ful out waſteþ, ful out waſteþ; vnto priue; and my ſubſtaunce is in þe neþermoris of þe erþe.
þe foundement in it. xvi Myn vnparfit þing ſeȝen þin eȝen, and in þi boc alle ſhul
viii Þe doȝtir of Babilon wrecchid, blisful þat ſhal ȝelde to þee be writen; daȝes ſhul be formed, and no man in hem.
þi ȝelding; þat þou haſt ȝolde to vs. xvii To me forſoþe ful myche ben maad wrſhipeful þi frendis,
ix Blisful þat ſhal holden; and hurtlen his litle childer to þe God; ful myche is counfortid þe princehed of hem.
ſton. xviii I ſhal noumbre þem atwynne, and vpon grauel þei ſhul
be multeplied; I haue riſen out, and ȝit I am wiþ þee.
SALM CXXXVII. xix God, for þou ſhalt ſle ſynneres; ȝee men of blodis, bowiþ

Þe ſalm `to hym Dauid. doun fro me.

xx For ȝee ſeyn in þoȝt; Take þei in vanyte þer citees.
iI ſhal knoulechen to þee, Lord, in al myn herte; for þou haſt xxi Wheþir not þoo þat hateden þee, Lord, I hatede; and vp
herd þe woordis of my mouþ. In þe ſiȝte of aungelis I ſhal on þin enemys I dwynede?
don ſalm to þee, my God; xxii Wiþ parfyt hate I hatede hem; enemys þei ben maad to
ii I ſhal honoure at þin holy temple, and knouleche to þi
name. Vp on þi mercy and þi treuþe; for þou haſt magnefied xxiii Proue me, God, and wite þou myn herte; aſke þou me,
þi ſeynt ouer alle name.
iii In what euere day I ſhal inwardli clepe þee, ful out here and knowe þou my paþis.
xxiiii And ſee, if þe weie of wickidneſſe is in me; and bring
me; þou ſhalt multeplie in my ſoule vertue.
iiii Knouleche to þee, Lord, alle þe kingis of erþe; for þei han me þennes in þe euere laſtende weie.
herd alle þe woordys of þi mouþ.
v And ſinge þei in þe weyes of þe Lord; for gret is þe glorie SALM CXXXIX.
of þe Lord. In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid.
vi For heiȝ þe Lord, and meke þingis he beholdeþ; and heȝe
i Tac me awei, Lord, fro an euel man; and fro a wicke man
þingis fro a ferr he knowiþ.
vii If I ſhul go in þe myddel of tribulacioun, þou ſhalt tac me awei.
ii Þat þoȝten wickidneſſis in þe herte; al dai ſetteden batailis.
quikene me; and vp on þe wraþe of myn enemys þou haſt
ſtraȝt out þin hond, and ſaf made me þi ryȝt hond. iii Þei ſharpeden þer tungis as ſerpentis; þe venym of edderes
viii Þe Lord ſhal ȝelde for me, Lord, þi mercy in to þe world; vnder þe lippis of hem.
þe werkis of þin hondis ne deſpiſe þou. iiii Kep þou me fro þe hond of þe ſynnere; and fro wicke men
tac me awei. Þat þoȝten to ſupplaunten my goingis;
SALM CXXXVIII. v proude men hidden a grene to me. And cordis þei ſtraȝten
out in to a grene; by ſide þe weie ſclaunder þei putten to me.
In to þe ende, þe ſalm of Dauid. vi I ſeide to þe Lord, My God þou art; ful out here þou,
i Lord, þou haſt proued me, and knowen me; Lord, þe vois of my lowe preȝing.
ii þou haſt knowe my ſitting, and myn aȝeen riſing. vii Lord, Lord, þe vertue of myn helþe; þou al aboute
vnderſtode my þoȝtis fro aferr; ſhadewedeſt on myn hed in þe dai of bataile.
iii my paþ and my litle corde þou enſerchediſt. And alle my viii Ne take þou me, Lord, fro my deſir to þe ſynnere; þey
weies þou beforn ſeȝe; þoȝten aȝen me, ne forſake þou me, leſt parauenture þei ben
iiii for þer is not woord in my tunge. Lo! Lord, þou haſt enhauncid.
ix Þe hed of þe cumpas of hem; þe trauayle of þe lippis of
knowen alle þingis,
v neweſt and olde; þou haſt formed me, and put vp on me þin hem ſhal coueren hem.
x Colis ſhul fallen vp on hem, in to fir þou ſhalt kaſte þem
vi Merueilous is maad þy kunnyng of me; it is coumfortid, doun; in wrecchidneſſis þei ſhul not ſtonde.
xi A ianglende man ſhal not be riȝtforþ reulid in þe erþe; an
and I ſhal not moun to it.
vnriȝtwis man euelis ſhul take in deþ.


xii I knewȝ, for þe Lord ſhal do dom of þe helpeles; and iii For þe enemy purſuede my ſoule; mekede in þe erþe my lif.
veniaunce of þe pore. He ſette me in derke þingis, as þe deade of þe world,
xiii Neuerþelatere riȝtwis ſhuln knoulechen to þi name; and þe iiii and my ſpirit is anguyſht vp on me; in me is diſturbid
riȝte ſhul wone wiþ þi chere. myn herte.
v Myndeful I was of olde daȝes, I þoȝte ſwetely in alle þi
SALM CXL. werkis; in þe deedis of þin hondis I ſweteli þoȝte.
vi I ſtraȝte out myn hondis to þee; my ſoule as erþe wiþoute
Þe ſalm of Dauid. water to þee.
i Lord I criede to þee, ful out here þou me; tac heede to my vii Swiftli full out here þou me, Lord; my ſpirit failide.
vois, whil I ſhal crie to þee. Turne þou not awei þi face fro me; and I ſhal ben lic to þe
ii Be forþ riȝt reulid myn oriſoun as encens in þi ſiȝt; þe goende doun in to þe lake.
rering vp of myn hondis euentid ſacrifiſe. viii Herd mac þou to me erli þi mercy; for in þee I hopide.
iii Put, Lord, warde to my mouþ; and a dore of circumſtaunce Knowen mac þou to me þe weie, in þe whiche go I; for to
to my lippis. þee I rerede my ſoule.
iiii Bowe þou not doun my herte in to þe woordis of malice; ix Tac awei me fro myn enemys, Lord, to þee I fleiȝ,
to ben excuſid excuſaciouns in ſynnes. Wiþ men wirkende x tech me to do þi wil; for my God þou art. Þi goode ſpirit
wickidneſſe; and I ſhal not comune wiþ þe choſen of hem. ſhal bringe me þennes in to þe ryȝt lond;
v Þe riȝtwis man ſhal chaſtiſe me in mercy, and blamen me; xi for þi name, Lord, þou ſhalt quykene me in þin equite. Þou
þe oile forſoþe of þe ſynnere ſhal not wiþinne fatten myn hed. ſhalt leden out of tribulacioun my ſoule;
For ȝit and myn oriſoun in þe wel pleſid þingus of hem; xii and in þi merci þou ſhalt deſtroȝen alle myn enemys. And
vi þe domes men of hem ioyned to þe ſton ben ſopen awey. þou ſhalt leeſen alle, þat trublen my ſoule; for I am þi
Þei ſhuln here my woordis, for þei myȝten; ſeruaunt.
vii as þe fatneſſe of erþe is rerid vp `vp on þe erþe. Oure
bones ben ſcaterid beſide helle, SALM CXLIII.
viii for to þee Lord, Lord, myn eȝen; in þee I hopide, do not
awei my ſoule. Þe ſalm of Dauid; aȝen Golie.
ix Kep me fro þe grene þat þei ſetteden to me; and fro i Bliſſed þe Lord my God, þat techeþ myn hondis to ſtrif; and
ſclaundris of men wirkende wickidneſſe. mi fingeris to bataile.
x Synneres ſhuln falle in þe net of hym; ſyngulerli I am to þe ii My mercy, and my refut; myn vndertakere, and my
time I paſſe. delyuerere. My defendere, and in hym I hopide; þat
vndirpooteþ my puple vnder me.
SALM CXLI. iii Lord, what is a man, for þou haſt myche maad knowen to
hym; or þe ſone of man, for þou eymeſt hym?
Þe vnderſtonding of Dauid, whan he was in iiii A man to vanyte is maad lic; his daȝis as ſhadewe paſſen.
þe ſpelunke. v Lord, bowe doun þin heuenes, and cum doun; touche þe
i Wiþ my vois to þe Lord I criede; wiþ my vois to þe Lord monteynes, and þei ſhuln ſmoken.
vi Leite þou leitingis, and þou ſhalt ſcateren hem; ſend out þin
I louly preȝede.
ii I ſhede out in his ſiȝt myn oriſoun; and my trybulacioun arewis, and þou ſhalt al diſturbe þem.
beforn hym I openli telle. vii Send out þin hond fro an heiȝ, tac me out, and deliuere
iii In failinge of me my ſpirit; and þou haſt knowe my ſties. me of many watris; and fro þe hond of alien ſones.
In þis weie þat I ȝide; proude men hidden a grene to me. viii Whos mouþ ſpac vanyte; and þe riȝthalf of hem þe riȝthalf
iiii I beheeld at þe riȝt hond, and I ſaȝ; and þer was not þat of wickidneſſe.
kneuȝ me. Fliȝt perſhede fro me; and þer was not þat aȝeen ix God, a newe ſong I ſhal ſinge to þee; in þe ten cordid
ſoȝte my ſoule. ſautre I ſhal do ſalm to þee.
v I criede to þee, Lord, I ſeide, Þou art myn hope; my x Þat ȝiueſt helþe to kingis; þat aȝeen boȝtiſt Dauid, þi
porcioun in þe lond of lyueres. ſeruaunt, fro þe malice doinge ſwerd tac me awey.
vi Tac heede to my lowe preȝing; for I am mekid ful myche. xi And pull me awei fro þe hond of alienes ſones, whos mouþ
Deliuere me fro þe purſuende me; for þei ben coumfortid vpon ſpac vanyte; and þe riȝthalf of hem þe riȝthalf of wickidneſſe.
me. xii Whos ſones; as newe plauntingis in þer ȝouþe. Þe doȝtris
vii Led out fro warde my ſoule to knowleche to þi name; me of hem maad ſemely; enhourned aboute as þe licneſſe of þe
abijden þe riȝtwiſe, to þe time þat þou ȝelde to me. temple.
xiii Þe celeris of hem fulle; bowende out fro þat into it. Þe
SALM CXLII. ſhep of hem ful of frut, aboundende in þer goingis;
xiiii þe oxen of hem fatte. Þer is not falling of wal, ne paſſing
Þe oriſoun of Dauid, whan purſuede hym ouer; ne cry in þe ſtretis of hem.
Abſolon, his ſone. xv Blisful, þei ſeiden, þe puple, to whom þeſe þingis ben;
i Lord, ful out here myn oriſoun, wiþ eris parceyue myn blisful þe puple, of þe whiche þe Lord is his God.
obſecracioun; in þi treuþe ful out here þou me, in þi
ii And entre þou not into dom wiþ þi ſeruaunt; for þer ſhal
not be iuſtified in þi ſiȝte eche lyuende.


SALM CXLIIII. vi þat made heuene and erþe, þe ſe, and alle þingis þat ben in
hem. Þat kepeþ treuþe in to þe world,
Þe preiſing to hym Dauid. vii doþ dom to þe ſuffrende wrong; ȝyueþ mete to þe hungri.
iI ſhal enhaunce þee, my God king; and I ſhal bleſſe to þi Þe Lord loſneþ þe gyuede;
name in to þe world, and in to þe world of world. viii þe Lord liȝtneþ þe blinde. Þe Lord rereþ vp þe hurtlid
ii Bi alle daȝis I ſhal bliſſen to þee; and I ſhal preyſen þi doun; þe Lord riȝtforþ reuliþ þe riȝtwiſe.
name in to þe world, and in to þe world of world. ix Þe Lord kepeþ þe comelingis, þe modirles child, and þe
iii Gret þe Lord, and preiſable full myche; and of his widewe he ſhal vndertake; and þe weies of ſynneres he ſhal
mychilneſſe is noon ende. deſtroȝen.
iiii Jeneracioun and ieneracioun ſhal preyſe þi werkis; and þi x Þe Lord ſhal regne in to worldis; þi God, Sion, in
power þei ſhul telle forþ. ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun.
v Þe grete doing of þe glorie of þin holyneſſe þei ſhuln ſpeke;
and þi merueylis þei ſhul telle. SALM CXLVI.
vi And þe vertue of þi ferful þingis þei ſhul ſeyn; and þi
mykilneſſe þei ſhuln telle.
vii Þe mynde of þe abundaunce of þi ſwetneſſe þei ſhul bowen i Preiſeþ þe Lord, for good is a ſalm; to oure God be preiſing
out; and in þi riȝtwiſneſſe þei ſhul ful out ioȝen. ioȝeful and fair.
viii Mercy doere and mercyful þe Lord; pacient, and myche ii Þe Lord bildende vp Jeruſalem; þe ſcateringis of Jeruſalem
merciful. ſhal gadere togidere.
ix Swete þe Lord to alle; and his mercy doingis vp on alle iii Þat heliþ þe contrit in herte; and bindeþ þe contriciouns of
his werkis. hem.
x Knouleche to þee, Lord, alle þi werkys; and þin halewis iiii Þat noumbreþ þe multitude of ſterris; and to þem alle
bliſſe þei to þee. clepeþ names.
xi Þe glorie of þi reume þei ſhul ſeyn; and þi myȝt þei ſhul v Gret oure Lord, and gret þe vertue of hym; and of his
ſpeken. wiſdam is not noumbre.
xii Þat knowen þei maken to þe ſones of men þi power; and vi Vndertakende debonere men þe Lord; mekende forſoþe
þe glorie of þe grete doing of þi reume. ſynneres vn to þe erþe.
xiii Þi reume reume of alle worldis; and þi lordſhiping in alle vii Singeþ beforn to þe Lord in confeſſioun; doþ ſalm to oure
ieneracioun and in to ieneracioun. Feiþful þe Lord in alle his God in harpe.
woordis; and holy in alle his werkis. viii Þat couereþ heuene wiþ cloudis; and greiþeþ to þe erþe
xiiii Þe Lord helpeþ vp alle þat fallen; and rereþ vp alle þe reyn. Þat bringeþ forþ in hillis hey; and erbe to þe ſeruiſe of
hurtlid doun. men.
xv Þe eȝen of alle in þee hopen, Lord; and þou ȝyueſt þe mete ix Þat ȝyueþ to beſtis þe mete of hem; and to briddis of
of hem in þe behofful tyme. crowes inwardli clepende hym.
xvi Þou openeſt þin hond; and fulfilliſt eche beſte wiþ bliſſing. x He ſhal not han wil in þe ſtrengþe of hors; ne in þe leggis
xvii Riȝtwis þe Lord in alle his weies; and holi in alle his of a man ſhall be wel pleſid to hym.
xi Wel pleſid þing is to þe Lord vpon men dredende hym; and
xviii Neeȝh is þe Lord to alle inwardli clepende hym; to alle in hem þat hopen on his mercy.
inwardli clepende hym in treuþe.
xix Þe wil of men dredende hym he ſhal do, and þe lowe SALM CXLVII.
preȝing of hem he ſhal ful out heren; and ſaf he ſhal make Alleluia of Agge and Zacharye.
xx Þe Lord kepeþ alle loouende hym; and alle ſynneres he i Preiſe þou, Jeruſalem, þe Lord; preiſe þou þi God, Sion.
ſhal deſtroȝen. ii For he coumfortede þe lockis of þi ȝatis; he bliſſede to þi
xxi Þe preyſing of þe Lord my mouþ ſhal ſpeke; and bliſſe alle ſones in þee.
fleſh to his holi name in to þe world, and in to þe world of iii Þat ſette þi cooſtis pes; and wiþ talȝ of whete filliþ þee.
world. iiii Þat ſendeþ out his ſpeche to erþe; ſwiftli renneþ his word.
v Þat ȝiueþ ſnouȝ as wlle; þe litle cloude as aſke he ſprengeþ.
SALM CXLV. vi He ſendeþ his criſtal as muſſelis; befor þe face of his cold
Alleluia. who ſhal ſuſteynen?
vii He ſhal ſende out his woord, and melte þem; his ſpirit ſhal
i Preiſe þou, my ſoule, þe Lord;
blowen, and watris ſhul flowen.
ii I ſhal preiſe þe Lord in my lif, I ſhal do ſalm to my God viii Þat telliþ out his woord to Jacob; riȝtwiſneſſes and his
as longe as I ſhal be. domes to Irael.
iii Wileþ not troſten in princis; ne in þe ſones of men, in ix He dide not ſo to eche nacioun; and his domes he openede
whiche is not helþe. not to þem.
iiii His ſpirit ſhal gon out, and turnen aȝeen in to his lond; in
þat dai ſhuln perſhe alle þe þoȝtus of hem.
v Blisful, of whom þe God of Jacob is his helpere; his hope
in þe Lord his God,


SALM CXLVIII. iiii Preiſe ȝee hym in timbre and quer; preiſe ȝee hym in
cordis and orgne.
Alleluia of Aggee and Zacharie. v Preiſe ȝee hym in cymbalis wel ſounende, preiſe ȝee hym in
i Preiſe ȝee þe Lord fro heuenes; preiſe ȝee hym in heiȝtis. cymbalis of huge ioȝing;
ii Preiſe ȝee hym, alle his aungelis; preiſe ȝee hym, vi eche ſpirit, preiſe þe Lord.
alle his
iii Preiſe ȝee hym, þe ſunne and þe moone; preiſe ȝee hym,
Here endiþ þe Sawter; and now bigynneþ
alle þe ſterris and liȝt. þe preface of Seynt Jerom in þe book of
iiii Preiſe ȝee hym, heuenes of heuenes; and watris þat aboue Prouerbes.
heuenes ben,
v preiſe þei þe name of þe Lord. For he ſeide, and þei ben
maad; he ſente, and þei ben formed.
vi He ſette þem in to wiþoute ende, and in to þe world of
world; an heſte he putte, and he ſhal not beſide paſſe.
vii Preiſe ȝee þe Lord, fro þe erþe; dragonnes, and alle
viii Fyr, hail, ſnouȝ, iys, þe ſpirit of tempeſtis; þat don þe
woord of hym.
ix Mounteynes, and alle hillis; frut berende trees, and alle
x Beſtis, and alle vſable beſtis; ſerpentis, and feþered foulis.
xi Kyngis of erþe, and alle puplis; princis, and alle domys
men of erþe.
xii Ȝung men, and maidenes; olde men wiþ þe ȝungere,
xiii preiſe þei þe name of þe Lord; for enhauncid is þe name
of hym alone. Þe knouleching of hym vpon heuene and erþe;
xiiii and he enhauncide þe horn of his puple. Ympne to alle þe
ſeyntis of hym; to þe ſones of Irael, to þe puple neȝhende to

i Singeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; hys preiſing in þe chirche
of halewis.
ii Glade Irael in hym þat made hym; and þe doȝtris of Sion
ful out ioȝe þei in þer kyng.
iii Preiſe þei þe name of hym in quer; in timbre and ſautre do
þey ſalm to hym.
iiii For wel pleſid is to þe Lord in his puple; and he
enhauncide þe debonere in to helþe.
v Halewys ſhul ful out ioȝen in glorie; þei ſhul gladen in þer
bed placis.
vi Þe ful out ioȝingus of God in þe þrote of hem; and þe
ſwerdis on eiþir ſide ſharp in þe hondis of hem.
vii To be do veniaunce in naciouns; and blamyngis in puplis.
viii To ben bounde þe kingis of hem in fettris; and þe noble
men of hem in irene manyclis.
ix Þat þei do in hem dom writen; glorie þis is to alle þe
ſeintis of hym.

i Preiſe ȝee þe Lord in his ſeintis; preiſe ȝee hym in þe
faſtnyng of his vertue.
ii Preiſe ȝee hym in þe vertues of hym; preiſe ȝee hym aftir þe
multitude of þe gretneſſe of hym.
iii Preiſe ȝee hym in þe ſoun of trumpe; preiſeþ hym in ſautre
and harpe.


xi If þei ſey, Cum þou wiþ vs, waite wee to þe blod, hide
PROUERBYS. wee grenes aȝen þe innocent in veyn;
xii ſwolewe wee hym, as helle þe liuende; and hol as þe
Heere bygyneþ þe prologe in þe booc off deſcendende in to þe lake;
Prouerbys. xiii alle precious ſubſtaunce we ſhul finde, wee ſhul fulfillen

`To Cromacie and Eliodere, biſhopis, Jerome ſendeþ greeting. oure houſis wiþ ſpoilis;
xiiii lot ley wiþ vs, o bagge of monee be of vs alle;
Joyne þe epiſtil whom ioyneþ preſthod; ȝhe, þe chartre twynne
not, whom þe looue of Criſt knytteþ. Expoſiciouns in Oſee, xv mi ſone, ne go þou wiþ hem; forfende þi foot fro þe ſties of
Amos, Zacharie, and Malachie, þe whiche ȝee aſken, I ſhulde hem.
han write, if it hadde ben leeful for ſikneſſe. Ȝee ſenden xvi Forſoþe þe feet of hem to euel rennen; and heeȝen þat þei
ſolacys of coſtis, ȝoure notories, and bokis writeres ſuſtenende, ſheden out blod.
þat to ȝou moſt oure wit trauaile. And lo! aſide þe hauntende xvii In vein forſoþe is þrowen a net befor þe eȝen of þe
puple of men diuerſe þingis aſkende, as or euene it be me to
trauailen, ȝou hungrende, alſo to oþere, or, in reſoun of ȝyuen feþered.
þing and taken, to any, ſaue ȝou, I be bounde. And ſo þurȝ xviii Þei alſo aȝen þer blod awaiten; and caſten gilys aȝen þer
long ſikneſſe broſid, leſt fulli þis ȝeer I ſhulde be ſtille, and ſoulis.
anent ȝou I were doumb, þe werc of þre daȝis to ȝoure name xix So þe paþis of þe auerous man raueſhen þe liues of þe
I ſacride; þe remenyng, þat is, of þe þre volumes of welderes.
Salomon, Maſloch, þat Ebrues Parablis, þe comun making xx Wiſdam wiþouteforþ precheþ; in ſtretis it ȝyueþ his vois.
Prouerbis clepeþ; Coelech, þat Grecli Ecleſiaſten, Latinli a
Spekere wee moun ſeyn; Ciraſirym, þat in to oure tunge is xxi In þe hed of cumpanyes it ofte crieþ; in þe doris of þe
turned Song of Songis. It is told and Panarethos, þe boc of ȝatis of þe cite he bringeþ forþ his woordis, ſeiende,
Jheſu, ſone of Cirach; and an oþer falſly writen, þat is xxii Hou longe, ȝee litle childer, loouen childhed, and foolis þo
inwriten þe Wiſdam of Salamon. Of whiche þe raþere I fond þingus þat ben noȝeſum to þem ſhul coueiten, and vnprudent
Ebru, not Eccleſiaſticum, as anent þe Latynes, but Parablis men ſhuln haten kunnyng?
beforn notid; to whom weren ioyned Ecleſiaſtes and þe Song xxiii Be ȝee conuertid at my correccioun; lo! I ſhal bringe forþ
of Songis; þat he ſhulde euene to þe licneſſe of Salamon, not
onli in noumbre of bokis, but alſo in maner of mateeris. Þe to ȝou my ſpirit, and ſhewen my woordis.
ſecounde anent þe Ebrues is neuer no wher, for and þat xxiiii For I clepede, and ȝee forſoken; I ſtraȝte out myn hond,
maner of ſpeche ſauoureþ þe Grekis faire ſpeche; and ſumme and þer was not þat wolde beholden.
of olde writeres afermen þis boc to ben of Jew Filon. As xxv Ȝee deſpiſeden al my counſeil; and my blamyngis ȝee
þanne Judith, and Tobie, and þe bokis of Macabeis, redeþ roȝten not of.
hem forſoþe þe chirche, but among þe reuleer ſcripturis xxvi I forſoþe in ȝoure deþ ſhal lawȝhe; and vndermouwe ȝou,
reſceyueþ not; ſo and þeſe two volumes rede he to þe
edificacioun of þe puple, not to þe autorite of chirche teching whan to ȝou þat, þat ȝee dredden, ſhal come.
to ben confermed. If to any man forſoþe more pleſe þe xxvii Whan ſhal falle feerli wrecchidneſſe, and deþ as tempeſt
tranſlacioun of þe ſeuenty remenoures, he haþ it ſum time ſhal aȝen come; whan ſhal come vp on ȝou tribulacioun and
amended of vs. Ne forſoþe ſo newe þingis wee maken, þat anguyſh.
olde þingis wee deſtroȝe. And `neuer þe latere, whan moſt xxviii Þanne þei ſhul inwardli clepe me, and I ſhal not ful
diligentli redeþ he, wite he oure writen þingis to ben out heren; erly þey ſhuln riſe togidere, and not finde me.
vnderſtonde, þat ben not coruptid held into þe þridde veſſel, xxix For þi þat hateſum þei hadden diſciplyne, and þe drede of
but, anoon from þe preſſe moſt pureli þe veſſel ȝeuen, han
kept þeir ſauour. þe Lord þei vndertoken not,
xxx ne aſſentiden to my counſeil, and bacbitiden to al my
Here bigynneþ þe Parablis of Salomon. correccioun.
xxxi Þei ſhuln ete þerfore þe frutis of þer weie; and wiþ þer
Capitulum I. counſeilis þei ſhul be fulfild.
i The parablis of Salamon, ſone of Dauid, king of Irael; xxxii Þe turning awei of litle childer ſhal ſlen hem; and þe
ii to ben koud wiſdam, and diſcipline; to ben vnderſtonden proſperite of foolis ſhal leeſen hem.
þe xxxiii Who forſoþe me ſhal heren, wiþoute ferd ſhal reſten; and
woordis of prudence;
iii and to ben vndirtake enformyng of doctrine, riȝtwyſneſſe, abundaunce he ſhal parfitli vſen, þe ferd of euelis taken awey.
and dom, and equite;
iiii þat felneſſe be ȝeue to litle childer, and to þe ȝunge ful Capitulum II.
waxen, kunnyng and vnderſtonding. i My ſone, if þou vndertakeſt my woordis, and my
v Herende þe wiſe wiſere ſhal ben; and vnderſtondende maundementes hidiſt anent þee;
gouernaile he ſhal welde. ii þat þin ere here wiſdam, inwardliche bowe þin herte to ben
vi Take he heede þe parable, and þe remenyng; þe woordis of knowen wiſdam.
wiſe men, and þe derke ſpechis of hem. iii If forſoþe wiſdam þou ſhalt inwardli clepen, and inwardli
vii Þe drede of þe Lord þe begynnyng of wiſdam; wiſdam and bowe þin herte to prudence;
lore foolis diſpiſen. iiii if þou ſhalt ſechen it as money, and as treſoris deluen it
viii Here, my ſone, þe diſcipline of þi fader, and ne leue þou out;
þe lawe of þi modir; v þanne þou ſhalt vnderſtonden þe drede of þe Lord, and þe
ix þat þer be added grace to þin hed, and a beȝe to þi necke. kunnyng of God finde.
x My ſone, if þee ſynneres fulfille wiþ mylc, ne aſſente þou to vi For þe Lord ȝyueþ wiſdam; and of þe mouþ of hym
þem. prudence and kunnyng.


vii He ſhal kepen þe helþe of riȝt men, and defende þe goende xv More precious þan alle richeſſes it is; and alle þingus þat
ſymplely; be deſirid, to it moun not be compariſound.
viii wiþholdende þe paþis of riȝtwiſneſſe, and þe weies of xvi Lengþe of daȝis in his riȝt half, and in þe left half of it
halewis kepende. richeſſis and glorie.
ix Þanne þou ſhalt vnderſtonde riȝtwiſneſſe, and dom, and xvii Þe weies of it faire, and alle þe paþis of it peſible.
equite, and eche good paþ. xviii Þe tre of lif it is to þem þat cacchen it; and þat holden
x If wiſdam ſhul go in to þin herte, and þe kunnyng to þi it, ben blisful.
ſoule pleſe, xix Þe Lord bi wiſdam foundede þe erþe; bi prudence ſtablide
xi counſeil ſhal kepe þee, and prudence ſhal wiþholde þee; heuenes.
xii þat þou be pullid out fro an euel wey, and fro a man þat xx Bi þe wiſdam of hym breeken out depe watris; and þe
ſpekeþ ſhreude þingus. cloudis bi dew togidere waxen.
xiii Þei þat forſaken þe riȝt going, and wenten bi derke weies; xxi My ſone, ne flowe þeſe þingis awei fro þin eȝe; kep þou
xiiii þat forſoþe gladen, whan þei don euele, and ful out ioȝen my lawe, and counſeil;
in werſt þingus; xxii and þere ſhal ben lif to þi ſoule, and grace to þi chekis.
xv of whom þe weies ſhreude, and yuel loſid þe goingys of xxiii Þanne þou ſhalt go troſtli in þi wey; and þi foot ſhal not
hem. offende.
xvi Þat þou be take awey fro an alien womman, and fro a xxiiii If þou ſhul ſlepe, þou ſhalt not drede; þou ſhalt reſten,
ſtraunge, þat ſofteþ hir woordis; and ſweete ſhal be þi ſlep.
xvii and forſakeþ þe ledere of hir childhed, and þe couenaunt xxv Ne drede þou wiþ ſodeyn gaſtneſſe, and þe poweris of þe
of hir God haþ forȝete. vnpitous men fallende on to þee.
xviii Forſoþe inwardly bowid is to deþ þe hous of hir, and to xxvi Þe Lord forſoþe ſhal ben in þi ſide; and kepe þi foot, þat
helle þe paþis of hir. þou be not take.
xix Alle þat gon in to hir, ſhul not turne aȝeen, ne take þe xxvii Wile þou not forfenden hym þat mai wel don; if þou
ſties of lif. maiſt, and þiſelf wel do.
xx Þat þou go in a good weye, and þe paþis of riȝtwis men xxviii Ne ſey þou to þi frend, Go, and turne aȝeen, to moru I
þou kepe. ſhal ȝyue to þee; whan anoon þou maiſt ȝiue.
xxi Who forſoþe ben riȝte, ſhul dwelle in þe erþe; and þe xxix Ne caſte þou to þi frend euel, whan he in þee haþ troſt.
ſymple ſhul parfitli wone in it. xxx Ne ſtriue þou aȝen a man in veyn, whan he no þing of
xxii Þe vnpitouſe forſoþe fro þe erþe ſhul be loſt; and þat euel haþ don to þee.
wickidli don, ſhul be take fro it awei. xxxi Ne enuye þou þe vnriȝtwis man, ne folewe þou þe weies
of hym.
Capitulum III. xxxii For abhomynacioun of þe Lord is eche gilour; and wiþ
i My ſone, ne forȝete þou my lawe; and þin herte kepe myn þe ſimple þe ſermounyng of hym.
xxxiii Nede of þe Lord in þe hous of þe vnpitouſe; þe
ii Forſoþe lengþe of daȝis, and ȝeeris of lif, and pes, þei ſhul dwelling placis forſoþe of riȝtwiſe men ſhul be bleſſid.
xxxiiii He ſhal deſceyue þe deſceyueres; and to þe debonere he
ley to to þee.
iii Mercy and treuþe forſake þei not þee; cumpaſe þem to þi ſhal ȝyue grace.
xxxv Glorie wiſe men ſhul welde; of foolis þe out ioȝing
þrote, and deſcryue in þe tablis of þin herte.
iiii And þou ſhalt finde grace, and good diſcipline befor God ſhenſhipe.
and men.
v Haue troſt in þe Lord, of al þin herte; and ne lene þou to þi Capitulum IIII.
prudence. i Here ȝee, ſones, þe diſcipline of þe fader; and takeþ heede,
vi In alle þi weies þenc hym, and he ſhal riȝt reulen þi þat ȝee knowen prudence.
goingis. ii A good ȝifte I ſhal ȝyuen to ȝou; my lawe ne forſake ȝee.
vii Ne be þou wis anent þiſelf; dred God, and go awey fro iii For and I was þe ſone of my fader, ſum what tender, and
euel. þe onli goten beforn my moder.
viii Helþe forſoþe ſhal ben in þi nauele, and watring of þi iiii And he taȝte me, and ſeide, Take my woordys þin herte;
bones. kep þou myn heſtis, and þou ſhalt liue.
ix Honoure þe Lord of þi ſubſtaunce, and of þe cheef of alle þi v Weld wiſdam, weld prudence; ne forȝete þou, ne bowe þou
frutis ȝif to pore men; doun fro þe woordis of my mouþ.
x and þi bernes ſhul ben fulfild wiþ fulneſſe, and wiþ win þi vi Ne leue þou it, and it ſhal kepe þee; looue it, and it ſhal
preſſes ſhul rebounden. wiþholde þee.
xi Þe diſcipline of þe Lord, my ſone, ne caſte þou awey; ne vii Begynnyng of wiſdam, welde þou wiſdam; and in al þi
faile þou, whan of hym þou art chaſtiſid. poſſeſſioun purchace prudence.
xii Whom forſoþe þe Lord looueþ, he chaſtiſeþ; and as fader in viii Tac it, and it ſhal enhaunce þee; þou ſhalt be glorified of
þe ſone it wiþ pleſeþ to hym. it, whan þou haſt clippid it.
xiii Blisful þe man þat findeþ wiſdam, and þat flowiþ ix It ſhal ȝiue to þin hed encrecis of gracis; and a noble
prudence. crowne ſhal defende þee.
xiiii Betere is þe purchaſing of it, þan þe chaffering of gold x Here þou, my ſone, and vndertac my woordis; and be þer
and of ſiluer; firſt and moſt pure þe frutis of it. multeplied to þee ȝeris of lif.


xi Þe weie of wiſdam I ſhal ſhewe to þee; and lede þee bi þe xiii neI herde þe vois of men techende me, and to maiſtris I
paþys of equyte. bowide not myn ere?
xii Þe whiche whan þou ſhalt gon in, þi goingis ſhul not be xiiii Neȝh I was in alle euel, in þe myddel of þe chirche, and
ſtreitid; and rennende þou ſhalt not han letting. of þe ſynagoge.
xiii Hold diſcipline, and ne leue þou it; kep it, for it is þi lyf. xv Drink watir of þi ciſterne, and þe flowingus of þi pyt.
xiiii Ne delite þou in þe paþis of vnpitous men; and to þee xvi Ben lad out þi wellis wiþoute forþ; and in ſtretis þi watir
pleſe not þe weie of euele men. deuyde þou.
xv Flee fro it, and paſſe þou not bi it; bowe doun, and forſac xvii Haue þou hem alone; and be not alienes þi parceneres.
it. xviii Be þi veyne bliſſid; and glade þou wiþ þe womman of þi
xvi Forſoþe þey ſlepen not, but if þei don euele; and ſlep is ful waxende ȝouþe.
not caȝt of hem, but if þei ſupplaunte. xix A moſt cheere hynde; and a moſt kindeli hert calf. Þe tetis
xvii Þei eten þe bred of vnpitouſneſſe, and þe win of of hir inwardli make þee drunke alle time; and in þe looue of
wickidneſſe drinken. hire delite þou biſili.
xviii Forſoþe þe paþ of riȝtwiſmen as ſhynende liȝt goþ forþ, xx Whi art þou broȝt doun, ſone myn, of an alien womman;
and growiþ in to a parfit day. and art fed in þe boſum of an oþere?
xix Þe weie of vnpitous men derk; þei witen not wher þei xxi Þe Lord lokeþ þe weie of a man; and alle þe goingis of
falle. hym beholdiþ.
xx My ſone, hercne my woordis; and to my ſpechis bowe in xxii His wickeneſſes taken þe vnpitouſe; and wiþ þe cordis of
þin ere. his ſynnes he is togidere ſtreyned.
xxi Ne go þei awey fro þin eȝen; kep þou hem in þe myddel xxiii He ſhal dien, for he hadde not diſcipline; and in þe
of þin herte. multitude of his folie he ſhal ben begylyd.
xxii Forſoþe lif þei ben to þe findende hem, and of alle fleſh
þe helþe. Capitulum VI.
xxiii Wiþ alle warde kep þou þin herte, for of it lif goþ forþ.
i My ſone, if þou become borȝ for þi frend; þou haſt piȝt doun
xxiiii Remoue from þee a ſhreude mouþ; and bacbitende lippis
anent a ſtraunger þin hond.
be þei ferr fro þee. ii Þou art gnarid wiþ þe woordis of þi mouþ; and taken wiþ
xxv Þin eȝen ſee þei riȝte þingis; and þin eȝelidis beforgo þei
þi proper woordis.
þi goingis. iii Do þanne, my ſone, þat I ſeie, and deliuere þi ſelf; for þou
xxvi Riȝt reule þe paþis to þi feet, and alle þi weies be þey
haſt fallen in to þe hond of þi neȝhebore. Ren hider and þider,
ſtablid. heeȝe, rere vp þi frend;
xxvii Ne bowe þou doun to þe riȝt, ne to þe lift; turne awei þi iiii ne ȝiue þou ſlep to þin eȝen, and nappe not þin eȝelidis.
foot fro euel. Forſoþe þe weies þat ben on þe riȝthalf þe Lord v Be þou pullid out as a foun fro þe hond; and as a brid fro
knewȝ; ſhreude forſoþe ben, þat of þe lift ben. He forſoþe riȝt þe ſpies of þe foulere.
ſhal make þi goingus; þi weies forſoþe in pes ſhul be broȝt vi Go to þe anpte, O! þou ſlowe; and behold þe weies of it,
and lerne wiſdam.
vii Þe whiche, whan it haþ no ledere, ne comaundere, ne
Capitulum V.
i My ſone, tac heed to my wiſdam, and to my prudence bowe viii it greiþeþ in þe ſomer mete to hymſelf, and gedereþ
þou þin ere; togidere in time of rip, þat it ete.
ii þat þou kepe þoȝtis, and diſcipline þi lippis wiþholden. Ne ix Hou longe, þou ſlowe, ſhalt þou ſlepe? whanne ſhalt þou
wile þou not entende to þe deſceyuyng of womman; riſe fro þi ſlep?
iii forſoþe an hony comb droppende þe lippis of a ſtrumpet, x A litil while þou ſhalt ſlepe, a litil while þou ſhalt nappe; a
and clerere þan oile þe þrote of hir; litil while þou ſhalt leyn togidere þin hondis, þat þou ſlepe.
iiii forſoþe þe laſte of hir bitter as wormod, and þe tunge of xi And þer ſhal come to þee as a weie goere, nede; and
hir ſharp as a twei bitende ſwerd. poreneſſe, as a man armed. If forſoþe vnſloȝ þou ſhul be, ſhal
v Þe feet of hir gon doun in to deþ; and to helle þe goingis of come as a welle þi rip; and nede ferr ſhal flee fro þee.
hir perſen. xii A man apoſtata, a man ful of ſtrengþe vnprofitable, goþ
vi Bi þe paþ of lif þei gon not; vagaunt ben þe goingus of wiþ peruertid mouþ;
hir, and vnſerchable. xiii he twincleþ wiþ þe eȝen, he trampliþ wiþ þe foot, wiþ þe
vii Now þanne, my ſone, here þou me, and ne go þou awei fingir he ſpekeþ,
fro þe woordis of my mouþ. xiiii wiþ ſhreude herte he caſtiþ euel; and alle times ſtriues he
viii Aferr mac fro hir þi weie, and ne neȝhe þou to þe doris of ſowiþ.
hir hous. xv To þis anoon ſhal come his perdicioun, and ſodeynli he
ix Ne ȝyue þou to alienes þi wrſhipe, and þi ȝeris to þe cruel; ſhall be to-treden; and he ſhal han no mor medecyn.
x leſt perauenture be fulfild ſtraungeres wiþ þi ſtrengþis, and xvi Sixe þingis ben, þat þe Lord hateþ; and þe ſeuenþe þe lif
þi trauailis ben in an aliene hous; of hym warieþ.
xi and þou weile in þi laſte, whan þou haſt waſtid þi fleſh, xvii Heȝe eȝen, a tunge liere, hondis ſhedende out þe innocent
and þi bodi; blod,
xii and ſey, Whi wariede I diſcipline, and to ſnybbingis xviii þe herte caſtende moſt euel þoȝtis, þe ſwifte feet to rennen
aſſentede not myn herte; in to euel,


xix þe bringende forþ leſingis, þe deſceyuable witneſſe; and xiiii Sacrifiſesof victorie for helþe I haue gretli vouwid; to
hym þat ſowiþ among breþer diſcordis. dai I haue ȝolde my vouwis.
xx Wiþhold, my ſone, þe heſtis of þi fader; and ne leue þou þe xv Þerfore I wente out in to þin aȝen comyng, deſirende þee
lawe of þi moder. to ſeen; and I haue founde.
xxi Bind hem biſili in þin herte; and enuyroune to þi þrote. xvi I haue araȝid wiþ cordis my litil bed, and ſpred wiþ
xxii Whan þou ſhalt go, go þei wiþ þee; whan þou ſhalt ſlepe, peintid tapitis of Egipt;
kepe þei þee; and wakende ſpeke þou wiþ hem. xvii I ha ſprengd my ligging place wiþ myrre, and aloes, and
xxiii For þe maundement is a lanterne, and þe lawe liȝt, and canell.
þe weie of lif þe ſnybbing of diſcipline; xviii Cum, and be wee inwardli drunke wiþ tetes, and vſe wee
xxiiii þat þei kepe þee fro an euel womman, and fro þe þe coueitid clippingis; to þe time þat þe dai waxe liȝt.
flaterende tunge of þe ſtraunge womman. xix Þere is not a man in hir hous; he ȝide awei þe moſt ferr
xxv Coueite not þin herte þe fairneſſe of hir; ne be þou take weie.
wiþ þe beckis of hir. xx Þe bagge of his monee he toc wiþ hym; in þe dai of þe
xxvi Þe price forſoþe of þe ſtrumpet vneþe is of o lof; þe fulle moone he is to turne aȝeen in to his hous.
womman forſoþe takeþ þe precious lif of a man. xxi She grenede hym wiþ manye woordis; and wiþ flatering
xxvii Wheþer mai a man hide fir in his boſum, þat his cloþis of lippis ſhe fordroȝ hym.
brenne not; xxii Anoon he folewiþ hir, as an oxe lad to þe ſacrifiſe of
xxviii or gon vpon colis, and his ſolis ben not brent? victorie; and as a lomb pleiende and vnknowende, þat to
xxix So he þat goþ in to þe womman of his neȝhebore; ſhal bondis þe fool is drawe,
xxiii to þe time þat þe arwe þirle þurȝ his mawe. As if a brid
not ben clene, whan he touchiþ hir.
xxx Not gret is þe blame, whan a man ſteliþ; forſoþe he heeȝe to þe grene; and wot not, þat of þe perile of his lif me
ſteleþ, þat he fulfille þe hungrende ſoule. xxiiii Now þanne, ſone myn, here þou me; and tac tente to þe
xxxi Caȝt þerewiþ forſoþe he ſhal ȝelde þe ſeuene fold; and al
woordis of my mouþ.
þe ſubſtaunce of his hous he ſhal take, and deliueren hymſelf. xxv Ne be drawen awei in þe weies of hir þi mynde; ne be
xxxii Who forſoþe is auoutrer; for miſeiſe of herte he ſhal leſen
þou bigilid in þe ſties of hir.
his ſoule. xxvi Manye forſoþe woundid ſhe þrew doun; and alle þe
xxxiii Filþe and ſhenſhepe he gedereþ to hymſelf; and þe repref
ſtrongeſte ben ſlain of hir.
of hym ſhal not ben don awei. xxvii Þe weies of helle þe houſis of hir; perſende in to þe
xxxiiii For þe ielouſneſſe and þe wodneſſe of þe man ſhal not
innermor þingus of deþ.
ſparen in þe dai of veniaunce,
xxxv ne aſſente to þe preȝeeris of any man; and he ſhal not
Capitulum VIII.
take for þe aȝeen biȝing manye ȝiftis.
i Wheþer not wiſdam ofte crieþ; and prudence ȝiueþ his vois?
Capitulum VII. ii In þe heȝeſt and heȝe frountis, aboue þe weie, in þe myddel
i My paþis,
ſone, kep þou my woordis; and myne heſtis ley vp to iii ſtondende biſide þe ȝate of þe cite; in þo ȝate doris it
þee. Sone, honoure þou þe Lord, and þou ſhalt fare wel;
biſide hym forſoþe þou ſhalt not dreden an oþer. ſpekeþ,
ii Kep my maundemens, and þou ſhalt liue; and my lawe as iiii ſeiende, O! men, to ȝou I ofte crie; and my vois to þe
þe appil of þin eȝe. ſones of men.
iii Bind it in þi fingris; wryt it in þe tablis of þin herte. v Vnderſtondeþ, ȝee litle childer, witneſſe; and, ȝee vnwiſe
iiii Sey to wiſdam, My ſiſter þou art; and prudence clep þou men, takeþ heed.
vi Hereþ, for of grete þingis I am to ſpeke; and my lippis
þi lemman.
v Þat it kepe þee fro a ſtraunge womman; and fro an alien, ſhul ben opened, þat euene þingus þei preche.
vii Treuþe my þrote ſhal ſweteli beþenke; and my lippis ſhul
þat hir woordis makeþ ſweete.
vi Fro þe windowe forſoþe of myn hous bi þe latys I beheeld wlate þe vnpitouſe.
viii Riȝtwiſe ben alle my ſermownes; þer is not in hem any
þe ȝunge man; and I ſee litle childer.
vii I beholde þe ſori hertid ȝunge man, þing ſhreude, ne peruertid.
ix Riȝte þei ben to vnderſtondende men; and euene to men
viii þat paſſeþ þurȝ þe ſtretis, biſide þe corner; and neȝ þe weie
findende kunnyng.
of þat hous goþ in derc, x Takeþ my diſcypline, and not money; doctrine mor þan
ix þe dai waxende to euen, in þe nyȝtis dercneſſis and
treſor cheſeþ.
myſtyneſſe. xi Betere is wiſdam þan alle þe moſt precious richeſſis; and al
x And lo! a womman aȝen cam to hym, wiþ ſtrumpet aray
deſirable þing to it mai not be compariſound.
befor maad redi to þe ſoulis to be deſceyued, xii I, wiſdam, dwelle in counſeil; and am among to lerned
xi a chaterere, and vagaunt of reſte, vnpacient, ne mowende in
þe hous abide ſtille wiþ hir feet; xiii Þe drede of þe Lord hateþ euel; enhauncing, and pride,
xii now wiþouteforþ, now in þe ſtretys, now beſide þe corneres
and þe ſhreude weie, and þe mouþ of þe twiſil tunge I wlate.
aſpiende. xiiii Myn is counſeil, and equite; myn is prudence, myn is
xiii And þe caȝte ȝunge man ſhe kiſſeþ; and wiþ wowende
and ſtrengþe.
chere ſhe flatereþ, ſeiende, xv By me kingus regnen; and makeris of lawis riȝte þingus


xvi Bi me princis comaunden; and myȝti men deme ix Ȝif to þe wiſe man ocaſioun; and þer ſhal ben addid to hym
riȝtwiſneſſe. wiſdam. Tech þe riȝtwis man; and he ſhall heeȝe to take.
xvii I men loouende me looue; and þat erli waken at me, ſhul x Þe begynnyng of wiſdam þe drede of þe Lord; and þe
finde me. kunnyng of halewis prudence.
xviii Wiþ me ben richeſſis, and glorie; and proud xi Forſoþe bi me ſhul be multiplied þi daȝes; and ben added to
plenteuouſneſſis, and riȝtwiſneſſe. þee þe ȝerys of lif.
xix Betere is my frut þan gold, and þan precious ſton; and xii If a wis man þou ſhul be; to þiſelf þou ſhalt be, and to þi
my buriounyngis þan choſen ſiluer. neȝheboris. If forſoþe a gilere; alone þou ſhalt bern euel.
xx In þe weies of riȝtwiſneſſe I go, in þe myddel of paþis of xiii A fool womman, and crious, and ful of euele draȝtis to
dom; delicis, and no þing outerli kunnende,
xxi þat I make riche men loouende me, and fulfille þe treſores xiiii ſat in þe ȝate doris of hir hous, vpon a ſete, in þe heȝe
of hem. place of þe cite;
xxii Þe Lord weldide me in þe begynnyng of his weies; er xv þat ſhe myȝte clepe men paſſende bi þe weie, and men
any þing ſhulde be maad, of þe firſte cauſe. goende in þer gate.
xxiii Of þe euere laſtende I am ordeyned; and of þe olde, er xvi Who is a litil child; bowe he doun to me. And to þe ſory
þe erþe ſhulde be maad. hertid ſhe ſpac,
xxiiii Not ȝit weren þe depþis of watir; and I now was xvii Stoln watris ben ſwettere, and hid bred more ſwete.
conceyued. And not ȝit þe wellis of watris hadden broken out, xviii And he knew not þat þere ben ieauntis; and in þe depþis
xxv ne ȝit þe mounteynes in heuy mykilneſſe hadden ben of helle þe geſtis of hir. Who forſoþe ſhal be ioyned to hir;
maad; er þe hillis I was born. ſhal falle doun in to helle. For whi he þat goþ awey from hir;
xxvi Ȝit þe erþe he hadde not maad; and flodis, and þe utmoſt ſhal be ſaued.
poyntys of þe roundneſſe of þe erþe.
xxvii Whan he greiþede heuenes, I was þereat; whan in Capitulum X.
certein lawe and cumpas he cloſide þe depneſſe of watris. iA wys ſone gladeþ þe fader; forſoþe a ſone fool, þe ſorewe is
xxviii Whan þe eir he faſtnede aboue; and weȝede þe wellis of
of his modir.
watris. ii No þing ſhal profiten þe treſores of vnpitouſneſſe;
xxix Whan he cumpaſide to þe ſe his terme; and lawe putte to
riȝtwiſneſſe forſoþe ſhal deliuere fro deþ.
watris, þat þei paſſe not þere cooſtis. Whan he heeng vp þe iii Þe Lord ſhal not tormente þurȝ hungir þe ſoule of þe
foundemens of þe erþe; riȝtwiſe; and þe ſpies of þe vnpitous men he ſhal turn vpſo
xxx wiþ hym I was, alle þingis puttende togidere. And I
delitede bi alle daȝes, beforn hym alle time, iiii Nedyneſſe wercheþ þe ſlowe hond; þe hond forſoþe of
xxxi pleiende in to þe roundneſſe of erþis; and my delicis to be
ſtronge men greiþeþ richeſſis. Who forſoþe vſeþ leſingis, þis
wiþ þe ſones of men. fedeþ windis; þe ſame folewiþ fleende briddes.
xxxii Now þanne, ſones, hereþ me; blisful þat kepen my v Who gedereþ in rep, is a wis ſone; who forſoþe routeþ in
weies. ſomer, is þe ſone of confuſioun.
xxxiii Hereþ diſcipline, and beþ wiſe men; and wileþ not caſten vi Þe bliſſing of God vpon þe hed of þe riȝtwis; þe mouþ
it awei. forſoþe of vnpitous men wickidneſſe couereþ.
xxxiiii Blisful þe man þat hereþ me, and þat wakeþ at my vii Þe mynde of þe riȝtwiſe wiþ preiſingis; and þe name of
ȝate dores al dai; and þat waitiþ at þe poſtis of my dore. vnpitous men ſhal waxe ſtinkinge.
xxxv Who me ſhal finde, ſhal finde lif; and drawen helþe of þe viii Þe wiſe man in herte ſhal kepen þe heſtis; þe fool is beten
Lord. wiþ lippis.
xxxvi Who forſoþe in me ſhal ſynnen, ſhal hurten his ſoule; ix Who goþ ſimpleli, goþ troſtli; who forſoþe beſhrewiþ his
alle þat hateden me, loouen deþ. weies, ſhal be maad opene.
x Who twincliþ wiþ eȝe, ſhal ȝiue ſorewe; þe fool wiþ lippis
Capitulum IX. ſhal be bete.
i Wiſdam bilde out to xi Þe veyne of lif þe mouþ of þe riȝtwis; þe mouþ forſoþe of
hym an hous; heew out ſeuen pileris,
ii offride his ſacrifiſes vnpitous men couereþ wickidneſſe.
of victorie, mengde win, and ſette forþ xii Hate rereþ ſtriues; and alle giltis charite couereþ.
his bord.
iii He ſente his hand wymmen, þat þei ſhulde clepe to þe xiii In þe lippis of þe wis man is founde wiſdam; and a ȝerde
heiȝte; and to þe wallis of þe cite. in þe rigge of hym þat is nedi in herte.
iiii If any is a litil child; come he to me. And to vnwiſe men xiiii Wiſe men hiden kunnyng; þe mouþ forſoþe of þe fool is
he ſpac, next to confuſioun.
v Comeþ, etiþ my bred; and drinkeþ win, þat I mengde to xv Þe ſubſtaunce of þe riche man þe cite of his ſtrengþe; þe
ȝou. ferd of pore men þe nedyneſſe of hem.
vi Forſakeþ childhed, and liueþ; and goþ bi þe weies of xvi Þe werc of þe riȝtwis man to lif; þe frut forſoþe of þe
prudence. vnpitous to ſynne.
vii Who lerneþ a ſcornere, doþ wrong he to hymſelf; and who xvii Þe weie of lif to þe kepende diſcipline; who forſoþe
vndernemeþ þe vnpitouſe, to hymſelf a wem gendriþ. vndernemyngis forſakeþ, erreþ.
viii Wile þou not vndernyme þe ſcornere; leſt he ſhul hate þee. xviii Liende lippis hiden hate; who ſpekeþ wrongful blamyng,
Vndirnym þe wiſe man; and he ſhal looue þee. is an vnwis man.


xix In myche ſpeche ſhal not lacke ſynne; who forſoþe temperþ xvi A gracious womman ſhal finden glorie; and ſtronge men
his lippis, is moſt prudent. ſhuln han richeſſis.
xx Choſen ſiluer þe tunge of þe riȝtwis; þe herte of vnpitous xvii Wel doþ to his ſoule þe merciful man; who forſoþe is
men for noȝt. cruel, caſteþ awei neeȝh men.
xxi Þe lippis of þe riȝtwiſe techen manye; who forſoþe ben xviii Þe vnpitouſe makeþ werc vnſtable; to þe ſowende forſoþe
vntaȝt, in þe nedyneſſe of herte ſhul die. riȝtwiſneſſe feiþfull mede.
xxii Þe bleſſing of þe Lord makeþ riche men; ne ſhal be xix Noble mercy ſhal greiþe lif; and folewing of euelis deþ.
felaſhipid to þem tormenting. xx Abhominable a ſhreude herte to þe Lord; and his wil in
xxiii As by laȝhing þe fool werchiþ hidous treſpas; wiſdam hem, þat ſimply gon.
forſoþe is to a man purueing. xxi Hond in hond, ſhal not ben innocent þe euele man; þe ſed
xxiiii Þat þat þe vnpitouſe dredeþ, ſhal come vpon hym; þer forſoþe of riȝtwis men ſhal be ſaued.
deſir to riȝtwis men ſhal be ȝiue. xxii A goldene cercle in þe noſeþirlis of a ſouwe, a fair
xxv As tempeſt paſſende, ſhal be þe vnpitouſe; þe riȝtwiſe womman and a fool.
forſoþe as euere durende ground. xxiii Þe deſir of riȝtwis men alle good þing is; þe abiding of
xxvi As eiſel to teeþ, and ſmoke to eȝen; ſo þe ſlowe to hem vnpitous men wodneſſe.
þat ſenten hym in þe weie. xxiiii Oþere men deuyden proper þingus, and ben maad
xxvii Þe drede of þe Lord leiþ to daȝes; and þe ȝeris of richere; oþere reuen not þeir owne, and euermor ben in
vnpitous men ſhul be ſhortid. nedyneſſe.
xxviii Þe biding of riȝtwiſmen gladneſſe; þe hope forſoþe of xxv Þe lif þat bliſſeþ, ſhal ben inwardli fattid; and he þat
vnpitous men ſhal perſhen. makeþ inwardli drunken, alſo hymſelf ſhal ben inwardli maad
xxix Þe ſtrengþe of þe ſimple þe weie of þe Lord; and ferd to drunken.
þem þat werken euel. xxvi He þat hideþ whete in time, ſhal be curſid in puplis;
xxx Þe riȝtwis into wiþoute ende ſhal not be moued; vnpitouſe bleſſing forſoþe vp on þe hed of ſilleris.
forſoþe ſhul not dwelle vp on erþe. xxvii Wel riſeþ erli, þat ſecheþ goodis; who forſoþe is
xxxi Þe mouþ of þe riȝtwis ſhal bere wiſdam; þe tunge of enſerchere of euelis, of hem ſhal be oppreſſid.
ſhrewis ſhal perſhen. xxviii Who troſteþ in his richeſſis, ſhal falle; riȝtwis men
xxxii Þe lippis of þe riȝtwis beholden pleſid þingis; and þe forſoþe as a greene lef ſhul burioune.
mouþ of vnpitouſe peruertid þingis. xxix Who diſturbiþ his hous, ſhal han windis; and he þat is a
fool, ſhal ſeruen to þe wiſe man.
Capitulum XI. xxx Þe frut of þe riȝtwiſe þe tree of lif; and he þat vndertakeþ

ſoulis, is a wis man.
treccherous weȝe abominacioun is anent God; and an euen xxxi If þe riȝtwiſe in þe erþe reſceyueþ, myche more þe
weiȝt þe wil of hym. vnpitous, and þe ſynnere.
ii Wher ſhal be pride, þere ſhal be wrongful blamyng; wher
forſoþe is mecneſſe, and þere wiſdam. Capitulum XII.
iii Simpleneſſe of riȝtwis men ſhal riȝt reule þem; and
ſupplaunting of peruertid men ſhal waſte þem. i Who looueþ diſcipline, looueþ kunnyng; who forſoþe hateþ
iiii Richeſſis ſhul not profiten in þe day of veniaunce; forſoþe blamyngus, is vnwis.
riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal deliuere fro deþ. ii Who forſoþe is good, ſhal drawe to hym grace of þe Lord;
v Riȝtwiſneſſe of þe ſimple ſhal riȝt reulen his weie; and þe who forſoþe troſtiþ in his þoȝtis, vnpitouſly doþ.
vnpitous in his vnpitouſneſſe ſhal falle. iii A man ſhal not be ſtrengþid of vnpitouſneſſe; and þe roote
vi Þe riȝtwiſneſſe of riȝt men ſhal deliuere þem; and wicke of riȝtwis men ſhal not ben al moued.
men in þer aſpies ſhul be take. iiii A biſi womman a croune is to hir man; and ſtinc in þe
vii Þe vnpytous man dead, noon hope ſhal ben ouer; and þe bones of hir, þat berþ þingus wrþi confuſioun.
abiding of biſy men ſhal perſhe. v Þe þoȝtis of riȝtwis men domes; and counſeilis of vnpitous
viii Þe riȝtwis fro anguyſh is deliuered; and ſhal be take þe men gileſum.
vnpitous for hym. vi Þe woordis of vnpitous men ſpien to blod; þe mouþ of
ix Þe feynere in mouþ deſceyueþ his frend; riȝtwis men riȝtwis men ſhal deliuere þem.
forſoþe ſhul ben deliuered wiþ kunnyng. vii Turne vnpitous men, and þei ſhul not be; þe houſis forſoþe
x In goodis of riȝtwis men ſhal ben enhauncid þe cite; and in of riȝtwis men ſhal abide ſtille.
þe leeſing of vnpitous men ſhal ben preiſing. viii Bi his doctrine ſhal be knowen a man; who forſoþe is
xi Þurȝ þe bleſſing of riȝtwis men ſhal ben enhauncid þe cite; veyn and herteles, ſhal ben open to deſpiſing.
and bi þe mouþ of vnpitous men it ſhal be turned vp ſo doun. ix Betere is a pore man, and ſuffiſaunt to hymſelf, þan a
xii Who deſceyueþ his frend, is nedi in herte; þe prudent man glorious, and nedi bred.
forſoþe ſhal be ſtille. x Þe riȝtwis knewȝ þe liues of his helpeli beſtis; þe bowelis
xiii Who goþ gilendeli, ſhewiþ priue þingus; who forſoþe is forſoþe of vnpitous men cruel.
feiþful, hiliþ þe gilte of þe frend. xi Who werkeþ his lond, ſhal be fulfild wiþ loues; who forſoþe
xiiii Wher is not a gouernour, þe puple falliþ; helþe forſoþe, folewiþ idel reſte, moſt fool is. Who is ſweete, liueþ in
wher ben manye counſelis. tempringis; in his moneſtingis he forſakeþ wrongful
xv He ſhal be tormentid wiþ euel, þat doþ feiþ for a ſtranger; blamyngis.
xii Þe deſir of þe vnpitous is þe myndeful place of werſt
who forſoþe ſhoneþ grenes, ſhal be ſikir.
þingis; þe roote forſoþe of riȝtwis men ſhal profiten.


xiii For þe ſynnes of lippis falling neȝheþ to þe euel man; xiiii Þe lawe of a wis man þe welle of lif; þat he bowe awei
forſoþe þe riȝtwis man ſhal fleen out of anguyſh. fro þe falling of deþ.
xiiii Of þe frut of his mouþ eche ſhal be fulfild of goodis; and xv Good doctrine ſhal ȝyue grace; in þe weye of diſpiſeris a
after þe werkis of his hondis it ſhal be ȝolde to hym. ſwolwȝ.
xv Þe weie of þe fool riȝt in þe eȝen of hym; who forſoþe is a xvi A witti man alle þingis doþ wiþ counſeil; who forſoþe is a
wis man, hereþ counſeilis. fool, ſhall opene folie.
xvi Þe fool ſhewiþ anoon his wraþe; who forſoþe diſſymuliþ xvii Þe meſſager of þe vnpitous ſhal falle in to euel; þe feiþful
wrongus, is fel. ſent is helþe.
xvii Who þat he knewȝ, ſpekeþ, domes man of riȝtwiſneſſe is; xviii Nedyneſſe and ſhenſhipe to hym þat forſakeþ diſcipline;
who forſoþe lieþ, is a gileful witneſſe. who forſoþe aſſenteþ to þe vndernymere, ſhal ben glorified.
xviii Þer is þat behoteþ, and as wiþ a ſwerd is pungid to þe xix Deſir, if it be fulfild, delitiþ þe ſoule; foolis wlaten hem
conſcience; þe tunge forſoþe of wiſe men is helþe. þat flen euelis.
xix Þe lippe of truþe ſhal be faſt in to wiþoute ende; who xx Who wiþ wiſe goþ, a wis man ſhal ben; þe frend of folis
forſoþe is a feerli witneſſe, makeþ a tunge of leſing. lic ſhal be maad.
xx Treccherie in þe herte of men þenkende euelys; who forſoþe xxi Synneres euel purſueþ; and to riȝtwis men goode þingis
gon in to þe counſeilis of pes, hem folewiþ ioȝe. ſhul be ȝolde.
xxi Shal not holli ſorewen þe riȝtwis man, what euere þing xxii A good man leueþ eiris ſones, and ſonys ſones; and is
ſhal falle to hym; vnpitous men forſoþe ſhul be fulfild of euel. kept to þe riȝtwiſe þe ſubſtaunce of þe ſynnere.
xxii Abomynacioun is to þe Lord liende lippis; who forſoþe xxiii Manye metis in þe newid feeldis of fadris; and to oþere
feiþfulli don, pleſen to hym. men þei ben gedered wiþoute dom.
xxiii A man turned to deceit, hiliþ kunnyng; þe herte of vnwiſe xxiiii Who ſpareþ to þe ȝerde, hatiþ his ſone; who forſoþe
men ſtireþ to folie. looueþ hym, biſili techeþ.
xxiiii Þe hond of ſtronge men ſhal lordſhepen; þe whiche xxv Þe riȝtwis eteþ, and fulfilliþ his ſoule; þe wombe forſoþe
forſoþe is ſloȝ, ſhal ſerue to tributis. of vnpitous vnfilable.
xxv Mornyng in þe herte of þe riȝtwis man ſhal meken hym;
and wiþ a good woord he ſhal `be maad glad. Capitulum XIIII.
xxvi Who diſpiſiþ harm for a frend, is riȝtwis; þe weie forſoþe
i The wiſe womman bildeþ vp hir hous; þe vnwiſe þe maad
of vnpitous men ſhal deſceyue þem. out forſoþe wiþ hondis ſhal deſtroȝe.
xxvii Þe gileful man ſhal not finde wynnyng; and þe
ii Þe goende in riȝt weie, and dredende God, is diſpiſid of
ſubſtaunce of a man ſhal be þe pris of gold. hym, þat goþ in þe euel loſid weie.
xxviii In þe paþ of riȝtwiſneſſe lif; þe going out wei forſoþe
iii In þe mouþ of þe fool a ȝerde of pride; þe lippis of wiſe
ledeþ to deþ. men kepen hem.
iiii Wher ben not oxen, þe cracche is voide; wher forſoþe
Capitulum XIII. aperen many tilþis, þere is open maad þe ſtrengþe of þe oxe.
i The wiſe ſone þe doctrine of þe fader; who forſoþe is a v A feiþful witneſſe ſhal not lien; þe trecherous witneſſe ſpekeþ
gilere, hereþ not, whan he is vndernomyn. leſing.
ii Of þe frut of his mouþ a man ſhal be fild wiþ goodis; þe vi Þe ſcornere ſekeþ wiſdam, and findeþ not; þe doctrine of
ſoule forſoþe of `þe lawe brekeris wicke. prudent men liȝt.
iii Who kepeþ his mouþ, kepeþ his ſoule; who forſoþe is vii Go aȝen þe fol; and he ſhal not knowe þe lippis of
vnauyſid to ſpeken, ſhal felen euelis. prudence.
iiii Þe ſlowe wile, and wile not; þe ſoule forſoþe of werkende viii Þe wiſdam of þe witti man is to vnderſtonde his weie;
men ſhal ben inwardliche fattid. and þe vnprudence of foolis erring.
v A leſing woord þe riȝtwis man ſhal wlaten; þe vnpitous man ix Þe fool ſcorneþ ſynne; among riȝtwis men grace ſhal wone.
forſoþe ſhendeþ, and ſhal be ſhent. x Þe herte þat knew þe bitterneſſe of his ſoule; in ioȝe to hym
vi Riȝtwiſneſſe kepeþ þe weie of þe innocent; vnpitouſneſſe ſhal not be togidere mengd a ſtraunger.
forſoþe ſupplauntiþ þe ſynnere. xi Þe hous of vnpitous men ſhal be don awei; þe tabernaclis
vii Þer is as a riche man, whan no þing he haþ; and þer is of riȝtwis men ſhal burioune.
as a pore man, whan in many richeſſes he is. xii Þer is forſoþe a weie, þat ſemeþ to a man riȝtwis; þe laſte
viii Þe aȝeen biyng of þe ſoule of a man his richeſſis; who þingus forſoþe of it bringen doun to deþ.
forſoþe is a pore man, blamyng ſuffreþ not. xiii Lawȝing wiþ ſorewe ſhal be mengd; and þe endis of ioȝe
ix Þe liȝt of riȝtwis men makeþ glad; þe lanterne forſoþe of weiling ocupieþ.
vnpitous men ſhal ben quenchid. xiiii Wiþ his weies ſhal be fulfild þe fol; and aboue hym ſhal
x Among proude men euermor ben ſtriues; who forſoþe alle be a good man.
þingis don wiþ counſeil, ben gouerned wiþ wiſdam. xv Þe innocent trowiþ to eche woord; þe witti beholdeþ his
xi Subſtaunce haſtid ſhal be laſſid; þat forſoþe litilmele is goingis.
gedered, wiþ hond ſhal be multeplied. xvi Þe wiſe man dredeþ, and bowiþ doun fro euel; þe fol
xii Hope þat is deferrid, tormenteþ þe ſoule; þe tree of lif deſir ouerlepeþ, and troſteþ.
comynge. xvii Þe vnpacient ſhal werche folie; and þe deſſeyuable man is
xiii Who bacbiteþ to any þing, he obliſheþ hymſelf in to þe hateful.
time to come; who forſoþe dredeþ þe heſte, in pes ſhal wone. xviii Litle childer ſhul welde folie; and witti men ſhul abide


xix Euel men ſhul lyn befor good men; and vnpitous men xii Þe bacbitere looueþ not hym þat chaſtiſeþ hym; ne to wiſe
befor þe ȝatis of riȝtwis men. men goþ.
xx Alſo to his neȝhebore þe pore man hateful ſhal be; þe xiii Þe ioȝende herte makeþ out gladſum þe face; in mornyng
frendis forſoþe of riche men manye. of inwit ſhal be þrowe doun þe ſpirit.
xxi Who deſpiſiþ his neȝhebore, ſynneþ; who forſoþe doþ merci xiiii Þe herte of þe wiſe man ſhal ſeche doctrine; and þe mouþ
to þe pore man, ſhal be blisful. Who leeueþ in þe Lord, of foolis is fed wiþ vnwiſdam.
looueþ merci; xv Alle þe daȝis of þe pore euele; a ſikir mynde as a
xxii þei erren, þat werchen euel. Mercy and treuþe greiþen contynuel feſte.
goodis; xvi Betere is a litil wiþ þe drede of þe Lord, þan grete
xxiii in alle good werc plente ſhal be. Wher forſoþe ben manye treſoris and vnfillable.
woordis, þere nedyneſſe ofte. xvii Betere is to be clepid to wrtis wiþ charite, þan to a fat
xxiiii Þe croune of wiſe men þe richeſſes of hem; þe folie of calf wiþ hate.
foolis vnprudence. xviii A man ful of wraþe ſtiriþ ſtriues; who is pacient, ſwageþ
xxv A feiþful witneſſe deliuereþ ſoulis; and ſpekeþ leſingus þe þe vprered.
peruertid. xix Þe weie of ſlowe men as heggis of þornes; þe weie of
xxvi In þe drede of þe Lord troſt of ſtrengþe; and to þe ſones riȝtwis men wiþoute þing of hurting.
of hym ſhal ben hope. xx A wis ſone makeþ glad þe fader; and a fool man deſpiſeþ
xxvii Þe drede of þe Lord þe welle of lif; þat he bowe doun his moder.
fro falling of deþ. xxi Folie is ioȝe to þe fool; and a prudent man ſhal riȝt reulen
xxviii In þe multitude of puple þe dignete of þe king; and in his goingus.
feweneſſe of folc þe ſhenſhipe of þe prince. xxii Þoȝtis ben to-ſcatered, wher is not counſeil; wher forſoþe
xxix Who is pacient, is gouerned wiþ myche wiſdam; who ben manye counſeileris, þei ben confermed.
forſoþe is vnpacient, enhaunceþ hys folie. xxiii A man gladeþ in þe ſentence of his mouþ; and þe ſpedful
xxx Þe lif of fleſh helþe of herte; þe ſtink of bones enuye. ſermoun is beſt.
xxxi Who wrongfulli chalengeþ þe nedi, myſſeiþ to his makere; xxiiii Þe paþ of lif vp on þe taȝt man; þat he bowe doun fro
he honoureþ hym forſoþe, þat haþ reuþe of þe pore. þe laſt helle.
xxxii In hys malice is put out þe vnpitous; þe riȝtwis forſoþe xxv Þe hous of proude men þe Lord ſhal deſtroȝe; and
hopeþ in his deþ. ſtedefaſt he ſhal make þe termes of þe widewe.
xxxiii In þe herte of þe prudent man ſhal reſte wiſdam; and xxvi Abominacioun of þe Lord euele þoȝtis; a pure ſermoun
vntaȝt men alſo it ſhal lerne. moſt fair ſhal be faſtned of hym.
xxxiiii Riȝtwiſneſſe rereþ vp folc; wreccheful makeþ puplis xxvii He al diſturbiþ his hous, þat folewiþ auarice; who
ſynne. forſoþe hatiþ ȝiftis, ſhal liue. Bi merci and feiþ ben purgyd
xxxv Alowid is to þe king an vnderſtondende ſeruaunt; þe ſynnes; bi þe drede forſoþe of þe Lord bowiþ doun eche man
plente of his wraþe þe vnprofitable ſhal ſuffre. fro euel.
xxviii Þe mynde of þe riȝtwis ſweteli þenkeþ wiſdam; þe mouþ
Capitulum XV. of vnpitous men reboundeþ to euelis.
xxix Ferr is þe Lord fro vnpitous men; and þe oriſouns of
iA neſſhe anſwere brekeþ wraþe; an hard woord rereþ riȝtwis men he ſhal ful out heren.
woodneſſe. xxx Þe liȝt of eȝen makeþ glad þe ſoule; good los inwardli
ii Þe tunge of wiſe men enhourneþ kunnyng; þe mouþ of
fattiþ bones.
foolis boiliþ out folie. xxxi Þe ere þat hereþ blamyngus of lif, in þe myddel of wiſe
iii In alle place þe eȝen of þe Lord beholden goode men, and
men ſhal al abide.
euele. xxxii Who caſteþ awei diſcipline, deſpiſeþ his ſoule; who
iiii A pleſable tunge þe tree of lif; whiche forſoþe is vntemprid,
forſoþe aſſenteþ to vndirnymyngis, weldere is of herte.
ſhal defoule þe ſpirit. xxxiii Þe drede of þe Lord diſcipline of wiſdam; and mecneſſe
v Þe fol ſcorneþ þe diſcipline of his fader; who forſoþe kepiþ
goþ befor glorie.
blamyngis, ſhal be more witti. In plenteeuous riȝtwiſneſſe is
moſt vertue; þoȝtys forſoþe of vnpitous men ſhul be pullid out Capitulum XVI.
bi þe roote.
vi Þe hous of þe riȝtwiſe myche ſtrengþe; and in þe frutis of i Off a man is to make redy þe inwit; and of þe Lord to
vnpitouſe al diſturbaunce. gouerne þe tunge.
vii Þe lippis of wiſe men ſhul ſowen abrod kunnyng; þe herte ii Alle þe weies of man ben opene to þe eȝen of hym; of
of foolis vnlic ſhal ben. ſpiritis þe peiſere is þe Lord.
viii Þe ſacrifiſe of victorie of vnpitous men wlateſum to þe iii Shewe to þe Lord þi werkis; and riȝt reulid ſhul ben þi
Lord; þe vouwis of riȝtwys men pleſable. þoȝtis.
ix Abominacioun is to þe Lord þe lif of þe vnpitous; who iiii Alle þingus for hymſelf wroȝte þe Lord; alſo þe vnpitouſe
folewiþ riȝtwiſneſſe, ſhal be looued of hym. to þe euele dai.
x Euel doctrine to þe forſakende þe weie of lif; who blamyngis v Abominacioun is of þe Lord eche proud man; alſo if hond at
hateþ, ſhal dien. hond were, he `ſhal not be innocent. Þe begynnyng of þe good
xi Helle and perdicioun befor þe Lord; myche more þe hertis wey to do riȝtwyſſneſſe; is alouwid anent God, more þan to
of þe ſonus of men. offre oſtis.


vi Bi merci and treuþe wickidneſſe is forboȝt; and in drede of ii A wis ſeruaunt ſhal lordſhipen to ſones foolis; and among
þe Lord is bowid awei fro euel. breþeren eritage he ſhal deuyde.
vii Whan ſhul pleſe to þe Lord þe weies of man, þe enemys iii As bi fyr is proued ſiluer, and gold bi þe chymney, ſo
forſoþe of hym he ſhal turne to pes. hertes þe Lord preueþ.
viii Betere is a litil wiþ riȝtwiſneſſe, þan manye frutis wiþ iiii Þe euele man obeſheþ to þe wicke tunge; and þe
wickidneſſe. deſceyuable conſenteþ to þe liende lippis.
ix Þe herte of man ſhal diſpoſen his weie; but of þe Lord is v Who diſpiſeþ a pore man, myſſeyþ to his makere; and who
to riȝt reulen his goingis. gladeþ in þe falling of an oþer, ſhal not ben vnpunſhid.
x Deuynyng in þe lippis of þe king; in dom his mouþ ſhal not vi Þe croune of olde men ſones of ſones; and þe glorie of
erre. ſones þe fadris of hem.
xi Weiȝte and balaunce ben þe domes of þe Lord; and his vii Þere ſemeþ not þe fool faire ſet woordis; ne þe prince a
werkis alle þe ſtones of þe world. liende lippe.
xii Abominable to þe king, þat don vnpitouſly; for bi viii Moſt kinde iemme þe abiding of þe abidere; whider euere
riȝtwiſneſſe is faſtned þe kingis dignete. he turneþ hymſelf, prudentli he vnderſtant.
xiii Þe wil of þe king riȝtwis lippis; þat riȝt þingus ſpekeþ, ix Who heliþ þe gilte, ſecheþ frenſhipis; who wiþ an oþer
ſhal be riȝt reulid. ſermoun reherceþ, ſeuereþ þe federed.
xiiii Þe indignacioun of þe king meſſageres of deþ; and a wis x Mor profiteþ correccioun anent þe prudent, þan an hundrid
man ſhal don aſeeþ to hym. veniaunces anent þe fol.
xv In gladneſſe of þe chere of þe king lif; and þe noble mercy xi Euermor ſtriues ſecheþ þe euel man; þe cruel forſoþe aungil
of hym as euetid weder. ſhal be ſent aȝen hym.
xvi Weld wiſdam, for betere it is þan gold; and purchaſe xii It ſpedeþ mor to aȝen come to a ſhe bere, whan hir
prudence, for it is mor precious þan ſiluer. whelpis ben take awey, þan to a fol troſtende to hymſelf in
xvii Þe paþ of riȝtwis men bowiþ awei euelis; þe kepere of his folie.
his ſoule holdeþ faſte his weye. xiii Who ȝeldeþ euelis for goodis, ſhal not go awei euel fro
xviii Pride goþ befor contricioun; and befor falling þe ſpirit his hous.
ſhal ben enhauncid. xiiii Who leueþ water, hed is of ſtriues; and er he ſuffre
xix Betere is to be meke wiþ mylde men, þan to deuyde wrong blamyng, dom he forſakeþ.
ſpoilis wiþ proude men. xv And who iuſtefieþ þe vnpitouſe, and who condempneþ þe
xx Þe lerned in woord ſhal finde goodis; and þat hopeþ in þe riȝtwiſe, abominable is eiþer anent God.
Lord is blisful. xvi What profiteþ to þe fol to han richeſſis, whan wiſdam bie
xxi Who is wis in herte, ſhal be clepid prudent; and who is he mai not? Who heiȝ makeþ his hous, ſecheþ falling; and
ſweete in fair ſpeche, more þingis ſhal finde. who ſhoneþ to lerne, falleþ in to euelis.
xxii Þe welle of lif þe lernyng of þe weldere; þe doctrine of xvii Alle time looueþ, þat is a frend; and a broþer in
foolis folie. anguyſſhis is preued.
xxiii Þe herte of þe wiſe man ſhal lerne þe mouþ of hym; and xviii A fool man ſhal for ioȝe flappe wiþ hondis, whan he ſhal
to þe lippis of hym it ſhal adde grace. behoten for his frend.
xxiiii Þe comb of hony wel ſet woordis; ſwetneſſe of ſoule is xix Who ſweteli þenkeþ diſcordis, looueþ ſtriues; and who
helþe of bones. enhaunciþ his herte, ſecheþ falling.
xxv Þer is a weie þat ſemeþ to a man riȝt; and þe laſt þingis xx Who is of peruertid herte, findeþ not good; and who turneþ
of it leden to deþ. þe tunge, ſhal falle in to euel.
xxvi Þe ſoule of þe trauailere trauaileþ to hymſelf; for hys xxi Born is þe fool in his ſhenſhipe; but ne þe fader in þe fol
mouþ compellide hym. ſhal glade.
xxvii An unwis man delueþ euel; and in þe lippis of hym fyr xxii Ioȝende inwit makeþ briȝt age; a drery ſpirit ful out drieþ
brenneþ. bones.
xxviii A man peruertid rereþ ſtriues; and þe man ful of xxiii Ȝiftis of þe boſum þe vnpitous takeþ, þat he peruerte þe
woordis ſeuereþ princis. paþis of dom.
xxix Þe wicke man flatereþ his frend; and ledeþ hym bi a xxiiii In þe face of þe prudent ſhyneþ wiſdam; þe eȝen of
weie not good. foolis in þe endis of erþe.
xxx Þat wiþ ſtoneȝid eȝen þenkeþ ſhreude þingis, bitende his xxv Þe wraþe of þe fader a ſone fol; þe ſorewe of þe modir
lippis parformeþ euel. þat gat hym.
xxxi Þe croune of dignete elde, þat in þe weie of riȝtwiſneſſe xxvi It is not good to bern in harm to þe riȝtwis; ne to ſmyte
ſhal be founde. a prince þat riȝt demeþ.
xxxii Betere is þe pacient, þan a ſtrong man; and þat xxvii Who tempreþ his woordis, taȝt and prudent is; and of
lordſhipeþ to his wil, þan an ouercomere of cites. precious ſpirit þe man lerned.
xxxiii Lotis ben put in to þe boſum; but of þe Lord þei ben xxviii Þe fool forſoþe, if he holde his pes, wis ſhal ben holde;
temprid. if he þreſte togidere his lippis, vnderſtondende.

Capitulum XVII. Capitulum XVIII.

i Betere i Ocaſioun ſecheþ, þat wil gon awei fro a frend; alle time
is a drie morſel wiþ ioȝe, þan an hous ful of
ſacrifiſes of victorie wiþ ſtrif. wariable he ſhal be.


ii A fol reſceiueþ not þe woordis of prudence; but þo þingis vi Manye herien þe perſone of þe myȝti; and frendis ben of þe
þou ſhul ſeyn, þat ben ofte turned in his herte. ȝiuende ȝiftis.
iii Þe vnpitous, whan in to depþe of ſynne ſhal come, diſpiſeþ; vii Þe breþern of þe pore man hateden hym; ferþermor and
and þer folewiþ hym ſhenſhipe and repreff. frendis aferr wenten awei fro hym. Who onli woordis folewiþ,
iiii Deep water woordis of þe mouþ of a man; and a ſtef ſtrem no þing ſhal han;
þe reboundende welle of wiſdam. viii who forſoþe weldere is of þe mynde, looueþ his ſoule, and
v To alouwen þe perſone of þe vnpitouſe in dom, is not good, þe kepere of prudence ſhal finde goodis.
þat þou bowe awei fro þe ſoþfaſtneſſe of dom. ix Þe falſe witneſſe ſhal not ben vnpunſhid; and þat ſpekeþ
vi Þe lippis of þe fol ſhul menge þemſelf wiþ ſtriues; and þe leſing, ſhal perſhen.
mouþ of hym debatis ſtireþ. x Delicis ſemen not þe fool; ne þe ſeruaunt to lordſhipen to
vii Þe mouþ of þe fool `to-treding of hym; and þe lippis of princis.
hym þe falling of his ſoule. xi Þe doctrine of a man bi pacience is knowe; and þe glorie
viii Þe woordis of þe twiſil tunge as ſimple; and þo þurȝ of hym is to go biſide wicke þingys.
comen vnto þe entrailis of þe wombe. Þe ſlowe drede þrewȝ xii As þe gnaſting of a leoun, ſo and þe wraþe of þe king;
doun; þe ſoulis forſoþe of wommanyſh men ſhul hungren. and as deu vpon erbe, ſo and þe gladneſſe of hym.
ix Who is neſſhe, and diſſolut in his werk, broþer is of þe xiii Þe ſorewe of þe fader, þe ſone a fol; and rooues
man ſcaterende his werkes. contynuelli þurȝ droppende, a womman ful of ſtrif.
x Þe moſt ſtrong tour þe name of þe Lord; to it renneþ þe xiiii Houſis and richeſſis ben ȝeue of þe fadris; of þe Lord
riȝtwiſe, and he ſhal ben enhauncid. forſoþe properli a prudent wif.
xi Þe ſubſtaunce of þe riche man þe cite of his ſtrengþe; and xv Slouþe ſendeþ in ſlep; and a diſſolut ſoule ſhal hungre.
as a ſtrong wal cumpaſſende hym. xvi Who kepeþ þe maundement, kepeþ his ſoule; who forſoþe
xii Er it be to-treden, is enhauncid þe herte of a man; and er deſpiſiþ his weie, ſhal be maad dead.
it be glorified, it is mekid. xvii He vſureþ to þe Lord, þat haþ reuþe of þe pore; and his
xiii Who raþere anſwereþ þan he hereþ, a fool hymſelf to ben while he ſhal ȝelde to hym.
he ſhewiþ; and confuſioun wrþi. xviii Lerne þou þi ſone, ne deſpeire þou; to þe ſlaȝter forſoþe
xiiii Þe ſpirit of þe man ſuſteneþ his febleneſſe; þe ſpirit of hym ne poote þou þi ſoule.
forſoþe liȝt to wraþen, who ſhal moun ſuſtene? xix Who forſoþe is vnpacyent, ſhal ſuffre harm; and whan he
xv Þe herte of þe prudent ſhal welde kunnyng; and þe ere of ſhall cacche, oþer þing he ſhal putte to.
wiſe men ſecheþ doctrine. xx Here þou counſeil, and vndertac diſcipline; þat þou be wijs
xvi Þe free ȝifte of a man ſpredeþ abrod his weie; and befor in þi laſte þingis.
princis ſpace to hym makeþ. xxi Manye þoȝtis in þe herte of a man; þe wil forſoþe of þe
xvii Þe riȝtwis raþere is þe acuſere of hymſelf; þer comeþ his Lord ſhal abide ſtille.
frend, and he ſhal enſerchen hym. xxii A man nedi is merciful; and betere þe pore man riȝtwis,
xviii Aȝenſeiyngus lot þreſteþ togidere; and among myȝti men þan a man liere.
alſo dyuerſly demeþ. xxiii Þe drede of þe Lord to lif; and in plenteuouſneſſe it ſhal
xix Þe broþer þat is holpen of þe broþer, as a ſtef cite; and þe abide ſtille, wiþoute viſiting of þe werſte.
domes as barris of cites. xxiiii Þe ſlowe hideþ his hond vnder þe arm pit; ne to his
xx Of þe frut of þe mouþ of a man ſhal be fulfild his wombe; mouþ he leiþ it.
and þe buriounyngis of þe lippis of hym ſhul fulfillen hym. xxv Þe `man ful of peſtilence ſcourgid, a fool þe wiſere ſhal
xxi Deþ and lif in þe hondis of þe tunge; who loouen it, ſhuln ben. If forſoþe þou chaſtiſe þe wiſe man, he ſhal vnderſtonde
ete þe frutis of it. diſcipline.
xxii Who findeþ a good womman, findeþ good; and ſhal xxvi Who tormentiþ þe fader, and fleeþ þe modir, ſhenful ſhal
drawen merþe of þe Lord. Who putteþ out a good womman, be, and vnblisful.
putteþ out good; who forſoþe holdeþ avoutreſſe, is a fool and xxvii Ceſe þou not, ſone, to here doctrine; ne vnknowe þou þe
vnwis. woordis of kunnyng.
xxiii Wiþ obſecraciouns ſpekeþ þe pore man; and a riche man xxviii Þe wicke wytneſſe ſcorneþ dom; and þe mouþ of
ſhal ſpeke out ruggidli. vnpitous men deuoureþ wickidneſſe.
xxiiii A man amyable to felaſhipe mor a frend ſhal be, þan a xxix Greiþid ben to ſcorneres domes; and ſmytende hameres to
broþer. þe bodies of foolis.
Capitulum XIX. Capitulum XX.
i Betere is a pore man, þat goþ in ſimplenes, þan a riche iA leccherous þing win, and noiſeful drunkeneſſe; who ſo
man tormentende his lippis, and vnwis. euere in þeſe þingis delitiþ, ſhal not be wis.
ii Wher is not kunnyng of ſoule, is not good; and who is ii As þe roring of a leoun, ſo and þe ferd of þe king; who
haſtif, wiþ feett ſtumbliþ. terreþ hym, ſynneþ aȝen his ſoule.
iii Þe folie of a man ſupplauntiþ hiſe goingis; and aȝen God iii Wrſhipe is to þe man þat ſeuereþ hym fro ſtriues; alle
boileþ in his inwit. forſoþe foolis ſhul be mengd wiþ wrong blamyngis.
iiii Richeſſes adden manye frendis; fro þe pore forſoþe and þo iiii For cold þe ſlowe wolde not eren; þanne he ſhal begge in
þat he hadde, ben ſeuered. ſomer, and it ſhal not ben ȝiue to hym.
v A fals witneſſe ſhal not ben vnpunſhid; and he þat leſing v As dep watir, ſo counſeil in þe herte of a man; but a wis
ſpekeþ, ſhal not aſcapen. man ſhal drawe it out.


vi Manye men merciful ben clepid; a feiþful man forſoþe who vi Who gedereþ treſores wiþ þe tunge of leſing, vein and
ſhal finde? herteles is; and he ſhal be `put in to þe grenes of deþ.
vii Þe riȝtwis forſoþe þat goþ in his ſimpleneſſe, blisful ſones vii Raueynes of vnpitous men ſhul drawe þem doun; for þei
aftir hym ſhal leuen. wolden not do dom.
viii Þe king þat ſit in þe ſee of dom, ſcatereþ alle euelis in his viii Þe peruertid weie of a man alien is fro God; who forſoþe
clere loking. is clene, riȝt is þe werc of hym.
ix Who mai ſey, Clene is myn herte; pure wiþoute ſynne? ix Betere is to ſitte in þe corner of þe hous, þan wiþ þe
x Peis and peis, meſure and meſure, eiþer is abhominable womman ful of ſtrif, and in þe hous of feſte.
anent God. x Þe ſoule of þe vnpitouſe deſireþ euel; he ſhal not han merci
xi Of his ſtudies is þe child vnderſtonde, if riȝt ben and clene to his neȝhebore.
þe workis of hym. xi Punſhid þe bacbitere, þe wiſere ſhal be þe litle child; and if
xii Þe herende ere, and þe ſeende eȝe, þe Lord made euer he folewe þe wiſe man, he ſhal take kunnyng.
eiþer. xii Þe riȝtwis beþenkiþ of þe hous of þe vnpitous, þat he
xiii Wile þou not looue ſlep, leſt þee nedyneſſe opreſſe; opene drawe awei vnpitous men fro euel.
þin eȝen, and be þou fulfild wiþ loues. xiii Who ſtoppeþ his ere at þe cri of þe pore, and he ſhal crie,
xiiii Euel it is, euel it is, ſeiþ eche biere; and whan he goþ and ſhal not ben herd.
awei, þanne he ſhal glorien. xiiii ȝifte hyd quencheþ wraþis; and fre ȝifte in þe boſum moſt
xv Gold, and þe multitude of iemmes, and precious veſſel, þe indignacioun.
lippis of kunnyng. xv Ioȝe to þe riȝtwis is to don dom; and ferd to men
xvi Tac þe cloþ of hym, þat borȝ was of þe alien; and for werkende wickidneſſe.
ſtraungeres tac awei þe wed fro hym. xvi Þe man þat erreþ fro þe weie of doctrine, in þe felaſhipe
xvii Swete is to a man þe bred of leſing; and aftir ſhal be of ieauntis ſhal wone.
fulfild þe mouþ of hym wiþ a litil pibbil ſton. xvii Who looueþ deynte metis, in nedyneſſe ſhall be; who
xviii Þoȝtis bi counſeilis ben ſtrengþid; and bi gouernailis looueþ win and fatte þingus, ſhall not be maad riche.
batailis ben to be tretid. xviii For þe riȝtwiſe ſhal ben ȝoue þe vnpitouſe; and for þe riȝt
xix To hym þat openeþ priuetes, and goþ gilendeli, and man þe wicke.
ſpredeþ abrod his lippis, ne be þou togidere mengd. xix Betere is to dwelle in deſert lond, þan wiþ a ianglende
xx Who curſiþ to his fader and moder, ſhal be quenchid his womman, and wraþeful.
liȝt in myddyl dercneſſes. xx Deſyrable treſor and oile in þe dwelling place of þe riȝtwis;
xxi Eritage to þe whiche is heeȝid in þe begynnyng, in þe laſte and þe vnprudent man ſhal ſcateren it.
ſhal lacke bliſſing. xxi Who folewiþ riȝtwiſneſſe and mercy, ſhal finde lif and
xxii Ne ſey þou, I ſhal ȝelde euel for euel; abid þe Lord, and riȝtwiſneſſe and glorie.
he ſhal deliuere þee. xxii Þe cite of ſtronge men þe wiſe man ſteȝede vp, and
xxiii Abominacioun is anent God weiȝte and weiȝte; a deſtroȝide þe ſtrengþe of þe troſt of it.
treeccherous balaunce is not good. xxiii Who kepeþ his mouþ and his tunge, kepeþ his ſoule fro
xxiiii Of þe Lord ben riȝt reulid þe goingis of a man; who anguyſſhis.
forſoþe of men mai vnderſtonde his wei? xxiiii Þe proud man and þe enhaunſende hymſelf is clepid
xxv Falling is of men ofte to `vouwe to ſeintis, and aftir þe vntaȝt, þe whiche in wraþe wercheþ pride.
vouwis aȝeen drawe. xxv Deſires ſlen þe ſlowe; wolden not forſoþe þe hondis of
xxvi Scatereþ vnpitous men a wis king; and he bowiþ in hym any þing werchen.
vpon hem a ſtonene bowe. xxvi Al dai he coueitiþ and deſireþ; who forſoþe is riȝtwis,
xxvii Þe lanterne of þe Lord þe breþing place of a man, þat ſhal ȝelde, and not ceſe.
enſerchiþ alle þe priuetes of þe wombe. xxvii Þe oſtis of vnpitous men abominable, þat ben offrid of
xxviii Mercy and treuþe kepen þe king; and his trone is hidous gilte.
ſtrengþid wiþ noble mercy. xxviii A witneſſe liere ſhal perſhe; þe obeiſaunt man ſhall ſpeke
xxix Þe ful out ioȝing of ȝunge men þe ſtrengþe of hem; and victorie.
þe dignete of olde men horneſſe. xxix Þe vnpitous man wowendeli ſtabliþ his chere; who
xxx Þe wanneſſe of wounde ſhal clenſe awei euelis, and forſoþe is riȝt, mendeþ his weie.
woundis in þe priuyere partys of þe wombe. xxx Þer is not wiſdam, þer is not prudence, þer is not
counſeil aȝen þe Lord.
Capitulum XXI. xxxi An hors is maad redi to þe dai of bataile; þe Lord

i As
forſoþe helþe ſhal ȝeelden.
deueſeouns of watris, ſo þe herte of þe king in þe hond
of þe Lord; whider euere he wile, he ſhal bowe it. Capitulum XXII.
ii Eche weie of a man riȝt to hym ſemeþ; þe Lord forſoþe
peiſeþ þe hertis. i Betere is a good name, þan manye richeſſis; ouer ſiluer
iii To do mercy and dom, more pleſeþ to þe Lord, þan forſoþe and gold good grace.
ſacrifiſes of victorie. ii Þe riche man and þe pore metten togidere; þe werkere of
iiii Þe enhauncing of eȝen is þe larging of þe herte; þe euer eiþer is þe Lord.
lanterne of vnpitous men ſynne. iii Þe felle man ſeeþ euel, and hideþ hymſelf; and þe innocent
v Þe þoȝtis of þe ſtrong man euermor in plente; eche forſoþe paſſede, and is tormentid wiþ harm.
ſlouȝ euermor is in nedyneſſe.


iiii Þe ende of manerneſſe þe dred of þe Lord; richeſſis, and iiii Wile þou not trauailen þat þou be riche, but to þi prudence
glorie, and lif. put maner.
v Armes and ſwerdis in þe weie of þe proud; þe kepere v Ne rere þou þin eȝen to richeſſis, þat þou maiſt not han; for
forſoþe of his ſoule ferr goþ awei fro hem. þei make to þem federis, as of an egle, and þei ſhul flee in to
vi A prouerbe is, A ȝung ful waxen man aftyr his weie, and heuene.
whan he eldeþ, ſhal not gon awei fro it. vi Ne ete þou wiþ an enuyous man, and ne deſire þou þe
vii Þe riche man to pore men comaundeþ; and he þat takeþ metis of hym;
borewing, ſeruaunt is of þe vſurer. vii for in licneſſe of a deuynour and of a fals caſtere, he eymeþ
viii Who ſowiþ wickidneſſe, ſhal repen euelis; and þe ȝerde of þat he knowiþ not. Et and drink, he ſhal ſei to þee; and þe
his wraþe ſhal be ful endid. mynde of hym is not wiþ þee.
ix Who redi is to mercy, ſhal be bliſſid; of his loues forſoþe he viii Þe metes þat þou haſt eten, þou ſhalt ſpewen out; and þou
ȝaf to þe pore. Victorie and worſhipe ſhal purchace, þat ȝeueþ ſhalt leeſen þi faire wrdis.
ȝiftis; forſoþe he takeþ awei þe ſoule of þe reſceyueres. ix In þe eres of vnwiſe men ſpeke þou not; for þei ſhul
x Caſt awey þe ſcornere, and wiþ hym ſhal gon out ſtrif; and diſpiſen þe doctrine of þi ſpeche.
cauſis ſhul ceſe, and wrong blamyngis. x Ne ateyne þou þe termes of litle childer; and þe feeld of
xi Who looueþ clenneſſe of herte, for þe grace of his lippis moderles childer go þou not in.
ſhal han þe king frend. xi Þe neeȝh forſoþe of þem is ſtrong, and he ſhal demen aȝen
xii Þe eȝen of þe Lord kepe kunnyng; and ſupplauntyd ben þe þee þe cauſes of hem.
woordis of þe wicke. xii Go in to doctrine þin herte, and þin eris to þe wrdis of
xiii Þe ſlowe ſhal ſeyen, A leoun is wiþoute; in þe myddel of kunnyng.
þe ſtretes I am to be ſlain. xiii Wile þou not wiþdrawe fro a child diſcipline; if forſoþe
xiiii A dep dich þe mouþ of þe alien womman; to whom þe þou ſmyte hym wiþ ȝerde, he ſhal not die.
Lord is wroþ, ſhal falle in to hir. xiiii Þou wiþ a ȝerde ſhalt ſmite hym, and þe ſoule of hym fro
xv Folie is bounde togidere in þe herte of þe child; and þe helle þou ſhalt deliueren.
ȝerde off diſcipline ſhal driuen awei it. xv My ſone, if wijs were þin inwit, myn herte ſhal ioȝen wiþ
xvi Who wrong chalengeþ þe pore, þat he eeche his richeſſis, þee;
he ſhal ȝyue to a richere, and neden. xvi and ful out ſhuln ioȝen my reenes, whan þi lippis ſhul
xvii My ſone, bowe in þin ere, and here þe woordis of wiſe ſpeke riȝt.
men; lei to forſoþe herte to my doctrine. xvii Ne enuye þin herte ſynneres; but in þe drede of þe Lord
xviii Þe whiche fair ſhal be to þee, whan þou kepiſt it in þi be þou al dai.
wombe, and ſhal rebounde in þi lippis. xviii For þou ſhalt han hope in þe laſte, and þin abiding ſhal
xix Þat in þe Lord be þyn troſt; wherfore and I ſhal ſhewe to not ben taken awei.
þee it to dai. xix Heere, my ſone, and be þou wijs, and riȝt reule in þe
xx Lo! I haue diſcriued it þre wiſe, in þoȝtus and kunnyng, weie þin inwit.
xxi þat I ſhulde ſhewe to þee ſtedefaſtneſſe; and faire ſpechis xx Wile þou not ben in þe feſtis of drinkeris, ne in þe
of treuþe þou ſhuldeſt anſwere of þeſe þingis to þem þat ſenten meteſhipis of hem, þat fleſh to eten bringen.
þee. xxi For þei tendende to drinkis, and ȝiuende ſcot, ſhul ben
xxii Do þou not violence to þe pore, for he is pore; ne to-trede waſtid, and napping ſhal be clad wiþ cloþis.
þou þe nedy in þe ȝate. xxii Heere þou þi fader, þat gat þee; and ne diſpiſe þou,
xxiii For þe Lord ſhal deme þe cauſe of hym, and he ſhal ſtike `whan ſhal eelden þi moder.
þem, þat ſtekeden þe lif of hym. xxiii Bie treuþe, and wile þou not ſelle wiſdam, and doctrine,
xxiiii Wile þou not be frend to a man ful of wraþe, ne go þou and vnderſtonding.
wiþ a wood man; xxiiii Ful out ioȝeþ wiþ ioȝe þe fader of þe riȝtwiſe; þat a wis
xxv leſt parauenture þou lerne þe paþis of hym, and take man gat, ſhal gladen in hym.
ſclaunder to þi ſoule. xxv Ioȝe þi fader and þi moder, and ful out ioȝe, þat gat þee.
xxvi Wile þou not be wiþ þem þat ficche doun þer hondis, and xxvi Ȝif, ſone myn, þin herte to me, and þin eȝen my weies
þat borewis offren hemſelf for dettis; kepe þei.
xxvii if forſoþe þou haſt wherof þou reſtore, what of cauſe is, xxvii A dep dich forſoþe is a ſtrumpet, and a ſtreit pit an
þat þou take coueryng fro þi bed? alien womman.
xxviii Ne ouerpaſſe þou olde termes, þe whiche þi fadris xxviii She waiteþ in þe weie, as a þef; and whom vnſleiȝ ſhe
ſetteden. ſeeþ, ſhe ſhal ſlen.
xxix Haſt þou ſeen a ſwift man in his werc? befor kingis he xxix To whom wo? to whos fader wo? to whom ſtrif? to whom
ſhal ſtonde, ne he ſhal ben beforn vnnoble men. dichis? to whom wiþoute cauſe woundis? to whom `þriſting out
of eȝen?
Capitulum XXIII. xxx Wheþer not to þem, þat dwellen in win, and ſtudien to

i Whan
chalices to ben drunken vp?
þou ſhal ſitte, þat þou ete wiþ a prince, beſili tac xxxi Ne beholde þou þe win, whan it floureþ, whan ſhal ſhine
heede þat ben ſet befor þi face, in þe verr þe colour of it.
ii and ſet a culter in þi þrote. If `ner þe latere þou haue
xxxii It ſhal gon in ſofte, but in þe laſte it ſhal bite as a
power in to þi ſoule, ſhadewe eddere, and as a kokatrice venymys ſhal heelden
iii ne deſire þou of þe metis of hym, in þe whiche is þe bred
of leſing.


xxxiii Þin eȝen ſhul beholde ſtraunge wymen, and þin herte xxvii Greiþe out forþ þi werc, and biſili enhaunte þi feeld, þat
ſhal ſpeke peruertid þingus. aftir þou bilde vp þin hous.
xxxiiii And þou ſhalt ben as ſlepende in þe myddil ſe, and as xxviii Be þou not a witneſſe in idil aȝen þi neȝhebore; and ne
þe ſteris man al forſlept, þe ſteer ſtaf loſt. flatere þou any man wiþ þi lippes.
xxxv And þou ſhalt ſey, Þei beeten me, but I ſorewide not; xxix Ne ſey þou, As he dide to me, ſo I ſhal do to hym, and
þei drowen me, and I felide not; whanne ſhal I wake, and I ſhal ȝelde to eche man after his werc.
eft wines finden? xxx Bi þe feld of þe ſlowe man I paſſede, and bi þe vyne of
þe fool man;
Capitulum XXIIII. xxxi and lo! al netlis hadden fulfild, þornes hadden couered þe
i Ne enuye þou euele men, ne deſire þou to ben wiþ þem. vtmoſt of it, and þe wal of ſtones was deſtroȝed.
xxxii Þe whiche whan I hadde ſee, I putte in myn herte, and
ii For raueynes ſweteli þenkeþ þe mynde of hem, and giles þe
lippis of hem ſpeken. bi exſaumple lernede diſcipline.
xxxiii Hou longe, ſlowe, þou ſlepiſt? hou longe fro ſlep þou
iii Bi wiſdam ſhal þe hous ben bild, and bi prudence it ſhul
be ſtrengþid. ſhalt riſe? A litil forſoþe þou ſhalt ſlepe, a litil while þou ſhalt
iiii In doctrine ſhul be fulfild þe celeris, wiþ alle precious
nappe, a litil þin hondis þou ſhalt lei togidere, þat þou reſte;
xxxiiii and þer ſhal come to þee as a corour þi nedyneſſe, and
ſubſtaunce and moſt fair. þi beggingneſſe as a man armyd.
v A wis man is ſtrong, and a taȝt man is ſtalwrþe and myȝti.
vi For wiþ diſpoſicioun men goþ in to bataile; and helþe ſhal
Capitulum XXV.
ben, wher ben many counſeilis.
vii Ful heeȝ to þe fool wiſdam; in þe ȝate he ſhal not openen i Theſe forſoþe þe Parablis of Salamon, þe whiche
his mouþ. tranſlateden þe men of Ezechie, king of Juda.
viii Who þenkeþ euelis to don, a fool ſhal ben clepid. ii Þe glorie of God is to hilyn a wrd; and þe glorie of kingis
ix Þe þenking of þe fool is ſynne; and abhominacioun of men to enſerchen a ſermoun.
iii Heuene aboue, and erþe beneþe, and þe herte of kingus
þe bacbitere.
x If ſlyden þou deſpeire, in þe dai of anguyſh `ſhal be `maad vnſerchable.
iiii Do awei ruſt from ſiluer, and þer ſhal gon out a moſt pure
litil þi ſtrengþe.
xi Deliuere hem, þat ben lad to deþ; and þat ben drawen to veſſel.
v Do awei vnpitouſneſſe fro þe chere of þe king, and bi
diyng, to deliuere ne ceſe þou.
xii If þou ſhul ſeyn, Strengþis ſeruen not; he þat is þe riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal ben faſtned þe trone of hym.
vi Ne glorious apere þou befor þe king, and in place of grete
inward beholdere of herte, vnderſtondiþ, and þe kepere of þi
ſoule no þing begiliþ, and ſhall ȝelde to a man after his men ſtonde þou not.
werkis. vii Betere is forſoþe, þat it be ſeid to þee, Steȝe vp hidir, þan
xiii Et, ſone, hony for good; and þe moſt ſwete honycomb to þi þat þou be mekid beforn a prince. Þat þin eȝen ſeȝen,
þrote. viii ne ſpeke þou ſoone in ſtrif; leſt parauenture þou mowe not
xiiii So and þe doctrine of wiſdam to þi ſoule; þe whiche amende, whan þou haſt diſhoneſtid þi frend.
whan þou findiſt, þou ſhalt han in þe laſte þingus hope; and ix Þi cauſe trete wiþ þi frend, and priuyte to a ſtraunger
þin hope ſhal not perſhe. opene þou not;
xv Ne aſpie þou, and ſeche vnpitouſneſſe in þe hous of þe x leſt perauenture he aſaile to þee, whan he ſhal heren, and to
riȝtwis, ne waſte þou þe reſte of hym. repreuen ceſe not. Grace and frendſhipe delyueren, þe whiche
xvi Seuene ſiþes forſoþe ſhal falle þe riȝtwis, and riſen; þe kepe þou to þee, leſt þou be maad repreuable.
vnpitouſe forſoþe ſhal fallen in to euel. xi A goldene cheke bon in ſiluerene beddis, þat ſpekeþ a wrd
xvii Whan þin enemy falliþ, ne ioȝe þou; and in þe falling of in his tyme.
hym ful out ioȝe not þin herte; xii A goldene erering, and a margarite ſhynende, þat
xviii leſt perauenture þe Lord ſee, and it diſpleſe to hym, and vndernemeþ a wis man, and an ere obedient.
he take awei fro hym his wraþe. xiii As cold of ſnoȝ in þe dai of rep, ſo an feiþful meſſager to
xix Striue þou not wiþ þe werſte men, and enuye þou not hym þat ſente hym; þe ſoule of hym to reſten he makeþ.
vnpitoſe men. xiiii Cloud and wind, and reines not folewende, a man
xx For euele men han not hope of þingus to come, and þe glorious, and þe beheſtes not fulfillende.
lanterne of vnpitous men ſhal be quenchid. xv Bi pacience ſhal ben maad ſofte þe prince; and a neſſhe
xxi Dreed God, ſone myn, and þe king; and wiþ bacbiteres be tunge ſhal to-breke hardneſſe.
þou not mengd. xvi Hony þou haſt founden, ett þat ſuffiſeþ to þee; leſt
xxii For ſodeynli at ones ſhal riſe þe perdicioun of hem, and parauenture fulfild þou ſpewe it out.
þe falling of euer eiþer who knewȝ? xvii Wiþdraȝ þi foot fro þe hous of þi neȝhebore; leſt any time
xxiii Þeſe þingus forſoþe to wiſe men. To knowen perſone in fulfild, he ſhul hate þee.
dom is not good. xviii Spere, and ſwerd, and ſharp arwe, a man þat ſpekeþ
xxiiii Who ſeiþ to þe vnpitous, Þou art riȝtwis, puples ſhal aȝen his neȝhebore fals witneſſe.
curſen to hym; and linages ſhul wlaten hym. xix A roten toþ, and a foot ſliden, þat hopiþ vpon þe vnfeiþful
xxv Who vndernymyn, ſhul ben preiſid; and vp on hem ſhal in þe dai of anguyſh,
come bleſſing. xx and leeſeþ þe mantil in þe dai of cold. Eiſel in glas, þat
xxvi Lippes ſhal kiſſe, þat riȝt wrdis anſwerþ. ſingeþ dites wiþ peruertid herte. As a moȝhe to þe cloþ, and a
werm to þe tree, ſo ſorewe of a man noȝeþ to þe herte.


xxi If þin enemy ſhul hungren, feed hym; if he þriſtiþ, ȝif hym xxii Þe wrdis of a groynere as ſimple; and þei comen þurȝ to
watir to drinke; þe inmoſtis of þe herte.
xxii forſoþe colis þou ſhalt gadere togidere vp on þe hed of xxiii What maner as wiþ foul ſiluer þou wilt honoure britil
hym; and þe Lord ſhal ȝelde to þee. veſſel; ſo ſwellende lippis wiþ werſt herte felaſhipid.
xxiii A norþerne wind ſcatereþ reynes; and a dreri face þe xxiiii In his lippis is vndirſtonde þe enemy, whan in herte he
bacbitende tunge. haþ tretid treccheries.
xxiiii Betere is to ſitte in a corner of a roof, þan wiþ a xxv Whan he ſhal vndirputte his vois, ne ȝiue þou credence to
womman ful of ſtrif, in þe hous of a feſte. hym; for ſeuene wickidneſſes ben in þe herte of hym.
xxv Cold watir to þe þreſtende ſoule; and a good meſſager fro xxvi Who couereþ hate gilendeli, ſhal ben opened þe malice of
a ferr lond. hym in counſeil.
xxvi A welle trublid bi foot, and a veyne corupt, þe riȝtwis xxvii Who delueþ a dich, ſhal falle in to it; and who
fallende beforn þe vnpitous. ouirturneþ a ſton, it ſhal ben aȝeen turned to hym.
xxvii As he þat etiþ myche hony, and it is not to hym good; ſo xxviii A deſeyuable tunge looueþ not þe treuþe; and þe ſlideri
þat is a ſerchere of mageſte, ſhal ben opreſſid of glorie. mouþ werchiþ fallingis.
xxviii As an opyn cite, and wiþoute enuyrounyng of wallis; ſo
a man þat mai not in ſpeking chaſtiſen his ſpirit. Capitulum XXVII.
i Ne glorie þou in to þe moru, vnknowende what þe dai to
Capitulum XXVI. ouercome bringe forþ.
i What maner ſnoȝ in ſomer, and reyn in rep time; ſo ii Preiſe þee an alien, and not þi mouþ; a ſtraunger, and not
vnſemende is to þe fool glorie. þi lippis.
ii For as a brid to heȝe þingus ouerfleende, and a ſparewe iii Heuy is þe ſton, and charious is þe grauel; but þe wraþe
whider hym liſt goende; ſo curs in veyn ſpoken in to ſum man of þe fool is heuyere þan eiþer.
ſhal comen ouer. iiii Wraþe haþ not mercy, ne brekende out wodneſſe; and þe
iii A ſcourge to an hors, and a bernacle to an aſſe; and a bure of þe ſtirid ſpirit bern who ſhall moun?
ȝerde in þe reg of vnprudent men. v Betere is open amending, þan hid looue.
iiii Anſwere þou not to a fool aftir his folie, leſt þou be maad vi Betere ben þe woundis of þe loouere, þan þe gileful koſſes
out lic to hym. of þe hatere.
v Anſwere to a fool aftir his folie, leſt he ſeme to ben wis to vii Þe ſoule fulfild ſhal to-trede þe hony comb; þe ſoule forſoþe
hymſelf. hungrende alſo bitter for ſweete ſhal take.
vi Halt in feet, and drinkende wickidneſſe, þat ſendiþ wordus viii As a brid ouerpaſſende fro his neſt, ſo a man þat forſakeþ
bi a fool meſſager. his place.
vii What maner þe halte haþ in veyn faire leggis; ſo ix Wiþ oynement and diuers ſmellis deliteþ þe herte; and wiþ
vnſemende þing is in þe mouþ of foolis a parable. goode counſeilis of þe frend þe ſoule is ſwetid.
viii As he þat ſendiþ a ſton in to an hep of monee; ſo he þat x Þi frend, and þe frend of þi fader, ne leue þou; and þe hous
ȝiueþ to an vnwis man wrſhipe. of þi broþer go þou not in, in þe dai of þi tormenting. Betere
ix What maner if a þorun be growen in þe hond of þe is a neȝhebore biſide, þan a broþer aferr.
drunken; ſo a parable in þe mouþ of foolis. xi Studie to wiſdam, ſone myn, and glade þou myn herte; þat
x Dom determyneþ cauſes; and he þat puttiþ ſilence to a fool, þou mowe to þe repreuere anſwern a wrd.
ſwageþ wraþis. xii Þe felle ſeende euel is hid; litle childer forþ paſſende
xi As an hound þat tourneþ aȝeen to his vome; ſo an ſuffreden harmys.
vnprudent man, þat reherſeþ his folie. xiii Tac þe cloþing of hym, þat behotiþ for a ſtraunger; and for
xii Haſt þou ſeen a man wis to be ſeen to hymſelf? more þan an alien tac awei to hym a wed.
he an vnwis man ſhal han hope. xiiii Who bliſſiþ to his neȝhebore wiþ a gret vois, fro nyȝt
xiii Þe ſlowe ſeiþ, A leoun is in þe weie, and a leouneſſe is riſende, to þe curſere ſhal be lic.
in þe gatis. xv Rooues þurȝ droppende in þe dai of cold, and a womman
xiiii As a dore is turned in his heeng; ſo a ſloȝ man in his ful of ſtrif ben compariſound togidere.
litle bed. xvi Who holdiþ hir, as he heelde wind; and þe oile of his riȝt
xv A ſloȝ man hidiþ his hondis vnder his arm pit; and ſide he auoide out.
trauailiþ, if to his mouþ he ſhal turne þem. xvii Iren wiþ iren is whettid out; and a man whettiþ out þe
xvi Wiſere to hymſelf þe ſlowe ſemeþ, þan ſeuene men face of his frend.
ſpekende ſentences. xviii Who kepiþ a fige tree, ſhal ete þe frutis of it; and who
xvii As he þat cachiþ bi þe eres a dogge; ſo he þat paſſeþ, and kepere is of his lord, ſhal ben glorified.
vnpacient ſhal be mengd wiþ to þe ſtrif of an oþer. xix What maner wiſe in watris aȝeen ſhinen þe cheres of men
xviii As gilti he is, þat ſendiþ ſperes and arwes in to deþ; lokende; ſo þe hertes of men ben opened to prudent men.
xix ſo þe man þat gilendeli noȝeþ to his frend, and whan he xx Helle and perdicioun neuere ben fulfild; and þe eȝen of
were caȝt, ſhal ſey, Pleiende I dide. men vnfillable.
xx Whan wodis ſhuln failen, þe fyr ſhal ben queynt; and þe xxi What maner wiſe ſiluer is preued in þe ȝeting veſſel, and
groynere wiþdrawen, ſtriues togidere reſten. gold in þe furneis; ſo is preued a man in þe mouþ of
xxi As deade colis to quyke colis, and wode to fyr; ſo a preiſeris. Þe herte of þe wicke ſechiþ out euelis; þe riȝt
wraþeful man rereþ ſtriues. forſoþe herte ſecheþ out kunnyng.


xxii If þou bete togidere a fool in a morter, as hoolid barli xxiiii Who wiþdrawiþ any þing fro his fader and moder, and
ſmytende þere vp on þe peſtel; ſhal not ben take awei fro hym ſeiþ þat not to ben ſynne, parcener is of a man ſleere.
his folie. xxv Who boſtiþ of hymſelf, and ſpredeþ abrod, ſteriþ ſtriues;
xxiii Biſili knowe þou þe chere of þi beeſte; and þi flockis who forſoþe hopeþ in þe Lord, ſhal be ſaued.
behold. xxvi Who troſtiþ in his herte, is a fool; who forſoþe goþ wiſly,
xxiiii Forſoþe þou ſhalt not han continuelli power; but a he ſhal ben preiſid.
croune ſhal be ȝolde to þee in ieneracioun of ieneraciouns. xxvii Who ȝiueþ to þe pore, ſhal not neden; who diſpiſeþ þe
xxv Opened ben þe medwis, and apereden greene erbis; and preiere louli, ſhal ſuffre ſcarneſſe.
gedered ben heys fro þe hillis. xxviii Whan vnpitous men ſhuln riſen, men ſhul ben hid; and
xxvi Lombis ben to þi cloþing; and geet to þe pris of þe feeld. whan þei han perſhid, þe riȝtwiſe ſhul ben multiplied.
xxvii Suffiſe to þee þe mylc of got in to þi metes; in to þe
neceſſaries of þin hous, and to liflode to þin hond wymmen. Capitulum XXIX.
i To þe man, þat þe chaſtiſere wiþ hard noll diſpiſiþ, feerli deþ
Capitulum XXVIII. ſhal come vp on to hym; and hym helþe ſhal not folewe.
i The vnpitouſe fleeþ, no man purſuende; þe riȝtwis forſoþe as ii In þe multepliyng of riȝtwis men ſhal gladen þe comun; and
a leoun troſtende wiþout ferd ſhal be. whan vnpitous men han taken princehed, þe puple ſhal weilen.
ii For þe ſynnes of þe erþe manye princis of it; and for þe iii Þe man þat looueþ wiſdam, gladiþ his fader; who forſoþe
wiſdam of a man, and þe kunnyng of þeſe þingus þat ben nurſhiþ an hoore, ſhal leeſe ſubſtaunce.
ſeid, þe lif of a duk ſhal ben lengere. iiii A riȝtwis king rereþ vp þe lond; an auerous man ſhal
iii A man pore chalengende pore men, lic is to hidous weder, deſtroȝen it.
in whiche is greiþid hunger. v Þe man þat wiþ flateryng and feyned wrdis ſpekiþ to his
iiii Who forſaken þe lawe, preiſen þe vnpitous; who kepen, frend; a net ſprediþ to his goingis.
ſhul ben tend vp aȝen hym. vi Þe ſinnende wicke man a grene ſhal inwrappe; and þe
v Euele men þenken not dom; who forſoþe aȝeen ſechen þe riȝtwiſe ſhal preiſen, and ioȝen.
Lord, taken to heed alle þingus. vii Þe riȝtwiſe kneȝ þe cauſe of pore men; þe vnpitous
vi Betere is a pore man goende in his ſimpleneſſe, þan a riche vnknowiþ kunnyng men.
man in his ſhreude weies. viii Bacbitende ſcateren þe cite; wiſe men forſoþe turnen awei
vii Who kepiþ þe lawe, a wis ſone is; who forſoþe glotounes wodneſſe.
fediþ, ſhendiþ his fader. ix A wis man if wiþ a fool ſhul ſtriue; wheþir he laȝhe, or
viii Who kepiþ togidere richeſſes wiþ vſures, and wiþ free wraþe, he ſhal not finde reſte.
wynnyng of vſure, in to pore men he gedereþ hem togidere. x Men of blodis hateden þe ſimple; riȝtwis men forſoþe ſechen
ix Who bowiþ doun his eres, þat he here not þe lawe; his þe ſoule of hym.
oriſoun ſhal be maad cursful. xi Al his ſpirit bringeþ forþ þe fool; a wis man berþ ouer, and
x Who deſceyueþ riȝte men in an euel weie, in his deþ ſhal kepiþ vnto afterward.
falle; and ſimple men ſhuln welden his goodis. xii A prince þat gladli hereþ þe wrdis of leſing; alle þe
xi A wis man to hymſelf is ſeen a riche man; þe pore forſoþe mynyſtris haþ vnpitouſe.
prudent ſhal enſerchen hym. xiii Þe pore and þe creaunſour metten togidere; of eiþer þe
xii In þe ful out ioȝing of riȝtwis men myche glorie is; liȝtnere is þe Lord.
regnende vnpitous men, fallingus ben of men. xiiii Þe king þat demeþ in treuþe pore men; þe trone of hym
xiii Who hidiþ his hidous giltis, ſhal not ben riȝt reulid; who in to wiþoute ende ſhal be faſtned.
forſoþe knoulechiþ and forſakiþ, mercy ſhal gete. xv Ȝerde and correccioun ſhal ȝelde wiſdam; þe child forſoþe,
xiiii Blisful þe man, þat euermor is ferdful; who forſoþe is of þat is laft to his wil, confoundiþ his modir.
hard mynde, ſhal falle in to euel. xvi In þe multipliyng of vnpitous men ſhuln ben multiplied
xv A leoun rorende, and a bere hungrende, an vnpitous prince hidous giltis; and þe fallingis of hem riȝtwis men ſhul ſee.
on a pore puple. xvii Lerne þi ſone, and he ſhal refreſhen þee; and he ſhal ȝiue
xvi A nedi duk of prudence manye ſhal opreſſe bi chalenge; delices to his ſoule.
who forſoþe hatiþ auarice, long ſhul be made þe daȝes of hym. xviii Whan prophecie ſhal faile, þe puple ſhal ben ſcaterid; who
xvii Þe man þat wrongfulli chalengiþ to þe ſoule, þe blod of forſoþe kepiþ þe lawe, is blisful.
hym, if vn to þe lake he ſhul flee, no man ſuſteneþ. xix Þe ſeruaunt in wrdis mai not ben lerned; for þat þat þou
xviii Who goþ ſimpleli, ſhal ben ſaaf; who in peruertid weies ſeiſt, he vndirſtant, and to anſwern he diſpiſiþ.
ſhal go, ſhal falle togidere at ones. xx Haſt þou ſeen a man ſwift to ſpeken? folie more is to ben
xix Who werchiþ his erþe, ſhal be fulfild wiþ loeues; who hopid þan þe correccioun of hym.
folewiþ idil reſte, ſhal ben fulfild wiþ nedyneſſe. xxi Who delicatli fro childhed nurſhiþ his ſeruaunt; afterward
xx A man feiþful myche ſhal ben preiſid; who forſoþe heeȝeþ to ſhal feelen hym vnobeiſaunt.
be maad riche, ſhal not ben innocent. xxii Þe man wraþeful ſtireþ ſtriues; and he þat is liȝt to han
xxi Who knowiþ in dom face, he þis doþ not wel; and for a indignacioun, ſhal be to ſynnes more redi.
morſel of bred he forſakeþ þe treuþe. xxiii Þe proude man louneſſe folewiþ; and þe meke man in
xxii Þe man þat heeȝeþ to be maad riche, and to oþere men ſpirit glorie ſhal reſceyue.
enuyeþ; vnknowiþ þat nedineſſe come vp on to hym. xxiiii Who wiþ a þeef is parcener, hatiþ his ſoule; þe adiurere
xxiii Who chaſtiſeþ a man, grace aftir ſhal find anent hym; he hereþ, and not ſhewiþ.
more þan he þat bi flateringus of tunge bigiliþ.


xxv Who drediþ a man, ſoone ſhal falle; who hopiþ in þe xxiii bi an hateful womman, whan ſhe were taken in to
Lord, ſhal ben vp rerid. matrimoyne; and bi an hand womman, whan ſhe were eir of
xxvi Manye ſechen þe face of þe prince; and dom of eche ſhal hir ladi.
gon out fro þe Lord. xxiiii Foure þingus þer ben þe leſte of erþe, and þei ben
xxvii Riȝtwis men wlaten þe vnpitous man; and vnpitous men wiſere þan wiſe men;
wlaten hem, þat ben in þe riȝt weie. Þe ſone kepende þe wrd xxv amptis, a feble puple, þat greiþen in rep time mete to
ſhal ben out of perdicioun. þem;
xxvi a litil hare, a folc vnmyȝti, þat in a ſton his bed ſettiþ;
Capitulum XXX. xxvii a king þe locuſte haþ not, and it goþ out alle bi
i The wrdis of þe gederere, vomende ſone. Þe viſeoun þat a cumpanyes;
xxviii a liſard wiþ hondis cleueþ, and he dwelliþ in þe houſis
man ſpac, wiþ whiche is God, and þat, God wiþ hym
wonende, coumfortid, ſeiþ, of a king.
ii Moſt fool I am of men; and þe wiſdam of men is not wiþ xxix Þre þingus ben, þat weel gon, and þe ferþe, þat goþ
me. welſumly.
iii I lernede not wiſdam; and I knewȝ þe kunnyng of ſeintus. xxx A leoun, moſt ſtrong of beſtes, at `aȝen coomyng of noon
iiii Who ſteȝide vp in to heuene, and who cam doun? Who wiþ ſhal dreden;
xxxi a cok gyrd vp þe leendis, and a ram, and þer is not þat
heeld ſpirit in his hondis? who bond togidere watris as in a
cloþ? Who rerede alle þe termes of þe erþe? What name is of wiþſtonde to hym.
hym? and what name of þe ſone of hym, if þou knewe? xxxii And þat fool ſhal ſeme, aftir þat he is rerid vp in to
v Eche ſermoun of God firid, a ſheld it is to alle hoperis in heeȝ; if forſoþe he hadde vnderſtonden, to his mouþ he hadde
itſelf. put on hond.
vi Ne adde þou any þing to þe wordis of hym; and þou be xxxiii Who forſoþe ſtrongli þreſteþ tetes, to drawen out mylc,
vndernome, and founde a liere. þreſtiþ out buttere; and who hugeli ſmyteþ, drawiþ out blod;
vii Two þingus I preȝede to þee; ne denien þou to me, er I and who terreþ wraþis, bringeþ forþ diſcordis.
viii Vanyte and leſing wrdis fer do awei fro me; beggerie and Capitulum XXXI.
richeſſis ne ȝiue þou to me; ȝif onli to my liflode nedeful i The wrdis of Lamuel, þe king; þe ſiȝte in whiche his moder
þingus; taȝte hym.
ix leſt par auenture I fulfild, be drawen to denyen, and ſeie, ii What my leef? what my leef of my wombe? what my leef of
Who is þe Lord? and þurȝ nede conſtreyned, ſtele, and my vouwis?
forſwere þe name of my God. iii Ne ȝiue þou to wimmen þi ſubſtaunce, and þi richeſſes to
x Ne acuſe þou a ſeruaunt to his lord, leſt par auenture he
ben don awei kingus.
curſe to þee, and þou falle. iiii Wile þou not to kingus, O! Lamuel, wile þou not to
xi Jeneracioun is, þat to his fader curſiþ, and þat to his
kingus ȝiue win; for no priuyte is, where drunkeneſſe regneþ.
moder bliſſeþ not. v Leſt par auenture þei drinken, and forȝeten domes, and
xii Jeneracioun þat to hymſelf clene is ſeen, and neuer þe
chaungen þe cauſe of þe ſonus of þe pore.
latere it is not waſſhe fro his filþis. vi Ȝiueþ ciþer to mornende men, and win to hem þat ben in
xiii Jeneracioun of þe whiche ben þe eȝen and þe eȝe lidis of
bitter inwit.
it in to heȝe þingus vp rerid. vii Drinke þei, and forȝete þei of þer nedyneſſe; and of þer
xiiii Jeneracioun þat for teþ haþ ſwerdis, and chewiþ wiþ his
ſorewe recorde þei no more.
wang teþ; þat he ete helpeles fro þe erþe, and pore men fro viii Opene þi mouþ to þe doumbe, and to þe cauſes of alle
xv Waterlechis two ben doȝtris, ſeiende, Bring on, bring on. ſones þat paſſen,
ix opene þou þi mouþ. Deme þat is riȝtwis, and venge þe
Þre þingus ben vnfillable, and þe ferþe, þat ſeiþ neuermore,
It ſuffiſiþ; helpeles and þe pore.
xvi helle, and þe mouþ of a womman wombe, and þe erþe þat x Aleph. A ſtrong womman who ſhal finde? aferr and fro þe
neuer is fild wiþ water; fijr forſoþe neuermor ſeiþ, It ſuffiſeþ. utmoſt endis þe pris of hir.
xvii Þe eȝe þat ſcorneþ þe fader, and þat diſpiſeþ þe birþe of xi Beth. Troſteþ in hir þe herte of hir man; and ſpoiles he
his moder, pecken hym out crowis of þe ſtremes; and ete hym ſhal not neden.
þe ſonus of þe egle. xii Gimel. She ſhal ȝelde to hym good, and not euel, alle þe
xviii Þre þingus ben hard to me, and þe ferþe outerli I daȝes of hir lif.
knowe not; xiii Deleth. She ſoȝte wlle and flax; and wroȝte bi þe counſeil
xix þe weie of an egle in heuene, þe weie of þe ſhadewe of hir hondis.
eddere on a ſton, þe weie of a ſhip in þe myd ſe, and þe weie xiiii He. She is mad as a ſhip of a marchaund, fro aferr
of a man in his waxende ȝouþe. bringende hir bred.
xx Such is þe weie of þe womman auoutreſſe, þat etiþ, and xv Vau. And fro þe nyȝt ſhe ros, and ȝaf prei to hir homli
wipende hir mouþ, ſeiþ, I haue not wroȝt euel. men, and metis to hir hand wymmen.
xxi Bi þre þingus is moued þe erþe, and þe ferþe it mai not xvi Zay. She beheeld a feeld, and boȝte it; of þe frut of hir
ſuſtene; hondis ſhe plauntide a vyne.
xxii bi a ſeruaunt, whan he regneþ; bi a fool, whan he were xvii Heth. She girde to wiþ ſtrengþe hir leendis, and made
fulfild wiþ mete; ſtalwrþe hir arm.


xviii Teth. She taſtide, and ſaȝ, for good is þe chaffaring of

hir; ſhall not ben quenchid in þe nyȝt þe lanterne of hir.
xix Joth. Hir hond ſhe putte to ſtronge þingus, and hir fingris
caȝten þe ſpindle.
xx Caf. Hir hond ſhe openede to þe helpeles, and hir paumes
ſhe ſtraȝte out to þe pore.
xxi Lameth. She ſhal not drede to hir hous of coldys of ſnoȝ;
alle forſoþe hir homli men ben clad wiþ double.
xxii Men. A rai cloþ ſhe made to hir; bijs and purpre þe
cloþing of hir.
xxiii Num. Noble in þe ȝates þe man of hir, whan he ſhal
ſitte wiþ þe ſenatoures of þe erþe.
xxiiii Sameth. Sendel ſhe made, and ſolde; and a litil girdil
ſhe toc to Canane.
xxv Ayn. Strengþe and fairneſſe þe cloþing of hir; and ſhe
ſhal laȝhen in þe laſte dai.
xxvi Fee. Hir mouþ ſhe openede to wiſdam; and þe lawe of
noble merci in þe tunge of hir.
xxvii Sade. She beheeld þe paþis of hir hous; and idil bred
ſhe eet not.
xxviii Cof. Þer riſen þe ſones of hir, and moſt blisful
precheden; and þe man of hir preiſide hir.
xxix Res. Manie doȝtris gedereden richeſſes; þou ouerpaſſediſt
xxx Syn. Deſceyuable grace and veyn is fairneſſe; þe
womman dredende þe Lord, ſhe ſhal be preiſid.
xxxi Thau. Ȝiueþ to hir of þe frut of hir hondis; and preiſen
hir in þe ȝates hir werkis.


xv Peruertid men of hard ben amendid; and wiþoute ende is

ECCLESIASTES. þe noumbre of foolis.
xvi I ſpac in myn herte, ſeiende, Lo! gret I am mad, and I
Heere gynneþ þe prologe in þe boc of wente beforn alle in wiſdam, þat weren beforn me in
Jeruſalem; and my mynde beheeld manye þingus wiſli, and I
Eccleſiaſtes, þat is to ſey, boc of talker to lernede.
þe puple, or togidere clepere. xvii And I ȝaf myn herte, þat I knewe prudence and doctrine,
This almoſt þe fifte ȝeer, whan ȝit I was at Rome, þat and errouris and folie. And I knewȝ þat in þeſe þingis alſo
Ecleſiaſten I ſhulde reden to Seint Bleſill, þat hir I ſhulde was trauaile and tormenting of ſpirit;
ſtire to þe diſpiſing of þes world, and þat ſhe ſhulde ſett al þat xviii for þi þat in myche wiſdam is myche indignacioun, and
in þe world ſhe beholdiþ, to ben for noȝt, I haue mynde, me þat addiþ kunnyng, addeþ and trauaile.
preȝid of hir, þat in to maner of a ſhort expoſicioun alle þe
hard þingus I ſhulde clerli expoune, þat, wiþoute me, ſhe Capitulum II.
myȝte vnderſtonde þat ſhe radde; and ſo for in þe firſte
greiþing of oure werc, ſhe wiþdrawen wiþ ſodeyn deþ, and, iI ſeide in myn herte, I ſhal go, and flowe delices, and I
O! Paule and Euſtoche, wee deſerueden not to ha ſuch a ſhal take þe frutis in goodis; and I ſaȝ alſo þat þat was
felawe of oure lif, and wiþ ſo myche wounde ſmyten, þanne I vanyte.
becam doumb. Now in Bethlem ſet, þat is, in a ſtreitere cite, ii And laȝhing I heeld errour, and to ioȝe I ſeide, Wherto in
I ȝeelde þat I owe and to þe mynde of hir and to ȝou; þis veyn þou art bigilid?
ſhortli doende to witen, þat þe autorite of no man I folewede, iii I þoȝte in myn herte to wiþdrawe fro wyn my fleſh, and
but tranſlatende fro Ebru moſt I confoormede me to þe cuſtum
of þe Seuenti Remenoures, in þeſe þingus onli þat not myche myn inwit to bern ouer to wiſdam, and þat I ſhulde eſchewe
fro Ebrues þey diſcordeden. Oþerwhile alſo I recordid of folie, to þe tyme þat I ſhulde ſeen, what were profitable to þe
Aquile, alſo and of Simake, and of Theodocian, þat I ſhulde ſonus of men; þe whiche þing don, nede is to þer lif in þe
not feren þe ſtudi of þe redere wiþ to myche neweneſſe, ne, on noumbre of daȝes vnder þe ſunne.
þe oþer ſide, þe welle of treuþe left, aȝen my concience I iiii I magnefiede my werkis, I bilde to me houſes, and
ſhulde togidere folewen þe ſtremes of opinyouns. plauntide vynes;
v I made gardynes and appil gardynes, and I plauntide þem
Heer gynneþ þe booc.
wiþ þe trees of alle kinde;
vi and I made out to me cyſternes of watris, þat I ſhulde
Capitulum I. watren þe wode of þe buriounynge tres.
i The wrdis of Eccleſiaſtes, ſone of Dauid, king of Jeruſalem. vii I weldide ſeruauns and hand wymmen, and myche meyne
ii Vanite of vanites, ſeide Ecleſiaſtes; vanite of vanytes, and I hadde; droues alſo, and grete flockis of ſheep, ouer alle men
alle þingus vanyte. þat weren befor me in Jeruſalem.
iii What haþ a man more ouer of al his trauaile, þat he viii I hepede to me ſiluer and gold, and ſubſtaunces of kingus
trauaileþ vnder þe ſunne? and of prouynces; I made to me ſingeris and ſingereſſes, and
iiii Jeneracioun goþ, and ieneracioun comeþ; þe erþe forſoþe in þe delices of ſonus of men, cuppis and pottis in ſeruiſe, to
to wiþ oute ende ſtant. wynes to ben held;
ix and I paſſede in richeſſes alle, þat beforn me weren in
v Þe ſunne riſiþ vp, and goþ doun, and to his place turneþ
aȝeen; Jeruſalem. Wiſdam alſo abod ſtille wiþ me,
x and alle þingus þat deſireden myn eȝen, I denyede not to
vi and þere aȝeen riſende goþ aboute bi þe ſouþ, and turneþ
aȝeen to þe norþ. Enuyrounende alle þingus þe ſpirit in þem; ne I forfendide myn herte, but þat of alle voluptuouſte
cumpas paſſeþ, and in to his cercles turneþ aȝeen. he ſhulde take frut, and al delicen hym ſelf in þeſe þingus þat
vii Alle flodis entren in to þe ſe, and þe ſe redoundiþ not; to
I hadde greiþid; and þis I alouwide my part, for I ſhulde
vſen my trauaile.
þe place whennes þe flodis wenten out, þei turnen aȝeen, þat xi And whan me I hadde turned to alle þe werkis þat myn
eft þei flowen out. hondis hadden don, and to þe trauailes in whiche in veyn I
viii Alle þingus harde, and a man mai not þem tellen out
hadde ſwat, I ſaȝ in alle þingus vanyte and tormenting of
pleynli wiþ wrd; þe eȝe is not fild wiþ ſiȝte, ne fulfild is þe inwit, and no þing to dwelle ſtille vnder þe ſunne.
ere wiþ heering. xii I paſſede, and to ben beholden wiſdam, and erroures, and
ix What is þat was, it þat is to come? What is þat is mad, it
folie; what is forſoþe a man, þat he mowe folewen þe king,
þat is to be maad? his makere?
x No þing vnder þe ſunne newe, ne any man mai ſeyn, Lo! xiii And I ſaȝ, þat ſo myche wiſdam wente beforn folie, hou
þis is freſh newe; now forſoþe it wente beforn in worldis, þe myche liȝt is in difference fro dercneſſes.
whiche weren beforn vs. xiiii Of þe wiſe man þe eȝen in his hed, þe fool goþ in
xi Þer is not mynde of þe raþere þingus, but and of þo þingis
dercneſſes; and I lernede, þat o diyng was of euere eiþer.
forſoþe, þat ben aftir to come, ſhal not ben recording anent xv And I ſeide in myn herte, If oon and of þe fool and my
hem þat be to come in þe laſte time. diyng ſhal be, what to me profiteþ, þat more biſyneſſe I ȝaf to
xii I Ecleſiaſtes was king of Irael in Jeruſalem;
wiſdam? And ſpoken wiþ my mynde, I toc heed, þat þat alſo
xiii and I purpoſide in myn inwit to ſeche and enſerchen wiſli was vanyte.
of alle þingus, þat ben mad vnder ſunne. Þis werſte xvi Forſoþe þer ſhal not be þe mynde of þe wiſe man, lic
ocupacioun ȝaff God to þe ſonus of men, þat þei ſhulden ben maner as of þe fool in to wiþoute ende, and þe times to come
ocupied in it. wiþ forȝeting alle þingus ſhul couere togidere; þe taȝt man
xiiii I ſaȝ alle þingus þat ben mad vnder þe ſunne, and, lo! dieþ alſo and þe vntaȝt.
alle þingus vanite and tormenting of ſpirit.


xvii And þerfore it noȝede me of my lif, ſeende alle euelis to xvi I ſaȝ vnder ſunne in þe place of dom vnpitouſneſſe; and in
ben vnder þe ſunne, and alle þingus vanytes and tormenting þe place of riȝtwiſneſſe wickidneſſe.
of ſpirit. xvii And I ſeide in myn herte, Þe riȝtwiſe and þe vnpitouſe
xviii Eft I wlatede alle my biſyneſſe, þat vnder þe ſunne moſt þe Lord ſhal demen; and tyme of alle þing þanne ſhal be.
ſtudiouſli I trauailede, to han an eir after me, xviii I ſeide in myn herte of þe ſonus of men, þat God ſhulde
xix whom I knowe not, wheþer wis or fool he be to ben; and prouen hem, and ſhewen to ben lic to beſtis.
ſhal lordſhipen in my trauailes, in þe whiche I haue myche xix Þerfore oon is þe diyng of men and of beſtis, and euene
ſwat, and ben biſy; and alle þing is ſo veyn. þe condicioun of euere eiþer; as a man dieþ, ſo and þo dien;
xx Wherfore I ceſede, and myn herte forſoc more to trauailen lic maner breþen alle þingus, and no þing haþ a man more
vnder þe ſunne. þan a beſte.
xxi For whan an oþer ſhal trauailen in wiſdam, and doctrine, xx Alle þingus vnderlin to vanyte, and alle þingus gon to o
and beſyneſſe, and to an idil man þe purchaſid þingus lefeþ; place; of erþe þei ben maad, and in to erþe togidere þei
and þat þanne vanyte, and gret euel. turnen aȝeen.
xxii What forſoþe ſhal profite to a man of al his trauaile, and xxi Who kneȝ, if þe ſpirit of þe ſonus of Adam ſteȝe vp aboue,
of þe tormenting of ſpirit, þat vnder þe ſunne he is tormentid? and if þe ſpirit of beſtis go doun byneþe?
xxiii Alle þe daȝes of hym of ſorewes and myſeyſe ben ful, xxii And I parceyuede no þing to ben betere, þan a man to
and bi þe nyȝt in mynde he reſteþ not; and wheþer is not þat gladen in his werc, and þat to ben þe part of hym; who
vanyte? forſoþe hym ſhal leden to, þat aftir hym he knowe þingis to
xxiiii Wheþer is it not betere to eten and drinke, and to ſhewe come?
to his lif þe goodis of his trauailes? and þat is of þe hond of
God. Capitulum IIII.
xxv Who ſhal ſo deuouren, and delicis flowen, as I?
iI turnede me to oþere þingus, and I ſaȝ chalenges, þat
xxvi To a good man in his ſiȝte God ȝaf wiſdam, and
vnder þe ſunne ben don, and þe teres of innocens, and no
kunnyng, and vnderſtonding; to þe ſynnere forſoþe he ȝaf man coumfortende; ne to moun wiþſtonde þe violence of þem,
tormenting, and waſt biſyneſſe, þat he adde, and gedere benomen þe helpe of alle.
togidere, and take to hym þat ſhal pleſen to God; but and þis ii And I preiſede more þe deade þan þe liuende;
vanite, and waſt beſyneſſe of mynde. iii and I demede hym welſumere þan eiþer, þat ȝit is not

Capitulum III. born, ne ſaȝ þe euelis þat ben don vnder þe ſunne.
iiii Eft I beheeld alle þe trauailis of men, and þe beſyneſſes I
i Alle þingus han time, and in þer ſpaces paſſen alle þingus tooc heed to ben opened to þe enuye of neȝhebore; and in þat
vnder þe ſunne. þanne vanyte, and waſt beſyneſſe is.
ii Time of hauyng birþe, and time of diyng; time of plaunting, v Þe fool foldeþ togidere his hondis, and eteþ his fleſh,
and time of pulling vp þat is plauntid. vi ſeiende, Betere is a litil handful wiþ reſte, þan ful eiþer
iii Time of ſleying, and time of heling; time of deſtroȝing, and hond wiþ trauaile and tormenting of inwit.
time of bilding. vii Beholdende I founde and an oþer vanyte vndir þe ſunne;
iiii Time of weping, and time of laȝhing; time of weiling, and viii oon is, and þe ſecunde haþ not; nouþer ſone, ne broþer;
time of leping. and ner þe latere to trauailen he ceſeþ not, and ner þe latere
v Time of ſprenging abrod ſtones, and time of gadering his eȝen ben not fild wiþ richeſſes; ne he þenkeþ aȝeen,
togidere; time of clipping, and time to ben maad aferr fro ſeiende, To whom trauaile I, and begile my ſoule of goodis?
clippingus. In þat alſo ys vanyte, and werſt tormenting.
vi Time of purchaſing, and time of leeſing; time of keping, ix Betere is `þat two ben togidere þan oon; forſoþe þei han
and time of caſting awei. auauntage of þer felaſhipe.
vii Time of kutting, and time of ſouwing togidere; time of x If oon ſhul fallen, of þe toþer he ſhal ben holden vp; wo to
holding pes, and time of ſpeking. þe alone, for whan he ſhal fallen, he haþ not a man rerende
viii Time of loouing, and time of hate; time of bataile, and hym vp.
time of pes. xi If two ſhul ſlepe, þei ſhul ben nurſhid togidere; oon, what
ix What haþ a man more of his trauaile? maner ſhal he be maad hot?
x I ſaȝ þe affliccioun, þat God ȝaf to þe ſonus of men, þat þei xii If any man haue þe ouere hond aȝen oon, two wiþſtonden
be tormentid in it. to hym; a þre fold corde hard is to-broken.
xi Alle þingus he made goode in þer time, and þe world he xiii Betere is a child pore and wis þan a king old and fool,
toc to þe diſputiſoun of þem, þat a man finde not þe werc þat þat cannot ſeen beforn in to aftir.
God wroȝte fro þe bigynnyng to þe ende. xiiii Þat and fro priſoun and cheynes oþerwhile ſum man goþ
xii And I kneȝ þat þer was not betere, but to gladen, and to out to a reume; and an oþer born into a reume wiþ myſeiſe is
do good in þer lif. waſtid.
xiii Eche man forſoþe þat etiþ and drinkeþ, and ſeeþ good of xv I ſaȝ alle liuende men þat gon vnder þe ſunne, wiþ þe
his trauaile; þat þe ȝifte of God is. ȝunge ful waxynge þe ſecunde, þat ſhal riſe for hym.
xiiii I lernede þat alle werkis, þat God made, dwellen ſtille in xvi Wiþ oute ende is þe noumbre of puple, of alle þat weren
to wiþ oute ende; wee moun not to þem any þing adden, or beforn hym, and þat aftir ben to comen, ſhul not gladen in
taken awei, þat God made, þat he be drad. hym; but and þis vanyte and tormenting of ſpirit.
xv Þat is maad, it dwelliþ ſtille; þat ben to come, now weren;
and God reſtoreþ þat, þat ȝide awei.


Capitulum V. deſireþ; and God ȝyueþ not power to hym, þat he ete of it, but
a ſtraunge man ſhal deuouren it. Þis is vanyte, and gret
i Kep þou þi foot, goende in to þe hous of God, and neȝhe þat wrecchidneſſe.
þou heere; forſoþe myche betere is obeiſaunce þan victorie iii If any man geete an hundred free childer, and liue many
ſacrifiſes of foolis, þat wite not what þei don of euel. ȝeris, and many daȝes of his age hadde, and þe ſoule of hym
ii And ſpeke þou not folili any þing, ne þin herte be ſwift to vſe nott þe goodis of his ſubſtaunce, and lacke ſepulture; of
bringe forþ a wrd beforn God; God forſoþe in heuene, and þat I pronounce, þat betere þan he be maad `a dead born.
þou vp on erþe, and þerfore fewe be þi wrdis. iiii In veyn forſoþe he cam, and wente to dercneſſes; and bi
iii Sweuenus folewen manye beſyneſſes, and in manye wrdis forȝeting ſhal be don awei þe name of hym.
ſhal ben founde folie. v He ſaȝ not þe ſunne, ne kneȝ þe diſtaunce of good and euel;
iiii If any þing þou haue vouwid to God, ne tarie þou to vi alſo if two þouſend ȝeer he ſhulde liue, and hadde not ful
ȝelde; forſoþe diſpleſiþ to hym vnfeiþful and fool beheſte; but vſid þe goodis; wheþer not to o place gon alle?
what euere þou auouwiſt, ȝeeld; vii Al þe trauaile of man in þe mouþ of hym, but þe ſoule of
v and myche betere it is to not auouwen, þan aftir þe vow þe
hym ſhal not be fulfild wiþ goodis.
biheſtis to not ȝelde. viii What more haþ a wis man þan a fool? and what a pore,
vi Ne ȝiue þou þi mouþ, þat þou make þi fleſh to ſynnen; ne
but þat he go þider, wher is lif?
ſey þou biforn þe aungil, Þere is not purueying; leſt ix Betere is to ſeen þat þou coueitiſt, þan to deſire þat þou
parauenture þe Lord, wroþ vp on þi wrdis, ſcatere alle þe woſt not; but and þis is vanyte, and preſumpcioun of ſpirit.
werkis of þin hondis. x Who is to come, now is clepid þe name of hym, and is
vii Wher many ſweuenes ben, many vanytes, and wrdis
vnnoumbreable; þou forſoþe dred God. knowen, þat he be a man, and mai not aȝen a ſtrengere þan
viii If þou ſhalt ſeen wronge chalengis of nedi men, and
hymſelf ſtriuen wiþ in dom.
xi Wrdis ben manye, and myche in diſputing vanyte hauende.
violent domes, and riȝtwiſneſſe to be turned vpſo doun in xii What nede is to a man more þingus þan hymſelf to ſechen;
prouynce, wndre þou not vp on þis nede; for þan þe heeȝ an
oþer is heȝere, and vp on þeſe oþere alſo ben heȝere whan he vnknowiþ, what it bringe to hym in his lif, bi
ſtondende; noumbre of daȝes of his pilgrimage, and bi time þat as
ix and ferþermore þe king of al erþe comaundiþ to þe ſhadewe paſſede? or who to hym ſhal moun ſhewen, what after
ſeruende. hym be to come vnder þe ſunne?
x Þe auerouſe ſhall not ben fulfild wiþ monee; and þat looueþ
richeſſes, frut ſhal not take of þem; and þis þanne vanyte. Capitulum VII.
xi Wher ben many richeſſes, and manye þat eten hem; and i Betere is a good name þan precious oynementes; and þe dai
what profiteþ to þe weldere, but þat he ſeeþ þe richeſſes wiþ of deþ þan þe dai of birþe.
his eȝen? ii Betere is to go to þe hous of weiling, þan to þe hous of a
xii Swete is ſlep to þe werchere, wheþer litil or myche he ete; feſte; in it forſoþe þe ende of alle men is warned, and liuende
fulneſſe forſoþe of þe riche man ſuffriþ hym not to ſlepen. he þenkeþ, what be to come.
xiii Þer is and an oþer infirmyte werſt, þat I ſaȝ vndir þe iii Betere is wraþe þan laȝhing; for bi ſorewe of þe chere þe
ſunne; richeſſes kept in to euel of his lord. wil of þe treſpaſere is amendid.
xiiii Forſoþe þei perſhen in þe werſte tormenting; `he gat a iiii Þe herte of wiſe men where is ſorewe; and þe herte of
ſone, þat in heȝeſt nedyneſſe ſhal be. foolis where is gladneſſe.
xv As he wente out nakid of þe wombe of his moder, ſo he v Betere is to be chaſtiſid of a wis man, þan bi flatering of
ſhal turne aȝeen; and no þing he ſhal take wiþ hym of his foolis to be deſceyued;
trauaile. vi for as þe ſoun of brennende þornes vnder a pot, ſo þe
xvi Wreccheful forſoþe infirmyte; what maner he cam, ſo he laȝhing of a fool.
ſhal turne aȝeen. What þanne profiteþ to hym, þat he vii But and þis vanyte. Chaleng diſturbeþ þe wiſe man, and
trauailede in to wind? ſhal leeſen þe ſtrengþe of his herte.
xvii Alle þe daȝes of his lif he eet in dercneſſes, and in many viii Betere is forſoþe þe ende of oriſoun þan þe begynnyng.
beſyneſſes, and in myſeiſe, and ſorewe. Betere is a pacient man þan þe enhauncende hymſelf.
xviii And ſo þis to me is ſeen good, þat a man ete, and ix Be þou not ſwift to wraþen; for wraþe in þe boſum of a
drinke, and vſe gladneſſe of his trauaile, þat he trauailede fool reſtiþ.
vnder þe ſunne, in noumbre of þe daȝes of his lif, `þe whiche x Ne ſeye þou, What weneſt þou of cauſe is, þat þe raþere
God ȝaf to hym; and þis is his part.
xix And to eche man, to whom God ȝaf richeſſes, and tymes betere weren þan now ben? folie forſoþe is ſuch a
maner aſking.
ſubſtaunce, and power he ȝaf to hym, þat he ete of hem, and xi Profitablere forſoþe is wiſdam wiþ richeſſes, and more
take þe frut of his part, and glade of his trauaile; þis is þe
ȝifte of God. profitiþ to men ſeende þe ſunne.
xx Forſoþe not `a ſeeþ he ſhal recorde of þe daȝes of his lif, xii Forſoþe as wiſdam defendiþ, ſo monee; þis forſoþe more
þer þurȝ þat God ocupie in delicys his herte. haþ lernyng and wiſdam, þat lif þei ȝeelden to þer weldere.
xiii Behold þe werkes of God, þat no man mai amende, whom
Capitulum VI. he deſpiſide.
xiiii In þe goode dai vſe goodes, and þe euele dai be war
i Ther is and an oþer euel, þat I ſaȝ vnder þe ſunne; and biforn; as forſoþe þis, ſo and it God made, þat a man finde
forſoþe ofte anentis men. not aȝen hym riȝtwis pleyntes.
ii A man to whom God ȝaf richeſſes, and ſubſtaunce, and
wrſhepe; and no þing lackeþ to his ſoule of alle þingis þat he


xv Þeſe þingus alſo I ſawȝ in þe daȝes of my birþe; þe xii And ner þe latere þe ſynnere, of þat, þat an hundrid ſiþes
riȝtwis perſhede in his riȝtwiſneſſe, and þe vnpitous myche he doþ euel, and bi pacience is ſuſtened, I kneȝ þat þer was
time liueþ, and in his malice. good to men dredende God, þat reuerentli dreden þe face of
xvi Wile þou not ben myche riȝtwis, ne more ſauouren þan is hym.
nede; leſt þou become ſtoneid. xiii Be þer not good to þe vnpitouſe, ne be þer aferr longid þe
xvii Ne myche vnpytouſli do þou, and wile þou not ben a fool; daȝes of hym; but as ſhadewe paſſe þey, þat dreden not þe
leſt þou die in þe time not þin. face of þe Lord.
xviii Good is, þee to ſuſtenen þe riȝtwis; but and fro hym ne xiiii Þer is and an oþer vanyte, þat is don vp on erþe. Þer
wiþdrawe þou þin hond; for who dredeþ God, no þing ben riȝtwis men, to þe whiche eueles comen forþ, as werkes
necgligentli leueþ. þei diden of vnpitous men; and þer ben vnpitous men, þat ben
xix Wiſdam coumfortede þe wiſe, ouer ten princes of þe cite. ſo ſikir, as þoȝ þei hadden þe deedis of riȝtwis men; but and
þis moſt veyn I deme.
xx Þer is not forſoþe a riȝtwis man in þe erþe, þat do good, xv I preiſede þerfore gladneſſe, þat þer was not to man good
and not ſynne. vnder ſunne, but þat he ete, and drinke, and ioȝe; and þat
xxi But and to alle wrdis, þat ben ſeid, ne leeue þou þin onli wiþ hym he take of his trauaile, in þe daȝes of his lif,
herte; leſt parauenture þou heere a ſeruaunt curſende to þee; þat God ȝaf to hym vnder þe ſunne.
xxii þi conſcience forſoþe wot, for and þou ofte ſiþes curſediſt xvi And I leide to myn herte, þat I wite wiſdam, and
to oþere. vnderſtande diſtincioun, þat goþ on erþe. Þer is a man, þat
xxiii Alle þingis I ſaȝede in wiſdam; I ſeide, Wis I ſhal be daȝes and niȝtus ſlep takeþ not to his eȝen.
maad, and it ferþere wente awei fro me, xvii And I vnderſtod, þat of alle þe werkis of God, no reſoun
xxiiii myche more þan it was; and heeȝ depneſſe, who ſhal of þem mai a man finde, þat ben mad vnder þe ſunne; and
finde it? hou myche more he trauailede to ſechen, ſo myche laſſe he ſhal
xxv I cumpaſſede alle þingus in myn inwit, þat I ſhulde finde; alſo if þe wiſe man ſhal ſei hymſelf to han knowen, he
ſhal not moun finde.
witen, and beholde, and ſechen wiſdam and reſoun, and þat I
ſhulde knowe þe vnpitouſnes of þe fool, and þe errour of
vnprudent men. Capitulum IX.
xxvi And I fond a womman bitterere þan deþ, þe whiche is i Alle þeſe þingus I tretede in myn herte, þat I vndirſtonde
þe grene of hunteres, and a net þe herte of hir, bondis ben þe curyouſly. Þer ben riȝtwiſe and wiſe men, and þe werkis of
hondis of hir; who pleſiþ to God, ſhal aſcapen hir, who forſoþe hem in þe hond of God; and ner þe latere a man wot not,
is a ſynnere, ſhal be caȝt of hir. wheþer looue or hate he be wrþi.
xxvii Lo! þis I fond, ſeide Ecleſiaſtes, oon and oþer, þat I ii But alle þingus in to time to come ben kept vncerteyn; for
ſhulde finde reſoun, þi þat alle þingus euenli comen to þe riȝtwis and to þe
xxviii þat ȝit ſechiþ my ſoule; and I fond not. A man of a vnpitous, to þe goode and to þe euele, to þe clene and to þe
þouſend oon I fond, a womman of alle I fond not. vnclene, to þe offrende oſtis and victorie ſacrifiſes, and to þe
xxix Onli þis I fond, þat God made man riȝt; and he hymſelf deſpiſende ſacrifiſes; as a good man, ſo and a ſynnere; as a
mengde wiþ queſtiouns wiþ oute ende. Who ſuch oon as þe forſworn, ſo and he þat ſoþ ſwerþ.
iii Þis is þe werſte among alle þingis, þat vnder þe ſunne ben
wiſe is? and who kneȝ þe ſolucioun of þe wrd?
don, for þe ſame þingus to alle men fallen; wherfore and þe
Capitulum VIII. hertes of þe ſonus of men ben fulfild wiþ malice and wiþ
diſpiſing in þer lif; and aftir þeſe to helle þei ſhul ben broȝt
i The wiſdam of a man liȝtneþ in þe chere of hym; and þe doun.
moſt myȝti þe face of hym ſhal chaungen. iiii No man is, þat euermor liue, and þat of þis þing haue
ii I þe mouþ of þe king kepe, and heſtes and þe oþis of God. troſt; betere is a quyc dogge þanne a leoun dead.
iii Ne heȝe þou to gon awei fro þe face of hym, ne abide þou v Lyuende men forſoþe witen þemſelf to be to dien; deade
ſtille in euel werc. For al þat he wille, he ſhal do; forſoþe no þing knewen more, ne han ouer meede; for to
iiii and þe ſermoun of hym is ful of power, ne any man mai forȝeting taken is þe mynde of hem.
vi Looue alſo, and hate, and enuyes togidere perſheden; and
ſey to hym, Whi doſt þou þus?
v Who kepeþ þe heſt, ſhal not ben expert any þing `of euel; þei han not part in þis world, and in þe werk þat vnder þe
time and anſwering þe herte of þe wiſe man vnderſtant. ſunne is don.
vii Go þanne, and ett in gladneſſe þi bred, and drinc wiþ ioȝe
vi To alle nede time is and couenableneſſe; and myche
tormentyng of a man, þi win; for to God pleſen þi werkis.
viii Alle times be þi cloþis white, and oile fro þin hed faile
vii þat vnknowiþ þe paſſide þingus, and þe to comen bi no
meſſager he may wite. not.
ix Parfitli vſe lif wiþ þe wif þat þou looueſt, alle þe daȝes of
viii It is not in a mannys power to defende þe ſpirit, ne he
haþ power in þe dai of deþ, ne it is ſuffrid to reſten, bataile þi lif of þin vnſtableneſſe, þat ben ȝyue to þee vnder ſunne, al
aȝencomende; ne vnpitouſneſſe ſhal ſaue þe vnpitouſe. þe time of þi vanyte; þis is forſoþe part in lif, and in þi
ix Alle þeſe þingus I beheeld, and ȝaf myn herte in alle
trauaile, þat þou trauailiſt vnder ſunne.
x What euere þing mai þin hond don, beſili werc; for nouþer
werkis, þat ben mad vnder ſunne. Oþerwhile a man werc, ne reſoun, ne wiſdam, ne kunnyng is anent helle,
lordſhipeþ to a man, in to his euel. whider þou goſt.
x I ſaȝ vnpitous men biried, þat alſoo, whan ȝit þei liueden,
xi I turnede me to an oþer þing, þat I ſaȝ vnder ſunne neiþer
`in holi place weren; and þei weren preiſed in þe cite, as of cours to ben of ſwifte men, ne bataile of ſtronge men, ne bred
riȝtwis werkis; but and þis is vanyte. of wiſe men, ne richeſſes of taȝt men, ne grace off craftis
xi Forſoþe for þer is not broȝt forþ anoon aȝen euele men
men; but time and chauns in alle þingus.
ſentence, wiþoute any drede þe ſones of men werchen eueles.


xii A man wot not his ende; but as fiſſhis ben take wiþ þe Capitulum XI.
hoc, and as briddes ben caȝt wiþ þe grene, ſo ben taken men i Send
in euel time, whan to þem ſodeynli it comeþ ouer. þi bred vp on men paſſende watris, for after manye
xiii Þis alſo vnder ſunne I ſaȝ wiſdam, and prouede þe moſte. times þou ſhalt finden it.
ii Ȝif partis ſeuene, and alſo eiȝte; for þou knowiſt not, what
xiiii A litil cite, and fewe men in it; þer cam aȝen it a gret
king, and beſegede it, and made out ſtrengþis bi enuyroun; be to comen of euelis vp on erþe.
iii If þe cloudis weren fulfild, weder vp on erþe þei ſhul
and ful mad is þe ſege.
xv And þer is founden in it a pore man and a wis; he heelden out; if þe tree ſhul falle to þe ſouþ, or to þe norþ, in
delyuerede þe cite bi his wiſdam, and no man þerafter what euere place it ſhul falle, þere it ſhal be.
iiii Who waiteþ wind, ſowiþ not; and who biholdiþ cloudis,
recordede of þat pore man.
xvi And I ſeide, betere to ben wiſdam þan ſtrengþe; what neuermore ſhal repe.
v What maner wiſe þou knoweſt not, what be þe weie of þe
maner þanne þe wiſdam of þe pore man is deſpiſid, and þe
wrdis of hym ben not herd? ſpirit, and bi what reſoun bones ben ioyned in þe wombe of
xvii Þe wrdis of wiſe men ben herd in ſilence, more þan þe þe womman wiþ childe, ſo þou woſt not þe werkes of God,
cri of a prince among foolis. þat is forgere of alle þingus.
vi Erli ſowe þi ſeed, and at eue ne ceſe þin hond; for þou woſt
xviii Betere is wiſdam þan armes for bataile; and who in oon
ſhal ſynnen, many goodis ſhal leeſe. neuer, whiche more growe, þis or þat; and if eiþer togidere,
þe betere ſhal be.
vii Sweete þe tree, and delitable is to eȝen to ſeen þe ſunne.
Capitulum X. viii If manye ȝeres a man lyuede, and in alle þeſe þingus
i Fleȝis diende leeſen þe ſwotneſſe of þe oynement. More were glad, he owiþ to han mynde of þe derke tyme, and of
precious is wiſdam and litil glorie at tyme, þan folie. many daȝes; þe whiche whan þei ſhul come, of vanyte ſhul ben
ii Þe herte of þe wiſe man in þe riȝthalf of hym; and þe herte vndernomen þe paſſed tymes.
of þe fool in þe lifthalf of hym. ix Þanne glade þou, ȝunge man, in þi waxende age, and in
iii But and in þe weie a fool goende, whan he be an vnwis good be þin herte in þe daȝes of þi ȝouþe, and go in þe weies
man, alle foolis eymeþ. of þin herte, and in þe ſiȝte of þin eȝen; and wite þou, þat for
iiii If þe ſpirit of þe hauende power ſteȝe vp vp on þee, þi alle þeſe þingus God ſhal bringe þee in to dom.
x Do awei wraþe fro þin herte, and put awei malice fro þi
place ne lefe þou; for kuring makeþ to ceſe moſt ſynnes.
v Þer is euel, þat I ſaȝ vnder þe ſunne, as bi errour goende fleſh; forſoþe waxende age and voluptuouſte ben veyn.
out fro þe face of þe prince;
vi a fool ſet in heeȝ dignete, and riche men to ſeete beneþe. Capitulum XII.
vii I ſaȝ ſeruauntis in hors, and princes goende as ſeruauns i Haue mynde of þi creatour in þe daȝis of þi ȝouþe, and er
vp on erþe. time come of tormenting, and neȝhen þe ȝeres, of þe whiche
viii Who delueþ a dich, falliþ in to it; and who ſcatereþ þe þou ſeye, Þei pleſen not to me.
ii Er þe ſunne waxe derc, and liȝt, and ſterres, and moone;
hegg, ſhal biten hym þe ſhadewe eddere.
ix Who berþ ouer ſtones, ſhal be tormentid in hem; and who and þe cloudis turnen aȝeen after reyn.
iii Whan ſhul be moued þe keperes of þe hous, and þe moſt
hewiþ trees, ſhal be woundid of hem.
x If aȝeen ſmyten were þe iren, and þat not as bifore, but ſtrong men wageren; and idil ſhuln ben þe wymmen grindende
were bluntid, wiþ myche trauaile ſhall be whettid out; and in a litil noumbre, and ſeende bi holes ſhul waxe derc;
iiii and cloſen þe dores in þe ſtrete, in þe mekneſſe of þe vois
aftir þe beſyneſſe ſhal folewe wiſdam.
xi If þe eddere bijte in ſilence, no þing laſſe þan he haþ, þat of hir grindende; and þei ſhul riſe at þe vois of þe brid, and
priueli bacbiteþ. alle þe doȝtris of þe ſong ſhul become doumb.
v Heȝe þingus alſo ſhul dreden, and quaken in þe weie; þe
xii Þe wrdis of þe wiſe mouþ grace; and þe lippis of þe
vnwiſe ſhuln ſtumblen hym doun. almaunder ſhal flouren, and þe locuſt ſhal be mad fat, and þe
xiii Þe bigynnyng of þe wrdis of hym folie; and þe laſt þing
erbe caperis ſhal be ſcatered; for a man ſhal gon in to þe hous
of his euerlaſtingneſſe, and men weilende ſhul gon aboute in
of þe mouþ of hym werſt errour. þe ſtrete.
xiiii A fool multeplieþ wrdes; a man vnknowiþ what beforn vi Er be to-broke þe ſilueren corde, and aȝeen come þe goldene
hym was, and what after is to come, who to hym ſhal moun filet, and þe ſtene be to-broſid vp on þe welle, and to-broke be
ſhewe? þe wheel vp on þe ciſterne;
xv Þe labour of foolys ſhal tormenten hem, þat kunnen not in vii and pouder turne aȝeen in to his erþe, whenes he was,
to þe cite gon. and þe ſpirit go aȝeen to God, þat ȝaf it.
xvi Wo to þee, þou lond, whos king is a child, and whos viii Vanyte of vanytes, ſeide Ecleſiaſtes, vanyte of vanytes,
princes erli eten. and alle þingus vanyte.
xvii Blisful þe lond, whos king is noble; and whos princes ix And whan Ecleſiaſtes was moſt wis, he taȝte þe puple, and
eten in þer time, to fillen, and not to leccherie. tolde out what `he hadde do, and enſerchende made manye
xviii In ſlouþis ſhal be mekid þe ioynyng of ſparres; and in parablis;
infirmyte of hondis þe hous ſhal droppe þurȝ. x he ſoȝte profitable wrdis, and wrot moſt riȝt ſermounes, and
xix In laȝhing þei make bred and wyn, þat þei ete drinkende; ful of treuþe.
and to monee obeſhen alle þingus. xi Þe wrdis of wiſe men as prickes, and as nailes in to heiȝte
xx In þi þenking ne bacbite þou to þe king, and in þe priuyte piȝt, þat bi þe counſeiles of maiſtris ben ȝiuen of oon
of þi bed, ne curſe þou to þe riche man; for and þe foulis of ſhepperde.
heuene ſhuln bern þi vois, and þat haþ federes, ſhal telle out


xii More þan þeſe, ſone myn, ne ſeche þou; of making manye
bokis is noon ende, and ofte beþenking is tormenting of þe
xiii Eende of ſpeking alle heere wee togidere. Dred God, and
his heſtis kep; þat is, eche man.
xiiii Alle þingus þat ben mad, he ſhal bringe in to dom; for
eche errid þing, wheþer good or euel it be.
Here endiþ Eccleſiaſtes, and here bigynneþ
þe book, þat is clepid Soongis of Soongis,
of þe bridalis of Criſt and of þe Chirche.


vi [Þe vois of þe Chirche of Criſt.] Þe lift hond of hym

SONGUS OF SONGIS. vnder myn hed; and his riȝt hond ſhal clippe me.
vii [Þe vois of Criſt, of þe Chirche.] I adiure ȝou, ȝee
Heer gynneþ þe booc þat is clepid Songus doȝtris of Jeruſalem, bi þe capretes, and þe hertes of feeldis,
of Songis, of þe bridalis of Criſt and of þe ne rere ȝee, ne makeþ my leef to waken, to þe time þat ſhe
Chirche. viii [Þe vois of þe Chirche, of Criſt.] Þe vois of my
lemman; lo! þis comeþ lepende in mounteynes, and ouer
Capitulum I. lepende hillis.
i [Þe ix Lic is my lemman to a capret, and to an hert calf of hertis;
Chirche, of þe comyng of Criſt ſpekiþ, ſeiende,] Kiſſe
he me wiþ þe cos of his mowþ. lo! he ſtant bihynde oure wal, biholdende bi þe windowes,
ii [Þe vois of þe Fader.] For betere ben þi tetes þan wyn, aferr lookende þurȝ þe latiſes.
x Lo! my lemman ſpekeþ to me, Ris, go þou, my leef, my
ſmellende wiþ beſt oynemens.
iii [Þe vois of þe Chirche.] Oile held out, þi name; þerfore culuer, my ſhapli, and cum;
xi now forſoþe wintre paſſede, weder ȝide fro, and is gon
þe ȝunge waxende wymmen looueden þee ful myche.
iiii [Þe vois of þe Chirche to Criſt.] Draȝ me aftir þee; wee awei.
xii Floures apereden in oure lond, time of kutting is come; þe
ſhul rennen in þe ſmel of þin oynemens. [Þe Chirche ſeiþ of
Criſt.] Broȝte me in þe king in to his celeris; wee ſhul ful vois of þe turtil is herd in oure lond,
out ioȝen, and gladen in þee, myndeful of þi tetes, vp on wyn; xiii þe fige tree broȝte forþ his firſt figus; þe vynes flourende
riȝt men loouen þee. ȝiuen þer ſmel. [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche.] Ris, go, my
v [Þe Chirche of hir tribulaciouns.] O! ȝee doȝtris of leef, myn ſhapli, and cum þou.
Jeruſalem, blac I am, but ſhapli, as þe tabernacles of Cedar, xiiii My culuer in þe holis of þe ſton, in þe chyne of a ſton
as þe ſkynnes of Salamon. wal. Shewe þou to me þi face, ſoune þi vois in myn eres; þi
vi Wileþ not beholden, þat I be broun, for diſcoloured me haþ vois forſoþe is ſwete, and þi face ſemeli.
þe ſunne; þe ſonus of my moder foȝten aȝen me, þei ſetteden xv [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche, aȝen eretikis.] Take ȝee
me kepere in vynes; my vyneȝerd I kepte not. to vs litle foxes, þat deſtroȝen vynes; for oure vyne flourede.
vii [Þe vois of þe Chirche to Criſt.] Shew þou to me, whom xvi [Þe vois of þe Chirche of Criſt.] My looued to me, and
looueþ my ſoule, wher þou ȝiueſt leſwe, wher þou ligge in I to hym, þat is fed among lilies;
myddai; leſt to gon vagaunt I bygynne, aftir þe flockis of þi xvii to þe time þat þe dai ſpringe, and ſhadewes be bowid in.
felawis. Turne aȝeen; lic be þou, O! my lemman, to a capret, and to
viii [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche.] If þou knoweſt not þee, þe hert calf of hertis, vpon þe mounteynes of Bethel.
O! þou moſt fair among wymmen, go out, and go awei after
þe ſteppis of þi flockis; and feed þi got, biſide þe tabernaclis Capitulum III.
of ſhepperdis. i [Þe
ix To my riding in charis of Farao I licnede þee, O! my leef. vois of þe Chirche, gedered togidere of Jentiles.] In
x Faire ben þi cheekes, as of a turtil; þi necke as brooches. my litle bed by niȝtis I ſoȝte, whom loouede my ſoule; I ſoȝte
hym, and I fond not.
xi Goldene ribanes wee ſhul make to þee, mad fijr red wiþ ii I ſhal riſe, and gon aboute þe cite, bi townes and ſtretis; I
ſiluer. ſhal ſeche, whom looueþ my ſoule; I ſoȝte hym, and foond not.
xii [Þe vois of þe Chirche of Criſt.] Whan þe king was in iii Þere founden me þe waccheres, þat kepe þe cite. [Þe
his liyng place, my mad encens ȝaf his ſmel. Chirche ſeiþ of Criſt to þe Apoſtolis.] Wheþer whom looueþ
xiii A bundel of myrre my lemman is to me; betwe my tetes my ſoule, ȝee ſeȝen?
he ſhal dwelle. iiii A litil whan I hadde paſſed þem, I fond, whom looueþ my
xiiii Þe cluſtre of cipre tree my lemman to me, in þe vynes of ſoule; I heeld hym, and I ſhal not lefe, to þe time þat I
Engaddy. bringe hym in to þe hous of my moder, and in to þe bed of
xv [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche.] Lo! þou art fair, my hir þat gat me.
leef; lo! þou fair, þin eȝen of culueres. v [Þe vois of Criſt, of þe Chirche.] I adiure ȝou, ȝee doȝtris
xvi [Þe vois of þe Chirche to Criſt.] Lo! þou art fair, my off Jeruſalem, bi capretis, and hertis of feeldis, ne rere ȝee,
lemman, and ſemeli; oure bed ſhynende. ne make ȝee my leef to wake, to þe time þat ſhe wile.
xvii Þe trees of oure houſes cedre; oure couplis cipreſſe. vi [Þe ſinagoge of þe Chirche.] What is ſhe, þis þat ſteȝeþ
vp bi deſert, as a lytil ȝerde of ſmoke of þe ſwote ſpices, of
Capitulum II. myrre, and of cenſe, and of alle pymentarie poudre?
vii [Þe vois of þe Chirche of Criſt.] Lo! þe litle bed of
i [Þe vois of Criſt, of hym and of þe Chirche.] I þe flour of Salamon ſixty ſtronge men cumpaſſen, of þe moſt ſtronge men
þe feeld, and þe lilie of aleyes. of Irael;
ii As a lilie among þornes, ſo my leef among doȝtres. viii þe whyche alle ben holdende ſwerdis, and to bataile beſt
iii [Þe vois of þe Chirche of Criſt.] As an appil tree among taȝt; of `eche on þe ſwerd vp on his hipe, for þe nyȝt dredes.
þe trees of wodis, ſo my lemman among ſones. Vnder þe ix [Þe vois of Criſt, and of þe Chirche, choſen of Jentilis.]
ſhadewe of hym, whom I hadde deſirid, I ſat; and his frut A chaȝer king Salamon made to hym, of þe trees of Liban;
ſweete to my þrote. x his pileris he made ſiluerene, þe lenyng place goldene, þe
iiii Þe king ledde me in his win celer; he ordeynde in me
ſteȝing vp purper; þe myddes he enournede wiþ charite, for þe
charite. doȝtris of Jeruſalem.
v Vnder ley ȝee me wiþ floures, ſetteþ me aboute wiþ appelis; xi [Þe vois of þe Chirche, of Criſt.] Goþ out, and ſeeþ, ȝee
for I languyſhe for looue. doȝtris of Sion, king Salamon in þe diademe, in þe whiche


crounede hym hys moder, in þe dai of ſpouſing of hym, and in vI ros, þat I ſhulde opene to my lemman; myn hondis
þe dai of gladneſſe of his herte. droppeden mirre, and my fingres ful of beſt proued myrre.
vi Þe lach of my dore I openede to my lemman; and he hadde
Capitulum IIII. bowid aſide, and paſſede. My ſoule is molten, as my lemman
i [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche.] Hou fair art þou, my leef, ſpac; I ſoȝte, and I fond not hym; I clepede, and he
hou fair art þou; þin eȝen of culueres, wiþoute it þat wiþynne anſwerde not to me.
vii Þer founden me þe keperes þat gon aboute þe cite; þei
forþ is hid; þin heres as þe flockes of get, þat ſteȝeden vp fro
þe hil of Galaad. ſmyten me, and woundeden me; token my mantil þe keperes
ii Þi teþ as þe flockys of clippid ſheep, þat ſteȝeden vp fro þe of þe wallis.
viii I adiure ȝou, ȝee doȝtris of Jeruſalem, if ȝee ſhul finde
waſſhing place; alle wiþ double lombis in þe wombe, and
bareyn þer is not among hem. my lemman, þat ȝee telle to hym, for I languyſſhe for looue.
iii As a fyr red ſilkene filet þi lippes, and þi faire ſpeche ix [Þe vois of frendis ſeiþ to þe chirche.] Whiche is þi
ſweete; as þe breking of a poumgarnet, ſo þi chekes, wiþoute lemman of þe looued, O! þou moſt fair of wymmen? whiche is
it, þat wiþinne forþ ſit hid. þi lemman of þe looued? `for ſo þou haſt adiurid vs.
iiii As þe tour of Dauid þi necke, þat is bild out wiþ x [Þe vois of þe chirche of Criſt ſeiþ to þe frendis.] My
pynacles; a þouſend ſheldis hangen of it, al þe armoure of lemman whit and roody; choſen of þouſendis.
ſtronge men. xi His hed beſt gold; his her as braunchis of palmes þicke
v Þi two tetes as two ȝunge capretes, twynlingus of þe capret, lefed, blac as a crowe.
þat ben fed in lilies, xii Hys eȝen as culueres vp on litle ryueres of watris, þat ben
vi to þe time þat þe dai breþe out, and þe ſhadewes ben waſſhe wiþ mylc, and ſitten bi þe moſt ful flowingus of
inbowed. I ſhal go to þe mount of mirre, and to þe hil of watris.
cens. xiii Þe chekes of hym as litle flores of ſwote ſpicis, plaunted
vii Al fair þou art, my leef, and wem is not in þee. of pymentaries; his lippis droppende þe firſt myrre.
viii Cum þou fro Liban, my ſpouſe; cum from Liban, cum; xiiii Þe hondis of hym able to turnen aboute, goldene, and ful
þou ſhalt be crouned fro þe hed of Amana, fro þe frount of of iacynctis; his wombe is yuerene, departid bi ſafiris.
Samur and of Ermon, fro þe couches of leouns, and þe hil of xv His hipis marbil pileres, þat ben foundid vpon goldene
pardis. feet; his fairneſſe as of Liban, and choſen as of cedre.
ix Þou haſt woundid myn herte, my ſiſter; my ſpouſe, þou haſt xvi Þe þrote of hym moſt ſweete, and he al deſirable. Such is
woundid my herte, in oon of þin eȝen, and in oon her of þi my looued, and þis is my lemman, ȝee doȝtris of Jeruſalem.
x Hou faire ben þi tetes, my ſiſter, my ſpouſe; fairere ben þi
Capitulum VI.
tetes þan win, and þe ſmel of þin oynemens ouer alle ſpices.
xi A droppende honycomb þi lippes, ſpouſe; hony and mylc i [Þe vois of holi ſoules, of þe Chirche.] Whider ȝide awei þi
vnder þi tunge, and þe ſmel of þi cloþingus as þe ſmel of lemman, O! þou moſt fair of wymmen? whider bowede doun
cens. þi leef? and wee ſhul ſechen hym wiþ þee.
xii A cloſid gardin, my ſiſter ſpouſe; a cloſid gardyn, a welle ii [Þe vois of þe Chirche, of Criſt.] My leef wente doun in
ſelid. to his gardeyn, to þe flor of ſwote ſpices, þat þere he be fed
xiii Þin outſendingus paradis of poungarnetes, wiþ þe frutis in þe gardynes, and lilies he gedere.
iii I to my leef; and myn leef to me, þat is fed among lilies.
of appilis, of cipre tre, wiþ narde;
xiiii and narde, and ſafrun, fiſtula, and canel, wiþ alle þe trees iiii [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche.] Fair þou art, my leef,
of Liban, myrre, and aloes, wiþ alle þe firſte oynemens. ſweete and fair as Jeruſalem, ferful as þe ſheltrun of tentes
xv Þe welle of gardynes, þe pit of liuende watris, þat flowen ordeyned.
v Turne awey þin eȝen fro me, for þei maden me to fleen
wiþ bire fro Liban.
xvi Ris, norþ, and cum, ſouþ; bloȝ þurȝ my gardyn, and þer awei; þin heres as þe flockis of ſhe got, þat aperede fro
ſhul flowe ſwote ſpices of it. vi Þi teþ as a floc of ſhep, þat ſteȝeden vp fro þe waſſhing
place; alle wiþ double frut of wombe, and barein þere is not
Capitulum V. in hem.
i [Þe vii As þe rinde of poungarnet, ſo þi chekes, wiþoute þin hid
Chirche ſeiþ of Criſt.] Come, my leef, in to his gardyn;
and ete he þe frut of his appelis. [Criſt ſeiþ to þe Chirche.] þingus.
Cum in to my gardin, my ſiſter, my ſpouſe. I haue gedered viii Sixty ben quenes, and eiȝeti ben ſecundarie wifes; and of
my mirre, wiþ my ſwoote ſpices; I eet myn honycomb, wiþ ȝunge waxen wymmen þer is no noumbre.
myn hony; I dranc my wyn, wiþ my mylc. [Criſt to þe ix Oon is my culuer, my parfit, oon is to hir moder, choſen of
Apoſtolis ſeiþ.] Eteþ, ȝee frendes, and drinkeþ; and ȝee moſt hir þat gat hir; þer ſeeȝen hir þe doȝtris of Sion, and moſt
derwrþe, beþ inwardli maad drunke. blisful precheden; þe quenes, and þe ſecundarie wifes
ii I ſlepe, and myn herte wakeþ. [Þe vois of þe Chirche of
preyſeden hir.
Criſt.] Þe vois of my lemman knockende; opene þou to me, x What is ſhe þis, þat goþ forþ as morutid riſing, fair as þe
myn ſiſter, my leef, my culuer, myn vnwemed; for myn hed is moone, choſen as þe ſunne, ferful as of tentes ſheltrun
ful of dew, and my temple heres of þe dropis of nyȝtis. ordeyned?
iii I ſpoilede me my coote; hou ſhal I be clad it? I weſh my
xi [Þe vois of þe Chirche, of þe ſinagoge.] I wente doun in
feet; hou ſhal I defoule þem? to my gardyn, þat I ſhulde ſeen þe appelis of aleies, and
iiii My lemman putte his hond bi þe hole; my wombe inwardli
beholde, if þe vynes hadden floured, and þe poungarnetis
tremblede at þe touching of hym. hadden buriouned.


xii I wiſte not; myn ſoule diſturbide me, for þe foure horſid vii Manye watris ſhul not moun quenchen out charite, ne
cartis of Amynadab. flodis ſhul not þrowen it doun. If a man ȝeue al þe
xiii [Þe vois of þe Chirche, of þe feiþ of þe natiuite.] Turne ſubſtaunce of his hous for looue, as noȝt he diſpiſiþ it.
aȝeen, turne aȝeen, Sunamytis; turne aȝeen, turne aȝeen, þat viii [Þe vois of Criſt to þe ſinagoge, of þe holi Chirche.]
wee byholde þee. [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche, of þe Oure ſiſter a litil child, and tetes ſhe haþ not; what ſhul wee
ſynagoge.] What ſhalt þou ſeen in Sunamyte, but queres of do to oure ſiſter, in þe dai whan ſhe is to ben ſpoken to?
tentes? ix If a wal ſhe is, bilde wee vp `on it ſiluerene pynaclis; if a
dore ſhe is, ioyne wee it wiþ ceder tables.
Capitulum VII. x [Þe vois of þe Chirche anſwerende.] I a wal, and my tetes
i [Þe vois of Criſt to þe Chirche.] Hou faire ben þi goingus as a tour; ſiþen I am mad befor þee as pes reſceyuende.
xi [Þe ſinagoge of þe Chirche ſeiþ.] A vyne ſhe was to þe
in ſhon, þou doȝter of þe prince; þe ioyntures of þin hipes as
brooches, þat ben forgid wiþ þe hond of þe craftiſman. peſible; in hir þat haþ puples, ſhe toc it to þe keperes; a man
ii Þi nauele a turned cuppe, neuere nedende drinkes; þi takeþ awei for þe frut of it a þouſend ſiluer plates.
xii [Criſt to þe Chirche ſeiþ.] My vine bifor me is; a þouſend
wombe as an hep of whete, ſet about wiþ lilies.
iii Þi two tetus as two range capretis, iemews of þe ſhe þi peſiblis, and two hundrid to þem þat kepen þe frutis of it.
xiii Þe whiche dwelliſt in gardynes, frendis herknen þee; mac
iiii Þi necke as an yuerene tour; þin eȝen as þe cyſternis in me to heren þi vois.
xiiii [Þe vois of þe Chirche to Criſt.] Flee þou, my leef; be
Eſebon, þat ben in þe ȝate of þe doȝter of þe multitude; þi
noſe as þe tour of Liban, þat beholdiþ aȝen Damaſch. þou licned to a capret, and to an hert calf of hertes, vp on þe
v Þin hed as Carmel; þin heres of þin hed as þe purper of þe mounteynes of ſwote ſpices.
king, ioyned to water pipes.
vi Hou fair þou art, and hou ſemeli, þou moſt derwrþe in
vii Þi ſtature is licned to a palm, and þi tetes to cluſtris.
viii [Criſt of þe holi cros ſeiþ.] I ſeide, I ſhal ſteȝen in to a
palm tree, and I ſhal take þe frutis of it. [Þe vois of Criſt
to þe Chirche.] And þi tetes ſhul ben as þe cluſtris of a vyne;
and þe ſmel of þi mouþ as þe ſmel of appelis,
ix and þi þrote as beſt wyn. [Þe Chirche ſeiþ of Criſt.] Wrþi
to my leef to drinken, to þe lippes and to þe teþ of hym to
x `I to my leef, and to me þe turnyng of hym.
xi [Þe vois of þe Chirche to Criſt.] Cum, my leef, go wee
out in to þe feeld; dwelle wee togidere in tounes.
xii Erli riſe wee to þe vyne; ſee wee, if þe vyne flourede, if þe
floures frutes bringe forþ, if þe poumgarnetes floureden; þere
I ſhal ȝiue to þee my tetes.
xiii Þe mandrages ȝeuen þer ſmel in oure ȝates; alle appelis,
newe and olde, my leef, I kepte to þee.

Capitulum VIII.
i [Þe vois of patriarkis, of Criſt.] Who to me ȝyueþ þee, my
broþer, ſoukende þe tetes of my moder, þat I finde þee alone
wiþoute forþ, and kiſſe þee, and now me no man diſpiſe?
ii I ſhal take þee, and leden in to þe hous of my moder, and
in to þe bed place of hir þat gat me; þere þou ſhalt teche me,
and I ſhal ȝyue to þee drinken of ſpiced win, and of þe muſt
of my poumgarnetes.
iii Þe lift hond of hym vnder myn hed, and þe riȝt hond of
hym ſhal clippe me.
iiii [Þe vois of Criſt, of þe Chirche.] I adiure ȝou, ȝee
doȝtris of Jeruſalem, ne rere ȝee, ne makeþ to waken my leef,
to þe time þat ſhe wile.
v [Þe vois of þe ſinagoge, of þe Chirche.] What is ſhe þis,
þat ſteȝeþ vp fro deſert, flowende delices, faſte cleuende vpon
hir leef? [Þe vois of Criſt to þe ſinagoge, of þe holi cros.]
Vndir an apil tree I rerede þee; þere ſhent is þi moder, þere
defoulid is ſhe þat gat þee.
vi Put me as a brooche vpon þin herte, as a brooche vpon þin
arm; for ſtrong is as deþ looue, hard as helle ielouſneſſe; þe
laumpis of it þe laumpes of fir, and of flaumes.


ii For of noȝt wee ben born, and aftir þeſe þingus wee ſhul
WISDAM. be, as þoȝ wee hadden not ben; for ſmoke and blaſt is in oure
noſe þerles, and ſermoun of a ſparcle to ſtirn togidere oure
Heer begynneþ þe prolog in þe booc of iii For quenchyd aſhen ſhal ben oure bodi, and þe ſpirit ſhal
Wiſdam. be held abrod as `ſofte eir; and oure lif ſhal paſſe as þe ſtep
The booc of Wiſdam anent Ebrues noȝher is; wherfore and of a cloude, and as a litil cloude ben vnknyt, þat is dryuen of
þat diting þe more ſmelleþ fair Grec ſpeche. Þys booc þe þe bemes of þe ſunne, and of þe hete of it agreggid.
Jewis afermen to ben of Filon, þat þerfore Wiſdam is iiii And oure name forȝeting ſhal take by tyme; and no man
nemned, for in it þe comyng of Criſt, þat is þe wiſdam of þe ſhal han mynde of oure werkis.
Fader, and þe paſſion, diligentli is opened. v Forſoþe þe paſſing of þe ſhadewe is oure tyme, and þer is
Heer begynneþ þe book of Wiſdam. not turning aȝeen of oure ende; for it is al cloſid, and no man
turneþ aȝeen.
vi Comeþ þanne, and vſe wee þe goodis þat ben, and vſe wee
Capitulum I.
creature, as in oure ȝouþe, ſwiftli.
i Looue ȝee riȝtwiſneſſe, þat demen þe erþe; feeleþ of þe Lord vii Wiþ precyous win and oynemens fille wee vs; and paſſe
in goodneſſe, and in ſimpleneſſe of herte ſecheþ hym. not vs þe flour of tyme.
ii For he is founden of hem, þat tempten hym not; he apereþ viii Crowne wee vs wiþ roſes, er þei welewen; no medwe be,
forſoþe to þem, þat feiþ han in to hym. þat oure leccherie paſſe not þurȝ.
iii Shreude forſoþe þoȝtis ſeueren fro God; preued forſoþe ix Noon of vs be wiþoute lot of oure leccherie; ouer al lefe
vertu chaſtiſeþ vnwiſe men. wee ſignes of gladneſſe; for þis is oure part, and þis is lot.
iiii For in to an euell willi ſoule ſhal not gon in wiſdam; ne x Oppreſſe wee þe riȝtwis pore man, and ſpare wee not to þe
ſhal dwelle in a bodi ſoget to ſynnes. widewe, ne wrſhipe wee hoere heres of þe olde man of myche
v An holi ſpirit forſoþe ſhal flee þe feynere of diſcipline, and time.
ſhal taken hymſelf awei fro þoȝtis, þat ben wiþout xi Be forſoþe oure ſtrengþe þe lawe of vnriȝtwiſneſſe; forſoþe
vnderſtonding; and he ſhal be chaſtiſid fro þe ouercomende þat þat is feble, vnprofitable is founde.
wickidneſſe. xii Bigile wee þanne þe riȝtwis man, for vnprofitable he is to
vi Benyngne is þe ſpirit of wiſdam, and he ſhal not deliuere
vs, and contrarie to oure werkis; and repreuendeli puttiþ to
þe curſid fro his lippis; for of þe reenus of hym witneſſe is vs þe ſynnes of lawe, and defameþ aȝen vs þe ſynnes of oure
God, and of þe herte of hym he is verre ſerchere, and of þe diſciplyne.
tunge of hym herere. xiii He behoteþ hym þe kunnyng of God to han, and þe ſone
vii For þe Spirit of þe Lord fulfilde þe rondneſſe of londis;
of God he nempneþ hymſelf.
and þat, þat conteneþ alle þingus, kunnyng haþ of vois. xiiii He is mad to vs in to ouerleding of oure þoȝtis.
viii For þat `he þat ſpekeþ wicke þingus, mai not lurke; ne
xv Heuy he is to vs alſo to ſeen; for vnlic to oþere is þe lif of
chaſtyſende dom ſhal beſide paſſen hym. hym, and myche chaungid ben þe weies of hym.
ix In þe þoȝtis forſoþe of þe vnpitous aſking ſhal be. Of þe
xvi As trifleres wee ben eymed of hym, and he abſteneþ
ſermounes forſoþe of hym heering to God ſhal come, and to þe hymſelf fro oure weies, as fro vnclenneſſes; and he telliþ
correcciouns of þe wickidneſſes of hym; biforn þe laſte þingus of riȝtwis men, and he glorieþ hymſelf
x for þe ere of þe ielous hereþ alle þingis, and þe noiſe of
to han God to fader.
grucchingus ſhal not ben hid. xvii See wee þanne, if þe wrdis of hym ben trewe; and aſaȝe
xi Kepe ȝee þanne ȝou fro grucching, þat no þing profiteþ, and
wee, what ben to comen to hym; and wee ſhul wite, what ſhul
fro bacbiting `ſpareþ to þe tunge; for a derc ſermoun in veyn ben þe laſte þingis of hym.
ſhal not go; þe mouþ forſoþe þat lieþ, ſleþ þe ſoule. xviii If forſoþe he is verre ſone of God, he ſhal vndertaken
xii Wileþ not loouen deþ, in errour of ȝoure lif, ne purchaſe
hym, and delyuere hym fro þe hondis of þe contrarioſe.
ȝee perdicioun in þe werkis of ȝoure hondis; xix Wiþ wrong vndernymyng and torment aſke wee hym, þat
xiii for God made not deþ, ne gladeþ in þe leeſing of men `of
wee wite þe reuerence of hym, and proue þe pacience of hym.
liue. xx Bi moſt foul deþ condempne wee hym; forſoþe reſpit ſhal be
xiiii Forſoþe God made, þat alle þingus weren; and able to
of þe wrdis of hym.
helþe he made þe naciouns of þe roundneſſe of londis. Forſoþe xxi Þeſe þingus þei þoȝten, and erreden; and þe malice of hem
þer is not in hem leching of deſtruccioun, ne þe reume of helle blendede þem.
is in þe erþe. xxii And þei knewen not þe ſacramens of God, ne hopeden þe
xv Riȝtwiſneſſe forſoþe is perpetuel, and vndeadli;
vnriȝtwiſneſſe forſoþe purchaſing of deþ. meede of riȝtwiſneſſe, ne demeden þe wrſhepe of holi ſoules.
xxiii For God made man vndeadli, and to þe ymage of his
xvi Vnpitous men forſoþe wiþ hondis and wrdis haunteden it,
and eymende it a frend, floweden doun, and beheſtes þey licneſſe made hym.
xxiiii Forſoþe þurȝ þe enuye of þe deuel deþ cam in in to þe
putteden to it; for deþ þei ben wrþi, þat ben of þe part of it.
roundneſſe of erþis; forſoþe þei folewen hym, þat ben of þe
Capitulum II. part of hym.
i Forſoþe vnpitouſe men ſeiden, þenkende anent hemſelue not Capitulum III.
riȝt, Litil and wiþ noȝe is þe time of oure lif; þer is not i The
refreſhing in þe ende of a man, and þer is not, þat be knowen ſoules of riȝtwis men ben in þe hond of God; and
turned aȝeen fro helle. torment of deþ ſhal not touche þem.


ii Þei ben ſeen to þe eȝen of vnwiſe men to dien; tormenting viii Þe laſte age forſoþe wrſhipeful is not longe durende, ne in
is eymed þe iſſue of hem. noumbre of ȝeres countid;
iii And fro a riȝtwis weie þei wenten in to deſtruccioun, and ix hoere ben þe wittis of man, and þe age of eelde lijf
þat of vs ys weie of deſtruccioun; þei forſoþe ben in pes. vndefoulid.
iiii And if befor men þei ſuffreden tormentis, þe hope of hem x Þe pleſing to God mad looued, and lyuyng among ſynneres
is ful of vndeadlyneſſe. is tranſlatid;
v In fewe þingus trauailid, in manye þingus þei ſhul be weel xi he is raueſhid, leſt malice ſhulde chaunge þe vnderſtonding
diſpoſid; for God temptede þem, and fond hem wrþi hymſelf. of hym, or leſt feynyng ſhulde begile þe ſoule of hym.
vi As gold in furneis he prouede þem, and as brent ſacrifiſe of xii Forſoþe priue deſceyuyng of trifling derkneþ goode þingus,
oſt he loouwede þem; and vnſtableneſſe of coueiting ouerturneþ wit wiþoute malice.
vii and in time ſhal ben þe biholding of hem. Þei ſhul ſhyne xiii Þe ful endid in ſhort fulfilde manye tymes;
riȝtwis, and as ſparcles in reeddy places þei ſhuln renne hider xiiii pleſid forſoþe to God was þe ſoule of hym; for þat he
and þider. wente to bringen hym out fro þe myddel of ſhreudeneſſes;
viii Þei ſhul deme naciouns, and lordſhipen to puples; and þe xv puples forſoþe ſeende and not vnderſtondende, nouþer ben
Lord of hem ſhal regne in to wiþoute ende. puttende in þer hertes ſuche þingis. For grace of God and
ix Who troſten in hym, ſhuln vnderſtonde treuþe; and feiþful mercy is `in to his ſeyntis, and ferþermor reſpit in to þe
in looue þei ſhul aſſente to hym; for free ȝifte and pes is to þe choſyn of hym.
choſen men of hym. xvi Forſoþe þe riȝtwis dead condempneþ þe vnpitous men on
x Vnpitous men forſoþe, aftir þat þei þoȝten, vndernymynges liue; and ȝouþe ſwiftliere endid, þe longe lif of þe vnriȝtwis.
ſhuln han; þat diſpiſeden þe riȝtwis, and fro þe Lord wenten xvii Forſoþe þei ſhul ſee þe ende of þe wiſe man, and þei ſhul
awei. not vnderſtonde, what God haþ þoȝt of hym, and whi þe Lord
xi Wiſdam forſoþe and diſcipline who caſteþ awei, is vnſeli; mynuſhte, `or made lytil hym.
and voide is þe hope of hem, and trauailes wiþoute frut, and xviii Þei ſhul ſeen, and diſpiſen hym; hem forſoþe þe Lord ſhal
vnprofitable þe werkis of þem, and vnable to dwelle in. ſcorne. And þei ſhul ben after þeſe þingus falling doun wiþ
xii Þe wymmen of þem ben vnwiſe, and moſt wicke þe ſonus oute wrſhipe, and in wrong blamyng among þe deade in to
of hem. wiþoute ende.
xiii Curſid þe creature of þem; for ſeli is þe bareyn, and þe xix For þem inwardli blowen he ſhal to-breke wiþoute vois,
vndefoulid, þat kneȝ not þe bed in treſpas, ſhal han frut in and ſtern hem fro þe foundemens; and vnto þe heȝeſt þei ſhul
beholding of holi ſoulis. ben deſolat. And þei ſhul be weilende, and þe mynde of hem
xiiii And þe gelding, þat wroȝte not bi his hondis wickidneſſe, ſhal perſhen.
ne þoȝte aȝen þe Lord moſt wicke þingus; forſoþe þer ſhal ben xx Þei ſhul comen in þe þenking of þer ſynnes dredful; and
ȝiue to hym þe choſen fre ȝifte of þe beleeue, and lot in þe ſhuln ouerleden hem forn aȝen þe wickidneſſes of hem.
temple of God moſt aloowid.
xv Forſoþe of goode trauailes glorious is þe frut, and þe Capitulum V.
whiche þe roote of wiſdam al to-ſtereþ not. i Thanne
xvi Þe ſones forſoþe of auoutreres in ending ſhul ben, and fro ſhul ſtonde riȝtwis men in gret ſtedefaſtneſſe aȝen
þe wicke bed þe ſeed ſhal ben outlawid. hem þat anguyſſheden hem, and þat token awei þe trauailes of
xvii And if forſoþe of long lif þei ſhul be, in noȝt þei ſhul be
ii Seende þei ſhul ben diſturbid wiþ orrible drede, and ſhul
countid; and wiþoute wrſhipe ſhal be þe laſte eelde of hem. merueilen in þe ſodeyneſſe of þe vnhopid helþe,
xviii And if ſwiftliere þei ſhul ben dead, þei ſhul not han hope,
iii weilende for anguyſh of ſpirit, ſeiende, wiþinne þemſelf
ne in þe dai of knouleching ſpeche. penaunce doende, and for anguyſh of ſpirit weilende, Þeſe
xix Forſoþe wicke naciouns ben of hard ending.
ben, whom wee hadden `ſum tyme in to ſcorn, and in to
licneſſe of repref.
Capitulum IIII. iiii Wee vnwiſe eymeden þe lif of hem wodneſſe, and þe ende
i O! of þem wiþout wrſhipe;
hou fair is chaſt ieneracioun wiþ clerte; vndeadli forſoþe v hou þanne ben þei countid among þe ſonus of God, and
is þe mynde of it, for anent God it is knowe, and anent men.
ii Whan preſent it is, þei folewe; and deſiren it, whan `it haþ among ſeyntis þe lot of hem is?
vi Þerfore wee erreden fro þe weie of treuþe, and þe liȝt of
lad out itſelf, and it crouned in to wiþoute ende berþ þe
victorie, takende bi victorie þe meede of þe vndefoulid ſtriues. riȝtwiſneſſe liȝtede not to vs, and þe ſunne off vnderſtonding
iii Forſoþe þe manyfold goten multitude of vnpitouſe men ſhal is not ſprunge to vs.
vii Weri wee ben in þe weie of wickidneſſe, and of perdicioun;
not ben profitable; and auoutrie plauntingis ſhul not ȝiue
heeȝe rootis, ne ſtable ſtedefaſtneſſe ſetten. and wee han gon harde weies. Þe wei forſoþe of þe Lord wee
iiii And if in þe braunchis in þe tyme buriounen, vnſtabli ſet knewen not;
viii what profitede to vs pride, or boſt of richeſſes what ȝaf it
of þe wind þei ſhul ben al to-ſtirid, and of þe mychilneſſe of
windis pullid vp bi þe rootis. to vs?
v Forſoþe braunchis vnendid ſhul be tobroken; and þe frutis of ix Alle þo þingus paſſeden as ſhadewe, and as a meſſager
þem vnprofitable, and ſoure to ete, and to no þing able. rennende biforn.
vi Forſoþe alle þe ſonus, þat ſhul ben born of wicke men, x And as a ſhip, þat paſſeþ þurȝ þe flowende water, of þe
witneſſes ben of ſhreudeneſſes aȝen fader and moder, in þer whiche whan it is paſſid, a ſtep is not to finde, ne a paþ of
aſking. his botme in þe flodis.
vii Þe riȝtwis forſoþe, if he were beforn ocupied bi deþ, in xi Or as a brid, þat ouerfleþ in þe eir, of þe whiche noon
refreſhing ſhal ben. euydence is founden of his weie, but onli þe ſoun of weengis
betende þe liȝt wind, and kuttende bi fors þe eir of þe weie,


and togidere ſtirid þe weenges ouerfleþ, and aftir þat no ſigne xi Coueiteþ þanne my wrdys, and looueþ hem; and ȝee ſhuln
is founden of his weie. han diſciplyne.
xii Or as an arwe ſent out in to þe ordeyned place, þe eir xii Wiſdam is cler, and þat neuere welewiþ; and liȝtli is ſeen
deuydid contynueli is recloſid in it, þat þe paſſing of it be of hem þat loouen it, and is founde of hem þat ſechen it.
vnknowen. xiii It beforn ocupieþ þat coueyteþ it, þat to þem raþere he
xiii So and wee born contynueli lefen to ben, and of vertue
ſhewe hymſelf.
noon forſoþe ſigne wee myȝten ſhewe; in oure wariedhed xiiii Who fro liȝt ſhal wake to it, ſhal not trauailen; forſoþe he
forſoþe wee ben waſtid. Such þingus ſeyden in helle þeſe þat
ſynneden. ſhal finde it ſittende in his ȝates.
xiiii For þe hope of þe vnpitous is as a wlle loke, `or xv Þanne to þenken of it is ful endid wit, and he þat ſhal
þiſtildoun þat of þe wind is taken awei, and as a ſmal fome wake for it, ſoone ſhal be ſikir.
þat of tempeſt is ſprengd awei, and as ſmoke þat of þe wind xvi For it goþ aboute ſechende þe wrþi itſelf; and in his weis
is held abrod, and as þe mynde of a geſte of o dai, paſſende it ſhal ſhewe itſelf to þem, and gladſumli in alle prouydence
biſide. `or bifore ordeynyng it ſhal aȝen come to þem.
xv Riȝtwiſe men forſoþe in to wiþoute ende ſhul lyue, and xvii Þe bigynnyng forſoþe of it is moſt verre coueityng of
anent þe Lord is þe meede of hem; and þe þoȝt of hem anent diſcipline. Þanne cure of diſcipline is loouyng;
þe heȝeſt. xviii and loouyng is keping of his lawis. Keping forſoþe of
xvi Þerfore þei ſhul take þe reume of wrſhipe, and þe diademe lawes is ful ending of vncorupcioun;
of fairneſſe of þe hond of þe Lord; for wiþ his riȝt hond he xix vncorupcioun forſoþe makiþ next to God to ben.
ſhal couere þem, and wiþ his holi arm defenden hem. xx And ſo coueiting of wiſdam ſhal lede forþ to þe euerlaſtende
xvii And þe ielouſte of hym ſhal taken armure, and armen
creature to þe veniyng of enemys. xxi If þanne ȝee deliten in ſetes, and in kingus dignetees, O!
xviii He ſhal cloþen for þe breſt plate riȝtwiſneſſe, and he ſhal
ȝee kingis of þe puple, looueþ wiſdam, þat in to wiþoute ende
take to for þe helm certein dom; ȝee regne. Looueþ þe liȝt of wiſdam, alle ȝee, þat ben toforn
xix he ſhal take þe ſheeld vnuenkuſable equite; to puplis.
xx he ſhal ſharpe forſoþe hard wraþe in to a ſpere, and þe xxii What is forſoþe wiſdam, and hou it be mad, I ſhal telle;
roundneſſe of erþis ſhal fiȝte wiþ hym aȝen þe vnwiſe. and I ſhal not hide fro ȝou þe ſacramentis of God; but fro þe
xxi Þe ſendingus out of leitis ſhul gon euene riȝt, and as at bigynnyng of birþe I ſhal enſerche, and putten in to liȝt þe
þe teiſing þe bowe of cloudis bent, þei ſhul ben outlawid; and kunnyng of it, and I ſhal not paſſe biſide þe treuþe.
to a certeyn place þei ſhul lepen in. xxiii Ne wiþ þe quyterende enuye weie I ſhal han; for ſuch a
xxii And fro þe ſtony wraþeful hailes ſhul ben ſent, and water man ſhal not ben parcener of wiſdam.
of þe ſe ſhal teenden in to þem, and flodis ſhul renne togidere xxiiii Þe multitude forſoþe of wiſe men helþe is of þe
hard. roundneſſe of erþis; and a wis king is þe ſtablete of þe puple.
xxiii Aȝen hem þe ſpirit of vertue ſhal ſtonde, and as a whirle xxv Þanne takiþ diſcipline bi my wrdis, and it ſhal profite to
puff of wind deuyden hem; and to wilderneſſe he ſhal fulli ȝou.
bringen al þe lond of þe wickidneſſe of hem, and wariedhed
ſhal turne awei þe ſetis of myȝti men. Capitulum VII.
Capitulum VI. am forſoþe and a deadli man, lic to men, and of `þe erþi
kinde of hym þat raþere is mad,
i Betere is wiſdam þan ſtrengþis, and a man prudent more ii and in þe wombe of þe modir figured I am fleſh. In time
þan a ſtrong man. Hereþ þanne, ȝee kingis, and vndirſtondiþ; of ten moneþis cruddid I am in to blod, of þe ſed of man,
lerneþ, ȝee domes men of þe coeſtes of þe erþe. and of couenable deliting of ſlep.
ii Ȝiueþ eres, ȝee þat holden togidere multitudis, and pleſen to iii And I born toc comun eir, and lic maner fel doun in to þe
ȝou in cumpanyes of naciouns; mad erþe; and þe firſte vois, lic alle, I putte out weping.
iii for þer is ȝouen of þe Lord power to ȝou, and vertue of þe iiii I was nurſhid in ſwaþing cloþis, and in grete beſyneſſes;
heiȝeſte, þat ſhal aſke ȝoure werkis, and þoȝtis ſerchen. v no man forſoþe of kingis oþer haþ bigynnyng of birþe.
iiii For whan ȝee weren myneſtres of his reume, not riȝtli ȝee
vi Oon entre is to alle to lif, and lijc iſſue.
demeden, ne kepten þe lawe of riȝtwiſneſſe, ne aftir þe wil of
God ȝee wenten. vii For þat I deſirede, and þere is ȝiue to me wit; and I
v Orribleli and ſoone he ſhal apere to ȝou; for moſt hard dom inwardli clepide, and þere cam in me þe ſpirit of wiſdam.
ſhal ben don in hem, þat ben biforn. viii And I putte it biforn to reumes, and ſetes; and richeſſes
vi Forſoþe `to þe litle is grauntid mercy; myȝty men forſoþe I ſeide no þing to ben in compariſoun of it,
myȝtili tormentis ſhul ſuffre. ix ne I compariſounede to it a precious ſton; for alle gold in
vii Forſoþe he ſhal not wiþdrawe þe perſone of any man, þe compariſoun of it is a litil grauel, and as clei ſiluer ſhal ben
Lord, þat is lordſhipere of alle þingus, and he ſhal not drede eymed in þe ſiȝte of it.
þe mykilneſſe of any man; for litil and gret he made, and x Ouer helþe and fairneſſe I loouede it; and I purpoſide for
euenli cure is to hym of alle. liȝt to han it, for vnquenchable is þe lyȝt of it.
viii To þe ſtrengere forſoþe ſtrengere ſtant in tormenting. xi Forſoþe þere camen to me alle goodis togidere wiþ it; and
ix To ȝou þanne, kingus, ben þeſe my wrdis, þat ȝee lerne vnnoumbrable honeſte by þe hondis of it.
wiſdam, and þat ȝee falle not of. xii And I gladede in alle þingus; for þis wiſdam wente befor
x Who forſoþe ſhul kepe riȝtwiſneſſe, riȝtly ſhul be demed; and me, and I kneȝ not, for of alle goodis it is moder.
þat ſhul lerne riȝt þingus, ſhul finde, what þei anſwere. xiii For wiþoute feynyng I lernede, and wiþoute enuye I
comune; and þe oneſte of it I hidde not.


xiiii Forſoþe treſor it is wiþoute ende to men, þe whiche who riȝtwiſneſſe, and vertue; þan þe whiche more profitable no
uſeden, parcener ben mad of þe frenſhipe of God, commendid þing is in lif to men.
for þe ȝiftis of diſcipline. viii And if multitude of kunnyng deſireþ a man, it knowiþ þe
xv To me forſoþe God ȝaf to ſeyn of ſentence, and to take paſſid þingus, and of þe to comen it eymeþ; it knowiþ þe
bifore þe wrþi þingis of þeſe þat ben ȝiue to me; for he is duk felneſſe of wrdis, and þe ſoilingis off argumentis; þe toknes
of wiſdam, and þe mendere of wiſe men. and wndris it knowiþ, er þei ben don; and þe chaunſis of
xvi In þe hond forſoþe of hym and wee, and oure wrdis, and tymes and of worldis.
ix Þanne I purpoſide þis to bringe to me, to feſteye wiþ me;
alle wiſdam, and diſciplyne of þe kunnyng of werkes.
xvii He forſoþe ȝaf to me verre kunnyng of þeſe þat ben, þat I witende for wiþ me it ſhal comune of goodis, and þer ſhal be
togidere ſpeche of þenking, and of myn anoȝe.
wite þe diſpoſicioun of þe roundneſſe of erþis, and þe vertues x I haue for þis to cumpanyes clerneſſe, and wrſhipe anent þe
of elemens;
xviii þe begynnyng, and þe ende, and þe myddil of tymes; þe elderes;
xi ȝung and ſharp I ſhal be founde in dom, and in þe ſiȝte of
chaungingus of whilemelis, and þe endingus of times; þe
chaungingus of maneris, and deuyſeouns of times; myȝti men merueilous I ſhal be, and þe faces of princes ſhul
xix þe courſis of þe ȝeer, and þe diſpoſicioun of ſterres; merueilen me.
xii Þei ſhul ſuſtene me, beende ſtille, and me ſpekende,
xx þe kindis of beſtes, and þe wraþis of noȝous beſtis; þe
beholden; and me ſermounende manye þingis, hondis to þer
ſtrengþe of windis, and þe þoȝtis of men; þe differences of mouþ þei ſhul putte.
ȝunge trees, and vertues of rootis. xiii Ferþermor I haue bi þis vndeadlyneſſe; and euere laſtende
xxi And what euere þing be hid and vnpurueid, I lernede;
mynde to þem, þat after me ben to come, I ſhal lefe.
xxii forſoþe þe craftus man of alle þingus taȝte me bi wiſdam. xiiii I ſhal diſpoſe puples; and naciouns to me ſhul ben ſoget.
Forſoþe þer is in it þe ſpirit of vnderſtonding, hoeli, many xv Ferful kingus herende me ſhul dreden; and in multitude
fold, onli, ſotile, manerli, faire ſpekende, mouable, vndefoulid,
certeyn, ſweete, loouende good deede, þat no þing forfendiþ to good I ſhal be ſeen, and in bataile ſtronge.
do weel; xvi Entrende in to myn hous, I ſhal reſte wiþ it; forſoþe þe
xxiii manli, benygne, ſtable, ſikir, alle hauende vertue, alle conuerſacioun of it haþ not bitterneſſe, ne noȝe þe wiþ lyuyng
þingus beholdende, and þat takeþ alle intelligible ſpiritis, of it, but gladneſſe and ioȝe.
clene, ſotile. xvii Þeſe þingus þenkende anent me, and togidere membrende
xxiiii Þanne alle forſoþe mouable þingis mor mouable is in myn herte; for vndeadli is wiſdam in þenking,
wiſdam; forſoþe it ateyneþ ouer al, for his clenneſſe. xviii and in þe frenſhipe of it good delitende; and in þe
xxv Forſoþe þe humour of þe vertu of God it is, and þe werkus of þe hondis of it honeſte wiþ oute failing, and in þe
maner going out is a clene clerneſſe of þe Almyȝti God; and ſtrif of þe ſpeche of it wiſdam; and `gret openyng in
þerfore no þing defoulid renneþ in to it. comunycacioun of þe wrdis of it; I wente aboute, ſechende þat
xxvi Forſoþe whitneſſe it is of þe euerlaſtende liȝt, and a to me it I ſhulde take.
xix A child forſoþe I was witti, and bi lot hauende a good
merour wiþoute wem of þe maieſte of God, and an ymage of
þe goodneſſe of hym. ſoule.
xxvii And ſiþen it is oon, alle þingus it mai; and abidende xx And whan I was more good, I cam to a bodi vndefoulid.
ſtille in itſelf, alle þingus it neweþ, and bi naciouns to hoeli xxi And as I wiſte, for oþer wiſe I mai not ben contenent,
ſoules it berþ ouer itſelf; þe frendis of God and profetes it but God ȝeue, and þat ſelue was wiſdam, to knowen of whom
ordeyneþ. was þat ȝifte; I wente to þe Lord, and preȝede hym, and
xxviii No man forſoþe God looueþ, but hym þat dwelliþ wiþ ſeide, of alle þe entrailis of myn herte.
xxix Forſoþe þis is fairere þan þe ſunne, and ouer al Capitulum IX.
diſpoſicioun of ſterres; to liȝt comparyſouned, it is founde i God of my fadris, and Lord of mercy, þat madeſt alle
raþere. þingus wiþ þi wrd,
xxx To it forſoþe nyȝt goþ doun; wiſdam forſoþe malice
ii and wiþ þi wiſdam ordeynedeſt man, þat he ſhulde
ouercomeþ not. lordſhepen of creature, þat of þee is mad,
iii þat he diſpoſe þe roundneſſe of londis in equyte and
Capitulum VIII. riȝtwiſneſſe, and in riȝt reuling of herte he deme dom;
i Therfore it ateyneþ from ende vnto ende ſtrongli, and iiii ȝif to me wiſdam, þe neeȝh ſtondere of þi ſetis; and wile
diſpoſeþ alle þingus ſweeteli. þou not me repreuen of þi childer.
ii Þis I loouede, and ſoȝte it out fro my ȝouþe; and I ſoȝte to v For I am þi ſeruaunt, and þe ſone of þin hand woman; a
taken it a ſpouſe to me, and loouere I am mad of þe foorme feble man, and of litil time, and laſſe to þe vndirſtonding of
of it. dom and of lawes.
iii It hauende þe cumpanye of God, glorifieþ þe ientilneſſe of vi And if any man ſhul ben ful endid of þe ſonus of men, if
it; but and of alle þingis þe Lord loouede it. fro hym flee wiſdam, in to noȝt he ſhal be countid.
iiii Forſoþe þe techereſſe it is of þe diſcipline of God, and þe vii Þou forſoþe choſe me king to þi puple, and domyſman of þi
cheſereſſe of þe werkis of hym. ſonus and doȝtris;
v And if richeſſes ben deſirid in þe lif, what richere þan viii and þou ſeidiſt, me to bilden a temple in þin holi hil, and
wiſdam, þat wercheþ alle þingis? in þe cite of þi dwelling an auter; þe licneſſe of þin holi
vi If forſoþe wit wercheþ, who of þeſe þat ben, more is crafti tabernacle, þat þou greiþediſt fro þe begynnyng.
man þan it? ix And wiþ þee þi wiſdam, þat kneȝ þi werkis, þe whiche and
vii And if riȝtwiſneſſe a man looueþ, þe trauailes of þis han was at þanne, whan þe roundneſſe of erþis þou ſhuldiſt make,
grete vertues; ſobreneſſe forſoþe and prudence it techeþ, and


and he wiſt þat, þat was pleſaunt to `þin eȝen, and þat, þat is xiiii andin bondis forſoc not hym, to þe time þat it ſhulde
riȝt in þin heſtis. bringe to hym þe dignete of þe reume, and myȝt aȝen hem þat
x Send fro þin holi heuenes it, and fro þe ſete of þi hym þreſteden doun; and lieres he ſhewide, þat defouleden
mychilneſſe, þat wiþ me it be, and wiþ me trauaile; and I hym, and he ȝaf to hym euere laſtende clerneſſe.
wite what be aloouwid anent þee. xv Þis þe riȝtwis puple, and hoely wiþoute blame, delyuerede
xi Forſoþe it wot alle þingus, and vndirſtandiþ; and ſhal leden fro naciouns, þat it opreſſeden.
me forþ in my werkes ſobrely, and kepen me in his power. xvi It entride in to þe ſoule of þe ſeruaunt of God, and ſtod
xii And my werkys ſhul ben aloouwid, and I ſhal diſpoſen þi aȝen grisful kingus, in grete wndris and ſignes.
puple riȝtwiſly, and I ſhal ben wrþi þe ſetes of my fader. xvii And it ȝeeld to þe riȝtwis men þe meede of þer trauailes,
xiii Who forſoþe of men ſhal moun wite þe counſeil of God? or and broȝte þem þennes in a merueylous weie; and it was to
who ſhal moun þenke, what God wile? þem in þe coueryng of þe day, and in liȝt of ſterres bi þe
xiiii Þe þoȝtis forſoþe of deadli men dredful, and vncerteyn nyȝt.
oure purueauncis. xviii And he bar þem ouer þurȝ þe rede ſe; and he ouercariede
xv Forſoþe þe body þat is corumpid, greeueþ þe ſoule; and þem þurȝ ful myche water.
erþeli indwelling preſſeþ doun þe wit, manye þingus þenkende. xix Þe enemys forſoþe of hem he drenchide in þe ſe; and fro
xvi And of hard wee eymen, þat ben in þe erþe; and þat in þe depneſſe of helle he ladde þem out.
ferr ſiȝte ben, we finden wiþ trauaile. xx Þerfore riȝtwis men token awei þe ſpoiles of vnpitous men;
xvii Þat forſoþe in heuenus ben, who ſhal enſerche? Þi wit and heeȝli ſungen, Lord, þin holi name, and þin hond
forſoþe who ſhal knowe, but if þou ſhul ȝyue wiſdam, and ouercomere þei preiſeden togidere.
ſende þin Holi Spirit fro heȝeſt þingus? xxi For wiſdam openede þe mouþ of doumbe men, and þe
xviii And ſo amendid ben þe paþis of hem, þat ben in erþis, tunges of vnſpekende childer made faire ſpekende.
and þat to þee pleſeden, men lerneden. For whi bi wiſdam þei
ben helid, who ſo euer pleſeden to þee, Lord, fro þe Capitulum XI.
bygynnyng. i It riȝt reulede þe werkis of hem, in þe hondus of þe holi
Capitulum X. ii Weie þei maden bi deſertis, þat ben not dwellid in; and in
i This hym, þat firſt is foormed of God, þe fader of þe deſert places þei maden litil cotes.
roundneſſe of erþis, whan alone he was foormed, kepte. And iii Þei ſtoden aȝen enemys, and of þe enemys þei venieden
ladde hym out fro his gilte, and broȝte hym out of þe ſlym of hemſelf.
erþe, iiii Þei þriſteden, and inwardli clepeden þee; and þer is ȝoue
ii and ȝaf to hym vertue of hauynge alle þingus.
to þem water of þe heȝeſt ſton, and reſte of þriſt of þe harde
iii Fro þis as þe vnriȝtwiſe wente awei in his wraþe, bi þe ſton.
wraþe of manſlaȝter perſhede fraternyte. v Bi þo þingis forſoþe þat þe enemys of hem ſuffreden peynes,
iiii For þe whiche whan water ſhulde don awei þe erþe, he fro þe defauting of þer drinc, and whan þe ſones of Irael
helede eftſoone bi wiſdam; bi þe diſpiſable tree gouernende þe hadden plente, gladeden; bi þeſe þingus, whan to þem hadden
riȝtwis man. failid, wel wiþ þem is don.
v Þis and in þe conſenting of pride, whan naciouns rereden vi Forwhi forſoþe for þe welle of þe euerlaſtende flod, mannys
hemſelf, knew þe riȝtwis, and kepte wiþoute blame to God; blod þou ȝeue to vnriȝtwis men.
and in þe ſones gret merci kepte. vii Þe whiche whan þei weren mynuſht, in þe ouerleding of þe
vi Þis þe riȝtwis fro þe perſhende vnpitous men deliuerede ſlayne litle childer, þou ȝeue to þem abundende water in
fleende, fijr deſcendende in to þe regioun of fiue citees. maner not hopid;
vii To þe whiche, in to þe witneſſing of ſhreudeneſſe, þe deſert viii ſhewende bi þe þriſt, þat þanne was, hou þine þou ſhuldeſt
erþe is knowen ful of ſmoking, and in certeyn time þe trees enhauncen, and þe aduerſaries of hem ſlen.
hauende frutes; and of þe myſbeleeued ſoule þe mynde ix Whan forſoþe þei weren temptid, forſoþe and wiþ mercy
ſtondende is þe foormyng of ſalt. diſciplyne þei token; þei wiſten, hou wiþ wraþe vnpitous men
viii Forſoþe paſſende biſide wiſdam, not onli in þat ben ſlyden, demed, tormentis ſhulden ſuffre.
þat þei vnknowen gode þingis, but and of þer vnwiſdam þei x Þeſe forſoþe as a fader warnende, þou prouedeſt; hem
han laft to men mynde, þat in þo þingus, þat þei ſynneden, forſoþe as an hard king aſkende, þou condempnediſt.
þei myȝten not lurken. xi Forſoþe þe abſent men and þe preſent lic maner weren
ix Wiſdam forſoþe þem, þat it kepen, al aboute fro ſorewes
ſhal delyuere. xii Forſoþe double noȝe hadde taken hem, and weiling wiþ þe
x Þis forſoþe þe ferr fugitif, or fleynge riȝtwis fro þe wraþe of
mynde of þe paſſid þingis.
þe broþer, ladde awei bi riȝt weies; and ſhewede to hym þe xiii Whan forſoþe þei herden, bi þer tormentis wel wiþ þem to
kingdam of God, and ȝaf to hym þe kunnyng of ſeyntis; it
honeſtede hym in trauailes, and fulfilde þe trauailes of hym. ben do, þei membreden þe Lord, merueilende in to þe ende of
xi In þe gile of þe men comende aboute to hym, it was nyȝ, þe going out.
xiiii Whom forſoþe in a ſhreude putting out þei ſcorneden caſt
and honeſt made hym.
xii It kepte hym fro enemys, and fro deſceyueres defendide aferr, in to þe ende of þat þat fel, merueileden; not lic maner
to riȝtwis men doende.
hym; and a ſtrong ſtrif it ȝaf to hym, þat he ſhulde ouercome, xv For vnwis þoȝtis forſoþe þe wickidneſſis of hem, þat
and wite, for of alle þingis þe myȝtiere is wiſdam.
xiii Þis þis olde riȝtwis man forſoc not, but fro ſynneres ſumme errende herieden doumbe edderes, and ouer veyne
beſtes, þou ſentiſt in to þem a multitude of doumbe beſtes, in
deliuerede hym; and it deſcendide wiþ hym in to þe dich; to veniaunce;


xvi þat þei ſhulden witen, for bi þo þingus þat a man ſynneþ, xiiii Ne forſoþe king ne tiraunt in þi ſiȝte ſhul enſerche of þeſe
bi þo þingus alſo he ſhal be tormentid. þingus, þat þou haſt deſtroȝed.
xvii Forſoþe not inpoſſible was þin almyȝti hond, þat made þe xv Siþen þanne þou art riȝtwis, alle þingis riȝtwiſly þou
roundneſſe of erþis of mater vnſeen, to ſenden in to þem a diſpoſiſt; hym alſo, O! fader, þat owiþ not to be punſhid,
multitude of beres, or hardi leouns, condempnende, and ſtraunge þou eymeſt fro þi vertue.
xviii or of newe kinde vnknowen beſtes, and ful of wraþe, or xvi Forſoþe þi vertue is þe bigynnyng of riȝtwiſneſſe; and for
ſpittende breþing of fires, or bringende forþ ſmel of ſmoke, or þat, þat of alle þou art lord, to alle þou makeſt þee to ſparen.
puttende out grisful ſparkes fro eȝen; xvii Forſoþe vertue ſhewiſt þou, þat art not beleeued to ben in
xix of whiche not onli þe hurting hadde mouȝt deſtroȝed þem, vertue ful endid; and hem þat knowen not þee, in hardyneſſe
but and þe looking bi drede ſlen. þou ouerlediſt.
xx But and wiþoute þeſe wiþ o ſpirit þei myȝten ben ſlayn, xviii Þou forſoþe, lordſhipere of vertue, wiþ peſibleneſſe
ſuffrid perſecucioun of þer deedis ſelf, and ſcatered bi þe ſpirit demeſt, and wiþ gret reuerence diſpoſiſt vs; forſoþe þer
of hys vertue. But and alle þingus in meſure, and noumbre, vnderliþ to þee, whan þou wilt, to moun.
and peis þou diſpoſediſt; xix Forſoþe þou taȝtiſt þi puple bi ſuche werkis, for it behoueþ
xxi forſoþe myche to moun, to þee alone ouer was euermore; to ben riȝtwis, and manly; and þou madiſt þi ſones of good
and to þe vertue of þin arm who ſhal aȝenſtonde? hope, for demende þou ȝyueſt place of penaunce in ſynnes.
xxii For as a poynt of a balaunce, ſo is befor þee þe xx If forſoþe þe enemys of þi ſeruauns, and due to deþ, wiþ
roundneſſe of erþis; and as a drope of morutid dew, þat goþ ſo myche tentifneſſe þou tormentediſt, and deliueredeſt, ȝiuende
doun in to þe erþe. time and place, bi þe whiche þei myȝten be chaungid fro
xxiii And þou haſt merci of alle, for alle þingus þou maiſt; malice;
and þou forberiſt þe ſynnes of men, for penaunce. xxi wiþ hou myche diligence demeſt þou þi ſones, to whos
xxiiii Forſoþe þou looueſt alle þingus þat ben, and no þing fadris and modris, oþis and couenauntis þou ȝeue of goode
þou hatedeſt of hem, þat þou madiſt; ne forſoþe hatende any beheſtes?
þing þou ordeynedeſt, or madiſt. xxii Þanne whan þou ȝiueſt to vs diſcipline, oure enemys
xxv Hou forſoþe myȝte any þing abide ſtille, but þou haddeſt manyfold þou ſcourgiſt, þat þi goodneſſe demende, wee þenken;
wold? or þat of þee were not clepid, ſhulde ben kept? and whan of vs is demed, wee hope þi merci.
xxvi Þou ſpariſt forſoþe to alle; for þine þei ben, Lord, þat xxiii Wherfore and to þem, þat in þer lif vnwiſly and
looueſt ſoulis. vnriȝtfulli lyueden, bi þo þingus, þat þei herieden, þou ȝeue
gretteſt tormentis.
xxiiii Forſoþe in þe weie of errour lengere þei erreden,
Capitulum XII.
eymende goddis þo þingis þat in beſtes ben ouer veyne,
i O! hou good, and hou ſwete, Lord, is þi Spirit in vs; liuende bi maner of vnwiſe ȝunge childer.
ii þerfore xxv For þat as to vnwiſe childer þou ȝeue dom, in to ſcorn;
þem þat out erren in parties, þou chaſtiſiſt; and of þe
whiche þingus þei ſynnen, þou warneſt, and ſpekeſt to, þat, þe xxvi who forſoþe wiþ repreues and blamyngus ben not
malice laft, þei leeuen in þee, Lord. mendid, þe wrþi dom of God ben expert `or feliden.
iii Forſoþe þo olde dwelleris of þin holi lond, `þe which þou xxvii In þeſe þingus forſoþe þat þei ſuffreden, heuyli þei
griſediſt; beeren, in þe whiche ſuffring þei endeyneden; bi þo þingis þat
iiii for hateful werkis þei diden to þee, bi lechingus, and þei wenden goddis, in hem whan þei weren diſtroȝid, ſeende
ſacrifiſes vnriȝtwiſe; hym, whom ſum tyme þei denyeden hem to han knowen, verre
v and þe ſleeres of þer ſonus, wiþoute mercy, and þe eteres of God þei knewen; for þe whiche and þe ende of þe
þe boweles of men, and þe deuoureres of blod; condempnyng of hem ſhal come on hem.
vi and þe fadris and modris, autoures of þe ſoules vnholpen,
leeſe þou woldiſt not fro þi myddel ſacrament, bi þe hondis of Capitulum XIII.
þer fadris and modris; i Veyne forſoþe ben alle men, in whiche vnderliþ not þe
vii þat þe wrþi pilgrimaging of þe childer of God þei ſhulden kunnyng of God; and of þo þat ben ſeen goode þingus, þei
parceyue, þe whiche is a lond more cheere to þee of alle. myȝten not vndirſtonde hym, þat is, ne to þe werkis takende
viii But and to þeſe as to men þou ſparediſt, and ſentiſt heed, knewen who was craftis man;
waſpis, beforgoeres of þin oſt, þat `þem litilmel þei ſhulden ii but or fyr, or ſpirit, or ſwift eir, or cumpas of ſterres, or ful
deſtroȝen. myche watir, or ſunne, or moone, þe gouernoures of þe
ix Not for þou were vnmyȝti in bataile to ſogeten vnpitous roundneſſe of londis goddis wenden;
men to riȝtwis men, or bi cruel beſtes, or bi hard wrd to iii in whos fairneſſe delitid, if þei wenden goddis, wite þey,
deſtroȝe togidere; hou myche `þan þeſe þe lordſhipere of hem is þe fairere; þe
x but bi parties demende, þou ȝaue place of penaunce, not getere forſoþe of fairneſſe alle þeſe þingus ordeynede.
vnknowende, for ſhreude is þe nacioun of hem, and kindely þe iiii Or if þe vertue and werkis of þem þei wndreden,
malice of þem, and for þe þoȝt of þem myȝte not ben chaungid vnderſtonde þey of þo þingis, for he þat made þeſe þingis, is
in to euermor. ſtrengere þan þo;
xi Þe ſed forſoþe was curſid fro þe bigynnyng. Ne dredende v forſoþe of þe mykilneſſe of fairneſſe, and of creature,
any man, forȝyueneſſe þou ȝeue to þe ſynnes of þem. knowendeli ſhal moun þe creatour of þeſe ben ſeen.
xii Who forſoþe ſhal ſey to þee, What madiſt þou? or who ſhal vi But `ner þe latere ȝit in þeſe laſſe pleynt is; and þeſe
ſtonde aȝen þi dom? or who in þi ſiȝte ſhal comen, veniere of forſoþe parauenture erren, ſechende God, and willende to
wicke men? or who ſhal wijte to þee, if naciouns perſhen, þat finden.
þou haſt mad? vii And forſoþe in þe werkys of hym whan þei ben often
xiii Forſoþe þere is noon oþer God þan þou, to whom is cure turnende, and ſechen, and ful ſhewid han, for goode þingis
of alle, þat þou ſhewe, for not vnriȝtwiſly þou demeſt dom. ben, þat ben ſeen.


viii Eft forſooþe ne to þeſe owiþ to be forȝouen. xiii Forſoþe þei weren not fro þe bigynnyng, ne ſhul ben in to
ix If forſoþe ſo myche þei myȝten kunne, þat þe world þei wiþ oute ende.
myȝten eymen, hou þe lord of þis liȝtliere þei founden not? xiiii Þe oueruoideneſſe forſoþe of men þeſe þingis fond in to
x Vnſeli forſoþe þei ben, and among þe deade þe hope of þem þe roundneſſe of erþis; and þerfore ſhort þe ende of hem is
is, þat clepeden goddis þe werkis of þe hondis of men, gold, founden.
and ſiluer, þe finding of craft, and þe licneſſes of beſtes, or xv Forſoþe wiþ bitter weiling þe fader ſorewende, ſoone of þe
vnprofitable ſton, þe werc of þe olde hond. raueſhid ſone made an ymage; and hym, þat þanne as a man
xi Or if any crafti man, forgere, hewe of þe wode an euene was dead, now as god he begynneþ to herien; and ordeynede
tree, and of þis taȝtli pare awei al þe rinde, and, vſid his among his ſeruauns templis and ſacrifiſes.
craft diligentli, forge a veſſel vnprofitable in to conuerſacioun xvi Aftirward in þe mene comende time waxende ſhreude
of lif; cuſtum, þis errour as lawe is kept, and bi maundemens of
xii þe toþer forſoþe of his werk to þe making of mete vſe; tirauntis falſe werkis ben heried.
xiii and þe toþer of þeſe þingis, þat to noon vſe, a crokid tree, xvii Þeſe whom in opene men myȝten not wrſhipen, for þat
and ful of knarres, he makeþ, þat he graue diligentli bi his aferr þei weren, from aferr þe figure of þem is broȝt; þe
voideneſſe, and bi þe kunnyng of his craft figure it, and licne euydent ymage of þe king, whom wrſhipen þei wolden, þei
it to an ymage of man, maden; þat hym þat was aferr, as preſent þei ſhulden herien
xiiii or to ſum of beſtes it he compariſoune, þurȝ drawende wiþ wiþ þer biſyneſſe.
xviii Forſoþe þe grete diligence of þe craftis man droȝ to þe
a reuler, and make þe colour of it wiþ red, and broun, and
eche ſpot, þat is in it, ful `daubende wiþ erþe, heriyng of hem and hem, þat vnknewen.
xv and make it a wrþi dwelling, puttende it in a wal, and xix He forſoþe wilnende more to pleſen to hym, þat hym toc,
faſtnende wiþ iren, trauailede out bi his craft, þat þe licneſſe in to betere he
xvi leſt parauenture it falle; beholdende to it, witende, for it ſhulde figuren.
xx Forſoþe þe multitude of men, diſceyued bi þe fairneſſe of þe
mai not helpen þeſelf; forſoþe an ymage it is, and nede is to
it helpe. werk, hym þat bifor time as a man was wrſhipid, now god
xvii And of his ſubſtaunce, and of his ſones, and of ſpoſailes, þei eymeden.
xxi And þis was diſceyuyng of mannys lif; for to afeccioun, or
makende auow, enſercheþ; he ſhameþ not to ſpeke wiþ it, þat
wiþoute ſoule is; to kingus men deſeruyng, þe vncomunycable name to ſtones
xviii and for helþe forſoþe þe feble he beſecheþ, and for lif he and trees þei putten.
xxii And it ſuffiſede not, þem to han erred aboute þe kunnyng
preȝeþ þe deade, and in to helpe he inwardli clepeþ þe
vnprofitable. And for þe going aſkeþ of it, þat may not go; of God; but and in gret bataile of vnkunnyng liuende, ſo fele
xix and of purchaſing, and of werching, and of þe chauns of and ſo grete eueles pes þei clepen.
xxiii Or forſoþe þer ſones ſacrifiende, or derke ſacrifiſes
alle þingus he aſkeþ of it, þat in alle þingys ys vnprofitable.
makende, or hauende ful wacchis of wodneſſe,
xxiiii ne lif, ne clene ſpoſailis now þei kepen; but an oþer an
Capitulum XIIII.
oþer bi enuye ſleþ, or auoutrende ſorewiþ.
i Eft an oþer þenkende to ſeilen, bi hidous flodis bigynnende xxv And alle þingus ben mengd togidere, blod, manſlaȝter,
to make weie, þe tree berende hym, inwardli clepeþ a more þefte, and feynyng, corupcioun, vnfeiþfulneſſe, diſturbing, and
frele tree. forſwering, ſtrif,
ii Þat forſoþe coueitiſe of wynnyng þoȝte out; and a craftiſman xxvi þe vnmynding of þe goodes of þe Lord, þe defouling of
forgede bi his wiſdam. ſoules, þe miſchaunging of birþe, þe vnſtableneſſe of bridales,
iii Þou forſoþe, fader, gouerneſt bi prouydence, for þou haſt þe vnordeynyng of leccherie and of vnclenneſſe.
ȝoue in þe ſe weie, and among flodis moſt ſtedefaſt paþ; xxvii Forſoþe þe heriyng of curſid maumetis is þe cauſe of alle
iiii ſhewende, for þou art myȝti of alle þingus to helen, alſo if euel, and bigynnyng, and ende.
wiþoute ſhip a man go to þe ſe; xxviii Or forſoþe, whil þei gladen, þei waxen wod; or certis
v but þat þe werkis of þi wiſdam weren not voide, for þat alſo þei profecien falſe þingus, or liuen vnriȝtwiſly, or forſwern
men takende þer liues to a litil tree, and paſſende þe ſe, bi a ſoone.
ſhip ben deliuered. xxix Whil forſoþe þei troſten in maumetus, þat ben wiþoute
vi But fro þe bygynnyng, whan proude ieauntis perſheden, þe ſoule, euele ſwerende, þei hopen not þemſelf to ben noȝed.
hope of þe roundneſſe of erþis to a ſhip fleende, ſente aȝeen to xxx Eiþir þanne to þem comen wrþili; for euele þei feleden of
þe world ſed of birþe, þat bi þin hond was gouerned. God, takende heed to maumetis, and ſworen vnriȝtwiſly in þe
vii Bliſſid forſoþe is þe tree, bi þe whiche is do riȝtwiſneſſe. maumet, diſpiſende riȝtwiſneſſe.
viii Þe maumet forſoþe, þat is maad bi hondys, is curſid, and xxxi Forſoþe of men ſwerende is not vertue, but þe peyne of
it, and he þat made it, for he forſoþe wroȝte vnleefulneſſe; þat ſynneres þurȝ goþ euermor, in to þe lawe breking of riȝtwis
forſoþe, whan it was britil, is nempned God. þingus.
ix Lic maner forſoþe to hate ben to God þe vnpytouſe, and þe
vnpitouſneſſe of hym. Capitulum XV.
x Forſoþe þat is mad, wiþ hym þat made, tormentus ſhal i Thou forſoþe, oure God, ſweete, and verre, and pacient, and
ſuffre. in mercy diſpoſende alle þingis.
xi For þat and to þe maumetis of naciouns ſhal not ben ii Forſoþe if wee ſynnen, þine wee ben, witende þi mykilneſſe;
reward; for þe creaturis of God in to hate ben mad, and and if wee ſynnen not, wee witen, for anent þee wee ben
tempting to þe ſoule of men, and in to a mouſcacche to þe feet countid.
of vnwiſe men. iii Forſoþe to han knowen þee, is ful endid riȝtwiſneſſe; and to
xii Þe bigynnyng forſoþe of fornycacioun is þe outſeching of
witen riȝtwiſneſſe and þi vertu, roote is of vndeadlyneſſe.
maumetis, and þe finding of hem is corupcioun of lyf.


iiii Forſoþe not in to errour inladde vs þe oute þenking of þe vi But not in to euermor þi wraþe abod ſtille; but to þe
euele craft of men, ne þe ſhadewe of peynting trauaile wiþoute correccioun in ſhort þei ben diſturbid, tocne hauende of helþe,
frut, þe grauen licneſſe bi dyuers coloures; to þe remembring of þe maundement of þi lawe.
v whos ſiȝte to þe vnwiſe ȝyueþ coueiting, and looueþ þe vii Who forſoþe is turned, not bi þat þat he ſaȝ, he was heled,
licneſſe of þe deade ymage wiþoute ſoule. but bi þee, ſaueour of alle.
vi Þe looueres of euelis ben wrþi deþ, þat hope han in ſuche viii In þat forſoþe þou ſhewdiſt to oure enemys, for þou art,
þingus; and þat don hem, and þat loouen, and þat herien. þat delyuereſt fro alle euel.
vii But and þe crockere, þe neſſhe erþe þreſtende, trauailouſly ix Hem forſoþe þe bityngis of fleȝes and of locuſtis ſlowen,
makeþ to oure vſes eche veſſel; and of þe ſame clei he made and þer is not founden helþe to þe ſoule of hem; for wrþi þei
þat ben clene veſſelis in to vſe, and alſo þat to þem ben weren of ſuche þingus to ben deſtroȝed.
contrarious; forſoþe of þeſe veſſelis what is þe vſe, domeſman x Þi ſonus forſoþe, nouþer þe teþ of dragounes, ne of
is þe crockere. venymed þingus ouercamen; forſoþe þi mercy comende to,
viii And wiþ veyn trauaile god he makeþ of þe ſame cley, he helede þem.
þat a litil biforn of erþe was mad; and aftir a litil he lediþ xi In þe mynde forſoþe of þi wrdis þei weren diſtroȝid, and
hymſelfe whennes he is taken, aȝeen aſkid þe dette of þe ſoule ſwiftli þei weren ſaued; leſt in to heeȝ forȝeting fallende, þei
þat he hadde. myȝten not vſe þin helpe.
ix But and þer is cure to hym, not for he is to trauailen, ne xii Forſoþe neiþer erbe, ne plaſtre helde þem; but þi wrd,
for his lif is ſhort, but þat me ſpute wiþ gold ſmyþis, and Lord, þat heleþ alle þingus.
ſiluer ſmyþis; but and metal makeres he folewiþ, and glorie he xiii Þou art, Lord, þat of lif and deþ haſt power; and bringeſt
berþ biforn; for þingus ouer voide he makeþ.
x Aſken forſoþe is þe herte of hym, and erþe ouer voide þe doun to þe ȝatis of deþ, and aȝeen bringeſt.
xiiii A man forſoþe ſleþ bi malice forſoþe his ſoule; and whan
hope of hym, and foulere þan cley þe lif of hym.
xi For he kneȝ not þat made hym, and þat enſpirede to hym a þe ſpirit goþ out, he ſhal not turne aȝeen, ne þe ſoule, þat is
reſceyued, ſhal aȝeen clepen;
ſoule; and looueþ þat he wroȝte; and þat bleȝ in to hym a lifli xv but þyn hond to fleen is vnpoſſible.
xii But þei eymeden a pleiyng place to ben þe lif of hem, and xvi Vnpitouſe men forſoþe, denyynge to han knowen þee, bi þe
þe conuerſacioun of lif mad to wynnyng, and to bihouen alſo ſtrengþe of þin arm ben ſcourgid; wiþ newe watris, and
on eche ſide, of euel to purchaſen. hailis, and reynes, þey ſuffreden perſecucioun, and bi fijr ben
xiii Þis forſoþe wot hymſelf ouer alle men to treſpaſſen, þat of waſtid.
xvii Þat forſoþe was merueylous, in water, þat alle þingis
þe mater of erþe britel veſſelis and grauen makeþ.
xiiii Forſoþe alle þe vnwiſe men and vnſely ouer maner of þer quencheþ, more þe fir myȝte; þe world forſoþe is veniere of
riȝtwis men.
ſoule ben proude, enemys of þi puple, and myſſeiende to it; xviii Forſoþe ſum tyme þe fyr was tamed, þat þe beſtes, þat
xv for alle þe maumetis of naciouns godis þei eymeden, to þe
weren ſent to vnpitous men, weren not brent; but þat þei
whiche nouþer ſiȝte of eȝen is to ſeen, ne noſe þerlis to ſeende ſhulden witen, for bi þe dom of God þei ſuffren
parceyue ſpirit, ne eres to heren, ne fingris of hondis to perſecucioun.
gropen, but and þe feet of hem ſlowe to gon. xix And ſum tyme in water, aboue vertue, fyr brende out on
xvi A man forſoþe made þem, and þat þe ſpirit borewide, he
eiþer ſide, þat þe wicke nacioun of þe lond it ſhulde deſtroȝen.
feynede þem; no man forſoþe mai maken a god lic to hym. xx For þe whiche wiþ þe mete of aungelis þou nurſhediſt þi
xvii Whan forſoþe he be deadli, þe deade he makiþ wiþ wicke
puple, and þou ȝeue to þem bred mad redi fro heuene, wiþ
hondis; betere forſoþe is he þan þeſe, þat he herieþ; for he oute trauaile; hauende alle deliting in itſelf, and ſwetneſſe of
forſoþe liuede, whan he was deadli, þei forſoþe neuere. alle ſauour.
xviii But and þei moſt wrecchid herien beſtes; witles forſoþe, xxi Forſoþe þi ſubſtaunce, and þi ſwetneſſe, þat in to ſones
compariſouned to þeſe, ben wers þan þo. þou haſt, þou ſhewediſt; and deſeruende to þe wil of echone, to
xix But neiþer wiþ ſiȝte any þing of þeſe beſtes mai beholden what eche wolde, it was conuertid.
goode þyngis; forſoþe þey fledden þe preiſyng of God, and þe xxii Snoȝ forſoþe and ijs ſuffreden þe ſtrengþe of fyr, and
bleſſing of hym. floweden not; þat þei ſhulden witen, for brennende fyr, leiting
in hail and reyn, deſtroȝede þe frutes of þe enemys.
Capitulum XVI. xxiii Þat forſoþe eft, þat þe riȝtwis man ſhulde ben nurſhid, þe
i For þeſe, and lic þingus to þeſe, wrþily þei ſuffreden fyr alſo forȝat his vertue.
xxiiii Forſoþe þe creature to þee makere deſeruende, brenneþ
tormentis, and bi multitude of beſtes þei ben deſtroȝed.
ii For whyche tormentis þou diſpoſidiſt wel þi puple, bi whiche out in to torment aȝen vnriȝtwis men, and ſoftere is mad to
þou ȝeue coueiting of þer delit a newe ſauour, greiþende weel don, for þem þat troſten in þee.
xxv For þat and þanne þi graces deſerueden in to alle þingus,
curleeu mete to þem.
iii Þat þei forſoþe coueitende mete, for þo þingus þat to þem transfigured to þe vertue of alle, at þe wil of þem, þat of þee
ben ſhewid, and ſent, alſo fro nedeful coueiting þei ſhulden be ben deſired;
xxvi þat þi ſones, whom þou loouedyſt, Lord, ſhulden wite, for
turned awei; þeſe forſoþe nedi mad in ſhort, taſteden newe
mete. not þe frut of birþe fedde men, but þi wrd kepte þem, þat in
iiii Forſoþe it bihouede to þem, hauntende tiraundiſe, deþ to þee leeueden.
xxvii Þat forſoþe þat of fijr myȝte not ben deſtroȝed, anoon of
comen on wiþ oute excuſacioun; to þem forſoþe onli to ſhewen,
hou þe enemys of þem weren deſtroȝid. a litil bem of ſunne chaufid, flowede;
v Forſoþe whan to þem cam on þe cruel wraþe of beſtis, bi þe xxviii þat it were knowen to alle, for it byhoueþ to comen
bityngis of ſhreude ſhadewe edderes þei weren diſtroȝid. beforn þe ſunne to þi bleſſing, and at þe ſpringing of liȝt to
honoure þee.


xxix Forſoþe þe hope of þe vnkinde as cold ijs ſhal flowen, Capitulum XVIII.
and diſperſhen as watir ouer voide. i To þi ſeyntes forſoþe was moſt liȝt, and þe vois forſoþe of
Capitulum XVII. þeſe þe enemys herden, but þe figure þei ſeȝen not; and for
not and þei bi þe ſame þingus hadden ſuffrid, þei magnefieden
i Forſoþe grete ben þi domes, Lord, and vntellable þi wrdis; þee.
for þeſe þe vndiſciplyned ſoulis erreden. ii And for biforn hurt þei weren, for þei weren not hurt,
ii Whil forſoþe wicke men han ful preued, to moun lordſhipen graces þei diden to þee; and þat þer were difference, þee,
to þe holy nacioun, in bondis of dercneſſes, and of long nyȝt God, þei aſkeden.
gyued, encloſid vnder rooues, fugitif to perpetuel prouydence, iii For þe whiche þei hadden to þe vnknowe lif ledere, a
pleſeden. brennende piler of fyr; and þou ȝeue þe ſunne, wiþoute
iii And whil þei wenen þem to lurken in derk ſynnes, bi þe hurting of good herberewe.
derc veil of forȝeting þei ben ſcatered, dredende grisfulli, and iiii Wrþi forſoþe þei to lacken liȝt, and to ſuffrin priſoun of
wiþ ful myche wndring diſturbid. dercneſſes, þat encloſid kepten þin holi ſones; bi whom þe
iiii Ne forſoþe þe den þat heeld hem, wiþ oute drede kepte; for vncorupt liȝt of lawe bigan to ben ȝouen to þe world.
deſcendende ſoun diſturbide þem, and dreri perſones aperende v Whan þei þoȝten to ſlen þe fauntis of riȝtwis men; and oon
to þem, ȝeuen inward fere to þem. ſone leid out, and deliuered, and in to þe ouerleding of þem,
v And no ſtrengþe forſoþe of þe fijr myȝte to þem ȝyuen liȝt, þou tooke awei þe multitude of ſones, and togidere þem þou
ne þe cleer flaumes of ſterres myȝten liȝten þat grisful nyȝt. ſpildiſt in ſtrong water.
vi Forſoþe þer aperede to þem ſodeyn fyr, ful of drede; and vi Þat forſoþe nyȝt is knowen biforn of oure fadris, þat verreli
ſmyten wiþ þe drede of þat face, þat was not ſeen, þei witende bi what oþis þei leeueden, þei ſhulden ben mor
eymeden werſe to ben, þat weren ſeen. ſtedefaſt.
vii And of deuyning craft þe ſcornes weren leid to, and þe vii Forſoþe þer is taken of þi puple helþe, forſoþe of riȝtwis
glorie of wiſdam correccioun wiþ ſtrif. men; of vnriȝtwis men forſoþe deſtroȝing.
viii Þei forſoþe, þat bihiȝten dredes and perturbaciouns þem to viii Forſoþe as þou hurtedeſt oure aduerſaries, ſo and vs
putten out fro þe languyſſhende ſoule, þeſe wiþ ſcorn ful, of ſterende, þou magnefiediſt.
drede languyſſheden. ix Hidendely forſoþe þe riȝtwis childer of goode men
ix For and if no þing hem of þe wndris diſturbide, bi paſſing ſacrifieden, and þe lawe of ryȝtwiſneſſe þei diſpoſeden to acord;
of beſtis, and hiſſing of edderes ſtirid, lic maner riȝtwis men goodes and eueles to reſceyuen, noble
x ferful þei perſheden; and þe eir, þat bi no reſoun a man preiſingus to þe fader of alle ſingende.
x Forſoþe þe vncouenable vois of enemyes ſounede, and
myȝte flee, denyende þemſelf ſeeȝen;
xi ofte forſoþe þey beforn ocupien werſt þingis, þe concience wepful weiling of bewepte ȝunge childer was herd.
xi Lic peyne forſoþe þe ſeruaunt wiþ þe lord is tormentid; and
vndernemende. Whan forſoþe þer is ferful ſhreudeneſſe, it is
ȝouen in to þe condepnacioun of alle þingus; euermor a man of þe puple to þe king lic þyngis ſuffrede.
preſumeþ cruel þingis a conſcience diſturbid. xii Þanne lic maner alle wiþ o name of deþ hadden
xii No þing forſoþe is drede, but helpe of preſumpcioun, vnnoumbrable deade men, ne þe quyke forſoþe ſuffiſeden to
betraȝyng of þe helpis of þoȝt. birien; for o moment þe nacioun of hem, þat was mor cler, is
xiii And whil fro wiþinne laſſe is þe abiding, þe more it diſtroȝed.
xiii Of alle forſoþe þey not leeuende for þe benefetes, þanne
weneþ þe power of his cauſe, of þe whiche torment it ȝyueþ.
xiiii Þei forſoþe, þat verreli þe vnmyȝti nyȝt, and ſlepende þe whan firſt was þe deþ of þe firſt goten, þei bihiȝten hemſelf þe
puple of God to ben.
ſame ſlep, ouercomende from þe loweſt, and fro þe heȝeſt, xiiii Whan forſoþe quyete ſilence contenede alle þingus, and þe
xv oþerwhile þei weren ſtirid hider and þider, bi þe drede of
nyȝt in his cours hadde þe mene weie,
þe wndris, oþerwhile þe lyues faileden bi ouerleding; forſoþe xv þin almyȝti wrd, Lord, goende out fro heuene, fro þe
to þem ſodeyn and vnhopid drede ouercam.
xvi Þeraftir if any of hem hadde falle doun, he was kept in kingus ſetes cam; an hard ouercomere it is, in to þe myddel
lond of deþ;
priſoun, wiþ oute iren, recloſid; xvi leep forþ a ſharp ſwerd berende in to þi licned empire; and
xvii if forſoþe a cherl who were, or a ſhepperde, or a werchere
ſtondende fulfilde alle þingus wiþ deþ, and vnto heuene
of feeldis, were beforn ocupied, vnſcapable, `or þat myȝt not ateynede, ſtondende in þe erþe.
be fled, nede he ſuffrede. Wiþ oon forſoþe cheyne of dercneſſes xvii Þanne anoon þe ſiȝte of euele ſweuenes diſturbide þem,
alle þei weren bounde togidere;
xviii or puffende wind, or ſweet ſoun of briddes among þicke and dredes oncamen vnhopid.
xviii And an oþer elleſwher caſt forþ half on lyue, for what
braunchis of tres, or ſtrengþe of ful myche rennende doun
water, cauſe of deþ he diede, he ſhewede.
xix or ſtrong ſoun of ſtones fallid doun, or þe vnſeen cours of xix Forſoþe þe viſeouns þat diſturbeden hem, þeſe þingus
pleiende beſtes, or þe ſtronge vois of loowende beſtes, or þe biforn warneden, þat þei ſhulden not perſhen vnkunnynge, whi
aȝeen ſounende rebounding of ſoun fro þe heȝeſt hillis, maden þei ſuffreden eueles.
þem failende for drede. xx Þanne forſoþe touchede and riȝtwiſmen þe temptacioun of
xx Forſoþe al þe roundneſſe of erþis was liȝtid wiþ cler liȝt, deþ, and þer is mad of þe multitude a ſtiring in wilderneſſe;
and contened in werkis not lettid. but not longe abod ſtille þi wraþe.
xxi Forſoþe only to þem was ouerſet a greuous nyȝt, ymage of xxi A man forſoþe goende wiþoute blame to preȝen for puples,
dercneſſes, þat was to come `on to þem; þanne þei to þemſelf bringende forþ of hys ſeruyſe þe ſheeld an oriſoun, and bi
weren mor greuous þan þe dercneſſis. encens preȝing aleggyng, wiþſtod to þe wraþe, and ende putte
to þe nede, ſhewende for þi ſeruaunt he is.


xxii Forſoþe he ouercam cumpanys, not in vertue of body, ne xviii In to þem ſelf forſoþe whil þe elemens ben turned, as in
in armure of power; but in wrd hym þat ouertrauailede hym, an orgne of qualite þe ſoun is chaungid, and alle kepen þer
he vndircaſte, remembrende þe oþis of fadris, and teſtament. ſoun; wherfore of þat ſerteyn ſiȝte it may be eymed.
xxiii Whan forſoþe now hipyllmelum þei hadden fallen dead, xix Feeldi wilde þingus in to watri ben turned; whateuere
eiþer vp on oþer, he ſtod betwen, and kutte awei þe bure, and weren ſwymmende, in þe erþe paſſeden.
deuydede þat weie, þat to þe men on lyue ladde. xx Fyr in þe watir hadde ſtrengþe ouer his vertue; and water
xxiiii Forſoþe in þe cloþing of þe preeſt coepe, þat he hadde, forȝat his quenchende kinde.
was al þe roundneſſe of erþis; and þe grete þingus of fadris xxi Flaumes aȝeenward trauaileden not þe fleſh of þe
weren grauen in foure ordres of ſtones; and þi grete doyng in coruptible beſtes goende togidere; ne diſſoluede it, þat liȝtli
þe dyademe of hys hed was writen. was diſſolued as ijs, good mete.
xxv To þeſe forſoþe `he ȝaf ſtede, þat diſtroȝede, and þeſe xxii In alle þingus forſoþe þou magnefiediſt þi puple, Lord,
þingus he ful out dredde; forſoþe þer was alone ſuffycyent and wrſhepediſt; and diſpiſediſt not, in alle tyme and in alle
temptyng of wraþe. place ſtondende nyȝ to þem.
Capitulum XIX. Here endiþ þe look of Sapiens, and now
i To bigynneþ þe prolog of Eccleſiaſticus.
þe vnpitouſe forſoþe and to þe laſte wiþoute mercy wraþe
cam vpon; forſoþe he knew biforn and þe þingis to comen of
ii For whan þei weren turned, and hadden ſuffrid, þat þei
ſhulden lede þem, and wiþ gret biſyneſſe þei hadden ſent þem
beforn, þer folewede forſoþe þem þe deede of penaunce.
iii Ȝit forſoþe among þe hondys hauende weiling, and weping
at þe monumentes of þe deade, an oþer þynking of vnkunnyng
þei token to þem; and whom preȝende þei hadden þrowen
awei, þem as fugitifes þei purſueden.
iiii Forſoþe þer ladde þem to þat ende wrþi neceſſite, and of
þeſe þingis þat hadden fallen, þe mynde þei loſten, þat þat
lackeden of tormentis, punſhyng ſhulde fulfillen,
v and þi puple forſoþe merueylouſly ſhulde paſſe; þei forſoþe
newe deþ ſhulden fynde.
vi Eche creature forſoþe to his kinde fro þe bigynnyng was
aȝeen figured, deſeruend to þin heſtes, þat þi childer ſhulden
be kept vnhurt.
vii For a cloude ſhadewede þe tentes of hem, and in þe water
þat was biforn, þe erþe aperede drie; and in þe rede ſe weie
wiþ oute lettyng, and a buriounende feeld of ful gret depþe;
viii bi þe whiche alle nacioun paſſede, þat was couered wiþ þin
hond; ſeende forſoþe þi merueiles and wndris.
ix As hors forſoþe þei gnowen mete, and as lombis þei ful out
ioȝeden, magnefiende þee, Lord, for þou delyueredeſt hem.
x Forſoþe myndeful þey weren ȝit of þo þingus, þat were don
in þe comeling wonyng of hem; as for þe nacioun of beſtes, þe
erþe broȝte out fleeȝes, and for þe fiſſhes, þe flod bolkede out
multitude of frogges.
xi At þe laſte forſoþe þey ſeȝen a newe creature of briddes,
whan, lad bi luſt, þei aſkeden metes of delicious eting.
xii In þe ſpeche forſoþe of þe deſir, ſteȝede vp to þem fro þe ſe
a curlu;
xiii and trauailes to ſynneres camen vp on, not wiþoute þo
euydences, þat weren mad bi þe fors of flodis. Riȝtwiſly
forſoþe þei ſuffreden, aftir þeir ſhreudeneſſes; forſoþe in to
abhominable hoſpitalite þei ſtoden in.
xiiii Oþere forſoþe vnknowen comelingus reſceyueden not;
oþere forſoþe goode geſtes in to ſeruage token.
xv And not onli þeſe þingus, but an oþer forſoþe reſpit of hem
was, for maugre þeires þei reſceyueden ſtraungeres.
xvi Who forſoþe wiþ gladneſſe reſceyueden þem, þat hadden
vſid þe ſame enformyngus, wiþ moſt cruel ſorewes þei
xvii Smyte forſoþe þei ben wiþ blindneſſe, as þei in þe ȝates
of þe riȝtwiſe, wiþ ſodeyn dercneſſes, whan þei ben couered;
eche oon ſoȝte þe paſſing out of his dore.


xii Þe drede of þe Lord ſhal delyten þe herte; and ſhal ȝyue

ECCLESIASTICI. gladneſſe and ioȝe in to þe lengþe of daȝes.
xiii To þe dredende God, wel ſhal be in þe laſte endys; and in
Heer gynneþ þe prologe in þe booc of þe dai of his diyng he ſhal be bliſſid.
Eccleſiaſtici. xiiii To whom forſoþe it ſhal aperen in ſiȝt, þei loouen it in

Off manye and grete bi þe lawe, and profetes, and oþere, þat ſeeyng, and in þe knowing of his grete þingus.
xv Þe loouyng of God wrſhepeful wiſdam.
foleweden hem, wiſdam to vs is ſhewed. In þe whiche it
behoueþ to preiſen Irael, bi cauſe of doctrine and of wiſdam; xvi Þe bigynnyng of wiſdam drede of þe Lord; and wiþ feiþful
for not onli hem ſpekende, nedful it is to be wis, but alſo men in þe wombe he is togidere formed, and wiþ choſen
ſtraungeres to moun, and ſeiende and writende, to be mad wymmen he goþ, and wiþ riȝtwis and feiþful men he is
moſt wis. Myn elde-fader Jheſus, aftir þat hymſelf he ȝaf knowen.
more to beſyneſſe of leſſoun of lawe, and of profetes, and of xvii Þe drede of þe Lord religioſite of kunnyng.
oþere bokis, þat to vs of oure fadris ben taken, and he wolde xviii Religioſite ſhal kepen, and iuſtefien þe herte; ful myrþe
write ſum what of þeſe, þat to wiſdam and doctrine pertenen,
þat men deſirende to lernen, and to be mad wiſe men, of hem and ioȝe it ſhal ȝyue.
more and more þei taken heed in inwit, and ben confermed to xix To þe dredende God wel ſhal be; and in þe daȝes of
þe lawful lif. Alſo I moneſte ȝou to comen wiþ wel endynge of hym he ſhal be bleſſid.
willingneſſe, and wiþ mor biſy ſtudi to do leſſoun, and to han xx Plente of wiſdam to dreden God; and plente of þe frutes of
forȝyueneſſe in þo þingus, in whiche wee ben ſeen folewende it.
þe ymage of wiſdam, and to defauten in þe making togidere of xxi Eche hous of hym it ſhal fulfille fro ieneraciouns, and þe
wrdys. For Ebru wrdis failen, whan þei weren tranſlatid to
an oþer tunge. Forſoþe not oneli þis, but and þat lawe, and reſceyuyng places fro þe treſores of hym.
profetes, and oþire þingis of bokes, han not a litil difference, xxii Þe croune of wiſdam drede of þe Lord, fulfillende pes,
whan betwen hemſelf þei ben ſeid. For in þe eiȝte and þrettiþe and þe frut of helþe.
ȝer, in þe tymes of king Ptholome Euergeet, aftir þat I cam xxiii And it ſaȝ, and diſtinctli noumbrede it; boþe forſoþe ben
in to Egipt, and whan myche of tyme I hadde ben þere, I þe ȝiftis of God.
fond þere bokes laft, not of litil doctrine, ne to ben diſpiſid. xxiiii Kunnyng and vnderſtonding of prudence wiſdam ſhal
And ſoo good and neceſſarie trowede and I myſelf to adden
ſum diligence and trauaile of remenyng þis bok, and wiþ wiþ departen; and þe glorie of men holdende itſelf it
myche waking I leide to `beſyneſſe of doctrine, in ſpace of enhaunceþ.
tyme to ȝyue þis boc to þo þingus þat leden to an ende, and xxv Þe roote of wiſdam is `to dreden God; þe braunches
to þem þat wiln þe inwit biſiyn, and lernen, hou it behoueþ to forſoþe of it long lyuyng.
enformen maneres, þat after þe lawe of þe Lord purpoſen lif xxvi In þe treſores of wiſdam vnderſtonding, and religioſite of
to leden. kunnyng; kurſyng forſoþe to ſynneres wiſdam.
Here endiþ þe prolog, and now begynneþ xxvii Þe drede of þe Lord putteþ awei ſynne,
xxviii for who wiþoute drede is, ſhal not moun be iuſtefied;
þe book of Eccleſiaſticus.
wraþefulneſſe forſoþe of wilfulneſſe `or hardyneſſe of hym is
his turnyng vp ſo doun.
Capitulum I. xxix Vn to tyme þe pacient ſhal ſuffre; and aftirward is
i Alle wiſdam of þe Lord God is, and wiþ hym was euermor, ȝeldynge aȝeen of ful myrþe.
and is biforn aungelis during. xxx Good wit vnto time ſhal hide his wrdis; and þe lippis of
ii Þe grauel of þe ſe, and þe dropis of reyn, and þe daȝes of manye ſhuln tellen out þe wit of hym.
þe world, who diſtinctli haþ noumbrede? Þe heiȝte of heuene, xxxi In þe treſores of wiſdam is tocnyng of diſcyplyne;
and þe brede of erþe, and þe depþe of þe ſe, who diſtinctli xxxii curſing forſoþe to þe ſynnere is þe heriyng of God.
meſurede? xxxiii Sone, coueitende wiſdam, kep riȝtwyſneſſe, and God
iii Þe wiſdam of God goende beforn alle þingus, who
enſerchede? ſhal ȝyue it to þee.
xxxiiii Wiſdam forſoþe and diſciplyne þe drede of þe Lord, and
iiii Firſt of alle formed is wiſdam, and þe vnderſtonding of
prudence, fro þe during of aungelis. þat weel pleſid is to hym,
xxxv feiþ and debonerneſſe; and it ſhal fulfille þe treſores of
v Þe welle of wiſdam þe wrd of God in heiȝtes; and þe
ingoyng of it euere laſtende maundemens. hym.
xxxvi Be þou not rebel, and `mys leeful to þe dred of þe
vi Þe roote of wiſdam to whom is it ſhewyd? and þe `ſutil
wittis of it who kneȝ? Lord; and ne neȝhe þou to hym wiþ double herte.
xxxvii Ne be þou an ipocrite in þe ſiȝte of men; and be þou
vii Þe diſcyplyne of wiſdam, to whom is it ſhewid, and
opened? and þe multepliyng of þe `incomyng of it who not ſclaundred in þi lippes.
xxxviii Tac heed in þo þingus, leſt parauenture þou falle, and
viii Oon is þe heiȝeſt makere of noȝt of alle þingus, al myȝti, bringe to þi ſoule vnwrſheping;
xxxix and God openeþ in hid þingus, and in þe myddel of þe
and a myȝti king, and wrþi to be drad ful myche, ſittende vp
on þe trone of hym, and Godd lordſhipende. ſynagoge he hurtle þee;
ix He formede it in þe Hoeli Goeſt, and ſaȝ, and diſtinctli xl for þou neȝhediſt maliciouſly to þe Lord, and þin herte is
noumbrede, and meſurede; ful of treccherie and deſceyt.
x and helde out it vpon alle his werkes, and vp on alle fleſh
aftir his ȝifte; he ȝyueþ it to men loouende itſelf. Capitulum II.
xi Þe drede of þe Lord glorie, and ioȝyng, and gladneſſe, and i Sone,neȝhende to þe ſeruage of God, ſtond in riȝtwiſneſſe,
coroun of outward ioȝyng. and drede; and greiþe þou þi ſoule to tempting.


ii Ber doun þin herte, and ſuffre, and bowe in þyn ere, and vi Who wrſhepiþ his fader, ſhal be mad merie in ſones, and
vndertac þe wrdis of vndirſtonding, and heeȝe þou not in tyme in þe dai of his oriſoun he ſhal be full out herd.
of opreſſing. vii Who wrſhipiþ his fader, wiþ lengere lif ſhal lyue; and who
iii Suſtene þe ſuſtenyngus of God; be þou wiþ ioyned to God, obeſheþ to þe fadir, ſhal refreſhe þe moder.
and ſuffre, þat þi lif waxe in þe laſte. viii Who dredeþ þe Lord, wrſhepiþ fader and moder; and as
iiii Alle þat to þee ſhul ben leid to, tac, and in ſorewe ſuſtene, to lordis he ſhal ſerue to þem þat geeten hym,
and in þi mecneſſe haue pacience. ix in werc, and wrd, and in alle pacience.
v For in fyr is preued gold and ſiluer; men forſoþe reſceyuable x Wrſhipe þou þi fader, þat þer come vpon to þee bliſſing fro
in þe chymne of mecneſſe. God; and þe bleſſing of hym in þe laſte dwelleþ.
vi Ȝif feiþ to God, and he ſhal rekure þee; and dreſſe þi weye, xi Þe bliſſing of þe fadir faſtneþ þe houſes of ſones; þe curſing
and hope in to hym. Kep þe drede of hym, and in hym wax forſoþe of þe moder drawiþ out foundemens bi þe roote.
old. xii Ne glorie þou in þe wrong of þi fader; forſoþe it is not to
vii Ȝee dredende þe Lord, ſuſteeneþ þe mercy of hym, and
þee glorie, but ſhenſhepe.
bowiþ not doun fro hym, leſt ȝee falle. xiii Þe glorie forſoþe of a man, of þe wrſhepe of his fadir;
viii Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, ȝyueþ feiþ to hym, and þere ſhal
and þe vylenye of þe ſone, þe fader wiþoute wrſhepe.
not be voidid awei ȝoure meede. xiiii Sone, mekeli tac þe laſte age of þi fader, and ne ſorewe
ix Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, hopeþ in to hym, and in to liking
þou hym in his lif;
ſhal come to ȝou mercy. xv and if he faile in wit, ȝif forȝyueneſſe, and diſpyſe þou not
x Ȝee þat dreden þe Lord, looueþ hym, and ȝoure hertes ſhul
hym in þi vertue; forſoþe þe almeſſe deede of þe fader ſhal not
be liȝtned. be in forȝetyng.
xi Beholdeþ, ȝee ſonus, þe naciouns of men, and witeþ, for no xvi For whi for þe ſynne of þe moder ſhal be reſtored to þee
man hopide in þe Lord, and is ſhent; good,
xii abod ſtille in his heſtes, and is forſaken; or who inwardli xvii and in riȝtwiſneſſe it ſhal ben bild vp to þee; and in þe
clepede hym, and he diſpiſede hym? dai of tribulacioun it ſhal be remembrid of þee, and as iys in
xiii For piteuous, and mercyful is God, and he ſhal forȝyue in cleer, þi ſynnes ſhul ben looſed.
þe day of tribulacioun ſynnes; and defendere he is to alle xviii Of hou euel loos is he, þat forſakeþ þe fader; and he is
men, ful out ſechende hym in treuþe. curſid of God, þat terreþ to wraþe þe moder.
xiiii Wo to þe double in herte, and to þe lippis of þe `hidouſly xix Sone, in debonerneſſe þi werkes parforme, and ouer þe
giltende, and to þe hondes euele doende; and to þe ſynnere glorie of men þou ſhalt be looued.
goende in to þe erþe two weies. xx Hou myche þou art gret, meeke þee in alle þyngus, and
xv Wo to þe diſſolut `or vnſtable in herte, þat ȝyuen not feiþ
byforn God þou ſhalt fynde grace;
to God; and þerfore þei `ſchul not ben defendid of hym. xxi for gret myȝt is of God alone, and of meeke men he is
xvi Wo to þem þat han loſt ſuffring, and þat han forſake riȝt
weies, and han turned aſide in to ſhreude weies. xxii Heȝere þyngus þan þiſelf ſeche þou not, and ſtrengere
xvii And what ſhul þei do, whan þe Lord ſhal begynne to
þingus þan þiſelf ne ſerche þou; but þe þingus þat God
inwardli looken? comaundide to þee, þenk hem euermor; and in manye werkes
xviii Who dreden þe Lord, ſhul not ben of mysfeiþ to þe wrd of hym `ne be þou kurious.
of hym; and who loouen hym, ſhuln holli kepe þe weie of xxiii Forſoþe it is not nedeful to þee, þo þingus þat ben hid,
hym. to ſeen wiþ þin eȝen.
xix Who dreden þe Lord, ſhuln inwardli ſechen, þat ben wel xxiiii In oueruoide þingus wile þou not enſerchen manyefold;
pleſid þingus to hym; and þat loouen hym, ſhul be fulfild wiþ and in manye werkes of hym þou ſhalt not be curious;
þe lawe of hym. xxv manye forſoþe þyngus ouer þe wit of men ben ſhewid to
xx Who dreden þe Lord, ſhul greiþe þer hertes, and in þe ſiȝte
of hym þei ſhul halewen þer ſoules. xxvi Manye forſoþe ſupplauntede þe ſuſpiſioun of hem, and in
xxi Who dreden þe Lord, ſhul kepen þe heſtis of hym, and
vanytee heeld doun þe wittis of hem.
pacience ſhuln han vnto þe inwardly looking of hym; xxvii Þe harde herte ſhal han euel in þe laſte; and þat looueþ
xxii ſeiende, If penaunce wee ſhul not do, wee ſhul falle in to
perile, in it ſhal perſhen.
þe hondus of þe Lord, and not into þe hondis of men. xxviii Þe herte goende in to two weies, ſhal not han welſum
xxiii Forſoþe aftir þe mykilneſſe of hym, ſo and his mercy is
chaunces; and þe ſhrewde herte in þem ſhal be ſclaundred.
wiþ hym. xxix A wicke herte ſhal ben greeued in ſorewes; and þe
ſynnere ſhal lei to to ſynnen.
Capitulum III. xxx To þe ſynagoge of proude men ſhal not be helþe; forſoþe
i The ſonus of wiſdam þe chirche of riȝtwis men, and þe þe þicke buſh of ſynne in hem ſhal ben taken vp bi þe roote,
nacioun of hem obeiſaunce and loouyng. and it ſhal not be vnderſtonde.
ii Þe dom of þe fader hereþ, ȝee looued ſones; and ſo doþ, þat xxxi Þe herte of þe wiſe man is vnderſtonde in wiſdam, and
ȝee be ſaf. þe goode ere ſhal heren wiþ alle coueitende wiſdam.
iii God forſoþe wrſhepede þe fader in ſonus, and þe dom of þe xxxii Þe wis herte and vnderſtandable ſhal abſtenen hymſelf
moder ful out ſechende he faſtnede in to þe ſonus. from ſynnes, and in werkes of riȝtwiſneſſe welſum
iiii Who looueþ God, ſhal full out preȝen for ſynnes, and ſhal aftercomyngus ſhal han.
xxxiii Brennende fyr water ſhal quenche, and almes deede
wiþholden hym fro þem, and in þe oriſoun of daȝes he ſhal be
ful out herd. aȝenſtandeþ to ſynnes.
v And as he þat treſoreþ, ſo and he þat wrſhepiþ his moder.


xxxiiii And God is þe forlookere of hym þat ȝeldeþ grace; he xxvii Ne ſhame þou þi neȝhebore in his falling,
haþ mynde in to afterward, and in time of his falling he ſhal xxviii ne aȝeen holde þou a woord in time of helþe. Hide þou
finde faſtnyng. not þi wiſdam in þe fairnes of hit;
xxix in þe tunge forſoþe wiſdam is knowen, and wit, and
Capitulum IIII. kunnyng, and techyng, in þe wrd of þe weel feelende; and
i Sone, þe almeſſe deede of þe pore man ne begile þou, and faſtnynge in þe werkis of riȝtwiſneſſe.
xxx Aȝenſey þou not to þe wrd of treuþe any maner; and of
ouerturne þou not þin eȝen fro þe pore.
ii Þe hungrende ſoule ne diſpiſe þou, and terre þou not out to leſing of þi myſlernyng be þou confoundid.
xxxi Be þou not confoundid to knoulechen þi ſynnes; and ne
wraþe þe pore in his myſeiſe.
iii Þe herte of þe helpeles ne tormente þou, and drawe þou ſochete þou þee to eche man for ſynne.
xxxii Wile þou not wiþſtonde aȝen þe face of þe myȝti, ne
not a long ȝifte to þe man put in ſtreit.
iiii Þe preȝing of þe troblid ne caſte þou awei, and turne þou enforce þou aȝen þe ſtroc of þe flood.
xxxiii For riȝtwiſneſſe fiȝt for þi ſoule, and vnto deþ ſtrif for
not awei þi face fro þe nedi.
v Fro þe helpeles ne turne þou awei eȝen for wraþe, and riȝtwiſneſſe; and God ſhal outfiȝten, `or ouer come, for þee þin
`leeue þou not, `or ȝif þou not cauſe, to men ſechende to curſe enemys.
xxxiiii Wile þou not be ſwift in þi tunge, and vnprofitable and
bihynde to þee.
vi Forſoþe of þe man curſende to þee in bitterneſſe of ſoule, ful ſloȝ in þi werkis.
xxxv Wile þou not ben as a leoun in þin hous, turnende awei
out herd ſhal be þe preȝeere of hym; forſoþe he ſhall here hym,
þat made hym. þin homli men, and opreſſende to men ſoget to þee.
vii To þe congregacioun of pore men mac þou þee homli to xxxvi Be not þin hond put forþ to taken, and to ȝyuen drawen
ſpeken, and to þe preſt meeke þou þi ſoule, and to þe mad togidere.
gret meeke þou þin hed.
viii Bowe doun to þe pore þin ere wiþoute dreryneſſe, and Capitulum V.
ȝeld þi dette, and anſwere peſibli in debonerneſſe. i Wile
ix Delyuere hym þat wrong ſuffreþ fro þe hond of þe proude þou not taken heed to wickide poſſeſſiouns, and ne ſeye
þou, Þer is to me ſuffiſaunt lif; no þing forſoþe it ſhal
man, and egreli, `or heuyly, bere þou not in þi ſoule. profiten in þe tyme of veniaunce, and of opreſſing, `or deþ.
x In demende be þou to þe fadirles childer merciful as a ii Ne folewe þou in þi ſtrengþe þe coueiting of þin herte,
fadir, and for a man, `or huſbonde, to þe moder of hem; iii and ne ſey þou, What maner myȝte I, or who me ſhal
xi and þou ſhal be as an obeiſaunt ſone of þe heiȝeſt, and he
ſubiecten for my deedis? God forſoþe veniende ſhal venien.
ſhal han merci of þee more þan a moder. iiii Ne ſey þou, I ſynnede, and what to me falleþ ſorewy?
xii Wiſdam to his ſonus inbreþede lif, and receyueþ þe men
Forſoþe þe heiȝeſte is a pacient ȝeldere.
out ſechende him, and he ſhal go beforn in þe weie of v Of þe forȝyueneſſe of ſynnes, wile þou not be wiþoute drede,
xiii and he þat looueþ it, looueþ lif, and þat waken to it, ſhul ne ley þou to ſynne vp on ſynne.
vi And ſey þou not, Þe merci of God is gret; of þe multitude
clippe togidere þe `gladneſſe, or peſibleneſſe, of it.
xiiii Who holden it, ſhuln eritagen lif; and whider it ſhal gon of my ſynnes he ſhal han mercy.
vii Mercy forſoþe and wraþe fro hym ſoone neȝheþ, and in to
in, God ſhal bliſſen.
xv Who ſeruen to it, obeſhende ſhul ben to þe hoeli man; and ſynneres beholdeþ þe wraþe of hym.
viii Ne tarie þou to be conuertid to þe Lord, and ne putte þou
hem þat loouen it, God looueþ.
xvi Who hereþ it, demeþ folkis of kinde; and who biholdeþ it, it of fro dai in to day.
ix Sodeynli forſoþe ſhal come þe wraþe of hym, and in time of
ſhal abide ſtille troſtende.
xvii If he ſchal ȝyue feiþ to it, he ſhal abide ſtille, and veniaunce he ſhal diſtroȝe þee.
x Wile þou not ben anguyſht in vnriȝt richeſſes; forſoþe þei
eritagen it; and þe creatures of hem ſhul be in faſtnyng
togidere. ſhul not profiten in þe dai of deþ and of veniaunces.
xviii For in temptacioun it goþ wiþ hym, and in þe firſt xi Ne þrowe þou þee out in to eche wynd, and go þou not in
þyngus it chees hym. to eche wei; ſo forſoþe a ſynnere is proued in double tunge.
xix Drede, and ferd, and prouyng it ſhal bringe in vp on hym, xii Be þou ſtedefaſt in þe weie of þe Lord, and in þe treuþe of
and ſchal tormenten hym in tribulacioun of his techyng, to þe þi wit and kunnyng; and parfitli folewe þee þe wrd of pes
tyme þat it tempte hym in his þoȝtis, and he leeue to his and of riȝtwiſneſſe.
ſoule. xiii Be þou debonere to here þe wrd of God, þat þou
xx And it ſhal faſtne hym, and a riȝt euene weie bringe to vnderſtonde, and wiþ wyſdam þou ſchalt bringe forþ `a ſoþ
hym, and gladen hym; anſwere.
xxi and nakenen his hidde þingus to hym, and treſoren vp on xiiii If þer is to þee vnderſtonding, anſwere to þi neȝhebore;
hym kunnyng, and vnderſtonding of riȝtwiſneſſe. elles forſoþe þin hond be vp on þi mouþ, leſt þou be take in
xxii If forſoþe he ſchal ful erre, it ſhal forſaken hym, and it an vndiſciplined wrd, and þou be confoundid.
xv Wrſhipe and glorie in þe wrd of þe weel felende; þe tunge
ſhall taken hym in þe hond of his enemy.
xxiii Sone, waite tyme, and ſhone awei fro euel. forſoþe of þe vnprudent is þe turnyng vp ſo doun of hym.
xvi Be þou not clepid a twiſil tunge, `or a priue bacbiter, in
xxiiii For þi ſoule, `or liyf, be þou not confoundid to ſeyn ſoþ;
þi lif, and be þou not take in þi tunge, and confoundid.
xxv þer is forſoþe confuſioun `bringende to ſynne, and þer is xvii Forſoþe vp on a þeef is confuſioun, and peyne taking, and
confuſioun bringende to glorie and grace. werſt repref vp on þe twiſel tunge. To þe priue grucchere
xxvi Ne take þou to face aȝen þi face, ne aȝen þi ſoule leſing. forſoþe hate, and enemyte, and ſtrif.


xviii Iuſtefie þou lic maner þe litle and þe grete. xxviii Enſerche it, and it ſhal be mad open to þee; `and þou
mad wiþholding, ne forſake þou it.
Capitulum VI. xxix In þe laſte þingus forſoþe þou ſhalt finde reſte in it, and

i Wile
it ſhal be turned to þee in to liking.
þou not be mad for a frend enemy to þi neȝhebore; xxx And þe gyues of it ſhul be to þee `in to proteccioun of
repref forſoþe and ſtrif þe euel man ſhal eritagen, and eche ſtrengþe, and þe feet of vertue, and þe coleris of it in a ſtoele
ſynnere enuyous and twiſil tungid. of glorie.
ii Ne enhaunce þou þee in þe þenking of þi ſoule, as a boole;
xxxi Þe fairneſſe forſoþe of lif is in it, and þe bondis of it
leſt perauenture be hurtlid awei þi ſtrengþe bi folie, holſum binding.
iii and þi lefes it ete, and þi frutes it leeſe, and þou be laft as
xxxii Stoele off glorie þou ſhalt cloþen it, and a crowne of
a drie tree in wilderneſſe. þanking þou ſhalt putte aboue to þee.
iiii A ſhreude forſoþe ſoule ſhal deſtroȝen hym þat haþ it, and
xxxiii Sone, if þou ſchalt take heed to me, þou ſhalt lerne it;
in to ioȝe of his enemy it ȝyueþ hym, and ſhal bringe doun in and if þou leneſt to, `or dreſſiſt, þin inwit, þou ſhalt be wis.
to þe lot of vnpitous men. xxxiiii If þou boweſt in þin ere, þou ſhalt take doctrine; and if
v A ſweete wrd multeplieþ frendis, and ſwagiþ enemys; and a
gracious tunge in a good man ſhal abounde. þou looue to heren, þou ſhalt be wis.
xxxv In þe multitude of prudent preſtis ſtond þou, and to þe
vi Manye peſible ben to þee, and counſeilour be to þee oon of
a þouſend. wiſdam of hem of herte be þou ioyned; þat al þe telling of
vii If þou weldiſt a frend, in temptacioun weld hym, and ne
God þou mowe heren, and þe prouerbis of preiſyng aſcape not
fro þee.
liȝtli opene, `or trowe, þou þiſelf to hym. xxxvi And if þou ſee þe wel felende man, wake out to hym,
viii Þer is forſoþe a frend aftir his tyme, and `ſchal not abide
and þi foot ofte trede þe grees `of þe dores of hym.
ſtille in þe dai of tribulacioun. xxxvii Þenking haue þou in þe heſtes of God, and in þe
ix And þer is a frend þat is turned to enemyte; and þer is a
maundemens of hym moſt biſi be þou; and he ſhal ȝyue to þee
frend, þat hate, and ſtrif, and reprefes ſhal diſcoueren. an herte, and coueytinge of wiſdam ſhal ben ȝoue to þee.
x Þer is forſoþe a frend, felawe of þe bord, and abidiþ not
ſtille in þe dai of nede. Capitulum VII.
xi A frend if he abide ſtille ſtablid, he ſhal be to þee as euene
i Wile þou not don eueles, and þei ſhul not cacche þee.
wiþ, and in þin homli þingus troſtli he ſhal do.
xii If he ſhal meeken hymſelf aȝen þee, and hiden hymſelf fro ii Go awei fro þe wicke, and þer ſhul failen eueles fro þee.
þi face, þou ſhalt han good frenſhepe of o wil. iii Sowe þou not eueles in foorewes of vnriȝtwiſneſſe, and þou
xiii Fro þin enemys be þou ſeuered, and of þi frendis tac ſhalt not repen þem in to þe ſeueþe fold.
heed. iiii Wile þou not ſechen of a man þe dignete of a ledere, ne of
xiiii A `feiþful frend a ſtrong proteccioun; who forſoþe fyndeþ a king þe chaȝer of wrſhepe.
hym, fyndiþ treſor. v Iuſtefie þou not þee bifor God, for he ys knowere of þe
xv To a feiþful frend is no compariſoun; þer is not wrþi herte; and anent þe king wile þou not wilne to ben ſeen wys.
peiſing of gold and of ſiluer aȝen þe goodneſſe of þe feiþ of vi Wile þou not ſechen to be mad a domes man, but if þou
hym. mowe bi vertue breken wickidneſſes; leſt parauenture þou out
xvi A feiþful frend leching of lif, and of vndeadlyneſſe; and drede þe face of þe myȝti, and putte ſclaunder in þin hider
who dreden þe Lord, ſhul finden hym. and þider deliuerneſſe.
xvii Who dredeþ þe Lord, euenly ſhal han good frenſhipe; for vii Synne þou not in þe multitude of þe cite, ne poote þee in
after hym ſhal ben his frend. to þe puple;
xviii Sone, fro þi ȝouþe tac doctrine, and vn to hoore heris viii ne bynde þou to double ſynnes, ne forſoþe þou ſhalt be in
þou ſhalt finde wiſdam. oon gilteles.
xix As he þat ereþ, and þat ſowiþ, neȝhe þou to it, and ſuſtene ix Wile þou not ben a couward in þi ſoule, to preȝen;
þe goode frutes of it. x and to don almeſſe deede, ne diſpiſe þou.
xx In þe werk forſoþe of it a litil þou ſhal trauailen, and xi Ne ſei þou, In þe multitude of my ȝiftus God ſhal beholde;
ſoone þou ſhalt ete of þe getingus of it. and me offrende to þe heȝeſt God, my ȝiftis he ſhal take.
xxi Hou ſharp ful myche is wiſdam to vnwiſe men, and þer xii Scorne þou not a man in þe bitterneſſe of ſoule; God
ſhal not abide ſtille in it þe herteles. forſoþe þe lokere aboute is, þat enhaunceþ and mekeþ.
xxii As þe vertue of a ſton, prouyng ſhal be in þem; and þei xiii Wile þou not looue leſing aȝen þi broþer; and in to a
ſhul not abide to þrowe it afer. frend lic maner do þou not.
xxiii Þe wiſdam forſoþe of doctrine is after þe name of it, and xiiii Wile þou not wilne to lien eche leſing; þe beſyneſſe forſoþe
not to manye it is opened; to whom forſoþe it is knowen, it of hem is not good.
abit ſtille, vnto þe ſiȝte of God. xv Wile þou not be ful of wrdis in þe multitude of preſtus;
xxiiii Here, ſone, and tac counſeil of vnderſtondyng, and caſte and reherſe þou not a wrd in þin oriſoun.
þou not awei my counſeil. xvi Hate þou not trauailous werkes, and cherliſh doing
xxv Þroȝ in þi feet in to þe gyues of it, and in to þe coleris foormed of þe heiȝeſt.
of it þi necke. xvii Ne acounte þou þee in þe multitude of men wiþoute
xxvi Vnderlei þi ſhulder, and ber it, and ne bere þou diſcipline.
heuyſumli in þe bondis of it. xviii Haue mynde of wraþe, for it ſhall not tarie.
xxvii In al þin inwit neȝhe to it, and in al þi vertue kep þe xix Meeke gretli þi ſpirit, for veniaunce of þe fleſh of þe
weies of it. vnpitous, fyr and werm.


xx Wile þou not treſpaſen `in to þi frend delaȝende monie; ne viii Wile þou not of þin enemy dead ioȝen, witende for alle
diſpiſe þou þi derwrþe broþer for gold. wee dien, and in to ioȝe wee wiln come.
xxi Wile þou not gon awei fro a wel felende womman, and a ix Dyſpiſe þou not þe telling of wiſe preſtis, and in þe
good, whom þou haſt goten in þe drede of þe Lord; forſoþe þe prouerbis of hem togidere dwelle þou;
grace of þe ſhamefaſtneſſe of hir ouer gold. x of hem forſoþe þou ſhalt lerne wiſdam, and doctrine of
xxii Hurte þou not a ſeruaunt in treuþe werchende, ne an vndirſtonding, and fructuouſli vſe grete men wiþoute pleynt.
hired man ȝyuende his lif. xi Paſſe not biſide þee þe telling of elderes; þei forſoþe
xxiii A wel felende ſeruaunt be to þee looued as þi ſoule; lerneden of þer fadris.
bygile þou not hym fro fredam, ne forſake þou hym helpeles. xii For of hem þou ſhalt lerne vnderſtonding; and in tyme of
xxiiii Beeſtis to þee ben? tac heed to þem; and if þei ben nede þou ſhalt ȝyue an anſwere.
profitable, abide þei ſtille anent þee. xiii Teende þou not colis of ſynneres, vndirnymende hem; and
xxv Sonus ben to þee? tech hem, and bowe hem fro þe leſt þou be tend wiþ þe flaume `of þe fyr of þe ſynnes of hem.
childhed of hem. xiiii Stonde þou not aȝen þe face of þe ſtrifful; leſt he ſitte as
xxvi Doȝtris ben to þee? keep þe body of hem, and ſhewe þou a ſpiere to þi mouþ.
not þi face glad to þem. xv Wile þou not leenen to a man ſtrengere þan þiſelf; þat if
xxvii Bytac a doȝtir, and a gret werk þou ſhalt do; and to a þou leeneſt, haue it as loſt.
wel felende man ȝif hyr. xvi Behote þou not ouer þi vertue; þat if þou behote, as
xxviii A womman if ſhe is to þee aftir þi ſoule, þroȝ hir not ȝelding beþenk.
awei; and to an hateful tac þou not þee in al þin herte. xvii Deme þou not aȝen þe iuge; for after þat ys riȝtwis, he
xxix Honoure þi fader; and þe weilingus of þi moder forȝete demeþ.
þou not. xviii Wiþ a fool hardy man go þou not in þe weie, leſt par
xxx Haue mynde for but bi þem þou haddeſt not ben, and auenture he gregge his eueles in þee; he forſoþe aftir his wil
ȝeeld to þem what maner and þei to þee. goþ, and togidere wiþ þe folie of hym þou ſhalt perſhen.
xxxi In al þi ſoule dred God, and þe preſtes of hym halewe. xix Wiþ þe wraþeful man make þou not ianglyng, and wiþ þe
xxxii In al þi vertue looue hym þat made þee; and þe fool hardy go þou not in to deſert; for as noȝt is anent hym
ſeruauns of hym forſac þou not. blod, and where is not helpe, he ſhal hurtle þee doun.
xxxiii Wrſhepe þou God of al þi ſoule; and wrſhipe preſtus, xx Wiþ fooles haue þou not counſeil; forſoþe þey ſhul not
and purge þee forþ wiþ armes. moun loouen, but þo þingus þat pleſen to þem.
xxxiiii Ȝif to þem part, as and maundement is to þee, of firſt xxi Beforn a ſtraunger make þou not counſeil; forſoþe þou
frutes, and of purging; and of þi necgligence purge þee wiþ woſt not, what he bere out.
fewe. xxii To alle men þin herte opene þou not; leſt par auenture it
xxxv Þe ȝifte of þin armes, and þe ſacrifiſe of halewing, þou bringe in to þee fals grace, and yt poote reproof to þee.
ſhalt offre to þe Lord, þe bigynyngus of hoeli þingus.
xxxvi And to þe pore put forþ þin hond, þat pleſing be Capitulum IX.
parformed, and þi bleſſyng. i Be þou not gelouſe to þe womman of þi boſum; leſt ſhe
xxxvii Grace of ȝifte in þe ſiȝte of alle lyuyng; and to þe deade
ſhewe vp on þee þe malice of ſhreude doctrine.
forfende þou not grace. ii Ȝyue þou not to a womman power of þi ſoule; leſt ſhe go in
xxxviii Fayle þou not to wepende men to ben in coumforting;
to þi vertue, and þou be confoundid.
and wiþ weilende men go þou. iii Behold not a womman myche wilnende; leſt par auenture
xxxix Noȝe it not þee to viſiten þe ſike; of þeſe þingus forſoþe
þou falle in to þe ſnares of hir.
in louyng þou ſhalt be faſtned. iiii Wiþ a lepereſſe, `or tumbler, be þou not beſy, ne here hir;
xl In alle þi werkes haue in mynde þi laſte þyngus; and
leſt par auenture þou perſhe in þe delyuere doyng of hir.
wiþoute ende þou ſhalt not ſynne. v A maiden beholde þou not; leſt par auenture þou be
ſclandred in þe fairneſſe of hir.
Capitulum VIII. vi Ȝyue þou not to lecchoures þi ſoule in any þing; leſt þou
i Stryue þou not wiþ a myȝti man, leſt parauenture þou falle leeſe þee, and þi ſoule, and þin eritage.
in þe hondys of hym. vii Wile þou not beholden aboute in þe weies of þe cite; ne
ii Striue þou not wiþ a riche man, leſt parauenture aȝenward erre þou aboute in þe ſtretis of it.
he ſette ſtrif to þee. viii Turne awei þi face fro a gai womman; and beholde þou
iii Manye men forſoþe gold and ſiluer haþ loſt; and vnto þe not aboute ſtraunge fairneſſe.
herte of kingus it ſtreccheþ, and turneþ. ix For þe fairneſſe of a womman manye men perſheden; and
iiii Striue þou not wiþ a tungy man, and ne greiþe þou in to of it luſt as fyr brenneþ out.
þe fir of hym wode. x Eche womman þat is leccherous, as a þoſt in þe weie ſhal
v Comune þou not to a man vntaȝt, leſt he ſpeke euele of þi ben `to-treden.
progenye. xi Þe fairneſſe of an alien womman many men wndrid ben
vi Diſpiſe þou not a man turnende awei hymſelf fro ſynne, ne mad repreuable; forſoþe þe togidere ſpeche of hir as fyr
putte þou repref to hym; haue mynde, for alle in corupcioun brenneþ out.
wee ben. xii Wiþ an alien womman outerli ſitte þou not, ne ly þou wiþ
vii Ne diſpiſe þou a man in his elde; forſoþe of vs þei waxen hir vp on þe arm;


xiii and ſtriue þou not wiþ hir in wyn, leſt par auenture ſhe xiiii Þe bygynnyng of þe pride of man to go bacward fro God;
bowe doun þin herte in to hir, and bi þi blod þou ſlyde in to xv for fro hym þat made hym his herte wente awey. For þe
perdicioun. bygynnyng of alle ſynne is pride; who `ſchal holde it, ſhal be
xiiii Forſake þou not an old frend; forſoþe þe newe ſhal not be fulfild wiþ curſis, and it ſhal turne hym vp ſo doun in to þe
lic to hym. ende.
xv Newe wyn a newe frend; it ſhal waxen old, and wiþ xvi Þerfore þe Lord diſpiſid þe couentis of euele men, and
ſwetneſſe þou ſhalt drinke it. deſtroȝede þem `in to þe ende.
xvi Looue þou not þe glorie and þe richeſſis of þe ſynnere; xvii Þe ſetes of proude dukes God diſtroȝede; and made mylde
forſoþe þou woſt not, what be to come þe turnyng vp ſo doun men to ſitte for hem.
of hym. xviii Þe rootis of proude folkis God driede; and plauntide
xvii Pleſe not to þee þe wrong of vnriȝtwis men, witende for meke men of þo folkis.
vnto helle þe vnpitous ſhal not pleſen. xix Þe londis of Jentiles þe Lord turnede awei; and
xviii Aferr be þou awei fro a man hauende power of ſleyng, deſtroȝede þem vn to þe foundement.
and not of rering, and þou ſhalt not ouertrowen þe dred of xx He made drie of þem, and ſcaterede þem; and made to
deþ; ceſen þe mynde of hem fro þe erþe.
xix and if þou neȝheſt to hym, wile þou not any þing don xxi God loſt þe mynde of proude men; and lafte þe mynde of
amys, leſt par auenture he take awei þi lif. meke men in wit.
xx Þe comunyoun of deþ wite þou; for in þe myddil of grenes xxii Þere is not ſhapen to men pride; ne wraþefulneſſe to þe
þou ſhalt gon in, and vp on þe armes of men ſorewende þou nacioun of wymmen.
ſhalt gon. xxiii Þe ſed of men ſhal be wrſhipid, þat þat dredeþ God; þat
xxi Aftir þi vertue war þee fro þi `nexte, or neyȝbore; and wiþ
ſed forſoþe ſhall ben put out of wrſhipe, þat paſſeþ þe
wiſe men and prudent men trete þou. maundemens of `þe Lord.
xxii Riȝtwis men be þei to þee metefelawes; and in þe drede xxiiii In þe myddel off breþern þe gouernour of þem in
of God be to þee gloriyng. wrſhipe; and þat dreden God, ſhul ben in þe eȝen of hym.
xxiii And in þe wit be to þee þenking of God; and al þi xxv Þe glorie of wrſhepid riche men and of pore is þe drede
telling out in þe heſtes of þe heȝeſt. of God.
xxiiii In þe hond of `craftis men werkes ſhul ben preiſid, and xxvi Wile þou not diſpiſen þe riȝtwis pore man; and not
þe prince of a puple in wiſdam off his ſermoun; in þe wit magnefien þe riche ſynful man.
forſoþe of elderes a wrd. xxvii Gret is a iuge, and þe myȝti is in wrſhipe; and he is
xxv Ferful is in his cite a tungy man; and þe fool hardy in
not more þan he þat dredeþ God.
hys woord hateful ſhal ben. xxviii To þe ſeruaunt wel felende ſhul ſeruen fre men; and a
man prudent and lerned ſhal not grucchen chaſtiſid, and þe
Capitulum X. vnkunnende ſhal not be wrſhipid.
iA xxix Wile þou not enhaunce þee in þi werk to be do; and wile
wis domeſman ſhal demen his puple; and þe princehod of
þe `wel felende, `or witti, ſhal ben ſtable. þou not diſpeire in þe time of anguyſh.
ii Aftir þe domeſman of þe puple, ſo and þe ſeruauntis of hym; xxx Betere is þat wercheþ, and aboundeþ in alle þingis, þan
and whiche maner is þe gouernour of þe cyte, ſuche and þe þat glorieþ, and nedeþ bred.
dwelleris in it. xxxi Sone, in debonerneſſe kep þi ſoule; and ȝif to it wrſhepe,
iii An vnwis king ſhal leeſen his puple; and cites ſhul ben aftir his diſſert.
enhabitid bi þe wit of prudent men. xxxii Þe ſynnende in to his ſoule, who ſhal iuſtifien? and who
iiii In þe hond of God þe power of þe erþe, and abhominable ſhal worſchip þe puttere his ſoule out of wrſhipe?
alle wickidneſſes of þe Jentiles; and a profitable gouernour in xxxiii Þe pore glorieþ bi diſciplyne and his drede; and þer is
tyme he ſhal reren vp on it. a man þat is wrſhipid for his ſubſtaunce.
v In þe hond of God is þe power of man; and vp on þe face xxxiiii Who forſoþe glorieþ in poreneſſe, hou myche more in
of þe `ſcribe, or man of lawe, he ſhal putte vp on his wrſhipe. ſubſtaunce? and who glorie in ſubſtaunce, poreneſſe `ſhame he.
vi Of alle þe wrong of þi neȝhebore haue þou not mynde; and
no þing do þou in þe werkes of wrong. Capitulum XI.
vii Hateful biforn God and men is pride; and cursful alle
i The wiſdam of þe mekid ſhal enhauncen þe hed of hym; and
wickidneſſis of Jentiles.
viii Rewme fro folc in to folc is born ouer, for vnriȝtwiſneſſes, in þe myddel of grete men to ſitten ſhal maken hym.
ii Preiſe þou not a man in his fairneſſe; ne diſpiſe þou a man
and wrongus, and ſtriues, and dyuers treccheries.
ix Forſoþe þan þe auerous man no þing is more ful of hydous in his ſiȝt.
iii Short in foules is a bee; and þe bigynnyng of ſwetneſſe þe
gilte. What pridiſt þou, erþe and aſken?
x No þing is more wicke, þan to loouen moone; þis forſoþe frut of hym haþ.
iiii In cloþing glorie þou neuermor, ne in þe dai of þi wrſhipe
haþ his ſoule ſillable, `or able to be ſold, `for in his lif he þreȝ
awei his inward þingus. be þou enhauncid; for merueilous þe werkes of þe heȝeſt
xi Of eche myȝtihed ſhort lif; lengere infyrmyte greeueþ þe alone, and glorious, and hid, and vnſeen þe werkes of hym.
v Manye tirauntis ſeten in trone; and þe vntrouable, `or of
xii Short ſickneſſe þe leche kutteþ of; ſo and a king to dai is, whom was no ſuſpicioun, bar þe diademe.
vi Manye myȝti ben opreſſid gretly; and þe glorious ben taken
and to moru ſhal die.
xiii Whan forſoþe a man ſhal dien, he ſhal eritagen ſerpentes, in `to þe hondis of oþere men.
and beſtes, and wermes.


vii Beforn þat þou aſke, ne blame þou any man; and whan xxxiiii Of oo ſparcle fyr is eechid, and of oon treccherous
þou ſhalt aſken, chaſtyſe þou riȝtly. blood is encreſid; a man forſoþe ſynnere waiteþ to blood.
viii Beforn þat þou here, ne anſwere þou a wrd; and in þe xxxv Tac heed to þee fro þe deþ berere, forſoþe he forgeþ
myddel of eldere men ne ley þou to to ſpeken. eueles; leſt perauenture he bringe vp on þee ſcornyng in to
ix Of þat þing þat greeueþ not þee, ſtriue þou not; and in þe wiþ oute ende.
myddel of ſynneres ne abide þou. xxxvi Reſceyue to þee an alien womman, and ſhe ſhal turne
x Sone, be not in manye þingis þi deedus; and if þou were þee vp ſo doun in a whirlewynd, and alienen þee fro þi propre
riche, þou ſhalt not ben gilteles fro treſpas. If forſoþe þou weies.
ſhalt folewe, þou ſhalt not ouertaken; and if þou ſhul renne
biforn, þou ſhalt not ſcapen. Capitulum XII.
xi Þer is a man trauailende, and heȝende, and ſorewende
i Iff þou ſhul wel do, wite þou to whom þou ſhalt wel do; and
vnpitous; and ſo myche more he ſhal not abounde. þer ſhal be myche grace in þi goodys.
xii Þer is a man welewid, nedende rekuring, more failende in
ii Wel do to þe riȝtwis, and þou ſhalt finde gret ȝelding; and
vertue, and abundende in poreneſſe; if not of hym, certes of þe Lord.
xiii and þe eȝe of God beheeld hym in goode, and rerede hym
iii It is not weel to hym þat is beſi in eueles, and to þe not
fro his lowneſſe, and enhauncide his hed; and manye ȝyuende almes deede; for and þe heiȝeſt to hate haþ ſyneres,
merueileden in hym, and wrſhepiden God. and haþ merci to penaunce doeres.
xiiii Goodis and eueles, lif and deþ, poreneſſe and honeſte, ben
iiii Ȝif to þe merciful, and vndertake `or reſſeyue þou not þe
of God. ſynnere; and to vnpitouſe and ſynneres he ſhal ȝelde
xv Wiſdam, and diſciplyne, and kunnyng of þe lawe anent þe
veniaunce, kepende þem in þe day of veniaunce.
Lord; loouyng and þe weies of goode men anent hym. v Ȝif to þe goode, and reſceyue þou not þe ſynnere.
xvi Errour and dercneſſes to ſynneres ben foormed; who
vi Weel do to þe meeke, and ȝyue þou not to þe vnpitous;
forſoþe ful out ioȝen in to euell, waxen old togidere in to forfende to ȝyuen to hym loeues, leſt in hem he be myȝtiere
euelis. þan þou.
xvii Þe ȝyuyng of God abidiþ ſtille to riȝtwis men; and þe
vii For double eueles þou ſhalt fynde in alle goodus, what
profitus of it welſum aftircomyngus ſhuln han in to wiþoute euere þou ſhalt do to hym; for and þe heiȝeſte to hate haþ
ende. ſynneres, and to þe vnpitous he ſhal ȝelde veniaunce.
xviii Þer is þat is mad riche ſcarſly doende, and þis þe part
viii A frend ſhal not be knowen in goodis, and an enemy ſhal
of þe meede of hym, not ben hid in eueles.
xix in þat þat he ſeiþ, I fond reſte to me, and now I ſhal eten
ix In þe goodes of a man þe enemys of hym; and in þe
of my goodis alone. ſorewe and in þe malice of hym þe frend is knowen.
xx And he wot not þat tyme paſſe biſide hym, and deþ neȝheþ,
x Ne trowe þou to þin enemy vnto wiþoute ende; forſoþe as
and he forſakeþ alle þingus to oþere men, and die. bras ruſteþ out þe ſhreudeneſſe of hym.
xxi Stond in þi teſtament, and in it ſpec togidere; and in þe
xi And if meekid he go crookid, þroȝ awei þi wil, and keep
werk of þin heſtis wax old. þee fro hym.
xxii Abide þou not in þe werkes of ſynneres; troſte forſoþe in
xii Set not hym biſide þee, and ſitte he not at þi riȝt half, leſt
God, and dwel in þi place. turned he ſtonde in þi place; leſt perauenture turned in to þi
xxiii Liȝt is forſoþe in þe eȝen of God, ſodeynly to honeſten þe
place he inwardli ſeche þi chaiȝer, and in þe laſte þou knowe
pore. my wrdes, and in mi wrdis þou be prickid.
xxiiii Þe bliſſing of God in to þe meede of þe riȝtwiſe heeȝeþ; xiii Who ſhal lechen to þe enchauntere ſmyten of þe eddere,
and in ſwift wrſhipe þe forþ goyng of hym makeþ fruyt. and to alle þat neȝhen to beſtes, and þat folewiþ wiþ þe wicke
xxv Ne ſey þou, What to me is nede? and what `godis man, and is aboute wrappid in his ſynnes?
`ſchulen be to me her aftir? xiiii Oon hour wiþ þee he ſhal abide ſtille; if forſoþe þou bowe
xxvi Ne ſey þou, I am ſuffiſaunt, and what of þis I ſhall be doun, he ſhal not vnderbern.
mad werſe? xv In his lippis þe enemy putteþ in ſwetneſſes, and in his
xxvii In þe day of goodis be þou not vnmyndeful of eueles, herte he ſpieþ, þat he turne þee vp ſo doun in to þe dich.
and in þe dai of eueles be þou not vnmyndeful of goodis; xvi In þin eȝen þe enemy wepiþ; and if he ſhul fynde tyme, he
xxviii for liȝt is bifor God in þe day of deþ to ȝelden to eche ſhal not be fulfild wiþ blod.
aftir his weies. xvii If þer ſhul falle to þee eueles, þou ſhalt finde hym þere
xxix Þe malice of oon hour makeþ forȝetynge of moſt leccherie; raþere, `or former.
and in þe ende of a man ful nakenyng of þe werkis of hym. xviii In þin eȝen þe enemy ſhal wepen, and as helpende he
xxx Bifor deþ preiſe þou not any man; for in his ſonus is ſhal vnderdelue þi plantes.
knowen a man. xix His hed he ſhal moue, and flappe for ioȝe wiþ þe hond;
xxxi Not eche man bringe þou in to þin hous; manye forſoþe and many þingus grucchendeli whiſtrende ſhal wiþ chaunge
ben þe ſpies of þe treccherous. his chere.
xxxii As forſoþe þe entrailes of ſtinkende þingus bolken out,
and as þe partrich is broȝt in to þe pit falle, and as a capret Capitulum XIII.
in to þe grene, ſo and þe herte of proude men; and as þe i Who
forlookere ſeende þe falling of his neȝhebore. ſhal touche pich, ſhal be defoulid of it; and who ſhal
xxxiii Forſooþe goode þingus in to euel turnyng he aſpieþ, and comunen to þe proude man, ſhal cloþin pride.
ii Berþen vp on hym he takeþ, þat comuneþ to þe honeſtere
in choſen men he leiþ vp a wem.
þan hymſelf; and to þe richere þan þou, þou ſhalt not ben


iii What ſhal comune þe caudron to þe pot? whan forſoþe þei xxxii Þe ſtep of a good herte, and a good face, hard þou ſhalt
ſhuln hurtle þemſelf, it ſhal ben to-broken. fynde, and wiþ trauaile.
iiii Þe riche man vnriȝtwiſly dide, and ſhal gnaſte; þe pore
man forſoþe hurt ſhal holde his pes. Capitulum XIIII.
v If þou ſhul ȝyue, he ſhal take þee; and if þou haue not, he
i Blisful þe man, þat is not ſliden in wrd fro his mouþ, and
ſhal forſake þee. is not prickid in ſorewi ſlouþe of gilte.
vi If þou haue, he ſhal lyue wiþ þee, and auoide þee out; and
ii Sely, `or bleſſid, þat hadde not ſorewi ſlouþe of his inwit,
he ſhal not ſorewen vpon þee. and falleþ not awei fro his hope.
vii If þou were neceſſarie to hym, he ſhal bigile þee; and
iii To þe coueitous man, and hard, wiþoute reſoun is
vnder laȝhende hope he ſhal ȝyue, tellende to þee alle goodes; ſubſtaunce; and to an enuyous man, wherto gold?
and ſhal ſeyn, What nede is to þee? iiii Who hepiþ of his inwit vnriȝtwiſly, to oþere men gedereþ;
viii And he ſhal confounde þee in his metes, to þe tyme he
neentiſhe þee twies or þries, and in þe laſte he ſhal ſcorne and in þe goodis of hym an oþer ſhal don leccherie.
v Who to hymſelf is ſhreude, to what oþer ſhal he ben good?
þee; aftirward ſeende he ſhal forſake þee, and hys hed moue to
þee. and he ſhal not ben merie in his goodus.
ix Be þou mekid to God, and abid his hondis. vi No þing is wers, þan he þat enuyeþ to hymſelf; and þat is
x Tac heed, leſt deſceyued in folie þou be mekid. þe ȝelding of his malice.
vii And if he ſhul weel don, vnwitendely, and not wilnende he
xi Wile þou not be meeke in þi wiſdam, and leſt lowid in to
folie þou be lad aſide. doþ; and in þe laſte he ſhewiþ his malice.
viii Shreude is þe eȝe of þe pale, and turnende awei face, and
xii Clepid to of þe myȝtyere, go awey; of þat forſoþe more he
ſhal clepe þee to. diſpiſende his ſoule.
ix Vnfillable þe eȝe of þe coueitous; in to þe part of
xiii Be þou not `to gredi, leſt þou be put aȝeen; and be þou
not fer fro hym, leſt þou go in to forȝeting. wickidneſſe he ſhal not be fild, to þe tyme þat he fulli ende
xiiii Ne wiþholde þou of euene to ſpeken wiþ hym, and trowe
vnriȝtwiſneſſe, makende drie his ſoule.
x Þe euele eȝe to eueles, and nedy ſhal not ben fild wiþ bred;
þou not to þe manye wrdis of hym; forſoþe of myche ſpeche he and in ſorewi ſlouþe he ſhal be vp on his bord.
ſhal tempte þee, and vnder laȝhende þe vnmylde inwit of hym xi Sone, if þou haſt, wel do wiþ þee, and offre to God wrþi
ſhal aſke þee of þin hid þingus.
xv And he ſhal `to gedir kepe þi wrdis, and not ſparen fro offringis.
xii Be þou myndeful for deþ ſhal not tarien, and þe teſtament
malice, and fro bondis.
xvi War to þee, and tac heed biſili to þin heering; for wiþ þy of helle, þat is ſhewid to þee; þe teſtament forſoþe of þis
turnyng vpſodoun þou goſt. world bi deþ ſhal dien.
xiii Biforn deþ wel do to þi frend, and aftir þi ſtrengþis
xvii Heerende forſoþe þo þingus, as in ſweuenes ſee, and þou
ſhalt waken. puttende out ȝif to þe pore.
xiiii Be þou not bigilid fro þe good day, and þe parcel of þe
xviii In al þi lif looue God, and inwardli clep hym in þin
helþe. goode day paſſe þee not.
xv Wheþer not to oþere þou ſhalt lefe þi ſorewis, and þi
xix Eche beſte looueþ lic to hym; ſo and eche man þe nexte to
hym. trauailes? In departing of lot
xvi ȝif, and tac; and iuſtefie þi ſoule.
xx Eche fleſh to his lijch ſhal be ioyned, and eche man to his
xvii Bifor þi deþ werch riȝtwiſneſſe; for to finde mete is not
lic ſhal be felaſhepid.
xxi As a wlf ſhal comune to a lomb oþerwhile, ſo a ſynnere to anent helle.
xviii Eche fleſh as heiȝ ſhal waxe old, and as a lef beryng frut
a riȝtwis.
xxii What comunycacioun to an hoeli man at a dogge? or what in a grene tree.
xix Oþere ben iendred, and oþere fallen doun; ſo ieneracioun
good parti to a riche man at a pore?
xxiii Hunting of a leoun an aſſe in wilderneſſe; ſo pore men of fleſh and of blod, an oþer is endid, and an oþer is born.
xx Eche coruptible werc in þe ende ſhal faile; and he þat
ben þe leſwe of riche men.
xxiiii And as abhominacioun to a proud man is mekneſſe, ſo wercheþ it, ſhal go wiþ it.
xxi And eche choſen werc ſhal be iuſtefied; and he þat wercheþ
and curſing of þe riche is þe pore.
xxv Þe riche man ſtirid is confermed of his frendis; þe meeke it, ſhal be wrſhipid in it.
xxii Blisful þe man, þat ſhal dwelle in wiſdam, and þat in
forſoþe, whan he ſhal falle, ſhal be put out alſo fro knowen.
xxvi To þe riche deſceyued manye ben rekureres; he ſpac riȝtwiſneſſe ſweteli ſhal þenke, and in wit ſhal þenke þe
proudli, and þei iuſtefieden hym. looking aboute of God.
xxiii Who þenkeþ out þe weies of hym in his herte, and in hid
xxvii Þe meeke is deſceyued, ferþermor and vndirnomyn; he
ſpac felendely, `or wiſely, weel, and þer is not ȝoue to hym a þingus of it vnderſtonding ſhal be; goende aftir it as
place. enſerchere, and in þe weies of it beende ſtille.
xxiiii Who byholdeþ bi þe wyndowes of it, and in þe ȝatis of
xxviii Þe riche ſpac, and alle heelden þer pes; and þe wrd of
hym vnto þe cloudys þei ſhul bern. it is herende;
xxv who reſteþ biſide þe hous of it, and in þe walles of it
xxix Þe pore ſpac, and þei ſeyn, Who is þis? and if he ſchal
offende, þei ſhul turne hym vp ſo doun. `piccheþ a pale. He ſhal ordeyne his litle hous at þe hondis of
xxx Good is ſubſtaunce, to whom is not ſynne in concience;
it, and þer ſhuln reſte in þe litle houſes of it goodis, bi
aungelis during;
and moſt wicke is porenes in þe mouþ of þe vnpitous. xxvi he ſhal ſetten his ſonus vnder þe roof of it, and vnder þe
xxxi Þe herte of a man chaungeþ þe face of hym, or in good
braunchis of it he ſhal wone;
or in euel.


xxvii heſhal be defendid vnder þe roof of it fro brennende iiii And profitable it is to die wiþoute ſonus, þan to lefen
hete, and in þe glorie of it he ſhal reſte. vnpitous ſones.
v Of oon weel felende man ſhal ben enhabitid þe cuntre; and
Capitulum XV. of þre vnpitous it ſhal be forſaken.
vi Manye oþere þingis myn eȝe ſaȝ, and þe ſtrengere þingus
i Who dredeþ God, ſhal do goode þingus; and who wiþholding
is of riȝtwiſneſſe, ſhal taken it. of þeſe myn ere herde.
vii In þe ſynagoge of ſynnende men fyr ſhal out brenne, and
ii And it ſhal meete to hym as a moder wrſhipid, and as a
womman fro maidynhed it ſhal vndirtake hym. in þe vnbileeueful folc of kinde wraþe ſhal waxe ful out tend.
viii Olde ieauntis þat ben deſtroȝid, troſtende to þer vertue,
iii It ſhal feede hym wiþ þe bred of lif, and of vnderſtonding;
and wiþ þe water of holſum wiſdam it ſhal ȝyue drinke to fulli preȝeden not for þer ſynnes;
ix and he ſparede not to þe pilgrimaging of hem, but ſmot
hym; and it ſhal be faſtned in hym, and not ben bowed.
iiii And it ſhal wiþholden hym, and he ſhal not be confoundid; hem, and wariede hem, for þe pride `of þe word of hem.
x He dide not mercy to þem, deſtroȝende al þe folc of kinde
and it ſhal enhaunce hym anent his neȝhebores.
v And in þe myddel of þe chirche it ſhal opene his mouþ, and and enhauncende itſelf in his ſynnes.
xi And as ſixe hundrid þouſend of footmen, þat ben gadered in
ſhal fulfille hym wiþ ſpirit of wiſdam, and of vnderſtonding;
and wiþ ſtoele of glorie it ſhall cloþin hym. þe hardneſſe of þer herte; and if oon were rered vp þe nol,
vi Myrþe and ful out ioȝing it ſhal treſoren vp on hym; and in wnder if he hadde ben harmles.
xii Mercy forſoþe and wraþe is wiþ hym; myȝty is þe ful out
euerlaſtende name it ſhal eritagen hym.
vii Men foolis ſhul not take it, and men wel feelende ſhul oriſoun, and heeldende out wraþe.
xiii After his mercy, ſo þe chaſtiſing of hym; he demeþ a man
meete to it. Men foolis ſhul not ſeen it; ferr forſoþe it is, ferre
awei fro pride, and fro treccherie. aftir his werkes.
viii Men lieres ſhul not be myndeful of it, and ſoþfaſt men ben xiiii Þe ſynnere ſhal not ſcapen out in to raueyn; and `þe
founden in it; and welſum aftir comyng þei ſhul han vnto þe ſuffryng of þe doynge mercy ſchal not tary by hynde.
looking in of God. xv Eche mercy ſhal make place to echon, aftir þe deſert of his
ix Feir preiſing is not in þe mouþ of þe ſynnere, for he is not werkis, and after þe vnderſtonding of þe pilgrimaging of hym.
ſent of þe Lord. xvi Sey þou not, Fro God I ſhal ben hid; and fro þe heiȝeſt,
x For gon forþ is wiſdam of God; forſoþe to þe wiſdam of who of me ſhal han mynde?
God preiſing ſhal ſtonden at, and in þe feiþful mouþ ſhal xvii In a gret puple I ſhal not be knowen; what forſoþe is my
abounde, and þe lordſhipere ſhal ȝyuen it to hym. ſoule in ſo gret a creature wiþ oute meſure? Loo!
xi Þou ſhalt not ſeyn, Bi God it is awey; þo þingis forſoþe xviii heuene, and heuenus of heuenus, þe ſe, `or depneſſe, and
þat it hateþ, þou ſhalt not do. al erþe, and þat in hem ben, in þe ſiȝte of hym ſhul be moued
xii Ne ſey þou, He me diſceyuede; forſoþe vnpitous men ben togidere;
not nedeful to hym. xix mounteynes togidere, and hilles, and þe foundemens of þe
xiii Þe Lord hateþ al curſing of errour, and it ſhal not ben erþe; and whan God ſhal biholde þem, bi trembling þei ſhul
looueful to men dredende hym. be ſmyte togidere.
xiiii God fro þe bygynnyng ordeynede man, and lafte hym in xx And in alle þeſe þingus mys felende, `or vnwittie, is þe
þe hond of his counſeil. herte, and eche herte is vnderſtonden of hym.
xv He leide to maundemens, and his heſtes; xxi And þe weyes of hym who vnderſtondiþ? and þe tempeſt,
xvi if þou wilt þe maundemens kepen, þei ſhul kepe þee, and þat nouþer þe eȝe ſaȝ `of man?
xxii For whi manye werkis of hym ben in hid þingus, but þe
to kepen pleſid feiþ in to wiþoute ende.
xvii He putte to þee watir and fyr; to what þou wilt, put forþ werkis of þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym who ſhal tellen out, or who
þin hond. ſhal ſuffren? Fer forſoþe is þe teſtament fro ſumme; and þe
xviii Bifor man is lif and deþ, good and euel; þat pleſiþ to
aſking of men is in þe ful ending.
xxiii Who is laſſid in herte, þenkeþ idil þingus; and þe
hym, ſhal `be ȝoue to hym. vnprudent man and errende þenkeþ folies.
xix For myche is þe wiſdam of God, and ſtrong in myȝt, and
xxiiii Heere me, ſone, and lerne diſciplyne of wit, and in my
ſeende alle men wiþoute ceſing. wrdis tac heed in þin herte; and I ſhal ſeyn in equite
xx Þe eȝen of þe Lord to þe dredende hym; and he knowiþ al
diſcyplyne, and enſerchen to tellen out wiſdam. And in my
þe beſyneſſe of man. wrdis tac heed in þin herte;
xxi To no man he comaundide vnpitouſly to do; and to no xxv and I ſey in equyte of ſpirit vertues, þat God putte in to
man he ȝaf ſpace of ſynnyng. his werkes fro þe bigynnyng, and in treuþe I telle out þe
xxii Forſoþe he coueiteþ not þe multitude of vnfeiþful ſonus kunnyng of hym.
and vnprofitable. xxvi In þe dom of God his werkis fro þe bigynnyng; and fro
þe ordeynyng of þo men he ſeuerede þe partes of þem, and þe
Capitulum XVI. bigynnyngus of þem in þer folkis of kinde.
xxvii He enournede in to wiþoute ende þe werkis of hem; and
i Mac þou not myrie in vnpitous ſonus, if þei ben multeplied; þei hungreden not, ne trauaileden, and lefeden not of fro þer
ne delite þou vp on hem, if þer is not þe drede of God in werkis.
hem. xxviii Eche þe neȝhebore to hym ſhal not anguyſſhen, vnto þe
ii Ne ȝyue þou feiþ to þe lif of hem, and ne biholde þou in to
ſpirituel world `or aungelus duryng.
þe trauailes of hem. xxix Be þou not vnleeuable to þe wrd of hym.
iii Betere ys forſoþe oon dredende God, þan a þouſend
vnpitous ſonus.


xxx Aftir þeſe þingus God biheeld in to þe erþe, and fulfilde it xxvii Þou ſhalt knoulechen lyuende, lyuende and hoel þou ſhalt
wiþ his goodis. knouleche, and preiſen God; and glorien in þe mercy doyngus
xxxi Eche forſoþe ſoule ful of lif told of bifor þe face of hym; of hym.
and it eft þe turnyng aȝeen of hem. xxviii Hou gret þe merci of God, and þe mytigacioun, `or
helpe, of hym to men conuertende to hym.
Capitulum XVII. xxix Ne forſoþe alle þingus mown ben in men; for þe ſone of

i God
man is not vndeadly, and `in to vanyte of malice þei pleſeden.
wiþ þe riȝt hond foormede man; and after his ymage xxx What more cleer þan þe ſunne? and þis ſhall faile; or
made hym. what wers þan þat fleſh þoȝte out, and blod? and þat ſhal ben
ii And eft turnede hym in to it; and after hymſelf cloþide hym
wiþ vertue. xxxi Þe vertue of þe heiȝneſſe of heuene he biholdiþ; and alle
iii Noumbre of daȝes and time he ȝaf to hym; and ȝaf to hym
men erþe and aſken.
power of þem þat ben vpon erþe.
iiii He putte þe drede of hym vpon alle fleſh, and lordſhipide
Capitulum XVIII.
of beſtes and of foules.
v He foormede of hym helpe lic to hymſelf; counſeil, and i He þat lyueþ in to wiþoute ende, made of noȝt alle þingus
tunge, and eȝen, and eren, and herte, he ȝaf to þem, of togidere; God alone ſhall be iuſtefied, and dwelleþ
þenking out; and þe diſcyplyne of vnderſtonding fulfilde þem. vnuenkuſhid king wiþoute ende.
vi He foormede to þem kunnyng of þe ſpirit, bi wit he fulfilde ii Who ſhal ſuffiſe to telle out þe werkis of hym?
þe herte of hem; and eueles and goodis he ſhewide to þem. iii who ſhal enſerche þe grete wrþi þingis of hym?
vii He putte þe eȝe of hem vpon þe hertes of hem, to ſhewen iiii Þe vertue forſoþe of his gretneſſe who ſhal telle out? or
to þem þe grete þingus of his werkis, who ſhal leyn to to tellen out þe merci of hym?
viii þat þe name of his halewing þei preiſe togidere; and to v Þere is not to laſſen, ne to echen; ne þer is to fynde þe
glorien in þe merueilous þingus of hym, þat þei telle out þe grete wrþi þingus of God.
grete þyngus of his werkis. vi Whan a man haþ ful endid, þanne he bigynneþ; and whan
ix He addede to þem diſciplyne; and þe lawe of lif he he haþ reſtid, he ſhal werchen.
eritagede þem. vii What is a man, and what is þe glorie of hym? and what
x Euerlaſtende teſtament he ſette wiþ þem; and riȝtwiſneſſe is good, or what þe wicke þing of hym?
and his domes he ſhewide to þem. viii Þe noumbre of þe daȝes of men, as myche an hundrid ȝer,
xi And þe grete þingus of his wrſhipe þe eȝe of hem ſaȝ, and as dropis to þe watir of þe ſe þei ben ordeyned; and as a litil
þe wrſhipe of vois herden þe eres of hem; and he ſeide to ſton of grauel, ſo fewe ȝeres in þe dai of þe ſpirituel world.
þem, Takeþ heed fro alle wicke þing. ix For þat pacient is God in þem, `and he ſchal heelde out
xii And he comaundide to þem, to eche of his neȝhebore. vpon hem his mercy.
xiii Þe weies of hem biforn hym ben euermor; and þei ben not x He ſaȝ þe preſumpcioun, `or pride, of þe herte of hem, for it
hid fro þe eȝen of hym. ys euel; and he kneȝ þe turnyng vp ſo doun of hem, for it is
xiiii In to eche folc of kinde he beforn ſette a gouernour; ſhreude.
xv and Irael þe part of God is mad open. xi Þerfore he fulfilde hys mercy in hem, and ſhewede to þem
xvi And alle þe werkes of hem as þe ſunne in þe ſiȝte of God; þe weie of equyte.
xii Þe mercy doyng of man aboute his neȝhebore; þe merci
and þe eȝen of hym wiþ oute ceſing biholdende in þe weies of
hem. forſoþe of þe Lord vp on alle fleſh.
xvii Þe teſtamentis ben not hid for þe wickidneſſe of hem; and xiii He þat haþ mercy, and lerneþ, and techeþ as a ſhepperde
al þe wickidneſſe of hem in þe ſiȝt of God. his floc,
xviii Þe almes deede of a man as a litil ſac wiþ hym, and þe xiiii haue he mercy, takende out doctrine of mercy doyng; and
grace of man as þe eȝe appil it ſhal kepen; þat hieȝen in þe domes of hym.
xix and aftirward it ſhal riſe aȝeen, and ȝelde to þem ȝelding, xv Sone, in goode þingus ȝyue þou not pleynt, and in alle
to eche in to þe hed of hem; and turnen in to þe lowere ȝifte ȝyue þou not ſorewi ſlouþe, `or heuyneſſe, of an euel wrd.
partus of erþe. xvi Wheþer not brennende hete þe dew ſhal aȝeen keelen? ſo
xx To men doende penaunce forſoþe he ȝaf þe weie of and a wrd betere þan a ȝifte.
riȝtwiſneſſe, and confermede men failende to ſuffren, and xvii Lo! wheþer not a wrd ouer a good ȝifte? but eiþer wiþ a
ordeynede to þem þe lot of treuþe. iuſtefied man.
xxi Turne þou to þe Lord, and lef þi ſynnes; xviii Þe fool ſharpli ſhal ȝyue repref; and þe ȝifte of þe
xxii preȝe þou bifor þe face of þe Lord, and make laſſe þe vndiſciplyned makeþ eȝen to waxe failende.
occaſiouns of giltis. xix Bifor dom greiþe riȝtwiſneſſes to þee; and er þat þou
xxiii Turne aȝeen to þe Lord, and turne awei fro þin ſpeke, lerne.
vnriȝtwiſneſſe, and myche hate þou curſing. xx Bifor ſicneſſe tac medicyne; and bifor dom aſke þou þiſelf,
xxiiii And knowe þou riȝtwiſneſſes, and þe domes of God; and and in þe ſiȝte of God þou ſhalt finde mercy.
ſtond in þe lot of putting forþ, and of oriſoun of þe heiȝeſt xxi Bifor ſikneſſe meeke þee, and in tyme of infirmyte ſhew
God. þou þi conuerſacioun, `or lyuyng.
xxv `In to þe partes go of þe hoeli world, wiþ men on lyue, xxii Be þou not lettid to preȝen euermor, and drede þou not
`and ȝyuyng knouleching to God. vnto þe dead to be iuſtefied; for þe meede of God dwelliþ in
xxvi Ne faſt abide þou in þe errour of vnpitous men. Bifor to wiþoute ende.
deþ kuouleche; fro þe deade as noȝt perſheþ confeſſioun.


xxiii Biforn oriſoun greiþe þou þi ſoule; and wile þou not be xviii and ȝif place to þe drede of þe heiȝeſt. For eche wiſdam
as a man þat tempteþ God. þe drede of God, and in it to dreden God; and in alle wiſdam
xxiiii Haue mynde of wraþe in þe day of endyng; and tyme of þe diſpoſing of þe lawe.
ȝelding in conuerſacioun þou ſhalt make. xix And wiſdam is not þe diſciplyne of ſhreudeneſſe; and good
xxv Haue mynde of pouert in tyme of plente; and þe nede of þenking is not þe prudence of ſynnes.
pouert in þe dai of richeſſes. xx Þer is ſhreudeneſſe of prudence, and in it curſing; and þer
xxvi Fro erli vnto euen þe tyme ſhal ben chaungid; and alle is an vnwis man, þat is laſſid in wiſdam.
þeſe þingus haſtid in þe eȝen of God. xxi Betere is a man þat is laſſid in wiſdam, and failende wit
xxvii A wys man in alle þingis dredeþ; and in þe daȝes of in þe drede of God, þan þat aboundiþ in wit, and ouerpaſſiþ
giltes ſhal taken heed fro ſlouþe. þe lawe of þe heiȝeſt.
xxviii Eche witti knowiþ wiſdam; and to hym þat fyndeþ it, it xxii Þer is certeyn ſleeyneſſe, and it is wicke.
ſhal ȝyue knoulechyng. xxiii And þer is, þat ſendeþ out a certeyn wrd, tellende out þe
xxix Þe wel felende in wrdus and þei wiſly diden, and treuþe. Þer is, þat ſhreudely mekeþ hymſelf; and þe entrailes
vnderſtoden treuþe, and riȝtwiſneſſe; and biſoȝten prouerbes of hym ben ful of treccherie.
and domes. xxiiii And þer is a riȝtwis, þat myche vnderputtiþ hymſelf of
xxx After þi luſtis go þou not; and fro þi wil turne þee awei. myche mekneſſe; and þer is a riȝtwis, þat bowiþ in þe face,
xxxi If þou ȝyue to þi ſoule his luſtis, it ſhal make þee in to and feyneþ hym not to ſeen þat is vnknowen.
xxv And if of infirmyte `of ſtrengþis he `is forbeden to ſynnen;
ioȝe to þin enemys.
xxxii Ne delite þou in cumpanyes, ne in ſmale þyngus; ſoþeli if `he ſhal fynde tyme of euel doyng, he ſhal euele do.
xxvi Of þe ſiȝte is knowen a man; and of þe aȝeen comyng of
þe treſpaſing of hem is contynuel.
xxxiii Ne be þou mene in ſtrif for monee, and þer is not to þe face is knowen þe weel felende.
xxvii Þe cloþing of þe body, and þe laȝhing of teþ, and þe
þee no þing in þe world; forſoþe þou ſhalt be enuyous to þy
ſoule. goyng in of a man, tellen out of hym.
xxviii Þer is liyng correccioun in wraþe of þe wrongful; and
Capitulum XIX. þer is dom þat is not preued to ben good; and þer is a beere
ſtille, and he is prudent.
i The drunkelew wercman ſhal not be mad riche; and who
diſpiſiþ lytle þingis, litil mele doun falleþ. Capitulum XX.
ii Wyn and wymmen maken alſo wiſe men to go bacward; and
i Hou good is to vndernymyn, þan to wraþen, and to not
ſhuln vndernyme weel felende men.
iii And who hymſelf ioyneþ to lecchoures, ſhal be wicked; forbeden þe knoulechere in oriſoun.
ii Þe luſt of þe gelding deflourede þe ȝunge womman, `or
rotenneſſe and wormes ſhuln eritagen hym, and his ſoule ſhal
be taken awei fro þe noumbre. birefte hir meydenhed,
iiii Who leeueþ ſoone, is liȝt in herte, and ſhal be leſſid; and iii ſo he þat doþ bi fors wicke dom.
who treſpaſeþ in to his ſoule, ferþermor ſhal ben had. iiii Hou good is, þe chaſtiſid to ſchewe penaunce; ſo forſoþe
v Who ioȝeþ in wickidneſſe, ſhal ben vndernomen; and who þou ſhalt fleen awei wilful ſynne.
hateþ correccioun, ſhal be laſſid in lif; and who hateþ myche v Þer is a ſtille man, þat is found wis; and þer is an hateful,
ſpeche, quenchiþ malice. þat is gredy to ſpeken.
vi And who ſynneþ in to his ſoule, ſhal not do penaunce; and vi Þer is forſoþe a ſtille man, not hauende wit of ſpeche; and
who is merie in malice, ſhal be repreued. þer is a ſtille man, witende tyme of couenable tyme.
vii Reherce þou not an hard wrd, and a ſhreude; and þou ſhalt vii A wys man ſhal be ſtille vnto tyme; þe reccheles forſoþe
not be laſſid. and þe vnprudent ſhul not kepe time.
viii To frend and enemy wile þou not telle þi wit; and if þer viii Who vſeþ manye wrdis, hurteþ his ſoule; and who takeþ
is to þee gilte, wile þou not nakenen. to hym power wrongfulli, ſhal ben hatid.
ix Forſoþe he ſhal heren þee, and kepe þee, and as defendende ix Þer is goyng forþ in euelis to a man vndiſciplyned; and þer
ſynne he ſhal hate þee; and ſo he ſhal be neeȝh to þee. is finding in to harm.
x Euermor haſt þou herd a wrd aȝen þi neȝhebore; abide it x Þer is ȝouen þing, þat is not profitable; and þer is ȝoue
ſtille in þee, troſtende for it ſhal not to-breke þee. þing, whos ȝelding is double.
xi Fro þe face of þe wrd berþ out þe fool, as þe weiling of þe xi Þer is laſſing for glorie; and þer is, þat fro mecneſſe ſhal
birþe of a child. rere þe hed.
xii An arewe ficchid `in to þe hipe of an hound, ſo a wrd in xii Þere is, þat manye þingis aȝeen bie for litil pris, and
þe herte of a fool. reſtorende þem in to ſeuen fold.
xiii Chaſtiſe a frend, leſt par auenture he vnderſtond not, and xiii A wys man in wrdis makeþ hym ſelf loouable; þe graces
ſeye, I dide not; or if he haue do, leſt eftſoone he adde to do. forſoþe of foolis ſhul ben held out.
xiiii Chaſtiſe a neȝhebore, leſt par auenture he ſhal not ſeyn; xiiii Þe ȝifte of þe vnwiſe ſhall not be profitable to þee; þe
and if he ſeide, leſt par auenture he reherſe. eȝen forſoþe of hym ben ſeuennfold.
xv Chaſtiſe a frend, ofte forſoþe is don treſpas; xv Fewe þingus he ſhal ȝyue, and many þingus he ſhal
xvi and not to eche wrd leeue þou. Þer is þat ſlideþ in his vpbreiden; and þe openyng of þe mouþ of hym is enflaumyng.
tunge, but not of inwit. xvi To day leeneþ a man, and to moru he aſkeþ it bi ple; and
xvii Who is forſoþe, þat gilteþ not in his tunge? Chaſtiſe a hateful is ſuch a maner man.
neȝhebore, er þat þou þrete; xvii To a fool ſhal not ben a frend, and þer ſhal not be grace
to þe goodis of hym.


xviii Who forſoþe eten þe bred of hym, ben of fals tunge; hou xiii Ful ending of þe drede of God wiſdam and wit.
ofte ſiþes and hou fele ſhul þei ſcorne hym? xiiii He ſhal not be lerned, þat is not wis in goode.
xix Ne forſoþe þat were to ben had, wiþ euene riȝt wit he xv Þer is forſoþe vnwiſdam, þat abundeþ in euel; and þere is
delede; lic maner and þat, þat were not to ben had. not wit, where is bitterneſſe.
xx Þe ſlidyng of þe falſe tunge `as he þat is falling in þe xvi Þe kunnyng of þe wiſe man as flowing ſhal abunde; and
pament; ſo þe fallingus of euele men haſtili ſhal come. þe counſeil of hym as a welle of lif abit ſtille.
xxi An vnkinde man as a veyn fable; and it ſhal be ofte in þe xvii Þe herte of þe fool as a veſſel to-broken; and alle wiſdam
mouþ of þe vndiſciplyned. ſhal not holden.
xxii Of þe mouþ of þe fool ſhal ben repreued a parable; xviii A wis wrd what euer he ſhal heren, þe kunnyng ſhal
forſoþe he ſeiþ it not in his tyme. preiſen, and echen. Þe leccherous herde, and it ſhal diſpleſen
xxiii Þer is, þat is forbedun for myſeiſete to ſynnen; and in hym; and he ſhal þrowe it bihinde his bac.
his reſte ſhal be prickid. xix Þe telling of a fool as berþen in þe weie; for in þe lippes
xxiiii And þer is, þat ſhal leeſe hys ſoule for confuſioun; and of þe wel felende ſhal be founde grace.
of vnprudence of perſone he ſhal leeſen it. Forſoþe bi xx Þe mouþ of þe prudent is ſoȝte in þe chirche; and þe wrdis
excepcioun of perſone he ſhal leeſe hymſelf. of hym þei ſhul þenke in þer hertes.
xxv Þer is, þat for confuſioun bihotiþ to a frend; and haþ xxi As an hous ſet out of termes, ſo a wiſdam to a fool; and
woonnen hym an enemy wilfully. þe kunnyng of þe mys felende vntellable wrdis.
xxvi Wicke repref in a man a leſyng; and in þe mouþ of þe xxii Gyues in feet doctrine to a fool; and as bondis of hondis
vndiſciplyned it ſhal be beſily. vpon þe riȝt hond.
xxvii Betere is a þef þan þe beſyneſſe of a man liere; forſoþe xxiii Þe fool in laȝhing enhaunceþ his vois; forſoþe a wis man
boþe ſhuln eritagen perdicioun. vnneþe ſtilleli ſhal laȝhen.
xxviii Maneres of men lieres wiþoute wrſhipe; and þe xxiiii A goldene ournement doctrine to þe prudent; and as an
confuſioun of hem wiþ þem wiþoute ceſing. armcercle in þe riȝt arm.
xxix A wys man in wrdis ſhal bringe forþ hymſelf; and a xxv Þe foot of þe fool liȝt in to þe hous of þe neȝhebore; and
prudent man ſhal pleſen to grete men. a wis man ſhal be confoundid of þe perſone of þe myȝty.
xxx Who wercheþ his lond, ſhal myche heȝen þe hep of frutes; xxvi Þe fool fro þe wyndowe biholdiþ in to þe hous; þe lered
and who wercheþ riȝtwiſneſſe, he ſhal myche ben enhauncid. man forſoþe wiþoute ſhal ſtonde.
Who forſoþe pleſeþ to grete men, ſhal fleen awei, `or aſcape, xxvii Þe folie of a man to herknen þurȝ þe dores; and þe
xxxi Preſentes and ȝiftes ful out blenden þe eȝen of prudent ſhal be greued wiþ ſtrif.
xxviii Þe lippes of vnprudent men folies ſhul tellen; þe wrdis
domyſmen; and as a doumb in þe mouþ he turneþ awei þe
chaſtiſingus of hem. forſoþe of prudent men in a balaunce ſhul ben peiſid.
xxxii Hid wiſdam, and treſor vnſeen, what profit in eiþir? xxix In þe mouþ of foolis þe herte of hem; and in þe herte of
xxxiii Betere is, þat hiliþ his vnwiſdam, þan a man þat hidiþ wiſe men þe mouþ of hem.
xxx Whan þe vnpitouſe curſeþ þe deuel, he curſeþ his owne
his wiſdam.
xxxi Þe rownende grucchere ſhal defoule his ſoule, and in alle
Capitulum XXI.
þingus he ſhal ben hatyd, and þat abideþ, ſhal ben hatid; þe
i Sone, haſt þou ſynned? ne adde þou to eftſoone; but of þi ſtille and þe wel felende ſhal ben wrſhipid.
raþere louly preye, þat to þee þei be forȝyuen.
ii As fro þe face of a ſhadewe eddere flee ſynnes; and if þou Capitulum XXII.
ſchalt neȝhe to þem, þei ſhul take þee. i In
iii Þe teeþ of a leoun þe teþ of it, ſleende þe ſoules of men. a cleȝy ſton ſhal ben ſtoned þe ſlowe; and alle ſhuln ſpeke
of þe grete diſpiſing of hym.
iiii As a ſwerd two bitende eche wickidneſſe; of þe wounde of ii Of þe drit of oxen ſtoned is þe ſlowe; and eche þat toucheþ
it is no helþe. hym, ſhal ſhaken out hondes.
v Aȝeen chiding and wrongis to noȝt ſhul bringe ſubſtaunce; iii Þe confuſioun of þe fader is of þe vndiſciplyned ſone;
and þe hous þat ful myche is riche, ſhal be broȝt to noȝt bi forſoþe a fool doȝtir in gret mynuſhing ſhal be.
pride; ſo þe ſubſtaunce of þe proude ſhal be taken vp bi þe iiii A prudent doȝtir eritage to hir huſbonde; for ſhe þat
vi Þe lowe preȝyng of þe pore fro þe mouþ vnto þe ere ſhal confoundiþ, in repref is mad of þe getere.
v Þe fader and man ſhe fool hardi confoundeþ, and of þe
come; and dom haſtili ſhal com to hym.
vii Who hateþ chaſtiſing, þe ſtep is of a ſynnere; and who vnpitous man ſhe ſhal not be laſſid; of eiþer forſoþe ſhe ſhal
be vnwrſhipid.
dredeþ God, ſhal ben conuertid to his herte. vi Melodie in weiling vnkouenable telling; ſcourges and
viii Knowen fro aferr is þe myȝty in fool hardy tunge; and þe
doctrine in alle tyme wiſdam.
weel felende woot hym to ſlyde fro hym. vii Who techeþ a fool, as þat glueþ togidere a ſherd.
ix Who bildiþ his hous wiþ oþer mennes coſtes, as þat
viii He þat telleþ a wrd to þe not herende, as þat rereþ a
gedereþ his ſtonus in wynter.
x A flax top gedered togidere þe ſynagoge of ſynneres; and þe ſlepende man fro an heuy ſlep.
ix Wiþ þe ſlepende he ſpekeþ, þat telleþ to þe fool wiſdam; and
ful ending of þem flawme of fyr.
xi Þe weie of ſynneres togidere plauntid wiþ ſtones; and in to in þe ende of þe telling he ſhal ſey, Who is þis?
x Ouer þe deade weepe þou, forſoþe þe liȝt of hym failede;
þe ende of þem helle, and peynes, and derkneſſes.
xii Who ſhal kepe riȝtwiſneſſe, ſhal wiþholde þe wyt of hym. and ouer þe fool weepe þou, forſoþe he failede wit.
xi A litil weep vp on þe deade, for he reſtede.


xii Forſoþe of þe moſt wicke moſt wicke lif, on þe deþ of a iiii Lord, fader, and God of my lif, ne forſake þou me in þe
fool. þenking of hem.
xiii Þe weiling of þe deade ſeuene daȝes; of þe fooll forſoþe v Þe enhauncyng of myn eȝen ne ȝyue þou to me; and al deſyr
and of þe vnpitous alle þe daȝes of þe lif of hem. turne awei fro me.
xiiii Wiþ a fool ne ſpeke þou myche, and wiþ a mys felende vi Do awei fro me luſtis of þe wombe, and þe liggyngus of
go þou not awey. luſt ne take þei me; and to vnreuerent inwit and vndiſcreet ne
xv Kep þee fro hym, þat þou haue not greef; and þou ſhalt not take þou me.
ben defoulid in þe ſynne of hym. vii Þe doctrine of þe mouþ here ȝee, ſonis; and þat ſhal kepen
xvi Boowe awei fro hym, and þou ſhalt finde reſte; and þou it, ſhal not perſhen in his lippis, ne ſhal be ſclaundrid in `þe
ſhalt not be maad ſorewi ſloȝ in þe folie of hym. werſte werkes.
xvii Ouer leed what ſhal ben heuy? and what oþir name to viii In his vanyte is caȝt þe ſynnere and þe proude man; and
hym þan a fool? þe curſid ſhal be ſclaundred in hem.
xviii Liȝtere is to bern grauel, and ſalt, and a gobet of iren, ix To ſwering vſe not þi mouþ; manye forſoþe fallingus in it.
þan an inprudent man, and a fool, and vnpitous. x Þe nemnyng forſoþe of God be not contynuel in þi mouþ,
xix As ioynyng of tres, bounde togidere to þe foundement of and to þe names of ſeyntus be þou not mengd; for þou ſhalt
þe bilding, ſhal not ben vnlooſid, ſo and þe herte faſtned not ben harmles of hem.
togidere in þe þenking of counſeil. xi As forſoþe a ſeruaunt aſkid biſily, fro wanneſſe, `or enuye,
xx Þe þenking of þe wel felende in alle tyme, or drede, ſhal is not mynuſht; ſo eche ſwerere and nemnyng, in al fro ſynne
not be beſhrewid. ſhal not be purgid.
xxi As chaf in heȝe þingus, and morter wiþoute due coſt, ſett xii A man myche ſwerende ſhal be fulfild wiþ wickidneſſe; and
aȝen þe face of þe wynd, ſhul not abide; þer ſhal not gon awei fro þe hous of hym veniaunce.
xxii ſo and þe dredeful herte in þe þenking of a fool aȝen þe xiii And if he ſhul bigile þe broþer, þe gilte of hym vpon hym
bure of drede aȝen ſtont not. ſhal be; and if he ſhul feyne, he ſhal treſpaſen double.
xxiii As grauely enournyng in a briȝt wal, ſo and þe xiiii And if in veyn he ſhul ſwern, he ſhal not be iuſtefied;
tremblende herte in þe þenking of a fool, alle time he ſhal not forſoþe wiþ werſt ȝelding ſhal be fulfild þe hous of hym.
dreden; ſo and þat in þe heſtis of God abit ſtille euermor. xv Þer is and an oþer ſpeche aȝeenward in to deþ; `be it not
xxiiii Þe prickende þe eȝe leteþ out teres; and þat prickeþ þe founde in þe eritage of Jacob.
herte, bringeþ forþ wit. xvi Forſoþe of mercyful men alle þeſe þingus ſhul be don
xxv Þrowende a ſton in to foules, `ſchal þrowe hem doun; ſo awey; and in giltis þei ſhul not often turne.
and þat putteþ reprof to a frend, looſeþ frenſhipe. xvii To þe vndiſciplynous ſpeche vſe not þi mouþ; forſoþe þer
xxvi To þe frend and if þou bringe forþ a ſwerd, þou ſhalt not is in it þe wrd of ſynne.
diſpeiren; þer is forſoþe aȝeengoyng to a frend. xviii Haue mynde of fader and þi moder; in þe myddel forſoþe
xxvii If he ſhul opene a drery mouþ, ne drede þou; þer is of grete men þou ſtondiſt.
forſoþe acording, out take putting to of vice, and diſpit, and xix Leſt parauenture God forȝete þee in þe ſiȝte of hem; and
pride, and openyng of priuyte, and treccherous veniaunce; in þurȝ þi biſyneſſe gretli maad foul, repref þou ſuffre, and
alle þeſe þingus ſhal flee awei a frend. haddeſt leuere not to be born, and þe dai of þi birþe þou
xxviii Feiþ welde þou wiþ a frend `in þe poreneſſe of hym, þat curſe.
and in þe goodis of hym þou glade. xx A man vſid in wrdys of repref, in alle his daȝes ſhal not
xxix In tyme of tribulacioun of hym abid ſtille to hym feiþful, be lered.
þat and in þe eritage of hym þou be togidere eir. xxi Two kindis abundyn in ſynnes, and þe þridde bringeþ to
xxx Biforn fir of þe chymnee, moiſte iſſue, and þe ſmoke of wraþe and perdicioun.
fyr, is enhauncid; ſo and befor blod curſis, and wrongis, and xxii A fel ſoule as fyr brennende ſhal not be quenchid, to þe
þretes. tyme ſum what he ſwolewe;
xxxi A frend to ſaluten I ſhal not be confoundid, and fro þe xxiii and a ſhreude man in þe mouþe of his fleſh ſhal not
face of hym I ſhal not hiden me; and if eueles ſchulen comen leuen, to þe time he teende fyr.
to me bi hym, I ſhal ſuffre. xxiiii To a leccherous man eche bred ſweete; he ſhal not be
xxxii Eche þat ſhal heren, ſhal ſhonen hymſelf fro hym. weri, treſpaſende vnto þe ende.
xxxiii Who ſhal ȝyue to my mouþ warde, and vpon my lippis xxv Eche man þat ouergoþ his bed, diſpiſende in to his ſoule,
a certeyn marke, þat I falle not fro þem, and my tunge leeſe and ſeiende, Who ſeeþ me?
me? xxvi Dercneſſes cumpaſſen me, and þe walles coueren me
aboute, and no man aboute biholdeþ me. Whom drede I? Of
Capitulum XXIII. my giltis þe heiȝeſt ſhal not han mynde.
xxvii And he vndirſtont not, for alle þingus þe eȝe of hym
i Lord, fader, and lordſhipere of my lif, ne forſake þou me in
þe þenking and þe counſeil of þem; and ſuffre þou me not to ſeeþ, for he putte awei fro hym þe drede of God; of ſuch a
fallen in þat reprouyng. maner man is drede, and þe eȝen of men dredende hym.
xxviii And he kneȝ not, for þe eȝen of þe Lord ben myche
ii Who puttiþ vp on in my þenking ſcourgis, and in myn herte
doctrine of wiſdam, þat to þe vnknowyngus of þem he ſpare more liȝtere ouer þe ſunne, biholdende aboute alle þe weies of
not to me, and apere not þe giltis of þem? men, and þe depþe of þe ſe, and þe hertes of men biholdende
iii Leſt waxen to myne vnkunnyngneſſes, and ben multeplied
in to þe hidde partis.
xxix To þe Lord God forſoþe, er þei weren foormed, alle
my giltis, and my ſynnes abunden; and I falle in þe ſiȝte off þingis ben knowen; ſo and aftir þe parformed he biholdiþ alle
myn aduerſaries, and myn enemy ioȝe. þingus.


xxx Þis in þe ſtretes of þe cite ſhal be vengid; as an horſe xx As canel and balſam ſmellende, I ȝaf ſmel; and as choſe
colt he ſhal be dryue, and wher he hopeþ not, he ſhal be caȝt. myrre I ȝaf ſwotneſſe of ſmel.
xxxi And he ſhal ben vileny to alle; forþi þat he vnderſtod not xxi And as torax, and galban, and vngula, and gutta, and as
þe drede of þe Lord. Liban not kut, I ſmekede my dwelling; and as balſame not
xxxii So and eche womman forſakende hir man, ſhal ſynnen, mengd is my ſmel.
and ſettende eritage of an aliene matrimoyne. xxii I as terebynt ſtreiȝte out my braunchis; and my braunchis
xxxiii Firſt in þe lawe of þe heȝeſt ſhe was vnleeueful, and þe of wrſhipe, and of grace.
ſecunde hir man ſhe forſok; þe þridde in auoutrie ſhe dide xxiii I as a vyne frutede ſwotneſſe of ſmel; and my floures
leccherie, and of an oþir man ſonus ſhe ſette to hirſelf. frutes of honour, and of honeſte.
xxxiiii Þis in to þe chirche ſhal be broȝt, and in to þe ſonus of xxiiii I modir of fair loouyng, and of drede, and of knowing,
hir ſhall ben lookid. and of hoeli hope.
xxxv Þe ſonus of hir ſhul not taken rootis, and þe braunches xxv In me alle grace of weie, and of treuþe; in me alle hope
of hir ſhul not ȝyuen fruyt. of lif and of vertue.
xxxvi Þei ſhul leuen in to curs þe mynde of hir, and þe xxvi Paſſeþ to me, alle þat coueiten me; and of my
vilenye of hir ſhal not be don awei. ieneraciouns `be ȝee fulfild.
xxxvii And þei ſhul knowe, for þei ben forſaken; for no þing xxvii My ſpirit forſoþe ouer hony ſweete; and myn eritage ouer
betere þan þe dred of God, and no þing ſwetere þan to hony, and hony comb.
biholden in þe maundemens of þe Lord. xxviii My mynde in þe ieneracioun of worldis.
xxxviii Gret glorie is to folewe þe Lord; lengþe forſoþe of xxix Þei þat eten me, ȝit ſhul hungrin; and þat drinken me,
daȝes ſhal ben taken to of hym. ȝit ſhuln þriſten.
xxx Who hereþ me, ſhal not be confoundid; and who werchen
Capitulum XXIIII. in me, ſhul not ſynnen;
i Wiſdam xxxi and who declaren me, euere laſtende lif ſhuln han.
ſhal preiſen his ſoule, and in þe Lord he ſhal ben
wrſhepid; and in þe myddel of his puple he ſhal glorien. xxxii Alle þeſe þingus þe boc of lif, and þe teſtament of þe
ii And in þe chirches of þe heȝeſt he ſhal opene his mouþ; and heȝeſt, and þe knouleching of treuþe.
in þe ſiȝte of þe vertue of hym he ſhal glorien. xxxiii Moiſes comaundide þe lawe in þe heſtus of riȝtwiſneſſes,
iii And in þe myddel of his puple he ſhal ben enhauncid; and and þe eritage `to þe hous of Jacob, and þe beheſtus to Irael.
in hoeli plente he ſhal myche wndren. xxxiiii He ſette to Dauid, his child, to reren vp a king of hym
iiii And in þe multitude of choſen men he ſhal han preiſing; moſt ſtrong, and in þe trone of wrſhipe ſittende in to euer
and among bliſſid men he ſhal ben bleſſid, ſeiende, mor.
v I of þe mouþ of þe heȝeſt cam forþ, firſt goten biforn eche xxxv Þe which fulfilliþ, as Fiſon, wiſdam; and as Tigris in
creature. þe daȝes of newes.
vi I made in heuenus, þat vnfailende liȝt ſhulde ſpringe, and xxxvi Þat fulfilleþ, as Eufrates, wit; þat multeplieþ, as
as a litil cloude I coueryd eche fleſh. Jordan in þe tyme of rip.
vii I in þe heȝeſt þingus dwellede, and my trone in a piler of xxxvii Þat ſendeþ diſciplyne as liȝt; and ſtondynge to, as Jyon
a cloude. in þe dai of vyndage.
viii Þe cercle of heuene I cumpaſſide alone, and þe depþe of xxxviii Þat parformeþ firſt to knowen it; and þe feblere ſhal
þe ſe I þirlede; and in þe flodis of þe ſe I wente, not enſerchen it.
ix and in al erþe I ſtod. And in alle puple, xxxix Fro þe ſe forſoþe ſhal abunde þe þenking of hym; and þe
x and in alle folc of kinde þe firſthed I hadde; counſeil of hym in þe grete depneſſe.
xl I wiſdam heelde out floodis;
xi and of alle heȝe and lowe þe hertes bi vertue I trad; and in
xli I as an ouerþwert weie of watir wiþ oute meſure fro þe
alle þeſe þingus reſte I ſoȝte, and in þe eritage of hym I ſhal
wone. flood. I as þe flood Dorex, and as watir kundute wente out
xii Þanne comaundide, and ſeide to me, þe foormere of alle fro paradis.
xlii I ſeide, I ſhal watrin þe gardyn of my plauntingus; and
þingus; and he þat foormede me, reſtede in my tabernacle;
xiii and ſeide to me, In Jacob dwelle þou, and in Irael I ſhal make drunke þe frut of my birþe.
xliii And lo! he is mad to me a plenteuous paþ; and my flood
eritage þou, and in my choſene put rootes.
xiiii Fro þe bigynnyng and bifor worldis I am foormed, and neȝhede to þe ſe.
xliiii For doctrine as morutid liȝt I liȝte to alle; and I ſhal
vnto þe world to come I ſhal not ceſen to ben; and in hoeli
wonyng beforn hym I ſeruede. tellen out it vnto aferr.
xv And ſo in Sion I am faſtned, and in an halewid cite lic xlv I ſhal perſen alle þe neþere partis of þe erþe, and I ſhal
maner I reſtede, and in Jeruſalem my power. biholde alle ſlepende; and I ſhal liȝtnen alle hopende in þe
xvi And I rootede in a puple wrſhipid; and in to þe parties of Lord.
xlvi Ȝit doctrine as profecie I ſhal heelden out, and I ſhal
my God þe eritage of hym, and in plente of halewes my
wiþholding. leuen it to men ſechende wiſdam; and I ſhal not ceſen in to
xvii As a cedre I am enhauncid in Liban, and as a cipreſſe þe progenyes of þem, vnto þe hoeli ſpirituel world.
xlvii Seeþ, for not to me alone I trauailede, but to alle
in þe hil of Sion.
xviii And as a palm I am enhauncid in Cades, and as þe ſechende out þe treuþe.
plaunting of a roſe in Jericho.
xix As a fair olyue in feeldis; and as a platan I am
enhauncid biſide þe water in ſtretes.


Capitulum XXV. xxxi A loeȝ herte, and a dreri face, and a wounde of deþ, a
i In
ſhreude womman.
þre þingus pleſid is to my ſpirit, þat ben proued bifor xxxii Feble hondis and vnlooſid knees, a womman þat makeþ
God and man; not blisful hir houſebond.
ii þe acord of breþern, and þe looue of neȝhebores, and man
xxxiii Of a womman is mad þe bigynnyng of ſynne; and bi
and womman wel to þemſelf conſentende. hir alle wee die.
iii Þre ſpices hatede my ſoule, and I am greued gretli to þe
xxxiiii Ȝyue þou not to þi watir iſſue, ne a litil; ne to a
ſoule of þem; ſhreude womman forȝyueneſſe, `or leeue, or fredam, of goyng
iiii a pore man proud, and a riche man a liere, and an old
man a fool and dotid. xxxv If ſhe `ſchal not go to þin hond, ſhe ſhal confounde þee
v What þingis in þi ȝouþe þou haſt not gedered, hou ſhalt þou
in þe ſiȝte of enemys.
finde in þin eelde? xxxvi Fro þi fleſh kut hir awei, leſt euermore ſche myſuſe þee.
vi How fair þe dom in hoorneſſe, and to preſtis to knowe
kounſeil. Capitulum XXVI.
vii How fair to olde men wiſdam, and glorious vnderſtonding,
and counſeil. i Bliſſid is þe man of a good womman; þe noumbre forſoþe of
viii Þe coroun of olde men myche wiſdam; and þe glorie of þe ȝeres of hym double.
þem dred of God. ii A ſtrong womman delytiþ hir man; and þe ȝeres of `þe liyf
ix Nyne vnouertrowable þingus of þe herte I magnefiede; and of hym ſhe ſhal fulfille in pes.
þe tenþe I ſhal telle in tunge to men. iii A good part a good womman; in good part of men
x A man þat is ioȝid in ſones lyuende, and ſeende þe turnyng dredende God, ſhe ſhal be ȝoue to a man for goode deedis.
vpſodoun of his enemys. iiii Of riche forſoþe and pore þe goode herte; in alle tyme þe
xi Blisful þat dwelliþ wiþ a womman weel felende, and þat in chere of þem gladſum.
his tunge is not ſlyden, and þat ſeruede not to þe vnwrþi v Of þre þingus dradde myn herte, and in þe ferþe my face
hymſelf. was aferd.
xii Blisful þat findiþ a verre frend, and þat telleþ out vi Þe dyuyſeoun of þe cite, and þe gederyng togidere of þe
riȝtwiſneſſe to þe herende ere. puple,
xiii Hou gret þat findiþ wiſdam and kunnyng; but not ouer þe vii and leſing chaleng; vp on deþ alle þingus heuye.
dredende God. viii Sorewe of herte, and weiling, a ielous womman.
xiiii Þe drede of God ouer alle þingus hymſelf ſett aboue. ix In a ielous womman ſcourge of tunge, to alle comunende.
xv Blisful þe man to whom it is ȝoue to han þe drede of x As a ȝok of oxen þat is moued, ſo and a ſhreude womman;
God; who holdiþ it, to whom ſhal he be licned? who holdiþ hir, as he caȝte a ſcorpioun.
xvi Þe dred of God þe bigynnyng of his looue; þe bygynnyng xi A drunkelew womman gret wraþe and ſtrif; and þe filþeed
forſoþe of feiþ is to be ioyned to hym. of hir ſhal not be couered.
xvii Alle veniaunce is þe drery ſlowþe of herte; and eche xii Þe fornycacioun of a womman in þe hauncing out of eȝen;
malice þe wickidneſſe of a womman. and in þe eȝelidis of hir ſhe ſhal be knowen.
xviii And eche wounde, and not wounde ſhe ſhal ſeen of herte; xiii In a doȝtir not turnende awey hirſelf faſtne warde; leſt,
xix and al ſhreudeneſſe, and not ſhreudeneſſe of a womman; ocaſioun founde, ſhe myſuſe hirſelf.
xx and al hid þing, and not hid þing of hatende men; xiiii Fro alle irreuerence of þe eȝen of hir waar; and ne wndre
xxi and al veniaunce, and not veniaunce of enemys. þou, if ſhe diſpiſe þee.
xxii Þere is not an hed wickidere ouer þe hed of a ſhadewe xv As a weie goere at a welle þreſtende þe mouþ ſhal opene,
eddere; and of alle next water ſhal drinke; and aȝen eche pale ſhal
xxiii and þere is not wraþe ouer þe wraþe of a womman. To ſitte, and aȝen alle arewe ſhal opene quyuere, to þe tyme þat
ſhe faile.
dwelle wiþ a leoun and a dragoun more ſhal pleſen, þan to xvi Þe grace of a biſi womman ſhal deliten hir man; and þe
wone wiþ a ſhreude womman.
xxiiii Þe ſhreudeneſſes of a womman chaungeþ hir face; and boenes of hym ſhe ſhal fatten.
xvii Þe diſcipline of hir is þe ȝifte of God.
ſhe aȝeen blendide hir cheere as a bere, and as a ſac ſhe ſhal
ſhewen in þe myddel of neȝhebores. xviii A wel felende womman and a ſtille is not þe chaunging
xxv Þe houſebond of hir gretli weilede; and herende, ſiȝhede a of þe taȝt ſoule.
litil. xix Grace vpon grace an hoeli womman, and a ſhamefaſt.
xxvi Short alle malice ouer þe malice of a womman; þe lot of xx Eche forſoþe peiſing is not wrþi a contenent ſoule.
ſynnes falle vpon hir. xxi As þe ſunne riſende in þe world in þe heȝeſt þingus of
xxvii As a graueli ſteeȝing vp in þe feet of an old man, ſo a God, ſo þe fairneſſe of a good womman in to þe enournyng of
tungy womman to a quyete man. hir hous.
xxviii Ne beholde þou þe fairneſſe of a womman, and coueite xxii A ſhynende lanterne vpon an hoeli candilſticke, and þe
þou not a womman in fairneſſe. fairneſſe of þe face vpon þe ſtable age.
xxix Þe wraþe of a womman and þe myſreuerence, gret xxiii Goldene pileris vpon ſilueren feet, and faſt feet upon þe
ſhenſhipe. plauntes, `or ſoulis, of a ſtable womman.
xxx A womman if ſhe haue maiſtrie, ſhe is contrarie to hir xxiiii Euere laſtende foundemens vp on a ſad ſton, and þe
houſebond. maundemens of God in þe herte of an hoeli womman.


xxv In two þingus myn herte is maad ſorewful, and in þe xxiiii To nakenen forſoþe þe priuytes of a frend, is þe
þridde wraþing to me cam. diſpeiring of þe vnfeiþful ſoule.
xxvi A man fiȝtere failende bi myſeiſe, and a man wel felende xxv Þe twynclere wiþ þe eȝe forgeþ wicke þingus; and no man
diſpiſid. hym ſhal caſten awei.
xxvii And þat ouergoþ fro riȝtwiſneſſe to ſynne, God greiþede xxvi In þe ſiȝte of þin eȝen he ſhal defoule þi mouþ, and vp
hym to a two bitende ſwerd. on þi wrdus he ſhal wndre; at þe laſte he ſhal peruerte his
xxviii Two ſpices harde and perilous to me ſemeden; hard is mouþ, and in þi wrdis he ſhal ȝyue ſclaundre.
delyuered þe chaffarere fro his necgligence, and þe tauerner xxvii Manye þingus I haue herd, and I haue not euened to
ſhal not be iuſtified fro ſynnes of lippis. hym; and þe Lord ſhal hate hym.
xxviii Who in to heiȝ ſendeþ a ſton, vp his hed it ſhal falle;
Capitulum XXVII. and þe wounde of þe treccherous ſhal deuyde woundis.
xxix And þat delueþ a dich, ſhal falle in to it; and þat ſetteþ a
i For myſeiſte manye treſpaſeden; and he þat ſecheþ to be
maad riche, turneþ awei his eȝe. ſton to a neȝhebore, ſhal ſtumble in it; and þat ſetteþ a grene
ii As in þe myddel of a ioynyng of ſtones a paele, `or a ſtake,
to anoþer, ſhal perſhe in it.
xxx To þe doynge moſt wicke counſeil, vpon hym it ſhal be
ficchid is, ſo bitwen þe myddel of biyng and ſilling he ſhall turned aȝeen; and he ſhal not knowe whennes it ſhal come to
ben anguyſht wiþ ſynnes. hym.
iii He ſhal ben to-treden wiþ giltende gilte.
xxxi Illuſioun, `or ſcorne, and repref of proude men and
iiii If not in þe drede of þe Lord þou ſhul holde þee biſili,
veniaunce as a leoun `ſchal aſpie to hym.
anoon ſhal ben turned vpſodoun þin hous. xxxii In a grene þei ſhul perſhen, þat deliten þe falling of
v As in þe ſmyting of a cyue ſhal abide ſtille pouder, ſo þe
riȝtwis men; ſorewe forſoþe ſhal waſte þem, er þei dien.
poreneſſe of a man in þe þenking of hym. xxxiii Wraþe and wodneſſe, eiþer ben wariable; and þe man
vi Þe veſſelis of þe krockere preueþ þe furneis; and riȝtwis
ſynnere, wiþholdere ſhal be of þem.
men temptacioun of tribulacioun.
vii As þe erþe werching of a tree ſhewiþ þe frute of hym, ſo a
Capitulum XXVIII.
wrd of þenking þe herte of a man.
viii Biforn a wrd ne preiſe þou a man; þat forſoþe tempting is i Who wile taken veniaunce, of þe Lord ſhal finde veniaunce;
of men. and þe ſynnes of hym kepende he ſhal kepe.
ix If þou folewe riȝtwiſneſſe, þou ſhalt taken it; and þou ſhalt ii Forȝif to þi neȝhebore noȝende to þee, and þanne to þee
cloþen it as an aube of wrſhipe, and þou ſhalt dwelle wiþ it, lowli preȝende ſynnes ſhul ben forȝoue.
and it ſhal defende þee in to euer mor, and in þe dai of iii A man to a man kepiþ wraþe; and of God he ſechiþ
knouleching þou ſhalt finde faſtnyng. leching.
x Foules to þe lic to þem comen togidere; and treuþe to þem iiii In to a man lic to hymſelf he haþ not mercy; and of his
þat werchen it ſhal turne aȝeen. ſynnes he ſhal preȝen.
xi A leoun to hunting waitiþ euermor; ſo ſynnes to men v He whil he is fleſh, reſerueþ ire, and mercy aſkeþ of God;
werchende wickidneſſe. who ſhal preȝe for þe giltis of hym?
xii An hoeli man in wiſdam woneþ, as þe ſunne; for þe fool vi Haue mynde of þi laſte þingus, and lef to ben enemy.
as þe moone is chaungid. vii Roteneſe forſoþe and deþ ſtonden on in þe heſtes `of hym.
xiii In þe myddel of mys felende men kep a wrd to tyme; in viii Remembre þe drede of þe Lord, and þou ſhalt not wraþe
þe myddel forſoþe of men þenkende þe lawe of God be þou to þe neȝhebore.
beſi. ix Remembre þe teſtament of þe heȝeſt, and diſpiſe þe
xiiii Þe telling of ſynneres hateſum; and þe laȝhing of þem in
ignoraunce of þi neȝhebore.
þe giltis of ſynne. x Abſtene þee fro ſtrif, and þou ſhalt laſſen ſynnes.
xv Þe myche ſwering ſpeche ſhal ſette ſtonding of heer, for fer,
xi A man forſoþe wraþeful teendiþ ſtrif; and a man ſynnere
to þe hed; and þe irreuerence of it is ſtopping of eres.
xvi Sheding out of blod in iangling of proude men; and þe ſhal diſturbe frendis, and in þe myddel of men hauende pes he
ſendiþ in enemyte.
curſing of þem greuous heering. xii Aftir forſoþe þe trees of þe wode, ſo þe fier brenneþ; and
xvii Who nakeneþ priuytes, leeſeþ þe feiþ of a frend; and he
aftir þe vertue of a man, ſo þe wraþe of hym ſhal be, and
findeþ not a frend to his inwit. aftir his ſubſtaunce he ſhal enhaunce his wraþe.
xviii Looue a neȝhebore, and be þou ioyned in feiþ wiþ hym. xiii An haſtid ſtrif ſhal teende fyr, and haſtende chidyng ſhal
xix Þat if þou ſhul nakene þe hidde þingus of hym, `þou ſchalt ſheden out blod; and a tunge witneſſende ſhal bringe to deþ.
not purſue aftir hym. xiiii If it ſhul blowen, as fyr it ſhal brenne; and if þou ſhul
xx As a man forſoþe þat leeſeþ his frend, ſo þat leeſeþ þe ſpitten vpon it, it ſhal ben queynt; eiþer fro þe mouþ gon forþ.
frenſhipe of his neȝhebore. xv Þe whiſtrende grucchere, and þe twiſil tunge curſid; forſoþe
xxi And as he þat leteþ a brid out of his hond, ſo þou þat haſt manye hauende pes diſturbide.
forſake þi neȝhebore, and þou ſhalt not taken hym. xvi Þe þridde tunge manye men ſtirede, and ſcaterede þem fro
xxii Þou ſhalt not folewe hym, for ferr he is awei; forſoþe he folc in to folc.
fleyȝ out as a capret fro þe grene, for woundid is þe ſoule of xvii Wallid cites of riche men it ſtroȝede, and þe houſis of
hym. grete men it mynede out.
xxiii Þou ſhalt not moun mor ouer hym binde togidere; but of xviii Þe vertues of puples it to-heewȝ, and ſtronge folkys of
þe curſid is acording togidere. kinde it vnknytte.


xix Þe þridde tunge ſtronge, `or weddid, wymmen caſte out, xv Cloſe almes deede in þe boſum of þe pore; and þat for þee
and ſhal bynyme þem þer trauailes. ſhal ful out preȝen fro alle euel.
xx Who biholdiþ it, ſhal not han reſte; ne ſhal han a frend, in xvi Þe almes deede of a man as a litil ſac wiþ hym; and þe
which he reſt. grace of a man as þe eȝe appil it ſhal kepen. And afterward
xxi Þe wounde of a ſcourge makeþ wanneſſe; þe wounde it ſhal aȝeen riſen, and ȝelde to þem ȝelding, to eche in to þe
forſoþe of a tunge ſhal to-brooſen boenes. hed of hem.
xxii Manye fellen in þe mouþ of ſwerd; but not as þei dieden xvii Ouer þe ſheld of þe myȝti, and ouer ſpere aȝen þin enemy
by þer tunge. it ſhal fiȝte.
xxiii Blisful þat is couered fro a ſhreude tunge; `þe which in xviii A good man makeþ feiþ to his neȝhebore; and he þat haþ
þe wraþe of it paſſide not, and `þe which droȝ not at þe ȝoc of loſt, confuſioun ſhal leue to hym.
it, and in þe bondis of `it is not bounde. xix Þe grace of þe borȝ ne forgete þou; forſoþe he ȝaf for þee
xxiiii Þe ȝoc forſoþe of it is an irene ȝoc, and þe bond of it is his ſoule.
a braſene bond. xx Þe ſynnere and þe vnclene þe aȝeen bihotere fleeþ.
xxv Þe deþ of it þe werſte deþ; and profitable helle more þan xxi Goode wrdis of þe aȝeen bihotere þe ſynnere wijteþ to
it. hym; and þe vnkinde in þe wit forſakeþ þe delyuerende hym.
xxvi Þe ſtedefaſtneſſe of it ſhal not abide ſtille, but ſhal holde xxii A man aȝeen bihoteþ of his neȝhebore; and whan he haþ
þe weies of vnriȝtwis men; in his flaume he ſhal not brenne loſt reuerence, he ſhal be forſaken of hym.
riȝtwis men. xxiii Moſt ſhreude aȝeen bihoting ſpilde manye loouende men,
xxvii Þei þat forſaken God, ſhul falle in to it; and it ſhal and `togidere ſterede þem as þe flodis of þe ſe.
brenne out in þem, and it ſhal not be queynt; and it ſhal be xxiiii Cumpaſende it made myȝti men to gon out; and
ſent in to þem as a leoun, and as a parde it ſhal hurte þem. wandreden in aliene folkis.
xxviii Hegge þin eres wiþ þornes, and wile þou not heren þe xxv Þe ſynnere ouer paſſende þe maundement of þe Lord ſhal
ſhreude tunge; and to þi mouþ mac þou dores, and lokes to fallen into ſhreude biheſte; and he þat forſeþ manye þingus to
þin eres. do, ſhall fallen in to dom.
xxix Þi gold and þi ſeluer melt togidere; and to þi wrdis mac xxvi Recouere þi neȝhebore after þi vertue; and tac heed to
þou a balaunce, and riȝt bridelis to þi mouþ. þee, þat þou infalle not.
xxx And tac heed, leſt parauenture þou ſlyde in þe tunge, and xxvii Þe bigynnyng of þe lif of man watir, and bred, and
þou falle in þe ſiȝte of þe enemys, waitende to þee, and þi cloþing, and hous defendende filþehed.
fallyng be vnheleable in to þe deþ. xxviii Betere is þe liflode of þe pore vnder þe roof of ſtoodes,
þan plenteuous ſhynende metes in pilgrymaging wiþoute hous.
Capitulum XXIX. xxix Þe leſte þing for grete pleſe to þee; þe repref of
i Who doþ mercy, leeneþ to his neȝhebore; and he þat is more pilgrimaging þou ſhalt not heren.
wrþ in hond, kepeþ þe heſtis. xxx A ſhreude lif, of herberewing fro hous in to hous; and
ii Leene to þi neȝhebore in tyme of his neede; and eft ȝeld to wher he ſhal ben herberewid, he ſhal not feiþfulli don, ne
a neȝhebore in his tyme. openen þe mouþ.
iii Conferme a wrd, and feiþfulli do wiþ it; and in alle tyme xxxi He ſhal herberewen, and feeden, and ȝyue drinke þe
þou ſhalt finde þat is needful to þee. vnkinde; and to þeſe bittere þingus he ſhal heren.
iiii Manye as finding eymeden vſure, and ȝeeuen gref to þem xxxii Go, geſt, and enourne þe bord; and þo `þingis þat in þin
þat helpeden to þem. hond þou haſt, feed oþer.
v To þe time þat þei taken, þei kiſſen þe hondis of þe ȝyuere; xxxiii Go out fro þe face of wrſhipe of my frendis, for nede of
and in beheſtis þei meken þer voys. myn hous; to herberewe to me, broþir þou art maad.
vi And in tyme of ȝelding `he ſhal aſke delaȝing, and he ſhal xxxiiii Greuous þeſe þingus to a man hauende wit;
ſpeke wrdis of noyȝe, and of grucchingus, and þe tyme he ſhal vndernymyng of þe hous, and repref of þe leenere.
vii If forſoþe he ſhul moun ȝeelde, he ſhal be enemy; vnneþe Capitulum XXX.
of þe hoele he ſhal ȝelde þe half, and he ſhal counte it as i Who
finding. looueþ his ſone, biſily ȝeueþ to hym ſcourgis, þat he
viii Ellys forſoþe he ſhal bigile hym his monee, and ſhal han glade in his laſte, and þat he grope not þe dores of
hym enemy wilfully. ii Who techeþ his ſone, ſhal be preiſid in hym; and in þe
ix And repreues and curſis he ſhal ȝelde to hym; and for
myddel of homli men in hym he ſhal glorien.
wrſhipe and benefet he ſhal ȝelde to hym wrong. iii Who techeþ his ſone, in to enuye ſendiþ þe enemy; and in
x Manye, not bicauſe of ſhreudeneſſe, `lenten not, but to be
þe myddel of frendus he ſhal glorien in hym.
bigilid wilfulli, þei dradden. iiii Dead is þe fader of hym, and he is as not dead; lic
xi Neuer þe latere ouer þe meke in inwit be þou ſtrengere;
forſoþe to hym he haþ laft aftir hym.
and for almes deede drawe þou not hym. v In his lif he ſaȝ, and gladide in hym; and in his deþ he
xii For þe heſte tac to þe pore; and for þe myſeiſe of hym ne
ſorewede not, ne `is confoundid bifor þe enemys.
lefe þou hym voide. vi Forſoþe he haþ laft þe defendere of þe hous aȝen þe
xiii Lees monee for broþir and frend, and hide þou not it
enemys; and to frendus þe ȝelding of grace.
vnder a ſton, in to perdicioun. vii For þe ſoulis of þe ſonus he ſhal binde togidere his
xiiii Put þi treſor in þe heſtes of þe heȝeſte; and it ſhal profite
woundis; and ouer al vois ſhul be diſturbid þe boweles of
to þee more þan gold. hym.


viii Þe vntame hors ſhal ſcapen hard, and þe ſlowe ſone ſhal viii Blisful is þe riche man, þat is founde wiþoute wem; and
ſcape ſtumbling doun. þat aftir gold ȝide not, ne hopide in monee, and in treſores.
ix Flatere þe ſone, and he ſhal make þee dredende; pley wiþ ix Who is þis, and wee ſhul preiſen hym? forſoþe he dyde
hym, and he ſhall ſorewen þee. merueilis in his lif.
x Ne wiþ laȝhe þou to hym, ne wiþ ſorewe, and in þe laſte þi x Who is preued in it, and perfit is founde, and ſhal be to
teþ ſhal waxe ſtoneyd. hym euere laſtende glorie? þat myȝte treſpaſen, and treſpaſide
xi Ȝyue þou not to hym power in ȝouþe, and ne diſpiſe þou þe not, and don euelis, and dide not.
þoȝtus of hym. xi Þerfore ſtablid ben þe goodis of hym in þe Lord; and þe
xii Crooke þe nol of hym in ȝouþe, and bet þe ſidis of hym, almes deedis of hym ſhal out telle al þe chirche of halewis.
whil he is a faunt; leſt parauenture he inwardly hardne, and xii Aboue þe grete bord þou haſt ſiten; ne opene þou out þi
leeue not to þee, and he ſhal be to þee ſorewe of ſoule. cheeke raþere.
xiii Tech þi ſone, and werk in hym; leſt in to þe filþehed of xiii Sei þou not, wheþir manye þingus ben, þat vp on it ben.
hym þou gilte. xiiii Haue mynde, for euel is þe ſhreude eȝe.
xiiii Betere is a pore man hool, and ſtrong in ſtrengþis, þan a xv Shreudere þing þan þe eȝe, what is foormed? þerfore fro al
riche man feble, and ſcourgid wiþ malice. his face he ſhal weepe, whan he haþ ſeen.
xv Helþe of ſoule in hoelyneſſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and betere is xvi Ne ſtrecche þou out þin hond raþere; and bi enuye
þan alle gold and ſiluer; and a ſtrong body þan monee defoulid, þou ſhame.
wiþoute meſure. xvii Ne be þou þriſt togidere in þe feſte wiþ wyn.
xvi Þer is not monee ouer þe monee of þe helþe of body; and
xviii Vnderſtond what ben of þi neȝhebore, of þiſelf.
þer is not liking ouer þe ioȝe of herte.
xvii Betere is deþ þan bittere lyf, and euere laſtende reſte þan xix Vſe as a temperat man þeſe þingis þat ben leid to þee;
durende ſickneſſe. and not whan þou etiſt, myche to hate þou be had.
xviii Goodis hid in a mouþ cloſid, as leiyngis to of plenteuous xx Ceſe raþere bicauſe of diſciplyne; and wile þou not be to
metes, ſet aboute wiþ a ſepulcre. myche, leſt parauenture þou offende.
xix What ſhal profiten ſacrifiſe to þe maumet? and forſoþe he xxi And if in þe myddel of manye þou ſeete, raþere þan þei ne
ſhal not eten, ne ſauouren. ſtrecche þou out þin hond; ne raþere aſke þou to drinke.
xx So he þat is dryuen awei fro þe Lord, and berende meedis xxii Hou ſuffiſaunt is to a taȝt man a litil wyn; and in ſleping
of ſhreudeneſſe, þou ſhalt not trauailen of it, and þou ſhalt not feelen trauaile.
xxi ſeende wiþ eȝen and weilende, ſo a geldyng clippende a xxiii Waking, and colere, and anguyſh to an vndiſcreet man.
maiden, and ſiȝhende. xxiiii Slep of helþe in a ſcars man; he ſhal ſlepe vnto þe
xxii Sorewi idilneſſe ȝyue þou not to þi ſoule, ne tormente þou morutid, and þe lif of hym wiþ hym ſhal deliten.
þiſelf in þi counſeil. xxv And if conſtreyned þou were in etyng to myche, ris from
xxiii Myrþe of herte, þat is þe lif of man, and treſor wiþoute þe myddel, and ſpew; and it ſhal refreſhe þee, and þou ſhalt
failing of hoelyneſſe; and ful out ioȝing of a man ys long not bringe to þi body ſikneſſe.
lyuyng. xxvi Here me, ſone, and diſpiſe þou not me; and in þe laſte
xxiiii Haue mercy to þi ſoule, pleſende to God; and wiþhold þou ſhalt fynde my wrdis.
and gedere togidere þin herte in þe holyneſſe of hym, and xxvii In alle þi werkis be þou ſwift; and alle infirmyte ſhal
ſorewi idilneſſe fer put awei fro þee. not meete wiþ þee.
xxv Manye forſoþe ſorewy idilneſſe ſleþ; and þer is not profit xxviii Þe ſhynende in loeues `þe lippis of manye ſhul bliſſen;
in it. and þe witneſſing of þe treuþe of hym feiþful.
xxvi Enuye and wraþe ſhuln laſſen daȝes; and bifor tyme xxix In þe moſt wycke bred grucchide þe cite; and þe
þenking ſhal bringe to elde. witneſſing of þe wickidneſſe of it is verre.
xxvii A briȝt herte good in meteſhipes; þe meteſhipis forſoþe of xxx Biſi men in wyn wile þou not ſtiren; forſoþe many men
hym diligentli ben made. outlawide wyn.
xxxi Fyr proueþ hard iren; ſo wyn drunken in drunkinhed ſhal
Capitulum XXXI. vndernyme þe hertes of proude men.
xxxii Euene lif to men wyn in ſobreneſſe; if þou drinke it
i The waking of honeſte ſhal dwyne þe fleſh; and þe þenking
of it ſhal don awei ſlep. meſurably, þou ſhalt ben ſobre.
xxxiii What is þe lif þat is laſſid wiþ wyn?
ii Þe þenking of bifor kunnyng turneþ awei wit; and heuy
xxxiiii What bigiliþ þe lif? deþ.
infirmyte ſobre makeþ þe ſoule.
iii Þe riche man trauailede in þe gedering of ſubſtaunce; and xxxv Wyn in myrþe is foormed, not in drunkenhed, fro þe
in his reſte he ſhal be fulfild wiþ his goodus. bigynnyng.
iiii Þe pore man trauailede in laſſing of liflode; and in þe xxxvi Þe ful out ioȝyng of ſoule and of herte, wyn meſurably
ende he is mad helpeles, `or pore. drunken.
v Who looueþ gold, ſhal not ben iuſtefied; and who folewiþ xxxvii Helþe is of ſoule and of body, ſobre drink.
waſting, ſhal be fulfild of it. xxxviii Wyn myche drunke terring, and wraþe, and manye
vi Manye ben ȝyuen in to þe fallingus of gold; and þe los of fallingus makeþ.
þem is mad in þe fairneſſe of it. xxxix Bitterneſſe of ſoule wyn myche drunken.
vii Þe tree of offencioun is gold of men ſacrefiende; wo to þem xl Þe wilſumneſſe of drunkenhed þe offenſioun of þe
þat folewen it, and eche vnprudent ſhal perſhe in it. vnprudent, laſſende vertue, and makende woundis.


xli In þe feſte of wyn vndernyme þou not a neȝhebore; and Capitulum XXXIII.
diſpiſe þou not hym in þe myrþe of it. i To
xlii Wrdis of repref ſey þou not to hym; and bere þou not hym þe dredende God eueles ſhul not meete; but in tempting
doun in aȝee aſking. God ſhal kepen hym, and delyueren hym fro euelys.
ii Þe wiſe man hateþ not heſtes, and riȝtwiſneſſes; and he ſhal

Capitulum XXXII. not ben hurtlid, as in þe tempeſt of a ſhip.

iii A weel felende man leeueþ to þe lawe of God, and þe lawe
iA gouernour þee þei han ſett, wile þou not ben enhauncid; feiþful to hym.
be þou in hem as oon of hem. iiii Who þe aſking makeþ open, ſhal greiþe a wrd; and ſo louli
ii Þe cure of hem haue þou, and ſo bihold; and al þi cure mad preȝende he ſhal be ful out herd, and he ſhal kepe diſciplyne,
out, reſte. and þanne he ſhal anſwern.
iii Þat þou glade for hem, and þe ournement of grace þou v Þe entrailes of a fool as þe whel of a carre, and as a
take; coroun, and dignete of þe congregacioun þou gete. turnende ful axtre þe þenkingus of hym.
iiii Spec þou more þurȝ birþe; forſoþe þer ſemeþ þee vi An hors courſer, ſo and a frend priue ſcornere, vnder eche
v ferſt þe wrd of loouende kunnyng; and lette þou not muſik. man vpon ſittende neȝeþ.
vi Where is not heering, heelde þou not out a ſermoun; and vii Whi dai þe dai ouercomeþ, and eft liȝt þe liȝt, and ȝer þe
vncouenabli wile þou not ben enhauncid in þi wiſdam. ȝer, ſunne þe ſunne?
vii A litil iemme of karbuncle in þe ournement of gold; and viii Of þe kunnyng of þe Lord þei ben ſeuered, þe ſunne mad,
compariſoun of muſikes in þe feſte of wyn. and kepende þe heſte; bi þe wiſdam of God þei ben deuydid.
viii As in forging of gold ſigne is of a ſmaragd, ſo þe ix And he ſhal chaunge þe tymes and þe feſte daȝes of hem,
noumbre of muſikis in myrie and temperat wyn. and in hem þe feſte daȝes þei haleweden at þe hour.
ix Here þou beende ſtille, and for reuerence ſhal falle to þee x Of hem God enhauncede and magnefiede; and of þem he
good grace. putte in to þe noumbre of daȝes and ȝeres; and alle men of þe
x Þou a ȝung ful waxen man, ſpec in þin owne cauſe vnneþe, ſoil, and of þe erþe, wherof Adam was foormed.
xi In þe multitude of þe diſciplyne of þe Lord he ſeuerede
whan nede ſhul be.
xi If twies þou were aſkid, haue þe hed þin anſwere. þem, and chaungide þe weies of þem.
xii And of þem he bliſſede, and enhauncede; and of hem he
xii In manye þingus be þou as vnkunnende, and here þou
halewide, and to hymſelf he preſentede; of hem he curſide, and
beende ſtille togidere and ſechende. mekede, and turnede þem to þe ſeueryng of hem.
xiii To ſpeken in þe myddel of grete men ne bifor take þou; xiii As þe cley of þe crockere in þe hond of hym, to foormen
and wher ben olde men, not myche ſpec þou. and to diſpoſen it,
xiiii Biforn hail ſhal go leiting, and biforn ſhamefaſtneſſe ſhal xiiii alle þe weies of it aftir his diſpoſicioun; ſo a man in his
go grace, and for reuerence ſhal fallen to þee good grace. hond þat made hym; and he ſhal ȝeelde to þem aftir his dom.
xv And in þe hour of riſing `tyff þou þee not; ren biforn xv Aȝen euel is good, and aȝen lif deþ; ſo and aȝen þe riȝtwis
forſoþe firſt in to þin hous, and þere be þou clepid to, and man þe ſynnere. And ſo bihold in to alle þe werkis of þe
þere pleye. heȝeſt; two aȝen two, oon aȝen oon.
xvi And do þi conceyuyngus, and not in giltis, and in proud xvi And I þe laſte wakide, and as þat gedereþ cluſtris, aftir
wrd. þe grape kutteres.
xvii Vp on alle þeſe þingus bliſſe þou þe Lord, þat made þee, xvii In þe bleſſing of God and I myſelf hopede; and as he þat
and inwardli drunkinge þee of alle his goodis. grapes kutteþ, I fulfilde preſſe.
xviii Who dredeþ God, ſhal take þe doctrine of hym; and who xviii Beholdeþ, for not to me alone I trauailede, but to alle
ſhul wake to hym, ſhul finde bleſſing. men ſechende out diſciplyne.
xix Who ſecheþ þe lawe, ſhal be fulfild of it; and who xix Hereþ me, ȝee grete men, and alle puples; and ȝee
aſpiendeli doþ, ſhal be ſclaundrid in it. gouernoures of þe chirche, wiþ eres parceyueþ.
xx Who dreden God, ſhul finde riȝtwis dom; and riȝtwiſneſſes xx To ſone, and wif, broþer, and frend, ȝif þou not power vp
as liȝt þei ſhul teende. on þee in þi lif; and ȝyue þou not to an oþer þi poſſeſſioun,
xxi A man ſynnere ſhal ſchone correccioun; and after his wil leſt it oþinke þee, and þou louli preȝe for hem.
he ſhal finde compariſoun. xxi Whil ȝit þou art aboue, `or lyueſt, and breþeſt, ſhal not
xxii A man of counſeil ſhal not diſtroȝe vnderſtonding; and an chaungen þee alle fleſh.
alien and a proud ſhal not ful dreden drede. xxii Betere is forſoþe, þat þi ſonus þee preȝen, þan þee to
xxiii Alſo aftir þat he dide wiþ hym wiþoute counſeil, and in beholden in to þe hondus of þi ſonus.
his infolewingis he ſhal ben vndernome. xxiii In alle þi werkes beforn paſſende be þou;
xxiiii Sone, wiþoute counſeil no þing do þou; and aftir þi xxiiii ne ȝyue þou a wem in to þi glorie. In þe dai of þe ful
deede þou ſhalt not oþynke. endyng of þe daȝes of þi lif, and in tyme of þi deþ dele þin
xxv In þe weie of falling go þou not, and þou ſhalt not eritage.
offende aȝen ſtones. Ne betake þou þee to a trauailous wey, xxv Metes, and ȝerde, and berþene to an aſſe; bred, and
ne poote þou to þi ſoule ſclaunder; diſciplyne, and werk to a ſeruaunt.
xxvi and of þi ſones be war, and of þi homli men tac heed. xxvi He werkeþ in diſciplyne, and þe largid hond to hym
xxvii In al þi werk leeue of þe feiþ of þi ſoule; þis is forſoþe ſecheþ `to reſten, and ſecheþ fredam.
þe keping of þe heſtes. xxvii Ȝoc and brydil reyne crooken þe harde necke; and þe
xxviii Who leeueþ to God, takeþ heed to þe heſtes; and who ſeruaunt bowen beſy werkis.
troſteþ in hym, ſhal not be laſſid.


xxviii To þe euel willi ſeruaunt tormenting and gyues; put xxiii Þe ȝiftus of wicke men proueþ not þe heȝeſt, ne biholdeþ
hym into werching, leſt he be voide; in þe offringus of wicke men, ne in þe multitude of ſacrifiſes
xxix forſoþe myche malice idilneſſe taȝte. of hem he ſhal han mercy to ſynnes.
xxx In werk ſet hym, ſo forſoþe it ſemeþ hym; þat if he here xxiiii Who offreþ ſacrifiſes of þe ſubſtaunce of pore men, as he
not, bowe hym wiþ gyues, and make þou not large `vp on alle þat ſleþ to ſacrifiſe þe ſone in þe ſiȝte of his fader.
fleſh, but wiþ oute dom noo þing do þou heuy. xxv Þe bred of nedy men is þe liff of þe pore; who bigiliþ
xxxi If þer is to þee a feiþful ſeruaunt, be he to þee as þi lif; hym, is a man of blod.
as a broþer ſo trete hym, for in blod of lif þou boȝtyſt hym. xxvi Who doþ awei in ſwot bred, as he þat ſleþ his neȝhebore.
xxxii If þou `ſchalt hurte hym vnriȝtwiſly, in to fliȝt he ſhal xxvii Þat ſhedeþ blod, and þat doþ gile to þe hirid man, ben
ben turned; breþern.
xxxiii and if enhauncende he ſchal go awei, whom ſchalt þou xxviii Oon bildende, and oon diſtroȝende; what profiteþ to
ſeche, and in what weie þou ſchalt ſeche hym, þou woſt not. þem, no but trauaile?
xxix Oon preȝende, and oon curſende; whos vois ſhal þe Lord
Capitulum XXXIIII. ful out heren?
xxx Þat is baptiſid fro þe deade, and eft towcheþ þe deade,
i Veyn hope and leſyng to þe mys felende man; and vnprudent
men enhaunſun ſweuenes. what profitiþ his waſhing?
xxxi So a man þat faſteþ in his ſynnes, and eft þe ſame
ii As he þat caccheþ ſhadewe, and purſueþ wynd, ſo and he
þat takeþ heed to þe ſeen leſingus. þingus doende, what profitiþ he mekende hymſelf? þe oriſoun
iii Aftir þat þing þe ſiȝte of ſweuenes; beforn þe face of a man
of hym who ſhal ful out heren?
þe licneſſe of an oþer man. Capitulum XXXV.
iiii Of þe vnclene what ſhal ben clenſid, and of þe liere what
ſoþ ſhal ben ſeid? i Who kepeþ þe wrd, multeplieþ oriſoun.
v Deuynyng of errour, and `diuynyng bi chiteryng of briddis, ii Holſum ſacrifiſe is to taken heed to þe maundemens, and to
leſingus, `or falſe, and ſweuenes of euel doynge men is gon awei fro alle wickidneſſe.
vanyte. iii And to ſacrifien pleſing of ſacrifiſe vp on vnriȝtwiſneſſes,
vi And as of þe womman berende child, þin herte ſuffreþ and louli preȝing for ſynnes, to gon awei fro vnriȝtwiſneſſe.
fantaſies; no but of þe heȝeſt were ſent out viſityng ne ȝyue iiii He ſhal ȝelde grace, þat offreþ tried flour; and þat doþ
þou in hem þin herte. mercy, offreþ ſacrifiſe.
vii Manye men forſoþe ſweuenus maden to erre, and fellen v `Weel pleſid þing is to þe Lord, to gon awei fro wickidneſſe;
awei hopende in hem. and louly preȝing to gon awei fro vnriȝtwiſneſſe.
viii Wiþ oute leſing ſhal be ful endid þe wrd of þe lawe; and vi Þou ſhalt not aperen bifor þe ſiȝte of þe Lord voide;
wiſdam in þe mouþ of þe feiþful ſhal be maad pleyn. vii forſoþe alle þeſe þingus for þe heſtus of God ben mad.
ix Who is not temptid, what kan he? A man in manye þingus
viii Þe offring of þe riȝtwis fatteþ þe auter; and þe ſmel of
expert, ſhall þenke manye þingus; and he þat manye þingus
lernede, ſhal tellen out vndurſtonding. ſwoteneſſe is in þe ſiȝte of þe heȝeſt.
x Who is not expert, fewe þingus knowiþ; who forſoþe in ix Þe ſacrifiſe of þe riȝtwis is acceptid, and þe mynde of hym
manye þingus is a fool, ſhal multeplien malice. þe Lord ſhal not forȝete.
xi Who is not temptid, what maner þingus kan he? Who is x Wiþ good wil ȝelde glorie to God, and laſſe þou not þe cheef
vnplauntid, ſhal abound ſhreudeneſſe. frutis of þin hondis.
xii Manye þingus I ſaȝ in tellinge out, and manye cuſtomes xi In alle ȝifte glad mac þi chere, and in ful out ioȝing halewe
of wrdis. þi dymes.
xiii Oþer while vn to þe deþ I was in perile, bi þe encheſoun xii Ȝif to þe heȝeſte aftir þe free ȝifte of hym; and in good eȝe
of þeſe; and I was delyuered bi þe grace of God. mac þou þe finding of þin hondis.
xiiii Þe ſpirit of men dredende God is ſoȝt, and in reſpyt of xiii For ȝeldende is þe Lord, and ſeuenſiþe as myche he ſhal
`hym it ſhal be bliſſid. ȝelde to þee.
xv Þe hope forſoþe of þem in to þe ſauende hem; and þe eȝen xiiii Wile þou not offren ſhreude ȝiftus; forſoþe he ſhal not
of þe Lord in to men loouende hym. taken hem.
xvi Who dredeþ God, no þing ſhal quaken, and he ſhal not xv And wile þou not biholden þe vnriȝtwis ſacrifiſe; for þe
inwardly dreden; for he is his hope. Lord is domes man, and þer is not anent hym glorie of
xvii Of þe dredende þe Lord, bliſſid is his ſoule. perſone.
xvi Þe Lord ſhal not taken a perſone in to pore; and þe
xviii To whom biholdiþ he, and who is þe ſtrengþe of hym?
preȝing of þe hurt he ſhall ful out heren.
xix Þe eȝen of þe Lord vp on men dredende hym. Defendere xvii He ſhal not diſpiſe þe preȝeres of þe faderles child, ne þe
of myȝt, firmament of vertue, coueryng of brennyng, and þe widewe, yff ſhe heelde out þe ſpeche of weiling.
hilet, `or þe ſchadowyng place, of þe mydday; xviii Wheþer not þe teres of þe widewe at þe cheeke gon doun,
xx louli preȝende of gilte, and helpe of falling, enhauncende þe
and þe outcry of hir vp on þe ledyng doun of hem?
ſoule, and liȝtnende eȝen, ȝyuende helþe, and lif, and bleſſing. xix Fro þe cheke forſoþe þei ſteȝen vp to heuen, and þe Lord
xxi Of þe offrere of þe wicke þing þe offring is defoulid; and
herere ſhal not delyten in þem.
þe ſcornyng of vnriȝtwis men ben not wel pleſende. xx Who honouriþ God in liking, ſhal ben reſſeyued; and þe
xxii Þe Lord alone to men ſuſtenende hym in þe weie of
lowe preȝyng of hym vnto þe cloudis ſhal neȝhe.
treuþe, and of riȝtwiſneſſe.


xxi Þe oriſoun of þe meekende hymſelf ſhal perſen cloudis, and xxiii Þe womman ſchal taken eche male child, and þer is a
to þe tyme þat it neȝhe, he ſhal not be coumfortid, and not doȝter betere þan þe ſone.
gon awei, to þe tyme þat þe heȝeſt beholde. xxiiii Þe fairneſſe of a womman gladiþ out þe face of hyr
xxii And þe Lord ſhal not longen awey, but demen riȝtwis man, and ouer alle luſt of þe man ſhe ſhal `ouer leden deſyr.
men, and don dom; and þe ſtrengeſte ſhal not han in hem xxv If þer is tunge of curing, þer is and of ſwaging, and of
pacience, þat he to-truble þe rigge of hem. mercy; þe man of hir is not aftir þe ſonus of men.
xxiii And to Jentiles he ſhal ȝelde veniaunce, to þe tyme þat xxvi Who weldiþ a good womman, bigyneþ poſſeſſioun; helpe
he take awei þe plente of proude men, and þe kingus aftir hym ſhe is, and a piler as reſte.
dignetees of wicke men he totruble; xxvii Wher is not hegge, ſhal ben to-broken þe poſſeſſioun; and
xxiiii to þe tyme þat he ȝelde to men aftir þer deedus, and
where is not a womman, weileþ þe nedy.
aftir þe werkis of Adam, and aftir þe preſumpcioun of hym; xxviii To whom byleeueþ he þat haþ not a neſt, and bowing
xxv to þe tyme þat he deme þe dom of his folc, and `he ſchal
doun wher euere ſhal ben derk, as a gird vp þef, lepende out
delite riȝtwis men wiþ his mercy. fro cite in to cyte?
xxvi Fair þe mercy of God in tyme of tribulacioun, as a
cloude of reyn in tyme of droȝte. Capitulum XXXVII.
i Eche
Capitulum XXXVI. frend ſhal ſeyn, And I frenſhipe couplede; but þer is a
frend, bi only name a frend. Wheþer not ſorewe is in vnto
i Haue mercy of vs, God of alle þingus; and behold vs, and deþ?
ſhew to vs þe lyȝt of þi mercy doyngus. ii A mete felawe forſoþe and a frend to enemyte ſhul ben
ii And ſend in þi drede vp on Jentilis, þat ſoȝten not þee, þat turned.
þei knowe for þer is not God, but þou; þat þei telle out þi iii O! moſt ſhreude preſumpcioun, whennus art þou foormed to
grete wrþi deedis. coueren drie malice, and þe treccherie of it?
iii Rere vp þin hond vp on aliene folkis, þat þey ſee þi myȝt. iiii Þe mete felawe to þe frend ſhal be merie in likingus, and
iiii As forſoþe in þe ſiȝte of hem þou art halewed in vs, ſo in in þe dai of tribulacioun he ſhal be aduerſarie.
oure ſiȝte þou ſhalt be magnefied in hem; v A mete felawe to þe frend ſorewiþ wiþ, bi cauſe of þe
v þat þei knowe þee, as and wee han knowe, for þer is noon wombe; and aȝen þe enemy he ſhal take ſheld.
oþer God, ſaue þee, Lord. vi Forȝete þou not of þi frend in þin inwit, and be þou not
vi Ennewe þou ſignes, and chaunge merueiles; vnmyndeful of hym in þi werkis.
vii glorifie þe hond, and þe riȝt arm. vii Wile þou nott counſelen wiþ þi wyues fader; and fro men
viii Rere vp wodneſſe, and heeld oute wraþe; enuyende to þee hyd counſeil.
ix enhaunce þe aduerſarie, and tormente þe enemye. viii Eche counſeiler diſcouereþ counſeil, but þer is a counſeiler
x Heeȝe þou þe tyme, and haue mynde of þe ende, þat þei in hymſelf.
ix Fro an euel counſeiler kep þi ſoule; firſt wite þou, what be
telle out þi merueilis.
xi In þe ire of flaume be he deuoured þat is ſaued; and þat þe nede of hym, and what he in his inwit ſhal þenken;
x leſt par auenture he poote a pol, `or a ſtake, in to þe erþe,
werſt treten þi folc, finde þei perdicioun.
xii To-broſe þou þe hed of princes, and of þe enemy, ſeiende, and ſey to þee,
xi Good is þi wey, and ſtonde aȝeenward, to ſeen what falle to
Þer is noon oþer, ſaue wee.
xiii Gedere togidere alle þe lynagis of Jacob, and knowe þei þee.
xii Wiþ an vnreligious man trete of hoolyneſſe, and wiþ þe
for þer is no God but þou, þat þei telle out þi grete wrþi
deedis; and þou ſhalt eritage þem, as fro þe bigynnyng. vnriȝtwis man of riȝtwiſneſſe, and wiþ a womman of þo
xiiii Haue mercy to þi puple, vp on þe whiche is inwardli þingus þat ſhe enuyeþ. Wile þou not counſeilen wiþ hym þat
haþ þee ſuſpect, and fro men enuyende to þee, hid þou þi
clepid þi name; and to Irael, whom þou haſt euened to þi firſt counſeil. Wiþ þe dredful trete of bataile, and wiþ þe
goten. marchaund, `of caſtinge out of ſchyppe; wiþ þe biere, of ſilling,
xv Haue mercy to Jeruſalem, þe cyte of þin halewing, þe cite wiþ þe enuyous man, of graces to be don;
of þi reſte. xiii wiþ þe vnpitouſe, of pite, wiþ þe vnhoneſt, of honeſte,
xvi Fulfil Syon wiþ þin vntellable vertues, and þi puple wiþ wiþþe werkere, of alle werk;
þi glorie. xiiii wiþ þe annuel werker, of þe ful endyng of þe ȝer, wiþ þe
xvii Ȝif witneſſing, for fro þe bigynnyng þi creatures þei ben; ſlowe ſeruaunt, of myche werchyng. Tac þou not heed to `þeſe
and rere þe preȝeres, þat þe raþere profetes ſpeeken in þi in al counſeil,
name. xv but wiþ an hoely man be þou byſy, whom euere þou ſhalt
xviii Ȝif meede, Lord, to men ſuſtenende þee, þat þi profetes knowe kepende þe drede of God,
feiþful bee founden; and heere þou þe oriſoun of þi ſeruauns. xvi whos ſoule is aftir þi ſoule. Who euere ſhal wageren in
xix Aftir þe bliſſing of Aron ȝif to þi puple, and riȝte reule vs dercneſſes, ſhal not togidere ſorewen to þee.
in to þe weie of riȝtwiſnes; þat þei alle wite, þat dwellen þe xvii And herte of good counſeil ſette þou wiþ þee; þer is not
erþe, for þou art God, biholdere of worldis. forſoþe to þee oþer more þan it.
xx Eche mete þe wombe ſchal ete, and þer is mete betere þan xviii Þe ſoule of an hoely man telleþ out oþer while ſoþis;
mete. more þan ſeuene lookeres aboute ſittende in to heiȝte to
xxi Cheekes touchen neȝh þe mete, and þe mysfelende herte beholden.
leſyng wrdys. xix And in alle þeſe þingus louliche preȝe þe heȝeſt, þat he riȝt
xxii Þe ſhreude herte ſhal ȝyue ſorewy ſlouþe, and þe wiſe reule in treuþe þi wey.
man ſhal wiþſtonde to it.


xx Biforn alle werkes a verre wrd go bifor þee; and biforn xvi Sone, in to þe deade bringe forþ teris, and as harde
alle deede ſtable counſeil. þingus ſuffrid bigyn to wepe; and aftir dom touche his body,
xxi A ſhreude wrd `ſchal chaunge þe herte, of þe whiche foure and diſpiſe þou not þe biriyng of hym.
partis ſpringen; good and euel, lif and deþ; and þe lordſhipere xvii For þe acuſing forſoþe bitterly ber weilyng `of hym o dai;
of þeſe is a byſy tunge. and tac coumfort for heuyneſſe.
xxii A wys man many men taȝte, and to his ſoule is ſweete. xviii And do weilyng after þe deſeruyng of hym o dai, or two,
xxiii Who ſofiſtically ſpekeþ, is hateful; in alle þing he ſhal for bacbiting.
ben bigilid. xix Of ſorewi ſlouþe forſoþe heeȝeþ deþ, and couereþ vertue;
xxiiii Forſoþe þer is not ȝyuen to hym of þe Lord grace, and ſorewi ſlouþe of herte boowiþ þe nol.
forſoþe he is bigilid of alle wiſdom. xx In ledyng awei dwelliþ ſtille ſorewy ſlouþe; and þe
xxv Þer is a wys man wiys to his ſoule, and þe frutes of þe ſubſtaunce of þe helpeles aftir þe herte of hym.
wit of hym ben preiſable. xxi Ne ȝyue þou þin herte in ſorewy ſlouþe, but putte it awei
xxvi A wis man techeþ his folc, and þe frutis of `þe wit of fro þee; and haue mynde of þe laſte þingus,
hym ben feiþful. xxii and wile þou not forȝeten. Ne forſoþe þer is
xxvii A wys man ſhal be fulfild wiþ bliſſingus, and men conuerſacioun, and to þis þou ſchalt no þing profiten; and þi
ſeende hym ſhul preiſen. ſelf þou ſhalt werſt treten.
xxviii Þe lif of a man in þe noumbre of daȝes; þe daȝes xxiii Myndeful be þou of my dom; ſo forſoþe it ſhal ben and
forſoþe of Irael ben vnnoumbreable. þin, to me ȝiſterdai, and to þee to day.
xxix A wis man in puple ſhal eritagen wrſhipe, and þe name xxiiii In þe reſte of þe deade mac to reſten þe mynde of hym;
of hym ſhal ben lyuende in to wiþoute ende. and coumforte hym in þe goyng out of his ſpirit.
xxx Sone, in þi lif tempte þou þi ſoule; and if it were ſhreude, xxv Wiſdom wrijt in tyme of voydeneſſe; and who is laſſid in
ȝif þou not to it power; deede, wiſdom ſhal parceyue; for wiþ wiſdom he ſhal be
xxxi forſoþe not alle þingus to alle ſpeden, and ne to eche fulfild.
xxvi Who holdeþ þe ploȝ, and who glorieþ in þe ſpere, wiþ þe
ſoule eche kinde pleſeþ.
xxxii Wile þou not ben gredy in alle plenteuous mete ȝyuyng, pricke ſtereþ þe oxen, and woneþ in þe werkis of hem; and þe
telling of hym in þe ſonus of booles.
and heeld þee not out vpon eche mete. xxvii His herte he ſhal ȝyue `to ben turned þe forewis; and þe
xxxiii In manye forſoþe metus ſhal ben infirmyte, and
wach of it in þe fatneſſe of kyn.
gredyneſſe ſhal neȝhen vnto colre. xxviii So eche ſmyþe, and cheef werkere, þe whyche þe nyȝt as
xxxiiii For glotonye manye men dieden; who forſoþe is
þe day ouerdoþ; þe whyche grauede grauen broochis, and þe
abſtenent, ſhal eechen lijf. byſyneſſe of hym varieþ þe peynture; his herte he ſhal ȝyue
into þe licneſſe of peynture, and his waking parformeþ þe
Capitulum XXXVIII. werk.
i Honoure xxix So þe iren ſmyþ ſittende biſide þe ſtiþie, and biholdende
þe leche, for nede; forſoþe hym foormede þe heȝeſt.
ii Of God þe werk of þe iren, þe humour of þe fyr brenneþ his fleſh;
forſoþe is alle leching; and fro þe king he ſchal take and in þe hete of þe furneys he trauailiþ wiþ ſtryif.
ȝyuyng. xxx Þe vois of hamer ennewiþ his ere; and aȝen þe licneſſe of
iii Þe diſciplyne of þe leche ſhal enhaunſe þe hed of hym; and
þe veſſel þe eȝe of hym.
in þe ſiȝte of grete men he ſhal ben preiſid. xxxi His herte he ſhal ȝyue in to þe ful ending of þe werkis;
iiii Þe heȝeſt foormede of þe erþe medycyne; and þe prudent
and his waking ſhal enourne þe inparfitneſſe.
man ſhal not agriſen it. xxxii So þe crockere ſittende at his werk, turnende wiþ his
v Wheþer not of þe tree is mad ſweete þe bitter water?
feet þe whel, þe whiche in beſyneſſe is put euermor for his
vi At þe knowleching of men þe vertue of þem; and þe heȝeſt werk; and wiþ oute noumbre is al þe werking of hym.
ȝaf to men kunnyng, to be wrſhipid in his merueiles. xxxiii In his arm he ſhal foormen þe cley; and bifoorn his feet
vii In þeſe þingus he curende ſhal ſwage ſorewen, and þe he ſhal crooken his vertue.
oynement makere ſhal make pymentis of ſwoteneſſe, and xxxiiii His herte he ſhal ȝyue, þat he ful ende þe daubing; and
enoyntingus he ſhal make of helþe; and þe werkis of hym ſhul his waking ſhal clenſe þe furneys.
not ben ful endid. xxxv Alle þeſe in þer hondis hopeden; and echon in þer `craft
viii Þe pes forſoþe of God vpon þe face of þe erþe.
is wys.
ix My ſone, in þin infirmytee ne diſpiſe þou þiſelf; but prei þe xxxvi Wiþoute alle þeſe `is not bild vp þe cyte.
Lord, and he ſhal cure þee. xxxvii And þei ſhul not wonen in, ne gon in; and in to þe
x Turne awei fro gilte, and dreſſe þou þe hondis, and fro alle
chirche þei ſhul not ouerlepen.
gilte clenſe þin herte. xxxviii Vpon þe ſete of þe domys man þei ſhul not ſitte; and
xi Ȝif ſwetneſſe, and mynde of tried flour, and mac fat þe
þe teſtament of dom þei ſhul not vnderſtonde, ne maken opene
offring; and ȝif ſtede to þe leche. diſciplyne, and dom; and in parablis þei ſhul not ben founde.
xii Forſoþe þe Lord foormede hym, and go he not awei fro xxxix But þe creature of ſpirituel tyme þei ſhul confermen, and
þee; for his werkis ben nedeful. þe lowe preȝing of hem in werking of craft; leeuende to þer
xiii Þer is forſoþe tyme, whan þou renne in to þe hondis of ſoule, and togidere ſechende in þe lawe of þe heȝeſte.
xiiii Þei forſoþe þe Lord ſhul louly preiȝen, þat he riȝt reule Capitulum XXXIX.
þe reſte of hem, and helþe for þer conuerſacioun. i The
xv Who gilteþ in his ſiȝt, þat made hym, ſhal falle in to þe wiſdom of alle olde men þe wiſe man ſhal ful out
ſechen; and in profetes he ſhal take heed.
hondus of þe leche.


ii Þe telling of þe nemned men he ſhal kepen; and in to þe xxxi Þe bygynnyng of neceſſarie þing to þe lif of men, water,
ſleiȝtes of parables togidere he ſhal entre. fyr, iren, and ſalt, and mylc, and bred of tried flour, and
iii Þe hid þingus of prouerbis he ſhal ſechen out; and in þe hony, and cluſtre of grape, and oile, and cloþing.
hid þingus of parables he ſhal dwelle. xxxii Alle þeſe to hoely men in to goodus; ſo and to vnpitous
iiii In þe myddel of grete men he ſhal mynyſtre; and in þe ſiȝt men and to ſynneres in to eueles þei ſhul ben al turned.
of þe chef domes man he ſhal apere. xxxiii Þer ben ſpirites þat to veniaunce ben formed; and in
v In to þe lond of alien folkys he ſhal paſſe; goodus forſoþe þer wodneſſe þei confermeden þer tormentes.
and euelis in alle þingus he ſhal aſaȝe. xxxiiii And in tyme of ful endyng þei ſhul heelden out vertue;
vi His herte he ſhal take to wake þe morutid to þe Lord þat and þe wodneſſe of hym þat made þem þei ſhul ſhende.
made hym; and in þe ſiȝt of þe heȝeſte he ſhal louli preȝen. xxxv Fyr, hail, hungir, and deþ; alle þeſe to veniaunce ben
vii He ſhal opene his mouþ in oriſoun; and for his giltus he foormed;
ſhal louli preȝe. xxxvi teeþ of beſtes, and ſcorpiouns, and ſerpentes, and two
viii If forſoþe þe grete Lord wile, wiþ þe ſpirit of bitende ſwerd veniende in to outlawyng vnpitous men.
vnderſtondyng he ſhal fulfille hym. xxxvii In þe heſtes of hym þei ſhul plenteuouſly eten, and
ix And he, as reynes, ſhal ſende þe ſpeches of his wiſdam; vpon erþe in nede þei ſhul be greiþid; and in þer tymes þei
and in oriſoun he ſhal knouleche to þe Lord. ſhul not paſſe biſide a wrd.
x And he ſhal riȝt reule þe counſeil `of hym, and dyſcyplyne; xxxviii Þerfore fro þe bygynnyng I am confermede; and I
and in his hid þingus ſhal counſeilen. counſeilede, and þoȝte, and ſcrites lafte.
xi He open ſhal make þe diſciplyne of his lore; and in þe lawe xxxix Alle þe werkes of þe Lord good; and ech werk in his
of þe teſtament of þe Lord he ſhal glorien. hour ſhal vndermyneſtren.
xii Manye ſhal preiſe þe wiſdam of hym; and vnto þe world he xl Þer is not to ſeyn, þis þan þat is werſe; forſoþe alle þingus
ſhal not be don awey. in þer tyme ſhul be proued.
xiii Þe memorie of hym ſhal not go awei; and þe name of xli And now in alle herte and mouþ preyſeþ togidere, and
hym ſhal be ſoȝt fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun. bliſſeþ þe name of þe Lord.
xiiii His wiſdam folkis of kynde ſhul telle out; and his
preiſing þe chirche ſhal ſhewen out. Capitulum XL.
xv If his name ſchal abijde ſtille, he ſhal leue more þan a i Gret ocupacioun is ſhape to alle men, and a greuous ȝoc vp
þouſend; and if he ſhul reſten, it ſhal profiten to hym. on þe ſonus of Adam, fro þe day of þe goyng out fro þe
xvi Ȝit I ſhal counſeilen þat I telle out, as wiþ wodneſſe wombe of þe moder of hem, vn to þe day of þe biriyng in to
forſoþe I am fulfild; þe moder of alle þingus.
xvii and in voys he ſeiþ, Al aboute hereþ me, ȝee Goddus ii Þe þoȝtis of hem, and þe dredes of herte, þe fyndyngus of
frutes, and as roſes plauntid vpon ryueres of watris, makeþ abidyng, and þe daȝes of endynge;
frutes. iii fro þe cheef ſittere `vp on þe glorious ſete, vn to þe meekid
xviii As Liban, ſmel of ſwoteneſſe haue ȝee. vn to þe erþe and aſken;
xix Floureþ floures, as lilie; ȝyueþ ſmel, and brauncheþ in to iiii fro hym þat vſeþ blu ſilc, and berþ þe croune, vn to hym
grace. And preiſiþ togidere þe ſong dite; and bliſſeþ þe Lord þat is couered wiþ raw lynen, wodneſſe, enuye, noyſe,
in his werkis. wagering, and dred of deþ, wraþefulneſſe ſtedefaſtly bidende,
xx Ȝyueþ to his name gret doyng, and knoulecheþ to hym in and ſtriuyng;
v and in tyme of repaſt in þe bed, ſlep of nyȝt chaungeþ his
þe vois of ȝoure lippis, in ſong dites of lippis, and in harpis;
and þus ȝee ſhuln ſeyn in knoulechyng, kunnyng.
xxi Þe werkis of þe Lord, alle þei ben ful goode. vi Litil forſoþe as noȝt in reſte; and of hym in ſlepes as in þe
xxii In þe wrd forſoþe of hym ſtood þe water as an hep; and day reſpit.
vii He ys diſturbid in þe ſiȝte of his herte, as he þat is ſcapid
in þe wrd of þe mouþ of hym as reſceyuyng places of watris.
xxiii For in þe heſte of hym a pes makere is mad; and þer is in þe dai of bataile. In þe tyme of his helþe he ros out, and
not laſſyng in þe helþe of hym. wndrende at no drede,
viii wiþ alle fleſh, fro man vn to beſte, and vp on þe ſynneres
xxiiii Þe werkes of alle fleſh biforn hym; and þer is not any
þing hid fro his eȝen. ſeuenfold.
ix To þeſe þingus, deþ, blod, ſtrif, and two bitende ſwerd,
xxv Fro þe world vnto þe world he biholdiþ; and no þing is
merueilous in þe ſiȝt of hym. opreſſiouns, hungres, and totreding, and ſcourges;
x vp on wickid men ben formed alle þeſe þingus, and for hem
xxvi Þer is not to ſey, What is þis, or, What is þat? forſoþe
alle þingus in þer tyme ſhul be ſoȝt. was mad þe ieneral flod.
xi Alle þingus forſoþe þat of þe erþe ben, in to erþe ſhul ben
xxvii Þe bliſſing of hym as a flod ſhal flowe;
xxviii and as þe vnyuerſel flod drunkede þe erþe, ſo þe wraþe
turned; and alle watris in to þe ſe ſhuln be turned.
xii Alle ȝifte and wickidneſſe ſhal ben don awey; and feiþ in to
of hym ſhal eritagen Jentyles, þat ſoȝten hym not out. world ſhal ſtonde.
xxix What manere he turnede watris in to droȝte, and þe erþe
xiii Þe ſubſtaunces of vnriȝtwis men as a flod ſhul ben dried;
is dried, and þe weies of it to þe weies of þem ben forþ and as gret þunder in reyn þei ſhul ſowne ful.
ſtraȝt; ſo to ſynneres offenciouns in þe wraþe of hym. xiiii As þe riȝtwis man in openyng his hondis ſhal gladen; ſo
xxx Goodis to goode men ben foormed fro þe bigynnyng; ſo to
moſt wicke men goodis and eueles. þe lawe brekeres in þe ende ſhuln wanen awey.
xv Þe ſonus ſonus of vnpitous men ſhul nott multeplie
braunches; and vnclene rootes vp on þe cop of þe ſton ſounen.


xvi Vp on eche water greneneſſe; and at þe hour of þe flod xiii Alle þingus þat of þe erþe ben, in to erþe ſhul ben turned;
biforn al þe hey it ſhal be pullid vp. ſo vnpitouſe men fro curſing in to perdicioun.
xvii Grace as paradis in bliſſingus; and mercy in to þe world xiiii Þe weylyng of men in þe body of hem; þe name forſoþe
abit ſtille. of vnpitous men ſhal ben don awey.
xviii Þe lif of þe ſuffiſaunt werkere to hymſelf ſhal be mad xv Cure haue þou of a good name; þat forſoþe more ſhal abide
ſwete; and in it þou ſhalt fynde treſor. ſtille wiþ þee, þan a þouſend grete treſores and precious.
xix Þe bilding vp of þe cite ſhal confermen þe name; and ouer xvi Of good lif þe noumbre of daȝes; forſoþe good name ſhal
þis an vndefoulid womman ſhal be countid. abide ſtille in to þe ſpirituel world.
xx Wyn and melodye gladen þe herte; and ouer eiþer þe xvii Diſciplyne in pes kepeþ, ȝee ſonus; hid forſoþe wiſdam,
loouyng of wiſdam. and treſor vnſeen, what profit in euere eiþer?
xxi Trumpes and ſautre maken ſwete melody; and ouer eiþir xviii Betere is a man þat hidiþ hys folie, þan a man þat hidiþ
þe ſwete tunge. his wiſdam.
xxii Grace and fairneſſe þe eȝe ſhal deſyren; and ouer þeſe xix `Ner þe latere turneþ aȝeen in þeſe þingus þat gon out of
grene tilþis. my mouþ.
xxiii A frend and a mete felawe in tyme comende togidere; xx Forſoþe it is not good to waiten aboute, `or to kepen, alle
and ouer eiþer a womman wiþ a man. vnreuerence, and not alle þingus in alle pleſen in feiþ.
xxiiii Breþern in to help in tyme of tribulacioun; and ouer xxi Shame ȝee of þe fader, and of þe moder, of fornycacioun;
þem mercy ſhal delyueren. and fro þe cheef ſittere,
xxv Gold and ſiluer, and ſetting of feet; and ouer eiþer xxii and of þe myȝty, of leſyng; and of þe prince, and of þe
counſeil wel pleſid. domes man, of gilte; of þe ſynagoge, and of þe folc, of
xxvi Facultes and vertues enhauncen þe herte; and ouer þeſe wickidneſſe;
þe drede of þe Lord. xxiii of felawe, and of frend, of vnriȝtwiſneſſe; and of þe place
xxvii Þer is not in þe drede of þe Lord laſſing; and þer is not in þe whiche þou dwelliſt,
in it to ſeche helpe. xxiiii of þefte; of þe treuþe of God, and þe teſtament; of ſitting
xxviii Þe drede of þe Lord as paradis of bleſſing; and ouer doun in loeues, and of þe derknyng of þe ȝoue þing, and of
alle glorie þei couereden it. taken;
xxix Sone, in þe tyme of þi lif ne nede þou; betere is to dyen, xxv fro men ſalutende, of ſtillneſſe; fro biholdyng of a
þan to neden. fornycarie womman, and fro þe turnyng awei of þe chere of þe
xxx A man biholdende in to an oþer mannes bord, þe lif of coſyn.
xxvi Ne turne þou awei face fro þi neȝhebore; and fro taking
hym is nott in þe þenking of liflode; forſoþe he nurſheþ his lif
wiþ oþer mennus metes. awei part, and not reſtoring.
xxxi A man forſoþe diſciplyned and taȝt, ſhal kepe hymſelf. xxvii Bihold þou not a womman of an oþer man; and ne
xxxii In þe mouþ of þe vnprudent ſhal be maad myſeiſe; and enſerche þou þe hand womman of hym, and ſtonde þou not at
þe bed of hir.
in þe wombe of hym fyr ſhal brenne. xxviii Bewar of frendus, of wrdus of repref; and whan þou
haſt ȝyue, ne vpbreide þou.
Capitulum XLI.
i O! deþ, hou bitter is þi mynde to an vnriȝtwis man, and Capitulum XLII.
hauende pes in his ſubſtaunces; i Ne
ii to a quyete man, and whos weies ben riȝt ſtraȝt in alle double þou þe ſermoun of heering, of þe openyng of þe
hid wrd; and þou ſhalt ben verrely wiþoute confuſioun, and
þingus, and ȝit myȝti to taken mete. þou ſhalt fynde grace in þe ſiȝt of alle men. Ne for alle þeſe
iii O! deþ, good is þi dom to a man nedy, and þat is laſſid in þingus be þou confoundid; and ne accepte þou perſone, þat
ſtrengþe, þou gilte
iiii failende þurȝ age, and to whom of alle þingus is cure, and ii of þe lawe of þe heȝeſt, and of þe teſtament of dom, to
to þe vnbeleeueful, þat leeſeþ wiſdam. iuſtefien þe vnpitouſe;
v Wile þou not dreden þe dom of deþ; haue mynde what iii of þe wrd of felawes, and of weie goeres, and of þe ȝyuyng
biforn þee weren, and what vp on ben to come to þee; þis of þe eritage of frendis;
dom fro þe Lord to alle fleſh. iiii of þe euenes of balaunces, and of weiȝtes, of purchaſyng of
vi And þat ſhuln ouercomen to þee in þe wel pleſid þing of þe manye þingus, and of fewe;
heȝeſt; wheþer ten, or an hundred, or a þouſend ȝer. v of þe corrupcioun of biyng, and of marchaundis, and of
vii Forſoþe þer is not in helle acuſing of lif. myche diſciplyne of ſonus; and of þe werſt ſeruaunt, to make
viii Þe ſonus of abhominaciouns ben mad þe ſonus of þe ſide to bleden.
ſynneres; and þat wonen biſide þe houſis of vnpitous men. vi Vp on a ſhreude womman good is a ſigne.
ix Þe eritage of þe ſonus of ſynneres ſhal perſhen; and wiþ þe vii Where ben many hondis, cloſe þou; and what euere þou
ſed of hem þe beſyneſſe of repref. ſhalt take, `noumbre þou, and peiſe; þe ȝyuen þing forſoþe,
x Of þe vnpitouſe fader pleynen, `or weilen, ſonus, for for and þe taken, al diſkryue, `or wryte.
hym þei ben in repref. viii Of þe diſciplyne of þe mysfelende, and of þe fool, and of
xi Wo to ȝou, vnpitous men, þat han forſaken þe lawe of þe þe elderes, þatt ben demed, of þe ȝunge waxen men; and þou
heȝeſt Lord. ſhalt ben lerned in alle þingus, and prouable in þe ſiȝte of alle
xii And if ȝee ſhul ben born, in curſing ȝee ſhul ben born; and men.
ix Þe doȝter of þe fader is hid, þe wache and þe byſyneſſe of
if ȝee ſhul dien, in curſing ſhal be ȝoure part.
hir ſhal don awey ſlep; leſt par auenture in hir ȝunge waxen


age auoutreſſe ſhe be mad, and wiþ a man dwellende, hatefull viii Þe mooneþ aftir his name is waxende, merueylouſly in to
ſhe be mad; þe ful endyng.
x leſt any tyme ſhe be pollutid in hir maydenhed, and in hir ix A veſſel of tentes in `heiȝe þingis, in þe firmament of
fader keping ſhe be founde wiþ child; leſt par auenture wiþ heuene ſhynende gloriouſly.
hir man dwellende, ſhe treſpaſſe, or certus bareyn ſhe be mad. x Þe fairneſſe of heuene glorie of ſterres; þe Lord liȝtnende þe
xi Vp on a leccherous doȝtir ſet warde, leſt any tyme ſhe make
world in heiȝtes.
þee in to repref to comen to þin enemys, of bacbiting in þe xi In woordis hoely men ſhuln ſtonden at þe dom; and þei
citee, and of caſting awey of þe puple; and ſhe confounde þee
in þe multitude of þe puple. ſhul not failen in þer wacches.
xii To alle men wile þou not `taken heed in þe fairneſſe; and xii See þe bowe, and bliſſe hym þat made it; ful fair it is in
in þe myddel of wymmen wile þou not dwellen. his ſhynyng.
xiii Forſoþe of cloþis comeþ þe moȝhe, and of a womman þe xiii He cumpaſide heuene in þe circuyt of his glorie; þe
wickidneſſe of a man. hondus of þe heȝe openeden it.
xiiii Betere forſoþe is þe wickidneſſe of a man, þan a xiiii Bi his maundement heeȝede þe ſnoȝ; and he heeȝeþ
womman doende benefet, and a womman confoundende in to liȝtnyngus to ſenden out of his dom.
repref. xv Þerfore opened ben þe treſores, and flowen awey þe litle
xv Myndeful be `Y ſhal þerfore of þe werkes of þe Lord; and cloudys as briddes.
which I ſaȝ, I ſhal ſhewen out, in þe wrdis of þe Lord, his xvi In his mykilneſſe he putte þe cloudus; and ben to-broke þe
werkus. ſtones of þe hail.
xvi Þe ſunne ſhynende þurȝ alle þingus biheeld; and of þe xvii In his ſiȝte ſhul ben ſtired togidere þe hillis; and in his
glorie of þe Lord ful is his werk. wil ſhal ſpiren, `or breþen, out þe ſouþ.
xvii Wheþer not þe Lord made ſeyntes to tellen out alle his xviii Þe vois of his þunder `ſchal beten þe erþe; and þe
merueiles, þe whiche þe Lord almyȝty ſhal confermen ſtable in tempeſt of þe norþ, and þe gederyng of wynd.
his glorie? xix And as a brid puttende doun to ſitten ſprengeþ þe ſnoȝ,
xviii Þe depþe of þe ſe, and þe herte of men he ſhal enſerchen; and as a locuſt drenchende þe deſcendingus of it.
and in þe `ſlyȝe wit, or gile, of hem he ſhal out þenke. xx Þe fairneſſe of þe ſhynyng of it þe eȝe ſhal merueilen; and
xix Þe Lord forſoþe kneȝ al kunnyng, and beheeld in to þe vp on þe weder of hym þe herte quakeþ.
tocne of þe ſpiritueell world; ſhewende out þat ben paſſid, and xxi Froſt as ſalt he ſhal heelden out vp on þe erþe; and whil
þat ben ouer to come; openende þe ſteppis of hid þingus. he blowiþ, he ſhal be mad as þe coppis of þe brembil.
xx And þer paſſeþ not biſide hym any þenking, and any wrd xxii Þe cold norþerne wind bleeȝ, and þe criſtal freeſede fro þe
hidde not it ſelf fro hym. watyr; vp on al þe gederyng of watris it reſteþ, and as an
xxi He made faire þe grete wrþi werkes of his wiſdam, þe habirioun, it cloþide hymſelf watris.
whiche is biforn þe world, and vnto þe world; ne it is echid, xxiii And it ſhal deuouren hillis, and brennen out þe deſert;
xxii ne it is laſſid, and it nedeþ not þe counſeil of any man. and quenchen out þe greene as fyr.
xxiii Hou deſirable ben alle þe werkes of hym, and as a xxiiii Medecyne of alle þingus in þe heeȝyng of þe litle cloude;
ſparcle þat is, to beholden. þe dew, metende to þe comende brennyng, lowȝ ſhal maken it.
xxiiii Alle þeſe þingus lyuen, and dwellen in to þe world; and xxv In his wrd þe wynd heeld his pes; bi his þenking he ſhal
in alle nede alle þyngus obeſhen to hym. peſe þe ſe; and þe Lord Jheſus plauntide yt.
xxv Alle þingus double, oon aȝen oon; and he made not any xxvi Who ſeilen þe ſe, ſhuln tellen out þe periles of it; and
þing to failen. herende wiþ oure eres wee ſhuln wndre.
xxvi Of euery þing he ſhal conferme þe goodus; and who ſhal xxvii Þere ful cleer werkis, and merueilous, and dyuers
be fulfild, ſeende þe glorie of hym, and who witende ſhal kindis of noȝouſe beſtes, and of alle helpely beſtes, and þe
conferme þe ſtrengþe of hym? creature of beſtes.
xxviii For hym is confermed þe ende of þe wey; and in þe
Capitulum XLIII. wrd of hym alle þingus ben mad togidere.
xxix Many þinges we ſeyn, and failen in wrdis; ful endyng
i The firmament of þe heiȝte is þe fairneſſe of hym; and þe
fairnes of heuene in þe ſiȝte of glorie. forſoþe of wrdis he is.
xxx In alle þingus gloriende, to what ſhul we be myȝty? he
ii Þe ſunne in þe ſiȝte, ſhewende out in þe iſſue, a merueilous
veſſel, þe werk of þe heȝe. forſoþe almyȝti ouer alle his werkes.
xxxi Ferful þe Lord, and gret hugely; and merueilous þe
iii In þe myddai it brenneþ out þe erþe; and in þe ſiȝte of his
brennyng who ſhal moun ſuffre? Kepende þe furneys in þe power of hym.
xxxii Glorefiende þe Lord hou myche euere ȝee ſchul moun, he
werkis of brennyng;
iiii þre maner þe ſunne brennende oute hillis, blaſtende out ſhal ben ouer wrþi ȝit; and ful merueilous þe gret doyng of
fyrene bemes, and aȝeen ſhynende wiþ his bemes, blendeþ þe hym.
xxxiii Bliſſende þe Lord, enhaunce ȝee hym as myche as ȝee
v Gret þe Lord, þat made it; and in þe wrdis of it he heeȝede moun; more forſoþe he is þan alle preiſing.
xxxiiii Enhauncende hym ȝee ſhul be fulfild wiþ vertue; ne
þe weye.
vi And þe moone in alle þingus in his tyme ſhewende of tyme, trauaile ȝee, forſoþe ȝee ſhul not ful comen.
xxxv Who ſaȝ hym, and ſhal tellen out? and who ſhal
and tokne of þe ſpirituel world.
vii Of þe moone þe ſigne of þe holy day; a liȝt ȝyuere þat is magnefien hym, as he is fro þe bigynnyng?
xxxvi Many hid þingus ben more þan þeſe; forſoþe fewe
laſſid in þe ending.
þingus wee han ſeen of his werkes.


xxxvii Alleþingus forſoþe þe Lord made; and to men pitouſly Capitulum XLV.
doende he ȝaf wiſdam. i Moiſes looued of God and of men; whos mynde is in
Capitulum XLIIII. bleſſyng.
ii Lic he made hym in þe glorie of ſeyntes, and he magnefiede
i `Preiſen we glorious men, and oure fadris and modris in hym in þe drede of enemys; and in his wrdis he ceſede
þer generacioun. hidous wondris.
ii Myche glorie þe Lord dide in his grete doyng. iii He glorefiede hym in þe ſiȝt of kyngus, and he comaundide
iii Fro þe world ben men lordſchipende in þer poweres, grete to hym biforn al his puple, and he ſhewede to hym his glorie.
men in vertue, and bi þer prudence biforn oþere mad riche; iiii In feiþ and ſofteneſſe of hym he made hym hoely; and he
tellende in profetes þe dignete of profetes, chees hym of alle fleſh.
iiii and comaundende in þe preſent puple, and bi vertue of v Forſoþe he herde hym, and þe vois of hym; and he ladde
prudence of þe puple, moſt hoely wrdis. hym in a cloude.
v In þer wiſdam ſechende þe muſyk manerys, and tellende þe vi And he ȝaff hym an herte to þe heſtes, and to þe lawe of
dytes of ſcriptures. lif, and of diſciplyne; to techen Jacob þe teſtament, and Irael
vi Riche men in vertue, hauende þe ſtudy of fairneſſe, pes his domes.
makende in þer houſes. vii Heeȝ he made Aaron, his broþer, and a lic to hym of þe
vii Alle þeſe in þe ieneraciouns of þeir folc han taken glorie; lynage of Leuy.
and in þer daȝes ben had in preiſyngus. viii He ſette to hym an euere laſtende teſtament, and he ȝaf to
viii Who of hem ben born, laften þe name of telling þe hym þe preſthod of þe folc of kinde; and he made hym blisful
preiſingus of hem. in glorie.
ix And þer ben, of whom is no mynde; þei perſheden as þat ix And he girde hym aboute wiþ þe girdil of riȝtwiſneſſe, and
weren not, and ben born as not born; and þe ſonus of hem he cloþide hym þe ſtoele of glorie, and crounede hym in
wiþ hem. veſſelis off vertue.
x But þey men of mercy ben, of whom þe pitouſtees faileden x Shon, and breches, and coepe he putte to hym, and girde
not; hym aboute wiþ manye litle goldene belles in cumpas;
xi and wiþ þe ſeed of hem dwellide ſtille good eritage. xi to ȝyue ſoun in his goyng in, and to make þe ſoun herd in
xii And þe ſed of þe ſonus ſonus of hem ſtod in þe teſtament, þe temple, in to mynde to þe ſonus of hys folc.
xii An hoely ſtoele, wiþ gold, and blyu vyolet ſilc, and ſanguyn
xiii and þe eritage of þe ſonus of hem for hem, in to wiþ oute
ſilc, þe werk wouen, þurȝ þe dom of þe wiſe man, and þurȝ
ende dwelleþ; þe ſed of hem, and þe glorie of hem, ſhal not be þe treuþe of þe enourned;
forſaken. xiii wiþ fyr red ſilc foldun aȝeen, þe werk of þe craftis, wiþ
xiiii Þe bodies of hem in pes ben biried; and þe name of hem
precious iemmes figured in binding of gold, and wiþ werk of
ſhal lyue in to ieneraciouns and ieneraciouns. þe lapidarie grauen, in to þe mynde, after þe noumbre of þe
xv Þe wyſdam of hem puples ſhul tellen; and þe preiſing of lynagis of Irael.
hem þe chirche ſhal ſhewen. xiiii A goldene croune vp on þe mytre of hym, expreſſid wiþ
xvi Enoc pleſede to God, and is tranſlatid in to paradis, þat þe tocne of hoelyneſſe, þe glorie of wrſhipe, and þe werc of
he ȝyue wiſdam to folc of kynde. vertue, `to þe deſir of eȝen enourned.
xvii Noe is founde a parfit riȝtwis man, and in tyme of wraþe xv So faire bifor hym weren not `ſuche þingus, vnto þe eſt.
he is mad recounſylyng. xvi Þer is nott clad wiþ it any alyen, but only alone þe ſonus
xviii Þerfore is laft þe remnaunt of þe erþe, whan þe flod was of hym, and þe coſynes of hym, bi alle tyme.
do. xvii Þe ſacrifices of hym ben ful endid wiþ fyr eche day.
xix Þe teſtaments of þe world ben put anent hym, ne `myȝte xviii Moiſes fulfilde þe hondis of hym, and enoyntede hym wiþ
be do awey wiþ þe flod eche fleſh. his hoely oile.
xx Abraham þe grete fader of þe multitude of þe folc of kinde; xix It is mad to hym an euerelaſtende teſtament, and to his
and þer is not founde lijc to hym in glorie, þat kepte þe lawe ſed as þe daȝes of heuene, to vſen þe offis of preſthed, and to
of þe heȝeſt, and was in teſtament wiþ hym. han preyſyng, and his puple to be glorified in his name.
xxi In his fleſh he made to ſtonde þe teſtament; and in xx Hym he chees of alle lyuende, to offre ſacrifice to God,
tempting he is founde feiþful. encens, and good ſmell, in to mynde, to make pes for his
xxii Þerfore by oþ he ȝaf to hym glorie in his folc of kinde, to puple.
encreſen hym as an hilloc of erþe; xxi And he ȝaf to hym power in his heſtes, in teſtamentes of
xxiii and to enhauncen `þe ſed of hym as þe ſterres, and to domes, to teche Jacob witneſſingus, and in his lawe liȝt to
eritagen hym fro þe ſe vn to þe ſe, and fro þe flod vnto þe ȝyue to Irael.
termes of þe erþe. xxii For aȝen hym ſtoden alienus, and for enuye þer
xxiiii And to Iſaac he dide þe ſame maner, for Abraham, his cumpaſſeden hym men in deſert, þat weren wiþ Dathan and
fader. Abiron, and þe congregacioun of Chore, in to ful wraþe.
xxv Þe bliſſing of alle folc of kinde þe Lord ȝaf to hym; and xxiii Þe Lord ſaȝ, and it pleſede not to hym; and þei ben
his teſtament he confermede vp on þe hed of Jacob. waſtid in þe bure of ful wraþe.
xxvi He kneȝ hym in his bleſſingus, and ȝaf to hym þe xxiiii He made to hem hidous veniaunces, and he waſtede þem
eritage; and he deuydede to hym part in þe twelue lynagis. in þe flaume of fyr.
xxvii And he kepte to hym ſonus of mercy, findende grace in xxv And he eechede to Aron glorie, and he ȝaf to hym eritage;
þe ſiȝt of al fleſh. and þe chef of þe frutes of þe erþe he deuydide to hym.


xxvi Þe bred of hym `in þe firſte, in to fulneſſe he greiþede; xix And he inwardly clepide þe almyȝty Lord, in aȝenfiȝting þe
for whi and þe ſacrifiſe of þe Lord þei ſhul ete, þe whiche he enemys aboute ſtondende on eche ſide, in þe offring of þe man
ȝaf to hym, and to þe ſed of hym. vndefoulid.
xxvii `For whi in þe lond he ſhal not eritagen Jentiles, and xx And þe Lord þundrede in fro heuene, in a gret ſoun his
part is not to hym in þe folc; he is forſoþe þe part of hym, he vois he made herd.
is and þe eritage. xxi And he to-trad þe princes of Tyres, and alle þe dukes of
xxviii Fynees, þe ſone of Eleaſar, þe þridde is in glorie, Filiſteys.
folowende hym in þe drede of God, xxii And bifore þe tyme of þe ende of his lif, and he ȝaf
xxix and to ſtonde in reuerence of þe folc; in goodneſſe and witneſſing of þe world, in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord, and of Criſt;
gladneſſe of his ſoule he pleſide to God of Irael. monees and vnto þe ſhon, of alle fleſh he toc not; and þer
xxx Þerfore he ſette to hym a teſtament of pes, and a prince acuſide hym not a man.
of ſeyntes, and of his folc; þat þer be to hym and to his ſed xxiii And aftir þat he ſlepte, and made knowen to þe kyng,
dignete of preſthed, in to wiþ oute ende. and ſhewede to hym þe ende of his lif; and enhauncede his
xxxi And þe teſtament of Dauid, `þe king, ſone of Jeſſe, of þe vois fro þe erþe in profecie, to don awey þe vnpitouſte of þe
lynage of Juda, eritage to hym, and to þe ſed of hym; þat he folc.
ſchuld ȝyue wiſdam in to oure herte, to demen his folc in
riȝtwiſneſſe, leſt were don awei þe goodis of hem; and þe Capitulum XLVII.
glorie of hem, in to þe folc of hem, he maade euere laſtende. i Aftir þeſe þingus ros Nathan, þe profete, in þe daȝes of
Capitulum XLVI. Dauid.
ii And as talȝ ſeuered fro þe fleſh, ſo Dauid fro þe ſonus of
i Strong in bataile Jeſus Nauee, þe ſucceſſour of Moiſes in Irael.
profetes, þat was gret aftir his name. iii Wiþ leouns he pleyede, as wiþ lombis; in beres lijc maner
ii Moſt in to þe helþe of þe choſen men of God, to fiȝten out he dide, as in lombis of ſhep.
þe enemys aȝenriſende, þat he ſhulde han afterward þe eritage iiii In his ȝouþe wheþer he ſloȝ not a ieaunt, and toc awei
of Irael. repref fro þe folc?
iii What glorie he hadde in taking vp his hondis, and in v In takinge þe hond in þe ſton of þe ſlynge, he þreȝ doun þe
caſtynge aȝen þe cites twey bitende ſwerdis. ioȝe of Golie,
iiii Who biforn hym ſo wiþſtod? for whi þe enemys þe Lord vi where he inwardly clepede þe Lord almyȝty; and he ȝaf in
ſmot. his riȝt hond to don awey a ſtrong man in bataile, and to
v Or not in wraþefulneſſe of hym is lettid þe ſunne, and o dai enhaunce þe horn of his folc.
is mad as two? vii So in ten þouſendis he glorifiede hym, and preiſede hym in
vi He inwardli clepede þe heȝeſt, myȝti in aȝenfiȝting his þe bleſſingus of þe Lord, in offringe to hym a croune of
enemys on eiþer ſide; and þe grete and hoely God herde hym, glorie.
in þe grete ſtones of hail of ful gret vertue. viii Forſoþe he to-broſede þe enemys on eche ſide, and
vii A bure he made aȝen þe enmyable folc; in þe goyng doun diſtroȝede Filiſteys contrarious, vnto þe day þat is now; he to-
he diſtroȝede þe contrarious; broſede þe horn of hem, vnto wiþ oute ende.
viii þat þe Jentilis knowe þe myȝt of hym, for aȝen þe Lord to ix In alle werk he ȝaf knouleching to þe hoely, and to þe
fiȝte is not liȝt; and he folowede þe myȝti men bihinde. heeȝe in þe wrd of glorie.
ix And in þe daȝes of Moiſy mercy dide he, and Calef, þe x Of alle his herte he preiſede God, and loouede þe Lord þat
ſone of Jefone; to ſtonde aȝen þe enemy, and to forfende þe made hym, and ȝaf to hym aȝen þe enemyes myȝt.
folc fro ſynnes, and to drawen awei þe grucching of þe malice. xi And he made to ſtonde ſyngeres aȝen þe auter; and in þe
x And þei two ordeyned fro þe perile ben deliuered, fro þe ſoun of hem he made ſweete motetes.
noumbre of ſix hundrid þouſend foot men, to bringe þem in to xii And he ȝaf wrſhepe in ſolempnyſingus, and ournede þe
þe eritage, in to þe lond þat flowiþ mylc and hony. tymes vnto þe ful endyng of lyf; þat þei ſhulden preiſen þe
xi And þe Lord ȝaf to Calef ſtrengþe, and vnto eelde abod hoely name of þe Lord, and make large erly þe hoelyneſſe of
ſtille to hym vertue; þat he ſhulde ſteȝe in to þe heȝe place of God.
þe erþe, and þe ſed of hym heeld þe eritage. xiii Criſt purgede þe ſynnes of hym, and enhauncede in to wiþ
xii And alle þe ſonus of Irael ſeȝen, for it is good to obeſhe outen ende þe horn of hym; and he ȝaf to hym þe teſtament of
to þe hoeli God. kingus, and a ſete of glorie in Irael.
xiii And alle þe iugis bi þer name, of whom þe herte is not xiiii After hym ros a ſon weel felende; and for hym he caſt
corrupt, þe whiche ben not turned awei fro þe Lord; doun alle þe myȝte of enemys.
xiiii þat þe mynde of hem be in bleſſing, and þe boenes of hem xv Salomon comaundide in daȝes of pes, to whom God
buriounen fro þer place; ſogetede alle þe enemyes, þat he ſhulde maken an hous in his
xv and þe name of hem abit ſtille in to wiþ oute ende, þe name, and greiþen hoelyneſſe in to euermor, as he was taȝt in
glorie of hoely men abidende ſtille to þe ſonus of hem. his ȝouþe.
xvi Samuel, þe profete of þe Lord, looued of þe Lord his xvi And he is fulfild as a flod wiþ wiſdam; and his ſoule
God, renewede þe empire, and enoyntede princes in his folc. aȝeen couerede þe erþe.
xvii In þe lawe of þe Lord he demede þe congregacioun, and xvii And þou fulfildiſt in compariſouns derk prouerbis; to ylis
he ſaȝ þe Lord of Jacob, and in his feiþ he is proued a aferr is puppliſht þi name, and þou art looued in þi pes.
profete. xviii In ſongus, and in prouerbis, and compariſouns, and in
xviii And he is knowen in his wrdis feiþful, for he ſaȝ þe remenyngus wndreden þe londis;
Lord of liȝt. xix and in þe name of þe Lord, to whom is þe toname God
off Irael.


xx Þou gedereſt as latoun gold, and as led þou fulfildiſt xvi In alle þeſe þingus þe puple dide not penaunce, and þei
ſyluer. wenten not awey fro þer ſynnes, vn to þe tyme þat þei ben
xxi And þou bowediſt in þin hipes to wymmen; power þou caſt awey fro þer lond, and ben ſcatered in to eche lond.
haddeſt in þi body. xvii And þer is laft ful fewe folc, and a prince in þe hous of
xxii Þou ȝeue a wem in þi glorie, and curſedeſt þi ſed, to Dauid.
bringen in wraþefulneſſe to þi free childer, and in oþere xviii Summe of hem dyden þat ſhulde pleſen to God; oþere
þingus þi folye; forſoþe diden manye ſynnes.
xxiii þat þou ſhuldiſt make þe empire partid on two, and of xix Eſechias ſtrengþede his cite, and broȝte in to þe myddel of
Effreym to comaunden an hard maundement. it water; and dalf wiþ iren þe roche, and bilde vp to þe water
xxiiii God forſoþe ſhall not leuen his mercy, and he ſhal not a pit.
ſpille, ne don awey his werkes, ne leeſe fro þe ſtoc his choſun xx In his daȝes ſteȝede vp Senacherub, and ſente Rapſacen;
ſonus ſonus; and þe ſed of hym þat looueþ þe Lord he ſhall and vnderputte his hond aȝen hem, and putte out his hond in
not ſhende. to Sion, and proud is mad in his myȝt.
xxv He ȝaf forſoþe an oþer Jacob, and Dauid of þat lynage. xxi Þanne moued ben þe hertes and þe hondis of hem; and
xxvi And Salomon hadde ende wiþ his fadris. þei ſoreweden as wymmen trauailende wiþ child.
xxvii And he lafte after hym of his ſed þe folie of þe folc, xxii And þei inwardly clepeden þe mercyful Lord, and
xxviii and þe mynuſht fro prudence, Roboam; þe whiche ſtrechende out hondis þei rereden `vp to heuene; and þe hoely
Lord God herde anon þe vois of hem.
turnede awey þe folc bi his counſeil. xxiii He remembrede not þe ſynnes of hem, ne ȝaf hem to þer
xxix And Jeroboam, þe ſone of Naboth, þat made to ſynnen
enemys; but purgede hem in þe hond of Yſaye, þe hoely
Irael, and ȝaf þe weie of ſynnyng to Effraym; and ful manye profete.
redoundeden þe ſynnes of hem gretli, xxiiii He þreȝ doun þe tentes of Aſſiries, and hem to-broſede
xxx forſoþe þei turneden hem awei fro þer lond.
þe aungil of þe Lord.
xxxi And he ſoȝte alle wickidneſſes, vnto þe tyme þat xxv For whi Ezechie dide þat pleſede to þe Lord, and ſtrongli
defending ful cam to þem; and fro alle ſynnes he delyuerede he wente in þe weie of Dauid, his fader; þat Iſaie, þe grete
þem. profete, and feiþful in þe ſiȝte of God, ſente to hym.
xxvi In his daȝes bacward wente aȝen þe ſunne; and addede
Capitulum XLVIII. to þe king lif.
i And xxvii Wiþ a gret ſpirit he ſaȝ þe laſte þingus; and coumfortede
Helie, þe profete, ros as fyr; and his wrd as a brond
brende. þe weilende men in Sion, vn to euermor.
ii Þe whiche broȝte in to hem hunger, and folewende hym bi xxviii He ſhewide þingus to come, and hid, er þat þei fellen.
þer enuye ben mad fewe; forſoþe þei myȝten not ſuffre þe
heſtes of þe Lord. Capitulum XLIX.
iii Þurȝ þe wrd of þe Lord he wiþheeld heuene, and caſt doun
i The mynde of Joſie mad in a making of ſmell, is a werk of
fro hym fyr to þe erþe.
iiii So mad large is Helie in his merueiles; and who mai lic a pyment makere.
ii In eche mouþ as hony ſhal be inwardly ſweete þe mynde of
maner glorien to þee,
v `þe whiche haſt borne vp þe deade fro helle, fro þe lot of hym, and as melody in þe feſte of wyn.
iii He is euene riȝt godly in þe penaunce of folc; and he took
deþ, in þe wrd of þe Lord God?
vi Þe whiche þreȝ doun kingus to deþ, and þou breeke liȝtli awey þe abhomynaciouns of vnpitouſneſſe.
iiii And he gouernede to þe Lord his herte; and in þe daȝes of
þe myȝt of hem, and þe gloriouſe fro þer bed.
vii Þatt herdiſt in Syna dom, and in Oreb domes of ſynnes he ſtrengþede pite.
v Saue Dauid, and Eſechie, and Joſie, alle þe kingus diden
viii Þat enoyntiſt kingus to penaunce, and profetes makeſt ſynne.
vi For whi þe kyngus of Juda laften þe lawe of þe myȝty, and
ſucceſſoures after þee.
ix Þat art reſceyued in whirlewynd of fyr, in a char of fyrene diſpiſeden þe drede of God.
vii Forſoþe þei ȝeuen þer kingdam to oþere, and þer glorie to
x Þat art inwrite in domes of tymes, to ſwage þe wraþe of þe an alien folc.
viii Þei brenden vp þe choſen cite of hoelyneſſe; and deſert þei
Lord, and to ioynen, `or acorde, þe herte of þe fader to þe
ſone, and to reſtoren þe lynagis of Jacob. maden weies of it in þe hond of Jeremye.
xi Blisful ben þei, þat þee han herd, and in þi frenſhepe ben ix For whi euele þei treteden hym, þat fro þe wombe of þe
mad faire; moder is ſacrid a profete, to turnen vpſodoun, and to leeſen,
xii `for why wee wiþ lijf lyuen only, after deþ forſoþe ſuch ſhal and eft to bilden vp, and to renewen.
x Eſechiel, þat ſaȝ þe ſiȝte of glorie, þat he ſhewede to hym in
not ben oure name.
xiii Helie forſoþe in a whirlewynd is couered; and in Helyſe þe char of cherubyn.
xi For whi he remembrede of þe enemys in weder, to wel don
fulfild is his ſpirit. In his daȝes he dradde not a prince, and
bi myȝt no man ouer cam hym; to þem, þat ſheweden riȝt weies.
xiiii ne ouercam hym any wrd, and his body dead profeciede. xii And þe boenes of þe twelue profetes ſpringen oute fro þer
xv In his lif he dide huge wondris; and in deþ merueilouſe place; for whi þei ſtrengþeden Jacob, and aȝeenboȝten þemſelf
in feiþ of his vertue.
þingus he wroȝte. xiii What maner ſhul wee make large Zorobabel? for whi and
he as a tocne in þe riȝt hond of Irael;


xiiii andJeſum, þe ſone of Joſedech? þe whiche in þer daȝes xx And þei largeden ſynging in þer voiſes; and in þe grete
bildun vp þe hous, and enhaunceden þe hoely temple to þe hous is mad a vois ful of ſwetneſſe.
Lord, mad redy in to euermor glorie. xxi And þe puple preȝede þe heȝe Lord in preȝere, vn to þe
xv And Neemye in þe mynde of myche tyme, þat rerede vp to tyme þat ful don is þe honour of þe Lord, and his ȝifte þei
vs þe turned vpſodoun walles, and made to ſtonde ȝates and parformeden.
lokes; þat rerede vp oure houſes. xxii Þanne comende doun, his hondis he putte out in to al þe
xvi No man is born in þe erþe ſuch as Enoch; for whi and he congregacioun of þe ſonus of Irael, to ȝyue glorie to God of
is reſceyued fro þe erþe. his lippes, and in his name to glorien.
xvii And Joſeph, þat is born of man, prince of breþern, xxiii And he rehercede. his oriſoun, willende to ſhewe þe
faſtnyng of folc of kynde, gouernour of breþern, ſtablyng of vertue of God.
puple; xxiiii And aftir eft more he preȝede þe God of alle, þat grete
xviii and þe bones of hym ben viſitid, and aftir þe deþ þei þingus dide in al erþe; þat encreſide oure daȝes fro þe wombe
profecieden. of oure moder, and dide wiþ vs aftir his mercy.
xix Seth and Sem, þeſe anent men hadden gote glorie, and xxv Ȝyue he to vs inward ioȝe of herte, and to be mad pes in
ouer alle lif in þe ſpringyng of Adam. oure daȝes in Irael bi euere laſtende daȝes;
xxvi Irael to leeuen, wiþ vs to ben þe mercy of God, þat he
Capitulum L. deliuere þem in þer daȝes.
xxvii Two folkis hateþ my ſoule; þe þridde forſoþe is, þat noon
i `Symon, Onyes ſone, þe grete preſt, þat in his lif vnderſette
þe hous, and in his daȝes ſtrengþede þe temple. more folc I ſhulde haten.
xxviii Þat ſitten in þe hil of Seir, and Filiſteym, and þe fool
ii Alſo þe heiȝte of þe temple of hym is foundid, þe double
bilding, and þe heȝe walles of þe temple. puple, þat dwelliþ in Sichemys.
xxix Þe doctrine of wiſdam, and of diſciplyne wrot in þis boc
iii In his daȝes ſprungen out þe pittes of watris; and as þe ſe
þei ben fulfild ouer maner. Jheſus, þe ſone of Sirac, Jeroſolomytane; þat renewede þe
iiii Þat curede his folc, and delyuerede it fro perdicioun.
wiſdam of his herte.
xxx Blisful þat in þeſe goodus abit; þat putteþ þo þingus in
v Þat hadde þe maiſtrie to make large þe cite; þat gat glorie
his herte, wys ſhal ben euermor.
in to þe lyuynge of folc; and þe incomyng of þe hous, and of xxxi If forſoþe þeſe þingus he ſhul do, to alle þingus he ſhal
þe porche he made large. ben myȝty; for þe liȝt of God is þe ſtep of hym.
vi As þe morutid ſterre in myddel of þe litle cloude, and as þe
fulle moone in his daȝes he liȝtneþ;
vii and as þe ſhynende ſunne, ſo he ſhyneþ out in þe temple of Capitulum LI.
God; iI ſhal knoulechen to þee, Lord king; and I ſhal al preiſen
viii as þe aȝenſhynende bowe betwene þe litle cloudis of glorie, þee, God my ſaueour.
and as þe flour of roſes in þe daȝes of ver, and as lilies, þat ii I ſhal knoulechen to þi name, for helpere and defendere þou
ben in goyngus of water, and as cenſe ſmellende in þe daȝes art mad to me;
of ſomyr; iii and þou haſt delyuered my body fro perdicioun, fro þe
ix as fyr ſhynende out, and ſens brennende in fyr; gnare of a wicke tunge, and fro þe lippes of men werkende
x as a maſſee veſſel of gold, enourned wiþ alle maner precious leſyng; and in þe ſiȝt of men ſtondende neeȝ þou art mad to
ſton; me an helpere.
xi as a buriounende olyue, and cipreſſe in to heiȝte puttende iiii And þou haſt delyuered me, after þe multitude of þe mercy
out itſelf; in takynge hym þe ſtoele of glorie, and to be clad of þi name, fro þe rorende men greiþed to mete;
hym in þe ful endyng of vertue. v fro þe hondis of men ſechende my ſoule, and of manye
xii In þe ſteȝyng vp of þe hoely auter, glorie he ȝaf þe amyſe tribulaciouns þat enuyrouneden me;
of hoelyneſſe. vi fro þe tormenting of flaume þat cumpaſede me, and in þe
xiii In takynge forſoþe partes of þe hond of preſtes, and he myddel of þe fyr I am not brend out;
ſtondende biſide þe auter. Aboute hym þe croune of breþern, vii fro þe heiȝte of þe wombe of helle, and fro þe defoulid
as þe plaunting of a ceder in Liban hil; tunge, and fro þe wrd of leſing; fro a wicke king, and fro an
xiiii ſo aboute hym þei ſtoden as palm braunches, and alle þe vnriȝtwis tunge.
ſonus of Aron in þer glorie. viii Shal preiſen vn to þe deþ my ſoule þe Lord;
xv Þe offring forſoþe of þe Lord in þe hondis of hem, biforn ix and my lif neȝhende was in helle beneþe.
al þe gedering of Irael; and þe ful endyng vſyng in to þe x Þei cumpaſſeden me on eche ſide, and þer was not þat
auter, to make large þe offring of þe heȝe king, wolde helpen; biholdende I was to þe helpe of men, and þer
xvi he ſtraȝte out his hond in þe ſacrifiyng of likoures; and he was not.
ſacrifiede in þe blod of a grape. xi I hadde mynde of þi mercy, Lord, and of þi wiþ werching,
xvii He helde out in þe foundement of þe auter, godly ſmel to þat fro þe world ben;
þe heȝe prince. xii for þou takeſt out men ſuſtenende þee, and delyuereſt hem
xviii Þanne crieden out þe ſonus of Aron; in beten out fro þe hond of Jentiles.
trumpes þei ſouneden, and herd þei maden a gret vois in to xiii Þou enhancedeſt vp on þe erþe my dwelling; and for þe
þe mynde bifor God. deþ flowende doun I louly preȝede.
xix Þanne al þe puple togidere wenten forþ, and fellen in to xiiii `I inwardly clepede þe Lord, fader of my Lord, þat he
þe face vp on þe erþe, to honoure þe Lord þer God, and to forſake not me in day of my tribulacioun, and in tyme of
ȝyue preȝeeres to þe almyȝty heȝe God. proude men, wiþ oute helpe.


xv I ſhal preiſen þi name byſyly, and I ſhal wiþpreiſen it in

confeſſioun; and ful out herd is myn oriſoun.
xvi And þou haſt delyuered me fro perdicioun, and þou haſt
caȝt me out fro þe wicke tyme.
xvii Þerfore I ſhal knoulechen, and preiſyng I ſhal ſey to þee;
and I ſhal bliſſe þe name of þe Lord.
xviii Whan ȝit ȝungere I am, bifor þat aboute I ſhulde erre,
I ſoȝte wiſdam openly in myn oriſoun.
xix Biforn tyme I aſkede for it, and `vn to in þe laſte þingus
I ſhal gretli ſechen it; and it ſhal floure as a firſt rip grape.
xx Myn herte gladide in it, my foot wente a riȝt weye; fro my
ȝouþe I enſerchede it.
xxi I bowede in a litil myn ere, and I toc it.
xxii Myche I fond in myſelf wiſdam, and myche I profitede in
xxiii To þe ȝyuende to me wiſdam I ſhal ȝyue glorie.
xxiiii I counſeilede forſoþe to don it; gretly I loouede good,
and I `ſchal not be confoundid.
xxv `My ſoule wraſtled in it; and in doing it I am confermed.
xxvi My hondis I ſtraȝte out in to heiȝ; and in þe wiſdam of
hym weilede my ſoule, and myn vnkunnyngus he liȝtede.
xxvii My ſoule I riȝt reulede to it; and in knowyng I fond it.
xxviii I weldede wiþ hem herte fro þe bigynnyng; for þat I
ſhal not ben forſaken.
xxix My wombe is diſturbid in ſechyng it; þerfore good
poſſeſſioun I ſhal welde.
xxx Þe Lord forſoþe ȝaf to me a tunge my meede; and in it I
ſhal preiſen hym.
xxxi Comeþ nyȝ to me, ȝee vntaȝt; and gedereþ ȝou togidere in
þe hous of diſciplyne.
xxxii What ȝit ȝee tarien? and what ſey ȝee in þeſe þingus?
ȝoure ſoules þriſten hugely.
xxxiii I openede my mouþ, and I ſpac, Bieþ to ȝou wiþoute
ſiluer wiſdam,
xxxiiii and ȝoure necke vnderleiþ to þe ȝoc of it, and ȝoure
ſoule vndertake he diſcyplyne; in þe nexte forſoþe is to fynden
xxxv Seeþ wiþ ȝoure eȝen, for a litil I trauailede, and I fond
to me myche reſte.
xxxvi Takeþ to diſcyplyne in myche noumbre of ſyluer, and
plenteuous gold weldeþ in it.
xxxvii Glade ȝoure ſoule in þe mercy of it; and `ȝe ſchul not be
confoundid in þe preiſing of it.
xxxviii Werkeþ ȝoure werk bifor tyme; and it ſhal ȝyue to ȝou
ȝoure meede in his tyme.
Here endiþ Eccleſiaſticus.


iiii Wo to ſynful folc, to þe puple heuy wiþ wickidneſſe, to þe

ISAYE. ſhreude ſed, to þe ſonus ful of hidous giltes; þei forſoken þe
Lord, þei blasfemeden þe hoeli of Irael, þei ben aliened awei
Here begynneþ þe prolog in þe book of bacward.
v `Vp on what þing I ſhal ſmyte ȝou, ferþermor addende lawe
Yſaye, þe prophete.
breche, `or treſpaſſing aȝeyns þe lawe? Eche `hed ful of
No man, whan þe profetes he ſhal ſeen wiþ verſis to ben langour, and eche `herte ful of mornyng.
diſcriued, in metre eyme he hem anent þe Ebrues to ben vi Fro þe plante of þe foot vnto þe top, þer is not in hym
bounden, and any þing lic to han of Salmes, or of þe werkus helþe; wounde, and wanneſſe, and ſikneſſe ſwellende is not
of Salomon; but þat in Demoſtene and Tullio it is wont to bounden aboute, ne curid wiþ leching, ne nurſhid wiþ oile.
ben do, þat bi dyuyſeouns, and vnder diſtincciouns þei ben vii Ȝoure lond is deſert, ȝoure cites ben brend vp wiþ fyr;
writen, þe whiche forſoþe in proſe, and not in vers wryten.
Wee forſoþe, to þe profit of rederes purueyende, þe newe ȝoure regioun deuouren biforn ȝou alienus, and it ſhal be
remenyng wiþ a newe maner of writing han `diſtinctly write. deſolat as in enemyful waſtete.
And firſt, of Iſaie it is to write, þat in his ſermoun he is viii And þe doȝter of Sion ſhal ben forſaken as a ſhadewy
wys; forſoþe as a noble man, and of curteis fair ſpeche, ne place in a vyneȝerd, and as an hylet in a place of goordes,
any þing is mengd of cherlhed in his faire ſpeche. Wherfore it and as a cite þat is waſtid.
falleþ, þat þe tranſlacioun ſhal not moun kepe þe flour of his ix But ȝif þe Lord of oſtes hadde laft to vs ſed, as Sodom
ſermoun, biforn oþere. Þeraftir alſo þis is to be leid to, þat wee hadden ben, and as Gomorra lijc wee ſhulden ben.
not more he is to be ſeyd a profete, þan euaungeliſt. So x Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee princes of Sodom; and
forſoþe alle þe myſteries of Criſt `and þe chirche to cleer, `or
cleerli, he purſuede, þat not hym þou weene of þyng to come parceyueþ wiþ eres þe lawe of ȝoure God, ȝee puple of
to profecien, but of þe þingis paſſid ſtorie to weue. Wherfore Gomorre.
I eyme þe Seuenty Remenoures þat tyme not to han wold þe xi What to me þe multitude of ȝoure ſlayn ſacrifiſe? ſeiþ þe
ſacramens of þer beleeue to ſhewe ful clerly to þe heþene, leſt Lord. Ful I am; þe brent ſacrefiſes of weþeres, and þe talȝ of
hoeli to dogges, and margarites to ſwyn þei ȝeeue. Þe whiche fatte beſtus, and þe blod of calues, and of lombes, and off
whan þis making ȝee ſhul rede, of hem ȝee ſhul taken heed, goet, I wolde not.
`or perceyue, hid þing. Ne I vnknowe of hou myche trauaile xii Whan ȝee ſhulden come biforn my ſiȝte, who ſoȝte þeſe
it be þe profetes to vnderſtonden, ne liȝtly any man to moun þingus of ȝoure hondis, þat ȝee ſhulden go in my porches?
demen of þe remenyng, but if he ſchal vnderſtonden byfore he xiii Ne bringe ȝee to more ſacrifiſes in veyn; encens
ſchal reden; wee alſo to ben opene to þe bitingus of manye
men, þe whiche bi enuye ſtyrende, þat þat þei moun not han, abhominacioun is to me; þe newe moone, and ſabot, and oþere
þei diſpiſeden. Þanne I witende and ſleeȝ, in to þe flaume feſtus I ſhal not bern. Wicke ben ȝoure cumpanyes;
putte þe hond; and nerþelatere þis of noȝeſum rederes I preȝe, xiiii ȝoure kalendis and ȝoure ſolempnetees hatede my ſoule;
þat as Grekes after þe Seuenty tranſlatoures, Aquylam, and þei ben mad to me greuous, I trauailede ſuffrende.
Symachum, and Theodocian þei reden, or for ſtudie of þer xv And whan ȝee ſhul ſtrecche out ȝoure hondis, I ſhal turne
doctrine, or þat þe Seuenty more þey vnderſtonde of þe awei myn eȝen fro ȝou; and whan ȝee ſhul multeplien oriſoun,
togidere leiynge of hem, ſo and þeſe namely oon remenour I ſhal not heren; forſoþe ȝoure hondis ben ful of blod.
aftir þe raþere vouche þei ſaf to han. Rede þei raþere, and xvi Be ȝee waſhen, beþ clene; takeþ awei þe euel of ȝoure
aftirward diſpiſe þey; leſt þei ben ſeen not of dom, but of
preſumpcioun of hate vnknowen þyngus to dampnen. Forſoþe þoȝtes fro myn eȝen; reſteþ to do ſhreudely, lerneþ to do wel.
Iſaie profeciede in Jeruſalem and in Jewerie, not ȝit þe ten xvii Secheþ dom, helpeþ to þe opreſſid, demeþ to þe faderles
lynages led in to caitifte; and off euer eiþer rewme, now child, defendeþ þe widewe.
togidere, now ſeuerendely, he ordeynede þe profecie. And þoȝ xviii And comeþ, and vndernemeþ mee, ſeiþ þe Lord. If ȝoure
oþer while he bihold to þe preſent ſtorie, and aftir þe caitifte ſynnes weren as flaume red ſilc, as ſnoȝ þei ſhuln ben mad
of Babiloyne he betokneþ þe aȝeencomyng of þe puple in to white; and if þei weren rede as blod red ſilc, as whit wlle þei
Jewerie, nerþelatere al his biſyneſſe is of þe cleping of ſhul be.
Jentiles, and of þe comyng of Criſt, whom hou myche more xix If ȝee wiln, and ſhuln heren me, þe goodis of þe erþe ȝee
ȝee loouen, o Paule and Euſtoche, ſo myche more of hym
aſkeþ, þat for þe preſent bacbityng `by which me enemys ſhuln ete.
vnceſendely to-tern, he to me ȝelde meede in tyme to come, þat xx Þat if ȝee wiln not, and me to wraþe ȝee ſhulden terren,
wot me for þat þing to han ſwat in þe lernyng of a ſtraunge ſwerd ſhal deuoure ȝou; for þe mouþ of þe Lord ſpac.
tunge, leſt þe Jewis lengere ſhulden `put repreue to þe xxi What maner is mad a ſtrumpet þe feiþful cite ful of dom?
chirchis of hym, of þe falſhed of ſcriptures. riȝtwiſneſſe dwellede in it; now forſoþe manſleeres.
xxii Þi ſyluer is turned in to dros; þi wyn is mengd wiþ
Here endiþ þe prolog, and now begynneþ
þe book of Yſaie, þe prophete. xxiii Þi princes vnfeiþfull, felawes of þeues; alle þei loouen
ȝiftus, folewen ȝeldyngus; to þe faderles child þei demen not,
Capitulum I. þe cauſe of þe widewe goþ not in to þem.
i The xxiiii For þat, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes, ſtrong of Irael,
viſeoun of Iſaie, ſone of Amos, þat he ſaȝ vp on Judam
and Jeruſalem, in þe daȝes of Oſie, Joathan, Achaȝ, Eſechie, Allas! I ſhal be coumfortid vp on my ſtraunge enemys, and I
kingus of Juda. ſhal be vengid vp on myn enemys, þat ſhulden be frendis.
ii Hereþ, ȝee heuenus, and wiþ eres parceyue, þou erþe, for þe xxv And I ſhal turne myn hond to þee, and I ſhal ſeþen out
Lord ſpac. Sonus I nurſhede out and enhauncede; þei forſoþe to þe pure þi dros, and I ſhal taken awei al þi tyn.
diſpiſeden me. xxvi And I ſhal reſtoren þi domeſmen, as þey weren biforn,
iii Þe oxe kneȝ his weldere, and þe aſſe þe cracche of his lord; and þi counſeileris, as bi old tyme. Aftir þeſe þingus þou ſhalt
Irael forſoþe me kneȝ not, and my puple vnderſtod not. ben clepid þe cite of þe riȝtwis, þe cheef citee of þe feiþful.


xxvii Syon in dom ſhal ben aȝen boȝt, and þei ſhul bringe it xx In þat day ſhal a man þrowe awey þe maumetes of his
aȝeen in to riȝtwiſneſſe; ſiluer, and þe ſymulacris of his gold, þat he hadde mad to
xxviii and he ſhal to-trede þe hydous gilteres and þe ſynneres hym, þat he ſhulde honoure moldewerpes and reremees.
togidere, and þatt forſoken þe Lord, ſhul ben diſtroȝid. xxi And he ſhal go in to þe chynes, `or creueſſis, of ſtones,
xxix Þei ſhul ben confoundid forſoþe of þe maumetes, to þe and in to þe dennes of huge ſtones, fro þe face of þe drede of
whiche þei ſacrifieden; and ȝee ſhuln ben ſhamed vp on þe þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his mageſte, whan he ſhal riſen
gardynes, þat ȝee hadden choſen. to ſmyte þe erþe.
xxx Whan ȝee ſhul ben as an oek, þe leues fallende doun, and xxii Reſteþ þanne fro a man, whos ſpirit is in his noſe þerles,
as a gardyn wiþ oute water. for heiȝ holden is he.
xxxi And ȝoure ſtrengþe ſhal ben as a `deed ſparke of a flax
top, and ȝoure werk as a ſparcle; and eiþir ſhal be brend vp Capitulum III.
togidere, and þer ſhal not ben þat quenche. i Loo! forſoþe þe lordſhepere, Lord of oeſtes, ſhal do awei fro
Jeruſalem and fro Juda þe ſtalwrþe, and þe ſtronge, and al
Capitulum II. þe ſtrengþe of bred, and al þe ſtrengþe of water;
i The ii þe ſtronge, and þe man fiȝtere, and domeſman, and profete,
wrd þat ſaȝ Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, vp on Judam and
Jeruſalem. and deuynour,
ii And þer ſhal be in þe laſte daȝes beforn mad redi þe mount iii and þe olde prince vp on fifty, and þe wrſhepeful in cheere,
of þe hous of þe Lord in þe cop of mounteynes, and it ſhal be and counſeilor, and wis man of cheef crafty þingus, and þe
rered out vp on hillys. And þer ſhul flowe to it alle Jentilis; prudent of priue ſpeche.
iii and þer ſhul go many puples, and ſeyn, Comeþ, ſteȝe wee iiii And I ſhal ȝyue childer þe princes of hem, and þe mad
vp to þe mount of þe Lord, and to þe hous of God of Jacob; wommanyſh men ſhuln lordſhipen to þem.
and he ſhal teche vs his weyes, and wee ſhul go in his ſties, v And þe puple ſhal falle, man to man, eche to his neȝhebore;
`or paþes. For fro Sion ſhall go out þe lawe, and þe wrd of þer ſhal ſtriue þe child aȝen þe old man, and þe vnnoble aȝen
þe Lord fro Jeruſalem. þe noble.
iiii And he ſhal deme Jentiles, and vndernymen many puples; vi A man forſoþe ſhal take his broþer, þe homli man of his
and þei ſhul bete togidere þeir ſwerdes in to ſhares, and þer fadir, and ſeyn, Cloþing is to þee, oure prince be þou; þis
ſperes in to ſiþes; þer ſhal not reren folc aȝen folc a ſwerd, ne forſoþe falling vnder þin hond.
þei ſhul ben enhauntid more to bataile. vii And he ſhal anſwern in þat day, ſeiende, I am not a leche,
v Ȝee hous of Jacob, comeþ, and go wee in þe liȝt of þe Lord and in myn hous is not bred, ne cloþing; wileþ not ſette me
oure God. prince of þe puple.
vi Forſoþe þou haſt þrowen afer þi puple, þe hous of Jacob, viii Þer fel doun forſoþe Jeruſalem, and Juda fel wiþ; for þe
for þei ben fulfild as ſum tyme; and deuynoures þei hadden, tunge of þem, and þe findingus `of hem aȝen þe Lord, þat þei
as Filiſteis, and to alien childre þei cleueden. ſhulden terre þe eȝen of his mageſte.
vii Fulfild is þe erþe of ſiluer and gold, and þer is noon ende ix Þe knowing of þer chere ſhal anſwere to þem; and þer
of þe treſores of it; and fulfild is his lond wiþ hors, and ſynne as Sodom þei precheden, and hidden not. Wo to þe
vnnoumbreable þe foure horſid carres of it. ſoule of hem, for ȝolden ben to þem eueles.
viii And fulfild is his lond wiþ maumetes, þe werk of þer x Seiþ to þe riȝtwis, for weel; for þe frute of hys fyndyngus
hondis þei honoureden, þat `þer fingris maden; he ſhal ete.
ix and a man bowede hymſelf, and meekid is þe ſtronge man. xi Wo to þe vnpytous man in to euel; ȝelding forſoþe of his
Þanne ne forȝyue þou to þem. hondis ſhal be do to hym.
x Go in to þe ſton, be þou hid in a dich wiþ erþe, fro þe face xii My puple his pleteres, `or wrong axers, ſpoileden, and
of þe dreede of þe Lord, and fro þe glorie of his mageſte. wymmen lordſhipeden of it. My puple, þat blisful þee ſeyn,
xi Þe eȝen of þe heȝe man ben meekid, and þer ſhal ben þee þei diſceyuen, and þe weie of þi goyngus ſcateren.
inwardly crookid þe heiȝte of ſtronge men; forſoþe þe Lord xiii Þe Lord ſtant to deme, and he ſtant to þe puples to be
alone ſhal ben enhauncid in þat dai. demed;
xii For þe dai of þe Lord of oſtes vp on eche proud man and xiiii þe Lord to þe dom ſhal come, wiþ þe elderes of his puple,
heeȝ, and vp on eche enhauncende hymſelf, and he ſhal be and wiþ his princes. Ȝee forſoþe han diſtroȝed my vyneȝerd;
mekid; and þe raueyn of þe pore in ȝoure hous.
xiii and vp on alle þe cedres of Liban heȝe and vpriȝt, and vp xv Whi to-broſe ȝee my puple, and þe faces of pore men ȝee
on alle þe oekis of Baſan, confounden? ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes.
xiiii and vp on alle þe heȝe mounteynes, and vp on alle þe xvi And þe Lord God ſeide, For þi þat arered ben þe doȝtris
`rered vp hilles; of Sion, and þei wenten wiþ ſtraȝt out necke, and in beckes
xv and vp on eche heȝ tour, and vp on eche ſtrengþyd wal; of eȝen ȝiden, and flappeden wiþ hondis for ioȝe, and ȝiden,
xvi and vp on alle þe ſhipis of Thars, and vp on alle þing þat and wiþ þer feet in curious goyng ȝiden,
xvii þe Lord ſhal fully maken ballid þe top of þe doȝtris of
is fair in ſiȝt.
xvii And þer ſhal be inwardly bowid al þe heiȝneſſe of men, Syon, and þe Lord þe her of hem ſhal nakenen; and for
ournement ſhal be ſhenſhipe.
and þer ſhal be meekid þe heiȝte of ſtronge men; and þer ſhal xviii In þat dai þe Lord ſhal don awei þe ournement of ſhon,
be rered vp þe Lord alone in þat day,
xviii and þe maumetes hoelly ſhul be to-broſid. and boces, and beȝes,
xix and brooches, and armcercles, and mytris,
xix And þei ſhul go in to dennes of ſtones, and in to
xx and combys, and ribanes, and `reuerſes at þe hemmis, and
ſwolewes of þe erþe, fro þe face of þe drede of þe Lord, and
fro þe glorie of his mageſte, whan he ſhal riſe to ſmyten þe `oynement boxes, and ere ringus,
erþe. xxi and ryngus, and iemmes in þe frount hangende,


xxii and chaunging cloþis, and litil palles, and ſhetes, and ix In myn eres ben þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes; but ȝif
pynnes, manye houſes grete and faire ſhul be deſert, and wiþoute
xxiii and ſheweres, and `necke couercheues, and filetes, and dwellere.
roketes. x Forſoþe ten acris of vyneȝerdis ſhul maken o potell wyn,
xxiiii And þer ſhal be for ſwote ſmel ſtync, and for girdil a and þretti buſſheles of ſed ſhul make þre buſſheles.
litil corde; and for criſp her ballidneſſe, and for þe breſt bond xi Wo þat riſen erly to drunkenhed to be folewid, and to
an heire. drinken vn to euen, þat wiþ wyn ȝee brenne.
xxv Alſo þi moſt faire men wiþ ſwerd ſhuln falle, and þi xii Harpe, and ſyngende inſtrument, and tymbre, and trumpe,
ſtronge men in bataile. and wyn in ȝoure feſtes; and þe werk of þe Lord ȝee biholden
xxvi And þei ſhuln ſorewen, and weilen ſhuln hir ȝates; and not, ne þe werkes of his hondis ȝee waiten.
deſolat in þe erþe ſhe ſhal ſitten. xiii Þerfor lad caitif is my puple, þat hadde not kunnyng; and
his noble men dieden þurȝ hunger, and his multitude þurȝ
Capitulum IIII. þirſt al out driede.
xiiii Þerfore helle ſpredde abrod his ſoule, and openede his
i And ſeuen wymmen ſhul taken o man in þat dai, ſeiende, mouþ wiþ oute any terme; and þer ſhul falle doun his ſtronge
Oure bred we ſhul ete, and wiþ oure cloþis wee ſhul be men, and his puple, and heeȝe, and his gloriouſe to it.
couered; onli be inwardly clepid þi name vp on vs, do awei xv And þer ſhal be ful crookid a man, and meekid a ſtrong
oure repref. man; and þe eȝen of `heȝe men ſhul be þreſt doun.
ii In þat dai ſhal be þe buriounyng of þe Lord in gret doyng
xvi And þer ſhal be enhauncid þe Lord of oſtes in dom, and
and glorie; and frut of þe erþe heeȝ, and ful out ioȝing to þem þe hoeli God ſhal be halewid in riȝtwiſneſſe.
þat ſhul be ſaf of Irael. xvii And lombis ſhul be fed aftir þer order, and deſertes in to
iii And it ſhal be, eche þat ſhal be laft in Sion, and reſidue in
Jeruſalem, hoeli ſhal be clepid; eche þat is writen in lif in plente turned comelingus ſhul ete.
xviii Wo þat drawen wickidneſſe in þe litle cordes of vanyte,
iiii For þe Lord ſhal waſhen awey þe filþes of þe doȝtris of and as þe bond of a wayn ſynne;
xix þat ſeyn, Heeȝe, `or haaſte, he, and ſoone come his werk,
Sion, and þe blod of Jeruſalem ſhal waſſhen fro þe myddes
of it, in ſpirit of dom, and ſpirit of brennende looue. þat wee ſee; and neȝhe, and come þe counſeil of þe hoeli of
v And þe Lord broȝte forþ vp on eche place of þe mount of Irael, and wee ſhul witen it.
xx Wo þat ſeyn euel good, and good euel; puttende derkneſſes
Sion, and wher he is inwardli clepid, a cloude bi dai, and
ſmoke, and ſhynyng of fyr flaumende in nyȝt; vp al forſoþe þe liȝt, and liȝt derkneſſes; puttende bitter in to ſwete, and ſweete
glorie ouercoueryng. in to bitter.
vi And a tabernacle ſhal ben in to a ſhadewe hilet of þe dai, xxi Wo þat wiſe ben in ȝoure eȝen, and bifor ȝouſelf ſleeȝe.
fro brennyng, and in to ſikirneſſe and hiding, from xxii Wo þat myȝty ben to drinke wyn, and ſtronge men to be
whirlewynd and from reyn. mengd drunkynhed;
xxiii þat iuſtefien þe vnpitous for ȝiftes, and þe riȝtwiſneſſe of
Capitulum V. þe riȝtwyſe ȝee taken awey fro hym.
iI xxiiii For þat, as deuoureþ þe tunge of fyr ſtobil, and þe hete
ſhal ſynge to my looued a ſong off `myn emes ſone, of his
vyneȝerd. Þe vyneȝerd is mad to my looued, in þe horn `to þe of flaumme brenneþ out, ſo þe roote of hem as a gnaſt ſhal
ſone of oile. be, and þe buriownyng of hem as pouder ſhal ſteȝe vp; forſoþe
ii And he heggede it, and ſtones he ches of it, and plauntede a þei caſten awei þe lawe of þe Lord of oſtes, and þe ſpeche of
þe hoeli of Irael þei blasfemeden.
choſen vyneȝerd; and he bilde vp a tour in þe myddel of it, xxv Þerfor wraþede þe wodneſſe of þe Lord in his puple, and
and a preſſe he rerede vp in it; and he abod, þat it ſhulde
bringe forþ grapes, and it broȝte forþ wilde vynes. ſtraȝte out his hond vp on it, and ſmot it; and þe mounteynes
iii Now þanne, ȝee dwelleris of Jeruſalem, and men of Juda, ben diſturbid, and mad ben þe `deed carens of hem as drit in
þe myddel of ſtretes. In alle þeſe þingus is not turned awei
demeþ betwe me and my vyneȝerd. his wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out.
iiii What is þat I awȝte mor to do to my vyneȝerd, and dide xxvi And he ſhal rere vp a ſigne in naciouns aferr, and he
not to it? wheþer þat I abod, þat yt ſhulde bringe forþ grapes, ſhall whiſtle to hym fro þe coeſtes of þe erþe; and lo! haſtid he
and broȝte forþ wilde vynes? ſhal come ſwiftli.
v And now I ſhal ſhewen to ȝou, what I ſhal do to my xxvii Þer is not failing ne trauailyng in hym; he ſhal not
vyneȝerd. I ſhal do awei his heg, and it ſhal be in to nappen, ne ſlepen, ne ſhal ben looſid þe girdil of his renes, ne
deſtruccioun; I ſhal breke doun his wal, and it ſhal ben in to ſhal be to-broke þe þwong of his ſhoȝyng.
`to-tredyng; xxviii His arwis ſharpe, and alle his bowes bent; þe cles of þe
vi and I ſhal ſetten it deſert. It ſhal not be kut, and it ſhal
horſes of hym as flynt, and his wheles as þe byre of tempeſt.
nott be doluen, and þer ſhul ſteȝe vp vp on it breres and xxix His roring as off a leoun; he ſhal roren as þe whelpis of
þornes; and to þe cloudis I ſhal comaunde, þat þei reyne not
vp on it weder. leouns; he ſhal gnaſten, and holden þe prei, and biclippen, and
vii Forſoþe þe vyneȝerd of þe Lord of hoſtes is þe hous of þer ſhal not be, þat delyuere out.
xxx And þer ſhal ſowne vp on hym in þat day, as þe ſoun of
Irael, and þe men of Juda his delytable buriounyng. I abod,
þat it ſhulde do dom, and lo! wickidneſſe; and riȝtwiſneſſe, þe ſe; wee ſhul biholde in to þe erþe, and lo! derkneſſes of
and lo! cry. tribulacioun, and liȝt al to-derked is in þe derknyng of hym.
viii Wo þat ioynen hous to hous, and feeld to feeld coupleþ,
vn to þe terme of a place. Wheþer dwellen ȝee ſhuln alone in Capitulum VI.
þe myddel of þe erþe? i Inþe ȝer `in which diede king Oſias, I ſaȝ þe Lord ſittende
vp on an heiȝ ſete, and rered vp; and ful was þe hous of his


mageſte, and þo þingus þat vnder hym weren, fulfilden þe viii but þe hed of Sirie Damaſch, and þe hed of Damaſch
temple. Raſyn; and ȝit ſixti and fyue ȝer, and Effraym ſhal ceſe to
ii Serafyn ſtoden vp on it, ſixe wenges to þe oon, and ſixe to ben a puple;
þe oþer; wiþ two þey couereden þe face of hym, and wiþ two ix and þe hed of Effraym Samarie, and þe hed of Samarie,
þei couereden þe feet of hym, and wiþ two þei flown. þe ſone of Romelie. If ȝee ſhul not leeuen, ȝee ſhul not abide
iii And þei crieden þe toþer to þe toþer, and ſeiden, Hoeli, ſtylle.
hoely, hoeli, Lord God of oſtes; ful is al þe erþe of þe glorie x And þe Lord leideto to ſpeke to Achaz, ſeyende,
of hym. xi Aſke to þee a tokne fro þe Lord þi God, in to þe depþe of
iiii And to-moued ben þe þreſholdes of þe heenglis fro þe vois
helle, or in to heiȝte aboue.
of þe criende, and þe hous fullfild is wiþ ſmoke. xii And Achaz ſeide, I ſhal not aſke, and I ſhal not tempte þe
v And I ſeide, Wo to me, for I heeld my pes; for a man
defoulid in lippis I am, and in þe myddel of þe puple xiii And he ſeyde, Hereþ þanne, ȝee þe hous of Dauid; wheþer
defoulid lippes hauende I dwelle, and þe king Lord of oſtes I
ſaȝ wiþ myn eȝen. litil to ȝou is to ben greuous to men, for ȝee ben greuous and
vi And þer fleiȝ to me oon of þe ſerafyn, and in his hond a to my God?
xiiii For þat he þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to ȝou a tocne. Lo! a mayde
cole, þat wiþ þe toenge he toc fro þe auter.
vii And he touchede my mouþ, and ſeide, Lo! I haue touchid ſhal conceyue, and bern a ſone; and þou ſhalt clepe his name
wiþ þis þi lippes, and þer ſhal be don awei þi wickydneſſe, xv Butter and hony he ſhal ete, þat he kunne repreuen euel,
and þi ſynne ſhal be clenſid.
viii And I herde þe vois of þe Lord, ſeiende, Whom ſhal I and cheſen good.
xvi For er þe child kunne repreuen euel, and cheſen good, þe
ſende, and who ſhal go to ȝou? And I ſeide, Lo! I am; ſend
me. lond ſhal be forſaken, þe whiche þou haſt abhominacioun of,
ix And he ſeide, Go, and þou ſhalt ſey to þis puple, Hereþ fro þe face of þer two kingus.
xvii Þe Lord ſhal bringe to vp on þee, and vp on þi puple,
herende, and wileþ not vnderſtonde; and ſeeþ a viſeoun, and
wileþ not knowen. and vp on þe hous of þi fader, daȝes þat camen not fro þe
x Blynde out þe herte of þis puple, and his eres agregge, and daȝes of þe ſeueryng of Effraym fro Juda, wiþ þe king of
his eȝen cloſe; leſt par auenture he ſee wiþ his eȝen, and wiþ xviii And it ſhal be, in þat day þe Lord ſhal whiſtle to þe
his eres here, and wiþ his herte vndyrſtonde, and be
conuertid, and I hele hym. fleȝe, þat is in þe vtmoſtes of þe flodus of Egipt; and to þe
xi And I ſeyde, Hou longe, Lord? And he ſeide, To þe tyme bee, þat is in þe lond of Aſſur;
xix and þei alle ſhuln come, and reſten in þe ſtremes of
þat ben deſolat þe citees wiþ oute dwellere, and houſes wiþ
oute man. And þe lond ſhal be laft deſert, valeys, and caues of ſtones, and in alle buſſhi places, and in
xii and aferr ſhal make þe Lord men. And þer ſhal be alle holis.
xx In þat dai þe Lord ſhal ſhauen in a ſharp raſour in hem,
multeplied þat was laft in þe myddel of þe erþe,
xiii and ȝit in it tiþing; and it ſhal be conuertid, and it ſhal be þat beȝunde þe flood ben, in þe king of Aſſiries, hed, and þe
heres of feet, and eche berd.
in to ſhewyng as a terebynt, and as an oek, þat ſpredeþ out xxi And it ſhal be, in þat day a man ſhal nurſhen a cow of
his braunches; hoely ſed it ſhal ben, þat þat ſhal ſtonden in it.
oxen, and two ſhep,
xxii and for plente of mylc he ſhal eten butter; butter and hony
Capitulum VII.
ſhal `ete eche man, þat ſhal be laft in þe myddel of þe lond.
i And it is don in þe daȝes of Achaz, ſone of Joathan, ſone of xxiii And it ſhal be, in þat day eche place wher ſhul be a
Oſie, king of Juda, þer ſteȝede vp Raſyn, king of Cyrie, and þouſend vynes for a þouſend ſyluer penys, and in to þornes
Faſcee, þe ſone of Romelie, king of Irael, in to Jeruſalem, to and in to breres þey ſhul be,
fiȝte aȝen hym; and þei myȝte not ouercome it. xxiiii wiþ arwes and bowe þei ſhul go in þider; forſoþe breres
ii And þei tolden to þe hous of Dauid, ſeiende, Siria reſtede
and þornes ſhul be in al þe lond.
vp on Effraym, and to-moued is his herte and þe herte of his xxv And alle hilles þat in a wode bil ſhul be purgid, `or kytt
puple, as ben moued þe trees of wodis fro þe face of þe off, þer ſhal not come þider ferd of þornes and of breres; and
wynd. it ſhal be in to oxe leſwe, and in treding of feld beſte.
iii And þe Lord ſeide to Iſaie, Go out in to aȝencomyng of
Achaz, þou, and þat is laft, Jaſub, þi ſone, to þe ende of þe Capitulum VIII.
water condute of þe ouere pond, in þe weie of þe feeld of þe
fullere. i And þe Lord ſeide to me, Tac to þee a gret boc, and writ in
iiii And þou ſhalt ſey to hym, See, þat þou holde þi pes; wile it wiþ þe poyntel of a man, Swiftli ſpoiles tac awey, ſoone
þou not dreden, and þin herte be not ferd of þe two tailes of refe.
þeſe ſmokende fyr brondis in to þe wraþe of þe wodneſſe, of ii And I toc to me feiþful witneſſes, Vrie, þe preſt, and
Raſyn, king of Sirie, and ſone of Romelie. Sacharie, þe ſone of Barachie.
v For þi þat euel counſeil he wente in aȝen þee, Ciria, and iii And I wente to a propheteſſe; and ſhe conceyuede, and bar
Effraym, and þe ſone of Romelye, ſeiende, a ſone. And þe Lord ſeide to me, Clep his name Haſte þou
vi Steȝe wee vp to Judam, and rere wee hym, and pulle wee ſpoiles to tac awey, heeȝe þou to refen.
hym vp to vs; and putte wee a king in his myddel, þe ſone of iiii For er þe child kunne clepe his fader and his moder, ſhal
Thabel. be taken awei þe ſtrengþe of Damaſch, and þe ſpoiles of
vii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þis ſhal not be, and ſhal Samarie, bifor þe king of Aſſiries.
not ſtonde; v And þe Lord leide to to ſpeke to me, ſeiende,


vi For þi þat þis puple haþ caſt awey þe watris of Siloe, þat v For eche violent reuyng wiþ noiſe, and cloþing mengd wiþ
gon wiþ cilence, and more toc to Raſyne, and þe ſone of blod ſhal be in to brennyng, and mete of fyr.
Romelie, vi A litil child forſoþe is born to vs, and a ſone is ȝoue to vs,
vii for þat lo! þe Lord ſhal bringe to vp on hem watres of þe and mad is princehed vp on his ſhulder; and his name ſhal be
flod ſtronge and manye, þe king of Aſſiries, and al þe glorie clepid Merueilous, Counſeiler, God, Strong, Fadir of þe
of him; and he ſhal ſteȝen vp vp on alle his ryueres, and world to come, Prince of pes.
flowen vp on alle his ſtremes. vii His empire ſhal be multeplied, and of pes þer ſhal not ben
viii And he ſhal gon þurȝ Judam flowende, and paſſende `vn ende; vp on þe ſee of Dauid, and vpon his regne he ſhal ſitte,
to þe necke he ſhal come; and þer ſhal be þe ſpredyng out of þat he conferme it, and ſtrengþe in dom and riȝtwyſſneſſe, fro
his wenges, fulfillende þe breede of þi lond, O! Emanuel. now and unto wiþoute ende. Þe huge looue of þe Lord of
ix Beþ gedered, ȝee puples, and beþ bounde togidere; and oſtes ſhal don þis.
hereþ, alle ȝee londis aferr. Beþ coumfortid, and be ȝee viii A wrd þe Lord ſente in to Jacob, and it fel in Irael.
ouercomen; `girdeþ ȝou, and beþ ouercomen; ix And al þe puple of Effraym ſhal wite, and þe men
x goþ in counſeil, and it ſhal be ſcatered; ſpekeþ a wrd, and it dwellende Samarie, in pride and gretneſſe `of herte ſeiende,
ſhal not be do, for wiþ vs is God. x Sclattes fellen, but wiþ ſquare ſtones wee ſhul bilden vp;
xi Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord to me, as in a ſtrong ſicomore trees þei hewen doun, but ceder trees wee ſhul
hond he taȝte me, leſt I ſhulde go in to þe weie of þis puple, newen, `or chaungen.
ſeiende, xi And þe Lord ſhal reren enemys Raſyn vpon hym, and his
xii Seiþ not, Coniuracioun, alle þingis forſoþe þat ſpekeþ þis enemys in to noiſe he ſhal turne,
puple is coniuracioun; and his drede ne drede ȝee, ne takiþ xii Cirie fro þe eſt, and Filiſteyn fro þe weſt; and þei ſhul
ferd. deuoure Irael wiþ al þe mouþ. In alle þes þingus is not
xiii Þe Lord of hoſtes him halewiþ, and he ȝoure inward turned awei þe wodneſſe of hym, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out;
drede, and he ȝoure outward drede; xiii and þe puple is not turned aȝeen to þe ſmytende hym, and
xiiii and he ſhal be to ȝou in to halewing; in to a ſton forſoþe þe Lord of oſtes þei inwardlyche ſoȝten not.
of offencioun, and in to a ſton of ſclaunder, to þe two houſes xiiii And þe Lord ſhal ſcatere fro Irael þe hed and þe tail, þe
of Irael; and in to a grene, and in to falling, to men inbowende and þe ſhrewende, in o day.
dwellende Jeruſalem. xv Þe longe lyuende and þe wrſhepefull, he is þe hed, and þe
xv And manye of hem ſhul offenden, and fallen, and ben to-
profete techende leſyng, he is þe tail.
broſid, and grened, and ben taken. xvi And þei ſhul be, þat maken blisful þis puple, bigilende;
xvi Bind þe witneſſing, marke þe lawe in my diſciples.
and þat ben mad blisful, þrowe doun.
xvii I ſhal abide þe Lord, þat hidde his face fro þe hous of xvii For þat vp on þe ȝunge waxen men of hym þe Lord ſhal
Jacob, and I ſhal ſechen hym. not deliten, and of his faderles childer and widewis he ſhal
xviii Lo! I and my childer, whom ȝaf to me þe Lord in to not han mercy; for eche ipocrite is and a ſhrewe, and eche
tocne, and in to wunder to Irael, fro þe Lord of oſtes þat mouþ ſpac folie. In alle þes þingus is not turned awei his
dwelleþ in þe hil of Sion. wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out.
xix And whan þei ſhul ſey to ȝou, Secheþ of deuel cleperes, xviii and þe puple is not turned aȝeen to þe ſmytende hym.
and of deuynoures, þat ſounen ſtrongli in þeir chauntingus, Tend vp is forſoþe as fyr vnpitouſneſſe; þoo breres and þe
wheþir not a puple of his God ſhal ſeche a viſeoun for þe þorne it ſhal deuoure, and it ſhal be brend vp in þe þickenes
quyke and þe deade? of þe wilde wode, and it ſhal be al towrappid in þe pride of
xx To þe lawe more and to þi witneſſing, þat if þei `ſchul not þe ſmoke.
ſei aftir þis wrd, ſhal not be to þem morutid liȝt. xix In þe wraþe of þe Lord of oſtes al diſturbid ſhal be þe
xxi And he ſhal paſſe þurȝ it, and it ſhal falle, and hungre. lond, and þe puple ſhal be as þe mete of fyr; a man to his
`And when it ſhal hongre, it ſhal wraþen, and curſen to his broþer ſhal not ſpare.
kyng and to his God, and it ſhal beholden vp. xx And he ſhal bowe doun to þe riȝt, and hungren, and he
xxii And to þe lond it ſhal loken, and lo! tribulacioun, and ſhal ete at þe lift, and not be fulfild; eche þe fleſh of his arm
dercneſſes, `and vnbyndyng, and anguyſh, and derk myſt ſhal deuoure.
purſuende; and it ſhal not moun flee awei fro his anguyſh. xxi Manaſſes Effraym, and Effraym Manaſſes, and togidere
þei aȝen Judam. In alle þeſe þyngus is not turned awei his
Capitulum IX. wodneſſe, but ȝit his hond ſtraȝt out.
i The firſte tyme is aleggid, `or maad liȝt, þe lond of Zabulon Capitulum X.
and þe lond of Neptalym; and þe laſte tyme agreggid is þe
weie of þe ſe beȝunde Jordan of Galilee of Jentiles. i Wo þat maken ſhreude lawes, and wrytende vnriȝtwiſneſſe
ii Þe puple þat wente in derkneſſes ſaȝ a gret liȝt; to þe men writen,
dwellende in þe regioun of þe ſhadewe of deþ, liȝt ſprungen is ii þat þei oppreſſeden in dom pore men, and violence diden to
to þem. þe cauſe of meke men of my puple; þat widewes were þe prei
iii Þou haſt multeplyed þe folc of kinde, not magnefiediſt of hem, and faderles childer þei deſtroȝeden.
gladneſſe; þei ſhul glade bifor þee, as þei þat gladen in rip, as iii What ſhul ȝee do in þe day off viſiting, and of
ful out ioȝen ouercomeres, þe prey taken, whan þei deuyden wrecchidneſſe fro a ferr comende? To whos helpe ſhul ȝee flee?
ſpoiles. and wher ſhul ȝee lefe ȝoure glorie,
iiii Þe ȝoc forſoþe of his charge, and þe ȝerde of his ſhulder, iiii `leſt ȝee bowid vnder bond, and wiþ ſlayn men falleþ? Vp
and þe kingus power of his `wrong aſker þou ouercame, as in on alle þeſe þingus is not turned awei his wodneſſe, but ȝit
þe dai of Madian. his hond ſtraȝt out.


v Wo to Aſſur, þe ȝerde of my wodneſſe, and a ſtaf he is; in xxvi And þe Lord of oſtes ſhal reren `vp on it a ſcourge aftir
þe hond of hem, myn indignacioun. þe veniaunce of Madyan in þe ſton of Oreb, and his ȝerde vp
vi To a folc gileſum I ſhal ſenden hym, and aȝen þe puple of on þe ſe; and he ſhal reren it þe weie of Egipt.
my wodneſſe I ſhal bidde to hym; þat he take awei ſpoiles, xxvii And it ſhal be in þat dai, ſhal be don awey his berþene
and deuyde prey, and poote it in to tredyng, as þe cley of fro þi ſhulder, and his ȝoc fro þi necke; and þe ȝoc ſhal waxen
ſtretes. al roten fro þe face of oile.
vii He forſoþe not ſo ſhal demen, and his herte not ſo ſhal xxviii It ſhal come in Ayot, it ſhal paſſe in Magron, anent
eymen, but to `to-treden ſhal ben his herte, and to ſleyng of Magmas it ſhal commende his veſſeles.
folc not fewe. xxix Þei wenten a cours, Gaba oure ſeete, Rama `was
viii Forſoþe he ſhal ſey, Wheþer not my princes togidere ſtonyed, Gaba of Saul fleiȝ.
kingis ben? xxx Neȝe wiþ þi vois, þou doȝter of Galyn; tac heed, Laiſa,
ix Wheþir not as Karchamys, ſo Chalanno; and as Arfath, ſo þou porelet Anathot.
Emath? wheþir not as Damaſch, ſo Samarie? xxxi Wente forþ Medemena; ȝee dwelleris of Jebyn, takeþ
x What maner myn hond fond þe reumes of mawmet, ſo and coumfort.
þe ſymulacris of hem of Jeruſalem and of Samarie. xxxii Ȝit dai is, þat in Nobe me ſtonde; he ſhal ſhake his
xi Wheþir not as I dide to Samarie, and his maumetes, ſo I hond vpon þe mount of þe doȝter of Sion, hil of Jeruſalem.
ſhal do to Jeruſalem, and his ſymulacris? xxxiii Lo! þe lordſhepere, Lord of oſtes, ſhal tobreke þe litil
xii And it ſhal be, whan þe Lord ſhall fulfelle alle his werkis wyn veſſel in ferd, and þe heeȝe men in ſtature ſhul ben hewe
in þe mount of Sion and in Jeruſalem, I ſhal viſite vp on doun. And þe ful heeȝe ſhul be lowed,
`þe fruyt of þe gret doende herte of þe king of Aſſur, and vp xxxiiii and þe þicke þingus of þe wilde wode ſhul ben turned
on þe glorie of þe heiȝte of his eȝen. vpſodoun wiþ iren; and Liban wiþ heeȝe þing ſhall falle.
xiii Forſoþe he ſeide, In þe ſtrengþe of myn hond I dide, and
in my wiſdam I vnderſtod; and I toc awei þe termes of Capitulum XI.
puples, and þe princes of þem I robbede, and I droȝ awey as
myȝti þe ſittende men in heeȝ. i And þer ſhal gon out a ȝerde fro þe roote of Jeſſe, and a
xiiii And myn hond fond as a neſt þe ſtrengþe of puples, and flour of his roote ſhal ſteȝen vp.
as ben gedered eren þat ben laft, ſo al þe lond I gederede; ii And þer ſhal reſten vp on hym þe Spirit of þe Lord, ſpirit
and þer was not þat mouede a federe, and openede mouþ, and of wiſdam and of vnderſtondyng, ſpirit of counſeil and of
berkyd. ſtrengþe, ſpirit of kunnyng and of pite;
xv Wheþir ſhal glorien þe ax aȝen hym þat hewiþ in it? or iii and ſhal fulfille hym þe ſpirit of drede of þe Lord. Not aftir
ſhal ben enhauncid þe ſawe aȝen hym of whom it is drawen? þe ſeyng of eȝen he ſhal deme, ne after þe heering of eres he
what maner wiſe if be rered a ȝerde aȝen þe rerende it, and ſhal vndernyme;
be hauncyd a ſtaf, þat forſoþe is a tree. iiii but he ſhal deme in riȝtwiſneſſe pore men, and vndernymen
xvi For þat ſhal ſende þe lordſhepere, Lord of oſtes, in his in equyte, for þe debonere of þe erþe. And he ſhal ſmyte þe
fatte þyngus þynneſſe, and vnder his glorie `brend ſhal brenne erþe wiþ þe ȝerde of his mouþ, and wiþ þe ſpirit of his mouþ
as brennyng of fyr. he ſhal ſle þe vnpitous.
xvii And þer ſhal be þe liȝt of Irael in fyr, and his hoeli in v And þer ſhal be riȝtwiſneſſe þe litil girdil of his lendes, and
flaume; and ſhal be brend out and deuoured his þorn and feiþ þe girdil of his reenes.
breres in o day. vi Þer ſhal dwelle þe wlf wiþ þe lome, and þe parde wiþ þe
xviii And þe glorie of his wilde wode and of his Carmel, fro kide ſhal leyn; þe calf, and þe leoun, and þe ſhep togidere ſhul
þe ſoule vn to þe fleſh he ſhall be waſtid; and he ſhal be for dwelle, and a lytil child ſhal dryue þem.
ferd ferr fleende. vii Þe calf and þe bere ſhul be fed togidere; þer ſhul reſten þe
xix And þe releef of þe wode of þe wilde wode for feweneſſe whelpus of hem, and a leoun as an oxe ſhal ete chaf.
ſhul be noumbred, and a child ſhal write þem. viii And þe faunt, `or a ſoukande childe, ſhal deliten of þe tete
xx And it ſhal be in þat dai, ſhal not ley to þe remnaunt of vp on þe hole of þe eddere, and in þe caue of þe kokatrice þat
Irael, and þeſe þat ſhul flee fro þe hous of Jacob, to leuen vp ſhal be taken awei fro ſok, `or wenyd, he ſhal putte his hond.
on hym þat ſmytiþ hem; but it ſhal leue vp on þe Lord, hoeli ix Þei ſhuln not noȝen, and þei ſhuln not ſleyn in al myn hoeli
of Irael, in treuþe. mounteyn; for fulfild is þe erþe of þe kunnyng of þe Lord, as
xxi Þe remnaunt ſhul be conuertid, þe remnaunt forſoþe of þe watir of þe ſe couerende.
Jacob, to þe ſtronge Lord. x In þat dai þe roote of Jeſſe, þat ſtant in to tocne of puples;
xxii If forſoþe ſhul ben þi puple, Irael, as þe grauel of þe ſe, hym Jentiles ſhuln louli preȝen, and ſhal be þe ſepulcre of
þe remnaunt ſhul be conuertyd of it; ending abreggid ſhal hym glorious.
flowe riȝtwiſneſſe. xi And it ſhal be in þat dai, þe Lord þe ſecunde tyme ſhal ley
xxiii Ending forſoþe and abreggyng þe Lord God of oſtes ſhal
to his hond to welde þe reſidue of his puple þat ſhal be lafte,
make in þe myddel of al erþe. of þe Aſſiries, and of Egipt, and of Fecros, and of Etheope,
xxiiii For þat þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes, Wile þou and of Elan, and of Sennar, and of Emath, and of þe iſlis of
not drede, my puple, dwellere of Sion, of Aſſur, in a ȝerde þe ſe.
forſoþe he ſhal ſmyte þee, and his ſtaf he ſhal reren vp on þee xii And he ſhal reren a tocne in to naciouns, and gedere
in þe weie of Egipt. togidere þe ferr floun of Irael; and þe to-ſcatered of Juda he
xxv Ȝit forſoþe a litil while, and a litil, and ſhal be ful endid ſhal gedere fro þe foure coeſtes of þe erþe.
myn indignacioun and myn wodneſſe vp on þe hidous gilte of xiii And þer ſhal be taken awey þe enuye of Effraym, and þe
hem. enemys of Juda ſhul perſhe; Effraym ſhal not enuyen Judam,
and Juda ſhal not fiȝte aȝen Effraym.


xiiii And þei ſhul flee in to þe ſhuldres of Filiſteys, bi þe ſe xiii Vp on þis heuene I ſhal diſturben, and ſhal be moued þe
togidere þei ſhul robbe þe ſonus of þe eſt; Ydume and Moab erþe fro his place; for þe indignacioun of þe Lord of oſtes,
þe heſte of þe hond of hem, and þe ſonus of Amon obeiſaunt and for þe dai of þe wraþe of his wodneſſe.
ſhul be. xiiii And he ſhal ben as a foun fleende, and as a ſheep, and
xv And þe Lord ſhal make deſolat þe tunge of þe ſe of Egipt, þer ſhal not be þat gedere; eche to his puple ſhal be turned,
and he ſhal rere his hond vpon þe flod in þe ſtrengþe of his and a rowe to þer lond þei ſhul flee.
ſpirit; and he ſhal ſmyte hym in ſeuene ryueres, ſo þat þei xv Eche þat were founde, ſhal be ſlayn; and eche þat ouer ſhal
paſſe þurȝ hym ſhod men. come, ſhal falle in ſwerd.
xvi And þer ſhal be a weye to my reſidue puple þat ſhal be xvi Þe fauntes of hem ſhul ben hurtlid doun in þer eȝen; to-
lafte, of þe Aſſiries, as was to Irael, in þe dai þat he ſteȝede broke doun ſhul be þe houſes of hem, and þe wyues of þem
vp from þe lond of Egipt. ſhul be defoulyd.
xvii Loo! I ſhal reren vp on hem Medos, þat ſiluer ſechen
Capitulum XII. not, ne gold wiln;
i And xviii but wiþ arwis þe litle childer þei ſhul ſlen, and to þe
þou ſhalt ſei in þat day, I ſhal knouleche to þee, Lord,
for wroþ þou art to me; turned is þi wodneſſe, and þou wombis ȝyuende ſouke þei ſhul not han mercy, and vp on þe
coumfortedeſt mee. ſones ſhal not ſpare þe eȝe of hem.
ii Loo! God my ſaueour, feiþfulli I ſhal do, and not drede. xix And þat cite, Babilon, ſhal be glorious in rewmes, noble
For my ſtrengþe and my preiſing þe Lord, and he is mad to in pride of Chaldeis, turned, as God turned vp ſo doun
me in to helþe. Sodom and Gomorr.
iii Ȝee ſhul drawe watris in ioȝe of þe welles of þe ſaueour. xx It ſhal not be dwellid vn to þe ende, and ſhal not be
iiii And ȝee ſhul ſeyn in þat dai, Knoulecheþ to þe Lord, and foundid vnto þe ieneracioun and ieneracioun; ne ſhal ſette þere
inwardly clepiþ his name; knowen make ȝee in puples þe tente a man of Arab, ne ſhepperdes ſhul reſte þere.
xxi But ſhul reſte þere beſtes, and ſhul be fulfild þe houſes of
findingus of hym; haþ mynde, for heeȝ is his name.
v Syngeþ to þe Lord, for gret doendely he dide; telleþ out þis þem wiþ dragownes; and þer ſhul dwelle þere oſtriches, and
in al þe erþe. wodewoſes ſhul lepe þere.
xxii And þer ſhul anſwern þere ȝellende foules in þe houſes of
vi Ful out ioȝe, and preiſe, þou dwelling of Sion; for gret in
þe myddel of þee þe hoeli of Irael. it, and wengid edderes in waſſhing maumet templis of foul
Capitulum XIII. Capitulum XIIII.
i The charge of Babilon, þat ſaȝ Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos. i Neeȝ is þat come þe tyme of hym, and his daȝes ſhul not be
ii Vp on a myſti mounteyn rereþ vp a tokne, and enhaunceþ longid; ſhal han rewþe forſoþe þe Lord of Jacob, and cheeſe
out þe vois; rereþ þe hond, and gon in to þe ȝates þe dukes. ȝit of Irael, and to reſten hem he ſhal make vp on þer erþe;
iii I comaundide to myn halewid men, and I clepede my `ſhal be ioyned to a comeling to þem, and cleue to þe hous of
ſtronge men in my wraþe, ful out ioȝende in my glorie. Jacob.
iiii Þe vois of þe multitude in mounteynes, as of beſy puples; ii And ſhuln holden hem puples, and bringe þem in to þer
þe vois of þe ſoun of kingus, and of Jentilis gedered to place. And ſhal welden hem þe hous of Irael vp on þe lond of
gidere. Þe Lord of oſtes comaundide to þe knyȝthod of þe þe Lord in to þralles and þralleſſes; and þei ſhul be takende
bataile, hem þat hem hadden taken, `and ſugeten þer `caſteres out.
v to þe men comende fro þe lond aferr. Fro þe ouermoſt of iii And þer ſhal be in þat dai, whan reſte ſhal ȝyue to þee God
heuene þe Lord, and þe veſſeles of his wodneſſe, þat he fro þi trauaile, and fro þin hurting, and fro þin harde ſeruage,
ſcatere al þe erþe. þat þou beforn ſeruediſt,
vi Ȝelleþ, for neeȝ is þe dai of þe Lord; as waſtite fro þe iiii þou ſhalt take þis parable aȝen þe king of Babiloyne, and
Lord ſhal come. ſeyn, What manere ceſede þe `wronge aſker, reſtede þe tribute?
vii For þat alle hondis ſhul be vnlooſid, and eche herte of a v Þe Lord to-broſede þe ſtaf of vnpitous men, þe ȝerde of
man ſhal wane, `or faylen, and ben to-broſid. lordſhipende men,
viii Tormentingus and ſorewes þei ſhul holde; as wymmen vi betende puples in indignacioun, wiþ an vnheleable plage, þe
trauailende of child, þei ſhul ſorewen. Eche to his neȝhebore ſogetende in wodnes þe folkes of kynde, and þe purſuende
ſhall ſtoneȝe; brent faces þe cheeres of hem. cruelly.
ix Loo! þe day of þe Lord ſhal come, cruel, and of vii Togidere reſtede, and was ſtille al erþe; ioȝede, and ful out
indignacioun ful, and of wraþe, and of wodneſſe; to be put þe gladede.
erþe in to wilderneſſe, and his ſynneres to ben al tobroſid of viii Fyrre trees alſo gladeden vp on þee, and þe cedris of
it. Liban; ſiþen þou ſlepteſt, þer ſteȝede not vp þat heewe vs
x For þe ſterres of heuene and þe ſhynyng of hem ſhul not doun.
ſpreden out þer liȝt; al to-derkned is þe ſunne in his riſing, ix Helle vndere þee is diſturbid in to þe aȝen comyng of þi
and þe moone ſhal not ſhyne in his lyȝt. comyng; it ſhal rere to þee ieauntes; alle þe princes of þe erþe
xi I ſhal viſiten `vp on þe eueles of worlde, and aȝen þe þer riſen fro þer ſetes, alle þe princes of naciouns.
vnpitouſe þe wickidneſſes of þem; and to reſten I ſhal maken x Alle ſhuln anſwern, and ſeyn to þee, And þou art woundid
þe pride of þe vnfeiþful men, and þe proude hauncyng of as and wee, lic vs þou art mad.
ſtronge men I ſhal meeken. xi Drawe doun is to helle þi pride, he to-hewȝ þi careyn;
xii More precious a ful man ſhal be þan gold, and a man þan
vnder þee ſtrouwed `ſhal be a moȝte, and þi coueryng ſhal be
clene moſt ſhynende gold. wermes.


xii Hou felle þou, Lucyfer, fro heuene, þe whiche erli ſprunge; ii Þer ſteȝede vp þe hous, and Debon to heeȝe þingus, in to
þou felle in to þe erþe, þat woundedeſt þe folkes of kynde. weiling; vpon Nabo, and vp on Medaba Moab ſhal ȝellen. In
xiii Þat ſeideſt in þin herte, In to heuene I ſhal ſteȝen vp, vp alle his hedys ballidneſſe, and eche berd ſhal be ſhaue.
on þe ſterres of heuene I ſhal enhaunce my ſee; I ſhal ſitte in iii In his þre weied places þei ben gird wiþ a ſac, vp on his
þe hil of teſtament, in þe ſides of þe norþ. rooues and in his ſtretes al weiling; he ſhal go doun in to
xiiii I ſhal ſteȝen vp vp on þe heiȝte of cloudis; lic I ſhal be wepyng.
to þe heȝeſt. iiii Þer ſhal crie Eſebon and Eleale, vn to Jaſa herd is þe
xv Nerþelatere to helle þou ſhalt be drawe doun, in to þe vois of hem; vpon þis þe redi men of Moab ſhul ȝelle, his
depþe of þe lake. ſoule ſhal ȝelle to itſelf.
xvi Þat þee ſhul ſee, to þee ſhul be bowid, and þee ſhuln aferr v Myn herte to Moab ſhal crien, his bareres vnto Segor, a
bihold. Wheþer þis is þe man, þat diſturbide þe erþe, þat ſmot ſhe calf al þrowende doun. Bi þe ſteȝing vp forſoþe of Luyth
togidere rewmes? wepende he ſhal ſteȝen vp, and in þe weie of Oronaym þe cri
xvii þat putte þe world deſert, and his grete cites diſtroȝede, to of contricioun þei ſhul rere.
vi Þe watris forſoþe of Nemrym ſhul ben deſert; for driede `þe
his gyuede openede not þe priſoun?
xviii Alle þe kingus of Jentilis, eche ſlepten in glorie, eche in erbe, failede þe buriounyng, eche greneneſſe diede.
vii Aftir þe mykilneſſe of werk, and þe viſiting of hem, to þe
his hous.
xix Þou forſoþe art caſt aferr fro þi ſepulcre, as a ſtoc ſtreme of wiþies þei ſhul leden hem.
viii For `cri cumpaſide þe terme of Moab; vnto Galym his
vnprofitable, as wiþ quyture defoulid; and aboute wrappid wiþ
hem þat ben ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, and wenten doun to þe ȝelling, and vnto þe pit of Elym his cry.
foundement of þe lake. As a ſtynkende careyn, ix For þe watris of Dibon ben fulfild wiþ blod; forſoþe I ſhal
xx þou ſhalt not han felaſhepe, ne wiþ hem in biriyng þou putte vpon Dibon ecchingus, to þem þat ſhul fleen of Moab a
ſhalt be, þou forſoþe þi lond diſtroȝediſt, þou þe puple ſloow; leoun, and to þe relikis of þe lond.
eþer ſhal not be clepid into wiþoute ende þe ſed of þe werſte
men. Capitulum XVI.
xxi `Greiþe ȝe his ſones to ſlaȝter, for þe wickidneſſe of þer
i Send out, `Lord, þe lomb, lordſhipere of þe erþe, fro þe ſton
fadris; þei ſhul not togidere riſe, ne eritagen þe erþe, ne of deſert to þe mount of þe doȝter of Sion.
fulfille þe face of þe roundneſſe of þe cite. ii And he ſhal ben as a brid fleende, and ȝunge briddes fro þe
xxii And I ſhal wiþ riſe vp on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes,
and I ſhal deſtroȝe Babyloynes name, and relikes, and neſt fleende to, ſo ſhul be þe doȝtris of Moab in þe
progenye, and buriounyng, ſeiþ þe Lord. ouerſteȝyng of Arnon.
iii Go in counſeil, conſtreyne counſeil; put as nyȝt þi ſhadewe
xxiii I ſhal putte it in to þe poſſeſſioun of an irchoun, and in
to myres of watres; and I ſhal ſweepen it in a beſme, in mydday, hide þou þe men fleende, and þe vagaunt ne
treding, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes. betraȝe þou.
iiii Þer ſhul dwelle anent þee my ferr fugityues. Moab, be þou
xxiiii Þe Lord of oſtus ſwoor, ſeiende, If not as I wende, ſo
ſhal be, and hou in mynde I tretede, ſo ſhal come? þe lurkyng place of hem fro þe face of þe waſtere. Endid is
xxv Þat I al to-broſe Aſſirie in my lond, in my mounteynes
forſoþe þe pouder, ful endid is þe wrecche; failide þat to-trad
þe lond.
to-trede it; and þer ſhal be take awey fro hem his ȝok, and v And þer ſhal be befor mad redy in mercy þe ſee, and he ſhal
his berþene fro þe ſhulder of þem ſhal be don awey. ſitte vpon it in treuþe, in þe tabernacle of Dauid, demende,
xxvi Þis þe counſeyl þat I þoȝte vpon al erþe, and þis is þe
and ſechende dom, and ſwiftli ȝeldende þat is riȝtwis.
hond ſtraȝt out vpon alle Jentiles. vi Wee han herd þe pride of Moab, proud he is gretli; his
xxvii Þe Lord forſoþe of oſtes demede, and who ſhal moun
pride, and þe proude enhauncing of hym, and alſo his
vnfaſtnen? and his hond ſtraȝt out, and who ſhal turne awey indignacioun more þan his ſtrengþe.
it? vii Þerfore ſhall ȝelle Moab to Moab, al ſhal ȝelle to hem þat
xxviii Þe charge of Filiſteym. In þe ȝer þat diede king Achaz,
gladen vp on þe walles of anelid tyil; ſpekeþ þer veniaunces.
don is þis charge. viii For þe ſuburbes of Eſebon ben deſert, and þe vyneȝerd of
xxix Ne glade þou, al Filiſtee, for to-mynuſht is þe ȝerde of þi
Sabama. Þe lordis of Jentiles hewen doun his ſcourges; vnto
ſmytere; of þe roote forſoþe of þe ſhadewe eddere ſhal gon out Jaſer þei ful camen, þei errede in deſert. His railing
a kocatrice, and his ſed ſoupende awei a foul. braunches ben forſaken, þei paſſeden þe ſe.
xxx And þer ſhul be fed þe firſt goten of pore men, and pore ix Vp on þis I ſhal weepen in wepyng Jaſer, and þe vyneȝerd
men troſtly ſhul reſten; and to dien I ſhal make in hunger þi of Sabama. I ſhal drunkne þee wiþ my tere, Eſebon and
roote, and þi relikes I ſhal ſlen. Eleale, for vp on þi vyntage, and vp on þi rep þe vois of men
xxxi Ȝelle, þou ȝate; crie, þou cite; þrowe doun is eche Filiſte; tredende fel on.
fro þe norþ forſoþe ſmoke ſhal come, and þer is not þat flee x And þer ſhal be don awey gladneſſe and ful out ioȝing fro
out of his kumpanye. Carmel; and in vyneȝerdis he ſhal not ful out ioȝen, ne
xxxii And what ſhal ben anſwerd to þe meſſageres of þe folc of inwardli ioȝen. Wyn in þe preſſe he ſhal not trede, þat to
kinde? for þe Lord foundede Sion, and in hym ſhuln hopen treden was wont; þe vois of þe trederes I toc awey.
þe pore men of his puple. xi Vp on þis my wombe to Moab as an harpe ſhal ſounen,
and my boweles to þe wal of þe anelid tyl.
Capitulum XV. xii And it ſhal be, whan he ſhal apere, þat trauailede Moab
i The vp on his heeȝe þingus, he ſhal go in to his hoeli places, þat
charge of Moab. For in nyȝt waſtid is Ar, Moab heeld he inwardly beſeche, and he ſhal not moun.
his pes; for in þe nyȝt waſtid is þe wal, Moab heeld his pes. xiii Þis þe wrd þat þe Lord ſpac to Moab fro þennys.


xiiii And now ſpac þe Lord, ſeiende, In þre ȝer as `þe ȝeres v Bifor rip forſoþe al flourede out, and vnriyp perfeccioun
of an hirid man, ſhal be don awei þe glorie of Moab vpon buriownede; and þer ſhul ben hewe doun þe litle braunches of
eche myche puple; and þer ſhal be lafte in it as a litil branch it wiþ ſiþis, and þat weren laft, ſhul be kut awey.
of a cluſter of grapes, and fewe, not fele. vi Þei ſhul ben ſhaken out, and forſaken togidere to þe
briddes of mounteynes, and to þe beſtes of erþe; and in
Capitulum XVII. euerelaſtende ſomer ſhul ben vp on hym foules, and alle þe
i The
beſtes of erþe vp on hym ſhul dwelle al wynter.
charge of Damaſch. Lo! Damaſch ſhal ceſen to ben a vii In þat tyme ſhal be broȝt ȝifte to þe Lord of oſtes, fro þe
cite, and it ſhal be as an hypil of ſtones in falling. puple to-pullid and to-torn; fro þe ferful puple, after whom
ii Þe forſaken citees of Aroer to flockes ſhul be; and þei ſhul
was not an oþer; fro þe folc abidende and to-troden, whos
reſten þere, and þer ſhal not be þat afere awey. flodus raueſheden awei his lond; to þe place of þe name of þe
iii And þer ſhal ceſen helpe fro Effraym, and rewme fro Lord of oſtus, mount of Sion.
Damaſch; and þe relikes of Cirie as þe glorie of þe ſonus of
Irael ſhul be, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus. Capitulum XIX.
iiii And it ſhal be, in þat day ſhal be maad þynne þe glorie of
i The charge of Egipt. Lo! þe Lord ſhal ſteȝe vp vp on a liȝt
Jacob, and þe fatnes of his fleſh ſhal become welewid awey.
v And he ſhal be as þe gederere in rip þat is laft, and his cloude, and gon in to Egipt; and þer ſhul be moued þe
ſymulacris of Egipt fro þe face of hym, and þe herte of Egipt
arm eres ſhal gedere, and he ſhal be as ſechende eres in þe ſhal wane in þe myddel of hym.
valey of Rafaym. ii And to meete togidere I ſhal make Egipcienus aȝen
vi And þer ſhal ben laft in it as þe braunche of a cluſter, and
Egipcienus, and fiȝte ſhal a man aȝen his broþer, and a man
as þe ſhaking out of þe oile berie, as of two or of þre olyues aȝen his frend, cite aȝen cite, and reume aȝen reume.
in þe cop of þe braunch, or of foure or of fyue; in þe coppis of iii And to-broken ſhal be þe ſpirit of Egipt in his boweles, and
it his frutes, ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael.
vii In þat dai ſhal ben bowid a man to his makere, and his his counſeil I ſhall ſtumble doun; and þei ſhul aſke þer
ſymulacris, and þer deuynoures, and þer deuel cleperes, and
eȝen to þe hoeli of Irael ſhul beholden. þer deuel ſacrifieres.
viii And he ſhal not be bowid to þe auteres, þat his hondis iiii And I ſhal take Egipt in to þe hond of cruel lordis, and a
maden, and þat his fyngris ywrouȝten; he ſhal not biholden ſtrong king ſhal lordſhipen of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes.
maumet wodes, and þe waſſhing templis. v And þe water ſhal waxe drie fro þe ſe, and þe flod ſhal be
ix In þat dai þe citees of his ſtrengþe ſhul be forſaken as
deſolat, and dried.
plowes, and þe tilþis þat ben laft fro þe face of þe ſonus of vi And faile ſhul þe flodes, and þynned and dried ſhul be þe
Irael; and þou ſhalt ben deſert.
x For þou forȝete of þe God, þi ſaueour, and of þe ſtronge, ryueres of water hepes; þe reed and þe reſſhe ſhal welewen.
vii Nakened ſhal be þe flod wombe, and þe ryueres fro þer
þin helpere, þou art not recordid; þerfor þou ſhalt plaunten a
feiþful plaunting, and alien buriounyng þou ſhalt ſowen. welle; and of `eche ſowende þe watri place ſhal be dried, and
xi In þe dai of þi plaunting bareyne vynes, and erli þi ſed welewen, and it ſhal not be.
viii And mowrne ſhul þe fiſſheres, and weilen alle into þe flod
ſhal flouren; don awei is þe rip in þe dai of eritage, and he
ſhal weilen greuouſly. puttende þe angil hoc; and ſpredende out þe net vpon þe face
xii Wo to þe multitude of many puples, as þe multitude of þe of watris, ſhul waxe feble.
ix And confoundid ſhul ben, þat wroȝten flax, plattende and
ſe ſoundende, and þe nois of cumpanyes as þe ſoun of manye
watris. weuende ſotile þingus.
xiii `Puplis ſchulen ſownen as þe ſown of flowyng watris, and x And þer ſhul ben his `watri placis driende; alle þat maden
he ſhal blame it; and aferr it ſhal flee, and it ſhal be raueſhid pondis to be caȝt fiſſhes.
as þe pouder of mounteynes fro þe face of þe wynd, and as a xi Fooles þe princes of Thaneos, wiſe counſeileres of Farao
whirlewynd bifor þe tempeſt. ȝeeuen vnwys counſeil; what maner ſhul ȝee ſeyn to Farao, I
xiiii In tyme of euen, and lo! diſturbing; in þe morutid, and þe ſone of wiſe men, þe ſone of olde kingys?
he ſhal not ſtonde ſtille. Þis is þe part of hem þat waſteden xii Where now ben þi wiſe men? `Telle þei to þee, and ſhewe,
vs, and þe lot of men tobrekende vs. what þoȝte þe Lord of oſtus vp on Egipt.
xiii Fooles ben mad þe princes of Thaneos; gretli
Capitulum XVIII. languyſſheden þe princes of Memfeos; begileden Egipt, þe
i Wo
corner of his puples.
to þe lond, cymbal of weengus, þat is beȝunde þe flod of xiiii Þe Lord mengde in his myddel þe ſpirit of turnegidy; and
Etheope; to erren þei maden Egipt in al his werk, as erreþ a drunke
ii þat ſendeþ in þe ſe meſſageres, and in reſſhi veſſeles vp on
man and a vomende.
watris. Goþ, ȝee ſwift aungeles, to þe folc al to-pullid and xv And þer ſhal not be to Egipt werke, þat it make hed and
torn; to a ferful puple, after whyche is not an oþer; folc tail in boowing and refreynyng.
abidende and totroden, whos flodes raueſheden awei his lond; xvi In þat dai Egipt ſhal be as wymmen, and þei ſhul
to þe mount of þe name of þe Lord of oſtus, mount of Sion.
iii Alle ȝee dwelleris of þe world, þat dwellen in erþe, whan ſtoneȝen, and dreden fro þe face of þe ſtering togidere of þe
ſhal ben rered vp a tokne in mounteynes, ȝee ſhuln ſeen, and hond of þe Lord of oſtes, þat he mouede vp on it.
xvii And ſhal be þe lond of Juda to Egipt in to inward ferd;
þe noiſe of þe trumpe ȝee ſhul heren.
iiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, I ſhal reſten, and eche þat of it recordede, ſhal inwardly dreden fro þe face of þe
beholden in my place, as þe mydday liȝt is cleer, and as þe counſeil of þe Lord of oſtes, þat he þoȝte vp on it.
xviii In þat dai ſhul be fyue citees in þe lond of Egipt,
cloude of dew in þe day of rip.
ſpekende Canane tunge, and ſwerende bi þe Lord of oſtes; þe
cyte of þe ſunne ſhal ben clepid oon.


xix In þat day ſhal ben þe auter of þe Lord in þe myddel of ix Lo! þis cam, a man ſteȝere of þe carte of horſe men. And
þe lond off Egipt, and þe title of þe Lord biſide his terme; he anſwerde, and ſeide, Is falle, is falle Babilon; and alle
xx and þei ſhul be in to tocne and to witneſſing to þe Lord of grauen þingus of hys godus ben to-broſid in to þe erþe.
oſtes, in þe lond of Egipt. Þey ſhul crien to þe Lord fro þe x My þreſſing, and þe doȝter of my cornflor, þe þingus þat I
face of þe trublere, and he ſhal ſende to þem a ſaueour, and a herde of þe Lord of oſtes, God of Irael, I tolde to ȝou.
forfiȝtere, þat delyuere þem. xi Þe charge of Duma. To me he crieþ fro Seir, O! kepere,
xxi And þe Lord ſhal ben knowen of Egipt, and knowen ſhuln what of þe nyȝt? O! kepere, what of þe nyȝt?
þe Egipcienus þe Lord in þat day; and þei ſhul herien hym in xii Þe kepere ſeide, Þer comeþ morutid, and nyȝt; if ȝee
oſtes and ȝiftes, and þei ſhul vouwe vouwes to þe Lord, and ſechen, ſecheþ, and beþ conuertid, and comeþ.
ȝeelde. xiii Þe charge in Araby. In þe wilde wode at euen ȝee ſhul
xxii And ſmyte ſhal þe Lord Egipt wiþ a veniaunce, and helen
ſlepen, in þe ſties of Dodanym.
it; and turnen aȝeen ſhuln þe Egipcienus to þe Lord, and he xiiii Aȝencomende to þe þriſti berþ water, þat dwellen þe lond
ſhal be pleſid to þem, and helen hem.
xxiii In þat day ſhal ben a weie fro Egipt `in to Aſſiries, and of þe ſouþ; wiþ loeues aȝencomeþ to þe fleende.
xv Fro þe face forſoþe of ſwerdes þei fledden, fro þe face of þe
ſeruen ſhul þe Egipcienus to Aſſur; and entren ſhal Aſſirie
Egipt, and Egipt in to Aſſiries. ſwerd ſtondende on, fro þe face of þe bowe bend, fro þe face
xxiiii In þat day ſhal ben Irael þe þridde to Egipt and to of þe greuous bataile.
xvi For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, Ȝit in o ȝer, as in þe
Aſſirie, bleſſing in þe middel of þe erþe;
xxv to whom bliſſede þe Lord of oſtus, ſeiende, Bliſſid my ȝer of an hirid man, and þer ſhal ben take awey al þe glorie
of Cedar.
puple of Egipt, and þe werk of myn hondis to Aſſirie; be xvii And þe relikis of þe noumbre of þe ſtronge archeres fro
forſoþe myn eritage Iſrael.
þe ſonus of Cedar ſhul be mynuſht; þe Lord forſoþe, God of
Iſrael, ſpac.
Capitulum XX.
i In þe ȝer þat Tharthan wente into Aſſote, whan hadde ſent Capitulum XXII.
hym Sargon, king of Aſſiries, and hadde fooȝte aȝen Aſote, i The
and hadde taken it; charge of þe valey of viſeoun. What forſoþe and to þee
ii in þat tyme ſpac þe Lord in þe hond of Iſaie, ſone of Amos, is, for þou ſteȝediſt vp, and þou al in to þe rooues,
ii ful of cry, myche vſid cite, cite ful out ioȝende? þi ſlayne not
ſeiende, Go, and looſne þe ſac fro þi leendis, and þe ſhon tak
fro þi feet. And he dide ſo, goende `nakid and vnſhod. ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, ne `þi deade deade in batayle.
iii And þe Lord ſeide, As wente my ſeruaunt Iſaie nakid and iii Alle þi princes floun togidere, and harde ben bounde; alle
vnſhod, of þre ȝeer tocne and wnder ſhal ben vp on Egipt, þat ben founde, ben bounde togidere, aferr floun.
and vp on Ethiope; iiii Þerfore I ſeide, Goþ awei fro me, bitterli I ſhal weepe;
iiii ſo dryuen ſhal þe king off Aſſiries þe caitifte of Egipt, and wileþ not ben biſy, þat ȝee coumforte me vp on þe waſtite of
þe tranſmygracioun of Etheope, ȝung and old, nakid womman þe doȝter of my puple.
and vnſhod, diſcouered þe erſis, to þe ſhenſhepe of Egipt. v Dai forſoþe of ſlaȝter, and of to-treding, and of wepingus,
v And þei ſhul drede, and ben confoundid of Etheope, `þer fro þe Lord God of oſtes, in þe valey of viſeoun; ſerching þe
hope, and of Egipt, þer glorie. wal, and `þe gret doyng vp on þe mounteyn.
vi And þe dwellere of þat yle ſhal ſeyn in þat day, Wheþer þis vi And Elam toc an arewe caas, and þe char of an hors man;
was oure hope, to whom wee floun in to helpe, þat þei and þe target naknide þe wal.
ſhulden delyueren vs fro þe face of þe king of Aſſiries; and vii And choſen ſhul be þi valeis ful of foure horſid carres; and
what maner ſhul we moun ſcapen? knyȝtes ſhul ſette þer ſetes in þe ȝate.
viii And diſcoueryd ſhal be þe coueryng of Jude; and þou ſhalt
Capitulum XXI. ſeen in þat dai þe armourie place of þe `houſe of þe wilde
i The
charge of þe deſert ſe. As whirlewyndus fro Affrich ix and þe cliftus of þe cite of Dauid ȝee ſhul ſee, for þei ben
comen, fro þe deſert cam, fro þe orrible lond. multeplied. And ȝee han gedered þe watris of þe neþere pond,
ii An hard viſeoun told is to me; þat vnleeuende is, vnfeiþfully
`or ſiſterne,
doþ; and he þat `is diſtroȝere, waſteþ. Steeȝh vp, Elam, and x and þe houſes of Jeruſalem ȝee han noumbred, and ȝee han
biſege, Medeba; al his weilyng I made to ceſen. diſtroȝed þe houſis, to ſtrengþe þe wal;
iii Þerfore ben fulfild my lendys wiþ ſorewe; anguyſh weldide
xi and a lake ȝee han mad betwe two walles, and þe watyr of
me, as anguyſh of þe trauailende wiþ child; I fel doun, whan þe olde fiſhpond, or ſyſterne; and ȝee beheelden not to hym,
I herde; I am diſturbid, whan I ſaȝ. þat hadde mad it, and his werkere fro aferre ȝee ſeȝen not.
iiii Myche languyſſhede myn herte, dercneſſes ſtoneid maden
xii And þe Lord God of oſtus clepede in þat dai to weping,
me; Babilon, my looued, put is to me `in to myracle. and to weiling, and to ballidneſſe, and to girding of a ſac;
v Sett þe bord, bihold in a toothil; etende and drinkende riſeþ,
xiii and lo! ioȝe and gladneſſe to ſlen calues, to kutte weþeres
ȝee princes, takeþ to þe terget. þrotes, to ete fleſh, and to drinke wyn; ete wee, and drinke
vi Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeide þe Lord to me, Go, and put a
wee, to moru forſoþe wee ſhul dien.
tootere; and what euere þing he ſhal ſee, telle he. xiiii And opened is in myn eres þe vois of þe Lord of oſtes,
vii And he ſaȝ a char of two horſe men, a ſteȝere of an aſſe,
Þer ſhal not be forȝyue þis wickidneſſe to ȝou, to þe tyme þat
and a ſteȝere vp of a camayle; and he beheeld biſily by myche ȝee die, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus.
looking, xv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus, Go, and weend in
viii and he criede as a leoun, Vp on þe toothil of þe Lord I
to hym þat dwelleþ in þe tabernacle, to Sobnam, prouoſt of þe
am ſtondende contynuelly bi day, and vp on my warde I am temple; and þou ſhalt ſey to hym,
ſtondende alle nyȝtus.


xvi What þou heer, or as who heer? for þou heewe out to þee xv And it ſhal be, in þat dai in forȝeting þou ſhalt be, O!
heer a ſepulcre, þou heewe in an heeȝ, a memorial biſily in a Tire, ſeuenti ȝer, as þe daȝes of o king; after ſeuenti ȝer
ſton a tabernacle to þee. forſoþe to Tiro ſhal be as a ſong of a ſtrumpet.
xvii Lo! þe Lord ſhal make þee to ben born awei, as is born xvi Tac harpe, go aboute þe cite, þou ſtrumpet, to forȝeting
awei a capoun, and as an amyſe, ſo he ſhal vnder reren þee. taken; weel ſyng, ofte vſe ſong, þat mynde of þee be.
xviii Crounende he ſhal crowne þee wiþ tribulacioun; as a bal xvii And it ſhal be, after ſeuenti ȝer, þe Lord ſhal viſite
he ſhal ſende þee in to a brod lond and ſpacious; þere þou Tirum, and bringen it aȝeen to his meedes; and eft it ſhal
ſhalt dien, and þere ſhal be þe char of þi glorie, and þe ben, whan it ſhal do fornycacioun wiþ alle þe reumes of þe
ſhenſhipe of þe hous of þi Lord. erþe, vp on þe face of þe erþe.
xix And I ſhal putte þee out fro þi ſtonding, and fro þi ſeruyſe xviii And his nede doyngus and his meedus ſhuln ben halewid
I ſhal depoſe þee. to þe Lord; þei ſhuln not ben hid, ne leid vp; for to þem þat
xx And it ſhal be, in þat dai I ſhal clepe my ſeruaunt dwellede bifor þe Lord ſhal be his nede doyng, þat þei ete
Eleachym, þe ſone of Elchie; into fulneſſe, and be clad vn to oldneſſe.
xxi and cloþin hym wiþ þi coete, and wiþ þi girdil I ſhal
coumforten hym, and þi power I ſhal ȝyue in to his hondus; Capitulum XXIIII.
and he ſhal ben as a fader to men dwellende Jeruſalem, and i Loo! þe Lord ſhal nakenen þe erþe, and ſcateren it, and
to þe hous of Juda. tormenten his face, and diſtroȝen his dwelleris.
xxii And I ſhal ȝyue þe keȝe of þe hous of Dauid vp on his
ii And þer ſhal be, as þe puple, ſo þe preſt; and as þe
ſhulder; and he ſhal openen, and þer ſhal not be þat cloſe; and ſeruaunt, ſo his lord; as þe hand woman, ſo hir lady; as þe
he ſhal cloſen, and þer ſhal not be þat opene. biere, ſo he þat ſilliþ; as þe vſurer, ſo he þat takeþ borewing;
xxiii And I ſhal ficchen hym as a ſtake in þe `feiþful place,
as he þat aȝeen aſkeþ, ſo he þat owiþ.
and he ſhal be in to þe ſee of glorie of þe hous of his fader. iii Bi ſcateryng ſhal be ſcatered þe lond, and bi robbing ſhal
xxiiii And I ſhal hangen vp on hym al þe glorie of þe hous of
be robbid; þe Lord forſoþe ſpac þis wrd.
his fader, off veſſeles dyuers kindis, eche litil veſſel, fro þe iiii Weilede and doun flowede þe erþe, and it is feblid;
veſſeles of wyn chalices vnto alle veſſel of muſikes. flowede doun þe world, feblid is þe heiȝte of þe puple of þe
xxv In þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes, þer ſhal ben taken awey
þe ſtake þat was ficchid in a feiþful place, and be tobroken, v and þe lond is ſlayn of his dwelleris. For þei ouerpaſſeden
and fallen; and perſhe ſhal þat þat he hadde hangyd in it, for þe lawes, chaungeden þe riȝt, ſcatereden þe euere durende
þe Lord ſpac. bond.
vi For þat curſing ſhal deuoure þe lond, and ſynnen ſhuln his
Capitulum XXIII. dwelleris; and þerfore waxen woode ſhul his tilieres, and þer
i The charge of Tyry. Ȝelleþ, ȝee ſhippes of þe ſe, for waſtid ſhul be lafte fewe men.
is þe hous, whennus to comen `þei weren wont; fro þe lond of vii Weilede þe vyndage, feblid is þe vyne; inwardli weileden
Sethym it is opened to þem. alle þat gladeden in herte.
ii Beþ ſtylle, ȝee þat dwellen in þe ile, þe chaffaring of Sidon; viii Ceſede þe ioȝe of tymbris, reſtide þe ſoun of men
þe men ſeilende ouer þe ſe fulfilden þee wiþ manye watris; gladende; al ſtille was þe ſwetneſſe of þe harpe.
iii þe ſed of Nyli, þe rip of þe flod his frutes, and mad is þe ix Wiþ ſong þei ſhul not drinke wyn; bitter ſhal be þe drinke
chaffare of Jentiles. to men drinkende it.
iiii Aſhame þou, Sidon, ſeiþ þe ſe, þe ſtrengþe of þe ſe, x Al defouled is þe cite of vanyte; cloſid is eche hous, no man
ſeiende, I trauailide not wiþ child, and bar not, and nurſhede entrende.
not out ȝung childer, ne to ful waxing broȝte forþ maidenes. xi Cry ſhal ben vp on þe wyn in þe ſtretes, deſert is alle
v Whan herd it ſhal be in Egipt, þei ſhuln ſorewen, whan þei gladneſſe, tranſlatid is þe ioȝe of þe lond.
ſhuln heren of Tiro. xii Laft is in þe huge cite wilderneſſe, and wrecchidneſſe ſhal
vi Paſſeþ þe ſes; ȝelleþ, þat dwellen in þe ile. opreſſen þe ȝates.
vii Wheþer not þis ȝoure is, þat gloriede fro þe raþere daȝes xiii For þeſe þingus ſhul be in þe myddel of þe lond, in þe
in his eelde? leden ſhuln it aferr hir feet to pilgrymagen. myddel of puples, what maner if fewe oile beries þat lefen
viii Who þoȝte þis vp on Tirun ſum tyme crouned, whos ben ſhaken out of þe olyue tree, and cluſter braunches, whan
nededoeres princes, his marchaundus noble men of þe erþe? were endid þe vyndage.
ix Þe Lord of oſtes þoȝte þis, þat he drawe doun þe pride of xiiii Þeſe ſhul reren vp þer vois, and preiſen, whan ſhal be
alle glorie, and to ſhenſhipe bringe doun alle þe noble men of glorified þe Lord; þei ſhul neȝen fro þe ſe.
erþe. xv For þat in techingus glorifieþ þe Lord; in iles of þe ſe, þe
x Paſſe ouer þi lond as þe flod, þou doȝter of þe ſe; þer is no name of þe Lord God of Irael.
more girdil to þee. xvi Fro þe endes of þe erþe preiſingus wee han herd, þe
xi His hond ouer þe ſe he `ſtrecchide, and diſturbede reumes. glorie of þe riȝtwis. And I ſeide, My priue þing to me, my
Þe Lord ſente aȝen Canaan, þat he totrede his ſtronge men; priue þing to me. `Wo to me, þe lawe breking þei breeken,
xii and ſeide, Þou ſhalt no mor leyn to, þat þou glorie, and in lawe breking of þe ouer don þingus þei breeken þe
chalengis ſuſtenende, þou maden doȝter of Sidon. In Sichym xvii Ferd, and dich, and grene vp on þee, þat dwellere art of
riſende ouerſeile þou; þere forſoþe ſhal not ben reſte to þee.
xiii Lo! þe lond of Caldeis ſuch a puple was not; Aſſur þe erþe.
xviii And it ſhal be, he þat ſhal flee fro þe face of drede, ſhal
foundide it; in to caitifte þei ouerladden þe ſtalwrþe men of it;
þei vnderdoluen his houſes, þei putten it in to falling. falle in to þe dich; and he þat takeþ hymſelf out of þe dich,
xiiii Ȝelleþ, ȝee ſhipes of þe ſe, for doun waſtid is ȝoure ſhal be holden wiþ þe grene; for þe gooteres fro heȝe þyngus


ben opened, and ſmyte togidere ſhul ben þe foundemens of þe ii Openeþ þe ȝates, and þer ſhal go in a riȝtwis folc, kepende
erþe. treuþe.
xix Wiþ tobreking ſhal ben to-broken þe erþe, wiþ to-broſing iii Þe olde errour ȝide awei; þou ſhalt kepe pes, pes, for in
ſhal be to-broſid þe lond, wiþ to-ſtering ſhal be to-ſtired þe `þee, Lord, wee han hopid.
erþe, iiii Ȝee han hopid in þe Lord, fro þe euere laſtende worldus,
xx wiþ ſhaking ſhal be `to-ſhaken þe erþe, as a drunken man.
in þe Lord God, ſtrong in to wiþoute ende.
And it ſhal be don awey, as þe tabernacle of o nyȝt, and v For he ſhal inbowe þe dwelleris in heiȝte, þe heȝe cite he
greuen it ſhal his wickidneſſe; and it ſhal falle, and it ſhal not
leyn to, þat it riſe aȝeen. ſhal meeken; he ſhal meke it vn to þe erþe, drawen it doun in
xxi And it ſhal be, in þat dai viſite ſhal þe Lord vp on þe to pouder.
vi To-trede it ſhal þe foote of þe pore, þe goyngus of helpeles
knyȝthod of heuene in heȝ, and vp on þe kingus of þe lond,
þat ben vp on erþe. men.
xxii And þei ſhul ben gedered togidere in þe gederyng togidere vii Þe ſty of þe riȝtwis is euene, euene þe paþ of þe riȝtwis to
of a bundel in to þe lake, and þei ſhul ben cloſid þere in gon.
priſoun; and aftir many daȝes þei ſhul be viſitid. viii And in þe ſty of þi domes, Lord, wee han ſuſtened þee; þi
xxiii And þe moone ſhal ſhamen, and confoundid ſhal be þe name, and þi mynde, in deſyr of ſoule.
ſunne, whan ſhal regne þe Lord of oſtes in þe hil of Sion, ix My ſoule ſhal deſire þee in nyȝt, but and wiþ my ſpirit in
and in Jeruſalem; and in þe ſiȝt of þer olde men he ſhal ben myn herte inward þingus; fro erly I ſhal wake to þee. Whan
glorified. þou ſhalt don þi domes in þe erþe, riȝtwiſneſſe ſhul lernen alle
þe dwelleris of þe world.
Capitulum XXV. x Haue wee mercy to þe vnpitouſe, and he ſhal not lerne to do

i Lord,
riȝtwiſneſſe; in þe lond of halewis wicke þingus he dide, and
my God þou art, I ſhal enhaunce þee, and I ſhal he ſhal not ſee þe glorie of þe Lord.
knouleche to þi name; for þou haſt do merueilous þingus, olde xi Lord, be enhauncid þin hond, þat þei ſee not; ſee and be
feiþful þoȝtus. Amen. confoundid þe enuyende puples, and fyr þin enemys deuoure.
ii For þou haſt ſet þe cite in to noyſe, þe huge ſtronge cite in
xii Lord, þou ſhalt ȝyuen pes to vs, alle forſoþe oure werkes
to falling, þe hous of alienes, þat it be not cite, and in to þou wroȝtiſt in vs.
euermor it ſhal not ben bild vp. xiii Lord oure God, lordis weldeden vs, wiþ oute þee; only in
iii Vp on þis ſhal preiſe þee a ſtrong puple, þe cite of ſtalwrþ
folc of kinde ſhal drede þee. þee recorde wee of þi name.
xiiii Diende lyue þei not, and ieauntis ryſe þei not aȝeen.
iiii For þou art mad ſtrengþe to þe pore, ſtrengþe to þe
helpeles in his tribulacioun, hope fro þe whirlewynd, a Þerfore þou haſt viſityd, and to-broſedeſt hem, and loſt al þe
ſhadewe hilet fro hete; þe ſpirit forſoþe of ſtalwrþe men as a mynde of þem; and þou haſt forȝyue to þe fol of kinde,
xv Lord, þou haſt forȝoue to þe folc of kynde. Wheþer glorified
whirlewind puttende doun a wal.
v As wiþ hete in þriſt, þe noiſe of alienes þou ſhalt meken; þou art? þou haſt `drawen along alle þe termes of þe erþe.
xvi Lord, in anguyſh þei ſoȝten þee; in tribulacioun of
and as wiþ hete vnder þe cloude feerly brennende, þe
braunches of ſtronge men þou ſhalt make to welewyn. grucching þi lore to þem.
vi And þe Lord of oſtes ſhal make to alle puples in þis hil a xvii As ſhe þat conceyuede, whan ſhe ſhulde neȝhe to þe
feſte of fatte beſtes, a feſte of vyndage of merewi fatte þingus, trauailing of child, ſorewende crieþ in hir ſorewes, ſo wee ben
of vyndage moſt pure. maad fro þi face, Lord.
vii And he ſhal ſtumble doun in þis hil þe face of þe bond, xviii Wee han conceyued, and as wee han born, and broȝte
bounde togidere vp on alle puples, and þe web þat `he haþ forþ þe ſpirit of helþe; riȝtwiſneſſe wee han not don in erþe,
weuede vp on alle nacyouns. þerfore fellen not þe dwelleris of þe erþe.
viii He ſhal ſtumble doun deþ in to euere laſting, and don xix Lyuen ſhul þi deade, my ſlayne men ſhuln aȝeen riſe. Beþ
awei ſhal þe Lord God eche tere fro alle face; and þe repref wakid, and preiſeþ, ȝee þat dwellen in pouder; for þe dew of
of his puple he ſhal don awey fro al erþe; for þe Lord ſpac. liȝt þi dew, and þe lond of ieauntus þou ſhalt drawe doun in
ix And þey ſhul ſey in þat day, Lo! þe Lord oure God þis; to falling.
xx Go, my puple, entre in to þi bed places, cloſe þi dores vp
wee han abiden hym, and he ſhal ſauen vs; þis þe Lord; wee
han ſuffryd hym, and wee ſhul ful out ioȝen, and gladen in on þee, be hid a litil while, to þe tyme þat paſſe myn
his helþe ȝyuere. indignacioun.
x For þe hond of þe Lord ſhal reſte in þis hil, and þreſchid xxi Lo! forſoþe þe Lord ſhal go out fro his hoely place, þat he
ſhal ben Moab vnder hym, as ben to-treden ſtrawes in a viſite þe wickidneſſe of þe dwellere of þe erþe aȝen hym; and
wayn. þe erþe ſhal opene his blod, and ſhal no more koueren his
xi And he ſhal ſtrecchen out his hondis vnder hym, as a ſlayn men.
ſwymmere ſtreccheþ out to ſwymmen; and he ſhal meeken his
glorie wiþ þe `hurling to of his hondis. Capitulum XXVII.
xii And þe forſemens, `or ſtrengþis, of þin heȝe walles ſhul i In þat dai viſeten ſhal þe Lord in his harde ſwerd, and gret,
togidere falle, and be lowid, and drawen doun to þe erþe, and ſtrong, vp on leuyathan, an eddere, a leuour, and vp on
vnto poudere. leuyathan, a crookid wounde ſerpent; and he ſhal ſle þe whal,
þat is in þe ſe.
Capitulum XXVI. ii In þat day þe vyneȝerd of good cleer wyn ſhal ſynge to
i Inþat day ſhal ben ſungen þis ſong in þe lond of Juda. Þe hym.
iii I þe Lord þat kepe it, feerli ſhal heelden out to it, leſt par
huge cite of oure ſtrengþe Sion; a ſaueour ſhal be ſet in it, þe
wal and þe bifor walling. auenture it be viſitid aȝen it; nyȝt and dai I kepe it,


iiii indignacioun is not to me. Who ſhal ȝyue me a þorne, and xii to whom he ſeide, Þis is my reſte; releeueþ þe wery, and
a brere? In bataile I ſhal go vp on it, I ſhal brennen it þat is my refreſhing; and þei wolden not heren.
togidere. xiii And þer ſhal be to þem þe wrd of þe Lord, Send, eft
v Or more I ſhal holde my ſtrengþe? He ſhal do pes to me, ſend; ſend, eft ſend; abijd, eft bijd; abijd, eft bijd; litil þere,
pes he ſhal don to me. litil þere; þat þei go, and falle bacward, and be to-broſid, and
vi Who ſhal go out wiþ bure fro Jacob? Flouren and burioune gnared, and taken.
ſhal Irael, and þey ſhul fulfille þe face of þe world wiþ ſed. xiiii For þat hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee men gileris, þat
vii Wheþer after þe plage of þe ſmytende hymſelf he ſmot hym? lordſhipen vp on my puple þat is in Jeruſalem.
or as he ſlooȝ þe ſlayne men of hym, ſo he is ſlayn? xv Ȝee ſeiden forſoþe, Wee han ſmyte pes bond wiþ deþ, and
viii In meſure aȝen meſure, whan leid to it ſhal be, he ſhal wiþ helle wee han maad couenaunt; ſcourge flowend whan
deme it; he biþoȝte in his harde ſpirit, by þe day of hete. ſhal paſſe, ſhal not come vp on vs, for wee han ſet leſyng oure
ix Þerfor vp on þis ſhal ben forȝouen wickidneſſe to þe hous hope, and wiþ leſyng we ben couered.
xvi Þerfor þeſe þyngus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! I ſhal ſenden
of Jacob, and þis al þe frute, þat be don awei his ſynne,
whan he ſhal leyn alle þe ſtones of þe auter as þe hurtlid in þe foundemens of Sion a corner ſton precious, proued, in
ſtones of aſkes. Stonde ſhul not þe maumet wodes, and þe þe foundement foundid; who ſhal beleeuen, heeȝe he not.
maumet waſſhing temples. xvii And I ſhal putte in peis dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe in meſure;
x Forſoþe þe ſtrengþid cite ſhal be deſolat, þe faire ſhal ben and þe hail ſhal to-turne vpſodoun þe hope of leſyng, and þe
forſake, and lafte as deſert; þere ſhal be fed þe calf, and þere proteccioun watris ſhul flowe.
ſhal he lyn, and waſte þe ouermoſtes of it. xviii And don awey ſhal be ȝoure pes bond wiþ deþ, and ȝoure
xi In þe droȝte of his rip to-treden ſhul ben wymmen, couenaunt wiþ helle ſhal not ſtonde; ſcourge flowende whan
comende and techende it. Forſoþe þer is not þe puple wys, ſhal paſſe, ȝee ſhul be to it in to treding.
þerfore ſhal not han mercy of it, þat made it; and þat xix Whan euere it ſhal paſſe, it ſhal take ȝou awey; for erly þe
foormede it, ſhal not ſpare to it. morutid it ſhal paſſe, in day and nyȝt; and al onli þe alone
xii And it ſhal be, in þat dai ſhal þe Lord ſmyte, fro þe greuous birþene vnderſtonding ſhal ȝyue to þe herende.
wombe of þe flod vnto þe ſtrem of Egipt; and ȝee ſhul be xx Al to ſtreit forſoþe is þe beddyng, ſo þat an oþer falle
gedered togidere oon and oon, ȝee ſonus of Irael. doun; and þe ſhorte mantil eiþer mai not couere.
xiii And it ſhal be, in þat dai ſhal be trumpid in a gret xxi As forſoþe in þe hil of deuyſeouns ſhal ſtonde þe Lord, ſo
trumpe, and þer ſhul comen þat weren loſt, fro þe lond of in þe valei, þat is in Gabaon, he ſhal wraþe, þat he do his
Aſſiries, and þat weren caſt awei, fro þe lond of Egipt; and werk; alyen is þe werk of hym, þat he werke his werk;
þei ſhul honouren þe Lord, in þe hoeli hil in Jeruſalem. ſtraunge is his werk fro hym.
xxii And now wileþ not bigilen, leſt par auenture be ſtreitid
Capitulum XXVIII. ȝoure bondis; ful ending forſoþe and abregging I haue herd of
i Wo
þe Lord God of oſtus, vp on al erþe.
to þe crowne of pride, to þe drunke men of Effraym, xxiii Wiþ eres parceyueþ, and hereþ my vois; takeþ heed, and
and to þe flour fallende doun of þe glorie of his ful out hereþ my fayre ſpeche.
ioȝyng, þat weren in þe cop of þe valei moſt fat, errende of xxiiii Wheþer al day ſhal ere þe erere, þat he ſowe, and forþ
ii Lo! þe ſtalwrþe and þe ſtronge Lord, as þe bure of hail, þe kutten, and purge his erþe?
xxv Wheþer not, whan he ſhal euenen þerto his face, he ſhal
tempeſt al brekende, as þe bure of manye flowende watris,
and ſent out vp on þe ſpaciouſe erþe. ſowe þe ſed giþ, and þe comyn ſprengen, and ſette þe whete bi
iii Wiþ feet ſhal be to-trede þe croune of pride of þe drunke order, and barly, and myle, and ficche in þer coeſtes?
xxvi And ſhal teche hym his God, in dom ſhal leren hym.
men of Effraym,
iiii and þe flour ſhal be doun fallende of þe glorie of his ful xxvii Forſoþe not in ſawes ſhal be þroſſhe giþ, ne þe wheel of
out ioȝing, þat is vp on þe cop of þe valei of fatte þingus, as a wayn vp on þe comyn ſhal gon aboute; but in ȝerde ſhal ben
þe biforn rijp frute bifor þe rijpneſſe of herueſt; þe whiche ſhaken out giþ, and þe comyn in a ſtaf.
þing whan ſhal beholde þe ſeere, anoon as wiþ hond he ſhal xxviii Bred forſoþe ſhal be to-mynuſht, but not in to euermor
holden, he ſhal deuoure it. þe þreſſhere ſhal þreſſhen it, ne ſhal trauaile it þe wheel of þe
v In þat dai ſhal be þe Lord of oſtes þe croune of glorie, and wayn, ne wiþ his cles ſhal to-mynuſhe it.
þe garlond of ful out ioȝing, to þe reſidue of his puple; xxix And þat fro þe Lord God of oſtes wente out, þat
vi and þe ſpirit of dom to þe ſittere vp on þe trone, and merueilous ſhulde make counſeil, and magnefyen þe
ſtrengþe to þer men turnende aȝeen fro þe bataile to þe ȝate. riȝtwyſneſſe.
vii `Þeſe alſo for wyn knewen not treuþe, and for drunkeneſſe
þei erreden; preeſt and profete knewen not for drunkeneſſe; þei Capitulum XXIX.
ben ſopen awei of wyn, þei erreden in drunkeneſſe; þei knewe i Wo!
not þe ſeere, þei vnknewe dom. Ariel, Ariel, `þat is, Jeruſalem, and auter, cite þat
viii Alle forſoþe boordis ben fulfild wiþ þe vome and filþis, ſo Dauid ouercam; added is ȝer to ȝer, ſolempnetees ben
þat þer were no more place. ii And I ſhal beſette aboute Ariel, and it ſhal be dreri and
ix Whom ſhal he teche kunnyng, and whom to vnderſtonde
ſorewy; and it ſhal be to me as Aryel.
ſhal he make þe heryng? Þe wened from mylc, þe put awei iii And I ſhal cumpaſſe as a bal in þi cumpas, and I ſhal
fro tetes.
x For ſend, eft ſend; ſend, eft ſend; abyd, eft byde; abijd, eft kaſte aȝen þee an hep, and þe ſtrengþis I ſhal ſette in to þi
bijd; litil þere, litil þere. iiii Þou ſhalt be meekid, of þe erþe þou ſhalt ſpeke, and of þe
xi In þe ſpeche forſoþe of þe lippe, and in an oþir tunge ſhal
loewe erþe ſhal ben herd þi ſpeche; and ſhal be as of a deuel
ben ſpoke to þis puple,


clepere fro þe erþe þi vois, and fro þe loewe erþe ſhal groyne halewen þe hoeli of Jacob, and þe hoeli God of Irael þei ſhul
þi ſpeche. prechen;
v And ſhal be as þynne pouder þe multitude of men xxiiii and knowen ſhul þe errende in ſpirit vnderſtonding, and
wynewende þee; and as `a gnaſt þurȝ paſſende, þe multitude þe muſures ſhul lerne þe lawe.
of hem þat aȝen þee hadden maiſtri.
vi And it ſhal be feerly, `or ſudenly, anoon fro þe Lord of Capitulum XXX.
oſtus it ſhal be viſitid, in þunder, and quauyng of erþe, and i Wo!
gret vois of whirlewind, and of tempeſt, and of flaume of fijr ȝee ſonus forſakeres, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝee ſchulden do
deuourende. counſeil, and not of me; and wefen a web, and not bi my
vii And ſhal be as a drem of a nyȝt viſeoun þe multitude of ſpirit, þat ȝee adde ſynne vp on ſynne.
ii Þe whiche gon, þat ȝee deſcende in to Egipt, and my mouþ
alle Jentiles þat foȝten aȝen Ariel; and alle þat aȝen riden,
and biſegeden, and hadden þe maiſtri aȝen it. ȝee han not aſkid; hopende helpe in þe ſtrengþe of Farao, and
viii And as ſweueneþ þe hungrende, and eteþ, whan forſoþe he hauende troſt in þe ſhadewe of Egipt.
iii And ſhal be to ȝou þe ſtrengþe of Farao in to confuſioun,
were wakid, voide is his ſoule; and as ſweueneþ þe þriſtende,
and drinkeþ, and aftir þat he were waken, weri ȝit he þriſteþ, and þe troſt of þe vmbre of Egipt in to ſhenſhepe.
and his ſoule is voide, ſo ſhal be þe multitude of alle Jentiles, iiii Wenten forſoþe in Thampnys þi princes, and þi meſſageres
þat foȝten aȝen þe hil of Sion. vnto `Anes cite ful camen.
ix Bicomeþ alle ſtoneid, and wndreþ; flotereþ, and wagereþ; v Alle þei ben confoundid vp on þe puple, þat to hem myȝte
`be ȝe drunken inwardli, and not of wyn; ȝee be moued, and no þan profited; þei weren not in to helpe, and in to any
not wiþ drunkeneſſe. profit, but in to confuſioun and repref.
x For mengd haþ þe Lord to ȝou þe ſpirit of ſlep; he ſhal vi Þe charge of þe beſtes of þe ſouþ. In þe lond of
cloſen ȝoure eȝen, þe profetes, and ȝoure princes þat ſeen tribulacioun and of anguyſh, a leouneſſe, and a leoun, of hem
viſeouns, he ſhal couere. a violent eddere, and a kokatrice fleende; berende vp on þe
xi And þer ſhal be to ȝou þe viſeoun of alle as þe wrdis of þe ſhuldris of beſtes þer richeſſes, and vp on þe bocche of
boc ſealid; whom whan þei ſhul ȝyue to þe kunnende lettris, camailes þer treſores, to þe puple þat to þem myȝte not han
þei ſhul ſey, Reed þis; and he ſhal anſwern, I mai not, profited.
forſoþe it is ſealid. vii Egipt forſoþe waſtli, and in veyn ſhal helpen. Þerfore I
xii And þe boc ſhal be ȝyue to þe not kunnende lettris, and it criede vp on þis, Pride onli it is; reſte þou.
ſhal be ſeid to hym, Reed; and he ſhal anſwern, I kan not viii Now þanne gon in, wryt to it vp on a box table, and in a
lettris. boc biſili graue it; and it ſhal be in þe laſte day in to
xiii And þe Lord ſeide, `For þi þat þis puple neȝheþ wiþ his witneſſyng, vn to euermore.
mouþ, and wiþ his lippes glorifieþ me, his herte forſoþe fer is ix Þe puple forſoþe to wraþe ys terrende, and ſones lieres,
fro me; and þei dradden me in maundement of men and ſones not willende to heren þe lawe of God.
doctrines, þerfore loo! x Þat ſeyn to men ſeende, Wileþ not ſee; and to men
xiiii I ſhal adde, þat gret wondring I do to þis puple, wiþ
biholdende, Wileþ not biholde to vs þo þingus þat ben riȝte;
gret myracle and hidous; forſoþe perſhe ſhal wiſdam fro his ſpekeþ to vs pleſaunt þingus, ſeeþ to vs erroures.
wiſe men, and þe vnderſtonding of his prudent men ſhal be xi Doþ awei fro me þe weie, bowiþ doun fro me þe ſty; ceſe
hid. fro oure face þe hoeli Irael.
xv Wo, ȝee þat deep ben in herte, þat fro þe Lord ȝee hide xii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe hoeli of Irael, For þi þat ȝee
counſeil; of whom þe werkes ben in dercneſſes, and ſeyn, Who han repreued þis wrd, and han hopid in to wronge chaleng,
ſeeþ vs, and who kneȝ vs? and in to noiſe, and han lened vp on it,
xvi Shreude is þis ȝoure þenking, as if þe cley aȝens þe xiii þerfore ſhal be to ȝou þis wickidneſſe as betwe broſure
crockere þenke, and þe werk ſey to his makere, Þou haſt not fallende, and aȝeen ſoȝt in an heeȝ wal; for ſodeynly whil me
mad me; and þe making ſey to his makere, Þou vnderſtondiſt hopeþ not, ſhal come þe to-broſing of it.
not. xiiii And ſhal be tomynuſht, as is to-broſid þe galoun of þe
xvii Wheþer not ȝit in litil and in ſhort ſhal be turned Liban
crockere wiþ ful ſtrong to-broſyng; and þer ſhal not be founde
`in to Chermel, and Chermel in to a wilde wode ſhal ben of his broſingus a ſhord, in whiche be born a litil fyr fro þe
holde? brennyng, or be drawe a litil of water fro þe dich.
xviii And heren ſhul in þat day deue men þe wrdis of þe boc, xv For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, hoeli of Irael, If ȝee
and fro dercneſſes and myſtyneſſes þe eȝen of blynde men ſhul turnen aȝeen, and reſten, ȝee ſhul be ſaaf; in ſcilence and in
ſeen; hope ſhal be ȝoure ſtrengþe. And ȝee wolden not.
xix and mylde men ſhuln adde in þe Lord gladneſſe, and pore xvi And ȝee ſeiden, Nai, but to hors we ſhul flee; þerfor ȝee
men in þe hoeli Irael ful out ſhul ioȝen. ſhul flee. And vp on ſwift wee ſhul ſteȝen vp; þerfor more
xx For he haþ failid, þat hadde þe maiſtri, ful endid is þe
ſwift ſhul be, þat ſhul purſue ȝou.
gilere, and hewen doun ben alle þat wakeden `vp on xvii A þouſend men fro þe face of þe ferd of oon; and fro þe
wickidneſſe; ferd of þe face of fyue ȝee ſhul fleen, to þe tyme þat ȝee be
xxi þat to ſynnen maden men in wrd, and þe vndernymere in laft as þe maſt of a ſhip in þe cop of a mounteyn, and as
þe ȝate þei ſupplaunteden, and boweden doun in veyn fro þe tocne vp on an hil.
riȝtwis. xviii Þerfor abideþ þe Lord, þat he haue mercy of ȝou, and
xxii For þat þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to þe hous of Jacob, þat
þerfore ſhal ben enhauncid þe ſparende to ȝou; for God of dom
aȝen bouȝt Abraham, Not now ſhal be confoundid Jacob, ne þe Lord, blisful alle þat abijden hym.
now his chere ſhal ſhame; xix Þe puple forſoþe of Sion `ſhal dwelle in Jeruſalem;
xxiii but whan he ſhal ſeen his ſones, þe werkys of myn wepende þou ſhalt not wepe, rewende, `or doyng mercy, he
hondis, in his myddel halewende my name. And þei ſhul ſhal han mercy of þee; at þe vois of þi cry, anoen as he hereþ,
he ſhal anſwern to þee.


xx And þe Lord ſhal ȝyue to þee ſtreit bred, and ſhort water, inwardly ben aferd; ſo ſhal come doun þe Lord of oſtus, þat
and he ſhal not make to fleen awey fro þee more þi techere; he fiȝte vp on þe mount of Sion, and vp on his hilles.
and þin eȝen ſhul be ſeende þi comaundere, v As briddes fleende, ſo defende ſhal þe Lord of oſtus
xxi and þin eres ſhuln heren þe wrd bihinde þe bac of þe Jeruſalem; defendende and delyuerende, paſſende and ſauende.
moneſtere; Þis þe weie, goþ in it, nouþer to þe riȝt ne to þe vi Beþ conuertid, as in to depþe wenten awei, ȝee ſonus of
lyft. Irael.
xxii And þou ſhalt al to-foule þe plates of þe grauen þing of þi vii In þat dai forſoþe caſten awey ſhal a man þe maumetes of
ſiluer, and þe cloþing of þi ȝoten gold; and þou ſhalt diſtroȝe hys ſiluer, and þe maumetes of his gold, þat maden to ȝou
þem, as þe vnclenneſſe of þe blod flux of wymmen; Go out, ȝoure hondus in to ſynne.
and þou ſhalt ſey to it. viii And falle ſhal Aſſur in ſwerd, not of a man, and þe
xxiii And þer ſhal be ȝoue reyn to þi ſed, wher euere þou ſhalt ſwerd, not of a man, ſhal deuoure hym; and he ſhal flee, not
ſowe in þe erþe, and þe bred of þe frutus of þe erþe ſhal be fro þe face of þe ſwerd, and his ȝunge men ſhul be
moſt plenteuous `and fatt; þer ſhul be fed in þi poſſeſſioun in tributaries;
þat day þe lomb ſpaciouſly, `or largly. ix and his ſtrengþe of þe ferd ſhal paſſe, and inwardly dreden
xxiiii And þi bolis and þin aſſe coltes, þat werken þe erþe, ſhul his princes fleende. Þe Lord ſeide, whos fyr is in Syon,
mengd barly þei ſhul ete, as in þe cornflor it is wynewid. and hys chymne in Jeruſalem.
xxv And þer ſhul be vp on alle heeȝ mounteyn, and vp on alle
rered hil, ryueres of rennende watris, and in þe dai of ſlaȝtir Capitulum XXXII.
of manye, whan ſhul falle toures. i Lo!
xxvi And þe liȝt of þe moone ſhal be as þe liȝt of þe ſunne, in riȝtwiſneſſe regne ſhal a king, and princes in dom
and þe liȝt of þe ſunne ſhal be ſeuene fold, as þe liȝt of ſeuene ſhul beforn ben.
ii And a man ſhal be, as þat is hid fro þe wynd, and coouereþ
daȝes, in þe dai þat þe Lord ſhal bynde þe wounde of his
puple, and þe ſmyting of his wounde ſhal helen. hymſelf fro tempeſt; as ryueres of watris in þriſt, and ſhadewe
xxvii Lo! þe name of þe Lord cam fro afer; his wodneſſe of þe ſton ouerſtondende in þe deſert lond.
iii Daſwen ſhul not þe eȝen of men ſeende, and þe eres of
brennende and heuy to bern; his lippis ben fulfild wiþ
indignacioun, and his tunge as fyr deuourende. men herende biſily ſhul herknen;
xxviii His ſpirit as a ſwift ſtrem, flowende vnto þe myddel of iiii and þe herte of fooles ſhal vnderſtonde kunnyng, and þe
þe hyl, to be loſt Jentiles in to noȝt, and þe bridil of errour, tunge of bufferes ſwiftli ſhal ſpeke, and pleynly.
þat was in þe chekes of puples. v Þer ſhal no more be clepid he þat is vnwis a prince, ne þe
xxix A ſong ſhal be to ȝou, as þe vois of þe halewid gylere ſhal be clepid a meyr.
ſolempnete; and þe gladneſſe of herte, as he þat goþ wiþ a vi Þe fool forſoþe fool þingus ſhal ſpeke, and his herte ſhal do
trumpe, þat he entre in to þe hil of þe Lord, to þe ſtronge of wickidneſſe, þat he fulfille feynyng, and ſpeke to þe Lord
Irael. gilendely; and voide he ſhal make þe ſoule of þe hungrere, and
xxx And herd þe Lord ſhal make þe glorie of his vois, and þe drinc to þe þriſtere he ſhal don awei.
ferd of his arm he ſhal ſhewe in þreting of wodneſſe, and in vii Of þe gilere werſt veſſeles ben; he forſoþe þoȝtus dide, to
flaume of fyr deuourende; he ſhal hurtle in whirlewind, and in be loſt mylde men in wrd of leſing, whan þe pore ſhulde ſpeke
þe ſton of hail. dom.
xxxi Fro þe vois forſoþe of þe Lord ſhal dreden Aſſur ſmyte viii A prince forſoþe þoe þingus þat ben wrþi a prince ſhal
wiþ a ȝerde; þenke, and he vp on dukes ſhal ſtonde.
xxxii and þe paſſing of þe ȝerde ſhal be founded, þat þe Lord ix Ȝee plenteuous wymmen, riſeþ, and hereþ my voys; ȝee
ſhal make to reſten vp on hym. In tymbris, and harpis, and troſtende doȝtris, parceyueþ wiþ eres my ſpeche.
in cheef batailis he ſhal ouercome þem. x Aftir daȝes forſoþe and a ȝer, and ȝee ſhul be diſturbid
xxxiii Greiþid is forſoþe fro ȝiſterdai Tofeth, fro þe kyng
troſtende; full endid is forſoþe þe vyndage, gedering togidere
greiþid; his nurſhemens deep and ſpred, fyr and myche wode; no more ſhal come.
þe blaſt of þe Lord as a ſtrem of brunſton vp brennende it. xi Stoneȝeþ, ȝee plenteuous wymmen, and beþ diſturbid, ȝee
troſtende; vncloþe ȝou, and beþ confoundid; girdeþ ȝoure
Capitulum XXXI. leendus;
i Wo! xii vp on þe tetes weileþ, vp on þe deſirable regioun, vp on þe
þat gon doun in to Egipt to helpe, in hors hopende,
and hauende troſt vpon foure horſid carres, for þei ben manye, plenteuous vyneȝerd.
and vp on hors men, for bifor ſtalwrþe þei ben ful myche; and xiii Vpon þe loewe erþe of my puple þornes and brieres ſchul
þei han not troſted vp on þe hoely of Irael, and þe Lord þei ſteȝen vp; hou myche more vp on alle þe houſes of ioȝe of þe
han not out ſoȝt. cite ful out ioȝende?
ii He forſoþe wijs, broȝte to euel, and his wrdis he toc not xiiii Þe hous forſoþe is left, þe multitude of þe huge cite is
awey; and he ſhal riſe aȝen þe hous of þe werſte men, and forſake; dercneſſes and groping ben mad vp on þe dennes,
aȝen þe helpe of men wirkende wickidneſſe. vnto wiþ oute ende. Þe ioȝe of feeld aſſes, þe leſwe of flockes;
iii Egipt a man, and not God; and his hors fleſh, and not xv to þe tyme þat be held out vp on us þe ſpirit fro an heiȝ,
ſpirit; and þe Lord ſhal boowen his hond, and togidere falle and þer ſhal be deſert in Chermel, and Chermel in to wilde
ſhal þe helpere, and falle ſhal he, to whom men ȝyueþ helpe, wod ſhal ben holde.
and alle togidere ſhul be waſtid. xvi And þer ſhal dwelle in wilderneſſe dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe in
iiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, What maner if a Chermel ſhal ſitte;
leoun rore, and þe whelp of a leoun vp on his prey, whan xvii and þer ſhal be þe werk of riȝtwiſneſſe pes, and þe
aȝen comeþ to hym þe multitude of ſhepperdus, fro þe vois of heriyng of riȝtwiſneſſe ſcilence and ſikirneſſe, vnto euermore.
hem he ſhal not drede, and of þe multitude of hem he ſhal not xviii And ſitte ſhal my puple in fayrnes of pes, and in
tabernacles of troſt, and in reſte plenteuous.


xix Hail forſoþe in þe goyng doun of þe wilde wode, and bi xxiii Slakid ben þi litil cordes, but þei ſhul not han þe maiſtri;
mekneſſe ſhal be mekid þe cite. ſo ſhal be þi maſt, þat þou mow not ſprede abrod a tocne.
xx Blisful ȝee, þat ſowen vp on alle watris, puttende in þe Þanne ſhul be deuydid ſpoiles of many preyes, halte men ſhul
foot of þe oxe and of þe aſſe. take awey raueyn.
xxiiii Ne þe neȝhebore ſhal ſey, I languyſhede; þe puple þat
Capitulum XXXIII. dwellede in it, þer ſhal be don awei fro hym wickeneſſe.
i Wo! þou þat robbeſt; wheþer and þi ſelf ſhalt not be robbid? Capitulum XXXIIII.
and þou þat diſpiſiſt, wheþir and þiſelf ſhalt not be diſpiſed?
Whan þou ſhalt han ful endid robbing, þou ſhalt be robbid; i Neȝheþ, ȝee Jentiles, and hereþ; takeþ heed, ȝee puples; here
whan `weeried þou lefeſt to diſpiſe, þou ſhalt be diſpiſid. þe lond, and his fulneſſe, þe world, and al his buriownyng.
ii Lord, haue merci of vs, þee forſoþe wee han abide; be þou ii For þe indignacioun of þe Lord vp on alle Jentiles, and
oure arm in erly, and oure helþe in tyme of tribulacioun. wodneſſe vp on al þe chyualrie of hem; he ſloȝ hem, and ȝaf
iii Fro þe vois of þe aungil floun puples; of þin enhauncing þem in to ſlaȝter.
ſcatered ben Jentiles. iii Þe ſlayne of hem ſhul be þrowe afer, and of þe careynes of
iiii And gederede togidere ſhul be ȝoure ſpoiles, as is gedered hem ſhal ſteȝen vp ſtinc; whlaten ſhul mounteynes of þe blod
bruſh, as whan þe diches fulle ſhul be of it. of hem.
v Magnefied is þe Lord, for he dwelte `in heiȝ, he fulfild iiii And wlate ſhal al þe knyȝthed of heuenes, and `heuenes
Sion wiþ dom and riȝtwiſneſſe. ſhulen be foldid togidere as a boc, and al þe knyȝthed of hem
vi And feiþ ſhal ben in þi tymes; richeſſes of helþe, wiſdam ſhal fade, as fadeþ awey a lef of þe vyne and of þe fige tree.
v For inwardli drunken is in heuene my ſwerd; lo! vp on
and kunnyng; þe drede of þe Lord, it þe treſor of hym.
vii Lo! þe ſeeres ſhul crien wiþouteforþ, þe aungeles of pes Ydume it ſhal come doun, and vp on þe puple of my ſleyng,
to dom.
bitterli ſhul wepe. vi Þe ſwerd of þe Lord fulfild is of blod, innerly fattid it is
viii Scatered ben þe weies, ceſide þe paſſid bi þe ſty; voyde
wiþ talȝ of blod of lombis and of get, of þe blod of merewi
mad is þe couenaunt, he caſte awei þe cites, he heeld `of no weþeres; forſoþe victorie ſacrifiſes of þe Lord in Boſra, and
pris not men. gret ſlaȝter in þe lond of Edom.
ix Weilede, and languyſſhede þe lond; confoundid is Liban, vii And doun ſhul come vnycornes wiþ hem, and booles wiþ
and becam doumb; and mad is Saron as deſert, and ſmyte þe myȝty; inwardli drunken ſhal be þe lond of hem wiþ blod,
togidere is Baſan, and Carmel. and þe loewe erþe of hem wiþ talȝ of fatte þingis;
x Now I ſhal riſe, ſeiþ þe Lord, now I ſhal ben enhauncid, viii for þe dai of þe veniaunce of þe Lord, ȝer of ȝeelding of
now I ſhal ben vp rered. þe dom of Sion.
xi Ȝee ſhul conſeyue brennyng, ȝee ſhul bern ſtobil; ȝoure ix And turned ſhuln ben his ſtremes in to pich, and his loewȝ
ſpirit as fyr ſhal deuoure ȝou. erþe in to brunſton; and his erþe ſhal be in to brennende pich,
xii And ben ſhul puples as of þe brennyng aſkes; þornes nyȝt and day.
gedered togidere in fyr ſhul be brent. x It ſhal not be queynt in to euermor, his ſmoke ſhal ſteȝen
xiii Hereþ, ȝee þat ben aferr, what I haue do; and knowiþ, vp fro ieneracioun in to ieneracioun, and deſolat ſhal be in to
ȝee neȝhebores, my ſtrengþe. worldus of worldis; þer ſhal not ben a paſſere þurȝ it.
xiiii Al to-broſid ben in Sion ſynneres, tremblyng weldede xi And welden ſhul it þe foul in face lic an aſſe, and þe
ipocrites; who ſhal moun dwelle of ȝou wiþ fyr deuourende? irchoun; and þe ſnyte, and þe crowe dwelle ſhul in it; and
who ſhal dwelle of ȝou wiþ euere durende brennyngus? ſtraȝt out vp on it ſhal ben a meſure, þat it be broȝt to noȝt,
xv Þat goþ in riȝtwiſneſſes, and ſpekeþ treuþe; þat þrowiþ and `a lyne euene doun piȝt in to deſolacioun.
awei coueitiſe of wrong chaleng, and ſhakeþ out his hondis fro xii His noble men ſhul not be þere; þe king more þei ſhul
alle ȝifte; þat ſtoppiþ his eres, leſt he here blod, and cloſiþ his inwardly clepen, and ben ſhuln alle his princes in to noȝt.
eȝen, leſt he ſee euel. xiii And þer ſhul ſpringe in his houſes þornes and netles, and
xvi Þis in heiȝtus ſhal dwelle, þe ſtrengþys of huge ſtones his taſil in þe ſtrengþis of it; and it ſhal be þe bed place of
heȝte; bred to hym is ȝoue, his watris ben feiþful. dragownes, and þe leſwe of oſtriches.
xvii Þe king in his fairneſſe ſeen ſhuln his eȝen; biholden xiiii And aȝen come ſhul deueles, þe beſte party an aſſe and `a
ſchul þe lond fro afer. party a man, and þe wodewoſe; þe toþir ſhal crie to þe toþer.
xviii Þin herte ſweteli ſhal þenke drede; wher is þe lettrid? Þere ſhal lyn `lamya, þat is, a þirs, or a beſte hauende þe
Wher is þe wrdus of þe lawe chargende? wher is þe doctour bodi lic a womman and horſe feet; and he fyndeþ to himſelf
of litil childer? reſte;
xix Vnprudent puple he ſhal not ſee, puple of heiȝ ſermoun, ſo xv þere hadde diches þe yrchoun, and nurſhede out litle chittes,
þat þou mowe not vnderſtonde þe ſleeyneſſe of his tunge, in and aboute dalf, and nurſhede in his ſhadewe; þere ben
whiche is no wiſdam. gedered kites, þe toþer to þe toþer.
xx Bihold Sion, þe cite of oure ſolempnete; þin eȝen ſhul ſee xvi Secheþ beſily in þe boc of þe Lord, and redeþ; oon of hem
Jeruſalem, a plenteuous cite, a tabernacle þat ſhal not moun failyde not, þe toþer at þe toþer ſoȝte not; for þat of my mouþ
ben ouerborn, ne his nailis ſhul ben take awei in to euermor; ȝide forþ, he comaundide, and his ſpirit he gederede þo
and alle his litil cordes ſhul not be to-broken. þingus.
xxi For onli þere þe grete doyng, Lord oure God; þe place of xvii And he ſente to þem lot, and his hond deuydede it to þem
flodes ryueres moſt brod and opene; þer entride not bi it þe in to meſure; vnto euermore þei ſhul welden it, in ieneracioun
ſhip of roweres, ne þe grete ſhip of þre ſtagis ſhal not and ieneracioun þei ſhul dwellen it.
ouergon it.
xxii Þe Lord forſoþe oure domes man, þe Lord oure lawe
ȝyuere, þe Lord oure king; he ſhal come, and ſauen us.


Capitulum XXXV. x and now wheþer wiþoute þe Lord I ſteȝede vp to þis lond,
i Gladen
þat I ſhulde deſtroȝe it? Þe Lord ſeide to me, Steȝe vp vp on
ſhal deſert, and þe wiþ oute weie, and ful out ſhal þis lond, and deſtroȝe it.
ioȝen þe wilderneſſe, and flouren as a lilie. xi And Eleachym ſeide, and Sobna, and Joae, to Rapſacen,
ii Buriownynge it ſhal burioune, and ful out ioȝen, ioȝeful and
Spec to þi ſeruauntis in Sirie tunge, wee vnderſtonden
preiſing. Þe glorie of Liban is ȝoue to it, þe fairneſſe of forſoþe; ne ſpeke þou to vs Jewly, in þe eres of þe puple, þat
Carmel and of Saron; þei ſhul ſee þe glorie of þe Lord, and is vp on þe wal.
þe fairneſſe of oure God. xii And ſeide to þem Rapſaces, Wheþer to `þi lord and to þee
iii Coumforteþ þe hondes looſid atwynne, and þe feble knees
ſente me my lord, þat `I ſchuld ſpeke alle þeſe wrdys, and not
ſtrengþeþ. more to þe men þat ſytten in þe wal, þat þei ete þer toordes,
iiii Seiþ, Ȝee `of litil corage, takeþ coumfort, and wileþ not and drinke þer vryne of þeir feet wiþ ȝou?
dreden; lo! oure God veniaunce of ȝelding ſhal bringe, God he xiii And Rapſaces ſtod, and criede wiþ a gret vois Jeuly, and
ſhal come, and ſauen vs. ſeide, Hereþ þe wrdes of þe grete king, king of Aſſiries.
v Þanne ſhul ben opened þe eȝen of blynde men, and eres of xiiii Þeſe þyngus ſeiþ þe king, Bigile not ȝou Eſechie, for he
deue men ſhul ben opened. ſhal not moun delyueren ȝou out;
vi Þanne ſhal lepe as an hert þe halte, and opened ſhal be þe xv and not to ȝou troſt ȝyue Ezechie vp on þe Lord, ſeiende,
tunge of doumbe men; for kut ben in deſert watris, and Delyuerende þe Lord ſhal delyueren vs; ſhal not be ȝoue þis
ſtremes in wilderneſſe. cite in þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries.
vii And þat was drie in to a pond, and þe þriſtende in to xvi Wileþ not heren Ezechie. Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe king
welles of watris. In þe couches, in þe whiche biforn dwelten of Aſſiries, Doþ wiþ me bleſſyng, and goþ out to me; and
dragounes, ſhal ſpringe þe greneneſſe of þe reed, and of þe eteþ eche his vyne, and eche his fige tree, and drinkeþ eche þe
reſſhe. water of his ciſterne,
viii And it ſhal be þere in þe ſty, and in þe weie, and an xvii to þe tyme þat I come, and take ȝou awei to þe lond þat
hoely weie it ſhal be clepid, paſſe ſhal not bi it a defoulid; and is as ȝoure lond; lond of whete and of wyn, lond of loefes
þis ſhal be to you a ſtraȝt riȝt weie, ſo þat foolys erre not by and of vynes.
it. xviii Ne diſturbe ȝou Ezechie, ſeiende, Þe Lord ſhal delyuere
ix Þer ſhal not be þere a leoun, and euel beſte ſhal not ſteȝen
vs. Wheþer delyuereden þe godes of Jentiles eche his lond fro
vp bi it, `ne be founden þere. þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries?
x And gon ſhul þei þat ſhul ben delyuered; and þe boȝt of þe xix Wher is þe god of Emath, and of Arfath? Wher is þe god
Lord ſhul be conuertid, and comen in to Sion wiþ preiſing; of Sefaruaym? Wheþer þei deliuereden Samarie fro myn
and euere durende gladneſſe vp on þe hed of hem; ioȝe and hond?
gladneſſe þei ſhul welde, and flee ſhal ſorewe and weiling. xx Who is of alle þe godes of þeſe londis þat delyuerede his
lond fro myn hond, þat þe Lord delyuere Jeruſalem fro myn
Capitulum XXXVI. hond?
i And xxi And þei heelden þer pes, and anſwerden not to hym a
don it is in þe fourtenþe ȝer of king Ezechie, ſteȝede vp
Senacherib, king of Aſſiries, vp on alle þe ſtrengþid cites of wrd. Forſoþe þe king hadde comaundid to þem, ſeiende, Ne
Juda, and toc hem. anſwere ȝee to hym.
ii And þe king of Aſſiries ſente Rapſacen fro Laches in to xxii And wente in Elyachym, þe ſone of Elchie, þat was vp on
Jeruſalem, to king Ezechie, in an heuy hond; and ſtod in þe þe hous, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joae, ſone of Aſaf,
water kundute of þe ouere pond, in þe weie of þe fulleris chaunceler, to Eſechie, kut þe cloþis, and tolden to hym þe
feeld. wrdes of Rapſaes.
iii And wente oute to hym Elyachym, ſone of Elchie, þat was
vpon þe hous, and Sobna, ſcribe, and Joae, þe ſone of Aſaf, Capitulum XXXVII.
chaunceler. i And it is do, whan hadde herd king Ezechie, he kutte his
iiii And Rapſaces ſeide to þem, Seiþ to Ezechie, Þeſe þingus
cloþis, and wrappid is wiþ a ſac, and wente in to þe hous of
ſeiþ þe grete king, king of Aſſiries, What is þis triſt, þat þou þe Lord.
troſteſt? ii And he ſente Eleachym, þat was vp on þe hous, and
v or of counſeil or ſtrengþe to rebellen þou diſpoſiſt? vp on
Sobnam, ſcribe, and þe elderes of þe preeſtus, coouered wiþ
whom haſt þou troſt, for þou haſt gon awei fro me? ſackus, to Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, profete.
vi Lo! þou troſtiſt vp on þis `ſtaf of reed to-broken, `vp on iii And þei ſeiden to hym, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ Ezechie, Þe dai of
Egipt, to whom if a man ſhul lene, it ſhal go in to his hond, tribulacioun, and of anguyſh, and of correccioun, and of
and þerlen it; ſo Farao, king of Egipt, to alle men þat troſten blasfemye, þis day; for þer camen ſones to þe berþe, and
in hym. vertue was not of bering.
vii Þat if þou anſwere to me, In þe Lord oure God wee iiii If any maner here þe Lord þi God þe wrdus of Rapſaces,
troſten; wheþer not he is, whos heȝe þyngus and auteres toc whom ſente þe king of Aſſiries, his lord, to blasfemen þe God
awei Ezechie, and ſeyde to Jude and to Jeruſalem, Beforn lyuende, and to repreue wiþ wrdis, whiche herde þe Lord þi
þis auter ȝee ſhul honoure? God, rere vp þanne oriſoun for þe relikes þat ben founde.
viii And now `tac þee to my lord, þe king of Aſſiries, and I v And þer camen ſeruauns of king Eſechie to Iſaie;
ſhal ȝyue to þee two þouſend hors, and þou ſhalt not moun vi and Iſaie ſeide to þem, Þeſe þingus ȝee ſhul ſeyn to ȝoure
ȝyuen of þee ſteȝeres vp of hem. lord, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Ne drede þou of þe face of þe
ix And what maner ſuſtene ſhal þe face of a domes man of o
wrdus þat þou haſt herd, wiþ whiche blasfemeden þe childer
place of þe laſſe ſeruauns of my lord? Þat if þou troſte in of þe king of Aſſiries me.
Egipt, and in þe foure horſid carre, and in þe horſe men;


vii Lo! I ſhal ȝyue to hym a ſpirit, and he ſhal heren a xxviii Þi dwelling, and þin entre, and þi going out Y knew,
meſſager; and he ſhal be turned aȝeen to his lond, and to and þi wodneſſe aȝen me.
fallen I ſhal maken hym wiþ ſwerd in his lond. xxix Whan þou `were wod aȝen me, þi pride ſteȝede vp in to
viii Rapſaces forſoþe is turned aȝeen, and he fond þe king of myn eres; I ſhal putte þanne a cercle in þi noſe þirles, and a
Aſſiries fiȝtende aȝen Lobnam; forſoþe he hadde herd, for he bridil in þi lippis; and I ſhal bringe aȝeen þee in to þe weie,
was go fro Lachis. bi þe whiche þou came.
ix And he herde of Theracha, king of Ethiope, ſeiende, He xxx To þee forſoþe þis ſhall ben a tocne; et þis ȝer þat freeli
wente out, þat he fiȝte aȝen þee. Þe whiche þing whan he ben ſprunge, and in þe ſecunde ȝer et appelis; in þe þridde
hadde herd, he ſente meſſageres to Eſechie, ſeiende, forſoþe ȝer ſoweþ, and repiþ, and plaunteþ vynes, and eteþ þe
x Þeſe þingus ȝee ſhul ſey to Eſechie, king of Jude, ſpekende, frut of hem.
Not þee diſceyue þi God, in whiche þou troſteſt, ſeiende, xxxi And he ſhall putte it, þat were ſaued of þe hous of Juda,
Jeruſalem ſhal not be ȝyue in þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries. and þat is laft ſetten þe roote beneþe, and ſhal make frute
xi Lo! þou haſt herd what dide alle þe kingus of Aſſiries to aboue;
alle londes þat þei turneden vpſo doun; and `ſhalt þou moun xxxii for fro Jeruſalem ſhul gon out relikes, and ſaluacioun fro
be delyuered? þe mount of Sion; þe inward loue of þe Lord of oſtes ſhal do
xii Wheþer delyuereden hem þe godis of Jentiles, whom þis.
turneden vpſo doun my fadris; Goſam, and Aran, and Reſef, xxxiii Þerfore þeſe þinges ſeiþ þe Lord, of þe king of Aſſiries,
and þe ſones Eden, þat weren in Thalaſar? He ſhal not go in to þis cite, and he ſhal not þrowe þere an
xiii Wher is þe king of Emath, and þe king of Arfath, and þe arwe; and þer ſhal not ocupie it a ſheld, and he ſhal not putte
king of þe huge cite Cefaruaym, and Ana, and Aua? in his enuyroun an hep `of erþe.
xiiii And Eſechie toc þe bokes of þe hond of þe meſſager, and xxxiiii In þe weie þat he cam, bi it he ſhal be turned aȝeen;
radde þem; and he ſteȝede vp in to þe hous of þe Lord, and and þis cite he ſhal not gon in, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſpredde out hem bifor þe Lord; xxxv And I ſhal defende þis cite, þat I ſaue it, for me, and
xv and preȝede þe Lord, ſeiende, for Dauid, my ſeruaunt.
xvi Lord of oſtes, God of Irael, þat ſittiſt vp on cherubyn, þou xxxvi Wente out forſoþe þe aungil of þe Lord, and ſmot in þe
art God alone of alle þe reumes of erþe; þou madiſt heuene tentus of Aſſiries an hundrid and fyue and eiȝteti þouſend;
and erþe. and þei riſen erli, and lo! alle þe careynes of þe deade men.
xvii Boowe doun, Lord, þin ere, and here; opene þin eȝen, xxxvii And he wente out, and ȝide awei. And turned aȝeen is
Lord, and ſee; and here alle þe wrdus of Senacherub, þat he Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, and dwelte in Nynyue.
ſente to blasfemen God lyuende. xxxviii And don is, whan he ſhulde honoure in þe temple of
xviii Verely forſoþe, Lord, deſert maden þe kingis of Aſſiries Meſrach, his god, Aramalech and Sarazer, his ſones, ſmyten
londus, and þe regiouns of þem, hym wiþ ſwerd, and floun in to þe lond of Ararath; and
xix and ȝeuen þe goddis of hem to fyr; forſoþe þei weren not regnede for hym Aſaradon, his ſone.
goddus, but werc of þe hondus of men, tree and ſtonus; and
þei to-mynuſhten hem. Capitulum XXXVIII.
xx And now, Lord oure God, ſaue vs fro þe hond of hym; i In þo daȝes ſicnede Ezechie vnto þe deþ; and wente in to
and knowen alle þe reumes of erþe, for þou art Lord God hym Iſaie, þe ſoun of Amos, þe profete, and ſeide to hym,
alone. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Diſpoſe to þin houſe, for die ſhalt
xxi And Iſaie, þe ſone of Amos, ſente to Eſechie, ſeiende, þou, and not lyuen.
Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, For þe whiche þou ii And Ezechie turnede his face to þe wal, and honourede þe
preȝedeſt me of Senacherub, king of Aſſiries, Lord,
xxii þis is þe wrd þat þe Lord ſpac vp on hym, He diſpiſide iii and ſeide, I `ynwardli preȝe, Lord; haue mynde, I beſeche,
þee, he vndermouwede þee, þou maiden doȝtir of Sion; aftir what maner I ȝide bifor þee in treuþe, and in parfit herte,
þee þe hed he mouede, þou maide doȝter of Jeruſalem. and þat is good in þin eȝen, I dide. And Ezechie wepte wiþ
xxiii To whom haſt þou repreued, and whom haſt þou gret weping.
blasfemed? and vp on whom haſt þou rered þi vois, and haſt iiii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Iſaie, ſeiende,
rered þe heiȝte of þin eȝen? To þe hoeli of Irael. v Go, and ſei to Ezechye, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of
xxiiii In þe hond of þi ſeruauns þou haſt repreued to þe Lord,
Dauid, þi fader, I haue herd þin oriſoun, and ſeen þi teres.
and ſeidiſt, In þe multitude of my foure horſed carres I Lo! I ſhal ley to vp on þi daȝes fiftene ȝer;
ſteȝede vp þe heiȝtus of mounteynes, ȝokes of Liban; and I vi and fro þe hond of þe king of Aſſiries I ſhal delyuere þee
ſhal tohewen þe heȝe þingus of his cedris, and þe choſene and þis cite, and I ſhal defenden it.
firres of it; and I ſhal go in to þe heiȝte of his cop, þe wilde vii Þis forſoþe to þee ſhal ben a tocne fro þe Lord, for þe
wode of þe Carmel of it.
xxv I dalf, and drank þe water of it; and I driede wiþ þe ſtep Lord ſhal do þis wrd þat he ſpac.
viii Loo! I ſhal make to turne aȝeen þe ſhadewe of lynes, bi
of my foot alle þe ryueres of þe waterhepes.
xxvi Wheþer þou haſt not herd what þingus ſum tyme I dide þe whiche it hadde go doun in þe oriloge of Acath, in þe
to hym? Of olde daȝes I foormede it, and now I haue broȝt ſunne, bacward by ten lynes. And þe ſunne is turned aȝeen bi
to; and it is do `in to þe drawing out bi þe roote of hilles ten lynes, bi þe grees þat it hadde go doun.
ix Þe ſcripture of Ezechie, king of Juda, whan he hadde be
togidere fiȝtende, and of ſtrengþid cites.
xxvii Þe dwelleris of þem wiþ an hond ſhortid togidere ſyc, and hadde couered of his ſycneſſe.
x I ſeide, in þe myddel of my daȝes I ſhal go to þe ȝates of
trembleden, and ben confoundid; þei ben mad as hei of þe
feld, and corn of þe leſwe, and erbe of rooues, þat out driede helle. I ſoȝte þe reſidue of my ȝeres;
er it wex ryp. xi I ſeide, I ſhal not ſee þe Lord God in þe lond of lyueres;
I ſhal not biholde a man more ouer, and a dwellere of reſte.


xii My ieneracioun is taken awei, and al folden vp fro me, as Capitulum XL.
a tabernacle of ſhepherdes. Kut of is as of a weuere my lif; i Beþ
whil ȝit I weuede, he under kutte me. Fro erli vnto euen þou coumfortid, beþ coumfortid, ȝee my puple, ſeiþ ȝoure
ſhalt ende me; God.
xiii I hopede vnto þe moru; as a leoun, ſo he to-broſede alle ii Spekeþ to þe herte of Jeruſalem, and clepeþ to it, for ful
my bones. Fro erli `vn to euen þou ſhalt ende me; endid is his malice, forȝyuen is his wickidneſſe; he toc of þe
xiiii as þe brid of a ſwalewe, ſo I ſhal crien; ſweteli I ſhal hond of þe Lord double þingus for alle his ſynnus.
iii Þe vois of þe criende in deſert, Makeþ redy þe weie of þe
þenke as a culuer. Al to-feblid ben myn eȝen, biholdende vp
in heiȝte. Lord, fors I ſuffre, anſwere þou for me; Lord, riȝt makeþ in wilderneſſe þe ſties of oure God.
xv what ſhal I ſey, or what ſhal anſwere to me, whan I iiii Eche valei ſhal be enhaunced, and eche monteyn `and hil
myſelf haue do? I ſhal eft þenke to þee alle my ȝeres, in þe ſhal be mekid; and þer ſhul be ſhreude þingus in to euene riȝt
bitterneſſe of my ſoule. þingus, and ſharpe þingus in to pleyne weies.
xvi Lord, if þus it is lyued, and in ſuche þingus þe lif of my v And þer ſhal be opened þe glorie of þe Lord, and ſeen ſhal
ſpirit, þou ſhalt chaſtiſe me, and quykene me; eche fleſh togidere, þat þe mouþ of þe Lord ſpac.
xvii lo! in pes my bitterneſſe moſt bitter. Þou forſoþe haſt vi Þe vois of þe Lord, ſeiende, Cry. And I ſeide, What ſhal
deliuered out my ſoule, þat it ſhulde not perſhe; þou haſt I crien? Eche fleſh hei, and al his glorie as þe flower of þe
þrowe aferr bihinde þi bac alle my ſynnus. feld.
xviii For helle ſhal not knouleche to þee, nor deþ ſhal preiſe vii Ful out dried is þe hei, and þe flour fel, for þe ſpirit of þe
þee; and þei ſhul not abyden þi treuþe, þat gon doun in to þe Lord bleȝ in it. Verely þe hei is þe puple;
lake. viii ful out dried is þe hei, and þe flour fel; þe wrd forſoþe of
xix Lyuende, lyuende, he ſhal knouleche to þee, as and I to þe Lord dwelleþ in to wiþouten ende.
dai; þe fader to þe ſonus knowe ſhal make þi treuþe. ix Vp on an hiȝ hil ſteȝ vp, þou þat euangeliſiſt to Sion;
xx Lord, mac me ſaf, and oure ſalmes wee ſhal ſinge alle þe enhaunce in ſtrengþe þi vois, þou þat euangeliſiſt to
daȝes of oure lif in þe hous of þe Lord. Jeruſalem; enhaunce, and wile þou not drede; ſei to þe cites
xxi And Iſaie comaundide, þat þei ſhulden taken an hep of of Jude, Lo! ȝoure God.
x Lo! þe Lord God in ſtrengþe ſhal come, and his arm ſhal
fyges, and þei ſhulde make an enplaſtre vp on þe wounde;
and he ſhulde ben hoel. lordſhipen; lo! his meede wiþ hym, and his werc biforn hym.
xxii And Ezechye ſeide, What ſhal be þe tocne, for I ſhal ſteȝe xi As a ſhepperde `ſhal feede his floc, in his arm he ſhal
vp `in to þe hous of þe Lord? gedere þe lombis, and in his boſum ſhal reren; `þe ſhep ful of
frut he ſhal bern.
xii Who meſurede wiþ handful watris, and heuenes wiþ þe
Capitulum XXXIX.
paume peiſede? Who heeng vp wiþ þre fingris þe heuyneſſe of
i In þat tyme ſente Marodoch Baladan, þe ſone of Baladan, þe erþe, and weȝede in peis þe mounteynes, and þe hilles in a
þe king of Babiloyne, lettris and ȝiftes to Ezechie; forſoþe he ballaunce?
hadde herd, þat he hade be ſyc, and was coouered. xiii Who helpede þe Spirit of þe Lord, or who his counſeiler
ii Forſoþe Ezechie gladede vp on þo þingus, and he ſhewede to was, and ſhewede to hym?
þem þe ſelle of ſpices, and of ſiluer, and of gold, and of ſwote xiiii Wiþ whom wente he in counſeil, and enformede hym, and
þingus, and of þe beſte oynement, and al þe cofres of his taȝte hym þe ſtiȝ of riȝtwiſneſſe, and lerede hym wiþ kunnyng,
neceſſarie þingus, and alle þingus þat ben founde in his and þe weie of prudence ſhewede to hym?
treſories; þer was not a wrd, þat Ezechie ſhewede not to þem xv Lo! Jentiles as a drope of a boket, and as moment of a
in his hous, and in al his power.
iii Forſoþe Iſaie, þe profete, wente in to Ezechie, þe king, and balaunce ben holden; lo! iles as litil pouder,
xvi and Liban ſhal not ſuffiſen to brenne, and his beſtus ſhuln
ſeide to hym, What ſeiden þeſe men, and whennes camen þei
to þee? And Ezechie ſeide, Fro a ferr lond þei camen to me, not ſuffiſen to brent ſacrifice.
fro Babyloyne. xvii Alle Jentiles as þei ben not, ſo þei ben bifor hym; and as
iiii And he ſeyde, What ſeȝen þei in þin hous? And Ezechie noȝt and inwardli voide þei ben holden to hym.
ſeide, Alle þingus þat in myn hous ben, þei ſeȝen; þer was xviii To whom þanne lic haſt þou mad God? or what ymage
not a þing, þat I ſhewede not to þem in my treſories. ſhul ȝee putte to hym?
v And Iſaie ſeide to Eſechie, Here þe wrd of þe Lord of xix Wheþer þe grauen þing ſhal þe ſmiþ ȝeete, or þe craftis
oſtes. man wiþ gold ſhall figure it, and wiþ ſiluerene plates þe ſiluer
vi Lo! daȝes ſhul come, and alle þingus ſhul be don awei, þat ſmyþ?
ben in þin hous, and þat þi fadris han treſored vn to þis dai, xx Þe ſtronge tree, and þe vnable to roten ches þe wiſe craftes
in to Babiloyne; þer ſhal not be laft any þing, ſeiþ þe Lord. man; he ſecheþ what maner he ſette þe ſymulacre, þat it moue
vii And of þi ſonus, þat ſhul gon out of þee, þe whiche þou not.
ſhalt gete, þei ſhul take awei; and þei ſhul be geldingus in þe xxi Wheþer ȝee ſhul not wite? wheþer ȝee han not herd?
paleis of þe king of Babiloyne. wheþer not told to ȝou it is fro þe bigynnyng? wheþer ȝee han
viii And Ezechie ſeide to Iſaie, Good is þe wrd of þe Lord, not vnderſtonde þe foundemens of þe erþe?
þat he ſpac. And he ſeide, Be þer do onli pes and treuþe in xxii Þat ſitteþ vp on þe cumpas of þe erþe, and his dwelleris
my daȝes. ben as locuſtes; þat ſtreccheþ out as noȝt heuenus, and ſpredeþ
abrod hem as tabernacle to indwelle.
xxiii Þat ȝyueþ þe ſercheres of priuytees, as þoȝ þei be not, þe
domes men of þe erþe as voide he made.
xxiiii And forſoþe ne plauntid, ne ſowen, ne rootid in þe erþe
þe ſtoc of hem, feerli he bleȝ in to þem, and þei drieden, and
a whirlewind as ſtubil ſhal take þem awei.


xxv And to whom han ȝee licned me, and euened han me? ſeiþ xvii Nedi and pore men ſhul ſeche watris, and þer ben not; þe
þe hoeli. tunge of þem wiþ þriſt driede. I þe Lord ſhal out heren hem,
xxvi Rereþ vp in to heiȝ ȝoure eȝen, and ſeeþ, who `made of I God of Irael ſhal not forſake þem.
noȝt þeſe þingus; þat bringeþ out in noumbre þe knyȝthod of xviii I ſhal opene in heȝe hillis flodys, and in þe myddel of
hem, and alle bi name he clepeþ, for multitude of ſtrengþe, feeldis welles; I ſhall ſette deſert in to pondis of watris, and
and of ſtalwrþeneſſe, and of his vertue; ne oon was laft. þe lond wiþoute weie in to riueres of watris.
xxvii Whi ſeiſt þou, Jacob, and ſpekeſt, Irael, Hid is my wey xix I ſhal ȝyue in wilderneſſe ceder, and þorne, and myrt tree,
fro þe Lord, and fro my God my dom paſſede? and oliue tree; I ſhal ſette in deſert fyrr tree, and vlm tree,
xxviii Wheþer woſt þou not, or haſt not herd, God euere and box togidere.
durende? Þe Lord þat foormede þe termes of þe erþe, he ſhal xx Þat þei ſee, and wite, and beþenke, and vnderſtonde
not faile, ne trauaile, ne þer is enſerching of his wiſdam. togidere; for þe hond of þe Lord dide þis, and þe hoeli of
xxix Þat ȝyueþ to þe weri vertue, and to þem þat ben not, Irael foormede it.
ſtrengþe and ſtalwrþeneſſe multeplieþ. xxi Nyȝ doþ ȝoure dom, ſeiþ þe Lord; bringeþ to, if any þing
xxx Failen ſhul childer, and trauailen, and ȝunge men in þer parauenture ȝee han, ſeiþ þe king of Jacob.
febleneſſe fallen. xxii Come þei nyȝ, and telle þei to vs, what euer þingus ben
xxxi Who forſoþe hopen in þe Lord, ſhul chaunge ſtrengþe, to come; þe raþere þingus þat weren, telliþ, and wee ſhul
take to federes as of an egle; rennen, and not trauailen; gon, putte oure herte, and wite; þe laſte þingis of hem, and þat ben
and not faylen. to come, ſhewiþ to vs.
xxiii Telleþ þat ben to come in to tyme to come, and wee ſhul
Capitulum XLI. wite, for goddis ȝee ben; well alſo or euele, if ȝee moun, doþ;
and ſpeke wee, and ſee wee togidere.
i Bee ſtille to me, yles, and Jentyles ſtrengþe chaunge þei; xxiiii Lo! ȝee ben of noȝt, and ȝour werc `of þat þyng þat is
neȝhen, and þanne ſpeke þei; togidere to dom nyȝ come wee. not; abhominacioun he is, þat ches ȝou.
ii Who rerede fro þe eſt þe riȝtwis, clepede hym, þat he ſhulde xxv I rerede fro þe norþ, and he ſhal come from þe riſing vp
folewe hymſelf? He ſhal ȝyue in his ſiȝte Jentyles, and kingus of þe ſunne; clepe he ſhal my name. He ſhal bringe to þe
he ſhal welde; he ſhal ȝyue as pouder to his ſwerd, as ſtubil cheef maiſtris as clei, and as a daubere, `or a potter,
wiþ þe wind raueſhid to his bowe. totredende þe lowe erþe.
iii He ſhal purſue hem, `he ſhal paſſe in pes; þe ſty in his feet xxvi Who tolde fro þe bigynnyng, þat wee witen, and fro þe
ſhal not apere. begynnyng, þat wee ſey, Þou art riȝtwis? þer is not a tellere,
iiii Who þeſe þingus wroȝte and dide? clepende ieneraciouns ne a biforn ſeiere, ne herere ȝoure wrdis.
fro þe bigynnyng. I a Lord; firſt and þe laſt I am. xxvii Þe firſte to Sion ſhal ſei, Lo! I am nyȝ; and to
v Iles ſeeȝen, and trembleden; þe vtmoſtus of þe erþe becamen Jeruſalem an euangeliſt I ſhal ȝyue.
ſtoneid, þei neȝheden, and wente to. xxviii And I ſaȝ, and þer was not of þeſe any man þat ȝide in
vi Eche to his neȝhebore ſhal helpen, and to his broþer ſeyn, counſeil, and `aſkid anſwerde a wrd.
Tac coumfort. xxix Lo! alle vnriȝtwiſe, and veyne þe werkes of hem; wynde,
vii Coumforten ſhal þe metal ſmyþ ſmytende hym wiþ an and wiþ ynne voide þe ſymulacris of þem.
hamer þat forgede þat tyme, ſeiende to þe glyu, It is good;
and he coumfortide hym wiþ nailes, þat it ſhulde not be Capitulum XLII.
viii And þou, Irael, my ſeruaunt, Jacob, whom I ches, þe ſed i Lo! my ſeruaunt, I ſhal vndertaken hym, my choſen, al
of Abraham, my frend, pleſede to hym in hym my ſoule. I ȝaf my ſpirit vp on hym,
ix in whom I toc þee fro þe vtmoſtes of þe erþe, and fro his dom to Jentiles he ſhal bringe forþ.
ii He ſhal not crien, ne take perſone, ne ſhal ben herd his
ferre coeſtes I clepede þee, and ſeide to þee, My ſeruaunt þou
art; I ches þee, and I caſte not awei þee. voys wiþouteforþ.
x Ne drede þou, for I am wiþ þee; ne bowe þou doun, for I iii A reed broſid he ſhal not to-trede, and flax ſmokende he
þi God. I haue coumfortid þee, and holpen þee; and vndertoc ſhal not quenchen; in treuþe he ſhal bringe out dom.
þee þe riȝthond of my riȝtwis. iiii He ſhal not be dreri, ne trublid, to þe tyme he pute in þe
xi Lo! ſhul be confoundid, and ſhamen alle þat fiȝten aȝen þee; erþe dom, and his lawe iles ſhul abiden.
þei ſhul be as þoȝ þei be not, and perſhe ſhul þe men, þat v Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, formende heuenes, and
aȝenſeyn to þee. ſtrecchende out hem, faſtnende erþe, and þat buriounen of it,
xii Þou ſhalt ſechen hem, and not finden; þi rebel men þei ſhul ȝyuende breþ to þe puple, þat is vpon it, and ſpirit to men
ben, as þoȝ þei ben not, and as þe waſting of a man fiȝtende tredende it.
aȝen þee. vi I þe Lord clepede þee in riȝtwiſneſſe, and toc þin hond, and
xiii For I þe Lord þi God, takende þin hond, and ſeiende to kepte þee, and ȝaf þee in to couenaunt of þe puple, in to liȝt
þee, Ne drede þou, for I haue holpen þee. of Jentiles.
xiiii Wile þou not drede, þou werm of Jacob, þat dead ȝee ben vii Þat þou ſhuldiſt opene þe eȝen of blynde men; þat þou
of Irael. I haue holpen þee, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þin aȝeen ſhuldyſt bringe out fro cloſing þe bounde, fro þe hous of
biere, þe hoeli of Irael. priſoun þe ſitteres in dercneſſe.
xv I haue ſet þee as a newe wayn þreſſhende, hauende pikede viii I a Lord, þis is my name; my glorie to an oþer I ſhall
poeles ſawende; þou ſhalt þreſſhe mounteynes, and to- not ȝyue, and my preiſing to grauen þingus.
mynuſhen, and putten as pouder hillis. ix Þat firſt weren, lo! ben comen, newe þingus alſo I telle; er
xvi Þou ſhalt wynewe þem, and þe wind ſhal take awei, and þei ben ſprunge, herd I ſhal maken to ȝou.
þe whirlewind ſhal ſcatere þem; and þou ful out ſhalt ioȝen in
þe Lord, and in þe hoeli of Irael ſhalt glade.


x Syngeþ to þe Lord a newe ſong; his preiſing fro þe vi I ſhal ſei to þe norþ, Ȝif, and to þe ſouþ, Wile þou not
vtmoſtes of þe erþe; ȝee þat gon doun in to þe ſe, and þe forfende; `bring to my ſones fro aferr, and my doȝtris fro þe
plente of it, iles, and þe dwelleres of hem. vtmoſtus of þe erþe.
xi Be rered vp þe deſert, and þe cites of it; in his houſes ſhal vii And eche þat inwardli clepeþ my name, in to my glorie I
dwelle Cedar; preiſeþ, ȝee dwelleris of þe ſton; fro þe top of ſhop hym, foormede hym, and maad hym.
mounteynes þei ſhul crien. viii Bring outforþ þe blinde puple, and þe hauende eȝen; def,
xii Þei ſhul ſette to þe Lord glorie, and his preiſing in iles and eres ben to hym.
þei ſhul telle. ix Alle Jentilis ben gedered togidere, and gedered ben
xiii Þe Lord as ſtrong ſhal gon out, as a man fiȝtere he ſhal lynagus. Who in ȝou ſhal telle þis, and þat firſt þingus ben to
reren enuye; he ſhal crien out, and crien; vp on his enemys he here ȝou ſhal make? ȝiue þei þe witneſſes of hem, and be þei
ſhal be coumforted. iuſtefied, and heren, and ſei þei.
xiiii Y heeld my pes, euermor I was ſtille; patient I was, as x Vereli ȝee my witneſſes, ſeiþ þe Lord, and my ſeruaunt,
þe trauailende wiþ child I ſhal ſpeke; I ſhal ſcateren, and whom I ches; þat ȝee wite, and leeuen to me, and
ſoupen awei togidere. vnderſtonde, for I þe ſelue am; biforn me is not foormed
xv Deſert I ſhal make hiȝe mounteynes and hillys, and alle þe God, and aftir me ſhal not be.
buriounyng of hem I ſhal out drien; and I ſhal ſette flodis in xi I am, I am þe Lord, and þer is not wiþoute me a ſaueour.
to iles, and pondis I ſhal make drie. xii I tolde, and ſauede; herd I made, and þer was not in ȝou
xvi And I ſhal bringe out blynde men in to þe weie, þat þei an alien. Ȝee my witneſſes, ſeiþ þe Lord;
knowe not, and in þe ſties þat þei vnknowen, hem to gon I xiii and I God fro þe bigynnyng, I þe ſelue, and þer ys not
ſhal make; I ſhal putte þe derkneſſes of hem beforn hem in to þat of myn hond delyuere; I ſhal werchen, and who ſhal
liȝt, and ſhreude þingis in to euene riȝt; þeſe wrdus I dide to turnen awei it?
þem, and I forſoc not hem. xiiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, ȝoure aȝeenbiere, hoeli of
xvii Turned þei ben bacward; be þei confoundid wiþ
Irael, For ȝou I ſente out in to Babilone, and to-droȝ alle þe
confuſioun, þat troſten in grauen þing; þat ſeyn to þe ȝoten barres, and þe Caldeis in þer hondis gloriende.
þing, Ȝee oure goddis. xv I þe Lord, ȝoure hoeli, ſhapere of Irael, ȝoure king.
xviii Ȝee deue men, hereþ; and ȝee blinde, biholdeþ to ſeen.
xvi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝaf in þe ſee a weie, and in
xix Who blinde, but my ſeruaunt? and def, but to whom my
watris ſwiftli rennende a ſty;
meſſageres I ſente? Who blind, but he þat is ſold? who blind, xvii þat broȝte out þe foure horſid carre, and þe hors, þe
but þe ſeruaunt of þe Lord?
xx Þat ſeeſt many þingus, wheþer þou ſhalt not kepe? Þat cumpany, and þe ſtalwrþe; togidere þei aboute ſlepten, and
ſhul not riſe; þei ben to-treden as flax, and ben ful out queynt.
opened haſt þe eres, wheþer þou ſhalt not here? xviii Ne han ȝee mynde of þe raþere, and olde þingis ne
xxi And þe Lord wolde, þat he ſhulde halewen hym, and
beholde ȝee.
magnefie þe lawe, and enhauncen. xix Lo! I do newe þingus, and now ſhul ſpringe; alſo ȝee ſhul
xxii He forſoþe a puple `drawen awei, and waſted; a grene of
knowe þem. I ſhal putte in deſert a weie, and in þe wiþoute
ȝunge men alle togidere, and in houſes of priſouns þei ben weye flodus.
hid. Þei ben maad in to raueyn, and þer is not þat delyuere; xx And glorifien me ſhal þe beſte of þe feeld, dragounus, and
`in to taking awei, and þer is not þat `ſeie, Ȝeeld.
xxiii Who is in ȝou, þat here þis, take heed, and herkne oſtricches; for I ȝaf in deſert watris, and flodis in þe wiþoute
weie, þat I ȝyue drinc to my puple, my choſene.
þingus to come? xxi Þis puple I foormede to me, my preiſing it ſhal telle.
xxiiii Who ȝaf Jacob in to pulling awei, and Irael to
xxii Not me þou inwardly clepediſt, Jacob; ne trauailedeſt in
waſteres? Wheþer not þe Lord? He is, to whom þei ſynneden;
and þei wolden not in his weies gon, þei herden not his lawe. me, Irael.
xxv And he helde out vp on it þe indignacioun of his xxiii Þou offerediſt not to me þe weþer of þi brent ſacrifiſe,
wodneſſe, and ſtrong bataile; and he to-brende it in cumpas, and in þi victorie ſacrifiſes þou glorefiedeſt not me. Not þee to
and it kneȝ not; he tende it vp, and it vndirſtod not. ſeruen I made in offring, ne trauaile I ȝaf in cens.
xxiiii Þou boȝteſt not to me wiþ ſiluer a reed, and wiþ þe talȝ
Capitulum XLIII. of þi victorie ſacrifiſes þou inwardly drunkedeſt not me;
nerþelatere to ſerue me þou madeſt in þi ſynnes, þou ȝeue to
i And now þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, ſhapende þee, me trauaile in þi wickidneſſes.
Jacob, and foormende þee, Irael, Wile þou not drede, for I xxv I am, I am he, þat do awei þi wickidneſſe for me, and of
haue aȝeenboȝt þee, and I clepede þee bi þi name; my þi ſynnes I ſhal not recorde.
ſeruaunt þou art. xxvi Bring me in to þi mynde, and be wee demed togidere;
ii Whan þou ſhalt paſſe by watris, wiþ þee I ſhal be, and
tel, if any þing þou haſt, þat þou be iuſtefied.
flodus ſhul not couere þee; whan þou ſhalt go in fyr, þou ſhalt xxvii Þi firſte fader ſynnede, and þi remenoures breeken þe
not be brent, and flaume ſhal not brenne in þee. lawe aȝen me.
iii For I þe Lord þi God, hoeli of Irael, þi ſaueour. I ȝaf þin
xxviii And I defoulede hoeli princes, I ȝaf to ſlaȝter Jacob,
helping Egipt; and Etheope and Saba for þee. and Iſrael in to blasfemye.
iiii Siþen wrſhepeful þou art mad in myn eȝen, and glorious;
I louede þee, and I ſhall ȝyue men for þee, and puples for þi
v Wile þou not drede, for I am wiþ þee; fro þe eſt I ſhal
bringe to þi ſed, and fro þe weſt I ſhal togidere gedere þee.


Capitulum XLIIII. xxi Haue mynde of þeſe, Jacob and Irael, for my ſeruaunt
i And
þou art; I foormede þee, my ſeruaunt þou art, Irael; þou ſhalt
now here þou, Jacob, my ſeruaunt, and Irael, whom I not forȝete me.
ches. xxii I dide awei as a cloude þi wickedneſſes, and as a litil
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, makende and foormende þee fro
cloude þi ſynnes; turne aȝeen to me, for I aȝeen boȝte þee.
þe woombe, þin helpere, Wile þou not drede, my ſeruaunt xxiii Ȝee heuenus, preiſeþ, for mercy dide þe Lord; inwardli
Jacob, and þou moſt riȝt, whom I ches. ioȝeþ, ȝee vtmoſtus of þe erþe; aȝenſouneþ, ȝee hillis, preiſing;
iii I ſhal heelden out forſoþe watris vp on þe þreſtende, and
þe wilde wode, and eche tree of it; for þe Lord aȝeen boȝte
flowingus vp on þe drie; I ſhall heelden out my ſpirit vp on Jacob, and Irael ſhal glorien.
þi ſed, and my bleſſing vp on þi ſtoc. xxiiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þin aȝeenbiere, and þi
iiii And buriowne þei ſhuln among erbes, as wiþies, `or
foormere of þe wombe, I am þe Lord, doende alle þingus,
ſalewis, biſyde þe ſyde flowende watris. ſtrecchende out heuenus alone, ſtablende þe erþe, and no man
v Þis ſhal ſeyn, Of þe Lord I am, and he ſhal inwardly wiþ me;
clepen in þe name of Jacob; and þis ſhal write wiþ his hond xxv voide makende tocnes of deuynoures, and þe deuel
to þe Lord, and in þe name of Irael he ſhal be licned to. ſacrifyeres in to wodneſſe turnende; alturnende wyſe men
vi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, king of Irael, and his aȝeen bacward, þe kunnyng of þem folie makende;
biere, Lord of oſtes, I þe firſte and I þe laſte, and wiþ oute xxvi rerende þe wrd of his ſeruaunt, and þe counſeil of his
me is not God. meſſageres fulfillende; þat ſey, Jeruſalem, þou ſhalt be
vii Who lic of me? clepe he, and telle, and þe ordre expoune to dwellid; and to þe cites of Juda, Ȝee ſhul ben bild vp, and
me, ſiþen I ordeynede þe olde puple; þingus to come, and þat his deſertes I ſhal rere;
ben to come, telle he to þem. xxvii þat ſey to þe depþe, Be þou deſolat, and þi flodys I ſhal
viii Wileþ not dreden, ne beþ diſturbid; fro þennus to heeren make drie;
þee I made, and tolde; ȝee ben my witneſſes. Wheþer is God xxviii þat ſey to Ciro, My ſhepperde þou art, and al my wil
wiþoute me, and a foormere, whom I haue not knowe? þou ſhalt fulfille; þat ſey to Jeruſalem, Þou ſhalt be bild vp;
ix Þe foormeres of þe mawmet alle noȝt ben, and þe moſt and to þe temple, Þou ſhalt be foundid.
loued þingus of þem ſhul not profiten to þem; þei witneſſes of
hem ben, for þei ſeen not, ne vnderſtonde, þat þei be Capitulum XLV.
x Who foormede God, and a grauen þing ȝetede, to no þing i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to my criſt, Ciro, whos riȝt hond
profitable? I toc, þat I ſoogete bifor his face Jentiles, and þe reggus of
xi Lo! alle his parceneres ſhul be confoundid; þe forgeres kingus I turne; and opene biforn hym þe fyrſte entrees, and
þe ȝates ſhuln not be cloſid.
forſoþe ben of men. Þei ſhuln come togidere, alle þei ſhul ii I byfor þee ſhal go, and þe glorious men of erþe I ſhal
ſtonde, and inwardli dreden, and ben confoundid togidere.
xii Þe yren ſmyþ wiþ þe file wroȝte; in coles, and in hameres meeken; þe braſene ȝates I ſhal tobroſe, and þe irene barres
I ſhal tobreke.
foormede it, and wroȝte in þe arm of his ſtrengþe. He ſhal iii And I ſhal ȝyuen to þee treſores hid, and þe priue þingus
hungren, and failen; he ſhal not drinke water, and he ſhal
waxe weri. of priuytees, þat þou wite, for I þe Lord, þat clepe þi name,
xiii Þe crafti man tree werkere ſtraȝte out þe reule, and God of Irael,
iiii for my ſeruaunt Jacob, and Irael my choſen, and I clepede
foormede it in a grauyng iren; he maade it in corneres, and
in a cumpas turnede it abouten; and made an ymage of a þee in þi name; I licnede þee, and þou knewe not me.
man, as a fair man wonende in hous. v I þe Lord, and þer is not more ouer; out of me is not God.
xiiii He heeȝ doun þe cedris, and toc þe keſteyn tree, and þe I girde þee to, and þou knewe not me;
oek, þat hadde ſtonde among þe trees of þe wilde wode; he vi þat þei wite, þat fro þe riſing of þe ſunne, and þat fro þe
plauntede þe pyne tree, þat wiþ rein he nurſhede, weſt ben, for wiþoute me is not a God. I þe Lord, and þer
xv and made is to men in to fyr. He toc of hem, and is is not an oþir;
chaufed, and brende vp, and booc loeues; of þe remnaunt vii foormende liȝt, and ſhapende dercneſſes, makende pes, and
forſoþe he wroȝte a god, and honourede, and made grauen ſhapende euel; I þe Lord, doende alle þeſe.
þing, and is bowid biforn it. viii Deweþ, ȝee heuenus fro aboue, and cloudis reyne þei þe
xvi Þe myddel of it he brende wiþ fyr, and of his myddel, riȝtwis; be opened þe erþe, and burioune it a ſaueour, and
fleſh he ſeþede, and eet; he ſeþede potage, and is fild; `and is riȝtwiſneſſe ſpringe togidere; I þe Lord ſhop hym.
chaufid, and ſeide, Vah, `or weel, I am hat; Y ſaȝ þe fyr. ix Wo þat `wiþ ſeiþ to his makere, þe ſhord of þe toȝ clei of
xvii Þe remnaunt forſoþe of it a god he made, and a grauen erþe. Wheþer ſeiþ þe clei to his crockere, What doſt þou, and
þing to hym; he is bowid biforn it, and honoureþ it, and þi werc wiþoute hondus is?
inwardli beſecheþ, ſeiende, Delyuere me, for my god þou art. x Wo þat ſeiþ to þe fader, What geteſt þou? and to þe
xviii Þey knewen not, ne vnderſtoden, forſoþe þei forȝeeten, womman, What bereſt þou?
leſt þer eȝen ſeeȝen, and leſt þei vnderſtoden in þer herte. xi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, hoeli of Irael, his foormere,
xix Þei beþenken not in þer mynde, ne knowen, ne felen, þat Þingus to come aſkeþ me vp on my ſonus, and vp þe werkes
þei ſey, Þe myddel of it I brende wiþ fyr, and I book vp on of myn hondus ſendeþ to me.
his coles loeues, and ſeþ fleſh, and eet; and of his remnaunt a xii I made þe erþe, and man vp on it I ſhop; myn hondis
maumet I ſhal make, biforn þe ſtoc þe tree I ſhal kutte. ſtraȝten out heuenus, and to al þe knyȝthod of hem I ſente.
xx His part is aſkus; þe vnwiſe herte ſhal honouren it, and yt xiii I rerede hym to riȝtwiſneſſe, and alle his weies I ſhal riȝt
ſhal not delyuere his ſoule, ne ſeyn, A ſtrong leſyng is in my reulen; he ſhal bilde vp my cite, and my caitifte he ſhal
riȝthond. forȝyue, not in pris, ne in ȝiftes, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes.


xiiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þe trauaile of Egipt, and x tellende out fro þe bigynnyng þe laſte, and fro þe bigynnyng
þe nede doing, `or marchaundiſe, of Ethiope, and of Sabaym; þat not ȝit ben maad, ſeiende, My counſeil ſhal ſtonde, and al
þe heȝe men to þee ſhul paſſe, and þin ſhul be; after þee þei my wil ſhal be don;
ſhul go, bounde in manycles þei ſhul wende, and þee þei ſhuln xi clepende fro þe eſt a brid, and fro þe ferr lond þe man of
honoure, and þee louli preȝen. Onli in þee is God, and þer is my wil; and I ſpac, and bringe to ſhal it; I ſhop, and maken
not wiþoute þee a God. I ſhal it.
xv Vereli þou art God, an hid God, of Irael þe ſaueour. xii Hereþ me, ȝee wiþ hard herte, þat aferr ben fro
xvi Þei ben confoundid, and ful out ſhameden; togidere wenten riȝtwiſneſſe.
awey in to confuſioun þe forgeres of erroures. xiii Nyȝ I made my riȝtwiſneſſe, and it ſhal not be longed
xvii Irael is ſaued in þe Lord, in euere laſtende helþe; ȝee awei, and myn helþe ſhal not be taried; I ſhal ȝyue in to
ſhul not be confoundid, and not ſhamen, vnto þe world of Sion helþe, and in to Jeruſalem my glorie.
xviii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord ſhapende heuenus; he God Capitulum XLVII.
foormende erþe, and makende it, he foormere of it; not in i Go
veyn he ſhop it, but þat it be dwellid, he foormede it; I þe doun, ſit in pouder, þou maiden doȝter of Babilon, ſit in
Lord, and þer is not an oþer. þe erþe; þer is not a kingus ſee of þe doȝtir of Caldeis, for no
xix Not in hid place I ſpac, in þe derc place of erþe; I ſeide more þou ſhalt be clepid neſſhe and tender.
ii Tac a grind ſton, `or queerne ſtoon, and grind me mele;
not to þe ſed of Jacob, In veyn ſecheþ me. I þe Lord
ſpekende riȝtwiſneſſe, tellende out riȝt þingus. nakene þi filþed, diſcouere þe ſhulder, opene þe þees, paſſe
xx Beþ gedered, and comeþ, and neȝheþ togidere, for ȝee be ouer þe flodis.
iii Opened ſhal be þi ſhenſhipe, and ſeen ſhal be þi repreef; a
ſaued fro þe Jentiles; þei wiſten not, þat rereden vp a tocne of
þer grauyng, and preȝen þe god not ſauende. veniaunce I ſhal take, and þer ſhal not wiþſtonde to me a
xxi Telleþ out, and comeþ, and counſeiliþ togidere. Who herd man.
iiii Oure aȝeen biere þe Lord of oſtes; þe name of hym þe
made þis fro þe biginnyng? fro þanne I biforn ſeide it.
Wheþer not I a Lord, and þer is not more ouer a God hoeli of Irael.
wiþoute me? a riȝtwis God and ſauende is not, beſide me? v Syt, be ſtille, and go into dercneſſes, þou doȝter of Caldeis,
xxii Beþ conuertid to me, and ſaaf ſhul be, alle ȝee coeſtes of for þou ſhalt no more be clepid þe ladi of reumes.
erþe; for I þe Lord, and þer is not an oþer. vi I am wroþ vp on my puple, I defoulede myn heritage, and
xxiii In myſelf I ſwor, þer ſhal gon out of my mouþ þe wrd I ȝaf hem in þin hond; þou ſetteſt not to þem mercies vp on
of riȝtwiſneſſe, and ſhal not be turned aȝeen; for to me ſhal be þe olde; þou agreggediſt þe ȝoc gretli,
bowid eche kne, and ſwern ſhal eche tunge. vii and ſeidiſt, In to euermor I ſhal ben a ladi; þou puttiſt not
xxiiii Þerfor in þe Lord þei ſhul ſeyn, Myne ben riȝtwiſneſſes þeſe þingus vp on þin herte, ne recordediſt of þi laſte.
and empire; to hym þei ſhul come, and confoundid ſhul ben viii And now here þou þeſe þingus, þou delicat, and dwellende
alle þat aȝenſtonde to hym. troſteli, þat ſeiſt in þin herte, I am, and þer is not biſide me
xxv In þe Lord ſhal be iuſtefied and preiſid al þe ſed of Irael. more ouer; I ſhal not ſitte a widewe, and I ſhal vnknowe
ix Comen ſhul to þee þeſe two ſodeynli in o dai, bareyneſſe,
Capitulum XLVI.
and widewehed; alle þingus camen vp on þee for þe multitude
i To-broken is Bel, to-broſid is Nabo; broke ben þe of þi ſorceries, and for þe huge hardneſſe of þi deuel cleperes.
ſymulacris of þem, wiþ feeld beſtes, and hous beſtes; oure x And troſt þou haddeſt in þi malice, and ſeidiſt, Þer is not
chargis wiþ heuy berþene vnto weryneſſe ſtunken, þat ſee me; þi wiſdam, and þis þi kunnyng diſceyuede þee;
ii and to-broſyd ben togidere; þei myȝten not ſauen þe berere, and þou ſeidiſt in þin herte, I am, and biſide me is not an
and þe ſoule of þem in to caitifte ſhal go. oþer.
iii Hereþ me, þe hous of Jacob, and al þe reſidue of þe hous xi Þer ſhal come vp on þee euel, and þou ſhalt not wite his
of Irael, þat ben born of my wombe, þat ofte ben born fro my ryſing; and þer ſhal feerli falle vp on þee waſtneſſe, þat þou
priue wombe. ſhalt not moun purge; þer ſhal come vp on þee wrecchedneſſe
iiii Vnto þe laſte elde I þe ſelue, and vnto þe hoere heris I feerli, þat þou woſt not.
ſhall bern; I made, and I ſhal bringe; I ſhal bern, and I xii Stond wiþ þi deuel cleperes, and wiþ þe multytude of þi
ſhal ſaue. ſorceries, in whiche þou haſt trauailid fro þi waxende ȝouþe; if
v To whom licneden ȝee me, and eueneden, and par auenture any þing it profite to þee, or if þou mowe be
compariſounden me, and maden lic? mad ſtrengere.
vi Ȝe þat togidere bringen gold fro þe bagge, and ſiluer wiþ a xiii Þou haſt failid in þe multitude of þi counſeilis; ſtonde, and
balaunce peiſen, hirende þe `craftis man, þat he make a god, ſaue þee þe deuynoures of heuene, þat biheelde ſterres, and
and þei fallen doun, and honouren; noumbren moneþis, þat of hem þei telle þingus to come to
vii bern it in þe ſhuldris, berende and ſettende in his place; þee.
xiiii Lo! þei ben mad as ſtobil, fyr to brende þem; þei ſhul not
and ſhal ſtonde, and fro his place ſhal not be moued; but and
whan þei ſhul crie to it, he ſhal not heren, fro tribulacioun he delyuere þer ſoule fro þe hond of flaume; þer ben not coles,
ſhal not ſaue þem. wiþ þe whiche þei ben made hot, ne fyr, þat þei ſitte at it.
viii Remembreþ þis, and beþ foundid; turneþ aȝeen, ȝee lawe xv So mad ben to þee in `what euere þingus þou haddeſt
brekeres, to þe herte. trauailid; þi marchandes fro þer ȝouþe, eche in þer weie
ix Recordeþ of þe raþere world, for I am God, and þer is not erreden; þer ys not, þat ſaue þee.
ouer me a God, ne lic me;


Capitulum XLVIII. Capitulum XLIX.

i Hereþ þeſe þingus, þe hous of Jacob, þat ben cleped bi þe i Hereþ, ȝee iles, and takeþ heed, ȝee puples fro aferr; þe
name of Irael, and of þe watris of Juda `went out, þat ſwern Lord fro þe conceyuende wombe clepede me, and fro þe
in þe name of þe Lord God of Irael, and recorden not in wombe of my moder recordede of my name.
treuþe ne in riȝtwiſneſſe. ii And he putte my mouþ as a ſharp ſwerd, in þe ſhadewe of
ii Fro þe hoeli cite forſoþe þei ben clepid, and vp on þe God his hond he defendede me, and putte me as a choſen arwe; in
of Irael þei ben ſtablid; þe Lord of oſtes his name. his arwe cas he hidde me,
iii Þe raþere þinges fro þanne I tolde out, and of my mouþ iii and ſeide to me, My ſeruaunt þou art, Irael, for in þee I
þei wenten out, and herd I made þem; feerli I wroȝte, and ſhal glorie.
þei camen. iiii I ſeide, In veyn I trauailede wiþoute cauſe, and veynlich
iiii I kneȝ forſoþe for þou art hard, and an irene ſenewe þin my ſtrengþe I waſtede; þerfore my dom wiþ þe Lord, and my
haterel, and þi frount braſene. werc wiþ my God.
v I befornſeide to þee fro þanne, er þei camen I ſhewede to v And now þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, foormende me fro þe
þee, leſt par auenture þou ſhuldiſt ſey, My maumetes diden wombe a ſeruaunt to hym, þat I bringe aȝeen Jacob to hym.
þeſe þingus, and my grauen þingus and ȝote ſenten þeſe And Irael ſhal not be gedered togidere; and I am glorefied in
þingus þat þou haſt herd. þe eȝen of þe Lord, and my God mad is my ſtrengþe.
vi See alle þingus, ȝee forſoþe han not told out. Herd I made vi And he ſeide, Litil is, þat þou be to me a ſeruaunt, to be
to þee newe þingus fro þanne, and kept ben þat þou knowiſt rered þe lynages of Jacob, and þe dreſtus of Irael to be
not; conuerted; I ȝaf þee in to liȝt of Jentiles, þat þou be myn
vii now `þei ben ſhapen, and not fro þanne, and befor day, helþe vnto þe vtmoſt of þe erþe.
and þou herdeſt not hem; leſt par auenture þou ſey, Lo! I vii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þe aȝeenbiere of Irael, his hoeli,
kneȝ þem. to þe deſpiſable ſoule, and to þe wlated folc of kinde, to þe
viii Ne þou haſt herd, ne þou haſt knowe, ne ſiþen opened is ſeruaunt of lordis, Kingus ſhul ſeen, and togidere ſhul riſe
þin ere; I wot forſoþe, for lawe breking þou ſhalt lawe breke, princes, and honoure, for þe Lord, for feiþfull he is, and þe
and a treſpaſere fro þe wombe I clepede þee. hoeli of Irael, þat ches þee.
ix For my name ferr I ſhal make my wodneſſe, and in my viii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, In pleſaunt tyme Y ful out
preiſing I ſhal bridele þee, leſt þou die. herde þee, and in þe dai of helþe I halp þee, and kepte þee,
x Lo! I haue out `bake þee, but not as ſiluer; I ches þee in and ȝaf þee in to pes coouenaunt of þe puple, þat þou ſhuldeſt
rere þe lond, and welden eritages ſcatered;
þe chynne of poreneſſe. ix þat þou ſey to þem þat ben bounde, Goþ out, and to þem
xi For me I ſhal do þat I be not blasfemed, and my glorie to
þat in dercneſſes, Beþ opened. Vp on weies þei ſhul be fed,
an oþer I ſhal not ȝyue. and in alle pleynes þe leſwes of hem.
xii Here þou me, Jacob, and Irael, whom I clepe, Y þe ſelue; x Þei ſhul not hungre, ne þriſten more ouer, and ſmyte ſhal
I þe firſte and I þe laſte. not þem gret hete, and þe ſunne; for þe rewere of þem ſhal
xiii Myn hond alſo foundede þe erþe, and my riȝthond gouerne þem, and at þe welles of watris ȝyuen hem to drinke.
meſurede heuenus; I ſhal clepe þem, and þei ſhul ſtonden xi And I ſhal putte my mounteynes in to a weie, and my
togidere. paþis ſhul ben enhauncid.
xiiii Beþ gedered, alle ȝee, and hereþ; who of hem tolde out xii Lo! þeſe fro aferr ſhul come, and lo! þo fro þe norþ, and
þeſe þingus? Þe Lord louede hym, and ſhal don his wil in þe ſe, and þeſe fro þe ſouþ lond.
Babilon, and his arm in Caldeis. xiii Preiſe, ȝee heuenes, and ful out ioȝe, þou erþe; inwardli
xv I, Y ſpac, and clepede hym; broȝte to hym, and riȝt reulid
glade, ȝee hillis, preiſing; for coumfortid haþ þe Lord his
is his weie. puple, and of his pore ſhal han mercy.
xvi Comeþ nyȝ to me, and hereþ þeſe þingus; not fro þe xiiii And Sion ſeide, Forſaken haþ me þe Lord, and þe Lord
bigynnyng in hid þing I ſpac; of tyme, er þei ſhulden be mad, haþ forȝete me.
I was þere, and now þe Lord God ſente me, and his Spirit. xv Wheþer forȝeten mai þe womman hir faunt, þat ſhe do not
xvii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þin aȝeenbiere, þe hoeli of
mercy to þe ſone of hir wombe? and if ſhe ſhul forȝeten, I
Irael, I þe Lord þi God, techende þee profitable þingus, nerþelatere ſhal not forȝete þee.
gouernende þee in þe wei þat þou goſt. xvi Lo! in myn hondis I haue diſcriued þee; þi wallis bifor
xviii Wolde God þou haddeſt taken heed to myn heſtes, mad
myn eȝen euermor.
hadde be as a flod þi pes, and þi riȝtwiſneſſes as þe ſwolewes xvii Þi bilderes camen diſtroȝende þee, and ſcaterende fro þee
of þe ſe;
xix and hadde ben as grauel þi ſed, and þe ſtoc of þi wombe, ſhul gon out.
xviii Rere vp in cumpas þin eȝen, and ſee; alle þeſe ben
as his litle ſtones; he ſhulde not han died, and ſhulde not han
be defoulid his name fro my face. gederede togidere, camen to þee. I lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord, for wiþ
xx Goþ out fro Babylon, fleeþ fro Caldeis; in vois of ful oute all þeſe as wiþ an ournement þou ſhalt be clad, and cumpaſen
aboute to þee hem as a ſpouſe.
ioȝyng telleþ out; herd makeþ þis, and berþ it vnto þe xix For þi deſertes, and þi wilderneſſes, and þe lond of þi
vtmoſtus of þe erþe; ſeiþ, Aȝeenboȝte þe Lord his ſeruaunt
Jacob. falling now ſtreit ſhul ben for þe dwelleris of þe erþe; and
xxi Þei þriſteden not in deſert, whan he ſhulde lede þem out; aferr ſhul be dryue awei þat ſoupeden awei þee.
xx Ȝit ſhul ſeyn in þin eres ſones of þi bareynte, Streit is to
water of a ſton he broȝte forþ to þem, and he kutte þe ſton,
and þer floweden watris. me a place, mac a ſpace to me þat I dwelle.
xxii Þer is not pes to vnpitous men, ſeiþ þe Lord. xxi And þou ſhalt ſeyn in þin herte, Who gat to me þeſe? I
bareyn, not child berende; tranſlatid and caitif; and þeſe who
nurſhede out? I priued, and ſolitarie; and þeſe wher weren?


xxii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! I rere to Jentilis iii Coumforten ſhal þanne þe Lord Sion, and coumforte he
myn hond, and ſhal enhaunce to puples myn tocne; and þei ſhal alle þe fallingus of it; and putten his deſert as delices,
ſhul bringe to þi ſones in armys, and þi doȝtris vp on and his wilderneſſe as þe gardyn of þe Lord; ioȝe and
ſhuldris þei ſhul bern. gladneſſe ſhal be founde in it, gracedoing and vois of preiſing.
xxiii And kingis ſhul be þi nurſheres, and queenes þi nurſes; iiii Takeþ heed to me, my puple, and, my lynage, me hereþ;
þe chere in to þe erþe put doun þei ſhul honoure þee, and þe for lawe fro me ſhal gon out, and my dom in to liȝt of puples
pouder of þi feet þei ſhul licke; and þou ſhalt wite, for I a ſhal reſten.
Lord, vp on whom ſhuln not be confounded, þat abijden hym. v Nyȝ is my riȝtwis, gon out is my ſaueour, and myn armes
xxiiii Wheþer ſhal be taken awei fro þe ſtronge a prei? or þat puples ſhul demen; me iles ſhuln abide, and myn arm
ſhal be take fro þe ſtalwrþe ſhal moun be ſaaf? ſuſtenen.
xxv For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Forſoþe and þe caitifte fro vi Rereþ in to heuene ȝoure eȝen, and ſeeþ vnder erþe beneþe;
þe ſtronge ſhal ben taken awei, and þat were taken awei fro for heuenes as ſmoke ſhul melte, and þe erþe as a cloþ ſhal
þe ſtalwrþe ſhal be ſaued. Hem forſoþe þat demeden þee I be to-trede, and his dwelleris as þeſe ſhul dien; myn helþe
ſhal deme, and þi ſonis I ſhal ſauen. forſoþe in to euermor ſhal be, and my riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal not
xxvi And I ſhal fede þin enemys wiþ þer fleſh, and as wiþ faile.
muſt wiþ þer blod ſhul be drunke; and knowen ſhal eche fleſh, vii Hereþ me, þat knowen þe riȝtwis, ȝe puple, my lawe in þe
for I þe Lord, ſauende þee, and þin aȝeen biere, þe ſtronge of herte of hem; wileþ not drede repref of men, and þe blasfemes
Jacob. of þem dredeþ not.
viii As forſoþe cloþing ſo ſhal ete þem a werm, and as wlle ſo
Capitulum L. ſhal deuoure þem þe moȝte; myn helþe forſoþe in to euermor
i Theſe
ſhal be, and my riȝtwiſneſſe in to ieneraciouns of ieneraciouns.
þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, What is þis boc of þe forſaking ix Rys, rys, cloþe þou ſtrengþe, þe arm of þe Lord; rys, as in
of ȝoure moder, þat I lafte hir? or who is my creauncer, to þe olde dayes, in ieneraciouns of worldis. Wheþer not þou
whom I ſolde ȝou? Lo! forſoþe in ȝoure wickidneſſes ȝee be ſmyte þe proude, woundedeſt þe dragoun?
ſold, and in ȝoure hidous giltes I lafte ȝoure moder. x Wheþer not þou driediſt þe ſe, water of þe huge depþe, þe
ii For I cam, and þere was not a ful man; I clepide, and þer
was not þat herde. Wheþer abreggid, and ful litil maad is whiche putteſt þe depþe of þe ſe weie, þat gon ouer ſhulden þe
myn hond, þat I mai not aȝeenbien? or is not to me vertue to delyuered?
xi And now þat ben aȝeenboȝt of þe Lord, ſhul turnen aȝeen,
delyuere? Lo! in my blamyng deſert I ſhal make þe ſe, I ſhal
putte flodis in to droȝte; ſtinke ſhul fiſſhes wiþoute watir, and and comen in to Sion preiſende, and euerlaſtende gladneſſe
dien in þriſt. `vp on þe hedis of þem; ioȝe and gladneſſe þei ſhul holden,
iii I ſhal cloþin heuenes wiþ dercneſſes, and a ſac Y ſhal fleen ſhal ſorewe and weiling.
xii Lo! I þe ſelue ſhal coumforte ȝou; who þou, þat þou drede
putte þe coueryng of hem.
iiii Þe Lord ȝaf to me a taȝt tunge, þat I kunne hym ſuſteyne, of a deadly man, and of þe ſone of man, þat as hei ſo ſhal
þat is weri in wrd; he rereþ vp þe morutyd, þe morutyd rereþ waxe drie;
xiii and `haſt forȝete þe Lord, þi ſhapere, þat bente heuenes,
vp to me an ere, þat I here as a maiſter.
v Þe Lord God openede to me an ere; I forſoþe aȝenſei not, and foundede þe erþe; and inwardli dreddeſt contynuelli al dai
bacward I ȝide not awei. of þe face of his wodneſſe, þat þee trooblede, and hadde mad
vi My bodi I ȝaf to þe ſmyteres, and my chekes to þe
redi to leeſe? Where is now þe wodneſſe of þe troblere?
xiiii Soone ſhal come þe goere to openen, and ſhal not ſlen
pulleris; my face I turnede not awei fro þe blameres, and þe vnto þe weie ſlaȝter, ne failen ſhal his bred.
ſpitteres in me. xv I forſoþe am þe Lord þi God, þat diſturbe þe ſe, and
vii Þe Lord God myn helpere, and þerfore I am not
confoundid; þerfore I putte my face as a moſt hard ſton, and ſwellen his flodis; þe Lord of oſtis my name.
xvi I ſette my wrdis in þi mouþ, and in þe ſhadewe of myn
I wot for I ſhal not ben confoundid.
viii Nyȝ is, þat iuſtefieþ me; who wiþ ſeiþ to me? ſtonde wee hond I defende þee; þat þou plaunte heuenus, and founde
togidere. Who is myn aduerſarie? come he nyȝ to me. erþe, and ſey to Sion, My puple þou art.
xvii Be rered, be rered, ris þou, Jeruſalem, þat þou drunke of
ix Lo! þe Lord God myn helpere; who þanne is þat
condempneþ me? Lo! alle as a cloþ ſhul be to-trede, and a þe `hond of þe Lord þe chalis of his wraþe; vn to þe ground
moȝte ſhal ete þem. of þe chalis of ſlep þou drunke, and þou drunke it vp vnto þe
x Who of ȝou dredende þe Lord, herende þe vois of his
xviii Þer is not þat ſuſteyne hir, of alle þe ſonus þat ſhe gat;
ſeruaunt? Who ȝide in dercneſſes and þer is not liȝt to hym, and þer is not þat take hir hond, of alle þe ſonus þat ſhe
hope he in þe name of þe Lord, and leene he vp on his God. nurſhede vp.
xi Lo! ȝee alle teendende vp fyr, and gird wiþ flawmes, goþ
xix Two þingus ben þat aȝencamen to þee; who ſhal ſorewen
in þe liȝt of ȝoure fyr, and in þe flaumes þat ȝee teenden vp vp on þee? waſtite, and to-broſing, and hunger, and ſwerd.
to ȝou. Of myn hond don is þis to ȝou, in ſorewis ȝee ſhul Who ſhal coumforten þee?
ſlepe. xx Þi ſones ben aferr caſt, þei ſlepten in þe hed of alle weies,

Capitulum LI. as þe vnclene beſte grened, þat is clepid orix; ful of þe

indignacioun of þe Lord, blamyng of þi God.
i Hereþ me, ȝee þat folewen þat is riȝt, and ſechen þe Lord. xxi Þerfore here þou þeſe þingus, þou porelet, and drunken,
Takeþ heed to þe ſton, whenus ȝee ben kut out, and to þe not of wyn.
kaue of þe lake, of þe whiche ȝee ben kut of. xxii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe lordſhipere, þi Lord, and þi God, þat
ii Takeþ heed to Abraham, ȝoure fader, and to Sara, þat bar faȝt for his puple, Lo! I toc of þin hond þe chalis of ſlep, þe
ȝou; for oon I clepede hym, and bliſſede hym, and multepliede ground of þe chalis of myn indignacioun; I ſhal not lei to, þat
hym. þou drunke it more.


xxiii And I ſhal putte it in þe hond of hem þat þee mekeden, vi Alle wee as ſhep erreden, eche in to his weie bowede doun,
and ſeiden to þi ſoule, Be þou bowid in þat wee paſſe; and and þe Lord putte in hym þe wickidneſſe of vs alle.
þou puttiſt as erþe þi bodi, and as a weie to goeres. vii He is offred, for he wolde, and he openede not his mouþ;
as a ſhep to ſleyng he ſhal be lad, and as a lomb bifor þe
Capitulum LII. clippere itſelf he ſhal become doumb, and he opened not his
i Rys,
ris, be clad, þou Sion, wiþ þi ſtrengþe; be þou clad viii Fro anguyſh and fro dom he is take awei; þe ieneracioun
wiþ þe cloþis of þi glorie, þou Jeruſalem, cite of þe hoeli; for of hym who ſhal tellen out? For kut awei he is fro þe lond of
he ſhal not lei to more, þat þer paſſe bi þee an vncircumcidid lyueres. For þe hidous gilte of my puple I ſmot hym.
and vnclene. ix And ȝyuen he ſhal vnpitous men for biriyng, and riche men
ii Be þou ſhaken out of þe pouder; ris, ſit þou, Jeruſalem;
looſe þe bondis of þi necke, þou caitif doȝtir of Sion. for his deþ; for þi þat wickeneſſe he dide not, ne treccherie
iii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Freeli ȝee ben ſold, and
was in his mouþ;
x and þe Lord wolde to-trede hym in infirmytee. If he ſhal
wiþoute ſiluer ȝee ſhul be aȝeen boȝt. putte his ſoule for ſynne he ſhal ſeen ſed of long age, and þe
iiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, In to Egipt cam doun
wil of þe Lord in his hond ſhal be riȝt reulid.
my puple in þe bigynnyng, as a comeling tiliere he was þere, xi For þi þat he trauailede, his ſoule ſhal ſeen, and ben
and Aſſur wiþoute any cauſe chalengede hym. fulfyld. In his kunnyng he my riȝtwis ſeruaunt ſhal iuſtefien
v And now what to me is þis? ſeiþ þe Lord; for taken awei is
manye, and þe wickidneſſes of hem he ſhal bern.
my puple wiþoute cauſe; his lordſhiperes wickidli diden, ſeiþ xii Þerfore I ſhal dele to hym manye, and of ſtronge men he
þe Lord, and biſili al dai my name is blasfemed. ſhal deuyde ſpoiles; for þi þat he toc in to deþ his lif, and wiþ
vi For þat wite ſhal my puple my name in þat dai, for I þe
hidous gilteres is holden; and he þe ſynne of manye toc, and
ſelue þat ſpac, lo! I am nyȝ. for treſpaſeres preȝede.
vii Hou faire vp on mounteynes þe feet of þe tellende, and
prechende pes, tellende good, prechende helþe, ſeiende, Sion, Capitulum LIIII.
regnen ſhal þi God.
viii Þe vois of þi tooteres; þei rereden a vois, togidere þei i Preiſe, þou bareyne, þat berſt not; gretli ſing preiſing, and
ſhul preiſen; for wiþ eȝe to eȝe þei ſhul ſee, whan conuerte ympne, þat beere not; for manye ſones of þe forſaken more
ſhal þe Lord Sion. þan of hir þat hadde þe man, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ix Ioȝeþ, and preiſeþ togidere, ȝee deſertes of Jeruſalem; for ii Alarge þe place of þi tente, and þe ſkynnes of þi tabernacle
coumfortid haþ þe Lord his puple, aȝeenboȝt he haþ ſtrecche out; ne ſpare þou, longe maac þi litle cordis, and þi
Jeruſalem. nailes mac faſt.
x Redi made þe Lord his hoeli arm in þe eȝen of alle iii At þe riȝt forſoþe and at þe lift þou ſhalt perſen; and þi ſed
Jentiles, and ſeen ſhul alle coeſtes of erþe þe helþe ȝyuere of Jentiles ſhal eritagen, and deſert cites wonen in.
oure God. iiii Wile þou not dreden, for þou ſhalt not be confoundyd, ne
xi Goþ awei, goþ awei, goþ out þennes; þe defoulid þing wileþ ſhamen. Forſoþe it ſhal not ſhamen þee; for of þe confuſioun
not touche, goþ out fro þe myddel of it; `be ȝe clenſid, þat of þi ȝouþe þou ſhalt forȝete, and of þe repref of þi widewhed
bern þe veſſeles of þe Lord. þou ſhalt recorde no more.
xii For not in noiſe ȝee ſhul gon out, ne in fliȝt ȝee ſhul gon v For lordſhipen ſhal of þee þat made þee; þe Lord of oſtes
forþ; forſoþe gon bifor ȝou ſhal þe Lord, and gedere togidere hys name; and þin aȝeen biere, þe holi of Irael, þe God of al
ȝou ſhal þe God of Irael. erþe ſhal be clepid.
xiii Lo! vnderſtonde ſhal my ſeruaunt, and ben enhauncid, and vi For as a womman forſaken and moornende in ſpirit,
rered, and ful heeȝ he ſhal be gretly. clepede þee þe Lord, and a wif fro þe ȝouþe caſt awei.
xiiii As ſtoneȝeden vp on hym manye, ſo vnglorious ſhal ben vii Þe Lord þi God ſeide, At a poynt in a litil I forſoc þee,
among men his ſiȝte, and þe foorme of hym among þe ſonus and in grete mercy doinges I ſhal gedere þee.
of men. viii In a moment of indignacioun I hidde my face a litil fro
xv He ſhal ſpringe manye Jentiles; vp on hym togidere holden þee, and in euerlaſtende mercy I hadde mercy of þee, ſeide þe
ſhuln kingis þer mouþ; for to whom is not told of hym, ſhul Lord, þi forbiere.
ſee, and þat herden not, beheelden. ix As in þe daȝes of Noe, þis to me is, to whom I ſwor, þat
I ſhulde no mor bringen in þe watris of flod vp on erþe; ſo I
Capitulum LIII. ſwor, þat I wraþe not to þee, and blame not þee.
x Mounteynes forſoþe ſhul be to-ſtered, and hillis ſhul
i Who leeuede to oure heering? and þe arm of þe Lord to tremblen; my mercy forſoþe ſhal not gon awei fro þee, and þe
whom is it ſhewyd? bond of my pes ſhal not be moued, ſeide þe Lord, þi reewer.
ii And it ſhal ſteȝen vp as a quyk hegge biforn hym, and as a xi Þou porelet, wiþ tempeſt al to-pullid, wiþ oute any
roote fro þe þreſtende erþe. Þer is not ſhap to hym, ne coumfort, lo! I ſhal araie bi order þi ſtones, and founde þee
fairneſſe; and wee ſeȝen hym, and he was not of ſiȝte; and in ſafires;
wee deſireden hym, xii and I ſhal ſette iaſp þy pynacles, and þi ȝates in to grauen
iii diſpiſid, and þe laſte of men, man of ſorewes, and witende
ſtones, and alle þi termes in to deſirable ſtones.
infirmyte. And as hid his chere and diſpiſid; wherfore ne wee xiii Alle þi ſones taȝt of þe Lord; and multitude of pes to þi
ſetteden by hym. ſones,
iiii Vereli oure ſicneſſes he tooc, and oure ſorewes he bar; and
xiiii and in riȝtwiſneſſe þou ſhalt be foundid. Go awei aferr
wee heelden hym as leprous, and ſmyten of God, and mekid. fro chalenge, for þou ſhalt not drede; and fro inward ferd, for
v He forſoþe woundid is for oure wickidneſſes, defoulid is for
it ſhal not neȝhe to þee.
oure hidous giltes; þe diſcyplyne of oure pes vp on hym, and
wiþ his wanneſſe we ben heled.


xv Lo! an earþ tiliere ſhal come, þat was not wiþ me; þi iiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to geldingus, who kepen my
comeling ſumtyme apaſſid ſhal be ioyned to þee. ſabates, and cheſen þat I wolde, and holden my pes
xvi Lo! I ſhop a ſmyþ blowende in þe fyr coles, and couenaunt.
bringende forþ a veſſel in to his werk; and I ſhop þe ſleere, v I ſhal ȝyue to þem in myn hous and in my wallis a place,
to deſtroȝen. and a betere name of ſones and doȝtris; an euere laſtende
xvii Eche veſſel þat is mad aȝen þee, ſhal not be riȝt reulid; name I ſhal ȝyue to þem, þat ſhal not perſhen.
and eche tunge wiþſtondende to þee, in dom þou ſhalt deme. vi And þe ſonus of þe comeling, þat cleuen to þe Lord, þat þei
Þis is þe eritage of þe ſeruauns of þe Lord, and þe herien hym, and loouen his name, þat þei be to hym in to
riȝtwiſneſſe of hem anent me, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſeruauns; eche man kepende ſabot, leſt he defoule it, and þe
holdende my pes couenaunt;
Capitulum LV. vii I ſhal bringe þem in to myn hoeli hil, and gladen hem in

i Alle
þe hous of myn oriſoun; þe brent ſacrifiſes of hem and þer
ȝee þriſtende, comeþ to watris, and ȝee þat han not victorie ſacrifiſes ſhul pleſen to me vp on myn auter; for myn
ſiluer, goþ forþ, bieþ, and eteþ; comeþ, bieþ, wiþoute ſiluer hous þe hous of oriſoun ſhal be clepid to alle puples,
and wiþoute any chaffaring, wyn and mylc. viii ſeiþ þe Lord God, þat gadereþ þe ſcatered of Irael. Ȝit I
ii Whi poote ȝee vp ſiluer, not in loeues, and ȝoure trauailing,
ſhal gedere to hym alle his gedered togidere.
not in filling? Hereþ ȝee herende me, and eteþ good þing, and ix Alle beſtus of þe feeld, comeþ to deuouren, alle ȝee beſtus
delite ſhal in fatneſſe ȝoure ſoule. of þe wilde wode.
iii Bowiþ in ȝoure ere, and comeþ to me; hereþ, and lyuen
x His tooteres alle blinde, alle þei vnknewen; doumbe dogges
ſhal ȝoure ſoule; and I ſhal ſmyte wiþ ȝou euere laſtende not mowende berken, ſeende veyne þingus, ſlepende, and
couenaunt, þe feiþful mercies of Dauid. loouende ſweuenus;
iiii Lo! witneſſe I ȝaf hym to puples, duke and comaundere to
xi and moſt vnſhamefaſt doggus knewen not fulneſſe. Þei
Jentiles. ſhepperdes knewe not vnderſtonding; alle in to þer owne weie
v Lo! þe folc of kinde, þat þou knewe not, þou ſhalt clepen;
boweden doun, eche to his auarice, fro þe hieſt vn to þe laſte.
and þe folc of kinde, þat þee kneȝ not, to þee ſhul rennen; for xii Comeþ, take wee wyn, and be wee fulfild wiþ drunkeneſſe;
þe Lord þy God, and þe hoeli of Iſrael, for he glorifiede þee. and it ſhal be as to dai, ſo and to moru, and myche more.
vi Secheþ þe Lord, whil he mai be founde; inwardli clepeþ
hym, whil he is nyȝ.
vii Forſake þe vnpitous his weie, and þe wicke man his Capitulum LVII.
þoȝtes; and turne aȝeen to þe Lord, and he ſhal haue mercy of i The riȝtwis man perſheþ, and þer is not, þat beþenke in his
hym, and to oure God, for myche he is to forȝyue. herte; and men of mercy ben gedered, for þer is not þat
viii Forſoþe not my þenkingus ȝoure þenkingus, ne my weies vnderſtonde; fro þe face forſoþe of malice gedered is þe
ȝoure weies, ſeiþ þe Lord. riȝtwis.
ix For as enhauncid ben heuenus fro erþe, ſo enhauncid ben ii Come pes, reſte it in his bed, þat ȝide in his riȝt reuling.
my weies fro ȝoure weyes, and my þoȝtus fro ȝoure þoȝtus. iii Ȝee forſoþe neȝheþ hider, ſonus of a wicche, ſed of
x And what maner comeþ doun weder and ſnoȝ fro heuene, auoutereſſe, and of a fornycarie.
and þider no mor is turned aȝeen, but drunkneþ þe erþe, and iiii Vp on whom pleieden ȝee? vp on whom ſpredden ȝee abrod
heeldeþ in to it, and to buriowne makeþ it, and ȝyueþ ſed to þe mouþ, and `ȝee caſteden out þe tunge? Wheþer not ȝee
þe ſowere, and bred to þe etere, ſonus hidous gilteres, ſed liere?
xi ſo ſhal be my wrd, þat ſhal gon out of my mouþ. It ſhal v þat ben coumfortid in goddis, vnder eche braunchy tree,
not be turned aȝeen voide to me, but ſhal do what euere offrende litle childer in ſtremes, vnder ſtonus ſtondende ouer.
þingus I wolde, and ſhal be welſum in þo þingus to whiche I vi In partes of þe ſtrem þi part, þis is þi lot; and to þem þou
ſende it; heeldedeſt out ſacrifice of lykoures, offrediſt ſacrifice. Wheþer
xii for in gladneſſe ȝee ſhul gon oute, and in pes ȝee ſhul be vp on þeſe þingus I ſhal not endeyne?
lad þennus. Mounteynes and hilles ſhul ſinge bifor ȝou vii Vp on an hiȝ hil and enhauncid þou putteſt þi bed, and
preiſing, and alle þe trees of þe regioun ſhal flappe for ioȝe þider þou ſteȝedeſt þat þou offre oſtes;
wiþ hond. viii and bihynde þe dore, and bihynde þe poſt þou ſettedeſt þi
xiii For þe þorny erbe þat is clepid ſaliunka, ſhal ſteeȝen vp a
mynde tocne. For biſide me þou diſcouerediſt, and toke þe
firr tree, and for þe nettle ſhal growe þe tre þat is clepid auoutrer; þou ſpreddeſt þi bed, and couenauntedeſt wiþ þem a
myrt; and þe Lord ſhal be nemned in to an euer laſtende pes couenaunt; þou loouediſt þe beddyng of hem wiþ opened
tocne, þat ſhal not ben don awei. hond,
ix and enournedeſt þee wiþ þe kingus oynement, and
Capitulum LVI. multepliedeſt þi pymentus; and ſentiſt þi legates aferr, and
i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Kepeþ dom, and doþ riȝtwiſneſſe, mekid þou art vnto helle.
x In þe multitude of þi weie þou trauailedeſt, and ſeideſt not,
for nyȝ is myn helþe, þat it come, and my riȝtwiſneſſe, þat it
be opened. I ſhal reſten; þe weie of þin hond þou haſt founde, þerfore
ii Blisful þe man, þat doþ þat, and þe ſone of man, þat ſhal þou preȝedeſt not.
xi For þe whiche þou biſi dreddeſt, for þou liedeſt, and of me
take þis; kepende þe ſabot, leſt he defoule it, kepende his
hondis, leſt he do any euel. þou recordedeſt not, ne þoȝteſt in þin herte, for I ſtille, and as
iii And ſeye not þe ſone of þe comeling, þat cleueþ to þe Lord, not ſeende; and of me þou forȝete.
xii I ſhal tellen out þi riȝtwiſneſſe, and þi werkus ſhul not
ſeiende, Bi ſeueryng ſhall deuyde me þe Lord fro his puple;
and ſey not þe gelding, Lo! I a drie tree. profiten to þee.
xiii Whan þou ſhalt crien, delyuere þee þi gedered; and alle
þem ſhal bern awei þe wynd, and ſhal taken awei þe weder;


who forſoþe haþ troſt of me, ſhal eritagen þe erþe, and welden and þou ſhalt ben as a watri gardyn, and as a welle of
myn hoeli mounteyn. watris, whos watris `ſchul not failen.
xiiii And I ſhal ſeyn, Weie makeþ, ȝyueþ goyng, bowiþ doun xii And bild vp ſhul ben in þee þe deſertes of worldus, þe
fro þe paþ, takeþ awei hurtinge þingus fro þe weie of my foundemens of ieneraciouns and of ieneraciouns þou ſhalt
puple. reren; þou ſhalt ben clepid a bildere vp of hegges, turnende
xv For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe heȝe Lord, and enhauncid, awei þe paþis of wickidneſſes.
wonende þe euerelaſtingte, and his hoeli name in heȝ, and in xiii If þou ſchalt turne awei fro þe ſabot þi foot, to do þin
hoeli dwelling, and wiþ þe contrit and mekid ſpirit, þat he owne wil in myn hoely dai, and clepiſt a delicat ſabot, and þe
quykene þe ſpirit of meke men, and quykene þe herte of hoely of þe Lord, glorious, and glorifieſt hym, whil þou doſt
contrit men. not þi weies, and is not founde þin owne wil, þat þou ſpeke a
xvi Forſoþe not in to euermor I ſhal ſtriue, ne vnto þe ende I wrd;
ſhal wraþe; for a ſpirit fro my face ſhal gon out, and blaſtis I xiiii þanne þou ſhalt delyten vp on þe Lord, and I ſhal rere
ſhal maken. þee vp vp on þe heiȝtus of erþe, and ſhal fede þee wiþ þe
xvii For þe wickedneſſe of his auarice I wraþede, and ſmot eritage of Jacob, þi fader; þe mouþ forſoþe of þe Lord ſpac.
hym. I hidde fro þee my face, and endeynede; and he ȝide
awei vagaunt in þe weie of his herte. Capitulum LIX.
xviii His weies I ſaȝ, and helede hym, and broȝte hym aȝeen;
i Lo! þer is not abreggid þe hond of þe Lord, þat ſauen he
and I ȝeeld coumfortingus to hym, and to his weileris. mai not, ne agreggid is his ere, þat he ful out here not;
xix I ſhop frut of lippis pes, pes to hym þat is aferr, and þat
ii but ȝoure wickidneſſes deuydeden betwe ȝou and ȝoure God,
nyȝ, ſeide þe Lord; and I helede hym. and ȝoure ſynnes hidden his face fro ȝou, þat he ful out here
xx Vnpitous men forſoþe as þe boilinge ſe, þat reſten mai not;
and redounden his flodis in to to-treding, and cley. iii Forſoþe ȝoure hondis ben defoulid wiþ blod, and ȝoure
xxi Þer is not pes, ſeiþ þe Lord God, to vnpytouſe men.
fingris wiþ wickidneſſe; ȝoure lippes ſpeeken leſing, and ȝoure
tunge wickeneſſe ſpekeþ.
Capitulum LVIII. iiii Þer is not, þat inwardly clepe riȝtwiſneſſe, ne þer is, þat
i Crye, deme verreli; but þei troſten in þing of noȝt, and ſpeken
ne ceſe þou; as a trumpe enhaunce þi vois, and tel out vanytees; þei conceyueden trauaile, and beeren wickidneſſe.
to my puple þe hidous giltes of hem, and to þe hous of Jacob v Þe eiren of edderes þei to-breeken, and þe webbis of an
þer ſynnes.
ii Me forſoþe fro dai in to dai þei ſechen, and witen my weies attercop þei wouen; who ſhal eten of þe eiren of hem, ſhal
dien, and þat is hacchid, ſhal breken out in to a cokatrice.
þei wiln; as a folc of kynde, þat riȝtwiſneſſe hadde do, and vi Þe webbis of hem ſhul not ben in to cloþing, ne þei ſhuln
þat þe dom of his God `forſoken not; þei preȝen me domes of
riȝtwiſneſſe, and neȝhen to God þei wiln. ben couered wiþ þer werkis; þe werkus of hem werkus
iii Whi han wee faſtid, and þou haſt not biholden; wee han vnprofitable, and þe werc of wickydneſſe in þer hondus.
vii Þe feet of þem to euel rennen, and heeȝen, þat þei ſheden
mekid oure ſoules, and þou haſt not knowen? Lo! in þe dai of
ȝoure faſting is founde ȝoure owne wil, and alle ȝoure out innocent blod; þe þoȝtus of þem þoȝtus vnprofitable;
detoures ȝee pleten. waſtite and to-treding in þe weies of hem.
iiii Lo! to ples and to ſtriues ȝee faſten, and ſmyten wiþ þe viii Þe weie of pes þei knewen not, and þer ys not dom in þe
fiſt vnpitouſly. Wileþ not faſten, as vnto þis dai, þat herd be goyngus of hem; þe paþis of þem inbowid ben to þem; eche
in heiȝte ȝoure cry. þat tredeþ in þem, vnknowiþ pes.
v Wheþer ſuch is þe faſting þat I cheſe, bi þe dai a man to ix For þat longid oute is fro vs dom, and ſhal not take vs
tormenten his ſoule? wheþer to binde togidere as a cercle his riȝtwiſneſſe; wee han biden liȝt, and lo! dercneſſis; ſhynyng,
hed, and ſac and aſken to araȝen? Wheþer þis I clepede and in dercneſſes wee han gon.
faſting, and an acceptable dai to þe Lord? x Wee han gropid as blinde men þe wall, and as wiþoute
vi Wheþer not þis is more faſting þat I ches? Vnbind þou þe eȝen wee han felid; wee han ſtumblid in mydday, as in
togidere bindingus of vnpitouſneſſe, looſe þe bundeles doun dercneſſes, in myſti þingus, as deade.
berende; lete hem þat ben to-broke, free, and eche charge to- xi Wee ſhul roren as beres alle, and as culueres beþenkende
brec. wee ſhul weilen; wee han biden dom, and þer is not; helþe,
vii Brec to þe hungri þi bred, and þe helpeles and vagaunt and it is longid awei fro vs.
bring in to þin hous; whan þou ſhalt ſee þe nakid, couere xii Multeplied ben forſoþe oure wickeneſſes bifor þee, and oure
hym, and þi fleſh þou ſhalt not diſpiſe. ſynnes anſwerden to vs; for oure hidous giltes wiþ vs, and
viii Þanne ſhal breken out as morutid þi liȝt, and þin helþe oure wickeneſſes wee han knowen,
ſunnere ſhal ſpringe; and bifor þi face ſhal go þi riȝtwiſneſſe, xiii to ſynnen, and to lien aȝen þe Lord. And wee ben turned
and þe glorie of þe Lord ſhal gedere þee. awei, þat wee go not bihynde þe bac of oure God, þat wee
ix Þanne þou ſhalt inwardly clepen, and þe Lord ſhal heren; ſpeke wrong chalenge, and treſpaſing. Wee conceyueden, and
þou ſhalt crien, and he ſhal ſey, Lo! I am nyȝ, for merciful I ſpeeken of herte wrdys of leſing;
am, þe Lord þi God. If þou take awei fro þi myddel þe xiiii and turned is bacward dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe aferr ſtod;
cheyne, and ceſe þe fynger to ſtrecchen out, and to ſpeken þat for fallen haþ in þe ſtrete treuþe, and equyte myȝte not gon in.
profiteþ not; xv For maad is treuþe in to forȝeting, and he þat wente awei
x whan þou ſhalt heelden out to þe hungri þi ſoule, and þe fro euel, to prei was open. And þe Lord ſaȝ, and euel aperede
tormentid lijf þou ſhalt fulfillen, ſpringe ſhal in dercneſſes þi in his eȝen, for þer is not dom.
liȝt, and þi dercneſſes ſhul ben as myddai. xvi And God ſaȝ, for þer is not a man, and ſorewede, for þer
xi And reſte ȝyue to þee ſhal þe Lord þi God euermor, and is not þat aȝeen come. And he ſhal ſaue to hym his arm, and
fulfillen he ſhal in ſhynynges þi ſoule, and þi bones delyueren; his riȝtwiſneſſe it ſhal confermen hym.


xvii `He is clad wiþ riȝtwiſneſſe as wiþ an habirioun, and þe xvii For metal I ſhal bringe to gold, and for iren I ſhal
helm of helþe in his hed; `he is clad wiþ þe cloþingus of bringe to ſeluer; and for trees metal, and for ſtones iren; and
veniaunce, and couered wiþ þe mantil of ielouſte. I ſhal putte þi viſitinge pes, and þi prouoſtes riȝtwiſneſſe.
xviii So to veniaunce as to ȝeelding of indignacioun to his xviii Þer ſhal no mor ben herd wickidneſſe in þi lond, ne
ferr enemys, and while to his nyȝ enemys, to þe ilis while he waſtite and to-treding in þi termes; and ocupie ſhal helþe þi
ſhal ȝelde. wallis, and þi ȝates preiſing.
xix And dreden ſhul þat ben fro þe weſt þe name of þe Lord, xix Þer ſhal ben no more to þee þe ſunne to liȝten bi dai, ne
and þat fro þe riſing of þe ſunne his glorie; whan he ſhal þe ſhynyng of þe moone liȝten ſhal þee; but ſhal be to þee þe
come as a violent flod, whom þe ſpirit of þe Lord conſtreyneþ. Lord `in to euerlaſtende liȝt, and þi God in to þi glorie.
xx And comen ſhal þe aȝeenbiere of Sion, and to þem þat xx Go doun no mor ſhal þy ſunne, and þi moone ſhal not be
turnen aȝeen fro wickidneſſe in Jacob, ſeiþ þe Lord. mynuſht; for þe Lord ſhal be in to euerlaſtende liȝt, and fulfild
xxi Þis my pes couenaunt wiþ þem, ſeiþ þe Lord; My ſpirit ſhul be þe daȝes of þi weiling.
þat is in þee, and my wrdus þat I `haue ſet in þi mouþ ſhul xxi Þi puple forſoþe alle riȝtwiſe, in to euermor þei ſhul
not gon awei fro þi mouþ, and fro þe mouþ of þi ſed, ſeiþ þe eritagen þe erþe, buriownyng of my plaunting, werc of myn
Lord, fro now and vnto euermore. hond to glorien.
xxii Þe leſte ſhal be in to a þouſend, and þe litle child in to a
Capitulum LX. folc of kinde moſt ſtrong. I, þe Lord, in his time ſodeynli ſhal
i Rys,
do þis.
be þou liȝtid, Jeruſalem, for comen is þi liȝt, and þe
glorie of þe Lord vp on þee is ſprunge. Capitulum LXI
ii For lo! dercneſſes ſhul coueren þe erþe, and myſtineſſe
puples; vp on þee forſoþe ſhal ſpringe þe Lord, and his glorie i The ſpirit of þe Lord vp on me, for þat enoyntede me þe
in þee ſhal be ſeen. Lord; to tellen out to debonere men he ſente me, þat I ſhulde
iii And gon ſhul Gentiles in þi liȝt, and kingus in þe ſhynyng leche þe contrit men in herte, and prechen to caitif men
of þi riſing. forȝyueneſſe, and to cloſid men openyng;
iiii Rere in cumpas þin eȝen, and ſee; alle þeſe ben gedered ii and prechen a ȝer pleſable to þe Lord, and a dai of
togidere, camen to þee; þi ſonis fro aferr ſhul come, and þi veniaunce to oure God; þat I ſhulde coumforten alle weilende
doȝtris fro a ſyde ſhul riſe. men;
v Þanne þou ſhalt ſeen, and haue plente; and merueilen, and iii þat I ſhulde putte coumforting to þe weilende men of Sion,
ben ſpred abrod ſhal þin herte, whan conuertid ſhal be to þee and ȝyue to þem a crowne for aſkes, oile of ioȝe for weiling,
þe multitude of þe ſe, þe ſtrengþe of Jentiles ſhal come to þee; a mantil of preiſing for þe ſpirit of mornyng. And þer ſhul be
vi þe flowyng of camailes ſhal couere þee, dromedaries of clepid in it ſtronge men of riȝtwiſneſſe, plaunting of þe Lord
to glorifien.
Madian and Effa; alle fro Saba ſhul come, gold and encens iiii And þei ſhul bilden vp þe deſertus fro þe world, and olde
bringende, and preiſing to þe Lord tellende.
vii Eche beſte of Cedar ſhal be gedered to þee, weþeres of fallingus þei ſhul rere, and þei ſhul reſtore cites forſaken and
ſcatered, in to ieneracioun and ieneracioun.
Nabaioth ſhuln ſerue to þee; þei ſhul ben offrid vpon my v And ſtonde ſhul alienus, and fede ȝoure beſtus; and þe
pleſable auter, and þe hous of my mageſte I ſhal glorifien.
viii Who ben þeſe, þat as cloudus fleen, and as culueres to ſonus of pilgrimes erþe tilieres and ȝoure vyne wercheres ſhul
þer wyndowes? vi Ȝee forſoþe preſtus of þe Lord ſhul ben clepid; Seruauns
ix Me forſoþe abijden iles, and ſhipes of þe ſe in þe
of ȝoure God, it ſhal ben ſeid to ȝou. Þe ſtrengþe of Jentiles
bigynnyng; þat I bringe þi ſonus fro aferr, þe ſeluer of þem, ȝee ſhuln ete, and in þe glorie of þem ȝee ſhul ben proud.
and þe gold of hem wiþ þem, to þe name of þe Lord þi God, vii For ȝoure double confuſioun and ſhame preiſe ſhul þei þer
and to þe hoeli of Irael; for he ſhal glorifien þee.
x And bilden ſhul ſonus of pilgrimes þi wallis, and þe kingus part; for þat in þer lond double fold þingus þei ſhul welden,
euermor gladneſſe ſhal be to þem.
of hem ſerue ſhul to þee. In myn indignacioun forſoþe I ſmot viii For I þe Lord, louende dom, and to hate hauende raueyn
þee, and in my recounſiling I hadde reuþe of þee.
xi And opened ſhul be þi ȝates contynueli, dai and nyȝt þei in to brent ſacrifiſe. And I ſhal ȝyue þe werk of hem in
treuþe, and pes couenaunt `euere durende I ſhal ſmyte wiþ
ſhul not be cloſid; þat born be to þee þe ſtrengþe of Jentilis, þem.
and þe kingus of þem be lad to. ix And ſhal be wiſt in Jentilis þe ſed of hem, and þe
xii Forſoþe þe folc of kinde and reume þat ſhal not ſerue to
buriownyng of þem in þe myddel of puples. Alle þat ſhul ſeen
þee, ſhal perſhe, and Jentiles in wilderneſſe ſhul be waſtid. hem, ſhul knowe þem, for þeſe ben þe ſed, to whom bliſſide þe
xiii Þe glorie of Liban to þee ſhal come, þe fyrr tree, and box, Lord.
and pyne tree togidere, to enourne þe place of myn halewyng; x Ioȝende I ſhal ioȝen in þe Lord, and ful out ioȝen ſhal my
and þe place of my feet I ſhal glorifien. ſoule in my God. For he cloþide me wiþ þe cloþing of helþe,
xiiii And come ſhul to þee þe ſonus of hem bowid, þat and wiþ þe cloþing of riȝtwiſneſſe he cumpaſſede me, as an
mekeden þee, and honoure ſhul þe ſteppis of þi feet, alle þat huſbonde wrſhipid wiþ a crowne, and as a wif enourned wiþ
bacbiteden to þee; and clepen ſhul þee Þe cite of þe Lord, hir broches.
Sion of þe hoeli of Irael. xi As forſoþe þe erþe bringeþ forþ his buriownyng, and as a
xv Forþi þat þou were forſaken, and to hate had, and þer was gardyn his ſed buriowneþ, ſo þe Lord God ſhal buriowne
not þat bi þee ſhulde paſſe, I ſhal putte þee in to þe pride of riȝtwiſneſſe, and preiſing bifor alle folc of kinde.
worldus, ioȝe in ieneracioun and ieneracioun.
xvi And þou ſhalt ſouke þe mylc of Jentiles, and wiþ þe tete
of kingis þou ſhalt be mylkid; and þou ſhalt wite for I þe
Lord, ſauende þee, and þin aȝeen biere, þe ſtrong of Jacob.


Capitulum LXII. indulgence he aȝeen boȝte þem, and bar hem, and rerede þem
alle þe daȝes of þe world.
i For Sion I ſhal not be ſtille, and for Jeruſalem I ſhal not x Þei forſoþe to wraþe terreden, and tormenteden þe ſpirit of
reſten, to þe tyme þat go out as ſhynyng þe riȝtwis of hym, his hoeli; and turned he is to þem in to enemy, and he faȝt
and his ſaueour as a laumpe be tend. þem doun.
ii And ſeen ſhul Jentiles þi riȝtwis, and alle kingus þi noble; xi And he recordide of þe daȝes of þe world, of Moiſes, and
and clepid ſhal be to þee a newe name, þat þe mouþ of þe of his puple. Wher is, þat ladde þem out fro þe ſe, wiþ þe
Lord nemnede. ſhepperdis of his floc? Where is, þat ſette in his myddel ſpirit
iii And þou ſhalt be a crowne of glorie in þe hond of þe Lord, of his hoeli;
and a diademe of þe rewme in þe hond of þi God. xii þe þat ladde oute at þe riȝtſide Moiſen in þe arm of his
iiii Þou ſhalt not more be clepid forſakun, and þi lond ſhal no mageſte? þat kutte watris bifor þem, þat he make to hym a
mor be clepid deſolat; but þou ſhalt be clepid My wil in it, name euere durende;
and þi lond ſhal ben enhabitid; for it pleſede to þe Lord in xiii þat ladde out þem bi water depþis, as an hors in deſert
þee, and þi lond ſhal ben enhabited. not fallende,
v Dwelle forſoþe ſhal þe ȝunge man wiþ þe maide, and dwelle xiiii as a beſte in þe feeld goende doun? Þe Spirit of þe Lord
ſhuln in þee þi ſonus; and ioȝen ſhal þe huſbonde vp on þe his ledere was; ſo þou broȝtiſt to þi puple, þat þou make to
wif, and ioȝen vp on þee ſhal þi God. þee a name of glorie.
vi Vp on þi wallis, Jeruſalem, I ſette keperes, al dai and al xv Loke to fro heuene, and ſee fro þin hoely dwelling, and fro
nyȝt euermor þei ſhul not be ſtille. Ȝee þat remembren þe þe ſe of þi glorie. Wher is þin inward loue, and þi ſtrengþe,
Lord, ne beþ ſtille, multitude of þi boweles, and of þi mercy doyngus? Vp on me
vii and ne ȝyueþ ſcilence to hym, to þe tyme þat he ſtabliſhe, þei wiþheelden hem.
and to þe tyme þat he ſette Jeruſalem preiſing in þe erþe. xvi Þou forſoþe oure fader, and Abraham kneȝ not vs, and
viii Þe Lord ſwor in his riȝthond and in þe arm of his Irael vnkneȝ vs. Þou, Lord, oure fader, and oure aȝeenbiere;
ſtrengþe, I ſhal not ȝyuen þi whete more in to mete to þin fro þe world þi name.
enemys, and drinke ſhul not alien ſonus þi wyn, in whiche xvii Whi to erren vs þou madiſt, Lord, fro þi weies? þou
þou trauailediſt. hardediſt oure herte, þat wee dredde not þee? be turned, for þi
ix For þei þat ſhul gederen it, ſhuln ete, and preiſe þe Lord; ſeruauns, lynages of þin eritage.
and þat `wiþ bern it, ſhul drinken in myn hoeli porches. xviii As noȝt þei weldeden þin hoeli puple, and oure enemys
x Paſſeþ, paſſeþ þurȝ þe ȝates; greiþeþ weie to puple, pleyn al to-treeden þin halewyng.
makeþ þe goyng; and gedereþ awei þe ſtones, and rereþ vp a xix Wee ben maad as in þe bigynnyng, whan þou lordſhipediſt
tocne to puples. not of vs, ne inwardli was clepid þi name vp on vs.
xi Lo! þe Lord herd made in þe vtmoſtus of erþe. Seiþ to þe
doȝter of Sion, Lo! þi ſaueour comeþ; lo! his meede wiþ hym, Capitulum LXIIII.
and his werc biforn hym.
xii And þei ſhul clepen hem an hoeli puple, aȝeenboȝt of þe i Wolde God þou ſhuldiſt to-breke heuenus, and comen doun,
Lord. Þou forſoþe ſhalt be clepid a ſoȝt cite, and not forſaken. fro þi face hillis ſhulden flowe doun,
ii as out brennyng of fyr þey ſhulden vanſhe awei, watris
Capitulum LXIII. ſhulden brenne wiþ fyr; þat knowen were maad þi name to
þin enemys, fro þi face Jentilis ſhulden ben diſturbid.
i Who is þis þat cam fro Edom, wiþ ſteyned cloþis fro Boſra? iii Whan þou ſhalt do merueiles, wee ſhuln not ſuſtene. Þou
þis ſhapli in his ſtole, goende in þe multitude of his vertue? I deſcendedeſt, and fro þi face mounteynes floweden doun.
þat ſpeke riȝtwiſneſſe, and a forfyȝtere am to ſauen. iiii Fro þe world þei herden not, ne wiþ eres parceyueden; þe
ii Why þanne red is þi cloþing? and þi cloþis as of men
eȝe ſaȝ not, þou God, wiþoute þee, what þingus þou haſt mad
tredende in þe preſſe? redi to men abidende þee.
iii Þe preſſe I trad alone, and of þe folc of kinde þer is not a v Þou aȝen came to þe gladere, and to þe doende riȝtwiſneſſe;
man wiþ me; Y trad hem in my wodneſſe, and togedere trad in þi weies þei ſhul recorden of þee. Lo! þou wraþediſt, and
hem in my wraþe; and ſprengd is þe blod of hem vp on my wee han ſynned; in hem wee weren euermor, and wee ſhul
cloþis, and alle my cloþingus I defoulid. ben ſaaf.
iiii Dai forſoþe of veniaunce in myn herte, ȝer of my ȝelding vi And wee ben mad as vnclene, alle wee; as þe cloþ of þe
cam. womman roten blod flowende, alle oure riȝtwiſneſſes; and wee
v I beheeld aboute, and þer was not an helpere; I ſoȝte, and fellen as a lef alle, and oure wickidneſſes as wind token awei
þer was not þat halp; and myn `arm ſauede to me, and myn vs.
indignacioun itſelf halp to me. vii Þer is not, þat inwardly clepe þi name, þat riſe, and holde
vi And I al to-trad puples in my wodneſſe; and I drunknede þee; þou haſt hid þi face fro vs, and þou haſt hurtlid vs in þe
þem in myn indignacioun, and droȝ doun þe vertue of þem hond of oure wickidneſſe.
into erþe. viii And now, Lord, oure fader þou art; wee forſoþe clei, and
vii Of þe mercy doyngus of þe Lord I ſhal recorden, þe oure makere þou, and þe werkus of þin hondus, alle wee.
preiſing of þe Lord vp on alle þingus þat ȝeeld to vs þe Lord, ix Ne wraþe þou, Lord, ynouȝ, and no more haue þou mynde
and vp on þe multitude of þe goodis to þe hous of Irael, þe of oure wickidneſſe. Lo! Lord, bihold, þi puple alle wee.
whiche he largeli ȝaf to þem after his forȝyueneſſe, and aftir x Þe cite of þin hoeli mad is deſert Sion, deſert mad is
þe multitude of his mercies. Jeruſalem,
viii And he ſeide, Nerþelatere `my puple is, ſonus not
xi deſolat is þe hous of oure halewing and of oure glorie,
denyende, and mad is to þem a ſaueour. where preiſeden þee oure fadris, mad is in out brennyng of
ix In alle þe tribulacioun of hem he is not trublid, and þe
fyr; and alle oure deſirable þingus ben turned in to fallingus.
aungil of his face ſauede hem. In his loue and in his


xii Wheþer vp on þeſe þingus þou ſhalt wiþholden þee, Lord? xx And þer ſhal no mor be þe faunt of daȝes, and þe olde þat
ſtille ſhalt þou be, and tormenten vs hugeli? fulfilliþ not his daȝes; for þe child of an hundrid ȝer ſhal dien,
and þe ſynnere of an hundrid ȝer ſhal be curſid.
Capitulum LXV. xxi And þei ſhul bilden vp houſes, and dwellen in, and

i Thei
plaunte `vyne ȝerdis, and ete þe frute of hem.
ſoȝten me, þat biforn aſkeden not; þei founden þat xxii Þei ſhul not bilden vp houſes, and an oþer dwelle, ne
ſoȝten not me. I ſeide, Lo! I, lo! Y, to þe Jentilis þat knewe plaunten, and an oþer ete; after þe daȝes forſoþe of þe tree
not me, and þat inwardli clepeden not my name. ſhul be þe daȝes of my puple, and þe werkes of þer hondus.
ii I ſpredde out myn hondis al dai to a puple myſtrouful, þat
xxiii My choſen vnto ful eelde ſhal vſe; þei ſhul not trauaile in
goþ in a wei not good, after þer þenkingus. veyn, ne ben gendrid in diſturbing; for þe ſed of þe bliſſid
iii Þe puple þat to wraþe terreþ me, bifor my face euermor;
men of þe Lord it is, and þe coſynes of hem wiþ hem.
þat offren in gardynes, and ſacrifien vp on tyles; xxiiii And it ſhal be, er þei crien, I ſhal ful out heren; ȝit hem
iiii þat dwellen in ſepulcris, and in waſſhing temples of
ſpekende, I ſhal ful out heren.
mawmetis ſlepen; þat eten ſouwe fleſh, and curſid broþ in þe xxv Þe wlf and þe lomb ſhul be fed togidere, and þe leoun
veſſeles of hem; and þe oxe ſhuln ete chaf, and to þe ſerpent pouder his bred;
v þat ſeyn, Go awei fro me, neȝhe þou not to me, for þou art
þei ſhul not noȝen, ne ſlen, in al myn hoeli mounteyn, ſeiþ þe
vnclene; þeſe ſmoke ſhul ben in my wodneſſe, fyr brennende Lord.
all dai.
vi Lo! it is write befor me; I ſhal not be ſtille, but I ſhal
Capitulum LXVI.
ȝelde, and quyte in to þe boſum of þem þer wickidneſſes,
vii and þe wickidneſſes of ȝoure fader togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord, i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Heuene my ſete, and erþe þe
þat ſacrifieden vp on mounteynes, and vp on hilles repreueden ſtonding vp place of my feet. What is þis hous, þat ȝee ſhul
to me; and I ſhal aȝeen meſuren þe werc of hem firſt in þe bilde to me, and what is þis place of my reſte?
boſum of hem. ii Alle þeſe þingus myn hond dide, and mad ben alle þeſe
viii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, What maner if þer be founde a þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord; to whom forſoþe ſhall I beholde, but to
corn in þe cluſter, and be ſeid, Ne ſcatere þou it, for bliſſing my porelet and contrit in ſpirit, and tremblende my wrdis?
it is; ſo I ſhal do for my ſeruauns, þat I ſcatere not al. iii Þat offreþ an oxe, as þat ſle a man; þat ſleþ a beſte, as þat
ix And I ſhal leden out fro Jacob ſed, and of Juda þe brayne a dogge; þat offreþ offring, as þat ſouwe blod he offre;
weldende myn hoeli mounteynes; and eritagen it ſhul my þat recordeþ of encens, as þat bliſſe to þe mawmet; alle þeſe
choſene, and my ſeruauns dwelle þere. þei choſen in þer weies, and in þer abominaciouns þe ſoule of
x And ben ſhul þe wilde feeldis in to foldys of flockis, and þe þem delitede.
iiii Wherfore and I ſhal cheſen þe illuſiouns of hem, and þat
valei of Achor in to þe couche of droues, to my puple þat
aȝeen ſoȝten me. þei dredden I ſhal brenge to þem; for I clepede, and þer was
xi And ȝee þat forſoken þe Lord, þat forȝeeten myn hoely not þat ſhulde anſwern; I ſpac, and þei herden not; and þei
diden euel in myn eȝen, and þat I wolde not, þei choſen.
mounteyn, þat putten þe bord of fortune, and offren licoures v Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, þat tremblen at his wrd; ȝoure
vp on it,
xii I ſhal noumbre ȝou in ſwerd, and alle in ſlaȝter ȝee ſhul breþern ſeiden hatende ȝou, and caſtende awei for my name,
Glorified be þe Lord, and wee ſhul ſee in ȝoure gladneſſe; þei
falle; for þi þat I clepede, and ȝee anſwerden not; I ſpac, and forſoþe ſhul be confoundid.
ȝee herden not; and ȝee diden euel in myn eȝen, and þat I vi Vois of þe puple fro þe cite, vois fro þe temple, vois of þe
wolde not, ȝee choſen.
xiii For þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord God, lo! my ſeruauntis Lord ȝeldende ȝelding to his enemys.
vii `Er ſche trauelide wiþ peyne as wymmen don, ſche bar
ſhuln ete, and ȝee ſhul hungren; lo! my ſeruauns ſhul drinke,
and ȝee ſhul þriſten; wiþoute; er ſhulde come his birþe `wyþ peyne, ſche bar a male
xiiii lo! my ſeruauns ſhul gladen, and ȝee ſhul be confoundid; child.
viii Who herde euere ſuch a þing, and who ſaȝ to þis lic?
lo! my ſeruauns ſhul preiſe, for ful out ioȝinge of herte, and
ȝee ſhul crien, for ſorewe of herte, and for þe totreding doun Wheþer ſhal wiþ ynne bern þe erþe in o dai, or ſhal be born
of ſpirit ȝee ſhul ȝelle. a folc of kinde togidere? For wiþ ynne bar and wiþoute bar
xv And ȝee ſhul leue ȝoure name in to oþ to my choſene; and Sion his ſones.
ix Wheþer I þat oþere men make to bern child, I my ſelf ſhal
ſle ſhal þee þe Lord God, and his ſeruauns he ſhal clepe bi
an oþer name. not bern? ſeiþ þe Lord. If I þat ieneracioun to oþere men
xvi In whiche who ſo is bliſſid vp on erþe, ſhal ben bliſſid in ȝyue, bareyn ſhal be? ſeiþ þe Lord þi God.
x Gladeþ wiþ Jeruſalem, and ful out ioȝeþ in it, alle þat louen
God amen; and who ſwerþ in erþe, ſhal ſwern in God amen;
for to forȝeting ben take þe raþere anguyſhes, and for hid þei it; ioȝeþ wiþ it wiþ ioȝe, alle þat weilen vp on it;
ben fro oure eȝen. xi þat and ȝee ſouke, and be fulfild of þe tetes of his
xvii Lo! forſoþe I ſhape newe heuenus and newe erþe, and coumforting, þat ȝee mylke, and wiþ delices flowen, of alle
ben ſhul not in mynde þe raþere, and ſteȝen ſhul þei not vp maner glorie of hym.
vp on herte. xii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! I ſhal bowe doun vp on
xviii But ȝee ſhul ioȝen, and ful out ioȝen vnto euermor, in it, as þe flod of pes, and as ſtrem flowende þe glorie of
þeſe þingus þat I ſhape; for lo! I ſhape Jeruſalem ful out Jentilis, þat ȝee ſhul ſouke; to þe tetes ȝee ſhul be born, and
glading, and his puple ioȝe. vp on þe knes men ſhul daunte ȝou.
xix And I ſhal ful out gladen in Jeruſalem, and ioȝen in my xiii What maner if to whom a moder daunte, ſo I ſhal
puple; and þer ſhal ben herd in it no more vois of weping coumforte ȝou, and in Jeruſalem ȝee ſhul be coumfortid.
and vois of cri. xiiii Ȝee ſhul ſeen, and ioȝen ſhal ȝoure herte, and ȝoure
boenes as an erbe ſhul buriowne. And knowe ſhal ben þe


hond of þe Lord in his ſeruauns, and endeyne he ſhal to his

xv For lo! þe Lord in fyr ſhal come, and as a whirlewynd his
foure horſid carres, to ȝelde in to indignacioun his wodneſſe,
and his blamyng in a flawme of fyr.
xvi For in a fyr þe Lord ſhal be dyuerſly demed, and in his
ſwerd to alle fleſh; and multeplied ſhul be þe ſlayne of þe
xvii þat weren halewid, and cleene weeneden þemſelf, in
gardynes bihynde þe firſte tree, `or þe ȝate, wiþ ynne forþ; þat
eeten ſouwe fleſh, and abominacioun, and a mous, togidere
ſhuln ben waſtid, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xviii I forſoþe þe werkys of hem and þe þoȝtus of hem, come
þat I gedere, wiþ alle folkis and tungus; and þei ſhul comen,
and ſeen my glorie.
xix And I ſhal putte in þem a tocne, and ſenden of hem þat
ſhul be ſaf to þe Jentiles, in to þe ſe, in to Affrich, and in to
Liddiam, men holdende an arwe, in to Italie, and Grece, to
iles aferr, to hem þat herden not of me, and ſeȝen not my
glorie. And þei ſhul tellen out my glorie to Jentilis,
xx and bringen alle ȝoure breþern fro alle Jentilis a free ȝifte
to þe Lord, in hors, and in foure horſid carres, and in literes,
and in mulys, and in cartus, to myn hoeli mounteyn,
Jeruſalem, ſeiþ þe Lord; as if þe ſonus of Irael bringen in a
ȝifte in a clene veſſel in to þe hous of þe Lord.
xxi And I ſhal taken of þem in to preſtus and Leuytus, ſeiþ
þe Lord.
xxii For as newe heuenus and newe erþe, whiche I make to
ſtonde bifor me, ſeiþ þe Lord, ſo ſtonde ſhal ȝoure ſed, and
ȝoure name.
xxiii And þer ſhal be monyþ of monyþ, and ſabot of ſaboth;
comen ſhal eche fleſh to honoure byfor my face, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxiiii And `gon out ſhuln, and ſeen þe careynes of men, þat
treſpaſiden aȝen me; þe werm of þem ſhal not die, and þe fir
of hem ſhal not be quenchid; and þei ſhul be in to filling of
ſiȝt to alle fleſh.
Here endiþ þe boke of Yſaie, and now
begynneþ þe prolog of Jeremye.


ſpare to ȝou; I mai delyuere fro þe caitifte, þat I haue take

JEREMYE. ȝou, vn to þe ful ending of þe elleuenþe ȝer of Sedechie, ſone
of Oſie, king of Juda. Þis alſo of vs wee moun vnderſtonde,
Prologus to Jeremie, prophete. a ſynnere forſoþe to be taken to Sathan; no þing is ferr fro it,
þat Jewis ben taken to Nabugodonoſor, þat as hem God
Jeremye, þe profete, to whom þis prologe is aſcriued, as grauntide to þe aduerſarie for ofte vſid vnpitouſneſſe, ſo wee
anent þe Ebrues is ſeen to ben booiſtouſere þan þe ſermoun of ben taken for oure ſynnes to ſpirituel Nabugodonoſor, þat
Iſaie, and of Oſee, and þan oþere profetes; but in wittes he whom he haþ take to Sathan, þei lerne to not blasfemen.
is euene, ſiþen þat in þe ſame ſpirit he profeciede; but þe Weeneſt þou hou myche euel it is to ſynnen, þat he take to
ſympleneſſe of ſpeche fel to hym of þe place in whiche he was Sathan, caityuende þe ſoules of þem þat ben forſaken of God?
born. Forſoþe he was of Anatoth, þat vnto þis dai is a litil not wiþoute cauſe, þat is, ne wiþ oute dom. Whan forſoþe he
town, bi þre myle beende fro Jeruſalem; a preſt of preſtus, ſhal ſende reyn vp on þe vyne, and þat reyn ſhal bringe forþ
and in his moder wombe halewid; þurȝ his maidenhed þornes, what ſhal he do, but þat he comaunde to þe wederes,
halewende to þe chirche of Criſt a goſpel man. Þis a child þat þei reyne not vp on þe vyne weder? Nyȝ þerfore is and
bigan to profecien; and þe caitifte of þe chef cite, and of oure caitifte, if wee do not penaunce, þat wee be take to
Jewerie, not only in ſpirit, but and wiþ eȝen of fleſh beheeld. Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, whiche now liende nyȝ, þe
Now forſoþe Aſſiries hadden tranſlatid þe ten lynagis of Irael wrdis of profetis, of þe lawe, of þe apoſtolis, and of þe ſelue
in to Meedis; now þe townes of Jentiles weldeden þe londis Criſt `ful out biden vs to penaunce, ſtern to helþe. If wee
of þem. Wherfore in Jewere onli and Beniamyn he heren, wee leeuen to hym þat ſeide, I ſhal do penaunce of alle
profeciede; and of his cite þe fallingus wiþ fourefold abece, he þe euelis, þat I ſpac to do to þem.
weilede, þe whiche wee han ȝolden to þe meſure of metre `and
vers. Þerfore þe ordre of viſeouns, þat anent Grekes and Here begynneþ þe boke of Jeremye, þe
Latynes outerli is confoundid, to þe raþere feiþ wee han prophete.
amendyd. Þe boc forſoþe of Baruch, his notorie, þat anent þe
Ebrues is not rad, ne had, wee han laft; for alle þeſe þingus
curſes of enemys abidende, to whom nede is me to anſwern bi Capitulum I.
my werkis a rowe. And þis I ſuffere, for ȝee conſtreynen, O! i The wrdis of Jeremye, ſone of Elchie, of þe preſtus þat
Paule and Euſtoche; but more riȝt it were, to þe ſhorting of weren in Anathot, in þe lond of Beniamyn.
euel, to putte meſure to þe wodneſſe of þem bi my ſilence, þan ii Þat maad is þe wrd of þe Lord to hym in þe daȝes of
to eche dai ſum what of newe þing writende, to terre þe
wodneſſe of þe enuyouſe. Joſie, ſone of Amon, king of Juda, in þe þrettenþe ȝer of his
Anoþer Prolog iii And don it is in þe daȝes of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king
God is redi to ȝyue good, to punſhen a tariere; whan forſoþe of Juda, vn to þe ful ending of þe elleuenþe ȝer of Sedechie,
he myȝte gilti men wiþoute witneſſing `of þing to come to be ſone of Joſie, king of Juda, vnto þe tranſmygracioun of
punſhid, no wher þat he doþ; but alſo if he ſhul condempne, Jeruſalem, in þe fifte monyþ.
þat he ſeiþ biforn, þat þei be delyuered by penaunce, þat iiii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende,
weren dampned bi gilte. Nynyuytes weren dampned ſynneres v Bifor þat I foormede þee in þe wombe, Y knew þee; and er
of God; ȝit forſoþe þre daȝes, and Nynyue was to be turned þou wenteſt out of þe priue wombe, I halowede þee; and a
vp ſo doun; God wolde not wiþ ſilence punſhe condempned profete in folkis of kinde I ȝaf þee.
men, but, ȝyuende to þem place of penaunce, ſente an Ebru vi And I ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, lo! I kan not ſpeke, for
profete, þat ſhulde ſeyn, Ȝit þre daȝes, and Nynyue ſhal be
turned vp ſo doun; leſt perſheden, þat is, þat weren dampned, a child I am.
but doende penaunce, þei ſhulden purchacen mercy. Sodomytes vii And þe Lord ſeyde to me, Wile þou not ſeyn, for a child I
alſo and Gomorreis now to hard torment weren ordeyned, as am; for to alle þingus þat I ſhal ſende þee, þou ſhalt go, and
þe ſermoun of God to Abraham ſhewide; nerþelatere þat þeiris alle þingis, what euere I ſhal ſende to þee, þou ſhalt ſpeke.
was, þe aungelis diden, wylnende hem to ſauen, þat ſheweden viii Ne drede þou fro þe face of þem, for I am wiþ þee, þat I
hemſelf vnwrþi helþe; and ſeiende to Loth, Is þer any man to delyuere þee, ſeiþ þe Lord.
þee heer ſone in lawe, or ſones, ouþer doȝtris? ne þei ix And þe Lord ſente his hond, and touchide my mouþ; and þe
vnknewen hem not `to ben to folewen Loth, but þei ſheweden
hern to gidere and his benygnete and loue þat hem hadde Lord ſeide to me, Lo! I haue ȝoue my wrdis in þi mouþ;
ſent. Lijc ſum what in Jeremye wee finden. Notid is forſoþe x lo! I haue ſet þee to dai vp on folkis of kinde, and vp on
þe tyme of his profecye, whan he gan, or hadde endid to reumes, þat þou pulle vp, and deſtroȝe, and ſpringe abrod,
profecyen. Seiþ þerfore ſum man, What to me þe tyme of þe and waſte, and bilde vp, and plaunte.
ſtorie? for he began to profecien in þe daȝes of Joſie, ſone of xi And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende, What ſeeſt
Amos, þe king of Juda, vnto þe þrettenþe ȝer in his regne. þou, Jeremye? And Y ſeide, A wakende ȝerde I ſee.
Þer after he profeciede in þe daȝes of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, xii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Wel þou haſt ſeen, for I ſhal
þe king of Juda; and bi þre kingus his profecie is ſtraȝt out,
vnto þe caitifte of Jeruſalem. In þe fifte monyþ condempnede waken vp on my wrd, þat I do it.
God Jeruſalem for his ſynnes, and þat was þe laſte ſentence, xiii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord þe ſecounde tyme to me,
þat caitif þei ſhulden be forſake; but ſiþen God is þe makere ſeiende, What ſeeſt þou? And I ſeide, A pot tend vp I ſee,
of men, ne any man wile to perſhen, bifor þat þe tyme of and his face fro þe face of þe norþ.
deſtruccioun ſhulde ſtonden in, he ſente and þis profete, þat xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Fro þe norþ ſhal be ſchewid
ſhulde bidde to penaunce. He ſente þe ſame alſo vnder þe euel vp on alle þe dwelleris of erþe.
ſecounde king after þe puple; he ſente alſo vnder þe þridde. xv For lo! I ſhal clepe togidere alle þe kinredis of þe rewmes
Now þe caitifte ſtod on, and ȝit to helþe God ſtirede, ȝyuende
and biforn o dai place of penaunce; wherfore it is write, vnto of þe norþ, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þei ſhul come, and ſetten eche
þe caitifte of Jeruſalem, and vnto þe fifte moneþ, to han his ſee in þe entre of þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem, and vp on alle
profecied to Jeruſalem. Now þe bondis of þe enemys hadden his wallis in enuyroun, and vp on alle þe chef cites of Juda.
ſtreyned þe hondis, and nerþelatere þis God ſeide, Lo! caitif
ȝee ben mad, doþ penaunce; þoȝ late, preȝeþ me, and I ſhal


xvi And I ſhal ſpeke my domes wiþ hem vp on al þe malice xviii And now what to þee wilt þou in þe weye of Egipt, þat
of hem, þat forſoke me, and offreden to aliene goddis, and þou drinke water troublid? And what to þee wiþ þe weie of
honoureden þe werc of þer hondis. Aſſiries, þat þou drinke water of þe flod?
xvii Þou þanne gird vp þi leendis, and ris, and ſpec to þem xix Vndernyme þee ſhal þi malice, and þi turnyng away ſhal
alle þingus þat I comaunde to þee; ne be þou aferd fro þe blame þee; wite and ſee, for euel and bitter it is þee to han
face of þem, ne forſoþe Y ſhal make þee to dreden þe chere of forſaken þe Lord þi God, and his drede not to ben anent þee,
þem. ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtes.
xviii Y forſoþe haue ȝoue þee to dai in to a ſtrengþid cite, and xx From þe world þou haſt al to-broſte my ȝoc, to-broke my
in to an irene pilere, and in to a braſen wal, vp on al erþe, bondis, and ſeidiſt, I ſhal not ſerue. In eche forſoþe hyȝ hil,
to þe kingus of Juda, and to his princes, and to his preſtes, and vnder eche braunchy tree þou were þrowe doun a
and to al þe puple of þe lond. ſtrumpet.
xix And þei ſhul fiȝte aȝen þee, and not han þe maiſtri; for I xxi I forſoþe plauntede þee a choſen vyneȝerd, al verre ſed;
wiþ þee am, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat I delyuere þee. what maner þanne þou art turned to me in to a ſhreude þing,
an aliene vyne?
Capitulum II. xxii If þou waſſhe þee wiþ `clenſing cley, and multeplie to þee

i And
`þe clenſende erbe boreþ, þou art defoulid wiþ þi wickidneſſe
don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende, bifor me, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
ii Go, and cri in þe eres of Jeruſalem, ſeiende, Þeſe þyngus xxiii What maner ſeiſt þou, I am not defoulid, after Baalym
ſeiþ þe Lord, I recordide of þee, rewende þin waxende ȝouþe, I haue not go? See þi weies in þe hole valey, wite what þou
and þe charite of þi weddyng, whan þou folewediſt me in haſt do; a liȝt corour tellende out þi weies.
deſert, in þe lond þat is not ſowen. xxiiii `A feld aſſe vſid in wilderneſſe in þe deſyr of his ſoule
iii `Hoeli Irael to þe Lord, þe chef of his frutus; alle þat
droȝ wind of his loue; noon ſhal turne it awey. Alle þat
deuouren hym, gilten; euelis ſhul come vp on hem, ſeiþ þe ſeechen hir, ſhul not failen; in hir rote blod flowingus þei ſhul
Lord. finden hir.
iiii Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee hous of Jacob, and alle þe xxv Forfende þi foot fro nakidhed, and þi þrote fro þriſt; and
kinredis of þe hous of Irael. þou ſeideſt, I diſpeirede, I ſhal not do; I louede forſoþe
v Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, What founde ȝoure fadris in me alienus, and after þem I ſhal go.
of wickidneſſe, for þei longeden awei fro me, and ȝiden aftir xxvi What maner is confoundid a þef, whan he is caȝt, ſo
vanyte, and veyn þei ben mad? confoundid ben þe houſis of Irael; þei, and þe kingus of hem,
vi And þei ſeiden not, Wher is þe Lord, þat made vs to ſteȝen princes, and preſtes, and profetes of þem,
vp fro þe lond of Egipt, þat ladde vs ouer by deſert, bi þe xxvii ſeiende to þe tree, My fader þou art; and to þe ſton, Þou
lond vnhabitable and wiþouten weie, bi þe lond of þriſt, and me haſt goten. Þey turneden to me bac, and not face; in tyme
ymage of deþ, bi þe lond in whiche ȝide not a ful man, ne of þer tormenting þei ſhul ſey, Rys, and delyuere vs.
wonde a man. xxviii Wher ben þi goddus, whom þou haſt maad to þee? Riſe
vii And I ladde ȝou in to þe lond of Carmel, þat ȝee ſhulden
þei, and delyuere þei þee in þe dai of þi tormenting; after þe
ete his frute, and þe `beſte þingis of it; and gon in ȝee noumbre forſoþe of þi cites weren þi goddus, Juda.
defouleden my lond, and myn eritage ȝee putten in to xxix What wile ȝee wiþ me in dom ſtriue? Alle ȝee han
abhominacioun. forſake me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
viii Preſtes ſeiden not, Wher is þe Lord? and holdende þe
xxx In veyn I haue ſmyte ȝoure ſonus, diſciplyne þei
lawe, þei knewen not me; and ſhepperdis breeken þe lawe reſceyueden not; ȝoure ſwerd deuourede ȝoure profetes, as a
aȝen me, and profetes profecieden in Baal, and foleweden leoun is waſtid ȝoure ieneracioun.
mawmetes. xxxi Seeþ þe wrd of þe Lord, wheþer wilderneſſe I am mad
ix Þerfore ȝit Y ſhal ſtriuen in dom wiþ ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord,
and wiþ ȝoure ſones Y ſhal diſpute. to Irael, or a lond late berende frute? Whi þanne ſeiþ my
x Paſſeþ to iles of Sithym, and ſeeþ; and in to Cedar ſendeþ,
puple, Wee han gon awei, wee ſhul no mor come to þee?
xxxii Wheþer forȝete ſhal þe maiden of hir enournement? and
and beholdeþ hugeli; and ſeeþ, yf don is ſuch a maner þing, þe womman ſpouſe of hir breſt bundel? My puple forſoþe
xi if chaungid haþ þe folc of kinde his goddis; and certes þei
forȝat me in daȝes vnnoumbred.
ben not goddis; my puple forſoþe chaungede his glorie in to a xxxiii What enforceſt þou to ſhewe þi weie good to ben ſoȝt
mawmet. loue, þat ouermor and þi malices þou haſt taȝt þi weies,
xii Waxeþ ſtoneȝid, ȝee heuenus, vp on þis, and, ȝee ȝatus of
xxxiiii and in þi wengus is founde blod of pore ſoules and
heuene, beþ deſolat hugeli, ſeiþ þe Lord. innocentus? Not in dichis Y fond þem, but in alle þingus þat
xiii Two forſoþe euelis diden my puple; me þei forſoken, welle
aboue I membrede.
of quyc watir, and doluen to þem waſtid ciſternes, þat xxxv And þou ſeidiſt, Wiþoute ſynne and ynnocent I am; and
contenen watris moun not. þerfore be turned awei þi wodneſſe fro me. Lo! Y in dom ſhal
xiiii Wheþer a þral is Irael, or a `born bonde man? Whi
ſtriue wiþ þee; for þi þat þou ſeidiſt, I ſynnede not.
þanne mad he is in to prei? xxxvi Hou foul art þou mad ful myche, rehercende þi weies?
xv Vp on hym roreden leouns, and ȝeuen þer vois; þei ſetteden
and of Egipt þou ſhalt be confoundid, as þou art confoundyd
his lond in to wilderneſſe, his cites ben brend vp, and þer is of Aſſur.
not þat dwelle in þem. xxxvii For whi and of þis þou ſhalt gon out, and þin hondis
xvi Þe ſonus alſo of Memfeos and of Thamnes `defouliden
ſhul ben vp on þin hed; for al to-troden haþ þe Lord þi troſt,
þee bi lecherie, or mawmetrie, `vp on to þe top. and no þing þou ſhalt `han welſum.
xvii Wheþer not þis is do to þee, for þou haſt forſaken þe
Lord þi God, þat tyme þat he ladde þee bi þe wey?


Capitulum III. xix I forſoþe ſeide, Hou ſhal I putte þee in ſonus, and ȝelde
i Comunly
to þee þe deſirable lond, þe ful cler eritage of þe oſtis of þe
me ſeiþ, If a man lefe his wif, and ſhe goende folc of kinde? And I ſeide, A fader þou ſhalt clepe me, and
awei fro hym wedde an oþer man, wheþer ſhal ſhe turne after me to gon þou ſhalt not ceſe.
aȝeen any mor to hym? wheþer not pollut and defoulid ſhal be xx But what maner if a womman diſpiſe hir louere, ſo
þat womman? Þou forſoþe haſt do fornycacioun wiþ many diſpiſede me þe hous of Irael, ſeiþ þe Lord.
loueres; nerþelatere turne aȝeen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord, and I xxi A vois in weies is herd, weping and ȝelling of þe ſonus of
ſhal reſceyue þee.
ii Rere vp þin eȝen in to euene riȝt, and ſee, where now þou Irael; for wicke þei maaden þeir weie, forȝeeten of þe Lord
art leid doun. In weies þou ſeete, abidende þem as a þef in þer God.
xxii Beþ conuerted, ȝee ſonus, turnende aȝeen, and I ſhal
wilderneſſe, and þou defoulediſt þe lond in þi fornycaciouns
and in þi malices. helen ȝoure turnyngus awei. Lo! wee han come to þee; þou
iii For what þing ben defendid dropis of reynes, and þe late forſoþe art þe Lord oure God.
xxiii Verreli lyeres weren þe hillis, þe multitude of
comende weder was not. Þe forhed of a ſtrumpet womman is
maad to þee; þou woldeſt not ſhamen. mounteynes; verrely in þe Lord oure God þe helþe of Irael.
iiii Þanne namely fro now clep me, My fader, duk of my xxiiii Confuſioun eet þe trauale of our fadris, fro oure
maydenhed þou art. waxende ȝouþe; þe flockes of þem, and þe droues of hem, þe
v Wheþer þou ſhalt be wroþ in to euermor, and abyde ſtille in ſonus of þem, and þe doȝtris of þem.
xxv Wee ſhul ſlepe in oure confuſyoun, and coueren ſhal vs
to þe ende? Lo! þou ſpeeke, and didiſt euelis, and myȝtiſt.
And for wrdis of penaunce wiþ wrdis of pride þou oure ſhenſhipe; for to þe Lord oure God wee han ſynned, and
blasfemediſt; and þou fulfildiſt þin euel þenking, and ſhewediſt wee and our fadris, fro oure waxende ȝouþe vn to þis dai;
aȝen þe huſbonde þi ſtrengþe, þat þou mow don þat in wrd and wee han not herd þe vois of `þe Lord oure God.
þou tretediſt.
vi And þe Lord ſeide to me, in þe daȝes of kyng Joſie, Capitulum IIII.
Wheþer þou haſt not ſeen what þyngus haþ do þe aduerſarie, i If
Irael? She ȝide awei to hirſelf vp on eche heȝ mounteyn, and þou ſhalt turne aȝeen, Irael, ſeiþ þe Lord, to me be
vnder eche braunchi tree, and dide fornycacioun þere. conuertid; if þou ſhalt take awei þin hurtende þingus fro my
vii And Y ſeide, whan ſhe hadde don alle þeſe þingus, To me face, þou ſhalt not be to-ſtirid.
ii And þou ſhalt ſwern, Þe Lord lyueþ, in treuþe and in dom
turne aȝeen; and ſhe is not turned aȝeen. And þe brekereſſe of
lawe, Juda, hir ſiſter, ſaȝ, and in riȝtwiſnes; and bliſſen ſhul hym folc of kinde, and hym
viii for þi þat `Irael, aduerſarie, hadde do leccherie, I ſhulde preiſen.
iii Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord to þe man of Juda and to
haue left her, and ȝoue to her a libel of forſaking; and þe
lawe brekereſſe, Juda, hir ſiſter, dradde not, but ȝide awei, þe dwellere of Jeruſalem, Newiþ to ȝou a newe tilid lond,
and dide fornycacioun alſo ſhe. and wileþ not ſowen vp on þornes.
ix And þurȝ liȝthed of hir fornycacioun defoulede þe lond, and iiii Beþ circumcidid to þe Lord, and doþ awei þe vtmoſt ȝerde
dide fornycacioun wiþ ſton, and wiþ tree. felles of ȝoure hertes, ȝee men of Juda, and dwelleris of
x And in alle þeſe þingus is not turned aȝeen to me þe lawe Jeruſalem; leſt parauenture go out as fyr myn indignacioun,
and be tend vp, and þer be not þat quenche, for þe malice of
brekereſſe, hir ſiſter, Juda, in al hir herte, but in leſing, ſeiþ ȝoure þoȝtus.
þe Lord God. v Telleþ out in Juda, and in Jeruſalem makeþ herd; ſpekeþ,
xi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þe aduerſarie, Irael, iuſtefiede
and ſyngeþ wiþ a trumpe in þe lond; crieþ ſtrongli, and ſeiþ,
hir ſoule, bi compariſoun of þe lawe brekereſſe, Juda. Beþ gedered, and go wee in þe ſtrengþid cites.
xii Go, and cry þeſe wrdus aȝen þe norþ; and þou ſhalt ſey, vi Rereþ a tocne in Sion, beþ coumfortid, and wileþ not
Turne aȝeen, þou aduerſarie, Irael, ſeiþ þe Lord, and I ſhal ſtonde; for euel I bringe to fro þe norþ, and a gret to-treding.
not turne awei my face fro ȝou; for I am hoeli, ſeiþ þe Lord, vii Steȝede vp a leoun fro his couche, þe reuere of Jentilis
and I ſhal not wraþen in to wiþoute ende.
xiii Ner þe latere wite þou þi wickedneſſe; for in to þe Lord hymſelf ſhal reren. He wente out fro his place, þat he pute þi
lond `in to wilderneſſe; þi citees ſhul be waſtid, abidende ſtille
þi God þou haſt do lawe breche, and þou haſt ſcatered þi wiþoute dwellere.
weies to alienus vnder eche braunchi tree; and my vois þou viii Vp on þis gird ȝou aboute wiþ heires; weileþ, and ȝelliþ,
herdiſt not, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xiiii Beþ conuertid, ȝee ſonus, turnende aȝeen, ſeiþ þe Lord, for turned awei is not þe wraþe of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord fro
for I ȝoure houſebonde; and ſhal take ȝou to oen of þe cite, ix And it ſhal be, in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, perſhen ſhal þe
and two of þe kinrede, and bringe ȝou in to Sion;
xv and ȝiue ȝou ſhepperdus aftir myn herte, and þei ſhul fede herte of þe king, and þe herte of princes; and become ſtoneid
ſhul þe preſtis, and profetes in mynde ſhul be diſturbid.
ȝou wiþ kunnyng and doctryne. x And I ſeide, Allas! allas! allas! Lord God; þanne wheþer
xvi And whan ȝe ſhul be multeplied, and encreſyn in þe lond,
haſt þou not bigilid þis puple and Jeruſalem, ſeiende, Pes
in þo daȝes, ſeiþ þe Lord, þei ſhul ſey no more, Þe arke of þe ſhal be to ȝou, and lo! ful comen is ſwerd vn to þe ſoule?
teſtament of þe Lord; ne it ſhal ſteȝen vp vp on herte, ne þei xi In þat tyme ſhal be ſeid to þis puple and to Jeruſalem,
ſhul recorde of it, ne it ſhal be viſitid, ne be mad eft more.
xvii In þat tyme þei ſhuln clepe Jeruſalem Þe ſee of þe Lord, Brennende wynde in þe weies þat ben in deſert, weies of þe
doȝter of my puple, not to wynewen, and to purgen.
and gedered ſhul be to it alle Jentiles, in name of þe Lord, in xii A ſpirit ful of þeſe ſhal come to me; and now Y, but I
to Jeruſalem; and þei ſhul not gon after þe ſhreudeneſſe of þer
werſte herte. ſhal ſpeke my domes wiþ þem.
xviii In þo daȝes gon ſhal þe hous of Juda to þe hous of xiii Lo! as a cloude he ſhal ſteȝen vp, and as tempeſt his
Irael; and come þei ſhuln togidere fro þe lond of þe norþ to chares; ſwiftere þan eglis his hors; wo to vs, for waſtid wee
þe lond þat I ȝaf to ȝoure fadris. ben.


xiiii Waſh fro malice þin herte, þou Jeruſalem, þat þou be vI ſhal go þerfor to þe cheef men, and ſpeke to þem; þei
mad ſaaf. Hou longe ſhuln abyde in þee noȝous þoȝtes? forſoþe knewen þe weie of þe Lord, and þe dom of þer God.
xv Þe vois forſoþe of þe tellende fro Dan, and of þe knowen And lo! more þeſe togidere al tobreeken þe ȝoc, and broſten
makende þe mawmet fro þe hil of Effraym. out þe bondis.
xvi Stereþ, ȝee Jentiles; lo! herd it is in Jeruſalem keperes to vi Þerfore haþ ſmyte þem a leoun of þe wode; a wlf at euen
come fro a ferr lond, and to ȝyue vp on þe cites of Juda þer waſtede þem, a parde wakende vp on þe cites of þem. Eche
vois. þat ſhal gon out of þem, ſhal be take; for multeplied ben þe
xvii As keperes of feeldis þei ben mad vpon it in cumpas; for lawe brekyngus of þem, coumfortid ben þe turnyngus awei of
me to wraþe it terrede, ſeiþ þe Lord. vii Vp on what þing to þee pleſid ſhal Y moun be? Þi ſonus
xviii Þi weies and þi þoȝtus diden to þee þeſe þingus; þis þi
forſoken me, and ſwern in þo þingus þat ben not godis. I
malice for bitter, for it touchede þin herte. fulfilde þem, and þei diden fornycacioun, and in þe hous of þe
xix My wombe I ake, my wombe I ake; þe wittus of myn ſtrumpet þei diden leccherie.
herte ben diſturbid in me. I ſhal not be ſtille, for þe vois of viii Horſes loueres in to wymmen, and courſeres þei ben mad;
þe trumpe herde my ſoule, cry of þe bataile. eche to þe wif of his neȝhebore neyȝede.
xx To-treding vp on to-treding is clepid, and waſtid is al erþe; ix Wheþer vp on þeſe þingus Y ſhal not viſite, ſeiþ þe Lord,
feerli ben waſtid my tabernacles, ſodeynly my ſkynnes. and in ſuch a folc of kinde ſhal not be vengid my ſoule?
xxi Hou longe ſhal I ſeen a man fleende, heren ſhal Y þe x Steȝeþ vp his wallis, and ſcatereþ; ful waſting forſoþe wileþ
vois of þe trumpe? not do. Doþ awei his forþgetingus, for þei ben not þe Lordis.
xxii For my fool puple me kneȝ not; vnwiſe ſonus þei ben, xi Þurȝ lawe breking forſoþe `treſſpaſede aȝen me þe hous of
and couwardus; wiſe þei ben þat þei do eueles, wel forſoþe do Irael and þe hous of Juda, ſeiþ þe Lord;
þei kunne not. xii þei denyeden `þe Lord, and ſeiden, It is not he, neþer ſhal
xxiii I beheeld þe erþe, and lo! voide it was, and of noȝt; and
come vp on vs euel; ſwerd and hunger wee ſhul not ſee.
heuenus, and þer was not liȝt in þem. xiii Þe profetus ſpeeken in to þe wind, and anſwere was not
xxiiii I ſaȝ mounteynes, and lo! þei weren moued, and alle
in þem; þeſe þingus þerfore out come ſhul to þem.
hillis ben diſturbid. xiiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtis, For ȝee ſpeeken
xxv Y beheeld, and þer was not a man, and eche foul of
þis wrd, lo! Y ȝyue my wrdus in þi mouþ in to fyr, and þis
heuene wente awey. puple in to trees, and it ſhal deuoure þem.
xxvi I beheeld, and lo! Carmel deſert, and alle hys cites ben xv Lo! Y ſhal bringe to vp on ȝou a folc of kinde fro aferr, of
deſtroȝed fro þe face of þe Lord, and fro þe face of þe wraþe þe hous of Irael, ſeiþ þe Lord; a ſtalwrþe folc of kinde, an
of his wodnes. old folc of kinde, a folc of kinde, whos tunge þou ſhalt
xxvii Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord, Deſert ſhal ben eche vnknowe, ne vnderſtonde what it ſpeke.
lond, but nerþelatere ful ending Y ſhal not do. xvi His arewe cas as a ſepulcre opene; alle ſtronge men.
xxviii Weile ſhal erþe, and ſorewen ſhul heuenus fro aboue, xvii And it ſhal ete þi cornes, and þi bred deuoure, þi ſonus
for þi þat Y ſpac; I þoȝte, and it oþoȝte not me, ne Y turned and þi doȝtris; it ſhal ete þi floc, and þi droues, and ſhal eten
awei fro it. þi vyne, and þi fige tree; and to-broſe þi ſtrengþid cites, in
xxix Fro þe vois of þe horſe man, and of þe ſendende an arwe whiche þou haſt troſt, wiþ ſwerd.
fleiȝ al þe cyte; þei wenten in hard þingus, and ſteȝeden vp on xviii Nerþelatere in þo daȝes, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſhal not make
roches; alle þe chef cites ben forſaken, and dwelliþ not in þem ȝou in to ful ending.
a man. xix Þat if ȝee ſhul ſeye, Whi to vs dide þe Lord oure God
xxx Þou forſoþe waſtid, what ſhalt þou do? Whan þou ſhalt
alle þeſe þingus? þou ſhalt ſei to þem, As ȝee han forſake
cloþe þee wiþ rede ſilc, whan þou ſhalt be enourned wiþ þe mee, and ſeruede to an alien god in ȝour lond, ſo ȝee ſhul
goldene broche, and ſchal peynte þin eȝen wiþ ſtrumpetes ſerue to alien goddis in þe lond not ȝoure.
oynement, in veyn þou `ſhalt ben araied; diſpiſide þee han þi xx Telleþ þis to þe hous of Jacob, and herd makeþ in Juda,
loueres, þi lif þei ſhul ſechen.
xxxi A vois forſoþe as of þe trauailende wiþ child I herde, ſeiende,
xxi Here, þou fool puple, þat haſt not herte; þat hauende eȝen,
anguyſſhes as of þe child berere; vois of þe doȝter of Syon
among men diende, and ſtrecchende out þer hondus; Wo to ȝee ſeen not, and eres, and heren not.
me, for failide my lif for þe ſlayne. xxii Me þerfor ȝee ſhul not drede, ſeiþ þe Lord, and fro my
face not ſorewen? Which `Y putte grauel terme to þe ſe, euere
Capitulum V. durende heſte, þat it ſhal not paſſe; and þei ſhul be to-moued,
and þei ſhul not moun; and to-ſwelle ſhul his flodis, and ſhul
i Goþ aboute þe weies of Jeruſalem, and lookeþ, and not paſſen it.
beholdeþ, and ſecheþ in his ſtretes, wheþer ȝee fynde a man xxiii To þis puple forſoþe is mad an herte myſtrowende and
doende dom, and ſechende feiþ; and merciful Y ſhal be to oute ſharpende; þei wente bacward, and ȝiden awei,
hem. xxiiii and ſeiden not in þer herte, Drede wee þe Lord oure
ii Þat if alſo, Þe Lord lyueþ, þei `ſhul ſey, and þat falſly þei
God, þat ȝyueþ to vs tymeli rein, and late comende in his
ſhuln ſwern. ceſoun, plenteneſſe of ȝeres rip comende to vs.
iii Lord, þin eȝen biholden feiþ; þou haſt ſmyte þem, and þei xxv Oure wickeneſſes boweden doun þeſe þingus, and oure
ſoreweden not; þou to-treede þem, and þei forſoken to taken ſynnes defendeden good fro vs.
diſcipline; þei inwardli hardeden þer faces vp on þe ſton, and xxvi For þer ben founden in my puple vnpitous men, waitende
wolden not be turned aȝeen. as fouleres, grenes puttende, and feet gynnes, to ben caȝt
iiii I forſoþe ſeid, Par auenture pore men þei ben, and foolis,
vnknowende þe weie of þe Lord, þe dom of þer God. xxvii As a pit falle ful of briddes, ſo þe hous of hem ful of
treccherie. Þerfore þei ben magnefied,


xxviii and richid inwardli, grecid, and fattid, and þei paſſeden xvii And Y ſette vp on ȝou tooteres, and ſeide, Hereþ þe vois
biſide my wrdus alþer werſt; þe cauſe of þe widewe þei of þe trumpe. And þei ſeiden, Wee ſhuln not heren.
demeden not, þe cauſe of þe faderles child riȝt reuleden not, xviii Þerfore hereþ, ȝee folc of kinde, and knowiþ, ȝee
and þe dom of pore men demeden not. congregacioun, hou grete þingus Y ſhal do to þem.
xxix Wheþer vp on þeſe þingus I ſhal not viſiten, ſeiþ þe xix Here, þou erþe, lo! Y ſhal bringe to eueles vp on þis
Lord, or `vp on ſuch maner folc ſhal not be vengid my ſoule? puple, frut of þer þoȝtus; for my wrdus þei herden not, and
xxx Stoneyng and merueiles ben mad in þe erþe; my lawe þei þrewen aferr.
xxxi profetis profecieden leſing, and preſtus flappeden for ioȝe xx Wherto to me cens of Saba ȝee bringen, and þe ſpices
wiþ þer hondus, and my puple louede ſuche þingus. What calamy ſwote ſmellende fro a ferr lond? Ȝoure brente ſacrifiſes
þanne ſhal ben don in his laſte? ben not acceptid, ȝoure victorye ſacrifiſes pleſeden not to me.
xxi Þerfore þeſe þinges ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! Y ſhal ȝyue in
Capitulum VI. to þis puple fallyngus, and ſhul falle in þem faderes and
i Beþ
ſonus togidere, neȝhebore and coſyn, and perſhen.
coumfortid, ȝee ſonus of Beniamyn, in þe myddil of xxii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! þe puple cam from þe
Jeruſalem, and in Thecua trumpeþ wiþ a trumpe, and vp on lond of þe norþ, and a gret folc of kinde ſhal togidere riſe fro
Bethacharem rereþ a baner; for euel is ſeen fro þe norþ, and þe coſtes of þe lond.
gret totreding. xxiii Arwe and ſheld it ſhal take; cruel it is, and it ſhal not
ii To a fair womman and a delicat Y licned þe doȝter of
Sion. han mercy; his vois as þe ſe ſhal ſowne, and vp on hors
iii To hir ſhul come ſhepperdis and þe flockis of þem; þei
ſteȝen vp þei ſhul beforn mad redy as a man to bataile aȝen
þee, þou doȝter of Sion.
ficcheden in it tentus in enuyroun; feden ſhal eche þem, þat xxiiii Wee han herd þe loes of it, loſid atwynne ben oure
vnder his hond ben. hondus; tribulacioun caȝte vs, ſorewis as þe trauailende wiþ
iiii Halewiþ vp on hir a bataile. Riſeþ, and ſteȝe wee vp in þe
myddai. Wo to ȝou, for doun bowide þe dai, for lengere ben xxv Wileþ not gon out to þe feeldis, and in weie goþ not, for
mad `ſhadewes þan to euen. þe ſwerd of þe enemy, þe ferd of þe enemy in enuyroun.
v Riſeþ, and ſteȝe wee vp in þe nyȝt, and to-ſcatere wee þer
xxvi Þou doȝtir of my puple, be þou gird wiþ an heire, and
houſes. to-ſprengd wiþ aſken; weilende of þe onli geten mac to þee
vi For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Hewiþ `tree of hir,
bitter mornyng, for feerli ſhal come þe waſtere vp on vs.
and delueþ aboute Jeruſalem an erþe hilloc; þis is þe cite of xxvii A ſtalwrþe prouere Y ȝaf þee in my puple, and þou ſhalt
viſitacioun; eche falſe chalenge in his myddel. wite, and preue þe weie of þem.
vii As þanne cold makeþ þe ciſterne his watir, ſo cold ſhe haþ
xxviii Alle þeſe princes of men boweden doun goende
mad hir malice; wickeneſſe and waſtyte ſhal ben herd in hir gilendely, bras and yren; alle ben ſhent.
befor me euermor, infirmyte and wounde. xxix Failede þe meltende veſſel, in fyr waſtid is þe led, in
viii Be taȝt, Jeruſalem, leſt par auenture go awey my ſoule
fro þee; leſt par auenture I ſette þee deſert, a lond veyn meltide togidere þe ȝeetere; forſoþe þe malices of þem
vndwellable. ben not waſtid.
xxx Repreued ſiluer clepeþ hem, for þe Lord þreȝ hem aferr.
ix Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Vnto þe cluſter braunch
þei ſhul gedere, þei ſhul gedere as in a vyneȝerd þe relikes of
Irael; conuerte þin hond, as a grape kuttere to a baſket. Capitulum VII.
x To whom ſhal Y ſpeke, and whom ſhal Y witneſſen, þat he i The wrd þat is mad to Jeremye of þe Lord, ſeiende,
here? Lo! vncircumcidid þe eres of hem, and heren þei moun ii Stond in þe
not; lo! þe wrd of þe Lord don is to þem in to repref, and þei ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, and preche þere þis
ſhuln not taken it. wrd, and ſey, Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, al Juda, þat gon in
xi Þerfore of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord Y am ful, and Y þurȝ þeſe ȝatus, þat ȝee honoure þe Lord.
iii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Good
trauailede ſuſtenende. Heeld out wodneſſe vp on þe litil child
wiþoute forþ, and vp on þe counſeil of ȝunge men togidere; a makeþ ȝoure weies, and ȝoure ſtudies, and I ſhal dwelle wiþ
man forſoþe wiþ þe wif ſhal be caȝt, and þe olde wiþ þe ful of ȝou in þis place.
daȝes. iiii Wileþ not troſten in wrdis of leſyng, ſeiende, Temple of þe
xii And `paſſe ſhul þe houſes of þem to oþere men, feldis and Lord, temple of þe Lord, temple of þe Lord is.
wyues togidere; for I ſhal ſtrecche myn hond vp on men v For if ȝee `wil euene riȝt reulen ȝoure weies, and ȝoure
dwellende þe lond, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſtudies; if ȝee do dom betwe man and his neȝhebore;
xiii Fro þe laſſe forſoþe vnto þe more, alle to auarice ſtudien; vi to þe comeling, and to þe faderles child, and to þe widewe
and fro þe profete vnto þe preſt, alle don treccherie. ȝee do not wrong chaleng; ne ynnocent blod ȝe ſheden out in
xiiii And þei cureden, `or heliden, þe to-treding of þe doȝter of þis place, and after aliene goddis ȝee go not out, in to euel to
my puple wiþ ſhenſhipe, ſeiende, Pes, pes, and þer was not ȝou ſelf,
pes. vii Y ſhal dwelle wiþ ȝou in þis place, in þe lond þat Y ȝaf to
xv Þei ben confoundid, for abhomynacioun þei didyn; but more ȝoure faders, fro þe world in to þe world.
wiþ confuſioun þei ben not confoundid, and ſhamen þei kouþen viii Lo! ȝee troſten to ȝou in wrdus of leſing, þat ſhul not
not. Wherfore þei ſhul falle among þe men fallende; in tyme profite to ȝou;
of þer viſitacioun þei ſhul falle togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord. ix to ſteln, to ſlen, to don auoutrie, to ſwern liendely, to offre
xvi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Stondeþ vp on weies, and ſeeþ, to Baalym, and to gon after aliene godus, whom ȝee knowe
and aſkeþ of þe olde paþis, what is þe goode weie; and goþ not.
in it, and ȝee ſhul fynde refreſhinge to ȝoure ſoules. And þei x And ȝee camen, and ſtoden bifor me in þis hous, in whiche
ſeiden, Wee ſhul not go. is inwardly clepid my name; and ȝee ſeiden, Delyuered wee
ben, for þi þat wee `han do alle þeſe abhominaciouns.


xi Wheþer þanne a ſpelunke, `or denne, of þeues mad is þis xxxii Þerfore lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and it ſhal not be
hous, in whiche is inwardly clepid my name in ȝoure eȝen? I, ſeid no mor Tofeth, and þe valey of þe ſone of Ennon, but þe
Y am, Y ſaȝ, ſeiþ þe Lord. valey of ſlaȝter; and þei ſhul birien in Tofeth, for þi þat þer
xii Goþ to my place in Silo, wher dwellide my name fro þe was not place to birie for þe multitude of careynes.
bigynnyng, and ſeeþ what I dide to it, for þe malice of my xxxiii And ben ſhal þe moreyn of þis puple in to mete to þe
puple Irael. foules of heuene, and to þe beſtus of erþe; and þer ſhal not be
xiii And now, for ȝee han don alle þeſe werkis, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat dryue awey.
and Y ſpac to ȝou, erly riſende, and ſpekende, and ȝee herden xxxiiii And to reſten I ſhal make fro þe chef cytes of Juda,
not, and Y clepede ȝou, and ȝee anſwerden not; and fro þe ſtretes of Jeruſalem, vois of ioȝe, and vois of
xiiii Y ſhal do to þis hous, in whiche is clepid my name, and gladneſſe, vois of þe ſpouſe man, and vois of þe ſpouſe
in whiche ȝee han troſt, and to þe place þat Y ȝaf to ȝow and womman; in deſolacioun forſoþe ſhal ben þe erþe.
to ȝoure faders, as Y dide to Silo.
xv And Y ſhal þrowe ȝou aferr fro my face, as Y þreȝ aferr Capitulum VIII.
alle ȝoure breþern, al þe ſed of Effraym. i In þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, þei ſhul caſte out þe bonus of þe
xvi Þou þanne wile þou not preȝe for þis puple, ne take þou
king of Juda, and þe bones of his princes, and þe bones of
to for þem preiſing and oriſoun; and ne wiþſtonde þou to me, preſtus, and þe bones of profetes, and þe bones of hem þat
for Y ſhal not here þee. dwelliden Jeruſalem fro þer ſepulcris;
xvii Wheþer ſeeſt þou not, what þeſe don in þe cites of Juda, ii and ſprede þem abrod to þe ſunne, and þe moone, and al þe
and in þe ſtretes of Jeruſalem? knyȝthed of heuene, whiche þei loueden, and to whom þei
xviii Sonus gederen trees, and faders brennen vp fyr; and ſerueden, and after whiche þei ȝiden, and whiche þei ſoȝten,
wymmen ſprengen togidere talȝ, þat þei make ſweete cakis to and honoureden; þei ſhul not be gedered, and not biried; in to
þe quen of heuene, and ſacrifien to aliene goddis, and me to a dunghil vp on þe face of erþe þei ſhul be.
wraþe þei terre. iii And þei ſhul cheſen more deþ þan lif, alle þat reſidue ſhul
xix Wheþer me to wraþe þei terre? ſeiþ þe Lord; wheþer not be of þis werſte kinrede, in alle places þat ben laft, to whiche
þemſelf in þe confuſioun of þer chere? I þreȝ hem doun, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtis.
xx Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! my wodnes iiii And þou ſhalt ſey to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord,
and myn indignacioun is molten vp on þys place, vp on þe Wheþer he þat ſhal falle, ſhal not riſen aȝeen? and he þat is
wallis, and vp on þe beſtes, and vp on þe tree of þe regioun, turned awei, ſhal not be turned aȝeen?
and vp on þe frutus of þe erþe; and it ſhal be tend vp, and v Whi þanne turned awei is þis puple in to Jeruſalem wiþ
not be quenchid. ſtriuous turnyng awei? Þei caȝten leſing, and wolden not
xxi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes, God of Irael, Ȝoure turne aȝeen.
brent ſacrifiſes addeþ to ȝoure victorie ſacrifiſes, and eteþ fleſh. vi Y tooc heed, and herknede; no man þat good is ſpekeþ, no
xxii For Y ſpac not wiþ ȝoure faders, and I comaundide not man is þat do penaunce `vp on his ſynne, ſeiende, What haue
to þem, in þe dai þat I ladde þem out fro þe lond of Egipt, Y do? Alle ben turned to þer cours, as an hors in bure
of þe wrd of brent ſacrifiſes, and of victorie ſacrifiſes. goende to bataile.
xxiii But þis wrd I comaundide to þem, ſeiende, Hereþ my vii Þe kite in heuene kneȝ his tyme; þe turtir, and þe
vois, and Y ſhal be to ȝou a God, and ȝee ſhul be to me a ſwalewe, and þe ſomer foul þat is clepid cyconye, kepten þe
puple; and goþ in eche weie þat Y comaunde to ȝou, þat it time of þer comyng; my puple forſoþe kneȝ not þe dom of þe
wel be to ȝou. Lord.
xxiiii And þei herden not, ne boweden þer ere, but wenten viii Hou ſey ȝee, Wiſe men wee ben, and þe lawe of þe Lord
awei in þer foule delites, and in ſhreudenes of þer euele herte; is wiþ vs? Verely leſing wroȝte þe lyende poyntil of þe ſcribis.
and þei ben mad bacward, and not beforn, ix Confoundid ben þe wiſe men, gaſt and caȝt þei ben. Þe
xxv fro þe day þat þe fadris of þem wenten out fro þe lond of wrd forſoþe of þe Lord þei caſten aferr, and no wiſdam is in
Egipt vn to þis dai. And I ſente to ȝou alle my ſeruauns hem.
profetus, bi dai riſende erli, and ſendende. x Þerfore Y ſhal ȝiue þer wymmen to ſtraungeres, and þer
xxvi And þei herden not me, ne boweden in þer ere; but feeldis to alien eires; for fro þe leſte vnto þe moſte auarice
inwardli hardeden þer nol, and werſe wroȝten þan þer fadris. alle folewen, fro þe profete vnto þe preſt alle don leſing;
xxvii And þou ſhalt ſpeke to þem alle þeſe wrdys, and þei ſhul xi and heleden þe tobroſing of þe doȝter of my puple to
not here þee; þou ſhalt clepe þem, and þei ſhul not anſwern to ſhenſhipe, ſeiende, Pes, pes, whan þer was not pes.
þee. xii Confoundid þei ben, for abhomynacioun þei diden; but
xxviii And þou ſhalt ſey to þem, Þis is þe folc, þat herde not myche more by confuſioun þei ben not confoundid, and ſhamen
þe vois of þe Lord þer God, ne reſceyuede diſcipline; feiþ þei kouþen not. Þerfor þei ſhul falle among men fallende, in
perſhede, and is taken awei fro þe mouþ of þem. tyme of þer viſitacioun þei ſhul falle togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxix Dodde þin her, and þroȝ a ferr, and in euene riȝt tac xiii Gederende Y ſhal gedere þem togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord; þer
weiling; for þe Lord haþ þrowen aferr, and forſaken þe is not grape in þe vynes, and þer ben not fyges in þe fige
ieneracioun of his wodneſſe. ȝerd; þe lef flowede doun, and I ȝaf to þem þe `þingus þat
xxx For þe ſonus of Juda diden euel in myn eȝen, ſeiþ þe ben go biſidis.
xiiii Whi ſitte wee? comeþ togidere, go wee in to þe ſtrengþid
Lord; þei ſetteden þer offendende þingus in þe hous, in
whiche ys inwardly clepid my name, cite, and holde wee oure pes þere; for our Lord haþ maad vs
xxxi þat þei defoule it; and þei bilden vp þe heȝe þingus of to be ſtille, and drinke ȝaf to vs watir of galle; wee han
Tofeth, þat is in þe valey of þe ſone of Ennon, þat þei brenne ſynned forſoþe to þe Lord.
xv Wee han abide pes, and þer was not good; tyme of
þer ſones and þer doȝtris wiþ fyr, þe whiche þingus I
comaundide not, ne þoȝte in myn herte. leching, and lo! dred.


xvi Fro Dan is herd þe fneſting of his hors; fro þe vois of xvi And Y ſhal ſcatere þem in Jentilis, þat knewe not þei and
his neiȝende fiȝteres toſtirid is alle þe lond; and þei camen, þe fadris of hem; and Y ſhal ſende vpon hem ſwerd, to þe
and deuoureden þe lond, and his plente, þe chef cite, and his tyme þat þei be ful waſtid.
dwelleres. xvii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael,
xvii For lo! I ſhal ſende to ȝou werſt edderes, to whiche is Beholdeþ, and clepeþ weilende wymmen, and come þei; and to
not enchaunting; and þei ſhul bite ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord. þem þat wiſe ben ſendeþ, and go þei forþ.
xviii My ſorewe vp on ſorewe, in me myn herte mournende. xviii Heeȝe þei, and take þei to vp on vs mournyng; leden out
xix And lo! þe vois of þe cry of þe doȝter of my puple fro a oure eȝen teres, and oure eȝe lydis flowe þei doun wiþ watris;
ferr lond. Wheþer þe Lord is not in Sion, or his king is not xix for þe vois of lamenting herd is fro Sion. What maner
in it? Why þanne me to wraþe þei ſtereden in þer grauen waſtid wee ben, and confoundid hugely? for we han forſake þe
þingus, and in alyene vanytes? lond, for þrowen doun ben oure tabernacles.
xx Ryp paſſede, endid is ſomer; and wee ben not ſaf. xx Hereþ þerfore, ȝee wymmen, þe wrd of þe Lord, and taken
xxi Vp on þe to-treding of þe doȝtir of my puple Y am to- to ȝoure eres þe ſermoun of his mouþ; and techeþ ȝoure
treden, and ſorewid; ſtoneyng wiþheeld me. doȝtris lamenting, and eche womman hir neȝhebore weiling.
xxii Wheþer gumme is not in Galaad, or a leche is not þere? xxi For ſteȝede vp deþ bi ȝoure wyndowes, gon in is to ȝoure
Whi þanne þe hid wounde of þe doȝter of my puple is not al houſes, to ſcatere þe litle childer wiþoutforþ, and þe ȝunge
helid? men of þe ſtretis.
xxii Spec, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, And þer ſhal falle þe
Capitulum IX. `dead careyn of man as drit vp on þe face of þe regioun, and
as hey bihynde þe bac of þe mowere, and þer is not þat
i Who ſhal ȝyue to myn hed watir, and to myn eȝen a welle of gedere.
teres? And I ſhal wepe dai and nyȝt þe ſlayne men of þe xxiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Glorie not a wis man in his
doȝter of my puple. wiſdam, and glorie not a ſtrong man in his ſtrengþe, and
ii Who ſhal ȝyue me in to wilderneſſe of dyuers weie goeres? glorie not a riche man in his richeſſes;
And I ſhal forſake my puple, and gon awey fro þem. For alle xxiiii but in þis glorie he þat glorieþ, to witen and to knowe
auoutreris þei ben, and cumpanye of lawe brekeres; me, for I am þe Lord, þat do mercy and dom and riȝtwiſneſſe
iii and þei benten out þer tunge as þer bowe of leſyng, and in erþe. Þeſe þingus forſoþe pleſen to me, ſeiþ þe Lord.
not of treuþe. Þei ben coumfortid in erþe, for fro euel to euel xxv Lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal viſite vpon
þei wenten out, and me þei knewe not, ſeiþ þe Lord. eche þat haþ þe vtmoſt ſkyn of þe ȝerde vncircumcidid;
iiii Eche kepe hymſelf fro his neȝhebore, and in eche broþer of xxvi vp on Egipt, and vp on Juda, and vp on Edom, and vp
hym haue he not troſt; for eche broþer ſupplauntende ſhal on þe ſonus of Amon, and vp on Moab, and vp on alle þo
ſupplaunte, and eche frend gilendely ſhal go. þat ben dodded in to þe her, dwellende in deſert; for alle
v And a man his broþer ſhal ſcorne, and treuþe ſhal not ſpeke; Jentiles han þe vtmoſt ſkyn of þe ȝerde, al forſoþe þe hous of
þei taȝten forſoþe þer tunge to ſpeke leſing; þat wickely þei Irael ben vncircumcidid þe herte.
ſchulden don, þei trauaileden.
vi Þi dwelling in þe myddel of treccherie; in treccherie þei Capitulum X.
forſoke me to knowen, ſeiþ þe Lord. i Hereþ þe wrd þat þe Lord
vii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Lo! I ſhall ſpac vp on ȝou, þe hous of Irael.
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Aftir þe weies of Jentiles wileþ
ȝeete and preue þem; what forſoþe oþer þing `ſhal Y do fro þe
face of þe ſone of my puple? not lerne, and fro þe ſignes of heuene wileþ not drede, þat
viii An arwe woundende þe tunge of hem, treccherie it ſpac; in dreden Jentiles,
iii for þe lawis of puples ben veyne. For þe tree of þe wilde
his mouþ pes wiþ his frend he ſpekeþ, and priueli he putteþ
to hym aſpies. wode kut of þe werc of þe hondus of þe craftes man in an
ix Wheþer vp on þeſe þingus I ſhal not viſite, ſeiþ þe Lord, hachet;
iiii wiþ ſiluer and gold he enourneþ it; wiþ nailes and
or in to ſuch a maner folc ſhal not be vengid my ſoule?
x Vp on mounteynes Y ſhall take to weping and mournyng, hameres ioynede it, þat it `be not loſid atwynne.
v In licneſſe of a formed ymage þei ben forgid, and þei ſhul
and vp on þe faire þingus of deſert weilende, for þei ben
brend vp; for þi þat þer was not a man paſſende þurȝ, and not ſpeke; born þei ſhul be taken awey, for þei moun not go;
þei herden not þe vois of þe weldere; fro þe foul of heuene vn wileþ not þanne drede þem, for neiþer euele þei moun do, ne
to þe beſtes, þei `ȝiden ouer, and wenten awei. wel.
xi And Y ſhal ȝyue Jeruſalem in to hepes of grauel, and in to vi Þer is not lic of þee, Lord; gret þou, and gret þi name in
couches of dragounes; and þe cites of Juda Y ſhal ȝyuen in ſtrengþe.
to deſolacioun, for þi þat þer is not a dwellere. vii Who ſhal not drede þee, O! þou king of Jentilis? þin is
xii Who is a wis man þat vnderſtant þis, and to whom þe forſoþe wrſhipe among alle þe wiſe men of Jentilis, and in
wrd of þe mouþ of þe Lord be mad, þat he telle þis? Whi alle þe reumes of hem noen is lic of þee.
perſhede þe lond, ful out is brend as deſert, for þi þat þer ys viii Togidere vnwiſe men and foolis ſhul be preued, þe
not þat þurȝ paſſe? doctrine of þe vanyte of þem a tree is wiþ ſiluer enwrappid.
xiii And þe Lord ſeide, For þei forſoken my lawe, þat I ȝaf to ix Fro Tarſis it is broȝt, and þe gold fro Ofir; þe werc of þe
þem, and þei herden not my vois, and þei ȝide not in yt; craftus man, and þe hond of þe metal werkere; `iacynct, or as
xiiii and ȝiden awei after þe ſhreudeneſſe of þer herte, and men ſeyn, violet blyw ſilc and purpre þe cloþing of þem; þe
aftir Baalym, whom þei hadde lerned of þer fadris; werc of craftus men alle þeſe þingus.
xv þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, x Þe Lord forſoþe is verre God; he is God lyuende, and king
Lo! I ſhal fede þis puple wiþ wrmod, and drinke Y ſhal ȝyue euermor laſtende; of his indignacioun ſhal be moued þe erþe,
to þem water of galle. and ſuffren ſhul not Jentiles his þreting.


xi Þus þanne ȝee ſhul ſey to þem, Þe goddis þat `maden not viii And þei herden not, ne boweden in þer ere, but wenten
heuene and erþe, perſhe þei fro þe erþe, and fro þeſe þingus awei eche in to þe ſhreudeneſſe of his euele herte; and Y
þat ben vnder heuene. broȝte in vp on hem alle þe wrdus of þis couenaunt, þat Y
xii Þat makeþ þe erþe in his ſtrengþe, makeþ redi biforn þe comaundide þat þei ſhulden do, and þei diden not.
world in his wiſdam, and in his prudence ſtreccheþ out ix And þe Lord ſeide to me, Þer is founde coniuracioun in þe
heuenus. men of Juda, and in þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem;
xiii At his vois he ȝyueþ multitude of watris in heuene, and x þei ben turned aȝeen to þe raþere wickidneſſes of þer faders,
rereþ vp litle cloudus fro þe vtmoſtus of erþe; leitus in to reyn þat wolden not here my wrdus; and þeſe þanne aftir aliene
he makeþ, and bringeþ out wind of his treſores. goddis ȝiden awei, þat þei ſerue to þem; all voide maden þe
xiiii Fool mad is eche man of his kunnyng, confoundid is eche houſe of Irael and þe hous of Juda my couenaunt, þat Y
craftes man in his grauen þing; for fals is þat he ȝetede, and couenauntede wiþ þer faders.
þer is not ſpirit in hem. xi Wherfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal bringen in
xv Veyn þei ben, and þe werc wrþi laȝhing; in tyme of þer vp on hem eueles, of whiche gon out þei ſhul not moun; and
viſiting þei ſhul perſhe. þei ſhul crien to me, and Y ſhal not heren hem.
xvi Lic is not to þeſe þe part of Jacob, who forſoþe formede xii And gon ſhul þe cites of Juda and þe dwelleris of
alle þingus he is, and Irael þe ȝerde of his eritage; Lord of Jeruſalem, and crien to þem, to whom þei offren; and þei ſhul
oſtus name is to hym. not ſaue þem in tyme of þer tormenting.
xvii Gedere fro þe erþe þi confuſion, þat dwelliſt in ſeging; xiii After þe noumbre forſoþe of þi cites weren þi godis, Juda,
xviii for þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ferr ſhal þrowe þe and after þe noumbre of þi weies, Jeruſalem, þou ſettedeſt
auteres of confuſion, autres to offre to Balim.
dwelleris of þe lond in þis while; and troblen hem, ſo þat þei xiiii Þou þanne, wile þou not preȝe for þis puple, and ne take
be not founden.
xix Wo to me vp on my to-treding, my werſt veniaunce; I þou too for þem preiſing and oriſoun; for Y ſhal not heren in
þe time of þer cry to me, in tyme of þer torment.
forſoþe ſeide, Pleynli þis myn infirmyte is, and Y ſhal bern xv What is, þat my loued in myn hous doþ many hidous
xx My tabernacle is waſtid, alle my litle cordis ben to-broke; giltus? wheþer hoeli fleſh `ſhul don awei fro þee þi malices, in
whiche þou glorieſt?
my ſonus wenten out fro me, and ſtonde not ſtille; þer is not xvi An olyue plenteuous, fair, fructuous, ſemeli, clepede þe
þat ſtrecche out more my tent, and rere vp my ſkynnes.
xxi For folili diden ſhepperdis, and þe Lord þei ſoȝten not; Lord þi name; at þe vois of þe grete ſpeche brende out fyr in
it, and to-brend ben alle his buſſhy places.
þerfor þei vnderſtode not, and eche floc of hem is ſcatered. xvii And þe Lord of oſtus þat plauntede þee, ſpac vp on þee
xxii Vois of heering lo! is comen, and gret ſtiring fro þe lond
euel, for þe euelus of þe hous of Irael, and of þe hous of
of þe norþ, þat þei ſette þe cites of Juda in to wilderneſſe, Juda, þat þei diden to þemſelf, offrende to Balim, to terre
and a dwelling place of dragounus. me.
xxiii I wot, Lord, for of man is not his weie, ne of man is xviii Þou forſoþe, Lord, haſt ſhewid to me, and Y kneȝ; þou
þat he go, and riȝt reule hys goingus. haſt ſhewid to me þe ſtudies of hem.
xxiiii Chaſtiſe me, Lord; ner þe latere in dom and not in þi xix I as a debonere lomb, þat is born to ſlayn ſacrifiſe; and Y
wodneſſe, leſt par auenture to noȝt þou bringe me. kneȝ not, for þei þoȝten vp on me counſeil, ſeiende, Sende
xxv Heeld out þin indignacioun vp on Jentyles þat knewen wee a tree in to his bred, and ſhaue wee hym out fro þe lond
not þee, and vp on prouynces þat þi name inwardli clepeden of lyueres, and his name be no more membred.
not; for þei eeten Jacob, and deuoureden hym, and waſteden xx Þou forſoþe, Lord of Sabaoth, þat demeſt riȝtwiſly, and
hym, and his worſhepe deſtroȝeden. proueſt reenes and hertes, ſee Y þi veniaunce of þem; to þee
forſoþe Y ſhewede my cauſe.
Capitulum XI. xxi Þerfor þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to þe men of Anatoth, þat
i The wrd þat is don to Jeremye of þe Lord, ſeiende, ſechen my ſoule, and ſeyn, Þou ſhalt not profecien in þe name
ii Hereþ þe wrdus of of þe Lord, and þou ſhalt not die in oure hondus.
þis couenaunt, and ſpekeþ to þe men of xxii Þerfor þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Lo! Y ſhal
Juda, and dwelleres of Jeruſalem;
iii and þou ſhalt ſey to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of viſite vp on hem; ȝunge men ſhul die in ſwerd, þe ſonus of
þem and þe doȝtris of þem ſhul dien in hunger;
Irael, Curſid þe man þat ſhal not here þe wrdus of þis xxiii and relikes ſhul not ben of hem; I ſhal leden in forſoþe
iiii þat Y comaundede to ȝoure fadris, in þe dai þat Y ladde euel vp on þe men of Anatoth, a ȝer of þe viſitynge of hem.
hem out fro þe lond of Egipt, fro þe irene furneys; ſeiende,
Hereþ my vois, and doþ alle þingus þat Y comaundide to Capitulum XII.
ȝou, and ȝee ſhul be to me in to a puple, and Y ſhal be to i Riȝtwis forſoþe þou art, Lord; if Y diſpute wiþ þee,
ȝou in to a God; nerþelatere riȝte þingus I ſhal ſpeke to þee. Whi þe weie of
v þat Y rere þe oþ þat Y ſwor to ȝoure fadris, me to ȝyue to vnpitous men is maad welſum? Well is to alle þat þe lawe
þem a lond flowende mylc and hony, as is þis dai. And Y breken, and wickeli don?
anſwerde, and ſeide, Amen, Lord. ii Þou haſt plauntid hem, and roote þei ſenten; þei profiten,
vi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Crye out alle þeſe wrdus in þe and maken frute; nyȝ þou art to þe mouþ of þem, and `aferr
cites of Juda, and wiþouteforþ Jeruſalem, ſeiende, Hereþ þe fro þe reenes of þem.
wrdus of þis couenaunt, and doþ þem; iii And, þou, Lord, haſt knowe me, ſeen me, and proued myn
vii for witneſſende Y witneſſede ȝoure faders, in þe dai þat Y herte wiþ þee. Gedere þem as a floc to ſlayn ſacrifiſe, and
ladde þem out fro þe lond of Egipte, vnto þis day; erly riſende halewe þem in þe dai of ſlaȝter.
Y witneſſede, and ſeide, Hereþ my vois.


iiii Hou longe weilen ſhal þe erþe, and þe erbe of alle regioun x and þis werſte puple, þat wile not here my wrdus, and gon
ſhal be dried, for þe malice of men dwellende in it? Waſtid is in þe ſhreudeneſſe of þer herte; and þei wenten after aliene
þe beſte, and foul, for þei ſeiden, He ſhal not ſeen oure laſte. godus, þat þei ſerue to þem, and honoure þem; and þei ſhul
v If wiþ `foot men rennende þou trauailedeſt, hou ſhalt þou be as þis bregirdil, þat to noon vſe is able.
moun ſtriue wiþ hors? whan forſoþe in þe lond of pes ſiker xi As forſoþe cleueþ þe brigirdil to þe lendus of a man, ſo Y
þou `were not, what ſhuldeſt þou do in þe pride of Jordan? ioynede to me al þe hous of Irael, and al þe hous of Juda,
vi For whi and þi breþern and þe hous of þi fader, alſo þei ſeiþ þe Lord, þat þei were to me in to a puple, and in to
foȝten aȝen þee, and crieden after þee wiþ pleyn vois; ne leeue name, and in to preiſing, and in to glorie; and þei herde not.
þou hem, whan þei ſhul ſpeke to þee goode þingus. xii Þou ſhalt ſeie þerfore to þem þis wrd, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe
vii I haue forſake myn hous, `Y lafte myn eritage; Y ȝaf my Lord God of Irael, Eche litil wyn veſſel ſhal be fulfild wiþ
loued ſoule `in to þe hondus of his enemys. wyn. And þei ſhul ſei to þee, Wheþer wee knowe not, þat
viii Mad is to me myn eritage as a leoun in þe wode; he ȝaf eche litil wyn veſſel ſhal be fulfild wiþ wyn?
xiii And þou ſhalt ſeyn to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo!
aȝen me `a vois, and þerfore Y hatede it.
ix Wheþer a brid of dyuers coloures myn eritage to me? Y ſhal fulfillen alle þe dwelleris of þis lond, and kingus þat
ſitten of þe ſtoc of Dauid vp on his trone, and preſtus, and
wheþer a brid died þurȝ out? Comeþ, beþ gedered, alle ȝee profetus, and alle þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem wiþ drunkeneſſe.
beſtes of þe erþe; `haſte ȝee to deuouren. xiiii And Y ſhal ſcatere þem, a man fro his broþer, and faders
x Manye ſhepperdis waſteden my vyneȝerd, totreeden my part,
and ſonus togidere, ſeiþ þe Lord; I ſhal not ſpare, and Y ſhal
ȝauen my deſirable porcioun in to deſert of wilderneſſe, not graunte, ne han mercy, þat Y ſcatere þem not.
xi putten it in to waſting, and it weilede vp on me; wiþ xv Hereþ, and wiþ eres parceyueþ; wileþ not be rered vp, for
deſolacioun deſolat is al þe lond, for no man is þat aȝeen þe Lord ſpac.
þenke in herte. xvi Ȝyueþ to þe Lord ȝoure God glorie, er it waxe derc, and
xii Vp on alle þe weies of deſert camen alle þe waſteres of þe
er offenden ȝoure feet at þe derc hillis; ȝee ſhul abide liȝt, and
lond, for þe ſwerd of þe Lord ſhal deuoure fro þe vtmoſtus of he ſhal putte it in to ſhadewe of deþ, and in to myſtyneſſe.
þe erþe vnto þe vtmoſt of it; þer is not pes to alle fleſh. xvii Þat if þis ȝee ſhul not heren, in hid ſhal wepe my ſoule
xiii Þei ſewen whete, and repeden þornes; þe erytage þei
fro þe face of pride; wepende it ſhal wepe, and leden out ſhal
token, and to þem it ſhal not profiten. Ȝee ſhul be confoundid myn eȝe tere, for taken is þe floc of þe Lord.
of ȝoure frutus, for þe wraþe of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord. xviii Sei to þe king, and to þe lordſhipende womman, Beþ
xiiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord aȝen alle my werſte neȝhebores,
mekid, ſitteþ, for fro ȝoure hed ſhal go doun þe croune of
þat touchen þe eritage þat Y delide to my puple Irael, Lo! Y ȝoure glorie.
ſhal pullen vp þem fro þer lond, and þe hous of Juda Y ſhal xix Þe cites of þe ſouþ ben cloſid, and þer is not þat opene;
pullen vp fro þe myddes of þem.
xv And whan Y ſhal pullen vp þem, Y ſhal be turned, and tranſlatid is al Juda wiþ parfit tranſmygracioun.
xx Rereþ ȝoure eȝen, and ſeeþ, þat comen fro þe norþ; where
han merci of þem; and Y ſhal bringe þem aȝeen, a man to his
eritage, and a man to his lond. is þe floc þat is ȝoue to þee, þi noble feeld beſte?
xvi And it ſhal be, if taȝt men lerneden þe weies of my puple, xxi What ſhalt þou ſeyn, whan he ſhal viſite þee? þou forſoþe
þat þei ſwere in my name, Lyueþ þe Lord, as þei taȝten my haſt taȝt þem aȝeen þee, and lerned aȝen þin hed. Wheþer not
puple to ſwern in Baal, þei ſhuln be bild vp in þe myddel of ſorewis caȝten þee, as a womman berende child?
my puple. xxii Þat if þou ſhalt ſey in þin herte, Whi camen to me þeſe
xvii Þat if þei `ſchul not heren, Y ſhal pulle awei þat folc wiþ þingus? for þe multitude of þi wickeneſſe opened ben þi more
pulling awei and perdicioun, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſhamefaſt þingus, defoulid ben þi foot ſolis.
xxiii Yf chaunge mai an Ethiope his ſkyn, or a parde his
Capitulum XIII. dyuerſetes, and ȝee ſhul moun wel do, whan ȝee han lerned
i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, Go, and haue to þee a xxiiii And Y ſhal ſowe þem abrod, as ſtobil þat wiþ þe wynd
lynene bregirdil; and put it vp on þi lendus, and in to water is raueſhid in deſert.
þou ſhalt not putten it in. xxv Þis þi lot, and þe part of þi meſure of me, ſeiþ þe Lord;
ii And Y hadde þe bregirdil, aftir þe wrd of þe Lord; and Y
for þou forȝeete me, and troſtediſt in leſing.
putte it aboute my lendus. xxvi Wherfore and Y nakenede þin hipes aȝen þi face,
iii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord þe ſecounde tyme to me,
xxvii and aperede þi ſhenſhepe, þi vouteries, and þi neȝingus,
ſeiende, þe hidous gilte of þi fornycacioun vpon hillis; in þe feeld Y
iiii Tac þe bregirdil þat þou haddeſt, þat is aboute þi lendus;
ſaȝ þin abhominaciouns. Wo to þee, Jeruſalem, þou ſhalt not
and riſende go to Eufraten, and hid it þere, in þe hole of a be clenſid after me; how longe ȝyt?
v And Y ȝide, and hidde it in Eufraten, as comaundide to me
Capitulum XIIII.
þe Lord.
vi And don is after manye daȝes, ſeide þe Lord to me, Ris, i That don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, of þe wrdis of
and go to Eufraten, and tac þennes þe brigirdil, þat I droȝte.
comaundide to þee, þat þou ſhuldiſt hiden it þere. ii Weilede Jewerie, and his ȝatus fellen doun, and ben
vii And Y ȝide to Eufraten, and dalf out, and toc þe bregirdil dercned in þe erþe, and þe cri of Jeruſalem ſteȝede vp.
fro þe place wher Y hadde hid it; and lo! rotid hadde þe iii Þe more ſenten þer laſſe to water; þei camen to drawe, and
bregirdil, ſo þat to noon vſe it was able. þei founde not water, þei beeren aȝeen þer veſſelis voide; þei
viii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende, ben confoundid and tormentid, and þei couerden þer hedis for
ix Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Þus to roten Y ſhal make þe þe waſtite of þe lond,
pride of Juda, and þe myche pride of Jeruſalem,


iiii forþer cam not reyn in erþe. Confoundid ben þe erþe Capitulum XV.
tilieres, þei couereden þer hedis. i And
v For whi and þe hynde in þe feld bar, and lafte hir frutes, þe Lord ſeide to me, If Moiſes ſhulde ſtonde, and
for þer was not erbe; Samuel bifor me, my ſoule is not to þis puple; þroȝ out þem
vi and þe feeld aſſes ſtoden in roches, and drowe wind as
fro my face, and go þei out.
ii Þat if þei ſhul ſey to þee, Whider ſhul wee go out? þou
dragounes; þer eȝen faileden, for þer was not erbe. ſhalt ſei to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Who to deþ, to
vii Yf oure wickeneſſes `ſchul anſwere to vs, Lord, do for þi
deþ, and who to ſwerd, to ſwerd, and who to hunger, to
name, for manye ben oure turnyngys awei; to þee wee han hunger, and who to caitifte, to caytifte.
ſynned. iii And Y ſhal viſete vp on hem foure ſpices, ſeiþ þe Lord;
viii Þou biding of Irael, his ſaueour in tyme of tribulacioun,
ſwerd to ſlaȝter, and houndis to tern, and foules of heuene,
whi as a comeling tiliere þou art to come in þe lond, and as and beſtus of erþe to deuouren and waſten.
`weie goere bowende doun to dwelle? iiii And Y ſhal ȝyue þem in to gret hete to alle reumes of
ix whi art þou to come as a man vagaunt, as a ſtrong man
erþe, for Manaſſen, þe ſone of Ezechie, king of Juda, vpon
þat mai not ſaue? Þou forſoþe in vs art, Lord, and þin hoely alle þingus þat he dide in Jeruſalem.
name is inwardly clepid vp on vs; ne forſake þou vs. v Who forſoþe ſhal han merci of þee, Jeruſalem, or who ſhal
x Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to þis puple, þat louede to moue
ſorewe for þee, or who ſhal go to preȝe for þi pes?
þer feet, and reſtede not, and to þe Lord pleſide not; now vi Þou haſt forſake me, ſeiþ þe Lord, bacward þou ȝidiſt awei;
recorden he ſhal `wickidneſſes of þem, and viſite `ſynnes of and I ſhal ſtrecchen out myn hond vp on þee, and ſle þee; I
þem. trauailede preȝende.
xi And þe Lord ſeide to me, Wile þou not preȝe for þis puple
vii And Y ſhal ſcatere þem wiþ a fan in þe ȝatus of þe lond;
in to good. I ſloȝ, and loſte my puple, and nerþelatere fro þer weies þei
xii Whan þei ſhul faſte, Y ſhal not here þer preȝeres; and if
be not turned aȝeen.
þei offre brent ſacrifiſes and ſlayn ſacrifiſes, I ſhal not take viii Multiplied ben to me his widewes vp on þe grauel of þe
þem, for wiþ ſwerd and hunger and peſtilence Y ſhal waſte ſe; and Y broȝte in to þem vp on þe moder of þe ȝunge
þem. waxen a waſtere in mydday, Y ſente vp on þe cites feerli
xiii And Y ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, þer profetus ſeyn to
þem, Ȝee ſhul not ſee ſwerd, and hunger in ȝou ſhal not be, ix Feblid ys ſhe þat bar ſeuene, failede hire ſoule; fel doun to
but verre pes he ſhal ȝyue in þis place. hir þe ſunne, whan ȝit to hir was day. Confoundid ſhe is, and
xiiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Falſly þe profetus profecien in
ful out ſhamede; and hir remnauntus in to ſwerd Y ſhal ȝyue
my name; I ſente þem not, and comaundide not to þem, ne in þe ſiȝte of hir enemys, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſpac to þem; a lying viſeoun, and a gileſum deuynyng, and þe x Wo to me, my moder; whi geete þou me, a man of ſtrif, a
deſeit of þer herte þei profecien to ȝou. man of diſcord in eche lond? I vſurede not, ne to me vſurede
xv Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of þe profetus þat
any man; alle curſen to me.
profecien in my name, whom Y ſente not, ſeiende, Swerd and xi Seiþ þe Lord, if not þi relikes in to good, if Y aȝen cam
hungir ſhal not be in þis lond; In ſwerd and hunger ſhul be not to þee in tyme of affliccioun, and in tyme of tribulacioun
to-waſtid þo profetus. and of anguyſh, aȝen þe enemye.
xvi And puples, to whom þei profecieden, ſhul be þrowen aferr
xii Wheþer ſhal be ioyned iren to iren fro þe norþ, and bras?
in þe weies of Jeruſalem, for hungir and ſwerd, and þer ſhal xiii Þi richeſſes and þi treſores in to taking awei Y ſhal ȝyue
not ben, þat birie þem; þei and þe wyues of þem, ſonus and
doȝtris of þem; and Y ſhal heelden out vp on hem þer euel. freely, in alle þi ſynnes, and in alle þi termes.
xvii And þou ſhalt ſei to þem þis wrd, Leden doun myn eȝen xiiii And I ſhal bringe þin enemys fro þe lond þat þou
ter by nyȝt and dai, and be þei not ſtille, for wiþ gret to- knowiſt not; for fyer tend vp is in my wodneſſe, vp on ȝou it
treding totreden is þe maiden doȝter of my puple, hugeli wiþ ſhal brenne.
þe werſte veniaunce. xv Þou woſt, Lord, recorde þou of me, and viſite me, and
xviii If Y ſhul gon out to þe feeldus, loo! þe ſlayn wiþ ſwerd; delyuere me fro þem þat purſuen me; wile þou not in þi
and if Y ſhul go in to þe citee, lo! þe to-waſtid wiþ hunger; pacience take me, wite þou, for for þee Y ſuffrede repref.
þe profete forſoþe and preſt ȝiden awei in to þe lond þat þei xvi Found ben þi wrdys, and Y eet hem; and don is to me þi
knewe not. wrd in to ioȝe, and in to gladneſſe of myn herte; for inwardli
xix Wheþer þrowende aferr þou þrewe awei Judam, or þi clepid is þi name vp on me, Lord God of oſtis.
ſoule wlatede Sion? whi þanne haſt þou ſmyten vs, ſo þat þer xvii I ſat not in counſeil of pleieres, and gloriede fro þe face
is noon helþe? Wee han abide pes, and þer is not good; and of þin hond; alone I ſat, for of bitterneſſe þou haſt fulfild me.
tyme of curing, and lo! diſturbing. xviii Whi mad is my ſorewe perpetuel, and my wounde
xx Wee han knowe, Lord, oure vnpitouſneſſes, and þe
deſpeirable forſoc to be cured? mad ſhe is to me, as leſing of
wickeneſſes of oure faders, for wee han ſynned to þee. vnfeiþful watris.
xxi Ne ȝyue þou vs in to repref, for þi name, ne do þou to vs xix For þis þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Yf þou art conuertid, Y
repref; of þe ſee of þi glorie recorde, ne al voide make þou þi ſhal conuerte þee, and befor my face þou ſhalt ſtonde; and if
pes couenaunt wiþ vs. þou ſeuere precious þinge fro foul, as my mouþ þou ſhalt be;
xxii Wheþer ben in grauen þingus of Jentilis þat reynen, or þei ſhul be conuertid to þee, and þou ſhalt not be conuertyd to
heuenus moun ȝyue wederes? wheþer not þou art Lord oure þem.
God, whom wee han abide? Þou forſoþe didiſt alle þeſe xx And I ſhal ȝyue þee to þis puple in to a ſtrong braſene
þinges. wal, and þei ſhul fiȝte aȝen þee, and þei ſhul not han þe
maiſtry; for I am wiþ þee, þat I ſaue þee, and delyuere þee,
ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxi And Y ſhal delyuere þee fro þe hond of þe werſt men, and
aȝeen bie þee fro þe hond of ſtronge men.


Capitulum XVI. vtmoſtus of erþe, and ſeyn, Vereli leſing weldeden oure fadris,
vanyte þat to þem profitede not.
i And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende, xx Wheþer a man ſhal maken to hym goddis? and þei ben not
ii Þou ſhalt not take a wif, and þer ſhul not be to þee ſonus goddis.
and doȝtris in þis place. xxi Þerfore lo! Y ſhal ſhewe to þem bi þis while, I ſhal
iii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord vp on ſonus and doȝtris, þat ſhewe to þem myn hond and my vertue; and þei ſhul wite, for
ben goten in þis place, and vp on þe moders of þem, þat name to me is Lord.
geeten þem, and vp on þe faders of hem, of whos ſtoc þei ben
born in þis lond. Capitulum XVII.
iiii Wiþ deþes of ſiknyngus þei ſhul die, þei ſhul not be
i The ſynne of Jude writen is wiþ an irene pointel, in an
weilid, ne ben biried; in to a dunghil vp on þe face of þe erþe
þei ſhul be, and wiþ ſwerd and hunger þei ſhul be waſtid; and adamantyne nail, grauen out vp on þe brede of þer herte, and
be ſhal þe careyn of þem in to mete to þe foulis of heuene, in þe hornes of þeir auteres.
and to þe beſtes of erþe. ii Whan recorde ſhul þe ſonus of þem of þer auteres, and of
v Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord, Þou ſhalt not gon in to þer maumet wodus, and of þer braunching trees in heeȝe
þe hous of þe feſte, ne go to weilen, ne coumforte þou þem; mounteynes,
for Y haue taken awey my pes fro þis puple, ſeiþ þe Lord, iii ſacrifiende in þe feld, þi ſtrengþe and alle þi treſores in to
mercy and mercy doyngis. taking awei Y ſhal ȝyue, þin heeȝe þingus for þe ſynnes in
vi And dien ſhul þe grete and þe litle in þis lond; þei ſhul not alle þi coeſtes.
be biried, ne be weilid; `and þei ſhul not kutte þemſelf, ne iiii And þou ſhalt be forſake alone of þin eritage þat Y ȝaf to
ballidneſſe ſhal ben do for hem. þee; and to ſeruen Y ſhal make þee to þin enemys, in þe lond
vii And þei ſhul not breke among hem bred to þe weilende, to þat þou kneweſt not; for fyr þou brendiſt vp in my wodneſſe,
coumforte vp on þe deade, and þei ſhul not ȝyue to þem drinc vnto euermor it ſhal brenne.
of þe chalis, to coumforten vp on þer fadir and modir. v Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Curſid þe man þat troſtiþ in man,
viii And þe hous of feſte þou ſhalt not gon in, þat þou ſitte and putteþ fleſh his arm, and fro þe Lord his herte goþ awei.
wiþ þem, and ete, and drinke. vi Forſoþe it ſhal ben as `iencian trees in deſert, and he ſhal
ix For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Lo! Y not ſee, whan ſhal come good; but he ſhal dwelle in droȝte in
ſhal don awey fro þis place, in ȝoure eȝen and in ȝoure daȝes, deſert, in þe lond of briyn, and vnabitable.
vois of ioȝe, and vois of gladneſſe, and vois of man ſpouſe, vii Bleſſid þe man þat troſteþ in þe Lord, and þe Lord ſhal
and vois of womman ſpouſe. ben his troſt.
x And whan þou haſt told to þis puple alle þeſe wrdus, and viii And he ſhal be as a tree, þat is ouer plauntid vp on
þei ſey to þee, Whi ſpac þe Lord vp on vs al þis grete euel? watris, þat at þe humour ſendiþ his rootes; and he ſhal not
what oure wickeneſſe, and what oure ſynne þat wee han drede, whan ſhal come gret hete; and his lef ſhal be grene,
ſynned to þe Lord oure God? and in tyme of droȝte ſhal not be byſy, ne any tyme ſhal ceſe
xi þou ſhalt ſey to þem, For forſoken me ȝoure fadris, ſeiþ þe to make frut.
Lord, and ȝiden awei aftir aliene goddis, and ſerueden to ix Shreude is þe herte of man, and vnſerchable; who ſhal
þem, and honoureden hem, and me forſoken, and my lawe knowen it?
kepten not. x I þe Lord ſerchende herte, and prouende reenes, þat ȝyue to
xii But and ȝee wers wroȝten þan ȝoure fadris; lo! forſoþe eche man after his weie, and after þe frut of his findingus.
eche goþ after þe ſhreudeneſſe of his euel herte, þat me he xi Þe partrich nurſhede þat ſhe bar not, made richeſſes, and
here not. not in dom; in þe myddil of þer daȝes ſhe ſhal forſake þem,
xiii And Y ſhal caſte ȝou out fro þis lond, in to þe lond þat and in hir laſte ſhe ſhal ben vnwis.
ȝee and ȝoure fadris knowe not; and ȝee ſhul ſerue þere to xii Þe dignete ſee of glorie of heiȝte fro þe bygynnyng, place
alien goddis dai and nyȝt, þat ſhul not ȝiue to ȝou reſte. of oure halewing, abiding of Irael.
xiiii Þerfore lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and it ſhal be no xiii Lord, alle þat þee forſaken, ſhul be confoundid; goende
mor ſeid, Lyueþ þe Lord, þat ladde out þe ſonus of Irael fro awei fro þee in þe erþe ſhul be writen, for þei forſoken þe
þe lond of Egipt; veyne of lyuyng watris, þe Lord.
xv but lyueþ þe Lord, þat ladde out þe ſonus of Irael fro þe xiiii Hele me, Lord, and Y ſhal ben helid; ſaf mac me and Y
lond of þe norþ, and fro alle londus to whiche I caſte þem ſhal be ſaf; for my preiſing þou art.
out; and Y ſhal bringe þem aȝeen to þer lond þat I ȝaf to þe xv Lo! þei ſeyn to me, Wher is þe wrd of þe Lord? come it.
fadris of þem.
xvi Lo! Y ſhal ſenden many fiſſheres, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þei xvi And Y am not diſturbid, þee ſhepperde folewende, and þe
ſhul fiſſhen hem; and after þeſe þingus I ſhal ſende to þem dai of man I diſirede not, þou woſt. Þat þat is gon out fro
manye hunteres, and þei ſhul hunte þem fro eche mounteyn, my lippis riȝt in þi ſiȝte was.
and fro eche hil, and fro þe caues of ſtones. xvii Be þou not to me to ferd; myn hope þou in þe dai of
xvii For myn eȝen vp on alle þe weies of þem; þei ben not hid tormenting.
fro my face, and hid was not þe wickeneſſe of þem fro myn xviii Be þei confoundid, þat me purſuen, and confoundid be
eȝen. not Y; inwardly drede þei, and inwardly drede not Y; bring
xviii And Y ſhal ȝelde firſt þe double wickeneſſes and þe in vp on hem dai of tormenting, and wiþ double to-treding to-
ſynnes of hem, for þei defouleden my lond in dead ſmyten tred hem.
þingus of þer maumetus, and wiþ þer abhominaciouns þei xix Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God to me, Go, and ſtond in þe
fulfilden myn heritage. ȝate of þe ſonus of þe puple, bi whiche gon in kingus of Juda
xix Lord, my ſtrengþe, and my ſtalwrþeneſſe, and my refute in and gon out, and in alle þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem.
þe dai of tribulacioun, to þee Jentiles ſhuln come fro þe


xx And þou ſhalt ſei to þem, Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee xiii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Aſkeþ folc of kinde, who
kingus of Juda, and al Jewerie, and alle þe dwelleris of herde ſuch orrible þingus, þe whiche to myche dide þe maiden
Jeruſalem, þat gon in bi þeſe ȝatus. Irael?
xxi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Kepeþ ȝoure ſoules, and xiiii Wheþer of þe ſton of þe feld ſhal faile þe ſnoȝ of Liban?
wiliþ not berþenus bern in þe dai of ſabat, ne bringe ȝee in bi or ben pullid awei moun watris brekende out, colde and ful
þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem. myche flowende doun?
xxii And wileþ not caſte out burþenus fro ȝoure houſes in þe xv For forȝat me my puple, in veyn offrende licoures, and
dai of ſabat, and eche werc ȝee ſhul not do; halewiþ þe day of ſtumblende in þer weies, and in þe ſtyes of þe world, þat þei
ſabat, as Y comaunde to ȝoure fadris. go bi þem in a weye not berdid;
xxiii And þei herden not, ne boweden in þer ere, but inwardly xvi þat be mad þe lond of hem in to deſolacioun, and in to
hardeden þer nol, leſt þei herde me, and leſt þei toke whiſtling euere durende; eche forſoþe þat paſſeþ bi it, ſhal
diſcyplyne. become ſtoneid, and mouen his hed.
xxiiii And it ſhal be, if ȝee ſhul heren me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat xvii As a brenende wind Y ſhal ſcatere þem bifor þe enemy;
ȝee bringe not in birþenus bi þe ȝatus of þis cite in þe day of bac and not face Y ſhal ſhewe to þem, in þe dai of perdicioun
ſabat, and if ȝee halewe þe dai of ſabat, `þat ȝee don not in it of hem.
alle werc, xviii And þei ſeiden, Comeþ, and þenke wee aȝen Jeremye
xxv gon in ſhul bi þe ȝates of þis cite kingus and princes þoȝtus; forſoþe perſhe ſhal not þe lawe fro þe preſt, ne counſeil
ſittende vpon þe ſee of Dauid, and ſteȝende vp in chares and fro þe wiſe man, ne ſermoun fro þe profete; comeþ, and ſmyte
hors; þei, and þe princes of þem, men of Juda, and þe wee hym wiþ tunge, and take wee not heed to alle þe
dwelleris of Jeruſalem; and dwellid ſhal be þis cite in to ſermouns of hym.
euermor. xix Tac heed, Lord, to me, and here þe vois of myn
xxvi And `comen ſhul fro þe cite of Juda, and fro þe cumpas aduerſaries.
of Jeruſalem, and fro þe lond of Beniamyn, and fro þe wilde xx Wheþer ȝolden is for good euel, for þei deluen a dich to
feldus, and fro þe mountuous places, and from þe ſouþ, my ſoule; recorde, þat Y ſtod in þi ſiȝt, þat I ſchuld ſpeke for
berende brent ſacrifiſe, and ſlayn offring, and ſacrifiſe, and þem good, and turne awei þin indignacioun fro þem.
encens; and `þei ſhul bringe in offring in to þe hous of þe xxi Þerfore ȝif þe ſonus of þem in to hunger, and bring doun
xxvii If forſoþe ȝee ſhul not here me, þat ȝee halewe þe day of hem in to þe hondus of ſwerd; mad be þe wifes of þem
wiþoute free childer, and widewes, and þe men of hem be
ſabat, and þat ȝee bere not berþene, and ne bringe in bi þe ſlayn wiþ deþ; þe ȝunge of þem be þei ſtikid wiþ ſwerd in
ȝatus of Jeruſalem in þe dai of ſabat, Y ſhal tende vp fyr in bataile.
his ȝatus; and it ſhal deuoure þe houſys of Jeruſalem, and xxii Herd be þe cri fro þe houſes of þem, þou ſhalt bringe to
ſhal not be quenchid.
forſoþe vp on hem a þef ſodeynly; for þei doluen a dich þat þei
take me, and grynes þei hidden to my feet.
Capitulum XVIII. xxiii Þou forſoþe, Lord, woſt al þe counſeil of hem aȝen me in
i The wrd þat don is to Jeremye fro þe Lord, ſeiende, to deþ; ne be þou pleſid to þe wickidneſſe of þem, and þe
ii Ris, and cum doun in to þe hous of þe crockere, and þere ſynne of hem fro þi face be not don awei; be þei mad togidere
þou ſhalt here my wrdis. fallende in þi ſiȝt, in tyme of þi wodneſſe; awei fro good vſe
iii And Y cam doun in to þe hous of þe crockere, and lo! he
made a werc vp on a whel.
iiii And ſcatered is þe veſſel, þat he made of clei wiþ his Capitulum XIX.
hondus; and turned he made þat veſſel oþer, as it pleſide his i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Go, and tac þe erþene litil wyn
eȝen þat he ſhulde make. veſſel of þe crockere, and fro þe elderes of þe puple, and fro
v And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende, þe elderes of þe preſtus.
vi Wheþer as makeþ þis crockere, ſhal not Y moun make to ii And go out to þe valei of þe ſonus of Ennon, þat is biſide
ȝou, hous of Irael? ſeiþ þe Lord. Lo! as þe cley in to þe hond þe entre of þe britil ȝate; and þou ſhalt preche þere wrdys þat
of þe crockere, ſo ȝee in myn hond, þe hous of Irael. Y ſhal ſpeke to þee;
vii Sodeynli Y ſhal ſpeke aȝen folc, and aȝen reume, þat Y iii and ſeyn, Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee kingus of Juda,
drawe vp bi þe roote, and deſtroȝe, and ſcatere it. and dwelleris of Jeruſalem. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of
viii If penaunce ſhul do þat folc of his euel, for whiche I ſpac oſtus, God of Irael, Lo! Y ſhal bringe in tormenting vp on
þis place, ſo þat eche þat ſhal heren it, tyncle hys eres.
aȝen it, don ſhal and Y oþenking vp on þe euel, þat Y þoȝte iiii For þi þat þei forſoke me, and alien maden þis place, and
þat I ſhulde do to it.
ix And ſodeynli Y ſhal ſpeken of þe folc, and of þe rewme, þat offreden to alien godis, in þat þat knewen not þei, and þer
faders, and þe kingis of Juda; and fulfilden þis place wiþ
Y bilde vp, and plaunte in it. blod of innocentus,
x If it ſhul don euel in myn eȝen, þat it here not my vois, v and bilden vp þe heȝe þingus of Baalym, to ben brent þer
oþinking Y ſhal do vp on þe good þat Y ſpac, þat Y ſhulde ſonus wiþ fyr, in to brent ſacrifiſe to Balim; whiche þingus Y
do to it. comaundide not, ne ſpac, ne ſteȝede vp in to myn herte.
xi Now þanne ſei to þe man of Jewerie, and to þe dwellere of vi Þerfor ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! daȝes comen, and clepid ſhal no
Jeruſalem, ſeiende, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y make mor be þis place Tofeth, and þe valei of þe ſone of Ennon,
aȝen ȝou euel, and þenke aȝen ȝou þenking; be turned aȝeen but þe valei of ſlaȝter.
eche fro his euel weie, and right reuliþ ȝoure weies and ȝoure vii And Y ſhal ſcatere þe counſeil of Jude and of Jeruſalem
xii Þe whiche ſeiden, Wee han diſpeired, after oure þoȝtus in þis place, and Y ſhal turne þem vpſodoun wiþ ſwerd, in
ſiȝte of þer enemys, and in þe hond of men ſechende þer
forſoþe wee ſhul go, and eche aftir þe ſhreudeneſſe of his euel
herte wee ſhul do.


lyues; and Y ſhal ȝyue þe careynes of þem mete to þe foules hetende, and cloſid in my bones; and Y failede, to bern not
of heuene, and to þe beſtus of erþe. ſuſtenende.
viii And Y ſhal ſette þis cite in to ſtoneyng, and in to x I herde forſoþe þe wrong blamyngus of manye, and þe ferd
whiſtling; and eche þat ſhal paſſe by it, ſhal ſtoneyn, and in enuyroun, Purſueþ, and purſue wee hym, of alle men þat
whiſtlen vp on al þe veniaunce of it. weren my peſible, and kepende my ſide; if any maner he be
ix And Y ſhal fede þem wiþ þe fleſh of þer ſonus, and wiþ þe bigilid, and wee haue þe maiſtri aȝen hym, and wee gete
fleſh of þer doȝtris; and eche þe fleſh of his frend ſhal ete in veniaunce of hym.
ſegyng and in anguyſh, in whyche cloſe þem ſhul þer enemys, xi Þe Lord forſoþe is wiþ me as a ſtrong fiȝtere, þerfor þat
and þat ſechen þeir lyues. purſuen me ſhul falle, and ſyc ſhul be; and þei ſhul be ſhent
x And þou ſhalt to-broſe þe litle wyn veſſel in þe eȝen of þe hugeli, for þei vnderſtoden not þe euere durende repref, þat
men, þat ſhul go wiþ þee. neuer ſhal be don awei.
xi And þou ſhalt ſei to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of xii And þou, Lord of oſtus, prouere of þe riȝtwis, þat ſeeſt þe
oſtus, Þus Y ſhal tobroſe þis puple, and þis cyte, as is reenes and þe herte, `ſee I, Y beſeche, þi veniaunce of hem;
tobroſid þe veſſel of þe crockere, þat mai no more be reſtored; to þee forſoþe Y ſhewide my cauſe.
and in Tofeth þei ſhul ben biried, for þer is not oþer place to xiii Syngeþ to þe Lord, preiſeþ þe Lord, for he haþ delyuered
birie in. þe ſoule of þe pore fro þe hond of euelis.
xii So Y ſhal do to þis place, ſeiþ þe Lord, and to his xiiii Curſid þe dai in þe whiche Y am born, þe dai in whiche
dwelleris, þat Y ſette þis cite as Tofeth. bar me my moder, be not bleſſid.
xiii And ben ſhul þe houſes of Jeruſalem, and þe houſes of þe xv Curſed þe man, þat tolde to my fader, ſeiende, Born is to
kingus of Juda, as þe place Tofeth; vnclene alle þe houſes, in þee a knaue child, and as wiþ ioȝe gladide hym.
whos rooues þei ſacrifieden to al þe knyȝthed of heuene, and xvi Be þat man as ben þe cites, þat þe Lord turnede
offreden ſacrifiſe of licoures to alien godus. vpſodoun, and it oþoȝte hym not; here he cry erly, and ȝelling
xiiii Cam forſoþe Jeremye fro Tofeth, whider hadde ſent hym in mydday tyme,
þe Lord to profecien; and ſtod in þe porche of þe hous of þe xvii þat me ſloȝ not fro þe priue wombe; þat mad were to me
Lord, and ſeide to al þe puple, my moder a ſepulcre, and hir priue wombe conceyuyng
xv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtes, God of Irael, Lo! Y euerlaſtende.
ſhal bringen in vp on þis cite, and vp on alle his cheef citees, xviii Whi fro þe priue wombe Y ȝide out, þat Y ſhulde ſeen
alle þe euelis þat Y ſpac aȝen it; for þei inwardly hardeden trauaile and ſorewe, and waſt ben in confuſioun my daȝes?
þer nolles, and herde not my ſermouns.
Capitulum XXI.
Capitulum XX.
i The wrd þat don is to Jeremye fro þe Lord, whan ſente to
i And þer herde Faſſur, þe ſone of Emyner, preſt, þat was hym king Sedechie Faſſur, þe ſone of Melchie, and Sofonye,
ordeyned prince in þe hous of þe Lord, Jeremye profeciende þe ſone of Maſie, preſt, ſeiende,
þeſe ſermownus. ii Aſke for vs þe Lord, for Nabugodonoſor, king of
ii And Faſſur ſmot Jeremye, profete, and putte hym in to þe
Babiloyne, fiȝteþ aȝen vs; if par auenture þe Lord do wiþ vs
ſtockes, þat was in þe ouere ȝate of Beniamyn, in þe hous of after alle his merueyles, and he go awei fro vs.
þe Lord. iii And Jeremye ſeide to þem, Þus ȝee ſhul ſey to Sedechie,
iii And whan it hadde liȝtid in to þe moru, Faſſur ladde out
iiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! Y ſhal turne þe
Jeremie out of þe ſtockus. And Jeremye ſeide to hym, Not
Faſſur clepede þe Lord þi name, but Inwardli ferd on eche veſſelis of þe bataile þat in ȝoure hondus ben, and wiþ whom
ſide. ȝee fiȝten, aȝen þe king of Babiloyne, and Caldeis, þat
iiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal ȝyue þee in to beſegen ȝou in cumpas of þe wallis; and Y ſhal gedere þem
in þe myddes of þis cite.
inward ferd, þee and alle þi frendus, and to gidere þei ſhul v And Y ſhal ouercome ȝou in a ſtraȝt out hond, and in a
falle wiþ þe ſwerd of þer enemys; and þin eȝen ſhul ſee; and
al Juda Y ſhal ȝyue in þe hond of þe kyng of Babiloyne, and ſtrong arm, and in wodneſſe, and in indignacioun, and in gret
he ſhal ouer lede þem in to Babiloyne, and ſmyte þem wiþ wraþe;
ſwerd. vi I ſhal ſmyte þe dwelleris of þis cite, men and beſtus wiþ
v And Y ſhal ȝyue al þe ſubſtaunce of þis cite, and al his gret peſtylence ſhul dien.
trauaile, and al þe pris; and al þe treſores of þe king of Juda vii And after þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord, Y ſhal ȝyue Sedechie,
I ſhal ȝyue in þe hond of þe enemys of þem; and þey ſhul king of Juda, and his ſeruauns, and his puple, and þat ben
reue þem, and taken, and bringe þem in to Babyloyne. laft in þis cite of peſtylence, and ſwerd, and hunger, in þe
vi Þou forſoþe, Faſſur, and alle þe dwelleris of þin hous, ſhul hond of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and in þe hond of
gon in to caitifte; and in to Babyloyne þou ſhalt come, and þer enemys, and in þe hond of men ſechende þer lif; and he
þere þou ſhalt die; and þere þou ſhalt be biried, and alle þi ſhal ſmyte þem in mouþ of ſwerd; and he ſhal not be bowid,
frendus, to whyche þou profeciediſt leſing. ne ſparen, ne han reuþe.
vii Þou leddeſt me a ſyde, Lord, and Y am lad aſide; viii And to þis puple þou ſhalt ſey, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord
ſtrengere þan Y þou were, and þou haddeſt þe maiſtrie; I am God, Lo! Y ȝyue bifor ȝou weie of lif, and weie of deþ.
mad in to ſcorn al day. ix Who `ſhal dwelle in þis cite, ſhal die wiþ ſwerd, and
viii Alle ſcorneden me, for now ȝore Y ſpeke, criende out þe hunger, and peſtilence; who forſoþe ſhul go out, and flee to þe
wickidneſſe, and þe waſtite I ofte crie. And don is þe Caldeis þat beſegen ȝou, ſhal lyue, and be ſhal to hym his
ſermoun of þe Lord to me in to repref, and in to ſcornyng al ſoule as ſpoile.
day. x Forſoþe Y haue ſet my face vp on þis cite in to euel, and
ix And Y ſeide, I ſhal not recorden of it, ne ſpeke more in þe not in to good, ſeiþ þe Lord; in þe hond of þe king of
name of hym. And mad it is in myn herte, as fyr gretly Babiloyne it ſhal be ȝoue, and brenne it out he ſhal wiþ fyr,


xi and þe hous of þe king of Juda. Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, xviii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to Joachym, ſone of
`ȝe þe hous of Dauid. Joſie, king of Juda, Þei ſhul not weilen hym, Wo broþer!
xii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Demeþ erli dom, and delyuereþ and wo ſiſter! þei ſhul not togidere trumpe to hym, Wo lord!
out þe oppreſſed wiþ force fro þe hond of þe wrong and wo glorious!
chalengere; leſt par auenture go out as fir myn indignacioun, xix In þe biriyng of an aſſe he ſhal be biried, roten, and
and be tend vp, and be not þat quenche, for þe malice of þrowen aferr out of þe ȝatis of Jeruſalem.
ȝoure ſtudies. xx Steȝ þou vp Liban, and crye, and in to Baſan ȝif þi vois,
xiii Lo! Y to þee, dwellereſſe of þe ſadde valey and wilde feld, and crie to þe paſſeres, for to-trode ben alle þi loueres.
ſeiþ þe Lord, ȝee þat ſeyn, Who ſhal ſmyten vs, and who ſhal xxi I ſpac to þee in þi plenteuouſneſſe, and þou ſeidiſt, I ſhal
go `in to oure houſes? not heren; þis is þi weie fro þi waxende ȝouþ, for þou herdiſt
xiiii And Y ſhal viſite vp on ȝou after þe frute of ȝoure not my vois.
ſtudies, ſeiþ þe Lord; and Y ſhal tende vp fyr in his wilde xxii Alle þi ſhepperdus wind ſhal fede, and þi loueres in to
wode, and deuoure it ſhal alle þingus in his cumpas. caitifte ſhul go; and þanne þou ſhalt be confoundyd, and
ſhamen of al þi malice,
Capitulum XXII. xxiii þat ſittiſt in Liban, and neſtliſt in cedris. Hou togidere
i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Cum doun in to þe hous of þe weilediſt þou, whan comen hadde to þee ſorewes, as ſorewis
king of Juda, and þou ſhalt ſpeke þere þis wrd, of þe trauailende wiþ childe?
xxiiii I lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord, for if ſhul be Jeconyas, þe ſone of
ii and ſeyn, Here þou þe wrd of þe Lord, þou king of Juda,
þat ſitteſt vp on þe ſee of Dauid, þou, and þi ſeruauntis, and Joachym, king of Juda, a ring in my riȝt hond, þennus I
þi puple, þat gon in bi þeſe ȝatus. ſhal pullen hym awey.
xxv And Y ſhal ȝyue þee in þe hond of men ſechende þi ſoule,
iii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Doþ dom, and riȝtwiſneſſe, and
delyuereþ þe opreſſid bi force fro þe hond of þe wrong and in þe hond of hem whos face þou drediſt, and in þe hond
chalengere; and þe comeling, and faderles child, and þe of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and in þe hond of
widewe wileþ not ſorewen, ne opreſſeþ wickeli, and þe Caldeis.
xxvi And Y ſhal ſende þee, and þi moder þat gat þee, in to an
innocent blod ne ſhedeþ out in þis place.
iiii If forſoþe doende ȝee ſhul do þis wrd, gon in ſhul bi þe alien lond, in whiche ȝee ben not born, and þere ȝee ſhul die;
xxvii and in to þe lond to whiche þei reren þer ſoule, þat þei
ȝatus of þis hous kingus ſittende of þe kinrede of Dauid vp
on his trone, and þe ſteȝing men vp chares and hors, þei, and turne aȝeen þider, and þei turne aȝeen ſhul not.
ſeruauns, and þe puples of þem. xxviii Wheþer a britil veſſel and a broſid þis man Jeconyas?
v Þat if ȝee ſhul not here þeſe wrdus, in myſelf Y ſwor, ſeiþ wheþer a veſſel wiþoute al voluptuouſte? Whi þrowen awei
þe Lord, for in to wilderneſſe ſhal be þis hous. ben he and his ſed, and caſt aferr in to þe lond þat þei knewe
vi For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord vp on þe ſee of þe king of not?
xxix Erþe, erþe, erþe, here þe ſermoun of þe Lord.
Juda, Galaad, þou `to me hed of Liban; yf Y ſhal not ſette
forþ þee wilderneſſe, cheef citees vnabitable. xxx Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Writ þis man a bareyn man,
vii And Y ſhal halewe vp on þee þe ſleende man, and his þat in his daȝes ſhal not be welſum; ne forſoþe ben ſhal of his
armes; and þei ſhul `kutte doun þi choſen cedris, and þrowe ſed a man, þat ſitte vp on þe ſee of Dauid, and power haue
doun in to fyr. more yn Juda.
viii And paſſen ſhul manye Jentiles þurȝ þis cite, and ſei ſhal
eche to his neȝhebore, Whi dide þe Lord þus to þis grete cite? Capitulum XXIII.
ix And þei ſhul anſwern, For þi þat þei forſoke þe couenaunt i Wo to þe ſhepperdis, þat ſcateren and to-tern þe floc of my
of þe Lord þer God, and honoureden alien godis, and leſwe, ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſerueden to þem. ii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael to þe
x Wileþ not wepe þe deade, ne weilen vp on hym wiþ weping;
ſhepperdus, þat feden my puple, Ȝee ſcatereden my floc, and
weileþ hym þat goþ out, for he ſhal no mor be turned aȝeen, þrewen out hem, and han not viſitid hem; lo! Y ſhal viſite vp
ne ſeen he ſhal þe lond of his birþe. on ȝow þe malice of ȝoure ſtudies, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xi For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to Sellum, ſone of Joſie, iii And Y ſhal gedere þe remnauntus of my floc fro alle
king of Juda, þat regnede for Joſie, his fader, Þat is gon out londis, to whiche Y ſhal caſte hem out þider; and Y ſhal
fro þis place, he ſhal not turne aȝeen hider more; turne þem to þer wilde feldus, and þei ſhul growe, and be
xii but in þe place to þe whiche Y tranſlatide hym, þere he multepliede.
ſhal die, and þis lond he ſhal ſee no more. iiii And Y ſhal rere vp on hem ſhepperdus, and þei ſhul fede
xiii Wo þat bildeþ vp his hous in vnriȝtwiſnes, and his þem; þei ſhuln no mor ben aferd, ne inwardly dreden; and no
ſouping places not in dom; his frend he ſhal opreſſe in veyn, man ſhal be ſoȝt of þe noumbre, ſeiþ þe Lord.
and his meede he ſhal not ȝelde to hym. v Lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and I ſhal rere Dauid a
xiiii Þe whiche ſeiþ, I ſhal bilde vp to me a large hous, and riȝtwis buriownyng; and regne he ſhal king, and wys he ſhal
ſpacious ſouping places; þat openeþ to hym wyndowes, and be, and don he ſhal dom and riȝtwiſneſſe in erþe.
makeþ cedre couples, and peynteþ wiþ cynoper. vi In þo daȝes ſaued ſhal ben Juda, and Irael ſhal dwelle
xv Wheþer ſhalt þou regne, for þou licneſt þee to a ceder? þi troſtili; and þis is þe name þat þei ſhul clepen hym, Oure
fader, wheþer he eet not, and dranc, and dide dom and riȝtwis Lord.
riȝtwiſneſſe, þanne whan wel it was to hym? vii For þis lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and þei ſhul ſei no
xvi He demede þe cauſe of þe pore, and of þe helpeles, in to more, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat ladde out þe ſonus of Irael fro þe
his good; wheþer not þerfor for he kneȝ me? ſeiþ þe Lord. lond of Egipt;
xvii Þine forſoþe eȝen and herte to auarice, and to innocent viii but, Þe Lord lyueþ, þat ladde out, and broȝte to þe ſed of
blod to be ſhed, and to wronge chalenge, and to þe ending of þe hous of Irael fro þe lond of þe norþ, and fro alle londus to
euel werc.


þe whiche Y hadde caſt þem oute þider; and þei ſhul dwelle in xxx Þerfor lo! Y to þe profetes, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ſtelun my
þer owne lond. wrdus, eche fro his neȝhebore.
ix To þe profetus; To-broſid is my herte in þe myddel of me, xxxi Lo! Y to þe profetys, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat taken to þeir
al to-trembleden alle my bonus; I am mad as a drunke man, tunges, and ſeyn, Þe Lord ſeiþ. Lo!
and as a man drunken of wyn, fro þe face of þe Lord, and xxxii Y to þe profetys, ſweuenende leſing, ſeiþ þe Lord; þat
fro þe face of his hoeli wrdus;
x for of auoutreres fulfild is þe lond. For fro þe face of tolden þem, and bigileden my puple in þer leſing, and in þer
myracles, whan Y hadde not ſent hem, ne beden hem; þe
curſing weilide þe lond; dried ben þe wilde feldus of deſert, whiche no þing profiteden to þis puple, ſeiþ þe Lord.
mad ys þe cours of þem euel, and þe ſtrengþe of hem vnlic. xxxiii If þerfore ſhul aſke þee þis puple, or profete, or preſt,
xi Þe profete forſoþe and þe preſt ben defoulid; and in myn
ſeiende, What is þe charge of þe Lord? þou ſhalt ſey to þem,
hous I fond þe euel of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord. Ȝee ben þe charge, forſoþe Y ſhal þrowe ȝou aferr, ſeiþ þe
xii Þerfore þe weie of hem ſhal be as ſlydery in dercneſſes, þei Lord;
ſhul be put doun forſoþe, and falle togidere in it; for I ſhal xxxiiii and profete, and preſt, and puple, þat ſeiþ, Þe charge of
bringe to vpon hem eueles, a ȝer of þe viſiting of þem, ſeiþ þe þe Lord, Y ſhal viſite vp on þat man, and vp on his hous.
Lord. xxxv Þeſe þingus ȝee ſhuln ſeyn, eche to his neȝhebore, and to
xiii And in þe profetis of Samarie Y ſaȝ folie, and þei
his broþir, What ſhal anſwern þe Lord? and what ſpac þe
profecieden in Baal, and diſceyueden my puple Irael. Lord?
xiiii And in þe profetus of Jeruſalem Y ſaȝ licneſſe xxxvi For þe charge of þe Lord no more ſhal abide, and
auoutreres, and weie of leſing; and þei coumforteden þe charge ſhal be to eche man his wrd; and ȝee han myſturned þe
hondus of werſt men, þat conuertid were not eche fro his wrdus of lyuende God, Lord of oſtus, oure God.
malice; `alle þei ben mad to me Sodome, and alle hyſe xxxvii Þeſe þingus þou ſhalt ſeyn to þe profete, What
dwelleris as Gomorre.
xv Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus to profetis, Lo! anſwerde to þee þe Lord? and what ſpac þe Lord?
xxxviii If forſoþe, Þe charge of þe Lord, ȝee ſhul ſey, for þis
Y ſhal fede hem wiþ wrmwed, and drunken hem wiþ galle;
fro þe profetus forſoþe of Jeruſalem is gon out defouling vp þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, For ȝee ſeiden þis ſermoun, Þe
on al erþe. charge of þe Lord, and Y ſente to ȝou, ſeiende, Wileþ not
xvi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Wileþ not heren þe ſeyn, Þe charge of þe Lord;
xxxix þerfore `lo! Y beryng ſhal take ȝou, and forſake ȝou, and
wrdus of þe profetes, þat profecien to ȝou, and deſceyuen ȝou;
þe viſeoun of þer herte þei ſpeken, not of þe mouþ of þe Lord. þis cite þat Y ȝaf to ȝou, and to ȝoure fadris, fro my face.
xvii Þey ſeyn to þem þat blasfemen me, Þe Lord ſpac, Pes xl And Y ſhal ȝyue ȝou in to euermor repref, and in to
ſhal be to ȝou; and to eche þat goþ in þe ſhreudneſſe of his euermor ſhenſhipe, þat neuer bi forȝetynge ſhal ben don awey.
herte þei ſeiden, Þer ſhal not come vp on ȝou euel.
xviii Who forſoþe was nyȝ in þe counſeil of þe Lord, and ſaȝ, Capitulum XXIIII.
and herde þe ſermoun of hym? who biheeld his wrd, and i The Lord ſhewede to me, and lo! two baſketus ful of figus
herde? put bifor þe temple of þe Lord, aftir þat Nabugodonoſor, king
xix Lo! þe whirlewind of þe Lordus indignacioun ſhal gon of Babiloyne, tranſlatede Jeconye, þe ſone of Joachym, king
out, and tempeſt brekende out vp on þe hed of vnpitous men of Juda, and his princes, and þe ſmyþ, and his iueler fro
ſhal come. Jeruſalem, and broȝte þem in to Babiloyne.
xx Þe wodneſſe of þe Lord ſhal not turne aȝeen, vnto þe tyme ii And oe fraiel hadde good figus ful myche, as ben wont
þat he do, and vnto þe tyme þat he fulfille þe þenking of his figys to be of þe firſte tyme; and þe oe fraiel hadde euele figis
herte. In hiſe laſte daȝes ȝee ſhul vnderſtonde his counſeil. ful myche, þat myȝten not ben ete, for þi þat þei weren euele.
xxi I ſente not þe profetes, and þei runnen; Y ſpac not to iii And þe Lord ſeide to me, What ſeeſt þou, Jeremye? `And
þem, and þei profecieden. Y ſeide, Figis, figes goode, goode gretli, and euele, euele
xxii If þei hadden ſtonde in my counſeil, and knowen hadden gretly, þat moun not be ete, forþi þat þei ben euele.
mad my wrdis to my puple, I ſhulde han turned awei hem iiii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſeiende,
forſoþe fro þer euel weie, and fro þer werſt þenkingus. v Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, God of Irael, As þeſe figis
xxiii Weneſt þou, wheþer a Lord fro anyȝ Y am, ſeiþ þe Lord, goode, ſo Y ſhal knowe þe tranſmygracioun of Juda, þat I
and not God fro afer? ſente fro þis place in to þe lond of Caldeis, in to good.
xxiiii If hid ſhal be a man in hid þingus, and Y ſhal not ſeen vi And Y ſhal putte myn eȝen vp on hem to pleſen, and Y
hym? ſeiþ þe Lord. Wheþer not heuene and erþe Y fulfille? ſhal bringe þem aȝeen in to þis lond; and Y ſhal bilde þem
ſeiþ þe Lord. vp, and not deſtroȝe, and plaunte þem, and not pullen awei.
xxv Y herde what þingus ſeiden profetus, profeciende in my vii And Y ſhal ȝyue to þem an herte, þat þei knowe me, for Y
name leſing, and ſeiende, Sweuenes Y ſweuenede. am a Lord; and þei ſhul be to me in to puple, and Y ſhal be
xxvi Hou longe þis is in þe herte of profetes, profeciende to þem in to a God, for þei ſhul turne aȝeen to me in al þer
leſing, and profeciende þe begiling of þer herte? herte.
xxvii Þe whiche wiln make, þat þe puple forȝete of my name viii And as þe werſt figus, þat moun not ben ete, forþi þat þei
for þer ſweuenes, whiche telleþ eche to his neȝhebore, as ben euele, þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, So Y ſhal ȝyue
forȝeeten þer fadris of my name for Baal. Sedechie, king of Juda, and his princes, and þe remnaunt of
xxviii Þe profete þat haþ a ſweuene, telle he þe ſweuene; and Jeruſalem, þat abiden in þis cite, and þat dwellen in þe lond
þat haþ my ſermoun, ſpeke he my ſermoun verely. What to þe of Egipt.
ix And Y ſhal ȝyue þem in to weri trauailing and tormenting
chaf at þe whete? ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxix Wheþer not my wrdus ben as fyr brennende, ſeiþ þe to alle rewmes of erþe, in to repref, and in to parable, and in
Lord, and as an hamer tobrekende þe ſton? to prouerbe, and in to curſing, in alle places to whiche I caſte
out þem.


x And I ſhal ſende in hem ſwerd, and hunger, and peſtilence, xx and to alle men ienerali, to alle kingus of erþe of þe eſt
to þe tyme þei be waſtid from þe lond þat I ȝaf to þem, and kuntree, þat is clepid Hus, `or Anſitidis, and to alle kingus
to þeir fadres. of þe lond of Filiſteym, and of Aſcalon, and of Gaze, and of
Capitulum XXV. xxi Ydume, Aſote, and to oþere; and to Moab, and to þe

i The
ſonus of Amon;
wrd þat is don to Jeremye, of al þe puple of Jude, in xxii and to alle kingus of Tiri, and to alle kingus of Sidon,
þe ferþe ȝer of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king of Juda, aftir þat and to kingus of þe lond of iles þat ben biȝunde þe ſe;
Jeconye is tranſlatyd in to Babiloyne; it is þe firſte ȝer of xxiii and to Dedan, and to Theman, and to Bus, and to alle
Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne;
ii þat ſpac Jeremye, þe profete, to al þe puple of Juda, and to þat ben dodded in to þe her;
xxiiii and to alle kingus of Arabie, and to alle kingis of þe
alle þe dwelleris of Jeruſalem, ſeiende,
iii Fro þe þrettenþe ȝer of þe regne of Joſie, ſone of Amon, weſt, þat dwellen in deſert;
xxv and to alle kingus of Samri, and to alle kingus of Elam,
king of Juda, vnto þis dai, þis is þe þre and twentiþe ȝer,
don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me; and Y ſpac to ȝou, fro nyȝt and to alle kingus of Medus;
riſende and ſpekende, and ȝee herden not. xxvi and to alle kingus of þe norþ, and fro nyȝ and fro aferr,
iiii And þe Lord ſente to ȝou alle his profetus ſeruauns, to eche aȝen his broþer; and to alle reumes of erþe, þat ben
riſende þe morutid, and ſendende, and ȝee herden not, ne vp on his face; and king Ceſac ſhal drinke aftir hem.
boweden in ȝoure eres, þat ȝee here; xxvii And þou ſhalt ſei to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of
v whan he ſhulde ſeyn, Turneþ aȝeen, eche fro his euel weie, oſtus, God of Irael, Drinkeþ, and beþ drunken, and vomeþ,
and fro ȝoure werſte þoȝtus, and ȝee ſhul dwelle in þe lond and falleþ, and wileþ not riſe fro þe face of þe ſwerd þat Y
þat þe Lord ȝaf to ȝou, and to ȝoure fadris, fro þe world and ſhal ſende among ȝou.
vnto þe world. xxviii And whan þei wiln not take þe chalis fro þin hond, þat
vi And wileþ not gon aftir alien godis, þat ȝee ſerue to þem, þei drinke, þou ſhalt ſei to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of
and honoure þem, ne me to wraþe ȝee terre, in þe werkes of oſtus, Drinkende ȝee ſhul drinke;
ȝoure hondus, and Y tormente ȝou not. xxix for lo! in þe cite in whiche is inwardliche clepid my
vii And ȝee herden not me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat me to wraþe ȝee name, Y bigynne to tormente, and ȝee as ynnocentus harmles
terreden in þe werkus of ȝoure hondus, in to ȝoure owne euel. ſhul be? ȝee ſhul not ben harmlis, forſoþe I clepe a ſwerd vp
viii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, For þi þat ȝee on alle dwelleris of erþe, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus.
xxx And þou ſhalt profecien to þem alle þeſe wrdus, and ſei to
herden not my wrdus, lo!
ix Y ſhal ſende, and taken to alle þe kinredus of þe norþ, ſeiþ þem, Þe Lord fro an hiȝ ſhal rore, and fro his hoeli dwelling
þe Lord, and Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, my place ſhal ȝyue his vois; rorende he ſhal roren vp on his
ſeruaunt; and Y ſhal bringe þem vp on þis lond, and vpon fairneſſe; a merie faring ſong, as of men tredende in preſſes,
his dwelleris, and vp on alle his naciouns, þat in his cumpas `ſhal be ſunge togidere aȝen alle þe dwelleris of erþe.
xxxi Þe ſoun ful cam vnto þe vtmoſtus of erþe, for dom to þe
ben; and Y ſhal ſlen hem, and ſette þem in to ſtoneyng, and
in to whiſtling, and in to wilderneſſe euerdurende. Lord wiþ Jentylis, he is demed wiþ alle fleſh; vnpitous men
x And Y ſhal leeſe fro þem vois of ioȝe, and vois of gladneſſe, I toc to ſwerd, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxxii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Lo! tormenting ſhal
vois of þe womman ſpouſe, and vois of þe man ſpouſe, vois
of þe querne, and liȝt of þe launterne. gon out fro folc in to folc, and a gret whirlewind ſhal gon out
xi And ben ſhal al his lond in to wilderneſſe, and in to fro þe ouermoſtus of erþe.
xxxiii And þer ſhul be þe ſlayne of þe Lord in þat day fro þe
ſtoneyng; and ſeruen ſhuln alle þeſe folkis to þe king of
Babiloyne ſeuenty ȝer. ouermoſt of erþe `vn to þe ouermoſt of it; þei ſhul not be
xii And whan ſhul be fulfild ſeuenti ȝer, Y ſhal viſite vp on þe weilid, ne be gedered, ne be biried; in to a dunghil vp on þe
king of Babiloyne, and vp on þat folc, ſeiþ þe Lord, þe face of þe erþe þei ſhul lyn.
xxxiiii Ȝelleþ, ȝee ſhepperdus, and crieþ, and ſprengeþ ȝou wiþ
wickeneſſe of þem, and vp on þe lond of Caldeis, and putten
it in to euermor wilderneſſes. aſkes, ȝee moſt wrſhepeful of þe floc; for fulfild ben ȝoure
xiii And Y ſhal bringe vpon þat lond alle my wrdus þat Y daȝes, þat ȝee ſhul be ſlayn, and ȝoure ſcateringus, and ȝee
ſpac aȝen it, al þat ys write in þis boc; what euere þingus ſhul falle as precious veſſeles.
xxxv And perſhe ſhal fliȝt fro þe ſhepperdus, and ſauyng fro
profeciede Jeremye aȝen alle Jentilis;
xiiii for þey ſerueden to þem, whan þei weren many Jentiles, þe beſt of þe floc.
xxxvi Vois of þe cri of ſhepperdus, and ȝelling of þe beſt of þe
and grete kingus; and Y ſhal ȝelde to þem after þer werkes,
and aftir þe deedus of þer hondus. floc, for þe Lord waſtede þe leſwes of hem.
xv For þus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Iſrael, Tac þe xxxvii And al ſtille weren þe `wilde feldis of pes, fro þe face
chalis of þe wyn of þis wodneſſe fro myn hond, and þou ſhalt `of þe wraþ of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord.
heelde drinc of it to alle Jentilis, to whiche Y ſhal ſenden þee. xxxviii He forſoc as a leoun his tabernacle, for mad is þe lond
xvi And þei ſhul drinke, and be diſturbid, and waxe wod fro of hem in to deſolacioun, fro þe face of þe wraþe of þe culuer,
þe face of þe ſwerd, þat Y ſhal ſende among hem. and fro þe face of þe wraþe of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord.
xvii And Y toc þe chalis of þe hond of þe Lord, and Y helde
oute drinc to alle Jentilis, to whiche ſente me þe Lord; Capitulum XXVI.
xviii to Jeruſalem, and to alle þe cites of Juda, and to his i In þe bigynnyng of þe regne of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king
kingus, and to his princes; þat Y ſhulde ȝyue þem in to of Juda, don is þis wrd fro þe Lord, ſeiende,
wilderneſſe, and in to ſtoneyng, and in to whiſtling, and in to ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Stond in þe porche of þe hous of
curſing, as is þis dai;
xix to Farao, king of Egipt, and to his ſeruauns, and to his þe Lord, and þou ſhalt ſpeke to alle þe cites of Juda, whiche
comen þat þei honoure in þe hous of þe Lord, alle wrdus þat
princes, and to al his puple;


I comaunde to þee, þat þou ſpeke to þem; wile þou not xxiii and broȝten out Vrie fro Egipt, and broȝten hym to king
wiþdrawen a wrd; Joachym; and he ſmot hym wiþ ſwerd, and þreȝ aferr his
iii if par auenture þei here, and be conuertid, eche fro his euel careyne in ſepulcris of þe vnnoble comun.
weie, and it oþenke me of þe euel þat I þoȝte to do to þem xxiiii Þerfore þe hond of Aicham, ſone of Safan, was wiþ
for þe malices of þer ſtudies. Jeremye, þat he ſhulde not be take in to þe hondus of þe
iiii And þou ſhalt ſei to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, If ȝee puple, and it ſchulde ſlen hym.
ſhul not here me, þat ȝe go in my lawe þat Y ȝaf to ȝou,
v þat ȝee here þe ſermounus of my ſeruauns, profetus, þat Y Capitulum XXVII.
ſente to ȝou, þe nyȝt riſende, and riȝt reulende, and ȝee herde i In
not; þe bigynnyng of þe regne of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king
vi Y ſhal ȝyuen þis hous as Cilo, and þis cite I ſhal ȝyue in of Juda, don is þis wrd to Jeremye fro þe Lord, ſeiende,
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to me, Mac to þee bondis and
to curſing to alle folkus of erþe.
vii And þer herden þe preſtus, and profetus, and al þe puple cheynus, and þou ſhalt putte þem in þi necke;
iii and ſende þem to þe king of Edom, and to þe king of
Jeremye ſpekende þeſe wrdus in þe hous of þe Lord.
viii And whan fulfild hadde Jeremye ſpekende alle þeſe Moab, and to þe king of þe ſonus of Amon, and to þe king of
þingus, þat comaundid hadde to hym þe Lord, þat he ſhulde Tiri, and to þe king of Sidon, in þe hond of þe meſſageres
ſpeke to al þe puple, token hym þe preſtus, and þe falſe þat camen to Jeruſalem, and to Sedechie, king of Juda.
iiii And þow ſhalt comaunde to þem, þat to þer lordys þey
profetus, and al þe puple, ſeiende, Bi deþ die he;
ix whi profeciede he in þe name of þe Lord, ſeiende, As Cylo ſpeke, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtys, God of Irael, Þeſe
ſhal be þis hous, and þis cite ſhal be deſolat, for þi þat þer is þingus ȝee ſhul ſey to ȝoure lordus,
v I made erþe, and man, and beſtus þat ben vp on þe face of
not a dwellere? And gedered is al þe puple aȝen Jeremye, in
þe hous of þe Lord. al erþe, in my grete ſtrengþe, and in myn arm ſtraȝt out; and
x And herden þe princes of Juda alle þeſe wrdis; and þei Y ȝaf it to hym þat pleſede in myn eȝen.
vi And now alſo Y ȝaf alle þeſe londus in þe hond of
ſteȝeden vp fro þe hous of þe king in to þe hous of þe Lord,
and þei ſeeten in þe entre of þe newe ȝate of þe hous of þe Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, my ſeruaunt; ferþermor
Lord. and þe beſtus of þe feld Y ȝaf to hym, þat þei ſerue to hym.
xi And ſpeeken þe preſtus and þe profetus to þe princes, and vii And ſerue ſhul to hym alle folc of kinde, and to his ſone,
to al þe puple, ſeiende, Dom of deþ is to þis man, for he and to þe ſone of his ſone, to þe tyme þat come þe tyme of his
profeciede aȝen þis cite, as ȝee han herd wiþ ȝoure eres. lond, and of hym; and ſeruen ſhul to hym manye folc of kinde,
xii And Jeremye ſeiþ to alle þe princes, and to al þe puple, and grete kingus.
viii Folc forſoþe and rewme þat ſerue ſhal not to
ſeiende, Þe Lord ſente me, þat Y ſhulde profecien to þis
hous, and to þis cite, alle þe wrdus þat ȝee han herd. Nabugodonoſor, king of Babylonye, and `whoſo euere ſhal not
xiii Now þanne goode makeþ ȝoure weies, and ȝoure ſtudies, bowe his necke vnder þe ȝoc of þe king of Babilonye, in
and hereþ þe voys of þe Lord ȝoure God; and it ſhal oþinke ſwerd, and hunger, and peſtilence Y ſhal viſite vp on þat folc,
þe Lord of þe euel þat he ſpac aȝen ȝou. ſeiþ þe Lord, to þe tyme Y waſte þem in his hond.
ix Ȝee forſoþe wileþ not heren ȝoure profetus, and
xiiii I forſoþe lo! in ȝoure hondis am; doþ to me þat good is
and riȝt in ȝoure eȝen. deuynoures, and ſweueneres, and brid deuyneres, and deuel
xv Nerþelatere witeþ, and wel knowiþ, þat if ȝee ſhul ſle me,
cleperes, þat ſeyn to ȝou, Ȝee ſhul not ſerue to þe king of
an ynnocent blod ȝee ſhul betraȝe aȝen ȝou ſelf, and aȝen þis x for þei profecien to ȝou leſing, þat aferr þei make ȝou fro
cite, and his dwelleris; in treuþe forſoþe ſente me þe Lord to ȝoure lond, and caſte ȝou out, and ȝee perſhe.
ȝou, þat Y ſhulde ſpeke in ȝoure eres alle þeſe wrdus. xi But þe folc þat ſhal vnderleyn his nol vnder þe ȝoc of þe
xvi And ſeiden þe princes and al þe puple to þe preſtys and
profetus, Þer is not to þis man dom of deþ; for in þe name king of Babiloyne, and ſerue to hym, Y ſhal leuen it in his
of þe Lord oure God he ſpac to vs. lond, ſeiþ þe Lord; and yt ſhal tiln it, and dwelle in it.
xii And to Sedechye, king of Juda, Y ſpac after alle þeſe
xvii Riſen þanne þe men of þe elderes of þe lond, and ſeiden
to al þe cumpanye of þe puple, ſpekende, wrdus, ſeiende, Vnderleiþ ȝoure neckus vnder þe ȝoc of þe
xviii Michie of Moraſten was a profete in þe daȝes of Ezechie,
king of Babyloyne, and ſerueþ to hym, and to his puple, and
ȝee ſhul lyue.
king of Jude; and he ſeiþ to al þe puple of Jude, ſeiende, xiii Whi ſhul ȝee die, þou and þi puple, wiþ ſwerd, and
Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Sion as a feeld ſhal ben hunger, and peſtilence, as ſpac þe Lord to þe folc, þat wile
ered, and Jeruſalem in to an hep of ſtonus ſhal be, and þe not ſerue to þe king of Babiloyne?
mount of þe hous of þe Lord in to heiȝtus of wodus. xiiii Wileþ not heren þe wrdus of profetys ſeiende to ȝou, Ȝee
xix Wheþer bi deþ condempnede hym Ezechie, king of Juda,
and al Juda? Wheþer not þei dredden þe Lord, and louli ſhul not ſerue to þe king of Babiloyne; for leſing þey ſpeken
preȝeden þe face of þe Lord, and it oþoȝte þe Lord of þe euel to ȝou,
xv for Y ſente þem not, ſeiþ þe Lord; and þei profecien in my
þat he `hadde ſpoke aȝen hem? And ſo do we not gret euel
aȝen oure ſoules. name liendely, þat I þrowe ȝou out, and ȝee perſhe, boþe ȝee
xx Alſo þer was a man profeciende in þe name of þe Lord, and þe profetes þat profecien to ȝou.
xvi And to þe preſtus, and to þis puple I ſpac, ſeiende, Þeſe
Vrias, þe ſone of Semmei, of Cariathiarym; and he profeciede
aȝen þis cite, and aȝen þis lond, aftir alle þe wrdis of þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, Wileþ not heren þe wrdus of ȝoure
Jeremye. profetus, þat profecien to ȝou, ſeiende, Lo! þe veſſelis of þe
xxi And herde king Joachym, and alle þe myȝti men, and his Lord ſhul turne aȝeen fro Babiloyne now ſoone; leſyng forſoþe
princes þeſe wrdus; and þe king ſoȝte to ſlen hym; and Vrie þei profecien to ȝou.
xvii Wileþ not þanne heren hem, but ſerueþ to þe king of
herde, and dredde, and fleiȝ, and wente in to Egipt.
xxii And king Joachym ſente men in to Egipt, Elnathan, þe Babiloyne, þat ȝee lyue; whi ȝouen ys þis cite in to
ſone of Achabor, and men wiþ him, in to Egipt; wilderneſſe?


xviii And if profetes þei ben, and þe wrd of God is in hem, xv And Jeremye, þe profete, ſeide to Ananye, þe profete, Here
aȝeen come þei to þe Lord of oſtis, þat come not þe veſſelis, þou, Ananye; þe Lord ſente not þee, and þou madiſt þis puple
þat weren laft in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe hous of þe to troſte in leſing.
king of Juda, and in Jeruſalem, in to Babiloyne. xvi Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! I ſhal þrowen out
xix For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus to þe pileres, and to þee fro þe face of þe erþe; þis ȝer þou ſhalt die, forſoþe aȝen
þe ſe, and to þe feet, and to þe remnaunt of þe veſſelis, þat þe Lord þou ſpeeke.
laften in þis cite, xvii And dead is Ananye, þe profete, in þat ȝer þe ſeuenþe
xx þe whiche bar not Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, moneþ.
whan he ſhulde tranſlate Jeconye, þe ſone of Joachym, king of
Juda, fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne, and alle þe beſt men of Capitulum XXIX.
Juda and of Jeruſalem.
xxi For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtis, God of Irael, to þe i And þeſe ben þe wrdus of þe boc, þat ſente Jeremye, þe
veſſelus þat ben laft in þe hous of þe Lord, and in þe hous of profete, fro Jeruſalem to þe remnaunt of þe elderes of þe
þe king of Juda, and in Jeruſalem, tranſmygracioun, and to þe preſtus, and to þe profetes, and to
xxii In to Babiloyne þei ſhul be tranſlatid, and þere þei ſhul al þe puple, whom ouerlad hadde Nabugodonoſor fro
be vnto þe dai of þer viſitacioun, ſeiþ þe Lord; and I ſhal Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne,
ii after þat wente out Jechonye, þe king, and þe lady, and þe
make þem to be broȝt to, and to ben reſtored to þis place.
geldingus, and þe princes of Juda, out of Jeruſalem, and þe
ſmyþ, and þe iueler fro Jeruſalem,
Capitulum XXVIII. iii in þe hond of Elaaſa, ſone of Safan, and of Gamaliel, ſone
i And don it is `in þat ȝer, in þe bigynnyng of þe regne of of Elchie, whom ſent Sedechie, king of Juda, to
Sedechie, king of Juda, in þe ferþe ȝer, in þe fifte moneþ, Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, in to Babiloyne, ſeiende,
ſeide to me Ananye, þe ſone of Aſur, a profete of Gabaon, in iiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, to al þe
þe hous of þe Lord, befor þe preſtes, and al þe puple, ſeiende, tranſmygracyoun, þat Y tranſlatede fro Jeruſalem in to
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, I haue Babiloyne,
tobroſid þe ȝoc of þe king of Babiloyne. v Bildeþ vp houſes, and dwelleþ, and plaunteþ gardynes, and
iii Ȝit two ȝer of daȝes, and Y ſhal make to be born aȝeen to eteþ þe frute of hem;
þis place alle þe veſſelis of þe Lord, þat toc Nabugodonoſor, vi takeþ wyues, and geteþ ſonus and doȝtris, and ȝyueþ to
king of Babiloyne, fro þis place, and tranſlatede þem in to ȝoure ſonus wyues, and ȝoure doȝtris ȝyueþ to men, and bere
Babiloyne. þei ſonus and doȝtris; and `be ȝee multeplied þere, and wileþ
iiii And Jechonye, þe ſone of Joachym, king of Juda, and al not be fewe in noumbre.
þe tranſmygracioun of Juda, þat wenten in to Babiloyne, Y vii And ſecheþ þe pes of þe cyte, to þe whiche Y made ȝow
ſhal turne to þis place, ſeiþ þe Lord; I ſhal to-trede forſoþe þe gon ouer; and preȝeþ for it þe Lord, for in his pes ſhal be
ȝoc of þe king of Babiloyne. pes to ȝou.
v And Jeremye, þe profete, ſeide to Ananye, þe profete, in þe viii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Bigile
eȝen of preſtus, and in þe eȝen of al þe puple þat ſtoden in þe not ȝou ȝoure profetus, þat ben in þe myddel of ȝou, and
hous of þe Lord. ȝoure dyuynours; and ne takeþ heed to ȝoure ſweuenes, þat
vi And Jeremie, þe profete, ſeiþ to Ananye, Amen! þus do þe ȝee ſweuenen;
Lord; rere þe Lord þi wrdus þat þou haſt profecied, þat broȝt ix for þei falſly profecien to ȝou in my name, and Y ſente þem
aȝeen be þe veſſelis in þe hous of þe Lord, and al þe not, ſeiþ þe Lord.
tranſmygracioun fro Babiloyne, to þis place. x For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Whan ſchal bigynne to be
vii Nerþelatere here þou þis wrd, þat Y ſpeke in þin eres,
fulfilid in Babiloyne ſeuenti ȝeer, Y ſhal viſite ȝou, and reren
and in þe eres of al þe puple. vp ȝou my good wrd, and bringe ȝou aȝeen to þis place.
viii Profetus þat weren bifor me, and bifor þee, fro þe xi I forſoþe wot þe þoȝtus þat Y þenke vp on ȝou, ſeiþ þe
bigynnyng, and profecieden vp on manye londus, and vp on Lord, þoȝtus of pes, and not of tormenting, þat Y ȝyue to ȝou
manye rewmes, of bataile, and of tormenting, and of hunger. ende and pacience.
ix Þe profete þat profeciede pes, whan ſhal comen his wrd, xii And ȝee ſhul inwardly `clepe me, and gon, and honoure
ſhal be wiſt a profete whom ſente þe Lord in treuþe. me, and Y ſhall ful out here ȝou;
x And Ananye, þe profete, toc þe cheyne of þe necke of xiii ȝee ſhul ſeche me, and finden, whan ȝee han ſoȝt me in al
Jeremye, profete, and brac it. ȝoure herte.
xi And Ananye, þe profete, ſeiþ in þe ſiȝte of al þe puple, xiiii And Y ſhal be founde of ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhall
ſeiende, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Þus Y ſhal to-breke þe ȝoc bringe aȝeen ȝoure caitifte, and gedere ȝou fro alle Jentiles,
of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, after two ȝeris of and fro alle places, to whiche I putte ȝou out, ſeiþ þe Lord;
daȝes, fro þe necke of alle Jentilis. And Jeremye, þe profete, and to turne aȝeen I ſhal make ȝou fro þe place, to whiche Y
wente awei in to his weye. made ȝou to gon ouer.
xii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, aftir þat xv For ȝee ſeiden, Reren ſhal to vs þe Lord profetus in
Ananye, þe profete, brac þe cheyne fro þe necke of Jeremye, Babiloyne.
ſeiende, xvi For þeſe þingys ſeiþ þe Lord to þe king, þat ſit vp on þe
xiii Go, and ſey to Ananye, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Treene
ſee of Dauid, and to al þe puple, dwellere of þis cyte, to
cheynes þou haſt tobroke, and þou ſhalt make for þem irene ȝoure breþern, þat ben not gon out wiþ ȝou in to
cheynes. tranſmygracioun,
xiiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtis, God of Irael, An xvii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Lo! Y ſhal ſende in
irene ȝoc Y haue ſet vp on þe necke of alle þeſe Jentilis, þat hem ſwerd, and hunger, and peſtilence; and putten hem as þe
þei ſerue to Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and þei ſhul euel figus, þat moun not ben ete, for þi þat þey ben werſt.
ſeruen to hym; ferþermor and þe beſtus of erþe Y ȝaf to hym.


xviii And Y ſhal purſue þem in ſwerd, and in hunger, and in vi Aſkeþ, and ſeeþ, if þe male geteþ; whi þanne ſaȝ Y of eche
peſtilence; and Y ſhal ȝyue þem in to wery trauailing to alle man þe hond vpon his leende, as of þe trauailende wiþ childe,
rewmes of erþe, in to curſing, and in to ſtoneyng, and in to and turned ben alle þer faces in to ȝelȝ?
whiſtling, and in to repref to alle Jentilis, to whiche I caſte vii Wo! for gret þat day, ne þer is his lyc; and tyme of
hem out. tribulacioun is to Jacob, and of it he ſhal ben ſaued.
xix For þi þat þey herden not my wrdys, ſeiþ þe Lord, whiche viii And it ſhal be, in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Y ſhal
Y ſente to þem by my ſeruauns, profetes, fro nyȝt riſende, and to-broſe his ȝoc fro þi necke, and his bondus Y ſhal tobreke;
ſendende, and ȝee herden not, ſeiþ þe Lord. and no mor ſhul lordſhipen to hym alienus,
xx Ȝee þerfore hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, al tranſmygracioun, ix but `þei ſhul ſerue to þe Lord, þer God, and to Dauid, þer
þat Y ſente out fro Jeruſalem in to Babiloyne. king, whom Y ſhal rere to þem.
xxi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtys, God of Irael, to x Þou þerfore ne drede þou, my ſeruaunt Jacob, ſeiþ þe Lord,
Achab, ſone of Cholie, and to Sedechie, ſone of Maaſie, þat ne inwardly drede þou, Irael; for lo! Y ſhal ſaue þee fro a
profeſien to ȝou in my name leſinge, Lo! Y ſhal taken hem in ferr lond, and þi ſeed fro þe lond of þe caitifte of þem. And
þe hond of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and he ſhal turned ſhal ben aȝeen Jacob, and reſten, and wiþ alle goodus
ſmyte þem in ȝoure eȝen. flowen; and þer ſhal not be whom he ſhal dreden.
xxii And þer ſhul ben taken of þem curſing to al þe xi For Y wiþ þee am, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat Y ſaue þee. Forſoþe
tranſmygracioun of Jude, þat is in Babiloyne, of men ſeiende, Y ſhal don ful ending in alle Jentiles, in which Y ſcaterede
Putte þee þe Lord as Sedechie, and as Achab, whom friede þee; þee forſoþe Y ſchal not make in to ful ending, but Y ſhal
þe king of Babiloyne in fyr, chaſtiſe þee in dom, þat þou be not ſeen to þee gilteles.
xxiii for þi þat þei diden folie in Irael, and diden auoutre in xii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Vnheleable þi broſure, werſt
to þe wyues of þer frendus; and ſpeeken wrd in my name þi wounde.
liendely, þat Y comaundide not to þem; I am domeſman and xiii Þer is not, þat deme þi dom to bynde to; of curingus ys
witneſſe, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxiiii And to Semeiam Neelamytem þou ſhalt ſeyn, not profit to þee.
xiiii Alle þi loueres forȝeeten þee, þee ſhul not ſechen; wiþ þe
xxv Þeſe þyngus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, For þi
wounde forſoþe of þe enemy Y ſmot þee, by cruel chaſtiſing;
þat þou ſenteſt bokes in my name to al þe puple þat is in for þe multitude of þi wyckeneſſe, hard ben mad þi ſynnes.
Jeruſalem, and to Sofonye, ſone of Maaſie, preſt, and to alle xv What crieſt þou vp on þi to-treding? vnheleable is þi
þe preſtus, ſeiende,
xxvi Þe Lord `ȝaf þee preſt for Joiade, preſt, þat þou be a ſorewe; for þe multitude of þi wickidneſſe, and for þin harde
ſynnes, Y dide þeſe þingus to þee.
duke in þe hous of þe Lord vp on eche man caȝt wiþ xvi Þerfore alle þat eten þee, ſhul ben deuoured, and alle þin
wodneſſe, and profeciende, þat þou ſende hym in to þe ſtockus,
and in to priſoun. enemyes in to caityfte ſhul be lad; and þat þee waſten, ſhuln
xxvii And now whi blameſt þou not Jeremye of Anatoth, þat ben waſted, and alle þi robberes Y ſhal ȝyue in to prei.
xvii Forſoþe Y ſhal helen parfitly þi felle wounde to þee, and
profecyeþ to ȝou?
xxviii For vpon þis he ſente to vs in to Babiloyne, ſeiende, of þi woundus Y ſhal hele þee, ſeiþ þe Lord; for caſt awei þei
clepeden þee, Sion; þis is ſhe þat hadde not `aȝeen ſerchere.
Longe it is; bildeþ out houſes, and dwelleþ, and plaunteþ xviii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! I ſhal conuerte þe
gardynes, and eteþ þe frute of þem.
xxix Radde þanne Sofonye, þe preſt, þis boc in þe eres of conuerting of þe tabernacles of Jacob, and to his rooues Y
ſhal han mercy; and bild vp ſhal be þe cite in his heiȝte, and
Jeremye, þe profete. þe temple after his order ſhal be foundid.
xxx And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, ſeiende, xix And gon out ſhal preiſing of hem and vois of pleieres, and
xxxi Sendeþ to al þe tranſmygracyoun, ſeiende, Þeſe þingus Y ſhal multeplie þem, and þei ſhul not ben laſſid; and Y ſhal
ſeiþ þe Lord to Semeie Neelamyte, For þi þat profeciede to glorifie þem, and þei ſhuln not be þynned.
ȝou Semeie, and Y ſente hym not, and made ȝou to troſten in xx And þe ſonus `of it ſhul ben as fro þe bygynnyng, and þe
leſing; cumpanye `of it before me ſhal abide ſtille; and I ſhal viſete
xxxii þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal viſite vp on aȝen alle þat troblen hym.
Semeie Neelamyte, and vp on his ſed; þer ſhal not be to hym xxi And þer ſhal ben his duke of hym, and a prince from his
a man ſittende in þe myddel of þis puple; and he ſhal not ſeen myddel ſhal be broȝt forþ; and Y ſhal preſenten hym, and he
þe good, þat Y ſhal do to my puple, ſeiþ þe Lord, for lawe ſhal neȝhe to me; who forſoþe is þis, þat `leye to his herte,
breking he ſpac aȝen þe Lord. þat he neȝhe to me? ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxii And ȝee ſhul be to me in to puple, and Y ſhal be to ȝou
Capitulum XXX. in to God.
i This is þe wrd, þat is don to Jeremye fro þe Lord, ſeiende, xxiii Lo! in Jentilis þe whirlewind of þe Lord, wodenes
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, ſeiende, Writ to þee goende out, tempeſt fallende, in þe hed of vnpitous men þei
alle þeſe wrdus þat Y ſpac to þee, in þe boc. ſhul alle togidere reſten.
xxiiii Shal not turne awei þe wraþe of indignacioun þe Lord,
iii Loo! forſoþe daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal turne
þe conuerting of my puple of Irael and of Juda, ſeiþ þe Lord; to þe tyme he do, and fulfille þe þenking of his herte; in þe
and Y ſhal turne þem to þe lond þat Y ȝaf to þe fadris of laſte of daȝes ȝee ſhul vndurſtonden þoe þynges.
þem, and þei ſhul welde it.
iiii And þeſe þe wrdus, þat þe Lord ſpac to Irael, and to Capitulum XXXI.
Juda. i In þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, I ſhal be God to alle þe kinredus
v For þes þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Voys of huge drede wee han of Irael; and þei ſhul be to me in to puple.
herd; ferd, and þer ys not pes. ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Founde grace in deſert þe puple
þat lafte fro ſwerd; go ſhal to his reſte Irael.


iii Aferr þe Lord aperede to me, and in euere laſtende charite xxiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtis, God of Irael, Ȝit þei
Y louede þee; þerfore Y rewende droȝ þee. ſhul ſey þis wrd in þe lond of Juda, and in his cheef cites,
iiii And eft Y ſhal bilden vp þee, and bild vp ſhal þou be, whan Y ſhal conuerte þe caitifte of hem, Bleſſeþ to þee þe
maiden Irael; ȝit þou ſhalt ben enourned wiþ þi tymbris, and Lord, þe fayrneſſe, of riȝtwiſneſſe þe hoeli mount.
þou ſhalt gon out in þe daunce of pleieres. xxiiii And dwelle ſhul in it Juda, and alle his cites, togidere
v And ȝit þou ſhalt plaunte vynes in þe mount of Samarie; erþe tilieres, and men dryuende flockes.
plaunte ſhul plaunteres, and for to tyme come þei ſhul not xxv For Y haue mad drunke þe weri ſoule, and eche
pulle grapes. hungrende ſoule Y haue fulfild.
vi For þe dai ſhal ben, in whiche crien ſhul keperes in þe xxvi Þerfore as fro ſlep I am rered, and ſaȝ; and my ſlep
mount of Samarie, and in þe mount of Effraym, Riſeþ, and ſweete is to me.
ſteye wee vp in to Sion, to þe Lord oure God. xxvii Lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal ſowen þe
vii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Ful out ioȝeþ in gladneſſe of hous of Irael and þe hous of Juda wiþ þe ſed of men, and
Jacob, and neyȝeþ aȝen þe heued of Jentilis; parfitly ſowneþ, wiþ þe ſed of beſtus.
and ſingeþ, and ſeiþ, Saf, Lord, þi puple, þe remnauntis of xxviii And as Y woc vp on hem, þat Y ſchulde pullen out,
Irael. and deſtroȝen, and waſten, and ſcateren, and tormenten; ſo Y
viii Lo! Y ſhal bringe þem fro þe lond of þe norþ, and gedere ſhal waken vp on hem, þat Y bilde vp, and plaunte, ſeiþ þe
þem fro þe vtmoſtus of erþe; among whom ſhal be þe blinde, Lord.
and þe lame, and þe womman wiþ childe, and þe trauailende xxix In þo daȝes men ſhul ſeyn no more, Fadris eeten þe
wiþ childe togidere, a gret cumpanye of men turnende aȝeen ſoure grape, and þe teeþ of þe ſonus ſtoneȝeden;
hider. xxx but eche in his wickeneſſe ſhal die, eche man þat ſhal ete
ix In weping þei ſhul come, and in mercy Y ſhal bringe þem
þe ſoure grape, ſhul ſtoneȝe þe teeþ of hym.
aȝeen; and Y ſhal lede þem bi ſtef ſtremes of watris in a riȝt xxxi Lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal ſmyte to þe
weie, þei ſhul not ſtumble in it; for Y am mad to Irael a
fader, and Effraym my firſt goten is. hous of Irael, and to þe hous of Juda newe pes couenaunt;
x Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee Jentiles, and telleþ in ilis þat xxxii not after þe couenaunt þat Y couenauntede wiþ ȝoure
ben aferr, and ſeiþ, Who ſcaterede Irael, ſhal gaderen hym, fadris, in þe day þat Y toc þe hond of hem, þat Y ſhulde
and kepen hym, as a ſhepperde his floc. bringe þem out fro þe lond of Egipt, couenaunt þat þei maden
xi Forſoþe þe Lord boȝte aȝeen Jacob, and delyuerede hym fro voide; and Y lordſhepede of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxxiii But þis ſhal be þe couenaunt, þat Y ſhal ſmyte wiþ þe
þe hond of þe myȝtiere.
xii And þei ſhul come, and preiſen in þe mount of Sion; and hous of Irael after þo daȝes, ſeiþ þe Lord; Y ſhal ȝyue my
lawe in þe boweles of hem, and in þe herte of hem Y ſhal
togidere flowen to þe goodus of þe Lord, vp on whete, wyn, write it, and Y ſhal be to þem in to God, and þei ſhal be to
and oile, and frut of beſtes, and of droues; and þe ſoule of me in to a puple.
þem ſhal be as a watri gardyn, and no more þei ſhul hungre. xxxiiii And techen ſhul no more þe man his neȝhebore, and þe
xiii Þanne gladen ſhal þe maiden in þe daunce, ȝunge men
man his broþer, ſeiende, Knowe þou þe Lord; alle forſoþe ſhul
and maidenus togidere; and Y ſhal turne þer weiling in to knowe me, fro þe leſte vnto þe moſte, ſeiþ þe Lord; for Y ſhal
ioȝe, and coumforte þem, and gladen fro þer ſorewe. han mercy to þe wickenes of þem, and of þe ſynne of hem Y
xiiii And Y ſhal inwardly drunkne þe ſoule of þe preſtus wiþ ſhal no mor be myndeful.
fatneſſe, and my puple wiþ my goodus ſhal be fulfyld, ſeiþ þe xxxv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, þat ȝyueþ þe ſunne in þe liȝt
Lord. of þe dai, ordre of þe moone and of þe ſterres in liȝt of þe
xv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Vois in heiȝte is herd of nyȝt, þat diſturbeþ þe ſe, and his flodis ſownen, þe Lord of
lamentacioun, and weping, and weiling, of Rachel wepende oſtus name to hym.
hir ſonus, and not willende to be coumfortid vp on hem, for xxxvi If failen ſhuln þeſe lawes bifor me, ſeiþ þe Lord, þanne
þei ben not. and þe ſed of Irael ſhal faile, þat þer be not folc bifor me alle
xvi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Reſte þi vois fro weping, and daȝes.
þin eȝen fro teres; for þer is meede to þi werc, ſeiþ þe Lord; xxxvii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Yf `heuenus ſhul moun be
and þei ſhul be turned aȝeen fro þe lond of þe enemy. meſured fro aboue, and be ſerched þe foundemens of þe erþe
xvii And þer is hope in þi laſte, ſeiþ þe Lord, and ben turned byneþe, and Y ſhal caſten awei al þe ſed of Irael, for alle
aȝeen ſhul þe ſonus to þer termes. þingus þat þei diden, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xviii Herende Y herde Effraym ouergoende; þou chaſtiſediſt xxxviii Lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and bild vp ſhal be a
me, and Y am lerned as a ȝungling vntamed; conuerte me, cyte to þe Lord fro þe tour of Ananeel vn to þe ȝate of þe
and Y ſchal be conuertid, for þou Lord my God. corner.
xix After forſoþe þat þou haddeſt conuertid me, Y dide xxxix And it ſhal gon out ouer þe reule of þe meſure, in his
penaunce; and after þat þou haddeſt ſhewid to me, Y ſmot my ſiȝte, vp on þe hyl of Gared, and it ſhal gon aboute Goacha,
hipe; I am confoundid, and Y ſhamede, for Y ſuffrede þe xl and al þe valei of careynus, and þe aſkes, and al þe
repref of my ȝunge waxen age. regioun of deþ, vnto þe ſtef ſtrem of Cedron, and vnto þe
xx If a wrſhypeful ſone to me Effraym, if a child delicat; for corner of þe eſt ȝate of hors; þe hoeli of þe Lord ſhal not be
ſiþen Y ſpac of hym, ȝit Y ſhal recorden of hym; þerfore ben pullid vp, and no mor be deſtroȝed in to euermore.
diſturbid my bowelis vpon hym, rewende Y ſhal han mercy of
hym, ſeiþ þe Lord. Capitulum XXXII.
xxi Ordeyne to þee a toting place, ſett to þee bitterneſſes; riȝt
i Thewrd þat is don to Jeremye fro þe Lord, in þe tenþe ȝer
reule þin herte in to an euene weie, in whiche þou haſt go;
turne aȝeen, þou maide Irael, turne aȝeen to þeſe þi cites. of Sedechie, king of Juda; it is þe eiȝtetenþe ȝer of
xxii Hou longe wiþ delices `ſhalt þou be looſid atwynne, þou Nabugodonoſor.
doȝter vagaunt? for ſhapen haþ þe Lord newe þing vp on
erþe, þe womman ſhal go abouten þe man.


ii Þanne þe oſt of þe king of Babiloyne beſegede Jeruſalem; xxiii And þei wenten in, and weldeden it; and obeſheden not
and Jeremye, þe profete, was cloſid in þe porche of þe to þi vois, and in þi lawe ȝiden not; alle þingus þat þou
priſoun, þat was in þe hous of þe king of Juda. comaundedeſt to þem, þat þey ſhulde do, þei diden not; and
iii Cloſed hadde forſoþe hym Sedechye, king of Juda, ſeiende, þer camen to þem alle þeſe eueles.
Whi profecieſt þou, ſeiende, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y xxiiii Lo! ſtrengþingus ben mad out aȝen þis cite, þat it be
ſhal ȝyuen þis cite in to þe hond of þe king of Babiloyne, and take, and þe cyte is ȝouen in to þe hondus of Caldeis, and in
he ſhal taken it; to þe hondus of þe king of Babiloyne, þat fiȝten aȝen it, fro
iiii and Sedechie, king of Juda, ſhal not ſcape fro þe hond of þe face of þe ſwerd, and of hunger, and of peſtilence; and
Caldeis, but he ſhal be taken in þe hond of þe king of what euere þingus þou ſpeeke, þei fellen, as þiſelf biholdiſt.
Babiloyne; and ſpeken ſhal his mouþ wiþ þe mouþ of hym, xxv And þou ſeidiſt to me, Lord God, Bie þou þe feeld wiþ
and his eȝen þe eȝen of hym ſhul ſeen; ſyluer, and tac witneſſes, whan þe cheef cite is ȝouen in þe
v and in to Babiloyne he ſhal lede Sedechie, and þere he ſhal hond of Caldeis.
be, to þe tyme Y viſite hym, ſeiþ þe Lord; yf forſoþe ȝee ſhul xxvi And don ys þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, ſeiende,
fiȝte aȝen þe Caldeis, no þing welſum ȝee ſhuln han? xxvii Lo! Y þe Lord God of alle fleſh. Wheþer to mee hard
vi And Jeremye ſeide, Don is þe wrd of þe Lord to me, ſhal ben eche wrd?
ſeiende, xxviii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal take þis
vii Lo! Ananeel, þe ſone of Sellum, þin `emys ſone, ſhal come cite in to þe hondus of Caldeis, and in þe hond of þe king of
to þee, ſeiende, Bye to þee my feld, þat is in Anathoth; to þee Babiloyne, and þey ſhul taken it.
forſoþe falleþ of nyȝ kinrede, þat þou bie it. xxix And come ſhul Caldeis fiȝtende aȝen þis cite, and þei ſhul
viii And cam to me Ananeel, þe ſone of myn em, after þe wrd teende it vp wiþ fyr, and brenne it, and þe houſes, in whos
of þe Lord, to þe porche of þe priſoun, and he ſeiþ to me, rooues þei ſacrifieden to Baal, and offreden to alien godis
Weld my feld, þat is in Anatot, in þe lond of Beniamyn; for ſacrifiſes of licoures, to terre me.
to þee falliþ þe eritage, and þou art þe neer kin, þat þou xxx Weren forſoþe þe ſonus of Irael and þe ſonus of Juda
welde. Y vnderſtood forſoþe, þat it was þe wrd of þe Lord. contynueli doende euel in myn eȝen, fro þer waxe ȝouþe, þe
ix And Y boȝte þe feld of Ananeel, þe ſone of myn em, þat is ſonus of Irael þat vnto now ſharpeden out me in þe werkes
in Anatot. And Y peiſede to hym ſiluer, ſeuene halue ounces, of þer hondus, ſeiþ þe Lord.
and ten ſiluerne platys; xxxi For in wodnes and in myn indignacioun mad is to me
x and wrot in þe boc, and ſelede, and toc witneſſes. þis cyte, fro þe dai þat þei bilden it vp, `in to þis day, `in
xi And Y peiſede ſeluer in a balaunce; and Y toc þe boc of þe whiche it ſhal be don awei fro my ſiȝt;
poſſeſſioun ſelid, and þe beheſtus to þe aſkingus, and þe xxxii for þe malice of þe ſonus of Irael, and of þe ſonus of
fermed þingus, and þe tocnes wiþouteforþ. Juda, þat þei diden, to wraþe me terrende, þei, and þer
xii And Y ȝaf þe boc of þe poſſeſſioun to Baruch, þe ſone of kingus, þer princes, and preſtes, and þer profetus, men of
Nery, ſone of Maaſie, in þe eȝen of Ananeel, myn `emys Juda, and dwelleris of Jeruſalem.
ſone, and in þe eȝen of wytneſſes þat weren writen in þe boc xxxiii And þei turneden to me backes, and not faces, whan Y
of þe biyng, in þe eȝen of alle Jewis, þat ſeeten in þe porche ſhulde teche þem þe morutid, and lernen; and þei wolden not
of þe priſoun. heren, þat þei ſhulden take diſciplyne.
xiii And Y comaundide to Baruch befor þem, ſeiende, xxxiiii And þei ſetteden þer mawmetes `in to þe hous, in
xiiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtis, God of Irael, Tac þeſe whiche is inwardly clepid my name, þat þei ſchulden defoule
bokis, þis ſeled boc of biyng, and þis boc þat is opened, and it.
put þem in a britel veſſel, þat abide ſtille þei moun manye xxxv And þei bilden vp heȝe þingus of Baal, þat ben in þe
daȝes. valey of þe ſone of Ennon, þat þei ſacrifie þer ſonus and þer
xv Þeſe þingus forſoþe ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, doȝtris to Moloch, þat Y comaundide not to þem, ne ſteȝede
Ȝit weldid ſhul be houſes, and feldus, and vyneȝerdis, in þis vp in to myn herte, þat þei ſhulde do þis abhominacioun, and
lond. in to ſynne bringe doun Judam.
xvi And Y preȝede to þe Lord, aftir þat Y hadde take þe boc xxxvi And now for þeſe þingus, ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael to
of poſſeſſioun to Baruch, þe ſone of Neery, ſeiende, þis cite, of whiche ȝee ſeyn, þat it be taken in to þe hondus of
xvii Allas! allas! allas! Lord God, lo! þou madeſt heuene and þe king of Babiloyne in ſwerd, and in hunger, and in
erþe in þi grete ſtrengþe, and in þi ſtraȝt out arm; ſhal not be xxxvii Lo! Y ſhal gedere þem fro alle londus, to whiche Y
to þee hard eche wrd;
xviii þat doſt mercy in þouſendus, and ȝeldiſt wickeneſſe of caſte þem out in my wodneſſe, and in my wraþe, and in my
great indignacioun; and Y ſhal bringe hem aȝeen to þis place,
faders in to þe boſum of þe ſonus aftir hem. O! þou moſt and to wonen hem Y ſhal make troſtily.
ſtrong, gret, `and myȝty, Lord of oſtus name to þee; xxxviii And þei ſhul be to me in to puple, and Y ſhal be to
xix gret in counſeil, and incomprehenſible in þenking, whos
þem in to God.
eȝen ben opened vp on alle þe weies of þe ſonus of Adam, xxxix And Y ſhal ȝyue to hem oen herte and o ſoule, þat þei
þat þou ȝelde to eche after his weies, and after þe frute of his
fyndingus; drede me alle daȝes, and wel be to þem, and to þer ſonus
xx þat ſettedeſt tocnes and wnders in þe lond of Egipt, vn to after hem.
xl And Y ſhal ſmyte wiþ þem couenaunt euere durende, and
þis dai, and in Irael and in men; and þou madiſt to þee a
name, as is þis day. Y ſhal not ceſe to wel do to þem, and my drede Y ſhal ȝyue
xxi And þou laddeſt out þi puple Irael fro þe lond of Egipt, in þer herte, þat þei go not awei fro me.
xli And Y ſhal gladen up on hem, whan wel to þem I ſhal
in tocnes and in wndris, and in ſtalwrþe hond, and in ſtraȝt
oute arme, and in gret ferd; do; and Y ſhal plaunte hem in þis lond in treuþe, in myn
xxii and ȝeue to þem þis lond, þat þou ſwore to þer faders, herte, and in al my ſoule.
þat þou ſhuldiſt ȝyue to þem, þe lond flowende mylc and hony.


xlii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, As Y haue broȝt in to þis xv In þo daȝes, and in þat tyme, to buriowne Y ſhall make
puple al þis grete euel, ſo Y ſhal bringe to vp on hem al þe Dauid, a buriownyng of riȝtwiſneſſe; and he ſhal do dom and
good, þat Y ſhal ſpeke to þem. riȝtwiſneſſe in þe lond.
xliii And weldid ſhul be feldus in þis lond, of whiche ȝee ſeyn, xvi In þo daȝes ſhal be ſaued Juda, and Irael ſhal dwelle
þat deſert it is, for þi þat þer ſhal not leuen a man and beſte; troſtili; and þis is þe name þat þey ſhul clepen hym, Þe Lord
and ȝouen is in to þe hondus of Caldeis. oure riȝtwis.
xliiii Feldus wiþ monee ſhal be boȝt, and writen in boc, and xvii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Dien ſhal not of Dauid a
prented in ſhal be þe ſel; and witneſſes ſhul be take to, in þe man, þat ſit vp on þe trone of þe hous of Irael;
lond of Beniamyn, and in þe cumpas of Jeruſalem, and in þe xviii and of þe preſtus and Leuytus ſhal not die a man fro my
cites of Juda, and in þe mountewous cites, and in þe feldi face, þat offreþ brent ſacrifices, and brenne ſacrifiſe, and ſle
cites, and in þe cites þat at þe ſouþ ben; for Y ſhal turne þe victorie ſacrifiſe alle daȝes.
caitifte of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord. xix And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, ſeiende,
xx Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Yf voide mai be mad my
Capitulum XXXIII.
couenaunt wiþ dai, and my couenaunt wiþ nyȝt, þat þer be not
i And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, þe ſecounde dai and nyȝt in his tyme;
tyme, whan ȝit he was cloſid in þe porche of þe priſoun, xxi and my couenaunt voide ſhal moun be wiþ Dauid, my
ſeiende, ſeruaunt, þat þer be not of hym a ſone, þat regne in his trone,
ii Þeſe þingys ſeiþ þe Lord, þat is to make and to foorme it, and Leuytus, and preſtus, my ſeruauns;
and to greiþe, Lord þe name of hym; xxii as noumbred out moun not be þe ſterres of heuene, and
iii Crie to me, and Y ſhal ful out here þee, and Y ſhal telle to meſured þe grauel of þe ſe, ſo Y ſhal multeplie þe ſed of
þee grete þingus, and faſte, þat þou woſt not. Dauid, my ſeruaunt, and Leuytus, my ſeruauntys.
iiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael to þe houſes of xxiii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye,
þis cite, and to þe houſes of þe king of Juda, þat ben xxiiii Wheþer þou haue not ſeen, þat þis puple ſpac, ſeyende,
deſtroȝed, and to þe ſtrengþingus, and to þe ſwerd of men Two kinredus þat þe Lord hadde choſe, ben caſt awei, and
comende, my puple þei diſpiſeden, for þi þat þer is no more a folc of
v þat þei fiȝte wiþ þe Caldeis, and fulfille hem wiþ þe kinde biforn hem.
careynes of men, þe whiche Y ſmot in my wodneſſe, and in xxv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, If my couenaunt betwe dai and
myn indignacioun; and Y hidde my face fro þis cite, for alle nyȝt, and lawes to heuene and erþe Y ſette not;
þe malice of hem. xxvi forſoþe and þe ſed of Jacob and of Dauid, my ſeruaunt,
vi Lo! `Y ſhal cloſe aȝeen to þem þe wounde and helþe, and
Y ſhal þrowe aferr, þat Y take not of his ſed princes, of þe
helen hem; and Y ſhal opene to þem þe lowely preȝyng of pes, ſed of Abraham, Iſaac, and of Jacob; I ſhal bringe forſoþe
and of treuþe; aȝeen þe turnyng of hem, and han mercy to þem.
vii and turne þe turnyng of Juda, and turne þe turnyng of
Jeruſalem, and Y ſhal bilde vp hem, as fro þe bigynnyng. Capitulum XXXIIII.
viii And Y ſhal clenſe out hem fro þer wickedneſſe, in whiche
i The wrd þat is don to Jeremye of þe Lord, whan
þei ſynneden to me, and mercifull Y ſhal be to alle þe
wickeneſſes of hem, in whiche þei `treſpaſiden to me, and Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and al his oſt, and alle
diſpiſiden me. reumus of þe erþe, þat weren vnder þe power of þe hond of
ix And it ſhal be to me in to name, and in to ioȝe, and in to hym, and alle puples foȝten aȝen Jeruſalem, and aȝen alle his
cites, ſeiende,
preiſing, and in to ful out ioȝing, to alle Jentiles of erþe, þat ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, Go, and ſpec to
herden alle goodis þat Y am to do to þem; and þei ſhuln
inwardly dreden, and ben diſturbid in alle goodus, and in alle Sedechie, king of Juda; and þou ſhalt ſey to hym, Þeſe
pes, þat Y ſhal do to þem. þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal take þis cyte in þe hond of
x Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝit ſhal ben herd in þis place, þe king of Babiloyne, and he ſhal brenne it vp wiþ fyr.
iii And þou ſhalt not ſcape fro his hond, but wiþ taking þou
whom ȝee ſeyn to be deſert, for þi þat þer is not a man ne
beſte in þe cites of Juda, and wiþouteforþ Jeruſalem, þat ben ſhalt be take, and in his hond þou ſhalt be take; and þin eȝen
deſolat wiþoute man, and wiþoute dwellere, and wiþoute beſte, þe eȝen of þe king of Babiloyne ſhuln ſee, and his mouþ wiþ
xi vois of ioȝe, and vois of gladneſſe, vois of man ſpouſe, and þi mouþ ſhal ſpeke, and Babiloyne þou ſhalt go in.
iiii Nerþelatere here þe wrd of þe Lord, þou, Sedechie, king
vois of womman ſpouſe, vois of men, ſeiende, Knoulecheþ to
þe Lord of oſtus, for good þe Lord, for wiþoute ende his of Juda, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord to þee,
mercy, and of men berende vouwis in to þe hous of þe Lord; v Þou ſhalt not die in ſwerd, but in pes þou ſhalt die, and
forſoþe Y ſhal bringe aȝeen þe turnyng of þe lond, as fro þe aftir þe brennyngus of þi fadris raþere kingus þat weren bifor
bigynnyng, ſeiþ þe Lord. þee, ſo þei ſhal brenne togidere þee, and wiþ Wo! lord, þei
xii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Ȝit ſhal be in þis deſert ſhul weile þee; for þe wrd Y ſpac, ſeiþ þe Lord.
place, wiþoute man and wiþoute beſte, and in alle his cites, a vi And Jeremye, þe profete, ſpac to Sedechie, king of Juda,
dwelling place of ſhepperdus, of liggende flockus. alle þeſe wrdus in Jeruſalem.
xiii And in þe mountewous cites, and in þe feldi cites, and in vii And þe oſt of þe king of Babiloyne faȝt aȝen Jeruſalem,
þe cites þat at þe ſouþ ben, and in þe lond of Beniamyn, and and aȝen alle þe cites of Jude, þat weren laft; aȝen Lachis,
in þe cumpas of Jeruſalem, and in þe cites of Juda, ȝit ſhul and aȝen Azecha; þeſe forſoþe laften ouer of þe cites of Jude
paſſe flockes, at þe hond of þe noumbrere, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſtrengþid cites.
xiiii Lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal rere a good viii Þe wrd þat is don to Jeremye fro þe Lord, aftir þat king
wrd, þat Y ſpac to þe hous of Irael, and to þe hous of Juda. Sedechie ſmot pes couenaunt wiþ al þe puple in Jeruſalem,
ix prechende þat eche ſhulde leuen his þral, and eche his þral
womman, Ebru man and Ebru womman free, and not
lordſhipen to þem, þat is, in Jew, and in his broþer.


x Herden þerfore alle þe princes and al þe puple, þat wenten v And Y ſette bifor þe ſonus of þe hous of Recabitis cuppis
in couenaunt, þat þei ſhulden leue eche his þral, and eche his ful of wyn, and chalices; and Y ſeide to þem, Drinkeþ wyn.
þral womman free, and no more þei ſhulden lordſhipen to vi Þe whiche anſwerden, Wee ſhul not drinke wyn; for
þem; herden þanne þei, and laften; Jonadab, þe ſone of Rechab, oure fader, comaundide to vs,
xi and ben turned þeraftir, and drowen aȝeen þrallis, and þer ſeiende, Ȝee ſhul not drinke wyn, ȝee and ȝoure ſonus, in to
þralleſſis, þat þei hadden laft free, and vnderȝokeden in to euermor;
ſeruauns, and in to wymmen ſeruauns. vii and hous ȝee ſhul not bilde, and ſed ȝee ſhul not ſowe, and
xii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye fro þe Lord, vyne ȝee ſhul not plaunte, ne han, but in tabernacles ȝee ſhul
ſeiende, dwelle alle ȝoure daȝes, þat ȝee lyue manye daȝes vp on þe
xiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, I ſmot pes face of þe lond, in whiche ȝee pilgrimagen.
couenaunt wiþ ȝoure fadris, in þe dai þat Y ladde þem out viii Wee han obeſhid þerfore to þe vois of Jonadab, ſone of
fro þe lond of Egipt, fro þe hous of þraldam, ſeiende, Rechab, oure fader, in alle þingus þat he comaundide to vs;
xiiii Whan ſhul be fulfild ſeuene ȝer, lefe eche his Ebru ſo þat wee drunke not wyn alle oure daȝes, and wee, and
broþer, þat is ſold to hym, and he ſhal ſerue to hym ſixe ȝer, oure wyues, ſonus, and oure doȝtris;
and þou ſhalt lefe hym fro þee free; and herden not ȝoure ix and wee bilde not vp houſes to dwelle, and vyne, and feld,
fadris me, ne boweden in þer ere. and ſed wee hadde not;
xv And ȝee ben turned to day, and diden þat is riȝt in myne x but we dwelleden in tabernacles, and obeiſaunt wee weren,
eȝen, þat ȝee ſhulden preche eche fredam to his frend, and after alle þingus þat comaundede to vs Jonadab, oure fader.
wenten in couenaunt in my ſiȝt, in þe hous in whiche is xi Whan forſoþe ſhulde ſteȝen vp Nabugodonoſor, king of
inwardly clepid my name vp on it. Babiloyne, to oure lond, wee ſeiden, Comeþ, and go wee in to
xvi And ȝee ben turned aȝeen, and defouleden my name, and Jeruſalem, fro þe face of þe oſt of Caldeis, and fro þe face of
ȝee han broȝt aȝeen eche his þral, and eche his þralleſſe, þe þe oſt of Cirie; and we dwelten in Jeruſalem.
whiche ȝee hadden laft, þat þei were free, and of þer power; xii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, ſeiende,
and ȝee han vnderȝokid hem, þat þei ben to ȝou þralles and xiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Go, and
xvii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Ȝee han not herd me, ſei to þe men of Juda, and to þe dwelleres of Jeruſalem,
Wheþer ȝee ſhul not take diſciplyne, þat ȝee obeſhe to my
þat ȝee ſhulden preche freedam, eche to his broþer, and eche to wrdus, ſeiþ þe Lord?
his frend; lo! Y preche to ȝou freedam, ſeiþ þe Lord, and to xiiii Hadden þe maiſtrie þe wrdus of Jonadab, ſone of Recab,
ſwerd and to hunger and to peſtilence I ſhal ȝyue ȝou, in to
quauyng to alle rewmus of erþe. whiche he comaundide to his ſonus, þat þei ſhulde not drinke
xviii And Y ſhal ȝyue þe men, þat breeke my pes couenaunt, wyn; and þei drunke not, vnto þis dai; for þei obeſheden to þe
heſte of þer fader; lo! forſoþe Y ſpac to ȝou, fro erly riſende,
and kepten not þe wrdus of þe pes couenaunt, to whiche þei and ſpekende, and ȝee obeſheden not to me.
ben aſſentid in my ſiȝt, a calf þat þei toheewen in to two xv And Y ſente to ȝou alle my ſeruauns profetis, Y riſende
xix and paſſeden bitwen his deuyſeouns þe princes of Juda, erly, and ſendende, and ſeiende, Beþ conuertid, eche fro his
werſt wey, and goode makeþ ȝoure ſtudies, and wileþ not
and þe princes of Jeruſalem, and geldingus, and preſtus, and folewe alien godis, ne herien hem, and ȝee ſhul dwelle in þe
al þe puple of þe lond, þat paſſeden bitwene þe deuyſeouns of lond, þat Y ȝaf to ȝou, and to ȝoure fadris; and ȝee boweden
þe calf; not in ȝoure ere, ne herden me.
xx and Y ſhal ȝyue þem in to þe hond of þer enemys, and in xvi Faſtneden þerfore þe ſonus of Jonadab, ſone of Recab, þe
to þe hond of men ſechende þer lif; and ſhal ben þe deþ heſte of þer fader, þat he hadde comaundid to þem; þis puple
ſmyting of hem in to mete to þe foulis of heuene, and to þe forſoþe obeſhede not to me.
beſtus of erþe. xvii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael,
xxi And Sedechie, king of Juda, and his princes Y ſhal ȝyue
Lo! Y ſhal bringe vp on Juda, and vp on alle dwelleres of
in to þe hond of þer enemys, and in to þe hond of men Jeruſalem, al þe tormenting þat Y ſpac aȝen hem, and þei
ſechende þer lif, and in to þe hond of þe oſtus of þe king of herden not; I clepede hem, and þei anſwerden not to me.
Babiloyne, þat wenten awei fro ȝou. xviii To þe hous forſoþe of Recabitis ſeide Jeremye, Þeſe
xxii Lo! Y comaunde, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal bringe þem
þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, For þi þat ȝee
aȝeen to þis cite; and þei ſhul fiȝten aȝen it, and taken it, and obeſheden to þe heſte of Jonadab, ȝoure fader, and kepten alle
brenne it vp wiþ fyr; and þe cites of Juda Y ſhal ȝyue in to his heſtus, and diden alle þingus, þat he comaundide to ȝou;
wilderneſſe, for þi þat þer is not a dwellere. xix þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael,
Þer ſhal not faile a man of þe ſtoc of Jonadab, ſone of
Capitulum XXXV. Recab, ſtondende in my ſiȝt alle daȝes.
i The wrd þat is don to Jeremye fro þe Lord, in þe daȝes of
Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king of Juda, ſeiende, Capitulum XXXVI.
ii Go to þe hous of Rechabitus, and ſpec to þem; and þou i And don it is, in þe ferþe ȝer of Joachym, ſone of Joſie,
ſhalt bringe þem in to þe hous of þe Lord, in to o pryue king of Juda, don is þis wrd to Jeremye fro þe Lord,
chaumbre of þe treſores, and þou ſhalt ȝyue þem to drinke ſeiende,
wyn. ii Tac þe volum of þe boc, and þou ſhalt write in it alle þe
iii And Y toc Jeconye, ſone of Jeremye, ſone of Abſenye, and
wrdus, þat Y ſpac to þee aȝen Irael and Judam, and aȝen
his breþern, and alle his ſonus, and al þe hous of Rechabitis. alle Jentilis, fro þe day þat Y ſpac to þee, of þe daȝes of
iiii And I broȝte þem in to þe hous of þe Lord, to þe treſorie Joſie vnto þis day.
hous of þe ſonus of Eman, ſone of Jezedelie, man of God; þat iii If par auenture herende þe `hous of Juda alle þe eueles
was biſide þe treſorie hous of þe princes, vp on þe treſor of þat Y þenke to do to þem, ben turned eche fro his werſt weie,
Maaſie, ſone of Sellum, þat was kepere of þe veſtiarie.


and mercyful Y ſhal be to þe wickeneſſe and to þe ſynne of xxiii And whan Judi hadde rad þre litle pagens, or foure, he
þem. kutte it wiþ a ſcraping knyf of þe ſcribe, and þreȝ it in to þe
iiii Clepede þerfore Jeremye Baruch, þe ſone of Nery; and fyr, þat was vpon þe herþ, to þe tyme þat were waſtid al þe
Baruch wrot of þe mouþ of Jeremye alle þe wrdus of þe volum wiþ fyr, þat was in þe herþ.
Lord, þat he ſpac to hym, in þe volume of þe boc. xxiiii And þei dradde not, ne kutte þer cloþis, þe king and alle
v And Jeremye comaundide to Baruch, ſeiende, I am cloſid, his ſeruauns, þat herden alle þeſe wrdus.
and mai not gon in to þe hous of þe Lord. xxv Nerþelater Elnathan, and Alaias, and Gamarie wiþſeiden
vi Go in þerfore þou, and rede of þe volum, in whiche þou to þe king, leſt he ſhulde brenne þe boc; and he herde not
haſt write of my mouþ þe wrdus of þe Lord, herende þe hem.
puple, in þe hous of þe Lord, in þe dai of faſting; ferþermor xxvi And þe king comaundide to Jeremyel, ſone of Amalech,
and herende al Juda, þat comen fro þer cites, þou ſhalt rede and to Saraie, ſone of Eſreel, and to Selemye, ſone of
to þem; Abdehel, þat þei ſchulden take Baruch, ſcribe, and Jeremye,
vii if par auenture falle þe oriſoun of þem in þe ſiȝt of þe þe profete; forſoþe þe Lord hidde þem.
Lord, and be turned eche fro his werſte weie; for grete is þe xxvii And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, þe profete,
wodneſſe, and þe indignacioun, þat þe Lord ſpac aȝen þis after þat þe king hadde brent þe volum and þe wrdus, þat
puple. Baruch hadde write of þe mouþ of Jeremye, ſeiende,
viii And Baruch, þe ſone of Nery, dide aftyr alle þingus, þat xxviii Eft tac an oþer volum, and writ in it alle þe raþere
hadde comaundid to hym Jeremye, þe profete; redende of þe wrdus, þat weren in þe firſt volum, þe whiche brende
volume þe wrdus of þe Lord, in þe hous of þe Lord. Joachym, king of Juda.
ix Don is forſoþe, in þe fifte ȝer of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, xxix And to Joachym, king of Juda, þou ſhalt ſey, Þeſe
king of Juda, in þe nynþe moneþ, þei precheden faſting in þe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Þou haſt brend þis volum, ſeynde, Whi
ſiȝt of þe Lord, to al þe puple in Jeruſalem, and to al þe haſt þou writen in it, tellende, Haſtif ſhal come þe king of
multitude, þat hadde come togidere fro þe cites of Juda in to Babiloyne, and waſte þis lond, and to ceſen ſhal make of it
Jeruſalem. man and beſte?
x And Baruch radde of þe volume þe wrdus of Jeremye, in xxx Þerfor þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord aȝen Joachym, king of
þe hous of þe Lord, in þe treſorie place of Gamarie, ſone of Juda, Þer ſhal not be `of hym, þat ſitte vpon þe ſee of Dauid;
Safan, ſcribe, in þe ouere veſtiarie, in þe entre of þe newe and his careyn ſhal be caſt forþ at þe hete bi þe dai, and at
ȝate of þe hous of þe Lord, herende al þe puple. þe froſt bi þe nyȝt.
xi And whan herd had Michie, þe ſone of Gamarie, ſone of xxxi And Y ſhal viſite aȝen hym, and aȝen his ſed, and aȝen
Safan, alle þe ſermownus of þe Lord, of þe boc, his ſeruauns, þer wickedneſſes. And Y ſhal bringe vpon hem,
xii he wente doun in to þe hous of þe king, to þe treſorie place and vpon þe dwelleres of Jeruſalem, and vp on þe men of
of þe ſcribe. And lo! alle þe princes ſeeten þere, Eliſama, Juda, al þe yuel þat Y ſpac to þem, and þei herden not.
ſcribe, and Dalaias, ſone of Semye, and Elnathan, ſone of xxxii Jeremye forſoþe toc an oþer volum, and ȝaf it to Baruch,
Achabor, and Gamarie, ſone of Safan, and Sedechie, ſone of ſone of Neri, ſcribe, þat wrot in it of þe mouþ of Jeremye
Ananye, and alle þe princes. alle þe wrdus of þe boc, whiche Joachym, king of Juda,
xiii And tolde to þem Mychie alle þe wrdus, þat he herde hadde brent wiþ fyr; and ferþermor added ben wrdus many
Baruch redende of þe volume, in þe eres of þe puple. mo þan befor weren.
xiiii And ſo alle þe princes ſenten to Baruch Judy, ſone of
Nathatie, ſone of Selemye, ſone of Cuſy, ſeiende, Þe volume, Capitulum XXXVII.
of þe whiche þou reddeſt herende þe puple, tac in þin hond, i And
and cum. Toc þanne Baruch, þe ſone of Neri, þe volum in regnede king Sedechie, ſone of Joſie, for Jeconye, þe
his hond, and cam to þem. ſone of Joachym, whom Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne,
xv And þei ſeiden to hym, Sit, and red þeſe þingus in oure ſette king in þe lond of Juda.
ii And obeſhede not he, and his ſeruauns, and his puple of þe
eres; and Baruch radde in þe eres of hem.
xvi Þanne whan þei hadden herd alle þe wrdus, þei ſtoneieden lond, to þe wrdus of þe Lord, þat he ſpac in þe hond of
eche to his neȝhebore, and ſeiden to Baruch, `Owe wee to Jeremye, þe profete.
iii And king Sedechie ſent Jothal, þe ſone of Selemye, and
telle to þe king alle þeſe wrdus?
xvii And þei aſkeden hym, ſeiende, Shew to vs, hou þou haſt Sofone, ſone of Maaſie, preſt, to Jeremye, þe profete, ſeiende,
write alle þeſe wrdus of his mouþ. Prei for vs þe Lord oure God.
iiii Jeremye forſoþe freeli ȝide in þe myddel of þe puple;
xviii Baruch forſoþe ſeide to þem, Of his mouþ he ſpac, as
redende to me, alle þeſe wrdus; and Y wrot in þe volum wiþ forſoþe þei hadden not put hym in to warde of priſoun.
v Þanne þe oſt of Farao wente out fro Egipt, and herende þe
xix And alle þe princes ſeiden to Baruch, Go, and be hid, þou Caldeis, þat beſegeden Jeruſalem, ſuch a maner meſſager
and Jeremye; and no man wite wher ȝee be. wenten awei fro Jeruſalem.
vi And don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, þe profete,
xx And þei wenten in to þe king, in to þe porche; but þe
volume þei leiden vp in to þe treſorie hous of Eliſame, ſcribe. ſeiende,
vii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael, Þus ȝee ſhul ſei
And þei tolden, herende þe king, alle þe wrdus.
xxi And ſo þe king ſente to Judi, þat he ſhulde take þe volum. to þe king of Juda, þat ſente ȝou to aſke me, Lo! þe oſt of
Þe whiche takende it fro þe treſorie place of Eliſame, ſcribe, Farao, þat is gon out to ȝou to helpe, ſhal turne aȝeen in to
radde, herende þe king and alle þe princes, þat ſtoden aboute his lond, in to Egipt.
viii And Caldeis ſhul turne aȝeen, and fiȝten aȝen þis cite,
þe king.
xxii Þe king forſoþe ſat in þe winter hous, in þe nynþe and taken it, and brenne it vp wiþ fyr.
ix Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Wileþ not diſceyue ȝoure ſoulus,
moneþ; and put was þe herþ, `or chymney, biforn hym ful of
colys. ſeiende, Goende out Caldeis ſhul go awei, and turne aȝeen fro
vs; for þei ſhul not gon awei.


x But and if ȝee ſhul ſmyte al þe oſt of Caldeis, þat fiȝten vii Forſoþe Abdemelech Ethiope, a man gelding, þat was in
aȝen ȝou, and `ſhul be laft of þem ſumme woundid, eche fro þe hous of þe king, herde þat þei hadden put Jeremye in to
his tent ſhal riſe, and brenne vp þis cite wiþ fyr. þe lake; but þe king ſat in þe ȝate of Beniamyn.
xi Þanne whan hadde gon awey þe oſt of Caldeis fro viii And Abdemelech wente out fro þe hous of þe king, and
Jeruſalem, for þe ooſt of Farao, ſpac to þe king, ſeiende,
xii wente out Jeremye fro Jeruſalem, þat he ſhulde go in to þe ix My lord king, euele han do þeſe men alle þingus, what
lond of Beniamyn, and deuyde þere poſſeſſioun in þe ſiȝte of euere þei diden aȝen Jeremye, þe profete, ſendende hym in to
þe citeſeynus. þe lake, þat he die þere for hungir; þer ben no mo loeues in
xiii And whan he hadde comen to þe ȝate of Beniamyn, was þe cite.
þere þe kepere of þe ȝate bi whiles, bi name Jerias, ſone of x And ſo þe king comaundide to Abdemelech Etheope, ſeiende,
Selemye, ſone of Ananye, and toc Jeremye, þe profete, Tac wiþ þee hennus þretti men, and rere vp Jeremye, þe
ſeiende, To þe Caldeis þou fleeſt. profete, fro þe lake, er he die.
xiiii And Jeremye anſwerde, It is fals; Y flee not to þe xi Þanne Abdemelech take to wiþ hym men, wente in to þe
Caldeis. And he herde hym not, but Jereias toc Jeremye, and hous of þe king, þat was vnder þe celer; and toke þennus
broȝte hym to þe princes. olde cloþis, and olde veſtemens, þat hadden rotid; and he
xv For what þing wroþ þe princes aȝen Jeremye, beten putten putte doun hem to Jeremye, in to þe lake, bi litle cordis.
hym in to priſoun, þat was in þe hous of Jonathe, ſcribe; he xii And Abdemelech Ethiope ſeide to Jeremye, Put þe olde
forſoþe was prouoſt vp on þe priſoun. cloþis, and þeſe kut and roten vnder þe arm of þin hondus,
xvi And ſo Jeremye wente in to þe hous of þe lake, and in to and vp on þe cordis. Þanne Jeremye dide ſo.
þe hardere priſoun; and Jeremye ſat þere manye daȝes. xiii And þei drowen out Jeremye wiþ cordus, and broȝten hym
xvii And ſo king Sedechie ſendende toc hym, and aſkede hym out fro þe lake. Jeremye forſoþe abod in þe veſtiarie of þe
in his hous hidli, and ſeide, Weneſt þou, wheþer þer is not a priſoun.
wrd fro þe Lord? And Jeremye ſeide, Þer is. And he ſeiþ, xiiii And king Sedechie ſente, and toc to hym Jeremye, þe
In þe hond of þe king of Babiloyne þou ſhalt be take. profete, at þe þridde dore þat was in þe hous of þe Lord.
xviii And Jeremye ſeide to Sedechie, þe king, What haue Y And þe king ſeide to Jeremye, Y aſke þee a wrd; ne hide þou
ſynned to þee, and to þi ſeruauns, and to þi puple, for þou fro me any þing.
haſt ſent me in to þe hous of þe priſoun? xv Jeremye forſoþe ſeide to Sedechie, If Y ſhal tellen to þee,
xix Wher ben ȝoure profetus, þat profecieden to ȝou, and wheþer þou ſhalt not ſlen me? And yf Y ſchul ȝyue counſeil to
ſeiden, Þe king of Babiloyne ſhal not come vpon vs, and þee, þou ſhalt not here me.
vpon þis lond? xvi Þanne king Sedechie ſwor to Jeremye, priuyli ſeiende, Þe
xx Now þanne here þou, Y beſeche, lord my king, vaile my Lord lyueþ, þat dide to vs þis lyf, Y ſhal not ſlee þee, and Y
preȝeres in þi ſiȝt, and ne ſende þou me aȝeen in to þe hous ſhal not take þee in to þe hondus of þeſe men, þat ſechen þi
of Jonathe, ſcribe, leſt Y die þere. lif.
xxi Þanne Sedechie comaundide, þat Jeremye ſhulde be take xvii And Jeremye ſeide to Sedechie, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord
in to þe veſtiarie of þe priſoun, and þat þer ſhulde be ȝoue to of oſtus, God of Irael, If gon forþ þou ſhalt gon out to þe
hym a cake of bred eche dai, out take ſowyl, to þe tyme þat princes of þe king of Babiloyne, lyue ſhal þi ſoule, and þis
ſhulde be waſtid alle þe loeues of þe cyte; and Jeremye bod in cite ſhal not be brend vp wiþ fyr, and ſaaf þou ſhalt be, and
þe veſtiarie of þe priſown. þin hous.
xviii If forſoþe þou ſhalt not gon out to þe princes of þe king
Capitulum XXXVIII. of Babiloyne, take ſhal be þis cite in to þe hondus of Caldeis;
and þei ſhul brenne it vp wiþ fyr, and þou ſhalt not ſcape fro
i Herden forſoþe Safacie, ſone of Nathan, and Jedelias, ſone þe hond of þem.
of Faſſur, and Jochal, ſone of Selemie, and Faſſur, ſone of xix And king Sedechie ſeide to Jeremye, I am biſy for þe
Melchie, þe wrdus þat Jeremye ſpac to al þe puple, ſeiende, Jewes þat ouerfloun to þe Caldeis, leſt par auenture Y be
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Who ſo euere ſhal abide in þis take in to þe hondus of hem, and þei bobbe to me.
cite, ſhal die bi ſwerd, and hungur, and peſtilence; who forſoþe xx Anſwerende forſoþe Jeremye ſeide to hym, Þei ſhul not
ſhal flee to þe Caldeis, `ſhal lyue, and his lif ſhal ben hoel take þee; here, Y beſeche, þe vois of þe Lord, þat Y ſhal
and lyuynge. ſpeke to þee, and weel ſhal be to þee, and lyue ſhal þi ſoule.
iii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, To be take ſhal be take þis cite xxi Þat if þou wilt not go out, þis is þe wrd þat ſhewede to
in to þe hond of þe oſt of þe king of Babiloyne, and he ſhal me þe Lord,
taken it. xxii Lo! alle þe wymmen, þat abiden in þe hous of þe king of
iiii And þe princes ſeiden to þe king, Wee preȝen, þat be ſlayn
Juda, ſhul be broȝt out to þe princes of þe king of Babiloyne;
þis man; of purpos forſoþe he looſeþ atwynne þe hondus of þe and þei ſhul ſey, Han bigilid þee, and hadden þe maiſtri aȝen
fiȝteres, þat han abide in þe cite, and þe hondus of al þe þee þi peſible men; þei han drenchid þee doun in þe myre, and
puple, ſpekende to þem alle þeſe wrdus. Forſoþe þis man in þe ſledery þing þi feet, and þei wenten awei fro þee.
ſecheþ not pes to þis puple, but euel. xxiii And alle þi wyues and þi ſonus ſhul be lad out to þe
v And king Sedechie ſeide, Lo! he in ȝoure hondus is, ne
Caldeis, and þou ſhalt not ſcape þe hondus of hem; but in to
forſoþe leeful is þe king any þing to ȝou to denye. þe hondus of þe king of Babiloyne þou ſhalt be take, and þis
vi Þanne þei toke Jeremye, and þrewen hym in to þe lake of cite þei ſhul `to-brenne wiþ fyr.
Elchie, ſone of Amalech, þat was in þe veſtiarie of þe priſoun; xxiiii Þanne Sedechie ſeide to Jeremye, No man wite þeſe
and þei putte doun Jeremye in cordis and in to þe lake, in wrdus, and þou ſhalt not die.
whiche was not water, but clei; and ſo Jeremye deſcendide in xxv If forſoþe heren ſhul þe princes, for Y haue ſpoke wiþ
to þe foule cley. þee, and þei ſhul come to þee, and ſei to þee, Shew to vs
what þou haſt ſpoke wiþ þe king, ne hile þou vs, and wee
ſhul not ſle þee; and what ſpac wiþ þee þe king,


xxvi þou ſhalt ſei to þem, I haue þrowe doun my preȝeres xvii And Y ſhal delyuere þee in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord, and
befor þe king, leſt he comaundede me to be broȝt aȝeen in to þow ſhalt not be take in to þe hondus of þe men, þat þou
þe hous of Jonathan, and þere Y ſhulde die. drediſt;
xxvii Camen þanne alle þe princes to Jeremye, and aſkeden xviii but delyuerende Y ſhal delyuere þee, and bi ſwerd þou
hym; and he ſpac to þem after alle þe wrdus þat þe king ſhalt not falle; but ſhal ben to þee þi ſoule in to helþe, for in
hadde comaundid to hym, and þei ceſeden fro hym; no þing me þou haddeſt troſt, ſeiþ þe Lord.
forſoþe was herd.
xxviii Þanne Jeremye abod in þe veſtiarie of þe priſoun, vnto Capitulum XL.
þe dai þat taken is Jeruſalem; and don it is, þat Jeruſalem i The
ſhulde ben taken. wrd þat ys maade to Jeremye fro þe Lord, aftir þat he
is laft of Nabuſardan, maiſter of þe chyualrie, fro Rama,
Capitulum XXXIX. whan he toc hym bounde wiþ cheynes, in þe myddel of alle
þat paſſeden fro Jeruſalem, and fro Juda, and þei weren lad
i The nynþe ȝer of Sedechie, king of Jude, þe tenþe moneþ, in to Babiloyne.
cam Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, and al his oſt to ii Þanne þe prince of þe chyualrie, takende Jeremye, ſeide to
Jeruſalem, and þei beſegeden it. hym, Þe Lord þi God ſpac þis euel vp on þis place,
ii Þe elleuenþe ȝer forſoþe of Sedechie, þe ferþe moneþ, þe iii and þe Lord broȝte to, and dide, as he ſpac; for ȝee
fifte dai of þe moneþ, opened is þe cite; ſynneden to þe Lord, and herden not þe voys of hym, and don
iii and wenten in alle þe princes of þe king of Babiloyne, and is to ȝou þis wrd.
ſeeten in þe myddel ȝate, Neregel, Fererer, Semegar, iiii Now þanne lo! Y haue looſid þee to dai of þe cheynes þat
Nabuſarrachym, Rapſaces, Neregel, Ferezer, Rebynag, and ben in þin hondis; yf it pleſe to þee þat þou come wiþ me in
alle þe oþere princes of þe king of Babiloyne. to Babiloyne, cum, and Y ſhal putte myn eȝen vp on þee; yf
iiii And whan hadde ſeen hem Sedechie, king of Juda, and forſoþe it diſpleſe to þee to come wiþ me in to Babiloyne, ſit
alle þe men fiȝteres floun, and wenten out þe nyȝt fro þe cite, ſtille heer; lo! al þe lond in þi ſiȝte is, þat þou ſhalt cheeſe,
bi þe weie of þe gardyn of þe king, and bi þe ȝate þat was and whider ſhal pleſe to þee þat þou go, þider go,
betwe two wallis; and þei wenten out to þe weie of deſert. v and wiþ me wile þou not come. But dwel anent Godoliam,
v Forſoþe purſuede þem þe oſt of Caldeis, and toke Sedechye ſone of Aicham, ſone of Safan, whom beforſette þe king of
in þe feld of wilderneſſe of þe kuntre of Jerichon; and taken Babyloyne to þe cites of Juda; dwel þerfore wiþ hym in þe
þei broȝten to Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, in to myddel of þe puple, or whider euer it ſhal pleſe to þee þat þou
Reblatha, þat is in þe lond of Emath; and he ſpac to hym go, go. Þe maiſter of þe chyualrie ȝaf alſo to hym metus, and
domes. litil ȝiftus, and lafte hym.
vi And þe king of Babiloyne ſloȝ þe ſonus of Sedechie in vi Jeremye forſoþe cam to Godolie, ſone of Aicham, in to
Reblatha, in his eȝen; and alle þe noble men of Juda ſloȝ þe Masfa, and dwelte wiþ hym, in þe myddel of þe puple þat
king of Babiloyne. was laft in þe lond.
vii Alſo þe eȝen of Sedechie he pullide out, and bond hym in vii And whan herd hadden alle þe princes of þe oſt, þat weren
gyues, þat he ſhulde be ladde in to Babiloyne. ſcatered bi regiownus, þei and þer felawis, þat þe king of
viii Þe hous alſo of þe king and þe hous of þe comun brenden Babiloyne hadde bifor maad Godolie, ſone of Aicham, to þe
lond, and þat hadde bitake to hym men, and wymmen, and
vp þe Caldeis wiþ fyr, and þe wal of Jeruſalem þei turneden litil childer, and of þe pore men of þe lond, þat weren not
vpſodoun. tranſlatid in to Babiloyne,
ix And þe remnaunt of þe puple, þat abiden in þe cite, and þe viii camen to Godolie in to Masfa; and Iſmael, þe ſone of
ferr floun, þat hadden ouerfloun to hym, and þe waſt of þe Nathanye, and Johannan, þe ſone of Caraie, and Jonathan,
comun, þat hadde abiden, Nabuſardan, maiſter of knyȝtes, and Sareas, þe ſone of Thenoemeth, and þe ſonus of Offi,
tranſlatede in to Babiloyne. þat weren of Nethofati, and Jeconye, þe ſone of Mechati, and
x And of þe folc of pore men, þat no þing vnneþe hadde, þei and þe men of hem.
Nabuſardan, þe maiſter of knyȝtus, lafte in þe lond of Juda, ix And ſwor to þem Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ſone of
and ȝaf to þem vynes and ceſternes in þat dai. Safan, and to þe felawes of hem, ſeiende, Wileþ not drede to
xi Forſoþe Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, of Jeremye ſerue to þe Caldeis; dwelleþ in þe lond, and ſerueþ to þe king
hadde comaundid to Nabuſardan, maiſter of þe chyalrie, of Babiloyne, and weel ſhal be to ȝou.
ſeiende, x Lo! Y dwelle in Masfath, þat Y anſwere to þe heſte of þe
xii Tac hym, and put vp on hym þin eȝen, and no þing of Caldeis, þat ben ſent to vs; ȝee forſoþe gedereþ vyndage, and
euel to hym do þou; but as he ſhal wiln, ſo do þou to hym. rep, and oile, and leiþ vp in ȝoure veſſelis, and dwelleþ in
xiii Sente þanne Nabuſardan, prince of þe chyualrie, and ȝoure cites þat ȝee holden.
Leſban, and Rapſaces, and Meregel, and Sereſel, and xi But and alle þe Jewis, þat weren in Moab, and in þe
Rebynag, and alle þe beſte of þe king of Babiloyne, ſonus of Amon, and in Ydume, and in alle þe regiouns, herd
xiiii ſenten, and toke Jeremye fro þe veſtiarie of þe priſoun, þat þe king of Babiloyne hadde ȝoue þe remnaunt in Jewerie,
and token hym to Godolie, ſone of Aicham, ſone of Safan, þat and þat he hadde mad prouoſt vp on hem Godoliam, ſone of
he ſhulde gon in to þe hous, and dwelle in þe puple. Aicham, ſone of Safan,
xv To Jeremye forſoþe don is þe wrd of þe Lord, whan he xii turneden aȝeen forſoþe alle þe Jewis of all þe places, to
was cloſid in þe veſtiarie of þe priſoun, whiche þei hadde floun, and camen to þe lond of Juda, to
xvi ſeiende, Go, and ſey to Abdemalech Ethiope, ſeiende, Þeſe Godolie in to Masfath, and gedereden wyn and rep ful myche.
xiii Johanna forſoþe, þe ſone of Charaie, and alle þe princes
þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Lo! Y ſhal bringe
in my wrdus vp on þis cite in to euel, and not in to good; of þe oſt, þat weren ſcatered in þe regiouns, camen to Godolie
and þei ſhul be in þi ſiȝt in þat dai. in to Masfa,


xiiii and ſeiden to hym, Wite þou, for Bahalis, king of þe xv Iſmael forſoþe, þe ſone of Nathanye, fleiȝ wiþ eiȝte men
ſonus of Amon, ſente Yſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, to ſmyte fro þe face of Johanna, and ȝide awei to þe ſonus of Amon.
þi lif. And Godolie, ſone of Aicham, trowede not to þem. xvi Toc þanne Johanna, þe ſone of Carae, and alle þe princes
xv Johannan forſoþe, ſone of Chare, ſeide to Godolie, aſide in fiȝteres, þat weren wiþ hym, al þe remnaunt of þe comun, þat
Masfath ſpekende, I ſhal go, and ſmyte Iſmael, þe ſone of he hadde broȝt aȝeen fro Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, fro
Nathanye, no man witende, leſt he ſle þi lif, and be ſcatered Masfa, aftir þat he hadde ſmyte Godolie, ſone of Aicham,
alle þe Jewes, þat ben gedered to þee, and perſhe ſhul þe ſtronge men to bataile, and wymmen, and childer, and
relikes of Juda. geldingus, þat he hadde broȝt aȝeen fro Gabaon.
xvi And Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ſeiþ to Johannan, þe xvii And þei wenten awei, and ſeten pilgrimagende in
ſone of Chare, Wile þou not do þis wrd, fals forſoþe þou Canaan, þat is byſide Bethlem, þat þei ſhulde go, and weende
ſpekiſt of Iſmael. in to Egipt fro þe face of Caldeis;
xviii forſoþe þei dredden hem, for ſmyten hadde Iſmael, ſone
Capitulum XLI. of Natanye, Godolie, ſone of Aicham, whom biforn hadde put
i And
þe king of Babiloyne in þe lond of Juda.
don is in þe ſeuenþe moneþ, cam Iſmael, þe ſone of
Nathanye, ſone of Eliſame, of þe kingus ſed, and þe beſte Capitulum XLII.
men of þe king, and ten men wiþ hym, to Godolie, ſone of
Aicham, in Masfa; and þei eete þere loeues `to gydere in i And wenten nyȝ alle princes of fiȝteres, and Johanna, ſone
Masfa. of Carae, and Jeconye, þe ſone of Joſie, and þe toþer comun,
ii Ryſen forſoþe Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, and þe ten men fro litil vnto myche;
þat wiþ hym weren, and ſmyten Godolie, þe ſone of Aicham, ii and ſeiden to Jeremye, þe profete, Falle oure oriſoun in þi
ſone of Safan, wiþ ſwerd, and ſlowen hym, whom bifore ſiȝt, and preȝe þou for vs to þe Lord þi God, for alle þeſe
hadde mad þe king of Babiloyne to þe lond. remnauns; for wee ben laft fewe of manye, as þin eȝen
iii Alſo alle þe Jewis þat weren wiþ Godolie in Masfa, and biholden vs;
þe Caldeis, þat ben founde þere, and þe men fiȝteres, Iſmael iii and telle to vs þe Lord þi God þe weie, bi whiche wee go,
ſmot. and þe wrd þat wee do.
iiii Þe ſecounde forſoþe dai, after þat he hadde ſlayn Godolie, iiii Seide forſoþe to þem Jeremye, þe profete, I haue herd; lo!
no man ȝit witende, Y preȝe to þe Lord oure God, after alle ȝoure wrdus; eche
v camen men of Sichym, and of Silo, and of Samarie, eiȝteti wrd, what euere he ſhal anſwere to me, Y ſhal ſhewe to ȝou,
men, ſhauen þe berd, and þe cloþis kut, and defoulid; ȝiftus ne Y ſhal hile ȝou any þing.
and encens hadden in þe hond, þat þei ſhulden offre in þe v And þei ſeiden to Jeremye, Be þe lord among vs witneſſe
hous of þe Lord. of treuþe and of feiþ; and if not after eche wrd in whiche ſhal
vi Gon out þanne Iſmael, þe ſone of Natanye, in to aȝen ſende þee þi God to vs, ſo wee ſhal do, wheþer good or euel.
comyng to þem fro Masfath, goende and wepende wente. vi To þe vois of þe Lord oure God, to whom wee ſende þee,
Whan forſoþe he hadde aȝen come to þem, he ſeide to þem, wee ſhul obeſhe, þat wel be to vs, whan wee ſhul here þe vois
Comeþ to Godolie, ſone of Aicham; of þe Lord oure God.
vii þe whiche whanne hadden comen to þe myddel of þe cite, vii Whan forſoþe fulfild weren ten daȝes, don is þe wrd of þe
ſlooȝ hem Iſmael, þe ſone of Nathanye, aboute þe myddel of Lord to Jeremye.
þe lake, he and þe men þat weren wiþ hym. viii And he clepide Johannan, þe ſone of Carae, and alle þe
viii Ten men forſoþe ben founden among hem, þat ſeiden to
princes of fiȝteres, þat weren wiþ hym, and al þe puple fro þe
Iſmael, Wile þou not ſlen vs, for wee han treſor in þe feld, of leſte to þe meſte;
whete, and of barly, and of oile, and of hony. And he ceſede, ix and ſeide to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael,
and ſloȝ hem not wiþ þer breþern.
ix Þe lake forſoþe in to whiche Iſmael þreȝ alle þe careynus to whom ȝee han ſente me, þat Y ſhulde lei forþ ȝoure
preieres in þe ſiȝt of hym.
of þe men, whom he ſmot for Godolie, it is whiche made Aſa x If reſtende ȝee ſchulen abide in þis lond, I ſhal bilde ȝou
þe king for Baſa, þe king of Irael; Iſmael, þe ſone of
Natanye, `fulfilde it wiþ ſlayn men. vp, and not deſtroȝen; Y ſhal plaunte, and not pulle vp; now
x And Iſmael broȝte caitif alle þe relikis of þe puple, þat forſoþe Y am pleſid vpon þe euel þat Y dide to ȝou.
xi Wileþ not drede fro þe face of þe king of Babiloyne, whom
weren in Masfath, þe doȝtris of þe king, and al þe puple þat
abiden in Masfath, whom Nabuſardan, prince of þe chyualrie, ȝee aferd dreden; wileþ not dreden hym, ſeiþ þe Lord, for wiþ
hadde betake to Godolie, ſone of Aicham. And Iſmael, þe ȝou Y am, þat Y make ȝou ſaf, and delyuere fro his hond.
ſone of Nathanye, toc þem, and wente awei, þat he ſhulde go xii And Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝou mercies, and han reuþe of ȝou,
to þe ſonus of Amon. and to dwelle ȝou Y ſhal make in ȝoure lond.
xi Herde forſoþe Johanna, þe ſone of Carae, and alle þe xiii If forſoþe ȝee ſhul ſei, Wee ſhul not dwelle in þis lond, ne
princes of fiȝteres, þat weren wiþ hym, al þe euel þat don wee ſhul here þe vois of þe Lord oure God, ſeiende,
hadde Iſmael, þe ſone of Natanye. xiiii Nai, but to þe lond of Egipt wee ſhul go, where wee ſhul
xii And taken to alle þe men, þei wente forþ, þat þei ſchuld not ſee bataile, and noiſe of trumpe wee ſhul not heren, and
fiȝte aȝen Iſmael, þe ſone of Natanye; and founden hym at hunger wee ſhul not ſuffre, and þere wee ſhul dwelle;
manye watris, þat ben in Gabaon. xv for þat now hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, ȝee remnaunt of
xiii And whan ſeen hadde al þe puple, þat was wiþ Iſmael, Juda. Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, If
Johannan, ſone of Carae, and al þe princes of fiȝteres, þat ȝee ſhul ſette ȝoure face, þat ȝee go in to Egipt, and ȝee ſhul
weren wiþ hym, gladeden. gon in, þat þere ȝee dwelle,
xiiii And turned aȝeen is al þe puple, þat Iſmael hadde taken xvi ſwerd þat ȝee drede ſhal þere take ȝou in þe lond of Egipt,
in Masfath; and turned aȝeen, it ȝide awei to Johannan, þe and hunger for whiche ȝee be beſy ſhal cleue to ȝou in Egipt;
ſone of Carae. and þere ȝee ſhul die.


xvii And alle þe men þat ſetteden þer face, þat þey go in to xiii And he ſhal altobroſe þe ymages of þe hous of þe ſunne,
Egipt, and dwelle þere, ſhul die wiþ ſwerd, and hunger, and þat ben in þe lond of Egipt; and þe waſſhing templis of þe
peſtilence; no man of hem ſhal lefe, ne ſcape fro þe face of þe godus of Egipt he ſhal to-brenne wiþ fyr.
euel, þat I ſhal bringe to vp on hem.
xviii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, As Capitulum XLIIII.
ȝoten out is `my woodneſſe and myn indignacioun vp on þe i The
dwelleres of Jeruſalem, ſo ſhal be ȝoten out myn indignacioun wrd þat is don to Jeremye, and to alle þe Jewis, þat
vpon ȝou, whan ȝee ſhul go in to Egipt; and ȝee ſhul ben `in dwellen in þe lond of Egipt, dwellende in Magdalo, and in
to an oþ of riȝt, and in to ſtoneyng, and in to curſing, and in Tannys, and in Memphis, and in þe lond of Fatures, ſeiende,
to repref; and ȝee ſhul no more ſee þis place. ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Ȝee han
xix Þe wrd of þe Lord vp on ȝou, ȝee remnauns of Juda; ſeen al þys euel, þat Y haue broȝt vp on Jeruſalem, and vp
wileþ not go in to Egipt; witende ȝee ſhul wite, þat on alle þe cites of Juda; and lo! þei ben deſert to dai, and þer
aȝenwitneſſid Y haue to ȝou þis day; is not in hem a dwellere;
xx for ȝee han diſceyued ȝoure ſoules, ȝee forſoþe han ſente me iii for þe malice þat þei diden, þat me to wraþe þei ſhulde
to þe Lord ȝoure God, ſeiende, Preȝe þou for vs to þe Lord terre, and gon, and ſacrifien, and herien alien godus, þat þei
oure God, and after alle þingis what euere ſhal ſei to þee þe knewe not, and ȝee, `and þei, and ȝoure fadris.
Lord oure God, ſo tel to vs, and wee ſhul don. iiii And Y ſente to ȝou alle my ſeruauns and profetus, fro
xxi And Y haue told to ȝou to day, and ȝee han not herde þe nyȝt riſende, and ſendende, and ſeiende, Wileþ not do þe wrd
vois of þe Lord oure God, vpon alle þingus for whiche he of þis maner abhominacioun.
ſente me to ȝou. v And þei herden not, ne boweden in þer ere, þat þei were
xxii Now þerfore witende ȝee ſhul wite, for wiþ ſwerd, and conuertid fro þer eueles, and ſacrifieden not to alien godis.
hunger, and peſtilence ȝee ſhul die, in þe place to whiche ȝee vi And ȝot out is myn indignacioun and wodneſſe, and tend
wolde go in, þat ȝee dwelle þere. vp it is in þe cytes of Juda, and in þe ſtretus of Jeruſalem;
and turned þei ben in to wilderneſſe, and waſtite, after þis
Capitulum XLIII. day.
vii And now þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael,
i Don is forſoþe, whan fulfild hadde Jeremye ſpekende to þe Whi do ȝee þis grete euel aȝen ȝoure ſoulus, þat die of ȝou
puple alle þe wrdus of þe Lord God of hem, for whiche ſente man and womman, litil child and ſoukende, fro þe myddel of
hadde hym þe Lord God of hem to þem, alle þeſe wrdis, Jude, ne be laft to ȝou any þing reſidue,
ii ſeide Azarye, ſone of Joſie, and Johanna, ſone of Carae, viii terrende me in þe werkes of ȝoure hondus, in ſacrifiende
and alle þe proude men, ſeiende to Jeremye, Leſing þou to aliene godus in þe lond of Egipt, in to whiche ȝee ben
ſpekeſt; ſente not þee þe Lord oure God, ſeiende, Ne go ȝee come, þat ȝee dwelle þere, and perſhe, and be in to curſing,
in to Egipt, þat ȝee dwelle þere; and in to repref to alle Jentilis of erþe?
iii but Baruch, þe ſone of Neri, ſtireþ þee aȝen vs, þat he take ix Wheþer ȝee han forȝete þe euelis of ȝoure fadris, and þe
vs in þe hondus of Caldeis, þat þei ſle vs, and make to ben euelis of þe kingus of Juda, and þe euelis of þe wyues of
ouerlad into Babiloyne. hem, and ȝoure eueles, and þe euelys of ȝoure wyues, þat þei
iiii And herde not Johanna, ſone of Carae, and alle þe princes diden in þe lond of Juda, and in þe regiouns of Jeruſalem?
of fiȝteres, and al þe puple, þe vois of þe Lord, þat þei x Þei ben not clenſid vnto þis day, and þei dredde not, and
ſhulden dwelle in þe lond of Juda. wente not in þe lawe of þe Lord, and in myn heſtus, þat Y
v But takende Johanna, ſone of Carae, and alle þe princes of ȝaf bifor ȝou, and bifor ȝoure fadris.
fiȝteres, alle þe men of þe remnauntis of Juda, þat weren xi Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael,
turned aȝeen fro alle Jentiles, to whiche þei weren befor Lo! Y ſhal ſette my face in ȝou in to euel,
ſcatered, þat þei ſhulde dwelle in þe lond of Juda; xii and deſtroȝen al Juda, and take þe remnauns of Juda, þat
vi men, and wymmen, and litil childer, and þe doȝtris of þe
ſetteden þer faces, þat þei ſhulden go in to þe lond of Egipt,
king, and eche ſoule, þat laft hadde Nabuſardan, prince of þe and dwelle þere; and þei ſhul be waſtid alle in þe lond of
chyualrie, wiþ Godolie, ſone of Aicham, ſone of Safan; and Egipt, `and þei ſhul falle in ſwerd, and in hunger ſhul be
toc Jeremye, þe profete, and Baruch, þe ſone of Neri, waſtid, fro þe leſte `vn to þe meſte, in ſwerd and in hunger
vii and wenten in to þe lond of Egipt; for þei obeſhiden not to þei ſhul die, and þei ſhul be in to `riȝt of ſwering, and in to
þe vois of þe Lord, and camen `in to Tapnys. myracle, and in to curſing, and in to repref.
viii Don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye in Tapnys, ſeiende, xiii And Y ſhal viſite vp on þe dwelleres of þe lond of Egipt,
ix Tac to þee in þin hond grete ſtones, and hyd hem in þe as Y viſitede vp on Jeruſalem, in ſwerd, and hunger, and
caue, þat is vnder þe tily wal, in þe ȝate of þe hous of Farao, peſtilence.
in Tapnys, byholdende þe men Jewis. xiiii And þer ſhal not be þat ſcape, and be þe reſidue of þe
x And þou ſhalt ſei to þem, Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, remnaunt of Jewis, þat gon þat þei pilgrimage in þe lond of
God of Irael, Lo! Y ſhal ſende, and take Nabugodonoſor, Egipt, and be turned aȝeen to þe lond of Juda, to whiche þei
king of Babiloyne, my ſeruaunt, and ſetten his trone vp on reren vp þer ſoules, þat þei be turned aȝeen, and dwelle þere;
þeſe ſtonus, þat Y haue hid; and he ſhal ſette his ſee vp on þei ſhul not be turned aȝeen þidur, no but þei þat floun.
hem. xv Anſwerende forſoþe to Jeremye alle þe men, witende þat
xi And comende he ſhal ſmyte þe lond of Egipt, whom in deþ þer wyues ſhulden ſacrifien to alien godus, and alle þe
in to deþ, and whom in caitifte in to caitifte, and whom in wymmen, of whiche ſtod a gret multitude, and al þe puple of
ſwerd in to ſwerd. dwelleris in þe lond of Egipt, in Fatures, ſeiende,
xii And he ſhal teende fyr in þe waſhing templis of þe godus xvi Þe wrd þat þou ſpeeke to vs in þe name of þe Lord oure
of Egipt, and to-brenne þem, and caitif he ſhal lede þem; and God, wee ſhul not heren of þee,
ſhal ben coouered þe lond of Egipt, as is coouered a xvii but doende wee ſhul do eche word þat `ſhal gon oute of
ſhepherde wiþ his mantil; and he ſhal gon oute þennus in pes. oure mouþ, þat wee ſacrifie to þe queen of heuene, and offre


to hir ſacrifiſe of licoures, as diden wee, and oure fadris, oure iii Þou ſeidiſt, Wo to me wrecche, for addid haþ þe Lord
kingus, and oure princes, in þe cheef cites of Juda, and in þe ſorewe to my ſorewe; I trauailede in my weiling, and reſte Y
ſtretus of Jeruſalem; and we weren fulfild wiþ loeues, and fond not.
wel it was to vs, and euel wee ſeȝen not. iiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Þus þou ſhalt ſei to hym, Lo!
xviii Fro þat forſoþe tyme, þat wee ceſeden to ſacrifien to þe
whom Y bildide, Y deſtroȝe, and whom Y plauntede, Y pulle
queen of heuene, and to offre to hir ſacrifiſes of licoures, wee vp, and al þis lond.
nededen alle þingus, and wiþ ſwerd and hunger wee ben v And þou ſecheſt to þee grete þingus; wile þou not ſeche, for
xix Þat if wee ſacrifien to þe queen of heuene, and offre to hir lo! Y ſhal bringe euel vp on eche fleſh, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y
ſhal ȝyue to þee þi ſoule in to hele, in alle places, to whiche
ſacrifiſes of licoures, wheþer wiþoute oure men wee ſhul do to euer þou ſhalt go.
hir pleſaunt cakes, `for to herie hir, and ſacrifiſes of licoures
to ben offred?
xx And Jeremye ſeide to al þe puple, aȝen þe men, and aȝen Capitulum XLVI.
þe wymmen, and aȝen al þe folc, þat anſwereden to hym þe i The wrd of þe Lord `þat is don to Jeremye, profete, aȝen
wrd, ſeiende, Jentiles;
xxi Wheþer not þe ſacrifiſe þat ȝee ſacrifieden in þe cites of ii to Egipt, aȝen þe oſt of Farao Nechao, king of Egipt, þat
Juda, and in þe ſtretus of Jeruſalem, ȝee, and ȝoure fadris, was biſide þe flod of Eufraten, in Carkamys, whom ſmot
ȝoure kingus, and ȝoure princes, and þe puple of þe lond, of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, in þe ferþe ȝer of
þeſe þingus recordide þe Lord, and it ſteȝede vp vpon his Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king of Juda.
herte; iii Greiþeþ ſheeld and target, and goþ forþ to bataile.
xxii and þe Lord myȝte no mor bern, for þe malice of ȝoure iiii Ioyneþ hors, and ſteȝeþ vp, ȝee hors men; ſtondeþ in
ſtudies, and for þe abhomynaciouns þat ȝee diden? And don is helmes, pulſheþ ſperes, cloþeþ ȝou wiþ habiriownus.
ȝoure lond in to deſolacioun, and in to ſtoneing, and in to v What þanne? I ſaȝ hem ferd, and þe backes turnende, þe
curſing, for þi þat þer is not a dwellere, as ys þis dai.
xxiii Þerfore `for ȝee ſacrifieden to maumetus, and ſynneden to ſtronge men of hem hewen doun; and þei floun togidere haſtid,
ne þei beheelden; ferd on eche ſyde, ſeiþ þe Lord.
þe Lord, and ȝee herden not þe vois of þe Lord, and in þe vi Flee ſhal not þe ſwifte, ne þe ſtronge weene hymſelf to be
lawe, and heſtus, and in his witneſſes ȝee han not gon,
þerfore camen to ȝou þeſe eueles, as is þis dai. ſaued; to þe norþ, biſide þe flod of Eufraten, þei ben
xxiiii Jeremye forſoþe ſeide to al þe puple, and to alle þe ouercome, and felden doun.
vii Who is þis, þat as þe flod ſteȝeþ vp, and as of flodis
wymmen, Hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, al Juda, þat ben in þe
lond of Egipt. ſwellen his ſwolewis?
xxv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, ſeiende, viii Egipt at licneſſe of a flod ſteȝeþ vp, and as flodus ſhul be
Ȝee and ȝoure wyues ſpeeken wiþ ȝoure mouþ, and wiþ ȝoure moued his flowingus; and `he ſhal ſey, Steȝende vp Y ſhal
hondus fulfilden, ſeiende, Do wee oure vouwis þat wee `couere þe erþe deſtroȝe cite, and his dwelleres.
vouweden, þat wee ſacrifie to þe quen of heuene, and offre to ix Steȝeþ vp hors, and ful out ioȝe þin chares; and go forþ,
hir ſacryfiſes of licoures; ȝee han fulfild ȝoure vouwis, and in ſtronge men, Ethiope and Libie, holdende ſheeld, and Liddy,
werc ȝee han do þem. takende and þrowende arwis.
xxvi Þerfore hereþ þe wrd of þe Lord, al Juda, þat dwellen x Þat dai forſoþe of þe Lord God of oſtus, dai of veniaunce,
in þe lond of Egipt; Lo! Y ſwor in my gret name, ſeiþ þe þat he take veniaunce of his enemys; deuouren ſhal þe ſwerd,
Lord, for no mor ſhal be clepid my name of þe mouþ of eche and be fulfild, and be todrunke wiþ þe blod of hem; victorie
man Jew, ſeiende, Þe Lord God lyueþ, in þe lond of Egipt. ſacrifiſe forſoþe of þe Lord of oſtus in þe lond of þe norþ,
xxvii Lo! Y ſhal waken vp on hem in to euel, and not in to biſide þe flod of Eufraten.
good; and to-waſtid ſhul ben alle þe men of Juda, þat ben in xi Steȝe vp in to Galaad, and tac þe gumme, þat is clepid
þe lond of Egipt, wiþ ſwerd and hungur, to þe tyme þat fulli recyne, þou maiden doȝter of Egipt. In veyn þou haſt
þei ben waſtid. multeplied medecynes; helþe ſhal not be to þee.
xxviii And þey þat ſhul flee ſwerd, ſhul turne aȝeen fro þe lond xii Herden Jentiles þi ſhenſhepe, and þi ȝellinge fulfilde þe
of Egipt in to þe lond of Juda, fewe men; and wite ſhul al þe erþe; for þe ſtronge man putte aȝen þe ſtronge man, and boþe
remnaunt of Juda, of þe men goende in to þe lond of Egipt, togidere fellen.
þat þei dwelle þere, whos ſermoun be fulfild, myn or þeris. xiii Þe wrd þat þe Lord ſpac to Jeremye, þe profete, vp on
xxix And þis to ȝou a tocne, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat Y viſite vp on þat þat to come was Nabugodonoſor, king of Babyloyne, and
ȝou in þis place, þat ȝee wite, for verrely ſhul be fulfild my to ſmyte þe lond of Egipt.
wrdus aȝen ȝou in to euel. xiiii Telleþ to Egipt, and herd makeþ in Magdalo, and eft
xxx Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal take Farao, king of ſowne it in Memfys, and in Tapnys ſeiþ, Stond, and greiþe
Egipt, in þe hond of his enemys, and in þe hond of men þee, for deuoure ſhal ſwerd þo þingus þat in þin enuyroun
ſechende þe ſoule of hym, as Y toc Sedechie, king of Juda, ben.
in þe hond of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, his enemy, xv Whi `to-rotide þi ſtronge? He ſtod not, for þe Lord turnede
and ſechende his ſoule. hym vp ſo doun.
xvi He multepliede men fallende, and þe man fel to his
Capitulum XLV. neȝhebore; and þei ſhul ſeyn, Ris, and turne wee aȝeen to
i The wrd þat ſpac Jeremye, þe profete, to Baruch, þe ſone of oure puple, and to þe lond of oure birþe, fro þe face of þe
Neri, whan he hadde write þeſe wrdus in þe boc, of þe mouþ ſwerd of þe culuer.
of Jeremye, þe ferþe ȝer of Joachym, ſone of Joſie, king of xvii Clepeþ þe name of Farao, king of Egipt; tyme haþ broȝt
Juda, ſeiende, noiſe.
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of Irael to þee, Baruch. xviii I lyue, ſeiþ þe king, Lord of oſtus his name; for as
Thabor in mounteynes, and as Carmel in þe ſe, he ſhal come.


xix Veſſeles of tranſmygracioun mac to þee, þou dwellereſſe, ii and þer is no mor ful out ioȝing in Moab, aȝen Eſebon þei
doȝter of Egipt; for Memfys in wilderneſſe ſhal ben, and be þoȝten euel. Comeþ, and ſcatere wee it fro þe folc of kynde.
forſoken and vnhabitable. Þerfore ſtille þou ſhalt be ſtille, and ſwerd ſhal folewe þee;
xx Þe ſhe calf fair and ſhapli Egipt; þe prickere fro þe norþ iii vois of þe cry fro Oronaym, waſtite, and gret to-treding.
ſhal come to hir. iiii To-treden is Moab, telleþ out þe cry to his litil childer.
xxi Alſo his hirid men, þat woneden in his myddel as fattyd v Bi þe ſteȝing vp forſoþe Luyth wepende ſteȝede vp in
calues, ben turned, and floun togidere, ne myȝte ſtonde; for þe weping, for in þe going doun of Oronaym þe enemys þe
dai of þe ſlaȝter of þem ſhal come vp on hem, tyme of þer ȝelling of to-treding herden.
viſiting. vi Fleeþ, ſaueþ ȝoure ſoulis; and ȝee ſhul be as `iencian trees
xxii His vois as of bras ſhal ſowne, for wiþ þe oſt þei ſhul go
in deſert;
forþ, and wiþ axes þei ſhul come to hym. vii for þi forſoþe þat þou hadde troſt in þi ſtrengþingus, and in
xxiii As fallende doun trees þei heewe doun his wilde wode,
þi treſores, þou alſo ſhalt ben take. And Camos ſhal go in to
ſeiþ þe Lord, þat mai not be noumbred; þey ben multeplied tranſmygracioun, his preſtus and his princes togidere;
aboue locuſtus, and þer is not in þem noumbre. viii and þe robbere ſhal come to eche cheef cite, and no cheef
xxiiii Confoundid is þe doȝter of Egipt, and take in þe hond of
cyte ſhal be ſaued; and perſhen ſhul valeys, and waſtid ſhul be
þe puple of þe norþ, wilde feldis, for þe Lord ſeyde.
xxv ſeide þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael. Lo! Y ſhal viſite ix Ȝyueþ flour to Moab, for flourende he ſhal gon out; and
`vp on þe noiſe of Aliſaundre, and vp on Farao, and vp on his cites ſhul be deſert, and vnhabitable.
Egipt, and vp on his godus, and vp on his kinges, and vp on x Curſid þat doþ þe werc of God gilendeli; and curſid, þat
hem þat troſten in hym.
xxvi And Y ſhal ȝyuen hem in þe hond of men ſechende þe lif forfendeþ his ſwerd fro blod, `or repreuynge of ſynne.
xi Fructuous was Moab fro his waxende ȝouþe, and he
of hem, and in to þe hondus of Nabugodonoſor, king of
Babiloyne, and in to þe hondus of his ſeruauns; and after reſtede in his dreſtis, ne is ouerheld fro veſſel in to veſſel,
þeſe þingus it ſhal be dwellid, as in þe raþere daȝes, ſeiþ þe and `in to tranſmygracioun he ȝide not; þerfore abod ſtille his
Lord. taſt in hym, and his ſmel is not chaungid.
xxvii And þou, my ſeruaunt Jacob, ne drede þou, ne take ferd, xii Þerfore lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal ſende to
þou Irael; for lo! Y ſaaf ſhal make þee fro aferr, and þi ſed hym ordeyneres, and araieres of litle wyn veſſelus; and þei
fro þe lond of his caitifte; and turnen aȝeen ſhal Jacob, and ſhul araien hym, and his veſſeles heelden out, and þe litil wyn
reſten, and be mad welſum, and þer ſhal not ben, þat fere veſſelis of hem hurtlen togidere.
hym. xiii And confoundid ſhal be Moab fro Camos, as confoundid
xxviii And wile þou not drede, þou my ſeruaunt Jacob, ſeiþ þe is þe hous of Irael of Bethel, in whiche it hadde troſt.
Lord, for Y am wiþ þee; for Y ſhal waſte alle Jentiles, to xiiii What maner ſey ȝee, Stronge men wee ben, and ſtalwrþe
whiche I caſte þee out; þee forſoþe I ſhal not waſte, but Y men to fiȝte?
ſhal chaſtiſe þee in dom, ne as to an ynnocent Y ſhal ſparen xv Waſtid is Moab, and his cites þei brenden vp, and hys
to þee. choſen ȝunge men wente doun in to ſlaȝter, ſeiþ þe king, Lord
of oſtus his name.
Capitulum XLVII. xvi Nyȝ is þe deþ of Moab, þat it come, and his euel ſwiftli
i `Þat don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, profete, aȝen comeþ nyȝ ful myche.
xvii Coumforteþ hym, alle ȝee þat ben in his cumpas; alle ȝee
Paleſtynus, er Farao ſhulde ſmyte Gaſam.
ii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! watris ſhul ſteȝen vp fro þe þat witen his name, ſeiþ, What maner is to-broke þe ſtronge
norþ, and ben ſhul as a ſtyff ſtrem flowende, and couere ſhul ȝerde, þe glorious ſtaf?
xviii Cum doun fro glorie, ſit in þriſt, þou dwelling of þe
þe lond, and his plente, þe chef cite and his dwelleris. Crie
ſhul men, and ȝelle ſhul alle þe dwelleris of þe lond, doȝter of Dibon; for þe waſtere of Moab ſhal ſteȝe vp to þee,
iii fro þe noiſe of þe boſt of þe armede men, and of his ſhal ſcatere þi ſtrengþingus.
xix In þe weie ſtond, and bihold þou þe dwelling of Aroer;
fiȝteres, and fro þe ſtiring of his foure horſid carres, and fro
þe multitude of his whelis. Beheelden not þe fadris þe ſonus aſke hym fleende þat ſcapede; ſei, What fel?
wiþ hondus loſid atwynne, xx Confoundid is Moab, for he is ouercome; ȝelleþ, and crieþ;
iiii for þe comyng of þe dai in whiche ſhul be waſtid alle telleþ in Arnon, for waſtid is Moab.
Filiſteis; and ben ſcatered Tirus and Sidon, wiþ alle his xxi And dom cam to þe feldi lond, vp on Elon, and vp on
oþere helpes. Þe Lord forſoþe deſtroȝede Paleſtynes, þe Jeſa, and vp on Mefath,
remnauns of þe yle of Capadoche. xxii and vp on Dibon, and vp on Nabo, and vp on þe hous of
v Þer cam ballidneſſe vp on Gaſam; al ſtille was Aſcalon, and
þe remnauns of þe valei of hem. Hou longe þou ſhalt be xxiii and vp on Cariathiarym, and vp on Bethgamul, and vp
þrowe doun, on Bethmaon,
vi O! þou ſwerd of þe Lord, hou longe ſhalt þou not reſte? Go xxiiii and vp on Scarioth, and vp on Boſra, and vp on alle þe
in to þi ſheþe, be þou refreſhid, and be ſtille. cites of þe lond of Moab, þat aferr and þat nyȝ ben.
vii What maner ſhal it reſte, whan þe Lord ſhal comaunde to xxv Kut awei is þe horn of Moab, and his armes tobroſid,
it aȝen Aſcalon, and aȝen his regiouns nyȝ þe ſe, and þere he ſeiþ þe Lord.
ſhal wiþſei to it? xxvi Drunkneþ hym wiþ þe chalus of þe wraþe of þe Lord, for
aȝen þe Lord he is rered out; and he ſhal hurtle þe hond of
Capitulum XLVIII. Moab in his vomyng, and be ſhal in to ſcornyng and he.
i To Moab þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael. xxvii Forſoþe he was in to ſcornyng to þee, Irael, as among
Wo vp on Nabo, for waſtid ſhe is, and confoundid; taken is þeues þou ſhuldiſt han founde hym; þerfore for þi wrdus þat
Cariathiarym, confoundid is þe ſtronge, and tremblede; aȝen hym þou ſpeeke, caitif þou art lad.


xxviii Lefeþ cites, and dwelleþ in a ſton, ȝee dwelleris of ii Þerfore lo! daȝes comen in þee, ſeiþ þe Lord, and herd Y
Moab, and beþ as a culuer bildende in þe ouereſt mouþ of þe ſhal make vp on Rabath of þe ſonus of Amon þe gnaſting of
hole. bataile; and he ſhal be in to noyſe ſcatered, and his doȝtris
xxix Wee han herd þe pride of Moab; proud `he is gretli; his wiþ fyr ſhal be brend, and Irael ſhal welde his welderes, ſeiþ
heiȝte forſoþe, and his owne enhaunſyng, and pride, and þe þe Lord.
heiȝte of his herte, iii Ȝelle þou, Eſebon, for waſtid is Hai; crieþ, ȝee doȝtris of
xxx Y wot, ſeiþ þe Lord; his boſt, and his owne enhauncing, Rabath, girdeþ ȝou wiþ heires, weileþ, and goþ aboute bi
and þat þer is not biſide it his vertue, ne after þat he myȝte, hegges; for Melchon in to tranſmygracioun ſhal be broȝt, his
it forcede to do. preſtus and his princes togidere.
xxxi Þerfore vp on Moab I ſhal weile, and to al Moab Y iiii What glorieſt þou in valeis? Flowede doun þi valei, þou
ſhal crien, to þe men of þe britil wal weilende. doȝter delicat, þat troſtediſt in þi treſores, and ſeidiſt, Who
xxxii Of þe weiling of Jaſer Y ſhal wepe to þee, þou vyne of ſhal come to me?
v Lo! Y ſhal bringen in ferd vp on þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God of
Sabama; þi railingus paſſeden þe ſe; vn to þe ſe of Jaſer þei
ful camen vp on þi rep, and þi vyndage þi reuere fel. oſtus, God of Irael, of alle þat ben in þi cumpas; and ȝee
xxxiii Don awei is ful out ioȝing and glading fro Carmel, and ſhul be ſcatered, eche fro ȝoure ſiȝt, ne ſhal be, þat gedere þe
fro þe lond of Moab, and wyn fro þe preſſes Y toc doun; þe vi And after þeſe þingus Y ſhal make to turne aȝeen þe
tredere of þe grape þe wont myrie ſong ſhal not ſynge.
xxxiiii Of þe cri of Eſebon vnto Eleale and Jeeſa ȝeeuen þer fleeres and þe caitifes of þe ſonus of Amon, ſeiþ þe Lord.
vii To Idume `þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus. Wheþer
vois, fro Segor vnto Oronaym þe ſtoneid ſhe calf; þe watris
forſoþe of Nemrym ſhul be werſt. no mor is wiſdam in Theman? Perſhede counſeil fro ſonus,
xxxv And Y ſhal take awey fro Moab, ſeiþ þe Lord, þe vnprofitable mad is þe wiſdam of hem.
viii Fleeþ, and turneþ backus; goþ doun in to a ſwolewe, ȝee
offrende in heeȝe þingus, and þe ſacrifiende to his godus.
xxxvi Þerfore myn herte to Moab as a trumpe of bras ſhal dwelleres of Dedan, for þe perdicioun of Eſau Y haue broȝt
vp on hym, tyme of his viſiting.
ſowne, and myn herte to þe men of þe tili wal ſhal ȝyue ſoun ix Yf grape kutteres hadden come, vp on þee þei ſhulden han
of trumpis; for more he dide þan he myȝte, þerfore þei
perſheden. laft a cluſter braunch; if þeues in nyȝt hadden ſtoln, þat ſhulde
xxxvii Eche forſoþe hed ballidneſſe, and eche berd ſhauen ſhal han ſuffiſid to þem.
x I forſoþe diſcouerede Eſau, and openede his hid þingus, and
be; in alle hondus þe binding togidere, and vp on eche bac
heire. he ſhal not moun be coouered; waſtid is his ſeed, and his
xxxviii And vp on alle þe rooues of Moab, and in alle his breþern, and his neȝhebores, and he ſhal not be.
xi Lef þi faderles childer, and Y ſhal make þem to lyue, and
ſtretus alle weiling, for he to-broſede Moab as a veſſel
vnprofetable, ſeiþ þe Lord. þi widewis in me ſhul hope.
xxxix What maner ſhe is ouer come, and þei ȝelleden? hou xii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! to whom was not dom,
Moab þreȝ doun þe noll, and is confoundid? And Moab ſhal þat þei ſhulde drinke chalis, drinkende þei ſhul drinke; and
be in to ſcornyng, and in to exſaumple to alle men in his þou as innocent ſhalt be laft? þou ſhalt not be innocent, but
cumpas. drinkende þou ſhalt drinke.
xl Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! as an egle he ſhall fleen out, xiii For bi myſelf Y ſwor, ſeiþ þe Lord, for in to wilderneſſe
and ſtrecchen out his wengus to Moab. and in to repref, and in to deſert, and in to curſing ſhal be
xli Taken is Carioth, and ſtrengþingus ben caȝte; and ben ſhal Boſra; and alle his cites ſhul ben in to euere laſtende
þe herte of ſtronge men in þat dai, as þe herte of a womman xiiii Herd þing Y herde of þe Lord, and a legat to Jentilis is
trauailende wiþ child.
xlii And ceſe ſhal Moab to ben a puple, for aȝen þe Lord it ſent; beþ gedered, and comeþ aȝen it, and riſe wee togidere to
gloriede. xv Lo! forſoþe a litil child Y ȝaf þee in Jentilis, deſpiſable
xliii Inward ferd, and dich, and grene vp on þee, O! dwellere
among men.
of Moab, ſeiþ þe Lord. xvi Þin owne hauncyng deſceyuede þee, and þe pride of þin
xliiii Who ſhal flee fro þe face of þe ferd, ſhal falle in to þe
herte, þat dwelliſt in cauys of þe ſton, and to cacche forceſt þe
dich; and who ſhul ſteȝe vp fro þe dich, ſhul be take wiþ heiȝte of þe hil; whan þou ſhalt enhaunce as an egle þi neſt,
grene. Y ſhal bringe to forſoþe vp on Moab þe ȝer of viſiting þennus Y ſhal drawe þee, ſeiþ þe Lord.
of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord. xvii And be ſhal Idume deſert; eche þat ſhal paſſe bi it, ſhal
xlv In þe ſhadewe of Eſebon ſtode þei fro þe grene fleende,
ſtoneyn, and whiſtle vp on alle his veniaunces;
for fyr wente out fro Eſebon, and flaume from þe myddel of xviii as turned vp ſo doun is Sodom and Gomor, and his nyȝ
Sion; and deuoure it ſhal þe parte of Moab, and þe top of þe
ſonus of noiſe. wonyngus, ſeiþ þe Lord. Þer ſhal not dwelle þere a man, and
xlvi Wo to þee, Moab; perſhediſt, þou puple of Camos, for þer ſhal not tiln it þe ſone of man.
xix Lo! as a leoun he ſhal ſteȝe vp, and of þe pride of Jordan
caȝt ben þi ſonus, and þi doȝtris in to caitifte ſhul be lad.
xlvii And Y ſhal turne þe caitifte of Moab in þe laſt daȝes, to a ſtalwrþe fairneſſe; for ſodeynli to renne Y ſhal make hym
to it; and who ſhal be þe choſen, whom Y ſhal bifor pute to
ſeiþ þe Lord. Hyderto þe domes of Moab. hym? Who forſoþe lic me, and who ſhall ſuſteyne me, and who
is þis ſhepperde, þat wiþſtant to my chere?
Capitulum XLIX. xx Þerfore hereþ þe counſeil of þe Lord, þat he wente in of
i Alſo to þe ſonus of Amon þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord. Wheþer Edom, and his þoȝtus, þat he þoȝte of þe dwelleres of
ben not þe ſonus of Irael, or eir is not to it? whi þanne þe Theman. Yf þe litle childer of þe floc ſhul not þrowe þem
eritage weldiþ Melchon Gad, and his puple in his `cheef cites doun, no but þey ſhuln ſcatere wiþ þem þer dwelling.
xxi Fro þe vois of þe falling of hem to-ſtirid is þe erþe; cry in
þe rede ſe `is herd of his vois.


xxii Lo! as an egle he ſhal ſteȝen vp, and fleen awei, and he iii For ſteȝen vp ſhal aȝens it folc of kinde fro þe norþ, þat
ſhall ſpreden out his wengus vp on Boſra; and ſhal ben þe ſhall ſetten his lond in to wilderneſſe; and þer ſhal not be þat
herte of ſtronge men of Idume in þat dai, as þe herte of a dwelle in it, fro man vn to beſte; and þei ben moued, and
womman trauailende wiþ childe. wenten awei.
xxiii To Damaſch. Confoundid is Emath and Arfath, for werſt iiii In þo daȝes, and in þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, comen ſhul þe
heering þei herden; þei ben diſturbid in þe ſe, for biſyneſſe þei ſonus of Irael, þey and þe ſonus of Juda togidere, goende
myȝten not reſte. and wepende ſhul go forþ; and þe Lord þer God þei ſhul ſeche
xxiiii Loſid atwynne is Damaſch, turned is in to fliȝt; in Sion, and aſke þe weie.
trembling caȝte it, anguyſſhes and ſorewis heelden it, as a v Hider þer faces ſhul come, and ben ſet to þe Lord wiþ euere
trauailende wiþ childe. durende pes couenaunt, þat wiþ no forȝeting ſhal be don
xxv Hou þei forſoke þe preiſable cyte, þe chef cite of gladneſſe? awey.
xxvi Þerfore fallen ſhul his ȝunge men in his ſtretes, and alle vi Þe floc loſt mad is my puple, þer ſhepperdus bigiliden hem,
þe men of bataile ſhul become ſtille in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord of and maden to be vagaunt in mounteynus; fro mounteyn in to
oſtus. hil þei paſſeden, þei forȝeeten of þer couche.
xxvii And Y ſhal teende vp fyr in þe wal of Damaſch, and vii Alle þat founden, eete þem, and þer enemys ſeiden, We
deuoure þe wallis of Benadab. han not ſynned, for þi þat þei han ſynned to þe Lord, to þe
xxviii To Cedar, and to þe reumys of Aſor, þat fairneſſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and to þe abiding of þer fadris, to þe
Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, ſmot, þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe viii Goþ awei fro þe myddel of Babiloyne, and fro þe lond of
Lord. Riſeþ, and ſteȝeþ vp to Cedar, and waſteþ þe ſonus of
þe eſt. Caldeis; goþ out, and beþ as goet bifor þe floc.
xxix Þer tabernaclis and þer flockes þei ſhul taken; þer ix For loo! Y ſhal rere, and bringe in to Babiloyne þe
ſkynnus, and alle þer veſſeles, and þer camailes þei ſhul congregacioun of manye Jentilis, fro þe lond of þe norþ; and
gedere to þem; and þei ſhul clepe vp on hem ferd in his þei ſhul be greyþed aȝen it, and in dai it ſhal be taken; his
cumpas. arewe as of þe moſt ſtrong man ſleere, ſhal not be turned
xxx Fleeþ, goþ awei hugeli in ſwolewes, ſitteþ, þat dwellen aȝeen voide.
x And Caldee ſhal be in to prei, and alle men waſtende it ſhul
Aſor, ſeiþ þe Lord. Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, wente
in forſoþe aȝen ȝou conſeil, and þoȝte aȝen ȝow þoȝtis. be fulfild, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxxi Riſeþ, and ſteȝeþ vp to a quyete folc of kinde, and xi For ȝee ful out ioȝen, and grete þingus ſpeken, reuende
dwellende troſtili, ſeiþ þe Lord; not dores ne his barres, alone awei myn eritage; for heeld out ȝee ben as calues vpon gres,
dwellen. and ȝee looweden as boolis.
xxxii And ben ſhul þer camailes in to reuyng, and þe xii Confoundid ys ȝoure moder ful myche, and euened to
multitude of beſtus in to prei; and Y ſhal ſcatere þem in to pouder þat gat ȝou; lo! þe laſte ſhe ſhal be in folkes of kinde,
eche wind, þat ben dodded in to þe her, and of eche coeſt of and deſert wiþ oute weie, and driende.
hem Y ſhal bringe deþ vp on hem, ſeiþ þe Lord. xiii Fro þe wraþe of þe Lord it ſhall not ben enhabitid, but be
xxxiii And Aſor ſhal be in to dwelling of dragounus, deſert turned al in to wilderneſſe; eche þat ſhal paſſe bi Babiloyne,
vnto wiþoute ende; þer ſhal not dwelle þere a man, ne tiln it ſhal ſtoneyn, and whiſtlen vp on alle his veniaunces.
þe ſone of man. xiiii Beþ redi aȝen Babilon bi enuyroun, alle þat beenden
xxxiiii Þat don is þe wrd of þe Lord to Jeremye, þe profete, bowe to fiȝten it doun; ſpareþ not to dartes, for to þe Lord it
aȝen Elam, in þe bigynnyng of þe regne of Sedechie, king of ſynnede.
Juda, ſeiende, xv Crieþ aȝen it, oueral it ȝaf hond; fellen his foundemens,
xxxv Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael, Lo! I and deſtroȝed ben his wallis; for þe veniaunce of þe Lord `it
ſhal to-breke þe bowe of Elam, and take þer ſtrengþe. is. Veniaunce takeþ of it; as it dide, doþ to it.
xxxvi And Y ſhal bringe in vp on Elam foure wyndus fro þe xvi Scatereþ þe ſowere fro Babilon, and þe holdende ſikel in
foure coeſtus of heuene, and Y ſhal wynewe þem in to alle þe tyme of rip, fro þe face of þe ſwerd of þe culuer; eche to
þeſe windus; and þer ſhal not be folc of kinde, to whiche come his puple ſhal be turned, and eche to þer lond ſhal fleen.
not þe ferr fleende of Elam. xvii Scatered is þe floc of Irael, leownus þrewen hym out;
xxxvii And Y ſhal make Elam to dreden biforn alle his firſt eet hym king Aſſur, þis þe laſte þreȝ out his boenus,
enemys, and in þe ſiȝte of men ſechende þe ſoule of hem; and Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne.
Y ſhal bringe in vp on hem euel, þe wraþe of my wodneſſe, xviii Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, God of Irael,
ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal ſende vp on hem ſwerd, to þe tyme Lo! I ſhal viſite þe king of Babiloyne, and his lond, as Y
þat Y to-waſte þem. viſitede king Aſſur;
xxxviii And Y ſhal ſette my ſee in Elam, and leeſe þennus xix and Y ſhal bringe aȝeen Irael to his dwelling. And be fed
kingus and princes, ſeiþ þe Lord. ſhal Carmeel and Baſan, and þe mount of Effraym and
xxxix In þe laſte forſoþe daȝes Y ſhal make to be turned Galaad ſhal be fulfild his ſoule.
aȝeen þe caitifes of Elam, ſeiþ þe Lord. xx In þo daȝis, and in þat tyme, ſeiþ þe Lord, ſhal be ſoȝt þe
wyckeneſſe of Irael, and ſhal not be; and þe ſynne of Juda,
Capitulum L. and ſhal not be founde; for mercyful Y ſhal be to þem, whom
I ſhal leeue.
i The wrd þat þe Lord ſpac of Babiloyne, and of þe lond of xxi Vp on þe lond of þe lordſhipende ſteeȝ þou vp, and vp on
Caldeis, in þe hond of Jeremye, profete. his dwelleres viſite; waſte, and ſle, þat after hem ben, ſeiþ þe
ii Telleþ in folkus of kinde, and herd makeþ; rereþ vp a tocne; Lord; and do aftir alle þingus þat Y comaunde to þee.
precheþ, and wileþ not hilyn; ſeiþ, Taken is Babilon, xxii Vois of bataile in þe lond, and gret to-broſing.
confoundid is Bel, ouercomen is Maradac; confoundid ben his xxiii Hou to-broke and to-broſid is þe hamer of al erþe? what
grauen þingus, ouercome ben þer mawmetes. maner is turned in to deſert Babilon, in Jentilus?


xxiiii I grenede þee, and take þou art, Babilon, and wiſtiſt lond of Caldeis, no but wiþ drawen hem þe litil childer of
not; founde þou art, and caȝt, for þe Lord þou terrediſt. flockus, no but ſcatered wiþ þem þer dwelling.
xxv Þe Lord openede his treſor, and broȝte forþ veſſelis of his xlvi Fro þe vois of þe caitifte of Babilon ſtirid is þe lond, and
wraþe; for werc is to þe Lord God of oſtus in þe lond of cry among Jentiles is herd.
xxvi Comeþ to it fro vtmoſt coeſtus, openeþ, þat þei go out þat Capitulum LI.
to-treden it; takeþ fro þe weie ſtones, and doþ in to hepes, i Theſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal reren vp on Babilon,
and ſleþ it, ne be þer any þing laft. and vp on his dwelleris, þat þer herte rereden aȝen me, as a
xxvii Scatereþ alle his ſtronge men, come þei doun in to
wind bringende in peſtilence.
ſlaȝter; wo to þem, for comen is þe dai of hem, tyme of þer ii And Y ſhal ſende in to Babilon wyneweres, and þei ſhul
viſiting. wynewe it, and deſtroȝen his lond; for þey camen vp on it on
xxviii Vois of þe fleeres, and of hem þat ſcapeden fro þe lond
eche ſide in þe dai of his tormenting.
of Babiloyne, þat þei telle in Sion þe veniaunce of þe Lord iii And he ſhal not wone, þat beendiþ his bowe, and ſteȝen vp
oure God, veniaunce of his temple. ſhal not þe cloþide wiþ an habirioun; wileþ not ſpare to his
xxix Telleþ out in to Babilon to manye, to alle þat beenden
ȝunge men, ſleþ al his chyualrie.
bowe. Stondeþ togidere aȝen it bi cumpas, and no man ſcape; iiii And falle ſhuln þe ſlayne in þe lond of Caldeis, and þe
ȝeldeþ to it after his werc, after alle þingus þat it dide, doþ to woundid in his regeouns.
it; for aȝen þe Lord it is rered, aȝen þe hoeli of Irael. v For Irael was not `forſake, or maad wydow, and Juda fro
xxx Þerfore falle ſhuln his ȝunge men in his ſtretus, and alle
his men fiȝteres ſhul bicome ſtille in þat dai, ſeiþ þe Lord. þe Lord þer God, Lord of oſtus; þe lond forſoþe of hem folfild
xxxi Lo! Y to þee, þou proude, ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus, for
is of gilte fro þe hoely of Irael.
vi Fleeþ fro þe myddel of Babilon, þat eche man ſaue his
þi dai is come, tyme of þi viſiting. ſoule; wileþ not be ſtille vp on his wickeneſſe, for tyme of his
xxxii And falle ſhal þe proude, and at ones falle, and þer ſhal
veniaunce is to þe Lord; his while he ſhal ȝelde to hym.
not be þat rere hym; and Y ſhal teende vp fyr in his cites, vii A goldene chalis of Babiloyne in þe hond of þe Lord,
and deuoure it ſhal alle þingus in his cumpas. drunknende al þe lond; of his wyn drunke þe Jentilis, and
xxxiii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtus, Chalenge ſuffren þe
þennus þei ben to-ſtirid.
ſonus of Irael and þe ſonus of Juda togidere; alle þat token viii Sodeynly fel Babilon, and is to-broſid; ȝelleþ vpon yt,
hem, holden, þei `wiln lefe not þem. takeþ recyne gumme to his ſorewe, if parauenture he be helid.
xxxiiii Þer aȝeenbiere ſtrong, Lord of oſtus his name; bi dom
ix Wee han cured Babilon, and he is not helid; forſake wee it,
he ſhal defende þer cauſe, þat he fere þe lond, and to-ſtere þe and go wee eche in to his lond; `for ful cam `vn to heuenus
dwelleris of Babiloyne. hys dom, and vp rered is vn to þe cloudus.
xxxv Swerd to þe Caldeis, ſeiþ þe Lord, and to þe dwelleris
x Þe Lord broȝte forþ oure riȝtwiſneſſes; come, and telle wee
of Babilon, and to þe princes, and to his wiſe men. in Sion þe werc of þe Lord oure God.
xxxvi Swerd to his deuynoures, þat foolis ſhul be; ſwerd to
xi Sharpeþ arwes, fulfilleþ arwe caſes; þe Lord rerede his
his ſtronge men, þat ſhul drede. ſpirit of kingus of Medes, and aȝen Babilon is his mynde,
xxxvii Swerd to his hors, and to his chares, and to al þe
þat he leeſe it, for þe veniaunce of þe Lord is, þe veniaunce
comun þat is in his myddel, and þei ſhul be as wymmen; of his temple. Þe king of Medus aȝen Babilon of þe Lord is
ſwerd to his treſores, for þei ſhul be reued awei. rered.
xxxviii Droȝte vp on his watris ſhal be, and þei ſhul become xii Vp on þe wallis of Babilon rereþ a tocne, eecheþ þe
drie; for þe lond of grauen þingus it is, and in wndris warde, rereþ þe keperes, greiþiþ buſſhemens; for þe Lord þoȝt,
glorieþ. and dide, what euere þingus he ſpac aȝen þe dwelleris of
xxxix Þerfore dwelle ſhal dragounus wiþ `fonned woode þeues, Babilon.
and dwelle in it ſhul oſtricchis; and me ſhal no more dwelle in xiii Þat dwelliſt vp on manye watris, riche in treſores, comen
it `vn to euermore, ne ſhal be mad vp vn to ieneracioun and is þin ende, þe foot meſure of þi kutting of.
ieneracioun; xiiii Þe Lord of oſtus ſwor bi his lyf, for Y ſhal fulfille þee of
xl as þe Lord turned vp ſo doun Sodom and Gomor, and his
men, as wiþ bruc werm, and vp on þee a merie faring ſong
nyȝ townes, ſeiþ þe Lord. Þer ſhal not dwelle a man, ne tiln ſhal be ſunge.
it þe ſone of man. xv Þat made þe erþe in his ſtrengþe, biforn made redi þe
xli Lo! a puple cam fro þe norþ, and a gret folc of kinde, and
world in his wiſdam, and bi his prudence ſtraȝte out heuenus.
manye kingus ſhul riſe fro þe coeſtus of þe lond. xvi Hym ȝyuende vois, ben multeplied watris in heuene; þat
xlii Boewe and ſheld þei ſhul take, cruel þei ben and
rereþ cloudus fro þe vtmoſt of þe erþe, leitus `in to reyn
vnmerciable; þe vois of þem as þe ſe ſhal ſowne, and vp on made, and broȝte forþ wind of his treſores.
hors ſhul ſteȝen vp as a man redi to bataile, aȝeen þee, þou xvii Fool is mad eche man of kunnyng, confoundid is eche
doȝter of Babilon. ȝeetere in grauen þing; for `fals is his ȝeting, ne þer is ſpyrit
xliii Þe king of Babiloyn herde þe loes of hem, and looſed
in hem.
atwynne ben his hondus; anguyſh caȝte hym, ſorewe as þe xviii Veyne ben þe werkus, and wrþi ſcornyng; in tyme of þer
trauailende wiþ childe. viſityng þei ſhul perſhe.
xliiii Lo! as a leoun ſteȝeþ vp fro þe pride of Jordan to a
xix Not as þis þe part of Jacob; for þat made alle þingus he
ſtalwrþe fairneſſe, for to renne ſodeynli I ſhal make hym to it; is, and Irael þe kingus dignete of his eritage, þe Lord of
and who ſhal be þe choſen, whom Y ſhal bifor putte to hym? oſtus his name.
Who forſoþe lijc me? and who ſhal ſuſtene me? and who is xx Þou hurtliſt to me þe veſſelis of bataile, and Y ſhal hurtle
þis ſhepperde þat wiþſtant to my chere?
xlv Þerfore hereþ þe counſeyl of þe Lord, þat in mynde he in þee Jentilis, and ſcatere in þee reumus;
conſeyuede aȝen Babylon, and his þoȝtis, þat he þoȝt vpon þe


xxi and Y ſhal hurtle in þee þe hors, and his hors man; and xliii Mad ben his cites in to ſtoneyng, þe lond vnabitable and
Y ſhal hurtle in þee þe char, and his ſteȝere; deſert; þe lond in whiche no man dwelle, ne paſſe þurȝ it þe
xxii and I ſhal hurtle in þee þe man and þe womman; and I ſone of man.
ſhal hurtle in þee þe old man and þe child; and I ſhal hurtle xliiii And Y ſhal viſite vp on Bel in to Babilon, and þrowen
in þee þe ȝunge man and þe maide; awei þat, þat it hadde ſoupid vp fro his mouþ, and ſhul no
xxiii and I ſhal hurtle in þee þe ſhepperde and his floc; and Y mor flowe to it Jentilis; forſoþe and þe wal of Babiloyne ſhal
ſhal hurtle in þee þe erþe tiliere and his ȝoc oxen; and I ſhal at ones falle.
hurtle in þee dukes and þe maiſter ȝugis. xlv Goþ out fro his myddel, my puple, þat eche man ſaue his
xxiiii And I ſhal ȝeelde to Babilon, and to alle þe dwelleris of lif fro þe wraþe of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord;
Caldee, alle his euel, þat he dide in Sion, in ȝoure eȝen, ſeiþ xlvi and leſt par auenture waxe neſſhe ȝoure herte, and ȝee
þe Lord. drede þe heering, þat ſhal be herd in þe lond; and come ſhal
xxv Lo! Y to þee, þou hil berende peſtilence, ſeiþ þe Lord, þat in a ȝeer heering, and after þis ȝer heering and wickeneſſe in
corumpiſt al þe erþe. I ſhal ſtrecche out myn hond vp on þee, þe lond, and lordſhipere vp on lordſhipere.
and turne out þee fro ſtonus, and Y ſhal ȝyue þee in to mount xlvii Þerfore lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal viſite
of brennyng. vp on grauen þingus of Babiloyne; and al hys lond ſhal be
xxvi And Y ſhal not take of þee a ſton in to a corner, and a confoundid, and alle his ſlayne ſhuln falle in his myddel.
ſton in to foundemens; but loſt þou ſhalt be in to wiþ oute xlviii And preiſe ſhul vp on Babiloyne heuenus, and erþe, and
ende, ſeiþ þe Lord. alle þingus þat in hem ben; for fro þe norþ ſhul come to it
xxvii Rereþ a tocne in þe lond, crieþ wiþ a trumpe in reueres, ſeiþ þe Lord.
mounteynes; halewiþ vp on it Jentilis, telleþ out aȝen it to þe xlix And hou dide Babilon, þat fallen ſhulde ſlayn men in
kingus of Ararath, of Menny, and of Aſcheneth; noumbreþ Irael, ſo fro Babylon falle ſhul ſlayn men in al þe lond.
aȝen it Thaſor, bringeþ to vp on it hors, as bruke hauende l Ȝee þat fledden þe ſwerd, come, and wileþ not ſtonde;
tonge. recordeþ aferr of þe Lord, and Jeruſalem ſteȝe vp on ȝoure
xxviii Halewiþ vp on it Jentilis, kingus of Mede, his dukus, herte.
and alle his maiſter iugis, and al þe lond of his power. li Confoundid wee ben, for wee han herd repref; couerede
xxix And al to-moued ſhal be þe lond, and diſturbid; for ſhenſhype oure faces, for þer camen alienus vp on þe halewing
wakide out aȝen Babilon þe þoȝt of þe Lord, þat he poote þe of þe hous of þe Lord.
lond of Babilon deſert, and vnabitable. lii Þerfore lo! daȝes comen, ſeiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal viſite vp
xxx Ceſeden þe ſtronge men of Babilon fro bataile, þei on þe grauen þingus of Babiloyne, and in al his lond loowen
dwelten in places of refut; deuoured is þer ſtalwrþeneſſe, and ſhal þe woundid.
made þei ben as wymmen; brend vp ben his tabernaclis, to- liii If ſteȝen ſhul Babilon in to heuene, and faſtne in heiȝte
broſid ben his barres. his ſtalwrþeneſſe, to me ſhul come his waſteres, ſeiþ þe Lord.
xxxi Þe rennere to meete wiþ þe rennere ſhal come, and þe liiii Vois of þe criende fro Babilon, and gret to-treding fro þe
meſſager to meete wiþ þe tellere, þat he telle out to þe king of lond of Caldeis,
Babiloyne, for taken is his cite fro þe ouermoſt to þe lv for þe Lord waſtide Babilon, and loſt of it a gret vois; and
xxxii and þe forþis ben bifor ocupied, and þe merſhis ben ſowne ſhuln his flodus as many watris. Ȝaf ſoun þe vois of
brend vp wiþ fyr, and þe men fiȝteres ben diſturbid. lvi for þer cam vp on it, þat is, vp on Babilon, þe reuere; and
xxxiii For þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord of oſtis, God of Irael, Þe
caȝt ben his ſtronge men, and driede out þe bowe of þem, for
doȝter of Babilon as a corn floor, tyme of his þreſſhing; ȝit a a ſtronge vengere þe Lord; ȝeldende aȝeyn he ſhal ȝelde.
litil, and come ſhal þe tyme of his reping. lvii And Y ſhal drunkne his princes, and his wiſe men, his
xxxiiii Eet me, deuourede me Nabugodonoſor, king of
dukis, and his maiſter iugis, and his ſtronge men; and þei
Babiloyne; he ȝeeld me as a voide veſſel, ſoupede me vp as a ſhul ſlepen an euere laſtende ſlep, and þei ſhul not ben wakid,
dragoun; he fulfilde his wombe wiþ my tenderneſſe, and caſte ſeiþ þe king, Lord of oſtus his name.
me out. lviii Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God of oſtus, Þe wal of
xxxv Wickeneſſe aȝen me, and my fleſh vp on Babiloyne, ſeiþ
Babilon he þe heieſt wiþ vndermynyng ſhal be vndermyned,
þe dwelling of Sion; and my blod vp on þe dwelleres of and his heȝe ȝatus ſhul be brend wiþ fyr; and þe trauailis of
Calde, ſeiþ Jeruſalem. puples at noȝt, and of Jentilis `in to fyr þei ſhul ben, and
xxxvi Þerfore þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord, Lo! Y ſhal deme þi perſhen.
cauſe, and venge þi vengyng; and deſert ſhal make his ſe, and lix And þe wrd þat Jeremye, þe profete, comaundide to
ſhal drien his veyne. Saraie, ſone of Nerie, ſone of Maſie, whan he ſhulde go wiþ
xxxvii And Babylon ſhal be in to mynde hepis, þe dwelling of king Sedechie in to Babiloyne, in þe ferþe ȝer of his regne;
dragounus, ſtoneing and whiſtling, for þi þat þer is not a Saraie forſoþe was prince of profecie.
dwellere togidere. lx And Jeremye wrot al þe euel, þat was to com vp on
xxxviii And leouns ſhul rore, and ſhake out ſhul her lockus, as Babilon, in o boc, alle þeſe wrdus þat ben write aȝen
þe whelpus of leouns. Babilon.
xxxix In þe hete of hem Y ſhal putte þer drinc; and Y ſhal lxi And Jeremye ſeide to Saraie, Whan þou ſhalt come in to
drunkne þem, þat þei ben greeued wiþ ſlep, and ſlepen an Babilon, and ſeen, and reden alle þeſe wrdus,
euere durende ſlep, þat þey riſe not, ſeiþ þe Lord. lxii þou ſhalt ſei, Lord, þou ſpeeke aȝen þis place, þat þou
xl I ſhal lede þem doun as lombis to ſlayn ſacrifiſe, and as ſhuldiſt deſtroȝe it, þat þer be not þat in it dwelle, fro man vn
weþeris wiþ kidus. to beſte, and þat þer be perpetuel wilderneſſe.
xli Hou taken is Ciſac, and caȝt is þe glorious of al erþe? lxiii And whan þou haſt ful endid to rede þis boc, þou ſhalt
What maner mad is in to ſtoneyng Babilon among Jentilis? binde to it a ſton, and þrowen it in to þe myddel of Eufraten;
xlii And ſteȝede vp vp on Babilon þe ſe, wiþ þe multitude of
his flodus it is couered.


lxiiii andſey, So ſhal be dreynt Babilon, and not riſe fro þe xix and þei toke þe ſtenes, and þe ſenſe veſſelis, and þe water
face of þe tormenting, þat Y bringe vp on it, and it ſhal be veſſelis, and bacynes, and candilſtickes, and litil morteres, and
looſed. Hiderto þe wrdus of Jeremye. cuppes; hou fele goldene, goldene, and hou fele ſiluerene,
Capitulum LII. xx Toc þe maiſter of chyualrie two pileres, and o ſe, and þe

i The
twelue braſene calues þat weren vnder þe feet, þat king
ſone of oon and twenti ȝer was Sedechie, whan he to Salamon hadde mad in þe hous of þe Lord. Þer was no peis
regnen hadde bigunne, and elleuene ȝer he regnede in of þe bras of alle þes veſſelus.
Jeruſalem; and name of his moder Amycal, doȝter of Jeremye xxi Of þe pileres forſoþe, eiȝtetene cubitis of heiȝte weren in
of Lobna. þe o piler, and a litil corde of twelue cubitus wente aboute it;
ii And he dide in þe eȝen of þe Lord euelis, after alle þinges
but his gretneſſe of foure fingris, and wiþ ynne forþ `it was
þat don hadde Joachym. holȝ.
iii For þe wodneſſe of þe Lord was in Jeruſalem, and in xxii And þe hedus vp on eiþer braȝene; and þe heȝte of oen
Juda, for to þat he ſhulde aferr þrowe þem fro hys face. And hed of fyue cubitus; and þe litil nettus and þe poumgarnetus
Sedechye wente awei fro þe king of Babiloyne. vp on þe crowne in cumpas, al was braſene. Lic maner was
iiii Don is forſoþe in þe nynþe ȝer of his regne, in þe tenþe þe ſecounde piler, and þe poumgarnetus; and þer weren vp on
moneþ, þe tenþe dai of þe moneþ, cam Nabugodonoſor, king þe hed in cumpas alle braſene, lic maner of þe toþer piler.
of Babiloyne, he and al his oſt, aȝen Jeruſalem; and xxiii And þer weren nynty poumgarnetes and ſixe hangende,
beſegeden it, and bilden aȝen it ſtrengþingus in cumpas. and alle þe poumgarnetus weren cumpaſſid wiþ an hundrid
v And þe cite was beſegid, vnto þe elleuenþe ȝer of þe regne litil nettus.
of Sedechie. xxiiii And þe maiſter of chyualrie toc Saraiam, þe firſt preſt,
vi Þe ferþe forſoþe monyþ, þe nynþe dai of þe moneþ, hunger and Sofonyam, þe ſecounde preſt, and þe þre keperes of þe
wiþheeld þe cite; and þer were not foodis to þe puple of þe veſtiarie.
lond. xxv And of þe cite he toc o gelding, þat was prouoſt vp on þe
vii And broken is þe cyte, and alle his men fiȝteres floun; and men fiȝteres; and þe ſeuen men of hem þat ſeȝen þe face of þe
þei wenten out of þe cite þe nyȝt, bi þe weie of þe ȝate, þat is king, þat ben founde in þe cite; and þe ſcribe, prince of þe
betwen two wallis, and ledeþ to þe gardyn of þe king, þe knyȝtus, þat proueden þe newe maad knyȝtus; and þe ſixti
Caldeis beſegende þe cite in cumpas; and þei wenten awei bi men of þe puple of þe lond, þat ben founde in þe myddel of þe
þe wey þat ledeþ in to wilderneſſe. cite.
viii Forſoþe þe oſt of Caldeis purſueden þe king, and caȝten xxvi Toc forſoþe þem Nabuſardan, maiſter of þe chyualrie, and
Sedechie in deſert, þat is biſide Jericho; and al his oſt fleiȝ broȝte hem to þe king of Babiloyne in Reblatha.
awei fro hym. xxvii And ſmot hem þe king of Babiloyne, and ſloȝ hem in
ix And whan þei hadden take þe king, þei broȝten hym to þe Reblatha, in þe lond of Emath; and tranſlatede is Juda fro
king of Babiloyne in Reblatha, þat is in þe lond of Emath; his lond.
and he ſpac to hym domus. xxviii Þis is þe puple, whom tranſlatede Nabugodonoſor, in
x And þe king of Babiloyne kutte þe þrotus of þe ſonus of þe ſeuenþe ȝer; Jewis, þre þouſend and þre and twenty.
Sedechie in his eȝen; but and al þe princes of Jude he ſloȝ in xxix In þe eiȝtetenþe ȝer, Nabugodonoſor tranſlatede fro
Reblatha. Jeruſalem eiȝte hundrid lyues and two and þretty.
xi And þe eȝen of Sedechie he putte out, and bond hym in xxx Þe þre and twentiþe ȝer of Nabugodonoſor, tranſlatide
gyues; and þe king of Babiloyne broȝt hym in to Babiloyne, Nabuſardan, maiſter of þe chyualrie, of Jewes ſeuene hundrid
and putte hym in to þe hous of þe priſoun, vnto þe dai of his lyues and fyue and fourty. Alle þanne þe lyues foure þouſend
deþ. and ſixe hundred.
xii In þe fifte forſoþe moneþ, in þe tenþe dai of þe moneþ, it xxxi And don is, in þe ſeuene and þrettiþe ȝeer of þe
is þe nyntenþe ȝer of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, cam tranſmygracioun of Joachym, king of Juda, þe twelfþe moneþ,
Nabuſardan, prince of þe chyualrie, þat ſtod bifor þe king of þe fyue and twentiþe dai of þe moneþ, rerede vp Euilmeredoc,
Babiloyne, in to Jeruſalem. king of Babiloyne, þat ȝer of his regne þe hed of Joachym,
xiii And he brende vp þe hous of þe Lord, and þe hous of þe king of Juda; and broȝte hym `out of þe hous of þe priſoun,
king, and alle þe houſes of Jeruſalem; and `eche gret hous xxxii and ſpac wiþ hym goode þingus; and putte his trone
wiþ fyr he brente. vpon þe tronus of kingis, þat weren after hym in Babiloyne,
xiiii And al þe oſt of Caldeis, þat was wiþ þe maiſter of xxxiii and chaungede þe cloþis of his priſoun; and eet bred
chyualrie, deſtroȝede al þe wal of Jeruſalem bi enuyroun. bifor hym euermor, alle daȝes of his lif.
xv Of þe pore men forſoþe of þe puple, and of þe toþer comun, xxxiiii And his metus, metus perpetuel weren ȝoue to hym of
þat hadde abiden in þe cite, and of þe fugitifes, þat floun to þe king of Babilon, ordeyned bi `daȝes arewe, vnto þe dai of
þe king of Babilon, and þe toþere of þe multytude, tranſlatede his deþ, alle þe daȝes of his lif.
Nabuſardan, prince of þe chyualrie.
xvi Of þe pore men forſoþe of þe lond, lafte Nabuſardan, þe And don is, after þat in to caitifte is broȝt
prince of þe chyualrie, in to vyne tilieres, and in to feld Irael, and Jeruſalem is deſtroȝed, ſat
tilieres. Jeremye, þe profete, wepende, and
xvii Alſo þe braſene pileeres, þat weren in þe hous of þe
Lord, and þe feet, and þe braſene ſe, þat was in þe hous of weilede wiþ þis lamentacioun Jeruſalem;
þe Lord, Caldeis to-breeken; and token al þe bras of hem in and wiþ bitter inwit ſiȝhende, and criende
to Babiloyne;
xviii and cawdrones, and fleſhokes, and ſautrees, and violis, Weile awei! ſeide.
and litil morteres, and alle þe braſene veſſelis, þat weren in


hir enemys; mad is Jeruſalem as defoulid wiþ wymmen flux

LAMENTACIOUN. blodis among hem.
xviii Sade. Riȝtwis is þe Lord, for his mouþ to wraþe Y
Her gynneþ þe Lamentacioun of Jeremye, terrede; hereþ, Y beſeche, alle puplis, and ſeeþ my ſorewe; my
maidenes and my ȝunge men wenten in to caitifte.
þat is in title Cenoth, wiþ þe ſoylinge out of xix Cof. I clepede my frendus, and þei bigileden me; my
Ebru lettris. preſtus and myn olde men in þe cite ben waſtid; for þei ſoȝten
mete to þemſelf, þat þei refreſhe þer ſoule.
Capitulum I. xx Res. See, Lord, for Y am trublid, al diſturbid is my
i Aleph. wombe; turned vp ſo doun is myn herte in myſelf, for of
Hou ſitteþ alone þe cite ful of puple? mad is as a bitterneſſe ful Y am; wiþouteforþ ſleeþ þe ſword, and at home
widewe þe ladi of folc of kinde; prince of prouynces mad is deþ is lyc.
vnder tribute. xxi Syn. Þei herden, for Y inwardli weile, and þer is not þat
ii Beth. Wepende ſhe wepte in þe nyȝt, and þe teres of hir in
coumforteþ me; alle myn enemys herden myn euel, gladiden,
hir chekus; þer is not þat coumforte hir, of alle hir derwrþe; for þou didiſt; þou broȝtiſt to dai of coumforting, and mad þei
alle her frendus diſpiſeden hir, and ben mad to hir enemys. ſhul be lic me.
iii Gimel. Paſſyde Juda for þe affliccioun and þe multitude of xxii Tau. Go yn al þe euel of hem bifor þee, and to-pulle hem,
ſeruage, dwellide among Jentiles, ne ſhe fond reſte; alle hir as þou to-pullediſt me for my wickydneſſes; manye forſoþe my
purſuerus caȝten hir among anguyſſhis. weilingis, and myn herte moornende.
iiii Deleth. Þe weies of Sion weilen, for þi þat þer ben not,
þat come to þe ſolempnete; alle hir ȝatus ben ſtroȝed, hir Capitulum II.
preſtys weilende, hir maidenus foule, and ſhe opreſſed wiþ
bitterneſſe. i Aleph. Hou aboute couerde wiþ myſtyneſſe þe Lord in his
v He. Mad ben hir enemys in þe hed, and hir enemys ben wodneſſe þe doȝter of Sion? þreȝ aferr fro heuene in to þe
richid, for þe Lord ſpac vp on hir. For þe multitude of hir glorious lond of Irael; and recordede not of his litil ſteȝing
wickeneſſes hir litil childer ben lad in to caitifte, bifor þe face ſtol of his feet, in þe dai of his wodneſſe.
of þe trublende. ii Beth. `Þe Lord þreȝ doun, and ſparede not, alle þe faire
vi Vau. And wente out fro þe doȝter of Sion `al hir fairneſſe; þingus of Jacob; deſtroȝede in his wodneſſe þe ſtrengþingis of
mad ben hir princes as weþeres not fyndende leſwis, and þei þe maiden of Juda, þreȝ doun in to erþe; defoulide þe reume,
wenten awei wiþoute ſtrengþe bifor þe face of þe folewere. and his princes.
vii Sai. And recordide Jeruſalem of þe daies of hir affliccioun iii Gimel. He to-brac in þe wraþe of his wodneſſe eche horn of
and treſpas, and of alle hir deſirable þingus þat ſhe hadde fro Irael; turnede awey bacward his riȝt hond fro þe face of þe
þe olde daies; whan ſhulde falle hir puple in þe enemys hond, enemy; and brende vp in to Jacob, as fyr of deuourende
and þer was not an helpere; ſeȝen hir þe enemys, and flawme in cumpas.
ſcorneden hir ſabatus. iiii Deleth. He bente his bowe as an inward enemy, and he
viii Heth. A ſynne ſynnede Jeruſalem, þerfore vnſtable ſhe is faſtnede his riȝt hond as an vttermor enemy; and ſloȝ al þat
mad; alle þat glorifieden hir diſpiſeden hir, for þei ſeȝen hir was fair in ſiȝt in þe tabernacles of þe doȝter of Sion;
ſhenſhipe; ſhe forſoþe weilende, and is turned bacward. heeldide out as fyr his indignacioun.
ix Teth. Þe filþis of hir in hir feet, and ſhe recordide not of v He. Mad is þe Lord as an enemy; tumblede doun Irael, he
hir ende; do doun ſhe is hugeli, not hauende a comfortour; tumblede doun alle his walles; waſtede his ſtrengþingus, and
ſee, Lord, my tormenting, for rered vp is þe enemy. fulfilde in þe doȝter of Juda þe lowid man and þe lowid
x Joth. His hond ſente þe enemy to alle hir deſirable þingus; womman.
vi Vau. And he waſtide as a gardyn his tent, deſtroȝede his
for ſhe ſaȝ Jentilis gon in to hir ſeyntuarie, of whiche þou
haddiſt comaundid, þat þei ſhulde not go in to þi chirche. tabernacle; to forȝeting toc þe Lord in Sion feſte dai, and
xi Caf. Al hir puple weilende and ſechende bred, and ȝeeuen ſabat; and repref, and indignacioun of his wodneſſe, king and
eche preciouſe þingus for mete to be refreſhid þe ſoule; ſee, vii Sai. Putte abac þe Lord his auter, curſede to his
Lord, and behold, for mad Y am foul.
xii Lameth. O! alle ȝee þat paſſen bi þe weie, takeþ heed, and halewing; toc in to þe hondus of þe enemy þe wallis of his
toures; vois þei ȝeeuen in `þe hous of þe Lord, as in
ſeeþ, if þer is ſorewe as my ſorewe; for to-pullid me it haþ, ſolempne dai.
as þe Lord ſpac in þe dai of þe wraþe of his wodneſſe. viii Heth. Þoȝte þe Lord to ſcateren þe wal of þe doȝter of
xiii Men. Fro an heiȝ he ſente fyr in my bonus, and lernede
Sion; he ſtraȝte out his litil corde, and turnede not awei his
me; ſpredde out a net to my feet, turnede me bacward; he ſette hond fro perdicioun; and he weilede biforn þe walling, and þe
me deſolat, al dai wiþ mournyng defacid. wal togidere is ſcatered.
xiiii Nun. Wakide þe ȝoc of my wickeneſſes in his hond, ix Teth. Doun piȝt in þe erþe ben hir ȝatus, he loſte and to-
wrappid þei ben togidere, and leid on my necke; feblid is my broſide hir barres; his kingis and hys princes in Jentiles; þer
vertu; ȝaf me þe Lord in þe hond, of whiche Y ſhal not moun is not lawe, and his profetis founden not viſeoun of þe Lord.
riſe. x Joth. Seten in þe erþe, alle ſtille weren þe olde men; þe
xv Sameth. Toc awei þe Lord alle my grete wrþi doeres fro
doȝtris of Sion ſpringden wiþ aſkus þer hedis, ben gird to
my myddel; he clepede aȝen me tyme, þat he to-broſe my wiþ heires; þrewen awei in þe erþe þer hedus þe maidenus of
choſene; þe preſſe trad þe Lord to þe maide, doȝter of Juda. Jeruſalem, gird to þei ben wiþ heires; þrewen awei in þe erþe
xvi Ayn. Þerfore Y wepende, and myn eȝe ledende doun þer hedus þe maidenus of Juda.
water; for ferr mad `fro me is þe coumfortour, turnende my xi Caph. Faileden for teres myn eȝen, diſturbid ben my
ſoule; mad ben my ſonus loſt, for mor myȝti was þe enemy. bowelis; held out is in þe erþe my mawe vp on þe to-treding
xvii Fee. Straȝte out Sion hir hondus, þer is not þat of þe doȝter of my puple; whan ſhulde faile þe litil child and
coumforte hir; þe Lord ſente aȝen Jacob, in þe cumpas of hir, þe ſoukende in þe ſtretus of þe burȝtoun.


xii Lameth. To þer modris þei ſeiden, Wher is þe whete, and x Deleth. A waitende bere maad he is to me, a leoun in hid
wyn? whan þei ſhulden faile as woundid in þe ſtretus of þe þingus.
cite; whan þei ſhulde breþen out þer ſoulis in þe boſum of þer xi Deleth. My paþis he turnede vp ſo doun, and tobrac me; he
modris. putte me deſolat.
xiii Men. To whom ſhal Y compariſoune þee? or to whom ſhal xii Deleth. He bente his bowe, and ſette me as a ſigne to þe
Y licnen þee, þou doȝter of Jeruſalem? to whom ſhal Y arewe.
euenen þee, and coumforte þee, þou maiden doȝter of Sion? xiii He. He putte in my reynes þe doȝtris of his arewe cas.
gret forſoþe as þe ſe þi contricioun; who ſhal lechen þee.
xiiii Nun. Þi profetus ſeeȝen to þee falſe, and fool þingus; xiiii Hee. Y am mad in to ſcorne to al puple, þe ſong of þem
and openeden not þi wickeneſſe, þat þee to penaunce þei al dai.
ſhulde ſtere; þei ſeȝen forſoþe to þee fals takingis to, and xv He. He fulfilde me wiþ bitterneſſes; he drunknede me wiþ
þrowingis out. wrmod.
xv Sameth. Flappeden `vp on þee wiþ hondus alle þe paſſeres xvi Vau. He to-brac at noumbre my teeþ; he fedde me wiþ
bi þe wey; whiſtleden, and moueden þer hed vp on þe doȝter aſkus.
of Jeruſalem; ſeiende, Wheþer þis is not þe cheef cite of parfit xvii Vau. And put a bac is my ſoule; Y forȝat of goodus.
fairneſſe, þe ioȝe of al erþe? xviii Vau. And Y ſeide, Perſhede myn ende, and myn hope
xvi Ayn. Openeden vp on þee þer mouþ alle þin enemyes;
fro þe Lord.
whiſtleden, and gnaſteden wiþ þer teeþ, and ſeiden, Wee ſhul xix Sai. Recorde of poreneſſe and of myn ouergoing, and of
deuoure; lo! þis is þe dai þat wee abiden, wee han founde,
and ſeen. wrmod and of galle.
xvii Fee. Þe Lord dide þat he þoȝte, he fulfilde his wrd þat xx Say. Bi mynde Y ſhal be myndeful; and failen in me ſhal
he comaundide fro þe olde daȝes; he deſtroȝede, and ſparede my ſoule.
not; and gladide vp on þee þe enemy, and enhauncede þe horn xxi Sai. Þeſe þingus þenkende in myn herte, in God Y ſhal
of þin enemys. hope.
xviii Sade. Criede þe herte of hem to þe Lord, vp on þe xxii Heth. Þe mercyes of þe Lord manye, forſoþe wee ben not
wallis of þe doȝter of Sion; bring doun as a ſtef ſtrem teres, waſtid; for his mercyes faileden not.
bi dai and nyȝt; ȝyue þou not reſte to þee, ne be ſtille þe appil xxiii Heth. Y kneȝ þe morutid; myche is þi feiþ.
of þin eȝe. xxiiii Heth. My partie þe Lord, ſeide my ſoule; þerfore Y ſhal
xix Coph. Ris, preiſe þou in þe nyȝt, in þe bigynnyng of
abiden hym.
wacchis; heeld out as water þin herte, byfor þe ſiȝt of þe xxv Teth. Good is þe Lord to men hopende in hym, to þe
Lord; rere to hym þin hondus for þe ſoule of þi litil childer, ſoule ſechende hym.
þat for hunger perſhen `in þe hed of alle many weies `in to xxvi Teth. Good is to abide wiþ ſilence þe helþe ȝyuere of
xx Res. See, Lord, and behold, whom þou haſt to-pullid; ſo God.
xxvii Teth. Good is to þe man, þat haþ born þe ȝoc of þe
þerfore leſt ſhuln ete wymmen þer frut, litil childer at þe
meſure of a ſpanne; for ſlayn is in þe ſeyntuarie of þe Lord Lord fro his waxende ȝouþe.
þe preſt, and þe profete. xxviii Joth. He ſhal ſitte ſolitarie, and be ſtille; for he rerede
xxi Syn. Leȝen in þe erþe wiþouteforþ þe child and þe olde hymſelf aboue hymſelf.
man; my maidenes and my ȝunge men fellen in ſwerd ſlayn; xxix Joth. He ſhal ſette in pouder his mouþ, if par auenture
in þe dai of þi wodneſſe þou ſmyte, ne þou ſhalt han reuþe. þer be hope.
xxii Tau. Þou clepedeſt, as to a ſolempne day, þat ſhulden xxx Joth. He ſhal ȝyue to þe ſmytende hym þe cheke; he ſhal
fere me of þe cumpas; and þer was not þat ſhulde ſcape in þe be fulfyld wiþ repreues.
dai of þe wodneſſe of þe Lord, and be laft; whom Y broȝte xxxi Caph. For putten abac ſhul not þe Lord in to euermor.
forþ and nurſhede, myn enemy waſtede þem. xxxii Caph. For if he haue caſt awei, and he ſhal haue mercy

Capitulum III. after þe multitude of his mercies.

xxxiii Caph. Forſoþe he loewede not of his herte; and caſte
i Aleph. I `a man ſeende my poreneſſe in þe ȝerde of his awei þe ſonus of man.
indignacioun. xxxiiii Lameth. Þat he ſhulde tobroſe vnder his feet alle þe
ii Aleph. Me he drof, and broȝt in to dercneſſis, and not in to gyuede of þe lond.
liȝt. xxxv Lameth. Þat he ſhulde boowe doun þe dom of man, in
iii Aleph. Onli in to me turnede, and conuertede his hond al þe ſiȝte of þe chere of þe heȝeſt.
dai. xxxvi Lameth. Þat he ſchuld myſturne a man in his dom, þe
iiii Beth. For eldid he made my ſkyn, and my fleſh; he to- Lord kneȝ not.
broſyde my bonus. xxxvii Men. Who ys þis þat ſeide, þat ſhulde be don, þe Lord
v Beth. He bilde vp in my cumpas, and cumpaſſede me wiþ not comaundende?
galle and wiþ trauaile. xxxviii Men. Of þe mouþ of þe heȝeſt ſhul not go out ne
vi Beth. In derke þingus he ſette me, as deade men euere goode þingus ne euele.
durende. xxxix Men. What grucchede a man lyuende, a man for his
vii Gimel. He bilde aboute aȝen me, þat Y go not out; he ſynnes?
agreggede myn gyues. xl Nun. Serche we oure weies, and ſeche, and be wee turned
viii Gimel. But and whan Y ſhal crien and preȝe, he cloſede aȝeen to þe Lord.
out myn oryſoun. xli Nun. Rere wee oure hertus wiþ hondus, to þe Lord in to
ix Gimel. He cloſede my weyes wiþ ſquar ſtonus; my ſtyes he heuenus.
turnede vp ſo doun.


xlii Nun. Wee wickeli diden, and to wraþe terreden; þerfore vi Vau. And more mad is þe wickedneſſe of þe doȝter of my
þou art vnpreiable. puple þan þe ſynne of Sodomys, þat is turned vp ſo doun in
xliii Sameth. Þou coueridiſt in wodneſſe, and ſmyte vs; þou a moment, and toc not in to it hondus.
ſlowe, and ſparediſt not. vii Sai. Whittere is Nazareis þan ſnoȝ, ſhynendere þan mylc;
xliiii Sameth. Þou putteſt aȝen a cloude to þee, leſt paſſe þe reddere þan old yuer, þan ſafyr fairere.
preieer. viii Heth. Gretli blakid is aboue colis þe face of hem, and þei
xlv Sameth. Pulling vp bi þe roote, and caſting awei, þou ben not knowen in ſtretus; cleuede to þe ſkyn to þe bonus of
puttiſt me, in þe myddel of puplus. hem, it driede, and mad is as a tree.
xlvi Ain. Myn eȝe is tormentid, and was not ſtille; forþi þat ix Teth. Betere was to þe ſlayn men wiþ ſwerd, þan to þe
þer was not reſte. ſlayn men wiþ hungir; for þei anoen ben dead, þeſe ful out
xlvii Ayn. To þe tyme þat ſhulde biholde and looke þe Lord faileden, ben towaſtid of þe bareyneſſe of þe erþe.
x Joth. Þe hondus of merciful wymmen ſeþeden þer ſonus;
fro heuenus.
xlviii Ayn. Myn eȝe robbede my ſoule in alle þe doȝtris of my mad þei ben þe metus of hem in þe contricioun of þe doȝter of
my puple.
cheef cite. xi Caf. Þe Lord fulfilde his wodneſſe, helde out þe wraþe of
xlix Fe. Openeden vp on vs þer mouþ, alle þe enemys.
his indignacioun; and þe Lord tende vp fyr in Sion, and
l Fe. Ferd and gren don is to vs, profeciyng and contricioun. deuourede his foundemens.
li Fe. My eȝen broȝten doun deuyſeouns of watris, in þe xii Lameth. Leeueden not þe kingis of þe lond, and alle þe
contricioun of þe doȝter of my puple. dwelleris of þe world, þat gon in ſhulde þe ferr enemy and þe
lii Sade. Bi hunting þei token me as a brid, myn enemys nyȝ enemy bi þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem.
freeli. xiii Men. For þe ſynnes of his profetus, and þe wickidneſſis
liii Sade. Slyden is in to a grene my lyf; þei ſetten a ſton vp of his preſtus, þat heeldeden out in his myddil þe blod of
on me. riȝtwis men.
liiii Sade. Floweden watris vp on myn hed; Y ſeide, Y xiiii Nun. Erreden þe blinde in ſtretus, defoulid ben in blod;
perſhede. and whan þei myȝte not entre, þei heelden þer ſwolwis.
lv Coph. I inwardli clepede þi name, Lord, fro þe laſte grene. xv Sameth. Goþ awei, ȝee defoulid, þei crieden to þem,
lvi Cof. My vois þou herdeſt; ne turne þou awei þin ere fro departeþ awei, goþ awei, wileþ not touche; forſoþe þei
iangleden, and ben to-ſtired; ſeiden among Jentiles, He ſhal
my ſobbing and cries. no more lei to, þat he dwelle in hem.
lvii Coph. Þou neȝhediſt in þe dai, whan Y inwardli clepede xvi Ain. Þe face of þe Lord deuydede þem, he ſhal not adde,
þee; þou ſeidiſt, Ne drede þou. þat he beholde þem; þe faces of preſtus þei ſhameden not, ne
lviii Res. Þou demedeſt, Lord, þe cauſe of my ſoule, þou of þe olde men þei reweden.
aȝeen biere of my lif. xvii Fee. Whan ȝit wee ſhulde ſtonden alyue, faileden oure
lix Res. Þou ſeeȝe, Lord, þe wickeneſſe of þem aȝen me; deme eȝen to oure veyn help; whanne wee bihelden takende heed to
þou my dom. þe folc of kinde, þat ſaue vs myȝte not.
lx Res. Þou ſeȝe eche wodneſſe, alle þe þoȝtus of hem aȝens xviii Sade. Þei maden ſlidery oure ſteppis in þe weie of oure
me. ſtretes; neȝhede oure ende, fulfild ben oure daȝes, for comen
lxi Syn. Þou haſt herd þe repreues of hem, Lord; alle þe is oure ende.
þoȝtus of hem aȝen me. xix Cof. Swiftere weren oure purſueres þan egles of heuene
lxii Sin. Þe lippis of men inriſende to me, and þe vp on þe mounteinus; þei purſueden vs, in deſert þei ſetteden
biþenkingus of hem aȝen me al day. aſpies to vs.
lxiii Sin. Þe ſitting of hem and þe aȝeen riſing of hem ſee; Y xx Res. Þe ſpirit of oure mouþ, Criſt Lord, taken is in oure
am þe ſalm of hem. ſynnes; to whom we ſeiden, In þi ſhadewe wee ſhul lyue in
lxiiii Tau. Þou ſhalt ȝelde to þem þe while, Lord, after þe folkus of kinde.
xxi Syn. Ioȝe, and glade, þou doȝter of Edom, þat dwelliſt in
werkis of þer hondus.
lxv Tau. Þou ſhalt ȝyue to þem þe ſheld of herte, þi trauaile. þe lond of Hus; to þee alſo ſhal come þe chalis, þou ſhalt be
lxvi Tau. Þou ſhalt purſue in þi wodneſſe, and to-trede þem
drunke, and nakened.
xxii Tau. Fulfilde is þi wickeneſſe, þou doȝter of Sion; he
vnder heuenus, Lord. ſhal no more adde, þat he ouerpaſſe þee; he ſhal viſite þi
wickeneſſe, þou doȝter of Edom, diſcouere he ſhal þi ſynnes.
Capitulum IIII.
i Aleph. Hou bicome derc is gold, chaungid is þe beſt colour? Capitulum V.
ſcatered ben þe ſtonus of þe ſeyntuarie in þe hed of alle Here begynneþ þe Oriſoun of Jeremye, þe
ii Beth. Þe ſonus of Sion glorious, and wrappid wiþ þe chef prophete.
gold, in to erþene veſſeles, werk of þe hondis of a crockere. i Recorde, Lord, what haþ falle to vs; inwardly looke, and
iii Gimel. But and þe cruel beeſtis clepid lamya, nakeden þer behold oure repref.
tetes, ȝeeuen þer whelpus ſouken; þe doȝter of my puple cruel, ii Oure eretage turned is to alienes, oure houſes to
as an oſtrich in deſert. ſtraungeres.
iiii Deleth. Cleuede to þe tonge of þe ſoukende to his palet in iii Faderles childer we ben mad wiþ oute fader; oure moders
þriſt; þe litil childer aſkeden bred, and þer was not þat ſhulde as widewis.
breke to þem. iiii Oure water in monee wee han drunke, oure trees for pris
v He. Þat eeten voluptuouſly, dieden in weies; þat weren
wee han boȝt.
nurſhid in `faire clois of ſaffroun, han clippid þoſtus.


v Bi oure nollis we were dryue, and to þe weri was not ȝoue

vi To Egipt wee ȝeeuen hond, and to Aſſiries, þat wee ſhulde
be fulfild wiþ bred.
vii Oure faders ſynneden, and ben not, and wee þe
wickidneſſes of hem han born.
viii Seruauns lordſhipeden of vs, and þer was not, þat aȝeen
ſhulde bie fro þe hond of hem.
ix In oure lyues we broȝten to bred to vs, fro þe face of þe
ſwerd in deſert.
x Oure ſkin as an ouene is tobrent, fro þe face of tempeſtus
of hunger.
xi Wymmen in Sion þei meekiden, and maidenus in þe cites
of Juda.
xii Princes bi þe hond ben hangid vp; faces of olde men þei
ſhameden not.
xiii Þe ȝunge wymmen vnchaſtli þei myſuſeden, and þe childer
in tree togidere fellen.
xiiii Olde men faileden of þe ȝatus; ȝunge men of þe quer of
xv Failede þe ioȝe of oure herte; turned is in to weiling oure
xvi Fel þe croune of oure hed; wo to vs! for wee han ſynned.
xvii Þerfore dreri mad is oure herte, þerfore to-dercned ben
oure eȝen.
xviii For þe mount of Sion, for it diſperiſht; wlues ȝiden in it.
xix Þou, forſoþe, Lord, in to wiþ oute ende ſhalt abide ſtille;
þi ſee in to ieneracioun and to ieneracioun.
xx Whi in to wiþ oute ende þou ſhalt forȝeten vs, þou ſhalt
forſake vs in to þe lengþe of daȝis?
xxi Conuerte vs, Lord, to þee, and we ſhul be conuertid; newe
þou oure daȝes, as fro þe bigynnyng.
xxii But caſtende awei þou haſt put vs out; þou wraþediſt
aȝen vs hugely.
Her endeþ Jeremye, and gynneþ þe prolog
in þe boc clepid Baruch.


xviii And we wer not ſoietable `to hym, and wee wel herden
BARUCH. not þe vois of þe Lord oure God, þat wee ſhulde go in his
maundemens þat he ȝaf to vs;
Þe prolog of Baruch. xix fro þe dai þat he ladde out oure faders fro þe lond of
`This boc, þat Baruch bi name is bifor notid, in Ebru canoun Egipt, vn to þis dai, we weren myſtrowable to þe Lord oure
is not had, but onli in þe comun tranſlacioun; lyc maner and God; and ſcatered we wenten awey, leſt wee ſhulde heren þe
þe epiſtil of Jeremye; for þe knouleching forſoþe of rederes vois of hym.
heer ben write; for many þingus of Criſt and of þe laſte xx And þer cleueden to vs many euelis, and curſingus, þe
tymes þei ſhewen. whiche þe Lord ſette to his ſeruaunt Moiſes; þat ladde out
oure faders fro þe lond of Egipt, to ȝyue to vs þe lond
Here begynneþ þe boke of Baruch, flowende mylc and hony, as in þis day.
prophete. xxi And wee herden not þe vois of þe Lord oure God, after
alle þe wrdus of profetus, þat he ſente to vs, and to oure
Capitulum I. iugis;
xxii and we wenten awey, eche in to þe wit of oure ſhreude
i And þeſe ben þe wrdus of þe boc, þat wrot Baruch, þe ſone herte, to werche to alien godus, doende euelus bifor þe eȝen of
of Neri, ſone of Maſy, ſone of Sedechie, ſone of Sedei, ſone þe Lord owre God.
of Elchie, in Babilon;
ii in þe fifte ȝer, in þe ſeuenþe dai of þe moneþ, in þe tyme
Capitulum II.
þat Caldeis token Jeruſalem, and brenden it vp wiþ fyr.
iii And Baruch radde þe wrdus of þis boc at þe eres of i For whiche þing ordeynede þe Lord oure God his wrd, þat
Jeconye, ſone of Joachym, king of Juda, and at þe eres of al he ſpac to vs, and to oure iuges þat demeden Jeruſalem, and
þe puple comende to þe boc; to oure kingus, and to oure princes, and to al Irael and
iiii and at þe eres of þe myȝti men of þe ſonus of kingus, and Juda;
ii þat þe Lord ſhulde bringe to vp on vs grete euelis, þat ben
at þe eres of preſtus, and at þe eres of þe puple, fro þe leſte
vnto þe meſte of hem, alle dwellende in Babyloyne, and at þe not do vnder heuene, as ben do in Jeruſalem; after þat ben
flod of Sodi. write in þe lawe of Moiſes,
v Þe whiche herende wepten, and faſteden, and preȝeden in þe iii þat a man ſhulde ete þe fleſh of his ſone, and þe fleſh of
ſiȝt of þe Lord. his doȝter.
vi And þei gedereden monee, after þat myȝte of eche þe hond. iiii And he ȝaf hem in þe hond of alle kingus, þat ben in oure
vii And þei ſenten in to Jeruſalem to Joachym, ſone of Elchie, cumpas, in to repref, and in to deſolacioun in alle puplis, in
whiche ſcaterede vs þe Lord.
ſone of Salen, þe preſt, and to þe preſtus, and to al þe puple v And wee ben mad vnderneþe, and not aboue; for we han
þat ben founde wiþ hym in Jeruſalem;
viii whan þei ſhulde take þe veſſeles of þe temple, þat weren ſynned to þe Lord oure God, not wel herende þe vois of hym.
vi To þe Lord oure God riȝtwiſneſſe, to vs forſoþe and to
take awei fro þe temple, to aȝeen clepe `in to þe lond of Juda,
þe tenþe dai of þe moneþ Cybam; þe ſiluer veſſelis, þat oure faders ſhenſhipe of þe face, as is þis dai.
Sedechie, ſone of Joſie, king of Juda, made, vii For þe Lord ſpac vp on vs alle þeſe euelis, þat camen vp
ix after þat Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, hadde take on vs.
Jeconye, and his princes, and alle þe myȝti, and þe puple of viii And wee louli preȝeden not þe face of þe Lord oure God,
þe lond fro Jeruſalem, and broȝte þem gyued in to Babiloyne. þat wee ſhulden turne aȝeen, eche of vs fro oure werſt weies.
x And þei ſeiden, Lo! wee han ſent to ȝou mones, of whiche ix And þe Lord woc in euelis, and broȝte þem vp on vs; for
bieþ brent ſacrifiſe, and cens, and makeþ manaa, and offreþ riȝtwis is þe Lord in alle his werkus þat he ſente to vs.
for ſynne at þe auter of þe Lord oure God. x And wee herden not þe vois of hym, þat we ſhulde go in þe
xi And preȝeþ for þe lif of Nabugodonoſor, king of Babiloyne, heſtes of þe Lord, þat he ȝaf bifor oure face.
and for þe lif of Balthaſar, his ſone, þat þe daȝes of þem be xi And now, Lord God of Irael, þat broȝtiſt out þi puple fro
as þe daȝes of heuene vp on erþe; þe lond of Egipt in a ſtrong hond, and in ſignes, and wndris,
xii þat þe Lord ȝyue vertue to vs, and liȝtne oure eȝen, þat and in þi grete vertue, and in an hyȝ arm, and madiſt to þee
wee lyue vnder þe ſhadewe of Nabugodonoſor, king of a name, as is þis day;
Babiloyne, and vnder þe ſhadewe of Balthaſar, his ſone; and xii wee han ſynned, vnpitouſly wee han born vs, wickeli wee
ſerue wee to hem manye daȝes, and fynde wee grace in þe han do, Lord oure God, in alle þi riȝtwiſneſſes.
ſyȝte of hem. xiii Be turned awey þy wraþe fro vs; for wee ben laft a fewe
xiii And for vs ſelf preȝeþ to þe Lord oure God, for wee han
among Jentilis, wher þou haſt ſcatered vs.
ſynned to þe Lord oure God, and turned awei is not his xiiii Heere, Lord, oure preieeres, and oure oriſounus, and
wodneſſe fro vs, vn to þis dai.
xiiii And redeþ þis boc, þat wee han ſent to ȝou, to be bring vs out for þee; and ȝif to vs to finde grace bifor þe face
of hem, þat ladden vs awey;
reherced in þe temple of þe Lord, in a ſolempne dai, and in a xv þat al erþe wite, for þou art Lord oure God, and for þi
couenable day.
xv And ȝee ſhul ſey, To þe Lord oure God riȝtwiſneſſe, to vs name is inwardli clepid vp on Irael, and vp on þe kinde of
forſoþe confuſioun of oure face, as is þis dai to al Juda, and xvi Bihold, Lord, fro þin hoeli hous in to vs, and bowe in
to þe dwelleris in Jeruſalem,
xvi to oure kingus, and to oure princes, to oure preſtus, and þin ere, and ful out here vs.
xvii Opene þin eȝen, and ſee; for not þe deade þat ben in
to oure profetus, and to oure faders.
xvii We han ſynned bifor þe Lord oure God, and wee han not helle, whos ſpirit is taken fro þer bowelis, ſhul ȝyue wrſhipe
and iuſtefiyng to þe Lord;
leeued, myſtroſtende in to hym.


xviii but þe ſoule þat is ſori vp on þe mykilneſſe of euel, and iiii Lord God al myȝti, God of Irael, here now þe oriſoun of
goþ bowid, and meekid, and þe eȝen failende, and þe ſoule þe deade men of Irael, and of þe ſonus of hem, for þei han
hungrende, ȝyueþ to þee glorie and riȝtwiſneſſe, Lord. ſynned bifor þee, and þei herden not þe vois of þe Lord þer
xix Whiche not after þe riȝtwiſneſſe of oure faders heelden out God, and ioyned ben to vs euelis.
mercy bifor þi ſiȝt, Lord oure God; v Wile þou not han mynde of þe wickeneſſe of oure fadris, but
xx but for þou ſentiſt þi wraþe and þi wodneſſe vp on vs, as haue mynde of þin hond and of þi name in þis tyme;
þou ſpeeke in þe hondus of þi childer profetus, ſeiende, vi for þou art Lord oure God, and wee ſhul preiſe þee, Lord.
xxi Þus ſeiþ þe Lord, Bowiþ doun ȝoure ſhuldris, and ȝoure vii For þat þou haſt ȝoue þi drede in oure hertes, þat wee
nol, and doþ trauaile to þe king of Babiloyne; and ȝee ſhul inwardli clepe þi name, and preiſe þee in oure caitifte; for wee
ſitte in þe lond, þat Y ȝaf to ȝoure faders. ſhul be turned fro þe wickeneſſe of oure fadris, þat ſynneden
xxii Þat if ȝee ſhul not don, ne here þe vois of þe Lord oure in þee.
God, to werche to þe king of Babiloyne, viii And lo! wee in oure caitifte ben to dai, þat vs þou haſt
xxiii ȝoure failing Y ſhal make fro þe cites of Juda, and fro ſcatered, in to repref, and in to curſing, and in to ſynne, after
þe ȝatus of Jeruſalem; and Y ſhal take awei fro ȝou þe vois alle þe wickidneſſis of oure fadris, þat wenten awei fro þee,
of merþe, and þe vois of ioȝe, and vois of þe man ſpouſe, and Lord oure God.
vois of þe womman ſpouſe; and ben ſhal al þe lond wiþ oute ix Here þou, Irael, þe maundemens of lif; wiþ eres parceyue,
ſtep from þe dwelleres in to it. þat þou wite prudence.
xxiiii And þei herden not þy vois, þat þei ſhulde wrche to þe x What is, Irael, þat in þe lond of þe enemys þou art? Þou
king of Babiloyne; and þou ſettedeſt þi wrdus, þat þou ſpeeke haſt eldid in an alien lond, þou art defoulid wiþ deade men,
in þe eres of þi childer profetus, þat tranſlatid ſhulde be þe xi þou art ſet wiþ men goende doun in to helle?
bonus of oure kingus, and þe bonus of oure faders fro þis xii Þou haſt forſake þe welle of wiſdam;
xxv And lo! þei ben caſt forþ in þe hete of þe ſunne, and in þe xiii for if in þe weies of God þou haddeſt go, þou ſhuldiſt han
froſt of þe nyȝt; and þei ben dead in werſt ſorwes, in hunger, dwellid forſoþe in pes vp on erþe.
and in ſwerd, and in ſending out. xiiii Lerne, wher be prudence, wher be vertue, wher be
xxvi And þou ſettediſt þi temple, in whiche is inwardli clepid vnderſtonding, þat þou wite togidere, wher be long abiding of
þi name in it, as þis dai, for þe wickenes of þe hous of Irael, lyf and of liflode, wher be liȝt of eȝen, and pes.
and of þe hous of Juda. xv Who fond his place? who entride in to his treſores?
xxvii And þou haſt don in vs, Lord oure God, after þi xvi Wher ben þe princes of Jentilys, and þat lordſhipen of
goodneſſe, and after al þat þi grete mercy doing, beſtes, þat ben vpon erþe?
xxviii as þou ſpeeke in þe hond of þi child Moiſes, in þe dai xvii Þat in þe briddis of heuene pleien; þat ſiluer treſoren and
þat þou comaundediſt to hym to write þi lawe bifor þe ſonus gold, in whiche troſten men, and þer is noon ende of þe
of Irael, ſeiende, purchaſing of hem?
xxix If ȝee ſhul not here my vois, þis grete multetude ſhal be xviii Þat ſiluer forgen, and ben beſy, ne þer is finding of þe
turned in to þe leſte folc of kinde, for þem Y ſhal ſcatere; werkus of hem?
xxx for Y wot, þat mee ſhal not here þe puple. Þe puple is xix Þei ben outlawid, and to helle þei wente doun; and oþyr
forſoþe wiþ an hard nol, and ſhal be turned to his herte, in þe men in þe place of hem riſen.
lond of his caitifte; xx Þe ȝunge men of hem ſawen liȝt, and dwelten on erþ.
xxxi and þei ſchul wite, for Y am þe Lord God of hem. And Soþely þei knewen not þe wei of diſciplyne,
Y ſhal ȝyue to þem an herte, and þei ſhul vndirſtonde, and xxi neþer vndirſtoden þe paþis of it; neþer þe ſones of hem
eres, and þei ſhul here. reſceyueden it. Fro þe face of hem it is maad fer;
xxxii And þei ſhuln preiſe me in þe lond of þer caitifte, and xxii it is not herd in þe lond of Canaan, neþer it is ſeen in
myndeful þei ſhul be of my name. Theman.
xxxiii And þei ſhul turnen awei þemſelf fro þer harde rig, and xxiii And þe ſones of Agar, þat ſouȝten out prudence þat is of
fro þer curſidhedus; for þei ſhul remembre þe weie of þer erþ, þe marchauntis of erþ, and Theman, and þe fablers, or
fadris, þat ſynneden in me. ianglers, and ſeekers out of prudence, and of vnderſtondinge;
xxxiiii And Y ſhal aȝeen clepe hem in to þe lond, þat Y ſwor ſoþely þei knewen not þe weie of wyſdam, neþer hadden
to þe fadris of hem, Abraham, Iſaac, and Jacob; and þei ſhul mynde of þe paaþis þerof.
lordſhipen of it. And Y ſhal multeplie þem, and þei ſhul not xxiiii O! Yrael, hou grete is þe hous of God, and hou grete
be laſſid. þe place of his poſſeſſiounn;
xxxv And Y ſhal ſette to þem `an oþer teſtament euere xxv gret and not hauynge eende, heeȝ and wiþ outen meſure
durende, þat Y be to þem in to a Lord, and þei ſhul be to me grete.
in to a puple. And Y ſhal no more moue my puple, þe ſonus xxvi Þer weren named gyauntis; þo þat fro þe bigynnynge
of Irael, fro þe lond þat Y ȝaf to þem.
weren in grete ſtature, witynge bataile.
xxvii Þe Lord cheſe not þeſe, neþer þei founden þe weie of
Capitulum III. diſcipline;
i And now, Lord God of Irael, þe ſoule in anguyſſhes, and þe xxviii þerfor þei perſhiden. And for þei hadde not wijſdam, þei
ſpirit tormentid crieþ to þee. perſhiden for her vnwijſdam.
ii Heere, Lord, and haue mercy; for God þou art merciful. xxix Who ſteiȝede in to heuen, and toke it, and ledde it doun
And haue mercy of vs, for wee han ſynned bifor þee, fro cloudis?
iii þat ſittiſt in to euermor, and wee ſhul not perſhe in to þe xxx Who paſſide ouer þe ſe, and foonde it, and brouȝt it to,
ſpirituel during. vpon choſen gold?


xxxi Þer is not, þat may wite þe waies þerof, neþer þat ſekiþ xx I haue vncloþide me þe ſtole of peſe; forſoþe I cloþide me
out þe paþes þerof; wiþ ſak of biſechynge, and I ſhal crie to þe biheſt in my days.
xxxii bot he þat wote alle þingis, knewȝ it, and foond it by his xxi Sones, be ȝee of betir herte, or ſtabler; crie ȝee to þe
prudence. Þe whiche maade redy þe erþ in euerlaſtynge tyme, Lord, and he ſhal delyuere ȝou fro þe hond of princes,
and fulfilled it wiþ feeld beſtes, and four footid beſtis. enmyes.
xxxiii Þe whiche ſendiþ out liȝt, and it goþ; and he clepid it, xxii Soþeli I hopide in to wiþ outen eend ȝour helþ, and ioye
and it obeiſchide to hym in tremblynge. came to me of þe holy vpon mercye, þat ſhal cum to ȝou of
xxxiiii Forſoþ ſterris ȝauen liȝt in her keepyngus, and ȝour ſaueour euerlaſtynge.
gladiden; þei ben clepid, and þei ſeiden, We cummen to; and xxiii Forſoþ I ſent ȝou out wiþ mournyng and weepynge;
þei ſhyneden to hym wiþ mirþ, þat maad hem. forſoþ God ſhal aȝein lede ȝou to me wiþ ioye and mirþe in to
xxxv Þis is our God, and oþer ſhal not ben geſſid aȝenis wiþ outen eende.
hym. xxiiii Soþeli as þe neiȝbores of Syon ſawen ȝour caitifte of
xxxvi He þis foonde al weie of diſciplyne, and bitoke it to God, ſo þei ſhuln ſee and in haſt ȝour helþ of God, þat ſhal
Jacob, his child, and to Yrael, his derworþ. aboue cum to ȝou wiþ grete honour in euerlaſtyng ſhynynge.
xxxvii After þeſe þingus he was ſeen in erþis, and lyued wiþ xxv Sones, ſuffre ȝe pacientli þe wraþ, þat aboue commiþ to
men. ȝou; forſoþ þin enmye purſuede þee, bot ſone þou ſhalt ſee
perdicioun of hym, and vpon þe nollis of hym þou ſhalt ſteiȝ
Capitulum IIII. xxvi My delicatis, or nurſhid in delicis, walkiden ſharp weies;
i This boke of þe maundementis of God, and þe lawe þat is ſoþeli þei weren led as a floc rauyſhide wiþ enmyes.
in to wiþ outen eend. Alle men þat holden it, ſhuln perfitly xxvii Sones, be ȝee of euener herte, or ſtabler, and afer crie
cummen to lijf. Forſoþ þei þat ſhuln forſake it, in to deþ. ȝee to þe Lord; ſoþeli ȝour mynde ſhal be of hym þat lediþ
ii Jacob, be þou conuertid, and cacche it; walke by þe waye to ȝou.
þe ſhynynge of it, aȝeinus þe liȝt of it. xxviii Forſoþ as ȝour witt was for to erre fro God, eft ſone
iii Bitake þou not þi glorie to an oþer, and þi dignitee to alien tenn ſo myche ȝee conuertyng ſhuln `aȝen ſeeken hym.
folk. xxix Forſoþe he þat ledde in to ȝou euyl þingus, ſhal brynge
iiii Yrael, we ben bleſſid; for what þingus ben pleſaunt to eft ſone to ȝou myrþe euerlaſtynge wiþ ȝour helþ.
God, ben knowen to vs. xxx Jeruſalem, be þou more ſtable, or of better herte; ſoþeli he
v Þou peple of God, be of euener inwitt, or more ſtable, þou þat namede þee, moneſtiþ þee.
Yrael, worþi of mynde. xxxi Þei þat traueiliden þee, ſhuln apeere noyinge, or gilty;
vi Ȝe ben ſold to heiþen men, not in to perdicioun; bot for þat and þei þat þankiden in þi fallyng, ſhuln be punyſhide.
in wraþ ȝee terriden God to wraþfulneſſe, ȝee ben bitaken to xxxii Þe citees to whom þi ſones ſeruyden, ſhuln be puniſhid,
aduerſaries. and it þat toke þi ſones.
vii Forſoþ ȝee ſteriden to bitterneſſe þe euerlaſtyng God, þat xxxiii Soþeli as it ioyide in þi fallyng, and gladdide in þi
made ȝou; offrynge to deuyls, and not to God. caas, or tribulacioun, ſo it ſhal be ſorewful in his deſolacion.
viii Soþli ȝee han forȝeeten hym þat nuriſhide ȝou, and ȝee xxxiiii And þe mirþ wiþ outen forþ of multitude þerof ſhal be
han maad ſorewful Jeruſalem, ȝour nurſhe. kitt aweye, and þe ioye of it ſhal be in to mournyng.
ix Soþeli it ſawe wraþfulneſſe of God cummynge to ȝou; and xxxv Forſoþ fijr ſhal aboue cum to it of þe euerlaſtyng, and
ſaide, Ȝee niȝ cooſtis of Syon, heere; forſoþe God brouȝt to longe duyrynge days; and it ſhal be enhabitid of deuylis, in to
me grete mournynge. mychilneſſe of tyme.
x Forſoþ I ſeeȝ þe caitifte of my peple, of my ſones and xxxvi Jeruſalem, beholde aboute to þe eeſt, and ſee þe myrþe
douȝtris, whiche þe euerlaſtynge aboue brouȝte to hem. cummynge to þee of God.
xi Soþeli I nuriſhide hem wiþ mirþe; forſoþe I left hem wiþ xxxvii Loo! forſoþ þi ſones cummen, whom þou leftiſt ſcaterid;
weepynge and mournynge. þei gadrid cummen to þee fro þe eeſt vn to þe weſt in þe word
xii No man haue ioye vp on me, widue and deſolate. I am of þe holy, ioying in to honour of God.
left, or forſaken, of manye, for þe ſynnes of my ſones; for þei
bowiden awei fro þe lawe of God. Capitulum V.
xiii Forſoþ þei wiſten not þe riȝtwiſneſſe of hym; neþer
i Jeruſalem, vncloþe þee þe ſtoole of mournynge, and of þi
walkiden bi weies of þe heeſtis of God, ne bi þe paaþis of
treuþe of hym þei entreden wiþ riȝtwiſneſſe. traueile; and cloþe þee wiþ fairneſſe, and honour of it, þat is
xiiii Cum þe niȝ cooſtis of Syon, and biþenke þei þe caitiftee to þee of God in euerlaſtynge glorie.
ii Forſoþ God ſhal enuyroun þee wiþ double cloþe of
of my ſones and douȝtris, þe whiche þe euerlaſtynge aboue
brouȝte to hem. riȝtwiſneſſe, and ſhal putte to þin heued a mytre of
xv Forſoþ he brouȝte vpon hem a folc fro fer, a folc vnſaciable, euerlaſtynge honoure.
iii Forſoþ God ſhal ſhewe in þee his ſhynynge, þat is vndir
or vnreſtful, and of an oþer tunge; whiche dredden not wiþ
reuerence an olde man, neþer hadden mercy of children; heuen.
xvi and ledden aweie þe ſones of widue, and maaden deſolat iiii Soþeli þi name ſhal be named to þee of God in to wiþ
þe aloon womman fro ſonys. outen eend, Peeſe of riȝtwiſneſſe, and honour of pitee.
xvii Forſoþ what may I help ȝou? v Jeruſalem, rijſe vp, and ſtoonde in heeȝ, and biholde aboute
xviii Forſoþe he þat broȝte euyl þingus vpon ȝou, ſhal delyuere to þe eeſt; and ſee þi ſones gaderid fro þe ſune, rijſinge vn to
þe weſt in þe word of þe holy, ioyinge in þe mynde of God.
ȝou fro þe hondis of ȝour enmyes. vi Forſoþ þei wenten out fro þee, led in feet of enmyes; forſoþ
xix Wandre ȝee, ſones, wandre; I ſoþli am forſaken aloon.
þe Lord ſhal brenge to þee hem born in to honour, as þe
ſonnys of kyngdam.


vii Forſoþ God ordeynyde for to meek eche heeȝ hill, and xxi Þe faces of hem ben blac of ſmoke, þat is maad in þe
euerlaſtynge rooches, and for to fulfille þe euen valeys in to hous.
þe eueneſſe of erþe; þat Yrael walke diligentli in to honour of xxii Aboue þe bodi of hem, and aboue þe hed of hem backis,
God. or reremijſe, and ſwalewis fleeȝen, and briddis alſo, and alſo
viii Soþely woddis and eche tree of ſwetneſſe of Iſrael cattis.
ſhadewiden, or obeiden, to þe maundement of God. xxiii Wher of wite ȝee, for þei ben not goddis; þerfor ȝee ſhuln
ix Forſoþ God ſhal leede to Yrael wiþ myrþe in þe liȝt of his not drede hem.
maieſtee, wiþ mercy and riȝtwiſneſſe, þat is in hym. xxiiii Alſo þe gold þat þei han, is to fairneſſe; no bot eny man
ſhal wijpe awei þe ruſt, þei ſhuln not ſhyne. Forſoþe neþer þe
Capitulum VI. whijle þei weren ȝooten to gidir, þei feeliden.
xxv Þei ben bouȝt of al pris, in whiche þingus ſpirit is not in
i Heer begynneþ enſaumple of þe ſame piſtle, whiche Jeremye
ſente to þe caitifs led aweie in to Babiloyne, of þe Kyng `of hem.
xxvi Wiþ outen feet þei ben born in ſhuldris, ſhewynge her
men of Babiloyne, þat he ſhulde ſhewe to hem, after þat it is
comaundid to him of God. vnnobley to men;
ii For þe ſynnes þat ȝee ſynnyden befor God, ȝe ſhuln be led xxvii alſo be þei confoundid þat wurſhipen hem. Þerfor ȝif þei
caitifs in to Babiloyne, of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of men of ſhuln falle in to erþe, of hem ſelf þei ſhuln not rijſe to gyder;
Babiloyne. neþer ȝif eny man ſhal ſette hym riȝt, by hym ſelf he ſhal
iii And ſo ȝe gon in to Babiloyne ſhuln be þere ful many ſtonde, bot as to dead men ſhuldris ſhuln be putte to hem.
xxviii Þe preſtes of hem ſellen þe hooſtis, or ſacrifices, of hem,
ȝeris, and in to longe tyme, vnto ſeuen generacions; forſoþ
after þis I ſhal lede out ȝou þennis wiþ peeſe. and myſuſen; alſo and þe wymmen of hem takynge aweie,
iiii Now forſoþ ȝe ſhuln ſee in Babiloyne golden goddis, and neþer parten to ſeeke man, neþer to beggynge.
xxix Of þe ſacrifices of hem wymmen wiþ chijlde, and
ſilueren, and ſtonen, and treen, for to be born in ſhuldris,
ſhewinge drede to folkis. menſtruat, or in vncleene blode, touchen togyder. And ſo
v Þerfor ſee ȝee, leſt and ȝee be maad liche to alien dedis, witynge of þeſe þingis, for þei ben not goddis, dreed ȝee hem
and ȝee dreede, and þat drede take ȝou in hem. And ſo þe not.
xxx Forſoþ wherof ben þei clepid goddis? For wymmen putten
cumpanye of peple ſeen fro bihynde and fro bifore wirſhipynge,
vi ſaye in ȝour hertis, Lord God, it byhouiþ þee for to be to golden goddis, ſylueren, and treenen;
xxxi and in þe houſis of hem ſitten preſtis hauyng torne, or
vii Forſoþ myn aungel is wiþ ȝou, forſoþ I my ſelf ſhal ſeeke kutt, cootis, and hedis and berd ſhauen, whos hedis ben
out ȝour ſoules. nakid.
xxxii Forſoþ þei roren cryinge aȝeins her goddis, as in þe
viii For whi þe trees of hem poliſhid of a carpenter; þei alſo
engoldid and enſiluered ben falſe, and mown not ſpeke. ſuper of a dead man.
xxxiii Preſtis taken awei þe cloþingus of hem, and cloþen her
ix And as to a mayden louynge ournementis, ſo gold takyn,
þei ben forgid. Certeynli þe goddis of hem han golden wijues, and her ſones.
xxxiiii Neþer ȝif þei ſuffren eny þing of euyl of eny man,
crownes vpon her hedis;
x wherof preſtis drawen aweie fro hem gold and ſyluer, and neþer ȝif eny þinge of good, þei ſhuln mowe ȝeelde. Neþer þei
ȝeuen, or ſpenden, it in hem ſelf. mown make a kyng, neþer do aweie.
xxxv Alſo neþer þei mown ȝeue riccheſſis, neþer ȝeeld euyll
xi Forſoþ and of it þei ȝeuen to pute in bordel houſe, and
ournen hooris; and eft ſone when þei han reſceyued it of þing. Ȝif eny man ſhal avowe to hem, and ſhal not ȝeelde,
hooris, þei ournen her goddis. neþer þei requyren, or axen, þis þing.
xxxvi Þei delyueren not a man fro deþ, neþer delyueren a
xii Soþely þeſe ben not delyuerd fro ruſt and mouȝþe. Forſoþ
hem couered wiþ cloþe of purpre, ſeeke man fro a more miȝti.
xxxvii Þei reſtoren not a blynde man to ſiȝt; þei ſhuln not
xiii þei ſhuln wijpe þe face of hem, for duſt of þe hous, þat is
ful myche amonge hem. delyuere a man fro neede.
xxxviii Þei ſhuln not haue mercye of þe wydue, neþer þei
xiii Forſoþe þei han a ceptre, or kyngis ȝerd, as a man; as a
iuge of a cuntree, þat ſleaþ not þe ſynnynge in to hym. ſhuln do weel to þe fadreleſſe and modreleſſe.
xxxix Þe treenen goddis of hem, and ſtoonen, and golden, and
xv Forſoþ þei han alſo in þe hond ſwerd and axe; forſoþ þei
deliueren not hem ſelf fro bataile and day þeues. ſylueren, ben lijc to ſtoonys of þe mounteyn; forſoþ þei þat
xvi Wher of be it knowen to ȝou, for þei ben not goddis;
worſhipen hem, ſhuln be confoundid.
xl Hou þerfore is it to be geſſid, or to be ſaide, hem for to be
þerfor worſhipe ȝe not hem. goddis; ȝit þe ylk Caldeis not honourynge hem?
xvii Soþeli as a veſſel of a man broken is maad vnprofitable,
xli Whiche whan þei ſhuln heere þe doumbe not to mowe
ſiche ben þe goddis of hem. Hem ſett to gidir in an hous, þe ſpeke, offren hym to Bel, axinge of hym for to ſpeke; as þei
eeȝen of hem ben ful of duſt of þe feet of men entrynge in. mown feele, whiche han not mouynge.
xviii And as to ſum man þat offendiþ þe kyng, þe ȝatis ben
xlii And þei whanne þei ſhuln vndirſtonde, ſhuln forſake hem;
ſette aboute, and as dead man led to ſepulcre, ſo preſtes oft ſoþely þe ilke goddis of hem han not witt.
kepen þe dores wiþ cloſingis and lockis, leſt þei be robbed of xliii Forſoþ wymmen ȝouen aboute, or bounden, wiþ coordis
day þeues.
xix Þei teenden launterns to hem, and ſoþeli manye, of whom ſitten in weyes, brennynge boonys of olyues. Forſoþ whann
þei mown noon ſee; eny of hem drawen aweye of eny man paſſinge haþ ſlept, ſhe
xx forſoþ þei ben as bemes in þe hous. Soþeli ſerpentis þat
diſpiſiþ hir neiȝbore, for ſhe is not had worþi as ſche, neþer
hir coord is broken.
ben of þe erþe, ben ſayd to licke out þe hertis of hem; þe xliiii Forſoþ alle þingis þat ben don to hem, ben fals. Hou is
while þei eeten hem, and þe cloþing of hem, and þei feelen it to be geſſid, or to be ſaid, hem for to be goddis?


xlv Forſoþ of carpenteres and goldſmiþis þei ben maad. Þei lxix And ſo by no manere it is knowen to ȝow, for þei ben
ſhuln noon oþer þing be, no bot þe ylk þat preſtis wolen for to goddis. For whiche þing drede ȝee not hem.
be. lxx For whi as dreed in place where cucumeris, þat ben bitter
xlvi Alſo þilk goldſmyþþis þat maken hem, ben not of myche herbis, waxen, kepiþ no þing, ſo ben þe treenen goddis, and
tyme; þerfor wheþer þe þingus þat ben maad of hem mown be ſylueren, and goldid of hem.
goddis? lxxi In þe ſame manere and in a ȝerd a whijt þorn, vpon
xlvii Forſoþ þei leften fals þingus, and ſhenſhipe to men to whiche eche bridde ſittiþ, alſo and to a dead þing caſt in
cummynge after. derckeneſſes, þe treenen godus of hem, and enſiluered, and
xlviii For whi whenne bataile ſhal aboue cum to hem, and engoldid, ben lijc.
euyl þingis, preſtis þenken, where þei ſhuln hijde hem ſelf wiþ lxxii And of þe purpre and marble, þat þei holden aboue hem,
hem. ȝee ſhuln wite alſo, for þei ben no goddis. Alſo at þe laſt þei
xlix Þerfore how own þei for to be feelid, or demyd, for þei hem ſelf ben eten, and it ſhal be in to repreue in þe cuntre.
ben goddis, whiche neþer delyueren hem fro batail, neþer lxxiii Betir is an iuſt man, þat haþ not ſymylacris, for whi he
delyueren hem fro euyl þingis? ſhal be fer fro ſhenſhipes.
l For whi whenne þei ben treenen, and ſtoonen, and engoldid,
Here endiþ þe boke of Baruch, and now
and enſyluered, it ſhal ben wiſt afterward, for þei ben fals,
li to alle folkis and kyngis; whiche ben open, or knowen, for bigynneþ þe boke of Ezechiel, þe prophete
þei ben not goddis, bot werkis of mennus hondis, and no
werc of God wiþ hem.
lii Wher of þerfor it is knowen, for þei ben not goddis, bot
werkis of mennus hondis, and no werk of God is in hem.
liii Þei reiſen not a kyng to a cuntree, neþer þei ſhuln ȝeue
reyn to men.
liiii Alſo þei ſhul not diſcryue, or iuge, a dome, neþer þei ſhuln
delyuere a cuntree fro wronge. For þei mown no þing, as litil
crowis bitwix þe mydil of heuen and erþe.
lv And ſoþeli whenne fijre ſhal fal in to þe houſe of treenen
goddis, and golden, and ſilueren, ſoþeli þe preſtis of hem
ſhuln flee, and ſhuln be delyuered; bot þei as bemys in þe
mydil ſhuln be brent.
lvi Forſoþ þei ſhuln not aȝeinſtonde a kyng and batail. Hou
þerfore is it to be geſſid, or to be reſceyued, for þei ben
lvii Þei ſhul not delyuere hem ſelf fro niȝt þeeues, neþer day
þeeues, treenen goddis, and ſtoonen, and engoldid, and
enſiluered, þan whiche wickid men ben ſtrenger.
lviii Þei ſhuln take awei fro hem gold, and ſyluer, and
cloþing, in whiche þei ben couered, and þei ſhuln go aweie;
neþer þei beren help to hem ſelf.
lix And ſo it is beter a kyng for to be ſhewynge his vertue, or
a profitable veſſelle in þe houſe, in whom he ſhal glorie þat
weeldiþ it, þan fals goddis; or a dore in þe houſe, whiche
kepiþ þe þingis þat ben in it, þan fals goddis.
lx Soþely þe ſunne, and mone, and ſterris, whenne þei ben
ſhynynge, and ſent out to profitis, obeyen.
lxi Alſo and leyt, whanne it ſhal apeere, is cleer. Forſoþ þe
ſame þinge and ſpirit, or wynd, breþiþ in eche cuntre.
lxii And cloudis, to whiche when it ſhal be comaundid of God
for to walke þorou al þe world, don what þing is comaundid
to hem.
lxiii Alſo fijr ſente fro aboue, þat it waaſt hillis and woddis,
doþ what þing is comaundid to it; forſoþ þeſe neþer in
lickeneſſe neþer vertues ben liche to oon of hem.
lxiiii Wher of neþer it is to be geſſid, neþer to be ſaid, hem
for to be goddis, whenne þei mown neþer deeme dome, neþer
do to men.
lxv And ſo witynge for þei ben not goddis, þerfor ȝee ſhuln
not dreden hem.
lxvi Soþeli neþer þei ſhuln curſe kyngis, neþer þei ſhuln bleſſe.
lxvii Forſoþ þei ſhewen not to folkis tokenis in heuen, neþer
þei ſhuln ſhyne as ſunne, neþer liȝtene as þe mone.
lxviii Beſtis ben better þan þei, whiche mown flee vndir a
roof, and profit to hem ſelf.


xx Whidir euer þe ſpirit wente, þidir goynge þe ſpirit, and þe

EZECHIEL. wheelis weren lift vp to gidir ſuynge hym; forſoþe þe ſpirit of
lyf was in þe whelis.
Her bigynneþ þe book of Ezechiel, þe xxi Wiþ þe goynge þei wenten, and wiþ þe ſtondynge þei
prophete. ſtoden. And wiþ þe reiſide fro þe erþe, and þe wheelis weren
reyſid to gydir ſuynge hem; for þe ſpirit of lyf was in þe
Capitulum I. xxii And þe lickeneſſe of þe firmament vpon þe hedis of
i And it is don, in þe þrittiþe ȝeer, in þe fourþe moneþ, in þe beeſtis, and as biholdynge of criſtal orrible, and ſtreiȝt forþ
fyueþe day of þe moneþ, when I was in þe mydil of caitifs, aboue vpon þe hedis of hem.
biſydis þe floode Cobar, heuens wern openyd, and I ſeeȝ xxiii Forſoþe vndir þe firmament þe pennis of hem ſtreiȝt, of
viſiouns of God. þe toþer to þe toþer; eche hilide his bodye wiþ two weengus,
ii In þe fyueþe of þe moneþ; þe ylk is þe fyueþ ȝeer of and þe toþer alſo was hilide.
tranſmygracioun, or paſſyng ouer, of Joachym, kyng of Juda; xxiiii And I herde þe ſoun of weengus, as þe ſoun of many
iii þe word of þe Lord is maad to Ezechiel, ſone of Buzi, watris, as þe ſoun of heeȝ God. When þei walkiden, þere was
preſte, in þe lond of Caldeis, biſijdis þe flode Cobar; and þe as þe ſowne of multitude, as þe ſoun of caſtels, or ooſtis of
hond of þe Lord is maad þer vpon hym. men; and when þei ſtoden, þe pennys of hem weren leide
iiii And I ſeeȝ, and loo! a wynde of tempeſt, or whirlwynde, doun.
xxv For whi whenne a vois was maad vpon þe firmament,
cam fro þe norþ, and a grete cloude, and fyre inwlappynge,
and a ſchynynge in þe cumpas of it; and of þe mydil of it, þat whiche was vpon þe hedis of hem, þei ſtoden, and ſenten
is to ſaye, of þe mydil of fijre, as a lickeneſſe of electre, þat doun her weingis.
is, a metal of gold and ſyluere, cleerer þan gold. xxvi And vpon þe firmament þat was neiȝinge to þe hede of
v And of þe mydil of it a lickeneſſe of four beſtis. And þis þe hem, as þe biholdynge of a ſaphire ſtoone, a lickeneſſe of
byholdynge of hem, þe lickeneſſe of man in hem. trone; and vpon liknes of þe trone þe liknes, as biholdynge of
vi And four facis to oon, and four pennys to oon. man fro a boue.
xxvii And I ſeeȝ as þe liknes of electre, as þe biholdynge of
vii And þe feet of hem ſtreiȝt feet, and þe ſool of þe foot of
fier wiþinforþ, bi þe compas of it; fro þe leendis of hym and
hem as þe ſole of a calues fote, and ſparclis, as byholdyng of aboue, and fro þe leendis of him and byneþe Y ſeeȝ as þe
whyte metale. liknes of fier ſhynynge in þe cumpas,
viii And an hond of man vnder þe pennys of hem, in four xxviii as þe biholdynge of a bowe, whanne it ſhal be in þe
parties. And þei hadden faces and pennys by foure parties; cloude in þe dai of rayn. Þis was þe biholdynge of ſhinynge
ix and þe pennys of hem, of an oþer to þe toþer weren ioyned. bi compas. Þis ſiȝt of liknes of glorie of þe Lord. And Y
Þei turneden not aȝein, when þei wenten, bot eche wente ſeeȝ, and fel in to my face; and Y herde a vois of þe
byfore his face. ſpekynge.
x Forſoþ þe lickeneſſe of þe ſemblaunt of hem; a face of man
and face of a lyoun at þe riȝthalf of hem foure. Forſoþ a face Capitulum II.
of an oxe at þe left half of hem foure; and þe face of an egle i And
fro aboue of hem foure. he ſeide to me, Sone of man, ſtoond vpon þi feet, and
xi And þe faces of hem and pennys of hem ſtreȝt out aboue. Y ſhal ſpeke wiþ þee.
ii And a ſpirit entride in to me, after þat he ſpak to me, and
Two pennys of eche weren ioyned, and two keuerden þe
bodies of hem. ſette me vpon my feet. And Y herde þe ſpekynge to me,
xii And eche of hem walkide befor his face. Where þe iii and ſeiynge, Sone of man, Y ſende þee to þe ſones of
feerſneſſe of þe ſpirit was, þidir þei wenten, neþer þei Iſrael, to folkis apoſtataas, þat han broken her religioun or
turneden aȝein, whenne þei walkiden. lawe, whiche wenten awei fro me; þe fadris of hem braken
xiii And þe lickeneſſe of þe beſtis, and þe biholdynge of hem, my couenaunt vn to þis day.
iiii And þe ſones ben of hard face, and of herte vnchaaſtiſable,
as of brennynge coolis of fijre, and as biholdynge of laumpis.
Þis was þe ſiȝt diuerſly rennynge in myddil of þe beſtis, þat wole not be maad tame or meke, to whom I ſende þee.
ſhynyng of fijre, and of þe fijre leyt goynge forþ. And þou ſhalt ſeye to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God;
xiiii And þe beſtes wenten, and turneden aȝein, into lickeneſſis v if perauenture eþer þei heren, and if perauenture þei reſten,
of leyt ſhynynge. for it is an hows ſtirynge to wraþþe. And þei ſhulen wite, for
xv And when I behelde þe beſtis, oo whele apeerid vpon erþe a prophete ſhal be in þe mydil of hem.
vi Þerfor þou, ſone of man, drede not hem, ne drede þou þe
biſijdis þe beſtis, hauynge foure faces.
xvi And þe biholdyng of wheelis and þe werk of hem as ſiȝte wordis of hem; for vnbileueful men and diſtruyers ben wiþ
of þe ſe; and oo lickeneſſe of hem foure; and þe biholdynge of þee, and þou dwelliſt wiþ ſcorpiouns. Drede þou not þe
hem and werkis, as ȝif a wheel be in þe mydel of a wheel. wordis of hem, ne drede þe ſemblaunte of hem, for it is an
xvii Þei goynge wenten bi foure parties of hem, and þei hous ſtyrynge to wraþþe.
vii Þerfor þou ſhalt ſpeke my wordis to hem, if perauenture
turneden not aȝein, whenne þei wenten. To what place þat þat þei heren, and reſten, for þei ben wraþþers.
was firſt bowide, and þe oþir ſueden. Þei turneden not aȝein, viii Forſoþe þou, ſone of man, here what euer þingis I ſhal
whenne þei walkiden.
xviii And ſtature was to þe wheelis, and heeȝneſſe, and orrible ſpeke to þee; and nyl þou be ſtyrynge to wraþþe, as þe hous
biholdynge; and al þe bodye ful of eeȝen in cumpas of hem of Iſrael is wraþþeres. Opyn þi mouþ, and eet what euer
foure. þingis Y ȝeue to þee.
ix And I ſawȝ, and loo! an hoond was ſent to me, in whom
xix And whenne þe beſtis walkiden, and þe whelis to gidir
walkiden biſijdis hem. And whenn þe beſtis weren lift vp fro was a boke foldyn.
þe erþe, and þe wheelis weren lyft vp togidir.


x And he leide it abrood before me, þe which was writen die in his ſynne, and þe riȝtwiſneſſis, whiche he dide, ſhulen
wiþinforþ and wiþoutforþ. And lamentaciouns, and dite, or not be in mynde, ſoþeli Y ſhal aȝen ſeche his blood of þin
ſoong, and woo, was writen in it. hond.
xxi Forſoþe if þou ſhalt telle to þe iuſt man, þat þe iuſt man
Capitulum III. ſynne not, and he ſhal not ſynne, he lyuynge ſhal lyue, for þou
tooldiſt to hym, and þou haſt delyuerede þi ſoule.
i And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, eet what euer þing þou xxii And þe hoond of þe Lord is maad vpon me, and he ſeide
ſhalt fynde, eet þis volym, or boke; and þou goynge ſpek to þe to me, Þou riſynge go out in to þe feeld, and þere I ſhal
ſones of Iſrael. ſpeke wiþ þee.
ii And Y openede my mouþ, and he fedde me wiþ þe ilk xxiii And I riſynge wente out in to þe feeld. And loo! þe
volym. glorie of þe Lord ſtoode þere, as þe glorie which Y ſeeȝ
iii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, þi wombe ſhal ete, and beſidis þe flood of Cobar; and I felle in to my face.
þin entrailis ſhulen be fulfillid wiþ þis volym, which Y ȝyue xxiiii And þe ſpirit entride in to me, and ſette me vpon my
to þee. And Y ete it, and it is maad in my mouþ as ſwete feet. And he ſpak to me, and ſeide to me, Entre, and be þou
hony. cloſid in þe mydil of þin hows.
iiii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, go þou to þe hows of xxv And þou, ſone of man, loo! boondis ben ȝouen vpon þee,
Iſrael, and þou ſhalt ſpeke my wordis to hem. and þei ſhulen bynde þee in hem, and þou ſhalt not goon out
v Forſoþe þou ſhalt not be ſent to a puple of deep word, and in þe mydil of hem.
of vnknowyn tunge; to þe hows of Iſrael, xxvi And Y ſhal make þi tunge for to cleue to þe roof of þi
vi neþer to manye puplis of deep word, and of vnknowyn mouþ, and þou ſhalt be doumbe, neþer as man chydynge, or
tunge, of whom þou mayſt not here þe wordis. And if þou ſharpli ſpekynge; for it is an hows ſtirynge to wraþþe.
ſhuldis be ſent to hem, þei ſhulden here þee. xxvii Forſoþe whanne Y ſhal ſpeke to þee, Y ſhal opyn þi
vii Forſoþe þe hows of Iſrael wole not here þee, for þei wole mouþ, and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord
not here me. Forſoþe al þe hows of Iſrael is of defoulid, or God, He þat heriþ, here, and he þat reſtiþ, reſte; for it is an
vnſhamfaſt, forhed, and hard herte. hows ſtirynge to wraþþe.
viii Loo! I haue ȝouen þi face myȝtier þan þe face of hem,
and þi forheed harder þan þe forheed of hem. Capitulum IIII.
ix And Y ȝaue þi face as an adamaunt, and as a flynt; drede i And þou, ſone of man, take to þee a tijl ſtoon; and þou ſhalt
þou not hem, neþer drede þou þe face of hem, for it is an putte it before þee, and þou ſhalt diſcriue in it þe citee of
hows ſtyrynge to wraþþe. Jeruſalem.
x And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, tak to in þin herte, and ii And þou ſhalt ordeyne aȝens it a biſegynge; and þou ſhalt
wiþ þin erys here alle þes my wordis, whiche I ſpeke to þee. bilde waardingis, þou ſhalt bere togidre an heep of erþe, and
xi And go, entre to þe paſſynge ouere, to þe ſones of þi puple. þou ſhalt ȝyue aȝens it caſtels, or ooſtis, and þou ſhalt putte
And þou ſhalt ſpeke to hem, and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes engynes in compas.
þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, if perauenture þei heren, and reſten. iii And take þou to þee an yren panne; and þou ſhalt putte it
xii And þe ſpirit took me to, and Y herde after me a nois of in to an yren wal bitwix þee and bitwix þe citee; and þou
greet mouynge togider, þe bleſſid glorie of þe Lord fro his ſhalt vpon alle ſidis ſtable þi face to it, and it ſhal be in to
place, biſegynge, and þou ſhalt about ȝyue it, or cumpas; it is a
xiii and þe vois of weengis of beeſtis ſmytynge anoþer to þe tokne to þe hows of Iſrael.
toþer, and þe vois of wheelis ſuynge þe beeſtis, and þe vois of iiii And þou ſhalt ſlepe vpon þi left ſijde, and þou ſhalt putte
greet mouynge togidir. þe wickidneſſis of þe hows of Iſrael vpon it in þe noumbre of
xiiii And þe ſpirit reiſide me, and took me to. And Y wente dais, in whiche þou ſhalt ſlepe on it, and þou ſhalt take to þe
awey in bitter indignacioun of my ſpirit; forſoþe þe hoond of wickidnes of hem.
þe Lord was wiþ me, coumfortynge me. v Forſoþe Y ȝaue to þee ȝeeris of þe wickidnes of hem, in
xv And Y cam to þe tranſmygracioun, or paſſinge ouer, to þe noumbre of þre hundrid dais and nynti dais; and þou ſhalt
heep of newe fruytis, to hem þat dwellen biſidis þe flood bere þe wickidnes of þe hows of Iſrael.
Cobar. And I ſat where þei ſaten, and I dwellide þere ſeuene vi And whanne þou ſhalt fulfille þes þingis, þou ſhalt ſleepe
days, mournynge, in þe mydil of hem. vpon þi riȝt ſyde þe ſecounde tyme. And þou ſhalt take to þe
xvi Forſoþe whanne ſeuene days hadden paſſid, þe word of þe wickidnes of þe hows of Juda fourty dais, a dai for a ȝeer,
Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, ſoþeli Y ȝaue to þee a dai for a ȝeer.
xvii Sone of man, I haue ȝouen þee a biholder, or a ſpier, to vii And to þe biſegynge of Jeruſalem þou ſhalt turne þi face;
þe hows of Iſrael. And þou ſhalt here of my mouþ a word, and þin arm ſhal be ſtrauȝt forþ, and þou ſhalt prophecie
and þou ſhalt telle it to hem of me. aȝens it.
xviii If me ſeiynge to þe vnpitous man, Bi deeþ þou ſhalt die, viii Loo! Y ȝaue about, or cumpaſide, þee wiþ boondis, and
þou ſhalt not telle to hym, neþer ſpeke to hym, þat he be þou ſhalt not conuerte þee fro þi ſide in to þe toþer ſide, til
turned fro his vnpitous weie, and lyue; þe ilk vnpitous ſhal þou fulfille þe dais of þi ſegynge.
die in his wickidnes, forſoþe I ſhal aȝen ſeke þe blood of hym ix And take þou to þee whete, and barli, and bene, and lent,
of þin hoond. and mylie, and vetche; and þou ſhalt ſende hem in to a veſſel.
xix Forſoþe if þou ſhalt ſhewe to þe vnpitous man, and he ſhal And þou ſhalt make to þee looues in noumbre of dais, whiche
not be conuertid fro his vnpitouſnes, and fro his wickid weie; þou ſhalt ſleepe vpon þi ſide; þre hundrid and nynti dais þou
ſoþeli he ſhal die in his wickidnes, but þou haſt delyuerede þi ſhalt ete it.
ſoule. x Forſoþe þi meet, which þou ſhalt ete, ſhal be in weiȝt twenti
xx But and if þe riȝtwijs man ſhal be conuertid fro his ſtateris, þat is, ten owncis, in þe dai; fro tyme vn to tyme þou
riȝtwiſnes, and ſhal doo wickidnes, Y ſhal putte an hirtynge ſhalt ete it.
before hym; he ſhal die, for þou ſhewediſt not to hym; he ſhal


xi And þou ſhalt drynke water in meſure þe ſixt part of hyn; ſhal falle doun bi ſwerd in þi compas; ſoþeli I ſhal ſcatere þi
fro tyme vn to tyme þou ſhalt drynke it. þridde part in to eche wynd, and I ſhal drawe out a ſwerd
xii And þou ſhalt ete it as a barly loof bakyn vndir aſſhen; after hem.
xiii And I ſhal fulfille my woodnes, and Y ſhal make myn
and þou ſhalt hille it wiþ a toord þat goþ out of a man, in þe
eyen, or ſiȝt, of hem. indignacioun for to reſte in hem, and Y ſhal be coumfortid.
xiii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, So þe ſones of Iſrael ſhulen ete And þei ſhulen wite, for I þe Lord ſpake in my feruent
wraþþe, whanne Y ſhal fulfille myn indignacioun in hem.
her breed defoulid among heiþen men, to whom Y ſhal caſte xiiii And Y ſhal ȝeue þee in to ſcornynge and ſhenſhip to
hem out.
xiiii And I ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, loo! my ſoule is not heiþen men þat ben in þi compas, in þe ſiȝt of eche man
paſſynge forþ.
defoulid, and fro my childhed til now Y ete not deed careyn, xv And þou ſhalt be ſhenſhip and blasfemye, enſaumple and
and to-drawyn of beeſtis; and al vnclene fleſh entride not in to
my mouþe. greet wondrynge, in heiþen men þat ben in þi compas,
xv And he ſeide to me, Loo! I ȝaue to þee dunge of oxen for whanne Y ſhal doo in þee domys in woodnes, and in
indignacioun, and in blamyngis of wraþþe. Y þe Lord;
mannus toordis; and þou ſhalt make þi breed in it. xvi whanne Y ſhal ſende þe werſt arewis of hungre in to hem,
xvi And he ſeide to me, Loo! Y ſhal defoule þe ſtaf of breed
whiche ſhulen be deedly; and whom Y ſhal ſende, þat I
in Jeruſalem, and þei ſhulen ete her breed in weiȝt and in ſcatere ȝou. And I ſhal gedre hungre vp on ȝou, and Y ſhal
biſynes, and þei ſhulen drynke watir in meſure and in defoule in ȝou þe ſtaf of breed.
anguyſh; xvii And I ſhal ſende in to ȝou hungre, and werſte beeſtis, vn
xvii þat water and breed failynge eche man falle doun to his
to deeþ; and peſtilence and blood ſhulen paſſe bi þee, and Y
broþer, and waxe rotyn to gidre in her wickidneſſis. ſhal lede in a ſwerd vpon þee; I þe Lord haue ſpokyn.
Capitulum V. Capitulum VI.
i And þou, ſone of man, take to þee a ſharp ſwerd, or raſour, i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
ſhauynge heeris; and þou ſhalt `take it to, and þou ſhalt lede ii Sone of man, put þi face to þe hillis of Iſrael; and
it bi þin heed, and bi þi beerd. `And þou ſhalt take to þee a þou
balaunce of weiȝt, and þou ſhalt departe hem. ſhalt prophecie to hem,
ii And þou ſhalt brenne þe þridde part in fier in þe mydil of iii and þou ſhalt ſeye, Hillis of Iſrael, here ȝe þe word of þe
þe citee, beſidis þe fulfilling of dais of ſegynge. And þou Lord God. Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God to mounteyns, and
takynge to þe þridde part, ſhalt to gidir kitte bi ſwerd in reiſyngis of hillis, to rochis, and valeys, Loo! I ſhal lede to
cumpas of it. Soþeli þou ſhalt ſcatere in to wynd þe toþer on ȝou a ſwerd, and I ſhal ſcatere ȝour heiȝe þingis.
þridde part; and Y ſhal make nakid, or vnſheþe, þe ſwerd iiii And I ſhal diſtruye ȝour auters, and ȝour ſymulacrys
after hem. ſhulen be brokyn to gidre; and Y ſhal caſt doun ȝour ſlayn
iii And þou ſhalt take þerof a litil noumbre, and þou ſhalt men before ȝour ydolis.
bynde hem in þe heiȝt of þin ouermoſt clooþ. v And Y ſhal ȝeue þe deed careyns of þe ſones of Iſrael
iiii And eftſoone þou ſhalt take of hem, and þou ſhalt caſte before þe face of ȝour ſymulacris, and Y ſhal ſcatere ȝoure
hem in to þe mydil of fier. And þou ſhalt brenne hem in fier; boonus about ȝoure autres, in alle ȝour dwellyngis.
and of it fier ſhal gon out in to al þe hous of Iſrael. vi Cytees ſhulen be deſeert, and heiȝe þingis ſhulen be
v Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þis is Jeruſalem; in þe diſtruyid, and ſhulen be diſparplid; and ȝour auters ſhulen
mydil of heiþen men Y haue putte it, and loondis in þe periſhe, and ſhulen be brokyn togidre. And ȝoure ydolis ſhulen
cumpas of it. ceeſe, and ȝour wode maumentis ſhulen be troden togidre, and
vi And it diſpiſide my domys, þat it were more vnpitous þan ȝour werkis ſhulen be don a wei.
vii And a ſlayn man ſhal falle doun in þe mydil of ȝou; and ȝe
heiþen men; and my maundementis more þan loondis þat ben
in compas of it. Forſoþe þei han caſte a wei my domys, and ſhulen wite, for Y am Lord.
þei walkeden not in my preceptis, or heeſtis. viii And Y ſhal leeue in ȝou hem þat han fledde þe ſwerd in
vii Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For ȝe han heiþen men, `whanne I ſchal ſcatere ȝou in to londis.
ouerpaſſide, or ouercomyn, heiþen men þat ben in ȝour ix And ȝoure delyuered men ſchulen beþenke of me in heþen
cumpas, and ȝe walkeden not in myn heeſtis, and my domys men, to whom þei ben lad caitifs; for Y haue defoulide þe
ȝe han not doo, and ȝe han not wrouȝte aftir þe domys of herte of hem doynge fornycacioun, and goynge awey fro me,
heiþen men þat ben in ȝour cumpas; and þe eyen of hem doynge fornicacioun after her ydolis. And
viii þerfor ſeiþ þe Lord þes þingis, Loo! Y to þee, and Y my þei ſhulen diſpleſe to hem ſelf vp on þe yuel þingis, whiche þei
ſilf in þe mydil of þee ſhal make domys in þe eyen, or ſiȝt, of diden in alle her abomynaciouns.
heiþen men; x And þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord ſpake not veynli, þat Y
ix and I ſhal doo in þe whiche þingis I dide not, and to ſhulde doo to hem þis yuel þing.
whiche I ſhal namore make lijc þingis, for alle þin xi Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Smyte þin hoond, and hurtle
abhomynaciouns. to gidre þi foot, and ſey, Allas! to alle abomynaciouns of yuel
x Þerfor faders ſhulen eete ſones in þe mydil of þee, and þingis of þe hows of Iſrael, þat ben to fallynge bi ſwerd,
ſones ſhulen eete her faders; and in þee I ſhal make domys, hungre, and peſtilence.
and I ſhal wyndewe alle þi relikis in to eche wynd. xii Forſoþe he þat is nyȝ, ſhal falle bi ſwerd. And he þat ſhal
xi Þerfor I lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, no but for þat þat þou be laft and be biſegid, ſhal die bi hungre. And Y ſhal fulfille
defoulidiſt myn hooli þing in alle þin offenciouns, and in alle myn indignacioun in hem.
þin abhomynaciouns; and I ſhal breke togider, and myn eye xiii And ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord, whanne ȝour ſlayn
ſhal not ſpare, and Y ſhal not haue mercie. men ſhulen be in þe mydil of ȝour ydolis, in þe cumpas of
xii Þe þridde part of þee ſhal die bi peſtilence, and in hungre ȝour auters, in eche heiȝ litle hil, and in alle heiȝþis of
ſhal be waſtid in þe mydil of þee; and þe þridde part of þee mounteyns, and vnder eche tree ful of wode, or bouwis, and


vndir eche ook ful of bouwis, þat is to ſeye, a place where þei wombis of hem ſhulen not be fulfillid; for it is maad þe
brenten encenſis ſwete ſauerynge to alle her ydolis. ſclaundre of wickidnes of hem.
xiiii And I ſhal holde forþ myn hoond vpon hem, and Y ſhal xx And þei puttiden þe ournement of her brochis in to pride;
make þe loond of hem deſolat, and deſtitute, or forſakyn, fro and þei maden of it þe ymagis of her abomynaciouns and
deſeert Deblatha, in alle þe dwellingis of hem; and þei ſhulen ſymulacris. For þis þing Y ȝaue it to hem, in to vnclennes.
wite, for I a Lord. xxi And Y ſhal ȝyue it in to þe hoondis of alienys, for to take
a wey, and to vnpitouſe men of erþe in to praye, and þei
Capitulum VII. ſhulen defoule it.
xxii And I ſhal turne awey my face fro hem, and þei ſhulen
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
ii And þou, ſone of man, þes
defoule my priue þing; and foule men, or renners, ſhulen
þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God to þe entre in to it, and ſhulen defoule it.
loond of Iſrael, Ende comeþ, ende comeþ, vp on þe foure xxiii Mak þou concluſioun, or ende; for þe erþe is ful of doom
plagis, `or parties, of þe erþe. of bloodis, and þe citee ful of wickidnes.
iii Now ende vpon þee, and I ſhal ſende my woodnes in to
xxiiii And I ſhal brynge þe werſt men of folk of kynde, and
þee, and Y ſhal deme þee after þi weies, and I ſhal putte þei ſhulen weelde þe howſis of hem; and Y ſhal make þe
aȝen þee alle þin abomynaciouns. pride of myȝti men for to reſte, and þei ſhulen weelde þe
iiii And myn eye ſhal not ſpare vpon þee, and Y ſhal not haue
ſeyntuaries of hem.
mercye. But Y ſhal putte þi weies vpon þee, and þin xxv Anguyſh comynge vpon, þei ſhulen aȝen ſeche pees, and it
abomynaciouns ſhulen be in þe mydil of þee; and ȝe ſhulen ſhal not be.
wyte, for I þe Lord. xxvi Trublynge to gidre ſhal come vpon trublyng to gidre, and
v Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Oon affliccioun, or tourment,
loo! affliccioun comeþ; herynge vpon herynge; and þei ſhulen ſeche a viſioun of þe
vi þe ende comeþ, þe ende comeþ; it ſhal wake out aȝens þee;
prophete, and lawe ſhal periſhe fro preeſt, and counſeil fro
eldre men.
loo! yt comeþ. xxvii Þe kyng ſhal mourne, and þe prince ſhal be cloþid wiþ
vii Contricioun, or tredynge to gider, comeþ vpon þee, þat
inward ſorew, and þe hoondis of puple of þe loond ſhulen be
dwelliſt in erþe; tyme comeþ, þe dai of ſleinge is nyȝ, and not trublid togidir; after þe weie of hem Y ſhal do to hem, and
of glorie of hillis. after þe domes of hem Y ſhal deme hem; and þei ſhulen wite,
viii Now of nyȝ Y ſhal heelde out my wraþþe vpon þee, and I for Y þe Lord.
ſhal fulfille my woodnes in þee; and I ſhal deme þee after þi
weies, and Y ſhal putte to þee alle þi greet treſpaſſis. Capitulum VIII.
ix And myn eye ſhal not ſpare, neþer Y ſhal haue mercie; but
i And it is doon in þe ſixte ȝeer, in þe ſixte moneþ, in þe fifþe
þi weies Y ſhal putte to þee, and þin abomynaciouns ſhulen
be in þe mydil of þee; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y am þe Lord day of þe moneþ, Y ſate in myn hous, and þe oolde men of
ſmytynge. Juda ſaten before me; and þe hoond of þe Lord God fel þere
x Loo! þe day, loo! it comeþ; contricioun, or defoulynge to vpon me.
ii And I ſeeȝ, and loo! a liknes as þe biholdynge of fier; fro
gidir, is gon out. Þe ȝerde floriſhide, priyd buriounede,
xi wickidnes roos in þe ȝerde of vnpitee; not of hem, and not þe biholdynge of þe leendis of hym and byneþe was fier, and
fro þe leendis of hym and aboue as biholdynge of ſhynynge,
of þe puple, neþer of þe ſown of hem, and reſte ſhal not be in as þe ſeynge of electre, þat is, metal maad of gold and ſiluer,
hem. briȝter þan gold.
xii Tyme comeþ, þe dai neiȝede; he þat bieþ, glade not, and he iii And þe liknes of an hoond ſent out cauȝte me in þe heer of
þat ſelliþ, mourne not; for wraþþe vpon al þe puple of it. myn heed; and a ſpirit lifte me vp bitwix heuen and erþe, and
xiii For he þat ſoulde, ſhal not turne aȝen to þat þing þat he ledde me in to Jeruſalem, in þe viſioun of God, beſidis þe
ſoulde, and ȝit in men lyuynge þe lijf of hem; forſoþe a inner dore þat biholdiþ to þe norþ, where þe idol of zele, or
viſioun, or prophecie, ſhal not goo aȝen to al þe multitude of enuye, was ſet, for to ſtyre enuye.
it, and a man ſhal not be coumfortid in þe wickidnes of his iiii And loo! þere þe glorie of God of Iſrael, after þe viſioun
lijf. which Y ſeeȝ in þe feeld.
xiiii Synge ȝe wiþ trumpe, and be alle men maad redie, and v And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, reys þin eyen to þe weye
þere is not þat ſhal goo to bateile; forſoþe my wraþþe vpon al of þe norþ; and loo! fro þe norþ of þe ȝaat of þe auter, þe
þe puple of hym. ydol of enuye in þat entrynge.
xv Swerd wiþ out forþ, peſtilence, and hungre wiþ inforþ; he vi And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, geſſiſt þou wheþer þou
þat is in þe feeld, ſhal die bi ſwerde; and þei þat ben in þe ſeeſt what þes men don, þe greet abomynaciouns whiche þe
citee, ſhulen be deuouride bi peſtilence and hungre. hows of Iſrael doþ here, þat Y goo a wey fer fro my
xvi And þei of hem þat ſhulen flee, ſhulen be ſaued; and þei ſeyntuarie? and ȝit þou conuertid ſhal ſee gretter
ſhulen be in mounteyns as culueres of euyn valeys, alle abomynaciouns.
dreedful, eche in his wickidnes. vii And he ledde me in to þe dore of þe porche; and Y ſeeȝ,
xvii Alle hoondis ſhulen be vndon, and alle knees ſhulen flowe and loo! an hoole in þe wal.
wiþ waters. viii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, dig þe wal; and
xviii And þei ſhulen girde hem wiþ heiris, and inward dreed whanne Y hadde þurȝ diggide þe wal, o dore aperide.
ſhal hille hem to gidre; and in eche face confuſioun, and in ix And he ſeide to me, Go þou yn, and ſe þe werſt
alle þe heedis of hem ballidnes. abomynaciouns, whiche þes men doon here.
xix Þe ſiluere of hem ſhal be caſt fer wiþ outforþ, and þe gold x `And I gon in, ſeeȝ; and loo! eche lyknes of crepynge
of hem ſhal be in to dungehil; þe ſiluer of hem and þe gold of þingis, and abomynacioun of beeſtis, and alle þe ydolis of þe
hem ſhal not mowe deliuere hem in þe dai of þe woodnes of hous of Iſrael, weren peyntid in compas in þe wal bi alle.
þe Lord. Þei ſhulen not fulfille her ſoule, or lijf, and þe


xi And ſeuenti men of þe eldris of þe hous of Iſrael; and ix And he ſeide to me, Þe wickidnes of þe hous of Iſrael and
Jeconye, þe ſone of Saphan, ſtode in þe mydil of hem, Juda is ful greet, and þe erþe is fulfild wiþ blodis, or ſynnes,
ſtoondynge before þe peyntyngis; and eche hadde a cenſer in and þe citee is fulfillid wiþ turnynge awei; forſoþe `þei ſeiden,
his hoond, and þe vapour, or ſmoke of a cloud roos togider of Þe Lord haþ forſakyn þe loond, and þe Lord ſeeþ not.
þe enſence. x Þerfor and myn eye ſhal not ſpare, neþer Y ſhal haue
xii And he ſeide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou ſeeſt whiche mercy; Y ſhal ȝeelde þe weies of hem vpon þe heed of hem.
þingis þe eldre men of þe hows of Iſrael doon in derkneſſis, xi And loo! þe man þat was cloþid wiþ lynnen, þat hadde an
eche in þe hid place of his couche; forſoþe þei ſeyn, Þe Lord enkhorn in his rigge, anſwerde a word, ſeiynge, Y haue don,
ſeeþ not vs, þe Lord haþ forſakyn þe loond. as þou commaundideſt to me.
xiii And þe Lord ſeide to me, Ȝit þou conuertid ſhal ſee
gretter abomynaciouns, whiche þes men don. Capitulum X.
xiiii And he ledde me yn, bi þe dore of þe ȝate of þe hows of
i And Y ſeeȝ, and loo! in þe firmament þat was vpon þe heed
þe Lord, þat biheelde to þe norþ; and loo! þere ſaten
wymmen, mournynge a mawmet of letcherie, þat is clepid of cherubyn, as a ſaphir ſtoon, and as þe fourme of a ſeet
Adonydes. aperide `vpon it.
xv And he ſeide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou haſt ſeen; ȝit ii And he ſeide to þe man þat was cloþid wiþ lynnen, and he
þou conuertid ſhal ſee gretter abomynaciouns þan þes. ſeiþ, Go þou yn in þe mydil of whelis, þat ben vndir
xvi And he ledde me in, in to þe innermore porche of þe hows cherubyn, and fil þin hoond wiþ coolis of fier, þat ben amonge
of þe Lord; and loo! in þe dore of þe temple of þe Lord, cherubyn, and ſheed out vpon þe citee. And he wente in my
bitwixe þe veſtiarie and þe auter, as fyue and twenti men ſiȝt;
iii forſoþe cherubyns ſtoden vpon þe riȝthalf of þe hous,
hauynge þe backis aȝens þe temple of þe Lord, and þe faces
to þe eeſt; and þei worſhipeden at þe ryſynge of þe ſunne. whanne þe man wente in, and a cloude fulfillide þe porche
xvii And he ſeide to me, Certis, mannus ſone, þou ſhalt ſee, wiþ inneforþ.
iiii And þe glorie of þe Lord is lift vp aboue cherubyn at þe
wheþer þis þing is liȝt to þe hous of Juda, þat þei ſhulden
doo þes abomynaciouns, whiche þei diden here? For þei þreſhfoold of þe hows; and þe hows is fulfillid wiþ a cloude,
fulfillynge þe erþe wiþ wickidnes, ben turned to gidre to terre and þe porche is fulfillid wiþ ſhynynge of þe glorie of þe
me to wraþþe; and loo! þei applien, or leyn to, a braunche to Lord.
her noſe þrillis. v And þe ſoun of weengis of cherubyn was herd vn to þe
xviii Þerfor and Y ſhal doo in my woodnes; myn eye ſhal not vttermore porche, as þe vois of almyȝti God ſpekynge.
ſpare to hem, neþer I ſhal haue mercy; and whanne þei ſhulen vi And whanne he hadde commandide to þe man þat was
crie to myn erys wiþ greet vois, Y ſhal not here hem. cloþid wiþ lynnen, ſeiynge, Tak þou fier of þe mydil of þe
wheelis, þat ben wiþ inne cherubyn, he goon in, ſtoode beſidis
Capitulum IX. þe wheelis.
vii And cherub helde forþ his hoond fro þe mydil of cherubyn,
i And he criede in myn eris wiþ greet voys, ſeiynge, Þe to þe fier þat was bitwix cherubyn; and took, and ȝaf in to þe
viſitaciouns of þe citee han neiȝed, and eche man haþ a veſſel hoondis of hym þat was cloþid wiþ lynnen; whiche takyn,
of ſleynge in his hoond. wente out.
ii And loo! ſixe men camen fro þe weye of þe heiȝer ȝaat, þat viii And þe liknes of an hoond of man aperide in cherubyn,
biholdiþ to þe norþ, and a veſſel of deeþ of eche man in his vndir þe pennys of hem.
hoond; and o man in þe mydil of hem was cloþid wiþ lynnen, ix And Y ſeeȝ, and loo! foure wheelis beſidis cherubyn; o
and an ynkhorn of a wryter in his reynes; and þei entriden,
and ſtoden beſidis þe braſen auter. wheel beſidis o cherub, and anoþer wheel beſidis o cherub;
iii And þe glorie of þe Lord of Iſrael is takyn of cherubin, þat forſoþe þe fourme of wheelis was as þe ſiȝt of a ſtoon
was on it, at þe þreſhfoold of þe hows; and he clepide þe man x And þe biholdynge of hem, o liknes of foure, as if a wheel
þat was cloþid wiþ lynnen, and hadde an enkhorn of a writer
in his leendis. be in þe mydil of a wheel.
iiii And þe Lord ſeide to hym, Go þou bi þe mydil cytee, in þe xi And whanne þei walkiden, þei wenten in to foure parties;
mydil of Jeruſalem, and mark Tau vpon þe forehedis of men þei walkynge turneden not aȝen, but to þe place to whom þat
mournynge and ſorewynge vpon alle þe abhomynaciouns þat þat was þe firſt bouwid for to goo, and þe oþere ſueden, neþer
ben don in þe mydil þerof. þei turneden aȝen.
v And he ſeide to hem, me herynge, Paſſe ȝe bi þe cytee xii And al þe werk of hem, and neckis, and hoondis, and
ſuynge hym, and ſmyte ȝe; ȝour eye ſpare not, neþer haue ȝe pennys, and cerclis, weren ful of eyen, in þe cumpas of foure
mercy. wheelis.
vi Slee ȝe old man, ȝonge man, meyden, litil child, and xiii And he clepide þe ilk wheelis volible, or turnynge about,
wymmen, vn to þe periſhynge; forſoþe ſlee ȝe not eche man, vp me herynge.
on whom ȝe ſhulen ſee Tau; and bigynne ȝe of my ſeyntuarie. xiiii Forſoþe oon hadde foure faces; o face þe face of cherub,
Þerfor þei bigunnen at þe eldre men, þat weren before þe face and þe ſecounde face a face of man, and þe þridde face of a
of þe hous. lioun, and in þe fourþe a face of an egle;
vii And he ſeide to hem, Defoule ȝe þe hous, and fulfille ȝe þe xv and þe cherubyns ben lift vp. Þe ilk is þe beeſt, whom Y
porchis wiþ ſlayn men; goo ȝe out. And þei wenten out, and ſeeȝ beſidis þe flood Cobar.
þei han ſmyten hem þat weren in þe citee. xvi And whanne cherubyns walkiden, and þe wheelis wenten
viii And þe ſleynge fulfillid, Y dwelte. And Y felle vpon my togidir beſidis hem; and whanne þe cherubyns liften vp her
face, and criynge Y ſeide, Allas! allas! allas! Lord God, weengis, þat þei ſhulden be rerid fro þe erþe, þe wheelis
þerfor wheþer þou ſhalt diſtruye alle þe relikis of Iſrael, abiden not, but and þei weren beſidis hem.
ſhedynge out þi woodnes vpon Jeruſalem? xvii Hem ſtondynge, þei ſtoden, and wiþ þe lift vp þei weren
lift vp; forſoþe þe ſpirit of lijf was in hem.


xviii And þe glorie of þe Lord wente out fro þe þreſhfold of þe xviii And þei ſhulen go in þidir, and þei ſhulen doo awei alle
temple, and ſtoode vpon cherubyn. offenſiouns, `or greuyngis, and alle abomynaciouns of it in þe
xix And þe cherubyns liftynge vp her weengis, ben reyſid fro ilk day.
þe erþe before me; and hem goynge out, and þe wheelis xix And Y ſhal ȝeue `to hem a newe herte, and I ſchal ȝeue a
ſueden; and it ſtode in þe entre of þe eeſt ȝaat of þe hows of new ſpirit in þe entrails of hem; and Y ſhal take awey a
þe Lord, and þe glorye of God of Iſrael was vpon it. ſtonen herte of þe fleſhe of hem, and Y ſhal ȝyue to hem an
xx Þe ilk is þe beeſt, whom Y ſeeȝ vndir God of Iſrael, herte of fleſh;
beſidis þe flood Cobar. And Y vndirſtode for foure cherubyns xx þat þei walken in myn heeſtis, and kepen my domys, and
weren, doo hem, and be to me in to puple, and I be to hem in to
xxi bi foure cheeris, `or facis, to oon, and foure weengis to God.
oon; and a liknes of mannus hoond vnder þe weengis of hem. xxi Forſoþe þe herte of whom goþ after her offendyngis and
xxii And þe liknes of þe cheeris of hem, þe ilk cheeris whom abomynaciouns, Y ſhal putte þe weie of hem in her heed, þe
Y ſeeȝ beſidis þe flood Cobar; and þe biholdinge of hem, and Lord God ſeiþ.
þe feerſnes of eche, for to goo before his face. xxii And cherubyns liftiden vp her weengis, and þe wheelis
wiþ hem, and þe glorie of God of Iſrael was vpon hem.
Capitulum XI. xxiii And þe glorie of þe Lord ſtiede vp of þe mydil of þe

i And
citee, `and ſtode vpon þe hille, þat is at þe eeſt of þe citee.
þe ſpirit lifte me vp, and ledde me in at þe eſt ȝate of xxiiii And þe ſpirit reiſide me, and ledde me in to Caldea, to
þe hous of þe Lord, which biholdiþ þe ryſynge of þe ſunne. tranſmygracioun, in a viſioun in þe ſpirit of God; and þe
And loo! in þe entre of þe ȝate weren fyue and twenti men; viſioun which Y ſeeȝ, is takyn a wey fro me.
and Y ſeeȝ in þe mydil of hem Jeconye, þe ſone of Aſur, and xxv And Y ſpak to þe tranſmygracioun, or to þe puple led out
Pheltia, þe ſone of Banaye, pryncis of puple.
ii And he ſeide to me, Sone of man, þes men þat þenken of her loond, alle þe wordis of þe Lord, whiche he ſhewide to
wickidnes, and treten þe worſt counſeil in þis citee, me.
iii ſeiynge, Wheþer not a litil while gon ben houſis bildid? þis
is þe caudrun, forſoþe we fleſſhes. Capitulum XII.
iiii Þerfor prophecy þou of hem, prophecy þou, ſone of man. i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
v And þe Spyrit of þe Lord felle in to me, and ſeide to me, ii Sone of man, þou dwelliſt in mydil of an hous terrynge to
Spek þou, Þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, Þus, hows of Iſrael, ȝe wraþþe, whiche han eyen for to ſee, and ſeen not, and eris for
ſpaken, and Y knewȝ þe þouȝtis of ȝour hertis; to here, and heren not; for it is `an hous terrynge to wraþþe.
vi ȝe ſlewen ful manye in þis cytee, and ȝe fulfilliden þe weies iii Þerfor þou, ſone of man, mak to þee veſſels of
of it wiþ ſlayn men. tranſmygracioun, or paſſyng ouer, and þou ſhalt paſſe ouer
vii Þerfor þe Lord ſeiþ þes þingis, Ȝour ſlayn men, whom ȝe bifore hem bi dai; forſoþe þou ſhalt paſſe ouer fro þi place to
han put in mydil of it, þes ben fleſh, and þis is þe caudrun; anoþer place, in þe ſiȝt of hem, if perauenture þei biholden,
and Y ſhal lede ȝou out of þe mydil of it. for it is an hows terrynge to wraþþe.
viii Ȝe dredden ſwerd, and I ſhal in lede ſwerd vpon ȝou, ſeiþ iiii And þou ſhalt bere out þi veſſelis, as veſſelis of a man
þe Lord God. paſſynge ouer bi dai, in þe ſiȝt of hem; forſoþe þou ſhalt gon
ix And I ſhal caſte ȝou out of þe mydil of it, and Y ſhal ȝyue out in þe euenynge before hem, as a man paſſynge ouer goþ
ȝou in to þe hoond of enemyes, and Y ſhal make domys in v Before þe eyen of hem dig to þee a wal, and þou ſhalt gon
x Ȝe ſhulen falle bi ſwerd, in þe endis of Iſrael Y ſhal deme out bi it in þe ſiȝt of hem.
vi In ſhulders þou ſhalt be born, in derkneſſis þou ſhalt be
ȝou; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord.
xi Þis ſhal not be to ȝou in to a caudrun, and ȝe ſhulen not born out; þou ſhalt hide þi face, and þou ſhalt not ſee þe erþe,
for Y ȝaue þee a wondrynge, ſignyfiynge þing to comynge
be in to fleſſhis in þe mydil of it; in þe endis of Iſrael Y ſhal after to þe hous of Iſrael.
deme ȝou, vii Þerfor Y dide as þe Lord comaundide me; Y brouȝte forþ
xii and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord. For ȝe walkiden not in
my veſſelis, as veſſelis of a man paſſynge ouer bi dai, and in
myn heeſtis, and ȝe diden not my domes, but ȝe wrouȝten þe euenynge I diggide a wal wiþ hoond; in derknes Y wente
after þe domes of heþen men, þat ben in ȝour cumpas. out, and in ſhuldris Y am born, in þe ſiȝt of hem.
xiii And it is don, whanne Y propheciede, Pheltia, þe ſone of viii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me erli, ſeiynge,
Banaye, is deed; and Y felle doun in to my face, criynge wiþ ix Sone of man, wheþer þe hous of Iſrael ſeide not to þee, an
greet voys, and ſeide, Allas! allas! allas! Lord God, þou
makiſt an eendynge of þe relikis of Iſrael. hous terrynge to wraþþe, What doſt þou?
xiiii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, x Sey þou to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þis charge
xv Sone of man, þi breþeren, and þi neiȝ men, and al þe vpon þe duyk, which is in Jeruſalem, and vpon alle þe hows
of Iſrael, þat is in þe mydil of hem.
hows of Iſrael, and alle men, to whom dwellers of Jeruſalem xi Þerfor ſey þou, Y ȝour wondrynge; as Y dide, ſo it ſhal be
ſeiden, Goo ȝe a wey fer fro þe Lord, þe loond is ȝouen to vs
in to poſſeſſioun. don to hem; þei ſhulen goo in to tranſmygracioun, and in to
xvi Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, For Y made hem fer in caitiftee.
xii And þe duyk þat is in þe mydil of hem, ſhal be born in
heiþen men, and for I ſcatride hem in loondis, Y ſhal be to
hem in to a litil halewinge, in loondis to whom þei camen. ſhuldris, and ſhul goo out in derknes; þei ſhulen digge þe
xvii Þerfor ſpek þou, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Y ſhal wal, for to lede out hym; þe face of hym ſhal be couered, þat
he ſee not wiþ eye þe erþe.
gadre ȝou fro puplis, and Y ſhal gadre ȝou fro loondis, in xiii And Y ſhal ſtretche out my nette vpon hym, and he ſhal
whiche ȝe ben ſcatered; and Y ſhal ȝyue to ȝou þe loond of
Iſrael. be takyn in my nette; and I ſhal lede hym in to Babiloyne, in


to þe loond of Caldeis, and he ſhal not ſee it, and he ſhal dye ix And myn hoond ſhal be vpon þe prophetis þat ſeen veyn
þere. þingis, and deuynen leeſynge; þei ſhulen not be in þe counſeyl
xiiii And Y ſhal diſparple in to eche wynd alle þat ben about of my puple, and þei ſhulen not be writyn in þe writynge of
hym, his helpe, and his cumpanyes; and Y ſhal drawe out a þe hous of Iſrael, neþer þei ſhulen entre in to þe loond of
ſwerd after hem. Iſrael; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for I þe Lord God.
xv And þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord, whanne Y ſhal ſcatere x For þat þei diſſeyueden my puple, ſeiynge, Pees, pees, and
hem in heiþen men, and I ſhal ſowe hem abrood in loondis. pees is not; and he bildide a wal, forſoþe þei dawbeden, or
xvi And I ſhal leeue of hem a fewe men fro ſwerd, and pargetiden, it wiþ fen wiþ outen chaffis.
hungre, and peſtilence, þat þei telle out alle þe greete xi Sey þou to hem þat dawben, or leyn morter, wiþ outen
treſpaſſys of hem in heiþen men, to whom þei ſhulen entre; temperynge, þat it is to fallynge doun; forſoþe a reyn flowynge
and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord. ſhal be, and Y ſhal ȝyue ful grete ſtoonus fallynge doun fro
xvii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, aboue, and a wynde of tempeſt diſtruyinge.
xviii Sone of man, ete þou þi breed in trublynge to gidir, but xii Forſoþe loo! þe wal felle doun. Wheþer it ſhal not be ſeid
and drynke þi water in haſt and mournynge. to ȝou, Wher is þe dawbynge, þat ȝe dawbiden?
xix And þou ſhalt ſeie to þe puple of þe loond, Þes þingis ſeiþ xiii Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, And Y ſhal make a
þe Lord God to hem þat dwellen in Jeruſalem, in þe loond of ſpirit of tempeſtis for to breke out in myn indignacioun, and a
Iſrael, Þei ſhulen eete her breed in biſynes, and þei ſhulen reyn flowynge ſhal be in my woodnes, and grete ſtoonus in
drynke her water in diſcoumfort; þat þe loond be deſolatid fro my wraþþe in to waſtynge.
his multitude, for þe wickidnes of alle men þat dwellen in it. xiiii And Y ſhal diſtruye þe wal, whom ȝe daubiden wiþ outen
xx And þe citees þat ben now enhabitid, ſhulen be deſolat, and temperynge, and I ſhal make it euen to þe erþe; and þe
þe loond deſeert, and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord. foundement of it ſhal be ſhewid, and it ſhal falle doun, and it
xxi And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, ſhal be waſtid in þe mydil of it; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y am
þe Lord.
xxii Sone of man, what is þis prouerbe, or enſaumple, to ȝou xv And Y ſhal fulfille myn indignacioun in þe wal, and in
in þe loond of Iſrael, of men ſeiynge, Dais ſhulen be hem þat dauben it wiþ outen temperynge; and Y ſhal ſeye to
differrid, or drawen, in to loong, and eche viſioun, or ȝou, Þe wal is not, and þe prophetis of Iſrael þat dauben it,
prophecie, ſhal periſhe? ben not,
xxiii Þerfor ſey þou to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Y xvi whiche prophecien to Jeruſalem, and ſeen to it a viſioun of
ſhal make þis prouerbe for to reſte, neþer opynli, or euery pees, and pees is not, þe Lord God ſeiþ.
where, it ſhal be ſeide ouer in Iſrael; and ſpek þou to hem, xvii And þou, ſone of man, put þi face aȝens þe douȝtris of þi
for dais han neiȝede, and þe word of eche viſioun.
xxiiii Forſoþe not eche viſioun ſhal be void, neþer dyuynacoun puple, whiche prophecien of her herte; and prophecie þou of
douty in þe mydil of þe ſones of Iſrael; xviii and ſey, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Woo to hem þat
xxv for Y þe Lord ſhal ſpeke what euere word Y ſhal ſpeke,
ſewen to gidre cuſſhens vndir eche cubit of hoond, and maken
and it ſhal be don; it ſhal namore be drawen along, but in pilewis vnder þe heed of eche age, for to take, or diſſeyue,
ȝour dais, ȝe hous terrynge to wraþþe, I ſhal ſpeke a word, ſoulis; and whanne þei token þe ſoulis of my puple, þei
and I ſhal doo it, þe Lord God ſeiþ. quyckeneden þe ſoulis of hem.
xxvi And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, xix And þei defouliden me to my puple, for an handful of
xxvii Sone of man, loo! þe hous of Iſrael, of men ſeiynge, Þe barli, and a gobet of breed, þat þei ſlewen ſoulis whiche dien
viſioun which þis ſeeþ, þis prophecieþ in to manye dais, and not, and quikeneden ſoulis whiche lyuen not, liynge to my
in to loonge tymes. puple, byleeuynge to leeſyngis.
xxviii Þerfor ſey þou to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, xx For þis þing þe Lord God ſeiþ, Loo! Y to ȝoure cuſſhens,
Eche my word ſhal not be drawen alonge; þe word þat I ſhal bi whom ȝe taken ſoulis fleynge; and Y ſhal al tobreke hem of
ſpeke, ſhal be fulfillid, þe Lord God ſeiþ. ȝour armes, and Y ſhal diſmytte, or delyuere, þe ſoulis for to
flee, whom ȝe taken.
Capitulum XIII. xxi And Y ſhal breke ȝour pilewis, and Y ſhal delyuere my
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, puple fro ȝour hoond; neþer þei ſhulen be ouer in ȝour
hoondis, for to be robbid; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord.
ii Sone of man, prophecy þou to þe prophetis of Iſrael þat xxii For þat þat ȝe maden leeiȝyngli þe herte of þe iuſt man
prophecien; and þou ſhalt ſey to men propheciynge of her for to mourne, whom Y made not ſorewful; and ȝe
herte, Here ȝe þe word of þe Lord. coumfortiden þe hoondis of þe vnpitous man, þat he ſhulde not
iii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Woo to vnwiſe prophetis, þat turne aȝen fro hys yuel weie, and ſhulde lyue.
ſuen her ſpirit, and ſeen no þing; xxiii Þerfor ȝe ſhulen not ſee veyn þingis, and ȝe ſhulen
iiii as foxes in deſeertis, Iſrael, þi prophetis weren. namore deuyne dyuynacions; and I ſhal delyuere my puple fro
v Ȝe ſtieden not vp forn aȝens, neþer ȝe aȝen puttiden a wal ȝoure hoond, and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord.
for þe hous of Iſrael, þat ȝe ſtoden in bataile in dai of þe
Lord. Capitulum XIIII.
vi Þei ſeen veyn þingis, and deuynen leeſynge, ſeiynge, Þe i And men of þe eldris of Iſrael camen to me, and ſaten
Lord ſeiþ, whanne he ſente not hem; and þei laſtiden for to before me.
confeerme þe word. ii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
vii Wheþer ȝe ſawen not a veyn viſioun, and ȝe ſpaken a fals
iii Sone of man, þes men han putte her vnclennes in her
dyuynynge, and ſeiden, Þe Lord ſeiþ, whanne Y ſpak not?
viii Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For ȝe ſpaken veyn hertis, and han ſette þe ſclaundre of her wickidnes aȝens her
face. Wheþer Y axyd, ſhal anſwere to hem?
þingis, and ȝe ſawen leſynge, þerfor loo! Y to ȝou, ſeiþ þe
Lord God.


iiii For þis þing ſpek þou to hem, and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, ȝe ſhulen ſee þe weie of hem, and þe fyndyngis of hem; and
Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, A man, a man of þe hous of ȝe ſchulen be coumfortid on þe yuel which Y haue ledde in to
Iſrael, þat haþ putte his vnclennes in his herte, and haþ ſette Jeruſalem, in alle þingis whiche I haue brouȝte in on it.
þe ſclaundre of his wickidnes aȝens his face, and ſhal come to xxiii And þei ſhulen conforte ȝou, whanne ȝe ſhulen ſee þe
þe prophete, axynge bi hym me, Y þe Lord ſhal anſwere to weie of hem, and þe fyndyngis of hem; and ȝe ſhulen knowe,
hym in þe multitude of his vnclennes; for not idely Y dide alle þingis, what euere Y dide in it, ſeiþ
v þat þe hous of Iſrael be takyn in her herte, in whiche þei þe Lord almiȝti.
wenten awey fro me in alle her ydolis.
vi Þerfor ſey þou to þe hous of Iſrael, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Capitulum XV.
Lord God, Be ȝe conuertid, and departe ȝe fro ȝoure ydolis, i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
and turne awei ȝoure facis fro alle ȝoure defoulyngis. ii Sone of man, what ſhal
vii For a man, a man of þe hous of Iſrael, and of proſelitis, be don to tree of þe viyn, of alle
or men new comen to þe lawe of Jewis, who euer ſhal be trees of þe wodis, þat ben among þe trees of woodis?
iii Wheþer a tree ſhal be takyn of it, þat werk be maad? or a
cumlynge, or geſt, in Iſrael, if he ſhal be alienyd fro me, and
ſhal putte his ydolis in his herte, and ſhal ſette þe ſclaundre litil paal ſhal be forchid of it, þat eny maner veſſel hange in
of his wickidnes aȝens his face, and ſhal come to þe prophete, it?
þat he axe bi hym me, I þe Lord ſhal anſwere to hym bi my iiii Lo! it is ȝouun to þe fier in to meet; þe fier haþ waaſtid
ſilf. eche eiþer parti of it, and þe mydil of it is brouȝt in to a deed
viii And Y ſhal putte my face vpon þat man, and I ſhal make broond; wheþer it ſhal be profitable to werk?
hym in to enſaumple, and in to a prouerbe, and I ſhal v Ȝhe, whanne it was hool, it was not able to werk; hou
diſtruye him fro þe mydil of my puple; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for myche more whanne fier haþ deuouride and brende to gidre,
I þe Lord. no þing of werk ſhal be maad of it?
ix And whanne þe prophete ſhal erre, and ſhal ſpeke a word, vi Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Hou þe tree of viyn
Y þe Lord ſhal diſſeyue þe ilk prophete; and I ſhal ſtretche amonge þe trees of woodis, whom I ȝaue to fier for to
out myn hoond on him, and ſhal doo hym awey of þe mydil of deuoure, ſo Y ſhal bitake þe dwellers of Jeruſalem,
my puple of Iſrael. vii and I ſhal putte my face in to hem. Þei ſhulen gon out of
x And þei ſhulen bere her wickidnes; aftir þe wickidnes of þe
þe fier, and þe fier ſhal waaſte hem; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for I
man axinge, ſo þe wickidnes of þe prophete ſhal be; þe Lord, whanne Y ſhal putte my face in hem,
xi þat þe hows of Iſrael erre namore fro me, neþer be defoulid viii and ſhal ȝyue þe loond vnwaied and deſolat, for þat þat
in alle his treſpaſſyngis, but be to me in to a puple, and Y be þei weren treſpaſſours, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
to hym in to a God, þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ.
xii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
Capitulum XVI.
xiii Sone of man, whanne þe erþe ſhal ſynne aȝens me, þat it
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
treſpaſſynge treſpaſe, I ſhal ſtretche out myn hoond vpon it,
and I ſhal togidir trede þe ȝeerd of breed of it; and I ſhal ii Sone of man, mak þou knowyn to Jeruſalem her
ſende in to it hungre, and I ſhal ſlee of it man and werk abomynaciouns;
beeſt. iii and þou ſhalt ſeie, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God.
xiiii And if þes þree men, Noe, Danyel, and Job, ſhulen be Jeruſalem, þi roote and þi generacioun, of þe loond of
in þe mydil of it, þei bi her riȝtwiſnes ſhulen delyuere her Chanaan; þi fader Amorrei, and þi moder Cethei.
ſoulis, þe Lord God of ooſtis ſeiþ. iiii And whanne þou art born, in þe dai of þi birþ þi naule is
xv Þat and if I ſhal lede yn werſt beeſtis vpon þe loond, þat not before kit, and in water þou art not waſſhen in to helþ,
I waſte it, and it ſhal be vnwaied, or wayles, for þat þere is neþer bi ſalt ſaltid, neþer wlappid in cloþis.
no paſſynge bi it for beeſtis, v Myn eye ſparide not vpon þee, þat I ſhulde doo to þee oon
xvi and þes þre men þat ſhulen be in it, þe Lord God ſeiþ, Y of þes þingis, Y hauynge mercie of þee; but þou art caſt forþ
lyue, for neþer þei ſhulen delyuere ſones, neþer douȝters, but vpon þe face of erþe, in þe caſtynge a wei of þi ſoule, in þe
þei aloon ſhulen be delyuered; forſoþe þe loond ſhal be deſolat. dai in which þou art born.
xvii Or if I ſhal lede yn a ſwerd vpon þat loond, and Y ſhal vi Forſoþe Y paſſinge bi þee, ſawȝ þee for to be defoulid in þi
ſey to þe ſwerd, Paſſe bi þe loond, and I ſhal ſlee man and blood; and I ſeide to þee, whanne þou were in þi blood, Lyue
beeſt of it, þou; ſoþeli Y ſeide to þee in þi blood, Lyue þou.
xviii and þes þree men ſhulen be in þe mydil of it, I lyue, ſeiþ vii And I ȝaue þee multipliede as buriounynge, or ſeed, of þe
þe Lord God, þei ſhulen not delyuere ſones neþir douȝtris, but feeld, and þou art multiplied, and maad greet; and þou wentiſt
þei aloon ſhulen be delyuered. in, and þou parfietli cameſt to wommanus aparaile; þi
xix And forſoþe if Y ſhal ſende yn vpon þat loond peſtilence, breeſtis, or teetis, waxeden greete, and þin heer buriounede;
and I ſhal ſheede out myn indignacioun vpon it in blood, þat and þou was nakid, and ful of confuſioun.
Y doo awei fro it man and beeſt, viii And I paſſide bi þee, and Y ſeeȝ þee, and loo! þi tyme,
xx and Noe, Danyel, and Job, ſhulen be in þe mydil of it, Y `þe tyme of louers; and Y ſtretchide forþ my cloþinge vpon
lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord, for þei ſhulen not delyuere ſone and þee, and Y hilide þi ſhame. And Y ſwore to þee, and Y
douȝter, but þei aloon bi her riȝtwiſnes ſhulen delyuere her entride in couenaunt wiþ þee, ſeiþ þe Lord God, and þou art
ſoulis. maad boundyn to me.
xxi For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þat and if I ſhal ſende ix And I waſſhide þee in water, and Y clenſide þi blood of
in to Jeruſalem my foure werſt domys, ſwerd, and hungre, þee, and anoyntide þee wiþ oyle.
and yuel beeſtis, and peſtilence, þat Y ſlee man and beeſt of x And I cloþide þee wiþ cloþis of dyuerſe colours, and ſhodde
it, þee wiþ iaſynct; and I girde þee wiþ bijs, or whijt ſilk;
xxii and neþeles ſauynge of men ledynge out ſonys and
douȝtris ſhal be laft in it. Loo! þei ſhulen goo out to ȝou, and


xi and I cloþide þee wiþ ſotil þingis, and Y ournede þee wiþ xxxii but as a womman auowtreſſe, þe whiche lediþ in aliens
ournementis. And I ȝaf ryngis in þin hoondis, and a bee vpon hir huſboond.
about þi necke; xxxiii To alle hooris hijris ben ȝouen, forſoþe þou haſt ȝouun
xii and I ȝaue a reng vpon þi mouþ, and ceerclis to þin eeris, hijre, or mede, to alle þi loueris; and þou ȝauiſt to hem, þat
and a coroun of fayrnes in þi heed. þei ſhulden entre to þee on eche ſide, for to doo fornycacioun
xiii And þou art ourned wiþ gold and ſiluer, and þou art wiþ þee.
cloþid wiþ bijs and wiþ clooþ many foold ſteyned wiþ rounde xxxiiii And it is don in þee aȝen þe cuſtom of wymmen in þi
ymagis, and wiþ manye colours. Þou haſt etyn flour, and fornycaciouns, and after þee ſhal not be fornycacioun; forſoþe
hony, and oyle, and myche þou art maad fayr; and þou in þat þing þat þou ȝaueſt hijris, and reſſeyuediſt not hijris, þe
profitidiſt in to a rewme, contrarie is don in þee.
xiiii and þi name is gon out in to heþen men for þi fairnes; xxxv Þerfor, þou hoore, here þe word of þe Lord.
and þou waſt perfit in my fairnes, which Y hadde putte vpon xxxvi Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þi monee is ſhed out,
þee, ſeiþ þe Lord. and þin euyl fame is ſhewid in þi fornycaciouns vpon þi
xv And þou hauynge truſt in þi fairnes, haſt don fornycacioun loueris and vpon þin idolis of þin abomynaciouns, in þe blood
in þi name; and þou haſt putte þi fornycacioun to eche man of þi ſones, whom þou haſt ȝouen to hem;
paſſynge, þat þou were maad his. xxxvii loo! Y ſhal gedre alle þi loueris, wiþ whom þou art
xvi And þou takynge of my cloþingis, madiſt to þee heiȝ meynd, and alle men whom þou louediſt, wiþ alle men whom
þingis, on eche ſide ſewide togidre; and þou haſt don þou hatidiſt; and Y ſhal gadre hem vpon þee on eche ſide, and
fornicacoun vpon hem, as it was not don bifore, neþer is to Y ſhal make nakid þin yuel fame before hem, and alle ſhulen
beynge. ſee þi filþ.
xvii And þou tokiſt þe veſſels of þi fairnes, of my gold and of xxxviii And I ſhal deme þee wiþ domes of auoutreſſis, and of
my ſiluer, whiche Y ȝaue to þee; and þou madiſt to þee ſhedynge blood; and Y ſhal ȝyue þee in to blood of woodneſſe,
ymagis of men, and didiſt fornycacioun in hem. and enuye.
xviii And þou tokiſt þi cloþingis of manye colours, and þou xxxix And Y ſhal ȝeue þee in to þe hoondis of hem, and þei
was cloþid in hem; and þou puttidiſt myn oyle and my ſhulen diſtruye þi bordel hous, and þei ſhulen diſtruye þin
tymyame, or encenſe, in þe ſiȝt of hem. hoore hous; and þei ſhulen make þee nakid fro þi cloþis, and
xix And my breed, which I ȝaue to þee, flour, and oyle, and ſhulen take awei þe veſſelis of þi feirnes, and þei ſhulen
honye, wiþ whiche Y nurſhide þee, þou puttidiſt in þe ſiȝte of forſake þee nakid, and ful of yuel fame.
hem, in to odour of ſwetnes; and it is don, ſeiþ þe Lord God. xl And þei ſhulen lede to vpon þee a multitude, and þei ſhulen
xx And þou tokiſt þi ſones and douȝtris, whom þou gendrediſt ſtoone þee wiþ ſtoonus, and þei ſhulen ſlee þee wiþ her
to me, and offrediſt to hem, for to be deuourid. Wheþer þi ſwerdis.
fornycacioun is litil? xli And þei ſhulen togider brenne þin houſis in fier, and þei
xxi Þou offrediſt my ſones, and ȝaueſt hem, togider halewynge ſhulen doo domys in þee, in þe eyen of ful manye wymmen;
to hem. and þou ſhalt faile, or ceeſe, for to do fornycacioun, and þou
xxii And after alle þin abomynaciouns and fornycaciouns, þou ſhalt namore ȝyue hijris.
xlii And myn indignacioun ſhal reſte in þee, and my loue ſhal
haſt not mynde of þe dais of þi ȝongþ, whanne þou was
nakid, and ful of confuſioun, þou was defoulid in þi blood. be takyn awei fro þee; and I ſhal reſte, neþer Y ſhal be
xxiii And woo, woo bifelle to þee, after al þi malice, ſeiþ þe wrooþ more,
xliii for þat þat þou haddiſt not mynde of þe dais of þi ȝongþ,
Lord God.
xxiiii And þou haſt bildid to þee a bordel hous, and madiſt to and haſt terrid me to wraþþe in alle þeſe þingis. Wherfor and
Y haue ȝouen þi weies in þin heed, ſeiþ þe Lord God, and Y
þee hordom in alle ſtretis. dide not after þi greet treſpaſſis, in alle þin abomynaciouns.
xxv At eche heed of weie þou bildidiſt a tokne of þi hordom, xliiii Loo! eche man þat ſeiþ euery where, or comounli, a
and madiſt þi fayrnes abomynable; and departidiſt þi feet to prouerbe in þee, ſhal take it to, ſeiynge, As þe modir, ſo and
eche man paſſynge, and multipliediſt alle þi fornycaciouns. hir douȝter.
xxvi And þou didiſt fornycacioun wiþ ſones of Egipt, þi xlv Þou art þe doȝter of þi modir, which caſtide awei hir
neiȝboris of grete fleſſhis, and multipliediſt þi fornycacioun, for huſboond and hir ſones; and þe ſiſter of þi ſiſtris, whiche
to terre me to wraþþe. caſtiden awey her huſbondis and her ſones. Þi modir Cethei,
xxvii Loo! Y ſhal hoolde forþ myn hoond vpon þee, and Y and þi fader Ammorrei;
ſhal take awey þi iuſtifiynge; and Y ſhal ȝyue þee in to þe xlvi and þi more ſiſter Samarie, ſhe and hir douȝtris, þat
hoondis of þe hatynge þee, of þe douȝtris of Paleſtyn, þat dwellen at þi left ſide. Forſoþe þi ſiſter laſſe þan þou, þat
ſhamen in þi curſid weie. dwelliþ at þi riȝt half, Sodom and hir douȝtris.
xxviii And þou haſt don fornycacioun in þe ſones of Aſſiriens, xlvii But neþer þou haſt gon in þe weies of hem, neþer þou
for þat þou was not ȝit fulfillid; and after þat þou didiſt haſt don after her grete treſpaſſis; almeſt a litil leſſe gretter
fornycacioun, neþer ſo þou art ſwagid. treſpaſſis þou haſt don þan þei, in alle þi weies.
xxix And þou multipliediſt þi fornycacioun in þe loond of xlviii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for Sodom, þi ſiſter, dide
Canaan wiþ Caldeis, and neþer ſo þou art fulfillid. not, ſhe and hir douȝtris, as þou didiſt and þi douȝtris.
xxx In what þing ſhal Y clenſe þin herte, ſeiþ þe Lord God, xlix Loo! þis was þe wickidnes of Sodom, þi ſiſter, prijde,
whanne þou doſt alle þes werkis of a womman hoore, and and fulnes of breed, or glotonye, and aboundaunce, or plente,
bold to hordom? and idilnes of hir, and hir douȝtris; and þei dreſſiden not þe
xxxi For þou haſt forgid þi bordel hous in þe heed of eche hoond to þe nedi and pore.
weie, and þou madiſt þin heiȝe þingis in eche ſtrete; neþer þou l And þei ben lift an heiȝ, and diden oþer abomynaciouns
art maad as an hoore anoyed, or ful of werynes, encreſynge before me; and Y dide hem a wei, as þou haſt ſeen.


li And Samarie ſynnede not þe half of þi ſynnes, but þou haſt viii Þat in good erþe vpon many waters is plauntid, þat it
ouercomen hem in grete treſpaſſis, and haſt iuſtified þi ſiſtris make bouwis, and bere fruyte, þat it be in to a greet
in alle þin abomynaciouns, whiche þou wrouȝtiſt. viynȝerd.
lii Þerfor and þou bere þi confuſioun, which haſt ouercomyn þi ix Sey þou, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þerfor wheþer it
ſiſtris wiþ þi ſynnes, doynge more curſidli þan þei; forſoþe þei ſhal haue proſperite? Wheþer he ſhal not drawe vp þe rote of
ben iuſtified of þee. Þerfor and þou be confoundid, and ber it, and ſhal diſtruye þe fruytis of it? And he ſhal drye alle þe
þou þin yuel fame, þe which haſt iuſtifiede þi ſiſtris. ſyouns of his buriounynge, and it ſhal wexe drye; and not in
liii And Y reſtorynge ſhal conuerte hem wiþ þe turnynge a greet arme, neþer in myche puple, þat he ſhulde drawe it vp
togidre of Sodom and hir douȝtris; and Y ſhal conuerte þi bi þe roote.
turnynge aȝen in þe mydil of hem, x Loo! it is plauntid; þerfor wheþer it ſhal haue proſperite?
liiii þat þou bere þin yuel fame, and be confoundid in alle Wheþer whanne a brennynge wynde ſhal touche it, it ſhal not
þingis whiche þou didiſt, coumfortynge hem. be dried, and it ſhal dwyne awey in þe placis of his
lv And þi ſiſter Sodom and hir douȝtris ſhulen turne aȝen to buriounynge?
xi And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
her oldenes; and Samarie and hir douȝtris ſhulen turne aȝen
to her oldenes; and þou and þi douȝtris turne aȝen to ȝour xii Sey þou to þe hows terrynge to wraþþe, Witen ȝe not
oldenes. what þes þingis bitoknen? Sei þou, Loo! þe kyng of
lvi Forſoþe Sodom, þi ſiſter, was not herde in þi mouþ, in þe Babiloyne comeþ in to Jeruſalem; and he ſhal take þe kyng
dai of þi pride, and his princes, and he ſhal lede hem to hym ſelf in to
lvii before þat þi malice was ſhewid, as in þis tyme, in to þe Babiloyne.
xiii And he ſhal take of þe ſeed of þe rewme, and he ſhal
ſhenſhip of douȝtris of Sirie, and of alle douȝters of Paleſtyn
in þi cumpas, þat gon about þee bi enuyroun. ſmyte a boond of pees wiþ it, and of it he ſhal reſſeyue an
lviii Þou haſt born þi greet treſpas, and þin yuel fame, ſeiþ þe ooþ; but and he ſhal take a wei þe ſtronge men of þe loond,
xiiii þat þe rewme be lowe, and be not reiſid vp, but kepe þe
Lord God.
lix For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, And I ſhal doo to þee couenaunt of hym, and kepe it, or ſaue.
xv Whiche goynge a wey fro hym, ſente meſſageris to Egipt,
as þou diſpiſediſt þe ooþ, þat þou madiſt þe couenaunt voyd;
lx and Y ſhal haue mynde of my couenaunt wiþ þee in þe þat he ſhulde ȝyue to hym horſis and myche puple. Wheþer he
ſhal haue proſperite, or ſhal gete helþ, which dide þes þingis?
dais of þi ȝongþ, and I ſhal reiſe to þee couenaunt and he þat vndoþ a couenaunt, wheþer he ſhal aſkape?
euerlaſtynge. xvi Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for in þe place of þe kyng þat
lxi And þou ſhalt haue mynde of þi weies, and þou ſhalt be
made hym kyng, whos ooþ he made voyd, and brak þe
confoundid, whanne þou ſhalt reſſeyue þi ſiſtris more þan þou, couenaunt þat he hadde wiþ hym, in þe mydil of Babiloyne he
wiþ þi leſſe; and Y ſhal ȝyue hem to þee in to douȝtris, and ſhal die.
not of þi couenaunt. xvii And not in greet ooſt, neþer in myche puple Pharao ſhal
lxii And Y ſhal reiſe my couenaunt wiþ þee, and þou ſhalt
make batayle aȝens hym, in caſtynge of an heep of erþe, and
wite, for I þe Lord, in bildynge of paalis, þat he ſlee many ſoulis.
lxiii þat þou haue mynde, and be confoundid; and þat it be xviii Forſoþe he diſpiſide þe ooþ, þat he ſhulde breke þe boond
namore to þee for to opyn þe mouþ, for þi confuſioun, whanne of pees, and loo! he ȝaf his hoond; and whanne he haþ do
Y ſhal be pleſid to þee in alle þingis whiche þou haſt don, alle þes þingis, he ſhal not ſkape.
ſeiþ þe Lord God. xix Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, I lyue, for I ſhal
putte in to his heed þe ooþ þat he diſpiſide, and þe boond of
Capitulum XVII. pees þat he brak.
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeyynge, xx And I ſhal holde forþ vpon hym my nette, `and he ſhal be
ii Sone of man, put forþ a derk enſaumple, or hard queſtioun, cacchid in my nette, and Y ſhal lede hym in to Babiloyne;
and telle a parable to þe hous of Iſrael; and Y ſhal deme hym in þe treſpaſſynge, in which he diſpiſide
iii and þou ſhalt ſeye, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God. A greet me.
xxi And alle þe fleers of hym wiþ al his company ſhulen falle
egle of grete weengis, wiþ long ledynge of membris, ful of
feþeris and dyuerſite, cam to þe Liban, and took þe merouȝ of togidre in ſwerd, forſoþe þe reſidues ſhulen be ſcatered in to
cedre. eche wynd; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for I þe Lord haue ſpoken.
iiii He drowȝ of þe heiȝnes of his bouwis, or braunches, and xxii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, And Y ſhal take of þe
bare it ouer `in to þe loond of Canaan; in þe citee of merewȝ of þe heeȝ cedre, and I ſhal putte of þe cop of his
marchauntis he puttide it. braunchis; þe tendre I ſhal diſtreyne, and Y ſhal plaunte vpon
v And he took of þe ſeed of þe erþe, and puttide it in þe erþe an heiȝ hil, and fer aperynge.
xxiii And in þe heiȝ hil of Iſrael Y ſhal plaunte it; and it ſhal
for ſeed, þat he ſhulde make ſad þe root vpon manye watris;
in þe ouermeſt paart he puttide it. breſt vp in to buriownynge, and ſhal make fruyte, and ſhal be
vi And whanne it had buriounede, it wexede in to a brodder in to a greet cedre, and alle briddis ſhulen dwelle vndir it; al
volatile ſhal make neſtis vndir þe ſhadewe of his bouwis.
viyn ȝerd, in lowe ſtature, þe braunches `of it beholdinge to it, xxiiii And alle þe trees of þe cuntre ſhulen wite, for Y þe
and þe rootis þerof weren vndir it; þerfor it is maad in to a
viynȝerd, and made fruyte in to ſiouns, and ſente out Lord haue mekid þe heiȝ tree, and reyſide þe meke tree, and
braunchis. Y driede þe grene tree, and Y made þe drye tree for to
vii And anoþer greet egle is maad, wiþ greet weengis, and floriſſhe; Y þe Lord ſpak, and Y dide.
manye feþers; and loo! þis viynȝerd as ſendynge his rootis to
it, ſtretchide out his ſiouns to it, þat it moyſtide it of þe litil
placis of his buriounynge.


Capitulum XVIII. and ſhal doo doom and riȝtwiſnes, in lijf he ſhal lyue, and he
ſhal not die.
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, xxii I ſhal not haue mynde of alle þe wyckidneſſis whiche he
ii What is it, þat amonge ȝou ȝe turnen a parable in to þis wrouȝte; `in his riȝtwiſneſſe whiche he wrouȝt, he ſhal lyue.
prouerbe, in þe loond of Iſrael, ſeyynge, Þe fadris eeten a xxiii Wheþer þe deeþ of þe vnpitous man is of my wil, ſeiþ þe
ſoure grape, and þe teeþ of ſones wexen on egge? Lord God, and not þat he be conuertid fro his weies, and
iii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, if þis parable ſhal be more to lyue?
ȝou in to a prouerbe in Iſrael. xxiiii Forſoþe if a iuſt man ſhal turne hym a wei fro his
iiii Loo! alle ſoulis ben myne; as þe ſoule of þe fadir, ſo and riȝtwiſnes, and ſhal doo wickidnes, after alle þe
þe ſoule of þe ſone is myne. Þe ſoule þat ſhal ſynne, þe ilk abomynaciouns whiche þe vnpytous man is wont for to
ſhal die. worche, wheþer he ſhal lyue? Alle his riȝtwiſneſſis whiche he
v And if a man ſhal be iuſt, and ſhal doo doom and dide, ſhulen not be recordid; in þe treſpaſſynge in which he
riȝtwiſnes, treſpaſſide, and in þe ſynne in which he ſynnede, in hem he
vi he ſhal not ete in þe hillis, and ſhal not reyſe his eyen to þe ſhal dye.
xxv And ȝe ſeiden, Þe weie of þe Lord is not euen. Þerfor
ydolis of þe hows of Iſrael; and he ſhal not defoule þe wijf of
his neiȝbour, and ſhal not go to a menſtruat womman, or in here ȝe, hous of Iſrael, wheþer my weye is not euen, and not
vnclene blood flowing; more ȝoure weies ben ſhrewid?
vii and he ſhal not make a man ſorewful, he ſhal ȝeelde þe xxvi Forſoþe whanne a iuſt man ſhal turne awei him fro his

wed to þe dettour, and he ſhal rauyſſhe no þing bi ſtrengþ, he riȝtwiſnes, and ſhal do wickidnes, he ſhal die in hem, in þe
ſhal ȝyue his breed to þe hungrynge, and he ſhal hille þe vnriȝtwiſnes which he wrouȝt, he ſhal die.
xxvii And whanne þe vnpitous man ſhal turne hym a wey fro
nakid wiþ cloþing;
viii he ſhal not leene to vſure, and ſhal not take more; he ſhal his vnpite which he wrouȝte, and ſhal doo doom and
turne awey his hoond fro wickidnes, and he ſhal doo verre riȝtwiſnes, he ſhal quykne his ſoule.
xxviii Forſoþe biholdynge and turnynge awei hym fro alle his
dom bitwix man and man;
ix and ſhal walke in my comaundementis, and ſhal kepe my wickidneſſis whiche he wrouȝte, he ſhal lyue in lijf, and ſhal
domys, þat he doo treuþ; he þis is iuſt, in lijf he ſhal lyue, not die.
xxix And þe ſones of Iſrael ſeyn, Þe weie of þe Lord is not
ſeiþ þe Lord God.
x Þat if he ſhal gendre a ſone, þeef, ſhedynge out blood, and euen. Wheþer my weies ben not euen, ȝe hous of Iſrael, and
ſhal doo oon of þes, not more ȝoure weies ben ſhrewid?
xi and ſoþeli not doynge alle þes, but etynge in mounteyns, xxx Þerfor I ſhal deme eche man after his weies, ȝe hous of
and defoulynge þe wijf of his neiȝbour; Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord God. Be ȝe conuertid, and doo ȝe
xii makynge þe nedy and pore ſorewful, rauyſhynge raueyns, penaunce fro alle ȝour wyckidneſſis, and wickidnes ſhal not be
to ȝou in to falling doun.
not ȝeeldynge wed, reiſynge his eyen to ydolis, doynge xxxi Caſte ȝe awei fro ȝou alle ȝour treſpaſſyngis, in whiche ȝe
xiii ȝyuynge to vſure, and takynge more; wheþer he ſhal lyue? han treſpaſſide, and make ȝe to ȝou a newe herte and a newe
ſpirite, and whi ſhulen ȝe die, hous of Iſrael?
he ſhal not lyue; whanne he ſhal doo alle þes curſyd þingis, xxxii For I wole not þe deeþ of þe diynge, but þat he be
he ſhal die bi deeþ, þe blood of hym ſhal be in hym.
xiiii Þat if he ſhal gendre a ſone, whiche ſeynge alle þes conuertid and lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God; turne ȝe aȝen, and
ſynnes of his fader, which he haþ don, ſhal drede, and not
doo liche þing to hem;
xv ſhal not eete in hillis, and ſhal not reyſe his eyen to þe Capitulum XIX.
ydolis of þe hows of Iſrael; and ſhal not defoule þe wijf of i And þou, ſone of man, take to þee weilynge vpon þe princis
his neiȝbour, of Iſrael;
xvi and ſhal not make a man ſorewful, ſhal not wiþholde a ii and þou ſhalt ſeie, Whi þi modir, a liouneſſe, laie amonge
wed, and ſhal not rauyſhe raueyne, ſhal ȝyue his breed to þe lyouns? In þe mydil of ſmale liouns ſhe nurſhide hir whelpis,
hungrynge, and ſhal hille þe nakid wiþ cloþing; iii and ledde out oon of her litil liouns; he is maad a lioun,
xvii ſhal turne awei his hoond fro wroong of þe pore man, and lerned for to take pray, and for to ete man.
ſhal not take vſure and ouere-aboundance, and ſhal doo my iiii And heiþen men herden of hym, and not wiþ outen his
domys, ſhal walke in my preceptis; þis man ſhal not die in þe woundis þei tokyn hym; and ladden hym in cheynes in to þe
wickydnes of his fadir, but in lijf he ſhal lyue. loond of Egipt.
xviii Þe fadir of hym, for he dide fals chalenge, and dide v Which whanne ſhe ſeeȝ, for ſhe is maad ſijk, and abidynge
ſtrengþe, or violence, to his broþer, and wrouȝte yuel þing in of hym periſhide, took oon of hir litil lyouns, ordeynde hym a
þe mydil of his puple, loo! he is deed in his wickidnes. lyoun.
xix And ȝe ſeyn, Whi beriþ not þe ſone þe wickidnes of his vi And he lernede for to take pray, and for to deuoure men.
fader? Þat is for to wite, for þe ſone wrouȝte doom and vii He lernede for to make wydewis, and for to brynge citees
riȝtwiſnes, he kepte alle my preceptis, and dide hem, in lijf he
ſhal lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God. in to deſeert; and þe loond is deſolat and þe plente of it, of þe
xx Þe ſoule þat ſhal ſynne, þe ilke ſhal die; þe ſone ſhal not vois of his rorynge.
viii And heiþen men camen togidre aȝens hym on eche ſyde fro
bere þe wickidnes of þe fader, and þe fadir ſhal not bere þe
wickidnes of þe ſone; þe riȝtwiſnes of þe iuſt man ſhal be prouyncis, and ſtretchiden out her net vpon hym; in þe
vpon hym, and þe vnpitouſnes of þe vnpitous man ſhal be woundis of hem he is takyn.
vpon hym. ix And þei ſenten hym in to a caue in cheynes, and þei ledden
xxi Forſoþe if þe vnpitous man ſhal doo penaunce of alle his hym forþ to þe kyng of Babiloyne; and þei ſenten hym in to
ſynnes whiche he haþ wrouȝte, and ſhal kepe alle myn heeſtis, priſoun, leſt his vois were herd more vpon þe hillis of Iſrael.


x Þi modir as a vynȝerd in þi blood vpon water is plauntid; xvi For þei caſtiden awei my domys, and þei walkiden not in
þe fruytis of it and bouwis of it wexeden of many watris. myn heeſtis, and þei defouleden my ſabotis; forſoþe þe herte of
xi And ſad ȝeerdis ben maad to it in to ſeptris of men hem wente after idolis.
hauynge lordſhip, and þe ſtature of it is enhaunſid among xvii And myn eye ſparide vpon hem, þat I ſhulde not ſlee
bouwis; and it ſeeȝ his heiȝnes in þe multitude of his ſiouns. hem, neþer Y waaſtide hem in deſeert.
xii And it is drawyn vp in wraþþe, and caſte in to þe erþe; xviii Forſoþe Y ſeide to þe ſones of hem in wildirnes, In þe
and a brennynge wynd driede þe fruyte of it, þe ȝerdes of his preceptis of ȝoure fadris nyle ȝe goo, neþer kepe ȝe þe domys
ſtrengþ welewiden, and ben maad drie, fier ete it. of hem, neþer be ȝe defoulid in þe idolis of hem.
xiii And now it is plauntid ouere in deſeert, in loond not xix Y þe Lord ȝour God, in my preceptis walke ȝe, and kepe
wayed, or not hauntid, and þriſtie. ȝe my domys, and doo ȝe hem.
xiiii And fier wente out of þe ȝerde of his braunchis, which ete xx And halewe ȝe my ſabothis, þat it be a tokne betwixe me
þe fruyte of it. And a ſtronge ȝerde, a ceptre, or kyngis ȝerde, and ȝou, and it be wiſt, for Y þe Lord ȝour God.
of men hauynge lordſhip, was not in it. Weilynge is, and ſhal xxi And þe ſones of Iſrael wraþþiden me, and þei walkiden
be in to weilynge. not in my preceptis, and þei kepten not my domys, þat þei
ſhulden do hem, whiche whanne a man ſhal doo, he ſhal lyue
Capitulum XX. in hem, and þei defouliden my ſabotis. And I þretenede, þat
i And
I ſhulde ſheede out my woodnes vpon hem, and ſhulde fulfille
it is maad in þe ſeuenþe ȝeer, in þe fifþe moneþ, in þe my wraþþe in hem in deſeert.
tenþe dai of þe moneþ, men of þe eldris of Iſrael camen for xxii Y turnede awei myn hoond, and Y dide þis þing for my
to axe þe Lord, and ſaten before me. name, þat it were not defoulid before heiþen men, of whom I
ii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
caſtide out hem in þe eyen of hem.
iii Sone of man, ſpeke þou to þe eldre men of Iſrael; and þou xxiii Eftſoone Y reyſide myn hoond in to hem in wildirnes,
ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Wheþer ȝe þat Y ſhulde ſcatere hem in to naciouns, and ſhulde wyndow
camen for to axe me? Y lyue, for Y ſhal not anſwere to ȝou, hem in to loondis;
ſeiþ þe Lord God. xxiiii for þat þat þei diden not my domys, and repreueden my
iiii Sone of man if þou demeſt hem, if þou demiſt, ſhew þou
preceptis, and defouleden my ſabotis, and þe eyen of hem
to hem þe abomynaciouns of her fadris. weren after þe idolis of her fadris.
v And þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, In þe xxv Þerfor and Y ȝaue to hem preceptis not goode, and
dai in which Y cheeſe Iſrael, and reiſide myn hoond for þe domys in whiche þei ſhulen not lyue.
kynrede, or generaciouns, of Jacobs hows, and aperide to xxvi And Y defoulede hem in her ȝiftis, whanne þei offriden
hem in þe loond of Egipt, and reiſide myn hoond for hem, al þing þat opneþ þe wombe for her giltis; and þei ſhulden
ſeiynge, Y þe Lord ȝoure God, wite, for Y þe Lord.
vi in þat dai Y reiſide myn hoond for hem, þat Y ſhulde lede
xxvii Wherfor, ſone of man, ſpek þou to þe hous of Iſrael,
hem out of þe loond of Egipt, in to þe loond which Y hadde and þou ſhalt ſeie to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Ȝit
purueiede to hem, flowynge wiþ mylk and hony, whiche is and in þes þingis ȝoure faders blasfemeden me, whanne þei
noble amonge alle loondis. deſpiſynge hadden forſake me,
vii And Y ſeide to hem, Eche man caſte awey þe offenſiouns
xxviii and Y hadde ledde hem in to þe loond vpon which Y
of his eyen, and in þe ydols of Egipt nyl ȝe be defoulid; I þe reyſide myn hoond, þat Y ſhulde ȝyue it to hem, þei ſawen
Lord ȝour God. eche heeȝ litil hil, or reiſynge of greet hil, and eche tree ful of
viii And þei wraþþiden me, and þei wolden not here me; eche
wode, and þei offreden þere her ſlayn ſacrifices for victorie,
man caſtide not awey þe abomynaciouns of his eyen, neþer and ȝauen þere her offryngis in to wraþþinge; and þei
forſoke þe ydols of Egipt. And Y ſeide, þat Y ſhulde ſheede puttiden þere þe odour of her ſwetnes, and ſacrefieden her
out myn indignacioun vpon hem, and ſhulde fulfille my libaciouns, þat ben of fletynge þingis, as wiyn, oyle, and
wraþþe in hem, in þe mydil of þe loond of Egipt. ſiche.
ix And Y dide for my name, þat it were not defoulid before xxix And Y ſeide to hem, What is þe heiȝ þing, to whom ȝe
heiþen men, in whos mydil þei weren, and among whom I entren in? And þe name of it is clepid Heeȝ Þing til in to
aperide to hem, þat I ſhulde lede out hem fro þe lond of þis dai.
Egipt. xxx Þerfor ſey þou to þe hous of Iſrael, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe
x Þerfor Y caſtide out hem fro þe lond of Egipt, and Y ledde
Lord God, Certis in þe weie of ȝoure fadris ȝe ben polut, or
out in to deſert, defoulid, and after her offenſiouns ȝe don fornycacioun,
xi and ȝaf to hem myn heeſtis, and Y ſhewide to hem my xxxi and in offrynge of ȝour ȝiftis, whanne ȝe leden ouer ȝoure
domys, whiche a man ſhulde doo, and lyue in hem. ſones bi fier, ȝe ben defoulid in alle ȝour ydols til to dai, and
xii More ouere and I ȝaue to hem my ſabotis, þat it were a Y ſhal anſwere to ȝou, þe hous of Iſrael? Y lyue, ſeiþ þe
ſigne bitwixe me and hem, and þei ſhulden wite, for I þe Lord God, for I ſhal not anſwere to ȝou;
Lord halewynge hem. xxxii neþer þe þenkynge of ȝour ſoule, or vnderſtondynge, ſhal
xiii And þe hous of Iſrael wraþþide me in deſeert; in my be maad, of men ſeiynge, We ſhulen be as heiþen men, as þe
preceptis þei walkiden not, and þei caſtiden awey my domys, kynredis of erþe, þat we worſhipe trees and ſtoonus.
whom a man doynge ſhal lyue in hem; and þei defouliden xxxiii Y lyue, ſeiþ þe Lord God, for in ſtrong hoond, and in
greetli my ſabotis. Þerfor I ſeide, þat I ſhulde ſhede out my arm ſtrauȝt out, and in woodnes ſhed out, Y ſhal regne vpon
woodnes vpon hem in deſeert, and deſtruye hem; ȝou.
xiiii and Y dide for my name, leſt I were defoulid before xxxiiii And I ſhal lede out ȝou of puplis, and Y ſhal gadre
heiþen men, of whom Y caſtide hem out in þe ſiȝte of hem. ȝou of loondis, in whiche ȝe ben ſcaterid; in ſtrong hoond and
xv Þerfor Y reiſide myn hoond vpon hem in deſeert, þat Y arm ſtrauȝt forþ, and in woodnes ſhed out I ſhal regne vpon
ledde hem not in to þe loond which Y ȝaue to hem, flowynge ȝou.
wiþ mylk and hony, þe beſt of alle loondis.


xxxv And Y ſhal lede ȝou in to deſeert of puplis, and I ſhal vii And whanne þei ſhulen ſeie to þee, Whi ſorewiſt þou? þou
be demed þere wiþ ȝou face to face. ſhalt ſeie, For þe herynge, for it cummeþ; and eche herte ſhal
xxxvi As bi doom Y ſtroof aȝens ȝour fadris in deſeert of þe faile, and alle hoondis ſhulen be vndon, and eche ſpirit ſhal be
loond of Egipt, ſo Y ſhal deme ȝou, ſeiþ þe Lord; ſijk, and bi alle kneȝes watris ſhulen fleete; loo! it cummeþ,
xxxvii and I ſhal make you ſuget to my ceptre, and Y ſhal and it ſhal be maad, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
viii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
lede in ȝou in boondis of pees.
xxxviii And Y ſhal cheeſe of ȝou treſpaſſeris, and vnpitouſe ix Sone of man, prophecy þou; and þou ſhalt ſeie, Þes þingis
men; I ſhal lede out hem fro þe loond of her cumlyngnes, and ſeiþ þe Lord God, Spek þou, Þe ſwerd, þe ſwerd is whettid,
þei ſhulen not entre in to þe loond of Iſrael; and ȝe ſhulen and furbuſhid;
wite, for Y þe Lord. x þat it kitte, or ſlee, ſlayn ſacrifices, it is whettid; þat it
xxxix And ȝe, þe hous of Iſrael, þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, ſhyne, it is furbuſhid. Þe which mouynge þe ceptre of my
Ȝe eche walke after ȝour idolis, and ſerue ȝe to hem. Þat and ſone, haſt kitte doun eche tree.
if in þis þing ȝe ſhulen not here me, and ȝe ſhulen defoule xi And Y ȝaue hym for to be maad pleyn, þat it be hold wiþ
ouer myn hooli name in ȝour ȝiftis, hoond; þis ſwerd is whettid, and þis is furbuſhid, þat it be in
xl and in ȝour ydolis, in myn hooli hil, in þe heiȝ hil of þe hoond of þe ſleynge.
Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord God, þere al þe hous of Iſrael ſhal ſerue xii Sone of man, cry þou, and goul, for þis is maad in my
to me; forſoþe eche in þe loond, in which þei ſhulen pleſe to puple, þis in alle þe duykis of Iſrael; þei þat han fledde fro
me; and þere I ſhal ſeche ȝour prymyſies, or firſt fruytis, and ſwerd ben bitakyn wiþ my puple. Þerfor bete togidre hoondis
þe bigynnynge of ȝour tiþis in alle ȝour halewyngis. vpon þe hipe,
xli In to odour of ſwetnes Y ſhal reſſeyue ȝou, whanne Y ſhal xiii for it is proued; and þis þing whanne it ſhal diſtruye þe
lede ȝou out of puplis, and ſhal gedre ȝou of loondis, in to ceptre, and it ſhal not be, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
whiche ȝe ben ſcatered; and I ſhal be halewid in ȝou in eyen, xiiii Þerfor þou, ſone of man, prophecy, and ſmyit hoond to
or ſiȝt, of naciouns. hoond, and þe ſwerd be doublid, and þe ſwerd of ſleers be
xlii And ȝe ſhulen wite, for I þe Lord, whanne I ſhal lede treblid; þis is þe ſwerd of greet ſleynge, which ſhal make hem
ȝou in to þe loond of Iſrael, in to þe loond for which Y greetli abaiſt, or mad, and for to faile in herte, and it
reyſide myn hoond, þat I ſhulde ȝyue it to ȝour fadris. multiplieþ fallyngis.
xliii And þere ȝe ſhulen biþenke in hem of ȝour weies, and of xv In alle þe ȝatis of hem Y ȝaue togidre ſturblynge of ſwerd,
alle ȝour grete treſpaſſis, bi whiche ȝe ben defoulid in hem; ſharp and furbuſhid for to ſhyne, cloþid to ſleynge.
and ȝe ſhulen diſpleſe to ȝou in ȝour ſiȝt, in alle ȝour malices xvi Be þou whettid, go þou to þe riȝt, or to þe left, `whidir
whiche ȝe diden. euere is þe appetit, or deſier, of þi face.
xliiii And ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord, whanne I ſhal wel xvii For and Y ſhal ſmyte wiþ hoond to hoond, and Y ſhal
doo to ȝou for my name; not after ȝour yuel weies, neþer after fulfille myn indignacioun; Y þe Lord haue ſpokyn.
ȝour werſt huge treſpaſſis, ȝe hous of Iſrael, ſeiþ þe Lord xviii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
xlv And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, xix And þou, ſone of man, put to þee two weies, þat þe ſwerd
xlvi Sone of man, put þou þi face aȝens þe weie of þe ſouþ, of þe king of Babiloyne come; boþe ſhulen goo out of o loond,
and in hoond he ſhal take coniectynge, or ſuſpicioun; in heed
and drop to þe ſouþ wynd, and prophecy þou to þe wodi place, of þe waie of þe citee he ſhal geſſe, or þenke,
or wildernes, of þe myddai, or ſouþ, feeld. xx puttynge a weie, þat þe ſwerd come to Rabath of þe ſones
xlvii And þou ſhalt ſeie to þe myddai, or ſouþ, wodi place,
of Amon, and to Juda `in to Jeruſalem mooſt waardid, or
Here þou þe word of þe Lord. Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! ſtrengþid.
I ſhal kyndle in þee fier, and I ſhal togider brenne in þee xxi Forſoþe þe kyng of Babiloyne ſtode in þe metynge of two
eche grene tree, and eche drye tree; þe flaume of brennynge
ſhal not be quenchid, and eche face in it ſhal be brent togidre, weies, ſechynge dyuynacioun, mengynge arowis; he axede
fro þe ſouþ vnto þe norþ. ydolis, he counſeilide entrailis.
xlviii And eche fleſh ſhal ſee, for I þe Lord brende it, and it xxii At þe riȝt half of hym dyuynacioun is maad vpon
ſhal not be quenchid. Jeruſalem, þat he putte engynes, þat he opyn þe mouþ in
xlix And Y ſeide, A! A! A! Lord God, þei ſeyn of me, What ſleynge, þat he reyſe þe vois in goulynge, þat he putte engynes
aȝens ȝatis, þat he bere togidre an heepe of erþe, þat he bilde
þis ſpekiþ bi parablis? waardynge.
xxiii And he ſhal be as veynly counſeilynge anſwere of God in
Capitulum XXI. þe eyen of hem, and chaungyng þe idilnes, or reſt, of ſabotis;
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, forſoþe he ſhal haue mynde of wickidnes, for to take.
xxiiii Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat ȝe han
ii Sone of man, put þou þi face to Jeruſalem, and drop to þe
ſeyntuaries, and prophecy þou aȝens þe erþe of Iſrael. mynde of ȝour wickidnes, and han ſhewide ȝour treſpaſſingis,
iii And þou ſhalt ſeie to þe loond of Iſrael, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe
and ȝour ſynnes apereden in alle ȝour þouȝtis, for þat ſoþeli
þat ȝe hadden mynde, ȝe ſhulen be takyn bi þe hoond.
Lord God, Loo! I to þee, and I ſhal caſte out my ſwerd of xxv Þou ſoþeli, curſid vnpitous duyk of Iſrael, whos day
his ſheeþe, and I ſhal ſlee in þee þe iuſt and þe vnpitous. determyned comeþ in tyme of wickidnes,
iiii Forſoþe for þat þat Y ſlew in þee þe iuſt man and
xxvi þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Do a wey þe mytre, tak a
vnpitous, þerfor my ſwerd ſhal goo out of his ſheeþe to eche wei þe coroun; wheþer þis is not which enhaunſide þe meke,
fleſh, or man, fro þe ſouþ vn to þe norþ; and mekide þe heiȝ?
v þat eche fleſh wite, for I þe Lord ledde out my ſwerd of his
xxvii Y ſhal putte it wickidnes, wickidnes, wickidnes; and þis
ſheeþe irreuocable, or þat may not be clepid aȝen. þing is not don til he cam, whos þe doom of God is, and ſhal
vi And þou, ſone of man, ſorew wiþinforþ in þe contricioun of
be take to hym.
leendis, and þou ſhalt inwardli ſorewe in bitterneſſis bifore


xxviii And þou, ſone of man, prophecy, and ſey, Þes þingis xvi and I ſhal weelde þee in þe ſiȝt of heiþen men; and þou
ſeiþ þe Lord God to þe ſones of Amon, and to þe ſhenſhip of ſhalt wyte, for I þe Lord.
hem; and þou ſhalt ſeye, Swerd, ſwerd, vnſheþe þee for to xvii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
ſlee, furbiſhe þee, þat þou ſlee and ſhyne, xviii Sone of man, þe hous of Iſrael is turnyd in to droſſe, or
xxix whanne veyne þingis weren ſeen to þee, and leeſyngis
ſyndre; alle þes bras, and tyn, and yren, and leed, in þe
weren dyuynyd, þat þou ſhuldiſt be ȝouen vpon þe neckis of mydil of fourneys, ben maad droſſe of ſiluer.
vnpitouſe men woundid, of whom þe dai determyned ſhal come xix Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat ȝe alle
in tyme of wickidnes.
xxx Turn aȝen in to þi ſheeþe, `in to þe place in which þou ben turned in to droſſe, þerfor loo! I ſhal gedre ȝou in þe
mydil of Jeruſalem,
art maad. In þe loond of þi birþ Y ſhal deme þee, xx a gedrynge of ſiluer, and bras, and yren, and tyn, and
xxxi and Y ſhal ſhede out vpon þee myn indignacioun; in fier
leed, in þe mydil of þe fourneys; and I ſhal teende a fier in
of my woodnes Y ſhal blowe in þee, and Y ſhal ȝeue þee in it, to welle to gidre; ſo Y ſhal gedre ȝou in my woodnes, and
to þe hoondis of vnwijs men, and forgynge periſhynge, or in my wraþþe, and I ſhal reſte aȝen. And I ſhal welle ȝou
deeþ. togidir,
xxxii Þou ſhalt be meet to fier, þi blood ſhal be in þe mydil of xxi and I ſhal gadre ȝou, and I ſhal kyndil ȝou in fier of my
erþe; þou ſhalt be bitakyn to forȝetynge, for I þe Lord haue woodnes, and ȝe ſhulen be wellid to gidre in þe mydil of it.
ſpokyn. xxii As ſiluer is wellid to gidre in mydil of þe fourneis, ſo
ſhulen ȝe be in þe mydil of it; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe
Capitulum XXII. Lord, whanne Y haue ſhedde out myn indignacioun vpon ȝou.
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, xxiii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
ii And þou, ſone of man, wheþer þou demeſt not þe xxiiii Sone of man, ſey to it, Þou art þe vnclene loond, not
citee of
bloodis? reynyd togidir in þe dai of woodnes.
iii And þou ſhalt ſhewe to it alle her abomynaciouns, and þou xxv Coniuriſoun of prophetis in þe mydil of it; as a lioun
ſhalt ſeie, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þe citee ſhedynge rorynge and takynge pray, þei deuoureden ſoule, or lijf, of þe
out blood in þe mydil of it, þat þe tyme of it cumme; and nedi man, and þei token priys; þei multiplieden widewis of it
which made ydols aȝens it ſilf, þat it were polutid, or in þe mydil of it.
defoulid. xxvi Þe preeſtis of it diſpiſeden my lawe, and defouleden my
iiii In þi blood þat is ſhed out of þee, þou treſpaſſidiſt, and in ſeyntuaries; þei hadden no difference bitwix hooli and vnhooli,
þin ydolis whiche þou madiſt þou art defoulid; and þou madiſt þei vndirſtoden not bitwixe vnclene and clene þing; and þei
þi daies for to neiȝ, and leddiſt to þe tyme of þi ȝeeris. Þerfor turneden awey her eyen fro my ſabotis, and Y was defoulid
I ȝaue þee ſhenſhip to heiþen men, and ſcornynge to alle in þe mydil of hem.
loondis xxvii Þe princis of it in þe mydil of it as wulues rauyſhynge
v þat ben beſidis; and þei þat ben fer fro þee ſhulen haue pray, for to ſhede out blood, and for to leſe ſoulis, and gredili
victorie of þee, þou foule, noble, greet in periſhing. ſuynge wynnyngis.
vi Loo! þe princes of Iſrael, eche in her arm, weren in þee, xxviii Forſoþe þe prophetis of it dawbiden hem wiþ outen
for to ſhede out blood. temperure, ſeynge veyn þingis, and dyuynynge leſynges to
vii Þei punyſhiden wiþ wroongis þe fadir and moder in þee, hem, ſeiynge, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, whanne þe Lord
þei falſly chalengiden a cumlynge in þe mydil of þee, þei ſpak not.
xxix Puplis of þe loond falſli chalengiden fals chalenge, and
maden ſorewful fadirles and moderles and widewe anentis
þee. violentli rauyſheden þe nedi man, and tourmentiden þe pore
viii Ȝe han diſpiſide my ſeyntuaries, and ȝe han defoulide my man; and þei oppreſſiden þe cumlynge wiþ fals chalenge, wiþ
ſabotis. outen doom.
xxx And Y ſouȝte `of hem a man, þat ſhulde bitwene putte an
ix Men bacbiters weren in þee, for to ſhede out blood, and
vpon mounteyns þei eten in þee; þei wrouȝten greet treſpas in hegge, and ſtonde ſette euen aȝens me fro þe loond, leſte Y
þe mydil of þee. ſhulde diſtruye it, and Y foond not.
xxxi And Y ſhedde out myn indignacioun vpon hem, and in þe
x Fadris vnhilliden in þee more ſhameful þingis, þei meekeden
in þee þe vnclennes of þe menſtruate womman. fier of my wraþþe Y waaſtide hem; Y ȝeelde þe weye of hem
xi Eche man wrouȝte abomynacioun in to þe wijf of his
in to þe heed of hem, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
neiȝbour, and þe huſbondis fader defoulide his ſonys wijf; Capitulum XXIII.
vnleuefuli þe broþer oppreſſide `in þee his ſiſtyr, þe douȝter of
his fader. i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeyynge,
xii Þei token ȝiftis, for to ſheede out blood at þee; þou tokiſt ii Sone of man, two wymmen weren douȝtris of o modir,
vſure and oueraboundaunce, and gredili, or coueytouſly, þou iii and þei diden fornycacioun in Egipt, in her ȝongþ þei diden
falſly chalengidiſt þi neiȝbours, and haſt forȝete me, ſeiþ þe
Lord God. fornycacioun; þere þe breeſtis, or tetis, of hem ben vndirled,
xiii Loo! I haue ſmytin togider myn hondis vpon þin aueryce, and þe tetis of her puberte, þat is, tyme of mariage, ben
or gredynes, which þou didiſt, and vpon þe blood þat is ſhed iiii Forſoþe þe names of hem, Oolla þe more, and Ooliba þe
out in þe mydil of þee.
xiiii Wheþer þin herte ſhal ſuſteyne, or þin hoondis ſhulen leſſe ſiſter of hir. And Y hadde hem, and þei baren child,
ſones and douȝtris; ſoþeli þe names of hem, Samarie Oolla,
haue power in þe dais whiche I ſhal make to þee? Forſoþe Y and Jeruſalem Ooliba.
þe Lord ſpak, and Y ſhal doo. v Þerfor Oolla dide fornycacioun vpon me, and wexe woode
xv And I ſhal ſcater þee in to naciouns, and I ſhal wyndewe,
in to her loueres, in to Aſſiriens neiȝynge,
`or blowe, þee in to loondis; and I ſhal make þi vnclennes to
fayle fro þee,


vi cloþid wiþ iacynct, princis, and magiſtratis, ȝonge men of kytte of wiþ ſwerd; þei ſhulen take þi ſonys and þi douȝtris,
coueiting, alle knyȝtis, or rydynge men, ſtiers vp of horſis. and þi laſt ſhal be deuoured in fier.
vii And ſhe ȝaf her fornycaciouns vpon hem, þe choſyn ſonys xxvi And þei ſhulen vncloþe þee þi cloþis, and ſhulen take
of alle Aſſiriens, alle and in alle in to whom ſhe wexe woode, awei þe veſſels of þi glorie.
in þe vnclennes of hem ſhe is defoulid. xxvii And Y ſhal make þi grete treſpaſſis for to reſte of þee,
viii More ouere and ſhe lefte not hir fornycaciouns, whiche ſhe and þi fornycacioun of þe loond of Egipt; neþer þou ſhalt reyſe
hadde in Egipt; for whi and þei ſlepten wiþ hir in þe ȝongþ of þin eyen to hem, and þou ſhalt no more haue mynde of Egipt.
hir, and þei togidre braken þe breſtis of hir puberte, and xxviii For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y ſhal bitake
ſhedden out her fornycacioun vpon hir. þee in to þe hoondis of hem whom þou hatidiſt, in to þe
ix Þerfor Y bitook hir in to þe hoondis of hir louers, in to þe hoondis of whyche þi ſoule is fulfillid.
hoondis of þe ſonys of Aſſur, vpon whos letchery ſhe was xxix And þei ſhulen doo wiþ þee in haate, and þei ſhulen take
woode. alle þi traueilis, and ſhulen leeue þee nakid, and ful of euyl
x Þei vnhilliden þe yuel fame of hir; þei token þe ſonys and fame; and þe euyl fame of þi fornycaciouns, ſhal be ſhewid.
douȝtris of hir, and ſlewen hir in ſwerd; and þei ben maad xxx Þi greet treſpas and þi fornycaciouns han don þes þingis
famous, or ſclaundrid, wymmen, and þei diden domys in to to þee; for þou didiſt fornycacioun after heiþen men, amonge
hir. whom þou art defoulid in ydolis of hem.
xi Which þing whanne hir ſiſtir Ooliba hadde ſeen, ſhe wexe xxxi Þou wandridiſt in þe weye of þi ſiſtir, and Y ſhal ȝyue
woode in lecherie more þan ſhe, and ſhe ȝaf vnchaſtili, or wiþ þe cuppe of hir in þin hoond.
outen ſhame, hir fornycacioun, ouer þe fornycacioun of hir xxxii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þou ſhalt drynke þe cuppe
ſiſter, of þi ſiſter, deep and brood; and þou ſhalt be in to ſcornynge,
xii to þe ſonys of Aſſiriens, to duykys and magiſtratis and vndirmowynge, whiche þou art mooſt able to take.
comynge to hir, cloþide wiþ dyuerſe clooþ, to knyȝtis þat xxxiii Þou ſhalt be fulfillid wiþ drunkenes and ſorewe, þe
weren born in horſis, and ȝonge men in noble fourme, or cuppe of mournynge and heuynes, þe cuppe of þi ſiſter
ſhappli, to alle men. Samarie.
xiii And Y ſawȝ þat o weye of boþe was defoulid, xxxiiii And þou ſhalt drynke it, and drynke of vn to þe dreſtis,
xiiii and ſhe encreſide hir fornycaciouns. And whanne ſhe ſeeȝ and þou ſhalt deuoure þe relyues of it, and þou ſhalt to-teere
men peyntid in a wal, þe ymagis of Caldeis expreſſid, or þi breeſtis, for I ſpak, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
opnyd, in colours, xxxv Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þou haſt forȝete
xv and gird þe reyns wiþ knyȝtis girdlis, and cappis died, or me, and caſte me fer after þi bak, and þou beere þi grete
ſteyned, in þe heedis of hem, þe fourmes of alle duykis, liknes treſpaſſis and þi fornycaciouns.
of þe ſones of Babiloyne, and of þe loond of Caldeis, in xxxvi And þe Lord ſeiþ to me, ſeiynge, Sone of man, wheþer
whiche þei ben born; þou demyſt Ooliba and Oolla, and ſhewiſt to hem þe grete
xvi and ſhe wexe woode aȝens hem in coueitiſe of hir eiȝen, treſpaſſis of hem?
and ſente meſſageris to hem in to Caldee. xxxvii For þei han don auowtrie, and blood in þe hoondis of
xvii And whanne ſonys of Babiloyne cam to hir, to þe couche hem, and þei diden fornycacioun wiþ her ydolis; more ouere
of hir tetis, þei defouleden hir in her lecheries of defoulynge of þei offren to hem her ſonys for to be deuourid, whiche þei
maydynhod; and ſhe is defoulid of hem, and þe ſoule of hir is gendriden to me.
fulfillid of hem. xxxviii But and þis þing þei diden to me, þei defouleden my
xviii And ſhe made nakid hir fornycaciouns, and diſcouerede ſeyntuaries in þat dai, and þei prophaneden, or maden
hir euyl fame; and my ſoule wente awey fro hir, as my ſoule vnhooli, my ſabotis.
hadde gon awey fro hir ſiſter. xxxix And whanne þei offreden her ſonys to her ydolis, and
xix Forſoþe ſhe multipliede hir fornycaciouns, biþenkynge þe entriden my ſeyntuarie in þat day, for to defoule it, and alſo
dais of hir ȝongþ, in whiche ſhe dide fornycacioun in þe loond þei diden þes þingis in þe mydil of myn hous.
of Egipt. xl Þei ſenten to men comynge fro fer, to whom þei ſenten
xx And ſhe wexe woode bi letcherie vpon þe liggynge bi of meſſageris. And ſo loo! þei camen, to whom þou waſhidiſt
hem, whos fleſſhis ben as þe fleſſhis of aſſis, and as fluxis, þee, and al about anoyntidiſt þin eyen wiþ oynement of
or rennyngis, of horſis þe fluxis of hem. wymmen, and art ourned wiþ wommans a tyre.
xxi And þou haſt viſitide þe grete treſpaſſis of þi ȝongþ, for þi xli Þou haſt ſetyn in a bed mooſt fayr, and a bord is ourned
breſtis ben vndirled in Egipt, and þe teetis of þi pubertee ben before þee; þou puttidiſt my tymyame, or encenſe, and myn
togidre brokyn. oynement vpon it.
xxii Þerfor, þou Ooliba, þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y xlii And a voys of multitude ioiynge wiþout forþ was in it;
ſhal reyſe alle þi loueris aȝens þee, of whiche þi ſoule is and in þe men þat weren led to of þe multitude of men, and
fulfild, and Y ſhal gadre hem aȝens þee in cumpas; camen fro deſeert, puttiden rengis in þe hoondis of hem, and
xxiii þe ſonys of Babiloyne, and alle þe noble Caldeis, and faire corownys in þe heedis of hem.
tyrauntis, and princis, alle þe ſonys of Aſſyriens, and ȝonge xliii And Y ſeide to hir, þat is defoulid in auowtries, Now
men in noble fourme, duykis, and magiſtratis, alle princis of alſo þis ſhal doo fornycacioun in hir fornycacioun.
princis, and þe named ſtiers of horſis. xliiii And þei wenten to hir as to a womman hoore, ſo þei
xxiiii And þei ſhulen come vpon þee, maad redy wiþ chaare entriden to Oolla and to Ooliba, curſid wymmen.
and wheel, þe multitude of puplis ſhulen be armed aȝens þee xlv Þerfor þes men ben iuſt, þes ſhulen deme hem in doom of
on eche ſyde wiþ hauberioun, and ſheeld, and helme; and I auowtres, and in dome of ſheding out blood; for þei ben
ſhal ȝyue before hem doom, and þei ſhulen deme þee in her auowtreris, and blood in þe hoondis of hem, and wiþ her
domys. ydolis þei doon fornycacioun.
xxv And Y ſhal putte myn enuye, or wraþþe, in þee, which xlvi Forſoþe þe Lord God ſeiþ þes þingis, Ȝit brynge þe
þei haunten wiþ þee in woodnes; þei ſhulen kitte of þi nooſe multitudis, and bitak hem in to noys and raueyn;
and þin eeris, and whiche þingis ſhulen dwelle, þei ſhulen


xlvii and be þei ſtonyd wiþ ſtoonys of puplis, and be þei xix And þe puple ſeide to me, Whi ſhewiſt þou not to vs what
doluen wiþ ſwerdis of hem. Þei ſhulen ſle þe ſones and þes þingis bitokenen, þat þou doſt?
douȝtris of hem, and þei ſhulen brenne wiþ fier þe houſis of xx And Y ſeide to hem, Þe word of þe Lord is maad to me,
hem. ſeiynge,
xlviii And Y ſhal doo awei greet treſpas fro erþe; and alle xxi Spek þou to þe hows of Iſrael, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord
wymmen ſhulen lerne, leſt þei doon after þe greet treſpas of God, Loo! Y ſhal defoule my ſeyntuarie, þe pryde of ȝour
hem. empyre, and deſyrable þing of ȝour eyen, and vpon which ȝour
xlix And þei ſhulen ȝyue ȝour greet treſpas vpon ȝou; and ȝe ſoule drediþ; and ȝour ſonys and ȝour douȝters, whom ȝe
ſhulen bere þe ſynnys of ȝour idolis, and ȝe ſhulen wite, for I laften, ſhulen falle in ſwerd.
þe Lord God. xxii And ȝe ſhulen doo, as Y dide; ȝe ſhulen not hide mouþis
wiþ clooþ, and ȝe ſhulen not ete metis of men mournynge.
Capitulum XXIIII. xxiii Ȝe ſhulen haue corouns in ȝour heedis, and ſhoon in
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, in þe nynþe ȝeer, feet; ȝe ſhulen not weile, ne wepe, but faile for leenes in ȝour
and in þe tenþe moneþ, þe tenþe day of þe moneþ, ſeiynge, wickidneſſis; and eche man ſhal ſorewe to his broþer.
xxiiii And Ezechiel ſhal be to ȝou in to a wonder bitoknynge
ii Sone of man, wrijt þou to þee þe name of þis dai, in whom
þe kyng of Babiloyne is confermyd aȝens Jeruſalem to day. þing to come; after alle þingis þat he dide, ȝe ſhulen doo;
iii And þou ſhalt ſeye bi prouerbe a parable to þe hous, terrer
whanne þis þing ſhal come, ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord
to wraþþe, and þou ſhalt ſpeke to hem, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe xxv And þou, ſone of man, loo! in þe dai in which Y ſhal
Lord, Put þou a braſen pot, ſoþeli put þou, and ſend in to it take fro hem þe ſtrengþ of hem, and ioye of dignytee, and
water; tak to a beeſt mooſt fat. deſyre of her eyen, vpon which þe ſoulis of hem reſten, þe
iiii Put togidre þe gobetis of it in to it, eche good part, and þe
ſones and þe douȝtris of hem;
þiȝ, and þe ſhuldre, choſyn and ful of boonus. xxvi in þat dai whanne a man fleynge ſhal come to þee, þat he
v And mak to gidre heepis of boonus vndir it; and þe ſeþinge
telle to þee;
of it buylide vp, and þe boonus ben ful ſoþen in þe mydil xxvii ſoþeli in þat dai þi mouþ ſhal be openyd wiþ hym þat
þerof. fleeþ; and þou ſhalt ſpeke, and þou ſhalt not be ſtille more;
vi Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Woo to þe citee of
and þou ſhalt be to hem in to a wonder, and ȝe ſhulen wite,
blodis, to þe pot whos ruſt is in it, and þe ruſt þerof wente for I þe Lord.
not out of it; caſte it out bi partis, and bi his partis; ſoort, or
lot, felle not vpon it.
vii Forſoþe þe blood þerof is in þe mydil þerof; he ſhedde it Capitulum XXV.
out vpon þe mooſt cleer ſtoon, he ſhedde it not out vpon erþe, i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
þat it may be keuered wiþ duſt, ii Sone of man, put þou þi face aȝens þe ſonys of Amon, and
viii þat Y ſhulde lede in aboue myn indignacioun, and in þou ſhalt prophecie of hem.
veniaunce be vengid; Y ȝaue þe blood þerof vpon þe mooſt iii And þou ſhalt ſeie to þe ſonys of Amon, Here ȝe þe word
cleer ſtoon, leſt it were keuered. of þe Lord God; þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat ȝe
ix Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Woo to þe citee of ſeiden, Wew! wew! or ſcorn, or repref, vpon my ſeyntuarie,
bloodis, of whom I ſhal make greet hepe of ſtickis in fier; for it is polutid, and vpon þe loond of Iſrael, for it is
x gadir þe boonus, whom Y ſhal brenne wiþ fier; fleſhis deſolatid, and vpon þe hous of Juda, for it is led in to
ſhulen be waaſtid, and al þe making togidre ſhal be ſoþen, caitifdoom; þerfor loo!
and boonus ſhulen faile. iiii Y ſhal bitake þee to ſones of þe eeſte in to eritage, and þei
xi And put þou it void vpon coolis, þat it wexe hoot, and þe ſhulen togidir ſette her fooldis in þee, and ſhulen putte her
braſſe þerof melte, and þe foulynge þerof be wellid to gidre in tentis in þee; þei ſhulen ete þi fruytis, and þei ſhulen drynke
þe mydil þerof, and þe ruſt of it be waaſtid. þi mylk.
xii Wiþ myche traueile it is maad in ſweet, and þe myche ruſt v And I ſhal ȝyue Ramath in to dwellynge of camelis, and þe
of it wente not out þerof, neþer bi fier. ſonys of Amon in to couche of beeſtis; and ȝe ſhulen wite, for
xiii Þin vnclennes curſid; for I wolde clenſe þee, and þou art Y þe Lord.
vi For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat þou ioiediſt
not clenſid fro þi filþis; but neþer þou ſhal be clenſid eer, til
Y ſhal make myn indignacioun for to reſte in þee. wiþ hoond, and ſmytidiſt wiþ foot, and ioiediſt of al þi wil
xiiii I þe Lord ſpak; it ſhal come, and Y ſhal doo, Y ſhal not vpon þe loond of Iſrael; þerfor loo!
vii Y ſhal ſtretche forþ myn hoond vpon þee, and Y ſhal
paſſe, neþer ſpare, neþer Y ſhal be pleſid; after þi weies and
after þi fyndyngis to Y demede þee, ſeiþ þe Lord. bitake þee in to rauyſhinge of heiþen men, and Y ſhal ſlee þee
xv And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, of puplis, and Y ſhal leeſe fro loondis, and togidre defoule;
and ȝe ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord.
xvi Sone of man, loo! Y take fro þee þe deſyrable þing of þin viii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat Moab and
eyen in plage, or wounde, and þou ſhalt not mourne, neþer Seyr ſeyden, Loo! as alle heiþen men þe hous of Juda;
weepe, neþer þi teeris ſhulen flowe. þerfor loo!
xvii Þou ſtillynge ſorewe inward, þou ſhalt not make ix Y ſhal opyn þe ſhulder of Moab of cytees, ſoþeli of his
mournynge of deede men; be þi coroun about boundyn to þee, cytees and of his cooſtis, þe noble of erþe, Bechieſmoth, and
and þi ſhoon ſhulen be in þi feet, neþer wiþ clooþ þou ſhalt Beelmoth, and Cariathaym,
veile, or hijde, mouþis, neþer þou ſhalt ete meet of mournynge x to þe ſones of þe eſte, wiþ þe ſones of Amon. And Y ſhal
xviii Þerfor Y ſpak to þe puple in þe mornynge, and my wijf ȝeue it in to eritage, þat þe mynde of þe ſones of Amon be
namore in folkis,
is deed in þe euenynge; and I dide, as he comaundide to me. xi and in Moab Y ſhal make domes; and þei ſhulen wite, for
I þe Lord.


xii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat Ydume dide xv Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God to Tire, Wheþer not of þe
veniaunce, þat ſhe ſhulde venge hir of þe ſones of Juda, and ſoun of þi fallynge, and of þe ſorewynge of þi ſlayn men,
ſynnede treſpaſynge, and axede veniaunce of hem; whanne þei ſhulen be ſlayn in þe mydil of þee, ylys ſhulen be
xiii þerfor þes þingys ſeiþ þe Lord God, Y ſhal ſtretche out moued to gider?
myn hoond vpon Ydume, and ſhal take a wey fro it man and xvi And alle princis of þe ſee ſhulen cum doun fro her ſeetis,
beeſt, and Y ſhal make it deſeert fro þe ſouþ; and þei þat ben and þei ſhulen doo awei her ſpuylis, and þei ſhulen caſte awei
in Dedan ſhulen falle in ſwerd. her dyuerſe cloþingis, and þei ſhulen be cloþid wiþ greet
xiiii And Y ſhal ȝyue my veniaunce vpon Ydume, bi þe hoond dreed. In þe erþe þei ſhulen ſitte, and þei aſtonyed vpon þi
of my puple Iſrael; and þei ſhulen doo in Edom after my ſodeyn fal ſhulen wondre.
wraþþe, and my woodnes; and þei ſhulen wite my veniaunce, xvii And þei takynge to vpon þee lamentacioun, ſhulen ſeie to
ſeiþ þe Lord God. þee, How perſhidiſt þou, noble citee, þat dwelliſt in þe ſee,
xv Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat Paleſtyns diden which was ſtroong in þe ſee wiþ þi dwellers, whom alle men
veniaunce, and vengiden hem ſilf wiþ al inwit, ſleynge and dredden?
fulfillynge oolde enemytees; xviii Now ſhippis ſhulen wondre in þe day of þi dreed, and
xvi þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord, Loo! Y ſhal ſtretche out ylis in þe ſee ſhulen be ſturblid, for þat þat no man goþ out
myn hoond vpon Paleſtyns, and Y ſhal ſlee þe ſleers, and Y of þee.
ſhal leſe þe relyues of þe ſee cuntree; xix For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Whanne Y ſhal ȝyue
xvii and Y ſhal doo in hem grete veniaunces, repreuynge in þee a citee deſolat, as cytees þat ben not enhabitid, and Y
woodnes; and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord, whanne Y ſhal ſhal leede to vpon þee þe depnes, or þe ſee, and manye watris
ȝyue my veniaunce vpon hem. ſhulen hille þee.
xx And Y ſhal drawe þee doun wiþ þes þat gon doun in to þe
Capitulum XXVI. lake, to puple euerlaſtynge; and Y ſhal togidre ſette þee in þe
laſt loond, as old wildirnes, wiþ þes þat ben lad forþ in to þe
i And it is doon in þe elleuenþe ȝeer, in þe firſt of þe moneþ, lake, þat þou be not enhabited. Soþeli whanne I ſhal ȝyue
þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, glorye in þe loond of men lyuynge,
ii Sone of man, for þat þat Tyrus ſeide of Jeruſalem, Wew! xxi I ſhal dryue þee in to nouȝt, and þou ſhalt not be; þou
or ioye, þe ȝatis of puplis ben togidre broken, it is conuertid ſowȝt aȝen ſhalt namore be foundyn in to wiþ outen ende, ſeiþ
to me; Y ſhal be fulfillid, it is deſeert; þe Lord God.
iii þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y vpon þee,
Tyre; and Y ſhal make many folkis for to ſtie vp to þee, as Capitulum XXVII.
þe ſee flowynge ſtieþ vp. i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
iiii And þei ſhulen ſcatere þe wallis of Tyre, and þei ſhulen
ii Þerfor þou, ſone of man, tak to vpon Tyre lamentacioun.
diſtruye þe touris þerof; and I ſhal ſhaue þe duſt of it fro it,
and Y ſhal ȝyue it in to a mooſt cleer ſtoon. iii And þou ſhalt ſeye to Tyre, þat dwelliþ in þe entre of þe
v Driyng of nettis it ſhal be in þe mydil of þe ſee, for Y ſpak, ſee, þe marchaundiſynge of puplis to many ylis, Þes þingis
ſeiþ þe Lord God. And it ſhal be in to rauyſhynge to folkis. ſeiþ þe Lord God, O! Tyre, þou ſeidiſt, Y am of perfijt
vi And þe douȝters þerof þat ben in þe feeld, ſhulen be ſlayn fayrnes,
iiii and ſet in þe herte of þe ſee. Men of þi cooſtis þat bildiden
wiþ ſwerd; and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord.
vii For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Lo! I ſhal brynge to þee, fulfilliden þi fayrnes;
v þei bildiden þee wiþ bechis of Sanyr, wiþ alle makyngis of
Tyre Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, fro þe norþ, kyng of
kyngis, wiþ horſis, and charis, and horſmen, and cumpanye, boord of þe ſee; þei token cedre of Liban, for to make to þee
and greet puple. a maſt.
viii He ſhal ſlee bi ſwerd þi douȝtris þat ben in þe feeld; and vi Þei heweden okis of Baaſan in to þin ooris, and þei
he ſhal enuyroune þee wiþ waardyngis, and he ſhal brynge maden to þee þi ſeetis of rowers of yuer of Ynde, and þi litil
togider þe heepe of erþe in cumpas, and he ſhal reiſe vp aȝens cabans of þe ylis of Ytalie.
þee a ſheld. vii Dyuerſe bijs of Egipt is wouun to þee in to veyl, þat it
ix And he ſhal tempre engynes in maner of vynes, and ſhulde be put in þe maſt; iaſynct and purpur of þe ylis Helyſa
engynes in maner of weþeres in to þi wallis; and he ſhal ben maad þin hillynge.
deſtruye þi touris in his aarmer. viii Dwellers of Sidon and Aradie weren þi rowers; þou
x Wiþ ynne flowynge of his horſis, þe duſt of hem ſhal keuere Tyre, þi wijſe men ben maad þi gouernours.
þee; of þe ſowne of horſmen, and wheelis, and charis þi ix Olde men of Bibly, and prudent men þerof, hadden
wallis ſhulen be moued; whanne he ſhal goo in þe ȝatis, as bi ſhipmen to þe ſeruyce of þi diuerſe purtenaunce to houſhold;
entryngis of þe citee diſtruyed, or ſcatered, alle þe ſhippis of þe ſee, and þe maryners of hem, weren in
xi wiþ þe feet of his horſis he ſhal defoule alle þi ſtretis. He þe puple of þi marchaundiſe.
ſhal ſle bi ſwerd þi puple, and þi noble ymagis ſhulen falle in x Men of Pers, and Lidienſe, and Libienſe weren in þi
to erþe. cumpanye, or ooſt; men þi fiȝters hangiden ſheld and helm in
xii Þei ſhulen waaſte þi riȝtcheſſis, and þei ſhulen rauyſhe þi þee, for þin ournynge.
marchaundiſis; and þei ſhulen diſtruye þi wallis, and þei xi Sonys of Aradi wiþ þin ooſt weren vpon þi wallis in þi
ſhulen vndir-turne þi ful clere houſis, and þei ſhulen putte þi cumpas; but and Pigmeis, þat weren in þi touris, hangiden
ſtoonus, and þi trees, and þi poudre in þe mydil of watris. her arewgirdlis in þi wallis bi cumpas; þei fulfilliden þi
xiii And Y ſhal make þe multitude of þi ſongſters for to reſte, fayrnes.
and þe ſown of þin harpis ſhal namore be herd; xii Cartagyneſſis, þi marchauntis, of multitude of alle
xiiii and Y ſhal ȝyue þee in to a mooſt cleer ſtoon. Þou ſhalt ritcheſſis, wiþ ſiluer, and yren, tyn, and leed þei fulfilliden þi
be driynge of nettis in þe mydil ſee, neþer þou ſhalt more be fayris.
bildid, for Y þe Lord ſpak, ſeiþ þe Lord God.


xiii Grece, and Tubal, or Spayn, and Moſoch, or Capadocye, xxxiiii Now þou art defoulid of þe ſee, in depneſſis of watris;
þei, þi biers, brouȝten ſeruauntis and braſen veſſels to þi þi ritcheſſis and al þi multitude þat was in mydil of þe ſee
puple. fellen doun.
xiiii Of þe hous Togorma þei brouȝten to þi chepynge horſis, xxxv Alle dwellers of ylis wondreden greetli vpon þee, and þe
and horſmen, and mulis. rowers, or þe kyngis, of hem. Alle ſmyten wiþ tempeſt
xv Sonys of Dedan þi marchauntis; manye ilis þe chaungiden cheris;
marchaundiſynge of þin hoond, chaungiden togidre in þi prijs xxxvi marchauntis of puplis hiſſiden, or ſcornyden, vpon þee.
teeþ of yuer, and of hebenyf, þat is, a tre þat, after þat it is Þou art led forþ to nouȝt, and þou ſhalt not be til in to wiþ
kit, waxiþ hard as ſtoon. outen eende.
xvi Syrus þi marchaunt, for þe multitude of þi werkis þei
puttiden forþ in þi market, or marchaundiſe, gemme, and Capitulum XXVIII.
purpur, and clooþ wiþ dyuerſe colours, and bijs, and ſilk, and i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
chodchod, þat is, precious marchaundiſe.
xvii Juda and þe loond of Iſrael, þei þi biers in þe firſt ii Sone of man, ſey þou to þe prince of Tyre, Þes þingis ſeiþ
whete, puttiden forþ in þi fayris bawm, and hony, and oyle, þe Lord God, For þat þat þin herte is lift vp, and þou ſeidiſt,
and roſyn, or gumme. Y am God, and Y ſatte in þe chaier of God, in þe herte of þe
xviii Damaſcene þi marchaunt, in multitude of þi werkis, and ſee, whanne þou art man and not God, and haſt ȝouen þin
multitude of dyuerſe ritcheſſis, in fat wiyn, in wullis of beſt herte as þe herte of God;
iii loo! þou art wyſer þan Danyel, eche priue þing is not hid
xix Dan, and Grece, and Mouſel, ſettiden forþ in þi fayris fro þee;
iiii in þi wiſdam and prudence þou madiſt to þee ſtrengþ, and
yren wrouȝt bi craft, myrre, or preciouſe gumme, and ſwete
ſauerynge ſpice, in þi marchaundiſe. haſt wonne to þee gold and ſiluer in þi treſours;
xx Dedan þi biers, in tapetis for to ſitte. v in multitude of þi wiſdam, and in þi marchaundiſe þou
xxi Arabie and alle princis of Cedar, þei marchauntis of þin multepliediſt to þee ſtrengþ, and þin herte is lift vp in þi
hoond; wiþ lambren, and weþeres, and kidis þi marchauntis ſtrengþ;
vi þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þin herte is
camen to þee.
xxii Þe ſellers of Saba and Reema, þei þi marchauntis, wiþ reiſid vp as þe herte of God, þerfor loo!
vii Y ſhal lede to þee aliens, mooſt ſtronge of folkis. And þei
alle þe firſt ſwete ſauerynge ſpicis, and precious ſtoon, and
gold, which þei puttiden forþ in þi market. ſhulen make nakid her ſwerdis on þe fairnes of þi wiſdam,
xxiii Aram, and Chemye, and Eden, þi marchauntis; Saba, and ſhulen defoule þi feyrnes.
viii Þei ſhulen ſlee, and drawe doun þee; and þou ſhalt die in
and Aſſur, and Thelmath, þi ſellers.
xxiiii Þei þi marchauntis of manyfold wlappynge þing, of þe periſhynge of ſlayn men, in þe herte of þe ſe.
ix Wheþer þou ſeiynge ſhalt ſpeke, Y am God, before men
iacynct and ſteyned cloþis, wiþ ymagis and precious rytcheſſis,
whiche weren wlappid and ſtreyned to gidre wiþ coordis. ſleynge þee, whanne þou art man, and not God?
xxv And ſhippis of þe ſee hadden cedris in her marchaundiſis; x In þe hoond of men ſleynge þee, in deeþ of vncircumcydid
þi princis in þi marchaundiſe; and þou art fulfillid, and art men, þou ſhalt die in þe hoond of aliens; for Y ſpak, ſeiþ þe
glorified fulmyche in þe herte of þe ſee. Lord God.
xxvi In manye watris þi rowers, or mareners, ledden þee to; xi And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
þe ſouþ wynde defoulide þee in þe herte of þe ſee. xii Sone of man, reys weilynge vpon þe kyng of Tyre; and
xxvii Þi ritcheſſis, and þi treſours, and þi many fold þou ſhalt ſey to him, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þou a
inſtrument, þi mareneres, and þi gouernours þat helden þi ſignet of liknes, ful of wiſdam, perfijt in fayrnes,
purtenaunce of houſhold, and weren bifore to þi puple, or xiii was in delicis of paradiſe of God. Eche precious ſtoon þi
ſouerayns, and men þi fiȝters þat weren in þee, wiþ al þi keuerynge, ſardius, topacius, and iaſpis, criſolitus, and onix,
multitude þat is in þe mydil of þee, ſhulen falle in to þe herte and berillus, ſaphirus, and carbuncle, and ſmaragd; and gold
of þe ſee. þe werk of þi fairnes, and þin hoolis ben maad redy, in þe
xxviii In þe dai of þi fallynge of þe ſoun of crye of þi day in which þou art maad.
gouernours multitude of ſhippis ſhulen be diſturbid togidre; xiiii Þou cherub ſtreiȝt forþ, and keuerynge; and I putte þee
xxix and alle men þat helden oor, ſhulen cum doun of her in þe hooli hil of God. In þe mydil of fijry ſtoonus þou
ſhippis. Mareners and alle gouernours of þe ſee ſhulen walkidiſt,
ſtoonde vpon þe loond; xv perfijt in þi weies fro þe dai of þi makynge, til wickidnes
xxx and þei ſhulen weile vpon þee wiþ greet vois, and ſhulen is foundyn in þee.
crye bitterli, and ſhulen caſte powdre, or duſt, in her heedis, xvi In þe multitude of þi marchaundiſe `þin entrailis ben
and ſhulen be ſpreyned to gidre wiþ aſſhen. fulfillid wiþ wickidneſſe, and þou ſynnediſt; and Y keſte þee
xxxi And þei ſhulen ſhaue vpon þee ballidneſs, and ſhulen be out of þe hil of God, and I loſt þee, þou cherub keuerynge, of
gyrd wiþ hairis, and ſhulen wepe þee in bitternes of ſoule, in þe mydil of firy ſtoonus.
mooſt bitter wepynge. xvii And þin herte is reyſid vp in þi fairnes, þou loſtiſt þi
xxxii And þei ſhulen take to vpon þee a weping ſoong, and wiſdam in þi fayrenes. Y keſte þee doun in to erþe, Y ȝaue
ſhulen weile þee, Who is as Tyre, þat wax doumb in þe þee before þe face of kyngis, þat þei ſhulden ſee þee.
mydil of þe ſee? xviii In multitude of þi wickidneſſis, and in wickidnes of þi
xxxiii Which in þe outgoynge of þi marchaundiſes of þe ſee marchaundiſe þou defoulediſt þin halewynge; þerfor Y ſhal
fulfillidiſt manye puplis; in þe multitude of þi ritcheſſis, and brynge forþ fier fro þe mydil of þee, which ſhal ete þee; and
þi puplis þou madiſt riche kyngis of erþe. Y ſhal ȝyue þee in to aſſhe on þe erþe, in ſiȝte of alle men
ſeynge þee.


xix Alle men þat ſhulen ſee þee in folkis, ſhulen wondre ſcatere Egipciens in to naciouns, and Y ſhal wyndewe hem in
greetli vpon þee; þou art maad nouȝt, and þou ſhalt not be in to loondis.
to wiþ outen ende. xiii For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, After þe ende of fourti
xx And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, ȝeeris Y ſhal gedre Egipt fro puplis, in whiche þei were
xxi Sone of man, put þi face aȝens Sidon, and þou ſhalt ſcatered;
xiiii and Y ſhal lede aȝen þe caitifte of Egipt. And Y ſhal
prophecie of it;
xxii and þou ſhalt ſeie, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y ſette hem `to gydre in þe loond of Phatures, in to þe loond of
her natiuyte; and þei ſhulen be þere in to a meke, or lowe,
to þee, Sydon, and Y ſhal be glorified in þe mydyl of þee; kyngdam,
and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord, whanne I ſhal doo in it xv and among oþer rewmes it ſhal be þe mekeſt, and it ſhal
domys, and Y ſhal be halewid in it.
xxiii And Y ſhal ſende to it peſtilence and blood in þe ſtretis namore be reyſid on naciouns. And Y ſhal make hem litil, leſt
þei be lordis to folkis;
þerof, and men ſlayn ſhulen falle in þe mydil þerof bi ſwerd bi xvi neþer þei ſhulen be more to þe hous of Iſrael in triſt,
cumpas; and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord God.
xxiiii And it ſhal no more be to þe hows of Iſrael hirtynge of techynge wickidnes, þat þei flee, and ſue hem; and þei ſhulen
wite, for Y þe Lord God.
bitternes, and a þorn brengynge in ſorewe on eche ſide bi xvii And it is maad in þe ſeuenþe and twenty ȝeer, in þe firſt,
cumpas of hem þat ben aduerſaries to hem; and þei ſhulen
wite, for Y þe Lord God. in oon of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad to me,
xxv Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Whanne I ſhal gadre þe ſeiynge,
xviii Sone of man, Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, made
hows of Iſrael of puplis, in whiche þei ben ſcaterid, Y ſhal be
halewid in hem before folkis. And þei ſhulen dwelle in her his ooſt for to ſerue in greet ſeruyce aȝens Tyre; eche heed
loond, which Y ȝaue to my ſeruaunt Jacob. maad ballid, and eche ſhuldre is vnheerid, and hijre is not
xxvi And þei ſhulen dwelle ſikir in it, and ſhulen bilde houſis, ȝoldyn to hym, neþer to his ooſt of Tyre, for þe ſeruyce in
which he ſeruede to me aȝens it.
and ſhulen plaunte viyn ȝerdis, and þei ſhulen dwelle triſtili, xix Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y ſhal ȝyue
whanne Y ſhal doo domys in alle men þat ben aduerſaries to
hem bi cumpas; and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord God of Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, in þe loond of Egipt, and
hem. he ſhal take þe multitude of it; and he ſhal take by pray þe
raueynes þerof, and he ſchal rauyſſhe þe ſpuylis of it,
xx and it ſhal be hijre to þe ooſt of hym, and to þe werk for
Capitulum XXIX.
which he ſeruede aȝens it; Y ȝaue to hym þe loond of Egipt,
i In þe tenþe ȝeer, in þe twelueþe moneþ, in o day of þe for þat þat he traueilde to me, ſeiþ þe Lord God.
moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge, xxi In þat dai an horn ſhal ſprynge to þe hous of Iſrael, and
ii Sone of man, put þi face aȝens Pharao, kyng of Egipt; and to þee Y ſhal ȝeue a mouþe opened in þe mydil of hem; and
þou ſhalt prophecie of hym, and of al Egipt. þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord.
iii Spek þou, and þou ſhalt ſeie, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord
God, Loo! Y to þee, Pharao, kyng of Egipt, greet dragoun, Capitulum XXX.
þat liggiſt in þe mydil of þi flodis, and þou ſeiſt, Þe flood is i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
myn, and Y made myſilf.
iiii And Y ſhal putte a bridil in þi cheekis, and Y ſhal glewe ii Sone of man, prophecy þou, and ſey, Þes þingis ſeiþ þe
to gidre þe fiſſhis of þi floodis to þi ſcalis; and I ſhal drawe Lord God, Gowle ȝe, Woo! woo! to þe dai,
þee out of þe mydil of þi flodis, and alle þi fiſſhis ſhulen cleue iii for þe dai is nyȝ; and þe dai of þe Lord neiȝeþ, a dai of
to þi ſcalis. cloude. Þe tyme of heþen men ſhal be;
v And Y ſhal caſte þee fer in to deſeert, and alle fiſſhis of þi iiii and ſwerd ſhal come in to Egipt, and dreed ſhal be in
flood; vpon þe face of erþe þou ſhalt falle, þou ſhalt not be Ethiope, whanne men woundid ſhulen falle doun in Egipt,
gadrid vp, neþer gadrid to gidre; to beeſtis of erþe, and to and þe multitude þerof ſhal be taken awei, and þe
volatils of heuene Y ȝaue þee for to be deuourid. foundementis þerof deſtryed.
vi And alle þe dwellers of Egipt ſhulen wite, for I þe Lord. v Ethiope, and Libie, and Lidij, and al oþer comoun puple,
For þat þat þou was a ſtaf of reed to þe hows of Iſrael, and Chub, or Arabie, and þe ſones of boond of pees wiþ hem
vii whanne þei token `þee to hoond, and þou art broken to bi ſwerd ſhulen falle.
gidre, and haſt drawe al þe ſhuldre of hem, and hem lenynge, vi Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, And men vndir ſettynge
or truſtinge, vpon þee, þou art maad litil, and haſt diſſoluyd, Egipt ſhulen togidre falle doun, and pryde of lordſhip `þerof
or vndon, alle þe reynes of hem; ſhal be diſtruyed; fro þe tour of Syenes by ſwerd þei ſhulen
viii þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y ſhal leede to falle doun þer yn, þe Lord of ooſtis ſeiþ.
on þee ſwerd, and I ſhal ſlee of þee man and beeſt; vii And þei ſhulen be ſcatered in mydil of loondis deſolatid,
ix and þe loond of Egipt ſhal be in to deſeert and wildirnes, and þe cytees þerof ſhulen be in þe mydil of deſeert cytees.
and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord. For þat þat þou ſeidiſt, viii And þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord God, whanne Y ſhal
Þe flood is myn, and I made it, ȝyue fier in Egipt, and alle þe helpers þerof ſhulen be
x þerfor loo! Y to þee, and to þi floodis. And Y ſhal ȝyue þe defoulid.
loond of Egipt in to wilderneſſis diſtried bi ſwerd, fro þe `tour ix In þat dai meſſageris ſhulen go out fro my face in greet
Syens til to þe termys of Ethiope. ſhippis, for to defoule, or deſtruye, þe truſt of Ethiope; and
xi Þe foot of man ſhal not paſſe bi it, neþer foot of beeſt ſhal dreed ſhal be in hem in þe dai of Egipt, for wiþ outen doute
goo in it, and it ſhal not be enabitid fourti ȝeeris. it ſhal come.
xii And Y ſhal ȝeue þe loond of Egipt deſeert, or forſakyn, in x Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, And Y ſhal make þe
þe mydil of deſeert loondis, and þe cytees þerof in þe mydil of multitude of Egipt for to ceeſſe in þe hoond of
citees vndir turned ſhulen be deſolat fourty ȝeris. And Y ſhal Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne.


xi He and his puple wiþ hym, þe ſtrongeſt of folkis, ſhulen be v Þerfor his heiȝnes is reiſid vpon alle þe trees of þe cuntre;
led to, for to leeſe þe loond; and þei ſhulen drawe out her and his tendre trees ben multiplied, and his braunchis ben
ſwerdis on Egipt, and þei ſhulen fulfille þee wiþ ſlayn men. reyſid vp, for manye watris. And whanne he ſtrauȝte forþ his
xii And Y ſhal make þe botmes of floodis drye, and Y ſhal ſhadewe,
bitake þe loond in þe hoond of werſte men; and Y ſhal leeſe vi alle þe volatils of heuen maden neſtis in his braunchis; and
þe loond, and þe plente þerof in þe hoond of alienys; Y þe alle beeſtis of wijlde wodis gendreden vnder his bouwis, and
Lord ſpak. þe cumpanye of ful many folkis dwellide vndre þe ſhadewynge
xiii Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, And Y ſhal deſtrye place of hym.
ſimulacris, and Y ſhal make þe ydols of Memphis to ceeſſe, vii And he was mooſt fayr in his greetnes, and in ſpredynge
and duyk of þe loond of Egipt ſhal namore be. And Y ſhal of tendre trees; forſoþe his root was biſyde many watris.
ȝyue dreed in þe loond of Egipt, viii Cedris weren not heiȝer þan he in paradiſe of God; bechis
xiiii and Y ſhal ſcatere, or deſtrie, þe loond of Phatures. And weren not euen to his heiȝnes, and platan trees weren not
Y ſhal ȝyue fier in Thapnys, and Y ſhal make my domys in euen to his bouwis. Eche tree of paradiſe of God is not maad
Aliſaundre. lijc to hym, and to his fayrnes.
xv And Y ſhal helde out myn indignacioun on Peluſium, þe ix For Y made hym fayre, and wiþ manye and þicke bouwis;
ſtrengþ of Egipt; `and I ſchal ſlea þe multitude of Aliſaundre, and alle þe trees of voluptee, þat weren in paradiſe of God,
xvi and I ſchal ȝeue fijr in Egipt. As a womman beringe ſueden hym.
child, Peluſie ſhal ſorewe, and Aliſaundre ſhal be deſtruyed, x Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat he is
and in Memphis eche dais anguyſhis. reyſid in hiȝnes, and Y ȝaue his heiȝnes waxynge grene and
xvii Þe ȝonge men of Heliopoleos and Bubaſti ſhulen falle bi þicke, and his herte is lift vp in his hiȝnes;
ſwerd, and þei ſhulen be lad caytifis. xi now Y haue bitake hym in to þe hoondis of þe ſtrengeſt of
xviii And in Taphnys þe dai ſhal wexe blac, whanne Y ſhal folkis. He doynge ſhal doo to hym; after þe vnpite of hym Y
debriſſe þere þe ceptris of Egipt, and þe pride of power þerof caſtide hym out.
ſhal faile in it. A clowde ſhal hile it; forſoþe þe douȝters þerof xii And aliens ſhulen kitte hym doun, and þe mooſte cruel men
ſhulen be led in to caitiftee, of naciouns ſhulen caſte hym fer vpon mounteynes. And his
xix and Y ſhal make domes in Egipt; and þei ſhulen wite, for braunchis ſhulen falle doun togidre in alle valeys, and his
Y þe Lord. tendre trees ſhulen be brokyn togider in alle þe rooches of
xx And it is don in þe elleuenþe ȝeer, in þe firſt moneþ, in þe erþe. And alle puplis of erþe ſhulen goo awey fro his
ſhadewynge place, and ſhulen forſake hym.
ſeuenþe dai of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, xiii Alle volatilis of heuene dwelliden in his fallynge, and alle
xxi Sone of man, Y brak togidre þe arm of Pharao, kyng of beeſtis of þe regioun weren in his braunchis.
xiiii Wherfor alle trees of watris ſhulen not be lift vp in her
Egipt; and loo! it is not wlappid about, þat helþe ſhulde be
reſtorid to it, þat it were boundyn in cloþis, and faſtid, or heiȝnes, neþer ſhulen putte her heiȝnes amonge wody þingis,
boundyn, wiþ ſmale lynnen cloþis, and, ſtrengþ taken aȝen, he and ful of bouwis, neþer alle þingis þat ben moyſtid wiþ
miȝte holde ſwerd. watris ſhulen ſtoonde in þe heiȝnes of hem. For alle men ben
xxii Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Loo! Y to Pharao, bitaken in to deeþ, to þe vtmooſt loond in þe mydil of ſones of
men, to hem þat goon doun in to þe lake.
kyng of Egipt; and Y ſhal make litil his ſtronge arm but xv Þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, In þe day þat Y ladde in
broken togidre, and Y ſhal caſte doun þe ſwerd of his hoond.
xxiii And Y ſhal ſcatere Egipt in folkis, and Y ſhal wyndewe mournynge `in hellis, Y hillide hym wiþ depnes, and forbedde
þe floodis of hym, and conſtreinede many watris. Liban is
hem in loondis. debroken on hym, and alle trees of þe feeld ben ſmyten
xxiiii And Y ſhal coumforte þe armys of þe kynge of togidre.
Babiloyne, and Y ſhal ȝyue my ſwerd in his hoond; and Y xvi Of þe ſoun of his fallynge Y mouede togidre folkis,
ſhal breke togidre þe armes of Pharao, and þei ſhulen weile whanne Y ledde forþ hym to helle, wiþ hem þat wenten doun
wiþ weilyngis of a ſlayn man before þe face of hym. in to þe lake. And alle loweſt trees of voluptee, noble and ful
xxv And Y ſhal coumforte þe armes of þe kyng of Babiloyne, cleer in Liban, ben coumfortid in erþe, and alle þat weren
and þe armes of Pharao ſhulen falle doun togidre. And þei moyſtid in watres.
ſhulen wite, for Y þe Lord, whanne I ſhal ȝyue my ſwerd in xvii For whi and þei wiþ hym ſhulen gon doun `in to helle, to
þe hoond of þe kyng of Babiloyne; and he ſhal ſtretche it out þe ſlayn men in ſwerd; and þe arme of eche man ſhal ſitte
vpon þe loond of Egipt. vndre þe ſhadewynge place of hym, in þe mydil of naciouns.
xxvi And I ſhal ſcatere Egipt in to naciouns, and I ſhal xviii To whom art þou maad lijc, A! þou noble and heiȝe
wyndewe hem in to loondis; and þei ſhulen wite, for Y þe amonge trees of voluptee? Loo! þou art led forþ wiþ trees of
Lord. voluptee to þe laſt loond, or vtmeſt. In þe mydil of
vncyrcumcidid men þou ſhalt ſlepe, wiþ hem þat ben ſlayn wiþ
Capitulum XXXI. ſwerd. He is Pharao, and al þe multitude of him, ſeiþ þe
i And Lord God.
it is maad in þe elleuenþe ȝeer, in þe þridde moneþ, in
oon of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
ii Sone of man, ſey þou to Pharao, kyng of Egipt, and to his Capitulum XXXII.
puple, To whom art þou maad lijk in þi greetnes? i And it is maad in þe twelueþ ȝeer, in þe twelueþ moneþ, in
iii Loo! Aſſur as a cedre in Liban, fayr in braunches, and oon of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeiynge,
bouwis ful of wode, and heiȝ in heiȝþe; and þe top þerof is ii Sone of man, tak to a lamentacioun vpon Pharao, kyng of
reiſid vp amonge þicke bouwis. Egipt, and þou ſhalt ſeye to hym, To a lioun of folkis þou art
iiii Watris nurſhiden hym, depnes areyſide hym; þe flodis lickened, and to a dragoun þat is in þe ſee. And þou
floweden in cumpas of his rootis, and he ſente out his wyndewiſt wiþ horn in þi flodis, and trubliſt to gidre watris
ſtrondis to alle þe trees of þe cuntree. wiþ þi feet, and þou defoulidiſt þe flodis of hem.


iii Þerfor þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Y ſhal ſprede out alle ſlayn, and fallynge by ſwerd, whiche ȝauen ſumtyme her
upon þee my nette in multitude of many puplis, and Y ſhal ſtrengþe in þe lond of lyuynge men.
drawe out þee in my nette; xxiiii Þere Helam, and al his multitude bi cumpas of his
iiii and Y ſhal caſte þee fer in þe loond. Vpon þe face of þe ſepulcre; alle þeſe ſlayn, and fallynge by ſwerd, whiche wenten
feeld Y ſhal caſte þee a wey, and I ſhal make vpon þee for to doun vncircumcidid to þe vttermoſt lond; þe whiche puttiden
dwelle alle volatilis of heuene, and Y ſhal fulfille of þee þe her dreed in þe lond of lyuynge men, and þei baren her yuel
beeſtis of al erþe. fame wiþ þeſe þat gon doun into þe lake.
v And Y ſhal ȝyue þi fleſhis vpon hillis, and Y ſhal fulfille þi xxv In þe mydil of ſlayn men þei puttiden þe couche of hym
ſmale hillis wiþ þi roote; in alle his peplis; in þe cumpas of hym þe ſepulcre of hym.
vi and Y ſhal moyſte þe erþe wiþ ſtynke of þi blood, more Alle þeſe vncircumcidid and ſlayn wiþ ſwerd, forſoþe þei ȝauen
dreed in þe lond of lyuynge men, and baren her yuel fame
ouere mounteyns and valeis ſhulen be fulfillid of þee. wiþ þeſe þat gon don into þe lake; in þe mydil of ſlayn men
vii And Y ſhal keuere heuens, whanne þou ſhalt be quenchid, þei ben putt.
and Y ſhal make þe ſterris of it for to waxe blac; Y ſhal xxvi Þere Moſoch and Tubal, and al his multitude; in þe
keuere þe ſunne wiþ cloude, and þe mone ſhal not ȝyue his cumpas of hym þe ſepulcris of hym. Alle þeſe vncircumcidid
liȝt. ſlayn, and fallynge by ſwerd, for þei ȝauen her ferdfulneſſe in
viii Y ſhal make alle liȝtmakers of heuen for to mourne vpon þe lond of lyuynge men.
þee, and Y ſhal ȝyue derkneſſis vpon þi loond, ſeiþ þe Lord xxvii And nowe þei ſhuln ſleep wiþ þe ſtronge, and fallynge,
God; whanne þi woundid men ſhulen falle doun in þe mydil and vncircumcidid, whiche wenten doun into helle wiþ her
of erþe, ſeiþ þe Lord God. armers, and han putt her ſwerdis vndir her hedis. And her
ix And Y ſhal ſtire to wraþþe þe herte of many puplis, wickidneſſis weren in þe boons of hem, for þei ben maad þe
whanne Y ſhal in leede þi contricioun in folkis, vpon loondis dreed of hem in þe lond of lyuinge men.
whiche þou knowiſt not. xxviii And þerfore in þe mydil of vncircumcidid þou ſhalt be
x And Y ſhal make many puplis for to wondre greetli vpon defoulid, and ſhalt ſleepe wiþ ſlayn men by ſwerd, and whiche
þee, and þe kyngis of hem wiþ ful myche orrour ſhulen be ſlepten wiþ vncircumcidid.
agaſt vpon þee, for alle þi wickidneſſis whiche þou wrouȝtiſt, xxix Þere Ydume, and kyngis þerof, and alle duykis þerof,
whanne my ſwerd ſhal bigynne for to flee vpon þe facis of whiche ben ȝouen wiþ her ooſt, wiþ þe ſlayn bi ſwerd, and
hem. And þei ſhulen wondre ſodeynli, eche for his ſoule, in þe whiche ſlepten wiþ vncircumcidid, and wiþ þeſe þat wenten
day of his fallyng. doun in to þe lake.
xi For þes þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Þe ſwerd of þe kyng of xxx Þere alle princis of þe norþ, and alle hunters, þat ben led
Babiloyne ſhal come to þee; forþ wiþ þe ſlayn, dreedynge and in her ſtrengþe confoundid,
xii in ſwerdis of ſtronge men Y ſhal caſt doun þi multitude, whiche ſlepten vncircumcidid wiþ þe ſlayn by ſwerd, and baren
alle þes folkis ben vnexpugnable, or mowen not be ouercomen. her confuſioun wiþ þeſe þat gon doun in to þe laake.
And þei ſhulen deſtruye þe pryde of Egipt, and þe multitude xxxi Pharao ſaw hem, and was coumfortid vpon his multitude
of it ſhal be ſcatrid. whiche is ſlayn by ſwerd. And þei baren her confuſioun, wiþ
xiii And I ſhal leeſe alle beeſtis þerof, þat weren vpon many þeſe þat wenten down into þe laake, Pharao and al his ooſt,
watris; and þe foot of man ſhal namore truble hem togider, þe Lord God ſaiþ;
neþer þe clawe of beeſtis ſhal truble hem. xxxii for he ȝaaue his dreed in þe lond of lyuynge men, and
xiiii Þanne I ſhal ȝelde þe watris of hem clenneſt, and Y ſhal he ſlepte in þe mydil of vncircumcided men, wiþ þe ſlayn in
leede to þe floodis of hem as oyle, ſeiþ þe Lord God, ſwerd, Pharao, and al his multitude, ſaiþ þe Lord God.
xv whanne Y ſhal ȝyue þe loond of Egipt deſolat. Forſoþe þe
loond ſhal be forſakyn of his plentee, whanne I ſhal ſmyte alle Capitulum XXXIII.
þe dwellers þerof; and þei ſhulen wite, for I þe Lord. i And þe word of þe Lord
xvi Þere is mournynge, and þe douȝters of folkis ſhulen weile is maad to me, ſayinge,
ii Sone of man, ſpeke þou to þe ſones of þi peple, and þou
hym; vpon Egipt, and vpon þe multitude þerof þei ſhulen
weile hym, ſeiþ þe Lord God. ſhalt ſaye to hem, Þe erþe, whann I ſhal brynge yn vp on it
xvii And it is don in þe twelueþ ȝeer, in þe fiftenþe of þe a ſwerd, and þe peple of þe lond ſhal take oon man of his
moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſeyynge, laſt, and ſhal ordeyn hym a byholder vpon it,
iii and he ſhal ſee a ſwerd cummynge vpon þe lond, and ſhal
xviii Sone of man, ſyng þou a mournynge ſong vpon þe
multitude of Egipt, and draw doun þe ilke ſame, and douȝtris ſynge wiþ an horn, and ſhal ſhewe to þe peple,
iiii forſoþe a man heerynge, who euer he is, þe ſoun of þe
of ſtronge folkis to þe vttermeſt loond, wiþ þes þat wenten
doun in to þe lake. horn, and ſhal not kepe hym ſelf, and þe ſwerd ſhal cum, and
xix Hou myche þou art fayrer, go doun, and ſleep wiþ ſhal take hym, þe blood of hym ſhal be vpon his hed.
v He herd þe ſoun of þe horn, and kepte not him ſilf, þe blood
vncircumcidid men.
xx In þe mydil of ſlayn men þei ſhulen falle doun by ſwerd; a of hym ſhal be in hym; forſoþe ȝif he ſhal kepe hym, he ſhal
ſwerd is ȝouun, and þei drowen it to, and alle þe puplis ſaaue his ſoule.
vi Þat ȝif þe biholder, or aſpier, ſhal ſee þe ſwerd cummynge,
xxi Þe mooſt myȝti of ſtronge ſhulen ſpeke to it, fro þe mydil and ſhal not ſoun in þe horn, and þe peple ſhal not keepe it
of helle, whiche wiþ helpers þerof wenten doun, and ſlepten ſelf, and þe ſwerd ſhal cum, and take a ſoule of hem, ſoþely
vncircumcidid, and ſlayn bi ſwerd. he is taken in his wickidneſſe; forſoþe I ſhal aȝein ſeeke þe
xxii Þere Aſſur, and al his multitude; in þe cumpas of hym þe
blood of hym of þe hond of þe biholder, not þe peple of þe
lond, bot Y.
ſepulcris of hym, alle þe ſlayn, and whiche fellen doun bi vii And þou, ſone of man, Y ȝaue þee a biholder to þe hous of
ſwerd, Yrael; þerfore þou heerynge a word of my mouþ ſhalt ſhewe
xxiii whos ſepulcris ben ȝeuen in þe laſt þingis of þe lake.
to hem of me.
And þe multitude of hym is maad by cumpas of his ſepulcre,


viii Ȝif me ſayinge to þe vnpitous man, Vnpitous man, by falle by ſwerd, and he þat is in þe feeld, ſhal be taken to
deeþ þou ſhalt deye, þou ſhalt not ſpeke, þat þe vnpitous man beeſtis for to be deuoured; forſoþe þei þat in ſtrengþis and
kepe him ſilf fro his waye, þe ilke vnpitous man ſhal deye in dennys ben, by peſtilence ſhuln dye.
his wickidneſſe; forſoþe I ſhal aȝen ſeeke þe bloode of hym of xxviii And I ſhal ȝeue þe lond in to wilderneſſe, and into
þin hond. deſert, and þe pride and ſtrengþe þerof ſhall faile; and þe
ix Forſoþe ȝif þee tellynge to þe vnpytous man, þat he be hillis of Yrael ſhuln be deſolat, for þat þat þer is no man þat
conuertid, he ſhal not be conuertid fro his waye, he ſhal dye paſſiþ by hem.
in his wickidnes; ſoþely þou haſt delyuered þi ſoule. xxix And þei ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord, whanne I ſhal ȝeue
x Þerfore þou, ſone of man, ſaye to þe hous of Yrael, Þus ȝe þe lond of hem deſolate and deſert, for alle her abomynaciouns
ſpaken, ſayinge, Oure wickidneſſis and our ſynnys ben vpon whiche þei wrouȝten.
vs, and in hem we failen not; hou þerfore ſhuln we mown xxx And þou, ſone of man, þe ſones of þi peple þat ſpeken of
lyue? þee biſijdis wallis, and in doris of houſis, and ſayn, oon to an
xi ſaye þou to hem, Y lyue, ſaiþ þe Lord God, Y wole not þe oþer, a man to his neiȝbore, ſpekynge, Cumme ȝe, and heere
deþ of þe vnpitous man, bot þat þe vnpitous man be conuertid wee, whiche is þe word goynge out of þe Lord;
fro his way, and lyue; be ȝe conuertid fro ȝour warſt wayes, xxxi and þei camen to þee, as ȝif my peple go yn, and my
and whi ſhuln ȝe dye, ȝe hous of Yrael? peple ſitten bifore þee, and heeren þi woordis, and don not
xii And ſo þou, ſone of man, ſaye to þe ſones of þi peple, Þe hem; for þei turnen hem in to a ſonge of her mouþe, and þe
riȝtwijſneſſe of a iuſt man ſhal not delyuere hym, in whateuer herte of hem ſueþ her aueriſe;
day he ſhal ſynne; and þe vnpitee of þe vnpitous man ſhal not xxxii and it is to hem as a ſonge of muſyke, whiche is ſungen
anoye to hym, in whateuer day he ſhal be conuertid fro his by ſoft and ſweet ſoun; and þei heren þi wordis, and don hem
vnpitee; and a iuſt man ſhal not mowe lyue in his not;
riȝtwiſneſſe, in whateuer day he ſhal ſynne. xxxiii and whanne þat þing þat is byfore ſaide ſhal cume,
xiii Ȝhe, if I ſhal ſaye to þe iuſt man, þat in lijf he ſhal lyue, forſoþe loo! it cummeþ, þanne þei ſhuln wite, for a prophete
and he triſtyng in his riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal do wickidneſſe, alle his was among hem.
riȝtwiſneſſis ſhuln be bitaken to forȝetyng, and in his
wickidneſſe whiche he wrouȝte, in þe ylk he ſhal dye. Capitulum XXXIIII.
xiiii Forſoþe ȝif I ſhal ſaye to þe vnpitous man, Bi deþ þou
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge,
ſhalt die, and he ſhal do penaunce of his ſynne, and ſhal do
dome and riȝtwiſneſſe, ii Sone of man, prophecie þou of þe ſhepperdis of Yrael,
xv and þe ylk vnpitous ſhal reſtore þe wed, and ȝeeld þe prophecie þou; and þou ſhalt ſaye to þe ſheperdis, Þeſe þingis
rauyn, ſhall go in þe maundementis of lijf, neþer ſhal do any ſaiþ þe Lord God, Woo to þe ſheperdis of Yrael, þat fedden
þing vniuſt, in lijf he ſhal lyue, and he ſhal not dye. hemſelf; wher flockis ben fedd of ſheperdis?
xvi Alle þe ſynnes whiche he ſynnyde, ſhuln not be rettid, or iii Ȝee eeten þe mylk, and ȝe weren keuered wiþ þe wollis,
acountid, to hym; he dide dome and riȝtwyſneſſe, and in lijf he and ȝe ſlewen þat þing þat was fat; forſoþe ȝe fedden not my
ſhal lyue. flok.
xvii And þe ſones of þi peple ſaiden, Þe waye of þe Lord is iiii Ȝe maden not ſad togidre þat þat was ſeek, or vnſtedefaſt,
not of euen weiȝte; and þe waye of hem is vniuſt. and ȝe heeliden not þat þat was ſeek, or ſoor; ȝe bounden not
xviii Forſoþe whan a iuſt man ſhal go awey fro his to þat þat was broken, and ȝe ledden not aȝein þat þat is caſt
riȝtwijſneſſe, and ſhal do wickidneſſe, he ſhal dye in hem; awey, and ȝe ſouȝten not þat þat periſhide; bot wiþ ſteerneſſe
xix and whann þe vnpitous man ſhal go awey fro his
ȝe comaundide to hem, and wiþ power.
v And my ſheep ben ſcatrid, for þat þat þer was no ſheeperd;
wickidneſſe, and ſhal do dome and riȝtwiſneſſe, he ſhal lyue in and þei ben maad in to deuouryng of alle beeſtis of þe feeld,
hem. and þei ben ſcatrid.
xx And ȝe ſayn, Þe way of þe Lord is not riȝt. Ȝe hous of
vi My flockis erreden in alle hillis, and in eche heeȝ litil hill,
Yrael, I ſhal deeme eche of ȝou after his waies. and vpon al þe face of erþe my flockis ben ſcatrid, and þere
xxi And it is don in þe twelfþe ȝeer, in þe tenþe moneþe, in
was not þat aȝein ſouȝte.
þe fifþe of þe moneþe of oure tranſmigracioun, he cam to me vii Þerfore, ȝe ſheperdis, heer þe word of þe Lord;
þat fleiȝ fro Jeruſalem, ſayinge, Þe cytee is diſtruyed. viii Y lyue, ſaiþ þe Lord God, for þat þat my flockis ben
xxii Forſoþe þe hond of þe Lord was maad to me in þe euen,
byfore he came þat fleiȝ, and he opnyde my mouþe, til he maad in to rauyne, and my ſheep in to deuouryng of alle
came to me in þe morewnyng; and, my mouþ opnyd, Y was beeſtis of þe feld, for þat þat þer was no ſheperd, forſoþe
na more ſtille. neþer ſheperdis ſouȝten my floc, bot þe ſheperdis fedden
xxiii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge,
hemſelf, and fedden not my flockis;
ix þerfore, ȝe ſheperdis, heer ȝee þe word of þe Lord,
xxiiii Sone of man, þei þat dwellen in þeſe ruynouſe þinges
x Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, Loo! I my ſelf vpon þe
vpon þe erþe of Yrael, ſayinge, ſayn, Abraham was oon, and ſheperdis; I ſhal aȝein ſeeke my floc of þe hond of hem, and
by eritage he weeldide þe lond; forſoþe we ben manye, þe lond I ſhal make hem for to ceeſe, þat þei na more feede my floc,
is ȝouen to vs in to poſſeſſioun. ne þe ſheperdis ſhuln more feede hemſelf. And I ſhal deliuer
xxv Þerfore þou ſhalt ſaye to hem, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord
my floc of þe mouþe of hem, and it ſhal na more be to hem in
God, Where ȝe ſhuln weelde þe lond by eritage, whiche eten to mete.
blood, and reyſen ȝour eeȝen to ȝour vnclenneſſis, and ſheden xi For þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Loo! I myſelf ſhal
out blood? aȝein ſeeke my ſheep, and I ſhal viſite hem.
xxvi Ȝe ſtoden in ȝour ſwerdis, ȝe diden ȝour abominaciouns,
xii As a ſhepherd viſitiþ his floc, in þe dai whan he ſhal be in
and eche man defoulide þe wijf of his neiȝbore; and ſhul ȝe þe mydil of his ſcatered ſheep, ſo I ſhal viſite my ſheep, and
weelde þe lond by eritage? ſhal delyuere hem of alle places in whiche þei weren ſcatered,
xxvii Þeſe þingus þou ſhalt ſaye to hem, Þus ſaiþ þe Lord
in day of cloude, and derkneſſe.
God, Y lyue, for þei þat dwellen in ruynouſe þingis, ſhuln


xiii And I ſhal leede hem out of peplis, and I ſhal gadre hem iii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, Loo! I to þee, mount of
of londis, and I ſhal leede hem into her lond, and I ſhal Seir; I ſhal ſtrecche out myn hond vpon þee, and I ſchal ȝiue
feede hem in þe hillis of Yrael, in ſtrondis, and in alle ſeetis þee deſolat and deſert.
of erþe. iiii I ſchal diſtrye þi citees, and þou ſchalt be deſert; and þou
xiiii In paſturis moſt plenteuouſe Y ſhal feede hem, and in þe ſchalt wite, for I þe Lord.
heeȝ mounteyns of Yrael þe leſewis of hem ſhuln be; þere þei v For þat þat þou was an enmy euer laſtynge, and cloſidiſt to
ſhuln aȝein reſte in erbis wexynge greene, and in fat leſewis gydre þe ſones of Yrael in to hondis of ſwerd, in þe tyme of
þei ſhuln be fed vpon þe mounteyns of Yrael. her affliccioun, in þe tyme of þe laſt wickidneſſe;
xv Y ſhal feede my ſheep, and I ſhal make hem for to reſte, vi þerfore Y lyue, ſaiþ þe Lord God, for I ſhal bitake þee to
ſaiþ þe Lord God. blood, and blood ſhal purſue þee; and whann þou hatiſt
xvi Y ſhal aȝein ſeeke þat þat periſhide, and I ſhal aȝein leede bloode, blood ſhal purſue þee.
þat þat was caſt awey; and I ſhal bynd to þat þat was to vii And I ſhal ȝeue þe hil of Seir deſolat and deſert, and I
gidre broken, and I ſhal coumforte þat þat was ſeek; and I ſhal take awey fro it a man goynge and turnynge aȝein;
ſhal keepe þat þat is fat and ſtrong, and I ſhal feede hem in viii and I ſhal fulfille þe hillis of it wiþ careyns of ſlayn men.
xvii forſoþe ȝe ben my flockis. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, In þi litil hillis, and in þi valeis, and in rennynge brokis of
reyn, men ſlayn in ſwerd ſhuln falle doun.
Loo! I deeme bitwixe beeſt and beeſt, and weþer and buc of ix I ſhal bytake þee into wilderneſſis euerlaſtynge, and þi
xviii Wher it was not ynewȝ to ȝou for to deuoure good citees ſhuln not be enabitid; and ȝe ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord
leſewes? More ouer and ȝe defouliden wiþ ȝour feet þe relifis x For þat þat þou ſaidiſt, Two folkis and two londis ſhuln be
of ȝour leſewis, and whan ȝe dronken moſt cleer water, and ȝe
trubliden þe toþer wiþ ȝour feet. myn, and bi eritage I ſhal weelde hem, whan þe Lord was
xix And my ſheep weren fed wiþ þeſe þingus þat weren þere;
xi þerfore I lyue, ſaiþ þe Lord God, for I ſhal do after þi
defoulid wiþ ȝour feet; and whiche þingus ȝour feet trubliden,
þeſe þei drunken. wraþ, and after þin enuye, whiche þou didiſt, hauynge hem in
xx Þerfore þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God to hem, Loo! I hate, and I ſhal be maad knowen by hem, when I ſhal deeme
myſelf deeme bitwixe fat beeſte and lene. xii and þou ſhalt wite, for I þe Lord. Y herde alle þi
xxi For þat þat ȝe punchiden wiþ ſydis, and ſhuldris, and wiþ
ſhendſhipis, whiche þou haſt ſpoken of þe mounteyns of Yrael,
ȝour hornis wynewiden alle ſeek beeſtis, til þei weren ſcatered ſayinge, Þei deſert ben ȝouen to vs, for to deuoure.
wiþouten forþ, xiii And ȝe han riſe vpon me wiþ ȝour mouþ, and han
xxii I ſhal ſaue my floc, and it ſhal na more be into raueyn.
dymynued, or ſpoken yuel, aȝeins me; I herd ȝour wordis.
And I ſhal deeme bitwix beeſt and beeſt; xiiii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, All erþe gladynge, I ſhal
xxiii and I ſhal reyſe vpon hem oo ſheperd, whiche ſhal feed
dryue þee in to wildreneſſe.
hem, my ſeruaunt Dauyd; he ſhal feede hem, and he ſhal be xv As þou ioyediſt vpon þe eritage of þe hous of Yrael, for
to hem in to a ſheperd.
xxiiii Forſoþe I þe Lord ſhal be to hem in to God, and my þat it was ſcatered, ſo I ſhal do to þee; þe hill of Seir ſhal be
ſcatered, and al Ydume; and þei ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord.
ſeruaunt Dauiþ prince in þe mydil of hem; forſoþe I þe Lord
xxv And I ſhal make wiþ hem a couenaunt of pees, and I Capitulum XXXVI.
ſhal make for to ceeſe þe werſt beeſtis fro þe erþe; and þei þat i Forſoþe þou, ſone of man, prophecie vpon þe mounteyns of
dwellen in deſert, ſikir ſhuln ſleep in wilde wodes. Yrael; and þou ſhalt ſaye, Hillis of Yrael, heere ȝe þe word
xxvi And I ſhal putte hem in cumpas of my litil hill a of þe Lord.
bleſſyng, and I ſhal lede out rayn in his tyme. Raynes of ii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat þe enmye ſaide
bliſſyng ſhuln be, of ȝou, Wele! or ſcorne, heeȝneſſis euerlaſtynge ben ȝouen to
xxvii and þe tree of þe feeld ſhal ȝeue his fruyt, and þe erþe vs in to eritage;
ſhal ȝeue his buriownyng. And þei ſhuln be in her lond iii þerfore prophecie þou, and ſaye, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord
wiþout dreed; and þei ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord, whan I ſhal God, For þat þat ȝe ben deſolat and defoulid by cumpas, and
debriſe þe chaynes of her ȝoc, and ſhal deliuere hem of þe maad in to eritage to oþer folkis, and ȝee ſteiȝiden vp vpon þe
hond of men comaundynge to hem. lipp of tunge, and ſhendſhip of peple;
xxviii And þei ſhuln na more be in to raueyn in heiþen men, iiii þerfore, ȝe hillis of Yrael, heere þe word of þe Lord God.
neþer beeſtis of þe feeld ſhuln deuoure hem, bot þei ſhuln Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God to mounteyns, and ſmale hillis,
dwelle triſtili wiþout ony dreed. to rennynge ſtremys of reyn, and valeys, and to deſert
xxix And I ſhal reyſe to hem a iuſt buriownyng, or ſeed, wallingus, and to forſaken citees, þat ben robbid, and ſcornyd
named; and þei ſhuln na more be maad litil by hungre in of oþer heiþen men bi cumpas;
erþe, neþer þei ſhuln heere more ouer þe ſhendſhipis of folkis. v þerfore þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, For in þe fijr of my
xxx And þei ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord God of hem wiþ hem, wraþ I ſpake of oþer heiþen men, and of al Ydume, þat
and þei my peple, þe hous of Yrael, ſaiþ þe Lord God. ȝauen my lond to hem in to eritage in ſwerd, and al þe herte,
xxxi Forſoþe ȝe men ben my flockis, þe flockis of my leſewe; and of inwit, and caſtiden out it, þat þei ſhulden waaſte;
vi þerfore prophecie þou vpon þe erþ of Yrael, and þou ſhalt
and I þe Lord ȝour God, ſaiþ þe Lord God.
ſaye to mounteyns, and ſmale hillis, to heiȝþis of hillis, and
valeys, Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat ȝe ben
Capitulum XXXV. deſolat, loo! I in my wraþ and in my woodneſſe haue ſpoken.
i And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge, For þat þat ȝe ſuſteyneden þe confuſioun of heiþen men.
ii Sone of man, putte þou þi face aȝeins þe mount of Seir;
and þou ſhalt prophecie to it, and ſhalt ſaye to it,


vii Þerfore þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, I reyſide myn hond xxviii And ȝe ſhuln dwelle in þe lond, whiche I ȝaue to ȝour
aȝeins heiþen men, þat ben in ȝour cumpas, þat þei bere her fadris; and ȝe ſhuln be to me in to peple, and I ſhal be to
confuſioun. ȝou in to God.
viii Forſoþe, ȝe hillis of Yrael, buriown ȝour braunchis, and xxix And I ſhal ſaue ȝou of alle ȝour filþis; and I ſhal clepe
bring ȝour fruyt to my peple of Yrael; forſoþe it is niȝ þat it whete, and ſhal multiplie it, and I ſhal not putte hungre in to
cum. ȝou.
ix For loo! I to you, and I ſhal be conuertid to ȝou, and ȝe xxx And I ſhal multiplie þe fruyte of tree, and buriownyngus,
ſhuln be erid, and ſhuln take ſeed. or ſeedis, of þe feeld, þat ȝe bere na more ſhenſhip of hungre
x And I ſhal multiplie in ȝou men, and al þe hous of Yrael; in heiþen men.
and citees ſhuln be enhabitid, and ruynouſe þingis ſhuln be xxxi And ȝe ſhuln haue mynde of ȝour warſt waies, and
inſtorid, or maad aȝein. ſtudies not goode; and ȝour wickidneſſis, and ȝour grete
xi And I ſhal fulfil ȝou wiþ men and beeſtis, and þei ſhuln be treſpaſſis ſhuln diſpleſe to ȝou.
multiplied, and ſhuln waxe; and I ſhal make ȝou for to dwelle xxxii Not for ȝou I ſhal do, ſaiþ þe Lord God, be it knowen
as fro þe bygynnyng, and I ſhal ȝeue wiþ gretter goodis þan to ȝou; be ȝe counfoundid, and ſhame ȝe vpon ȝour waies, ȝe
ȝe hadden fro þe bygynnynge; and ȝe ſhuln wite, for I þe hous of Yrael.
Lord. xxxiii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, In þe day in whiche Y
xii And I ſhal brenge vpon ȝou men, my peple of Yrael, and ſhal clenſe ȝou of alle ȝour wickidneſſis, and ſhal make citees
by eritage þei ſhuln welde þee, and þou ſhalt be to hem in to for to be enhabitid, and ſhal repareyle ruynouſe þingis,
eritage; and þou ſhalt na more putte to, þat þou be wiþout xxxiiii and þe deſert lond ſhal be tilied, whiche ſum tyme was
hem. deſolat, in þe eeȝen of eche way goar,
xiii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, For þat þat þei ſayn of xxxv þei ſhuln ſaye, Þe ylk lond vntilied is maad as a ȝerd of
ȝou, Þou art a deuoureſſe of men, and ſtranglinge þi folc; volupte, and citees deſert and deſtitute and vndirdiggid,
xiiii þerfore þou ſhalt na more ete men, and þou ſhalt na more waardid, or made ſtronge, han ſetun;
ſlea þi folk, þe Lord God ſaiþ. xxxvi and heiþen men ſhuln wite, whiche euer ſhuln be left, or
xv Neþer I ſhal make þe confuſioun of heiþen men herd more forſaken, in ȝour cumpas, for I þe Lord haue bildide þe
in þee, and þou ſhalt not bere þe ſhendſhipe of peplis, and þou ſcatered þingus, and haue plantid vntilied þingus; Y þe Lord
ſhalt na more leeſe þi peple, ſaiþ þe Lord God. haue ſpoke, and haue don.
xvi And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge, xxxvii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, Ȝit þe hous of Yrael in
xvii Sone of man, þe hous of Yrael dwelliden in her lond, þis þing ſhuln fynde me, þat Y do to hem; Y ſhal multiplie
and þei defouliden it in her wayes, and in her ſtudies; after hem as flockis of men,
þe vnclenneſſe of þe menſtruat womman þe way of hem is xxxviii as an holy floc, as þe floc of Jeruſalem in þe
maad before me. ſolempnitees þerof, ſo deſert citees ſhuln be ful of flockis of
xviii And I ſhedde out myn indignacioun vpon hem, for þe men; and þei ſhuln wite, for Y þe Lord.
blood whiche þey ſhedden vpon þe lond, and in her ydolis þei
defouliden it. Capitulum XXXVII.
xix And I ſcatride hem among heiþen men, and þei ben
i The hond of þe Lord is maad vpon me, and he ledde me out
wyndowid in to londis. After þe waies of hem and fyndyngis in þe ſpirit of þe Lord, and lefte me in þe mydil of a feeld þat
Y deemyde hem. was ful of boones;
xx And þei entriden to heiþen men, to whom þei entriden, and
ii and he ledde me aboute bi hem in cumpas. Forſoþe þere
defouliden myn holy name, whann it was ſaid of hem, Þis is were ful manye vpon þe face of þe erþe, and gretely drye.
þe peple of þe Lord, þei wenten out of þe lond of hym. iii And he ſaide to me, Sone of man, geſſiſt þou, wher þeſe
xxi And I ſparid to myn hooli name, whom þe hous of Yrael
defoulide in heiþen men, to whom þei entriden. boones ſhuln lyue? And I ſaide, Lord God, þou haſt knowe.
iiii And he ſaide to me, Prophecie þou of þeſe boonys; and
xxii Þerfore þou ſhalt ſaie to þe hous of Yrael, Þeſe þingis
ſaiþ þe Lord God, Not for ȝou I ſhal do, ȝe hous of Yrael, þou ſhalt ſaye to hem, Drie boones, heer ȝe þe word of þe
but for myn holy name, whom ȝe defouliden in heiþen men, to Lord.
v Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God to þeſe bonys, Loo! I ſhal
whom ȝe entriden.
xxiii And I ſhal halewe my greet name, whiche is defoulid wiþ ynne ſend in to ȝou a ſpirit, and ȝe ſhuln lyue.
vi And I ſhal ȝeue ſynewys vpon ȝou, and I ſhal make fleſhis
among heiþen men, whom ȝe defouliden in þe mydil of hem;
þat heiþen men witen, for I þe Lord, ſaiþ þe Lord of hooſtus, for to wexe vpon ȝou, and I ſhal aboue ſtrecche ſkyn in ȝou,
whanne I ſhal be halewid in ȝou bifore hem. and I ſhal ȝeue to ȝou a ſpirit, and ȝe ſhuln lyue; and ȝe
xxiiii Soþely Y ſhal take ȝou awey fro heiþen men, and I ſhal ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord.
vii And I prophecied, as he comaundide to me; forſoþe me
gadre ȝou of alle londis, and I ſhal brenge ȝou into ȝour
lond. prophecyinge a ſoun is maad, and loo! a ſtyryng to gydre, and
xxv And I ſhal ſhede out vpon ȝou clene watir, and ȝe ſhuln bones wenten to boones, eche to his ioynture.
viii And I ſawe, and loo! vpon hem ſynewis and fleſhis
be clenſid of alle ȝour defoulyngis; and I ſhal clenſe ȝou fro
alle ȝour ydolis. ſteiȝiden vp to hem, and ſkyn is ſtrechid forþ aboue, and þei
xxvi And I ſhal ȝeue to ȝou a newe herte, and I ſhal putte `a hadden no ſpirit.
ix And he ſaide to me, Prophecie þou to þe ſpirit, ſone of
newe ſpirit in þe mydil of ȝou; and I ſhal take awey a ſtonen
herte of ȝour fleſhe, and I ſhal ȝeue to ȝou an herte of fleſhe, man, prophecie þou; and þou ſhalt ſaye to þe ſpirit, Þeſe
xxvii and I ſhal putte my ſpirit in þe mydil of ȝou. And I þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Fro four wyndys cum, þou ſpirit,
ſhal make þat ȝe walke in myn heeſtis, and þat ȝee kepe and and blowe yn vpon þeſe ſlayn men, and lyue þei aȝein.
x And I prophecied, as he comaundide to me; and þe ſpirit
wirche my domys.
wente in to hem, and þei lyuyden, and ſtoden vpon her feet, a
ful greet ooſt.


xi And þe Lord ſaide to me, Sone of man, alle þeſe boones is iii And þou ſhalt ſaye to hym, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God,
þe hous of Yrael; þei ſayen, Oure boons dryeden, and our Loo! I to þee Gog, prince of þe hed of Moſoch and Tubal;
hoope peryſhide, and we ben kit awey. iiii and I ſhal leede þee aboute, and I ſhal putte a brydil in
xii Þerfore prophecie þou, and þou ſhalt ſaye to hem, Þeſe þi cheekis, and ſhal leede þee out, and al þin ooſt, horſis, and
þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Loo! I ſhal open ȝour biriels, and horſmen, alle cloþed wiþ hauberiouns, a greet multitude of
ſhal leede ȝou out of ȝour ſepulcris, my peple, and I ſhal leed men, takynge ſhaft, and ſheeld, and ſwerd.
ȝou in to ȝour lond of Yrael. v Men of Perſis, Ethiopiens, and Libiens wiþ hem, alle
xiii And ȝe ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord, whan I ſhall opyn ȝour ſheeldid and helmyd.
ſepulcris, and ſhal leede ȝou out of ȝour biriels, my peple; vi Gomer, and alle his cumpanyes, þe hous of Togorma, ſydis
xiiii and ſhal ȝeue my ſpirit in ȝou, and ȝe ſhuln lyue. And I of þe norþ, and al þe ſtrengþe of hym, and many peplis wiþ
ſhal make ȝou for to reſt vpon ȝour lond; and ȝe ſhuln wite, þee.
for I þe Lord ſpake, and haue don, ſaiþ þe Lord God. vii Diȝte, and make þee redy, and alle þi multitude þat is
xv And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge, gadred to þee, be þou to hem in to comaundement.
xvi And þou, ſone of man, take to þee oo tree, and wryte vpon viii After many dayes þou ſhalt be viſitid, in þe laſt of ȝeeris
it, Of Juda, and þe ſonys of Yrael, wiþ his felawis. And þou ſhalt cum to erþe, whiche is turnyd aȝein fro ſwerd, and
take þou an oþer tree, and write vpon it, Of Joſeph, and þe is gadrid of many peplis, to þe hillis of Yrael þat weren
tree of Effraym, and of al þe hous of Yrael, and his felawis. deſert laſtyngly; þis is led out of peplis, and alle dwelten in it
xvii And ioyne hem þe toon to þe toþer to þee into oo tree; triſtili.
and þei ſhuln be in to oonyng in þin hond. ix Forſoþe þou ſteiȝinge vp as a tempeſt ſhalt cum, and as a
xviii Forſoþ whan þe ſonys of þi peplis ſhuln ſaye to þee, cloude, þat þou hill þe erþe, þou and alle þi cumpaignyes, and
ſpekynge, Wher þou ſhewiſt not to vs, what þou wolt in þeſe many peplis wiþ þee.
þingis to þee? x Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, In þat day wordis ſhuln
xix þou ſhalt ſpeke to hem, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, Loo! I ſtye vp vpon þin herte, and þou ſhalt þenke þe warſt þouȝt;
ſhal take to þe tree of Joſeph, þat is in þe hond of Effraym, xi and ſhalt ſaye, I ſhal ſtiȝe vp to þe lond wiþ oute wall, I
and þe kynredis of Yrael, þat ben ioyned to hym, and I ſhal ſhal cum to men reſtynge and dwellynge ſykirly; alle þeſe
ȝeue hem to gydre wiþ þe tree of Juda; and I ſhal make hem dwellen wiþ outen wall, barris, or lockis, and ȝatis ben not to
in to oo tree, and þei ſhuln be oon in his hond. hem;
xx Forſoþe þe trees, vpon whom þou haſt writen, ſhuln be in xii þat þou rauyſhe ſpuilis, and aſſaile pray; þat þou ȝeue þin
þin hond in þe eeȝen of hem. hond vpon hem þat weren deſert, and afterward reſtoryd, and
xxi And þou ſhalt ſaye to hem, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, vpon þe peple whiche is gadrid of folkis, whiche bygan for to
Loo! I ſhall take to þe ſones of Yrael of þe mydil of weelde, and for to be dweller of þe naule, or mydil, of þe
naciouns, to whom þei wenten awey; and I ſhal gadere hem erþe.
on eche ſyde. And I ſhal bringe hem to her erþe, xiii Saba, and Dedan, and marchauntis of Tharſis, and alle
xxii and I ſhal make hem oo folk in þe lond, in hillis of lyouns þerof ſhuln ſaye to þee, Wher þou cummeſt for to take
Yrael, and oo kyng ſhal be comaundynge to alle; and þei ſpuylis? Loo! for to rauyſhe pray þou gadereſt þi multitude,
ſhuln na more be two folkis, neyþer þei ſhuln more be þat þou take gold and ſyluer, and take awey, and take
departid `in to two rewmes. portenaunce of houſhold and ſubſtaunce, and rauyſhe ſpuylis
xxiii Neþer þei ſhuln be defoulid more ouer in her ydols, and wiþ outen noumbre.
xiiii Þerfore, ſone of man, prophecie þou; and þou ſhalt ſaye to
her abomynaciouns, and in alle her wickidneſſis. And I ſhal
make hem ſaaf of alle her ſetis, in whiche þei ſynneden, and Gog, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Wher not in þat day,
I ſhal clenſe hem; and þei ſhuln be to me a peple, and I ſhal whan my peple of Yrael ſhal dwelle triſtili,
be God to hem. xv þou ſhalt wite; and ſhalt cum of þi place, fro ſydis of þe
xxiiii And my ſeruaunt kyng Dauyd vpon hem, and oo ſheperd norþe, þou, and many peplis wiþ þee, alle ſtyers of horſis, a
ſhal be of hem alle; þei ſhuln walke in my domys, and þei greet cumpignye, and greet ooſt;
ſhuln kepe my comaundementis, and ſhuln do hem. xvi and ſtyeinge vp on my peple Yrael, as a cloude, þat þou
xxv And þei ſhuln dwelle vpon þe lond, whiche Y ȝaue to my hille þe erþe? In þe laſt dayes þou ſhalt be, and I ſhal leede
ſeruaunt Jacob, in whiche ȝour faderis dwelliden; and þei þee to vp on my lond, þat my folkis wite, whan I ſhal be
ſhuln dwelle vpon it, þei, and þe ſones of hem, and þe ſonys halewid in þee, in þe eeȝen of hem, þou Gog.
of her ſones, til in to wiþ outen eende; and Dauyþ, my xvii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þerfore þou art he of
ſeruaunt, prince of hem in to wiþ oute eende. whom I ſpak in olde dayes, in þe hond of my ſeruauntis,
xxvi And I ſhal ſmyte to hem a couenaunt of pees; a prophetis of Yrael, þat prophecied in þe days of tymes, þat I
couenaunte euerlaſtynge ſhal be to hem, and I ſhal founde ſhulde leede þee to vpon hem.
hem, and ſhal multiplie. xviii And it ſhal be, in þat day, in þe day of þe cummyng of
xxvii And I ſhal be to hem God, and þei ſhuln be to me Gog vpon þe lond of Yrael, ſaiþ þe Lord God, myn
peple. indignacioun ſhal ſtye vp in my wodeneſſe,
xxviii And heiþen men ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord, halewer of xix and in my wraþ; in þe fijre of my wraþ I ſpac. For in þat
Yrael, whan my halewyng ſhal be in þe mydil of hem in to day ſhal be greet mouynge to gydre vpon þe lond of Yrael;
wiþ oute eende. xx and fiſhis of þe ſe ſhuln be moued to gydre fro my face,
and beeſtis of þe feeld, and briddis of heuen, and eche
Capitulum XXXVIII. crepynge þing þat is moued vpon erþe, and alle men þat ben
vpon þe face of þe erþe; and hillis ſhuln be vndirtournyd, and
i And þe word of þe Lord is made to me, ſayinge, heggis ſhuln falle, and eche wall ſhal falle to gidre to erþe.
ii Sone of man, putte þi face
aȝeins Gog, and þe lond of xxi And I ſhal clepe to gydre aȝeins hym a ſwerd in alle my
Magog, prince of þe hed of Moſoch and Tubal; and prophecie mounteyns, ſaiþ þe Lord; þe ſwerd of eche man ſhal be dreſſid
þou of hym. in to his broþer.


xxii And þan I ſhal deeme hym by peſtilence, and blood, and eche ſijde to my ſlayn ſacrifice, whiche I offre to ȝou, a greet
reyn ful greet, and greete ſtoons; Y ſhal reyne vpon hym fyre ſlayn ſacrifice vpon þe hillis of Yrael, þat ȝee ete fleſhis, and
and bronſton, and vpon his ooſt, and vpon many peplis þat drynke blood.
ben wiþ hym. xviii Ȝe ſhuln ete þe fleſhis of ſtrong men, and ȝe ſhuln
xxiii And I ſhal be magnyfyed and halewid, and I ſhal be drynke þe blood of princis of erþe, of weþers, of lambren, and
knowen in þe eeȝen of many folkis; and þei ſhuln wite, for I of kiddis, and of boolis, and of þingus fed for to be fatt, and
þe Lord. of alle fatt þingus.
xix And ȝe ſhuln ete þe fatneſſe in to fulfillynge, and ſhuln
Capitulum XXXIX. drynke blood in to drunkenneſſe, of þe ſlayn ſacrifice whiche I
ſhal offre to ȝou.
i Forſoþe þou, ſone of man, prophecie aȝeins Gog; and þou xx And ȝe ſhuln be fulfillid vpon my bord, of hors, and of
ſhalt ſaye, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Loo! I vpon þee, ſtrong horſman, or knyȝt, and of alle men of batail, ſaiþ þe
Gog, prince of þe hed of Moſoch and Tubal. Lord God.
ii And I ſhal leede þee aboute, and I ſhal diſceyue þee, and xxi And I ſhal putte my glorie in folkis, and alle folkis ſhuln
make þee for to ſtey vp of ſydis of þe norþ, and I ſhal bryng ſee my dome, þat I dide, and myn hond, þat I haue putte on
þee on þe hillis of Yrael. hem.
iii And I ſhal ſmyte þi bouwe in þi left half, and I ſhal caſt xxii And þe hous of Yrael ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord God of
doun þin arowis of þi riȝt hond. hem, fro þat day and afterward, or fro þennus forþ.
iiii Vpon þe mounteyns of Yrael þou ſhalt falle, þou, and alle xxiii And heiþen men ſhuln wite, for þe hous of Yrael is
þi cumpanyes, and peplis þat ben wiþ þee; to wylde beeſtis, taken in his wickidneſſe, for þat þat þei leften me; and Y
briddis and eche volatile, and beeſtis of erþe I ȝaue þee for to hidde my face fro hem, and bytoke hem in to hondis of
be deuoured. enmys, and alle fellen in ſwerd.
v Vpon þe face of feeld þou ſhalt falle; for I þe Lord ſpac, xxiiii After þe vnclenneſſe of hem and greet treſpas Y dide to
ſaiþ þe Lord God. hem, and I hidde my face fro hem.
vi And I ſhal ſende out fijr in to Magog, and in hem þat xxv Þerfore þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, Now I ſhal leede
dwellen in ijlis triſtily; and þei ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord God aȝein þe caitifte of Jacob, and I ſhal haue mercy on al þe
of Yrael. hous of Yrael; and I ſhal take to loue for myn holy name.
vii And I ſhal make myn holy name knowen in þe mydil of xxvi And þei ſhuln bere her confuſioun, and eche treſpaſſynge
my peple of Yrael, and I ſhal na more defoule myn holy whiche þei treſpaſſiden in me, whan þei dwelliden in her lond
name; and folkis ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord, holy God of triſtili, dredynge no man;
Yrael. xxvii and I ſhal leede aȝein hem of peplis, and ſhal gadre hem
viii Loo! it cummeþ, and it is maad, ſaiþ þe Lord God. Þis
fro londis of her enmyes, and ſhal be halewid in hem, in þe
is þe day of whiche I ſpac. eeȝen of ful manye folkis.
ix And dwellers of þe cytees of Yrael ſhuln go out, and xxviii And þei ſhuln wite, for I þe Lord God of hem, for þat
kyndlen and brenne to gydre armeris, ſheeld and ſhaft, bowe þat I tranſlatide hem into naciouns, and haue gadrede hem
and arowis, and ſtafs of hond, and dartis; and þei ſhuln vpon her lond, and I haue not forſaken, or left, eny man of
priuely brenne hem by fijr ſeuen ȝeeris. hem þere.
x And þei ſhuln not bere trees of cuntrees, neþer þei ſhuln xxix And I ſhal namore hide my face fro hem, for þat I
priuely brenne of wijld wodis, for þei ſhuln priuely brenne ſhedde out my ſpirit vpon eche hous of Yrael, ſaiþ þe Lord
armers in fijr; and þei ſhuln robbe hem, to whom prayes God.
weren, and þei ſhuln rauyſhe her waaſters, or diſtruyers, ſaiþ
þe Lord God.
xi And it ſhal be in þat day, Y ſhal ȝeue Gog a place named, Capitulum XL.
ſepulcre in Yrael, þe valey of way goers to þe eeſt of þe ſe, i In þe fyue and twentiþe ȝere of oure tranſmygracioun, in þe
þat makiþ men paſſynge for to be agaſt; and þer þei ſhuln bygynnynge of þe ȝeer, in þe tenþe of þe moneþ, in þe
byryen Gog, and al þe multitude of hym, and it ſhal be clepid fourtenþe ȝeer aftir þat þe citee is ſmytyn, in þe ſame day þe
þe valey of þe multitude of Gog. hond of þe Lord is maad on me, and ledde me þider in
xii And þe hous of Yrael ſhuln birye hem, þat þei clenſe þe viſiouns of God.
erþe ſeuen moneþis. ii And he brouȝt me in to þe lond of Yrael, and he left me on
xiii Forſoþe al þe peple of erþe ſhal byrien hem, and it ſhal be a ful heeȝ hill, vpon whom was as a beeldyng of a citee
to hem a named day, in whom Y am glorified, ſaiþ þe Lord goynge to þe ſouþe;
God. iii and he ledde me yn þider. And loo! a man, whos fourme
xiiii And þei ſhuln ordeyne byſili men ſeekynge, or was as þe fourme of braſſe, and a lytil lynnyn bond in his
compaſynge, þe erþe, þe whiche ſhuln birien and aȝein ſeeke hond, and a ȝerd of meſure in his hond; forſoþe he ſtood in þe
hem þat dwelten vpon þe face of erþe, þat þei clenſe it. ȝate.
Forſoþe after ſeuen moneþis þei ſhuln bygynne for to ſeeke, iiii And þe ſame man ſpac to me, Sone of man, ſee wiþ þin
and ſhuln cumpas walkynge þe lond; eeȝen, and heere wiþ þin eeris, and putte þin herte in to alle
xv and when þei ſhuln ſee a boon of man, þei ſhuln ſette a þingis, whiche I ſhal ſhewe to þee, for þat it be ſhewid to
title, or ſigne, biſidis it, til þat byriers byrye it in þe valey of þee, þou art brouȝt to hiþer; telle þou alle þingus þat þou ſeeſt
multitude of Gog. to þe hous of Yrael.
xvi Forſoþe name of þe citee Amona; and þei ſhuln clenſe þe v And loo! a wal wiþ outforþ, in cumpas of þe hous in eche
lond. ſijd, and in hond of þe man a ȝerd of meſure of ſixe cubitis
xvii Forſoþe þou, ſone of man, þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, and a palme; and he metid þe breede of þe beeldyng wiþ oo
ȝerd, and þe heeȝneſſe wiþ oo ȝerd.
Saye þou to eche bryd, and to alle foulis, and to alle beeſtis
of þe feeld, Cum ȝe to gydre, and haſte ȝee, renne to gydre on


vi And he came to þe ȝate þat biheelde to þe eeſt waye, and he xxix þe chaumbris þerof, and frount þerof, and porche þerof, bi
ſtiede vp by þe greeſe þerof; and he metid þe þrisfold of þe þe ſame meſuris; and þe wyndowis þerof, and þe porche þerof
ȝate wiþ oo ȝerd, þat is for to ſaye, þe breede of þe þrisfold, in cumpas; fifti cubitis in lengþe, and of breed fyue and
wiþ oo ȝerd in breede; twenti cubitis;
vii and þe chaumbre wiþ oo ȝerd in to long, and wiþ oo ȝerd xxx and þe porche by cumpas, þe lengþe of fyue and twenti
in to breede, and bitwix chaumbris fyue cubitis; cubitis, and þe breed of fyue cubitis.
viii and þe þresfold of þe ȝate biſydis þe veſtiarie, or porche, xxxi And þe porche þerof to þe vtmer hous, and palmes þerof
of þe ȝate wiþ ynforþ, oo ȝerd. in þe frount; and eiȝte greces weren, bi whiche me ſteyede vp
ix And he metide þe porche of þe ȝate of eiȝt cubitus, and þe þerby.
frount þerof in two cubitis; forſoþe þe veſtiarie, or porche, of xxxii And he ledde me in to þe ynnermer hous, by þe eeſt
þe ȝate was wiþ inneforþ. waye; and he metide þe ȝate after þe ouermer meſuris;
x Forſoþe chaumbris of þe ȝate to þe eſt waye, þree on þis xxxiii þe chaumbre þerof, and frount þerof, and porchis þerof,
ſijd, and þree on þat ſijd; oo meſure of þree, and oo meſure of as aboue; and wyndowis þerof, and porchis þerof in cumpas;
þe frountis of eche ſyde. þe lengþe of fifty cubitis, and þe breede of fyue and twenty
xi And he metid þe breede of þe þresfold of þe ȝate of ten cubitis;
cubitis, and þe lengþe of þe ȝate of þrittene cubitis; xxxiiii and þe porche þerof, þat is to ſaye, of þe vtmer hous;
xii and þe margyne, or vttemeſt part, bifore þe chaumbris of and palmes graued in þe frount þerof, on þis ſyde and on þat
oo cubit, and oo cubit þe eende of eche ſijde; ſoþely þe ſyde; and in eiȝte greeſe þe ſteiȝing vp þerof.
chaumbres weren of ſixe cubitis on þis ſyde and on þat ſyde. xxxv And he ledde me ynne, at þe ȝate þat biheelde to þe
xiii And he metide þe ȝate fro þe roof of þe chaumbre til þe norþ, and matte after þe ouermore meſuris;
roof þerof, þe breede of fyue and twenty cubitis, dore aȝeins xxxvi þe chaumbris þerof, and frount þerof, and þe porche
dore. þerof, and wyndowis þerof bi cumpas; of lengþe of fifty
xiiii And he maad frountis bi ſixti cubitis, and at a frount cubitis, and þe breed of fyue and twenti cubitis.
porche of þe ȝate on eche ſyde bi cumpas; xxxvii Þe porche þerof biheelde to þe vtmer hous; and
xv and bifore þe face of þe ȝate þat laſtid til to þe face of þe grauyngs of palmys in frount þerof on boþe ſydis; and in eiȝte
porche of þe ynner ȝate, fifti cubitis; greeſe þe ſteiȝing vp þerof.
xvi and wyndowis ouerþwert, in chaumbris and in frountis of xxxviii And bi alle treſories a dore in frountis of þe ȝatis; and
hem, þat weren wiþ ynne þe ȝate on eche ſyde by cumpas. þere þei waſhiden brend ſacrifice.
Alſo forſoþe and wyndowis weren in þe porchis bi cumpas xxxix And in þe porche of þe ȝate two bordis on þis ſyde, and
wiþ ynne forþ, and bifore þe frountis peyntyng of palmes two bordis on þat ſyde, þat vpon hem ben offrid brend
grauen. ſacrifice, for ſynne of doyng and for treſpas of leeuyng vndon.
xvii And he ledde me out to þe vtmer porche, `or large hous, xl And at þe vtmer ſyde, þat goþ vp to þe dore of þe ȝate þat
and loo! treſories, and pament paued wiþ ſtoon in þe porche goþ to þe norþ, two bordis; and at þe toþer ſyde, bifore þe
by enuyrounn; þritti treſories in þe cumpas of pament; porche of þe ȝate, two bordis.
xviii and a pament in þe frount of ȝatis, after þe lengþe of þe xli Foure bordis on þis ſyde, and four bordis on þat ſyde; by
ȝatis was wiþ ynneforþ. þe ſydis of þe ȝate weren eiȝte bordis vpon whom men
xix And he metide þe breede fro face of þe ynner ȝate vnto þe offriden.
frount of þe ynner porche wiþ outeforþ, an hundrid cubitis to xlii Forſoþe foure bordis to brend ſacrifice beeldid of ſqware
þe eeſt, and to þe norþ. ſtoons, in lengþe of oo cubit and an half, and in breede of oo
xx And he metide þe ȝate þat biheelde þe waye of þe norþ, of cubite and an half, and in heiȝþe oo cubit; vpon whiche þei
þe vtmore porche, as wele in lengþe as in breede; putten veſſels, in whiche brend ſacrifice is offrid, and ſlayn
xxi and þree chaumbres þerof, þree on þis ſyde, and þree on ſacrifice.
xliii And þe lippis, or brynkis, of hem of oo palme, bowid
þat ſyde, and þe frount þerof, and þe porche þerof, after þe
meſure of þe firſt ȝate; þe lengþe þerof of fyfty cubitis, and þe aȝein wiþ ynneforþ bi cumpas; vpon þe bordis forſoþe
breede of fyue and twenti cubitis. offringis of fleſhe.
xxii Forſoþe þe wyndowis þerof, and porche, and grauyngis, xliiii And wiþ oute þe ynner ȝate, treſeries of chaunters, in þe
after þe meſure of þe ȝate þat byheelde to þe eeſt; and of ſeuen ynner hous þat was in þe ſide of þe ȝate biholdynge to þe
grees was þe ſtyeing vp þerof, and a porche bifore it. norþ; and þe face of þem aȝeinus þe ſouþe waye; oon on þe
xxiii And þe ȝate of þe ynner porche aȝeinus þe ȝate of þe ſyde of þe eeſt ȝate, þat biheelde to þe waye of þe norþ.
xlv And he ſaide to me, Þis is þe treſorie, þat biholdiþ þe
norþ, and þe eeſt ȝate; and he metide fro ȝate vnto ȝate an
hundrid cubitis. ſouþ waye, of preeſtis þat waken in kepingis of þe temple.
xxiiii And he ledde me out to þe ſouþe waye, and loo! a ȝate xlvi Soþli þe treſorie þat biholdiþ to þe waye of þe norþ, ſchal
þat bihelde to þe ſouþe; and he metide þe frount þerof, and þe ben of preſtis þat waken to þe ſeruyſe of þe auter; þes ben þe
porche þerof, after þe ouermore meſures; ſones of Sadoch, þat comen to of þe ſonys of Leuy to þe
xxv and þe wyndowis þerof, and porchis in cumpas, as þe Lord, þat þei miniſtre to hym.
xlvii And he matte þe hous, þe lengþe of an hundrid cubitis,
toþer wyndows; of fifti cubitis þe lengþe, and þe breede of
fyue and twenti cubitis. and þe breede by an hundrid cubitis, by ſqware, and þe auter
xxvi And in ſeuen greeſis `men ſtieden þerto, and a porche bifore þe face of þe temple.
xlviii And he ledde me yn, in to þe porche of þe temple; and
bifore þe ȝatis þerof; and grauen palmes weren, oon on þis
ſyde, and an oþer in þe frount þerof. he matte þe porche by fyue cubitis on þis ſyde, and fyue
xxvii And þe ȝate of þe ynner hous, in þe ſouþ waye; and he cubitis on þat ſyde; and þe breed of þe ȝate, of þree cubitis on
þis ſyde, and þree cubitis on þat ſyde;
metide fro ȝate vnto ȝate in þe ſouþ waye, an hundrid cubitis. xlix forſoþe þe lengþe of þe porche of twenti cubitis, and þe
xxviii And he ledde me yn, in to þe ynnermer hous at þe ſouþ
breed of elleuen cubitis, and bi eiȝte greeſe me ſtieden þerto;
ȝate; and he metide þe ȝate after þe ouermer meſuris;


and pilers weren in þe frountus, oon on þis ſyde, and an oþer xxi Þe þresfold foure cornerd; and þe face of þe byholdyng of
on þat ſyde. þe ſayntuarye aȝenus þe biholdyng of þe treenen auter;
xxii þe heiȝt of it of þree cubitis, and þe lengþe þerof two
Capitulum XLI. cubitis; and þe corners þerof, and lengþe þerof, and wallis
i And he ledde me yn, into þe temple; and he meet þe þerof, treenen. And he ſpac to me, Þis is þe bord byfore þe
frountis, ſixe cubitis of breede on þis ſyde, and ſixe cubitis of Lord.
xxiii And two doris weren in þe temple, and in þe ſayntuarie.
breede on þat ſyde, þe breede of þe tabernacle.
ii And þe breede of þe ȝate was of ten cubitis; and þe ſydis of xxiiii And in þe two doris on eche ſijde weren two ſmale
þe ȝate, by fyue cubitis on þis ſyde, and by fyue cubitis on doris, þat weren folden in hem ſelf to gydre; forſoþe two doris
þat ſyde; and he matte þe lengþe þerof of fourty cubitis, and weren on eche ſyde of þe doris.
þe breede of twenti cubitis. xxv And grauen weren in þe ylk doris of þe temple cherubyns
iii And he gon yn wiþ ynneforþ, matte in frount of þe ȝate two and grauyng of palmes, as and in þe wallis þei weren
cubitis, and þe ȝate of ſixe cubitis, and þe breede of þe ȝate of expreſſid. Wherfore and gretter trees weren in þe frount of þe
ſeuen cubitis. porche wiþ outforþ,
iiii And he matte þe lengþe þerof of twenti cubitis, and þe xxvi on whiche þe ouerþwert wyndowis, and lickeneſſe of
breede of twenti cubitis, byfore þe face of þe temple. And he palmes, on þis ſyde and þat ſyde; in þe litil ſhuldris of þe
ſayde to me, Þis is þe holy of halewis. porche, after þe ſydis of þe hous, and breede of wallis.
v And he matte þe wall of þe hous of ſixe cubitis, and þe
breede of þe ſyde of foure cubitis, on eche ſyde bi cumpas of Capitulum XLII.
þe hous. i And
vi Þe ſydis forſoþe, ſyde to ſyde, twyſe þree and þritti; and þei he ledde me out in to þe vtmer hous, by þe waye
leedynge to þe norþ; and he ledde me yn, in to þe treſorie, þat
weren ſhewynge, `or aboue ſemynge, þat entriden bi þe wall of was aȝeinus þe departid beeldyng, and aȝeinus þe hous
þe hous, in þe ſydis bi cumpas, þat þei ſhulden holde to goynge to þe norþ;
gydre, and not touche þe wall of þe temple. ii in þe face of lengþe an hundred cubitis of þe norþ dore, and
vii And þe ſtreet was in to round, ſtyinge vpward bi þe heeȝ
of breede fifti cubitis,
toure, and in to ſoupyng place of þe temple it bare forþ bi iii aȝeinus twenti cubitis of þe ynner hous, and aȝeinus þe
cumpas; þerfore þe temple was brodder in þe ouermore
þingus; and ſo fro þe lower parties me ſtied to þe heeȝer, and pament pauyd wiþ ſtoon of þe vtmer hous, wher was a porche
þe mydil. ioynyd to treble porche.
viii And I ſeeȝ in þe hous heeȝneſſe bi cumpas, þe ſydis iiii And bifore þe treſories a walkyng of ten cubitis of breede,
foundid at þe meſure of a ȝerd in ſpace of ſixe cubitis; and biholdynge to þe ynner þingus of a waye of oo cubit. And
ix and þe breede by þe wall of þe ſyde wiþ outforþ, of fyue þe doris of hem to þe norþ,
v wher weren treſories lower in þe ouermore partis; for þei
cubitis; and þe ynner hous was in þe ſydis of þe hous.
x And bytwix treſories þe breede of twentye cubitis in cumpas baren vp þe porchis þat of hem apperiden of þe lower partis,
and of þe mydlis of beeldyng.
of þe hous on eche ſyde, vi Soþely houſis of þree ſtagis weren, and hadde not pilers,
xi and þe dore of þe ſyde to preyer; oo dore to þe waye of þe
as pilers weren of þe greet houſis; þerfore þei appeeriden out
norþ, and oo dore to þe ſouþ waye; and þe breede of place to fro þe lower parties, and fro þe mydlis fro þe erþe, in fifty
preyer, of fyue cubitis in cumpas. cubitis.
xii And þe beeldyng þat was departid, and turnyd to þe waye vii And þe vtmer aley after þe treſories, þat weren in þe waye
biholdynge to þe ſee, of þe breede of ſeuenty cubitis; forſoþe þe of þe vtmer greet hous, byfore þe treſories; þe lengþe þerof of
wall of beeldyng of fyue cubitis of breed in cumpas, and þe fyfty cubitis.
lengþe þerof of nyntye cubitis. viii For þe lengþe was of þe treſories of þe vtmer hous of
xiii And he matte þe lengþe of þe hous, of an hundrid cubitis;
fyfty cubitis, and þe lengþe byfore þe face of þe temple of an
and þe byldyng þat was departid, and þe wallis þerof, of hundrid cubitis.
lengþe of an hundrid cubitis. ix And vndir þeſe treſories was an eentre fro þe eeſt, of men
xiiii Forſoþe þe breede byfore þe face of þe hous, and of it þat
entrynge in to it, of þe vtmer hous,
was departid aȝeinus þe eeſt, of an hundrid cubitis. x in þe breede of þe aley of þe hous, þat was aȝeinus þe eeſt
xv And he matte þe lengþe of þe beeldyng aȝeinus þe face
waye, in to þe face of þe departid beeldyng. And byfore þe
þerof, þat was departid at þe bac; ſolers on eche ſyde of an beeldyng weren treſories,
hundrid cubitis, and þe temple wiþ ynforþ, and porchis of þe xi and a waye bifore þe face of hem, after þe lickneſſe of
xvi þresfoldis, and wyndowis ouerþwert; ſolers in cumpas by treſories þat weren in þe waye of þe norþ; after þe lengþe of
hem, ſo and þe breede of hem. And al þe entryng of hem, and
þree parties, aȝeinus þe þreſhfold of eche, and diȝte wiþ tree lickeneſſis and doris of hem,
by cumpas in enuyroune; forſoþe erþe til to þe wyndowis, and xii after þe doris of treſories þat weren in þe waye biholdynge
wyndowis cloſiden þe doris,
xvii vnto þe ynner hous, and wiþ out forþ, by eche wall in to þe ſouþ dore in þe heed of þe waye, whiche waye was
byfore þe porche departid to men entrynge by þe eeſt waye.
cumpas, wiþ ynneforþ and wiþ outforþ at meſure. xiii And he ſaide to me, Þe treſories of þe norþ, and þe
xviii And cherubyns forged, and palmes, and a palme bitwix
treſories of þe ſouþ, þat ben byfore þe beeldyng departid, þeſe
cherub and cherub; and cherub hadde two faces, ben holy treſories, in whiche þe preſtis ben cloþid, whiche
xix a face of man byſijdis þe palme of þis ſyde, and a face of neiȝen to þe Lord in to þe holy of halewis; þere þei ſhuln
lyoun byſydis a palme expreſſid on þe toþer ſyde. By all þe putte þe holy þingus of þe holy, and offryngus for ſynne of
hous in cumpas, doyng, and treſpas of leeuyng; forſoþe þe place is holy.
xx fro þe erþe vnto þe ouermer part, cherubyns and palmes xiiii Forſoþe whan preſtis ſhuln entre, þei ſhuln not go out of
weren graued in þe wall of þe temple. holy þingis in to þe vtmer hous; and þere þei ſhuln putte


aȝein her cloþis, in whiche þei miniſtren, for þei ben holy; and certeyntee, þerof vn to þe lippe, or brynke, þerof in cumpas, o
þei ſhuln be cloþid wiþ oþer cloþingus, and ſo þei ſhuln go palme, or hond; and þis was þe diche, or holowneſſe, of þe
forþ to þe peple. auter.
xv And whenn he hadde ful eendid þe meſuris of þe ynner xiiii And fro þe boſum of þe erþe vn to þe laſt heiȝt, or brinke,
hous, he ledde me out by þe waye of þe ȝate þat byhelde to þe two cubitis, and þe breede of oo cubit; and fro þe leſſe heiȝt,
eeſt waye; and he matte it on eche ſyde by cumpas. or auter, `to þe more heiȝt, or auter, foure cubitis, and þe
xvi Forſoþe he matte aȝeinus þe eeſt wynd wiþ a ȝerd of breede of oo cubit;
meſure by cumpas fyue hundreþ ȝerdis, in a ȝerd of meſure by xv forſoþe þe ylk ariel, or auter, of foure cubitis, and fro ariel
cumpas. vn to aboue, foure corners.
xvii And he matte aȝeinus þe wynd of þe norþ fyue hundred xvi And þe ariel, `or auter, of twelfe cubitis in lengþe, by
ȝerdis, in a ȝerd of meſure by cumpas. twelue cubitis of breede, foure cornered wiþ euen ſydis.
xviii And in to þe ſouþ wynd he matte fyue hundreþ ȝerdis, in xvii And þe heiȝt, or brynke, of fourtene cubitis of lengþe by
a ȝerd of meſure by cumpas. fourtene cubitis of breede, in four corners þerof. And a croune
xix And to þe weſt wynd he matte fyue hundreþ ȝerdis, in a in cumpas þerof of half a cubit, and þe boſum þerof of oo
ȝerd of meſure. cubit by cumpas; forſoþe þe greſe þerof turnyd to þe eeſt.
xx By foure wyndus he matte þe wall þerof on eche ſyde by xviii And he ſaide to me, Sone of man, þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe
cumpas, þe lengþe of fyue hundred cubitis, and þe breed of Lord God, Þeſe ben þe rytis, or obſeruaunces, of þe auter, in
fyue hundred cubitis, departinge bitwix þe ſayntuarie and what euer day it ſhal be forgid, þat brent ſacrifice be offrid
place of commoun peple. þer vpon, and bloode be ſhed out.
xix And þou ſhalt ȝeue to preſtis and dekenys, þat ben of þe
Capitulum XLIII. ſeed of Sadoch, þat cumen to me, ſaiþ þe Lord God, þat þei
offre to me a calf of þe droue for ſynne don.
i And he ladde me out at þe ȝate, þat byhelde to þe eeſt waye. xx And þou, takyng to of þe bloode þerof, ſhalt putte vpon
ii And loo! þe glorie of God of Yrael entride by þe eeſt waye; four corners þerof, and vpon four corners of þe heiȝt, and
and a voice was to hym, as þe voice of many watris, and þe vpon þe crown in cumpas; and þou ſhalt clenſe it, and fully
erþe ſhoone of þe maieſte of hym. make clene.
iii And I ſawȝ a viſioun, after þe fourme whiche I ſawȝ, xxi And þou ſhalt take þe calf þat was offrid for ſynne don,
whan he came for to diſtruye þe citee; and þe fourme after þe and þou ſhalt brenne hym in a departid place of þe hous, wiþ
biholding whom I ſawȝ byſydis þe flood Cobar. And I felle outen þe ſayntuarye.
vpon my face, xxii And in þe ſecounde day þou ſhalt offre a buc of geet
iiii and þe maieſte of þe Lord entride þe temple, by þe waye of vnſpottid for ſynne don; and þei ſhuln fully clenſe þe auter, as
þe ȝate þat biheelde to þe eeſt. þei clenſiden in þe calf.
v And þe Spirit reyſide me, and ledde me yn, in to þe ynner xxiii And whann þou haſt fulfillid þat clenſyng, þou ſhalt offre
hous; and loo! þe hous was fulfilled wiþ glorie of þe Lord. a calf vnſpottid of þe droue, and a weþer, or ram, vnſpottid of
vi And I herde þe ſpekyng to me of þe hous. And þe man þat þe floc.
ſtoode byſidis me, ſaide to me, xxiiii And þou ſhalt offre hem in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord; and
vii Sone of man, þe place of my ſeete, and þe place of ſteppis preſtis ſhuln ſende ſalt vpon hem, and ſhuln offre hem in to
of my feet, wher Y dwelle in þe mydil of þe ſones of Yrael in brent ſacrifice to þe Lord.
xxv Seuen days þou ſhalt make þe geet buc for ſynne, day by
to wiþ outen eende; and þe hous of Yrael ſhuln na more
defoule myn holy name, þei, and þe kyngus of hem, in her day; and þe calf of þe drooue, and þe weþer of þe ſheep þei
fornicaciouns, and in fallyngus of her kyngus, and in heeȝ ſhuln offre hem vnſpottid.
þingus. xxvi Seuen days þei ſhuln fulli make clene þe auter, and
viii Whiche forgiden her þresfold byſydis my þresfold, and her ſhuln clenſe it, and ſhuln fulfille þe hond þerof.
poſtis byſidis my poſtis, and a wall was bitwix hem and me; xxvii Forſoþe ſeuen days fulfillid, in þe eiȝt day and ouer
and þei defouliden myn holy name in abominaciouns whiche preſtis ſhuln do ȝour brent ſacrifices vpon þe auter, and
þei diden; for whiche I waſtide hem in my wraþ. whiche þei offren for pees; and I ſhal be pleſid to ȝou, ſaiþ þe
ix Now þerfore putte þei ferr her fornicaciouns, and fallyngus Lord God.
of her kyngus fro me; and I ſhal dwelle in þe mydil of hem
euermore. Capitulum XLIIII.
x Forſoþe þou, ſone of man, ſhewe to þe hous of Yrael þe
i And he turned me to þe waye of þe ȝate of þe vtmer
temple, and be þei confoundid of her wickidneſſis; and mete
þei þe makyng, ſayntuarie, þat biholdiþ to þe eeſt, and was cloſid.
xi and ſhame þei of alle þingus þat þei diden. Þou ſhalt ſhewe ii And þe Lord ſaide to me, Þis ȝate ſhal be cloſid, and ſhal
to hem þe figure of þe hous, and makyng þerof; þe not be opnyd, and a man ſhal not paſſe by it; for þe Lord
outgoyngus, and þe yngoingus, and al diſcryuyng þerof, and God of Yrael entride yn by it, and it ſhal be cloſid to þe
alle maundementus þerof, and al þe ordre þerof, and alle prynce.
lawis þerof, and þou ſhalt write in þe eeȝen of hem; þat þei iii Þe prince he ſhal ſitte in it, þat he ete breede bifore þe
keepe alle diſcryuyngus þerof, and preceptis þerof, and do Lord; by þe waye of þe ȝate of þe porche he ſhal go yn, and
hem. by þe waye þerof he ſhal go out.
xii Þis is lawe of þe hous, in heeȝneſſe of mount; alle þe iiii And he ledde me to by þe waye of þe norþ ȝate, in þe ſiȝte
eendis þerof in cumpas is þe holy of halewis; þerfore þis is of þe hous; and I ſawȝ, and loo! þe glorie of þe Lord fulfillid
þe lawe of þe hous. þe hous of þe Lord; and I felle in to my face.
xiii Þeſe ſoþely þe meſures of þe auter in a cubit moſt verre, v And þe Lord ſayde to me, Sone of man, putte þin herte,
þat hadde a cubit and an `hond; and þe boſum þerof was a and ſee wiþ þin eeȝen, and heer wiþ þin eris alle þingus
cubit in lengþe, and a cubit in breede; and þe diffynyng, or whiche I ſpeke to þee, of alle cerymonyes of þe hous of þe


Lord, and of alle þe lawis þerof; and þou ſhalt putte þin herte heeſtis in alle my ſolempnyteeſe, and þei ſhuln halewe my
in wayes of þe temple, by alle þe out goyngus of þe ſabothis.
ſeyntuarie. xxv And þei ſhuln not entree to a dead man, leſt þei be
vi And þou ſhalt ſaye to þe hous of Yrael terrynge me to defoulid, no bot to fader, and moder, ſone, and douȝter, and
wraþ, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Ȝe hous of Yrael, alle broþer, and ſiſter whiche hadde non huſbond, in whom þei
ȝour grete treſpaſſis ſuffice þei to ȝou, ſhuln be defoulid.
vii for þat þat ȝe bryng yn alyen ſonys, vncircumcidid in hert, xxvi And after þat he ſhal be clenſid, ſeuen days ſhuln be
and vncircumcidid in fleſh, þat þei be in my ſayntuarie, and noumbred to hym.
defoule myn hous. And ȝe offren my louys, fatneſſe, and xxvii And in þe day of his entryng in to þe ſayntuarie, at þe
bloode, and ȝe vndo my couenaunt in alle ȝour grete treſpaſſis. ynner hous, þat he myniſtre to me in my ſayntuarie, he ſhal
viii And ȝe kepte not þe preceptis of my ſayntuarie, and ȝe offre for his ſynne, ſaiþ þe Lord God.
han putte keepers of myn obſeruaunces in my ſayntuarie to xxviii Forſoþe heritage ſhal not be to hem, Y þe heritage of
ȝour ſelf. hem; and ȝe ſhuln not ȝeue to hem poſſeſſioun in Yrael,
ix Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Eche alien vncircumcidid in forſoþe I þe poſſeſſion of hem.
herte, and vncircumcidid in fleſhe, ſhal not entre my xxix Þei ſhuln ete ſlayn ſacrifice, and for ſynne of doyng, and
ſayntuarie; eche alyen ſone, þat is in þe mydil of þe ſones of for treſpas of leuyng, and eche vow in Yrael ſhal be hern.
Yrael. xxx And þe primyſſis, or firſt þingus, of alle beeſtus firſt
x Bot and þe Leuytis, or dekenys, whiche wenten fer awey
bygoten, and alle liquyd ſacrifices, or fleetynge, as oyle, and
fro me in errour of þe ſonys of Yrael, and erriden fro me hony, and ſyche, of alle þingus þat ben offrid, ſhuln be þe
after her ydolis, and baren her wickidnes, preſtis; and ȝe ſhuln ȝeue to þe preſt þe firſt þingus of ȝour
xi ſhuln be in my ſayntuarie kepers of þe hous, and porters of metis, þat he putte vp a bleſſyng to his hous.
þe ȝatis of þe hous, and myniſtris of þe hous; þei ſhulen ſlee xxxi Preſtis ſhuln not ete eche dead þing by it ſelf, and taken
brent ſacrificis, and ſlayn ſacrificis of þe peple; and þei ſhuln of beeſtis, of briddus, and of etable beeſtis.
ſtonde in þe ſiȝt of hem, þat þei miniſtre to hem.
xii For þat þat þei mynyſtryden to hem in þe ſiȝt of þe ydols,
Capitulum XLV.
and ben maad to þe hous of Yrael in to offencioun of
wickidneſſe; þerfore Y reyſide myn hond vpon hem, ſaiþ þe i Whann ȝe ſhuln bygynne for to departe þe lond by lot,
Lord God, and þei han born her wickidneſſe. departe ȝe þe firſt fruytis to þe Lord, and halewid þinge of þe
xiii And þei ſhuln not neiȝe to me, þat þei be ordeyned in lond, þe lengþe fyue and twenti þouſandus, and þe breed ten
preſthod to me, neiþer þei ſhuln cum to al my ſayntuarye þouſandus; it ſhal be halewid in al þe terme þerof by cumpas.
byſidis þe holy of halewis, bot þei ſhuln bere her confuſioun, ii And on eche part it ſhal be halewid in fyue hundrid by fyue
and her grete treſpaſſis þat þei diden. hundrid, four maner by cumpas, and in fifti cubitis in to þe
xiiii And I ſhal ȝeue hem porters of þe hous, in al þe ſuburbis þerof bi cumpas.
mynyſterie þerof, and in alle þingus þat weren in it. iii And of þis meſure þou ſhalt meſure þe lengþe of fyue and
xv Forſoþe preſtis and dekenys, ſonys of Sadoch, whiche twenty þouſandis, and þe breed of ten þouſandus; and in þat
kepten þe cerymonyes of my ſayntuarie, whan þe ſones of þe temple ſhal be, and þe holy of holy þingus.
Yrael erryden fro me, þei ſhuln cum to me, þat þei myniſtre iiii Þe halewid þing of þe lond ſhal be to preſtis, mynyſtris of
to me; and þei ſhuln ſtonde in my ſiȝte, þat þei offre to me þe ſayntuarye, whiche cummen to þe ſeruyce of þe Lord; and a
fatneſſe and blood, ſaiþ þe Lord God. place ſhal be to hem in þe hous, in to ſayntuarie of halewyng.
xvi Þei ſhuln go yn to my ſayntuarie, and þei ſhuln cum to v Soþely fyue and twenti þouſandis ſchulen ben of lengþe, and
my bord, þat þei mynyſtre to me, and keepe my cerymonyes. ten þouſandus of breede; forſoþe þe dekenys þat miniſtren to
xvii And whan þei ſhuln go yn to þe ȝatis of þe ynner hous, þe hous, þei ſhuln weelde twenty treſories.
þei ſhuln be cloþid wiþ lynnen cloþis, neþer eny wollun ſhal vi And ȝe ſhuln ȝeue poſſeſſiouns of þe citee, fyue þouſandus
ſtye vp on hem, whann þei mynyſtren in þe ȝatis of þe ynner of breed, and of lengþe fyue and twenti þouſandis, after þe
hous, and wiþ ynneforþ; departyng of ſayntuarie, to eche hous of Yrael.
xviii lynnen byndyngus ſhuln be in þe hedis of hem, and vii And to þe prince on þis half and on þat half, and in to þe
wommans lynnen in þe leendus of hem, and þei ſhuln not be departynge of ſayntuarie, and in to poſſeſſioun of þe citee,
gyrd in ſwoot. aȝeinus þe face of departyng of þe ſayntuarie, and aȝeinus þe
xix And whan þei ſhuln go out þe vtmer hous to þe peple, þei face of poſſeſſioun of þe citee, fro þe ſyde of þe ſee vn to þe
ſhuln vncloþe hem her cloþingus, in whiche þey myniſtriden, ſee, and fro þe ſyde of þe eeſt vn to þe eeſt. Forſoþe þe lengþe
and ſhuln aȝein putte hem in þe treſorie of ſayntuarie; and þei byſydis eche of þe parties, fro þe weſt terme vnto þe eeſt
ſhuln cloþe þem wiþ oþer cloþingus, and þei ſhuln not halewe terme of þe lond,
þe peple in her cloþis. viii ſhal be poſſeſſioun in Yrael; and princis ſhuln namore
xx Soþely þei ſhuln not ſhaue her hedis, neþer noriſhe longe ſpuyle my peple, but ſhuln ȝeue lond to þe hous of Yrael,
her, bot clippyng þei ſhuln clippe her hedis. after þe lynagis of hem.
xxi And eche preſt ſhal not drynke wijne, whan he entriþ þe ix Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Ȝe princis of Yrael, be it
ynner hous. ynewȝ to ȝow, leue ȝe wickidneſſe and raueyns, and do ȝe
xxii And þei ſhuln not take wyues a wydue, and forſaken, bot dome and riȝtwijſneſſe; departe ȝe ȝour niȝ cooſtus fro my
meydens of þe ſeed of þe hous of Yrael; bot and þei ſhuln peple, ſaiþ þe Lord God.
x A iuſt balaunce, and iuſt meſure of drye þingis, þat is clepid
take a wydue, whiche was wydue of a preſt.
xxiii And þei ſhuln teche my peple, what is bitwixe holy and ephi, and iuſt meſure of fleetynge þingus, þat is cleepid
polute, or defoulid, and bitwixe cleen and vncleen; and þei bachus, ſhal be to ȝou.
xi Ephi and bachus ſhuln be euen, and of oo meſure, þat
ſhuln ſhewe to hem.
xxiiii And whann debate ſhal be, þei ſhuln ſtonde in my bachus take þe tenþe part of corus, þat is a meſure of þritti
domys, and þei ſhuln deem my lawis; and þei ſhuln kepe my


buſſhellis, and ephi þe tenþe part of chorus; after þe meſure of vi Soþely in þe day of kalendis a calf vnſpottid of þe drooue,
corus þer ſhal be euen weiȝt of hem. and ſix lambren, and weþris vnſpottid ſhuln be,
xii Forſoþe a ſicle ſhal haue twenti halpenns; forſoþe twenti vii and þe meſure ephi by þe calf. And he ſhal make þe
ſyclis, and fyue and twenti ſyclis maken a beſaunt. ſacrifice of þe meſure ephi by þe weþer; forſoþe of þe lambren
xiii And þeſe ben þe firſt þingus whiche ȝe ſhuln take; þe ſixt as his hond ſhal fynde, and of oyle þe meſure hyn, by eche of
part of ephi, of þe meſure corus of whete, and þe ſixte part of meſure ephi.
ephi, of þe meſure corus of barly. viii And whann þe prince is to entringe, by waye of þe porche
xiiii And þe meſure of oyle; bachus of oyle is þe tenþe part of of þe ȝate entre he, and by þe ſame waye go he out.
þe meſure corus, and ten meſuris of bachus maken þe meſure ix And whan þe peple of þe lond ſhal entre in þe ſiȝt of þe
corus; for ten meſuris of bachus fulfillen þe meſure corus. Lord, in ſolempnytees, whiche goþ ynne by þe norþ ȝate, þat
xv And oo weþer of a floc of two hundrid, of þeſe whiche þe it wirſhip, go it out by þe waye of þe ſouþ ȝate. Forſoþe he
ſones of Yrael nuryſhen, in to ſacrifice, and in to brend þat entriþ by þe waye of þe ſouþ ȝate, go out by waye of þe
ſacrifice, and in to peſible, for to fulli clenſe for hem, ſaiþ þe norþ ȝate. He ſhal not turne aȝein by waye of þe ȝate, by
Lord God. whom he goþ yn, bot euen aȝeinus it he ſhal go out.
xvi Al þe peple of þe lond ſhal be holden in þeſe primiſſes to x Soþeli þe prince ſhal be in þe mydil of hem; wiþ men
þe prince of Yrael. goynge yn he ſhal go yn, `and wiþ men goynge oute he ſchal
xvii And vpon þe prince ſhuln be brend ſacrifices, and ſacrifice go oute.
of offryngus of fleetyng þingus, in ſolempniteeſe, and in xi Hou in fairis and in ſolempnyteeſe ſhal be ſacrifice of
kalendus, and in ſabothis, and in alle þe ſolempnytees of þe meſure ephi by a calf, and meſure ephi by a weþer; in
hous of Yrael; he ſhal make ſacrifice for ſynne, and brend lambren ſhal be ſacrifice as his hond ſhal fynde, and of oyle
ſacrifice, and peſible, for to fulli clenſe for þe hous of Yrael. þe meſure hyn, bi eche of meſure ephi.
xviii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, In þe firſt moneþe, in xii Forſoþe whan þe prince ſhal do wilful brent ſacrifice, or
oon of þe moneþ, þou ſhalt take a calf vnſpottid of þe droue, wilful peſibles to þe Lord, þe ȝate þat biholdiþ to þe eeſt, ſhal
and þou ſhalt fully clenſe þe ſayntuarie. be opnyd to hym; and he ſhal do his brent ſacrifice, and his
xix And þe preſt ſhal take of þe bloode, þat ſhal be for ſynne; peſiblis, as it is wont for to be don in þe day of ſaboth; and
and ſhal putte in poſtis of þe hous, and in four corners of þe he ſhal go out, and þe ȝate ſhal be ſhette after þat he ſhal go
heiȝt of þe auter, and in poſtus of þe ȝate of þe ynner hous. out.
xx And ſo þou ſhalt in þe ſeuenþe of þe moneþe, for eche man xiii And he ſhal do a brend ſacrifice, a lomb of þe ſame ȝeer
þat vnknewe, and by errour is diſceyued, and þou ſhalt fully vnſpottid, eche day to þe Lord; euermore in þe morewe he ſhal
clenſe for þe hous. do it, and he ſhal do ſacrifice þeron biſidis, or niȝ, þe morewe;
xxi In þe firſt moneþ, in þe fourtenþe day of þe moneþ, þe xiiii erly þe ſixt part of þe meſure ephi, and of oyle þe þridde
ſolempnytee of paſk ſhal be to ȝou; in ſeuen days þerf þingus part of þe meſure hyn, þat it be meynt to floure; a lawful
ſhuln be eten. ſacrifice to þe Lord, contynuel and euerlaſtynge.
xxii And þe prince ſhal do in þat day, for hym and for al þe xv And he ſhal make a lombe in to ſacrifice, and oyle, niȝ þe
peple of þe lond, a calf for ſynne. morewe; erly þe brend ſacrifice euerlaſtynge.
xxiii And in þe ſolempnyte of ſeuen days he ſhal do brend xvi Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, Ȝif þe prince ſhal ȝyue a
ſacrifice to þe Lord; ſeuen calues and ſeuen weþeris vnſpottid hous to eny of his ſones, þe eritaage þerof ſchal be of his
day by day, in ſeuen days, and for ſynne a geet buc eche day. ſones; þei ſchulen weelde it by eritage.
xxiiii And þe ſacrifice of þe meſure ephi bi a calf, and ephi by xvii Forſoþ ȝif he ſhal ȝeue a biqueþun þing of his eritage to
a weþer, he ſhal do, and þe meſure hyn of oyle, by eche ephi. oon of his ſeruauntis, it ſhal be his vn to þe ȝeer of
xxv In þe ſeuenþe moneþ, þe fiftenþe day of þe moneþe, in þe remyſſioun, and it ſhal turne aȝein to þe prince; forſoþe þe
eritage of hym ſhal be to his ſonys.
ſolempnytee, he ſhal do as þei ben aboue ſayde, by ſeuen xviii And þe prince ſhal not take by violence of þe eritage of
days, as wele for ſynne as for brent ſacrifice, and in ſacrifice,
and in oyle. þe peple, and of þe poſſeſſioun of hem; bot of his poſſeſſioun
he ſhal ȝeue eritage to his ſonys, þat my peple be not
diſparplid, eche man fro his poſſeſſioun.
Capitulum XLVI. xix And he ledde me yn bi þe entree, þat was on þe ſyde of
i Theſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þe ȝate of þe ynner hous, þe ȝate, in to þe treſories of þe ſayntuarie to þe preſtis, þat
þat byholdiþ to þe eeſt, ſhal be cloſid ſixe days, in whiche biheelden to þe norþ; and þere was a place goynge to þe weſt.
werk is don; forſoþe in þe day of ſaboth it ſhal be opnyd, bot xx And he ſayde to me, Þis is a place, wher and preſtis ſhuln
and in þe day of kalendis it ſhal be opnyd. ſaye and for ſynne of doynge, and for treſpas of leeuynge;
ii And þe prince ſhal entre by þe way of þe porche of þe ȝate wher þei ſhuln ſay ſacrifice, þat þei bere not out in to þe
wiþ outforþ, and he ſhal ſtonde in þe þresfold of þe ȝate; and vtmer hous, and þe peple be halewid.
preſtis ſhuln do his brend ſacrifice, and his peſibles; and he xxi And he ledde me out in to þe vtmer hous, and about ledde
ſhal worſhip vpon þe þresfold of þe ȝate, and he ſhal go out; me by foure corners of þe hous; and loo! a litil hous was in
forſoþe þe ȝate ſhal not be cloſid vn to euyn. þe corner of þe hous, ſmale houſis,
iii And þe peple of þe lond ſhal worſhip at þe dore of þat ȝate, xxii eche by corners of þe hous; in to foure corners of þe hous
in ſabothis, and kalendis, byfore þe Lord. litil houſis diſpoſid, of fourti cubitis by longe, and þritti by
iiii Forſoþe þe prince ſhal offre þis brent ſacrifice to þe Lord breede; foure weren of oo meſure;
in þe day of ſaboth, ſixe lambren vnſpottid, and a weþer xxiii and a wal by cumpas enuyrounynge foure ſmale houſis;
vnſpottid, and kitchens weren forgid vndir porchis bi cumpas.
v and a ſacrifice of ephi by þe weþer; in lambren forſoþe þe xxiiii And he ſaide to me, Þis is þe hous of kitchenys, in
ſacrifice þat his hond ſhuln ȝeue, and þe meſure hyn of oyle, whom þe mynyſtris of þe hous of þe Lord ſeeþen ſlayn
bi eche of ephi. ſacrifices of þe peple.


Capitulum XLVII. xx And þe cooſt of þe ſee is þe grete ſee, fro þe eende cooſt by
i And
þe ſtreiȝt, til þou cum to Emath; þis is þe cooſt of þe ſee.
he turnede me to þe ȝate of þe hous; and loo! waters xxi And ȝe ſhuln departe þis lond to ȝou by lynagis of Yrael;
wenten out vndir þe þresfold of þe hous to þe eeſt; forſoþe þe xxii and ȝe ſhuln ſende it in to eritage to ȝou, and to
face of þe hous byheelde to þe eeſt; ſoþely þe waters wenten
doun in to þe riȝt ſyde of þe temple, to þe ſouþ of þe auter. cumlyngis þat camen to ȝou, þat gendreden ſonys in þe mydil
ii And he ledde me out by þe waye of þe norþ ȝate, and he of ȝou; and þei ſhuln be to ȝou as in dwellers amonge þe
turnyde me to þe waye wiþ outen þe vtmer ȝate, þe waye þat ſonys of Yrael; wiþ ȝou þei ſhuln departe poſſeſſioun, in mydil
byheelde to þe eeſt; and loo! waters tournynge aȝein of þe riȝt of þe lynages of Yrael.
xxiii Forſoþe in what euer lynage a cumlynge ſhal be, þere ȝe
iii whan þe man wente out to þe eeſt, þat hadde a litil coord ſhuln ȝeue poſſeſſioun to hym, ſaiþ þe Lord God.
in his hond, and matte a þouſand cubitis, and ledde me ouer
by þe water vn to þe helis. Capitulum XLVIII.
iiii And aft ſone he matte a þouſand, and ledde me ouer by þe i And þe names of lynages, fro þe eendis of þe norþ, byſidis
water vn to þe knees. And aft ſone he matte a þouſand, and þe waye of Methalon, to men goynge to Emath, þe hous of
ledde me by þe watre vn to þe reynys. Ennon, terme of Damaſke, fro þe norþ byſidis Emath; and þe
v And he matte a þouſand, by þe ſtreme of reyn whom Y eeſt cooſt þe ſee ſhal be, to Dan oon.
miȝte not ouer paſſe; for deep waters of þe ſtreme of reyn ii And fro þe terme of Dan, fro þe eeſt cooſt to þe cooſt of þe
wexiden grete, whiche may not be ouer wad. ſe, to Aſer oon.
vi And he ſaide to me, Certis, ſone of man, þou haſt ſeen. iii And vpon þe terme of Aſer, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe cooſt
And he ledde me, and turnyde me to þe ryuer of þe ſtreme of of þe ſee, to Neptalym oon.
rayn. iiii And vpon þe terme of Neptalym, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe
vii And whan I hadde conuertid me, loo! in þe ryuer of þe
cooſt of þe eeſt ſee, to Manaſſes oon.
ſtreem of rayn ful many trees on eche ſyde. v And vpon þe terme of Manaſſes, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe
viii And he ſaiþ to me, Þeſe waters þat gon out to þe heepis
cooſt of þe ſee, to Effraym oon.
of þe eeſt ſoond, and gon doun to þe playn þingus of deſert, vi And vpon þe terme of Effraym, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe
ſhuln go ynne to þe ſee, and go out; and þe waters ſhuln
heele. cooſt of þe ſee, to Ruben oon.
ix And eche lyuynge ſoule þat creepiþ, whiþer euer þe ſtrem of vii And vpon þe terme of Ruben, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe
rayn ſhal cum, ſhal lyue; and þere ſhuln be fiſhis many ynow, cooſt of þe ſee, to Juda oon.
after þat þeſe waters ſhuln cum þidir, and þei ſhuln be maad viii And vpon þe terme of Juda, fro þe eeſt plage, or cooſt, vn
hoole, and ſhuln lyue; alle þeſe ſhuln lyue, to whom þe ſtreme to þe cooſt of þe ſee, ſhuln be primiſſis, whiche ȝe ſhuln
of rayn ſhal cum. departe in fyue and twenti þouſandus ȝerdis of breede and
x And fiſhers ſhuln ſtond vpon hem; fro Engaddi vnto lengþe, as eche partis, fro þe eeſt cooſt vnto þe cooſt of þe ſee;
Engallym ſhal be dryinge of nettis; ful many ſpices ſhuln be and þe ſayntuarie ſhal be in mydil þerof.
of fiſhis þerof, as fiſhes of þe grete ſe, of ful grete mykilneſſe; ix Þe primiſſis whiche ȝe ſhuln departe to þe Lord, þe lengþe
xi forſoþe in brynkis þerof and in mareiſis þei ſhuln not be in fyue and twenti þouſandis, and þe breede in ten þouſandus.
helid, for þei ſhuln be ȝouen in to ſalt places. x Soþeli þeſe ſhuln be þe primiſſis of þe ſayntuarie of preſtis;
xii And on þe ſtreme of rayn, and ryuers þerof, and on eche at þe norþ of lengþe fyue and twenti þouſandis, and to þe ſee
part, al tree berynge appul ſhal be brouȝt forþ; a lefe ſhal not of breede ten þouſandis; bot to þe eeſt of breed ten þouſandis,
fle awey þerof, and þe fruyt of it ſhal not fayle; by eche and to þe ſouþ of lengþe fyue and twenti þouſandis; and þe
moneþes it ſhal brynge firſt fruytis, for þe waters þerof ſhuln ſayntuarie of þe Lord ſhal be in mydil þerof.
go out of ſayntuarie; and fruytis þerof ſhuln be in to mete, xi To preſtis þe ſayntuarie ſhal be, of þe ſonys of Sadoch,
and lefis þerof to medecyne. whiche kepten my cerymonyes, and erriden not, whanne þe
xiii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þis is þe terme, in ſones of Yrael erriden, as and þe dekenys erriden.
whiche ȝe ſhuln weelde þe lond, in twelue kynredis of Yrael; xii And to hem ſhuln be primiſſis of primiſſis of þe lond, þe
for Joſeph haþ double coord, or part. holy of holy þingus, byſidis þe terme of dekenes.
xiiii Forſooþe ȝe ſhuln weelde it, eche euenly as his broþer; xiii Bot and to dekenys alſo byſidis þe eendis of preſtis, fyue
vpon whom I reyſide myn hond, þat I ſhulde ȝeue to ȝour and twenti þouſandis of lengþe, and of breede ten þouſandis;
fadris; and þis lond ſhal falle to ȝou in to poſſeſſioun. al þe lengþe of fyue and twenti þouſandis, and þe breede of
xv Þis is þe terme of þe lond at þe norþ cooſt, fro þe grete ſe, ten þouſandis.
þe way of Bethalon to men cummynge to Sedala, xiiii And þei ſhuln not ſelle þerof, neþer chaunge; neþer þe firſt
xvi Emath, Beroth, Sabarym, whiche is bitwix þe mydil of fruytis of þe lond ſhuln be transferrid, or born ouer, for þei
Damaſk and þe cooſtis of Emath, þe hous Athicon, þat is ben halewid to þe Lord.
byſidis þe termys of Auran. xv Forſoþe fyue þouſandis, þat leuen ouer in breede, by fyue
xvii And þe terme ſhal be fro þe ſe vn to þe hous Ennon, þe and twenti þouſandus, ſhuln be vnholi places of þe citee, into
terme of Damaſk, and fro þe norþ vn to þe norþ, þe terme, or dwellyng, and in to ſubarbis; and þe citee ſhal be in þe mydil
eende, of Emath; forſoþe þe norþ plage, or cooſt. þerof.
xviii Forſoþe þe eeſt cooſt of þe mydil of Auran, and of þe xvi And þeſe þe meſuris þerof; at þe norþ cooſt, fyue hundrid
mydil of Damaſk, and of þe mydil of Galaad, and of þe mydil and foure þouſandis, and at þe ſouþe plage, or cooſt, fyue
of þe lond of Yrael, Jordan, departynge at þe eeſt ſee, ȝe hundred and foure þouſandis, and at þe eeſt cooſt, fyue
ſhuln mete eeſt cooſt. hundred and foure þouſandis, and at þe weſt cooſt, fyue
xix Soþely þe ſouþ cooſt of mydday, fro Thamar vn to þe hundrid and foure þouſandis.
xvii Forſoþe þe ſubarbis of þe citee ſhuln be at þe norþ two
waters of aȝein ſaiynge of Cades; and þe ſtreme of rayn vn to
þe grete ſee, and þe ſouþ coſt at mydday. hundrid and fifty, and to þe ſouþ two hundrid and fifti, and at


þe eeſt cooſt two hundrid and fifty, and at þe ſee two hundrid
and fifty.
xviii Forſoþe þat þat ſhal be laft, or ouer, in lengþe, after firſt
fruytis of þe ſayntuarie, ten þouſandis in to þe eeſt, and ten
þouſandus in to þe weſt, ſhuln be as premiſſis of þe
ſayntuarie; and þe fruytis þerof ſhuln be in to looues to þeſe
þat ſeruen to þe citee.
xix Forſoþe men ſeruynge to þe citee ſhuln worche, of al þe
lynages of Yrael.
xx Alle þe premiſſes of fyue and twenti þouſandis, by fyue and
twenti þouſandis in ſqware, ſhuln be departid in to primiſſes
of þe ſayntuarie, and poſſeſſion of þe citee.
xxi Forſoþe þat þat ſhal be left ouer, ſhal be of þe prince, on
eche part of primiſſis of þe ſayntuarie, and poſſeſſioun of þe
citee, euen aȝeins fyue and twenti þouſandis of primiſſis, vnto
þe eeſt terme; bot and to þe ſee euen aȝeinus of fyue and
twenti þouſandus, vn to þe terme of þe ſee, alſo in partis of
þe prince ſhal be; and premiſſis of þe ſayntuarie ſhuln be, and
þe ſayntuarie of temple of þe cite, in mydil þerof.
xxii Forſoþe of þe poſſeſſioun of dekenys, and of poſſeſſioun of
þe citee, in mydil of partis of þe prince, ſhal be in to terme of
Juda, and in to terme of Beniamyn, and ſhal pertene to þe
xxiii And to þe toþer lynagis, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe weſt
cooſt, to Beniamyn oon.
xxiiii And aȝeinus þe terme of Beniamyn fro þe eeſt cooſt vn
to þe weſt cooſt, to Symyon oon.
xxv And vpon þe terme of Symyon, fro þe eeſt cooſt vn to þe
weſt cooſt, to Yſacar oon.
xxvi And vpon þe terme of Yſacar, fro þe eeſt coſt vnto þe
weſt cooſt, to Sabulon oon.
xxvii And vpon þe terme of Sabulon, fro þe eeſt cooſt vnto þe
coſt of þe ſee, to Gad oon.
xxviii And vpon þe terme of Gad, vn to þe cooſt of þe ſouþ in
to mydday, or ſouþe; and þe eend ſhal be fro Thamar vn to
þe waters of aȝein ſayinge of Cades, and þe eritage aȝein þe
grete ſee.
xxix Þis is þe lond whiche ȝe ſhuln ſende in to lot to þe
lynagis of Yrael, and þeſe þe partyngis of hem, ſaiþ þe Lord
xxx And þeſe þe goyngus out of þe cytee; fro þe norþ cooſt þou
ſhalt meſure fyue hundrid and foure þouſandis.
xxxi And þe ȝatis of þe citee, in alle þe lynagis of Yrael, þree
ȝatis fro þe norþ; þe ȝate of Ruben oon, þe ȝate of Juda oon,
þe ȝate of Leuy oon.
xxxii And at þe eeſt cooſt, fyue hundrid and foure þouſandis,
and þree ȝatis; þe ȝate of Joſeph oon, þe ȝate of Beniamyn
oon, þe ȝate of Dan oon.
xxxiii And at þe mydday cooſt, or ſouþe, fyue hundrid and
four þouſandis þou ſhalt mete, þe ȝatis of hem þree; þe ȝate of
Symyon oon, þe ȝate of Yſacar oon, þe ȝate of Zabulon oon.
xxxiiii And at þe weſt cooſt, fyue hundred and foure þouſandis,
þree ȝatis of hem; þe ȝate of Gad oon, þe ȝate of Aſer oon, þe
ȝate of Neptalym oon.
xxxv By þe cumpas eiȝtene þouſandis; and þe name of þe citee
fro þat day, Þe Lord þere. Amen.
Here endiþ þe book of Ezechiel, and
bigynneþ þe book of Daniel


xix And whan þe kyng ſpac to hem, þer ben not founden ſiche
DANIEL. of alle, as Danyel, Ananyas, Myſael, and Azarias; and þei
ſtoden in ſiȝt of þe kyng.
Here begynneþ þe boke of Danyel, þe xx And eche word of wijſdam and vndirſtondyng, þat þe kyng
prophete. axide of hem, he fonde in hem þe tenþe folde ouer alle
dyuynours and witchis, þat weren in alle þe rewme of hym.
xxi Forſoþe Danyel was vn to þe firſt ȝeer of kyng Cyrus.
Capitulum I.
i In þe þridde ȝeer of þe kyngdam of Joachym, kyng of Juda, Capitulum II.
Nabugodonoſor, kyng of Babiloyne, came in to Jeruſalem, i In
and byſeegide it. þe ſecounde ȝeer of þe kyngdam of Nabugodonoſor,
ii And þe Lord bitoke Joachym, kyng of Juda, in þe hond of Nabugodonoſor ſawȝ a ſweuen; and his ſpirit was to gydre
hym, and he toke a part of veſſels of þe hous of God; and ferid, and his ſweuen fleiȝ fro hym.
ii Þerfore þe kyng comaundide, þat dyuynours ſhulden be
bare hem out in to þe lond Sennaar, in to þe hous of his
god, and toke þe veſſels in to þe hous of treſour of his god. clepid to gydre, and witchis, and enchauntours, and Caldeis,
iii And þe kyng ſaiþ to Aphanet, prepoſt, or ſouereyne, of his þat þei ſhulden ſhewe to þe kyng his ſweuens; whiche whenn
geldingus, þat he ſhulde brynge yn of þe ſonys of Yrael, and þei camen, ſtoden bifore þe kyng.
iii And þe kyng ſaide to hem, Y ſawȝ a ſweuen, and Y
of þe kyngus bloode, and þe children of tyrauntis, or ſtrong
men, confuſid, or aſtonyed, in mynde, wote not what I ſawȝ.
iiii in whom was no wem, faire in fourme, and lernd in al iiii And Caldeis anſwerden to þe kyng by Siry ſpeche, Kyng,
wiſdam, war in ſcience, and tauȝt in diſciplyne, and whiche lyue þou in to wiþ outen eende; ſaye þou þi ſweuen to þi
miȝten ſtonde in paleys of þe kyng, þat he ſhulde teche hem ſeruauntis, and we ſhuln ſhewe þe interpretacioun, or
lettris and langage of Caldeis. declaryng, þerof.
v And þe kyng ordeynde to hem fruyte of oo ȝeer bi alle days v And þe kyng anſwerde, and ſaiþ to þe Caldeis, Þe word
of his metis, and of þe wijne of whiche he dranke; þat þei wente awey fro me; no bot ȝe ſhuln ſhewe to me þe ſweuen,
nuriſhid out in þree ȝeers, afterward ſhulden ſtonde in ſiȝt of and þe coniecturyng, or menyng, þerof, ȝe ſhuln periſhe, and
þe kyng. ȝour houſis ſhuln be maad commoun, or forfetid.
vi Þerfore þere weren amonge hem of þe ſonys of Juda, vi Forſoþe ȝif ȝe ſhuln telle þe ſweuen, and coniecture þerof, ȝe
Danyel, Ananyas, Myſael, and Azarias. ſhuln reſceyue of me meedis and ȝiftis, and myche honour;
vii And þe prepoſt of geldyngus puttide to hem names; to þerfore ſhewe ȝe to me þe ſweuen, and þe interpretacioun
Danyel, Balthaſar; to Ananyas, Sydrac; to Myſael, Myſac; þerof.
vii Þei anſwerden þe ſecounde tyme, and ſaiden, Þe kyng ſaye
and to Azarias, Abdenago.
viii Forſoþe Danyel purpoſide in his herte, þat he were not þe ſweuen to his ſeruauntis, and we ſhuln ſhewe þe
defoulid of þe borde of þe kyng, neþer of þe wyne of his interpretacioun þerof.
viii Þe kyng anſwerde, and ſaiþ, Certis I wote, for ȝe aȝein
drinke; and he preyede þe prepoſt of þe geldingis, þat he were
not defoulid. byen þe tyme, witynge þat þe word haþ gon awey fro me.
ix Forſoþe God ȝaue grace and mercy to Danyel, in ſiȝte of þe ix Þerfore ȝif ȝe ſhuln not ſhewe to me þe ſweuen, oo ſentence
prince of geldyngus. is of ȝou, þat ȝe han maad to gydre an interpretacioun, and
x And þe prince of geldingus ſaide to Danyel, I dreede my fals, and ful of dyſceyt, þat ȝe ſpeke to me til þe tyme paſſe;
lord þe kyng, whiche ordeynede to ȝou mete and drinke; and ſo ſaye ȝe to me þe ſweuen, þat Y wite, þat ȝe ſhuln
whiche ȝif he ſhal ſee ȝour cheeris lener byfore oþer ȝunge ſpeke to me and þe verre interpretacioun þerof.
x Þerfore þe Caldeis anſweryng byfore þe kyng, ſaiden, Kyng,
men, ȝour eueneldis, ȝe ſhuln condempne myn hede to þe
kyng. þer is no man vpon erþe, þat may fulfille þi word; bot neþer
xi And Danyel ſayde to Malaſſar, whom þe prince of eny grete of kyngus and miȝti axiþ ſiche manere word of eche
geldyngus hadde ordeynyd vpon Danyel, Ananye, Myſael, and dyuynour, and witche, and Caldey.
xi Soþeli þe word whom þou, kyng, ſeekiſt, is greuous, neþer
xii I beſeche, tempte, or aſſaie, vs þi ſeruauntis ten days, and eny man ſhal be founden, þat ſhal ſhew it in ſiȝt of þe kyng,
be potage ȝouen to vs for to ete, and water for to drinke; out taken goddis, whos lyuyng is not wiþ men.
xii Whiche þing herd, þe kyng, turned in to wodeneſſe and in
xiii and byholde þou oure cheeris, and þe cheeris of children
þat eten þe kyngus mete; and as þou ſhalt ſee, ſo do þou to þi grete wraþ, comaundide, þat alle þe wijſe men of Babyloyne
ſeruauntis. ſhulde periſhe.
xiii And þe ſentence gon out, þe wijſe men weren ſlayn; and
xiiii Whiche, ſiche manere wordis herd, temptide hem ten
days. Danyel and his felawis weren ſowȝt, þat þei ſhulden periſhe.
xiiii Þan Danyel enquyride of þe lawe and ſentence, of Arioch,
xv Forſoþe after ten days þe cheeris of hem apperiden betir
and fuller of fleſhe, byfore alle þe children þat eeten kyngus prince of þe knyȝthode of þe kyng, whiche wente oute for to
mete. ſlea þe wijſe men of Babiloyne.
xv And he axide hym, þat hadde taken power of þe kyng, for
xvi Soþeli Malaſſar toke þe metis, and wijn þe drinke of hem,
and ȝaue to hem potagis. what cauſe ſo cruel ſentence wente out fro þe face of þe kyng.
xvii Forſoþe God ȝaue to þeſe children ſcience and diſcipline in
Þerfore whann Arioch hadde ſhewide to Danyel,
xvi Danyel gon yn preyede þe kyng, þat he ſhulde ȝeue hym
eche boke, and wiſdam; to Danyel ſoþely vndirſtondynge of tyme for to ſhewe þe vndoyng to þe kyng.
alle viſiouns and ſweuens. xvii And he entride in to his hous, and ſhewide to Ananyas,
xviii And ſo þe days fulfillid, after whom þe kyng ſaide, þat
þei ſhulden be brouȝt yn, þe prepoſt of geldyngus brouȝte hem Myſael, and Azarias, his felawis, þe neede,
yn, in þe ſiȝt of Nabugodonoſor.


xviii þat þei ſhulden ſeeke mercye of þe face of God of heuen xxxviii and alle þingus in whiche ſones of men dwellen, and
vpon þis ſacrament; and Danyel and his felawis ſhulden not beeſtis of þe feeld; and he ȝaue in þin hond þe foulis of
periſhen wiþ oþer wijſe men of Babyloyne. heuen, and ordeynyde alle þingus vndir þi lordſhip; þerfor þou
xix Þann þe miſterie was ſhewid to Danyel by a viſioun in art þe golden hed.
niȝt. And Danyel bleſſide God of heuen, xxxix And after þee an oþer rewme ſhal ryſe to gydre, leſſe
xx and ſaiþ, Be þe name of God bleſſid fro world, and til in þan þou; and þe þrid rewme, an oþer of braſſe, whiche ſhal
to world, for wijſdam and ſtrengþe is of hym; comaunde to al erþe.
xxi and loo! he chaungeþ tymes and ages, tranſlatiþ rewmes xl And þe fourþe rewme ſhal be as yrunny; hou yrun brekiþ to
and ordeyneþ; ȝeuiþ wiſdam to wijſe men, and ſcience to men gydre alle þingus, and dauntiþ, or tamiþ, ſo it ſhal menuſhe,
vndirſtondynge diſciplyne; and to gydre breke alle þeſe þingus.
xxii ſhewiþ depe þingus and hid, and knewe in derkneſſis xli Forſoþe þou haſt ſeen of þe feete and fyngris erþi, or cleyi,
þingus ordeyned, and liȝt is wiþ hym. part of a potter, and a part of yren, þe rewme ſhal be
xxiii God of oure faders, to þee I knowleche, and Y herye departid; whiche neuerþeleſe ſhal ſprynge of þe plauntyng of
yren, after þat þou haſt ſeen yren meynt of cleye and tyel,
þee, for þou haſt ȝouen to me wijſdam and ſtrengþe; and now xlii and fingris, or toon, of feet in partie of yren, in partie of
þou haſt ſhewide to me whiche þingus we preyden þee, for
þou haſt opnyde to vs þe word of þe kyng. erþe, þe rewme in party ſhal be ſad, and in party debruſid.
xxiiii After þeſe þingis Danyel wente yn to Arioch, whom þe xliii Soþely þat þou haſt ſeen yren meynt to tyel of cley,
kyng hadde ordeyned, þat he ſhulde leeſe þe wiſe men of forſoþe þei ſhuln be meynt to gidre by mans ſeed; bot þei
Babiloyne, and þus ſpake to hym, Leeſe þou not þe wijſe men ſhuln not cleue to hem ſelf, as yren may not be meynt to tyel.
of Babiloyne; leede yn me in þe ſiȝt of þe kyng, and I ſhal xliiii Forſoþe in þe days of þo rewmes, God of heuen ſhal
telle to þe kyng þe ſolucioun, or vndirſtondyng. reyſe a kyngdam, whiche ſhal not be diſtruyed in to wiþ outen
xxv Þanne Arioch haſtynge ledde yn Danyel to þe kyng, and eende, and his rewme ſhal not be taken to an oþer peple; it
ſaide to hym, I haue founden a man of þe ſonys of ſhal make leſſe, and waſte alle þeſe rewmes, and þe ylk ſhal
tranſmygracioun of Jude, þat ſhal telle to þe kyng þe ſtonde in to wiþ outen eende.
ſolucioun. xlv Vp þat þat þou ſawȝ, þat a ſtoon is kit off wiþ outen
xxvi Þe kyng anſwerde, and ſaide to Danyel, to whom þe hondis of an hill, and maad leſſe, or brake, þe tyel, and yren,
name was Balthaſar, Geſſiſt þou, wher þou maiſt verrely and bras, and ſyluer, and gold, þe grete God ſhewide to `þe
ſhewe to me þe ſweuen þat I ſawȝ, and þe interpretacioun kyng, what þingus ben to cummynge afterward; and þe
þerof? ſweuen is trewe, and þe interpretacioun þerof feiþful.
xxvii And Danyel anſwerde byfore þe kyng, and ſaiþ, Þe xlvi Þan kyng Nabuchodonoſor felle in to his face, and
myſterie whiche þe kyng axiþ, þe wiſe men, and þe witchis, wirſhipide Danyel, and comaundide ſacrifices and encenſe, þat
and dyuynours bi auteris, and dyuynours by lokyng of ſterris, it were offride to hym.
mown not ſhewe to þe kyng. xlvii Þerfore þe kyng ſpekynge ſaiþ to Danyel, Verreli ȝour
xxviii Bot þer is God in heuen, ſhewynge myſteries, whiche God is God of goddis, and Lord of kyngus, ſhewinge
ſhewide to þee, þou kyng Nabugodonoſor, whiche þingus ben myſteries, for þou miȝtiſt opne þis ſacrament.
to cum in þe laſt tymes. Þi ſwenens and viſions of þin hed, xlviii Þann þe kyng enhaunſide in to heeȝ Danyel, and ȝaue
in þi couche, ben ſiche. to hym many ȝiftis and grete, and ordeynyde hym vpon alle
xxix Þou, kyng, biganſt for to þinke in þi bed, what þing was prouyncis of Babiloyne prince and prefect, and maiſter vpon
to cummynge after þeſe þingus; and he þat ſhewiþ myſteries, alle wijſe men of Babiloyne.
ſhewide to þee what þingus ben to cummynge. xlix Forſoþe Danyel axide of þe kyng, and ordeynyde vpon þe
xxx And þis ſacrament, or hid trewþe, is ſhewid, not in werkis of þe prouynce of Babiloyne, Sydrac, Myſac, and
wiſdam þat is in me more þan in alle lyuynge men, bot þat Abdenago; forſoþe Danyel hym ſelf was in þe ȝatis of þe
þe interpretacioun be ſhewid to þe kyng, and þat þou ſhuldiſt kyng.
wite þe þouȝtis of þi ſoule.
xxxi Þou, kyng, haſt ſeen, and loo! as oo grete ymage; þilk Capitulum III.
ymage grete, and in ſtature hiȝ, ſtode aȝeinus þee, and þe i Nabugodonoſor, kyng, made a goldyne ymage, in heiȝte of
biholdyng þerof was dreedful. ſixty cubitis, in breede of ſix cubitis; and ſette it in þe feeld
xxxii Þe hed of þis ymage was of beſt gold, forſoþe þe breſt
Duram, of þe prouynce of Babiloyne.
and armys of ſyluer; forſoþe þe wombe and þiȝes of braſſe, ii And ſo Nabugodonoſor ſente for to gedre ſatrapis, or wijſe
xxxiii ſoþely þe leggis of yren; forſoþe of þe feet ſum part of
men, magiſtratis, and iugis, and duykis, and tirauntis, or
yren, ſum of erþe. ſtrong men, and prefectis, and alle þe princes of cuntrees, þat
xxxiiii Þou haſt ſeen þus, til a ſtoon was kit of, wiþ outen þei ſhulden cum to gydre to `halewyng of þe ymage, whom þe
hondis, of a mount, and ſmote þe ymage in his feet of yren kyng Nabugodonoſor rayſide vp.
and erþe, and made leſſe, or brake, hem. iii Þan ſatrapes weren gedrid, mageſtratis, and iugis, and
xxxv Þanne þe yren, pott, or mater maad of erþe, braſſe, duykis, and tirauntis, and þe beſt men þat weren ordeyned in
ſyluer, and gold, ben broken to gidre, and dryuen as in to a poweris, and alle princis of cuntrees, þat þei ſhulden cum to
qwenchid brond of ſomer feeld, whiche ben rauyſhid wiþ gydre to halewyng of þe ymage, whom þe kyng
wynd, and no place is foundun in hem; forſoþe þe ſtoon þat Nabugodonoſor reyſide vp. Forſoþe þei ſtoden in ſiȝt of þe
ſmote þe ymage, is maad a grete mounteyn, and fulfillide al ymage, whiche kyng Nabugodonoſor hadde putt;
erþe. iiii and a bedel criede miȝtily, To ȝou it is ſayd, peplis,
xxxvi Þis is þe ſweuen. And we ſhuln ſaye þe interpretacioun lynagis, and langagis;
þerof byfore þe kyng. v in þe hour in whiche ȝe ſhuln heere þe ſown of trumpe, and
xxxvii Þou art kyng of kyngus, and God of heuen ȝaue to þee pipe, and harpe, ſambuke, ſautrie, and ſymfonie, and al kynde
kingdam, ſtrengþe, and empire, or lordſhip, and glorie, of muſikis, ȝe fallynge wirſhipe þe golden ymage, whom
Nabugodonoſor, kyng, ordeynyde.


vi Soþeli ȝif eny man not fallynge doun ſhal wirſhip, in þe xxvi Bleſſid art þou, Lord God of our fadris, and heryful, or
ſame hour he ſhal be ſent in to a fourneyſe of fijr brennynge. worþi to be preyſide, and þi name glorious in to worldis;
vii Þerfore after þeſe þingus, anoon as alle peplis harden þe xxvii for þou art iuſt in alle þingus whiche þou didiſt to vs,
ſown of trumpe, pype, and harpe, ſambuke, and ſautrie, and alle þi werkis trewe, and þi wayes riȝt, and alle þi
ſynphonie, and al kynde of muſikis, fallynge alle peplis, domes verrey.
lynagis, and langagis, wirſhipiden þe golden ymage, whom xxviii Forſoþe þou haſt don verrey domes, after alle þingus
Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, ordeynede. þat þou leddiſt in vpon vs, and vpon þe holy citee of our
viii And anoon in þat tyme men Caldeis cummynge to, fadris, Jeruſalem; for in trewþe and dome þou leddiſt yn alle
accuſiden Jewis, þeſe þingus for oure ſynnes.
ix and ſaiden to Nabugodonoſor, kyng, Kyng, in to wiþ outen xxix Soþely we ſynnyden, and diden wickidly, goynge awey
eende lyue þou. fro þee, and treſpaſſiden in alle þingus,
x Þou, kyng, haſt putte a decree, or dome, þat eche man þat xxx and herden not þin heeſtis, neþer kepten, neþer diden as
ſhal heere þe ſown of trumpe, pype, and harpe, ſambuke, and þou comaundidiſt to vs, þat it were wele to vs.
ſautre, and ſynfonye, and al kynde of muſykis, putte doun xxxi Þerfore alle þingus þat þou leddiſt yn vpon vs, and alle
hym ſelf, and wirſhipe þe golden ymage; þingus þat þou didiſt to vs,
xi forſoþe ȝif eny man not fallynge doun ſhal wirſhipe, be he xxxii in verre dome þou haſt don; and þou haſt bitaken vs in
ſent in to fourneyſe of brennynge fijr. þe hondis of enmys, wickid and warſt treſpaſſours, and to þe
xii Þerfore men Jewis ben, whom þou haſt ordeynyd vpon vniuſt kyng, and warſt ouer al erþe.
werkis of þe cuntree of Babyloyne, Sydrac, Myſac, and xxxiii And now we mown not opne þe mouþe; we ben maad
Abdenago. Þeſe men, kyng, diſpiſiden þi decree; þei honouren confuſioun and ſhenſhip to þi ſeruauntis, and to þeſe þat
not þi goddis, and þei worſhipen not þe golden ymage, whom wirſhipen þee.
þou reyſidiſt. xxxiiii We preyen, bitake not vs in to wiþ outen eende, for þi
xiii Þanne Nabugodonoſor in woodneſſe and in wraþ,
name, and diſtruye not þi teſtament,
comaundide, þat Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago ſhulden be xxxv neþer do awey þi mercye fro vs, for Abram, þi derworþe,
ledde to; whiche anoon ben ledde to in ſiȝt of þe kyng.
xiiii And Nabugodonoſor, þe kyng, pronounſynge ſaiþ to hem, and Yſaac, þi ſeruaunt, and Yrael, or Jacob, þin holy;
xxxvi to whiche þou ſpake, bihetynge þat þou ſhuldiſt multiplie
Verrely wher ȝe, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, honouren not
my goddis, and wirſhipen not þe golden ymage, whom Y þe ſeede of hem as ſterris of heuen, and as grauel þat is in
reiſide? þe brynke of þe ſee.
xv Now þerfore be ȝe redy, in what euer hour ȝe ſhuln heer xxxvii For, Lord, we ben maad litil, more þan alle heþen
ſown of trumpe, pype, harp, ſambuke, ſautrie, and ſynfonye, men, and we ben meeke, or lowe, in eche lond þis day, for
and of al manere of muſykis, putte ȝe doun ȝou, and wirſhipe oure ſynnes.
þe ymage þat Y made; for ȝif ȝe ſhuln not wirſhip, in þe ſame xxxviii And þer is not in þis tyme prince, and duyke, and
houre ȝe ſhuln be ſent in to þe fourneys of fijr brennynge; and prophete, neþer brent ſacrifice, neþer ſacrifice, neþer offring,
who is God, þat ſhal delyuere ȝou of myn hond? neþer encenſe,
xvi Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago anſwerynge ſaiden to kyng xxxix ne place of primiſſis byfor þee, þat we mown fynde þi
Nabugodonoſor, It byhoueþ not vs of þis þing for to anſwere mercye; bot in contrite ſoule, or ynwitt, and in ſpirit of
to þee. mekeneſſe be we reſceyuyd.
xvii Loo! ſoþely our God, whom we wirſhipen, may delyuere xl As in brend ſacrifice of weþeris and boolis, and as in
vs of þe chymneye of brennynge fijre, and of þin hondis þouſandis of fat lambren, ſo oure ſacrifice be maad to day in
delyuere, þou kyng. þi ſiȝt, þat it pleſe to þee; for confuſioun, or ſhame, is not to
xviii For ȝif he wole not, be it knowen to þee, kyng, for we men triſtinge in þee.
honoure not þi goddis, and we wirſhipen not þe golden xli And now we ſuen þee in al herte, and dreeden þee, and
ymage, whom þou haſt reyſide. ſeeken þi face.
xix Þanne Nabugodonoſor was fulfillid wiþ wodeneſſe, and þe xlii Confounde þou not vs, but do wiþ vs vp þi myldeneſſe,
biholdynge of his face is chaungid vpon Sydrac, Myſac, and and vp þe mykilneſſe of þi mercy.
Abdenago. And he bad, þat þe fourneyſe ſhulde be ſette on xliii And deliuere vs in þi merueylis, and ȝeue glorie to þi
fijre ſeuen fold, hatter þan it was wont for to be tendid. name, Lord;
xx And he badde þe ſtrongiſt men of his ooſt, þat þe feet xliiii and confoundid be alle, þat ſhewen to þi ſeruauntis yuel
bounden of Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, þei ſhulden ſende þingis; be þei confoundid in al þi power, and þe ſtrengþe of
hem in to þe fourneyſe of brennynge fijre. hem be broken to gydre;
xxi And anoon þe ilk men bounden, wiþ armes, and cappis, xlv and þei ſhuln wite, for þou art þe Lord God aloone, and
and ſhoon, and cloþis, weren ſente in to mydil of þe fourneys glorious vpon þe roundeneſſe of erþes.
of brennynge fijre; xlvi And þei ceeſiden not, þe miniſtris of þe kyng, þat ſente
xxii for whi þe comaundyng of þe kyng conſtreynide. Forſoþe
hem, for to tende þe fourneis wiþ napte, herdis of hemp, or
þe fourneys was tendid ful miche; forſoþe flawme of þe fijre flaxe, and pitche, and kittyngus of vynes.
ſlewȝ þo men, þat ſenten Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago in to xlvii And þe flawme was held out ouer þe fourneys by nyne
þe fourneyſe.
xxiii Forſoþe þeſe þree men, Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, and fourti cubitis,
xlviii and brake out, and brent whom of Caldeis it fonde
fellen doun bounden in mydil of þe chymney of brennynge
fijre. byſidis þe fourneis.
xxiiii And þei walkiden in mydil of þe flawme, heryinge God, xlix Forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord cam doun wiþ Azarie and
and bleſſynge to þe Lord. his felawis, in to þe fourneys, and ſmote ouere þe flawme of
xxv Forſoþe Azarie ſtondynge preyede þus; and opnyng his fijre of þe fourneis;
mouþ in mydil of þe fijre, ſaiþ,


l and maade þe mydil of þe fourneis as wynde of dewe lxxix Whallis, and alle þingis þat ben moued in watris, bleſſe
blowinge; and þe fijre touchide not hem on al manere, neþer ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to
made ſorewfull, neþer brouȝte yn eny þing of heuyneſſe. worldis.
li Þanne þeſe þree as of oo mouþe heryeden God, and lxxx Alle foulis of heuen, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and
glorifieden, and bleſſiden God in þe fourneys, ſayinge, aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lii Bleſſid art þou, Lord God of oure fadris, and worþi to be lxxxi Alle beeſtis and etable, or litil, beeſtis, bleſſe ȝe to þe
heryed, and glorious, and aboue enhaunſid in to worldis; and Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
bleſſid þe name of þi glorie, þe whiche is holy, and worþi to lxxxii Sonys of men, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and
be heried, and aboue reiſid in alle worldis. aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis.
liii Bleſſid art þou in þe holy temple of þi glorie, and þou lxxxiii Bleſſe Yrael þe Lord; preyſe it, and aboue reyſe him in
aboue preiſeful, and glorious in to worldis. to worldis.
liiii Bleſſid art þou in þe trone of þi rewme, and aboue lxxxiiii Preſtis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and
preyſeful, and aboue reyſid in to worldis. aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lv Bleſſid art þou, þat biholdiſt depneſſis, and ſittiſt vpon lxxxv Seruauntis of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe,
cherubyn, and preysful, and aboue reyſid in to worldis. and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis.
lvi Bleſſid art þou in þe firmament of heuen, and preysful, lxxxvi Spiritis and ſoulis of iuſt men, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord;
and glorious in to worldis. preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis.
lvii Bleſſe ȝe, alle þe werkis of þe Lord, `to þe Lord; preyſe lxxxvii Holi and meeke in herte, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe
ȝe, and aboue enhaunſe ȝe hym in to worldis. ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis.
lviii Bleſſe ȝe, aungels of þe Lord, to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and lxxxviii Ananyas, Azarias, Myſael, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe
aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Whiche delyuerede
lix Bleſſe ȝe, heuens, to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe vs fro helle, and made ſaaf fro þe hond of deþ, and delyuerede
ȝe hym in to worldis. fro þe mydil of þe brennynge flawme, and rauyſhide vs out of
lx Bleſſe ȝe, alle watris þat ben vp on heuens, to þe Lord; þe mydil of þe fyre.
preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. lxxxix Knowleche ȝe to þe Lord, for he is good; for in to þe
lxi Alle vertues of þe Lord, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, world þe mercye of hym.
and aboue reyſe ȝe him into worldis. xc Alle religious, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord, God of goddis; preyſe
lxii Sunne and moone, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preiſe ȝe, and ȝe, and knowleche ȝe to hym, for in to alle worldis þe mercye
aboue reyſe ȝe him in to worldis. of hym.
lxiii Sterris of heuene, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preiſe ȝe, and xci Þanne kyng Nabugodonoſor wondride myche, and roſe
aboue reiſe ȝe him in to worldis. haſtiliche, and ſaiþ to his beſt men, Wher we ſenten not þree
lxiiii Reyn and dew, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue men bounden to gidre in to mydil of fyre? Whiche anſweringe
to þe kyng ſaiden, Verrely, kyng.
reyſe ȝe him into worldis. xcii Þanne þe king anſwerde, and ſaiþ, Loo! I ſee foure men
lxv Ech ſpirit of God, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and
vnbounden, and walkynge in mydil of þe fyre, and no þing of
aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. corrupcioun is in hem; and þe fourme of þe fourþe lijc to þe
lxvi Fijre and heete, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue ſone of God.
reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. xciii Þanne Nabugodonoſor, kyng, came to þe dore of þe
lxvii Colde and ſumer, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝee, and fourneys of brennynge fyr, and ſaiþ, Sydrac, Myſac, and
aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Abdenago, ſaruauntis of heeȝ lyuyng God, go ȝe out, and
lxviii Dewis and whijt froſt, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, cume ȝe. And anoon Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, wenten
and aboue reyſe ȝe him in to worldis. out of þe mydil of fyr.
lxix Byndynge froſt and colde, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, xciiii And ſatrapis gedrid, and mageſtratis, and domyſmen,
and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. and miȝty men of þe kyng, biheelden þoo men, for fijre hadde
lxx Yſs and ſnowes, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue no þing of power in þe bodys of hem, and an heer of hir hed
was not brent to; alſo þe breechis of hem weren not chaungid,
reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. and þe ſauer of fijr paſſide not by hem.
lxxi Nyȝtis and days, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and xcv And Nabugodonoſor breſtinge out ſaiþ, Bleſſid `is God of
aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. hem, þat is to ſaye, of Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago, whiche
lxxii Liȝt and derkneſſes, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and ſente his aungel, and delyuerde his ſeruauntis þat byleeuyden
aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. in to hym, and chaungiden þe word of þe kyng, and ȝauen her
lxxiii Leitis and cloudis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and bodies, leſt þei ſeruyden, and leſt þei wirſhipiden euery god,
aboue reyſe ȝe hym into worldis. outake her God aloone.
lxxiiii Bleſſe þe erþe þe Lord; preyſe it, and aboue reyſe hym xcvi Þerfore of me þis decree, or dome, is putt, þat eche
in to worldis. peple, and langagis, and lynagis, who euere ſhal ſpeke
lxxv Mounteyns and ſmale hillis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe blasfeme aȝeinus God of Sydrac, Myſac, and Abdenago,
ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. periſhe, and his hous be waaſtid; forſoþe þer is non oþer
lxxvi Alle buriownynge þingus in erþe, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord;
God, þat may þus ſaue.
xcvii Þanne þe kyng auaunſide Sydrac, Myſac, and
preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis. Abdenago, in þe prouynce of Babyloyne; and in to eche lond
lxxvii Wellis, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and aboue reyſe
he ſente a piſtle, conteenynge þeſe woordis.
ȝe hym in to worldis.
lxxviii Sees and floodes, bleſſe ȝe to þe Lord; preyſe ȝe, and
aboue reyſe ȝe hym in to worldis.


Capitulum IIII. xxi and his moſt faire braunchis, and fruyte þerof ful myche,
i Nabugodonoſor,
and mete of alle þingus þeryn, vndir it dwellynge beeſtis of þe
kyng, to alle peplis, folkis, and langagis, feelde, and in braunchis þerof dwellynge briddis of heuen,
þat dwellen in al erþe, pees be multiplied to ȝou. xxii þou art, kyng; þat art magnyfied, and haſt woxen ſtronge,
ii Heeȝ God made at me ſignis and wondirful þingus; þerfore
and þi greetneſſe wexide, and cam fully vnto heuen, and þi
it pleſide to me for to preche þe ſygnys of hym, power in to termis of al erþe.
iii for þei ben greet, and his wondirful þingis, for þei ſtronge; xxiii Forſoþe þat þe kyng ſawȝ þe waker and hooly for to cum
and his rewme euerlaſtinge rewme, and his power in to doun fro heuen, and for to ſaye, Kitte ȝe doun þe tree, and
generacioun and generacioun. ſcatre ȝe it, neþeleſe leue þe buriownyng of rootys þerof in
iiii I, Nabugodonoſor, was quyete in myn hous, and flouringe erþe, and be he bounden in yren and braſſe, and in erbis wiþ
in my paleys; out forþ, and dew of heuen be it ſpreyn to gydre, and wiþ
v I ſawȝ a ſweuen, whiche feride me; and my þouȝtis in my wylde beeſtis be his mete, til ſeuen tymes be chaungid vpon
bed, and ſiȝtis of myn hed, to gidre troubliden me. hym;
vi And by me a decree was putte forþ, þat alle wijſe men of xxiiii þis is þe interpretacioun of ſentence of þe heeiȝiſt, þat

Babiloyne ſhulden be ledde yn in my ſiȝt, þat þei ſhulden came fully vpon my lord kyng.
xxv Þei ſhuln caſt þee out fro men, and wiþ beeſtus and
ſhewe to me þe ſolucioun, or vndirſtondyng, of þe ſweuene.
vii Þanne entriden dyuynours by auters, wicches, Caldeis, wijlde beeſtis þi dwellyng ſhal be, and þou ſhalt ete hay as an
and dyuynours by ſterris; and I teelde þe ſwenen in þe ſiȝt of oxe, bot and in dewe of heuen þou ſhalt be inſhed, and ſeuene
hem, and þei ſhewiden not to me þe ſolucioun þerof, tymes ſhuln be chaungid vpon þee, til þou wite, þat þe heyȝ
viii til a felowe of office entride in my ſiȝt, Danyel, to whom lordſhipiþ vpon rewme of men, and he ȝeuiþ it to whom euer
he ſhal wiln.
þe name Balthaſar, after þe name of my god, whiche haþ þe xxvi Forſoþe þat he comaundide, þat buriownyng of rootis
ſpirit of holy goddis in hym ſelf; and I ſpac þe ſweuen bifore
hym. þerof, þat is to ſaye, of þe tree, ſhulde be left, þi rewme ſhal
ix Balthaſar, prince of dyuynours by autris, whom I wote, for dwelle to þee, after þat þou ſhalt knowe power for to be
þou haſt in þee þe ſpirit of holy goddis, and eche ſacrament is xxvii Wherfore, kyng, my counſeil pleſe to þee, and aȝeinby
not impoſſible to þee, telle þou to me þe viſions of my
ſweuens, and þe ſolucioun of hem. þou þi ſynnes wiþ almes deedis, and þi wickidneſſis wiþ
x Þe viſioun of myn hed in my couche. I ſawȝ, and loo! a mercies of pore men; perauenture God ſhal forȝeue þi
tree in þe mydil of erþe, and þe heiȝt þerof ful myche. xxviii Alle þeſe þingus camen on Nabugodonoſor, kyng.
xi And a greete tree and ſtronge, and þe nobley, or ſtrecchinge
xxix After þe eende of twelue moneþis in þe halle of
out, þerof touchynge heuen, biholding þerof was vnto termes
of al erþe. Babiloyne he walkide;
xii Þe leues þerof moſt faire, and þe fruyte þerof ful myche, xxx and þe kyng anſwerde and ſaiþ, Wher þis not Babyloyne,

and mete of alle þingus þeryn; vnder it beeſtis dwelliden, and þe grete citee, whiche I beeldide in to þe hous of rewme, in
wijlde beeſtis, and in bowis þerof briddis of heuen lyuyden, miȝt of my ſtrengþe, and in glorie of my fairneſſe?
xxxi Þerfore whann ȝit þe word was in þe kyngus mouþe, a
and eche fleſhe eete of it.
xiii Þus I ſawȝ in ſiȝt of myn heued, vpon my bed. And loo! voice felle fro heuen, To þee it is ſaid, kyng Nabugodonoſor,
þe waker, and holy came doun from heuen, Þi rewme paſſiþ fro þee,
xiiii and criede ſtrongli, and þus ſaiþ, Kitte ȝe doun þe tree, xxxii and fro men þei ſhuln caſte out þee, and wiþ beeſtis and

and bifore kitte ȝe þe braunchis þerof, and ſmyte out þe leeues wijlde beeſtis þi dwellyng ſhal be; þou ſhalt ete hay as an oxe,
þerof, and ſcatere ȝe þe fruytis þerof; beeſtis þat ben vndir it, and ſeuen tymes ſhuln be chaungid vpon þee, til þou wite, þat
flee þei, and briddis of þe braunchis þerof. þe heyȝ lordſhipiþ in rewme of men, and he ȝeuiþ it to whom
xv Neþeleſe ſuffre ȝe buriownyng of rootis þerof in þe erþe, euer he ſhal woln.
xxxiii In þe ſame houre þe word was fulfillid vp on
and be it bounden to in boond of yren and braſun, in erbis
þat ben wiþ outforþ, and be it dyed in dewe of heuen, and Nabugodonoſor, and of men he is caſt out, and he eete hay as
wiþ wijlde beeſtis þe parte þerof in erbe of erþe. an oxe, and wiþ dewe of heuen his body was enfourmed, or
xvi Þe herte þerof be chaungid fro mans, and þe herte of defoulid, til his heris wexiden in to lickeneſſe of eglis, and
his naylis as naylis, or clees, of briddis.
wijlde beeſt be ȝouen to it, and ſeuen tymes be chaungid vpon xxxiiii Þerfore after þe eend of days, Y, Nabugodonoſor,
xvii As in ſentence of wakers it is demyd, and þe word of reyſide myn eeȝen to heuen, and my wit is ȝolden to me; and
I bleſſide to þe heeȝiſt, and I heriede, and glorifiede þe
ſaintus and axing, to lyuynge men knowen, for þe heeȝ ſhal lyuynge in to wiþ outen eende; for his power euerlaſtynge
be Lord in rewme of men; and he ſhal ȝeue it to whom euere power, and þe rewme of hym in to generacioun and
he ſhal woln, and he ſhal ordeyne þe mekiſt man vpon it. generacioun.
xviii Þis ſweuen ſawȝ Y Nabugodonoſor, kyng. Þerfore þou, xxxv And alle dwellers of erþe anentis him ben rettid in to
Balthaſar, haſtily telle þe interpretacioun, for alle þe wijſe nouȝt; forſoþe after his wille he ſhal do, as wele in vertues of
men of my rewme mown not ſaye out to me þe ſolucioun; heuen, as in dwellers of erþe, and þere is not, þat ſhal aȝein
forſoþe þou maiſt, for þe ſpirit of þe holy goddis is in þee. ſtonde his hond, and ſhal ſaye to hym, Whi didiſt þou þis?
xix Þanne Danyel, to whom þe name Balthaſar, bygan wiþ xxxvi Þat tyme my wit tourned aȝein to me, and I came fully
yn hym ſelf ſtilly for to þenke, as oon hour, and his þouȝtis to to þe honour of my kingdam, and fairneſſe, and my figure, or
gydre trubliden hym. Forſoþe þe kyng anſwerynge, ſaiþ, ſhap, turnyde aȝein to me; and my beſt men and my
Balthaſar, þe ſweuen and interpretacioun of it truble not þee. mageſtratis aȝein ſouȝten me, and I am ordeyned in my
Balthaſar anſwerde and ſaide, My lord, þe ſweuen be to hem kingdam, and my magnyfience, or greteneſſe, is addid to me.
þat haten þee, and þe interpretacioun þerof be to þin enmyes. xxxvii Now þerfore Y Nabugodonoſor herie, and magnyfie þe
xx Þe tree whom þou haſt ſeen heeȝ and ſtronge, whos heiȝt
kyng of heuen; for alle his werkis ben trewe, and his wayes
ſtretchiþ vnto heuen, and þe biholdyng þerof vnto al erþe,


domes; and he may make meke, or lowe, men goynge in þin hous; forſoþe, kyng, I ſhal reede to þee þe wrytyng, and
pryde. I ſhal ſhewe interpretacioun þerof to þee, þou kyng.
xviii Þe heeȝiſt God ȝaue rewme, and magnyficence, glorie,
Capitulum V. and honour to Nabugodonoſor, þi fadir.
xix And for þe magnificence whiche he ȝaue to hym alle
i Balthaſar, kyng, made a grete feſt to his beſt men a
þouſand, and eche man dranke after his age. peplis, lynagis, and tungis, trembliden and dredden hym; he
ii Forſoþe þe kyng now drunken comaundide, þat þe golden
ſlowȝ whom he wolde, and whom he wolde he ſmote, and
whom he wolde he enhaunſide, and whom he wolde he
veſſels and ſylueren ſhulden be brouȝt forþ, whiche meekide.
Nabugodonoſor, his fadre, bare out of þe temple þat was in xx Forſoþe whan his herte was reyſide vp, and his ſpirit
Jeruſalem, ſtablid to pride, he was putt doun of þe ſeete of his rewme;
iii þat þe kyng, and his beſt men, and wyues, and his
and þe glorie of hym was taken awey,
concubynes, or ſecundarie wyues, ſhulden drynke. xxi and he was caſt out of ſones of men; bot and þe herte of
iiii Þei drunken wijne, and herieden her goddis of gold, and
hym was putt wiþ beeſtis, and wiþ feeld aſſis his dwellynge
of ſyluer, and of braſſe, and of yren, and of tree, and of ſtoon. was; and he eete hay as an oxe, and wiþ dewe of heuen his
v In þe ſame houre þere apeeriden fyngris, as of hond of a body was fourmed, or defoulid, til he knew þat þe heeȝiſt haþ
man, writynge aȝeins þe candilſtike, in þe ouermer part of þe power in þe rewme of men, and whom euere he ſhal wole, he
walle of þe kyngis halle; and þe kyng bihelde þe fyngris of þe ſhal reyſe on it.
hond wrijtynge. xxii Forſoþe þou, Balthaſar, his ſone, mekediſt not þin herte,
vi Þanne þe face of þe kyng was chaungid to gydre, and his whann þou wiſtiſt alle þeſe þingus;
þouȝtis `al to-trubliden hym; and þe ioyntures of his reynys xxiii bot aȝeinus þe Lord of heuen þou art reyſid vp, and þe
weren vnbounden, and his knees weren hurtlid to gydre at veſſels of his hous ben brouȝt to byfore þee, and þou, and þi
hemſelf. beſt men, and þi wyues, and þi concubynes han drunke wijne
vii And ſo þe kyng cried ſtrongly, þat þei ſhulden leede yn in hem; and þou heriediſt goddis of ſyluer, and of gold, and
witches, or wijs men, Caldeis, and dyuynours by ſterris. And of braſſe, and of yren, and of tree, and of ſtoon, whiche ſeen
þe kyng ſpekyng afer ſaiþ to þe wijs men of Babiloyne, Who not, neþer heeren, neþer feelen; forſoþe þou glorifiediſt not
euere ſhal reede þis wrytyng, and ſhal make þe interpretacioun God, þat haþ þi wynd, or ſpirit, in his hond, and alle þi
þerof knowen to me, ſhal be cloþid wiþ purpre, and ſhal haue weies.
a golden bee in þe nek, and ſhal be þe þrid in my rewme. xxiiii Þerfore fro hym þe fyngre of an hond is ſente, whiche
viii Þann alle wijſe men of þe kyng gon yn myȝten not reede wrote þis þing þat is writen.
þe ſcripture, neþer ſhewe to þe kyng interpretacioun þerof. xxv Forſoþe þis is þe wrytyng þat is ordeyned, Mane, Techel,
ix Wherof kyng Balthaſar is trublid to gydre ynowȝ, and his Phares.
cheere is chaungid, bot and his beſt men weren trublid to xxvi And þis interpretacioun of þe word. Mane, God haþ
gydre. noumbride þi rewme, and fulfillid it;
x Forſoþe þe queen for þe þing þat bifelle to þe kyng, and beſt xxvii Techel, it is hangid in a balaunce, and is founden
men of hym, wente to þe hous of feeſt; and for ſpekynge ſaiþ, hauynge leſſe;
Kyng, in to wiþ outen eende lyue þou. Þi þouȝtis trublen þee xxviii Phares, þi kyngdam is departid, and is ȝouen to Medis
not, neþer þi face be chaungid. and to Perſis.
xi A man is in þi rewme, þat haþ in hym þe ſpirit of holi
xxix Þanne, þe kyng comaundynge, Danyel is cloþid wiþ
goddis, and in þe days of þi fadir ſcience and wiſdam ben purpre, and a gold bee is ȝouen aboute in his nek; and it is
founden in hym; for whi and kyng Nabugodonoſor, þi fadre, prechid of hym, þat he hadde power, he þe þrid in his rewme.
ordeynyde hym prince of witchis, enchauntris, of Caldeis, and xxx Þe ſame niȝt Balthaſar, kyng Caldey, is ſlayn;
of dyuynours by ſterris; ſoþeli, þou kyng, þi fadir,
xii for þe more ſpirit, and more prudent, and vndirſtondynge, xxxi and Darius of Mede was ſucceſſour in þe rewme,
and interpretacioun of ſweuens, and ſhewyng of pryuy þingus, hauynge two and ſixti ȝeeris.
and vndoyng of bounden þingus ben founden in hym, þis is
in Danyel, to whom þe kyng ȝaue name Balthaſar. Now Capitulum VI.
þerfore Danyel be clepid, and he ſhal telle þe interpretacioun.
xiii Þerfore Danyel is brouȝt yn byfore þe kyng. To whom þe i It pleſide to Darius, and he ordeynyde on þe rewme ſatraps
forſaid king ſaiþ, Þou art Danyel of `þe ſonys of caytiftee of an hundrid and twenti, þat þei weren in al his rewme;
Jude, whom my fadre, kyng, ledde to fro Jude? ii and on hem þree princis, of whom Danyel was oon; þat þe
xiiii Y herde of þee, for þou haſt in þee þe ſpirit of goddis, ſatraps ſhulden ȝelde reſoun to hem, and þe kyng ſhulde not
and ſcience, and vndirſtondynge, and wiſdam gretter ben ſuffre eny diſeſe.
founden in þee. iii Þerfore Danyel ouercame alle princis and ſatraps, for þe
xv And now wijſe men, witches, entreden in my ſiȝt, for to more ſpirit of God was in hym. Forſoþe þe kyng þouȝte for to
reede þis writyng, and for to ſhew to me þe interpretacioun ordeyne hym on al þe rewme.
þerof; and þei miȝten not ſaye out to me þe wit of þis word. iiii Wherfore princes and ſatraps ſouȝten for to fynde occaſioun
xvi Forſoþe I herde of þee, þat þou mayſt interprete derke to Danyel, of ſyde of þe kyng; and þei miȝten fynde no cauſe
þingis, and vnbynde bounden þingus; þerfore ȝif þou maiſt and ſuſpicioun, for þat þat he was feiþful, and eche blame and
reede þe wrijtyng, and ſhewe to me þe interpretacioun þerof, ſuſpicioun was not founden in hym.
þou ſhalt be cloþid wiþ purpre, and þou ſhalt haue a golden v Þerfore þilk men ſaiden, We ſhuln not fynde to þis Danyel
bee aboute þi nek, and þou ſhalt be þe þridde prince in my eny occaſioun, no bot perauenture in þe lawe of his God.
rewme. vi Þanne princes and ſatraps falſli tyſiden, or counceyliden, to
xvii To whiche þingus Danyel anſwerynge ſaiþ byfore þe þe kyng, and þus ſpaken to hym, Darye, kyng, in to wiþ
kyng, Þi ȝiftis be to þee, and ȝeue þou to an oþer þe ȝiftus of outen eende lyue þou.


vii Alle princes of þi rewme, and mageſtratis, and ſatrapis, fully vn to þe pament of þe lake, tyl þe lyouns rauyſhiden
ſenatours, and domyſmen, maden a conceyle, þat decree, or hem, and braken to gydre alle her bonys.
dom, of þe emperour go out, and maundement, þat eche man xxv Þan Darius, kyng, wrote to alle peplis, lynagis, and
þat ſhal axe eny axinge of eny god and man, vnto þritty days, langagis, dwellynge in al erþe, Pees be multiplied to ȝou.
no bot of þee, kyng, be ſent in to þe lake of lyouns. xxvi Þerfore a decre is ordeynide of me, þat in alle þe empire
viii And ſo now, kyng, conferme þou þe ſentence, and write þe and my rewme þei tremble, and drede þe God of Danyel;
decree, þat it be not chaungid whiche is ordeynyd of Medis forſoþe he is lyuynge God, and euerlaſtinge into worldis, and
and Perſis, neþer be it leeful to eny man for to breke. his rewme ſhal not be diſtruyed, and þe power of hym vnto
ix Forſoþe kyng Darius putte forþ þe decree, and ordeynyde. wiþ outen eende.
x Whiche þing whanne Danyel had founden, þat is to ſaye, þe xxvii He is delyuerer and ſauer, doynge ſigne and merueilis
lawe ordeynyd, he wente in to his hous; and þe wyndowis in heuen and in erþe, whiche delyuerde Danyel fro þe lake of
opnyd in his ſoupyng place aȝeinus Jeruſalem, þree tymes in lyouns.
þe day he bowide his knees, and wirſhipide, and knawelichide xxviii Forſoþe Danyel duryde vnto þe kyngdam of Darius,
byfore his God, as he was wonte for to do byfore. and to þe kyngdam of Cyrus of Perſis.
xi Þerfore þo men more byſily enquerynge founden Danyel
preyinge, and biſechynge his God. Capitulum VII.
xii And þei cummynge to ſpaken to þe kyng on þe
i In þe firſt ȝeer of Balthaſar, kyng of Babyloyne, Danyel
maundement, Kyng, wher þou ordeynidiſt not, þat eche man ſawȝ a ſweuen. Forſoþe þe viſioun of his hed in his couche,
whiche preyde eny of goddis and men, vnto þritti days, no bot and ſweuen, he wrytynge comprehendide in ſhort word; and in
þee, kyng, he ſhulde be ſent in to þe lake of lyouns? To ſum, or litil wordis,
whom þe kyng anſwerynge ſaiþ, Þe word is trewe, vp þe ii touchynge ſaiþ, Y ſawȝ in my viſioun by niȝt, and loo! foure
decree of Medis and Perſis, whiche it is not leeful for to
breeke. wyndis of heuen fouȝten in þe mydil ſee.
xiii Þanne þei anſwerynge ſaiden bifore þe kyng, Danyel, of iii And foure greet beeſtis ſtieden vp of þe ſe, dyuerſe bytwixe
þe ſones of caytifte of Judee, reckide not of þi lawe, and of þe hem ſelf.
maundement, whiche þou ordeynediſt, bot þree tymes by day iiii Þe firſt as a lyoneſſe, and hadde weengis of an egle. Y
he preyeþ in his biſechynge. byheelde til hir weengis weren drawen of, and ſhe is taken vp
xiiii Whiche word whan þe kyng hadde herd, he was ſorewful of þe erþe, and ſhe ſtode on þe feet as a man, and þe herte of
ynewȝ, and for Danyel ſette þe herte, þat he ſhulde delyuere it is ȝouen to it.
hym; and vnto goynge doun of þe ſunne he traueilide for to v And loo! an oþer beeſt, lijc to a bere in party, ſtode, and
delyuere hym. þree ordris weren in mouþ þerof, and in teeþ þerof þree
xv Forſoþe þo men vndirſtondynge þe kyng, ſaiden to hym, princis. And þus þei ſaiden to it, Ryſe þou, ete ful manye
Wite þou, kyng, for þe lawe of Medis and Perſis is, þat eche fleſhis.
decree whiche þe kyng ordeyneþ, be not leeful for to be vi After þeſe þingus Y byheelde, and loo! an oþer as a pard,
chaungid. and hadde vp on it foure weengis of a bridd on it, and foure
xvi Þanne þe kyng comaundide, and þei ledden to Danyel, hedis weren in þe beeſt, and power is ȝouen to it.
and ſenten hym into þe lake of lyouns. And þe kyng ſayde to vii After þeſe þingus Y byheelde in a viſioun of niȝt, and loo!
Danyel, Þi God, whom þou wirſhipidiſt euermore, he ſhal þe fourþe beeſt, dreedful, and wonderful, and ful ſtronge. It
delyuere þee. hadde greet yren teeþ, etynge and brekynge to gydre, and
xvii And a ſtoon is brouȝt to, and is putt on þe mouþe of þe defoulynge oþer þingus wiþ his feet; forſoþe it was vnlijc to
lake, whiche þe kyng markide, or ſealide, on eche ſyde wiþ his oþer beeſtis, whiche Y ſawȝ byfore it, and it hadde ten
reng, and wiþ reng of his beſt men, leſt eny þing were don hornys.
aȝeinus Danyel. viii Y biheelde þe hornys, and loo! an oþer litil horn is
xviii And þe kyng wente awey in to his hous, and ſlepte ſprungen vp of þe mydil of hem, and þree of þe firſt horns
vnſoupid, and metis be not brouȝt to byfore hym; more ouer ben drawen out fro þe face þerof; and loo! eeȝen as eeȝen of a
and ſleep wente awey fro hym. man weren in þis horn, and a mouþ ſpekynge greet þingus.
xix Þanne þe kyng firſt in þe mornyng ryſynge haſtily, wente ix Y byhelde, til trones weren ſette, and þe olde of days ſat;
to þe lake of lyouns; his cloþinge white as ſnowe, and þe heris of his hed as cleen
xx and he neiȝinge to þe lake, wiþ a wepynge voice criede vn wolle, his trone of flawme of fijr, þe whelis of hym fijr
to Danyel, and ſpake to hym, Danyel, þe ſeruaunt of þe tendid.
x A flode of fijr and faſt rennynge wente out fro his face, a
lyuynge God, geſſiſt þou, wher þi God, to whom þou ſeruiſt
euermore, miȝt not delyuere þee fro lyouns? þouſand of þouſandis myniſtriden to hym, and ten þouſand
xxi And Danyel anſwerynge to þe kyng ſaiþ, Kyng, in to wiþ ſiþis an hundred þouſand ſtoden niȝ to hym; þe dom ſate, and
outen eende lyue þou. bokis ben opnyd.
xi Y byheelde for þe voice of grete wordis, whiche þe ylk horn
xxii My God ſente his aungel, and cloſide to gydre þe mouþes
of lyouns, and þei anoyeden not me, for byfore hym ſpake; and I ſawȝ, for þe beeſt was ſlayn, and þe body þerof
riȝtwyſneſſe is founden in me; bot and byfore þee, kyng, Y peryſhide, and was bytaken for to be brent in fijr.
xii And þe power of oþer beeſtus was taken awey, and tymes
did no treſpas.
xxiii Þann þe kyng gretely ioyede vpon hym, and comaundide of lijf ben ordeynyd to hem, vn to tyme and tyme.
xiii Þerfore Y byhelde in viſioun of niȝt, and loo! wiþ cloudis
Danyel for to be led out of þe lake. And Danyel was led out
of þe lake, and noon hirtyng is founden in hym, for he of heuen as þe ſone of man came; and vnto þe olde of days
bileeuyde to his God. he came fully, and in his ſiȝt þei offreden hym.
xxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng comaundynge, þei þat accuſiden Danyel xiiii And he ȝaue to hym power, and honour, and rewme, and
ben brouȝt forþ, and in to þe lake of lyouns ben ſent, þei, and eche peple, lynagis, and tungis ſhuln ſerue to hym; þe power
þe ſonnys of hem, and þe wyues of hem; and þei camen not


of hym euerlaſtinge power, whiche ſhal not be don awey, and vi and came vnto þe ylk weþer horned, whiche Y ſawȝ
þe rewme of hym, whiche ſhal not be corrupte, or diſtruyed. ſtondynge byfore þe ȝate, and he ran to hym in bir of his
xv My ſpirit hidouſide; Y, Danyel, was ferd in þeſe, and þe ſtrengþe.
viſiouns of my heed to gidre trubliden me. vii And whenn he neiȝede niȝ þe weþer, he dide crueli in to
xvi Y came to oon of þe niȝ ſtondynge, and Y axide of hym hym, and he ſmote þe weþer, and he brake to gidre two
trewþe of alle þeſe þingus. Whiche ſaide to me interpretacioun hornys of hym, and þe weþer miȝte not wiþſtonde hym. And
of wordis, and tauȝte me. when he ſente hym in to þe erþe, he defoulide hym; and no
xvii Þeſe foure greet beeſtis ben foure rewmes, þat ſhuln ryſe man miȝte delyuere þe weþer of his hond.
to gydre of þe erþe. viii Forſoþe þe buk of geet is maad grete ful miche; and whan
xviii Forſoþe þei ſhuln reſceyue þe rewme of God heeȝiſt holy, he hadde waxen, þe grete horn is broſten, and foure horns
and þei ſhuln holde þe rewme, til into þe world, and in to ben brouȝt forþ vndir it, bi foure wyndis of heuen.
world of worldis. ix Eftſoone forſoþe of hem oo litil horne wente out, and it is
xix After þeſe þingus Y wolde diligently lerne of þe fourþe maad grete aȝeinus þe ſouþ, and aȝeinus þe eeſt, and aȝeinus
beeſt, þat was gretely vnlijc fro alle, and dreedful ful myche, ſtrengþe.
þe teeþ and naylis þerof of yren; it eete, and brake to gydre, x And it is magnyfied vnto þe ſtrengþe of heuen, and caſtide
and defoulide þe toþir þingus wiþ his feet. doun of ſtrengþe and of ſterris, and defoulide hem.
xx And of ten hornes whiche it hadde in þe hed, and of þe xi And vnto þe prince of ſtrengþe he is magnyfied, and fro
toþer þat was ſprungen vp, bifore whiche þree hornes fellen hym he toke þe contynuel ſacrifice, and caſtide doun þe place
doun, and of þat horne þat hadde eeȝen, and mouþe ſpekinge of halewyng of hym.
grete þingis, and was more þan oþer; xii Forſoþe ſtrengþe is ȝouen to hym aȝeinus þe contynuel
xxi Y byheelde, and loo! þe ylk horn made bataile aȝein ſacrifice for ſynnes, and trewþe ſhal be caſt doun in erþe; and
ſaintis, and hadde power ouer hem, he ſhal haue proſperite, and ſhal do.
xxii til þe olde of dais came, and ȝaue dome to ſaintis hiȝe; xiii And Y herde oon of þe ſaintus ſpekynge; and oo ſaynt
and loo! tyme came, and ſaintis weldiden rewme. ſaide to an oþer, Y noote to whom ſpekynge, Hou longe
xxiii And þus he ſaiþ, Þe fourþe beeſt ſhal be þe fourþe deuyſioun, and þe contynuel ſacrifice, and ſynne of deſolacioun,
rewme in erþe, þat ſhal be more þan alle rewmes, and ſhal or diſcoumfort, þat is maad, and ſayntuarie, and ſtrengþe ſhal
deuouren al erþe, and ſhal defoule, and to gydre breke it. be defoulid?
xxiiii Forſoþe ten horns of þat kyngdam ſhuln be ten kyngus; xiiii And he ſaide to hym, Vnto euenyng and morewnynge,
and an oþer ſhal rijſe after hem, and he ſhal be miȝtier þan þe days two þouſand and þree hundred; and þe ſayntuarie ſhal be
former, and ſhal meeke þree kyngus. clenſid.
xxv And he ſhal ſpeke wordis aȝeinus þe heeȝ, and he ſhal xv Forſoþe it is don, when Y, Danyel, ſawe þe viſioun, and
breke to gidre þe ſaintis of þe heeȝiſt; and he ſhal wene, þat ſouȝte vndirſtondyng, loo! þere ſtode in my ſiȝt as þe fourme
he may chaunge tymes and lawis; and it ſhal be ȝouen in to of man.
þe hondis of hym, vn to tyme, and tymes, and þe half of xvi And Y herde a voice of þe man bytwixe Vlay, and he
tyme. criede, and ſaiþ, Gabriel, make þou þis for to vndirſtonde þe
xxvi And dom ſhal ſitte, þat power be taken awey, and be viſioun.
broken to gydre, and periſhe til into þe eende. xvii And he came, and ſtode byſidis wher Y ſtode; and when
xxvii Þe rewme forſoþe, and power, and þe greteneſſe of he came, Y dreedynge felle doun in to my face. And he ſaiþ
rewme, whiche is vndre al heuen, be ȝouen to þe peple of to me, Vndirſtonde þou, ſone of man, for in þe tyme of eende
halewis of þe heeȝiſt, whoſe rewme is euerlaſtinge rewme, and diuiſioun ſhal be fulfillid.
alle folkis ſhuln ſerue to hym, and obeye. xviii And when he ſpac to me, Y ſlode to gydre doun riȝt in
xxviii Til hidre þe eende of þe word. Y, Danyel, in my to þe erþe. And he touchide me, and ſette me in my degree.
þouȝtis was miche trublid, and my face is chaungid in me; xix And he ſaide to me, Y ſhal ſhewe to þee what þingis ben
forſoþe Y kepte to gidre þe word in my hert. to cummynge in þe laſt of curſidneſſe, for tyme haþ his eende.
xx Þe weþer, or ram, whom þou haſt ſeen for to haue hornys,
Capitulum VIII. is þe kyng of Medis and Perſis.
xxi Forſoþe þe geet buk is þe king of Grekis; and þe grete
i In þe þrid ȝeer of rewme of Balthaſar, kyng, a vyſioun
apeeride to me. Y, Danyel, after þat þing whiche Y hadde horn þat was bitwix his eeȝen, is þe firſt kyng.
xxii Forſoþe þat, it broken, foure han ryſen for it, foure
ſeen in þe bygynnyng,
ii ſawȝ in my viſioun, whan I was in þe caſtel Suſis, whiche kyngus ſhuln to gydre ryſe of þat folc, bot not in þe ſtrengþe
is in þe cuntre of Helam; forſoþe I ſawȝ in viſioun me for to of hym.
xxiii And after þe rewme of hem, whenn wickidneſſes ſhuln
be vpon þe ȝate Vlay.
iii And Y rayſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ; and loo! oo weþer wexe, þere ſhal ryſe a king vnſhamfaſt in face, and
ſtode byfore þe mareis, hauynge heeȝ horns, and oon heeȝer vndirſtondynge propoſiciouns, or reſouns;
xxiiii and his ſtrengþe ſhal be maad miȝty, bot not in his own
þan an oþer, and vndrewexinge.
iiii Afterward Y ſawe þe weþer wiþ hornys wyndowynge, or ſtrengþis. And ouer þat it may be byleeued he ſhal waſte alle
caſtynge doun, aȝeinus þe eeſt, and aȝeinus þe weſt, and þingus, and ſhal haue proſperite, and ſhal do. And he ſhal
aȝeinus þe norþ, and aȝeinus þe ſouþ; and alle beeſtis miȝten ſlea ſtronge men, and þe peple of ſayntus,
xxv after his wille, and gyle ſhal be dreſſid in his hond. And
not aȝein ſtonde it, neþer be delyuerd fro þe hondis þerof.
And he dide vp his wille, and is magnyfied. he ſhal magnyfie his hert, and in plente of alle þingus he ſhal
v And I vndirſtode. Lo! forſoþe a buk of geet came fro þe ſlea ful manye. And he ſhal ryſe to gydre aȝeins þe prince of
weſt vpon þe face of al erþe, and touchide not þe erþe; forſoþe princis, and wiþ outen hond he ſhal be broken to gydre.
þe buk hadde a noble horn bitwixe his eeȝen;


xxvi And þe viſioun, þat is ſaid in euening and morewnyng, xvii Now forſoþe, oure God, heere þe oriſoun of þi ſeruaunt,
is trewe. Þerefore ſeale þou, or marke, þe viſyoun, for after and preyeres of hym, and ſhewe þi face on þi ſayntuarye, þat
manye days it ſhal be. is deſert. For þi ſelf þou,
xxvii And Y, Danyel, languyſhide, and was ſeeke by ful xviii my God, bowe þin eere, and heere; opyn þin eeȝen, and
manye days; and when Y roos, Y dide þe werkis of þe kyng; ſee oure deſolacioun, and þe cite, on whom þi name is yn
and I wondride at þe viſioun, and þer was not whiche ſhulde clepid. Forſoþe neþer in oure iuſtifiyngus we caſten forþ
interprete, or expoun. preeyeres byfore þi face, bot in þi manye doyngus of mercy.
xix Heer þou, Lord; be þou pleſid, Lord, perceyue, and do;
Capitulum IX. dwelle þou, or tarye, not, for þi ſelf, Lord my God, for þi
i In
name is in clepid vpon þe cytee, and vpon þi peple.
þe firſt ȝeer of Darius, ſone of Aſſuerus, of þe ſeed of xx And whan ȝit I ſpac, and preyede, and knowlachide my
Meedis, whiche comaundide vpon þe rewme of Caldeis, ſynnes, and ſynnys of my peple Yrael, þat Y ſhedde out
ii in oo ȝeer of his rewme, Y, Danyel, vndirſtode `in bokis þe
preyers in ſiȝt of my God, for þe holy hill of my God,
noumbre of ȝeeris, of whiche þe word of þe Lord is maad to xxi ȝit me ſpekynge in my preyer, loo! þe man Gabriel, whom
Jeremye, þe prophete, þat ſeuenty ȝeeris of deſolacioun of I ſawȝ in viſioun fro þe bygynnynge, ſoone fleeȝinge touchide
Jeruſalem ſhulden be fulfillid. me in tyme of euen ſacrifice;
iii And Y putte my face to þe Lord my God, for to preye and
xxii and tauȝt me, and ſpac to me, and ſaide, Danyel, now Y
byſeche in faſtyngis, ſac, and aſhe. am gon out, þat Y ſhulde teche þee, and þou ſhuldiſte
iiii And Y preyede þe Lord my God, and I knawlechide, and
ſayde, Y biſeche, þou Lord God, grete and dreedful, kepynge xxiii Fro þe bygynnyng of þi preyers a word paſſide out.
couenaunt and mercy to men louynge þee, and kepynge þi Forſoþe Y came for to ſhewe to þee, for þou art a man of
maundementis. deſijris; forſoþe perceyue þou þe word, and vndirſtonde þe
v We han ſynned, we han don wickidneſſe, vnpytouſly we
diden, and wenten awey, and bowiden awey fro þi xxiiii Seuenty weekis ben abreggid on þi peple, and vpon þin
maundementis and domys. holi citee, and treſpaſſyng ſhal ben eendid, and ſynne ſhal take
vi We obeyeden not to þi ſeruauntis, prophetis, þat ſpaken in
eend, and wickidneſſe ſhal be don awey, and riȝtwyſneſſe
þi name to our kyngis, oure princis, oure fadris, and to al euerlaſtynge ſhal be led to, and þe viſioun ſhal be fulfillid, and
peple of þe lond. prophecie, and þe holy of halewis ſhal be anoyntid.
vii Lord, to þee riȝtwiſneſſe, forſoþe to vs confuſioun of face, xxv Þerfore wite þou, and perceyue; fro bygynnynge of þe
as is to day to man of Juda, and dwellers of Jeruſalem, and word, þat Jeruſalem eftſone be beeldid, til to Criſt, duyk,
to al Yrael, to þeſe þat ben niȝ, and to þeſe þat ben fer in ſeuen weekis and two and ſixti weekis ſhuln be; and eftſoone
alle londis, to whom þou caſtidiſt hem out for þe wickidneſſis þe ſtrete ſhal be beeldid, and wallis, in anguyſhe, or
of hem, in whiche þei ſynnyden in þee, Lord. ſtreytneſſe, of tymes.
viii To vs confuſioun of face, to oure kyngis, oure princis, and xxvi And after two and ſixti weekis Criſt ſhal be ſlayn. And it
to oure fadris, þat ſynneden; ſhal not be þe peple of hym, þat is to denyinge hym. And þe
ix forſoþe to þee, Lord oure God, mercye and helpe. For we peple ſhal diſtruye þe citee and ſayntuarie, wiþ þe duyke to
wenten awey fro þee, commynge; and þe eende of hym waaſtynge, and after þe
x and herden not þe voice of þe Lord oure God, þat we ſhulde eende of bataile ordeynd deſolacioun.
xxvii Forſoþe he ſhal conferme þe couenaunt wiþ manye oo
walke in his lawe, whiche he puttide to vs by his ſeruauntis,
prophetis. weeke, and in þe half of a weeke ooſt and ſacrifice ſhal fayle;
xi And al Yrael braken þi lawe, and bowiden awey, þat þei and in þe temple abomynacioun of deſolacioun ſhal be, and
herden not þi voice; and curſſe droppide on vs, and vnto þe eendynge and eende þe deſolacioun ſhal laſt.
wlatyngneſſe, þat is writen in þe boke of Moyſes, ſeruaunt of
God, for we han ſynned to hym. Capitulum X.
xii And he ordeynyde his wordis, whiche he ſpac vpon vs, and i In þe þrid ȝeer of rewme of Cyrus, kyng of Perſis, a word
vpon oure princis, þat demyden vs, þat þei ſhulden aboue lede is toke aȝein to Danyel, by name Balthaſar; and þe word
yn in to vs grete yuel, what maner was neuer vndir al heuen, trewe, and grete ſtrengþe, and he vndirſtode þe word; forſoþe
vp þat it is don in Jeruſalem, vndirſtondyng is neede in viſioun.
xiii as it is writen in þe lawe of Moyſes. Al þis yuel came ii In þo days Y, Danyel, weilide in days of þree wekis;
vpon vs, and we preyeden not þi face, Lord oure God, þat we iii Y eete not deſireful breede, and fleſhe and wyne entriden
ſhulden turne aȝein fro oure wickidneſſis, and ſhulden þinke þi
trewþe. not in to my mouþ, bot neþer wiþ oynement Y was anoyntid,
xiiii And þe Lord wakide on his malice, and brouȝt it vpon til days of þree weekis weren fulfillid.
iiii Forſoþe in þe fourþe and twentiþe day of þe firſt moneþ, Y
vs; iuſt þe Lord oure God in alle his werkis whiche he dide,
forſoþe we herden not þe voice of hym. was byſydis þe grete flode, þat is Tigris.
xv And now, Lord oure God, þat leddiſt out þi peple of þe v And I reyſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ, and loo! oo man cloþid
lond of Egypt in ſtrong hond, and madiſt to þee a name vp in lynnen, and his reyns gird to wiþ ſhynyng gold;
þis day, we han ſynned, we diden wickidneſſe, vi and his body as criſolitus, and his face as fourme of leyt,
xvi Lord, in to al þi riȝtwiſneſſe. Y biſeche, be þi wraþ turned and his eeȝen as a laumpe brennynge, and his armys and
awey and þi woodneſſe fro þi citee Jeruſalem, and fro þin whiche þing is dounward vn to þe feet as fourme of braſſe
holy hill; forſoþe for oure ſynnes, and wickidneſſis of oure waxinge whyte, and þe voice of his wordis as voice of
fadris, Jeruſalem and al þi peple ben in ſhenſhipe, to alle multitude.
men bi oure cumpas. vii Forſoþe Y, Danyel, aloone ſawe þe viſioun; ſoþely þe men
þat weren wiþ me, ſawen not, bot ful myche dreed felle vp on
hem, and þei fledden in to an hid place.


viii Forſoþe Y left aloone ſawe þis greet viſioun, and ſtrengþe vi And after þe eende of ȝeeris þei ſhuln be knyt in pees; and
abode not in me; bot and my fourme is chaungid in me, and þe douȝter of kyng of ſouþ ſhal cume to þe kyng of þe norþ,
Y was drye, or welewid, neþer hadde eny þing of ſtrengþis. for to make frenſhip. And ſhe ſhal not haue ſtrengþe of arm,
ix And Y herde þe voice of his wordis, and Y heerynge laye neþer hir ſeed ſhal ſtonde; and ſhe ſhal be bitaken, and hir
caſtidoun, or ferd, vpon my face, and my cheer cleuyde to þe ȝunge men þat ledden hir to, and þei þat coumfortiden hir in
erþe. tymes.
x And loo! an hond touchide me, and reyſide me on my knees, vii And a plauntyng ſhal ſtonde of þe buriownyng of hir
and vpon þe fyngris of myn hondis. rootis; and he ſhal cum wiþ an ooſt, and ſhal entre þe
xi And he ſayde to me, Danyel, man of deſiris, vndirſtonde þe prouynce of þe kyng of þe norþ, and he ſhal myſuſe hem,
viii and ſhal weelde þe goddis of hem, and grauen þingus.
wordis whiche Y ſpeke to þee, and ſtonde þou in þi degree;
now forſoþe Y am ſente to þee. And whenn he ſaide to me And he ſhal lede þe precious veſſels of gold and ſyluer caitif,
þis word, Y ſtode tremblynge. or taken in bataile, in to Egipt. He ſhal haue victorie aȝeinus
xii And he ſaiþ to me, Danyel, nyl þou dreede, for of þe firſt þe kyng of þe norþ;
ix and þe kyng of þe ſouþ ſhal entre in to þe kyngdam, and
day in whiche þou puttidiſt þin herte for to vndirſtonde, þat
þou ſhuldiſt tourmente þee in ſiȝt of þi God, þin wordis ben ſhal turne aȝein `in to his lond.
herde, and Y came for þi wordis. x Forſoþe þe ſonys of hym ſhuln be ſtirid to wraþ, and þei
xiii Forſoþe þe prince of þe kingdam of Perſis aȝein ſtode me ſhuln gadre þe multitude of ful manye ooſtis. And he ſhal cum
oon and twenti days, and loo! Mychael, oon of þe firſt hiȝinge and flowynge, and he ſhal turne aȝein, and ſhal be
princis, came in to myn help, and Y abode þere byſidis þe ſtirid, and go to gydre wiþ ſtrengþe of hym.
kyng of Perſis. xi And þe kyng of þe ſouþ terrid to wraþ, ſhal go out, and
xiiii Forſoþe Y came for to teche þee, what þingis ben to fiȝte aȝeinus þe kyng of þe norþ, and ſhal make redy a ful
cummynge to þi peple in þe laſt days; for ȝit þe viſioun is grete multitude; and multitude ſhal be ȝouen in þe hond of
deferrid, or drawen alonge, in to days. hym.
xv And whann he ſpac to me ſiche maner wordis, Y keſte xii And he ſhal take multitude, and þe horn of hym ſhal be
doun my cheer to þe erþe, and was ſtille. enhaunſid; and he ſhal caſt doun many þouſandis, bot he ſhal
xvi And lo! as þe licneſſe of þe ſone of man touchide my not haue victorie.
xiii Þe kyng of þe norþ ſhal be conuertid, and ſhal make redy
lippis; and Y opnynge my mouþ ſpac, and ſaide to hym þat
ſtode byfore me, My Lord, in þi viſioun my ioyntouris ben a multitude, miche more þan byfore; and in þe eende of tymes
vnbounden, and no þing of ſtrengþis aboden in me. and ȝeeris he ſhal cum hiȝinge wiþ þe moſt ooſt, and ful many
xvii And how may þe ſeruaunt of my Lord ſpeke wiþ my richeſſis.
xiiii And in þo tymes many ſhuln ryſe to gydre aȝeinus þe
Lord? no þing of ſtrengþis aboode in me, bot and my breþe is
cloſid bitwixe, or ſtoppide. kyng of ſouþ; and ſones of treſpaſſours of þi peple ſhuln be
xviii Þerfore eftſoone as þe ſiȝt of man touchide me, and enhaunſid, þat þei fulfille þe viſioun, and ſhuln falle to gydre.
xv And þe kyng of þe norþ ſhal cum, and ſhal bere to gydre
coumfortide me, and ſaide,
xix Nyl þou dreede, þou man of deſyrs; pees to þee, be þou hepis of erþe, and ſhal take ſtrengiſt cytees; and þe armys of
þe ſouþ ſhuln not ſuſteyne. And þe choſen of hym ſhuln ryſe to
coumfortid, and be þou ſtrong. And whann he ſpac wiþ me, Y gydre, for to wiþſtonde, and ſtrengþe ſhal not be.
waxe ſtronge, and ſaide, Speke þou, my Lord, for and þou xvi And he cummynge `vp on hym, ſhal do vp his likyng; and
haſt coumfortide me.
xx And he ſaiþ, Wher þou waſt, whi Y came to þee? And þer ſhal not be, whiche ſhal ſtonde aȝeinus his face. And he
ſhal ſtonde in þe noble lond, and it ſhal be waaſtid in hond of
now Y ſhal turne aȝein, for to fiȝt aȝeinus þe prince of hym.
Perſis. Forſoþe whann Y wente out, þe prince of Greekis xvii And he ſhal putte his face, þat he cum for to holde al þe
apeeride cummynge.
xxi Neþeleſe Y ſhal telle to þee, what þing is expreſſid in þe rewme of hym, and he ſhal do riȝt þingus wiþ hym. And he
ſhal ȝeue to hym þe douȝtre of wymmen, þat ſhe turne hym
wrytyng of trewþe; and no man is myn helper in alle þeſe vpſadoun; and it ſhal not ſtonde, neþer ſhal be his.
þingis, no bot Miȝhel, ȝour prince. xviii And he ſhal turne his face to ylis, and ſhal take manye.
And he ſhal make prince for to ceſe, and þe ſhendſhip of hym
Capitulum XI. ſhal be turned in to hym.
i Forſoþe fro þe firſt ȝeer of Darius of Mede Y ſtode, þat he xix And he ſhal turne his face to þe empire of his lond, and
ſhulde be coumfortid, and ſtrengþid. he ſhal hurtle, and ſhal falle, and ſhal not be founden.
ii And now Y ſhal telle to þee trewþe. And loo! þree kyngus xx And þe fouliſt and vnworþi to kyngis fairneſſe ſhal ſtonde
ſhuln ſtonde in Perſis, and þe fourþe ſhal be maad riche wiþ in place of hym, and in fewe days he ſhal be broken to gydre,
ful manye richeſſis ouer alle men. And whanne he ſhal be not in wodeneſſe, neþer in batel.
ſtronge in his richeſſis, he ſhal ſtire to gydre alle men aȝeinus xxi And a diſpiſid man ſhal ſtonde in his place, and kyngus
þe rewme of Grece. honour ſhal not be ȝouen to hym; and he ſhal cum priuely,
iii Forſoþe a ſtronge kyng ſhal rijſe, and ſhal lordſhipe wiþ and ſhal weelde þe rewme in fraude doynge.
myche power, and þat, þat ſhal pleſe to hym, ſhal do. xxii And armys of þe fiȝtynge ſhuln be ouercummen of his
iiii And whanne he ſhal ſtonde, his rewme ſhal be broken, and face, and ſhuln be broken to gydre, more ouer and þe duyke
ſhal be departid in to foure wyndis of heuen, bot not in to his of pees.
folewers of bloode, neþer after his power, in whiche he xxiii And aftir frendſhip wiþ hym, he ſhal do gyle. And he
lordſhipide; þe rewme of hym ſhal be departid, and in to ſhal ſtiȝe vp, and ouercume litil peple;
alyens, out taken þeſe. xxiiii and he ſhal entre plenteuous and grete citees, and ſhal
v And þe kyng of ſouþe ſhal be coumfortide; and of þe princis
do whiche þingis þe fadris of hym diden not, and fadris of
of hym þer ſhal be ſtrengþe ouer hym, and ſhal be lord in fadris of hym. He ſhal ſcatere raueyns, and prayes, and
lordſhip; forſoþe his lordſhipyng myche.


riccheſſis of hem, and he ſhal bygynne, or go yn, counſeile xliiii Andfame ſhal truble hym fro eeſt and norþ; and he ſhal
aȝeinus ſaddiſt þouȝtis, and þis þing vn to tyme. cum in grete multitude, for to breke to gydre, and ſlea ful
xxv And þe ſtrengþe of hym ſhal be ſtirid, and þe herte of manye.
hym, aȝeinus þe kyng of ſouþ in grete ooſt. And þe kyng of xlv And he ſhal ſette his tabernacle fro Feduo, bitwixe ſeeſe,
ſouþ ſhal be terrid to bateil wiþ manye helpis, and ſtronge ful vpon a noble hille and holy; and he ſhal cum vnto þe heeȝ
myche; and þei ſhuln not ſtonde, for þei ſhuln go in to þerof, and no man ſhal help hym.
counſeilis aȝeinus hym.
xxvi And þei etynge breede wiþ hym ſhuln breke hym to
Capitulum XII.
gydre; and his ooſt ſhal be oppreſſid, and his ſlayn men ful
manye ſhuln falle. i Forſoþe in þat tyme Myȝhel ſhal rijſe, þe grete prince, þat
xxvii And þe herte of two kyngus ſhal be, þat þei do yuel, and ſtondiþ for ſonys of þi peple. And tyme ſhal cum, what maner
at oo bord þei ſhuln ſpeke leſyng, and þei ſhul not profite; for was not, fro þat ſiþen folkis bygunen for to be, vn to þat
ȝit þe eende in to oþer tyme. tyme. And in þat tyme þi peple ſhal be ſaued, eche þat ſhuln
xxviii And he ſhal turne aȝein to his lond wiþ manye be founden wrijten in þe boke of lijf.
ii And manye of þeſe þat ſlepten in duſt of erþe, ſhuln wake
riccheſſis, and his herte aȝeinus þe holy teſtament, and he ſhal
do, and ſhal turne aȝein `in to his lond. out, oþer in to euerlaſtinge lyf, and oþere in to ſhenſhip, þat
xxix In tyme ordeynyd he ſhal cum aȝein, and ſhal cum to þe þei ſe euermore.
iii Forſoþe þei þat ſhuln be tauȝt men, or wijſe, ſhuln ſhyne as
ſouþ, and þe laſt ſhal not be lijc to þe former.
xxx And grete ſhippis, and Romayns, ſhal cum vpon hym, ſhynyng of þe firmament, and þei þat lernen, or enfourmen,
and he ſhal be ſmyten. And he ſhal turne aȝein, and be wroþe manye to riȝtwijſneſſe, as ſterris in to euerlaſtyngneſſis.
iiii Forſoþe þou, Danyel, cloſe þe wordis, and ſeale þe boke,
aȝeinus þe teſtament of þe ſayntuarie, and ſhal do. And he
ſhal turne aȝein, and ſhal þinke aȝeinus hem þat forſoken þe vn to þe tyme ordeynyd; ful manye ſhuln paſſe, and ſcience
teſtament of ſayntuarye. manyfold ſhal be.
xxxi And þe armes of hym ſhuln ſtonde, and ſhuln defoule þe v And Y, Danyel, ſawȝ, and loo! as two oþer ſtoden; oon
ſayntuarie of ſtrengþe, and ſhuln take awey þe contynuel ſtode on þis ſyde, vpon þe ryuere of floode, and an oþer on
ſacrifice, and ſhuln ȝeue abominacioun in to deſolacioun. þat ſyde, on þe toþer part of þe floode.
xxxii And vnpitous men ſhuln feyne gylfuly a teſtament; vi And I ſayde to þe man, þat was cloþid wiþ lynnen, whiche
forſoþe þe peple witynge her God ſhal weelde, and do. ſtode vpon þe watris of þe floode, Hou longe þe eende of þeſe
xxxiii And tauȝt men in peple ſhuln teche ful manye, and ſhuln merueylis?
vii And Y herde þe man, þat was cloþid in lynnen, whiche
falle in ſwerd, and in flawme, and in caitiftee, and in to
rauyn of days. ſtode vpon watris of þe floode, whann he hadde reyſide vp his
xxxiiii And whanne þei ſhuln falle to gidre, þei ſhuln be reyſid riȝt and left half in to heuen, and ſwore by þe lyuynge in to
vp wiþ litil help; and ful many ſhuln be applied, or putt to, to wiþ outen eende, For in to tyme, and tymys, and þe half of
hem gylfully. tyme. And whan ſcateryng abrood of þe lond of holy peple ſhal
xxxv And of lerned men ſhuln falle, þat þei be wellyd to
be fulfillid, alle þeſe þingus ſhuln be eendid.
viii And Y herde, and vndirſtode not; and ſaide, My lord,
gydre, and be choſen, and be maad whijt unto þe tyme what ſhal be after þeſe þingus?
determynyd; for ȝit an oþer tyme ſhal be. ix And he ſaiþ, Go þou, Danyel, for þe wordis ben cloſid and
xxxvi And þe kyng ſhal do after his wille, and ſhal be reyſid
vp, and magnyfied aȝeinus eche god, and aȝeines God of ſealid, vn to tyme ordeynyd.
x Þei ſhuln be choſen, and be maad whijt, and as fijr many
goddis he ſhal ſpeke great þingus; and he ſhal be dreſſid, til
wraþ be fulfillid. Forſoþe diffinicioun, or dome, is fully don. ſhuln be proued, and vnpytous men ſhuln do vnpytouſly, neþer
xxxvii And he ſhal not rette þe God of his fadris, and he ſhal alle vnpitouſe men ſhuln vndirſtonde; forſoþe tauȝt men ſhuln
be in coueityngis of wymmen, neþer he ſhal recke eny of vndirſtonde.
xi And fro tyme in whiche contynuel ſacrifice ſhal be don
goddis, for aȝeinus alle þingus he ſhal ryſe to gydre.
xxxviii Forſoþe he ſhal wirſhipe god of Maoſym in his place, awey, and abomynacioun in to deſolacioun ſhal be ſett, days a
and he ſhal honoure god, whom his fadris knewen not, in þouſand two hundrid and nynty.
xii Bleſſid is he, þat abydiþ, and fully cummeþ, vn to days a
gold, and ſyluer, and precious ſtoon, and precious þingus.
xxxix And he ſhal do þat he make ſtronge Maoſym, wiþ an þouſand þre hundrid and þritty and fyue.
xiii Forſoþe go þou to determynd; and þou ſhalt reſte aȝein,
alien god whom he knewe not. And he ſhal multiplie glorie,
and ſhal ȝeue to hem power in many þingus, and he ſhal and ſhalt ſtonde in þi ſort, or part, in þe eende of days.
departe erþ at his wille. Hidre to we reeden Danyel in Ebru; oþer
xl And in tyme ſett þe kyng of ſouþ ſhal fiȝt aȝeinus hym, and
þe kyng of þe norþ as a tempeſt ſhal cum aȝeinus hym, in þingis þat ſuen, til in to þe eende of þe
chaaris, and horſmen, and grete nauee. boke, ben tranſlatid of þe making of
xli And he ſhal entre londis, and ſhal breke to gydre; and ſhal
paſſe by, and ſhal entre in to glorious lond, and many ſhuln
falle. Forſoþe þeſe aloone ſhuln be ſaued fro þe hond of hym,
Edom, and Moab, and of þe princis of þe ſonys of Amon. Capitulum XIII.
xlii And he ſhal ſende his hond in to londis, and þe lond of i A man was in Babiloyne, and þe name of hym Joachym.
Egypt ſhal not ſcape. ii And he toke a wijf, Suſanne by name, þe douȝtir of Elchie,
xliii And he ſhal be lord of treſours of gold, and ſyluer, and in
ful faire, and dreeding þe Lord.
alle precious þingis of Egypt; and he ſhal paſſe by Libie and iii Forſoþe þe fadir and modir of hir, when þei weren iuſt,
Ethiopie. lerneden her douȝter after þe lawe of Moyſes.


iiii Forſoþe Joachym was ful riche, and to hym was a xxix And þei ſeiden byfore alle þe peple, Sende ȝe to
gardyne nyȝ to his hous; and Jewis camen to gidre to hym, Suſanne, douȝter of Elchie, wyf of Joachym. And anoon þei
for þat he was more honourable of alle. ſenten.
v And two olde domeſmen ben ordeynyd in þat ȝeer, of whiche xxx And ſhe came wiþ fadir, and modir, and ſonnys, and alle
þe Lord ſpac, for wickidneſſe wente out of Babyloyne, of þe hir coſyns.
eldre iugis whiche weren ſeen for to rewle þe peple. xxxi Forſoþe Suſanne was ful delicate, and faire of fourme,
vi Þeſe ofte hauntiden þe hous of Joachym; and alle þat `or ſhap.
hadden domis camen to hem. xxxii And þe ylke wickid men comaundeden, þat ſhe ſhulde be
vii Forſoþe whenn þe peple turnyde aȝein after mydday, vnkeuered, ſoþely ſhe was hillid; þat or ſo þei weren fulfillid
Suſanne entride, and walkide in þe gardyne of hir huſbond. wiþ fairneſſe of hir.
viii And þe eldre men ſawen hir eche day entrynge, and xxxiii Þerfore hern wepten, and alle þat knewen hir.
walkinge; and þei brennyden `in þe coueitiſe of hir. xxxiiii Soþeli two preſtis rijſyng to gydre in mydil of þe peple,
ix And þei turnyden awey her witt, and bowiden awey her puttiden hir hondis vpon þe hed of hir.
eeȝen, þat þei ſhulden not ſee heuen, neþer ſhulde haue mynde xxxv Whiche wepynge byhelde to heuen, forſoþe þe hert of hir
of iuſt domys. was hauynge triſt in þe Lord.
x Forſoþe boþe weren woundid in loue of hir, neþer ſhewiden xxxvi And þe preſtis ſaiden, Whann we walkiden aloon in þe
to hem ſelf her ſorewe; gardeyn, ſhe þis came yn wiþ two maydens dameſels; and
xi forſoþe þei ſhameden for to ſhewe to hem ſelf her coueitiſe, cloſide þe dore of þe gardeyn,
willynge for to ligge wiþ hir. xxxvii and lefte þe damyſels. And a ȝung man, þat was hid,
xii And þei aſpieden eche day byſilier for to ſee hir. came to hir, and dide lechorie wiþ hir.
xiii And þe toþer ſaide to þe toþer, Go we home, for oure of xxxviii Forſoþe we, whanne we weren in a corner of þe
mete is. And þei gon out, departiden fro hem ſelf. gardeyn, ſeeynge wickidneſſe, runnen to hem, and we ſawen
xiiii And whann þei hadden departid, þei camen in to oon; and hem for to be mengid to gidre.
þei axinge cauſe eche of oþer, knawlechiden her coueitiſe. And xxxix And ſoþely we miȝten not cacche hym, for he was
þann in comoun þei ordeynyden tyme, whann þei miȝten fynde ſtrengre þan we; and þe doris opnyd, he lepte out.
hir aloon. xl Soþely when we hadden cauȝt þis, we axiden, who was þat
xv Forſoþe it is don, whanne þei aſpieden a couenable day, ȝunge man; and ſhe wolde not ſhewe to vs. Of þis þing we
ſche entride ſum tyme, as ȝiſterday and þree days gon, wiþ ben witneſſes.
two damiſels aloone, and wolde be waſhen in þe gardyne; xli Þe multitude byleeuyde to hem, as to eldre men of þe
ſoþely heete was. peple and iugis, and condempnyden hir to deþ.
xvi And no man was þere, out taken two olde men hid, xlii Forſoþe Suſanne criede wiþ grete voice, and ſaide, Lord
byholdyng hir. God euerlaſtinge, þat art knower of hid þingus, þat haſt
xvii And ſhe ſaide to þe maydens, Brenge ȝe to me oyle, and knowen alle þingus byfore þei be maad;
ſope, or oynement; and ſhitte ȝe þe doris of þe gardyne, þat Y xliii þou woſt, for þei han born fals witneſſinge aȝeines me.
be waſhen. And loo! Y dye, whann Y dide nouȝt of þeſe þingus, whiche
xviii And þei diden as ſhe comaundide; and þei cloſiden þe þeſe maliciouſly maken to gydre aȝeinus me.
doris of þe gardeyn, and wenten out by a poſtern, for to xliiii Forſoþe þe Lord herd þe voice of hir.
brenge whiche þingus ſhe bad. And ſhe wiſte not olde men for xlv And whann ſhe was ledde to deþ, þe Lord reyſide a ſpirit
to be hid wiþ yn forþ.
xix Soþely when þe damyſels weren gon out, þe two olde men of a ȝungir chijld, whoſe name Danyel.
xlvi And he cryede wiþ greete voyce, Y am cleene of þe blood
ryſen, and runnen to hir, and ſaiden,
xx Loo! doris of þe gardyne ben cloſid, and no man ſeeþ vs, of þis.
xlvii And al þe peple to gyder turnyd to hym ſaide, What is
and we ben in coueitiſe of þee. Wherfore accorde to vs, and
be ioyned wiþ vs. þis word, whom þou haſt ſpoken?
xxi Þat ȝif þou wilt not, we ſhuln ſaye witneſſyng aȝeinus þee, xlviii Whiche, whanne he ſtode in þe mydil of hem, ſaide, So
þat a ȝung man was wiþ þee, and for þis cauſe þou ſentiſt ȝe, foolis, ſonys of Yrael, not demynge neþer knowynge þat
out þe damyſels fro þee. þing þat is iuſt, condempneden þe douȝter of Yrael.
xxii And Suſanne inwardly ſorewide, and ſaiþ, Anguyſhis ben xlix Turne ȝe aȝein to dome, for þei han ſpoke fals witneſſyng
to me on eche ſyde; forſoþe ȝif Y ſhal do þis þing, deþ is to aȝeinus hir.
me; ſoþely ȝif Y ſhal not do, Y ſhal not aſcape ȝoure hondis. l Þerfore þe peple turned aȝein wiþ hiȝyng. And þe olde men
xxiii Bot bettir it is to me for to falle wiþ outen werk in to ſaiden to hym, Cum þou, and ſitt in mydil of vs, and ſhewe
ȝour hondis, þan for to ſynne in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord. þou to vs; for God ȝaue to þee honour of eelde.
xxiiii And Suſanne criede wiþ a grete voice, forſoþe and þe li And Danyel ſaide to hem, Departe ȝe hem fro a twynne, or
olde men crieden aȝeinus hir. eche fro oþer, fer, and Y ſhal wyſely deme hem.
xxv Soþely þe ton ran, and opnyde þe dore of þe gardeyn. lii Þerfore, whanne þei weren departid þe toþer fro þe toþer,
xxvi Forſoþe ſeruauntes of þe hous fellen yn by þe poſterne, he clepide oon of hem, and ſaide to hym, Þou olde of yuel
days, nowe þi ſynnes camen on þee, whiche þou wrouȝtiſt
whan þei herden cry in þe gardeyne, for to ſee what it was. byfore,
xxvii Forſoþe after þat þe olde men ſpaken, þe ſeruauntis liii demynge vniuſt domys, oppreſſinge innocentis, and
ſhamyden gretely, for ſiche word was neuer herd of Suſanne. delyuerynge gylti, ſayinge þe Lord, Þou ſhalt not ſlea þe
xxviii And þe morewe day is maad. And whanne þe peple innocent and iuſt man.
cam to hir huſbond Joachym, and þe two preſtis camen ful of liiii Now forſoþe ȝif þou ſawiſt hir, ſaye þou, vndir what tree
yuel þouȝt aȝeinus Suſanne, for to ſlea hir. þou ſawȝ hem ſpeekynge to hemſelf? Whiche ſaiþ, Vndir a ſloo


lv Soþely Danyel ſaide, Riȝtly þou leeȝiſt in to þin hed; loo! xii And whan þou ſhalt cum yn erly, no bot þou ſhalt fynde
forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord, þe ſentence token of hym, ſhal alle þingus eten of Bel, by deþ we ſhuln dye, or Danyel, þat
kitte þee þe mydil. leeȝide aȝeinus vs.
lvi And hym remoued awey, he comaundide þe toþer for to xiii Forſoþe þei diſpiſiden, for þei hadden maad an hid entryng
cum, and ſaide to hym, Seed of Canaan, and not of Juda, vndir þe bord, and þerby þei entriden euermore, and
fourme, or fairneſſe, diſceyuyde þee, and coueitiſe turnyde þin deuoureden þo þingus.
hert vpſadoun; xiiii Forſoþe it is don, after þat þey wenten out, and þe kyng
lvii þus ȝe diden to douȝtris of Yrael, and þei dredynge puttide metis byfore Bel, Danyel comaundide his children,
ſpaken wiþ ȝou, bot þe douȝter of Juda ſuffride not ȝour and þei brouȝten to aſhe, and by al þe temple he ridlide byfore
wickidneſſe. þe kyng. And þei gon out cloſiden þe dore, and ſealynge wiþ
lviii Now þerfore ſaye to me, vndir what tree þou ſawiſt hem ryng of þe kyng wenten awey.
ſpekynge to hem ſelf? Whiche ſaiþ, Vndir a plum tree. xv Soþely þe preſtis wenten yn in nyȝt, after her cuſtome, and
lix Soþely Danyel ſaide to hym, Riȝtly and þou leeȝiſt in þin wijues, and ſonys of hem, and eeten alle þe þingus, and
hed; forſoþe an aungel of þe Lord dwelliþ, hauynge a ſwerd, drunken.
þat he kitte þee þe mydil, and ſlea ȝou. xvi Soþeli þe kyng rooſe in þe heeiȝiſt ſpring of day, and
lx And ſo alle þe peple criede wiþ grete voyce, and bleſſiden Danyel wiþ hym.
þe Lord, þat ſaueþ men hopynge in hym. xvii And þe kyng ſaiþ, Danyel, wher þe ſealis ben ſaaf?
lxi And þei ryſen to gidre aȝeins two preſtis; ſoþely Danyel Whiche anſweride, Kyng, ſaaf.
hadde conuicte hem of her mouþ, for to haue ſaide fals xviii And anoon whan þei hadden opnyd þe dore, þe kyng
witneſſyng; byhelde þe bord, and he criede wiþ grete voyce, Grete art þou,
lxii and þei diden to hem, as þei hadden do yuel aȝeines þe Bel, and no gyle is anentys þee.
neiȝbour, þat þei diden after þe lawe of Moyſes, and ſlewen xix And Danyel leiȝide, and he heelde þe kyng, leſt he entride
hem. And þe giltleſſe blode is ſaued in þat day. wiþ ynforþ; and ſaide, Loo! þe pament, perceyue whos ſteppis
lxiii Forſoþe Elchie and his wyf preyſiden God in þat day, for þeſe ben.
her douȝter Suſanne, wiþ Joachym, hir huſbond, and alle hir xx And þe kyng ſaide, Y ſee ſteppis of men, and wymmen,
coſyns, for foule þing was not found in hir. and ȝunge children. And þe kyng is wroþ.
lxiiii Forſoþe Danyel was maad greet in ſiȝt of þe peple, fro xxi Þanne þe kyng cauȝte þe preſtis, and wijues, and ſones of
þat day and afterward. hem; and þei ſhewiden to hym ſmale doris hid, by whom þei
entriden, and waſtiden what þingus weren on þe bord.
Capitulum XIIII. xxii Þerfore þe kyng ſlewȝ hem, and bytoke Bel in to power

i And
of Danyel, whiche diſtruyide hym and his temple.
kyng Aſtriages is putt to his fadris, and Cyrus of xxiii And a grete dragoun was in þat place, and men of
Perſe reſceyuyde þe kyngdam of hym. Babyloyne wirſhipiden hym.
ii Forſoþe Danyel was meete feere of þe kyng, and honoured
xxiiii And þe kyng ſaide to Danyel, Loo! now þou maiſt not
aboue alle þe freendis of hym. ſaye, þat þis is not god lyuynge; þerfore wirſhipe hym.
iii And an ydol, Bel by name, was anentis men of
xxv And Danyel ſaide to þe kyng, Y wirſhipe þe Lord my
Babyloyne, and þere weren ſpendid in it by alle days twelue God, for he is lyuynge God; þis is not god lyuynge.
meſuris artabis, and oon conteyneþ þree buſſhels of floure, xxvi Þou forſoþe, kyng, ȝeue to me power, þat Y ſlea þe
and fourty ſheep, and of wijn ſixe amphoris.
iiii And þe kyng wirſhipide hym, and wente by alle days for dragoun, wiþ oute ſwerd and ſtaff. And þe kyng ſaiþ, Y ȝeue
to honoure it; forſoþe Danyel honourede his God. And þe to þee.
xxvii Þerfore Danyel toke picche, and fatneſſe, and heris, and
kyng ſaide to hym, Whi honoureſt þou not Bel?
v Whiche anſwerynge ſaiþ to hym, For Y wirſhipe not ydolis ſeeþide to gydre; and he made gobettis, and ȝaue in to mouþe
maad by hond, bot lyuyng God, þat made of nouȝt heuen and of þe dragoun, and þe dragoun is borſtun. And Danyel ſayde,
erþe, and haþ power of eche fleſhe. Loo! whom ȝe wirſhipiden.
xxviii Whiche þing whanne men of Babyloyne herden, þei
vi And þe kyng ſaide to hym, Wher Bel is not ſeen to þee a
lyuynge God? wheþer þou ſeeſt not, hou many þingus he etiþ hadden indignacioun gretely; and þei ben gadrid aȝeinus þe
and drynkiþ eche day? kyng, and ſayden, Þe kyng is maad a Jewe; he diſtruyede
vii And Danyel leiȝinge ſaiþ, Kyng, erre þou not; þis is
Bel, and ſlewȝ þe dragoun, and killide preſtis.
xxix And þei ſaiden, whanne þei camen to þe kyng, Ȝeue to
wiþynforþ of cley, and wiþ outforþ of braſſe, neþir etiþ eny vs Danyel, þat diſtruyede Bel, and ſlewȝ þe dragoun; ellis we
tyme, neþer drynkyþ. ſhuln ſlea þee, and þin hous.
viii And þe kyng wroþ clepide þe preſtis of hym, and ſaide to
xxx Þerfore þe king ſawȝ, þat þei fellen in to hym gretely; and
hem, No bot ȝe ſhuln ſaye to me, who etiþ þeſe ȝiftis, ȝe ſhuln by neede he conſtreyned ȝaue to hem Danyel.
dye. xxxi Whiche ſenten hym in to þe lake of lyouns, and he was
ix Forſoþe ȝif ȝe ſhuln ſhewe for Bel etiþ þeſe, Danyel ſhal
dye, for he blasfemyde Bel. And Danyel ſayde to þe kyng, þere ſeuen days.
xxxii Forſoþe in þe lake weren ſeuen lyouns, and eche day
Be it don vp þi word.
x Forſoþe þere weren of Bel ſeuenty preſtis, oute taken two bodyes and two ſheep weren ȝouen to hem. And þanne
wijues, and litil children, and ſonys. And þe kyng wiþ Danyel þei weren not ȝouen to hem, þat þei ſhulde deuoure Danyel.
xxxiii Forſoþe Abacuc was a prophete in Judee, and he hadde
came into þe temple of Bel.
xi And preſtis of Bel ſaiden, Loo! we ſhuln go out, and þou, ſoþen potage, and hadde `ſette yn looues in a litil veſſel, and
kyng, putte metis, and meynge wyne, and ſhitte þe dore, and wente in to þe feeld, for to bere to repers.
xxxiiii And an aungel of þe Lord ſaide to Abakuc, Bere þou
ſeale wiþ þi ryng.
þe mete, þat þou haſt, in to Babyloyne, to Danyel, þat is in
þe lake of lyouns.


xxxv And Abakuc ſaide, Lord, I ſawȝ not Babyloyne, and I

knewe not þe lake.
xxxvi And þe angel of þe Lord toke hym in þe poll of hym,
and bare hym in an her of his hed, and putte hym in to
Babyloyne, on þe lake, in bir of his ſpirit.
xxxvii And Abakuc criede, ſayinge, Danyel, ſeruaunt of God,
take þou þe mete, þat God ſente to þee.
xxxviii And Danyel ſaiþ, Lord God, þou haſt mynde of me,
and forſakiſt not men loouynge þee.
xxxix And Danyel ryſynge eet; forſoþe þe aungel of þe Lord
reſtoride anoon Abakuc in his place.
xl Þerfore þe kyng cam in þe ſeuenþe day for to weile
Danyel; and he came to þe lake, and lookide wiþ ynne, and
loo! Danyel ſittynge in þe mydil of lyouns.
xli And þe kyng criede wiþ grete voice, ſaiynge, Grete art þou,
Lord God of Danyel; and drouȝ out him of þe lake.
xlii Forſoþ he ſente yn in to þe lake hem, þat weren cauſe of
his perdicioun, and þei ben deuoured in a moment byfore
xliii Þann þe kyng ſaiþ, Men dwellynge in al erþe, dreede þe
God of Danyel; for he is deliuerer, and ſauere, doynge ſygnes
and merueyles in heuen and in erþe, þat delyuerede Danyel of
þe lake of lyouns.
Here endeþe þe boke of Daniel, and here
bigynneþ Oſee.


viii And þis womman wiſte not, for Y ȝaue to hir wheet,
OSEE. wijne, and oyle; and multiplied to hir ſyluer and gold, whiche
þei maden to Baal.
ix Þerfore Y ſhal turne, and ſhal take my wheet in hys tyme,
Capitulum I. and my wijn in his tyme; and I ſhal weiȝe my wolle, and my
i The word of þe Lord þat is maad to Oſee, ſone of Bery, in lynnen, whiche hiliden þe yuel fame of hir.
þe days of Oſye, Joathan, Achas, and Ezechie, kyngis of x And now Y ſhal ſhewe þe folye of hir in þe eeȝen of hir
Juda, and in þe days of Jeroboam, ſone of Joas, kyng of louers, and a man ſhal not delyuere hir fro myn hond;
Yrael. xi and I ſhal make alle þe ioye of hir for to ceeſe, hir
ii Þe bygynnyng of ſpekynge Lord in Oſee. And þe Lord ſaid ſolempnyte, hir neomynye, or new feeſt, hir ſaboth, and alle
to Oſee, Go þou, take to þee a wijf of fornicacioun, and make feeſtis and tymys of hir.
to þee ſonys of fornicaciouns, for þe erþe doynge fornicacioun xii And I ſhal corrumpe, or diſtruye, hir vyne ȝerd, and hir
ſhal do fornicacioun fro þe Lord. fijge tree, of which ſhe ſaide, Þeſe ben my hijris, whiche my
iii And he wente, and toke Gomer, þe douȝter of Debalaym; louers ȝauen to me; and Y ſhal putte hir in to wijlde wode,
and ſhe conceyuyde, and bare to hym a ſone. and þe beeſt of þe feeld ſhal eet hir.
iiii And þe Lord ſaide to hym, Clepe þe name of hym Jeſrael; xiii And I ſhal viſite vpon hir þe days of Baalym, in whiche
for ȝit a lytil and Y ſhal viſite þe blode of Jeſrael on þe hous ſhe brent enſence, and was ourned wiþ hir ere ring, and hir
of Hyeu, and ſhal make þe kyngdam of þe hous of Yrael for broche, and wente aftir hir louers, and forȝate me, ſaiþ þe
to reſte. Lord.
v And in þat day Y ſhal breke to gydre þe bowe of Yrael in xiiii For þis þing loo! Y ſhal ȝeue mylk to hir, and ſhal lede
þe valey of Jeſrael. hir in to wilderneſſe, and Y ſhal ſpeke to hir herte;
vi And ſhe conceyuyde ȝit, and bare a douȝter. And he ſaide to xv and ſhal ȝeue to hir vijne tyliers of þe ſame place, and þe
hym, Clepe þou þe name of hir Wiþ outen mercy, for Y ſhal valey of Achor, for to opyn hope. And ſhe ſhal ſynge þere vp
namore putte to, for to haue mercy to þe hous of Yrael, bot bi þe days of hir ȝouþe, and vp þe days of hir ſteying vp fro þe
forȝetyng Y ſhal forȝete hem. lond of Egypt.
vii And to þe hous of Juda Y ſhal haue mercy, and Y ſhal xvi And it ſhal be in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord, ſhe ſhal clepe me
ſaue hem in þe Lord her God; and Y ſhal not ſaue hem in Myn huſbond, and ſhe ſhal namore clepe me Baalym;
bowe, and ſwerd, and bateil, and in horſis, and in horſmen. xvii and Y ſhal take aweye þe names of Balym fro hir mouþe,
viii And ſhe wenyde hir þat was Wiþ outen mercye. And ſhe and ſhe ſhal namore haue mynde of þe name of hem.
conceyuyde, and bare to hym a ſone. xviii And Y ſhal ſmyte to hem a boond of pees in þat day wiþ
ix And he ſaide, Clepe þou þe name of hym Not my people, beeſt of þe feeld, and wiþ brid of heuen, and wiþ creepynge
for ȝe ben not my peple, and Y ſhal not be ȝour God. beeſt of erþe. And Y ſhal breke to gydre bowe, and ſwerd,
x And þe noumbre of ſones of Yrael ſhal be as grauel of þe and batel of þe erþe; and Y ſhal make hem for to ſleepe
ſee, whiche is wiþ oute meſure, and ſhal not be noumbrid; triſtili.
and it ſchal be in place, where it ſchal be ſeid to hem, Not xix And I ſhal ſpouſe þee to me in to wiþ outen eende, and Y
my peple ȝe; it ſchal be ſeid to hem, Sones of God lyuynge. ſhal ſpouſe þee to me in riȝtwijſneſſe, and in dome, and in
xi And ſones of Juda and ſones of Yrael ſhuln be gedrid to mercy, and in doyngis of mercy.
gydre, and þei ſhuln putte to hem ſelf oon hed, and ſhuln ſtie xx And Y ſhal ſpouſe þee to me in feiþ; and þou ſhalt wite,
vp fro þe lond, for grete is þe day of Jeſrael. for Y þe Lord.
xxi And it ſhal be, in þat day Y ſhal heere, ſaiþ þe Lord, and
Capitulum II. I ſhal heere heuens, and þei ſhuln heere þe erþe;
xxii and þe erþe ſhal heere wheete, and wijn, and oyle, and
i Saye ȝe to ȝour breþeren, My peple; and to ȝour ſiſter,
Wynnynge mercy; þeſe ſhuln heere Jeſrael.
xxiii And Y ſhal ſowe hir to me in to lond, and Y ſhal haue
ii deme ȝe ȝour modir, deme ȝe, for ſhe is not my wijf, and Y
not hir huſbond. Do ſhe aweye hir fornicaciouns fro hir face, mercy on hir þat was wiþ out mercy. And Y ſhal ſaye to not
and hir auowtries fro þe mydil of her tetis; my peple, Þou art my peple, and he ſhal ſaye, Þou art my
iii leſt perauenture Y vncloþe hir nakid, and ſette hir vp þe
day of hir birþe. And Y ſhal putte hir as a wildreneſſe, and Capitulum III.
ordeyne hir as a lond vnweyed, or wiþ outen weye, and ſhal
ſlea hir wiþ þriſt. i And þe Lord ſaide to me, Ȝit go þou, and loue þou a
iiii And of þe ſones of hir Y ſhal not haue mercy, for þei ben womman loued of a frend, and auoutreſſe, as þe Lord loueþ
ſonys of fornycacioun; þe ſonys of Yrael; and þei byholden to alyen goddis, and
v for þe modir of hem dide fornycacioun, ſhe is confuſid þat louen þe darſtis of grapis, þat leueþ in hem aftir preſſyng.
conceyuyde hem, for ſhe ſaide, Y ſhal go after my louers þat ii And Y dalf hir to me wiþ fifteen platis of ſiluer, and wiþ a
ȝiuen my looues to me, and my waters, and my wolle, and chorus of barly, whiche is a meſure of þritti buſſhels, and wiþ
my lynnen, and myn oyle, and my drinke. an half chorus of barly.
vi For þis þing lo! Y ſhal hegge þi weye wiþ þornys, and I iii And Y ſaide to hir, Manye days þou ſhalt abyde me; þou
ſhal hegge it wiþ a walle, and it ſhal not fynde his paþis. ſhalt not do fornycacioun, and þou ſhalt not be to huſbond, bot
vii And ſhe ſhal ſue hir louers, and ſhal not cacche hem, and and Y ſhal abijde þee.
ſhal ſeke hem, and ſhal not fynde hem; and ſhe ſhal ſaye, Y iiii For manye days þe ſonys of Yrael ſhuln ſitte wiþ out
ſhal go, and Y ſhal turne aȝein to my former huſbond, for kyng, wiþ out prince, wiþ out ſacrifice, and wiþ out auter,
wele it was to me þanne more þan now. and wiþ out ephot, or preſtis cloþing, and wiþ out teraphyn.
v And after þeſe þingis ſonys of Yrael ſhuln turne aȝein, and
ſhuln ſeke þe Lord her God, and Dauiþ, her kyng; and þei


ſhuln dreede to þe Lord, and to þe good of hym, in þe laſt of iii Y wote Effraym, and Yrael is not hid fro me; for now
days. Effraym dide fornicacioun, Yrael is defoulid.
iiii Þei ſhul not ȝeue her þouȝtis, þat þei turne aȝein to her
Capitulum IIII. God; for þe ſpirit of fornicacioun in þe mydil of hem, and þei
i Heere ȝe, ſonys of Yrael, þe word of þe Lord, for dome to knewen not þe Lord.
v And þe pryde of Yrael ſhal anſwere in to his face, and
þe Lord wiþ dwellers of erþe; forſoþe trewþe is not and mercy
is not, and ſcience, or kunnynge, of þe Lord is not in erþe. Yrael and Effraym ſhuln falle to gydre in her wikkidneſſe;
ii Curſidneſs, and leſyng, and manſleaynge, and þeft, and alſo Juda ſhall falle wiþ hem.
vi In her flockis, and in her droues þei ſhuln go for to ſeke
auoutrie flowiden, and bloode touchide bloode.
iii For þis þing erþe ſhal mourne, and eche man þat dwelliþ þe Lord, and ſhuln not fynde; he is taken awey fro hem.
vii In þe Lord þei treſpaſſiden, for þei gendriden alien ſonys;
þeryn ſhal be ſeeke, in beeſt of þe feeld, and in brid of heuen;
bot and fiſhis of þe ſe ſhuln be gadrid. now þe moneþe wiþ her partis ſhal deuoure hem.
iiii Neþeleſe eche man deeme not, and be not a man reproued; viii Sowne ȝe wiþ an horn in Gabaa, wiþ trumpe in Rama;
forſoþe þi peple as þeſe þat aȝein ſayen þe preſt. woule ȝe in Bethauen, aftir þi bac, Beniamyn.
v And þou ſhalt falle to day, and alſo þe prophete ſhal falle to ix Effraym ſhal be in to deſolacioun, in þe day of correctioun,
gydre wiþ þee; in nyȝt Y made þi modir for to be ſtille. and in lynagis of Yrael Y ſhewide feiþ.
vi And my peple was to gydre ſtille, for it hadde not ſcience; x Þe princis of Juda ben maad as takynge to þe termes on
for þou haſt putte awey ſcience, Y ſhal putte þee awey, þat hem; Y ſhal ſhede out as water my wraþ.
þou be not ſet, or vſe, in preſthode to me; þou haſt forȝete þe xi Effraym is ſuffrynge fals chalenge, he broken in dome; for
lawe of þi God, and Y ſhal forgete þi ſonys. he byganne for to go after filþis.
vii Vp þe multitude of hem, ſo þei ſynnyden to me. Y ſhal xii And Y as a mouȝþe to Effraym, and as rot to þe hous of
chaunge þe glorie of hem in to yuel fame. Juda.
viii Þei ſhuln ete þe ſynnys of my peple, and to þe wickidneſſe xiii And Effraym ſawȝ his ſeekeneſſe, and Juda his boond.
of hem þei ſhuln reyſe vp þe ſoulis of hem. And Effraym wente to Aſſur, and ſente to þe kyng veniour.
ix And it ſhal be, as þe peple ſo þe preſt; and I ſhal viſite on And he ſhal not mowe ſaue ȝou, neþer ſhal mowe vnbynde þe
hym þe weyes of hym, and I ſhal ȝelde to hym his þouȝtis. boond fro ȝou.
x And þei ſhuln ete, and ſhuln not be fulfillid; þei diden xiiii For Y as a lyoneſſe to Effraym, and as a whelp of lyoun
fornycacioun, and ceſiden not, for þei forſoken þe Lord in not to þe hous of Juda. Y, Y ſhal take, and ſhal go, and ſhal
kepynge. take awey, and þer is not whiche ſhal delyuere.
xi Fornicacioun, and wijn, and drunkeneſſe doþ awey herte. xv Y goynge ſhal turne aȝein to my place, til ȝe fayle, and
xii My peple axide in his tree, and þe ſtaff of hym ſhal ſhewe ſeeke my face. In her tribulacioun erly þei ſhuln ryſe to gyder
to hym; forſoþe þe ſpirit of fornicaciouns diſceyuyde hem, and to me.
þei diden fornicacioun fro her God.
xiii On hedis of hillis þei maden ſacrifice, and on litil hillis Capitulum VI.
þei brenneden tymyame, or encenſe, vnder ook, and poplere, i Cum ȝe, and turne we aȝein to þe Lord; for he toke, or
and terebynt, for þe ſhadew of it was good. Þerfore ȝour bigan, and ſhal hele us; he ſhal ſmyte, and ſhal cure us.
douȝters ſhuln do fornicacioun, and ȝour ſpouſis, or wijfis, ii He ſhal quycken us aftir two days, in þe þrydde day he ſhal
ſhuln be auoutreſſis.
xiiii Y ſhal not viſite on ȝour douȝters, whan þei ſhuln do reyſe vs, and we ſhuln lyue in þe ſiȝt of hym.
iii We ſhuln wite, and ſue, þat we knewe þe Lord. As þe
fornicacioun, and on ȝoure wijues, whanne þei ſhuln do
auowtrie; for þei lyueden wiþ hooris, and ſacrifieden wiþ men ſpryng of day his out goyng is maad redy, and he ſhal cum
turned in to wommans maners. And peple not vndirſtondynge as rayne tymely to vs, and late to erþe.
ſhal be beten. iiii What ſhal Y do to þee, Effraym? what ſhal Y do to þee,
xv Ȝif þou, Yrael, doſt fornycacioun, namely þou, Juda, Juda? Ȝour mercy as a morew cloude, and as dewe erly
treſpaſſe not; and nyl ȝe entre in to Galgala, and ſtye ȝe not paſſynge forþ.
in to Bethauen, neþer ſwere ȝe, Þe Lord lyueþ. v For þis þing Y haue hewun in prophetis, and ſlayn hem in
xvi For as a cowe waxinge wijlde Yrael bowide awey; now wordis of my mouþe; and þi domys ſhuln go out as liȝt.
þe Lord ſhal feede hem as a lombe in breed. vi For Y wolde mercy, and not ſacrifice, and ſcience of God,
xvii Parcener of ydolis Effraym, leue ȝe hym; more þan brente ſacrifices.
xviii þe feeſt of hem is departid. In fornicacioun þei diden vii Forſoþe þei as Adam braken my couenaunt; þere þei
fornicacioun, þe defenders of hem loueden for to brynge to treſpaſſiden in me.
yuel fame. viii Galaad þe cite of men wirchynge ydol, ſupplauntid by
xix A ſpirit boonde hym in his weengis, and þei ſhuln be blood;
confoundid of her ſacrifices. ix and as cheekis of men þeeues. Parcener of preſtis in þe
waye of men ſleaynge men goynge of Sychem, for þei
Capitulum V. wrouȝten grete treſpas.
x In þe hous of Yrael Y ſaw an orrible þing; þere þe
i Heere ȝe, preſtis, þeſe þingis, and perceyue ȝe, hous of fornycaciouns of Effraym. Iſrael is defoulid;
Yrael, and herken ȝe, hous of þe kyng; for wiþ ȝou is dome, xi bot and þou, Juda, putte to þee rijp corn, whanne Y ſhal
for ȝe ben maad a graue to byholdyng, and as a nette ſprad turne to gydre þe caitiftee of my peple.
abrood on Thabor.
ii And ȝe bowiden doun ſlayn ſacrifice for victorie in to
depneſſe; and Y þe lerner of hem alle.


Capitulum VII. vii For þei ſhuln ſowe wynd, and repe whirlwynd. A
i Whanne
ſtondynge ſtalk is not in hem, þe buriownyng ſhal not make
Y wolde hele Yrael, þe wickidneſſe of Effraym is mele; þat and ȝif it ſhal make, aliens ſhuln ete it.
ſhewid, and þe malice of Samarie, for þei wrouȝten leſyng. viii Yrael is deuoured; now he is maad in naciouns, as an
And a nyȝt þeef wente in robbynge; a litil day þeef wiþ out vnclene veſſel,
forþ. ix for þei ſtieden to Aſſur. Effraym a ſolitarie feeld aſſe to
ii And leſt perauenture þei ſayen in her hertis, me hauynge
mynde on al þe malice of hem, now her fyndyngis han gon hym ſelf. Þei ȝauen ȝiftis to her louers;
x bot and wiþ meed þei hijriden naciouns. Now Y ſhal gedre
about hem, þei ben maad byfore my face.
iii In her malice þei gladden þe kyng, and in her leſyngus þe hem, and þei ſhuln reſte a litil of charge of þe kyng and
princis. princis.
xi For Effraym multipliede autris for to ſynne, autris ben
iiii Alle doynge auoutrie, as fourneice kyndlid of a man
ſeeþinge. Þe citee reſtide a litil in mengyng to gydre of ſoure maad to hym in to treſpaſſe.
xii Y ſhal write to hym my manyfolde lawis, whiche ben
dowe, til it were ſourdowid all.
v Þe day of oure kyng; princis bygunnen for to wexe wode of acomptid as alyen.
xiii Þei ſhulen brenge to ooſtis, and ſhuln offre fleſhis, and
wijn; he ſtreiȝte out his hond wiþ ſcorners.
vi For þei applieden as a fourneys her herte, whanne he ſhuln ete; and þe Lord ſhal not reſceyue hem. Now he ſhal
aſpiede, or ſette, treſoun to hem. Al niȝt he ſlepte ſeeþinge recorde þe wickidneſſe of hem, and ſhal viſite þe ſynnes of
hem, erly he ſet on fijr, as fijr of flawme. hem; þei ſhuln be turnyd in to Egypt.
xiiii And Yrael forȝate his maker, and beeldide templis, and
vii All ben maad hoot as a fourneice, and deuoureden her
domeſmen. All kyngis of hem fellen doun, and þer is not in Judas multipliede ſtronge citees; and Y ſhal ſende fijr in to
hem þat ſhal crie to me. þe citees of him, and it ſhal deuoure þe houſis of hym.
viii Effraym in peplis he was meynt to gydre; Effraym is
maad a loof baken vndir aſhis, whiche is not turned aȝein. Capitulum IX.
ix Aliens eeten þe ſtrengþe of hym, and he wiſt not; bot and i Yrael, nyl þou glade, nyl þou ioye wiþ outforþ as peplis; for
whijt heeris ben ſhed out in hym, and he knewe not. þou haſt do fornicacioun fro þi God. Þou louediſt hijris on
x And þe pride of Yrael ſhal be mekid in þe face of hym; alle feeldis of whete.
neþer þei ben turned aȝein to þe Lord her God, and þei ii Feeld and preſſour ſhal not feede hem, and wijne ſhal lye to
ſouȝten not hym in alle þeeſe þingus. hem.
xi And Effraym is maad as a culuer diſceyued, not hauynge iii Þei ſhuln not dwelle in þe lond of þe Lord. Effraym
herte. Þei inclepiden Egypt, to Aſſiriens þei wenten. turnyde aȝein in to Egypt, and in Aſſiriens eete defoulid þing.
xii And whanne þei ſhuln go, Y ſhal ſprede abrode on hem iiii Þei ſhuln not ſacrifice wijn to þe Lord, and þei ſhuln not
my nett, as a brid of heuen Y ſhal drawe hem doun. Y ſhal pleſe to hym. Þe ſacrifices of hem as breede of mournynge
bete hem, vp þe heeryng of þe cumpanye of hem. men; alle þat eten it ſhuln be defoulid. For þe breed of hem,
xiii Wo to hem, for þei wenten awei fro me; þei ſhuln be of þe ſoule of hem, ſhal not entre in to þe hous of þe Lord.
waaſtid, for þei treſpaſſiden in me. Y aȝein bouȝte hem, and v What ſhuln ȝe do in þe ſolempne day, in day of þe feſt of þe
þei ſpaken aȝeinus me leſyng. Lord?
xiiii And þei crieden not to me in her herte, bot þei wouliden vi Loo! ſoþely þei ben gon fro waſtneſſe. Egypt ſhal gedere
in her couchis. Þei chewiden cud vpon whete, and wijne, and hem, Memphis ſhal birie hem. A nettil ſhal enherit þe
departiden fro me. deſirable ſyluer of hem, a cloote in þe tabernaclis of hem.
xv And I lernyde hem, and coumfortide þe armys of hem, and vii Days of viſityng camen, days of ȝeldyng camen. Yrael,
in me þei þouȝten malice. wite þou þee a fool, a wood prophete, a ſpirituel man, for þe
xvi Þei turneden aȝein, þat þei ſhulden be wiþ out ȝoc; þei multitude of þi wickidneſſe, and multitude of madneſſe.
ben maad as a gylful bowe. Þe princis of hem ſhuln falle in viii A ſpier of Effraym wiþ my God; þe prophete is maad a
ſwerd, of þe wodeneſſe of her tunge; þis þe mowyng, or gnare of fallynge, on alle þe wayes of hym, wodeneſſe in þe
ſcornyng, of hem in þe lond of Egypt. hous of his God.
ix Þei ſynneden depely, as in days of Gabaa. He ſhal recorde
Capitulum VIII. her wickidneſſe, and ſhal viſite þe ſynnys of hem.
x Y foonde Yrael as grapes in deſert, as þe firſt applis of a
i In þi þrote be a trumpe, as an egle on þe hous of þe Lord;
for þat þat þei braken my bond of pees, and þei treſpaſſiden, litil fyge tree. In þe heeȝt þerof Y ſeeȝ þe faders of hem;
or braken, my lawe. forſoþe þei entriden to Belphagor, and ben alienyd aweye in
ii Þei inclepiden me, My God, we Yrael knewen þee.
to confuſioun, and ben maad abomynable as þo þingus þat þei
iii Yrael caſtide awey good þing, an enemy ſhal purſue hym. xi Effraym as a brid fleeȝ awey; þe glorie of hem of chijld
iiii Þei regneden, and not of me; þei weren princis, and I beryng, and of wombe, and of conceyuynge.
knewe not. Þei maden her ſyluer and gold and her ydolis to xii Þat and ȝif þei ſhuln nuriſhe out her ſonys, Y ſhal make
hem, þat þei ſhulden periſhe. hem wiþ out free childre in men. Bot and wo to hem, whanne
v Samarie, þi calf is caſt awey; my woodneſſe is wroþe in I ſhal go awey fro hem.
hem. Hou long miȝten þei not be clenſid? xiii Effraym, as I ſyȝ Tyrus, was foundid in fairneſſe;
vi for of Yrael and he is. A craftiſe man made hym, and he Effraym ſchal leede out his ſones to þe ſlear.
is not god; for þe calf of Samarie ſhal be into webbis of xiiii Lord, ȝyue þou to hem; what ſchalt þou ȝyue to hem? ȝeue
yreinus. þou to hem a ȝate of wombe wiþ oute free children, and drie


xv Al wickidneſſe of hem in Galgal, for þere Y hadde hem iii And Y as a nuriſhe of Effraym bare hem in myn armys,
hateful; for þe malice of her wickidneſſe Y ſhal caſte hem out and þei wiſten not, þat Y helide hem.
of myn hous. Y ſhal not putte to, þat Y loue hem. Alle iiii In litil boondis of Adam Y ſhal drawe hem, in boondis of
princis of hem goynge awey; charitee. And Y ſhal be to hem as reyſynge ȝoc on þe cheekis
xvi Effraym is ſmyten, þe root of hem is dried vp; þei ſhuln of hem; and Y bowide doun to hym, þat he ſhulde ete.
not make fruyte. Þat and ȝif þei ſhuln gendre, Y ſhal ſlea þe v He ſhal not turne aȝein in to þe lond of Egypt. And Aſſur
moſt loued þingus of þe wombe of hem. þe kyng þerof, for þei wolden not be conuertid.
xvii Þe Lord my God ſhal caſte hem awey, for þei herden not vi Swerd toke, or bigan, in þe citees þerof, and ſchal waaſte
hym; and þei ſhuln be wagringe in naciouns. þe choſun þerof, and ſchal ete þe heedis of hem.
vii And my peple ſchal hange, at my comynge aȝein. Forſoþ a
Capitulum X. ȝok ſhal be putte vpon hem to gydre, whiche ſhal not be don
i Yrael a vijne ful of bowis, fruyte is maad euen to hym; vp awey.
viii Hou ſhal Y ȝeue þee, Effraym? ſhal Y hille, or defende,
þe multitude of his fruyte he multipliede auters, vp þe plente
of his lond he was plenteous in ſymulacris, or fals goddis. þee, Yrael? hou ſhal Y ȝeue þee as Adama? ſhal Y putte þee
ii Þe herte of hem is departid, now þei ſhuln periſhe. He ſhal as Seboym? Myn hert is conuertid in me; my forþinkyng is
breke to gydre þe ſymulacris of hem, he ſhal ſpuyle þe auters trublid to gidre.
ix Y ſhal not do þe woodneſſe of my wraþ. Y ſhal not be
of hem.
iii For now þei ſhuln ſaye, Kyng is not `to vs, forſoþe we conuertid, þat Y diſtruye Effraym; for Y God, and not man;
dreeden not God. And what ſhal a kyng do to vs? holy in þe mydil of þee, and Y ſhal not entre in to cytee.
x After þe Lord þei ſhuln go. As a lyoun he ſchal roore, for
iiii Speke ȝe wordis of vnprofitable viſioun, and ȝe ſhuln
make a couenaunt wiþ leſyng; and dome ſhal buriowne as he ſchal roore, and ſones of þe ſee ſchulen drede.
xi And `þei ſhuln flee awey as a brid fro Egypt, and as
bitterneſſe on forowis of þe feeld.
v Þe dwellers of Samarie wirſhipen þe kijn of Bethauen. For culuer of þe lond of Aſſiriens. And Y ſhal to gydre ſette hem
þe peple þerof mournyde vpon hym, and kepers of þe hous of in her houſis, ſaiþ þe Lord.
xii Effraym diſceyuede me in marchaundiſe, and in ydol of þe
hym ioyeden wiþ outforþ in glorie of hym, for it paſſide fro
hym. hous of Yrael. Forſoþe Judas witnes wente doun wiþ God,
vi Forſoþe and he is born in to Aſſur, a ȝift to þe king venier. and wiþ feiþful ſaintis.
Confuſioun ſhal take Effraym, and Yrael ſhal be confoundid
in his will. Capitulum XII.
vii Samarie made his king for to paſſe, as frooþ on þe face of i Effraym feediþ þe wijnd, and ſueþ heete. Al day he
water. multiplieþ leſyng, and diſtruccioun; and made pees wiþ
viii And þe heeȝ þingis of ydol, þe ſynne of Yrael, ſhulen be Aſſiriens, and bare oyle in to Egypt.
diſtruyed. Cloote and breere ſhal ſtye on þe auters of hem. ii Þerfore þe dome of þe Lord wiþ Juda, and viſitacioun on
And þei ſhuln ſeye to mounteyns, Hille ȝe vs, and to ſmale Jacob; vp þe wayes, and vp þe fyndyngus of hym he ſhal
hillis, Falle ȝe vpon vs. ȝeelde to hym.
ix Of þe days of Gabaa Yrael ſynnyde; þere þei ſtoden. iii In þe wombe he ſupplauntide, or diſceyuyde, his broþer,
Bateyl ſhal not cotche hem in Gabaa, on þe ſonys of and in his ſtrengþe he was dreſſid wiþ an aungel.
wickidneſſe. iiii And he hadde victorie at þe aungel, and he was
x Vp my deſijre Y ſhal chaſtiſe hem; puplis ſhuln be gadrid on
coumfortid; he wepte, and preiede hym; in Bethel he fonde
hem, whanne þei ſhuln be chaſtiſid for her two wickidneſſis. hym, and þere he ſpac wiþ ȝou.
xi Effraym a cow calf, tauȝt for to loue þreſſhyng; and Y v And þe Lord God of ooſtis, þe Lord, memorial of hym.
paſſide on þe fairneſſe of hir neck. Y ſhal ſtye vp on Effraym. vi And þou ſhalt be conuertid to þe Lord þi God. Keepe þou
Judas ſhal ere, Jacob ſhal breke to gydre to hym forowis.
xii Sowe ȝe to ȝow in riȝtwijſneſſe, and repe ȝe in þe mouþ of mercy and dome, and hoope þou euermore in þy God.
vii Canaan, in his hond a gyleful balaunce, louede fals
mercy, and make newe to ȝou a newe feeld. Tyme ſoþely for
to aȝein ſeeke þe Lord, whanne he ſhal cum, þat ſhal teche chalenge.
ȝou riȝtwijſneſſe. viii And Effraym ſaide, Neþeles Y am maad riche, Y fonde
xiii Ȝe han ſowe vnpite, ȝe repiden wickidneſſe, ȝe eeten þe an ydol to me; alle my trauailis ſhuln not fynde to me
fruyte of leſyng. For þou triſtidiſt in þi wayes, and in wickidneſſe, whiche Y ſynnyde.
multitude of þi ſtronge men. ix And Y þe Lord þi God, whiche ledde þee out of þe lond of
xiiii Noyſe ſhal ryſe to gydre in þi peple, and alle þi ſtrengþus Egypt; ȝit Y ſhal make þee for to ſytte in tabernaclis, as in
ſhuln be diſtruyed; as Salmana is diſtruyed of þe hous of days of feeſt.
hym, þat veniede Baal; in þe day of bateyle, þe modir hurtlid x And Y ſpac on prophetis, and Y multipliede viſioun, and in
on ſones. þe hond of prophetis Y am lickenyd.
xv So Bethel ſhal do to ȝou, fro þe face of malice of ȝour xi Ȝif in Galaad an ydol, þerfore veynly þey weren in Galgal
wickidneſſis. As þe morewnyng paſſiþ, þe kyng of Yrael offrynge to oxis; forwhi and þe auters of hem as hepis on
paſſiþ. forowis of þe feeld.
xii Jacob fleiȝ into þe cuntrie of Sirie, and Irael ſeruyde into
Capitulum XI. wyf, and ſeruyde into wyf.
xiii Forſoþe in a prophete þe Lord ledde out Yrael of Egypt,
i Byfore Yrael a chijld, and Y louede hym; and of Egypt Y
clepide my ſone. and in a prophete he is kepte.
xiiii Effraym terride me to wraþ in his bitterneſſis, and his
ii Þei clepiden hem, ſo þei wenten awey fro þe face of hem.
Þei offreden to Baalym, and maden ſacrifice to ſymulacris. blood ſhal cum on hym; and þe Lord his God ſhal reſtoren
hym his ſhenſhip.


Capitulum XIII. viii Effraym, what ouer to me ydolis? Y ſhal heere hym, and
i Effraym
Y ſhal dreſſe hym as a beeche wexinge green. Of me þi
ſpekynge, errour aſſailide Yrael; and he treſpaſſide fruyte is founden.
in Baal, and is dead. ix Who is wijſe, and ſhal vndirſtonden þeſe þingis?
ii And now þei puttiden to for to ſynne, and maden to hem a
vndirſtondynge, and ſhal wite þeſe þingis? For riȝtful þe
ȝoten þing of her ſyluer, as þe lickneſſe of ydols; þe makyng wayes of þe Lord, and iuſt men ſhuln walke in hem; forſoþe
of crafty men it is al. To þeſe þei ſayen, Offre, ȝe men, treſpaſſours ſhuln falle in hem.
wirſhippynge calues.
iii Þerfore þei ſhuln be as a morewe clowde, or myſt, and as Here endiþ Oſee, and bigynneþ Joel,
morewe dewe paſſynge, as duſt rauyſhid wiþ whirlwynd of þe prophete.
feeld, and as ſmoke of þe chymney.
iiii Forſoþe Y þe Lord þi God, of þe lond of Egypt; and þou
ſhalt not knowe God, wiþ outen me, and ſaueour is not, out
take me.
v Y knewe þee in deſert, in þe lond of wilderneſſe.
vi Byſidis her leſewis and þei ben fulfillid, and ful crammyd;
þei lyftiden vp her herte, and forȝaten me.
vii And Y ſhal be to hem as a lyouneſſe, and as a paard in
þe waye of Aſſyriens.
viii Y ſhal renne to hem as a ſhe bere, þe whelpis rauyſhid;
and Y ſhal breke þe ynner þingis of her mawe, and Y ſhal
waaſtye hem þere as a lyoun. A beeſt of þe feeld ſhal kitte
ix Þi loſſe, Yrael; oonly of me þin help.
x Wher is þi kyng? moſt now ſaue he þee in alle þi citees;
and þi domyſmen, of whom þou ſaidiſt, Ȝeue þou to me a
kyng, and princis?
xi And Y ſhal ȝeue to þee a kyng in my wodeneſſe, and Y
ſhal take awey in myn indignacioun.
xii Þe wickidneſſe of Effraym is bounden to gidre; þe ſynne of
hym hydde.
xiii Sorewis of a womman berynge chijld ſhuln cume to hym;
he is a ſone not wijſe. Now forſoþe he ſhal not ſtonde in
contricioun of ſonys.
xiiii Of þe hond of deþ Y ſhal delyuere hem, Y ſhal aȝein bye
hem fro deþ. Þou deþ, Y ſhal be þi deþ; þou helle, Y ſhal be
þi morſel. Coumfort is hid fro myn eeȝen,
xv for he departiþ among breþeren. Þe Lord ſhal brenge a
brennynge wynd, of deſert ſteiynge vp; and ſhal drye þe
veynis þerof, and diſcoumforte, or leeue aloon, þe welle þerof;
and he ſhal rauyſhe treſour of eche deſirable veſſel.
xvi Periſhe Samarie, for to bitterneſſe ſhe ſtiride hir God; in
ſwerd periſhe it. Þe litil childre of hem ben hurtlid, and
wymmen wiþ chijld of it ben coruen out.

Capitulum XIIII.
i Yrael, be þou conuertid to þe Lord þi God, for þou haſt
fallen to gydre in þi wickidneſſe.
ii Take wiþ ȝou wordis, and be ȝe conuertid to þe Lord; and
ſaye ȝe to hym, Do awey alle wickidneſſe, and reſceyue good;
and we ſhuln ȝeelde þe calues of our lippis.
iii Aſſur ſhal not ſaue vs, we ſhuln not ſteye on hors; neþer
we ſhuln ſaye more, Our goddis werkis of oure hondis; for
þou ſhalt haue mercy of þe ylke fadreleſſe chijld, þat is in þee.
iiii Y ſhal heele þe contricioun of hem; Y ſhal loue hem of my
free wille, for my woodneſſe is turned awey fro hem.
v Y ſhal be as dew, and Yrael ſhal buriowne as lilie. And þe
roote of hym ſhal birſt out as of Lyban;
vi þe braunchis of hym ſhuln go. And as olyue his glorie ſhal
be, and his ſauour as of Liban.
vii Þei ſhuln be conuertid ſittynge in þe ſhadewe of hym; þei
ſhuln lyue in whete, and ſhuln burioune as a vyne ȝerd. Þe
memoriel of hym as wijn of Lyban.


Capitulum II.
JOEL. i Synge ȝe wiþ trumpe in Syon, ȝoule ȝe in myn holy
Þe book of Joel, prophete. mounteyn. Alle dwellers of erþe be trublid to gydre; for þe
day of þe Lord cummeþ,
ii for niȝ is þe day of derkneſſis and myſt, and day of cloude
Capitulum I. and of whirlwynd. As þe mornyng ſprad abrood, vpon hillis
i The word of þe Lord, þat is maad to Joel, þe ſone of myche peple and ſtrong. Lijc to hym was not fro þe
Fatuel. bygynnyng, and after hym ſhal not be, vnto ȝeeris of
ii Heere ȝe, olde men, þis, and wiþ eeris perceyue ȝe, alle generacioun and generacioun.
iii Byfore þe face of hym fijr deuourynge, and after hym
dwellers of erþe. Ȝif þis þing is don in ȝour days, or in days
of ȝour faders. brenyng flawme; as a ȝerde of voluptee þe erþe byfore hym,
iii Vpon þis þing telle ȝe to ȝour ſones, and ȝour ſonys to her and after hym alooneneſſe of deſert, neþer þer is þat ſhal
aſcape hym.
ſonys, and þe ſonys of hem to an oþer generacioun. iiii As þe ſiȝt of horſis þe ſiȝt of hem, and as horſmen ſo þei
iiii A locuſt eete þe reſidue of eruke, þat is, a worme of
ſhuln renne.
bowis, and a bruke eete þe reſidue of locuſt, and ruſt eete þe v As ſown of cartis on coppis of hillis ſhuln lijpe; ſo þe ſown
reſidue of bruke.
v Awake ȝe, drunken men, and weepe; and ȝoule ȝe, alle þat of flawme of fijre deuourynge ſtoble, as a ſtronge peple maad
redy to bataile.
drynken wyne in ſwetneſſe; for it periſhide fro ȝour mouþ. vi Of þe face of hym peplis ſhuln be tourmentid, alle cheeris
vi Forſoþe folk haþ ſtyed vpon my lond, ſtronge and
ſhuln be dryuen in to a pot.
vnnoumbreable. Þe teeþ of hym as teeþ of lyoun, and his vii As ſtronge þei ſhuln renne, as men fiȝters þei ſhuln ſtye on
wangteeþ as whelpis of a lyoun.
vii He haþ putte my vyne ȝerd in to deſert, and haþ drawen of þe walle. Men ſhuln go in her wayes, and þei ſhuln not bowe
awey fro her paþes.
þe barc of my fijg tree. He nakynge robbide it, and caſtide viii Eche ſhal not ſtreyte his broþer, eche ſhuln go in his paþ;
awey; þe braunchis þerof ben maad whijt.
viii Weile þou, as a mayden gird wiþ a ſacche vpon þe bot and by wyndowis þei ſhuln falle, and þei ſhuln not be
huſbonde of hir puberte, þat is, tyme of weddynge. ix Þei ſhuln entre in to þe cyte, þei ſhuln renne in þe wall;
ix Sacrifice periſhide, and libacioun, þat is, offryng fleetynge
þei ſhuln ſtye vpon houſis, þei ſhuln entre by wyndowis as a
þingus, of þe hous of þe Lord; and preſtis, mynyſtris of þe niȝt þeef.
Lord, murneden. x Of þe face of hym þe erþe tremblide togydre, heuens ben
x Þe cuntree is robbid, þe erþe mournede; for whete is
moued, þe ſunne and þe mone ben maad derk, and ſterris
waaſtid, and wijn is confoundid, and oyle langwiſhide, or wiþdrowen her liȝt.
failide. xi And þe Lord ȝaue his voice byfore þe face of his ooſt, for
xi Erþe tiliers ben confoundid, vyne tiliers ȝouliden vpon
many ben þe caſtels of hym ful myche; for ſtronge, and doynge
whete, wijn, and barly; for corn of þe feeld periſhide. þe word of hym. Forſoþe þe day of þe Lord grete, and
xii Þe vyne ȝerd is confoundid, and þe fyge tree langwiſhide. dreedful ful myche, and who ſhal ſuſteyne it?
Poumgarnet, and palme tree, and maal tree, or fir, of whom xii Now þerfor ſaiþ þe Lord, Be ȝe conuerted to me in al
maſtis ben maad, and alle trees of þe feeld dryeden; for ioye ȝour herte, in faſtyng, and weepyng, and weylyng;
is confoundid fro ſonys of men. xiii and kerue ȝe ȝour hertis, and not ȝour cloþingus, and be
xiii Ȝe preſtis, gyrde ȝou, and weile; ȝe mynyſtris of þe auter,
ȝe conuertid to þe Lord ȝour God, for he is benygne, and
ȝoule. Ȝe mynyſtris of my God, entre ȝe yn, ligge ȝe in ſak; mercyful, pacient, and of myche mercy, and abydynge vpon
for ſacrifice periſhide of þe hous of ȝour God, and offryng of malice.
fleetyng þing. xiiii Who wote, ȝif God be conuertid, and forȝeue, and leue
xiiii Halewe ȝe faſtyng, clepe ȝe cumpanye, gadre ȝe olde men,
after hym bleſſyng? ſacrifice and offryng of fleetynge þingus to
and alle dwellers of þe lond in to þe hous of ȝour God; and þe Lord ȝour God.
crye ȝe to þe Lord, xv Synge ȝe wiþ trump in Syon, halewe ȝe faſtyng, clepe ȝe
xv A! A! A! to þe day; for þe day of þe Lord is niȝ, and as
waaſtynge it ſhal cum of þe miȝty. xvi gadre ȝe þe peple, halewe ȝe þe chirche, gadre ȝe to gidre
xvi Wher not before ȝour eeȝen fodis periſhen of þe hous of
olde men, gadre ȝe litil children, and ſoukynge tetis; þe
your God; gladneſſe and ioye wiþ outen forþ? huſbonde go out of his couche, and þe wijf of hir chaumbre.
xvii Beeſtus wexiden roten to gidre in her drit. Berns ben xvii Bitwix þe veſtiarie and þe auter preſtis, mynyſtris of þe
deſtruyed, celers ben ſcaterd, for whete is confuſid. Lord, ſhuln weepe, and ſhuln ſaye, Lord! ſpare þou, ſpare to
xviii What ſorewide a beeſt wiþ ynne? flockis of grete beeſtis þi peple, and ȝeue not þin eritage into ſchendſhip, þat
lowiden? for leſewe is not to hem; bot and flockis of ſheep naciouns be lordis to hem. Whi ſoþely ſayn þei in peplis,
periſhiden. Wher is þe God of hem?
xix To þee, Lord, Y ſhal crye, for fijre ete þe fair þingus of xviii Þe Lord louede his lond, and ſparide to his peple.
deſert, and flawme brente alle trees of þe cuntree. xix And þe Lord anſwerde, and ſaide to his peple, Loo! Y
xx Bot and beeſtis of þe feeld, as a feeld þriſtynge rayn, ſhal ſende to ȝou whete, and wijn, and oyle, and ȝe ſhuln be
byhelden vp to þee; for wellis of watris ben dryed vp, and fijr fulfilled in hem; and Y ſhal namore ȝeue ȝou ſhenſhip in
deuourede þe fair þingis of deſert. heþen men.
xx And Y ſhal make fer fro ȝou hym þat is of þe norþ; and Y
ſhal putte hym awey in to a lond wiþ outen way, and deſert;
þe face þerof aȝeinus þe eeſt ſee, and þe laſt þerof to þe laſt


ſee; and þe ſtynk of hym ſhal ſtye vp, and þe root of hym ſhal x Bete to gydre ȝour plowis in to ſwerdis, and ȝour pikoyſis,
ſtye vp, for he did proudly. or mattokis, in to ſperis; þe ſeeke man ſaye, for Y am ſtrong.
xxi Erþe, nyl þou dreede, bot ioye þou wiþ outforþ, and be xi Breſte ȝe out, and come ȝe, alle folkis of cumpas, and be ȝe
glad; for þe Lord magnyfiede þat he ſhulde do. gadrid; þere þe Lord ſhal make þi ſtronge men for to dye.
xxii Nyl ȝe dreede, ȝe beeſtis of þe cuntre, for þe faire þingus xii Folkis rijſe to gydre, and ſtie vp in to þe valey of
of deſert buriowneden; for a tree brouȝte to his fruyte, þe fijge Joſephath; for þere I ſhal ſitte, þat Y deme alle folkis in
tree and þe vyneȝerd ȝauen her vertue. cumpas.
xxiii And ioye ȝe, ſonys of Syon, and gladde ȝe in þe Lord xiii Sende ȝe ſykelis, for þe corn haþ rypid; cum ȝe, and
ȝour God, for he ȝaue to ȝou a techer of riȝtwiſneſſe, and he diſcende ȝe, for þe preſſoure is ful; preſſours ben plenteuouſe,
ſhal make for to cum doun to ȝou morewe rayn, and late, as for þe malice of hem is multiplied.
fro þe bygynnyng. xiiii Peplis, peplis in þe valey of conciſioun, or ſleaynge to
xxiiii And feeldis ſhuln be fulfillid wiþ whete, and preſſours
gydre; for þe day of þe Lord is niȝ in þe valey of conciſioun.
ſhuln be plenteuouſe in wijn, and oyle. xv Þe ſonne and mone ben maad derck, and ſterris wiþdrewen
xxv And Y ſhal ȝeelde to you þe ȝeris whom þe locuſt eete,
her ſhynyng.
and bruke, and ruſt, and eruke, my grete ſtrengþe, whom Y xvi And þe Lord of Syon ſhal rore, and of Jeruſalem ſhal
ſente in to ȝou.
xxvi And ȝe ſhuln ete etynge, and ye ſhuln be fulfillid; and ye ȝeue his voice, and heuens and erþe ſhuln be moued; and þe
Lord hoope of his peple, and ſtrengþe of þe ſonys of Yrael.
ſhuln herie þe name of þe Lord ȝour God, þat did wiþ ȝou xvii And ȝe ſhuln wite, for Y þe Lord ȝour God, dwellynge in
marueilis; and my peple ſhal not be confounded in to wiþ
outen eende. Syon, in my holy hyll; and Jeruſalem ſhal be holy, and aliens
xxvii And ȝe ſhuln wite, for in þe mydil of Yrael Y am; and ſhuln namore paſſe þerby.
xviii And it ſhal be, in þat day mounteyns ſhuln droppe
Y þe Lord ȝour God, and þere is not more; and my peple
ſhal not be confoundid in to wiþ outen eende. ſwetnes, and litil hillis ſhuln flowe wiþ mylk, and by alle þe
xxviii And it ſhal be, after þeſe þingus Y ſhal helde out my reuers of Juda waters ſhuln go; and a welle ſhal go out of þe
hous of þe Lord, and ſhal moiſte þe reyny ſtreme of þornys.
ſpirit vpon eche fleſhe, and ȝour ſonys ſhuln prophecie, and xix Egypt ſhal be in to deſolacioun, and Ydume in to deſert of
ȝoure douȝters; ȝour olde men ſhuln mete ſweuens, and ȝour
ȝunge men ſhuln ſee viſiouns. perdicioun; for þat þat þei diden wickidly in to ſonys of Juda,
xxix But and on my ſeruauntis, and hond maydens, in þo and ſhedden out innocent blood in her lond.
xx And Jude in to wiþ oute eende ſhal be enhabited, and
days Y ſhal heelde out my ſpirit;
xxx and Y ſhal ȝeue wondris in heuen, and in erþe, blood, Jeruſalem in to generacioun and generacioun.
xxi And Y ſhal clenſe þe blood of hem, whiche Y clenſide not;
and fijr, and vapour of ſmoke.
xxxi Þe ſunne ſhal be turned in to derckneſſis, and þe mone and þe Lord ſhal dwelle in Syon.
in to blood, byfore þat þe grete day and orrible of þe Lord Here endeþ þe boke of Joel, and bigynneþ
cumme. þe boke of Amos.
xxxii And it ſhal be, eche man þat ſhal inclepe þe name of þe
Lord, ſhal be ſaaf; for in þe hill of Syon and in Jeruſalem
ſhal be ſaluacioun, as þe Lord ſaide, and in þe reſidue, whom
þe Lord ſhal clepe.

Capitulum III.
i For loo! in þo days, and in þat tyme, whanne Y ſhal to
gydre turne þe caitiftee of Juda and Jeruſalem,
ii Y ſhal gedre alle folkis, and Y ſhal leede hem forþ in to þe
valey of Joſaphath; and Y ſhal diſpute þere wiþ hem on my
peple, and myn eritage Yrael, whom þei ſcaterden in
naciouns; and þei departiden my lond,
iii and on my peple þei ſenten lot; and þei puttiden a chijld in
þe bordel hous, and ſolden a meydchijld for wijn, þat þei
ſhulden drynke.
iiii Soþely what to me and ȝou, Tyrus, and Sydon, and alle
þe terme of Paleſtynys? Wher ȝe ſhuln ȝelde vengyng to me?
and ȝif ȝe vengen ȝou aȝeinus me, ſoone ſwiftly Y ſhal ȝeelde
þe whilneſſe to ȝou on ȝour hed.
v Forſoþe ȝe token my ſyluer and gold, and my deſireable and
moſt faire þingus ȝe baren in to ȝour templis.
vi And ȝe ſolden ſonys of Juda, and ſonys of Jeruſalem to þe
ſonys of Greekis, þat ȝe ſhulden make hem fer fro her cooſtis.
vii Loo! Y ſhal reyſe hem of þe place in whiche ȝe ſolden hem;
and Y ſhal turne to gydre ȝour ȝeldyng in to ȝour hed.
viii And Y ſhal ſelle ȝour ſonys and ȝour douȝtris in þe
hondis of þe ſonys of Juda, and þei ſhuln ſelle hem to
Sabeis, a fer folc, for þe Lord ſpac.
ix Crie ȝe þis þing in heiþen men, halewe ȝe bateile, reyſe ȝe
ſtrong men; alle menfiȝters, cum to, and ſtey vp.


iii And Y ſhal diſtruye þe domyſman of þe mydil þerof, and Y

AMOS. ſhal ſlea alle his princis wiþ hym, ſaiþ þe Lord. Þeſe þingis
ſaiþ þe Lord,
Þe book of Amos. iiii On þree grete treſpaſſis of Juda, and on foure, Y ſhal not
conuerte hym, for þat he caſtide awey þe lawe of þe Lord, and
Capitulum I. kepte not his comaundementis; forſoþe her ydols diſceiueden
hem, after whom þe faders of hem wenten.
i The wordis of Amos, whiche was in ſheperdis þingus of v And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to Juda, and it ſhal deuoure þe
Thecue, whiche he ſawȝ on Yrael, in þe days of Oſye, kyng houſis of Jeruſalem.
of Juda, and in þe days of Jeroboam, ſone of Joas, kyng of vi Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, On þree grete treſpaſſis of
Yrael, byfore two ȝeris of þe erþe mouynge. Yrael, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he ſolde
ii And he ſaide, Þe Lord ſhal rore of Syon, and of Jeruſalem
a iuſt man for ſyluer, and a poore man for ſhoone.
ſhal ȝeue his voice; and þe faire þingus of ſheperdis vii Whiche breken to gydre on duſt of þe erþe þe hedis of pore
mourneden, and þe top of Carmele is dried vp. men, and bowen awey þe waye of meeke men; þe ſone and
iii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord, On þre grete treſpaſſis of
his fadir wente to a wenche, þat þei defouliden myn holy
Damaſk, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat þat name.
þei þreſhiden in yren waynes Galaad. viii And on cloþis leyde to wedde þei eeten byſidis eche auter,
iiii And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to þe hous of Aſael, and it ſhal
and drunken wijn of dampnyd men in þe hous of her God.
deuoure þe houſes of Benadab. ix Forſoþe Y diſtruyede Ammorey fro þe face of hem, whos
v And Y ſhal breke to gydre þe barris, or lockis, of Damaſke,
hieneſſe of cedris þe hyeneſſe of hym, and he ſtrong as an
and Y ſhal diſtruye þe dweller of þe feeld of ydol, and þe ook; and Y brake to gidre þe fruyte of hym aboue, and þe
holdynge ſceptre of þe hous of voluptee and lecchorie; and þe rotis of hym byneþe.
peple of Syrie ſhal be transferrid to Sirenen, ſaiþ þe Lord. x Y am, þat made ȝou for to ſtye vp fro þe lond of Egypt,
vi Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, On þree grete treſpaſſis of Gaſa,
and Y ledde ȝou out in deſert fourty ȝeer, þat ȝe ſhulde
and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat þat he weelde þe lond of Ammorrey.
tranſlatide perfit caitiftee, þat he ſhulde cloſe to gydre it in to xi And Y reyſide of ȝour ſonys in to prophetis, and of ȝour
Ydume. ȝunge men Naȝareys. Wher it is not þus, ȝe ſonys of Yrael?
vii And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to þe wall of Gaſa, and it ſhal
ſaiþ þe Lord.
deuoure houſis þerof. xii And ȝe ȝauen wijn to Naȝareys, and ȝe comaundiden to
viii And Y ſhal diſtruye þe dwellers of Azotus, and þe
prophetis, ſayinge, Prophecie ȝe not.
holdynge ſceptre of Aſcalon; and Y ſhal turne to gydre myn xiii Loo! Y ſhal ſowne ſtrongly vndir ȝou, as a wayn chargid
hond vpon Accharon, and relikis of Philiſtiens ſhuln periſche, wiþ hay ſowneþ ſtrongly.
ſeiþ þe Lord God. xiiii And fliȝt ſhal periſche fro þe ſwift, and a ſtrong man ſhal
ix Þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord God, On þre greet treſpaſſis of
Tyrus, and on four, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat þat þei not weelde his vertue, and a miȝty man in ſtrengþe ſhal not
cloſiden to gydre perfit caytiftee in Ydume, and þouȝten not of ſaue his ſoule, or lijf;
xv and a man holdynge bowe ſhal not ſtonde, and þe ſwift in
þe boond of breþeren.
x And Y ſchal ſend fijr in to þe wall of Tyrus, and it ſhal his feet ſhal not be ſaued; and þe ſtyer of hors ſhal not ſaue
deuoure þe houſis þerof. his ſoule,
xvi and þe ſtronge in herte amonge men ſhal flee nakid in þat
xi Þeſe þingus ſeiþ þe Lord God, On þree grete treſpaſſis of
Edom, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he day, ſaiþ þe Lord.
purſuede in ſwerd his broþer, and defoulide þe mercy of hym,
and heelde ouer his wodeneſſe, and kepte his indignacioun til Capitulum III.
in to þe eend. i Sonys
xii Y ſhal ſende fijr in to Theman, and it ſhal deuoure þe of Yrael, heer ȝe þe word þat þe Lord ſpac on ȝou,
on al þe kynred, whiche Y ledde out of þe lond of Egypt,
houſis of Boſra. ii ſayinge, Oonly ȝou Y knew of alle kynredis of erþe; þerfore
xiii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, On þree grete treſpaſſis of
Y ſhal viſite on ȝou alle ȝour wickidneſſis.
þe ſonys of Amon, and on þe foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, iii Wher two ſhuln go to gydre, no but it ſhal accorde to hem?
for þat he karf wymmen wiþ chijld of Galaad, for to alarge
his terme. iiii Wher a lyoun ſhal rore in þe wijld wode, no bot he ſhal
xiiii And Y ſhal kyndyl fijr in þe wall of Rabba, and it ſhal haue pray? Wher þe whelp of a lyoun ſhal ȝeue voice of his
deuoure his houſis, in ȝoulyng in þe day of bateyle, and in couche, no bot he ſhal cacche ſum þing?
whirlwynd in þe day of meuyng to gydre. v Wher a brid ſhal falle in to grane of erþe, wiþ outen a
xv And Melchon ſhal go in to caitiftee, he and his princis to fouler? Wher a gnare ſhal be taken awey fro erþe, before it
gydre, ſaiþ þe Lord. ſhal take ſum þing?
vi Ȝif a trumpe ſhal ſowne in a cytee, and þe peple ſhal not
Capitulum II. dreede? Ȝif þere be yuel in þe citee, whiche þe Lord ſhal not
i Theſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord God, On þree grete treſpaſſis of vii For þe Lord God ſhal not do a word, no bot he ſhal ſhewe
Moab, and on foure, Y ſhal not conuerte hym, for þat he his preuyte to his ſeruauntis prophetis.
brente þe boonys of þe kyng of Ydume vn to aſh. viii A lyoun ſhal rore, who ſhal not dreede? þe Lord God ſpac,
ii And Y ſhal ſende fijr in to Moab, and it ſhal deuoure þe
who ſhal not prophecie?
houſis of Carioth; and Moab ſhal dye in ſown of trumpe. ix Make ȝe herd in þe houſis of Azotus, and in þe houſis of
þe lond of Egypt; and ſaye ȝe, Be ȝe gadrid on þe hillis of


Samarye, and ſee many woodneſſis in þe mydil þerof, and myſt, and goynge on heeȝ þingis of erþe; þe Lord of ooſtis
men ſuffrynge fals chalenge in priuy chaumbris þerof. name of hym.
x And þei couþen not do riȝt þing, ſaiþ þe Lord, treſourynge
wickidneſſe and raueyn in her houſis. Capitulum V.
xi Þerfore þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þe lond ſhal be in
i Heere ȝe, hous of Yrael, þis word, þat Y reyſe on ȝou a
tribulacioun, and ſhal be cumpaſid; and þi ſtrengþe ſhal be weylyng.
drawen awey fro þee, and þin houſis ſhuln be robbid. ii Þe meyden of Yrael felle doun, ſhe ſhal not put to, þat ſhe
xii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, Hou ȝif a ſheperd delyuere two
hypis, or þe laſt þing of a litil ere of þe lyouns mouþe, ſo þe rijſe aȝein; ſhe is caſt doun in to hir erþe, þer is not þat ſhal
ſonys of Yrael ſhuln be delyuered, þat dwellen in Samarie, in reyſe hir.
iii For þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God, Þe cite of whiche a
plage, or wound, of þe litil bed, and in þe lappe of Damaſke.
xiii Heere ȝe, and witneſſe ȝe to gidre in þe hous of Jacob, þouſand wenten out, an hundrid ſhuln be left þeryne; and of
ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis. whiche an hundrid wenten out, ten ſhuln be left þerynne, in
xiiii For in þe day, whanne Y ſhal bygynne for to viſite þe
þe hous of Yrael.
iiii For þeſe þingis ſeiþ þe Lord to þe hous of Iſrael, Seeke
treſpaſſis of Yrael on hym, Y ſhal viſite and on þe auters of ȝe me, and ȝe ſhulen lyue;
Bethel; and þe corners of þe auters ſhuln be kitte of, and v and nyle ȝe ſeeke Bethel, and in to Galgala nyle ȝe entre,
ſhuln falle in to erþe.
xv And Y ſhal ſmyte þe wyntyr hous wiþ þe ſomer hous, and and into Berſabe paſſe ȝe not; for Galgal ſchal be led caityf,
þe houſis of yuer ſhuln periſhe, and many houſis ſhuln be and Bethel ſhal be vnprofitable.
vi Seeke ȝe þe Lord, and lyue ȝe, leſt per auenture þe hous of
diſtruyed, ſaiþ þe Lord.
Joſeph be brent as fijre; and it ſhal deuoure, and þer ſhal not
Capitulum IIII. be, þat ſhal quenche Bethel.
vii Whiche conuerten dom in to wermod, and forſaken
i Heer þis word, ȝe fatt kyen, þat ben in þe mount of riȝtwijſneſſe of þe Lord in erþe,
Samarie; whiche don fals chalenge to nedy men, and to gydre viii and makynge Arture and Orion, and turnynge in to
breken poore men; whiche ſaien to ȝour lordis, Brenge ȝee, morewnyng derckneſſis, and chaungynge day `in to niȝt;
and we ſhuln drynke. whiche clepiþ waters of þe ſee, and heeldiþ out hem on þe face
ii Þe Lord God ſwore in his holy, for loo! days ſhuln cum on of þe erþe; þe Lord is name of hym.
ȝou; and þei ſhuln reyſe ȝou in a dart wiþ out yren, and ȝour ix Whiche ſcorneþ diſtruyinge, or waaſtneſſe, on þe ſtronge,
relykis in pottis boylynge. and bringiþ robbyng on þe miȝty.
iii And by opnyngis ȝe ſhuln go out, an oþer aȝeinus an oþer, x Þei hadden in hate þe repreuynge man in þe ȝate, and þei
and ȝe ſhuln be caſt in to Arnoun, ſaiþ þe Lord. wlatiden a man ſpekynge perfitly.
iiii Cum ȝe to Bethel, and do ȝe vnpytouſly; to Galgala, and xi Þerfore for þat þat ȝe robbiden þe pore man, and token fro
multiplie ȝe treſpaſſyng; and offre ȝe eerly ȝour ſacrifices for hym þe choſen pray, ȝe ſhuln beelde houſis wiþ ſqware ſtoon,
victorie, in þree days ȝour tiþes. and ȝe ſhuln not dwelle in hem; ȝe ſhuln plante moſt amyable
v And ſacrifie ȝe herying of ſour dowid, and clepe ȝe wilful vyne ȝerdis, and ȝe ſhuln not drinke þe wyne of hem.
offryngus, and telle ȝe; forſoþe þus ȝe wolden, ſonys of Yrael, xii For Y knewe ȝour manye grete treſpaſſis, and ȝour ſtrong
ſaiþ þe Lord God. ſynnes; enmyes of þe iuſt, takynge ȝiftis, and beringe doun
vi Wherfore and Y ȝaue to ȝou eggyng of teeþ in alle ȝour pore men in þe ȝate.
cytees, and need of loues in alle ȝour placis; and ȝe turneden xiii Þerfore a prudent man in þat tyme ſhal be ſtille, for þe
not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. tyme is yuel.
vii And Y forbad rayn fro ȝou, whanne ȝit þree moneþis xiiii Seke ȝe good, and not yuel, þat ȝe lyue, and þe Lord
weren ouer, til to rype corn; and I reynede on oo citee, and I God of ooſtis ſhal be wiþ ȝou, as ȝe ſaiden.
reynede not on an oþer; oo part is reyned, and þe part on xv Hate ȝe yuel, and loue ȝe good, and ordeyne ȝe in þe ȝate
whiche Y reynede not, dryede.
viii And two and þree cytees camen to oo cytee, for to drinke dom; ȝif per auenture þe Lord God of ooſtus haue mercye to
þe relikis of Joſeph.
water, and þei ben not fulfillid; and ȝe turnede not aȝein to xvi Þerfore þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, hauynge
me, ſaiþ þe Lord.
ix Y ſmote ȝou in brennyng wynd, and in myldew, þe lordſhip, In alle ſtretis weylynge, and in alle þingus þat ben
wiþ outforþ `it ſhal be ſaid, Wo! wo! and þei ſhuln cleepe an
multitude of ȝour gardeyns, and ȝour vijn ȝerdis; and olyuetis, erþe tilier to mournyng, and hem to weylyng, þat kunnen
or placis wher olyues wexen, and fijge placis, eruke eete; and weyle.
ȝee turneden not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. xvii And in alle weyes weylyng ſhal be, for Y ſhal paſſe by þe
x Y ſente in to ȝou deeþ in þe waye of Egypt, Y ſmote in
mydil of þee, ſaiþ þe Lord.
ſwerd ȝour ȝung men, vn to caitifte of ȝour horſis, and Y xviii Wo to men deſirynge þe day of þe Lord; wher to it to
made þe ſtynk of ȝour caſtels, or multitude of armed men, for
to ſtye in to ȝour noſe þrillis; and ȝe turneden not aȝein to ȝou? Þis day of þe Lord derckneſſis, and not liȝt.
me, ſaiþ þe Lord. xix Hou ȝif a man renne fro face of a lyoun, and a bere renne
xi Y diſtruyede ȝou, as God diſtruyede Sodom and Gomor, to hym; and he entre in þe hous, and lene wiþ his hond vpon
and ȝe ben maad as a brond rauyſhid of brennyng; and ȝe þe walle, and a ſerpent dwellynge in ſhadewe byte hym.
turneden not aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord. xx Wher not derckneſſis þe day of þe Lord, and not liȝt; and
xii Wherfore þis Y ſhal do to þee, Yrael; forſoþe after þat Y myſt, and not ſhynyng þerynne?
ſhal do to þee þis þing, Yrael, be þou maad redy in to aȝein xxi Y hatide and caſtide awey ȝoure feeſt days, and Y ſhal not
cummyng of þi God. take þe odour of ȝour cumpanyes.
xiii For loo! Y fourmynge hillis, and makynge of nouȝt wynd,
and tellynge to man his ſpeche, makynge a morewe cloude, or


xxii Þat ȝif ȝe ſhuln offre to me ȝour brent ſacrifices, and ii And it is don, whanne he eendide for to eete þe herbe of
ȝiftis, Y ſhal not reſceyue, and Y ſhal not byholde avowis of erþe, Y ſaide, Lord God, be þou mercyful, Y byſeche; who
ȝour fat þingus. ſhal reyſe Jacob, for he is litil?
xxiii Do awey fro me þe noyſe of þi ſongis, or ditees, and Y iii Þe Lord hadde mercy on þis þing; It ſhal not be, ſaide þe
ſhal not heere þe ſongis of þin harpe. Lord God.
xxiiii And dom ſhal be ſhewid as water, and riȝtwyſneſſe as a iiii Þe Lord God ſhewide to me þis þing; and loo! þe Lord
ſtrong ſtreem of reyn. God ſhal cleepe dom to fijr, and it ſhal deuoure myche
xxv Wher ȝe offriden to me ooſtis, and ſacrifice in deſert depneſſe, and ſhal eet to gydre a part.
fourty ȝeeris, ȝe hous of Yrael? v And Y ſaide, Lord God, reſte þou, Y byſeche; who ſhal
xxvi And ȝe han born tabernaclis to Moloch, ȝour god, and reiſe Jacob, for he is lytil?
ymage of ȝoure ydolis, þe ſterre of ȝour god, whiche ȝe maden vi Þe Lord hadde mercy on þis þing; Bot and þis þing ſhal
to ȝou. not be, ſaide þe Lord God.
xxvii And Y ſhal make ȝou for to paſſe ouer Damaſk, ſaide þe vii Þe Lord God ſhewide to me þeſe þingus; and loo! þe Lord
Lord; God of ooſtis name to hym. ſtondynge on a wall teerid, or morterd, and in þe hond of
hym a truel of maſoun.
Capitulum VI. viii And þe Lord ſaide to me, What ſeeſt þou, Amos? And Y

i Wo
ſaide, A truel of maſoun. And þe Lord ſaide, Loo! Y ſhal
to ȝou, þat ben ful of richeſſis in Syon, and triſten in þe putte a truel in mydil of my people Yrael; Y ſhal no more
hille of Samarie, ȝe beſt men in honour, hedis of peplis, putte to, for to ouer leede hym;
proudly goynge in to þe hous of Yrael. ix and þe heeȝ þingus of þe ydol ſhuln be diſtruyed, and þe
ii Go ȝe in to Calamye, and ſe ȝe, and go ȝe þennus in to
halewyngis of Yrael ſhuln be deſolat; and Y ſhal ryſe on þe
Emath þe grete; and go ȝe doun in to Geth of Paleſtyns, and hous of Jeroboam in ſwerde.
to alle þe beſt rewmes of hem, ȝif her terme be bradder þan x And Amaſie, preſt of Bethel, ſente to Jeroboam, kyng of
ȝour terme. Yrael, ſayinge, Amos rebellide aȝeinus þee, in þe mydil of þe
iii Whiche ȝe ben departid in to yuel day, and neiȝen to ſeete
hous of Yrael; þe lond may not ſuſteyne alle his wordis.
of wickidneſſe; xi Forſoþe Amos ſaiþ þeſe þingus, Jeroboam ſhal dye in
iiii whiche ȝe ſleepen in beddis of yuer, and wexen wijld, or
ſwerd, and Yrael caitif ſhal paſſe of his lond.
iolyf, in ȝour beddis; whiche ȝe eete lombe of floc, and a calf xii And Amaſie ſaide to Amos, Þou þat ſeeſt, go; flee þou in
of mydil of þe droue; to þe lond of Juda, and eete þou þere þi breede; and þere þou
v whiche ȝe ſyngen at voice of pſautrie. As Dauid þei geſſiden
ſhalt prophecie.
hem for to haue veſſels of ſong, xiii And in Bethel þou ſhalt no more putte to, þat þou
vi in vyols drinkynge wyne, and wiþ beſt oynement anoyntid;
prophecie, for it is þe halewyng of þe kyng, and is hous of þe
in no þing þei ſuffriden on þe contricioun of Joſeph. rewme.
vii Wherfore now þei ſhuln paſſe in þe hed of men paſſynge xiiii And Amos anſwerde, and ſaide to Amaſye, Y am not a
ouer, and þe doyng, or treſoun, of men wexinge ioly ſhal be prophete, Y am not þe ſone of a prophete; but a neet heerde
don awey. Y am, drawinge vp ſycomoris.
viii Þe Lord God ſwore in his ſoule, ſaiþ þe Lord God of xv And þe Lord toke me, whanne Y ſuede þe floc; and þe
ooſtis, Y wlate þe pride of Jacob, and Y hate þe hous of Lord ſaide to me, Go, and prophecie þou to my peple Yrael.
hym, and Y ſhal bytake þe citee wiþ his dwellers; xvi And now heere þou þe word of þe Lord. Þou ſaiſt, Þou
ix þat ȝif þe relikis ſhuln be ten men in oon hous, and þei
ſhalt not prophecie on Yrael, and þou ſhalt not droppe on þe
ſhuln dye. hous of ydol.
x And his neiȝbore ſhal take hym, and ſhal to gydre brenne xvii For þis þing þe Lord ſaiþ þeſe þingis, Þi wyf in cytee
hym, þat he bere out boonys of þe hous. And he ſhal ſaye to ſhal do fornycacioun, and þi ſonnys and þi douȝters in ſwerd
hym, þat is in priue places of þe hous, Wher þere is ȝit ſhuln falle, and þin erþe ſhal be meetyn wiþ a litil coorde; and
anentis þee? And he ſhal anſwere, An eend is. And he ſhal þou ſhalt dye in a polut lond, and Yrael ſhal paſſe caitif of
ſaye to hym, Be ſtille, and recorde not þe name of þe Lord. his lond.
xi For loo! þe Lord ſhal comaunde, and ſhal ſmyte þe gretter
hous wiþ fallyngis, and þe leſſe hous wiþ keruyngis. Capitulum VIII.
xii Wher horſis mown renne in ſtonys, or may it be erid in
i The Lord God ſhewide to me þeſe þingis; and loo! an hoke
wijlde oxen? For ȝe conuerten dom in to bitterneſſe, and þe
fruyte of riȝtwiſneſſe in to wormod. of applis.
xiii Whiche ȝe gladen in nouȝt, whiche ȝe ſayen, Wher not in ii And þe Lord ſaide, What ſeeſt þou, Amos? And Y ſaide,
oure ſtrengþe we token to vs horns? An hok of applis. And þe Lord ſaide to me, Þe eende
xiiii Loo! Y ſhal reyſe a folc vpon ȝou, ȝe þe hous of Yrael, cummeþ on my peple Yrael; Y ſhal namore putte to, þat Y
paſſe by hym.
ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis; and it ſhal to gydre breke ȝou fro iii And þe herris of temple ſhuln gretely ſoune in þat day, ſaiþ
entre of Emath vn to þe ſtreme of deſert.
þe Lord God. Manye men ſhuln dye, in eche place ſilence ſhal
be caſt doun.
Capitulum VII. iiii Heere þis þing, whiche breken to gydre þe pore man, and
i Theſe þingus þe Lord God ſhewide to me; and loo! a maker maken needy men of þe lond for to fayle,
of locuſt in þe bygynnyng of buriownynge þingus of eeuen v ſayinge, Whan ſhal rype corn paſſe, and we ſhuln ſelle
rayn, and loo! eeuen rayn after þe clipper of floc, or kyng. marchaundiſes? and þe ſaboth, and we ſhuln opyn whete? þat
we make leſſe þe meſure, and encreſce þe ſycle, and vndirputte
gylfull balauncis;


vi þat we welden in ſyluer nedy and pore men for ſhoon, and xi In þat day Y ſhal rayſe þe tabernacle of Dauid, þat felle
we ſelle clenſingus of whete? doun, and Y ſhal aȝein beelde opnyngis of wallis þerof, and
vii God ſwore aȝeinus þe pryde of Jacob, Ȝif Y ſhal forȝete Y ſhal inſtore þo þingis þat fellen to gydre; and Y ſhal aȝein
in to þe eende alle þe werkis of hem. beelde hym, as in olde days,
viii Wher on þis þing þe erþe ſhal not be moued to gidre, and xii þat þei weelde relikis of Ydome, and alle naciouns; for þat
eche dweller þerof ſhal mourne? And it ſhal ſtye vp as al þe my name is in clepid on hem, ſaiþ þe Lord doynge þeſe
flood, and ſhal be caſt out, and ſhal fleete awey as þe ſtrond þingus.
of Egypt. xiii Loo! days cummen, ſaiþ þe Lord, and þe erer ſhal cacche
ix And it ſhal be, ſaiþ þe Lord, in þat day þe ſunne ſhal go þe reper, and treder of grape þe man ſendynge ſeed; and
dounn in mydday, and Y ſhal make þe erþe for to be derk in mounteyns ſhuln droppe ſwetneſſe, and alle ſmale hyllis ſhuln
day of liȝt. be tiliȝid.
x And Y ſhal conuerte ȝour feeſt days in to mournyng, and xiiii And Y ſhal conuerte þe caytifte of my peple Yrael, and
alle ȝour ſongis in to weylyng; and Y ſhal leede yn on al ȝour þei ſhuln beelde forſaken cytees, and ſhuln dwelle; and ſhuln
bac a ſak, and on eche ȝour hed ballidneſſe; and Y ſhal putte plaunte vyne ȝerdis, and þei ſhuln drinke wyne of hem; and
it as mournyng of an oon bigeten ſone, and þe laſt þingus þei ſhuln make gardyns, and ſhuln ete fruytis of hem.
þerof as a bitter day. xv And Y ſhal plante hem on her erþe, and Y ſhal namore
xi Loo! þe days cummen, ſaiþ þe Lord, and Y ſhal ſende out drawe hem out of her lond, whiche Y ȝaue to hem, ſaiþ þe
hungre in to erþe; not hungre of breed, neþer þriſt of water, Lord þi God.
bot of heeryng of þe word of God. Here endiþ þe book of Amos, prophete,
xii And þei ſhuln be moued to gydre fro ſee vn to ſee, and fro
þe norþ vn to þe eeſt þei ſhuln cumpaſſe, ſeekynge þe word of and bigynneþ þe book of Abdias, prophete.
þe Lord, and þei ſhuln not fynde.
xiii In þat day faire maydeyns ſhul faile, and ȝunge in þriſt,
xiiii whiche ſweren in treſpas of Samarye, and ſayen, Þi god
lyueþ, Dan, and þe waye of Berſabe lyueþ; and þei ſhuln
falle, and þei ſhuln namore ryſe aȝein.

Capitulum IX.
iI ſaw þe Lord ſtondynge on þe auter, and he ſaide, Smyte
þou þe herre, and be þe ouer þrisfoldis moued to gydre;
forſoþe auerice in þe hed of alle, and Y ſhal ſlea in ſwerd þe
laſt of hem; þer ſhal no fliȝt be to hem, and he þat ſhal flee of
hem, ſhal not be ſaued.
ii Ȝif þei ſhuln go doun vn to helle, fro þennus my hond ſhal
leede hem out; and ȝif þei ſhuln ſtye til in to heuen, fro
þennus Y ſhal drawe hem doun.
iii And ȝif þei ſhuln be hid in þe top of Carmele, fro þennus
Y ſeekynge ſhal do hem awey; and ȝif þei ſhuln hyde hem ſelf
fro myn eeȝen in depneſſe of þe ſee, þer Y ſhal comaunde to a
ſerpent, and it ſhal bite hem.
iiii And ȝif þei ſhuln go awey in to caitiftee bifore her enmyes,
þer Y ſhal comaunde to ſwerd, and it ſhal ſlea hem. And Y
ſhal putte myn eeȝen vpon hem in to yuel, and not in to good.
v And þe Lord God of ooſtis, þat toucheþ erþe, and it ſhal
fayle, and alle men dwellynge þeryn ſhuln mourne; and it ſhal
ſtye vp as eche ſtronde, and ſhal fleete awey as þe flood of
vi He þat beeldiþ his ſtying vp in heuen, and foundide his
knytche, or berþen, on erþe; whiche clepiþ waters of þe ſee,
and heeldiþ hem out on face of þe erþe; þe Lord name of
vii Wher not as ſonys of Ethiopyens ȝe ben to me, þe ſonys of
Yrael? ſaiþ þe Lord God. Wher Y made not Yrael for to ſtye
vp of þe lond of Egypt, and Paliſtens of Capadocie, and
Siriens of Syrenen?
viii Loo! þe eeȝen of þe Lord God on rewme ſynnynge, and Y
ſhal to gydre breke it fro face of þe erþe; neþeles Y brekynge
togidere ſhal not breke to gydre þe hous of Jacob, ſaiþ þe
ix Loo! ſoþeli Y ſhal comaunde, and ſhal ſmyte in alle folkis
þe hous of Yrael, as whete is ſmyten in a rydil, and a lytil
ſtoon of it ſhal not falle on erþe.
x Alle ſynners of my people ſhal dye in ſwerde, whiche ſayn,
Yuel ſhal not neiȝ, and ſhal not cumme on vs.


weelde þe cuntree of Effraym, and cuntre of Samarie; and

ABDIAS. Beniamyn ſhal weelde Galaad.
xx And tranſmygracioun, or ouer paſſynge, of þis ooſt of ſonys
Here bigynneþ þe boke of Abdias þe of Yrael, alle places of Cananeys, vn to Sarepta; and þe
tranſmygracioun of Jeruſalem, þat is in Boſphoro, ſhal weelde
prophete. citees of þe ſouþ.
i The xxi And ſaueouris ſhuln ſtye in to þe hyll of Syon, for to
viſioun of Abdias. Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God to
Edom. We herden an heeryng of þe Lord, and he ſente a deme þe hill of Eſau, and ſhal be rewme to þe Lord. Amen.
legate, or meſſager, to heyþen men. Ryſe ȝe, and to gydre ryſe Here endiþ þe book of Abdias, prophete,
we aȝeinus hym in to bateile.
ii Loo! Y ȝaue þee litil in heiþen men, þou art ful myche and bigynneþ þe book of Jonas, þe
contemptible, or worþi to be diſpiſid. prophete.
iii Þe pride of þin herte enhaunſide þee, dwellynge in kyttyng,
or hoolis of ſtoonys, areyſynge þi ſeete. Þe whiche ſaiſt in þin
herte, Who ſhal drawe me doun in to erþe?
iiii Ȝif þou ſhalt be reyſid as an egle, and ȝif þou ſhalt putte
þi neſt amonge ſterris, fro þennus Y ſhal drawe þee doun,
ſaiþ þe Lord.
v Ȝif niȝt þeeues entriden to þee, ȝif outlawis bi niȝt, hou
ſhuldiſt þou haue be ſtylle? wher þei ſhulden not haue ſtoln
ynowe þingus to hem? Ȝif gadreris of grapis hadden entriden
to þee, wher at þe leſte þei ſhulden haue left racyns to þee?
vi Hou ſouȝten þei Eſau, ſerchiden þe hid þingus of hym?
vii Vn to þe termys þei ſenten þee out; and alle men of þi
couenaunt ſcorneden, or diſceyueden, þee, men of þi pees
wexiden ſtrong aȝeinus þee; þei þat ſhuln ete wiþ þee, ſhuln
putte aſpies, or treſouns, vndir þee; þer is no prudence in
viii Wher not in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord, Y ſhal leeſe þe wyſe
men of Ydume, and prudence of þe mount of Eſau?
ix And þi ſtronge men ſhuln dreede fro mydday, þat a man of
þe hill of Eſau periſhe.
x For ſleayng and for wickidnes in to þi broþer Jacob,
confuſioun ſhal hille þee, and þou ſhalt periſhe in to wiþ out
xi In þe day whan þou ſtodiſt aȝeinus hym, whanne aliens
token þe ooſt of hym, and ſtraungers entriden þe ȝatis of hym,
and on Jeruſalem ſenten lot, and þou waſt as oon of hem.
xii And þou ſhalt not diſpiſe in þe day of þi broþer, in day of
his pilgrimage, and þou ſhalt not glade on ſonys of Juda, in
þe day of perdicioun of hem; and þou ſhalt not magnyfie þi
mouþ in day of anguyſch,
xiii neþer ſhalt entre þe ȝate of my peple, in þe day of fallyng
of hem; neþer and þou ſhalt diſpyſe in þe yuels of hym, in þe
day of his diſtriyng; and þou ſhalt not be ſent out aȝens his
oſt, in þe dai of his diſtriyng;
xiiii neþer þou ſchalt ſtonde in þe goynge out of þe waies, þat
þou ſle hem þat fledden; and þou ſchalt not cloſe to gydre þe
relikis, or left men, of hym in þe day of tribulacioun,
xv for þe day of þe Lord is niȝe vpon alle heiþen men. As
þou haſt don, ſo it ſhal be don to þee; he ſhal conuerte þi
ȝeldyng in to þin hed.
xvi Forſoþe as ȝe drunke on myn holy hylle, alle heiþen men
ſhuln drynke byſily, and þei ſhuln drynke, and ſhuln ſoupe vp;
and þei ſhuln be as þei ben not.
xvii And in þe hill of Syon ſaluacioun ſhal be, and holy ſhal
be; and þe hous of Jacob ſhal weelde hem whiche weldiden
xviii And þe hous of Jacob ſhal be fijr, and þe hous of Joſeph
flawme, and þe hous of Eſau ſtobul; and þei ſhuln be brent in
hem, and þei ſhuln deuoure hem; and relikis ſhuln namore be
of þe hous of Eſau, for þe Lord ſpake.
xix And þeſe þat ben at þe ſouþe, ſhuln enherite þe hill of
Eſau; and þei þat in þe lowe feeldis, Philiſtiym; and þei ſhuln


iii Þou caſtidiſt me doun in to depneſſe in þe hert of þe ſe,

JONAS. and þe flood aboute ȝaue me; alle þi ſwelowis and wawis
paſſiden on me.
Here bigynneþ þe boke of Jonas prophete. iiii And Y ſaide, Y am caſt awey fro þe ſiȝt of þin eeȝen;
neþeles eftſoone Y ſhal ſee þin holy temple.
Capitulum I. v Waters enuirounden me vn to my ſoule, depneſſe encloſide

i And
me, þe ſe hillide myn hed.
þe word of þe Lord is maad to Jonas, ſone of Amathy, vi To þe vtmeſt places of hillis Y wente doun, þe herris of
ſayinge, erþe cloſiden me to gydre, in to wiþ outen eend; and þou ſhalt
ii Ryſe þou, and go in to Nynyuen, þe grete cytee, and preche
reyſe vp my lijf of corrupcioun, Lord my God.
þou þerynne, for þe malyce þerof ſtyeþ vp byfore me. vii Whanne my ſoule was angwiſhid in me, Y biþouȝte of þe
iii And Jonas ros for to fleeȝ in to Tharſis, fro þe face of þe
Lord, þat my prayer cum to þee, to þyn holy temple.
Lord. And he came doun to Joppe, and foonde a ſhip goynge viii Þei þat kepen vanytees, ydely ſhuln forſake her mercy.
in to Tharſis, and he ȝaue ſhiphijre to hem; and he wente ix Y forſoþe in voice of preyſyng ſhal offre to þee; what euer
doun in to it, for to go wiþ hem in to Tharſis, fro þe face of
þe Lord. þingis Y vowide, Y ſhal ȝeelde to þe Lord, for helþ.
iiii Forſoþe þe Lord ſente a grete wynde in þe ſe, and a grete x And þe Lord ſaide to þe fiſhe, and it caſtide out Jonas in to
tempeſt is maad in þe ſe, and þe ſhip was in peryl for to be lond.
v And ſhip men dredden, and men crieden to her god; and Capitulum III.
ſenten veſſels, þat weren in þe ſhip, in to þe ſe, þat it were i And
maad liȝter of hem. And Jonas wente doun to þe ynner þe word of þe Lord is maad þe ſecounde tyme to
þingis of þe ſhip, and ſlepte in a greuouſe ſleep. Jonas, ſayinge,
vi And þe gouernour cam to hym, and ſaide to hym, What art ii Ryſe þou, and go in to Nynyue, þe grete cytee, and preche
þou caſt doun in ſleep? ryſe þou, ynclepe þi God, ȝif per þou þere þe prechynge whiche Y ſpeke to þee.
auenture God aȝein þenk of vs, and we periſhe not. iii And Jonas ros, and wente in to Nynyue, vp þe word of þe
vii And a man ſaide to his felaw, Cum ȝe, and ſende we lot, Lord. And Nynyue was a grete cytee, in iourney of þree
and wite we, whi þis yuel is to vs. And þei ſenten lottis, and days.
lot felle on Jonas. iiii And Jonas bygan for to entre in to þe cytee, in iourney of
viii And þei ſaiden to hym, Shewe þou to vs, for cauſe of oo day, and cryede, and ſaide, Ȝit fourty days, and Nynyue
what þing þis yuel is to vs; what is þi werk, whiche þi lond, ſhal be vndirturned, or diſtruyed.
and whiþer goſt þou, or of what peple art þou? v And men of Nynyue byleeuyden to þe Lord, and prechiden
ix And he ſaide to hem, Y am an Ebru, and Y dreede þe faſtyng, and weren cloþid wiþ ſackis, fro þe more vnto þe
Lord God of heuen, þat made heuen and erþe. laſſe.
x And þe men dredden wiþ grete drede, and ſaiden to hym, vi And þe word cam to þe kyng of Nynyue; and he ros of his
What didiſt þou þis þing? forſoþe þe men knewen for he fleeȝ ſeete, and caſtide awey his cloþing fro hym, and is cloþid wiþ
fro þe face of þe Lord, for Jonas had ſhewid to hem. ſacke, and ſate in aſhe.
xi And þei ſaiden to hym, What ſhuln we do to þee, and þe ſe vii And he criede, and ſaide in Nynyue of þe mouþ of þe kyng
ſhal ceeſe fro vs? for þe ſe wente, and wexe grete on hem. and of his princes, ſayinge, Men, and werk beeſtis, and oxen,
xii And he ſaide to hem, Take ȝe me, and ſende in to þe ſe, and ſheep taaſte not ony þing, neþer be fed, neþer drynke
and þe ſe ſhal ceſe fro ȝou; forſoþe Y wote, for whi for me þis viii And be men hillid wiþ ſackis, and werk beeſtis crie to þe
grete tempeſt is on ȝou.
xiii And men rowiden, for to turne aȝein to þe drye lond, and Lord in ſtrengþe; and be a man conuertid, or al turnyd, fro
his yuel waye, and fro wickidneſſe þat is in þe hondis of hem.
þei miȝten not, for þe ſe wente, and wexe grete on hem. ix Who wote, ȝif God be conuertid, and forȝeue, and be turned
xiiii And þei crieden to þe Lord, and ſaiden, Lord, we
aȝein fro woodneſſe of his wraþ, and we ſhuln not periſhe?
biſechen, þat we periſhe not in þe ſoule of þis man, and þat x And God ſawȝ þe werkis of hem, for þei ben conuertid fro
þou ȝeue not on vs innocent blode; for þou, Lord, didiſt as
þou woldiſt. her yuel waye; and God hadde mercy on þe malice whiche he
xv And þei token Jonas, and ſenten in to þe ſe; and þe ſe ſpac, þat he ſhulde do to hem, and dide not.
ſtode of his buylyng.
xvi And þe men dredden þe Lord wiþ grete dreed, and Capitulum IIII.
offreden ooſtis to þe Lord, and vowiden avowis. i And Jonas was tourmentid wiþ grete tourment, and was
xvii And þe Lord made redy a grete fiſſhe, þat he ſhulde wrooþ.
ſwelow Jonas; and Jonas was in wombe of þe fiſhe þree ii And he preiede to þe Lord, and ſaide, Lord, Y biſeche,
days and þree niȝtis. wher þis is not my word, whanne Y was ȝit in my lond? For
þis þing Y before ocupiede, for to flee in to Tharſis; forſoþe
Capitulum II. Y wote, for þou, God, art meke and mercyful, pacient, and of
myche mercy doynge, and forȝeuynge on malice.
i And Jonas preyede to þe Lord his God of þe fiſhis wombe, iii And now, Lord, Y preye, take my ſoule, or lijf, fro me; for
ii and ſaide, Y cryede to God of my tribulacioun, and he deeþ is beter to me þan lyf.
herde me; of þe wombe of helle Y criede, and þou herdiſt my iiii And þe Lord ſaide, Geſſiſt þou, wher þou art wel wroþ?
voice. v And Jonas wente out of þe cytee, and ſate aȝeinus þe eeſt,
and made to hym a ſhadewyng place þere; and ſate vndre it in
ſhadewe, til he ſawȝ what byfelle to þe citee.


vi And þe Lord God made redy an eder, or a plaunt, and it

ſtyede vp on þe hed of Jonas, þat ſhadewe wer on his hed,
and keuerde hym; forſoþe he hadde traueilid. And Jonas
gladid on þe eder, wiþ grete gladneſſe.
vii And God made redy a worme, in ſtyinge vp of grey day in
to morew; and ſmote þe eder, and it dryede vp.
viii And whan þe ſunne was ſprungen, þe Lord comaundide to
þe hote wynd and brennynge; and þe ſunne ſmote on þe hed
of Jonas, and he ſwalide. And he axide to his ſoule þat he
ſhulde dye, and ſaide, It is beter to me for to dye, þan for to
ix And þe Lord ſaide to Jonas, Geſſiſt þou, wher þou art wel
wroþ on þe eder? And he ſaide, Y am wel wroþe, vn to þe
x And þe Lord ſaide, Þou art ſorie on þe eder, in whiche þou
traueylidiſt not, neþer þou madiſt þat it wexide, þe whiche
was born vnder oo niȝt, and in oo niȝt periſhide.
xi And ſhal Y not ſpare to þe grete citee Nynyue, in whiche
ben more þan a hundred and twenti þouſand of men, whiche
witen not what is bitwix her riȝt half and left, and many
werk beeſtis?
Here endiþ þe book of Jonas, and
bigynneþ þe book of Micheas.


iii Þerfore þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord, Loo! Y þenke on þis

MICHEAS. meynee yuel, of whom ȝe ſhuln not take awey ȝour neckis;
and ȝe ſhuln not walke proude, for þe warſt tyme is.
Here bigynneþ þe boke of Mycheas. iiii In þat daye a parable ſhal be taken on ȝou, and a ſonge
ſhal be ſungen wiþ ſwetneſſe of men, ſayinge, By robbyng we
Capitulum I. ben diſtruyed; a part of my peple is chaungid to gidre; hou
ſhal he go awey fro me, whanne he turneþ aȝein þat ſhal
i The word of þe Lord, whiche is maad to Mycheas departe ȝoure cuntrees?
Moraſtites, in þe days of Joathan, Achas, Ezechie, kyngys of v For þis þing þere ſhal not be to þee þe ſendyng a litil
Juda; whiche he ſawȝ on Samarie, and Jeruſalem. coorde of ſort in cumpanye of þe Lord.
ii Heere ȝe, alle peplis, and þe erþe perceyue, and þe plente vi Þou Yrael, ſpeke ȝe not ſpekynge; it ſhal not droppe on
þerof; and be þe Lord God to ȝou in to a witneſſe, þe Lord of þeſe, confuſioun ſhal not cacche,
hys holy temple. vii ſaiþ þe Lord to Jacob. Wher þe Spirit of þe Lord is
iii For loo! þe Lord ſhal gon out of his place, and ſhal cumme
abreggid, or ſiche ben þe þouȝtus of hym? Wher my wordis
doun, and ſhal trede on heeȝ þingus of erþe. ben not goode, wiþ hym þat riȝtli goþ?
iiii And mounteyns ſhuln be waaſtid vndir hym, and valeys viii And aȝeinward my peple ros to gidre in to an aduerſarie;
ſhuln be kitt, as wex fro face of fijre, as waters þat rennen in ȝe toke awey þe mantil aboue þe coote, and ȝe turnyden hem
to a pitt. in to bataile, hem þat wenten ſymply.
v In þe grete treſpas of Jacob al þis þing, and in þe ſynnes ix Ȝe caſtiden out þe wymmen of my peple, of þe hous of her
of þe hous of Yrael. Whiche þe grete treſpas of Jacob, wher delices; fro þe litil childre of hem ȝe token awey my herying
not Samarie? and whiche þe heeȝ þingis of Juda, wher not in to wiþ outen eende.
Jeruſalem? x Ryſe ȝe, and go, for here ȝe han not reſte; for þe vnclenneſſe
vi And Y ſhal putte Samarie as an heep of ſtoons in þe feeld,
þerof it ſhal be corrupt wiþ þe warſt rott.
whanne a vyne ȝerd is plauntid; and Y ſhal drawe awey þe xi Y wolde Y were not a man hauynge ſpirit, and raþer Y
ſtoons þerof into a valey, and ſhal ſhewe þe foundementis ſpake leſyng. Y ſhal droppe to þee in to wyn, and in to
þerof. drunkeneſſe; and þis peple ſhal be, on whom it is droppid.
vii And alle ſculptilis, or grauen ymagis, þerof ſhuln be beten
xii Wiþ gadryng Y ſhal gadre Jacob; Y ſhal leede to gydre
to gidre, and alle hijres þerof ſhuln be brent in fijr; and Y þee al in to oon, þe relikis of Yrael. Y ſhal putte hym to
ſhal putte al ydolis þerof in to perdicioun; for of hijris of an gydre, as a flok in folde; as ſheep in þe mydil of foldis þei
hoore þei ben gadrid, and vn to hijre of an hoore þei ſhuln be ſhuln make noyſe, of multitude of men.
turned aȝein. xiii Forſoþe he ſhal ſtye ſhewynge waye byfore hem; þei ſhuln
viii On þis þing Y ſhal weile and ȝoule, Y ſhal go ſpuylid
and nakid; and Y ſhal make weyling as of dragouns, and departe, and paſſe þe ȝate, and ſhuln go out þerby; and þe
mournyng as of ſtruciouns. kyng of hem ſhal paſſe byfore hem, and þe Lord in þe hed of
ix For plage, or wounde, þerof is diſpeirid; for it came vn to
Juda, it touchide þe ȝate of my peple, vn to Jeruſalem. Capitulum III.
x In Geth nyl ȝe telle, in teris weepe ȝe not; in þe hous of
duſt wiþ duſt togydre ſprenge ȝou. i And Y ſaide, Heere, ȝe princis of Jacob, and duykys of þe
xi And a faire dwellyng ſhal paſſe fro ȝou, confoundid wiþ hous of Yrael. Wher it be ȝour for to wite dom,
yuel fame; it is not gon out, whiche dwelliþ in þe goynge out; ii whiche han in hate good, and louen yuel? Whiche violentli
a niȝ hous ſhal take of ȝou weylyng, whiche ſtode to it ſelf. taken awey þe ſkinnis of hem fro aboue hem, and þe fleſhe of
xii For it is maad ſeeke in to good, whiche dwelliþ in hem fro aboue þe bonys of hem.
bitterneſſis. For yuel came doun fro þe Lord in to þe ȝate of iii Whiche eeten fleſhe of my peple, and hildiden, or flewen, þe
Jeruſalem, ſkyn of hem fro aboue; and braken to gydre þe bonys of hem,
xiii noyſe of a four horſid cart, of dreed to þe dwellynge at and kittiden to gydre as in a cawdroun, and as fleſhe in þe
Lachis. It is þe bygynnyng of ſynne of þe douȝter of Syon, mydil of a pott.
for in þee þe grete treſpaſſis of Yrael ben founden. iiii Þanne þei ſhuln crye to þe Lord, and he ſhal not heer
xiiii Þerfore he ſhal ȝeue vnnoble men on þe heritage of Geth, hem; and he ſhal hijde his face fro hem in þat tyme, as þei
an hous of leſyng in to diſceyte to þe kyngis of Yrael. diden wickidly in her fyndyngus.
xv Ȝit Y ſhal brenge an eir to þee, þat dwelliſt in Mareſa; v Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord on þe prophetis þat diſceyuen my
vnto Odolla of glorie of Yrael ſhal cum. peple, and biten wiþ her teeþ, and prechen pees; and ȝif eny
xvi Be þou maad ballid, and be þou clippid on þe ſonys of man ſhal not ȝeue in þe mouþ of hem eny þing, þei halewyn
bateyle on hym.
ydolis; alarge þi baldneſſe as an egle, for þei ben led caityf vi Þerfore niȝt ſhal be to ȝou for viſioun, or prophecie, and
fro þee.
derkneſſis to ȝou for dyuynacioun; and þe ſunne ſhal go doun
on þe prophetis, and þe day ſhal be maad derk on hem.
Capitulum II. vii And þei ſhuln be confoundid þat ſeen viſiouns, and
i Woo to ȝou, þat þenken vnprofitable þing, and wirchen yuel dyuynours ſhuln be confoundid, and alle ſhuln hille her
in ȝoure couchis; in þe morew liȝt þei don it, for þe hond of cheeris, for it is not þe anſwere of God.
hem is aȝeinus God. viii Neþeles Y am fulfillid wiþ ſtrengþe of Spirit of þe Lord,
ii Þei couetiden feeldis, and violently token; and rauyſhiden in dom and vertu, þat Y ſhewe to Jacob his grete treſpas,
houſis, and falſly chalengiden a man and his hous, and a and to Yrael his ſynne.
man and his eritage. ix Heere ȝe þeſe þingis, ȝe princis of þe hous of Jacob, and
domyſmen of þe hous of Yrael, whiche wlaten dom, and
peruerten alle riȝt þingus;


x whiche beelden Syon in blodis, and Jeruſalem in þe goyng out of hym fro þe bygynnyng of dais of
wickidneſſe. euerlaſtyngneſſe.
xi Princis þerof demyden in ȝiftus, and þe preſtis þerof iii For þis þing God ſhal ȝeue hem vn to tyme in whiche þe
tauȝten in hijre, and prophetis þerof dyuynyden in money; and traueilynge of chijld ſhal bere chijld, and þe relikis of his
on þe Lord þei reſtiden, ſayinge, Wher not þe Lord in þe breþeren ſhuln be conuertid to þe ſonys of Yrael.
mydil of vs? yuels ſhuln not cume on vs. iiii And he ſhal ſtonde, and ſhal feede in ſtrengþe of þe Lord,
xii For þis þing by cauſe of ȝou, Syon as a feeld ſhal be in þe heiȝt of þe name of þe Lord his God; and þei ſhuln be
eryd; and Jeruſalem ſhal be as an heep of ſtoons, and þe hill conuertid, for now he ſhal be magnyfied vn to þe termes of al
of þe temple in to heeȝ þingus of wodys. erþe.
v And þis ſhal be pees, whanne Aſſirius ſhal cum in to oure
Capitulum IIII. lond, and whanne he ſhal trede in oure houſis; and we ſhuln
reyſe on hym ſeuen ſheperdis, and eiȝt primatis, or firſt men
i And it ſhal be, in þe laſt of days þe hill of þe hous of þe in dignyte.
Lord ſhal be maad redy in þe top of hillis, and heeȝ ouer vi And þei ſhuln feede þe lond of Aſſur in ſwerd, and þe lond
ſmale hillis. And peplis ſhuln fleete to hym, of Nembroth in ſperis of hym; and he ſhal delyuere vs fro
ii and many folkis ſhuln haſten, and ſhuln ſaye, Cum ȝe, ſtye Aſſur, whanne he ſhal cum in to oure lond, and whanne he
we to þe hill of þe Lord, and to þe hous of God of Jacob; ſhal treede in oure cooſtis.
and he ſhal teche vs of his wayes, and we ſhuln go in his vii And relikis of Jacob ſhuln be in þe mydil of many peplis,
paþes. For of Syon þe lawe ſhal go out, and þe word of þe as dewe of þe Lord, and as droppyngis on erbe, whiche
Lord of Jeruſalem; abydiþ not man, and ſhal not abyde þe ſonys of men.
iii and he ſhal deme bitwixe manye peplis, and ſhal chaſtyſe viii And relikis of Jacob ſhuln be in heiþen men, in þe mydil
ſtrong folkis vnto in to fer. And þei ſhuln bete to gydre her of many peplis, as a lyoun in beſtis of woddis, and as whelpe
ſwerdis in to ſhaaris, and her ſperis in to pycoyſis; a folk ſhal of lyoun rorynge in flockis of ſmale beeſtis; whiche whan ſhal
not take ſwerd aȝeinus folk, and þei ſhuln namore lerne for to paſſe, and defoule, and take, þer is not þat ſhal delyuere.
fiȝte. ix Þin hond ſhal be reyſid on þin enmyes, and alle þin
iiii And a man ſhal ſitte vndir his vyne ȝerd, and vnder his
enmyes ſhuln periſhe.
fijge tree; and þer ſhal not be þat ſhal fere, for þe mouþ of þe x And it ſhal be, in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord, Y ſhal take awey
Lord of hooſtis ſpak. þin horſis of þe mydil of þee, and Y ſhal diſtruye þi foure
v For alle peplis ſhuln go, eche man in name of þe Lord her
horſid cartis.
God; forſoþ we ſchulen walke in þe name of þe Lord oure xi And Y ſhal leeſe þe citees of þi lond, and Y ſhal diſtruye
God into wiþ outen ende, and ouer. alle þi ſtrengþis;
vi In þat day, ſeiþ þe Lord, I ſchal gedere þe haltinge, and
xii and Y ſhal do awey þe yuel deedis of þin hond, and
hir þat I caſtide awey Y ſhal gedre, and whom Y dyuynaciouns, or tellyngus by deuels craft, ſhuln not be in
tourmentide Y ſhal coumforte. þee.
vii And Y ſhal putte þe haltynge in to relikis, and hir þat
xiii And Y ſhal make for to periſhe þi ſculptilis, or grauen
traueilide, in to a ſtronge folk. And þe Lord ſhal regne on ymagis, and Y ſhal breke to gydre of þe mydil of þee þin
hem in þe hill of Syon, fro þis now and till in to þe world. ymagis, and þou ſhalt namore wirſhipe þe werkis of þin
viii And þou, cloudy, or derk, tour of folk of þe douȝter of
Syon, vn to þee he ſhal cume, and þe firſt power ſhal cume, xiiii And Y ſhal drawe out þi mawmet wodis, and ſhal breke
þe rewme of þe douȝter of Jeruſalem. to gydre þi citees.
ix Now whi art þou wiþ mournyng drawen to gydre? wher a
xv And Y ſhal make in woodneſſe and in indignacioun
kyng is not to þee, or þi counſeilour periſhide? for ſorewe haþ veniaunce in alle folkis, whiche herden not.
cachid þee, as a womman berynge chijld.
x Þou douȝter of Syon, make ſorewe, and tyſe, or do ynewȝ,
as a womman berynge chijld; for now þou ſhalt go out of þe Capitulum VI.
cyte, and þou ſhalt dwelle in cuntre, and þou ſhalt cum vn to i Heere ȝe whiche þingis þe Lord ſpekiþ. Ryſe þou, ſtryue þou
Babiloyne; þere þou ſhalt be delyuered, þere þe Lord ſhal by dome aȝeinus mounteyns, and litil hillis heere þi voice.
aȝein bye þee, of þe hond of þin enmyes. ii Mounteyns heere þe dom of þe Lord, and þe ſtrenger
xi And now many folkis ben gadrid on þee, whiche ſayen, Be
foundementis of erþe; for þe dom of þe Lord wiþ his peple,
it ſtoonyd, and biholde our eeȝe in to Syon. and wiþ Yrael he ſhal be wyſely demed.
xii Forſoþe þei knewen not þe þouȝtis of þe Lord, and iii My peple, what haue Y don to þee, or what was Y
vndirſtoden not þe counſeil of hym, for he gadride hem as hay greuous to þee? Anſwere þou to me.
of þe feeld. iiii For Y ledde þee out of þe lond of Egypt, and of þe hous
xiii Ryſe þou, and þreſhe, douȝter of Syon, for Y ſhal putte
of ſeruage Y delyuerde þee; and Y ſente byfore þi face
þin horn of yren, and Y ſhal putte þi naylis braſen; and þou Moyſes, and Aaron, and Marie.
ſhalt waſte many peplis, and ſhalt ſlea to þe Lord þe raueyns v My peple, byþenke, Y preye, what Balaac, kyng of Moab,
of hem, and þe ſtrengþe of hem to þe Lord of al erþe.
þouȝte, and what Balaam, ſone of Beor, of Sethym,
anſweride to hym vn to Galgala, þat þou ſhuldiſt knowe þe
Capitulum V. riȝtwiſneſſe of þe Lord.
i Now vi What worþi þing ſhal Y offre to þe Lord? ſhal Y bowe þe
þou, douȝter of þe þeef, ſhalt be diſtruyed; þei puttiden
on vs byſeegyng, in a ȝerd þei ſhuln ſmyte þe cheeke of þe knee to þe heeȝ God? Wher Y ſhal offre to hym brent
iuge of Yrael. ſacrifices, and calues of oo ȝeer?
ii And þou, Bethlem Effrata, art litil in þe þouſandis of Juda; vii Wher God may be pleſid in þouſandis of weþeris, or in
of þee ſhal gon out to me, whiche is lordſhiper in Yrael; and many þouſandus of fatt goot buckis? Wher Y ſhal ȝeue my


firſt bygoten for my grete treſpas, þe fruyte of my wombe for xiii And þe erþe ſhal be in to deſolacioun for hir dwellers, and
ſynne of my ſoule? for fruyte of þe þouȝtis of hem.
viii Y ſhal ſhewe to þee, þou man, what is good, and what þe xiiii Feed þou þi peple in þi ȝerd, þe floc of þin eritage,
Lord axiþ of þee; forſoþe for to do dom, and for to loue dwellynge aloone in þe wijld wode; in þe mydil of Carmele
mercy, and byſi for to walke wiþ þi God. þei ſhuln be fed Baſan and Galaad, vp olde days,
ix Þe voice of þe Lord crieþ to þe citee, and helþe ſhal be to xv vp days of þi goyng out of þe lond of Egypt. Y ſhal ſhewe
alle men dreedinge þi name. Heere, ȝe lynagis; and who ſhal to hym wondirful þingis;
aproue it? xvi heeþen men ſhuln ſee, and þei ſhuln be confoundid on al
x Ȝit fijr in þe hous of þe vnpitous man, þe treſours of
her ſtrengþe; þei ſhuln putte hondis on þe mouþe, þe eris of
wickidneſſe, and a laſſe meſure ful of wraþ. hem ſhuln be defe;
xi Wher Y ſhal iuſtifie þe wickid balaunce, and þe gijlful xvii þei ſhuln lick duſt as þe ſerpent, as crepynge þingis of þe
weiȝtis of litil ſac, erþe þei ſhuln be diſtourblid of her houſis; þei ſhuln deſijre þe
xii in whiche riche men þerof ben fulfillid wiþ wickidneſſe? Lord our God, and þei ſhuln dreede þee.
And men dwellynge þeryn ſpaken leſyng, and þe tunge of hem xviii What god liche of þee, þat doſt awey wickidneſſe, and
gijleful in þe mouþ of hem. beriſt ouer þe ſynne of þe relikis of þin eritage? He ſhal
xiii And Y þerfore bygan for to ſmyte þee, in perdicioun on namore in ſende his wodneſſe, for he is willynge mercy;
þin ſynnys. xix he ſhal turne aȝein, and haue mercy of vs. He ſhal putte
xiiii Þou ſhalt ete, and ſhalt not be fulfillid, and þi meekyng doun oure wickidneſſis, and he ſhal caſte fer in to depneſſe of
in þe mydil of þee; and þou ſhalt take to, and ſhalt not ſaue; þe ſee alle oure ſynnes.
and whom þou ſhalt ſaaue, Y ſhal ȝeue in to ſwerd. xx Þou ſhalt ȝeue trewþe to Jacob, mercy to Abraham, whiche
xv Þou ſhalt ſowe, and ſhalt not repe; þou ſhalt trede þe þou ſworiſt to oure fadris fro olde days.
olyue, and ſhalt not be anoyntid wiþ oyle; and muſt, and ſhalt
not drynke wijne. Ende of þe book Micheas, and bigynneþ þe
xvi And þou keptiſt þe heeſtis of Amry, and al þe werke of þe book of Naum, prophete.
hous of Achab, and haſt walkide in þe voluptees, or luſtis, of
hem, þat Y ſhulde ȝeue þee in to perdicioun, and men
dwellynge in it in to hiſſyng, or ſcornyng, and þou ſhalt bere
þe ſhenſhip of my peple.

Capitulum VII.
i Woo to me, for Y am maad as he þat gadriþ in herueſt
raſyns of grape tyme; þer is no cluſtre for to ete; my ſoule
deſiride fijgis rijp before oþer.
ii Þe holy periſhide of þe erþe, and riȝtful is not in men; alle
in blood aſpien, a man hunteþ his broþer to deþ.
iii Þe yuel of her hondis þei ſayn good; þe prince axiþ, and is
domeſman in ȝeeldynge; and a grete man ſpake deſijr of his
ſoule, and þei ſtrubliden to gydre it.
iiii He þat is beſt in hem, is as a palyure, þat is, a ſharp
buſhe, or a þiſtil, or frijſe; and he þat is riȝtful, as a þorne of
hegge. Þe day of þi byholdyng, þi viſityng cummeþ, now ſhal
be diſtruying of hem.
v Nyl ȝe byleue to frend, and nyl ȝe triſt in duyke; fro hir þat
reſtiþ in þi boſum, keepe þou cloſyngis of þi mouþ.
vi For þe ſone doþ wronge to þe fadre, and þe douȝter ſhal
rijſe aȝeinus hir modir, and wijf of þe ſone aȝeinus hir
huſbond modir; þe enmyes of a man, þe homly, or houſhold
meyne, of hym.
vii Forſoþe Y ſhal biholde to þe Lord, Y ſhal abijde God my
ſaueour; þe Lord my God ſhal heere me.
viii Þou, myn enmy, glade not on me, for Y felle doun, Y
ſhal ryſe; whan Y ſhal ſitte in dercneſſis, þe Lord is my liȝt.
ix Y ſhal bere wraþ of þe Lord, for Y haue ſynned to hym, til
he deme my cauſe, and make my dom; he ſhal leede me out in
to liȝt, Y ſhal ſe þe rijtwiſneſſe of hym.
x And myn enmye ſhal byholde me, and ſhe ſhal be hillid wiþ
confuſioun, whiche ſaiþ to me, Wher is þe Lord þi God? Myn
eeȝen ſhuln ſe hir, now ſhe ſhal be in defoulyng, as clay, or
fen, of ſtretis,
xi day þat þi wallis be beeldid. In þat day law ſhal be maad
xii in þat day Aſſur vn to þee ſhal come, and `vn to ſtronge
citees, and fro ſtronge citees vnto þe flood; and to ſee of ſee,
and to hill of hill.


v He ſhal byþenke of his ſtrenger, þei ſhulen falle in her

NAUM. wayes; and ſwyftly þei ſhuln ſtye vp þe wallis þerof, and þe
ſhadewynge place ſhal be maad redy.
Here bigynneþ þe book of Naum. vi Ȝatis of flodis ſhuln be opnyd, and þe temple broken doun
to þe erþe.
Capitulum I. vii And a kniȝt caitif is led to, and þe hond maydens þerof

i The
ſhuln be dryuen ſorewyng as culuers, grucchynge in her
charge of Nynyue; þe boke of viſioun of Naum hertis.
Helcheſey. viii And Nynyue, as þe cyſterne of waters þe waters þerof;
ii Þe Lord a louer, and þe Lord vengeynge; þe Lord
forſoþe þei fledden, ſayinge, Stonde ȝe, ſtonde ȝe, and þer is
vengynge, and hauynge woodneſſe; þe Lord vengynge in to not þat ſhal turne aȝein.
his enmyes, and he wraþinge to his enmyes. ix Rauyſhe ȝe ſyluer, rauyſhe ȝe gold; and þere is not eende of
iii Þe Lord pacient, and grete in ſtrengþe, and he clenſynge
richeſſis, of all deſireable veſſels.
ſhal not make innocent. Þe Lord in tempeſt, and in x It is diſtruyed, and kitt, and to-torne, and herte feylynge,
whirlwynd þe wayes of hym, and cloudis duſt of his feet; and vnknyttynge of ſmale knees, and failyng in alle reynes;
iiii blamynge þe ſee, and dryinge it, and bryngynge alle flodis
and þe face of alle as blacneſſe of a pott.
to deſert. Baſan is maad ſeek, and Carmele, and þe flour of xi Where is þe dwellynge of lyouns, and þe leſewis of whelpis
Liban langwiſhide. of lyouns? Þe lyoun wente to water, þat þe whelpe of þe
v Mounteyns ben moued to gidre of hym, and litil hillis ben
lyoun ſhulde entre þidre, and þere is not þat ſhal fere.
deſolate. And þe erþe tremblide to gydre fro þe face of hym, xii Þe lyoun toke ynowȝ to his whelpis, and ſlewȝ to his
and þe roundneſſe of erþe, and alle þe dwellyng þeryn. lyounneſſis; and fulfillide wiþ praye her dennys, and his
vi Bifore þe face of his indignacioun who ſhal ſtonde? and
couche wiþ rauyn.
who ſhal aȝein ſtonde in þe wraþ of his woodneſſe? His xiii Loo! Y to þee, ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis; and Y ſhal
indignacioun is ſhed out as fijre, and ſtoonus ben diſſolued, or vndre brenne þi cartis of foure horſis vn to þe heeȝiſt, and
broken, of hym. ſwerd ſhal ete þi ſmale lyouns; and Y ſhal diſtruye of erþe þi
vii Þe Lord good, and coumfortynge in þe day of tribulacioun,
praye, and voice of þi meſſangeres ſhal no more be herd.
and he knowynge men hoopynge in hym.
viii And in grete floode paſſynge by, he ſhal make eende of his
Capitulum III.
place; and dercneſſis ſhuln purſue his enmyes.
ix What þinken ȝe aȝeinus þe Lord? He ſhal make eend; i Wo `to þe citee of blodis, al of leſyng, ful of to-teryng;
double tribulacioun ſhal not ryſe to gydre. raueyn ſhal not go awey fro þee.
x For as þornys biclippen hem to gydre, ſo þe feeſt of hem ii Voice of ſcourge, and voice of bir of wheel, and of hors
drynkynge to gydre ſhal be eendid, as ſtoble ful of dryneſſe. makynge noyſe, and of a foure horſid cart brennynge,
xi Forſoþe of þee ſhal go out þe þynkynge malice aȝeinus þe iii and of kniȝt ſteyinge vp, and of ſhynynge ſwerd, and
Lord, in ſoule, or mynde, tretynge treſpaſſyng. ſmytynge ſpere, and of þe ſlayn multitude, and greuouſe
xii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord, Ȝif þei ſhuln be perfit, and ſo fallynge, neþer þer is eende of careins. And þei ſhuln falle to
gydre in her bodies,
mo, and þus þei ſhuln be clippid, and it ſhal paſſe by. Y iiii for multitude of þe fornycaciouns of þe hoore fair and able,
tourmentide þee, and Y ſhal namore tourmente þee.
xiii And now Y ſhal to gydre breke þe ȝerd of hym of þi bac, and hauynge euel dedis, or wicchecraftis; whiche ſolde folkis
in her fornycaciouns, and meynees in her poyſouns.
and Y ſhal breke þi boondis. v Loo! Y to þee, ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis; and Y ſhal
xiiii And þe Lord ſhal comaunde on þee, it ſhal namore be
ſhewe þi ſhamful þingis in þi face; and Y ſhal ſhewe to folkis
ſown of þi name. Of þe hous of þi god Y ſhal ſlea; a ſculptil, þi nakidneſſe, and to rewmes þin yuel fame.
or grauen ymage, and wellid to gydre, Y ſhal putte þi vi And Y ſhal caſte out on þee þin abomynaciouns, and Y
ſepulcre, for þou art vnwirſhipid.
xv Loo! on hillis þe feet of euangelizinge and tellynge pees. ſhal punyſhe þee wiþ diſpitis, and Y ſhal putte þee in to
Juda, halewe þou þi feeſt days, and ȝeelde þi vowis, for he vii And it ſhal be, eche man þat ſhal ſee þee, ſhal lippe aȝein
ſhal namore putte to, þat he paſſe by in þee; al Belial
periſhide. fro þee, and ſhal ſaye, Nynyue is diſtruyed. Who ſhal moue
togydre þe hed vpon þee? wherof ſhal Y ſeke to þee a
Capitulum II. viii Wher þou art better þan Aliſaundre, of peplis whiche
i He ſtyede vp, þat ſchal ſcatere byfore þee, þat ſhal kepe þe dwelliþ in flodis? Waters in cumpas þerof, whos ritcheſſis þe
byſeeging; byholde þou þe waye, coumforte leendis, ſtrengþe ſe, waters þe wallis þerof.
þou vertu gretely. ix Ethiopie þe ſtrengþe þerof, and Egypt, and þer is noon
ii For as þe Lord ȝeldide þe pride of Jacob, ſo þe pryde of eende; Affrik and Libie weren in help þerof.
Yrael; for diſtruyers ſcatriden hem, and corrumpten, or x Bot and it in tranſmygracioun, or paſſing ouer, is led in to
diſtruyiden, þe generaciouns of hem. caitiftee; þe litil children þerof ben hirt in þe heed of alle
iii Þe ſheeld of þe ſtrong of hym fijry, men of þe hooſt in rede wayes. And on þe noble men þerof þei ſenten lot, and alle
cloþis; raynes of fijre of þe chaare, in þe day of his makyng grete men þerof ben ſett togider in þe ſtockis.
redy; and þe leeders þerof ben aſleepe. xi And þou þerfore ſhalt be drunken, and þou ſhalt be diſpiſid,
iiii In wayes þei ben trublid to gydre, cartis of foure horſis he and þou ſhalt ſeeke help of enmy.
hurtlide to gydre in ſtretis; þe ſiȝt of hem as laumpis, as xii Alle þi ſtrengþis as a fijge tree, wiþ his vnripe fijgis; ȝif
leiȝtis rennynge aboute. þei ſhuln be ſmyten to gydre, þei ſhuln falle in to þe mouþ of
þe etynge.


xiii Loo! þi peple wymmen in þe mydil of þee; to þin enmyes,

to þe opnynge þe ȝatis of þi lond ſhuln be ſhewid, or opnyd;
fijr ſhal deuoure þi barris, or lockis.
xiiii Drawe vp to þee water for aſeegyng, beelde þi ſtrengþis;
entre in to fen, and trede, þou vndergoynge holde a tijl.
xv Þere fijr ſhal ete þee, þou ſhalt periſhe by ſwerd, it ſhal
deuoure þee, as bruke; þerfor be þou gadrid togydre as bruke,
be þou multiplied as locuſt.
xvi Þou madiſt þi marchaundiſes mo þan ben ſterris of heuen;
bruke is ſprad o brood, and fleiȝeþ awey.
xvii Þi keepers as locuſtis, and þi litel children as locuſtis of
locuſtis, whiche ſiten to gidre in heggis in þe day of cold; þe
ſunne is ſprungen vp, and þei fledden awey, and þe place of
hem is not knowen, where þei weren.
xviii Þi ſheperdis napten, þou kyng Aſſur, þi princes ſhuln be
biried; þi peple oft derkid in hillis, and þer is not þat ſhal
xix Þi contricioun is not derk, þi wound is warſt; alle men
þat herden þi heering, preſſiden to gidre hond on þee, for
vpon whom paſſide not þi malice euermore?
Here endiþ þe of Naum, prophete, and
bigynneþ þe book of Abacuk, prophete.


iii For ȝit þe viſioun fer, and it ſhal apeere in to eende, and
ABACUK. ſhal not leeȝe; ȝit it ſhal make dwellyng, abijde þou it, for it
cummynge ſhal cum, and ſhal not tarie.
Þe book of Abacuk. iiii Loo! he þat is vnbileeful, þe ſoule of hym ſhal not be riȝt
in hym ſelf; forſoþe þe iuſt man ſhal lyue in his feiþ.
Capitulum I. v And as wijn diſceiueþ a man drinkynge, ſo ſhal þe proude

i The charge þat Abacuk, prophete, ſaw.

man be, and ſhal not be maad faire; for as helle he alargide
his ſoule, and he as deþ, and he ſhal not be fulfillid; and he
ii Hou longe, Lord, ſhal Y crye, and þou ſhalt not heere ſhal gedre to hym alle folkis, and he ſhal hepe to gydre to
graciouſly? Y ſuffringe violence ſhal crie on heeȝ, and ſhalt hym alle peplis.
þou not ſaue? vi Wher not alle þeſe vpon hym ſhuln take a parable, and þe
iii Whi ſhewidiſt þou to me wickidneſſe and traueile, for to ſee ſpekyng of derk ſentencis of hym? And it ſhal be ſaide, Wo to
pray and vnriȝtwiſneſſe aȝeinus me? Whi biholdiſt þou hym þat multiplieþ þingus not his owne; how long, and he
diſpiſers, and art ſtille, þe vnpitouſe man defoulyng a iuſter aggregiþ aȝeinus hym þicke clay?
þan hym? And þou ſhalt make men as fiſhis of þe ſe, and as vii Wher not ſudeynly þei ſhuln ryſe to gydre, þat ſhuln bite
crepynge þingis not hauynge duyk; and dom is maad, and þee? And þei ſhuln be reiſid to-terynge þee, and þou ſhalt be
aȝeinſayinge more miȝty. in to raueyne to hem; and þin aſpiers in yuel ſhuln wake.
iiii For þis þing law is to-broken, and dom cummeþ not vn to viii For þou robbidiſt many folkis, alle ſhuln robbe þee, whiche
þe eende; for vnpitous man haþ miȝt aȝeinus þe iuſt, þerfore ſhuln be relikis of peplis, for blood of man, and wickidneſſe of
weywerd dom ſhal go out. lond of þe citee, and of men dwellynge in it.
v Biholde ȝe in heþen men, and ſee ȝe, and wondre ȝee, and ix Woo to hym þat gadriþ euyl coueitiſe to his hous, þat his
gretely dreede ȝee; for a worke is don in ȝour days, whiche neſt be in heeȝ, and geſſiþ hym for to be delyuered of þe hond
no man ſhal byleeue, whan it ſhal be told. of yuel.
vi For loo! Y ſhal reyſe Caldeis, a bitter folk and ſwift, x Þou þouȝtiſt confuſioun to þin hous; þou haſt ſlayn many
goynge vpon þe breed of erþe, þat he weelde tabernaclis not peplis, and þi ſoule ſynnede.
his. xi For a ſtoon of þe wall ſhal crie, and a tree þat is bitwixe
vii He is orrible, and dreedeful; of hym ſelf dome, and his
ioyntours of beeldingis ſhal anſwere.
charge ſhal go out. xii Woo to hym þat beeldiþ a citee in blodis, and makiþ redy
viii His horſis liȝter þan pardis, and ſwifter þan euyn wolues,
a cytee in wickidneſſe.
and his horſmen ſhuln be ſcatrid abrode; for whi horſmen xiii Wher not þeſe þingis ben of þe Lord of ooſtis? Forſoþe
ſhuln cum fro fer, þei ſhuln flee as an egle haſtynge to ete. peplis ſhuln traueile in myche fijr, and folkis in veyn, and þei
ix Alle men ſhuln cume to preye, þe face of hem as brennynge
ſhuln faile.
wynde; and he ſhal gadre as grauel caitiftee. xiiii For þe erþe ſhal be fulfillid, þat þei knowe þe glorie of þe
x And he ſhal haue victorie of kyngis, and tirauntis ſhuln be
Lord, as waters hillynge þe ſe.
his leiȝingis; he ſhal leiȝe vpon al ſtrengþe, and ſhal bere to xv Woo to hym þat ȝeuiþ drinke to his frend, ſendynge his
gidre an hepe of erþe, and ſhal take it. galle, and makynge drunken, þat he biholde his nakidneſſe.
xi Þanne þe ſpirit of hym ſhal be chaungid, and he ſhal paſſe
xvi He is fulfillid wiþ yuel fame for glorie; and drynke þou,
by, and falle to gydre; þis is þe ſtrengþe of hym, of his god. and be aſlept; þe cup of þe riȝt half of þe Lord ſhal aboute
xii Wher not þou fro bigynnynge, Lord my God, myn holy,
ȝeue þee, and caſting vp of yuel fame vpon þi glorie.
and we ſhuln not dye? Lord, in to dome þou haſt putte hym, xvii For þe wickidneſſe of Liban ſhal keuere þee, and þe
and þou groundidiſt hym ſtrong, þat þou ſhuldiſt chaſtiſe. diſtruccioun of beeſtis ſhal fere þee, of blodis of man, and of
xiii Þyn eeȝen ben cleene, ſee þou not yuel, and þou ſhalt not
wickidneſſe of lond of þe citee, and of alle dwellynge þeryn.
mow biholde to wickidneſſe. Whi biholdiſt þou not vpon men xviii What profitiþ þe ſculptile, for his maker grauede it; a
doynge wickidly, and þou art ſtille, þe vnpytouſe man wellid þing to gidre, and a fals ymage, for þe maker þerof
deuourynge a more iuſt þan hym? hopide in þe makyng, þat he made dumbe ſymulacris?
xiiii And þou ſhalt make men as fiſhis of þe ſe, and as
xix Woo to hym þat ſaiþ to a tree, Wake þou; Ryſe þou, to a
crepynge þing not hauynge prince. ſtoon beynge ſtylle; wher he ſhal mowe teche? Loo! þis is
xv Alle in hooke he ſhal lifte vp; he drawide it in his nett,
keuered in gold and ſyluer, and eche ſpirit is not in his
and gadride in to his net; vpon þis þing he ſhal glade, and entrailis.
ioye wiþ out forþ. xx Forſoþe þe Lord in his holy temple, al erþe be ſtille fro his
xvi Þerfore he ſhal offre to his nett, and he ſhal make ſacrifice
to his nett; for in hem his part is maad fatt, and his mete
choſen. Capitulum III.
xvii Þerfore for þis þing he ſprediþ abrood his nett, and
euermore he ſhal not ſpare for to ſlea folkis. i Lord, Y herde þi heerynge, and Y dredde;
ii Lord, þi werke, in þe mydil of ȝeeris quyckene þou it. In þe
Capitulum II. mydil of ȝeeris þou ſhalt make knowen; whan þou ſhalt be
i Vpon
wroþe, þou ſhalt recorde of mercy.
my keepyng Y ſhal ſtonde, and Y ſhal picche a greeſe iii God ſhal cum fro þe ſouþ, and þe holy fro þe mount of
vpon þe wardyng; and Y ſhal byholde, þat Y ſee what þing Pharan. Þe glorie of hym keuerde heuen, and þe erþe is ful
ſhal be ſaide to me, and what Y ſhal anſwere to þe of his herying.
reprouynge me. iiii Þe ſhynyng ſhal be as liȝt; hornys in hondis of hym. Þere
ii And þe Lord anſwerde to me, and ſaide, Write þou þe ſiȝt,
and make it pleyn vpon tablis, þat he renne, þat ſhal reede it. þe ſtrengþe of hym is hid,


v byfore his face deþ ſhal go; þe deuyl ſhal go out bifore his
vi He ſtode, and matte þe erþe; he bihelde, and vnboonde
folkis, and hillis of þe world ben broken to gydre; þe litil
hillis of þe world ben bowid doun, of þe wayes of his
vii For wickidneſſe Y ſawȝ þe tentis of Ethiopie, þe ſkynnes
of lond of Madian ſhuln be trublid.
viii Lord, wher in flodis þou art wroþe, or in flodis þi
woodneſſe, or in þe ſe þin indignacioun? Whiche ſhalt ſtye vp
þin horſis; and þi foure horſid cartis ſaluacioun.
ix Þou reyſynge ſhalt reyſe þi bowe, oþis to lynagis whiche
þou haſt ſpoken; þou ſhalt kitte flodis of erþe.
x Watris ſawen þee, and hillis ſorewiden, þe guter of waters
paſſide; depneſſe ȝaf his voice, heeȝneſſe reyſide his hondis.
xi Sunne and mone ſtoden in her dwellynge; in þe liȝt of þin
arewis þei ſhuln goo, in þe ſhynynge of þi ſpere ſmytynge.
xii In beting of teeþ þou ſhalt defoule erþe, and in wodneſſe
þou ſhalt aſtoneye folkis.
xiii Þou art gon out in to helþe of þi peple, in to helþe wiþ þi
criſt; þou haſt ſmyten þe heued of þe hous of þe vnpitouſe
man, þou haſt made nakid þe foundement vn to þe neckus.
xiiii Þou curſidiſt þe ſceptris, or powers, of hym, þe hed of his
fiȝters, cummynge as whirlwynde for to ſcatere me; þe ioyinge
wiþ outforþ of hem, as of hym þat deuouriþ a pore man in
xv Þou madiſt a weye in þe ſe to þin horſis, in cleye of
manye waters.
xvi Y herde, and my wombe is to gydre trublid; of þe voice
my lippis trembleden to gydre. Rott entre in to my boonys,
and boyle, or ſprynge, vndir me; and Y ſhal reſte aȝein in þe
day of tribulacioun, and Y ſhal ſtey vp to oure peple girde to
xvii Forſoþe þe fijge tree ſhal not floriſhe, and buriownyng
ſhal not be in vyne ȝerdis; þe werk of þe olyue ſhal leeȝe, and
feeldis ſhuln not brynge to mete; a ſheep ſhal be kitt of fro þe
folde, and a drooue ſhal not be in þe cratchis.
xviii Forſoþe Y ſhal haue ioye in þe Lord, and Y ſhal ioye
wiþ outeforþ in God my Jheſu.
xix God þe Lord my ſtrengþe, and he ſhal putte my feet as of
hertis; and vpon myn heeȝ þingus, þe ouercummer ſhal leede
me forþ, ſingynge in pſalmes.
Here endiþ þe book of Abacuk, þe
prophete, and bigynneþ þe book of
Sophonye, prophete.


Capitulum II.
SOPHONYE. i Cum ȝe togydre, be ȝe gadrid, ȝe folk not worþi to be louyd,
Here bigynneþ þe boke of Sophonyas, ii byfore þat comaundyng brenge forþ as duſt paſſynge day;
byfore þat wraþ of wodeneſſe of þe Lord cum, byfore þat þe
prophete. day of his indignacioun cume vpon ȝou.
iii Alle mylde, or pacient, men of erþe, ſeeke ȝe þe Lord,
Capitulum I. whiche han wrouȝt þe dom of hym; ſeke ȝe þe iuſt, ſeeke ȝe þe
i The word of þe Lord, þat is maad to Sophonye, ſone of mylde, ȝif eny maner ȝe be hid in þe day of woodneſſe of þe
Chuſy, ſone of Godolie, ſone of Amaſie, ſone of Ezechie, in þe Lord.
iiii For Gaza ſhal be diſtruyed, and Aſchalon in to deſert; þei
days of Joſye, þe ſone of Amon, kyng of Juda.
ii Y gaderynge ſhal gadre alle þingus fro face of erþe, ſaiþ þe ſhuln caſte out Azotus in mydday, and Ackaron ſhal be
Lord; drawen out by þe rote.
v Woo! ȝe þat dwellen þe litil part of þe ſe, a folk of loſt men.
iii gadrynge man and beeſte, gadrynge volatilis of heuen, and
fiſhes of þe ſe; and fallyngis of vnpytous men ſhuln ben, and Þe word of þe Lord vpon ȝou, Canaan, þe lond of Fyliſteyns,
Y ſhal leeſe men fro face of þe erþe, ſaiþ þe Lord. and Y ſhal diſtruye þee, ſo þat an yndweller be not;
vi and þe litil part of þe ſe ſhal be reſte of ſheeperdis, and
iiii And Y ſhal ſtretche out myn hond vpon Juda, and vpon
alle þe dwellers of Jeruſalem; and Y ſhal leeſe of þis place þe fooldis of ſheep.
vii And it ſhal be a litil part of hym, þat ſhal abide of þe hous
relikis of Baal, and þe names of kepers of þe houſis, wiþ þe
preſtis; of Juda, þere þei ſhuln be fed in þe houſis of Aſchalon; at
v and hem þat worſhipen vpon roues þe knyȝthod of heuen, euyn þei ſhuln reſte, for þe Lord God of hem viſitide hem,
and worſhipen, and ſweren in þe Lord, and ſweren in and ſhal turne awey þe caityftee of hem.
viii Y herde þe ſhenſhipe of Moab, and blasfemyes of þe ſonys
vi and whiche ben turned awey byhynde þe bac of þe Lord, of Amon, whiche þei diſpiſiden my peple, and þei ben
and whiche ſouȝten, or axiden, not þe Lord, neþer enſerchiden magnyfied vpon þe termes of hem.
ix Þerfore Y lyue, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, God of Yrael, for
vii Be ȝe ſtille fro face of þe Lord God, for niȝ is þe day of Moab ſhal be as Sodom, and þe ſonys of Amon as Gomor;
þe Lord; for þe Lord made redi a ſacrifice, halewide his drieneſſe of þornes, and hepis of ſalt, and deſert, til in to wiþ
clepid men. out eende. Þe relikis of my peple ſhuln rauyſhe hem, þe
viii And it ſhal be, in þe day of offryng of þe Lord, Y ſhal
reſidues of my folc ſhuln welde hem.
x Soþely þis þing ſhal cum to hem for her pride, in whiche
viſite vpon princes, and vpon ſones of þe kyng, and vpon alle þei blasfemyden, and weren magnyfied vpon þe peple of þe
þat ben cloþid wiþ pilgrim, or ſtraunge, cloþing. Lord of ooſtis.
ix And Y ſhal viſite vpon eche þat proudli entriþ vpon þe
xi Orrible þe Lord vpon hem, and he ſhal make feble alle
þreſhfold in þat day, whiche fulfillen þe hous of þe Lord her goddis of erþe; and men of her place ſhuln wirſhipe hym, alle
God wiþ wickidneſſe and gyle. þe ijlis of heþen men.
x And þer ſhal be in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord, a voys of crye fro
xii Bot and ȝee, Ethiopiens, ſhuln be ſlayn bi my ſwerd.
þe ȝate of fiſhis, and ȝoulynge fro þe ſecounde, or þat ſtreete xiii And he ſhal ſtretche forþ his hond vpon þe norþ, and ſhal
of Jeruſalem, and grete contricioun fro litil hillis.
xi Ȝoule ȝe, dwellers of Pyle, or of tauern; alle þe peple of leeſe Aſſur; and he ſhal putte þe faire in to wildreneſſe, and
Canaan was ſtille to gidre, alle wlappid in ſyluer periſhiden. in to vnwayed, and as deſert.
xiiii And alle flockis, and beeſtis of folkis, ſhuln ligge in þe
xii And it ſhal be, in þat tyme Y ſhal ſeeke Jeruſalem in
lanternys, and Y ſhal viſite vpon alle men piȝt in her darſtis, mydil þerof; and onacratalus, þat is, a brid wiþ a long bill
whiche ſayen in her hertis, Þe Lord ſhal not do wel, and he lijke a ſwan, and þe yrchoun ſhuln dwelle in þe þreſhefoldis
ſhal not do yuel. þerof; voys of þe ſyngynge in a wyndowe, and a crowe in þe
xiii And þe ſtrengþe of hem ſhal be in to rauyſhyng, and þe
lyntill, or ouer þresfold, for Y ſhal make þynne þe ſtrengþe
hous of hem in to deſert; and þei ſhuln beelde houſis, and xv Þis is þe glorious citee dwellynge in triſt, whiche ſaide in
ſhuln not enhabite; and þei ſhuln plante vyne ȝerdus, and þei her herte, Y am, and þer is noon oþer more wiþ outen me.
ſhuln not drynke þe wijn of hem. Hou it is maad deſert, a couche of beeſt? Eche man þat ſhal
xiiii Niȝ is þe grete day of þe Lord, niȝ and ſwyft ful myche;
paſſe bi it, ſhal hiſſe, or ſcorne, and ſhal moue his hond.
þe voys of day of þe Lord bitter, a ſtronge man ſhal be in
tribulacioun þere. Capitulum III.
xv Þe ilk day a day of wraþ, day of tribulacioun and anguyſh,
þe day of needyneſſe, or ſorewe wiþ out coumfort, and i Wo! þou cytee, terrere, or ſtirere, to wraþe, and bouȝt aȝein
myſeiſetee, or wretchidneſſe, day of derkneſſis and myſt, day of culuer.
cloude and whirlwynde, ii It herde not þe voice, and reſceyuede not diſciplyne, or
xvi day of trumpe and noyſe vpon ſtronge cytees and vpon chaſtiſing; it triſtinede not in þe Lord, it neiȝide not to hir
heeȝe corners. God.
xvii And Y ſhal truble men, and þei ſhuln walke as blynde, iii Þe princis þerof in mydil þerof as lyouns roringe; iugis
for to þe Lord þei han ſynned; and þe blood of hem ſhal be þerof wolues, in þe euyntyde leften not in to morewe.
ſhed out as erþe, and þe bodyes of hem as tordis. iiii Þe prophetis þerof wode, vnfeiþful men; þe preſtis þerof
xviii Bot and þe ſyluer of hem, and þe gold of hem, ſhal not defouliden holy þing, vniuſtly diden aȝeinus þe lawe.
mowe delyuere hem in þe day of wraþ of þe Lord; in fijr of v Þe Lord iuſt in mydil þerof, he ſhal not do wickidneſſe;
his feruour al erþe ſhal be deuoured, for he ſhal make eende erly, erly he ſhal ȝeue his dom in liȝt, and it ſhal not be hid;
wiþ haaſtyng to alle men enhabitynge erþe. forſoþe þe wickid man wiſt not confuſioun.


vi Y loſte folkis, and þe corners of hem ben diſtruyed; Y xiiii Þeſeþingus ſaiþ þe Lord, Douȝter of Syon, herie þou,
made þe wayes of hem deſert, whijl þer is not þat ſhal paſſe. ſynge þou, Yrael; glade þou, and fulout ioye in al þi herte,
Þe cytees of hem ben deſolate, not dwellynge a man, neþer þou douȝter of Jeruſalem.
eny dweller. xv Þe Lord haþ taken awey þi dom, he haþ turned awey þin
vii Y ſayde, Neþeleſe þou ſhalt dreede me, þou ſhalt reſceyue enmyes; kyng of Yrael lord in þe mydil of þee, þou ſhalt
diſciplyne; and þe dwellynge þerof ſhal not periſhe, for alle namore dreede yuel.
þingus in whiche Y viſitide it; neþeleſe ful erly þei ryſynge xvi In þat day it ſhal be ſaid, Jeruſalem, nyl þou dreede;
han corrumpid alle her þouȝtis. Syon, be not þin hondis vnknyt.
viii Wherfore abyde þou me, ſaiþ þe Lord, in þe day of my xvii Þe Lord þi God ſtronge in mydil of þee, he ſhal ſaaue; he
ryſyng aȝein in to comynge. For my dome is, þat Y gadre ſhal enioye vpon þee in gladneſſe, he ſhal be ſtille in þi
folkis, and gadre rewmes; and Y ſhal ſhede out vpon hem louyng, he ſhal ful enioye vpon þee in herying.
myn indignacioun, and al þe wraþ of my wodeneſſe; forſoþe in xviii Y ſhal gadre þe foolis þat wenten awey fro þi lawe, for
fijr of my feruour al erþe ſhal be deuoured.
ix For þanne Y ſhal ȝelde to my peplis a choſen tunge, þat þei weren of þee, þat þou haue namore ſhenſhipe vpon hem.
xix Loo! Y ſhal ſlea alle men þat tourmentiden þee in þat
alle in cleepen in name of þe Lord, and ſerue to hym in oo
ſhuldre. tyme, and Y ſhal ſaaue þe haltynge, and Y ſhal gedre hir þat
x Ouer þe flodis of Ethiopie, fro þennis my biſecheris, þe was caſt out; and Y ſhal putte hem in to herying, and in to
name in eche lond of confuſioun of hem,
ſonys of my ſcaterid men, ſhuln brynge a ȝift to me. xx in þat tyme in whiche Y ſhal leede ȝou to, and in þe tyme
xi In þat day þou ſhalt not be confoundide vpon alle þi
in whiche Y ſhal gadre ȝou. Forſoþe Y ſhal ȝeue ȝou in to
fyndyngis, in whiche þou treſpaſſidiſt in me; for þanne Y ſhal name, and in to herying to alle peplis of erþe, whanne Y ſhal
take awey fro þe mydil of þee þe grete ſpekers of þi pride, conuerte ȝour caitifte byfore ȝour eeȝen, ſaiþ þe Lord.
and þou ſhalt namore putte to, for to be enhaunſid in myn
holy hill. Here endiþ þe book of Sophonye,
xii And Y ſhal leue in mydil of þee a pore peple, and nedy;
prophete, and bigynneþ þe book of Aggey,
and þei ſhuln hope in name of þe Lord.
xiii Þe relikis of Yrael ſhuln not do wickidneſſe, neþer ſhuln þe prophete.
ſpeke leeſyng, and a gyleful tunge ſhal not be funden in hem;
for þei ſhuln be fed, and ſhuln reſte, and þere ſhal not be þat
ſhal fere.


iiii And now, Zorobabel, be þou coumfortid, ſaiþ þe Lord, and

AGGEY. Jheſu, `greet preeſt, ſone of Joſedech, be þou coumfortid, and
al peple of þe lond, be þou coumfortid, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis;
and do ȝe, for Y am wiþ ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
Here begynneþ þe boke of Aggey, v Þe word þat Y couenauntide wiþ ȝou, whanne ȝe wenten
prophete. out of þe lond of Egypt, and my Spirit ſhal be in þe mydil of
ȝou, Nyl ȝe dreede,
Capitulum I. vi for þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Ȝit oo lytil þing, or
i In tyme, is, and Y ſhal moue heuen, and erþe, and þe ſe, and
þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, kyng of Perſis, in þe ſixte dryeneſſe;
moneþ, in oo day of þe moneþ, þe word of þe Lord is maad vii and Y ſhal moue alle folkis, and þe deſirid to alle folkis
in þe hond of Aggey, prophete, to Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel,
duyke of Juda, and to Jheſu, `þe greet preſt, ſone of ſhal cume; and Y ſhal fulfille þis hous wiþ glorie, ſaiþ þe
Joſedech, ſayinge, Lord of ooſtis.
ii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, ſayinge, Þis peple ſaiþ, viii Myn is ſyluer and myn is gold, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
Ȝit cummeþ not þe tyme of þe hous of þe Lord to be beeldid. ix Þe glorie of þis laſte hous ſchal be greet, more þan of þe
iii And þe word of þe Lord is maad in þe hond of Aggey, firſte, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. And in þis place I ſchal ȝyue
prophete, ſayinge, pees, ſeiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
iiii Wher it is tyme to ȝou, þat ȝe dwelle in houſis couplid wiþ x In þe foure and twentiþe of þe nynþe moneþ, in þe ſecunde
tymbre, and þis hous deſert? ȝeer of Darius, kyng, þe word of þe Lord is maad to Aggey,
v And now þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, Putte ȝe prophete, ſeiynge,
xi Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord God of ooſtis, Axe preſtis þe
ȝour hertis vpon ȝour wayes.
vi Ȝe han ſown myche, and brouȝten in litil; ȝe han eten, and lawe, ſayinge,
xii Ȝif a man ſhal take halewid fleſhe in þe heme of his
ȝe ben not fulfillid; ȝe han drunke, and ȝe ben not ful of
drinke; ȝe hilliden ȝou, and ȝe ben not maad hote; and he þat cloþinge, and ſhal touche of þe heeȝneſſe þerof brede, or
gadrid hijris, ſente hem in to a ſac, or bagge, hoolid, or potage, or wyne, and oyle, or eche mete, wher it ſhal be
broken. halewid? Soþeli preſtis anſwerynge ſayden, Nay.
vii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Putte ȝe ȝour hertis xiii And Aggey ſaide, Ȝif a man defoulid in ſoule ſhal touche
vpon ȝour wayes. of alle þeſe, wher it ſhal be defoulid? And preſtis anſwerden,
viii Stye ȝe vp in to þe mounteyn, bere ȝe treeſe, and bielde ȝe and ſaiden, It ſhal be defoulid.
xiiii And Aggey anſwerde, and ſaide, So þis peple, and ſo þis
an hous; and it ſhal be acceptable to me, and Y ſhal be
glorifiede, ſaiþ þe Lord. folk byfore my face, ſaiþ þe Lord, and ſo al werc of her
ix Ȝe bihelden to more, and loo! it made leſſe; and ȝe hondis; and alle þingus þat þei ſhuln offre þere, ſhuln be
brouȝten in to hous, and Y blewe it out. For what cauſe, ſaiþ xv And now putte ȝe ȝour hertis, fro þis day and aboue,
þe Lord of ooſtis? for myn hous is deſert, and ȝe haſten eche
man in to his hous. byfore þat a ſtoon vpon a ſtoon was putt in þe temple of þe
x For þis þing heuens ben forbeden, þat þei ſhulden not ȝeue Lord,
xvi whenne ȝe wenten to an hep of twenty buſhellis, and þere
dew; and þe erþe is forbeden, þat it ſhulde not ȝeue his
buriownyng. weren maad ten; ȝe entriden to þe preſſour, þat ȝe ſhulden
xi And Y clepide dryeneſſe vpon erþe, and vpon mounteyns, preſſe out fifty galouns, and þer weren maad twenti.
xvii Y ſmote ȝou wiþ brennynge wynd, and mildew, and hayl,
and vpon whete, and vpon wyn, and vpon oyle, and what
euer þingus þe erþe bringeþ forþ; and vpon men, and vpon and alle þe werkis of ȝour hondis; and þer was not in ȝou
beeſtis, and vpon al labour of hondis. þat turnede aȝein to me, ſaiþ þe Lord.
xii And Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, herde, and Jheſus, `þe xviii Putte ȝe ȝour hertis of þis day, and in to cummynge, fro
grete preſt, ſone of Joſedech, and alle relikis of þe peple, þe þe fourþe and twentiþe of þe ninþe moneþ, fro þe day in
voys of her God, and þe wordis of Aggey, prophete, as þe whiche foundementis ben caſten of þe temple of þe Lord, putte
Lord God of hem ſente hym to hem; and al þe peple dredde ȝe vppon ȝour herte.
of þe face of þe Lord. xix Wher now ſeed is in buriownyng? and ȝit þe vyne ȝerd,
xiii And Aggey ſaide, a meſſangere of þe Lord, of meſſangers and fijge tree, and powme garnet, and þe tree of olyue
of þe Lord to þe peple, ſayinge, Y am wiþ ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord. floriſhide not. Of þis day Y ſhal bleſſe.
xiiii And þe Lord reyſide þe ſpirit of Zorobabel, ſone of xx And þe word of þe Lord is maad þe ſecounde tyme to
Salatiel, duyk of Juda, and þe ſpirit of Jheſu, `þe grete preſt, Aggey, in þe foure and twentiþe of þe moneþ, ſaiynge,
ſone of Joſedech, and þe ſpirit of þe relikis of alle peple; and xxi Speke þou to Zorobabel, duyk of Juda, ſayinge, Y ſhal
þei entriden, and maden werk in þe hous of þe Lord of moue heuen and erþe to gydre,
hooſtis, her God, xxii and Y ſhal diſtruye þe ſete of rewmys, and Y ſhal breke
xv in þe twentiþe day and fourþe of þe moneþ, in þe ſixte þe ſtrengþe of þe rewme of heiþen men, and Y ſhal diſtruye
moneþ, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, kyng. þe foure horſid cart, and þe ſtyer þerof; and þe horſis ſhuln go
doun, and þe ſtyers of hem, a man in ſwerd of his broþer.
Capitulum II. xxiii In þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, þou Zorobabel, ſone of

i In
Salatiel, my ſeruaunt, Y ſhal take to þee, ſaiþ þe Lord; and
þe ſeuenþe moneþ, in þe twentiþe and firſte of þe moneþ, Y ſhal putte þee as a ſygnet, for Y cheeſe þee, ſaiþ þe Lord
þe word of þe Lord is maad in þe hond of Aggey, prophete, of hooſtis.
ii Speke þou to Zorobabel, ſone of Salatiel, duyk of Juda, Here endiþ þe book of Aggey, þe prophete,
and to Jheſu, `þe greet preeſt, ſone of Joſedech, and to oþer and bigynneþ þe book of Zacharie, ſone of
of þe peple, ſayinge, Barachie.
iii Who in ȝou is left, þat ſawȝ þis hous in his firſt glorie?
and what ſeen ȝe þis now? wher it is not þus, as it be not in
ȝour eeȝen?


xix And Y ſaide to þe aungel þat ſpak in me, What ben þeſe?
ZACHARIAS. And he ſaide to me, Þeſe ben hornes, þat wyndewiden Juda,
and Iſrael, and Jeruſalem.
Here bigynneþ þe boke of Zacharye, xx And þe Lord ſhewide to me foure ſmyþis.
prophete. xxi And Y ſaide, What cummen þeſe for to do? Whiche ſaiþ,
ſayinge, Þeſe ben þe hornes, þat wyndewiden Juda by alle
Capitulum I. men, and no man of hem reiſide his hed; and þeſe camen for
to fere hem, þat þei caſte doun hornes of heiþen men, whiche
i In þe eiȝte moneþ, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, þe word reyſiden horn vpon þe lond of Juda, for to ſcatere it.
of þe Lord is maad to Zacharie, ſone of Barachie, ſone of
Addo, prophete, ſeyinge, Capitulum II.
ii Þe Lord is wroþ vpon ȝour fadris wiþ wraþe.
i And Y reyſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ, and loo! a man, and
iii And þou ſhalt ſaye to hem. Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord of
loo! in his hond a litil coorde of meters.
ooſtis. Be ȝe conuertid to me, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and Y ii And Y ſaide, Whider goſt þou? And he ſaide to me, Þat Y
ſhal be conuertid to ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. mete Jeruſalem, and Judee; hou myche is þe breede þerof,
iiii Be ȝe not as ȝour fadris, to whom former prophetis
and hou myche þe lengþe þerof.
crieden, ſayinge, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Be ȝe iii And loo! þe angel þat ſpac in me, wente out, and an oþer
conuertid of ȝour yuel wayes, and ȝoure warſt þouȝtes; and angel wente out into meetynge of hym,
þei herden not, neþer token entente to me, ſaiþ þe Lord of iiii and ſaide to hym, Renne þou, ſpek to þis chijld, ſaiynge,
v Wher ben ȝour faders and prophetis? wher þei ſhuln lyue Wiþ outen wall Jeruſalem ſhal be enabitid, for multitude of
into wiþ outen eende? men and beeſtis in þe mydil þerof.
v And Y ſhal be to it, ſaiþ þe Lord, a wall of fijr in cumpas;
vi Neþeleſe my wordis and my lawful þingis, whiche Y
comaundide to my ſeruauntis prophetis, wher þei tauȝten not and Y ſhal be in glorye in þe mydil þerof.
vi O! O! O! flee ȝe of þe lond of þe norþ, ſaiþ þe Lord, for
ȝoure fadris? And þei weren to gydre turned, and ſaiden, As
þe Lord of ooſtis þouȝte for to do to vs vp oure wayes, and in foure wyndis of heuen Y ſcatride ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord.
vp oure fyndyngis he dide to vs. vii Þou Syon, flee, þat dwelliſt anentus þe douȝter of
vii In þe foure and twentiþe day of þe elleuenþe moneþ Babyloyne.
Sabath, in þe ſecounde ȝeer of Darius, þe word of þe Lord is viii For þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, After glorie he
maad to Sacharie, ſone of Barachie, ſone of Addo, prophete, ſente me to heiþen men, whiche robbiden ȝou; forſoþe he þat
ſayinge, ſhal touche ȝou, ſhal touche þe appil of myn eeȝe.
viii Y ſawȝ bi niȝt, and loo! a man ſtyinge vp a rede hors; ix For lo! Y reyſe my hond vpon hem, and þei ſhuln be pray
and he ſtode bitwixe þe places where myrtis wexen, þat weren to þeſe þat ſeruyden to hem; and ȝe ſhuln knowe, for þe Lord
in þe deepe, and after hym horſis dyuerſe, rede, and white. of ooſtis ſente me.
ix And Y ſaide, My lord, what ben þeſe? And an angel of þe x Douȝter of Syon, herye þou, and glade; for loo! Y come,
Lord ſaide to me, þat ſpac in me, Y ſhal ſhewe to þee what and ſhal dwelle in þe mydil of þee, ſaiþ þe Lord.
þeſe ben. xi And manye folkis ſhuln be applied to þe Lord in þat day,
x And þe man þat ſtode bitwixe places wher myrtis wexen,
and þei ſhuln be to me in to a peple, and Y ſhal dwelle in þe
anſwerde, and ſaide, Þeſe ben, whom þe Lord ſente, þat þei mydil of þee; and þou ſhalt wite, for þe Lord of ooſtis ſente
walke þorow erþe. me to þee.
xi And þei anſwerden to þe aungel of þe Lord, þat ſtode xii And þe Lord ſhal welde Juda in to his part, in þe lond
bitwixe places wher myrtis wexen, and ſaiden, We han halewid, and ſhal cheſe ȝit Jeruſalem.
walkid þorou erþe, and loo! al erþe is enhabitid, and reſtiþ. xiii Be eche fleſh ſtille fro þe face of þe Lord, for he rooſe of
xii And þe aungel of þe Lord anſwerde, and ſaide, Lord of
his holy dwellynge place.
ooſtis, hou longe ſhalt þou not haue mercy of Jeruſalem, and
of þe citees of Juda, to whiche þou art wroþ? Þis is now þe Capitulum III.
ſeuentiþe ȝeer.
xiii And þe Lord anſwerde to þe aungel, þat ſpac in me, good i And þe Lord ſhewide to me þe grete preſt Jheſu, ſtondynge
wordis, coumfortynge. byfore þe aungel of þe Lord; and Sathan ſtode on his riȝt
xiiii And þe aungel þat ſpac in me, ſaide to me, Crie þou, half, þat he were aduerſarie to hym.
ſayinge, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y louede ii And þe Lord ſaide to Sathan, Þe Lord blame in þee,
Jeruſalem and Syon in grete feruour; Sathan, and þe Lord blame in þee, þat ches Jeruſalem. Wher
xv and in grete wroþ Y ſhal be wroþ vpon riche folkis; for Y þis is not a dead brond rauyſhid of þe fijr?
was wroþe a litil, forſoþe þei holpen in to yuel. iii And Jheſus was cloþid wiþ filþi cloþis, and ſtode byfore þe
xvi Þerfore þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord, Y ſhal turne aȝein to face of þe aungel.
Jeruſalem in mercyes. My hous ſhal be byldid in it, ſaiþ þe iiii Whiche anſwerde, and ſaiþ to hym þat ſtode bifore hym,
Lord of ooſtis; and an hangynge lyne, or meſure, ſhal be ſayinge, Do ȝe awey filþi cloþis fro hym. And he ſaide to
ſtreiȝt out vpon Jeruſalem. hym, Loo! Y haue don awey fro þee þi wickidneſſe, and Y
xvii Ȝit crie þou, ſayinge, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, haue cloþid þee wiþ chaungynge cloþis.
Ȝit my cytees ſhuln flete wiþ goodis, and ȝit þe Lord ſhal v And he ſaide, Putte ȝe a cleene cappe, or mytre, vpon his
coumforte Syon, and ȝit he ſhal cheſe Jeruſalem. heued. And þei puttiden a cleene cappe, or mytre, vpon his
xviii And Y reyſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ, and loo! foure heed, and cloþiden hym wiþ cloþis. And þe aungel of þe Lord
horns. ſtode,
vi and þe aungel of þe Lord witneſſide Jheſu, ſayinge,


vii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Ȝif þou ſhalt go in my iiii And Y ſhal leede it out, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and it ſhal
wayes, and ſhalt keepe my keepyng, and þou ſhalt deme my cum to hous of þe þeef, and to hous of þe ſwerynge falſly in
hous, and ſhalt keepe my porchis; and Y ſhal ȝeue to þee men my name; and it ſhal dwelle in mydil of his hous, and ſhal
walkynge, of þeſe þat now ſtonden here niȝ. waaſte hym, and his trees, and his ſtoones.
viii Heere þou, Jheſu, grete preſt, þou and þi freendis þat v And þe aungel wente out, þat ſpak in me, and ſaide to me,
dwellen byfore þee, for þei ben men ſignyfyinge þing to Reyſe þin eeȝen, and ſee, what þis þing is, þat goþ out.
cummynge. Loo! ſoþely Y ſhal bringe my ſeruaunt ſpryngynge vi And Y ſaide, What is it? And he ſaiþ, Þis is an amfer, or
vp. a veſſel þat ſum men clepen a tankard, goynge out. And he
ix For loo! þe ſtoon whom Y ȝaf byfore Jheſu, vpon oo ſtoon ſaide, Þis is þe eeȝe of hem in eche lond.
ben ſeuen eeȝen; and loo! Y ſhal graue þe grauynge þerof, vii And lo! a talent of lede was born; and loo! a womman
ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, and Y ſhal do awey þe wickidneſſe of ſyttynge in mydil of þe amfer.
þat lond in oo day. viii And he ſaide, Þis is vnpitee. And he keſte hir doun in
x In þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtus, a man ſhal clepe his
mydil of þe amfer, and ſente a gobet of leed in þe mouþ þerof.
frend vndir his vyne ȝerd, and vndir his fijge tree. ix And Y reyſide myn eeȝen, and ſauȝ, and loo! two wymmen
goynge out, and a ſpirit in þe wengus of hem; and þei hadden
Capitulum IIII. weengus as weengus of a kijte, and reyſiden þe amfer bitwix
i And þe aungel turnede aȝein, þat ſpak in me, and reyſide heuen and erþe.
x And Y ſaide to þe aungel þat ſpac in me, Whiþer beren þeſe
me, as a man þat is reyſide of his ſleep.
ii And he ſaide to me, What ſeeſt þou? And Y ſaide, Y ſawȝ, þe amfer?
xi And he ſayde to me, Þat an hous be beeldid þerto in þe
and loo! a candilſtyke al of gold, and þe laumpe þerof vpon þe
hed þerof, and ſeuen lanternes þerof vpon it, and ſeuen veſſels lond of Sennaar, and be ſtablid, and putte þere vpon his
for to holde oyle to þe lanternys, þat weren vpon þe hed þerof. foundement.
iii And two olyues þer vpon, oon on þe riȝt half of þe laumpe,
and an oþer on þe left half þerof. Capitulum VI.
iiii And Y anſwerde, and Y ſaye to þe angel þat ſpak in me, i And Y was conuertid, and Y reyſide myne eȝen, and ſawȝ,
ſayinge, What ben þeſe þingus, my lord? and loo! foure fourhorſid cartis goynge out of þe mydil of two
v And þe angel þat ſpak in me, anſwerde, and ſaide to me, hillis, and þe hillis hillis of braſs.
Wher þou woſt not what ben þeſe þingus? And Y ſaide, No, ii In þe firſt foure horſid carte rede horſis, and in þe ſecound
my lord. foure horſid cart blake horſis;
vi And he anſwerde, and ſaiþ to me, ſayinge, Þis is þe word iii and in þe þrid foure horſid cart white horſis, and in þe
of þe Lord to Zorobabel, ſayinge, Not in ooſt, neþer in fourþ foure horſid carte dyuerſe horſis ſtronge.
ſtrengþe, bot in my ſpirit, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. iiii And Y anſwerde, and ſaide to þe aungel þat ſpac in me,
vii Who þou, grete hill, byfore Zorobabel in to pleyn? and he
What ben þeſe þingus, my lord?
ſhal leede out þe firſte ſtoon, and ſhal make euene grace to v And þe aungel anſwerde, and ſaiþ to me, Þeſe ben foure
grace þerof.
viii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge, wyndis of heuen, whiche gon out, þat þei ſtonde byfore þe
lordſhipere of al erþe.
ix Þe hondis of Zorobabel foundiden þis hous, and þe hondis vi In whiche weren blake horſis, wente out in to þe lond of þe
of hym ſhuln perfourme it; and ȝe ſhuln wite, for þe Lord of norþ; and þe white wenten out after hem; and þe dyuers
ooſtis ſente me to ȝou. wenten out to þe lond of þe ſouþ.
x Who forſoþe diſpiſide litil days? and þei ſhuln glade, and vii Forſoþe þei þat weren ſtrengeſt wenten out, and ſouȝten for
ſhuln ſee a ſtoon of tyn in þe hond of Zorobabel. Þeſe ben to go, and renne aboute bi al erþe. And he ſaide, Go ȝe,
ſeuen eeȝen of þe Lord, þat rennen aboute in to eche lond. walke ȝe þoru þe erþe. And þei walkiden þoru erþe.
xi And Y anſwerde, and ſaide to hym, What ben þeſe two viii And he clepide me, and ſpac to me, ſaiynge, Loo! þei þat
olyues on þe riȝthalf of þe candilſtike, and at þe left half? gon out in to lond of þe norþ, maden my ſpirit for to reſte in
xii And Y anſwerde þe ſecounde tyme, and ſayde to hym, lond of þe norþ.
What ben þe two eris, or rijp fruyt, of þe olyues, þat ben ix And þe word of þe Lord is maad to me, ſayinge,
byſidis þe two golden bilis, in whiche ben oyle veſſelis of x Take þou of þe tranſmygracioun, or caitiftee, of Olday, and
xiii And he ſaiþ to me, ſayinge, Wher þou woſt not what ben of Toby, and of Byday; and þou ſhalt cum in þat day, and
þou ſhalt entre in to þe hous of Joſye, ſone of Sophonye, þat
þeſe þingis? And Y ſaide, No, my lord. camen fro Babyloyne.
xiiii And he ſaide, Þeſe ben two ſonys of oyle ſhynynge, xi And þou ſhalt take gold and ſyluer, and þou ſhalt make
whiche ſtonden niȝ to þe lordſhipere of al erþe. crownes, and putte in þe hed of Jheſu, ſone of Joſedech, þe
grete preſte;
Capitulum V. xii and þou ſhalt ſpeke to hym, ſayinge, Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe
i And Y was conuertid, and reyſide myn eeȝen, and ſawȝ, and Lord of ooſtus, ſayinge, Loo! a man, Eeſt, or Springynge,
loo! a bok fleeȝinge. his name, and vndir hym ſhal ſpringe; and he ſhal beelde a
ii And he ſaide to me, What ſeeſt þou? And Y ſaide, Y ſee a
temple to þe Lord.
xiii And he ſhal ful make þe temple to þe Lord, and he ſhal
bok fleeȝinge; þe lengþe þerof of twenti cubitis, þe breed þerof bere glorie, and ſhal ſitte, and ſhal be lord vpon his ſeete; and
of ten cubitis. counſeile of pees ſhal be bitwixe hem two.
iii And he ſaide to me, Þis is þe curs, þat goþ out vpon þe
xiiii And crownys ſhuln be to Helem, and Toby, and Ydaie,
face of al erþe; for eche þeef, as it is writen þere, ſhal be and Hen, þe ſone of Sophonye, a memorial in temple of þe
demyd; and eche man ſwerynge, of þis alſo ſhal be deemid. Lord.


xv And þei þat ben fer, ſhuln cumme, and bylde in þe temple vi Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Ȝif it ſhal be ſeen hard
of þe Lord; and ȝe ſhuln witen, for þe Lord of ooſtis ſente me in eeȝen of þe relikis of þis peple in þo dayes, wher in myn
to ȝou. Soþely þis þing ſhal be, ȝif bi heeryng ȝe ſhuln heere eeȝen it ſhal be hard, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis?
þe voyce of þe Lord ȝour God. vii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Loo! Y ſhal ſaue my
peple of lond of þe eeſt, and of þe lond of goynge doun of þe
Capitulum VII. ſunne;
viii and Y ſhal leede hem to, and þei ſhuln dwelle in mydil of
i And it is maad in þe fourþe ȝeere of Darius, kyng, þe word
of þe Lord is maad to Zacharie, in þe fourþe day of þe nynþe Jeruſalem; and þei ſhuln be to me in to peple, and Y ſhal be
moneþe, þat is Caſleu. to hem in to God, and in trewþe, and in riȝtwiſneſſe.
ix Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Be ȝoure hondis
ii And Saraſar, and Rogumelech, and men þat weren wiþ
hem, ſenten to þe hous of þe Lord, for to preye þe face of þe counfortid, whiche heeren in þeſe days þeſe wordis by þe
Lord; mouþ of prophetis, in þe day in whiche þe hous of þe Lord of
iii þat þei ſhulden ſaye to preſtis of þe hous of þe Lord of
ooſtis is foundid, þat þe temple ſhulde be beeldid.
x Soþely bifore þo days hijre of men was not, neþer hijre of
ooſtis, and to prophetis, ſpekynge, Wher it is to wepe to me werk beeſtis was, neþer to man entringe and goynge out was
in þe fifþe moneþ, or Y ſhal halewe me, as Y dide now pees for tribulacioun; and Y departide alle men, eche aȝeinus
manye ȝeeris? his neiȝbore.
iiii And þe word of þe Lord of ooſtis is maad to me, ſayinge,
xi Now forſoþe not after þe former days Y ſhal do to þe
v Speke þou to al þe peple of þe lond, and to preſtis, ſayinge,
relikis of þis peple, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtus,
Whenne ȝe faſtiden, and weiliden in þe fifþe and ſeuenþe xii but ſeed of pees ſhal be; þe vyne ȝerd ſhal ȝeue his fruyt,
moneþe, by ſeuenty ȝeeris, wher ȝe faſtiden a faſt `to me? and þe erþe ſhal ȝeue his buriownyng, and heuens ſhuln ȝeue
vi And when ȝe eeten, and drunken, wher ȝee eeten not `to
her dewe; and Y ſhal make þe relikis of þis peple for to
ȝou, and drunken to ȝour ſelf? welde alle þeſe þingus.
vii Wher wordis of prophetis ben not, whiche þe Lord ſpak in xiii And it ſhal be, as ȝe, hous of Juda, and þe hous of
þe hond of former prophetis, when ȝit Jeruſalem was Yrael, weren curſynge in heiþen men, Y ſhal ſaaue ȝou, and
enhabited, and was ful of ritcheſſis, and it, and þe citees þerof ȝe ſhuln be bleſſyng. Nyl ȝe dreede, be ȝour hondis
in cumpas þerof, and at þe ſouþ and in feeldi place was coumfortid;
enhabited? xiiii for þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, As Y þouȝte for to
viii And þe word of þe Lord is maad to Zacharie, ſayinge,
tourmente ȝou, whanne ȝoure fadris hadden terrid me to
ix Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, ſayinge, Deme ȝe trewe wraþ, ſaiþ þe Lord, and Y hadde not mercy,
dome, and mercy, and doyngus of mercy do ȝe, eche man to xv ſo Y conuertid þouȝte in þeſe days for to do wele to þe
his broþer. hous of Juda and Jeruſalem; nyl ȝe dreede.
x And nyl ȝe falſly chalenge þe wydue, and fadirleſſe, or xvi Forſoþe þeſe ben þe wordis whiche ȝe ſhuln do; ſpeke ȝe
moderleſſe, and þe cumlyng, and pore man; and a man þenke trewþe, eche man wiþ his neiȝbore; deme ȝe treuþe and dom
not in his herte yuel to his broþer. of pees in ȝour ȝatis;
xi And þei wolden not take heed, and þei turneden awey þe xvii and þinke ȝe not in ȝoure hertis, eche man yuel aȝeinys
ſhuldre goynge awey, and aggregiden, or maden heuy, her his freend, and loue ȝe not a fals oþ; forſoþe alle þeſe þingus
eeris, leſt þei herden. ben, whiche Y hate, ſaiþ þe Lord.
xii And þei puttiden her herte as an adamaunt, leſt þei herden xviii And þe word of þe Lord of hooſtis is maad to me,
þe law, and wordis whiche þe Lord of ooſtus ſente in his holy ſayinge,
Spirit, by hond of former prophetis; and grete indignacioun is xix Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Faſtyng of þe fourþe
maad of þe Lord of ooſtis. moneþe, and faſtynge of þe fifþe, and faſtyng of þe ſeuenþe,
xiii And it is don, as he ſpak; and as þei herden not, þei
and faſtyng of þe tenþe, ſhal be to þe hous of Juda in to ioye
ſhuln crye, and Y ſhal not heere hem, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. and gladneſſe, and in to ful cleere ſolempnytees; loue ȝe oonly
xiiii And Y ſcatride hem by alle rewmys, whiche þei knewen treuþe and pees.
not, and þe lond is deſolate fro hem, for þat þere was not a xx Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, On eche ſyde peplis
man goynge and turnynge aȝein; and þei han putt þe deſirable ſhuln cume, and dwelle in many citees;
lond in to deſert. xxi and þe dwellers ſhuln go, oon to an oþer, ſaiynge, Go we,
and biſeche þe face of þe Lord, and ſeeke we þe Lord of
Capitulum VIII. ooſtus; alſo Y ſhal go.
i And þe word of þe Lord of ooſtis is maad to me, ſayinge, xxii And many peplis ſhuln cumme, and ſtronge folkis, for to
ii Þeſe þingis ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y hatide Syon wiþ grete ſeeke þe Lord of ooſtus in Jeruſalem, for to biſeche þe face of
þe Lord.
feruour, and wiþ grete indignacioun Y hatid it. xxiii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, In þo days, in
iii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y am turned aȝein to
whiche ten men of alle tungis, or langagis, of heiþen men
Syon, and Y ſhal dwelle in þe mydil of Jeruſalem; and ſhuln cacche, and þei ſhuln catche þe hem of a man Jew,
Jeruſalem ſhal be clepid a cytee of trewþe, and þe hill of þe ſayinge, We ſhuln go wiþ ȝou; forſoþe we han herd, for God
Lord, an hill halewid. is wiþ ȝou.
iiii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Ȝit olde men and olde
wymmen ſhuln dwelle in ſtreetis of Jeruſalem, and þe ſtaff of Capitulum IX.
a man in his hond, for multitude of ȝeeris.
v And ſtreetis of þe citee ſhuln be fulfillid wiþ infauntis and i The charge of word of þe Lord, in þe lond of Adrach, and
maydens, pleyinge in þe ſtreetis of it. Damaſk, reſte þerof; for þe Lord is þe eeȝe of man, and of
alle þe lynagis of Yrael.


ii And Emath in termes þerof, and Tyrus, and Sydon; ſoþeli iiii Of hym corner, and of him a litil pale, of hym bowe of
þei token to hem wiſdam gretely. batel, and of hym eche exactour, or vniuſt axer, ſhal go out
iii And Tyrus beeldide his ſtrengþynge, and gadride ſyluer as togidre.
erþe, and gold as fen of ſtreetis. v And þei ſhuln be as ſtronge men, defoulynge cley of wayes
iiii Loo! þe Lord ſhal weelde it, and ſhal ſmyte in þe ſee þe in bateil, and þei ſhuln fiȝte, for þe Lord is wiþ hem; and
ſtrengþe þerof, and it ſhal be deuoured in fijr. ſtyers of horſis ſhuln be confoundid.
v Aſchalon ſhal ſe, and ſhal drede; and Gaza, and ſhal ſorewe vi And Y ſhal coumforte þe hous of Juda, and Y ſhal ſaaue
ful myche; and Acharon, for þe hoope þerof is confoundid; and þe hous of Joſeph; and Y ſhal conuerte hem, for Y ſhal haue
þe kyng ſhal periſhe of Gaza, and Aſcalon ſhal not be mercye of hem; and þei ſhuln be as þei weren, whanne Y
enhabited; hadde not caſt hem awey; forſoþe Y þe Lord God of hem, and
vi and a departer ſhal ſitte in Azoto, and Y ſhal diſtruye þe Y ſhal graciouſely heere hem.
vii And þei ſhuln be as ſtronge of Effraym, and þe herte of
pride of Philiſtynes.
vii And Y ſhal take awey þe blood þerof of þe mouþ of it, and hem ſhal glade, as of wyne; and þe ſonys of hem ſhuln ſee,
and glade, and þe hert of hem ſhal ioye wiþ outeforþ in þe
þe abhomynaciouns þerof of mydil of þe teeþ þerof, and it alſo Lord.
ſhal be left to oure God; and it ſhal be as a duyk in Juda, viii Y ſhal hiſſe, or ſoftly ſpeeke, to hem, and Y ſhal gedre
and Accharon as Jebuſey.
viii And Y ſhal enuyrounne myn hous of þeſe þat holden hem, for Y aȝein bouȝte hem, and Y ſhal multiplie hem, as
þei weren byfore multiplied.
knyȝthode to me, goynge and turnynge aȝein; and þe ix And Y ſhal ſowe hem in peplis, and of fer þei ſhuln
exactoure, or þe vniuſt axer, ſhal namore paſſe vpon hem, for
now Y ſawȝ in myn eeȝen. biþenke of me; and þei ſhuln lyue wiþ her ſonys, and ſhuln
ix Þou douȝter of Syon, ioye wiþ outeforþ ynowȝ, ſynge, þou turne aȝein.
x And Y ſhal aȝein leede hem fro þe lond of Egypt, and of
douȝter of Jeruſalem; loo! þi kyng ſhal cume to þee, he iuſt,
and ſaueour; he pore, ſtyinge vpon a ſhe aſſe, and vpon a fole, Aſſiriens Y ſhal gedre hem; and to þe lond of Galaad and of
ſone of þe ſhe aſſe. Liban Y ſhal bringe hem, and place ſhal not be founden in
x And Y ſhal ſcatere þe foure horſid carte of Effraym, and þe hem.
xi And he ſhal paſſe in wawe of þe ſe, and ſhal ſmyte wawes
hors of Jeruſalem, and bowe of þe bateile ſhal be diſtruyed;
and he ſhal ſpeke pees to heiþen men, and power of hym fro in þe ſee, and alle depneſſis of flood ſhuln be confoundid; and
ſe vn to ſe, and fro floodis vn to eendis of þe erþe. þe pride of Aſſur ſhal be meekid, and þe ſceptre of Egipt ſhal
xi And þou in blood of þi teſtament ſentiſt out þi bounden fro go awey.
xii Y ſhal coumforte hem in þe Lord, and in þe name of hym
þe lake, in whiche is not water.
xii Be ȝe conuertid to ſtrengþing, ȝe bounden of hoope; and þei ſhuln walke, ſaiþ þe Lord.
þis day Y ſhewynge double þingus ſhal ȝeelde to þee,
xiii for Y ſhal ſtretche forþ to me Juda as a bowe, Y ſhal Capitulum XI.
fulfille þe lond of Effraym. And Y ſhal reyſe þi ſones, Syon, i Liban, opne þi ȝatis, and fijr ſhal eete þi cedris.
vpon þi ſones, Greece, and Y ſhal putte þee as ſwerd of ii Ȝoule, þou beche, for þe cedre felle doun, for þe grete ben
ſtronge. diſtruyed; ȝoule, ȝe ookis of Baſan, for þe ſtronge wijlde wod
xiiii And þe Lord God ſhal be ſeen vpon hem, and þe ſwerd
is kitt doun.
of hym ſhal go out as leyt. And þe Lord God ſhal ſynge in iii Voice of ȝoulyng of ſheperdis, for þe grete doyng of hem is
trumpe, and ſhal go in whirlwynd of þe ſouþ; diſtruyed; voice of roryng of lyouns, for þe pride of Jordan is
xv þe Lord of ooſtis ſhal keuere, or defende, hem, and þei
ſhuln deuouren, and maken ſuget in ſtones of ſlynge; and þei iiii Þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord my God, Feede þou beeſtis of
drynkynge ſhuln be fulfillid as wiþ wyne, and ſhuln be fillid ſlauȝter,
as cruetis, and as hornes of þe auter. v whom þei þat weeldiden ſlewen; and ſorewiden not, and
xvi And þe Lord God of hem ſhal ſaaue hem in þat day, as a
floc of his peple, for holy ſtoonys ſhuln be reyſid vpon þe lond ſoulden hem, ſayinge, Bleſſid þe Lord, we ben maad riche.
of hym. And þe ſheperdis of hem ſpariden not hem,
vi and Y ſhal na more ſpare vpon men enabitinge þe erþe,
xvii What forſoþe is þe good of hym, and what þe faire of
hym, no but whete of choſen, and wyne buriownynge ſaiþ þe Lord. Loo! Y ſhal bytake men, eche in þe hond of his
virgynes? neiȝbore, and in þe hond of his kyng, and þei ſhuln falle to
gydre in to erþe; and Y ſhal not delyuere of þe hond of hem,
vii and Y ſhal feede þe beeſt of ſleaynge. For þis þing, ȝe
Capitulum X. pore men of þe floc, heeriþ. And Y toke to me two ȝerdis;
i Axe ȝe reyn of þe Lord in euenyng tyme, and þe Lord ſhal oon Y clepide Fairneſſe, and þe toþer Y clepide Litil Coorde;
make ſnowis, and reyn of miȝt of þe cloude; and he ſhal ȝeue and Y fedde þe floc.
to hem, eche by hem ſelf, erbe in þe feeld. viii And Y kitte doun þre ſheperdis in oo moneþe, and my
ii For ſymulacris ſpaken vnprofitable þing, and dyuynours ſoule is drawen to gydre in hem; ſoþely and þe ſoule of hem
ſawen leſyng; and dremers ſpaken veynly, ydely þei variede, or chaungide, in me.
confortiden; þerfor þei ben ledde to as a floc, þei ſhuln be ix And Y ſaide, Y ſhal not feede ȝou; þat þat dyeþ, dye; and
tourmentid, for ſheperd is not to hem. þat þat is kitt doun, be it kitt doun; and þe toþer deuoure,
iii Vpon ſheperdis my woodnes is wroþe, and vpon goot eche þe fleſhe of his neiȝbore.
buckis Y ſhal viſite; for þe Lord of ooſtis haþ viſited his floc, x And Y toke my ȝerde, þat was clepid Fairneſſe, and Y kitte
þe hous of Juda, and haþ putt hem as hors of his glorye in it doun, þat Y ſhulde make voide my couenaunt, þat Y ſmote
batel. wiþ alle peplis.
xi And it is led forþ void in þat day; and þe pore of þe floc
þat kepen to me, knewen þus, for it is þe word of þe Lord.


xii And Y ſaide to hem, Ȝif it is good in ȝour eeȝen, brenge hem by hemſelf; meynees of þe hous of Nathan bi hem ſelf,
ȝe my meede; and ȝif nay, reſte ȝe. And þei weyȝiden my and þe wymmen of hem by hem ſelf;
meede, þritti platis of ſyluer. xiii meynees of þe hous of Leuy by hem ſelf, and þe wymmen
xiii And þe Lord ſaide to me, Caſte it awey to a feir maker of of hem by hem ſelf; meynees of Semey bi hem ſelf, and þe
ymagis, þe pris, by whiche Y am preyſid of hem. And Y toke wymmen of hem bi hem ſelf.
þe þritti platis of ſyluer, and Y keſte hem forþe in þe hous of xiiii Alle meynees, and oþer meynees, and meynees by hem
þe Lord, to þe maker of ymagis. ſelf, and wymmen of hem by hem ſelf.
xiiii And Y kitte doun my ſecounde ȝerde, þat was clepid Litil
Coorde, þat Y ſhulde departe, or vnbynde, þe broþerhed Capitulum XIII.
bitwixe Juda and Yrael. i In
xv And þe Lord ſaide to me, Ȝit take to þee veſſels of a þat day ſhal be a welle opnynge to þe hous of Dauiþ,
foltiſhe ſheperd; and to men dwelling at Jeruſalem, in to waſhyng awey of þe
xvi for loo! Y ſhal reyſe a ſheperd in erþe, whiche ſhal not
ſynful, and of þe menſtruate.
ii And it ſhal be, in þat day, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y ſhal
viſite forſaken þingus, he ſchal not ſeeke ſcatered þingis, and diſtruye names of ydolis of þe lond, and þei ſhuln namore be
ſhal not heele þe broken to gydre, and ſhal not nuriſhe forþ þouȝte on; and Y ſhal take awey fro erþe fals prophetis, and
þat þat ſtondiþ. And he ſhal eete fleſhis of þe fatt, and ſhal þe vnclene ſpirit.
vnbynde þe clees of hem. iii And it ſhal be, whan eny man ſhal prophecie ouere, his
xvii A! ſheperd, and ydol, forſakynge þe floc; ſwerd on his
arme, and on his riȝt eeȝe; þe arm of hym ſhal be dried wiþ fader and moder þat gendriden hym, ſhuln ſaye to hym, Þou
dryeneſſe, and his riȝt eeȝe wexinge derk ſhal be maad derc. ſhalt not lyue, for þou haſt ſpoken leſyng in name of þe Lord;
and his fadir and modir, gendrers of hym, ſhuln to gidre
ficche hym, whanne he haþ prophecied.
Capitulum XII. iiii And it ſhal be, in þat day prophetis ſhuln be confoundid,
i The charge of word of þe Lord on Yrael. Þe Lord ſaide, eche of his viſioun, whan he ſhal prophecie; neþer þei ſhuln be
ſtretchynge forþ heuen, and foundynge erþe, and makynge þe hillid wiþ mantil of ſac, þat þei leeȝe;
ſpirit of a man in hym, v bot þei ſhuln ſey, Y am not a prophete; a man erþe tilier Y
ii Loo! Y ſhal putte Jeruſalem a þreſhfold of glotonye to alle am, for Adam my enſaumple fro my ȝongþe.
peplis in cumpas, bot and Juda ſhal be in aſeegynge aȝeinus vi And it ſhal be ſaid to hym, What ben þeſe woundis in
Jeruſalem. mydil of þin hondis? And he ſhal ſay, Wiþ þeſe Y was
iii And it ſhal be, in þat day Y ſhal putte Jeruſalem a ſtoon woundid in þe hous of hem þat loueden me.
of charge to alle peplis; alle þat ſhuln lifte it, wiþ conſcicioun, vii Swerd, be þou reyſid on my ſheperd, and on þe wall
or kittyng to gidre, ſhuln be to-drawen, and alle rewmys of cleuynge to me, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; ſmyte þou þe ſheperd,
erþe ſhuln be gadrid aȝeinus it. and þe ſheep of þe floc ſhuln be ſcaterid. And Y ſhal turne my
iiii In þat day, ſayþ þe Lord, Y ſhal ſmyte eche hors in to hond to þe litil;
dreed, or leeſyng of mynde, and þe ſtyer of hym in to viii and þer ſhuln be in eche lond, ſaiþ þe Lord, two parties in
wodeneſſe; and on þe hous of Juda I ſhal opyn myn eeȝen, it, and ſhuln be ſcatered, and ſhuln faile, and þe þrid part ſhal
and Y ſhal ſmyte wiþ blyndneſſe eche hors of peplis. be left in it.
v And duykis of Juda ſhuln ſaye in her hertis, Be þe ix And Y ſhal leede þe þrid part bi fijr, and Y ſhal brenne,
dwellers of Jeruſalem counfortid to me in þe Lord of ooſtis, as ſyluer is brent, and Y ſhal proue hem, as gold is proued.
þe God of hem. He ſhal incleepe my name, and Y ſhal graciouſly heere hym;
vi In þat day Y ſhal putte þe duykis of Juda as a chymney and Y ſhal ſaye, Þou art my peple, and he ſhal ſaye, Þe
of fijr in trees, and as a brond of fijr in hay; and þei ſhuln Lord my God.
deuoure at þe riȝt half and left alle peplis in cumpas. And
Jeruſalem ſhal be enhabitid eftſoone in his place, in Capitulum XIIII.
Jeruſalem. i Loo!
vii And þe Lord ſhal ſaaue þe tabernaclis of Juda, as in þe days cummen, ſaiþ þe Lord, and þi ſpuylis ſhuln be
bygynnyng, þat þe hous of Dauid glorie not greetly, and þe departid in mydil of þee.
ii And Y ſhal gadre alle folkis to Jeruſalem, in to bateyl; and
glorie of men dwellynge in Jeruſalem aȝeinus Juda.
viii In þat day þe Lord ſhal defende þe dwellers of Jeruſalem; þe citee ſhal be taken, and houſis ſhuln be diſtruyed, and
and it ſhal be, he þat ſhal offende of hem in þat day as wymmen ſhuln be defoulid. And þe mydil part of þe citee ſhal
Dauyd, and þe hous of Dauyd as of God, as þe aungel of þe go out in to caitiftee, and þe toþer of þe peple ſhal not be
Lord in þe ſiȝt of hym. taken awey fro þe citee.
iii And þe Lord ſhal go out, and ſhal fiȝte aȝeinus þe folkis,
ix And it ſhal be, in þat day Y ſhal ſeeke for to breke to
gydre alle folkis þat cummen aȝeinus Jeruſalem. as he fauȝte in þe day of ſtryf.
iiii And his feet ſhuln ſtonde in þat day on þe hill of olyues,
x And Y ſhal heelde out on þe hous of Dauid, and on
dwellers of Jeruſalem, þe ſpirit of grace, and of prayers; and þat is aȝeins Jeruſalem at þe eeſt. And þe hill of olyues ſchal
þei ſhuln biholde to me, whom þei to gidre ficchiden. And þei be coruen of þe myddel part þerof to þe eeſt and to þe weſt,
ſhuln weile hym wiþ weilyng, as on þe oon bigoten; and þei þe greet valey bifore brokyn; and þe myddel of þat hill be
ſhuln ſorewen on hym, as it is wont for to be ſorewid in deþ departid to þe norþ, and þe myddil þerof to þe mydday, or
of þe firſt bygoten. ſouþe.
v And ȝe ſhuln flee to þe valey of myn hillis, for þe valey of
xi In þat day grete weilyng ſhal be in Jeruſalem, as þe
weilyng of Adremon in þe feeld of Magedon. hillis ſhuln be ioyned togidre vn to þe next. And ȝe ſhuln flee,
xii And erþe ſhal weyle; meynees and meynees by hem ſelf; þe
as ȝe fledden fro face of þe erþe mouynge in þe days of Oſee,
kyng of Juda; and þe Lord my God ſhal cumme, and alle
meynees of þe hous of Dauid by hem ſelf, and þe wymmen of ſayntis wiþ hym.


vi And it ſhal be, in þat day liȝt ſhal not be, bot colde and
vii And þer ſhal be oo day, whiche is knowen to þe Lord, not
day, neþer niȝt, and in tyme of euyn liȝt ſhal be.
viii And it ſhal be, in þat day quyck waters ſhuln go out of
Jeruſalem, þe mydil of hem to þe eeſt ſee, and þe mydil of
hem to þe laſt ſee; in ſomer and in wynter þei ſhuln be.
ix And þe Lord ſhal be kyng on al erþe; in þat day þer ſhal
be oo Lord, and his name ſhal be oon.
x And eche erþe ſhal turne aȝein vnto deſert, fro þe litil hill
Remmon to þe ſouþ of Jeruſalem. And it ſhal be reyſid, and
ſhal dwelle in his place, fro þe ȝate of Beniamyn til to þe
place of þe former ȝate, and vn to þe ȝate of corners, and fro
þe tour of Ananyel vnto preſſours of þe kyng.
xi And þei ſhuln dwelle þerynne, and curſidneſſe ſhal namore
be, bot Jeruſalem ſhal ſitte ſykir.
xii And þis ſhal be þe plage, by whiche þe Lord ſhal ſmyte
alle folkis, þat fouȝten aȝeinus Jeruſalem; þe fleſhe of eche
man ſtondinge vpon his feet ſhal fayle, or rote, and his eeȝen
ſhuln faile to gydre in her hoolis, and his tunge ſhal faile to
gydre in his mouþ.
xiii In þat day grete noyſe of þe Lord ſhal be in hem, and a
man ſhal catche þe hond of his neiȝbore; and his hond ſhal be
lockid to gidre on þe hond of his neiȝbore.
xiiii Bot and Judas ſhal fiȝte aȝeinus Jeruſalem; and
riccheſſis of alle folkis in cumpas ſhuln be gadred to gider,
gold, and ſyluer, and many cloþis ynowe.
xv And ſo fallyng ſhal be of hors, and mule, and camel, and
aſſe, and of alle werc beeſtis, þat weren in þo caſtellis, as þis
xvi And alle þat ſhuln be reſidu of alle folkis, þat camen
aȝeinus Jeruſalem, ſhuln ſtye vp fro ȝeere `in to ȝeer, þat þei
wirſhipen þe kyng, Lord of ooſtis, and halewe þe feeſt of
xvii And it ſhal be, þei þat ſhuln not ſtye vp of þe meynees of
erþe to Jeruſalem, þat þei wirſhipe þe kyng, Lord of ooſtus,
reyn ſhal not be on hem.
xviii Þat and ȝif þe meynee of Egypt ſhal not ſtye vp, and
ſhal not cum, neþer on hem ſhal be; bot fallynge ſhal be, bi
whiche þe Lord ſhal ſmyte alle folkis, whiche ſtieden not vp,
for to halewe þe feſt of tabernaclis.
xix Þis ſhal be þe ſynne of Egypt, and þis þe ſynne of alle
folkis, þat ſtieden not vp, for to halewe þe feſt of tabernaclis.
xx In þat day, it ſhal be, on whiche þing þe bridil of hors is
hooly to þe Lord; and caudrons ſhuln be in þe hous of þe
Lord, as cruetis byfore þe auter.
xxi And euery caudron in Juda and Jeruſalem ſhal be
halewid to þe Lord of ooſtis. And alle men ſhuln cum
offrynge, and ſhuln take of hem, and ſhuln ſeeþe in hem; and
a marchaunt ſhal namore be in hous of þe Lord of ooſtus in
þat day.
Here endiþ þe book of Zacharias, þe
prophete, and bigynneþ þe book of
Malachie, prophete.


iii Loo! Y ſhal caſte to ȝou arme, and Y ſhal ſcatere on ȝour
MALACHIE. cheere þe dritt of ȝoure ſolempnytees, and it ſhal take ȝou wiþ
Here bigynneþ Malachie. iiii And ȝe ſhuln wite, for Y ſente to ȝou þis maundement, þat
my couenaunt were wiþ Leuy, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
Capitulum I. v My couenaunt was wiþ hym of lijf and pees; and Y ȝaue to

i The
hym a dreed, and he dredde me, and he dredde of þe face of
charge of word of þe Lord to Yrael, in þe hond of my name.
Malachie, prophete. vi Þe lawe of trewþe was in his mouþ, and wickidneſſe is not
ii Y louyde ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord, and ȝee ſaiden, In what þing
founden in his lippis; in pees and in equitee he walkide wiþ
louydiſt þou vs? Wher Eſau was not þe broþer of Jacob, ſaiþ me, and many men he turnyde awey fro wickidneſſe.
þe Lord, and Y louyde Jacob, vii Forſoþe lippis of þe preſt kepen ſcience, or kunnyng, and
iii forſoþe Y hadde Eſau in hate? And Y haue putte Seir his
þei ſhuln ſeeke aȝein þe lawe of þe mouþ of hem, for he is an
hillis in to wildreneſſe, and his eritage in to dragouns of aungel of þe Lord of ooſtis.
deſert. viii Forſoþe ȝe wenten awey fro þe weye, and ſclaundren ful
iiii Þat ȝif Ydume ſhal ſay, We be diſtruyed, but we turnynge
many men in þe lawe; ȝe maden voide þe couenaunt of Leuy,
aȝein ſhuln beelde, whiche þingus ben diſtruyed; þeſe þingus þeſe þingus ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Þeſe ſhuln beelde, and Y ſhal diſtruye; ix For whiche þing and Y ȝaue ȝou worþi to be diſpiſid, and
and þei ſhuln be cleepid termes of wickedneſſe, and a peple to meeke, or lowe, to alle peplis, as ȝe kepten not my wayes,
whom þe Lord is wroþ, til vnto wiþouten eende. and token folc in þe lawe.
v And ȝour eeȝen ſhuln ſee, and ȝee ſhuln ſaye, Magnyfied be
x Wher not oo fadir of alle ȝou? wher oo God made ȝou not
þe Lord on þe terme of Yrael. of nouȝt? Whi þerfore ech of ȝou diſpiſiþ his broþer,
vi Þe ſone honoureþ þe fadir, and þe ſeruaunt ſhal drede his
defoulynge þe couenaunt of ȝour faders?
lord; þerfore ȝif Y am fadir, wher is myn honour? and ȝif Y xi Judas treſpaſide, and abomynacioun is maad in Yrael, and
am lord, wher is my dreed? ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. O! preſtis, in Jeruſalem; for Judas defoulide þe halewing of þe Lord,
to ȝou þat diſpiſen my name; and ȝe ſaiden, Wher yn haue we whiche he louyde, and aliens hadden þe douȝter of þe Lord.
diſpiſid þi name? xii Þe Lord ſhal diſtruye þe man þat dide þis þinge, þe
vii Ȝe offren on myn auter defoulid, or vnclene, breed, and ȝe
ſayn, Wherynne han we defoulide þee? In þat þing þat ȝe mayſtir and diſciple, of tabernaclis of Jacob, and þe offryng a
ſayn, Þe bord of þe Lord is diſpiſid. ȝift to þe Lord of ooſtis.
xiii And eftſoone ȝe diden þis þing; ȝe hilliden wiþ teris þe
viii Ȝif ȝe offren a blynd þing for to be offrid, wher it is not
yuel? And ȝif ȝe offren a crokid and ſeek, wher it is not yuel? auter of þe Lord, wiþ weepyng and mournyng, ſo þat Y
Offre it to þi duyk, ȝif it ſhal pleſe to hym, or ȝif he ſhal biholde namore to ſacrifice, neþer reſceyue eny þing pleſaunt of
reſceyue þi face, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. ȝour hond.
xiiii And ȝe ſaiden, For what cauſe? For þe Lord witneſſide
ix And nowe biſeeche þe cheere of þe Lord, þat he haue mercy
on ȝou; forſoþe of ȝour hond þis þing is don, ȝif eny manere bitwixe þee and þe wijf of þi pubertee, þat is, tyme of
he reſceyue ȝour faces, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. mariage, whiche þou diſpiſidiſt, and þis þi parcener, and wijf
x Who is in ȝou þat cloſiþ doris, and brenneþ myn auter of
of þi couenaunt.
xv Wher oon dide not, and þe reſidue of his ſpirit is? and
his own wille, or freeli? Wille is not to me in ȝou, ſaiþ þe what ſeekiþ oon, no bot þe ſeed of God? Þerfore kepe ȝe
Lord of ooſtus; and Y ſhal not reſceyue a ȝift of ȝour hond. ȝoure ſpirit, and nyl þou diſpiſe þe wijf of þi ȝongþe;
xi Forſoþe fro ryſyng of þe ſunne vn to goyng doun, my name
xvi whanne þou ſhalt haue hir in hate, leue þou hir, ſaiþ þe
is grete in heyþen men; and in eche place a cleene offryng is Lord God of Yrael. Forſoþe wickidneſſe keuere þe cloſyng of
halewid, and offrid to my name; for my name is grete in hir, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis; kepe ȝe ȝoure ſpirit, and nyl ȝe
heiþen men, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. diſpiſe.
xii And ȝe han defoulid it in þat þat ȝe ſayn, Þe bord of þe
xvii Ȝe maden þe Lord for to traueile in ȝour wordis, and ȝe
Lord is defoulid, and þat þat is putt on is contemptible, or ſaiden, Wheryn made we hym for to traueile? In þat þat ȝe
worþi for to be diſpiſid, wiþ þe fijr þat deuouriþ it. ſayen, Eche man þat doþ yuel, is good in þe ſiȝt of þe Lord,
xiii And ȝe ſaiden, Loo! of traueil; and ȝe han blowe it awey,
and ſiche pleſen to hym; or certis wher is God of dom?
ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. And ȝe brouȝten yn of raueins a
krokid þing, and ſeeke, and brouȝten yn a ȝift; wher Y ſhal Capitulum III.
reſceyue it of ȝour hond? ſaiþ þe Lord.
xiiii Curſid þe gylful, þat haþ in his floc a male beeſt, and he i Loo! Y ſhal ſende myn aungel, and he ſhal make redy þe
makynge a vowe offriþ a feble to þe Lord; for I a grete kyng, waye byfore my face; and anoon þe lordſhiper, whom ȝe ſeken,
ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtus, and my name orrible in folkis. ſhal cum to his holy temple, `and þe aungel of teſtament,
whom ȝe woln. Loo! he cummeþ, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis;
Capitulum II. ii and who ſhal mowe þenke þe day of his cummyng? and who

i And
ſhal ſtonde for to ſee hym? Forſoþe he as fijr wellynge to
now, O! preſtis, to ȝou þis maundement, ȝif ȝe woln gidre, and as þe erbe of fullers;
heere. iii and he ſhal ſitte wellinge to gidre and clenſynge ſyluer, and
ii And ȝif ȝe woln not putte on þe herte, þat ȝe ȝeue glorie to
ſhal purge þe ſonys of Leuy; and ſhal purge hem as gold and
my name, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, Y ſhal ſende in ȝou as ſyluer, and þei ſhuln be offrynge to þe Lord ſacrifices in
nedyneſſe, and Y ſhal curſe to ȝour bleſſyngis; and Y ſhal riȝtwiſneſſis.
curſe hem, for ȝe han not putte on þe herte. iiii And ſacrifice of Juda and Jeruſalem ſhal pleſe to þe Lord,
as days of þe world, and as olde ȝeeris.


v And Y ſhal cum to ȝou in dom, and Y ſhal be a ſwyft Here endiþ þe book of Malachie, and
witneſſe to myſdoars, to poyſonners, or enchaunters bi þe bigynneþ þe firſte book of Machabeorum.
deuyls craft, and to auowters, and forſworne men, and þat
falſly chalenge þe hijr of þe hirid man, and meeken widues,
and faderleſſe childre, and moderleſſe, and oppreſſen þe
pylgryme, neþer dredden me, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
vi Forſoþe Y þe Lord, and Y am not chaungid; and ȝe ſonnys
of Jacob ben not waaſtid.
vii Forſoþe fro þe days of ȝour fadres ȝe wenten awey fro my
lawful þingus, and kepten not; turne ȝe aȝein to me, and Y
ſhal aȝein turne to ȝou, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis. And ȝe ſaiden,
In what þing ſhuln we turne aȝein?
viii Ȝif a man ſhal turmente God? for ȝe to gydre fitchen me.
And ȝe ſaiden, In what þing togidre fitchen we þee? In
tyþes, and in premiſſis, or firſt fruytis,
ix and in myſeyſe, or nedyneſſe, ȝe ben curſid; and al ȝe folk
diſceyuen me, and to gidre fitchen.
x Brenge ȝe yn eche tiþe in to my berne, þat mete be in my
hous, and proue ȝe me on þis þing, ſaiþ þe Lord, ȝif Y ſhal
not opne to ȝou þe gutters of heuen, and ſhal ſheede out to
ȝou bleſſyng, vnto aboundaunce.
xi And Y ſhal blame for ȝou þe deuourynge, and he ſhal not
corrumpe, or diſtruye, þe fruyte of ȝour londe; neþer bareyn
vyneȝerd ſhal be in þe feeld, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis,
xii and alle folkis ſhuln ſayn ȝou bleſſid; ſoþely ȝe ſhuln be a
deſyrable lond, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
xiii Ȝoure wordis wexiden ſtronge on me, ſaiþ þe Lord; and
ȝe ſaiden, What han we ſpoken aȝeins þee?
xiiii And ȝee ſaiden, He is veyn, þat ſerueþ God; and what
wynnynge for we kepten his heeſtis, and for we wenten
ſorewful bifore þe Lord of ooſtis?
xv Þerfore now we ſayn proud men bleſſid; ſoþeli þei ben
beeldid doynge vnpite, and þei temptiden God, and ben maad
xvi Þanne men dredinge God ſpaken, eche wiþ his neiȝboure;
and þe Lord perceuyde, and herde, and a boke of mynde is
writen bifore hym to men dreedinge God, and þinkynge his
xvii And þei ſhuln be to me, ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis, in þe day
in whiche Y ſhal make, into a ſpecial treſoure; and Y ſhal
ſpare hem, as a man ſpariþ his ſone ſeruynge to hym.
xviii And ȝe ſhuln be conuertid, and ȝe ſhuln ſee, what is
bitwixe þe iuſt man and þe vnpitouſe, bitwixe þe ſeruynge to
þe Lord and not ſeruynge to hym.

Capitulum IIII.
i Loo! forſoþe þe day ſhal cumme, brennynge as a chymney;
and alle proude men, and alle doynge vnpite ſhuln be ſtobil;
and þe day cummynge ſhal enflawme hem, ſaiþ þe Lord of
ooſtis, whiche ſhal not leue to hem rote and buriownyng.
ii And to ȝou dredynge my name þe ſunne of riȝtwiſneſſe ſhal
ſpringe, and helþe in pennys of hym; ȝe ſhuln go out, and ȝe
ſhuln lippe, as a calf of þe droue.
iii And ȝe ſhuln to-trede vnpytouſe men, whanne þei ſhuln be
aſhe vndir þe ſoole of ȝoure feet, in þe day in whiche Y do,
ſaiþ þe Lord of ooſtis.
iiii Biþenke ȝe of þe lawe of my ſeruaunt Moyſes, whiche Y
comaundide to hym in Oreb, to alle Yrael comaundementis
and domys.
v Loo! Y ſhal ſende to ȝou Hely, þe prophete, bifore þat þe
grete day and orrible of þe Lord cumme.
vi And he ſhal conuerte þe herte of faders to ſonys, and þe
herte of ſonys to her faders, leſt per auenture Y cumme, and
ſmyte þe erþe wiþ curſe.


xxii and þe bord of propoſicioun, and veſſels of fleetynge

I. MACHABEORUM. ſacrifices, and cruetis, and golden morters, and veil, and
crownys, and golden ournement þat was in face of þe temple;
Here bigynneþ þe firſte book of and he brake alle.
xxiii And he toke gold and ſyluer, and alle deſireable veſſels,
and he toke þe priuy treſours, whiche he fonde;
xxiiii and alle taken up, he wente in to his lond. And he made
Capitulum I. ſlawȝter of men, and ſpake in grete pride.
i And it is don, after þat Aliſaundre of Philip, kyng of xxv And grete weiling is maad in Yrael, and in eche place of
Macedo, which regnede firſt in Grece, ſmote, he gon out of þe hem;
lond of Sethym, ſmote Darius, kyng of Perſis and Medis, xxvi and princis ſorewiden inwardly, and elder men, and
ii and ordeynyde many bateilis, and gate ſtrengþes of alle; and meydenys, and ȝung men, ben maad ſeeke, and fairneſſe of
he ſlewȝe kyngus of erþe, wymen is chaungid.
iii and paſſide forþ vnto eendis of erþe, and toke ſpuylis of xxvii Eche huſbond toke weilyng, and þei þat ſaten in þe
multitude of folkis; and þe erþe was ſtille in þe ſiȝt of hym. huſbondis bed, mourneden.
And he gadride vertu, and ful ſtronge ooſt, and þe herte of xxviii And þe lond is moued to gidre on men dwellynge
hym is enhaunſid and lift up. þerynne, and al þe hous of Jacob cloþide confuſioun.
iiii And he gate cuntrees of folkis, and tyrauntis, or ſtronge xxix And after two ȝeeris of days, þe kyng ſente a prince of
men; and þei ben maad to hym in to tribut. tributis in to þe citees of Juda, and he cam to Jeruſalem wiþ
v And after þeſe þingus he felle in to bed, and knewe þat he grete cumpaignye.
ſhulde die. xxx And he ſpake to hem peſible wordis in gyle, and þei
vi And he clepide his noble childre, þat weren nuriſhid wiþ bileeuyden to hym. And ſodenly he felle yn on þe citee, and
hym fro her ȝouþe, and departide to hem his kyngdam, ſmote it wiþ grete wounde, and loſt miche peple of Yrael.
whanne ȝit he leuede. xxxi And he toke prayes of þe citee, and brente it wiþ fijr,
vii And Aliſaundre regnyde twelue ȝeer, and is dead. and diſtruyede houſis þerof, and wallis þerof in cumpas.
viii And his children weldiden þe rewme, eche in his place, xxxii And þei ledden wymmen caityf, and children, and
ix and alle puttiden to hem dyademes after his deþ, and ſonys weldiden beeſtis.
of hem after hem, many ȝeeris; and yuelis ben multipled in xxxiii And þei beeldiden þe cytee of Dauid wiþ grete wall and
erþe. ſad, and ſad toures; and it is maad to hem in to ſtrengþe.
x And þere wente out of hem a root of ſynne, Antiochus þe xxxiiii And þei puttiden þere a folk of ſynners, wickid men,
noble, þe ſone of Antiochi kyng, þat was at Rome in ſeegyng, and þei weren ſtronge in it;
`or plegge, and regnede in þe hundrid and ſeuen and þretti xxxv and þei puttiden armers, and metis, and gadirden prays
ȝeer of þe rewme of Greekis. of Jeruſalem; and puttiden vp þere, and ben maad into a
xi In þo days wickid ſonys of Yrael wenten out, and grete gnare.
counſeiliden many, ſayinge, Go we, and ordeyne we a xxxvi And þis þing is maad to aſpyingus in yuel of halewyng,
teſtament wiþ heiþen men, þat ben aboute us; for ſiþen we and in to yuel gyle in Yrael euermore.
departiden fro hem, many yuels founden us. xxxvii And þei ſhedden out innocent blood, bi cumpas of þe
xii And þe word is ſeen good in þe eeȝen of hem.
halewyng, and defouliden þe halewyng.
xiii And ſumme of þe peple ſenten, and wenten awey to þe xxxviii And dwellers of Jeruſalem fledden for hem, and is
kyng; and he ȝaue power to hem for to do riȝtwiſneſſe of maad habitacioun of ſtraungers, and is maad ſtrange, or
heiþen men. alien, to his ſeed, and þe ſonnys þerof forſoken it.
xiiii And þei beeldiden a ſcole in Jeruſalem, vp þe lawis of xxxix Þe halewyng þerof is deſolat as wildreneſſe; þe feeſtdays
naciouns; þerof ben turned in to mournyng, þe ſabothis þerof in to
xv and þei maden to hem prepucyes, or heþen cuſtomes, and ſhenſhip, þe honouris þerof into nouȝt.
wenten awey fro þe holy teſtament, and weren ioyned to xl Vp þe glorie þerof þe yuel fame þerof is multiplied, and
naciouns, and weren ſolde for to do yuel. heiȝneſſe þerof is tourned into mournyng.
xvi And þe rewme hadde proſperite in þe ſiȝt of Antiochus, xli And kyng Antiochus wrot to al his reume, þat al þe peple
and he byganne for to regne in þe lond of Egypt, for to regne weren oon.
on two rewmes. xlii And þei forſoken eche man his lawe; and alle folkis
xvii And he entride into Egipt in a greuous multitude, in
conſentiden vp þe word of kyng Antiochus,
chaaris, and olifauntis, and horſmen, and a plenteuous xliii and manye of Yrael conſentiden to hym, and ſacrifieden to
multitude of ſchippis,
xviii and he ordeynede bateil aȝens Tholome, kyng of Egipt; ydolis, and defouliden ſaboth.
xliiii And kyng Antiochus ſente bokis bi þe hond of
and Ptholome dredde of his face, and fleiȝ; and manye
woundid fellen doun. meſſangers in to Jeruſalem, and in to alle citees of Judee,
xix And he toke þe ſtronge citees in þe lond of Egypt, and he þat þei ſhulden ſue þe lawis of folkis of erþe,
xlv and þei ſhulden forbede burnt ſacrifices, and ſacrifices, and
toke prayes of þe lond of Egypt.
xx And Antiochus turnede, after þat he ſmote Egypt, in þe pleſyngis for to be don in þe temple of God, and ſhulden
forbede þe ſaboth for to be halewid, and ſolempne days,
hundrid and þree and fourtiþe ȝeer, and ſtyede vp to Yrael. xlvi and holy þingus for to be defoulid, and þe holy peple of
And he ſtiede vp to Jeruſalem in a greuouſe multitude,
xxi and entride in to þe halewyng wiþ pride; and he toke þe Yrael.
xlvii And he comaundide auters for to be beeldid, and templis,
golden auter, and þe candilſtike of liȝt, and alle veſſels þerof,
and ydolis; and ſwyne fleſhe for to be ſacrifiſid, and commoun,
or unclene, beeſtus;


xlviii and for to leue her ſonys vncircumcidid, and þe ſoulis of xi Al makyng to gidre, or ournyng, þerof is born awey; ſhe
hem for to be defoulid in alle vnclenneſſis and abominaciouns, þat was free, is maad hond mayden.
xlix ſo þat þei ſhulden forȝete þe lawe, and ſhulden chaunge xii And loo! oure holy, and oure fairneſſe, and oure cleerte, is
alle þe iuſtifiyngis of God. deſolate, and heiþen men defouliden it.
l And who euer diden not þe word of Antiochus, ſhulden dye. xiii What þerfore ȝit to vs for to lyue?
li After alle þeſe wordis he wrote to al his rewme, and bifore xiiii And Mathatias kitte, and his ſonys, her cloþis, and
ſette princis to þe peple, whiche ſhulden conſtreyne þeſe þingis hilliden hem wiþ hayris, and weiliden gretely.
for to be don. And þei comaundiden to citees of Juda for to xv And þei þat weren ſente of kyng Antiochus, camen þidre,
ſacrifice. for to conſtreyne hem þat fledden to gydre in to þe citee
lii And many of þe peple ben gadrid to hem, whiche forſoken Modyn, for to offre and brenne encenſis, and for to departe
lawe of þe Lord, and diden yuels on erþe; fro þe lawe of God.
liii and dryuen out þe peple of Yrael of priue places, and in xvi And many of þe peple of Yrael conſentynge camen to hem;
hid places of fugityues, or fleeynge men. bot Mathatias and his ſonys ſtoden ſtidfaſtly.
liiii In þe fyftenþe day of þe moneþ Caſleu, in þe hundrid and xvii And þei anſweryng, þat weren ſente of Antiochus, ſaiden
fyue and fourtiþe ȝeere, kyng Antiochus beeldide þe to Mathatias, Þou art prince, and moſt cleer, and grete in þis
abominable ydol of deſolacioun, or diſcomfort, on þe auter of citee, and ourned wiþ ſonys and breþeren.
God; and bi alle þe citees of Jude þei beeldiden auters. xviii Þerfore go to former, and do þe maundement of þe kyng,
lv And bifore ȝatis of houſis and in ſtreetis þei brenten as alle folkis han don, and men of Juda, and þei þat laften
encenſis, and ſacrifieden; in Jeruſalem. And þou ſhalt be, and þy ſonnys, among
lvi and brenten by fijr bokis of þe lawe of God, keruynge freendis of þe kyng, and made large in ſiluer and gold, and
hem. in many ȝiftis.
lvii And anentis whom euer bokis of þe teſtament of þe Lord xix And Mathatias anſweride, and ſaide wiþ grete voice, And
weren founden, and who euer kepte þe lawe of þe Lord, vp if alle folkis obeien to þe kyng Antiochus, þat þei go awey
maundement of þe kyng þei ſlewen hym. eche man fro ſeruice of þe lawe of his fadris, and conſente to
lviii In her vertu, or power, þei diden þeſe þingus to þe peple his maundementis,
xx Y, and my ſonnys, and my breþeren ſhuln obeie to þe lawe
of Yrael, þat was founden in eche moneþ in citees.
lix And in þe fyue and twentiþe day of þe moneþ, þei of oure fadris.
xxi God be helpful to us; it is not prophitable to us for to
ſacrifiſiden on þe auter, þat was aȝeinus þe auter.
lx And wymmen, þat circumcididen her ſonys, weren ſtrangled, forſake þe lawe and riȝtwiſneſſis of God.
xxii We ſchulen not heeren þe wordis of kyng Antiochus,
vp comaundement of kyng Antiochus;
lxi and þei hangiden children of þe haterels, or hyndre part of neþer ſhuln ſacrifice, brekynge þe maundementis of oure lawe,
þat we go anoþer way.
þe nek, by alle houſis of hem, and ſtrangliden þat xxiii And as he ceeſide for to ſpeke þeſe wordis, ſum Jew
circumcididen hem.
lxii And many of þe peple of Yrael determyden, or fully wente to in eeȝen of alle men, for to ſacrifice to ydolis on þe
auter, in þe cytee Modyn, vp comaundement of þe kyng.
demyden, anentis hem, þat þei ſhulden not ete vnclene þingis, xxiiii And Mathatias ſauȝ, and ſorewide, and his reyns
and cheſiden more for to dye, þan for to be defoulid wiþ
vnclene metis. trembliden togidre, and his wodneſſe is kyndled after dom of
lxiii And þei wolden not breke þe holy lawe of God, and þei þe lawe; and he lippynge ynne, ſlewȝ hym on þe auter.
xxv Bot and he ſlewȝ in þat tyme þe man whom kyng
weren ſlayn;
lxiiii and grete wraþ is maad on þe peple ful myche. Antiochus ſente, whiche compellide for to be offrid, and
diſtruyide þe auter.
xxvi And he louede feruently þe lawe, as Fynees dide to
Capitulum II. Zambri, ſone of Salomy.
i In xxvii And Mathatias criede in grete voice in þe cytee, ſayinge,
þo days Mathatias rooſe, þe ſone of Joon, ſone of
Symeon, he `a preſt of þe ſones of Joazin, of Jeruſalem, and Eche man þat haþ feruent loue of þe lawe, ordeynynge
ſate in þe hil Modyn. teſtament, go out after me.
ii And he hadde fyue ſones; Joon, þat was named Gaddis; xxviii And he fleiȝ, and his ſonnys, in to mounteyns, and
iii and Symount, þat was namyd Thaſi; leften what euer þingus þei hadden in þe citee.
iiii and Judas, þat was clepid Machabeus; xxix Þanne manye wente doun, ſeekynge domes and
v and Eleazarus, þat was namyd Abaron; and Jonathas, þat riȝtwiſneſſe, in to deſert, þat þei ſaten þere,
xxx þei, and ſonys of hem, and wymmen of hem, and beeſtis
was named Apphus.
vi Þeſe ſawen þe yuelis þat weren don in þe peple of Juda of hem, for yuels weren hard on hem.
xxxi And it is tolde aȝein to men of þe kyng, and to þe ooſt,
and Jeruſalem.
vii And Mathatias ſaide, Woo to me! wherto am I born, for þat weren in Jeruſalem, in þe cytee of Dauid, for ſum men
wente awey, þat diſtruyeden maundement of þe kyng, in to
to ſe contricioun, or diſtruying, of my peple, and contricioun of priuy placis of deſert; and many hadden gon after hem.
þe holy citee, and for to ſitte þere, whan it is ȝouen in hondis xxxii And anoon þei wenten to hem, and ordeyniden aȝeins
of enmyes? Holy þingus ben maad in þe hond of ſtrangers;
viii þe temple þerof as a man vnnoble; hem bateile, in þe day of ſabothis;
xxxiii and ſaiden to hem, Aȝeinſtonde ȝe and now ȝit? go ȝe
ix veſſels of glorie þerof ben ladde awey caytif. Olde men
out, and do ȝe vp þe word of kyng Antiochus, and ȝe ſhuln
þerof ben ſlayn in ſtreetis þerof, and ȝunge men þerof fellen lyue.
doun in ſwerd of enmyes. xxxiiii And þei ſaiden, We ſhuln not go out, neþir we ſhuln do
x What folk enheritide not þe kyngdam þerof, and weeldede
þe word of þe kyng, þat we defoule þe day of ſabothis.
not prayes þerof?


xxxv And þei ſteriden bateile aȝeinus hem. lxiii today he is enhaunſid, and to morrew he ſhal not be
xxxvi And þei anſwerden not to hem, neþer ſente ſtoon to hem, founden, for he is turned in to his erþe, and his þouȝte ſhal
neþer ſtoppiden preuy places, ſayinge, periſhe.
xxxvii Dye we alle in oure ſympleneſſe, and heuen and erþe lxiiii Þerfore, ſonys, be ȝe confortid, and do ȝe manly in þe
ſhuln be witneſſis on vs, þat vniuſtly ȝe leeſen us. lawe; for whan ȝe ſhuln do whiche þingus ben bedun to ȝou
xxxviii And þei baren yn to hem bateil in ſabothis, and þei in þe lawe of þe Lord ȝour God, in it ȝe ſhuln be glorious.
lxv And loo! Symount, ȝour broþere; I wote, for he is a man
ben deade, and þe wyues of hem, and ſonnys of hem, and
beeſtis of hem, vnto a þouſand ſoules of men. of counſeile, heere ȝe hym euermore, and he ſhal be fadir to
xxxix And Mathatias knewe, and his freendis; and þei hadden ȝou.
lxvi And Judas Machabeus, ſtronge in miȝtis fro his ȝouþ, be
mournyng on hem gretely.
xl And a man ſaide to his neiȝbore, Ȝif we alle ſhuln do as he to ȝou a prince of kniȝthode, and he ſhal do bateil of þe
oure breþeren diden, and ſhuln not fiȝte aȝeinus heiþen men, lxvii And ȝe ſhuln brynge to ȝou alle doars of þe lawe, and
for oure ſoulis, and oure iuſtifiyngis, ſunner þei ſhuln diſtruye
vs of erþe. venge ȝe þe veniaunce of ȝoure peple.
xli And þei þouȝten in þat day, ſayinge, Eche man who euer lxviii Ȝelde ȝe ȝeeldynge to heiþen men, and take ȝe tent `in to
ſhal cum to vs in bateile, in day of ſabothis, fiȝte we aȝeinus þe heeſt of lawe.
hym, and dye we not alle, as oure breþeren ben dead in priuy lxix And he bleſſide hem, and is putt to his faders.
places. lxx And he is dead in þe hundrid and ſixe and fourtie ȝeere,
xlii Þan þe ſynagoge of Jewis, ſtronge in miȝtis of Yrael, is and is biryed of his ſonnys in to þe ſepulcre of his fadris in
gadrid to hem, euery wilful man in lawe; Modyn; and alle Yrael weiliden hym wiþ greet weylyng.
xliii and alle þat fledden fro yuels, ben addid, or put, to hem.
xliiii And þei ben maad to hem to ſtedfaſtneſſe, and gedryden Capitulum III.
an ooſt, and ſmyten ſynners in her wraþ, and wickid men in i And Judas rooſe, þat was cleepid Machabeus, his ſone, for
her indignacioun; and þe toþer fledden to naciouns, for to him.
aſcape. ii And alle his breþeren helpiden hym, and alle þat ioyneden
xlv And Mathatias enuyrounede, and his freendis, and
diſtruyeden auters, hem to his fadir, and þei fouȝten þe bateil of Yrael wiþ
xlvi and circumcididen children vncircumcidid, hou manye euer
iii And he alargide glorie to his peple, and cloþide hym a
þei founden in cooſtis of Yrael, in ſtrengþe. hawberioun as a ieaunt, and girde hym his armeres of bateile
xlvii And þei purſueden ſonys of pride, and þe werk hadde
in bateilis, and defendide caſtellis wiþ his ſwerde.
proſperite in her hondis. iiii He is maad lijc to a lyoun in his werkis, and as whelp of
xlviii And þei weeldiden þe lawe `of hondis of heiþen men,
lyoun rorynge in his huntyng.
and of hondis of kyngus, and ȝauen not horn, or ſtrengþe, to v And he purſuede wickid men, ſeekynge hem; and he brente
þe ſynner. hem in flawmes, þat to gydre diſtourbliden his peple.
xlix And þe days of Mathatias of dying neiȝeden, and he ſaide
vi And his enmyes ben putt aȝein for dreed of hym, and alle
to his ſonys, Now pride is counfortid, and chaſtiſyng, and wirchers of wickidneſſe ben trublid to gidre; and helþe is
tyme of diſtruccioun, and þe wraþ of indignacioun. dreſſid in his hond.
l Now þerfore, ſonys, be ȝe ſuers, or louers, of þe lawe, and
vii And he wraþþide many kyngus, and gladide Yrael in his
ȝeue ȝe ȝoure lyues for þe teſtament of fadris. werkis, and in to world his mynde in bleſſyng.
li And biþenke ȝe of þe werkis of fadris, þat þei diden in her
viii And he wente þoru þe citees of Juda, and loſt vnpitous
generaciouns, and ȝe ſhuln reſceyue grete glorie, and men of hem, and turnyde awey wraþ fro Yrael.
euerlaſtynge name. ix And he is named vn to þe vttermoſt of erþe, and he gadride
lii Wher Abraham in temptation was not founden feiþful, and
it is rettid to hym to riȝtwiſneſſe? þe periſhynge.
x And Appolonius gadride folkis, and fro Samarie miche
liii Joſeph in tyme of his anguyſhe kepte þe comaundement,
and was maad lord of Egypt. vertue, and grete, for to fiȝt aȝeinus Yrael.
xi And Judas knewe, and wente out aȝeinus hym, and ſmote,
liiii Fynees, oure fadir, feruently louynge þe feruent loue of
God, toke teſtament of euerlaſtynge preſthode. and ſlewȝ hym. And many woundid fellen doun, and þe oþer
lv Jheſus, or Joſue, whijle he fulfilled þe word, is maad duyk
xii and he toke prayes of hem. And Judas toke awey þe ſwerd
in Yrael. of Appolonie, and was fiȝtyng þerynne in alle days.
lvi Caleph, whijl he witneſſiþ in þe chirche, toke heritage.
xiii And Seron, prince of þe ooſt of Syrie, herde, þat Judas
lvii Dauid in his mercy gate þe ſeete of kyngdam, in to
gadride a gaderyng, and þe chirche of feiþful men wiþ hym.
worldis. xiiii And he ſaiþ, Y ſhal make to me a name, and Y ſhal be
lviii Helye, whijl he feruently loueþ þe feruent loue of þe lawe,
glorified in rewme, and Y ſhal ouercumme Judas, and hem
is reſceyued in to heuen. þat ben wiþ hym, whiche diſpiſiden þe kyngus word.
lix Ananias, Azarias, Myſael, by leeuynge ben delyuered of xv And he made hym redy; and þe caſtels of vnpitous men,
flawme. ſtrong helpers, ſtieden vp wiþ hym, for to do veniaunce in to
lx Danyel in his ſympleneſſe is delyuerd of mouþ of lyouns. þe ſonys of Yrael.
lxi And þus biþenke ȝe bi generacioun and generacioun, for xvi And þei neiȝiden vn to Betheron; and Judas wente out
alle þat hopen in to hym ben not maad vnſtedfaſt. aȝeinus hem, wiþ fewe men.
lxii And of wordis of þe ſynner ȝe ſhuln not drede, for þe xvii Forſoþe as þei ſawen þe ooſt cummynge to hem in
glorie of hym is torde and worme; meetyng, þei ſaiden to Judas, How mown we fewe fiȝte


aȝeinus ſo grete multitude, ſo ſtronge; and we ben maad wery xl And þei wenten forþ, for to go wiþ al her vertue; and þei
by faſtyng þis day? camen, and applieden, or fellen to, at Ammaum, in þe feeldy
xviii And Judas ſaiþ, It is liȝt, or eiſy, many for to be cloſid lond.
to gydre in hond of fewe; and difference is not in þe ſiȝt of xli And marchauntis of cuntrees herden þe name of hem, and
God of heuen, for to delyuere in many or in fewe; token ſyluer and gold ful myche, and children, and camen in
xix for not in multitude of ooſt þe victorie of bateil, bot of to caſtels, for to take þe ſonys of Yrael in to ſeruauntis; and
heuen is ſtrengþe. þe ooſtis of Sirie ben added to hem, and londis of aliens.
xx Þei cummen to us in rebelle multitude, and prid, for to xlii And Judas ſeeȝ, and his breþeren, for yuels ben
diſtruye vs, and oure wyues, and oure ſonys, and for to robbe multiplied, and þe ooſt appliede, or londide, at þe cooſtis of
us. hem; and þei knewen wordus of þe kyng, whiche he
xxi Forſoþe we ſhuln fiȝte for oure ſoulis, and oure lawis, comaundide þe peple for to do, in to periſhyng and eendyng.
xxii and he þe Lord ſhal breke hem to gydre byfore oure face; xliii And þei ſaiden, eche man to his neiȝbore, Reiſe we þe
forſoþe dreede ȝe not hem. caſting doun of oure peple, and fiȝte we for oure peple, and
xxiii Soþely as he ceeſide for to ſpeke, he hurlide in in to hem oure holy þingus.
xliiii And cummyng to gidre of ooſt is gadrid, for to be redy
ſoodeynly; and Seron is broken to gidre, and his ooſt, in ſiȝt
of hym. in to bateile, and for to preye, and axe mercy, and mercy
xxiiii And he purſuede hym in þe goyng doun of Betheron, til doyngus.
xlv And Jeruſalem was not enhabitid, bot was as deſert; þer
in to þe feeld; and eiȝte hundrid men of hem fellen doun, þe
oþer forſoþe fledden in to þe lond of Philiſtyim. was not þat entride and wente oute, of þe children þerof; and
xxv And dreed of Judas, and of his breþeren, and inward þe holy þing was defoulid, and ſonys of aliens weren in þe
heeȝ rocke, or toure, þere was þe dwellyng of heiþen men; and
ferdneſſe, felle on alle heiþen men in cumpas of hem; volupte, or luſt, of Jacob is don awey, and pipe and harpe
xxvi and þe name of hym came to þe kyng, and of þe batels of failide þere.
Judas alle folkis telden. xlvi And þei weren gadrid, and came in to Maſphath aȝeinus
xxvii Soþely as kyng Antiochus herde þeſe wordis, he was Jeruſalem; for place of preyer was in Maſphath, bifore þan in
wroþe in inwitt; and he ſente, and gadride þe ooſt of al his Jeruſalem.
rewme, ful ſtronge caſtels. xlvii And þei faſtiden in þat day, and cloþiden hem wiþ heiris,
xxviii And he opnyde his treſorie, and ȝaue ſoudis to þe ooſt, and puttiden aſhe in her hed, and renten her cloþis.
in to oo ȝeer, and comaundide hem, þat þei weren redy to alle xlviii And þei ſpradden abrood bokis of þe lawe, of whiche
þingus. heiþen men ſouȝten likneſſe of her ſymulacris;
xxix And he ſawȝ, þat monee failide of his treſours, and xlix and þei brouȝten to ournementis of preſtis, and premyſſis,
tributis of þe cuntre litil, for diſcencioun and veniaunce þat he and tiþis; and þei reiſiden Nazareis, þat hadden fulfilliden
dide in to þe lond, for to do awey þe lawful þingis þat weren days.
of þe firſt days. l And þei crieden wiþ grete voice in to heuen, ſayinge, What
xxx And he dredde, þat he ſhulde not haue and oonys and
ſhuln we do to þeſe, and whidir ſhuln we leede hem?
twies in to coſtis and ȝiftis, whiche he hadde ȝouen byfore wiþ li And þin holy þingus ben to-troden, and defoulid, and þi
large hond; and he aboundide ouer kyngus þat weren bifore
hym. preſtis ben maad in to mournyng, and in to meekeneſſe, or
xxxi And he was aſtonyed in ynwitt gretly, and þouȝte for to diſpite.
lii And lo! naciouns camen togidre aȝeinus vs, for to diſtruye
go in to Perſis, and to take tributis of cuntrees, and for to
gadre myche ſyluer. vs; þou wooſt what þingus þei þenken in to vs.
xxxii And he laft Lyſias, a noble man of þe kyngis kynne, on liii Hou ſhuln we mown wiþ ſtonde byfore þe face of hem, no
þe kyngus needis, fro þe flood Eufrates vn to þe flood of bot þou, God, help us?
Egipt; liiii And þei crieden in trumpis, wiþ grete voice.
xxxiii and þat he ſhulde nuriche Antiochus, his ſone, til he lv And after þeſe þingus Judas ordeynyde duykis of þe peple,
cam aȝein. tribunys, þat oon ledde a þouſand, and centoriouns, or ledinge
xxxiiii And he toke to hym þe mydil ooſt, and olifauntis, and an hundrid, and pentacontarkes, leders of fyfty, and
comaundide to hym of alle þingus þat he wolde, and of men decuriouns, leders of ten.
enhabitynge Jude and Jeruſalem; lvi And he ſaide to þeſe þat bildiden houſis, and weddiden
xxxv and þat he ſhulde ſende to hem an ooſt, for to breke to wyues, and plantiden vyne ȝerdis, and to dreedful men, þat
gidre, and to diſtruye vtterly þe vertue of Yrael, and relikis of þei turnyden aȝein, eche man in to his hous, vp þe lawe.
Jeruſalem, and for to do awey þe mynde of hem of place; lvii And þei moueden caſtels, or ooſtis of armed men, and þei
xxxvi and for to ordeyne aliens ſonys dwellers in alle þe ſettiden to gidre at þe ſouþ of Ammaum.
cooſtis of hem, and bi lot for to departe þe lond of hem. lviii And Judas ſaiþ, Be ȝe gird, and be ȝe miȝti ſonys, and
xxxvii And þe kyng toke to a part of þe reſidue ooſt, and be ȝe redy in þe morewyng, and þat ȝe fiȝte aȝeinus þeſe
wente out of Antioche, þe citee of his rewme, in þe hundrid naciouns, þat camen to gidre for to diſtruye vs, and oure holy
and ſeuen and fourtye ȝeer; and paſſide ouer þe flood þingus.
Eufrates, and wente þoru þe heeȝer cuntrees. lix For better is vs for to dye in bateile, þan for to ſee yuel of
xxxviii And Liſias cheſe Ptholome, ſone of Dorim, and oure folk and holy þingus.
Nychanore, and Gorgie, miȝty men of þe kyngus freendus. lx Forſoþe as wille ſhal be in heuen, ſo be it don.
xxxix And he ſente wiþ hem fourti þouſand of men, and ſeuen
þouſand of horſmen, `or knyȝtis; and þat þei ſhulden cum in to Capitulum IIII.
þe lond of Juda, and diſtruy it, vp word of þe kyng. i And Gorgias toke to fyue þouſand of men, and a þouſand
choſen horſmen; and þei moueden tentis by nyȝt,


ii for to applie to þe tentis of Jewis, and for to ſmyte hem xxviii And þe ȝeer ſuynge, Liſias gadride of choſen men ſixti
ſodeynly; and þe ſonys þat weren on þe heeȝ rocke, weren þouſandis, and of horſmen fyue þouſand, for to ouercumme
leeders to hem. hem.
iii And Judas herde, and he rooſe, and miȝty men, for to xxix And þei camen in to Judee, and ſetten tentis in
ſmyte þe vertue of ooſtis of þe kyng, þat was in Ammaum; Betheron; and Judas ran to hem wiþ ten þouſand of men.
iiii ȝit ſoþely þe ooſt was ſcaterid fro tentis. xxx And þei ſawen a ſtronge ooſt, and he preyede, and ſeide,
v And Gorgias came in to þe tentis of Judas bi niȝt, and Bleſſid art þou, ſaueour of Yrael, þat haſt broken to gidre þe
fonde no man; and þei ſouȝten hem in hillis, for he ſaide, firſneſſe of þe miȝti in þe hond of þi ſeruaunt Dauid, and
Þeſe fleen fro vs. bitokiſt þe caſtels, or tentis, of aliens in to þe hondis of
vi And whan day was maad, Judas apperide in þe feelde wiþ Jonathas, ſone of Saul, and of his ſquyer.
xxxi Cloſe þou to gydre and þis ooſt in þe hond of þi peple
þree þouſandis of men oonly, whiche hadden not hilingis and
ſwerdis. Yrael, and be þei confoundid in her ooſt, and horſmen.
vii And þei ſawen þe tentis of heiþen men ſtronge, and men xxxii Ȝeue þou to hem inward dreed, and make þe hardineſſe
hauberiounyd, and ridingis in cumpas of hem, and þeſe tauȝt of her vertue to faile, and be þei moued to gidre in her
to bateile. brekyng to gidre.
viii And Judas ſaiþ to men, þat ſueden, Dreede ȝe not þe xxxiii Caſte hem doun in þe ſwerd of men louynge þee, and to
multitude of hem, and dreede ȝe not inwardli þe feerſneſſe of gidre preyſe þee alle þat knewen þi name, in ympnys.
hem. xxxiiii And þei ſente, or ioyneden, to gidere bateile, and fyue
ix And byþenke ȝe, hou oure fadris ben maad ſaaf in þe Rede þouſand of men fellen doun of þe ooſt of Liſias.
Se, whan Pharao ſuede hem wiþ miche ooſt. xxxv Liſias forſoþe ſeeynge þe fliȝt of hyſe, and þe hardyneſſe
x And nowe crie we in to heuen, and þe Lord ſhal haue of Jewis, and þat þei ben redy eþer for to lyue, eþer for to
mercy of vs, and ſhal be myndeful of þe teſtament of oure dye ſtrongly, wente to Antioche, and cheeſe kniȝtis, þat þei
fadris, and ſhal breke to gidre þis ooſt bifore oure face to day. multiplied eftſone ſhulden cume in to Judee.
xi And alle folkis ſhuln wite, for God is, þat ſhal aȝein bye, xxxvi Forſoþe Judas ſaide, and his breþeren, Loo! oure
and delyuere Yrael. enmyes ben broken togidre; ſtye we nowe, for to clenſe holy
xii And aliens reiſiden her eeȝen, and ſawen hem cummynge þingis, and renewle, or make newe.
xxxvii And al þe ooſt is gadrid, and ſtyeden in to þe hill of
of þe contrarie part, or euen aȝein,
xiii and wenten out of tentis in to bateile. And þei þat weren Syon.
xxxviii And þei ſawen þe halewyng deſert, and þe auter
wiþ Judas, ſongen in trumpe.
xiiii And þei wenten to gidre, and heiþen men ben broken to vnhalewid, and þe ȝatis brent, and in þe porchis tendre trees
ſprungen, as in wijlde wode or mounteyns, and þe litil cellis
gidre, and fledden in to þe feelde; diſtruyed.
xv forſoþe þe laſt fellen doun in ſwerd. And þei purſueden hem xxxix And þei renten her cloþingus, and weiliden wiþ grete
vn to Gaſeron, and til in to þe feeldis of Ydume, and Aȝotus, weilynge; and puttiden aſhe on her hede,
and Jamny; and þer fellen doun of hem vn to þree þouſandus xl and fellen in to face on þe erþe, and crieden in trumpis of
of men.
xvi And Judas turnyde aȝein, and his ooſt ſuynge hym. ſignys, and crieden in to heuen.
xli Þanne Judas ordeynyde, for to fiȝte aȝeinus hem þat
xvii And he ſaide to þe peple, Coueyte ȝe not prayes, for bateil
weren in þe heeȝ rocke, til þei clenſiden holi þingus.
is aȝeinus vs, xlii And he cheſe preſtis wiþ outen wemme, hauynge wille in
xviii and Gorgias and his ooſt in þe hil niȝ vs; bot ſtonde ȝe
þe lawe of God;
nowe aȝeinus ȝoure enmyes, and ouercumme ȝe hem, and xliii and þei clenſiden holy þingus, and token awey ſtoons of
after þeſe þingus ȝe ſikir ſhuln take prayes.
xix And ȝit Judas ſpekynge þeſe þingus, loo! ſum part defoulyng in to an vnclene place.
xliiii And he þouȝte of þe auter of brent ſacrifices, þat was
apperide, biholdynge forþ of þe hill.
xx And Gorgias ſawȝ, þat his ben to gidre turnyd in to fliȝt, vnhalewid, what he ſhulde do þerof.
xlv And a good counſeile felle yn to hym, for to diſtruye it,
and tentis ben brent; forſoþe þe ſmoke þat was ſeen, declaride
þat þat was don. leſt it were to hem in to ſhenſhip, for heiþen men defouliden
xxi Whiche þingus biholden, þei dredden greteli, biholdinge to it. And þei deſtruyeden it,
xlvi and puttiden aȝein, or kepten, ſtoons in þe hill of þe hous,
gidre and Judas and þe ooſt in þe feeld, redi to bateile.
xxii And þei fledden alle in þe feeld of aliens, in couenable place, til þat a prophete came, and anſwerde of
xxiii and Judas turnyde aȝein to preyes of þe tentis; and þei xlvii And þei token hool ſtoons, after þe lawe, and beeldiden a
token myche gold, and ſyluer, and iacintt, and purpre of þe ſe, newe auter, vp þat þat was byfore.
and grete ritcheſſis. xlviii And þei beeldiden holy þingus, and þo þingus þat weren
xxiiii And þei conuertid ſungen an ympne, or herying, and
wiþynne þe hous wiþynnforþ; and þei halewiden þe hous and
bleſſiden God in to heuen; for he is good, for in to þe world þe porchis.
þe mercy of hym. xlix And þei maden newe holy veſſels, and brouȝten yn a
xxv And grete helþe is maad in Yrael in þat day.
candilſtike, and þe auter of encenſis, and a bord in to þe
xxvi Forſoþe who euer of aliens fledden, camen, and teelden to temple.
Liſias alle þingus þat bifellen. l And þei puttiden encenſe on þe auter, and tenden lanternys,
xxvii Whiche herd, he, aſtonyed in ynwitt, failide; for not what þat weren on þe candilſtike, and ȝauen liȝt in þe temple.
maner þingus he wolde, ſiche bifellen in Yrael, and what li And þei puttiden looues on þe borde, and hangiden veyles,
manere þingus þe kyng comaundide. and eendiden al þe werkis þat þei maden.


lii And bifore morewtid þei riſen, in þe `fifþe and twenti day xiii and alle oure breþeren þat weren in þe placis of Tubyn,
of þe nynþ moneþe, þis is þe moneþ Caſleu, of þe hundrid euery wher ben ſlayne; and þei ledden caityf þe wyues of hem,
and eiȝte and fourtiþe ȝeer. and children, and token ſpuylis, and killiden þere almeſt a
liii And þei offeriden ſacrifice after þe lawe, on þe newe auter þouſand men.
of brent ſacrifices, whiche þei maden after tyme. xiiii And ȝit piſtles weren rad, and nowe oþer meſſangers
liiii And after þe day in whiche heiþen men defouliden it, in camen of Galilee, wiþ cootis torent,
þat it was renulid, in ſongis, and harpis, and cynaris, þat xv tellynge after þeſe wordus, ſayinge, for to haue cummen to
ben inſtrumentis of muſike, and cymbalis. gidre aȝeins hem fro Ptholomaida, and Tyre, and Sydon,
lv And alle þe peple felle in to þe face, and wirſhipiden, and and al Galilee is fulfillid wiþ aliens, for to diſtruye vs.
bleſſiden in to heuen hym þat dide proſperite in hem. xvi Soþeli as Judas herde, and þe peple, þeſe wordis, a grete
lvi And þei maden halewing of þe auter in eiȝte days, and chirche came to gidre, for to þenke what þei ſhulden do to her
offreden brent ſacrifices wiþ gladneſſe, and helpful þingis of breþeren, þat weren in tribulacioun, and weren ouercummen
heryingis. of hem.
lvii And þei ourneden þe face of þe temple wiþ golden xvii And Judas ſaide to Symount, his broþer, Cheſe to þee
crownys, and ſmale ſheeldis; and halewiden þe ȝatis, and men, and go, and deliuere þi breþeren in Galilee; I forſoþe
porchis, or ſmale cellis, and puttiden to hem ȝatis. and my broþer Jonathas ſhuln go in to Galatithym.
lviii And ful grete gladneſſe is maad in þe peple, and þe xviii And he lafte Joſephus, ſone of Zacharie, and Azarie,
ſhenſhip of heiþen men is turned awey. duykis of þe peple, wiþ þe reſidue ooſt in Jude to keepynge.
lix And Judas ordeynide, and his breþeren, and al þe chirche xix And he comaundide hem, ſayinge, Bifore be ȝe to þis
of Yrael, þat þe day of halewyng of þe auter be don in his peple, and nyl ȝe ſmyte bateil aȝeinus heiþen men, til we
tymes, fro ȝeer in to ȝeer, bi eiȝte days, fro þe `fifþe and turnen aȝein.
twenty day of þe moneþ of Caſleu, wiþ gladneſſe and ioye. xx And þree þouſand men ben ȝouen to Symont, for to go in
lx And þei beeldiden in þat tyme þe hill of Syon, and bi to Galilee; to Judas ſoþely eȝte þouſand, in to Galadithym.
cumpas heeȝ wallis, and ſadde toures, leſt eny tyme heiþen xxi And Symont wente in to Galilee, and ioynyde many
men camen, and defouliden it, as þei diden byfore. bateils wiþ heiþen men. And heþen men ben broken to gydre
lxi And he ſette þere a cumpanye, for to keepe it; and he fro his face,
wardide it, for to kepe Bethſura, þat þe peple ſhulde haue xxii and he purſuede hem vn to þe ȝate of Ptholomaida. And
wardyng, or ſtrengþeing, aȝein þe face of Ydume. þere fellen doun of heþen men almeſt þree þouſand of men;
and he toke þe ſpuilys of hem.
Capitulum V. xxiii And he toke to hem þat weren in Galilee, and in

i And
Arbathis, wiþ wyues, and children, and alle þingus þat weren
it is don, as heiþen men herden in cumpas, for þe to hem; and he ledde to in to Jude wiþ grete gladneſſe.
auter is beeldid, and þe ſayntuarie as bifore, þei weren wroþ xxiiii And Judas Machabeus, and Jonathas, and his breþeren
greteli. paſſiden Jordan, and wenten forþ þe waye of þree days in to
ii And þei þouȝten for to do awey þe kynrede of Jacob, þat
was among hem; and þei bygunne for to ſlea of þe peple, and xxv And Nabutheis camen aȝeinus hem, and reſceyueden hem
purſue. peſibely, and teelden alle þingus þat bifellen to her breþeren in
iii And Judas ouercam þe ſonys of Eſau in Ydume, and hem
þat weren in Arabathane, for þei ſaten aboute men of Yrael; xxvi and for many of hem ben cauȝt in Baraſa, and Bozor,
and he ſmote hem wiþ a grete wound. and Malymys, and Caſphor, and Mathet, and Carnaym; alle
iiii And he þouȝte of þe malice of ſonis of Bean, þat weren to
þeſe ſtronge citees and greete.
þe peple in to gnare, and in to ſclaundre, aſpyinge it in þe xxvii Bot `and in oþer citees of Galadithis þei ben holden
waye. cauȝt. And on þe morewe þei ordeyneden for to moue þe ooſt
v And þei ben cloſid `to gidre fro hym in toures; and he
to þo citees, and for to cacche, and take hem awey in oo day.
appliede to hem, and curſide hem, and brente wiþ fijr þe xxviii And Judas turnyde, and his ooſt, þe waye in to deſert
toures of hem, wiþ alle men þat weren in hem. of Bozor ſoodeynly. And he occupiede þe citee, and ſlewȝ eche
vi And he paſſide to þe ſonys of Amon, and fonde ſtronge
male in mouþ of ſwerd, and toke alle þe ſpuylis þerof, and
hond, and plenteuouſe peple, and Tymothe, þe duyk of hem. brente it wiþ fijr.
vii And he ſmote many batels wiþ hem, and þei ben broken to xxix And þei rijſen þennus in niȝt, and wenten vn to þe
gidre in ſiȝt of hem. And he ſmote hem, ſtrengþinge.
viii and he toke þe cite Jazar, and þe ſonys þerof; and he xxx And it is maad in ſpryng of þe day, whanne þei reyſiden
turnyde aȝein in to Judee. her eeȝen, and loo! myche peple, of whom was no noumbre,
ix And heþen men þat ben in Galaad, ben gadrid aȝeinus beryng laddris and engynes, for to take þe ſtrengþyng, and
Iſraelitis, þat weren in þe coſtis of hem, for to do hem awey; ouer cumme hem.
and þei fledden into Dathinan ſtrengþinge. xxxi And Judas ſeeȝ, for bateil byganne, and crye of bateile
x And þei ſenten lettris to Judas, and his breþeren, ſayinge, ſtyede in to heuen, as a trumpe, and grete cry of a citee.
Heiþen men ben gadrid aȝeinus vs bi cumpas, þat þei do vs xxxii And he ſaide to his ooſt, Fiȝte ȝe to day for ȝour
awei; breþeren.
xi and þei maken redi for to cumme, and occupie þe xxxiii And he cam in þree ordris after hem, and þei crieden
ſtrengþing, in to whom we fledden; and Tymothe is duyk of wiþ trumpis, and crieden in preyer.
þe ooſt of hem. xxxiiii And þe tentis of Tymothe knewen, for it is Machabeus,
xii Now þerfore cum þou, and delyuere vs fro her hondis, for
and fledden fro his face. And þei han ſmyten hem wiþ grete
þe multitude of vs felle doun; wounde; and þere fellen doun of hem in þat day almeſt eiȝt
þouſand of men.


xxxv And Judas turnyde awey in to Maſphath; and he lvii And he ſaide, Make and we oure ſelf a name to vs, and
ouercame and toke it, and ſlewȝ eche male þerof, and toke go we for to fiȝte aȝeinus heiþen men, þat ben in oure
ſpuylis of it, and brente it in fijr. cumpas.
xxxvi Fro þennus he wente, and toke Caſbon, and Mageth, lviii And he comaundide to þeſe þat weren in his ooſt, and þei
and Bozor, and oþer citees of Galadithe. wenten forþ nowe þe waye.
xxxvii Soþeli after þeſe wordis Thymothe gadride an oþer lix And Gorgias wente out of þe citee, and his men, aȝeinus
ooſt, and puttide tentis aȝeinus Raphon, ouer þe ſtrem of hem, in to fiȝt.
rayn. lx And Joſephus and Azarias ben dryuen til into þe eendis of
xxxviii And Judas ſente for to biholde þe ooſt, and þei tolden Judee; and þer felle doun in þat day of þe peple of Yrael,
aȝein to hym, ſayinge, For alle heiþen men þat ben in oure men two þouſandis.
cumpas camen to gidre to hym, and a ful myche ooſt. lxi And a grete wound is maad in þe peple; for þei herden not
xxxix And þei hijriden Arabians in to help to hym, and þei Judas and his breþeren, geſſynge hem to doynge ſtrongly.
han ſette tentis ouer þe ſtreme of reyn, redy for to cume to lxii Forſoþe þei weren not of þe ſeed of þo men, by whiche
þee in to bateile. And Judas wente aȝeinus hem. helþe is maad in Yrael.
xl And Tymothee ſaide to princis of his ooſt, Whanne Judas lxiii And men of Juda ben magnyfied greteli in ſiȝt of al
ſhal neiȝ, and his ooſt, to þe ſtreme of reyn water, ȝif he ſhal Yrael, and of alle heiþen men, wher þe name of hem was
paſſe former to vs, we ſhuln not mowen ſuſteynen hym, for he herd.
miȝti ſhal mowe aȝeinus vs. lxiiii And þei cammen to gidre, cryinge to hem proſperite, or
xli Soþely ȝif he ſhal dreede for to paſſe, and ſhal ſette tentis
bleſſid þingus.
biſidis, or wiþ ynne, þe flood, paſſe we ouer to hem, and we lxv And Judas wente oute, and his breþeren, and ouer camen
ſhuln mown aȝeinus hym.
xlii Forſoþe as Judas neiȝide to þe ſtreme of watir, he þe ſonnys of Eſau, in þe lond þat is at þe ſouþ; and he ſmote
Chebron, and þe douȝters þerof, and wallis þerof, and þe
ordeynide ſcribis of þe peple by ſidis þe ſtreme, and touris þerof brente in fijr in cumpas.
comaundide to hem, ſayinge, Leue ȝe noon of men, bot cumme lxvi And he mouede tentis, for to go in to lond of aliens; and
ȝe alle in to bateile.
xliii And he þe former paſſide ouer to hem, and alle þe peple he wente þoru Samarie.
lxvii In þat day preſtis fellen doun in bateile, whijl þei wolen
after hym. And alle þeſe heiþen men ben broken to gidre fro
þe face of hem, and þei caſtiden awey her armours; and þei do ſtrongly, whijl wiþ outen counſeil þei wenten out in to
fledden to þe temple, þat was at Carnaym. bateil.
xliiii And he occupiede þilk citee, and brente þe temple wiþ lxviii And Judas bowide aweye in to Azotus, in þe lond of
fijr, wiþ alle þat weren in it; and Carnaym is oppreſid, and aliens, and diſtruyide þe auters of hem, and ſpuylis of her
miȝte not ſuſteyn aȝeinus þe face of Judas. goddis brente in fijr, and toke prayes of citees; and turnyde
xlv And Judas gadride alle Yſraelitis þat weren in aȝein in to þe lond of Juda.
Galadithes, fro þe leſte vn to þe moſt, and þe wijues of hem,
and children, and a ful grete ooſt, þat þei ſhulden cume in to Capitulum VI.
þe lond of Judee. i And kyng Antiochus walkide þoru þe heeȝer cuntrees, and he
xlvi And þei camen til to Ephron, and þis grete citee putt ful
herde a citee for to be, Elymaides, in Perſis, þe nobliſt and
ſtronge in þe entree; and þer was not for to bowe awei fro it, plenteuous in ſyluer and gold;
in þe riȝt half or left, bot by þe mydil þe waye was. ii and a temple in it ful riche, and þere golden veylis, and
xlvii And þei þat weren in þe citee cloſiden hem yn, and hauberiouns, and ſheeldis, whiche Aliſaundre of Philip, kyng
ſtoppiden þe ȝatis wiþ ſtoonys. And Judas ſente to hem wiþ of Macedo, left, þat regnyde firſt in Grece.
peſible wordis, ſayinge, iii And he came, and ſouȝte for to take þe citee, and robbe it;
xlviii Paſſe we by ȝoure lond, for to go into oure lond, and no
and he miȝte not, for þe word was knowen to hem þat weren
man ſchal anoye ȝou, oonly on feet we ſchulen go. And þei in þe citee.
wolde not opne to hem. iiii And þei riſen vp in to bateil, and he fleiȝ þennus, and
xlix And Judas comaundide for to preche in tentis, or ooſt,
wente awey wiþ grete heuyneſſe, and turnyde aȝein to
þat eche man ſhulde applie, in what place he was. Babiloyne.
l And men of vertu applieden hem, and he fauȝte aȝeinus þat v And þer came, þat teelde to hym in Perſis, for þe ooſtis þat
citee al day and al niȝt, and þe citee is bitaken in his hond. weren in þe lond of Juda ben dryuen,
li And þei ſlewen eche male in mouþ of ſwerd, and drewȝ it vi and for Liſias wente wiþ ſtronge vertu in þe firſt, or beſt
vp by þe rootis, and toke þe ſpuylis þerof, and paſſide by al men, and he is dryuen fro þe face of Jewis, and þei wexiden
þe citee on þe ſlayn men. ſtronge in armers, and ſtrengþis, and many prayes, whiche
lii And þei paſſiden ouer Jordan, in þe grete feeld aȝeinus þe þei token of tentis, or ooſtis,
face of Bethſan. vii whiche þei ſlewen; and for þei diſtruyeden þe abominacioun,
liii And Judas was gadrynge þe laſt, and moneſtide þe peple whiche he beeldide on þe auter þat was in Jeruſalem, and þei
bi alle þe waye, til þei camen in to þe lond of Juda. enuyrounyden wiþ heeȝ wallis þe halewyng, as byfore, bot and
liiii And þei ſtyeden in to þe hill of Syon wiþ gladneſſe and Bethſura, his citee.
viii And it is don, as þe kyng herde þeſe wordis, he dredde,
ioye, and offriden brent ſacrifices, þat no man of hem felle
doun, or was dead, til þei turnyden aȝein in peſe. and was mouyd to gidre gretely, and felle doun in to a bed,
lv And in þe days in whiche Judas was, and Jonathas, in þe and felle in to a langour for heuyneſſe, for it is not don as he
lond of Galaad, and Symont, his broþer, in Galilee, aȝeinus þouȝte.
ix And he was þere many dais, for grete heuyneſſe is renulid
þe face of Ptholomaida,
lvi Joſephus, ſone of Zacharie, herde, and Azarias, prince of in hym, and he deemyde hym ſelf for to dye.
vertu, þe þingis wel done, and bateilis þat ben maad.


x And he clepide alle his freendis, and ſaide to hem, Sleep xxxiii And þe kyng rooſe bifore þe liȝt, and ſtiride þe ooſt in
paſſide awey fro myn eeȝen, and Y departide, and felle doun to feerſneſſe, aȝeinus þe waye of Bethſacharam; and þe ooſtis
in herte for byſyneſſe; maden hem to gidre redy in to bateile, and ſungen in trumpis.
xi and ſaide in my herte, In to hou grete tribulacioun came xxxiiii And to olifantis þei ſhewiden blood of grape, and
Y, and in to what wawis of heuyneſſe in whiche Y am nowe, morus, or mulberie trees, for to whette hem in to bateil.
þat was myri, and biloued in my power? xxxv And þei departiden þe beeſtis bi legiouns; and to eche
xii Now forſoþe Y biþenke of þe yuelis þat Y dide to olifaunt a þouſand men ſtoden niȝ in mailid to gidre
Jeruſalem, fro whennus and Y toke alle golden ſpuylis, and hauberiownes, and braſen helmys in her hedis, and fyue
ſylueren, þat weren þeryne; and Y ſente wiþ outen cauſe, men hundred choſen horſmen weren ordeynyd to eche beeſt.
dwellynge in Judee for to be don awey. xxxvi Þeſe bifore þe tyme, wher euer þe beeſt was, weren
xiii Þerfore Y knewe for þeſe yuelis han founden me; þerfore þere; and whider euer it wente, þei wenten, and departiden
and loo! I periſhe bi grete heuyneſſe in an alien lond. not þerfro.
xiiii And he clepide Philip, oon of his freendis, and bifore xxxvii Bot and ſad toures of tree on hem, defendynge by alle
puttide hym on al his rewme; þe beeſtis, and on hem engynes, and on eche bi hem ſelf men
xv and he ȝaue to hym þe dyademe, and his ſtoole, and ringe, of vertu two and þritti, whiche fouȝten fro aboue, and wiþ
for to leede to Antiochus, his ſone, and to nuryſhe hym, and ynne þe maiſter of þe beeſt.
for to regne. xxxviii And he ordeynide þe reſidue rijdynge on þis half and
xvi And kyng Antiochus dyede þere, in þe hundrid and nyne þat half, in to two parties, for to moue to gidre þe ooſt wiþ
and fourty ȝeer. trumpis, and for to conſtreyne þe armyd men in his legiouns.
xvii And Liſias knewe, for þe kyng is dead, and he ordeynyde xxxix And as þe ſunne ſhynyde aȝein in to golden ſheeldis,
Antiochus, þe ſone of hym, for to regne, whom he nuriſhide and braſen, þe hillis ſhynyden aȝein of hem, as laumpis of
ȝunge; and he clepide his name Eupator. fyre.
xviii And þei þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke, cloſiden to gydre xl And a part of þe kyngus ooſt is departid bi heeȝ hillis, and
Yrael in cumpas of holy þingis, and ſouȝten to hem yuels oþer by lowe places; and þei wenten warly, and ordynatly.
euer more, to ſtrengþing of heþen men. xli And alle men dwellynge in þe lond weren moued to gidre
xix And Judas þouȝte for to diſtruye hem, and he clepide of þe voice of multitude of hem, and in goinge of þe
togidre alle þe peple, for to biſeege hem. compaignye, and hurtlyng of armeris; forſoþe þe ooſt was ful
xx And þei camen to gidre, and biſeegiden hem, in þe hundrid grete and ſtronge.
xlii And Judas and his ooſt neiȝiden yn to bateil; and þere
and fiftyþe ȝeer; and þei maden baliſtis, an inſtrument for to
caſt ſhaftis and ſtoonys, and engynes. fellen doun of þe kyngus ooſt ſixe hundrid men.
xxi And ſumme of hem þat weren biſeegid, wenten out; and xliii And Eleaſar, ſone of Saura, ſeeȝ oon of þe beeſtus
ſum of þe vnpitous men of Yrael ioyneden hem to hem, hauberiownyd wiþ hawberiouns of þe kyng, and it was heeȝ
xxii and wenten to þe kyng, and ſaiden, Hou long doſt þou ſtondynge ouere oþer beeſtis. And it is ſeen to hym, þat þe
kyng was in it;
not dom, and vengeſt oure breþeren? xliiii and he ȝaue hym ſelf for to delyuere hys peple, and for to
xxiii And wee deemyden for to ſerue þi fadir, and for to walke
gete to hym a name euerlaſtynge.
in his heeſtis, and obeiſhe to his comaundementis. xlv And he ran þerto hardili, in to mydil of þe legioun,
xxiiii And þe ſonys of oure peple for þis þing alieneden hem
ſleaynge on riȝthalf and left; and þei fellen doun fro hym hidir
fro vs; and whiche euer were founden of vs, weren ſlayn, and and þidir.
oure eritagis weren rauyſhid awei. xlvi And he wente vndir þe feet of þe olyfaunt, and
xxv And not oonly to vs þei ſtrecchiden out þe hond, bot and
vndirputtide hym ſelf þerto, and ſlewȝ hym; and it felle doun
in to alle oure cooſtis. in to þe erþe on hym, and he is dead þere.
xxvi And loo! þei applieden to day to þe heeȝ rocke in xlvii And þei ſeeynge þe vertue of þe kyng, and ferſneſſe of his
Jeruſalem, for to occupie it, and þei ſtrengþide a ſtrengþing in ooſt, turnyden awey hem ſelf fro hem.
Bethſura. xlviii Forſoþe tentis of þe kyng ſtyede vp aȝeinus hem, in to
xxvii And ȝif þou ſhalt not byfore cume hem more ſwyftly, þei
Jeruſalem; and tentis of þe kyng applieden to Judee, and to
ſhuln do gretter þingus þan þeſe, and þou ſhalt not mowe þe hill of Syon;
weelde hem. xlix and he made pees wiþ þeſe þat weren in Bethſura. And
xxviii And þe kyng was wroþe, as he herde þis þing, and
þei wenten out of þe citee, for foodis weren not to hem cloſid
cleepide to gidre alle his freendis, and princis of his ooſt, and to gidre þere, for ſabothis of þe erþe weren.
hem þat weren on horſmen; l And þe kyng toke Bethſura, and ordeinyde þere keepyng, for
xxix bot and of oþer rewmys, and ylis, and of þe ſee cooſtis
to keepe it.
camen to hym an hijrid ooſt. li And he turnyde þe tentis to þe place of halewyng many
xxx And þe noumbre of his ooſt was an hundred þouſand of
days; and ordeynyde þere baliſtis, and engynes, and dartis, or
fote men, and twenti þouſand of horſmen, and two and þritty caſtyngis, of fijr, and tourmentis for to caſt ſtoons and dartis,
olyfauntis tauȝte to bateile. and ſcorpiouns for to ſende arowis, and ſlyngis.
xxxi And þei camen by Ydume, and þei applieden to lii Forſoþe and þei maden engynes aȝeinus þe engynes of
Bethſura, and fouȝten many days; and þei maden engynys, hem, and þei fouȝten many days.
and þei wenten out, and brenten hem in fijre, and fouȝten liii Forſoþe metis weren not in þe citee, for þat it was þe
xxxii And Judas wente fro þe heeȝ rocke, and mouede tentis ſeuenþe ȝeer; and þei þat leften of heiþen men in Judee,
hadden waſtid þe relikis of hem þat weren kept.
to Bethſacharam, aȝeinus tentis of þe kyng. liiii And fewe men leften in holy þingus, for hungre hadde
taken hem; and þei ben ſcaterid, eche man in to his place.


lv And Liſias herde, þat Philipp, whom kyng Antiochus xv And he ſpac wiþ hem peſible wordis, and ſwore to hem,
ordeynyde, whan ȝit he leuyde, þat he ſhulde nuriche ſayinge, We ſhuln not ȝeue to ȝou yuels, neþer to ȝoure
Antiochus, his ſon, þat he regnide, frendus.
lvi turnyde aȝein fro Perſe and Mede, and þe ooſt þat wenten xvi And þei bileeuyden to hym. And he cauȝte of hem ſixti
wiþ hym; and for he ſeekiþ for to take þe cauſis of þe rewme, men, and ſlewȝ hem in oo day, after þe word þat is wryten,
lvii he haſtide for to go, and ſaye to þe kyng, and to duykis of xvii Þei ſhedden out fleſhis of þi ſayntis, and blood of hem in
þe ooſt, We failen eche day, and litil mete is to vs, and þe cumpas of Jeruſalem, and þere was not þat biryede.
place whom we biſeegen, is ſtronge, and it falliþ to vs for to xviii And dreed and tremblyng lay, or felle, in to al þe peple,
ordeyne of þe rewme. for þei ſaiden, Þer is not trewþe and dom to hym; ſoþely þei
lviii And ſo nowe ȝeue we riȝthondis to þeſe men, and make han broken þe ſtatute, and þe ooþ þat þei ſworen.
we pees wiþ hem, and wiþ alle þe folk of hem; xix And Bachides mouede tentis fro Jeruſalem, and appliede
lix and ordeyne we to hem, þat þei go in lawful þingis as in to Bethſecha; and ſente, and cauȝte many of hem þat
byfore; ſoþely for þe lawful þingus of hem þei ben wroþe, and fledden fro hym; and he killide ſum of þe peple, and caſtide in
han don alle þeſe þingus. to a grete pitt.
lx And þe word pleſide in ſiȝt of þe kyng, and princis; and he xx And he bitoke þe regioun to Alchimus, and left wiþ hym
ſente to hem for to make pees, and þei reſceyuyden it. help, in to helpyng of hym. And Bachides wente to þe kyng,
lxi And þe kyng ſwore to hem, and princis; and þei wenten xxi and Alchymus dide ynewȝ, for þe princehod of his
out of þe ſtrengþing. preſthod.
lxii And þe kyng entride þe mount Syon, and he ſeeȝ þe xxii And alle camen to gidre to hym, whiche diſtourbliden her
ſtrengþyng of þe place; and he brake fulſone þe ooþ þat he peple, and weldiden þe lond of Juda; and þei diden grete
ſwore, and comaundide for to diſtruye þat wall in cumpas. veniaunce in Yrael.
lxiii And he departide awey haſtili, and turnyde aȝein to xxiii And Judas ſeeȝ alle þe yuels, þat Alchymus dide, and
Antioche, and fonde Philip lordſhipynge to þe citee; and he þei þat weren wiþ hym, to þe ſonnys of Yrael, myche more
fauȝte aȝeinus hym, and occupiede þe citee bi ſtrengþe. þan heiþen men.
xxiiii And he wente out in to alle cooſtis of Judee in cumpas,
Capitulum VII. and dide veniaunce in to men forſakers, and þei ceſiden for to
i In
go out ferþer in to þe cuntree.
þe hundrid ȝeer and oon and fifty Demetrie, ſone of xxv Forſoþe Alchymus ſeeȝ, for Judas hadde victorie, and þei
Seleuci, wente out fro Rome citee, and ſtiede wiþ fewe men þat weren wiþ hym; and he knewȝ for he may not ſuſteyne
in to a citee niȝ þe ſee, and regnyde þere. hem, and he wente aȝein to þe kyng, and accuſide hem in
ii And it is don, as he entride in to hous of þe rewme of his
many ſynnys.
fadris, þe ooſt cauȝte Antiochus, and Liſias, for to brenge xxvi And þe kyng ſent Nychanor, oon of his nobler princis,
hem to hym. þat was hauntynge enmytees aȝeinus Yrael; and he
iii And þe þyng was knowen to hym, and he ſaiþ, Nyl ȝe
comaundide him for to diſtruye þe peple.
ſhewe to me þe face of hem. xxvii And Nychanor came in to Jeruſalem, wiþ grete ooſt, and
iiii And þe ooſt ſlewȝ hem. And Demetrie ſate vpon þe ſete of
he ſente to Judas and his breþeren wiþ gyle, by peſible
his rewme; wordis, ſayinge,
v and wickid men and vnpitous of Yrael camen to hym, and xxviii Fiȝt be not bitwixe me and ȝou; I ſhal cume wiþ fewe
Alchymus, duyke of hem, þat wolde be maad preſt. men, for to ſee ȝoure faces wiþ pees.
vi And þei accuſiden þe peple anentus þe kyng, ſayinge, Judas xxix And he cam to Judas, and þei gretten hem to gidre
and his breþeren han loſte þi freendus, and ſcateride vs fro peſibli; and enmyes weren redy for to rauyſhe Judas.
oure lond. xxx And þe word was knowen to Judas, for wiþ gyle he came
vii Now þerfore ſende þou a man, to whom þou byleeuyſt, þat
to hym; and he is broken togidre of hym, and he wolde
he go, and ſee all þe diſtruying þat he haþ don to vs, and to namore ſee his face.
cuntrees of þe kyng; and he punyſhiþ alle his frendis, and þe xxxi And Nychanor knewe, þat his conceile is knowen, and he
helpers of hem. wente out aȝeinus Judas in to fiȝt, biſidis Capharſalma.
viii And þe kyng cheſe of his freendis Bachides, þat was lord
xxxii And þere fellen doun of Nychanoris ooſt almeſt fyue
ouer þe grete flood in þe rewme, and trewe to þe kyng, and þouſand men, and þei fledden in to þe citee of Dauyd.
he ſente hym, for to ſee þe diſtruying þat Judas dide; xxxiii And after þeſe wordis Nychanore ſtiede in to þe hille of
ix and he ordeynyde vnpytous Alchymus in to preſthode, and
badde hym do veniaunce in to þe ſonys of Yrael. Syon, and þere wenten out of preſtis of þe peple, for to greete
x And þei ryſen, and camen wiþ greete ooſt in to þe lond of
hym in pees, and for to ſhewe to hym brent ſacrifices, þat þei
offriden for þe kyng.
Juda; and þei ſenten meſſangers, and ſpaken to Judas and xxxiiii And he ſcornynge diſpiſide hem, and defoulide, and
his breþeren, wiþ peſible wordis in gyle. ſpake proudly,
xi And þei ȝauen not tente to her wordis; ſoþely þei ſawen, for
xxxv and ſwore wiþ wraþ, ſayinge, Ȝif Judas ſhal not be
þei camen wiþ greet ooſt. taken, and his ooſt, in myn hoondis, anoon whanne Y ſhal
xii And þe congregacioun of ſcribes camen to gydre to
turne aȝein in pees, Y ſhal brenne þis hous. And he wente
Alchymus and Bachides, for to axe what þingus be iuſt; out wiþ grete wraþ.
xiii and þe firſt Aſſideys, þat weren in þe ſonys of Yrael, and xxxvi And þe preſtis entriden, and ſtoden bifore face of þe
þei axiden of hem pees. autir and of þe temple, and weepynge ſaiden,
xiiii Soþely þei ſaiden, A man, preſt of þe ſeed of Aaron, xxxvii Þou, Lord, haſt choſen þis hous, for to inclepe þi name
cummeþ, he ſhal not diſceyue vs. in it, þat it were an hous of preyer and biſechyng to þi peple;


xxxviii do venieaunce in þis man, and his ooſt, and falle þei ix and for þei þat weren anentis Elada, wolden go, and take
in ſwerd; haue mynde of þe blasfemyes of hem, and ȝeue not hem;
hem þat þei abide. x and þe word was knowen to þeſe, and þei ſenten to hem oo
xxxix And Nychanor wente out fro Jeruſalem, and appliede duyk, and þei fouȝten aȝeinus hem; and many of hem fellen,
tentis to Betheron; and þe ooſt of Syrie cam to hym. and þei ledden her wijues caitifs, and ſonys, and robbiden
xl And Judas appliede in Adarſa, wiþ þree þouſand men. And hem; and weldiden þe lond of hem, and diſtruyeden þe wallis
Judas preyide, and ſaide, of hem, and dryuen hem in to ſeruage, til in to þis day.
xli Lord, an aungel wente out, and ſmote an hundrid xi And þei diſtruyeden oþer rewmys and ylis, þat ſumtyme
foureſcore and fyue þouſandis of hem, þat weren ſent fro kyng aȝein ſtoden hem, and dryuen hem in to power.
Senacherib, for þei blasfemyden þee; xii Forſoþe wiþ her freendis, and þat hadden reſt in hem, þei
xlii ſo breke þou togidre þis ooſt in oure ſiȝt to day, and wite kepten frenſhip, and þei weldiden rewmys þat weren next, and
oþer men, for yuel he ſpak on þin holy þingus, and deme þou þat weren fer; for who euer herden þe name of hem, dredden
hym vp þe malice of hym. hem.
xliii And þe ooſtis ioynyden bateil, in þe þrittenþe day of þe xiii For þei regnyden, to whom þei wolden be in help for to
moneþ Adar; and þe tentis of Nychanor ben broken to gidre, regne; and whom þei wolden, fro rewme þei diſtourbliden; and
and he felle doun þe firſt in bateil. þei ben gretely enhaunſid.
xliiii Soþely as his ooſt ſeeȝ, for Nychanor felle doun, þei xiiii And in alle þeſe no man bare diademe, neþer was cloþid
caſtiden awey her armers, and fledden. in purpre, for to be magnyfied þerynne.
xlv And þei purſueden hem þe way of oo day, fro Adaſor vnto xv And for þei maden to hem a courte, and eche day þei
me come in to Gazera; and þei ſungen in trumpis after hem counſeiliden þree hundrid and twenti, doynge counſeile
wiþ ſignyfiyngus. euermore of multitude, þat þei do what þingus ben worþi.
xlvi And þei wenten out of alle þe caſtellis of Judee in xvi And þei bitakun to oo man her maiſtrie, or cheef
cumpas, and wynnewiden hem wiþ hornys, and eftſoone gouernaunce, bi eche ȝeeris, for to be lord to al her lond; and
weren conuertid to hem; and þei fellen alle in ſwerd, and þer alle obeiſhen to oon, and enuye is not, neþer wraþ among
is not left of hem neþer oon. hem.
xlvii And þei token þe ſpuylis of hem in to pray; and þei xvii And Judas cheſe Eupolemus, ſone of Joon, ſone of
kittiden of þe hed of Nychanor, and his riȝthond whiche he Jacob, and Jaſon, ſone of Eleazarus, and he ſente hem to
ſtrechide proudly, and þei brouȝten to, and hangiden aȝeinis Rome, for to ordeyne wiþ hem frendſhip and felawſhip;
Jeruſalem. xviii and þat þei ſhulde take awey fro hem þe ȝoc of Greekis,
xlviii And þe peple gladide gretely, and diden þat day in grete for þei ſawen þat þei oppreſiden þe rewme of Yrael in to
gladneſſe; ſeruage.
xlix and ordeynyde þis day for to be don in alle ȝeeris, in þe xix And þei wenten to Rome, a ful grete way, and þei
þrittynþ day of þe moneþ Adar. entriden þe courte, and ſaiden,
l And þe lond of Juda was ſtille a fewe dayes. xx Judas Machabeus, and his breþeren, and þe peple of
Jewis ſenten vs to ȝou, for to ordeyne wiþ ȝou felawſhip and
pees, and for togidre write vs ȝoure felawis and freendis.
Capitulum VIII. xxi And þe word pleſide in ſiȝt of hem.
i And Judas herde þe name of Romeynys, for þei ben miȝty xxii And þis aȝein wrytyng is, whiche þei aȝein wryten in
in ſtrengþis, and acorden to alle þingis þat ben axid of hem; braſen tablis, and ſenten in to Jeruſalem, þat it were þere a
and who euer wente to hem, þei ordeynyden wiþ hem memorial, or a þing of mynde, of pees and felawſhip.
frendſhipus; xxiii Be it wel to Romayns, and to folk of Jewis, in ſee and
ii and for þei ben miȝty in ſtrengþis. And þei herden bateyls
lond, in to wiþ outen eende; and ſwerd and enmye be fer fro
of hem, and good vertues, þat þei don in Galacie, for þei hem.
weldiden hem, and ledden vndir tribute; xxiiii Þat ȝif bateil ſhal aȝein ſtonde Romayns former, or to
iii and hou many þingus þei diden in þe cuntree of Spayne,
alle felowis of hem in al þe lordſhip of hem,
and þat in to power þei dryuen metalis of ſyluer and gold þat xxv þe folc of Jewis ſhal bere help, as tyme ſhal axe, wiþ ful
ben þere; herte;
iiii and weldiden eche place wiþ her conſeile, and pacient
xxvi `and þei ſhuln not ȝeue, neþer priuyli mynyſtre to þe
places þat weren ful fer fro hem; and kyngus þat camen fiȝtyng, whete, armers, monee, ſhippus, as it pleſide to
aboue to hem fro þe vttemeſt places of erþe, þei braken to Romayns; and þei ſhuln keepe þe maundementis of hem, no
gydre, and ſmyten hem wiþ grete plage; forſoþe oþer ȝyuen to þing takynge of hem.
hem tribute alle ȝeeris. xxvii Alſo forſoþe and ȝif bateil ſhal falle bifore to þe folk of
v And þei braken to gidre in bateil Philip, and Perſen, kyng
of Cetheis, and oþer þat baren armers aȝeinus hem, and þei Jewis, Romayns ſhuln helpe of ynwitt, or good herte, as
weldiden hem; tyme ſhal ſuffre hem;
xxviii and to hem helpynge whete ſhal not be ȝouen, armers,
vi and Antiochus, þe grete kyng of Aſye, þat ȝaue bateil to
hem, hauynge an hundred and twenti olifauntis, and rydyng, money, ſhippus, as it pleſide to Romayns; and þei ſhuln keep
and charys, and ful greet ooſt, broken togidre of hem; þe maundementis of hem wiþ outen gyle.
xxix After þeſe wordis Romaynes ordeynyden to þe peple of
vii and for þei token hym quyk, and ordeynyden to hym, þat
he ſhulde ȝeue grete tribute, and þei þat regnyden after hym; Jewis,
xxx Þat ȝif after þeſe wordis, þeſe or þei ſhuln woln for to
and ſhulden ȝeue pleggis and ordenaunce,
viii and þe cuntree of Yndis, and men of Mede, and of Lidde, putte eny þing to, or do awey, þei ſhuln do of her purpoſyng;
of þe beſt cuntrees of hem, and þei ȝauen hem taken of hem and what euere þingus þei ſhuln putte to, or do awey, þei
to kyng Eumenij; ſhuln be ſtedfaſt.


xxxi Bot and of yuels whiche kyng Demetrie haþ don in to xxii And oþer wordis of bateilis of Judas, and of vertues þat
hem, we han writen to hym, ſayinge, Whi haſt þou greeuyd þi he dide, and his greteneſſis, ben not writen; forſoþe þei weren
ȝock vpon oure freendis and felawis, þe Jewis? ful manye.
xxxii Þerfore ȝif eft ſoone þei ſhuln cumme to vs aȝeinus þee, xxiii And it is don, after þe deþ of Judas, alle wickid men in
we ſhuln do dom to hem, and we ſhuln fiȝte wiþ þee by lond alle cooſtis of Yrael ryſen out, and alle þat wrouȝten
and ſee. wickidneſſe ben born out ſprungen.
xxiiii In þo days ful grete hungre is maad, and all þe cuntre
Capitulum IX. of hem bitoke hem ſelf to Bachides wiþ hem.
xxv And Bachides cheſe vnpytous men, and ordeynyde hem
i In þe mene tyme, wher Demetrie herde þat Nychanor felle,
and his ooſt, in bateil, he puttide to eftſoone for to ſende lordis of þe cuntree.
xxvi And þei axiden out, and ſouȝten þe freendis of Judas,
Bachides and Alchymus in to Judee, and þe riȝt horn wiþ
hem. and brouȝten hem to Bachides; and he vengide in to hem,
ii And þei wenten þe weye þat lediþ in to Galgala, and þei and ſcornyde.
xxvii And grete tribulacioun is maad in Yrael, what manere
ſettiden tentis in Maſoloth, þat is in Arbellis; and þei
occupieden it, and ſlewen manye lyues of men. was not fro þe day in whiche a prophete is not ſeen in Yrael.
iii In þe firſt moneþ of an hundrid and two and fifti ȝeer, þei xxviii And alle þe frendis of Judas ben gadrid, and ſaiden to
applieden þe ooſt to Jeruſalem. Jonathas,
iiii And twenti þouſand of men, and two þouſand of horſmen, xxix Siþen þi broþer Judas is dead, þer is no man lijc to
han riſen, and wente in to Berea. hym, þat ſhal go out aȝeinus enmyes, Bachides and hem þat
v And Judas ſette tentys in Layſa, and þree þouſand choſen ben enmyes of oure folc.
xxx And ſo now we cheſe þee to day for to be prince to vs
men wiþ hym.
vi And þei ſawen þe multitude of ooſt, for þei ben many, and and duyk for hym, for to fiȝte oure bateil.
xxxi And Jonathas reſceyuyde in þat tyme þe princehod, and
þei dredden gretely; and manye wiþdrewen hem fro tentis, and
þere leften not of hem no bot eiȝte hundrid men. roſe in þe place of Judas, his broþer.
vii And Judas ſawȝ for his ooſt flette awey, and bateil xxxii And Bachides knewe, and ſouȝte for to ſlea hym.
conſtreynyde hym, he is broken to gydre in herte, for he hadde xxxiii And Jonathas knewe, and Symont, his broþer, and alle
not tyme of gadryng hem, and he is diſſoluyd, or þat weren wiþ hym, and þei fledden in to deſert Techue, and
diſcounfortid. ſaten to gidre at þe water of þe lake Aphar.
viii And he ſaide to þeſe þat weren reſidue, Ryſe we, and go xxxiiii And Bachides knewe, and in day of ſabothis he came,
we to oure aduerſaries, ȝif we ſhuln mowe fiȝt aȝeinus hem. and alle his ooſt, ouer Jordan.
ix And þei turnyden hem awey, ſayinge, We ſhuln not mown, xxxv And he ſente his broþer duyk of þe peple, and preyede
bot delyuere we nowe oure lyues, and turne we aȝein to oure Nabutheis, his frendis, þat he ſhulde bitake to hem his
breþeren, and þanne we ſhuln fiȝte aȝeins hem; forſoþe we ben appareil, þat was plenteuous.
fewe. xxxvi And þe ſonys of Sambri wenten out of Madaba, and
x And Judas ſeiþ, Fer be it for to do þis þing, þat we flee
cauȝten Joon, and alle þingus þat he hadde, and wenten
fro hem; and ȝif oure tyme haþ neiȝid, dye we in vertu of awey, hauynge hem.
oure breþeren, and ȝeue we not cryme to oure glorie. xxxvii After þeſe wordis it is tolde aȝein to Jonathas, and
xi And þe ooſt moued of tentis, and þei ſtoden aȝeinus hem.
Symont, his broþer, for þe ſonys of Sambry maken grete
And horſmen ben departid in two parties, and ſlyngers and weddingus, and wedden a wijf of Madaba, þe douȝtre of oon
archers wenten bifore þe ooſt, and þe firſt of þe bateil al þe of þe grete princis of Canaan, wiþ grete pride.
miȝty. xxxviii And þei biþouȝten of þe blood of Joon, his broþer, and
xii Forſoþe Bachides was in þe riȝt horn, or cornere. And þe
ſtieden vp, and hidden hem ſelf vndir keueryng of þe hill.
legioun of two partis came niȝ, and crieden wiþ trumpis. xxxix And þei reiſiden her eeȝen, and ſawen, and loo! noys,
xiii Forſoþe and þeſe þat weren of þe part of Judas, crieden
and grete appareyl; and a ſpouſe, or huſbond, cam forþ, and
alſo þei, and þe erþe is moued to gidre of þe voice of ooſtis, his frendis, and his breþeren aȝeinus hem, wiþ tympans, and
and bateil is ioyned fro morewe vn to euen. muſykis, and many armers.
xiiii And Judas ſeeȝ, þat þe part of Bachides ooſt is ſadder in xl And þei riſen to hem of aſpies, and ſlewen hem, and many
þe riȝt half, and alle ſtedfaſt in herte camen to gidre wiþ hym. woundid fellen doun, and þe reſidues fledden in to þe hill,
xv And þe riȝt part is broken togydre of hem; and he purſuede and þei token alle þe ſpuylis of hem;
hem vn to þe hill of Azotus. xli and þe weddingus ben conuertid in to mournyng, and þe
xvi And þei þat weren in þe left horn, ſawen, þat þe riȝt horn voice of her muſikis in to weyling.
is broken to gidre, and þei ſueden after Judas, and hem þat xlii And þei vengiden þe veniaunce of her broþers blood, and
weren wiþ hym at þe bac. þei turnyden aȝein to þe ryuer of Jordan.
xvii And þe bateil is maad greuouſe, and þere fellen manye xliii And Bachides herde, and came in þe day of ſabothis vn
woundid of þeſe and of hem. to þe vttermoſt part of Jordan, in grete vertu.
xviii And Judas felle, and þe oþer fledden. xliiii And Jonathas ſaide to hiſe, Ryſe we, and fiȝte aȝeinus
xix And Jonathas and Symont token her broþer Judas, and oure enmyes; forſoþe it is not to day as ȝiſterday and þe þrid
birieden hym in þe ſepulcre of his fadris, in þe citee Modyn. day gon.
xx And al Yrael wepten hym wiþ grete weylyng, and þei xlv Loo! ſoþeli bateil euen aȝeinus; ſoþeli water of Jordan on
mourneden manye days, and ſaiden, þis half and on þat half, and ryuers, and mareys, and wijld
xxi Hou felle þe miȝty, þat maad Yrael ſaaf? woodis, and þere is not place of turnyng awey.
xlvi Now þerfore crie ȝe in to heuen, þat ȝe be delyuered fro
hond of ȝour enmyes.


xlvii And bateil is ioyned. And Jonathas ſtrauȝte out his lxx And Jonathas knewe, and he ſente legatis to hym, for to
hond, for to ſmyte Bachides, and he turnyde awey fro hym make pees wiþ hym, and ȝeelde to hym caitiftee.
byhynde. lxxi And wilfully he toke, and dide after his wordis, and
xlviii And Jonathas lippide out, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, ſwore hym to doyng to hym no þing of yuel alle days of his
in to Jordan, and ſwame ouer Jordan to hem. lyf.
xlix And þere fellen of Bachides part in þat day a þouſand lxxii And he ȝeeldide to hym caitiftee, whiche he toke by praye
men, bifore of þe lond of Juda. And he turnyd aȝein wente into his
l and þei turnyden aȝein in to Jeruſalem. And þei beeldiden lond, and puttide namore for to cume in to his cooſtis.
ſtronge citees in Judee, þe ſtrengþe þat was in Jerico, and in lxxiii And ſwerd ceeſide of Yrael. And Jonathas dwellide in
Ammaum, and in Betheron, and Bethel, and Thamathan, Machinas, and þere Jonathas bigane for to deme þe peple,
and Phara, and Copho, wiþ heeȝ wallis, and ȝatis, and and diſtruye vnpitous men of Yrael.
li And he ſette keepynge in hem, þat þei ſhulden haunte Capitulum X.
ennemitees in Irael; i And
lii and he ſtrengþide þe citee Bethſura, and Gazaram, and þe in þe hundrid and ſixtiþe ȝeer Aliſaundre, ſone of
heeȝ rocke; and he puttide in hem helpis, and appareil of Antiochus, þat is named noble, ſtiede vp, and occupiede
metis. Ptholomaida; and þei reſceyuyden hym, and he regnyde þere.
ii And kyng Demetrie herde, and gadride an ooſt ful copiouſe,
liii And he toke ſonys of princis of þe cuntree in oſtage, or
plegis, and he putte hem in þe heeȝ rocke in Jeruſalem, in and wente out aȝeinus hym in to bateil.
iii And Demetrie ſente an epiſtle to Jonathas wiþ peſible
liiii And in þe hundreþ ȝeere and þree and fiftiþe, in þe wordis, for to magnyfye hym.
iiii Soþely he ſaide, Bifore take we for to make pees wiþ
ſecounde moneþ, Alchymus comaundide þe wallis of þe holy
ynner hous for to be diſtruyed, and þe werkis of prophetus for hym, bifore þat he make wiþ Aliſaundre aȝeinus vs;
to be diſtruyed, and he byganne for to diſtruye. v ſoþely he ſhal haue mynde of alle yuels, þat we han don into
lv In þat tyme Alchymus is ſmyten, and þe werkis of hym him, and in to his broþer, and in to his folc.
ben lettid. And his mouþ is cloſid, and he is diſſolued by vi And he ȝaue hym power of gadryng ooſt, and for to make
palaſie, neþer he miȝte ſpek ouere a word, and comaunde of armeris, and hym for to be his felawe. And he comaundide
his hous. ooſtagis, þat were in þe heeȝ rocke, for to be ȝouen to hym.
lvi And Alchymus is dead in þat tyme, wiþ grete tourment. vii And Jonathas came in to Jeruſalem, and radde þe piſtlis,
lvii And Bachides ſeeȝ þat Alchymus is dead, and he turnyde in heerynge of al þe peple, and of hem þat weren in þe heeȝ
aȝein to þe kyng, and þe lond was ſtille two ȝeer. rocke.
lviii And alle wickid men þouȝten, ſaiynge, Loo! Jonathas, viii And þei dredden wiþ grete dreed, for þei herden, þat þe
and þei þat ben wiþ hym, dwellen in ſilence, triſtyng; now kyng ȝaue to hym power of gadryng an ooſt.
þerfore brenge we Bachides, and he ſhal cacche hem al in oo ix And þe ooſtagis ben bitaken to Jonathas; and he ȝeeldide
niȝt. hem to her fadris and moders.
lix And þei wenten forþ, and ȝauen counſeil to hym. x And Jonathas dwellide in Jeruſalem, and bygan for to
lx And he roſe, for to cume wiþ miche ooſt. And he ſente beelde and to renule þe citee.
epiſtilis priuely to his felawis, þat weren in Judee, þat þei xi And he ſaide to men doynge werkis, þat þei ſhulden make
ſhulden cacche Jonathas, and hem þat weren wiþ hym; bot þei vp þe wallis, and þe hill of Syon in cumpas, wiþ ſquare
miȝten not, for her counſeil was knowen to hem. ſtoones to ſtrengþing; and ſo þei diden.
lxi And he cauȝte of men of þe cuntree, þat weren princis of xii And aliens fledden, þat weren in þe ſtrengþus, whom
kniȝthode, fifty men, and ſlewȝ hem. Bachides hadde bildide;
lxii And Jonathas and Symont wente, and þei þat weren wiþ xiii and eche man lafte his place, and wente in to his lond.
hym, in to Bethbeſſe, þat is in deſert, and beeldiden þe xiiii Oonly in Bethſura dwelten ſumme of hem, þat forſoken
diſtruyed þingus þerof, and maden it ſtronge. þe lawe and þe heeſtis of God; ſoþeli þis was to hem to
lxiii And Bachides knewe, and gadride al his multitude, and
denounſide to hem þat weren of Judee. xv And kyng Aliſaundre herde þe biheeſtis, þat kyng Demetrie
lxiiii And he came, and ſette tentis aboue Bethbeſſe, and
bihiȝte to Jonathas, and þei teelden to him bateilis and
fauȝte aȝeinus it manye days, and made engynes. vertues whiche he dide, and his breþeren, and þe traueils
lxv And Jonathas lafte Symont, his broþer, in þe citee, and whiche þei traueiliden;
wente oute in to cuntree, and came wiþ noumbre; xvi and ſaiþ, Wher we ſhuln fynde eny ſiche man? Alſo nowe
lxvi and ſmote Odaren, and his breþeren, and þe ſonys of make we hym frend, and oure felawe.
Phaſeron, in þe tabernaclis of hem, xvii And he wrote an epiſtle, and ſente vp þeſe wordis,
lxvii and he bigan for to ſmyte, and waxe in vertues. Simont ſayinge,
ſoþely, and þey þat weren wiþ hym, wenten oute of þe citee, xviii Kyng Aliſaundre to Jonathas, broþer, helþe.
and brenten engynes. xix We han herde of þee, þat þou art a miȝti man in
lxviii And þei fouȝten aȝeinus Bachides, and he is to gidre ſtrengþis, and art able þat þou be oure freend.
broken of hem; and þei tourmentiden hym gretely for his xx And nowe ordeyne we þee to day heeȝiſt preſt of þi folk,
counſeil, and his goyng to togidre was void. and þat þou be clepid freend of þe kyng. And he ſente to hym
lxix And he wroþe aȝeinus þe wickid men, þat ȝauen counſeile
purpre, and a golden crowne, þat þou feele wiþ vs what
to hym for to cumme in to her cuntree, ſlewȝ many of hem; þingus oure ben, and kepe frenſhipis to vs.
forſoþe he þouȝte wiþ oþer for to go in to his cuntree. xxi And Jonathas cloþide hym wiþ þe holy ſtoole, in þe
ſeuenþe moneþe, in þe hundrid and ſixtiþe ȝere, in þe


ſolempne day of Senophegie. And he gadride an ooſt, and diſmittid, or releſid; and alle þingis þat ben to hem in my
made copiouſe armers. rewme, be hadde free.
xxii And Demetrie herde þeſe wordis, and is maad ful xliiii And to bilde, or reſtore, werkis of holy þingus, expenſis
ſorewful, and ſaiþ, ſhuln be ȝouen of þe kyngus reſoun, and for to bilde out þe
xxiii What han we do þis þing, þat Aliſaundre bifore ocupiede wallis of Jeruſalem;
vs, for to cacche þe frenſhipe of Jewis to his ſtrengþing? xlv and for to make ſtronge in cumpas, ſpenſis ſhuln be ȝouen
xxiiii And Y ſhal wryte to hym preying wordis, and of of þe kyngus reſoun, for to make out wallis in Judee.
dignitee, and ȝiftis, þat he be wiþ me in help. xlvi As Jonathas and þe peple herde þeſe wordis, þei
xxv And he wrote to hym in þeſe wordis, Kyng Demetrie to bileeuyden not to hem, neþer reſceyuyden; for þei hadden
þe folk of Jewis, helþe. mynde of þe grete malice þat he hadde don in Yrael, and
xxvi For ȝe kepten to vs couenaunt, and dwelten in oure trubliden hem gretely.
xlvii And it pleſide to gidre to hem in to Alyſaundre, for he
frenſhip, and wenten not to oure enmyes, we herden, and
ioyeden. was to hem prince of wordis of pees, and to hym þei baren
xxvii And nowe laſte ȝe ȝit for to kepe to vs feiþ; and we help in alle days.
xlviii And kyng Aliſaundre gadride a grete ooſt, and mouyde
ſhuln quyte to ȝou good þingus, for þeſe þingus þat ȝe diden
wiþ vs, tentis aȝeinus Demetrie.
xxviii and we ſhuln forȝeue to ȝou many ȝeuyngus of rentis, xlix And þe kyngis ioynyde bateil, and þe ooſt of Demetrie
and we ſhuln ȝeue ȝiftis to ȝou. fledde; and Aliſaundre purſuede hym, and lay vpon hym;
xxix And nowe Y aſſoile ȝou, and alle Jewis, of tributis, and l and þe bateil was ful ſtronge, til þe ſunne wente doun, and
I forȝeue to ȝou þe pricis of ſalt, and forȝeue crownys, Demetrie fledde in þat day.
xxx and þe þriddis of ſeed; and þe half part of fruyt of tree, li And Aliſaundre ſente to Ptholome, kyng of Egypt, legatis
þat is of my porcioun, I leue to ȝou fro þis day, and wiþ after þeſe wordis,
ynne forþ, þat it be not taken of þe lond of Juda, and of þree lii ſayinge, For Y am gon aȝein in to my rewme, and ſatte in
citees þat ben addid þerto, of Samarie and Galile, fro þis day ſeete of my faders; and Y haue weldide princehode, and haue
in to al tyme. broken togidre Demetrie, and haue weldide oure cuntree;
xxxi And Jeruſalem be holy, and free, wiþ his cooſtis; and liii and haue ioynyde wiþ hym fiȝt, and he is broken to gidre
tiþis and tributis be of it. and his tentis of vs, and we ſaten in ſete of his rewme.
xxxii Alſo Y forȝeue þe power of þe heeȝ rocke, þat is in liiii And nowe ordeyne we to gidre frenſhip, and ȝeue to me þi
Jeruſalem; and Y ȝeue it to þe heeiſt preſt, þat he ordeyne douȝter wijf, and Y ſhal be þi douȝter hoſbond; and Y ſhal
þerynne men, whom euere he ſhal cheeſe, þat ſhuln kepe it. ȝeue to þee ȝiftis, and to hir dignitee.
xxxiii And eche ſoule of Jewis, þat is caitif of þe lond of lv And kyng Ptolome anſwerde, ſaiynge, Bleſſid þe day in
Juda, in al my rewme, Y leue wilfully wiþ out money; þat whiche þou turnediſt aȝein to þe lond of þi fadris, and haſt
alle be ſoiled of her tributis, ȝea, of her beeſtus. ſitten in ſete of þe rewme `of hem.
xxxiiii And alle ſolempne days, and ſabothis, and neomenyes, lvi And nowe Y ſhal do to þee whiche þingus þou haſt writen;
and alle days ordeyned, and þree days before þe ſolempne bot come þou aȝeinus me to Ptholomayda, þat we ſee vs
day, and þree dais after þe ſolempne day, `be alle dais of togidre, and Y biheete þee, as þou ſaidiſt.
ynmunite, or fraunchiſe, and of remiſſioun, to alle Jewis þat lvii And Ptholome wente out of Egypt, he, and Cleopatra, his
ben in my rewme. douȝter; and he came to Ptholomaida, in þe hundrid and two
xxxv And no man ſhal haue power for to do eny þing, and and ſixti ȝeer.
moue needis, or cauſis, aȝeinus eny of hem in al cauſe. lviii And kyng Aliſaundre came to hym; and he ȝaue to hym
xxxvi And þat þere be writen to of Jewis in þe kyngus ooſt, Cleopatra, his douȝter, and made his weddyngus at
to þritti þouſandis of men; and plentees ſhuln be ȝouen to Ptolomaida, as kyngus in grete glorie.
hem, as it byhoueþ to alle ooſtis of þe kyng. lix And kyng Aliſaundre wrote to Jonathas, þat he ſhulde
xxxvii And of hem ſhuln be ordeynyde, þat ben in þe grete come aȝeinus hym.
ſtrengþis of þe kyng; of hem ſhuln be ordeyned ouer needis of lx And he wente wiþ glorie to Ptholomaida, and came þere to
þe rewme, þat ben don of feiþ, and princis be of hem; and two kyngis, and ȝaue to hem miche ſyluer, and gold, and
walke þei in her lawis, as þe kyng comaundide in þe lond of ȝiftis; and he fonde grace in ſiȝt of hem.
Juda. lxi And men of Yrael, ful of venym, camen togidre aȝeinus
xxxviii And þree citees, þat ben addid to Judee of þe cuntre of
hym, wickid men, axinge aȝeinus hym, and þe kyng toke no
Samarie, be rettid, or demyd, wiþ Judee; þat þei be vnder tente to hem;
oon, and obeye not to oþer power, no bot to þe heeȝeſt preſt; lxii and comaundide Jonathas for to be maad nakid of his
xxxix Ptholomayda, and cooſtis þerof, whiche Y haue ȝouen a
cloþis, and hym for to be cloþid in purpre; and ſo þei diden.
ȝift to þe holy þat ben in Jeruſalem, to needful coſtis of lxiii And þe kyng ſette hym for to ſitte wiþ hym, and ſaide to
xl And I ſhal ȝeue in eche ȝeris fiftene þouſandis of ſiclis of his princis, Go ȝe out wiþ hym in to mydil of þe citee, and
preche, þat no man axe aȝeinus hym of eny need, or cauſe,
ſyluer, of þe kyngis reyſons, þat perteynen to me; neþer eny man be heuy to hym of eny reſoun.
xli and al þat ſhal be reſidue, whiche þei þat weren ouer lxiiii And it is don, þat þei þat axiden, or apeliden hym,
needis ȝeelden not in former ȝeeris, fro þis tyme þei ſhuln ſawen his glorie þat was prechid, and hym keuerd wiþ
ȝeue in to werkis of þe hous. purpre, fledden alle.
xlii And ouer þis fyue þouſand ſiclis of ſyluer, whiche þei lxv And þe kyng magnyfiede hym, and wrote hym amonge þe
token of reſoun of holy þingus by eche ȝeeris; and þeſe þingus firſt freendis, and he putte him duyk, and parcener, or felawe,
ſhuln perteyne to preſtis, þat ben ſett in miniſterie. of princehode.
xliii And who euer ſhuln flee to þe temple þat is in Jeruſalem, lxvi And Jonathas turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem, wiþ pees
and in alle cooſtus þerof, gylty to þe kyng, in eche cauſe be and gladneſſe.


lxvii In þe hundrid ȝeer and fyue and ſixtiþe, Demetrie, ſone Capitulum XI.
of Demetrie, came fro Crete in to þe lond of his fadris. i And
lxviii And kyng Aliſaundre herde, and is maad ful ſorewful, þe kyng of Egypt gadride an ooſt, as grauel þat is
and turnide aȝein in to Antioche. about brynk of þe ſe, and many ſhippus; and ſouȝte for to
lxix And Demetrie ordeynide Appolonye duyk, þat was
weelde þe rewme of Aliſaundre in gyle, and adde it to his
ſouereyn to Seleſerie; and gadride his grete ooſt, and came to ii And he wente out in to Syrie wiþ peſible wordis, and þei
Jamnyam; and he ſente to Jonathas, heeȝiſt preſt, ſayinge, opnyden to hym citees, and camen to hym; for kyng
Þou aloone aȝeinſtodiſt vs? Aliſaundre comaundide for to go out aȝeinus hym, for he was
lxx Y am maad in to ſcoorn and ſhenſhip, þerfore for þou
fader of þe kyngus wijf.
hauntiſt power in hillis aȝeinus vs. iii Soþeli whan Ptolome entride a citee, he putte keepyngus of
lxxi Nowe þerfore ȝif þou triſteſt in þi vertues, come doun to
kniȝtis in eche citees.
vs in to þe feeld; and þere comparyſoun we to gidre, for wiþ iiii And as he neiȝide to Azotus, þei ſhewiden to hym þe
me is vertu of bateilis. temple of Dagon brente in fijre, and Azotus, and oþer þingus
lxxii Axe þou, and lerne who Y am, and oþer þat ben in help
þerof diſtruyed, and bodies caſt forþ, and þe biryels of hem
to me, and whiche ſayn, for ȝour fote may not ſtonde aȝeinus þat weren ſlayn in bateil, whiche þei maden biſidis þe wey.
oure face, for þi faders ben conuertid in to fliȝt twyis in to v And þei teelden to þe kyng, for Jonathas dide þeſe þingus,
her lond. for to make enuye to hym; and þe kyng was ſtille.
lxxiii And now hou ſhalt þou mowe ſuſteyne rydyng, and ſo
vi And Jonathas came to þe kyng wiþ glorie in Joppen, and
grete ooſt in þe feeld, where is no ſtoon, ne rocke, neþer place þei gretten hem to gidre; and þei ſlepten þere.
of fleeȝynge? vii And Jonathas wente wiþ þe kyng `vn to þe flood þat is
lxxiiii Soþely as Jonathas herde þe wordis of Appolonye, he
was moued in ynwitt; and he chees ten þouſand of men, and clepid Eleutherus, and turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem.
viii Soþeli kyng Ptholome weeldide þe lordſhip of citees `vn to
wente out fro Jeruſalem, and Symont, his broþer, came to
hym in to helpe. Sileuce, by þe ſee cooſt, and þouȝte to Aliſaundre yuel
lxxv And þei applieden tentis in Joppen, and he ſhitte hym counſeils;
ix and ſente legatis to Demetrie, ſayinge, Cumme þou, make
out fro þe citee, for Joppen was þe keepyng of Appolonye;
lxxvi and he fauȝte aȝeinus it. And þei agaſt, þat weren wiþ we bitwix vs couenaunt, and Y ſhal ȝeue to þee my douȝter,
ynne þe citee, opnyden to hym; and Jonathas weeldide whom Aliſaundre haþ, and þou ſhalt regne in rewme of þi
Joppen. fadir.
x Forſoþe it rewiþ me, for Y ȝaue to hym my douȝter; ſoþeli
lxxvii And Appolonye herde, and mouede to þree þouſand of
horſmen, and myche ooſt; and he wente to Azotum, as he ſouȝte for to ſlea me.
xi And he diſpiſide hym þerfore, for he coueitide þe rewme of
makynge þe waye. And anoon he wente out in to þe feelde,
for þat he had multitude of horſmen, and he triſtnyde in hem; hym.
lxxviii and Jonathas ſuede hym in to Azotum, and þei xii And he toke awey his douȝter, and ȝaue hir to Demetrie,
ioyniden bateil. and alienede hym fro Aliſaundre; and his enmytees ben maad
lxxix And Appolonye lefte in þe tentis a þouſand horſmen after knowen.
xiii And Ptholome entride Antioche, and ynputtide two
hem priuyly.
lxxx And Jonatas knewe for aſpies ben after hym, and þei dyademes to his hed, of Egipt and Aſie.
xiiii Forſoþe Aliſaundre was in Cilice in þo tymes, for þei
enuyrounden his tentis, and caſtiden dartes in to þe peple, fro
morew vn to euyn. rebelliden, þat weren in þo placis.
lxxxi Forſoþe þe peple ſtode, as Jonathas comaundide, and þe xv And Aliſaundre herde, and came to hym in to bateil; and
horſis of hem traueiliden out. Ptholome, kyng, brouȝt forþ þe ooſt, and came to hym in
lxxxii And Symount caſtide out his ooſt, and ioynide aȝeinus ſtrong hond, and drofe hym.
xvi And Aliſaundre fleiȝ in to Araby, for to be defendid þere;
þe legioun; forſoþe þe horſmen weren maad wery, and ben
togidre broken of hym, and fledden. ſoþely kyng Ptholome is enhaunſid.
lxxxiii And þei ben ſcaterd in to þe feeld, and fledden in to xvii And Gadiel of Araby toke awey Aliſaundre hed, and ſente
Azotum; and þei entriden in to Bethdagon, her ydol, þat þer to Ptholome.
þei ſhulden delyuere hem ſelf. xviii And kyng Ptholome is dead in þe þrid day; and þei þat
lxxxiiii And Jonathas brent Azotum, and citees þat weren in weren in ſtrengþis periſhiden, of hem þat weren wiþ ynne þe
cumpas þerof, and toke þe ſpuylis of hem; and he brente in caſtels.
fijr þe temple of Dagon, and hem þat fledden in to it. xix And Demetrie regnyde in þe hundrid ȝeer and ſeuen and
lxxxv And þer weren þat fellen by ſwerd wiþ hem þat ben ſixtiþe.
brent, almeſt eiȝt þouſande of men. xx In þo days Jonathas gadride hem þat weren in Judee, for
lxxxvi And fro þennus Jonathas mouede tentis, and applieden to ouercume þe heeȝ rocke, þat is in Jeruſalem; and þei
hem to Aſcalon; and þei wenten out of þe citee aȝeinus hym maden aȝeinus it many engynes.
in grete glorie. xxi And ſumme wickid men, þat hatiden her folc, wente to
lxxxvii And Jonathas turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem wiþ his, kyng Demetrie, and tolden to hym, þat Jonathas biſegide þe
hauynge many ſpuylis. heeȝ rocke.
lxxxviii And it is don, as kyng Aliſaundre herde þeſe wordes, xxii And as he herd, he is wroþe, and anoon he came to
he putte to ȝit for to glorifie Jonathas. Ptholomaida, and wrote to Jonathas, þat he biſegide not þe
lxxxix And he ſente to hym a golden laſe, or nouche, as heeȝ rocke, but he ſhulde cume to hym in haſt, to ſpeke to
cuſtume is for to be ȝouen to coſyns of kyngus; and he ȝaue gidre.
to hym Accaron, and alle cooſtis þerof in to poſſeſſioun.


xxiii Soþeli as Jonathas herde, he comaundide for to biſeege; xliiii And Jonathas ſente to hym þree þouſand of ſtrong men,
and he cheeſe of þe elder men of Yrael, and of preſtis, and to Antioche; and þei camen to þe kyng, and þe kyng delitide
ȝaue hym to perel. in þe cummyng of hem.
xxiiii And he toke gold, and ſyluer, and cloþ, and many oþer xlv And þere camen to gidre þat weren of þe citee an hundrid
preſentis; and wente to þe kyng, to Ptholomaida, and fonde and twenti þouſand of men, and wolden ſlea þe kyng.
grace in ſiȝt of hym. xlvi And þe kyng fledde in to þe halle. And þei þat weren of
xxv And ſume wickid men of his folc axiden aȝeinus hym; þe citee ocupieden þe wayes of þe citee, and bigunne for to
xxvi and þe kyng dide to hym, as þei þat weren bifore hym, fiȝte.
diden to hym; and he enhaunſide hym in ſiȝt of alle his xlvii And þe kyng clepide Jewis in to help, and alle camen
frendis, togidre to hym;
xxvii and ordeynide to hym princehod of preſthod, and what xlviii and alle ben ſcatered by þe citee, and ſlewen in þat day
euer preciouſe þingus he hadde before; and made hym prince an hundrid þouſand of men. And þei brenten þe citee, and
of frendis. token many ſpuylis in þat day, and delyuerden þe kyng.
xxviii And Jonathas axide of þe kyng, þat he make Judee xlix And þei ſawen, þat weren of þe citee, þat Jewis hadden
free, and þree princehodis of þree placis, and Samarie, and taken þe citee as þei wolden; and ben maad vnſtedefaſt in her
niȝ cooſtis þerof; and he bihiȝte to hym þre hundrid talentis. ſoule, and crieden to þe kyng wiþ preyers, ſayinge,
xxix And þe kyng conſentide, and wrote to Jonathas epiſtlis of l Ȝeue þou to vs riȝt hondis, and ceeſe þe Jewis for to fiȝte
all þeſe þingus, conteynyng þis manere. aȝeinus vs and þe citee.
xxx Kyng Demetrie to Jonathas, broþer, helþe, and to folk of li And þei caſtiden awey her armers, and maden pees. And
Jewis. Jewis ben glorified in ſiȝt of þe kyng, and in ſiȝt of alle men
xxxi Þe enſaumple of þe epiſtle whiche we han wryten to þat weren in his rewme, and ben named in þe rewme. And
Laſcheny, oure fadre, of ȝou, we ſenten to ȝou, þat ȝe ſhulde þei wenten aȝein in to Jeruſalem, hauynge many ſpuylis.
wite. lii And kyng Demetrie ſittiþ in ſete of his rewme, and þe lond
xxxii Kyng Demetrie to Laſcheny, fader, helþe. was ſtille in his ſiȝt.
xxxiii To þe peple of Jewis, oure frendis, and kepynge whiche liii And he leeȝide alle þingus, what euere he ſaide, and
þingus ben iuſt anentis vs, we demyden for to wele do, for þe alyenyde hym fro Jonathas, and he ȝeeldide not to hym vp
benignytee of hem þat þei han anentus vs. benyficis, þat he hadde ȝouen to hym, and traueilide hym
xxxiiii Þerfore we ordeynen to hem, alle þe cooſtis of Judee, gretely.
liiii After þeſe þingus Trifon turnyde aȝein, and Antiochus
and þree citees, Lidea, and Ramatha, þat ben addid to Judee,
and Samarie, and alle þe niȝ cooſtis of hem, for to be wiþ hym, a ȝunge chijld; and regnide, and puttide on to hym
ſequeſtrid, or departid, to alle doynge ſacrifice in Jeruſalem, a diademe.
for þeſe þingus þat þe kyng toke byfore of hem by alle ȝeeris, lv And alle ooſtis ben gadrid to hym, whiche kyng Demetrie
and for fruytis of erþe, and of applis. ſcatride; and þei fouȝten aȝeinus hym, and he fleiȝ, and
xxxv And oþer þingus þat perteyneden to vs, of tiþis, and turnyde backis.
tributis, fro þis tyme we forȝeuen to hem; and þe playn places lvi And Trifon toke beeſtis and weeldide Antioche.
of ſalt makyng, and þe crownes þat weren born to vs, alle lvii And Antiochus þe ȝunge wrote to Jonathas, ſayinge, I
þingus we graunten to þe peplis; ordeyne to þee preſthod, and I ordeyne þee on foure citees,
xxxvi and no þing of þeſe ſhal be voide, fro þis and in to al þat þou be of þe kyngis frendis.
tyme. lviii And he ſente to hym golden veſſels, in to mynyſterie, and
xxxvii Nowe þerfore biſie ȝe for to make enſaumple of þeſe ȝaue to hym power of drinkyng in gold, and for to be in to
þingus, and be it ȝouen to Jonathas, and be putt in þe holy purpre, and for to haue a golden nouche.
mount, and in þe holy place. lix And he ordeynyde Symont, his broþere, duyke fro termes
xxxviii And kyng Demetrie ſeynge, þat þe lond was ſtille in of Tire `vn to þe eendis of Egypt.
his ſiȝt, and noþing aȝein ſtondeþ hym, left alle his ooſt, eche lx And Jonathas wente out, and walkide ouere þe flood bi
man in to his place, out taken þe ſtrange ooſt, þat he drewȝ citees; and al þe ooſt of Syrie is gadrid to hym in to help.
fro ylis of heiþen men; and enmyes to it, al þe ooſt of his And he came to Aſcalon, and þei of þe citee camen aȝeins
fadris. hym wirſhipfully.
xxxix Forſoþe ſum Trifon was of þe partis of Aliſaundre lxi And fro þennus he wente to Gaza, and þei þat weren at
bifore, and he ſeeȝ for al þe ooſt grucchide aȝeinus Demetrie; Gaza cloſiden hem to gidre, and he biſeegide it. And he brente
and he wente to Emacuel Arabyam, þat nuriſhide Antiochus, what þingis weren in cumpas of þe citee, and ſpuylide it by
ſone of Aliſaundre. praye.
xl And he ſate niȝ to hym, þat he ſhulde bitake hym to hym, lxii And men of Gaza preyeden Jonathas, and he ȝaue to hem
for to regne in ſtede of his fadir; and tolde out to hym, hou riȝt hond, or pees. And he toke þe ſonys of hem pleggis, `or
grete þingus Demetrie hadde don, and enmytees of his ooſtis in oſtage, and he ſente hem in to Jeruſalem; and he walkide
aȝeinus hym; and he dwelte þere many days. þorou þe cuntree `vn to Damaſk.
xli And Jonathas ſente to kyng Demetrie, þat he ſhulde caſte lxiii And Jonathas herde, for princis of Demetrie treſpaſſiden
hem out, þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke in Jeruſalem, and whiche in Cades, þat is in Galilee, wiþ miche ooſt, willynge for to
weren in helpis, or ſtrengþis, for þei inpungneden Yrael. remoue hym fro need of þe rewme;
xlii And Demetrie ſente to Jonathas, ſayinge, Not oonli þis Y lxiiii and he came aȝeinus hem. Forſoþe he lefte Symont, his
ſhal do to þee and to þi folc, bot Y ſhal make þee noble by broþer, biſidis þe prouynce.
glorie, and þi folk, whan it ſhal be couenable. lxv And Symont appliede to Bethſura, and fauȝte aȝeinus it
xliii Nowe þerfore riȝtly þou ſhalt do, ȝif þou ſhalt ſende men
many days, and cloſide hem togidre.
in to helpe of me, for al myn ooſt wente awey.


lxvi And þei axiden of hym for to take riȝthondis, and he ȝaue xv Soþeli we hadden help of heuen, and ben delyuerde, and
to hem. And he caſtide hem out fro þennus, and toke þe citee, oure enmyes ben maad lowe.
and puttide þerinne help, or ſtrengþe. xvi And ſo we han choſen Numenium of Antiochi, and
lxvii And Jonathas and his tentis, or ooſt, applieden to þe Antipatre, ſone of Jaſoun, and ſente to Romayns, for to
water of Genaſar, and bifore þe liȝt þei walkiden in þe feeld renule wiþ hem and frenſhip and former felawſhip.
of Aſor. xvii And ſo we comaundiden to hem, þat þei cum alſo to ȝou,
lxviii And loo! þe tentis, or ooſtis, of alyens camen aȝeinus in and grete ȝou, and ȝeelde to ȝou oure piſtlis of renulyng of
þe feeld, and benten, or ſetten, to hym aſpies, or diſceytis, in oure breþerhed.
þe hillis. Soþeli he came aȝeinus of þe contrarie part. xviii And now ȝe ſhuln wel do, anſweryng to vs of þeſe
lxix Soþeli þe aſpies, or buſhementis, riſen vp of her places, þingis.
and ioyneden bateil. And alle þat weren of Jonathas part xix And þis is þe reſcrite, or aȝein wrytyng, of þe epiſtlis, þat
fledden, Onye, kyng of Sparciatis, ſente.
lxx and no man of hem is left, no bot Mathatias, ſone of xx Onye to Jonathas, þe grete preſt, helþe.
Abſalomy, and Judas, ſone of Calphi, prince of þe kniȝthod xxi It is founden in wrytyng of Sparciatis, and Jewis, for
and ooſt.
lxxi And Jonathas kittide his cloþis, and puttide erþe in his þei ben breþeren, and for þei ben of þe kyn of Abraham.
xxii And nowe ſiþen we knewen þeſe þingus, ȝe don wel,
hed, and preyede.
lxxii And Jonathas turnyde aȝein to hem in to bateil, and to wrytynge to vs of oure pees.
xxiii Bot and we aȝein writen to ȝou. Our beeſtis and oure
gidre turnyde hem in to fliȝt, and fouȝten.
lxxiii And þei ſawen þat fledden of his part, and þei turneden poſſeſſions ben ȝour, and ȝour oure. And ſo we comaundiden,
for to telle þeſe þingis to ȝou.
aȝein to hym, and purſueden wiþ hym `in to Cades, to her xxiiii And Jonathas herde, for þe princis of Demetrie wenten
tentis, and fully þei camen vn to þider.
lxxiiii And þere felle doun in þat day of aliens þree þouſand of out wiþ miche ooſt, ouer þat byfore, for to fiȝte aȝeinus hym.
xxv And he wente out fro Jeruſalem, and ranne aȝeinus hem
men, and Jonathas turnyde aȝein in to Jeruſalem.
in þe cuntree of Amathitha; ſoþeli he ȝaue not ſpace to hem,
for to entre in to his cuntree.
Capitulum XII. xxvi And he ſente aſpies in to þe tentus of hem, and þei
i And Jonathas ſeeȝ for þe tyme helpiþ hym; and he cheeſe turnyd aȝein tolden, for þei ordeynyden for to cum ouer þidre
men, and ſente hem to Rome, for to ordeyne and renule in niȝt.
frenſchip wiþ hem. xxvii Whanne þe ſunne had go doun, Jonathas baad his
ii And to Sparciatis, and to oþer places, he ſente epiſtlis vp waake, and be redy in armeres to bateil al niȝt. And he ſette
þe ſame fourme. keepers bi cumpas of þe tentis;
iii And þei wenten to Rome, and entriden in þe courte, and xxviii and þe aduerſaries herden, for Jonathas is redy wiþ his
ſaiden, Jonathas, heeȝeſt preſt, and folc of Jewis, ſenten vs, in bateil, and þei dredden, and inwardly weren agaſt in her
for to renule frendſhip and felawſhip, after þe former. herte, and tenden fijrs in her tentis.
iiii And þei ȝauen to hem epiſtlis to hem by placis, þat þei xxix Forſoþe Jonathas, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, knewen
ſhulden leede hem forþ in to þe lond of Juda wiþ pees. not til morewe; forſoþe þei ſawen liȝtis brennynge.
v And þis is þe enſaumple of epiſtlis, whiche Jonathas wrote xxx And Jonathas ſuede hem, and cauȝte hem not; forſoþe þei
to Sparciatis. paſſiden þe flood Eleutherus.
vi Jonathas, þe heiȝiſt preſt, and elder men of þe folc, and xxxi And Jonathas turnyde to Arabas, þat weren clepid
preſtis, and oþer peple of Jewis, to Sparciatis, breþeren, Sabadeis; and he ſmote hem, and toke ſpuylis of hem.
helþe. xxxii And he ioynyde, and came to Damaſk, and walkide bi al
vii Nowe bifore þe epiſtlis weren ſente to Onye, þe heeiȝeſt þat cuntree.
preſt, fro Darius, þat regnide anentis ȝou; for ȝe ben oure xxxiii Forſoþe Symont wente out, and came til Aſcalon, and
breþeren as þe reſcrite, or writing, conteneþ, þat is vndirput. to þe next ſtrengþis; and he bowide doun in to Joppen, and
viii And Onye reſceyuyde þe man wiþ honour, þat was ſente, occupiede it.
and toke þe epiſtels, in whom was ſignified of felawſhip and xxxiiii Forſoþe he herde, þat þei wolden ȝeue help to þe
frenſhip. parties of Demetrie; and he puttide þere keepers, for to keepe
ix Whan we hadden no need of þeſe, hauynge in ſolace, or it.
coumfort, holy bokis, þat ben in oure hondis, xxxv And Jonathas turnyde aȝein, and clepide togidre þe eldre
x hadden leuere for to ſende to ȝou, for to renule breþerhed men of þe peple, and þouȝte wiþ hem for to beelde ſtrengþis
and frenſhip, leſt perauenture we ben maad aliens fro ȝou; in Judee,
forſoþe many tymes paſſiden, ſiþen ȝe ſenten to vs. xxxvi and for to beelde wallis in Jeruſalem, and for to reyſe a
xi We þerfore in al tyme wiþ out ceeſyng, in ſolempne days, grete heiȝt, bitwix þe mydil of þe heeȝ rocke and þe citee, for
and oþer, in whiche it byhoueþ, ben myndeful of ȝou in to departe it fro þe citee, þat it were aloon, and neþer þei bye,
ſacrifices þat we offren, and in obſeruances, as leeful is, and ne ſelle.
biſemeþ, for to haue hadde mynde of breþeren. xxxvii And þei camen to gidre, for to beelde þe citee. And þe
xii And ſo we ben glad of ȝoure glorie. wal felle togidre, þat was on þe ſtreme of reyne, fro ryſinge of
xiii Forſoþe many tribulaciouns enuyrounden vs, and many þe ſunne; and he repareilide it, þat is clepid Capheteca.
xxxviii And Symont beeldide Adiada in Sephela, and he
bateils; and kyngis, þat ben in oure cumpas, enpugneden, or
fouȝten, aȝeinus vs. ſtrengþide it, and puttide on ȝatis and locks.
xiiii And þerfore we woln not be greuous to ȝou, neþer to oþer xxxix And whanne Tryfon þouȝte for to regne at Aſie, and
felawis, and oure frendis, in þeſe bateilis. take to a diademe, and ſtrecche out hond in to kyng


xl dredinge leſt perauenture Jonathas ſhulde not ſuffre hym, x And he gadryng alle men fiȝters haſtide for to eende alle þe
bot fiȝte aȝeinus hym, he ſouȝte for to cacche hym, and ſlea. wallis of Jeruſalem, and he ſtrengþide it in cumpas.
And he ryſyng vp wente in to Bethſan. xi And he ſente Jonathas, þe ſone of Abſolomy, and wiþ hym
xli And Jonathas wente out aȝeinus, wiþ fourty þouſand of a newe ooſt, in to Joppen. And þeſe caſt out þat weren in it,
choſen men in to bateil, and came to Bethſan. he dwellide þere.
xlii And Trifon ſeeȝ, for Jonathas came wiþ a myche ooſt, for xii And Trifon mouede fro Ptholomaida wiþ myche ooſt, for to
to ſtrecche out hondis in to hym. And he dredde, cum in to þe lond of Juda, and Jonathas wiþ hym in
xliii and reſceyuede hym wiþ honoure, and comendide him to keepyng.
alle his freendis; and ȝaue to hym ȝiftis, and comaundide to xiii Forſoþe Symont appliede in Addus, aȝeinus þe face of þe
his ooſtis, for to obeye to hym as to hym ſelf. feeld.
xliiii And he ſaide to Jonathas, Wherto haſt þou traueilide al xiiii And as Trifon knewe, for Symont roſe in ſtede of his
þe peple, whann bateil is not to vs? broþer Jonathas, and for he was to ioynyng bateil wiþ hym,
xlv And nowe ſende hem aȝein in to her houſis. Soþely cheſe he ſente to hym legatis, ſayinge,
þou to þee a fewe men, þat ben wiþ þee, and cume wiþ me to xv For ſyluer, þat þi broþer Jonathas ouȝte in reſun of þe
Ptholomaida, and Y ſhal ȝeue it to þee, and oþer ſtrengþis, kyng, we wiþhelden hym.
and ooſt, and alle prepoſtis, or ſouereyns, of neede; and Y xvi And nowe ſende þou an hundred talentis of ſyluer, and his
conuertid ſhal go awey. Soþely þerfore Y came. two ſonnys pleggis, þat he not diſmitted flee fro vs, and we
xlvi And he byleeuyde to hym, and dide as he ſaid, and lefte ſhuln aȝein ſende hym.
þe ooſt; and þei wenten awey in to þe lond of Juda. xvii And Symont knewȝ, þat wiþ gijle he ſpake wiþ hym.
xlvii Forſoþe he wiþheelde wiþ hym þree þouſand of men, of Neþeles he comaundide þe ſyluer to be ȝouen, and children,
whom he ſente aȝein in to Galilee two þouſand; ſoþeli a leſt he toke grete enmyte to þe peple of Yrael,
þouſand camen wiþ hym. xviii ſayinge, For he ſente not to hym þe ſyluer and children,
xlviii Forſoþe as Jonathas entride Ptholomaida, men of þerfore he periſhide.
Ptholomaida ſhitten þe ȝatis, and cauȝten hym; and alle þat xix And he ſente þe children, and an hundred talentis. And he
entriden wiþ hym þei ſlewen wiþ ſwerd. leeȝide, and diſmytted not Jonathas.
xlix And Trifon ſente an ooſt and horſmen in to Galilee, and xx And after þeſe þingus Tryfon came wiþ ynne þe cuntre, for
in to þe greet feeld, for to leeſe alle þe felawis of Jonathas. to diſtruye it. And þei cumpaſeden by þe waye þat lediþ to
l And þei, whan þei knewen for Jonathas is taken, and Ador; and Symont and his ooſt walkiden in to eche place,
periſhide, and alle þat weren wiþ hym, moneſtiden hem ſelf, whider euere þei wenten.
and wenten out redy in to bateile. xxi Soþely þei þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke, ſenten legatis to
li And þei ſeeynge, þat purſueden, for for ſoule, or lijf, þe þing Trifon, for to haſte for to cume by deſert, and ſende to hem
is to hem, turnyden aȝein. fodis.
lii Forſoþe þei camen alle wiþ pees in to þe lond of Juda. xxii And Trifon made redy al þe rydyng, for to cume in þat
And þei weiliden Jonathas gretely, and alle þat weren wiþ niȝt; ſoþeli þer was ful myche ſnowe, and he cam not in to
hym, and Yrael mournyde wiþ grete mournynge. Galadithym.
liii And alle heiþen men þat weren in þe cumpas of hem, xxiii And whanne he neeȝide to Baſchama, he ſlewȝ Jonathas
ſouȝten for to breke hem to gidre; forſoþe þei ſaiden, Þei han and his ſonys þere.
no prince and helpyng; now þerfore ouer cumme we hem, and xxiiii And Trifon turnyde, and wente in to his lond.
take awey of men þe mynde of hem. xxv And Symont ſente, and toke þe bonys of Jonathas, his
broþer, and byryede hym in Modyn, citee of his fadris.
Capitulum XIII. xxvi And al Yrael weiliden hym wiþ grete weylyng, and þei
i And as Symont herde, þat Trifon gadride a grete ooſt, for mourneden hym many days.
to cum in to þe lond of Juda, and for to diſtruye it, xxvii And Symont beeldide on þe ſepulcre of his fadir and
ii ſeeynge for þe peple is in tremblyng and dreed, he ſtieȝ vp breþeren an heeȝe beeldyng, wiþ ſtoon poliſhid byhynd and
in to Jeruſalem, and gadride þe peple; byfore.
iii and moneſtynge ſaide, Ȝe witen, hou many þingus Y, and xxviii And he ordeynyde ſeuen ſmale bildyngus, broode byneþe
my breþeren, and þe hous of my fadir, han don, for lawis and and ſharp aboue, oon aȝeinus oon, to his fader, and moder,
for holy þingus, batels, and what maner anguyſhis we ſawen. and foure breþeren.
iiii For grace, or cauſe, of þeſe þingus alle my breþeren xxix And to þeſe he putte aboute grete pilers, and on þe pilers
periſhiden for Yrael, and Y aloone am left. armers, to euerlaſtynge mynd; and byſidis þe armers grauein
v And now bifalle it not to me, for to ſpare my ſoule, or lijf, ſhippis, whiche ſhulden be ſeen of men ſaylynge þe ſee.
xxx Þis is þe ſepulcre þat he made in Modyn, til in to þis
in al tyme of tribulacioun; forſoþe Y am not better þan my
breþeren. day.
vi And ſo Y ſhal venge my folc, and holy þingus, and oure xxxi Forſoþe whan Trifon maad waye wiþ Antiochus, þe
children, and wyues; for alle heiþen men ben gadrid, for to ȝunge kyng, in gijle he ſlewȝ hym, and regnyde in his ſtede;
diſtruye vs, bi cauſe of enmytee. xxxii and he puttide on to hym þe diademe of Aſie, and made
vii And þe ſpirit of þe peple is brent togidre, as it herde þeſe grete veniance in þe lond.
wordis. xxxiii And Symont bildide þe ſtrengþis of Judee, wardynge
viii And þei anſwerden wiþ grete voice, ſayinge, Þou art oure hem wiþ heeȝ tours, and grete wallis, and ȝatis, and lockis;
duyk in ſtede of Judas, and Jonathas, þi broþer; and he putte fodis in ſtrengþis.
ix fiȝte þou oure bateil, and alle þingus what euere þou ſhalt xxxiiii And Symont cheeſe men, and ſente to kyng Demetrie,
ſaye, we ſhuln do. þat he ſhulde do remiſſioun to þe cuntre, for alle þe dedis of
Trifon weren don by rauyſhyng.


xxxv And to þeſe wordis kyng Demetrie anſwerde to hym, and ii And as Arſaces, kyng of Perſis and Mede, herde for
wrote ſiche epiſtil. Demetrie entride his niȝ cooſtis, he ſente oon of his princis,
xxxvi Kyng Demetrie to Symont, heeȝiſt preſt, and frend of for to take hym quyck, and þat he ſhulde brynge hym to hym
kyngus, and to elder men, and folc of Jewis, helþe. ſelf.
xxxvii Þe golden crown, and baheu, whiche ȝe ſenten, we iii And he wente, and ſmote þe tentis of Demetrie, and toke
reſceyueden, and ben redy for to make wiþ ȝou grete pees, hym, and ledde hym to Arſaces, and putt hym in to keepyng.
and for to write to prepoſtus of þe kyng, for to releeſe to ȝou iiii And þe lond of Juda was ſtille, or peſible, alle þe days of
what þingus we forȝauen; Symont, and he ſouȝte good þingus of his folk; and his
xxxviii forſoþe what euer þingus we ordeyn to ȝou, ben ſtable. power pleſide to hem, and his glorie, in alle days.
Þe ſtrengþis þat ȝe bildiden, be to ȝou; v And wiþ alle his glorie he toke Joppen in to hauen, and
xxxix and we forȝeue ignoraunces and ſynnes, til in to þis maade entre in þe ylis of þe ſee;
day, and þe crown þat ȝe ouȝten; and ȝif eny oþer þing was vi and he alargide þe cooſtis of his peple, and weeldede þe
tributarye, or bounden to tribute, in Jeruſalem, nowe be it not cuntre.
tributarie. vii And he gadride myche caitiftee, and was lord in Gaſara,
xl And ȝif eny of ȝou ben able for to be wryten to gydre and Bethſura, and Arcus; and he dide awey þe vnclenneſſe of
amonge oure men, be þei writen togidre, and pees be bitwixe it, and þere was not þat aȝein ſtode hym.
vs. viii And eche man tilied his own lond wiþ pees, and þe lond
xli In þe hundrid ȝeer and ſeuentiþe, þe ȝoc of heiþen men is of Juda ȝaue his fruytis, and trees of þe feeld her fruyte.
taken away fro Yrael. ix Alle elder men ſaten in ſtretis, and tretiden of goodis of þe
xlii And þe peple bigan for to write in tablis, and opyn, or lond; and ȝunge men cloþiden hem in glorie, and ſtoolis of
comun, doyinges, in þe firſt ȝeer vndre Symont, heeiſt preſt, bateil.
grete duyk, and prince of Jewis. x And to þe citees he ȝaue foodis, and ordeynyde hem, þat þei
xliii In þoo days Symont appliede to Gaſan, and enuyrounyde weren veſſels of ſtrengþing, til þat name of his glorie was
it wiþ tentis, or men of armes, and made engynes, and named vnto þe laſt of erþe.
appliede to þe citee, and ſmote a toure, and toke it. xi He made pees on þe lond, and Yrael gladide wiþ grete
xliiii And þei þat braken out, weren bitwixe þe engyne and in gladneſſe;
þe citee, and grete ſtiryng is maad in þe citee. xii and eche man ſate vnder his vyne, and vnder his fijge tree,
xlv And þei ſteiȝiden vp, þat weren in þe citee, wiþ her neþer þere was þat feride hem.
wijues, and ſonys, on þe walle, wiþ her kotis kitt, and crieden xiii Þe fiȝtynge man aȝeinus hem feilide on erþe; kyngis ben
wiþ grete voice, axinge of Symont riȝthondis for to be ȝouen broken togidre in þo days.
to hem, xiiii And he confermyde alle meke men of his peple, and he
xlvi and ſaiden, Ȝeelde þou not to vs after oure malices, bot
ſouȝte out þe lawe, and dide awey al yuel and wickid;
after þi mercyes, and we ſhuln ſerue to þee. xv and glorifiede holy þingus, and multipliede veſſels of holy
xlvii And Symont bowide, or folden, fauȝte not aȝeinus hem,
or ouercame not hem; neþeles he caſtide hem out of þe citee, xvi And it is herd at Rome, for Jonathas is dead, and til in
and clenſide out þe houſis in whom weren ſymulacris, and
þanne he entride in to it, wiþ ympnus, bleſſynge þe Lord. to Spartialis, and þei ben ful ſorewful.
xlviii And alle vnclenneſſe caſt out þerof, he ſette þerynne men, xvii Forſoþe as þei herden, þat Symont, his broþer, was
þat ſhulden do þe lawe; and he ſtrengþide it, and made to maad heeiſt preſt in his ſtede, and weldide þe cuntree, and
hym abitacioun. citees in it,
xlix Forſoþe þei þat weren in þe heeȝ rocke of Jeruſalem, xviii þei wryten to hym in braſen tablis, for to renule frenſhip,
weren forboden for to go out and go yn, in to þe cuntree, and and felawſhip, þat þei maden wiþ Judas and Jonathas, his
to bye, and ſelle; and þei hungriden gretely, and many of hem breþeren;
periſhiden for hungre. xix and þei ben rad in ſiȝt of þe chirche in Jeruſalem.
l And þei crieden to Symont, for to take riȝthondis, and he xx And þis enſaumple of piſtlis, þat Sparciatis ſenten. Prince
ȝaue to hem; and he caſt out hem fro þennus, and clenſide þe and þe citees of Sparciatis to Symound, þe grete preeſt, and
heeȝ rocke fro defoulyngus. to eldre men, and preeſtis, and to oþer peple of Jewis,
li And þei entriden in to it in þe þree and twentiþe day of þe breþeren, helþe.
ſecounde moneþe, in þe hundred and oon and ſeuenti ȝeer, wiþ xxi Legatis þat ben ſente to oure peple, tolden to vs of ȝour
preiſyng, and braunchis of palmes, and inſtrumentis of muſik, glorie, and honoure, and gladneſſe, and we ioyeden in þe
and cymbalis, and nablis, and ympnis, and ſongis, for þe entree of hem.
grete enmye of Yrael is broken to gidre. xxii And we han writen what þingus weren ſaide of hem in
lii And he ordeynede, þat in alle ȝeeris þeſe days ſhulden be counſeil of peple, þus. Numenius of Antiochus, and
don wiþ gladdeneſſe. And he ſtrengþide þe hille of þe temple, Antipatre, ſone of Jaſon, legatis of Jewis, camen to vs,
þat was biſidis þe heeȝ rocke, and dwelte þere, he, and þei renulyng wiþ vs þe former frendſhip.
þat weren wiþ hym. xxiii And it pleſide to þe peple, for to reſceyue þe men
liii And Symont ſeeȝ Joon, his ſone, þat he was a man of gloriouſly, and to putte enſaumple of her wordis in departid
bateil, and he putte hym duyk of alle vertues, and he dwelte bokis of þe peple, þat it be to mynde to þe peple of
in Gaſaris. Sparciatis; forſoþe we han writen enſaumple of þeſe þingus to
Symont, þe greete preſt.
Capitulum XIIII. xxiiii Forſoþe after þeſe þingus Symont ſente Numenye to

i In
Rome, hauynge a greete golden ſheld, weiȝt of a þouſand
þe hundrid and two and ſeuentiþe ȝeer kyng Demetrie beſauntis, for to ordeyne frenſhip wiþ hem.
gadride his ooſt, and wente to Mede, for to drawe togidre
helpis to hym, for to ouercume Trifon.


xxv Soþeli whan þe peple of Rome herde þeſe wordis, þei þingus þat ben ſaid of hym, eþer to clepe togidre couent in þe
ſaiden, What doynge of þankingus ſhuln we ȝeelde to cuntree wiþouten hym; and for to be cloþid in purpre, and for
Symont, and his ſonys? to vſe a golden lace, or nouche.
xxvi Forſoþe he reſtoride his breþeren, and ouer came þe xlv Soþely he þat ſhal do wiþ out þis, or ſhal make voide eny
enmyes of Yrael fro hem. And þei ordeynyden to him of þeſe, ſhal be gylty.
freedam, xlvi And it pleſide to gidre to alle þe peple, for to ordeyne
xxvii and wryten in braſen tablis, and puttiden in tytlis, in to Symont, and to do after þeſe wordis.
þe mount of Syon. And þis is þe enſaumple of writyng. In xlvii And Symont reſceyuede, and it pleſide, þat he were ſett
þe eiȝtenþe day of þe moneþe Ebul, in þe hundred and two in þe heeiſt preſthod, and were duyk and prince of þe folc of
and ſeuentiþe ȝeer, þe þrid ȝeer vnder Symont, þe grete preſt, Jewis, and preſtis, and were bifore to alle men.
xxviii in Aſaramel, in þe grete cummyng togidre of preſtis, xlviii And þei ſaiden hem for to putte þis wrytyng in braſen
peple, and princis, and folc, and `eldre men of þe cuntree, þeſe tablis, and to putte hem in þe walkyng place of holy þingus,
þingus ben maad knowen; in ſolempne place;
xxix for many tymes bateils ben maad in ȝour cuntree. xlix forſoþe for to putte enſaumple of þeſe in treſorie, þat
Forſoþe Symont, þe ſone of Mathatias, of þe ſonys of Symont haue and his ſonys.
Joaryb, and his breþeren, ȝauen hem ſelf to perel, and aȝein
ſtoden aduerſaries of her folc, þat her holy þingus and lawe Capitulum XV.
ſhulden ſtonde; and bi grete glorie þei glorifieden her folc.
xxx And Jonathas gadride his folc, and is maad to hem a i And þe kyng Antiochus, ſone of Demetrie, ſente epiſtlis fro
grete preſt, and he is put to his peple. ijlys of þe ſee, to Symont, preſt, and prince of folc of Jewis,
xxxi And þe enmyes of hem wolden defoule holy þingus, and and to al þe folc;
ii and þei weren conteynynge þis manere. Kyng Antiochus to
diſtruye þe cuntre of hem, and ſtrecche forþ þe hond in to holy
þingus of hem. Symont, þe grete preſt, and to folc of Jewis, helþ.
xxxii Þanne Symont aȝeinſtode, and fauȝte for his peple, and iii For ſoþli men berynge peſtilence weeldiden þe rewme of
ȝaue myche moneys, and armyd men of vertu of his folc, and oure faders, forſoþe Y wole venge þe rewme, and reſtore it,
he ȝaue to hem ſowdis; as it was byfore; Y made þe choſen multitude of ooſt, and
xxxiii and ſtrengþide þe citees of Juda, and Bethſura, þat was made ſhippus of werre.
iiii Forſoþe Y wole go forþ by cuntrees, þat Y do veniaunce
in þe eendis of Judee, wher bifore weren armers of enmyes,
and he puttide þere help, or ſtrengþe, men Jewis. in to hem þat diſtruyede oure cuntree, and þat maden many
xxxiiii And he ſtrengþide Joppe, þat was at þe ſee, and citees deſolate in my rewme.
v Now þerfore Y ordeyne to þee alle offringus, þat alle
Gaſara, þat was in þe cooſtis of Azotus, in whom enmyes
dwelten byfore; and he ſette þere Jewis, and what euere kyngus byfore me forȝauen to þee, and what euer oþer ȝiftis
þingus weren able to þe amendyng of hem, he putte in hem. þei forȝauen to þee;
xxxv And þe peple ſawȝ þe doyng of Symount, and þe glorie vi and Y ſuffre þee for to make ſmytyng, or printe, of þin own
þat he þouȝte for to do to his folc, and þei puttiden hym her money, in þi regyoun;
duyke, and prince of preſtis, for þat he hadde don alle þes vii ſoþely Jeruſalem for to be holy and free, and alle armers
þingis and riȝtwiſneſſe, and feiþ, þat he kepte to his folk; and þat ben maad, and ſtrengþis, þat þou haſt maad out, and þat
he ſouȝte out in al maner for to reyſe his peple. þou holdiſt, dwelle to þee;
xxxvi And in his days it hadde proſperitee in his hondis, þat viii and al dett of þe kyng, and þo þat ben to cummynge of
heiþen men weren taken awey fro þe cuntree of hem, whiche kyngus þingis, fro þis in to al tyme ben forȝouen to þee.
weren in þe citee of Dauid in Jeruſalem, in þe heeȝ rocke; of ix Soþely whanne we ſhuln weelde oure rewme, we ſhuln
whiche þei camen out, and defouliden alle þingus þat weren in glorifie þee, and þi folc, and temple, wiþ grete glorie, ſo þat
þe cumpas of holy þingus, and ȝauen grete wounde to þe ȝoure glorie be ſhewid in al erþe.
citee. x In þe hundrid ȝeer and foure and ſeuentiþe Antiochus wente
xxxvii And he ſette þerynne men Jewis, to defendyng of þe
out in to þe lond of his fadris, and alle ooſtis camen to gydre
cuntree and þe citee, and he reyſide þe wallis in Jeruſalem. to hym, ſo þat fewe weren left wiþ Trifon.
xxxviii And kyng Demetrie ordeynede to hym þe heeȝiſt xi And kyng Antiochus purſuede hym, and he came to Doram,
preſthod; fleeȝinge by þe ſe cooſt;
xxxix vp þis he made hym his frend, and glorifiede hym in xii forſoþe he wiſt, þat yuels weren gadrid in to hym, and þe
grete glorie. ooſt forſoken hym.
xl Forſoþe he herd, þat Jewis ben cleepid of Romayns xiii And Antiochus appliede on Doram, wiþ an hundrid and
frendis, and felawes, and breþeren, and for þei reſceyuyden þe twenti þouſand of fiȝtyng men, and eiȝte þouſand of horſmen;
legatis of Symont gloriouſly; xiiii and he cumpaſide þe citee, and ſhippus fro þe ſe camen
xli and for Jewis and preſtis of hem conſentiden, hym for to
to; and þei traueiliden þe cite fro lond and ſe, and ſuffreden
be her duyke, and heeȝiſt preſt, in to wiþouten eende, til þere no man for to entre, or go out.
ryſe a feiþful prophete; xv Forſoþe Numenyus came, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, fro
xlii and þat he be duyk on hem, and cure were to hym for
Rome, hauynge epiſtlis wryten to kyngis and cuntrees, in
holy þingus; and þat he ſhulde ordeyne prepoſtus, or whiche þeſe þingus weren conteyned.
gouernours, on þe werkis of hem, and on þe cuntree, and on xvi Lucius, conſul of Romayns, to kyng Ptholome, helþe.
armers, and on ſtrengþus;
xliii and cure be to hym of holy þingus; and þat he be herd of xvii Legatis of Jewis camen to vs, oure freendis, renulynge
men, and alle wrytyngis in þe cuntree be wryten to gidre þe former frenſhip and felawſhip, ſent of Symont, prince of
vnder name of hym; preſtis, and of þe peple of Jewis.
xliiii and þat it be not leeful to eny of þe peple, and to preſtis, xviii Soþeli þei brouȝten to and a golden ſheeld of a þouſand
for to make eny þing of þeſe voide, and aȝein ſaye to þeſe beſauntis.


xix And ſo it pleſide to vs for to wryte to kyngis and xli and to beelde Cedron. And he ſette þere horſmen and ooſt,
cuntrees, þat þei do not yuels to hem, neþer enpungne hem, þat þei gon out ſhulden walke by þe waye of Judee, as þe
and her cytees, and her cuntrees, and þat þei bere not help to kyng ordeynyde hym.
men fiȝtynge aȝeinus hem.
xx Forſoþe it is ſeen to vs, for to reſceyue of hem þe ſheeld. Capitulum XVI.
xxi Þerfore ȝif any men of peſtilence ſhuln flee fro þe cuntree
i And Joon ſtyede fro Gazara, and tolde to Symont, his fadir,
of hem to ȝou, bytake ȝe hem to Symont, prince of preſtis, þat what þingus Cendebeus dide in þe peple of hem.
he venge in to hem after his lawe. ii And Symont clepide his two eldre ſonnys, Judas and Joon,
xxii Þeſe ſame þingus ben wryten to kyng Demetrie, and
Attalus, and Araba, and Arſaces, and ſaiþ to hem, Y, and my breþeren, and þe hous of my
xxiii and in to alle cuntrees, and Sampſame, and Spartanyes,
fadre, han ouercummen þe enmyes of Yrael, fro ȝongþe til in
to þis day; and it hadde proſperite in oure hondis, for to
and Delo, and Myde, and Synone, and Carie, and Samyum, delyuere Yrael ſumtymes.
and Pamphiliam, and Lyſiam, and Alacarnaſum, and Rodum, iii Forſoþe nowe I haue oldid, bot be ȝe in my ſtede, and of
and Phaſelida, and Reo, and Sydon, and Arado, and my broþer, and ȝe gon out, fiȝte for oure folc; forſoþe help of
Gortynam, and Gnydum, and Cypre, and Cyrenen. heuen be wiþ ȝou.
xxiiii Forſoþe enſaumple of þeſe þei han wryten to Symont,
iiii And he cheeſe of þe cuntree twenti þouſand of fiȝtynge
prince of preſtis, and to peple of Jewis. men, and horſmen; and þei wenten out to Cendebeus, and
xxv Forſoþe Antiochus appliede tentus in Doram þe ſecounde
ſlepten in Modyn.
tyme, mouynge to it euermore hondis, and makyng engynes; v And þei ryſen erly, and wenten in to þe feeld, and loo! a
and he cloſide to gidre Trifon, leſt he wente out. copyous ooſt in to metyng to hem, of fotemen and horſmen;
xxvi And Symont ſente to hym two þouſand of choſen men, in
and þe flood of reyn water was bitwix þe myddis of hem.
to help, and ſyluer, and gold, and plenteuouſe veſſels; vi And he mouede to þe tentis aȝeinus þe face of hem, he and
xxvii and he wolde not take. Bot he brake alle þingus þat he
his peple, and he ſeeȝ þe peple tremblynge to paſſe ouer þe
couenantide wiþ hym byfore, and alyenyde hym ſelf fro hym. ſtreme of reyn, and he paſſide ouer þe firſt; and men ſeeȝen
xxviii And he ſente to hym Athenobius, oon of his freendis, hym, and paſſiden after hym.
for to treete wiþ hym, ſayynge, Ȝe holden Joppen and vii And he lefte þe peple and horſmen in mydil of fotemen;
Gazaram, and þe heeȝ rocke þat is in Jeruſalem, cytees of my forſoþe þe rydyng of aduerſaries was ful plenteuouſe.
rewme; viii And þei cryeden an heeȝ wiþ holy trumpis; and Cendebeus
xxix þe cooſtis of hem ȝe han waaſtid, and han don a grete
is conuertid in to fliȝt, and his ooſt, and many of hem felle
veniaunce in þe lond, and ȝe lordſhipen by many places in my woundid; ſoþely þe reſidues fledden in to þe ſtrengþe.
rewme. ix Þanne Judas, þe broþer of Joon, is woundid; forſoþe Joon
xxx Nowe þerfore ȝeue ȝe þe citees, whom ȝe occupieden, and
purſuede hem, til he came to Cedrona, whom he beeldide.
tributis of places, `to whom ȝe lordſhipen, out of þe eendis of x And þei fledden `vnto toures, þat weren in þe feeldis of
Judee. Azotis, and he brente hem wiþ fijr; and þere fellen of hem
xxxi Or ellis ȝeue ȝe for hem fyfty talentis of ſyluer, and of
two þouſand of men; and he turnyde aȝein in to Judee in
diſtruyyng þat ȝe han diſtruyed, and of tributis of citees, oþer pees.
fifty talentis; or ellis we ſchuln cumme, and ouercumme ȝou. xi And Ptholome, ſone of Aboby, was ordeynyd duyk in þe
xxxii And Athenobyus, frend of þe kyng, came in to
feeld of Jerico, and he hadde myche ſyluer and gold;
Jeruſalem, and ſeeȝ þe glorye of Symont, and cleerneſſe, in xii forſoþe he weddide þe douȝter of þe heeȝiſt preſt.
gold, and ſyluer, and plenteuouſe apareil, and was aſtonyed; xiii And þe hert of hym is reyſid, and he wolde weelde þe
and he tolde to hym wordis of þe kyng.
xxxiii And Symont anſwerde, and ſeide to hym, Neþer we cuntree; and he þouȝte gyle aȝeinus Symont and his ſonys,
token alyen londis, neþer wiþ holden oþer mens þingus, bot for to do awey hem.
xiiii Forſoþe Symont walkynge by citees þat weren in þe
eritage of oure fadris, þat was weeldid ſum tyme vniuſtly of
oure enmyes. cuntree of Judee, and berynge þe beſyneſſe of hem, came doun
xxxiiii Soþely we hauynge tyme chalengen þe heritage of oure in to Jericho, he, and Mathatias, his ſone, and Judas, in þe
fadris. hundrid ȝeer and ſeuen and ſeuentiþe, in þe elleuenþe moneþe;
xxxv For why of Joppe and Gazara þat þou axiſt, þei diden
þis is þe moneþ Sabath.
xv And þe ſone of Abobi reſceyuyde hem in to a litil ſtrengþe,
grete veniaunce in þe peple, and in oure cuntree; of þeſe we þat is clepid Doth, wiþ gijle, whom he beeldide; and he made
ȝeuen an hundrid talentis. to hem a grete feeſt, and hidde men þere.
xxxvi And Athenobyus anſwerde not a word. Soþely he,
xvi And whan Symont was ful of drinke, and his ſonys,
turned aȝein wiþ wraþ to þe kyng, tolde aȝein to hym þeſe Ptholome rooſe wiþ his, `and token her armers, and entriden
wordis, and þe glorie of Symont, and alle þingus þat he ſeeȝ. in to þe feeſt, and ſlewen hym, and his two ſonnys, and ſume
And þe kyng was wroþe wiþ grete wraþ. children of hym.
xxxvii Forſoþe Trifon fleiȝ by ſhip in to Ortoſayda.
xvii And he did a grete diſceyte in Yrael, and ȝeeldide yuels
xxxviii And þe kyng ordeynyde Cendebeus, duyk of þe ſe cooſt,
for goodis.
and ȝaue to hym ooſt of fotmen and horſmen; xviii And Ptholome wrote þeſe þingus, and ſente to þe kyng,
xxxix and comaundide hym for to moue tentis aȝeinus þe face
for to ſende to hym an ooſt in to help, and he ſhulde bitake to
of Judee. And he comaundide hym for to bilde Cedron, and hym þe cuntre and citees of hem, and tributis.
to ſtoppe ȝatis of þe citee, and ouercumme þe peple; forſoþe þe xix And he ſente oþer in to Gazara, for to do awey Joon; and
kyng purſuede Trifon. þe tribune ſente epiſtlis, þat þei ſhulden cume to hym, and he
xl And Cendebeus came to Jamniam, and bigan for to terre
ſhulde ȝeue to hem ſyluer, and gold, and ȝiftis.
þe peple to wraþ, and for to defoule Judee, and to make þe xx And he ſente oþer, for to ocupie Jeruſalem, and þe mount
peple caityf, and ſlea, of þe temple.


xxi And ſumman rennynge byfore tolde to Joon in Gazara, for

his fader periſhide, and his breþeren, and for he haþ ſente
and þee for to be ſlayn.
xxii Forſoþe as he herde, he dredde greteli; and he cauȝte þe
men þat came for to leeſe hym, and ſlewȝ hem; forſoþe he
knewe, for þei ſouȝten for to leeſe hym.
xxiii And oþer þingus of Joons wordis, and of his bateils,
and good vertues, in whiche he dide ſtrongly, and of beeldyng
of wallis, whom he fully maade, and of þingus don of hym,
xxiiii loo! þeeſe ben writen in þe boke of days of his preſthod,
ſiþen he was maad prince of preſtis aftir his fadir.
Here endiþ þe book of þe firſte Judas
Machabeus, and bigynneþ þe book of
ſecunde Judas Machabeus.


þe ſonys ſonys of preſtis þat hidden, for to ſeeke fijre; and as

II. MACHABEORUM. þei teelden to vs, þei foonden not fijre, bot fatt water.
xxi And he comaundide hem for to drawe, and brynge to hym.
Here bigynneþ þe ſecounde boke of And Neemye, preſt, comaundide þe ſacrifices, þat weren put
vpon, for to be ſpreynt wiþ þis water, and þe trees, and þo
Machabeorum. þat weren putte aboue.
xxii And as þis was don, and þe tyme came to, in whiche þe
Capitulum I. ſunne ſhoon aȝein, þat byfore was in cloude, a grete fijr is
i To kyndlid, ſo þat alle men wondriden.
breþeren, þat ben by Egipt, Jewis, helþe ſayen breþeren, xxiii Forſoþe alle þe preſtis maden preyer, whijl þe ſacrifice
þat ben in Jeruſalem, Jewis, and þat ben in þe cuntree of
Judee, and good pees. was eendid; Jonathas bygynnynge, oþer forſoþe anſwerynge.
ii God do wel to ȝou, and haue mynd of his teſtament, þat he xxiiii And þe preyer of Neemye was hauynge þis manere.
ſpake to Abraham, Yſaac, and Jacob, his trewe ſeruauntis; Lord God, of alle þingis maker of nouȝt, dreedful and
iii and ȝeue herte to ȝou alle, þat ȝe wirſhipe hym, and do þe ſtronge, iuſt and mercyful, whiche aloon art a good kyng,
xxv aloon ȝeuynge, aloone iuſt, and almiȝti, and wiþ out
wille of hym wiþ grete herte and wilful ynwytt.
iiii Opene he ȝour herte in his lawe, and his heeſtis, and bigynnyng and eend, whiche delyueriſt Yrael fro al yuel,
whiche madiſt choſen faders, and halewidiſt hem;
make he pees; xxvi take þou ſacrifice for al þy peple Yrael, and keepe þi
v heere he graciouſly ȝour preyers, and be recounſeilid to ȝou,
part, and halewe.
neþer forſake ȝou in yuel tyme. xxvii Gadre oure ſcateryng, delyuere hem þat ſeruen to heiþen
vi And nowe we ben here preyinge for ȝou.
men, and biholde þou diſpiſid men, and maad abomynable, þat
vii Regnynge Demetrie in þe hundrid ȝeer and ſixti and heiþen men wite, þat þou art oure God.
nynþe, we Jewis han writen to ȝou in tribulacioun and xxviii Tourment þou men oppreſſynge vs, and doynge diſpite
ferſneſſe, þat came aboue to vs in þeſe ȝeeris, ſiþen Jaſon in pride.
wente oute of þe holy lond and rewme. xxix Ordeyn þi peple in þin holy place, as Moyſes ſaide.
viii Þei brenten þe ȝate, and ſhedden out innocent blood; and
xxx Forſoþe preſtis ſungen ympnys, tyl þe ſacrifice was
we preyeden to þe Lord, and we ben graciouſly herd, and we
han offrid ſacrifice, and cleene flour, and han tendid lanterns, eendid.
and han putte forþ looues. xxxi Forſoþe whan þe ſacrifice was eendid, Neemye
ix And nowe vſe ȝe þe days of Senephegie, of þe moneþ comaundide þe more ſtoons for to be ſhed on of þe reſidue
Caſleu. water;
x In þe hundred ȝeer and eiȝte and eiȝtiþe, þe peple þat is in xxxii whiche þing as was don, flawme is kyndlid of hem, bot
Jeruſalem and in Judee, and þe ſenate, and Judas, to it is waaſtid of þe liȝt, þat aȝein ſhynyde of þe auter.
Ariſtoble, maiſter of Tholome, kyng, þat is of þe kyn of xxxiii Forſoþe as þe þing is knowen, it is tolde to þe kyng of
oyntyd preſtis, and to hem þat ben in Egypt, Jewis, helþe of Peris, þat in þe place in whiche þo preſtis þat weren
ſoule, and helþe of body. tranſlatid, hadden hidde fijr, water apperide, of whiche
xi We delyuerd of God fro grete perilis, don þankyngis to Neemye and þei þat weren wiþ hym, clenſiden ſacrifices.
hym hugely, as we þat han fouȝten aȝeinus ſiche a kyng. xxxiiii Forſoþe þe kyng byholdynge and diligently examyninge
xii Forſoþe he made to buyle out of Perſis hem þat fouȝten þe þing, made a temple to hym, for to proue þat þing þat was
aȝeinus vs and þe holy citee. don.
xiii For whi whan in Perſe was þe duyke hym ſelf, and wiþ xxxv And whanne he hadde proued, he ȝaue many goodis to
hym al þe ooſt, he felle in þe temple of Nauee, diſceyuyd bi preſtis, and oþer wiþ outen noumbre; and takynge wiþ his
þe counſeil of þe preſt of Nauee. hond, he ȝaue to hem.
xiiii Forſoþe as to dwellyng wiþ hym Antiochus came to þe xxxvi Forſoþe Neemye clepide þis place Nepthar, þat is
place, and his freendis, and for to take myche moneys by interpretid clenſyng; forſoþe anentis many it is clepid Nephi.
name of dower.
xv And whan preſtis of Nauee hadden putte hem forþ, and he Capitulum II.
wiþ fewe entride wiþ ynne cumpas of þe temple, þei cloſiden i Forſoþe it is founden in dyſcryuyngis, or wrytyngis, of
þe temple, whanne Antiochus had entride. Jeremye, þe prophete, þat he comaundide hem þat paſſiden
xvi And þe priuy entree of þe temple opnyd, þei ſendinge
ouer, for to take fijr, as it is ſignyfied, and as he bade to
ſtoons ſmyten þe duyk, and hem þat weren wiþ hym, and men paſſynge ouer, or caitif.
departiden lym mele; and þe hedis gird off, caſten forþ out. ii And he ȝaue to hem þe lawe, leſt þei forȝaten þe heeſtis of
xvii Bi alle þingis bleſſid God, þat bitoke vnpitous men.
þe Lord; and þat þei ſhulden not erre in ſoulis, or
xviii Þerfore we to makynge puryfiyng, or clenſynge, of þe vndirſtondingis, ſeeynge golden and ſylueren ſymulacris, and
temple, in þe fyue and twentiþe day of þe moneþ Caſleu, ournementis of hem.
ledden needful for to ſignyfie to ȝou, þat and ȝe do þe day of iii And he ſayinge oþer ſiche þingus moneſtide, þat þei ſhulden
Senephegie, and þe day of fijr, þat is ȝouen, whan Neemye not remoue þe lawe fro her herte.
offride ſacrifices, and þe temple and þe auter bildid. iiii Soþely it was in þat wrytyng, hou þe prophete badde þe
xix For whi whan oure fadris weren ledde in to Perſis,
tabernacle, and þe hucche, or ark, for to folowe wiþ hem,
preſtis þat þanne weren wirſhipers of God, hidden priuyly fijr Goddis anſwer maad to hym, til he wente out in to þe hill in
taken of þe auter, in a valey, wher was a deep pitt, and drye; whiche Moyſes aſcendide, and ſeeȝ þe eritage of God.
and þerynne þei kepten it, ſo þat þe place was vnknowen to v And Jeremye cummynge foonde þere a place of a den, and
alle men. brouȝte yn þidir þe tabernacle, and þe hucche, and þe auter of
xx Forſoþe whanne many ȝeeris hadden paſſid, and it pleſide
encenſe, and ſtoppide þe dore.
to God þat Neemye was ſente fro þe kyng of Perſis, he ſente


vi And ſume men camen to gidre þat folewiden, for to marke xxix Forſoþe as it is for to cure, or biſie, to þe wriȝt of þe
þe place to hem, and þei miȝten not fynde. new hous, of al þe beeldyng; to hym ſoþely þat biſieþ for to
vii Forſoþe as Jeremye knewe, he blamynge hem ſaide, þat þe peynte, þo þingus ben to be ſouȝt out, þat ben couenable to
place ſhal be vnknowen, til God gadre þe congregacioun ournyng; ſo it is to be geſſid and in vs.
togidre of peple, and be maad mercyful. xxx Forſoþe for to gedir vndirſtondyng, and ordeyne word,
viii And þanne þe Lord ſhal ſhewe þeſe þingus, and maieſte of and ful biſili for to enquere alle partis of þe ſtorie, eche bi
þe Lord ſhal appere; and a cloude ſhal be, as and to Moyſes hem ſelf, acordiþ to an auctour;
was ſchewid, and as whan Salomon axide, þat þe place xxxi forſoþe for to ſue ſhortneſſe of ſayinge, and for to eſchewe
ſhulde be halewid to grete God. out ſuyngus of þingus, is to be grauntid to þe bregger.
ix Forſoþ greetli he tretid wyſdom, and as hauynge wyſdom he xxxii Fro hennus þerfore we ſhuln bygynne þe tellyng; be it
offride ſacrifice of halewyng, and of parfourmyng of þe temple. ynewȝ for to haue ſaid ſo myche of prefacioun, or byfore
x As and Moyſes preyide to þe Lord, and fijr came doun fro ſpekyng; forſoþe it is foly for to flete out, or be longe, bifore
heuen, and waſtide þe brent ſacrifice; as and Salomon þe ſtorye, bot in þat ſtorie for to be maad ſhort.
preyide, and fijr came doun fro heuen, and waſtide þe brent
ſacrifices. Capitulum III.
xi And Moyſes ſaide, For þat it is not clenſid, þat was for
i Therfore whanne þe holy citee was enhabited in al pees,
ſynne, and it is waaſtid. lawis alſo ȝit weren beſt kept, for ordynaunce and pite of
xii Alſo and Salomon in eiȝte days wirſhipide þe halewyng.
Onye, preſt, and for ſoulis hauynge in hate yuel þingus,
xiii Forſoþe and þeſe ſame þingis weren born in diſcripciouns, ii it was maad, þat and þei kyngis and princis ledden þe place
and þe almeries of Neemye; and he makynge a litil bible, worþi heeiſt honour, and liȝteneden þe temple wiþ grettiſt
gadride of cuntrees bokis, and of prophetis, and of Dauid, ȝiftis;
and epiſtlis of kyngus, and of ȝiftis. iii ſo þat Seleucus, kyng of Aſie, ȝaue of his rentis alle
xiiii Alſo ſoþely and Judas gadride alle þo þingus whiche he
ſpenſis perteynynge to þe ſeruice of ſacrifices.
lernyde by bateil, þat bifelle to vs, and þei ben anentus vs. iiii Forſoþe Symont, of þe lynage of Beniamyn, ordeynyd
xv Þerfore ȝif ȝe deſiren þeſe, ſende ȝe whiche ſhuln bere to
prepoſt of þe temple, þe prince of preſtis aȝeinſtondynge hym,
ȝou. ſtrofe for to caſte ſum wickid þing in þe cytee.
xvi And ſo we to doynge purifyyng, han write to ȝou; þerfore v Bot whan he miȝte not ouercume Onye, he came to
ȝe ſhuln do wel, ȝif ȝe ſhuln do þeſe days. Appollonye, ſone of Tharſie, þat in þat tyme was duyk of
xvii Forſoþe God þat delyuerde his peple, and ȝeeldide his Celeſſirie and Fenyce;
eritage to alle, and rewme, and preſthod, and halewyng, vi and tolde to hym þe treſorie in Jeruſalem for to be ful wiþ
xviii as he byheiȝte in þe lawe, we hopen þat ſoone he ſhal moneys vnnoumbreable; and commoun plentees, or richeſſis,
haue mercy of vs, and ſhal gadre fro vnder heuen in to þe for to be grete, whiche perteynen not to reſoun of ſacrifices;
holy place; forſoþe he delyuerde vs fro grete perelis, and forſoþe for to be poſſible, alle þingus for to falle vndir power
purgide þe place. of þe kyng.
xix Soþely of Judas Machabeus, and his breþeren, and of vii And whanne Appollonye hadde tolde to þe kyng of moneys
purifying of þe grete temple, and of halewyng of þe auter; þat weren born ynne, he ſente Heleodore clepid, þat was on
xx bot and of þe bateilis, þat perteynen to noble Antioch, and his needis, wiþ maundementus for to bere out þe forſaid
to his ſone Eupator; money.
viii And anoon Heleodore takynge þe waye, ſoþely by fourme
xxi and of liȝtnyngus þat ben maad of heuen, to hem þat
ſtrongly diden for Jewis, ſo þat whan þei weren fewe, þei as he were to paſſynge by Celeſcirie and Fenyce cytees, ſoþely
vengeden al þe cuntree, and dryuen an heiþen multitude, in trewe þing, to parfourmynge þe kyngus purpoſe.
ix Bot when he came to Jeruſalem, and benyngly of þe heeȝiſt
xxii and rekyuerden þe moſt famous temple in al þe world;
and þei delyuerden þe citee, þat and lawis þat weren don preſt in þe cite was reſceyued, he tolde of dom ȝouen of
awey weren reſtorid; þe Lord maad helpful to hem, wiþ al moneys, and opnyde for grace, or cauſe, of what þing he
peſibletee. came; forſoþe he axide `ȝif verrely þeſe þingus weren ſo.
x Þanne þe heeȝiſt preſt ſhewide, þeſe þingus for to be kept to
xxiii And ſo we temptiden, or aſſayeden, for to abregge `in to
oo boke, þingus comprehendid of Jaſon of Cyrenen in fyue þe lyuelodis of widues, and faderleſſe and moderleſſe children;
xi ſum ſoþely for to be of Hircam Tobye, man ful noble in
xxiiii Forſoþe we byholdynge þe multitude of bookis, and þeſe þingus, þat vnpitous Symont hadde teelde; forſoþe alle þe
hardneſſe, to men willynge for to aſſaile, or bygynne, þe talentis of ſyluer for to be foure hundrid, and of gold two
tellyngis of ſtories, for multitude of þingus, hundrid;
xii forſoþe for to be inpoſſible on al manere, hem for to be
xxv ſoþely we curiden, or hadden byſyneſſe, þat it were
delectacioun, or lykyng, of ynwitt to men willynge for to diſceyued, þat bileuyden, or bitoken, to þe place and temple,
reede; forſoþe þe ſtudyouſe, þat þei miȝten liȝtlyer bytake to þat bi al þe world is honourid for his wirſhipyng, and
mynde; forſoþe to alle men reedyng profit be ȝouen. holyneſſe.
xiii And for þeſe þingus `þat he hadde in maundementis of þe
xxvi And ſoþely we token to `oure ſelf þat reſceyueden þis
werk, bi cauſe of abreggyng, not liȝt traueil, bot ſoþely a kyng, he ſaide, in al kynde hem for to be born to þe kyng.
xiiii Forſoþe in þe day ordeynyde Heleodore entride, to
needefull of wakyngis and of ſwote.
xxvii As þeſe þat maken redy a feeſt, and ſeekyn for to pleſe ordeynynge of þeſe þingis; forſoþe þere was not a lytil
to þe wille of oþer men, for grace of many men, we ſuſteynen tremblyng by al þe citee.
xv Forſoþe preſtis caſtiden hem ſelf byfore þe auter, wiþ
wilfully traueile;
xxviii forſoþe grauntynge þe trewþe of alle autours, bot we preſtis ſtolys, and ynclepiden fro heuen hym þat ȝaue lawe of
oure ſelf ſtudyinge to ſhortneſſe, after þe fourme ȝouen. þingus put in keepyng, þat he ſhulde keepe hem ſaaf to þeſe
þat hadden putte hem in keepyng.


xvi Nowe forſoþe he þat ſeeȝ þe chier of þe heeȝiſt preſt, was xxxvi Soþely he witneſſide to alle men þe werkis of grete
woundid in ſowle; forſoþe þe face and colour inchaungid, God, whiche he ſeeȝ vnder his eeȝen.
declaride þe ynward ſorewe of ſoule, or ynwitt. xxxvii Forſoþe whan þe kyng axide Helyodore, who was able
xvii Forſoþe ſum ſorewfulneſſe was ſhed about to þe man, and ȝit oonys for to be ſente to Jeruſalem, he ſaiþ,
hydouſneſſe of body, by whiche þe ſorewe of herte was maad xxxviii Ȝif þou haſt eny enmye, or aſpier, or traitour, of þi
knowen to men byholdynge. rewme, ſende þider, and þou ſhalt reſceyue hym betun, ȝif
xviii Alſo oþer men by gadring to gidre camen out of houſis, neþeles he ſchal ſcape; for þat in þe place is verrely ſum vertu
byſechynge wiþ open byſechyng, for þat þat þe place was to of God.
cummynge in to diſpit. xxxix For whi he þat in heuens haþ dwellyng, is viſiter and
xix And wymmen gyrd þe breſt wiþ heyris, flowiden togidre helper of þat place; and he ſmyteþ and leeſiþ men cummynge
by ſtreetis; bot and virgynes, þat weren cloſid togidre, runnen to myſdo.
fully to Onye; oþer forſoþe to þe wallis, ſumme ſoþely xl Þerfore of Heliodore, and kepyng of þe treſorie, þus þe
byheelden by wyndowis. þyng haþ hym.
xx Forſoþe alle holdynge forþ hondis in to heuen biſouȝten;
xxi ſoþely þere was a wretchid abyding of þe multitude meynt, Capitulum IIII.
and of þe heeȝiſt preſt ordeyned in ſtrijf, or anguyſhe. i Symont
xxii And þeſe ſoþely inclepide almiȝti God, þat þingus taken in forſoþe byfore ſaide, accuſer of moneys, and of þe
keepyng weren kept in al hoolneſſe, to þeſe þat hadden putte cuntree, ſpake yuel of Onye, as he hadde ſtiride Helyodore to
hem in keepynge. þeſe þingis, and he hadde be ſtirer of yuels;
ii and he durſt ſaye þe purueyoure of þe citee, and defender of
xxiii Forſoþe Heleodore parfourmyde þat þing, þat he hadde
demyde, his folc, and louer of þe lawe of God, enmye, or traitour, of
xxiiii he preſente wiþ his knyȝtis in þe ſame place aboute þe
þe rewme.
iii Bot whan enmytees in ſo myche camen forþ, þat by ſumme
treſorie. Bot þe ſpirit of almiȝty God made grete euydence of neceſſaries, or niȝ freendis, of Symount man ſleayngus weren
his ſhewyng, ſo þat alle þat weren hardye for to obeye to hym, don,
fallyng doun by þe vertu of God, weren `togidre turnyd in to iiii Onye, byholdynge þe perel of ſtrijf, and Appolonye for to
vnbyndynge, or vnſtrengþe, and inward dreed.
xxv Forſoþe ſum hors apeeride to hem, hauynge a dreedful be wood, as duyk of Celeſcerie and Fenyce, for to encreſce þe
ſitter, ournyd wiþ beſt hillyngus; and he wiþ feerſneſſe, or malice of Symont,
v ȝaue hym ſelf to þe kyng; not as acuſer of citeeſeins, bot
bire, ruſhide þe former feet to Heleodore; forſoþe he þat ſate
on hym, was ſeen for to haue golden armers. biholdynge anentis hym ſelf þe comoun profit of al þe
xxvi Alſo oþer two ȝunge apperiden, faire in vertu, beſt in multitude.
vi Forſoþe he ſeeȝ, for to be inpoſſible pees for to be ȝouen to
glorie, and fair in cloþinge, þat ſtoden aboute hym, and on
eche ſijd ſcourgiden hym wiþ outen ceeſyng, wiþ many þingus wiþout þe kyngus puruyaunce, neþer Symont mowe
woundis betynge. ceeſe of his foly.
xxvii Sodeynly forſoþe Heleodore felle in to erþe, and þei vii Bot after þe paſſing of Seleucus lijf, whan Antiochus, þat
rauyſhiden hym ſhed about wiþ myche derkneſſe, and caſtiden was cleepid noble, hadde taken rewme, Jaſon, broþer of
hym out, put in a `ſadil of beere. Onye, coueytide þe heeȝiſt preſthod,
xxviii And þis þat wiþ many rynners and kniȝtis entride in to viii þe kyng gon to, byhetynge hym þree hundred talentis and
þe forſaide treſorie, was born, no man berynge help to hym, ſixty of ſyluer, and of oþer rentis foure ſcore;
þe opyn vertu of God knowen; ix vpon þeſe þingus he bihiȝte and oþer an hundrid and fyfty,
xxix and forſoþe by Goddis vertu he lay doumbe, and pryued ȝif it were grauntid to his power, for to ordeyne a ſcole, and
of al hope and helþe. a gadryng of ȝunge men to hym; and for to wryte hem þat
xxx Forſoþe þeſe bleſſiden þe Lord, for he magnyfied his weren in Jeruſalem Antiochenys, or men of Antioche.
x Whiche þing whan þe kyng had grauntide, and he weeldide
place; and þe temple, þat a lytil byfore was ful of dreed and
noyſe, þe Lord almiȝty appeerynge, is fulfillid wiþ ioye and þe princehod, anoon he bygan for to transferre to heiþen
gladneſſe. cuſtum men of his lynage.
xxxi Þanne forſoþe ſume of Heliodoris frendis preyeden anoon xi And þeſe þingus don awey, whiche bi cauſe of humanytee,
Onye, for to inclepe þe Heeȝiſt, and for to ȝeue lyf to hym, or curtaſie, to Jewis weren ordeynyd of kyngus by Joon,
for he was ſette in þe laſt ſpirit. fader of Eupolemy, whiche anentus Romayns is ordeyned in
xxxii Soþely þe heeȝiſt preſt biholdinge, leſt par auenture þe laweful meſſage of frendſhip and felawſhip, he, diſtruyinge
kyng ſuppoſide eny malice of Jewis fully done aȝeinus riȝtis, or lawis, of þe cyteeſeyns, made ſhrewid ordinauncis;
xii and ſoþely he was hardy for to ordeyne a ſcole vnder þat
Helyodore, he offride for helþe of þe man an helþful ſacrifice.
xxxiii And whan þe heeiſt preſt preyede, þe ſame ȝunglyngus, heeȝ rocke, and for to putte al þe beſte of ȝunge in bordel
cloþid in þe ſame cloþis, ſtondynge niȝ to Heliodore, ſaiden, hous.
xiii Forſoþe þis was not bygynnyng, bot ſum encreſyng and
Do þou þankyngys to Onye, þe preſt; for whi for hym þe
Lord haþ ȝouen lyf to þee; profit of heiþen and alien lijf, for þe vnleeful and vnherd grete
xxxiiii þou ſoþely, ſcourgid of God, telle to alle men þe greete treſpas of vnpytous, and not preſt Jaſon;
xiiii ſo þat preſtis not nowe weren ȝouen aboute offices of þe
doyngus of God, and power. And þeſe þingis ſaid, þei
apperiden not. auter, bot þe temple diſpiſid, and ſacrifices left, þei haſtiden
xxxv Helyodore ſoþely, a ſacrifice offrid to God, and grete for to be maad felawis of wraſtlyng, and of vniuſt ȝeuynge
auowis bihiȝte to hym, þat grauntide to hym for to lyue, and þerof, and of ooſt, or cumpanye, of diſhe, or pleyinge wiþ
doynge þankyngis to Onye, his ooſt reſceyued, wente aȝein to ledun diſhe.
xv And þei hauynge honours of fadris at nouȝt, demyden
þe king.
Greek glories beſt.


xvi For grace of whiche perilous contencioun hadde hem, and xxxvi Bot Jewis at Antioche, and Greekis, togydre pleynynge
her ordinauncis þei folewiden, or louyden; and by alle þingus of þe vniuſt deþ of Onye, wenten to þe kyng, turnyd aȝein of
þei coueitiden for to be lijk to hem, whom þei hadden enmyes þe places of Cilicia.
and diſtruyers. xxxvii And ſo þe kyng Antiochus ſory in inwit for Onye, and
xvii Forſoþe for to do vnpitouſly aȝeinus Goddis lawis falliþ he, bowid to mercy, ſhedde teeris, recordynge þe ſobreneſſe
not wiþ outen peyn, bot and þe tyme ſuynge declaride þeſe and myldneſſe of þe dead man.
þingus. xxxviii And þe ynwitt kyndlid, he comaundiþ Andronyke,
xviii Soþely whan fyue ȝeer ſtryf, or fiȝt, was wirſhipid in vncloþid purpre, for to be led about by al þe citee, and, in þat
Tyre, and þe kyng was preſent, place in whiche he hadde don vnpitee in to Onye, þe curſid
xix Jaſon ful of grete treſpaſſis ſente fro Jeruſalem men man for to be priued of lijf; þe Lord ȝeuynge to hym euen
ſynners, berynge þree hundrid dragmes of ſyluer in to ſacrifice worþ peyne.
of Ercules; whiche þeſe men þat baren out axiden, þat þei xxxix Forſoþe many ſacrilegis don in þe temple of Lyſymacus,
weren not ȝouen in ſacrifices, for it needide not, bot in to oþer by counceil of Menelaus, and fame pupliſhid, a multitude is
ſpenſis hem for to be ordeynyd. gadrid aȝeinus Lyſymacus, myche gold now born out.
xx Bot þeſe ſoþely ben offrid of hym þat ſente in to ſacrifice of xl Forſoþe þe cumpanyes aȝein ryſynge, and þe inwittus
Ercules; ſoþely for men preſent þei ben ȝouen in to makynge fulfillid wiþ wraþ, Lyſymacus almeſt þree þouſand aarmyd
of grete ſhippis. wickid hondis bygan for to vſe, ſum tyraunt duyk, olde in age
xxi Forſoþe Appollonye, ſone of Neſteye, ſente in to Egipt for and alſo woodneſſe.
primatis of Tholome Philometoris, kyng; forſoþe whanne xli Bot as þei vndirſtoden þe enforſyng of Lyſymacus, oþer
Antiochus knewe hym maad alien fro needis of þe rewme, he tooken ſtoonys, oþer ſtrong ſtafs, ſum haſten for to kaſten
conſeilynge to his owne profitis, gon þennus, cam to Joppen, aſkis in to Lyſymacus.
and fro þennus to Jeruſalem. xlii And many ſoþely woundid, ſum forſoþe caſt doun, alle
xxii And he, reſceiued of Jaſon and of þe citee wirſhipfully, forſoþe ben to gidre turnyd in to fliȝt; alſo þei ſlewen hym
wiþ liȝtis of broondis, and preyſyngus, wente yn, and fro ſacrileger, or þeef of holy þingis, byſidis þe treſorie.
þennus turnyd þe ooſt in to cooſt of Fenyce. xliii Þerfore of þeſe þingis dom bygan for to be moued aȝein
xxiii And after þe tyme of þree ȝeer Jaſon ſente Menelaus, Menelaus.
broþer of Symont aboue ſaid, berynge moneys to þe kyng, xliiii And whan þe kyng came to Tyre, þree men, ſente of þe
and of neceſſarie cauſis to beryng anſweris. eldre men, brouȝten þe cauſe to hym.
xxiiii And he comendid to þe kyng, whan he magnyfiede þe xlv And whanne Menelaus was ouercummen, he bihiȝte for to
face of his power, turnyde in to hym ſelf þe heeȝiſt preſthode, ȝeue many moneys to Tholome, for to counſeile þe kyng.
aboue puttynge to Jaſon þree hundrid talentes of ſyluer. xlvi And ſo Tholome wente to þe kyng, ſett in ſum porche, as
xxv And maundementis taken of þe kyng, he came, ſoþely
for grace of refreytyng, or colyng, and ledd awey fro ſentence.
hauynge no þing worþi to preſthod; ſoþely inwitt of cruel xlvii And he aſſoilide Menelaus, gylty trewly of crymes, of al
tyraunt, and beryng wraþ of wijld beeſt.
xxvi And ſoþely Jaſon, þat toke his own broþer caitif, he þe malice. Forſoþe he dampnyde by deeþ þeſe wrecches,
whiche ſhulden be demyd innocentis, ȝea, ȝif þei hadden ledde
diſceyued is putt out outlawid in to þe cuntree of Amanythen. cauſe anentis Sithis.
xxvii Bot Menelaus forſoþe weeldide þe princehod, bot of xlviii Þerfore ſoone þei ȝauen vniuſt peyn to hem, þat
moneys bihiȝt to þe kyng he hadde no þing, whan Soſtratus, purſueden cauſe for þe citee, and for þe peple, and holy
þat was prepooſt to þe heeȝ rocke, made exactioun, or vniuſt veſſels.
axing, xlix Wherfore and men of Tyre wrooþe, weren moſt liberal
xxviii for whi exactioun of tributis perteynede to hym; for
aȝeinis þe birying of hem.
whiche cauſe boþe ben clepid to þe kyng. l Forſoþe for coueitiſe of hem þat weren in power, Menelaus
xxix And Menelaus remoued fro preſthod, ſuccedyng, or next
dwelte in power, wexinge in malice, and to diſceytis of
cummynge after, Lyſymacus, his broþer; ſoþely Soſtratus is citeſeyns.
maad ſouereyn to men of Sypre.
xxx And whan þeſe þingus weren don, it byfelle Tharſenſis
Capitulum V.
and Mallotis for to moue debate, for þat þei weren ȝouen in
ȝift to þe concubyne of kyng Antiochus. i In þe ſame tyme Antiochus made redy þe ſecounde goynge
xxxi And ſo þe kyng haſtily came, for to ſwage hem, left oon in to Egipt.
of his erlis ſuffectus Andronyk. ii Forſoþe it byfelle, by eche citee of men of Jeruſalem, for to
xxxii Forſoþe Menelaus demynge hym for to haue taken be ſeen fourty days horſmen rennyng aboute by þe eyre,
couenable tyme, ſtelinge ſume golden veſſels of þe temple, ȝaue hauynge golden ſtoolis, and ſhaftis, as cumpanyes of kniȝtis
to Andronyk, and oþer he ſolde to Tyre, and by niȝ citees. armed;
xxxiii Whiche þing whan Onye hadde knowen moſt certeynly, iii and courſis of horſis wijſly ſet bi ordris, and aſſailyngis, or
he repreuede hym, he holdynge hym ſelf in a ſyker place at fiȝtyngus to gidre, for to be maad niȝ, and mouyng of
Antioche, biſidis Daphnen. ſheeldis, and multitude of helmyd men, wiþ ſtreyned ſwerdis,
xxxiiii Wherof Menelaus goynge to Andronyk, preyede þat he and caſtyng of dartys, and ſhynyng of golden armers, and of
ſlewȝ Onye. Whiche whan he came to Onye, and riȝt hondis al kynde of hauberiouns.
iiii Wherfore alle men preyeden, þe monſtris, or wondres,
ȝouen wiþ ooþ, þouȝ he was ſuſpect to hym, counſeilide hym
for to go forþ of aſile, anoon ſlewȝ hym, not dreedynge tokne of þingus to cummyng, for to be togidre turned in to
riȝtwiſneſſe. good.
xxxv For whiche cauſe not oonly Jewis, bot and oþer v Bot when fals `rumour, or tiþing, wente out, as Antiochus
naciouns, weren wroþe, and baren heuyly of þe vniuſt deþ of hadde gon out of lijf, Jaſon ſodeynly aſſailide þe citee, a
ſo grete a man. þouſand men taken to, not leſſe; and þe citeſeyns togidre


fleeȝinge to þe wall, at þe laſt þe citee taken, Menelaus fleiȝ xxv Whiche whan he came to Jeruſalem, feynynge pees,
in to þe heeȝ rocke. reſtide `vn to þe holy day of ſaboth. And þanne, þe Jewis
vi Forſoþe Jaſon ſparide not in ſleaynge to his citeſeyns, neþer holdynge holy day, he comaundynge his for to take armers,
he þouȝte proſperite aȝens coſyns; demynge moſt yuel, for to xxvi and he ſtranglide togidre alle þat camen forþ to þe
be hym to takynge victories of enmyes, and not of citeſeyns. ſpectacle, or biholdyng; and he rennynge aboute þe citee wiþ
vii And ſoþely he weldide not princehod, bot toke confuſioun armyd men, ſlewȝ a grete multitude.
eend of his aſpies, or diſſeitis; and he, fleeȝinge eft, wente in xxvii Forſoþe Judas Machabeus, þat was þe tenþe, wente in
to Ammanithen. to deſert place, and þere he ledde lijf wiþ his, among wijld
viii At þe laſt vndoynge of hym, cloſid togidre of Areta, beeſtis in hillis; and þei dwelten etinge mete of hay, leſt þei
tyraunt of Arabum, fleeȝinge fro citee in to citee, odiouſe to weren parceners of defoulyng.
alle men, as apoſtata, or forſaker of lawis, and abominable,
as enmye of þe cuntree and citeeſeyns, is caſt out in to Egipt. Capitulum VI.
ix And he þat hadde putt out many of her cuntree, periſhide in
i Bot not after myche tyme þe kyng ſente ſum olde Antiochene,
pilgrimage, goynge to Lacedomonas, as for coſynage to
hauynge þere refuyt. whiche ſhulde conſtreyne Jewis, þat þei ſhulde transferre hem
x And he þat caſtide awey many vnbiried, he and vnweilid fro þe lawis of faders and of God;
ii alſo he ſhulde defoule þe temple, þat was in Jeruſalem, and
and vnbiried is caſt out of byryyng, neþer vſynge ſtraunge
ſepulcre, neþir takynge part of fadris ſepulcre. ſhulde clepe it of Jouis Olympij, and in Garyſym, as þei
xi And ſo þeſe þingus don, þe kyng ſuppoſide Jewis to weren, þat enhabitiden þe place, of Jouis hoſpitale.
iii Forſoþe þe aȝein rennyng of yuels was warſt and greuous
forſakyng felawſhip; and for þis he gon out of Egipt wiþ
wood inwittis, toke þe citee ſoþely wiþ armes. to alle;
xii Forſoþe he comaundide to þe kniȝtis, for to ſlea, neþer to iiii for whi þe temple was ful of lecherie and glotonye, and of
ſpare to men rennynge aȝeinus, and by houſis ſtyinge vp for men doynge lechery wiþ horis, and wymmen baren yn hem
to ſtrangle. ſelf to halewid houſis, at her own will, berynge wiþ ynne þo
xiii Þefore þer weren maad ſleayngis of ȝunge and eldre, of þingis whiche it was not leefull.
v Alſo þe auter was ful of vnleeful þingus, whiche weren
wymmen and children diſtruyingus, and deþis of meydens and
litil children. forbeden bi lawis.
xiiii Forſoþe in alle þree days foure ſcore þouſand weren ſlayn, vi Soþely neþer ſabothis weren kept, neþer ſolemne days of
and fourty þouſand bounden, forſoþe not leſſe ſeeld; bot neþer faders, or cuntree, weren kept, neþer ſymply, or pleynly, eny
þeſe þingus ſuffiſen. man knowlachide hym a Jew.
xv Alſo he was hardy for to entre in to þe temple holier þan vii Forſoþe þei weren ledde wiþ bitter neede in day of þe
al þe lond, Menelaus þe leeder, þat was traitour of lawis and kyngus birþe to ſacrifices. And whanne holy þingus of a free
cuntree. chijld weren halewid, or wirſhipid, þei, crownyd wiþ edera,
xvi And he touchide vnworþili, and defoulide, takyng in curſid weren conſtreyned for to go about wiþ þe free chijld.
viii Soþely þe dome wente out in to þe next citees of heiþen
hondis þe holy veſſels, þat weren putt of oþer kyngis and
citees, to ournyng and glorie of þe place. men, Tholomeys procurynge, þat liche manere þei ſhulden do
xvii Antiochus ſo aliened fro mind, or vndirſtondyng, biheelde aȝeinus Jewis, for to ſacrifice;
ix ſoþely þat þei ſhulden ſlea hem, þat wolden not paſſe to þe
not, þat, for ſynnys of men enhabitynge, þe Lord was wroþ a
litil to þe citee; for whiche þing and diſpiſyng bifelle aboute þe ordenauncis of heiþen men. Þerfore it was wretchidneſſe for
place. to ſee þeſe þingus.
xviii Ellis ȝif it hadde not bifallen hem for to be wlappid in x Forſoþe two wymmen weren accuſid, for to haue circumcidid
many ſynnys, as Heleodore, þat was ſent fro kyng Seleucus her children; whom whan þei hadden ledde about opynly by þe
for to robbe þe treſorie, alſo þis anoon cummynge to ſhulde be citee, þe infauntis hangid at breſtis, þei caſtiden hem doun by
beten, and forſoþe put abac of hardineſſe. þe wallis.
xix Bot þe Lord cheeſe not for þe place þe folc, bot for þe folc xi Forſoþe oþer goynge to gidir to þe next denns, and priuely
þe place. wirſhipynge þe day of ſaboth, whan þei weren ſhewid to
xx And þerfor and þat place is maad parcener of yuels of þe Philip, þei weren brente in flawmes, for þi þat þei dredden,
peple; afterward forſoþe it ſhal be maad felawe and of goodis, or ſhamyden, for religioun and obſeruaunce, for to bere help to
and it, þat is forſaken in wraþ of almiȝty God, efteſoone in hem ſelf wiþ hond.
xii Forſoþe Y biſeche hem, þat ben to redynge þis boke, þat
grete recounſeilyng of þe Lord ſhal be enhaunſid wiþ grete
glorie. þei dreden not, `or haue not hydous, for contrarie caſis; bot
xxi Þerfore Antiochus, taken awey a þouſand and eiȝte rette þei þo þingus þat bifellen not to periſhing, bot for to be
hundrid talentis of þe temple, ſwiftly turnyde aȝein to to amendynge of oure kynde.
xiii Forſoþe for to not ſuffre by myche tyme ſynners for to do
Antioche, demynge hym for pryde `to leedynge `þe lond to
ſayle, þe ſe forſoþe for to make iourney, for pride of þouȝt of of ſentence, or dome, bot anoon for to ȝeue veniaunces, is
ſoule. ſhewyng of grete benyfice.
xxii Forſoþe he left prepoſtis, to tourment þe folc, in xiiii Soþely, not as in oþer naciouns, þe Lord abidiþ
Jeruſalem ſoþely Philip, of þe kyn of Friges, in maners paciently, þat whan þe day of dome ſhal cume, he punyſhe
crueler þan hym ſelf, of whom he is ordeynyd; hem in plente of ſynnys, ſo and in vs he ordeyneþ,
xxiii forſoþe in Garyſym, Andronyk and Menelaus, whiche xv þat oure ſynnys turned aboute in to þe eende, ſo at þe laſt
more greuouſly þan oþer layen to citeſeyns. he venge in vs.
xxiiii And whanne he was ſette aȝeinus Jewis, he ſente an xvi For whiche þing ſoþely he neuer remoueþ his mercy fro
odious prince, Appollonye, wiþ an ooſt two and twenti vs; forſoþe he chaſtiſynge his peple, in aduerſitees forſaakiþ
þouſandis, comaundynge to hym for to ſlea alle of perfit age, not.
wymmen and ȝunglyngis for to ſelle.


xvii Bot þeſe ben ſaid to ȝou in fewe to moneſtynge of men v And whan he was maad nowe vnprofitable bi alle þingis, he
redynge; now forſoþe it is to cume to þe tellynge. comaundide fijr for to be moued to hym, and ȝit vndirbreþinge
xviii Þerfore Eleaſarus, oon of þe former of ſcribis, or men of to be brent, or turned, in þe braſen panne; in whiche whan he
lawe, a man woxen in age, and fair in cheer, ȝanynge wiþ was longe tourmentid, þe oþir breþeren togidre wiþ þe modir,
open mouþ, was compellid for to ete ſwynys fleſh. moneſtiden, or counfortiden, hem to gidre for to dye ſtrongly,
xix And he biclippynge, or deſijrynge, more gloriouſe deþ, þan ſayinge,
vi Þe Lord God ſhal biholde trewþe, and he ſhal counforte, or
hateful lijf, wilfully wente byfore to tourment.
xx Forſoþe he byholdynge hou it bihoft for to go to, paciently ȝeue ſolace, in vs, as Moyſes declaride in byfore witneſſynge
of ſonge, and in his ſeruauntis he ſhal counforte.
ſuſteynynge, ordeynyde for to not do vnleeful þingus for loue vii And ſo hym þe firſt dead on þis maner, þei ledden forþ þe
of lijf.
xxi Soþely þeſe þat ſtoden niȝ, moued to gydre by wickid ſuynge to be ſcornyd; and, þe ſkyn of his hed drawen off, þei
axiden, ȝif he ſhulde eet, byfore þat he were punyſhid in al þe
mercy, for olde frenſhip of þe man, takynge hym preuyly, body, by alle membris by hem ſelf.
preyden for to be brouȝt to fleſhis, whiche it was leeful hym viii And he anſwerynge in cuntree voice, ſaide, Y ſhal not.
for to ete, þat it were feyned for to haue eten, as þe kyng
comaundide, of þe fleſhe of ſacrifice; For whiche þing, and þis in ſuynge place of þe firſt,
xxii þat þis þing feyned, he were delyuered fro deþ; and for reſceyuede tourmentis.
ix And he ordeynyd in þe laſt ſpirit, ſaiþ þus, Soþely þou
olde frenſhip of þe man, þei diden þis humanite, or curtaſie,
in hym. moſt wickid, or curſid, leeſiſt vs in þis lijf, bot þe kyng of þe
xxiii And he bigan for to þenke þe worþi excellence of age, world ſhal reyſe, in aȝein ryſyng of euerlaſtynge lijf, vs dead
for his lawis.
and his eelde, and þe free born hooreneſſe, or nobley, and fro x After þis þe þrid was ſcorned; and he axid, anoon broȝt forþ
childhode of beſte lyuynge; and after þe ordinauncis of holy
lawe, and maad of God, he anſwerde ſoon, ſaiynge, hym for þe tunge, and ſtedfaſtly helde forþ þe hondis,
to wille to be ſent bifore in to helle. xi and wiþ triſt ſaiþ, Of heuen Y weelde þeſe þingus, bot for
xxiiii Soþely he ſaiþ, It is not worþi to oure age for to feyne, þe lawis of God nowe Y diſpiſe þeſe ſame; for Y hope me to
þat many ȝunge men, demynge Eleazarus of foureſcore ȝeer reſceyuynge hem of hym.
and ten, for to haue paſſid to lyif of aliens, xii So þat þe kyng, and þo þat weren wiþ hym, wondriden þe
xxv and þei be diſceyued for my feynyng, and for litil tyme of inwitt of þe ȝunge man, þat he ledde þe tourmentis as nouȝt.
corruptible lijf, and by þis Y gete ſpott and execracioun, or xiii And þis þus dead, þei traueiliden þe fourþe, alſo
curſidneſſe, to myn eelde. tourmentynge.
xxvi For whi and ȝif in þis tyme Y be delyuerd fro xiiii And whan he was nowe at deþ, he ſaiþ þus, Raþer it is,
tourmentis of men, bot neþer quyck neþer dead Y ſhal aſcape men ȝouen to deþ of men, for to abijd hoope of God, beinge
þe hond of Almiȝti. to be reyſid aȝein eft of hym; forſoþe aȝein rijſyng to lijf ſhal
xxvii Wherfore in paſſyng þe lijf ſtrongly, ſoþely Y ſhal appere not be to þee.
worþi of age; xv And whan þei hadden ſtirid to þe fifþe, þei traueiliden hym.
xxviii forſoþe Y ſhal leue ſtronge enſaumple to ȝunge men, ȝif xvi And he biholdynge in to hym, ſaide, Þou hauynge power
Y be perfitly ſett in oneſt deþ wiþ redy inwitt, and ſtrongly amonge men, whan þou art corruptible, doſt what þou wolt;
for þe worþieſt and holyeſt lawis. Þeſe þingis ſaid, anoon he forſoþe nyl þou geſſe, oure kynn for to be forſaken of God.
was drawen to tourment. xvii Soþely ſuſteyne þou patiently, and þou ſhalt ſee þe grete
xxix Forſoþe þeſe þat ledden him, and a litil byfore weren power of hym, hou he ſhal tourmente þee, and þi ſeed.
mylder, ben turned in to wraþ, for þeſe wordis ſaid of hym, xviii After þis þei ledden to and þe ſixt; and þis bygynnynge
whom þei demyden brouȝt forþ by pride of herte. for to dye, ſaiþ þus, Nyl þou erre ydely; forſoþe we ſuffren
xxx Bot whan he ſhulde be ſlayn wiþ woundis, he inwardly þeſe þingus for oure ſelf, ſynnynge in to oure God, and
ſorewide, and ſaide, Lord, þat haſt holy kunnyng, opynly þou þingus worþi of wondryng ben maad in vs;
woſt, for whan Y myȝt be delyuerd fro deþ, Y ſuſteyn hard xix forſoþe deme þou not, to beynge wiþ outen peyn to þee, þat
ſorewis of body; forſoþe after ſoule wilfully Y ſuffre þeſe þou haſt temptid for to fiȝte aȝeinus God.
þingus, for þi dreed. xx Forſoþe þe moder wonderful aboue maner, and worþi þe
xxxi And ſoþely þis man in þis maner departide fro lijf; not
mynde of good men, whiche biholdynge ſeuen ſonys periſhynge
oonly leeuynge þe mynde of his deþ to ȝunge men, bot and to vnder tyme of oo day, ſuffride in good inwitt, for hoope þat
alle þe folc, to enſaumple of vertu and ſtrengþe. ſhe hadde in to God;
xxi ſhe moneſtide eche of hem by voice of cuntree, ſtrongly
Capitulum VII. fulfillid wiþ wijſdam, and ynſettinge mans ynwitt to
i Forſoþe it bifelle, ſeuen breþeren taken to gidre wiþ þe wommans þouȝt, ſaide to hem,
xxii Sonys, Y wote not how ȝe apperiden in my wombe;
modir, for to be conſtreyned of þe kyng for to touche aȝeinus
leeue `ſwynys fleſche; hem tourmentid wiþ ſcourgyngis, and forſoþe neþer Y haue ȝouen to ȝou ſpirit, and ſoule, and lijf,
tourment maad of bole leþer. and Y my ſelf ioynyde not to gidre þe membris of eche;
ii Forſoþe oon of hem, þat was þe firſt, ſaiþ þus, What ſeekiſt xxiii bot ſoþely þe maker of nouȝt of þe world, þat fourmyde
þou? and what wolt þou lerne of vs? we ben redy for to dye, þe birþe of man, and foonde bygynnynge of alle, ſhal ȝeelde
more þan to breke þe fadre lawis, or cuntree lawis, of God. eft to ȝou ſpirit, and lijf, wiþ mercye, as now ȝe diſpiſen ȝour
iii And ſo þe kyng wroþe comaundide pannes of braſſe, and ſelf for þe lawis of hym.
xxiiii Forſoþe Antiochus demynge hym for to be diſpiſid, and
braſen pottis for to be tendid.
iiii Whiche anoon tendid, he comaundide þe tunge for to be alſo diſpiſid by voice of þe repreuynge, whan ȝit þe ȝunger
kitt off to hym þat former ſpack, and ſkyn of þe hed `to be was alyue, not oonly he moneſtide by woordis, bot and wiþ
drawen awey, and þe heeȝiſt hondis and feet of hym for to be ooþ he affermyde, to makynge hym rijche and bleſſid, and to
kitt byfore, þe oþer breþeren of hym and þe moder biholdynge. hauynge freend, tranſlatid fro cuntre lawis, and to ȝeuynge
needful þingus.


xxv Bot whan þe ȝunge man was not bowid to þeſe þingis, þe v And Machabeus, þe multitude gadrid, was maad
kyng clepide þe modir, and ſoftly counſeilide her, þat ſhe vnſuffreable to heiþen men; forſoþe þe wraþ of þe Lord is
ſhulde be maad to þe ȝunge man in to helþe. conuertid in to mercye.
xxvi Forſoþe whan he moneſtide hir by many wordis, ſhe vi And he aboue cummynge to caſtels and cytees, vnwarnyd,
bihiȝte hir to counſeilinge hir ſone. brente hem; ocupyinge couenable places, ȝaue not fewe
xxvii And ſo ſhe bowyde doun to hym, ſcornynge þe cruel ſleayngis of enmys.
tyraunt, ſaiþ in cuntree voice, Sone, haue mercy on me, þat vii Soþely in niȝtis he was moſt born to ſyche out rennyngis;
bare þee in wombe nyne moneþis, and ȝaue mylk by þree and fame of his vertu was ſhed out euery wher.
ȝeere, and nuriſhide, and in to þis age fully brouȝte. viii Forſoþe Philip ſeeynge þe man bi litil and litil for to
xxviii Y axe, chijld, þat þou biholde to heuen and erþe, and cume to profit, or encreſe, and ful ofte þingus bifalle to hym
alle þingus þat ben in hem, and vndirſtonde, for God made eeſili, or in proſperite, wrote to Tholome, duyk of Celeſcirie
hem of nouȝt, and kynde of men. and Fenyce, þat he ſhulde bere help to þe kyngis needis.
xxix So it ſhal be maad, þat þou dreede not þis tourmentour, ix And he ſwiftly ſente Nychanore of Patrode, frend of þe
bot þou maad worþi to þi breþeren, reſceyue deeþ, þat in þat former, or worþier, ȝouen to hym not leſſe þan twenti
mercy doynge Y reſceyue þee wiþ þi breþeren. þouſandis of armyd folkis meynt to gidre, for to do awey al
xxx Whan ſhe ȝit ſaid þeſe þingus, þe ȝunge man ſaiþ, Whom þe kynde; and ioyned to hym Gorgie, a kniȝtly man, and in
ſuſteyne ȝe? Y obeye not to biddyng of þe kyng, bot to precept þingus of bateil moſt expert.
of þe lawe, þat is ȝouen to vs by Moyſes. x Forſoþe Nychanore ordeynede to þe kyng, þat he ſhulde
xxxi Forſoþe þou, þat art maad fynder of al malice in to fulfille þe tribute þat was to be ȝouen to Romayns, two
Ebrues, ſhalt not ſcape þe hond of God. þouſand of talentis, of þe caitifte of Jewis.
xxxii We ſoþely ſuffren þeſe þingus for oure ſynnys; xi And anoon he ſente to cytees of þe ſe cooſt, clepynge togidre
xxxiii and ȝif oure Lord be a litil wroþe to vs for blamynge to euyn byinge of boonde men of Jewis; byhetynge hym to
ſellynge nynty boond men for oo talent, not byholdynge to
and chaſtiſynge, bot eft he ſhal be recounſeild to his veniaunce þat was to folewynge hym of þe Almiȝty.
ſeruauntis. xii Forſoþe wher Judas foonde, he ſhewide to þeſe Jewis þat
xxxiiii Forſoþe þou curſid, and of alle men moſt flagiciouſe, or
weren wiþ hym, þe cummynge of Nychanore.
fulliſt of yuel doyngus, and ſtiryngus, nyl þou veynly be xiii Of whom ſume inwardly dreedynge, and not byleeuynge to
enhaunſid, by veyn fourmys enflawmed in to his ſeruauntis;
xxxv ſoþely þou haſt not ſcapid ȝit þe dom of almiȝty God, and riȝtwiſneſſe of God, weren turnyd in to fliȝt;
xiiii oþer ſoþely, ȝif eny leften of hem, camen, and to gidre
biholdynge alle þingus.
xxxvi For whi my breþeren now a litil ſorew ſuffriden, and biſouȝten þe Lord, for to delyuere hem of wickid Nychanore,
whiche hadde ſolde hem bifore þat he came niȝ;
ben maad vndir þe teſtament of euerlaſtynge lijf; þou ſoþely by xv and þouȝ not for hem, for þe teſtament þat was to þe fadris
dome of God ſhalt paye iuſt paynes of pride.
xxxvii Soþely Y, and as my breþeren, bitake my ſoule and of hem, and for þe yncleepyng of his holy name and grete on
body for þe lawis of faders, or of cuntree; ynclepynge God, xvi Forſoþe Machabeus, clepid to gidre ſeuen þouſandis þat
more rijply for to be maad helpful to oure folc, and þee wiþ
tourmentis and betyngus for to knowleche, for he is God weren wiþ hym, preyide, þat þei ſhulden not be reconſeilid,
aloone. neþer ſhulden dreed þe multitude of enmyes wickidly
xxxviii For in me and in my breþeren þe wraþ of Almiȝty ſhal cummynge aȝeinus hem, bot ſtrongly ſhulden ſtryue, or fiȝte;
xvii hauynge byfore þe eeȝen þe diſpite þat was `in brouȝt in
faile, whiche is iuſtly brouȝt yn vpon alle our kyn.
xxxix Þan þe kyng kyndlid wiþ wraþ, was feers in to hym þe holy place vniuſtly of hem, and alſo þe wronge of citee, had
in ſcornynge; ȝit alſo þe ordynaunces of olde men diſtruyed to
more cruely aboue alle, berynge vnworþily hym ſelf ſcornyd. gidre.
xl And he þis ſoþely cleene dyede, by alle þingus triſtynge in xviii For whi he ſaiþ, Þei ſoþely triſten in armers to gidre
þe Lord. and hardyneſſe; forſoþe we triſten in þe Lord almiȝty, þat may
xli Forſoþe at þe laſt þe modir is waaſtid, or dead, after þe do awey wiþ oo lookyng, wille, or ſigne, and men cummynge
ſonys. aȝeinus vs, and al þe world.
xlii Þerfor of ſacrifices, and ouer grete crueltees, is ynow ſaid. xix Forſoþe he moneſtide hem and of helpis of God, þat ben
don aȝeinus faders; and þat vndir Senacheryb an hundrid
Capitulum VIII. foure ſcore and fyue þouſand perſhiden;
xx and of þe batel þat was to hem aȝeinus Galathas, in
i Forſoþe Judas Machabeus, and þei þat weren wiþ hym, Babyloyn; wher ȝif it come to þing, or trewþe, felowis
entriden priuely in to caſtels; and þei, cleepynge to gidre Macedoyns doutynge, þei alle ſix þouſandis alone ſlewen an
coſyns, and frendis, and takynge to hem þat dwelten in Jurye, hundrid and twenty þouſandis, for help ȝouen to hem fro
ledden out to ſixe þouſand men. heuen; and for þeſe þingus þei hadden ful many benyfices.
ii And þei inclepiden þe Lord, for to biholde in to þe peple, xxi By þeſe wordis þei ben maad ſtedfaſt, and redy for to dye
þat was defoulid of alle men; for to haue mercye of þe temple, for þe lawis and cuntree.
þat was defoulid of vnpitous men; xxii Soþely he ordeynyde his breþeren duykis, or leeders, to
iii and for to haue mercy of diſtruyinge of þe citee, þat was
eche ordre, Symont, and Joſephus, and Jonathas, to eche a
anoon to be maad pleyn to gidre; and for to heere þe voice of þouſand and fyue hundrid ſugettid.
blood cryinge to him, xxiii Alſo to þis þing, þe holy boke red to hem Eſdra, and a
iiii and for to haue mynde of þe wickidiſt deþis of lytil
tokne ȝouen of Goddis help, in þe firſt ſheltrun he duyk,
children innocentis, and of blasfemyes ȝouen to his name; and ioynyde wiþ Nychanore.
for to haue indignacioun on þeſe þingus. xxiiii And þe Almiȝty maad help to hym, þei ſlewen ouer nyne
þouſande of men; forſoþe þei conſtreyneden þe more part of
Nychanoris ooſt, maad feble by woundis, for to flee.


xxv Forſoþe þe moneys of hem þat camen to þe bying of hem vii Forſoþe ouer þis he fulfillid wiþ pride, breþinge fijr in
taken vp, on eche ſyde þei purſueden hem; bot þei turnyden ynwitt in to Jewis, and he comaundynge þe neede for to be
aȝein cloſid to gidre bi an houre; haaſtid, it byfelle, hym goynge in ferſneſſe for to falle of þe
xxvi for whi it was bifore þe ſaboth, for whiche cauſe þei chaar, and þe membris for to be traueilid wiþ þe greuous
laſtiden not purſuynge. hurtlyng to gidre of body.
xxvii Forſoþe þei gadringe þe armers of hem, and ſpuylis, viii And he þat was ſeen to hym ſeelf for to comaunde alſo to
diden ſaboth, bleſſinge þe Lord, þat delyuerde hem in þis day, þe wawis of þe ſee, ouer mans maner fulfillid wiþ pride, and
droppynge in to hem bygynnynge of mercye. for to weye in balauncis þe heiȝtis of hillis, nowe meekid to
xxviii Forſoþe after þe ſaboth þei departiden ſpuylis to þe erþe, was born in a beere, witneſſynge in hym ſelf þe opyn
vertu of God;
feble, and fadirleſſe, and modirleſſe, and widewis; and þei wiþ ix ſo þat wormes buyliden out of þe body of þe vnpyteuous
hern hadden þe reſidues.
xxix Þeſe þingus þus don, and commounly of alle men man, and þe quyck fleſhis of hym wiþ ſorewis fleetiden out.
Alſo wiþ ſauour of hym, and ſtynkyng, þe ooſt was greeued;
biſechynge maad, þei axiden þe mercyful Lord, for to be x and he þat a lytil byfore demyde hym to touche þe ſterris of
recounſeilid in to þe eend to his ſeruauntis.
xxx And of þeſe þat weren wiþ Tymothe and Bachides, heuen, no man miȝte beere hym, for vnſuffryng of ſtynke.
xi Þerfore here of he ledde doun of greuouſe pride, bygan for
ſtryuynge aȝeinus hem, þei ſlewen ouer twenty þouſandis, and
þei weeldiden heeȝ ſtrengþis; and þei departiden mo preyes, to cum to knowynge of hym ſelf, warnyd by Goddis plage, or
euen porcioun to feble, faderleſſe, and moderleſſe, and widues, vengeaunce, by alle momentis his ſorewis takynge encreſis.
bot and to eldre men makynge. xii And whan he miȝte not nowe ſuffre his ſtynke, þus he ſaiþ,
xxxi And whan þei hadden gadrid þe armers of hem, It is iuſt for to be ſuget to God, and a deadly not for to feele
diligently þei maden to gydre, or kepten, alle þingus in euen þingus to God.
couenable places; forſoþe þei baren to Jeruſalem þe reſidue xiii Forſoþe þe curſid man preyede þe Lord þeſe þingis, of
ſpuylis. whom he was not to getynge mercy.
xxxii And þei ſlewen Philarces, þat was wiþ Tymothe, a man xiiii And þe citee, to whom he haſtynge came, for to leede it
ful of grete treſpaſſis, þat had tourmentide Jewis in many doun to erþe, and for to make a ſepulcre of þingus born
þingus. togidre, nowe he deſijreþ for to ȝeelde free.
xxxiii And whan feeſtis for victorie weren don in Jeruſalem, xv And þe Jewis, whom he ſaid hym ſelf to hauynge neþer
þei brenten hem þat hadden brente holy ȝatis, þat is to ſay, ſoþely worþi of ſepulture, bot to betakeinge to foulis and wijld
Caleſtenes, whan he hadde flowen in to ſume hous; worþi beeſtis, for to be to-drawen, and to diſtruyng wiþ litil children,
meed ȝoolden to hem for her vnpitouſneſſe. now he bihetiþ to makyng euen to Atynyens, or men of
xxxiiii Forſoþe wickidiſt Nychanore, þat brouȝte a þouſand Atenys;
marchauntis to bying of Jewis, xvi alſo to ournynge wiþ beſt ȝiftis þe holy temple, whom he
xxxv meekid, or maad lowe, bi help of þe Lord, of hem robbide bifore, and to multipliynge holy veſſels, and to
whiche he geſſid noon; þe cloþe of glorie putte doun, by mydil ȝeeuynge of his rentis coſtis perteynynge to ſacrifices;
erþe fleeinge aloone, cam to Antioche, hauynge heiȝiſt xvii ouer þeſe þingis and hym to beynge a Jewe, and to
infelicitee, or moſt wretchidneſſe, of þe deeþ of his ooſt. walkyng by eche place of þe lond, and to prechynge þe power
xxxvi And he þat bihiȝte hym for to reſtore tribute to of God.
Romayns, of þe caitiftee of men of Jeruſalem, prechide Jewis xviii Bot ſorewis not ceeſynge, forſoþe þe iuſt dome of God
for to haue oo defender God, and for hym to be vnable for to had aboue come in to hym, he diſpeyrynge wrote to Jewis, in
be woundid, for þei ſueden lawis maad of hym. to maner of biſeechynge, epiſtlis, conteynynge þeſe þingis.
xix To þe beſt citeſeyns, Jewis, moſt helþe, and wele for to
Capitulum IX. fare, and to be ryche, or in proſperite, þe kyng and prince
i In
þe ſame tyme Antiochus turnyde aȝein vnone

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