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Escuela Normal Superior Pública Del Estado De Hidalgo

Licenciatura En Enseñanza Y Aprendizaje Del Inglés En

Educación Secundaria

Optative Reflective Teaching

6th Semester

Final Project Teaching Practice

Unit 3

Student´S Name:
Genesis Monserrat Garcia De La Rosa

Teacher´s Name:
Maria Elena Amador Camacho

Action research is a methodology that seeks to improve teaching practice through

reflection and systematic action. Reflective teaching is a fundamental component of
action research, since it involves analyzing pedagogical practices, identifying strengths
and areas for improvement, and making informed decisions to improve the teaching-
learning process.
In the context of secondary school students, reflective teaching can be applied in
various ways. For example, the teacher can spend time after each class to reflect on
what happened, discuss how the students felt, evaluate the effectiveness of the
strategies used, and plan adjustments for future classes. It can also be helpful to
conduct peer observation, where one teacher observes another's class and offers
constructive feedback. This peer observation allows teachers to learn from their
colleagues, gain different perspectives, and enrich their own practice.
This project on teaching practice within the framework of action research could consist
of each teacher choosing a specific aspect of their teaching that they would like to
improve, such as time management, the implementation of formative assessment
strategies or the incorporation of technology. in the classroom. The teacher can then
carry out systematic research on that aspect, collecting data, reflecting and making
informed decisions to improve the practice of it. This project can be done in
collaboration with other teachers, sharing ideas and findings to enrich the process.
Action research is a name given to a particular way of investigating your own way of
looking at your practice to see if it is satisfactory. Since we will be able to produce
evidence to support their claims, the idea of self-reflection is central. In traditional
(empirical) forms of research, action research, researchers do research, themselves in
the company of other people, and those others are doing the same
Reflect on the actions shown using the data from which the evidence is drawn data and
make knowledge claims based on confirmed conclusions proof. When preparing a
report, it is not enough to simply describe and list the activities. he
There is a need to explain actions in terms of values, intent, and purpose. The
researcher's purpose in conducting the research. For example, if a researcher these
values tell us to help others become more confident, so to speak. his work embraces
the idea that people should feel respected. education survey he also deals with political
issues because he is always integrated into the society that composes him real people
there to clarify and explain.
Bailey (2012) defines reflective pedagogy as professional Carefully evaluate your work,
try to understand your motivation and theoretical and practical basis, and then try to
improve your work. She also pointed out that reflective curricula can take many forms,
included in our lesson plans, videos or record our lessons, keep a study journal, write a
blog about ourselves teaching etc It is important that professional teachers try to assess
How successful the activity was in terms of student participation and learning Results
(Harmer, 2007b). teachers who criticize your way of thinking about what happens in the
classroom and alternatives achieving goals or objectives is a reflective teacher
(Soisangwarn & Wongwanich,2014).
In addition, Farrell (2016) mentions that teachers use reflective practice professional
development is based on the belief that teachers can improve deliberately and
systematically reflect on their learning. learning experience. As is well known, teachers
believe that what they do and what they actually do is not always the same as
perception and reality always the same. He added that there are many ways for
teachers to obtain such information. evidence of your practice, such as surveys,
questionnaires, in the classroom. observations with and without peer discussions with
groups of other teachers face-to-face and/or through technology (for example, blogs,
forums, or chat). they can gain a better understanding of their own practice and that of
Action Research

This topic addresses different questions of knowledge creation and their connections
with exercise. Educational research is socially and politically embedded. It is always
applied a real person or persons in a specific context for a specific purpose. Research
just doesn't happen. It is intended to a greater or lesser extent and is general design he
wants to show (requirement to know) how it goes collect and provide information that
supports the information request and how it is intends to prove the validity of the claim
through some legal process. According to Sara Blackwell and Corey, “Action research is
a process for studying problems by part owners scientifically to take decisions for
improving their current practices”.
The purpose of research is to create new information and collect information, as well as
test and produce new theories that fit human life better than previous theories. As soon
as questions like "new knowledge" and "more appropriate theories" appear, however,
politics becomes visible because what counts as information and the theory is often
contested by different theorists working in their own specific contexts and with their
agendas. Research and theory building are closely related relational spheres of
influence, social purpose, law, power, politics and personal identity Placement is
important when talking about educational research discussion in a historical, cultural
and socio-political context. Therefore, I would like to highlight here some of the main
aspects that led to this of the birth of the action research movement and suggest why
the work is often controversial and why the main task of me and others is to investigate
what could be to be the form of logic (thought) best suited to describe and
explain ,operations questions.
Established typologies of knowledge, human interest and research. Second, I hope
show the development of action research in these types. Third, I do suggests ways in
which the fields could be developed compared to Schön (1995) identify as a new

Typology Of Knowledge, Human Interests And Research

The different types of knowledge and ways of knowing. It is vast found that there are
three main types of knowledge - know this, know that and Personal information; and two
main information systems or forms of logic according to which knowledge is acquired
and expressed - propositionally and dialectically. Forms of knowledge Know that, also
called propositional and technical rational knowledge, implies information about facts
and figures. Knowledge exists "out there", beyond it the visionary. It is an abstract set of
data about the world that can be found in books and other search engines. Information
is often considered a commodity to acquire, transfer and exchange for other goods.
Especially that for both post-industrial “knowledge-creating” societies: “Knowledge is
and will be to produce to sell' (Lyotard, 1984: 4). Fixed data set he has truths about the
way things are. When people claim, "I know that x," they can provide evidence to
support the claim by citing external sources. Know which is related to the idea of e-
theories and is related to public knowledge which are external to the knower. Know
how, also called procedural knowledge, refers to procedures and also skills Knowledge
is not a fixed set of data outside of us, but contains practical information.
"I know how to do it" refers to a way of doing things in the world and demand for
knowledge can be supported by showing Ryle (1949) provides a review of the data that
and know how. Personal knowledge, also called tacit knowledge (Polanyi, 1958, 1967),
refers to to a subjective way of knowing, which often cannot be rationalized.
Often we can't express what we know; we "just know". We all seem to have a huge fund
tacit knowledge that can be gleaned from experience, perhaps part of our genetics an
inheritance that enables us to act in certain ways without recourse to the outside facts
or authority. Personal knowledge refers to the idea of self-theories and refers to the
hidden knowledge that is in the mind-brain of an individual. Ways of knowing (forms of
logic) When we talk about ways of knowing, we usually distinguish two main epistemic
characteristics mological traditions: propositional (or formal) and dialectical.
Propositional (or formal) logic refers to abstract ways of knowing.
We are looking for reality and knowledge as external objects; we examine them and
make suggestions about how they should work. It is a conceptual system of knowledge
that uses abstraction form of logic; It treats theories like static models of
comprehensible reality intellectually When we think and express our knowledge in a
propositional way, we make positive statements about how we think about things.
Abstract shapes abstract from reality; thinking is an abstract conceptual exercise.
This form logic often associated with Aristotle, who wanted to eliminate contradictions
rational thinking, highly valued and informed by the Western intellectual tradition most of
their social, especially institutional, practices. Dialectical logic refers to fluid, relational
forms of knowledge. Let's face reality as something we are a part of. Knowing is the
process of creating new forms the past, the process of change. It is a downstream
process from which one thing becomes another. Dialectic often takes the form of a
question and answer, where one answer begets a new question, so nothing is ever
finished or final This way of knowing is embodied by the knower and his practice. it is
embodied, not abstract; real life, not conceptual. This view is part of an ancient tradition
that is often associated with but existed long before Plato, who saw the contradiction. as
part of life processes, the need to hold the one and the many together at the same time
is at the core of many non-Western ways of knowing.

Empirical research
Empirical research is rooted in the Newtonian–Cartesian worldview. In this view the
natural world can be understood as a set of interrelated parts, and one part causes
certain effects in others. Phenomena are often seen as pieces of machinery. Descartes
said that the mind and body were separate entities. This view gave rise to a philosophy
of dualism: that is, things could be understood in terms of binary opposites: either or,
not both and. The worldview was one of fragmentation, isolation and alienation
(Dawkins, 1987). In historical accounts of research the idea of ‘empirical’ as an
objective methodology often changes to ‘empiricist’, with overtones of control and
domination, particularly when the metaphors of the natural sciences are transferred to
human activity. People are studied as objects. Like machine parts, they occupy
particular places which they should keep to maintain the equilibrium of an established
order. Early empiricists believed that only objects ‘out there’ were worthy of study.
Anything which could not be seen, heard, felt, smelt or tasted was not real, so
‘imaginary’ phenomena such as hopes and intentions should not be taken seriously.
Studying reality involved a careful process of experimentation, usually involving control
and experimental groups. The aim was to show how variables could be manipulated to
predict and control behaviour in terms of cause and effect; data generated was subject
to quantitative analysis.
A critical theoretical study From the 1930s, a new critical voice began to be heard. The
the most consistent came from what later became known as the Frankfurt School
(Horkheimer, Adorno, Marcuse and later Habermas) who said that then the present
methods were inadequate for social science research because they failed
acknowledges the historical, cultural and social position of scientists. People could don't
comment on their experience unless they understand what that experience was like
formed from their own place. They could not be free until they understood were free. A
new approach was needed that made people aware the historical and cultural forces
that influenced them and their situation.
People it is necessary to understand the nature of your life force and learn how a
challenge This point of view constituted a criticism of the ideology that made it possible
to be aware of their historical and cultural context and find ways to recreate it their
personal and social reality.
Critical theory developed as a systematic approach to provide a counterpoint to both
response to dominant influences and emancipatory hope. Today is a big day critical
literature in teacher education and organizational studies and its implications continues
to grow. Other research traditions emerged from critical theory or it confirmed; such as
critical feminist inquiry and liberation theology and action research.

Reflective practice

Reflective practice is, in its simplest form, thinking about or reflecting on

what you do. It is closely linked to the concept of learning from experience,
in that you think about what you did, and what happened, and decide from
that what you would do differently next time.

Reflection training has become a strong focus and movement for teachers.
Education. The complexity of teaching requires that teachers themselves
question their practice. professional development to enhance and enhance
student achievement. considered
Practice is the ability to mirror action to engage in a continuous learning
process. One of the main reasons for reflective practice is that the
experience itself does not necessarily lead to
Education; Consciousness makes sense of experience essential. Reflective
practice is an important tool in professional practice-based learning
environments were
People learn from their own work experience, not from formal training or
knowledge exchange. It is the most important source of personal and
professional growth. improvement. It is also an important way to combine
theory with practice; Through able to reflect on and name ways of thinking
and theories in the context of their work
Class 1 (first journal)
1.- General information of the school where you are going to practice.
In Secondary School General No.5 “Jaime Torres Bodet”, in Avenue Javier
Rojo Gomez s/n Fracc. Juan C. Doria
2.- Group profile
The group that was assigned to me was 2°C and 2°D, these groups are
very different, since C is a somewhat calm group, they pay attention and
are participative in the activities assigned to them, the total number of
students is 25 in both groups
3.- Group / level /date / time and topic for the class
2°C-Basic-25th April,2023-40 min-Going to-Travel Itinerary
2°D-Basic-25th April,2023-40 min-Going to-Travel Itinerary
4.- Narrative of what happened in the class.
On Tuesday I had to introduce myself at my first hour, which was from 7:00
a.m. to 7:50 a.m. When the head of the group, Professor Víctor Lugo,
entered the room, he introduced me to the students and mentioned that he
would be working with them in This week, I also mentioned that they had to
do all the work that I gave them, since it was contrary to their partial work,
for which the students were enthusiastic since they noticed that I had
brought material for them and they would learn something new.
As soon as I finished my presentation with the students, I greeted them in
English and asked them to come out since I would put airplane headbands
on each one of them, that's how they came out and lined up, they were
very interested in what I had for them. By placing the headband on them, I
was integrating each one of them into the classroom and I was giving them
a work sheet for them since they would work with that sheet during class.
When everyone had finished entering the room, the head teacher
proceeded to take their list, he helped me to turn on and use what was the
cannon with the control, and that was how I made a slide presentation to
the students on the topic that we were going to discuss. I also asked them
if they knew what the class would be about, I asked them what they
imagined the headbands were about, I asked them if they liked them, how
they felt.
The students answered me very well and I continued to present the topic. I
told them to take out their notebook and take note of the topic that was
being presented to them, which was "Travel Itinerary". The purpose of this
was for them to know how to make a travel itinerary trip for which I used
sentences with the use of the time that was requested which is "Going to"
in some slides questions were shown and immediately the answer of how
they should answer and each one realized how this time was used since in
the Normal Superior school have been teaching us to improve the way
students learn in a motivating and non-traditional way, which is why they
did not arrive with a time structure as is traditionally done, but rather the
students managed to identify how to use this time verbal without realizing it
with the examples that were given and with the use of the context of the
"Travel itinerary" which when doing it they noticed how they can use it with
basic sentences and the broader use it can have and the use it can obtain
in daily life, for example when they go on a trip.
**Teaching strategy Note- taking
The slides showed a series of elements that must be addressed in order to
make a Travel Itinerary, which is what it should contain as it is: Day, date,
Activities to be carried out, Where they can stay, each element came with
images allusive to what that it could be understood and each slide came
with a single word, it did not contain much text, later we had to answer what
the worksheet was, which was a sheet about making a "Travel Plan" of
themselves with their tastes, they liked it explaining part by part what they
had to do to finally have their trip at the beginning of this worksheet a map
is shown in which they must write at the bottom either the country or city
they prefer next to which season is shown of the year they would like to
attend either in the fall. Winter spring respectively, later they had to choose
where they would like to go either: a big city, a village, a beach, etc.
**Teaching strategy Modelling
They had to circulate any of these options later they had to choose if they
wanted to go for a month, a week, or a weekend, there is also a section in
which they would place more or less how much they would spend on their
transportation, their comforts, on food, and at the same time. Last of the
sheet they had to write where they would like to stay if in a hotel, in an
apartment, if they would like to camp, etc.
On the back of the worksheet there were also various activities, for
example, the one that followed was to lock up why would they be in the
place they chose? They should lock up if they wanted to travel by train, by
plane. Walking, by bike, or by private car. As they wanted in the next
activity, they also had to enclose what activities they would like to do while
there, whether they wanted to visit a museum, meet a celebrity, visit a
monument, or go to a music festival, they had several options. Then there
was a list of things that they would need for that trip, they had to fill in the
circle of what they think is important to take in their suitcase as it was; the
passport, take money, bring a map, food, water, tourist guides, next to this
table they should also mention what clothes they could take for that trip
depending on the season they had chosen, whether summer or winter
And finally, there was their task, which consisted of making a postcard for a
relative by placing a drawing alluding to the country they chose. They
should write about their trip, their experience, their comforts while there,
imagining if they had truly lived it, they would also be I commented that
they would be in teams of 4 members since they had to bring material to
carry out their class itinerary the next class referring to the country that
touched them since each team was assigned a country in which they will
work and they would have to bring allusive information such as images ,
markers to make your picture with the elements seen in the slides.
During the class they were signing what was their note of the slides
exposed in the class since it would be a signature of the three requested.
This class procedure was carried out both in the class with the 2°C group in
the morning and with 2°D in the last group from 12:20 am to 1:10 pm
5.- What did you like about the class ?
In the 2D group there was more interaction on the part of the students and
they were more active during the class, however, in the 2C group, being
more serious allowed the class to flow correctly and quickly.
6.- What was challenging about the class ?
In the 2D group, the challenge was that this group says a lot of things that
make people laugh and how they participate, with the 2C group most of
whom are too quiet to be able to participate.
7.- What do you think your students learn from the class ?
The 2D group in this first class learned to answer in the requested time
which was "going to" without the traditional use of writing the structure on
the blackboard the same with the 2C group
8.- What was difficult for students to achieve or to understand ?
The only difficult thing was that in the 2D group I have a student who
doesn't even know what a "Slide" is and didn't understand most of what
was mentioned without, on the other hand, all her classmates did
understand the whole class.
9.- What teaching strategies will you use next time ?
The implementation of more activities that allow students to open their
minds or creativity by bringing material for them or making more use of the
material they bring
10.- How did you feel in the class ? Feel free to express your real
In the first class that I had from early on it seemed a little more difficult to
me since it was the first class that occupied the cannon, the horns and
giving classes to the students, already in the second class of the same day
I improved a lot what I had to do and that It made me feel more confident
with the students

Class 2 (second journal)

1.- General information of the school where you are going to practice.
In Secondary School General No.5 “Jaime Torres Bodet”, in Avenue Javier
Rojo Gomez s/n Fracc. Juan C. Doria
2.- Group profile
The group that was assigned to me was 2°C and 2°D, these groups are
very different, since C is a somewhat calm group, they pay attention and
are participative in the activities assigned to them, the total number of
students is 25 in both groups. Knowing these groups and seeing how they
behaved made it no longer difficult for me to work with any of them by using
different strategies for each group and arriving myself at a teaching method
that worked with both groups and allowed me to work with them
3.- Group / level /date / time and topic for the class
2°C-Basic-25th April,2023-40 min-Will-Professions and Occupations
2°D-Basic-25th April,2023-40 min- Will-Professions and Occupations
4.- Narrative of what happened in the class.
When starting this class, the first thing I did was give them a printed
motivating phrase which was given to each student as they entered the
room. The phrase said: “I will be the best version of myself”
When giving each sentence to each one of the students, I mentioned that
later I would read the sentence and then they would repeat it, making a
small mime when saying this sentence with all the students, I wrote the
sentence on the board emphasizing the auxiliary Will and I reminded them
why we used the auxiliary Will and it was when they were mentioning that
the phrase I gave them was a prediction in the same way, after this I
mentioned that they should take out their notebook, paste the phrase, write
their meanings aside, otherwise they knew, and write a short reflection on
Then he proceeded to mention to them that they must be the best version
of themselves to achieve their purposes and goals in life, and so with the
boys. Later I told them that we would play "Pictionary" which is a game that
really moves my group a lot since they really like what this game is, so I
began to motivate them even more with what this game was, in which, as
you already know, what the game is about, what proceeded was to have
the first volunteer then, I showed them the profession that they had to draw
on the blackboard and all the others had to guess what profession or
occupation we were dealing with, after this I showed them the flashcard of
the profession that was, and we all mentioned out loud, the profession that
was and so with each one for this there were 8 students who passed, in
what the last ones were guessing I was giving them a printed sheet with 4
different professions for each student.
Therefore, when I finished guessing and everyone mentioned the
profession that touched them, I proceeded to explain how they should do
the following activity which was for each profession or occupation to write
their three sentences for example:

*I will be a teacher
*I will not be a teacher
*Will I be a teacher?

They had to write these sentences as they wrote each one on the
blackboard, I asked the students how each sentence should be, be it
positive, negative or interrogative, emphasizing the auxiliary Will, with the
help of colored markers to highlight each structure, which The only thing
they had to change was the profession or occupation that they had to do
and everyone understood it, they had to paste the image and write their
sentences next to it, as they finished they would go on to qualify. Then I put
an audio with 3 sentences with examples to these in which they were:

1. I will be a doctor
2. I will be a teacher
3. I will not be a dentist

After listening to the audio they had to write each sentence in their
notebook and finally they had to write "I Will be a…….." and write that they
wanted to be great each of the students in their notebook with a drawing of
this profession or occupation And that's how the class ended.
6.- What was challenging about the class ?
That they will be able to form at the beginning with the help of all the three
structures in positive, negative and interrogative
7.- What do you think your students learn from the class ?
About the professions and occupations, about that remember the three
estructures and learn to listen with listening
8.- What was difficult for students to achieve or to understand ?
At first it was not complicated, since everyone paid attention to the
instructions and understood what they had to do, as well as the explanation
of the topic and the estructures what should they put on their work.
9.- What teaching strategies will you use next time ?
At first it was not complicated, since everyone paid attention to the
instructions and understood what they had to do, as well as the explanation
of the topic.
**Teaching strategy Modelling
**Teaching strategy Note- taking
10.- How did you feel in the class ? Feel free to express your real
I felt very good at the end with the group since we talked about the subject
and the students worked very well. I felt very comfortable with the group,
they are very attentive and participatory guys, Everyone understood what
they had to do and they were working very animated
Reflective cycle

1. Giving Instructions -Modelling


One of the problems I found was giving instructions with the 4 steps that we
must follow, which is what counts for me the most. I work with students,
giving them short instructions, what I do is give them an example of what
they have to do in the blackboard but doing the steps mentioned by our
practice teacher makes it difficult for me to follow them step by step, which
is why I have given myself the task of continuing to investigate how to
improve, another way that I have not implemented is to make flashcards
with the keywords of the instructions such as, enclose, tick, on the
instruction that is going to be done as mentioned by miss.

So when they have to do an activity, what I do is explain it on the board,

giving an example of what I expect them to do, and when they have to do
an activity on a worksheet, we all do it together, we read more instructions
and we all fill it out together with help. of the projector

To confirm that the students have understood everything, ask a random student
to repeat the instructions of what should be done and thus the doubts of the
students are resolved
The following expressions help you to give order and coherence to your
speech. You can use them in any of the situations that we have exposed

• First

• Then

• After that

• Next

• Afterwards
• At last – Finally

2. Management

I used in the first class what was a worksheet that we all had to do together
which I projected in the classroom and I was explaining each part, then I
was showing them the class with the help of power point presentations, and
at the beginning I gave each student headbands of airplanes since we were
talking about travel itineraries and I related the trip to the planes which
motivated the students a lot to be in the English class, entering the class
motivated them a lot because of the material that characterizes me that I
always bring with me.
For the second day of practice, use printed material in this class that
mentions printed motivating phrases for each student, printed flshcards,
images for each student with different professions and occupations,
allowing them to have in their hands what was the profession that we would
be occupying with their respective I named this to save time from making
the drawings. Having it was more accessible for them. They really liked the
material, the images for each one and that they were different.
The didactic materials in the classroom motivate in a very important way to
learn another language, for example English. They can be used to cover
different topics at different levels of depth. These types of resources
provide the teacher with didactic strategies and techniques.
Didactic material is often used as a binder or connecting element teacher
and/or student and reality. Ideally, all teaching and learning should be in
contact with real life, but it is not always possible or recommended, and
precisely for this reason we have tools, resources or materials that act as a
bridge between what what is taught and learned and the real world
Peer Observation APRENDIZAJE DEL INGLÉS 7 ° Y 8°
School: Escuela General Numero 5 Jaime Torres Bodet

Teacher: Victor Hugo Rodriguez Castro

Teacher: Genesis Monserrat Garcia de la Rosa

Subject: English Grade and group: 2C and 2D Nº of students: 2
Date of the class: 19/06/2023 Time: 50 min Level: A1
Topic: Present Simple
Context: Structures
Prior Knowledge: Verbs Infinitive
Objective: Students will be able to write sentences using the positive and negative form
Stage of the Tim Activities Instructions Interactio n Materials
lesson e
Goal: Students will write sentences using the positive and negative form Example:
*I have breakfast
*I swim in the pool
*I don´t play piano
*I don´t study today

Warm- up 4 The teacher will show them a Good morning, guys! How are you?, Listen All the class - White board
min video of a song about verbs that this song! - Papers
they must act respectively -
Okay, guys. We repeat! m
Hippie Yeppe …Let´s go
Hippie Yeppe …Let´s go
(Teacher note: use modelling and body
language to explain)
Presentation 10 Teachers ask ss: Have you Teacherstudent - Flashcards
min Remember another verb? - White board
Okey guys, It´s time to play that “Bingo”. - Markers
(Vocabulary Ss will play a °Bingo° game What did you hear during the song?, Well
presentation for knowing infinitive verbs here I have a series of verbs that we will
) repeat
Teacher will pronounce the
verbs and repeat (Let us begin)

Finally ss will repeat

Pronunciation and play the Well, we will give an example of how to do
game this game…with the sheets that I just gave
you, we are going to play °Bingo°

Someone played °Bingo°?,Who can tell us

how to play…

To play this game we must listen to what verb

I am pronouncing and they must color a ball
of paper over the verb I said, the first one to
complete all their verbs wins and shouts…

Any questions? Take notes 1 min

The teacher will play a video
Very well guys, now . I am going to play
Grammar mc- 3 about present simple in which a video in which we will talk more about this Teacher- - White board
nugget min these structures will be explained tense student - Markers
- Take notes
 As the video goes by we will pause to take
notes and I will explain what is mentioned, ok m
Practice Guided 15 min Very good guys, now with the sheets that I Students - Pen or pencil
The teacher will ask the students to gave you some verbs let´s see everyone have - Notebook
choose two verbs that will be given your images, okay we will be working with these - Images
to each student in those two, they images
must write down the sentences
with their two structures: For example:
*I have breakfast
*Positive *I swim in the pool
*Negative *I don´t play piano
*I don´t study today
As in the example of the
Just like the example above

They know what is going to change….exactly,

only the verb

Production 10 The teacher will remind them Very well guys, Now with your bingo - Notebook
min of what we saw in the video and card that I gave you, we are going to occupy Student- - Bingo paper
now they will stick the °Bingo° and it all. student
write those verbs in the simple
present form
Paste it in your notebook, then write the
verb adding the °s° or °es°

For example:


I´ll sign in a moment

Closure 5 The teacher will give them the  Very well guys, now to finish in pair yo - White board
min opportunity to play the bingo can play °Bingo° - Markers
game in pairs to understand what
they have learned

Anticipated problems and solutions:

- The time is something I can’t control in my last classes but now I’m going to put a silence alarm to design quick but efficient activities.
Final Conclusion of my Observation

The fact that my partner has observed me allowed me to learn more about my
weaknesses as a trainee teacher, such as not giving instructions well, it is an
issue that I know I should improve with my students, I also recognize that I
should improve the use of the language to be able to give a class 100% in
English and that my students feel motivated to be in the English classroom. This
observation was very good for me, because I was able to realize that it is what I
have to reinforce and focus a little more in order to have a better result in the
following days and above all that the students can complete their activities
successfully. Another point that I must reinforce is communication in English,
since I made a mistake when I wanted to convey the message, since there was
confusion on the part of the students and therefore the objective was not
achieved one hundred percent, due to the difficulties in the course of teaching
the subject
the practice of peer observation is highly beneficial for teachers. It allows you to
obtain constructive feedback and diversify your repertoire of pedagogical
strategies. In addition, it promotes collaboration and the development of a
learning culture among teachers. Peer observation offers different perspectives
and helps identify areas for improvement in teaching practice. Then in my opinion
peer observation ensures that pupils and students receive effective teaching that
better supports their development. And they also benefit from an enhanced
learning experience and better learning outcomes
It is a valuable tool for the professional growth of teachers and to encourage
continuous improvement in the teaching and learning process. By allowing
ourselves to be observed during our internships, we open the door to feedback
and collaborative learning, which is essential for our growth as teachers. In
addition, improving our level of voice in front of the group and giving clear
instructions to students before carrying out an activity are fundamental aspects
that help us maintain an effective classroom environment that is conducive to
learning. By putting these strategies into practice, we achieve a higher level of
student engagement and understanding, which translates into better academic
performance and a more enriching educational experience for all.
Peer observation, also known as peer observation, is a process in which teachers have
the opportunity to observe each other in the classroom with the aim of learning and
improving their teaching practice. Through this practice, teachers can get constructive
feedback, exchange ideas, and enrich their knowledge about teaching and learning. In
this analysis, we will draw on the ideas of two authors: Peter Johnston and Charlotte

According to Johnston (2004), peer observation is a valuable tool for professional

growth. This practice not only offers the opportunity to receive feedback from
colleagues, but also promotes collaboration and joint reflection. Johnston argues that
peer observation can help teachers identify both strengths and areas for improvement in
their practice, as well as broaden their repertoire of teaching strategies. In addition, this
methodology encourages the development of a learning culture among teachers, where
the exchange of ideas and experiences becomes a common practice.

On the other hand, Danielson (1996) highlights that peer observation allows teachers to
obtain different perspectives on their teaching. Being observed by a colleague opens up
opportunities to identify unintended implications of our pedagogical decisions and to
challenge previous assumptions about what works in the classroom. Danielson points
out that peer observation can help teachers expand their repertoire of teaching
strategies by allowing them to see new techniques or approaches used by their
colleagues in action.
In conclusion, reflective teaching and peer observation are key elements in action
research in secondary education. Through reflection and analysis of teaching practice,
teachers can identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions to improve
the teaching-learning process. Peer observation provides an invaluable opportunity to
learn from colleagues, gain different perspectives, and enrich one's own practice. By
practicing with high school students, teachers can gain significant insights into their own
strengths and areas for improvement, as well as the needs and characteristics of their
students. Each class taught offers an opportunity to analyze, reflect on and adjust the
teaching practice, rescuing elements that worked well and generating continuous
improvements. Action research and reflective teaching promote professional growth and
excellence in secondary education.
It also included what it was to motivate them in each class at the beginning, what I did
was give them a motivating phrase to be able to have an interaction with them, to be
able to reach their hearts and thus have a good group, that in the end not only my two
groups would miss me but also all the second grades since I left something good in
each one of them, they asked my main teacher that I teach them and everything was
very nice, most of them greeted me, I also took various details from them such as
chocolates, sweets, a little plant, and letters from everyone mentioning their reflection in
this time that I was with them. Thanks to the observations that they were also giving me
when they observed me, I could see that I had to improve and how to do it, as it was in
not letting them leave 6 minutes before they rang the bell, telling them to pick up the
garbage, leaving the benches lined up, and everything was very nice when end with my
Throughout this internship this semester, I have rescued a lot of significant learning with
the students, the high school boys, since it allowed me to meet new faces and teaching
methods, such as giving instructions with the three steps recommended by our
supervisor. practices. Also improving in each practice period how we each carry out our
planning, there was still an improvement in my planning since I had to integrate more
activities thatstudents could develop with the use and implementation of Reading,
Writing, Speaking, thus achieving the use in each planning these skills that would allow
my student to further develop the language academically.
Peer observations can be useful in determining whether the observed session relates to
the overall module aims and learning outcomes and how, if at all, it links to previous and
future sessions in order to ensure that the students are achieving the learning outcomes
and that learning is taking place. The process is also helpful in identifying the
appropriateness of assessments within a module, such as presentations, exams and
assignments and to assess the methods and materials used by the observed lecture

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