Drug Education and Vice Control Handouts

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DRUG EDUCATION AND VICE CONTROL offense, to pass into, through or out of the country

under the supervision of an authorized officer, with

From the BIBLE, The book of Judges of the Old a view to gathering evidence to identify any person
Testament revealed that the mighty Samson involved in any dangerous drugs related offense, or
was put to sleep by Delilah by means of a drug to facilitate prosecution of that offense.
laced wine with narcotics mixed with
intoxicants before cutting his hair. CULTIVATE OR CULTURE

DRUG Any act of knowingly planting, growing, raising, or

permitting the planting, growing or raising of any
Is any chemical substance which affects a person plant which is the source of a dangerous drug.
in such a way as to bring about physiological,
emotional or behavioral change. DELIVER

ADMINISTER Any act of knowingly passing a dangerous drug to

another, personally or otherwise, and by any
Any act of introducing any dangerous drug into the means, with or without consideration.
body of any person, with or without his or her
knowledge, by injection, inhalation, ingestion or DEN DIVE OR RESORT
other means, or of committing any act of
indispensable assistance to a person in A place where any dangerous drug and/or
administering a dangerous drug to himself or controlled precursor and essential chemical is
herself unless administered by a duly licensed administered, delivered, stored for illegal purposes,
practitioner for purposes of medication. distributed, sold or used in any form.


Is an instance when the use of a chemical has Any act of giving away, selling or distributing
produced a negative or harmful consequence. medicine or any dangerous drug with or without the
use of prescription
The sale, distribution, supply or transport of
legitimately imported, in-transit, manufactured or Any organized group of two (2) or more persons
procured controlled precursors and essential forming or joining together with the intention of
chemicals, in diluted, mixtures or in concentrated committing any offense prescribed under this Act.
form, to any person or entity engaged in the DRUG ADDICTION
manufacture of any dangerous drug, and shall
include packaging, repackaging, labeling, relabeling A state of periodic or chronic (continuous)
or concealment of such transaction through fraud, intoxication (drunk) detrimental to individual and to
destruction of documents, fraudulent use of the society produced by the repeated consumption
permits, misdeclaration, use of front companies or of drugs (WHO)
mail fraud.
An attachment to drug use which arises from a
Any facility used for the illegal manufacture of any drug ability to satisfy some emotional or personality
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and need of an individual. (Physical dependence not
essential chemical. required but it does not seem to reinforce
psychological dependence)
An analytical test using a device, tool or equipment
with a different chemical or physical principle that is The natural drugs include natural plant
more specific which will validate and confirm the leaves, flowering tops, resin, hashish, opium and
result of the screening test marijuana


The investigative technique of allowing an The synthetic drugs are produced by

unlawful or suspect consignment of any dangerous clandestine laboratories which include those drugs
drug and/or controlled precursor and essential that are controlled by law because they are used in
chemical, equipment or paraphernalia, or property the medical practice.
believed to be derived directly or indirectly from any
TREATMENT  MAINLINE To shoot Injecting a drug into
the vein
Is a medical service rendered to a client for the
effective management of hit total conditions related  A HIT Slang for injection of drugs
to drug abuse. It deals with the physiological
without abusing drugs.  WORK Apparatus for injecting a drug

REHABILITATION  A FIX One injection of opiate

Is a dynamic process directed towards the  JUNI Heroin

changes on the health of the person to prepare him  JUNKIE An opiate addict
from his fullest life potentials and capabilities, and
making him law-abiding and productive member of  SKIN POPPING To inject the drug under
the community without abusing drugs. the skin

POLYDRUG ABUSE  UPPERS Street slang for amphetamines

Many people who abuse on drug tend to take  RUSH The beginning of a high
allsorts of drugs. Some play chemical “Russian
roulettes” by taking everything including  HIGH Under the influence of drug
unidentified pills. This is called polydrug abuse.
 COKE Street slang for cocaine
 FLASHBACK Drug use after stoppage
One who illegally, wrongfully, or improperly uses
 ACID Slang term for LSD
any narcotics substances, marijuana or dangerous
drugs as defined not more than a few times for  ACID HEAD LSD user
reasons or curiosity, peer pressure or other similar
reasons.  DROP Taking drug orally

WITHDRAWAL PERIOD From the point of  JOINT A MJ cigar

habituation or drug dependence up to the time a
 ROACH Butt end of joint
drug dependent is totally or gradually deprived of
the drug.  STONED Intoxicating effect of drug
TOLERANCE It is the increasing dosage of drugs  TRIP Reaction that is caused by drug
to maintain the same effect. This is dependent is
totally or amphetamines, barbiturates, opiates and  HEAD Drug user
 DOWNER Street slang for depressant
MINIMAL DOSE The amount needed to treat or
An adaptive state caused by repeated drug use heal, that is, the smallest amount of a drug that will
that reveals itself by development of intense produce a therapeutic effect.
physical symptoms when the drug is stopped
MAXIMAL DOSE The largest amount of a drug that
withdrawal syndrome.
will produce a desired therapeutic effect,
JARGON without any accompanying symptoms of toxicity.

 A BAG A pocket of drug TOXIC DOSE The amount of drug that produces
untoward effects or symptoms of poisoning.
 COLD TURKEY Withdrawal effect of opiate
use ABUSIVE DOSE The amount needed to produce
the side effects and action desired by an
 TRACK Scars on the skin due injection individual who improperly uses it.
 OVERDOSE Death occurred LETHAL DOSE The amount of drug that will cause
 SPEED Amphetamines

 SPEED FREAKS Amphetamines addict

 OPIATE Narcotic

 NODDING Suspended sleep

1. ORAL This is the safest most convenient and 4. STIMULANTS
economical route whenever possible. 5. HALLUCINOGENS
2. INJECTION Offers a faster response than oral
method. It make use of a needle or other
device to deliver the drugs directly into the 1. PROHIBITED DRUGS
body tissue and blood circulations.
a. Narcotics refers to the group of drugs opium
3. INHALATION This route makes use of gaseous and it derivatives morphine, heroin, codeine
and volatile drugs, which are inhaled and including synthetic opiates.
absorbed rapidly through the mucous of the b. Stimulants refers to the group of drugs
respiratory tract. Cocaine, Alpha and Beta Cocaine
c. Hallucinogens Marijuana, LSD and
4. TOPICAL This refers to the application of drugs
directly to a body site such as the skin
and the mucous membrane.
a. Barbiturates
5. IONTOPHORESIS The introduction of drugs
b. Hypnotics
into the deeper layers of the skin by the use
c. Amphetamines
of special type of electric current for local
The group of liquid, solid or mixed substances
having the property releasing toxic vapors or fumes
 Analgesics which when sniffed, smelled, inhaled or inroduced
 Antibiotics into the physiological system of the bodyproduces
 Antipyretics or induces a condition of intoxication, excitement or
 Antihistamines dulling of the brain or nervous system.
 Contraceptives
 Decongestants
 Expectorants
 Sedatives and tranquilizers
 Vitamins Are group of drugs that has the effect of
depressing the Central Nervous system (CNS). It is
a drug which suppress vital function especially
DANGEROUS DRUGS those of the brain or Central Nervous System.
It refers to the broad categories or classes of  Usually known as “downers”, which are
controlled substances. Controlled substances are drugs that act on the nervous systems
generally grouped according to pharmacological promoting relaxation and sleep.
classifications, effects and as to their legal criteria.
 Used in excessive amounts, depressants
GENERAL DRUG CLASSIFICATION induce a state of intoxication similar that of
 Intoxicating doses result in impaired
DEPRESSANTS are group of drugs that has the
judgment, disorientation, slurred speech,
effect of depressing the Central NERVOUS
drunken behavior without the odor of
alcohol, and loss of motor coordination
STIMULANTS are group of drugs having the effect
1. NARCOTICS Is any drug that produces sleep or
of stimulating the Central Nervous System.
stupor and relieves pain due to its depressant effect
HALLUCINOGENS are group of drugs that are on the central nervous system. A term narcotic
considered to be mind altering drugs and give the comes from the Greek word for sleep “Narkotikos”.
general effect of mood distortion.
2. BARBITURATES prescribed to induce sleep
B. ACCORDING TO MEDICAL or to provide calming effect.

◦ Long Acting Barbiturates 10. ALCOHOL The king of all drugs. It is most
widely used, socially accepted and most
Take effect within 30 to 60 minutes and last up to 8 extensively legalized drug throughout the world
hours, e.i. Phenobarbital
11. SECONAL Sudden withdrawal from these
◦ Intermediate Acting Barbiturates drugs is even more dangerous than opiate
Take effect within 15 to 30 minutes and last up to 6
hours, e.i. amobarbital and butabarbital. 12.TRANQUILIZERS Drugs that calm and relax
and diminish anxiety.
◦ Short Acting Barbiturates
Take effect within 10 to 20 minutes and last up to 6
hours, e.i. pentobarbital and secobarbital. Drugs used to increase mental activity, affects the
◦ Ultra Short Barbiturates
Take effect within 45 seconds and last up to 30
minutes, e.i thiopental sodium. 1. It gives a feeling of being stronger, more decisive
and self-possessed.
2. Extended wakefulness nd increased mental
 Pentobarbital “Yellow Jackets” alertness.
 Secobarbital “ Red Devils” 3. It may induce irritability, anxiety and fear.
 Amobarbital “ Blue Devils’’ 4. Loss of appetite resulting in decreased body
 Amosbarbital “ Rainbow’’ weight.

3. OPIUM Obtained from a female poppy plant 5. Pregnant women who abused shabu can cause
known as “Papaver Somniferum”. It comes from the mental retardation to their unborn babies.
Greek word which means “juice”. It is the original 6. Loss of sexual desire, lacks interest towards
components of Morphine and Heroin. work.
4. MORPHINE It is the second extraction from 7. User suffers “schizophrenia” or split personality
opium, six times stronger. It was named after leading to violent behavior.
Morpheus the Greek god of dreams stimulating
effects. 8. Chronic user exoerience loss of memory.

5. HEROIN It is the third derivative extracted and 9. Chronic snorters suffer from irritation of the nose
the most powerful. It has no medical use because leading to frequent
of the high rate of medication. This is the most
potent of opium derivatives, five times stronger than STIMULANT DRUGS
1. SHABU It is Japanese form of drug abuse. It is
6. CODEINE Is another opium alkaloid, the second an amphetamine type of stimulant whose chemical
to be developed after Morphine. It is used as a use name in Methamphetamine. This stimulant was
painkiller, but more as a cough reliever. originally known as “Kakuseizal” is the Japanese
word for waking “Zai” the term for drugs. The
7. PAREGORIC A tincture of opium in combination stimulant started in Japan immediately after the end
of camphor. Commonly used as a household of the Pacific War and brought into the Philippines
remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain by Japanese tourist.

8.DEMEROL AND METHADONE Demerol used as DESIGNER DRUGS This are substances
a painkiller in childbirth while methadone is the drug whose molecular structure has been modified in
of choice in the withdrawal treatment of heroin order to optimize their effect on the one hand, and
dependents since it relieves the physical craving for in order to bypass laws and regulations governing
heroin. the control of substances on the other hand.

9. SOLVENTS Gaseous substance popularly

known as ‘’gas’’ or ‘’teardrops’’. Examples glue,
hairspray, fingernail polish, lighter fluid, rugby, 2. COCAINE It is an alkaloid contained in the
paint, thinner, acetone, gasoline, and kerosene. leaves of “Erythorxylon coca” a hardy plant
cultivated in Bolivia. The first user of coca leaf were
the Incas of Peru. It is a stimulant. A powerful  Within 1-9 Months Overall energy increases
natural stimulant known to man. Cocaine acts
immediately. It is a quick acting drug. Its effects are  Within 5 Years The risk of dying from Lung
rapid from the time of intake. It is indeed “super- Cancer is reduced by 50%
speed”. 4. CAFFEINE It is present in coffee, tea, chocolate,
EFFECTS OF COCAINE cola drinks, and some wake-up pills.

 Extends the activity of dopamine by 5. AMPHETHAMINES Used medically for weight

blocking its reabsorption. Dopamine is a reducing in obesity, relief of mild depression and
neurotransmitter that transmits “pleasure treatment.
signals” in the brain. HALLUCINOGENS
 Cocaine use causes peripheral blood HALLUCINOGENS These are group of
vessels to constrict, while heart rate and drugs that consist of a variety of mind-altering
blood pressure rise. This can cause heart drugs which distort reality, thinking and perception
failure, and can also cause blood vessels in of time, sounds, space and sensation. The user
the brain to explode, leading to brain experience hallucination which at times can be
damage and/or death. strange.
3. NICOTINE 1. MARIJUANA Obtained from an Indian hemp
 An active component in tobacco or plant known as “Cannabis Sativa” a strong,
cigarettes which acts as a powerful handy ,annual shrub which grows wild in
stimulant of the central nervous system. A temperature and tropic regions.
drop of pure nicotine can easily kill a TETRAHYDROCANNABINOL THC It is the
person. psychoactive agent of marijuana. The more THC
CIGARETTE SMOKING R.A. 9211 present in marijuana, the more potent is the drug. It
is also known as the “sinter element” in marijuana.
Tobacco smoking is the act of burning the This is what causes the “high lift” or “trip” in
dried or cured leaves of the tobacco plant and marijuana users.
inhaling the smoke for pleasure, for ritualistic or
social purposes, self-medication, or simply to HASHISH It is the dark brown resin that is collected
satisfy physical dependence or addiction. from the tops of potent Cannabis Sativa. It is at
least five times stronger than crude marijuana.
Since it is stronger, the effect on the user is more
COMPOSITION OF CIGARETTE intense, and the possibility of side effects is greater.
Placing the crude plant material in a solvent makes
it. The plant material is then filtered out and the
solvent is removed, yielding a gummy, resinous


This drug is the most powerful psychedelics

obtained from ergot. It is 1000 times more powerful
than marijuana.

3.MORNING GLORY SEEDS The Black and brown

seeds of the wild tropical morning glory that are
produce hallucinations.

BENEFITS OF QUITTING TOBACCO 4. PEYOTE It is derived from the surface part of a

small gray brown cactus. It emits a nauseating
 Within 20 Minutes The blood pressure and odor.
pulse rate drop to normal, the body temperature
of the hands and feet returns to normal 5. MESCALINE It is the alkaloid hallucinogen
extracted from the peyote cactus and can also be
 Within 24 Hours The risk of sudden Heart synthesized in the laboratory.
attack decreases
6. STP It is a chemical derivative of mescaline
 Within 2-3 Weeks Blood circulation improves claimed to produce more violent and longer effects
and lung function increases 30% than mescaline dose.
7. PSILOCYBIN This hallucinogenic alkaloid from  Experimentation The tendency of a
small Mexican mushrooms are used by Mexican person to try and explore the effects of
Indians today. drugs due to curiosity or other reasons.

THREE MOST POPULAR PLANTS AS SOURCES  Inexperienced Doctors The tendency of

OF DANGEROUS DRUGS doctors and physicians to unnecessarily
prescribe drugs.
 Harvest in Mesopotamia
 Scientific Name: PAPAVER SOMNIFERUM drugs to keep them awake or for additional
energy to perform an important work.
 Height: 3 to 6 ft
 SPREE USERS School age users who take
 “Papaver” means POPPY
drugs for kicks an adventurous daring
 “Somniferum” means DREAM experience or means of fun.


about 7000 years B.C. cultivated and activity revolves almost entirely around the
prepared by the Sumerians. The ancient drug experience and securing supply.
Greek Physician Hippocrates, the Father of
 HIPPIES Those who are addicted to drugs
medicine, prescribed the juice of the white
believing that drugs is an integral part of
poppy plant as early as 5,000 years B.C. in
the belief that it can cure many illness both
in the internal and external use. EFFECTS OF DRUG USE
 Morphine  MALNUTRIRION The life of an addict revolves
around drug use. He misses even his regular
 Heroine
meals. He losses appetite and eventually
 Codeline develops malnutrition.


time the drug abuser neglects his personal
 Cannabis Sativa is the world’s oldest hygiene, uses un sterilized needles and
cultivated plant started by the Incas of syringes that result skin infections or even
Peru, ulceration at the sites of the needle puncture.
 The “Sacred Tree” in the belief of the PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECT
Assyrians being used during religious
rituals( 9,000 years B. C.) and the source of  Deterioration of personality with impaired
happiness and Laughter provoker emotional maturation.

COCA BUSH PLANT  Impairment of adequate mental function.

 COCAINE is an alkaloid found in leaves of  Loss of drive and ambition.

the South American shrub Erythroxylon
 Development of psychosis and depression.
Coca. It is a powerfully reinforcing psycho
stimulant.  Loss of interest to study.

 Laziness, lethargy, boredom and restlessness.

 Irritability , rebellious attitude.

HOW DRUGS IS BEING ACQUIRED  Withdrawn forgetfulness.
 Association The tendency of a the abuser SOCIAL EFFECTS
to look for peer groups where he feels being
wanted and accepted.  Deterioration of inter personal relationship and
development of conflict with authority.

 Commission of crimes
 Social maladjustment; loss of desire to work,  The importer devises the plan or procedure by
study and participate in activities or to face which the now-refined drug will reach its
challenges destination, whether that be another country,
state or other geographical area
 Inability to hold stable job
 has the task of smuggling the drug into the
 Dependence on family resources designated area
 Accidents in industry  must devise techniques by which the drugs
evade the scrutiny of inspection

 the source of drugs in their respective areas
1. PRIDE Excessive feeling of self-worth or self-
esteem, sense of self-importance.  the smuggler has different distributors in
different geographical areas
2. ANGER Unexpressed, deep-seated anger
against himself, his family, friends or the society THE DEALER
in general.
 Most commonly called “PUSHERS”
3. LUST Burning sexual desire can distort a
human mind to drug abuse.  They make drugs easily available to users

4. GLUTTONY “food-trip” in the lingo of junkies  Some dealers are satisfied with selling drugs to
already known addicts, while some engage in
5. GREED Wealth, fame, recognition as addicting new customers
exemplified by people under pressure in their work

6. ENVY To get attention from someone  The buyer and user of drugs

7. LAZINESS “I can’t syndrome”  The drug addicts

DRUG DISTRIBUTION PROCESS  The reason why the business of illegal drugs
continue to thrive

 The one responsible for the planting, harvesting

and maintenance of the original plant from
which the drug is derived from

 The source of crops or contact to other sources

from whom crops can be obtained


 The one responsible for the processing of the

raw materials supplied by the grower

 Maintains a manufacturing laboratory

 The one who makes contact or is contacted so

that the distribution can begin

 The client or contact of the manufacturer
CARTEL An association of businesses in an
 The primary seller of the drugs international monopoly
MEDELLIN CARTEL  As rivals of the Medellin Cartel, they
secretly supplied information against
Established in the 1970’s in Medellin, Colombia Escobar to the Colombian Police
KEY MEMBERS:  In the mid-1990’s, the leaders were arrested
and are currently serving prison terms
 PABLO ESCOBAR The leader of the
Medellin Cartel; a common street thief  However, it is believed that operations are
who masterminded the criminal still going on
 Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha Had
prior illegal involvement in the emerald  Composed of Thailand, Myanmar and Laos
 World’s leading producer of heroin
 Jorge Ochoa
 The geographical location of said countries
 Fabio Ochoa Belonged to a well- are conducive to growing crops
respected ranching family
 The fields cover a vast area impossible to
 Juan David Ochoa monitor completely

 Carlos Lehder Marijuana smuggler  Poor farmers choose to plant opium poppies
who owned land properties and air strip because it is more lucrative
in Norman’s clay
 The fields are said to be protected by the
 Norman’s clay is a small island in the Bahamas rebel groups, especially in Myanmar

 Lehder built a runway for the small airplanes GOLDEN CRESCENT Middle East
that were used in transporting illegal drugs to
 Composed of Iran, Afghanistan and
the US; this runway was protected from radar
 The island became the stop-over and re-fuelling
 One of the world’s biggest sources of opium
hubs for the planes transporting illegal drugs
 The geographical location is conducive to
 Its operations started to deteriorate when it
growing opium poppies
started getting violent due to Escobar’s power-
hungry activities against the Colombian  The fields are said to be protected by the
government Taliban in Afghanistan

 Eventually, both Pablo Escobar and Rodriguez FIRST IMPORTANT DRUG TRAFFIC ROUTE
Gacha were gunned down by the Colombian
Police, while the Ochoa brothers turned  Middle East Discovery, plantation,
themselves in exchange for lenient prison terms cultivation and harvest

 The Medellin Cartel was neutralized in the early  Turkey Preparation for distribution
 Europe Manufacture, refine and synthesis
 US Marketing
 Established in the 1970’s in Cali, Colombia
 Lebanon Biggest producer of cannabis in
 Its key members were: the middle east; transit country for cocaine
from South America to Europe
 Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela
 Spain Major transshipment point in Europe,
 Miguel Rodriguez Orejuela paradise of drug users in Europe

 Santacruz Londono  Mexico Leading producer of marijuana in

the world
 They conducted their operations quietly,
reinvesting their profits in legitimate  WORLDWIDE DRUG OUTLOOK

Approved on: March 30, 1972

Approved on: 7 June 2002
 screening test - will determine the positive
RA 10640 AN ACT TO FURTHER STRENGTHEN result as well as the type of the drug used
GOVERNMENT, AMENDING FOR THE  confirmatory test - will confirm and validate
PURPOSE SECTION 21 OF RA NO. 9165 the result of the screening test

Approved on: July 15, 2014  USE OF DANGEROUS DRUGS

 a person arrested for a crime and found to

be positive for drug use shall be imposed a
DANGEROUS DRUG BOARD (DDB) penalty of minimum six months
rehabilitation for the first offense
 Shall be the policy-making and strategy-
formulating body  a person arrested for drug use for the
second time shall suffer imprisonment
 Shall develop and adopt a comprehensive, ranging from six years and one day to 12
integrated, unified and balanced national years
drug abuse prevention and control strategy

 Shall be under the Office of the President

 The Board shall be composed of seventeen
(17) members:  any person, unless authorized by law, found
in possession of any dangerous drug shall
 12 in ex-officio capacity, 3 permanent mete the penalty of life imprisonment to
members and 2 regular members death:
 The Board shall recommend the  10 g or more of opium
appointment of an Executive Director who
shall be the Secretary of the Board with the  10 g or more of morphine
rank of Undersecretary
 10 g or more of heroin

 10 g or more of cocaine
 50 g or more of shabu
 Shall serve as the implementing arm of the
Board  10 g or more of marijuana resin or
marijuana resin oil
 Shall be responsible for the efficient and
effective law enforcement  500 g or more of marijuana

 Shall be headed by a Director-General with  10 g or more other dangerous drugs

the rank of Undersecretary, who shall be
responsible for the general administration
and management of the agency POSSESSION OF EQUIPMENT, INSTRUMENT,
 PDEA Academy shall be established either FOR DANGEROUS DRUGS
in Baguio City or Tagaytay City
 Possession of such equipment shall be
 The Academy shall be responsible in the prima facie evidence that the possessor has
recruitment and training of all PDEA agents smoked, consumed, administered to
and personnel himself/herself and shall be presumed to
 Shall be headed by a Superintendent, with have violated Section 15 of RA 9125 (Use
the rank of Director of Dangerous Drugs)



 degree holder
 the PDEA shall take charge and have for the purpose upon petition by the Board
custody of all dangerous drugs and or any of its authorized representative
paraphernalia confiscated
 a petition for confinement of a person may
 confiscated drugs and paraphernalia shall be filed by any person authorized by the
be forwarded to the PDEA forensic Board with the Regional Trial Court of the
laboratory for examination within twenty four province or city where such person is found
(24) hours upon seizure

 a certification of the forensic laboratory shall

be issued within twenty four (24) hours after  after filing of petition, the court shall
receipt of said dangerous drugs and immediately fix a date for the hearing
paraphernalia  after such hearing and if the facts so
 after filing of the criminal case, the court warrant, the court shall order the drug
shall conduct an ocular inspection of the dependent to be examined by two (2)
confiscated drug and paraphernalia within physicians accredited by the Board
seventy two (72) hours  if both physicians conclude that the
 after inspection, the drugs and respondent is not a drug dependent, the
paraphernalia shall be destroyed within court shall order his discharge
twenty four (24) hours except for the  if one of the physicians finds him to be
representative samples which will be used dependent, the court shall conduct a
as evidence during trial hearing and consider all relevant evidence;
if the court finds him a drug dependent, it
shall issue an order for his commitment to a
VOLUNTARY SUBMISSION OF DRUG treatment and rehabilitation center
 in any event, the order of discharge or order
 rehabilitation period is not less than six of confinement or commitment shall be
months but not more than one year issued not later than fifteen (15) days from
the filing of petition
 shall be exempt from criminal liability for use
of dangerous drugs under the following
◦ has complied with the rules and DRUG DEPENDENT CHARGED WITH AN
regulation of the Center, rules and OFFENSE TO TREATMENT AND
regulations of the Board, including REHABILITATION
the after-care and follow-up
program;  if a person charged with an offense where
the penalty imposable is imprisonment of
◦ has never been charged or less than six (6) years and one (1) day, and
convicted for any violation of RA is found by the prosecutor or by the court, at
9165, RA 6425, RPC or any special any stage of the proceedings, to be drug
penal laws; dependent, the prosecutor or the court shall
suspend all further proceedings and
◦ has no record of escape from a transmit copies of the record of the case to
center; the Board

 poses no serious danger or threat  if the Board determines, after medical

examination, that the drug dependent
should be committed to a treatment and
 COMPULSORY CONFINEMENT OF A rehabilitation center, it shall file a petition for
DRUG DEPENDENT WHO REFUSES TO his commitment with the Regional Trial
APPLY UNDER THE VOLUNTARY Court of the province or city where he is

 any person determined and found to be  if the court finds him to be a drug
dependent on dangerous drugs shall be dependent, it shall order his commitment
confined for treatment and rehabilitation in
any Center duly designated or accredited
 the Center shall submit a written report on
the progress of the treatment every four (4)
months or as often as the court may require  The trading, administration, dispensation,
delivery, distribution, and transportation of
 if the drug dependent is rehabilitated, as the dangerous drugs is also punishable by life
Center certifies, he shall be returned to imprisonment to death and a fine ranging
court for discharge from the Center from P500, 000 to P10 million.

 the proceedings regarding his original case  IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THE R.A.
shall continue and in case of conviction, his 9165
stay at the Center shall be credited to his
sentence if the drug dependent is certified  Any person who shall sell, trade,
by the Center to have maintained good administer, dispense, deliver, give away to
behavior another or distribute, dispatch in transit or
transport any dangerous drugs regardless
 Persons That Are Required to Undergo of quantity and purity shall be punished
Drug Test with life imprisonment to death and a fine
ranging from P500, 000 to P10 million.
 Applicants for driver's license
 But if the sale, administration, delivery,
 Applicants for firearm's license and for distribution or transportation of any of
permit to carry firearms outside of residence these illegal drugs transpires with in 100
meters from any school, the maximum
 Students of secondary and tertiary schools
penalty shall be imposed.
 Officers and employees of public and
 Pushers who use minors or mentally
private offices
incapacitated individuals as runners,
 Officers and members of the military, police couriers, and messengers or in dangerous
and other law enforcement agencies drug transactions shall also be meted with
the maximum penalty.
 Persons That Are Required to Undergo
Drug Test  A penalty of 12 yrs to 20 yrs
imprisonment shall be imposed on
 All persons charged before the prosecutor's financiers, coddlers, and managers of the
office with a criminal offense having an illegal activity.
imposable penalty of imprisonment of not
less than six (6) years and one (1) day shall  IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THE R.A.
have to undergo a mandatory drug test. 9165

 All candidates for public office whether  The law also penalizes anybody found in
appointed or elected both in the national or possession of any item or paraphernalia
local government shall undergo a used to administer, produce, cultivate,
mandatory drug test propagate, harvest, compound, convert,
process, pack, store, contain or conceal
 What are the Unlawful Acts and Penalties? illegal drugs with an imprisonment of 12
yrs to 20 yrs and a fine of P100, 000 to
 What are the Unlawful Acts and Penalties?
P500, 000.
 What are the Unlawful Acts and Penalties?
 Owners of resorts, dives, establishments,
 What are the Unlawful Acts and Penalties? and other places where illegal drugs are
administered is deemed liable under this
 What are the Unlawful Acts and Penalties? new law, the same shall be confiscated
and escheated in favor of the government.
9165  Any person who shall be convicted of
violation of this new law, regardless of the
 In the revised law, importation of any illegal
quantity of the drugs and the penalty
drug, regardless of quantity and purity or
imposed by the court shall not be allowed
any part therefrom even for floral,
to avail the privilege provisions of the
decorative and culinary purposes is
Probation Law (P.D. 968).
punishable with life imprisonment to death
and a fine ranging from P500, 000 to P10  IMPORTANT FEATURES OF THE R.A.
million. 9165
 Filing of charges against a drug
dependent for confinement and
rehabilitation under voluntary submission
program can be made:

 second commitment to the center

 upon recommendation of the DDB

 may be charge for violation of sec. 15

 if convicted – confinement and rehab

 Parents, spouse or guardian who refuses

to cooperate with the Board or any
concerned agency in the treatment and
rehabilitation of a drug dependent may be
cited for Contempt of Court (sec. 73, Art

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