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Science, Technology, and Society

Honey Jane Importante BSIT1

1. Discuss the effects of COVID 19 in
a. Science
Science is the most affected or applied when COVID 19 occur, scientists used science to
search for the most effective cure. Science has used to get to know COVID 19 well, there were a
lot of tests done through science, the used of face masks and the social distancing as well as
lockdowns were tested by science. The vaccines were also scientifically been tested to assure its
b. Technology
There were a lot of technologies that had been widely used because of pandemic, the
thermometers, technologies were also used to manufacture vaccines the computers and mobile
phones. Because of pandemic there ere lockdowns, students can no longer go to school to avoid
or lessen the transmission of the disease, same goes with the workers, they would need to use
technology for communication, education and even for deliveries. The use of technology has
become wider and larger. The new normal of education is through technology, the new normal of
working from home is through technology. There were a lot of transactions through technology.

c. Society
A lot of people tested COVID19, some survived but unfortunately there were also a lot
who did not make it. I may say that this pandemic really ruined people’s lives whether you tested
positive or not.
There were lockdowns, new policies that surely made people’s life harder than before,
there were delays about anything and people can do nothing but to watch the time, days, weeks,
months and years pass by, because of lockdowns people can no longer enjoy outdoor activities
and has to wear face masks every single time, that surely had cause anxiety or depression.
People lost their jobs, there were a lot of businesses that closed due to bankruptcy.
According to DepEd the number of unenrolled students has dropped down a million.
2. What do you think is the advantage and disadvantage in
a. Science
I am aware about the issue that scientists from China is the people behind the disease
buy there is no clarity yet but I still think of it as disadvantage because I can not help but to think
that this pandemic started with science and its advantages is that science is also responsible in
finding the cure. Vaccines were created with the help of science.
b. Technology
Vaccines were distributed and manufactured faster because of technology. We were able
to communicate with the use of technology too, find the latest news and information really quick
with just a single tap but its disadvantage is that we as much as we could get information is also
as fast as the spread of fake news. Technology has been widely used in online selling and food
deliveries which is really great but then there were also a lot od scammers these days, bogus
buyers too which is a disadvantage but maybe we could use this as a lesson and learn from it
maybe tomorrow we could be a bit wiser in using technology.
c. Society
There a lot of disadvantages of COVID19 in the society, a lot of people tested positive
and had serious illness that causes death, there were large group of people who got really
affected in different ways like losing their jobs, losing their loved ones, anxiety, depression, there
were a lot of disadvantages but we learned from them we rise and stand, there were a lot o online
business that grow, there were people who started to work online and we all had find ways to
continue living our lives, I think that is the greatest advantage of the society. That is called the
resiliency of the society.

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