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Tuesday 12 September

1. Genuine/authentic
2. Problem solver
3. Approachable
4. Balanced

Multiple voices in your head

1. Professional
2. Social
3. Ancestral

Line of code
Engaging above and below the neck (Heifetz, Grashow and Linksy)

Where are you located - conscious leadership group


The Art and Practice of Leadership


A technical challenge requires the straight-forward application of expertise to solve the

What is the nature of the work to be done?
- Current state
- Aspired state
- The gap in between

Effective practices framework - LSO

Spiral of Inquiry

School Improvement framework

Complex change model

PISA framework

Suzy Green - Positive psychology

Towards Collective Efficacy

Michael Fullan

Jana Firestone
Embracing Change
- Acknowledge your inner critic, give it a pat on the head and then march right on past

Who’s On Your Personal Board of Directors

A personal BOD is a group of people with diverse skills who all contribute to your career,
growth and development in different ways

● Trusted advisor - Mum

● Teacher/coach -
● Cheerleader - Mum
● Elder/guide -
● Creative/innovator -
● Insight -

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