Sigrid Gunnarsdottir

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Sigrid Gunnarsdottir
Veteran Female Human, The Gunner
-2 INC -3 -2

Attributes Derived
Clumsy (major)
Agility: d8 Pace Parry Toughness –2 to Athletics and Stealth rolls /
Smarts: d4 SWADE p23
Spirit: d4
Strength: d8
5 8 7
Vigor: d8 Hard of Hearing (minor)
–2 to Notice sounds / SWADE p24
Skills Armor
Slow (minor)
(Unskilled): d4-2 (Unarmored) 0 As Minor, Pace reduced by 1 and
Athletics: d8-2 Toughness: 7 running die is a d4. / SWADE p27
Common Knowledge: d4 Flak Jacket (Vietnam-era) 10
Fighting: d8 Toughness: 10 (3)
Healing: d4 Kevlar helmet 5
Intimidation: d4 Toughness: 11 (4) Edges
Language (Native): d8
Notice: d4 Gear Toughness +1, add d4 to unarmed
Persuasion: d4 damage or increase it a step if
Repair: d4 Backpack 2 combined with Martial Artist, Claws,
Shooting: d10 (empty) etc. / SWADE p40
Stealth: d4-2 Boots, Hiking 2
Survival: d4 Camouflage Fatigues 3 Combat Reflexes
Wealth: $500 0 +2 Spirit to recover from being
Shaken. / SWADE p41

Improved Rapid Fire

Increase RoF by 1 for up to two
Shooting attacks per turn. / SWADE

Improved Trademark Weapon (M60

The attack and Parry bonus increases
to +2. / SWADE p44

Nerves of Steel
Ignore one level of Wound penalties.
/ SWADE p43

No Mercy
+2 damage when spending a Benny to
reroll damage. / SWADE p43

Rapid Fire
Increase RoF by 1 for one Shooting
attack per turn. / SWADE p43

There are 2 more edges on page 2

Weapons and Attacks
Name Damage Range AP ROF Shots Weight Notes
Unarmed Str+d4 Melee 0 - - 0 Innate Attack

There are 2 more weapons on page 2

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More Weapons and Attacks
Name Damage Range AP ROF Shots Weight Notes
M60 (7.62) 2d8+1 30/60/120 2 3 100 33 +2 to Hit, +2 Parry, Min ROF 2, Two
- - Hands
Survival Knife Str+d4 Melee 0 - - 1 Contains supplies that add +1 to
- - Survival rolls

Special Abilities More Edges

Languages Known Soldier
Native (native, d8) Treat Minimum Strength as one die
type higher for Encumbrance and Min
Str. May Retest Vigor rolls when
resisting environmental Hazards. /

Trademark Weapon (M60 (7.62))

+1 to Athletics (throwing), Fighting,
or Shooting total with a specific
weapon; +1 Parry while weapon is
readied. / SWADE p44

1 Raise Skill: Shooting
2 Edge: Nerves of Steel
3 Edge: Soldier
4 Edge: Combat Reflexes
5 Edge: Rapid Fire
6 Edge: Improved Trademark Weapon(M60 (7.62))
7 Edge: No Mercy
8 Edge: Improved Rapid Fire

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