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Glass wares

Three types of glass wares

1. Beakers
2. Flasks
3. Cylinders

A. Beakers
1. Straight parallel sides
2. Some may have numbers
3. Beakers are never used to make volume measurements - they’re not accurate enough
4. Used to hold stuff

B. Flasks
1. Sides aren’t parallel
2. Looks like a cone (Erlenmeyer Flask)
3. Often used for chemical reactions
4. Some my have number

C. Cylinders
1. Have numbers and lines
2. Graduated Cylinders are used to make fairly accurate liquid volume measurements

More lab equipment

A.Test tubes
1. Kept in Test tube racks
2. Used for small reactions
3. Held with test tube holder

B. Crucible Tongs
1. Used to pick up hot things
2. Used to hold a crucible

C. Beaker Tongs
1. Used to pickup hot beakers

D. Bunsen burner
1. Used for heating stuff

E. Ring Stand, Iron Ring, Wire Gauze or Clay Triangle

1. Used with the Bunsen burner

F. Sparker
1. Used for starting fire

G. Scoopula
1. Used to take solid powders or crystals out of bottles

H. Watch Glass
1. Used for observing

I. Evaporating dish
1. Used for evaporating

J. Filter Funnel
1. Used to separate solid out of liquid

K. Stirring Rod
1. Used for stirring
2. Made of glass

L. Pipet
1. Used to take liquid

M. Thermometer
1. Used to take temperature

Safety rules

1. Use common sense

A. No horseplay
B. Be aware of other people
C. Keep your are clean while you work
D. Always clean up before you leave
E. No unauthorized experiments

2. Learn the location and use of all safety equipment

3. Always wear your safety goggles

A. It is a state law
B. No contact lenses

4. Always wear appropriate clothing

A. Closed-toe shoes
B. Nothing loose or flowing
C. Natural fibers (cotton, linen) are usually better

5. Always tie back long hair when using open flames

6. Never ear or drink in lab

A. No gum or candy
B. Keep pens out of your mouth

7. Always wash your hands after an experiment

8. Always report all spills, injuries, breakage or fire to your teacher

9. When I need your attention, safely stop what you are doing and listen quietly

10. Always properly dispose of chemicals

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