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History of Logic

(People included and their contributions)

 Aristotle (384-322 B.C.)
a) Syllogistic Logic
b) Father of Logic
 Chrysippus (279-206 B.C.)
a) Every proposition is either true or false.
b) one of the founders of the stoic school.
 Galen (A.D. 129-c. 199)
a) theory of the compound categorical syllogism.
 Boethius (c. 480-524)
a) writing commentaries on Aristotle and Chrysippus philosophy.
 Peter Abelard (1079-1142)
a) first major Logician of the Middle Ages
b) refined and reconstructed the philosophy of Aristotle and Chrysippus.
c) Concepts in the mind rather than to natures.
 William of Ockam (c. 1285-1349)
a) Focuses his attention to modal logic
1) Modal logic - logic that involves such notion as possibility, necessity,
belief, and doubt.
b) Conducted a study of valid and invalid syllogisms.
c) Contributor to the development of metalanguage.
1) Metalanguage – linguistic entities | words, terms, propositions, etc.
 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716)
a) He attempted to develop a symbolic language “Calculus.”
b) Father of symbolic Logic
 Bernard Bolzano
a) He carried the efforts of Leibniz into the nineteenth century.
 Mathematicians and Philosophers who worked for Symbolic Logic
a) Augustus DeMorgan
b) George Boole
c) William Stanley
d) Jevons
e) John Venn
 John Stuart Mill (1806-1873)
a) Revival of inductive logic
b) Main contribution = methods of induction
 Gottlob Frege (1848-1925)
a) Modern mathematical logic
b) Begriffschrift sets forth the theory of quantification
 Alfred North Whitehead (1861- 1947)
a) He continued the work of Frege into the twentieth century.
 Bertrand Russell (1872-1970)
a) Principia Mathematica
 Kurt Goedel (1906-1978)
a) Electronic circuitry of digital computers.
Language (Bas-Con)
 Logic
o Study of principle of correct reasoning
o Evaluate the reasoning behind the system, belief, or theory.
o It is about REASONING
o Reasoning = about thinking.
o (R) thinking with a purpose of arriving in a conclusion. (INFERENCE)
 Inference
o Indicators must be included.
o There must be a premise and a proposition.
o It involves reasoning.
o E.g. The birds are flying south. Winter must be coming.
 Propositions
o Are statements that constitute the basic element in reasoning.
o Statement/s that has/have the property of being true or false.
o E.g. Logic is the principle of correct studying. (can be true or false.)

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