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“They ask you ( O Muhammad ) about wine and gambling. Say, There is great sin and (some)

benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than the benefit” ~ Qur'an 2:219

Gambling, a practice dating back millennia, has woven itself intricately into the fabric of human

societies, captivating people with the allure of chance and quick fortune, drawing individuals

from all walk of life into its enticing web but not without grave consequences on both the society

and the Muslim community. However, within the Islamic viewpoint, gambling is not simply

viewed as a matter of chance or entertainment, rather, it is a concept linked to broader moral and

religious considerations which take on different dimensions, raising profound questions about its

moral, social and religious ramifications. Hence, this paper seeks to delve into the Islamic

viewpoint on gambling, and the multifaceted implication it carries for the individual, society and

religious beliefs.

Gambling (Al-Maisir)

Gambling and other games such as gaming and game of chance are derived from the Anglo-

saxon word ‘gamen’ and ‘gamon’ which means sport or play. So, gambling can be defined as a

game or sport that people play for the luck and chance of winning money. However, the

definition is too narrow because the words to ‘play games’ does not accomodate all kinds of

gambling. Certainly, there are business transactions that are gambling in nature and can not be

included under the definition of games ( Mansoureh and Ibrahim, 2015). So, for the purpose of

this paper, the definition given by Green P in his book titled Betting and Gambling will be

adopted. He defines Gambling as an agreement between two parties whereby the transfer of

something of value from one to the other is made dependent on an uncertain event, in such a way

that the gain of one party is balanced by the loss of another (Green, 1930).

The Islamic Viewpoint of Gambling

Islam provides its adherents with a moral roadmap for their personal, social, economic, and

professional spheres. Muslims receiving and providing positive morals need to navigate carefully

whether their practice within their sphere is in line with the Islamic Law , In this paper, The

Islamic viewpoint on gambling is discussed.

Ibn Abbas argues that al-maisir or al-qimar means betting or gambling. According to Imam

Syaukani, every game carried out in a way that is inseperable from robbing other people’s asset

or harming it, is called gambling (Muhammad, 2019). In the discussion of the prohibition of

lottery and other associated games of gambling, renowned classical Quranic commentator, Al-

Razi explains that among the consequences of maysir and qimar are hostility , cursing and

disagreement among the participants which are harmful to economic growth besides distracting

people from remembering Allah and performing prayers (Yahya and Abdullah, 2023).

Another renowned commentator of the past, al-Qurtubi (2006) in his work mentions that Malik,

the founder of one of the four schools of Islamic law stated that gambling, is divided into two

types, namely; playful qimar or gambling which includes backgammon, chess and any form of

game that lead to carelessness and qimar or gambling in the form of betting which includes

anything that a man put his money or property as a stake to be lost or won. Islam forbids

gambling in all ways and forms. The very idea of taking someone else’s money because of

winning a game of chance is abhorrent to Islam, as it is said in the Qur’an;

“They ask you ( O Muhammad ) about wine and gambling. Say, There is great sin and (some)

benefit for men, but the sin of them is greater than the benefit” (Surah al-Baqarah, V.219).

In another Surah, Allah Says;

“O ye who believe! Wine and game of hazard and idols and divinning arrows are only an

abomination of satan’s handiwork. So shun each of them that you may prosper. Satan desires

only to create enmity and hatred among you by means of wine and the game of hazard, and to

keep you back from the remebrance of Allah and from prayer.” (Surah al Ma’idah, Ch.5:V.90-


The main idea behind the prohibition of gambling (maisir) in Islam is that money should be

earned by way of work and effort (Kaisb) i.e. knowledge and not by mere pure chance. When

knowledge and skills are used to earn a livelihood, it exemplifies a life that gives due attention to

morality and healthy living. And this is because earning money by virtue of pure chance can

mean two things; Life under desperation and life under recklessness (Saiful, 2008).

Societal Impacts of gambling

All games of chance are played to enjoy and to spend time at first. As man wins, he plays for the

sake of the pleasure and ambition of winning. As he loses, he plays in order to get back what he

has lost. Then, he becomes a gambler. However, beyond its individual ramifications, gambling

exerts a significant toll on society as a whole. As gambling becomes widespread, social harms

will increase, workplace replaced by laziness, and productivity in life decreases.

 Financial Ruin

One of the most immediate and apparent consequences of gambling is the risk of financial ruin.

Individuals who engage in gambling may become addicted to the thrill of risking money and

assets, often leading to massive financial losses. This can result in mounting debts, bankruptcy,

and economic instability for the gambler and their family. And the financial distress caused by

gambling can extend beyond the individual gambler, impacting family members and the broader

community as they may be called upon to support those facing financial hardships.

 Criminal Activities

In some cases, gambling addictions may lead individuals to engage in criminal activities to fund

their habit or pay off debts incurred through gambling losses. This can give rise to a range of

societal problems, including theft, fraud, and even violence. The increase in crime can contribute

to a sense of insecurity within the community.

 Diminished Productivity

Individuals grappling with gamblimg addiction may experience a decline in productivity and

effectiveness at work or in their studies. This reduced productivity can have wider economic

implications for society, as it may result in reduced economic output and hinder overall progress.

 Family Breakdowns

Gambling addiction can strain familial relationships and lead to family breakdowns. Financial

problems, dishonesty, and emotional distress associated with gambling can create conflicts

within households, eroding trust and causing division. The breakdown of families due to

gambling-related issues can disrupt the social fabric of the community, affecting not only the

individuals directly involved but also their extended family networks.

Religious Implications of Gambling

Islam gives peace to the mind, body and soul, keeping the human in perfect harmony. Every iota

balanced and scaled to perfection. A serene picture of bliss and joy but when a shattering and

destructive vice strikes through the heart, it leaves it in a weak and downtrodden state. Gambling,

just like the epidemic of plague has hit the society, preying on the human soul (Darul Uloom,


Engaging in gambling within Islam carries significant religious implications, including the

promotion of greed and materialism, the fostering of dishonesty, and the risk of neglecting

worship and guidance (Asad, 2023). It can also lead to a weakening of trust in divine decree, as

individuals attribute outcomes solely to chance rather than acknowledging Allah’s wisdom and

providence. Moreover it erodes moral character, encouraging impulsivity and recklessness over

patience and self-discipline.

Discussing the effects of gambling and its associated games, Sakina Abdullahi Yau avers that in

Doma town there are a lot of Muslim youth who do abandon their ibadat due to their habitual

addiction to betting games (Sakina, 2022). She further states that some of the youth who are

involved in gambling and other game of chance are mostly involved in criminal activities in the

area just to get money for the said un-islamic act.


It was understood that gambling can be defined as a prize game in which an organizer accepts

bets on the chance that he either losses or wins at the expense of his/herself or his/her competitor.

The Islamic viewpoint on gambling emphasizes the profound religious, societal, and moral

implications associated with this activity. The prohibition of gambling in Islam is rooted in the

Qur’an’s teachings, which denounce it as an abomination, warning against its potential harms.

Therefore, It must be stressed, especially to the gambling players that they should fear Allah and

endeavor to stop playing games that would hinder them from remembering Allah.


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