Personal Best B1 AmE Unit 7 Writing Test

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Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Date:


“Should drivers pay to drive their cars downtown?” Write an essay giving your opinion. Write about 160

● Organize your ideas into five paragraphs (introduction, three reasons, and conclusion) and use sequencers.

● Explain the reasons for your opinions in separate paragraphs. Give examples or evidence to support them.

● Use a variety of phrases to give your opinions.

I believe drivers paying to drive downtown it is a positive way to contribute diminish traffic
congestions. Drivers can be more conscious about the the necessity of getting into the town centre.
Besides, there are more people that now prefer to use public transportation to avoid looking for a
parking lot, avoid the fees, which is a great improvement on traffic conditions, and also polluting
Nowadays the overuse of cars to complete activities they actually do not require the use of a car is a
big concerning, the air quality is getting worst, this is a serious problem that affect us all, and cause
diseases. If we continue without doing something to regulate the amount of pollution we are ending
with the ozone cape and with live on Earth. As citizens we have a small task, to contribute diminish
pollution, in order to cooperate, we can find alternatives, such as use public transportation or walk to
our destination, instead of using cars. This way we can help to solve more than one problem at the

P Personal Best B1 Richmond 2018


(Total points: 20)

P Personal Best B1 Richmond 2018

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