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Minutes of the Executive Comittee Meeting of District Civil Hospital, Hojai

Date: 27.04.2022 Venue: District Civil Hospital, Hojai

The Additional Deputy Commissioner(H) on behalf of Deputy Comissioner, Hojai chaired the Executive Committee Meeting of District
Civil Hospital, Hojai in presence of Hon’ble, MLA, 91 Hojai LAC, Joint DHS, Hojai, Superintendent, District Civil Hospital, Hojai and
other members of the committee. A detailed discussion was made on performance of the Hospital and issues related to the
Hospital. Following decisions were taken as per the agenda:

Subject Point of discussion Action by

Current Status of the Superintendent of District Civil Hospital, Hojai welcomed all the members to the
Hospital Executive Committee Meeting of the hospital.
It was informed that presently dedicated OPD services, 24x7 Emergency services, Assam
Normal Delivery Services, Pharmacy, Laboratory facility with limited resources, ECG
services & Indoor services with limited resources are made functional with the help of
Existing staff of the hospital.

It is also informed that Oxygen plant under PM Care is also made functional which can
provide Oxygen to the needy patients. Moreover the process for outsourcing X Ray
services are also in process and complete Free X ray will be provided to all needy
patients within 2-3 Month by NHM, Assam

Action Taken report of Installation of IEC materials- 50% Completed, Functioning of Normal Delivery Superintendent/Hospital
the previous meeting Services-Completed, Shifting of the District drug warehouse-Completed, Installation of Administrator
Fire safety measures- In process, Purchase of items for Delivery & Minor OT services-
completed, Installation of CCTV-In process.etc.

Hon’ble, MLA, 91 Hojai LAC, informed that an ambulance will be provided to the Superintendent/Hospital
District Civil Hospital, Hojai by utilizing funds under his jurisdiction. He was not Administrator

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
satisfied with the slow progress of the construction as well as functioning of the hospital
due to non availability of manpower, shortage of Equipments and other issues. He
suggested Superintendent/Hospital Administrator to submit a detailed report on
requirements of the Hospital within 7 days of time so that the issues can be taken up
with higher authorities.

Action Plan for 2022- 1. Functioning of the X-Ray Services- It was informed that civil construction
23 works has already been completed & Lead protective measures were already Superintendent/Hospital
installed. The X-Ray machine received from Punjab National bank under CSR Administrator
activity will be installed within 7 days. Free digital X-Ray services will be stated
by NHM Assam within 2-3 Months.
2. The Oxygen Plant donated by Dalmia Cement under CSR activity is not installed
yet as electrification works for the unit has not yet started. Resolution was
taken to instruct Zonal Engineer NHM for preparing an estimate for the same
and to forward the estimate to NHM Assam for sanction of fund.
3. Application for Blood Bank services- It was informed that Construction works
related to Blood bank is already completed. Application for functioning of the
Blood bank will be completed within 1 month of time.
The committee approved the action plan.
Financial Utilization It was discussed that Purchase works for following activities are done in the financial
year 2021-2022 Executive Committee

1. Purchase of Equipments for Normal Delivery & Minor OT Services

2. Purchase of reagents and Consumables for laboratory
3. Purchase of Furnishers for Superintendent Room, Office and OPDs
4. For Maintenance of Oxygen Plant(Diesel etc)
5. IEC-BCC works
6. Salary to 2 Nos of Cleaners
7. Purchase of Stationeries & consumables for the hospital

A total of Rs 9,99,981 was utilized for the above activities from the sanctioned untied

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
fund for the year 2021-2022. The Committee approved the expenditures.

The meeting ended with thanks from the Chaiman.

Memo No. ………………………… Dated Sivasagar the th

June’ 2018
Copy for favour of kind information to :
1. The Commissioner and Secretary to the Govt. of Assam, Health & F.W. Department Dispur – 06.
2. The MP, Jorhat (Lok Sabha constituency)
3. The Director of Health Services, Assam Hengrabari, Guwahati – 06.
4. The Mission Director, NRHM, Saikia Commercial Complex, Guwahati – 05.
5. The Deputy Commissioner – Cum – Chairman H.M.S. Sivasagar.
6. The DDC (A.D.C. Health) – cum - Member HMS, Sivasagar.
7. The Joint Director of Health Services, Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
8. The Chairman Municipal Board, Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
9. Dr. Prokash Kotokey, Ex-Principal, Sivasagar College joysagar – cum - Member HMS.
10. Sri Sankarlal Agarwalla, prominent Citizen, Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
11. The President, Lions Club, Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
12. The President, Rotary Club, Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
13. The President, I.M.A. Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
14. The President A.M.S.A., Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
15. The Executive Engineer P.W.D. (B), Sivasagar ) – cum - Member HMS.
16. The Executive Engineer P.H.E., Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
17. The Executive Engineer P.W.D. (Electrical), Jorhat – cum - Member HMS.
18. The Deputy Manager A.S.E.B., Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.
19. The Asstt. Engineer N.H.M., Sivasagar – cum - Member HMS.

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur

Superintendent Deputy Commissioner Sjt. K.P. Tassa, MP

Sivasagar Civil Hospital Sivasagar Jorhat (Lok Sabha constituency

Minutes of the Governing Body Meeting, Sivasagar Civil Hospital

Date: 20.09.2019 Venue: Sivasagar Civil Hospital

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
Hon’ble Sjt. Tapan Gogoi, MP Jorhat (Lok Sabha constituency), chaired the Governing Body Meeting in presence Deputy Commissioner,
Joint DHS, Sivasagar and other members of the committee. A detailed discussion was made on performance of the Hospital and
issues the Hospital is facing. The following decisions were taken:

Subject Point of discussion Action by

Welcome Address by - Supdt Sivasagar civil Hospital welcomed all the members of the committee and
briefed about statistical performance, Currently available services etc. Superintendent
Sivasagar Civil Hospital
Brief status of the - Supdt explained the performance of the Hospital with statistical datas. It was Supdt.
observed that the performance of th Hospital is improving day by day.
Supdt presented the HR of the Hospital. He pointed out that there is a vacancy of 9
Doctors & 28 Grade IV staff as per sanctioned posts. He also pointed out that there
was acute shortage of Doctors specially in the Maternity, Medicine & Anaesthesia Jt. DHS.
department. Resolution was taken to depute Dr. N Chaudhury & Dr. H.K Baruah in
M&G Department.

Income & Expenditure The Supdt. briefed the income & Expenditure statement for the Financial Year 2018-
19 & 2019-20 till August 2019
Action Plan -It was informed that the Progress of construction of the Public toilet & MCH Wing in DC
SCH is relatively slow. Resolution was taken that issue will be taken up by DC and
will review the progress of the Work.

- It was informed that there is frequent power cut in the Hospital. Deputy Manager
APDCL., Sivasagar informed that this was due to overloading of the existing
transformers and there is need of installation of 250 KVA transformer to avaid such Deputy Manager APDCL.

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
problems. Hon’ble MP directed to install the 250 KVA Transformer
immediately. The charges for assasories for the transformer may be provided
from HMS,SCH. Deputy Manager APDCL. will submit the estimate within 5 days.

- Hon’ble MP asked the Deputy Manager, APDCL to install Dedicated Electric Deputy Manager APDCL.
feder line for Sivasagar Civil Hospital. Deputy Manager APDCL. will submit the
estimate within 7 days.

-It was informed that there are 45 Bighas land in Sivasagar Civil Hospital premises. President, Hologuri Goan
The boundary wall was not fully constructed in the Hospital premises. Hon’ble MP Panchayat
directed President, Hologuri Goan Panchayat to cover the work under various
schemes under Gaon panchayat and to construct the walls on phase in phase

-Regarding the casual employees working under HMs it was informed that 43
casual employees are working in SCH who are getting remuneration of
RS3000-5000/-. Resolution was taken to increase the remuneration by 1000
each. Resolution was taken that EPF to be provided to each employee after
issue of appointment letter.

- It was informed that there was problem in disposal of the unidentified dead
bodies due to lake of land. DC will discuss the matter for provision of such DC
land for disposal of the bodies.

-The water supply system of PHE is very outdated and low capacity which EE,PWD(B)/EE,PHE
causes scarcity of water in the Hospital. EE, PWD (B) & EE, PHE will jointly put
up a proposal within 7 Days for upgradation of the water supply system.

I/C police outpost SCH

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
- Regarding parking of vehicles I/C police outpost SCH will monitor the parking in the
front areas to hospital so that patients can easily reach the outpatient
department/Casuality easily.

The meeting ended with thanks from the Chaiman.

Superintendent Deputy Commissioner Sjt. Tapan Gogoi

Sivasagar Civil Hospital Sivasagar MP, Jorhat (Lok Sabha constituency)

Memo No. ………………………… Dated Sivasagar the 20th September’ 2019

Copy for favour of kind information to :
1. Sjt. Tapan Gogoi, MP (Jorhat Lok Sabha constituency), Chairman of the Governing body

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
2. Sjt. Pranab Gogoi, MLA, Sivasagar,
3. The Deputy Commissioner, Sivasagar, Chairman H.M.S.
4. The ADC(H), Sivasagar.
5. The Joint Director of Health Services, Sivasagar.
6. The President, Zila Parisad, Sivasagar.
7. The Chairman Municipal Board, Sivasagar.
8. The Chief Executive Officer, Zila Parisad, Sivasagar.
9. Executive Officer, Municipality Board, Sivasagar
10.District Ayush Officer, Sivasagar
11.District officer, Woman & Child Development
12.District officer, Social Welfare Department
13.The President, Hologuri Goan Panchayat
14. Sri Prokash Kotokey, Ex-Principal, Sivasagar College Joysagar, Eminent Citizen, Sivasagar
15.Smti Suravi Rajkumari, Eminent Citizen, Sivasagar
16.The Sankarlal Agarwalla, Eminent Citizen, Sivasagar
17.The President, Rotary Club, Sivasagar.
18.The President, I.M.A., Sivasagar.
19.The President, AMSA, Sivasagar.
20.The Executive Engineer P.W.D. (B), Sivasagar.

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
21.The Executive Engineer P.H.E., Sivasagar.
22.The Executive Engineer P.W.D. (Electrical), Jorhat.
23.The Deputy Manager A.S.E.B., Sivasagar.
24.Departmental Incharges of All Departments, Sivasagar Civil Hospital

25.Matron, Sivasagar Civil Hospital

Superintendent Deputy Commissioner Sjt. Tapan Gogoi

Sivasagar Civil Hospital Sivasagar MP, Jorhat (Lok Sabha constituency)

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
Minutes of the Hospital Management Society Meeting of Kanaklata Civil Hospital/ MCH Wing Porua, Sonitpur
Date: 31.07.2023 Venue: MCH Wing Porua

The Deputy Commissioner Sonitpur chaired the Hospital Management Society Meeting of Kanaklata Civil Hospital/ MCH Wing Porua,
Sonitpur in presence of ADC(H), Sonitpur, Joint DHS, Sonitpur, Superintendent, Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Deputy Superintendent,

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
MCH Wing Porua and other members of the committee. A detailed discussion was made on performance of the Hospital and issues
related to the Hospital. Following decisions were taken as per the agenda:

Subject Point of discussion Action by

Welcome Address by Superintendent of Kanaklata Civil Hospital, welcomed all the members to the Hospital
Superintendent Management Society Meeting of the hospital.
Deputy Superintendent informed the house regarding the current status of the Hospital. Assam
It was discussed that Emergency Night C Section was comparatively Low in las few
months. Due to non-availability Anesthetist in MCH Wing Porua. Deputy
Commissioner directed Superintendent & Deputy Superintendent to exempt the other
duties of Anesthetists if possible so that OT can be functional in emergency hours also.

Setting up Ayushman It was discussed that PMJAY services are currently available at KCH only. It was Superintendent/Deputy
Bharat Counter at MCH proposed that PMJAY counter to be established at MCH Wing porua also engaging 2 Superintendent
Wing Porua Arugya Mitra Personnel at Lum Sum Basis. DC advised to make the services available
in both the Hospitals utilizing the existing Arugya Mitra Personnel’s and to see the
performance for One month. The performance will be evaluated by
Superintendent/Deputy Superintendent after one month and if the service is
unsatisfactory then Superintendent may engage one person at Lum Sum Basis for this

Bio Medical Waste It was discussed that Recyclable Wastes (Red & Blue) need to be outsourced for NHM/
Disposal transportation & disposal. It was discussed Udayan Enterprise a Tezpur based farm Superintendent/Hospital
expressed interest in outsourcing the Red & Blue Biomedical Wastes along with Administrator
General Wastes from MCH & KCH at the rate of Rs 6 per bed Per day. Resolution was
taken that as the Fund (Aprox Rs-25000-30000 per month) is not currently available
Hospital Administrator to write the proposal to MD, NHM regarding outsourcing of the

Functionalization of Following Issues are discussed in regarding Functionalization of the ICU t at KCH-

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
1. Doctor- to make the ICU functioning resolution was taken to withdraw Dr. DHS /
Komol Gupta working at District TB Unit and to engage her in ICU of KCH once Superintendent
made functional
2. Support Staff- Resolution was taken to engage 2 Nos of Support Staff for ICU at
the rate of Rs 5000/- per month
3. Nursing Staff- Joint DHS to rationalize 5 Nos of Nursing staff from peripheral
hospitals where delivery is not being conducted.

ICU charge is fixed at the rate of Rs 1000/- per Day..

Renovation of PM Hall DC approved the estimate of Rs 791000/- for renovation of PM Hall of KCH. Fund from PWD(B)/Superintendent
of KCH Hospital Management Society to be utilized for this purpose. During the renovation
time Post mortem to be conducted at TMCH. Advance communication to the Principal
TMCH and concerned department Police to be made prior to start of the work.

Works related to Fire It was informed that an amount of Rs 900000/- (Nine Lakhs) is sanctioned for Fire HMS
Safety Measures Safety Measures at MCH Wing Porua. As per recommendation from Fire & Emergency
Services Quotations were collected by Purchase Committee of KCH and found the
Lowest quote by “SAFETECH” RS 899579/-. The committee approved it and resolution
was taken to submit the Budget requirement to MD, NHM Assam for completion of the

Functionalization of It was discussed the Blood Storage unit is not yet available at MCH wing Porua. Deputy Superintendent
Blood Storage Unit at Commissioner had a talk with Project Director, Assam Blood Transfusion Council and
MCH Wing Porua
resolution was taken to resend a Letter to PD, Assam Blood Transfusion Council
regarding setting up a Blood Storage Centre at MCH Wing Porua.

Allotment of Existing Podum Saikia an owner of allotted Pharmacy in the KCH premises died and one Person Superintendent
Pharmacy at KCH namely Asha Kalita expressed interest and applied for running the pharmacy. The

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
documents were evaluated and resolution was taken to allot the pharmacy to Asha
Kalita at the Rate of Rs 4000/- Per Month

Allotment of Two application were received regarding allotment of Janaushadhi Pharmacy in MCH Superintendent
Janaushadhi Pharmacy Wing premises. One is already having one Janaushadhi Pharmacy in KCH. Resolution
in MCH Wing was taken to allot the pharmacy to Pintu Ghosh. Superintendent to make an agreement
with Pintu Ghosh as per Govt Norms.

Designation of Resolution was taken that Preety Khound who is working as Block accounts Manager
Personnel for Accounts will Look after the Books of accounts on temporary basis till new Accountant is
related activities

Renovation of X Ray Resolution was taken that PWD(B) will execute the work along with the work of Post PWD(B)
Room at KCH Mortem Hall at an minimal additional Cost

Status of DC directed ADC(H) to discuss and monitor the status Laqshya & NQAS of all health ADC(H)/DQC
Laqshya/NQAS facilities in the District Quality Assurance Committee Meeting.

Installation of partition DC Approved for installation of one partition at the registration counter Hospital Administrator
at the Registration
Dedicated Ambulance Regarding dedicated Ambulance for MCH Wing resolution is taken that DC will divert
Services at MCH Wing one ambulance from Dhekiajuli for MCH Wing.
Setting up Birth and Resolution was to shift the Birth & Death Registration Counter from KCH to MCH wing. Superintendent/ Deputy
Death Counter at MCH Superintendent
Wing Porua
Installation of Shed for The Committee approved for Installation of Shed for Generators Hospital Administrator
Installation of Shaded The Committee decided not to install the shaded parking for Vehicles currently
Any Other Issue 1. Regarding the estimate received from Assistant General Manager Tezpur APDCL
Electrical Division, APDCL Tezpur of Rs 564720/- for dedicated Power Line at

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur
MCH Wing Porua, DC discussed with AGM, APDCL and informed that APDCL
will try to provide the fund from other sources.
2. DC directed Hospital Administrator to work at MCH Wing Porua on regular
basis(At liest 3 Days Weekly)

The meeting ended with thanks from the Chaiman.

Superintendent Addl. Deputy Commissioner (H) Deputy Commissioner

Kanaklata Civil Hospital, Sonitpur Sonitpur Sonitpur

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