Law Enforcement

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1. Consciously coordinated social entity, with a relatively identifiable boundary, that functions on a
relatively continuous basis to achieve a common goal or sets of goals.

a. Organization

2. According to RA 6975, the nature of the PNP shall be ___.

a. Civilian in nature

3. The study of processes and the conditions of Law Enforcement as the pillar of the Criminal Justice
system is called____.

a. Police Administration

4. The PNP is considered servants of the community who depends for the effectiveness of their
functions upon the express wishes of the people. This is in adherence with the:

a. Home Rule Theory

5. The police service considers the police as an organ of

crime prevention. The concept is called___.

a. New Concept

6. A functional unit within a division.

a. Section

7. A Primary subdivision of bureau is called___.

a. Division

8. An area containing two or more beats, route or post.

a. Sector

9. An area assigned for patrol purposes is called___.

a. Beat

10. A patrol beat refers to a:

a. Geographical area to be protected

11. An officer who has the more senior rank/higher in a

group or team .

a. Ranking Officer

12. An officer who is in command of the department, a

Bureau, a division, an area a district is called___.

Commanding Officer

13. An organizational structure where in the channels of responsibility and authority extends in a direct
line from top to bottom with in the structure.

a. Lines

14. An organizational structure used by the PNP at present particularly at the central office is called ___

a. Line and Staff

15. Describing explicitly the flow of authority refers to;

a. Scalar principle

16. The placing of one and only one superior in

command or in control of every situation and every employee.

a. Unity Command

17. The ability of one man to direct, coordinate and control immediate subordinates is referred to as;

a. Span of control

18. The principle of organization that is adopted when the organization is too big and men are
scattered in different areas of the country.

Delegation of authority

19. In this form of authority, personnel do not give orders but that offer advice, frequently, this advice is
based on a high level of expertise but the advice carries no formal requirement for acceptance.

a. Staff

20. Those who are charged with the actual fulfillment of the agency’s mission are____ personnel.

a. Line

21. _____ means controlling the direction and flow of decisions through unity of command from top
to bottom of organization.
a. Authority

22. The more complex the organization, the more highly specialized the division of work, the greater
the need for

a. Clearer delineation of functions

23. PO2 A and PO2 X report only to one (1) supervisor. This is the principle of _____.

a. Unity of Command

24. To improve delegation, the following must be dine Except :

a. Count the number of the supervisor

25. The police organization can be structured to attain effective, efficient and economical police service

following are the organic units that form part of the components, Except:

a. Auxiliary Unit

26. The police are the public and the public are the police. This question was answered by the father of
modern policing system in person of;

a. Robert Peel

27. No quality is more indispensable to a policeman than a perfect command of;

a. Morale

28. This was organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying out the regulations of the department of

a. Carabineros de Seguridad Pulica

29. The beginning of Police Reformation and Professionalism.

a. RA 4864

30. The administrative control and operational supervision over the PNP is a power of


31. The operational supervision and control over the PNP assigned at cities and municipalities are a
power of the :

a. Local Government Executives

32. The power to direct, supervised and oversee the day-to-day functions of police investigation of
crime, crime prevention activities, and traffic control in accordance with the rules and regulations
promulgated by the Commission.

a. Operational supervision and control

33. The utilization of units or elements of the PNP for purposes of protection of lives and properties
enforcement of laws, maintenance of peace and order, prevention of crimes, or other related activities.

a. Employment

34. The orderly and organized physical movement of elements or units of the PNP within the province,
city or municipality for purposes of employment.

a. Deployment

35. The RAB decide appeals in the following cases Except:

a. Chief PNP

36. The Police Act of 1966 is otherwise known also as__.

a. RA 4864

37. The PNP was created under what law?

a. The DILG Act of 1990

38. Attrition by non-promotion shall be incurred by any PNP Member who has not been promoted
despite the existence of a vacancy shall be retired or separated after a period of continuous.

a. 10 years

39. Graduates of the Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA) are automatically appointed to the rank
of ;

a. Inspector

40. Philippine National Police Academy cadet is equivalent to a rank of:

a. SPO4

41. The PNP Field training program shall be for a period of ___

a. 12 months

42. The highest rank of the PNP

a. Director General
43. The equivalent rank of coronel in the PNP rank classification is;

a. Senior Superintendent

44. A PC staff Sergeant who joined the PNP in 1992 has a rank of___

a. SPO3

45. The second in command in the PNP organization is the :

a. Deputy for Administration

46. The officer in the PNP by the name Rey Reyes has a star on his shoulder. What is the rank of Rey?

a. Chief Superintendent

47. Highly qualified police applicants such as engineers, nurses and graduates of forensic sciences may
enter the police service as officers through:

a. lateral entry

48. The process of choosing from among candidates from within the organization or from the outside,
the more suitable person or the current position or for future position is:

a. Selection

49. He exercises the power to revoke for cause the licenses issued to the security guards:

a. Chief PNP

50. Complaints against personnel of the IAS shall be brought other to the Inspector General’s office or to

a. Napolcom

51. An appeal filed with the Napolcom Regional Appellate Board shall decided within ___ days from
receipt of motion of appeal.

a. sixty (60)

52. Waiver of the age requirement may be granted provided that the applicant shall not be

a. less than 20 nor over 35

53. Who may automatically granted height waiver, as provided under Section 15 of Republic Act No.

a. Member of cultural minorities duly certified by the appropriate government.

54. Among the following applicants for appointment to the police service, who may be automatically
granted height waiver?

a. Member of cultural minorities duly certified by the appropriate government.

55. Mr. Juan De Las Alas was born on June 1, 1975, Does he meet the age requirement for entry to the
police service in June 1999?

a. Yes, he is only 24 years old and is within the age requirement.

56. Mr. Jaime De Rio was born on May 1, 1975, Does he meet the age requirement for entry to the
police service in June 2002?

a. Yes, he is 27 years old and is within the age requirement.

57. Who among the following meets the age qualifications for appointment to the police service?

a. John who is 22 years old

58. The age requirement in the PNP based on the upgrading qualification for appointment is ___

a. 21 – 30

59. It is the premier educational institution for the police, fire and jail personnel;

a. Philippine Public Safety College

60. At the following are members of the People’s Law Enforcement Board (PLEB), Except ;

a. A bar member chosen by the Integrated Bar of the

Philippines (IBP)

61. The National Internal Affairs Service shall be headed by a civilian with an equivalent rank of

a. Chief Superintendent

62. The provincial governor shall choose the provincial director from a list of ____ eligible
recommended by the PNP Director preferable from the same province city or municipality.

a. three (3)

63. Which of the statement is true?

a. In large departments, the desk officer devote full-time exclusively to records tasks.

64. Who among the following have the summary disciplinary powers over errant police member?

a. Chief PNP
65. The PNP shall enforce the law, prevent and control crimes, maintains peace and order, and ensure
public safety and internal security with the active support of the community. This is the PNP

a. Mission

66. In 2008, there are 200,450 crimes reported to the Police Station of municipality A. If the population
of municipality A is 5 Million. What is the Crime rate?

a. 4250

67. In 2008, physical injuries numbered 12,500 out of total crime volume of 60,500. What percent of
the total crime volume is attributed to physical injuries?

a. 20.7%

68. In 2008, murder accounted for 10% of all index crimes. If the total index crime was 25,00. How
many were murder incidents?

a. 2,500

69. A French word which means to travel by foot or to man around?

a. Patrouiller

70. A system of mutual protection was developed during the middle ages called.

a. Frankpledge

71. In the police organization, the division that had been regarded as the core and at the same time the
operational heart for the reason that it performs almost all the functions of police organization is
referred to as the

a. Patrol

72. The primary purpose of police patrol is___

a. To eliminate opportunity for crime commission.

73. The primary function of the patrol division is crime prevention. In the effort of the division to
perform their function, patrol officers on beat should be able to eliminate the factors that contribute to
the development of crime, specially the existence of

a. opportunity

74. It is a police function which serves as the backbone of the police service. In all types of police
stations, there is a specific unit assigned to undertake this function in view of its importance

a. patrol
75. In the fight of patrol division to prevent crime, the division should be able to eliminate the existence
of opportunity, which is their primary concern, and this is being realized by means of

a. police visibility

76 . The modern approach in crime control which deals with apprehension, investigation, trial correction
and punishment of criminal

Crime Suppression

77. The term “critical time” means ____

a. From call to arrival at crime scene.

78. The objective of patrol that fails under the category of protection for. It involves the prevention of
crime through the noticeable presence of police vehicles and personnel is called;

a. preventive enforcement

79.One approach in crime control is crime prevention which can be done through ____.

a. Patrol

80. Robert Peel, being the father of modern policing system identified the soundest among all
criminological philosophies and this is the principle of.;

a. preventive reinforcement

81. Which of the following is not included in the patrol function?

a. Investigation of crimes after this is reported to the investigation section.

82. A system applied by control division that has been proven to the effective patrol procedure. This
is being performed by identifying a certain area subject to a high crime rate and spends a greater part of
their patrolling time is referred to as;

a. Selective enforcement.

83. Listed below are all types of patrol, Except;

a. Television Patrol

84. A type of patrol that has an advantage on stealth and mobility is referred to as the;

a. Bicycle

85. Which of the following is most ideally suited evacuation and search-and rescue duties?

a. Helicopter
86. Small alleys like those in the squatters area of Tondo can be best penetrated by the police through;

a. Foot Patrol

87. In busy and thickly populated commercial streets like those in Devisoria, police patrol is very
necessary. Since there are several types of patrol which of the following will you recommend;

a. Foot

88. Bicycle patrol has the combined advantage of ___ since they can be operated very quietly and
without attracting attention.

a. mobility and stealth

89. The neighborhood Team Policing exhibit the following organization features, except

a. Unity of Directions

90. In this method of patrol cover and search, two patrol officers alternately take in the search and cover
each other as they progressively move on

a. Leap frog

91. This is a patrol program designed to ensure law abiding citizens, feeling of security but the reaction
for would be violators.

a. High visibility patrol

92. The type of patrol performs certain specific, predetermined preventive strategies in a regular and
systematic basis.

a. directed deterrent patrol

93. ______ differs from routine patrol methods in that patrol officers perform certain specific,
predetermined preventive strategies in a regular and systematic basis.

a. Directed deterrent patrol

94. What type of patrol performs certain specific predetermined preventive/deterrent strategies on a
regular and a systematic basis?

a. Directed deterrent patrol

95. When police patrols are increased beyond normal levels, this is called_____.

a. proactive patrol

96. The patrol method utilizes disguise, deception and lying in wait rather than upon high visibility
patrol techniques?
a. Decoy patrol

97. Which of the following is not a patrol pattern?

a. Stationary

98.The ___ shift is usually the busiest of all patrol shifts, often accounting for 40% to 50 % of all calls for

a. Afternoon shift

99. Pedro is thief who is eyeing at the handbag of Maria. POI Santos Reyes is standing a few meters
from Maria. The thief’s desire to steal is not diminished by the presence of the police officer but the___
for successful theft is.

a. opportunity

100. The presence of uniformed patrol officer, alert and observant of the persons and things around,
deters the desire and destroys the ___ for one to commit crime.

a. opportunity

101. Police visibility in strategic and crime prone areas projects___ thus, an effective crime prevention

a. Police omnipresence

102. Police patrol officer are useful in crime solution if they are properly trained in criminal investigation.
Which of the following cannot be undertaken by them?

a. He can issue the treasury checks to fellow policeman.

103. It is the formal process of choosing the organizational mission and overall objective for both the
short and long term as well as the divisional and individual objectives based on the organizational

a. planning

104. As much as possible, the preparation of overall development plan of the police organization should
be participated in by the head of all staff service and operational/ administrative support units. This
policy is:

a. Desirable; the officers will know the organization better and a sense of ownership of the plan is

105. These are major causes of action that the organization plans to take in order to achieve its
a. Strategies

106. This model is especially appreciated for police agencies as it based on problem oriented approach
to planning. It relies heavily on the problem identification and analysis of the planning process and can
assist police administrator in formulating goals and priorities is called;

a. Synoptic planning

107. Planning is essential in every police organization because____.

a. all of these

108. Which of the following is the characteristic of effective plan?

a. Contain a degree of flexibility for the unforeseen

109. The planning process generally consists of five (5) steps in sequential order. Which is the first step?

a. Gathering and analysis of the data

110. The first step in the planning process is to recognize the need to plan. Which of the following is
NOT a way of discovering the need to plan?

a. Conduct of training

111.What is the next planning step after the need to plan is recognized?

a. Formulate the objectives

112. Procedures that relate to reporting, raids, arrest, stopping suspicious persons, touring beats and
investigation of crimes are example of;

a. Field procedure

113. Feasibility of the plan is determined by the ___.

a. Outside environment such as, the people willing to cooperate or against it.

114. Line units such as the patrol section or investigation section in police stations prepare their work
programs which are called;

a. Operational plan.

115. These are work programs of line divisions which relate to the nature and extent of the workload
and the availability of resources.

a. Operational Plan.
116.What police plans refer to actions to be taken at designated location and under specific

a. Tactical plans

117. Plans, which require action or assistance from persons or agencies outside the police organizations.

a. Extra-departmental plans

118. Planning cannot be undertaken without referring to ___ on the entire police organization,
community, crime, equipment, inventories, personal data, etc.

a. Data

119. The most important thing in carrying out plan is ____.

a. Information dissemination

120. It is the product resulting from the collection, evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of
all available information which concerns one or more aspects of criminal activity and which is
immediately or potentially significant to police planning.

a. Intelligence

121. The father of organized military espionage was:

a. Frederick the great.

122. Intelligence on the enemy and the characteristics of the operation used in the planning and
conduct of tactical operations.

a. combat intelligence

123. What is referred to as the knowledge pertaining to capabilities, vulnerabilities and probable course
of action of foreign nations?

a. Strategic intelligence

124. The knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the investigation, arrest and prosecution
of criminal offenders is called ____.

a. Criminal intelligence

125. Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand. This refers to the principle of

a. Selection
126. This segment of the intelligence process deals with what happens when information is received
processed and now integrates with current holdings. This phase is called ___.

a. Data Evaluation

127. PO3 Juan Tupaz submitted an Intelligence report evaluated as B-5. What does that mean?

a. Information is usually from a reliable source and is improbable.

128. What is meant by evaluation of C-1?

a. Information comes from a fairly reliable source and is confirmed from other sources.

129. SPO1 Edna Castro evaluated the information gathered as “completely reliable, source probable true
“. What is the type of evaluation?

a. A 2

130. A method of collecting information wherein the investigator mere uses his different senses.

a. Observation

131. The term used for the object of surveillance is subject while the investigator conducting the
surveillance is;

a. Surveillant

132. In counter intelligence, surveillance is categorized according to integrity and sensitivity. When
there is intermittent observation varying in occasions, then this surveillance is called;

a. Loose

133. A method of collection of information wherein the investigator tasks or follows the person or

a. Surveillance

134. A system or plan whereby information of intelligence value is obtained through the process of
direct intercommunication in which one or more of the pertains to the communication is unaware of
the specific purpose of the conversation.

a. Elicitation

135. The convert observation of an area, a building or stationary object in order to gain information is

a. Casing

136. It is circumspect inspection of place to determine its suitability for particular operational purposes.
a. Casing

137. What is the method of collecting information wherein the investigator tails or shadows the persons
or vehicles?

a. Surveillance

138. A agent through whom false information is leaked to the enemy.

a. Expandable agent

139. A biographical data through fictitious which will portray the personality of the agent which is to
assume is better known as ____.

a. Cover story

140. Which of the following is the most common reason why an informer gives information the police?

a. monetary reward

141. In general, a person who gives information to the police voluntarily, without any consideration is
properly called___.

a. informant

142. An informant that is usually anonymous and his purpose is to eliminate competitors is properly
called ___.

a. Rival Elimination

143. Which of the following statement is false?

a. Classified information should be known only by one person.

144. PO3 Serafin Alta frequents clubs, places of amusements and entertainment known to be habitually
visited by subject and subject’s associates PO3 Alta’s undercover assignment is called.

a. Social assignment.

145. PO1 Ariel Pacho get employment at a restaurant where he can observe the activities of the crew
who happens to be subject in his undercover assignment PO1 Ariel Pacho undercover assignment is

a. work assignment

146. In debriefing, the intelligence agent is asked to discuss which of the following:
a. His observations and experience in the intelligence function.

147. This is otherwise known as the Private Security Agency Law.

a. RA.5487

148. A new Private Security Agency shall be issued a temporary license to operate that is good for:

a. one year

149. How is one classified if he steals primarily because of irritable urge due to unexpected opportunity
and little of detection?

a. casual pilferer

150. a security force maintained and operated by any private company/corporation utilizing any of its
employees to watch, secure or guard its business establishment premises, compound or properties is

a. Company guard Force

151. No licensed security agency shall operate, promote and enter into an agreement of “merger” with
any person or a group of persons for the purpose of organizing a branch unit or subsidiary under
separate control and ownership which is also known as:

a. Kabit System

152. The maximum number of private security personnel that a PSA/CGF/PDA may employ shall be :

a. 1000

153. The importance of the firm institution with reference to the national economy security.

a. relative criticality

154. What is the importance of the firm or installation in relation to national security referred to?

a. relative criticality

155. A type of fence that is constructed in such a way that visual access through the fence is denied is

a. Chain link fence

156. The minimum age requirement for security Manager or Operator of a security agency is:

a. 25 years old

157. The following are the educational qualifications for security Consultant except:
a. Bachelor of Science in Criminology

158. A Private Security Agency who is applying for regular license to operate must have a minimum of:

a. 200 guards

159. Private Security agencies has to be registered with the:

a. Security and Exchange Commission

160. Licenses of the private security guards are processed and issued by the:

a. Philippine National Police

161. The supervision and control of trainings and operations of security agencies is under the office of:


162. It provides means and ways by which all personnel and employees are trained to make them
security conscious and disciplined.

a. Security Education

163. A person’s suitability to be given a security clearance is determined through a process called___.

a. security training

164. The process of inspecting or examining with careful thoroughness is a PSI technique known as:

a. Profiling

165. New employees should be briefed on security rules and regulations of the organizations and the
importance of observing them. The process is called___.

a. Security orientation

166. What should be undertaken by a Security Officer before be can prepare a comprehensive security
program for his industrial plan?

a. Security survey

167. What is the system of natural and man-made barriers placed between the potential intruder and
the object/person/matter being protected?

a. Physical security

168. Protection of classified documents/matters concerning their preparation, classification,

reproduction, handling transmission, disposal and destruction.
a. document security

169. It is the protection of high ranking officials from harm, kidnapping and similar acts.

a. VIP security

170. Protective lighting, perimeter barriers and ___ system are known in industrial security as physical

a. guarding

171. It is a natural, man-made or physical device which is capable of restricting, deterring or delaying
illegal access to an installation.

a. Barrier

172. Under physical security, what should be placed between the prosecution intruder and target

a. Barrier

173. An industrial complex must establish its first line of physical defense. It must have:

a. perimeter barrier

174. These are barbed wires placed above the vertical fence in order to increase physical protection of
establishing or installation?

a. Top guard

175. The protective alarm system that consist of ringing up a visual or audible alarm near the object to
be protected is called:

A Local alarm system

176. A stand- by lighting which can be utilized in the event of electrical failure, either due to local
equipment or commercial power failure is called

a. Emergency lighting

177. The issued key to open main entrance gate and office is called___.

a. Malson Keying

178 . A metallic container used for the safekeeping of documents or small items in an office or

a. Safe
179. Is an inquiry into the character, reputation, discretion, integrity, morals and loyalty of an individual
in order to determine a person’s suitability for appointment access to classified matter.

a. PSI

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